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A47111 Monumenta Westmonasteriensia, or, An historical account of the original, increase, and present state of St. Peter's, or the Abby Church of Westminster with all the epitaphs, inscriptions, coats of arms, and atchievements of honor belonging to the tombs and grave-stones : together with the monuments themselves faithfully described and set forth : with the addition of three whole sheets / by H.K. of the Inner-Temple, Gent. H. K. (Henry Keepe), 1652-1688. 1683 (1683) Wing K127; ESTC R22764 148,361 432

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under which lies Thomas of Woodstock sixth Son to King Edward III. who was Earl of Buckingham and Duke of Glocester a man of great Nobility and Renown whom Richard II. his Nephew betrayed and afterwards caused him to be barbarously murthered at Calis anno 1397. He married Elenore one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Humphrey de Bohun Earl of Hereford and Essex who lieth buried in St. Edmunds Chappel as I have declared before by whom he had Issue one Son and three Daughters viz. Humphrey who died without Issue Anne who was Wife of Edmund Earl of Stafford Joan who died unmarried and Isabel who was a Nun at the Minoresses in London § 153. Towards the North side of this Chappel at the foot of the Tomb of King Edward I. is another large grey Marble stone fairly set forth with fine ingraved brass whereon is the Effigies of a Bishop in the Vestments of his Office with a Miter on his head and a Pastoral staff in his right hand with the Pictures of the twelve Apostles divided and embroidered on either side of him and other artificial Imagery work about it the Epitaph round the Ledge being worn away but was here placed by the command of Richard II. whose Favourite he was to the memory of John Waltham the twenty sixth Bishop of Salisbury anno 1388. He was constituted Master of the Rolles 1382 then Keeper of the Privy Seal and in the year 1391. Lord High Treasurer of England in which Office he continued until his death which hapned in the year 1395. and was buried in this place § 154. Here is likewise on the West side the Feretory of St. Edward hard by the Skreen that separates the High Altar from this Chappel the Chair or Seat whereon our Kings are accustomed to be Inaugurated and Crowned It appears extreamly antient both in its fashion and materials being made of solid hard firm wood with a back and sides of the same under whose Seat supported by four Lions curiously carved insteed of feet lies that so much famed stone whereon the Patriarch Jacob is said to have reposed his head in the Plain of Luza it is of a blewish steel-like colour mix'd with some eyes of red triangular rather than any other form and being broken resembles a Peble The ruines of the Chair it self shews that heretofore it hath been fairly painted and gilt with Gold but at present it is much defaced you have a small Table of Verses hanging thereon but by reason they give us little light concerning the antient story of this stone and Chair I shall trouble your patience with a short Narrative thereof which is reported to have been first in Gallicia of Spain at Brigantia where Gathel King of Scots there sate on it as his Throne Thence it was brought into Ireland by Simon Brech first King of Scots who transplanted it into that Isle about seven hundred years before Christ It was brought out of Ireland by King Ferguze abut 370 years afterwards into Scotland and in the year of our Lord 850 was placed at the Abby of Scone in the Sheriffdom of Perth by King Kenneth where the Coronation of his Ancestors usually had been celebrated who caused this Distich to be ingraven upon it Ni fallat vatum c. And to be inclosed in this wooden Chair Afterwards when Edward I. King of England had overcome John Balliol King of Scots in many Battels he returned in the year 1297 to England bringing with him great Spoyls among which this Throne with the Crown and Scepter of their Kings were likewise taken and offered by him here at the Shrine of St. Edward and ever since hath been made use on as the accustomed Throne whereon our Kings do usually ●it on the days of their Inauguration As to the Prophesie insculpt on this Stone it seems happily to be accomplished sometime since when James VI. King of Scotland came to the Imperial Crown of England whose Grandson and Heir King Charles II. our present Sovereign now enjoys it § 195. The North side of this Chappel is taken up by three noble Tombs That towards the West is a plain Monument of grey Marble raised about five foot from the ground being on the right hand of the entrance without any Inscription or adornments more than a Table of Verses hanging by to inform you that Edward I. King of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine Lord of Ireland and Son to King Henry III. by Eleanor Daughter to the Earl of Province lies there intombed He took to Wife Eleanor Daughter to Ferdinand III. King of Castile and Lions who warred often with the Scots and that successively won Barwick c. and in the years 1308. died and was buried here § 156. Eleanora first Wife to this Edward King of England lies under that neat Tomb Northeast of the Feretory of St. Edward whose Pedestal is composed of Freestone and grey Marble whereon are the Arms of England Castile Leon and Pontois ingraven with a Sepulchre painted on the backside to be seen in the Area with divers Monks praying thereat all in plano on this Tomb is her Image in curious wrought Brass gilt with Gold her hair dishevelled and falling in very comly order on her shoulders her head crowned under a ●ine Canopy supported by two Cherubims of the same curious gilded Brass half encompassed on her left side with a screen of Iron wrought through in divers pleasant forms and delightful figures an Epitaph carved on the ledge in French and a Table hanging by in Latine and English Rhime to tell us further that she was only Daughter to Ferdinand III. King of Castile and Leon by Joan his second Wife Heir to Guydo Earl of Ponthieu by which the Earldom of Ponthieu devolved of right to the Kings of England She was Mother of King Edward II. and died in the year 1298. § 157. Between these two lie the Father of this Edward King of England viz. Henry III. under a most sumptuous Monument made Altar-wise of three ascents the first containing only a plain Pedestal of grey Marble wherein there be several Ambries and Lockiers made use of heretofore to lay up the Vestments and rich Copes belonging to the Altar of St. Edward The other is a composure of curious work framed of diverse coloured Marbles and glittering stones resembling those on the Feretory of S. Edward chequered and gilt with Gold supported at each corner by four twisted or Serpentine Columns of the same speckled Marble all brought from beyond the Seas by his Son Edward on purpose to adorn this his Fathers Sepulchre on the top whereof is placed his Image in his Royal Habiliments of solid Brass curiously wrought and gilt with Gold having a Lion at his feet an half Canopy over his head and an Epitaph in French round the ledge all of the same gilded Brass with a Table of Verses hanging by to let us know that this Henry King of England
Eboraci qui in Aula Regia Richmondiae 8. die Junii in Domino obdormivit aetatis suae quarto Anno Dom. 1671. 99. Depositum Serenissimi Principis Caroli Ducis Cantabrigiae filii quintogen●ti Serenissimi Principis Jacobi Ducis Eboraci c. ex conjuge Maria D'Este qui in Aula regia St. Iacobi dicta duodecimo die Decembris Anno Domini Milessimo sexcentessimo septuagessimo septimo in Domino obdormivit aetatis suae tricessimo quinto die 100. Depositum Illustrissimae Dominae Henriettae filiae natu tertiae Potentissimi Principis Ducis Eborati Quae in Aula regia St. Iac●bi dic●a 15 die mensis Novembris in Domino obdormivit decem circiter mensium 〈…〉 is Anno Dom. 1669. 101. Depositum Illustrissimae Dominae Katharinae filiae quartogenitae Potentissimi Principis Jac●●i Ducis Eboraci in Aula Regia St. Iacobi dic●a quinto die Decembris in Domino obdormivit vix decem menses habens anno 1671. 102. Depositum Illustrissimae Dominae Katharinae Laurae ex secundis nuptiis filiae primogenitae Potentissimi Ppincipis Jacobi Ducis Eboraci quae in Aula Regia St. Iacobi dic●a t●rtia die Octobris obdormivit vix nov●m menses habens Anno Dom. M. CD LXXV 103. Depositum Illustrissimae Dominae Isabellae filiae septimogenitae S●renissimi Principis Jacobi Ducis Eboraci c. conjuge Maria D'Este quae in Aula Regia St. Iacobi dicta secundo die Martii Anno Domini Mill●ssimo sexcentessimo octogessimo in Domino obdormivit aetatis suae ●nno currente quinto annoque Dom. 1680. 104. Edwardi Primi Regis Angliae Epitaphium Mors est moesta nimis magnos quae jungi● in imis Maximamors minimis conjungens ul●ima primis Nullus in orbe fuit homo vivens nec valet esse Qui non morte ruit est hinc ex●re necesse Nobilis fortis tibi tu considere noli Omnia sunt mortis sibi subdit sin●ula soli De mundi medio magnum mors i●pia movit Anglia prae taedio sa●is anxia plangere n●vi● Corruit Edwardus vario ven●ratus honore Rex nuper ut Nardus fragrans virtutis odore Corde Leopardus invictus absque pavore Ad rixam ●ardus discretus Eucharis ore Viribus armorum quasi gigas ardua gessit Colla superborum prudens per praelia pressit Inter Flandrenses fortuna sibi benè favit Vt quoque Wallenses Scotos suppeditavit ●ex bonus absque pari stren●è sua regna regebat Quod natura dare potuit bonitatis habeba● Ac●io ju●titiae pax Regni sanctio legis ●t f●ga nequitiae premunt praecordia Regis Gloria tota r●it Regem c●pit hae● modo fossa Rex quan●oque fuit nunc nil nisi pulvis ossa 〈…〉 i●●e Dei quem corde coleba● ore 〈…〉 e● nullo permista dolore 〈…〉 Rex valuit sua magna potestas 〈…〉 uit pax magna fuit regnavit honestas 〈…〉 wardus Primus Scotorum malleus hic est 1308. Pactum serva Edward I. King of England his Epitaph Death is too doleful which doth joyn T●● high estate full lo Which coupleth greatest things with least And last with first also N● man hath been in world alive ●or any there may be Which can es●ape the dint of death Needs hence depart must we O noble and victorious man Trust not unto thy strength For all are subject unto death And all must hence at length Most cruel fate from worldly stage Hath rest a worthy Wight For whom all England mourned loud To see his doleful plight Edward is dead which was adorn'd With divers graces here A King or fragrant Nardus hight A gratious Princely Peere In heart the which was Lybard like Right puissant void of fear Most ●ow to strife discreet and wise And gracious every where In Arms a Gyant fierce and fell Attempting famous Facts Most prudent did subdue the proud By feat of martial Acts In ●●nders Fortune gave to him By lot right good success In Wales he wan the Scottish rout With Arms he did suppress This King without his like alive Did firmly guide his Land And what good nature could conceive He had it plight at hand He was in justice and in peace Excelling Laws took place Desire to chase all wicked works Did hold this Kings good grace He now doth lie intombed here Which f●rthered each good thing Now nought he is but dust and bones Which was a worthy King The very Son of God whom erst This King did love right deere Hath given to him immortal blisses For his good living here Otherwise Whil's● liv'd this King by him all things W●re in most godly plight Fraud lay hid great peace was kept And honesty had might Pactum Serva 105. Epitaph viz. Ycy gist Alianor jadis Renne de Angletere Femme al Ren. Edward Fitz. c. Aeleonorae Reginae uxoris Edwardi Primi Epitaphium Nobilis Hispani jacet hîc soror inclyta Regis Eximii consors Aleonora thori Edwardi primi Wallorum Principis uxor Cui pater Henricus Tertius Anglus erat Hanc ille uxorem ●nato petit omi●e Princeps Legati munus suscipit ipse bono Alphonso fratri placuit foelix Hymen●us Germanam Edwardo nec sine dote dedit Dos praeclara fuit nec tali indigna marito Pontivo Princeps munere dives erat Foemina consilio prudens pia prole beata Auxit amicitiis auxit honore virum Obiit Anno Domini 1298. anno Edwardi Regis primi 26. Disce mori The Epitaph of Queen Aleonore Wife of Edward I. Queen Elenor is here interr'd A worthy noble Dame Sister unto the Spanish King O● Royal bloud and fame King Edwards Wife first of that name And Prince of Wales by right Whose Father Henry just the third Was sure an English Wight Who crav'd her Wife unto his Son The Prince himself did go On that Embassage luckily As chief with many moe This knot of linked marriage Her Brother Alphonse lik'd And so tween Sister and this Prince The marriage up was strik●d The Dowry rich and Royal was For such a Prince most meet For Pontive was the marriage gift A Dowry rich and great A woman both in counsel wise Religious fruitful meek Who did encrease her Husbands friends And larg d his honour eke She died in the year of our Lord 1298. c. Learn to die 106. Richardi secundi Regis Angliae Epitaphium Prudens mundus Richardus jure secundus Per fatum victus jacet hic sub marmore pictus Verax sermone fuit plenus ratione Corpore procerus animo prudens ut Homerus Ecclesiae favit elatos suppeditavit Quemvis prostravit regalia qui violavit Obruit haereticos eorum stravit amicos O clemens Christe tibi devotus fuit iste Votis Baptistae salves quem protulit iste Hic jacet immiti consumptus morte Richardus Fuisse foelicem
depicted thereon erected here to continue the remembrance of Philippa one of the Daughters and Coheirs of John Lord Mohun of Dunster who was first married to the Lord Fitz-Walter afterwards to Sir John Golosre Knight and lastly to Edward Plantagenet Duke of York Son of Edmund of Langley fifth Son of King Edward III. who was killed at the Battel of Agincourt she died and was buried here in the year 1474. § 64. Beyond this Tomb towards the West under an Arch in the Wall lies the Image of a woman at full proportion leaning on her left Arm in a Cypress vail all of a mouldering stone which being decayed by reason of its brittleness and that the Monument is very plain seems to be of much greater Antiquity than really it is having no Inscription Paintings or adornments but a Coat of Arms where Cecill with quarterings Impaling Mannors is to be seen and was here placed for the Lady Elizabeth sole-Daughter and Heir of Edward Mannors Earl of Rutland by Isabel his Wife Daughter of Sir Thomas Holcroft of the Vale Royal in the County of Chester Knight she was Wife of Sir William Cecill Knight commonly called Lord Burleigh Son and Heir apparent to Thomas Earl of Exeter by whom she had Issue William called Lord Ross she departed this life the eleventh of May anno 1591. and lieth here as the entering thereof in the Heralds Office and those Arms above placed over her Effigies do sufficiently testifie § 65. Next to this is a Monument of Alabaster Porphyry and diverse coloured stones adorned and gilt with Gold having on the Pedestal the Image of a young man and woman kneeling with a little Babe in swadling bands between them and on a Table supported by this Pedestal is a large Statue of a Lady at full proportion combant in her Robes of Estate of the same Alabaster painted and gilt with Gold and environed with a Grate where the Lady Winifrid Marchioness of Winchester is said to be intombed she was descended from the antient Family of the Bruges first married to Sir Richard Sackvile Knight Chancellour of the Exchequer by whom she had the Lord Buckhurst and the Lady Dacres of the South with other Children afterwards to John Paulet Marquess of Winchester whose Widow she died in the year 1586. § 66. On the South side of this Chappel is an antient Tomb in the Wall of grey Marble with his Portraiture ingraven on Brass in his Episcopal habit with a Miter on his head and a Crosier Staff in his hand canopied with an Arch of curious wrought stone under which William Sutton alias Dudley Bishop of Durham lies interred he was the Son of John Lord Dudley and died about the year 1482. as may be gathethered from part of an Epitaph still remaining in Brass round the Verge of his Tomb. § 67. Here is a most noble and Magnificent Monument towards the Southeast part Angle of this Chappel set up against the same Wall by the command and charge of William Cecill Lord Burlegh to the remembrance of his Wife and Daughter being twenty four foot high containing divers Arches and Canopies supported by Corinthian Pillars and adorned with Pyramids of Porphyry Lydian Touch and various coloured Marble curiously carved and gilt with Gold On the upper part of this Monument under a small Arch is a little figure of an antient man praying on his knees and in his Parliament Robes with the Collar and Jewel of the Order of St. George about his neck to represent the aforesaid William Cecil Lord Burlegh Lord High Treasurer of England Privy Counsellour to Queen Elizabeth and Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter who died on the fourth day of August in the year 1598. and lay in state in this Church six days afterwards he was translated to Stamford where in St. Martins Church his body was interred On the Pedestal are two Images at full proportion cumbant in their Robes of Estate of Alabaster painted and adorned with Gold the furthermost of Mildred Lady Burlegh Wife of the above-said William she was the eldest Daughter of Sir Anthony Coke Knight by Anne the Daughter of Sir William Fitz-Williams Knight who was a Lady of no less eminent in her time for her extraordinary Charity than for her Piety and great Learning being well versed in the Greek and Latine Tongues she had many Children by her Husband all dying in their Infancy except Anne Robert and Elizabeth She died in her grand Climacterick year on the fourth day of April 1589 and was buried from her house at Westminster in this Chappel The other of her Daughter the Lady Anne Countess of Oxford who maried Edward Vere Lord High Chamberlain of England and the seventeenth of the name of Vere Earl of Oxford by whom she left Issue only three Daughters who dying at the Queens Palace of Greenwich on the fifth day of June 1588. was brought and interred in the floor of this Chappel On each side of this Pedestal are two Canopies supported by some little Corinthian Columns curiously painted with Azure and gilt with Gold underneath each of which is a Deaths-head enchased in Crystal with with these words Mors Janua vitae and Mors mihi Lucrum by the latter at the head of their Mother and Grandmother are three little Images of female Children kneeling the Lady Elizabeth the Lady Bridget and the Lady Anne Vere and by the former at the feet of his Mother and Sister the figure only of a Youth kneeling for Robert Cecill Son of the above-mentioned William and the Lady Mildred his Wife who married Elizabeth Brook Daughter of the Lord Cobham all living when this Monument was erected § 68. Beyond this against the East Wall is another comly Monument where under an Artificial Canopy the Curtains withdrawn and held up by two Corinthian Pillars of divers coloured Alabaster and Marble adorned and gilt with Gold are two Images kneeling at a Table the one of a Knight in Armour placing his left hand on a Deaths-head The other of his Lady with a Book lying before her on the same Table praying and lifting up their eyes towards the Azure Sky representing an Artificial Heaven painted on the roof of the Canopy beset with Cherubims little Angels and gilded Stars On the out-side of the same Monument are many larger figures of Angels naked Youths and Cupids all of polished Alabaster with a Fame standing on a bleeding heart with a device and Motto being set up here by Sir George Fane of Buston Knight in the County of Kent for the Lady Elizabeth his Wife who was Daughter of Robert Baron Spencer of Wormleighton who died in the year 1618. § 69. Under this Monument close to the Wall is an antient plain raised Tomb of grey Marble with an Inscription in Brass round the ledge still remaining and some Coats of Arms on the Pedestal whereby may be gathered that Nicolas Baron Carew and his Wife the Lady Margaret who was
the Daughter of Sir John Dinham Knight were here intombed he dying on the sixth day of December in the year 1470. and she on the thirteenth day of the same month and year following § 70. Next to this Tomb is a most noble Monument twenty four foot high admirably adorned with curious wrought stones Pyramids and Corinthian Columns of Porphyry Lydian and various coloured Marble where under a large Arch set forth with divers ingenuities Coats of Arms and other Adornments and rich gildings is the Image of a Lady lying at full proportion in her Robes of Estate painted and gilt with Gold and environed with an Iron Grate being erected by Edward Earl of Hertford to the remembrance of his Mother the Lady Anne Dutchess of Somerset who was the Wife of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset Earl of Hertford c. Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter and Vncle to King Edward VI. She was the Daughter of Sir Edward Stanhope Knight by Elizabeth his Wife Daughter of Sir Foulke Bourchier Lord Fitz-warin who by his Father was descended from Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Glocester Son to King Edward III. She died on the sixteenth day of April anno 1587. in the ninetieth year of her age having Issue by her Husband three Sons and six Daughters and was here interred § 71. Before this Monument of the Dutchess of Somerset on the Area is a late erected Tomb of a curious form whose Pedestal is composed of four large Cherubims of rough Alabaster which support a square Table of admirable polished black Marble rising every way from the Superficies to a convenient height whose Angles are all conjoyned and covered by a Ducal Coronet of white Marble encompassed with an Iron Grate and gilt with Gold under which lies the Lady Jane Clifford Wife of Charles Lord Clifford and Dungarvan Son and Heir apparent to Richard Earl of Burlington c. She was the Daughter of William Duke of Somerset Grand-daughter to Edward Earl of Hertford and Great-grand-daughter to Edward Duke of Somerset who was Uncle King Edward VI. and therefore had this Monument erected for her hard by her Great-grandmothers She had Issue five Sons and six Daughters departing this life on the twenty third of November 1679. in the 42. year of her Age. § 72. On the left hand of the door as you come into this Chappel is a little Table Monument of one intire black Marble stone placed on a Pedestal of Alabaster adorned with Arms Epitaphs and gilt with Gold for Elizabeth the Wife of Sir Robert Cecill Knight Son of William Lord Burlegh Lord High Treasurer of England and Privy Counsellour to Queen Elizabeth She was the Daughter of William Brooke Lord Cobham and as a remembrance of her had this Tomb placed here by her Husband in the year 1591. § 73. In the midst of the Pavement of this Chappel is a most noble Tomb composed of a black Marble Table of one intire Lydian stone curiously polished and supported by a Pedestal of black and white Marble embellished with divers carved Figures Coats of Arms and Masons work On this Table is placed the Image of a Knight in ●ompleat Armour Cap à Piè supporting his feet by a Lion couchant with ●nother of his Lady her feet resting on the like Lion vested with a Mantle of Estate and having on her head the Coronet of a Countess all wrought and graved out of curious white Marble and was set up here by George Villers the first Duke of Buckingham of that surname to the remembrance of Sir George Villers Knight his Father and the Lady Mary Beaumont Countess of Buckingham his Mother § 74. On the South side of this Tomb is a small Pyramid of white Marble on the top of which is placed a golden Cup whose Pedestal of black Marble adorned with Arms Epitaphs and gilt with Gold informs us that the heart of Anna Sophia an Infant Daughter to Christopher Harlee Count Bellomont Praefect of Paris Privy Counsellour to the French King and his Embassadour here in England by the Lady Anne Robota his Wife is posited in the aforesaid Chalice who died in the year 1605. § 75. On the East side the Pavement of this Chappel by the base of the Tomb of the Lady Jane Clifford and not far from that of the Lord Carew is a plated Grave-stone of grey Marble whereon the Effigies of a Knight in Armour is lively engraven with an Epitaph and at each corner a Coat of Arms informing us that under that Stone lies the body of Sir Humphrey Stanley Knight one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-chamber to King Henry VII who died on the twelfth day of March anno 1505. § 76. Leaving this Chappel and keeping straight forward we go up by an easie ascent of twelve Greeses or steps of Freestone thorough three Portico's which lead us to as many brazen doors nobly and richly adorned with Grate-works Roses Portcullises and Flowers de Liz the several badges of the Founder which lets us into the Chappel of the B. Virgin Mary § 77. Or King Henry VII as it is vulgarly called by reason that he commanded it to be erected and was at the charge thereof This Chappel so much admired by Strangers and esteemed by us rather exceeds in beauty and excellent contrivance than equals the same thereof for if we respect the admirable Architecture and most noble Roof we there behold a most delightful sight On either side we are entertained with no less than 120 several Statues of the Primitive Saints and Martyrs and round about other lesser Images and Antick figures so excellently carved and curiously ingraven that many experienced in the Art of Painting have not neglected the copying them the curious workmanship of the Staules with the rest of the fine wrought Wainscot that serves to adorn this Chappel ought not to be passed over without your observation nor are the Windows where with this Chappel is further embellished to be neglected every light composed of Diapered and well painted glass each Pane containing either a Red Rose the Badge or Cognizance of the House of Lancaster or a Text H the Initial Letter of this Kings name each crowned with a Royal Diadem But above all the magnificent and glorious Monuments and noble Tombs of those illustrious Princes who have been interred and deposited here deserve a more particular description § 78. To begin then with that of the Founder of this admirable Fabrick which stands at the upper end of this his Chappel being all of solid Brass about eighteen foot in length six in breadth and nine in depth open on the top with a continual Battlement going quite round where in the midst of every Square and at each Angle is a great Rose representing so many Bulwarks encompassing a Royal Fort whilst on the under part of this stately Structure supporting these Battlements are divers Pillars full of Niches and in each
Mother the Lady Anne who died anno 1669. and Edward Cranfield who died anno 1649. Not far from these is a grey Marble stone with a plate of brass thereon for Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester and Privy Counsellour to King James obiit anno 1616. There is a large grey Marble stone with a little part of an Inscription and a Coat of Arms still remaining in the brass whereby so much light may be gathered that it was placed there for Sir John Golofre Knight who was second Husband to Philippa Lady Mohun afterwards Dutchess of York he died anno 1396. By him is another plated stone for Cecill Ratcliff chief Gentlewoman to the Lady Dudley For the rest of the stones I can be at no certainty to whom they belong and therefore I shall leave them without troubling you with my conjectures only giving you the names of some who are said to be here deposited Rich. de Barking Abbot of Westm chief Baron of the Exchequer and Lord Treasurer of England who died an●o 1246 he was buried in our Ladies Chappel and had a Tomb of Marble set up for him before the Altar there which in the time of William de Colchester Abbot likewise of this Monastery was taken down by Frier Combe a Sacrist of this Abby who laid a fair plain Marble stone over him with an Epitaph inscribed in brass which stone among many others was removed at the time when King Henry VII built the new Chappel and was placed at the foot of the steps ascending towards the same on the East side of this Area Henry eldest Son of King Henry VIII by Queen Katharine of Spain died an Infant and was buried at the entrance into the Chappel of St. Edward Ralph Selby Doctor of Laws who died anno 1420 was buried under a plated stone of grey Marble on the South part of this Area Anne Buxal Daughter of Sir Alain Buxal Knight and Wife to Sir John de Beverley she died on the second day of October anno 14●6 and was buried under a plated Marble stone not far from Ralph Selby By her likewise lies her Husband Sir John Beverley Knight under a like stone § 170. In the Chappel of St. Edmund were buried Margaret D●ughter of Henry Clifford Earl of Cumberland Wife of Henry Earl of Derby who died anno 1596. and George Brideman Custos of the Queens Palace at Westminster he died anno 1580. By whom is likewise interred his Wife who died anno 1590. Before the high Altar was buried one John Leeke said to be an Archbishop but I can find no such man in my Catalogues of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and therefore I can say no more of him And now leaving this part of the Church by the Monument of Brian Duppa Bishop of Winchester we are let into the North Cross again where on the right hand and against the East side are three small Chappels The first is The Chappel of St. Iohn Evangelist § 171. The Skreen whereof was made and adorned with several Carvings and Coats of Arms by John Estney Abbot of this Monastery painted and gilt with Gold who lies on the South side under a grey Marble Tomb with his Effigies thereon curiously engraven on brass in the Vestments of his Office with a Miter on his head and a Pastoral Staff in his right hand having an Epitaph round the Verge some part only remaining at this time sufficient to inform us that he died on the twenty fourth day of May anno 1438. § 172. Next to this is another grey Marble Tomb adjoyning to the head of Abbot Estney whereon is the Effigies of a Knight in Armour curiously engraven on brass and reposing his head on his Helm with several Coats of Arms about the Tomb wrought in the same brass but the Epitaph round the ledge is torn away under which lies Sir John Harpedon Knight who died anno 1457. § 173. On the South side of this Monument is another grey Marble Tomb covered with a large stone being nine foot long and four foot broad where round the Ledge is still remaining in brass an Epitaph but the Verses and Coat of Arms wherewith the top of this Marble stone was further adorned are wholly perished under which lies Sir Thomas Parry Knight Treasurer of the Houshold and Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries to Queen Elizabeth who died on the fifteenth day of December anno 1560. § 174. In the midst of the floor of this Chappel is a most stately and Souldier-like Monument every way sutable to the person for whom it was made viz. for Sir Francis Vere Knight descended from the illustrious Family of the Veres Earls of Oxford He was Captain General of the English Forces in the united Netherlands in the time of Queen Elizabeth and Governour of the Briel and Portsmouth whose learned Commentaries set forth by himself in the English Tongue shews him no less a Master in the Art of War than learned in other Sciences he died anno 1698 and had this noble Tomb erected for him by the Lady Elizabeth his Wife where on a Pedestal of well polished black Marble and an Epitaph in gilded letters round the Verge lies his Image wrapped in a Night-gown and reposing himself on a quilt all of figured Alabaster over which is a Table of Lydian or Touch shadowing this Image in the nature of a Canopy supported at the four Corners by as many Martial Knights in Armour inclining their right knees towards the ground and resting the Tomb on their shoulders whereon is placed his Helm Corsset Curiass Vibrace Gauntlet Spurs and Shield which together with the Statues themselves at full proportion are all composed of admirable white Marble That for curiosity and neatness this Tomb seems little inferiour to any of the more magnificent Monuments I have described elsewhere § 175. Against the East Wall of this Chappel at the feet of his fellow Souldier and Kinsman Sir Francis Vere is another 〈…〉 nument erected by John Earl of Clare to the remembrance of his Bro●●er Sir George Holles Knight a great Souldier and Serjeant Major General over the English Forces in the Low-Countries who dying at London anno 1626. was buried here On a Pedestal whereon is the Epitaph with a Town beleaguered well designed in basso relievo and two weeping Pallas's in dejected postures lying on each side thereof with Owls the Emblems of Sagacity and Vigilance standing by them is a commanding Statue of curious white polished Marble boldly insculpt and altogether furnitured like a Roman Hero one of his eyes supposed to be lost covered with Sables a Mantle falling from his shoulders a Shield on his left Arm whereon are depicted the Matches of his Family and a Commanders Battoon in his right hand seeming like old Nestor to be directing his Battallions even after his death § 176. In this Chappel without any Monuments Tombs or Grave-stones lie
Thomas the first Lord Wentworth Richard Knevet Esquire one of the Gentlemen Pensioners to Queen Elizabeth who died on the first day of November anno 1559. Sir Edward Rogers Knight Controller of the Houshold to Queen Elizabeth who died anno 1568. William Rogers his Grandson anno 1593. Sir James Crofts Knight Controller of the Houshold likewise to Queen Elizabeth who died anno 1590. Elizabeth the Daughter of Sir John Fortescue Knight who died on the twenty first of May 1597. And Sir Edward Spragge Knight who lost his life at Sea against the Hollander anno 1673. Next to this is The Chappel of St. Michael § 177. Where there is only on the East side one Monument of Alabaster Marble and divers coloured stones with the Image of a Lady in her Robes of Estate lying at full length with two Children kneeling on the Pedestal all of the same Alabaster adorned with Arms and gilt with Gold for the Lady Katharine St. John's the Daughter of Sir William Dormer Knight and Widow of John Lord St. John's of Bletso by whom she had Oliver who died an Infant and Anne married to William Lord Howard of Effingham eldest Son to Charles Earl of Nottingham Lord High Admiral of England This Lady caused this Monument to be made in her life time not long surviving after who died on the twenty third day of March anno 1614. § 178. There were likewise buried in this Chappel without any Monuments Sir Hugh Vaughan Knight with Anne his Wife who was the Daughter of Henry Earl of Northumberland and Widow of Thomas Hungerford Sir Thomas Wharton Knight afterwards Lord Wharton who married the Daughter of Robert Earl of Sussex and was buried here Anno 1572. Elizabeth the Wife of Sir John Boorn Knight Secretary to Queen Mary she died on the twenty second day of June anno 1576. And Sir William Trussel Knight who was Speaker to the House of Commons at the deposition of King Edward II. § 179. This Chappel with part of the Chappels of St. Iohn Evangelist and St. Andrew are now taken up and the Monuments almost covered by the Scaffolds placed here being made use of at present for the lower Convocation House for the Deans Prebends and Doctors c. as that of King Henry VII is for the Archbishops and Bishops when the Parliament sits at Westminster which I should before have informed you as likewise that in the same Chappel Divine Service is celebrated the●e every Morning at six of the Clock for the conveniency of the Scholars and the devout people thereby inhabiting The Chappel of St. Andrew § 180. Which is the last yet not the least for beauty and comliness the Skreen thereof being richly adorned with curious carvings and ingravings and other Imagery work of Birds Flowers Cherubims Devices Mottoes and Coats of Arms of many of the chief Nobility painted thereon as Dukes of York Bedford Cambridge c. The Earls of Lancaster Exeter Derby c. The Lords Bea●champ Bardolph Mohun Hu●gerford Stafford Ormond Nevil Grey Per●y Molineux Fitz-John all done by the command and at the charge and cost o● Edmund Kirton Abbot of Westminster about the time of King Edward IV. who lies buried on the South side of the Chappel under a plam grey Marble Tomb with an Epitaph in brass round the Verge who died anno 1466. § 181. Against the East Wall is a slight Monument of Alabaster and black Marble adorned and gilt with Gold for Sir John Bourgh Knight Son of William Lord Bourgh descended from the noble Hubert de Bourgh Lord Chief Justice of England and Earl of Kent in the time of King Henry III. and the Lady Katharine Daughter of Edward Clinton Earl of Lincoln Lord High Admiral of England This Sir John was eminent ●or his martial prowess having been twice Knighted in the Field first by the Earl of Leicester Captain General and Governour of the United Netherlands afterwards at the Battel of St. Andrews by Henry IV. King of France and Navarre but boarding a Spanish Caract laden with Gold Spice and Pretious stones he was most unfortunately slain on the seventh day of March anno 1594. in the thirty second year of his age and had this little Memorial placed here for him § 172. Here was likewise buried Thomas Lord Boroughs Knight of the honourable Order of the Garter and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland who died prosecuting the War against the Earl of Tyroen then in rebellion anno 1597. And Henry Noel one of the Gentlemen Pentioners to Queen Elizabeth who died on the twenty sixth of February anno 1596. both without any Monuments or Gravestones § 183. In the midst of this Chappel is a most magnificent and noble Monument erected for Sir Francis Norris Knight afterwards Baron Norris of Rycote memorable for his warlike actions in the Spanish Netherlands On the Pedestal raised on three ascents composed of black Marble and Alabaster is his Effigies curiously carved and ingraved all in Armour of white Marble richly gilt and adorned with Gold on each side of whom are the Images of three young men kneeling in Armour framed of the same Alabaster and gilt with Gold over-shadowed by a glorious Arched Canopy supported by eight Corinthian Pillars of divers coloured stones set forth with Arms and other adornments but there is no Inscription or Epitaph belonging thereunto § 184. Many more persons of note have been interred in this Church whose Monuments are decayed and gone or the Inscriptions worn or torn off from their Grave-stones as Rachel Brigham Daughter of Nicolas Brigham who had a marble stone laid over her hard by Chaucers Tomb anno 1557. William Benson Abbot of Westminster and first Dean of this Church after King Henry VIII had disowned the Supremacy of Rome was buried as you go into the Revestry William Bedell who was Treasurer to Cardinal Woolsey Archbishop of York and Lord Chancellour of England with Cicely his Wife and Sir Francis Allen Knight a famous Souldier in the Low-Country Wars all these lying in the South Cross In the North Cross lies John Redman S. T. D. who was Master of Trinity College in Cambridge and a Prebend of this Church he died anno 1551. Bartholomew Dodington a learned man and Greek Professor in the University of Cambridge who died on the twenty second of August anno 1595. George Burden Receptor of this Collegiate Church John Gryffith descended of an antient Family in Wales he died anno 1597. And Thomas Brown first chief Master of the School then a Prebend and afterwards Sub-dean of this Church who died anno 1585. May 2. § 185. There were likewise buried here other memorable persons for whom I cannot ascertain any particular place ziz Harold base Son of King C●ute after the death of his Father was elected King of England by the Danes who caused Queen Emma his Fathers Wife after he