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A46361 A continuation of the accomplishment of the Scripture-prophesies, or, A large deduction of historical evidences proving that the papacy is the real antichristian kingdom to which is added A confirmation of the exposition of the sixteenth chapter of the Revelation concerning the pouring out of the vials / written in French by Peter Jurieu ... faithfully Englished.; Accomplissement des prophéties. Suite. English Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713. 1688 (1688) Wing J1200; ESTC R17274 212,359 335

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conformable to the common Rule of all Christians let them not instance in the Unity of one God the adorable Trinity of Persons in the Godhead the Incarnation of the second person in our nature who is call'd J. Christ His death which was the Ransom and Redemption of mankind his Resurrection which hath ascertain'd ours his Ascension which hath open'd Heaven and made way for our admission his sitting at the Right hand of his Father who hath constituted him Lord and King of the Church and of the World his Intercession which procures for Believers all the good that is necessary to their Eternal Blessedness the Efficacy of the Redeemer's blood with respect to men The Life Everlasting the Resurrection of the dead and the last Judgment Let them not I say instance in any of these to prove the agreement of their Religion with the H. Scripture for 't is not to the purpose All that is Christianity and not Popery 't is my Religion as well as theirs We know very well that Christianity hath continued in the Papacy but we know likewise that Paganism hath been built upon it in the Church of Rome and this is that which makes it truly Antichristian Popery is that which constitutes a particular Sect and distinguisheth it from all others and this we assert hath no kind of Conformity to the Law of J. Christ The Sacrisice of the Mass hath no foundation in Scripture Let us instance in the Sacrifice of the Mass a point of very great importance if in any Religion there be any such because it concerns the sacrifice of a God unto God thereby to obtain Eternal Life the remission of sins and all the blessings of Heaven and Earth for mankind Because it treats of establishing a new Priesthood and new Priests and such as in the act of sacrificing are superior to their own God who is but a meer victim Now in making this Sacrifice I assert that they have altogether neglected and slighted the H. Scripture and had no regard at all to the revelation and Law of J. Christ After the establishment of this Sacrifice it was thought fit to search the Scripture for arguments to prove it but antecedent to such an establishment this was not thought of insomuch that the passages brought to prove the Sacrifice of the Mass seem to be collected and produc'd for no other end than to expose the Christian Religion to the scoffs of the Profane and the raillery of Infidels From the old Testament these words in the book of Genesis are quoted Genes 14. 1 Sam. 2.34 that Melchisedeck brought forth or offer'd unto Abraham bread and wine those words of God to Eli I will raise me up a Faithfull Priest who shall do according to that which is in my mind and in my heart And that which the wise man saith in the book of Proverbs Chap. 9.1 Wisdom hath built her an house c. she hath furnished her Table and the words of the Prophet Malachy In every place Incense shall be offer'd unto my name and a pure offering 1. C. 11. From the new Testament are alledged the words of our Lord to his Apostles Do this in Remembrance of me 26. Matth. And these of our Lord to the Samaritan Woman Believe me the hour cometh 4 John 21. when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father but they that worship him shall worship him in Spirit and Truth And those words of S. Luke 13 Acts. v. 2. And as they ministred to the Lord and those of S. Paul to the Corinthians You cannot drink the Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Devills you cannot partake of the Table of the Lord and the Table of Devills and in another place we have an Altar whereof they could not partake who served at the Tabernacle One would wonder how these Texts should be produc't as Proofs in this case Where is the Victim where is the Priest where are the Ceremonies the Consecration Elevation Adoration and Oblation of the Sacrifice where are the Introitus the Gradual the Canon the Offertory used by the Romanists If the Jews to maintain their worship their Sacrifices and the different orders of their Ministers who serv'd at their Altats their High Priest their Feasts their Pascal Lamb their Continual Sacrifice Morning and Evening their Scape-Goat their Ark their Mercy-seat their Cherubims their Distinction of Meats their Circumcision if I say to justifie these things the Jews had produced such Texts of Scripture and said these contain the Proofs of our Religion this is our Authority for it I 'am confident they would have past for Mad-men and if the World were once cured of their Prejudices they would say as much concerning the Papists This is one great point wherin Popery is not sollicitous to keep any agreement with the Scripture the common Rule of all Christians There is no Scripture Evidence for the Pope There is another Instance no less notorious than the former After the Sacrifice it naturally followes that we consider the Priest now Popery hath an High Priest and Head of the Universal Church a Vicar of J. Christ a Lieutenant of God on Earth This is the binding stone of the Arch 't is the Center of the Union So capital an Affair that there is no salvation without adhereing to this High Priest and must we be put off to Tradition for the proof of such an Article as this what Title is there in the scripture to this great Office what Call to such a Charge This is alledged Thou art Peter and on this Rock will I build my Church and what thou hast bound on earth shall be bound in Heaven feed my sheep I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not All this is spoken by our Ld. to the Apostle Peter and this is the establishment of the office and Imployment of High Priest which the Pope claims as his peculiar I would that a meer Turk who is not prepossest with the sentiments of a particular sect might be our judge in this case Let him look upon the Infallible man at Rome with his Triple Crown on his head who pretends to be the Judge the King the Spiritual Soveraign of all Christians even of Kings themselves and examin those passages cited out of our Law in savour of his Pretentions 'T is manifest that this Turk would believe you mockt him Where is there any thing here would he say of the City of Rome where are the Cardinals where is there any appointment of this Soveraign Tribunal to which all the World must appeal If those words bestow any special priviledge upon S. Peter is it said he must have a Successor in those Prerogatives and if he was to have a Successor is there any one syllable that should make us imagine that this Successor must have his Seat at Rome 'T is certain they may say that S. Peter was at Rome that He did
Spouse of Christ always young and beautifull without spot or blemish This is the Language of the Popish Church who calls herself fair beautifull tho it be the most hideous deformed Society that bears the Christian name and calls herself Infallible in the midst of numberless Errors which make a Night of darkness wherein she hides herself IV. 'T is the Enemy of God of his Religion and his H. Word that endeavours not a conformity to the rules he hath given in his Word making to themselves another word of God which they call Tradition which is altogether and directly opposite to the true Word of God. Vnder pretence of making use of the H. Scripture they wretchedly abuse and wrest it Applying Scripture to all their false and foolish Mysteries without either reason or Conscience and by ridiculous and impious applications of Scripture exposing it to the derision of the Profane to the contempt and scorn of Infidels They maim and curtail it and impudently falsifie and pervert it and lest all this be not enough they speak as ill things of it as can be said of any book This Book they say is Imperfect 't is obscure 't is full of snares 't is the source of Heresies it abounds with Contradictions it contains an hundred things whose out side is proper to scandalize the weak it is insufficient one half of it is lost it hath no authority without the Church any more than the History of Titus Livius Lastly the Papacy makes use of the Scripture as if it were its own they abrogate the Laws of God laid down in the Scripture they grant dispensation contrary to those Laws they command that which the H. Scripture forbids and forbid that which it enjoyns and to make it evident that the Papacy is indeed the Enemy of God it always stands upon its guard to resist the force of Scripture defend themselves against the word of God by their Distinctions V. 'T is a Prodigy of Filthiness and Impurity whereas Christianity should be a Miracle of Holiness The Head of that Religion hath discovered such a train of Impieties and disorders that for enormity or continuance the like hath never been seen Some of their Popes have been seen wallowing in the pollutions of the flesh in drunkenness and all manner of filthiness and debauchery not only as to women but even Sodomy and Brutality and the most unnatural Lusts Some of 'em have been Magicians and Sorcerers Some have been seen who were Profane Atheistical without God without Religion bathing themselves in Blood Assassins Poisoners Murderers Traitors and oftentimes putting the whole world in a flame Their Priests and Ministers have been seen plung'd into the same disorders following the Example of their Head and treading in the steps of their Leader Ignorant Impious debaucht neglecting the service of God and intent only on their dishonest gain and fleshly Lusts Their Convents of men and women which they call Retirements from the world and little forts and castles of Holiness these I say have been observed to be as bad as the most infamous places of prostitution for all manner of debauchery Lastly their People also were carried away with this fearfull Torrent of corruption having lost the Spirit and power of Religion and retained nothing of Christianity but the name All this may be seen in the history of former ages VI. 'T is a Prodigy of Pride all whose doctrine Theology and Religion is proud and tends to destroy that Spirit of Humility which is the Spirit of the Gospel Pride discovers it self every where in the Papacy in its actions conduct words outside and inside It speaks loftily and magnificently of it self boasting that she is the only Body of J. Christ the only way to Heaven treating all other Communions as Heretical Sects Schismaticks Reprobates Damned Excommunicate as people that deserve to be condemned to the Fire and to be burnt in both worlds The Head of the Papacy is a monster of Pride who as God sits in the Temple of God who gives out his orders as if they were Oracles who makes himself be plac't upon the Altar and there to be worshipt who makes Kings and Emperors kiss his feet and will be carried on the shoulders of Nobles and great Men who holds the Keys of Hell of death and of Paradise in his hand who pretends to the Right of deposing Kings giving away their Crowns who will have homage paid him by all Christians who will be called God upon Earth his Holiness and the Holy Lord Who saith he is the Sun of the world and that all other Princes are but as the Moon and Stars His Ministers under him are Earthy Princes who will not give place to Soveraigns The meanest of their Priests exalt themselves above all other men and crowned Heads must kneel at their feet in Confession and they magisterially give sentence concerning the Eternal Life or Death of men VII 'T is a Merchandise a Trade of forgery lying covetousness and deceit The Papacy by innumerable unrighteous methods hath gained prodigious wealth not only in money and moveables but in lands not only in Lands but in Cities not only Cities but Provinces not particular Provinces only but whole Kingdoms It hath then pillaged and cheated the world and therfore is the worse of the two and by this means hath acquired extraordinary Riches to maintain and augment their abundance every thing in the Papacy is exposed to sale Offices Benefices Churches Sacraments Sins Adultery Incest Murder Parricide Sodomy Brutality and dispensations for any for every thing Paradise and God himself are to be sold but 't is their unhappiness not to be able to deliver 'em into the possession of the Purchasers VIII 'T is a great and vast Body which hath the Spirit of Impurity and Reprobation as a soul to animate it And these imprue Spirits come forth out of the mouth of the Papacy as so many frogs These unclean Spirits are diffused by the mouth of their Schoolmen who amuse the world with a silly obscure and bold Theology by the mouth of their Canonists who have given the Christian World such rules and laws as are obscene wicked and impure and filled volumes with their decisions of Cases full of absurdities extravagant and contradictory stuft with pride and filthiness of all sorts by the mouth of their Casuists and directers of Conscience who have vended such Morals that Pagans would be ashamed of who make nothing of the vilest Crimes and lay men under no obligation to love God who permit men to kill to steal to eommit adultery fornication and any other wichedness only as inconsiderable Venial Faults by the mouth of their Legendaries who have compiled an heap of frightfull and silthy Fables by the mouth of their Masters of Devotion who direct the People to pay that Honour to Saints and Angels which is due only unto God and speak such things in the praise of the Creature which are
possession of that Chair and we hardly meet with any since but dissolute Monsters or meer worldlings My second Reflections is this that to manifest that since the perfect establishment of Popery the Popes have entirely lost the Spirit of J. Christ and of the Gospel 't is no way necessary to prove a continued succession of such profligate Popes without any interruption You must know that a fair appearance of Honesty and what among Great Men is called the Wisdom of the World is oftentimes as opposite to the Spirit of Jesus Christ as the most publick Crimes If in the history of the See of Rome they can find one Pope that was but indifferently honest the Papists presently frame an Exception from it against what we say of the Pope's being Antichrist Boileau prefat disquisitionis de Sanguine Christi post Resuir How often have they told us of the Holiness of Innocent XI the present Pope The Calvinists saith a Doctor of the Sorbon convinced by the Sanctity of this Great Pope Innocent XI the Soveraign Rules of all Christian Affaires Confess that he is rather the Christ the Anointed of the Lord than the Antichrist I know not where he found that we confess this The present Pope loves not the Jesuites he hath condemn'd their Morals he loves not Balls or Comedies and hath declar'd against them but loves Money exceedingly We know from very good hands that he is a Monster of Covetousness and the moderation of his Expences is owing to that vice He is the principal Merchant of the Corn of Europe He obliges all his subjects to fell their Corn to the Apostolic Chamber and when he is Master of it at a very low rate he sells it again to the people for double the price which he gave 'em 't is it may be the most detestable Instance of Monopoly that ever the world saw Besides this 't is well known that the terrible and exorbitant Taxes which he hath set upon the Rents of the mounts of Piety at Rome have drawn upon him the complaints of all Italy They are screw'd up to a third or to half of the Principal in so much as that Cheat is thought to amount to more millions than they dare mention This is what is said and I know not what can be replied for his justification But suppose that these accusations are false and that the conduct of Innocent XI be unblameable and that in seven or eight hundred years past there have been four or five more like him Is it such a business to be gloried in 'T is a mighty wonder indeed Rome Pagan had her Titus's who were called the Delights of Mankind and may not Rome Antichristianism have two or three Honest men according to the opinion of the World in nine or ten Ages Nevertheless because Humane Vertues are apt to dazle our Eyes and men may be therby deceiv'd God by a particular Providence hath so permitted it that there is no one of all the Thrones of Christian Europe on which fewer Honest men have sat even in the Judgment of the World. God hath visibly poured out a Vial of Darkness upon the Seat of the Beast that we might not mistake it This I shall now evince by an abridgment of the History of the Popes CHAPTER VIII A Continuation of the Fifth Character of Antichristianism an Epitome of the Disorders and Corruptions of the Popes from the ninth Century unto the seventeenth WE may begin this History from the eighth and ninth Century when the Controversy arose and was continued between the Worshippers of Images and the opposers of ' em The Popes were very zealous Image-worshippers and maintain'd that Quarrel against the Eastern Emperors and caus'd those dreadful Commotions wherwith the Church was torn for above an hundred years Their Character in those times was not only of men sottishly Ignorant superstitious and Idolatrous but fierce and head strong raging and violent to that degree as to rebel against their lawfull Emperors and excite the people of Italy to a Revolt We may find I say even from those times that the Wickedness of the Popes was advanc't to that degree as did manifest their Antichristianism But I 'm content to be so kind to 'em as to leave them there because it seems to me to be a sufficient proof that that Seat is the Seat of Antichrist that we find there a constant Succession of Villains and Worldlings for the space of seven or eight hundred years The Corruption of divine worship being got to its height about the end of the ninth Century God permitted the corruption of manners to be most extreme in the following Century and then was accomplisht the Prophecy of the first Vial and the first Plague a malignant Ulcer noisome and hideous overspread those who bore the mark of the Beast those especially who sat upon his Throne The H. Spirit decyphering therby the proper period of this Corruption 't is from the tenth Century we must begin the History of the Abominations of the Popes Pope Formosus dyed in the year 897. by means of a faction of villains his seat was filled by one called Boniface An. 897. The Popes of the 10. Century and their Villanies who had twice before been deposed once while a Deacon and a second time when he was Priest This Boniface turn'd out of the chair by another Faction Platina gives place to Stephen VII who made himself very famous by a remarkable Action in causing the Body of Formosus to be dig'd out of its Grave and a Process to be made against him upon this pretence that he suffer'd himself to be translated from another Bishoprick to that of Rome contrary to the Canons and so his Body was thrown into the Tyber The Historians who write the lives of the Popes characterize him as a profligate Wretch and make him to have govern'd only fifteen moneths Two Popes follow'd whereof the one sat in that chair but four moneths and the other no more than three weeks After this came John 9. who continued three years say some An. 906. others make it but one year and some moneths One Benedict succeeded him on the one hand whilst a vile fellow named Sergius on the other did also exercise the Pontificial Power As appears by the records of those times Leo V. followed upon the death of Benedict who at the end of forty days was imprison'd by another Pope named Christopholus who had the Chair but seven moneths Here are at least seven or eight Popes in that number of years because they turn'd out and strangled one another An excellent Character and description of the Successors of our B. Lord. This Christopholus was turn'd out by another Villain An. 908. named Sergius of the Faction of the Marquiss of Tuscany Here we ought to peruse the confession of Baronius himself who enters upon the tenth Century with Rage and Passion calling it the Leaden the Iron Age a Century of Horror
others calls her at every foot Diva i. e. Goddesse My Goddesse the Iesuite Iames du Iardin The Iesuite Rapin who is now living famous for his Writings in prose and verse saith of her Diva quam rebus trepidis benignam Lipsius calls our Lady of Hall Dea Hallensis the Goddesse of Hall. These are Poets you 'le say therefore that none may lay the blame of such language on the license of Poesy we must know that Philip Ber●ald Ambrose Catharini Cardinal Bembo in their prose call her by the same Name of Goddess Bernardin de Bustis Antonin Archbishop of Florence would have her styl'd Dea dearum the Goddess of Goddesses Now these Goddesses over whom the Virgin presides are all the Saints of Heaven And thus we have as many female deities as there are Canonized Women in the Calender They do not only style the Virgin a Goddess but prove her to be so and take their Arguments from this That there is an infinite difference Between Her and Her Servants even as there is an infinite difference between God and his Worshippers and from this Viridarium Viepas Alanus de Rupe Alexis de Salo. That we may measure the divine Greatness by the Greatness of the Virgin and from this That she is the most noble chamber of the most H. Trinity and from this that God sayd to Her Thou shalt be changed into me and again from this that besides a being of Glory and Grace she hath esse dei the Being of God and lastly from this that God is not only in Her by his Grace but in the way of identity i. e. is become one with her Viridarium Pelbatt Binet Alexis de Salo. If the Virgin be a Goddess and all the other Shee-saints be inferior Goddesses and consequently all the Men-saints be inferior Gods it must not be doubted that all our good things come from them both At this rate these devout Gentlemen speak Bernardin Stellarium No favour comes down from God to us but thro the hands of the B. Virgin. The Virgin is the Queen-regent of Paradise the Country of Grace and Mercy The Treasures of the H. Spirit were given her as her dowry and Paradise as her Portion Therefore all the Gates of Heaven are at her devotion 'T is thro her hands that all the Happiness which Heaven lets Fall into our soules doth pass She is the Lady-Treasurer of Heaven the dispenser of all the Gifts of God She is the Neck thro which Iesus Christ sends down all spirituall sense and motion unto his Church Methodius Ozotius Albett Biblia Mariae She ruleth over Earth Heaven and Hell. She is the high and mighty Princess of the heavenly Potentates She is universal Queen A Queen seven ways for she hath seven Kingdoms The most important Affairs of the Trinity pass thro her hands Alanus de Rupe so that all the Citizens of Heaven the inhabitants of Earth the Souls in purgatory nay in Hell Antonin Biel. do acknowledge her as their Mistress and humbly bow the Knee before Her. J. Gerson The Angels are the souldiers of the Virgin. Missels She saith to one Go and to another Come Hymns She turns about the Heavens giveth light to the Sun Methode and governs the World. Her dominion is vast Admirable for she not only commands the Creatures but even God himself as being his Mother She hath a power over her Son Bonaventure founded upon a better right than that of other Mothers Lvo Carnet For our Saviour hath a greater Obligation to the Virgin Mary Salmeron than other Children have to their Mothers She hath requited God for all that she received of him Conformities She hath discharged herself by way of retribution yea she hath requited God for all that we receive from him Carolus 'T is true Scribanius we are Debtors to God but as for the Virgin God is a Debtor to her for the Virgin hath done more or as much for God as God hath done for mankind Iesus Christ by imitating the Virtues of Mary discharged his Office of Saviour The Virgin together with her Son is the cause of the Creation of the World 't is for her and for him that God created the whole universe All believers are elected and predestinated thro the Virgin. She is the Book of Life She merited to be the mother of God and to be the Mother of all Mankind Every thing that is spiritual flowes from Iesus as the Father and from Mary as the Mother of it She is more merciful to Sinners that Iesus Christ 'T is not possible that those should be saved from whom Mary turns away the eyes of her Mercy and 't is absolutely necessary that those should be justifyed toward whom she turns her Eyes 'T is against her alone that we sin If a man finds himself prosecuted by the justice of God he may appeal to the Virgin. The Mothers Mercy hath often saved th●se whom the Son hath a mind to damn one condemned by the Son is saved by the Mother If a man were in Hell the Virgin is able to fetch him out Every body hath heard of the Red Ladder and the White Ladder the Red is that of J. Christ the White is that of the Virgin. All those who had a mind to go up by the Ladder of J. Christ were tumbled down from the top to the bottom and all those who went up by the Ladder of the Virgin got into Paradise 'T is the Virgin that gave her Son to men and sacrificed him for them She offerd him by agreement with the Father and by conformity to the Son and thus offering him for all she hath procur'd the salvation of all The Clients of the Virgin represent themselves as in suspence between the Son and the Mother between the Milk and the Blood not knowing which way to turn 'T is easy to conclude what kind of worship ought to be given to one that is and doth so many things Therefore they say that the Invocation of the Virgin Salazar Binet Coster Alexis Vasques is of absolute necessity and that those who pray not to her are as bad as those who blaspheme her They beg of her in express terms whatever is desir'd from God Heaven Pardon of Sin Grace Repentance Victory over the Devil F. Sufften Viridarium Crasser 'T is not enough to pray to the Virgin you must adore her every knee must bow to her adoring her as soveraign Queen of Men and Angels And this Adoration is not to be a meerly external Adoration but internal The Angels themselves adore the Virgin and have adored her ever since she was born On the account of her own Holiness men owe Dulia to her on the account of her maternal relation they owe her Hyperdulia and because she toucht our Saviour the adoration of Latria is due to her Those who well perform these services tho never
an absolute and totall Apostacy from the Christian Religion 'T is sufficient if it Symbolize with Paganism and very much resemble it This is also signified by what is said 13th chapter of the Revel that the Beast which was struck dead should revive again This Beast is the Roman Empire as Pagan There were two things considerable in that Beast His Kingdom and his Paganism the first had been struck dead by the Goths the other the Paganism had receiv'd a mortal Wound from the time of Constantine untill that of Theodosius but both must revive and recover again The Empire of the Beast in the Papal Domination and the Paganism in the Papal Religion The Papacy ressembles Paganism First in General because its Worship is neither Spirituall nor Rational as neither was the Religion of the Heathens Secondly in particular that the doctrines and worship of the Papacy are an imitation of the Pagan Religion by these two Articles of Conformity between Popery and Paganism I intend to prove the Paganism of the Romish Religion And in the first place I 'le prove that the Worship of the Papacy hath this in common with that of the Gentiles that it is neither Spiritual nor Reasonable The two Characters of Christian Worship are that it is Spiritual and National This is undeniable that the two great Characters of the Service and Worship of the Christian Religion are these two That it is Spiritual and that it is Rational By Spiritual I understand a Service freed from Ceremonies and bodily Observances By Reasonable I understand a Worship that is holy in its Institution full of Wisdom and Reason and proper to impress a lively sense of its Divinity by elevating the Soul unto God. Our Lord Jesus told the Samaritan Woman Woman believe me the hour Cometh John 4. c. v. 21 22 23 24. and now is that neither in this Mountain nor at Jerusalem shall ye worship the Father The true Worshippers are they who worship in Spirit and in Truth God is a Spirit and they who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth c. 'T is plain that the Spirit and a Spiritual Service are there appos'd to the Carnal Bodily Ceremonial Service of the Ancient Church S. Paul speaks in like manner to the Romans I beseech you Brethren by the Mercies of God that you present your bodies a living Sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your Reasonable Service That is the other Character of the worship of Christian Religion 'T is true Judaism had a corporal worship bodily exercise but it was reasonable being full of deep mysteries of types and lessons of piety but the worship of the Heathens had neither Spirituality nor reason Christian worship is altogether both Spiritual and Rational Nothing can be more Rational than to pray to God to sing his praise to offer him thanksgivings to hear his word and preach it to keep his commandments to receive the sign of our washing in Baptism and of our Spiritual nourishment in the Sacrament of the Eucharist In the Popish Religion there is just as much of Spirituality and of Reason as there is of Christianity therfore we find there prayers to God and Thanksgivings and Sacraments But so far forth as Popery hath made additions to Christianity there is nothing that is either Spiritual or Rational Popish worship neither Spiritual nor Reasonable First their worship is covered under an unknown Language a dead and barbarous one which the People understand not and that alone were enough to take away all the reason and spirituality of any such worship For tho all that is contain'd under that language convered under that va●l should be Spirit and Reason to the highest degree tho all should be devout pious full of unction and able to raise the soul to the third Heaven of what use could it be to what purpose could it serve we could perceive but the outside a frightfull carnal bark and cover that were only for the eye wherin even the ear can have no part but with respect to the symphony and Harmony of sounds Secondly All that we see is meerly corporeal viz. Churches adorn'd with extraordinary pride and pomp wherin is a glimmering Light mixt with darkness but inlightned with Lamps and candles with niches in the walls where we see Images of a Curious sculpture in rich and magnifick habits They who serve at their Altars have extraordinary garments both for matter and form and sometimes for cost too the service is not said but sung with Musick and the Masses of Great and Festival days accompanied with instrumental and vocal Musick The Body of the Clergy with all the People march often in great pomp a Cross lifted up and banners displaid and so walk thro the streets and sometimes the fields with this equipage The shrine of a Saint is sometimes carried in this manner before which one cries that all must kneel and all the people are presently on their knees Every year The God made by a Priest is carried in great pomp all the streets eccho with joy all places thro which they pass with this Ceremony are adorn'd with Tapistry and Pictures and the streets covered with Flowers nothing can be more like the pomp of Isis a part whereof is described by Apuleius Is this a spiritual and Rational worship Is not this like the Heathen worship who carried their Gods in procession upon sacred Chariots which they called Thensae Deorum Is not this to make Religion a meer spectacle a kind of Comedie In short all the devotion of the People comes to this to look upon Processions the shrines and Reliques of Saints the Ciborium where they put the H. Sacrament Altars Ornaments Tapistrys Pictures Images Crucifixes Priests Habits Canopies and the magnificence of the Train which follows according to Ceremony The Imagination and the Heart likewise are fill'd with this glittering outside and gawdy show which is so far from elevating the soul to God as is pretended that it stops and hinders it from mounting higher than to what is meerly external and earthly They pretend that this worship of theirs is very spiritual and full of Mysteries The Priest puts the Amict upon his head which is the name of his hood this signifies they tell us the Divinity of Jesus Christ which was hidden and concealed under his Passion He puts on the Albe or white surplice over his other cloaths because it is written thy garments shall be white and this to denote the Innocence of those who serve at the Altar The Subdeacon in some places kisses the right hand of the Priest who doth officiate because the right hand of the most High hath done valiantly The Priest or the Bishop doth sit down after the prayer in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ's fitting in the Temple to dispute with the Doctors of the Law. In a word there is not the most minute and trifling Ceremony of their worship but hath its
be done as She desired The Angel brought her a Branch of a Palm-tree from Paradise and bid her take care that this Branch be carried upon her Biere at her Burial He likewise gave her Mourning Garments that She might dye in a suitable and becoming Habit according to the Age and wear Mourning for her self Mary desires two things of her Son by the Mediation of the Angel First that She might be buried by all the Apostles Secondly that her Soul might see no Demon when it left her Body The Angel returns and leaves the Branch of Palm-tree which immediately became glittering and glorious every of its leaves shin'd like the Morning-Star The Virgin full of joy assembles the Holy Women together who were wont to visit her and gives them an account of her approaching Death St. Iohn was at this time preaching at Ephesus in the midst of his Sermon a noise of Thunder is heard and a Bright Cloud takes him up and carries him thro the air to the very door of Mary's House He goes in the Virgin and this Apostle embrace one another with abundance of Tears he is informed by Mary that within three days She should dye All the other Apostles arriv'd soon after in the same manner carried thro the Air. They were strangely surprised and astonisht to find themselves in that place St. Iohn unfolds the Mystery they came in they wept sorely and adored the H. Virgin. After a great deal of Worship and much discourse Mary received the Communion recommended her Soul to her Son fell upon her knees and put herself in a posture and preparedness to dye About the third hour of the day i. e. about nine a clock in the forenoon Iesus with the nine Orders of the Angels and the Assembly of the Patriarchs Prophets Martyrs Confessors c. i. e. with all the Court of Heaven came and stood round about his Mother's Bed. He and all the Celestial Company sung a melodious Song which began thus Come mine Elect and I will set Thee upon my Throne c. The Virgin answer'd Behold I come for in the beginning of thy Book it is written of me that I should do thy will O God! And with these words She gave up the Ghost When the Soul was departed the Body spake of it self saying I thank thee Lord that I am thy Glory remember me because I am thy Workmanship and have kept that which thou hast intrusted with me The dead Body which nevertheless could speak became so bright and luminous that the Virgins who washt it tho they might touch it were not able to look upon it When the Body was to be carried to the ground the Apostles made many Complements and Civilities to one another concerning the places of honour in the Ceremony for they were not it seems of the humour of the Monks who at the like meetings do oftentimes quarrel who shall go first so as to knock one another with the Crosier-Staff Peter and Paul carried the Body and Iohn the Palm-branch before the Biere the other Apostles followed As they were marching along in due order and Ceremony Iesus Christ covered with a Cloud with all his Angels overtakes 'em and joyning their Voices to those of the Apostles they sung the Obits in honour of the Virgin with a ravishing Melody and at the same time the whole Air round about was perfumed with a most grateful Odour The furious Iews being enraged at this spectacle thought it a very proper occasion to rid their hands of all the Apostles at once The High Priest with both his hands laid hold on the Biere to stop it but both were immediately wither'd and dryed up and fell off from his Arms at the Wrests the Remainder of the Enemies Troop was struck with Blindness The miserable High Priest of the Iews made a grievous Out-cry for the loss of his two Hands Peter tells him there was no cure for him on any other terms than these that he devoutly kiss the Biere of Mary and immediately turn Christian He did so and was healed presently Peter also gave him one of the Dates that grew on the Branch of Palm therewith to stroke the Eyes of those who were struck with Blindness and by so doing all that numerous Company recovered their sight After this the Convoy of the Virgin 's Body performed their journey without any Let or Molestation even to the Valley of Iehosaphat where they laid the Corps of the Mother of God in a new Sepulcher hewn out of a Rock as that wherein the Body of the Lord Jesus was laid When they had thus interred the Corps they remain by it three days which they spent in prayers At the end of three days a bright cloud encompasseth the Sepulcher Angelical voices are heard round about it and a sweet Odour perfumes the place Iesus descends from heaven salutes the Apostles and speaks to them after this manner Peace be unto you what kind of Honour and Glory think you do I owe to my Mother To which they replied It seems just O Lord to thy Servants that as after having conquered Death thou reignest for ever and ever in like manner that thou raise the Body of thy Mother and cause it to sit down for ever at thy right-Right-hand Thereupon the Soul of Mary immediately appeared and the Lord Iesus said unto it Arise my Well Beloved left up the Tabernacle of Glory the Vessel of Life Thou art fair my dearly Beloved and there is no Spot in thee as thou hadst no Spot so thy body shall not see Corruption At these words the Body of the Virgin arose and was united again to her Soul and ascended to Heaven with her Son. Behold after what manner the whole business was transacted according to the Relation of Pelbart de Temeswar a sober and grave Author whose Honesty and Credit is canonised afresh by Father Crasset within these eight or ten years So that we have no reason to doubt of his Testimony or suspect his Authority Not but that there are many who do not believe him especially in France but of such we may say that they are not thorough-pac'd Catholicks The Sermon concerning the Assumption of the Virgin was left out of the Service of the day by the Chapter of the Cathedral of Paris Anno 1668. which before that time was wont to be read but by doing so they have not much pleased or edified the devouter Romanists CHAPTER XIX A Continuation of the Romance of the Virgin invented to support the Idolatry of the Papacy ONe would think that the History of any person should be ended when we have traced it to the Grave But it is otherwise in regard of the B. Virgin. She hath done many more considerable things since her Death than ere she did in her Life time So that the continuation of her History if we should be exact and particular in our account of it would be much larger than that which hath already been related of her