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A81085 The little horns doom & dovvnfall or A scripture-prophesie of King James, and King Charles, and of this present Parliament, unfolded. Wherein it appeares, that the late tragedies that have bin acted upon the scene of these three nations: and particularly, the late Kings doom and death, was so long ago, as by Daniel pred-eclared [sic]. And what the issue of all will be, is also discovered; which followes in the second part. By M. Cary, a servant of Jesus Christ. Cary, Mary. 1651 (1651) Wing C737; Thomason E1274_1; ESTC R210569 159,322 385

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Would live in peace and quietness but he Opposed that and would not let it be But War against the Saints did make that so He might them all destroy and overthrow But now he is destroy'd himself and as He did delight in blood ev'n so blood was Giv'n him to drink are you ev'n you so far From singing songs of praise as that you are Offended at this thing as if you were Of Rome her ruine unwilling to hear O let it not of you of you be said But now do you remember how you 've pray'd Against the Beast the Whore and all the Crew Of their adherents that support them do And give not all the world just cause to say You are not as you were the other day But that whereas you did both pray and fight Against that wicked Crew with all your might You now oppose 〈◊〉 the Saints in the Land Who do unto those first Principles stand Which were for to oppose King Queen and all That did support the Whore that down must fall Which they do still pursue unto the end And wholly unto that their counsels tend But if you will now shew your selves to be The sons of Sion then let all men see That you repent of your evils in that You Camels swallow'd have and at a Gnat Have strained when with foes you have joyned And true Saints have oppos'd because they did Not close with you in ev'ry circumstance And thing that was of lesser consequence But if you do persist herein surely You shall be made ashamed in that day When God shall justly judge between you and His other faithful people in the Land Who always have desir'd your happiness And eke also your liberty and peace If peaceably you would have lived in The place or Nation where you have bin But those that have been medling peace to break Have themselves into trouble put their neck But now if that henceforth you shall no more Support the Beast nor helpers of the Whore But hearts and hands shall joyn with them that do Oppose the enemies of Christ and do Give up themselves to wait upon the Lord And him to serve according to his Word Then upon you shall mercy be and peace And all the Israel of God these days FINIS POSTSCRIPT HAving often referred the Reader in this book unto that intitled The Resurrection of the Witnesses I shall here desire the Reader to take notice That in the last line of pag. 81. in that Book he is for The reign of Phocas the Emperour to reade the reign of Arcadius and Honorius the Emperours There being in that Book a mistake of the Emperours name by reason of a trusting to memory and neglecting to consult the history about it but no mistake of the time for that 's most evident That in the yeer 404 Innocentius being made Bishop of Rome he then first usurped the Papal power and advanced the See of Rome above all other and would have it to be judged by none And presently upon this began the Saints to be persecuted and deprived of their liberties For Innocentius was the first that drove the Novations out of Rome and deprived them of many Churches as witnesses Socrates lib. 7. ch 8. And those that were Novations were the most truly religious people in those times as appears by the several testimonies Historians give of them I will cite but one expression that Socrates hath concerning them lib. 4. chap. 9. The Arrians abhorred them says he because they loved intirely such as embraced the Faith of one substance Those that embraced the Faith of one substance were they that believed the Son of God to be very God and of one substance with the Father and these the Novations loved intirely says Socrates In many other things they are by Historians discovered to be truly religious And these and all that purely professed the truths of Christ from this yeer 404 began to be persecuted and troden under foot by the Popish crew Thus much I thought good here to insert to correct that mistake in the first impression of those books There are two or three other faults escaped in printing but they being not material I shall not trouble the Reader with the mention of them FINIS
of so understanding it but it is usuall in the Scripture to account a day for a yeere and of more then so of necessity we may not understand it because the holy Ghost hath here so many emphaticall expressions to set out the suddennesse of it as that it shall be sudden beyond what hath been heard of Who hath heard such a thing And that it shall be done so suddenly as that those usuall preparations that do precede the same worke in others shall scarcely appeare in this and so sudden that Sion her selfe is as it were astonished at the thoughts of it and looks on it as that which she cannot imagine how it came to passe so that we may rather take liberty to conclude that it shall be indeed done in a naturall ordinary day then to conceive that it shall be more than a yeare which is a Propheticall day a doing for then it would not be so miraculous if it should be yeares a doing but miraculous and unheard of it shall be for the suddennesse of it As soone as Sion travelled she brought forth and a Nation is borne at once By which Nation as we may no doubt understand the Nation of the Jews so may we unquestionably also be perswaded that the fulnesse of the Gentiles which is to come in with them and upon their comming in is herein also included and not at all to be excluded for the Scripture speakes as fully every where for the bringing in of the Gentiles by multitudes in these latter daies as for the Conversion of the Jewes But here some may object and say it is true indeed the Gentiles may not bee here excluded for for any thing appeares to us it is the Gentiles onely that are here spoken of and wee know no ground you have to speake particularly of the bringing in of the Nation of the Jewes any more then they have been brought in already at the first preaching of the Gospel when the partition wall was broken downe between Jewes and Gentiles and both were equally alike received into the favour of God and made heires of life by Jesus Christ Yea even some of those who had crucified and slain him and they being then some of them converted were all one with the Gentiles and for the most part of them being now mixed among the Gentiles probably when the Gospell is preached to all Nations they may bee converted among the Gentiles without any distinction from the Gentiles To which I answer that though it be true that the partition wall is broken downe * The objections against the Iewes conversion removed that was between Jewes and Gentiles and both were equally alike received into the favour of God and made heires of life by Jesus Christ and wee are all one in Jesus Christ the Gentiles in uncircumcision are saved as well as the Jews in their circumcision For * Rom. 2. 28 29. hee is not a Jew that is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but hee is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God I say though this bee an undoubted truth and that many of the Jewes in the first preaching of the Gospel were converted and not their externall priviledges in being Israelites obtained that mercy of comming to the knowledge of Christ but the election obtained it as the Apostle expresses it Rom. 11. 7. And as there were in Elijahs time seven thousand that had not bowed the knee to Baal though few were visible to Elijah so saies Paul that in his time there were a remnant of the Jewes according to the election of grace that were saved ver 4 5. of which number himselfe was one being an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the Tribe of Benjamin verse first and he withall grants that the small remnant according to the election of Grace being saved the rest were blinded and had a spirit of slumber upon them as verses 7 8. I say though these things bee so yet certaine it is that the Jewes shall bee distinctly cal'd in these latter daies and this appeares here in this eleventh of the Romans for at the eleven and twelve verses Paul thus expresses himselfe I say then have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid It is as if hee had said have they so stumbled that they should fall so as not to rise againe God forbid How then doe they fall and how are they stumbled May it bee said to Paul Why saies hee God forbid that in stumbling they should have such a fall as not to rise any more No it is not so but through their fall salvation is come to the Gentiles and the Gentiles are thereby received into the favour of God and made heires of the promises and of the priviledges and prerogatives that are by Jesus Christ and they are become the sonnes and daughters and people of the living God What then is this done to exclude those Jewes who are fallen through unbeliefe from ever being received into favour againe No for saies the Apostle through their fall salvation is come to the Gentiles For what end To provoke the Jewes to jealousie so that there is a time to come in which by beholding the glorious estate in which the Gentiles are by Jesus Christ the Jewes shall bee provoked to jealousie And now then saies the Apostle if the fall of them bee the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fulnesse It is as if the Apostle had said by the fall of the Jewes salvation is come to the Gentiles But this shall bee the fruit of the Gentiles conversion the Jewes shall at last bee thereby provoked to jealousie when this spirit of slumber is removed from them which now is on them verse 8. And when they have received a seeing eye and a hearing eare again then they shall bee provoked to jealousie and beholding the salvation and glory of the Gentiles they shall bee moved with emulation against the Gentiles envying as it were that they should enjoy that happinesse and glory which they have lost and which did belong to them and which was in the first place offered to them But ô what indignation will they have against themselves for their great sin in rejecting their Lord and Saviour and then saies the Apostle when they shall come in the glory of the Gentiles will bee much augmented For saies he If the fall of them be the riches of the World and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fulnesse And at the 15 verse and so on the Apostle doth again cleerly affirm that those fallen Jews shall be againe restored and positively saies that blindnesse in part is hapned to Israel until the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in and so all Israel that is that
and chosen and faithful ones those first-fruits whom he hath now called forth and engaged in his works shall having the Spirit of their Lord upon them do according to his ensample first * What course the Armies of the Saints under J●sus Christ first will take with the Nations or ten Kingdoms offer peace and publish the cleer light of Gospel to them that if possible they might be that way won I say if any of the ten Kings shall this way be brought in they wil doubtless be very acceptable to Christ And who knows whether or no the Lamb may overcome some of them this way Whether Spain and other kingdoms may not be so gained to Christ and made to hate the whore But if not so then will he deal with those that are implacable of them in the way of his justice and overcome them I mean those of them that are implacable for some of them shall hate the whore when they are overcome in his wrath and sore displeasure as he hath already done with those that in maintenance of the beast stood it out against him making his people to execute upon them the judgement written for overcome them he will Of Romes ruine And thus having shewn how that the Lamb will overcome the ten Kings and that about that time when some or all the ten Kings or kingdoms are overcome and made to hate the whore the Gospel shall be universally preached all the world over I now come to shew that when the Lord Christ hath thus in larged his kingdom and diminished the kingdom of the beast he shall then go on to cause his people those especially of the ten kingdoms to go on in their work of breaking down the strength of the beast and bringing it to nothing that the Lord Christ may be all And in order thereunto they shall be the instruments of the utter ruining of Rome which is that whore mentioned Rev. 17. 1. As appears vers 18. The woman or the whore which thou sawest is that great city which raigneth over the kings of the earth which Rome then did I say the Saints of the ten kingdoms about this time when these things are done shall then be instruments of ruining this whore And this appears Rev. 17. 10. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast these shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire Where it is very cleer that the ten Kings being overcome by the Lamb they shall have such a cleer sight of the light of the Gospel as shall not onely cause them to forsake the principles of darkness that are imbraced by Rome but they shall hate those principles and hate Rome for her filthiness and cursed lewdness and shall manifest their hatred in disrobing her of her strength and glory and pomp with which the text says she is decked Rev. 17. 4. All which they shall take from her and make her naked And shall that be all they will do No for they will not onely make her naked but will eat her flesh will make her destitute not onely of her outward robes of pomp and glory but will eat her very flesh that is they will devour and consume that without which she can as little consist as a man can whose flesh is consumed So that they shall so far manifest their hatred to Rome as they shall reduce her to the greatest straights that can be imagined And shall they leave there No but they shall burn her with fire And that the Saints shall deal thus with her is again expressed in chap. 18. vers 6 7 8. Where the people of God are bid to reward Babylon that is Rome even as she hath rewarded them and double unto her double according to her works in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double how much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her For she saith in her heart I sit a Queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow therefore shall her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her Thus it 's cleer that the Saints in the ten kingdoms shall so hate Rome as they shall plague her make her desolate expose her to great misery and utterly burn her with fire And when this City is thus burnt with fire * Rev. 18. 6. because she hath made her self drunk with the blood of the Saints and the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus and because she hath made all Nations drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornication * vers 2. and the Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and because that when she comes to be destroyed * vers 24. in her will be found the blood of Prophets and of Saints and of all that were slain upon the earth therefore when she comes to be destroyed she shall be made a monument of vengeance as being the most cursed City in the world and therefore it is said that when Babylon is fallen she is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird Rev. 18. 2. And the voice of harpers and musicians and trumpeters shall be heard no more at all in thee no crafts men of whatsoever craft he be shall be found any more in thee And the sound of a milstone shall be heard no more at all in thee and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee for thy merchants were all the great men of the earth for by thy sorceries were all Nations deceived Thus Rome when it is destroyed shall be no more inhabited by the sons of men it is such a cursed City but on the contrary it shall become the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird and the wild beasts of the desart shall lie therein and it shall be full of doleful creatures Owles and Satyrs and Dragons as it is at large exprest Isa 34. 9 10 11 c. And Isa 13. 19 20 c. Thus Rome shall be ruined and over it's ruines shall the Saints rejoyce as Rev. 18. 20. Rejoyce over her thou heaven and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath avenged you on her But her confederates will greatly lament and bewail her As vers 9 10 c. Thus much for Romes ruine Of what is to follow Romes ruine But the enemies of Jesus Christ and his Saints are not wholly ruined when Rome is thus destroyed but many will be left to bewail it and amongst the rest it appears that the Beast viz. the Pope still remains undestroyed for he is one of the last that shall be