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A43041 Truth may be blam'd but not sham'd a sermon upon Matth. 16 v.13, 14, 15, 16 : wherein truth and errour are brought upon the stage act their parts / by William Harvey, minister of the Word. Harvey, William, minister of the Word. 1657 (1657) Wing H1094; ESTC R36593 16,440 45

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John saith 1 John 5.20 This is the true God and eternal life And Rom. 9.5 Who is over all God blessed for ever Amen Secondly As our Saviour is true God so likewise he is true man of the substance of his Mother born in the world This is manifest by his own words vers 13. Whom do men say that I the Son of man am To this purpose he hath the plain Epithete of Man given him Luke 23.47 Now when the Centurion saw what was done he glorified God saying Certainly this was a righteous man And the Apostle 1. Tim. 2.5 For there is one God and one Mediatour between God and men the man Christ Jesus Wherefore he is called the son of Mary Matth. 1.16 The seed of the woman Gen. 3.15 The seed of Abraham Heb. 2.16 Born of a woman Gal. 4.4 Yet notwithstanding though he be God and man he is not two but one Christ According to Athanasius his Creed One not by Conversion of the Godhead into flesh but by taking the manhood into God one altogether not by confusion of Substance but by unity of Person For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man so God and man is one Christ To this purpose the Apostle saith there is one Lord Jesus Christ 1. Cor. 8.6 And one Mediatour between God and men 1. Tim. 2.5 Thus we see he is but one Christ In the next place we have his office expressed in the word Christ Thou art Christ c. which word signifieth anointed For whereas Kings Priests and Prophets were usually anointed in the Old Testament upon their inauguration Exod. 29.7.1 Sam. 16.13 Hence they are called the Lords anointed Esay 48.1 So likewise was Christ anointed not with any external oil but with the Holy Ghost into a Kingly Prophetick and Priestly office Psal 45.8 John 3.34 Acts 10.38 First he was anointed a Prophet to make known the will of his heavenly Father concerning our redemption John 1.10 No man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him And in the next place that he might appoint us the Ministry of the-Word and the use of the Sacraments that by these as by instruments he might work effectually in his Church as Mark 16 15.16 Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned Secondly he was anointed a Priest that he might offer himself on the Cross for us and by the sacrifice of his own body redeem us from our most sad and deplorable condition in the loins of our first parents and that he might ever intercede for us to his Father For by one offering he hath perfected for even them that are sanctified Heb. 10.14 and chap. 9.24 For Christ is not ascended into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us And Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Thirdly he was anointed a King that he might rule and govern us by the Scepter of his power that is that he might preserve and defend us both from our corporal and spiritual enemies to wit the Devil Sin Death Hell and this wicked World Wherefore the Prophet thus speaketh Rejoyce greatly O daughter of Zion shout O daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation c. Zach. 9.9 And the Evangelist Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Matth. 25.34 From this Confession of Peter we may learn what is the duty of every Christian man even this freely to give an account of his faith According to that of the Apostle But sanctiste the Lord God in your hearts and be ready alwayes to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meeknesse and fear I Pet. 3.15 And to take off all excuse in this particular our Saviour himself saith Whosoever therefore shall confesse me before men him will I confesse also before my Father which is in heaven Matth. 10.32 Holy David maketh it a fruit of faith Psalm 116.10 I believed therefore have spoken a Veritas credenda laquenda The truth saith Prosper is to be believed and spoken Confession is of a high consequence and concerns Christains more then they think of This I believe wrings many a professor by the nose and toucheth as we say their c●ppy hold How many have we that dare not confesse the truth openly for fear of men These are cowardly Christians who when they should fight betake them to their heels Some will make a fair flourish for a time they will take up the Cudgels with much seeming Confidence but when any cometh to play with them they presently lay them down Such a one was S. Peter Hear his high words Though all should be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended And further Though I should die with thee yet will I not deny thee Matth. 26.33.35 but look upon him a while after and then quantum mutatus ab illo one would not take him to be the same man How are the chariot wheels of his resolution taken off so that he drives heavily Mark him I pray I know not what thou sayest and again with and oath in his mouth I do not know the man And to make him superlative he falls more basely begins to curse and to swear saying I know not the man vers 70.72.74 Who would have taken Spira otherwise then a Chrisitian once but miserable man when he was urged to subscribe or else lose all and incurre the Popes displeasure straightwayes makes shipwrack of faith and a good conscience and after this by God his divine justice dieth in horrible despair Is not this an Epidemical disease What Thrasonian brags will our mungrel professours make in times of peace and prosperity Who better Christians now then they whilst this calm lasts it is a hard matter to finde out the true Mother a base hypocriticall Pharisee can scarce be discerned from a Nathaneel a true Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile but let one storm arise let the Sabeans take away their oxen and their asses or the Chaldeans fall upon their camels or let a prison be threatned them the least gust of adversity blow upon them and as Sathan falsly said of Job it may truly be said of them they will curse God to his face Most sad experience we have had of this in all ages and the Apostacy of our times is a sufficient test and proof of it Confesse we then the truth
element of water in its proper place is not heavy As for example Let a man dive to the bottom of a river and he cometh up with ease yet let the same man take but a bucket and fill it with water and he will finde the carrlage ponderous and troublesom Thus is it in once accustomed to sin whilst he is in that element as I may so speak though whole seas of impiety cover him he is insensible of the burthen but if one by divine assistance he cometh out through a sence of his deplorable condition he will then say with David Mine iniquities are gone over my head as an heavy burthen they are to heavy for me Psalm 38.4 What should we do then in this case what remedy for this sore Only Caveat emptor beware how thou makest thy bargain with Sin The foreman in the shop is Sathan and he cannot away with returns of his bad ware What is that to us see thou to that said the chief priests and elders to Judas after he had betrayed his Master and was troubled in conscience Matth. 27.4 Thou wilt one day say to the Devil and thy sins as Job sometime to his Friends Miserable comforters are you all Sin is like a storm at sea first there are leves undae small waves after that majora volumina greater volumes of water and at last fluctus ad coelum surges mounting up to heaven The first committing of sin is not so dangerous as a frequent and common perpetration A man may wash himself nigh the shore yea he may go so far as he can well wade without danger but if he once step beyond his depth it must be a hand of providence if he be saved And we should the rather be wary in regard of the proneness of our nature to sin All the imaginations of our hearts are only evil continually Gen. 6. And without grace it is as natural for us to sin as for ponderous things to tend downwards Can we then be too careful to fall into that whereto we have so facil and genuine a disposition so innate and inbred faculty The dogs of Aegypt drink of the river Nilus as they run for fear of a Crocadile and shall we lye down and drink our fill of sin when that Crocadile Sathan is ready to devour us and especially when it is a work of power to reclaim us God forbid To conclude the point Concerning the opinions in my Text and the fond conceits which the people through custom and use had of Christ let us wash our hands of them and cordially pray From all Sedition and privie conspiracy from all false doctrine and heresy from hardnesse of heart and contempt of thy Word and Commandment Good Lord deliver us In the interim let us be constant to our principles and like oaks withstand all windes of contrary tenents which are disconsonant to the analogie of faith And let us always remember that of S. Paul For there must be also heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you 1 Cor. 11.19 And Ephes 4.14 That we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every winde of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftinesse whereby they lye in wait to deceive And so I come to the confession of the Apostles in the name and person of Peter vers 15 16. He saith unto them The Apostles confession but whom say ye that I am And Simon Peter answered and said Thou art Christ the Son of the living God This confession or responsion we have first from the principle efficient cause which was S. Peter And it is amplified from the adjunct his proper name Simon and by his sirname Peter which signifieth a rock as Mark 3.16 And Simon he sirnamed Peter So Luke 6.14 Simon whom he also named Peter And Cephas in the Hebrew or as the Learned say rather in the Sy●iack tongue is all one with Peter in the Greek and signifieth a rock or stone Now in that Peter is the mouth of the rest of the Apostles and their spoaksman it was not because he thought himself the chief of his brethren no he never dreamed any such thing u Quia ardore Christi praecipou servens ad faciendum ad respondendum paratissimus erat Cyrill lib. 12. in Johan neither was he taken with that ●ectick fever but as Cyril hath it Because being more fervent in the love of Christ he was most ready to make and give an answer Again in that he alone made answer in the name of the rest of the Apostles For x Fides catholica una est ubicunque apud quoscunque fie Ideo conveniens fuit confessionem ejus per unum fieri liee● illu esset fides multorum Tostar super locum Quest 56. wheresoever and with whomsoever it is found It was therefore sit the Confession of Christ to be made by one although it were the belief of many To confirm the same we have the like Confession John 6.69 Where though Saint Peter speaks only yet he delivereth it in the plural number And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the living God Secondly here is the form of the confession Thou art are Christ the Son of the living God Which confession though it be in few words the matter is high and sublime for in it is contained that great mystery of God made man and the person and office of our Saviour First Christ is God coequal and coessential with the Father and the Holy Ghost To this end he is called The only begotten of the Father John 1.14 Thus is he begotten of the essence of his Father from all eternity Psal 2.7 Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee And the Text Thou art Christ the Son of the living God He is said to be the Living God y Secundum supereminentiam qua superemines omnibus habe●tibus vitam quemad modum solus habet immortalitatem Orig. according to his Supereminency wherein he is above all living as one that hath only immortality and is the fountain of life So S. John Chap. 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life And he is called the living God also z Ad comparationem corum deorum qui putantur dii sed mortui sunt Saturnum dico Jovem Venerem coetera idolorum portenta Hier. in comparison of those gods who are thought to be gods but are all dead I say Saturn Jupiter and Venus and the other forms of idols S. Paul Heb. 1.3 hath it Who being the brightnesse of his glory and the expresse image of his person But to put all out of doubt the Apostle hath this dilemma Colos 1.16 For by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things wers created by him and for him Saint