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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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verse 13 O ye the frost and chilling cold bles ye the Lord. c. verse 14 O ye congeled I se and snow bles ye the Lord. c. verse 15 O ye y e nightes lightsome dayes bles ye the lord c verse 16 O ye the darknes and the light bles ye the Lord. c. verse 17 O ye the lightnings the cloudes bles ye the lord c verse 18 O let the earth eke bles y e Lord bles yea the Lord. c verse 19 O ye the mountaines the hils blesse ye the lord c. verse 20 O al ye grene things on the earth bles ye the lord c verse 21 O ye the euer springing wels bles ye the Lord. c. verse 22 O ye the seas and ye the flouds bles ye the Lord c. verse 23 Whales al that in waters moue bles ye the lord c verse 24 O al ye flying foules of thayre bles ye the Lord c. verse 25 O al the beastes and cattel eke bles ye the Lorde c. verse 26 O ye the children of mankind bles ye the Lord. c. verse 27 Let Israel eke blesse the Lord bles ye the Lord. c verse 28 O ye the priestes of God the Lord bles ye the lord c verse 29 O ye the seruantes of the Lord bles ye the Lord c. verse 30 Ye sprites soules of righteous mē blesse ye y e lord c verse 31 Ye holy and ye meeke of hart blesse ye the Lord. c. verse 32 O Ananias bles the Lord bles thou the Lord praise him and magnify him for euer O Azarias bles the Lord bles thou the Lord praise him and magnify him for euer And Misael bles thou the Lord bles thou the Lord prayse him and magnify hym for euer ¶ The song of Zacharias called Benedictus THe onely lord of Israel be praised euermore for through his visitation and mercy kept in store His peoplenow he hath redemde that long hath bene in thral and spread abrode his sauyng health vpon his seruantes al. In Dauids house his seruant true according to his mynde And also his annoynted king as we in Scripture fynde As by his holy prophetes al oft times he did declare The which were since y e world began his way for to prepare That we might be deliuered from those that make debate Our enemies and from the handes of all that do vs hate The mercy which he promised our fathers to fulfil And thinke vpon his couenant made according to his wyl And also to performe the othe which he before had sworne To Abraham our father deare for vs that were forlorne That he would geue himselfe for vs and vs frō bōdage bryng Out of the hands of al our foes to serue our heauenly king And that without al maner feare and eke in rightuousnes And also for to leade our lyfe in stedfast holines And y u O child which now art borne and of the Lord elect Shalt be the prophet of the highest his wayes for to dyrect For thou shalt go before his face for to prepare his wayes And also for to teach his wil and pleasure all thy dayes To geue them knowledge how that their saluation is nere And that remission of their sins is through his mercy mere Wherby the day spring from an hie is come vs for to visit And those for to illuminate which do in darkenes sit To lighten those that shadowed be with death eke opprest And also for to guide their feete the way to peace and rest The song of blessed Mary called Magnificat MY soule doth magnify the Lord my sprite eke euermore reioyseth in the lord my god which is my Sauior And why because he did regard gaue respect vnto so base estate of his hadmaid and let the mighty go For now behold al nations and generations all From this tyme forth for euermore shal me right blessed cal Because he hath me magnifyed which is the Lord of might Whose name be euer sanctified and praysed day and night For with his mercy and his grace all men he doth inflame Throughout al generations to such as feare his name He shewed strength w t his great arme made y e proud to start With al imaginations that they bare in their hart He hath put downe the mighty ones from their supernal seat And did exalt the meeke in hart as he hath thought it meete The hungry he replenished with al thyngs that were good And through his power he made y e rich oft times to wāt their fode And calling to remembraunce his mercy euery deale Hath holpen vp assistantly his seruant Israell According to his promise made to Abraham before And to his seede successiuely to stand for euermore The song of Simeon called Nunc dimittis O Lord because my hartes desire hath wished long to see my onely lord sauiour thy son be ●ore I die the ioy health of al mankind desired long before which now is come into the world of mercy bringing store Thou sufferest thy seruaunt now in peace for to depart Accordyng to thy holy worde which lighteneth my hart Because mine eyes which thou hast made to geue my body light Haue now behold thy sauing health which is the Lorde of myght Whom thou mercifully hast set of thyne aboundant grace In open sight and visible before all peoples face The Gentils to illuminate and Sathan ouerquel And eke to be the glory of thy people Israel The Creede of Athanasius Norton WHat man soeuer he be that saluatiō wil attain the catholike beliefe he must before al things retaine Which faith vnles he holy kepe and vndefiledly without al doubt eternally he shal be sure to dye The catholike beliefe is this that God we worship one In Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie alone So as we neyther do confound the persons of the three Nor yet the substance whole of one in sunder parted bee One person of the father is another of the Sonne An other person proper of the holy ghost alone Of father Sonne and holy Ghost but one the Godhed is Like glory coeternal eke the maiestie likewyse Such as the father is such is the Sonne in ech degree And such also we do beleue the holy Ghost to bee Vncreate is the Father and vncreate is the Sonne The holy ghost vncreate so vncreate is ech one Incomprehensible Father is incomprehensible Sonne And comprehensible also is the holy Ghost of none The Father is eternal and the Sonne eternall so And in lyke sort eternal is the holy ghost also And yet though we beleue that eche of these eternals bee Yet there but one eternal is and not eternals three As ne incomprehensible we ne yet vncreat three But one incomprehensible one vncreate holde to bee Almighty so the father is the sonne almighty so And in lyke sort almighty is the holy Ghost also And albeit that euery one of these almighty bee
make my sute to thee let not my words returne in vaine but geue an eare to me frō of the coastes vtmost partes of all the earth abroad in grief anguish of my hart I cry to thee O God verse 3 Vpon the rock of thy great power my woful mynd repose thou art my hope my fort and tower my fence against my foes verse 4 Within thy tent I lust to dwel for euer to indure Vnder thy wings I know right wel I shal be safe sure verse 5 The Lord doth my desire regard and doth fulfil the same With goodly gifts wil he reward al them that feare his name verse 6 The king shal he in health maintain and so prolong his dayes That he from age to age shal raign for euermore alwayes verse 7 That he may haue a dwelling place before the Lord for aye O let thy mercy truth and grace defend him from decay verse 8 Then shal I sing for euer stil with prayse vnto thy name That al my vowes I may fulfil and daily pay the same Nonne deo subiecta psalme .lxii. I. H. Dauid declareth by his exāple by y e nature of god y e he must trust in god alone therunto exhorteth al people seing y e al is vanity wtout god al goeth to nought al we ar alwaies taught y e God onely is of power to saue that he rewardeth mā according to bys workes Sing this as the. 6● Psalme verse 1 MY soule to God shal geue good hede and him alone entend for why wy helth hope to spede doth whole on him depēd verse 2 For he alone is my defence my rock my health my ayd He is my stay that no pretence shal make me much dismayd verse 3 O wicked folk how long wil ye vse crafts sure ye must fal For as a rotten hedge ye be and like a tottering wal verse 4 Whō god doth loue ye seke alwayes to put him to the wurse Ye loue to lie with mouth ye praise and yet your hart doth curse verse 5 Yet stil my soule doth whole depend on God my chief desire From al il feates me to defend none but him I require verse 6 He is my rock my strength my tower my health is of his grace He doth support me that no power can moue me out of place verse 7 God is my glory and my health my soules desire and lust My fort my strēgth my stay my wealth God is mine only trust verse 8 Oh haue your hope in him alway ye folke with one accord Poure out your harts to him and say our trust is in the Lord. verse 9 The sonnes of men deceitful are on balaunce but a sleight With things most vayne do thē cōpare for they cā kepe no weight verse 10 Trust not in wrong robbry or stelth let vayne delightes be gone though goods wel got flow in w c welth set not your harts theron verse 11 The Lord long sith one thing doth tel which here to mind I cal He spake it oft I heard it wel that god alone doth al. verse 12 And that thou Lord art good and kynde thy mercy doth excede So that al sortes wyth thee shal find according to their dede Deus deus meus psalme .lxiii. T. S. Dauid after he had bene in great daunger by Saule in the deserte Ziph made this Psalme wherin he geueth thanks to God for his wonderful deliuerance in whose mercies he trusted euē in the midst of his miseries prophecying the destruction of gods enemies contra rywise happenes to al them that trust in the Lord. 1. Sam. iii Sing this as the. 44 Psalme verse 1 O God my God I watch betyme to come to thee in hast For why my soule and body both doth thirst of thee to tast And in this barrē wildernes where waters there are none my flesh is partcht for thought of thee for thee I wish alone verse 2 That I might see yet once agayn thy glory strength and might As I was wont it to behold within thy temple bryght verse 3 For why thy mercies far surmount this lyfe and wretched dayes My lips therfore shal geue to thee due honor laude and prayse verse 4 And whilst I lyue I wil not fayle to worship thee alway And in thy name I shal lift vp my hands whē I do pray verse 5 My soule is filled as with marow which is both fat and swete my mouth therfore shal sing such sōgs as are for thee most mete verse 6 When as in bed I think on thee and eke al the night tyde verse 7 For vnder couert of thy wings thou art my ioyful guide verse 8 My soule doth surely stick to thee thy right hand is my power verse 9 And those that seke my soule to stroy thē death shal sone deuoure verse 10 The sword shal thē deuour echone their carcases shal fede The hungry foxes which do run their pray to seke at nede verse 11 The king and al men shal reioyce that do profes Gods word For liers mouthes shal thē be stopt which haue y e truth disturbde Exaudi deus vocem meam psalme lxiiii l. H Dauid prayeth against the false reporters and slaunderere he declareth their punishment destruction to the comfort of the iust and the glory of God Syng this as the. 18. Psalm verse 1 O Lord vnto my voyce geue eare with plaint when I do pray and rid my life soule from feare of foes that threat to slay verse 2 Defend me from that sort of men which in deceipts do lurke And from the frowning face of them that al il feates do worke verse 3 who whet their tōgs as we haue sene mē whet sharp their swords Thei shoote abrode their arrowes kene I mean most bitter words verse 4 With priuy sleight shote thei their shaft the vpright man to hit The iust vnware to strike by craft they care or feare no whit verse 5 A wicked worked haue they decreed in counsel thus they cry To vse deceyt let vs not dread what who can it espy verse 6 What wayes to hurt they talk muse al times within their hart They al cōsult what feates to vse ech doth inuent his part verse 7 But yet al this shal not auayle whē they think least vpon God with his dart shal sure assayle and wound thē euery one verse 8 Their crafts their il tōgs withal shal work thēselues such blame That they which then behold their fal shal wonder at y ● same verse 9 Thē al that see shal know right wel that god y e thing hath wrought and prayse his witty works tel what he to pas hath brought verse 10 Yet shal the iust in God reioyce stil trusting in his might so shal they ioy with mind and voyce whose hart is pure right Te decet hymnus Psalm .lxv. I. H. A prayse and thankesgeuing vnto God by the faythful who are signified by Sion and
throne his ioy and myrth By thee is ouerthrowen and cast ful low vpon the erth verse 46 Thou hast cut of and made ful short his youth and lusty dayes and raysed of him an il report with shame and great disprayse verse 47 How long away from me O Lord for euer wilt thou turne and shal thine anger stil alway as fire consume and burne verse 48 O cal to mind remember then my time consumeth fast why hast thou made the sonnes of mē as things in vaine to wast verse 49 What man is he that liueth here and death shal neuer see Or from the hand of hel his soule shal he deliuer free verse 50 Where is O Lord thine old goodnes so oft declared beforne which by thy truth and vprightnes to Dauid thou hast sworne verse 51 The great rebukes to mind do cal that on thy seruaunts ly The rayling of thy people al borne in my brest haue I. verse 52 Wherwith O Lord thyne enmies blasphemed haue thy name The steps of thine annoynted one they cease not to defame verse 53 Al prayse to thee O Lord of hostes both now an eke for ay Through sky and earth in al the costes Amen Amen I say Domine refugium Psalme .xc. I. H. ¶ Moses in his prayer setteth before vs the eternal fauour of God towardes his who are neither admonished by the breuity of their lyfe nor by his plages to be thankefull Therfore Moses prayeth God to turne theyr hartes and continew his mercyes towardes them and theyr posteritie for euer Sing this as the .78 Psalme verse 1 THou Lord hast ben our sure defence our place of ease and rest In al times past yea so lōg sence as cannot be exprest verse 2 Or there was made moūtane or hil the earth or world abrod From age to age and alwayes stil for euer thou art God verse 3 thou grindest man through grief payne to dust or clay and then and then thou sayst agayne returne agayne ye sonnes of men verse 4 The lastyng of a thousand yeare what is it in thy sight as yesterday it doth appeare or as a watch one nyght verse 5 So sone as thou doost scattre them then is their lyfe and trade al as a slepe and like the grasse whose bewty sone doth fade verse 6 Which in the morning shines ful bright but fadeth by and by and is cut down ere it be night al withered dead and dry verse 7 For through thine anger we consume our might is much decayd and of thy feruent wrath and fume we are ful sore afrayd verse 8 The wicked workes that we haue wrought y u setst before thine eye Our priuy faults yea eke our thought thy coūtenaūce doth espye verse 9 For through thy wrath our dayes do wast therof doth nought remaine Our yeres cōsume as words or blast ar not called againe verse 10 Our time is threscore yeare and ten that we do liue on mold If one see fourescore surely then we count him wondrous old verse 11 Yet of this time the strength and chief the which we count vpon Is nothing els but painful grief and we as blastes are gone verse 12 Who once doth know what strēgth is there what might thine anger hath Or in his hart who doth y ● feare according to thy wrath verse 13 Instruct vs Lord to know and try how long our dayes remayne That then we may our hartes apply true wisdome to attaine verse 14 Retourne O Lord how long wilt y ● fourth on in wrath procede Shew fauour to thy seruaunts now and helpe thē at their nede verse 15 Refresh vs with thy mercy sone and then our ioy shal be al times so long as lyfe doth last in hart reioyce shal we verse 16 As thou hast plaged vs before now also make vs glad and for the yeares wherin ful sore affliction we haue had verse 17 O let thy worke and power appeare on thy seruaunts lyght and shew vnto their children deare thy glory and thy might verse 18 Lord let thy grace and glory stand on vs thy seruaunts thus Confirme the workes we take in hand Lord prosper them to vs. Qui habitat Psalme .xci. I. H. ¶ Here is described in what assurance he liueth that putteth his whole trust in God cōmitteth him selfe wholly to his protection in al tēpraciōs A promise of God to those that loue him know him and trust in him to deliuer them and geue them immor●●● glory Syng this as the .69 Psalme verse 1 HE that within the secret place of God most hie doth dwel In shadow of the mightiest grace at rest shal kepe him wel verse 2 Thou art my hope my strong hold I to the Lord wil say My God is he in him wil I my whole affiaunce stay verse 3 He shal defend thee from the snare the which the hunter layd And from that deadly plage and care wherof thou art afrayd verse 4 And with his wings shal couer thee and kepe thee safely there His faith truth thy fēce shal be as sure as shield speare verse 5 So that thou shalt not nede I say to feare or be afflight Of al the shafts that fly by day nor terrours of the night verse 6 Nor of the plage that priuily doth walke in darke so fast Nor yet of that which doth destroy at noone dayes doth wast verse 7 Yea at thy side as thou doost stand a thousand dead shal be Ten thousand eke at thy right hand and yet shalt thou be fre verse 8 But thou shalt se it for thy part thine eyes shal wel regard That euen like to theyr desert the wicked haue reward verse 9 For why O Lord I onely lust to stay my hope on thee and in the hyest I put my trust my sure defence is hee verse 10 Thou shalt not nede none il to feare with thee it shal not mel Nor yet the plage shal once come nere thy house where y u doost dwel verse 11 For why vnto his angels al with charge commaundeth hee That stil in al thy wayes they shal preserue and prosper thee verse 12 And in their hands shal thee beare vp stil wayting thee vpon So that thy foote shal neuer chaunce to spurne at any stone verse 13 Vpon the Lion thou shalt go the adder fel and long And tread vpon the Lions yong with dragons stoute strong verse 14 For that he trusteth vnto me I wil dispatch hym quite and him defend because that he doth know my name a right verse 15 When he for health on me doth cry an aunswere I wil gyue and from his grief take him wil I in glory for to lyue verse 16 With length of yeres dayes of welth I wil fulfil his time The goodnes of my sauing helth I wil declare to him Bonum est confiteri Psalme .xcii. I. H. ¶ This Psalme was made to be song on the Saboth to stirre vp the people to acknowledge God
grace as may my lyfe prolong Thy holy word then wil I kepe both in my hart and tong verse 18 Mine eyes which were dim shut vp so open and make bright that of thy law marueilous workes I may haue y ● cleare sight verse 19 I am a straunger in this earth wandryng now here now there Thy word therfore to me disclose my footesteps for to cleare verse 20 My soule is rauished with desyre and neuer is at rest But seketh to know thy iudgemēts hye what may please thee best verse 21 The proud men and malicious thou hast destroyd echone and cursed are such as do not thy hestes attend vpon verse 22 Lord turne me frō rebuke shame which wicked men conspire For I haue kept thy couenants with zeale as hoate as fyre verse 23 The princes great in counsel sate and did against me speake but thē thy seruāt thought how he thy statutes might not breake verse 24 For why thy couenants are my ioy and my great harts solace They serue in stede of counsellers my matters for to pas DALETH The .iiii. part verse 25 I Am alas as brought to graue and almost turnd to dust Restore therfore my lyfe agayne as thy promise is iust verse 26 My wayes whē I acknowledged with mercy thou dydst heare Here now eftsones and me instruct thy lawes to loue and feare verse 27 Teach me once throughly for to know thy precepts and thy lore Thy works then wil I meditate and lay them vp in store verse 28 My soule I feele so sore opprest that it melteth for griefe Accordyng to thy word therfore hast Lord to send reliefe verse 29 From lieng and deceitful lips let thy grace me defend and that I may learn thee to loue thy holy law me send verse 30 The way of truth both straight sure I haue chosen and found I set thy iudgement me before which kepe me safe and sound verse 31 Since then O Lord I forced my self thy couenants to embrace Let me therfore haue no rebuke nor check in any case verse 32 Then wil I runne with ioyful cheare where thy word doth me cal when thou hast set my hart at large and rid me out of thral HE The fyft part verse 33 INstruct me Lord in the right trade of thy statutes deuyne and it to kepe euen to the end my hart wil I encline verse 34 Graunt me the knowledge of thy law and I shal it obey With hart and mynd and al my might I wil it kepe I say verse 35 In the right path of thy precepts guide me Lord I require None other pleasure do I wish nor greater thyng desyre verse 36 Incline my hart thy lawes to kepe and couenants to embrace And from al filthy auarice Lord shield me with thy grace verse 37 From vayn desires and worldly lustes turn back mine eyes syght Gene me the spirit of lyfe power to walk thy wayes aright verse 38 Confirme thy gratious promise Lord which thou hast made to mee Which am thy seruant and do loue and feare nothyng but thee verse 39 Reproch shame which I so feare from me O Lord expel For thou doost iudge with equity therin doost excel verse 40 Behold my harts desyre is bent thy lawes to kepe for ay Lord strengthē me so with thy grace that it perform I may VAV The syxt part verse 41 THy mercies great and manifold let me obtayne O Lord Thy sauing health let me enioy according to thy word verse 42 So shal I stop y e slaundrous mouthes of leud men and vniust For in thy faithful promises standes my comfort and trust verse 43 The word of truth within my mouth let euer stil be prest For in thy iudgements wonderful my hope doth stand and rest verse 44 And while y ● breath within my brest doth natural life preserue Yea til this world shal be dissolued thy law wil I obserue verse 45 So walk wil I as set at large and made free from al drede Because I sought how for to kepe thy precepts and thy rede verse 46 Thy noble actes I wil describe as things of most great fame Euē before kings I wil them blase and shrink no whit for shame verse 47 I wil reioyce then to obey thy worthy hestes and wil which euermore I haue loued best and so wil loue them stil verse 48 My hands wil I lyft to thy lawes which I haue dearely sought and practise thy commaundements in wil in dede and thought ZAIN The .vii. part verse 49 THy promise which y u madest to me thy seruant Lord remember For therin haue I put my trust and confidence for euer verse 50 It is my comfort and my ioy when troubles me assayle For were my life not by thy word my life would soone me fayle verse 51 The proud such as God contemn stil made of me a scorne yet would I not thy law forsake as he that were forelorne verse 52 But cald to mind lord thy great works shewd to our fathers old Wherby I felt the ioy surmount my grief an hundred fold verse 53 But yet alas for feare I quooke seyng how wicked men thy law forsooke and did procure thy iudgemēt who know whē verse 54 And as for me I framde my songs thy statutes to exalt When I among the straungers dwelt thoughts gan me assalt verse 55 I thought vpon thy name O Lord by night when others slepe as for thy law also I kept and euer wil it kepe verse 56 This grace I did obtayne because thy couenants swete and deare I did embrace and also kepe with reuerence and with feare HETH The .viii. part verse 57 O God which art my part and lot my comfort and my stay I haue decreed and promised thy lawe to kepe alway verse 58 Myne earnest hart dyd humbly sue in presence of thy face as thou therfore hast promised Lord graunt me of thy grace verse 59 My lyfe I haue examined and tryde my secret hart Which to thy statutes caused me my feete straight to conuert verse 60 I did not stay nor linger long as they that slouthful are But hastely thy lawes to kepe I did my self beware verse 61 The cruel bandes of wicked men haue made of me their pray yet would I not thy law forget nor from thee go astray verse 62 Thy rightous iudgemēt shewd toward me so great is and so hye That euen at midnight wil I ryse thy name to magnify verse 63 Companion am I to al them which feare thee in their hart and neyther wil for loue nor dread frō thy cōmaundements start verse 64 Thy mercies Lord most plentuously do al the world fulfil Oh teach me how I may obey thy statutes and thy wil. TETH The .ix. part verse 65 ACcording to thy promise Lord so hast thou with me delt For of thy grace in sundry sortes haue I thy seruant felt verse 66 Teach me to iudge alwayes aright and geue me knowledg
pursue my soule and eke my life down thrust Vnto the earth and also lay myne honour in the dust verse 6 Stert vp O Lord now in thy wrath and put my foes to payne Performe thy kingdome promised to me which wrong sustaine verse 7 Thē shal great nations come to thee and know thee by this thing If thou declare for loue of thē thy selfe as Lord and kyng verse 8 And thou that art of al men iudge O Lord now iudge thou me According to my rightousnes and myne integritie The seconde part verse 9 9 Lord cease the hate of wicked men and be the iust mans guide verse 10 By whom the secrets of al hearts are searched and descride verse 11 I take my helpe to come of God in al my grief and smart That doth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect hart verse 12 The iust man and the wicked both God iudgeth by his power So that he feleth his mighty hand euen euery day and houre verse 13 Except he chaunge his mind I dye for euen as he should smit He whets his sword his bow he bēds ayming where he may hit verse 14 And doth prepare his mortal dartes his arrowes kene and sharpe For them that do me persecute whilest he doth mischief warpe verse 15 But loe though he in trauel be of his deuilish forecast And of his mischief once cōceiued yet brings forth nought at last verse 16 He digs a ditch and delues it depe in hope to hurt his brother But he shal fal into the pit that he digde vp for other verse 17 Thus wrong retorneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred And al the mischief that he wrought shal fal vpon his head verse 18 I wil geue thankes to God therfore that iudgeth righteously And with my song prayse wil the name of him that is most hie Domine Deus noster Psalme .viij. T. S ¶ The Prophet considering thexcellent liberalitie and fatherly prouidence of God towardes man whom he made as it were a god ouer all his workes doth not onely geue great thankes but is astonished with thadmiration of the same as one nothing able to compasse such great mercyes and so endeth Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 O God our Lord how wonderful are thy workes euery where Whose fame surmount in dignitie aboue the heauēs cleare verse 2 Euē by the mouths of sucking babes y u wilt cōfoūd thy foes For in these babes thy might is sene thy graces they disclose verse 3 And when I see the heauēs high the workes of thine own hand The sunne the mone and all the starres in order as they stand verse 4 What thing is man Lord thinke I then that y u doost him remēber Or what is mans posteritie that thou doost it consider verse 5 For thou hast made him little lesse then angels in degree And thou hast crowned him also with glory and dignitie verse 6 Thou hast preferd him to be Lord of al thy workes of wonder And at his fete hast set al things that he should kepe thē vnder verse 7 As shepe and neat and al beastes els that in the fieldes do fede verse 8 Foules of the ayre fish in the sea and al that therin brede verse 9 Therfore must I say once again O God that art our Lord How famous how wōderful are thy workes through y e world Confitebor tibi domine Psalme .ix. T. S. ¶ After he had geuē thākes to god for the sundry victories that he had sēt him against his enemies also proued by manifold experiēce how ready god was at hand in all his troubles ●e being now likewise in daunger of new enemyes desireth god to helpe him according to his wont and destroy the malicious arrogancie of his aduersaries Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 WIth hart mouth vnto the Lord wil I sing laud and prayse And speake of al thy wondrous workes thē declare alwaies verse 2 I wil be glad and much reioyce in thee O God most hie And make my songes extoll thy name aboue the starry skye verse 3 For that my foes are driuen backe and turned vnto flight They fal down flat and are destroyd by thy great force myght Thou hast reuenged al my wrong my grief and al my grudge verse 4 Thou doost w t iustice heare my cause most like a righteous iudge verse 5 Thou doost rebuke the Heathē folke and wicked so confound That afterward the memory of them cannot be found verse 6 My foe thou hast made good dispatch all our townes destroyed thou hast their fame w t thē defaced through al the world so wide verse 7 Know thou that he which is aboue for euermore shal raigne And in the seat of equity true iudgement wil maintayne verse 8 With iustice he wil kepe and guide the world and euery wight And so wil yelde with equitie to euery man his right verse 9 He is protector of the poore what time they be opprest He is in al aduersitie their refuge and their rest verse 10 All they that know thy holy name therfore shal trust in thee For thok forsakest not their sute in their necessitie verse 11 Sing Psalmes therfore vnto the Lord that dwelleth in Sion hil Publish among al nations his noble actes and will verse 12 For he is mindful of the bloud of those that be opprest Forgetting not th' afflicted hart that seekes to him for rest The second part verse 13 Haue mercy Lord on me poore wretch whose enmies stil remaine Which from the gates of death are wont to rayse me vp agayne verse 14 In Sion that I might set forth thy prayse with hart and voyce And that in thy saluation Lord my soule might stil reioyce verse 15 The heathen sticke fast in the pit that they them selues preparde And in the net that they did set their own fete fast are snarde verse 16 God she wes his iudgemēts which wer good for euery mā to mark When as ye se the wicked man lye trapt in his own warke verse 17 The wicked and the sinfull men go down to hel for euer And all the people of the world that God wil not remember verse 18 But sure the Lord wil not forget the poore mans grief and payne The pacient people neuer looke for helpe of God in vayne verse 19 O Lord arise least men preuayle that be of worldly myght And let the Heathen folke receyue their iudgement in thy sight verse 20 Lord strike such terror feare and dread into the harts of them That they may know assuredly they be but mortal men Vt quid domine Psalme .x. T. S ¶ He complayneth of the fraud rapine tyranny and of all kindes of wrong whiche worldly men vse assigning the cause therof whiche was that wicked men beyng as it were dronken with worldy prosperitie and therfore setting a part all feare and reuerence towardes god thinke they may do all thinges without
20 The Lord doth so preserue and keepe his very bones alway That not so much as one of them doth perish or decay verse 21 The sinne shal slea the wicked mā whiche he himself hath wrought and such as hate y e righteous mā shal soone be brought to nought verse 22 But they that serue the liuing Lord the Lord doth saue thē sound and who that put their trust in hym nothyng shal thē confound Iudice domine psalme .xxxv. I. H ¶ So long as Saule was enemy to Dauid al y ● had any authoritie vnder him to flatter their king did also most cruelly persecute Dauid against whom he prayeth God to plead to auenge his cause that they may be taken in their nets and snares which they laid for hym his innoccēy may be declared And y ● the innocēt whiche taketh part w e him may reioyce praise the name of the Lord that thus deliuereth his seruant And so he promiseth to speake forth the iustice of the Lord and to magnify his name al the dayes of his lyfe LOrd pleade my cause agaynst my foes con found their force and myght Fyght on my part against all those that seeke with me to fyght Lay hand vp pon thy speare and shield thy self in armour dresse stand vp for me and fight the field to helpe me from distresse verse 3 Gird on thy sword and stop the way my enmies to withstand That thou vnto my soule do say lo I thy helpe at hand verse 4 Confound them with rebuke and blame that seke my soule to spil let thē turne backe flye with shame y e think to worke me il verse 5 Let them disperse and flie abrode as wind doth dryue the dust And that the aungel of our God their might away may thrust verse 6 Let al their wayes be voyde of lyght and slippry like to fal And send thine aungel with thy might to persecute them al. verse 7 For why without my fault they haue in secret set their grin And for no cause haue digd a cause to take my soule therin verse 8 When they think least haue no care O Lord destroy them al Let them be trapt in their owne snare aud in their mischief fal verse 9 And let my soule my hart and voyce in God haue ioy and wealth That in the lord I may reioyce and in his sauyng health verse 10 And then my bones shal speak and say my partes shal al agree O Lord though they do seme ful gay what man is lik to thee The second part verse 11 Thou doost defēd y e weake from thē that are both stout and strōg and rid the poore from wicked mē that spoyle and do thē wrong verse 12 My cruel foes against me rise to witnes things vntrue And to accuse me they deuise of that I neuer knew verse 13 Where I to them did owe good wil they quit me with disdayne That they should pay my good with il my soule doth sore cōplain verse 14 When they wer sick I mournd therfore and clad my self in sacke With fasting I did faint ful sore to pray I was not slacke verse 15 As they had bene my brethrē deare I did my self behaue As one that maketh woful cheare about his mothers graue verse 16 But they at my disease did ioy and gather on a rout Yea abiect slaues at me did toye with mocks and checks ful stout verse 17 The belly gods and flattering trayne that al good things deryde At me do grin with great disdayne and pluck their mouth asyde verse 18 Lord whē wilt thou amēd this geare why doost thou stay pause Oh rid my soule myne onely deare out of these Lyons clawes verse 19 And then wil I geue thanks to thee before thy church alwayse And where as most of people be there wil I shew they prayse verse 20 Let not my foes preuayle on me which hate me for no fault Nor yet to winke or turne their eye that causeles me assault The third part verse 21 O peace no word they thinke or say their talke is al vntrue They stil consult and would betray al those that peace ensue verse 22 With opē mouth they run at me they gape they laugh they fliere Wel wel say they our eye doth see y e thyng that we desire verse 23 But Lord y u seest what waies they take sease not this geare to mēd Be not far of nor me forsake as men that fayle their frend verse 24 Awake aryse and stirre abrode defend me in my right Reuenge my cause my Lord my God and aid me with they might verse 25 According to they righteousnes my Lord God set me free and let not them their pride expresse nor triumph ouer mee verse 26 Let not their harts reioyce cry there there this geare goeth trim Nor geue them cause to say on hye we haue our wil of hym verse 27 Confound thē with rebuke and shame that ioy whē I do mourne and pay thē home with spite blame that brag at me with scorn verse 28 Let them be glad and eke reioyce which loue mine vpright way and they al tymes with hart and voyce shal prayse y e lord say verse 29 Great is the Lord and doth excel for why he doth delight To see his seruants prosper wel that is his pleasant sight verse 30 Wherfore my tonge I wil apply thy righteousnes to prayse Vnto the Lord my God wil I sing laudes w t thankes alwayes Dixit iniustus Psalme .xxxvi. I. H. ¶ Dauid greuously vexed by the wicked doth complaine of their malice wickednes Then he turneth to consider the vnspeakable goodnes of God toward al creatures But specially towards his children that by fayth there of he may bee comforted and assured of his deliuerance by this ordinary course of gods worke who in the ende destroyeth the wycked and saueth the iust Sing this as the. xxxv psal verse 1 THe wicked w t his workes vniust doth thus persuade his hart That of y e Lord he hath no trust his feare is set apart verse 2 Yet doth he ioy in his estate to walk as he began So long til he deserue the hate of God and eke of man verse 3 His words are wicked vile and naught his tong no truth doth tel Yet at no hand wil he be taught which way he may do wel verse 4 When he should slepe thē doth he muse his mischief to fulfil No wicked wayes doth he refuse nor nothing that is il verse 5 But Lord thy goodnes doth ascend aboue the heauens hie So doth thy truth it self extend vnto the cloudy sky verse 6 Much more thē hils so high and steepe thy iustice is exprest Thy iudgemēts like to seas most depe thou sauest both mā beast verse 7 Thy mercy is aboue all things O God it doth excel In trust wherof as in thy wings the sonnes of men shal dwel verse 8 Within thy house they
that am vniust and rightuousnes none haue Whereto then shal I trust my sinful soule to saue But truly to that post whereto I cleaue and shal Which is thy mercy most Lord let thy mercy fal And mitigate thy moode or els we perish al The pryce of this thy bloud wherin mercy I cal Thy scripture doth declare no drop of bloud in thee but that thou didst not spare to shed ech drop for mee Now let those drops most swete so moist my hart so dry that I with sin replete may liue and sin may dye That beyng mortifye this sinne of mine in mee I may be sanctified by grace of thyne in thee So that I neuer fal into such mortal sinne That my foes infernal reioyce my death therin But vouchsafe me to kepe from those infernal foes and from that lake so depe wheras no mercy growes And I shal sing the songs confirmed with the iust That vnto thee belongs which art my onely trust The Lamentation ¶ Through perfect repentance y ● sinner hath a sure trust in god that his sinnes shal be washed away in Christes bloud O Lord in thee is al my trust geue eare vnto my woful cry refuse me not that am vniust but bowing down thy heauenly eye behold how I doo stil lament my synnes wherin I doo offend O Lord for them shall I be shent syth thee to please I doo intend No no not so thy wil is bent To deale with sinners in thyne ire But whē in hart they shal repent thou graūtst with spede their iust desire To thee therfore stil shal I cry To wash away my sinful cryme Thy bloud O Lord is not yet dry But that it may help me in time Hast thee O Lord hast thee I say To poure on me the gifts on grace That when this life must flit away In heauē w t thee I may haue place Where thou doost raigne eternally with god which once did down thee sēd Where angels sing continually To thee be prayse world without end A thankes geuyng after the receiuyng of the Lordes supper Syng this as the .37 Psalme THe Lord be thanked for his gifts and mercy euermore that he doth shew vnto his saints to him be laud therfore Our tonges cannot so prayse y ● Lord as he doth right deserue Our hartes cannot of hym so thynke as he doth vs preserue His benefites they be so great to vs that be but synne That at our hands for recompence there is no hope to win O synful flesh that thou shouldst haue such mercies of the Lord Thou doost deserue more worthely of hym to be abhord Nought els but sinne and wretchednes doth rest within our harts And stubburnly against the Lord we daily play our parts The sunne aboue in firmament that is to vs a light Doth shew it self more cleane pure then we be in hys syght The heauens aboue and al therin more holy are then we They serue the Lord in their estate ech one in his degree They do not stryue for mastership nor flacke their office set but feare the Lord and do his wil hate is to them no let Also the earth and al therin of God it is in aw It doth obserue the formers wil by skilful natures law The sea and al that is therin doth bend when God doth beck The sprites beneth do trēble al feare his wrathful check But we alas for whom al these were made thē for to rule Do not so know or loue the Lord as doth the Oxe or mult A saw he gaue for vs to know what was his holy wil He would vs good but we would not auoid the thyng is il Not one of vs that seeketh out the Lord of lyfe to please Nor do y ● thing that might vs ioyne our Christ quiet ease Thus we are al his enemies we can it not deny and he agayn of his good wil would not that we should dy Therfore when remedy was none to bryng vs vnto lyfe the sonne of God our flesh he toke to mend our mortal strife And al the law of God our Lord he dyd it ful obey and for our sins vpon the crosse hys bloud our dets did pay And y ● we should not yet forget what good he to vs wrought A sygne he left our eyes to tel that he our bodies bought In bread wyne here visible vnto thine eyes and tast his mercies great thou maist record if that his sprite y u hast As once the corn did liue grow and was cut down with sithe and threshed out with many stripes out frō his husk to driue And as the mil with violence did teare it out so smal and made it lyke to earthly dust not sparyng it at al. And as the ouen with fyre whote did close it vp in heat and al this done that I haue said that it should be our meat So was the Lord in his ripe age cut down by cruel death his soule he gaue in torments great yelded vp his breath Because that he to vs might be an euerlastyng bread with much reproch and trouble great on earth his life he led And as the grapes in pleasant tyme are pressed very sore and plucked down whē thei be ripe not let to grow no more Because the iuyse that in them is as comfortable drinke He might receiue ioyful be whē sorowes make vs shrink So christes bloud out pressed was with nayles eke with speare The iuise wherof doth saue al those that rightly do him feare And as the cornes by vnitie into one loafe is knit So is the Lord and his whole church though he in heauen sit As many grapes make but one wyne so should we be but one In fayth and loue in Christ aboue and vnto Christ alone Leading a lyfe without all stryfe in quiet rest and peace From enuy and from malice both our hartes and tonges to cease Which if we do then shal we shew that we his chosen be By faith in him to lead a lyfe as alwayes willed he And that we may so do in dede God send vs al his grace Then after death we shal be sure with hym to haue a place Robert VVisedome PReserue vs Lord by thy dere word frō Turk and Pope defend vs Lord which both would thrust out of his throne our Lord Iesus Christ thy deare sonne Lord Iesus Christ shew forth thy might That thou art Lord of Lordes by ryght Thy poore afflicted flock defend That they may prayse thee without end God holy Ghost our comfortor ❧ Be our Patrone help and succor Geue vs one mind and perfect peace All gifts of grace in vs encrease Thou liuing God in persons three Thy name be praysed in vnitie In all our nede so vs defend That we may praise thee world without end ¶ A forme of Prayer to be vsed in priuate houses euery morning and euenyng ¶ Mornyng prayer ALmighty God most merciful father we do not present our selues
our mindes into vs thy heauenly grace inspyre that in all truth and godlines we may haue true desyre Thou art the very comforter in all woe and distresse The heauenly gift of God most high which no tonge can expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of ioye celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold wherby Christs church doth stand In faythfull hartes writing thy lawe the fynger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speech of grace That through thy helpe y e praise of God may stand in euery place O holy ghost into our wittes send downe thy heauenly light Kindle our hartes with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknes so feable and so frayle That neither flesh the world nor deuill agaynst vs doe preuaile Put backe our enmies far from vs and graunt vs to obtaine Peace in our harts with god and mā without grudge or disdaine And graunt O lord that thou being our leader and our guide We may eschew the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slyde To vs such plenty of thy grace good Lord graunt we thee pray That thou maist be our comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strife and dissention O Lord dissolue the bandes And make the knots of peace loue throughout all christē̄ landes Graūt vs O Lord through thee to know the father most of myght That of his deare beloued sonne we may attayne the sight And that with perfect fayth also we may acknowledge thee The spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laude and prayse be to the father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy spirite also one God coeternall And pray we that the onely sonne vouchesafe his sprit to send To all that do professe his name vnto the worldes ende Amen Venite exultemus Psalme xcv Syng thys as the Benedictus O Come and let vs now reioyce and sing vnto the Lord And to our onely sauiour also with one accorde O let vs come before his face with inwarde reuerence Confessing all our former sunnes and that with diligence To thanke him for his benefites alwaye distributyng Wherefore to him right ioyfully in Psalmes now let vs sing And that because that God alone is Lord magnificent And eke aboue all other gods a kyng omnipotent His people doth not he forsake at any time or tyde And in his hand are all the coastes of al the world so wyde And with his louing countenaunce he looketh euery where And doth behold the tops of all the mountaines far neere The sea and all that is therin are his for he them made And eke his hād hath facioned y e earth which doth not fade O come therfore and worship him and downe before him fall And let vs wepe before y e Lord the which hath made vs al. He is our God our Lord and kyng and we his people are His flocke and sheepe of his pasture on whō he taketh care This day if ye do heare his voyce yet hearden not your hart As in the bitter murmuring when ye were in deserte Whiche thing was of their negligence committed in the time Of trouble in the wildernes a great and greuous crime Where as your fathers tempted me and tryed euery way They proued me saw my workes what I could do or say These forty yeares I haue bene greued with this generation And euermore I said they e●d in their imagination Wherwith their harts wer fore combred long time and many daies Wherfore I know assuredly they haue not knowen my wayes To whom I in mine anger swore that they should not be blest Nor see my ioy celestiall nor enter in my rest Gloria patri All laud and prayse be to the Lord O that of might art most To God the father and the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it in the beginning was for euer heretofore And is now at this present tyme and shal be euermore The song of Saint Ambrose called Te deum WE prayse thee God we knowledge thee the onely Lord to be and as eternal father al the earth doth worship thee To thee al angels cry the heauēs all the powers therin To thee Cherub Seraphin to crie they do not linne O Holy Holy Holy Lord of Saboth Lord the God Through heaū earth thy praise is spred glory al abrod Thapostles glorious company yelde prayses vnto thee The prophetes good ly felowship prayse thee continually The noble and victorious host of Martirs sound thy prayse The holy Church throughout the world doth knowledge thee alwayes Father of endles maiestie they do acknowledge thee Thy Christ thine honorable true and onely sonne to be The holy Ghost the comforter of glory thou art kyng O Christ and of the father art the sonne euerlastyng When sinfull mans decay in hand thou tookest to restore To be enclosd in virgins womb thou diddest not abhorre When thou hadst ouercome of death the sharp cruell might Thou heauēs kingdom didst set ope to ech beleuing wight In glory of the father thou doost sit on Gods right hand We trust that thou shalt come our iudge our cause to vnderstand Lord helpe thy seruāts whō thou hast bought w t thy precious bloud And in eternall glory set them with thy saintes so good O Lord do thou thy people saue blesse thine inheritaunce Lord gouerne them and Lord do thou for euer them aduaunce We magnifie thee day by day and world without end Adore thy holy name O Lord Vouchesafe vs to defend From sinne this day Haue mercy Lord haue mercy on vs all And on vs as we trust in thee Lord let thy mercy fall O Lord I haue reposed all my confidence in thee Put to confounding shame therefore Lord let me neuer be ¶ The song of the three Children praysing God prouokyng all creatures to do the same O Alye workes of god the Lord bles ye the Lord praise him magnifie him for euer verse 2 Oye the aungels of the Lord bles ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer verse 3 3 O ye the starry heauens hye blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer verse 4 O ye waters aboue the skye bles ye the Lord. c. verse 5 O ye the powers of the Lord bles ye the Lord. c. verse 6 O ye the shining sunne moone bles ye the Lord. c. verse 7 O ye the glistring starres of heauē bles ye the Lord. c. verse 8 O ye the showers dropping dew bles ye y e Lord. c. verse 9 O ye the blowing windes of god bles ye the Lord. c. verse 10 O ye the fire warming heate bles ye the Lord. c. verse 11 Ye winter and the sommer tyde bles ye the Lord. c. verse 12 O ye the dewes binding frostes bles ye the Lord. c.
shal be fed with plentye at their wil Of al delight they shal be sped and take therof their fil verse 9 For why the wel of lyfe so pure did ouerflow from thee And in they light we are ful sure the lastyng light to see verse 10 From such as thee desire and know let not thy grace depart Thy righteousnes declare and shew to men of vpright hart verse 11 Let not the proud on me preuayle O Lord of thy good grace Nor let the wicked me assayle to throw me out of place verse 12 But they in their deuice shal fal that wicked workes maintayne They shal be ouerthrown withal and neuer ryse agayne Noli emulari Psalme .xxxvii. VV. VV. ¶ Because the godly should not wonder to see wicked men prosper in this world the prophet sheweth that all thinges shall be graunted according to their hartes desire to them that loue and feare God and they that do the cōtrary although they seeme to florish for a time shal at length perish Syng this as the. xxxv Psalme verse 1 CRudge not to see the wicked men in wealth to florish stil Nor yet enuy such as to il haue bent and set their wil. verse 2 For as grene gras florishing herbes are cut wither away So shal their great prosperity soone passe fade and decay verse 3 Trust thou therfore in God alone to do wel geue thy mynd So shalt thou haue y e land as thyne there sure foode shalt find verse 4 In God set al thy harts delite and loke what thou wouldst haue Or els canst wish in al the world thou needst it not to craue verse 5 Cast both thy selfe and thyne affayres on God with perfect trust And thou shalt see with patience the effect both sure and iust verse 6 The perfect lyfe and godly name he wil cleare as the light So that y e sunne euē at noone dayes shal not shyne half so bright verse 7 Be stil therfore and stedfastly on God see thou wait then Not shrinking for y e prosperous state of leud and wicked men verse 8 Shake of despite enuy and hate at least in any wyse Their wicked steps auoyd and fly and folow not their guise verse 9 For euery wicked man wil God destroy both more and lesse But such as trust in him are sure the land for to posses verse 10 Watch but a whyle and thou shalt see no more the wycked trayn No not so much as house or place where once he dyd remayn The second part verse 11 But merciful and humble men enioy shal sea and land In rest and peace they shal reioyce for nought shal thē withstand verse 12 The leud men and malitious against the iust conspyre They gnash their teeth at him as mē which do his bane desyre verse 13 But while y ● leud mē thus do think the Lord laughes thē to scorne for why he seeth their terme approch whē they shal sigh morne verse 14 The wicked haue their sword out drawn their bow eke haue thei bent To ouerthrow and kil y e poore as they y e right way wēt verse 15 But y e same sword shal yearse their harts which was to kil the iust likewise the bow shal break to shiuers wherin thei put their trust verse 16 Doubtles the iust mās poore estate is better a great deale more Thē al these leud worldy mens rich pompe and heaped store verse 17 For be their power neuer so strong God wil it ouerthrow Where contrary he doth preserue the humble men and low verse 18 He seeth by his great prouidence the good mens trade and way And wil geue them inheritaunce which neuer shal decay verse 19 They shal not be discouraged when some are hard bested When other shal be hungerbit they shal be clad and fed verse 20 For whosoeuer wicked is and enmy to the Lord shal quail yea melt euē as lābs grease or smoke that flyeth abrode The third part verse 21 Behold the wicked boroweth much and neuer paithe again Wheras the iust by liberal gifts makes many glad and fain verse 22 For they whom God doth bles shal haue the land for heritage And they whom he doth curse likewyse shal perish in his rage verse 23 The lord the iust mans waies doth guide geues him good succes To euery thing he takes in hand he sendeth good addres verse 24 Though that he fal yet is he sure not vtterly to quayle Because the lord stretches out his hand at neede doth not fayle verse 25 I haue bene yong and now am old yet did I neuer see The iust man left or els his sede to beg for misery verse 26 But geues alwayes most liberally and lendes where as is neede His children and posteritie receyue of God their meede verse 27 Flee vice therfore and wickednes and vertue do embrace So God shal graunt thee long to haue in earth a dwelling place verse 28 For God so loueth equitie and shewes to his such grace That he preserues thē euermore but stroyes the wycked race verse 29 Where as y e good and godly men inherite shal the land Hauing as Lordes al thing therin in their own power and hand verse 30 The iust mans mouth doth euer speak of matters wise and hye His tong doth talk to edify with truth and equity verse 31 For in his hart the law of God his Lord doth stil abide So that where euer he goes or walkes his foote cā neuer flyde verse 32 The wicked like a rauenyng wolfe the iust man doth beset By all meanes seeking him to kil if he fal in his net The fourth part verse 33 Though he should fal into his handes yet god would succor send Though men against him sentēce geue god would him yet defēd verse 34 Waite thou on God and kepe his way he shal preserue thee then The earth to rule thou shalt see destroid these wicked men verse 35 The wicked haue I sene most strong and placed in high degree Florishing in al wealth and store as doth the Laurel tree verse 36 But sodenly he passed away and lo he was quite gone thē I him soght but could scarse find y e place wher dwelt such one verse 37 Marke and behold the perfite man how god doth him encrease For the iust man shal haue at length great ioy with rest peace verse 38 As for transgressours wo to them destroyd they shal al be God wil cut of their budding race and riche posteritie verse 39 But the saluation of the iust doth come from God aboue Who in their trouble sends thē ayde of his mere grace and loue verse 40 God doth them help saue and deliuer from leud men and vniust And stil wil saue them whilst that they in him do put their trust Domine ne in furore Psalme .xxxviii. I. H. ¶ Dauid lying sicke of some greuous ●isease acknowlegeth himselfe to be chastised of the lord for his sinnes and
Thee to obey in wealth and wo Let not flesh bloud or any il Preuayle agaynst thy holy wil. ❧ Geue vs this day our dayly bread And al other good giftes of thyne Kepe vs from warre and from bloudshed Also from sicknes dearth and pine That we may lyue in quietnes Without al gredy carefulnes Forgeue vs our offences al Releue our careful conscience ❧ As we forgeue both great and smal Which vnto vs haue done offence Prepare vs Lord for to serue thee In perfect loue and vnity O Lord into temptation Lead vs not when the fiend doth rage To withstand his inuasion Geue power and strength to euery age ❧ Arme and make strong thy feble host With faith and with thy holy ghost O Lord from euel deliuer vs The dayes and tymes are daungerous From euerlastyng death saue vs And in our last nede comfort vs A blessed end to vs bequeth Into thy handes our soules receyue ❧ For thou O Lord art kyng of kyngs And thou hast power ouer al Thy glory shineth in al thyngs In the wyde world vniuersal Amen let it be done O Lord That we haue prayd with one accord ¶ The .xii. Articles of the Christian Faith AL my belief and confidence Is in the Lord of might the father which al things hath made the day and eke the night the heauens the firmamēt and also many a starre the earth and al that is therin which passe mās reasō far And in like maner I beleue in Christ our Lord his sonne Coequal with the deitie and man in flesh and bone Conceiued by the holy ghost his word doth me assure and of his mother Mary borne yet she a Virgin pure Because mankind to Sathan was for sinne in bōd and thral He came and offred vp him selfe to death to saue vs al. And suffring most greuous payne then Pilate being iudge Was crucified on the cros and therat did not grudge And so he died in the flesh but quickned in the spirite His body then was buried as is our vse and rite His spirit did after this descēd into the lower parts To thē y ● lōg in darknes wer the true light of their harts And in the thyrd day of his death he rose to life agayne To th end he might be glorified out of al grief and payne Ascendyng to the heauens hye to fit in glory stil On Gods right hād his father deare according to his wil. Vntil the day of iudgmēt come whē he shal come agayne With angels power yet of that day we al be vncertayn To iudge al people rightuously whō he hath dearely bought The liuing the dead also which he hath made of nought And in the holy spirit of God my faith to satisfy The third person in Trinity beleue I stedfastly The holy catholike church that gods word doth maintaine and holy scripture doth alow which Sathā doth disdain And also I do trust to haue by Iesu Christ his death Release and pardon of my sinnes and that onely by faith What time al flesh shal rise again before the Lord of might and see him w t their bodely eies which now do geue thē light And then shal Christ our fauior the shepe and Goates deuyde and geue life euerlastingly to those whom he hath tryde Which is the realme celestial in glory for to rest With al the holy company of saints and Angels bleft Which serue the Lord omnipotent obediently eche houre To whome be al dominion and prayse for euermore ¶ A prayer vnto the holy Ghost to be song before the Sermon Syng this as the 11● Psalme COme holy sprite the god of might comforter of vs al teach vs to know thy word aright y t we do neuer fal O holy Ghost visite our coast defend vs with thy shield Against al sinne and wickednes Lord help vs win the field Lord kepe our Quene her counsel geue them wil and might To perseuere in thy gospel which can put sinne to flyght O Lord that geuest thy holy word send preachers plētuously That in the same we may accord and therin lyue and dy O holy sprite direct aright the preachers of thy word that y u by them maist cut down sin as it were with a sword Depart not from those pastors pure but ayd them at al nede which breake to vs y e bread of life wher on our soules do fede O blessed spirit of truth kepe vs in peace and vnitie Kepe vs from sectes and errours al and from al papistry Conuert al those that are our foes and bring thē to thy lyght that they and we may al agree and prayse thee day night O Lord increase our faith in vs and loue so to abound that man wife be void of strife neighbours about vs roūd In our time geue thy peace O Lord to nations far nye and teach thē al thy holy word that we may sing to thee All Glory to the Trinitie that is of myghtes most The lyuing Father and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath bene in al the tyme that hath bene heretofore As it is now and so shal be hence forth for euermore Da pacem Domine E. G. GEue peace in these our dayes O Lord great daūgers are now at hand thine enemies with one accord Christes name in euery land seeke to deface roote out and race thy true ryght worshyp in dede be thou the stay Lord we thee pray thou helpst alone in all nede Geue vs that peace which we do lacke Through misbelief and il life Thy word to offer thou doost not slacke Which we vnkindly gainstriue With fyre and sword this healthfull word Some persecute and oppresse Some with the mouth confes the truth Without sincere godlines Geue peace and vs thy spirite down send With grief and repentaunce true Do pearce our harts our lyues to amend And by fayth Christ renue That feare and dread warre and bloudshed Through thy swete mercy and grace May from vs slyde thy truth may byde And shyne in euery place The complaint of a Synner who craueth of Christ to be kept vnder hys mercy WHere rightuousnes doth say Lord for my sinful part in wrath thou shouldst me pay vengeaunce for my desert I can it not deny but nedes I must confes how that cōtinually thy lawes I do transgres thy lawes I do transgres But if it be thy wil with synners to contend Then all thy flock shal spil and be lost without end For who lyueth here so ryght that rightly he can say He synneth not in thy sight full oft and euery day Thy Scripture plain telth me y ● rightuous mā offēdeth seuē times a day to thee wheron thy wrath depēdeth So that the rightous man doth walk in no such path But he falth now or than in daunger of thy wrath Then since the case so standes y ● euen the mā rightwise Faith oft in sinful bands wherby thy wrath may rise Lord I