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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23588 [The cronycles of Englond]; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1482 (1482) STC 9992; ESTC S121383 314,856 338

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●…rl le hym that I sent it hym and a full rycher yefte I wylle hym yeue For vpon the. xij day he shal come to me and euermore duel le in blysse withoute ende Syr sayd the pylgryms what man l●…n ye and in what place is your duellyng Fayr frendes quod le I am Iohan the euangelyst and am duellyng with almygh ty god And your kyng edward is my frende I loue hym specialy for encwson that he euer hath lyued in clennesse and is cle ne mayd And I pray yow my message al for to done ●…o I ha ue to yow y sayd whan seynt Iohan enangelyst hadde thus l●…m charged sodeynly he wyded out of her syght The pylgrymes tho thanked almyghty god and went forth in hir way And whan they had gone two or thre myle they bygonne to wo●…e wery And sate a doune him for to reste and soo fyl a slepe And when they had slepte wel one of hem a woke lif●…e vp his heede and loked aboute and said vnto his felaw Arise vp and wende we in our weye what said that one felawe to that other wher be we nowe Certes said that other It semeth me that this is not the same countreye that we layd vs in for to wst and slepe For we were from Ierusalem but thre myles They token vp hir hondes and blessed hem and went forth in hir waye And as they went in hir weye they sawe shepeherdes goyng with hir shepe that speken none other langage but englisshe Leue frēdes qd●… one of the pilgrems what coūtre is this who is lord chewf one of the shepeherdes ansuerd this is the coūtre of kent in englond of the whiche the good kyng edward is lord The pylgryms thanked almyghty god and seynt Iohn euangelyste wente forth in hir wey come to Caunterbury and fro thens in to london ther they founde the kyng told hym al fro the begynnyng vnto the ende as moche as seynt Iohan had hem charged and of al thynges how they sped by the wey and toke the ryng to kyng edward he vnderfenge it thanked almyghty god and saynt Iohn euangelyst And tho made hym a redy euery day from day to day for to wēde out of this lyfe whan god wold for hym sende How seynt edward dyed on the xij day Ca C xxx ANd after it befell thus in cristemasse eue as the hooly man Edward was at goddes seruyce mannes for to here of the high fest he bycome ful syke in the morow endured with moche payne the masse for to here and after lete hym be ladde in to his chambre there for to resten hym but in to his hall amōgs his bawns knyghtes myght he not come hem for to comfort sola ce as he was woned for to done at that worthy fest wherfor alle hir myrth comfort amonges all that were in the halle was tor ned in to care sorow for encheson that they dred for to l●…sc ler good lord the kyng And vpon saynt Iohans day euangelyst tho that come next the kyng vnderfenge his ryghtes of holy chirche as falleth to euery cristen man abode the mercy the wylle of god tho two pylgryms he lete byfore him come yaf h●…m rich yeftes bytoke hem vnto god And also the abbot of westmynstre he lete byfore hym come toke hym that rynge in honour of god saynt marye of seynt Iohn euangelyst the abbot toke put it among other relyques so that it is at westmynstre and euer more shal be so lay the kyng seke til the xij euen tho di ed the good kynge Edward at westmynstre ther he lyeth For whos loue god hath shewed many fayre myracles this was in the yere of Incarnacion of our lord ihu crist in lxv yere And after he was translated putte in to the shryne thurgh the noble martir seynt thomas of Caunterbnry How Harold that was gode wyns sone was made kyng and how he scaped fro the duk of normandye Cao. C xxxi WHan saynt Edward was gone oute of this worlde was gone to god worthely entered as it apperteyned to such a lord for to be the barons of the land wold haue hadde Edward Helyngus sone to Edward the outlawe that was edmond Irensydes sone to be kyng for as moche as he was moost kyndeste kynges blode of the reame But harold sone of therle godewyn thurgh the strengthe of his fadre goode wyn and thurgh other grete lordes of the royāme that were of his kyn vnto hym sibbe seysed al englond to his hand and anon lete hym croune kyng after the enterement of seynt edward This harold that was godewynes sone the second yere tofore that seynt edward was dede wold haue gone in to Flaundres but he was deyue thurgh tem pest in to the countre of poūtyf there he was take brought to the duke william And this harold went tho that duk william wolde haue ben auengyd vpon hym for encheson that therle Godewyne that was harols fadre had lete slee Alured that was seynt edwardes broder and pryncypally for encheson that alured was quene enimes sone that was rychardes moder duke of nor mandy that was ayell to the duke wylliam And netheles when the duk william had harold in pryson and vnder his power for as moche as this harold was a noble knyght wyse and worthy of bodye that his fadre and he were accorded with good kyng edward and therfor wold not mysdone hym but al maner thyn ges that bytwene hem were spoken ordeygned Harold by his good wyll swore vpon a boke vpon holy sayntes that he shold spouse wedde due williams doughter after the deth of saynt ed ward that he shold besyly done his deuer for to kepe saue the royame of englond to the profyte auaūtage of duk william whan harold had thus made his othe vnto duke wylliam he lete hym goo yafe hym many ryche yeftes he tho went thens come in to englond anon dede in this maner whan seynt Edward was deede as a man falsely forswore he lete croune hym kyng of englond falsely brake the conenaūts that he had made byfore with duk william wherfor he was with him wōder wroth and swore that he shold vpon hym ben auengyd what euer so him befell And anon duk william lete assemble a grete hoost come in to englond to auenge hym vpon harold to conquere the lād yf that he myght And in the same yere that harold was crouned harold harestrenge kyng of denmark arryued in scotlād thouȝt to haue ben kyng of englond he come in to englond slewe and robbed destroyed al that he myght till that he come to york and ther he slewe many men of armes a M an honderd preestes whan this tiding come to the kyng he assēbled a strōge power
of CCC xx sailles And than felle ther a grete dysese and a foule meschyef for there were thre lordes whiche that the kyng truste moche on thurgh ●…ls couetyse they had purposed and ymagyned the kynges deth And thought to haue slayn hym and al his bretheren or he had take the see the whiche were named thus Sir Richard Erle of Cambridge broder to the duke of yorke the seconde was the lord S●…ope Tresoryer of Englond the thyrd was syr Thomas gray knyght of the Northcount●… And these lordes afore sayd for lucre of money had made promysse to the frensshmen for to haue slayne kyng Henry al his worthy bretheren by a fals trayne soden●…ch or they had be ware But Almyghty god of his grete grace held his holy hond ouer hem saued hem from this peryllous meyny And for to haue done this they resceyued of the frensshmen a myl lyon of gold And that was there openly preued And for hyr fals treason they were all there Iudged vnto the dethe And this was the Iudgement that they shold be ladde thurgh Hampton And withoute N●…thgate ther to be heded And thus they ended hir lyf for hyr fals couetyse and treasonne 〈◊〉 Anone whan this was done the kyng and all his meyny made hem redy wenten to shippe token sayled forth with xv C shippes and arryued with in seyne at kydecause vpon our ladyes 〈◊〉 the assūpcion in Normandye with al his ordynaunce and so wente hym forth to haref●…ete and besyeged the toune al aboute by lond and eke by water And sente to the Capytayne of the tou ne charged hym for to delyuer the toune And the Capitayn sayd that he none delyuered hym 〈◊〉 none he wold to hym yelde but bad hym done his best And than oure kyng layd his ordynaūce vnto the toun that is for to say Gonnes Engyns Trip gettes shet●…en and ●…st to the walles and eke vnto the toune And cast doune both tou●…s and Towne and layd hem vnto the grounde and there he played at the tenys with his harde gonne stones And they that were within the toune whan they shold playe theyr songe was wel awey And allas that euer ony fu che tenys balles were made cursed al tho that werre bygan the tyme that euer they were borne And on the morow the kyng dyd crye at euery gate of the toun that euery man shold be redy on the morowe erly to make assaute vnto the toune And William Bouchyer Iohan graūt with xij other worthy Burgeys comen to the kyng besought hym of his ryall prince hode and power to withdrawe his malyce destruction that he dyde vnto hem and besought hym of eyght dayes of respi●…e and ●…rewes yf ony rescue myght come vnto hem and elles to yelde vp the toune vnto hym with al hir goodes And than the kyng sent forth the Capytayne and kepte the remenaunt stylle with hym And the lord Gaucorte that was Capitayne of the toune wente forth to Rone in al haste vnto the Dolphyne for helpe socoure But ther was none ne no maner of rescue for the Dolphyne wold not abyde And thus this Capitayn come ayene vnto the kyng and yelde vp the toune and delyuerd hym the keyes And than he called his vncle the erle of Dorsett and made hym Capytayne of the toune of harflete and delyuerd hym the keyes and badde hym gone to put oute al the frenssh peple bothe men women and children and stuffed this toune of harflete with Englyssh men And than the kynge sente in to Englond and dyd 〈◊〉 in euery good toune of englond that what crafty man wold come thidder and inhabyte hym there in that toune he sholde haue hous and houshold to hym and his heyres for euermore And so thydder wente many dyuerse marchauntes crafty men and enhabyted hem there to strengthe the toune and weren welcome And whan the kyng sawe that this toune was wel stuffed ●…o the of v●…yll and of men this worthy prince toke his leue and went to Caleys ward by londe And the frensshmen herd of his comynge they thought to stoppe hym his wey that he shold not passe that waye and in al the hast that they myght breken al the bridges ther ony passage was for hors man in so moche that ther myght nomā passe ouer the Ryuers nother on hors ne on foote but yf ●…e shol de be drowned And therfor our kyng with al his peple went and sought his wey f●…r vp vnto parys ward and ther was al the rial power of fraūce assembled and redy to yeue hym batayl and for to destroye al his peple But almyghty god was his gyde and saued hym and al his meyny defended hym of his enemyes power purpose thanked be god that saued so his own knyght and kyng in his rightful tytle And than oure kyng beholdyng seyng the multitude nombre of his enemyes to with stonde his wey yeue hym batayll Than the kyng with a meke hert a good spirite lyft vp his handes to almyȝty god besouȝ●… hym of his helpe socour that day to saue his trewe seruaūtes And than our kyng gadred al his lordes and other peple aboute and bad hem al be a good chere for they shold haue a fayre day a gracious victorye the better of al hir enemyes praid hem all to make hem redy vnto the bataylle for he wold rather be dede that day in the feld than to be take of his enemyes for he wold neuer put the reame of englond to raūsonne for his persone and the duk of york fell on knees besouȝt the kyng of a bone y t he wold graunte hym that day the auauntward in his bataylle And the kyng graunted hym his askyng And said graunte mercy Cosyn of york and prayd hym to make hym redy And than he bad euery man to ordeyne a stake of tree sharp bothe endes that the stake myght be pyght in the erth a slope that hir enemyes shold not ouercome hem on horsbak for that was hir fals purpose ara yed hem al ther for to ouer ryde our meyny sodenly at the fyrsts comyng on hem at the fyrst bront al nyȝt to fore the batail the frensshmen made many grete fyres and moche reuel with houting and showtyng and playde oure kyng his lordes at the dise an archer alwey for a blank of hir money For they wenden al had ben here 's ' the morne aroos the day gan spryng and the kyn ge by good auyse lete araye his bataill and his wynges char ged euery man to kepe hem hole to geders prayd hem al to be of good chere And whan they were redy he asked what tyme of the day it was they sayd pryme Than sayd our kynge nowe is good tyme For al Englond praith for vs and therfor be of good chere and lete vs goo to our journeye
thens This kyng edward made al the good lawes of englond that yet ben moost holden and was so mercyable and ful of pyte that no man myght be more How therle godewyn come in to englond and had ageyne all his land and after ward saynt edward wedded hys doughter Cao. C. xxvijo. WHan therle godewyn that was duellyng in denmark hadde moche herde of the goodnes of saynt Edward and that he was full of mercy of pyte And thought that he wold gone a geyne in to englond for to seche to haue grace of hym that he myght haue his land in pees and arrayed hym as moche as he myghte and putte hym towarde the See And come in to Englond to london ther that the kyng was that tyme and alle the lo●●●s of englond helde a parlement Godewyne sente to hem that were his frendes and were the moost grettest lordes of the lande prayd hem to beseche the kynges grace for hym and that he wold his pees his land graunte hym his enemyes ladden hym byfore the kyng to seche grace And anone as the kyng hym sawe he appelled hym of treason and of the deth of Alured his broder these wordes vnto hym sayd Traytour Godewyne quod the kynge I thr appele that thou hast bytrayd and slayne my broder Alured Certes syr quod Godewyn saue your grace and your pees and your lordship I neuer hym bytrayd ne slew hym therfor I put me in reward of the court Now fayre lordes qd the kyng ye that ben my lyeges erles and barons of the lond that here ben al assembled Ful wel ye haue h●…rd myn appele the ansuere also of godewyn And therfore I wylle that ye award and doo ryght The erles and barons tho drowen hem alle to gedre for to done this award by hem self so they speken dyuersly amonges hem For somme sayd ther was neuer allyaūce by homage serment seruyce ne by lordship bytwene Godewyn Alured for whiche thyng they myght hym drawe at the last they deuysed and demed that he shold put hym in the kynges mercy all to geders Tho spak the erle leueryche of Couentre a good man to god to al the world told his reson in this manere sayd the erle godewyn is the beste frended man of Englond after the kyng wel myght it not ben gayn sayd that without coūseill of godewyn Alured was neuer put to deth wherfor I award as touchyng my part that hym self his sone euery of vs xij erles that ben his frendes wend byfore the kyng charged with as moche gold syluer as we mowe bere bitwene our handes prayeng the kyng foryeue his euyl wyll to therle godewyn receyue his homage his land yelde ageyn al they accorded vnto that award And comen in this maner as is abone sayd euery of hem with gold syluer as moch as they myght bere bytwene hyr hon des byfore the kyng they sayden the forme the maner of hyr accord and of hir award The kyng wold not hem gayn say but as moche as they ordeyned he graunted and confermed so was therle godewyn accorded with the kyng had ageyne al his lād And afterward he bere hym so wel and so wysely that the kyng loued hym wonder moche and with hym was ful pryue And within a lytel tyme the kynge loued hym so moche that he spoused godewyns doughter made hir quene and netheles for al that tho the kyng had a wyf he lyued euermore in chastyte in clennes of body without ony flesshely dede doyng with his wif the quene also in hir half lad hooly lyf two yere deyde And afterward the kyng lyued al his lyf without ony wyfe The kyng yafe the erldome of oxenford to harold that was godewynes sone made hym erle And so wel they were bilouyd both the fadre he so priue with the kyng both the fadre the sone that they myght done what thyng they wold by ryght For ageynste right wold he nothyng done for no maner man so good trewe he was of conseyence therfor our lord Ihu crist grete specially lo ue to hym shewed How kyng edward saw Sweyne kyng of denmark drenched in the see in the sacrament as he stode herd masse ca C xxvij IT befell vpon whytsonday as kyng edward herd his masse in the grete chirche of westmynstre ryght at the leuacion of Ihesu cristes body And as al men were gadred in to the chirche come nere the auter sacryng for to see the kyng his houdes ●…te vpon highe a grete laughter toke vp Wherfor al that aboute hym stode gretely gonne Wondre and after masse they axed why the kynges laughter was Fayr lordes quod t●…e kynge Sweyne the yonger that was kyng of denmark come in to the see with al his power for to haue comen in to englond vp on vs to haue werryd I sawe hym al his folke drenched in the highe see al this sawe in the eleuacion of Ihu cristes bodye bytwene the preestes hondes I had therof so moche Ioye that I myght not my laughter witholde and the erle leueryche besydes hym stode at the leuacion openlyche he sawe the forme of brede torne in to a lykenesse of a yong child toke vp his right bond fyrst blyssed the kyng afterward therle the Erle anone turned hym toward the kynge to make him see that holy syghte And tho sayd the kynge Syre erle sayd he I see well that ye see thāked be god that I haue honoured my god my sauyour vys●…ly Ihesu crist in forme of man whos name be blyssed in al worldes Amen How the rynge that seynt edward had yeue to a poure pylgrym for the loue of god saynt Iohan euangelyst come ageyne vnto kyng edward Capitulo C xxix THis noble man saynt edward regned xiij yere and thus It be fell vpon a tyme bifore er he died that two men of englōd were went in to the holy land ●…nd hadden done hir pylgremage and were goyng ageyne in to hir owne countrey And as they went in the wey they met a pylgrym that curtoysly he in salued and axed in what land and in what countrey they were borne And they sayd in Englond Tho axed he who was kyng of englond they ansuerd sayd the good kyng Edward Fayr frendes tho sayd the pylgrym whan that ye come in to youre countrey ageyne I praye yow that ye wyl gone vnto kynge edward oftymes hym grete in myne name And oft tymes thank him of his grete curtosye that he to me hath don̄ and namely for the ryng that he yaf me whan he had herd masse at westmynstre for seynt Iohns loue euangelyst and toke tho the rynge and toke it to the pylgryms And sayd I pray yow for to gone and ●…re this ryng and take it to kyng edward and
to the bisshop of northewiche And the same power we yeue in scotland to the bisshopes of rouchestre and of salysbury And in walys we yeue the same power to the bisshopes of seynt dauyd of landaf of seynt asse And more ouer we sende thurgh al crystendome that al the bisshops beyonde the see that they done acurse al tho that hel pen yow or ony counseyll yeuen yow in any maner nede that ye haue to done in ony party of the world And we assoylle hem al so al by the auctoryte of the pope commaūde hem also with yow for to werre as with hym that is enemy to all holy chirche Tho ansuerd the kyng what mowe ye done me more Tho ansuerd pan dolf we seyne to yow in verlo dei that ye ne none heyr that ye ha ue neuer after this day may be crouned Tho said the king by him that is almyghty god and I had wyst of this thyng er that ye come in to my land that ye had me brought suche tydyng I shold haue made yow ryde al an hole yere Tho ansuerd pādolf ful wel wende we at our fyrst comyng that ye wold haue ben obedyent to god to holy chirch haue fulfylled the popes commaūdement now we haue shewed to yow pronoūced the popes wylle as we were charged therwith And as now ye haue said that yf ye had wyst the cause of our comyng that ye wold haue made vs ry de al an hole yere as wel ye myght haue sayd that ye wold ha ue take an hole yere of respyte by the popes leue but for to suffre what deth ye coude ordeyne we shal not spare for to telle yow holych al the popes message his wylle that we were charged with How pandolf delyuerd a clerk that had falsed coūterfeted the kynges money byfore the kyng hym self Ca. C L ANd anon tho commaunded the kyng the sherenes bailyfs of northampton that were in the kynges presence that they shold brynge forth all the prysoners that they myght be done vn to the deth before pandolf for encheson the kyng wende that they wold haue gayn sayd hyr dedes for cause of deth al thyng that he had spoken afore whan the prisoners were come byfore the king he comaūded som to be honged somme to ben drawe somme to drawe hir eyen oute of hir heede and amonge al other ther was a clerk had falshed the kynges money the kyng commaūded that he shold be honged and drawe And when pandolf herd this commaundement of the kyng he sterte hym vp smertely anon axed a boke a candel wold haue cursed al hem that set vppon the clerk ony honde and pandolf him self wente for to seche a crosse the kyng folowed hym delyuerd hym the clerk by the honde that he shold do with hym what that euer he wold and thus was the clerk deliuerd went thens pandolf durant his felawe went fro the kyng Iohan come ageyne to the pope of rome told hym that kyng Iohan wold not amended ben but euer abyde so acursed and netheles the pope graunted that yere thurgh oute englond that men myght syng masses in couenable chirches and make goddes body yeue it to syke men that passe shold out of this world And also that men myght cristen children ouerall And whan the pope wyst and sawe that the kyng wold not ben vnder the rule of hooly chirche for noo maner thyng the pope tho sente to the kynge of fraunce in remissyon of his synnes that he shold take with hym alle the power that he myght wende in to Englond for to destroye kyng Iohan whan this tydyng come to kynge Iohan tho was he sore annoyed and sore drad lest that he shold lese his reame and him self be done to deth Tho sente he to the pope messagyers sayd that he wold ben Ius tyfyed and come to amendement in al thynges and wolde make satisfaction to al maner men after the popes ordynaunce Tho sent the pope ageyne in to englond pandolf and other messagyers comen to Caunterbury ther the kyng abode the xiij days of may the kyng made an oth for to stand to the popes ordynaūce before pandolf the legate in al maner thynges in whiche he was acursed and that he shold make ful restitucion to al men of holy chirche of relygyon and of the goodes that he had take of hem ayenst hir wyll and all the grete lordes of englond swore vppon the boke by the holy dome that yf the kyng wold not holde his othe they sayde that they wold make hym holde it by strengthe Tho put the kyng hym to the court of Rome and to the pope and tho yaf vp the reame of Englond and of Irlond for hym and for his heyres for euermore that shold come after hym So that kyng Iohan his heyres shold take tho two reames of the popes hand and shold holde tho two wyaines of the pope as to ferme payeng euery yere vnto the court of Rome a thousand marke of syluer tho toke the kynge the croune of his heede set hym on his knees and these wordes he sayd in heryng of al the grete lordes of englond here I resygne vp the croune the reame of Englond in to the popes bande Innocent the thyrdde put me ho lych in his mercy in his ordynannce Tho vnderfenge pandolf the croune of kyng Iohan and kept it v dayes as for seysen takyng of two reames of englond and of Irlond confermed all maner thynges by his chartre that foloweth after Of the letter oblygatorye that kyng Iohan made vnto the court of Rome wherfor the petres pens ben gadred thurgh oute al En glond Cao. C ljo. TO all cristen peple thurgh oute the world duellyng Iohan by the grace of god kyng of englond gretyng to your vnyuersyce knowe thyng it be that for as moche as we haue greued and offended god oure moder chirche of Rome for as moche as we haue nede to the mercy of oure lord Ihu criste we may no thyng so worthy offre as competent satisfaction to make to god to holy chirche but yf it were our owne body as with our reames of Englōd of Irlond Than by the grace of god we des●…re for to meke vs for the loue of hym that meketh hym to the deth of the crosse thurgh coūceyll of the noble erles barons we offren frely graunten to god to the appostles seynt peter and seynt paule to or moder chirche of Rome to our hooly fadre the pope Innocent the thirde to al the popes that come after him alle the reame patronages of chirches of Englond of Irlond with hyr apperteuaūces for rmission of our synnes and helpe l●…lthe of our kyn soules of al cristen soules so that fro this ty me afterward we
strengthe of the letter oblygatorye wytnessyd Tho ●…welyn had scorne despyte of the kynges cōmādement for pure wrath bygan ayene for to werre vpon kyng Edward and destroye his lādes tho kyng edward herd this tydyng ▪ he way wonder wrath vnto lewelyn in hast assembled his peple and went hym towards walys werryd so vpon lewelyn the prince til that he brought hym in so moche sorow dysese ▪ And 〈◊〉 welyn sawe that his defence myght not auayle come ayene yelde hym to the kynges grace and cryed hym mercy long tyme kneled byfore the kynges fete The kyng had of hym pyte ▪ commaunded hym for to aryse for his mekenesse foryafe hym his wrath to hym sayd that yf he trespaced ayene hym another tyme that he wold destroye hym for euermore Dauid that was lewelyns broder that same tyme duellid with the kyng edward was a fell man a subtil enuious ferre castynge moche treson thought euermore helde hym styll for to wytte espye the kynges wylle euermore made good semblaunt ▪ semed soo trewe that no man myght perceyue his falsenes How lewelyn thurgh eggynge of dauid his broder werryd ageyne vpon kyng edward Ca C lxiij HIt was not longe after that tyme that kyng Edward ne yaf to diuid lewelyns broder the lorship of frodesham and made hym a knyght so moche honour dyd he neuer after to noo man of walys for encheson of hym kyng edward helde his parlement at london whan he had done in walys al that he wold chaunged his money that tho was ful cutte and rounded wher for the comune peple pleyned hem wonder sore so that the kynge lete enquere of hem that suche trespaas dyden CCC were atteynt of suche maner falsenes wherfor som were honged som dra we afterward honged And afterward the kynge ordeygned that the sterlynge halfpeny ferthyng shold gone thurgh oute his land commaūded that no man fro day afterward yaf ne feffed hous of relygyon with lande tenement without sp●…al leue of the kyng and he that did shold be punysshed at the kynges wylle the yift shold be for nought And it was not long after that lewelyn prynce of walys thurgh ticement of dauyd his bro der by both hir consent they thought to disheryte kyng edward in as moch as they miȝt so that thurgh hem both the kinges pees was brokē whan kyng edward herd this anō he sent his barō●… in to Northumberlond and the surreys also that theysh old gone taken hir vyage vpon the traytours Lewelyn and Dauyd And wonder hard was for to werre tho ▪ for it is wynter in walys whan in other coūtreyes is somer And lewelyn lete ordeyne wel arraye vytaylle his good castel of swandon was ther in an huge nombre of peple plente of vytaylles so that kyng Edward wyst not wher for to entre And whan the kynges men it perceyued and also the strength of walys they lete come in the see barges and botes grete plankes as many as they myght or deyne haue for to gone to the sayd Castel of swandone with mē on fo●… eke on hors But the walsshmen had so moche peple were so strong that they dryuen the englysshmen ageyne soo that ther was so moche prese of peple at the turnyng ageyne that the charge the berthen of hem made the barges botes synke ther was drenchyd ful many a good knyght that is to say Syr Rogyer of Clyfford Syr william of lyndesey that was syr Iohans fytz robert syr rychard tanny an huge nombre of other all was thurgh hir owne folye for yf they had had good espyes they had not ben harmed Whan kyng edward herd telle that his peple was soo drenchyd he made sorow ynow but tho come Sir Iohn of vessye from the kyng of aragon brought with him moch folk of bachilers of gascoyns were soudyours duel lyng with the forsayd sir Iohan of vessye vnderfonge of him wages with hym were witholde noble men it were for to fiȝt brente many townes slewe moche peple of walsshmen al that they myght take al tho with strength myght made assaut to the castel of swandone gete the castel ▪ whan dauid the pryn●…s broder herd this tydyng he ordeyned hym to flyght lewelyn the prynce sawe that his broder was flowen and sore was abasshed for he had no power to his werre for to mayntene And so Lewelyn gan for to flee and wend wel for to haue escaped ▪ but on a morow Syr Rogyer Mortimer met with hym only with 〈◊〉 knyghtes set hym roūde aboute to hym went 〈◊〉 of his hede and presented hym vnto the kyng Edward And in this ma ner the prynce of walys was taken his heede smyten of and al his heyres disheryted for euermore thurgh rightful dome of all the landes of the ●…ame ▪ How Dauid that was lewelyns broder prynce of wa●…s was put to deth Cao. C. l●…iiijo. Auyd that was the prynces broder of walys thurgh pryde d wen●…e for to haue ben prynce of walys after his brother●… deth And vpon that sente he after the walsshmen to his parlemēt at dynb●…gh follylyche made walys aryse ayenst the kyng be gan to meue werre ageynst the kyng dyd al th●… sorow dysease that he myght by his power Whan kyng edward herd of this thynge he ordeyned men to pursue vpon hym And dauyd ferselich hym defended til that he come to the toun of saynt Moryce ▪ ther was dauyd take as he fledde ▪ and led to the kyng and the kyng commanded that he shold be honged and drawe and smy●… of his heede quarter hym and sende his hede to london the iiij quartyers sende to the four townes chyef of walys for they shol de take example and ther of ben war●… And afterward kyng Edward lete crye his pe●…s thurgh oute al walys seased all the land in to his hand al the grete lordes that were left alyue come to done feaute homage to the kyng edward ▪ as to hir kynde lord ▪ And tho lete kyng edward amende the lawes of walys that were defectif And after he sente to al the lordes of walys by his lettres patent that they shold come al to his parlement And whan they were come the kyng sayd to hem full cur toysly Lodynges ye be welcome me 〈◊〉 your counceille and your helpe for to wende in to gascoyne for to amende the trespace●… that me was done ▪ whan I was ther for to entreate of pees bytwene the kyng of Aragon the prynce of Morrey And al the kynges lyege men Erles ▪ and Barons consented and graunted therto And tho made hym kynge Edward redy and went in to 〈◊〉 and l●…te amende all the tre spaces that
hym was done in Gascoyne And of the debate that was bytwene the kyng of Aragon and the Prynce of Morrey he cesed ▪ and made hem acorded And whyle the good kyng Edward and the quene Elyen●…e his wyf were in Gascoyne the good Erle of Corne wayle was made wardeyne of Englond till that kyng Edward come ageyne And tho enquered ●…x of his traytours that congetted falsenesse ageynst hym And eche of hem alle ▪ vnderfenge her dome after that they hadde deserued But in the me●…ne tyme. while that the good kyng Edward was beyonde the see to done hem for to make amendes that ageynst hem had trespaced ther was a fals thefe a Traytoure that was callyd Rys a●… Merydock byganne for to make werre ageynste the Kynge Edward And that was for encheson of syr payne tiptot wrongfully greuid diseased that for sayd Ri●… ap merydok And whan kyng Edward herd alle this he sente by his lettres to Ris ap merydok that he shold begynne to make no werre but that he shold be in pees for his loue when that he come ageyne in to englond he wold vndertake the quarell done amende alle that was mysdone The forsayd Rys ap Merydok despysed the kynges commandement spared not for to do al the sorow that he myght to the kynges men of Englond ▪ but a non after he was taken lad to york ther was drawe hon ged for his felon●… Of the redressyng that kyng edward made of his Iusty●…s of his clerkes that they had done for hir falsenesse how he drofe the Iewes out of englond for her vsery misbyleue ca o C 〈◊〉 WHan kyng edward had duellyd thre yere in gascoyne 〈◊〉 le come to hym for to wende ageyne in to Englond ▪ tho he was come ageyne he foūde so many playntes made to hym of his Iustyces and of his clerkes ▪ that had done so many wrōges falsenes that wonder it was to here And for whiche falsenes Syr thomas weylond the kynges Iustyce forswore Englon●… at the tour of london ▪ for falsenesse that men put vpon hym wherof he was atteynt proued fals And anon after whan the kyng had done his wylle of the Iustyces tho lete ●…x 〈◊〉 and aspye how the Iewes desceyued begyled his ●…ple thurgh 〈◊〉 synne of falsenes of vserye lete ordeyne a pryue parlem●…●…mong his lordes they ordeyned among hem that al the Iew●… shold wyde englond for hir mysbyleue And also for hir fals vse rye that they dyd vnto Crysten men And for to spede to make an ende of this thynge al the cōmunyte of englond yaf vnto the kyng the xv peny of al hir goodes m●…able so were the 〈◊〉 dryuen on●… of Englond tho went Iewes in to fraūce there duellyd thurgh loue of kyng phelip that tho was kyng of fraūce How kyng Edward was seased in al the londe of scotland thurgh cōsent graūt of al the lordes of scotlād cao. C 〈◊〉o. HIt was not longe after that alysauder kynge of Scotland was dede And dauid Erle of Huntingdone that was the kynges broder of Scotland a●…ed and claymed the kyngdome of Scotland for encheson that he was right ful ●…yr But many grete lordes of Scotland sayden Nay●… ▪ Wh●…fore gre 〈◊〉 debate aroose bytwene hem ▪ and hyr frendes For as moche that they wold not consente to his coronacion in the mene tyme the forsayd dauyd deyde so it by fell that the same dauid had thre doughters that worthely were maryed the firste doughter was maryed to baillol the second to brus the thyrd to hastynges and the forsayd brus bayllol chalengyd the land of scotland gre te debate stryfe aroos bytwene hem thre for encheson that eche of hem wold haue be kynge whan the lordes of scotland sawe the debate bytwene hem thre they come to kyng Edward of Englond seysed hym in al the land of scotland as hir chyef lord And whan the kyng was seised of the lordes of scotlād the forsa yu baillol brus hastinges come to the kynges court axed of the kyng whiche of hem shold be kyng of scotland kyng Edward that was ful gentil trewe lete enquyre by the cronycles of Scotland of the grete lordes of scotlād whiche of hem was of the eldest blode it was founde that bayllol was eldest And that the kyng of scotland shold hold of the kyng of Englond done hym feaute homage and after this was done bayllol wēt in to scotland ther was crouned kynge of scotland the same tyme was vppon the see strong werre bytwene the englysshmen the normans but vpon a tyme the normans arryued al at douer ther they martred an holy man that was callid thomas of douer And afterward were the normane slayn that ther of hem escaped not one sone after kyng Edward shold lese the duchye of Gascoyne thurgh phelyp kyng of fraūce thurgh fals castynge of the doussepyers of the lād wherfor syr edmond that was kyng Edwardes broder yafe vp his homage vnto the kyng of fraunce And in that tyme the Clerkes of englond graunted to kyng ed ward haluendese of holy chirche goodes in holyyng for to recouer his land ageyne in gascoyne the kyng sente thyder a noble cō panye of his bachyllers hym self wold haue wente to portesmouth But he was let thurgh one maddoke of walys that had seysed the Castel of swandone in to his hand for that encheson the kyng turned ageyn vnto walis at Cristemasse for encheson that the noble lordes of englond that were sent in to gascoyne had no comfort of hir lord the kyng they were take of Syr Charles of fraūce that is to say sir john of britayn Syr Robert Tiptoft Sir Rauf tanny sir hugh bardolf sir adam of cretynges yet at the as●…ion was madok take in walys another that was callyd morgan they were sent to the tour of london ther they were byheded How Syr Iohan bayllol kyng of scotlande withsayd his homage of syr thomas Turbeluylle Ca●… C lxvij●… ANd whan syr Iohn bayllol kyng of scotlād vnderstode that kynge edward was werryd in gascoyne to whome the Royamme of scotlande was delyuerd falsely tho ageynste his othe withsayd his homage thurgh procuryng of his folk and sente to the court of rome thurgh a fals suggestion to be assoylled of that othe that he swore vnto the kyng of Englond so he was by let tres enbulled Tho chosen they of scotland dousepers for to benym me edward his ryght and in that tyme come two Cardynals frō the court of rome from the pope Celestyne for to treate of acord bytwene the kyng of fraūce the kyng of Englond and as tho two Cardynals spoken of acord thomas Turbeluille was take at lyoūs made feaute homage to the wardeyne of parys to
next yere folewyng in the xviij yere of his regne at his parlement holden at westmynstre the quynzeme of Paske the kyng Edward the thyrdde made edward his first bygoten sonne prince of walys And in the xix yere of his regne anon after in Ianyuer by fore lente the same kyng Edward lete make ful noble Iustes grete feestes in the place of his byrthe at wyndesore that ther were neuer none such seen ther a fore At whiche fest ryalte were ij kynges ij quenes the prince of walys the duk of Corne waill x Exles ix coūtesses barons many burgeys the whiche myghten not lyghtly be nō bred And of dyuse londes beyonde the see weren many straūgers And at the same tyme whan the Iustes were done kynge Edward made a grete soper in the whiche he ordeyned fyrst began his roūd table ordeyned stedfasted the day of the forsayd roū de table to be holden ther at wyndesore in the wytson weke eumore yerly And in this tyme Englysshmen so moche haūted cleued to the wodenes folye of the straūgers y t fro the tyme of comyng of the henewyers xviij yere passed they ordeyned chaūged hem euery yere dyuerse shappes disguysyng of clothyng of long large and wyde clothes des●…ytut desert from al old honeste good vsage And another tyme short clothes and streyte wastyd dagged kyt on euery syde slatered botened with sleues tapytes of surcotes hodes ouer long ouer moche hangyng that yf that I the soth shal say they were more lyche to tormentours de uels in hir clothyng and shoyng other araye than to men the women more nysely yet passed the men in aray coriousloker for they were so streyt clothed that they lete hange fox tailles sowed bynethe within hir clothes for to hele hyde her arses the which disgnisynges pride parauenture afterward brouȝt forth encau sed many myshappes meschyef in the reame of englond The 〈◊〉 yere of kyng edward he went ouer in to Batayne gascoyn in whos companye went the erle of warwik the erle of suffolk the Erle of huntyngdone therle of arundel many other lordes comyn peple in a grete multitude with a grete nauye of cc xl shippes anone after mydsomer for to auenge hym of many wronges and harmes to hym done by ●…helyp of valoys kynge of fraunce ageynst the trewes byfore hand graunted The whiche trewes he falsely and vntrewely by cauellacions losed dysquatte How kyng Edward sayled in to Normandye and arryued at hogges with a grete hoost Ca●… CC●… xxvij IN the xxj yere of his regne kyng edward thurgh counceylle of all the grete lordes of the Royame of Englond called and gadred to gedre in his parlemēt at westmestre before estren ordeyned hym for to passe ouer the see ayene for to dis sese destrouble the rebelles of fraūce And when his nauye was come to geder made redy he wēt with an huge hoost the xij day of Iuyll and saylled in to normandy arryued at hogges And whan he had rested hym there vj dayes for by cause of trauaylyng of the see and for to haue oute al his men with al hyr necessaryes out of hir shippes he went toward cadomum brēnyng wastyng and destroyeng al the tounes that he founde in his way And the xxvj day of Iuyll at the bridge of Cadony manly orpedly y strengthed defended with nor●…ās he had ther a stronge batayll and a longe duryng thurgh which a grete multitude of peple were slayn And ther were take prisonners the Erle of ewe the lord of Tankeruylle and an C other knyghtes and men of armes vj C footemen y nombred the toune the subarbes vnto the barre walles of al thyng that myght be bore caryed out was robled despoylled Afterward the kyng passyng forth by the coūtre about the brede of xx myle he wasted al maner thyng y t he fonde whan phelyp of valoys parceyued al this al though he were fast by with a strong hoost he wold not come no nerre but breke all the bridges by yonde the water of seyne fro Rone vnto parys And hym self fledde vnto the same cyte of parys with all the hast that he myght Forsoth the noble kyng edward whan he come to parys bridge and fonde it broken within ij dayes be lete make it ageyne And in the morow after the assumpcion of our lady kyng edward passed ouer the water of seyne goyng toward Crescy and destroyed by the way tounes with the peple duellyng ther in And in the fest of saynt bartholomew he passed ouer the water of somme vnhurt with all his hoost ther as neuer byfore hand was ony maner way ne passage wher ij 〈◊〉 were slayne of hem that letted hir passage ouer therfor the xxvj day of August kyng Edward in a felde fast by crescy hauyng iij batayls of en glisshmen countred and met with philip of valoys hauyng with hym iiij bataylles of whiche the leest passed gretely the nōbre of the englysshe peple And whan these two hostes metten to gedre ther fylle vpon hym the kyng of beme the duke of loreyne And Erles also of flaundres Dalaunson Blois Harecourt Aumar le and neuers and many other erles Barons lordes knyghtes and men of Armes the nombre of a 〈◊〉 v C xlij withoute footemen and other men y armed that were nothyng rekened And for alle this the vngloryous ●…hilippe withdrowe hym with the resydue of his peple wherfor it was sayd in comu ne among his owne peple N●…e 〈◊〉 soy retreyt that is for to say our fayr withdrawith hym Than kyng Edward our Englysshmen thāked god almyghty for suche a vyctorye after hir grete labour token to hem al thynge nedefull to hir sustenannce sauyng of hir lyf for drede of hir enemyes rested hem there and full erly in the mornyng after the Frensshmen with an huge pas sing hoost come ayene for to yeue batayll and fyght with the englysshmen with whome metten coūtreden the erles of warrewyke Northampton norfolk with hir companye and slowen two thousand and token many prisoners of the gentils of hem And the remenaunt of the same hoost fledde thre myle thens And the thyrd day after the batayl the kynge wente to Caleys warde destroyeng al the coūtrey as he rode whydder whan that he was come that is for to say the thyrdde day of septembre he began to besiege the toune with the castel continued his syege fro the forsayd thyrd day of September vnto the thyrd day of auguste the next yere after And in the same yere durynge the siege of Caleys the kynge of Scotland with a full grete multitude of Scottes come in to englond to Neuilles crosse aboute saynt lucas day the euangelyst hopyng and trustyng to haue foūde al the lōd destytute voyde of peple for as moche as the kyng of englōd
that he myght and that he sholde mete hym at leycester from then●… they wold gone in to walys and destroye the archebisshop of Ca●…rlyone and al tho that had refused saynt Austyn How kyng Adelbryght the kyng olfryde slewe brecinale that was a kyng of britons that helde the countre of leycestre Capitulo lxxxxix HIt befelle so that ther was a kyng Britone that held the countre of beycestre al the countrey aboute named Brecinale And this britone herde telle that tho two englyssh kynges wold mete ther at leycestre for to wende in to walys he lete ordeyne al the power that he had for to fyght with these two kynges but lytel it auayled hym for his folk that he had were layne hym self fled lost his londes for euermore and these two kynges Adelbryght elfryd duellyd a whyle at leycestre departed the lande amōges hem token homages feautes of folk of the coū tre And after they wenten toward walys tho of walys had herd telle of the scomfyture that brecinal had at leycestre were wonder sore adradde of tho two kynges toke chose amonges hem good men holy of heremytes monkes preestes of other folke grete plente that wenten barfoote wellewerd for to haue mercy of the two kynges But tho kynges were so sterne soo wykked that they nold neuer speke with hem but slewe hem euerychone Allas for sorow for they ne spared hem no more than the wolf doth the shepe but smyten of the hedes of euerychone so al were there martred that to hem come that is to vnderstonde v C xl afterward tho two kynges went fro thens to Bangore for to slee al tho that they myght there fynde of the Britons And whan the britons that herd they assembled ordeyned all hir power for to fyght with hem tho was ther a baron in wales that was callyd blederyk of Corne wayle that somtyme was lord of deuenshyre but the kyng adelbryght had dryuen hym in to walys yeue hym batayll And at that batayll was kyng Adelbright slayn elfryd woūded sore forsoke the felde the most part of his peple slayne elfrid fled in to northūberlond that was his owne londe And afterward the peple of leycestreshyre made with strengthe Cadewan that was brecynalys sone kyng of beycestre he after regned nobly with grete honour How Cadewan kynge of leycestre elfryde kyng of northūberlond were frendes of the debate that after was bytwene Edwyn and Cadwalyn that were both hyr sones ▪ Capitulo Centesimo ANd after that this bataylle was done the Britons ●…ssembled hem and went thens comen vnto leycestre and made Cadewan that was brecinalys sonne kyng of leycestre of alle the countre And he toke homages and feautes of al the folke of the countre And after he assembled a grete hoost sayd he wold g●… ne in to Northumberlonde to destroye kyng elfryde slee hym y●… he myght And whan he was comen thider frendes went so bitwe ne hem made hem accorded in this maner that elfryd shold hol de al the land from humber vnto scotland And Cadewen sholde haue al the land a this syde humber vnto the southe after that they bycomen good frendes al hyr lyues duryng loued to gedre as they had be two bretheren And this elfryde had a so ne that was callyd ed wyne that had helde al the land of Nor thumberlond after his faders deth as his fadre had holde all his lyues tyme And Cadewan had another sone that was callyd ca walyn that helde his faders lande as he it helde whiles he was a lyue And they loued to gedre as they had be bretheren And the loue last bytwene hem but only two yere And after bygan debate bitwene hem thurgh a lyther ennious co syn of Cadwalyne that was callyd briens so that they assembled a grete hoost in both partyes at●… last it befell that Cadwa lyne was discomfyt●…d edwyn hym pursued drofe hym fro place to place so at●… last he fled in to Irlond this other destroyed his land cast a doune castels and bren●… his maners and departed all Cadwalyns land among his frendes And longe tyme after come Cadwalyn ageyne from Irlond with a strong power in playne batayll slowe edwyn al his frendshippes name ly tho that withheld his landes thurgh edwyns yift How kyng oswald was slayn thurgh kyng Cadwalyn and peanda And how oswy that was seynt oswaldes brother regned after hym slewe peand●… Ca C j WHan that Edwyn was slayne Offrys his sone vndertoke the werre ageynste Cad welyne his eme so that this offry●… deyde duryng the werre And after the deth of offrys tho ●…gned a gentyl cristen man that moche louyd god almyghty that hadd●… all the land of northumberlond by herytage that was callyd Oswald And he was kyng of all that lande But for as moc●… as he was frend to edwyn helde a grete part of the land of Cad walyn the same Cadwalyn werryd vpon hym and drofe hym to ward scotland ▪ And whanne Cadwalyne 〈◊〉 that he nold not abide Cadewalyn ●…old no lenger him pursiewe but toke somme of his folke to peanda his brother in lawe and prayd peanda to pursue oswald till that he were take and slayne And Cadwalyn torned home ageyne whan oswald herde the tydyng that Cadwalyn turned home ageyn he wold no lenger fl●… but abode peanda yaf hym bataile peanda was discomfyted and fled and come ageyne to Cadwalyn and sayd that he wold neuer hold a fote of lond of hym but yf were so that he wold a uē ge hym of Oswald Cadwalyn lete assemble a grete hoost for to fight with oswald so that he peanda come vnto northūberlond yeue batayll vnto oswald in the same batayll was Oswald slayne and his hede smyten of after he was entered at the Abbey of bardeny in whiche place god hath wrought for hym many a fayr myracle both there elles where And anone Oswy his broder seased in to his hand all the land that was 〈◊〉 and the folk of northumberlond loued hym wonder wel and hel de hym for hir lord but he had men of his kyn worthy ynowg●… that wolde haue departed the londe and they werryd to g●…dre for as moche as they were not strong ynouw they comen to pean da and prayd hym of helpe and socoure and byhete hym of that longe largely vpon couenaunt that he wold hem ghye helpe counceylle ▪ P●…anda herde hir prayer and so spake with the kynge Cadwallyn that he shold ordeyne a grete hoost fast ordeyne hym in to northumberlond for to fyght with oswy And Oswy was a meke man and moche louyd pees and cha●…e and prayd Pean da of loue and pees profered hym of gold of siluer gret●… pl●…n
ly kyng hath vs forsake And a Fre●… p●…chour went with hym oute of the castel tille that he come to the place that he ended hys lyfe vnto whome he shrofe hym al his lyfe And the Gentille Erle helde the 〈◊〉 wonder fast by the clothes and sayd fayre fadre abyde with vs til that I be dede for my fless●… quaketh for dre de of deth And sot●… for to say the gentill erle sette hym v●…n his knees turned hym toward the ●…est but a ●…baude that was 〈◊〉 led Higone of mostone sette hand vpon the gentil Erle and said 〈◊〉 despyte of hym Syr traytour torne the toward the scottes thy foule dede to vnderfonge and torned hym toward the north The noble Erle thomas ansuerd tho with a mylde voys sayd nowe fayr lordes I shal done al your wylle with that word●… the frere went fro hym sore wepyng and anon a ●…baude went to hym smote of his hede the xj kal of April in the yere of grace M CCC xxj Allas that euer suche a gentil bloode shal ben done to deth withoute cause and reson And traytoursly was the kyng coūceylled whan he thurgh the fals coūceill of the spencers suffred Syr thomas his vncles sone ben put to such a deth and so ben 〈◊〉 heded ageynst al maner of reson and grete pyte it was also that suche a noble kyng shold ben desceyued mysgouerned thurgh coūceyll of the false spencers the whiche he mayntened thurgh lo selrye ageynst his honour eke profyte For afterward ther fill grece vengeaūce in englond for encheson of the forsayd thomas deth whan the gentil erle of his lyf was passed the priour the monkes of poūtfret geten the body of sir thomas of the kynge and they buryed it byfore the high auter on the right side That same day that this gentil lord was dede ther were honged and drawe for the same quarell at poūtfret Syr william tuchet Sire william fytz william sir warreyne of ysylle Sir henry of Bradborne sir william cheyne barons all and Iohan pagesquyer And sone after at york were drawe and. honged Syr Rogyer Clyfford Syre Iohan of mombray barons And Syr gossel●… dauill knyght And at Brystow ther were drawe and honged Syr henry of wymyngten Syr Henry Monntfort Barons at gloucestre were drawe honged Syre Iohan Giffard and Syr william Elmebrudge barons And at london were hon ged and drawe Syr henry ●…yes baron And at wynchelsee Syre Thomas Colepepi●… knyght And at wyndesore Syre fraūceys of waldenham baron And at Caūterbury was drawe and honged Syr bartholomew of badelesme●… and sir bartholomew of Asshebourneham Barons And at kerdyf in walys Syre william Flemmynge baron How kynge Edward wente in to Scotland with an honderd thousand men of Armes and myght not ●…pede Ca. C lxxxxixo. ANd whan kynge Edward of Englond hadde brought the Floure of Chyualrye vn to hir dethe thurgh counceylle of Syr hugh the spencer the fridre syr hugh the sone he bycome a●… wode as any lyon And what so euer the sp●…cers wold haue it was done and so wel the kyng loued hem that they myght done with hym al thyng that they wold wherfor the kynge yafe vnto syr hugh spencer the fadre the erldom of wynchestre to syr Andrewe of herkela the Erldome of cardoyll in pr●…dyce and in harmyng of his croune And kyng edward tho thurgh counseyll of the spencers disheryted al hem that had ben ageynst him in ony quarell with thomas of lancastre many●… other were dis heryted also for encheson that the spencers couerted for to haue hir lādes so they had al that they wold desire with wrong ayēst all reson Tho made the kyng Robert of Baldoc a fals pylled cler ke chaunceler of Englond thurgh coūceyll of the forsayd spen cers he was a fals ribaud and a cou●…itous s●… they coūseylled the kyng moche that the kyng lete take to his owne ward al the goodes of the lordes that wrōgfully were put to the deth in to his owne hand and as well they token the goodes that were in holy chirche as the goodes that were without lete hem be putte in to his tresorye in london lete hem calle his for faytz by hyr ●…n ceyll the kyng wrought for euermore he disherited hem that the goodes oughten thurgh hyr counseylle lete a●…re a tallyage of al the goodes of Englond wherfor he was the rychest kyng that euer was in Englond after william bastard of normandye that conquerd Englond And yet thurgh counceyll of hem hym semed that he hadde not ynow but made yet euery Towne of Englond fynde a man of armes vpon hir owne costages for to gone wer re vpon the scottes that were his enemyes wherfor the kyng w●… in to Scotland with an honderd thousand men of armes at wytsontyde in the yere of our lord Ihu crist M CCC xxij But the Scottes went hyd hem in montaynes and in wodes ●…ed the Englysshmen fro day to day that the kyng myght for noo maner thyng hem fynde in playne felde wherfor many englyssh men that hadden fewe vytaylles for honger there deyden wonder fast sodaynly for honger in goyng in comyng namely●… tho that had ben ageynst thomas of lancastre and hadde robbed his men vpon his landes Whan kynge Edward sawe that vytaylles fayled hym ▪ he was tho wonder sore discomforted for encheson also that his men dyed and for he myght nought spede of his enemyes soo at the laste he come ayene in to Englond And anone after come Iames douglas and also thomas randulf with an huge hoost in to englond in to northūberlond wi●…h hem the englysshmen that were dryuen out of englond come robbed the contray slewe the peple●… also brent the toun that was callyd nortallertone many other townes vnto yorke And whan the kyng herd this tydynge he lete sompne al maner men that myghten trauaylle so the englysshmen met the scottes at the abbey of Beygland the xv day after mychelmasse in the same yere aboue sayd the en glysshmen were ther discomfyted at that scōfiture was take sir Iohan of britayne Erle of richemond that helde the countrey Erldom of lancastre after he payd an huge ●…unsonne was let gone and after that he went in to Fraūce come neuer afterward ageyne How Syr Andrew of herkela was take pnt vnto the deth that was erle of Cardoylle Capitulo CCo. ANd at that tyme Syr andrewe of herkela that newe was made Erle of Cardoylle for cause that he hadde taken the good erle thomas of lancastre he had ordeyned thurgh the kynges commaundement of Englond for to bringe alle the power that he myght for to helpe hym ageynst the scottes at the Abbay of beygheland And whan the fals traytour had gadred alle the peple that he myght shold haue come to the kyng