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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10583 The solace of Sion, and ioy of Ierusalem. Or consolation of Gods church in the latter age redeemed by the preaching of the Gospell vniuersallye. Beeing a godly and learned exposition of the Lxxxvij. Psalme of the princelye prophet Dauid: written in Latine by the reuerend Doctor Vrbanus Regius, pastor of Christes Church at Zelle, in Saxonie. 1536. Translated into english by R. Robinson citizen of London 1587.; Psalmus octuagesimus septimus, de gloriosa Christi ecclesia Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1587 (1587) STC 20852; ESTC S119789 35,218 86

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most liuely blessednesse But the Gretians doe reade this verse thus The dwelling in thee is as it were of all them that doe reioyce The Prophet Dauid héere speaketh of a Spirituall Joy which true beleeuers onely in Christe doe possesse Concerning which S. Peter in 1. Epist Chapt. 1 saith Whom yee haue not seene and yet loue him in whom nowe though yee see him not yet do you beleeue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious ver 8 Receiuing the end of your faith euen the saluation of your soules vers 9. True ioy cannot be but where the sorowfull person is deliuered from all euils The greatest mischiefes are to be cast away from god to remaine in sinne to suffer the tyranny of death and to bee reserued to eternall damnation For al the euils of this world being compared to these horrible and eternall euils are euen scracely shadowes of Euils But true deliuerance from vndoubted and greatest Euils may no where else be found but in SION as it is said by the Prophet Ioel. 2. Chap. Euery one which shall call vpon the name of the Lord shal shall bee saued For in Mount Sion and Ierusalem shalbe deliuerance as the Lord hath said and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call vers 32. No where else then but in the Church the true SION can there bee true ioye Wherefore the dwelling or habitation of al them which truely reioyce by reason their sins are forgiuen thē through Christ and saluation by him restored vnto them is in SION alone They that are with out Sion are in their sinnes therfore they are the bondslaues of death and the deuil When as therefore they lye in most gréeuous eternall paines enthralled what place of true ioy may be ther yea though they fully wholly possesse in the meane time euen al the pleasures of this world Marke also that he saith Of all them that reioyce is to vnderstand not onelie that the Iewes but also the Gentiles are to bee admitted to the true Joy of SION by the promise of God which thing the Scripture euery where witnesseth In y e 46. Psal The Gentiles are called by name vnto this heauenly ioye O clappe your hands together all yee people O sing vnto God with the voyce of melody Hee is the great King ouer all the earth vers 1. 2. And Paul in 15. Rom. Praise the lord all ye Gentiles and laud yee him all people together vers 11. And the Prophet Esay Chap. 11. The Gentiles shall put their trust in him according to the translation of the 70. Interpreters And this Prophet Dauid singeth in his 63. Psalm The righteous shal reioyce in the Lord put his trust in him and all they that are true of heart shalbe glad vers 10. Beholde he saith not the lewe onely shall reioyce in the Lord but the iust is no man iust then but the Iew Aske of Paul who in Rom. 3. teacheth That the Iew is not iustified by the workes of the Lawe but by faith in Christ the righteous and onely iustifier And by and by hee after that saieth Is hee the God of the Iewes onely Is hee not also the God of the Gentiles verses 29 30. Yes of the Gentiles is he also God which iustifieth Circumcision by faith and vncircumfition through faith And in the 9. Rom. ver 30. he saith What shal wee say then That the Gentiles which followed not righteousnes haue attained vnto righteousnes euen the righteousnes which is of faith Heere the Scripture openly teacheth so farre as vnto iustification pertaineth that there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Gentile all haue sinned and haue neede of the glory of God but by the alone grace of Christ they are iustified And as S. Peter in Acts 15. confesseth god so much as to iustification belongeth made no difference betweene the Iewes and the Gentiles vers 9. If hee made no difference betwéene them if he also iustifie the Gentiles by faith in Christ euen then againe shall the Gentiles be founde iust by Christ If they be iust then also do they reioyce in the Lorde they reioyce in SION They haue aswel their dwelling place as the Iewes the flesh of Abraham haue in SION out of which citie no man is excluded but by that incredulitie which with the vnfaithfull Iewes he reiecteth because they embraced not Iesus Christ the king of SION Whome the Father himselfe as Dauid saith appointed ruler ouer Syon his holy hill And placed him as the head of the Gentiles Therefore the dwelling place of all which truely reioyce that is to say of Christians is in SION namely the Church of Christe concerning which ioy of y ● Christians the Prophet Esay thus Prophecyeth in the 51. Chapiter Ioye and gladnesse shal be founde in SION thanksgiuing the voice of praise ver 3. And the redeemed of the Lorde shall returne and come with ioy vnto Sion and ●uerlasting ioy shall be vpon their heades they shall obtaine ioy and gladnesse and sorrow and mourning shal flee away ver 11. I euen I am he that comfort you Who art thou that thou shouldest feare a mortall man and the son of man which shall be as withered grasse ver 12. Which true and perfite ioy neuer to bee taken away from vs. Ioh. 16. Christ our Lord God who be blessed for euer vouchsafe to giue vs heereby true faith in him and in the world to come by the cleare and manifest beholding of him Amen They that impugne our Catholique faith which we haue confessed sixe yéeres agone in a very great assembly before y ● Emperour States of the Romane Empyre at Augusta will haue themselues accounted onely Catholique doe tye the Church to the Seuenhilled Babilon and so describe her that she may be seene and p●rceiued with our very eyes as if indeede shée were a worldly Monarchy wherein a visible heade and Uicar generall might beare rule They I say with their finger point at that Spirituall SION But the Scripture both heere in this place and elsewhere often ynough teacheth that the Head the builder and King of that Sion is Spiritual and the City Spirituall not earthly also the Citizens of that glorious Citie to bée newe creatures in Christ reioysing singing and leaping for ioy not openly ryding on stately stéedes in kings Pallaces al prodigalitie of this world but in the Spirit for being saued through hope as S. Peter saith with inward ioy they looke for that blessed hope and appearance of the glorie of the great God and our Sauiour Iesus Christ in the day of our ful redemption But in the meane time they wéepe lament in this world Contrariwise the world reioyceth and is glad And as Christ saith in the worlde they Finde affliction but in themselues peace through Christ the ouercommer of the worlde For if a man beholde the Church according to her outward shewe shée shall not beséeme
not earthly thinges Colos 3. Whoe also ●ay with S. Paul Now liue I not but Christ liueth in me The world is to me crucified through Christ and so am I to the world Galat. 6 Therefore this same Citizen of the heauenly Ierusalem meditating many things with himselfe of the blessed Citty of the holy ones being full of the holye Ghoste bursteth out into the wordes of this Psalme which Psalme is a continuall testimony of the godly cogitations of that man concerning the Article of the faith I beleeue the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saintes For what thing we loue from our hart of this we thinke continually and wee kéepe it not in secret but we af●ewards spare no speach euen vnto the full publishing thereof according to that saying Out of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speaketh Math. 12. vers 34. Dauid therefore saith Her foundations vnderstand of the Citty which I loue with most earnest minde wherein but vnknowne to me I am yet made safe or preserued by hope wherein for euer the Sauiour of the world so vouchsafeing I shall still remaine are in the hill of Holinesse for so saith the Iewe we shoulde say in the holy Hilles Citties of this mortall life bee they fenced or defended with how strong so euer muniments or Bulwarkes are yet not withstanding builded vpon the sand For whatsoeuer mans hand buildeth the same can it also cast downe Therefore Citizens of earthly Citties cannot dwell in sufficient safetie all their Ritches yea life and finally whatsoeuer they haue are laid open to their enemies Wherefore we rightly then say that no earthly Cittie hath her foundation in the Hilles For although no enemies assault the same yet time is the consumer of thinges and corruption at length wasteth those thinges which haue bene in this world most strong but the foundations of this Cittie are sound firme and perpetuall because they are in the Hilles What then are not earthly Citties also in the hilles is the Citty safe which is scituate on the hilles Why then saith the Lord by his Prophet Abdias To the Hilles of Seyr and the dwellers thereon The pride of thy heart puffed thee vp because thon dwelst in the clefts of the Rockes whose habitation is hie tho● sayest in thine hart who shall bring me vnto the ground The Lord maketh answere to the bragging of the Edomites If thou exalt thy selfe as the Eagle and make thy nest among the starres thence will I bring thee downe saith the Lord And surelye though Ierusalem were in the olde time builded in the mount Sion and the little hilles yet notwithstanding it was easie to be assaulted and beaten downe of their enemies the Chaldeans and the Romans All earthly buildings be they neuer so strong and stablished in the hilles and Rockes are yet builded vpon the sand Because they shal in time fal to y ● groūd and perish Wherefore the Prophet here speaketh of other hilles as the Hebrue ●oun declareth which signifieth holines Therefore those foundations are in the hilles of holinesse that is not in earthlie hils but in the Heauens For y ● foūdatiō which this citty hath Is that immouable Rocke Mat. 16. whereupon the Church is builded and standes to the vtmost against the gates of hell Whereof the Apostle mentioneth No man can lay any other foundation then that which is laid euen Christ Iesus 1 Cor 3. Wherfore the Apostle when he speaketh of that blessed Cittie sheweth openly this foundation and saieth Those Cittizens that is Chistians are builded vpon that foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Iesus himselfe being the Head corner stone in whom what building soeuer is coupled together groweth vnto àn holy Temple in the Lord In whome ye also are built together to be the Habitation of God by the Spirite The Cittie is holye firme and eternal it hath Cittizens euē the holy ones as the Apostle euery where calleth them For although they be sinners born yet in that Cittie they are regenerate of water of the spirite yea They are iustified by faith and sanctified by the name of Iesus and by the spirite of our God And all things which are without this Cittie are prophane and abhominable before God In this Cittie onely is true holinesse as the Phophete Abdias saieth vers 17 But vpon mount Sion shall bee delierance and it shall bee holye And the Prophete Esay declareth Cap. 4 Then hee that shall bee left in SION ●nd hee that shall be lefte in Ierusalem shall be called holie and euerie one shall bee written among the liuing in Ierusalem when the LORD shall wash the filthinesse of the daughters of Sion verses 3. 4. The Lordeloueth the Gates of Sion c. Pars. 2 THis latter parte of the first verse sheweth how fatherly the Lord loueth vs for Christs sake the foundation of this Cittie vpon whome we are builded as a spirituall house The Lord saieth he loueth the Gates of Sion that is the Church of Christe For we are beloued of God for his sons sake Through whom we haue obtained reconciliation when as before we were not yet reconciled through the death of his sonne we were the enemies of God Ephes 1. Rom. 5. And he loueth vs aboue all the Tabernacles of IACOB So much as to the figure or outward shewe pertaineth wee know out of the Law of Moises howe the Gates of the earthly● SION or the Cittie Ierusalem was so ordained for the worshipping of GOD in the olde age That it should not bee lawfull for any to offer sacrfice but with in the sanctuary of the Cittie Deut. 12. 2. Par. 6. Wherfore although there were many Sinagogues in Canaan and many places wherevnto the people resorted by companies yet not withstanding Ierusalem alone had the Temple and Pallace royall of Dauid and was called the holy Cittie as the Prophet Esay sheweth cap 52. Put on thy Garments of beautie O Ierusalem thou holie Cittie for henceforth there shal no more come into thee the vncircumcised and the vnclean ver 1 And in his 26. Cap. he saieth The Cittizens of that Cittie are called an holye people redeemed of the Lord. verse 12. And this Prophet Dauid in his 78. Psal singeth The LORD hath chosen the tribe of IVDA the hill of SION whom he loued vers 69. Al those things which are spoken of the earthlye Ierusalem in figure are to be referred vnto Christs Catholike Church which spirituall Cittie the Lord loueth aboue al the dwelling places of Iacob which long ●goe wer shadowes and figurers things temporall by which notwithstanding the heauenly Cittie of Christians euer during was here shadowed verse 2 Verye excellent thinges are spoken of thee thou Cittie of God alwaies IF we learne this verse aright we shal moreouer recite y ● Article of the Catholike Church in the Simbole of our Créede daily not vainely and without faith For the Church is
haue pleasure in thy beautie ibidem verses 9 and 11 Of this City saith the Lord I will be a wall of fire round about her and wil be the Glorie in the middest of her Zach. 2. In Sion wil I giue saluation and my glory vnto Israell Esa 46. vers 13. The vineyard of the Lord. Esa 5. vers 1 The Sister of Christ Canti● 5. vers 1. My Doue is alone and my vndefiled Cap 6. vers 8. The Garden enclosed a Spring shutivp and a Fountaine sealed vp Cantic 4. verse 12 An Orcharde of Poungranets with sweet fruites c. Cantic 4. vers 14. The peculier people of Cod and folowers of good works 2. Titus ve 14. A Sprituall House 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 9. A holy Priesthood 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 9. A Chosen Generation 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 9. A Royall Priesthood 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 9. A Holy Nation 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 9. A People which haue come out of darknesse into light 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 9. The Heritage of God Esay cap. 19. Of this Cittie it is saide I will make an euerlasting couenant with you euen the sure mercies of Daui●d my faith seruant Esay 60. The Nation and Kingdome which wil not serue thee shal perish from the earth Esay 60. I will giue my lawe in their inwarde partes and write it in their heartes and I will be their God and they shall be my people Ieremy 31. verse 33. And they shall all knowe me from the least to the greatest and I wil forgiue their iniquity and remember their sinnes no more verse 34. But to knowe GOD is eternall life Iohn 17. The Lord buildeth SION Psal 102 vers 16. In SION is the Lords name declared and his praise in Ierusalem ibidem vers 21. The blessed of my Father Math. 25. For whom the kingdome of God is prepared from the beginning of the world vers 34. The Chlldrē of God Hosea 1. Iohn 1 Galat 3. phil 2. The Heires nf Christ and Co-heires with Christ Rom. 8. The fellow-Citizens with the Saints The housholde seruants of God Ephes 2 vers 19. The Vessels of glorie Rom 9. vers 23. As Lights shining in the world 2 phi verse 25. Iuda and Israell Hosea 1. Rom. 2. and 9. Which names are full of misteries The Children of promise Gallat 3. vers 29. 4. and 28. The Children of SARA the free woman Gal. 4 vers 31. The Church builded vpon the Rock against which the Gates of Hell shall not preuaile Math. 16. ver 18. Called Christians as of the Lord Christ Act. 11. vers 26. The seed of Abraham Gal 3. vers 29. The kingdome euerlasting of the Messias Abdias cap. 1. ver 21. 2. Pet. 1. The brethren of Christ Psal ar The holy ones Rom. 1. The new man Ephes 2. New Creature in Christ Gal. 6. A Garland of glory shalt thou be in the hande of the Lord and a royal Diadem in the handes of thy God Esa 62. vers 3. And thou shalt be called Hiphzibah that is My delight is in thee vers 4. Of her it is said by the Prophet Esay cap 54 Feare not for thou shalt not be a shamed neither shalt thou be confounded vers 4. For a momēt in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with euerlasting mercie haue I had compassion on thee saith the Lorde thy Redeemer vers 8. My mercy shall not depart from thee neither shall the couenant of my peace fall away saith the Lord that hath compassion on thee vers 10. Of her againe Esay 60. I will make thee an eternall glorie and a ●●y from Generation to Generation vers 15. Thou shalt call Saluation thy Wa les and Praise thy Gates vers 18. The Lord shal be thine euerlasting light vers 20. Iuda shall be saued and Israell shall dwell safely Ieremy 23. vers 6. And in Esay againe cap 49. Though a woman for get her Childe yet will not I forget thee O SION vers 15. Beholde I haue grauē thee vpon the palm of mine hands thy walles are euer in my sight vers 16. Briefly out of Sion was the true Messias and Sauiour of Israel looked for as Dauid singeth in the 14. Psal Who shal giue saluation out of SION vnto Israell vers 7. And S. PAVLE saieth Rom. 11. Out of SION shall hee come which shall deliuer c. vers 29. And GOD by his seruants the Prophets Apostles throughout al y ● Scriptures hath spoken glorious thinges in figures and euident promises For shee hath Promises of this present life and of the life to come 1. Tim 4. After this maner hath the gréeke text as in Latine de te of thée But the true meani●● of y e Hebrue hath in te in thée this preiudiceth nothing to vs for both are true Those excellent things which I haue made mencion off are spoken of the Church by the Prophets and Apostles and in the Church For what other thing are they but sacred holy misteries of the Gospell touching euerlasting life saluation which surely are dailie preached and sounded foorth both of the Church and in the Church that by hearing of so great matters faith might come vnto vs and by Faith Justification and Saluation The Hebrue text addeth Selah which S. Ierome translateth Semper alwaies For the Church as a Bride glorious in her Husband shal euermore be preached off glorious things shal be spoken of her and in her shall be continually sung the ineffable glorie of the euerlasting grace of God in Christ our Lord. And so the Iewes for the most parte interpret the word Selah for euerlasting like as it is euident in their Epitaphes as the Iewish Epitaph is in Hebrue at Basill His soule continue in Paradice Amen Amen Amen For euer and euer For it is vnderstood by that verse in the 84. Psalme They shall praise thee for euer and euer And so likewise by Thargus the Hebrue writer vpon this 87. Psalme Rabbi Aben Ezra expoundeth it for trueth or truelie Dauid Kimhi writeth that it is a token of lifting vp the voice in this Psalme from the roote to lift vp So as indéed by this persuasion the cogitaciō of y e mind is moued ernestly to way cōsider a great matter for in this place it is a worthy little verse to the meditation wherof all the powers of the minde may be profoūdly and earnestly moued For our matter is now in making wee are that Church the excellent Cittie of God cōcerning which so glorious things are spoked off Al which things are promised and surelye giuen vs from God in Christ For so greate and vnspaakeable are they that the Prophet Esay and the Apostle Paule write of these That for them which loue God such thinges are prepared which neither eie hath seene nor eare hath hard neither yet the heart of man conceiued Esa 64. 1 Cor. 2. Now let vs