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A08305 A sinfull mans solace most sweete and comfortable, for the sicke and sorowful soule: contriued, into seuen seuerall daies conference, betweene Christ and a carelesse sinner. Wherin, euerie man, from the highest, to the lowest: from the richest, to the poorest: and aboue all, the sorowfull sinner: maye take such sweet repaste of resolution, to amendment of lyfe, and confirmation of fayth: that (in respect of the heauenlie solace, therin faithfully remembered:) all the pompes and pleasures of this wicked worlde, shall be plainely perceiued to be meere miserie. Writcen [sic], by Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1585 (1585) STC 18634; ESTC S110181 160,012 334

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that were healed and as a fit preseruation for them onely that they should amend their liues and sinne no more and to leade innocent and godly liues and because that I would moue them the more to a zealous and godly carefulnesse to keepe them selues from thence forth from wantonnes and sinne I gaue them this caueat that they should beware that they returned not to their old filthines least a worse thing should happen vnto them afterwarde Nowe therefore for asmuch oh sinfull man as I haue shewed thee and ministred vnto thee a medicin for a farre more daungerous desease then can possesse the bodie an inwarde euill a spirituall malladie which had taken deepe roote in the bowelles of thine heart and festered it in such sorte as it was almost vncurable and haue now brought it to such perfection as there is some likelihoode of speedie cure if thou wilt bee ruled and aduised by my directions Thou knowest thou canst not denie that the couetouse desires foolish phantasies of this wicked world had so blinded thee and the pernicious deuices of subtile Sathan so lulled thee a sleepe that thou knewest none other happinesse but thine aboundaunce none other comforte but thy coffers of gold siluer no pleasure but thy pomp nor fearest any other paine but pouertie and not moued with pittie didest pinch thy poore Tenant and wert altogether ignoraunt what was the commoditie of the sacrifice of my bodie vpon the Crosse or to what purpose was my death and most bitter Passion placing al thine affections vpon transitorie toyes rūning headlong into thine vtter destruction without redemption had not I awakened thee out of that deadly slumber reclaymed thee from thine error brought thee out of that darkenesse and shewed thée light searched thine heart being so infected with this daungerous desease thou hadst neuer beene healed but hadst dyed in vtter dispayre and so haue beene damned for euermore Now if bodily infirmities and corporall deseases are to be preserued by such a due regarde of keeping them selues pure and vndefiled by auoyding wantonnes and amending their liues how much more hast thou cause to looke vnto thy selfe to keepe watch and warde night and day least vpon this thy recouerie that venomous serpent Sathan who first poysoned thee seeking yet still by all meanes to renue thy desease should finde the doore of thine affections open thrust in newe venome newe inchauntments and newe meanes to hinder thy curing and to make a newe wounde vncurable and so thine ende be worse then thy beginning Therfore so much the more must thou bee carefull and circumspect for the preseruation of thine health begun for the saftie of thy poore soule to amende thy life and to sinne no more which is thou must speedely rid away and cast out all the euill within thee by the hande of a liuely faith ioyned with an vnfeyned sorrow and true repentaunce which is a vertue much pleasing mine heauenly father for that it is an inwarde godly lamenting and mourning of the heart for things committed and done contrary to the blessed wil and holy commaundements of mine heauenly father a detesting and vtter abhorring of all vngodlinesse of all thinges whereby the displeasure of God may be prouoked or his loue abated a godly and zealous endeuour to doe well and a fearfull trembling to do euill wherby euery sinner returning vnto God acknowledgeth his offences condemneth himself and confesseth himself guiltie and iustly deseruing punishment casting himself downe in his owne conceipt in such remorce of conscience as hee seeketh and by all meanes possible endeuoureth himself to make amendes for his offences past framing his life so strictly and so sincerely in all his doinges as it may outwardly appeare and his conscience beare witnesse inwardly that he vtterly abhorreth sinne and coueiteth to leade a newe life And therefore Iohn Baptist when hee Baptised in Iordan Baptised none but such as repented and confessed their sinnes Wherefore I say repent and sinne no more that thy wickednesse may be forgiuen thee and thine infirmities be cured Learne of Dauid who when he was reproued of the Prophet Nathan for his sinnes cryed out against himselfe confessed his sinnes and not like an hypocrite feynedly before men but in great bitternesse of heart inwardly cryed out and said Lord I haue sinned against thee I haue done amisse in thy sight and as one wounded and throughly greeued for prouoking Gods heauie displeasure so against him that hee most earnestly prayed for mercie whose sorrowe was according to that that mine Apostle speaketh of causing repentaunce vnto saluation The sorrowe whereby the lost Sonne obteined his fathers fauour and pardon againe Such sorrowe had Peter when he had denyed me wherein he repenting wept bitterly Such a godly sorrowe had Iob who rent his cloathes and shoare his head and cast himselfe vnto the grounde Thou must beware that thy sorrowe be not as Esaus as Iudas and as Caines was who were also greatly greeued and inwardly pinched at y e feeling of their offences but not in respect that they were in any mislike with their sinnes but being rather hardened and as it were inwardly set against God mine heauenly father kicking against his mercie and louing promises fell desperatly frō him their sorrowe was not of faith and therfore caused not repentaunce vnto saluation but augmented their sinnes True repentaunce is altogether to put of the old man and not to fulfill the lustes of the flesh but euen to forsake thy selfe and to be renewed in righteousnesse not onely in outwarde apparaunce but euen in the very intentions and inwarde affections of the heart putting on the newe man which is newnesse of life being throughly perswaded of the fatherly loue and louing promises of mine heauenly father for otherwise it is impossible to yeeld thy self in vnfeined repentaunce vnto his mercy or endeuour thy selfe truely to turne vnto him as he desireth all men to do not wishing any to perish in his sinnes but most louingly calleth he all men not only by me his Sonne but by his messengers the Prophetes and true Preachers of my worde to returne from their wicked waies and bee saued Returne returne therefore euery one from his euill waies from the wickednesse of your inuentions and put not of from day to day for suddainely commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of vnbeleefe vpon the stubborne and stifenecked Repent I say repent and dye not in thy sinnes seeke mine heauenly father in me and thou shalt finde him and for my sake shall he pardon thee he shall be mercifull vnto thee and shall rid thee out of all thy troubles and defend thee from all miseries As he did Roboam who after he had offended humbled himselfe and obteined fauour Manasses likewise an Idolater hauing by his dissobedience procured the wrath of God against him was taken prisoner and of his
that is worthy of his Fathers fauour that for his fathers sake will not with patience suffer one howers hardnes or take such part nay some part of the paines that his Father sustayneth Or that obayeth not his Fathers will in thinges tending to his owne welfare Suerly that sonne deserueth no fauour but to be beaten with many stripes And what man is hée that if some skilfull Phisition doe foreshowe him of some daungerous disease beginning to growe vppon his body which he himselfe as yet féeleth not but to preuent a greater inconuenience will hee not bee contented not onely to bestowe his money but for the safetie of his arme will he not be contented to suffer his finger to be cut off and to saue his bodie will he not abide his legge to be cut off yes no doubt If such cost be not too deare nor such paines too terrible to preuēt the daunger of the bodie what man will not bee contented for the safetie of his soule to cut off all whatsoeuer is like to indaunger the same And art thou so loth to cut off that or cast from thee those things which are the cause of thy so pernicious a disease securetie Doest thou think thy goods nay thy ill gotten goodes so deare so helpfull and so precious as to indaunger the death of thy soule with the deteining of them when thou art promised life vpon the restitution of them vnfeynedly repenting Beware I say beware least it fester and thy desease gather further into thine heart and so destroye both bodie and soule The sicke-man who for his healthes sake refuseth not to take the most bitterest Potions and hardest medicines and yet are they most greeuous and most vnpleasaunt to him for the time yet because their effect and their working turne to his health he willingly receiueth them So must thou be contented for thy soule health to accept of such bitter afflictions and crosses in this life as shall please mine heauenly father to minister vnto thee which although they bee sharpe and vnsauerie for the time it turneth all thinges to good yea to the health both of soule and bodie Thou hast supped a little of the cup of pouertie and want which is but a milde potion a gentle medicine and yet so contrary to disgestion that it hath driuen thee into such a frantique perplexitie that thou shewest thy self very vnable to take those Purgations which must worke with a more stronger effect to the driuing out of all such noysome affections as by the corruptible and contagious ayre of Sathans breathinges haue infected thine heart whereof if thou bee not cured and the same cut off with the Rasour of a true and vnfeined repentaunce it will procure thee not onely death of bodie but vtter destruction both of bodie and soule Wherefore I say seeke remedie in time come vnto me who am the onely true Phisition of all sicke soules refreshing all them that bee heauie laden healing their spirituall deseases if faithfully and without wauering they seeke the same at mine handes and speedely returne vnto mee by that true and vnfeyned sorrowe for their sinnes which sheweth it selfe in amendement of life in that true sorrowe which causeth repentaunce vnto saluation Comfort thy selfe in this therefore that thy desease is foreshewed thee and that Phisition hath taken thee in hand to cure thee that haue all power in mine owne handes and let neither thy sinnes past trouble thee nor thine estate greeue thee but bee onely reioysing in that I haue promised forgiuenesse of the one and helpe in the other Thou hast an aduocate with the father euen me Iesus Christ the righteous who haue obteyned pardon for al thy sinnes and haue raunsomed thee out of the handes of Sathan a most especiall benefite in respect whereof al the plagues al the troubles calamities and afflictions in this life can light vpon thee are not to bee accompted greeuous but willingly to bee imbraced and paciently to bee accepted as a fatherly calling of thee from thy selfe vnto mee for better it is for thee to be afflicted here in this worlde with bodily and short afflictions then in the world to come with endles destruction And therefore I say beare thou not only with pacience but with a thankfull heart whatsoeuer shal please mine heauenly father to sende thee be it sweete or sowre for those that are his he correcteth and oftentimes suffereth the wicked and careles the secure and dissolute liuers to runne on still in their wicked waies wh●me of Iustice hee shall reward with endles perdition being yet so full of mercie and so loth to haue the sinner to dye in his sinnes that I most louingly call them intre●ting them fayrely to returne from their wickednesse and be saued whom if they repent not by the gentle admonition of the word he scourgeth them he striketh them with his Rod of correction by pouertie by sicknesse by losse of frendes and other aduersities to the ende they may remember themselues and be called from their securitie to place their whole trust in him that is able to saue them and to cast them away who is able to releeue them and to vndo them able to bring them to the déepe of the graue and to bring them vp againe who is able to plucke downe and exalt able to kill and to make aliue againe The lost Sonne as long as he was in his iollitie as long as he had his prosperitie of wealth at his will his health of bodie and thinges at his owne desire wanting nothing that pleased his fantasies so long ranne he astray followed wantonnes imbraced wickednesse and imployed himself to filthinesse and sinne euen with greedines But when he was touched with pouertie when his wonted freendes forsooke him and had no meane to releeue himself then began he to 〈◊〉 his fantasies after an other fashion thou he made of necessitie a vertue he brideled his affecti●ns he tamed his euil desires and in al humilitie in true sorrowe for his disobediēce he returned againe vnto his father and in great bitternesse of heart as one that vnfeinedly repented he cryed out and sayd Oh father I haue sinned I haue sinned against heauen and against thee I am no more worthie to be called thy sonne accept me as one of thine hyred seruauntes whose submission obteyned pardon Dauid when he was in his prosperitie committed euill in the sight of mine heauenly father but when he was afflicted by the persecution of his owne sonne Absolon when he felt aduersitie then cryed he out and confessed his iniquitie bewraying his owne wretchednesse and acknowledged the mightie power of mine heauenly father to whom in great bitternesse of heart he prayed saying Oh Lord rebuke me not in thine anger neither chasten me in thine heauie displeasure But haue mercie vppon mee for I am weake c. So great a let is a prosperous estate vnto the proceeding and going forward vnto that
thrall Extende vnto mee wretched wight thy light and loue withall Oh Lorde my God forget mee not hyde not thy selfe from mee Although my flesh do striue to keepe my syllie soule from thee Showe not thyne anger as a foe let mercy be my staye It is no profite Lord for thee to cast my soule awaye Denie mee not a contrite heart a pensiue person poore An wofull wretch a sinfull soule that knocke here at thy doore Uouchsafe to turne thy face to mee forgiue my deedes amisse In feare I doo appeale to thee as one that guiltie is Deale not as my deserts doo craue but as of mercie thou Doost will and still delight to haue all sinfull heartes to bow Showe not thy force against thy foe that faine would come to thee And pardon my Offences all though Death be due to mee Oh plague mee not good Lord so sore I haue no force I fall I neuer wyll offende thee more if thou vouchsafe to call My soule from sinne and to affoord mee Solace sweete againe Loe here I doo against my selfe a sinfull wretch complaine Shame dooth beset mee round about my selfe consume in woe I am corrupt mine heart throughout I wander too and fro From sinne to sinne I run perforce I wander styll astraye Wherfore without thy due remorce I can not but decaye Since first I suckt my Mothersbrest yea since I sawe the daye The subtill Serpent hath not ceast to wrest mine heart astraye In sinne my mother did conceaue this cankred Corps of mine And Sathan seekes Lord to bereaue all that of right is thine He soweth 〈◊〉 and wicked seedes in mine vnstaid brest Wherof doo grow pernitious deedes which breede my soule vnrest Which I as yet cannot auoyde they fixe so fast one mee That frō my youth they haue auoid and keepe me Lord from thee So that I am full bought and sould betwene the Feend and synne And wickednes a thousand foulde myne heart doth lodge within The good I cannot which I would my nature proane to ill Withdraws myne harte frō what it should imbrace w t heauenly skil But Lord in sinne why should I dye syth thy good will is so To heare poor synners whē they crie and them redeeme from woe And giuest them repaste againe from heauens high aboue And to repentant hearts full faine thou showest thy selfe in loue Ye thou doest saue through mercie meere those that deserue to dye When they to thee returne in feare oh Lorde now so doe I A thousand times before this daie thy mercies from aboue Haue saued them that went astraie to showe thy zealous loue Our fathers who were longe agoe when they were in dystresse Fell prostrate on their harts and loe thou gauest them redresse Ye whē they were incompast round and no hope to auoyde Thy mercye Lord did so abounde that they were not destroyed Haue mercie therfore Lord on mee oh god on whome I call I wretched synner here to thee on prostrate heart doe fall Ease mee againe let mercie thine myne woefull hearte releeue And let not synne all goodnes mine through loosenes thus bereaue My soule alas in dolefull plight in hope of helpe doth crie Oh Lord extend thy louelie light that shines from heauen hye To guide my silly soule to blisse by shunnyng what is ill High time alas good Lord it is to frame mee to thy will Wherfore extend thy grace againe put foorth thy helpyng hand Let it reuiue what sinne hath slaine and loosen Sathans bande Lorde Iesus come oh come in haste Let Heauens Bowe come down That I a wretched wight at last maye ioye that passing Crowne Which y u by dreadful death hast won through plūging panges on tree In loue to giue the same to those that feare to fall from thee Come come I say thou Solace true and fill mine hart with ioye My sinfull soule with grace renue whom Sathan would destroye No daye no time no minute is deuoyde of wo to mee But oh alas the cause is this I hold mee not by thee If thou absent thy selfe my soule my bones my bodie dust Corrupt with carke of wicked will as Iron doeth with rust If thou absent thy selfe my soule runnes headlong into yll And staggerryng too and fro it reeles and kickes against thy wyll Yf thou absent thy selfe my soule like wretched wight opprest Fast ●ettred in the boultes of sinne lyes groaning voyde of rest Yf thou absent thy selfe my soule sinckes into darkesome thrall But Lord driue darknes far frō mee sende light and loue withall So sinne shal passe and vertue slow within my dolefull brest Oh Iesu come Oh come in haste to set my soule at rest And thus my soule I doo commende into thy bosome sweete On whome I doo in heart depende heere prostrate at thy feete Solace Take heed take heed Oh sinful man let heart and tongue agree Leaue off to sinne repent foorthwith and I wyll dwell with thee Cast of the Cloake that is the cause to hinder thine intent Thy sinne and then in deede I wyll to thy request consent The sinfull man How shuld mine heart toong agree what meanest thou therin I haue at large thou maist perceiue vnfoulded all my sinne Solace I T is not ynough to shew thy selfe onely by outward wordes to be a sinfull man but thou must likewise as I haue tould thée before reforme thy former frowarde and peruerse wayes that is as thou knowest and hast confessed thy selfe heretofore to haue walked in errour in darkenes rebellyng against mine heauenly father So wold I haue thée to cléeue vnto the trueth to follow the light and obey mine heauenly father in performing those things which are commaunded thée For there be some that can make a gay gloze and showe of holinesse by such outward protestation when in deede they are farre from that true inwarde sorrow which causeth repentaunce vnto saluation whose dissimulation and hypocrisie deserueth double punishment The sinfull man Show mee therfore what must I doe and what must I obeye Uoutchsaufe mee grace I doe repent my gaddyng longe astray Solace WEll then for asmuch as the daie is gone and that there is no time to declare it now I will deferre it vntill to morrow and then I will tell thée what thou most doe and what leaue vndone In the meane time forget not to prayse myne heauenly father who hath made thee mée whoe haue redemed thée and the holye Ghoast whoe haue sealed thée as one of the adopted Children that shal be saued The Ende of the Frydaye or Fyfth Dayes Conference An earnest confession of sinnes with a Prayer for the forgiuenes thereof OH miserable and most wretched creature am I prest down oh Lord with so many euils with such notorious sinnes geuous offences heynous crymes manifould iniquities That I confesse my selfe manie thousand waies to haue offended thee and to haue deserued more punishmente then I am able to beare Oh Lorde such is myne vntowardenes my cursed
my minde It must be where some plesaunt spring and woods do grow by kind Where eccoes with resounding voice may answere Cornet shrill The Trumpet and Recorder sweet to please my fancy still Which might it be where Wheary boat could passe the Theams with oare Where I might take my like repaste with Citron and Bandoare It were a wished seate indeede a pleasant place for mee To take my solace at my will and passe my time with glee And as I gesse I haue a place within a Manour neare A Farme in lease Ile get me that and place my Palace there I thinke my Tenant wilbe glad to yelde to my request If not he shall be sure to sit therein with litle rest Goe footboys goe thy way in haste to Simple of the Grange And bid him come to me as fast as he can hither range Thou shalt not need to shew y e cause but bid him come in ha●e And tell him if he tarry long his stay will breed him waste The Footboye I haue bin there loe Simple coms he is at hand I see Him come loe here he is say on whatso your pleasure be Simple God saue you sir loe here I am your message I obey Both I and mine to your commaund as subiects here this day The Rich-man I thank thee Simple welcome now I thank thee for thy payn I sent for thee come walke with me thou shalt goe soone againe Good Simple doe one thing for me and I will be thy friend It is indeede a small request in brief Ile make an end And thus it is the Grange thou hast and lands by lease of me It wilbe eighteene yeares and more before it ended be I must request the same in hand And I will set thee where Thou shalt be sure to liue as wel as euer thou didst there It is a place so fit for me thou maiest not me withstand But graunt me back my state again ile build there out of hand Simple· Oh Sir I trust you will not so oppresse me seely man If I forgoe my Farme I must seeke dwelling where I can Desire it not Landlord I pray on knees I doe request I came with willing minde to you but now with griefe opprest I humblie pray you be content craue not my liuing so It makes my heart with bitter sighes to burst it selfe for woe The Rich-man Wherefore I will bestowe on thee A place as good as that And stand thy faithful friend at need thou doest thou knowest not what Denying me so small a thing which gentlie I request But yeeld it vp I say or else thou shalt haue little rest Simple Where shall mine wofull wife become what shall my childrē doe Ten tender Infantes all vndone this fact of thine shall rue Haue some remorce therefore on vs let pitie pearce your brest Seeke not to suck your sweete of me alreadie thus opprest Who gaue an Incum great God wot and yearly rent not small To pinch at euery quarter daye my carefull heart withall And gape you yet for greater gayn to greeue me more more Nay gaine is past now you seeke to get me out of dore Good landlord let these words suffise let mercy moue you so That I may now departe againe worke not my further woe It greeues me to forgoe the thinge concerning me so neere Content your selfe therefore I may not buy your loue so deere The Rich-man Ah are you at this point indeede hath scripture taught you this To vse such taunting words at him that farre your better is Yet law hath twenty trickes again which I haue learnd of late To make such beggers as thou arte to forfaite their estate Wherefore be sure to pay thy rent according to the day Or else be sure I will not slacke to thrust thee cleane away And other Couenants there are although thou haue enioiyde Thy lease with quiet which may soone make all thy title voide And if I finde a hole therein what law may doe be sure To feele the smarte if golde or fee thy torments may procure Content thy selfe therefore yelde vnto my small request And I will stand at need thy friend and when thou arte opprest Simple Alas is there no shift to shun this forced cause of woe Must I be sorst against my will my liuing to forgoe Well then I know my wife and I with all our children must Goe beg our bread goe steale or sterue to satisfie your lust The Rich-man No no thou shalt not begge thy bread thy wife ne Children shall Goe steale nor starue for want of foode nor be opprest with thrall If thou wilt yeeld thy lease againe Of all the Grange to me I will doe any thing in deede wherein to pleasure thee By word or deede to ride or goe to lend or giue be sure I will be ready at thy neede while life and lymbs indure Simple Thus if you doe I am content to satisfie your will But if I thought the contrarie I would retaine it still The Rich-man Doubt not the contrarie but fetch thy Lease in hast to me Ile cancell that and then I will doe what I can for thee Simple Then graunt that I may keepe the same this quarter that I may Prouide for my poore familie some other where to stay The Rich-man Wel bring thy Lease I wil not stand vppon a thing so small I will doe any thing I can to pleasure thee withall Simple Here is the Lease doe what you wil therewith I am content But sure my wife dooth sigh so sore as though her heart would rent And all her children crie to see their Mother in that case Would God you would vouchsafe to show me wofull man some grace To let me haue my Lease againe and I will pray for you Or else no flintie heart but may mine happe so heauie rue The Rich-man Nay nay pray not for me at all these wordes be but in vaine Tis nought to me although thy wife and children waile amaine Wherefore I say prouide a place packe from the Grange in hast Thou shalt not tarie there in deed if this weeke once were past I wil not slack my building so nor spend the time so long Hence hence thy peeuish prattle doth my weightie causes wrong For I will presently in hand t-accomplish my desire I haue laid baggs enough in store to paye the workemens hyre I would it were now finisht faire according to my will In finest wise as might be done by mans inuentiue skil But long it shall not be I trowe Till it be brought to passe That I may sit therein and say a brauer neuer was And in delight to passe my dayes in such a princely place Who would not be in pleasant plight to stand in such a case Solace Oh foolish man oh mortall wight in wofull state art thou Thy soule accurst
faithfulnes how to flye him and to followe me to eternall saluation whereof if thou frame thee faithfully to my wordes I will assure thee Heare me The sinfull man Oh what should I poore sinner doe whose sinnes surpasse the sand In number which the surging seas and waues haue cast on land No wit no wisedome or good will doth rest within my brest Thy wordes are all in vaine to me I am bereft of rest And know not how to winne again thy fauour which is lost In dolefull plight I striue in vaine to yeeld vp guiltie ghost That earth might passe to earth againe of which it first begun My soule where it deserues to be an wofull ghost vndun Solace Wilt thou oh man continue still so hard of heart in woe Refusing so the fruites of grace that from my mercie floe Whereby thou mayst at libertie be set from force of foe Reclaimd from sinne and Sathans will to rest no more in woe Repent therefore I say repent turne thou to me in haste Giue eare vnto me once againe be yet reformde at last Thou shalt perceiue that I forgiue all sinners when they crye Not wishing any sinfull soule in such dispaire to dye ALL the Prophetes beare me witnesse tha● through my name all that beleeue in me shall receiue remission of sinnes Iohn sayth 〈◊〉 any man haue sinned he hath an Aduocate wit● the father Iesus Christ the Righteous he i● the propitiation for our sins I am that Christ of whom Osee testifieth and sayth in that I haue conquered Sathan already O Death I wilbe thy death O Hell I wilbe thy destruction I haue as Dauid sayth lead captiuitie captiue when I ascended into heauen in ouercomming the Deuill Sinne Death and Hel enemies to the soule of man These that were long before me haue testified of me whose testimonie of me is true And my father in the beginning promised that the seede of the woman should tread downe the Serpents head I was that pure seede of the Uirgine of whom the Prophetes spake long before and I haue performed it vppon the Crosse and thus doth the spirite testifie in the hearts of all the Children of my father Now if these witnesses cannot moue thee to beleeue beleeue my father in heauen who testifieth of me saying This is my welbeloued Sonne heare him My father hath sent into the world eternall life and that is by me his Sonne Well then come vnto me al ye that labour are heauy laden with the burthen of sinne come vnto me I will ease you Art thou loden therefore poore man ye more then loden thou art prest downe not to the ground but to y e very gulfe of hel thou maist thanke thy master Sathan for it who being pittilesse presseth downe with the weightie burthen of all wickednesse such as yeeld him seruice He will promise at the first nothing but ease nothing but pleasure but in the ende he lodeth with labour and paieth your hire with paine thou that hast had the tryall of it excuse him if thou canst no thou canst not nor thy self Wherfore I say defie him and condemne thy self who hast gone astraie who hast wrought wickednesse euen with greedinesse And I see that he hath led thee into such a Laberinth into such a deepe Dungion of dispaire that it wilbe hard for thee to winde thee out againe But I will worke thee such a way as if thou bee aduised by me if thou followe my counsayle and walke the way that I will shewe thee thou shalt spite of his heart breake his fetters in peeces get out of his prison and defie him and all his wicked retinue euen to their faces The sinfull man Oh Solace doth thy mercy so abound to pardon me Although like stinking filthie cloath my life appeare to thee If Sathan held me not in band fast linckt in fetters fell Who roares like raging Lyon whē I doe determine well Full faine I would returne to thee whose mercy now I see And do perceiue that Satan seekes the meanes to murther me Solace YEa that is his occupation he hath nothing els to liue by nor to maintaine his kingdome withall He first allureth men to al kinde of vice he stirreth them vp to rebell against the will of mine heauenly father and as much as in him lyes reteineth them therein but when they be somewhat touched with the knowledge and feeling of their error when the spirite beginneth to groane vnder the heauie burthen of sinne and sommoneth them to the leading of a new life and they begin to fall from him then beginnes he to bestirre himself then he begins to cogge and to lye then he renues the Commissions of his officers and wicked ministers to lay a newe assault to their soules who with great diligence execute their masters will in perswading the poore sinner that he beginnes to take an ill course if he decline from his wicked way when he refuseth to doe ill and chooseth to doe good when he leaueth darknesse and betakes him to the light of trueth He tolde Iudas that he was not wise if he would followe me but if he would forsake me and betray me then did he well But when he had performed his commaundement and done as he was bid what did that master of his for him for sooth for feare least he should haue truely repented and haue vnfeynedly returned to me againe he put such a pricke into his conscience that he neuer left him till he had hanged himselfe Such conflictes maketh hee in the mindes of men that haue once yeelded vnto his pestilent motions and obeyed his wicked will without remorse of conscience feare of death or loue of mee and that will not be in time reclaymed from their wickednesse whome the wordes of my mouth will not mooue nor the feare of hell fire fraye from their filthinesse these I say when they heare the iudgements of my Father against them for their sinnes he to the ende he may hold them still in blindnes fearreth them with threates and ouercommeth their wittes with most horrible and blasphemous perswasions that there is no saluation or hope of helpe in me in so much as he laboreth by all meanes and vseth all his pollicies to bring them to destruction resisting them alwayes from doing any good as he stoode at the right hande of Iehoshua to let him when hee prayde vnto myne heauenly father for the state of the people So hee endeuoureth to take my worde out of thine heart least thou shouldest beleeue and be saued yea he desireth to winnow those that will come forwarde to godlines as Wheate as he sifted Peter myne Apostle who perswaded him selfe to be able to stand strongly but loe euen with the feare that Sathan stroke him with he denied me three times but he repented went out and wept bitterly And afterward resisted him manfully nay he was not
enemies was bound in fetters but vpon his true repentance humbling himselfe in prayer obteyned not only deliueraunce but pardon for his offences The Isralites in their great daunger repented their sinnes fell prostrate vnto God in true repentaunce and were deliuered Mary Magdaline vpon the like repentaunce humbled her self and I forgaue her sinnes The Niniuites a rebellious and obstinate people at the comming of Ionas preaching repentaunce repented in Sackcloth and Ashes and were saued But the old world whose hearts would not relent nor turne from their wickednesse by the preaching of Noe were they not suddainely taken and drowned in the great Flood Noe with a small number of persons excepted The Sodomites and men of Gomorrha who would not repent at the message of my father were burnt with fire and Brimstone suddainly from heauen Such was the vnbeleefe and careles wretchednesse of those of Ierusalem whose dissobedience was great would not repent had the sentence of destruction seuen yeares before pronounced against them and yet runne on still in their wickednesse were besieged and entrenched with their enemies Tytus and Vespatian who battered their walles sackt their Citie burned their houses and themselues in such miserie that for meere famine were driuen to eate their owne children and things clene contrary to the nature of men such is the iust iudgement of mine heauenly father against such as wil not ●e warned at my worde the Gospell of trueth such as neglect and contemne my messengers and set at naught the preaching of my will Wherefore I say againe vnto thee and not to thee only but to al in general rent your hearts and not your garments and returne speedely vnto him whose hands of mercie are now extended ready to receiue them that truely turne to him and his vengeaunce and wrath ready to be powred out vpon the rebellious people vpō the sinfull and wicked ones that without regard of his mercie or feare of his Iustice imbrace wickednesse lock vp vanitie in their chestes euen with gréedines for which cause the wrath of my heauenly father is inkindled wherein he deliuereth the offenders into the hands of their aduersaries that shall destroye thē And yet such is his mercie and his loue so vnspeakeable that at what time soeuer they shall vnfeinedly repent them of their sinnes when soeuer they shall in heart returne to him he shall receiue thē in mercie and with his merueilous louing kindnesse shal he defend them as with a shield Wherfore I say vnto thee not onely vnto thee but to all those that haue their affections set on the things of this world Mortefie your members which are on the earth fornication vncleannes the inordinate and vnbrideled affections of the heart euill concupiscence and couetousnesse which is Idolatrie which is now adaies most greedely imbraced But be assured and let no man neither thine owne peruerse imagination deceiue thee that neither Whoremonger neither vncleane person nor he that supposeth his safetie to consist in his riches an Idolater shal haue any parte of the inheritaunce of my Kingdome Among whom thou thy self hast walked and which things thou hast sometimes been defiled with fulfilling the desires of the corrupt flesh wherby the wrath of mine heauenly father was bent against thee But of my rich grace if thou repent and beleeue thou shalt be saued Wherfore beware thou harden not thine heart in euill returne without delay be warned runne not headlong into newe euilles as the corruption of thy peruerse nature prouoketh thee and whereby Sathan seeketh to drawe thee either into a careles going forward in euill or els into that false and damnable kinde of sorrow whereinto he drewe Caine Esau and Iudas whose sorrow was not to repentaunce vnto saluation as thou hast heard before but wherby they aggrauated and encreased the displeasure of God against them and into the same sorrowe he began to draw thee when thou were first touched with y e knowledge of thy sinnes of which kinde of sorrowe thou must beware and prepare thy heart to that sorrow of Dauids of Mary Magdalines and of the Theefe that was executed with me whose sorrow was vnto saluation not vnto death vnto amendement of life not vnto perseueraunce in wickednesse vnto righteousnesse not vnto sinne Thou must search thine owne conscience and roote out of thine heart al hypocrisie al vnbeleefe all hawtines and pride and in al humblenesse and lowlinesse of minde prostrate thy selfe before the tribunall sea●e of God the father making humble confession of thy former euill life and in an vnfeyned faith crye out that for my sake he will bee mercifull vnto thee that hee will forgiue thy sinnes and pardon thine iniquities who is readie in great mercie to returne to him that seeketh him by me with his whole heart who eschueth euil and doth the thing that is good that cleaueth vnto righteousnesse and auoydeth all occasions to doe euill And that with Dauid considering his waies turneth his feete vnto my testimonies and not to Couetousnesse chastizing himselfe with true mortification and casting away all impediments that may hinder or let the preceeding to the amendement of his sinfull life For he that will come vnto mee must bee contented to take in good parte to forgoe the pleasures of this world to bee of small reputation here to bee hated reuiled persecuted yea and to suffer death for my sake The sinfull man All this I can and will performe yea what thou wilt I shall I yeeld my self with wil●ing mind for thee to beare it all Solace ALas poore sillie man thou shewest thy selfe very valiaunt before the battaile and very coragious before the combat thou canst stande fast before thou be shaken as though thou were of thy self of power to doe what thou oughtest and to abstaine from doing that thou oughtest not to doe as though thou hadst no neede of my helpe nor wāt of the aide of the holy Ghost or had such perfection alreadie as now there wanted no more in thee Beware of this presumption for it is a meane to quēch true zeale and a great hinderaunce vnto the worke of true repentance It is the dregges of Satans poyson that yet remaine in thy corrupted minde wherewith thine heart yet swelleth against instruction with a vaine conceipt of sufficient abilitie to doe good and to eschue euill and to beare the heauie burthen of death for my sake when in deede thou art not yet healed of thine olde sore but refusest as it were to receiue the medicine which for thine eternall health I minister vnto thee Sathan telleth thee that thou art able alreadie to worke miracles and to doe wonders and that thou knowest all thinges alreadie wanting nothing and why because he would keepe thee still in ignoraunce and from comming to knowledge It is his endeuour not in thee onely but he worketh to the same
effect in many whom he withdraweth from hearing my ministers messengers to pronounce my Gospel as he seeketh to withdrawe thee frō hearing mee saying to some why what wilt thou stande hearing of this man to prate in the Pulpit he hath no learning he hath no vtteraunce he hath this imperfection or that and so pluckes thē by the sleeue to goe gad to walke and to wander in their wonted wātonnesse and wicked waies in such abhomination as the stincke of their filthintsse hath infected many Some he sendeth to the hearing of the worde but why to heare for profite no but to cauell and to descant vpon the Preachers words and interpretation of this worde of that sentence so fall into a deuillish disputatiō wresting the trueth to their owne corrupt imaginatiōs bringing into the Church scruples doubtful questions as the ministers of Satan to be stūbling blocks lets vnto y e passage of the deuine message of my heauenly father whereby hath growen so many Sects Scismes Heresies false constructions and deuillish doctrines that my Church is nothing so great as the most damnable Chappell of Antechrist And I see that of set purpose to hinder thine amendment hath he whispered thee in the eare and tolde thee that thou art cunning enough and that thou maist worke and accomplish al things by thine owne free will But thou art greatly deceiued for I will be knowne to be only righteous thy self to be ful of wickednesse not knowing what my righteousnesse is and yet takest vpon thee most arrogantly a perfection of wisedome and abilitie to know and doe all good thinges when in deede thou art mere foolishnesse and corruption it selfe Wherfore I say cast downe thy self in thine owne conceipt put of al presumption and hope of thine owne strength hearken not to Satan but consider that thou hadst vtterly perished in thy sinnes and beene quite and cleane cast away by reason of thy desease hast thou not had this meane to bee healed and to be purged and made cleane by my blood And therefore I say againe be warned and looke vnto thy selfe be watchfull to the ende least thou growe ouerbolde and so heape a more horrible vengeaunce of my heauenly father vpon thee The sinfull man Alas what must I sinner doe whereto poore wretch must I Imploye my self I thinke there be no shift but I must dye I will like wofull wight in hast of hayre-cloth make my bed And clad my carefull corps in sacke and cast dust on my head In mourning wise to pas my daies and pinch my self with fast As my forefathers did that I may purchase blisse at last Solace IN deede that hath bene the maner in the olde world as ceremonies vsed as shewes of great heauinesse and argumēts of humilitie and outward tokens of repentance But consider this that these outward shewes are not alwaies accompanied with that inwarde working which cauleth repentaunce vnto saluation but rather a worldly shew of sorrowe vnto death for that that vnder this kind of disguising outwarde shew there may lurke deepe dissimulatiō hipocrisie making an outward shew of heauines and yet not ceasing inwardly to laugh to reteine their former wanton desires like a theefe that when he is brought before y e Iudge or Magistrate vpon hope to be acquitted can crye out and make a great shew of outward lamētation kneeling crouching and other hypocriticall meanes to be discharged and when he hath his libertie he cā fal to his old wickednesse a fresh like vnto the sturdie Begger that feineth him selfe lame his armes mayned his body crippled in this warres or in that worke by such a mishap and halting before men in hope to be releeued with other mens sweate shewing him self impotent who when he hath obteined his purpose and gotten his game he can turne his face and fleere to his fellowe hipocrites leape and skippe like lustie Uagabondes and vnder colour of this hypocrisie not onely deceiueth many with the outward dissembling shewe but when he seeth a bootie and oportunitie serueth hee can play the kindly Ruffian and take it by violence whose dissimulation deserueth dubble punishment Thus thou seest that the outwarde shew is often deceiuable but the true sorrowe the acceptable repentaunce is inwarde according to the wordes of the Prophet Ioell who cryeth out and sayth Rent your hearts not your garments and turne to the Lord your God and not to looke outwardly sowre as hypocrites disfiguring your selues with this or that kind of outward Ceremonie that the shew of your repentaunce may appeare more outwardly then in deede it is inwardly to which words of Ioell is added that it must be with fasting weeping and mourning in Sackcloth and Ashes prostrate on the grounde which in those daies was in deede a testimonie of repentaunce yet that outward shewe without the inward compūction and renting of the heart with a godly and continual sorrowe and zealous lamentation for sinnes was mere hipocrisie And yet were not this visible shewes of Sackcloth and Ashes with many other like rites and ceremonies to be condemned in those daies for that they were giuen and accustomed not y t through the visible and externall shewe onely which was but the shadow could sufficiently appease the wrath of mine heauenly father but that therby they might so much the more eleuate and lift vp their mindes aboue the thing seene to a further and more higher consideration both of their owne corruption weakenesse and blindnesse and of the mercies and most louing promises of God mine heauenly father of which faithfull consideration of the visible shew grew an inward godly sorrowe causing repentaunce vnto saluation but the externall Ceremonie without faith in God mine heauēly father was then not only not auaileable but very abominable But since the sacrafice of my body vpon the Crosse for sinne once for all was offered that outwarde Ceremonie is not materiall who by my death haue fulfilled and performed y e whole somme of all the lawe And therefore not onely such ceremonies as haue been in the old world but peeuish Pilgrimages Ceremonies Penaunce and such like foolish fantasies are now of none effect and are no parte of that true repentaunce which I require of thee to be an inward renting of the heart and an vnfeined continuall godly griefe for thy sinnes and a faithfull endeuour to frame thy life according to the wil of mine heauenly father Now as touching fasting knowe that the true fast is a member of thy true repentaunce wherein it behoueth thée to haue great regarde being a work as it is necessarie so not seldome abused as of hypocrites who chastice their bodies and afflict their so●les for a day bowing their heads like a Bulrush and making their bed with Sackcloath and Ashes as afore is said standing vpon their cinceritie and strickenes of life euen to
heauen enduring for euer because he feareth not the destruction of the wicked nor longeth for the saluation prouided for the godly O miserable estate of the wicked Rich-men that repose their confidence in their muck and hazard their soules for the wealth of the world But awake awake thou foolish man that slumbrest thus in sinne looke vpon that godly Zacheus set him as a glasse wherein to behold the paterne of perfit repentaunce who being verie rich was voluntarily contented to restore not onely fowerfould that which he had wrōgfully gotten but to giue the halfe of his goodes to the poore who had saluation for his reward Consider this O foolish man and refuse not to make restitution of thine indirectly gotten goods And of that which thou hast then left be thou liberall in so much as if thou sée thy poore brother to want that wherewith thou hast to relieue him thou maist not withhold it And let not the vnsatiable desire of momentanie pleasures to choake thine vnderstanding that my wordes can not reuoke thée from thy disobedience to a spéedie sorrow causing repentaunce vnto saluation walke not thus in a shadow disquieting thy selfe in vaine reposing thy trust in casuall riches whereof thou hast boasted thy selfe heretofore as though it could redéeme thy soule in the last day Wherefore I say be warned least thou be destroyed for euer least thou be pluckt out of thy foolish earthly tabernacle and quite and cleane rooted out of the land of the liuing which the righteous shall sée and laugh at and shall say Behold the man that tooke not God for his strength but trusted in the multitude of his riches which now not onely auaileth him not in the day of the Lords wrath but hath heaped vpon himselfe vēgeance for his reward Naball a very rich man refusing of his increase store to releeue the young men whom Dauid sent who in his couetousnes said Shall I take my bread my water my flesh substaunce which I haue gotten together giue it to them I know not But he was rewarded with death Wherefore I say consider this and turne vnto me in newnes of lyfe and in righteousnes which shall deliuer thée from death Set not thine affections altog●ther thus on worldly thinges which I perceaue hath made thée so druncken that thou perswadest thy selfe that thy prosperitie which is the nurce and foundation of all other vices and the ground of all impietie and disobedience against God mine heauenly Father is the mother of true happinesse Beware of that error for Dauid when he was in prosperitie hauing all thinges at will fell to Adulterie and murdred an innocent man But he scaped not scotfrée he was plagued with his owne sonne Absolon who rebelled against him so daungerous is the estate of prosperitie and so iust is the iudgement of mine heauenly Father against such as doe not bestowe his giftes to the helpe and reliefe of his poore brethren but who in stead of reléefe vse for their owne priuate gaine violence oppression Wherefore I say stand vp with Zache be merciful and helpefull vnto thy poore and needy brethren according to thy power and as thou hast plenteous giue plenteously turne not thy face from him that asketh of thee and what thou hast had of any man wrongfully restore it againe willingly be ready to giue and glad to distribute and what thou layest out mine heauenly Father shal paye it thee againe in heauen and shall defend thee in time of thy necessitie Trust not in vncertaine riches which hath already deceiued thee but in the liuing God mine heauenly father who performed his promises for euermore who shall make thee so rich in good workes that in me and for my sake thou shalt obtaine eternall lyfe The sinfull man Then loe I will restore in hast the landes and Graunge againe To Simple and no other man shall losse by me sustaine But will the poore and needy man releeue that are opprest And then I trust I shal possesse at last eternall rest Solace IF this restitution of thine procéede of an vnfained fayth and the residue of thy doings tend to the amendment of thy life assure thy selfe of eternall saluation yet not in respect of thine owne good works be they neuer so manye but for my sake who as thou haste heard haue purchased the same for all them that vnfainedly repent and turne from their wicked waies for when thou of thy selfe hast done al that thou canst yet arte thou an vnprofitable seruant therfore must thou quite and clean disclaime thine owne worthines for in the sight of mine heauenly father shall no man liuing be iustified But if thou be ouerburdened with the weight of thy sins come vnto me lay all thine offences in true repentance on me who continue an aduocate in the sight of mine heauenly father making continuall intercession for as many as faythfully beleeue whome I will cloathe with the weedes of righteousnes that they in the last day may appeare without spot and receaue the reward of eternall life Where thou hast also diligently to beware that seeing saluation and redemption to come onely by my death and by sacrifice of my body on the Crosse once for all the sinnes of the world and that I continue a mediator and aduocate vnto mine heauenly Father for thée for euer and that I am full of mercie slowe to wrath and ready to forgiue Take héede I say least the prince of this world thy woonted aduersarie Sathan put into thine heart a presumption of these mercies of mine perswading thée that there is no doubt of saluation because that I haue promised that weare thy sinnes as redde as Scarlet I will make them as white as Snowe and so hold thee still to fight against all goodnes and godlynes and to stand stoutely as it were in defiance of my louing calling and dispise the riches of the grace and mercie of God mine heauenly Father purchased by my bloud wherein I louingly call thée now to repentaunce wherein thou must vnfainedly returne to me and that spedily not driuing off from day to day saying as the wicked when they be reprooued of their sinnes accustomably doe That they know they shall haue time enough to repent ere they dye which is another stop and stumbling block that Sathan layes before them that are called that they should not repent but dye in their sinnes So tels hée thée and perswades thée that death shall not be so cruell vnto thée but shall spare thee and afoord thée time enough to say euen at the last gasp Lord haue mercie vpon me Lord forgiue me my sins and so forth which as he tels thee shall be sufficient for thée Thus he séeketh to stay thy true repentaunce euery way and in this foolish imagination of crauing pardon at the last while manie haue delayed the
amendment of their liues Death contrarie to their expectation hath summoned them to depart by and by whose long flattering themselues in their follie hath bin the cause of their sodaine destruction as to the Sodomites and men of Gomorra to those of Ierusalem and them that perished in the flood and so diuers others whose harmes may be a sufficient spectacle to see and plainely to behold the end of all senceles securitie But thou wilt pechaunce say why I haue séene many that for their wicked liues were euen markes for other men to poynt at with their fingers and they haue made godly ends and haue departed the world very deuoutly by which showe of repentance thou thinkest their sins forgiuen them but I say vnto thée that whoso goeth on still in his wickednes presuming to haue time enough in the end to cry for mercy he may cry and not be heard make no tarrying therefore to turne vnto the Lord let true repentance be thy dayly and continuall exercise examine thine own conscience search and see whether Sathan haue not thruste into thine heart this presumption if so cast it out speedely and follow not the greater number to doo euill accustome not thy selfe to sinne trusting in thine aboundance but imbrace my former counsaile stande not in a foolishe hope to repent at last be not deceiued let not Sathan hinder thée with his subtle deuices but resist them all manfully for I know thou canst not saye mine hearte is cleare from them canst thou speake thy conscience The sinfull man Alas my conscience dooth accuse me guiltie of them all I must confesse my carelesse life hath well deserued thrall But loe in hope I hold by thee my sinnes I will declare To thee who dooth already see that they corrupted are Wherein I liued long secure bewrapt in wealth at will I runne a race that now I rue and lingred long in ill Uouchsafe that I with heart hand may now restore againe The things which I by fraud haue had of any man for gaine And shewe what further dooth belong to traine me to thy blisse Uouchsafe to shew that I may come where all true Solace is Solace SEing then that thou doest confesse that thou hast bene hindred by these deuices and lets of Sathan and hast nowe a feling of thy corruptiō former wicked life beware thou giue not place herafter to his wiles but by a firme faith and confidence in mee withstand him and his ministers the world and the flesh for as the wickednes of the wicked shal not hurt him whensoeuer he truely vnfaynedly repenteth so shall not the righteousnes of the righteous auaile him whensoeuer he offendeth Repente thée therefore of thine offences past and from henceforth kéepe thee vpright in all thy dooings that there maye be ioye in heauen for thy repentaunce And for as much as the daye is so farre spent and the nighte so néere and that thou haste promised to make restitution of the things which thou hast wrongfully gathered go thy wayes performe it accordingly and beware of kéeping backe any thing leaste thou be taken in thine hipocrisie and rewarded with Annanias and Saphira who for kéeping back some of the price of their owne field were striken with present death how much more then shall mine heauenly father punish thée if thou keepe any thing backe that is none of thine owne In the morning I will be here againe in the meane time be carefull of thy promise finish it faythfully and too morrow will I further direct thée in the residue of thy course to eternall life The sinfull man Then will I hasten me away to finish it in haste And in the morning hasten me againe to thee as fast The end of the Thursday or fourth dayes conference ¶ A prayer for true repentance OH Lord my god father of meruailous louing kindnes who in my greate slumber and sleepe of sinfull securitye hast awakned me and by thy sweete and welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ called me out of darknes to light out of errour to the trueth and haste opened the eyes of mine hearte to see mine owne corruption vouchsafe oh Lord for that thy sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christes sake that as hee hath called me to the ende I should giue ouer the wayes of wickednes to walke in thy wayes and lawes to for sake sinne cleaue vnto righteousnes slye Sathan follow thee I moste humbly beseech thee to accept mee againe for his sake into thy fauour who long haue erred and gone astray to forgiue mee who haue offended thee and who am moste ignoraunt how truely to return to the and to repent my former corrupt and most sinfull life But vnto thee most mercifull Lord god in the name of Iesus Christe thy deare Sonne I prostrate my selfe in all humblenesse of heart bewayling my filthines and lamenting the frowardnes and corruption of my former life humbly appealing vnto thy mercies as one who haue rebelled moste traiterously against thee and most wickedly and wilfully transgressed thine holy precepts and will And yet suche is thine vnspeakeable mercy that thou hast most louingly warned mee to forsake mine euill and peruerse wayes and vntoward imaginations which I haue heretofore accompted most right and deare And which now by the light of thy counsailes I vnderstand to be altogether wicked altogether frowarde foolishe and meere vanitie it selfe I now feele mine owne corruption swete Iesu mine owne blindnes and error and perceiue thy wisdome which is infinite thy mercies vnspeakeable and loue aboue measure whereby sweet Iesu I am striken with a desire to be vnburdened of the weight of this mine obstinat errour which by the illusion of mine aduersarie Sathan I haue followed with such greedines that without thy meere mercies I haue no hope of saluatiō Extēd therfore o father of mercy for Iesus Christes sake thy fauour vnto mee againe and deale not in iustice as my deedes haue deserued but giue me that godly sorrow that true and vnfayned sorrow for my sins which may mooue in me repentance vnto saluation which may kill and speedely mortefy all euill desires all the corrupt affections and vngodly motions of the world and flesh the deceites of subtle Sathan whoe goeth about lyke a Lyon seeking whome he may keepe back from that most acceptable worke of true repentaunce And thou good Iesu knowest what and how manie and great are the letts and wiles which he vseth in laying stumbling blockes before the feete of those that endeuour thēselues to returne to thee And my wil which is peruers ready to yeeld vnto him slacke in comming vnto thee pulleth me often-times backward and suffereth me not to doe that which I should but thrusteth me forward to doe that which I should not to followe darknes and to forsake the light so louingly profered Oh good Iesu consider these conflictes of mine Looke vppon the want which I haue of thine holy spirit without the
heauenly Ierusalem to that eternall blisse which I haue purchased and so great an helpe and furtheraunce is affliction and aduersitie as thou maist iustly lament thy worldly happinesse and sing euen with great ioye that thine estate is thus altered to reclaime thee from putting thy trust in transitorie thinges faithfully to repose the same in the sure defence of mine heauenly fathers right hande Be thankfull I say accept it as a good preparatiue to vnfeyned repentaunce wherein prostrating thy self in heart praie faithfully and confesse thy sinnes vnfeynedly and I will comforte thee againe with heauenly solace inwardly The sinfull man Thē shewe me how I should cōfesse and how I ought to pray I doe repent my sinfull life that I haue led astray Solace I Will referre to instruct thee in prayer vntill to another day because the day is so farre spent and because I would first haue thee to confesse thy sinnes and discharge thy conscience of the heauie burden of thine iniquities before thou enter into that most excellent exercise of praier for the heart that is inwardly kept downe with the doubt of remission of sinnes through me can neuer freely open it selfe in a perfect faith to be heard of mine heauenly father and as long as thou goest about to cloke thine iniquities and to hide them from the sight of mine heauenly father thou canst neuer be assured of pardon for thou must bee assured that he that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper but he that confesseth them and forsaketh them shal haue mercie his sinnes be they as red as Scarlet I will make as white as wolle and were the 〈◊〉 purple I will make them as white as snowe Now confession is an inward constant and continuall acknowledging thy selfe to bee a sinfull man altogether corrupt whose righteousnes is as a stayned and filthy cloth in whome remayneth no goodnes at all for there is none that sinneth not there is none that doth good none that worketh righteousnes no not one All men are subiect to many infirmities And he that saith that he hath not sinned he is a lyer he deceiueth him self and in him is there no trueth No man can say mine heart is cleare and I am cleare from sinne If therfore euery man be sinfull and none can excuse himselfe but that hee deserueth to be punished that he deserueth in respect of his owne goodnes to be cast of and to be scurged with the rod of correction Thou canst not then say I haue not sinned no thou canst not but confesse with the lost sonne that thou hast gone astraye that thou hast rebelled against God mine heauenly father and wrought so many things against his will that thou art no more worthy to be accepted as his sonne deseruing iustly to bee cast of If then there remaine no hope of thine owne deserts whereby to be accepted into his fauour again wherby to be accepted as his sōne nay whereby to bee accepted as an hired seruant Therfore there is no way for thee no meane for thee no hope to be receiued againe but in al hūblenes of heart to fall downe as one in his own conscience guiltie of death appealing vnto the mercie of mine heauenly father in me who for my sake will not onely not turne away his face from the humble confession of thy sinnes but of his mercie most plentifull will hee meete the voyce of thine humble confession euen in the middest of thine heart yea and vnfained cries as he heard the humble and zealous sighes of Dauid who when he had sinned and highly displeased mine heauenly father he went not as it w●re into a corner to hide his offences wi●h the Cloake of hipocrisie but bewrayed his owne vntowardnes layde open his iniquities and acknowledged his sinnes saying within himselfe I will speake against my selfe I will reueale mine offences vnto the Lorde and all his sinnes were forgiuen him Such a godly feeling had Dauid of his sinnes hee entred into consideration of his wickednes before he could thus r●tourne vnto mine heauenly father in heart●● confession So enter thou into thy selfe examine thine owne conscience and looke back into the whole course of thy life and thou wilt 〈◊〉 ashamed to see thy miserable estate thou wilt blush at the consideration of thy former life and find thy selfe a verie wretched sinner And condemne thy self worthy of farre greater punishment then thou art able to beare Thus must thou begin to take accompt of thy selfe before thou canst truely returne and vnfeinedly confesse thine iniquities vnto mine heauenly father whose wrath is so great against sinne that as long as thou retainest a will to goe forward in sinne and haue not a greater care to returne vnto him hee will forsake thee and not opē the hands of his mercie to receiue thee Make haste cherefore to returne forsake thy selfe and flye vnto him take holde of his promises he hath promised in mee to receiue all sinners truely repenting into his mercie againe I came to cal the sinners not the righteous wherefore if thou be a sinner which vnles thou flatter thy selfe to deceiue thy selfe thou canst not denie then I say take hold of this promise Crie out and say Oh Lorde I am a sinner I am one that haue gone astray most wickedly haue I set mine affections and most vainely imbraced the things that can not auaile me in my distresse in which I am inuironed with so many daungers and troubles as without thine helpe I am vtterly forlorne Rest I say and stay thy selfe onely vpon the louing promises of myne heauenly father in mee in faith assuring thy selfe that I will strenghthen thee against all Sathans temptations Thus I say must thou consider thy corruption and with the eye of a perfect fayth looke into the whole course of thy former life and with the same eye to behold the mercies of mine heauenly father most freely promised in me without whose free goodnesse there is no hope of saluation whereby is my death and bitter passion made auaileable to wash away all the sinnes of as many as vnfeinedly beleeue confessing themselues wretched sinners who returning vnto mine heauenly father in a godly feare are accepted righteous before him Thy confession must be ioined with faith and amendement of life for the beliefe of the heart iustifieth and to confesse with thy mouth maketh thee safe whereby thou must consider that it is not enough to crie out and say Oh Lorde I haue sinned I am wicked I haue greeuously offended c. for all this is but winde it is but opening the mouth to none effect but thy confession must bee grounded vpon the inuincible Rocke of faith whereby thou must betake thee vnto his heauenly Maiestie condemning thy self wholy and altogether not faintly after the maner of hypocrites who thincke themselues discharged with their fewe wordes But with Daniell thou must crye out and say Oh Lord we haue
thou must praye for grace and assistance to doe that which in those two Tables is conteyned And what by reason of thine owne weakenes thou canst not performe thereof thou must beware that although I haue vndertaken to stand betweene thy selfe the curse due for the same thou thinke not thy selfe so discharged of performance thereof as farre as thou canst least by the careles c●sting of the burden thereof vppon mee thou runne headlong into those euils that Sathan shall pricke thee vnto perswading thy selfe that I haue vndertaken to release thee of that which heretofore was layde on thee to be performed and so thincke it needlesse to doe that which is commaunded thee Take heede I say take heede least that this conceite drawe thee into a negligent going forward to doe good and a promisse to doe euill But bring foorth the fruites of amendement of life work righteousnesse execute iudgement growing and proceeding from fayth to fayth ioyning thereunto a good conuersation with knowledge and much patience accompanied with brotherly kindnes and loue wherein thou must shewe thy selfe willing to doe good vnto all men to speake the trueth from thine heart to imagine no deceit against thy neighbour but to doe vnto him as thou wouldest others should doe vnto thee shewing thy selfe fruitfull in the knowledge of the trueth confirming thy free election in mee by the workes proceeding of the Spirit through a liuely and a woorking faythe wherein acknowledging thy true and earnest repentaunce by disclayming thine owne merits thou shalt in the ende receiue that swéet and endles solace which by my death I haue purchased whiche is the moste comfortable presence of my father in heuen life euerlasting without the· which there is nothyng but vtter dest●●ction The sinfull man Then Lorde of lords oh Solace sweet Oh louing Iesu deere Whose passing power by word of trueth created heauens cleere The Sea that surgeth too and fro the earth and Creatures all Thy wisdome is surpassyng high thy mercies great withall So that the workes which thou hast done doo all depend on thee And I among them all the woorst crye come Lorde come to mee Who am a Uessell fraught with wo whose dayes are past in sinne My nature proane to wickednesse reteines mee yet therin But thou that art the God of blisse extende thy mercie meere Let not the furious Feend preuaile against thy Creatures heere Thou canst attend before I crie support before I fall Thou canst relieue before I craue forgiue before I call Thy grace is of so great effect thy counsaile Lord so pure That whome thou wilt preserue and keepe remaineth most secure Thou art of grace the giuer true the God of mercie meere Who wouldest not that Sinners die but turne to thee in feare So that Oh Lord abounding so with loue and mercie store Thou didst vouchsafe to send a salue to cure my cruell sore Thy onely Sonne delight and ioy who came in humaine weede Into this vale of deepe annoy to kyll the Serpents seede Who did betray and bryng to woe our former Parentes twaine Whom thou hadst set in blessed state for aye there to remaine And I poore wretch the seede of sinne so subiect vnto yll Haue swerued from y e word of trueth and sore transgrest thy wyll Imbracing with great greedinesse my substance and my store Which I by couin and deceit haue gotten heretofore And in delight haue past my dayes as Sathan rulde my will I framde my ●●nfies all and some to thinges peruers and ill Haue mercie mercie Lord on mee whoe haue deserued thrall Refuse mee not though I be dust by nature proane to fall Blot out of thine accompting Booke what I haue done amisse Oh pardon my Offences all and place my soule in blisse Wash me from all vngodlinesse make soule and body cleene That not a spot of filthinesse in neither may be seene I doo confesse O Lord to thee I doo confesse my sinne And doo condempne my selfe of all that I haue liued in I am a frowarde Childe to thee prouokyng thee to Ire But Lord vouchsafe call mee againe I would full faine retire From wandring in such vanities to walke the wayes of light Extend thy loue Lorde let me liue from hence a life vpright I disobeyed thy Preceptes and did what Nature would I did not that that Uertue wyld and what of right I should Most wickedly I walked in the wayes that were vniust Esteeming filthy Carcase so as it had not ben dust Oh Lorde I stood no feare of thee nor reuerenst thy name But as a disobedient wretche haue lead my life in blame Thy Lawes I cast behinde my back and doo not them fulfyll I follow with all greedinesse mine owne corrupted wyll I haue most lewdly lead my life without remorce of minde Neglecting true repentance styll to wickednes inclinde I roue at randone too and fro from sinne to sinne I runne And therin wallow as the Sow in durtie soyle in Sunne The Solace whiche I should haue shund I sought with gredinesse And shund the Solace which I shuld haue held as happinesse Which thou O lord thou doost behold yea what I thinke or saye What I haue done and what I doo and how I gad astraye How I despised thy commaund and how I breake thy wyll How like a senceles man I run by rash conceit to yll Wherfore I neede to say no more my sinnes my soule annoy Mine heart doeth harbour such conflict that gone is all my ioy Solace Dispaire not man let sorrow passe take solace now of mee I am the God that neuer was nor wyll vnfaithfull bee My mercie is a thousand fould to him that doth repent Repent therfore saye on be bould the contrite is not shent What if thou be a sinfull man in hart repent therfore Be sure thou shalt haue pardon then but see thou sinne no more The Thiefe that hung on tree w t mee as he gaue vp the Ghost Did craue that he might saued bee whose praiers were not lost And Marie Magdaline that was a sinfull woman came To mee in heart repenting sinne and I forgaue the same By death I say I ouerthrew the Serpent and his trayne Mine heauenly fathers wyll I dyd obey without disdaine Upon the Crosse with euyll men my Corps were nayled fast Not as a Sinner but for thee when helpe of hope was past Proceede therfore confesse in haste what thou hast done amisse For Sinne I know remains in thee as in all men there is The sinfull man Then Lorde I see thou doest beholde with thy supernall eye The creaturs which in thraldome bee and hearest when they crie I sinfull soule distressed sore in plungyng pangues of woe Doo craue the crūmes of mercie store which from thy Table floe For Lorde I see that thou art prest to ease my sinfull sore Refuse me not vouchsafe mee rest in heart that call therfore Who by my sinfull lyfe haue lost thy loue and purchast
myne heauenly father aswell for heauenly as earthly blessinges which if thou seeke at his handes by any other meanes then only by mee thou deceiuest thy selfe for I haue taken vpon me to obteyne it freely for all them that faithfully aske it of him through mee alone not ioyning any other in their prayers for any parte of their welfare bodily or ghostly with mee for that it doth so shadowe and darken my mercies free obteyning thinges necessary for them that I cannot bee seene in the fulnesse of my grace by reason of such imparting my office to other whose helpe cannot auayle thee in thy distresse There is none other God I say but myne heauenly father who is a iust God a mercifull God and a Sauiour looke vpon him in me who am the brightnesse of his glory the ingraued forme of his person equall with him as thou hast heard before wherfore faithfully repayre thou in all thy necessities to him through me and thou shalt be saued euery knee shall bowe vnto him and euery tongue shall sweare by him in whome is all righteousnesse and strength and all that prouoke him shalbe ashamed Remember these things therefore and bee reformed cast away al trust in any besides him who hath put away thy transgressiōs like a Clowde and thy sinnes as a Mist turne vnto him through mee who haue redeemed thee worship him serue him and pray vnto him onely in and by me and by none other neither Sainct or Angell Beware of that auncient blindnesse wherein men haue falne downe to worship not only Saincts and Angels but very stockes and stones paynted pictures and such like wherein consisteth no helpe Myne Euangelist Iohn professeth that he fell downe to worship the Angel and that the Angel said vnto him see thou doe it not for I am thy fellowe seruaunt and the fellowe seruaunt of thy brethren the Prophets and of them that keepe the wordes of this Booke worship God wherby thou mayst perceiue that worship and seruice belongeth vnto myne heauenly father only to none other And therfore doth he forbid thee to make vnto thy self any grauē Image or y e likenesse of any thing in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or waters vnder the earth to fall downe therunto to giue it honor or reuerēce as a God or intending to worship my heauēly father in it no he cānot abide to be worshipped praised or prayed vnto in any visible Image but in me his sōne only because hee himself is inuisible incōprehensible whose eares are open and attentiue vnto the Praiers made in my name and stopped that he will not only not here thē that are made in the name of another but pronounceth them accursed confounded that fal downe to grauen Images to serue them and that glorie in their Idolles And therfore sayth the Wiseman Let not the inuētiōs of mē deceiue thee nor the vnprofitable labour of the Caruers or Paynters miscarie thee nor the Images which they make who haue eyes see not eares and heare not mouthes and speake not and which are set foorth with diuers goodly goldē colours moue thee to bow vnto thē But some haue said why we bow not to the Idole we serue not the Image but our intent is to serue God and to be the oftner put in mind therof by the Image and therfore y e intēt not onely not to be misliked but very necessarie good But be thou assured y t for this deuice there is no warrāt in the word of mine Heauenly father But as y e Wiseman saith the sight therof stirreth vp y e ignorāt to fal down before y e dead image which hath no life wherby thei turn the glory of y e incorrubtible god to y e similitude of a corruptible mā of beasts birds and such like prouoking mine heauenly father to such high indignation for turning his trueth vnto a lye for worshipping and seruing the creature forsaking the Creator who is blessed for euer and euer that hee smiteth their hearts with such blindnesse that they cannot glorifie him as they ought but runne headlong according to the imagination of their owne hearts professing themselues to be most wise when in deede they are very fooles Which foolishnesse of theirs mine heauenly father hath by his word brought to light signifying that such naturall deuices and foolish conceiptes of men preuaile not with him But that the hearing of his worde and doing thereof is the onely worship that pleaseth him without the which he accepteth no seruice beare it neuer so fayre a shewe in the eyes of mortall men Therefore thou must vnderstand that in prohibiting thee to worship such grauē moulten or painted Images he forbiddeth thee all other worshipping of him inuented by man And therefore is hee called a ielous God who cannot abide that thou shouldest haue any other God or to ioyne with him any other in thy prayers for thy welfare for that he of himself as he is of power to doe all thinges so is he willing and ready for my sake freely to doe al thinges which belong vnto thy safetie Hee hath a most louing and a most tēder affection towards all such as come in that true worship vnto the Throane of his mercie not reposing the hope of their helpe in any besides him alone because that he would haue them to attribute the whole meane of their releefe and comforte vnto him and to accompt them selues as in deede they are most bound and beholden vnto him and depend wholy vpō his goodnesse and to acknowledge him the onely author and worker of their happinesse which they cannot do if they repose a quantitie of their trust in any other or thinke that their deuised worship hath been the meane of their releefe and their benefites receiued for that as they haue imparted their confidence in the helpe of others so can they not but imparte the thankes vnto them whom they worship together with mine heauenly father and so take they away the due praises from him to whom al honor praise and worship of right belongeth And therefore in this Commaundement hee threatneth vengeaunce vnto all such as prostitute and lay open their faith vnto others which is due onely vnto him and that he will punish them to the third and fourth generation that shall be found guiltie therein And therefore he pronounceth them haters of him that cast their loue vpon any other then himselfe and I will haue no pittie vpon their children but with the fire of my ielousie will I burne vpon such as hate me saith he euen vnto the third and fourth generation and promiseth to be mercifull vnto thousandes of them which loue him and keepe his Commaundements whereby it appeareth that the cheefest worship wherewith he is pleased is loue not that loue which is deuided and giuen parte vnto him and parte vnto an other but that
my desertes and meere merites The sinfull man This sweete conclusion cōforts me who can not but confesse That these thy Lawes like wicked wretch I daily doe transgresse But sith thou freely doest obtaine the loue of God for me Uouchsafe me grace to mortifie my sinnes to come to thee And sith the night drawes on so fast passe to the rest in haste I will attend vnto the ende forgiue offences paste Solace THen remember thou that these foure commaundementes which thou hast alreadie heard doe perfectly instruct thee to the seruice of myne heauēly father and wherein his glorie and true worship doeth consist namely to acknowledge him the author of all thy welfare both of body and soule and by his mercies to be stirred vp to do those things y t may please him and to beware of ioyning any in worship with him or to giue him other worship thē is warranted prescribed by his word To be carefull in doing those things y t may be to the glory of his name to auoyde that y t by any meanes may dishonour y e same And lastly to hūble thy selfe truely acknowledging the corruption of thine heart condemning thine owne wayes works and to endeuour thy selfe to subdue the same for that it is the free mercie and goodnesse of mine heauenly father through the merites of me his sonne that sanctifieth and iustifieth thee and not thine owne workes In which foure former Commaundements is directly set downe the sūme of thy duetie appertaining to God mine heauenly Father Who to the ende that thou shouldest witnesse thine obedience vnto himself outwardly he hath prescribed vnto thee those dueties which thou oughtest to performe towards other men for that seruice worship of God is not accepted which is not ioyned with the loue of thy brethren neither is thy charitie to other men any thing accompted of where it is not grounded vppon that vnfayned loue of God which proceedeth of a true fayth and sincere seruice of him for he that loueth mine heauenly father keepeth his commaundements sheweth a sufficient witnesse that he loueth the children of God and as Iohn saith We know that we are trāslated from death to life because we loue the brethren So y t it apeareth to bee a sufficient testimonie of a blessed estate when thou for his sake doest truely performe those dueties which he hath commaunded thee vnto men The first whereof is to honour thy father and thy mother for who so curseth father or mother let him die the death but he that truely obeieth them and behaueth himself reuerently aswell inwardly heartely endeuouring him self to ayd them to helpe them and submitting his will vnto their willes in thinges honest as in outward reuerence nurture and seemely behauiour such a one I say hath a blessing promised namely to haue his daies prolonged vppon the earth and to be filled with al good thinges And on the contrary the stubborne stife-necked and gracelesse children shall be rooted out and taken away by vntimely death from the lande which mine heauenly father hath giuen them In which Comaundemēt thou must vnderstand thy selfe not onely to be inioyned to vse reuerence and to giue honour vnto thy parents namely to those that were the ministers of the bringing thee into this life but vnto all Magestrates Superiours and Ministers whō he hath ordeyned as Instruments by whom to conueye such graces and benefites vpon thee as are necessary expedient for thee towardes whom this Commaundement willeth thee so to behaue thy selfe in all thine actions as may witnesse of thine inward loue and reuerence towards them It behoueth thee not lightly to way the benefite proceeding from the due execution of the office of the Magistrates who are the messengers and ministers of God to administer Iustice to punish those that are wicked in this world and to stoppe their violence wherin they daylie seeke to rush in and to ouerthrowe the estate of the good by them is the tyrannouse and bloodie sworde of the wicked kept and held backe from the throates of the godly By them are the righteous defended and the vngodly punished And therefore must thou accept them as the ministers of God for thy wealth and to become subiect vnto them not onely for feare of punishmēt but for conscience sake in respect of the benefite thou receiuest by their aucthoritie The Elders sayth mine Apostle are worthie of dubble honour especially they which labour in the worde and doctrine whereby it appeareth that thou art not discharged of thy duetie required by this Commaundement when thou hast done thy duetie to thy father that begat thée and thy mother that bare thée but that thou owest a dubble duetie to such as open the will of mine heauenly father vnto thee which is the preacher and minister of his sacred word who are the Nurces and foster fathers of thy soule breaking vnto thee the bread and giuing thee the water of life whome thou must heare with reuerence for that they are the messengers of myne heauenly father to inuite thee to the banquet of eternall saluation By which Commaundement now thou mayst perceiue that thou art bounde to honour thy father and mother al Magestrates and ministers of God and to afforde them reuerence not onely in outward conuersation but in inward desire of their welfare And further thou must vnderstande that as children by this Commaundement are bounde to vse all reuerence to their Parents subiects to their Prince and Magestrates and all men vnto the ministers of the worde of my heauenly father so belongeth there a care to be in Parents to see their children and seruauntes to be brought vp and instructed not in wantonnesse not in careles proceeding from pleasure to pleasure from vice to vice but in the due knowledge sincere seruice and true worship of his holy name And the like care to rest in the hearts of all Magestrates to execute their dueties iustly to shewe them selues sharpe in the punishment of vice and subduing of the wicked members of the Realme and to extoll and defende with the sworde of their aucthoritie the godly vertuous which godly care also there ought especially to bee in the Preachers of his worde not onely as they haue freely receiued euen so freely to giue vsing their tallentes to the increasing of the knowledge of his worde where and into what Citie Towne or place soeuer they shall come by the preaching of the worde onely but to expresse and shewe forth the same likewise in life in conuersation and maners that men seeing their good workes may glorifie my father which is in heauen But the negligence of Parents in instructing their children and seruaunts in my fathers will or rather their fond foolish and vnparentike loue which they through a blind affection beare vnto their children they suffer them nay thrust them forward by their peeuish pampring them vp
reformatiō of thy life to the glory of his name and to the end that other men seeing such successe in thy seruing of God may bee the better allured to the like and that all men may learne to acknowledge themselues releeued maynteined defended and saued by mee and by none other without whome no man cōmeth to mine heauenly father and without whose mediation and intercession praiers by whome to whom when wherefore and howsoeuer they be made are not onely not auaileable but mere abominable But hee that prayeth faithfully in my name shall haue the experience and triall that myne heauenly father regardeth the same and that by comforting and duely releeuing them whensoeuer they shall open their griefes and wants vnto him who although hee vnderstand before what thou needest and coulde releeue thee without asking his will is that thou shouldest approache vnto his throne of grace in faithfull and zealous prayer that when thou art releeued and hast obteined the things thou desiredst thou shouldest acknowledge his goodnes towards thee and be the more assured and rest in the more liuely and constant hope of the continuance of his louing fauour and mercies towards thee and for the same to bee the more stirred vp to be thankfull But thou saiest thou knowest not howe to pray or what to desire the spirite shall then direct thee namely the holy ghost shall teach thee hee shall healpe thine infirmitie he shall make request for thee and that with inward gronings and sighes of heart in such wise as the tongue can not expresse The flesh is weake and often keepeth downe that zealous and earnest outward shewe which shal be a testimonie of a deuout and godly mind but the spirit groning inwardly lifteth vp the heart in such sort as the verie sighes thereof are accepted with mine heauenly father and knowne according to the desire thereof although it bee not vttered in open words And therefore thou must vnderstand that it is not sufficient to the discharging of this duetie of zealous prayer to vtter many wordes or to vse long and tedious circumstances in outwarde speach vnlesse the heart being guided and directed by the spirit inwardly groane accompanying the tongue in the outward word that so the heart and tongue being linked together by vndoubted fayth present thy necessities before myne heauenly father in my name and so make the same acceptable for the tongue is but the instrumentall meane or witnesse of the minde whereby to set forth the goodnes of mine heauenly father towards thee So that vnlesse the heart which is the guide of the tongue bee truely affected the tongue must needes either verie coldly or cleane contrarie to Christian duetie in that behalfe or in outward shewe glorious as an hypocrite or els vtter nothing at all so that the true worship the faithfull seruice and the acceptable sacrifice of prayer consisteth in the vnfeined zeale of the hearte and not in the outward worde For hee that searcheth the heart vnderstandeth the verie sighes of the spirit and graunteth thy desires such as are measured and limited by the word of trueth proceeding from the same spirit and not those that proceede of the corrupt flesh which longeth alwayes contrarie to the spirit and which seeketh to tye the will of mine heauenly father to the vaine motions thereof namely in prefixing and setting downe meanes the maner and time of help and reliefe as did the Priest who had limited mine heauenly father a time for their deliuery whom that godly woman Iudith rebuked as appeareth in the Historie for his so tempting God Thou must therefore waite his heauenly pleasure in pacience not limiting or apointi●g ●im the meane the way the time or season when or how to defend thee to releeue thee to saue thee but to commit thee wholy vnto his wil and prouidēce looking faithfully vpō him in patience with continuall praiers that he for my sake will graūt such successe vnto thy desires as seemeth conuenient in y e eyes of his wisdome commend I say thy waies vnto his wisdom and trust in him he wil bring it to passe for thy best looke vpō the poore children of Israel who being inuironed with daunger rounde about the Sea was before thē the Mountaines on each side of them and Pharoah with an huge host pursuing and following them in so much as there was nothing but meere dispayre of their deliuerie their daunger was such that all mans deuises were vaine policie was to no purpose no counsayle could auaile them but see the wonderfull power and mercies of myne heauenly father who beholding their imminent daunger at the prayers of Moses made a way for them to escape in which his prayers he prefixed not the maner the time nor meane to be holpen but encouraging the people to trust in God mine heauenly fathers right hande and neither to murmure to feare or dispayre but to referre themselues in faith vnto his will who parted the red Sea in sunder and led the people of Israell through and deuoured their enemies with the same Loe thou seest that he helpeth when the helpe of a man is vayne and when all hope of helpe in respect of men is past then is his power greatest and his helpe neerest Let this therefore learne thee that whether the present daunger of enemies dismay thee pouertie oppresse thée or any other necessitie or greefe anoy thee dispayre not of helpe betake thee vnto my heauenly father in my name cōfesse thy sinnes and shew him thy troubles open thy necessities and declare thy cause vnto him in most faithfull praier not coldly or weakely from thy lippes but zealously and effectually from the heart lifting vp thy minde vnto the heauens not suffering thy thoughtes to roue abroade after other helpes but fixed onely with the eye of a true faith vpon mine heauenly fathers alone ayde for my sake and assure thy selfe that in a tyme most conuenient and most acceptable he shall defende thee hee shall releeue thee and hee shall helpe thee as thou shalt say that the right hand of y e Lord hath wrought it for thee Thou must therefore waite his ●easure and with patience abide his good time in all humilitie and duetiful obedience As Dauid did who being expulsed his Kingdome by his owne Sonne in obedience offered his prayers vnto mine heauenly father saying If I shall finde fauour in thy sight oh Lord thou wilt establish me againe in my Kingdome But if thou shalt say vnto me Thou doest not please me I am ready to obeye thee doe with mee what thou wilt See his humilitie which notwithstanding the heauie burthen of the rebellion of his owne Sonne he shewed in great patience which ingendred that hope that at the last at the will of myne heauenly father was answered with the thing it desired Such humilitie and obedience had Iob who when all his children were taken away his