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A96730 Montrose redivivus, or The portraicture of James late Marquess of Montrose, Earl of Kincardin, &c. 1. In his actions, in the years 1644. 1645. and 1646. for Charles the First. 2. In his passions, in the years 1649. 1650. for Charles the Second K. of Scots. Wishart, George, 1599-1671.; Pontius, Paulus, 1603-1658, engraver. 1652 (1652) Wing W3124; Thomason E1309_1; ESTC R204080 129,846 209

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judgement than this upon it which occasions all the mischiefs that afflict this poor Land such as was sent upon Achab God hath put a lying Spirit in the mouths of the most part of your Prophets who in stead of the doctrine of salvation labour to draw their Hearers into the condemnation of Corah God Almighty look upon this miserable Church and Kingdome and relieve you of that intolleroble servitude you lie under which as I doe heartily wish for on your behalf so let me have the assistance of your Prayers that God would be pleased to pardon all my sins in Jesus Christ and gather my soul with Saints and Martyrs that are gone to their rest before So I bid the word and you Farewell And this was the end a dolefull end indeed in regard of us but a joyfull and honourable one in him of a man admirable for his knowledge of things Divine and humane for his skill in the tongues Hebrew Chaldee Syriack Arabick besides the Western Languages for his knowledge in History Law and Politiques the Honour and ornament of his Country and our Age for the integrity of his life for his Fidelity for his Iustice for his Constancy a man of an even temper and ever agreeing with himself whose Youth had no need to be ashamed of his Childhood nor his tiper years of his Youth a severe observer of the old-fashion'd piety with all his soul and yet one that was no vain and superstitious Professour of it before others a man easie to be made a friend and very hard to be made an enemy and who being now dead was exceedingly lamented even by many Covenanters His breathlesse body Hugh Scrimiger once his fathers servant took care to bring forth as the times would permit with a private funerall Nor was he long able to bear so great a sorrow and losse for after a few dayes espying that bloudy Scaffold not yet removed out of the place immediately he fell into a swoon and being carried home by his servants and neighbours died at his very dore Lastly they give unto Spotswood another companion in death Andrew Gutherey son unto the most deserving Bishop of Murray and hated the more by the Rebells for that A youth as well valiant in battell as constant in suffering and contemning death He also was threatned and rail'd at by the same Blaire but answered That no greater honour could have been done him than to be put to an honest death in the behalf of so good a King and so just a Cause which those that were present should see he embraced without fear and perhaps another generation would not report without praise For his sins he humbly begged mercy and forgivenesse at the hands of his most gracious Lord God but for that which he stood there condemned he was not much troubled After this manner died with constancy and courage a man who if Almighty God had so thought sit had been worthy of a longer life And that now they might put the last Scene to a Tragedy of which most part was acted after two dayes breathing they brought forth William Murray brother to the Earl of Tullibardin a young Gentleman to the same place And truly every man much admired that his brother being in great favour and esteem amongst the Covenanters had not interceded for the life and safety of his own onely brother Some imputed it to his sloth others to his covetousnesse as gaping after his brothers estate others to his stupid and superstitious zeal to the Cause but even all the very Covenanters themselves condemned his silence in such a case as dishonourable and mis-becomming a Noble spirit But the Youth himself being not above nineteen years old purchased unto himself everlasting renown with posterity for so honest and honourable an end Amongst those few things which he spake to the people those that heard him told me these words which he spake with a higher voyce than the rest Account O my Country-men that a new and high addition of honour is this day atchieved to the house of Tullibardin and the whole Nation of the Murrays that a young man descended of that ancient stock willingly and chearfully delivered up his innocent soul as unto men in the very flower of his youth for his King the Father of his Country and the most munificent Patron of our Family Nor let my most honoured mother my dear sisters my kindred or any of my friends be sorry for the shortnesse of my life which is abundantly recompenced with the honour ablenesse of my death Pray for my soul and God be with you Chap. XX. THe death of his friends troubled Montrose exceedingly as it had reason but yet it was not able to break or shake his firm and setled resolution Not did his noble and more than ordinarily elevated spirit ever give greater evidences of it self than now For there were many who being emaged with the unworthy murder of their friends egg'd him on being already sufficiently discontented to a present revenge And whiles they too much favoured their grief although it was just and seem'd to desire nothing but what was fit to wit to render them like for like they wearied out the Generall with their many and troubleblesome and unseasonable complaints For they must needs be angry that their companions their friends their kindred noble and gallant Gentlemen well deserving of their King their Country and the Generall himself should be murther'd contrary to their faith promised them the custome of Wa●●e the Law of the Land of Nations and of Nature and all unreveng'd and on the other fide such Rebells as had been taken by him to be kept rather as in their friends houses than in prisons to rejoyce to triumph to laugh at their sorrow And therefore they humbly desired such prisoners might be tryed as Malefactors nor would the enemy be otherwise frighted from their unheard of cruelty nor the minds of his own men otherwise satisfied and raised up Whom he entertained with a courteous Speech commended them for the love they bare their friends and told them That the bloud of those honourable and innocent Subjects ought to be reveng'd indeed by such a way as became honest and valiant men not by basenesse and mischief as the Rebells doe but by true valour in a souldier-like way It concerned them so to tame as not to imitate the wickednesse of their enemies Nor if they considered matters well was it couscience that those that were prisoners with them and so could not be accessary unto the murther of their friends should suffer for those sins of which they were innocent The faith that they had passed unto them was a most sacred thing and to be kept inviolate even by enemies Why should they make themselves guilty of that which they so much abhorred in their enemies The time would come when they must give a severe account of it unto the most righteous God and to his Vice-gerent the King In the
would ●e of no use unto his Majesty after the Covenanters had raised their Army but destractive unto themselves that the baughty spirits of the enemie were to be sneap't in time and their strength broken before it grew too big lest the beginnings being neglected repentance should prove the only opposition that could be made afterward These things and to this effect did Montrose continually presse unto the K●ng but in vain for ●e had not only the strong and deep●y rooted confidence his Majesty had of the Hamiltons to struggle with but ●he devices of a set of desperate Courtiers beside who daily buzzed in the Kings ears Montrose's youth his rashnesse his ambition the envy and hat●ed he b●re unto the Hamiltons and what not and on the o●her si●● the Hamiltons fidelity their honesty their discretion their power Thus Montrose nothing prev●●ls and the King returns to his Winter quarters at O●ford And although his Majesty saw very well reports co●ming thick and th●eefold of the Scotish Army that all was true that Montrose had told him yet the most religious King determined upon no termes to give any occasion of quarrell to the Scots till fi●st they entred England resolving that he for ●is part would perfectly observe the articles of Pacification he had made with them which if they should violate he doubted not but they should highly answer it both to God and him While these things were discussed at Oxford the Covenanters in Scotland bring their businesse about according to their desires no one opposing them They raise as big an Army as they can which consisted of eighteen thousand Foot and two thousand Horse and at last when they had marched unto the very borders the Hamiltons were not ashamed to give the King notice by Letters of the approach of that formidable Army making this their excuse that according to their engagement they had prevented an invasion the Summer before but now that Winter was come on they were able to keep them out no longer but they would come in immediatly with a powerfull Army The King when he saw himself thus grosly abused sends for Montrose shews him the Hamiltons Letters and at last when it was even too late asks his advice what was best to be done Montrose tells him that his Majesty might now see that what he had before given him notice of had neither proceeded from ambition nor malice nor any self-end● but from his bounden duty and allegeance that for above a twelve-moneth he had been continually pressi●g both their Majesties to prevent this that he accounted himself very unhappy that all that while so faithfull a servant could not be credited by so good a Master that the case seemed now desperate but if the King had a mind he might trust them again who by pretence of his authority had bound some of his friends hands that they could not assist him and drawn in others who intended nothing lesse under colour of Loyalty to fight against him and given up unto the Rebells now that they had got an Army all that they had without striking a stroke The King complaining that he was most abominably betrayed by them with whom he had entrusted his Crown his honour his Secrets his Life earnestly demanded his advice He repeating again the lamentablenesse of the condition in which things now stood nevertheless offered that if his Majesty so thought good he would either lose his life which if he did he would be sure it should seem rather sold then lost or else which he did not despair of he would reduce his Country-men and bring the Rebells there into subjection The King being no little pleased with the confidence undauntednesse and gallantrie of the man that he might more advisedly contrive his design desired him to take two or three dayes to consider of it and so dismist him Montrose returning at the time appointed shews his Majesty how desperate an adventure he was undertaking that all Scotland was under the Covenanters command that they had Garrisoned all places of strength that they were plentifully provided both of men and mony and arms and ammunition and victuall and all things necessary for a War that the English Rebells were joyned with them in a most strict Covenant to defend one another against all the world But for his own part he had nothing to set up with neither men nor arms or pay yet he would not distrust Gods assistance in a righteous cause and if the King would lay his Commands upon him he would undertake to doe his best The King should be in no worse c●se than he was He himself would take what malice envy or danger should fall upon himself so that his Majesty were graciously pleased to condescend to a few reasonable requests And first that the businesse might go on more successefully it seemed to him very necessary that the King should send some Souldiers out of Ireland into the West of Scotland Next that he should give order to the Marquesse of Newcastle who was the Generall of the Kings forces towards Scotland that he should assist Montrose with a party of Horse to enter the South of Scotland by which means he might convey himself into the heart of the Kingdome Then that he should d●al with the King of Denmark for some troops of Germane horse And lastly that his Majesty should take some course to procure and transport some arms out of some forreign country into Scotland nothing needed more but humane industry the success was Gods part and to 〈…〉 e referred to his providence The King commending his counsel and giving him thanks that he app●ehended some life in the businesse encourageth him to ●i● himsel● cheerfully for so great a work and wished h●m to leave the care of those things he had requested unto him And truly for the matter of aid out of Ireland the King sends for the Earl of Antrim and acqua●nts him with Montrose's design This Antrim is of Scotish extraction descended of the noble and antient Family of the Mac-Donalds a man of great ●st●te and power in Ireland and allyed to the prime Nobility of England by matching with the Dutchesse of Buckingham He being driven out of his own country lived at Oxford and cheerfully undertook the negotiation with the ●●●sh upon himself and engaged himself also voluntarily unto Montrose that he would be in Argyle a part of Scotland bordering upon Ireland with ten thousand men by the first of April 1644. th●s passed in December 1643. And as for forreign aids and arms the King sent Sir John Cockeram his Embassadour about it with his Commission and Instructions And directions unto the Marquesse of Newcastle were carried by some of Montrose's own company Who receiving the Kings Letters and Commission to be Governour of Scotland and Generall of the Army there made himself ready for his journey In the interim news comes on a sudden that Duke Hamilton with his brother the Earl of Lannerick were posting up
restrain the unrulinesse of the souldier lest they should wrong the poor inhabitants and in their sury reduce that cursed City which had been the cause and somenter of all the Rebellion into ashes which Montrose gave them especially in charge by all means to prevent as also to preserve the Army safe from the plague which was hot in the City and places adjacent and whereof very many dyed every day Assoon as ever the news of their approach was brought unto the Town they all began to tremble and despair of their lives and to raise a cry as if the swords were already at their throats or their houses in a flame Not a few of them being pricked in their guilty constiences freely and openly accus'd themselves for the most ungratefull traiterous sactilegious and perjured persons in the world and unworthy of any mercy Then applying themselves unto the prisoners they had both calling unto them a far off and sending private messengers they implored their assistance and besought them in compassiou of the poore silly people who were almost wasted with a great mortality to pacifie the anger of the conquerous whom they had most justly incensed told them all their hopes lay in them and they were utterly undone without their help Protested moreover that if they found mercy but that one time they would redeeme their former revolt with more religious fidelity and constant Allegiance ever after The prisoners whom but the other day the basest of the people bitterly abused and reviled cursing and bequeathing them to the gallowes and worse for getting all injuries receiv'd and more troubled with the sense than revenge of their sufferings first rendred hearty thanks to Almighty God who of his mercy shewed unto them that liberty and safety which they little expected and then turning unto their deadly enemies bad them be of good chear for the most gracious King and his Lieutenant Montrose desired the safetp and happinesse of his repenting Subjects and not their extirpation and ruine Therefore they advised them immediately to send some delegates to Montrose humbly to beg his pardon for nothing could better appease the rage of a Conquerour than a speedy submission For their parts they would not be backward to mediate with him for their safety and doubted not but his high and noble spirit which could not be vanquished with their armes would yet suffer it self to be overcome with the prayers and lamentations of men in misery The Edinburgians being comforted with these hopes and assisted with this good advice immediately call a Hall to consult of sending Delegates There were among the prisoners of those that were most high in birth and favour with Montrose Lodowick Earl of Crawford Chief of the most antient and noble family of the Lindseys a man famous for Military service in forraign Nations amongst the Swedes Imperialists and Spaniards This man by the power and cunning of his cosen the Earl of Lindsey who because he was greedy of the honour and title of the Earl of Crawford was greedy also of his life was designed by the Covenanters to be put to death Nor was it for any other crime but for being a Souldier and an expert man and one that had done faithfull service for his Master the King and it was feared he would doe so again if he should be suffered to live There was also James Lord Ogleby Son to the Earl of Airley one singularly beloved by Montrose who was formidable both for his fathers and his own vertue and authority He also being an enemy to Argyle both upon old fewds and some fresher wrongs was just as deep in sin and danger as Crawford These therefore the Common Councell of Edinburgh chose out of the rest of the prisoners and immediately setting them at liberty they earnestly pray and beseech them to assist their Delegates to the uttermost of the power they had with the Lord Governour and to labour to hold his hands off that miserable City upon which the hand of God himself lay so heavy already And they curse themselves and their posterity to the pit of hell if they should ever prove unmindfull of so great a favour or unthankfull to them that did it They were not backward to undertake a business which was so universally desired but taking the Delegates along with them went forth to Napier He having by the way delivered his dear father his wife his brother-in-Law Sir Sterling Keer and his sisters out of the prison at Limnuch whither the Covenanters had removed them from Edinburgh Castle marched back unto his Uncle with his Forces and those prisoners now at libety and the Delegates of the City as having done his businesse Montrose embracing Crawford and Ogleby his dearest friends whom he had long longed for and rejoycing to see them safe and sound used them with all honour and accommodation after their long restraint and they on the other side magnified their deliveter and avenger with high praises and thanks as became them to doe on both sides affording a spectacle of great joy to the beholders Afterwards the Delegates of Edinburgh were admitted to audience and delivered their Message from the Provost and City The sum was They would freely surrender the Town unto the Governour humbly desired his pardon promised to be more dutifull and loyall for the time to come committed themselves and all that they had to his patronage and protection for which they earnestly besongbt him Moreover they undertook forthwith to set the rest of the prisoners at liberty according to his appointment and to doe any thing else that he should enjoyn them And although the City was so wasted with a grievous contagion that no men could be raised out of it yet they were ready as far as their share came to pay contribution to such as should be raised in other places And above all things they humbly begged at his hands that he would labour to mitigate the anger of their most gracious Lord the King that he might not be too severe with that City which by the cunning authority and example of a seditions and prevailing party had been engaged in Rebellion Montrose bad them be confident of the rest and required no more at their hands than to be hereafter more observant of their loyalty to the King and faithfully to renounce all correspondence with the Rebells in armes against him either without or within the Kingdome To restore the Castle of Edinburgh which it was evident was in their custody at that time unto the King and his Officers Lastly assoon as the Delegates came home to set the prisoners at liberty and send them to him And truly as for the prisoners they sent them away upon their return but as to other Articles they were perfidious and perjured and if they doe not repent must one day give an account unto God the assertor of truth and justice for their high ingratitude and reiterated disloyalty Whiles these things passed concerning
Edinburgh Montrose sent away Alexander Mac-donel to whom he joyned Iohn Drummond of Ball a stout Gentleman into the Western coasts to allay the tumults there and to spoil the designes of Cassils and Eglington But they receiving the alarm of Mac-donells approach were immediately disperst in a great fright Some of the Earls and other Nobles made straight into Ireland others plaid least in sight in I know not what lurking places All the Western Countries the Towns of Aire Irwin and others strove which should first submit freely offering their fidelity and service Neither which was more than he expected did Montrose ever find men better assected to the King than in those Western parts For most of the Gentry Knights and Chiefs of Families and some also of the prime Nobility came off chearfully to his side Whose names which otherwise ought to have been registred with honour at the present I shall passe by if not in an acceptable perhaps yet certainly in an advantageous silence for I should be loath so honest and loyall souls should be questioned by their cruel enemies for their good affections upon my information Chap. XV. MOntrose had now taken into his thoughts the setling of the South-borders and sent unto the Earls of Hume Rosburough and Trequair to invite them to associate with him for matter of Peace and War and all things that were to be done in the name and by the authority of the King These were not only the powerfullest men in those parts by reason of the multitude of their friends and their great retinue but also made as though they were most cordiall assertors of the Kings authority For besides the bond of Allegeance which was common to them with others they were engaged unto him by extraordinary benefits Nor were they only advanced unto great Honours by him as being raised from the order of Knighthood to a high pitch of Nobility but were made Governours of the most gainfull Countries and by that means being enriched above their equalls and their own condition heaped up wealth indeed unto themselves but envy and hatred upon the King They again dispatch some of their friends of the best quality to assure him That they were ready to undergoe any hazard under his conduct and command in the behalf of their most bountifull King They promise moreover to raise a world of men and nothing bindred their coming up unto the Camp if he would but be pleased to draw that way with never so small a party of his forces And so it would come to passe that not only their friends and clients but the whole Country being animated with his presence and authority would cheerfully take up armes as oreman and if they stood out they might be compelled or a course taken with them Therefore they earnestly besought him to asford them his assistance in this and in all the rest he should find them his most faithfull and ready servants These were fair words and at first healing seem'd to carry an honest meaning along with them but were promised with that kind of faith that the Creatures and Favourites of the too indulgent King are used to keep And perhaps upon that score the Earl of Lancrick Duke Hamiltons brother is more to be commended whom Montrose having earnestly follicited by friends to come off to the Kings side although that way he might very likely expect his pardon for what was past and the releasement of his brother yet without any dissimulation he gave this peremptory answer That he would have nothing to doe with that side and that he would never pretend that friendship which he intended not to preserve And I would to God all they on whom the good King has too much relied had delivered themselves with the same candor and plain dealing ever since the beginning of these troubles About the same time Montrose sent the Marquesse of Douglasse and the Lord Ogilby over into Anandale and Niddisdale that there with the assistance of the Earls of Anandale and Hartfield they might list as many souldiers Horse especially as they could And gives them orders withall to march with such as they should so raise towards Trequaire Roxborough and Hume that they might engage them without any further put-offs in an association with them For Montrose understood a little what Court-holy-water meant and therefore was something suspitious of the delayes which they fram'd the rather having had some experience of their cunning and slipperinesse especially of Trequaires And truly Doughlasse by the chearfull endeavours of the Earls of Anandale and Hartfield had quickly raised a considerable party if one count them by the head but they were new men taken from their plowes and flocks and but raw souldiers forward enough at the first charge but by and by their hearts fail them and they can by no means be kept to their colours When Douglasse and the rest of the Commanders considered this they write again and again to Montrose that he would make haste after them with his old souldiers towards Tweed for by his presence and authority and the company and example of the old souldiers they might be brought either willingly or whether they would or no to know their duties In the mean time according to his command they goe on to Strathgale freely offering an opportunity and their service if it needed to Roxborough and Trequaire to draw out their men the more easily timely But they good men who well enough understood the secretest counsels of the Covenanters and knew that all their Horse would be there immediately out of England under the command of David Lesley intended nothing more than to over-reach the King with their old tricks and to deliver Montrose whose glory they envied into the hands of his enemies though not by armes for that they could not yet by treachery To that end they insinuate again and again not only unto Douglasse and his party but to Montrose himself by their friends and frequent messengers that for their parts they were ready to expose their persons to the utmost hazard but they could never be able to draw together their friends clients and Trained bands except they were animated and encouraged with Montrose his presence And that they might be the better beleeved they curse themselves to the pit of hell if they did not stand stifly and unalterably to their promise Montrose notwithstanding was not taken with all this but staid still at Bothwel conceiving that if there were any truth of honesty in their words Douglasse and his party who still say in the Country adjacent would be sufficient for the raising and encouraging of their friends and dependents At length when Montrose had quartered a great while at Bothwel most of the Highlanders being loaden with spoil ran privisy away from their colours and returned home Presently after their very Commanders desired Furloghs for a little while pretending that the enemy had not an Army in the field within the borders of
MONTROSE REDIVIVUS OR THE Portraicture of James late Marquess of Montrose Earl of Kincardin c. 1. In his Actions in the years 1644. 1645. and 1646. for Charles the First 2. In his Passions in the years 1649. 1650. for Charles the Second K. of Scots LONDON Printed for Jo. Ridley at the Castle in Fleet-street neer Ram-alley 1652. Jaques Marquis de Montrose Counte de Kingcairne Seigneir de Graeme Baron du Mount dieue etc A Paris P Pontius sculpsit To the Reader THere are a few things courteous Reader of which I would not have them ignorant who shall chance to peruse this short Historie whereof some concern the Lord Marquesse of Montrose whose Actions in his Country for two years space are here published and others have relation to the Author of this work And first of all I desire thee to take notice that Montrose is the Chief of that antient and famous Family of the Grahams and is called in old Scotish Graham more the great Graham He derives his Pedegree from that famous Graham in the Histories of Scotland who was son-in-law to Fergus the second King of the Scots and was the first that with the assistance of his father-in-law cast down that Trench which Severus had made and set out for the utmost limit of the Roman Empire between the Scotish Frith and the River of Cluid at such a place where Great Britain was narrowest and by that means cut the power of the Romans shorter Whence it happens that some evident remains of that Trench retain his name amongst the Inhabitants to this day who call it Gremesdike The same Graham from whom this noble Family took its rise surviving his father-in-law Forgus and being a man as able for Civill as Military employment was made Protector unto his Nephew and Regent of the Kingdome and after he had fetched back the Doctors of the Christian Faith who had been vanished by the late wars and setled as well the Church as State with excellent Laws freely resigned the Government into the hands of his Nephew when he came to age He flourished in the time of the Emperours Arcadius and Honorius about the year of our Lord CCCC From whom hath descended in a fair and straight line a long and noble row of Posterity who imitating the vertue of their Ancestors have been famous in the succeeding generations Amongst whom that valiant Graham was eminent who with the help of Dumbarre so seasonably rescued his Country from the Danes who were then Masters of England and had frequently but with little successe invaded Scotland with mighty Armies And in after-times that noble John Graham came nothing behind his Ancestors in vertue and honour who after the death of Alexander the Third in that vacation of the Kingdome while Bruce and Bailiol disputed their titles was with that renowned Vice-roy William Walley a stout maintainer of his Countries Liberty against the unjust oppression and tyranny of Edward King of England and after many heroicall exploits fighting valiantly for his Nation dyed in the bed of Honour His Tomb is yet to be seen in a Chappell which hath the name of Folkirk from the aforesaid Gremesdike by which it stands Adjoyning unto which the Marquesse of Montrose hath large and plentifull possessions descended by inheritance unto him from that first Graham But lest I should seem to derive the Nobility of so illustrious a worthies extraxion only out of the rubbish of dusty and obscure Antiquity I must not omit that his Grandfather the Earl of Montrose was advanced unto places of the greatest honour in that Kingdome and discharged them most happily For being Lord Chancellour of Scotland at such time as King James the Sixth of blessed memory came to the Crown of England he was created by him Vice-roy of Scotland and enjoyed that highest Honour which a Subject is capable of with the love and good affection both of King and People to the day of his death And his Father was a man of singular indowments both of body and mind and so known to be both in Forraign Countries and at home who after he had performed many most honourable Embassages for King James was called to be Lord President of the Session by King Charles and being snatched away from his Countrey and all good men by an untimely death was extremely lamented and missed And what we may think or hope of the grandchild I leave unto thee to judge by what he hath done already seeing he is yet now a year and a half after his employment in his Country scarce entred upon the 36. year of year of his age One thing more I must adde for thy sake good Reader three Periods already have been very dangerous and almost fatall to the Kingdome of Scotland the first by the oppression of the Romans whose yoke our Ancestors cast off by the Conduct of that first Graham descended of the noble British Family of the Fulgentii The second by the Danes therepulse of whom is owing especially to the the prowesse of the second Graham aforesaid And the third by the English and Normans whom the third Graham twice expelled out of Scotland and gave them many and great defeats So that as it was of old spoken of the Scipioes in Africk it seems the name of Graham is something fatall to their enemies and lucky to their country at a dead lift and that it was not without the speciall providence of God Almighty that in these worst times One stood up who did his best endeavours to maintain the Kings just Rights and Authority the Peace Safety and Liberty of the Subjects and the Honour and antient splendour of his House And this is all I thought good at this time to premise concerning the Lord Marquesse of Montrose And for the Author of the Book take it briefly thus Hee professeth himself to have been but little conversant in these sort of studies and expecteth neither credit or commendation for the strength of his wit which he acknowledgeth to be little or none nor reward or profit for his Pains which two things are the chiefest incentives to most to Wet their pen but that he undertook the businesse meerly out of a desire to propagate the truth to other Nations and to posterity For hee saw by late and lamentable experience in such a Cause as this that prosperous Villany can find more Advocates than down-cast Truth and goodnesse For when the same Confederates in both Kingdomes had by their own arts that is by lying and slandering ruined the Church to fill their bags with its Revenues so sacrilegiously purloyned and enrich their posterity with plentifull Anathema's and accursed things there wanted no store of men that extolled them for it to the skies as men deserving highly from their Country from the Church it self and from all man-kind and reviled with all sort of reproaches and contumelies the most religious servants of God holy Martyrs and Confessors for withstanding them And therefore he
which also they have recorded among their publique Acts neverthelesse they provide thmselves for a march into England Now that they might the better secure their affairs at home they labour tooth and nail to draw Montrose of whom almost only they were afraid again to their side They offer him of their own accord the office of Lieutenant-Generall in the Army and what ever else he could desire and they bestow He seeing a mighty storm hovering over the Kings head that he might give him an account of it whereby it might be timely prevented undertakes a journey into England taking the Lord Ogleby into his counsell and company At Newcastle he receives news that the Queen being newly returned out of Holland was landed at Birdlington in York-shire thither he makes haste and relates unto the Queen all things in order She having had a rough passage and being not well recovered from the distempers at Sea told him she would advise further with him about that businesse after they came to York Thither being come the Queen of her own accord calls for Montrose he opens the whole story over again and makes it appear that there was no lesse danger from the Scotch than from the English Covenanters if they were not timely suppressed And being asked his opinion what was best to be done answered To resist force with force told her the King wanted not Subjects in Scotland faithfull men and stout nor did they want hearts or wealth or power to oppose against the covenanters if they durst enterprise any thing against the King all that they wanted was the Kings Commission without which they durst doe nothing with which any thing and all the danger that was was in delay That the Covenanters when they had once got their Army one foot would be able to grind any one to pieces that should offer to stir therefore the beginnings of so great an evill were to be withstood and the Cockatrice bruised in the egge that physick being too late that comes when the disease hath over-run the whole body Wholsome counsell it was and seasonable which doubtlesse the most prudent Queen had approved of But while things were going on in so good a posture all things were quash'd by the comming of the Duke Hamilton out of Scotland upon pretence of kissing the Queens hand and gratulating her happy return but in very deed that he might overthrow Montrose his counsells for he had posted thither with the knowledge and consent of the Covenanters Nor did hee himself dissemble that there was some danger from the Scotish Covenanters but he laboured to extenuate it and condemned the counsell of Montrose as rash unadvised and unseasonable That stout and warlike Nation was not to be reduced with force and arms but with gentlenesse and courtesies Warre especially Civill War should be the last remedy and used many times to be repented of even by the Conquerours The fortune of Warre was uncertain if the King should get the best it would be but a sorry triumph he could enjoy over his own Subjects but if he had the worst on 't he must expect what his soul good man abhorred to speak All means were to be tryed to preserve peace with that Nation nor were things yet come to that passe that the King should despair of amity and reconciliation with them Hee would bee ready to take the whole businesse upon himselfe if the King pleased to commit it to his pains and trust and to authorise him sufficiently thereunto Montrose replyed nothing would come of that but the delay of time untill the Traitors having raised an Army should prevent the King of any means to deliver himself and his party from their tyranny The sad event proved all this to be too true but in this debate Montrose was fain to suffer himself to be overborn being not so great a Courtier as the other nor were those vertues which the world now admires discovered then unto the Queen Hamilton returning into Scotland seemed to be as Active for the King a● was possible The Covenanters mean-while by their own authority contrary to the known Lawes of the Kingdome summon a Parliament at Edinburgh which all understanding men that wished well unto the King foresaw would be of very dangerous consequence to his affairs and therefore abhorred it so much that they intended not to honour it with their presence But Hamilton interposing the name and authority of the King invited them by his Letters that they would not fail to be all there and that they should not doubt but they would be able to out-vote the Covenanters if at this time they were not wanting to the Kings cause And if it should happen otherwise hee would be ready with his friends to protest against the Covenanters and immediatly to leave them Abundance of the Nobility incited by the name of the King and those hopes were present at that Parliament only Montrose and a few of his adherents staid away And with Montrose too the Duke had dealt by his friends that as he loved and honoured the King he would joyn himself unto them But he who bad reason to suspect all motions that came that way answered that he was ready to grapple with any difficulty especially under his command who had so great as honour as to be the Kings supream Commissioner only on this condition that the Duke should engage his honour that if they could not bring up that Parliament to righteous things he would endeavour to enforce them by the dint of the sword He answered he would protest he would not fight Which passage considered Montrose to preserve his integrity expecting the issue betook himself to his own home In that Parliament the Covenanters out-voted the Loyall party by seventy voyces or thereabouts trampled upon the Royall authority arrogated unto themselves the power of calling of Parliaments pressing Souldiers sending Embassadours and other things hitherto unattempted without the Kings knowledge or consent And to make up the measure of their presumption and treason ordain that a powerfull Army shall be raised against the King and in the aid of their confederates of England To which purpose they tax the people with new Subsidies and Levies much heavier then if all the Impositions which upon never so much necessity for two thousand years space by one hundred and nine Kings have been charged upon them were put together Montrose therefore who saw the King was like to be ruined by his own authority and sa●● too that he was too weak to oppose hmself both against the strength of the Covenanters and the Kings abused Commission in a melancholy mood made as if he took no notice of any thing And the Covenanters supposing that he had received some distaste from the King by reason of the affront he received at York and Hamilton's over-powring him they set upon him yet again privately and by friends to see if by intreaty or interest they could draw him to their side
journey he selected only two men for his companions and guides one was Sir William Rollock a Gentleman of most known honesty and an able man both of his head and hands The other was one Sibbald whom for the report of his valour and gallantry Montrose did equally love and honour but the latter afterwards deserted him in his greatest need Montrose passing as Sibbalds man and being disguised in the habit of a Groom rode along upon a lean jade and led another horse in his hand And so he came to the borders where he found all ordinary and safe passes guarded by the enemy There was a chance happened which put them in a greater fright than all that and it was this not farre from the borders they hit by chance upon a servant of Sir Richard Grahams who taking them for Covenanters and to be of Lesley's Army who used to range about those parts told them freely and confidently that his Master had made his peace with the Covenanters and had undertaken as if he were their Centinell to discover unto them all such as came that way whom he suspected to favour the King An unworthy act it was of a shameless villain of whom not only Montrose had a very high esteem but his Majesty also whose mistaken bounty had raised him out of the dunghill to say no worse unto the honour of Knighthood and an estate even to the envy of his neighbours Having not passed much further they met a Souldier a Scotchman but one that had served under the Marquesse of Newcastle in England who taking no notice of the other two Gentlemen came to Montrose and saluted him by his name Montrose giving no heed unto him as if he were no such man the ●oo officious souldier would not be so put off but with a voyce and countenance full of humility and duty began to cry out What Doe not I know my Lord Marquesse of Montrose well enough Goe your way and God be with you whithersoever you goe When he saw it was in vain to conceal himself from the man he gave him a few crowns and sent him away nor did he discover him afterwards But Montrose conceiving himself much concerned in these speeches thought it the best course to make all the haste he could and to run faster than the news of him could flie nor did he spare any horse-flesh or scarce draw a bridle till after four dayes travell he came to the house of his cosen Patrick Graham of Innisbrake not far from the river of Tay on that side of the Sherifdome of Perth which is next the mountains This Patrick being descended of the noble family of Montrose and not unworthy of so noble parentage was deservedly in very great esteem with the Marquesse who sojourned besides him for a little while in the day time in a mean cottage and passed the nights alone in the neighbouring mountains For he had sent away his companions unto his friends that they might inform themselves exactly of the whole state of the Kingdome and bring him word in what condition they found it After a few dayes having examined the matter with all the industry they could use they return with nothing but sad and tragicall newes That all the Subjects that were honest and loyall lay under the tyranny of the Rebells and of such as had been so hardy as to endeavour to recover their freedome with their swords some were put to death others fined others being yet in prison daily expected the worst their enemies could doe That the Marquesse of Huntley had laid down the arms which too unadvisedly he had taken up at the first summons of the enemy that indeed he had had no contemptible number of men but the men wanted agood Commander that his friends and dependants were exposed to the implacable malice and revenge of their enemies and that he himself had fled to the uttermost corner of the Iland and sculked upon another mans land Montrose was very much troubled as he had reason at this news especially at Huntley's errour and the ruine of the Gordons who were men of singular loyalty and valour and expert souldiers therefore much lamented by him that for no fault of theirs they should come to so great misfortune And now he began to cast about how he might draw them to himself that they might try again the fortune of War under another Generall in the behalf of his most excellent Majesty Chap. V. IN the mean time there were some uncertain reports spread abroad among the Shepheards who kept their flocks in the mountains of certain Irish who were landed in the North of Scotland and ranged about the mountains Montrose conceived it not unlikely that these might be part of those Auxiliaries which the Earl of Antrim had promised should have been there four moneths before but he had no certainly what they were till at last some Letters came from some intimate friends of his Highlanders and from Alexander Mac-donell a Scotchman also to whom A●●●im had given the Command in chief of those few Irish directed to Montrose These they had taken care to send to a certain friend of his a sure man that he might convey them if it were possible to Carlisle where Montrose was beleeved still to remain He who never dreamed of Montrose's return into Scotland though he sojourned by him by chance acquainted Master Patrick Graham with the businesse he promiseth to take charge of them and undertaketh to see them safely delivered to Montrose though he made a journey as far as Carlisle of purpose and so by the good providence of God they came into his hands much sooner than could be expected And he writes back as from Carlisle that they should be of good comfort for they should not stay long either for sufficient assistance to joyn with them or a Generall to command them and withall requires them forthwith to come down into Athole The people of Athole were engaged unto Montrose by many obligations men whom he valued most of all the Highlanders both for their Loyalty Piety Constancy and singular Valour and truly they made good his opinion of them to the very end of the War The Irish with a very few Highlanders who were almost all of Badenoth receiving Montrose's commands marched straight into Athole He who was not above twenty miles from them comes to them immediatly and ere ever they looked for him on foot in the habit of a Mountainer without any man along with him save the abovesaid Patrick Graham his guide and companion And indeed the Irish would hardly be perswaded that that was Montrose but when they saw him so saluted and only not adored like some great Deity by the men of Athole and others that knew him well they were overjoyed for his comming to them was in exceeding good time they being then in extreme danger to be cut off For Argyle was in their rear with a strong and well ordered Army the champain countrey were
and themselves ignorant of the way they became a prey to the Country people Whom they forgeting all the benefits and protection they had but newly received from Montrose to do the Covenanters a favour delivered up unto their cruell enemies to be made by them acceptable sacrifices unto Baal-Berith the God of the Covenant For all that the rebell conquerours missed of the Kings Standards The one of them which was carried before the Foot was preserved by an Irish souldier a stout man and of a present spirit when others were almost beside themselves who when he saw that the enemy had got the day stript it off the staffe and wrapped it about his body and being otherwise naked made his way with his drawn sword through the thickest of the enemie and brought it to Montrose at night Whom he received into his life-guard and gave it him to cary intoken of his valour loyalty And the other of them William Hie brother to the Earle of Kinoule a hopefull young Gentleman who succeeded his uncle by the mothers side Douglasse son to the Earle of Morton who having received many and grievous wounds at the battell of Alford was render'd unable for that burden stript from of the staff too and carried it away with him and conveighing himself into the borders of England skulked there a while till the coast was a little clearer about Tweed and then through by-waies and night-journies for the most part being accompanied and conducted by his faithfull friend Robert Toures a stout man and a good souldier who had bin a Captian in France a good while ago returned into the North and presented that same Royall Standard unto the Generall And now at last Montrose when he saw his men totally routed and put to flight which he never saw before thought of nothing more for a good space than to die honourably and not unrevenged therefore rallying about thirty Horse whom he had gatherred up in that confusion he resolved by fair and honourable death to prevent his falling alive into the enemies hands And seeing he was not able to break through the enemies Troops who stood thick round about him he gall'd them on the Front and Reare and Flanks and of such as were so hardy as to adventure out of their Ranks many he slew others he beat back But when all that he could do would not doe his busines as God would have it this consideration posessed his resolute and noble spirit That the loss of that day was but small and easily regayned because b● an inconsiderable part of his Forces were there That the Highlanders were the very Nerves and Sinewes of the Kingdom and all the North was sound and untouchte That many of the prime Nobility and men of power many Knights too and cheifs of their Septs had entered into an● Association with him who if he should miscarry would be suddenly ruin'd or corrupted and by that means the Kings party in Scotland utterly subdned Therefore he thought himself bound never to despair of a good Cause and the rather lest the King his Master should apprehend the loss of him to be greater than the loss of the battell And while these thoughts were in his head by good ha● came in the Marquesse Douglas and Sir John Dalyell with some other friends not many but faithfull and gallant men who with teares in their eyes out of the abundance of their assections beseech intreat implore him for the honour of his former atchievements for his friends sakes for his Ancestors for his sweet wife and childrens sakes nay for his KINGS his Countries and the Churches Peace and Safties sake that hee would look to the preservation of his Person considering that all their Hopes depended on him alone under God and that their lives were so bound up with his that they must all live or dye together At last Montrose overcome with their intreaties charging thorough the enemy who were by this time more taken up with ransacking the Carriages than following the chase made his escape of those that were so hardy as to pursue him some he slew others among whom was one Bruce a Captain of Horse and two Corners with their Standards he carried away prisoners Whom he entertained curteously and after a few daies dismist them upon their Pa●ole that they should exchange as many Officers of his of the like quality which Parole they did not over-punctually perform Montrose was gotten scarce three miles from Selkirk when he having overtaken a great number of his own men that went that way he made a pretty considerable party so that being now secured from being fallen upon by the Country people he marcht away by leisure And as he went by the Earl of Trequaires Castle by whose dishonesty he did not yet know that he had bin betrayed he sent one before him to call forth him and his son that he might speak with them but his servants bring word that they are both from home Notwithstanding there are Gentlemen of credit that testify they were both within nor did that gallant Courtier only bid the Rebells joy of their victory but was not ashamed to tell abroad not without profuse and ill becoming laughter that Montrose and the Kings Forces in Scotland were at last totally routed his own daughter the Countesse of Queensborough as far as modestly the might blaming him for it Montrose after he had made a hault a while neer a town called Peblis untill the Souldiers had refresht themselves and were fit to march many flocking to them from every side at Sun-set they all stoutly entered the town and by break of day next morning by the conduct of Sir John Dalyel especially passed over Cluid at a Ford. Where the Earls of Crawford and Airley having escaped an other way met with him making nothing of the loss of Battell as soon as they saw him out of danger Nor was he less joyfull at the safty of his friends than that he had sav'd and pickt up by the way almost two hundred Horse But although he was already secure enough from the pursuit of the enemy nevertheles he resolved to make what hast he could into Athole that taking his rise there he might draw what forces he could raise of the Highlanders and other friends into the North. Therefore passing first over the Forth and then the Erne having marched thorough the Sherifdom of Perth by the foot of the Mountains he came thither As he was on his way he had sent before him Douglasse and Airley with a party of Horse into Angus and the Lord Areskin into Marre that they might speedily raise their friends and dependants in those parts and had also sent Sir John Dalyel unto the Lord Carnegy with whom he had lately contracted affinity with Commissions to that purpose Moreover he sent letters to Mac-donell to require him according to his promise to retuurn with the Highlanders by the day appointed But above all he solicited Aboine both by
Letters and speciall messengers that he would bring back his Friends and Clients who were willing enough of themselves and wanted no other encouragement than his authority and example Chap. XVII IT was towards the latter end of harvest nor was the corn reapt in that cold Country nor their houses and cottages which the enemy had burnt repaired against the approching winter which is for the most part very sharp thereabouts which made the Athole men to abate somthing of their wonted forwardnesse Yet Montrose prevailed so far with them that they furnisht him with foure hundred good Foot to wait upon him into the North where there was lesse danger and faithfully promised upon his return when he was to march South-ward he should command the power of the whole Country Mean time frequent expresses came from Aboine that he would wait upon him immediatly with his Forces and Mac-donnell promised no lesse for himself and some other Highlanders Areskin signified also unto him that his men were in a readines and waited for nothing but either Aboine's company who was not far off or Montrose's commands About this time there were very hot but uncertain Reports of a strong party of Horse that were sent him from the King whom many conceived not to be far from the South-borders But other newes they had which was too certain to wit that there was a most cruell butchery of what prisoners the Rebells had without any distinction of Sex or age some falling into the hands of the Country people were basely murthered by them others who escap't them and found some pity in them that had so little being gathered together were by order from the rebell Lords thrown head-long from off a high Bridge and the men together with their wives and sucking children drown'd in the River beneath and if any chanced to swim towards the side they were beaten off with pikes and staves and thrust down again into the water The Noblemen and Knights were kept up in nasty prisons to be exposed to the scorn of the vulgar and certainly doom'd at last to lose their heads Montrose was never so much troubled as at this sad news Therefore to the end he might some way relieve his distressed friends being impatient of all delay with wonderfull speed he climbs over Gransbaine and passing through the plains of Marre and Strathdone maketh unto the Lord of Aboine that he might encourage him by his presence to make more hast into the South For his design was assoon as he had joyned his forces with Areskins and Airleys and sent for Mac-donell and other Highlanders and taken up the Athole-men by the way to march in a great body straight over the Forth and so both to meet the Kings Horse and to fright the enemy upon their apprehension of an imminent danger to themselves from putting the prisoners to death For he conceived they durst not be so bold as to execute their malice upon men of Nobility and Eminency as long as they had an enemy in the Field and the victory was uncertain And truly they being doubtfull and solicitous what might be the successe of so great warlike preparations as they knew were in providing did deferre the execution of the prisoners Montrose upon his journey found the Lord Areskin very sick but his clients whose fidelity and valour he had had sundry experiences of even in the absence of their Lord all in a readinesse if Aboine did but doe his part for they depended much upon his example and authority And now the Marquesle of Huntley after he had plaid least in sight for a year and some months it is hard to say whether awaken'd with the news of so many victories obtain'd by Montrose and the reducing of the Kingdome or by the deceitfull influence of some bad starre was returned home An unfortunate man and unadvised who howsoever he would seem most affectionate unto the Kings Cause and perhaps was so yet he endeavoured by a close dishonourable envy rather to extenuate Montroses glory than to our-vie it Which seeing it was not for his credit openly to professe even before his own men who were sufficient witnesses of Montrose's admirable vertues lest by that he should discover some symptomes of a heart alienated from the King yet he gave out that for the time to come he would take upon himself the conduct of that War against the Rebells therefore he commanded his Tenants and advised his friends and neighbours scarce without threats to sight under no command but his own And when they replyed What shall we then answer to the Commands of the Marquesse of Montrose whom the King hath declared Generall Governour of the Kingdom and Generall of the Army He made answer That he himself would not be wanting to the Kings service but however it concerned much both his and their honour that the King and all men should know what assistance they had given him which could not otherwise be done than by serving in a body by themselves Moreover he fell to magnifie his own power and undervalue Montrose's to extoll unto the skies the noble Acts of his Ancestors men indeed worthy of all honour to tell them That the Gordons power had been formidable to their neighbours for many Ages by-gone and was so yet That it was most unjust that the atchievements gotten with their bloud and prowesse should be accounted upon another mans meaning Montrose's score but for the future he would take a course that neither the King should be defrauded of the service of the Gordons nor the Gordons of their deserved honour favour and reward All these things the simpler sort took to be spoken upon all the grounds of equity and honour in the world but as many as were understanding men and knew better the disposition of the person saw through those expressions a mind too rancorous and altogether indispos'd towards Montrose and that his aim was to fetch off as many as he could from him not only to the utter ruine of the King and Kingdome but even to his own destruction which God knowes the sad event made too manifest Nor were there wanting amongst them desperate men and of good fore-sight who condemned this counsell of his as unwise unfeasonable and pernicious unto himself For they considerd with themselves that he never had any design that did not miscarry either by bad play or bad luck That busineses were better carried by Montrose and it was ill to make a faction upon the poor pretence of his carrying away the honour of it For if Huntley joyned his Forces and communicated his Counseils unto Montrose he should not be only able to defend himself but subdue his enemies and gain unto himself the everlasting honour of being one of the Kings Champions but if he should make a breach in that manner it would proove not only dishonourable but destructive to him That Montrose it could not be denied bad got many and eminent victories with the assistance of
before me in this race And certainly seeing Martyrdome may be undergone not only for the Confession of our faith but for any vertue by which holy men make their faith manifest there is no doubt but he hath received that Crown Sir Robert Spotswoods Speech intended at his Execution but then not suffered to be spoken now published according to the then dispersed Copies thereof YOu will expect to hear from me somewhat of the cause for which I am brought hither at this time to suffer in this kind which I am bound to doe for cleering the integritie of mine own proceedings vindicating his Majesties just and pious intentions and withall to undeceive you that are muzled in ignorance and made to believe that you are tyed in conscience to set forward this unnaturall Rebellion masked under the cover and pretext of propagating Religion and maintaining of the publick Libertie You have perceived by the fact which hath gone before viz. tearing of my Arms c. that I stand here adjudged to die by this pretended Parliament as a Traytor to the States and enemy to my native Country This is a Treason unheard of before in this Kingdome against the States a thing of a new Creation which I believe there be some would have erected in opposition to the just and lawfull Authoritie of the King under which we and our Predecessors have been so many hundreds of years governed To come to the particulars of my Treasonable demeanour as they esteem it the main one is that I did bring down a Commission of Lieutenancie from his Majestie to the Lord Marquesse of Montrose with a Proclamation for indicting a Parliament by the Kings Authority wherein the Lord Marquesse was the Commissioner Not to excuse my self upon the necessitie layd upon me to obey his Majesties Command in a businesse of that nature in regard of the Charge I had about him I cannot so farre betray mine own conscience as to keep up from you my judgement of the thing it self seeing it may both tend to the justifying of the Kings part and your better information for lack whereof I know many are intangled in this Rebellion unwittingly and who knoweth but God in his mercifull providence hath brought us hither to be the instruments of freeing you from the manifold delusions that are made use of to insnare you I say then it was just and necessary to his Majestie to grant such Commissions and by consequence an act of duty in me to perform what he was pleased to command me It is known well enough what contentment his Majestie gave to the Kingdome at his last being here both in the affaires of Church and Policie Notwithstanding whereof the world seeth what meating he hath got from us When this Rebellion first burst out in England all that he desired of us was only to stand Neutralls and not to meddle between him and his Subjects there Of which moderate desire of his little reckoning was made but on the contrary at the request of those Rebells by the power of their Faction amongst us an Armie was raised and sent into England to assist them against their own native Ring His Majesty being reduced to this extremitie what expedient could he find so fair and easie as to make use of the help of such of his loyall Subjects as he knew had such an unparallel'd disloyaltie in horrour and detestation amongst whom that matchlesse mirrour of all true worth and Nobility the Lord Marquesse of Montrose having offered himself it pleased his Majestie to give him a subaltern Commission first which he having executed with such unheard-of successe that his memorie shall be had in honour for it in all ages His Majestie for the better furthering of his own service and to countenance and encourage him the more in it gave an absolute one and independent thereafter which is that I delivered into his hands by his Majesties Command Herewithall his Majesties pitying the miseries of this poor Kingdome occasioned by the rebellious stubbornnesse of a few factious spirits thought fit to give power to the sayd Lord Marquesse to call a Parliament in his own Name to trie if by that means a remedie might be found against the present evills And in all this I see not what can be justly charged upon his Majestie or upon me his Servant who have done nothing against any authorized Law of the Kingdome but have served him faithfully unto whom by trust and naturall Allegiance I owe so much Whereas I am declared an enemie to my native Country God be so propitious to me as my thoughts towards it have been alwayes publike and tending to the good and honour thereof I professe since I had the honour of that noble Marquesse's acquaintance I have been a favourer of his designes knowing them to be both loyall and honourable Besides that I know his affection to his Country to be eminent in this especially that he did ever shew himself passionate to vindicate the honour of this Kingdome which suffereth every where by the strange combination of this with the Rebells of another Country and Kingdome against their own Prince Wherein I concurred in judgement with him and thought there was no other way to doe it but by setting up a party of true and loyall-hearted Scotch-men for his Majestie whereby it might be seen that it is not a Nationall defection but only stirred up by a Faction there which for their own ends have dishonoured their native Kingdome and disturbed the peace thereof in enterprising and pursuing of which Heroicall designe God hath so favoured that noble Lord that he hath righted our Country in the opinion of all the world and discovered where the rottenness lieth Thus farre I am contented to be counted a Traytor in their opinion that have condemned me being fully assured that God the righteous Judge of all who knoweth the uprightnesse and integritie of my intentions will impute no fault to me in this kind since to my knowledge I have carried my self according to the direction of his word and the practice of all good Chrstians before these miserable times we are fallen into My Exhortation therefore which comming from me at the point I am at will I hope have some waight shall be this unto you that you will break off your sins by Repentance and above all free your selves of that master-sin of Rebellion that reigneth in this Land whereinto most part are either forced or drawn unawares especially at the instigation of those who should have directed them in the way of truth It cannot be but a great judgement upon a Land when Gods singular mercies towards it are so little valued hee hath not given us a King in his wrath but one who for piety bounty and all vertues both Christian and Morall may be a Pattern to all Princes but how little thankfull we are to God for so great a blessing our respecte towards him doe manifest Yet I fear there is a greater
past them with much ado came not much before them to Innernesse insomuch as they seem'd to be but the Van of the enemie and Middletons whole Army followed within Cannot-shot But as the providence of God would have it Montrose had notice of their approach another way and having drawn off his Forces a little way from the Town had got them all into a Body And when he perceiv'd the enemy to be much too strong for him in Horse avoiding the plain he retreated with his men beyond the Nesse The enemy falling upon the Rear and being handsomly repuls'd kept themselves also close The losse on both sides was very little and almost equall Montrose passed by Bawly into Rosse whither the enemy pursued him that taking him in the champain ground which was disadvantageous to him they might compell him to fight whether he would or no. But besides that the enemy was much stronger than he the Country people being faithlesse and rotten and Seafords new raised men running away by companies from their Colours moved him with all the speed he could to save himself from the enemies Horse Therefore passing by Logh-Nesse and through Strath-Glasse and Harrage he advanced unto the bank of the Spey Montrose was resolved to proceed against Huntley as a publick enemy unlesse he repented but would try all fair means first to see whether it was possible to bring him into a better mind To which end taking with him only one Troop of Horse for his life-guard in all speed he rid twenty miles unto him to his Castle at Bogy And as he was on his way he sent one before to give him notice of his approach and to tell him that he came thither alone and without his Forces to no other end than to kisse his hand and to be advised by him concerning such things as concerned the Kings service and he was the more earnest to speak with him because he had newly received Letters from the King from Oxford which he would let him see But Huntley being affrighted with the first news of Montrose's approach was so averse from the presence of so gallant a man that in a trice he leapt on horse-back and with one man along with him ran away any way he car'd not whither nor vouch safed the Kings Vice-roy the favour of a conference or entertainment Which assoon as Montrose understood he returned back those twenty miles the same day being the 27 of May and was as carefull as he could possibly to conceal this frowardnesse and unrulinesse of Huntleys lest it should be a bad president But all would not do for the Gordons themselves and others of Huntleys friends being most of them very honest men and complete Gentlemen told all with a great deal of indignation and detestation of Huntley that by that means they might acquit themselves from the aspersion of so unworthy an act Nor can one easily say how great influence that mans example had upon other Northern men The Earl of Scaford who had been but lately and with much adoe reconciled to the Kings side was conceived to begin to falter and some say that being still unsetled he had then underhand dealings for the making of his peace with the Covenanters which truly I can hardly believe And Alexander Mac-donell himself pretending I know not what although he had had often and serious invitations made nothing but sleevelesse excuses and put-offs from day to day Which carriage of his gave occasion of strange reports of him as if he although he was a bitter enemy to Argyle yet had great correspondence with and relations unto the Hamiltons and therefore slaid at home and looked only upon the preservation of the Mac-donells not medling with publique affairs Which when Montrose considered he resolved without further delay to make his progresse over all the North-country and Highlands with a considerable party to list souldiers to encourage the well-disposed to reduce those that were refractory by the severity of the Lawes and condign punishment and to deal with them as men use to doe with sick children make them to take physick whether they will or no. And he wanted not fitting instruments to promote this design who had earnestly laboured with him to take that course While these things passed at Innernesse Huntley lest he should be thought never to have done any thing by his own conduct without the assistance of Montrose besieged and took in Aberdene which Middleton kept with five hundred men but with more losse to Huntley himself than to the enemy For besides the losse of many valiant souldiers he gave his Highlander leave to pillage the City But what fault those poor innocent Aberdene-men had made either against the King or Huntley let them judge who know that almost all of them were eminent and observed for their loyaltie But for the enemy whom he took in Arms who were both many and of very good account amongst their own party he dismist them freely without any conditions and look'd fawningly upon them rather like a Petitioner than a Conquerour Nor when he had many Collonels Knights and others of qualitie who by chance were found in Aberdene in his hands did he so much as think of exchanging any one of his own friends for them many of whom were prisoners either in Scotland or England But this was his humour being alwayes more ready to doe good for his enemies than his friends Chap. XXI MOntrose being busie about his design on the last of May there came unto him a Herald with Commands from the King who by I know not what misfortune had cast himself upon the Scotch Covenanters Army at Newcastle whereby he was required forthwith to lay down his arms and disband and to depart into France and there to wait his Majesties further pleasure He being astonished with this unexpected message bitterly bewailed the sad condition of the King that had forced him to cast himself upon the mercy of his deadly enemies And doubted not but that that command which was given him for disbanding was extorted from him by the craft or force or threats of the Rebells into whose hands he had fallen But what should he do in that case If he obeyed he must give over the estates of his friends to plunder and their lives to death and if he stood in arms against the Kings command he should be guilty of that crime he undertook to scourge in others Rebellion And especially he was afraid lest the Rebels should put his actions upon the Kings account and use him the worse for them seeing they had him in their power of which the King had given him a fair hint in his Letter Therefore Montrose resolved to call together all the Noblemen and Chiefs of Septs and Knights and others of quality that were of his side that a matter of that consequence which concern'd them all might be discust by generall consent To which end after he had received so many injuries from him he
and the Law of Nature and Nations and I have not sinned against man but against God and with him there is Mercie which is the ground of my drawing neer unto him It is objected against me by many even good People That I am under the Censure of the Church This is not my fault since it is only for doing my Dutit by obeying my Princes most just Commands for Religion His Sacred Person and Authoritie Yet I am sorry they did Excommunicate me and in that which is according to Gods Lawes without wronging my conscience or Allegeance I desire to be relaxed if they will not thus do it I appeal to God who is the righteous Judge of the world and who must and will I hope be my Judge and Saviour It is spoken of me that I should blame the King God forbid For the late King he lived a Saint and died a Martyr I pray God I may so end as He did If ever I would wish my soul in another mans stead it should be in his For his Majestie now living never people I believe might be more happy in a King His Commands to me were most just in nothing that he promiseth will he fail He deals justly with all men I pray God he be so dealt withall that he be not betrayed under trust as His Father was I desire not to be mistaken as if my carriage at this time in Relation to your waies were stubborn I doe but follow the Light of my own conscience which is seconded by the working of the Good Spirit of God that is within me I thank him I goe to Heavens throue with joy If He enable me against the fear of Death and furnish me with courage and confidence to embrace it even in its most ugly shape Let God be glorified in my end though it were in my damnation Yet I say not this out of any fear or distrust but out of my duty to God and Love to his People I have no more to say but that I desire your Charity and Prayers I shall pray for you all I leave my Soul to God my Service to my Prince my Good will to my Friends and my Name and Charity to you all And thus briefly 〈◊〉 have exonerated my Conscience Being desired to pray apart He said I have already powred out my soule before the Lord who knows my heart and into whose hands I have commended my Spirit and he hath been graciously pleased to return to me a full assurance of peace in Jesus Christ my Redeemer And therefore if you will not Joyn with me in prayer my reiterating again will be both Scandalous to you and me So closing his eyes and holding up his hands he stood a good space at his inward devotions being perceived to be inwardly moved all the while when he had done he cal'd for the Executioner and gave him money then having brought unto him hanging in a cord his Declaration and Historie he hanged them about his neck saying Though it hath pleased His Sacred Majestie that now is to make him one of the Knights of the most Honourable Order of the Garter yet he did not think himself more Honoured by the Garter than by that cord with the Books which he would embrace about his neck with as much joy and content as ever he did the Garter or a chain of gold and therefore desired them to be tied unto him as they pleased When this was done and his arms tied he asked the Officers If they had any more Dishonour as they conceived it to put upon him he was ready to accept it And so with an Undaunted Courage and Gravitie suffered according to the Sentence past upon him THe death of the noble Marquesse was not bewailed as a private losse but rather as a publique calamitie The greatest Princes in Europe expressed no small sorrow for his unhappy end And indeed wee have not had in this latter Age a man of more eminent parts either of body or of mind He was a man not very tall nor much exceeding a middle stature but of exceeding strong composition of body and incredible force with excellent proportion and feature Dark brown hayr'd sanguine complexion a swist and piercing gray eye with a high nose somewhat like the antient signe of the Persian Kings Magnanimitie He was of a most resolute and undaunted spirit which began to appear in him to the wonder and expectation of all men even in his childhood Whom would it not have startled to attempt as he did at his first entrie into Scotland a journey wherein he could not almost escape discovery all passes being so layd for him but even when he was known and almost made publike he proceeded in his intention He was a man of a very Princely courage and excellent addresses which made him for the most part be us'd by all Princes with extraordinarie familiaritie A compleat Horseman and had a singular grace in ryding Nor is it lesse wonderfull how in so great scarcity of all things when warre in that Country is but tedious with the greatest plentie it can afford he could patiently endure so much distresse Nor is it lesse to be wondred at how he could win so much upon those Irish who had no tye to him either of Countrie Language or Religion as he did More especially when they wanted not all manner of temptation that either their own miseries and intollerable duty could suggest or the wit and sagacitie of the enemie could invent to make them leave him and abandon the service Besides the many examples shown upon them and their continuall want of Pay either of which accidents in an Armie is ground enough and has been many times the occasion of mutiny and desertion Nor had he only an excellent and mature judgement for providing and forecasting of businesse but a prompt and readie spirit likewise in matters of present dange and sudden caramitie and these things which might have confused another mans understanding as such sudden chances often doe were a whetting to his wit There are many stratagems in severall Histories related which in the heat of action have been put in practice for the regaining of a day already lost or in danger to be so As that of Jugurtha a politick and valiant Prince who in the heat of a battell betwixt him and Marius the Roman Consull rode up and down in the head of the Armie showing his bloudie sword and affirming that he had slain Marius with his own hand which word did so encourage the Numedians and amaze the Romans that had not Marius in time appeared that day had been in hazard It is likewise reported of one of the Roman Captains that he flung his Standard amongst the middle of the enemie that his own souldiers by pressing forward to rescue it might break and disorder the enemie Likewise of another that took the bridles off the horse-heads that every man might be alike valiant and charge as we say without
either fear or wit But beyond all these in my opinion was that device of the Marquesses who at Alderne being in a great strait one wing of his Armie being routed and the other in a very sta●gering condition he did so incense that which was yet whole with the feigned success of the other that valiantly charged the enemie and put the business again in an even ballance And very like was it to that device of Tullas Postilius who being deserted by Metius King of the Albans told his souldiers he had don 't of purpose to try them and by that means turn'd their fear into indignation he was exceeding constant and affable to those that did adhere to him and to those he knew very affable though his carriage which indeed was not ordinarie did make him seem proud Nor can his enemies lay any greater fault to his charge than this insatiable desire of honour which he did pursue with as handsome and heroick action as ever any did and such as had neither admiration of avarice or self ends though he was therewith by some most unworthily branded For these and the like vertues of which he was the rich possessour he was lamented all Christendome over by all sorts of men and since his death too by those who had the greatest hand in 't though their success at that time did animate their cruelty Nescia mens hominum fati sortisque futurae Et servere modum rebus sublata secundi The Speech of Collonel William Sybbald intended by him to have been spoken on the Scaffold at time of his Execution at Edenborough Jan. 7. 1650. but hearing that libertie would not be given him to speak so freely he gave a Copie of it to a speciall friend GEntlemen I am brought this day to this place to pay a debt to Nature before it be due and by the malice and crueltie of my mercilesse enemies I am sentenced to die as a Traytor to my Country for endeavouring to doe service for my King on whose happiness and well-fare does depend the welfare of these Kingdoms to whom I am bound both by the Law of God and man to perform all faithfull and loyall service And as the Cause for which I suffer proclames my loyaltie so their Sentence does declare to all the world their disloyaltie and their intentions against their King Their self-guiltiness makes cowardly spirits cruell and such was their proceedings against me as that I could not obtain an Advocate to plead for me nor any man skilfull in the Laws either to advise with me or to write my Defence though they knew me to be ignorant of the Laws Thus is my innocencie and integritie betrayed partly by their malice and my own ignorance The truth is they did proffer to doe me any courtesie or favour if I would make an ingenuous confession that is accuse some Noblemen and gentlemen of keeping correspondencie with his Majestie or with the Marquesse of Montrose which if I had done I deserved to have been branded with perpetuall infamie for I never knew any man in this Kingdome that did keep correspondencie with them neither had I Commission from his Majestie or the Marquesse of Montrose to treat with any I did indeed speak with some Noblemen and Gentlemen because I was formerly oblieged unto them for their love to me and did expect from them some small assistance to furnish me in my journey but I never spake with them concerning the publike Affairs no further than the weekly Gazets made known to all the world if these great Fish could have been taken in our Statesmens Nets it might have been that such a Minim as I should have escaped the Bayliffe of the Fish-markets hand this day I have been from my youth a Souldier and though that Calling in it self be honourable yet men in that Calling have greater occasions and provocations to sinne than in any private Calling Besides naturally my youth led me to some abominable sins and custome in them did for many years detain me captive unto them so that I cannot but confesse that to me appertaineth shame and confusion in this life and damnation of soul and body eternally in hell fire if God should deal with me according to my desert my comfort is that the blood of my Saviour cries lowder in his ears for mercy than my sins doe for vengeance and that he who hath promised a free pardon and remission unto all penitent sinners through faith in ●esus Christ will purge cleanse my soul from all uncleanness and deliver me from all blood guiltiness by the blood of his Son our Saviour The true sorrow that I find in my soul for my former sins and that godly resolution and stedfast purpose I have to lead a new life if it please God to continue it together with the joy the patience the courage I have to suffer gives me some assurance of this blessed hope that through faith in Christ Iesus my Saviour my penitent soul though sinfull shall be saved And as for my religion I die as I lived a true Protestant this Religion I thank God as it preserved me from popish Superstition so it kept me from being seduced by the Novelties of the times and from being deluded with the wicked doctrine which is now taught by the Reformers of the Kirk It was this Religion which did keep my hand from your Covenant of which in the space of some five years you gave two interpretations quite contradictorie for in the year 1639. the Assemblie did affirm as appears by our Acts of Parliament and Assemblie that in all Causes whatsoever you were to defend and maintain the Person and dignitie of your King but in the year 1644. you limit your abedience to your King to your Religion Laws and Libertie and make your selves in all differences between the King and you both Judge and Partie the Religion in which I was bred taught me to give both to God and my King their due it taught me to honour and worship God and to expect Salvation through Christ and to live soberly and to deal justly with all men I ever hated that Religion which made Saints or Angels sharers with God his worship or men partakers with my Redeemer in the work of my Redemption or that made our Christian libertie a cloak of maliciousnesse and though naturally I inclined to evill and wicked companie drew me to most hainous and filthy sins yet I thank God I hated that Religion that taught impietie and wickedness Rebellion murther and injustice or that approved the killing of Kings and their loyall Subjects for their loyaltie as having its originall rather from the Devill who was a murtherer from the beginning than from God and I did ever esteem it more agreeable to mans sinfull and corrupted nature than to Gods holy Word I have heard a learned man say that it were better to denie God to be than to believe him to be such an one who delights in the bloody sacrifices of men and women or to think that he is such an one who delights in crueltie and murther the God whom we serve and worship is the Saviour of the world the preserver of man the Redeemer of Man-kind the avenger of his blood I have been taught from Gods word that he hath no pleasure in wickedness neither shall any evill dwell with him undoubtedly such bloody Sacrifices cannot be pleasing or acceptable to him for they are repugnant to his nature and contradictorie to the justice and equitie of his holy Law It is my greatest grief at this time that I did not walk according to the puritie of my Religion and the holiness of God who hath called us to the knowledge of his truth Therefore let me entreat you to pray unto God with me and for me that he would be pleased to pardon my many and great sins that he would purge my soul with the blood of his Son from the guilt and pollution of all my sins that I may be presented unto my heavenly Father without spot or wrinkle holy without blemish that he would receive me thorough the merits of my Saviour into everlasting peace and into the glorious estate of his chosen Saints in heaven O Lord into thy hands I commend my soul Lord Jesu receive my spirit O mercifull Father forgive my Enemies and lay not this sin to their charge Amen FINIS