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A77022 The churches glory, or, The becoming ornament being a seasonable word, tending to the provoking, encouraging, and perfecting of holiness in believers ... : whereunto is added, A glasse for the unconverted ... as also, several articles of faith briefly laid down for the further establishment and confirming of the faithful / by Josias Bonham, sen. of Byfield in Northamptonshire. Bonham, Josias. 1674 (1674) Wing B3592; ESTC R42680 146,195 373

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Persecution arise against them Christians are required to pray for the civil Magistrate for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour The Office of Magistracy is an Ordinance of God appointed to execute Justice against evil doers but for the praises and protection of them that do well the Office is weighty and of great concernment and requires not only humain Wisdom and Counsel but divine also to the well management thereof therefore it is of concernment that God be sought unto both by the Magistrate and also by the Subjects on the Magistrates behalf for divine assistance in Wisdom Understanding and Faithfulness of heart for the well management of the civil Laws according to the Will of God and the glory of his Name and the Subjects priviledges Wherefore as Gospel-injunction doth require the duty take heed of omitting the same lest it become a sin defiling and staining the Ornament of Holiness in your attainments thereof Also consider that this duty of Prayer is extended as the duty of every Christian not only for themselves but also for one another and for Enemies and Persecutors Therefore take heed omit not the duty lest it become sin unto us of a deep pollution Continue in Prayer and watch thereunto with thanksgiving Col. 4.2 Note Here is a further duty to be joyned with Prayer for Christians to be active in and that is Thanks-giving All our enjoyments are said to be sanctified to us by the Word of God and Prayer and are to be received with thanks-giving He that offereth praise glorifieth me saith the Lord Praises and thanks-giving to God is a Heavenly exercise a work requirable here in the Kingdom of grace and more perfectly performed in the Kingdom of glory by Saints and Angels in their glorified state God that hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus is worthy of all praise and thanksgiving to the glory of his Name from him we receive all our spiritual and temporal enjoyments and unto him belongeth praise and thanksgiving to the glory of his Name Every mercy enjoyed calls for a return of praise to the Lord from whom it doth proceed Therefore let us be careful here take heed of omitting this great duty lest we be found deep in sin and our Ornaments of Holiness be defiled Ten Leapers were cleansed by Christ but where are the nine only one returned to praise the Lord. Take heed therefore watch and pray that you may be sensible of God's mercies afforded and not forgetful of your returns I cannot here stand to number up the mercies afforded to us they are great and large yet here is one among the many I would say somthing to It is not long since a strong rough East wind did blow upon us for several years it may be the Lord had a good end in it as to sift us to prove and try the reality of our hearts towards him in our undertakings to blow away the Chaff but to preserve the Wheat so that although tryed yet the Lord in measure did debate with it so that although under the left hand of affliction yet upholden by a right hand of mercy So that as the Apostle saith We were troubled on every side yet not distressed Persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed Herein are we to behold God's hand with much thankfulness and to take heed that we forget not his Providences under which rough dispensation we may remember that we did set several days apart to seek the Lord by Fasting Prayer laying our condition cause before him And for as much as it hath pleased the Lord suddenly to turn back the rough stormy wind and to bring a calmy Southern serene refreshing gale upon us in such a way as was unexpected by us although our hope in him was for a deliverance in his time and which way should seem good unto himself for the glory of his name and indeed as the Lord is admirable in all his works and ways so in this that by the same hand he did chastise us by the same hand he should deliver us as if the Lord was minded to seal the truth of those words of Solomon unto us that the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water he turneth it whither soever he will Prov. 21.1 O who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counseller did we think such a thing or did our Prosecutors expect it may not we herein say with the Psalmist When the Lord turned again the Captivity of Zion we were like them that dream Rather question whether it was a real thing or a fained then readily to believe it But for-as-much as it hath pleased God thus admirably to answer our poor Petitions put up unto him in the name of Jesus Christ beyond our deservings or expectations let us in these ensuing particulars be very cautious and take heed and beware First That we do not omit the attribution of this our deliverances to the Lord to the glory of his Name as the original Author thereof and to the King as an instrument in his hand lest the omission hereof become sin unto us and a stain unto our holy Atchievments but rather with Ezra say Blessed be the Lord that hath put such a thing as this in the Kings heart Secondly That we be very cautious and take great heed and beware of omitting our duty in a return of praises sutable to the benefits we receive by the Lords answering us in our requests unto him O let it not be said of us as once of Hezekiah But he rendered not again according to the Benefit done unto him 2 Chro. 32.25 And of Israel that when he slew them Then they sought him and enquired early after God and they remembred that God was their Rock and the high God their Redeemer Psal 78.34 35. but they soon forgot his works they waited not for his Counsel Psal 106.13 But rather so apply and improve his benefits herein as to make them the greater obligation to us to love the Lord to trust in him and to wait upon him in his holy appointments as long as we live as saith the Psalmist I love the Lord because he hath heard my voyce and my supplication because he hath enclined his ear unto me therefore will I call upon him as long as I live Psal 116.1 2. Thirdly Let us be very cautious and take heed unto our selves and beware that by Carnal security we abuse not our liberty and priviledge of prosperity by acts of vanity and neglect of our duties in true Christianity and so make our priviledge of liberty and prosperity to become of greater damage to us than ten or twelve years of Persecution hath ever yet done for as much as we shall sin under the greater Mercies and so
Gall and Bitterness to his Soul and become his miserable Comforters to the greater horrour of his Conscience and the furtherance of his condemnation See Rom. 2.9 When tribulation and anguish shall be upon the Soul then will the poor Soul bewail his former Folly and careless Negligence in slighting the Means of Grace and the precious Price put into his hand and he had not a heart to improve it Prov. 17.16 and all those things whereon his heart was fixed shall be dissolved according as it is written But the Day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat and the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3.10 11. Fourthly let us consider this Ornament of Holiness in respect of the Duration of it Holiness is an everlasting Ornament unto the people of God it becometh Gods House for ever It is the Wisdom of the Children of this world That when they want any Commodity as Apparel or otherwise they will endeavour to obtain it with these three considerations in their eye first where they may buy at the best hand or cheapest rate secondly which Commodities are likely to be of longest continuance thirdly which are most beautiful and fashionable Now let us cast our eye upon this Ornament of Holiness of which there is so much necessity that without it no man shall see the Lord and we may behold it tendred unto us at a very cheap rate as on our part for although Gold and Silver will not purchase it yet God doth freely give it in the use of the means that he hath ordained to effect it Let us then improve the means and God hath promised a Blessing It will indeed cost us the parting with our rotten rags of the Old man but what are they in comparison to the Ornaments of the New man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness it may be it will cost us the parting with our former Companions in worldly vanities and not only our gross sins but our own Righteousness which is of the Law Phil. 3. It may be it will cost us the parting with a good Name among men and with our Goods Liberty and Life which are things near and dear unto us but if we part with all these for Holiness we shall be abundantly gainers by the hand for what are corrupt Lusts and carnal Vanities in comparison of the Gifts and Graces and spiritual enjoyments of Christ and what is the Fellowship of carnal Friends and vain Companions unto the Communion of God in Jesus Christ and the Fellowship of the Saints and what are the Sufferings of Gods people though in Name Person and Estate in comparison of that exceeding and eternal weight of Glory promised unto a holy life Holiness doth far surpass all valuations that can be laid in opposition to it wherefore let us lay out for Holiness it is a rich bargain at the highest Rate Secondly Holiness is an Ornament exceeding durable in respect of its Use and Service the more it is made use of the more excellent it is Holiness is every way serviceable to the Creature it helps the Creature to glorifie God in obedience to his Commands as to find acceptance with him it helps towards peace of Conscience and Comfort in a dying hour it helps towards a sanctified use of all the Creatures with comfort in the enjoyments of them it helps a Soul to the sight of God and that blessed enjoyment of Communion with him in Glory Yea it is serviceable upon all accounts at all times in in all places in all companies in all conditions provided the Creature cast it not off as a Garment out of fashion esteem but put it on and gird it to him and be always found in it and it will be so serviceable to him that as abovesaid the more it is made use of the more excellent it is For Thirdly Holiness is never out of fashion and esteem with God and good men it is that which God in Christ designed from Eternity to accomplish in his people and Holiness shall be the Ornament of the people of God unto Eternity when all these outward things shall be dissolved holiness shall remain in its primitive beauty Holiness accompanieth and beautifies a Soul not only in this life but also in the life to come as saith the Text Holiness becometh thine House O Lord for ever O let us be exhorted and moved therefore by all these forementioned considerations to run the Race set before us to press after the Mark for the Price of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil. 3.14 to follow Peace with all men and Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 CHAP. V. Containing some Directions how to pu● on the Ornament of Holiness I Shall now apply my self to the enquiring Soul which happily may propound this question You exhort us to Holiness and to press after it because i● is excellent and of great necessity bu● what course may we take that we may so press after Holiness as to obtain it In answer hereunto I shall lay before you these ensuing Considerations by way of Direction First I shall propound to your consideration the center where Holiness togethe● with the means for the obtaining thereof is placed Secondly the way in which a man must walk and the manner how he must press on to the Center where Holiness is centered so as to obtain the same First as Holiness in its perfection resideth in God the Father so Holiness together with the means for the effecting the same in the Children of Men is of the Father centered in God the Son Jesus Christ both God and man and by the holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son in its powerful influences and operations upon the inward man is wrought and effected in them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be Saints through the exercise of Faith in Christ Now for the clearing up of these things to our understanding let us consider some Scripture-Testimonies The Apostle Paul speaking of Jesus Christ hath these Expressions For it pleased the Father that in him should all Fulness dwell Coll. 1.19 And in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Col. 2.9 Saint John saith And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his Glory the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth Joh. 1.14 in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Col. 2.3 and of his Fulness have all we received and Grace for Grace Joh. 1.16 So that in Christ is centered both Holiness and the means to produce Holiness in the Sons and
the edification and comfort of Gods people according to the measure of the gift given And to this Saint Peter witnesseth 1 Pet. 4.10 11. As every man hath received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold graces of God If any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God if any man minister let him do it as of the ability that God giveth that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom be praise and cominion for ever and ever Amen The like mind also was in Paul who exhorteth the Corinthians to covet earnestly the best gifts follow after Charity saith he and desire spiritual gifts but rather that ye may Prophesie Because he that Prophesies speaketh unto men to Edification and Exhortation and Comfort 1 Cor. 14.3 So likewise Moses when his Servant would have had him forbid Eldad and Medad of Prophesying in the Camp he answered him thus Envyest thou for my sake would to God all the Lords people were Prophets and the Lord would put his Spirit upon them And although there be now no Prophesying by extraordinary Revelation but only that which is ordinarily wrought in the soul through the operative power of the spirit in the exercise of the mind and meditations in the word of God yet the day of small things is not to be despised for God will accomplish his work not by might nor by power but by his own spirit and although these ensuing considerations be not adorned with variety of tongues nor such eloquence as humane Wisdom teatheth yet now in love they are tendered to thy consideration If they bear an harmonious sound to the wisdom of God and thou receive any Edification or Comfort thereby let God have the glory and me thy prayers for my further growth and increase in the grace of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord to whom I desire to be an obedient Subject and faithful Servant although unworthy of so high a calling and remain thine in all Christian Office Josias Bonham And now my Friend art thou for Heaven design'd And to the way of Holiness inclin'd Lend me thine eye thine ear thy heart and hand These lines with me to read and understand Would we an holy state and glory win Le ts search our hearts and there the work begin By application of Gods word thereto Preventing evils that from thence ensue The heart is naturally Corruptions seat Whence flows great sins that do us often cheat Obstructions great from thence doth often rise Like filthy Rubbish in our way it lyes The which in wisdom must removed be If we an holy state and Heaven would see Therefore with diligence let 's fall to work To search what Vermin in our hearts do lurk Unanimous let 's be go hand in hand Corruptions Laws and Power to withstand That we from slavery may be set free To serve the Lord in holy Sanctity Thine in the Lord J. B. AN EPISTLE TO THE READER Of this Ensuing Treatise IT is mans misery since the Fall having lost his God and therewith his Happiness that he knows not the way to return to Happiness again Indeed every man in the world aims to make himself happy but is at a loss where or in what to place his happiness not considering the first make of mans noble Soul which was like God which can never be happy or content without something Infinite and Eternal Hence it is that man placeth happiness in Goods not in Goodness crying Who will shew us any Good any good serves turn though but a shew of good in the mean time the one thing needful is neglected they see no need of this one thing needful he is concerned with trifles and trifles with his great concernment And as he is to seek where or in what to place his happiness to the way by which happiness is to be obtained forgetting that irrevokable decree of the Almighty viz. That without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. This way of Holiness thou hast here discovered in this Book now this tho● mayst assure thy self that of all those things disputable this is without al● dispute on all hands that holiness is th● great thing designed by God hi● threatnings are that we should be Holy his promises are that we should efect Holiness all his Afflictions ●●●t we should be partakers of his Holi●●ss Christ prays that we should be Holy ●●d pleads that we should be Holy the ●●d of all Preaching and of all the Or●●●ances is that we should be Holy ●ver did any perish but for want of ●●liness God glorys in this that he is Holy God He is glorious in Holi●●ss Christ is the Holy Child Jesus ●s a Holy Saviour he had his Name ●●sus that he might save us from our 〈◊〉 Wouldest thou go in that way to●●rds Heaven as not to miss as many ●ost Christians and foolish Virgins ●●ve done why Holiness is this way ●●e wayfaring man though a Fool ●ll not err therein Esa 35.8 Let me therefore intreat thee who●●er thou art that may be the Reader of ●t Book to consider the great thing ●●igned herein viz. which is to shew ●●t what is the only becomeing Orna●●et viz Holiness as for all other ●●raments they may perish but this becomes thee for ever Possibly ● may say if I be Holy I must ●● with many frowns from an unw●● world matter it not there 's ● in Gods love than the worlds ha●● frowns and smiles from the world not long one smile from Christ ● dying Bed will make amends for Therefore fear not what will becom● thee study what becomes thee as Wise man once said Yet I kno● shall be well with them that fear G●● but it shall not be well with the Wic●●● Therefore I beseech you consider near you walk on the brink of Eter●●● what provision is made for the world Vessels of glory are afore pared for glory and be sure of that though you may own your se● and others may own you yet God never own you if you be not 〈◊〉 Now art thou one that saist as the ●●●ciple once to Christ Rabbi w●● dwellest thou and he answ●●● Come and see So say I wo●●● thou know the Excellency the Ne●●● Beauty the Glory of Holiness come ●●d see read this Treatise pray that 〈◊〉 eyes may be anointed with eye-●●ve and that he which is Truth may ●●d thee into all Truth who is sancti●●tion that he would sanctifie thee ●o shed his precious blood to wash us ●t we might be Holy who before the ●●●ndation of the world hath chosen us ●●t we should be Holy and that he ●●ld bless all means leading thereto ●●t his blessing may go along with the ●●ours of that his Servant the Au●●ur of this Eook is the unfained de●●● of him who is an unworthy Servant Jesus Christ and thy Friend Jo. Norcott TO THE READER IN Commendation of this Book Reader TWo things are chiefly treated of
in this ensuing Treatise the Filthiness of Sin and the Excellency of Holiness the Covering of a Sinner and the Ornament of a Saint Nothing makes a Wicked man so much like the Devil as Sin nor nothing makes a Saint so much resemble Christ as doth Grace and Holiness Grace makes man more man yea more than a man but Sin un-mans man yea makes him worse than a Beast Sin is the Brat and Spawn of the Devil but Grace is the Seed and Off spring of Christ God loaths nothing so much as Sin yet wicked men love nothing better Gods great design and labour is to destroy Sin but man resolves to keep and cherish it O what a Rebel is man to God! Sin is the greatest Thief and Deceiver in the World for every one has more or less been cheated thereby yet the most of men are greedy to entertain the Cheater Nothing is such an Enemy to man as Sin yet but few men will make War against it Sin seeks to destroy the soul yet some men will rather dye then leave their Sin O what blindness and madness is in the heart of man Sin separates man from God and hides his face from him yet man resolves to hug and hide his Sin That must needs be the greatest evil that deprives man of the ●reatest good and exposes man to the ●reatest misery He that makes a ●●ock at Sin now will change his Note when the Sentence shall be pro●ounced Go ye Cursed If Sin be ●o odious and Grace so excellent what ●ause have we to take up a lamentation ●hat their should be so much of the one ●nd so little of the other in the world ●hat sin should be so countenanced and ●ncouraged and Grace and Holiness so ●uch slighted and contemned Never was there greater need to ●tand up against Sin and contend ●or Holiness then in such days as these ●● Loosness and Licensciousness This ●orthy Authour has cast in his Mite in seasonable time there are abun●ance of Professors but too too few ●hat strive after the power of Godliness Many strive to Preach well and Dis●ute well but few to Live well I ●are not say a man who is of a false Re●igion cannot be saved yet I will ●ay he that walks not holily and uprightly with God cannot though externally doth profess the truth This Book Reader whosoever th● art may with-Gods blessing pro●● of great advantage to thee for here seasonable Councel for Saints and S●●ners both for the Professor and P●●phane First Art thou a Sinner I me●● one not truly converted one that h●● not as yet put on the Ornament Holiness then read the latter pa●● wherein thou maist clearly percei●● what a Cursed and Miserable state th● art in whilst thou dost remain unc●●verted May-be thou art one th● makes a mock at Religion and Conv●●sion for alas there are some miser●ble Wretches that stick not to cont●●dict and revile the very Word of Go● so ripe are they grown in Sin a● Wickedness What Sinner soever t● art let me mind thee with these two three things 1. Consider thou hast an immor●● soul that is of a precious worth and v●lue and that this soul thou art in danger to loose to all Eternity 2. Consider the shortness and uncertainty of thy days how soon thou maist be cut off and remember if thou dyest in thy Sins having no interest in Christ thou art undone and damned for evermore there is no Repentance after death let not the Devil tell thee that thou shalt dye like a Beast and have no Resurrection 3. Consider what Gods Word says Unless ye Repent ye shall all likewise Perish Luk. 13.5 And a man must be born again or else cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Joh. 3.3 and without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. 4. Consider with thy self to what end God has given a Law or Light in thy Conscience and know assuredly that if thou dost go on in Sin minding not these inward reprovings of Conscience that it will rise up against thee and Condemn thee in the dreadful day Conscience truly enlightened doth judge for God I may say before hand and pass judgment too and men may in part know how it is like to go with them hereafter if they did but mind the Testimony of their Consciences for if Conscience judges condemns thee by the light of Gods Word you have cause to tremble at those Reprovings and to flye to the Lord Jesus Christ for he is I may say Gods Vice-roy and doth whilst rightly informed judge for his Soveraign in Truth and Righteousness The Lord help thee to consider these things before Repentance be hid from thy eyes 5. Consider if thou wouldest put on the comely or becoming Ornament of Christ and Holiness then thou must put off thy filthy garments of Sin and Corruption before thou canst put on the New man thou must put off the Old And as to you that are called Saints one word further let me say since I have this opportunity in my hand take heed you rest not contented with the name of Saints the form of Godliness without the power will do you no good in the day of Christ 2. Remember the foolish Virgins were shut out 't is not enough to be Virgins unless you and I have Oyle in our Vessels O labour for Grace you know not what times of need are at hand he that has the most will have none to spare and some will seek it too late 3. Remember and think upon the man that had not on the Wedding Garment Know assuredly that none will be made welcome and lovingly entertained by the Bridegroom but those only that have that excellent Garment on of Christs Righteousness Holiness and Humility and how many will the day of Christ find unprovided notwithstanding the time and space which God doth afford us to make ready O look upon it as your chief work and business to dress trim and make your selves ready for at a time you think not of the Son of man cometh and that the labours of our Brother in the ensuing Treatise may be blessed to your advantage upon this very account shall be the Prayers of him who is willing to serve you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as strength shall be Communicated Benja Keach THE CHVRCHES GLORY OR THE Becoming Ornament Being a Seasonable Word tending to the Provoking of Holiness in Believers raised from Psal 93.5 Holiness becometh thine House O Lord for ever CHAP. I. Wherein the words are Opened and Explicated SEveral things are in these words very considerable for our Christian Edification First by way of Division Secondly by way of Explication Thirdly by way of Doctrine Fourthly by way of Application First By way of Division First we have in the words a subject bearing the Denomination of an House Secondly the person to whom the right of Propriety doth belong And that is the Lord Thine House O Lord. Thirdly we have the Ornaments of the
house which do most Adorn the same to make it comely and delightful unto the Lord. And that is Holiness Holiness becometh thine House O Lord. Fourthly we have here set forth unto us the duration of this Ornament Holiness how long its comeliness is acceptable in the sight of God and that is here said to be for Ever Holines● becometh Thine House O Lord for Ever Secondly By way of Explication We have several particulars very considerable First who this Lord is tha● claimeth propriety in this house Secondly what the House is and how considered Thirdly what Holiness is And Fourthly how far the term Ever doth Extend Of these particulars Briefly And First who this Lord is that claimeth proprie●● in this House Now among the multitude of Scriptur● Testimonies which do unfold this Quest●on that of Jeremiah is very full and clear where the Lord by the Prophet doth discover himself in these words But the Lord is the true God He is the living God and an everlasting King at whose wrath the Earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his Indignation Jer. 10.10 To this may be added Hebrews 3.4 the Words whereof are these For every House is builded by some Man but he that built all things is God who is a Spirit * J h. 4.24 or spiritual Essence pure † Hebr. 1.13 perfect * Psal 18.30 eternal † Deut. 32.4 incomprehensible * Deut. 33.27 having his Being of and from himself and giving Being to all Creatures of which he is the supream Governour Orderer and Disposer by his Omnipotency Providentiality Omnipresency and Omnisciency according to his Infinite Wisdom and Divine Will Jer. 13.23 24. Heb. 4 13 See Psal 22.28 Rev. 19.6 Ps 65.9 Ro. 13.1 Ephes 1.11 Thus much to the first particular Who it is that claimeth Propriety in the House The Second Question concerns the House it self under what Consideration it may be taken The term House doth signifie a Dwelling-place a place of Abode Habitation or of Rest Now it is not to be conceived that any one particular place can comprehend an Incomprehensible and Infinite God Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord Jerem. 23.24 If I ascend up into Heaven thou art there saith the Psalmist If I make my Bed in Hell behold thou art there If I take the wings of the Morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the Sea even there shall thy Hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me Psal 139.7 8 9 10 11 12. So that God dwells in Heaven by his glorious essential Presence in Hell by his Wrath and just Judgments in the World by his common Mercies and in his Saints by his Spirit whereby they are regenerated sanctified assisted and assured o● his Favour in the use of all his Ordinances And under this last Consideration i● my ensuing Discourse I shall consider th● House of God That a Believing people in whom the Covenant of Grace is confirmed by the in-dwellings of the Spirit o● Grace in its Operations and powerful Influences whereby they are drawn forth to walk with the Lord Christ in the Faith and Practice of his Truth according to his Revealed Will contained in his Word such a People upon a Scripture-account may be called the Lords-House The Apostle Peter writing to the Saints scattered abroad considering them as People in Covenant with Christ and Partakers of the Spirit unto Sanctification and Obedience putteth them under this Denomination Ye also as lively Stones saith he 1 Pet. 2.5 are built up a spiritual House an holy Priesthood to offer up spiritual Sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ So Hebr. 3.6 Christ as a Son over his own House whose House are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the Hope firm into the end The Believing Ephesians likewise being in Christ by Faith and Christ in them by his Spirit operating and working them up to Sanctification and Obedience and sealing the Promises unto them The Apostle considering their near Relation unto God which they were hereby brought ●nto hath these Expressions concerning them Now therefore saith he Eph 2 1 20 21 22 ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold ●f God and are built upon the Foundation ●f the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ ●imself being the chief Corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together ●roweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord ●n whom ye also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Thus Gods People are his Habitation as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my People 2 Cor. 6.16 The Prophet Isaiah doth bear testimony to this truth Isai 66.1 2. Thus saith the Lord The Heaven is my Throne the Earth is my Footstool where is the House that ye build unto me saith the Lord and where is the place of my Rest for all those things hath my hand made and all those things have been saith the Lord but to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my Word Two things briefly we may note in these words First the Question propounded Where is the House that ye build unto me saith the Lord and where is the place of m● Rest Secondly the Lords Answer to hi● own Question But to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrit● Spirit and trembleth at my Word Now how will the Lord look to this man surely to make his abode with him to tak● up his residence and dwelling with him and in him by his Spirit of Grace quickning reviving comforting and replenishing the Soul with assurances of his Favou● in Christ endowing them with suc● Gifts and Qualifications of Grace whereby they are enabled to offer up spiritual Sacrifices of Prayers and Praises acceptable to God by Jesus Christ I dwell in the high and holy place Is 57.15 saith the Lord with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones Judas one of Christs Disciples but not Iscariot putting forth this Question to his Lord Lord faith he how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us and not unto the World Jesus answered and said unto him If any man love me he will keep my words Joh. ●4 23 and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him Gods Work in the S●ul by his in ●● dwelling there Now how will the Father and the Son come to such a Soul to take up their abode surely by that illuminating and quickning spirit of Truth proceeding from the Father and the Son enlightening the Understanding informing the Judgment rectifying the Will subduing Corruption and
Divine Love the which if we could behold with a believing Eye and seriously consider it would be an excellent means to raise up our affections to Love and Delight in the Lord and to quicken us in our motions towards the Attainment of Holiness for every Performance of Christ in the days of his Humiliation was so perfumed with Love towards us that did we truely apprehend it and really consider it it would be of force to draw our feet out of those crooked paths of carnal vanities and to place them in those pleasant paths where Peace with Holiness doth dwell Fifthly A due consideration of Christs Exaltation is a great help towards the Attainment of Holiness let us look upon and consider Jesus Christ in his Exaltation The Scripture saith that Christ is entred into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 to carry on the Execution of his Office as High-priest to be Interceder and Advocate with the Father on the behalf of his People to perfume their Prayers and Praises which are offer'd up in his Name with the sweet Perfumes of his own Merits wherein the Father doth accept them and therefore as the Apostle saith he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he hath an unchangeable Priesthood and ever liveth to make Intercession for the Saints according to the Will of God Heb. 7.24 25. Rom. 8.27 Should I transgress the Kings Law in some high nature whereby his Displeasure is so provoked against me that all that I can do cannot appease his Wrath nor stop the proceedings of Justice against me unto Death in this sad condition should a Friend arise on my behalf who is of near Relyance to the King and in tender Love and Pity to me should take my Case upon himself and make an atonement for me not only to the appeasing of the Kings Wrath but also to the procuring of his Favour so far as not only to save my Life and Possessions forfeited but also to endow me with such Benefits and Priviledges in his Kingdom as far surpass all my former Enjoyments yea farther this Friend in Court doth so engage himself by Promise unto me that if I should again transgress the Kings Commandment provided it be not wilfully but only through weakness infirmity and inability to resist the Strength of the Tempter that then he will become my Advocate and Interceder with his Majesty to make an Atonement on my behalf O how great is the Love and tender Affection of this my Friend how may these his Actions prevail upon my Heart to rejoyce in him and engage my dearest Affections to him to love him and so delight in him as to desire more communion with him to hearken to his Counsel and to obey his Will in whatsoever he commands me And indeed while I exercise mine Eye upon this happy Object with a serious consideration of the excellent Benefits I received by him there is nothing more dear unto my Soul but if I cast mine eye considerations upon lower Objects of less concernment and short of my Friend I may soon forget his loving Kindness and suffer my Love and Delight to grow dead towards him Surely herein is our Condition represented for we unworthy Creatures have transgessed not only a Law of an Earthly King but even of an Eternal God the King of Kings and Lord of Lords at whose Wrath the Earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his Indignation the which is due unto every Transgressor of the Law of God And such is our weak and frail estate now since the Fall yea such is our wilful Stubbornness that in many things we offend all and become guilty before God whose Law condemns us and whose Justice calls for Satisfaction so that every Soul is liable to his Indignation and Wrath which we are no ways able of our selves to appease nor stop the Proceedings of Justice from inflicting upon us the heavy Horrors and Terrors of Divine Wrath and the Indignation of the Almighty no not so much as for one day much less for time without end or for Eternity Now in this our sad condition which we are fallen into by reason of our Transgression a Friend is risen up on our behalf even Jesus Christ the Son of Righteousness with Healing in his Wings Mal. 4.2 who hath not only performed the Office of an High-Priest in the days of his Humiliation in offering his own Body upon the Cross to make an Atonement for us and to free us from the Wrath to come Heb. 10.10 Ro. 5.11 but also is entred into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 to enrich us with such Benefits Priviledges as Grace Glory doth afford If now a poor Soul lie under the apprehensions of Gods Displeasure for some sin committed if he want an increase of Faith in Gods Promises if he want inward peace and assurance of Gods Favour if he want Power against Corruption and Temptation if he be oppressed by the violence of men and want Patience to bear it if he want Wisdom or Knowledg in the things of God or any Grace or good thing whatsoever would this poor Soul make its humble address unto God the Father of all Mercies and Fountain of all Supply to all our Wants from whom every good and perfect Gift proceedeth that he would grant a continual Supply of all good things according as the conditions of his poor Creature doth require Then behold O thou poor Soul behold thy Friend at Court Jesus Christ in his unchangeable Priesthood and ever glorious Exaltation on the right hand of the Majesty on high there to appear in the presence of God for us in all the approachings of thy Soul unto God take this Friend with thee he is able to save them to the utter most that come unto God through him seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for us Heb. 7.24 There is no approaching to the Father without the assistance of the Son our faithful High-Priest Mediator and Advocate as he himself hath said I am the way saith Christ the Truth and the a Life no man commeth to the Father but by me Joh. 14.6 I am the Door saith Christ by me if any man enter he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find Pasture Joh. 10.9 as if he should have said I am the way or place of entrance to the Father by me if any man enter he shall go in and out that is he shall have free access unto the Father Ephesians 2.18 and he shall find Pasture even such spiritual enioyments as shall abundantly refresh replenish and content the Soul even to its full satisfaction When Christ foretold to his Disciples his Exaltations to the Father and the great concernment he should be unto them therein as their High-Priest to intercede for them he leaveth these Expressions with other upon
thou art concerned to behold by an eye of Faith and seriously to consider him with due consideration as in his Humiliation so also in his Exaltation in the Execution of his Offices as in his Priestly and Kingly Offices so also in his Prophetical Office consider his Wisdom his Love and Faithfulness made out to poor Sinners in the Execution of his Offices consider his Ability and Sincerity herein his Wisdom is infinite it 's the Wisdom of God his Counsel is holy Counsel 't is heavenly Counsel the VVords of eternal Life his Love is great Love pure Love 't is such a Love that drew him forth to deny himself unto Death for Sinners consider him in his Ability he is Almighty All-sufficient full of Grace and Truth able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him consider him in his Sincerity he is sincere and real-hearted in his words and actions in all his Undertakings and Dispensations unto poor Sinners that look unto him and advise with him for Counsel in their concerns for Holiness and Heavens Attainments Man's Rejection of his Counsel is his Sorrow he wept over Jerusalem Mans Embracing of him is his Joy there is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth that turneth to the Lord to walk with him in his holy ways he is real-hearted and sincere in his Word and Actions therefore wouldst attain to Holiness that comely Ornament look unto Jesus behold him in his Offices as thy Prophet to teach thee by his Counsels the King to govern thee by his Laws and thy Priest to make an Atonement for thee by his Sacrifice His Sacrifice is holy his Laws are holy Laws every Ordinance of Christ is holy his Word and Counsel therein is holy yea all his ways are ways of Holiness and all persons walking in the same with a due observation are by the Holy Ghost owned for a holy People holy and beloved O wouldst thou look unto Jesus so as to make him the Object in thine Eye and the Subiect of thy Meditations doubtless it would be a means to direct thee in the way to holy Attainments and quicken thy motion thereunto The Prophet David hath laid us down an example of his own Practice of this nature I saith David have set the Lord always before me Psal 16.8 as if he had said I have beheld the Lord through Grace an Object of great Excellency to my Soul therefore have I chosen him to be the only Object upon whom I desire always to exercise the Eyes of my Understanding and Faith with Considerations and Meditations of his VVord his Laws Statutes Testimonies his Counsels loving Kindness and Faithfulness in the same as he further expresseth Psal 119. I have chosen the way of truth thy Judgments have I laid before me I have stuck unto thy Testimonies O Lord put me not to shame vers 30 31. I have rejoyced in the way of thy Testimonies as much as in all Riches I will meditate on thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways I will delight my self in thy Statutes I will not forget thy Word vers 14 15 16. thy Testimonies also are my delight and my Counsellers vers 24. Thus did David set the Lord always before him and behold the Priviledges David reaped hereby unto himself He is at my right Hand saith David I shall not be moved Psal 16.8 Two general Priviledges is here noted in which is comprehended many particulars First here is the Lords presence with David in his aforesaid Exercise Secondly here is Davids Stability of Faith Hope Assurance and Confidence of attaining to the full enjoyment of the Lord in the state of Glory through the presence of the Lord with him Thou wilt shew me the path of Life in thy presence is fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore Psal 16.11 the sense and sight hereof fills Davids heart with joy Therefore my heart is glad saith David and my Glory rejoyceth my Flesh also shall rest in hope vers 9. So Psal 34.5 They looked to him and were enlightened and their Faces were not ashamed that is they were not failed of their Expectations Wherefore wouldst thou attain to Holiness and Heavens Happiness look unto Jesus advise with his Counsel in his Teachings in his Word exercise thine eyes of thy Understanding and Faith thereupon it is thy great concernment in order to thy Attainments in the Ornament Holiness yea so look unto him as to consider him as aforesaid Consideration and Meditation are of great use in the way of Holiness Samuel speaking a word of Exhortation unto Israel to fear the Lord and serve him with all their heart the more to engage them and make his Exhortation prevailing with them he puts them upon the act of Consideration upon the great things that God had done for them For consider saith he what great things God hath done for you 1 Sam. 12.24 as if a due consideration of Gods Mercies were of great concernment to produce an awful Reverence of God in the heart of a people and of great use to beget motion in his Service And doubtless did we exercise our considerations seriously upon the Lord Jesus Christ in his Offices consider how great things the Lord hath done and doth do for us thereby did we consider Gods End therein with the use and Benefits thereof unto poor fallen enslaved sinful man through believing it would through the Blessing of God prove to be of an engaging nature to engage us to press after the Attainment of Holiness and of a directing nature to direct us in the way also of an incouraging nature to incourage against all difficulties lying in the way and of a quickening nature to quicken our motion towards the perfecting of Holiness in the Fear of God Israels Ingratitude in not exercising their Considerations upon the gratious Dealings of God towards them but upon their carnal Vanities It was the great complaint of the Lord against Israel even their want of Consideration Isa 1.3 The Oxe knoweth his Owner and the Ass his Masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider So in chapt 5.12 the Lord by the Prophet complaineth saying The Harp and the Viol the Tabret and the Pipe and Wine are in their Feasts but they regard not the work of the Lord neither consider the Operation of his hands And may it not be the great complaint of the Lord against the men of this Generation as to the generality of them that although the Lord is the owner of them not only by Creation but also by Purchase and Price paid and although the Lord hath created Man with that noble Faculty of Rationality above others of his Creatures to the end they might be considerate of his Word and works of Divine concernment to the glory of his Name and although he hath furnished the Masters Crib even Jesus Christ and his Word with the excellent Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Gifts and Graces for
the Lord hath determined that in their Unrighteousness he will reject them and leave them to Sathans delusions that divine Justice may be satisfied in their Condemnation To this purpose consider well some Testimonies among many given out by God's Spirit in his Servants of old as in 2 Thes 2.10 11 12. the Epistle of Jud. 4. Here observe they are persons turning the grace of God into Laciviousness denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ and withal observe that this denial is not to be confined only to such Atheists that say there is not any God but also those persons are herein comprehended that in words do acknowledge there is a God and Christ but yet although they live under the dispensation of Gods gracious word and word of grace yet refuse to live in God's Counsel therein contained to live in those ways works that their own ungodly Lusts do lead them to and such are those persons that Paul to Titus speaketh of that confess they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work Reprobate Tit. 1.16 and with these Scriptures consider Wisdoms Voyce Prov. 1. ver 20. to the end of the Chapter Wherefore all ye that lye down securely upon the bed of Ignorance and Prophaneness solacing your selves in Carnal Vanities and the Mammon of this world O look unto the Lord who desires the Knowledge of God rather than burnt Offerings Hos 6.6 and obedience to his Will rather than Sacrifice Look up and behold it is not Ignorance and Prophaneness but Holiness that leads to Happiness It is not the qualifications of the Old Man as Hatred Malice Envy Evil-speaking Back-biting and Devouring nor any Prophane and Carnal Vanities but the qualifications of love to Christ his Truth and Members yea love to Enemies to all men as they are the Creatures of God the workmanship of his hands with Peace towards all men Mercy Pitty and Compassion towards the Oppressed and Distressed Meekness Patience Long-suffering Gentleness Goodness Faith and Temperance with joy and delight in the exercises of Piety and Charity that leads to Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord against such saith the Apostle there is no Law And they that are Christs have Crucified the Old Man or the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts Neither is it Ignorance but a true Knowledge of Christ through which the Old Man is Crucified and these divine graces or qualifications of Christ are begotten conceived nourished and preserved in the Soul and brought forth into action to the perfecting Holiness in the fear of God Neither is it a Mind and Meditations exercised chiefly in temporal things but a diligent and careful exercising the mind and meditations in the divine Precepts and Counsel of God contained in his word with a wrestleing at the Throne of Grace for a sanctified use thereof unto the Soul whereby the true Knowledge of Christ and the truth in him is obtained VVherefore wouldst thou have Heaven for thy Inheritance press after Holiness VVouldst thou be Holy suffer not the Old Man to lye Uncrucified in thee but press hard after the attainments of the divine qualifications of Christ so as to have them ruling in thee and from that principle let all thy actions flow both towards God and men And wouldest thou attain to this degree press after a right knowledge of Jesus Christ and God in him And wouldest thou attain to a right knowledge of God in Christ Take the Testimonies of the Mind and Will of God contained in his Word for thy Counsellors Advise therewith by a diligent exercise of thy mind and meditations therein waiting upon God with supplications for a blessing thereupon Wherewith saith David shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy Word Psal 119.9 As if he had said by making the Word of God his chief Counsel and regulating his thoughts words Psal 119 93 104. and actions by that rule Through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way I will never forget thy precepts for with them thou hast quickened me O that every Soul in an Estate of Ignorance and Prophaneness would in time consider David's foot-steps and the foot-steps of all the flock of God and consider the experienced Benefit they did attain unto by walking in the Counsel of the Lord contained in his word and by way of imitation turn their feet their affections unto the Testimonies of the Lord and up and be doing while it is called to day before the night cometh when no man can work He that gathereth in Summer is a wise Son saith Solomon but he that sleepeth in Harvest is a Son that causeth shame Prov. 10.5 These words in the spiritual sence of them giveth us this note or observation by the way That it is a point of excellent wisdom in a person or people diligently to improve opportunities and means for Heavens Attainments while the season serveth but shame and contempt are the attendants of a person or people careless and negligent in improving opportunities and means for Heavenly attainments in their season or while they are afforded to them If thou beest wise thou shalt be wise for thy self Prov. 9.12 Thy diligence in season shall redound to thy own advantage and eternal benefit But if thou scornest thou alone shalt bear it for God hath not called us to Vncleanness but unto Holiness 1 Thes 3.7 8. He therefore that despiseth despiseth not man but God at whose Wrath the Earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his Indignation Jer. 10.10 A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished Prov. 22.3 In the fear of the Lord is strong Confidence and his Children shall have a place of refuge Prov. 14.26 Surely he scorneth the scorners but he giveth grace unto the lowly The Wise shall inherit glory but shame shall be the promotion of Fools Prov. 3.34 35. The heart of the Prudent getteth Knowledge and the ear of the Wise seeketh Knowledge Prov. 18.15 The words of the Lord are pure words Psal 12.6 They are the words of Wisdom Knowledge Understanding they proceed from the Fountain of Wisdom Knowledge Understanding God doth give Wisdom Knowledge and Understanding thereby unto such as imbrace his Counsel in the same and improve it accordingly waiting upon him therein in love thereunto as saith David Thy Word is pure therefore thy Servant loveth it Psal 119.140 Thou through thy Commandements hast made me wiser then mine Enemies Psal 119.98 for they are ever with me the entrance of thy words giveth light it giveth understanding to the simple Psal 119.130 David experiencing the truth of the words of God and the vertue use and efficacy of the same unto his Soul doth here set forth the excellency thereof to the praises of God and to the encouragement of others to prove the excellency
thereof by an imbracement adhearingly Every word of God is pure saith Agur He is a Sheild unto them that put their trust in him Prov. 30.5 Every word of God is pure his Testimonies his Commands his Promises his Invitations Exhortations Admonitions and Reproofs yea all his whole Counsel is pure flowing from a pure God given out to pure ends to bring defiled Sinners to a state of purity every word of God is pure in it self and pure in the esteem of every true Child of God the sanctified heart I esteem all thy precepts in all things to be right saith David Psal 119.128 Wisdom is justified by her Children saith Christ Math. 11.19 Poor Publicans justify God Luk. 7.29 by esteeming and embraceing of his Counsel but have any of the Rulers or of the Pharises believed on him Joh. 7.48 The Pharises and Lawyers rejected the Counsel of God against themselves See Luk. 14.16 to the 24. Luke 7.30 They would not justify God by esteeming and embraceing of his Counsel as held forth by his Authority although God witnessed to the same by his mighty hand The Poor the Lame and Maimed come in at the invitation and partake of the benefits while the worldly interested persons slight the invitation and the loving kindness of the Inviter for their worldly interest sake to the procuring to themselves the displeasure of the Inviter the Lord and to their loss of a participation of the benefits And so by observing lying Vanities Jonah 2.8 they forsake their own mercy that they happily might have had upon their imbraceing and improving what they were invited to Wherefore A Word to the inordinate and open Prophane consider all ye that act the Prodigals part in Ryoting and Drunkenness and other prophane and vicious Vanities to the wasting of your precious time and opportunities your temporal Estates and Wits and all in the service of sin to the impoverishing of your poor souls and the souls of your Children for want of Education in the knowledge of God unto the Condemnation of your own souls and the souls of your Children by your evil Example as much as in you lyeth O consider that by reason hereof not only your Children but also your Wives and other Relations yea the whole land of your Nativity is forced into mourning and especially when God shall visit for these things as saith the Lord by his Servants the Prophets see one Testimony among many Hos 4. where it is said that the Lord had a controversy with the Inhabitants of the Land the cause seemeth two-fold first They lay aside truth and the knowledge of God by the same and acts of mercy which the knowledge of God and truth leadeth to as things out of request and estimation with them Secondly as effects ensuing and demonstrations thereof they fall into those great and gross abominations of Swearing Lying Killing Stealing and committing Adultery and all excess even unto blood and therefore shall the Land mourn c. O that every such Soul would consider and act the Prodigals part in his return and that timely while the Fathers armes of mercy are open to embrace them O saith the Lord that there were such an heart in them that they would fear me and keep my Commandements always that it might be well with them and with their Children for ever Deut. 5.29 Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer the holy one of Israel I am the Lord thy God that teacheth thee to profit that leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go O that thou hadst hearkened to my Commandements then had thy peace been as a River and thy Righteousness as the Waves of the Sea Isa 48.17 18. Note Gods desire is that Sinners should return and live to him Note Those that hearken to God's Commands so as to walk therein are those that live to God and are blessed of him Blessed are all they that do his Commandements that they may have right to the Tree of life and may enter in thorow the Gates into the City for without are Dogs and Sorcerers and Whoremongers and Murtherers and Idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lye Rev. 22.14 15. I but what Estate shall these without possess and where the same Authour tells us chap. 21.8 But the Fearful and Vnbelieving and the Abominable and Murtherers and Woremongers and Sorcerers and Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21.8 I Jesus have sent mine Angel to testify these things unto the Churches I am the root and the off-spring of David the bright and morning Star Rev. 22.16 Secondly A word to the industrious Worldling O consider ye in whose hearts the world hath full possession that cannot spare one corner to give entertainment to the word of God by way of meditation and contemplation thereupon although God requires the whole heart unto himself Consider ye that are in an immoderate pursuit after this earthly treasure Take heed saith our Saviour Christ and beware of Covetousness for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth Here me-thinks I should hear some say that as to matter of Covetousness I think I am clear for although I am industrious in my pursuit after the things of this world yet I have not taken any thing from any man but what I pay for neither do I wrong any man but pay every man his own and therefore I think I am not guilty of Covetousness But then the question is whether we can say as much in the case between our selves and God and between us and our Souls and between us and our Relations and first Let us consider a little as in the matters of God have we not in our earnest pursuit after our worldly interest spent the most part of that time that God hath required for his Service upon our worldly interest have not our minds and affections been exercised upon our worldly and carnal interests when they should be exercised by meditations and contemplations with love and delight in God his word and works and celebrating praises unto his name do we not by our earnest pursuit after this worlds interest make our bodies and spirits so dull drowsy and unfit for God's Service that if we appear but one hour in a week therein we spend the most part thereof in sleep Do we not by our earnest pursuit after this worlds interest deprive our Children of that Soul-Education that is due unto them from us by God's requirement Do we not by our earnest pursuit after this worlds interest with-hold more then is meet from the Poor and Needy as in acts of Mercy Charity Pitty and Compassion by Gods commanded And if so is it not Coveteousness yea is it not Covetousness which is Idolatry when that our time our strength meditations considerations our wills and affections are so dedicated to the world whereby God wants that Honour and
not only command us to be holy because he is holy but attends upon us with all holy means appertaining to the attainment of an holy state that we in a good improvement of the means according to his Counsel against Sin and Satan and our own Corruptions for the attainment of a holy life we might both Plow in hope and Sow in the hope of Reaping a sure and certain Estate of holiness in its perfection to the great joy and consolation of the Soul in the sweet enjoyments of Communion with the Lord But Thirdly As we may be encouraged in this design by the warrantableness of it God highly approving of it and secondly from the promise of God to assist us in the management of the design So thirdly we may be much encouraged upon the consideration of the faithfulness of him that hath promised assistance to us Know therefore saith Moses that the Lord thy God is God the Faithful God which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandements to a thousand Generations Deut. 7.9 This is an excellent encourageing argument and attribute of God to strengthen the courage and confidence of a Christian in his design for the perfecting holiness in the fear of God if a Christian in the management of this design do meet with temptations and oppositions by the Lusts of the flesh the Devil or Wicked men here is a special ground of courage and confidence God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it 1 Cor. 10.13 Should a Christian in his management of this designe be possessed with some fear or jealousie of its own Imperfections and Weaknesses that by reason of the same it shall not attaine unto an estate of Holiness to stand acceptable without blame in the sight of God Here in this Case-consider that God is faithful who hath Called you unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 1.8 9. who will also confirme you unto the End that ye may be blameless in the Day of our Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore thou Christian Soul pressing after the attainment of Holiness consider Gods faithfulness as a remedy against any fears doubts or jealousies that may arise upon the sight or sense of thy own weakness and imperfections hath God also called thee unto the fellowship of his Son to walk with him in his holy Laws and Council contained in his Word striving against Sin for to attain unto an Holy state God hath also called thee unto the fellowship of his Son in the participation of his Righteousness and true Holiness in which Robes he will accept thee as unblameable in his sight Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it 1 Thes 5.24 Therefore press after Holiness but against the defilements of sin depending on Christ for perfection therein who Crowns Saints endeavours and adds to their store his own perfect purity to acceptance evermore Thou hast a few names saith the Lord to the Church of Sardis That have not defiled their Garments It seemeth these few persons did carefully endeavour in the use of the means to keep up and nourish the life and power of Godliness in them so as not to allow themselves in that deadness and sloathfulness that others were found in nor in those false doctrins and opinions that were on foot among others neither in those loose and lacivious practices and abominations of the times but their hearts being real to the Lord and their careful endeavours was to keep themselves undefiled from the sins of the times So the Lord Jesus Christ doth record them here according to their careful endeavours and integrity of their hearts although they might have failings and imperfections without which there is no man on this side the grave yet they being not allowed but endeavoured against the Lord seems to take not any notice thereof nor layeth any thing to their charge on that account for as much as such souls thus consciencious of sin do in the sence of their own imperfections the more humble themselves before the Lord admiring his mercy and judge themselves unworthy of the same Well but what of these few They saith the Lord shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Note here for encouragement in this design for holy attainments two things especially laid down in promise to such First Union with Christ in his white robes of Innocency Righteousness and Holiness in the perfection thereof Christ will cover the failings and imperfections of such souls with his own perfections Secondly Here is Communion with Christ Christ accepts them in Communion with himself They shall walk with me in white Christ puts his perfections upon them as aforesaid and makes them meet-Companions for himself They shall walk with me O what rich grace is this what an encouragement is here to press after such attainments when Christ hath engaged himself to make up our wants with his own fulness our imperfections with his own perfections and thereby make us meet for fellowship with himself They shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Note Here Christ seems to attribute a worthiness in them of these priviledges although in all that they have done is but their duty and not deserving at the hand of Christ so great priviledges but such is the gracious goodness of the Lord that he will not let the gift of a cup of cold water Math. 10.42 that is given to one of his Disciples for his sake go unrewarded how much more respects will he freely show towards those that for his sake in love to him do improve his Counsel unto a denial of themselves in all ungodliness and worldly Tit. 2.11 12. Lusts and Vanities to walk with Christ in his Counsel confessing his Name and professing his truth in opposition to Sin the World and the Devil to the management of this design of perfecting holiness in the fear of God to the glory of his Name Yea so doth Christ respect such souls that he confirms his former words with a second Confirmation He that overcometh the same shall be Cloathed with white Rayment and I will not blot his name out of the book of Life but I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels Rev. 3.5 O what great encouragements hath the Lord laid before us if we are upon the management of this design for holiness in the way of Christ's Counsel He will Cloath us with his own Robes and keep our names clear in the book of Life and confess our names and bear his Testimony for us before his Father and before his Angels as he also testifyeth Math. 10.32 O behold the faithfulness of God that as he hath commanded us to be holy so hath he graciously promised his assistance to us in our endeavours by his Divine Counsel in his Word
to suffer affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season for he had respect to the Recompence of reward and what 's the reason of this Surely he drank of the Brook in the way and therefore he lift up his head Psal 110.7 above all the treasures and pleasures of this world Esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Aegypt Yea Heb. 11.25 26. such is the Virtue and Efficacy of these living spings Gods free grace in Christ that it both cures the heart of the raigning power of sin and furnisheth it with courage and boldness in the ways of God against all reproaches and persecutions for the sake of Christ As we read of many that underwent Mockings and Scourgings Bonds and Imprisonments some ston'd some sawn asunder and some slain with the sword some wandring about in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins being destitute afflicted tormented of whom the world was not worthy and these not accepting of deliverance i. e. upon their Adversaries terms And what was the reason that they thus slighted self and the world to follow the Lord in his ways to the loss of all their outward enjoyments Surely they drank of the brook in the way the streams of Gods free grace in the promised Messiah were the waters of life whereunto they had recourse upon all occasions and by a supernatural hand of faith applyed the same unto the heart in the cup of serious meditation and by the vertue of the said streams they received such spiritual nourishment comfort support and assurance of better and more satisfying enjoyments the which drew up their affections to the Lord so as to renounce self and the world with all the fading vanities thereof as saith the Apostle Paul Whether we are besides our selves it is to God or whether we be sober it is for your cause for the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if Christ died for all then were all dead and he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that dyed for them 2 Cor. 5.13 14 15. Thus divine love with the excellent benefits thereof hath a constraining opperation in it to convert a soul from self and the world unto God and to the glorifying of his name with qualifications of grace wrought in the heart through the souls participation of the powerful influences and refreshing streams thereof For as the true sight and sence of our own Corruptions and our vileness thereby and our just deserts for the same laid to heart by a divine hand is sufficient for the converting of our proud hearts and haughty spirits into humiliation so also the true sight and sensible experience of the glory of the Lord in the dispensations of his free grace in Christ and the glory that it leads unto being laid to heart by due consideration and serious meditation through the operation and power of the divine spirit of the Lord is a sufficient means for to change the property and alter the dispositions of the heart from what it was by corrupted nature and to qualifie it with the qualifications of the Divine Nature into the same Image or likeness unto Jesus Christ in his natural properties inclinations and qualifications of grace as evidences of future glory As saith the Apostle We all beholding as in a Glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 An Exhortation to a Unity with Christ in qual fication and self-denyal after Christs example as an emblem of true Christianity If there be therefore any Consolation in Christ if any comfort of Love if any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies Fulfil ye my joy saith the Apostle that ye be like-minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Phil. 2.1 2 3. so forward Thus have we the Counsel and Example of Christ with the experimental testimonies of the faithful in former ages recommending unto us upon Scripture Record Gods free grace in Christ as a soveraign remedy to cure our souls of this disease of Corruption that Horseleach and all those greedy worms bred in the heart by the influence thereof which lye as obstructive Rubbish in our way to Holy and Heavenly attainments suitable to our Head Jesus Christ Wherefore we having such excellent means afforded us and being compassed about with such a cloud of Witnesses giving testimony to us of the excellent vertue and powerful efficacy thereof let us carefully and with all diligence improve the said means to the laying aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily be set us and let us run with perseverance unto the divine springs and streams of the waters of life flowing unto us in and through Jesus Christ from the Fountain of the Eternal Love of his Father and manifested by his Spirit in the word of truth the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Salvation looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him denyed himself contemned the world endured the Cross and despised the shame to do his Fathers Will in opening the springs of the waters of life unto us and is set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high there to appear in the presence of God as an Interceder for us as we by faith unite to him and participate of his fulness Thus have we before us a discovery of a most sad and dangerous disease of the Heart-worms the Horseleach and her Daughters in conjunction with self and the world and a brood of ungodly Lusts conceived in the heart of unregenerate man by the influence thereof as insatiable as the Grave the barren Womb the Earth and the Fire which never saith it is enough the which disease is not only dangerous but also very general thousands are sick thereof and thousands are dead thereby whilst they live as being unsensible of the disease or danger thereof and thousands of thousands have perished by the same we are also informed of a way how we may try our hearts whether this disease be prevalent in us or no and also what means is like to be most effectual against the same with some motives for encouragements to a careful improvement of the said means As First God the Fathers free invitation of Sinners unto his Son in whom the springs of the water of life is placed to be communicated to those that by faith imbrace him Secondly Christs invitation of Sinners to come unto him and partake of his fulness as he is a full Fountain set open for Sinners a Fountain fed with all the springs of God Thirdly Christs freeness to impart of his fulness to poor Sinners enslaved the which freeness