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A73456 A sermon preached at Great Yarmouth, vpon VVednesday, the 12. of September. 1599. by W. Y. The argument whereof was chosen to minister instructions vnto the people, vpon occasion of those present troubles, which then were feared by the Spaniards. Younger, William, b. 1572 or 3. 1600 (1600) STC 26097; ESTC S125585 32,550 90

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hath vsed exhortations euen without number to disswade them from the cause of Gods iudgements that is from sinne disobedience and transgression Especially from the beginning of this Prophesie Ieremie hath beene very earnest as in the third Chapter the Lord condemneth Israel for an harlot Lift vp thine eyes Oh Israel vnto the high places see and behold if thou hast not playd the harlot c. Thou hast sitten wayting for them in the wayes as the Arabian in the wildernesse yea the land is polluted with thy whoredomes and abominations yet when Israel had done all this God sayde Turne vnto mee notwithstanding shee returned not as her rebellious sister Iudah saw Againe in the fourteenth verse O ye disobedient children turne vnto me and I will take you one of a Citie and 2. of a tribe and wil bring you into Sion and I will giue you pastors according to mine owne heart that shall feed you with wisedome and vnderstanding The like in the 22. verse and in many other places the Lord seemes to bee mooued with a pitifull compassion and commiseration ouer his owne people their case was pitifull in his sight and their carelesse regard wrought sorrow in his heart when he saw that howsoeuer he was prouident for their saluation yet were they verie forward in their owne destruction and the more carefull he he was for their conuersion the lesse respect had they to his admonition Indeede true it is an auncient father sayth The wicked alacrius currunt ad mortem quàm nos ad vitam they runne farre faster in the way to condemnation then the godly doe in the way to saluation as the Psalmist notes them for their haste when hee describes the vngodly as if they had wings on their heeles Their feete are swift to shed bloud Ps 145. Yet the Lord who as Dauid sayth is merciful gracious long-suffering and of great goodnes laboureth to draw them home his heart breakes within him and his bowels yearne with griefe when he sees Ierusalem that is to say his own people how wilful they are in their owne destruction As I liue sayth the Lord I will not the death of a sinner As if he should say The fault is not mine when sinners drinke the dregges of iniquitie when the scourge of my iudgements fasten vpon them for I haue no pleasure to see the workmanship of mine owne hands perish in confusion As I liue as I liue sayth the Lord I will not the death of a sinner Marcellus Valerius after his souldiers had conquered Syracusa not without the great slaughter of many was so cōpassionate ouer them that he went vp to the highest towre in the Castle and with teares lamēted the ruine ouerthrow therof Plutarch speaks of one Pollio a Romane who hauing inuited the Emperor Augustus to a feast would haue thrown his seruāt into a deep poole in his rage for a smal matter The Emperor beholding his angrie spirit controlde him with these words Homo cuiuscunque conditionis c. A man of what state or condition soeuer he bee if there were no other cause but because hee is a man is more to bee valued and esteemed then all the gold and siluer in the world Well whatsoeuer may bee sayd of Marcellus for his clemencie ouer those whom hee had slain or of the milde and humane spirit of the Emperour Augustus iudging it to be very noble and honourable yet is there no comparison to bee made betwixt him and the Emperour of heauen and earth euen the God of the whole world who as the Prophet sayth is mercifull gracious long-suffering and of great goodnes For if Mercie were not before him and Grace behind him if long-suffering stood not at his right hand and great goodnes at his left if these Peacemakers as I may cal them being qualities in his nature did not mightily preuaile with him why so great is our sinne that the world could not stand but had long ere this time perished like Sodome and had beene destroyed as was Gomorrah Therefore would you know what vpholds the frame and structure of the world why it is Mercy would you know what vpholds the good estate of Israel of our land His Mercy would you know what continues the dayes of our ancient mother in Israel our gracious Soueraigne that as yet we cannot say of her as was sayd of Moses Deut. 34.7 that her eyes haue waxed dimme in her head or her natural force abated but stil flourisheth as the Palme tree and groweth vp as a Cedar in Lebanon t is Mercy In a word you know the cause of the Gospels continuance amongst vs that yet with freedome we may heare the sound of it in our Temples and with peace behold the open faces of Gods Prophets which bring vnto vs the gladde tidings of saluation why wee enioy other blessings and benefits in the land and are not taken away from vs by the violence and rapine of forraine strangers it is his Mercy his Grace his long suffering his great goodnes that hee bare to thee O Ierusalem euen to vs his owne people Mat. 23 37. our Sauior Christ doth there challenge Ierusalem for great crueltie that hee had sent Prophets but she had slaine them and Apostles but she had stoned them O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which haue beene sent vnto thee how often would I haue gathered thee together euen as the hen gathereth her chickens vnder her wings but yee would not The hen was not more tender ouer her yong ones thē I was ouer you sayth the Lord and my loue and kindnes and louing kindnes was not once or twice but often Neither would I haue committed the trust of you to any other but my selfe would haue gathered you together What loue and kindnesse could I more shew but you would not I would O Ierusalem but thou wouldst not How often beloued hath the Lord wooed vs on this maner how oftē hath the heauenly trumpet of his mercie sounded in our eares howe often hath the sweete showres of his mercie fallen vpon our heads euen as aboundantly as the Quailes vpon the Israelites If you should denie it I would aske the starres in the heauens the beasts of the earth the foules of the ayre and the fishes of the sea and all these would witnesse with me How often hath the Lord cried vnto you in effect Yarmouth Yarmouth thou that swellest in the vanitie of thy conceit that sayst with Laodicea Reu. 3. I am rich increased with goods and haue neede of nothing and therefore pride and enuie striue which shall get the vpper hand as the vnruly waues of the sea encoūter one another wickednesse walkes vp and downe among you without controlment and iniquitie runs full sea in the channels of thy streets and the course thereof cannot be stayed Sodome and Gomorrah lie not in the dust for greater abominations then are daily committed thou Yarmouth that art in
A SERMON PREACHED at great Yarmouth Vpon VVednesday the 12. of September 1599. By W. Y. The argument whereof was chosen to minister instructions vnto the people vpon occasion of those present troubles which then were feared by the Spaniards Eccles 9.18 Better is Wisdome then weapons of warre but one sinner destroyeth much good Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford dwelling on Adling hill neere Carter-lane 1600. TO THE WORshipfull Master Iohn Felton the elder and Master Thomas Manfield Bayliffes of the Towne of great Yarmouth grace and peace in our Lord Iesus Christ IT is fayned of the Poets Worshipfull master Bayliffes Ouid. Metam 11. Riuus aquae Lethes c. that there is a Riuer in Hell called Lethe of which whosoeuer drinketh forgets al that he hath remembred before Whatsoeuer they haue imagined sure it is that the diuell hath an hellish deuice to make the eares of the people drunken with vanities that whatsoeuer instructions haue beene deliuered vnto thē yet for the most part they are soone forgotten and the remembrance of them no more to be found I will not condemne them for so weake of memorie as Massula was who forgot his owne name or so dull of capacitie as the Thracians that could not reckō aboue foure yet sure it is the small profite and practise that ariseth by the preaching of the word argueth the drynesse of their brains or that God speaks once and twise and man regardes it not Many there be which will goe to heare sermons but few that can goe to remember them could wee as well remember as wee can heare no doubt Christianitie would flourish as the vine-tree and bring forth plenty of fruit but because it is otherwise sermons being once preached become as musicke vnto vs delighting our eares onely for a time but being ended their sound vanisheth away Therefore though I may seeme to adde more fulnes to the sea I haue published and in publishing enlarged this sermon which was once preached before you that if your memory faile of that which was then deliuered the eare may heare it again and the eye see it and the mind conceiue it and the soule receiue and taste the benefite thereof Efficacior lingua quā litera Barnard Ep. 66. and though it bee now lesse perswasiue then when it was pronounced by the gesture and countenance of a liuing man yet wants there not to answere it that you may reade and read it againe meditating thereon not once or twise but often Many wise and learned haue prudently and painefully laboured in this course and the world floweth with diuersitie of Bookes as the sea with varietie of fishes and therefore mine might haue well beene spared yet was the argument of which Ispake so fitting to the time when I spake that lest we should be as forgetfull of these instructions as it seemes wee are of those rumors of warres and troubles which then sodainely befell vs I haue ventured to acquaint you with the same matter againe and to make the benefite thereof more publike which then was but priuate to your owne eares Now because you are the men whom the Lord hath made his lieutenants ouer this towne next vnder her Maiestie Num. 27.17 to goe in and out before this people I haue made you the patrons of this my simple labour as you are Patrons ouer those for whose benefit it was preached and is now published both to leade them forth and to bring them home that the congregation of the Lord might not bee as sheep without a shepheard And euen as the Loadstone doth by a secret operation and vertue attract yron vnto it so your vertuous and religious minds entertaining and patronizing this may with the Loadstone draw others of the iron sort and those of baser mettall then your selues to entertaine receiue and peruse it to their comfort being garded with the countenance and credite of your names If any Christian receiue profite by it Iam. 1.17 let him who is the Father of lights and giuer of euerie good and perfect gift and the encrease of these which are vnperfite haue the prayse thereof there shall none of his glorie cleaue to my fingers neither is that which I haue done for any earthly respect or worldly consideration for I haue had that which I expect and more I neither looke for nor desire Onely this that the Lord in his mercy would grant Oculus sceptrum Emblē Egyptiac quo Magistratuū regimen desig Psa 2.9 that as he hath set you on high and graced you with the gouernment of this people so your eye your scepter may be ioyned together that first you may be quick-sighted to discerne sinne and sin being discouered to bruise it in peeces with your scepter of gouernement that iudgement may prayse you in the gate and Iustice aduaunce her selfe in the great congregation that vnity peace and concord may be established vertue godlines and religion furthered that the preaching of the word may more and more flourish worke mightily in the harts of the people for their conuersion Mat. 4.13 and that Yarmouth may be with * So the word signifies Capernaum euen a place of repentance scituate by the seaside The Lord euen the most mightie God inflame your worshipfull zealous hearts with a care hereof that during the heate of the day and the time of your gouernement ye may be Paragons to those which went before and examples to as many as shall follow And thus I commend you vnto the Lord and to the word of his grace which is able to build you further and to giue you an heauenly inheritance among them which are sanctified in Christ Iesus From the Priory in Yarmouth Oct. 24. 1599. Your VVorships in the Lord William Yonger A SERMON PREACHED AT great Yarmouth The Text. Ieremiah 4.14 O Ierusalem wash thine heart from wickednes that thou maist be saued how long shall thy wicked thoughts remaine within thee THe purpose of the Prophet in the former part of this prophesie Worshipfull and well beloued is to worke conuersion in the hearts of the Iewes Eccles 4.12 and because as Salomon sayes A three-fold coard is not easily broken so to the end that hee might with greater force more vehemencie draw them thereunto hee hath twisted and twyned together a three-fold cord an argument of a triple force and efficacie to moue them to repentance First from the consideration of his benefits and mercies bestowed vpō them in the second and third verses of the second Chapter Secondly from couenants and promises made vnto them in the fourteenth verse of the former Chapter Thirdly from iudgements and threatnings denounced against them in the seuenth verse of this Chapter where the Prophet saith Verse 7. The Liō is come vp frō his den the destroyer of the Gentiles is departed and gone forth to lay the land waste and the Cities shal be destroyed without an inhabitāt So that you see
this case How often would I haue gathered you together euen as the hen gathereth her chickens vnder her wings but you would not Thus the Lord reasons with vs beloued Many fruits of his blessings haue you tasted of both by sea and by land from time to time hath hee sent home your shippes ballanced with the riches of the Ocean as if they came laden with treasures from Egypt for which the Lord encrease not only plenteousnes within your vessels but euen thankfulnesse within your bowels Many excellent and powerfull instructions haue beene deliuered vnto you by the mouths of his seruants the Prophets All this hath beene to this end to gather you together vnto the Lord his blessings temporall and his graces spirituall haue beene as two hands to draw you home vnto him but as yet for ought wee see you will not Therefore looke vnto it if the like should befall you as here to Ierusalem either in this place by Nabucadnezzar and the Caldeans or there by Titus Mat. 23.37 and Vespasian that your enemies should entrench your towne and enuiron you round about that hunger and famine should tirannize ouer your bodies whereas now plentie sits at your doores to welcome your friends that the sword of some forraine Nation should shorten your dayes whereas now the sword of good Magistrates is carried before you if your houses of pleasure should become your prisons if your louing wiues should be deflowred and your tender infants murdered in the streetes before your faces If this or a greater euill should befall which the Lord in his mercie turne away beloued is it not iust shall wee challenge God of his equitie or charge him of iniustice and say Lord why hast thou done this surely no many times sayth the Lord would I but you would not for I am a God mercifull gracious long-suffering and of great goodnesse but the more I was mercifull the more you were sinfull the more I was gracious the more you were gracelesse the longer I was in suffering the longer were you in sinning and the greater I was in goodnesse the greater were you in transgression therefore because I then would but you would not perhaps now you would but I will not Bethink your selues of your estate present bethinke your selues what may befall O Ierusalem c. Secondly Ierusalem the elect Citie of God most holy most glorious built vpon holie mountaines no Citie in the world comparable thereunto Ierusalē Metropolis Iudaeorum Nico. de Lyra gloss ordina Esay 2. Mich. 4. as well for the loftinesse of the seate for the temperature of the ayre for the moderation of the heauens and fruitfulnesse of the soyle and yet all this serues not so much for the credit of it as that The Scepter went forth from Sion the word of God from Ierusalem It was the onely place of Gods onely worship the Lord had a delight to haue his name there neither had any more priuiledges more teaching or preaching then they had yet for all this they wanted perseuerance they could not continue vnto the end yea these which should haue bin schoolemasters to al other Nations round about them for knowledge Yet see the testimonie that God giues of Ierusalē Ch. 5.1 Run to and fro in the streets of Ierusalem behold now enquire in the open places if ye can find a mā or if there be any that executeth iudgemēt seeks the truth I wil spare it saith the Lord. Loe my beloued not a righteous man not a faithfull soule it seemes found in Ierusalē either amōg their princes or among their people Whereby we learne Doctrine that howsoeuer wee haue the word of God preached and the heauenly oracles of his will reuealed vnto vs from the bosome of the almightie by the mouthes of his Prophets and other priuiledges and prerogatiues giuen vnto vs which God hath not vouchsafed to other Nations yet cannot wee challenge this priuiledge and prerogatiue of perseuerance So likewise the Churches of Cōstantinople and of Ephesus excellent priuiledges they had and great prerogatiues they were graced with yet could they not perseuere vnto the end Well the vses in a word Vse 1 that wee are to make hereof are diuers first in that Ierusalem thus priuiledged and blessed could not perseuere it serues to teach vs that in any place which the Lord hath countenāced with the preaching of his word if the hearts of the people bee not set to obey the Lord will giue no blessing vnto it If preaching practizing bee not ioyned together if the Gospel obediēce walke not hand in hand if Gods word our workes if the light of his Gospel and the light of our godly conuersation be found asunder alas wee may with Esau deceiue our selues Gen. 26. and thinke to haue a blessing when wee shall hit vpon a curse Therefore let vs not content our selues with the outward sound of the word if the inward obedience of the heart bee absent though wee bring our Bibles to Church vnder our armes it is not that will make vs good Christians if our hearts be not set to obey but wee must ioyne the outward ministerie of the word and the inward obedience of the heart together no sooner must the Lord open his mouth but wee must open our eares drinke the sound of his word into the secrets of our harts which may become mightie and by the operation thereof make vs fruitfull vnto saluation Secondly Vse 2 in that Ierusalem could not continue perseuere it serues to teach vs that wee which haue had the excellent benefit of his word and by the beames of his glorious Gospel haue beene enlightned in the wayes of saluation Gal. 5.1 1. Pet. 2. wee must as Paul admonisheth vs standfast and not bee as variable cloudes in the ayre that are carried about with a tempest but stedfast constant and confident in the profession of the Gospel For if wee prooue either faint-hearted or faithlesse hearted Christians if it bee sayd of vs as Paul sayd of the Galathians Gal. 5.7 Apostatas Ye did runne well in the race of Christianitie but now yee slide backe our end shall be worse then our beginning for it had beene much better that wee had neuer learned the truth nor knowne the way of righteousnesse then after wee haue knowne and learned it to returne with the dog to his vomit and with the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire Vse 3 Thirdly 1. Cor. 10.12 Non locus persona dignitas priuilegia aut immunitates possūt nos ab ira Dei eximere in that Ierusalem could not perseuere it teacheth vs that of the Apostle Wee which thinke wee stand must take heede lest wee fall let vs not boast of those priuiledges and blessings that God hath enriched vs with for were they neuer so many or neuer so great Ierusalem had more and greater yet though shee was highly in credite with the