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A39466 An exact abridgment of all statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna Carta until 1641 / by Edm. Wingate of Grayes-Inne, Esq. ; with a continuation, under their proper titles, of all acts in force and use, untill the year 1666, and alphabetically digested under apt titles ; whereto is annexed four tables directing to the several matters and clauses throughout the said statutes.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn. 1666 (1666) Wing E906; ESTC R33346 579,794 810

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they be that choose them Also Citizens and Burgesses shall be resiant in and free of the Cities and Boroughs for which they are chosen XI Stat. 6 H. 6.1 Knights of the Shires and Sheriffs against whom any Inquest of Office for undue Elections are found before the Justices of Assize shall have their answer and traverse thereunto and shall not be damnified thereby until they be duly convict thereof according to Law XII Stat. 8 R. 6.1 The Clergy called to the Convocation by the Kings Writ together with their Servants and Familiars shall fully use and enjoy such liberty or defence in coming tarrying and returning as the great men and Communalty of the Realm called to Parliament do or ought to enjoy XIII Stat. 8. H. 6.7 The election of Knights of the Shire shall be made by the more voices of people dwelling in the Counties having each of them Land or Tenements of the yearly value of 40 s. besides Reprises also the Knights so chosen shall be resiant within the same Counties XIV The Sheriff hath power to examine upon Oath the choosers how much they may expend by the year XV. If the Sheriff be found by Inquest and also attainted before Justices of Assize to have done contrary to this Act he shall forfeit 100 l. to the King and suffer a years imprisonment without Bail and in that case the Knights so returned shall lose their wages XVI He that cannot expend 40 s. per annum shall have no voice in the election of Knights for the Parliament and hereafter in every Writ issued out for that purpose mention shall be made of this Ordinance XVII Stat. 10 H. 6.2 A chooser of the Knights of Parliament must be resident and have free-hold worth 40 s. per annum besides Reprises within the same County XVIII Stat. 23 H. 6.11 The Sheriff in the next County Court after he shall have received the Writ for assessing the wages of the Knights of Parliament shall make Proclamation that the Coroners chief Constables Bailiffs and all others that will appear at the next County Court to assess the same wages at which last County the Sheriff and the other Officers shall be present in proper person in pain that every one that makes default shall forfeit 40 s. and then the Sheriff shall in full County assess every Hundred by it self and every Town in each Hundred by it self so as the sum assessed upon all the Hundreds exceeds not the entire charge of the County nor that assessed upon all the Towns in each Hundred exceeds not the sum charged upon the Hundred in which they be XIX The Sheriff or other Officer which levies more then is so assessed shall forfeit 20 l. to the King and 10 l. to the Prosecutor for the recovery of which 10 l. the said prosecutor shall have a Scire facia● and if the Defendant make default or appear and is afterward convict he shall recover the said 10 l. to his own use over and above the said 20 l. and besides treble damages for his costs of suit XX. The Sheriff shall levy the said Assesments as speedily as may be after they are so assessed and shall deliver them to the Knights XXI Justices of both Benches Justices of Assize Goal-delivery and Peace have power to hear and determine these abuses as well at the suit of the King as of the party XXII This Assessment shall not be levied but only in places where it hath been formerly levied and hereafter in every Writ for the levying of such wages this Act shall be inserted XXIII Stat. 23 H. 6.15 The Statutes of 1 H. 5.1 and 8 H. 6.7 shall be kept in all points XXIV The Sheriff after the receipt of the Writ shall deliver a precept under his Seal to every Mayor and Bailiff or Bailiffs or Bailiff where no Mayor is of the Cities and Burroughs within his County reciting the Writ and commanding them if it be a City to choose by Citizens of the same City Citizens and if a Burrough Burgesses to come to the Parliament And such head-Officers shall lawfully return such precept to the same Sheriff by Indenture betwixt them of such Elections and of the names of the Citizens and Burgesses so chosen and thereupon the Sheriff shall make a good return of every such Writ and also of every such return made by the said Head-Officers XXV If the Sheriff aforesaid do contrary to this Act or any other formerly made for the election of Knights Citizens and Burgesses the Sheriff shall incur the pain contained in the said Stat. of 8. H. 6.7 and besides shall forfeit to the person so chosen and not duly returned 100 l. more to be recovered by action of debt by the said person so chosen against the said Sheriff his Executors and Administrators or in his default by any other prosecutor in which Action no Essoin c. shall be allowed And if such Head-Officers shall make a false return they shall forfeit 40 l. to the King and 40 l. more to the person so chosen and not returned to be recovered by such person or other prosecutor in manner aforesaid XXVI The Sheriff that maketh not due election of Knights betwixt the hours of 8 and 11 in the forenoon and a good true return in manner aforesaid shall incur the pain of 100 l. to the King and as much to any that will sue for the same XXVII The party grieved shall commence his Action within three moneths after the beginning of the Parliament and in his default the prosecutor may then take it XXVIII If any Knight Citizens or Burgess returned by the Sheriff be put out and another put in his place the person so put in if he take the place upon him shall forfeit 100 l. to the King and as much to the person so put out who shall have an Action of debt for the same if he commence his Suit within three months after the beginning of the Parliament XXIX The Knights of the Shires shall be notable knights of the same County for which they are choser or else notable Esquires or Gentlemen born in the same Counties and such as are able to be knights but none shall be such a knight which standeth in the degree of a Yeoman or under XXX Stat. 6 H. 8.16 No Knight Citizen Burgess or Baron of any of the Cinque-ports shall depart from the Parliament without the licence of the Speaker and Commons in Parliament assembled to be entred upon Record in the Clerk of the Parliaments Book in pain to lose their wages XXXI Stat. 33 H. 8.21 The Kings Royal assent by his Letters Pattents under the Great Seal and signed by his hand and notified in his absence to the Lords and Commons assembled in the Upper House is and ever was of as good strength and force as if the King were personally present and had publickly assented thereunto XXXII Stat. 35 H. 8.11 Whereas Knights and Burgesses of Parliament in England and Wales have used to
Merchants Subjects natural 4 l. 10. By Aliens and strangers 6 l. Into other Ports by Subjects 3 l. By Aliens 4 l. 10 s. 2. Muskadels Malmseys Cates Tents Alicants Bastards Sacks Canariees Malligoes Maderoes and all other sweet wines by Subjects natives brought into the Port of London the Tun 2 l. 5 s. By Stangers and Aliens 3 l. Into other Ports by native Subjects 1 l. 10 s. Ry Aliens and strangers 2 l. 5 s. XXVIII Poundage viz. 12 d. in the pound of all Merchandise goods according to the Book of Rates except Woollen clothes made in England called old Draperies Wines paying Tunnage Fish English taken and brought in English bottoms and all fresh fish and Bestial and all goods mentioned in the Book of Rates to be Custom free 12 d. per l. Of all Woollen broad clothes exported after the rate of each 64. in weight and so proportionably by subjects 3 s. 4 d. By Strangers Aliens 6 s. 8 d. For not paying of which the goods and merchandise shall be forfeit one moiety of the rate hereof to the King the other moiety to the Informer that shall seise or sue for the same XXIX Such as have their goods taken by Pyrates or perished at Sea being born Denizens may upon proof there before the Lord Treasurer or Baron of the Exchequer ship so many more goods of the same value without custom And herrings fish may be transported in English bottoms custom free XXX No rates can be set upon merchandise of Subjects or Alien but by common consent in Parliament The Rates intended by this Act agreed by the Common's house of Parliament and signed by the Speaker XXXI For goods above 5 l. value the Custom officers shall take such Fees and no other as were taken in the 4th year of King James untill they shall be otherwise setled by Parliament XXXII Iron armes Bandiliers Bridle-Bitts Halbert-heads and Shaps Holsters Muskets Carbines Fowling-pieces Pistols Pike-heads Sword or Rapier blades Saddles Snaffels Stirops Calve-skins dressed or undressed Geldings Oxen Sheep-skins dressed without the wool and all sorts of manufactures made of leather may be transported paying the Rates by this act appointed and no other XXXIII Goods when they are at the prices following may be transported viz. Gunpowder when the barrel exceeds not 5 l. Wheat when at the time of the lading the quarter exceeds not 2 l. Rie Beans and Peace 1 l. 4 s. Barly and Malt 1 l. Oats 16 s. Bacon the pound 6 d. Butter the barrell 4 l. 10 s. Cheese the hundred 1 l 10 s. Candles the dozen pound Paying the Rates appointed and no more 5 s. XXXIV Provided the King by Proclamation may at any time prohibit the transporting Gunpowder Armes and Ammunition XXXV Above the Rates aforesaid there shall be paid to the King of every Tun of Wine of the growth of France Germany Portugal or Mader a brought into London or elsewhere 3 l. within four moneths after importing and all other Wines 4 l. within nine moneths after importing and the importers shallgive security for the same and if the said wines be exported within 12 moneths the said additional duty shall be repayed and security discharged as to so much exported all Impost of Excise discharged And Prisage to pay no Custom See Title Ships LXVIII Who shall pay double Aliens Customes XXXVI Stat. 12 Car. 2. ca. 19. For preventing frauds and concealments of Customs If any person shall land and convey away any goods for which Tunnage and Poundage ought to be paid without entry or agreement for the Custom upon oath hereof made before the Lord Treasurer Baron of the Exchequer or Magistrate of the Port where the offence is committed or place next adjoyning thereunto they may grant warrant to search for the said goods and in case of resistance in the day time to break open any house and seize and secure the said goods so as the same be within one moneth after the supposed offence committed XXXVII In case of false information the party injured may recover his full dammages and costs and this Act to continue unto the end of the first Session of the next Parliament and no longer XXXVIII Stat. 14 Car. 2. ca. 11. An Act for the preventing and punishing fraudes and violences used to avoid the King's Customes and for regulating abuses therein See the Statute at large ☞ Customs and Usages I. Stat. 31 H 8.3 The Mannors c. of Thomas Lord Crommel and others within the County of Kent Leing Gavelkind land shall hereafter descend as lands at the Common Law ☞ Custos Rotulorum I. Stat. 37 H. 8.1 None shall be Custos Rotulorum but such as shall have a Bill signed by the King's hand for the same which shall be warrant for the Lord Chancellor to put and continue him in the Commission to be Custos Rotulorum until the King shall appoint another II. The Custos Rotulorum may execute that Office by a Deputy learned in the Laws and able to supply that place III. The Custos Rotulorum shall have power to appoint the Clerk of the peace who may also execute it by a sufficient Deputy approved by the Custos Rotulorum IV. This Act shall not inhibit the Arch-bishop of York the Bishop of Durham the Bishop of Ely and all others having lawfull power by the grant of the King or his Progenitors to make Custos Rotulorum within their several jurisdictions to use the same liberty which they had before V. Stat. 3. 4 E. 6.1 The Lord Chancellor or Keeper shall appoint the Custos Rotulorum in every County of England Wales and other the King's Dominions who may execute his Office by himself or by his Deputy Howbeit the power of others is saved who have power to name the Custos Rotulorum Days in Bank I. Stat. DE Anno Bissextili 21 H. 3. The day increasing in the Leap-year and the day next going before shall be accounted for one day and this was done to avoid the doubt of the year and day that were wont to be assigned to sick persons being impleaded to the end they might know when the Leap-year happened how to reckon their year and day II. Stat. 51 H. 3. If a Writ come in Utas Sancti Mich. Quinzime Mich. Tres Mich. Crastino Anim. Crastino Mart. Utas Martinì Quinzime Mart. Utas Hillarii Quindena Hillarii Crast Purif Utas Purific Quindena Paschae Tres Paschae Mense Paschae Quinque Paschae or Crast Ascens Utas Trin. Quindena Trin. or Crast S. Joh. B. Utas S. John Bapt. Quindena S. J. B. Day shall be given thereupon unto the Utas Sancti Hill Quinzime Hill Crastino Purif Quinzime Paschae Tres Paschae Mense Paschae Quinque Paschae Utas Trin. sometimes in Crast S. J. B. Crast Utas S. J. B. Quindena S. Jo. Bapt. Utas Mich. Quindena Mich. Tres Mich. Mense Michaelis Crast Anim. Crast Mart. Utas Mart. Quindena Mart. And so every Term shall answer to other
Huntingdon leading from London to York and into Lincolnshire and for gathering a certain Toll for the same viz. for Hertfordshire at Wades Mill for Cambridge at Caxton and for Huntingdonshire at Stilton and not elsewhere vid. the Act. LXI Stat. 16 17 Car. 2. An Act for continuance of a former Act for repairing the High-ways within the County of Hertford for 21 years from the time mentioned in the said Act. ☞ Holy-days and Fasting-days I. Stat. 2 3 E. 6.19 An Act prohibiting flesh to be eaten on fish-days But see a greater penalty inflicted 5 E. 5. Infra in Ships II. Stat. 5 6 E. 3.3 Holy-days and Fasting-days are appointed But 1 M. Parl. 1. Cap. 2. this Act is repealed And afterwards by 1 Jac. 25. 1 M. is repealed and therefore Quaere whether it be now in force unless it had been revived by special words III. Stat. 1 Car. 1. All concourse of people out of their own Parishes for any pastime whatsoever as also Bear-baitings Bull-baitings Enterludes Common-plays and all other unlawful pastimes are prohibited on the Lord's-day IV. The Offender against this law being thereof convicted by the view of one Justice of Peace in the Countrey or by a chief Officer in a Corporation or by his own confession or by the oath of one witness before one such Justice or Officer shall forfeit 3 s. 4 d. to the use of the poor where the offence is committed to be levied by distress and sale of goods upon warrant from the same Justice or Officer by the Constables or Churchwardens of the same Parish and in case no distress can be had the Offendor shall sit in the stocks 3 hours but this offence ought to be prosecuted within one moneth after it shall be committed And if the Officer be questioned he shall plead the general issue and yet give special matter in evidence * V. Stat. 3 Car. 1. No Carier with his Horse Waggoner with his Wagon Car-man with his Cart Wain-man with his Wain or Drover with his Cattel shall travel upon the Lord's-day in pain to forfeit 20 s. for every such offence VI. No Butcher shall kill or sell any victual upon the same day in pain of 6 s. 8 d. * VII Here the conviction of the Offender and the levying and imployment of the forfeitures are the same with those of the former Statute save onely that here two witnesses are necessary and the forfeitures may also be recovered by a prosecutor in the Sessions of the County or Corporation where the offence was committed and in that case the Justice or Head-Officer may allow the prosecutor part of the forfeitures but not above a third part VIII This Action shall be prosecuted within six moneths and here also the Officer may plead the general issue Homage and Fealty I. Stat. 17 E. 2. When a Free-man doth homage to his Lord of whom he holdeth in chief he shall hold his hands between the hands of his Lord and say thus I become your man from this time forth for life for member and for worldly honour and shall ow you my faith for the lands that I hold of you saving the faith that I ow unto our Lord the King and to mine other Lords II. When a Free-man doth fealty to his Lord he shall hold his right hand upon a Book and shall say thus Hear you my Lord R. that I P. will be to you both faithful and true and shall ow my fidelity unto you for the Land that I hold of you and lawfully shall do such customs and services as my duty is to you at all terms assigned so help me God and all his Saints III. When a Villain shall do fealty unto his Lord he shall hold his right hand over the Book and say thus Hear you my Lord A. that I B. from this day forth unto you shall be true and faithful and shall ow you fealty for the Land I hold of you in Villenage and shall be justified by you in body and goods so help me God and all his Saints Honours I. Stat. 31 H. 8.5 An Act for the making of the Mannor of Hampton-Court with divers Mannors and Lands thereunto annexed an Honour and the King shall have a free Chase and Warren there also the offenders there shall be punishable as in any other Forest or Chase all which are to be in the survey of the Court of Augmentations and Shipton is annexed unto the Dutchy of Cornwal in lieu of Bifleet and Weibridge taken away by this Act from the said Dutchy II. Stat. 33 H. 8.37 An Act for the making of the Mannor of Amphthil in Com. Bed an Honour and for annexing divers lands in Com. Bed and Buck. to the said Honour with other Articles concerning that Mannor which said lands are appointed to the survey of the Court of Augmentations III. Stat. 33 H. 8.38 The like for the Mannor of Grafton in Com. North. See the Statutes at large Hops * I. Stat. 1 Jac. 18. None shall bring or cause to be brought into this Realm from forein parts any hops deceitfully mixt with any soil whatsoever in pain to forfeit the hops so brought in neither shall any buy such hops so brought in or growing within the Realm and imploy them in brewing in pain to forfeit the value thereof which said forfeitures shall be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor Horners * I. Stat. 4 E. 4.8 No stranger shall buy any English horns unwrought gathered or growing in London or within 24 miles thereof The Wardens of Horners in London may search all ware belonging to their Mystery in London and within 24 miles thereof And in Sturbridge and Ely Fairs See the Statute at large But note that this Statute is repealed by 1 Jac. 25. Howbeit it is recited in part revived by 7 Jac. 14. as followeth II. Stat. 7 Jac. 14. The Act of 4 E. 4.8 and every part thereof except power of search in the Fairs of Sturbridge and Ely and the limitation of such prices for horns as they were to be had for at the making of the said Act shall be revived and be of like force as if it had been repealed by 1 Jac. 25. III. None shall sell English horns unwrought to any stranger nor send any such horns beyond Sea in pain to forfeit the double value thereof to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor ☞ Horses Mares and Cattel * I. Stat. 20 R. 2.5 None shall take the horse or beast of any to serve the King without the owner's consent or sufficient warrant in pain to be imprisoned until he recompence the party grieved * II. Stat. 11 H. 7.13 None shall convey any horse out of the Realm without the King's licence in pain to forfeit the same nor any Mare above the value of 6 s. 8 d. in pain to forfeit her the owner thereof receiving 6 s. 8 d. for her at the time of the seisure otherwise that also is to be forfeited and here the Mare
whereunto title is made is lawful X. Proclamations shall be made at the Assizes of the Statutes made against Maintenance Champerty Embracery and unlawful retainers XI The offenders against this Act shall be prosecuted within one year ☞ Malt. I. Stat. 17 R. 2.4 Malt made in the Counties of Huntingdon Cambridge Northampton and Bedford and brought to London for the provision of the Court and City shall be well cleansed from dust and other filth and Mayors Bailiffs and Wardens of Towns and places where it is sold have power to make search and to see such defaults redressed * II. Stat. 2 E. 6.10 None shall imploy less time in the making and drying of Malt except in the moneths of June July and August then three weeks and in those moneths less then 17 days nor put to sale any Malt mingled of good and bad in pain to forfeit for every quarter so put to sale 2 s. to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor III. None shall put any Malt to sale before by treading rubbing and fanning it he shall have conveniently taken out of every quarter half a peck of dust or more in pain to forfeit 20 d. for every quarter otherwise sold to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor IV. Justices of Peace in Sessions and Stewards in Leets have power to hear and determine these offences as well by presentment of twelve men as by information of two witnesses V. Bailiffs and Constables of Towns and places where faulty Malt is made or mingled as aforesaid have power to make search for it and being found with the advice of a Justice of Peace to make sale thereof at their discretions VI. None shall be punished by this Act who onely maketh Malt for his own provision nor unless the Action be prosecuted within one year ☞ VII Stat. 39 El. 16. Justices of Peace in Sessions have power at their discretions to restrain the superfluous number of Malsters and also of the buyers of Barley to be converted into Malt. VIII If any person shall be convicted by the testimony of two Witnesses or his own confession to have disobeyed the restraint aforesaid they shall suffer three days imprisonment without bail and shall there remain untill they shall before some Justice of Peace become bound by recognizance in 40 l. to obey the said restraint IX Justices of Peace in the County shall not execute this Law within Corporations but onely the Justices and chief Officers of the same Corporations X. Such as have Barly of their own growing tith-corn or rent-corn may convert it into Malt notwithstanding this Statute XI Malsters shall not meddle with the execution of this Act. XII Stat. 3 Jac. 11. When Malt is at 16 s. the quarter Beer may be transported to the King's Allies in Cask And the impost shall be 8 s. and the Custom 18 d. for a subject but for a Stranger 10 s. and 22 d. half peny XIII This Act shall not infringe the Statute of 35 El. 11.1 Jac. 25. or any other Statute made for the bringing in of Clapboard Cask or Scaffold board Manufactures * I. Stat. 14 Car. 2. cap. 13. An Act prohibiting importation of forein Bone-lace Cutting Imbroidery Fringe Bandstrings Buttons and Needle-work II. Justices of the Peace may cause search to be made for any of the said Wares imported contrary to this Act. See the Act at large III. Stat. 15 Car. 2. cap. 15 Stat. 3. Any person Native or Alien may freely set up or use the trade of breaking or dressing of Hemp Flax making of Threed Twine or Nets for Fishery or of Storing of Cordage and the trade of making any fort of Tapistery IV. All foreiners bonâ fide using the said trades in England Wales or Barwick by 3 years and taking the oathes of Allegiance and Spuremacy before 2 Justices of the Peace next dwelling who are impowred hereby to administer the same shall enjoy all previledges as natural born subjects V. All foreigners which shall exercise any the said trades by vertue of this Act shall not pay any other taxes or impositions then as natural born subjects unless they use Merchandise into foreign parts in which case they shall pay such customs as Aliens for 5 years next ensuing and no longer Merchants Merchandise I. Magna Charta 30. 9 H. 3. Merchant-strangers shall have safe conduct of coming into going out of and remaining in England to buy and sell without being exacted upon by excessive tolls except in time of war if they be of our enemies Countrey And albeit they be so yet so long as our Merchants be used well there they shall have the like usage here II. Stat. 9 E. 3.1 Merchant-strangers may freely buy and sell within the Realm without disturbance except they be alien enemies III. If any disturbance or abuse be offered them or any other Merchant in a Corporation and the Head-Officer there do not upon request provide remedy the Franchise shall be seised into the King's hand and the disturber being thereof attainted shall answer double damages to the party grieved suffer one years imprisonment and be ransomed at the King's will IV. If the disturbance be out of a Franchise and the Lord there or his Bailiff Constable or other Chief Ruler do not upon request provide remedy he shall being attainted thereof render double damages to the party grieved and the disturber being also thereof attainted shall also suffer one whole years imprisonment and be ransomed at the King's will V. Howbeit Merchants-aliens shall carry no wines out of this Realm VI. This Law shall be strictly observed throughout the Realm notwithstanding any Charter Franchise or Custom to the contrary saving to the King his due Customs VII The Chancellor Treasurer Justices assigned by commission to hold pleas and others by special commission from the King shall have power to hear and determine these misdemeanors VIII Stat. 14 E. 3. Stat. 2.2 All Merchants except enemies may safely come into England with their goods and Merchandize tarry and return paying the customs and subsidies IX Franchises and free customs reasonably granted to Cities Towns and Burroughs are saved X. Stat. 25 E. 3. Stat. 4.2 The Statute of 9 E. 3.1 is confirmed and all Statutes Charters Letters Pattents Proclamations Commandements Usages Allowances and Judgments to the contrary are repealed and made void XI All Merchants may freely sell their commodities without challenge or impeachment of any Officer or other notwithstanding any franchise grant or custom to the contrary XII The King may assign Justices to inquire of such as offend this Law and to inflict punishment upon them according to the said Statute of 9 E. 3. XIII Any that will sue against any such offender may have a writ out of the Chancery for that purpose XIV Stat. Stapul 27 E. 3. Stat. 2.2 A safe conduct is granted to Merchant-Strangers except alien enemies to come and dwell in this Realm and to return when they please as also to sell their
contrary Here also the right of all others save of the King and the Governours and Governesses is saved XXVIII Such Lands Parsonages appropriate c. belonging to the said Religious houses as before their coming into the Kings hands or dissolution were discharged of Tithes shall so continue XXIX All rents services and other duties are saved to the King notwithstanding this Act. XXX Such Monasteries c. As were heretofore exempt from the jurisdiction of the Ordinary shall from henceforth be within the jurisdiction and visitation of the Ordinaries in whose Diocess they shall be scituate XXXI The grant of the Abbey of Sipton in Suffolk is confirmed to the Duke of Norfolk and the Colledge or Chantery of Cobham in Kent to the Lord Cobham notwithstanding this Act The right of others being saved XXXII Stat. 37 H. 8.4 All Colledges Free-Chappels Chanteries Hospitals Fraternities Brother-hoods Guilds and other promotions made to have continuance for ever and chargeable with first-fruits and tenths and also all the Mansion-houses mannors lands tenements hereditaments rights members and appurtenances unto them belonging which between the fourth of February 27 H. 8. and the 25 of December the 37 H. 8. were dissolved relinquished or otherwise extinct other then such of them as now are or were in the Kings possession and have been granted by the Kings Licence or recovered by a former right or title shall be adjudged in the actual possession of the King and of his heirs and successors in as large manner ●s the Governours Incumbents Patrons Donors or Founders of them or any of them have since the said fourth of February 27 H. 8. injoyed the same or do now injoy them XXXIII All Covenants Bonds and Grants of any Rent or Annuity made to any Chantery Priest or other having any of the said promotions in consideration of any bargain grant or other assurance of the said promotions or any part thereof shall be void XXXIV Every person being in life which for any sum of money hath sold any of the said promotions shall repay upon request unto the Bargainee his Executors or Assigns the money so received And for non-payment thereof the said Bargainee shall maintain an Action of debt against them that so sold the same unto the said Bargainee or his testator in which Action no essoine c. shall be allowed XXXV All gifts grants surrenders and other assurances made to the King of any of the said promotions between the said fourth of February and the 25 of December shall be good against the bargainors their successors and assigns and also against their Founders Donors and Patrons heirs and successors XXXVI All Letters Patents made by the King of any of the said promotions or any part thereof and all assurances thereof made with the Kings assent by any having such promotions shall be good against the grantors their heirs and successors and against their Founders Donors and Patrons their heirs and successors XXXVII The King during his life may direct Commissions by warrant to be signed by his own hand to such persons as he shall think fit giving them power to enter into so many of the said promotions chargeable with first-fruits and tenths as shall be expressed in such several Commissions and to seize and take the same into the Kings possession to have and hold the same to him his heirs and successors XXXVIII The Commissioners or any two of them may enquire into any part in the name of the whole and by such thei● ter and seisure albeit the Lands be in several mens occupations or lie in several Counties the King shall be adjudged in the actual possession thereof without any inquisition office or other entry XXXIX The Commissioners or any two of them after such seisure made shall certifie and return every such Commission making mention in writing of their doing therein according to the words and authority thereby given them XL. All such Chanteries and other promotions aforesaid seised and to be seised as aforesain shall be within the order and survey of the Court of Augmentations and all suits tending to the detriment of the Mannors lands and other hereditaments belonging to them shall be also heard and determined in that Court Howbeit suits between party and party concerning the said Mannors Lands c. shall be heard and determined by the Common Law and Statutes of this Realm and not in the said Court XLI All Assurances made of any Inheritance or Free-hold without the Kings assent by any Chantery Priest or other Governour having any of the said promotions being not made to the King shall be void as well against the King as against the successor of such Chantery Priest or other Governour XLII The right of others is saved other then the Governors and their Founders Patrons or Donors their heirs and successors and other then such persons their heirs successors and assigns as claim any free-hold or inheritance by conveyance from any such Governor without the Kings assent thereunto XLIII If any such Governour within one year before the 23. of Novemb. in the 27 H. 8. hath made or shall hereafter make any lease for life or years of any such promotion or any part thereof which was not for the most part of twenty years before such lease let to farm but in their own occupation Or within the said time hath made or shall hereafter make any such lease in reversion the old lease not being then expired Or within the said time hath made or shall hereafter make any such lease without reserving the accustomed yearly rent paid for the same twenty years next before the said 23. of November Or have made any Wood sale the Woods being yet standing that then every such lease and grant shall be void XLIV This Act shall not extend to any Lands or other Hereditaments whereof such Governors now are or hereafter shall be seised or possessed to their own use nor united nor annexed to their promotions nor to Lands or Pensions granted or to be granted by the King unto such Governors for life only under the Great Seal or the Seal of the Augmentations XLV The Governors from whom the King by force of this Act taketh any Lands c. shall be proportionably abated for the same in their Tenths and First-fruits XLVI Every person having any Annuity or rent issuing out of any such promotion shall still enjoy them notwithstanding this Act Also he that hath bought and paid for any wood shall have his money again or the same wood XLVII All payments for the First-fruits hapning after such seisure as aforesaid are discharged XLVIII All Rents Services Issues and Profits payable out of such promotions into the Exchequer shall be still continued notwithstanding this Act. XLIX Stat. 1 E. 6.14 All Colledges Free Chappels and Chanteries in esse within five years before the first day of this Parliament which were not in the actual and real possession of the late King nor of E. 6. nor excepted in
any of them or in their default a Justice of Peace have power to assess and levy by distress sale and commitment as aforesaid XVI Justices of Peace shall then likewise rate every Parish towards the relief of the Kings Bench and Marshalsey and also of Hospitals and Alms-houses scituate within their several jurisdictions appointing onely so much to the said Hospitals and Alms-houses that the Kings Bench and Marshalsey may each of them receive at least 20 s. yearly out of every County And the sums thus to be assessed upon every Parish the Churchwardens there shall collect and levy as before and pay them over quarterly to the High Constable of that respective division ten dayes before every Quarter-Sessions and the High Constables shall every Quarter Sessions pay the same over to the two Treasurers of the County or one of them to be yearly chosen by the more part of the Justices of Peace out of such Subsidy-men as were taxed in the last tax of Subsidies at 5 l. lands or 10 l. goods Which Treasurers so chosen shall yearly at Easter-Sessions render a true accompt to their successors and pay the moneys in their hands to the Lord chief Justice of the Kings Bench and the Knight-Marshall by equall portions And here the Church-warden or his Executors c. which fails in payment to the High-Constable shall forfeit 10 s. and he High-Constable or his Executors c. which fails in payment to the Treasurers shall forfeit 20 s. to be levied and imployed by the said Treasurers as aforesaid XVII The Stock of every County shall be ordered and disposed to charitable uses as the Justices or the more part of them shall think convenient XVIII The Treasurer that refuseth to execute his Office to distribute relief or to accompt as the most part of the Justices shall direct shall be fined by the same Justices or in their default by the Judges of Assize three pounds at least which fine shall be levied by sale of goods upon the prosecution of any two Justices authorised by the rest XIX A provision for the Islands of Fowlnesse in Essex XX. Upon an Action brought for the due execution of this Act the Defendant may plead the general issue and yet give special matter in evidence and shall also recover treble damages and his costs of suit XXI Stat. 7. Jac. 3. Money given to put out poor children Apprentices shall be imployed in Corporate Towns by the Corporations and in other places by the Parson or Vicar together with the Constables Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor or the most part of them who shall not forbear or refuse to imploy the same accordingly in pain to forfeit five Marks each of them so making default to be divided betwixt the poor of the Parish and the prosecutor XXII The party taking money with such an Apprentice shall give good Security by Obligation to repay it at the end of seven years next ensuing the date of the said Obligation or within three moneths next after the end of the said seven years and if such Apprentice shall die within the seven years then within one year after his or her death And if the Master Mistris or Dame happen to die within the seven years then within one year after their death so as the money may be employed in placing the Apprentice with some other of the same Trade to serve out his time at the discretion of the parties trusted as aforesaid XXIII The money so given shall be employed within three moneths after the receipt thereof and if there shall not be apt persons found in the places where it is given to be Apprentices it shall be employed in the Parishes next adjoyning by the parties that are trusted with it in the places where it was so given and there also Bond shall be taken as before is declared XXIV The choice of Apprentices shall be out of the poorest sort of children whose Parents are the least able to relieve them and no such Apprentice shall be above the age of 15 years when he or she is first bound XXV The parties so trusted shall yearly in Easter-week or within one moneth after account before two or more of the next Justices of Peace And if there be any Obligations or money remaining in their hands they shall upon such account or within ten dayes after deliver the same unto their successors XXVI If any Officer so trusted shall break the trust reposed in him mis-imploy the said money or do any thing contrary to this Act for which he cannot be punished by this Act the Lord Chancellor or Keeper shall upon the Petition of any person award a Commission to such as he shall think fit to enquire hear and determine such offences and if the Commissioners shall find money so misimployed they shall in places not Corporate have power to rate raise and collect it upon the parties so offending or otherwise upon the able Inhabitants of the City Town or Parish so in default as the said Commissioners or the greatest part of them shall think fit and shall return the said Commission together with the manner of executing the same into the Chancery within three moneths next after such execution thereof XXVII Stat. 1 Jac. 25. All persons to whom the Overseers of the poor shall according to the Statute of 43 El. 2. bind any poor children Apprentices may take receive and keep them as Apprentices See also the same continued and confirmed by 21 Jac. 28. and 3 Car. 4. XXVIII Stat. 3 Car. 4. The aforesaid Statute of 1 Jac. 25. is again continued and confirmed XXIX The Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor mentioned in the Statute of 43 El. 2. may with the consent of two or more Justices of the Peace one of the Quorum within their respective limits wherein there shall be more Justices of Peace then one and where no more shall be then one with the assent of that one Justice set up use and occupy any Trade Mystery or Occupation only for the setting on work and better relief of the poor of the Parish or place where they so bear office respectively XXX Stat. For Relief of poor Souldiers See Title Captains and Souldiers Numb LXVII XXXI Stat. 14 Car. 2. cap. 12. Upon complaint made by the Church-wardens or Overseers of the poor of any parish to any Justice of the Peace within 40 dayes after any persons coming to settle in any Tenement under the yearly value of 10 l. Any two Justices of the Peace whereof one of the Quorum may by Warrant remove such persons to such Parish where they were last setled either as a Native Housholder Sojourner Apprentice or Servant for the space of 40 dayes unless they give security to discharge the Parish to be allowed by the said Justices Provided persons grieved may appeal to the next Quarter-Sessions XXXII Provided all persons may go from place to place to work in Harvest carrying with them Certificates from the Minister one
people of every County shall have election of their Sheriff where the Sherivalty is not of fee. VI. Artic. sup Chart. 13. 28 E. 1. The Commons of every County shall choose such Sheriffs as shall not charge them nor put any Officer into authority for rewards or bribes nor lodg too oft in one place neither yet with poor persons or men of Religion VII The Statute of Sheriffs 9 E. 2. Sheriffs shall be assigned by the Chancellor Treasurer Barons of the Exchequer and Justices And in the absence of the Chancellor by the Treasurer Barons and Justices VIII None shall be Sheriff except he have sufficient land in the County where he is Sheriff to answer the King and his people IX No Steward or Bailiff to a great Lord shall be Sheriff except he be out of service so that he may attend to execute his Office for the King and his people X. Hundreds also both the Kings and other shall be kept by convenient and able persons having sufficient lands within the same Hundred or in the County where the Hundred is And they shall be leased to such persons at reasonable rents to the end they may not extort upon the people But no Sheriff or Hundreder shall lease their Office to any other in farm or otherwise XI Execution of Writs that come to the Sheriffs shall be done by Hundreders sworn and known in full County and not by any other unless such Hundreders be in default and then execution shall be done by others meet and sworn so as the people may know to whom to sue such executions saving alwayes return of Writs to them that ought to have them XII Stat. De attinctis 13 E. 2. Vide Rastal Sheriffs 5. When Sheriffs and other Ministers being impleaded in the Exchequer for receiving the Kings debts by Tallyes or Acquittances and not acquitting the parties thereof in that Court are so far gone in plea that the great distress is returned against them and they come not then in to answer then shall issue out another distress returnable at a certain day by which Writ Proclamation shall be made in full County that the Defendant appear at the day and acquit the debt for which he made such tally or acquittance at which day if he come not and the Writ be returned and the Proclamation certified he shall be holden as convict and the debt shall be taken of him as of debt recovered in the Kings Court and damages shall also be awarded to the Plaintiff at the discretion of the Barons Howbeit none shall be hindred by this Statute to complain of Sheriffs and other Ministers when they shall be found in the Exchequer to make them answer there as hath been formerly used XIII Stat. 2 E. 3.4 The Statute of 9 E. 2. is confirmed and Sheriffs and Bailiffs of fee shall cause their Counties and Bailiwicks to be kept by such as have lands therein XIV Stat. 2 E. 3.12 From henceforth Hundreds and Wapentakes shall be again adjourned to the Counties and shall never hereafter be given or severed therefrom XV. Stat. 4 E. 3.9 Sheriffs Escheators and Bailiffs of Hundreds and Franchises shall have sufficient in the places where they are Ministers whereof to answer the King and his people in case any man complain against them XVI Stat. 4 E. 3.10 Sheriffs and Goalers shall receive and safely keep such thieves and felons as shall be delivered them by Constables or Townships without taking any thing for such receipt And the Justices assigned to deliver the Goal shall have power to hear such complaints and to punish such Sheriffs and Goalers as they shall find guilty herein XVII Stat. 4 E. 3.15 Sheriffs shall let their Hundreds and Wapentakes for the old Farm and not above And the Justices assigned shall have power to enquire of Sheriffs and to punish them if they shall find them guilty herein XVIII Stat. 5 E. 3 4. None shall be Sheriff Under-Sheriff Escheator Bailiff of Franchises Wapentakes Hundreds or Tythings unless he have sufficient lands in the County whereof to answer the King and his people if any will complain XIX Stat. 14 E. 3.7 No Sheriff shall continue in his Office above one year and then another convenient man shall be chosen in his place having lands sufficient in his Bailiwick by the Chancellor Treasurer and Chief Baron taking to them the Chief Justices if they be present And this shall be done yearly at the Exchequer the next day after All-Souls XX. Stat. 14 E. 3.9 All Wapentakes and Hundreds which be severed from the Counties shall be re-joyned to them again The Sheriffs also shall hold the same in their own hands and put in such Bailiffs and Hundreders having lands in the Bailiwicks and Hundreds for whom they will answer XXI If Sheriffs let any Hundreds Bailiwicks or Wapentakes to farm they shall let them at the ancient farms without any increase upon them And the King and his people shall be hereafter served with sufficient Bailiffs Hundreders and their Under-Bailiffs without employing Out-riders who have heretofore in divers Counties notoriously grieved the people Neither shall any Bailiff errant be in any County but only where they have used to be in the time of the Kings Grandfather and but one Bailiff errant in one County XXII All such as have Bailiwicks or Hundreds in fee shall put such Bailiffs for whom they will answer and if they let them to farm they shall take but the old farm without any increase XXIII The Justices of both the Benches the Barons of the Exchequer and Justices assigned shall enquire after and punish the offenders of this Ordinance at their discretion according to Law and Reason XXIV If the Sheriffs or their Fermors be found in default and be thereof attainted the Wapentakes and Hundreds shall be seised into the Kings hands and by the Justices let to others Such Officers likewise shall be imprisoned and there remain untill they make fine and ransome to the King according to the quantity of the Trespass and yet they shall answer the King the whole form XXV Lords having Hundreds or Wapentakes in fee shall place therein sufficient Bailiffs to answer the King and his people and if their Bailiffs offend against this Ordinance such Bailiffs shall be called to answer whereof if they be attainted they shall have such punishment as the Law requireth and shall be also put out of their places and others put in their places by the said Law XXVI Stat. 28 E. 3.7 No Sheriff shall continue in his Office above one year XXVII Stat. 28 E. 3.9 No Writ shall be hereafter directed to the Sheriff to charge a Jury to indict any XXVIII Stat. 42 E. 3.9 Pars inde No Sheriff Under-Sheriff or Sheriffs Clerk shall continue in their Office above one year XXIX Stat. 1 R. 2.11 None having been Sheriff for one whole year shall be Sheriff again within three years then next ensuing if there be other sufficient in the County to answer the
Tile before the first of March and shall likewise be tryed and severed from stones malne marle and chalk II. A plain Tile shall contain in length ten inches and an half in breadth six inches and a quarter and in thickness half an inch half a quarter at least A roof or cross-tile in length thirteen inches and in thickness as before with convenient deepness accordingly a gutter and a corner-tile in length ten inches and an half with convenient thickness breadth and deepness III. If any shall sell Tile otherwise made he shall forfeit to the buyer the double value thereof to be recovered by Action of debt and besides shall make fine and ransom at the Kings will IV. Justices of Peace shall hear and determine these defaults and effences as well at the suit of the King as of the party grieved and shall not set less fine upon an offender against this Act then after the rate of 5 s. for every thousand of plain Tile 6 s. 8 d. for every hundred of roof-tile and 2 s. for every hundred of corner or gutter-tile V. The said Justices have also authority to appoint searchers of Tile who shall diligently execute that office in pain to forfeit to the King for every default 10 s. and shall have of every Tile-maker for such search after the rate of 1 d. for every thousand of plain Tile ob for every hundred of roof-tile and qu. for every hundred of corner and gutter-tile and shall make presentment of all defaults found at the next Sessions which shall be as effectual in Law as a presentment of twelve men VI. None shall put any Tile to sale before such search be made in pain to forfeit the same and the Justices of Peace have also power to hear and determine in the defaults of the said searchers Tindale Ridesdale and Examshire I. Stat. 2 H. 5.5 If any person of Tindale or Examshire commit any murder treason manslaughter or robbery or consent thereunto out of the said Franchises Process shall be made against him until he be outlawed and after outlawry returned the Justices before whom it is so returned shall make certificate thereof to the Ministers of the said Franchises who shall take such Felons and seize their lands and tenements into the hands of the Lords of the same Franchises as forfeit but their lands and tenements out of those Franchises shall be seized to the use of the King and other Lords having Franchise there as forfeit saving to the King the forfeitures of such offenders which to him belong in right of his Crown II. Stat. 9 H. 5.7 The Statute of 2 H. 5.5 made against offenders in Tindale and Examshire shall be extended against the like offenders in Ridesdale III. Stat. 11 H. 7.9 The North and South-Tindale and all the lands within the same shall be guildable and parcel of the County of Northumberland and no Franchise shall be there but all the Kings Writs and Officers shall be there obeyed IV. None shall demise any lards for years life or at will there but the Lessor shall before find two sureties having at least 40 s. per annum within the County of Northumberland to be bound by Recognisance in 20 l. to the King to make answer within 8 days warning to all such offences as aforesaid And the Lessor shall forfeit 40 s. for every acre otherwise let to the King and Justices and such Lease shall be void The Justices of Peace also shall inquire of such Recognisances forfeited See the Statute at large ☞ Tithes * I. Stat. pro Clero 7. 18. E. 3. No Scire facias shall be awarded to warn a Clerk to answer for his Tithes before any secular Judge saving to him his right II. Stat. 1. R. 2.14 Where in an Action of goods carried away the Defendant maketh his title for Tithes due to his Church in such case the Plaintiffs general averment shall not be taken without shewing specially how the same were his lay-chattel III. Stat. 5. H 4.11 The Farmers of Aliens shall pay Tithes to the Parsons and Vicars of the Parishes where the lands in farm do lie notwithstanding they be seised into the Kings hands or any prohibition made to the contrary ☞ IV. Stat. 27. H. 8.20 If the Judge of an Ecclesiastical Court make complaint to two Justices of Peace 1. qu. of any contumacie or misdemeanour committed by a Defendant in any suit there depending for Tithes the said Justices shall commit such Defendant to prison there to remain till he shall find sufficient surety to be bound before them by Recognisance or otherwise to give due obedience to the Process Proceedings Decrees and Sentences of the said Court V. This Act shall not extend to any Citizen of London neither shall it restrain any person from having their defence and remedy according to the Ecclesiastical Laws and the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom VI. This Act shall not have longer force then that the King and such 32 persons as he shall appoint shall have established the Ecclesiastical Laws for the Church of England after which time Tithes shall be paid according to those Laws and not otherwise * VII Stat. 28 H. 8.11 The year in which the first-fruits shall be paid to the King shall begin immediately after the avoidance or vacation of the Benefice and the Tithes and other profits of any such Benefice arising during the time of the vacation shall belong to the Presentee or his Executors towards payment of the first-fruits which if any Archbishop Bishop or other hinder him to have he shall forfeit the treble value thereof to be divided betwixt the King and such incumbent Howbeit such Archbishop Bishop Ordinary or other officer shall be allowed the charge of the Cure and of inning Tithes and other profits VIII Here also the incumbent before his death may make and declare his will of the grain sown by him upon the Glebe-lands IX But the successor upon a months warning shall have the Parsonage-house and the Glebe not sowen X. If the fruits of such Spiritual Promotion received be not sufficient to pay the Curate the next incumbent shall do it within 14. days after his induction ☞ XI Stat. 32 H. 8.7 All persons shall duly set forth and pay all Tithes and Offerings according to the custom of the places where they grow due XII If Tithes or Offerings be not so set out and paid the party grieved may convent him that so detains them before the Ecclesiastical Judge who hath power to hear and determine the matter in question ordinarily or summarily according to the Ecclesiastical Laws and to give sentence thereupon accordingly XIII Here if any of the parties appeal the Judge upon such appeal shall adjudge to the other party reasonable costs and compel the Appellant to satisfie them by Process and censures Ecclesiastical taking surety of the other party to whom the costs shall be adjudged to restore the costs in case the principal cause passe against him
Treason or Felony V. To ride armed with men of arms with purpose to kill rob or imprison another untill he hath made fine and ransome shall not be adjudged Treason but Felony or Trespass as hath been heretofore used And if any such attempt hath been heretofore adjudged Treason and thereupon Lands seised into the Kings hands withheld of other Lords they shall be restored to such Lords saving to the King his year and waste VI. Stat. 1 H. 4.10 Treason shall not be adjudged otherwise then as it was ordained by 25 E. 3. VII Stat. 26 H. 8.13 Pars inde Treason committed out of this Realm shall be enquired of in such County and before such persons as the King shall appoint by Commission and upon every Indictment and presentment so found and certified into the Kings Bench like Process and other circumstance shall be there had and made against the offender as if such Treason had been found to have been committed within the Realm Also all Process of Outlawry within the Realm against such offender being resiant out of the Realm at the time of the Outlawry pronounced shall be as good in Law as if such offender had been resident within the Realm at the time of the Process awarded and such Outlawry pronounced VIII Every such offender being lawfully convict by presentment confession verdict or process of Outlawry shall forfeit to the King all such Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which he shall have of any estate of inheritance in use or possession by any Right Title or Means within the Kings Dominions at the time of such Treason committed or after IX The Rights Titles Interests Possessions Leases Rents Offices and other profits of all persons their heirs and successors except of the offenders or others claiming to their use are saved X. Stat. 33 H. 8.20 If any person commit High Treason when he is of perfect memory and after accusation examination and consession thereof before any of the Kings Council shall fall into Lunacy he shall be enquired of in any County where the King by his Commission shall assign and if he be there indicted he shall be there arraigned without his personal presence and if he be found guilty he shall suffer death and forfeit as if he had been of perfect memory But this is altered by 1 2. P. M. 20. which see after XI If any person be attainted of High Treason by the Common Law or Statutes of this Realm such attainder by the Common Law shall be of as good force as if it had been done by Parliament and the King shall have as much benefit thereby viz. of lands tenements hereditaments goods chattells uses rights entries conditions possessions reversions remainders and all other things of such offender and shall be as well adjudged in actual and real possession of all such things of the offender which the King ought lawfully to have or which the offender ought or might lawfully lose or forfeit as if he had been attainted by the Parliament without any Office or Inquisition to be found of the same XII The right c. of all others except of the offenders c. is saved XIII Stat. 35 H. 8.2 All Treasons misprisions of Treason and concealments of Treason committed out of the Realm shall be enquired heard and determined before the Justices of the Kings Bench by lawful men of the County where the Bench shall then sit or before Commissioners in such County as the King shall assign by lawful men of the same County in like manner as if the offence had been committed in the same Shire where it is so enquired heard and determined But here a Peer shall be tryed by his Peers XIV Stat. 1 E. 6.12 All former Statutes which make any offences Treason or petty Treason are repealed save only what is so made by 25 E 3. Stat. 5. cap. 2. and by this Statute XV. It shall be High Treason to affirm by writing printing or Deed that the King is not Supream Head of the Church of England and Ireland or that any other is But this clause is repealed by 1 2. P. M. 8. XVI It shall be High Treason to interrupt any person to whom the Crown is limited by 35 H. 8.1 But this is also expresly repealed by the general words of 1. M. Sess 1. XVII If any compass to depose the King or do affirm that he ought not to be King for the first offence he shall forfeit his goods and suffer imprisonment at the Kings will for the second he shall lose the issues of his lands during life and suffer perpetual imprisonment and for the third shall be guilty of High Treason But so much hereof as concerns Treason petty Treason or misprision of Treason is also repealed by the general words of 1. M. Sess 1. XVIII Stat. 5 6 H. 6.11 It is High Treason to affirm by writing printing painting carving or graving that the King is an Heretick Schismatick Tyrant Infidel or Usurper of the Crown or rebelliously to detain from the King any of his Castles Holds Ships Ordnances Artillery or other Fortifications of War But this part of this Statute is repealed expresly by 1 M. Sess 1. XIX Treason committed out of the Realm shall be enquired of in such County and before such persons as the King shall appoint by Commission and upon every Indictment and Presentment so found and certified into the Kings Bench like process and other circumstances shall be there had and made against the offender as if such Treason had been found to have been committed within the Realm Also all Process of Outlawry within the Realm against such offender being resiant out of the Realm at the time of the Outlawry pronounced shall be as good in Law as if such offender had been resident within the Realm at the time of the Process awarded and such Outlawry pronounced XX. If the party within one year after the Outlawry or Judgment given thereupon yield himself to the Chief Justice of England and offer to traverse the Indictment or Appeal whereupon he was so outlawed he shall be admitted to such traverse and being thereupon acquit shall be discharged of the Outlawry and all forfeitures by reason thereof XXI The offender in Treason being lawfully convict thereof shall forfeit to the King all such lands tenements and hereditaments as he shall have of an Estate of Inheritance in his own right in use or possession in the Kings Dominions at the time of the Treason committed or at any time after XXII Concealment of Treason shall be deemed misprision of Treason But quaere whether this clause be not also repealed by the general words of 1 M. 1. XXIII None shall be attainted of Treason but by the testimony of two lawful accusers who shall be brought in person before the party accused unless he will willingly without violence confess the offence XXIV Here the right of all other is saved XXV The wife shall lose her Dower where the husband is
Commissioners for paving and mending the streets who are enabled to call the Commissioners for Hackney-coaches to accompt for the same VI. All Fines Rents Forfeitures and Penalties due to the Commissioners upon this Act shall be levied by distress by Warrant under the hands and seals of any 5 of the Commissioners and for want of distress by Imprisonment of the persons untill satisfaction Coals I. Stat. 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 2. After the 6th of March 1664. all sorts of Sea-coals brought into the River of Thames and sold shall be sold by the chaldron containing 36 bushells heaped and according to the bushell sealed for that purpose at Guild-hall London and so proportionably II. All other Coals commonly sold by weight after 112 pound to the hundred upon pain of forfeiture of all the Coals otherwise sold or exposed to sale by any Woodmonger or retailer of Coals and the double value thereof to be recovered in any Court of Record or by complaint to the Lord Mayor of London and Justices of the Peace within the City and liberties or any two Justices of the Peace of the several Counties where such Coals shall be exposed to sale who upon due pro of upon oath may convict the offenders and give Warrant under their hands and seals for levying the forfeitures one half to the person complaining the other half for the poor or repairing high-ways within the same parish or any other adjoyning parish by their direction or Warrant III. The said Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London and Justices of Peace in their several Counties or any 3 of them whereof one of the Quorum may set rates or prices upon such Coals to be sold by retail allowing competent clear profit to the retailer IV. If any ingrosser or retailer refuse to sell as aforesaid they may appoint officers or other persons to enter into any Wharf or Place where such Coals are stored and if refused taking a Constable force entrance and sell the said Coals at such rates rendring the money to the ingrosser or retailer necessary charges deducted This Act to continue 3 years next and to the end of the next session of Parliament and no longer V. Provided no person be sued upon any other Act for the same offence and that the general issue may be pleaded by the defendant to any action upon this Act and upon verdict for the def or that the plaintiff be nonsuit to have dammages and double costs VI. Provided that no person having any interest in any Wharf used for receiving or uttering Coals or trading by himself or in any others name in engrossing or selling Coals shall intermeddle in setting the prices thereof Collectors I. Stat. 18 H. 6.5 None appointed to be a Collector of a fifteen in a City or Borough shall be also Collector in the same County unless he may dispend in the County out of such City in lands 5 l per annum above all reprises II. Stat. 14 Car. 2. cap. 18. An Act for relief of Collectors of publick money and their assistants and deputies Commission and Commissioners I. Stat. 42 E. 3.4 Commissions of Inquiries shall be made to the Justices of the one Bench or the other Justices of Assize Justices of Peace with others of the most worthy in the Countrey save in the Office of the Escheatorship II. Stat. 4. H. 4.9 If any be distrained by Writ out of the Exchequer for not returning a Commission which never came to their hands the Chancellor of England calling to him some of the Justices and the chief Baron if need be hath power to give remedy therein III. Stat. 7 H. 4.11 Commissioners not receiving a Commission shall be discharged thereof upon oath IV. The Barons of the Exchequer have power to administer the oath and to discharge them thereupon V. The Barons of the Exchequer and the Justices of either Bench have also power by Dedimus potestatem to receive such oaths in the Country and the Justices shall make certificate thereof into the Exchequer and thereupon also the Barons shall discharge the Commissioners their heirs executors and land-tenants VI. Such oaths are not to be taken but in case of Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and of inquiry and certifying onely Common Pleas. I. Magna Charta 11. 9 H. 3. Common Pleas shall not follow the Court but shall be holden in some place certain II. Artic. super Chart. 4. 28 E. 1. Common Pleas shall not be holden in the Exchequer contrary to the form of the Gre● Charter Common Prayer See Religion Conditions I. Stat. 32 H. 8.34 Grantees of Reversions may take advantage of conditions and covenants against Lessees of the same lands as fully as the Lessors their heirs or successors might have done II. Lessees may also have the like remedy against the grantees of Reversions which they might have had against their lessors or grantors their heirs or successors all advantage of recoveries in value by reason of any warranty in Deed or Law by Voucher or otherwise onely excepted Confirmation I. Marlbr 5. 52 H. 3. The Great Charter and that of the Forest shall be duely observed and inquired of before the Justices in Eyre and the Sheriffs in their Counties and the offenders shall be grievously punished by the King II. Stat. 25 E. 1. cap. 1 2 3 4. The Great Charters are confirmed judgments given against them shall be void they shall be read in all Cathedral Churche●● and Excommunication shall be pronounced against the breakers of them III. Artic. super Chart. 1. 28 E. 1. The Great Charter and that also of the Forest shall be duly observed IV. They shall be read four times in the year in a full County-Court viz. at the Counties after Mich. Christm Easter and St. John Baptist V. There shall be three Knights or other substantial men chosen by the Commonalty in every County to hear plaints concerning the Charters and to determine them without such delay as is used at the Common Law but they shall not in their proceeding prejudice the Common Law or the Charters VI. They shall have their power by the King 's Writ under the Great Seal and the Sheriffs and Bailiffs shall be attendant upon them VII Stat 1 E. 3.1 The Great Charter and that of the Forest shall be duly kept and put in execution See Ann. 45 E. 3. cap. 1. 50 E. 3. cap. 2. and Ann. 1.2 Stat. 2.5.6 Stat. 1. cap. 1.7 cap. 2.8 12 R. 2. cap. 1. also Ann. 13 H. 4. cap. 1. likewise Ann. 4 H. 5. cap. 1. VIII Stat. 10 E. 3.1 All Statutes not repealed shall be kept and put in execution See also 28.36.37 38 E. 3. cap. 1. and 1.2 Stat. 2.35.6 cap. 1.7 cap. 2.8.9 12 R. 2. cap. 1. and 15 R. 2. cap. 1. and 13. 4 H. 5. cap. 1. IX Stat. 42 E. 3. If any Statute be made contrary to Magna Charta or Charta de Foresta it
successours or by any authority derived or pretended to be derived from him or his See against the said King his heirs or successors or any absolution of the said Subjects from their obedience I will bear faith and true allegiance to his Majesty and him and them will defend to the uttermost of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever which shall be made against his or their persons their Crown and dignity by reason or colour of any such Sentence or Declaration or otherwise and will do my best endeavour to disclose and make known unto his Majesty his heirs and successours all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which I shall know or hear of to be against him or any of them And I do further swear that I do from my heart abhor detest and abjure as impious and heretical this damnable Doctrine and Position That Princes which be excommunicated or deprived by the Pope may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever And I do believe and in my conscience am resolved That neither the Pope nor any person whatsoever hath power to absolve me of this Oath or any part thereof which I acknowledg by good and full authority to be lawfully ministred unto me and do renounce all pardons and dispensations to the contrary And all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear according to the express words by me spoken and according to the plain and common sense and understanding of the same words without any equivocation or mental evasion or secret reservation whatsoever And I do make this recognition and acknowledgment heartily willingly and truly upon the true faith of a Christian So God me help CIX Unto this Oath the party taking it shall subscribe his name or mark CX No Indictment against a Recusant shall be reversed for lack of form other then by direct traverse to the point of not coming to Church or not receiving the Sacrament as aforesaid CXI The party conforming himself shall from thenceforth be admitted to discharge or reverse an Indictment CXII None shall go out of this Realm to serve any forein Prince or State without first taking the Oath aforesaid in pain to be adjudged a felon And if he have born office amongst Souldiers before his departure out of the Realm he shall enter into Bond unto the King's use with the Condition following upon like pain of being adjudged a felon The Condition is this CXIII That if the within bounden c. shall not any time then after be reconciled to the Pope or See of Rome nor shall enter into nor consent unto any practice plot or conspiracy whatsoever against the King's Majesty his heirs and successors or any his or their estate or estates Realms or Dominions but shall within convenient time after knowledge thereof had reveal and disclose to the King's Majesty his heirs and successors or some of the Lords of his or their honorable privy Council all such practices plots and conspiracies That then the said Obligation to be void CXIV None but the Customer and Controller of a Port or their deputies shall have power to take such bond or to minister the Oath in such case for which bond they shall onely take 6 d. and nothing for the Oath and shall once every year certifie into the Exchequer every such bond in pain of 5 l. and every such oath in pain of 20 s. CXV To absolve or withdraw any of the King's Subjects from their natural obedience to his Majesty to reconcile them to the Pope or See of Rome or to move them to promise obedience to any pretended authority of the See of Rome or to any other Prince or State or to be absolved withdrawn reconciled or to make promise as aforesaid shall be adjudged High Treason CXVI This last clause shall not extend to any reconciled as aforesaid for and touching the point of so being reconciled onely that shall return into this Realm and within six days after before the Bishop of the Diocess or two Justices of Peace jointly or severally of the County where he shall arrive submit himself to the King and his Laws and take the Oath of Supremacy and also the Oath abovesaid which said Oaths the said Bishop and Justices respectively shall by this Act have power to minister to such persons and shall certifie them in at the next General Sessions in pain of 40 l. CXVII Here the trial of Treason shall be before Justices of Assize and Gaol-delivery of that County for the time being and may also be before the Justices of the King's Bench but Peers in this case shall be tried by their Peers CXVIII If any person repaireth not every Sunday to some Church or Chappel proof thereof being made to a Justice of Peace by the partie 's own confession or the evidence of one witness the same Justice hath power to call the party before him and if the party give not the Justice a good reason of his absence the Justice may give warrant to the Church-wardens of the Parish under his hand and seal to levy 12 d. for every such default by distress and sale of goods and in default of distress the Justice may commit the offender to prison until he pay the forfeiture aforesaid which shall be imployed for the use of the poor but this offence must be prosecuted within one moneth after it is committed and none punished by this Law shall also be punished by the forfeiture of 12 d. upon the Stat. of 1 Eliz. 2. Which see in Sacrament CXIX None shall keep or retain any person in their house servant or other which shall forbear to come to Church by the space of a moneth together in pain to forfeit 10 l. for every moneth they so keep them Howbeit children may relieve their father or mother and Guardians their Wards or Pupils CXX The Sheriff upon a lawful Writ may justifie to break an house for the taking of a Recusant excommunicate CXXI The Justices of the King's Bench and Justices of Assize and Gaol-delivery may hear and determine all the offences committed against this Act and so may Justices of Peace all save Treason CXXII The offences made felony by this Act shall not cause loss of Dower corruption of bloud or disherison of heirs CXXIII Here if an Action shall be brought against an Officer for the execution of this Act he may plead the general issue and yet give special matter in evidence CXXIV This Act shall not abbridge the jurisdiction of Ecclesiastical censures CXXV None shall be punished for his wife's offence neither shall any married woman be chargeable with any penalty or forfeiture by force of this Act. CXXVI Six of the Privy Council whereof the Lord Chancellor Lord Treasurer or Principal Secretary shall be one have power to minister the Oaths abovesaid to noble men being 18 years old and to noble women also of the like age and unmarried who shall take the same Oaths accordingly in
runneth not it shall be directed to the Sheriff of the County next adjoyning thereunto VIII By this Writ the Sheriff shall make three Proclamations at three several days viz. twice in full County and once at the general Sessions that the defendant shall yield himself unto him and it shall have the same day of return with the Exigent IX This Writ shall be delivered of record to the Sheriff or his Deputy who shall duly execute the same in pain of amerciament and the officer that makes the Exigent shall also make the writ of Proclamation for which his fee is 6 d. X. All outlawries otherwise obtained are null and may be voided by averment without suing of any writ of errour XI Stat. 1 E. 6.10 The Statute of 6 H. 8.4 shall be observed in Wales and in the County and City of Chester as well as in other parts of the Realm of England XII The Sheriff of Wales and of Cheshire and Chester shall have Deputies in the King's Bench and Common Place as other Sheriffs have and upon like penalties XIII All processes against any outlawed person in Wales shall be directed to the Sheriffs in Wales as immediate officers to the King's Bench and Common Pleas and may be delivered of Record to their said Deputies in Court and shall be duly executed and returned by those Sheriffs upon the pain above limited who shall also for a false or non-return forfeit 5 l. to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor XIV This Act shall not infringe any franchises and liberties in Wales otherwise then by the true meaning thereof is provided Nor yet of any Lord Marcher there but that they and their heirs may injoy the same liberties as before XV. Stat. 5 6 E. 6.26 The like Statute is made for the County Palatine of Lancaster save onely that all processes against any outlawed person there shall be first directed to the Chancellor of that Dutchey who shall thereupon make like writs and processes to be sealed with that seal and directed to the Sheriff of that County Palatine as heretofore hath been used XVI Stat. 31 El. 3. In every action personal where an exigent shall be awarded a writ of proclamation shall be also awarded and issue out of the same Court of the same teste and return with the exigent and shall be delivered of Record and directed to the Sheriff of the County where the defendant at the time of the exigent was dwelling and shall contain the effect of the same Action XVII The Sheriff shall thereupon make three Proclamations viz. one in a full County another at the Sessions and the last one moneth at least before Quinto exact by vertue of the said exigent at or near the Church or Chappel-door of the Parish where the defendant was dwelling at the time of awarding the same exigent upon a Sunday after Divine service and Sermon or in case there be no Sermon after Divine service And if he dwell in no Parish then in the Parish next adjoyning his place of abode and all outlawries otherwise had shall be void XVIII The officer for making the exigent and Proclamations may take such fees for the same as are limited by the Statute of 6 H. 8.4 and the Sheriff for making the Proclamation at the Church-door shall have 12 d. XIX In real actions after summons upon the land 14 days at least before the return thereof Proclamation of the summons shall be made upon a Sunday in form aforesaid in the Parish where the land lies which Proclamation shall be returned with the name of the summoners XX. If the summons be not so proclaimed no Grand cape shall be awarded but an Alias and Pluries summons until a summons and Proclamation be duly made according to this Act. XXI Before allowance of a writ of errour or reversing of an outlawry by plea or otherwise the defendant in the original action shall put in bail to appear and answer the Plaintiff and also to satisfie the condemnation if the Plaintiff begin his suit before the end of two terms next after the allowance of the said writ or avoiding the Outlawry ☞ Extortion * I. West 1 26. 3 E. 1. No Sheriff or other Officer of the King shall take any reward to do his office but shall be paid by the King and if they do so he shall render the double and be punished at the King's will II. West 1.27 3 E. 1. Clerks shall not commit extortion in pain to lose the service of their Master for one year III. West 1.29 3 E. 1. Officers Cryers of fee and Marshals of Justices in Eyre shall not commit Extortion in pain to render the treble and to be otherwise punished at the King's will IV. Stat. 28 H. 6.5 Merchants being distrained or arrested by Officers of the Custom for undue charges and impositions may have their general actions of trespass against such offenders and shall in that case recover 40 l. dammages if they pursue their actions within two moneths V. If they pursue them not within that time any other may do it by Action of Trespass also wherein they shall also recover 40 l. dammages to be divided betwixt the King and such prosecutor Fairs and Markets I. THe Statute of Winchester cap. 6. 13 E. 1. Fairs and Markets shall not be kept in Church-yards II. Stat. 2 E. 3.15 No person shall keep a Fair longer then he ought to do in pain to have it seized into the King's hand until he have made fine for so doing III. Every Lord at the beginning of his Fair shall cry and publish how long it shall indure in pain to be grievously punished IV. Stat. 5 E. 3.5 Merchants after the Fair ended shall close their shops and sell no ware then after in pain to forfeit to the King the double value of the ware so sold whereof the prosecutor shall have a fourth part V. Stat. 27 H. 6.5 Fairs and Markets shall not be kept upon Ascention day Corpus Christi Whitsunday Trinity-sunday the Assumption of the Virgin Mary All-saints Good-friday nor any Sundays the four Sundays in Harvest onely excepted in pain to forfeit the wares so shewed to the Lord of the Franchise there VI. Howbeit they may be kept within 3 days next before or after the said days Proclamation thereof being made before-hand which is to be certified without fine or fee to the King And such as have by special grant sufficient days before or after the said Feast may keep them their full number VII Stat. 17 E. 4.2 No Steward of a Pipowder's Court shall hold plea upon any Action unless the Plaintiff or his Attorney in the presence of the defendant do first swear that the matter of the Declaration was done within the jurisdiction and time of the Fair. And yet the defendant may nevertheless profer an issue against such oath and if it be tried or the Plaintiff or his Attorney refuse to swear the defendant shall be discharged VIII If any
the one and the other shall incur the pains ordained by the former Statutes VI. Stat. 14 R. 2.8 None shall be molested for not gauging of Renish wines nor incur any forfeiture for the same otherwise then hath been used of old time * VII Stat. 18 H. 6.17 All Tuns Pipes Tertians and Hogs-heads of Wine and Oyl to be sold within the Realm shall be lawfully gauged by the King 's Gauger or his deputy before they be sold in pain to forfeit to the King the Wine Oyl and Honey otherwise sold or the value thereof VIII If any sell any such vessel wanting the due measure he shall abate so much of the price as it wants of measure in pain to forfeit to the King the value of such Wine Oyl or Honey otherwise sold IX The Informer who will discover such forfeitures to the Lord Treasurer or Barons of the Exchequer shall receive half thereof for his labor * X. Stat. 23 H. 6.16 The Gauge-peny shall not be paid to the Gauger or any other in his name before he or his Deputies have gauged the Wines and then he may take it and no more XI He or his deputy shall upon request be ready to do their office and this Act is to be observed throughout the Realm upon the pain comprized in the Statute of 27 E. 3.8 * XII Stat. 31 E. 8. No Brewer shall sell or put to sale in London the suburbs or within 2 miles compass of the Suburbs any Beer or Ale in Buts Pipes Punchions Hogs-heads Tiercies or such other uessel brought from beyond Sea and never lawfully gauged within this Realm before the same be lawfully gauged and the true content thereof set down thereupon by the Gallon appointed for Beer and Ale according to the Standard by the Master and Wardens of the Coopers of the City of London or their Deputies neither shall any Brewer sell or put to sale any Beer or Ale in such vessel elsewhere in England or Wales before the same be lawfully gauged and the true content thereof set thereupon by such as by the Statute of the 23 H. 8.4 which see in Coopers are to have the Gauging of Barrels Kilderkins and Firkins elsewhere in England and Wales in pain to forfeit every such vessel and also the Beer and Ale therein to him that will seize the same and besides 10 s. for every such vessel all which forfeitures are to be divided betwixt the Queen and the prosecutor XIII The fees of the Gauger shall be for every But or Pipe a penny for every Punchion Hogs-head of Tierce an half-penny and for every other vessel after the like rate XIV This Act shall extend to Denizons as well as to strangers and the Gauger may retain the vessel until he be paid his fee. XV. The Master and Wardens of the Coopers in London or their Deputies or Deputy within 48 hours after request to them made shall come to any person in London or the Precinct aforesaid and shall gauge and mark his vessel in pain of forfeiting to him that makes such request 20 s. to be recovered by action of debt c. XVI This Act shall not extend to punish the Brewer that shall fill vessels which are imported and after they are so filled are immediately to be exported to be sent elsewhere out of this Realm Gigmills I. Stat. 5 6 E. 6.22 None shall use any Gigmill for the working of any wollen Cloth in pain to forfeit for every Cloth so used 5 l. to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor ☞ Gold silver and Gold-smiths * I. Artic. sup Cart. Cap. 20. 28 E. 1. None shall make or cause to be made any Vessel Jewel or other thing of Gold or Silver except it be of good and true alloy viz. gold of a certain touch and silver of the sterling alloy or better and none shall work worse silver then money II. No vessel of silver shall depart out of the worker's hand until it be assayed by the Wardens of the craft and marked with the Leopards head neither any work worse gold then of the touch of Paris and the said Wardens shall go from Shop to Shop to assay gold whether it have the right touch and if any other be found it shall be forfeit to the King III. None shall make rings crosses or locks nor set any stone in gold unless it be natural And Gravers of stones and seals shall give to each their weight of Silver and Gold as near as they can IV. The Jewels of base Gold which they have they shall utter as soon as they can and if they buy any such work hereafter they may buy it to work upon but must not sell it V. The Gold-smiths of all other places in England shal be governed by this law and one shall come from each Town to London to be assertained of their touch VI. If any Gold-smith offend against this Law he shall suffer imprisonment and be ransomed at the King's will VII This Act shall not impeach the King's prerogative VIII Stat. 27 E. 3.14 All Merchants Denizons and strangers may import plate of Silver and billets of Gold and all other Gold and Silver to the Kings Bullion or his Exchanges taking their Gold or Silver equal to the value And any man take forreign coin without impeachment yet he may refuse it if he please IX No coin shall be currant in the King's Dominions but his own neither shall any export Gold sterling or other money save onely that which is new except Merchants strangers who importing money will imploy the same within this Realm in which case they may export without impeachment so much as they import or so much thereof as shall not be so imployed Howbeit lawful search thereof ought to be made in the Port where they arive and the money so imported must be put in writing by the searchers to the end they may not export more then they import but here no Officer by colour of such search shall unduly vex the Merchant stranger X. All false money shall be forfeited to the King * XI Stat. 7. E. 37. Every Gold-smith shall make his work of Silver lawfully of the Alloy of good sterling and shall have a proper mark by himself made known to such as shall be assigned by the King to survey his work or alloy XII The Gold-smith shall not set his mark thereunto until the surveyors have made their essay as shall be ordained by the King and his Council And when the essay is made the surveyors shall set to the King's mark and after the Gold-smith his mark XIII No Gold-smith shall take for vessel white and full for the weight of a pound viz. of the price of two marks of Paris weight but 18 pence as they do at Paris XIV If the Gold-smith be found in default he shall forfeit his false metal to the King * XV. Stat. 5 H. 4.13 None shall gild any Rings or other things made of Copper or Lattin save
money shall be collected half-yearly within 6 days after the same shall grow due and acquittances shall be given by the Officers collecting it which shall be good discharges for the same and distress and sale of the goods of the party in case of non-payment rendring the overplus after the duty paid and necessary charges for levying it XIII Constables and other such officers shall pay in the money collected within 20 days to the High-Constables of the several hundreds and limits and shall have 2 d. in the pound for collecting the same and shall deliver in writing to the High-Constables the names of such persons as have paid and such as have not paid the same XIV The High Constables shall pay the moneys by them received within 10 days unto the High-Sheriffs deducting one penny in the pound for their pains and deliver the several returns which they received from the Constables aforesaid and the Sheriffs shall return the moneys received and the names of the defaulters into the Exchequer deducting 4 d. in the pound 3 d. whereof to the Sheriff for his pains and 1 d. to the Clark of the Peace which the said Clerk may recover by Action of debt XV. Proviso making the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex Surrey for that Burrough of Southwark and all other Sheriffs of Cities and Towns being Counties Collectors within their limits and the Constables and other Officers to deliver duplicates to the said Sheriffs and they enabled to levy the said moneys and give acquittances without fees and within 40 days to pay the same into the Exchequer with the names of defaulters where no distress is found deducting as to other Sheriffs and Clarks of Peace and the Officers of the Exchequer shall discharge persons paying without fees and issue and process against such as fail of payment where no distress can be found XVI This Revenue shall be duely answered into the Exchequer and shall not be lyable to or charged with any gift or grant and any Non obstante to the contrary shall be void and the grantee an accomptant to the King and the Court of Exchequer injoyned to issue out process accordingly XVII If any Action be brought against any persons for execution of any thing within this Act they may plead the general issue and upon Non-suit discontinuance or verdict against the Plaintiff the Defendant shall recover treble Costs XVIII Increase and decrease of Hearths and Stoves shall in like manner be accounted and returned by duplicates in writing into the Exchequer and there discharged upon decrease without farther pleading XIX No prosecution for any arrearages of this duty unless suit be commenced within 2 years after they become due XX. Proviso that no person who by reason of poverty is exempted from usual taxes be charged with any duties in this Act. XXI Proviso for exempting from payment all houses under 20 s. value per annum upon certificate by the Minister and Overseers of the poor to the 2 next Justices of the Peace XXII Proviso That none shall accept or procure any gift pension or grant from the King of this Revenue upon penalty to forfeit double the value thereof one moiety to be to the use of the poor to be recovered by the Church-wardens of the Parish the other Moiety to him that will sue for the same XXIII Proviso not to charge Blowing houses Stamps Furnaces Kilns private ovens nor Hospitals or Almeshouses not having 100 l. per annum of endowment XXIV The occupier of the Hearth for the time being shall be charged his Executors and Administrators and not the Landlord XXV No person indebted to the King for any the said duties shall be priviledged as a debtor to sue in the Exchequer or assign to the King any such debt XXVI Stat. 12 Car. 2. ca. 23. Certain Impositions upon Beer Ale and other liquors for the increase of the King's revenue during his Life See the Statute at large XXVII The same setled upon the King his heirs and successors for ever Stat. 12 Car. 2. ca. 24. XXVIII Stat. 15 Car. 2. ca. 14. Every inhabitant occupier of any house lodging c. shall upon notice after next Mich. Sessions give a true accompt in writing under his hand to the Constable of all the Hearths and Stoves in such house c. who shall with 2 other inhabitants of the Parish in the day time enter into such house and upon his own view compare and see if the same be truly made and indorse the said Account to what he finds upon his view and return the same to the High Constable together with a book or roll fairly written with 2 Colums one containing the names of the persons and number of hearths and stoves chargeable by the said Act the other the names of the persons and number of Hearths and Stoves not chargeable which being received and compared shall within 6 days be transmitted to the 2 next Justices of the Peace who are impowred to examine the said High-Constables and other Officers concerning the truth and faithfulness of their actings in the premisses which being done the said Justices are within 10 days to transmit the same to the Clark of the Peace who within 20 days is to engross the same to be kept in the County and within 2 moneths to engross and return duplicates signed by himself and 2 Justices of the Peace into the Exchequer XXIX Penalty for omitting to return every Hearth upon the occupier 40 s. XXX Constables and Officers neglecting their duty shall forfeit 5 l. XXXI High Constables neglecting to perform their duties 10 l. XXXII Constables and Officers changing or leaving their offices for that year are notwithstanding enabled and required to perform the duties in relation to the premisses and for every day they shall neglect to gather the moneys due shall forfeit 20 s. and such as shall gather and distrain for the same may call to their assistance any 2 sufficient Inhabitants XXXIII Sheriffs may appoint Deputies under the Seal of their Offices or their own hand and seals for collecting the said duties XXXIV Provided the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer may give further allowance to the Clarks of the Peace for their pains in engrossing and returning duplicates into the Exchequer XXXV Stat. 16 Car. 2. ca. 3. Reciting the said defects in the former Acts. Enacted that the King his heirs and successors may make officers for receiving and collecting the duties upon Fire-hearths and Stoves by the former Acts and for viewing and numbring the same and for inspecting and examining the several Rolls Certificates and Returns made and to be made into the Exchequer in pursuance of the said Acts or any other thing belonging to the same which Officers accompanied with the Constable or Tything-man Treasurer or under-Treasurer or other publick or proper Officers of the Place who are required to attend upon this occasion in all Parishes and places where there are no Constables Tithing-men or other publick Officer
ever after taken as a man infamous and not to be credited ☞ II. Justices of Assize Justices of Peace Mayors Bayliffs and Stewards in Sessions Leets and Courts have power to hear and determine these offences But quaere whether this branch of this Statute be not repealed by the general words of 5 El. 4 following * III. Stat. 5 El. 4. So much of all Statutes made and every branch thereof as touch or concern the hiring keeping departing working wages or order of Servants Workmen Artificers Apprentices and Labourers or any of them and the penalties and forfeitures concerning the same are repealed Howbeit the said Statutes and every branch and matter therein contained not repealed by this Act shall remain in force IV. None shall hire or be hired for less then one whole year in the Arts of Clothier Woollen Weaver Tucker Fuller Clothworker Sheer-man Dier Hosier Taylor Shoo-maker Tanner Pewterer Baker Brewer Glover Cutler Smith Farrier Currier Sadler Spurrier Turner Capper Hat or Felt-maker Fletcher Arrowhead-maker Butcher Cook Miller ☞ V. Every person unmarried or under the age of 30 years though married having been brought up in any of the Arts above-said by the space of 3 years and not worth in lands 40 s. per annum or in goods 10 l. and so allowed under the hands and seals of 2 Justices of Peace the Head-officer or two discreet Burgesses of the Place where the party so brought up hath lived by the space of one whole year not already retained in Husbandry the Arts abovesaid or any other Art or Mystery or in any service upon requests of any person using the same Art shall not refuse to serve for the wages limited by the Statute and being so retained shall not depart from his or their service without one Quarter's warning before 2 lawful witnesses or some lawful cause to be proved before one Justice of Peace or Head-officer in pain of imprisonment without bail but upon submission to perform the service they shall be inlarged without fees which commitment and inlargement two Justices of Peace the Head-officer or 2 Burgesses as aforesaid unto whom complaint shall be made have power to command as in their disretions and upon due proof shall be thought fit VI. Every person between the ages of 12 and 60 not already retained in any service nor imployed about Husbandry Mines Glass Coal Fishing Sailing provision of Grain or Meal for London nor Gentleman born nor Scholar in any University or School nor worth 40 s. per annum in lands or 10 l. in goods not having a Father Mother or other Ancestor whose heir he is worth 10 l. per annum in lands or 40 l. in goods shall be compelled to serve in Husbandry and shall not depart that service otherwise then as is before limited upon pain above expressed VII None shall put away his servant before the end of his term without a Quarters warning or some lawful cause to be proved by 2 sufficient witnesses before the Justices of Oyer and Terminer Justices of Assize Justices of Peace in Sessions a Head-officer or 2 discreet Alder-men or Burgesses in pain of 40 s. VIII No servant having served in one City or Town shall get to serve in another without a Testimonial viz. in a Town Corporate under the Seals of the Town and 2 housholders there and in the Country under the Seals of the Constable or Constables and 2 housholders there which testimonial shall be made and delivered to the party and also registred by the Minister of the place where the servant dwelt for which the Master is to have 2 d. IX The form of the testimonial is this Memorandum that A.B. servant to C.D. of I. in the County of E. Husbandman or Taylor c. in the said County is licensed to depart from his said Master and is at his liberty to serve elsewhere according to the Statute in that case made and provided In witness c. X. The servant which sheweth not such a Testimonial to the chief Officer in a Corporation or to the Minister or some Officer in any other place where he is to dwell shall suffer imprisonment till he procure one and if he produce not one within 21 days after his Imprisonment or shew a false one he shall be punished by whipping as a vagabond and the Master that retains a servant without such a Testimonial shall forfeit 5 l. XI Those that work by the day or week shall continue at work betwixt the middle of March and the middle of September from 5 in the morning till betwixt 7 and 8 at night except two hours allowed for breakfast dinner and drinking and half an hour for sleeping from the midst of May to the middle of August and all the rest of the year from twilight to twilight except an hour and an half allowed for breakfast and dinner in pain to have one penny defaulked out of their wages for every hours absence XII None that takes work by great shall leave the same before it be quite finished except for not payment of his wages the Queen's service licence of the Work-master or other lawful cause in pain to suffer one moneths imprisonment without bail and to forfeit 5 l. to the party grieved besides his costs and dammages to be recovered at the common Law for the loss sustained XIII None retained in service to work shall depart without licence in pain of one moneth 's imprisonment XIV Such wages of Labourers Artificers and others as have been formerly rated or concern husbandry shall be yearly assessed for the County by the Sheriff and Justices of Peace in Sessions and in Corporations by the Head-officer at their Easter-Sessions or within 6 weeks after and before the 12 of July following shall be certified under their hands and seals in the Chancery whereupon the Lord Chancellor or Keeper shall send down printed Proclamations thereof into every Country and Corporation before the first of Septemb. then next following which the said Sheriffs Justices and Head-officer shall before Michaelmas after cause to be inrolled and proclaimed But here when the old rates shall be certified to stand no Proclamation is needful XV. A Justice of Peace or chief Officer which shall be absent at the taxing of wages being not letted by sickness or some other reasonable cause to be allowed by the Justices upon Affidavit shall forfeit 10 l. XVI None shall give greater wages then those so rated as aforesaid in pain of 5 l. and 10 days imprisonment without bail and if any person shall be convicted before two Justices of Peace or a Head-officer of taking more wages he shall suffer 21 days imprisonment without bail XVII Every retainer promise gift or payment of wages or other thing contrary to the true meaning of this Act and every writing and bond to be made for that purpose shall be void XVIII If any servant or other shall be convicted before 2 Justices of Peace or a chief Officer as aforesaid by
for the Justice of Peace or Head-officers there being Justices of Peace to direct a Capias to the Sheriff or other chief Officer for his apprehension and being taken the said Justice of Peace or Head-officer shall commit him to ward until he give good security that he will honestly serve out his time XLIII Notwithstanding this Act High-Constables have power to keep their Statute-Sessions so that they there do nothing repugnant thereunto ☞ XLIV Stat. 1 Jac. 6. The Statute of 5 El. 4. shall give power to the Justices of Peace to rate the wages of any Labourers Weavers Spinsters and Work-men or Work-women whatsoever XLV The rating of such wages in Sessions by the more part of the Justices within any particular Riding or Division where general Sessions have been used severally to be kept shall be as effectual as those rated at the general Sessions of the whole County XLVI The Sheriffs and Head-officers within their several precincts shall cause the said rates to be proclaimed in such sort as if they had been sent down printed from the Lord Keeper which all persons shall be bound to observe upon the pains and penalties mentioned in the said Statute of 5 El. 4. XLVII A Clothier or other convicted before the Justices of Assize or Peace in Sessions or before 2 Justices of Peace 1 Qu. by his own confession or the evidence of 2 witnesses not to have observed the said rates by paying less then in the rates so appointed shall forfeit 10 s. to the party grieved to be levied upon warrant from the same Justices by distress and sale of the goods XLVIII None shall incur any danger for not making certificate of the Rates into the Chancery according to 5 El. 4. XLIX A Clothier being also a Justice of Peace shall not be a rater of wages for any Artificer that depend upon making of Cloth Lancaster I. Stat. 33 H. 6.2 An Indictment found in Lancashire against a foreigner dwelling in another County shall be void unless each Juror had Lands and Tenements there of the yearly value of 5 l. II. The like Law is of an Indictment found in another County and not in Lancashire against an Inhabitant of Lancashire where each Juror hath not Lands and Tenements worth 5 pounds per annum III. Stat. 37 H. 8.16 Lands annexed to the Dutchy of Lancaster and there exchanged by the King with others for the inlargement and conveniency of the said Dutchy See the Statute at large IV. Stat. 2. 3 P. M. 20. A farther enlargement of the said Dutchy See the Statute V. Stat. 16 and 17 Car. 2. cap. 9. An Act impowring the Chancellor of the Dutchy to grant Commissions for taking Affidavits within the Dutchy Liberty to be filed and made use of at hearings in the Court of Dutchy-Chamber 12 d. onely to be paid for taking the same Leases I. Stat. 32 H. 8.28 Leases made by Tenant in tail or by him who is seized in the right of his wife or Church they being of full age at the time of such Lease made shall be good and effectual in the Law against the Lessors their wives heirs and successors II. The Statute shall not extend to any lease to be made of lands in the hands of any Farmer by force of any old lease unless such old lease expired within a year after the making of the new nor to any grant to be made of any Reversion of Mannors Lands c. nor to any lease of such Mannor Lands c. which have not been let to farm or occupied by Farmers 20 years before such lease made nor to any lease to be made without impeachment of waste nor to any lease to be made for above 21 years or three lives from the day of the making thereof and that upon every such lease there be reserved so much yearly rent as hath been usually paid for the lands so let within 20 years next before such lease made and the Reversioners of the Mannors Lands c. so let after the death of such lessor or his heirs may have such remedy against such lessee his executor and assigns as such lessor might have had against such lessee III. Provided that all leases made by the husband of Mannors Lands c. being the inheritance of the wife shall be made by indenture in the name of the husband and wife and she to seal to the same and the rent shall be reserved to the husband and wife the heirs of the wife and here the husband shall not alien or discharge the rent or any part thereof longer then during the coverture unless it be by fine levied by husband and wife IV. This Act shall not extend to give liberty to take more Farms or Leases then might have been taken before this Act Vide Stat. 25 H. 8.13 Sheep nor to any Parson or Vicar to make any lease otherwise then they might have done before V. All leases for years made within 3 years before the 12 of April in 31 H. 8. by writing indented under seal by any person or persons of full age sane memory not unlawfully coarcted nor covert Baron of any Mannors Lands c. wherein he or they have an estate of Inheritance to his or their own use at the time of the making thereof and whereof the lessee or lessees or their assignes have now the possession by force of such lease or leases and no cause of re-entry or forfeiture thereof had or made shall be good in law against such lessors their heirs and successors so as so much yearly rent be reserved for the same as was paid for the same within 20 years next before the making of such Lease or Leases or else such Lease or Leases to be of no other force then they were before the making of this Act. VI. No fine Feofment or other Act done by the husband onely of the inheritance of Free-hold of the wife shall make any discontinuance or prejudice the wife or any other who is to injoy it after her decease the fines levied by the husband and wife onely excepted VII This Act shall not give liberty to the wife or her heirs to avoid any Lease hereafter to be made of the wife's Inheritance by the husband and wife for 21 years or under or three lives whereupon the accustomable yearly rent for 20 years before is reserved according to the tenor of this Act. VIII This Act shall not extend to make good any Lease made by any Ecclesiastical person which are made void by authority of Parl. or by any such person or other now attainted of treason IX Stat. 1 Eliz. not printed All estates made by any Arch-bishop or Bishop of any Mannors Lands c. parcel of the Possessions of their Bishoprick or united or appertaining thereunto to any person or persons body politick or corporate other then to the Queen her heirs and successors and other then for the term of 21 years and 3 lives from the time of such estate made and
commodities without having them taken from them against their will upon any colour whatsoever XV. If any Officer or other offend against this Law he shall be arrested by the Head-Officer of the place if it be out of the Staple and if within the Staple then by the Major and Ministers of the Staple and shall be speedily proceeded against according to the Staple Law and not at the Common Law and being attainted thereof shall answer double damages to the party grieved and as much to the King XVI All Commissions made or to be made to take such prices of Merchants shall be void XVII Stat. 27 E. 3. Stat 2.3 All Merchants may buy Merchandise of the Staple so as they bring them to the Staple XVIII It shall be felony for an English Welsh or Irish man to transport Wool Leather Woolfels or Lead XIX No English VVelsh or Irish man shall transport Wool Leather Woolfels or Lead in a strangers name or keep a servant beyond Sea to survey the sale thereof or to receive mony there for the same XX. There shall be no Exchange of wares for Merchandize of the Staple but payment in gold silver or English VVelsh or Irish merchandize neither shall any Merchants make any confederacy in fraud or deceit of this Ordinance and all this upon the pains aforesaid XXI Every man may carry his own Wooll Leather Woolfels and Lead to the Staple to sell them there howbeit he shall then warrant the packing of his wools XXII Stat. 27 E. 3. Stat. 2.11 All Merchants may freely sell their merchandize at the Staple by gross or by retail without challenge or impeachment but it shall be felony to forestal buy or give earnest for any merchandize before they come to the Staple or Port or to enter the Ship for that purpose XXIII Stat. 27 E. 3. Stat. 2.13 If a Merchant lose his goods at Sea by Piracy or Tempest not being wreck and they afterwards come to land if he can make proof that they are his goods they shall be restored to him in places guildable by the King's Officers and 6 men of the Country and in other places by the Lords there or their Officers and 6 men of the Country XXIV Stat. 27 E. 3. Stat. 2.17 No Merchant shall be impleaded for another's trespass and debt whereof he is not debtor pledg nor main pernor Howbeit if any of this Realm indammaged by forein Lords or their subjects have not right done them Letters of Mart shall be granted to repair them XXV If any difference arise betwixt the King and any other forein Lord who hath Merchants here his subjects those Merchants shall have by Proclamation fourty dayes given them to depart and if for some just cause they cannot go so soon they shall have longer time given them until they may conveniently depart and shall in the mean time sell their Merchandize if they can XXVI Stat. 27 E. 3. Stat. 2.26 Merchant-Strangers upon letters of credence or their oath shall be believed concerning the content of their merchandize and shall pay 3 d. per libr. according to the content so testified and their goods shall be thereupon immediately delivered unto them without unsealing or opening them according to the Charter granted them by E. 1. and confirmed by this King and all this in pain that the Officer herein offending shall suffer imprisonment pay quadruple dammages to the party grieved and as much to the King And here the remedy shall be in Chancery XXVII Stat. 38 E. 1.2 Any Merchant may use more merchandize then one notwithstanding the Statute of 37 E. 3.5 and may buy sell and transport all kind of Merchandize paying the customs and subsidies due for the same wool and woolfels only excepted XXVIII Stat. 2 R. 2.1 Merchant strangers not enemies may buy and sell all things vendible within the Realm in gross or by retail except wines and great wares as cloth of gold and silver silk sandal napery cloth canvas and the like which are to be sold in gross or by whole pieces in pain of forfeiture thereof XXIX Here the priviledges of Prelates and Lords for purveyances and the things provided for by the Statute of the Staple of Calais are saved XXX Merchants may buy and sell in Fairs and Markets in gross or by retail notwithstanding this Statute XXXI Disturbers of Merchants against this Act being thereof attainted shall render double dammages suffer a years imprisonment and to be ransomed at the King's will XXXII If right be not done to the party grieved in a Frainchise it shall be seised into the King's hands if out of a Franchise the Lord or his Officer shall render to the party grieved double dammages XXXIII The Chancellor Treasurer Justices assigned to hold pleas and Justices assigned by special Commission shall hear and determine these offences XXXIV Stat. 5 R. 2. Stat. 2.1 Merchant strangers may come into this Realm continue here and depart at their pleasure without disturbance or impeachment of any and shall be friendly entertained and intreated of all XXXV Stat. 11 R. 2.7 The Statutes of 9 E. 3.1 and 25 E. 3. Stat. 4.2 are confirmed notwithstanding any Charter Proclamation Custom c. to the contrary XXXVI Stat. 14 R. 1.9 Merchants strangers shall be courteously intreated to the end they may be thereby the rather incouraged to come into this XXXVII Stat. 16 R. 2.1 No Merchant-stranger shall buy or sell within the Realm with another Merchant stranger to sell again nor shall sell any Merchandize by retail but victuals only wine he shall sell by whole vessels XXXVIII The Statutes of 9 E. 3.1 25 E. 3. Stat. 4.2 11 R. 2.7 are confirmed XXXIX Stat. 20 R. 2.4 The Statute of 28 E. 31. which see in Staple is confirmed notwithstanding any Ordinance or usage to the contrary XL. Stat. 4 H. 4.15 Merchants shall not export the money which they receive for Merchandize imported but shall bestow it upon merchandize of this Realm their reasonable costs excepted XLI Stat. 5 H. 4.7 Merchant-Strangers shall be used in this Realm as merchants Denizons be in other Countrys in pain that such Merchant-Strangers shall forfeit their goods and suffer imprisonment XLII Stat. 5 H. 4.9 Merchant-strangers shall give security to the King's Customers and Controllers to employ their money upon the Commodities of this Realm their reasonable costs excepted XLIII The Statute of 4 H. 15. is confirmed XLIV Merchant-strangers shall sell their Commodities within a quarter of a year next after their arrival and imploy the money received by exchange upon Commodities of this Realm in pain to forfeit the same money XLV No Merchant-stranger shall sell any Merchandize to another Merchant stranger in pain to forfeit the same XLVI The head-officer or officers of the Port where a Merchant-stranger shall arrive shall assign him an Host with whom he shall reside and the Host shall take for his pains as hath been accustomed XLVII Stat. 6 H. 4.4 The clause of the Statute of
2. 31 E. 1. Ecclesiastical persons being debarred by the former Statutes to obtain lands in Mortmain by alienation endeavoured fraudulently to obtain them by default in a suit And therefore in such case it was ordained by this Statute that it should be inquired by the Countrey whether or no the demandant had a just title thereto and if so then he should recover seisin but if otherwise the Lord of the fee should enter as aforesaid And by this Statute each mean Lord hath a full half year given him after the Lord next before him until it come to the King And here also the Lords as also the King are allowed their challenges IV. After the judgement given the lands shall remain clear in the Kings hand until it be deraigned by the demandant or some other chief Lord and the Sheriff shall be charged to answer for it in the Exchequer V. Ordinatio de perquirendis libertatibus 27 E. 1. To obtain licence to make a Park or to amortize lands the writ Ad quod damnum shall issue out of the Chancery to inquire concerning the same VI. Here inquisitions of Lands that shall be found by extent to be worth yearly more then 20 s. shall be returned into the Exchequer and there the parties shall make fine for the Amortizements and for the Park if the Inquisition passe for them And afterwards the Chancellor or his Deputy shall have order to do his duty therein VII When the yearly value of the lands exceed not 20 s. the inquisition shall be returned to the Chancellor and he or his Deputy shall rate and take the fine according to the quantity of the land VIII The like shall be done by such as purchase lands holden of the King in chief IX If persons dwelling beyond Sea and having lands or rents in England are desirous to purchase Letters of protection or would make general Attorneys they shall be first sent to the Exchequer to make their fines and from thence to the Chancellor or his Deputy for that which he ought to do therein X. In like manner shall they do that will purchase any Fair Market Warren or any other liberty also such as will purchase instalment of their debts shall be sent into the Exchequer XI Also such as are unable to travel or dwell in remote parts from the Chancery which plead or be impleaded shall have a writ out of the Chancery to some sufficient man that shall receive their Attorneys when need is XII For the better remembrance of these things there shall be a tripartite Indenture made whereof one shall remain in the Chancery another in the Exchequer and the third in the Gardrobe XIII The Statute of Amortizing Lands 34 E. 1. Lands shall not be aliened in Mortmain where there be mean Lords without their consent declared under their seals Neither shall any thing passe where the donor reserveth nothing to himself or when the Inquisition is made and returned without war viz. without the Writ original returned with the Inquisition and unlesse the original make mention of every thing according to the new Ordinance devised by the King XIV The Statute of Writs for making Inquisition of Lands to be put to Mortmain Incerti temperis Writs ad quod damnum for amortizing lands shall not be granted but upon Petition in full Parliament XV. Stat. de Clero 3. 18 E. 3. If Prelates Clerks beneficed or other people of Religion being impeached for purchasing lands in Mortmain shew the Kings Charter of Licence and process thereupon made by an Inquest of ad quo ● damnum or of the Kings Grace or by Fine they shall be in peace And albeit they cannot sufficiently shew that they have entred by due process after licence to them granted in general or in special yet they shall be well received to make a convenient fine for the same XVI Stat. 15 R. 2.5 It is within the compass of the Statue of 7 E. 1. to convert any Land into a Church-yard albeit it be done by the consent or connivence of the ter-tenant and confirmed by the Popes Bull. XVII If any be seised of any lands or other possessions to the use of any spiritual person with purpose to amortize them and whereof such spiritual person takes the profits they shall before the Feast of S. Michael next cause them to be amortized by the licence of the King and other Lords or dispose of them to some other use otherwise they shall be forfeit according to the form of the said Statute as lands purchased by people of Religion Add no such purchase to the use of such spiritual persons shall be hereafter made upon the like pain XVIII The same Law shall be of Lands or other possessions purchased to the use of Guilds and Fraternities Also lands purchased by Corporations or to their use shall be within the compass of the said Statute de Religiosis XIX Stat. 23 H. 10. If any grant of Lands or other Hereditaments shall be made in trust to the use of any Churches Chappels Church-wardens Guilds Fraternities Commonalties Companies or Brotherhoods or to have perpetual Obits or a continual service of a Priest for ever or for 60 or 80 years or to such like uses or intents All such uses intents and purposes shall be void they being no Corporations but erected either of devotion or else by common consent of the people XX. Such uses and intents may be made and declared to continue 20 years from the time of such limiting of them but no longer XXI Collateral assurances made for the defending of this Statute shall be void and this shall be interpreted most beneficially for the destruction of such uses as aforesaid XXII This Act shall not prejudice Corporations where there is a custome to devise lands in Mortmain XXIII This Act shall not prejudice the Executors of Jannis and Terry late Aldermen of Norwich ☞ Mortuaties I. Stat. 21 H. 8.6 No spiritual person his Bayliff or Lessee shall take or demand more for a Mortuary then as is hereafter expressed nor shall convent any person before any Ecclesiastical Judge for the recovery of more for the same then as is hereafter declared in pain to forfeit so much as he takes or demands more and likewise 40 s. to the party grieved to be recovered by action of debt wherein no essoin c. shall be allowed II. None shall take or demand for a Mortuary any thing at all where by the Custom they have not been usually paid nor upon the death of a Woman Covert a Child a person not keeping house a wayfaring man one not residing in the place where he happens to die nor where the goods of the dead person debts deduct d amount not to the value of 10 marks Nor above the sum of 3 s. 4 d. when they exceed not 30 l. nor above 6 s. 8 d. when they exceed 30 l. but not 40 l. nor above 10 s. when they amount to 40 l. or above And if
Justices to the Churchwardens or Overseers of the poor if not paid within ten dayes V. All Deanes Canons Prebendaries Masters Fellows of Colledges c. Parsons Vicars Lecturers Schoolmasters c. enjoyned to take and subscribe the Declaration following J. A. B. do declare that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that trayterous position of taking Arms by his Authority against his Person or against those that are Commissioned by him And that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now by Law established And I do declare that I do hold there lies no obligation upon me or any other person from the Oath commonly called the Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either in Church or State And that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and liberties of the Kingdom The same shall be subscribed by the Heads of Colledges c. in the Universities before the Vicechancellor or his Deputy And before the Archbishop or Ordinary of the Diocess by every other person upon pain of forfeiture and loss of their places as if dead VI. Schoolmasters or Tutors that shall teach any youth in any private house without licence from the Archbishop or Ordinary of the Diocess shall for the first offence suffer 3 months imprisonment for every second or other 3 months imprisonment and forfeit 5 l. VII Every Parson Vicar Curate and Lecturer after subscription made shall procure a Certificate under the hand and seal of the Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary of the Diocess and publickly read the same together with the said Declaration upon some Lords day within 3 months then next following in his Parish Church where he is to officiate in the presence of the Congregation there assembled in the time of Divine Service upon pain of being deprived ipso facto and his place void as if dead VIII After the 25th of March 1662. the words following part of the Declaration shall be omitted viz. And I do declare that I do hold there lies no obligation on me or any other person from the Oath commonly called the Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either in Church or State and that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and liberties of this Kingdom and none shall thenceforth subscribe or read the same IX No person not ordained according to the form of Episcopal Ordination shall hold any Benefice with cure or Ecclesiastical promotion nor be capable of any such benefice nor administer the Sacrament not being ordained a Priest according to the form of the foresaid Book upon pain to forfeit for every offence 100 l. one moyety to the King the other moyety to the party that will sue for the same X. Provided the penalties in this Act extend not to Aliens of foreign reformed Churches allowed by the King XI Provided no title of laps accrue by any avoidance or deprivation by this Act but after 6 months after notice given by the Ordinary to the Patron or such sentence of deprivation openly read in the Parish Church becoming void by this Act. XII No other Form of Common Prayer shall be used in any Church Chappel or publick place Colledge or Hall of the Universities And all Governors and Heads of Colledges in the Universities shall within a month after admission to his place openly in the Church Chappel or publick place of the Colledge in the presence of the Fellows and Scholars of the same subscribe the 39 Articles of Religion mentioned in the Stat. 13 El. Ca. 12. and declare his approbation of the said Book of Common Prayer And all the said Governours or Heads shall read the morning Prayer according to the said Book once every quarter publickly in their Church Chappels or other publick place upon pain of suspension for 6 months from their place and if he shall not subscribe to the said Articles and Book within the said 6 months then the place to be void Provided the said Book may be used in Latine in Colledges XIII None shall preach or read as a Lecturer without Licence of the Archbishop or Bishop of the Diocess And all Lecturers shall declare their consent to the 39 Articles aforesaid and shall openly read the Common Prayers and declare their approbation thereof and shall read the same the first Lecture-day of every month and after reading declare their approbation thereof upon pain to be disabled to preach or read any Lecture until he shall conform XIV Provided it shall suffice that Lecturers in Cathedral Churches only declare their assent to the said Book XV. If any person so disabled shall preach any Lecture or Sermon the person so offending shall suffer 3 months imprisonment in the common Goal And any two Justices of the Peace and the Mayor or other chief Officer of any City or Town Corporate upon Certificate from the Ordinary of the place made to him or them of the offence committed shall commit the person offending to the Goal accordingly XVI The Common Prayer shall be read before every Sermon or Lecture and the Lecturer that shall preach shall be present at the same Provided this Clause extend not to Sermons or Lectures preached as publick University Sermons XVII The several Laws and Statutes formerly made for uniformity of Prayer and now in force shall be put in ure for punishment of offences against the Book established by this Act 1 El. Ca. 2. 23 El. Ca. 1. Proviso the names of the King and Queen be fitted in the Prayers Letanies and Collects according to the present occasion XVIII The Books of Common Prayer shall be provided by every Parish Chapelry Cathedral Church Colledge and Hall upon penalty of 3 l. a month for lack thereof for every month after St. Bartholmews day 1662. XIX Provisoe that the Bishops of Hereford St. Davids St. Asaph Bangor and Landoff do take care for translating the said Book into the Welsh Tongue for Printing and providing the same in every Parish there XX. True Copies of the said Book of Common Prayer shall be exemplified under the great Seal of England and kept in the several Courts of Westminster and Tower of London to be produced and shewed forth in Court as need shall be XXI Provided this Act be not prejudicial to the Kings Professor of Law in the University of Oxford concerning the Prebend of Shipton in the Cathedral Church of Sarum united to the said Professors place by King James XXII Proviso whereas the clause in the 36th Article mentions the Book established by K. E. 6. It shall extend to the Book of Common-prayer established by this Act. See the precedent Laws of this matter Title Crown and Title Service and Sacraments XXIII Stat. 15. Car. 2. Ca. 6. Stat.
III. Stat. 9 R. 2.2 Because divers Villeins and Neifs did fly to London and other enfranchised places and there did feign divers suits against their Lords with intent to make themselves free by their Lords answers it was ordained that from henceforth no Lord should be barred of his Villein because of his answer in Law Union and severing of Churches I. Stat. 37 H. 8.21 An Union or Consolidation of two Churches in one or of a Church and a Chappel in one the one of them not being above the yearly value of 6 l. in the Kings books nor distant from the other above a mile may be had and made by the assent of the Ordinary the Incumbents and all such as have a just right title and interest to the Patronages thereof being of full age And all such Union and Consolidation shall remain as good in Law as if it had been so declared by writing under the seals of such Ordinary Incumbents and Patrons II. All such Unions heretofore made are confirmed Howbeit the Kings tenths and First-Fruits of such Churches and Chappels already or hereafter to be so consolidated are saved III. Such consolidations shall not be in Corporate Towns without the consent of the Magistrates thereof declared in writing under their Common Seal IV. Provided that where the Inhabitants of any such Parish or the more part of them within a year after such Union by their writing sufficient in Law shall assure the Incumbent there and his successors so much money yearly which together with the value thereof in the Kings books shall amount to 8 l. that then such union shall be void Howbeit this proviso shall not extend to any such Union made before this Statute V. Stat. 1 E. 6.9 An Act for uniting certain Churches in York with divers clauses concerning that matter VI. Stat. 1 M. Parl. 1.14 An Act for re-edifying the Church of St. Ellens in Stangate in York which was demolished by the former Statute See these Statutes at large Universities I. Stat. 2 3 P. M. 15. No Purveyor Taker Badger Loader or other Minister shall take or Bargain for any Victual or Grain in the Markets of Oxford or Cambridg or in any part of the said City and Town or within five miles compass of either of them without the consent of the owner nor shall take away or bargain for any such commodity bought or provided within the said five miles by any common Minister of any Colledg or Hall there to be spent in such Colledg or Hall in pain to forfeit the quadruple value thereof and to suffer three Monthes imprisonment without bail II. The Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor or his Commissary in either of the said Universities with two Justices of Peace of the County adjacent have power to inquire hear and determine the said offences III. The forfeitures shall be divided betwixt the University where such offence is committed and the prosecutor and may be recovered in any Court of Record or before the said Chancellor Vice-Chancellor or Commissary and two Justices IV. This Act shall be suspended during the Queens presence her Heirs and Successors or within seven miles distance therefrom V. The Liberties of the Mayors Bailiffs and Communalties of Oxford and Cambridg are saved * VII Stat. 13 El. 21. No Purveyor Taker Badger Loader Poulterer or other Minister of the Queen her heirs and successors shall take or Bargain for any grain or other victual in either of the said Universities nor within the compass of five miles from either of them without licence of either of the said Chancellors or Vice-Chancellors in writing under the seal of their Office and not otherwise then as in the said licence is expressed and so as the same give unto them no further power then they may lawfully use in other parts of the Countrey without the said five miles neither shall they take away or bargain for any such commodity bought and provided for any Colledg or Hall to be spent within the same without such licence as aforesaid upon such pains and forfeitures as by the Statute of 2 3 P. M. 15. are ordained and to like uses as are therein limited VII The said Chancellors or Vice-Chancellors with two Justices of Peace of the Universities City Town or County shall inquire hear and determine the said offences as by the Statute of 2.3 P. M. is appointed VIII If any person within the said five miles refuse to serve the Universities then it shall be lawful for the Queens Purveyors to provide for the Queens use any corn or victual of any such person within the said five miles as shall be declared to the said Purveyors to be persons not worthy of the said priviledge for not serving the Universities by the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor with the consent of two such Justices as aforesaid under the hands and seals of the said Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor and two Justices in such sort as the said Purveyors lawfully may in any other place without the said five miles and not otherwise IX This Act shall be in suspence during the Queens presence there or within seven miles distance X. The Liberties of the Majors Bailiffs and Communalties of Oxford and Cambridge are saved Voucher I. Marlbr 29. 52 H. 3. None vouched to Warranty before Justices in Eyre in plea of land shall be amerced because he was not present when he was vouched except it be the first day of the comming of the Justices but if the party be within the County the Sheriff shall cause him to come in within three or four dayes and if out of the County he shall have summons of 15 dayes at least II. West 1.39 3. E. 1. In Writs of Possession as Mortdancester Cosinage Ayel nuper obiit intrusion or the like whereby land is demanded which ought to descend revert remain or Escheat by the death of any Ancestor or otherwise if the tenant vouch to Warranty and the demandant will counter-plead him and aver by assize or by the Countrey as the Court shall award that the tenant or his Ancestor whose heir he is was the first that entred after the death of him of whose seisin he demandeth this averment shall be received if the tenant will abide thereupon but if not he shall be compelled to another answer unless he have his Warrantor present who will immediately enter into the Warranty And then also the demandant may have the like exception against the Vouchee as he had against ●he first tenant III. In a Writ of Entry in the degrees none shall vouch out of the line IV. In Writs of right and of possession as before it is also a good counter-plea that neither the Vouchee nor his Ancestors had ever seisin of the land or any thing in the services by the hand of the tenant or his ancestors from the time of the seisin whereof the demandant declares until the Writ purchased so that he might a feofment make to the tenant or his ancestors and this averment of the