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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02883 The seconde parte of the Domesticall or housholde sermons for a godly housholder, to his childre[n] and familie: compyled by the godly learned man Christopher Hegendorffine, doctor most necessarye for all faythefull housholders: now first translated out of laten in to English by Henry Reginalde.; Domestycal or householde sermons. Part 2 Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540.; Reginald, Henry, fl. 1548-1549. 1549 (1549) STC 13022; ESTC S113439 23,987 67

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whiche make a triumph beare about w t thē the thynge which betokeneth the victorye do shew vnto the people y ● rememberaunce of their victory so Paul sayth y t Christe as a triumphe on the crosse dyd shewe vnto his cruell enemyes y ● weare ouercome that is to say he hath driuen awaye the deuyl death sinne and hath set fourth openly a token of his victorye where by it may be open to all natyons by the onlye victorye gotten by Christe in the Crosse of synne deth the deuil not onlye vnto hym selfe but vnto al vs whiche shall put our hole confidence to be saued ye do vnderstand I trust now welbeloued children what it is to beleue that Christ was crucyfyed synce then y ● Christ hath declared vnto vs by his cros suche greate benefites and that only of his free goodnes and mercy let vs therfore be thankefull vnto hym and let vs crucyfie our flesshe that we may say ●● Paul with our affectes and our concupiscences y ● is let vs bridle the wantōnes of our flesh and our euill affections wich the spirite of god And let vs not do rudely those thinges which y e flesh procureth vs to do the which al myghtye Christ graunte vs to whome with god the father and the holy goste be prayse honour glory world w t out end so be it The seuenth Sermon Domesticall to their children of the death and the buriyng of Christe IT is not vnknowen vnto you as I thinke welbeloued children that we shal dye al once Hebrues 9. chapter For when euen vnto one all we were giltie with sinne death began to rule all men after these saiynges 1. Corint 13. Chap. The pricke of death is sinne and lest death myght swalow you vp Christ maketh for your purpose for why he dyed for this cause y t he mighte satisfie for oure s●nnes and breake the strēgth of death for the which we should dye and death woulde swalowe vs vp Seeyng that therefore there is made satisfaccion for our sinnes by Christ death can no more deuour men for why the death of Christ is our death the satisfaccion of Christ for our sinnes is our satisfaccion Therefore we say in our belefe I beleue in Iesus Christe sonne bothe of god and of the virgin dead and buryed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I confesse that I beleue christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 died for me and I also with him and The tenth sermon domestical vnto their chyldren of the Ascention of Christ THis day as ye know well beloued chyldren we shall intreate of thascention of Iesu Christ vnto the heauens in y e which there remayne goodlye testimonies ●oth oute of the Prophetes the Euaungelistes the wrytyngs of the Apostles For Daiud saith Psalm xv He doth ascend on hygh he hath led captiuitie captiue he hath giuen giftes to men whiche place of the Psalme Paul dothe open Ephesians the .iiij. Chapter and in the fortye and syxte Psalme Dauid sayth Godde hath ascended in gladnesse and the Lorde in the voyce of the trompet The fourtenth Psalme whyche hathe ascended vpon Cherubyn and hath taken hys flyght vpon the feathers of the wynd The hundreth nynth Psalme The lorde saide to my Lorde syt on my ryght hand Furthermore Mark xvi and Luk .i. Chap. in thactes doth make mention playnely in euery place of the story of the ascention of Christ and Peter in his first Epistle y e .iij. Chap. Saith of Christe which is on the ryght hande of god syttynge in heauen And Paul to the Ephe .v. Chap. After the efficacye and strength of his power whiche hee did exercyse in Christ when he shoulde be raysed up from the dead and to cause hym to syt on his right hand in heauen ye do here how goodly the testimonies of holy scripture be brought in of the ascencion of Christ But euery man maye easily say I beleue in Iesus Christe the sonne both of God and of the Virgyn whiche hath ascended vp to the heauēs and sitteth on the right hand of god the father almightie So doth not euery mā knowe the meaning of these wordes or vnderstande them or beleue them It is nothyng els to beleue that christe hathe ascended vp to the heauens and to sytte on the right hand of God the father almightie then that therefore Christe dyd lyft vp hymself from our syghte that he myght haue to doe with all men to rule in all men to be preached of al men and that he might be in all men and that he myght heare the prayers of all men and helpe our cause and defend vs against al euils and to pray for vs and to take the office of an intercessour for vs and an aduocate Romains the eyght chapter and the first epistle of S. Iohn the .ij. Chap. Furthermore we muste not thinke that Christ is farre frō vs but we must thinke clene otherwise Whē that he did walke here in earth he was farre from vs now truely after that he hath ascended vp into the heauens and there shall sit on the ryght hand of god the father almightie that is to saye that he shoulde haue lyke power glory and honour like kingdom w t god the father he is nere vs although our reason cannot compasse it it maketh no matter for it is an article of our faith we must haue a faythe of those thynges which our reason can haue no vnderstādyng of wherfore we must make our reson captine in the obedience of our faith Who wyl not now welbeloued childrē reioyce and be gladde when he heareth that Christe for our sakes hath ascended vp into the heauens that it shoulde prospere vs in all our thyuges both bodye soule Who wyll feare now any of hys enemies whē he doth heare y ● christ sitteth i● heauē at y e right hand of god the father and gouerneth euery mans hert that men cannot do any thynge but as he wyll and shal permyt Furthermore if at any tyme we are sodenly taken wyth any of our enemies or when we do come in peryls we ought constantly to beleue y ● is done by the wyl of oure sauiour Christ Iesus Christ rule vs alway and giue vs that grace y ● we may suffer our selues to be ruled of hym So be yt ❧ The eleuenth domesticall sermon to their Chyldren of the latter iudgemente HEtherto welbeloued Chyldren ye haue heard how Christe was made our lord and sauyour that is to saye made satis●action for our synnes hath vendicated and worme vs freely from death the deuyll and hell and hathe deserued for vs remyssion of oure synnes and lyfe euerlastyng Now the● doth remayne as ye maye heare howe christ now at the last shal shew him selfe openly in his latter iudgement vnto al y ● world veryly to be a mercyfull lord of y ● godly that is a delyuerer of them lord of al thyng to the wicked a sharp iudge Therfor it folow●th in y ● belief I beleue in Iesu christ