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A57656 Medicus medicatus, or, The physicians religion cured by a lenitive or gentle potion with some animadversions upon Sir Kenelme Digbie's observations on Religio medici / by Alexander Ross. Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654.; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. Animadversions upon Sir Kenelme Digbie's Observations on Religio medici. 1645 (1645) Wing R1961; ESTC R21768 44,725 128

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this last Judgement to be but mysticall then you may as well say with Socinus that eternall death and eternall fire prepared for the wicked is only mysticall and signifieth nothing else but the annihilation of the wicked for ever without sensible paine which is indeed to overthrow all Religion and open a wide gap for impiety and security The antecedent signes of Christs coming you thinke are not consistent with his secret coming as a thiefe in the night You must know that the wars and signes in the Sun Moon and Stars are partly meant of those signes which were the fore-runners of Ierusalems last destruction Secondly if wee understand them of the signes of Christs second coming they are meant o● such wars and apparitions as have no● been knowne in the world since the beginning in respect of the extent and numbe● of them Thirdly though signes goe before his coming yet men shall be so secure and hard-hearted eating drinking and making merry as in the dayes of Noah that they will take no notice of warning thereby then shall Christ come suddenly as a thiefe in the night Hardly hath any man attained you say th● perfect discovery of Antichrist These notes which are given by Christ Saint Iohn and Saint Paul doe most agree to the Pope who sits in the Temple of God as God and exalts himself above all that 's called God in throning and dethroning of Kings and disposing of their Kingdomes at his pleasure in pardoning sins in making of Saints and dedicating temples and dayes unto them in dispensing with cancelling and making of lawes at his pleasure in tying sanctitie infallibilitie of judgement to his Chaire and freedome from errour in appointing new sacraments and lawes in the Church and domineering over mens con●ciences in dispensing with matrimony forbidden by Gods lawes and the law of Nature in assuming to himselfe those ti●les which are due onely to God These and many other notes have prevailed so far with Wickliffe the Waldenses Hus Ierome Luther Calvin Bucer and other eminent men of our profession that they thought they had attained the perfect discovery of Antichrist If you know any other to whom these notes doe more exactly agree name him and wee will free the Pope from being the man of sin and childe of perdition A plant you say consumed to ashes retains its forme being withdrawne into its incombustible part where it lies secure from the fire and so the plant from its ashes may againe revive Admiranda canis sed non credenda For if the forme of the plant be there still then it is not consumed Secondly then Philosophy deceives us in telling us that the matter is onely eternall and the formes perishing Thirdly then Art and Nature is all one both being able to introduce or rather educe a substantiall forme Fourthly then the radicall moisture and naturall heat without which the forme hath no subsistence in the plant is not consumed by the fire but in spight of all its heat lurkes within the ashes credat Iudaeus Apella Fifthly then an Art being an accident can produce a substance and so the effect is nobler then the cause Sixthly then from a totall privation to the habit whose cause was taken away there may be a naturall regresse Seventhly if the forme of the plant be in the ashes still then it actuates distinguishes denomina●es defines perfects the matter for the ashes are not the first but second matter in which it is and so it is a plant still lurking under the accidents of ashes as in the Masse Christs bodie under the accidents of bread So by your Doctrine it is no hard worke to beleeve Transubstantiation or the stori●s of the Phenix Eighthly if the forme of the plant be still in the ashes then the forme is not in its owne matter but in another for so long as the ashes are ashes they are ●ot the matter of the plant but of that ●ubstance we call ashes Ninthly by this ●lso the appetite of the matter is taken away for to what can it have an appetite ●eeing it retaines the forme of the plant But I doubt mee your revived plant will prove more artificiall then naturall and ●ike Xeuxes his grapes deceive perhaps ●irds but not men So farre as I can per●eive in Quercitan and others who have written of Chymistry this forme of the plant is nothing but an Idea or a delusion of the eye through a glasse held over a flame wherein you may see somewhat like a plant a cloud in stead of Iuno A sallet of such plants may well tantalize you they will never fill you Though it be true that where Gods ●resence is there is Heaven yet wee must not therefore thinke that there is not a peculiar ubi of blisse and happinesse beyond the tenth Sphere wherein God doth more manifestly shew his glory and presence then any where else as you seeme to intimate when you say that to place Heaven ●n the Empyreall or beyond the tenth Sphere is to forget the worlds destruction which when it is destroyed all shall be here as it is now there First we deny that this sensible world shall be destroyed in the substance thereof its qualities shall be altered the actions motions and influences of the Heavens shall cease because then shall be no generation or corruption and consequently no transmutation of elements Secondly though this sensible world were to be destroyed yet it will not follow that therefore above the tenth Sphere there is not the Heaven of glory Whither was it that Christ ascended Is hee not said to ascend above all Heavens and that the Heavens must containe him till his second coming Did not the Apostles see him ascend in a cloud Doe not you acknowledge it an Article of your Creed Was not Saint Paul caught up into the third Heaven If you thinke there is no other Heaven meant in Scripture then Gods presence it must follow that Christs humanity is every-where because hee is in Heaven that is in Gods presence which is every-where and so you are of the Ubiquit●ries ●aith therefore we beleeve as the Church ●ath alwaies done that Heaven is locall ●r a place above this visible world whi●her Christ is gone to prepare a place for ●s which is called the Throne of God where ●ee have an habitation made without ●ands given us of God eternall in the Heavens Let us therefore seek the things not which be every-where but which are above where Christ is at the right hand of God The Gentiles as Tertullian witnesseth were not ignorant of the place of blessed soules quas in supernis mansionibus collocant which they placed in these upper mansions of Heaven Apud Platonem in aeherem sublimantur c. You cannot tell how to say fire is the essence of Hell nor can you conceive a flame that can prey upon the soule Flames of sulphur in Scripture are you thinke to be understood not of this present
gods did either help or shew favour to men And that as Xerxes was an Atheis● in his hands by pulling downe the Temples of the gods so was Epicurus in his tongue who pulled them downe with his reasons Hee shewes also that Protagoras who doubted of the gods was an Atheist and so are all those who think Religion to be the invention of wise men to keep people in awe Did you never reade of Polyphemus in Homer who confesses he never sacrificed to any other god but to his belly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is a certaine Maxime in Schoole-divinitie That providence which consisteth in the ordering of effects to their ends hath as large an extension as the causalitie of the first agent but this gave being to all even to the meanest things and so his providence extends to all even to the haires of our head if you will beleeve Truth it ●elfe therefore he is doubtlesse an Atheist ●hat can say Non curare deûm credo mortalia quenquam Thirdly You say that the fatall necessity of ●he Stoicks is nothing else but the immutable ●aw of Gods will Then belike man sins by ●he immutable law of Gods will Is this ●our Religion to make God the authour ●f sin and to take away f●om man totally ●he liberty of his will But this you doe if ●ou make the Stoicall necessity the same ●hat the immutable law of Gods will is ●or the Stoicks held that what man did whether it was good or evill hee did it by ●n inevitable necessity to which not onely men but even Iupiter himselfe was sub●ect 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there●ore their fate is termed inevitabile inelu●tabile inexsuperabile inexorabile This is the Religion of the Turkes at this day if you ●ill beleeve Busbequius but I did not ●hink it had been the Religion of a Chri●tian Physician till now You are not yet assured which is the right side of man The right side is that where the liver lyeth which is the fountaine of bloud wherein our life consisteth therefore that side is stronger and more active and the limbs thereof bigger as appeares by the right hand and right foot which are bigger then the left I hope you are not so simple as those children in Nineve which knew not the right hand from the left Nature hath made this distinction therefore the right hand is honourable amongst all men except amongst those who honour the sword which being tye● to the left side gives it the preheminencie but this honour is by accident Endeavour to know Christs right hand from his left that in the last day you may stand there with joy amongst his sheep You wonder how America should be peopled and inhabited by beasts of prey and noxious animals and yet not a horse there If you wil● credit Geographers you shall not need to wonder for they tell us there is but a narrow passage called the Strait of Anien between Asia and America so that without admiration men and beasts might be ●ransported and swim over thither and ●hat the people on both sides of the Strait ●esemble each other in feature manners ●awes and customes and other circumstances and have the same kinds of creatures And is it more wonder for America to ●ave those animals which wee have not then for Africa to have those which Europe wants or Europe to have those which are not to be found in Asia Non omnis fert omnia tellus It seemes you are little versed in the Scripture when you hold it a paradox that Methusalem should be longest lived of all Adams children and that no man can prove it What need you any other proofe then the Text it selfe which is so plaine and the unanimous consent of the whole Church from the beginning If you can manifest it to be otherwise as you brag doe it Et Phyllida solus habeto Secondly You make it doubtfull if Judas hanged himselfe But the Text is plaine and the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is not doubtfull as you say but both by sacred and profane Writers it is used for strangling and hanging so in Homer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 strangling the young fawne And in Thucidides 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some were hanged on or from the trees I doe not reade this word used in any other sense but for strangling hanging or binding the throat and so the Church hath alwaies expounded it and yet you will make it a doubtfull word That other place which you think overthrowes this is that of the Acts but indeed it confirmes it for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is fallen downe head-long or flat So in Homer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iudas then hanged himselfe saith Saint Matthew hee fell downe flat saith Saint Luke this being the sequell of his strangling or hanging How then doth this overthrow the other Thirdly You hold it improbable that men should build the Tower of Babel in a plaine against the next deluge Where then would you have had them build it On a mountaine 'T is like they would have done so had there been the same plenty of materials and other conveniences on the hills which they found in the plaine Men must build where they can not alwaies where they would Fourthly 'T is not materiall whether it was a messenger or Peters tutelary Angell that was supposed to knock at the doore for the word signifieth both but the Church hath alwaies expounded that place of Peters Angell and shee beleeves that Angels are ministring spirits But I think you 'l hardly find the word Angelus in the New Testament used for a messenger sent from man but rather the word Apostolus except Luke 7. where Iohn's disciples are called Angels You cannot prove that miracles are ceased Cessante causâ cessat effectus the end of miracles was the confirmation of the Gospel Now the Gospel is confirmed therefore you may conclude a cessation of miracles Secondly wee heare of no miracles that shall be in these later dayes but of lying wonders Thirdly miracles are no essentiall note of the truth for Iohn Baptist wrought none yet his doctrine was true The Egyptian Sorcerers Simon Magus and others wrought some seeming miracles and wonders yet their doctrine was false but when you say There is not one miracle greater then another you are deceived for though miracles be the extraordinary effects of Gods hand to which all things are of an equall facility yet these effects are different in themselves and some greater some lesser The creation of the world is a greater miracle then the fabrick of mans body and 't is more admirable to feed five thousand people with foure loaves then foure thousand with five You are so mannerly that you dare not say God cannot worke contradictions and many things else But I thinke it is good manners to say God cannot work contradictions because these have not a possibilitie in them to be made