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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A38772 A brief discovery of God's eternal truth and a way opened to the simple hearted whereby they may come to know Christ and his ministers, from Antichrist and his ministers : with a warning from the Lord to all people that do name the name of Christ, to depart from iniquity / written in the inquisition of Malta by ... Katherine Evans. Evans, Katharine, d. 1692. 1663 (1663) Wing E3453; ESTC R15841 22,883 58

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Lovers for evermore world without end Amen The Glory is the Lord God's who is risen in his mighty Power to raise up Sion and to build up the walls of Jerusalem and to raze down Babel to the ground and to destroy the Kingdom of Antichrist and to bring down all the Powers of Darkness under his feet This was written in the Inquisition of Malta by the Lord's Servant Katherine Evans who am a Sufferer for God's eternal Truth which is my Ioy my Glory and my Crown Magnified be the Name of the Lord God of Life and Power who hath counted me worthy not only to believe unto Salvation but also to suffer for the Sake of my blessed Saviour and perfect Redeemer the Lord Iesus Christ to whom be Glory for ever world without end Amen Amen Oh Friends and People in all places who are called Christians fear the Lord God that gave you Life and obey his holy Gospel the Light in the Conscience that convinceth of all Sin and judgeth the Secrets of every ones Heart O hearken to the heavenly Voice of the true invisible God he is near to every one to save or to condemn Yea of a truth he is risen in great Power to correct the Wayes of men throughout all Nations whose Wayes have been their own Wayes for many Generations past but this is the Day in which the Lord God will restore Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning Wherefore let every one that hath received Power and Authority from the Lord to rule and regulate amongst the People take heed that they do not abuse the Power the Lord hath committed into their hands as a Stewardship whereof they must give an account before the High and Mighty Judge of Heaven and Earth that sits upon the Throne to Judge the Nations in Righteousness and the People with Equity and he will smite the Earth with the Rod of his mouth and consume the Wicked with the Breath of his lips and the Lord God will remove and overturn and cut down till he hath exalted men like to faithful Moses and righteous Samuel to do the work of Justice Mercy and Equity to every one without respect to Persons in the Fear and Dread of the Lord not seeking their own honour and glory but the Honour and Glory of the Lord God And thus he will make you honourable in the sight of all men for of a truth they that exalt themselves shall be brought low but they which the Lord doth exalt none can cast down and likewise see that you do nor judge others for that which your selves stand guilty of or the like sin in the self-same nature if so wherein ye judge others you condemn your selves and your own Condemnation will stand over your own heads for ever Wherefore take heed how you do mount in the Seat of Tribunal and let every Thought Word and Action in your Sentences of Judgment of others be according to the Light of God in your own Consciences which otherwise will be your eternal Condemnation without any excuse in the Presence of the Lord God Almighty whose Voice doth shake terribly the Earth and makes the Hearts of the Heathen to tremble and doth and will remove Mountains and over-turn Hills and take all that lets and stands in opposition against his pure Truth and the little Hill of Sion shall trample over all the Mountains to the Ends of the Earth And who shall be able to resist it no no not one the Lord will rip up every false Covering strip off every deceitful Garment and make manifest every seducing Spirit and blind Guide and false Teacher that doth work by signs and lying wonders with all manner of Deceivableness and doth deceive the hearts of the Simple and stealeth away their hearts and draweth out their minds from the true invisible Lord God that made them and doth set them upon earthly Objects and visible Appearances and the Glory of this life that will perish for ever and vanish away like the smoak in the aire and the invisible God they have no more knowledge of than the beast that perisheth and these be them that run and the Lord never sent them and saith Thus saith the Lord and the Lord hath not spoken unto them neither did they ever see his face nor hear his voice at any time neither do they profit the people at all but build them up in the Mystery of Iniquity and teach them to wonder after the monstrous Beast which hath many Heads and many Horns and Mouths full of Blasphemy and Eyes full of Adultery walking in the broad way that leads to the chambers of death and destruction and to the Pit of everlasting Perdition and shuts up the Kingdom from the Simple-hearted and hides the Key of Knowledge from the innocent Ones and will not enter in themselves nor suffer them to enter that would and these are them that feed of the Fat and go on their Bellies all their life long the Serpents of the earth that suck the sweet up the spirit of the earth and they make the poor people believe it doth belong to them in Christ because they must pray for them to the saving of their Souls O these be Hypocrites and they do not know the Price of the redemption of a Soul out of death neither have they the Knowledge of God nor his Way to Salvation for if they did know the Lord they would fear and dread his holy Name and teach the People the Way to Life eternal which is the Light in the Conscience in every one and he that comes not to the Light comes not into the Way of God which leads to the Kingdom of God The Kingdom of God is one his Way is one his Light is one his Life is one and his Spirit of Truth is one and his Word is one and what he speaks once he speaks still and what he once condemns he never justifies and what he once justifies he never condemns He is God and changeth not but the same yesterday and to day and so likewise for ever Now they that are in the changeable and in the many wayes are out of the Way of God which is Light and are in the dark and do not see the way they walk in neither do they know the Lord nor his Word that is quick and powerful sharper than a two-edged Sword for did they know that Word they would not dare to mock and scorn at them that tremble at the Word and meet together to wait upon the Lord in silence and do hearken diligently to know the Mind of God that they may not sin against him nor act contrary to him but those men or women cannot disscern the Mind of God that are not crucified with Christ Jesus and the Body of sin death destroyed which is a mystery to all the Wisdom Learning in the world that do not own the Light in the Conscience to be their alone Teacher but live
defile and pollute the Mind and Soul and corrupt the Heart of man hence it is that nothing but the clean and pure Spirit of the Lord God that can in any wise cleanse and sanctifie the Soul and Mind or purge or purifie the Heart again and it seems to be a very vain thing for any man or woman to think otherwise Now let every one that is called a Minister of Jesus Christ see that he be so indeed and in truth for they must come a great way before they can administer Christ Wherefore it is safe to consider that Death reigned or reigneth from Adam to Moses and from Moses till the Prophet John and John was a burning a shining Light the greatest that was born among women but the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he and John cried in the Wilderness saying Prepare ye the Way of the Lord make his Paths streight for he whose shooe he was not worthy to unloose was coming after him whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his Floor and gather the Wheat into the Garner but the Chaff he will burn with Fire unquenchable And John denied not and said He was not that Light but he came to bear witness of the Light saying This is the true Light that lighteth every one that cometh into the world Now it behoveth all that are called Ministers of Christ to call themselves to mind how they travelled through all these Administrations spiritually from Adam till Moses ye are all in death and when you have received the just and holy Law of Moses upon Mount Sinai then you must journey through all the Prophesies till you come to Mount Sion the heavenly Jerusalem the City of the living God before you can be a noble Minister of Jesus Christ And this I am bold to declare in the Name of the Lord Jesus whose Servant I am through mercy Be ye not deceived the Lord God will not be mocked any longer there is a great Mystery in Godliness insomuch that all the earthly Wisdom and Learning and Languages Studies or Prudency is never able to fathom or comprehend the least Motion of the Life of it but as the Mind is joyned to the Light the Word of Life the Word that was before the World was the Word by which the World was made the Word that is quick and powerful sharper than a two-edged Sword even to the piercing and dividing between soul and spirit joynts and marrow and is a searcher and discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of every ones heart and this is he whose Vesture is dipt in Blood his Name is called the Word of God and he is come according to the determinate Counsel of the Father to make a separation between the Pretious and the Vile and to divide the Sheep from the Goats and to gather in the Flock of his Inheritance the People of his own Pasture the Sheep of his hands to fill up his own Fold out of every Kindred Tongue and Nation Jew and Gentile Bond or Free of his Israelites indeed in whose mouths there is no guile and he will place his Name amongst them again and work his Fear in their hearts and write his Laws in their inward-parts that they may never depart from it and they shall be his People for ever and he will be their God eternally and he will be merciful to their Transgressions their Sins and Iniquities he will remember no more for our God cannot deny himself nor forget his holy Promises who hath said I have given Him for a Covenant of Light to enlighten the Gentiles and a Leader and Commander to the people and the day is come that all the Children of the Lord shall be taught of the Lord and be established in Righteousness And as for those Ministers that say Men and women can never be freed from Sin while they are here nor made perfect while they are in the body I say such Ministers do not know Christ Jesus the Light nor his Ministry which saith When he ascended up on High he led Captivity captive gave gifts unto men some Prophets some Apostles some Ministers for the perfecting of the Saints and for the Work of the Ministry and for the edifying of the whole body of the Church And again it is said All Scripture given by the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost is wholsome for Doctrine for Instruction for Reproof and Correction in Righteousness that the man of God may be made perfect and thorowly furnished to every good Work Now let all sober-minded men consider where men and women should be made perfect if not here while they are in this body If not in this Body where then Solomon saith As the tree falleth so it lieth the Spirit of the Lord doth not once mention any other place to be purged in in all the Scriptures of truth And the Prophet spake to the Church and said The Lord would purely purge away the dross and take away the tin and rebrobate silver and gold And this I know when Souls come to be quickned by the powerful Word of Life and Truth they come to know the Purgings of the Father and the Washing in the Fountain of Eternal Cleansings in the sweet Streams of Light and living Refreshment the everlasting Refining in the Sanctifying-Furnace of the Spirit of the Lord God and so they do come to be cleansed purified and sanctified throughout souls bodies and Spirits and are made Vessels of Honour and fitted for Glory without the help of any Man or any outward Observation whatsoever What is to be known of God is manifested within and He that giveth power over any ones sin is sufficient to give power over all sins and will and doth to all that be obedient The willing and obedient shall eat the Good of the Land but they that refuse and rebel the Sword shall devour them the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it and his zeal will perform it There is none can forgive Sins but God only against whom all sin is committed for whatsoever just offence is given to any he that giveth the offence sinneth against the Commandment of God which saith Do by all men as you would have them do unto you and love thy neighbour as thy self He never commanded any to do contrary to his own nature which is Love Mercy and Long suffering waiting to be gracious not willing the death of any but that all should return and forsake the Evil of their Wayes and deny the Evil of their Doings and then he would have mercy upon them and abundantly pardon all such as come to him in the Name of the Lord Jesus bringing nothing with them but a penitent heart and an humble spirit confessing their sins being weary of the burthen and weight of them and he will forgive and take away the Guilt from the Conscience while there is guilt within the sin is not pardoned when the Sin and the Guilt of Sin
of the Indignation of the Lords Judgment If Iudgment first begin at the house of God what will become of them that obey not the Gospel of God for if the Righteous scarcely be saved where shall the Wicked and Ungodly appear Now for some help and light for the understanding of them that do not know the Mystery of Iniquity and that spirit that doth generate it here as aforesaid the spirit of Antichrist is that spirit in every one that doth profess Christ Jesus in words but doth not possess him in life and power and such are they that are making Images and forms and likenesses without and call it by Christ's Name and say it doth represent Christ when none can make his Likeness nor bear his Image but those that are created anew in Christ Jesus and born of the same Spirit The righteous Image or Form of Christ is the perfect Life of Innocency and the pure Spirit of Meekness and an upright heart of true Humility as it is written Upon whomsoever you shall see the Spirit of the Lord descend like a Dove and abide upon him this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased You all know a Dove is an innocent harmless creature and so are all God's Children which are sanctified in the undefiled womb of God's second creation where the first Heaven and the first Earth is passed away and new Heavens and a new Earth are witnessed wherein dwelleth Righteousness for evermore and he that is called the Son of Perdition is the Man of Sin in every particular that steals away the heart and draws out the mind from the true invisible God and sets it upon earthly objects and visible appearances The glory of the world that doth fade and vanish away as the smoak in the eye and the painted harlot is the fallen wisdom that is comprehended in the earthly mind carnal understanding and airy spirit inventing and devising how to deck and beautifie her self with the glory of this world and outside shews to get her self a name over all the Earth and calls her self holy pure and spiritual that all people may fall down and worship her painted image and so the wind of her spirit goeth forth and overchargeth the hearts of the people and corrupts them and when the heart is corrupted it conceiveth lust and when lust is conceived it bringeth forth sin and when sin is finished it bringeth forth death The wages of sin is death and the Scarlet-coloured Beast that doth uphold the adulterous woman with all her allurements upon whom she sits is that beast-like will of or in man that is not subject to the Will of God but hath received power to exalt his horn even to the Host of Heaven for the cleansing of the Sanctuary and purifying of the Temple and for the tryal of the Faith of God's Elect that the power of God may rest upon them and so they come to be approved in the sight of all and herein our God is glorified honoured and renowned over all in purchasing to himself a holy Kingdom through the blood of the everlasting Covenant in the faithful-hearted that do follow the Lamb through great tribulations according to the Scriptures Every man out of the Covenant of God is bruitish and that spirit which doth exalt it self over the consciences of any people to compel them by a tymnnous Law to worship according to his will and in his way without any Commandment or Precept from the Lord that is Lucifer which the Lord God will cast down to the bottom of Infamy and will do unto him as he did to proud and lofty Haman as the Spirit of the Lord hath manifested for God and his Word are one and his way to the Kingdom is but one and he never compelled any with camal weapons or any visible thing to worship him And whereas it is said he sent forth his servants to compel them that were in the streets and in the high-wayes to come in by the powerful preaching of his Word of Life and Truth that did limit and bind that in them that did rebel against him and so he drawed them after him in love and so he doth at this day Praises praises to his holy and blessed Name for evermore Amen And the false Prophet is he that cryeth Lo here is Christ and Lo there but Christ foretold of them saying Many false Christs would come saying Lo here and Lo there but believe them not go not forth by their fruits you shall know them And these are they that for advantage will cry Peace peace while ye are unsaved from your sins and so with good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple and smoothly draws them after him in the broad way that leads to the chambers of death and destruction and in their high places they will tell you you must not be drunk nor lust nor envy nor covet nor live in pride nor any such evil things when they themselves are wholly guided and led by that same spirit which is the very rise author yea as I may safely say the father of all manner of uncleanness and evil concupiscence and so though they do speak good words it is but in imitation because it was the practice of the Servants of the living God so to do yet being out of their Life they can never convert any into the Truth but their spirit doth beget the same form in the Hearers as is in the Teachers for such Seed as they sow such Fruits they do reap of all manner of unrighteousness and these be they that will go about to limit the Spirit of God and make the people believe none ought to speak in the Name of Christ but the Wise and the Learned and them that have received Gifts of Men to Preach but Christ doth ordain his Ministers and gives them Gifts both Male and Female yet they say Paul would not permit of a Woman to speak in the Church it is true Paul would not permit of a woman to speak in the Church no more do not the Quakers neither do they permit a Woman to speak in the Church nor a Man that is born of a woman but he that is born of God whether in Male or in Female let him speak freely as his Father giveth him Utterance Let him that doth not understand come into Christ's School and learn Paul said That if a Woman did pray or prophesie with her Head uncovered she did dishonour her Head if a woman might pray or prophesie with her head covered it 's very like she might do it in the Church assoon as in another place But Paul nor John neither would not permit that Jezabel that painted Harlot should speak in the Church who hath painted her self with the Saints Words but out of their life she must keep silence in the Church yea verily the Power is made manifest in this the Lord 's present day that will shortly stop her mouth and all her