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A48796 The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls; during the reigns of King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary. Queen Elizabeth King James. King Charles I. Lloyd, David, 1635-1692. 1665 (1665) Wing L2648; ESTC R200986 432,989 840

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all their Designes and freed him from the mischief projected against him Great was the value the Queen set upon him as her ablest Minister of State for coming once to visit him being sick of the Gout at Burleigh-house in the Strand and being much heightned with her Head-attire then in fashion the Lords servant who conducted her through the door said May your Highness be pleased to stoop The Queen returned For your Masters sake I will stoop but not for the King of Spain She would make him always sit down in her presence saying My Lord we make use of you not for your bad Legs but your good Head He was a good friend to the Church as then established by Law advising his son Thomas never to build a great House or bestow any great charge upon an Impropriation as fearing the foundation might fail hereafter yet conniving at sober Non-conformists to strengthen the foundation at present he checked the forwardness of private men and advanced the honour of the publick Establishment on all hands Good my Lord saith he in his Letter to Archbishop Whitgift in the behalf of some squeamish Ministers bear with my scribbling I write with the testimony of a good Conscience I desire the peace of the Church I desire concord and unity in the exercise of our Religion I fear no sensual or wilful Recusant I would not make Offenders neither would I protect them And I pray your Grace bear this and perchance a fault and yet I have sharply admonished them that if they will be Disturbers in their Churches they must be corrected and yet upon your Graces answer to me Ne sutor ultra Crepidam neither will I put Falcem in alterius Messem Was his Chaplain Traverse his hand in all this And then again If I had known his fault saith he of Brown I might be blamed for Writing for him Thus he carried matters without passion and prejudice prudently as became so great a States-man He was not rigid yet he was careful He would help the good-natured yet punish the stubborn He would rather be where nothing is lawful then where all things are so He would never skrue up the Law to the pitch of cruelty nor unloose it to the remissness of Libertinism He was no less honourable a Patron of the University then he was a faithful Son of the Church the Church strengtheneth the State and the Universities furnish both particularly in the case of Rent-corn which saith my Author first grew in Sir Thomas Smiths head yet was ripened by Burleighs assistance whereby though the Rents of the Colledges stand still their Revenues increase He was not surer of all Church-men and Scholars by his Obligations upon them then he was of all by his complaisance and pleasantness None more grave then he in Publick none more free in Private especially at his Table where he drew something out of his heaviest guests having an admirable Dexterity in reading and observing men their own occasional openings in common discourse there being more hold to be taken of a few words casually uttered then of set solemn Speeches which rather shew mens Arts then their Natures as indited rather of their brains then hearts His power awed many his conversation obliged more He had his hour to put on his Gown and his hour to put it off When he would say Lie thou there Lord Treasurer and bidding Adieu to all State-affairs he disposed himself to his quiet and rest He laid the Designes of War by his own Theory and his friends Intelligence yet he advised peace and died before the Question was determined Whether a War with Spain Others understood the Nature of War but he onely the Expediency and Conveniency If War was necessary none more forward to promote it none more careful to maintain it knowing that in vain do the brows beat the eyes sparkle the tongue threaten the fist bend and the arm strike if the belly be not fed and the back cloathed and indeed this was his Master-piece that the Queen vying Gold and Silver with the King of Spain had Money or Credit when the other had neither Her Exchequer saith my Author though but a Pond in comparison holding water when his River fed with a Spring from the Indies was dreined dry It was with his advice that that Queen paid her Obligations in Preferments rather then Money giving away not above two Largesses of that nature in her life In a word when others set in a Cloud he shined clear to his last He saw Essex dead Leicester slighted Mountjoy discountenanced and what with the Queens constant favour which lodged where it lighted and his own temper and moderation when more violent men failed he died as great a Favourite as he lived leaving his son Thomas so much Estate as advanced him to the Earldome of Exeter and his son Robert so much State-Discipline as raised him successi●è to be Secretary of State Master of the Court of Wards Lord Treasurer and Earl of Salisbury He was a very exact and a wary Observer of Forreign Transaction witness this passage to Sir Henry Norris Embassador in France The rare manner of your Entertainment hath moved the Queens Majesty to muse upon what score it should be being more then hath been used in like cases to her Embassadors and such as besides your own report hath been by others lately advertised And for that in such things Guesses be doubtful I pray you by your next advertise me what your self do think of it and in the mean time I know you are not untaught to judge of the difference between fair words and good deeds as the saying is Fortuna cum adblanditur Capitum advenit His thoughts of a Rebel that submitted take in these words Of late Shane Oneal hath made means to the Lord Deputy of Ireland to be received into grace pretending that he hath meant no manner of unlawfulness towards the Queen by which is gathered that he groweth weary of his lewdness yet I think he is no therwise to be reformed then by sharp prosecution which is intended to be followed no whit the less for any his fair Writings as reason is Of Intelligence he writes thus I doubt not but you shall have of his hand no lack of Intelligence which you must credit as you see cause by proof of the event About Embassadors Dispatches he saith He must write apart to the Secretary in matters containing trouble and business and to his Soveraign of Advice In a particular Negotiation about Pyrates he advised That the King of France and his Council might perceive that it is well known how the Pyrates are suffered to do what they will notwithstanding it be contrary to Proclamation And yet you shall so order the matter saith he to a French Ambassador as not that you shall finde fault with this manner of suffering for that ought properly to be to the Spanish or Portugal Embassador with whom you may sometime deal to understand how
of it when great be wary when successful reserved when rising stayed especially in that Age when men were poysoned with Oyl and undone with Honey when active modest when checked yeilding when dandled distrustful when flattered fearful when great not absolute as my Lord would have been in point of favour against my Lord Mountjoy and valour against my Lord Norris Serve not your Followers but employ them Let others service administer to your designe not your power to theirs Let great Actions encourage greater and let Honour be your merit and not your expectation Some have been busie in the enquiry of what reason the Virgin-Queen had for her kindness to Leicester and this man if there be a reason in any much less in Royal love save the affection its self that bears it true he had Vertue and suffering enough at his first arrival to engage the kindness and the pity of a worse Princess yet some then discoursed of a Conjunction of their Stars that made way for that of their minds Certainly saith Cambden the inclination of Princes to some persons and their disfavour towards others may seem fatal and guided by higher Powers A Parallel between the Earl of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham by H. W. THe beginning of the Earl of Essex I must attribute wholly or in great part to my Lord of Leicester but yet as an Introducer or supporter not as a Teacher for as I go along it will easily appear that he neither lived nor died by his Discipline Always certain it is that he drew him first into the fatal Circle from a kinde of resolved privateness at his house at Lampsie in South-wales where after the Academical life he had taken such a taste of the Rural as I have heard him say and not upon any flashes or fumes of Melancholy or traverses of discontent but in a serene and quiet mood that he could well have bent his mind to a retired course About which time the said Earl of Leicester bewrayed a meaning to plant him in the Queens favour which was diversly interpreted by such as thought that great Artizan of Court to do nothing by chance nor much by affection Some therefore were of opinion that feeling more and more in himself the weight of time and being almost tired if there be a satiety in power with that assiduous attendance and intensive circumspection which a long-indulgent fortune did require he was grown not unwilling for his own ease to bestow handsomely upon another some part of the pains and perhaps of the envy Others conceived rather that having before for the same ends brought in or let in Sir Walter Rawleigh and having found him such an Apprentice as knew well enough how to set up for himself he now meant to allie him with this young Earl who had yet taken no strong impressions For though the said Sir Walter Rawleigh was a little before this whereof I now speak by occasion much fallen from his former splendour in Court yet he still continued in some lustre of a favoured man like billows that sink by degrees even when the wind is down that first stirred them Thus runs the discourse of that time at pleasure yet I am not ignorant that there was some good while a very stiff aversation in my Lord of Essex from applying himself to the Earl of Leicester for what secret conceit I know not but howsoever that humour was mollified by time and by his mother and to the Court he came under his Lord. The Duke of Buckingham had another kinde of Germination and surely had he been a plant he would have been reckoned amongst the Sponte Nascentes for he sprung without any help by a kinde of congenial composure as we may term it to the likeness of our late Soveraign and Master of ever blessed memory who taking him into his regard taught him more and more to please himself and moulded him as it were Platonically to his own Idea delighting first in the choice of the Materials because he found him susceptible of good form and afterward by degrees as great Architects use to do in the workmanship of his Regal hand nor staying here after he had hardned and polished him about ten years in the School of observance for so a Court is and in the furnace of tryal about himself for he was a King could peruse men as well as Books he made him the associate of his Heir apparent together with the new Lord Cottington as an adjunct of singular experience and trust in forraign travels and in a business of love and of no equal hazard if the tenderness of our zeal did not then deceive us enough the world must confess to kindle affection even betwixt the distantest conditions so as by the various and inward conversation abroad besides that before and after at home with the most constant and best-natured Prince Bona si sua norint as ever England enjoyed this Duke becomes now secondly seized of favour as it were by descent though the condition of that estate be no more then a Tenancy at Will or at most for the life of the first Lord and rarely transmitted which I have briefly set down without looking beyond the vail of the Temple I mean into the secret of high inclinations since even Satyrical Poets who are otherwise of so licentious fancy are in this point modest enough to confess their ignorance Nescio quid certa est quod me tibi temperet Astrum And these were both their Springings and Imprimings as I may call them In the profluence or proceedings of their fortunes I observe likewise not onely much difference between them but in the Earl not a little from himself First all his hopes of advancement had like to be strangled almost in the very Cradle by throwing himself into the Portugal Voyage without the Queens consent or so much as her knowledge whereby he left his Friends and Dependents near six months in desperate suspense what would become of him And to speak truth not without good reason For first they might well consider That he was himself not well plumed in favour for such a flight besides that now he wanted a Lord of Leicester at home for he was dead the year before to smooth his absence and to quench the practices at Court But above all it lay open to every mans discourse that though the bare offence to his Soveraign and Mistriss was too great an adventure yet much more when she might as in this case have fairly discharged her displeasure upon her Laws Notwithstanding a noble report coming home before him at his return all was clear and this excursion was esteemed but a Sally of youth Nay he grew every day more and more in her gracious conceit whether such intermissions as these do sometimes foment affection or that having committed a fault he became the more obsequious and plyant to redeem it or that she had not received into her Royal Breast any shadows
to his honour for when the people talked oddly out of envy to his Daughter now visibly in favour and pity to Queen Katharine Sir Thomas adviseth his Majesty to forbid his Daughter the Court and declare that those proceedings were more to satisfie his Conscience and secure Succession then to gratifie any other more private respect so far to his Daughters discontent that she would not come near the King until her Father was commanded not without threats to bring her thither who by representing the common danger to them both obtained at length saith my Lord Herbert though not without much difficulty the consent of his unwilling Daughter to return where yet she kept that distance that the King might easily perceive how sensible she was of her late dismission Sir Thomas would have married her to the Lord Percy but the King and Cardinal forbad it deterring old Northumberland from it and he his son Many Love-Letters between King Henry and Anne Bolen are sent to Rome one Letter between the Cardinal and his Confederates is fetched thence by Sir Thomas his Dexterity who advised Sir Francis Bryan then Resident to get in with the Popes Closet-keepers Courtezan and shew her the Cardinals hand by which she might finde out and copy his Expresses as she did to his ruine and our Kings great satisfaction To which Letter is annexed a Declaration under his hand and the Lords Darcy Mountjoy Dorset and Norfolk of 44 Articles against the great Cardinal His hand being now in he must through He adviseth the King to consult the Universities of Christendome He goeth in person when made Earl of Wiltshire to the Pope and contrives that a Declaration of the whole Kingdome in Parliament should follow him which so amused his Holiness with our Earls stratagems that he was asleep as it were until the state of England was quite altered To this he addes the peace with France and the interview with King Francis where his Daughter is married privately and her Brother made Viscount Rochford Convening a Parliament to his mind at Black-fryers and advancing an Arch-bishop to his purpose in Canterbury he is secure of the Church and of the Kingdom whereof the first hallowed the action and the second confirmed it Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Howard HE set out with his Fathers Reputation and came home with his own Britain feels his Arm to this day and the French his success Desperate were his Undertakings yet happy rash his Engagements yet honourable it being his Maxime That never did Sea-man good that was not resolute to a degree of madness The French Fleet he pursueth to the Haven under their own Forts closely Sir Edward considering the order wherein the French lay thought fit to advertise his King and Master thereof advising him withal saith my Author to come in person and have the glory of this Action but the Kings Council taking this Message into consideration and conceiving that it was not altogether fear as was thought but stratagem and cunning that made the French thus attend their advantage thought the King was not invited so much to the honour as to the danger of this Action therefore they write sharply to him again commanding him to do his duty whereof that brave person was so sensible that he landed 1500 men in the sight of 10000 and wasted the Country until being too confident he fell a while after into his enemies hands the Lord Ferrers Sir Thomas Cheyney Sir Richard Cornwal and Sir John Wallop looking on but not able to relieve him Four Reasons he would usually give against a War with the Low-Countries 1. The decay of Trade 2. The diminution of Customes 3. The strengthening of France 4. The loss of their industry and inventions and so of the improvement of our Commodities and Manufactures In the youth of this State as of all others Arms did flourish 〈…〉 in the Middle-age of it Learning and in the Declining as Covetousness and Thrift attend Old Age Mechanick Arts and Merchandize and this Gentleman was made for each part being not so much a Souldier as a Scholar not so much a Scholar as a Merchant But a private spirit is most unfortunate and as my Oracle assures me whereof men of that temper all their time sacrifice to themselves they become in the end themselves sacrifices unfortune whose wings they thought by their wisdome to have pinioned Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey SIr Thomas Howard was this Kings prime Counsellour a brave and an understanding man who was obliged to be faithful to his Master because an Enemy to Winchester emulation among Favourites is the security of Princes Four motives he offered for a Marriage with the Princess Katharine 1. A League with Spain against the growing power of our dangerous Neighbour France 2. The saving of much time and expence in Marriage by her being here 3. The consideration of that vast sum of Money that must be exported if she goeth away And 4. The great Obligation laid on the Pope by that Dispensation which would secure to him the King and his Posterity not otherwise Legitimate but by his Authority His Estate was much wasted in the service of Henry the seventh and as much improved by the treasures of Henry the eighth which amounted in the beginning of his Reign to 11800000 l. i. e. at the rate of money now adays six millions and an half which he dispensed so thriftily that old Winchester could not trapan him and yet so nobly that young Henry was pleased with him Sir William Compton set up the Kings Rich Life-guards under Bourchier Earl of Essex as Captain and the valiant Sir Jo. Peachy who kept Calais in so good order with 300 men as Lieutenant but this wary Earl put them down again When News was brought that Empson and Dudley were slain it was this Earls opinion that his Majesty had done more like a good King then a good Master When the narrow Seas whereof the Kings of England have been very tender were infested this old Treasurer and Earl-Marshal cleared it by his two sons Edward and Thomas saying The King of England should not be imprisoned in his Kingdome while either he had an Estate to set up a Ship or a son to command it In three weeks did he settle the North against the Invasions of James the fourth now inclining to the French and in a fortnight did he raise 40000 l. to pay the Army now ready to mutiny insomuch that when King James denounced War against King Henry he said He had an Earl in the North that would secure his Kingdome as he did with much resolution prudence and success at Flodden-Field where he saw a King at his feet and a whole Kingdome at his mercy where he was forced to fight so barren the Country where yet he pitched upon the most advantagious place and time so great his Command of himself and so noble his Conduct He sends Rouge
2. For his Popularity in advancing the Benevolence 52000 l. beyond expectation The Scots must have War as long as there is Poverty in their Country and Interest in France This Noble Earl cutteth off the Invaders layeth waste the Country and that the source of those troubles might be damned up entreth France with 80000 men and after some skirmishes brought the King thereof to a peace and submission In pursuance whereof while King Henry was in Bologn he made his Will wherein the Earl of Hertford Lord High Chamberlain is appointed Principal Counsellour to his Nephew and not long after he dieth and leaves the Kingdome to his son and his son to his Uncle whom the common Vote made Protector and Interest a Moderator of the Council which the times required able but their humours made factious The peace with King Francis and the Emperour was but uncertain the Scots were irreconcileable the Pope implacable Religion unsetled the Clergy out of frame the People distracted and the Nobility at variance A great Counsellour King Henry leaves his son and a greater his Uncle makes him In counsel is stability things will have their first or second agitation if they be not tossed upon the Arguments of Counsel they will be tossed upon the Waves of Fortune But yet this Lord miscarried in that the Council understood him better then he did them And he advised with them rather in publick where men speak warily and in compliance with others humour then in private where they deliver themselves more freely and agreeably to their own humours The Rule is Ask an inferiour mans advice in private that he may be free and a superiours in publick that he may be respectful But he did well 1. In that the same matter if weighed was never propounded and resolved the same day 2. In that he had fixed days of petitions for the peoples and his own ease 3. In that he poyzed his Committees of contrary Inclinations that watched and balanced each other to a moderation most safe for the Kingdome and himself 4. That he had of all Professions such at his command as opened the state of a business before any Commissioners debated it 5. That he seldome discovered his own inclination left it byassed his Counsel 6. That to prevent a Combination in the Council he weakned their power and priviledges their credit their dependencies either by office or expectation their opportunities and correspondencies so that he could easily remove any when faulty discover any when dangerous disgrace any when bold and not fit to be entrusted with the Counsels Resolves Deliberations and Necessities of the State In order to which he had two useful Resolutions 1. To suppress Calumnies 2. To encourage Accusations His first Acts were Shew and Pomp necessary for Greatness viz. The Knighting of the King and making himself Duke His next are Realities as 1. His modelling the Country for a Parliament considering the temper of the people and the pulse of the last Parliament redressing Grievances setling Elections by such Legal Rules as that the people should not be corrupted with money overborn by importunity transported by fear or favour to an unworthy or an unsuitable choice and taking a just time to prepare the people for the designed settlement by his grave and sober Injunctions by godly and good Books of Instructions by a wholsome form of Prayer composed at Windsor by a more exact translation of the Bible by several Proclamations for moderation and order on all hands by inhibiting all Preachers but such learned sober grave and discreet men as were Licensed thereunto under the Lord Protector 's and my Lord of Canterbury's hand 2. His promoting the Match with Scotland first by Ambassadours and then by an Army whose order was this viz. The avant-guard of 3 or 4000 foot-men at Arms and 600 light-horse led by the Earl of Warwick the main Battle of 6000 foot and 600 men at Arms and 1000 light-horse led by the Protector and the Rear of half so many led by the Lord Dacres the Artillery of 16 Pieces of Ordnance making one Wing the men at Arms and Demilances the other For the Avant-guard and half of the Battel riding about two flight-shot from their side the other half of the Battel and the whole Flank of the Rear was closed by the Carriages being 12000 Carts and Waggons the rest of the men at Arms and Demilances marching behind A few skirmishes and stratagems passed when a Trumpeter is sent by Huntley to challenge the Protector to whom the Protector replying like a wise man That it was not for a person of his trust to duel it with a private man The Earl of Warwick said Trumpeter bring me word that thy Master will perform the Combat with me and I 'll give thee 100 Crowns Nay rather said our Duke bring me word that he will give us Battle and I will give thee 1000 l. But in 25 days he gains a greater Battle over-runs the Country with the loss of no more then 65 men to that of 25000 Scots 3. His third Exploit was Dispensing Honours so nobly that they were due encouragements to Vertue though yet so warily that they should not be either a burden or a danger to the Crown 4. He gave the Commonalty great content in pulling down Enclosures by Proclamations and the Nobility no less by setting up Land-improvements by Rule 5. He engaged both by a good bargain of Church-lands confirmed by this Parliament 6. He weakneth the Papists 1. By conniving at them until they broke out to such outrages as made them lyable 2. By dividing them when engaged with hope of mercy on the one hand and fear of his Army on the other 7. The French taking the advantage of our seditions to break off their Treaty and proclaim a War he confiscates their Estates and secures the persons of as many of them as lived in England But Greatness is fatal and his Brother that should have supported this great man ruines himself and him He had married a Lady high in spirit his Brother the Queen-Dowager higher in place the Ladies quarrel first and then as it must needs follow the Lords Thomas the Admiral is questioned for aiming at the Crown 1. By marrying the Lady Elizabeth and then by seizing the Kings person and the Government so honest this Protector a plain man and of no over-deep insight into Practices that he gave way to his Tryal saying though somewhat ominous as it happened I 'll do and suffer Justice so Uxorious that he sealed his death And now he stands alone wanting his Brothers cunning to reach Warwick or his resolution to check Norfolk The people are troubled at that one weak and unjustifiable Act of his The pulling down of so many of Gods Churches in the City to build one Someset-house in the Strand The Earl takes notice of their discontent and assembleth eighteen discontented Counsellours who arm themselves and their followers
all of them with a number of Courtiers ascended into the same Room the blood yet remaining where the King related the Story which was confirmed by them And afterwards kneeling down with tears of Contrition for his Sins to God and thankfulnesse for this Mercy using many pious Ejaculations embraced all these Actors in the former Tragedy when the poor fellow also kist the King's hand These circumstances gave occasion then that this whole story was freshly revived to the common Satisfaction of the whole Countrey and our Engglish Courtiers And in especial unto the very reverend Bishop and nobly born James Mountague then present to whom the King addressed himself in this Relation and from whose Mouth I received these particulars at his return into England And thus much we have by word of mouth somewhat I shall add out of writings for more satisfaction This Treason was attempted the fourth of August 1600. And though there followed sundry Suspitions and Examinations of several other Persons supposed Abbettors and Contrivers yet it lay undiscovered tanquam è postliminio until eight years after by the circumspection principally of the Earl of Dunbar a man of as great wisdome as those times and that Kingdome could boast of upon the person of one George Sprot Notary-publick of Ayemouth in Scotland from some words which at first he sparingly or unawares expressed and also by some papers which were found in his house whereof being examin'd with a little ado he confessed and was condemned and executed at Edenburgh the 12th of Aug. 1608. A Relation I conceive not common but in my hands to be produced and written by that learned Gentleman William Hart then Lord Justice of Scotland and Principal in all the Acts of Judicature herein Neither of these Lords professed any skill in Politicks yet neither wanted a strong judgement which they could make good use of in time and place convenient giving testimonies in those Employments they had of a strict secrecy a great moderation and a happy compliance with opportunity Qualities exceedingly well lodged in men of Interest and Command especially in these two who neither too easily closed with others resolutions nor too obstinately adhered to their own Observations on the Fall of Sir Tho. Lake A Great Estate this Gentleman had honestly got and a greater esteem being King James his right hand and the Scots both hands that with which they begged and that with which they bestowed the instrument of the meaner sorts relief and the greaters bounty untill that Malice and Revenge two violent passions over-ruling the Weaker Sex concerning his Wife and daughter involved him in their quarrell the chief and onely cause of his ruine He had by his Wife sons and daughters His eldest married unto the Lord Baron Rosse in right of a Grandmother the son of Thomas Earl of Exeter by a former venter And upon the credit of Sir Thomas Lake he was sent Embassador Extraordinary into Spain in a very gallant Equipage with some hopes of his own to continue Lieger to save charges of transmitting any other In his absence there fell out an extream deadly●ewd ●ewd 't is no matter for what between the Lady Lake and the Countess of Exeter A youthful Widow she had been and vertuous and so became Bedfellow to this aged gowty diseased but noble Earl And that preferment had made her subject to Envy and Malice Home comes the Lord Rosse from his Embassie when being fallen into some neglect of his Wife and his kindred I conceive upon refusal of an increase of allowance to her settlement of Joynture which was promised to be compleated at his return not long he stayes in England but away he gets into Italy turns a professed Roman Catholick being cozened into that Religion by his publick Confident Gondamore In this his last absence never to return the Mother and Daughter accuse the Countess of former Incontinency with the Lord Rosse whilest he was here and that therefore upon his Wives discovery he was fled from hence and from her Marriage-Bed with other devised Calumnies by several designes and contrivements to have poysoned the Mother and Daughter This quarrel was soon blazon'd at Court to the King 's ●are who as privately as could be singly examines each party The Countess with tears and imprecations professeth her Innocency which to oppose the Mother Lake and her Daughter counterfeit her hand to a whole sheet of Paper wherein they make the Countess with much contrition to acknowledge her self guilty crave pardon for attempting to poyson them and desire friendship with them all The King gets sight of this as in favour to them and demands the time place and occasion when this should be writ They tell him that all the parties met in a visit at Wimbleton the house of the Lord of Exeter where in dispute of their differences she confesses her guilt of attempting their poison And being desirous of absolution and friendship being required thereto consents to set down all Circumstances therein under her own hand which presently she writ at the Window in the upper end of the great Chamber at Wimbleton in presence of the Mother and Daughter the Lord Rosse and one Diego a Spaniard his confiding Servant But now they being gone and at Rome the King forthwith sends Mr. Dendy one of his Serjeants at Armes sometimes a Domestick of the Earl of Exeters an honest and worthy Gentleman post to Rome who speedily returns with R●sse and Diego's hand and other testimonials confirming That all the said Accusation and Confession Suspitions and Papers concerning the Countesse were notorious false and scandalous and confirms it by receiving the Hoast in assurance of her Honour and his Innocency The King well satisfied sends to the Countesses Friends and Trustees for her Joynture and Estate who comparing many of her letters with this Writing do confesse it counterfeit Then he tells the Mother and Daughter That this writing being denied by her and their testimonies being parties would not prevail with any belief but any other Additional witnesse would give it sufficient credit To which they assure him That one Sarah Swarton their Chamberesse stood behind the Hanging at the entrance of the Room and heard the Countess read over what she had writ and her also they procure to swear unto this before the King To make further tryal the King in a hunting journey at New-part near Wimbleton gallops thither views the Room observing the great distance of the Window from the lower end of the Room and placing himself behind the Hanging and so other Lords in turn they could not hear one speak loud from the window Then the Housekeeper was call'd who protested those Hangings had constantly furnisht that Room for thirty years which the King observed to be two foot short of the ground and might discover the woman if hidden behind them I may present also the King saying Oaths cannot confound my sight Besides all this the Mother and Daughter counterfeit
jurisdiction in many particulars The fitter they are for the peace of the Kingdome the more heed ought to be taken in the choice of them 24. But negatively this I shall be bold to say that none should be put into either of those Commissions with an eye of favour to their persons to give them countenance or reputation in the places where they live but for the King's service sake nor any put out for the disfavour of any great man It hath been too often used and hath been no good service to the King 25. A word more if you please to give me leave for the true rules of the moderation of Justice on the Kings part The execution of justice is committed to his Judges which seemeth to be the severer part but the milder part which is mercy is wholly left in the King 's immediate hand And Justice and Mercy are the true supporters of his Royal Throne 26. If the King shall be wholly intent upon Justice it may appear with an over-rigid aspect but if he shall be over-remiss and easie it draweth upon him contempt Examples of Justice must be made sometimes for terrour to some Examples of Mercy sometimes for comfort to others the one procures fear and the other love A King must be both feared and loved else he is lost 27. The ordinary Courts of Justice I have spoken of and of their Judges and judicature I shall put you in minde of some things touching the High Court of Parliament in England which is superlative and therefore it will behove me to speak the more warily thereof 28. For the institution of it it is very antient in this Kingdom It consisteth of the two Houses of Peers and Commons as the Members and of the King's Majesty as the head of that great body By the King's authority alone and by his Writs they are assembled and by him alone they are prorogued and dissolved but each House may adjourn it self 29. They being thus Assembled are more properly a Council to the King the Councel of the Kingdome to advise his Majesty in those things of weight and difficulty which concern both the King and People then a Court. 30. No new Laws can be made nor old Laws abrogated or altered but by common consent in Parliament where Bills are prepared and presented to the two Houses and then delivered but nothing is concluded but by the King 's Royal assent They are but Embroys 't is he giveth life unto them 31. Yet the House of Peers hath a power of Judicature in some cases properly to examine and then to affirm or if there be cause to reverse the judgements which have been given in the Court of King's Bench which is the Court of highest jurisdiction in the Kingdome for ordinary Judicature but in these cases it must be done by Writ of Error in Parliamento And thus the rule of their proceedings is not absoluta potestas as in making new Laws in that conjuncture as before but limitata potest as according to the known Laws of the Land 32. But the House of Commons have only power to censure the Members of their own House in point of election or misdemeauors in or towards that House and have not nor ever had power so much as to administer an Oath to prepare a judgement 33. The true use of Parliaments in this Kingdome is very excellent and they would be often called as the affairs of the Kingdom shall require and continued so long as is necessary and no longer for then they be but burthens to the people by reason of the priviledges justly due to the Members of the two Houses and their Attendants which their just rights and priviledges are religiously to be observed and maintained but if they should be unjustly enlarged beyond their true bounds they might lessen the just power of the Crown it borders so near upon popularity 34. All this while I have spoken concerning the Common Laws of England generally and properly so called because it is most general and common to almost all cases and causes both civil and criminal But there is also another Law which is called the Civil or Ecclesiastical Law which is confined to some few heads and that is not to be neglected and although I am a professor of the Common-Law yet am I so much a lover of Truth and of Learning and of my native Countrey that I do heartily perswade that the professors of that Law called Civilians because the Civil Law is their guide should not be discountenanced nor discouraged else whensoever we shall have o●ght to do with any foreign King or State we shall be at a miserable losse for wa●t of Learned men in that profession III. I come now to the consideration of those things which concern Councellors of State The Council Table and the great Offices and Officers of the Kingdome which are those who for the most part furnish out that honourable Board I. Of Councellors there are two sorts The first Consiliarii ●ati as I may term them such are the Prince of Wales and others of the King's Sons when he hath more of these I speak no● for they are naturally born to be Councellors to the KING to learn the art of Governing betimes 2. But the ordinary sort of Councellors are such as the King out of a due consideration of their worth and abilities and withal of their fidelities to his Person and to his Crown calleth to be of Councel with him in his ordinary Government And the Council-Table is so called from the place where they ordinarily assemble and sit together and their Oath is the onely ceremony used to make them such which is solemnly given unto them at their first admission These honourable persons are from thenceforth of that Board and Body They cannot come untill they be thus called and the King at his pleasure may spare their attendance and he may dispense with their presence there which at their own pleasure they may not do 3. This being the quality of their service you will easily judge what care the King should use in his choice of them It behoveth that they be persons of great trust and fidelity and also of wisdome and judgement who shall thus assist in bearing up the King's Throne and of known experience in publick affairs 4. Yet it may not be unfit to call some of young years to train them up in that Trade and so fit them for those weighty affairs against the time of greater maturity and some also for the honour of their persons But these two sorts not to be tyed to so strict attendance as the others from whom the present dispatch of business is expected 5. I could wish that their number might not be so over-great the persons of the Councellors would be the more venerable And I know that Queen Elizabeth in whose time I had the happinesse to be born and to live many years was not so much observed for having a numerous
and allowing them to be published for the common benefit His onely defect was that he was against the ancient Naval-aid called Ship-money both publickly in Westminster-Hall and privately in his judgement demanded by the King even at that time when our Neighbours not onely incroached upon our Trade but disputed our right in the Narrow-seas though concluded to subscribe according to the course of the Court by plurality of Voices The Country-mans wit levelled to his brain will not for many years be forgotten That Ship-money may be gotten by Hook and not by Crook though since they have paid Taxes Leynes to the little finger and Scorpions to the rod of Ship-money but whether by Hook or Crook let others enquire Hampden's share for which he went to Law being but eighteen shillings though it cost the Nation since eighteen millions Considering his declining and decaying age and desiring to examine his life and prepare an account to the supream Judge he petitioned King Charles for a Writ of Ease which though in some sort denyed what wise Master would willingly part with a good Servant was in effect granted unto him For the good King exacting from his Subjects no services beyond their years and abilities and taking it better at his hands that he confessed his infirmities than if he had concealed them discharged him from the pains though he allowed him the fees and honour of Chief-Justice while he lived Wherefore in gratitude as well as conscience however he was misled in the foresaid matter of Ship-money he abhorred the Faction heartily for he would say of Hampden He is a dangerous person take heed of him and loved the Church as heartily for we are told by a person of great worth and credit That having read over the book of Canons 1640. when it first came out and was so much spoken against he lifted up his hands and gave hearty thanks to Almighty God that he had lived to see such good effects of a Convocation In a word he was no lesse in his Life than he is in h 〈…〉 Epitaph now dead which runs thus Georgius Crook Eques Auratus unus justiciari 〈…〉 cum de Banco Regis Judicio Linceato ani 〈…〉 presenti insignis veritatis haeres quem nec min 〈…〉 nec h●nos allexit Regis authoritatem populi 〈◊〉 bertatem aequâ lance Libravit Religione cordatu 〈…〉 vitâ innocuus manu expansâ Corde humili pauperes irrogavit mundum vicit deseruit Anno Aetat Lxxxii Annoque R. C. I. xv●i Anno Domini MDCXLI Observations on the Life of Sir Rob. Armstroder HE was a great Soldier a skilful Antiquary and a good Fellow In the first capacity I finde him bringing off five hundred English for three miles together without the losse of a man from six thousand Spanyards along a plain Champion where the Enemy might have surrounded them at pleasure Well he could handle bright Armour in the Field better he understood that more rusty in the Tower therefore in his second capacity we have him picking up old Coyn traluing more a Dollar which he might study than a pound he might spend Yet though his minde was taken with the Curiosities of former Times his ●nclination was very compliant with the mode of his own for he was excellent company in which capacity none more prevalent than he in Germany where they talk much none more acceptable in Denmarke where they drink hard none more taking in Sweden where they droll smartly His humble proposition and submission in behalf of the Elector was accepted by the Emperour 1630. He went to Denmarke and the first night he arrived he pleased the King so well in drinking healths that his Majestie ordered that his businesse should be dispatched that very night and he shipped when asleep as he was to his own amazement when awaked and the amazement of all England when returned he being here before some thought he had been there Humour is the Mistresse of the world Neither was he more intent upon the pleasing of Foreign Princes than careful in the honour of his own especially in his faith word and impregnable honesty for he knew a faithlesse Prince is beloved of none but suspected by his friends not trusted of his enemies and forsaken of all men in his greatest necessities Yet he was not so taken with antique Medals abroad but he promoted a new invention at home for to him Sir H. Wotton we owe it that F. Klein the German a very eminent Artist in working Tapestry came over to serve K. Charls the first a Virtuoso judicious in all Liberal mechanical Arts and for 100 pounds per ann pension so improved that Manufacture at this time very compleat at Mortlack in a house built by Sir Francis Crane upon King James his motion who gave two thousand pounds towards it in that place General Tilly would say before Gustavus Adolphus came into Germany that he was happy for three things That he heard Masse daily that he had never touched a woman and that he had never lost a battel What-ever Sir Robert could say to the first he was very prosperous for the last that he never failed of success either in fighting or treating in the Field or in the Chamber Observations on the Life of Philip Earl of Arundel HAd his Faith been as Orthodox as his Fathers Faithfulnesse was eminent K. James his gratitude and his Uncle Northampton's policy had raised him as high as his Father hath been and his son is But since his opinion made him a Separatist from the Church and his temper a recluse from the Court we have him in a place of Honour onely as Earl Marshal while we finde his Brother in a place of Profit as Lord Treasurer though both in a place of Trust as Privy-Counsellors where this Earl approved himself a confutation of his Uncles maxime That a through-paced Papist could not be a true-hearted Subject being as good an English-man in his heart is he was a Catholick in his conscience onely the greatnesse of his spirit would not suffer any affronts in Parliament whence he endured some discountenance from the Court insomuch that the House of Lords finding him a Prisoner when they sate 1626 would not act until after several of their Petitions he was released when his temper yielding with years he was very complying onely he ●resumed to marry his Son to an Heiress the King ●nd disposed of elsewhere which yet he laid upon the women that made the Match Indeed the 〈◊〉 Observator saith That women of all creatures are the most dextrous in contriving their designs their natural sprightfulnesse of imagination attended with their leasure furnishing them with a thousand Expedients and proposing all kinds of Overtures wi 〈…〉 such probability of happy suce●sse that they easily desire and as eagerly pursue their design When he was sometimes barred the service of his own time he studied those before him being a fond Patron of Antiquaries
his Memory his Standard was born in the Fore-ward all this Expedition A Person in whom Prudence was even with Activity Resolution with Prudence 〈◊〉 Success with Resolution Moderation with Success Honour and Favour with All. Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Darcy SIr Thomas Darcy was one of King Henry the Eighth's first Counsellours so advanced as most of his Fellows not for Affection but Interest owing his Promotion to his own sufficiency rather then his Masters favour His Counsel was weighty at Home his Assistance necessary Abroad where in behalf of Pope Julius the second and the Emperour he did more with 1500 Archers in a year for the ballancing of Europe then had been done before in an Age. No Employment so dangerous at that time as that of the Warden of the West Marches of Scotland none so able for that Employment as my Lord who was equally knowing and stout and at once most feared and most loved The Earl of Shrewsbury made some Inroads into Scotland the Lord Darcy seconds him But being surprized by the Duke of Albany's preparations he had as much Wit to make Peace as he had Resolution to carry on the War None knew better when to yeild none better when to conquer so great a command had he over himself so great over the Enemy that he brought them to request his Wish and offer what was his Interest With the Duke of Surrey's assistance by Land and Fitz-Williams his by Sea he reduced that Nation to a good Inteligence with Us that year and a Peace the next a Peace as he observed that would be no longer kept then we had a Sword in our Hands and an Army on their Borders For Conscience guided other parts of the World he said and Fear Scotland Whence he invaded them duely once a year Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Howard SIr Edward's Brother in Worth as well as Blood His Fathers Interest set him up and his own Industry kept him so All the Children were brought up for Sea-Services this Gentleman for Sea-Commands He immediately succeeds his younger Brother in the Admiralty and wisely considering the advantage of the French Gallies in a calm the number of their ships the danger of their windes for us if they blew Southwest desired of the King so many Souldiers a● might man the ships and make good the landing wherewith he scoured the seas and secured the Kings passage with so much Honour that he was able to assist his Father at Court as much as Wel 〈…〉 did Fox his Gallantry being no less pleasing to his Master then the other young Favourites Compliance and both these young men had no less Art to govern this Prince then he had to govern his Kingdom These Arts which all other Favourites use being Hopes and Fears which as Doors and Passages to the heart are so guarded by their vigilancy that they can both let themselves in and keep all others out the two Ends upon which the Thread of Government depends His Father is made Duke of Norfolk and he Earl of Surrey both are an eye-sore to the Cardinal whose Fortune had no Superior in the Kings Favour whose Ambition would endure no Equal The Old Mans years and cares are fitted with a Retirement in the Country the Young Mans ambition and activity with a Government in Ireland which he reduced as speedily to obedience notwithstanding Desmond's Rebellion as he had to civility had it not been for Wolsey's Underminings who endured no publick service but what he did himself and would chuse rather that the Kingdom should perish by a Traytor then be saved by a Nobleman Beloved he was by that Countrey where he left a Peace and a Parliament Anno 1521. so that they were loth to part with him Wanted he was by the King to scour the narrow seas for the French War so that he must have him The King had made him formerly His Admiral the Emperour upon his return from England makes him his and with both their Commissions he lands in Normandy wastes the adjacent Countries sparing onely Religious Houses takes and sacks Morlais in Bretaign which he entered under the smoak burns their ships commands the sea and sets the Emperour safe in Spain advising his Majesty from thence to make a general Muster of his Subjects for his own satisfaction and others terrour March 27 1522. The troubles in Scotland required an able Head and a stout Heart two Endowments that no man was more Master of then the Earl of Surrey now Duke of Norfolk upon his beloved Fathers decease whose Prudence toyled the Scots to deliver up their King as his Prowess frighted them to yeild up themselves as they did in that most exquisite Treaty where the Earl of Worcester beat the Bush saith my noble Author and our Duke catched the Hare A while after he is Earl Marshal and Embassador to King Francis about those two grand points 1. That the French King should set up a Patriarch 2. That he should stop up all the payments made to Rome with fair promises of that supply of men and money he then most wanted When the Pope stuck to Queen Katharine three things he advised the King to 1. To teach the people that a general Council was above the Pope and proclaim that he did appeal to it 2. To fix upon every Church-Door the Dowagers Appeal to Rome and the late Statute against it 3. To consederate with the Kings of Hungary and Poland the Estates of the Empire and the Hanse Towns Three things that would settle his People at home and strengthen his Interest abroad To which he added the Statute of Succession the Oath of Supremacy sir Howard's Embassy to the Scotch King the suppression of Religious Houses the War in Ireland under sir William Sheffington and a thorow search into the bottom of the Rebellion in the North by a connivance and delay But all his services could not quit him from suspicion nor his popularity from envy The Lord Darcy accuseth him to excuse himself and Cromwel seconds him to secure himself and as unhappinesses follow one another in the same order as one wave floweth after another his Nieces miscarriages threatned his fall but that the honest man as appears from a Letter the whole Council sent to sir William Paget then resident in France was the first that declared against her and put the King upon the most safe and honourable ways of trying her which satisfied his Majesty so far that he employed him as chief in the Treaty upon the Borders and General in the War when that Treaty failed Sir Anthony Brown upon his Recommendation being added to the Commissioners in Scotland and to the Privy-Council in England as Master of the Kings Horse as Sir John Gages was Comptroller of his House Several Persons came to London for a Reward of their Scotch services this Duke gave the King a wary and grave counsel to bestow upon them as much Land as they could win in
Croix to the Scotch King to tell him That though he saw no Enemy at Sea he hoped to finde some upon the Land That he came to justifie Bretons death which it was as much below a King to revenge as it was below a Privy Counsellour to have deserved That he expected as little mercy as he intended his sword being commissioned to spare none but the King whom no hand must touch To this Defiance he added a Caution to the Herauld That he should bring no messenger from the Enemy nearer then two miles of the Camp So well were the Scots incamped that when neither Arguments nor Stratagems would draw them out the Earl cuts off their provision there and under the covert of a smoak got the Earl under the hill and under another of mist got they atop The Scots played the men until Stanley and Darcy did more then men and the old mans Reserve concluded the doubtful day in so compleat a Conquest as brought 12000 Arms 16 Cannons 4000 Prisoners and a Peace to the English Borders Upon which the General retires to those more necessary exercises of Justice and Government until his Masters return When all his Services advanced him at that time when it was a Maxime of State That Honours are the Lustre and Security of Crowns to his Fathers Dukedom of Norfolk as his Sons Merits promoted him to his of the Earldom of Surrey The Kings Coffers decay and his Occasions grow The old man retires to his Country-house having enjoyed his Honour Thirty years to enjoy Himself Three One of his last Undertakings being the appeasing of the London-Tumult May 1. 1517. when he left this behind him A potent and wanton City is a shrewd Enemy Observations on the Life of Sir William Compton HE was chief Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Henry the Eighth and next to the chief in the affections of the same Prince If his spirit had been as even with his favour as his favour was with his Merits he had been the most useful as well as the most eminent man in England but he was too narrow for his Fortune and more attentive to his private advantage then to the publick affairs This Saying is at once his History and Monument Kings must hear all but believe onely one for none can give a solid advice but he that knoweth all and he must not be every body As to the affairs of Europe Sir William was cleerly for the League against France as an opportunity to regain our Right in France and strengthen our Interest in the Church and the Empire My Lord Darcy was against it because France was too hard for us before it swallowed up our a Confederates and much more since advising some more noble attempts for our just Empire upon the Indies The young King is for a War with France as an Engagement upon the Pope to advance England above all other Kingdoms and declares himself as much Sir William's in opinion as he was his in affection This Gentleman had a deep insight in any thing he undertook because he had a great patience to consider an advantageous slowness to recollect a strong memory to grasp and an indifferent temper to judge but when a matter exceeded his capacity or out-reached his sphere and orb he had either a peremptory and great word to urge it or a sleight to wave it or a subtlety to perplex it that his amazed fellow-Commissioners should as little unstand it or a countenance and gesture to overbear it However in general he was close and reserved he had need go softly that cannot well see leaving himself without observation or hold to be taken what he was He studied the Kings nature rather then his business and humoured rather then advised him The referring of all to a man becomes a Prince whose self is not himself but the community their good and evil being as my Lord Bacon writes at the peril of a publick fortune but not a subject whose private advantage may be a publick ruine not a Favourite whose benefit by that selfishness may be narrow as his own Fortune but the hurt done by it is as large as his Master who must needs be undone when his servants study to please Him and to profit Themselves Observations on the Life of Sir Henry Marney SIr Henry Marney was one of young Henry's first Council who loved his Person well and his Prosperity better and impartially advised him for his good and modestly contested with him against his harm that Council that was hand as well as head and could perform as well as advise This was the searching Judgement that discovered Buonviso the Lucchess his Letters to the French King betraying our designs as soon as thought on and instructing him for prevention before our King was ready for the attempt Industry and Thrift over-rules Princes This Personage had no time to transcribe Intelligence but what he borrowed from his sleep nor money to buy it but what he saved out of his allowance yet he understood more then any one Prince in Europe and was more consulted then any one Statesman His Judgement was much valued his Integrity more ever offering what was solidly safe rather then what was superficially plausible as one who was a stranger to the wisdom of the latter Age as Sir Francis Bacon describes it which is rather fine Deliveries and shifts from Inconveniences then solid and grounded courses for advantage His foresight was large and his spirit larger he considered all Circumstances that occurre● to him judged what he considered and spo 〈…〉 what he judged with that resolution as to his opinion that argued he understood the matter in question with that modesty as to his Superiours th 〈…〉 shewed he understood himself Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Poynings SIr Edward Poynings was the third of eighteen Counsellours bequeathed by Henry the V 〈…〉 to his Son with his Kingdom a Pri 〈…〉 Council wherein there was not one Lawyer an● a Cabal that never condescended for advice to an● below themselves or for performance of any of their Decrees to any besides themselves being a compleat Body of active and knowing men in their own Orb. Who more prudent then Surrey who more resolved then Poynings whose Vigilancy made him Master of the Cincue Ports as his Valour advanced him General of the Low-Countrey Forces whom he led on to several services with success and brought off with the loss of not above an hundred men with Honour from the Lady Margaret and Applause from the whole Countrey No less happy was he in his Government of Tournay until the Council at home now grown thin by the secession of Warbam Fox and Norfolk had more need of him then Garisons abroad Vainly is that spirit penned within a City that was equal to a Kingdom It is the unhappiness of other Monarchies that they have not Men answerable to their Employments it was the unhappiness of this that it had not Employment suitable to
The slie shifters that as that Chancellour observed pervert the plain and direst courses of Courts and bring Justice into oblique Lines and Labyrinths 3. Those that engaged Courts in quarrels of Jurisdiction 4. Those that made suits 5. Those that hunted men upon Poenal Statutes 6. Those that appeared in most Testimonies and Juries His Darling was The honest Clerk who was experienced in his place obliging in his carriage knowing in Presidents cautious in Proceedings and skilful in the affairs of the Court. Two things he promoted in King Henry's days 1. The Law against Gaming And 2. The Order against Stews And two in King Edward's 1. That Act against spreading of Prophecies 2. That Statute against embasing of Coyn. But King Edward's Testament and the Duke 〈◊〉 Northumberland's Will is to be made The piou 〈…〉 Intentions of that King wishing well to the Reformation the Religion of Queen Mary obnoxious to exception the ambition of Northumberland who would do what he lifted the weakness of Suffol 〈…〉 who would be done with as the other pleased the flattery of the Courtiers most willing to comply designed the Crown for the Lady Jane Grey Mr. Cecil is sent for to London to furnish that Will with Reason of State and Sir Edward to Sergeants In● to make it up with Law He according to the Letter sent him went with Sir Jo. Baker Justice Bromley the Attorney and Solicitor-General to Greenwich where his Majesty before the Marquess of Northampton declaring himself for the settlement of Religion and against the succession of Queen Mary offered them a Bill of Articles to make a Book of which they notwithstanding the Kings Charge and the reiteration of it by Sir William Peter declared upon mature consideration they could not do without involving themselves and the Lords of the Council in High I reason because of the Statutes of Succession The Duke of Northumberland hearing of their Declaration by the Lord Admiral comes to the Council-Chamber all in a rage trembling for anger calling Sir Edward Traytor and saying He would fight in his shirt with any man in that Quarrel The old man is charged by the King upon his Allegiance and the Council upon his Life to make the Book which he did when they promised it should be ratified in Parliament Here was his obedience not his invention not to devise but draw things up according to the Articles tendred unto him Since shame is that which ambitious Nature abhorreth and danger is that which timorous Nature declineth the honest man must be resolute Sir Nathaniel Brent would say A Coward cannot be an honest man and it seems by this Action that modesty and fear are great temptations Give me those four great Vertues that make a man 1. A clear Innocence 2. A comprehensive Knowledge 3. A well-weighed experience And 4. The product of all these A steady Resolution What a Skein of Ruffled Silk saith the ingenious Resolver is the incomposed man Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Fines EDward Fines Lord Clinton Knight of the Garter was Lord Admiral of England for more then thirty years He was wise valiant and very fortunate as appears by his Master-piece in Museleborough-field in the reign of King Edward the sixth and the Battle against the Scots He was afterwards created Earl of Lincoln where he was born May 4. 1474. and where he had a proportionable Estate to support his Dignity which he much increased beside his Paternal Inheritance He died January 16. 1558. and lieth buried at Windsor in a private Chappel under a stately Monument which Elizabeth his third Wise Daughter to the Earl of Kildare erected in his remembrance His Fortune made him a younger Brother and his Industry an Heir coming to Court where they that have Estates spend them and they that have none gain them His recreation was at Court but his business in the Country where notwithstanding the Statute in Henry the sevenths time against Pasturage for Tillage he Grazed 11000 Acres of Ground then a noble and gaining Employment that advanced many a Family in one Generation and now a saving one that hath kept up as many ten The best tempered Swords will bend any way and the best metalled men will comply with any occasion At White-hall none more affable and courteous then our Lord at Sea none more skilful in the field none more resolute in the Country none more thristy and hospitable His Entertainments were orderly and suitable made up of solid particulars all growing upon his own Estate King Charles would say Every man hath his vanity and mine speaking of the Soveraign is Building Every man hath his humour and mine said he speaking of the Fens is Drayning Adding withal He that would be merry for a day let him be trimmed he that would be merry for a week let him marry he that would be merry for a year let him build he that would be merry for Ages let him improve Now you would have him among his Workmen and Stewards in Lincoln anon among the Commissioners either in France or Scotland by and by before Bulloign or Calice and a while after at Spieres or Muscleborough and on a suddain at a Mask in Court. Neither was his Soul less pliable to persons then things as boysterously active as King Henry could expect as piously meek as King Edward could wish as warily zealous as Queen Mary's times required and as piercingly observant as Queen Elizabeths perplexed occasions demanded It was by him and my Lord Bacon said of business That it was in business as it is in ways that the next and the nearest way is commonly the foulest and that if a man will go the fairest way he must go somewhat about Sitting in a Committee about invading Scotland whereof Sir Anthony Brown then Viscount Mountacute presented a Draught there arose as great a debate between him and my Lord in Council as afterwards in the Field about the point of Entrance Nay said my Lord in the heat of the Discourse with as much power on others passions as command over his own We stand quarrelling here how we shall get in but here is no discourse how we shall get out It 's a Rule Whosoever hath any thing fixed in his person that doth induce contempt hath also a perpetual spur in himself to rescue and deliver himself from scorn either by vertue or malice And my Lord having some disadvantage from Nature made it up by Art None more bold none more industrious and more successful because that disadvantage took off envy on the one hand and jealousie on the other so that upon the matter in a great Wit Contempt is a great advantage to rising Judge Brooke had a Project against Usury which came up to the Lords House this rich Peer upon the first motion of it stands up and saith Shew me a State without Usury and I 'll shew you a State without Men and Trade Rich he was for expence and expend he did upon
might surprize the Interval between the dissolution of the old and the erection of this new Foundation civilly declined the motion informing his Grace That the way to advance the study of the Law was by promoting the present Professors of that Faculty now so generally discouraged and not by founding a new Colledge for the future Students thereof seeing Trinity-Hall alone could breed more Civilians then all England did prefer according to their deserts Observations on the Life of Sir William Herbert HIs Family had not endeared its self to the antient Kings by its service nor his Grand-father himself to King Henry the Seventh by his Relation more then He did Himself to King Henry the Eighth by his Merit He was a great Pattern of antient Vertue that in the greatest Fortune enjoyed the least Liberty Vigilant and careful One whose Power was attended with Sollicitude there was an Eye in the ancient Scepters and his Sollicitude with Temperance he that commands himself commands the World too While some mens imprudent integrity can do no harm and others base cunning can do no good Sir William's Prudence and Integrity was equally able for both as there was occasion Very close and successful were his and my Lord Sheffield's Negotiations abroad Very resolute and manly his Conduct at home He was one of the twenty four Counsellours to Henry the Eighth while he lived and one of the sixteen Executors of his Will when he died All great Undertakers must avoid softness and effeminacie the bane of great Natures and Actions For where there is love and pleasure there is fear and where there is fear there is that which enchains Generosity and confines Courage He had his double Diary the first for Actions the second for Observations upon them And indeed his and Sir William Kingston's Manuscripts give a great light to the History of those times In which Diary we finde what actions he did against the Scots by constant alarms with three thousand Welch and what against Ket's Rebels by notable stratagems with two thousand The man is compleat that hath a Head and a Heart As to the Faction in King Edward's time he would not concern himself looking on accusations in a Commonwealth as great advantages to check ambition and vent discontent that the one may not aspire too dangerously nor the other break out too irregularly And as little concern'd was he in King Edward's Will his business being rather obeying the Soveraign that was then determining who should be He was a throughly advised man one that gazed not on the issues but enquired into the reasons and springs of Actions Very useful he was in Queen Mary's Council and no less in King philip's War where he got St. Quintin for him and a lasting Renown for himself who died in Queen Elizabeth's time and left this plain Character behinde That he was a noble Gentleman of a trusty a free and an open Nature Observations on the Lives of Sir Tho. Mannors and Sir Ralph Euers IJoyn them both in my Observations because they agreed both in their dispositions 1. Both Nobly Religious and so blessed themselves and being a blessing unto others Their Religion was attended with Magnanimity Constancy Wisdom Prudence Valour and Counsel as the Products of it and with Success as the Issue 2. Both famous and renowned having Honour as the shadow doth the Sun going before them in their younger years to make their way to action keeping even with them in their middle age to countenance and credit their proceedings and following them in old Age to eternize and embalm them Both making their way to Honour as Agesilaus in Plutarch or Epictetus in Strabo by saying what was well and doing what was better or with Socrates by being what they appeared and appearing no more then they were Vertue though obscure may satisfie me it must be renowned or it cannot serve others But action is the life of things and good dispositions are rather a mans Inclinations than his Vertue Both therefore were in their Courage regular in their Conduct observant in their Addresses obliging in their Passions even in their Enjoyments severe and in their Services equal Sir Thomas Mannors first weakened the Northern Rebels by such discreet Propositions as met with many of their Humours and Interests and then resolved to engage them but that the little Brook Dun swelled miraculously to a River between both Armies And at the same time Sir Ralph Euers held Scarborough-Castle where he had no Souldiers but his own Servants nor any sustenance for twenty days but bread and water For this service he is made Lord Warden of the Marches as Sir Thomas is Lord Governour of the North. Both did his Majesty as much service in Peace for his Revenue as in War for his Security Both against the Cardinal's way of raising Money which was but the relieving of a present need by laying the foundation of a lasting inconvenience being very careful that their Master did not lose in the president what he gained in the money Observations on the Life of Sir John Baker THere is one of this Name remarqueable in every Kings Reign since the Conquest here is one now renowned in this 1. For Integrity to be neither awed nor corrupted 2. For a Spirit publick as Nature neither moved with particular respects nor terminated in a private Design The French were so insolent in London the eighth year of Henry the Eighth that when one Williamson a Carpenter was about to pay for two Pigeons he bought a Frenchman takes them out of his hand saying They were no meat for Carpenters but for my Lord Embassadour who concerned himself so much in the case that he had Williamson imprisoned Sir John sued to the Embassador for the man who answered That the English Knave deserved to be banged for denying any thing to a Frenchman Whereupon Sir John replied You know not that you are in London A notable reply considering that the City was up next day against Strangers in so desperate a tumult that none could suppress but Sir Thomas More and none settle but Sir William Kingston and Sir John Baker No sooner had he allayed the disorder at home but he with the Bishop of St Asaph are sent to appease a Rebellion abroad I mean in Denmark though in vain when the Kings cruelty exceeded their apology and ruine was more elegible with that people then duty or obedience Where he observed these six Maximes in order to a newly-conquer'd-Kingdom 1. That the Royal Line should be extinguished 2. That the old Customs in Laws and Taxes should be observed 3. The Prince must be there to observe their humours in person 4. That the Officers be moderate and honest 5. That there be Colonies planted in one or two places that are the Keys of the State 6. That the Neighbours should be weakened and divided and the In-land Forts demolished As he would have composed the troubles of forreign Princes so he served the
by his Advancement 2. That he never mistrusted an Oath 3. That he never considered that as Princes so Favourites have many eyes and long hands He that is so open as to reserve nothing from friends is renowned for Charity but he that is so to lie at the mercy of all is marked for ruine No sooner understood my Lord of Leicester Essex his Disposition but the bitter Fool Pace could tell his Fortune begging of my Lord at his departure the making of his Mourning and adding You and I have done for this world Walter Earl of Essex had been happy if he had not lived in my Lord of Leicester's time his son Robert renowned had he not been Sir Robert Cecil's Contemporary and his Grandchilde an Heroe had he not known my Lord Say and Mr. Hampden Observations on the Life of the Earl of Sussex THomas Radcliff Earl of Sussex was of a very Noble and Ancient Lineage honoured through many Descents by the Title of Viscounts Fitz-Walters He was a goodly Gentleman and of a brave noble Nature true and constant to his friends and servants noted for honesty a very excellent Souldier being one of the Queens Martialists who did very good service in Ireland at her first accession till she recalled him to the Court where she made him Lord Chamberlain and though he was not endowed with the cunningness and dexterity as others were yet upon his Death-bed he gave his friends a caveat whom they should beware His words saith Sir Robert Naunton are these I am now passing into another World and must leave you to your Fortunes and to the Queens Graces but beware of the Gypsie for he will be too hard for you all you know not the beast so well as I do His Prowess and Integrity drew the Souldiers after him Leicester's Courtship and Cunning the Courtiers Cecil's Prudence and Service the States-men He succeeded his Father in his Fortune and in his Favour his Prudence and Resolution promoting him to the Government of Ireland and the North his good husbandry and skill in Surveying making him Justice in Eyre of all the Parks beyond Trent and his comely Presence advancing him Lord Chamberlain Queen Elizabeth poyzed her State by Factions abroad and Parties at home her chiefest wisdome lying in her general correspondence and complyance with each Party as her Interest lay in their incomplyance and distance from one another My Lord of Sussex left this Memorial behind him That for Rising Men to stick to a side is necessary For Great Men to be indifferent is wise and this That he and my Lord of Leicester cleared and purged the Court their cross Observations refining each person that was admitted to Court none daring any injustice while Leicester observed him on the one hand and Sussex punished him on the other Then no deserving Person could be excluded by the one that could serve his Prince nor any undeserving one admitted that might disparage him one Interest being sure to receive the one as the other was to exclude the other Divers persons saith one of equal Authority though both wicked do in experience produce more Justice then a greater Probity in a single individua● hath been heard to pronounce in a divided Court the Creatures of one Party being the Enemies of another no less powerful and so they both become liable to accusation or capable of defence and from the sparkles of this clashing not onely Persons and Actions but the Publick Councils came to be refined from the Rust and Cankers that grow by an Unanimity Faction can be as little spared in a Monarchy as an Eye or an Ear as through which the Prince hath a clearer apprehension of his own and others Affairs then he can have when his followers are all agreed through the percussion of equal Factions as through that of Flint and Steel all things coming to light by Debates that might either advance or eclipse a Princes glory When my Lord of Sussex could not overbear Leicester with Power he did it with Policy and by yeilding to him conquered him for as he observed when he and his friends retired Leicester and his subdivided and he was checked more by the Ambition he taught his own Followers then by the competition of his Adversaries When Factions are carried too high and too violently it is a signe of weakness in Princes and much to the prejudice of their Authority and Business The motions of Factions under Kings ought to be like the motions as the Astronomers speak of the Inferiour Orbs which may have their proper Inclination but yet are still quietly carried by the higher motion of the Primum Mobile Queen Elizabeth had an happy time of it if it were but for this That her Favourites Divisions were her support for thereby she attained the knowledge of all things that happened so as no Suit or Designe passed the Royal Assent before she understood as much of Reason as Enemies or Friends could bring for or against it The Character this third great Lord of his Family left behind him was This year died a man of a great spirit and faithfulness to his Country and therefore none freer then he of his thoughts none sounder then he in his counsels Nor did this freedome of Communication betray his future Resolutions to the discovery of his Enemies as they opened his heart to the observation of his Prince for through a seeming unconstancy not of words but of action not his weakness but his nimbleness the Bird on the wing is safe he could so often vary as it was not easie to discover where or when he would be buzzing and give the blow by which unsteady carriage He so befooled his Adversaries with their Spies and Pensioners as they were at a loss what to inform their Patrons of or themselves how to resolve Fortune and Conduct set up this Favourite it falling in his Character as at Primero and other Plays wherein Fortune is directed and conducted by Art The best and subtilest Gamester may loose if it cross him but if it smiles and favours he knoweth best how to manage and govern it Five things raised this person to a respect as great as his fortune to be as high in the Queens favour as he was in his Descent 1. A Civility set off with State 2. A pleasing Modesty of Countenance and A●●ability of Speech ennameled with Gravity 3. A Boldness attended with Patience 4. A great Capacity enlivened with as great Dexterity And 5. An Integrity secured with wariness Observations on the Life of the Lord Willoughby THe Lord Willoughby was one of the Queens first Sword-men he was of the antient extract of the Bartues but more e●●obled by his Mother who was Dutchess of Suffolk He was a great Master of the Art Military and was sent General into France and commanded the second of five Armies that the Queen sent thither in aid of the French As he was a great Souldier so was he of a suitable Magnanimity
that neither that Queen or her correspondents ever perceived either the Seal defaced or the Letters delayed to her dying day Video Taceo was his saying before it was his Mistresses Motto He could as well ●it King James his humour with sayings out of Xenophon Thucydides Plutarch Tacitus as he could King Henry's with Rablais's conceits the Hollander with Mechanick Discourses In a word Sir Francis Walsingham was a studious and temperate man so publick-spirited that he spent his Estate to serve the Kingdome so faithful that he bestowed his years on his Queen so learned that he provided a Library for Kings Colledge of ●is own Books which was the best for Policy as Cecil's was for History Arundels for Heraldry Cottons for Antiquity and Ushers for Divinity finally he equalled all the Statesmen former Ages discourse of and hardly hath been equalled by any in following Ages Observations on the Life of the Earl of Leicester THe Lord Leicester was the youngest son then living of Dudley Duke of Northumberland he was also one of the first to whom Queen Elizabeth gave that honour to be Master of the Horse He was a very goodly person and singular well featured and all his youth well favoured and of a sweet aspect but high foreheaded which was taken to be of no discommendation but towards his latter end grew high-coloured and red-faced The Queen made him Earl of Leicester for the sufferings of his Ancestors sake both in her Fathers and Sisters Reigns The Earl of Essex his death in Ireland and the marriage of his Lady yet living deeply stains his commendation But in the Observations of his Letters and Writings there was not known a Stile or Phrase more religious and fuller of the streams of Devotion He was sent Governour by the Queen to the United States of Holland where we read not of his wonders for they say Mercury not Mars in him had the predominancy To the Policy he had from Northumberland his Father and the Publican Dudley his Grandfather he added they say Magick and Astrology and to his converse with Wise men his familiarity with Wizards Indeed he would say A States-man should be ignorant of nothing but should have all notices either within his own or his Confidents command His Brother Ambrose was the Heir to the Estate and he to the Wisdome of that Family He was the most reserved man of that Age that saw all and was invisible carrying a depth not to be fathomed but by the Searcher of Hearts Many fell in his time who saw not the hand that pulled them down and as many died that knew not their own Disease He trusted not his Familiars above a twelve-month together but either transported them for Forreign services or wasted them to another world His Ambition was of a large extent and his Head-piece of a larger Great was his Influence on England greater on Scotland and greatest of all on Ireland and the Netherlands where this close Genius acted invisibly beyond the reach of friends or the apprehension of enemies Declining an immediate opposition in Court-factions the wary Sir raised always young Favourites to outshine the old ones so balancing all others that he might be Paramount himself The modern policy and practices were but shallow to his who by promoting the Queens Match could hinder it who could decoy Hunsdon to Berwick Pembroke to Wales Sidney to Ireland while what with his great Train what with his growing Popularity he was called the Heart of the Court. To make his Basis equal to his Heighth he enlarged and strengthened his Interest by Alliance with the chief Nobility to whom he was related By his Patronage of Learning over which he was Chancellour by kindness to the Clergy whose Head he seemed to be by his command over all men whom either his favours had won or his frowns awed everybody being either within the Obligation of his Courtesies or the reach of his Injuries He advised some complyance with Philip of Spain for the Match he proposed while by degrees he altered Religion so as it must be impossible designing Queen Elizabeth for his own Bed while she made his way to the Queen of Scots whose refusal of him he made as fatal to her as his Marriage would have been advantageous The Queen of England promising to declare her next Heir to the Crown of England in case she failed of Issue upon that Match Leicester trepans Norfolk to treat a Match with the Scotch Queen and her to accept it to both their ruine both being engaged in such foolish Enterprizes by their enemies practices as made Leicester able in the head of a new Association in the Queens defence to take off Norfolk and his Ladies head He was always before-hand with his Designes being a declared enemy to After-games His Interest was Popery until my Lord North put him upon Puritanism but his Religion neither He promoted the French and Polish Match at Court and disparaged them in the Country When Cardinal Chatillian advertized her Majesty how Leicester drave Royal Suiters from her Court he was sent to another World He that would not hold by his favour must fall by his frown Arch-bishop Grindal not excepted His hand bestowed all favours and his brows all frowns the whole Court was at his Devotion and half the Council at his beck Her Majesty suspected but durst not remove him His Intelligence was good in Scotland better in Ireland best in Spain The Country was governed by his Allies and the Court by himself The Tower was in his servants hands London under his Creatures Government and the Law managed by his Confidents His treasure was vast his gains unaccountable all passages to preferment being in his hand at home and abroad He was never reconciled to her Majesty under 5000 l. nor to any Subject under 500 l. and was ever and anon out with both All Monopolies are his who commanded most mens Purses and all mens Parts A man was oppressed if he complyed with him and undone if he opposed him In a word his designe was thought a Crown his Parts too large for a Subject his Interest too great for a Servant his depth not fathomable in those days and his Policy not reached in these Observations on the Life of the Lord Hatton SIr Christopher H●tton was a Gentleman who for his activity and Person was taken into the Queens favour He was first made Vice-Chamberlain and shortly after advanced to the place of Lord Chancellour A Gentleman that besides the Graces of his Person and Dancing had also the Adjectments of a strong and subtile capacity one that could soon learn the Discipline and Garb both of Times and Court The truth is he had a large proportion of Gifts and Endowments but too much of the season of Envy As he came so he continued in the Court in a Mask An honest man he was but reserved Sir John Perrot talked and Sir Christopher Hatton thought His features set off his
body his gate his features his carriage his gate his parts his carriage his prudence his parts and his close patience his prudence The Queen loved him well for his activity better for his parts best of all for his abilities which were as much above his experience as that was above his learning and that above his education The little the wary man did was so exactly just and discreet and the little he said was so prudent and weighty that he was chosen to keep the Queens Conscience as her Chancellour and to express her sense as her Speaker the Courtiers that envyed the last capacity were by his power forced to confess their errours and the Sergeants that would not plead before him in the first by his prudence to confess his abilities The Chancellourship was above his Law but not his Parts so pregnant and comprehensive that he could command other mens knowledge to as good purpose as his own Such his humility that he did nothing without two Lawyers such his ability that the Queen did nothing without him Two things he said he was jealous of His Mistresses the Queens Prerogatives and his Mother the Churches Discipline the one that Majesty might be at liberty to do as much good and the other that Iniquity might not be free to as much evil as it pleased His enemies advanced him that they might weaken him at Court by his absence and kill him at home by a sedentariness This even and clear man observed and improved their practices closing with Malice it self to his own advancement and tempering the most perverse enmity to the greatest kindness None Nobler none less aspiring none more busie yet none more punctual in his hours and orders Corpulent he was but temperate a Batchelor and the onely one of the Queens Favourites yet chaste quick were his Dispatches but weighty many his Orders and consistent numerous were the Addresses to him and easie the access Seldome were his Orders reversed in Chancery and seldomer his Advice opposed in Council So just he was that his sentence was Law with the Subject so wise that his Opinion was Oracle with his Soveraign so exact was Queen Elizabeth that she called upon him for an old debt though it broke his heart so loving that she carried him a Cordial-broath with her own hand though it could not revive him Observations on the Life of the Lord Hunsdon THe Lord Hunsdon was of the Queens nearest Kindred and on the decease of Sussex both he and his Son took the place of Lord Chamberlain He was a fast man to his Prince and firm to his friends and servants downright honest and stout-hearted having the charge of the Queens Person both in the Court and in the Camp at Tilbury The integrity of his temper allayed the greatness of his birth which had rendred him dangerous if the other had not vouched him faithful He spoke big but honestly and was thought rather resolute then ambitious His words were as his thoughts and his actions as his words He had Valour enough to be an eminent Souldier in ruffling times and a renownedly honest man in Queen Elizabeths Reign His Latine faith Sir Robert Naunton and his dissimulation were both alike His custome of swearing and obscenity in speaking made him seem a worse Christian then he was and a better Knight of the Carpet then he should be The Polititians followed Cecil the Courtiers Leicester and the Souldiers Hunsdon whose hands were better then his head and his heart then both He led so brave a Train of young Gallants as after another threatned a Court but after him secured it whose Greatness was not his Mistresse jealousie but her safeguard One of his blunt Jests went further then others affected Harangues the one being Nature the other forced His faithfulness made him Governour of Berwick a place of great service and General of the English Army a place of great Trust He had something of Leicesters Choler but none of his Malice A right Noble Spirit not so stupid as not to resent not so unworthy as to retain a sense of Injuries To have the Courage to observe an Affront is to be even with an Adversary to have the patience to forgive it is to be above him There goeth a story of him that when his Retinue which in those times was large would have drawn on a Gentleman that had returned him a box on the ear he forbad them in these Souldier-like words You Rogues cannot my Neighbour and my self exchange a box on the ear but you must interpose He might have been what he would for relieving Queen Elizabeth in her distress he would be but what he was Other Interests were offered him to stand upon he was contented with his own He suppressed the Court-Factions and the Nothern Commotions the one by his Interest the other by his Valour for the one he had always the Queens Heart for the other he had once a most Gracious Letter His Court-favour was as lasting as his Integrity One hath left this remarque concerning him That he should have been twice Earl of Wilishire in right of his Mother Bollen And the Queen when he was on his Death-bed ordered his Patent and Robes to his bed-side where he who could dissemble neither well nor ill told the Queen That if he was not worthy of those Honours when living he was unworthy of them when dying In a word Sir William Cecil was a wise man Bacon was reaching Leicester cunning Walsingham was a Patriot and my Lord Hunsd●n was honest Observations on the Life of Nicholas Heath Archbishop of York and Lord Chancellour of England AT once a most wise and a most learned man of great Policy and of as great Integrity meek and resolute more devout to follow his own Conscience then cruel to persecute others It is enough to intimate his moderate temper equal and dis-engaged from violent extreams that the first of Queen Elizabeth in the Disputation between the Papists and Protestants he was chosen by the Privy-Council one of the Moderators when Sir Nicholas Bacon was the other The Civility he shewed in Prosperity he found in Adversity for in Queen Elizabeths time he was rather eased then deposed like another Abiathar sent home by Solomon to his own fields in Anathoth living cheerfully at Cobbam in Surry where he devoted his Old Age to Religion and Study being much comforted with the Queens Visits and kindness and more with his own good conscience that as he would often say he had been so intent upon the service as never to enjoy the greatness of any place he was advanced to Sir Henry Wotton being bound for Rome asked his Host at Siena a man well versed in men and bufiness What Rules he would give him for his Port Conduct and Carriage There is one short remembrance said he will carry you safe through the world nothing but this said he Gli Pensiere stretti el viso Sciolto i. e. Your Thoughts close and
with 2. To proclaim the Queen of Scots succession and in the Train he laid to serve Leicester in the Duke of Norfolks ruine But he was too familiar with that Politicians privacy to live long anno 1570 he died A Man saith Mr. Cambden of great experience passing sharp wit and singular diligence an over-curious fancy and a too nimble activity like your too fine Silks or Linen and more for shew then service never blessing their Owners but when allayed with something of the heavy and the wary nor rising but when stayed Observations on the Life of Edward Earl of Derby HIs Greatness supported his Goodness and his Goodness endeared his Greatness his Heighth being looked upon with a double aspect 1. By himself as an advantage of Beneficence 2. By others as a ground of Reverence His great Birth put him above private respects but his great Soul never above publick service Indeed he repaired by ways thrifty yet Noble what his Ancestors had impaired by neglect Good Husbandry may as well stand with great Honour as Breadth may consist with Heighth His Travel when young at once gained experience and saved expences and his marriage was as much to his profit as his honour And now he sheweth himself in his full Grandeur when the intireness of his Minde complyed with the largeness of his Soul 1. In a spreading Charity Other Lords made many poor by Oppression he and my Lord of Bedford as Queen Elizabeth would jest made all the Beggers by his liberality 2. In a famous Hospitality wherein 1. His House was orderly a Colledge of Discipline rather then a Palace for Entertainment his Servants being so many young Gentlemen trained up to govern themselves by observing him who knew their Master and understood themselves 2. His Provision Native all the Necessaries of England are bred in it rather plentiful then various solid then dainty that cost him less and contented his guests more His Table constant and even where all were welcome and none invited 3. His Hall was full most commonly his Gates always the one with the honest Gentry and Yeomen who were his Retainers in love and observance bringing good stomacks to his Table and resolved hearts for his service the holding up of his hand in the Northern business being as effectual as the displaying of a Banner The other with the 1. Aged 2. Maimed 3. Industrious Poor whose craving was prevented with doles and expectation with bounty the first being provided with meat the second with money and the third with employment In a word Mr. Cambden observes That Hospitality lieth buried since 1572 in this Earls Grave whence may that Divine Power raise it that shall raise him but before the last Resurrection when there will be plenty to bestow in one part of the world and no poor to be relieved poverty in the other and no bounty to relieve Neither was he Munificent upon other mens charge for once a moneth he looked into his Incomes and once a week to his Disbursements that none should wrong him or be wronged by him The Earl of Derby he would say shall keep his own House wherefore it 's an Observation of him and the second Duke of Norfolk That when they were buried not a Trades-man could demand the payment of a Groat that they owed him nor a Neighbour the restitution of a peny they had wronged him They say The Grass groweth not where the Grand Seigniors Horse treads nor doth the People thrive where the Noble-men inhabit But here every Tenant was a Gentleman and every Gentleman my Lords Companion such his Civility towards the one and great penyworths to the other Noblemen in those days esteemed the love of their Neighbours more then their fear and the service and ●ealty of their Tenants more then their Money Now the Landlord hath the sweat of the Tenants brow in his Coffers then he had the best blood in his Veins at his command That grand word On mine Honour was security enough for a Kingdome and the onely Asseveration he used It was his priviledge that he need not swear for a testimony and his renown that he would not for his honour Great was this Families esteem with the people and eminent their favour with their Soveraigns as which ever bestowed its self in obliging their Liege-people improving their interest and supporting their Throne for though they were a long time great Kings of Man and Hearts yet were they as long faithful subjects to England Oservations on the Life of Sir Williliam Fitz-Williams A Childe of Fortune from his Cradle made up of confidence and reputation never unwarily shewing his Vertue or Worth to the world with any disadvantage When Britain had as little sleepiness and sloath as night when it was all day and all activity He as all young Sparks of that Age trailed a Pike in the Netherlands the Seminary of the English Soldiery and the School of Europes Discipline as a Souldier and travelled as a Gentleman until that place graced him civilly with a Command which he had honoured eminently with his service His friends checked him for undertaking an Employment so boysterous and he replyed upon them That it was as necessary as it seemed irregular for if some were not Souldiers all must be so He said He never durst venture on War with men till he had made his Peace with God A good Conscience breeds great Resolutions and the innocent Soul is impregnable None more fearful of doing evil none more resolved to suffer there being no hardship that he would avoid no undecency that he would allow Strict he was to his Commission and yet observant of his advantage never tempting a danger never flying it careful of his first life and himself but more of his other and his name When the methods of Obedience advanced him to the honour of commanding six things he was Chronicled for 1. Never making the Aged the Young or the Weak the Objects of his Rage which could not be so of his Fear 2. That he never basely killed in cold blood them that had nobly escaped his Sword in hot 3. That he never led the Souldiers without pay or quartered in the Country without money 4. That though he was second to none that acted in War such his Valour yet he was the first that spake for Peace such his sweet Disposition 5. That he would never suffer that a Clergy-man should be abused a Church violated or the Dead be unburied 6. That he would never force an Enemy to a necessity always saying Let us disarm them of their best Weapon Despair nor fight an Enemy before he had skirmished him nor undertake a defigne before he consulted his God his Council his Friends his Map and his History His own Abilities commended and his alliance with Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy whose Sister he married promoted him to the Government of Ireland Once did the Queen send him thither for his Brothers sake four times more for his own
me to countenance any thing contrary to your established Laws But I have set an Acorn which when it comes to be an Oak God alone knows what will be the fruit of it Observations on the Life of Sir John Fortescue AN upright and a knowing man a great Master of Greek and Latine and Overseer of the Qu Studies in both the Languages Master of the Wardrobe one whom she trusted with the Ornaments of her soul and body succeeding Sir Walter M●ldmay in his prudence and piety and in his place of Chancellor and Under-treasurer of the Exchequer Two men Qu Eliz. would say out did her expectation Fortescue for Integrity and Walsingham for Subtlety as Cambden writes and Officious services His and Rawleigh's failure was their design of Articling with K. James at his first coming not so much say some in their behalf for himself as for his followers in regard of the known seud between the Nations However conditions unworthy of English Subjects to offer and below the K. of Great Britain to receive who is to make no more terms for his Kingdome than for his Birth The very solemn asking of the Peoples consent which the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury in all the corners of the stage at a Coronation makes importing no more than this Do you the People of England acknowledge that this is the Person who is the Heir of the Crown They being absolutely obliged to submit to the Government upon supposition that they absolutely believe that he is the King Observations on the Life of Sir William Drury SIr William Drury was born in Suffolk where his Worshipful Family had long flourished at Haulsted His name in Saxon soundeth a Pearl to which he answered in the pretiousnesse of his disposition clear and heard innocent and valiant and therefore valued deservedly by his Queen and Country His youth was spent in the French Wars his middle-Age in Scotland and his old Age in Ireland He was Knight-Marshal of Barwick at what time the French had possessed themselves of the Castle of Edenburgh in the minority of King James Queen Elizabeth employed this Sir William with 1500 men to besiege the Castle which service he right worthily performed reducing it within few days to the Owner thereof Anno 1575. he was appointed Lord President of Munster whither he went with competent Forces and executed impartial Justice in despight of the Opposers thereof For as the Signe of Leo immediately precedeth Virgo and Libra in the Zodiack so I hope not that Innocency will be protected or Justice administred in a barbarous Country where power and strength do not first secure a passage unto them But the Earl of Desmond opposed this good President forbidding him to enter the County of Kerry as a Palatinate peculiarly appropriated unto himself Know by the way as there were but four Palatinates in England Chester Laneaster Durbam and Ely whereof the two former many years since were in effect invested in the Crown there were no fewer then eight Palatinates in Ireland possessed by their respective Dynasts claiming Regal Rights therein to the great retarding of the absolute Conquest of that Kingdome Amongst these saith my Author Kerry became the Sanctuary of Sin and Refuge of Rebels as outlawed from any Jurisdiction Sir William no whit terrified with the Earls threatning and declaring that no place should be a priviledge to mischief entred Kerry with a competent Train and there dispenced Justice to all persons as occasion did require Thus with sevenscore men he safely forced his return through seven hundred of the Earls who sought to surprize him In the last year of his Life he was made Lord Deputy of Ireland and no doubt had performed much in his place if not afflicted with constant sickness the forerunner of his death at Waterford 1598. He was one of that Military Valour which the Lord Verulam wisheth about a Prince in troublesome times that held a good esteem with the Populacy and an exact correspondence with the Nobless whereby he united himself to each side by endearments and divided them by distrust watching the slow motions of the people that they should not be excited and spirited by the Nobility and the ambition of the Great Ones that it should not be befriended with the turbulency or strengthened with the assistance of the Commonalty One great Act well followed did his business with the Natives whom he sometimes indulged giving their Discontents liberty to evaporate and with the strangers whom he always awed In those that were commended to his service he observed two things 1. That they were not advanced for their dependence because they promote a Party which he noted to be the first ground of Recommendation 2. Nor for their weakness because they cannot hinder it which he remarked to be the second Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Smith SIr Thomas Smith was born at Saffron-Walden in Essex and bred in Queens Colledge in Cambridge where such his proficiency in Learning that he was chosen out by Henry the eighth to be sent over and to be brought up beyond the Seas It was fashionable in that Age that pregnant Students were maintained on the cost of the State to be Merchants for experience in Forreign Parts whence returning home with their gainful Adventurers they were preferred according to the improvement of their time to Offices in their own Country Well it were if this good old Custome were resumed for if where God hath given five talents Men would give but pounds I mean encourage hopeful Abilities with hopeful Maintenance able persons would never be wanting and poor men with great Parts would not be excluded the Line of Preferment This Sir Thomas was first Servant and Favourite to the Duke of Somerset and afterwards Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth and a grand Benefactor to both Universities Anno 1577 when that excellent Act passed whereby it was provided That a third part of the Rent upon Leases made by Colledges should be reserved in Corn paying it either in kind or in money after the rate of the best prices in Oxford or Cambridge markets the next Market-days before Michaelmas or our Lady-day For the passing of this Act Sir Thomas Smith surprized the House and whereas many conceived not the difference between the payment of Rents in Corn or Money the knowing Patriot took the advantage of the present cheap year knowing that hereafter Grain would grow dearer Man-kinde dayly multiplying and License being lately given for Transportation so that now when the Universities have least Corn they have most Bread What his foresight did now for the University his reach did the first year of Q. Eliz. for the Kingdome for the first sitting of her Council he advised twelve most important things for the publick safety 1. That the Ports should be shut 2. That the Tower of London should be secured in good hands 3. That the Deputy of Ireland's Commission should be renewed and enlarged 4. That all Officers should
one another 1. That in our Considerations and Debates we should not dwell in deceitful Generals but look into clear Particulars 2. That in our Resolutions and Conclusions we should not rest on various Particulars but rise to uniform Generals A Man he was that reverenced himself that could be vertuous when alone and good when onely his own Theatre his own applause though excellent before the world his vertue improving by fame and glory as an heat which is doubled by reflexion Observations on the Life of Sir James Dier JAmes Dier Knight younger Son to Richard Dier Esquire was born at Round-hill in Somersetshire as may appear to any by the Heralds Visitation thereof He was bred in the study of our Municipal Law and was made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas primo Eliz. continuing therein twenty four years When Thomas Duke of Norfolk was anno 1572 arraigned for Treason this Judge was present thereat on the same token that when the Duke desired Counsel to be assigned him pleading that it was granted to Humphrey Stafford in the Reign of King Henry the seventh our Judge returned unto him That Stafford had it allowed him only as to point of Law then in dispute viz. Whether he was legally taken out of the Sanctuary but as for matter of Fact neither he nor any ever had or could have Counsel allowed him But let his own works praise him in the Gates known for the place of publick Justice amongst the Jews let his learned Writings called The Commentaries or Reports evidence his Abilities in his Profession He died in 25 Eliz. though married without any issue and there is a House of a Baronet of his Name descended from an elder Son of Richard Father to our Judge at great Stoughton in Hunting tonshire well improved I believe with the addition of the Judges Estate There is a Manuscript of this worthy Judge wherein are six and forty Rules for the preservation of the Commonwealth as worthy our Observation as they were his Collection 1. That the true Religion be established 2. To keep the parts of the Commonwealth equal 3. That the middle sort of people exceed both the extreams 4. That the Nobility be called to serve or at least to appear at the Court by themselves or by the hopes of their Families their Children 5. That the Court pay well 6. That Trade be free and Manufactures with all other Ingenuities encouraged 7. Thgt there be no co-equal Powers nor any other Vsurpations against the Foundation 8. That there be notice taken of wise and well-affected Persons to employ them 9. That Corruption be restrained 10. That the Prince shew himself absolute in his Authority first and then indulgent in his Nature 11. That the first ferment of sedition want c. be considered 12. That Preferments be bestowed on merit and not faction 13. That troublesome persons be employed abroad 14. That Emulations be over-ruled 15. That the ancient and most easie way of Contributions when necessary be followed 16. That the Youth be disciplined 17. That Discourses and Writings of Government and its mysteries be restrained 18. That the active and busie be taken to Employment 19. That the King shew himself often in Majesty tempered with familiarity easie access tenderness c. 20. That the Prince perform some unexpected actions at Court himself 21. That no one man be gratified with the grievance of many 22. That Acts of Grace pass in the chief Magistrates Name and Acts of Severity in the Ministers 23. That the Prince borrow when he hath no need 24. That he be so well furnished with Warlike Provisions Citadels Ships as to be renowned for it 25. That the Neighbour-States be balanced 26. That the Prince maintain very knowing Agents Spies and Intelligencers 27. That none be suffered to raise a Quarrel between the Prerogative and the Law 28. That the People be awaked by Masters 29. That in cases of Faction Colonies and Plantations be found out to receive ill humours 30. That the Seas the Sea-coasts and Borders be secured 31. That the Prince be either resident himself or by a good natured and popular Favourite 32. To act things by degrees and check all the hasty importunate rash and turbulent though well-affected 33. That the Inhabitants have Honour promisouously but that Power be kept in the Well-affected's hands 34. That there be as far as can be plain dealing and the people never think they are deceived 35. That there be a strict eye kept upon Learning Arms and Mechanical Arts. 36. That there be frequent Wars 37. To observe the Divisions among Favourites though not to encourage them 38. That an account be given of the Publick Expences 39. That Inventions be encouraged 40. That the Country be kept in its due dependance on the Crown against the times of War Elections c. and to that purpose that the Courtiers keep good houses c. 41. That no disobliged person be trusted 42. That Executions be few suddain and severe 43. To improve the benefit of a Kingdomes Situation 44. That the Liberties and Priviledges of the Subject be so clearly stated that there may be no pretences for worse purposes 45. That the Coyn be neither transported nor embased 46. That Luxury be suppressed Maximes these that spake our Judge so conversant with Books and Men that that may be applyed to him which is attributed to as great a Divine as he was a Lawyer viz. That he never talked with himself Observations on the Life of Sir William Pelham SIr William Pelham was a Native of Sussex whose ancient and wealthy Family hath long flourished in Laughton therein His Prudence in Peace and Valour in War caused Queen Elizabeth to employ him in Ireland where he was by the Privy-Council appointed Lord Chief Justice to govern that Land in the interim betwixt the death of Sir William Drury and the coming in of Arthur Gray Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Say not that he did but stop a gap for a twelve-month at the most seeing it was such a gap Destruction had entred in thereat to the final ruine of that Kingdome had not his Providence prevented it For in this juncture of time Desmond began his Rebellion 1579 inviting Sir William to side with him who wisely gave him the hearing with a smile in to the Bargain And although our Knight for want of Force could not cure the wounds yet he may be said to have washed and kept it clean resigning it in a recovering condition to the Lord Gray who succeeded him Afterwards he was sent over into the Low-Countries 1586 being Commander of the English Horse therein It is said of him Brabantiam persultabat He leapt through Brabant importing celerity and success yea as much Conquest as so suddain an expedition was capable of He had a strong memory whereon he built his experience and a large experience whereon he grounded his actions There was no Town Fort Passage Hill or Dale either in Ireland or Holland
of his popularity There was another time long after when Sir Fulke Grevil late Lord Brooke a man in appearance intrinsecal with him or at the least admitted to his Melancholy hours either belike espying some weariness in the Queen or perhaps with little change of the word though more in the danger-some marks towards him and working upon the present matter as she was dexterous and close had almost super-induced into favour the Earl of Southampton which yet being timely discovered my Lord of Essex chose to evaporate his thoughts in a Sonnet being his common way to be sung before the Queen as it was by one Hales in whose voyce she took some pleasure whereof the complot me thinks had as much of the Hermit as of the Poet And if thou should'st by Her be now forsaken She made thy Heart too strong for to be shaken As if he had been casting one eye back at the least to his former retiredness But all this likewise quickly vanished and there was a good while after fair weather over-head Yet still I know not how like a gathering of Clouds till towards his latter time when his humours grew tart as being now in the Lees of favour it brake forth into certain suddain recesses sometimes from the Court to Wansteed otherwhiles unto Greenwich often to his own Chamber Doors shut Visits forbidden and which was worse divers contestations between with the Queen her self all preambles of ruine wherewith though now and then he did wring out of her Majesty some petty contentments as a man would press sowre Grapes yet in the mean time was forgotten the counsel of a wise and then a Prophetical Friend who told him that such courses as those were like hot Waters which help at a pang but if they be too often used will spoil the stomack On the Dukes part we have no such abrupt strains and precipees as these but a fair fluent and uniform course under both Kings And surely as there was in his natural Constitution a marvellous equality whereof I shall speak more afterwards so there was an image of it in his Fortune running if I may borrow an ancient comparison as smoothly as a numerous Verse till it met with certain Rubs in Parliament whereof I am induced by the very subject which I handle to say somewhat so far as shall concern the difference between their times WHen my Lord of Essex stood in favour the Parliaments were calm nay I find it a true observation that there was no impeachment of any Nobleman by the Commons from the Reign of King Henry the sixth until the eighteenth of King James nor any intervenient precedent of that nature not that something or other could be wanting to be said while men are men For not to go higher we are taught easily so much by the very Ballads and Libels of Leicestrian time But about the aforesaid year many young ones being chosen into the House of Commons more then had been usual in great Councils who though of the weakest wings are the highest Flyers there arose a certain unfortunate and unfruitful Spirit in some places not sowing but picking at every stone in the field rather then tending to the general harvest And thus far the consideration of the Nature of the Time hath transported me and the occasion of the subject Now on the other side I must with the like liberty observe two weighty and watchful ollicitudes as I may call them which kept the Earl in extream and continual Caution like a bow still bent whereof the Dukes thoughts were absolutely free First he was to wrestle with a Queens declining or rather with her very setting Age as we may term it which besides other respects is commonly even of it self the more umbratious and apprehensive as for the most part all Horizons are charged with certain Vapour towards their Evening The other was a matter of more Circumstance standing thus viz. All Princes especially those whom God hath not blessed with natural issue are by wisdome of State somewhat shie of their Successors and to speak with due Reverence there may be reasonably supposed in Queens Regnant a little proportion of tenderness that way more then in Kings Now there were in Court two names of Power and almost of Affection the Essexian and the Cecilian with their adherents both well enough enjoying the present and yet both looking to the future and therefore both holding correspondency with some of the principal in Scotland and had received advertisements and instructions either from them or immediately from the King as induciat Heir of this Imperial Crown But lest they might detect one another this was mysteriously carried by several instruments and conducts and on the Essexian side in truth with infinite hazard for Sir Robert Cecil who as Secretary of State did dispose the publick Addresses had prompter and safer conveyance whereupon I cannot but relate a memorable passage on either part as the story following shall declare The Earl of Essex had accommodated Master Anthony Bacon in partition of his House and had assigned him a noble entertainment This was a Gentleman of impotent feet but a nimble head and through his hand run all the intelligences with Scotland who being of a provident nature contrary to his brother the Lord Viscount Saint Albans and well knowing the advantage of a dangerous Secret would many times cunningly let fall some words as if he could amend his Fortunes under the Cecilians to whom he was near of alliance and in blood also and who had made as he was not unwilling should be believed some great profers to win him away which once or twice he pressed so far and with such tokens and signes of apparent discontent to my Lord Henry Howard afterwards Earl of Northampton who was of the party and stood himself in much Umbrage with the Queen that he flees presently to my Lord of Essex with whom he was commonly prima admissiones by his bed-side in the morning and tells him that unless that Gentleman were presently satisfied with some round sum all would be vented This took the Earl at that time ill provided as indeed oftentimes his Coffers were low whereupon he was fain suddenly to give him Essex-house which the good old Lady Walsingham did afterwards dis-engage out of her own store with 2500 pound and before he had distilled 1500 pound at another time by the same skill So as we rate this one secret as it was finely carried at 4000 pounds in present money besides at the least 1000 pound of annual pension to a private and bed-rid Gentleman What would he have gotten if he could have gone about his own business There was another accident of the same nature on the Cecilian side much more pleasant but less chargeable for it cost nothing but wit The Queen having for a good while not heard any thing from Scotland and being thirsty of news it fell out that her Majesty going to take the air towards the
heath the Court being then at Greenwich and Master Secretary Cecil then attending her a Post came crossing by and blew his Horn The Queen out of curiosity asked him from whence the Dispatch came and being answered From Scotland she stops her Coach and calleth for the Packet The Secretary though he knew there were some Letters in it from his Correspondents which to discover were as so many Serpents yet made more shew of diligence then of doubt to obey and asks some that stood by forsooth in great haste for a Knife to cut up the Packet for otherwise he might perhaps awaked a little apprehension but in the mean time approaching with the Packet in his hand at a pretty distance from the Queen he telleth her it looked and smelt ill-favouredly coming out of a filthy Budget and that it should be fit first to open and air it because he knew she was averse from ill Scents And so being dismissed home he got leisure by this seasonable shift to sever what he would not have seen These two accidents precisely true and known to few I have reported as not altogether extravagant from my purpose to shew how the Earl stood in certain perplexities wherewith the Dukes days were not distracted And this hath been the Historical part as it were touching the difference between them in the rising and flowing of their fortunes I will now consider their several Endowments both of Person and Minde and then a little of their Actions and Ends. The Earl was a pretty deal the taller and much the stronger and of the abler body but the Duke had the neater limbs and free delivery he was also the uprighter and of the more comely motions for the Earl did bend a little in the neck though rather forwards then downwards and he was so far from being a good Dancer that he was no graceful Goer If we touch particulars the Duke exceeded in the daintiness of his leg and foot and the Earl in the incomparable fairness and fine shape of his hands which though it be but feminine praise he took from his Father for the general Air the Earl had the closer and more reserved Countenance being by nature somewhat more cogitative and which was strange never more then at Meals when others are least Insomuch as he was wont to make his observation of himself that to solve any knotty business which cumbred his mind his ablest hours were when he had checked his first appetite with two or three morsels after which he sate usually for a good while silent yet he would play well and willingly at some games of greatest attention which shewed that when he listed he could licence his thoughts The Duke on the other side even in the midst of so many diversions had continually a very pleasant and vacant face as I may well call it proceeding no doubt from a singular assurance in his temper And yet I must here give him a rarer Elogie which the malignest eye cannot deny him That certainly never man in his place and power did entertain greatness more familiarly nor whose looks were less tainted with his felicity wherein I insist the rather because this in my judgement was one of his greatest Vertues and Victories of himself But to proceed in the attiring and ornament of their bodies the Duke had a fine and unaffected politeness and upon occasion costly as in his Legations The Earl as he grew more and more attentive to business and matter so less and less curious of cloathing insomuch as I do remember those about him had a conceit that possibly sometimes when he went up to the Queen he might scant know what he had on for this was his manner His Chamber being commonly stived with Friends or Suiters of one kinde or other when he gave his legs arms and breast to his ordinary servants to button and dress him with little heed his head and face to his Barbour his eyes to his letters and ears to Petitioners and many times all at once then the Gentleman of his Robes throwing a cloak over his shoulders he would make a step into his Closet and after a short prayer he was gone only in his Baths he was somewhat delicate For point of diet and luxury they were both inordinate in their appetites especially the Earl who was by nature of so different a taste that I must tell a rare thing of him though it be but a homely note that he would stop in the midst of any physical Potion and after he had licked his lips he would drink off the rest but I am wearie of such slight Animadversions To come therefore to the inward furniture of their minds I will thus much declare The Earl was of good Erudition having been placed at study in Cambridge very young by the Lord Burleigh his Guardian with affectionate and deliberate care under the oversight of Doctor Whitgift then Master of Trinity Colledge and after Archbishop of Canterbury A man by the way surely of a most reverend and sacred memory and as I may well say even of the Primitive temper when the Church in lowliness of temper did flourish in high examples which I have inserted as a due recordation of his vertues having been much obliged to him for many favours in my younger time About sixteen years of his age for thither he came at twelve he took the formality of Master of Arts and kept his publick Acts. And here I must not smother what I have received by constant Information that his own Father dyed with a very cold conceit of him some say through the affection to his second son Walter Devereux who was indeed a diamond of the time and both of an hardy and delicate temper and mixture But it seemes this Earl like certain vegetables did bud and open slowly Nature sometimes delighting to play an after-game as well as Fortune which had both their turnes and tides in course The Duke was Illiterate yet had learned at Court first to sift and question well and to supply his own defects by the drawing or flowing unto him of the best Instruments of experience and knowledge from whom he had a sweet and attractive manner to suck what might be for the publike or his own proper use so as the less he was favoured by the Muses he was the more by the Graces To consider them in their pure Naturals I conceive the Earls Intellectuall faculties to have been his stronger part and in the Duke his Practical Yet all know that he likewise at the first was much under the expectation of his after-proof such a sudden influence therein had the Soveraign aspect For their Abilities of discourse or pen the Earl was a very acute and sound speaker when he would intend it and for his Writings they are beyond example especially in his familiar Letters and things of delight at Court when he would admit his serious habits as may be yet seen in his Impresses and inventions of
occasions whose principal quality refided in Magnificence Yet was he not transported with these appearances or to make them the greatest ornament of his conduct the choicest expressions of his life fixing neither his greatnesse upon a transitory Pageant nor his glory upon a fading Pomp. Observations on the Life of Sir Tho. Smith SIr Thomas Smith was born at Abington in Bark-shire bred in the University of Oxford God and himself raised him to the Eminency he attained unto unbefriended with any extraction He may seem to have had an ingenuous emulation of Sir Thomas Smith Senior Secretary of State whom he imitated in many good qualities and had no doubt equalled in preferment if not prevented by death He attained onely to be Master of the Requests and Secretary to King James for his Latine Letters higher places expecting him when a period was put at once to his life and to his hopes Novemb. 28. 1609. The generous piety of the honourable Countess of Exeter having erected him one Monument at Fulham and his own worth another in History His Father died when he was yet so young that he knew not what a Father meant but his Mothers affection for her Husband died not with him whereupon she multiplyed her cares on this Gentleman and her other children so abundantly that a long while he little found the want of that dear name her transcendent love so well supplying the place of both relations For no sooner was he fit to learn than she did by friends procure the best Masters those Times afforded to render his education perfect in those exercises as well of the minde as of the body wherein they that flattered him not would say he was no ill Proficient such majesty such modesty in his carriage that men would admire how two such distant things could meet in one subject His eye was quick and piercing his shape and motion charming the ayre and lineaments of his countenance lively arguments that his soul was not inferiour to his body but that the one promised no more pleasure to those that looked on it than the other did service to those that employed it His meen deserving preferment from the favour of a Soveraign and his parts gaining it from his justice Fortune did him not so much wrong in his mean Birth as he did himself right by great merit so worthy a Prince's service and a Courts favour He read and saw what others did but not with others apprehensions his judgement of things being not common nor his observations low flat or vulgar but such as became a breast now furnishing it self for businesse and for government There was an ancient custome to celebrate the Anniversary of the King's Coronation with all the Shews of Magnificence and joy which the Art or Affections of the People could invent and because we are esteemed the Warlik'st Nation in the whole world to continue that just regulation we declined all those effeminacies which are so predominant in other Courts and absolutely addicted our selves to such Martial exercises as are nothing lesse pleasing and delightful than the other and yet fit and prepare men more for the real use of Arms and acquisition of glory Here our Knight's praise came to my Lord of Carlisle's notice who first designed him a Commander but finding his Genius more courtly than Martial more learned than active recommended him to his Majesties softer services where none more obliging to the People by his industry and interest Court none more serviceable to his Majesty by the good name he gained in the Countrey So careful was he of publick content that from five to nine his Chamber was open to all Comers where you would finde him with the one hand making himself ready with the other receiving Letters and in all this hurry of Businesse giving the most orderly clear and satisfactory dispatches of any Statesman at that time From nine to one he attended his Master to whom he had as easie access as he gave to his People Two things set him up 1. A fair respect from his Master upon all occasions and as fair a treatment of the People He had his distinct Classis of Affairs and his distinct Officers for those Classis The order and method whereof incredibly advanced his dispatch and eased his burden which took up his day so that there remained but some hours he stole from night and sleep for his beloved and dear Studies and King James said he was the hardest Student in White-Hall and therefore he did not always trouble his Master with businesse but sometimes please him with discourse If Fortune had been as kinde to him as Nature greater Employments had been at once his honour and his business But from all his services and performances he derived no other advantage than the acting of them and at his death he lest no other wealth behind him but that of a high reputation never arriving at those enjoyments that enhance our Cares nor having time to withdraw himself from those cares that take away the relish of our enjoyments Observations on the Life of Sir Fulke Grevil SIr Fulke Grevil son to Sir Fulke Grevil the elder of Becham-Court in Warwick-shire descended from Willoughby Lord Brook and Admiral to Hen. 7. was bred first in the University of Cambridge He came to the Court back'd with a full and fair Estate and Queen Elizabeth loved such substantial Courtiers as could plentifully subsist of themselves He was a good Scholar loving much to employ and sometimes to advance learned men to whom worthy Bishop Overal chiefly owed his Preferment and Mr. Cambden by his own confession feasted largely of his Liberality His studies were most in Poetry and History as his Works do witnesse His stile conceived by some to be swelling is allowed lofty and full by others King James created him Baron Brook of Beauchamp-Court as descended from the sole Daughter and Heir of Edward Willoughby last Lord Brook in the Reign of King Henry the 7th His sad death or murther rather happened on this occasion His discontented servant conceiving his deserts not soon or well enough rewarded wounded him mortally and then to save the Law the labour killed himself verifying the observation that he may when he pleaseth be master of another mans life who contemneth his own Helyeth buried in Warwick Church under a Monument of black and white Marble whereon he is stiled Servant to Queen Elizabeth Counsellour to King James and Friend to Sir Philip Sidney Though a Favourite he courts Ladies rather than Honour and pursued his study rather than his ambition being more contemplative than active Others ministered to Queen Elizabeths government this Gentleman to her Recreation and Pleasures He came to Court when all men should young and stayed there until he was old his fortune being as smooth as his spirit and the Queens favour as lasting as his merit He bred up States-men but was none Sir William Pickering was like to have gained the Queens
Astrologer who told him that this his Infant-son should taste of much trouble in the middest of his life even to the want of a meals meat but his old age should make amends for all with a plentiful estate which came to passe accordingly For his Father dying in his infancy no plentiful provision was made for him and when his eldest Brother Thomas Duke of Norfolke was executed his condition was much impaired insomuch that being once in London not overstocked with money when his noble Nephews the Earl of Arundel and the Lord Thomas Howard were out of Town and loath to pin himself on any Table uninvited he was fain to dine with the Chair of Duke Humphrey but other not to say better company viz. reading of books in Stationers Shops in St. Paul's Church-yard though afterwards he attained to great wealth honour and command However that Lord gave little credit to and placed lesse confidence in such Predictions as appeared by a learned Work he hath written on that subject Observations on the Life of Sir John Ramsey Earl of Holderness and Sir Tho. Ereskin Earl of Kelly BOth their preferments began on the same occasion both their natures were eminent for the same innocence and goodnesse both their services tend to the same iss●e and therefore both their Characters come under one observation which it's more proper to take in the word of their Countrey-man and Contemporary that knew them than in the expression of a stranger that onely heard of them The whole story runs thus The name of Ruthen in Scotland was not notorious until Anno 1568. when Ruthen amongst others Confederates in those divided times of trouble laboured much for the imprisoning Queen Mary Mother to King James In 1582. his son William was created Earl Gowry in the time of that King's minority though the Father bore deadly hatred to the King's prosperity And in 1584. himself was in actual Rebellion in which he suffered at Dondee His eldest son John then in Travel in Italy returns home to inherit his lands and honours but not one jot changed in disposition from the traiterous wayes of his Predecessors For not long after he falls into this Conspiracy which is not so ancient but that many then and now living can and my self have heard the repetition The house of Gowry were all of them much addicted to study Chymistry and these more to practise it often publishing as such Professors usually do more rare experiments then ever could be performed wherein the King a general Scholar had little faith But to infuse more credit to the practice Alexander Ruthen the second brother takes this occasion and withal conspires with Gowry to assassinate the King and taking opportunity in his hunting not far from his house St. Johnstone invites the King to be an eye-witnesse of his productions In their way Sir Thomas Erskin after Lord Kelly overtakes them and others Demanding of the Duke of Lenox then present why Alexander had ingrossed the King's eare to carry him from his Sports Peace man said the Duke Wee's all be turn'd into gold Not far they rid but that the Earl Gowry made good by protestation his Brother's story And thus was the King brought to be a Guest Neer the end of Dinner at his Fruit and the Lords and Waiters gone to eat Alexander begs of the King at this opportunity to withdraw and to be partaker of his Production to the view of that which yet he could not believe And up he leads the King into by-lodgings locking each door behind them till they came into a Back Room where no sooner entered but that Alexander claps on his Bonnet and with stern countenance faces the King and says Now Sir you must know I had a Father whose blood calls for revenge shed for your sake The King amazed deales gently with his fury excuses the guilt of his death by his then Infancy Advising him not to lay violent hands on the sacred Person of his Anointed Soveraign Especially in a cause of his Innocency Pleading the Laws of God Man which so much wrought upon him that he said Well I will speak with my Brother and so put the King into a Lobby Room next the Chamber where no sooner entered but that there appeared a fellow weaponed ready for execution to whose custody the King is committed till his return Alexander gone down the fellow trembles with Reverence puts down his Sword and craves pardon which gave the King occasion to work upon that passion and to ask him whether he resolved to murther him Being assured to the contrary the King gets leave to open a window that looked into a back Court When presently Alexander returns and tells the King that he must dye But much affrighted at the Fellow's 〈◊〉 with his sword offers violence to the King Which the fellow seemingly opposes and between them began a 〈◊〉 which gave advantage to the King to cry Tre●son at the Window which looked into a back-Court where Sir Thomas Erskin and o●● Herries were come in pursuit of the King who was rumoured to be gone out the back-way to his ●●nting At the cry of Treason and known to be the King's voice they both hastened up a back-stair called the Turn-pike being directed by a servant of the house who saw Alexander ascend that way And so forcing some doors they found them above panting with the fray and up comes also at heels of them John Ramsey after Earl of Holdernesse by them Alexander was soon dispatched Not long after came the Earl Gowry by his double key the first way with a case of Rapiers his usual weapons and ready drawn To whom Erskin said as to divert his purpose What do you mean my Lord the King is kill'd for the King was shadowed having cast himself upon a Bed from his sight and his Cloak was thrown upon the Body of Alexander bleeding upon the ground At which Gowry stops sinking the points of his weapons when suddenly Herries strikes at him with a hunting Falchion And Ramsey having his Hawk on his ●ist casts her off and steps in to Gowry and stabs him to the heart and forthwith more Company came up Not long after this Conspiracy Herries dies well rewarded John Ramsey hath the Honour of Knighthood with an additional bearing to his Coat of Arms A Hand holding forth a Dagger reversed proper piercing a bloody Heart The point crowned Emperial with this Distick Haec Dextra Vindex Principis P●triae Afterwards he was created Lord Haddington and Earl of Holdernesse Sir Thomas Erskin was afterwards created Earl of Kelly Knight of the Garter Captain of the King's Guard and Groom of the Stool and the Fellow designed for the Murtherer had a large Pension confirmed by Act of their Parliament And all these men but Herries were living with other witnesses at King James his journey when he went from hence to visit Scotland and met together by direction at the same house with Ceremony and
should be weighed in those Scales with whom all men concur that know themselves And this was the first evidence of his parts and the occasion of his reputation Three Grasiers at a Fai● had left their money with their Hostess while they went to Market one of them calls for the money and runsaway the other two come upon the woman and sue her for delivering that which she had received from the three before the three came and demanded it The Cause went against the Woman and Judgement was ready to be pronounced when Mr. Noy being a stranger wisheth her to give him a Fee because he could not plead else and then moves in Arrest of Judgement that he was retained by the Defendant a●d that the case was this The Defendant had received the money of the three together and confes●eth was not to deliver it untill the same three demanded it and therefore the money is ready Let the three men come and it shall be paid a motion which altered the whole proceeding Of which when I hear some say it was obvious I remember that when Columbus had discovered America every one said it was easie And he one day told a company at Table where he was that he could do a stranger thing than that discovery he would make an Egge stand an end on a plain Table the speculatives were at a losse how it should be done he knocks the Egg upon the end and it stands Oh! was that all they cryed Yes saith he this is all and you see how hard a thing it is to conceive a thing in the Idea which it 's nothing to apprehend in the performance I need say no more of this Gentleman but that Sergeant Maynard will say to this hour he rose mainly at first by being looked upon as Mr. Noy's Favourite Observations on the Life of Sir John Savil. THe methods of this Gentleman's advancement exactly parallel those of his Countrey-man Sir Thomas Wentworth Both had the same foundation of wealth and honour to build on both had solid and strong parts to act by both began with Popularity in the Countrey proceeded with activity in Parliaments accomplished themselves with correspondence all over the Nation both eminent upon the Bench both hospitable at home both bountiful to Lecturers both well skilled in and stedfast to the great poynts of Prerogative and Liberty For the last whereof they were so bold as sure either by carrying the Cause to oblige the People to themselves or by suffering for it to enrage them against the Government that Sir R. Weston made it his business to take off the one and my Lord of Canterbury the other which they did with such successe that as my Lord Wentworth became a great Favourite so the Lord Savile was an eminent Counsellor onely finding that his young Neighbor had got the start of him he kept to one of his popular Principles always viz. a restless impetuosity towards Papists against whom he made himself famous 1. For a Disputation procured by him in Drury-Lane whither he brought Bishop Vsher under the notion of a Countrey-Parson when the Jesuites cryed There was more Learning in that Parson than in all the men in England 2. For a project offered by him in Parliament For when they taking advantage of King Charles his wants proffered to maintain five thousand men to serve his Majesty in Ireland and a proportion of Ships to secure him in England on condition of the free exercise of their Religion Sir John interposed That if the King were pleased but to call on the Recusants to pay Thirds legally due to the Crown it would prove a way more effectual and lesse offensive to raise a masse of money It being but just that they who were so rich and free to purchase new Priviledges should first pay their old Penalties When I read of a Lord Savile going privately to Scotland 16●9 subscribing to a Petition with other moderate Lords as they called them containing the very sense of the faction insomuch that it is observed the City-Petition and theirs were couched in the same words yet going to Oxford and after all being so turbulent there that his Majesty was feign to send him beyond Sea where his Majesty writes with his own hand He doubts be will rather exchange his villany than end it I am almost of that wise mans minde that there were no lesse then 17 particular Designs set on foot by the promotion of the late Troubles whereof though most yet not all were carried on in Westminster or to enforce something more solid that a King should say as the Italian doth If my Subject deceives me once God forgive him If a second time God forgive me and the rather because it 's fatal for Majestie to erre twice Oservations on the Life of the Lord Bishop Williams A Strong constitution made his parts a strict education improved them unwearied was his industry unexpressible his capacity He never saw the book of worth he read not he never forgot what he read he never lost the use of what he remembred Every thing he heard or saw was his own and what was his own he knew how to use to the utmost His extraction being Gentile his Soul large and noble his presence and carriage comely and stately his learning copious his judgement stayed his apprehension clear and searching his expression lively and effectual his elocution flowing and majestick his Proctorship 1612. discovered him a person above his place and his Lectures to his Pupils above his preferment Bishop Vaughan first admitteth him to his Family and then to his bosome there his strong Sermons his exact government under my Lord his plentiful observation his numerous acquaintance made him my Lord Chancellor Egerton's friend rather than his servant his familiar rather then his Chaplain Never was there a more communicative Master to instruct than my Lord Elsemere never a more capable Scholar to learn than Doctor Williams who had instilled to him all necessary State-maximes while his old Master lived and had bequeathed to him four excellent Books when his Master was dead These four books he presented to King James the very same time that he offered himself to the Duke of Buckingham The Excellent Prince observed him as much for the first gift as the noble Duke did for the second the King and Duke made him their own who they saw had made that excellent Book his Willing was King James to advance Clergy-men and glad to meet with men capable of Advancement His two Sermons at Court made him Dean of Westminster his exact state of the Earl of Somerset's Case made him capable of and the KING'S inclination to trust his Conscience in a Divines hand fetled him in the Lord Keepers place actually onely for three yeares to please the people who were offended with his years now but 34. and his calling a Divine but designedly for ever to serve his Majesty The Lawyers despised him at first but the
and Antiquity of whose old pieces he was the greatest Hoarder in Europe setting aside Ferdinando de Medicis grand Duke of Tuscany from whom by the mediation of Sir Henry Wotton he borrowed many an Antique Sculpture which furnished his Archives so well as we may guess by Mr. Selden's Marmora Arundeliana that as my Lord Burleigh's Library was the most compleat one for a Politician my Lord Bacon's for a Philosopher Mr. Selden's for an Historian Bishop Vsher's for a Divine my Lord of Northampton's for a Poet Mr. Oughtred's for a Mathematician Dr. Hammond's for a Grammarian or an universal Critick so the Earl of Arundel's was the best for a● Hearld and an Antiquary a Library not for shew but use Neither was he more in his study where he be stowed his melancholy hours than in Councel where he advised three things in reference to the Foreign troubles 1. Correspondence abroad 2. Frequent Parliaments 3. Oftner progresse into the Countries Neither was he lesse in the Field than in Council when General against the Scots the more shame that Protestants should 〈◊〉 time rebel against their King when Papists vent 〈…〉 red their lives for him After which Expedition he was ordered beyond Sea with the Queen-Mother of France 1639. when they say he looked back on England with this wish May it never have need of me It 's true some observe that the Scots who cried upon him as a Papist yet writ under hand to him their Noble Lord as they did to Essex and Holland so effectually that they had no heart to that War afterward and it is as true that thereupon a schedule was now the second time given of the parties that combined against the Government viz. 1. The busie medlers that had got the plausible trick of Haranguing since King James's time not used in Parliament from H 6. time to his 2. The covetous Landlords Inclosers Justices of the Peace that ruled in the Country and would do so in Parliament 3. Needy men in debt that durst not shew their heads in time of Peace 4. Puritans that were so troublesome against Hatton c. in Queen Eliz. dayes and under pretence of Religon overthrew all Government 5. Such Male-contents as either lost the preferment they had or had not what they were ambitious of with their Kindred and Dependants 6. Lawyers that second any attempt upon the Prerogative with their Cases Records and Antiquities 7. London Merchants that had been discovered by Cranfield and Ingram as to their cheats put upon the King in his Customes and Plantations 8. Common-wealths-men that had learned from Holland in Queen Eliz. days to pray for the Queen and the State And 9 Because there cannot be a Treason without a P such Recusants as were Hispanioliz'd whereof this Earl was none but though as a Church-Papist he had most of the Catholick Peers votes devolved on him he never bestowed them undutifully albeit sometimes stoutly and resolutely A great friend he was to all new Inventions save those that tended to do that by few hands which had been usually done by many because said he While private men busie their heads to take off the Poors employment the publick Magistrate must trouble his to finde them maintenance Either he or the Earl of Northampton used to say when asked what made a compleat man To know how to cast Accompts an accomplishment though ordinary yet might save many an Estate in England Observations on the Life of Esme Duke of Richmond GReat in his Ancestors honour greater in his own vertu and greatest of all in that like the Star he wore the higher he was the lesse he desired to seem affecting rather the 〈◊〉 than the pomp of noblenesse therefore his courtesie was his nature not his craft and his affableness not a base servile popularity or an ambitious insinuation but the native gentlenesse of his disposition and his true value of himself He was not a stranger to any thing worth knowing but best acquainted with himself and in himself rather with his weaknesses for Caution than his abilities for Action Hence he is not so forward in the traverses of War as in Treaties of Peace where his honour ennobled his cause and his moderation advanced it He and my Lord of Southampton managing the several Overtures of Peace at London Oxford and Oxbridge with such honourable freedome and prudence that they were not more deservedly regarded by their Friends than importunately courted they their Enemies who seeing they were such could not be patient till they were theirs though in ●ain their honours being impregnable as well against the Factions kindnesse as against their power At Conferences his conjectures were as solid as others judgements his strict observation of what was passed furnishing him for an happy guesse of what was to come Yet his opinion was neither variably unconstant nor obstinately immoveable but framed to present occasions wherein his method was to begin a second advice from the failure of his first though he hated doubtful suspense when he might be resolute This one great defect was his good nature that he could never distrust till it was dangerous to suspect and he gave his Enemy so much advantage that he durst but own him for his friend One thing he repented of that he advised his Majestie to trust Duke Hamilton his Adversary with the affairs of Scotland in compliance with the general opinion rather than the Marquess Huntly his friend in compliance with his own real interest an advice wherein his publick-spiritednesse superseded his particular concerns and his good nature his prudence So true is it that the honest mans single uprightnesse works in him that confidence which oft-times wrongs him and gives advantage to the subtle while he rather pities their faithlesness than repents of his credulity so great advantage have they that look onely what they may do over them that consider what they should do and they that observe onely what is expedient over them that judge onely what is lawful Therefore when those that thought themselves wise left their sinking Soveraign he stuck to his Person while he lived to his body when dead and to his cause as long as he lived himself attending the first resolutely burying the second honourably and managing the third discreetly undertaking without rashnesse and performing without fear never seeking dangers never avoiding them Although when his Friends were conquered by the Rebels he was conquered by himself retyring to that privacy where he was guessed at not known where he saw the world unseen where he made yielding a conquest where cheerful unconcerned in expectation he provided for the worst and hoped the best in the constant exercise of that Religion which he his maintained more effectually with their Examples than with their Swords doing as much good in encouraging the Orthodox by his presence as in relieving them by his bounty In a word I may say of him as Macarius doth of Justine There was no
Mother that the Scots could say The son of son of 〈◊〉 geud a Mother could do them no harm Qu. 18. Why had he a hand in most of the Monopolies and Projects of England Qu. 19. Why did he refuse to contribute as others had done to the Scots Wars Qu. 20. Why did he intercede for Lowdon's release notwithstanding the trayterous Letter to the French King was his hand Qu. 21. How comes Montrosse to be slighted by the gracious King at first And when he offered his service again how came his Letters into the Covenanters hands at Newcastle Qu. 22. Why did he and Argyle raise such Fears and Jealousies in Scotland and England by with-drawing suddenly from the Court under pretence forsooth of danger to their persons Qu. 23. Why could not the King hear of the Scots design to invade England 1643. before Montrosse posted first to Oxford and then to Gloucester to tell him of it though the Marquess was all the while in Scotland Qu. 24. And yet why was that noble person mistrusted till the Kings interest was lost in that Country Qu. 25. Why was he and his brother imprisoned at Oxford And why did the King say Nay if Hamilton leads them there is no good to be done for me Qu. 26. Why did the King say That he must dispose of the Master of the Horse place to the Earl of N. That my Lord Cottington was the fittest man for the Treasury and that Sir Edward Hyde was the onely man he could trust with the Secretaries affairs Being loth that D. H. should return to an opportunity of recozening them Questions these that shew After-ages can scan great mens lives with the same liberty that they live them Observations on the Life of Sir Ralph Hopton GEntile was this excellent person's extraction in the West of England and man-like his Education in the Low-Countries that School of War where Sir William Waller and he learned in one Camp what they practised in two The one being no lesse eminent for his service under his late Majesty of blessed memory than the other was for his against him The one was the best Soldier the King had the other the most experienced that the pretended Parliament boasted of None sice● to balance Sir Hopton's successe none likelier to understand his stratagems none abler to undermine his designes than his Fellow-soldier Sir William who understood his method as well as he was acquainted with his person Both were equally active both equally vigilant But what better character of this Heroe than that which his Master gave him in his Patent for Baron which is his history as well as his honour Carolus Dei Gratiâ Angliae c. Cum Nominis nostri Posteritatis interest ad clara Exempla propaganda utilissimè compertum palam fieri omnibus praemia apud nos virtuti sita nec peri●● fidelium subditorum officia sed memori benevoli pectore fixissimè insidere His praesertim temporibus cum plurimum quibus antehac nimium indulsimus temerata aut suspecta fides pretium aliorum constantiae addidit Cumque nobis certò constat Radulplium Hopton Militem de Balneo splendidis Antiquis Natalibus tum in eaetera sua vita integritatis moris eximium tum in hac novissimâ tempestate fatalique Regni rebelli motu rari animi fideique exemplum edidisse Regiae dignitatis in eaque publicae contra utriusque dversarios assertorem vindicem acerrimum Quippe quia non solum nascenti huie Furori nec dum omnibus manifesto optimis consiliis fortis in curia Senator restiterit sed insinuante se latius veneno crescente ferocia domum ad suos reversus fortior Miles in Agro suo Somersetensi vicinis partibus omni ope manu iniquissimam causam oppugnaverit in Arce praesertim Sherborniana sub Anspiciis Marchionis Hertfordiae egregiam operam navaverit Mox ulterius progressus pollenti in Devonia factionis Tyrannide munitissima civitate in foedus illecta jam undique bonis subditis perniciem minante ipse penè in illa Regione Hospes contracto è Cornubia Milite primoribus statim impetum earum repressit jacentesque affictas nostras partes mirifica virtute recreavit Et licet summis necessitatibus conflictanti exigua pars Negotii hostes erant tantum abfuit ut vel illis vel istis succumberet ut contra copiis auctiores bellico apparatu instructissimas saepius signis Collaris in acie dimicans semper superior excesserit Testis Launcestonia Saleash Bradock aliaque obscura olim nomina loca nunc victoriis illius perduellium cladibus Nobilitata Vix etiam ab his respiraverat cum novus belli furor Lassas jam fer● continuis praeliis laxatas vires Numerosissimo exercitu adortus uberiorem triumphandi dedit materiam Cum ille in campis Strattoniae in difficillimas licet Augustias redactus inops militaris instrumenti consumpto jam pulvere tormentario armatos inermis Vallo munito inter sola causa virtute animatus ita retudit cencidit castris exuit ut totum belli molem cum ipsis Authoribus profligavit Quic quid fugae illius residuum erat inter urbis unius Moenia eaque arcta obsidione astricte concluso Qua quidem pugna memorabili praeter quod miserum popellum jugo intolerabili levaverat sedes suas expulsis Ecclesias Pastoribus pacem omnibus Firmamentum pacis obsequium pristiaeter restituerit Et jam sequenti armorum nostrorum foelicitate qua partes Regni occidentales maturius a● officium verum Dominum redierunt viam apperuisse momentum ingons extitisse libentissimè profitemur In hac opera laudabili cum praefatus Radulphus perstiterit adhuc in victo animo industria indefessa nullo arduo quantumvis labore periculo excusatus cumque mille argumentis testatum fecerit Honorem salutemque nostram sibi omni fortuna capite potiorem nos virum fortissimum optimeque affectu● animum benigno studio prosequi amplius demereri volentes hunc praeconio merito ornandum propiori ad nos gradu extollendum censuimus Sciatis igitur nos de gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia mero motu praefatum Radulphum Hopton ad statum gradum stylum Dignitatem Titulum Honorem Baronis Hopton de Stratton in Comitatu nostro Cornubiae c. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas Nostras fieri fecimus Patentes Teste meipso apud Oxon. quarto die Septembris Anno Regni Nostri Decimo nono His two great Actions the one at Liscard the other at Stratton cannot be better described than by an Eye-witnesse whose are these as he saith out of a Manuscript corrected with Sir Ralph 's own hand communicated to him by his Secretary Mr. Tredus At Liscard a little before the Fight began the King's party took it into seasonable consideration
that seeing by the Commission the Lord Mobun brought from Oxford four persons viz. the said Lord Mohun Sir Ralph Hopton Sir John Berkley and Colonel Ashhurnham were equally impowered in the managing of all Military matters And seeing such equality might prove inconvenient which hitherto had been prevented with the extraordinary moderation of all parties in ordering a Battel it was fittest to fix the power in one chief and general consent setled it in Sir Ralph Hopton He first gave order that publick Prayers should be read in the head of every Squadron and it was done accordingly and the Enemy observing ●t did stile it saying of Masse as some of their Prisoners afterwards did confesse Then he caused the Foot to be drawn up in the best order they could and placed a Forlorn of Musquetiers in the ●●ttle Inclosures winging them with the few Horse and Dragoons he had This done two small My 〈…〉 ion Drakes speedily and secretly fetched from the Lord Mohun's house were planted on a little ●urrough within random-shot of the Enemy yet 〈◊〉 that they were covered out of their sight with small parties of Horse about them These concealed Mynions were twice discharged with such successee that the Enemy quickly quitted their ground And all their Army being put into a rout the King's Forces had the execution of them which they performed very sparingly taking 1250 prisoners all their Cannon and Ammunition and most of their Colours and Arms and after publick Thanks taking their repose at Liscard Stratton Fight succeeds on Tuesday the 16th of May 1643. The King's Army wants Am munition and hath a steep hill to gain with all disadvantage and danger the Horse and Dragoons being not above five hundred and the Foot two thousand four hundred The Parl. Forces were well furnished and barticadoed upon the top of the hill their Foot 3400. and their Horse not many indeed having dispatched 1200 to surprize the Sheriff● and Commissioners at Bedmin On the King's side order was given to force the passage to the top of the Hill by four several Avenues the ascent was steep and difficult resolutely did his Majesties Forces get up and obstinately did the Enemy keep them down The Fight continued doubtful with many countenances of various events from five in the Morning till three in the Afternoon amongst which most remarkable the smart charge made by M. G. Chudleigh with a stand of Pikes on Sir Bevil Greenvil who fell nobly himself and had lost his squadron had not Sir John now Lord Berkley who led up th● Musquetiers on each side of Sir Bevil seasonably relieved it so resolutely reinforcing the Charge that Major-General Chudleigh was taken Prisoner Betwixt three and four of the Clock the Commanders of the King's Forces who embraced those four several wayes of ascent met to their mutual joy almost at the top of the hill which the routed enemy confusedly forsook In this service though they were Assailants they lost very few men and no considerable Officer killing of the Enemy about three hundred and taking seventeen hundred prisoners all their Cannon being thirteen pieces of brasse Ordnance and Ammunition seventy barrels of powder with a Magazine of Bisket and other provision proportionable For this victory publick Prayer and Thanksgiving was made on the hill then the Army was disposed of to improve their successe to the best advantage Nothing had sunk this great spirit but the fate of Kingdomes with whose ruine onely he was contented to fall and disband his brave Soldiers upon honourable terms Five things made my Lord Hopton so eminently serviceable 1. His great insight into the designes and prudent foresight of the events of present Councels which when most doubted and wavered gave him that resolution that undertook great difficulties and bore up against greater 2. His experience of War in general and his acquaintance with that seat of it committed to him in particular 3. His renown all over the Kingdome for piety and moderation and within his own association for hospitality civility and charity 4. His name among the Enemies as confiderable for his generousnesse and justice as for his valour and conduct 5. His Estate that set him above mercenarinesse and his care for money that set his Soldiers above need the occasion of mutinying among themselves or of incivilities towards others Observations on the Life of the Earl of Carnarvan RObert Dormer Ar. was on the tenth of June 1615. made Baronet by K. James on the 30 day of the same month was by him created Baron Dormer of Wing in Buckinghamshire His Grand-childe Robert Dormer was by K. Charles in the 4th of his Reign created Viscount Ascot Earl of Carnarvan He lost his life fighting for him who gave him his honour at the first Battel of Newbury Being sore wounded he was defired by a Lord to know of him what suit he would have to his Majesty in his behalf the said Lord promising to discharge his trust in presenting his request and assuring him that his Majesty would be willing to gratifie him to the utmost of his power To whom the Earl replyed I will not dye with a Suit in my mouth to any King save to the King of Heaven By Anne daughter to Philip Earl of Pembrook and Montgomery he had Charles now Earl of Carnarvan From his noble Extract he received not more honour than he gave it For the blood that was conveyed to him through so many illustrious veins he derived to his Children more maturated for renow● and by a constant practice of goodnesse more habituated to vertue His youth was prepared for action by study without which even the most eminent parts of Noble-men seem rough and unpleasant sant in despight of the splendor of their fortune But his riper years endured not those retirements and therefore brake out into manlike exercises at home and travel abroad None more noble yet none more modest none more valiant yet none more patient A Physician at his Father-in-Law's Table gave him the Lye which put the company to admire on the one hand the man's impudence and on the other my Lord's mildenesse until he said I 'll take the Lye from him but I 'll never take Physick of him He may speak what doth not become him I 'll not do what is unworthy of me A vertue this not usual in Noble-men to whom the limits of Equity seem a restraint and therefore are more restlesse in Injuries In the middest of horrour and tumults his soul was serene and calm As humble he was as patient Honour and nobility to which nothing can be added hath no better way to increase than when secured of its own greatnesse it humbleth it self and so at once obligeth love and avoideth envy His carriage was as condescending as heroick and his speech as weighty as free He was too great to envy any mans parts and vertues and too good not to encourage them Many a time would he stoop with his own spirit
further from him But no Message being brought him from Luynes he had in pursuance of his Instructions a more civil Audience of the King at Coignac where the Marshal of St. Geran told him he had offended the Constable and he was not in a place of security here whereunto he answered That he held himself to be in a place of security wheresoever he had his Sword by him Luynes resenting the affront got Cadenet his brother D● of Chaun with a ruffling train of Officers whereof there was not one as he told K. James but had killed his man as an Embassador extraordinary to mis-report their Traverses somuch to the disparagement of Sir Edw that the Earl of Carlisle sent to accommodate Le Mal Entendu that might arise between the 2 Crowns got him called home until the Gentleman behinde the Curtains out of his duty to truth and honour related all circumstances so as that it appeared that though Luynes gave the first affront yet Sir Edward kept himself within the bounds of his Instructions and Honour very discreetly and worthily Insomuch that he fell on his knees to King James before the Duke of Buckingham to have a Trumpeter if not an Herald sent to Monsieur Luynes to tell him that he had made a false Relation of the passages before-mentioned and that Sir Edward Herbert would demand reason of him with Sword in hand on that point The King answered he would take it into consideration But Luynes a little after died and Sir Edward was sent Embassador to France again and otherwise employed so that if it had not been for Fears and Jealousies the bane of publick services he had been as great in his Actions as in his Writings and as great a States-man as he is confessed a Scholar Observations on the Life of the Lord Capel HIS privacy before the War was passed with as much popularity in the Country as his more publick appearance in it was with valour and fidelity in the Field In our too happy time of Peace none more pious hospitable charitable and munificent In those more unhappy of our Differences none more resolved Loyal and active The people loved him so well that they chose him one of their Representatives and the King esteemed him so much that he sent for him as one of his Peers in that Parliament wherein the King and People agreed in no one thing save a just kindnesse for my Lord Capel who was one of those excellent Gentlemen whose gravity and discretion the King saith he hoped would allay and fix the Factiou to a due temperament guiding some mens well-meaning Zeal by such rules of moderation as are best both to preserve and restore the health of all States and Kingdomes keeping to the dictates of his conscience rather than the importunities of the people to what was just than what was safe save onely in the Earl of Strafford's case wherein he yielded to the publick Necessity with his Royal Master but repented with him too sealing his contrition for that miscarriage with his blood when he was more troubled for his forced consent to that brave person's death than for losing his own life which he ventured throughout the first War and lost by his Engagement in the second For after the surrender of Oxford he retyred to his own house but could not rest there until the King was brought home to his which all England endeavouring as one man my Lord adventured himself at Colchester to extremity yielding himself upon condition of Quarter which he urged by the Law of Arms that Law that as he said on the Scaffold governeth the world and against the Lawes of God and Man they are his own words for keeping the fifth Commandment dying on the Scaffold at Westminster with a courage that became a clear conscience and a resolution befitting a good Christian expressing that judicious piety in the Chamber of Meditation at his death that he did in his Book of Meditation in his life a piety that as it appeared by his dismission of his Chaplain and the formalities of that time 's devotion before he came to the Scaffold was rather his inward frame and habit than outward ostentation or pomp from the noble Sentiments whereof as the Poet not unhappily alluding to his Arms A Lyon rampant in a Field Gules between three crosses expresseth it Our Lyon-like Capel undaunted stood Beset with Crosses in a Field of blood as one that affrighted death rather than was afrighted by it It being very observable that a learned Doctor of Physick present at the opening and embalming of this noble Lord and Duke Hamilton delivered at a publick Lecture that the Lord Capel's was the least heart and the Duke 's the greatest that ever he saw agreeable to the observation in Philosophy that the spirits contracted within the least compasse are the cause of the greater courage Three things are considerable in this incomparable person 1. His uninterrupted Loyalty keeping pace with his Life for his last breath was spent in proclaiming K. Charles the II. in the very face of his Enemies as known to him to be a vertuous noble gentle just and great Prince a Perfect English-man in his inclination 2. His great merits and modesty whereof K. Charles I. writes thus to his excellent Queen There is one that doth not yet pretend that doth deserve as well as any I mean Capel Therefore I desire thy assistance to finde out something for him before he aske 3. The blessing of God upon his noble but suffering Family who was a Husband to his excellent Widow and a Father to his hopeful Children whom not so much their birth beauty and portion though they were eminent for these as their Vertues married to the best Bloods and Estates in the Land even when they and the Cause they suffered for were at the lowest It 's the happiness of good men though themselves miserable that their seed shall be mighty and their Generation blessed Observations on the Life of Bishop Andrews I Have much a-do to prevail with my own hand to write this excellent Prelate a States-man of England though he was Privy-Councellor in both Kingdomes For I remember what he would say when he came to the Council-Table Is there any thing to be done to day for the Church If they answered Yea then he said I will stay If No he said I will be gone Though yet this be an instance of as much prudence as any within the compass of our Observation So safe is every man within the circle of his own place and so great an argument of abilities hath it been always confessed to know as well what we ought as what we can especially in Clergy-men whose over-doing doth abate their reverence and increase their envy by laying open those defects and miscarriages which are otherwise hallowed or at least concealed in the mystick sacrednesse of their own function Not but that men of that gravity and exactnesse of that