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A70216 Prayers of intercession for their use who mourn in secret, for the publick calamities of this nation. with an anniversary prayer for the 30th of January. Very necessary and useful in private families, as well as in congregations. / By Jo. Huit, D.D. Hewit, John, 1614-1658. 1659 (1659) Wing H1636; ESTC R202447 32,791 58

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from evil Amen Priest O Lord open thou our lips Answer And our Mouth shall shew forth thy praise Priest O God make speed to save us Answer O Lord make hast to help us Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost Answer As it was in the beginning c. A Prayer LOok down O Lord in the Bowels of thy Pity and lend a tender ear to the Voice of our Lamentation our Adversaries are the chief our Enemies prosper for thou hast afflicted us for the Multitude of our Transgressions the Crown is fallen from the Head wo unto us we have sinned O Lord behold our Afflictions For the Enemy hath magnified himself The Adversary hath spread out his Hand upon all our pleasant things they have entered into and prophaned thy Sanctuary they have seen us low and have mocked at our Sabbaths our solemn Feasts are become their Scorn and our Devotion their Derision O Lord behold our Afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified himself Thou art become our Enemy thou hast destroyed our strong Holds thou hast encreased among us Mourning and Lamentation because thou hast despised in the Indignation of thine Anger the King and the Priest See O Lord and consider for we are become very vile The Yoak of our Transgressions is bound by thy hand they are wreathed and come upon our Necks thou hast made our Strength to fail thou hast delivered us into their Hands from whom we are not able to rise up Thou hast trodden under Foot our mighty Men in the midst of us Thou hast called an Assembly to crush our young Men Thou hast trodden us as in a Wine-press Our Enemies hear of our Trouble and they are glad that thou hast done it Behold O Lord for we are in Distress Our Bowels are troubled our Heart is turned within us for we have grivously rebelled abroad the Sword devoureth at home there is Death our Enemies have opened their Mouths against us they hiss and gnash their Teeth they say we have swallowed them up certainly this is the Day that we looked for we have found it we have seen it Thus are we in Derision all the Day long we are become their Song and their Musick O Lord behold our Afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified himself They have cried unto us depart ye ye are unclean depart depart touch not yea these Men have said they shall no more sojourn here O Lord behold our Afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified himself The Breath of our Nostrils the Anointed of the Lord is fallen into their Pits and slaughtered by their Hands of whom yet we said under his Shadow we shall live among the midst of these sad Distractions O Lord behold our Afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified himself Thus do we call to mind our Afflictions and our Miseries the Wormwood and the Gall our Souls have them in Remembrance and they are humbled in us and therefore have we hope it is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed because his Compassions fails not They are new every Morning great is his Faithfulness for the Lord will not cast us off for ever but tho' he cause Grief yet will he have Compassion according to the Multitude of his Mercies for he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end Amen PSALM III. A PSALM of David when he fled from Absalom his Son Or the Security of God's Protection LORD how are they increased that trouble me Many are they that rise up against me 2. Many there be which say of my Soul There is no help for him in God Selah 3. But thou O Lord art a Shield for me my Glory and the lifter up of my Head 4. I cryed unto the Lord with my Voice and he heard me forth out of his holy Hill Selah 5. I laid me down and slept I awaked for the Lord sustained me 6. I will not be afraid of Ten Thousands of People that have set themselves against me round about 7. Arise O Lord save me O my God For thou hast smitten all mine Enemies upon the Cheek Bone Thou hast broken the Teeth of the ungodly 8. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord Thy Blessing is upon thy People Selah PSALM VII David prayeth against the Malice of his Enemies professing his Innocency 10. by Faith he seeth his Defence and the Destruction of his Enemies O Lord my God in thee do I put my trust save me from all them that persecute me and deliver me 2. Lest he tear my Soul like a Lion renting it in pieces while there is none to deliver 3. O Lord my God if I have done this if there be Iniquity in my Hands 4. If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at Peace with me yea I have delivered him that without cause is mine Enemy 5. Let the Enemy persecute my Soul and take it yea let him tread down my Life upon the Earth and lay mine Honour in the Dust Selah 6. Arise O Lord in thine Anger lift up thy self because of the Rage of mine Enemies and awake for me to the Judgment that thou hast commanded 7. So shall the Congregation of the People compass thee about For their Sakes therefore return thou on high 8. The Lord shall judge the People Judge me O Lord according to my Righteousness and according to mine Integrity that is in me 9. Oh let the Wickedness of the wicked come to an end but establish the just For the Righteous God trieth the Hearts and Reins 10. My Defence is of God which saveth the upright in Heart 11. God judgeth the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every Day 12. If he turn he will whet his Sword He hath bent his Bow and made it ready 13. He hath also prepared for him the Instruments of Death he ordaineth his Arrows against the Persecutors 14. Behold he travelleth with Iniquity and hath conceived Mischief and brought forth Falshood 15. He made a Pit and digged it and is fallen into the Ditch which he made 16. His Mischief shall return upon his own Head and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own Pate 17. I will praise the Lord according to his Righteousness and will sing Praise to the Name of the Lord most high PSALM XXVII 1. David sustaineth his Faith by the Power of God 4. By his Love to the Service of God 9. By Prayer THE Lord is my Light and my Salvation whom shall I fear The Lord is the Strength of my Life of whom shall I be afraid 2. When the Wicked even mine Enemies and my Foes came upon me to eat up my Flesh they stumbled and fell 3. Though an Host should encamp against me my Heart shall not fear though War should rise against me in this will I be confident 4. One Thing have
an horrible dread hath overwhelmed us and it is thy great Mercy only that we are not consumed for we have sinned O Lord we have transgressed and done wickedly yea we have rebelled and departed from thy Precepts and from thy Commandments Priest Innumerable Troubles are come about us and our Sins have taken hold upon us that we are not able to look up yea they are more in number than the hairs of our Head and our Hearts have failed us O Lord Righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us Confusion of Face because of all the Offences we have committed against thee People Yet Compassion and Forgiveness is with thee though we have rebelled against thee O Lord according to thy Goodness we beseech thee let thine Anger and thy Wrath be turned away from us and cause thy Face to shine upon thy Servants Incline thine Ears and hear open thine Eyes and behold our Afflictions for we do not present our Supplications before thee in our own Righteousness but for thy manifold and great Mercies Priest We have sinned we have sinned against thee O Heavenly Father and are no more worthy to be called thy Sons People Yet O Lord hear O Lord forgive consider do it and defer not for thine own sake O our God Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost People As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end Amen Priest Hear our Prayer O Lord and hide not thy self from our Petitions and hearken unto the Words of our Mouth for Strangers are risen up against us and Tyrants which have not God before their Eyes seek after our Souls People Cast us not away in the times of our Weakness forsake us not when our Strength faileth us Priest O remember not our Offences but according to thy Mercy think thou upon us for thy Goodness sake People O turn thee unto us and have mercy upon us for we are desolate and in Misery Priest The Sorrows of our Hearts are enlarged O bring thou us out of all our Troubles People Turn us O God our Saviour and let thine Anger cease from us send down from on high and deliver us take us out of those many Waters Priest Why art thou absent from us so long Why is thy Wrath so hot against the Sheep of thy Pasture People Wherefore hidest thou thy Face and forgettest our Misery and Trouble For our Soul is brought low unto the Dust and our Belly cleaveth unto the Ground Priest Look upon our Adversity and Misery and forgive us all our Sins Arise O Lord and help us and deliver us for thy Mercies sake so shall it be known that it is thy hand and that thou Lord hast done it Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost People As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end Amen The Second Lesson proper for this Occasion is XXIV Chapter of St. Matthew 1. Christ foretelleth the Destruction of the Temple What and how great Calamities shall be before it 29. The Signs of his coming to Judgment 36. And because that Day and Hour is unknown 42. We ought to watch like good Servants expecting every moment our Masters coming AND Jesus went out and departed from the Temple and his Disciples came to him for to shew him the Buildings of the Temple 2. And Jesus said unto them see ye not all these Things verily I say unto you there shall not be left here one Stone upon another that shall not be thrown down 3. And as he sate upon the Mount of Olives the Disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these Things be and what shall be the Sign of thy coming and of the end of the World 4. And Jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no Man deceive you 5. For many shall come in my Name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many 6. And ye shall hear of Wars and rumours of Wars See that ye be not troubled For all these things must come to pass but the End is not yet 7. For Nation shall rise against Nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be Famines and Pestilence and Earthquakes in divers Places 8. All these are the beginning of Sorrows 9. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you And ye shall be hated of all Nations for my Names sake 10. And then shall many be offended and betray one another and shall hate one another 11. And many false Prophets shall rise and shall deceive many 12. And because Iniquity shall abound the Love of many shall wax cold 13. But he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved 14. And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the World for a Witness unto all Nations and then shall the end come 15. When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the holy Place whoso readeth let him understand 16. Then let them which be in Judea flee into the Mountains 17. Let him which is on the House top not come down to take any thing out of his House 18. Neither let him which is in the Field return back to take his Cloths 19. And wo unto them that are with Child and to them that give suck in those Days 20. But pray ye that your Flight be not in the Winter neither on the Sabbath Day 21. For then shall be great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the World to this time no nor ever shall be 22. And except those Days should be shortned there should no Flesh be saved But for elects sake those Days shall be shortned 23. Then if any Man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not 24. For there shall arise false Christs and false Prophets and shall shew great Signs and Wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect 25. Behold I have told you before 26. Wherefore if they shall say unto you Behold he is in the Desert go not forth Behold he is in the secret Chambers believe it not 27. For as the Lightning cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be 28. For wheresoever the Carcase is there will the Eagles be gathered together 29. Immediately after the Tribulation of those Days shall the Sun be darkned and the Moon shall not give her Light and the Stars shall fall from Heaven and the Powers of the Heaven shall be shaken 30. And then shall appear the Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven And then shall all the Tribes of the Earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory 31. And he shall send his Angels with a great Sound of a Trumpet
at this Day By Lying Detraction and contumely by censuring and rash Judgments by false Witness and perverting the course of Justice we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By Desire of Change and Uncontentedness in our Estates by giving our selves over to lustful covetous and inordinate Affections by desire of Peace not so much for thine own Honour or the publick Good as the Satisfaction of our own private Lusts by neglecting Acts of Charity and doing as we would be done unto and not doing our Duty in that State of Life unto the which it hath pleased thee to call us we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By our want and neglect of those necessary Christian Duties of Humiliation and godly Sorrow for Sins of due Indignation and Revenge upon our selves for them of confessing and forsaking of Restitution and Satisfaction to others and by not bringing forth Fruits worthy of Repentance we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By Impatience under thy correcting Hand by not endeavouring our Amendment by it in reflecting upon our Sins as the Causes of it by despising thy Chastisements in not rejoycing in Tribulations and not glorifying thee that hast counted us worthy to suffer for Righteousness sake we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By fretting our selves because of the ungodly and being envious at the evil doers by not loving our Enemies not blessing them that curse us not doing good to them that hate us not praying for those that despitefully use us and persecute us we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By presuming to do evil that good may come thereon by placing Piety in Opinions by straining at Gnats and swallowing of Camels by scrupling at Things indifferent and making no Conscience of known Sins we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By running into open Prophaneness under Colour of avoiding Superstition by guiding our Conscience by Humours Fancies and not by the certain Rules of thy Law by having itching Ears and heaping to our selves Teachers and by having Mens Persons in Admiration because of advantage we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By our unreformed continuing in our former Sins since thy heaviest Judgments came out against us our not melting not turning to thee in Humiliation and Contrition and Change of Life or not preparing to meet our God when he is come out in Fury against us we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By those open or secret but still unmortified crying Sins of a wretched People which have so enraged a long suffering God as to deliver up our Glory the Joy of our Hearts and the Breath of our Nostrils into the Power and Malice of bloody Men to be assaulted with a Rage that reacheth up to Heaven we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By our fatal Stupidity under this Vengeance of thine our Want of Zeal of Courage of a due Detestation of so vile an Enterprize our not confessing of thee when we have been most signally called unto it we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By bowing our Shoulders to bear and crouching down with Issachar under our Burthens because the Land is pleasant and Rest seemed good unto us by not putting out our selves and restoring our Soveraign but neglecting that Prize that thou wast pleased lately to put into our Hands and forsaking our own Mercy we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By our too much Formality and Coldness in our Devotion by being wearied at the Return of our Days of Humiliation and secretly repining at the length and frequency of our Prayers by honouring thee with our Lips while our Hearts have been far from thee especially we of this Family have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day By preferring Sacrifice before Obedience and by holding fast our Iniquities and yet thinking to be heard for our much speaking we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord Righteousness belongs to thee But unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day Who can tell how oft he offendeth O cleanse thou us from our secret Sins Try us O Lord God and search the ground of our Hearts prove and examine our Thoughts and look well if there be any other way of Wickedness in us and lead us in the way everlasting A Prayer O Almighty and most Merciful Father who art the Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for Thousands and forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sins Look down upon us with thy compassionate Eyes who are here before thee in the Bitterness of our Souls and do now with troubled Spirits with broken and contrite Hearts most humbly beg Pardon for these Multitude of our Offences Look we humbly beseech thee upon the Blood of thy Son which speaketh better Things than that of Abel for his sake spare us Lord spare thy People that those Sins rise not up against us for his Passions sake expose us not for a Prey to their cruel Hands who would both devour and deride us Spare us Lord spare thy People for the Glory of thy Name O deliver us and be merciful to all these our Sins through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The Absolution to be pronounced by the Priest only ALmighty God our Heavenly Father who of his great Mercy hath promised Forgiveness of Sins to all them that with hearty Repentance and true Faith turn unto him Have mercy upon you pardon and deliver you from all your Sins confirm and strengthen you in all Goodness and bring you to everlasting Salvation both of Body and Soul through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The Lord's Prayer OUR Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this Day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us
against him and with eight hundred thousand chosen Men being mighty Men of Valour 4. And Abijah stood up upon Zemaraim which is in Mount Ephraim and said hear me thou Jeroboam and all Israel 5. Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom over Israel to David for ever even to him and to his Sons by a Covenant of Salt 6. Yet Jeroboam the Son of Nebat the Servant of Solomon the Son of David is risen up and hath rebelled against his Lord 7. And there are gathered unto him vain Men the Children of Belial and have strengthned themselves against Rehoboam the Son of Solomon when Rehoboam was young and tender-hearted and could not withstand them 8. And now ye think to withstand the Kingdom of the Lord in the Hand of the Sons of David and ye be a great Multitude and there are with you golden Calves which Jeroboam made you for Gods 9. Have ye not cast out the Priests of the Lord the Sons of Aaron and the Levites and have made you Priests after the manner of the Nations of other Lands So that whosoever cometh to consecrate himself with a young Bullock and seven Rams the same may be a Priest of them that are no Gods 10. But as for us the Lord is our God and we have not forsaken him and the Priests which minister unto the Lord are the Sons of Aaron and the Levites wait upon their Business 11. And they burn unto the Lord every Morning and every Evening burnt Sacrifices and sweet Incense the Shew-bread also set they in order upon the pure Table and the Candlestick of gold with the Lamps thereof to burn every Evening for we keep the charge of the Lord our God but ye have forsaken him 12. And behold God himself is with us for our Captain and his Priests with sounding Trumpets to cry alarm against you O Children of Israel fight ye not against the Lord God of your Fathers for you shall not prosper 13. But Jeroboam caused an Ambushment to come about behind them so they were before Judah and the Ambushment was behind them 14. And when Judah looked back behold the Battel was before and behind and they cryed unto the Lord and the Priests sounded with the Trumpets 15. Then the Men of Judah gave a shout and as the Men of Judah shouted it came to pass that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah 16. And the Children of Israel fled before Judah and God delivered them into their Hands 17. And Abijah and his People slew them with a great slaughter so there fell down slain of Israel Five Hundred Thousand chosen Men 18. Thus the Children of Israel were brought under at that time and the Children of Judah prevailed because they relied upon the Lord God of their Fathers 19. And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam and took Cities from him Bethel with the Towns thereof and Jeshanah with the Towns thereof and Ephraim with the Towns thereof 20. Neither did Jeroboam recover strength again in the Days of Abijah and the Lord struck him and he died Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost People As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Priest We will cry unto the Lord with our voice yea even unto God will we cry with our voice and he shall hearken unto us for the Lord is gracious and long suffering and of great mercy to them that call upon him People The Lord is nigh to all that be of a contrite heart and will save such as be of an humble Spirit Priest And now Lord what is our hope truly our hope is even in thee People For our Fathers hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou didst deliver them they called upon thee and were holpen they put their trust in thee and were not confounded Priest The Lord be a Defence for the Oppressed even a Refuge in due time of trouble and they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord never failest them that seek thee People The merciful Goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon them that fear him and his Righteousness upon Childrens Children even upon such as keep his Covenant and think upon his Commandments to do them Priest Thou therefore that art a Saviour to all that trust in thee thou that upholdeth all such as are falling and liftest up such as be down thou that healest the broken in heart and givest Medicine to heal their Sickness thou that art the Father of Mercy and God of all Consolation thou that art comfort to the Sad and strength to the Weak hear thy Servant we beseech thee look down from Heaven behold and visit us with thy Salvation Glory be to c. The Lord be with you And with thy holy Spirit OUR Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Amen A Prayer O Lord of Heaven and Earth God of the Spirits of all Flesh we a most sinful and therefore now a most miserable People do in the bitterness of our afflicted Souls humbly fall down at the Footstool of thy Grace most sadly bewailing our many and most heinous Sins we have multiplied our Iniquities into a violation of thy whole Law having neither performed to thee our God nor to Man the Duties thou requirest of us so that by our wicked Works we have denyed that most holy Faith whereof our Mouths have for so long a time made Profession and now in thy just Judgment thou hast set our Sins in order before our Eyes yet return O God in great Mercy unto the many thousands of thy People do thou accept and encrease in our Hearts a Detestation of all Wickedness O let not thy Scourge end in a Desolation or thine Anger go on unto the height of an everlasting Ruin but hear us merciful Father hasten the Aversion of these thy sharp Judgments from us scatter thou the People that delight in War And let the blessing of Peace be upon the Heads of all those that strive and pray for this Blessing and that for his sake by whom thou givest every blessing even Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Priest Hear our Voice O Lord out of thy holy Temple let our Complaint come before thee let it enter even into thy Ears People Our Hearts are in heaviness O let us make our Prayers unto thee in an acceptable time Priest O Lord our Iniquities are against us our Rebellions are many with which we have transgressed against thee but we confess our Wickedness and are sorry for our Sins People Our Confusion is daily before us Fearfulness and Trembling are come upon us and
and they shall gather together his Elect from the four Winds from one end of Heaven to the other 32. Now learn a Parable of the Fig-tree When his Branch is yet tender and putteth forth Leaves ye know that Summer is nigh 33. So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the Doors 34. Verily I say unto you this Generation shall not pass till all these Things be fulfilled 35. Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my Words shall not pass away 36. But of that Day and Hour knoweth no Man no not the Angels of Heaven but my Father only 37. But as the Days of Noe were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be 38. For as in the Days that were before the Flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the Day that Noe entred into the Ark 39. And knew not when the Flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be 40. Then shall two be in the Field the one shall be taken and the other left 41. Two Women shall be grinding at the Mill the one shall be taken and the other left 42. Watch therefore for ye know not what Hour your Lord doth come 43. But know this that if the good Man of the House had known in what watch the Thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his House to be broken up 44. Therefore be ye also ready for in such an Hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh 45. Who then is a faithful and wise Servant whom his Lord hath made Ruler over his Houshold to give them Meat in due Season 46. Blessed is that Servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing 47. Verily I say unto you that he shall make him Ruler over all his Goods 48. But and if that evil Servant shall say in his Heart My Lord delayeth his coming 49. And shall begin to smite his Fellow Servants and to eat and drink with the drunken 50. The Lord of that Servant shall come in a Day when he looketh not for him and in an Hour that he is not aware of 51. And shall cut him asunder and appoint him his Portion with the Hypocrites There shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth Priest Give thy Judgments O God and thy Righteousness to the King People The Lord hear him in the Day of Trouble the Name of the God of Jacob defend him Priest Send him Help from his Sanctuary and strengthen him out of Sion People Let the King rejoice in thy Strength O Lord and let him be exceeding glad of thy Salvation Priest Grant him his Hearts desire and deny him not the Request of his lips People O Lord gird him with Strength unto the Battle throw down his Enemies under him Priest Make them to turn their Backs upon him and disperse those that hate him People Deliver him from the strivings of his People Priest Deliver him from his cruel Enemies and set him above his Adversaries thou shalt rid him from the wicked Man and why because the King puts his strength in the Lord and in the Mercy of the most High he shall not miscarry People Some put their trust in Chariots and some in Horses but we remember the Name of the Lord our God Priest Save Lord and hear us O King of Heaven when we call upon thee People Be thou exalted in thy own strength so will we sing and praise thy power Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost People As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen O Lord God that dost build up Jerusalem and gather together the outcasts of Israel wherefore art thou absent so long and why is thy wrath so hot against the sheep of thy Pasture O think upon thy Congregation whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old think upon the tribe of thine Inheritance and mount Sion where thou hast dwelt Lift up thy Feet and disperse all those our Enemies which have done ill in thy Sanctuary For they have broken down the carved Work thereof with Axes and Hammers They have defiled the dwelling places of thy Name yea they said in their hearts let us make havock of them altogether O God how long shall the adversary do this dishonour how long shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever Why withdrawest thou thy hand why pluckest not thou thy right hand out of thy bosom to scatter the enemy Arise O God maintain thine own cause remember how the foolish Man blasphemeth thee daily Forget not the voice of thine Enemies the presumption of those that hate thee encreaseth ever more and more Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. People As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen A Prayer O Eternal God and most merciful Father we humbly beseech thee to be merciful unto us and be near to help us in all those extremities which our Sins threaten to bring upon us our Enemies are strengthned against us because our rebellions are multiplied against thee and we deserve to suffer what our Enemies threaten and sudden destruction and with desolation but there is mercy with thee that thou mayst be feared and there is mercy with thee that they may not be feared shew us therefore thy mercy O Lord and let us so fear thee that we may never be brought to feel or fear them and that for our Jesus and thy Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for the Church ALmighty God and gracious Father we confess against our selves that we are most worthy of all the Judgments that thou hast threatned against us these Kingdoms this Church which is now under the Cross and near to utter ruin and extirpation unless thy mercy stept in between thy fierce W●ath and our heinous Sins and howsoever the voice of our crying Sins hath ascended into thine Ears and stirred up Destroyers to root us out that we be no more a People and that thy Name be no more called upon nor hallowed by us yet we most humbly beseech thee to hear the Prayers and Supplications with strong Cryings and Tears which once our blessed Saviour offered for us upon the Cross and in the Garden and daily represents unto thee and for his all-sufficient Merits which speak better things than the Blood of Abel hear not the cry of our Sins but hear the cry of his Blood and therein wash away all our Sins let our great Miseries and Dangers suffice for that which is past and let that Orator in thy own bosom that is thine own fatherly goodness perswade and prevail for us and purchase our Deliverance and Safety hear us for our selves and others look upon us with the Eyes of Pity and Compassion consider our Enemies how many and how mighty they be and they
PRAYERS OF Intercession FOR THEIR Use who Mourn in Secret FOR THE Publick Calamities OF THIS NATION WITH An Anniversary Prayer for the 30th of January Very Necessary and Useful in Private Families as well as in Congregations By Jo. Huit D. D. LONDON Printed in the Year 1659. Prayers of Intercession for their Use who Mourn in Secret for the Publick Calamities of this Nation A Preparatory Prayer O Lord I find in that Book of thine which cannot deceive me that the oftner thy Servant Abraham prayed to thee the more he got ground upon thee and came at last to that holy Confidence as not only to pray to thee for himself but to be importunate and press thee in the behalf of others Lord I confess my Case is different for Abraham was the Father of the Faithful but I am not worthy to be reckoned among his Children He had the Honour to be called thy Friend but my Sins have been such that unless thy Mercy interveen may make thee look upon me as thine Enemy He prayed unto thee for a People of whose Sins he was no Partaker But my Address is to thee for them in whose Iniquities I am involved and have some way or other deeply contributed to the hastning and bringing down those terrible Judgments of thine which now lye so heavy upon us So that alas I am unworthy to appear before thee for my self and how shall I dare to supplicate thee for others O that there were a Moses to stand in the Gap to turn away thy wrathful Indignation from us O that there were a David a Daniel or a Jeremiah to pour out their Souls before thee yet hear me O my God for though these holy Saints of thine have now no being upon Earth yet their Prayers remain upon Record for every Soul that mourns in secret to make use of O Holy and Blessed Spirit kindle but the same fervency in my Heart while I repeat their Words as was in them and I know I shall be heard King David's Prayers for the Church and People The First Prayer O God! wherefore art thou absent from us so long or why is thy Wrath so hot against the Sheep of thy Pasture O think upon thine Inheritance whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old Lift up thy Feet that thou mayest utterly destroy every Enemy that hath done evil in thy Sanctuary For behold they break down all the carved Work thereof with Axes and Hammers Yea they have said in their Hearts let us make havock of them altogether and thus have they designed to ruine all the Houses of God in the Land But O God! how long shall the Adversary do this Dishonour How long shall the Enemy blaspheme thy Name for ever Arise O God! maintain thine own Cause remember how the foolish Man blasphemeth thee daily But O deliver not the Soul of thy Turtle Dove into their hands for the Presumption of them that hate thee encreaseth more and more O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us The Second Prayer O Lord God of Hosts how long wilt thou be angry with thy People that prayeth How long wilt thou feed us with the Bread of Tears and give us Plenteousness of Tears to drink O turn us again thou God of Hosts shew us the Light of thy Countenance and we shall be whole Remember that thou diddest once plant a Vine among us and when it had taken root it filled the Land Our Hills were covered with the Shadow of it and the Boughs were like the goodly Cedar Trees But now thou hast broken down her hedge so that all they that go by pluck off her Grapes The wild Bore of the Wood doth root it up and the Beasts of the Field devour it Yet turn us again O Lord God of Hosts shew us the Light of thy Countenance and we shall be whole For we will not go back from thee O let us live and we shall call upon thy Name O God make speed to save us O Lord make hast to help us The Third Prayer HOld not thy tongue O God keep not still silence refrain not thy self O God For lo thine Enemies make a murmuring and they that hate thee have lifted up their Head They have imagined craftily against thy People and have taken counsel against thy sacred Ones Behold they have cast their Heads together with one consent and are confederate against thee They have said come and let us root them out that they may be no more a People and that their Name may be no more in remembrance They come daily round about us like Water and compass us together on every side But O my God! make them like unto a Wheel and as the stubble before the Wind. Who say let us take unto our selves the Houses of God in possession O make their faces ashamed O Lord that they may seek thy Name O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us The Fourth Prayer O God thou hast cast us out and scattered us abroad thou hast been displeased at us O turn thee unto us again Thou hast moved the Land and divided it O heal the Sores thereof for it shaketh Thou hast shewn thy People heavy things and given us a drink of deadly Wine Thou hast made us turn our backs upon our Enemies so that they which hate us spoil our goods Thou makest us to be rebuked of our Neighbours to be laughed to scorn and to be had in derision of them that are round about us But though all this be come upon us yet do we not forget thee nor behave our selves frowardly in thy Covenant Our Heart is not turned back nor our steps gone out of thy way No not when thou hast smitten us into the Place of Dragons and covered us with the shadow of death Up Lord why sleepest thou awake and be not absent from us for ever But O! wherefore hidest thou thy face and forgettest our misery and trouble For our Soul is brought low even unto the dust and our belly cleaveth to the grave Arise help us and deliver us for thy mercy sake O God make speed to save us O Lord make hast to help us King David's Tears O My God why hast thou forsaken thine anointed and art displeased with him For lo thou hast broken the Covenant of thy Servant and cast his Crown to the ground Thou hast overthrown all his hedges and broken down his strong holds So that all they that go by spoil him and he is become a Rebuke to his Neighbours For thou hast set up the right hand of his Enemies and made all his Adversaries to rejoyce Thou hast put out his Glory and cast his Throne down to the Ground The Days of his Youth hast thou seasoned with bitterness and covered him with dishonour But Lord how long wilt thou hide thy self for ever And shall thy Wrath still burn like Fire Remember O Lord the rebuke that thy Servant