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A83437 The casting down of the last and strongest hold of Satan. Or, A treatise against toleration and pretended liberty of conscience: wherein by Scripture, sound reason, fathers, schoolmen, casuists, Protestant divines of all nations, confessions of faith of the Reformed Churches, ecclesiastical histories, and constant practice of the most pious and wisest emperours, princes, states, the best writers of politicks, the experience of all ages; yea, by divers principles, testimonies and proceedings of sectaries themselves, as Donatists, Anabaptists, Brownists, Independents, the unlawfulnesse and mischeif [sic] in Christian commonwealths and kingdoms both of a vniversal toleration of all religions and consciences, and of a limited and bounded of some sects only, are clearly proved and demonstrated, with all the materiall grounds and reasons brought for such tolerations fully answered. / By Thomas Edvvards, Minister of the Gospel. The first part.; Casting down of the last and strongest hold of Satan. Part 1 Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647. 1647 (1647) Wing E225; Thomason E394_6; ESTC R201621 211,214 231

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stated the question of Toleration and Liberty of Conscience and laid down many Particulars usefull and necessary to bee known as giving understanding and light into the nature of this Controversie I now come as to the proving of a Toleration in it self of Blasphemies Heresies Errors Schisms unlawfull so of showing the Christian Magistrates Power and Warrant yea necessity that is laid upon him of hindring and suppressing all false wayes and worships and of promoting and commanding by his Authority with all his subjects the true Religion and Faith and this I shall do by laying down divers Theses and Positions one following upon another and each going further and rising higher then the other and the method I propound to follow in this Tractate shall be that of the Title page of this Book First by Scripture Secondly by sound Reasons Thirdly by Fathers Fourthly Councels and so as it there followes setting down upon all those Heads by way of Theses the proofs of the points in hand though upon some more some fewer as the nature of the things may require and I shall judge needfull and convenient CHAP. I. The Theses grounded on expresse Scriptures proving the sinfulnesse and wickednesse of Tolerations and the Magistrates duty with●● his Territories to suppresse Blasphemies Errors Heresies Schisms 1. THESIS AS there is but one God one Lord Christ one Spirit one Heaven so there is but one Faith and that once delivered to the Saints one Truth one Gospel and one Way the Scripture every where speaking of these in the ●ingular number as of one not as of many never calling them Faiths Truths Gospels Wayes but the Faith she Gospel the Truth the way of Truth the good old way one way the right way the way of righteousnesse and such like whereas falshood and error is manifold the Scripture speaking of false wayes 〈…〉 of Antichrists as many Falsum est multiplex verum autem 〈…〉 sibi per 〈◊〉 conforme est 2. THESIS The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament in many placeth old forth and command to aske for follow after walke in that one good way to strive and contend earnestly for that one Faith to hold fast the truth to serve God only and on the contrary reproves prohibits condemns turning afide to the right hand or to the left or halting between two or more Religions and Worships hence those complaints 1 Kin. 18. 21. of the people halting between two opinions between God and Baal of fearing the Lord and serving their owne Gods after the manner of the Nations 2 King 17. vers 33. 41. of worshipping and swearing by the Lord and by Malcham Zeph. 1. 5. and those prohibitions of not letting cattell gender with a diverse kind of not sowing fields with mingled seed of not wearing garments mingled of linned and wollen of not sowing of Vineyards of divers seeds and of not ploughing with an Oxe and an Asse together Levit. 19. 19. Deut. 22. 9 10. 3. THESIS God both foretels and promises in his word and that more particularly of the dayes of the Gospel to give one heart and one way to his people and as there shall be one Lord so his name shall be one and that they shall all call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent Jer. 32. 39. Ezek. 11. 19. Zeph. 3. 9. Zach. 14. 9. Christ praies earnestly to his Father for beleevers that they all may be one and that they may be perfect in one John 17 21 22 23. and there are many exhortations to Christians to be of one mind and of the same mind in the Lord to be of one accord of one mind all to speak the same thing that there be no Schisms among them but that they be perfectly joyned together in the same mind and in the same judgement and that they keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace 2 Cor. 13. 11. Philip. 2. 2. Philip. 4. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 10. Ephes 4. 3. Now what God hath promised and foretold what Christ hath prayed for in a speciall manner what the Apostles in their Epistles have so pathetically intreated and exhorted to that Christians should especially labour after and all the meane tending thereunto which the desiring and granting of a Toleration of all wayes or many wayes must needs be contrary unto 4. THESIS A Toleration and sufferance but of any one or two false ways and worships fights directly against these and many such like places of Scripture For we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth 2 Cor. 13. 8. Buy the truth and sell it not Prov. 23. 23. be valiant for the truth strive for the faith of the Gospel Be zealous beware of false Prophets beware of dogs beware of evill workers beware of the Coucision A man that is an Heretick after the first and second admonition reject They that keep the Law contend with the wicked Pauls not giving place to false brethren no not for an houre that the truth of the Gospel might continue Paul and Barnabas having no small dissention and disputation with those who taught Circumcision If there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed the Angel of Ephesus his commendation for that he could not beare them which are evill and which say they are Apostles and are not and for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans the Angels of the Churches of Pergamus and Thyatira being threatned by Christ for suffering them that held the Doctrine of Balaam the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans and that woman Jez abel which called her selfe a Prophetesse to teach and to seduce his servants 5. THESIS Whereas a particular partiall Toleration offends against many particular places of Scripture a Vniversall Toleration is against all Scripture goes against the whole current scope and sense of Scripture both in the Old and New Testament both in matters of Faith and Manners both in the generall rules and commands and the particular and that both in personall actions and in all Relations to others The sum of the Scriptures is Faith and good life and the end of the severall states appointed by God both Politicall Ecclesiasticall and Oeconomicall are to maintain and continue these Now a generall Toleration of all Religions and consciences is diametically opposite to all these against the whole will of God overthrowing all that God in the Scripture expresses of sins duties and relations I would have any thing in the Scripture named in point of faith holinesse in the relations of Magistrates Ministers Governours of Families which this Toleration some way or other does not make void Other Errors and Heresies as Arrianisme Anabaptisme c. do not offend against all Scripture but against such and such places but this generall Toleration throws down all at once it overthrows the Scriptures in that it allowes a Liberty of denying the Scriptures to be the Word of God in that it
men that were put to the sword the Seducers and the Ringleaders he burned the Calfe ground it to pouder strowed it upon the water and made the children of Israel drink of it causing the Idol to passe from them among their excrements So 2 Chron. 15. 13. They that would not seek the Lord God of Israel whether small or great the little ones who could not be in●i●ers of Idolatry were to be punished Deut. 13. When one of the Cities of Israel was withdrawn to serve other gods then the inhabitants of the City the children as well as the grown men who could not withdraw from God were to be smitten And we shall finde it all along in the Book of the Kings and Chronicles among the Idolaters and false worshippers that there 's no such distinction made but some of whom no such thing expressed are removed and punished as those who may be supposed were inticers to Idolatry Fourthly As for that the Kings of Judah Asa Iosia c. never punished Pharisees Herodians or any other Sect in the profession of the Jewish Religion the reason is manifest because there was none such till many hundred of yeeres after these Kings for these Sects of Pharisees c. began very late not long before the coming of Christ and as for Herodian● they sprung up after Herod was King which showes the great ignorance of M. S. speaking as if there had beene Herodians in the dayes of Asa H●z●kiah c. but by the way if M. S. ●lias Cretinsis can prove there were such in the dayes of those good Kings I will undertake to prove that they used their co●rcive power towards them as well as towards Idola●ers and ●ndeed 't is evident by many passages that all kind of corruption and declination from the way of God was the object of Josiah● and other Magistrates Reformation and had there beene Sadduces Herodians c. viz. men that had held those Errors and wayes in those Kings times they could not have escaped their hands and this is thus proved because the high places not of Idolatry but of will-worship where they sacrificed to the Lord only as t is 2 Chron 33. 17. were put down and the worshippers and Priests suppressed and those good Kings who did not are upon record blamed which kind of worshipping was not so bad as the Herodians and Sadduces who held Herod for the Messias and denied Angels and Spirits and that I may come up yet more close to M. S. objection who saith nothing was done against Sectaries or Scismaticks I conceive they were to the Church of the Jewes as Sectaries and Scismaticks are now and their worship a Scisme worshipping the true God in a separated way apart from the publike place and Assemblies of Gods people as our Sectaries do now Fifthly the true reasons why when the Herodians Sadduces c. sprung up among the Jewes they were not suppressed not punished First in regard Religion was then mightily corrupted all things were out of order the Church of the Jewes did then hasten to their destruction and so no wonder if Heresies and false Doctrines were suffered in such a State as well as other things Secondly the Jewes were not then a free people neither had they the Civill power absolutely in their hands they had no truly Iewish King who cared for those things but Herod the Idumean and the High Priest then could do nothing Thirdly God permitted Iury to abound with diversity of Sects in the dayes of Herod as the Sadduces Essenes the Pharisees the Herodians because he had a purpose to destroy the Iewish Common-wealth and to bring all into subjection to Christ and the Toleration of divers Religions among them was the forerunner and preparer of the way for the ruine of the Iewish State as it hath beene of many States 6ly supposing the Kings of Iuda● and Israel de facto had never exercised any coercive power on any other objects but Idolaters and Idolatry and that all the commands in the Old Testament given to the Iewish Magistrates had beene in the letter of the text onely against Idolaters and Idolatry which is not true yet by vertue of those very commands and examples Magistrates might exercise a coercive power against evills of the like kind though not in the letter specified and the reason is this because the commands of God and the examples of good men accordingly recorded in Scripture might in the letter at least for the generality be expressed only against those evills and that kind and sort of them which were most in use in that age and time when they were given and yet other kinds of those sins or other sinnes as bad or worse which should arise afterwards were by just Analogie common equity by a Synecdoche usuall in such commands forbidden also As for example the second Commandement forbids only in the letter and by name graven Image and the likenesse of any thing and yet in that command all mediums of worships invented by men though not graven Images nor likenesse are forbidden under the title of graven Images and likenesse and that by a Synecdoche common in the Decalogue which because in those times of Moses they were the chiefe inventions of m●n corrupting the worship of God they are fitly put in the place of all humane inventions brought into the worship of God of which the Reader may finde more in Doctor Ames Medul Theolog. 2. Booke 13. chap. De Cultu Instituto So because Idolatry and Idolatry with Apostafie to serve strange Gods the Gods of those Nations whom God had cast out of the Land of Canaan there being many Cananites c. among them were the corruptions the Israelites were most in danger of the Idolatries most in use in those times and by the Nations round about them when they should come to Canaan as is evident by many places of Deutr. and the false Prophets and Seducers then went most about to seduce men in that way therefore God in the letter as it was most needfull spoke by name against such Prophets and such Idolatry as were most stirring in those times under which commands are forbidden by a Synecdoche and by Analogie other depravations of Gods worship and name that might arise in after ages for by the rules of Interpretation of Scripture given by Divines where a thing is forbid there all of that nature and sort are forbidden also as for example greater sinnes of that kinde then those expressed in the letter must needs be forbidden and so lesser also Now certainly where God hath given a command to Magistrates in the letter to punish such offences if his subjects commit greater and higher against God and his worship by the equity of this command he is to punish them if none in the letter for those as if there had been no command but against Idolatry of such Nations yet worshipping the Devill offering up children to Moloch blaspheming God and his worship with
others not only which see but which heare of them have the bridle of fear put upon them whereby they are kept from the like that must needs follow that whosoever maketh our Saviour Christ Author of this loosenesse in punishing such offenders maketh him forthwith to loose the bridle whereby others are afraid from running into wickednesse and what is this but to make Christ a Troubler of Common-wealths Besides if Christ by his comming loosed these civil punishments and purchased this grace of his Father for Blasphemers Idolaters Hereticks that they should escape civil punishments which the Law of God adjudged them to how comes it to passe that the Apostles to whom Christ committed the publishing of all the pardon he obtained for us did never make mention of the releasing of these punishments If Christ had obtained this libertie it was worth the Preaching and therefore unlesse they can show out of the writings of the Apostles to warrant this Sanctuary which they would build to the support of Blasphemers Hereticks that followes that the Apostles have not answered the trust committed to them but in that the Apostle puts a sword in the hand of the Magistrates and in the use of it makes him a Minister of the justice of the Lord against sin he confutes this opinion 3. And Lastly we see clearly that some things that were permitted under the old Testament to the Jewes are not to Christians under the new but expresly and formally declared against by Christ as Polygamie mens putting away their wives giving bils of divorce and marrying others Mat. 5. 31 32. Mat. 19. from v. 3. to the 10. and usury Matth. 5. 42. Luke 6. 34 35. Learned Cameron in his lectures of divorce upon Matth. 19. 3. puts this question why the bill of divorce takes not place in the times of the new Testament and why does not God permit the same thing in the new which he suffred in the old unto which he answers That although there is the same reason of mans nature in the times of the old and new Testament yet there is not the same reason of grace which is much more plentifully and clearly laid open and explained in these last times then before Therefore our lives ought to be ordered in these times much more strictly and holily Those Elders under the old Testment were bound truely to follow the same holinesse of life but we much more for by how much any one hath received more then nnother by so much he owes more Chemnitius in his common places de paupertate cap. 6. de vsura showes though there were two permissions cheifly in the old Testament of Divorce and Usurie yet Christ under the new opposes to either of these permissions the perpetual rule of righteousnesse in God Matth. 5. 32. 42. also cap. 19. verse 8. Luke 6. verse 34. 35. In which place he discourses of this how God under the old Testament may be considered as a Divine and as a Legislator in some places of the old Testament laying down how we must serve him in holinesse and righteousnesse in others prescribing certaine political constitutions to that people for the externall societie of Civil life in the Jewish Common-wealth Now in those political Laws which God gave the People of Israel Holinesse and Righteousnesse of the conscience before God was not alwayes prescribed but they were fitted to the preservation of outward and civil societie in that Common-wealth according to the condition and dispositions and manners of that people to whom God himselfe gives the Epithite of a stiffe neck So the Bil of Divorce in the Common-wealth of Israel was permitted but now in the new Testament though Moses suffred it for the hardnesse of their hearts yet Christ declares against it t is not lawfull to be permitted though there were the same manners of men there being now under the Gospel more powerfull remedies of such an evil and a fuller declaration and communication of the grace of God This Distinction may not be allowed now under the new Testament of Theologus and Legislator of jus fori jus poli for all Lawes given by God in the new Testament prescribe the puritie of conscience before God and doe not look particularly to the outward preservation of the Civil societie of one Common-wealth of people pe●uliarly And so much for the 18. Thesis THESIS 19. Besides all the old Testament proofes both of commands and approved examples before the Law and under the Law before the Captivitie of Babylon and after for the Magistrates coercive power in the matters of the first Table laid down in this Treatise together with Answers to all the evasions brought against such commands and examples as also to that of proofs out of the old Testament I desire the Reader to consider this Thesis that place of Scripture speaking of the days of the new Testament and what should be then done approves of and commends this power of the Magistrate as among other these three places of Scripture Psal 2. 10 11 12. Esay 49. 23. Zach. 13. 2 3. That the second Psalme is a Prophecie of the dayes of the Gospel after Christs comming into the world is clearely demonstrated by Act. 4. 24 25 26 27. where by Peter and John t is applyed to those times In which Psalme King David foreseeing in Spirit that Heathen Kings would hand themselves and assemble together against the Lord and his Christ extendeth the same charge to the Gentiles which the Kings of Jurie received before and warned them all at once Be wise ye Kings understand ye Judges of the world Serve the Lord and t is to be observed in that second Psalme that Kings and Judges quatomes tales are to serve the Lord and kisse the Son Upon which words Austin writes thus All men ought to serve God in one sort by common condition as men in another sort by severall gifts and offices by the which some doe this some doe that no private persons could command Idols to be punished cleane from among mert which was so long before prophecied Therfore Kings Besides their dutie to serve God common with all other men have in that they be Kings how to serve the Lord in such sort as none can doe which are not Kings For in this Kings in respect they be Kings serve the Lord as God by David warneth them if in their Kingdomes they command that which is good and prohibite that which is evill not in Civil affairs only but in matters also concerning divine Religion That Esay 49. 23. is a Prophecie to the Gentiles under the new Testament as is evident by verse 22. Behold I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles and Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers c now they could not be cald the nurses of the Church if they had no care of Religion but those of whom this prophecie was meant and in whom fulfilled did care for Religion did care for the Faith as Constantine
THE CASTING DOWN of the last and strongest hold of Satan OR A TREATISE Against Toleration And pretended Liberty of Conscience Wherein by Scripture sound Reason Fathers Schoolmen Casuists Protestant Divines of all Nations Confessions of Faith of the Reformed Churches Ecclesiastical Histories and constant practise of the most pious and wisest Emperours Princes States the best Writers of Politicks the experience of all Ages yea by divers Principles Testimonies and Proceedings of Sectaries themselves as Donatists Anabaptists Brownists Independents the unlawfulnesse and mischeif in Christian Common-wealths and Kingdoms both of a Vniversal Toleration of all Religions and Consciences and of a limited and bounded of some Sects only are clearly proved and demonstrated with all the materiall Grounds and Reasons brought for such Tolerations fully answered By THOMAS EDVVARDS Minister of the Gospel The First Part. 2 Chron 34. 32 33. And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the Con 〈…〉 that pertained to the childre● of Israel and made all that were present in Israel to serve even to s●ve the Lord their God And caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Beniamin i●stand to it London Printed by T. R. and E. M. for George Calvert and are to be sold at the golden Fleece in the Old-Change 1647. To the Christian Reader GOod Reader I fully intended and accordingly had provided that this first Part of Anti-Toleration should have come into thy hands more compleat and perfect then it does for the present I prepared an Epistle Dedicatory to the Honourable Houses of Parliament sutable to the nature of Toleration and the Times as also a Preface and Introduction to that Argument and Subject wherein laying down the Prolegomena Praecognita of this Noble and famous Question of Liberty of Conscience as certain Distinctions about Magistrates and their Power of Errors and Opinions of Persons holding them of Toleration and Liberty as some Concessa some Negata certain mistakes and misrepresentations of the state of the Question with divers other Particulars I drew up the true state of the Question both Theologically and Politically it being a mixt question besides I purposed to have added to this Part further proofs out of the New Testament against Toleration and for the Magistrates power But these Preparatives and Additionals amounting to about some ●en sheets the reviewing perfecting and printing whereof would take up at least twenty dayes and not knowing what a Day might bring forth the Storm comming on so fast I thought it best for fear this Book might be suppressed at the Presse and never see the Sun to send it forth as it was that the Church of God at home and abroad might have the benefit of it and to reserve the rest for a second Part if God spare life and liberty In this present Tractate is handled the Scripturall part of Anti-Toleration the best foundation and only ground-work to build on wherein there are not only the Scriptures produced for proof but made good by severall reasons from the text and context with all the evasions to clude and put them off fully answered The subject matter of this Book is the great Controversie of the times Toleration being that very thing for which God hath a controversie with the Parliament and Land having most justly however t is most unjust on their part raised up that Generation not to suffer them because they have against the councel of God yea against all sense and reason let them alone and suffered them to grow to this Head I remember what God said to his people Israel that if they did not drive out the Canaanites and destroy their pictures c. they should be pricks in their eyes and thorns in their sides and should vex them with their wiles What of the King of Israel because that he let go out of his hand a man appointed to destruction therefore his life should go for his life and his people for that people as also what of the Angel of Thyatira that Christ had a quarrell with him for suffering that woman Jezabel to teach and to seduce his servants And we may see how God hath now fulfilled this upon the Parliament Ministry City Kingdome vexing us and threatning heavy things against us by the Sectaries punishing us wherein we have offended In all ages and histories of the Church we shall find that Hereticks and Sectaries however whilst weak and few have pleaded for Toleration and Liberty yet when they have come to grow strong and to have power in their hands they never would suffer the Orthodox but have been the greatest tyrants and persecutors as the Arrians Donatists Anabaptists Arminians It was the observation of Augustine many hundred yeers ago and his answer to Petilian That the Donatists however they pleaded far be it from them to compell any one to their Tenets where they had power used to force the Orthodox violently and where they did not it was not for want of will but because they could not for fear of the laws or the multitude of refusers yea if any of their own party left them and came to the Orthodox they would fall upon them and beat them yea kill them and that Sect of the Donatists which was strongest would implore the help of the Magistrate against their Schismaticks the Maximinianistae and Rogatistae all which Austin shows But for a conclusion I shall turn my prayers unto God that he would give us to see and know our sin in our punishment and to give him glory in saying Righteous art thou O Lord and just are thy judgements And for the time to come to give Magistrates Ministers and his People more zeal and wisdome then to tolerate and suffer Errors Heresies and Schismes And so commending these labours to the blessing of Christ who yet lives and raigns as Luther speaks and will raign till he hath made all his enemies his footstool I remain Yours in Christ THOMAS EDWARDS The TABLE containing some of the principall Heads of this Book AVniversall Toleration is against the whole current scope and sense of all Scripture and sets up the polluted defiled consciences of men above the Scriptures p. 4 5 What God commands Persons for themselves and their own Practise he commands to them being in Power and Authoritie for all under them p. 6 7 There can be no reason given why all other persons in Authoritie as Fathers Masters c should be bound to have a care in matters of Religion over children Servants and Magistrates should have none p. 7 8 The godly Magistrates spoken of in Scripture did de facto make use of their Power to suppresse false Doctrine Seducers c 8 9 10 11 They did not only doe it de facto but de jure were approved of and rewarded by God for so doing p. 11 12 Those Magistrates who were good that out of any carnall respects forbore to use their power were sharply reproved and punished by
worship and false doctrine that denies God that is above is worthy to be punished by the Judges and this is further proved and illustrated that Idolatry is to be punished by Judges corporally by the 9 10 11. verses of this chapter where he speaks the same of adultery that 't is an iniquity to be punished by the Iudges so that the spirit of God here in Iob makes Adultery and Idolatry of the same cognizance and as Adultery is to be punished by the Civill Magistrate so Idolatry and all false wayes whereby men deny the God that is above are by this Scripture to be punished also And that it may further appear the Kings of Iudah and Israel did not qua Kings of Iudah and qua dwelling in such a Land as Kings over such a typicall people bearing visibly and executing typically the kingly office of Christ in his Church meddle in matters of Religion but as Kings in places of authority and power I shall show that other Kings not of the Tribe of Iudah ruling over other Kingdomes and Countries when by any of the great works of God done before them or upon any instinct of the Spirit of God upon them by any message from God by his Prophets and servants they came to be touched in heart and sensible of themselves they used their power in making Lawes and Edicts for the worship of God against Blasphemy and Idolatry and for punishing of those who were Idolaters and Blasphemers Thus Artaxerxes the King of Persia Ezra 7. makes a Decree that whosoever will not do the Law of God judgement shoule be executed speedily upon him whether it be unto death or unto banishment or to confiscation of goods or to imprisonment and Ezra blesseth God for it which showes it was well done of Art●xerxes Now whereas Master Goodwin would evade this by saying Ezra blesses God for Artaxerzes beautifying the house of God only not for the Decree of punishing those that would not do the Law of God I answer that 's a part indeed of that he blesses God for but not all as is evident by the 28. verse his blessing God having relation to that also as may appeare by that copulative and hath extended mercy unto me before the King and I was strengthned as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me and I gathered together out of Israel chief men to go up with me now let the 23. verse that speaks of Artaxerxes Decree to Ezra to set Magistrates and Judges to judge all the people and thereupon who will not do the Law of God to have judgement executed upon them whether it be unto death c. be laid to the 28. verse wherein hee blesses God for his hand upon him to gather chief men out of Israel to goe up with him which was to make Magistrates and Judges and 't is evident the Decree for punishing is included besides if this Decree of Artaxerx●s had beene according to Master Goodwine the Bloudy Tenet and other Libertines opinion such a wicked and bloudy doctrine Ezra the Priest the Scribe of the Law of the God of hea●en had beene bound to have instructed Artaxerxes better and humbly entreated him to have reversed that part of the Decree in the 26. verse and certainly would never have built up Artaxerxes in such a great sin by blessing God for his Decree and by taking care to set up Magistrates and Iudges to execute it but would have dealt clearly with the King blessing God for the Decree of the building of the Temple and showing him his mistake in the other part about punishing and to put it past question Ezra 10. verse 7 8. relates this Decree of the King was accordingly put in execution by Ezra and the Princes and Elders Proclamations being made throughout Iudah and Ierusalem unto all the Children of the captivity that they should gather themselves together unto Ierusalem And that whosoever would not come within three dayes according to the Councel of the Princes and the Elders all his substance should be forfeited which was one of the penalties of Artaxerxes Decree viz. confiscation of goods Nebuchadnezar Dan. 3. 28 29 30. as soone as he knew God upon that great work of Gods power in delivering the three children out of the fiery furnace made a Decree that whosoever should speak any thing amisse against him should be cut in pieces and their houses made a dunghill Darius Dan. 6. 25 26. upon Gods great work in delivering Daniel out of the Lions den made a Decree that in every Dominion of his Kingdome men tremble and feare before the God of Daniel Lastly the King of Niniveh upon Ienabs preaching yet forty dayes and Niniveh shall be destroyed did not only in his owne person arise from his Throne and cover himselfe with sackcloth and sit in ashes but caused it to be proclaimed and published by his Decree that all his subjects should do the like cry mightily unto God and turne from their evill wayes and this turning of Niniveh upon the command and edict of the King is blessed by Gods repenting of the evill that he said he would do unto them and so Gods owne seale of approbation set to the King of Ninivebs Edict for commanding in matters of Religion Augus●ine in his 50. Epistle ad Bonifacium makes use of the examples of the King of Niniveh Darius and Nebuchadonezar to show how a King must serve God as a King by commanding good things and forbidding the contrary as the King of Niniveh served God by compelling the whole City to please God as Nebuchadnezar served him by recalling all in his Kingdome from blaspheming God by a severe Law 13. THESIS As for that which is commonly said by the Patrons of Tol●ration that what the Iudges Magistrates Kings of Israel and Iudah did in a coer●ive way in matters of Religion in Israel and Iudah they did it not by vertue of their office as ordinary Kings and Magistrates towards their subjects but as Kings in a peculiar and extraordinary notion as typicall Kings types of Christ the King of the Church executing typically his kingly office the people also and the very Land over which they ruled being typicall which no Kings not people under heaven at this day are and that therefore their practises cannot be drawn into example by any Christian Magistrates now I desire the Reader well to observe these following answers and the rather because the maine strength of the Sectaries discourse upon this subject hangs by this string and this thred runs all along throughout their works M. S. the Bloudy Tenet The Antient bounds or Liberty of Conscience stated The Storming of Antichrist with many others place all their confidence here and this is their Sheild and buckler making much use of this typicalnesse under the Old Testament to evade all the instances of Kings and Magistrates brought from thence First to make this good there are some things supposed or asserted for proof
but as they are Magistrates so that 't is their part to care by their authority that the Sabbath be sanctified that is that Religion bee preserved and the exercises of piety take place in their Countries and Territories and further know what the office of a Magistrate is in matters of Religion both in respect of persons and things and that in the severall particulars let him read learned Zanchius on the fourth Commandement particularly in these pages 651 652. 659 660. and especia●ly 788 789 c. the fifth Common Place De Offici● Principum in Religione of the office of Princes in Religion And therefore seeing Magistrates have the care of Religion and Gods worship committed to them being by God appointed to be keepers of the first Table as well as the second among other particulars laid down in the word and branched out by Divines wherein the Magistrates power in matters of Religion stands this must needs be one a power of suppressing false Religions and Heresies and punishing those who by all wayes and meanes go about to destroy the true If the Magistrate be Custos prim● Tabula he is also Vindex primae Tabulae If the Magistrate have a power of commanding the true and using co●rcive meanes to bring his people to it then sure he hath of hindring the false as he that by Law hath the power of keeping the peace hath a power also of suppressing tumults riots r●u●s and the reason is manifest because the one cannot be kept without the other the Physitian who hath a power given him over bodies for their health hath a power over sicknesses corrupt meats poyson and all that would destroy the health and life He who hath the power of keeping a Garden and the precious flowers and fruits in it hath a power of plucking up weeds taking Mouls Snails and such like that would spoile all He who may justly command may justly punish and he that may lawfully punish may certainly command All learning will tell us that contraries be consequent to contraries If Magistrates may lawfully command and establish that which is good then they may forbid and abolish the contrary evill of which see more in Bilsons Difference between Christian subjection and unchristian Rebellion part 2. p. 278 279. And therefore we see Josiah and other Princes who established the true Religion by their kingly authority caused the people to stand to it removed and punished also all persons and wayes contrary thereunto Hence I conceive t is that maxime is generally received among Divines Magistratus est Custos ac vindex utriusque Tabulae the Magistrate is the Revenger of both Tables as well as the Keeper 16. THESIS Magistrates qua Magistrates by vertue of their office as Magistrates simply every of them though Turks Heathen and wicked as well as Christian and Orthodox have an authority right power from God Jure divino in matters of Religion to command for God and his Honor and to forbid and suppresse the contrary The Magistrate in generall being by his proper place the Minister of God Rom. 13. Gods vicegerent governing men in the roome of God even so far as his power and jurisdiction extends is bound to care in matters of Religion As now Parents qua Parents have by the morall law of God a power and a duty lying upon them to command their children to good and to forbid evill and have a rod given into their hands to those ends although being Heathens or wicked for the present they know not or will not exercise it in teaching and bringing them up in the Christian Religion and fear of God So is with Magistrates the Authority and right every of them hath by being a Magistrate who by his place is for the punishment of evill doers and the praise of them that doe well however to the due and right exercise of this a good will and true knowledge out of the word of God may be required Zanehius in his M●scellaniet de Magistratu 167. 169. and De Ecclesi● militantis Gubernatione cap. 26. pag. 553 554. showes that every Magistrate as well wicked as godly not Christian as Christian hath this power and so doth Spalatensis in his sixth Book fifth chapter De Republica Ecclesiastica but for the better understanding of it I shall lay downe this twofold distinction First that Heathen Princes so farre as the light of nature teaches them and right Reason are to make Lawes in matters of Religion and whereas the * light of nature leads on straight to the knowledge of one God and Supreme Deity and dictates this God to be just holy good perfect c. and to bee worshipped with reverence they should command so farre remove Idolatry the worship of birds four-footed beasts and creeping things promote the worship of the true God punish blasphemies and wicked opinions contrary to the nature of God and that out of their proper office of being Princes as the immediate Ministers and Vicegerents of God on earth Hence we read in many Writers as Plutarch Aristotle Plato and others that Heathen Princes have made Lawes for God and his worship and have punished Atheists Epicures Blasphemers and Sacrilegious persons and as any of them have come to more knowledge of God and Religion by any extraordinary work of Gods providence or by living among them of the true Religion as the Jews before Christs time and Christians since though not fully converted yet still according to their knowledge and means they were bound and many of them have gone on in promoting the true Religion and forbidding the contrary as the King of Niniveh Darius Nebuchadonezor and Aurelianus at the request of the Church punishing Paulus Samosetenus the Heretick But now if beside the light of nature and dictamen of naturall reason Princes have the light of faith the knowledge of Christ and the Scriptures of Heathens come to be Christians or being borne in Christian Common-wealths have from their child hood beene brought up in the faith of Christ then also out of their kingly office they should throw downe all things contrary to faith and the true worship of Christ and positively by outward acts promote and command the outward worship of God have a care of the Ecclesiasticall Discipline and of all the parts of Religion that they may be preserved Of which the Reader may be further satisfied in the writings of that learned man Marcus Antonius de Dominis Archbish of Spalato Secondly though the care of Religion belongs to al Princes yet in a speciall manner upon speciall obligations the Christian ●aith belongs to Christian Magistrates and Princes whom God hath given to be nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers these have not only a remote power but the next power which they may bring into act by reason of the knowledge of Christ and many helps and this many Reformed Divines affert of the Christian Magistrate in the handling of this question of the
death is to bee inflicted but whether this be a false or a true witnesse as the words cleerly show the question is not about matter of Law whether such a thing be Idolatrie or not what kind of Idolatry but of matter of fact whether the partie did commit such a thing or no of which he is accused And the Iudges shall make diligent inquisition and behold if the witnesse be a false witnesse and testifieth falsly against his brother then shall ye doe unto him as he had thought to have done to his brother so shalt thou put the evill away from amongst you As for that place Deut. 21. 5. the coherence and scope of the place showes it cannot be meant of the judgement by Vrim but those verses from the second to the tenth containe a direction from God of what course is to bee taken for the expiation of an unknowne murther and among other things that are to bee done for the putting away the guilt of innocent bloud from the Land as the Elders and Judges must doe according to the verse 2. 3 4. so the * fifth verse showes what the Priests are to do for the freeing the people of Israel from innocent bloud being laid to their charge namely in the audience of the people to pray for atonement and expiation that prayer in verse 8. The Elders were to wash their hands and say Our hands have not shed this bloud and the Priests said Be mercifull O Lord and lay not innocent bloud unto thy People Israels charge and if any thing else were to be decided about that businesse by the words of the Priests as expounders of Gods Law it should be determined not that they had any absolute or arbitrary power of themselves but by their word meaning the word of God which they should show as Deut. 17. 11. The subject matter of this Scripture is not to enquire of the Preists whether this were a casuall or a wilfull Murther and for them to tell who were the murtherers that had slaine this man the resolution of which questions by the Priests might indeed imply some colour for the Priests by enquiring by Vrim these things are not once named but all the matter is what 's to be done to expiate the bloud of a man slain in the Land it being not knowne who hath slaine him that 's supposed and is the case upon which all the direction both for Elders Priests and People is built Lastly as to those examples in Levit 24. 11 12 13. and that of Numb 15. 33 34 35 of the Blasphemer and Sabbath-breaker put into ward that Moses might receive an Answer immediately from God what to doe with them accordingly the Lord spake unto Moses that they should be stoned I answer First the Law concerning blasphemie was not yet given publickly to the Jews the mind of God declared what should be done to them that blasphemed the name of the Lord therfore no wonder the Blasphemer was put in ward that the Lord might be consulted with what kind of punishment should bee inflicted upon him by the light of nature and the Law of the Decalogue the people of the Jewes knew hee was to bee punished for it though the particular kinde and forme was not yet made known by God and therefore bring him to the supreame Magistrate Moses and make him fast till the mind of God for the particular kind of punishment should be made known upon which occasion God doth not only declare what shall be done to that particular man but gives them a Law concerning all Blasphemers in the 16. verse taking an occasion from this as hee did from other transgressions committed and his peoples ill manners to publish judiciall lawes the appendixes of the morall Law in matters of justice and judgement But though God was immediately consulted with before there was a law for that is the case here of which there was all the reason in the world how doth it follow that after an expresse Law is given and ordinary means and wayes appoynted by God for the full knowing and executing of that Law now Persons must immediately upon all occasions have immediate Answers from God whether and how they may punish upon that Law and indeed to what end were expresse laws written made known and knowing able men in those laws deputed by God to judge according to them if immediate and infallible Answers were to be sought from God upon all occasions and persons not to be judged by those Lawes And for the Sabbath Breaker in Numb 15 however the Law had said the Breaker of the Sabbath should die Exod. 31. 14. yet it was not declared by what kind of death hee should die as Ainsworth Diodate and our English Divines in their Annotations upon the place observe saying though there were a Law to put to death a Sabbath breaker yet it was not declared what manner of death hee should die and of that the question being proposed the Answer is made by declaring the kind of death he must suffer which is set down in the next ver Solo. Jarchi saith it was not declared what manner of death the Sabbath Breaker should die but they knew he that prophaned the Sabbath was to die Now the Israelites were to receive directions from God as well for the manner and kind of their Lawes and punishments as for the punishments themselves and some of them being not declared no wonder that Moses stayed till hee enquired of God but what 's all this to make good Hagiomastix● assertion that because Moses who was to receive Lawes from God both for matter and forme for that people did wait upon God by speciall immediate inquiring in cases of some transgressions that accordingly all things might bee done therefore after God had given all Lawes both for matter and forme in cases of Idolatry Blasphemie prophecying falsly as in Deut. 13. Deut. 17. 2. Levit. 24. 16. the Judges and Magistrates following must doe so too Secondly in both these instances alleadged the men were put into ward not to enquire of God concerning their sins committed whether they were Blasphemie and Sabbath-breaking there was no question in that kind both the people and Moses were satisfied in that as appeares by the stories and by putting them in ward but only in what manner they should be proceeded against God not having before declared his mind particularly in those cases so that these instances helpe Hagiomastix nothing at all as not speaking to the matter in hand For whereas Hagiomastix makes this ground of the Iews putting to death Blasphemers Idolaters their enquiring and Gods declaring by Vrim what kind of Blasphemer and so what kind of Idolater particularly it was that be by his Law intended should be put to death Moses and the people neither inquired any such thing what kind of Blasphemie it was nor did God speake to Moses in that kind but bring forth him that hath cursed in
the campe and let all that heard him lay their hands on his head and let all the Congregation stone him Thirdly the declaration of the mind of the Lord in these two examples was no Answer by Vrim for besides that there is no mention in the text of the high Priest being spoken to put on the Ephod to enquire by Vrim neither doe any Interpreters understand it so both the texts are against it in those words And the Lord spake unto Moses saying bring forth him that hath cursed And the Lord said unto Moses The man shall surely bee put to death the declaration of Gods mind being to Moses immediately whereas in the judgement of Vrim it was to the Priest immediately so that these Answers of God were the Answers of a Law-giver giving Lawes and Penalties by the hand of Moses but not any new Interpretations and declarations of the meaning of the Law upon controversies and doubts arising and besides Gods way of answering Moses and answering by Vrim were different things as the Rabbins and other learned men who write of those things show Gods answering Moses and giving him Lawes and Commandements being by voice but answering by Vrim being in an other way by beholding the Breast-Plate and seeing therein by the Vision or Inspiration as these Scriptures Exod. 25. 22. Numb 7. 89. Exod. 28. 30. with Ainsworths Annotations expresse As for the immediatenesse of these Answers from God to Moses though not by the judgement of Vrim there were speciall reasons thereof God in an immediate way communicating to Moses all his Laws morall and judiciall Exod. 25. 22. and Moses being such a Prophet whom the Lord knew face to face and such an extraordinary man in severall respects as there was none like unto him Numb 12. 6 7 8. Exod. 33. 11. Deut. 34. 10 11. But for the Magistrates and Iudges that came after Moses to whom the morall Law and the Appendix of it the judiciall Law was given and delivered they were to proceed according to the written Law and there were in hard matters higher Courts consisting of a greater number more able to go to to determine what the lower could not then the highest of all the Synedrion at Jerusalem who were in all their judgements aboue morall transgressions to goe according to the Law of Moses as many Scriptures testifie Deut. 17. 11. c But no such Grounds after the whole Law morall ceremoniall and judiciall was published of immediatenesse of Answers from God to any of their Courts no not to the high Synedrion as to Moses who was to receive all for the first constituting of their policie according unto which all Courts and Iudicatures higher and lower were bound to goe Fourthly In these great and weighty cases of the Blasphemer and Sabbath-Breaker Moses did not presently passe sentence but made delayes put them in Prison till he knew the mind of the Lord and as for other reasons before alledged so for these following 1 to teach Iudges in matters of great weight of life and death not to be too sudden and hastie 2 in causes that are very hard to aske councell and to use all means to be well satisfied before they doe any thing In Ainsworths Annotations upon Numb 15. 34. the Reader may find the Chaldee paraphrazing thus This judgement was one of the foure judgements that came before Moses the Prophet which he judged according to the word of God Some of them were judgements of lesser moment and some of them judgements of life and death In the judgements of lesser moment of pecuniary matters Moses was readie but in judgements of life and death bee made delayes And both in the one and in the other Moses said I have not heard viz what God would have done For to teach the Heads or cheife of the Syn●drions or Assises that should rise up after him that they should bee ready to dispatch inferior causes or money matters but not hasty in matters of life and death And that they should not be ashamed to inquire in causes that are too hard for them seeing Moses who was the Master of Israel had need to say I have not heard Therefore hee imprisoned him because as yet it was not declared what sentence should passe upon him Babington in his comfort Notes on Levit. 24. writes Moses although such a man yet will doe nothing hastily in judgement and especially touching life but he will be advised by God who then spake from betwixt the Cherubims Exod. 25. and Numb 7. But it followes not because Iudges and Courts of Iustice were to learne to be cautious and carefull in matters of religion for what they punish especially with death that therefore they may punish no violations in religion though expresly and directly against the word of God unlesse God doe immediately from heaven declare them Blasphemies c and such kind of Blasphemies which the Law intends death to And for a conclusion of my Answer to this Evasion of Master Goodwin of the judgement by Vrim in the cases of Blasphemie Idolatry Prophecying falsly the cleare reason why then they were punished with death but may not be so now that being ceased under the new Testament I shall say no more but this I challeng him among al the examples recorded in Scripture of punishing men with death imprisonment or banishment c for Blasphemie Idolatrie Prophecying falsly prophaning of the Sabbath marrying Idolatrous wives and other transgressions of Gods worship to produce any one Instance that by the Iudges or by the high Sanhedrin God was enquired by Vrim whether such and such facts were Blasphemie Idolatrie c and of that kind and nature intended by the Law as punishable with death or among all Classicall Authors Rabbins and others who have written of the customes of the Iewes of Vrim and Thummim of the Sanhedrin at Ierusalem to cite me out of them any passages that affirme the Iudges or the high Councel of Seventie at Ierusalem or the high Priest for them were wont in cases of Apostasie Blasphemie c. to enquire by Vrim and to passe sentence upon persons according to that Answer and not according to the law which if he cannot doe as I am confident upon serious search he cannot then the Reader may easily see what poor shifts this great Champion of the Sectaries is put unto to uphold his damned cursed cause of Toleration of all Religions and to elude the commands of God fore-named for punishing Blasphemers Apostates Idolaters and false Prophets Now among all who have written of the high Priest and of Deut. 17. 11 12. I find only some Papists going Hagiomastixs way as Tostatus Lorinus who from all places of Scripture of the high Priest drawing matter to the Pope for establishing his Authoritie doe from this place also that they may establish his Authoritie above the Scriptures and appeals to him in cases of Controversie as the sole infallible Judge speake of the
same reason the Decalogue the whole ten commandements are overthrown too for both in Moses his giving the moral Law and in the commands themselves with the preface from the second verse of the 20. of Exod. to verse 18. there are divers particulars typical and figurative of things under the Gospel temporall corporall things of spiritual and heavenly of which I having spoken before in this Book pag. 24. 25 83 85. and many learned Divines giving instances in this kind * as Zepperus Rivitus Master Burgesse I shall inlarge no further but referre the Reader to those Books Having laid downe divers reasons to prove the commands under the old Law for Magistrates punishing false Prophets Apostates Blasphemers to be of common reason and equity given to all Nations and for all Ages and having answered the most materiall grounds brought by the Patrons of Toleration to make void those commands as not binding under the new Testament I come in the third place to answer those evasions and shifts brought by Iacobus Acontius Minus Celsus Senensis and Hagiomastix `that if it should be granted that all and every the Lawes contested about as well that for putting to death the false Prophet as those for inflicting punishment upon the Idolater and Blasphemer were moral and still in force under the Gospel yet these could not reach unto Hereticks and false Teachers among us at not being those false Prophets Idolaters Blasphemers spoken of in the old Law If it can be proved that Hereticks are those Blasphemers false Prophets Apostates which Moses commands to be killed then it shall be acknowledged Hereticks are to be killed but there is a large difference between a Heretick and such a false Prophet or Apostate as the Presbyterians in their owne definition of Hereticks make A Heretick does not deny God the Creator of heaven and earth neither doth he teach that other gods are to be worshipped a Heretick does not deny the name of Christ a Heretick does not deny the word of God which an Apostate does So that the word of God may be used as a weapon against Hereticks which against an Apostate cannot A Heretick therefore is not mentioned nor touched in any one word of these Lawes But if any will go about to draw these Lawes unto an Heretick that cannot be done by the proper force of the words but as the Lawyers speake per extensionem latamque interpretationem by stretching of them and far fetched interpreation And it would first be well considered of whether every Law does admit of such extensions and if not every one which of them then does admit and wherfore and whether in this Law there are those things for which an extension is to be made By the false Prophet who was commanded to be put to death Deut. 13. 5. was not meant every Heretick or erroneous person nor yet those who taught or published any false Doctrine though of dangerous consequence but only those who endeavoured to perswade men to the worship of a false god that by affirming that they spake by the inspiration of some deitie and that their sayings were to be esteemed Oracles What Doctrine it was which made the Prophet or Teacher of it guilty of death is expresly determined in the Law it selfe and asserted to be this Let us goe after other gods which thou hast not known and let us serve them And that the Law of God made against false Prophets and worshippers of false Gods was not intended against those who otherwise held that the Law of God was to be kept but were infected with some other error is sufficiently evident from hence because in former times among the Iewes who were affected with a vehement love and zeale towards their law Hereticks notwithstanding were tolerated and particularly the Sadduces These although the greatest part of the people and the Rulers beleeved them to erre exceedingly neverthelesse they were not expelled the Citie neither exempted from being Magistrates or bearing any other Civill office yea they were not hindred from coming to the Temple or the Synagogues The Scribes and Pharisees also both held and taught many most dangerous and erroneous Doctrines yet were they also in great honor and esteeme in this Church and state And though our Saviour upon occasion reasoned against yea and reproved them all for holding and teaching these errors and gave warning to take heed of them yet did he never charge this Church or State or those that bare office in either with sin or unfaithfulnesse in their places for not proceeding against them in regard of their errors either by imprisonment or death And yet we know that the Zeale of his Fathers House did eat him up and that he attempted a reformation amongst them yea Christ did teach and presse upon men all and all manner of duties from judgement mercy and faith even to the paying tithe of Mint Annise and Cummin Now unto these and other such like besides some hints I have already given upon the 14. Thesis which may serve in part for satisfaction to some of these evasions I desire the Reader to mind these following Answers First there are other places of Scripture both of commands or else examples approved by God concerning the punishing with death or restraining by Civil power the last of which makes good the point in hand against Hagiomastix and other Libertines as well as that of death for other faults in matters of Religion besides Blasphemie Apostasie and false Prophecying in the sense now alledged by Hagiomastix and his Compeers which these following instances prove First in Deut. 13. 6 7 8 9 10 that very chapter verse 5. brought by Hagiomastix to prove only those were to be put to death who endeavoured to perswade men to the worship of a false God and that by affirming that they spake by the inspiration of some deitie and that their sayings were to be esteemed by Oracles the Holy Ghost layes downe the contrary giving a distinct Precept and command from that of the false Prophet or dreamer of dreams who publickly and openly sollicites to Apostasie concerning the killing of such who in a hidden and clancular way seduce T is observed by learned Junius in his Analytical explication on Deut. 13. that there are two sorts of Seducers to Apostasie commanded to be put to death the one of such who publickly and boldly sollicite who are spoken of in the 5 first verses the other of such who secretly intice in verse 6. and the five following Now however the false Prophet or dreamer of dreames might pretend to speak by the inspiration of some deitie for which the 5 verse of the 13. is quoted by Hagiomastix yet the private enticers to Apostasie as the daughter the wife of the bosome the Son besides that they are made a different sort from the Prophet and dreamer of dreams and those six verses from the sixt to the twelfth containe a distinct command from the five first