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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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him v. yere and thes ij did litell thynges Henricus the frist wos emprour in almane xx yer This henri was duke of Barri and all acording he was chosen for his blissed fame the wich he had it is red that mony of thos dukis of barri were oly not alōli ī abstenīg of fleshli desiris bot ī vertuus leuīg And he had a sustir that wos as holy as he whō he yaf to wife vn to the kyng of vngre and she brought all vngre to the cristī faith ̄ his wiuys name wos sc̄a Kōnogundis with whom he leued a virgin all his days he did mony a bataill al 's well ī Italy as ī Almane ayens rebelians prospert rightwysly at the last with a blissed end he decessid And in the lyfe of sent Laurens he his wife be put for sampuls Benedictus wos pope after Ihon .xi yere This man had gret strife in his days for he was put out and an other put in And this Benedict after that he wos deid was seyn of an holy bisshope in a wricchid figure ̄ he had gret payn And this figur said he tristed nothing in the merci of god And nothing profettit him that wos done for him for it wos getyn with extorcion ̄ vniustly ¶ Then this bisshop left his bisshopprik for dred of this sight wēt ī to a monestari leued vertuusly all his dayes Iohannes the xx was pope after him xi yere lityt profettit ¶ Of kyng Knoght that wos a danois ANd after the deth of this Eldred Knoght that was a danois begā to regne but Edmond Irenside that wos kīg Eldredis son by his fyrst wyfe ordyned a gret pouer of men and began for to were vpon kyng Knoght and so he did mony tymes and oft and the were wos so strong hard that wonder it was to wit the quene Emme that duelled tho at westmynster had gret drede of hir ij sonnys of the were Alured and Edward lest they shuld be diffoilled and misdone thurgh this were wherfor she sēt them ouer see in to Normandie to the duke Richard hir vnkyll and ther they duelled in safete and pees long tyme ¶ Thys Edmond Irenside and Knoght the danois wered strongly to geders but at the last they wer accordid in this maner that thei shold depart the reame be twix them both ̄ so they did and after they become good frendis and so well loued to gedres as thei had bene brether gettyn of on bodi and of on mother borne ¶ How kyng Edmond Irenside tratoursly wos slayn thurgh a tratour that wos called Edrith of stratton ANd after tho regned kyng Edmond Irenside Knoght the danois But thus it befell afterward that in the same yere that they were accordid and so moch loued to gedre wher for a fals thefe tratour had enuy vn to the loue that was betuix them and frendship whos name wos Edrith of stratton that was a gret lord that wos Edmond Irensides man and of him held all the land that he had and nothelas he thought his lord to bitray make Knoght kyng of the land ī ītent richely to bene auanced and with him bene welbeloued wherfor he praied his lord edmōd Irenside vpon a day with him for to eten and to duell ̄ the kīg courtasly hī grantid to him come at his prayer at the mete the kyng riole wos serueid with diuerse metis drinkes And whē nyght come that he shuld go to beede the kyng toke his own meny ̄ went vn to chambre ther that he shuld take his nyghtys rest as he loked him about he saw a fair ymage well made ī semblant as it wer an archer with a bow bent in his hand in the bow a fine arow ¶ Kyng Edmond went tho nerre to be hold it better what it might be ̄ anone the arow him smot thurgh the body ̄ ther slew the kyng for that engyn wos made to kyll his owne lord tratoursly ¶ And whē kīg edmond wos thus deid slayn he had regned but x. yere and his pepull for hī made moch sorow his body thei bere vn to glastīberi and ther they hī en●ed And this fals tratour Edrith anone went to the quene thatt was kyng edmondis wyfe that wist of hir lordis dethē anone he toke from hir ij sonnys that were fair and yong that hir lord had vpon hir goten that one was called Edward and that other Edewyne and lad them with him to london and toke them vn to kyng Knought that he shuld do with them what his will were and told him how quently he had kylled king Edmond for enchesō and loue of him so that kyng knoght all englond in his pouer holly myght haue ¶ O thow fals tratour hast thou my trew brother that wos so trew thus slayn for encheson of me a man that I most loued in the world Now be my hed I shall for thi trauaill the well reward as thou hast deserueid and anone let him be take bonde hand and feet in maner of a tratour and let cast him ther in to Thamyse and in this maner the fals tratour endid his life ¶ The kyng toke the ij childer and put them vn to the abbot of west mynster to ward and to kepe till he wyst what that it was best with them for to done ¶ How kyng knoght sent kyng Edmondis sonnys bothe in to Denmarke for to sle and how they wer saued AIt befell sone afterward that kyng knoght had all the land in his hand and spoused the quene Emma thurgh consent of his Baronage for she was afarr woman the wich was Eldredis wife and the dukis sustre of Normandie and they leued to gedre with moch loue as reson wold ¶ The kyng axid vpō a day consell of the quene what was best to done with the sonnys that wer Edmond Irensides ¶ Sir qd she they be the right theires of the land and if they lefen they will do you moch sorow with were and therfor let send them in to a strange land afer to sum man that may them defoull and distroy ¶ The kīg anone let calle a danois that was called Walgar and commanded him that he shuld lede thos ij childer in to Denmarke and so to do ordeyn for them that they sh̄uld neuer heir more of them ¶ Sir sayd this walgar gladly your cōmandment shall be done and anone tho .ij. child he toke ̄ led them in to Denmarke and for as moch os he saw that the childer wer wōdir fair also meke He had of them gret pitte and rewth wold not them slee but let them to the kyng of Hungri for to norrich for this walgar wos welbeknowen with the kyng and welbeloued ¶ Anone the kyng axed whens the childer wer and walgar told him sayed that they wer the right heiris of englond and therfor men
same tyme was vpō the see gret were bitwen the ēglishmē the Normās but vpō a time the normās arriued all at Douer ther they martired an holy man that was called Thomas of Douer And afterward wer the normans kylled that ther ascappid not on of thē ¶ And sone after kīg edward shuld lese the duchie of Gascoyn thurgh kīg Philip of fraunce thurgh his fals castyng of the douseperis of the land wherfor sir Edmond that wos kīg Edwards brother yaf vp his homage vn to the kyng of fraūce ¶ And in that tyme the clerkis off englond graūtid to kyng Edward halfendele of holy chirch gooddis in helpyng to recouer his land ayen in Gascoyn ¶ And the kīg sent thider a nobull company of his bachilers him self wold haue gone to Portesmouth but he wos let thurgh on Maddoc of wales that had seised the castell of Swandō in to his hand ̄ for that enchesō the kīg turned to wales at cristemase And for enchesō that the nobull lordis of englōd that wer sēt ī to gascoyn had no cōforth of ther lord the kīg they wer take of sir Charles of fraūce that is to say sir Iohn̄ of bretā sir robert Tiptot ▪ sir Raufe tāny sir hugh Bardolf ̄ sir Adam of Creting ̄ yit at the ascenciō was Madoke take in wales an other that wos called Morgan they wer sent to the tour of londō ̄ ther they wer heded ¶ How sir Iohn̄ Bailloll kīg of scotlād withsaid his homage ANd when sir Iohn̄ bailloll kyng of scotland vnderstode that kyng Edward wos wered in Gascoyn to whom the reame of Scotland was delyuered Falsely tho ayen his oth with said his homage thurgh procuring of his folke· And sent vn to the court of rome thurgh a fals suggestion to be assoiled of that othe that he swore vn to the kyng of Englōd so he wos by letter enbulled ¶ Tho chosen they of scotland Dousspers for to be nymme edward of his right ¶ And in that tyme come ij cardinales from the court of rome fro the pope Celestine to trete of accorde bitwen the kng of fraūce ̄ the kyng of englond ¶ And as tho two Cardinales speke of accorde Thomas Turbeluill was take at Liouns ̄ made feaute homage to the warden of Paris ̄ to hī put his ij sonys in hostage for that he thought to go ī to englond for till aspie the cuntre ̄ tell them when he come in to englond that he had brokyn the kynges prison of fraūce by nyght said that he wold done that al englisshmē ̄ walsh̄men sh̄old a bow to the king of fraūce ̄ this thyng for to bring to the ende he swore ̄ vpō this couenant dedis wer made betwen thēm and that he sh̄uld haue by yere a M· poūdes worth of lond to bring this thing to an ende ¶ This fals tratour toke his leue ̄ wēt thēs and come in to englond vn to the kyng said that he wos brokyn out of prisō that he had put him in such ꝑill for his loue wherfore the kyng coude him moch thanke and full glad wos of his commyng ¶ And the fals tratour fro that day aspied all the doyng of the kyng ̄ also his coūsell for the kyng loued him wel ̄ was with him full priue But a clerke of englond that wos in the kynges house of fraunce herd of this treson of the falsnes wrot to an other clerke that tho wos duellyng with edward kyng of englond all how Thomas Turbeluill had done his false coniectyng all the councell of englōd wos writte for to haue sent vn to the kyng of fraūce thurgh the foresaid letter that the clerke had sent fro fraūce hit wos foūde vpō him wherfor he wos lad to londō honged draw ther for his tresō and his ij sonys that he had put in fraūce for hostage wer tho beheded ¶ Of the counquest of Berewyke WHen tho two Cardinales wer went ayene in to Fraunce for to trete of the pees at Cambrey the kyng sent thider of his erlis and barouns That is to say sir Edmond his brother erle of Lancastre and of Leycestre sir Henri Lacy erle of Nichol Willm vessy a baron and of other baronettis about xiiij of the best ̄ wisest of englōd ¶ And ī the same tyme the king Edward toke his viage to Scotland for to were vpō Iohn̄ Bailloll kyng of scotland ¶ And sir Robert Roos of Berewyke fled fro the englisshmē went to the scottys And kyng Edward went him toward berewike ̄ beseged the toūe ̄ tho that wer within manly them defendid and set a fire and brint ij of kyng Edwardis shippis and said in dispite and reproue of him ¶ Weneth kyng edward with his long shankis to haue get berewike al our vnthankis Gas pikes him And when he has done Gas dikes him ¶ When kyng Edward herd this scorne anone thurgh his myghtynes he passid ouer the dikes ̄ assailed the toūe come to the yates and gat and conquerid the toūe and thurgh his gracious pouer kylled xxv thousand ̄ vijC scottys And kyng Edward lost no man of renoune saufe sir Richard of Cornewaill and him kylled a Flemmyng out of the reed hall with a quarell as the foresaid Richard did of his helme and commaūdid them for to yeld them and put them to the kynges grace and the scottis wold not wherfor that hall was brent and castyn doune and all tho that wer therin wer brant ¶ And king Edward lost no mo men at that viage of symple estate but xxvij Englisshmen And the wardeyn of the castell yaf vp the keys with out any assaute ¶ And ther wos takyn willm Douglas and Sir Symond Frisell ̄ the erle Patrike yeld them to the pees bot Inghm̄ of Humsremille Robert the Brus that wer with the kyng Edward forsoke kyng edward and held with the scottis and afterward they wer takyn and put in to prison and after that the king for yaf them ther trespasse and deliuerid them out of prison ¶ And tho let kyng edward close in Berwik with wallys with dychis afterward Robert Rous went to Tindale and set wuyebrugge a fire Exham ̄ Lamerstok and kyllid and robbed the folke of that cuntre ¶ And after that he went from thens vn to Dumbarre ¶ And the frist wedenesday of Marche the kyng sent the erle of Garenne Sir hugh Perci and sir hugh Spenser with a fair companye for to besege the castell ¶ But on that wos called sir Richard Syward a traitour and a fals man ymagyned for to begile the englisshnen sent to the englisshmen them for to dissaue And said that he wold yelde vn to them the castell yf they wold graūte them viij· dais of respit that he myght send ̄ tell to sir Iohan Bailoll that wos kyng of
this bataill wos on a friday wich wos Crispine Crispinianes day in the monith of Octobre ̄ a none the kyng commaūdid to beri them and the duke of yorke to be caried forth with him and the erle of Southfolk ▪ ¶ And ther wer prisoners the Duke of Orliaunce the duke of Burbon the Erle of vendome the erle of Ewe the erle of Richemond and sir Bursigaūte Marchall of fraunce and mony othir worthy lordis weren take ther in this bataill of agencourt and wer brought vn to the toūe of Calais and so ouer these with the kyng ī to Englond and landid at Douer in kent with all his prisoners in saufte thankid be god all myghti And so com to Cantorberi 〈…〉 ¶ And so forth he rode thurgh the cuntre of Kent the next way vn to Eltham and ther he restid till that he wold cum to londō ¶ And than the maire of london the aldermen shireues with all the worthy communs and craftis come to blake heth well ̄ worthely araied to welcum our kīg with diuerse melodies ¶ And thankid almyghti god of his gracious victorie that he had shewed for him ¶ And so the kyng ̄ his prisoners passed forth by them till he come to sent Thomas watering and ther met with him all religious with procession ̄ wel comed him and so the kīg come ridyng with his prisoners thurgh the cite of london wher that ther wos shewed mony a fair sight at all the condithes and at the crosse in chepe as in heuenli aray of angeles arcangeles patriarches prophetis virgines with diuerse melodies sensing and singyng to welcum our kyng and all the condithes rennyng with wyne And the kyng passed forth vn to Seint Poules and ther met with him xiiij bisshoppis reuessed and miterid with sensers to welcum the kyng And ther they song for his gracious victori Te deum laudamus ¶ And ther thee kyng offred and toke rode to westmynstre and than the maire toke his leue of the kyng and rode home ayen ¶ And ī the thrid yere of kyng Henris regne the v. com the Emꝓour of Almayn kīg of Rome ̄ of hūgri ī to englōd so to the Cite of london ¶ And the maire and the aldermen with thee shereues and worthy craftis of londō by the kynges commaundement met with him on the blake hath in the best aray that they coud on horsbake ¶ And ther they welcomed him ̄ brought him vn to londō with moch honour and gret reuerence ¶ And at sent thomas watring ther met with him the king with all his lordis in good aray ¶ And ther wos a worthy metyng bitwen the emprour and the kyng Henri the v. and ther they kissed to gedres enbrached eche othir and than the kyng toke thee Emprour by the hand and so they come ridyng thurgh the cite of Londō vn to sent Poules and ther they alightid and offrid and all the bisshoppis stod reuessed with sensers in ther handis sensing to them ¶ And than they toke ther hors and riden vn to westmīster And the kyng logged the Emprour in his oune palais and ther he resttid him agret while and all at the kynges cost ̄ sone after come the duke of Holand in to englond to cum and se ther the Emprour and to speke with him and with our kyng Henri of englond he wortheli ressaued and loggid in the bisshoppis yn of Ely and all at the kynges cost ¶ And whan the emprour had well restid him and seyn the land in diuerse perties and know the commodites than by ꝓcesse of tyme he toke his leue of the kyng but or he yed he was made knyght of the garter ̄ reseyued ̄ we rid the liueray And than he thankid the king all his lordis than the kīg ̄ he wēt ouer the see vn to Calais ̄ abiden ther long tyme to haue an ansuer of the frensh kyng ̄ at the last it come plesed him right noght ¶ And the emprour toke his leue of the kyng ̄ passid forth in goddis name and our kyng come ouer ayen in to englond in all the hast that he myght that was on sent Lukis eue that he come to Lambithe on the monday next after he come ī to the ꝑlamēt at westmynstre ¶ And ī this same yere was a gret derth of corne ī englond bot thankid be god it lasted not long time ANd in the .iiij. yere of kīg Henris regne the v ▪ he held his ꝑlament at westmynstre ī the begīnyng of October last vn to the Purificaciō of our ladi thā next after ¶ And ther wos graūted vn to him to mayten his weris both of spiritualte of temꝑalte an hole tax and a dieme And than anone the kīg prayed all his lordis to make them redy to strength him ī his right And anone he let make a new retenue ̄ chargid all mē to be redy at hamton in witson weke thā next after with out any delay ¶ And ther the kyng made the duke of Bedford ꝓtector and defend of his reame of englond ī his absens chargid him to kepe his lawes mayntē both spirituall temꝑall ¶ And whā the kīg had thꝰ do set all thīg ī his kynde On sent Marke day he toke his hors at westmynstre and come ridyng to Poules and ther he offred and toke his leue so rode forth thurgh the cite takyng his leue of all maner of pepull as well of poer as of rich prayng them all in generall to pray for him ¶ And so he rode forth to sent Georges ̄ ther offred toke his leue of the maire chargyng him to kepe well his chambur ¶ And so he rode forth to Hampton ther abode till his retenue wer redy ̄ comē for ther wos all his nauy of shippis with his ordinaūce gadred to geder well stuffid as longed to soch a riall kīg with all maner of vitailles for such a riall pepull as well for hors as for man as longed for such a weriour that is for to say armur gonnys Tripgites engynes sowes bastiles brigges of lether scaling laddres malles ̄ spadis shoueles pickis paueys Bowes arowes bowstringes tonnys chestis pypis full of arowes as nedid for such a worthi weriour that no thing wos to seche whan time come thidder come to him shippis ladē with gonnes gonpowder ¶ And whan this wos redy and his retenue come the kyng and al his lordis with all his riall host went to sh̄ip and toke the see and sailed in to normandie and landid at Touke vpon Lammasse day than next after And ther he made xlviij knyghtis at his landyng ¶ And than the kyng hering of mōy enmys vpō the se that is to say ix gret carickes hulkis galeis and shippis that wer cumē to
his wife mony tymes chyden with hym And sayd that he kest a way the goodis of the empyre as stons And he ansuerd ayen sayed I trust in god that owr chystys shal neuer lake of monay and we put tresour ī to heuen and vpon a certayn day when he went by his palasse at Constantinopolī he se in the marbyll pament a cros grauen and thought it shuld not be trodyn vpō and cōmanded that stone to be lifted vp for that cros shuld be put ī the hertis of foithfull men ̄ ther he found īestimable tresur of gol̄d this man subdued Harsas died blissidly Benedictus wos pope after Ion. iiij yere This man suffred gret ꝑsecucion of hunger pestylence ̄ enmys This man broght mony a thousand quartir of whete from Egipt whē Rome wos besegid by kyng Albanac almost lost for vetaill wherfor they wrotte on his graue this epitaphi Magna tuis monimēta pater benedicte reliquis virtutum titulus et decꝰ atque dolor Pelagius wos emprour after benedictus v. yere ī his tyme rome was beseged by the Lūbardies ̄ litell he did in his days Mauriciꝰ wos emprour after Tiberiꝰ xxi yere This was a veray cristī man ̄ subdued Parsas ̄ Armenias ī the later end of his days he descordyd with sent gregorie ītendid for to haueslayn him And then appered aman ī rome clothed ī a relegiꝰ habit holding a naked suord ī his hand and cried about the citte· in this wise The emprour shall be destruyd the wich the emprour herred he corecked him self of his trespase praid god to withdraw his sentens to whom our lord apered ī his slepe said will thou that I spair the now or ī tyme to cum And he wos a louer of wricchis sayd yef me heir my rewarde Then he wos empror after mony day And when he shuld haue corecked his knyghtis for ther extorcion that they did that asked him why that he wold not pay them ther wages And so they fell at veryans and chose Foca for to be the Emprour and kylled him and his iij. sonnis ¶ This tyme sen Austyn come in to englond and ordeyned ij archebisshoppis Tat is to say of london and of yorke by the cummandement of sent gregorie ¶ And remembre that mony tymes is made mencion of diuerse regions and cuntres that oft tyme they haue ben turned to the faith for al way the faith a bood not ī them for diuerse causes So it is of englong fraunce persia Iuri And in this thyng rome wos preuelegit for ther thee faith of petre neuer failith ¶ Focas wos ēprour after Maurici his master whom he and other slew and because he began yll he endid nought for in his dais the Romans faught strongly ayenest the Perses and the romans wer discomfited and lost mony a prouynce and at thee last he was ower commen and slayn of Eraclyo for os he did vn to other men so wos he done to Anno domini vC.lxxxiiij GRegori the fyrst a roman and a monke was pope after Pelagius xiij yere This man was called Gregorius magnus for mony thinges that the excedid in he passed other mē in pouer in riches in uertu in nobulnes in wisdom in holines in fame and in experiens And vnder this man the ill thynges off cursednes passed wer sesed and mony a nobull boke he wrett to the in comporabull prophet of all holy chirche he wos on of the prīcipall docturs of all the iiij docturs of the chirche This man for sothe allon with sent Fabian after sent Petre wos chosin of god in all the ordyrs of the popis of reme· Mony thynges he ordened in the chirche as is shewed in his register Deꝰ ī adiutoriū for to be a fore the begynnyng of the howris he commanded to be sayed he renuhed made all the officis of the chirche in a fayrer and a more compendius maner the wich abideth yit vn to this day and it is called Gregorianum And schortly for to cōclude on this holy man mannys tong cannot expresse lyghtly the louynges of this man what in writtyng and also in exampuls vertuus dedis Saninianus was pope after Gregorie on yere and v monethes this man ordant the ryngyng of bellis at the houres of the day bot this man bacbote sent Gregorie for his liberalite that he had to poer men and thought he se sent grogorie rebuke him thris for it and the fourth tyme he lie in his bed and thought sent gregorie smote him on the heed and he waked and died anone This wos the thrid pope emong all the popis the wiche is notit to die a dredfull deth Bonefacius the thrid wos pope after Saninianus viij monethes he ordend that none but white clothes shuld be put on the auter Bonefacius the fourthe was pope iiij yere and viij monethes This man purchesed of the emprour foca the cherche of sent petre of Rome sh̄uld be the hede of all the chirches in the world for a fore Constantinopol in wos the heeid cherche Also he gat lysanse that the chirche called Panton the wich wos dedicatit to the honour of Neptimꝰ and other fals goddis wher cristyn men mony tymes wer slayn of deuel̄s myght be dedicatit to the worship of all senttis in heuen This man ordend that monkis myght vse the office of prechīg cristinyng and confession Eraclius wos emprour after Foca xiij yere And in the thrid yere of his regne Cosdras the kīg of Perses brent Ierusalem and other worshipfull places Zachary the patriarke with mich pepull he toke ī to captiuite The part of the holy cros the wich elena left ther he toke with hī ī to his cuntre bot the xij yere of Heraclii Cosdras wos slayn of heraclij the cros wos brought ayen the pepull wer deliuerid whē heraclius wold haue entred the cite proudly the yatis of the cite bi pouer of god schet ther self ̄ the emprour mekid hī to god a boue ̄ thē the yat opyned thē was the fest of the exultaciō of the cros made Deꝰ dedit wos pope after boniface iij. yere this wos an holy mā for on a certayn day whē he kyssed a leꝑ anōe the leꝑ wos holl This tyme a Citisin of London thurgh the mocion of ethylbright byldid a chyrch of sent petre ī the west ꝑte of londō ī a place that wos called thornnye bot now it is called westmynster Circa annum domini .viC.xliiij BOnefacius the fifth wos pope after Deus dedit v. yere the wich ordand that no man shuld be take out of the chirche yerd and litell els of him is writtyn Nota machomitū Machomite the duke of Serasens and Turkes wos this tyme And he was the desauer of all the world a fals prophet the messanger of the deuell the fore goer of Antocrist the fulfiller of heresy and of all fals men the meruelest of
for as moch as thou hast bene orped in thy dedis he ded to the moch honour and made the erle of Cardoill thou as a traytour to thi lord the kyng ladest his pepull of his cuntre that shuld haue holpe him at the bataill of Beiland and thou ladest them a way by the cuntre of Copeland and thurgh the Erledom of of lancastre Wherfor our lord the kyng was discomfited ther of the scottis thurgh thy treson and falsenesse And if thou hadest comen be tymes he had had the bataill and tresō thou diddest for the gret soume of gold and siluer that thou vnderfenge of Iames Douglas a scot the kynges enmye ¶ And our lord the kyng will that the ordir of knyghod by the which thou vnderfeng all thyn honoor and worship vpon thy body be al brought to nought thi estate vndone that other knyghttes of lawer degre mow after be war the wich lord hath the a vaūced hugli in diuerse cuntreis in Englond that all may take exsample by the ther lord afterward trewly for to serue ¶ Tho commanded he a knaue anone to hewe of his spors on his heles And after he let brake the swerd ouer his hede the wich the kyng yaf him to kepe ̄ defēd his land ther with when he had made him erle of Cardoill ¶ And after he let him be vnclothed of his furred tabard ̄ of his hode of his furred cotes and of his gurdel when this wos don sir Antonye said vn to him Andrew quod he now art thow no knyght bot a knaue ̄ for thi treson the kyng will that thow shalt bene honged and drawe ̄ thyn hede smyten of ̄ thi bowelels taken out of thy body ̄ brent before the thy body quartired thyn he desent to london and ther it shall stond vpō londō brigge and the .iiij. quarters shall be sent to iiij toūes of englond that all other may be war ̄ chastised bi the. ¶ And as Antonye said so it was done all maner thyng in the last day of October In the yere of grace M ccc xxij yere ¶ And the sone turned in to blod as the pepull it saw that durid from the morne till it was xi of the cloke of the day ¶ Of the myracles that god wrought for sent thomas of Lancastre wherfore the kyng let close in the chirche doris of the Priore of pountfret that no mā shuld cum therin to the body for to offren ANd sone after that the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was martired ther was a prest that long tyme had be blind dremed in his slepyng that he shuld gone vn to the hill ther that the good erle thomas of lancastre wos done vn to deth and he shold haue his sight ayen and so he dremed .iij nyghtis fewyng ¶ And the prest let lede him to the same hill And when he com to that place that he was martirid on full deuoutly he made ther his praiers ̄ prayed god ̄ sent Thomas that he myght haue his sight ayen os he was in his praiers he laid his right hand vpō the same place that the good man was martired on ̄ a drope of dry blod smale sand cleued on his hand ther with striked his eeyn And anone thurgh the might of god of sent Thomas of Lancastre he had his sight ayen and thanked tho almyghty god and sent Thomas ¶ And whē this miracle wos knowen among men the pepull come thider on euery side and knelid made ther praiers at his toumbe that is in the priorie of pountfret and praied that holy merter of socour and of help god herd ther prayer ¶ Also ther wos a yong child drenched in a well in the toune of poūtfret wos dede .iij. dais ̄ iij. nyghtis men come ̄ laid the deid child vpō sent Thomas tombe the holy marter the childe arose from deth to liue as mony a man it saw ¶ And also moch pepull wer owt of ther mynd and god hath sent them ther mynd ayen thurgh uertu of that holy martir ¶ And also god hath yeuen ther also to crippils ther goyng ̄ to crokid ther handis ther fete and to blind also ther sight· ̄ to mony seke folke ther helth of diuerse maladies for the loue of this good martir ¶ Also ther wos a rich mā in Coundom in gascoyn ̄ such a maladie he had that all his right side roted and fell away frō hī that men myght se his liuer his hert so he stonke that vnneth men might cū ny hī wherfor his frēdis wer for hī wōder sori bot at the last as god wold they praid to sent Thomas of lancastre that he wold prai to almyghty god for that prisoner ̄ behight to go to Pountfret for to done ther pilgrimage he thoht that the mertir sent Thomas cō to him annoynted ouer all his sike body ¶ And ther with the good man awoke wos all hole his fleshe wos restorid ayen that before wos roted fallen away ¶ For wich miracle the good man his frēdis loued god sent Thomas euer mere after ¶ And this good man come ī to englōd ̄ toke with hī iiij felowes come to poūtfret vn to that holy marter ̄ did ther pilgrimage ̄ the good man that was seke come theder all naked safe his priue clothis ¶ And whē they had done they turned home ayen ī to ther own cūtre told of the miracle wher so euer that they come ¶ And also ij mē haue be heled ther of the mormale thurgh helpe of that holy marter though that euell be holdē incurabull ¶ And whē the spensers herd that god did such miracles for this holi mā they nold be leue it ī no maner wise ▪ bot said opēli that it was grete heresi such vertu of hī to beleue ¶ And when sir hugh the spenser the son saw all this doyng anōe he sent his messanger frō pountfret ther that he duellid to the kīg Edward that tho wos at Grauen at Scipton for cause that the kīg shold vndo that pilgrimage ¶ And os the ribaud the messīger went toward the kīg for to done his message he come bi the hill ther the good marter was don to deth ̄ in the same place he made his ordure And when he had don he went toward the kīg a strong flix come vpō him or that he come to yorke tho he shedde all his bowels at his foūdement ¶ And when sir hugh the spenser herd this tydīg somedele he was a drad ̄ thought for to vn do the pilgrimage if he myght by ony maner way ¶ And anōe to the kīg he went said that they shuld be in gret sklander thurgh out all cristīdom for the deth of Thomas of Lancastre if that he suffred the
And they said ye and ther they swore toke ther charge vpō a boke made ther oth well ̄ trewly it to hold in all maner of pointes couenaūtis with out contradiccion or delay in ony maner wise ¶ And thā wos she brought vn to sent Nicholas chirche in Calais ̄ ther she wos worthely weddid with the most solempnite that ony kyng or quene myght be with Erchebisshoppis bisshoppis ̄ all the ministers of holi chirch And than they wer brought home vn to the Castell and set to mete ¶ And wer serued with all maner of delicasie of riall metis and drinkes plenteuousli to all maner of straungeis and all othir and no creature warned that fest bot all wer welcum for ther wer gret halles and tentis set vpon the grene with out the castil to receyue all maner of pepull and euery office redy for to serue them all and thus this worthy mariage wos solemply done and endid with all rialte ¶ Than thes ij dukes of fraunce with ther pepull token ther leue of the kyng and the quene and went ayen vn to Grauenyng water And ther the frensh lordis that is to say the ij dukis and all ther menye weren come ouer the water to Grauenyng and ther they met and euerichō toke leue at othir and so they deꝑted and our lordis comen ayen vn to Calais the frensh lordis wenten ouer the water and so home in to fraunce ayen· ¶ And anone after the kyng made him redy with the quene and all his lordis and ladies all ther peple with them and come ouer thee see in to Englond and so vn to london And the maire and the sheriues with all the aldermen ond worthy communes ridden ayens them vn to the blak heth in Kent ̄ ther they met with thee kyng and the quene and wolcomed them that in good aray and euery man in the clothyng of his craft ̄ ther minstrelles before them ¶ And so they brought them vn to sent Gregoris barre in southwarke and ther they token ther leue And the kyng and the quene ridden to Kenyngton than the pepull of londō turned home ayen ¶ And in turnyng ayen to londō brigge ther was so gret p̄se of peple both on hors ̄ on fote that therwer dede on the brigge xi· ꝑsons of mē women ̄ of children on whos soules almighty god haue pited and merci amen ¶ And than afterward the quene wos broght vn to the tour of londoō ̄ ther she was all nyght and on the morow she wos brought thurgh the cite of londō all ouer so forth vn to westmynstre ther she wos croūed quene of Englōd than she wos brought ayen to the kyngꝭ palais ther wos holdē an opē and riall fest at hir coronacion of all maner pepull that thidder come and this wos done the sonday next after the fest of sent Clement in the xx yere of kyng Richardis regne ¶ And than the xxv day of August next after by euell excitacion fals councell for gret wrath and malice that the kyng had of old tyme vn to his vncle the good duke of Gloucestre and to the erle of Arundell and to the erle of warwik Anone the kyng by his euell excitacion ̄ his euell councell and malice late ī the euenyng on the same dai aboue said made him redy with his strength rode in to Estsex vn to the toūe of Chelmesford so come to plasshe sodenly ther sir Thomas of wodstok the good duke of gloucestre lay And the good duke come to welcum the kyng anone ¶ And the kīg a restid the good duke him self his own body ̄ so he was lad doun to the water and annone put to a shipp anone had to calais and brought in to the capitayns ward to be kepid in hold by the kyngꝭ commaundement of englond ¶ And that tyme the erle Marchall wos capitayn of Calis And anone after by commaūdemēt of the kyng and by his fals councell commaunded the capitayn to put him to the deth ¶ And anōe certayn yomen that had the good duke in kepyng toke thir councell how that they shuld put him vn to deth ¶ And this was ther oppoyntment that they shuld cum vpō him when he wer ī his bedde and a slepe on a fether bedde And anōe they bond him hand fote charged him to lie still whan that they had done thus they token two smale towellis and made on them ij rid knottis ̄ cast the towellis about his nee than thei toke the fethir bede that lay vndir him ̄ cast it aboue hī and than they drew ther towellis eche weis and sum lay vpon the fethir bede vpō him vn to the tyme that he wos dede by cause that he shuld make nonoyse and thus they strangled this worthy duke vn to the deth on whos saule god for his high pitte haue merci amen ¶ And when the kyng had a restid this worthy duke and his vncle ̄ sent him to Calais he come ayen vn to londō in all the hast with an wonder gret pepull And os sone as he wos comen he sent for the erle of Arundell for the good Erle of warwike ¶ And anone as they come he arestid them him self sir Iohn̄ Cobham sir Iohn̄ Cheyn knyghtis he arestid them in the same maner till he made his ꝑlament anone they werput in to hold but the erle of Arundell went at large vn to the ꝑlamēt time For he fonde sufficient sureti to abide the law to ansuer to all maner pointes that the kyng and his councell wold put vp on him ¶ And in the xxi yere of kyng Richardis regne he ordeyned him a ꝑlament at westmynstre the wich wos called the gret parlament And this ꝑlament wos made for to Iugge this iij. worthy lordis othir mo as them list at this tyme ¶ And for that Iuggement the kyng let make in all the hast alōg house ̄ a large of tymbre the wich wos called an hall couerid with tyles ouer it was oppī all about on both sides at the endis that all maner of men myght see thurgh out and ther the dome was holden vpon thes forsaid lordis Iuggement yef at this forsaid parlament ¶ And for to cum vn to this ꝑlament the kīg sent his writtis to euery lord barō knight euery squier in euery shire thurgh out englōd that euery lord gadre ̄ bring his retenew with him in as short time ̄ in the best aray that they myght gete in mayntenyng ī strengthīg of the kīg ayens them that wer his enmys ̄ that this wer done ī all the hast they come to him ī payn of deth ¶ And the kīg him self sent in to Chestershire to chiuetās of that cuntre they gadred