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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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to want their fode And calling to remembraunee His mercy euery dele Hath holpen vp assistantly His seruaunt Israell According to his promise made To Abraham before And to his sede successiuely To stande for euermore The song of Simeon called Nunc dimittis S. O Lord because my harts desire hath wished long to see my only Lord sauiour thy sonne before I die the ioye and health of all mankind desired long before which now is come in to the worlde of mercy bringing store Thou sufferest thyseruaunt now In peace for to depart According to thy holy word which lighteneth my hart Because mine eies whiche thou hast made To geue my body light Haue now behelde thy sauing health which is the Lord of might Whom thou mercifully hast set Of thine aboundant grace In open sight and visible Before all people face The Gentils to illuminate And Sathan ouer quell And eke to be the glory of Thy people Israell ☞ The Crede of Athanasius N WHat man soeuer he be that saluation will attayne the catholike belefe he muste before all thinges retayne which faith vnles he holy kepe and vndefiledly without al doubt eternally he shalbe sure to dye The Catholike belefe is this that God we worship one In Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie alone So as we neyther doo confound the persons of the three Nor yet the substance whole of one In sunder parted be One person of the father is an other of the Sonne An other person propre of the holy Ghost alone Of Father Sonne and holy Ghost but one the Godhed is Like glory coeternall eke the maiestie likewise Suche as the father is such is the Sonne in eche degree And suche also we do beleue the holy Ghost to be Nncreat is the Father and vncreat is the Sonne The holy Ghost vncreate so vncreat is eche one In comprehensible Father is Incomprehensible Sonne And comprehensible also is The holy Ghost of none The Father is eternall and the Sonne eternall so And in like sort eternall is the holy Ghost also And yet though we beleue that eche of these eternall be Yet there but one eternall is and not eternals three As ne incomprensible we ne yet vncreat three But one incomprensible one vncreat holde to be Almightie so the father is the sonne almightye so And in like sort almightye is the holy Ghost also And albeit that euery one of these almightie be Yet there but one almightie is and not almighties three The Father God is God the Sonne God holy Ghost also Yet are there not three Gods in all but one God and n●mo So likewise Lorde the Father is and Lorde also the Sonne And Lord the holy Ghost yet are there not three Lordes but one For as we are compeld to graunt by Christian veritie Eche of the persons by himselfe both God and Lord to be So Catholick religion for biddeth vs alway That eyther Gods be three or that there Lordes be three to say Of none the father is ne made ne creat nor begot The Sonne is of the Father not creat ne made but got The holy Ghost is of them both the father and the Sonne Ne made ne creat nor begot but doth procede alone So we one Father hold not three one Sonne also not three One holy Ghost alone and not three holy Ghostes to be None in this Trinitie before nor after other is Ne greater any then the rest ne lesser be likewise But euery one amonge them selues of all the persons three Together coeternall all and all coequall be So vnitie in Trinitie as said it is before And Trinitie in vnitie in all things we adore Therfore what man so euer that saluation will attayne This faith touching the Trinitie of force he must reteyne And nedefull to eternall life it is that euery wight Of the incarnating of Christ our Lord beleue a right For this the right faith is that we beleue and eke beknow That Christ our Lorde the son of God is God and man also God of his fathers substaunce got before the world began And of his mothers substance borne in worlde a very man Both perfect God and perfect man in one one Iesus Christ That doth of resonable soule an humane flesh subsist Touching his Godhed egall with his father God is he Touching his manhed lower then his father in degree Who though he be both very God and very man also yet is he but one Christ alone and is not persons two One not by turning of Godhed into the flesh of man But by taking manhod to God this beyng one began All one not byconfounding of the substance into one But onely by the vnitie that is of one persone For as the reasonable soule and flesh but one man is So in one persone God and man is but one Christ likewise Who suffred for to saue vs all to hell he did descend The third day rose agayne from dead to heauen he did ascend He sittes at the right hand of God thalmightie father there From thence to iudge the quick and dead againe he shall retire At whose returne all men shall rise with bodies new restorde And of theyr owne workes they shall geue accompt vnto the Lorde And they into eternall lyfe shall go that haue done well Who haue done ill shall go into eternall fire to dwell This is the catholike belefe who doth not faithfully Beleue the same without all dout he saued can not be To Father Sonne and holy Ghost all glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shalbe euermore The Lamentation of a Sinner M O Lord turn not away thy face frō him that lieth prostrate Lamenting sore his sinfull lyfe before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those that doo lament their sinne shut not y t gate against me lord but let me enter in And call me not to mine accompts How I haue liued here For then I know right well O Lorde How vile I shall appere I nede not to confesse my lyfe I am sure thou canst tell what I haue ben and what I am I know thou knowest it well O lord thou knowest what things be past And eke the thinges that be Thou knowest also what is to come Nothing is hid from thee Before the heauens earth were made Thou knowest what thinges were then As all things els that hath bene since Among the sonnes of men And can the thinges that I haue done Be hidden from thee then Nay nay thou knowest them all O Lord where they were done and when wherfore with teares I come to thee To begge and to entreat Euen as the child thht hath done euill And feareth to be beat So come I to thy mercy gate where mercy doth abound Requiring mercy for my sinne Toheale my deadly wound O Lorde I nede not to repete what I doo beg or craue Thou knowest O Lorde before I aske The thing that I would haue Mercy good Lorde mercy I aske This is the totall summe For
confirmed in his kingdom He promiseth perpetuall prayses REgarde O Lorde for I complayne and make my sute to thee let not my wordes returne in vayne but geue an eare to me from of the costes and vtmost partes of all the earth abrode in griefe and anguish of my harte I cry to thee O God verse 3 Upon the rocke of thy greate power my woefull mynde repose Thou arte my hope my forte and tower my fence against my foes verse 4 within thy tent I lust to dwell foreuer to endure vnder thy winges I know right well I shalbe safe and sure verse 5 The Lorde dueth my desire regarde and doth fulfill the same with goodly giftes will he rewarde all them that feare his name verse 6 The king shall he inhealth maintayne and so prolong his dayes That he from age to age shall raygne for euer more alwayse verse 7 That he may haue a dwelling place before the Lorde for aye O let thy mercy truth and grace defend him from decaye verse 8 Then shall I singe for euer still with prayse vnto thy name That all my voues I may fulfill and dayly pay the same Nonne deo subiecta Psalm lxii I. H. Dauid declareth by hys example and by the nature of God that he must truste in God alone and thereunto exhorteth people seyng that all is vanytie and withoute God all goeth to nought and we are allwayes taught that God only is of power to saue and that he rewardeth man according to hys workes MY soule to God shall geue good hede Sing this as the. lxi psalme and him alone entende For why my health hope to spede doth whole on him depende verse 2 For he alone is my defence my rocke my health my ayde He is my stay that no pretence shall make me much dismaide verse 3 O wicked folke how long will ye vse crafts sure ye must fall For as a rotten hedge ye be and like a tuttering wall verse 4 4 whom God doth loue ye seke alwayes to put hym to the worse Ye loue to lye with mouth ye prayse and yet your hart doth curse verse 5 Yet still my soule doth whole depend on God my chief desire From all false feates me to defend none but him I require verse 6 He is my rocke my strength my towre my health is of his grace He doth support me that no powre can moue me out of place verse 7 God is my glory and my health my soules desire and lust My fort my strength my stay my wealth God is mine onely trust verse 8 Oh haue your hope in him alway ye folke with one accorde Poure out your harts to hym and saye our trust is in the Lorde verse 9 The sonnes of men deceitptfull are on balaunce but a sleyght with thinges most vayne doo them cōpare for they can kepe no weyght verse 13 Trust not in wrong robbry or stealth let vayne delytes be gon Though goods wel got flow in with welth set not your hartes theron verse 11 The Lorde long sith one thing doth tell whiche here to minde I call He spake it oft I hard it well that God alone doeth all verse 12 And that thou Lorde art good and kynd thy mercy doth excede So that all sortes whiche thee shall finde according to theyr dede Deus deus meus Psalme lxiii T. S Dauid after he had bene in greate daunger by Saule in the deserte Ziph made this psalme wherein he geueth thankes to God for hys wonderfull deliuerance in whose mercyes he trusted euen in the middist of hys miseryes prophecying the destruction of Gods enemies contrarywyse happynes to all them that trust in the Lorde i. Sa. iu. O God my God I watche betyme to come to thee in hast Sing this as the. xliiii ps For why my soule and body bothe doth thirst of thee to tast And in this baren wildernes where waters there are none My flesh is partched for thought of thee for thee I wish alone verse 2 That I might see yet once agayne thy glory strength and myght As I was wont it to beholde within thy temple bryght verse 3 For why thy mercyes farre surmount thys lyfe and wretched dayes My lyppes therfore shall geue to thee due honor laude and prayes verse 4 And whylst I lyue I wyll not fayle to worship thee alwaye And in thy name I shall lyft vp my hands when I doo praye verse 5 My soule is filled as with marow whiche is bothe fat and swete My mouth therfore shall sing such songs as are for thee most mete verse 6 When as in bed I think on thee and eke all the night tide For vnder couert of thy winges thou art my ioyfull guyde verse 7 My soule doeth surely stick to thee thy ryghthande is my power verse 9 And those that seke my soule to stroy them death shall sone deuoure verse 10 The sword shall them deuoure echone theyr carcases shall fede The hungry foxes which doo ronne theyr pray to seke at nede verse 11 The king and all men shall reioyse that doo profes Gods worde For liers mouthes shall then be stopt which haue the trueth disturbde Exaudi deus vocem meam Psal. lxiiii I. H. Dauid praieth against the false reportes and sklaunderers he declareth theyr punishment and destruction to the comfort of the iust and the glory of God O Lord vnto my voyce geue eare with plaint when I doo pray Sing this as the. xviii Ps And rid my lyfe and soule from feare of foes that threat to slay verse 2 Defend me from that sort of men whiche in deceipts do lurke And from the frownyng face of them that all ill feates doo worke verse 3 Who whet theyr tongs as we haue sene men whet and sharp theyr swordes They shote abrode theyr arrowes kene I meane most bitter wordes verse 4 With priuie sleyght shote they theyr shaft the vpright man to hit The iust vnware to strike by craft they care or feare no whit verse 5 A wicked worke haue they decreed in counsell thus they crye To vse deceit let vs not dread what who can it espie verse 6 What wayes to hurt they talke and muse all times within theyr hart They all consulte what feates to vse eche doth inuent his part verse 7 But yet all this shall not auayle when they thinke least vpon God with hys dart shall sure assayle and wound them euery one verse 8 Theyr crafts and their ill toungs withall shall worke them selues suche blame That they whiche then beholde theyr fall shall wonder at the same verse 9 Then all that see shall know ryght well that God the thing hath wrought Shall prayse his wittie workes and tell what he to pas hath brought verse 10 Yet shall the iust in God reioyse Stil trusting in his might So shall they ioy with minde and voyce whose hart is pure and ryght Te decet hymnus Psalm lxv I H. A prapse and thankesgeuing vnto God by the faithfull who are
low vpon the earthe verse 46 Thou hast cut of and made full short his youth and lusty dayes And raysed of him an ill reporte with shame and great disprayse verse 47 How long away from me O Lord for euer wilt thou turne And shall thine anger still alwaye as fire consume and bourne verse 48 O call to minde remembre then my time consumeth fast Why hast thou the sonnes of men as thinges in vayne to wast verse 49 What man is he that liueth here and death shall neuer see Or from the hand of hell his soule shall he deliuer free verse 50 Where is O lord thine oulde goodnes so oft declared beforne Whiche by thy truth and vprightnes to Dauid thou hast sworne verse 51 The great rebukes to minde doo call that on thy seruauntes lye The rayling of the people all borne in my brest haue I. verse 52 Wherwith O Lorde thyne enemies blasphemed haue thy name The steppes of thine anoynted one they cease not to defame verse 53 All prayse to thee O Lorde of hostes bothe now and eke for aye Through skie and earth in all the costes Amen amen I saye Domine refugium Psal. lxxxx I. H Moyses in his prayer setteth before vs the eternal fauour of God towardes his who are nether admonished by the breuitie of theyr lyfe nor by his plages to be thanckefull Therfore Moyses prayeth God to tourne their hartes and continew his mercies towardes them and theyr posteritie for euer THou Lorde hast ben our suer defence Sing this as the. lxxviii Ps. Our place of ease and rest In all times past yea so longe sence as cannot be exprest verse 2 Or there was made mountaine or hill the earth or worlde abrod From age to age and alwayse still for euer thou art God verse 3 Thou grindest man through gref paine to dust or clay and then And then thou sayst agayne returne againe ye sonnes of men verse 4 The lastyng of a thousand yeare what is it in thy sighte As yester day it doth appere or as a watche one nighte verse 5 So sone as thou doest scattre them then is their life and trade All as a slepe and like the grasse whose bewty soone doth fade verse 6 Which in the morning shines full bright but fadeth by and by And is cut downe ere it be night all withered dead and drye verse 7 For through thine anger we consume our might is muche decayed And of thy seruent wrath and sume we are full sore afrayed verse 8 The wicked works y t we haue wrought thou setst before thine eye Our priuie faultes yea eke our thought thy countenaunce doth espye verse 9 For through thy wrath our daies do wast therof doth nought remayne Our yeres consume as wordes or blast and are not called agayne verse 10 Our time is threscore yeare and ten that we doo liue on molde If one see fourescore surely then we count him wonders oulde verse 11 Yet of this tune the strength and chief the whiche we counte vpon Is nothing els but painfull grief and we as blastes are gone verse 12 Who once doth know what strength is there what might thine anger hath Or in his hart who doeth the feare according to thy wrath verse 13 Instruct vs Lorde to know and try how longe our dayes remayne That then we may our hartes apply true wisdom to attayne verse 14 Retourn O Lord how long wilt thou fourth on in wrath procede Shew fauour to thy seruauntes now and healp them at their nede verse 15 Refresh vs with thy mercy soone and then our ioie shalbe All times so long as lyfe doth last in harte reioyce shall we verse 16 As thou hast plaged vs before nowe also make vs glad And for the yeres wherin full sore affliction we haue had verse 17 O let thy worke and power appere and on thy seruauntes lyght And shew vnto their children dere thy glory and thy might verse 18 Lord let thy grace and glory stand on vs thy seruauntes thus Confirme the workes we take in hand Lorde prosper them to vs. Qui habitat Psalme lxxxxi I. H Here is described in what assurance he lyueth that putteth his whole trust in God and committeth him selfe whollye to his protection in all temptacyons A promise of God to those that loue hym know him and trust in him to deliuer them and geue them immortall glory HE that within the secret place of God most hie doth dwell In shadodw of the mightiest grace at rest shall kepe him well verse 2 Thou art my hope and my strong hold I to the Lorde will say My God on hye in him will I my whole affiance stay verse 3 He shall defend thee from the snare the whiche the hunter layde And from that deadly plage and care wherof thou art afrayed verse 4 And with his winges shall couer thee and keepe thee safely there His fayth and truth thy fence shalbe as sure as sheld and speare verse 5 So that thou shalt not neede I saye to feare or be afflighte Of all the shafts that flye by daye nor terrours of the night verse 6 Nor of the plage that priutlye doth walke in darke so fast Nor yet of that whiche doth destroye and at none dayes doth wast verse 7 Yea at thy syde as thou doest stand a thousand dead shalbe Ten thousand eke at thy right hande and yet shalt thou be free verse 8 But thou shalte see it for thy parte thyne eyse shall well regarde That euen lyk to theyr desert the wicked haue reward verse 9 For why O Lorde I only lust to stay my hope on thee And in the hiest I put my trust my sure defence is he verse 10 Thou shalt not nede none ill to feare with thee it shall not mell Nor yet the plage shall once come nere thy house where thou dost dwell verse 11 For why vnto his aungels all with charge commaundeth hee That still in all thy wayes they shall preserue and prosper thee verse 12 And in thy handes shall the beare vp still wayting thee vpon So that thy foote shall neuer chaunce to spurne at any stone verse 13 Upon the Lyon thou shalt go the adderfell and longe And treade vpon the Liones yong with dragons stoute and stronge verse 14 For that he trusteth vnto me I will dispatch him quite And him defend because that he dothe know my name a right verse 15 When he for health on me doth crye an aunswer I will geue And from his grefe take him will I in glory for to lyue verse 16 2With length of yeres dayes of welth I will fulfill his time The goodnes of my sauing health I will declare to him Bonum est confiteri Psalm lxxxxii I. H This Psalme was made to be soung on the sabaoth to stir vp the people to acknowledge God and to prayse him in his workes The Prophet reioyseth therin But the wicked is not able to cōsidre that the vngodlye when he his most
he desireth forgeuenes be wayling that if God toke him away in hys indignation he shoulde lacke occasion to praise him as he was wonte to doo whilest he was amongest men Then so deinly felyng Gods mercy he sharpely rebuketh his enemyes which reioyseth in hys afliction LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not though I deserue thyne ire Ne yet correcte me in thy rage O Lorde I thee desire For I am weake therfore O Lorde of mercy me forbeare and heale me Lorde for why thou knowest my bones do quake for feare verse 3 My soule is troubled very sore and vexed vehemently But Lorde how long wilt thou delay to cure my miserie verse 4 4 Lord turne thee to thy wonted grace my sely soule vp take Oh saue me not for my desertes but for thy mercies sake verse 5 For why no man among the dead He feared not so muche the death of the body but trembled as it werfor fear of gods iudgement so waxed dimand cold not praise God remembreth thee one whit Or who shall worship thee O Lorde in the infernall pit verse 6 So greuous is my plaint and mone that I waxe wonderous faint All the night long I wash my bed with teares of my complaint verse 7 My sight is dymme and waxetholde with anguishe of mine hert Heb. mine eye is eaten as with wormes For feare of those that be my foes and would my soulesubuert verse 8 But nowe a way from me all ye God sendeth comfort boldenes in affliction that worke iniquitie For why the Lord hath heard the woyce of my complaint and crye verse 9 He heard not onely the request and praier of my heart But it receiued at my hande and toke it in good part verse 10 And nowe my foes that vexed me the Lord will sone defame And sodenly confunde them all to theyr rebuke and shame Domine deus meus in te speraui Psal. vii T. S. Dauid being falsely accused by Thus one of Sauls kinsmen he calleth to God to be hys defender to whom he commendeth hys innocency Firste shewyng that hys conscience dyd not accuse hym of any euyll towards Saule Next that it touched gods glory to awarde sentence against the wicked And so entring in to the consideration of Gods mercies and promises hewaxeth bolde derideth the vaine enterprises of his enemies threatning that it shall fall on theyr owne necks that which they haue purposed for others O Lorde my God I put my trust Sing this as the thirde psalme and confidence in thee Saue me from them that me pursue and eke deliuer me verse 2 Lest like a Lyon he me teare and rent in pieces small While there is none to succor me and rid me out of thrall verse 3 O Lorde my God If I haue done Where with Thus chargeth me He reioyseth that God only hath aproued hys cause the thyug that is not ryght Or ells if I be found in faut or giltie in thy syght verse 4 Or to my frend rewarded euyll or left him in distres Which me pursued most cruelly and hated me causeles verse 5 Then let my foes pursue my soule A sygne of a pure consciēce and eke my life downe thrust Unto the earth and also lay myne honour in the dust verse 6 Stert vp O Lord now in thy wrath Selah and put my foes to payne Performe thy kingdome promised to me whyche wrong sustayne verse 7 Then shall great nations come to thee and know thee by this thing If thou declare for loue of them thy selfe as Lorde and king As touchyng my behauor towardes Saul and mine enemyes verse 8 And thou that art of all men iudge O Lorde now iudge thou me According to my rightousnes and mine integritie The second parte verse 9 Lorde cease the heart of wicked men and be the iust mans guide verse 10 By whom the secretes of all hartes are searched and descride verse 11 I take my helpe to come of God in all my grief and smarte That doth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect heart verse 12 The iust man and the wicked bothe God iudgeth by his poure So that he feleth his mighty hand euen euery day and houre He derideth Sauls enterprises beyng surely perswaded to be preseruedby Gods fauour verse 13 Except he chaunge his mind I die for euen as he should smite He whet his sword his bow he bendth ayming where he may hit verse 14 And doeth prepare his mortall dartes his arrowes kene and sharpe For them that doo me persecute The wicked s●me to labor of child ●●ll th●y haue cōfessed the●● ▪ whilest he doth mischief warpe verse 15 But we though he in trauell be of his deuilish fore cast And of his mischief once conceiued yet bringeth forth nought at last verse 16 He digth a ditche and delueth it depe The wicked mā is beat with his owne rod. In hope to hurte his brother But he shall fall into the pit that he digde vp for other verse 17 Thus wrong retorneth to the hurt of him in whom it bread And all the mischief that he wrought shall fall vpon his head verse 18 I will geue thankes to God therfore that iudgeth rightuously And with my song prayse will the name of hym that is most hye Domine Deus noster Psal. viii Tho. Ster The Prophet considering thexcellent liberalitie and fatherly prouidence of God towards man whom he made as it were a God ouerall his workes doth not only geue great thanks but is astonished with thadmiration of the same as one nothinge hable to compasse suche greate mercies and so endeth O God our Lord how wonderfull Sing this as the thirde psalme are thy workes euery where Whose fame surmounte in dignitie aboue the heauens cleare verse 2 Euen by the mouthes of sucking babes thou wilt confound thy foes For in these babes thy might is sene thy graces they disclose verse 3 And when I see the heauens highe the workes of thine owne hand The Sunne the Mone and al the Starres in order as they stand verse 4 What thing is man Lorde thinke I then that thou doest him remember Or what is mans posteritie that thou doest it considre verse 5 For thou hast made him litle les Herein appeareth the greate loue of god toward man Hebr. 2. then Angels in degree And thou hast crowned him also with glory and dygnitie verse 6 Thou hast preferd him to be Lorde of all thy workes of wonder And at his fete hast set all thinges that he should kepe them vnder verse 7 As shepe and neat all beastes els that in the fieldes doo fede verse 8 Foules of the ayre fishe in the sea and all that therin brede verse 9 Therfore must I say once agayne O God that art our Lorde How famous and how wonderfull are thy works through the world Confitebor tibi domine in toto Psalm ix T. S. After he had geuen thankes to God for the sundry victoryes that he had sent hym against his enemies
whyche I craue Neglect me not lest I be lyke to them that go to graue verse 2 The voyce of thy suppliant heare that vnto thee doeth crye When I lift vp my handes vnto thy holy arke moste hye verse 3 Repute not me among the sort of wicked and peruert That speake ryght fayre vnto theyr frēds and thinke full ill in hart verse 4 According to theyr handy worke as they deserue in dede And after their inuencions let them receyue theyr mede verse 5 For they regarde nothing Godes workes his lawe ne yet his lore Therfore will he them and theyr seede destroy for euermore verse 6 To render thankes vnto the Lorde how great a cause haue I My voyce my prayer and my complaynt that heard so willingly verse 7 He is my shield and fortitude my buckeler in destresse My hope my helpe my hartes relyef my songe shall him confesse verse 8 He is our strength and oure defence our enmies to resist The health and the saluacion of his electe by Chryste verse 9 Thy people and thine heritage Lorde blesse guide and preserue Increase them Lorde and rule theyr harts that they may neuer swerue Afferte domino Psalme xxix T. S. An excellent Psalme wherin the Prophet exhorteth the verye Princes and rulers of the world whiche otherwise for the most parte thinke there is no God at the leaste to feare hym for the thunders and tempestes for feare wherat all creatures tremble And though thereby God threatneth sinners yet is he alwayes mercyfull to hys and moueth them therby to prayse his name GIue to the Lorde ye potentates ye rulers of the worlde Sing this as the. xxi Psa. Geue ye all prayse honor and strength vnto the liuing Lorde verse 2 2 Geue honor to his holy name and honor him alone Worship hym in his maiestie within his holy throne verse 3 His voyce doth rule the waters all euen as him selfe doth please He doth prepare the thunder clappes and gouerneth all the sease verse 4 He meaneth the thunderinges tempestes The voyce of God is of great force and wonderous excellent It is most mightye in effect and muche magnificent verse 5 The voyce of God doeth rent and break the Cedre trees so long The Cedre tres of Libanus whiche are most hie and strong verse 6 And makth them leape like as a call or els the Unicorne Not only trees but mountaines great wheron the tres are borne verse 7 His voice deuideth flames of fyre and shakth the wildernes verse 8 It makth the desert quake for feare that called is Cades verse 9 It makth the Hindes for feare to calue and makth the couerte playne Then in his temple euery man his glory doth proclaime verse 10 The Lorde was set aboue the floudes ruling the raging sea So shall he raygne as Lord and king for euer and for aye verse 11 The Lorde will geue his people power in vertue to increase The Lord wyll blesse hys chosen folke with euerlastyng peace Exaltabo te domine Psal. xxx I. Hop When Dauid should haue dedicated hys house to the Lorde he fel so extreme sick that he was without all hope of lyfe therfore after hys recouery he rendreth thankes to God exhortyng others to the lyke learn by his example that God is rather mercyfull then seuere and rigorous towardes his childrē and also that the fall from prosperitie is sodeine This done he retourneth to prayer promisyng to prayse God for euer ALl laud praise with hart voice O Lorde I geue to thee whiche didst not make my foes reioyse but hast exalted me O lord my god to thee I cryde in all my paine grief thou gauest an eare and didst prouide to ease me with relief verse 3 Of thy good will thou hast calde backe My soule from hell to saue Thou didst reuine when strength did lacke and kept me from the graue verse 4 Sing prayse ye sainctes that proue and see the goodnes of the Lord In memorye of his maiestie Reioyse with one accord verse 5 For why his anger but a space doeth last and slake agayne But in his fauour and hys grace alwayes doeth lyfe remayne Though gripes of grief and panges full sore shall lodge with vs all night The Lorde to ioy shall vs restore before the day be light verse 6 When I enioyde the worlde at will thus would I boast and say Tushe I am sure to feele none ill this wealth shall not decay verse 7 For thou O Lorde of thy good grace hadst sent me strength and ayde But when thou turnd away thy face my mynde was sore dismaide verse 8 Wherfore agayne yet did I cry to thee O Lorde of might My God with plaintes I did apply and prayde both day and night verse 9 What gayne is in my bloud saide I if death destroy my dayes Doth dust declare thy maiestie or yet thy trueth doth prayse verse 10 Wherfore my God some pitie take O Lorde I thee desyre Do not this simple soule forsake of helpe I thee requyre verse 11 Then didst thou turne my grief and wo vnto a chearfull voyce The mournyng weede thou tokste me fro and madst me to reioyse verse 12 Wherfore my soule vncessauntly shall syng vnto thy prayse My Lorde my God to thee will I Geue laude and thankes alwayes Inte domine speraui Psal. xxxi Io. Hop Dauid deliuered from some great daunger in the desert of Ma●● or els wher first reherseth what meditation he had by the power of sayth when death was before his eyes his enemy beyng ready to take him then he adioyneth the fauor of God alwaies to be ready to those that feare him Finally he exhorteth al the faithful to trust in God to loue him because he preserueth and strengthneth them as they may se by his example O Lorde I put my trust in thee Let nothyng worke me shame Sing this as the. xviii psalme As thou art iust deliuer me and set me quyte from blame verse 2 Geue me O Lorde and that anone to helpe me make good spead Be thou my rocke and house of stone my fence in time of nede verse 3 For why as stones thy strength is tride thou art my fort and towre For thy names sake be thou my guyde and leade me in thy power verse 4 Plucke forth my feete break the snare which they for me haue layde Thou art my strength and all my care is for thy might and ayde verse 5 In to thy handes Lorde I commit my spirite whyche is thy dew For why thou hast redemed it O Lorde thou God most trewe verse 6 I hate suche folke as wyll not part from thynges to be abhorde When they on trifles set theyr harte my truste is in the Lorde verse 7 For I will in thy mercy ioy I see it doeth excell Thou seest when ought would me annoy and knowest my soule full well verse 8 Thou hast not left me in their hande that would me ouercharge But thou hast set me out of bande
filds do lye are subiect to my might verse 12 Then though I houngred sore what neede I ought of thyne Sith that the earth with her great store and all therin is myne verse 13 To bullockes fleash haue I suche mind to eate it doest thou thinke Or such a sweetnes doo I finde the bloude of goates to drinke verse 14 Geue to the Lorde his prayse with thankes doo him apply And see thou pay thy vowes alwaies vnto the God most hie verse 15 Then seke and call to me when ought would work thee blame And I will sure deliuer thee that thou maiest prayse my name verse 16 But to the wicked traine whiche talke of God eche daye And yet theyr works are foule and vain to them the Lorde will saye verse 17 With what a face darest thou my worde once speake or name why doth thy taulke my lawe alowe thy dedes denie the same verse 18 Where as for to amend thy lyfe thou art so slacke My word the which thou doest pretend is cast behind thy backe verse 19 When thou a thefe doest see by theft to lyue in welthe with him thou runnest and dost agree lykewyse to thryne by stealthe verse 20 When thou doest them beholde that wiues and maides defile Thou likest it well and waxest boulde to vse that lyfe most vile verse 21 Thy lippes thou doest applye to slaunder and defame ▪ Thy tonge is taught to crafte and lye and still doth vse the same verse 22 Thon studiest to reuile thy frendes to thee so nere With sclaunder thou woldst nedes defile thy mothers sonne moste deare verse 23 Hereat while I doo winke as though I did not see Thou goest on still and so dost thinke that I am lyke to thee verse 24 But sure I will not let to stryke when I beginne Thy faultes in order I will set and open all thy sinne verse 25 Matke this I you require that haue not God in minde Least when I plage you in myneire your helpe be far to fynde verse 26 He that doth geue to me the sacrifice of prayse Doth please me well and he shall see to walke in Godly wayse 1. Miserere mei deus Psalm li. w. w When Dauid was rebuked by the Prophet Nathan for his greate offences he did not onely acknowledge the same to God with protestation of his naturall corruption and iniquitie but also left a memoriall therof to his posteritie Therfore firste he desireth God to forgeue his sinnes and renew in him his holye spirite with promise that he will not be vnmindfull of those great graces Finally fearyng lest god would punish the whole churche for hys faute He requireth that he woulde rather increase his graces towardes the same O Lord consider my distres And now with spede some pitie take My sinnes deface my fautes redresse good Lorde for thy great mercies sake Wash me O Lord and make me cleane Frō this vniust sinfull act purifie yet once againe my hainous crime blody fact verse 2 Remorse and sorow doo constrayne Me to acknowledge myne exces verse 3 My sinne alas doth still remayne Before my face without reles verse 4 4 For thee alone I haue offended committing euyl in thy sight And if I were therfore condemned yet were thy iudgement iust right verse 5 It is to manifest alas that firste I was conceiued in sinne Yea of my mother so borne was and yet vile wretche remaine therin verse 6 Also beholde Lord thou doest loue the inward truthe of a pure hart Therfore thy wisdome from aboue thou hast reueld me to conuert verse 7 If thou with Hissope purge this blot I shalbe cleaner then the glasse And if thou wash away my spot the snow in whitenes shall I passe verse 8 Therfore O Lorde suche ioy me send that inwardly I may synd grace And that my strength may now amend which thou hast swagd for my trespace verse 9 Turne back thy face and frowning ire for I haue felt inoughe thy hande And purge my sinnes I thee desire which doo in number passe the sand verse 10 Make new my hart within my brest and frame it to thy holy will Thy constant spirite in me let rest which may these raging enemies kil The secōd parte verse 11 Cast me not Lorde out from thy face but spedely my tormentes ende Take not from me thy spirite and grace which may from daungers me defend verse 12 Restore me to those ioyes agayne which I was wont in thee to fynde And let me thy free spirite retayne which vnto thee may stirre my mind verse 13 Thus when I shall thy mercyes know I shall instruct others therin And men that are likewise brought low by mine ensample shall flee sinne verse 14 O God that of my health art Lorde forgeue me thys my bloudy vice My harte and toung shall then accorde to sing thy mercies and iustice verse 15 Touch thou my lippes my tonge vntye O Lord which art the only kay And then my mouth shall testifye thy wondrous works praise alway verse 16 And as for outward sacrifice I would haue offred many one But thou estemest them of no pryce and therin pleasure takst thou none verse 17 The heauy hart the mind opprest O Lorde thou neuer dost reiect And to speake truth it is the best and of all sacrifice the effect verse 18 Lorde vnto Sion turne thy face poure out thy mercyes on thy hyll And on Jerusalem thy grace buyld vp the walles and loue it still verse 19 Thou shalt accept then oure offrynges of peace and righteousnes I say Yea calues and many other thynges vpon thyne altare will we lay Another of the same by T. N. HAue mercy on me God after Sing this as the Lamentation thy great abounding grace After thy mercies multitude doo thou my sinnes deface Yet wash me more from mine offence and clense me from my sin For I be know my fautes and still my sinne is in mine eyen Against thee thee alone I haue offended in thys case And euell haue I done before the presence of thy face That in the thynges that thou dost say vpryght thou mayst be tryed And eke in iudging that the dome may passe vpon thy syde Beholde in wickednes my kinde and shape I did receyue And loe my sinfull mother eke in sinne did me conceiue But Loe the truthe in inward partes is pleasant vnto thee And secretes of thy wisdome thou reueled hast to me With hysope Lorde be sprincle me I shalbe clensed so Yea wash thou me and so I shall be whiter than the snow Of ioy and gladnes make thou me to heare the pleasing voyce That so the broosed bones which thou hast broken may reioyce From the beholding of my sinnes Lorde turne away thy face And all my dedes of wickednes doo vtterly deface O God creat in me a hart vnspotted in thy sight And eke within my bowels Lorde renew a stable sprite Ne cast me from thy sight nor take thy holy sprite away The
of the Lorde God is the Lorde that sheweth vs lyght bynde ye therfore with corde Your sacrifice to the alter and geue thankes to the Lorde Thou art my God I will confes and render thankes to thee Thou art my God and I will prayse thy mercy towardes me O geue ye thankes vnto the Lorde for gratious is he Because his mercy dothe endure for euer towardes thee Beati immaculati Psalm Cxix VV. VV. In thys psalme is contayned an exquisit art and a wonderfull vehemencye in settyng forth the prayses of gods law wherin the Prophet cannot satisfye hymselfe nor sufficyently expres the affection whiche he beareth thereunto adding moreouer manye notable complaynts consolatyons wherefore it is mete that all the faythfull haue it alway bothe in harte and mouthe and in the Ebrue euery vii verses begyn with one lerter of the Alphabet BLessed are they that perfect are and pure in mind hart whose liues and conuersation frō Gods lawes neuer start 2. Blessed are they that geue them selues hys statutes to obserue Sekyng the Lorde with all theyr hart and neuer from him swerue verse 3 Doubtles such men go not astraye nor doo no wicked thing Whiche stedfastly walke in his pathes without any wandring verse 4 It is thy wyll and commaundement that with attentiue hede Thy noble and deuyne precepts we learne and kepe in dede verse 5 Oh would to God it might thee please my wayes so to adres That I myght bothe in hart and voyce thy lawes kepe and confes verse 6 So should no shame my lyfe atteyne whylst I thus set myne eyes And bende my mynde alwayes to muse on thy sacred decrees verse 7 Then will I prayse with vpright hart and magnifye thy name When I shall learne thy iudgements iust and lykewyse proue the same verse 8 And wholy will I geue my selfe to kepe thy lawes most ryght For sake me not for euer Lorde but shew thy grace and myght The. ii parte MTH verse 9 By what meanes may a yong man best his lyfe learne to amend If that he marke and kepe thy word and therin his tyme spend verse 10 Unfaynedly I haue thee sought and thusse kyng abyde Oh neuer suffer me O Lorde from thy precepts to slyde verse 11 Within my hart and secret thoughtes thy wordes I haue hyd styll That I might not at any tyme offende thy godly wyll verse 12 We magnifye thy name O Lorde and prayse thee euermore Thy statutes of most worthy fame O Lorde teache me therfore verse 13 My lippes haue neuer ceast to preache and publysh day and nyght The iudgments all whiche did procede from thy mouth full of might verse 24 Thy testymonies and thy wayes please me noles in dede Then all the treasures of the earth which worldlings make theyr mede verse 15 Of thy precepts I will still muse and therfore frame my talke As at a marke so will I aime thy wayes how I may walke verse 16 My only ioy shalbe so fixed and on thy lawes so set That nothyng can me so far blynde that I thy wordes for get The thyrd parte MMEL Graunt to thy seruaunt now such grace as may my lyfe prolong Thy holy worde then will I kepe bothe in my hart and tong verse 18 18 Mine eies whiche were dim shut vp so open and make bryght That of thy law and merueilous works I may haue the cleare syght verse 19 I am a straunger in this earth wandring now here now there Thy worde therfore to me disclose my fotesteppes for to cleare verse 20 My soule is rauished with desyre and neuer is at rest But seketh to know thy iudgments hie and what may please thee best verse 21 The proud men and malitious thou hast destroyd echone And cursed are suche as doo not thy hests attend vpon verse 22 Lord turne me from rebuke and shame whiche wicked men conspire For I haue kept thy couenaunts with zele as hote as fyre verse 23 The princes great in counsel sat and did against me speake But then thy seruaunt thought how he thy statutes myght not breake verse 24 For why thy couenants are my ioy and my great harts solace They serue in stede of counsellers my matters for to pas The. iiii parte DALETH verse 25 I am alas as brought to graue and almost turnd to dust Restore therfore my lyfe agayne as thy promise is iust verse 26 My wayes when I acknowledged with mercy thou didst heare Here now eftsones and me instruct thy lawes to loue and feare verse 27 Teache me once throughly for to know thy precepts and thy lore Thy workes then will Imeditate and lay them vp in store verse 28 My soule I fele so sore opprest that it melteth for grief According to thy word therfore hast Lorde to sende relyef verse 29 From lying and deceitfull lyppes let thy grace me defend And that I may learue thee to loue thy holy law me send verse 30 The way of truth both straight sure I haue chosen and founde I set thy iudgement me before whiche kepe me safe and sound verse 33 Since then O Lord I forced my selfe thy couenants to embrase Let me therfore haue no rebuke nor check in any case verse 32 Then will I runne with ioyfull cheare where thy worde doth me call When thou hast set my hart at large and rid me out of thrall The. v. parte H E verse 33 Instruct me Lord in the right trade of thy statutes deuyne And it to kepe euen to the end my hart will I inclyne verse 34 Graunt me the knowledge of thy law and I shall it obey With hart and mind and all my might I will it kepe I say verse 35 In the right path of thy precepts guide me Lorde I require None other pleasure doo I wishe nor greater thing desire verse 36 Inclyne my hart thy lawes to kepe and couenants to embrace And from all filthy auarice and shield me with thy grace verse 37 From vaine desire and worldly lustes turne backe myne eyes and syght Geue me the sprite of lyfe and power to walke thy wayes a ryght verse 38 Confirme thy gratious promise Lorde whiche thou hast made to me Which am thy seruaunt and doo loue and feare nothyng but thee verse 39 Reproche and shame whiche I so feare from me O Lord expell For thou dost iudge with equitie and therin dost excell verse 40 Beholde my harts desire is bent thy lawes to kepe for aye Lorde strēgthen me so with thy grace that it performe I may The. vi parte VAV verse 41 Thy mercyes great and manifolde let me obteyne O Lorde The sauing health let me enioy accordyng to thy word verse 42 So shall I stop y e slaundrous mouths of leud men and vniust For in thy faithfull promises stand the my comfort and trust verse 43 The word of truth with in my mouth let euer still be prest For in thy iudgements wonderfull my hope doth stand and rest verse 44 And while that breath
continually To thee be prayse world without end ☞ A thankes geuing after the receyuyng of the Lordes Supper THe Lorde be thanked for his gyftes And mercy euermore That he doth shew vnto his saynctes Sing this as the. xxx vii Psa To him be laud therfore Our tonges cannot so prayse the Lorde As he doth right deserue Our harts can not of hym so thynke As he doth vs preserue His benefites they be so great To vs that be but sinne That at our handes for recompence There is no hope to winne O sinfull flesh that thou shouldest haue Suche mercyes of the Lorde Thou doest deserue more worthely Of him to be abhord Nought els but sinne ▪ and wretchednes Doth rest within our heartes And stubburnely against the Lorde We dayly play oure partes The sunne aboue in firmament That is to vs a lyght Doth shew it selfe more cleane and pure Then we be in his sight The heauens aboue and all therin More holy are then we They serue the Lorde in theyr estate Eche one in his degree They do not stryue for mastership Nor slake theyr office set But feare the Lorde and do his will Hate is to them no let Also the earth and all therin Of God it is in awe It doth obserue the formers wyll By skilfull natures law The sea and all that therin is Doth bend when God doth beck The spirtes beneathe doo tremble all And feare his wrathfull check But we alas for whom all these Were made them for to rule Do not so know or loue the Lorde As doth the Oxe or mule A law he gaue for vs to know What was his holy wyll He would vs good but we will not Auoyd the thing is ill Not one of vs that seketh out The Lorde of lyfe to please Nor to the thyng that might vs ioyne Our Christ and quiet ease Thus we are all his enemyes We can it not deny And he agayne of his good wyll Would not that we should dye Therfore when remedy was none To bring vs vnto lyfe The sonne of God our flesh he toke To mend our mortall stryfe And all the law of God our Lorde He did it full obey And for our sinnes vpon the crosse Hys bloud our dettes did pay And that we should not yet forget What good be to vs wrought A signe he left our eyes to tell That he our bodyes bought In breade and wine here visible Unto thyne eyes and tast His mercyes great thou maist record If that his spryte thou hast As once the corne did liue and grow And was cut downe with sith And threshed out with many stripes Out from his huske to dryue And as the mill with violence Did teare it out so small And made it lyke to earthly dust Not sparing it at all And as the ouen with fyre hot Did close it vp in heat And all this done that I haue sayd That it should be our meat So was the Lorde in his ripe age Cut downe by cruell death His soule he gaue in torments great And yelded vp his breath Because that he to vs might be An euerlasting bread with muche reproche and trouble great On earth his lyfe he led And as the grapes in pleasant tyme Are pressed very sore And plucked downe when they be rype Nor let to grow no more Because the ioyse that in them is As comfortable drynke We myght receyue and ioyfull be when sorowes make vs shrinke So Christes bloud out pressed was With nailes and eke with speare The ioyse wherof doth saue all those That rightly do him feare And as the cornes by vnitie Into one lofe is knit So is the Lorde and his whole churche Though he in heauen sit As many grapes make but one wyne So shoulde we be but one In fayth and loue in Chist aboue And vnto Christ alone Leading a lyfe without all stryfe In quyet rest and peace From enuye and from malyce both Our heartes and tonges to cease Which if we doo then shall we shew That we his chosen be By fayth in him to leade a lyfe As alwayes willed he And that we may so doo in dede God send vs all his grace Then after death we shall be sure With him to haue a place Robert Wlsdom PReserue vs Lorde by thy deare word From Turk and Pope defend vs Lord whiche bothe would thrust oute of his throne our Lorde Iesus Christ thy deare sonne Lorde Iesus Christ shew forth thy myght That thou art Lorde of Lordes by ryght Thy poore afflicted flocke defend That they may prayse thee without end God holy Ghost our comfortor Be our Patron helpe and succor Geue vs one minde and perfect peace All giftes of grace in vs encrease Thou liuing God in parsons three Thy name be praysed in vnitie In all our nede so vs defend That we may prayse thee world without end ☞ A formst of proyer to be vsed in priuate houses euery mornyng and euening Morning prayer ALmightie God most mercifull Father we do not present our selues here before thy maiestie trusting in oure owne merites or worthines but in thy manifolde mercyes which haste promised to beare our Prayers and graunt our requestes which we shal make to the in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde who hath also cōmaunded vs to assemble ourselues together in his name with ful assurance that he wil not only be amongst vs but also be our mediator and aduocate towards thy maiestie that we may obteyne all thinges which shall seme expedient to thy blessed will for oure necessities therfore we beseche thee most mercifull Father to turne thy louyng countenaunce towards vs and impute not vnto vs our manifold sinnes and offences wher by we iustly deserue thy wrath sharp punishmēt but rather receyue vs to thy mercy for Iesus Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompence for all our offēces in whom only thou art pleased and through whom thou canst not be offended with vs. And seing that of thy great mercyes we haue quietly passed this nyght graunte O heauenly father that we may bestowe thys day wholly in thy seruice so that al our thoughts wordes and dedes may redounde to the glorye of thy name and good ensample to all men who seeyng oure good workes may gloryfye thee oure heauenly father And for as much as of thy mere fauour and loue thou hast not onely created vs to thine owne similitude and likenes but also haste chosen vs to be heyres with thy deare sōne Iesus Christ of that immortal kingdom which thou preparedst for vs before the beginning of the worlde we beseche thee to encrease oure faythe and know ledg and to lighten our harts with thy holy spirit that we may in meane time liue in godly conuersatyon and integritie of lyfe knowing that Idolaters adulterers couetous men cōtentious persōs drunkards glottons and such like shall not in herite the kyngdome of God And because thou hast commaunded vs to pray one for
to thy moste blessed will not for the worthines thereof but for the merites of thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Christ our only Sauior whom thou hast already geuen an oblation and offering for oure sinnes for whose sake we are certenlye perswaded that thou wilte denie vs nothing that we shall aske in his name according to thy will For thy spirit doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull father and so louest vs thy children through hym that nothing is able to remoue thy heauēly grace and fauoure from vs to thee therfore O father with the sonne and the holy Ghoste be all honor glory worlde without ende Sobeit ☞ A Prayer to be sayde before a man begin his worke O Lorde God most mercifull father and Sauiour seyng it hath pleased thee to cōmaūd vs to traueil that we may releue our nede webeseche thee of thy grace so to blesse our labour that thy blessing may extend vnto vs without the whiche we are not able to continue and that this great fauour may be a witnes vnto vs of thy boūtifulnes assistance so that therby we may know the fatherly care that thou hast ouer vs. Moreouer O Lord we beseche thee that thou woldest strengthen vs with thine holye spirite that we may faithfully trauaill in oure estate and vocation without fraude or deceit that we maye indeuour our selus to folow thine holy ordinance rather then to seke to satisfye our gridie affectiōs or desire to gayne And if it please thee O Lorde to prosper our labour geue vs a mind also to help thē that haue nede according to that abilitie that that thou of thy mercy shalte geue vs and knowing that all good things come of thee graunt that we may humble oure selues to our neyghbours not by any meanes lift our selues vp aboue them whiche haue not receyued so liberalla portion as of thy mercy thou haste geuen vnto vs. And if it please thee to try and exercise vs by greater pouertie and nede then our flesh would desire that thou woldest yet O Lorde graunt vs grace to knowe that thou wilt nourish vs continually through thy bountifull liberalitie that we be not so tempted that we fall into distrust but that we may paciētly wayte tyll thou fill vs not only with corporall graces and benefites but chiefly with thine heauēlye and spirituall treasures to the intent that we maye alwayes haue more ample occasion to geue thee thankes and so wolly to rest vpon thy mereyes Heare vs O Lorde of mercy through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lorde Amen A Prayer for the hole state of Christes church ALmyghtye God and most mercifull father we humbly submit ourselues and fal downe before thy Maiestie beseching thee from the botome of oure hates that thys sede of thy worde nowe sowen amongest vs may take suche deepe rote that neyther the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither neither thorny cares of thys life choke it but that as sede sowen in good ground it may brynge foorth thirtie sixtie and an hundreth folde as thy heauenly wysdom hath appointed And because we haue nede cōtinually to craue many thyngs at thy handes we humbly beseche thee O heauenly father to graunt vs thy holy spirite to directe our petitions that they may procede frō suche a feruente minde as may be agreable to thy most blessed will And seing that our infirmitie is hable to doo nothing withoute thy helpe and that thou art not ignorant with how many and great temptations we poore wretches are on euery syde enclosed and compassed Let thy strength o lord sustayne oure weaknes that we being defended with the force of thy grace may be safely preserued against all assaults of Sathan who goeth about continually like a roring Lion seking to deuoure vs. Encrease our fayth o merciful father that we do not swarue at any time frō thy heauenlyword but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keping of all thy commaundements that no hardnes of harte no Ipocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor inticements of the world do draw vs away from thy obedience And seyng we liue now in these most perilous times let thy fatherly prouidence defend vs againste the violence of our enemies whiche doo seke by all meanes to oppres thy truth Furthermore for as much as by thy holy apostle we be taught to make our prayers and supplication for all menne We pray not only for oureselues here present but beseche thee also to reduce all such as be yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnes and errours to the pure vnderstanding and knowledge of thy heauenly truthe that we all with one consent and vnitie of mindes may worship thee our only God and sauior And that all pastors shepeheards ministers to whō thou hast committed the dispensation of thy holye worde and charge of thy chosen people may both in theyr lyfe doctrine befound faythfull setting onely before theyr eyes thy glory and that by thē all poore shepe which wander and go astray may be gathered and brought home to thy folde Moreouer because the hartes of rulers are in thy handes We beseche thee to direct and gouern the harts of all kinges princes and maistrats to whō thou hast committed the sword especially O lord according to oure bounden dutye we beseche thee to mainteine and encrease the honorable estate of the Queenes maiestie and all her most noble coūsellers and maiestrates and all the whole bodye of thys commune weale Let thy fatherly fauor so preserue them and thy holy spirit so gouerne their harts y t they may in such sort execute theyr office that thy relygion may be purely mainteined maners reformed and sin punished accordynge to the precise rule of thy holy word And for that we be all members of the mistical body of Iesus Christ we make our requests vnto thee O heauenly father for all suche as are afflicted with any kind of cros or tribulation as warre plage famyne sicknes pouertie imprisonmente persecution banishment or any other kinde of thy rods whether it be calamitie of body or vexatiō of mind that it wold please the to geue them pacience and constancye til thou send them full deliuerance of all theyr troubles Rote out from hence O Lorde all rauening wolues which to fyll theyr bellyes seke to destroy thy flock And shew thy great mercyes vpon those our brethren in other countreis which are persecuted cast into prison and daily condemned for the testimony of thy truth And though they be vtterlye destitute of all mans aide yet let thy swete cōfort neuer depart from them but so inflame theyr hartes with thy holy spirit that they may boldlye and chearfully abyde such triall as thy godly wisdome shall appoynt So that at length as wel by theyr deathe as by their lyfe the kingdome of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ may increase and shine throughe all the worlde In whose name we make hurt humble peticions to thee as he hathe taught
hys passion ☞ To him be glory foreuer The vse of the rest of the Psalmes not comprehended in the former Lable of Athanasius IF thou wouldest prayse God because he hathe geuen vs a good Prince whiche wyll and doth punish the enemies of Christes relygion vse the 21. Psalme If thou be persecuted withoute a cause if thou wouldest haue no affinitie with vice nor with the virious vse the 26. Psalme If thou wouldest not be wicked if not accōpted as a malefactor but wouldest haue them punished and thyselfe and suche other godly men defended from the tiranie vse the. 28 Psalme If thou seest the nobilitie the counsell the magistrates Princes not geuen to religion nor to the praysing of God vse the 29. Psalme If thou desirest to be iust and vertuous vse the 33. psalm If thou beest afflicted with any sicknes wouldest faine lyue and see good daies and Christes glory to be encreased vse the. 29. Psalme If thou be banished for religiō and art almost in dispaire of retorning to thy countrey vse the 42 psalme If thou perceyue thy selfe forsaken of God and therfore persecuted for religion and vertue sake vse the. 44. Psalme If thou wouldest complaine of a Doeg of a wycked man and would haue him to be voted oute and thy selfe to haue prosperitye vse the. 52 psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from thyne enemies which persecute thee vnto deathe vse the 54. Psalme If thou wouldest haue the helpe of God againste suche as persecute thee without a cause vse the 59. Psalme If thou wouldest prepare thy selfe to fight against the Idumeane or such lyke enemyes of Christ vse the 60. Psalm If thou wouldest haue Chryste to come conquere beate downe the Siriās Idumes Amonites Papistes Antichristians Nullifidians Neutralles and vngratious Pelagyans vse the 68. Psalme If thou best perswaded that Chryste wyll come and pounysh offenders ayde the true worshippers and poure oure the dregges of wyne and vengeaunce of hys cuppe on the vngodly vse the 75. Psalme If thou neither wouldest haue Idolatry neyther any lycencious lustes rayne in Christes common welth thou must geue God thankes if thou be perswaded he bothe will and can take them awaye vsing the 81 Psalme If thou wouldest gladlie know Christes Churche how that Sion signifieth it and how that the true religion shalbe delated and spred throughe the hole worlde vse the. 87. Psalme If thou goest to fight againste the Idumeans or anye of Christes enemies whether they offende in manners or in doctrine and wouldest desire God to geue the victorye vse the 108. Psalme If thou woldest liue a godly lyfe if thou wouldest replenysh thy mynde with gooly preceptes and therby obtayne imortalitie and eternall felicitie Study diligently the. 119. Psalme If thou be thrust into a Colledge or in a parish towne or countrey whose in habitours are wicked crafty and malicious picke quarels to be deliuered from them vse the. 120. Psalme If thou wouldest haue the congregatiō of Christ to prosper vse the 122. Psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from contempt infamye the derision of the wicked vse 123. Psalme when thou art deliuered out of prison captiuitie or anye distres in geuing thankes to God vse the 124. Psalme To vnderstande the saftie that those are in whiche ar vnder the tuicion of the Lorde Ioua and howe that the wicked shalbe punyshed consider the 125. Psalme If thou desirest to knowe the felicitie that he hathe which reuerenceth God and liueth godly the tranquillitie peace of conscience whiche he enioyeth in this life and the vnspeak able ioye in the life to come meditate diligentlie the 128. Ps. To vnderstand how the good and godlye are defended by the ayde of the Lord and the wicked perish consider the 129. Psalme If thou wouldest not be arrogaunte and proude vse the 131. Psalme If thou wouldest prayse vnitie and concord amonge bretherne vse the. 133. Psalme To syng prayses to god for his mercies vse the 134. Psal. FINIS Venicreator COme holy Ghost eternal God proceding from aboue Both from the Father the son the God of peace loue Uisit our mindes into vs thy heauenly grace inspire that in all truth godlines we may haue true desire Thou art the very comforter in all wo and distres The heauenly gift of God most highe which no tonguee an expres The fountaine and the liuely springe of ioy Celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold wherby Christes church doth stande In faythfull hartes writyng thy law the finger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speache of grace That through thy helpe the prayse of God may stande in euery place O holy Gost into our wittes sende downe thy heauenly light Kindle our harts with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknes sofeable and so frayle That neither flesh the worlde nor deuill against vs do preuayle Put backe our enemies far from vs and graunt vs to obteyne Peace in our hartes with God and man without grudge or disdayne And graunt O Lorde that thou beyng our leader and our guide We may eschewe the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slide To vs suche plentie of thy grace good Lorde graunt we thee pray That thou maiest be our comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strief and discention O Lord dissolue the handes And make the knots of peace and loue throughout all christen landes Graunt vs O Lord through thee to know the father most of might That of his deare beloued sonne we may atteyne the sight And that with perfect faith also we may acknowledge thee The spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laude and prayse be to the father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy spirit also one God coeternall And pray we that the only sonne vouchesafe his Sprit to sende To all that doo professe his name vnto the worldes ende Amen Loke for the lxxxxv Psalm iii Fol. 237. The songe of S. Ambrose called Te Deum WE praise thee god we knowledg the the only Lord to be And as eternal father all the earth doth worship the. To the al angels crye the heauens and all the powers therin To the Cherub and Seraphin To crie they do not linne O Holy Holy Holy Lorde Of Saboth Lord the God Through heauē earth thy praise is spred And glory all abrode Thapostles glorious companye yelde prayses vnto thee The Prophets goodly selowship praise thee continually The noble and victorious host Of martirs sounde thy prayse The holy churche throughout the world doth knowledge thee alwayes Father of endles maiestie they doo acknowledge thee Thy Christ thine honorable true and only sonne to be The holy Ghost the comforter of glory thou art king O Christ and of the father arte the sonne euerlasting When sinfull mans decay inhand thou tokest to restore To be enclosde in virgins wombe Thou diddest not abhorre When thou
about his mothers graue But they at my dissease did ioye and gather on a route Yea abiect slaues at me did toye with mockes and checks full stoute verse 17 The belly gods and flattering trayne that all good thinges deride At me doe grin with great disdayne and plucke their mouth a syde verse 18 Lord when wilt thou amend this geare why doest thou stay and pause Oh rid my soule myne only deare out of these Lyons clawes verse 19 And then will I geue thankes to thee before thy churche alwayse And where as most of people be there will I shew thy prayse verse 20 Let not my foes preuayle on me whiche hate me for no faulte Nor yet to winke or tourne theyr eye that causeles me assaulte The third parte verse 21 Of peace no worde they think or say theyr taulke is all vntrue They still consult and would betraye all those that peace ensue verse 22 With open mouth they run at me they gape thei laugh thei flere Well wel say they our eye doth see the thyng that we desire verse 23 But Lorde thou seest what waies they take sease not this geare to mende Be not far of nor me forsake as men that fayle their frend verse 24 Awake aryse and stirre abrode defend me in my right Reuenge my cause my Lorde my God and ayde me with thy might verse 25 Accordyng to thy righteousnes my Lorde God set me free And let not them their pride expresse nor triumphe ouer me verse 26 Let not their hartes reioyce and cry there there this geare doth trime Nor geue them cause to say on hye we haue our will of hym verse 27 Confound them with rebuke shame that ioy when I do mourne And pay them home with spite blame that brag at me with scorne verse 28 Let them be glad and eke reioyce which loue mine vpright waye And they all times with harte voyce shall prayse the Lorde and saye verse 29 Greate is the Lorde and doth excell for why he doth delyght To see his seruaunts prosper well that is his pleasaunt sight verse 30 Wherfore my tonge I will applye thy righteousnes to prayse Unto the Lorde my God will I sing laudes with thankes alwayse Dixit iuiustus Psalme xxxvi I. H. Dauid greuously vexed by the wicked doth complayne of their maiyce wickednes Thē he turneth to consider the vnspeakeable goodnes of God towardes all creatures But specially towards hys children that by faithe therof he maie be comforted and assured of his deliueraunce by this ordenary course of Gods worke who in the ende destroyeth the wicked and saueth the ruite THe wicked with his workes vniust doth thus perswade my hart Sing this as the. xxxv psalme That of the Lorde he hathe no trust his feare is set aparte verse 2 Yet doth he ioye in his estate to walke as he began So long till he deserue the hate of God and eke of man verse 3 His wordes ar wicked vile and naught his tong no truth doth tell Yet at no hand will he be taught which way he may doo well verse 4 When he should slepe then doth he muse his mischife to fulfill No wicked wayes doth he refuse nor nothing that is ill verse 5 But Lorde thy goodnes doth ascend aboue the heauens high So doth thy truth it selfe extend vnto the cloudie skie verse 6 Much more then hilles so high steepe thy iustice is exprest Thy iudgments like to sease most deepe thou sauest both man and beaste verse 7 Thy mercy is aboue all thinges O God it doth excell In trust wherof as in thy winges the sonnes of men shall dwell verse 8 Within thy house they shalbe fedde with plenty at theyr will Of all delight they shalbe sped and take therof their fill verse 9 For why the well of life so pure doth ouer flow from thee And in thy light we are full sure the lasting light alwayse to see verse 10 From such as thee desire and knowe let not thy grace departe Thy righteousnes declare and shew to men of vpright hart verse 11 Let not the proude on me preuayle O Lorde of thy good grace Nor let the wicked me assayle to throwe me out of place verse 12 But they in their deuice shall fall that wicked workes maintaine They shalbe ouerthrowne with all and neuer rise agayne Noli emulari Psalme xxxvii w. w. Because the godly shoulde not wonder to see wicked men prosper in this world the prophet sheweth that all thinge shal be graunted according to theyr harts desire to them that loue and feare God they that do the contrary although they seme to florish for a tune shall at lengthe peryshe Sing this as the. xxxv psalme GRudge not to see the wicked men in wealth to florish styll Nor yet enuie suche as to ill haue bent and set their will verse 2 For as grene gras florishing herbes are cut and wither awaye So shall theyr great prosperitie sone passe fade and decay verse 3 Trust thou therfore in God alone to do well geue thy minde So shalt thou haue the land as thyne and there sure foode shalt find verse 4 In God set all thy harts delyte and loke what thou wouldst haue Or els canst wish in all the worlde thou nedest it not to craue verse 5 Cast both thy selfe and thyne affayres on God with perfect trust And thou shalt see with patience theffect both sure and iust verse 6 The perfect life and godly name he will cleare as the light So that the sunne euen at none daies shall not shine halfe so bryght verse 7 Be still therfore and stedfastly on God see thou wayte then Nor shrinking for the prosperous state of leude and wicked men verse 8 Shake of despite enuy and hate at least in any wise Their wicked steppes auoyd and flie and folow not their guise verse 9 For euery wicked man will God destroy both more and lesse But suche as trust in him are sure the lande for to posses verse 10 Watch but a whyle and thou shalt see no more the wicked trayne No not so muche as house or place where once he did remayne The seconde parte verse 11 But mercifull and humble men enioy shall sea and land In rest and peace they shall reioyse for nought shall them withstand verse 12 The leud men and malicious against the iust conspire They gnash their teeth at him as men whiche doo his bane desire verse 13 But while that leud men thus do think the Lorde laugh them to scorne For why he seeth their terme approche When they shall sygh and morne verse 14 The wicked haue their sword out drawē their bowe eke haue they bent To ouerthrow and kill the poore as they the right way went verse 15 But the same sword shal pearse their harts which was to kil the iust Likewise the bow shal breake to shiuers wherin they put theyr trust verse 16 Doubtles the iust mans poore estate is better agreat deale more Then
he dyed in the fleshe But quickned in the sprite His body then was buryed As is our vse and ryte His sprit did after this descend Into the lower partes To them that long in darknes were The true lyght of theyr hartes And in the third day of his death He rose to lyfe agayne To thende he might be gloryfyed Out of oll grief and payne Ascending to the heauens hie To sit in glory styll On Gods right hand his Father dere According to his will Untill the day of iudgement come When he shall come againe With Angels power yet of that day We all be vncertayne To iude all people rightuously Whom he hath dearly bought The lyuing and the dead also Which he hath made of nought And in the holy spirit of God My fayth to satisfye The third parson in Trinitie Beleue I sted fastlye The holy and catholick Churche That Gods worde doth maintayne And holy Scripture doth alowe Which Sathan doth disdayne And also I doo trust to haue By Iesu Christ his death Release and pardon of my sinnes And that only by fayth What time all flesh shall ryse agayne Before the Lorde of might And se vim with theyr bodely eyes Whiche now doo geue them light And then shall Christe our sauior The shepe and Goates deuide And geue lyfe euerlastyngly to those whom he hath tride Whiche is the realme celestiall In glory for to rest With all the holy company Of Saincts and Angels blest Whiche serue the Lorde omnipotent Obediently eche houre To whom be all dominion and prayse for euermore A Prayer vnto the holy ghost to be song before the Sermon COme holy sprite the god of might Comforter of vs all Teach vs to knowe thy word a right Sing thys as the. cxix Psal. that we doo neuer fall O holy Ghost visit our coast defend vs with thy shild Against all sinne and wickednes Lorde helpe vs win the field Lorde kepe our Quene and her counsell and geue them will and might To perseuer in thy Gospell which can put sinne to flyght O Lorde that geuest thy holy worde send preachers plenteouslye That in the same we may accorde and therin lyue and dye O holy Sprite direct a ryght the Preachers of thy worde Thot thou by them maist cut downe syn As it were with a sworde Depart not from those pastors pure but ayde them at all nede Whiche breake to vs the breade of lyfe wheron our soules doo feede O blessed spirit of truthe kepe vs In peace and vnitie Kepe vs from sectes and errours all And from all papistrie Conuert all those that are oure foes and bryng them to thy lyght That they and we may well agree and prayse thee day and nyght O Lorde increase our fayth in vs and loue so to abounde That man and wyfe be voyde of strife and neyghbours about vs rounde In oure tyme geue thy peace O Lorde to nations farre and nye And teache them all thy holy worde that we may syng to thee All glory to the Trinitie that is of mightes most The lyuing Father and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath bene in all the time that hathe been here to fore As it is now and so shalbe henceforth for euermore Dapacem domine Geue peace in these our daies o lord great daungers are now at hand thine enemies with one accorde Christ name in euery lande seke to deface route out and race thy trew right worship in dede be thou the stay lord we the pray thou helpest alone in all nede Geue vs that peace ▪ whiche we doo lack Through misbelief and ill lyfe Thy word to offer thou dost not slack Whiche we vnkindly gainstriue with fire and sword This healthfull word Some persecute and opprisse Some with the mouth Confes the truth Without sincere godlines Geue peace and vs thy spirite downe send With grief and repentaunce true Do pearce our harts our liues to amend And by fayth Chryst renue That feare and dread Warre and bloudshed Through thy swete mercy and grace May from vs slyde Thy truth may byde And shine in euery place The complaint of a Sinner who craueth of Christ to be kept vnder hys mercye WHere rightuousnes doth say lord for my sinfull part in wrath y ● shouldst me pay vēgaunce for 〈◊〉 desart I can it not deny but nedes I must confes how y t continually thy lawes I doo transgres Thy lawes I do transgresse But if it be thy will With sinners to contend Then all thy flock shall spill And be lost without end For who liueth here so right That rightly he can say He sinneth not in thy sight Full oft and euery day Thy scripture plaine telth me The righteous man offendeth Seuen times a day to thee Wheron thy wrath dependth So that the rightwise man Doth walke in no such path but he falth now or than In daunger of thy wrath Then since the case so standes That euen the man rightwise Falth oft in sinfull bandes Wherby thy wrath may ryse Lorde I that am vniust And rightwisenes none haue Wherto then shall I trust My synfull soule to saue But truly to that post Wherto I cleaue and shall Whiche is thy mercy most Lorde let thy mercy fall And mitigate thy mode Or els we perish all The pryce of this thy bloud Wherin mercy I call Thy scripture doth declare No drop of bloud in thee But that thou didst not spare To shed eche drop for me Now let those drops most swet So moyst my hart so dry That I with sinne replete May liue and sinne may die That being mortifyed Thys synne of myne in me I may be sanctifyed By grace of thine in thee So that I neuer fall Into suche mortall sinne That my foes infernall Reioyse my death therin But vouchesafe me to keep From those infernall foes And from that lake so depe Wheras no mercy growes And I shall sing the songes Confirmed with the iust That vnto thee belonges Whiche art mine only trust ☞ Through perfecte repentaunce the sinner hath a sure trust in God that his sinne s shalbe washed away in Christes ēloud O Lord in thee is al my trust geue eare vnto my wofull cry Refuse me not that am vniust but bowing downe thy heauēly eye behold how I doo still lament my sinnes wherin I do offende O Lord for them shall I be shent Sith thee to playse I doo intend No no not so thy will is bent To deale with sinners in thine ire But when in hart they shall repent Thou grauntst with sped their iust desire To thee therfore still shall I cry to wash away my sinfull cryme Thy bloud O Lorde is not yet drye but that it may help me in time Hast thee O Lorde hast thee I say To power on me the giftes of grace That when this life must flit away In heauen with thee I may haue place Where thou dost reigne eternally with God which once did downe the sēd Where angels sing