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A85452 America painted to the life. A true history of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts, with a perfect relation of our English discoveries ... 1628. to 1658. declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customes, military disciplines, warres with the Indians, the commodities of their countries, a description of their townes, and havens, the increase of their trading with the names of their governours and magistrates. More especially an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations of our English in New-England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges .... Publisht ... by his grand-child Ferdinando Gorges Esquire, who hath much enlarged it and added severall accurate descriptions of his owne. Gorges, Ferdinando, Sir, 1556?-1647.; Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. 1658 (1658) Wing G1300; Thomason E969_3 181,058 245

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people after their long Voyage were many of them troubled with the Scurvy and some of them died the first station they tooke up was at Charles Towne where they pitched some Tents of Cloath other built them small Huts in which they lodged their Wifes and Children The first beginning of this worke seemed very dolorous First for the death of that worthy personage Izaac Johnson Esq whom the Lord had indued with many pretious gifts insomuch that he was had in high esteeme among all the people of God and as a chiefe Pillar to support this new erected building He very much rejoyced at his death that the Lord had been pleased to keepe his eyes open so long as to see one Church of Christ gathered before his death at whose departure there was not onely many weeping eyes but some fainting hearts fearing the fall of the present worke For future Remembrance of him mind this Meeter Izaac Johnson Esquire beloved of Christ and his people and one of the Magistrates of New England WHat mov'd thee on the Seas upon such toyle with Lady taking Christs drawing love all strength 's above when way for his hee 's making Christ will have thee example be honoured with 's graces yeilding His Churches aid foundation laid now new one Christ a building Thy Faith Hope Love Joy Meeknesse prove improved for thy Lord As he to thee to people be in Government accord Oh! people why doth Christ deny this worthies life to lengthen Christ onely trust Johnsons turnd dust and yet hee 's crownd and strengthend The griefe of this people was further increased by the sore sicknesse which befell among them so that almost in every Family Lamentation Mourning and woe was heard and no fresh food to be had to cherish them it would assuredly have moved the most lockt up affections to Teares no doubt had they past from one Hut to another and beheld the p●teous case these people were in and that which added to their present distresse was the want of fresh water for although the place did afford plenty yet for present they could finde but one Spring and that not to be come at but when the tide was downe which caused many to passe over to the South-side of the River where they afterward erected some other Townes yet most admirable it was to see with what Christian courage many of these Souldiers of Christ carried it amidst all these calamities and in October the Governour Deputy and Assistants held their second Court on the South-side of the River Where they then began to build holding correspondency with Charles Towne as one and the same At this Court many of the first Planters came and were made free yet afterward none were admitted to this fellowship or freedome but such as were first joyned in fellowship with some one of the Churches of Christ their chiefest aime being bent to promote his worke altogether The number of Freemen this yeare was 110. or thereabout CHAP. XVIII Of the second Church of Christ gathered at Charles Towne in the Mattacusets Bay 1631. AND now the new-come Souldiers of Christ strengthen themselves in him and gather a Church at Charles Towne whose extent at present did reach to both sides of the River and in very little time after was divided into two Churches the Reverend and judicious Mr. John Wilson was called to be Pastor thereof a Man full of Faith Courage and Zeale for the truth of Christ persecuted and hunted after by the usurping Prelates and forced for present to part from his indeared Wife yee honoured by Christ and made a powerfull instrument in his hands for the cutting downe of Error and Schisme as in the sequell of this History will appeare in whose weakenesse Christs power hath appeared The Grave and Reverend Mr. John Wilson now Pastor of the Church of Christ at Soston in New England JOhn VVilson will to Christs will submit In Wildernesse where thou hast Trialls found Christ in new making did compose thee fit And made thy Love zeale for his truth abound Then it 's not Wilson but Christ by him hath Error cut down when it o'retopping stood Thou then ' Gainst it didst shew an holy wrath Saving mens soules from this o're-flowing floud They thee deprave thy Ministrey dispise By thy thick utterance seeke to call Men back From hearing thee but Christ for thee did rise And turnd the wheel-right over them to crack Yea caused thee with length of dayes to stand Steadfast in 's house in old Age fruit to bring I and thy seed raise up by his comman● His Flock to feed rejoyce my Muse and sing That Christ doth dust regard so plentiously Rich gifts to give and heart to give him his Estate and person thou spends liberally Christ thee and thine will Crown with lasting Blisse This as the other Churches of Christ began with a small number in a desolate and barren Wildernesse which the Lord in his wonderfull mercy hath turned to fruitfull Fields VVherefore behold the present condition of these Churches compared with their beginnings as they sowed in teares so also have they Reaped in joy and shall still so go on if plenty and liberty marre not their prosperity This Towne of Charles is situated one the North-side of Charles River from whence it tooke its Name the River being about five or six fathom deepe Over against the Town many small Islands lieing to the Seaward of it and Hills one either side By which meanes it proves a very good harbor for Ships which hath caused many Sea-men and Merchants to sit downe there the forme of this Towne in the frontice piece thereof is like the Head Neck and Shoulders of a Men onely the pleasant and Navigable River of Mistick runs through the right shoulder thereof and by its neare approach to Charles River in one place makes a very narrow neck by which meanes the chiefe part of the Towne whereon the most building stands becomes a Peninsula it hath a large Market-place neer the water side built round with Houses comly and faire forth of which there issues two streetes orderly built with some very faire Houses beautified with pleasant Gardens and Orchards the whole Towne consists in its extent of about 150. dwelling Houses Their meeting house for Sabbath assembly stands in the Market-place very comly built and large the Officers of this Church are at this day one Pastor and one Teacher one Ruling Elder and three Deacons the number of Soules are about 160. wonderfull it is to see that in so short a time such great alterations Christ should worke for these poore people of his their Corne Land in Tillage in this Towne is about 1200. Acres their great Cattell are about 400. head Sheepe neare upon 400. as for their horse you shall hear of them God willing when we come to speak of their Military Discipline CHAP. XIX Of the Third Church of Christ gathered at Dorchester 1631. THe third Church of Christ gathered under this
out and for the Lords assisting them against their witchery yet have they as is supposed bewitched not a few persons among whom two of the reverend Elders children These people inhabiting this Town having gathered into a Church-body called to the office of a Pastor the reverend M. Moxon who remaineth with them at this very day of whom as followeth AS thou with strong and able parts art made Thy person stout with toyl and labour shall With help of Christ through difficulties wade Then spend for him spare not thy self at all When errors crowd close to thy self and friends Take up truths sword trifle not time for why Christ call'd his people hither for these ends To tell the world that Babels fall is nigh And that his Churches through the world shall spread Maugre the might of wicked men and devils Then Moxon thou need'st not at all to dread But be aveng'd on Satan for his evils Thy Lord Christ will under thy feet him tread This year the great troubles in our native country encreaseing and that hearing prophane Esau had mustered up all the Bands he could make to come against his brother Iacob these wandering race of Jacobites deemed it now high time to implore the Lord for his especial aid in this time of their deepest distress and the rather being incouraged hereunto from former deliverances and wonderful mercies received the which they now presented before the Lord with the several branches and inlarged bounties thereof to refresh their frozen affections and move a melting heart in their barren brests that began to dry up with a lazy lethargy and therefore thrusting themselves on to the work by the loving invitation of that godly Government the Lord in his mercy had peaceably placed among them each Church in their own proper place meeting together in daies of solemn seeking of the Lords pleasing countenance in Christ the Lord in his mercy helping them after a serious acknowledgment of their own unworthiness by reason of their sinful provocations of the Lord to anger against them aggravated in that they were committed immediately upon the receipt of a multitude of marvellous mercies they acknowledg unto the Lord in the audience of the great Congregation the manner of his wonderful providence extended toward them that as Iacob professes I came over this Jordan with my staff and now have I gotten two Bands so they came over this boysterous billow-boyling Ocean a few poor scattered stones newly raked out of the heaps of rubbish and thou Lord Christ hast now so far exalted them as to lay them sure in thy Sion a building to be the wonder of the world orderly are they placed in five and forty several Churches and that in a Wilderness where civility scarce ever took place much less any Religion and now to the Lord earnestly they cry to be delivered from the cruel hands of those that would destroy both young and old the bird and her young together and as Iacobs fear was the seed of Christs Church in the posterity of Israel should be cut off and therefore pleaded the promise of the Lord in the multiplying of his seed so these people at this very time pleaded not only the Lords promise to Israel but to his only Son Christ Jesus Lord hast thou not said Ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost ends of the earth for thy possession and now Lord are not these the Churches of Christ which thou hast planced for his possession and that as Rachel and Leah built the house of Israel so now shall these and the like Sister-churches spread the whole earth the Lord Christ raigning as King and Lord for ever over them Then why do the Heathen rage and the people imagin a vain thing seeing the rime of the Lords arising to have mercy upon Sion is come ●ea his appointed time is at hand and he who walks in the midst of his golden Candlesticks whose eys are as a flaming fire will not suffer his Churches to be trodden under feet of that Antichristian Lordly prelacy any longer nor yet defiled with any transformed Saint-seeming Angels of light with their painted doctrines Thus did this poor people plead with the Lord not only for themselves but for their dearly beloved brethren in England I and all that are Christs chosen people the world throughout and although they were not unmindful from day to day of them yet this year 1645. the Lord was pleased to stir up their affections in more then an ordinary manner what success their prayers have had let all that love and long to behold the beauty of Christ shining on and in his beloved Bride declare the loving kindness of the Lord toward his Churches and let all the Churches of Christ though never so ●● more the one from the other yet joyned together in one ●hith and one Christ be frequent in prayer one for another ●ongregate together at the Throne of the Lord be present in ●pirit though absent in body these Mew-England Churches ●●● neer one hundred miles distant one from another and yet communicate counsel care love joy grieve with and for ●ne another dismiss some and commend others as occasi●n serves to the Christian care and watchfulness from one Church to another and why may not this be practised the world throughout even from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum CHAP. III. Of the opposition the Government of the Mattachusets Colony met withal by certain persons under the name of Petitioners IN place of Governor was chosen for this year Iohn Winthrop Esquire and for Deputy Governor Thomas Dudly Esquire the number of freemen were about 72. At the Court of Election there was a Petition drawn and presented to the Court by a Doctor of Physick with seven hands to it the persons were of a Linfiwolsie disposition some for Prefacy some for Presbytery and some for Pl●bsbytery but all joyned together in the thing they would which was to stir up the people to dislike of the present Government one while envving against the constitution of the Government as not popular enough another while against the Laws or orders of this little Common-wealth as two strict and then to provoke at least the p●●●●●ous they tell them of great expence of the publike Treasury and intolerable taxations the matter they petitioned for was a bottom to build their quarrel upon under the name of a Presbyterian Government and this they supposed would suit well with their Bill of complaint which they intended for England not that they cared for a Presbyterian Church for had they so done they might have found out one in the country before they petitioned but because they supposed that the Parliament in England would establish that way only and therefore bore themselves bold upon it that although their seditious and scandalous words and practises should incur a penalty as none could deem any other unless it be such as are all for
allay their spirits of malignity toward his people they gathered in a Church in presence of the very governour himself and called to office one Mr. Harrison who could not long continue among them by reason of their fresh renewed malignity who had formerly an evill eye toward them and could no better refraine from oppressing them then Pharoah after he had rest from the plagues under which he was After the departure of Mr. Harrison one Mr. Duren became an help unto them but he and his people also were forced to remove many hundred miles up into the country where they now remain but assuredly the Lord hath more scourges in store for such as force the people to such sufferings and therefore let this Church of Christ continue in the way of his truth according to the rules of his Gospel and without doubt the Lord will preserve and continue them let the adversaries of his Truth be never so potent As also about this time the Lord was pleased to gather a people together in the Isle of Bermoodas whose hearts being guided by the rule of the word they gathered into a Church of Christ according to the rules of the Gospel being provided with able persons indued with gifts from the Lord to administer unto them the holy things of God and after they began to be opposed their reverend elder Mr. Goulding came into these parts and from hence he went to England but this little flock of Christ not long after being banished from thence went to one of the Southern Islands where they endured much hardship and which the Churches of Christ in these parts understanding about six or eight of them contributing toward their want gathered about 800 l. to supply their necessity the which they shipped in a small vessell hired for that end and sent by the hands of two brethren both corne and other necessaries they arriving in safety by the blessing of God upon their labours were well welcomed by their brethren who abundantly blessed the Lord for them and with godly and gratious expression returned a thankfull acknowledgement of the present good hand of the Lord Christ in providing for them so that as this book began with the wonderworking providence of Sions Saviour in providing so wonderfull gratiously for his Churches the World throughout so it here endeth with the same and it were to be desired that the Churches of Christ in Europe would gather up the wonderfull providences of the Lord toward them also and more especially those in our native Country for assuredly it would make much for the magnifying of his glorious works in this day of his power and although the malignant and antichristian party may say they can shew the like wonders as Jannes and Jambres that with-stood Moses yet were the worke of Christ for his poor Churches within these few yeers gathered together by some able instrument whom the Lord might be pleased to stir up for that end and laid open the view of all they would be forced to confess this is the very finger of God and no doubt but they would be a great strengthening to the faith of those who are appointed of the Lord for the overthrow of Antichrist the Lord helping for assuredly the time of his having mercy upon Sion is come CHAP. XII Of the time of the fall of Antichrist and the increase of the Gentile Churches even to the prevoking of the twelve Tribes to submit to the kingdom of Christ IT hath been the longing expectation of many to see that notable and wonderfull worke of the Lord Christ in casting down that man of sin who hath held the whole world of those that profess any Christ under his Lordly power while the true professors of Christ have hardly had any appearance to the eye of the world first take notice the Lord hath an assured se● time for the accomplishment of this work which is set down in his word although more darkly to be under stood wherefore the reverend Ministers of Christ for these many yeers have studied and laboured for the finding it out and that holy man of God Mr. John Cotton among many other hath diligently searched for the Lords mind herein and hath declared some sudden blow to be given to this blood-thirsty monster but the Lord Christ hath unseparably joyned the time meanes and manner of this work together and therefore all men that expect the day must attend the means for such hath been and is the absurdity of many that they make semblance of a very zealous affection to see the glorious work of our Lord Christ herein and yet themselves uphold or at least side with those that uphold some part of Antichrists kingdome and therefore the lordly Prelacy may pray for his fall till their lungs are spent and their throats grow dry But while they have a seeming shew and hardly that to oppose his doctrines they themselves in the mean time make use of his power to advance themselves to honour a● also in these dayes there are divers desperate blasphemous and erronious persons whose consciences and their own self-will are unseparable companions these are very hot in their own apprehensions to prosecute the work but in the mean time they not only batter down the truths of Christ and his own Ordinances and Institutions but also set up that part of Antichrists kingdom which hath formerly had a great blow already even his deceiveable and damnable doctrines for as one badg of the beast is to be sull of blasphemies so are they and these take unto themselves seven spirits worse then the former making the latter and worse then the beginning as this story may testifie and some stories in our native country much more But to come to the time of Antichrists fall and all that expect it may depend upon the certainty of it yea it may be boldly said that the time is come and all may see the dawning of the day you that long so much for it come forth and fight who can expect a victory without a battel the lordly Prelates that boasted so much of these great atcheivements in this work are fled into holes and corners Familists Seekers Antinomians and Anabaptists they are so ill armed that they think it best sleeping in a whole skin fearing that if the day of battell once go on they shall fall among Antichrists Armies and therefore cry out like cowards If you will let me alone and I will let you alone but assuredly the Lord Christ hath said He that is not with us is against us there is no room in his Army for toleratorists But some will say We will never believe the day i● come till our eyes behold Babylon begirt with Souldiers I pray be not too hasty hath not the Lord said Come out of her my people c. surely there is a little space left for this and now is the time seeing the Lord hath set up his standerd of resort now Come forth
in the Field of the enemies of Christs people in point of-Reformation ANd now to follow our first simile of a Souldier the Lord Christ having safely landed many a valiant Souldier of his on these Westerne shores drawes hither also the common enemies to Reformation both in Doctrine and Discipline But it was for like end as the Lord sometime drew Sisera the Captaine of Jabins army to the River Kishon for their destruction onely herein was a wide difference there Sisera was delivered into the hands of a Woman and here Sisera was a woman their weapons and warre was carnall these spirituall there Jabin was but a man here Jabin was the common enemy of mans salvation In the yeare 1636. the Angels of the severall Churches of Christ in N. England sounding forth their silver Trumpets heard ever and anon the jarring sound of ratling Drums in their eares striking up an alarum to the battell it being a frequent thing publikely to oppose the pure and perfect truths of Christ delivered by the mouth of his Ministers and that by way of question as the Pharises Sadduces and Herodians did Christ But to bring this disorderly worke of theirs into some order for assuredly could the Author come up to relate the full of the matter in hand it would through the mercy of Christ make much for the good of Gods people the World throughout and helpe to discover the last I hope but most subtile practises of Satan to hinder the Restauration of the purity of Christs Ordinances in his Churches in all places As also used by him and his instruments to divert the hands of those to whom it belongs from pulling downe Antichrist to which end he stirreth up some of his instruments well educated in the Masking schoole of Hippocrisy to take upon them this long Voyage giving them in charge by all meanes to carry it more close then his Jesuites had done and for their paines they should have the honours to be counted such as were of a sharper fight and deeper discerning then any others Satan knowing right well that at the fall of Antichrist hee must be chained up for a thousand years strives with all the wicked craft his long experienced maliciousnesse could possibly invent to uphold the same having already perswaded many that his Kingdome was wholy ruinated with our English Nation and so diswaded them a long time from further prosecuting against him But Antichrists Kingdome as it plainly appeares by Scripture consists chiefly in two parts his deceaveible Doctrines and his Kingly power The first of these being in measure abolished the latter was still retained by the Prelacy and some Lording Presbytery in greater or lesser measure as they could attaine unto it Now Satan who is daily walking to and fro compassing the Earth seeing how these resolved Souldiers of Christ in New England with indefatigable paines laboured not onely the finall ruine of Antichrist in both but also the advance of Christs Kingdome in seting up daily Churches according to his first institution Wherefore he sets upon a new way to stop if it were possible this worke of Reformation and seeing no other way will serve he stirs up instruments to cry down Antichrist as much as the most I and more too but by this project they should leade people as much out of the way on the other hand and in the Doctrinall part of Antichrists Kingdome fall to more horrid Blasphemies then the Papist as God willing you shall heare some of them did namely the Gortenist who most blasphemously professe themselves to be personally the Christ and as for the other part of his Kingdome namely the power or Dominion of the beast this they should with all violence batter downe also but it must be none other then to make way for their owne exaltation and pay them their wages in the former page promised them as also withall to overthow the authority Christ hath ordained to be continued in his Churches in and under him and furthermore to lock up the Sword of Civill Government for ever especially in matters that concerne the foure first Commands of God a cunning way to save the beasts head whole You have now heard of the intention you shall now see their actions The Lord Christ in his boundlesse mercy give all his people eyes to see and hearts to believe that after they have in measure escaped the filthy pollutions of the beast they may not againe be intangled with these damnabled Doctrines stealing away their hearts by degrees under a seeming shew of pulling down Antichrist The Embassadors of Christ Jesus having full liberty to deliver their masters minde Preach unto all the Doctrine of Free grace beseeching them to be reconciled unto God in Christ and that the revealed will of God is that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and that God hath given his onely begotten Son That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life Yet withall minding them that Faith is the gift of God and none can come unto Christ but such as the Father drawes and withall that the whole will not see any need of the Phisicians but the sick adding also that none can come to the sight of his sicknesse or dead condition but by the Law of God unlesse they be quicker sighted then the Apostle They indevour also to build up others in their holy Faith that they might come to see the Love of God in Christ which passeth knowledge and to this end they shew them the fruits of Faith which worketh by love and that love will be obedient to all the commands of Christ who saith if you love me keepe my Commandements And further that Faith purifies the heart and that a constant supply must be had from Christ With these and the like sound and wholsome truths the Ministers of Christ feeds their severall flocks in New England drawing their Doctrines plainly from their Text and substantially backing them with store of Scripture and undeniable reason and then delivering to every Man his portion But this good old way would not serve the turne with certaine Sectaries that were hither come who like cunning Sophisters seeing the bent of the peoples hearts after so many mercies received was to magnifie the rich Grace of God in Christ they began to tell the people yet very privately that the most if not all the Ministers among them Preached a Covenant of workes either course or fine and with a what doe you say to this They begin to spread their Errors and Herefies laying the foundation of them as nere the truth as possible they can the easier to deceive but in the prosecution to be sure they ran far enough from it but to begin First they quarrell with the Doctrine of Faith in Christ and say a Soule is justified without it CHAP. XL. Of the cunning policy of Satan in that machevillian Principle divide and overcome and of the two first dividing
proud of this thy exaltation For thou wast dung and dogs filth when Christ wrought In thee his work and set thee in this station To stand from him thy strength is dayly brought Yet in him thou shalt go triumphant on Not thou but Christ triumphs his foes upon You people whom he by the hand did lead 〈…〉 Seas with watry wall Apply your selves his Scriptures for to read In reading do for eyes enlightned call And you shall see Christ once being come is now Again at hand your stubborn hearts to bow Though scattered you Earths Kingdoms are throughout In bondage brought cheife by those make some shew Of Jewish rights they Christ with you cast out Christ well their Cords for you in sunder hew Through unbeliefe you were to bondage brought Believe that Christ for you great work hath wrought He will your heart not member circumcise Oh search and see this is your Jesus sure Refuse him not would God you were so wise None but this King can ought your hope procure Once doting on an Earthly Kingdom you Mist of your Christ be sure be wiser now The day 's at hand he will you wiser make To know Earths Kingdoms are too scant and base For such a price as Christ paid for your sake Kings you shall be but in a higher place Yet for your freedom Nations great shall fall That without fear of foes him serve you shall You are the men that Christ will cause subdue Those Turkish Troops that joyned Jews have been His Gentile Churches cast down Babels crue Then you that brood of Mahumetts shall win Destroy his seed ' mongst Persians Turkes and Moores And for poor Christians ope the Prison doors Your Nation prov'd too scant for his possession Whose pretious blood was made a price for sin And Nations all who were in like transgression Some of the whole Christ to his Crown will win And now makes way for this his work indeed That through the world his Kingdom may proceed Now Nations all I pray you look about Christ comes you neer his power I pray embrace In 's word him seek he 's found without all doubt He doth beseech with teares Oh seek his face Yet time there is the Battel 's but begun Christ call thy folke that they to thee may run Place them in thy strong Armies newly gather'd Thy Churches Lord increase and fill withall Those blessed ones are given thee by thy Father The wickeds Rod off from their backs recall Breake off their yokes that they with freedom may Tell of thy workes and praise thee every day Lord Christ go on with thy great wonders working Down headlong cast all Antichristian power Vnmaske those men that lye in corners lurking Whose damned doctrines dayly s●ates advance For why thy Folke for this are dayly longing That Nations may come in thy Churches thronging What greater joy can come thy Saints among Then to behold their Christ exalted high Thy Spirits joy with ravishment stirs strong Thy Folke while they thy Kingdomes glory eye Angels rejoyce because their waiting is In Saints assembly where thy name they bliss Thy workes are not in Israels Land confined From East to West thy wondrous works are known To Nations all thou hast thy grace assigned Thy spirits breathings through the World are blown All Languages and tongues do tell thy praise Dead hear thy voyce them thou dost living raise Oh blessed dayes of Son of Man now seen You that have long'd so sore them to behold March forth in 's might and stoutly stand between The mighties sword and Christs dear flocke infold Vndanted close and clash with them for why ' Gainst Christ they are and he with thee stands by No Captive thou nor Death can on thee seize Fight stand and live in Christ thou dayly dost He long ago did lead as Captives these And ever lives to save thee where thou goest His Father still and Spirit shall with thee Abide and crowne thy Head with lasting glee For thy words sake and according to thine own heart hast thou done all these great things to make thy servant know them 2 Sam. 7. 21. FINIS Courteous Reader These Books following are Printed for Nathaniel Brooke and are to be sold at his Shop at the Angel in Cornehill 1. TImes Treasury or Academy for Gentry excellent grounds both Divine and humane for their accomplishment in arguments of discourse habit fashion with a Ladies love-Lecture and Truths triumph summing up all in a character of Honour by Ri. Braithwait Esq 2. Morton of the Sacrament in folio 3. Physiogmony and Chiromancy Metoposcopy the Symmetricall proportions and signall Moles of the body the subject of Dreames to which is added the Art of Memory by Ri. Sanders Student folio 4. Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum containing severall poeticall peeces of our famous English Philosophers which have written the Hermetique misteries in their antient Language by Elias Ashmole Esq 5. Chiromancy or the Art of Divining by the lines engraven in the hand of man by dame Nature Theologically practically in 19. Genitures with a learned discourse of the soul of the World and universall spirit thereof by Geo. Wharton Esq 6. Catholick History collected and gathered out of Scripture Councels and antient Fathers Moderne writers both ecclesiasticall and civill in answer to Dr. Vane's Lost Sheep returned home by Ed. Chiseuhall Esq 7. Planometria or the whole Art of Survey of Land shewing the use of all Instruments but especially the plain Table whereunto is added an Appendix to measure regular Solids as Timber Stone usefull for all that intend either to sell or purchase 8. An Arithmetick in number and species in two Books 1. Teaching by precept and example the operation in Numbers whole and broken by Decimals and use of the Logarithms Napyers bones 2. The great Rule of Algebra in Species resolving all Arithmeticall questions by supposition with a Canon of the powers of numbers fitted to the meanest capacity by Jonas Moore late of Durham 8. 9. Tactometrica or the Geometry of Regulars after a new exact and expeditious manner in Solids with sundry usefull experiments Practicall Geometry of Regular-like Solids and of a Cylinder body for liquid vessell measure with sundry new experiments never before extant for gauging a work very usefull for all that are imployed in the Art Metrical by John Wiberd Doctor in Physick 10. An Astrologicall discourse with Mathematicall Demonstrations proving the powerfull and harmonicall influence of the Planets and fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies in justification of the Validity of Astroligy by Sir Christopher Heydon Knight 11. Magick and Astrology vindicated in which is contained the true definitions of the said Arts and the justification of their practise proved by the authority of Scripture and the experience of antient and modern Authors by H. Warren 12. An Astrologicall judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the ficke also the way of finding out the cause change and end of a disease also whether the sick be