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A43528 Ecclesia restaurata, or, The history of the reformation of the Church of England containing the beginning, progress, and successes of it, the counsels by which it was conducted, the rules of piety and prudence upon which it was founded, the several steps by which it was promoted or retarded in the change of times, from the first preparations to it by King Henry the Eight untill the legal settling and establishment of it under Queen Elizabeth : together with the intermixture of such civil actions and affairs of state, as either were co-incident with it or related to it / by Peter Heylyn. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.; Heylyn, Peter, 1599-1662. Affairs of church and state in England during the life and reign of Queen Mary. 1660-1661 (1661) Wing H1701_ENTIRE; Wing H1683_PARTIAL_CANCELLED; ESTC R6263 514,716 473

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Noble Men Work the best Nevertheless We are not ignorant of Your Consultations to Vndo the Provisions made for Our Preferment nor of the Great Hands and Provisions forcible wherewith You be Assembled and Prepared by whom and to what end God and You know and Nature cannot but fear some Evil. But be it that some Consideration Politick or whatsoever thing else hath moved You thereto yet doubt ye not My Lords but We can take all these Your doings in Gratious Part being also Right-Ready to remit and fully Pardon the same and that to Eschew Bloodshed and Vengeance against all those that can or will intend the same trusting also assuredly that Ye will take and accept this Grace and Vertue in Good Part as appertaineth and that We shall not be Enforced to use the Service of other Our True Subjects and Friends which in this Our Just and Right Cause Go● in whom all Our affiance is shall send Vs. Wherefore My Lords We require You and charge you and every of You of Your Allegiance which You ow to God and Vs and to none other for Our Honour and the Surety of Our Person onely imploy Your Selves and forthwith upon receipt hereof cause Our Right and Title to the Crown and Governance of this Realm to be Proclaimed in Our City of London and other places as to your Wisdoms shall seem Good and as to this Case appertaineth not failing hereof as Our very Trust is in You. And this Our Letter Signed with Our Hand shall be your sufficient Warrant in that behalf Given under Our Signet at Our Mannour of Kenning-Hall the ninth of July 1553. This Letter seemed to give their Lordships no other trouble then the returning of an Answer For well they knew that She could do no less then put up Her Claim and they conceived that She was not in a condition for doing more Onely it was thought fit to let Her know what She was to trust to the better to prevent such Inconveniencies as might otherwise happen And to that end an Answer was presently dispatched under the Hands of the Arch●Bishop of Canterbury the Lord Chancellour Goodrich Bishop of Ely the Dukes of Northhumberland and Suff●lk the Marquesses of Winchester and North-hampton the Earls of Arundel Shrewsbury Huntington Bedford and Pembroke the Lords Cobham and Darcie Sir Thomas Cheny Sir Robert Cotton Sir William Peter Sir William Cecil Sir John Cheek Sir John Mason Sir Edward North Sir Robert Bows The Tenour whereof was as followeth MADAM WE have received Your Letters the ninth of this Instant Declaring Your Supposed Title which You Judg Your Self to have to the Imperial Crown of this Realm and all the D●minions thereunto belonging For Answer whereof this is to Advertise You that for as much as Our Sovereign Lady Queen Jane is after the Death of Our Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth a Prince of most Noble Memory Invested and Possessed with the just and Right Title in the Imperial Crown of this Realm not onely by Good Order of Old Antient Laws of this Realm but also by Our late Sovereign Lord's Letters Patents Signed with His Own Hand and Sealed with the Great Seal of England in presence of most part of the Nobles Counsellours Judges with divers others Grave and Sage Personages Assenting and Subscribing the same We must therefore as of most Bound Duty and Allegiance and Assent unto Her said Grace and to none other except we should which Faithfull Subjects cannot fall into grievous and unspeakable Enormities Wherefore We can no less do both for the quiet of the Realm and You also to advertise you that for as much as the Divorce made between the King of Famous Memory King Henry the Eighth and the Lady Katharine Your Mother was necessary to be had both by the Everlasting Laws of God and also by the Ecclesiastical Laws and the most part of the Noble and Learned Vniversities in Christena●m and Confirmed also by the sundry Acts of Parliaments remaining yet in Force and thereby You justly made Illegitimate and Vn-heritable to the Crown Imperial of this Realm and the Rules and Dominions and Possessions of the same You will upon just consideration hereof and of divers other Causes Lawfull to be Alledged for the same and for the just Inheritance of the Right Line and Godly Order taken by the late King Our Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth and agreed upon by the Nobles and Greatest Personages aforesaid Surcease by any pretents to vex or molest any of Our Sovereign Lady Queen Jane Her Subjects from their True Faith and Allegiance due unto Her Grace assuring You that if you will for Respect shew Your Self Quiet and Obedient as You ought You shall find Vs all and several ready to do You any Service that We with Duty may and be glad with Your quietness to preserve the Common State of this Realm wherein You may be otherwise grievous Vs to Your Self and to them And thus We bid You most Heartily well to fare c. These Letters being thus dispatched and no further danger seeming to be feared on that side all things are put in Readiness against the coming of the Queen who the same day about three of the Clock in the Afternoon was brought by water to the Tower attended by a Noble Train of both Sexes from Durham House in the Strand where She had been entertained as a part of Dudley's Family ever since Her Marriage She could not be ignorant of that which had been done in Order unto Her Advancement to the Royal Throne and could not but conceive that Her being Conducted to the Tower in that Solemn manner did portend somewhat which looked toward a Coronation But still She hoped that either She should hear some Good News of the King's Recovery or of the Altering of His Purpose and that She might be suffered to enjoy those Divine Contentments which she had found in the Repose of a Studious Life But when She came into the presence of the two Dukes Her Father and Her Father-in-Law She observed their Behaviour towards Her to be very different from that which they had used before To put Her out of which Amazement it was signified to Her by the Duke of Northumberland That The King was Dead and that He had Declared Her for His next Successour in the Crown Imperial That This Declaration was Approved by all the Lords of the Council most of the Peers and all the Judges of the Land which they had Testified by the Subscription of their Names and all this Ratified and Confirmed by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England That The Lord Mayour the Aldermen and some of the Principal Citizens had been spoke withall by whom they were assured of the Fidelity of the rest of the City That There was nothing wanting but Her Gratefull Acceptance of the High Estate which God Almighty the Sovereign Disposer of all Crowns and Scepters never sufficiently to be thanked by Her for so great
plaid and that the Cardinal was to be entreated not to insist on the restoring of Church Lands rather to confirm the Lords and Gentry in their present possessions And to that end a Petition is prepared to be presented in the name of the Convocation to both their Majesties that they would please to intercede with the Cardinal in it Which Petition being not easie to be met withall and never printed heretofore is here subjoyned according to the tenour and effect thereof in the Latine Tougne WE the Bishops and Clergy of the Province of Canterbury assembled in Convocation during the sitting of this Parliament according to the antient custom with all due reverence and humility do make known to your Majesties That though we are appointed to take upon us the care and charge of all those Churches in which we are placed as Bishops Deans Archdeacons Parsons or Vicars as also of the Souls therein committed to us together with all Goods Rights and Privileges thereunto belonging according to the true intent and meaning of the Canons made in that behalf and that in this respect we are bound to use all lawfull means for the recovery of those Goods Rights Privileges and Jurisdictions which have been lost in the late desperate and pernicious Schism and to regain the same unto the Church as in her first and right estate Yet notwithstanding having took mature deliberation of the whole matter amongst our selves we cannot but ingenuously confesse that we know well how difficult a thing if not impossible it is to recover the said Goods unto their Churches in regard of the manifold unavoidable Contracts Sales and Alienations which have been made about the same and that if any such thing should be attempted it would not onely redound to the disturbance of the publick peace but be a means that the unity in the Catholick Church which by the goodnesse of your Majesties had been so happily begun could not obtain its desired effect without very great difficulty Wherefore preferring the publick good and quiet of the Kingdom before our own private commodities and the salvation of so many souls redeemed with the precious blood of Christ before any earthly things whatsoever and not seeking our own but the things of Jesus Christ we do most earnestly and most humbly beseech your Majesties that you would graciously vouchsafe to intercede in our behalf with the most reverend Father in God the Lord Cardinal Pole Legat à Latere from his Holinesse our most serene Lord Pope Julius the third as well to your most excellent Majesties as to the whole Realm of England that he would please to settle and confirm the said Goods of the Church either in whole or in part as he thinks most fit on the present occupants thereof according to the powers and faculties committed to him by the said most serene Lord the Pope thereby preferring the publick good before the private the peace and tranquillity of the Realm before sutes and troubles and the salvation of Souls before earthly treasures And for our parts we do both now and for all times comming give consent to all and every thing which by the said Lord Legate shall in this case be finally ordained and concluded on humbly beseeching your Majesties that you would gratio●sly vouchsafe to perswade the said Lord Cardinal in our behalf not to show himself in the Premises too strict and d●fficult And we do further humbly beseech your Majesties that you would please according to your wonted goodnesse to take such course that our Ecclesiastical Rights L●berties and Jurisdictions which have been taken from us by the iniquity of the former times and without which we are not able to discharge our common duties either in the exercise of the pastoral Office or the cure of souls committed to our trust and care may be again restored unto u● and be perpetually preserved inviolab●e both to us and our Churches and that all lawes which have been made to the prejudice of this our jurisdiction and other Ecclesiastical liberties or otherwise have proved to the hindrance of it may be repeated to the ●●nour of God as also to the temporal and spiritual profit not only of your said most excellent Majesty but of all the Realm giving our selves assured hope that your most excellent Majesties according to your singular pie●y to almighty God for so many and great benefits received from him will not be wanting to the necessities of the Kingdom and the occasions of the Churches having cure of souls but that you would consider and provide as need shall be for the peace thereof Which Petition being thus drawn up was humbly offered to the Legate in the name of the whole Convocation by the Lord Chancellor who was present at the making of it the Prolocutor and six others of the lower house And it may very well be thought to be welcome to him in regard it gave him some good colour for not touching on so harsh a st●ing as the restoring of Church lands Concerning which he was not ignorant that a message had been sent to the Pope in the name of the Parliament to desire a confirmation of the sale of the lands belonging to Abbies Chanteries c. or otherwise to let him know that nothing could be granted in his behalf And it is probable that they received some fair promises to that effect in regard that on the New years day then next following the Act for restoring the Pope's supremacy was passed in both houses of Parliament and could not but be entertain'd for one of the most welcome New years Gifts which ever had been given to a Pope of Rome What the Pope did in retribution we are told by Sleidan in whom we find that he confirmed all those Bishops in their several Sees which were of Catholick perswasions and had been consecrated in the time of the Schism as also that he established such new Bishopricks which were erected in the time of King Henry the 8th and made good all such mariages as otherwise might be subject unto dispute He adds a confirmation also which I somewhat doubt of the Abby lands and telleth that all this was ratified by the Bull of Pope Paul the 4th He dispensed also by the hand of the Cardinal with irregularity in several persons confirmed the Ordination and Institution of Clergy men in their Callings and Benefices legitimated the children of forbidden mariages and retified the processes and sentences in matters Ecclesiastical Which general favours notwithstanding every Bishop in particular except only the Bishop of Landaff most humbly sought and obtained pardon of the Pope for their former errour not thinking themselves to be sufficiently secured by any general dispensation how large soever And so the whole matter being transacted to the content of all parties the poor Protestants excepted only on Friday the 25th of January being the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul there was a general and solemn Procession throughout
and the magnificent Procession of the Knights of the Garter he takes his leave of the King and Queen is re-conveyed unto his lodging and on the 3d. of May embarks for Russi● accompanied with four good ships well frought with Merchandise most proper for the trade of that Country to which they were bound The costly presents sent by him from the King and Queen to the Russian Emperour and those bestowed upon himself I leave to be reported by him at his coming home and the relation of John Stow in his Annals of England fol. 630 Nor had I dwelt so long upon these particulars but to set forth the ancient splendor and magnificence of the State of England from which we have so miserably departed in these latter times Worse entertainment found an agent from the French King at his coming hither because he came on a worse errand Stafford an English Gentleman of a Noble Family having engaged himself in some of the former enterprises against this Queen and finding no good fortune in them retired with divers others to the Court of France from whence they endeavoured many times to create some dangers to this Realm by scattering and dispersing divers scandalous Pamphlets and seditious papers tending to the apparent defamation of the King and Queen And having got some credit by these practices amongst the Ministers of that King he undertakes to seize upon some Fortress or Port Town of England and put the same into the hands of the French In prosecution of which plot accompanied with some English Rebels and divers French Adventurers intermingled with them he seizeth on the strong Castle of Scurborough in the Co●nty of York From thence he published ● most traiterous and seditious Manifest in which he trayterously affirmed the Queen neither to be the Rightful Queen of this Realm nor to be worthy of the Title affirming that the King had brought into this Realm the number of twelve thousand Spaniards who had possess'd themselves of twelve of the best Holds in all the Kingdome upbraiding the Queen with her misgovernment and taking to himself the Title of Protector of the Realm of England But the Queen being secretly advertised of the whole design by the diligence of Dr Nicholas Wotton Dean of Canterbury who was then Ambassador in that Court Order was taken with the Earl of Westmorland and other Noble men of those parts to watch the Coasts and have a care unto the safety of those Northern Provinces By whom he was so closely watch'd and so well attended that having put himself into that Castle on the 24th he was pulled out of it again on the last of April from thence brought prisoner unto London condemned of Treason executed on the Tower Hill May 28. and on the morrow after three of his accomplices were hanged at Tyburn cut down and quartered But as it was an ill wind which blowes no body good so this French Treason so destructive to the chief conspiratours redounded to the great benefit and advantage of Philip. He had for three years borne the Title of King of England without reaping any profit and commodity by it But being now engaged in war with King Henry the 3d. though in pursute rather of his fathers quarrels than any new ones of his own he takes this opportunity to move the Queen to declare her self against the French to assist him in his war against that King for the good of her Kingdoms It was not possible for the Queen to separate her interest from that of her husband without hazarding some great unkindness if not a manifest breach between them She therefore yields to his desire and by her Proclamation of the 7th of June chargeth that King in having an hand not only in the secret practices of the Duke of Northumberland but also in the open rebellion of W●at and his confederates She also laid unto his charge that Dudley Ashton and some other male contents of England were entertained in the house of his Ambassadors where they cotrived many treasons and conspira●ies against her and her Kingdom that flying into France they were not only entertained in the Court of that King but relieved with pensions Finally that he had aided and encouraged Stafford with shipping men mony and munition to invade her Realm thereby if it were possible to dispossess her of her Crown She therefore gives notice to her subjects that they should forbear all traffick and commerce with the Realm of France from which she had received so many injuries as could admit no reparation but by open war And that she might not seem to threaten what she never intended she causeth an army to be raised consisting of one thousand horse four thousand foot and two thousand pioners which she puts under the command of the Earl of Pembrook and so dispatcheth them for Flanders to which they came about the middle of July King Philip had gone before on the 6th of that month and all things here were followed with such care and diligence that the army staid not long behind but what they did falls not within the compass of this present year All which remains to be remembred in this present year relates unto such changes and alterations as were made amongst the Governors of the Church and the Peers of the Realm It hath been signified before that White of Lincoln had prevailed by his friends in Court to be translated unto Winchester as the place of his Nativity and Education To whom succeeded Dr Thomas Watson Master of St John's College in Cambridge and Dean of Durham elected to the See of Lincoln before Christmass last and acting by that name and in that capacity against the dead body of Martin Bucer To Day of Chichester who deceased on the 2d of Aug. in the beginning of his year succeeded Dr John Christopherson a right learned man Mr of Trinity College in Cambridge and Dean of Norwich elected about the same time when the other was and acting as he did against Bucer and Fagius as also did Dr Cuthbert Scot who at that time was actually invested in the See of Chester upon the death of Dr ●oats the preceding Bishop And finally in the place of Aldrick Bishop of Carlisle who died on the 5th of March 1555. Dr Owen Oglethorp President of Magdalen College in Oxon and Dean of Windsor receives Consecration to that See in that first part of this year but the particular day and time thereof I have no where found Within the compass of this year that is to say the 4th year of the Reign of this Queen died two other Bishops Salcot or Capon Bishop of Salisbury and Chambers the first Bishop of Peterborough to the first of which there was no successor actually consecrated or confirmed for the reasons to be shewed anon in the Reign of this Queen But to the other succeeded Dr David Pool Dr of both laws Dean of the Arches Chancellor to the Bishop of Lichfield and Arch-Deacon of Derby elected
the Lord Protectour with whom she might enjoy all Content and Happiness which a vertuous Lady could desire And that they might appear in the greater Splendour he took into his hands the Episcopal House belonging to the Bishop of Bath and Wells which being by him much Enlarged and Beautified came afterwards to the Possession of the Earls of Arundel best known of late Times by the name of Arundel-House And so far all things went on smoothly betwixt him and his B●other though afterwards there were some distrust between them but this last Practice gave such an hot Alarum to the Duchess of Sommerset that noth●ng could content her but his absolute Ruin For what hope could she have of Disputing the Precedence with any of King Hen●●e's Daughters who if they were not married out of the Realm might Create many Troubles and Disturbances in it Nor was the Lord Pr●tect●ur so insensible of his own Condition as not to fear the utmost Danger which the Effecting of so great an Enterprise might bring upon him so that the Rupture which before had began to close became more open then before made wid●r by the Artifices of the Earl of Warwick who secretly playing with both hands exasperated each of them against the other that so he might be able to destroy them both The Plot being so far carried on the Admiral was committed to the Tower on the sixteenth of January but never called unto his Answer it being thought safer to Attaint him by Act of Parliament where Power and Faction might prevail then put him over to his Peers in a Legal way And if he were guilty of the Crimes which I finde charged upon him in the Bill of Attainder he could not but deserve as great a Punishment as was laid upon him For in that Act he stands condemned for Attempting to get into his Custody the Person of the King and the Government of the Realm for obtaining many Offices retaining many Men into his Service for making great Provision for Money and Victuals for endeavouring to marry the Lady Elizabeth the King's Sister and for perswading the King in His Tender Age to take upon Him the Rule and Order of Himself But Parliaments being Governed by a ●allible Spirit the Business still remaineth under such a Cloud that he may seem rather to have fallen a Sacrifice to the Private Malice of a Woman then the Publick Justice of the State For the Bill of Attainder passing at the End of the Parliament which was on the fourteenth day of March he was beheaded at Tower-Hill on the sixth day after the Warrant for his Execution coming under the hand o● his own Brother at what time he took it on his Death That he had never committed or meant any Treason against King or Kingdom Thus as it is aff●●med of the Emperour Valentinian that by causing the right Noble Aetius to be put to Death he had cut off his Right Hand with his Left so might it be affirmed of the Lord Protectour that when he signed that unhappy Warrant he had with his Right Hand robbed himself of his greatest Strength For as long as the two Brothers stood together they were good support unto one another but now the one being taken away the other proved not Sub●tantive enough to stand by himself but fell into his Enemies hands within few Moneths after Comparing them together we may finde the Admiral to be Fierce in Courage Courtly in Fashion in Personage Stately in Voice Magnificent the Duke to be Mild Affable Free and Open more easie to be wrought upon and no way Malicious the Admiral generally more esteemed amongst the Nobles the Duke Honoured by the Common People the Lord Protectour to be more desired for a Friend the Lord Admiral to be more feared for an Enemy Betwixt them both they might have made one excellent man if the Defects of each being taken away the Virtues onely had remained The Protectour having thus thrown away the chief Prop of his House hopes to repair that Ruin by erecting a Magnificent Palace He had been bought out of his purpose for building on the Deanery and Close of Westminster and casts his Eye upon a piece of Ground in the Strand on which stood three Episcopal Houses and one Parish-Church the Parish-Church Dedicated to the Virgin Mary the Houses belonging to the Bishops of Worcester Lichfield and Landaff All these he takes into his Hands the Owners not daring to oppose and therefore willingly consenting to it Having cleared the place and projected the intended Fabrick the Workmen found that more Materials would be wanting to go thorough with it then the Demolished Church and Houses could afford unto them He thereupon resolves for taking down the Parish-Church of Saint Mar●arets in Westminster and turning the Parishioners for the celebrating of all Divine Offices into some part of the Nave or main Body of the Abby-Church which should be marked out for that purpose But the Workmen had no sooner advanced their Scaf●olds when the Parishioners gathered together in great Multitudes with Bows and Arrows Sta●es and Clubs and other such offensive Weapons which so terrified the Workmen that they ran away in great Amazement and never could be brought again upon that Imployment In the next place he is informed of some superfluous or rather Superstitious Buildings on the North-side of Saint Paul's that is to say a goodly Cloyster environing a goodly piece of Ground called Pardon-Church-Yard with a Chapel in the midst thereof and beautified with a piece of most curious Workmanship called the Dance of Death together with a fair Charnel-House on the South-side of the Church and a Chapel thereunto belonging This was conceived to be the safer undertaking the Bishop then standing on his good Behaviour and the Dean and Chapter of that Church as of all the rest being no better in a manner by reason of the late Act of Parliament then Tenant at Will of their great Landlords And upon this he sets his Workmen on the tenth of April takes it all down converts the Stone Timber Lead and Iron to the use of his intended Palace and leaves the Bones of the dead Bodies to be buried in the Fields in unhallowed Ground But all this not sufficing to compleat the Work the Steeple and most parts of the Church of Saint John's of Jerusalem not far from Smithfield most beautifully built not long before by Dockwray a late Priour thereof was blown up with Gunpowder and all the Stone thereof imployed to that purpose also Such was the Ground and such were the Materials of the Duke 's New Palace called Sommerset-House which either he lived not to finish or else it must be very strange that having pulled down two Churches two Chapels and three Episcopal Houses each of which may be probably supposed to have had their Oratories to finde Materials for this Fabrick there should be no room purposely erected for Religious Offices According unto this Beginning all the
Spoil though not to the Loss of their Bishopricks Of which last Sort were Kitching Bishop of Landaff Salcot otherwise called Capon Bishop of Salisbury and Sampson of Coventry and Lichfield Of which the last to keep his ground was willing to fling up a great part of his Lands and out of those which either belonged unto his See or the Dean and Chapter to raise a Baron's Estate and the Title of the Baronie too for Sir William Paget not born to any such fair Fortunes as he thus acquired Salcot of Salisbury knowing himself obnoxious to some Court-Displeasures redeems his Peace and keeps himself out of such Danger by making long Leases of the best of his Farms and Manours known afterwards most commonly by the Name of Capons-Feathers But none of them more miserably Dilapidated the Patr●mony of his See then Bishop Kitching of Landaff A Church so liberally endowed by the Munificence and Piety of some Great Persons in those Times that if it were possessed but of a tenth Part of what once it had it might be reckoned as is affirmed by Bishop Godwine one of Kitching's Successours amongst the Richest Churches in these Parts of Christendom But whatsoever Kitching found it it was made poor enough before he left it so poor that it is hardly able to keep the Pot boiling for a Parson's Dinner Of the first Rank I reckon Voysie of Exeter Heath of Worcester and Day of Chichester for the Province of Canterbury together with Bishop Tonstal 〈◊〉 Durham in the Province of York The first once Governour to the Princess Mary Preferred afterwards by King Henry to the Lord-President-ship of Wales and the See of Exeter Which See he found possessed at his coming to it of twenty two goodly Manours and fourteen Mansion-Houses Richly furnished But the Man neither could approve the Proceedings of the King in the Reformation nor cared in that respect to Preserve the Patrimony of the Church for those who might differ in Opinion from him And being set upon the Pin he made such Havock of his Lands before he was brought under a Deprivation that he left but seven or eight of the worst Manours and those let out into long Leases and charged with Pensions and not above two Houses both bare and naked Having lost so much Footing within his Diocess it is no marvail if he could no longer keep his Standing For being found an open Hinderer of the Work in hand and secretly to have fomented the Rebellion of the Devonshire-Men in the year 1549 he either was deprived of or as some say resigned his Bishoprick within few Moneths after the Sentence passed on Gardiner but lived to be restored again as Gardiner also was in the Time of Queen Mary Of Day and Heath I have nothing to remember more particularly but that they were both Deprived on the tenth of October and lived both to a Restitution in Queen Marie's Reign Heath in the mean time being Liberally and Lovingly entertained by the Bishop of London and afterwards Preferred to the Arch-Bishoprick of York and made Lord Chancellour of England Nor shall I now say more of Tonstal but that being cast into the Tower on the twentieth day of December he was there kept untill the Dissolution of his Bishoprick by Act of Parliament of which we shall speak more at large in its proper place We must not leave these Churches vacant considering that it was not long before they were supplyed with new Incumbents To Gardiner in the See of Winton succeeded Doctour John Poynet Bishop of Rochester a better Scholar then a Bishop and purposely Preferred to that Wealthy Bishoprick to serve other Mens Turns For before he was well warm in his See he dismembred from it the Goodly Palace of Marwel with the Manours and Parks of Marwel and Twiford which had before been seised upon by the Lord Protectour to make a Knight's Estate for Sir Henry Seimour as before was signified The Palace of Waltham with the Park and Manour belonging to it and some good Farms depending on it were seised into the hands of the Lord Treasurer Pawlet Earl of Wiltshire who having got into possession so much Lands of the Bishoprick conceived himself in a fit Capacity to affect as shortly after he obtained the Title of Lord Marquess of Winchester But this with many of the rest of Poynet's Grants Leases and Alienations were again recovered to the Church by the Power of Gardiner when being restored unto his See he was by Queen Mary made Lord Chancellour To Voysie in the See of Exeter succeeded Doctour Miles Coverdale one who had formerly assisted Tyndal in Translating the Bible into English and for the most part lived at Tubing an Vniversity belonging to the Duke of Saxonie where he received the Degree of Doctour Returning into England in the first year of King Edward and growing into great Esteem for Piety and Diligent Preaching he was Consecrated Bishop of this Church the thirtieth of August the Bones whereof were so clean picked that he could not easily leave them with less Flesh then he found upon them Nor have we more to say of Scory who succeeded Day but that being Consecrated Bishop of Rochester in the place of Poynet on the thirtieth of August also he succeeded Day at Chichester in the year next following Of which Bishoprick he was deprived of in the Time of Queen Mary and afterwards preferred by Queen Elizabeth to the See of H●reford in which place he dyed To Heath at Worcester no Successour was at all appointed that Bishoprick being given in Commendam to Bishop Hooper who having been Consecrated Bishop o● Glocester on the eighth of March was made the Commendatory of this See to which he could not legally be Translat●d as the Case then stood both Latimer and Heath being st●ll alive and both reputed Bishops of it by their several Parties And here we have a strange Conversion of Affairs for whereas heretofore the County of Glocester was a part of the Diocess of Worcester out of which it was taken by King Henry when first made a Bishoprick the Diocess of Worcester was now lay'd to the See of Glocester Not that I think that Hooper was suffered to enjoy the Temporal Patrimony of that Wealthy Bishoprick but that he was to exercise the Jurisdiction and Episcopality with some short Allowance for his Pains The Pyrates of the Court were too intent on all Advantages to let such a Vessel pass untouched in which they might both finde enough to enrich themselves and yet leave that which was sufficient to content the Merchant An● this perhaps may be one Reason why Latimer was not restored unto his Bishoprick upon this Avoydance not in regard of any sensible Dislike which was taken at him by the Court for his down-right Preaching or that the Bishops feared from him the like Disturbances which they had met withall in Hooper But I conceive the Principal Reason of it might proceed from his own Unwillingness to cumber his
old Age with the Trouble of Business and to take that Burthen on his Shoulders which he had long before thrown off with such great Alacrity And possible enough it is that finding his Abilities more proper for the Pulpit then they were for the Consistory he might desire to exercise himself in that Imployment in which he might appear most serviceable both to God and his Church For both before and after this we finde him frequent in the Pulpit before the King and have been told of his Diligent and Constant Preaching in other places His Sermons for the most part as the use then was upon the Gospels of the Day by which he had the Opportunity of Opening and Expounding a greater Portion of the Word of God then if he had confined his Meditations to a single Text. His Entertainment generally with Arch-Bishop Cranmer where he found all necessary Accommodation and so extreamly honoured by all sorts of People that he never lost the Name of Lord and was still looked on as a Bishop though without a Bishoptick But notwithstanding the Remove of so many Bishops there still remained one Rub in the Way which did as much retard the Progress of the Reformation as any of the rest if not altogether The Princess Mary having been bred up from Her Infancy in the Romish Religion could not be won by any Arguments and perswasions to change Her Minde or permit that any Alteration should be made in those Publick Offices to which She had so long been used The King had writ many Letters to Her in hope to take Her off from those Affections which She carried to the Church of Rome The like done also by the Lords of the Council and with like Success For besides that She conceived Her Judgment built on so good a Foundation as could not easily be subverted there were some Politick Considerations which possibly might prevail more with Her then all other Arguments She was not to be told That by the Religion of the Protestants Her Mother's Marriage was Condemned That by the same She was declared to be Illigitimate and Consequently made uncapable to succeed in the Crown in Case She should survive Her Brother All which She must acknowledge to be legally and justly determined Upon these Grounds She holds Her self to Her first Resolution keeps up the Mass with all the Rites and Ceremonies belonging to it and suffers divers Persons besides her own Domestick Servants to be present at it The Emperour had so far mediated in Her behalf that Her Chaplains were permitted to Celebrate the Mass in Her Presence but with this Cautio● and Restriction That they should Celebrate the same in Her Presence onely For the transgressing of which Bounds Mallet and Barkley Her two Chaplains were Committed Prisoners in December last of which She makes Complaint to the Lords of the Council but finds as cold Return from Them as they did from Her A Plot is thereupon contrived for conveying Her out of the Realm by Stealth to transport Her from Essex where She then lay to the Court of the Queen Regent in Flanders some of Her Servants sent before Flemish Ships ready to receive Her and a Commotion to be raised in that County that in the Heat and Tumult of it She might make Her Escape The King is secretly advertised of this Design and presently dispatcheth certain Forces under Sir John Gates then newly made Lievtenant of the Band of Pensioners to prevent the Practice secures His Coasts orders His Ships to be in Readiness and speeds away the Lord Chancellour Rich with Sir William Peter to bring the Princess to the Court. Which being effected at the last though not without extream Unwillingness on Her part to begin the Journey Inglesfield Walgrave and Rochester being all of Principall place about Her on the thirtieth of October were commi●ted to Custody which adds a new Affliction to Her but there was no Remedy The Lords of the Council being commanded by the King to attend upon Her declared in the name of His Highness how long He had permitted Her the Mass that finding how unmoveable She was from Her former Courses He resolved not to endure it longer unless He might perceive some hope of Her Conformity within short time after To which the Princess Answered That Her Soul was Goa's and for Her Faith that as She could not change so She would not d●ssemble it The Council thereunto rejoyn That the King intended not to Constrain Her Faith but to restrain Her in the outward Profession of it in regard of those many dangers and inconveniences which might ensue on the Example Which enterchange of words being passed She is appointed for the present to remain with the King but neither Mall●t nor any other of Her Chaplains permitted to have speech with Her or access unto Her The Emperour being certified how all things passed sends an Ambassadour to the King with a Threatning Message even to the Denouncing of a W●r in case his Cousin the Princess Mary were not permitted to enjoy the exercise of Her own Religion To Gratifie whom in His desires the Lords of the Council generally seemed to be very inclinable they well considered of the Prejudice wh●ch must fall upon the English Merchants if they should lose their Trade in Fl●●ders where they had a whole year's cloth beside other Goods And they knew well what inconvenience must befall the King who had there 500. Quintals of Powder and good store of Armour which would be seised into the Emperour's hands and imployed against Him if any Breach should grow between them The King is therefore moved with the joynt Consent of ●he whole Board to grant the Emperour's Request and to dispence with the utmost Rigour of the Law in that particular for fear of drawing upon Himself a greater mischief But they found Him so well Studied in the Grounds and Principles of His Religion that no Consideration drawn from any Reason of State could induce Him to it It was thereupon thought fit to send the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London being both Members of that Body to try what they could do upon Him in the way of Argument By them the Point being brought unto such an Issue as might give them some hopes of being admited it was Propounded to Him as their Opinion after some Progress made in the Disputation that Though it were a sin to give Licence to sin yet a connivance of it might be allowed in case it neither were too long nor without some probable hope of a Reformation With which Nicety the young King was so unsatisfied that he declared a Resolution rather to venture Life and all things else which were dear unto Him then to give way to any thing which He knew to be against the Truth Upon which words the King expressed His inward Trouble by a flood of Tears and the Bishops on the sight thereof wept as fast as He the King conceiving Himself wronged in being
more inclinable to the Lutheran but where his profit was concerned in the spoil of Images then th●● Zuinglian Doctrines so well beloved in general by the Common People that divers dipt their Handkerchiefs in his Blood to keep them in perpetual Remembrance of him One of which being a sprightly Dame about two years after when the Duke of Northumberland was led through the City for his opposing the Title of Queen Mary ran to him in the Streets and shaking out her bloody Handkerchief before him Behold said she the Blood of that worthy man that good Vncle of that Excellent King which shed by thy malicious Practice doth now begin apparently to revenge it self on thee The like Opinion also was conceived of the business by the most understanding men in the Court and Kingdom though the King seemed for the present to be satisfied in it In which opinion they were exceedingly confirmed by the Enlargment of the Earl of Arundel and restoring of Crane and his Wife to their former Liberty but most especially by the great Endearments which afterwards appeared between the Duke of Northumberland and Sir Thomas Palmer and the great confidence which the Duke placed in him for the Advancement of his Projects in behalf of the Duke of Suffolk of which more hereafter But the Malice of his Enemies stayed not here extending also to his Friends and Children after his Decease but chiefly to the eldest Son by the second Wife in favour of whom an Act of Parliament had been passed in the thirty second year of the late King Henry for the entailing on his Person all such Lands Estates and Honours as had been or should be purchas●d by his Father from the twenty fifth day of May then next foregoing Which Act they caused to be repealed at the end of the next Session of Parliament which began on the morrow after the Death of the Duke whereby they strip'd the young Gentleman being then about thirteen years of Age of his Lands and Titles to which he was in part restored by Queen Elizabeth who in pity of his Father's Suff●rings and his own Misfortunes created him ●arl of Hertford Viscount Beauchamp c. Nor did the Duke's Fall end it self in no other ruin then that of his own house and the Death of the four Knights which suffered on the same account but drew along with it the ●emoval of the Lord Rich from the Place and Office of Lord Chancellour For so it happened that the Lord Chancellour commiserating the Condition of the Duke of Sommerset though formerly he had shewed himself against him dispatched a Letter to him concerning some Proceedings of the Lords of the Council which he thought fit for him to know Which Letter being hastily superscribed To the Duke with no other Title he gave to one of his Servants to be carried to him By whom for want of a more particular direction it was delivered to the hands of the Duke of Norfolk But the Mistake being presently found the Lord Chancellour knowing into what hands he was like to fall makes his Address unto the King the next morning betimes and humbly prays that in regard of his great Age he might be discharged of the Great Seal and Office of Chancellour Which being granted by the King though with no small difficulty the Duke of Northumberland and the Earl of Pembroke forward enough to go upon such an Errand are sent on the twenty first of December to receive the Seal committed on the morrow after to Doctour Thomas Goodwin Bishop of Ely and one of the Lords of the Privy Council Who afterwards that is to say on the two and twentieth of January was sworn Lord Chancellour the Lord Treasurer Paulet giving him the Oath in the Court of Chancery Next followed the Losses and Disgraces suffered by the Lord Paget on the Duke's account To whom he had continued faithfull in all his Troubles when Sir William Cecil who had received greater Benefits from him and most of the Dependants on him had either deserted or betrayed him His House designed to be the place in which the Duke of Northumberland and the rest of the Lords were to be murthered at a Banquet if any credit may be given to the Informations for which Committed to the Tower as before is said But having no sufficient Proof to warrant any further Proceeding to his Condemnation an Enquiry is made not long after into all his Actions In the return whereof it was suggested That he had sold the King's Lands and Woods without Commission That he had taken great Fines for the King's Lands and applyed them to his proper use and That he had made Leases in Reversion for more then one and twenty years Which Spoyl is to be understood of the Lands and Woods of the Dutchy of Lancaster of the which he was Chancellour and for committing whereof he was not onely forced to resign that Office but condemned in a fine of six thousand pounds not otherwise to be excused but by paying of four thousand pounds within the year This Punishment was accompanied with a Disgrace no less grievous to him then the loss both of his Place and Money He had been chosen into the Society of the Garter An. 1548. when the Duke of Sommerset was in Power and so continued till the fifteenth of April in the year next following Anno 1552. At what time Garter King of A●ms was sent to his Lodging in the Tower to take from him the Garter and the George belonging to him as a Knight of that most Noble Order Which he suffered willingly to be done because it was His Majestie 's Pleasure that it should so be More sensible of the Affront without all question then otherwise he would have been because the said George and Garter were presently af●er sent by the King to John Earl of Warwick the Duke of Northumberland's eldest Son Admitted thereupon into that Society So prevalent are the Passions of some Great Persons that they can neither put a measure upon their Hatred nor an end to their Malice Which two last Passages though more properly belonging to the following year I have thought fit to place in this because of that dependance which they have on the Fall of Sommerset The like Ill-Fortune happened at the same time also to Doctour Robert Farrar Bishop of St. David's who as he had his Preferments by him so he suffered also in his Fall not because Guilty of the Practice or Conspiracy with him as the Lord Paget and the rest were given out to be but because he wanted his Support and Countenance against his Adversaries A Man he was of an unsociable disposition rigidly self-willed and one who looked for more Observance then his place required which drew him into a great disl●ke with most of his Clergy with none more then the Canons of his own Cathedral The Faction headed amongst others by Doctour Thomas Young then being the Chantour of that Church and afterwards advanced by Queen
French when they were in England the onely two great Charges which we finde Him at in the whole course of His Reign must be inconsiderable It was to no purpose for Him to look too much backward or to trouble Himself with enquiring after the ways and means by which He came to be involved in so great a Debt It must be now his own care and the endeavours of those who plunged Him in it to finde the speediest way for His getting out And first they fall upon a course to l●ssen the Expenses of His Court a●d Family by suppressing the Tables formerly appointed for young Lords the Masters of the Requests Serjeant at Arms c. which thought it saved some money yet it brought in none In the next place it was resolved to call such Officers to a present and publick Reckoning who either had embezelled any of the Crown Lands or inverted any of the King's Money to their private use On which course they were the more intent because they did both serve the King and content the People but might be used by them as a Scourge for the whipping of those against whom they had any cause of quarrel Amongst which I finde the new Lord Paget to have been fined six thousand pound as before was said for divers Offences of that nature which were charged upon him B●aumont then Master of the Rolls had purchased Lands with the King's Money made longer Leases of some other Crown Lands then he was authorized to do by his Commission and was otherwise gu●lty of much corrupt and fraudulent dealing For expiating of which Crimes he surrendred all his Lands and Goods to the King and seems to have been well befriended that he sped no worse The like Offences proved against one Whaley one of the King's Receivers for the County of York for which he was punished with the loss of his Offices and adjudged to ●tand to any such Fine as by his Majesty and the Lords of h●s Council shou●d be set upon him Which manner of proceeding though it be for the most part pleasing to the Common People and profitable to the Common-Wealth yet were it more unto the honour of a P●ince to make choice of such Officers whom He thinks not likely to offend then to sacrifice them to the People and His own Displeasures having thus offended But the main Engine at this time for advancing Money was the speeding of a Commission into all parts of the Realm under pretence of selling such of the Lands Goods of Chanterys c as remained unsold but in plain truth to seize upon all Hangings Altar-Cloths Fronts Parafronts Copes of all sorts with all manner of Plate which was to be found in any Cathedral or Parochial Church To which Rapacity the demolishing of the fo●mer Altars and placing the Communion Table in the middle of the Quires or Chancels of every Church as was then most used gave a very good h●●t by rendring all such Furnitures rich Plate and other costly Utensils in a manner useless And that the business might be carryed with as much advantage to the King as might be He gave out certain Inst●uct●ons under his Hand by which the Commissioners were to regulate themselves in their Proceedings to the advancement of the service Amongst which pretermitting those which seem to be Preparatori●s onely unto all the rest I shall put down as many as I think material And that being done it shall be left to the Reader 's Judgment whether the King being now in the sixteenth year of his Age were either better studied in his own Concernments or seemed to be worse principled in Ma●ters which concerned the Church Now the most Material of the said Instructions were these that follow 1. The said Commissioners shall upon their view and survey taken cause due Inventories to be made by Bills or Book● indented of all manner of Goods Plates Jewels Bells and Ornaments as yet remaining or any wise forthcoming and belonging to any Churches Chapels Fraternities or Gilds and one part of the said Inventories to send and return to 〈◊〉 Privy Council and the other to deliver to them in whose hands the said Goods Plate Jewels Bells and Ornaments shall remain to be kept and preserved And th●y shall also give good Charge and Order that the same Goods and every part thereof be at all times forthcoming to be answered leaving nevertheless in every Parish-Church or Chapel of common resort one two or more Chalices or Cups according to the multitude of People in every such Church or Chapel and also such other Orname●ts as by their discretion shall seem requisite for the Divine Service in every such place for the time 2. That because Information hath been made that in many Places great quantities of the said Plate Bells Jewels Ornaments hath been embezelled by certain private men contrary to his Majestie 's express Commandment in that behalf the said Commissioners shall substantially and justly enquire and attain the knowledge thereof by whose default the same is or hath been or in whose hands any part of the same is come And in that point the said Commissioners shall have good regard that they attain to certain Names and dwelling Places of every person or persons that hath sold alienated embezelled taken or carryed away or of such also as have counselled advised and commanded any part of the said Goods Plate Jewels Bells Vestments and Ornaments to be taken or carryed away or otherwise embezelled And these things they shall as certainly and duly as they can cause to be searched and understood 3. That up●n full search and enquiry thereof the said Commissioners four or three of them shall cause to be called before them all such persons by whom any of the said Goods Plate Jewels Bells Ornaments or any other the Premises have been alienated embezelled and taken away or by whose means and procurement the same or any part thereof hath been attempted or to whose hands or use any of the same or any profit for the same hath grown And by such means as to their discretions shall seem best cause them to bring into these the said Commissioners hands to Our use the said Plate Jewels Bells and other the Premises so alienated for the true and full value thereof certifying unto Our Privy Council the Names of all such as refuse to stand to or obey their Order touching their delivery or restitution of the same or the just value thereof To the intent that as cause and reason shall require every man may answer to his doings in this behalf 4. To these another Clause was added touching the moderation which they were to use in their Proceedings to the end that the effect of their Commission might go forward with as much quiet and as little occasion of trouble or disquiet to the Multitude as might be using therein such wise perswasions as in respect of the place and disposition of the People may seem to their Wisdoms most
till the end of that Parliament the interval between the end of the Parliament the deprivation of the old Bishops and the consecration of the new was to be taken up in the executing of such surveys and making such advantages of them as most redo●nded to the profit of the Queen and her Courtiers Upon whi●h ground as all the Bishops Sees were so long kept vacant before any one of them was filled so in the following times they were kept void one after another as occasion served till the best Flowers in the whole Garden of the Church had been c●lled out of it There was another Clause in the said Statutes by which the patrimony of the Church was as much dilapida●ed sede plena as it was pulled by this in the times of vacancy for by that Clause all Bishops were restrained from making any Grants of their Farms and Mannors for more than twenty one years or three lives at the most except it were unto the Queen her Heirs and Successors But either to the Queen or to any of her Heirs and Successors and under that pretence to any her hungry Courtiers they might be granted in Fee farm or for a Lease of fourscore and nineteen years as it pleased the Parties By which means Credinton was dismembered from the See of Exon the goodly mannor of Sherborn from that of Sal●sbury many fair mannors alienated for ever from the rich Sees of Winchester Elie and indeed what not But to proceed unto the Consecration of the new Archbishop the first thing to be done after the passing of the Royal Assent for ratifying of the election of the Dean and Chapter was the confirming of it in the Court of the Arches according to the usual form in that behalf Which being accordingly performed the Vicar General the Dean of the Arches the Proctors and Officers of the Court whose presence was required at this Solemnity were ente●tained at a dinner provided for them at the Nags head Tavern in Cheapside for which though Parker paid the shot yet shall the Church be called to an after re●koning Nothing remains to expedite the Consecration but the Royal Mandat which I find dated on the sixth of December directed to Anthony Kt●ching Bishop of Landaff William Barlow late Bishop of Bath and Wells Lord Elect of Chichester John Scory late Bishop of Chichester Lord Elect of Hereford Miles Coverdale late Bishop of Exeter John Hodgskins Suffragan of Bedford John Suffragan of Thetford and John Bale Bishop of Osser●● in the Realm of Ireland requiring them or any of them at the least to proceed unto the consecration of the right reverend Matthew Parker lately elected to the Metropolitical See of Canterbury The first and the two last either hindred by sickness or by some other lawfull impediment were not in a condition to attend the service whi●h notwithstanding was performed by the other four on Sunday the seventeenth of that Month according to the Ordinal of King Edward the sixth then newly printed for that purpose the Ceremony performed in the Chapel at Lambeth house the East end whereof was hanged with rich Tapestry and the floor covered with red cloth the Morning Service read by Pearson the Archbishops Chaplain the Sermon preached by Doctor Sc●●y Lord Elect of Hereford on those words of St. Peter The Elders which are among you ● exhort c. 1 Pet. 5. 1. The Letters Parents for proceeding to the Consecration publickly read by Doctor Dale the Act of Consecration legally performed by the imposition of the hands of the said four Bishops according to the antient Canons and King Edward's Ordinal and after all a plentiful dinner for the entertainment of the company which resorted thither amongst whom Charls Howard eldest son of William Lord Effingham created afterwards Lord Admiral and Earl of Notingham hapned to be one and after testified to the truth of all these particulars when the reality and form of this Consecration was called in question by some captious sticklers for the Church of Rome For so it was that some sticklers for the Church of Rome having been told of the dinner which was made at the Nags head Tavern at such time as the election of the new Archbishop was confirmed in the Arches raised a report that the Nags head Tavern was the place of the Consecration And this report was countenanced by another slander causing it to be noised abroad and published in some seditious Pamphlets that the persons designed by the Queen for the several Bishopricks being met at a Tavern did then and there lay hands upon one another without Form or Order The first calumny fathered on one Keale once Hebrew Reader in the University of Oxford and Chaplain unto Bishop Bonner which last relation were sufficient to discredit the whole tale if there were no other evidence to disprove the same And yet the silence of all Popish Writers concerning this Nags head-Consecration during the whole Reign of Queen Elizabeth when it had been most material for them to insist upon it as much discrediteth the whole figment as the Author of it The other published by Dr. Nicholas Sanders never more truly Dr. S●anders than in that particular in his pestilent and seditious Book Entituled De Schismate Anglicano whose frequent falshoods make him no fit Author to be built upon in any matter of importance Yet on the credit of these two but on the first especially th● Tale of the Nags-head-Consecration being once taken up was generally exposed to sale as one of the most vendible commodities in the writings of some Romish P●iests and Jesuits as Champney's Fitzsimons Parson Kellison c. They knew right well that nothing did more justifie the Church of England in the eye of the world than that it did preserve a succession of Bishops and consequently of all other sacred Orders in the ministration Without which as they would not grant it to be a Church so could they prove it to be none by no stronger Argument than that the Bishops or the pretended Bishops rather in their opinion were either not consecrate at all or not canonically consecrated as they ought to be And for the gaining of this point they stood most pertina●iously on the fiction of the Nags-head Tavern which if it could be proved or at least believed there was an end of the Episcopal succession in the Church of England and consequently also of the Church it self For the decrying of this clamour and satisfying all opponents in the truth of the matter it was thought fit by Dr. George Abbot then Archbishop of Canterbury to call before him some of the Priests and Jesuits that is to say Fairecloth Leake Laithwaite and Collins being then prisoners in the Clinck Who being brought to Lambeth on the 12th of May 1613. were suffered in the presence of divers Bishops to peruse the publick Registers and thereby to satisfie themselves in all particulars concerning the Confirmation and Consecration of Archbishop Parker according to the
in the Latin tougue 12. That all such holy-dayes and fasting-dayes be observed and kept as were observed and kept in the latter time of King Henry the 8. h. 13. That the laudable and honest Ceremonies which were wont to be used frequented and observed in the Church be hereafter frequented used and observed and that children be Christned by the Priest and confirmed by the Bishop as hereto●●●e hath been accusto●ed and used 14. Touching such persons as were heretofore promoted to any Orders after the new sort and 〈◊〉 of O●ders considering they were not Ordered in very deed the Bishop of the Diocesse finding otherwise sufficient ability in these men may supply that thing which wanted in them before then according to his discretion admit them to minister 15. That by the Bishop of the Diocesse an uniform doctrine be set forth by Hom●lies or otherwise for the good instruction and teaching of all people And that the said Bishop and other persons aforesaid do compel the parishioners to come to their several Churches and there devoutly to hear divine Service as of reason they ought 16. That they examine all Schoolmasters and Teachers of children and finding them suspect in any wise to remove them and place Catholick men in their rooms with a special commandment to instruct their children so as they may be able to answer the Priest at the Masse and so help the Priest at Masse as hath been accustomed 17. That the said Bishops and all other the persons aforesaid have such regard respect and consideration of and for the setting forth of the premises with all kind of vertue godly living and good example with repressing also or keeping under of vic● and unthriftinesse as they and every of them may be seen to favour the restitution of 〈◊〉 Religion and also to make and honest account and reckoning of their office and c●re to the honour of God Our good contentation and profit of this Our Realm and the Dominions of the same The generality of the people not being well pleased before with the Queen's proceedings were startled more than ever at the noise of these Articles none more exasperated than those whose either hands or hearts had been joyned with Wiat. But not being able to prevail by open army a new device is found out to befool the people and bring them to a misconceit of the present government A young maid called Elizabeth Crofts about the age of eighteen years was tutored to counterfeit certain speeches in the wall of a house not far from Aldersgate where she was heard of many but seen of none and that her voice might be conceived to have somewhat in it more than ordinary a strange whistle was devised for her out of which her words proceeded in such a tone as seemed to have nothing mortal in it And thereupon it was affirmed by some of the people great multitudes whereof resorted dayly to the place that it was an Angel or at least a voice from Heaven by others that it could be nothing but the Holy Ghost but generally she pass'd by the name of the Spirit in the wall For the interpreting of whose words there wanted not some of the confederates who mingled themselves by turns amongst the rest of the people and taking on them to expound what the Spirit said delivered many dangerous and seditious words against the Queen her mariage with the Prince of Spain the Mass Confession and the like The practice was first set on foot on the 14th of March which was within ten days after the publishing of the Articles and for a while it went on fortunately enough according to the purpose of the chief contrivers But the abuse being searched into and the plot discovered the wench was ordered to stand upon a scaffold neer St Paul's Cross on the 15th of July there to abide during the time of the Sermon and that being done to make a publick declaration of that lewd imposture Let not the Papists be from henceforth charged with Elizabeth Barton whom they called the Holy made of Kent since now the Zuinglian Gospellers for I cannot but consider this as a plot of theirs have raised up their Elizabeth Crofts whom they called the Spirit in the wall to draw aside the people from their due Allegiance Wiat's Rebellion being quenched and the Realm in a condition capable of holding a Parliament the Queen Convenes her Lords and Commons on the 2d of April in which Session the Queens mariage with the Prince of Spain being offered unto consideration was finally concluded and agreed unto upon these conditions that is to say That Philip should not advance any to any publick office or dignity in England but such as were Natives of the Realm and the Queens subjects That he should admit of a set number of English in his houshold whom he should use respectively and not suffer them to be injured by foreiners That he should not transport the Queen out of England but at her intreaty nor any of the issue begotten by her who should have their education in this Realm and should not be suffered but upon necessity and good reasons to go out of the same not then neither but with the consent of the English That the Queen deceasing without children Philip should not make any claim to the Kingdom but should leave it freely to him to whom of right it should belong That he should not change any thing in the Lawes either publick or private nor the immunities and customes of the Realm but should be bound by oath to confirm and keep them That he should not transport any Jewels nor any part of the Wardrobe nor alienate any of the revenues of the Crown That he should preserve our Shipping Ordnance and Mu●ition and keep the Castles Forts and Block Houses in good repair and well maned Lastly That this Match should not any way derogate from the League lately concluded between the Queen and the King of France but that the peace between the English and the French should remain firm and inviolate For the clearer carrying on this great business and to encourage them for the performance of such further services as her occasions might require the Queen was pleased to increase the number of her Barons In pursuance whereof she advanced the Lord William Howard Cosen German to Thomas Duke of Norfolk to the Title of Lord Howard of Essingham on the 11th of March and elected him into the Order of the Garter within few months after whose son called Charls being Lord Admiral of England and of no small renown for his success at the Isle of Gades was by Queen Elizabeth created Earl of Nottingham Anno 1589. Next to him followed Sir John Williams created Lord Williams of Tame on the 5th of April who dying without Issue Male left his Estate though not his Honors betwixt two daughters the eldest of whom called Margaret was married to Sir Henry Norris whom Queen Elizabeth created Lord Norris of
King's Designs that he was sent for to the Co●rt and after some Reproofs dismissed unto his house in South-Wark where he was commanded to remain untill further Order But there also he behaved himself with much unquietness medling in many matters which concerned the King for which he had neither Warrant nor Commission whereof being once again admonished by their Lordships he did not onely promise to conform himself like a good Subject but to declare his Conformity to the World in an open Sermon in sundry Articles agreed upon that such as were offended might be satisfied in him St. Peter's-Day then near at hand was given him for the Day whereon he was to Preach this Sermon In which though he allowed the Sacrament to be Administred in both Kinds and shewed his Approbation of the King's Proceedings in some other Points yet in the rest he gave such little satisfaction to the King and Council that the next day he was sent Prisoner to the Tower where he remained till his Enlargment by Queen Mary The Punishment of this great Prelat● did not so much discourage those of the Romish Party as his Example animated and emboldened them to such I●conformity as gave no small Disturbance to the King's Proceedings For notwithstanding His great Care to set forth one Vniform Order of Administring the Holy Communion in both Kinds yet so it happened that through the perverse Obstinacy and froward Dissembling of many of the inferiour Priests and Ministers of Cathedral and other Churches of this Realm there did arise a marvailous Schisme and Variety of Factions in celebrating the Communion-Service and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church For some zealously allowing the King's Proceedings did gladly follow the Order thereof and others though not so willingly admitting them did yet dissemblingly and patchingly use some part of them but many causlesly contemning them all would still continue in their former Popery Besides it is Observed in the Register-Book of the Parish of Petworth That many at this time affirmed the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar to be of little regard that in many places it was irreverently used and cast out of the Church and many other great Enormities committed which they seconded by oppugning the established Ceremonies as Holy Water Holy Bread and divers other Usages of the seven Sacraments And yet these were not all the Mischiefs which the Time produced For in Pursuance of this Schism and to confirm the People in their former ways many of those which had been Licenced in Form and Manner prescribed by the Proclamation of the twenty fourth of April appeared as Active in Preaching against the King's Proceedings as any of the Unlicenced Preachers had been found to be Which being made known unto the King and the Lords of the Council it was advised That a Publick Liturgie should be drawn and confirmed by Parliament with several Penalties to be inflicted on all those who should not readily con●orm to the Rules and Appointments of it For though some ill-affected men m●ght look upon the late Order for Administring the Holy Sacram●nt in the English Tongue as the Act of some few Persons about the King and not proceeding reall● from the King Himself yet when the King's Pleasure came to be dec●ared by Act of Pa●li●ment it was to be presumed that all such Subterfuges and Ev●sio●s being t●ken away the Subjects would conform unto it without fu●ther trouble Which being thus resolved upon He caused those Godly Bishops and other Learned Divi●es whom He had formerly imployed in drawing up the Order for the Holy Communion to attend His pleasure on the first day of September then next following Attending at the day appointed it pleased His Majesty to commend unto them the framing of a Publick Liturgie which should contain the Order of Morning and Evening Prayer together with a Form of Ministring the Sacraments and Sacramentals and for the Celebrating of all other Publick Offices which were required by the Church of good Christian People Which as His Majesty commanded out of a most Religious Zeal to the Honour of God the Edification of His Subjects and to the Peace and Happiness of His Dominions so they who knew no better Sacrifice then Obedience did chearfully apply themselves to the Undertaking And that they might proceed therein not onely with the less Disquiets but with the greater Hope of gaining their desired End it pleased His Majesty to declare by His Proclamation bearing Date the twenty third day of the said Moneth of September into what course he had put this Business letting them know That for the settling of an Vniformity and Order th●oughout his Realm and for putting an End to all Controversies in Religion He had caused certain Godly Bishops and other notable Learned men to be Congregated or called together And thereupon doth inferr That notwithstanding many of the Preachers formerly Licenced had behaved themselves very discreetly and wisely to the Honour of God and the Contentation of His Highness yet till such time as the said Order should be generally set forth throughout the Realm His Majesty did thereby inhibit all manner of Persons whatsoever they be to Preach in open Audience in the Pulpit or otherwise by any sought colour or fraud to the disobeying of His Commandment And this he did to this intent That the whole Clergy in the mean space m●ght apply themselves to Prayer to Almighty God for the better atchieving of this same Godly Intent and Purp●se not doubting but that all His Loving Subjects in the mean time would occupie themselves to God's Honour with due Prayer in the Church and patient Hearing of the Godly Homili●s heretofore set forth by His Highness Injunctions and so endeavour themselves that they may be t●e more rea●y with thankfull Obedience to receive a most quiet Godly and Vniform Order through all His said Realms and Dominions And to the end that His Majestie 's Pleasure in the Premisses should be the more punctually obeyed He wil●●th and r●quireth all His Loving Officers and Ministers as well Justices of the Peace as Maors Sheriffs Bailiffs Constables or any other His Officers of what State Degree and Condition soever they be to be attendant upon this Proclamation and Commandment and to see the Infringers and Breakers thereof to be Imprisoned and His Highness or the Lord Protectour's Grace or His Majestie 's Council to be certified thereof immediately as they tendered His Majestie 's Pleasure and would answer to the contrary at their Perils And here it is to be Observed That those who had the chief directing of this weighty Business were before-hand resolved that none but English Heads or Hands should be used therein left otherwise it might be thought and perhaps Objected that they rather followed the Example of some other Churches or were swayed by the Authority of those Foreign Assistants then by the Word of God and the most uncorrupted Practice of the Primitive Times Certain it
Shifts on his part and much patience on theirs he is taken pro confesso on the twenty third and in the beginning of October deprived of his Bishoprick To whom succeded Doctour Nicholas Ridley Bishop of Rochester a Learned Stout and Resolute Prelate as by the Sequel will appear not actually translated till the twel●th of April in the year next following and added not long after to the Lords of the Council The necessary Execution of so many Rebels and this seasonable Severity against Bishop Bonner did much facilitate the King's Proceedings in the Reformation As certainly the Opposition to A●thority when it is suppressed both makes the Subject and the Prince more absolute Howsoever to make sure Work of it there passed an act of Parliament in the following Session which also took beginning on the fourth of November for taking down such Images as were still remaining in the Churches as also for the bringing in of all Antiphonaries Missalls Breviaries Offices Horaries Primers and Processionals with other Books of False and Superstitious Worship The Tenour of which Act was signified to the Subject by the King's Proclamations and seconded by the Missives of Arch-Bishop Cranmer to the Suffragan Bishops requiring them to see it put in execution with all Care and Diligence Which so secured the Church on that side that there was no further Opposition against the Liturgie by the Romish Party during the rest of this King's Reign For what can any workman do when he wants his Tools or how could they Advance the Service of the Church of Rome when the Books by which they should officiate it were thus taken from them But then there started up another Faction as dangerous to the Church as opposite to the Publick Liturgie and as destructive of the Rules of the Reformation then by Law established as were those of Rome The Arch-Bishop and the rest of the Prelates which co-operated with him in the Work having so far proceeded in abolishing many Superstitions which before were used resolved in the next place to go forwards with a Reformation in a Point of Doctrine In Order whereunto Melancthon's coming was expected the year before but he came not then And therefore Letters were directed by the Arch●Bishop of Canterbury to Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr two Great and Eminent Divines but more addicted to the Zuinglian then the Lutheran Doctrines in the point of the Sacrament Martyr accordingly came over in the end of November and having spent some timewith the Arch-Bishop in his House at Lambeth was dispatched to Oxford where he was made the King's Professour for Divinity and about two years after made Canon of Christ-Church In his first Lectures he is said by Sanders if he may be credited to have declared himself so much a Zuinglian in that point as to give great offence to Cranmer and the rest of the Bishops but afterwards upon notice of it to have been more moderate and to conform his Judgment to the Sense of those Learned Prelates Which whether it be true or not certain it is that his Readings were so much disliked by some of that University that a publick Disputation was shortly had betwixt him and some of those who disliked his Doings in which he publickly maintained these two Propositions 1. That the Substance of the Bread and Wine was not changed and 2. That the Body and Blood of Christ was not Carnally and Bodily in the Bread and Wine but united to the same Sacramentally And for the better Governing of the Disputation it was appointed by the King that Doctour Cox Chancellour of that University assisted by one Mr. Morrison a right Learned man should preside as Judges or Moderatours as we call them by whom it was decl●red in the open Scholes that Martyr had the upper hand and had sufficiently answered all Arguments which were brought against him But Chadsey the chief of the Opponents and the rest of those who disputed with him acknowledged no such Satisfaction to be given unto them their party noising it abroad according to the Fate of such Dispu●ations that they had the Victory But Bucer not coming over at the same time also he was more earnestly invited by Pet. Alexander the Arch-Bishop's Secretary whose Letters bear Date March 24. which so prevailed with him at the last that in June we finde him here at Canterbury from whence he writes to Peter Martyr who was then at Oxford And being here he receives Letters from Calvin by which he was advised to take heed of his old fault for a fault he thought it which was to run a moderate course in his Reformations The first thing that he did at his coming hither as he saith himself was to make himself acquainted with the English Liturgie translated for him into Latine by Alexander Alesius a Learned Scot and generally well approved of by him as to the main Frame and Body of it though not well satisfied perhaps in some of the particular Branches Of this he gives account to Calvin and desires some Letters from him to the Lord Protectour with whom C●lvin had already began to tamper that he might finde the greater favour when he came before him which was not till the Tumults of the time were composed and quieted Having received a courteous entertainment from the Lord Protectour and being right heartily welcomed by Arch-Bishop Cranmer he is sent to take the Chair at Cambridg Where his first Readings gave no such distast to the Learned Academicks as to put him to the necessity of challenging the Dissentients to a Disputation though in the Ordinary Form a Disputation was there held at his first●coming thither concerning the Sufficiency of Holy Scripture the Fallibility of the Church and the true Nature of Justification But long he had not held the place when he left this life deceasing on the nineteenth of January 1550. according to the computation of the Church of England to the great loss and grief of that University By the chiefest Heads whereof and most of the Members of that Body he was attended to his Grave with all due Solemnity of which more hereafter But so it was that the Account which he had given to Calvin of the English Liturgie and his desiring of a Letter from him to the Lord Protectour proved the occasions of much trouble to the Church and the Orders of it For Calvin not forgetting the Repulse he found at the hands of Cranmer when he first offered his Assistance had screwed himself into the Favour of the Lord Protectour And thinking nothing to be well done which either was not done by him or by his Direction as appears by his Letters to all Princes which did but cast an eye towards a Reformation must needs be meddling in such Matters as belonged not to him He therefore writes a very long Letter to the Lord Protectour in which approving well enough of set Forms of Prayer he descends more particularly to the English Liturgy in canvasing whereof he
there excepteth against Commemoration of the Dead which he acknowledgeth however to be very Antient as also against Chrism and Extreme Vnction the last of which being rather allowed of then required by the Rules of that Book which said he maketh it his Advice that all these Ceremonies should be abrogated and that withall he should go forwards to Reform the Church without fear or wit without regard of Peace at home or Correspondency abroad such Considerations being onely to be had in Civil Matters but not in Matters of the Church wherein not any thing is to be Exacted which is not warranted by the Word and in the managing whereof there is not any thing more distastfull in the ey● of God then Worldly Wisdom either in moderating cutting off or going backwards but meerly as we are directed by his Will revealed In the next place he gives a touch on the Book of Homilies which Bucer as it appears by his Epistle to the Church of England had right-well approved of These very faintly he permits for a season onely but by no means allows of them for a long continuance or to be looked on as a Rule of the Church or constantly to serve for the instruction of the People and thereby gave the hint to the Zuinglian Gospellers who ever since almost have declaimed against them And whereas some Disputes had grown by his setting on or the Pragmatick Humour of some Agents which he had amongst us about the Ceremonies of the Church then by Law established he must needs trouble the Protectour in that business also To whom he writes to this effect That the Papists would grow insolenter every day then other unless the differences were composed about the Ceremonies But how not by reducing the Opponents to Conformity but by encouraging them rather in their Opposition which cannot but appear most plainly to be all he aimed at by soliciting the Duke of Sommerset in behalf of Hooper who was then fallen into some troubles upon that of which more hereafter Now in the Heat of these Imployments both in Church and State the French and Scots lay hold on the Opportunity for the Recovering of some Forts and Peeces of Consequence which had been taken from them by the English in the former War The last year Bulloign-Siege was attempted by some of the French in hope to take it by Surprize and were couragiously repulsed by the English Garison But now they are resolved to go more openly to work and therefore send an Herald to defy the King according to the Noble manner of those Times in proclaiming War before they entred into Action against one another The Herald did his Office on the eighth of August and pre●ently the French with a considerable Army invade the Territory of Bulloign In less then three weeks they possess themselves of Blackness Hamiltue and New-Haven with all the Ordnance Ammunition and Victuals in them Few of the Souldiers escaped with Life but onely the Governour of New-Haven a Bastard Son of the Lord Sturton's who was believed to have betrayed that Fort unto them because he did put himself immediatly into the Service of the French But they sped worse in their Designs by Sea then they did by Land for giving themselves no small Hopes in those broken Times for taking in the Islands of Guer●sey and Jersey they made toward them with a great number of Gallies but they were so manfully encountred with the King's Navy which lay then hovering on those Coasts that with the loss of a Thousand men and great spoil of their Gallies they were forced to retire into France and desist from their purpose Nor were the Scot● in the mean time negligent in preparing for their own Defence against whom some considerable Forces had been prepared in the Beginning of this Summer but most unhappily diverted though very fortunately imployed for the Relief of Exeter and the taking of Norwich So that no Succours being sent for the Relief of those Garisons which then remained unto the English the Scots about the middle of November following couragiously assault the strong Fort of Bouticrage take it by Storm put all the Souldiers to the Sword except the Captain and him they spared not out of any Pity or Humane Compassion but because they would not lose the Hope of so great a Benefit as they expected for his Ransom Nothing now left unto the English of all their late Purchases and Acquists in Scotland but the strong Fort of Aymouth and the Town of Rox-borough The loss of so many Peeces in France one after another was very sad News to all the Court but the Earl of Warwick Who purposely had delayed the sending of such Forces as were prepared against the French that the Forts above-mentioned might be lost that upon the loss thereof he might project the Ruin of the Lord Protectour He had long cast an envious Eye at his Power and Greatness and looked upon himself as a man of other parts both for Camp and Counsel fitter in all Respects to Protect the Kingdom then he that did enjoy the Title He looked upon him also as a man exposed to the Blows of Fortune in being so fatally deprived of his greatest strength by the Death of his Brother after which he had little left unto him but the worst half of himself feared by the Lords and not so well beloved by the Common People as he had been formerly There goes a Story that Earl Godwine having treacherously slain Prince Alfred the Brother of Edward the Confessour was afterwards present with the King when his Cup-bearer stumbling with one foot recovered himself by the Help of the other One Brother helps another said Earl Godwine merrily And so replyed the King as tartly My Brother might have been useful unto me if you had pleased to spare his Life for my present Comfort The like might have been said to Earl Dudly of Warwick That if he had not lent an helping hand to the Death of the Admiral he could not so easily have tripp'd up the Heels of the Lord Protectour Having before so luckily taken in the Out-Works he now resolves to plant his Battery for the Fort it self To which end he begins to muster up his Strengths and make ready his Forces knowing which way to work upon the Lords of the Court many of which began to stagger in their good Affections and some openly to declare themselves the Protectour's Enemies And he so well applyed himself to their several Humours that in short time his Return from Norfolk with Success and Honour he had drawn unto his side the Lord Chancellour Rich the Lord Saint-John Lord Great Master the Marquess of North-hampton the Earl of Arundel Lord Chamberlain the Earl of South-hampton Sir Thomas Cheny Treasurer of the Houshould Sir John Gage Constable of the Tower Sir William Peter Secretary Sir Edward Mountague Chief Justice of the Common Pleas Sir Edward North Sir Ralph Sadlier Sir John Baker Sir
that he was made General Warden of the North gratified with a thousand Marks of good Rent in Land and the Command of an hundred Hors-men at the King's Charge Such is the Fortune of some Princes to be most Bountifull to those who are falsest to them Guidolti also was rewarded with Knighthood a Present of a thousand Crowns and an Annual Pension of as much to maintain his Honour besides a Pension of two hundred and fifty Crowns per annum which was given to his Son What R●compense he had of the Crown of France I have no where found but have good Reason to believe that he did not serve their Turn for nothing Great Care was also taken for the preventing of such Disorders as the dissolving of great Garisons and the disbanding of Armies do for the most part carry with them And to this end the Lord Clinton Governour of the Town and Territo●y of Bulloign was created Lord Admiral the Officers and Captains rewarded with Lands Leases Offices and Annual Pensions all foreign Forces satisfied and sent out of the Kingdom the Common Souldiers having all their Pay and a Moneths-Pay over dismissed into their several Countries and great Charge given that they should be very well observed till they were quietly settled at home the Light-Hors-men and Men-at-Arms put under the Command of the Marquess of North hampton then being Captain of the Band of Pensioners and finally some of the Chief Captains with six hundred Ordinaries disposed of on the Frontiers of Scotland All Things thus quieted at Home and composed Abroad in reference to the Civil State we must next see how Matters went which concerned Religion all Parties making use of the Publick Peace for the advancing of their Private and particular Ends. And the first Matter of Remark which occurs this year is the Burning of John Butcher by others called John Knell but generally best known by the Name of Joan of Kent condemned for Heresie in the year last past about the time that so many Anabaptists were convented in the Church of Saint Paul before Arch-Bishop Cranmer and his Assistants whereof mention hath been made already Her Crime was That she denied Christ to have tak●n Fl●sh from the Virgin Mary affirming as the Valentinians did of old that he onely passed through her Body as Water through the Pipe of a Conduit without participating any thing of that Body through which He passed Great Care was taken and much Time spent by the Arch-Bishop to perswade her to a better sence but when all failed and that he was upon the Point of passing Sentence upon her for persisting obstinate in so gross an Heresie she most maliciously reproached him for passing the like Sentence of Condemnation on another Woman called Ann A●kew for denying the Carnal Presence of Christ in the Sacrament telling him That he had condemned the said Ann A●kew not long before for a piece of Bread and was then ready to condemn her for a piece of Flesh. But being convicted and delivered over to the Secular Judges she was by them condemned to be burnt but no Execution done upon it till this present year The Interval was spent in using all Means for her Conversion and amendment which as it onely seemed to confirm her in her former Obstinacy so it was found to have given no small encouragement to others for entertaining the like dangerous and un-Christian Errours His Majesty was therefore moved to sign the Warrant for her Death To which when the Lords of the Council could by no means win Him the Arch-Bishop is desired to per●wade Him to it The King continued both in Reason and Resolution as before He did notwithstanding all the Arch-Bishop's Arguments to perswade the contrary the King affirming that He would not drive her headlong to the Devil and thinking it better to cha●tise her with some corporal Punishment But when the Gravity and Importunity of the Man had prevailed at last the King told him as He signed the Warrant that upon him He would lay all the Charge thereof before God Which Words of His declare sufficiently His Aversness from having any hand in shedding of that Womans Blood how justly soever she deserved it But that the Arch-Bishop's Earnestness in bringing her to exemplary Punishment should contract any such guilt in the sight of God as to subject him to the like cruel Death within few years after as some would bear the World in hand is a Surmise not to be warranted by any Principle of Piety or Rule of Charity The Warrant being signed and the Writ for Execution Sealed she was kept a whole Week before her Death at the Lord Chancellour's House daily resorted to both by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London who spared no pains to bring her to a ●ight belief in that Particular But the same Spirit of Obstinacy still continued with her and held her to the very last For being brought to the Stake in Smithfield on the second of May Dr. Sco●y not long after made Bishop of Rechester was desired to Preach unto the People who insisting on the proof of that Point for denyal whereof the obstinate Wretch had been condemned she interrupted him and told him with a very loud Voice that He lied like c. And so the Sermon being ended the Executioner was commanded to do his Office which he did accordingly And yet this terrible Execution did not so prevail as to extirpate and exterminate the like impiou● Do●ages though it suppressed them for a time For on the twenty ●ourth of April in the year next foll●wing I finde one George Paris a Dutch man to have been burnt for Arianism in the very same place Better Success had John à Lasco a Polonian born with his Congregation of Germans and other Strangers who took Sanctuary this year in England hoping that here they might enjoy that Liberty of Conscience and Safety for their Goods and Persons which their own Countrey had denyed them Nor did they fall short in any thing which their Hopes had promised them For the Lords of the Council looking on them as affl●cted Strangers and persecuted for the same Religion which was here professed interceded for them with the King And He as Gracio●sly vouchsafed to give them both Entertainment and Protection assigned them the West-part of the Church belonging to the late dissolved House of Augustine● Friers for the Exercise of Religious Duties made th●m a Corporation consisting of a Super-intendent and four other Ministers with power to fill the vacant Places by a new Succession whensoever any of them should be void by Death or otherwise the Parties by them chosen to be approved by the King and Council And this he did with a Command to the Lord M●your of London the Alderme● and Sheriffs thereof as also to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and all other Bishops of this Realm not to disturb them either in the Free Exercise of their Religion and Ecclesi●stical Government
unto that Honour by the King's Letters Paten●s As for Ridley we have spoke before and as for Poynet he is affirmed to have been a Man of ver● good Learning with Reference to his Age and the Time he lived in well studied in the Greek Tongue and of no small Eminence in the Arts and Mathematical Sciences A Change was also made in Cambridg by the Death of Bucer which I finde placed by F●x on the twenty third of December by others with more Truth on the nineteenth of January both in the Compass of this year and by some others with less Rea●●n on the tenth of March But at wh●t time sover he died certain it is that he was most Solemnly Interred in Saint Marie's Church attended to Fu his ●rave by all the Heads and most of the Graduates in that Vniversity his ne●al Sermon Preached by D●ct●ur Par●er ●he first Arch-Bishop of Canterbury in Queen Eliz●beth'● Time the Panegyrick made by one of the Haddons a Man of a mo●● Fluen● and Rhetorical S●yle all that pretended to the Muses in both Vniver●ities setting forth his great Worth and their own Loss in him with the best of their Poetry Anno Regni Edw. Sexti 5 o. An. Dom. 1550 1551. WE must begin this year with the Deprivation of Bishop Gardiner whom we left committed to the Tower the last of June in the year 1548. There he remained almost two years without being pressed to any particular Point the yielding unto which might procure his Liberty or the Refusal justifie such a long Imprisonment On the tenth of June this year the Publick Liturgie now being generally executed in all Parts of the Kingdom was offered to his Consideration that some Experiment might be made whether he would put his Hand unto it and promise to advance the Service Upon the fourth day after the Duke of Sommerset with five other of the Lords of the Council was sent unto the Tower to receive his Answer Which he returned to this effect That he had deliberately considered of all the Offices contained in the Common-Prayer-Book and all the several Branches of it That Though he could not have made it in that Manner had the Matter been referred unto him yet that he found such things therein as did very well satisfie his Conscience and therefore that he would not onely execute it in his own Person but cause the same to be Officiated by all those of his Diocess But this was not the Answer which the Courtiers looked for It was their Hope they should have found him more averse from the King's Proceedings that making a Report of his Perversness he might be lifted out of that Wealthy Bishoprick which if it either were kept Vacant or filled with a more Tractable Person might give them opportunity to enrich themselves by the Spoil thereof Therefore to put him further to it the Lord Treasurer the Earl of Warwick Sir William Herbert Master of the Horse and Mr. Secretary Petre are sent upon the ninth of July with certain Articles which for that end were Signed by the King and the Lords of the Council According to the Tenour hereof he was not onely to testifie his Consent to the Establishing of the Holy-Days and Fasting-Days by the King's Authority the Allowance of the Publick Liturgie and the Abrogating of the Statute for the Six Articles c. but to Subscribe to the Confession of his Fault in his former Obstinacy after such Form and Manner as was there required To which Articles he Subscribed without any great Hesitancy but refused to put his Hand to the said Confession There being no reason as he thought and so he answered those which came unto him from the Court on the Morrow after that he should yield to the Conf●ssion of a Guilt when he knew himself Innocent He is now faln into the Toil out of which he finds but Little Hope of being set free For presently on the neck of this a Book of Articles is drawn up containing all the Alteration made by the King and His Father as well by Acts of Parliament as their own Injunctions from the first Suppression of the Monasteries to the coming out of the late Form for the Consecration of Arch-Bishops Bishops c. Of all which Doings he is required to signifie his Approbation to make Confession of his Fault with an Acknowledgment that he had deserved the Punishment which was aid upon him Which Articles being tendered to him by the Bishop of London the Master of the Horse Mr. Secretary Petre and Goodrick a Counsellour at Law appeared to him to be of such an hard Digestion that he desir'd first to be set at Liberty before he should be pressed to make a particular Answer This being taken for a Refusal and that Refusal taken for a Contempt the Profits of his Bishoprick are Sequestered from him for three Moneths by an Order of the Council-Table bearing date the nineteenth of the Moneth the said Profits in the mean time to be collected or received by such Person or Persons as the King should thereunto appoint with this Intimation in the Close that if he did not tender his Submission at the end of that Term he should be taken for an Incorrigible Person and unmeet Minister of this Church and Finally to be procceeded against to a Deprivation The Term expired and no such humble Submission or Acknowledgment made as had been required at his Hands a Commission is directed to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury the Bishops of London Ely and Lincoln Sir William Peter c. authorised thereby to proceed against him upon certain Articles in the same contained Convented before whom at Lambeth on the fifteenth of December he received his Charge Which being received he used so many Shifts and found so many Evasions to elude the Business that having appeared six Days before them without coming to a plain and Positive Answer he was upon the fourteenth of February Sentenced to a Deprivation and so remitted to the Tower But Gardiner did not mean to die so tamely and therefore had no sooner heard the Definitive Sentence but presently he Protesteth against the same makes his Appeal unto the King and causeth both his said Appeal and Protestation to be Registred in the Acts of that Court. Of all which he will finde a time to serve himself in the Al●eration of Affairs It was presumed that the Report of this Severity against a Man so eminent for his Parts and Place would either bring such other Bishops as had yet stood out to a fit Conformity or otherwise expose both them and their Estates to the like Condemnation But some there were so stiff in their old Opinions that neither Terrour nor Perswasion could prevail upon them either to give their Approbation of the King's Proceedings or otherwise to advance the Service And some there were who though they outwardly complyed with the King's Commands yet was it done so coldly and with such Reluctancy as la●'d them open to the
Earl of Pembroke of that House was of himself a Man of a daring Nature Boisterously bold and upon that account much favoured by King ●enry the Eighth growing into ●ore Credit with the King in regard of the Lady Ann his Wife the Sister of Queen Kat●●in Par and having mightily raised h●ms●lf in the fall of Abbies he was made chief Gentleman of the Privy-Chamber and by that Title ra●ked amongst the Executours of the King 's last Will and then appointed to be one of the Council to the King now Reigning Being found by Dudly a fit man to advance his ends he is by his Procurement grat●fi●d for I know not what Service unless it were for furthering the Sale of Bulloign with some of the King's Lands amounting to five hundred pounds in yearly Rents and made Lord Pr●sident of Wales promoted afterwards to the place of Master of the Horse that he might be as considerab●e in the Court as he was in the Country It was to be presumed that he would not be wanting unto him who had so preferred him By these three all Affairs of Court were carried plot●ed by Dudley smoothed by the Courtship of the Marquess and executed by the bold hand of the new Lord President Being thus fortified he revives his former Quarrel with the Duke of Sommerset not that he had any just ground for it but that he looked upon him as the onely Block which lay in the way of his Aspirings and ●herefore was to be removed by what means soever Plots are lai'd therefore to entrap him Snares to catch him Reports raised him as a Proud and Ambitious Person of whose Aspirings there would be no other end then the Crown it self and common Rumours spread abroad that some of his Followers had Proclaimed him King in several places onely to finde how well the People stood affected to it His Doors are watched and Notice took of all that went in and out his Words observed made much worse by telling and aggravated with all odious Circumstances to his Disadvantage No way untravailed in the Arts of Treachery and Fraud wh●ch might bring him into Suspicion with the King and Obloquie with the common People The Duke's Friends were not ignorant of all these Practises and could not but perceive but that his Ruin and their own was projected by them The Law of Nature bound them to preserve themselves but their Adversaries were too cunning for them at the Weapon of Wit and had too much Strength in their own Hands to be easily overmastered in the way of Power Some dangerous Counsels were thereupon infused into him more likely by his Wife then by any other to invite these Lords unto a Banquet and either to kill them as they sate or violently to drag them from the Table and cut of their Heads the Banquet to be made at the Lord Page●'s Ho●se near Saint Clement's Church and one hundred stout Men to be lodged in Sommerset-Place not far off for the Execution of that M●rther This Plot confessed if any Credit may be given to such Confessions by one Crane and his Wife both great in the Favour of the Duchess and with her committed And after just●fied by Sir Thomas Palmer who was committed with the Duke in his Examination taken by the Lords of the Council There were said to be some Consultations also for raising the Forces in the North for setting upon the Gens'd arms which served in the Nature of a Life-Guard as before was said upon some day of General-Muster two thousand Foot and one hundred Horse of the Duke's being designed unto that Service and that being done to raise the City by Proclaiming Liberty To which it was added by Hammond one of the Duke 's false Servants That his Chamber at Greenwich had been strongly guarded by Night to prevent the Surprisal of his Person How much of this is true or whether any of it be true or not it is not easie to determ●ne though possibly enough it is that all this Smoak could not be without some Fire which whosoever kindled first there is no doubt but that Earl Dudly blew the Coals and made it seem greater then it was Of all these Practises and Designs if such they were the Earl is con●tantly advertised by his Espials whom he had among●● them and gave them as much Lin● and Leisure as they could desire till he had made all things ready for the Executing of his own Projectments But first there must be a great day of bestowing Honours as well for gaining the more Credit unto him and his Followers as by the jollity of the Time to take away all Fear of Danger from the Opposite Party In Pursuit whereof Henry Lord Gray Marquess of Dorset descended from Elizabeth Wife of King Edward the Fourth by Her former Husband is made Duke of Suffolk to which he might pretend some Claim in Right of the Lady Frances his Wife the eldest Daughter of Charls Brandon Duke of Suffolk and Sister of Henry an● Charls the two late Dukes thereof who dyed a few Moneths since at Cambridg of the Sweating Sickness The Earl himself for some Reasons very well known to himself and not unknown to many others is made Duke of Northumberland which Title had lain Dormant ever since the Death of Henry Lord Percy the sixth Earl of that Family who dyed in the year 1537. or thereabouts of whom more anon The Lord Treasurer Pawlet being then Earl of Wiltshire is made Marquess of Winchester Sir William Herbert created at the same time Lord Herbert of Cardiff and E●rl of Pembroke Some make Sir Thomas Darcie Captain of the Guard to be advanced unto the Title of Lord Darcy of Chich on the same day also which others place perhaps more rightly on the fifth of April The Solemnity of which Creations being passed over the Order of Knighthood is conferred on William Cecil Esquire one of the Secretaries of Estate John Cheek Tutour or Schole-Master to the King Henry Dudley and Henry Nevil Gentlemen of the Privy-Chamber At or about which time Sir Robert Dudley the third Son of the new Duke of N●rthumberland but one which had more of the Father in h●m then all the rest is sworn of the Bed●Chamber to the King which was a place of greatest Trust and Nearness to His Majestie 's Person The Triumphs of this Day being the eleventh day of October were but a Porlogue to the Tragedy which began on the fifth day after At what time the Duke of Sommerset the Lord Gray Sir Thomas Palmer Sir Ralph Vane Sir Thomas Arundel together with Hammond Newdigate and two of the Seimours were seised on and committed to Custody all of them except Palmer Vane and Arundel being sent to the Tower And these three kept in several Chambers to attend the pleasure of the Council for their Examinations The Duchess of Sommerset Crane and his Wife above-mentioned and one of the Gentlewomen of her Chamber were sent unto the Tower on the morrow
a Mercy had advanced Her to That Therefore She should chearfully take upon Her the Name Title and Estate of Queen of England France and Ireland with all the Royalties and Preheminencies to the same belonging Receiving at their hands the First-Fruits of the Humble Duty now tendred by them on their Knees which shortly was to be payed to Her by the rest of the Kingdom This Speech being ended the poor Lady found Her Self in a great Perplexity not knowing whether she Should more lament the Death of the King or Her Adoption to the Kingdom the first Loss not to be repaired the next Care possible to be avoided She looked upon the Crown as a great Temptation to resist which She stood in need of all the Helps which both Philosophy and Divinity could suggest unto Her And She knew also that such Fortunes seldom knocked twice for entrance at the same Man's Gate but that if once refused they are gone for ever Taking some time therefore of Deliberation She summoned a Council of Her purest Thoughts by whose Advice half drownned in Tears either as sorrowing for the King's Death or fore-seeing Her own She returned an Answer in these Words or to this Effect That The Laws of the Kingdom and Natural Right standing for the King's Sister She would beware of burthening Her weak Conscience with a Yoke which did belong to them That She understood the Infamy of those who had permitted the violation of Right to gain a Scepter That it were to mock God and deride Justice to scruple at the stealing of a Shilling and not at the Vsurpation of a Crown Besides said She I am not so young nor so little read in the Guils of Fortune to suffer my self to be taken by them If she inrich any it is but to make them the Subject of her Spoil If she raise others it is but to pleasure her Self with their Ruins What sh● adored but yesterday is to day her Pastime And if I now permit her to adorn and Crown me I must to Morrow suffer her to crush and tear me in pieces Nay with what Crown doth she Present me A Crown which hath been Violently and Shamefully wrested from Katharine of Arragon made more unfortunate by the Punishment of Ann Bulloign and others that wore it after Her And why then would you have me add my Blood to theirs and to be the third Victime from whom this Fatal Crown may be ravished with the Head that wears it But in Case it should not prove Fatal unto me and that all its Venom were consumed if Fortune should give me Warranties of her Constancy Should I be well advised to take upon me these Thorns which would dilacerate though not kill me outright to burthen my self with a Yoke which would not fail to torment me though I were assured not to be strangled with it My Liberty is better then the Chain you proffer me with what pretious stones soever it be adorned or of what Gold soever framed I will not exchange my Peace for Honourable and pretious Jealousies for Magnificent and Glorious Letters And if you love me sincerely and in good earnest you will rather wish me a secure and quiet Fortune though mean then an exalted Condition exposed to the Wind and followed by some dismal Fall It had been happy for Her self Her Fathers and their several Families if they had suffered themselves to be overcome by such powerfull Arguments which were not onely persuasive but might seem convincing had they not all been fatally hurried unto their own Destruction But the Ambition of the two Dukes was too Strong and Violent to be kept down by any such prudent Considerations So that being wearied at the last with their Importunities and overcome by the entreaties of Her Husband whom She dearly loved She submitted unto that necessity which She could not vanquish yielding her Head with more unwillingness to the Ravishing Glories of a Crown then afterwards She did to the Stroak of the Ax. The Point being thus concluded on the two Dukes with all the rest of the Lords of the Council swore Allegeance to her And on the same day about five of the Clock in the afternoon they caused Her Solemnly to be Proclaimed Queen of England France and Ireland c. in many of the principal Streets in London and after by Degrees in most of the Chief Cities Towns and Places of greatest Concourse and Resort of People In which Proclamation it was signified That by the Letters Patents of the late King Edward bearing Date the twenty first of June last past the Lady Jane Gray Eldest Daughter to the Duchess of Suffolk had been declared His true and lawfull Successour to the Crown of England the same to be enjoyed after Her Decease the Heirs of Her Body c. as in the said Letters Patents more especially did at large appear Which Proclamation though it was published in the City with all due Solemnities and that the Concourse of People was exceeding great yet their Acclamations were but few which served as a sufficient Argument to the Friends and Followers of the Princess Mary that they were rather drawn together out of Curiosity to behold some unusual Spectacle then out of any purpose to congratulate at the Queen's Advancement And so far some of of them declared their dislike thereof that the next Day one Gilbert Pot was set on the P●llory in Che●pside his Ears first nailed and afterwards cut off for certain words which he had spoken at the Publishing of the Proclamation a Trumpet sounding at the Time of the Execution and an Herald in his Coat of Arms publickly noting his Offence in a Form prescribed A Severity neither safe nor necessary the party being of no better Condition then a Vintner's Boy as the Case then stood For the next day the Lords received Advertisement from divers hands that many persons of Quality were drawn together at Kenning-Hall●Castle in Norfolk to offer their Service and assistance to the Princess Mary who finding by the Answer which She had received from the Lords of the Council that no good was otherwise to be be done resolved not to be wanting to Her own Pretensions and to that end gave chearfull Entertainment to all comers which either favoured Her Title or embraced Her Religion Amongst such Gentlemen as were certified to the Lords of the Council I finde the names of the Earl of Bath Sir Thomas Wharton son to the Lord Wharton Sir John Mordant Son to the Lord Mordant Sir William Drury Sir John Shelton Sir Henry Bedingfield Mr. Henry Jenningham Mr. John Sulierd Mr. Richard Higham of Lincoln's-Inn It was advertised also that the Earl of Sussex and Mr. Henry Ratcliff his Son were coming towards Her with their Forces which last Advertisement gave the Business some appearance of Danger for what else was to be expected but that the Countenance and Encouragement of so great a Person might draw many more unto the side who otherwise would have
Hand-Writing appeareth And think not otherwise but that if You mean deceit though not forthwith yet hereafter God will revenge the same I can say no more but in this troublesom time with You to use constant hearts abandoning all Malice Envy and private Affections Which said and having paused a little he shut up his Address in these following Words I have not spoken to You my Lords in this sort upon any mistrust I have of Your Fidelities of which always I have ever hitherto conceived a trusty Confidence but I have onely put You in Remembrance thereof what chance of Variance soever might grow amongst You in my absence And this I pray You that You would not wish me less good speed in this Journey then You would have to Your selves To which last words one of them is reported to have thus replyed My Lord If You mistrust any of Vs in this matter Your Grace is much mistaken in us For which of Vs can wash his hands clean of the present Business for if we should shrink from You as one that is culpable which of Vs can excuse himself as being guiltless Little the more assured by this quick return he went to take his Leave of the Queen where he found his Commission ready Sealed together with certain Instructions subscribed by all the Lords of the Council in which his Marches were lai'd out and Limited from one day to another Conditions not to be imposed on any who Commands in Chief nor to have been accepted by him but that it was a matter of his own desiring And he desired it for these Reasons so strongly was he caught in a Snare of his own devising partly because he would be thought to have Acted nothing but by Authority of the Council which he supposed might serve for his Indemnity if the Tide should turn and partly that the blame of all M●sca●riages might be laid on them if he were foiled in the Adventure But so instructed he takes Leave embraced by all the Lords with great demonstrations of Affection according to the wonted dissimulation in Princes Courts by none more passionately then by those who most abhorred his pride and falshood Amongst which it is said of the Earl of Arundel upon whom he had put more Disgraces and Affronts then on all the rest that he ●eemed to express much sorrow at the Duke's departure in regard he was not Ordered to be one of his Company in whose presence he could finde in his heart to spend his blood and to lay his life down at his feet Accompanied with the Marquess of North-hampton the Lord Gray and others he passeth by water in his Barge to Durham-Place and from thence to White-Hall where they Mustered their men And the next morning being Friday the fourteenth of the Moneth he sets f●●ward with a Body of six hundred Horse their Arms and Ammunition being sent befo●● and Sir John Gates of whose Fidelity and Adhesion he was well assured following not far behind with the rest of his Company Passing through Shore-ditch he found the Streets to be thronged with People but could hear nothing of their Prayers for his Prosperous Journey Insomuch that turning to the Lord Gray he could not choose but say unto him The People press to see us but not one bids God speed us On Saturday-night he comes to Cambridg where he assured himself of all Obedience and Conformity which e●ther the University or that Town could give him as being Chancellour of the one and Seneschal or High-Steward of the other two Offices incompatible in themselves and never United in one person before or since At night he sends for Doctour Edwin Sandys Master of Katharine-Hall and Vice-Chancellour of the University to Supper with him whom he enjoyns to Preach before him the next day A service not to be performed and much less declined without manifest danger But the Good Man submitting to the present necessity betakes himself unto his Study and his Prayers falls on a Text exceeding proper to the present Exigent being th●t of Joshua● chap. 1. v. 16. but handled it so Warily and with such Discretion that he much satisfied the one without giving any just advantage against him to the other Party On Munday Moring the Duke with his whole Power goes forward to St. Edmond's-Bury where he l●dged that night But in stead of hearing News of those Supplies which were to attend him at New-Market he receives Letters from some Lords of the Council so full of Trouble and D●scomfort that he Marched back again to Cambridg on the morrow after And there we will leave him for a time betwixt Hope and Fear less Confident and worse Attended then he was at his first coming thither as being not onely deserted by a great part of his company but in a manner by himself In the mean time the Prince●s Mary was not idle but served Her Self of all Advantages which were offered to Her Comforted and encouraged by so many persons of Quality as She had about Her She sends unto the Mayour of Norwi●h on the Twe●fth of July requiring him and the rest of the Magistrates of that City to Proclaim Her Queen Which though they at that time refused to do because they had no certain knowledg of the Death of the King yet on the nex● d●y h●ving received good assurance of it they did not onely Proclaim Her Queen as She had desired but sent Her Men and Ammunition to a●v●nce the Service Not fi●ding Norfolk Men so fo●ward as She had expected S●e remo●●●●ith Her small Party into Suffolk and puts Her Self into Fra●lingham-C●stle a Castle Scituate ●ear the Sea from whence She might conveniently es●●pe into Flanders if Her Affairs succeeded not to Her Hopes and Prayers He●e She fi●st takes upon Her the Name of Queen and by that Name dispatcheth Letters to the Peers of the Realm requiring Them and all other Her faithful Subjects to repair unto Her Succour And for the first hand●el of good Fortune it happened that the six ships which were appointed to hover on the Coast of Norfolk were driven by ●oul weather into the Haven of Yarmouth where Jerningham above-mentioned was busie in Raising men to Maintain Her Quarrel By whom the Captains and the Mariners were so cunningly dealt with that they put themselves under his Command drew all their Ordnance on shore and left their Ships to be disposed of at his pleasure About which time Sir Edward Hastings the brother of Francis Earl of Huntington being Commissionated by the Duke of Northumberland to Raise four thousand men for the present Service pass'd over with his men to the other side and joyned himself to Her Party also The News whereof being brought unto the Lords which remained in London ha●tened the Execution of that Design which had been formerly contrived by some amongst them For no sooner had the Great Duke put himself on his March toward Ca●bridg but some began to shew themselves in favour of the Princess Mary
Execution ●ft-times happily supplyeth former Defects Rec●llect Your selves then and so make use of Your Authority that the Princess Mary the undoubtedly Lawfully Heir may publickly be Proclaimed Queen of England c. No other way but this as the Case now stands to recover our lost Honours and preserve the State The Earl of Pembroke was a man altogether unlettered but so well skilled in humouring King Henry the Eighth that he had raised Himself to a great Estate for wh●ch he could not but express some sense of Gratitude in doing good Offices for his Children And having formerly been suspected to have had too great a part in Northumberland's Counsels he conce●ved himself obliged to wipe off that Stain by declaring his Zeal and Resolution in the Cause of the Princess And therefore assoon as the Earl of Arundel had concluded his Speech he very chearfully professed that he approved and would subscribe the Proposition and therewithall laying his Hand upon his Sword he signifi●d his Readiness and Resolution to defend the Lady Marie's Cause against all Opponents The rest of the Lords encouraged by these good Examples and seeing nothing but apparent Danger on all sides if they did the contrary came to a speedy Conclusion with them and bound themselves to stand together in Defence of the late King's Sisters against all their Enemies Which being thus so generously and unanimously agreed upon a Messenger is presently dispatched to the Lord Mayour requiring him to repair to Baynara'●-Castle within an hour and to bring with him the Recorder and such of the Aldermen of the City as to him seemed best Who being come accordingly at the time appointed their Lordships told them in few words as well their Resolution as their Reason of it and so desired their Company to Cheap-side-Cross to Proclaim Queen Mary Which said without any further Dispute about the Title they rode all together in good order through Saint Paul's-Church-Yard till they came to the Gate which openeth into the Street where they found such Multitudes and Throngs of People whom the Noise of such a Confluence at Baynard's-Castle and the going down of the Lord Mayour and Aldermen had drawn together that they could hardly force a Way through them to come to the Cross. But being come thither at the last though with much ado Sir Christopher Barker Knight of the Bath and Principal King at Arms Proclaimed by the Sound of Trumpet the Princess Mary Daughter of King Henry the Eighth and Queen Kaharine His Wife to be the Lawfull and Undoubted Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith adding thereto that Sacred Title of Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of England which She retained till the beginning of the following Parliament and then rescinded all those Acts by which it had been formerly united to the Crown of this Realm The Proclamation being ended they went together in a Solemn Pr●cession to Saint Pau●'s Church where they caused the Te Deum to be sung with the Rights accustomed and so dismissed the Assembly to their several dwellings Being returned to Baynard's-Castle the Earl of Arundel and the Lord Paget are presently dispatched to Framlingham with thirty Horse to give the Queen a Narrative of their whole Proceedings Some Companies are also sent to assure the Tower and to Command the Duke of Suffolk to discharge the Family and Attendants of the Lady Jane to signifie unto Her that She must lay aside the Name and Title of Queen and suffer Her Self to be reduced to the Rank of a private Person All which he readily obeyed as easily subject to Despair as before he had been swelled with Ambitious Hopes and the next day adjoyns himself to the rest of the Coun●il subscribing amongst others to such Instructions as were to be dispatched to the Duke of Northumberland for the disbanding of his Forces and car●ying himself like an obedient and dutifull Subject as he ought to do But there was little need of this last Message and none at all of the other Fo● the noise of these loud Acclam●●ions which were made at the Proclaiming of the new Queen passing from one Street to another came at last to the Tower ●efore the Message had been sent to the Duke of Suffolk where they were heard by the ●ady Jane now no longer Queen with such Tranquility of M●nd and Composedness of Countenance as if she had not been concerned in the Alteration She had before received the offer of the Crown with as even a Temper as if it had been nothing but a ●arland of Flowers and now She lays aside the thought thereof with as much contentedness as She could have thrown away that Garland when the sent was gone The time of her Glories was so short but a nine Days wonder that it seem●d nothing but a Dream out of which She was not sorry to be awakened The Tower had been to Her a Prison rather then a Court and interrupted the Delights of Her former Life by so many Terrours that no day passed without some new Alarms to disturb Her Quiet She doth now know the worst that Fortune can do unto Her And having always feared that there stood a Scaffold secretly behind the Throne She was as readily prepared to act her Part upon the one as upon the other If Sorrow and Affliction did at any time invade Her Thoughts it was rather in reference to Her Friends but most of all unto Her Husband who were to be involved in the Calamity of Her Misfortunes then upon any Apprehensions which She had for Her Self And hereunto the bringing in of so many Prisoners one day after another gave no small Encrease brought hither for no other Reason but because they had seemed forward in contributing towards Her Advancement In the middest of which Disconsolations the restoring of the Duke Her Father to his former Liberty gave some Repose unto Her Mind whose Sufferings were more grievous to Her then Her own Imprisonment And then to what a miserable Extremity must his Death have brought Her And though the Attainder and Death of the Duke of Northumberland ●hich followed very shortly after might tell Her in Effect what She was to trust to yet She was willing to distinguish betwixt his Case and Her own betwixt the Principal and the Accessaries in the Late Design In which Respect She gave Her self no improbable Hope● th●● possibly the like Mercies which was shewed to Her Father might possibly be extended unto others and amongst others to Her Husband as innocent as Her self from any open Practice against the Queen And who could tell but that it might descend on Her self at last whom no Ambition of Her own had tempted to the acceptation of that Dangerous Offer which She beheld as the greatest Errour of Her Life and the onely Stain of all ●er Actions But neither the Queen's Fears nor the publick Justice of the Land could so be satisfied It was held Treason to accept of a Kingdom
offered to which She could pretend no Right whilest the Queen was living And if Examples of that Nature should pass unpunished no Prince could possibly be safe nor Ti●les valid as long as any Popular Spirit could pretend a Colour to advance some other to the Throne Upon which Reason of State She was brought to Her Trial at the Guild-Hall in London on the third of November accompanied with Her Husband the Lord Guilford Dudly his Company never till that Hour unwelcome to Her together with Arch-Bishop Cranmer the Lord Ambrose Dudly the second Son then living to the Duke of Northumberland Sentence of Death passed upon them all though at that time not executed upon any of them The Lord Ambrose was reserved unto better Fortunes as the Arch-Bishop was to a more miserable but more Glorious Death And for Her self and Her dear Husband it was conceived that now the Law had done its part in their Condemnation the Queen in pitty of their Youth and Innocence would have gone no further But as they were first brought under this Affliction by the inordinate Ambition of the Duke of Northumberland so shall they shortly finde an end of all their Troubles by the rash and unadvised Attempts of the Duke of Suffolk For upon Wya●'s breaking out in Kent and the Earl of Devon-Shire in the West the Duke had been prevailed with amongst many others to ap●ear in the Action To which he unadvisedly yielded caused Proclamation to be made in some Towns of Leicester-Shire against the Queen's intended Marriage with the Prince of Spain and drew together many of his Friends and followers to oppose that Match And though he was discomfited within few days after yet the Queen saw that she could promise Her self neither Peace nor Safety as long as the Lady Jane was preserved alive Whose Restitution to the Throne must be the matter chieflly aimed at in these Insurrections though other Colours were devised to disguise the Business Her Death is now resolved upon but first She must be practised with to change Her Religion as the Great Duke of Northumberland had done before To which end Fecknam is employed not long before made Dean of Saint Paul's and not long after Abbot of Westminster a Man whose great Parts promised him an easie Victory over a poor Lady of a broken and dejected Spirit but it proved the contrary For so well had She studied the Concernments of Her own Religion and managed the Conference with him with such a readiness of Wit such constancy of Resolution and a Judgment so well-grounded in all helps of Learning that She was able to make Answer to his strongest Arguments as well to Her great Honour as his Admiration The Substance of which Conference he that ●●sts to see may finde it in the Acts and Monuments fol. 1290. So that not able to prevail with Her in the Change of Religion he made offer of his Service to prepare Her for Death which though She thankfully accepted of as finding it to proceed from a good Affection yet soon he found that She was also before hand with him in those Preparations which are fit and necessary for a dying Christian. Friday the ninth of February was first designed for the Day of Her Execution but the Desire of gaining Her to the Church of Rome procured Her the short Respite of three Days more On Sunday●night ●night being the Eve unto the 〈◊〉 of Her Translation She wrote a Letter in the Greek Tongue at the end of the Testament which She bequeathed as a Legacy to Her Sister the Lady Katharine which being such a lively Picture of the Excellent Lady may well deserve to be continually kept in Remembrance of Her and is this that followeth I have here sent you Good Sister Katharine a Book which although it be not outwardly trimmed with Gold yet inwardly it is more worth then pretious Stones It is the Book Dear Sister of the Law of the Lord. It is his Testament and last Will which he bequeathed unto us Wretches which shall lead you to the path of eternal Joy and if you with a good mind read it and with an earnest mind do purpose to follow it it shall bring you to an immortal and everlasting Life It shall teach you to live and learn you to die It shall win you more then you should have gained by the possession of your wofull Father's Lands For as if God had prospered him you should have inherited his Lands so if you apply diligently this Book seeking to direct your Life after it you shall be an inheritour of such Riches as neither the Covetous shall withdraw fr●m you neither Thief shall steal neither yet the Moths corrupt Desire with David Good Sister to understand the Law of the Lord God Live still to die that you by Death may purchase eternal Life and trust not that the tenderness of your Age shall lengthen your Life for as soon if God calls goeth the young as the old and labour always to learn to die Defie the World Deny the Divel and Despise the Flesh and Delight your self onely in the Lord. Be penitent for your Sins and yet Despair not Be strong in Faith and yet presume not and desire with Saint Paul to be dissolved and to be with Christ with whom ●ven in Death there is Life Be like the good Servant and even at Midnight be waking lest when Death cometh and stealeth upon you like a Thief in the night you be with the evil Servant ●ound sleeping and lest for lack of Oyl you be found like the five foolish Women and like him that had not on the Wedding-Garment and then ye be cast out from the Marriage Rejoyce in Christ as I do Follow the Steps of your Master Christ and take upon you your Cross. Lay your Sins on his Back and always embrace him And as touching my Death rejoyce as I do good Sister that I shall be delivered of this Corruption and put on Incorruption For I am assured that I shall for losing of a mortal Life win an immortal one The which I pray God to grant you and send you of his Grace to live in his Fear and to die in the true Christian Faith from the which in God's Name I exhort you that you never swerve neither for Hope of Life nor for Fear of Death For if you will deny his Truth to lengthen your Life God will deny you and yet shorten your Days and if you will ●leave unto him he will prolong your Days to your Comfort and to his Glory To the which Glory God bring me now and you hereafter when it pleaseth him to call you Fare you well Good Sister and put your onely trust in God who onely must help you The Fatal Morning being come the Lord Guilford earnestly desired the Officers that He might take His Farewell of Her Which though they willingly permitted yet upon notice of it She Advised the contrary assuring Him That such a meeting would
conformity as to believe that she was catholickly affected But the Queen was not the onely one who believed so of her though she behaved her self so warily as not to come within the danger of the Laws for acting any thing in opposition unto that Religion which was then established Concerning which there goes a story that when a Popish Priest had urged her very earnestly to declare her judgment touching the Presence of Christ in the blessed Sacrament she very cautelously resolved the point in these following Verses 'T was God the word that spake it He took the bread and b●ake it And what the Word did make it That I believe and take it But all this caution notwithstanding her aversness from the Church of Rome was known sufficiently not to be altered while she lived and therefore she to live no longer to be the occasion of continual fears and jealousies to the Catholick party The times were then both sharp and bloody and a great persecution was designed against the Protestants in all parts of the Kingdom At what time Bishop Gardiner was heard to say That it was to no purpose to cut off the boughs and branches if they did not also lay the Ax to the root of the Tree More plainly the Lord Paget in the hearing of some of the Spania●ds That the King should never have a quiet Government in England if her ●●ad were not stricken off from her shoulders With which the King being made acquainted he resolved to use his best endeavour not onely to preserve her life but obtain her liberty For he considered with himself that if the Princess should be taken away the right of the Succession would remain in the Queen of Scots who being married to the Daulphin of Fr●●ce would be a means of joyning this Kingdom unto that and thereby gain unto the French the Soveraignty or supream command above all other Kings in Europe He considered also with himself that the Queen was no● very healthy supposed at that ●ime to be with child but thought by others of more judgment not to be like to bring him any children to succeed in the Crown and hoped by such a signall favour to oblige the Princess to accept him for her husband on the Queens decease by means whereof he might still continue Master of the treasures and strength of England in all his wars against the French or any other Nation which maligned the greatness of the Austrian Family Upon which grounds he dealt so effectually with the Queen that order was given about a fortnight after Easter to the Lord Williams and Sir Henry Bedingfield to bring their prisoner to the Court which command was not more cheerfully executed by the one than stomach'd and repin'd at by the other Being brought to Hampton Court where the Queen then lay she was conducted by a back way to the Prince's Lodgings where she continued a fortnight and more without being seen or sent to by any body Bedingfield and his guards being still about her so that she seemed to have changed the place but not the Prison and to be so much nearer danger by how much she was nearer unto those who had power to work it At last a visit was bestowed upon her but not without her earnest sute in that behalf by the Bishop of Winchester Lord Chancellor the Earls of Arundel and Shrewsbery and Sir William Peter whom she right joyfully received desiring them to be a means unto the Queen that she might be freed from that restraint under which she had been kept so long together Which being said the Bishop of Winchester kneeling down besought her to submit her self to the Queen that being as he said the onely probable expedient to effect her liberty To whom she answered as before that rather than she would betray her innocence by such submission she would be content to lie in prison all the days of her life For by so doing said she I must confess my self to be an offender which I never was against her Majesty in thought word or deed and where no just offence is given there needs no submission Some other Overtures being made to the same effect but all unto as little purpose she is at last brought before the Queen whom she had not seen in more than one year before about ten of the clock at night before whom falling on her knees she desired God to preserve her Malesty not doubting as she said but that she should prove her self to be as good a Subject to her Majesty as any other whosoever Being first dealt with by the Queen to confess some offence against her self and afterwards to acknowledge her imprisonment not to be unjust she absolutely refused the one and very handsomely declined the other So that no good being to be gotten on her on either hand she was dismissed with some uncomfortable words from the present Enterview and about a week after was discharged of Bedingfield and his guard of soldiers It was reported that King Philip stood behind the Hangings and hearkned unto every word which passed between them to the end that if the Queen should grow into any extremity he might come in to pacifie her displeasures and calm her passions He knew full well how passionately this Princess was beloved by the English Nation and that he could not at the present more endear himself to the whole body of the people than by effecting her enlargment which shortly after being obtained she was permitted to retire to her own houses in the Country remaining sometimes in one and sometimes in another but never without fear of being remanded unto prison till the death of Gardiner which hapned on the 12th of November then next following Some speech there was and it was earnestly endeavoured by the Popish Party of marrying her to Emanuel Philebert Duke of Savoy as being a Prince that lived far off and where she could give no encouragement to any male-contented party in the Realm of England Against which none so much opposed as the King who had a designe on her for himself as before is said and rather for himself than for Charls his son though it be so affirmed by Cambden the Princess being then in the twenty second year of her age whereas the young Prince was not above seven or eight So that a resolution being finally fixed of keeping her within the Kingdom she lived afterwards for the most part with less vexations but not without many watchfull eyes upon all her actions till it pleased God to call her to the Crown of England She had much profited by the Pedagogie of Ascham and the rest of her Schoolmasters but never improved her self so much as in the School of Affliction by which she learned the miseries incident to Subjects when they groan under the displeasure of offended Princes that the displeasures of some Princes are both made and cherished by the art of their Ministers to the undoing of too many innocent persons
who do less deserve it that it is therefore necessary that the ears of Princes should be open unto all complaints and their hands ready to receive Petitions from all sorts of people to the end that knowing their grievances and distresses they may commiserate them in the one and afford them remedy in the other that a good Prince must have somewhat in him of the Priest who if he be not sensible of the infirmities of his brethren cannot be thought to intercede so powerfully in their behalf as when he hath been touched with the true sense and feeling of their extremities and finally that the School is never better governed than by one who hath past through all the forms and degrees thereof and having been perfectly trained up in the ways of obedience must know the better how to use both the Rod and Ferula when he comes to be Master of the rest The first eight years of the Reign of QUEEN ELIZABETH An. Reg. Eliz. 1. An. Dom. 1558 1559. ELizabeth the only child then living of King Henry the 8th succeeded her Sister in the Throne on the 17th of November Anno 1558. Ferdinand of Austria being then Emperour Henry the 2d King of the French Philip the second King of Spain and Paul the 4th commanding in the Church of Rome Queen Mary not long before her death had called a Parliament which was then sitting when the news thereof was brought unto the Lords in the House of Peers The newes by reason of the Queens long sickness not so strange unto them as to take them either unresolved or unprovided for the declaring of their duty to the next successor though some of them perhaps had some secret wishes that the Crown might have fallen rather upon any o●her than upon her to whom it did of right belong so that upon a short debate amongst themselves a message is sent to the Speaker of the House of Commons desiring him and all the Members of that House to come presently to them upon a business of no small importance to the good of the Kingdom Who being come the Lord Chancellor Heath with a composed and setled countenance not without sorrow enough for the death of the one or any discontent for the succession of the other declared unto them in the name of the rest of the Lords that God had taken to his mercy the late Queen Mary and that the succession to the Crown did belong of right to the Princess Elizabeth whose Title they conceived to be free from all legal questions that in such cases nothing was more necessary than expedition for the preventing of all such plots and practices of any discontented or ambitious persons as might be set on foot to the disturbance of the common quiet and therefore that there concurrence was desired in proclaiming the new Queen with all speed that might be they being then so opportunely convened together as the Representees of the whole body of the Commons of the Realm of England Which being said the Knights and Burgestes gave a ready consent to that which they had no reason to deny and they which gave themselves some thoughts of inclining otherwise conceived their opposition to the general Vote neither safe nor seasonable So that immediately the Princess Elizabeth was proclaimed by the King at Arms first before Westminster Hall door in the Palace Yard in the presence of the Lords and Commons and not long after at the Cross in Cheapside and other places in the City in the presence of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and principal Citizens to the great joy of all peaceable and well-affected people It was not long before the Princess had advertisement of the death of her sister together with the general acknowledgement of her just and lawful Title to the Crown Imperial The newes whereof being brought unto her by some of the Lords she prepared for her removal from Hatfield on the Saturday after being the 19th of that month and with a great and Royal train set forwards to London At Higate four miles from the City she was met by all the Bishops then living who presented themselves before her upon their knees in testimony of their loyalty and affection to her In which address as she seemed to express no small contentment so she gave to each of them particularly her hand to kiss except only unto Bonner of London whose bloody butcheries had render'd him uncapable in her opinion of so great a favour At her first coming to the City she took her lodging in the Charterhouse where she staid some days till all things in the Tower might be fitted and prepared for her reception Attended by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen with a stately strain of Lords and Ladies and their several followers She entreth by Cripple gate into the City passeth along the wall till she came to Bishops gate where all the Companies of the City in their several Liveries waited her coming in their proper and distinct rancks reaching from thence until the further end of Mark Lane where she was entertained with a peal of great Ordnance from the Tower At her entrance into which place she render'd her most humble thanks to Almighty God for the great and wondrous change of her condition in bringing her from being a prisoner in that place to be the Prince of her people and now to take possession of it as a Royal Palace in which before she had received so much discomfort Here she remained till the 5th day of December then next following and from thence removed by water unto Sommerset House In each remove she found such infinite throngs of people who flocked from all parts to behold her both by land and water and testified their publick joy by such loud acclamations as much rejoyced her heart to hear and could not but express it in her words and countenance by which she doubled their affections and made her self the absolute Mistriss at all times of their hands and purses She had been forged upon the anvil of adversity which made her of so fine a temper that none knew better than her self how to keep her State and yet descend unto the meanest of her subjects in a popular Courtship In the mean time the Lords of the Council had given Order for the stopping of all Ports and Havens that no intelligence of the Queens death might be caried out of the Realm by which any disturbance might be plotted or contrived against it till all things were setled here at home But finding such a general concurrence in all sorts of people in acknowledging her just and lawful Title testified by so many outward signs of a publick joy that there was no fear of any danger from abroad that bar was speedily removed and the Ports opened as before to all sorts of passengers And in the next place care was taken for sending new Commissions unto such Embassadors as resided in the Courts of several Princes both to acquaint them with
with Excommunication in that publick Audience for which they were committed to the Tower on the fifth of April The rest of the Bishops were commanded to abide in London and to give bond for their appearance at the Council-Table whensoever they should be r●quired And so the whole Assembly was dismist and the conference ended before it had been well begun the Lord Keeper giving to the Bishops this sharp remembrance Sinc● said he you are not w●lling that we should hear you you shall very shortly hear from us Which notwithstanding produced this good effect in the Lords and Commons that they conceived the Bishops were not able to defend their Doctrin in the points disputed which made the way more easie for the passing of the publick Liturgy when it was brought unto the Vote Two Speeches there were made against it in the House of Peers by Scot and Fecknam and one against the Queens Supremacy by the Archbishop of York but they prevailed as little in both points by the power of their Eloquence as they had done in the first by their want of Arguments It gave much matter of discourse to most knowing men that the Bishops should so wilfully fall from an appointment to which they had before agreed and thereby forfeit their whole Cause to a Condemnation But they pretended for themselves that they were so straightned in point of time that they could not possibly digest their Arguments into form and order that they looked upon it as a thing too much below them to humble themselves to such a Conference or Disputation in which Bacon a meer lay-man and of no great learning was to sit as Judge and finally that the points had been determined already by the Catholick Church and therefore were not to be called in question without leave from the Pope Which last pretence if it were of any weight and moment it must be utterly impossible to proceed to any Reformation in the state of the Church by which the power and pride of the Popes of Rome may be any thing lessened or that the corruptions of the Church should be redressed i● it consist not with their profit For want of time they were no more straightned than the opposite party none of them knowing with what arguments the other side would fortifie and confirm their cause nor in what forms they would propose them before they had perused ●heir reciprocal Papers But nothing was more weakly urged than their exception against the Presidency of Sir Nicholas Bacon which could not be considered as a matter either new or strange not strange because the like Presidency had been given frequently to Cromwel in the late Reign of King Henry the 8th and that not only in such general Conferences but in several Convocations and Synodical meetings Not new because the like had been frequently practised by the most godly Kings and Emperors of the Pri●●itive times for in the Council of Chalce●on the Emperor appointed certain Noblemen to sit as Judges whose names occur in the first Action of that Coun●il The like we find exemplified in the Ephesine Council in which by the appointment of Theodosius and Vulentinian then Roman Emperors Candidianus a Count Imperial sate as Judge or President who in the managing of that trust over-acted any thing which was done by Cromwel as Vicar-General to that King or Bacon was impowered to do as the Queens Commissioner No such unreasonable condescention to be found in this as was pretended by the Bishops and the rest of that party to save themselves from the guilt and censure of a Tergiversation for which and other their contempts we shall find them called to a reckoning within few months after In the Convocation which accompanied the present Parliament there was little done and that little which they did was to little purpose Held under Bonner in regard of the Vacancy of the See of Canterb●ry it began without the ordinary preamble of a Latine Sermon all preaching being then prohibited by the Queens command The Clergy for their Prolocutor made choice of Doctor Nicholas Har●s●ield Archdeacon of Canterb●ry a man of more ability as his works de●lare than he had any opportunity to make use of in the present service The A●t of the submission of the Clergy to King Henry the 8th and his Successors Kings of England had been repealed in the first year of Queen Mary so that the Clergy might have acted of their own authority without any license from the Queen and it is much to be admired that Bonner White or Watson did not put them to it but such was either their fea● or modesty or a despair of doing any good to themselves and the cause that there was nothing done by the Bishops at all and not much more by the lower Clergy than a declaration of their judgment in some certain points which at that time were conceived fit to be commended to the sight of the Parliament that is to say 1. That in the Sacrament of the Altar by vertue of Christs assisting after the word is duly pronounced by the Priest the natural body of Christ conceived of the Virgin Mary is really present under the species of Bread and Wine as also his natural Blood 2. That after the C●nsecration there remains not the substance of Bread and Wine not any substance save the substance of God and Man 3. That the true body of Christ and his Blood is offered for a propitiatory sacrifice for the quick and the dead 4. That the supream power of feeding and governing the militant Church of Christ and of confirming their brethren is given to Peter the Apostle and to his lawful Successors in the See Apostolick as unto the Vicars of Christ. 5. That the authority to handle and define such things which belong to Faith the Sacraments and Discipline Ecclesiastical hath hitherto ever belonged and onely ought to belong unto the Pastors of the Church whom the holy Spirit hath placed in the Church and not unto Lay-men These Articles they caused to be engrossed so commended them to the care and consideration of the Higher House By Bonner afterwards that is to say on the 3d. of March presented to the hands of the Lord Keeper Bacon by whom they were candidly received But they prevailed no further with the Queen or the House of Peers when imparted to them but that possibly they might help forwards the disputation which not long after was appointed to be held at Westminster as before was said It was upon the 8th of May that the Parliament ended and on the 24th of June that the publick Liturgy was to be officiated in all the Churches of the Kingdom In the performan●e of which service the Bishops giving no encouragement and many of the Clergy being backward in it it was thought fit to put them to the final test and either to bring them to conformity or to bestow their places and preferments on more tractable persons The Bishops at that time
City of Cambray in which all differences were concluded also between France and Spain all other Articles being accorded the restitution of Calais to the Queen of England seemed the onely obstacle by which the general peace of Christendom was at the point to have been hindred But the Queen either preferring the publick good before private interest or fearing to be left alone if she should stand too obstinately upon that particular came at the last to this agreement viz. That Calais should remain for the tearm of eight years then next following in the hands of the French that at the end of the said tearm it should be delive●ed unto the English or otherwise the French King should pay unto the Queen the sum of 500000 Crowns According unto which Agreement Peace was proclaimed in London on the 7th of April between the Queens Majesty on the one part and the French King on the other as also between her and the King Dolphin with his wife the Queen of Scots and all the Subjects and Dominions of the said four Princes The Proclamation published by Garter and Norrey Kings at Arms accompanied with three other Heralds and five Trumpeters the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in their Scarlet Gowns being present on horseback But long the French King lived not to enjoy the benefit of this general Peace unfortunately wounded in Paris at a Tilt or Tournament by Count Mon●gomery of which wound he shortly after died on the 10th of July leaving be hind him four sons Francis Charls Henry and another Francis of which the three first according to their seniority enjoyed that Kingdom And though she had just cause to be offended with the young King Francis for causing the Queen of Scots his wife to take upon her self the Title and Arms of England yet she resolved to bestow a royal Obsequy on the King deceased which was performed in St. Paul's Church on the 8th and 9th of September in most solemn manner with a rich Hearse made like an Imperial Crown sustained with eight pillars and covered with black Velvet with a Valence fringed with gold and richly hanged with Sc●tcheous Pennons and Banners of the French Kings Arms the principal mourner for the first day was the Lord Treasurer Paulet Marquis of Winchester assisted with ten other Lords Mourners with all the Heralds in black and their Coat-Armours uppermost The divine Offices performed by Doctor Matthew Parker Lord elect of Canterbury Doctor William Barlow Lord elect of Chichester and Doctor I●hn Scory Lord elect of Hereford all sitting in the Throne of the Bishop of London no otherwise at that time than in hoods and Surplices by whom the Derige was executed at that time in the English toung The Funeral Sermon preached the next morning by the Lord of Hereford and a Communion celebrated by the Bishops then attired in Copes upon their Surplices At which time six of the chief mourners received the Sacrament and so departed with the rest to the Bishops Palace where a very liberal Entertainment was provided for them By which magnificency and the like this prudent Queen not onely kept ●er own reputation at the highest amongst forein Princes but caused the greater estimation to be had by the Catholick party of the Religion here established Anno Reg. Eliz. 2. A. D. 1559 1560. WE must begin this year with the Consecration of such new Bishops as were elected to succeed in the place of those which had been deprived the first of which was that of the most reverend Doctor Matthew Parker elected to the See of Canterbury on the first of August but not consecrated till the 17th of December following That Dignity had first been offered as is said by some to Doctor Nicholas Wotton Dean of Canterbury and York who grown in years and still a well-willer to the Pope desired to be excused from undertaking of a charge so weighty And some say it was offered unto Whitehead also who had been Chaplain to Anne Bollen the Queen's mother but he returned the like refusal though on other grounds as more inclined by reason of his long abode in Calvin's Churches to the Presbyterians than the Episcopal form of Government and it was happy for the Church might have been betrayed by his dissaffection that he did refuse it The Chair being better filled by Parker another of Queen Bollen's Chaplains but better principled and of a far more solid judgment in affairs of moment The Conge●d ' sleiur which opened him the way to this eminent Dignity bears date on the 18th day of July within few days after the deprivation of the former Bishops to satisfie the world in the Queens intention of preserving the Episcopal Government And therefore why the consecration was deferred so long maybe made a question some think it was that she might satisfie her self by putting the Church into a posture by her Visitation before she passed it over to the care of the Bishops others conceive that she was so enamoured with the power and title of Supream Governess that she could not deny her self that contentment in the exercise of it which the present Interval afforded For what are Titles without Power and what pleasure can be took in Power if no use be made of it And it is possible enough that both or either of these considerations might have some influence upon her But the main cause for keeping the Episcopal Sees in so long a vacancy must be found else-where An Act had passed in the late Parliament which never had the confidence to appear in print in the Preamble whereof it was declared That by dissolution of Religious Houses in the time of the late King her Majesties father many Impropriations Tithes and portions of Tithes had been invested in the Crown which the Queen being a Lady of a tender conscience thought not fit to hold nor could conveniently dismember from it without compensation in regard of the present low condition in which she found the Crown at her comming to it And thereupon it was enacted that in the vacancy of any Archbishoprick or Bishoprick it should be lawful for the Queen to issue out a Commission under the Great Seal for taking a survey of all Castles Mannors Lands Tenements and all other Hereditaments to the said Episcopal Sees belonging or appertaining and on the return of such surveys to take into her hands any of the said Castles Mannors Lands Tenements c. as to her seemed good giving to the said Archbishops or Bishops as much annual Rents to be raised upon Impropriations Tithes and portions of Tithes as the said Castles Mannors Lands c. did amount unto The Church Lands certified according to the antient Rents without consideration of the Casualties and other Perq●isites of Court which belonged unto them the Retribution made in Pensions Tithes and portions of Tithes extended at the utmost value from which no other profit was to be expected than the Rent it self Which Act not being to take effect
man as might please her fancy and more secure her title to the Crown of England than any of the great Kings in Europe What then should hinder her from making up a mariage so agreeable to her so acceptable to the Catholick party in both Kingdoms and which she thought withall of so safe a condition as could create no new jealousies in the brest of Elizabeth But those of the Leicestrian faction conceived otherwise of it and had drawn most of the Court and Council to conceive so to For what could more secure the interess of the Queen of Scots than to corroborate her own Title with that of Darnly from which two what children soever should proceed they would draw to them many hearts in the Realm of England who now stood fair and faithful to their natural Queen In this great fear but made much greater of set purpose to create some trouble it was advised that the Queen should earnestly be intreated to think of mariage to the end that the succession might be setled in her own posterity that all Popish Justices whereof there were many at that time might be put out of Commission and none admitted to that office but such as were sincerely affected to the Reformed Religion that the old deprived Bishops which for the most part lived at liberty might be brought to a more close restraint for fear of hardning some in their errours and corrupting others with whom they had the freedom of conversation that a greater power might be conferred upon the English Bishops in the free exercise of their jurisdiction for suppressing all such Popish Books as were sent into England depriving the English Fugitives of all those Benefices in this Kingdom which hitherto they had retained and all this to be done without incurring the danger of a Premunire with which they were so often threatned by the common Lawyers It was advised also that for a counterpoise unto the Title of the Queen of Scots some countenance should be given to the House of Suffolk by shewing favour to the Earl of Hartford and the Lady Katherine and that to keep the ballance even with the Romish Catholicks some moderation should be used to such Protestant Ministers you may be sure the Earl of Leicester had a hand in this as hitherto had been opposi●e in external matters to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church here by Law established Nor was this mariage very pleasing to the Scots themselves the chief Lords of the Romish party who faithfully had adher'd to their natural Queen in all her former troubles conceived that some of them might be as capable of the Queens affections as a young Gentleman born in England and one that never had done any service which might enoble and prefer him before all the rest The Ministers exclaimed against it in their common preachings as if it were designed of purpose to destroy Religion and bring them under their old vassalage to the Church of Rome The Noble men and others of the Congregation who had sold themselves to Queen Elizabeth were governed wholly by her Counsels and put themselves into a posture of Arms to disturb the Ma●ch the Edenburgers do the like but are quickly scatter'd and forc'd to submit themselves to their Queens good pleasure who was so bent upon her mariage with this young Nobleman that neither threatnings nor perswasions could divert her from it And tha● he might appear in some capacity fit for the mariage of a Queen she first confers upon him the Order of Knighthood and afterwards creats him Baron of Ardamanack Earl of Rosse and Duke of Rothsay which are the ordinary Titles of the eldest and second sons of Scotland In May she had convented the Estates of Scotland to whom she communicated her intention with the reasons of it Which by the greatest part of the Assembly seemed to be allowed of none but the Lord Ochiltrie opposing what the rest approved About the middle of July the mariage Rites were celebrated in the Royal Chapel by the Dean of Restairig and the next day the new Duke was proclaimed King by sound of Trumpet and declared to be associated with the Queen in the publick government The newes whereof being brought unto Queen Elizabeth she seemed more offended than indeed she was For well she knew that both the new King and the Earl his Father were men of plain and open natures not apt to entertain any dangerous counsels to the disturbance of her quiet that as long as she retained the Countesse with her who was the Mother of the one and the Wife of the other they seemed to stand bound to their good behaviour and durst act nothing to the prejudice of so dear a pledge but by the precipitation of this mariage the Queen of Scots had neither fortified her self in the love of her people nor in alliances abroad and that it could not otherwise be but some new troubles must break out in Scotland upon this occasion by which it would be made uncomfortable and inglorious to her And so it proved in the event for never was mariage more calamitous to the parties themselves or more dishonourable to that Nation or finally more scandalous to both Religions in nothing fortunate but in the birth of James the 6th born in the Palace of Edenborough on the 19th of July Anno 1566. solemnly Crowned King of the Scots on the same day of the Month Anno 1567. and joyfully received to the Crown of England on the 14th of March Anno 1602. In greater glory and felicity reigned the Queen of England Whose praise resounding in all Kingdoms of the North and West invited Caecille sister to the King of Sweden and wife of Christopher Marquisse of Baden to undertake a tedious journey both by land and sea from the furthest places of the North to see the splendor of her Court and observe the prudence of her Government Landing at Dover in the beginning of September they were there received by the Lord Cobham with a goodly train of Knights and Gentlemen at Canterbury by the Lady Cobham with the like honourable train of Ladies and Gentlewomen at Gravesend by the Lord Hunsdon with the band of Pensioners at London on the 11th of September by the Earl of Sussex and his Countesse who waited on them to the Lodging appointed for them Sca●●e had she rested there four dayes when she fell into a new travel of which she was happily delivered by the birth of a son whom the Queen Christned in her own person by the name of Edwardus Fortunatus the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Duke of Norfolk being Sureties with her at the Font. She called him Edward with relation to the King her brother whose memory she dearly loved and Fortunatus in regard that he came so luckily into the world when his Mother after a most painful pilgrimage was safely come to pay her Devotions at that Shrine which she so much honoured Having remained here till the April
tempore existentes according to the Laws of the Land which were th●n in force whether by Purchase or by Gift or in the way of Exchange which are the words of the Decree And secondly If the said Lands were warranted and confirmed unto them by Letters Patents from the two last Kings qui per literas Patentes easdem Terras War●antiz●runt as is declared in the Second of the following Reasons For which Consult the Book Entituled No Sacrilege nor Sin to purchase Cathedr●l-Lands c. page 52. Where still observe that nothing made a Lawful Title in the Pope's Opinion but the King's Letters Patents grounded on the Laws of the Land as is expressed more clearly in the former Passages But this can no way serve the Turn of some present Purchasers though much insisted on by one of that number to justifie his defacing of an Episcopal Palace and his pretensions to the Wealthy Borough which depended on it For certainly there must needs be a vast disproportion between such Contracts as were founded upon Acts of Parliament Legally passed by the King's Authority with the Consent and Approbation of the Three Estates and those which have no other Ground but the bare Votes and Orders of both Houses onely and perhaps not that And by this Logick he may as well justifie the late horrid Murther committed on the most incomparable Majesty of King CHARLES the First as stand upon the making good of such Grants and Sates as were Contracted for with some of those very Men who Voted to the setting up of the High Court of Justice as most ridiculously they were pleased to call it When I shall see him do the one I must bethink my self of some further Arguments to refute the other And so Queen MARY makes Her Exit and leaves the Stage to Queen ELIZABETH Her younger Sister A Princess which had long been trained up in the Schole of Experience and knew the Temper of the People whom She was to Govern who having generally embraced the Reformed Religion in the Time of Her Brother most passionately desired the Enjoyment of it under Her Protection And She accordingly resolved to satisfie the Piety of their Desire as soon as She had Power and Opportunity to go thorough with it In Prosecution of which Work She raised Her whole Fabrick on the same Foundation which had been lay'd by the Reformers in the Reign of King EDWARD that is to say the Word of God the Practise of the Primitive Times the General Current of the Fathers and the Example of such Churches as seemed to retain most in them of the Antient Forms But then She added thereunto such an equal mixture both of Streng●h and Beauty as gave great Lustre to the Church and drew along with it many rare Felicities on the Civil State both Extraordinary in themselves and of long Continuance as the most Excellent King IAMES hath right-well observed So that We may affirm of the Reformation of the Church of England as the Historian doth of the Power and Greatness of the Realm of Macedon that is to say that The same Arts by which the first Foundations of it were laid by PHILIP were practised in the Consummation and Accomplishment of it by the Care of ALEXANDER For in the first Year of Her Reign the Liturgie being first Reviewed and qualified in some Particulars was confirmed by PARLIAMENT in Her first Year the Articles of Religion were agreed upon the Convocation and in the Eight the Government of the Church by Arch-Bishops and Bishops received as strong a Confirmation as the Laws could give it And for this last We are beholden unto BONNER the late Bishop of LONDON who being called upon to take the OATH of Supremacie by HORN of Winton refused to take the OATH upon this Account because HORNs Consecration was not good and valid by the Laws of the Land Which he insisted on because the Ordinal Established in the Reign of King EDWARD by which both HORN and all the rest of Queen ELIZABETH's Bishops received Consecration● had been discharged by Queen MARY and not restored by any Act of Parliament in the present Reign Which being first declared by PARLIAMENT in the Eighth of this Queen to be Casus omissus or rather that the Ordinal was looked upon as a part of the Liturgie which had been solemnly confirmed in the first of this Queen's Reign they next Enacted and Ordained That all such Bishops as were Consecrated by that Ordinal in the Times precedent or should be Consecrated by it in the time to come should be reputed to be lawfully Ordained and Consecrated to all Intents and Purposes in the Law whatever Which added as much Strength to the Episcopal Government as the Authority of Man and an Act of Parliament could possibly Conferr upon it This made the Queen more constant to Her former Principles of keeping up the Church in its Power and Purity without subjecting it to any but Her Self alone She looked upon Her Self as the Sole Fountain of both Jurisdictions which She resolved to keep in their proper Chanels neither permitting them to mingle Waters upon any occasion nor suffering either of them to invade and destroy the other And to this Rule She was so constant that when one Morrice being then Attorney of the Dutchy of Lancaster had offered a Bill ready drawn to the House of Commons in the Thirty Fifth of Her Reign for the Retrenching of the Ecclesiastical Courts in much Narrower Bounds She first commanded Coke then Speaker and afterwards successively Chief Justice of either Bench not to admit of any such Seditious Bills for the time to come And that being done She caused the person of the said Attorney to be seized upon deprived him of his Place in the Dutchy-Court disabled him from Practising as a Common-Lawyer and finally shut him up in Tutbury-Castle where he continued till his Death By which Severity and keeping the like Constant Hand in the Course of Her Government She held so great a Curb on the Puritan Faction that neither Her Parliaments nor Her Courts of Justice were from thenceforth much troubled with them in the rest of Her Reign This is the Sum and Method of the following History in the Particulars whereof thou wilt finde more to satisfie thy Curiosity and inform thy Judgment then can be possibly drawn up in this General View As for my Self and my performance in this Work in the first place I am to tell thee that towards the raising of this Fabrick I have not borrowed my Materials onely out of Vulgar Authors but searched into the Registers of the Convocation consulted all such Acts of Parliament as concerned my Purpose advised with many Foreign Writers of great Name and Credit exemplified some Records and Charters of no common Quality many rare Pieces in the famous Cottonian Library and not a few Debates and Orders of the Council-●able which I have lai'd together in as good a Form and beautified it with a
Trimming as agreeable as my hands could give it And next I am to let thee know that in the whole Carriage of this Work I have assumed unto my Self the Freedom of a Just Historian concealing nothing out of Fear nor speaking any thing for Favour delivering nothing for a Truth without good Authority but so delivering that Truth as to witness for me that I am neither byassed by Love or Hatred nor over-swayed by Partiality and corrupt Affections If I seem ●art at any time as sometimes I may it is but in such Cases onely and on such occasions in which there is no good to be done by Lenitives and where the Tumour is so putrified as to need a Lancing For in this Case a true Historian must have somewhat in him of the good Samaritan in using Wine or Vineger to cleanse the Wound as well as Oyl to qualifie the Grief of the Inflammation I know it is impossible even in a Work of this Nature to please all Parties though I have made it my Endeavour to dissatisfie none but those that hate to be reformed in the Psalmist's Language or otherwise are so tenaciously wedded to their own Opinions that neither Reason nor Authority can divorce them from it And thus good Reader I commend thee to the Blessings of God whom I beseech to guide thee in the way to Eternal Life amongst those intricate Windings and uncertain Turnings those Crooked Lanes and Dangerous Precipices which are round about thee And so fare thee well From Westminster October the 20th 1660. An Advertisement to the Reader THe Reader is to be informed of a mistake occuring in the first part of this History folio 126 where it is said that no care had been taken for translating the English Liturgy into the Irish tongue for the use of that Church from that day to this Whereas it hath been since translated into that language and recommended to the people for Gods publique service though not so generally made use of as it ought to be Neither the Bible nor the book of Homilies being yet translated which makes the Liturgy imperfect and the whole service of the Church defective in the maine parts of it The Reader also is to know that since these sheets were upon the Presse the Lord Marquesse of Hartford mentioned part 1 folio 5. was made Duke of Somerset and Doctor William Juxon Bishop of London mentioned part 2 folio 84 is preferred to Canterbury Such other things as stand in neede of any correction are summed up in the following Errataes The Errata of the Preface Folio 1 line 1 for variel reade variety p. 4. l. 13. f. reduced r. and reduced p. 4. l. 24. f. contriving r. contending l. 20. f. by the by r on the By. p. 6. l. 2. f. first r. fift The Errata of the first part P. 3. l. 29. f. Baron r. Baronet p. 10. l. 13. f. mary wife r. ma●quise p. 17. l. 13. f. imposed r. debased p. 54. l. 40. f. advancing r. abandoning p. 61. l. 14. f. Duke all r. Dukes fall p. 119. l. 24. Goodwine r. Goodrith p. 130. l. 30. f. Campden r. Camden p. 131. for keeping him both beforehand c. r. for keeping him from being both beforehand c. p. 134. l. 28. f. allwaise r. all or p. 135. l. 48. f. Lorain r. Lovain p. 137. l. 21. f. Cabol r. Cabot ibidem l. 23. Darralaos r. Daccalaos and f. Caenada r. Canada p. 138. l. 39. f. Epy r. Spie p. 140. l. 39. for on the Church r. in the Church p. 141. l. 44. f. redemption r. exception p. 150. l. 34. f. venturer r. ventes p. 151. l. 6. for vertues r. his vertues p. 152. l. 31. for thus r. these p. 152 l. 43. for Gale r. Gates p. 154. l. 4. for pay r. play p. 155. l. 32. for hands r. Bands p. 158. l. 35. for rules r. Rule p. 160. l. 6. for letters r. fetters l. 28. for the heires r. by the heires l. 41. for Jenningham r. Jerningham p. 165. l. 23. de●e possibly p. 168. l. 46. for blowes in the second place r. blood Errata on the second part P. 8. l. 15. for bayden r. bugden p. 20. l. 39. for lending r according p. 20. l. 40. for poyner r. poynet p. 25. l. 12. for Poyner r. Poynet p. 27. l. 4. for 300. r. 800. p. 36. l. 24. for alienis r. alternis p. 38. l. 24. for impudence r. imprudence p. 49. l. 15. for there r. thereof p. 54. l. 23. for prejudiced r. premised p. 74. l. 32. for Artanasdes r. Artavasdes p. 79. l. 25. for Fanim r. hames p. 81. l. 1. de 1559. p. 82. l. 13. for presented r. persecuted p. 83. l. 40. for purefew r. parfew p. 103. l. 39. for petite r. petie p. 109. l. 7. for a pover r. that is to say a pover p. 121. l. 44. for Dale r. vale p. 121. l. 30. for any of r. any two of p. 122. l. 2. for zeal r. weale p. 124. l. 13. for Oxon r. Exon. p. 126. l. 15. for with Knox. p. 173. l. 16. for fail r. failer 156. l. 46. for Bishop r. Bishop of Bristow p. 165. l. 13. d. as they all did p. 179. col 1. for one substance r. of one substance p. 181. col 1. art 8. for fur from God ● fargon THE PARENTAGE BIRTH and FIRST FORTUNES of PRINCE EDWARD The onely surviving Son of King HENRY the Eighth before his coming to the CROWN VVith the Condition of Affaires both in Church and State at his first Coming to the same PRINCE Edward the onely surviving son of King Henry the Eighth was born at the Royall Palace of Hampton Court on the twelfth day of October Anno 1537. Descended from his Father by the united Families of York and Lancaster by his Grandfather King Henry the seventh from the old Royall Line of the Kings of Wales by his Grand-Mother Queen Elizabeth the eldest daughter of King Edward the fourth from a long continued Race of Kings descending from the Loynes of the Norman Conqueror and finally by Maud the wife of King Henry the first from Edmond sirnamed Iron-side the last unquestionable King as to the Right of his Succession of the Saxon Race so that all Titles seemed to be Concentred in the Person of this Infant Prince which Might assure the Subjects of a Peaceable and un-troubled Reigne so much the more because his Mothers Marriage was not subject unto any Dispute as were those of the two former Queens whereby the Legitimation of her Issue might be called in question An happinesse which recompensed all defects that might be otherwise pretended against her Birth not answerable unto that of so Great a Monarch and short in some respects of that of her Predecessor in the Kings affections though of a Family truely Noble and of great Antiquity Concerning which it will be necessary to Premise somewhat in this place not only for the setting forth of this