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A14186 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meter by Thom. Sternh., Iohn Hopkins, W. Whittingham and others, conferred with the Ebrue with apt notes to singe them withall ; set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after mornyng and euenyng prayer, as also before and after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and co[m]fort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice, and corruptyng of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1578 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570.; Whittingham, William, d. 1579. 1578 (1578) STC 2450.5 159,067 104

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And praysed day and night For with his mercy and his grace All 〈◊〉 he doth inf●ame Throughout all generations To such as feare his name He shewed strength with his great arme And made the proud to start With all imaginations That they bare in their hart He hath put downe the mighty ones From their supernall seate And did exalte the meeke in hart As he hath thought it meete The hungry he replenished With all thinges that were good And through his power he made the rich Oft times to want their foode And calling to rememberaunce His mercy euery deale Hath holpen vp assistantly His seruaunt Israell According to his promise made To Abraham before And to his seede successiuely To stand for euermore ¶ The song of Simeon called Nunc dimi●tis O Lord because my hartes desire hath wished long to see my onely Lord and Sauiour thy sonne before I dye The ioy and health of all mankinde desired long before which now is come into the world of mercy bringing store Thou sufferest thy seruaunt now In peace for to depart According to thy holy word Which lighteneth my hart Because mine eyes which thou hast made To geue my body light Haue now beheld thy sauing health Which is the Lord of might Whom thou mercifully hast set Of thine aboundant 〈◊〉 In open figh● and visible Before all peoples face The Gentiles to illuminate And Sathan ouerquell And eke to be the glo●y of Thy people Israell ¶ The Symbole or Creede of Athanasius called Quicunque vult WHat man soeuer he be that saluation will at taine The Catholicke beliefe he must before all thinges retayne Which fayth vnlesse be ●oly keepe and vndefiledly without all doubt eternally he shal be sure to dye The Catholicke beliefe is this that God we worship one In Trinitie and Trinitye in vnitye alone So as we neither do confound the persons of the three Nor yet the substance whole of one in funder parted be One person of the Father is an other of the Sonne ▪ An other person proper of the holy Ghost alone Of Father Sonne and holy Ghost but one the Godhead is Lyke glory coeternall eke the maiestie lykewise Such as the Father is such is the Sonne in ech degree And such also we do beleue the holy Ghost to be Vncreate is the Father and 〈◊〉 vncreate is the Sonne The holy Ghost vncreate so vncreate is ech one Incomprehensible Father is incomprehensible Sonne And comprehensible also is the holy Ghost of none The Father is eternall and the Sonne eternall sot And in lyke sort eternall is the holy Ghost also And yet though we beleue that ech of these eternall be Yet there but one eternall is and not eternalls three As 〈◊〉 incomprehensible we ne yet vncreats three But one incomprehensible one vncreate hold to be Almighty so the Father is the Sonne almighty so And in lyke sort almighty is the holy Ghost also And albeit that euery one of these almighty be Yet there but one almighty is and not almightyes three The Father God is God the Sonne God holy Ghost also Yet are there not three Gods in all but one God and no moe So lykewise Lord the Father is and Lord also the Sonne And Lord the holy Ghost yet are there not three Lordes but one For as we are compeld to graunt by Christian veritie Ech of the persons by himselfe both God and Lord to be So Catholicke Religion forbiddeth vs alway That either Gods be three or that there Lordes be three to say Of none the Father is ne made ne create nor begot The Sonne is of the Father not create n● made but got The holy Ghost is of them both the Father and the Sonne Ne made ne create nor begot but doth proceede alone So we one Father hold not thre● one Sonne also not three One holy Ghost alone and not three holy Ghostes to be Non● in this Trinitie before nor after other is Ne greater any then the rest ne lesser be lykewise But euery one among themselues of all the persons three Together coeternall all and all coequall be So Vnitie in Trinitie as sayd it is before And Trinitie in Vnitie in all thinges we adore Therefore what man so euer that saluation will attaine This fayth touching the Trinitye of force he must retayne And needfull to eternall lyfe it is that euery wight Of the incarnating of Christ our Lord beleue aright For this the right fayth is that w● beleue and eke be know That Christ our Lord the Sonn● of God is God and man also God of the Fathers substance go● before the world began And of his mothers substaunce borne in world a very man. Both perfect God and perfect man in one 〈◊〉 Iesus Christ That doth of reasonable soule and humaine flesh subs●●t Touching his Godhead equall with his Father God is h● Touching his manhood lower then his Father in degree Who though he be both very God and very man also Yet is he but one Christ alone and is not persons two One not by turning of Godhead into the flesh of man But by taking manhood to God this being one began All one not by confounding of the substance into one But onely by the vnitie that is of one person For as the reasonable s●●le and flesh but one man is So in one person God and man is but one Christ likewise Who suffered for to saue vs all to hell he did descend The third day rose agayne from death to heauen he did ascend He s●●tes at the right hand of God thalmighty Father there From thence to iudge the quicke and dead agayne he shall retire At whose returne all men shall rise with bodies new restorde● And of their owne workes they shall geu● accompt vnto the Lord. And they into eternall life shall go that haue done well Who haue done ill shall go into eternall fire to dwell This is the Catholicke belief who doth not faythfully Beleue the same without all doubt he s●ued can not be To Father Sonne and holy Ghost all glory be therfore As in begin●yng was is now and shal be euermore ¶ The Lamentation of a Sinner O Lord turne not away thy face from him that lyeth prostrate Lamentyng sore his sinnefull life before thy m●rcy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those that do lament the●r sinne shut not that gate agaynst me Lord but let mee enter i● And call me not to myne accompts How I haue liued here For then I know right well O Lord How vile I shall appeare I neede not to confesse my life I am sure thou canst tell What I haue bene and what I am I know thou knowest it well O Lord thou knowest what thinges be past And eke the thinges that bee ▪ Thou knowest also what is to come Nothing is hid from thee Before the heauens and earth were made Thou knewest what thynges were then As all thinges ●ls that haue bene since Among the sonnes of men And can
sayd I if death destroy my dayes Doth dust declare thy maiestye or yet thy truth doth prayse verse 10 Wherfore my God some pitye take O Lord I thee desire Doe not this simple soule forsake of helpe I thee require verse 11 Then didst thou turne my griefe and woe vnto a chearefull voyce The mourning weed thou tookst me fro and madest me to reioyce verse 12 Wherefore my soule vncessantly shall sing vnto thy prayse My Lord my God to thee will I geue laud and thankes alwayes In te Domine psal xxxi I.H. Sing this as the xviij Psalme O Lord I put my trust in thee let nothing worke me shame As thou art iust deliuer me and set me quite from blame verse 2 Heare me O Lord and that ●non● to helpe me Lord make speede Be thou my rock and house of stone my fence in tyme of neede verse 3 For why as stones thy strength is tryde thou art my fort and tower For thy names sake be thou my guide and lead me in thy power verse 4 Pluck forth my fee●e out of the snare which they for me haue layd Thou art my strength and all my care is for thy might and ayde verse 5 Into thy handes Lord I commit my spirite which is thy due For why thou hast redeemed it O Lord thou God most true verse 6 I hate such folke as will ●ot part from thinges to be abhord When they on tri●●es set their hart my trust is in the Lord. verse 7 For I will in thy mercy ioy I see it doth excell Thou seest when ought would me annoy and knowest my soule full well verse 8 Thou hast not left me in their hand that would me ouercharge But thou hast set me out of ba●d to walke abroad at large The second part verse 9 Great grief O Lord doth me assaile some pitie on me take Mine eyes waxe dim my sight doth sayle my wombe for woe doth ake verse 10 My lyfe is worne with griefe and payne my yeares in woe are past My strength is gone and through disdayn● my bones corrupt and wast verse 11 Among my foes I am a scorne my frendes are all dismayd My neighbors and my kinfemen borne to see me are affrayd verse 12 As men once dead are out of minde so am I now forgot As small effect in me they finde as in a broken pot verse 13 I heard the brags of all the rout their threates my minde did fray How they conspired and went about to take my lyfe away verse 14 But Lord I trust in thee for ayde not to be ouer●rod For I confesse and still haue sayd thou art my Lord and God. verse 15 The length of all my lyfe and age O Lord is in thy hand Defend me from the wrathes and rage of them that me withstand verse 16 To me thy seruant Lord expresse and shew thy ioyfull face And saue me Lord for thy goodnes thy mercy and thy grace The third part verse 17 Lord let me not be put to blame for that on thee I call But let the wicked beare their shame and in the graue to fall verse 18 Oh how great good hast thou in store layde vp full safe for them That feare and trust in thee therefore before the sonnes of men verse 19 Thy presence shall them fence and guide from all proud brags and wronges Within thy place thou shalt them hide from all the strife of tongues verse 20 Thankes to the Lord that hath declard on me his grace so farre Me to defend with watch and ward as in a towne of warre verse 21 Thus did I say both day and night when I was sore opprest Loe I was cleane cast out of sight ▪ yet heard●t thou my request verse 22 Ye Saintes loue ye the Lord I say the faythfull he doth guide And to the proud he doth repay according to their pride verse 23 Be strong and God shall stay your hart be bold and haue a lust For sure the Lord will take your part sith ye on him doe trust Beati quorum psal xxxii T.S. Sing this as the xxx Psalme THe man is bl●st whose wickednes ▪ the Lord hath cleane remitted And he whose sinne and wretchednes i● hid and also couered verse 2 And blest is he to whome the Lord imputeth not his sinne Which in his hart hath hid no guile no fraud is found therin verse 3 For whilest that I kept close my sinne in silence and 〈◊〉 My ●●nes did weare and waste away with dayly mone and playnt verse 4 For night and day thy hand on me so greuous was and smart That all my bloud and humors moyst to driues did conuert verse 5 I did therefore confesse my fault and all my sinnes discouer Then thou O Lord didst me forgeue and all my sinnes passe ouer verse 6 The humble man shall pray therefore and seeke thee in due tyme So that the floudes of waters great shall haue no power on him verse 7 When trouble and aduersitie doc compasse me about Thou art 〈◊〉 refuge and my ioy and thou doest rid me out verse 8 Come hether and I shall thee teach how thou shalt worke aright And will thee guide as I my selfe haue learnd by proofe and fight verse 9 Be not so rude and ignorant as is the Horse and Mule Whose mouth without a rayn or bit from harme thou canst not rule verse 10 The wicked man shall manifold sorrowes and griefe sustain But vnto him that trustes in God his goodnes shall remaine verse 11 Be mery therfore in the Lord ye iust lift vp your voyce And ye of pure and perfect hart be glad and eke reioyce Exultate iusti psal xxxiii I.H. ¶ Sing this as the xxx Psalme YE righteous in the Lord reioyce it is a seemely sight That vpright men with thankefull voyce should prayse the God of might verse 2 Prayse ye the Lord with harpe and song in Psalmes and pleasaunt thynges With Lu●e and instrument among that soundeth with ten stringes verse 3 Sing to the Lord a song most new with courage g●ue him prayse verse 4 ●or w●● this word is euer true his workes and all his wayes verse 5 To iudgement equitie and right he hath a right good will And with his 〈◊〉 he doth delight the earth throughout to fill verse 6 For by the word of God alone th● heauens all were wrought Their hoastes and powers euery one his breath to passe hath brought verse 7 The waters great gathered hath he on heapes within the shore And hid them in the depth to be as in an house of store verse 8 All men on earth both least and most scare God and keepe his law Ye that inhabite in eche coast dread him and stand 〈◊〉 ●aw verse 9 What he commaunded wrought it was at once with present speed What he doth will 〈◊〉 brought to passe with full effect in deede verse 10 The councels of the nations rude the Lord doth driue to nought He doth defeat
de a louing God to me Deus repulisti psal lx I.H. ¶ Sing this as the lix Psalme O Lord thou didst vs cleane forsake and scatteredst vs abroad Such great displeasure thou didst take returne to vs O God verse 2 Thy might did moue the land so fore that it in sunder brake The hurt thereof O Lord restore for it doth bow and quake verse 3 With heauy chaunce thou plagest thus the people that are thine And thou hast geuen vnto vs a drinke of deadly wine verse 4 But yet to such as feare thy name a token shall ensue That they may triumph in the same because thy word is true verse 5 So that thy might may keepe and 〈◊〉 thy folke that fauour thee That they thy helpe at band may haue O Lord graunt this to me verse 6 The Lord did speake from his own place this was his ioyfull tale I will deuide Sichem by pace and meete out Succothes vale verse 7 Gilead is geuen to my hand Manasses mine beside Ephraim the strength of all my land my law doth Iuda guide verse 8 In Moab I will washe my feete ouer Edome throw my shoe And thou Palestine oughtst to seeke for fauour me vnto verse 9 But who will bring me at this tide vnto the Citie strong Or who to Edome will me guide so that I go not wrong verse 10 Wilt thou my God which didst forsake thy folke their land and coastes Our wares in hand thou wouldest not take nor walke among our hostes verse 11 Gene ayde O Lord and vs relieue from them that vs disdayne The helpe that hostes of men can geue it is but all in vaine verse 12 But through our God we shall haue might to take great thinges in hand He will tread downe and put to ●light all those that vs withstand Exaudi Deus Psal. Lxi. I.H. Sing this as the Lix Psalme REgard O Lord for I complaine and make my sute to thee Let not my wordes returne in vayne but geue an eare to me verse 2 From of the coastes and vtmost partes of all the earth abroad In griefe and anguish of my hart I cry to thee O God. verse 3 Vpon the rock of thy great power my woefull m●nde repose Thou art my hope my fort and tower my fence agaynst my foes verse 4 Within thy tent I trust to dwell for euer to endute Vnder thy winges I know right well I shall be safe and sure verse 5 The Lord doth my desire regard and doth fulfill the same With godly giftes will he reward all them that f●are his name verse 6 The king shall be in health maint ine a●d so prolong his dayes That he from age to age shall raigne for eue●more alwayes verse 7 That he may haue a dwelling place Before the ●ord for aye O let thy mercy truth and grace defend him from decay verse 8 Then shall I sing for euer still with prayse vnto thy name That all my vowes I may fulfill and dayly pay the same Nonne Deo. Psal. Lxii. I.H. Sing this as the lix Psalme MY soule to God shall geue good heede and him alone entend For why my health and hope to speede doth whole on him depend verse 2 For he alone is my defence my rock● my health my ayde He is my stay that no pretence shall make me much dismayde verse 3 O wicked folke how long will ye vse craft sure ye must fall For as a r●tten hedge ye be and lyke a tottering wall verse 4 Whome God doth loue ye seeke alwayes to put him to the worse Ye loue to lye with m●●th ye prayse and yet your hart doth curse verse 5 Yet still my soule doth whole depend on God my chiefe desire From all false feates me to defend none but him I require verse 6 He is my rocke my strength my tower my health is of his grace● He doth support me that no power can moue me out of place verse 7 God is my glory and my health my soules desire and lust My fort my strength my stay my wealth God is mine onely trust verse 8 Oh haue your hope in him alway ye folke with one accord Poure out hartes to him and say o●r trust is in the Lord. verse 9 The s●nnes of men decitfull are on ballance but a sleight Which thinges most vaine do them compare for they can keepe no weight verse 10 Trust not in wrong robbery or stealth let vayne delightes be go●e Though goodes well got flow in with wealth set not your hartes thereon verse 11 The Lord long sith one thing did tell which here to minde I call He spake it oft I heard it well that God alone doth all verse 12 And that thou Lord art good and kinde thy mercy doth exceede So that all sortes with thee shall finde according to their deede Deus Deus meus Psal. Lxiii T.S. Sing this as the xliiij psalme O God my God I watch betyme to come to thee in hast For why my soule and body both doe thirst of thee to tast And in this barren wildernes where waters there are none My flesh is parcht for thought of thee for thee I wishe alone verse 2 That I might see yet once agayne thy glory strength and might As I was wont it to behold within the temple bright verse 3 For why thy mercyes farre surmount this lyfe and wretched dayes My lips therfore shall geue to thee due honor laud and prayse verse 4 And whi●est I liue I will not fayle to worship thee alway And in thy name I will lift vp my handes when I do pray verse 5 My soule is fild as with marow which is both far and sweete My mouth therefore shall sing such songes as are for thee most meete verse 6 When as in bed I thinke on thee and eke all the night tyde verse 7 For vnder couert of thy winges thou art my ioyfull guide verse 8 My soule doth surely stick to thee thy right hand is my power verse 9 And those that seeke my soule to stroy them death shall soon● deuour verse 10 The sword shall them deuoureth one their carcases shall feede The hungry Foxes which do runne their pray to seeke at neede verse 11 The king and all men shall reioyce that do professe Gods word For lyers mouthes shall then be stopt which haue the truth disturbd Exaudi Deus Psal. Lxiiii I.H. ¶ Sing this as the xviij Psalme O Lord vnto my voyce geue care with plaint when I do pray And rid my soule from dread and teare of foes that threat to slay verse 2 Defend me from that sort of men which in deceites do lurke And from the frowning face of them that all ill feates do worke verse 3 Who whet their tongues as we haue seene men whet and sharpe their swordes They shoote abroad their arrowes kene I meane most bitter wordes verse 4 With priuie sleight shoote they their shaft the vpright man to hit The iust vnware to strike by craft
ill report with shame and great disprayse verse 47 How long away from me O Lord for euer wilt thou turne And shall thine anger still alway as fire consume and burne verse 48 O call to minde remember then my tyme consumeth fast Why hast thou made the sonnes of men as thinges in vaine to wast verse 49 What man is he that liueth here and death shall neuer see Or from the hand of hell his soule shall he deliuer free verse 50 Where is O Lord thine ●uld goodnes so oft declard beforne Which by thy truth and vprightnes to Dauid thou hast sworne verse 51 The great rebukes to minde I call that on thy seruauntes lye The rayling of the people all borne in my brest haue I. verse 52 Wherewith O Lord thine enemies blasphemed haue thy name The steps of thine annoynted one they cease not to defame verse 53 All prayse to thee O Lord of hostes both now and eke for aye Through skye and earth in all the coastes Amen Amen I say Domine refugium Psal. XC I. H. Sing this as the lxxvij psalme THou Lord hast bene our sure defence our place of ease and rest In all tymes past yea so long sence as can not be exprest verse 2 Ere there was made mountaine or hill the earth and world abroad From age to age and alwayes still for euer thou art God. verse 3 Thou grindest man through griefe and payne to dust or clay and then And then thou sayest agayne returne agayne ye sonnes of men verse 4 The lasting of a thousand yeare what is it in thy sight As yesterday it doth appeare or as a watch one night verse 5 So soone as thou doest scatter thene then is their lyfe and trade All as a sleepe and lyke the grasse whose beautye soone doth fade verse 6 Which in the morning shines full bright but fadeth by and by And is cut downe ere it be night all whithered dead and dry verse 7 For through thine anger we consume our might is much decayde And of thy feruent wrath and fume Lord make them all 〈…〉 verse 8 The wicked workes that we haue wrought thou feest before thine eye Our priuie faultes yea eke our thoughtes thy countenaunce doth spye verse 9 For through thy wrath our dayes do wast thereof doth nought remaine Our yeares consume as wordes or blastes and are not cald agayne verse 10 Our tyme is threescore yeares and ten that we do liue on mold If on see fourescore surely then we count him wondrous olde The second part verse 11 Yet of this tyme the strength and chiefe the which we count vpon Is nothing els but paynefull griefe and we as blastes ar●gone verse 12 Who once doth know what strength is there what might thine ange● hath Or in his hart who doth thee feare according to thy wrath verse 15 Instruct vs Lord to know and trye how long our dayes remaine That then we may our hartes apply true wise 〈◊〉 to attaine verse 14 Returne O Lord how long wilt thou forth on in wrath proceede Shew fauour to thy seruauntes now and helpe them at their neede verse 15 Refresh vs with thy mercy soone and then our ioy shall be All tymes so long as lyfe doth last in hart reioyce shall we verse 16 As thou hast plagued vs before now also make vs glad And for the yeares wherein full sore afflicti●● 〈◊〉 haue 〈◊〉 verse 17 O Let thy worke and power appeare and on thy serua●nt●● light And shew vnto their children deare thy glory and thy might verse 18 Lord let thy grace and glory stand on worthy seruauntes thus Confirme the workes we take in hand Lord prosper them to vs. Qui habitat psal XCi. I. H. ¶ Sing this as the lxix Psalme HE that within the secret place of God most hye doth dwell In shadow of the mightiest grace at rest shall keepe him well verse 2 Thou art my hope and my strong hold I to the Lord will say My God is he in him will I my whole affiaunce stay verse 3 He shall defend thee from the snare the which the hunter layd And from the deadly plague and care wherof thou art afrayd verse 4 And with his winges shall couer thee and keepe thee saf● ly there His sayth and truth thy sence 〈◊〉 as sure as shield and spea verse 5 So that thou shalt not neede I say to feare or be at flight Of all the shaftes that flye by day nor terrours of the night verse 6 Nor of the plague that priuily doth walke in darke so fast Nor yet of that which doth destroy and at noone dayes doth wast verse 7 Yea at thy side as thou doest stand a thousand dead shal be Ten thousand eke at thy right hand and yet shalt thou be free verse 8 But thou shalt see it for thy part thine eyes shall well regard That euen like to their desert the wicked haue reward verse 9 For why O Lord I onely lust to stay my hope on thee And in the hyest I put my trust my 〈◊〉 sence is hee verse 10 Thou shalt not neede none ill to feare with thee it shall not mell Nor yet the plague shall once come neare thy house where thou doest dwell verse 11 For why vnto his aungels all with charge commanded hee That still in all thy wayes they shall preserue and prosper thee verse 12 And in their handes shall thee beare vp still wayting thee vpon So that thy feete shall neuer chaunce to spurne at any stone verse 13 Vpon the Lyon thou shalt go the Adder fell and long And tread vpon the Lyons young with Dragons stout and strong verse 14 For that he trusteth vnto me I will dispatch him quite And him delend because that he doth know my name aright verse 15 When he for helpe on me doth cry an aunswere I will geue And from his grief take him will I in glory for to liue verse 16 With length of yeares and dayes of wealth I will fulfill his tyme The goodnes of my sauyng health I will declare to him Bonum est Psal. XCii I. H. ¶ Sing this as the lxxxviij Psalme IT is a thyng both good and meete to prayse the highest Lord And to thy name O thou most hye to sing in one accord verse 2 To shew the kindnes of the Lord betime er● day be light And ●ke declare his truth abroad when it doth draw to night verse 3 Vpon ten stringed instrument on Lute and Harpe so sweete With all the myrth you can in●ent of Instrumentes most meete verse 4 For thou hast made 〈◊〉 to re●oyce in thinges so wrought by thee And I haue ioy in here and voyce thy handy workes to see verse 5 O Lord how glorious and how great are all thy workes so stout So deepely are thy councels set that none can try them out verse 6 The man vnwise hath not the wit this geare to passe to bring And all such fooles are nothing fit to
wicked men conspire For I haue kept thy couenaunts with zeal as hote as fire verse 23 The princes great in counsell sat and did agaynst me speake But when thy seruaunt thought how he thy statutes might not break verse 24 For why ●hy couenauntes are my ioy and my great ioyes solace They serue in stead of councellers my matters for to pas DALETH The fourth part verse 25 I am alas as brought to grau● and almost turnd to dust Restore therefore my lyfe agayne as thy promise is iust verse 26 My wayes when I acknowledged with mercy thou didst heare Heare now estsoones and me instruct thy lawes to loue and feare verse 27 Teach me once thorowly for to know thy preceptes and thy lore Thy workes then will I meditate and lay them vp in store verse 28 My soule I feele so sore opprest that it melteth for griefe According to thy word therefore hast Lord to send reliefe verse 29 From lying and deceitfull lips let thy grace me defend And that I may learne thee to loue thy holy law me send verse 30 The way of truth both straight and sure I haue chosen and found I set thy indgementes me before which keepe me safe and sound verse 31 Since then O Lord I forced my selfe thy couenauntes to embrace Let me therefore haue no rebuke nor check in any case verse 32 Then will I runne with ioyfull cheare where thy word doth me call When thou hast set my feete at large and rid me out of thral HE The fift part verse 33 Instruct me Lord in the right trade of thy statutes diuine And it to kepe euen to the end my hart will I incline verse 34 Graunt me the knowledg of thy law and I shall it obay With hart and minde and all my might I will it keepe I say verse 35 In the right path of thy precepts guide me Lord I require None other pleasure do I wish nor greater thing desire verse 36 Incline my 〈◊〉 thy lawes to keepe and couenauntes to embrace And from all filthy auarice Lord shield me with thy grace verse 37 From vayne desires and worldly lustes turne back mine eyes and sight Geue me the spirite of lyfe and power to walke thy wayes ●right verse 38 Confirme thy gracious promise Lord which thou hast made to me Which am thy seruaunt and do lou● and feare nothing but thee verse 39 Reproch and shame which I so feare from me O Lord expell For thou doest iudge with equitie and therein doest excell verse 40 Behold my hartes desire is bent thy lawes to keepe for aye Lord strengthen me so with thy grace that it performe I may VAV The sixt part verse 41 Thy mercyes great and manifold let me obtayne O Lord. Thy sauing health let me enioy according to thy word verse 42 So shall I stop the slaunderous mouthes of leud men and vniust For in thy faythfull promises standes my comfort and trust verse 43 The word of truth within my mouth let euer still be prest For in thy iudgementes wonderfull my hope doth stand and rest verse 44 And while that breath within my brest doth naturall lyfe preserue Yea till this world shall be dissolued thy law will I obserue verse 45 So walke will I as set at large and made free from all dread Because I sought how for to keepe thy precepts and thy read verse 46 Thy noble actes I will describe as thinges of most great fame Euen before kinges I will them blase and shrinke no whit for shame verse 47 I will reioyce them to obey thy worthy bestes and will Which euermore I haue loued best and so will loue them still verse 48 My handes will I lift to thy lawes which I haue dear●ly sought And practise thy commaundements in will in deede and thought ZAIN The vij part verse 49 I will reioyce them to obey thy seruaunt Lord remember● For therein haue I put my trust and confidence for euer verse 50 It is my comfort and my ioy when troubles me assaile For were my lyfe not by thy word my lyfe would● soone me fayle verse 51 The proud and such as God contemn● still made of me a scorne ▪ Yet would I not thy law forsake as he that were forlorne verse 52 But call to minde Lord thy great worke● shewed to our Fathers old Wher thy I felt thy ioy surmount my griefe an hundred fold verse 53 But yet alas for feare I quake seeing how wicked men Thy law forsooke and did procure thy iudgementes who knoweth when verse 54 A●d as for me I framed my songes thy statutes to exalt When I among the straungers dwelt and thoughts gan me assault verse 55 I thought vpon thy name O Lord by night when others sleepe As for thy law also I kept and euer will it keepe verse 56 This grace I did obtaine because thy couenaunt sweet and deare I did embrace and also keepe with reuerence and with feare HETH The viij part verse 57 O God which art my part and lot my comfort and my stay I haue decreed and promised thy law to keepe alway verse 58 Mine earnest hart did humbly sue in presence of thy face As thou therfore hast promised Lord graunt me of thy grace verse 59 My life I haue examined and tride my secret hart Which ●o thy statutes caused me my feete straight to conuert verse 60 I did not stay not linger long as they that flouthfull are But hastely thy lawes to keepe I did my selfe prepare verse 61 The cruell bandes of wicked men haue made of me their pray Yet would I not thy law forget nor from thee goe astray verse 62 Thy righteous iudgement toward me so great is and so hye That euen at midnight will I rise thy name to magnifie verse 63 Companion am I to all them which feare thee in their hart And neither will for loue nor dread from thy commaundementes start verse 64 Thy mercies Lord most plentuously do all the world fulfill Oh teach me how I may obey thy statutes and thy will. TETH The ix part verse 65 Accordyng to thy promise Lord so hast thou with me dealt For of thy grace in sundry sortes haue I thy seruaunt felt verse 66 Teach me to iudge alwayes aright and geue me knowledge sure For certainly beleu● I do that thy preceptes are pure verse 67 Yet thou didst ●uch me with thy rod I erred and went astray But now I keepe thy holy word and make it all my stay verse 68 Thou art both good and gracious and geuest most liberally Thy ordinaunces how to keepe therfore O Lord teach me verse 69 The proud and wicked men haue forgd agaynst me many a lye Yet thy commaundementes still obserue with all my hart will I. verse 70 Their hartes are swolne with worldly wealth as grease so are they fat But in thy law do I delight and nothyng seeke but that verse 71 O happy tyme may I well say when thou didst me correct For as
〈…〉 into English 〈…〉 Iohn Hopkins W. Whitting●●●● and others conferred with the 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 Notes to sing them withall ▪ ¶ Set forth and 〈…〉 to be sung in all Churches of all the people together before and after Mornyng and Evenyng prayer as also before and after Sermons and moreouer in priuate houses for their Godly solace and cōfort Laying apart all vngodly songes and balades which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice and corruptyng of youth 〈◊〉 JAMES v ▪ ¶ If any be 〈…〉 pray and if any be mery let him sing Psalmes ▪ COLLOS III. ¶ Let the word of God dwell plenteously in you in all wisedome teachyng and exhortyng one an other in Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall songes and sing vnto the Lord in your hartes HORVM CHARITAS J. D. AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate 1578. ¶ Cum gratia Privilegio Regia Majestatis Veni Creator ▪ COme holy ghost eternall God proceding from abo●e ▪ both from the Father and the sonne the God of peace and loue Visite our ●indes and in to vs thy hea●enly grace inspire that in all truth and godlynes we may haue true desire Thou art the very comforter in all woe and distresse The heauenly gift of God most high which no tongue can expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of ioy celestiall The fire so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold whereby Christes Church doth stand In faythfull hartes writyng thy law the finger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speech of grace That through thy helpe the prayse of God may stand in euery place O holy Ghost into our wittes se●d downe thy heauenly lights Kindle our hartes with seruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weakenes so feeble and so fraile That neither ●●esh the world nor depill agaynst vs do preuayle Put back our enemies farre from vs and graunt vs to obtaine Peace in our hartes with God and man without grudge or disdayne And graunt O Lord that th●n beyng our leader and our guide● We may eschew the snares of sinne and from thee ne●er slide To vs such pl●nty of thy grace good Lord graunt we thee pray That thou mayest be our comforte● at the last dreadfull day Of all strife and dissention O Lord dissolue the bandest ▪ And make the knots of peace and loue throughout all Christen landes Graunt vs O Lord through thee to know the Father of all might That of thy deare beloued sonne we may attayne the sigh● And that with perfect fayth also we may acknowledge thee The spirite of them both alway one God in persons thr●● Land and prayse be to the Father and to the Sonne equall ▪ And to the holy spirite also ▪ one God coet●rnall And pray we that the onely Sonne vouchsafe his spirite to send To all that doe prof●ss● his name vnto the worldes end ¶ The humble sute of a sinner M. O Lord of whome I do depend behold my care full hart and when thy will and pleasure is release me of my smart thou seest my sorrowes what they are my griefe is knowen to thee and the●● is none that can remoue or take the ●ame from me But onely thou whose ayde I craue whose mercy still i● prest To ease all those that come to thee for succour and for r●st And sith thou seest my restles eyes my teares and greuous grone ▪ Attend vnto my sute O Lord marke well my playnt and mone For sinne hath so inclosed me and compast me about● ▪ That I am now remedilesse if mercy helpe not ou● For mortall man can not release or mitigate this payne But euen thy Christ my Lord and God who for my sinnes was slayne Whose bloudy woundes are yet to see though not with mortall eye Yet do thy saintes behold them all a●d so I trust shall ● Though sinne d●th hinder me a while when thou shalt see it good I shall enioy the sight of him and see his woundes and bloud And as thine Aungels and thy Sayntes do now behold the same ▪ So trust I to possesse that place with them to prayse thy name But whilest I liue here in this vale where sinners doe frequent Assist me euer with thy grace my sinnes still to lament ▪ Least that I wo●d in sinners trace and geue them my consent To dwell with them in wickednes where to nature i● b●nt Onely thy grace must be my stay least that I fall downe ●lat And being downe then of my selfe can not recouer that Wherefore this is yet once agayne my sute and my request To graunt me pardon for my sinne that I in thee may re●t Then shall my hart my tongue and voyce be instrumentes of prayse And in thy Church and house of Sainte● sing Psalmes to thee alwayes Venite exultemus Psalme xcv ¶ Sing this as the Benedictus O Come and let vs now reioyce And sing vnto the Lord And to out onely Sauiour Also with one accord O let vs come before his face With inward reuerence Confessing all our former sinnes And that with diligenc● To thanke him for his benefites Alway distributing Where fore to him right ioyfully In Psalmes now let vs sing And that because that God alone ●s Lord magnificent And eke aboue all other Gods A king omnipotent His people doth not he forsake At any tyme or tide And in his handes are all the coa●tes Of all the world so wide And with his louing countenaunce He looketh euery where And doth behold the tops of all The mountaines farre and near● The Sea and all that is therein Are his for he them made And eke his handes haue fashioned The earth which doth not fade O come therefore and worship him And downe before him fall And let vs weepe before the Lord The which hath made vs all He is our God our Lord and king And we his people are His flock and sheepe of his pasture On whome he taketh care This daye if ye will heare his voyce Yet harden not your ha●tes As in the ●itter murmuring When ye were in desartes Which thing was of their negligence Committed in the tyme Of trouble in the wildernes A great and gr●●ous crime 〈◊〉 your Fathers tempted me And ●●yed ●●e euery ●ay● They proued me and saw my workes What I could do or say 〈…〉 Wh●● all this generation ▪ And euermore I say it they 〈◊〉 I● their imagination Wherewith thei● 〈◊〉 we●e 〈…〉 Long tyme and many dayes ▪ Wherefore I know assuredly They haue not knowen my wayes To whom● I i●●●ine anger swor●● That they should not be blest No● see my ioy c●lestiall Nor enter in ●y rest Gl●ri●patri All lau● and prayse be to thee Lord ▪ O that of mig●● art most To God the Father and the sonne And to the holy Ghost As it in the beginning was For euer heretofore And is now at this present tyme And shal
causelesse verse 5 Then let my foes pursue my foule and ●ke my lyfedowne thrust Vnto the earth and also lay myne honour in the dust verse 6 Start vp O Lord now in thy wrath and put my foes to payne Performe thy kyngdome promised to me which wrong sustaine verse 7 Then shall great nations come to thee and know thee by this thyng If thou declare for lo●e of them thy selfe as Lord and kyng verse 8 And thou that art of all men iudge O Lord now iudge thou me Accordyng to my righteousnesse and myne integritie verse 9 Lord cease the hate of wicked men and be the iust mans guide verse 10 By whom the secretes of all bartes are searched and descride verse 11 I take my helpe to come of God in all my grief and smart That doth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect hart verse 12 The iust man and the wicked both God iudgeth by his power So that he feelth his mighty hand euen euery day and houre verse 13 Except he chaunge his mynde I dye for euen as he should smite He whetth his sword his bow he bendes ayming where he may hit verse 14 And doth prepare his mortall dartes his arrowes kene and sharpe For them that do me persecute whilest he doth mischief warpe verse 15 But loc though he in trauell be of his deuilish forecast And of his mischief once conceiued yet bringes forth nought at last verse 16 He digs a ditch and delues it deep in hope to hurt his brother But he shall fall into the pit that he digd vp for other verse 17 This wrong returneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred And all the mischief that he wrought shall fall vpon his hed verse 18 I will geue thankes to God therfore that iudgeth righteously And with my song prayse will the name of him that is most hye Domine Deus noster psal viij T. S. ¶ Sing this as the third Psalme O God our Lord how wonderfull are thy workes euery where Whose fame surmounteh in dignitie aboue the heauens cleare verse 2 Euen by the mouthes of suckyng babes thou wilt confound thy foes For in these babes thy might is seene thy graces they disclose verse 3 And when I see the heauens hye the workes of thine owne hand The Sun the Moone and all the Starres ▪ in order as they stand verse 4 What thyng is man Lord thinke I then that thou doest him remember Or what is ma●s posteritie that thou doest it consider ▪ verse 5 For thou hast made him little lesse then aungels in degree And thou hast crowned him also with glory and dignitie verse 6 Thou hast preferd him to be Lord of all thy workes of wonder And at his feete hast set all thynges that be should keepe them vnder verse 7 As sheepe and neate and all beastes els ▪ that in the fieldes do feede verse 8 Foules of the ayre fish in the Sea and all that therein breede verse 9 Therfore must I say once agayne O God that art our Lord How famous and how wonderfull are thy workes through the world Confitebor tibi Domine Psal. ix T. S. ¶ Sing this as the third Psalme WIth hart and mouth vnto the Lord will I sing laud and prayse And speake of all thy wondrous workes and them declare alwayes verse 2 I will be glad and much reioyce in thee O God most hye And make my songes extoll thy name aboue the starry skye verse 3 For that my foes are driuen backe and turned vnto flight They fall downe flat and are destroyde by thy great force and might verse 4 Thou hast reuenged all my wrong my grief and all my grudge Thou doest with insti●e heare my cause most like a righteous iudge verse 5 Thou doest rebuke the Heathen folke and wicked so confound That afterward the memory of them cannot be found verse 6 My foe thou hast made good dispatch and all their townes destroyd Thou hast their fame with them defaced through all the world so wide verse 7 Know thou that he which is aboue for euermore shall raigne And in the seate of equitie true iudgement will maintaine verse 8 With iustice he will keepe and guide the world and euery wight And so will yeld with equitie to euery man his right verse 9 He is protector of the poore what tyme they be opprest ▪ He is in all aduersitie their refuge and their rest verse 10 All they that know thy holy name therfore shall trust in thee For thou forsakest not their sute in their necessitie The second part verse 11 Sing Psalmes therfore vnto the Lord that dwelth in Sion hill Publish among all nations his noble actes and will verse 12 For the is myndefull of the bloud of those that be opprest Forgettyng not tha●● 〈◊〉 hart that seekes to him for rest verse 13 Haue mercy Lord on me poore wretch whose enemies still remaines Which from the gates of sitrath are wont to rayse me vp agayne verse 14 In Sion that I might set forth thy prayse with hart and voyce And that in thy saluation Lord my soule might still reioyce verse 15 The Heathen sticke fast in the pit that they them selues preparde And in the not that they did set their owne fee●e fast are soarde verse 16 God shewes his iudgementes which were good for euery man to marke When as ye see the wicked man lye trapt in his owne warke verse 17 The wicked and the sinnefull men go downe to hell for euer And all the people of the world that will not God remember verse 18 But sure the Lord will not forget the poore mans grief and paynet The pacient people neuer looke for helpe of God in vayne verse 19 O Lord arise least men preuayle that be of worldly might And let the Heathen folke receaue their iudgement in thy sight verse 20 Lord strike such terrour feare and dread into the hartes of them That they may know assuredly they be but mortall men Vt quid Domine Psal. x. T. S. ¶ Sing this as the third Psalme WHat is the cause that thou O Lord art now so farre from thine And keepest close thy countenaunce from vs this troublous tyme verse 2 The poore doth perish by the proud and wicked mens desire Let them be taken in the craft that they them selues conspire verse 3 For in the lustes of his owne hart the vngodly doth delight So doth the wicked prayse him selfe and doth the Lord despite verse 4 He is so proud that right and wrong he setteth all apart Nay nay there is no God sayth he for this he thinkes in hart verse 5 Because his wayes do prosper still he doth his lawes neglect And with a blast doth puffe agaynst such as would him correct verse 6 Tush tush sayth he I haue ●o dread least myne estate should chaunge And why for all aduersitie to him is very str●unge verse 7 His mouth is full of curse dues of fraude deceit
in mine ire your helpe be farre to finde verse 26 He that doth geue to me the sacrifice of prayse Doth please me well and he shall see to walke in godly wayes 1. Miserere mei Psal. Li. W. W. O Lord consider my distres and now with speede some pitie take My sinnes deface my faulte 〈◊〉 good Lord for thy great mercyes sake Wash me O Lord and make me cleane from this vniust and sinfull acte and pur●●e yet once agayne my haynous crime and blondy fact verse 2 Remorse and sorrow do constraine me to acknowledge mine excesse verse 3 My sinne alas doth still remaine before my face without relesse verse 4 I or thee alone I haue offended committing euill in thy sight And if I were therefore condemned yet were thy iudgementes iust and right verse 5 It is to manifest alas that first I was conceaned in sinne Yea of my mother so borne was and yet vile wretc● remaine therein verse 6 Also behold Lord thou doest loue the inward truth of a pure hart Therefore thy wisedome from aboue thou hast ●encaled me to conuert verse 7 If thou with 〈…〉 this blot I shall be cleaner then the glasse And if thou washe away my spot the snow in whitenes shall I passe verse 8 Therefore O Lord such ioy me send that inwardly I may finde grace And that my strength may now amend which thou hast swaged for my trespasse verse 9 Turne backe thy face and frowning ire for I haue felt inough thy hand And purge my sinnes I thee desire which do iu number passe the sand verse 10 Make new my hart within my brest and frame it to thy holy will Thy constant spirite in me let rest which may these raging enemies kill The second part verse 11 Cast me not Lord out from thy face but spedely my tormentes end Take not from me thy spirite and grace which may from daungers me defend verse 12 Restore me to those ioyes agayne which I was wont in thee to finde And let me thy free spirite retayne which vnto thee may stirre my minde verse 13 Thus when I shall thy mercyes know I shall instruct others therein And men lykewise that are brought low by mine example shall flee sinne verse 14 O God that of my health art Lord forgeue me this my bloudy vice My hart and tongue shall then accord to sing thy mercies and iustice verse 15 Touch thou my lips my tongue vntye O Lord which art the onely kay And then my mouth shall testifie thy wondrous workes and prayse alway verse 16 And as for outward sacrifice I would haue offered many one But thou esteemest them of no price and therein pleasure takest thou none verse 17 The heauy hart the minde opprest O Lord thou neuer docst reiect And to speake truth it is the best and of all sacrifice theffect verse 18 Lord vnto Sion turne thy face poure out thy 〈◊〉 on thy hill And on Ierusalem thy gra●e build vp the walles and loue it still verse 19 Thou shalt accept then our offringes of peace and righteousnes I say Yea calues and many other thinges vpon thine altar will we lay ¶ An other of the same by T. S. Sing this as the Lamentation HAue mercy on me God after thy great abounding grace After thy mercies multitude do thou my sinnes deface Yet wash me more from mine offence and clense me from my sinne For I beknow my saultes and still my sinne is in mine eyen Agaynst thee thee alone I haue offended in this case And euill haue I done before the presence of thy face That in the thinges that thou doest say vpright thou mayest be try de ▪ And eke in iudging that the dome may passe vpon thy side Behold in wickednes my kinde and shape I did receaue And loe my sinfull mother eke in sinne did me conceaue But loe the truth in inward partes is pleasaunt vnto thee And secrets of thy wisedome thou reuealed hast to me With Isope Lord bespri●ckle me I shall be clensed so Yea washe thou me and so I shall be whiter then the snow Of ioy and gladnes make thou me to heare the pleasing voyce That so the brused bones which thou hast broken may reioyce From the beholding of my sinnes Lord turne away thy face And all my deedes of wickednes doe vtterly de face O God create in me a hart vnspotted in thy fight And eke within my bowels Lord renue a stable spirite Ne cast me from thy sight nor take thy holy spirite away The comfort of thy sauing helpe geue me agayne I pray With thy free spirite establish me and I will teach therefore Sinners thy wayes and wicked shall be turnd vnto thy lo●e The second part O God that art God of my health from bloud deliuer me That prayses of thy righteousnes my tongu● may sing to thee My lips that yet fast closed be do thou O Lord v●lose The prayers of thy maiestie my mouth shall so disclose I would haue offered sacrifice if that had pleased thee But pleased with burnt offeringes I know thou wilt not be A troubled spirite is sacrifice delightfull in Gods eyes A broken and an humble hart God thou wilt not despise In thy good will deale gently Lord to Sion and withall Gra●nt that of thy Ierusalem vpreard may be the wall Burnt offringes giftes and sacrifice of iustice in that day Thou shalt accept and Calues they shall vpon thine altar lay Quid gloriaris Psal. Lii I. H. WHy doest thou tyrant boast abroad thy wicked workes to prayse Doest thou not know there is a God whose mercyes last alwayes verse 2 Why doth thy minde yet still deuise such wicked wiles to warpe Thy tongue vntrue in forging lyes is lyke a rasor sharpe verse 3 On mischiefe why setst thon thy minde and wilt not walke vpright Thou hast more lust false tales to finde ●hen bring the truth to light ▪ verse 4 Thou doest delight in fraud and guyle in mischiefe bloud and wrong ▪ Thy lips haue learnd the flattering stile O false deceitfull tongue verse 5 Therefore shall God for euer confound and pluck thee from thy place Thy seede roote out from of the grounde and so shall thee deface verse 6 The iust when they behold thy fall with feare will prayse the Lord And in reproch of thee withall cry out with one accord verse 7 Behold the man that would not take the Lord for his defence But of his goods his God di● make and trust his corrupt sence verse 8 But I an Oliue fresh and greene shall spring and spread abroad For why'my trust all tymes hath bene vpon the liuing God. verse 9 For this therfore will I geue prayse to thee with hart and voyce I will set forth thy name alwayes wherein thy Sai●tes reioyce Dixit inspiens Psal. Liij T. N. Sing this as the xlv Psalme THe foolishe man in that which he within his hart hath sayd That there is any God at all hath vtterly denayed
They are corrupt and they also a haynous worke haue wrought Among them all there is not one of good that worketh ought The Lord lookt downe on sonnes of men from heauen all abroad To see if any were ●hat would be wise and seeke for God. They are g●ne all out of the way they are corrupted all There is not one doth any good there is not one at all Doe not all wicked workers know that they do feede vpon My people as they feede on bread the Lord they call not on Euen there they were afrayd and stoode with trembling all dismayd Where as there was no cause at all why they should be afrayd For God his bones that thee beseegd hath scattered all abroad Thou hast confounded them for they reiected are of God. O Lord geue thou thy people health and thou O Lord fulfill Thy promise made to Israell from out of Sion hill When God his people shall restore that erst was captiue lad Then Iacob shall therein reioyce and Israell shall be glad Deus in nomitie Psal. Liiii I. H. ¶ Sing this as the xlvi Psalme GOd saue me fo● thy holy name and for thy goodnes sake Vnto the strength Lord of the same I do my cause betake verse 2 Regard O Lord and geue an eare to me when I do pray Bow downe thy selfe to me and heare the wordes that I do say verse 3 For straungers vp agaynst me rise and tyrantes vexe me still Which haue not God before their eyes they seeke my soule to spill verse 4 But loe my God doth geuenre ayde the Lord is straight at hand With them by whom my soule is stayd the Lord doth euer stand verse 5 With plagues repay agayne all those for me that lye in wayte And with thy truth destroy my foes with their owne ●●are and bayte verse 6 An offring of free hart and will then I to thee shall make And prayse thy name for there in still great comfort I do take verse 7 O Lord at length do set me free from them that crast coaspire And now mine eye with ioy doth see on them my hartes desire ▪ Exaudi Deus Psal. Lv. I. H. Sing this as the xxxv Psalme O God geue eare and do apply to heare me when I pray And when to thee I call and ●ry hide not thy selfe away verse 2 Take heede to me graunt my request and aunswere me agayne ▪ With plaintes I pray full sore ●pprest great griefe doth me constraine verse 3 Because my foes with threates and cryc● oppresse me through despight And so the wicked sort lykewise to vexe me haue delight verse 4 For they in counsell do conspire to charge me with some 〈◊〉 So in their hasty wrath and ir● they do pursue me shall verse 5 My hart doth saint for want of breath it pant●th in my brest The terrors and the dread of death do worke me much vnrest verse 6 Such dreadfull feare on me doth fall that I therewith do quake Such hor●●r whelmeth me withall that I no shift can make verse 7 But I do say who will geue me the swift and pleasaunt winges Of some fayre doue that I may flee and rest me from these thinges verse 8 Lot then I would go farre away to flye I would not ceafe And I would hide my selfe and stay in some great wildernes verse 9 I would be gone in all the hast and not abide behinde That I were quite and ouer past these blast●s of boystrous winde verse 10 Deuide them Lord and from them pull their de●ilish double tongue For I haue spide their Citie full of rapine strife and wrong verse 11 Which thinges both night and day throughout do close her as a wall In midst of her is mischiefe stout and sorrow eke withall verse 12 Her printe partes are wicked plaine her deedes are much to vile And in her streetes there doth remaine all crafty fraud and g●ile The second part verse 13 If that my foes did seeke my shame I might it well abide From open enemies checke and blame some where l'could me hide verse 14 But thou it was my fellow deare which frendship didst pretend And didst my secret-councell heare as my familiar frend verse 15 With whome I had delight to talke in secret and abroad And we together oft did walke within the house 〈…〉 verse 16 Let death in hast vpon them fall and send them quicke to hell For mischiefe raigneth in their hall and parlour where they dwell verse 17 But I vnto my God do cry to him for helpe I flee The Lord doth heare me by and by and he doth succourne verse 18 At morning noone and euening tide vnto the Lord I pray When I so instantly haue cry de he doth not say me nay ▪ verse 19 To peace he shall restore me yet though warre be now at hand Although the number he full great that would agaynst me stand verse 20 The Lord that first and last doth raigne both now and euermore Will heare when I to him complaine and punish them full sore verse 21 For sure there is no hope that they to turne will once accord Foe why they will not God obey nor do not feare the Lord. verse 22 Vpon their frendes they layd their ●andes which were in concnaunt ●u●t Of frendship to neglect the bandes they passe or care no whit verse 23 Whilt they haue war within their hartes as butter are their wordes Although their wordes were smoth as oyle they cut as sharpe as swordes verse 24 Cast thou thy care vpon the Lord and he shall nourish thee For in no wise will be accord the iust in thrall to see verse 25 But God shall cast them deepe in pit that thirst for blo●d alwayes He will no guilcfuli man permit to liue out halfe his dayes verse 26 Though such be quite destroyed and gone in thee O Lord I trust I shall depend thy grace vpon with all my hart and lust Miserere mei Psal. Lvi T. S. Sing this as the Lamentation HAue mercy Lord on me I pray for man would me deuour He fighteth with me day by day and troubleth me ech houre verse 2 Mine enemies dayly enterprise to swallow me outright To sight agaynst me many rise O thou most high of might verse 3 When they would make me most affrayde with boastes and brags of pride I trust in thee alone for ayde by thee will I abide verse 4 Gods promise I do minde and prayse O Lord I stick to thee I doe not care at all assayes what flesh can doe to me verse 5 What thinges I either did or spake they wrast them at their will And all the counsell th●● they take is how to worke me ill verse 56 The all consent 〈◊〉 selues to hide close watch for me to lay Then spye my pathes and s●ares haue tyde to take my lyfe away verse 7 Shall they thus scape on mischiefe set thou God on them wilt frowne For in his wrath he doth not let
do not spare thine ayd and sauing health verse 8 I will harke what God sayd for he spake to his people peace And to his Saintes that neuer they returns to foolishnes verse 9 For why his health is still at hand to such as him do feare Whereby great glory in our land shall dwell and florish there verse 10 For truth and mercye there shall meete in one to take their place And peace shall iustice with his greet● and there they shall embrace verse 11 As truth from earth shall spring apace and florish pleasauntly So righteousnes shall shew her face and looke from heauen bye verse 12 Yea God himselfe shell take in hand to geue vs ech good thing And through the coastes of all out land the earth her fruites shall bring verse 13 Before his face shall iustice goe much lyke a guide or stay He shall direct his steps also and keepe them in the way Inclina Domine Psal. Lxxxvi I. H. ¶ Sing this as the lxxxi Psalme LOrd bow thine eare to my request and heare me by and by With greuous payne and griefe opprest full poore and weake am I. verse 2 Preserue my soule because my way and doinges holy be And saue thy seruaunt O my Lord that puts his trust in thee verse 3 Thy mercy Lord on me expresse defend me eke withall For through the day I do not c●ase on thee to 〈◊〉 and call verse 4 Comfort O Lord th● seruauntes soule that now with payne is pinde For vnto thee Lord I extoll and lift my soule and minde verse 5 For thou art good and bountifull thy giftes of grace are free And eke thy mercy plentifull to all that call on thee verse 6 O Lord lykewise when I do pray regard and geue an eare Marke well the wordes that I do say and all my prayers heare verse 7 In tyme when trouble doth me 〈◊〉 to thee I do complaine For why I know and well do proue thou aunswerest me agayne verse 8 Among the Gods O Lord is none with thee to be compard And noue can do as thou alone the lyke hath not bene heard The second part verse 9 The Gentiles and the people all which thou didst make and frame Before thy face on knees will fall and glorifie thy name verse 10 For why thou art so much of might all power is thine owne Thou workest wonders still insight for thou art God alone verse 11 O teach me Lord the way ▪ and I shall in thy truth proceede O ioyne my hart to thee so aye that it thy name may dread verse 12 To thee my God will I geue prayse with all my hart O Lord And glorifie thy name alwayes for euer through the world verse 13 For why thy mercy shewed to me is great and doth excell Thou settest my soule at libertye out from the lower hell verse 14 O Lord the proud agaynst me rise and heapes of men of might They seeke my soule and in no wise will haue thee in their sight verse 15 Thou Lord art mercifull and meeke full flacke and slow to wrath Thy goodnes is full great and eke thy truth no measure hath ▪ verse 16 O turne to me and mercy graunt thy strength to me apply O helpe and saue thine owne seruaunt thy handmaydes sonne am I. verse 17 On me some signe of fauour shew that all my foes may see And be ashamed because Lord thou doest helpe and comfort me Fundamenta Psal. Lxxxvii I.H. Sing this as the lxxxi Psalme THat Citie shall full well endure her ground worke 〈◊〉 doth stay Vpon the holy hilles full sure it can no tyme decay verse 2 God loues the gates of Sion best his grace doth there abide He loueth them more then all the rest of Iacobs centes beside verse 3 Full glorious thinges reported be in Sion and abroad Great thinges I say are sayd of thee thou Citie of our God. verse 4 On Rahab I will cast an eye and heare in minde the fame And Babilon shall eke apply and learne to know thy 〈◊〉 verse 5 Loe Pal●stine and ●yre also with Ethiop lykewise A people old full long agoe were borne and there didwise verse 6 Of Sion they shall say abroad that diuers men of fame Haue there sprong vp and the hye God hath founded fast the fame verse 7 In their recordes to them it shall through Gods deui●e appeare Of Sion that the chiefe of all had his beginning there verse 8 The trumpeters with such as sing therein great plenty be My fountaynes and my pleasaunt springes are compast all in thee Domine Deus Psal. Lxxxviii I.H. ¶ Sing this as the lxxxi Psalme LOrd God of health the hope and stay thou art alone to me I call and cry throughout the day and all the night to thee verse 2 O let my prayers sonne ascend vnto thy sight on hye Encline thine eare O Lord entend and ●arken to my cry verse 3 For why my soule with woe is fild and doth in trouble dwell My lyfe and breath almost doth yeald and draweth nye to hell verse 4 I am esteemed as one of them that in the pit do fall And made as one among those men that haue no strength at all verse 5 As one among the dead and free from thinges that heare remaine It were more case 〈◊〉 to be with them the which are slayne verse 6 As those that lye in gra●e I say whome thou hast cleane forgot The which thy hand hath cut away and thou regardest them not verse 7 Yea lyke to one shut vp full sure within the lowes pit In places darke and all obscure and in the depth of it verse 8 Thine anger and thy wrath lykewise full sore on me doth lye And all the stormes agaynst me rise my soule to vexe and trye verse 9 Thou putst my 〈◊〉 of from me and makest them hate me fore I am shut vp in prison fast and can come forth no more verse 10 My sight doth falle though griefe and woe I call to thee O God Throughout the day my handes also to thee I stretch abroad The second part verse 11 Dost thou vnto the dead declare thy wondrous workes of fame Shall dead to lyfe agayne repayre and prayse thee for the same verse 12 Or shall thy louing kindenes Lord be preached in the graue Or shall with them that are destroyd thy truth her honor haue verse 13 Shall they that lye in darke full low of all thy wonders wot Or there shall they thy Iustice know where all thinges are forgot verse 14 But I O Lord to thee alway do cry and call apace My prayer eke 〈◊〉 it be day shall come before thy face verse 15 Why doest thou Lord abhorre my soule in griefe that seeketh thee And now O Lord why doest thou hide thy face away from me verse 16 I am afflict as dy●ng still from youth this many a yeare The terrors which do vexe me ill with troubled minde I heare verse 17 The furies
voyde of strife and neighbours about vs round In our time geue thy peace O Lord to nations farre and nye And touch them all thy holy word that we may sing to thee All 〈…〉 the Ternitie that is of might 〈◊〉 most 〈…〉 and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath bene In all the tyme that hath bene here to lore As it is now and so shall be hence forth for euermore ¶ Da Pacem Domine G. GEue peace in these our dayes O Lord great daungers are now at hand thyne enemyes with one accord Christes name is euery land seeke to de face roote out and race Thy true right worshyp in deede Be thou the stay Lord we thee pray thou helpest alone in all neede Geue vs that peace which we do lacke Through misbelie sand ill life Thy word to offer thou doest not slacke Which we vnkindly gainstriue With fire and sword This healthfull word Some persecute and oppresse Some with the 〈◊〉 Coufesse the truth Without sincere godlynesse Geue peace and vs thy spirite downe send With grief and repe●ts once true Do pearce our hartes our liues to amend And by fayth in Christ renue That feare and dread Warre and bloustshed Through thy sweete mercy and grace May from vs slyde Thy truth abide And shyne in euery place ¶ The Lamentation O Lord in thee is all my trust geue eare vnto ●y wofull cry Refuse me not that am vn iust but bowing downe thy heauenly eye Behold how I do still lament my sinnes wherein I do of fend O Lord for them shall I be sheat Sith thee to please I do intend No no not so thy will is bent to deale with sinners in thine ire But when in hart they shall repent thou grauntest with speede their iust desir● To the● therfore still shall I cry to wash away my sinfull crime Thy bloud O Lord is not yet dry but that it may helpe in tyme. East thee O Lord hast thee I say to poure on me the giftes of grace That when this life must fi lt away in heauen with thee I may haue place Where thou doest raigne eternally with God which once did downe thee send Where Aungel● sing continually to thee be prayse world without end ¶ A thank of geuyng after the receauyng of the Lordes Supper ¶ Sing this as the Cxxxvij Psalme THe Lord be thanked for his giftes and mercies euermore That he doth shew vnto his Saintes to him be laud therfore Our toung●● can not so prayse the Lord as he doth right des●rne ▪ Our hartes can not of him so thinke as he doth vs preserue His benefites they be so great to vs that be but sinne That at our handes for recompenc● there is no hope to win O sinfull flesh that thou shouldst haue such mercies of the Lord Thou doest des●rue more worthely of him to be abbo●d Nought els but sinne and wretche does doth rest within our hartes And stubburnly agaynst the Lord we dayly play our partes The Sonne aboue in firmament that is to vs a light Doth shew it selfe more cleare and pure then we be in his sight The heauens aboue and all therein more holy are then wee They serue the Lord in their estate eche one in his degree They do not striue for master shy●● nor ●lacke their offic● let But feare the Lord and do his will hate is to them no let Also the earth and all therein of God it is in awe It doth obserue the formers will by skilfull natures law The Sea and all that therein is doth bend when God doth beck● The sprites beneath do tremble all and feare his wrathfull che●ke But we alas for whom all these were made them for to rule Do not so know or loue the Lord as doth the Oxe or Mule A law he gaue for vs to know what was his holy will He would vs good but we will not auoyde the thyng is ill Not one of vs that seeketh out the Lord of life to please Nor do the thing that might vs ioyne to Christ and quiet ease Thus we are all his enemies we can it do not deny And he agayne of his good will would not that we should dye Therfore when remedy was none to bring vs vnto life The sonne of God our flesh he tooke to end our mortall strife And all the law of God the Lord he did it full obey And for our sinnes vpon the crosse his bloud our dets did pay And that we should not yet forget what good he to vs wrought A ●igne be left our eyes to tell that he our bodies bought In bread and wine here visible vnto thine eyes and tast His mercies great thou mayest record if that his spirite thou hast As once the corne did liue and grow and was cut downe with fithe And threshed out with many stripes out of his buskes to driue And as the myll with violence did teare it ou● so small And made it like to earthly dust not sparing it at all And as the ouen with fire hot did close it vp in heat And all this done that I haue sayd that it should be our meat So was the Lord in his ripe age cut downe with cruell death His soule he gaue in tormentes great and yelded vp his breath Because that he to vs might be an euerlastyng bread With much reproch and trouble great on earth his lyfe he led And as the grapes in pleasaunt tyme are pressed very sore And 〈…〉 nor let to grow no m●● Because the iuyse that in them 〈◊〉 as comfortable drinke We might receiue and ioyfull be when sorrowes makes vs shrink● So Christes bloud out pressed was with nayles and eke with speare The i●yce wherof doth saue all those that rightly do him feare And as the cornes by vnitie into one loafe is knit So is the Lord and his whole Church though he in heauen fit As many grapes make but one wyne so should we be but one In fayth and loue in Christ aboue and vnto Christ alone Leadyng a life without all strife in quiet rest and peace From enuy and from malice both our hartes and tounges to cease Which if we do then shall we shew that we his chosen bee By fayth in him to lead a life as alwayes willed bee And that we may so do in dead God send vs all his grace Th●● after death we shall be sure with him to haue a place R. W. PR●serue vs Lord by thy deare word From Turke and Pope defend vs lord Which both would thrust out of his throne Our Lord Iesus Christ thy deare sonne Lord Iesus Christ shew forth thy might That thou art Lord of Lordes by right Thy poore assisted stocke defend That they may prayse thee without end God holy Ghost our comfortou● Be our patron helpe and succour Geue vs one myn●e and perfect peace All giftes of grace in vs increase Thou liuing God i● persons three Thy name be praysed in vnitie In all our
agaynst my Lord my God. The third part verse 21 But euermore I haue respect to his law and decree His statutes and commaundements I cast not out from me verse 22 But pure and cleane and vncorrupt appeard before his face And did refraine from wickednes and sinne in any case verse 23 The Lord therfore will me reward as I haue done a right And to the cleanes of my handes appearing in his sight verse 24 For Lord with him th●t holy is wi●t thou be holy to And with the good and vertuous men right vertuously wilt doe verse 25 And to the louing and elect thy loue thou wilt reserue And thou wilt vse the wicked men as wicked men deserue verse 26 I or thou doest sane the simple folke in trouble when they lye And doest bring downe the countenaunce of them that looke full hye verse 27 The Lord will light my candle so that it shall shine full bright The Lord my God wi●● make also my darcknes to be light verse 28 For by thy helpe an host of men discomsite Lord I shall By thee I seale and ouerleape the strength of any wall verse 29 Vnspotted are the wayes of God his word is purely tryde He is a sure defence to s●ch as in his fayth abide verse 30 For who is God● except the Lord for other there is none Or ●ls who is omnipotent sauing our God alone The fourth part verse 31 The God that girdeth me with strength is he that I doo meane That all the wayes wherein I walke did euermore keepe cleane verse 32 That made my foote lyke to the hartes in swiftnes of my pate And for my surety brought me forth into an open place verse 33 He did in order put my handes to battayle and to ●ight To breake in sunder barres of brasse he gaue mine armes the might verse 34 Thou teachest me thy sauing health thy right hand is my tower Thy loue and familiaritie doth still increase my power verse 35 And vnder me thou makest playne the way where I should walke So that my feete shall neuer slip nor stumble at a balke verse 36 And fiercely I pursue and take my foes that me annoyed And from the field do not returne till they be all destroyed verse 37 So I suppresse and wound my foes that they can rise no more For at my feete they fall downe flat I strike them all so sore verse 38 For thou do●st gird me with thy strength to warre in such a wise That they be all scattered abroad that vp agaynst me rise verse 39 Lord thou hast put into my handes my mortall enemies yoke And all my foes thou doest deuide in sunder with thy stro●e verse 40 They cald for helpe but none gaue eare nor holpe them with reliefe Yea to the Lord they cald for helpe yet heard he not their griefe The fift part verse 41 And still lyke dust before the winde I driue them vnder feete And sweepe them out lyke filthy clay that sticketh in the streete verse 42 Thou keepest me from seditious folke that still in strife be led And thou doest of the heathen folke appoint me to be head verse 43 A people strange to me vnknowen and yet they shall me serue And at the first obay my wordes whereas mine owen will swerue verse 44 I shall be irksome to mine owne they will not se my light But wander wide out of the way and rid them out of sight verse 45 But blessed be the liuing Lord most worthy of all prayse That is my rocke and sauing health praysed be he alwayes verse 46 For God it is that gaue me power reuenged for to be And with his holy worde subdude the people vnto me verse 47 And from my soe me deliuered and set me higher then those That cruell and vngodly were and vp against me rose verse 48 And for this cause O Lord my God to the e●en● thankes I shall And sing out prayses to thy name among the Gentiles all verse 49 That gauest great prosperitie vnto the king I say To Dauid thine annoynted king and to his seede for aye Coeli enarrant Psal. xix T. S. Sing this as the xiiij Psalme THe heauens and the firmament doo wondrously declare The glory of God omnipotent his workes and what they are verse 2 The 〈…〉 of God appeare by euery dayes successe The nightes lyke 〈◊〉 which their race runne the sel●e same thinges expresse verse 3 There is no language ▪ tongue or speach where their ●ound is not heard verse 4 In all the 〈◊〉 and coastes thereof their knowledge is conferd In them the Lord made for the Sonne a place of great ●enome verse 5 Who ly●e a bridgrome ready trimd doth from his chamber come And as a valiant champion who for to get a price With ioy in hast doth t●ke in hand some noble enterprise verse 6 And all the sky from end to end he compasseth about Nothing can hide it from his heate but he will finde it out verse 7 How perfect is the law of God how is his co●enaunt sure Conuerting soules and making wise the simple and obsevre verse 8 Iust are the Lordes commaundementes and glad both hart and minde His preceptes pure and geueth light to eyes that be full blinde verse 9 The feare of God is excellent and doth endure for euer The iudgementes of the Lord are true a●d righteous altogether verse 10 And more to be embraced alwayes then fined gold I say The hony and the hony combe are not so sweete as they verse 11 By them thy seruaunt is forewarnde to haue God in regarde And in performance of the same there shal be great reward verse 12 But Lord what earthly man doth know the errours of this ly●e Thou clense my hart from secret sinnes which are in mee most rise verse 13 And keepe me that presumptuous sinnes preuayle not ouer me And then shall I be innocent and great offences flee verse 14 Accept my mouth and eke my hart my wordes and thoughtes echone For my redeemer and my strength O Lord thou art alone Exaudiet te Dominus psal xx T. S. ¶ Sing this as the xiiij Psalme IN trouble and aduersitie the Lord God heare thee still The maiestie of Iacobs God defend thee from all ill verse 2 And send thee from his holy place his helpe at euery neede And so in Sion stablish thee and make thee strong in deede verse 3 Remembring well the sacrifice that now to him is done And so receaue right thankfully thy burnt offringes echone verse 4 According to thy hartes desire the Lord graunt vnto thee And all thy coun●ell and deuise full well performe may be verse 5 We shall reioyce when thou is sauest and our banners displaye Vnto the Lord which thy requestes fulfilled hath al ●ay verse 6 The Lord will his annoynted saue I know well by his grace And send him health by his right hand out of his holy place verse 7 In charets some put
verse 3 And when I feele my selfe nere lost then doth he me home take Conducting me in his right pathes euen for his owne names sa●●e verse 4 And though I were euen at deathes dore yet would I feare none ill For with thy rod and shepheardes crooke I am comforted still verse 5 Thou hast my table richly deckt in despight of my soe Thou hast my head with balme refreshe my cup doth ouerfloe verse 6 And finally while breath doth last thy grace shall me defend And in the house of God will I my lyfe for euer spend An other by Thomas Sternehold ¶ Sing this as the xxi Psalme MY shepheard is the liuing Lord nothing therefore I neede In pastures fayre with waters calme he set me for to feede verse 2 He did conuert and glad my soule and brought my minde in frame To walke in pathes of righteousnes for his most holy name verse 3 Ye● though I walke in vale of death yet will I feare none ill Thy ●od thy staffe doth comfort me and thou art with me s●●ll verse 4 And in the presence of my foes my table thou shalt spread Thou shalt O Lord fill full my cup and the 〈◊〉 my head verse 5 Through all my lyfe thy fau●●r is 〈◊〉 frankely shewed to me That in thy house for euermo●e my dwelling place shall be Domini est terra psal xxiiii I. H. Sing this as the xxi Psalme THe earth is all the Lordes with all her store and furniture Yea his is all the world and all that therein do indure verse 2 For he hath ●aftly founded it aboue the Sea to stand And layd alow the liquid floudes to flow beneath the land verse 3 For who is he O Lord that shall ascend into thy hill Or passe into thy holy place there to continue still verse 4 Whose handes are harmeles and whose hart no spot there doth defiler His soule not set on vanitie who hath not sworne no guile verse 5 Him that is such a one the Lord shall place in blis●ull plight And God his God and Sauiour shall yeld to him his ●ight verse 6 This is the brood of trauelers in seeking of this grace As Iacob did the Israelite in that tyme of his race verse 7 Ye princes open your gates stand open the euerlasting gate For there shall ●●ter in thereby the king of glorious state verse 8 What is the king of glorious state the strong and mighty Lord The mightye Lord in battayle stout and triall of his sword verse 9 Ye princes open your gates stand open the euerlasting gate For there shall enter in thereby the king of glorious state verse 10 What is the king of glorious state the Lord of hostes it is The kingdome and the royaltye of glorious state is his Ad te Domine psal xxv T.S. Sing this as the xiij Psalme I Lift mine hart to thee my God and guide most iust Now suffer me to take no shame for in thee do I trust verse 2 I ●t not my foes reioyce nor make a scorne of me And let them not be ouerthrowen that put their trust in thee verse 3 But shame shall them befall which harme them wrongfully Therefore thy pathes and thy right wayes vnto me Lord descry verse 4 ●●rect me in thy truth and teach me I thee pray Thou art my God and Sauiour on thee I wait alway verse 5 Thy mercies manifold I pray thee Lord remember And eke thy pitie plentifull for they haue bene for euer verse 6 Remember not the faultes and frailtye of my youth Remember not how ignorant I haue bene of thy truth Nor after my desertes let me thy mercy finde But of thine owne benignitye Lord haue me in thy minde verse 7 His mercy is full sweete his truth a perfect guide Therefore the Lord will sinners teach and such as goe aside verse 8 The humble he will teach his preceptes for to keepe He will direct in all his wayes the lowly and the meeke verse 9 For all the wayes of God are truth and mercy both To them that keepe his testament the witnes of his troth The second part verse 10 Now for thy holy name O Lord I thee intreat To graunt me pardon for my sinne for it is wondrous great verse 11 Who so doth feare the Lord the Lord doth him direct To leade his lyfe in such a way as he doth best accept verse 12 His soule shall euermore in goodnes dwell and st●●d His seede and his posterit●● inherite shall the land verse 13 All those that fea●● the Lord know his secret late●● And vnto them he doth declare his will and Testament verse 14 Mine eyes and eke my hart to him I will aduannce That pluckt my feete out of the snare of sinne and ignoraunce verse 15 With mercy me behold to thee I make my none For I am poore and desolate and comfortlesse alone verse 16 The troubles of my hart are multiplyed in d●ede Bring me out of this misery necessitie and need verse 17 Behold my pouerty●● mine anguish and my payne Remitte my sinne and thine offence and make me clean● agayne verse 18 O Lord behold my foes how they do still in ●rease Pursuing me with deadly hate that f●yne would lyne in peace verse 19 Preserue and keepe my soule and eke deliuer me And let me not be ouer●hrowen because I trust in thee verse 20 Let my simple purenes me from mine enemies shend Because I looke as one of thine that thou wouldest me defend verse 21 Deliuer Lord my folke and send them some reliefe I meane thy chosen Israell from all their payne and griefe Iudica me domine Psal. xxvi I.H. Sing this as the xviij Psalme LOrd be my iudge and thou shalt see my pathes be right and plaine I trust in God and hope that he will strength me to remaine verse 2 Proue me my God I thee desir● my wayes to search and try As men do proue their gold with fire my raynes and hart espye verse 3 Thy goodnes layd before my fa●e I durst behold alwayes For of thy truth I tread the trace and will doe all my dayes verse 4 I doe not lust to haunt or vse with men whose deedes are vayne ▪ To come in house I doe refuse with the deceitfull trayne verse 5 I much abhorre the wicked sort their de●des I doe despise I doe not once to them resort that hurtfull thinges deuise verse 6 My handes I wash and do proceede in workes that walke vpright Then to thine altar I make speede to offer there in sight verse 7 That I may speake and preach the prayse that doth belong to thee And so declare how wondrous wayes thou hast bene good to me verse 8 O Lord thy house I loue must deare to me it doth 〈◊〉 I haue delight and would be 〈◊〉 whereas thy grace doth well verse 9 Oh shut not vp my soule with them in sinne tha● take their fill Nor yet my lyfe among those men that seeke
verse 34 Then am I most certaine my wordes shall him please I will reioyce in him to him will I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lord consume in thine ire And eke the peruerse them roote out with shame ▪ But as for my soule now let it still desire And say with the faythfull prayse ye the Lordes name Confitemini Domino psal Cv. N. ¶ Sing this as the xcv Psalme GEue prayses vnto God the Lord and call vpon his name Among the people eke declare his workes to spread his fame verse 2 Sing ye vnto the Lord I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of all the wondrous workes that he hath wrought alwayes verse 3 In honor of his holy name reioyce with one accord And let the hart also reioyce of them that seeke the Lord. verse 4 Seeke ye the Lord and seeke the strength of his eternall might And seeke his face continually and presence of his sight verse 5 The wondrous workes that he hath done keepe still in myndefull hart Ne let the iudgementes of his mouth out of your mynde depart verse 6 Ye that of faythfull Abraham his seruaunt are the seede Ye his elect the children that of Iacob do proceede verse 7 For he he onely is I say the mighty Lord our God And his most rightfull iudgementes are through all the earth abroad verse 8 His promise and his couenant which he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The second part verse 9 The couenaunt which he hath made with Abraham long ago And faythfull oth which he hath sworne to Isaac also verse 10 And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obay And for eternall couenant to Israell for ay verse 11 When thus he sayd loe I to you all Chanaan land will geue The lot of your inheritaunce wherein your seede shall liue verse 12 Although their number at that tyme did very small appeare Yea very small and in the land they then but straungers were verse 13 While yet they walkt from land to land without a sure abode And while fro sundry kyngdomes they did wander all abroad verse 14 And wrong at none oppressors hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kynges reproued for their sake verse 15 And thus he sayd touch ye not those that myne annoynted be Ne do the Prophetes any harme that do pertayne to me verse 16 He cald a dearth vpon the land of bread he stroyd the store But he agaynst their tyme of neede had sent a man before The third part verse 17 Euen Ioseph which had once been sold to liue a slaue in woe verse 18 Whose feete they hurt in stockes whose soule the iron pearst also verse 19 Vntill the tyme came when his cause was knowen apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faultles truth did try verse 20 The kyng sent and deliuered him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did freely let him pas verse 21 And ouer all his house he made him Lord to beare the sway And of his substaunce made him haue the rule and all the stay verse 22 That he might to his will instruct the Princes of his land And wisedomes lore his auncient men might teach to vnderstand verse 23 Then into the Egyptian land came Israell also And Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger tho verse 24 His people he exceedyngly in number made to flowe And ouer all their enemies in strength he made them grow verse 25 Whose hart he turnd that they with hate ▪ his people did intreat And did his seruauntes wrongfully abuse with false deceit The fourth part verse 26 His faythfull seruaunt Moyses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to go to them his message to disclose verse 27 The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shew And wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also verse 28 Darknes he sent and made it darcke in st●ed of brighter day And vnto his commission they did not disobay verse 29 He turnd their waters into bloud he did their fishes ●lay verse 30 Their land brought frogs euen in the place where their kyng Pharo lay verse 31 He spake ▪ and at his voyce there came great swarmes of noysom Flyes And all the quarters of their land were fild with crawling lyce verse 32 He gaue them cold and stony hayle in steed of milder rayne ▪ And fier● flames within their land he sent vnto their payne verse 33 He smote their vines and all their trees whereon their figs did grow And all the trees within their coastes downe did he ouerthrow verse 34 He spake then Caterpillers did and Grashoppers abound verse 35 Which eat the gras in all their land and fruite of all their ground The fift part verse 36 Their first begotten in their land eke deadly did he smite Yea the begynnyng and first fruit of all their strength and might verse 37 With gold and siluer he them brought from Egypt la●d to pas And in the numb●r of their tribes no feeble one there was verse 38 Egypt was glad and ioyfull then when they did thence depart For terrour and the feare of them was fallen vpon their hart verse 39 To shroud them from the parchyng hea● a cloud he did display And fire ●e sent to geue them light when night had hid the day verse 40 They asked and he caused Quayles to rayne at their request And ●ully with the bread of heauen their hunger he represt verse 41 He opened then the stony rocke and waters gushed out And in the dry and parched grounds like ●iuers ●anne about verse 42 For of his holy couenaunt aye myndefull was he tho Which to his seruant Abraham ●e p●●ghted long ago verse 43 He b●ought his people forth with mirth and his elect with ioy Out of the cruell land where they had lyued in great annoy verse 44 And of the Heathen men he gaue to them the fruitfull landes The labor of the people 〈◊〉 they tooke into their handes verse 45 That they his holy statutes might obserue for euermore And faythfully obey his lawes prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini Domino psal Cvi N. ¶ Sing this as the xcv Psalme PRayse ye the Lord for he is good his mercy dures foray verse 2 Who can expresse his noble actes or all his prayse display ▪ verse 3 They blessed are that iudgementes keepe and ●ustly do alway verse 4 With fauour of thy people Lord remember me I pray And with thy sa●yng health O Lord vouchsafe to visit● mee verse 5 That I the great felicitie of thine elect may see And with thy peoples ioy I may a ioyfull mynde possesse And may with thine inheritaunce a glorying ▪ hart expresse verse 6 Both we and eke our fathers all haue sinned euery one We haue committed wickednes and lewdly we haue done verse 7 The wonders great which thou O Lord hast
done in Egypt land ▪ Our fathers though they saw them all yet did not vnderstand Nor they thy mercies multitude did keepe in thankefull mynde But at the Sea yea the red Sea rebelled most vnkynde verse 8 Neuertheles he ●aued them for honor of his name That he might make his power knowen and spread abroad with fame verse 9 The read Sea he did then rebuke and forthwith it was dryde And as in wildernes so through the deepe he did them guide verse 10 He saued them from the cruell hand of their dispightfull foe And from the enemies hand he did deliuer them also The second part verse 11 The waters their oppressors whelmd not one was left aliue verse 12 Then they beleeued his wordes and prayse in song they did him geue verse 13 But by and hy vnthankfully his wordes they cleane forgat And for his counsell and his will they did neglect to wayte verse 14 But lusted in the wildernes with fond and greedy lust And in the desert tempted God the stay of all their trust verse 15 And then their wanton mindes desire he suffered them to haue But wasting leanes therewithall into their soule he gaue verse 16 Then when they lodged in their tentes at Moyses they did grutch Aaron the holy of the Lord so did they m●y much verse 17 Therefore the earth did open wide and Dathan did de●oure And all Abirams company did coue● in th●● houre verse 18 In their assembly kindled was the hote consuming fire And wasting flame did then burne vp the wicked in his ire verse 19 Vpon the h●ll of Horeb they an Idol Calf did frame And there the molten Image they did worship of the same verse 20 Into the lykenes of a Calfe that feedeth on the gras Thus they their glo●y tur●d and all their honor did deface verse 21 And God● their onely Sauiour vnkindely they forgot Which many great and mighty thinges in Egipt land had wrought The third part verse 22 And in the land of Ham for them most wondrous workes had done And by the red Sea dreadfull thinges performed long agone verse 23 Therefore for their so shewing them forgetfull and vnkind To bring destruction on them all he purposd in his minde Had not his chosen Moyses stood before him in the breake To turne his wrath least he on them with slaughter should him wreake verse 24 They did despise the pleasaunt land that he be●ight to geue Yea and the wordes that he had spoke they did no whi● beleue verse 25 But in their tentes with grudging hart they wickedly repinde Not to the voyce of God the Lord they gaue an harkening minde verse 26 Therefore agaynst them lifted he his strong reuenging hand Them to destroy in wildernes ere they should see the land verse 27 And to destroy their seede among the nations with his rod And through the countries of the world to scatter them abroad verse 28 To Baal Pe●r then they did adioyne themselues also And eate the offringes of the dead so they forsooke him tho verse 29 Thus with their owen inuentions his wrath they did prou●ke And in his so inkindled wrath the plague vpon them broke verse 30 But Phinces stood vp with Zeale the sinners vile to s●ay And iudgement he did execu●e and then the plague did stay The fourth part verse 31 It was imputed vnto him for right co●snes that day And from thenceforth so counted is from race to race for aye verse 32 At waters eke of Meribah they did him angry make Yea so f●r forth that Moyses was then punisht for their sake verse 33 Because they vent his spirite so fore that in impatient heat His lips spake vnaduisedly his feauer was so great verse 34 Nor as the Lord commaunded them they slew the people tho verse 35 But were among the heathen mixt and learnd their workes also verse 36 And did their Idols serue which were their ruine and decay verse 37 To feendes their sonnes and daughters they did offer vp and slay verse 38 Yea with vnkindely murdering knife the guiltlesse bloud they spilt Yea their owne sonnes and daughters bloud without all cause of guile Whom they to Canaan Idols then offered with wicked hand And so with bloud of innocentes defiled was the land verse 39 Thus were they stay●ed with the workes of their owne filthy way And with their owne inuentions a whoring they did stray verse 40 Therfore agaynst his people was the Lordes wrath kindled sore And euen his owne inheritaunce therefore he did abhorre verse 41 Into the handes of Heathen men he gaue them for a pray And made their foes their Lordes whome they were forced to obay The fift part verse 42 Yea and their hatef●ll enemies oppressed them in the land And they were humbly made to stoope as subiectes to their hand verse 43 Full oftentimes from thrall had he deliuered them before But with their counsells they to wrath prouok● him euermore Therefore they by their wickednes were brought full low to lye verse 44 Yet when he saw them in distresse he harkened to their cry verse 45 He cald to minde his couenaunt which he to them had swore And by his mercyes multitude repented him therefore verse 46 And fauour he them made to finde before the sight of those That led them captiue from the land when erst they were her foes verse 47 Saue vs O Lord that art our God saue vs O Lord we pray And from among the heathen folke Lord gather vs away That we may spread the noble prayse of thy most holy name That we may glory in thy prayse and sounding of thy fa●●e verse 48 The Lord the God of Israell be blest for euermore ▪ Let all the people say Amen ▪ prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini Domino Psal. Cvii W.K. ¶ Sing this as the lxxvij Psalme GEue thankes vnto the Lord our God for gracious is he And that his mer● hath none end all mortall men may see verse 2 Such as the Lord redeemed hath with thankes shall pray●e his name And shew ho● they from foes were freed and how be wrought the same verse 3 He gathered them forth of the landes that lay so farre about From East to west from North to South his hand did finde them out verse 4 They wandred in the wildernes and strayed from the way And found no Citie where to dwell that serue might for their stay verse 5 Whose thirst and hunger was so great in th●se des●rtes so voyde That faintn●s did them sore assault and eke their soules annoyd verse 6 Then did they cry in their distres vnto the Lord for ayd Who did ●emou● their troublous state according as they prayd verse 7 And by that way which was most right he led them lyke a guide That they might to a Citie goe and there also abide verse 8 Let men therefore before the Lord confesse his kindenes then And shew the wonders that be doth before the sonnes of men verse 9