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A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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as one by whō al other things were begottē And againe being the first begotten of all creatures in this name he condemneth the blasphemie of Seruetus which denyed him to be the sonne of God but onely in respect of his comming in fleash And that y apostle speaketh here of bringing into the world he meaneth not barely his natiuitie but as God gaue vnto Christ all the endes of the earth for his possession so the honourable setting of him in this authoritie he calleth it his bringing in into the world as appeareth because this is the glorie of this bringing that the Angels shall worship him And againe when he sayth the world he meaneth not this age of man but as he expoundeth it in the second chapter the worlde to come euen also as the Prophet Esaie called it that is the kingdome of Christ in the world through the preaching of the gospell And the worship with which the Angels shall worship him is that they shall haue from hencefoorth no such rule as before authorized in their owne persons from God but now they shall giue all glorie to christ Euen as we see in his natiuitie a great multitude of Angels sang Glorie be to GOD on high and in earth peace good will towards men because Christ was borne in the Citie of Dauid a sauiour vnto all people So in all his life in his death in his resurrection ascension and since his ascension there neuer appeared angel vnto man but to the praise of Christe and to ratifie all honour and worship due vnto him which ministerie of Angels because now so clearely it serueth Christ the Scripture is fulfilled Let all his Angels worship him And now that we haue seene the sense and meaning of this Scripture in some pointes I will more particularly applie it to our instruction It is saide first When he bring●… is his first begotten into the worlde which wordes meane as I said when in glorious triumph God l●…deth him into the possession of his kingdome And as the prophet saith whē God giueth him his d●…n from sea to sea and from the riuer vnto the endes of the land that ●…ll that dwell in the wildernesse may kneele besore him and his enimies may lick the dust Heere we must marke howe this hath beene accomplished and when wee knowe it if wee loue Christe let vs set foorth his excellent glorie This was especially doone no doubt in the crosse of Christe him selfe according as him selfe prayeth when he entreth vnto it Father glorisi●… thy sonne And Sainct Paule saith in it he hath spoyled principait●…es powers and hath made open shewe of them and triumphed ouer them vpon his crosse A proofe of this wee sawe with our eyes when Christe vppon the crosse so wrought in the hearte of the Romane cap●…eine that hee cryed aloude Truely this man was the sonne of GOD. When all the people behelde it that was done and smo●…e their brests and went backe when manie Saincts roase out of their graues and went into the holie Citie And not onely this worke was in men but that wee might know the vertue of his deathpearced euen into hell to bynde iudgement to the diuel and his Angels with eternal desperation and to witnesse it vnto his Church that the gates of hell should not preuaile against it To this end we sawe the earth did quake the stones were 〈◊〉 the Sonne was darkened the graues did open and this was the beginning of this kingdome The increasing and amplifying of this is the preaching of the same crosse that is of Christe crucified that it might be seene and heard in all the worlde which had also a glorious beginning in the Apostles of Christe whome God sanctified to that worke with excellent power and graces of the holie Ghoste so that notwithstanding the weakenesse of their persons yet their voice went into all landes and their wordes vnto the endes of the earth And boldely Sainct Paule witnessed of themselues that God had giuen them glorious weapons to fight withall weapons not carnall neither swoordes nor prisons as earthly princes haue to keepe their subiectes in feare but other weapons in deede more contemned of the worlde but yet made by God more mightie then al other weapons or engines to cast downe holdes For by our weapons sayth Saint Paule we cast downe mans imaginations and querie ●…ighe thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bring into captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of Christ. And this not onely was for that age but as GOD is vnchaungeable in all his wayes so this is made his euerlastinge ordinaunce that the preaching of the Gospel shoulde be his might●…e power to saue all that do beleeue And accordingly this cōmission is giuen to all that are sent out in the name of Christ for the gathering together of the Sainctes for the work of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ t●…l we meete all together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christe Sith this then is that spirituall pompe and those victorious chariots by which the Sonne of God is carried in triumph into the inheritance of the world they that haue eares to heare let them heare what it is to preache the Gospel of Christ and they that be called vnto it let them knowe what woorke they haue in hande and they that resist it shall at the last be consumed as they that be enimies to the glorie of Christ must needes be made his footestoole So that euerie one in the regard of so glorious a worke should humble himselfe to become a labourer in it yea the greater dignitie the more trauell it shoulde bring vnto it So that princes them selues haue no greater honour if we wil beleeue the Prophet Esaie then to licke the dust vnder the Churches feet By which speache the Prophet meaneth that the faithfull zealous kings which reigne vpon earth should with the perill of their crownes not feare to set out and giue all their strength to the Gospell of Christe by whiche the Lorde of Lordes is to be settled in his throne and he that ruleth for euer in the house of Iacob is to be crowned king The preaching of the Gospel is the preparation of his waye and the obedience vnto it is the honour of his reigne and what king hath too good a hand to ioyne in this nay what king whose spirite is in his nostrels and all his glorie is but a vading flower what king I say is worthie to be a doer in this worke but that it pleaseth this immortall and heauenly king of his free grace to accept his labour so that iustly they are iudged that are despisers of GOD and knowe not the Lord of hostes against whome they are proude Shall God proclame it with so loude a voice that when
he beginneth this worke of his eternall decree to bring his sonne into his kingdome all the Angels of heauen shall worship before him and shal a mortal man so farre exalt himselfe in his wisedome in his richesse in his honour in his nobilitie in his crowne in his kingdome that he shall thinke it a disgrace to giue all his life to the Gospell Can fleshe puffe it selfe vp so farre aboue the Angels O dearely beloued if we be happie let vs learne this and let vs further the worke of the Lorde the Angels worke with vs If we will not we shall pine away in our owne enuious idlenesse and without vs the Sainctes and Angels shall giue Christ his glorie Another thing here we may marke howe it is attributed to God the Father this glorifying of Christ for so he saith when he bringeth his first begotten sonne into the world Whereby we learne that it is the worke of God and let not vs boast for though he vouchsafe to set our hande to his businesse yet our hande that is but vanitie doeth wither awaye in the worke except God giue it vertue that it should haue fruite We cannot so much as speake except he put his spirite into our mouth and when we do speake with a good measure of grace yet the ignorant do not heare vs except he prepare their hearts and still our worke is nothing worth but he alone worketh al in al. And for this purpose that we shoulde giue him the glorie of his owne woorke and not seeke our owne praise therefore hee hath chosen his workmen as you see Not many wisemen of the worlde not many mightie not many noble but commonly men of small account a few in number he giueth them tongs to speake and they carie his Gospel ouer mightie kingdoms and make it flourish when al the powers of the realme haue armed them selues against it And all this that we shoulde confesse as here the Apostle saith it is he it is not we that giue this kingdome vnto christ And seeing it is his worke who is able to bring all his purposes to passe it shal be our wisedome to further that which God himselfe will make to flourish and prosper whether we will or no. And where it is here saide Let all the Angels worship him he giueth our Sauiour Christ a cleare testimonie so to be the sonne of God in petson that he is also in nature one the same God with his father For whome shoulde the angels worship but God alone who in themselues haue suche power giuen them of God that one is able to destroye whole kingdomes and suche glorie that our eyes cannot beholde them And seeing God hath made this law Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him alone shalt thou serue and yet the Angels worship Christ how cleare a proofe is it that Christe is God for we knowe their perfect and willing obedience and therefore we pray Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heauen So that the Iewes might throughly know that seeing the Angels did worship him and had so their charge from God therfore Christ was one God in the maiestie of the father And most true it is our sauiour Christ without that nature had neuer taken that honour vpon him The Apostles of Christe Paule Peter Barnabas other men of excellent gifts and singular power to worke mightily sighes and miracles yet would they neuer heare the name of worship Peter vtterly refuseth Paule and Barnabas they rent their clothes being rauished with zeale of gods glorie when it is once offered them Nay the Angels them selues whiche are greater then all kinges they cannot abide it as manifestly we see in the Angel whiche appeared vnto Iohn when Iohn would haue fallen downe at his feete to worshippe him the Angel gaue him streight charge Take hede thou do it not for I am but a fellow-seruant with thee and then teacheth him that which heere we learne that worship only apperteineth to God so that this text serueth the Apostles purpose very fitly both to the cōfession of the godhead of Christ in his preferring so farre aboue Angels that the Israelites might more equally beare it that he should be preferred before Moses In the 7. verse wher he saith he maketh his Angels ministring spirits wee muste note that this name the Apostle giueth them as that wherein is their greatest honour For otherwise if he named in the Angels thinges of least account it had bene no proofe of the glorie of Christ but naming that by which they most excelled yet exalting Christ so farre aboue them it is cleare proofe of his excellēt glorie aboue all creatures So I say here we must note that that holie ghost attributeth this to the Angels as their highe honour that they are ministring spirites wherin let vs wel consider what it is to serue the liuing God and how truely it is said his seruice is perfect freedome If he be an Angel hee hath no greater glorie and who are wee and what are our fathers houses that can fancie vnto our selues more honour then to feare before God and walke obediently in his commaundements Howe many times doe Abraham Isaak Iacob Iosue Moses Dauid and all the good kings of Iudah how many times doe they intitle them selues the sonne of GOD how many times doth God shewe foorth his great loue and fauour vnto diuerse men vnder this name to call them his seruants Or who was euer heard of except Senacharib or Pharaoh or men like vnto them that would boast otherwise and say Who is the Lord that I should heare his voice I knowe not the Lorde neither will I let his people go Praye dearely beloued that wee may haue eyes to see and cares to heare and hearts to vnderstand vnto what honour in this day we bee called for most assuredly true it is and all the Angels of heauen beare wittnes vnto it that in the world there is no greater glorie then to serue the lord If thou were as highe as the Prophet Dauid yet Dauid had no greater glory to boast of then this Behold Lord for I am thy seruant I am thy seruat the sonne of thine hand maide Or if thou were a king aboue all kinges full of wisedome riches honor as Solomon king of Israel yet to be the seruaunt of the Lorde were thy greatest dignitie aboue titles of kingdomes and countries this were most honourable Solomon the preacher the sonne of Dauid Yea the Angels of whom we speake they haue al their glorious names of Thrones Powers Rules Principalities Dominions in this respect that they be the seruantes of the Lorde to execute these his mightie workinges and take away from them this seruice of God you take away the honour of their highe calling So assuredly we may beleeue confesse it boldly that amōg men there is no other honour but this If God haue made my life to
remembreth by good accompts what things the Lord hath done for him how he hath blessed him from what present perils he hath saued him how againe him self hath bene euer vnthankfull vnworthy of the least of al Gods mercies yea by many speciall crimes deseruing wrath and anger which thoughtes doe worke in him a troubled spirite and pensiue soule so that not onely teares but the state of the whole bodie sheweth the griefe of his minde and not the bodie onely but in all his life it worketh great care much praying anger with our selues feare desire zeale punishment also that by iudging our selues we may preuent the iudgement of God it maketh vs detest our sinne and the remembrance of our sinne as in the Acts of the Apostles they burne their bookes of sorceries which were of great price value and as Saint Iude sayth They hate euen the coate spotted with the flesh and according to this is the amendement of their life with all loue and desire If they haue beene extortioners they will make restitution if they haue beene vsurers they will giue back increase if they haue giuen their handes and knees and members of their bodyes to the Popish Masse with all their strength now againe they will deteste it and make it knowen they hate their firste sinne this manner of repentance is stronge meate of perfect men The second point heere spoken of is faith toward God of which so much as may be apprehended of children is called milke as to beleeue that God the father of his greate loue gaue his onely begotten sonne Iesu Christe to be made man who in his bodie might fulfil all righteousnesse and beare the punishment of sinne which also by the power of his spirit he ourcame and hath gotten eternall redemption for all that shall beleeue But so to examine this faith wisely and according to Scripture that when we finde the beginning in God the father the work in God the sonne the applying and bestowing of it in the holie Ghoste and when we be wise so to distinguish these graces in euery person that yet wee diuide them not as taking away from the one vtterly what soeuer especially wee giue vnto the other this I say when we haue so learned that wee see all the glorie of sauing health is in God no merit or desert in man but that without the law the righteousnesse of God is laid open vnto vs witnessed by the law and by the prophets then we be perfect to fede of this strong meate that faith alone iustifieth Againe when we knowe that this is the gifte of God with whome there is no chaunge nor shadowe of chaunge but he is constant in his loue for euer whē faith hereof taketh boldnesse that nether heigth nor deapth nor life nor death nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor any creature shall euer be able to remoue me from the loue with whiche God hath looued mee this assured boldenesse is the meat of the man of God who is perfect in faith Likewise Baptisme the thirde thing here mentioned the milke of it is to knowe that by it they be sealed into the couenant of Gods grace and mercy which he hath to the fathers and their children but to knowe by this how to be baptised into the death of Christ that as he is rysen againe from the deade so wee should walke in newnesse of life that is to knowe that our Baptisme presenteth vnto vs the free forgiuenesse of our sinnes washed away with the bloud of Christe While as hee dyed and was buried for our sinnes so wee also should dye vnto sinne that it haue no more rule in our mortal body and as he rose againe from the deade so that death hath no more rule ouer him so we should after liue in newnesse of life offering vp vnto God our bodies and our soules who hath redeemed them and purchased them vnto him selfe To knowe all this according to the scripture is the perfect knowledge of our Baptisme Imposition of handes that was a solemne ceremonie vsed with prayer in whiche it was declared that the parties were accepted of GOD into his Church according to the faith of Christe whiche then they professed this was the milke which children had fead on But to see in it a free and bolde profession of faith before all men to be holden and a holy vowe or promise in whiche they bounde them selues to perpetuall holinesse by the laying on of handes as by a solemne othe to haue it witnessed of the Lord they were his children and to witnesse it in them selues they woulde abide the temples of the holie Ghoste to be short to promise a persourmaunce of all what so euer was hoped for in vs in the day of our baptisme this is the strong meate And this which this day ought to be practised as a thing verie profitable in the Churche of God it is miserably defaced by the Papistes for where it was in the Churche of God an vse that Christian children should be taught the principles of fayth which when they had wel learned and could giue a good accompt of their faith then in y open congregation with prayer and laying on of handes on their heades they were declared to be receiued as partakers of the graces and sacramentes of the church this good order the Papistes haue chaunged and made them a sacrament of confirmation onely by the Bishop to be ministred and by him to little children of no knwledge to whome hee giueth a newe Godfather or godmother which should speake for them when they cannot speak for them selues And whereas in the scripture this hath beene euer a ceremonie in solemne blessinges in sacrifices in admitting ministers in giuing spirituall giftes and no where vsed but onelie with prayer this order seemed base to them that knewe no end of their owne inuentions and they would needes haue crosses tapers oyle miters surplices c. without which there was with them no confirmation thus in this as in all thinges prophaning the holie ordinaunce of God. The resurrection of the bodie another poynte here mentioned was for Children that they might knowe their bodies should not die as the bodies of beastes to consume in earthe and not returne but that they shoulde rise againe at the latter daye and their owne bodies should be made immortall but in this also to see the glorie what a bodie it is whiche shall liue for euer which shal be made like to the body of Christ which shal be made able to stand in the presence and behold the glorie God of which shal be set free from sorrow care sicknesse death al aduersitie This mysterie which the Angels of God desire to behold when we can wisely see it know therefore we are here but pilgrimes and straungers another countrie is our owne whiche God hath made and not man in which we set our heart with all the delight and pleasure of it in this to reioyce this
vs If it were thus yet what is become of building religious houses of pilgrimage of numbering many prayers of their holie orders their garments their fasting c All these they let sink in their own shame with out defēce for these applied not the death of Christ vnto vs but in the merite of the worke they were commended But as these haue no colour of good defence so the excuse of the other is very vaine for how say they that the pope or priests applie the me rites of Christ seeing this application cannot stand by their owne confession without a real sacrificing of Christ For saith not y Apostle here that Christ did it by him selfe not onely making Christe the woorke but also the woorkman the price and the chapman the sacrifice sacrificer not al the world can giue any other recompence for sinne but him nor all the world can giue him but him self as both more plainly we shall heare afterwarde And here is expressely saide that he did it by him selfe with as great warrant giuing vnto him y doing as the thing done As wel and with as litle sinne we may choose another sacrifice as another sacrificer For by the same worde of God bothe are giuen to him a like And as there is not mentioned any other thing that euer could be offered so there is not named any other person that euer could offer this But as he is alone our king and alone spoiled principalities and powers vpon his crosse so he is alone our priest and alone he sacrificed vp his bodie once for all Now where it followeth in the Apostles words That he sitteth at the right hand of high maiestie we must first marke the change of wordes where it is vsually saide he sitteth on the right hand of god Here he saith on the right hand of the highest maiestie whiche is as it were an interpretation of the right hand of God signifying nothing else but the power and glorie of God giuen vnto the person of the mediatour according to that saying of Paule God hath highly exalted him and giuen him a name aboue all names Beside this seeing the right hand of God doth signifie his power wee must learne to be wise hearted not make vnto God a right hand or a left like vnto ours Wee know the commandement Thou shalt make vnto thy selfe no grauen image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Let vs giue our obedience and confesse that God is incomprehensible not like to any thing which possibly our bodilie eyes can see And let vs not seeke vaine pretences that we might committe sinne and see it not to say I will make it for a remembraunce or the more to stirre vp our mindes make it howe thou wilt the precept is broken which saith thou shalt not make it And be thou well assured as long as S. Paules wordes shall betruer then thine so long it shall stand that if thou do make any similitude in the worlde to represent God Thou hast now turned the trueth of God into a lie changed the glorie of the incorruptible God to the likenes of the image of a corruptible creature and if accordingly God giue thee vp to a reprobate sense for this pride in thine owne wisedome he doth with thee but as he did with thy forefathers therfore take heede The cause why the Scripture attributeth vnto God eares and eyes and hands and feete it is because we are not able yet to comprehende any thing of Gods maiestie therfore the holie Ghost applieth speach to our infirmitie that we might by these woordes the Lord seeth heareth kepeth and ruleth al things that in him we might boldly trust Let not vs carrie away this great goodnesse of God into rebellion to leaue his glorie whiche we see onely by faith and make him handes and feete and gray haire like vnto a wretched bodie that is consumed with yeares But the time is past Let vs pray that it would please God our heauenly father to humble our hearts vnder the mightie power of his sonne Christ that wee may feare loue and obey him reioycing in the excellencie of glory that he hath giuen vnto vs who is the sonne of God and the Lord increase in vs our faith and hope that in the assurance of Gods loue our consciences may be at peace and in the reuelation of Gods glorie our hearts may be filled with ioy in the Lord which we be seech God to graunt vnto vs euen for his sonnes sake our only mediatour and aduocate Amen ¶ The third Lecture vpon the 4. 5. 6. and 7. verses 4 And is made so much more excellent then the Angels in as much as he hath obteyned a more excellent name then they 5 For vnto which of the Angels said he at any time Thou art my sonne this day begat I thee And againe I wil be his father and he shall be my sonne 6 And againe when he bringeth in his first begotten sonne into the worlde he saith And let all the Angels of GOD worship him 7 And of the Angels he saith He maketh his spirits his messingers and his ministers a flame of fire IN these wordes as I tolde you the Apostle beginneth to set out the person of our sauiour Christ by comparison with Angels and this comparison he maketh in many pointes as wee shall heare that the more cleare wee see it tho more effectually we might confesse his high Godhead and therefore aboue all thinges to set him alone called in the new testament the high Prieste and Prophet and King of his people And the first comparison here made is of the first title before giuen him that he is the naturall sonne of God begotten of the substance of his father whereby he must needs be one and equall with his father which name as no Angel hath it so no Angel is to be compared to him That thus the Apostle taketh the name of Sonne according to the dignitie of nature it is plaine in his owne wordes saying And is made so much more excellent c. verse 4. making his excellencie according to his name his name according to his excellēcie For otherwise the name of the sonne of God may be giuen to euery one of vs as God calleth Israel his first borne and all the elect the sonnes of God So the magistrates are sonnes of God and the Angels also the sonnes of God but we by adoption grace the magistrate because he executeth the iudgement of the Lord the Angels by creation none of vs according to the worthinesse of our owne nature But by nature substance eternitie as the Apostle here meaneth there is none the sonne of God but Christ alone And that thus Christ is the sonne of God he proueth it first out of the second psalme where it is said Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten
thee Where the Prophet shewing causes why the whole world should not preuaile against Christ he saith because God had decreed it in his eternall counsell and proclamed it with this sentence Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee That is this day haue I declared that thou art my natural sonne meaning especially the time in which he made him knowen in the worlde by his wonderfull workes as S. Paule ment when he saide God was made manifest in fleash noting the power of the spirit working in him in his birthe life death resurrection and ascension So this day noteth not any particular time but all times in generall wherein God hath shewed his power in Christ as especially in the time he liued among vs And it see meth that the Apostle maketh manifest this sense of his wordes in that he addeth to the text alledged in the vi verse the time when it was fulfilled leauing this without any distinct time as that whiche apperteined to all times in which Christ should be shewed to be the sonne of God especially as I saide in his life and before or since as God sheweth his glorie in him So this sentence was true when he appeared to Abraham Iacob Moses to any of the patriarches or prophets or after his ascension when he appeared to Stephan to Paule or any other or whensoeuer he sheweth his power to defend his church vnto the end according to his owne promise I am with you to the latter end of the world And thus this word to day is takē in that which is after alledged To day if ye will heare are his voice harden not your hearts And againe In the day of health I haue heard thee And in the day of saluatiō I haue succoured thee meaning no particular day but al the time that the word is preached vnto vs. It followeth I wil be his father and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…y sonne This is another texte to proue Christ the naturall sonne of god It is written in the seconde of Samuel the seuenth chapter and they are the wordes of God vnto Dauid by the Prophet Nathan to giue him a promise of the blessing of his seede after him which was begone in Solomon who built the temple and whome God so highly aduaunced in all wisedome richesse and honour that the Fatherly prouidence of God appeared ouer him as ouer an especiall chosen sonne All which as it was promised to Dauid so Dauid looked for the perfourmance of it in Christ and to be figured in Solomon his sonne after him whose temple was a figure of the Churche of Christe his riches a figure of the great graces of the spirite of Christe giuen to his Church his honour aboue all kinges a figure how kinges should submitt them selues to Christ and be nurlefathers and Queenes nurses to the Churche of Christe his wisedome a figure that in Christe should be hid all treasures of wisedome and knowledge and finally he called by name the sonne of God in respect of his blessings as a figure of Christ who is the eternall sonne of his father in nature of his person And so the Apostle here alledgeth this place without any suche long exposition howe the place is meant because we should see in it that the people of Israel were not so ignorant of the Scriptures as we be but brought vp in the knowledge of the lawe and taught the vnderstanding of it euen from their ●…dell as we shoulde be And thus haue we heard this argument of the Apostle Christ hath a more honourable name then the Angels therefore he is more excellent then they Nowe also let vs see the manner of proofes here vsed He proueth Christe to be the naturall sonne of God by textes of Scripture witnessing 〈◊〉 he don●…eth that Angels are so because God in his scriptures neuer spake it for so he beginneth Vnto which of the Angels said he at any time c. The self same maner of proofe againe he vseth in the 13. verse following Because the scripture saide it not therefore he proueth it is not so making his argument negatiuely from authoritie of Scripture whiche in all thinges what soeuer man is required to do or know in matters of religion is euer a most certeine conclusion God spake it therfore we must doe it God spake it not therfore we haue nothing to doe with it And this argument must needes bee good so long as this word of the Lordo doeth endure What I commaund thee doe that only And so long as this is a iust condemnation of all our owne deuises who required these things at your hands And so long as this shal be true that our wisdome is folishnesse and we cannot doe well but when we bearken to the worde of God that shineth in our harts as in a dark place True it is and if we had but the wisedome of children we must needes see it that all particular lawes and orders with which we may be bound they are not set downe in precise words of Scripture but it is as true that the nature and propertie of euery lawe or order is so described that the worde of God as clearely is followed in it as if the wordes of the law were set downe in it For of all decrees to be made in his church hath not God said It must be without offence it must edifie it must bee comely and according to order and it must serue to the glorie of God. Now God hauing giuen grace into our heartes to iudge what soeuer we decree by these rules is not the word of God the warrant of it By such manifest proofe ofscripture the church of Christ doeth iustifie all that she doeth Thus the Apostle proueth heere his doctrine Thus we must do if we will bee the Apostles scholers Marke well this reason for it is worthy God said to Christ thou art my sonne therfore he is his sonne God said not so to any Angel therefore no Angel can take the name vnto him In like manner we will dispute with them God said The true worshippers should not go to mount Sion nor to Ierusalem but worship God in spirit and trueth Where said he go a pilgrimage or go visit the holie sepulchre God said Doe not obserue dayes and monethes and times and yeeres Where said he keepe vnto me Lent or Aduent imber weekes or Saincts Eeues God said vnto vs It is the doctrine of diuels to forbid marriage or to commaund to abstaine from meates Where said he eate now no fleash now no white meate let not the minister marrie God said Let euery soule be subiect to kings princes and the autho ritie of such men let it not be in his Apostles Where said he let the pope haue the gift of kingdomes bee exempt from authoritie of man weare a triple crowne and haue Lords and noble men vnder him God said Cursed 〈◊〉 he that addeth ought to his law or taketh
from it Where said he the pope shall dispense against my apostles and prophets God said It is better to speake fiue wordes which we vnderstood then 〈◊〉 thousand in an vnknowen tong Where said God the ignorant men should pray in latine With this verie argument are ouerthrowne all doctrines of men all traditiōs alpoperie And if this argumēt were good in the Apostle why is it not good in vs Nay if this be vsuall in y scripture why are we so dull that we will neuer learne it Doeth not God condemne the idolatrie of the people of Israel by this reason They built high places which I commanded not Doeth he not condemne all their superstition and vaine worshipping with y same argument Who required these things at your hands When Dauids purpose was stopped from buylding the house of God was not this the word of the Lord that came vnto him Where socuer I haue walked with all Israel spake I one woorde to any of their Iudges saying why haue you not builte me a house of Cedretrees But why seeke we further whē the law is plaine What I commaund thee do that onely And true it is y it is our wisdome and the Light that shineth in our harts as in a dark place If once we go from it as y prophet saith There is no wisdome at all within vs. And this I say because of some which would not haue arguments made negatiuely of scripture I think because it is against Aristotles doctrine But let vs now go forward It followeth in thevi verse Againe when he bringeth c. This is the second comparison betwene Christ and the Angels That it is saide plainely of Christ who is the sonne Let all Angels worship him a thing determined by y scripture it self that Christ is not onely greater then Angels but God to be honoured of all Angels And he alledgeth to this purpose the manifest prophesie that whē God brought his sonne into the worlde hee proclamed before him this honour Let all the Angels worship him First touching the alledging of this texte out of the Psalme we neede not doubt this doeing of the Apostle is proofe inough that that Psalme is a prophesie of the kingdome of Christe of which the psalme saith that God with great power and glorie would establish it in earth●… shewing miracles in his creatures feare and confusion in his enimies ioy and gladnes in the hearts of his children righteousnes and holines in their liues and not only this but all Angels should worship before him Now as he hath taught this by the testimonie of the prophets giuen to Christ so after in the 7. verse he sheweth the same on the other side by the testimonies which y scripture giueth to angels of whō sayth he it is said he maketh his Angels spirites and his ministers a flaming fire The absolute mening of which wordes wee must learne of the Apostle him selfe in the 14. verse following where according to this testimonie he hath defined their nature and called them ministring spirites Then in these wordes he maketh his Angels spirites and his ministers a flaming fire hee nameth them a flaming fire according to y similitude in which their glorie hath ben seene as the angels that were with Elizeus his seruant sawe them as chariots of fire the similitude of the beasts which Ezechiel saw were as coles of burning fire and the Seraphims haue their names because they are of a fierie colour and these wordes ▪ spirits and ministers we must resolue thus ministring spirites So out of this texte his argumēt stādeth thus ▪ Christ is called the sonne the first begotten sonne whome the Angels worship but the Angels are his ministring spirites therefore Christ is greater then the Angels Now for the allegation of this text the Apostle is a sufficiēt witnesse to me that this verse of the 104. Psalme is ment of the Angels of God and not of the windes and I see no reason to the contrarie For first he mentioneth the winds before where he saith He walketh vpon the wings of the winde and therefore a repetition of the same in other wordes was not necessarie ▪ Againe seeing ministers here signifie those which execute Gods power to saue his people I see no cause to attribute it to the windes for though God euen by the elements help his people manie times yet that praise is not giuen as a name to the element which is done in the Angels Now where it is obiected that the Prophet there setteth out the maiestie of God according to his gouernement in thinges of the worlde I graunt it and so the ministery of Angels was then open known in the world And therfore of Angels also the Prophet speaketh as of them in whome the glorie of God shined euen as in the heauens the cloudes the lightnings c. beside this in these words the apostle wil proue what is the nature of angels which requireth that he should speake in the naturall sense of the prophets wordes And the preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vsed of the Apostle seemeth not to be without cause for though it be the Hobrue phrase ▪ as it is saide yet it may well haue iust cause why the Apostle vseth it in Greeke it signifieth as much as if he said thus Vnto all Angels we may say you be but ministring spirites And so it is like vnto the text next alledged of christ To the sonne he sayth c. And thus the preposition is verie conueniently vsed and maketh the Prophets wordes a naturall description of the Angels Therefore for my parte thus I say and thus I am persuaded that as it is here alledged so the wordes were ment of the angels of God which are his ministers to execute his will for safetie of his people And thus muche of the Apostles argument here made Nowe where our Sauiour Christ is here called the first begotten sonne of God both Sainct Iohn sufficiently sheweth the meaning of it in the beginning of his gospel and S. Paule doth plainly expounde the word Iohn saith of our sauiour Christ that he was in the beginning with God that al things were made by him without him nothing was made at al which is as if he had added he was his first begotten sonne Saint Paule expresly addeth the comparison of creatures naming him the first begottē before al creatures because saith he all things were created by him in heauen in earth visible or inuisible angels or powers by him and for him all were made so this is the first begotten the maker creator of all things And he is called the first begottē not the first creature that in this name we might see the blasphemie of Arrius who sayth there was a time when the sonne of God was not when this name first begotten is not in respect of nature as one in time begotten before other but in respect of his work
with mee this kingdome is a kingdome of darknesse a kingdome of sinne and it shall returne to the shape of his first beginning The kingdome of Christ shal be euer knowen by the scepter of the onelie Gospell preached and practised in it Now why is this called the scepter of righteousnesse Because saith the prophet it killeth the vngodlie the same exposition the Apostle immediately addeth Thou haste loued righteousnesse and hatediniqui●…ie therefore it is called a scepter of righteousnesse because it maketh the faithful righteous destroyeth the sinners from the face of the earth In this sense Saint Peter calleth it the seed of regeneration because by it we be begotten a-new into the image of God which is in righteousnesse So that heere we know whether we be of the Kingdome of Christ euen by the scepter by whiche we be ruled If the knowledge of the Gospel of Christ haue refourmed vs into a newe image to bee holie as our Sauiour Christ is holie that by his spirit the worlde be crucified vnto vs and we vnto the worlde then haue we our enfranchisement in this kingdome if not though we dwell in the mids of the Sanctuarie yet were we straungers from the lawe that came out of mount Sion And though we were baptised with all the water in the sea or as the Prophet saith though we wash our selues with Nitre and take much Sope yet our iniquities are marked before the Lord except we fele the forgiuenesse of our sinnes in the righteousnesse and holinesse of this kingdome of Christe And what madnes can be like vnto it to flatter my selfe as if I had my portion among the electe of God and yet dwell in tabernacles of the Children of the diuell that is I meane yet walke in all the sinnes of a corruptible man Are not Gods children his Sainctes be they not brought vnto him with the scepter of righteousnes doth hee not keepe them with the seale of his holie spirite If I see no good workes in my hands if I know neuer that the preaching of the gospel killed concupiscence in me and made me hunger and thirst after righteousnesse if I feele not the spirite of God to sanctifie more and more my heart al mine affections how can I say I am the childe of God No no talke while thou wilte vse thy libertie say thou art a Protestant renounce the Pope except thou loue righteousnesse euen as thou louest thy soule reioycest in weldoing as in thy life thou hast bene but an idle hearer of the worde of trueth Godlinesse is not made of wordes as a wood is made of trees but it is an earnest loue proceeding from a pure heart and a good conscience and an vnfeigned faith in whiche wee may glorifie God and do good to his people Paule was godlie when he gloried in nothing but in the crosse of Iesu Christe by which the worlde wascrucified vnto him and he vnto the world They are godlesse Hypocrites which in worde confesse they knowe God but in deedes denie him They are Christs which haue crucified the fleshe with the affections concupiscēce of it they are of their father the diuell that in wickednesse do the desires of the diuell Let vs then learne dearely beloued in good time to be wise when we were in ignorance then we walked in the woorkes of darkenesse now we haue vnderstanding let vs walke as the children of the light if we take the gospel into our mouth let vs knowe it is a scepter of righteousnesse to reforme our life and whosoeuer he be that hath chosen this portion peace be vpō him vpon the Israel of God and he that withdraweth himselfe from this purpose euen as the Apostle after saithe Let our soules haue no pleasure in him And here let vs also marke howe the Apostle setteth out this righteousnesse of christ Thou hast saith he loued righteousnesse and hated iniquitie This is generall in all duetie which we do vnto God to loue the obedience with all our heart and soule and to detest and hate all the transgression and sinne So the Prophet Dauid saith I hate vaine inuentions but thy law I loue againe thy law I loue but I hate falshod abhorre it Euē so must we hate iniquitie if we loue righteousnesse and abhorre falshod if we loue the trueth and this is that eternall lawe whiche God gaue from the beginning I will saith he set enimitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seede her seede But O Lord what a rebellious people are we where God hath commaunded all concorde and bound vs together in all bonds of vnitie One bodie one spirite one hope of our calling one Lord one faith one Baptisme one God the father of vs all yet al these bondes we breake in sunder anger hatred reprochful words quarels wounds murders euerie cursed thing but we reach our hands vn to it to make strife one with another and disanull the agreement which God hath made on the other side touching the workes of darkenes we wil walke in them and though God hath separated them from vs as heauen from hell or Christe from Belial and hath made the hatred of them perpetuall to vs and our posteritie yet we thinke as the Prophet sayth to make a league with death and to beat agreement with hel we will follow our fleshly concupiscence as though there were no lorde to controll vs and we will not hate sinne at all A corrupt nature to loue that which we are bid hate and hate that which we are bid loue but a more corrupt affection if we giue place to these desires and are well pleased to loue them still It followeth in the end of this seuenth verse thy God hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes In this we may learne an other notable cause why we shoulde acknowledge Christ our onely King and Law-giuer Because he is thus annoynted that is in him dwelleth all fulnesse of grace and the treasures of all wisdome and knowledge are hid in him so that leaue him leaue his lawes leaue his scepter we leaue instruction we leaue righteousnesse we leaue eternall life And heere note that the oyle of gladnesse is the giftes of the spirite of God gladnesse to our selues because it filleth vs with ioy in the Lord and gladnesse to other because it powreth grace into our lips to cōfort the weak harted to make vs a swete sauour of life vnto life to all that hearken vnto vs The heart of earth y is dry and baren and beareth no ioyful fruite of the Lord God this oyle of gladnes hath not yet softened it to make it a fertile soile for the seede of the worde of god And the carelesse man of a dull spirite that is not touched with his brothers sinning but letteth him alone in his vncleanesse to sinck or swim to stand or fall to liue or die
and all that vse companie only for worldly pleasure without regarde of swearing lying backbiting idle talke wantonnesse or what soeuer what gladnesse receiue other by their admonitions exhortations Or how can they say this sweete oyle is in their heartes Let no man deceiue him selfe God is not mocked Hee that is of Christ hath a care to bring other vnto Christe hee hateth the iniquitie of all men and giueth comforte to manie with the oyle of gladnesse of whiche hee hath receiued And thus farre of these verses Now let vs pray to god our heauenly father that we may be taught of his spirit that like as he in his vnspeakable wisdome and mercie hath giuen vnto vs his owne sonne to be a Sauiour to establish vnto him a perpetuall Kingdome that our libertie might bee defended with his strong hande and to make vs partakers of all his benefites by rulinge vs with his scepter of righteousnesse that is filling vs with a holie knowledge of his Gospell to loue righteousnesse to hate iniquitie and by giuing vs of his fulnesse that we should receiue grace for grace haue a hapie measure of the oyle of gladnes with which he was annoynted so according to these his great mercies towarde vs let vs pray and the Lorde graunt vs that wee may finde fauour in his sight to imbrace his sonne alone to follow his wayes to loue his trueth to set out his honour and to finishe our weary pilgrimage in his seruice to the profit of our brethren strengthening of our faith through Iesus Christe our onely Sauiour to whome with the father c. ¶ The fift Lecture vpon the 10. 11. 12. verses 10 And thou Lord in the beginning haste established the earth and the heauens are the works of thine hands 11 They shall perish but thou doest remaine and they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment 12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde them vp and they shall be chaunged but thou art the same and thy yeeres shall not faile THE Apostle goeth forward as before and heere addeth the fourth comparison in exalting Christe aboue Angels And hee maketh this comparison according to the title before giuen him that by him the worlde was made and it is this The sonne of God our Messias of whome we speake he made the worlde and ruleth it as he will and wil abolish it in the time appointed him selfe being vnchangeable in all his wayes which is a glorie farre aboue al that the scripture attributeth vnto angels Touching this scripture here alledged how it may be applied to Christ it is certeine that the Psalme according as the title is was a prayer of the afflicted Churche most like when it was in the captiuitie of Babylon bothe because of the great complaint of the singular miserie which they suffered because they in their prayer alledge the appointed time of deliuerance to bee come vpon them which was only of the captiuitie of Babylon to which God had appointed by his prophet Ieremie 70. yeres Now that captiuitie being a figure of our captiuitie vnder sathan the Prophets fortelling that deliuerie sawe also in spirite the deliuerie which we should al haue vnder christ And accordingly the spirite so spake in the Prophets that something was so proper to Christ figured as it must needes be referred to him and not applied to any figure And this is generall in all the expresse figures of our Sauiour Christe who so euer were the men or what soeuer were the blessings that GOD brought vppon his people because in Iesu Christe all his promises had their trueth and accomplishement therefore hee is some way so described that the people must needes be lead to acknowledge still the couenaunt which they had in him So in this captiuitie of Babylon the Prophet Ieremie foretelleth their deliuerie thus that they shal returne to serue God and Dauid their King Dauid beeing before dead And againe He would raise vp to Dauid a righteous braunch whome they should call the Lorde our righteousnesse which must needs be meant of the Messias whome they looked for to be the sonne of Dauid and expressely he noteth their returne into the fauour of GOD with the same wordes with which God maketh with vs his new testament in Iesu Christe that God wil be our God and we shal be his people He will forgiue their sinnes and iniquities they shal be all taught of god Euen so heere in this Psalme the prophet sore telling their returne from Babylon fore-seeth the redemption that is in Christ and breaketh out in complaint of his shorte life because he should not tarrie to see the day and to comfort him selfe againe speaketh out in spirite what ioy and gladnesse he sawe in Christ and how glorious a God he is and so vttereth the wordes here alledged And thou in the beginning O Lorde didst lay the foundations of the earth the workes of thy hands are the heauens c. And heere these words He laide the foundations of the earth and the Heauens are the work of his hands are spoken according to our infirmitie which knowe no buildings but by foundations nor can make any great workes without our hands otherwise it is certeine the earth hath no foundations nor no handes could make y heauens but al was made consisteth by the power of god Thus we haue heard what argument the Apostle heere vseth how this text is applied vnto Christ. Now touching the wordes where the Prophet saith And thou Lord the Apostle is a good expositor that this is spoken to the Sonne of God to whome he attributeth the original and cause of making the worlde A place most worthie to be diligently marked for it giueth clearely vnto Christ the fullnesse of the godhead according to the article of our crede I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauē earth And all Arrians olde and newe which so long haue blasphemed the Sonne of God and made him but a seruant in the creation of the world because many times the Scripture sayth By him God made the world if they heare this spoken to that sonne And thou Lord in the beginning didst lay the foundations of the earthe they will ceasse to blaspheme and confesse he is God to be blessed for euer And where it is saide that God the Father by him made the world that phrase of speache diminisheth not his glorie but rather testifieth it more clearely For we haue saide before that Christ is the s●…ning brightnesse of the glorie of his father that is the person in the Deitie by whome onely the eternall wisedome of GOD could make his maiestie shine vpō any creature neither was it euer possible that any creature shonlde shewe forth the goodnesse of God but onely by the person of the sonne And therefore when the name of God or creation of the worlde is giuen vnto the Sonne as here we see we doe humbly confesse and adore
feare of death were al their life long subiect to bondage Two special vertues of y death of Christ are here set out one y he might vanquish the diuel an other y he might set his people at libertie which both thinges howe they were wrought in Christ in the wordes themselues we shal more plainely see Of the vanquishing of the diuel he sayth thus That by death he might abolish him who had the power of death The diuel hath the power of death that is he is the authour of it by his malicious nature he brought it into the wotlde for god made it no●… nor hath any delite in it neither it is good in his eyes nor was euer mentioned among the workes of his handes but from the diuell and of the diuell in the diuel it began and is and abydeth therefore in the Apocalypse his name is giuen him Abaddon that is the destroyer and as death is of him so for this cause also he is sayde to haue the power of it because through his manifold tentations he maketh men sinne by whiche death reigneth for so S. Paule sayth of Adam beeing seduced by the diuell By one man sinne entered into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer al men because all haue sinned this is it then that is said Christe vanquished him that had the power of death that is he abolished sinne and the condemnation of sinne which was the kingdome of the diuel and thereby triumphed ouer him So Saint Iohn sayth for this cause the sonne of God appeared that he might lose the workes of the diuel that is sinne death which are both of the diuel for sinne God condemneth of death he hath said I wil be thy destruction protesting he is author of neither of both And how hath our sauiour Christ done this Euen by death A mer uelous wisedome an vnspeakable mysterie such as could neuer haue bene foūd or done but by God alone for what els is death but the power of the diuel and the verie miserie of the worlde To make this the vanquishing of the diuel and the meanes to bring all happinesse vnto man what was it else but his excellent vertue who as Saint Paule sayth calleth things that are no●… a●… though they were and can raise vp light out of darknes And sure if al men should haue laide their heades together to wishe a plague to haue fallen vppon the diuel they coulde not all haue deuised such another that his glorie should be his shame his power should be his ouerthrowe his kingdome his vndooing What could the Prophet Dauid in all his zeale of GOD wishe more againste reprobate men traytours to Christ and to his Gospell then thus to wishe Let their deinti●… tables be snares to take them and let their prosperitie be their ruine Euen thus Christe hath vanquished the diuell and yet it is true that he goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whome hee may deuoure and it is true that Iohn saith that he hath great wrath and maketh cruell warre againste the Church of Christ but it is as true his strength is all weakened and his power is broken that it can not hurte vs for Christe hath nowe ouercome him And as Saincte Iohn sayth The time is come in whiche the Prince of the worlde is cast out and Christe hath spoyled all principalities and powers and triumphed ouer them vppon his crosse But how is it then thou wilt saye that his assaultes are so fearefully described that he is sayd to be Prince of this worlde ruler of this darcknesse full of power and authoritie ouer fleash and bloud Because we should knowe no fleash is able to withstand him neither was it according to the power of mortall man that he was vanquished but onely Iesus Christe of the tribe of Iudah was the Lion to crushe him in peeces Wilt thou knowe then where and to whome the diuell is abolished Before Christ our heade and to all the faithfull that are members of his bodie Wilt thou knowe where and to whome the diuel is in ful power and ouercome Before the naturall man and to all those whiche in their owne strength seeke to resist him and therefore Sainct Paule when he had described him in all his greatnesse hee biddeth streight caste away the strength of fleshe and bloude and put on all the armour of God for onely by it we should stande vpright in the day of euill So the diuel is abolished to all those that haue the shield of faith to quenche his firie dartes that is to all those which beleeue onely in Christ to be partakers of his victorie The diuel is in full force to those that are 〈◊〉 trusting in their owne woorkes or in the libertie of their owne will. In that the diuel is saide to haue the power of death as in other places where he is called the God of the worlde the Prince of this darkenesse the Author of sinne wee must note this if we rest in sinne liue in errour and ignoraunce followe the lustes of the worlde or walke in all the wayes of death then let me feare for here is the kingdome of Sathan and my perill is nigh that I should be holden in it But if I be at couenaunt with my selfe to haue no pleasure but vtterly to hate these things if I like not to go in the pathes of death if I loue not the world nor the things of the worlde if I haue my delight in the word of God to vnderstand the mysterie of Christe and to be lightned with it if I hate sinne and all the enticements of it then may I hope I walke in the likenesse of our Sauiour Christ and all the power of Sathan is broken before me Where it is further said that Christe hath done this by his death that by death he ouercame him that had the power of death we see a cleare and manifest testimonie what maner of death Christe suffered euen that ouer which the diuell had his power the same death which is the rewarde of sinne by bearing it he ouercame it and he conquered no more then he submitted himselfe vnto for by death he ouercame death if he suffered no more but a bodily death he ouercame also but a bodilie death we shall all rise againe but in the condemnation of the sinne of our soule or if he haue ouercome death and the power of it both in our bodie and soule then Christ hath suffered the paines of it both bodie soule that we might rise again frō the bands of death and liue with him for euer For this is true by death he hath ouercome death and he hath broken the force of it no further then he hath felt the sting of it in him selfe Therefore this let vs holde and let vs so beleeue Christ bodie and soule was made a sacrifice for our sinnes so he saide himselfe My soule is exceeding
thus it was necessarie it should be that he might be a faithfull high Priest to reconcile vs euen vs bodie and soule vnto God his Father It followeth in the 18. verse For in that he suffered when him selfe was tempted he is able to succour those that are also tempted These wordes shew the cause of the former saying why our Sauiour beeing made man was so much the more meete to be a faithful mediatour vnto vs towarde God for beeing man and him self tempted he felt our infirmities and had the more compassion towarde vs Other thinges wee haue to note in the 17 and 18. verse which the next time we will more speake of Now let vs pray c. The twelth Lecture more vpon the two last verses and vpon the first verse of the third Chapter 17 Wherefore in all things it behoued him to be made likè vnto his brethrē that he might be mercifull a faithfull high Priest in things concerning God that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people 18 For in that he suffered and was tempted bee is able to succour them that are tempted CHAP. III. 1 THerfore holie brethren partakers of the heauenly vocation consider the Apostle and high priest of our profession Christe Iesus THe Apostle as I saide shewed in these last verses what profite is vnto vs in that Christ became man for so he was made a merciful and faithfull high priest The meanes of this faithfulnes was for that he hauing experience of our temptation had the more compassion on vs to deliuer vs. Heere we are first taught that Christe became a faithfull high Priest for vs because he was man like vnto vs so that who soeuer denyeth our Sauiour Christe to haue a naturall bodie like vnto ours he also denyeth that he is either a mercifull or faithfull mediatour for vs for so it pleased God to instructe him according to his manhood that by experience and feeling he should learne to haue pitie on others he calleth him mercifull in respect of the affection of his minde which was full of compassion toward vs hee is called faithfull in respecte of his constancie who would neuer leaue vs till he had brought vs into eternall life In all this we must learne how to do good vnto our brother in affliction and these two things in our Sauiour Christe we must carefully keepe if we will be righteous after his similitude We must ioyne vnto all our doing a loue and compassion to our brother in his want and a constancie in well deseruing that our loue be not wearied with paine and labour for without loue what soeuer I do it is nothing no not though I gaue as Sainct Paule saith all the goods I haue vnto the poore And I pray you is not this the law of God Loue thy brother as thy selfe wherein all our due●…e is taught vs betweene man man What then though I do no murther or steale not or speake not euil though I helpe the safetie of my brothers life though I mainteine his estate thoughe I bring him increase of goods though I care for the puritie of his bodie though I mainteine his good name Except I haue in all this an inwarde loue and affectiō to do it to him with such a hart as I would haue another do the like to mee and to be grieued with all his hurt as though I my selfe susteined it except I say some measure of this loue and compassiō be in my doing my doing hath none accoūt in the fight of god Marke this dearely beloued and teache it your children and I would our fathers knew it well that boast so much of the good works of the old world There is no good work vnder the sunne but that whiche is done in loue and compassion of minde and were their workes such whereof they brag when they gaue the riche altar clothes vestimentes the costlie hanginges for their chancels their bels their gilded crosses when they carued curious images and clothed thē with goldsmithes woorke when they builded chapels and chanteries when they went farre on their knees gaue riche gifts vnto shrines In all these works so much magnified where was mercie what loue what cōpas sion was there in thē They pitied not I am sure the pouertie of lime stones to cloth thē so gorgeously nor they pitied not y priest in his furred gowne to put vpon him a cope of great price for all men in y world let him speak y euer was the better for it whose bodie was y warmer for y costly clothing of y church walls whose house was the lighter for the torches candels about the altar who le head aked y lesse for the goodly garland of an image or if there were in all this no profite to my brother no loue no cōpassion of the thing to which I gaue a gift how could these be good works y had no goodnes in thē For I thinke there is no man so vaine y will thinke he did these things vnto god y were vnspekable blindnes to thinke y with the gifts of golde and siluer I could please god he gaue no gold nor siluer for our raūsō nor he wil take none for recompence of our sinnes The Prophet plainely sayth Al my goods can bring nothing vnto thee O Lord. And how doth the Lord him selfe reiect such vaine thoughts of our hearts when he saith If I be hungrie I will not tell thee and such other like speaches in the fiftie psalme commaunding expresly if we will doe good with meate drinke cloath golde siluer c. bestowe it vpon the needie brethren for God taketh no such gifts at our hands And therfore dearely beloued al these good works of which you haue heard such boasting before God they are as nothing there is no goodnes in them for neither is there any mercie in such doings and without it it is impossible to please God in thy doeing And thus we see their workes euen their greatest workes and of supererogation when you haue weighed thē wel they are found lighter then straw And their woorkes of dignitie next vnto these they are of the same sort of no value as light as vanitie it selfe Such are their penie or groate doles when the man is dead that his executours vse to giue for his soule Was there euer folie like vnto this No work is good without loue compassion of mine owne flesh yet then is the worke done for me when my flesh is without sense and when there is no compassion or feeling left within mee But God is iust and for so fruitelesse a work he gaue a helplesse reward 〈◊〉 they bestowed a verie ydle liberalitie and GOD recompenced it with verie ydle thankes that for their benefite the foolish people should say Lorde haue mercie on his soule for whome I thinke they prayed not al the dayes of his life when the acceptble time was and the day
he beginneth his comparison making this as common both to Christ Moses that either of them ruled in the house of God and either of them was faithful in his charge but yet so as Christ was much more honourable therefore to be of vs acknowledged our onely Prophet The place heere alledged that Moses was faithful is written in the 12. of Numbers where GOD giueth him this testimonie and therefore maketh it a warrant that God had chosen him aboue all other Prophets to whom he would more clearely and fully reueale his will and therefore none in all the children of Israel not Aaron not Myriam not any to presume against him A notable place and very fit for the Apostles purpose for directly it teacheth that likewise Christe who of all other was moste faithfull was also most glorified of his Father to be a Prophet aboue al prophets where he saith That Moses was faithful in all his house that is in all the people of Israel whiche was his Church called in the Scripture manie times The house of GOD to shewe in how nighe a bonde God had taken them that he addeth All it sheweth that to euery one Moses was ordeyned of God a Prophet to reueale all the will of God neither any part of it was concealed from him that he knew it not neither kept secret by him that hee woulde not declare it but faithfull in all his house whome in all things euery one should followe and in this was an image of Christ to come who in al the house of God should be absolutely faithful aboue all other that euer were before or after Heere we haue two especial things to learne Christ was faithful in al his house if in all his house then is there no peece of the house of God which Christ hath not built vp vnto perfection for if any little parte or parcel of it be least by Christe imperfect then in it he was not faithfull to finishe the worke that God had giuen him Our Sauiour Christ then if we wil receiue him with all his praise and giue him the glorie of all his work we must confesse he hath built a perset house and made full all the holinesse of his Saincts that they might be washed from all vncleannesse and at the last be presented by him vnto his father a glorious church not haueing spott or wrinckle or any like for he is faithfull in all the house of God our faith our hope our loue our wisedome our woorshipping of God our order our gouernment Christ hath taught vs all and he is vnto vs all and him alone we must set to leade vs in all our wayes If we shoulde attribute vnto him the greate and highest mysteries our predestination our redemption our iustification our sanctification c and say in such hard pointes he hath instructed vs but other thinges he hath leaft to be done by man what were this but to say Christ was faythfull in building the stately roomes of his Fathers house to make the parlour or hall or great chamber but nothing else so manifestly robbing Christe of his glorie that he was not faithfull in all his house And how are we blinded if we do beleeue it he that abased himselfe so lowe that he refused not the shame and curse of the crosse what meane we to think he did not abase him selfe to be with vs in our owne likenesse and reueale vnto vs teach vs all the wil of God what soeuer we ought to know or do Let them go them selues alone and let not vs walke in their counsell who dare require more then Christ hath taught or to presume to speake more then they haue learned of him which is to make him vnfaithfull in some part of the house An other thing in this is to be marked if Christ were faithful in al his house then are they no part of this house whiche are not built vp by him he hath not only made all perfecte but he hath also done it alone and not onely he buildeth the house but they alone are the house who are built by him so that we if we wil be this house we must knowe and feele his workmanship in vs and who soeuer knoweth him not he hath no place in the house of God for the faithfullnesse of Christ is in euerie part of it which faithfulnesse if it haue not wrought in vs we belong not vnto it And thus farre of this comparison with Moses in whiche first the Apostle giueth them both their praise that they were faithful in all the house of God. Now least the comparison should seeme equal or Moses shoulde be accounted as great as Christe euen as before he hath giuen Moses his due praise to testifie how he honoured so great a Prophete of God so nowe he sheweth the greate excellencie of Christ aboue Moses that the Iewes may also learne to honour their Messias as it beecommeth them It followeth Now this man is counted worthie of more glorie then Moses euen as much as he whiche buildeth the house hath more honour then the house for euerie house is builded of some man but he that hath built all thinges is God. Here in one especial point the Apostle reserueth vnto Christe a singular honour aboue all other and aboue Moses that is that Moses was so faithfull a ruler of the house of God that yet hee was himselfe a part of it But Christe is so a ruler of it that he hath also built it himselfe Now then seeing the workeman is more honourable then the house euerie parte of it Christ is so much more honourable then Moses This reason we see is taken of the similitude of a house a thing vsuall in our life and vnderstood of all and seeing it pleaseth God to teach vs wisedome by so base similitudes we are so much more excuselesse if we will not learne Will you see the difference betweene Christe and Moses Looke vpon a house him that made it When you see a faire house who hathe the praise The stone and timber and other matter or else the workeman that built them vp together So is it with Christ and Moses Moses was faythfull it is true and so is the stone and timber good and sound and verie apt to abide the hewing til you can frame it together But what is this to compare it with the workman â–ª Be it neuer so good it is a lump without fashion and neuer wil haue beautie in it except the workeman set to his hand euen so Moses because hee is fleshe and bloud whiche nature our Sauiour Christ hath sanctified to be a vessell of the grace of God hee was an apt matter to be made euen a beautiful portion of this house but what is this to Christe without whome Moses had perished in his owne corruption and his nature had bene lost no peece of it to come into the house of God Seeing then Moses is as a parte of
here plainely teacheth vs that we be the house of God if wee holde the reioycing of our hope stedfast and sure vnto the ende and if there bee an other people which haue cast their hope from them and taken in stead of it a new fancie worldly minded mē which bring our worldly speeche to measure the trueth of God because in worldly things we say we hope of that which we can not surely tell whether we shall haue or no therefore to make also the hope of saluation a desire in vs whereof we are vncerteine if I say there be any such people let them boast they are the church yet we know they are not the church but an absurde people for let them aunswere mee but this one question I aske of them whether they be sure they are the church of God or no if they be not sure they be blinde leaders of the blind shall we follow them who knowe not whether they go If they be sure doe they thinke the Church of God can perish if it cannot the hope of it is sure and no man can come into it but he must haue his portion in this assurance of hope And al this I speake not as though Gods children are euerie one and alwayes in this assurance for sometime their faith is weake and their hope is shadowed that they might humble them selues vnder the hand of God till they doe acknowledge their owne vnworthines and hunger and thirst after the righteousnes of Christ but in all their weakenesse they wil confesse their sinne and say they ought more assuredly to holde their hope onlie this I say and this the Apostle sayth this is the doctrine of the house of God that they ought to holde the reioycing of their hope stedfast and sure vnto the ende and this doctrine that our hope is doubtfull and can not haue anie assuraunce of the thing we hope for this I say is not the doctrine of Christ nor of the house that he hath built but of some other an Idols house house of idolaters y either knowe not whether their God be faithful iust or but a deceiuer or whether thēselues should beleeue his promises or rather mistrust them And thus farr of the church as here the Apostle hath described it Now the third thing which we must here marke for our instruction is perseuerance for so he sayth We m●…st holde our reioycing continuall vnto the ende A most necessarie thing and such as without which all our labour is lost but a thing hard to atteine vnto ful of difficultie know it by the experience of it for scarce one of a great many doth grow vp into seruēcie of zeale so cōtinueth vnto the end And therfore the more daunger is vnto vs in this behalfe the more watchful we must be to auoyd the perill Let vs first know it persuade our selues in it there is no pleasing of God but in this perseuerāce vnto the end for euen as the prophet sayth so we shal find it true If the righteous man of an hundred yere old shal forsake his righteousnes the Lord wil also forget al y righteousnes y he hath done and a most iust cause why our sinnes should be imputed if at any time we should faint fall away for he y can measure his obedience to God by dayes yeeres accompteth times how long he wil walke before the Lord he is not worthie to be reckoned amonge his seruantes nor to be one of Gods children for God is not as men are nor his rewardes are as the rewardes of princes hee measureth not his giftes by such skant accomptes of yeeres and moneths and times past as though at last he could be enuious at our prosperitie but he filleth his hande with blessing and his loue with immortalitie neither is there any ende of his mercie and if we shall come to such cold reckoning to score vp our yeares and number our doings like prentices or hired mē let vs go serue some God that againe scoreth vp his benefites and with an euil eye loketh vppon his louers let vs worshippe with the papists al their abhominations Saint Cornellis who can only keepe vs from the falling sicknes S. Apolline who wil helpe vs of the toothache or some other Gods of the mounteines or Gods of the vallies if thou haue suche a God that can do so litle good make thy bargeine therafter and serue him by times moments But if thou serue y Lord God of hostes whose mercie is ouer all his workes and whose infinite goodnesse doth endure for euer thou seruest a bountifull Lord who giueth thee all things vpbraideth none thou maiest not be a nigardly seruant to giue vnto him either thy hand or thy foot but all is of him withal y must serue him Thou seruest a louing lord who wil not cha●…g his fauour towards thee for euermore thou maist not serue him by account of days but to the last houre thou must euer be faithfull A perfect God a perfect seruant an euerlasting God a perpetuall seruant if thou fall at the last thou art fallen from him and not he from thee thy condēnation is of thy self Therfore our sauiour Christ hath giuen vs a cleare warning that He that setteth his hand●… to the plowe and looketh backward he is not meete for the kingdome of heauē but thus his promise is vnto vs He that persenereth vnto the ende he shal be safe and in this assurance Sainct Paule helde the reioycing of his hope I haue strouen a good strise I haue finished my course I haue kept my faith Now the crowne of righteousnes onely is behinde which he will giue mee who is the righteous iudge Euen ●…o dearely beloued let vs be constant let vs cast away the burthen that presseth vs downe and this sinne which so easily compasseth vs about and let vs runne with patience all out the race which is set before vs so we shal be like vnto our sauiour Christ who for the ioye that was set before him did despise the crosse and is nowe the authour and finisher of our faith The greatest enimie we haue to make vs slumble and fall that we should not holde this constancie and perseuerance vnto the ende is our owne fleshe And if it may haue any rule in this worke or if we consult with it in these heauenlie thinges wee are vndone and all our labour is lost for our fleshe will like of nothing long All delightes must haue their change and the greater the pleasure is the neerer is safetie in any thing what so euer apperteineth vnto the bodie Wouldest thou neuer so faine sell thy selfe to serue any thing thou shalt finde nothing that will giue thee a perpetual pleasure to buy thy seruice hunger thirst are soone satisfied the heauie cyclid is easily filled with sleepe labour hath wearinesse and rest is soone tedious all play and pastim●… whiche
wee haue with Christe he is our substance being in y inheritance of Glorie so his righteousnesse is our righteousnes his loue is our loue his life is our life his spirit is our spirit of his fulnesse we receiue all this is a great mysterie which neither our eye seeth nor our hearte can vnderstand but yet it is a reall ioyning of vs with him which our faith doeth easily comprehend when we shal see that wisedome which could vnite in one person God and man we shall see the wisedome which hath made all vs the bodie of that head and members one of another This great benefite is here set out vnto vs in a sure promise We be partakers of Christ that we should as I said e be more moued with so great a blessing And here we haue al to learne a good lesson that is how we are all set free from sinne presented faultlesse before the presence of gods glorie and that is by being made one with Christe and appearing in his countenance for of him only it is true This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased if vnto him wee be giuen and with him be ioyned then in him we are also beloued and throughe him we be accepted This is y saluation we haue by him to be graffed in him and made partakers of his life Euen Abraham our father before Abraham Noe Enoch Abel or whosoeuer since haue had highest praise Iob Daniel Samuel Iohn Baptist the virgin Marie all are one before God not one in himself excepted but all were vnited to Iesus Christ in whome they were righteous Were we neuer so full of good works our wel doing extendeth not vnto the Lord nor they can possibly either deserue his fauour or once come in his sight but we muste leaue all our workes in the earth where they are done and they must die with the corruptible hands and feete with whiche they are wrought we must goe naked and bare offer nothing but that which is Christes yea our selues we must present in his bodie for in our owne persons we can not possibly be accepted haue therefore a wise and vnderstanding faith knowe how you are made one with Iesu Christe and there lay the anchorhold of thy hope for in him it is impossible thou shouldest perishe It followeth If we hold the beginning of our substance sure stedfast vnto the end this is the condition vnder which we shal be partakers of Christ perseuerance and constancie vntill the end Our Substance as the Apostle calleth it that is our beeing our vpholding our settled standing this our estate of vniting vnto Christ the beginning of this nowe wrought in vs we must hold it and strēgthen it vnto the end then we knowe we be partakers of Christe this beginning of our Substance is faith by the preachinge of the gospell by which we be nowe spiritually vnited vnto Christ this faith by hearing y voice of Christ through which we are one with him by the same worde wee must nourishe it and keepe it stedfaste vnto the ende this is the same thing whiche Paule teacheth to the Colossians that Christ hath reconciled vs in his bodie if we abide in saith grounded and settled and be not moued from the hope of the Gospel whiche we haue hearde preached vnto vs touching this I saide muche in the exposition of the sixt verse now this I will adde if you will knowe the churche of Christe know it by this marke it holdeth the beginning of her substance stedfast vnto the end the beginning of our substance he called before in the sixte verse the assuraunce and reioycing of our hope Saint Paul as I told you in plaine words expoundeth it thus a sure faith in the gospel preached Now you know the marke of the church of Christ a sure faith by the preching of the gospel take away assuraunce you take away the faith of Gods electe for it must bee sure stedfast settled vnmoueable vnto the end if hunger thirst nakednes if the sword of the Tyrant if the stormie seas if fearfull visions of euil spirites if any of these make thee feare in all these thus Christ reprooueth thee O thou of litle faith for if he that made all be stronger then al if in him thou trust thou must feare at nothing but knowe for trueth that neither height nor depth nor death nor life nor Angel nor power shall euer separate thee from the loue of God this therfore I say first marke take away suretie and take away the faithe of Gods Churche Againe take away the preaching of the Gospell and you take away faith for so Paul saith Our faith is groūded in the gospel preached vnto vs as in another place he speaketh expresly faith is by hea●…ing of the word of God therfore the gospel hath this name to 〈◊〉 called the worde of faith the hearing of faith the preaching of faith and our receiuing of the gospel is called the obedience of faith neither is it possible to haue faith where thou hast no woorde which thou caust beleeue Now consider I bese●…ch you what Church is the church of Rome their fayth they conceale it not but thus reach preach that it hath no certeintie and for the gospel to warrant their faith they seeke it not but say ignorance wil stirre vp deuotion and wil not suffer the people to knowe the Scripture nay they say they neede it not but onely beleeue as the Church beleeueth are these the people to whom the Apostle writeth that they should surely beleeue the Gospel vnto the end if light be darcknesse if good be euill if holinesse be sinne then are these men the Church of Christ but the time is past Nowe let vs pray that it would please God to strengthen in vs a true and liuely faith c. The seuenteenth Lecture vpon the the residue of the chapter 15 So long as it is said To day if you heare his voice harden not your heartes as in the prouocation 16 For some when they heard prouoked him to anger howbeit not all that came out of Aegypt by Moses 17 But with whome was he displeased fourtie yeeres Was he not displeased with them that sinned whose carcases fell in the wildernesse 18 And to whome sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that obeyed not 19 So we see that they could not enter in because of vnbeliefe HEre the Apostle proceedeth to amplifie this exhortatiō of the prophet in these words If you heare his voice harden not your hearts as in the bitter murmuring touching these wordes you haue heard thē before expounded vnto you therefore we now wil let them passe only noting this vnto you the Apostle saith while it is yet called to day that the prophet had said to day the apostle saith yet that exhortatiō is yet it is called to day wherby we learn the prophesies were not for the present
vs in the scripture ▪ their destruction therefore is our example to beware and to feare before the angrie iudgementes of God for their deathes were no common deaths but as Paule noteth souden and greate destructions as in one day when 23000 were slaine for their fornications againe a great multitude destroyed by fierie serpentes for murmuring against God and at other times the angel of God brought many plagues vppon them in which they perished the●… lieau●… iudgements were not executed of God nor written for vs that wee should forget them The prophet Dauid in the hundred and sixt psalme reherseth these and many other punishmentes of that people in consideration of all which he finally maketh this exhortation to vs al Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and euer and let all people say Amen praise ye the lord If Sainct Paule applie this to make it our instruction that we shoulde feare and flee farre from the like sinnes if the propher Dauid in the remembrance of these so many and so righteous iudgements do so earnestly prouoke vs to prayse the Lorde in all his noble actes and to shewe foorth his praises and to runne vnder the protection of his hand to be saued from our enimies why should wee lightly let goe these admonitions and not rather with faithfull hearts see what great things the Lord hath done and consecrate our selues to do his will who is the God of glorie if we doe not what hope can wee haue to escape his iudgements He that spared not his owne people the children of Abraham the naturall plants which he had planted howe should he spare vs that were straungers from his couenant and wilde oliue braunches which contrarie to our nature are by his loue graffed into the naturall oliue tree Let vs therefore beware by their harmes and the great iudgements which God hath executed in our eyes let them make vs feare before him and walke with reuerence in his ordinaunces and wayes It followeth nowe in the Apostle Towhom sware he that they should not enter into his rest was it not to those that obeyed not This is but a repetition of the other wordes of the prophet all to one purpose that by a double testimonie as it were wee might haue sure hope that the punishments of God shall not come if our rebellion do not pull it downe vppon vs for the promises of God are for euer true that at what time so euer a sinner do repent him of his sione the Lorde will also repent of all punishmentes whiche he threatned to bring vppon him neither can wee possiblie stumble and fall downe in our wayes except we be solde vnder our sinne to worke wickednes in his sight without repentance And thus farre the Apostle hauing clearely taught that sinne is all the cause of Gods anger Now in the latter end he saith further And we see that they could not enter for their ●…liefe in these wordes concluding what is the roote and founteine of all disobedience in vs and that is vnbeliefe infidelitie a heart that can not giue full credite to all the threatnings and promises of God of this by occasion of the Apostles woordes I spake vnto you in the former Lecture now that the Apostle repeateth it we may be sure as Paule sayth as it was not grieuous vnto him to tell vs the same thinge often so it is for our saftie often to heare it and therfore I say vnto you as I sayd before let there bee in none of you an euil heart of vnbeliefe for hence is the prouocation to all euill Bring a faithful heart which with an assured assent shall receiue the woord that is preached vnto thee and thou art armed with a stronge shielde which shall quench all the fierie dar●…es of the diuel No man can beleue what things God hath reserued for his Saincts but hee must needes accompt all the worlde to be but dung to the ende hee may winne Christe No man can see what are the threateninges of Hell fire whiche is not quenched but hee will abhorre his sinnes more then hee abhorreth anie death and flee from them least they should bringe him to so great condemnation let vs then be armed that the darts of infidelitie do not wound vs and all the sho●… of other temptations they shal scarce strike through our eyelids true it is that our flesh is weak but an armour of proofe bringes it strong defence so we may be easily ●…educed with y 〈◊〉 dec●…it of sinne but a liuely faith wil sone lighten our eyes that we shall not sleape in death Though the world be full of all euil concupiscence yet This is the victorie that euer commeth the world euen our ●…th And see I beeseech thee iudge of the first sinne of our first parents Adam and Eue and by one offence iudge all was not Eue ouercome by infidelitie and first did shee not dout of Gods threatnings before she eate of the Apple when God had saide yee shall dye the death did she not fall to halting and began with p●…aduenture shee could not tell well whether it were so or no and from this staggering fell shee not away to sinne and turned not till she fell into the wrath of God for euer ▪ did not Adam also follow her example and this corruption let vs be sure we haue taken from his loines and sucked from her breasts by it the diuel is strong against vs but let vs beware of it and be faithfull and his strength is broken The Lion of the tribe of Iudah hath ouercome the crooked serpent and by fayth in him wee shall surely liue This dearely beloued the Apostle heere doeth teach vs a blessed lesson if we can happily learne it and in which we shal be saued foreuer more and all our enimies shal be our footestoole And the Lorde graunt for his Christes sake that we may be made riche in all knowledge of his will and abounde in a great measure of faith that we may cleaue vnseparablie vnto God and vnremouablie to be ioyned as chaste virgines with a pure faith vnto his Sonne Christe And let vs pray c. The eyghteenth Lecture vpon the 1. 2. verses of the fourth Chapter 1 LET vs feare therfore least at any time by forsaking the promise of entering into his rest any of you shoulde seeme to be depriued 2 For vnto vs was the Gospel preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited not thē because it was not mixed with faith in those that hearde it YOV haue hearde two especiall poinctes in whiche the Apostle doth amplifie this exhortation alledged out of the prophet To d●…r if you heare his voice harden not your heartes c. The first was that he saith To day therefore we ought not to foreslowe the time of our calling but take the occasion opportunitie while it is offered Say not vnto the Lorde when he knocketh 〈◊〉 and come
By soule heere he meaneth that parte of vs in which our affections are as ioy sorrowe loue hatred anger mildenesse or any such motion of vs of good or euill By spirit he meaneth the moste excellent parte of vs in which is reason wisedome vnderstanding to consider and meditate of all the works of god By ioynts and marrow he mea●…ieth all the members of our body and thus Sainct Paule vseth these wordes of soule and spirite and bodie where he saith to the Thessalonians as it is in the fifth chapter The God of peace sanctifie you wholie that your spirit and soule and bodie may be kept blamelesse vntil the comming of Christ teaching vs what is a true Christian when his minde thinketh his soule desireth his body executeth nothing but what is faultlesse before God and man. So when the worde is saide to diuide betweene the soule and the spirit it noteth the mightie worke of it in the reprobate to wound all their thoughtes and desires with feare and terrour and with astonishment of heart contrarie in the electe it crucifieth the olde man with al the concupiscences and the desires of it When it is said to diuide betweene the ioynts and the marrow it sheweth the worke in all the members of our bodie to sell them vnder sinne to worke vncleannesse with greedines being hardened or to sanctifie them in the power of God that they may be seruaunts of righteousnesse vnto him being mollified To be short in soule spirite ioynts marrowe the Apostle meaneth that the word once heard the whole man is touched and al that is with in him feeleth streight a chaunge except a heauier iudgement be vpon him that he haue eares heare not wherein yet the worde hath a worke and maketh him fall deeper in the sleepe of sinne if we will learne examples are before vs of good euil what to leaue or what to choose The prophet Abacuche foreseeing the state of Christes church what daunger should be vnto it euen then to be oppressed again when it was not yet halfe growen vp he saith When I heard it my belly trēbled my lippes shooke at the voice rottennesse entred into my bowels and I trembled in my selfe that I might rest in the day of trouble heere we see the worde diuiding betweene the ioynts and the marrow how it distempered the prophets whole bodie because of the heauie threatning of the Lorde and an excellent blessing was vnto him for this feare and trembling at the voice of the Lord in the day of trouble hee had rest So the Prophet Esay at Gods threatening against his church that euen in the dayes of Christe her peace should be broken off her flourishing glo rie shoulde againe be shadowed hee crieth my leanesse my leanesse wo is me as if he had said it consumed his flesh and wore away his beautie to heare the voice of the Lord against his people if thus wee feare in deede at Gods thretenings as his saincts do vnfeignedly reioyce at all his promises a good worke of his mightie woord is in vs and it is his power to our saluation but if we be despisers and regarde not the woord that is brought vnto vs a while we may seeme to be in peace as the sick man in his sleepe feeleth not his paine but the word will wounde at the last the spirite and wee shal feele it in our flesh what we haue despised We reade in Daniel of Belshazzar a proud king in the mids of his princes and all his roaltie he sawe a hand writing and the woorde of the Lorde was before his eyes streight his countenance was chaunged and his thoughtes troubled him so that the ioyntes of his loines were loosed and his knees smote one against another such feare and terrour came vpō him whē the voice of the lord did pronounce his iudgment And not onely thus but we see it further the wicked not onely wounded but also slaine with the word of God. When many of the rulers of the people of Israel led the people to moste shamefull idolatrie the prophet Ezechiel was sent to preache vnto them and when hee prophecied before them Pelatiah the Sonne of Benaiah one of the Princes which seduced the people he dyed in his presence A like example is of Ananias and Sapphira who at the voice of Peter did bothe fall downe dead so true it is that the word is forceable to deuide and enter betwene our reines that is to sley the wicked and to quicken the godlie Last of all it is here said that the word discerneth betwene the thoughts and intents of the heart meaning that how so euer the heart of man is prepared the woord of God directeth it either more to be hardened with the deceites of sinne or wholie to bee renewed to the loue of righteousnesse It followeth nowe Neither is thereany creature which is not manifest in his sight but all thinges are naked and open vnto his eyes with whome we haue to doe These words shewe an excellent proofe of all the former things spoken of the word for seeing it is the word of God how should it not haue the power of God if among men as euery one hath moste power so his word is moste feared how should it not be but God who is the searcher of our hearts and reines and is almightie ouer all but that his worde should haue of his nature vertue and power to make the proude to feare and to comfort the humbled Let vs therefore now bee wise in time and let the worde of the Lorde fashion all our heartes if it doe not yet it worketh still and wee shall one day knowe what voice wee haue despised for as it is heere that all thinges are open vnto his eyes so we shall heare his voice when in all thinges it shall shew his power It shall speake vnto all creatures and they shall heare it the earth and sea shall bring the bodies which they haue consumed the fire shall yeld againe his ashes and the ayre her dead the elementes shall mealt away and the Heauens shall vanish the Lorde shall speake and the deade shall all arise then shal we too late bewail our madnesse which haue heard before this voice regarded it not And this let vs learne with it if such bee the strength of Gods woorde of it selfe when yet hee shall multiplie this power and make it also eternall which is infinite what shall we say then but O Lorde who shall abide it when hee shall pronounce Go you cursed into eternall fire what condemnation shal be vppon the wicked surelie dearelie beloued as it is greater then our heartes can immagine so yet in this similitude we may see as it were an image of it for as his worde diuideth betweene soule and spirit marrow bones cogitations and intentes so we knowe that in euery parte of them the wicked shall feele Gods anger head and arme
be come in flesh while thus hee denyeth him to bee our onely mediatour Nowe let vs returne further to heare what the Apostle teacheth The fourth propertie here mentioned requisite in a priest is that he haue cōpassion on his brethren according to that feeling which is in his owne flesh of his owne infirmities ▪ this compassion is to reioyce with his brethren in all well doing and to be greued for them in their sinnes errours whiche propertie the Apostle saith was in the priest of the lawe in a certeine measure as hee was helpe by experience of him selfe and so muche as God accepted in him who was for a time the priest of his people This ought to bee nowe a speciall instruction vnto vs all because wee are all made a spirituall Priesthood vnto GOD to offer vp our spirituall sacrifices that we should haue this compassion one toward another to delight in the well doing of our brethren as hauing receiued the same spirit of faith and to be greeued with their offences euen as men subiect to the same infirmities This reioycing was in Paule when he writeth to the Philippians that if he might procure their faith constancie of godlinesse though it were with the losse of his life yet he would reioyce with them for the greate blessing and this holie sorrowe for our brothers fallings the same Paule expressely cōmaundeth vnto vs all writing to the Galathians brethren if a mā be fallen by occasion into any fault ye whiche are spirituall restore such a one with the spirit of meekenesse considering thy selfe leaste thou also be tempted if this thē be in vs our brotherly loue be measured with this line wee are all this day Priestes vnto our God offering vp a moste sweete smelling sacrifice euerie one his brother to be a seruaunt of righteousnesse vnto god And as this is the duetie in euery one of vs so especiallie the minister ought to bee full of this compassion to declare still vnto his people all the counsell of God that they might bee confirmed who are called and conuerted who goe yet astray that with one hart and voice at last they might glorifie god together this it is y ought to be but O Lorde how farre is this from beeing done where may we finde a man that reioyceth in his brothers godlinesse or pitieth him in his sinne who can boaste of his friendes of all his acquaintance of all his kinred that him he hath brought vnto the Lord how many are the ministers in number that are able to teach and haue their dwelling with their parishioners to teach thē to know god surely these things are so farre out of order iniquitie hath so preuailed gotten y vpper hand that we may take vp againe the prophets cōplaint Like priest like people the people are so dulled with carnall concupiscence that all their companie is for cardes or dice or daūsing or banquetting or some riot of life the name of the Lord is not remembred but when it is blasphemed this is the fellowship of the world the ministerie hath not so altogether cast off shame but yet the faults of it are somwhat too great and grieuous for many of them are hirelings non residēts dumb dogges going a whoringe not after many women which the worlde would detest but after manie benefices which the Lord God of Israel doeth as much abhorre would to God this cōplaint were false and it shal be false when god shal giue his feare into our harts and giue vs eares to heare that good promise of Christ blessed are those seruaūts whom the Lorde when he commeth shall finde wakinge In the meane while if admonitions may stirre vs vp to be wise in time let vs heare what the Apostle saith more in this place It followeth because that he is compassed about with infirmitie this is the cause why the high priest had such compassion on his brethren because himselfe fealt all their infirmities thus the Apostle testified of Christ before that because he was tempted he was made able to helpe those that were tempted and Saint Paule saith for this cause be we comforted in our tribulation that we might be able to comfort other in their afflictions so our owne sense and feeling must needes be a prouocation vnto vs to pitie other and in deede it is a thing vtterly impossible that whatsoeuer I suffer my selfe I shoulde not haue a compassion of it in another If I be hungrie I pitie all whom I heare crie for meate If I be in pain I pitie all which crie out in their griefe euen so it is also with vs and muche more in the afflictions of spirite I beare the burthen of mine owne sinnes if I see their loathsome appearance and feele their heauy iudgement that I mourne vnder them it is vtterly impossible but I should hate them in my selfe and in all men and I will seeke diligently howe to keepe men free from suche a deadly sicknesse Thus we see what is the cause why we be not careful one to edify another that is because we haue no true feelinge of our own ignorances nor perceiue any weightie burthen of our owne sinnes whē we pray thus the remē brance of them is grieuous vnto vs the burthen of them is intollerable we speake with feigned and deceitefull lippes the sighes of our hearts they goe not with our woords or if they doe I appeale to your owne harts how careful you are for your brethren for I am sure the words of the Apostle must needes be true if I say you feele your owne sinnes you bee carefull for your brethren wishing and procuring as any occasion serueth that they also may finde grace to turne from their sinnes come out as Paule saieth out of the snares of the diuel who hath entrapped them after his owne will and if this great miserie of thy brother moue thee not thoufeelest not the miserie that is in thine owne ioyntes and bowels which astonishment of sense is barbarous brutish dishonoring both the hart coūtenance of a man. Another thing here to be marked is that the Apostle calleth al sinnes by the name of errours ignorances teaching vs first that al errour and innorance before God is condemned as sin whatsoeuer man doth with all his good intentes if he be ignoraunt in his work he oflereth but the sacrifice of a foole neither doth God regarde it Wherin we may se what their church is whose whole religion is blindenesse and whose deuotiō as them selues confesse is bred and nourished by ignorance another cause why our sinnes are named ignoraunces is because the sinners knowe not their owne way they thinke they haue peace reioycing When danger and woe is neerest vnto them they think their sinne is sweete and ful of pleasure when indede it is nothing els but anguish affliction of spirit for they see only with their eyes haue regarde after
priest of the olde lawe must necessarily be a naturall man then that he must do the worke of the people in thinges apperteining to God thirdly that he must doe it with some sacrifice fourthly with compassion for the peoples errours in all which Christ onely is excellent aboue all other Now the Apostle goeth forward and yet sheweth a fifte propertie of the high priest afore and that is that he was called of God and thrust not himselfe into that roome function To this purpose now it followeth And no man taketh vnto him selfe this honour but he that is called of God as was Aarō then in the two verses following sheweth howe in this also Christe excelled Aaron and had a more glorious calling then he first because an high decree of God was pronounced by the Prophete in which vnder the name of a soone God ordeyned him priest saying Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Againe he called him not vnto a priesthood of signes and shadowes which endured but for a while but he called him to the true priesthood it selfe which chaunged not but made him a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech So as the sonne is higher then a seruant the trueth better then the figure of it and that which abydeth euer better then that which in time is abolished so much this calling of Christ exceedeth Aarons calling and all the priestes of the lawe Heere let vs first learne sith the Apostle speaketh plainely No man taketh honour to him selfe but he that is called of God as Aaron was that bothe it is vnlawfull for any man without a calling to take vppon him the ministerie neither yet any calling ought to be which is not according to the will of God for seeing the ministerie is honourable and hee is iustly honoured that executeth it faithfully how can I exalt my selfe but of right I ought againe to be brought lowe and in steede of glorie haue shame for what doe I in this but rob Christe of his glorie who is head of his Churche and appointeth ministers whom hee will who ruleth in the house of Iacob and ordeyneth officers at his owne pleasure If in an earthlie kingdome subiectes would presume to take offices at their owne choice were it not extreme confusion vtter reproche and shame vnto the prince howe muche more to bring this confusion into the Churche of Christ Therfore both our Sauiour Christ himselfe did openly ordeine his own apostles neuer any of them executed that office but with protestation that they had this calling of God therfore their Epistles beginne as you reade Paule an Apostle of Iesus Christ. Peter the seruant of Iesus Christ. And y same frō the beginning hath beene a perpetuall lawe in the church of god Moses Dauid Esay Ieremie and all the residue they tooke not this honour to them selues but were called of God in the name of God they declared vnto the people his visions and his wordes from which if they declyned to the righte hand or to the leste they made them selues sinners and not onely thus it is in the ministerie but for as much as the Apostle giueth it a generall terme No man taketh honour vnto him selfe euen in the common wealth in matters of this vaine life not onely the God of peace wil not haue his people to liue in confusion euery man to exalte himselfe but also limitteth to euery one the bounds of his calling in which God hath giuen him honour and without which bothe hee sinneth against God and offendeth his Prince that hath appointed him The Iustice muste deale with those thinges whiche apperteine vnto a Iustice a iudge with the things of a iudge and as it is rebellion for the priuate man to resist the magistrate so is it presumptiō in a magistrate to take vpō him aboue his calling We haue gotten amōg vs I know not what prouerb which cōmonly we call A cast off our office if this bee to cast off the lawe of our calling and take more honour then is giuen of the higher power we deserue it right wel if for such prety castes our selues should be cast quite out of our places for in matters aboue vs we be all priuate men and must goe vnto them to whom God hath giuen the iudgemente where we our selu●…s haue the place of honour there let vs be faithful as before the Lord. The second thing to be learned in these wordes is that we haue all such a calling as we may be sure it is of God for we must be called of God as Aaron was Heere dearely beloued I woulde wee had no cause to complaine or seeing thinges are so ill as they are I would we had the spirite of the prophete Ieremie to wishe that our handes were full of water or in our eyes were a founteine of teares that we might weepe day and night for the sinnes of our nation then the Lorde in due time would hearken vnto vs and the highest from his holy seate woulde regarde vs that our eyes might see all our ruines restored But nowe touching this calling in magistrates and officers of our common wealth I will say no more but in one worde as the scripture speaketh God calleth him vnto his dignitie who is orderly appointed and is a man of courage fearinge God dealing truely hauing no respecte of persons and hating couetousnesse otherwise if by bribing by ambition or by any vnlawfull meanes he come to his preferment the more he knoweth himselfe the more he wil feare least his calling be not of God but this they will regarde to whome it belongeth our speciall doctrine here is in the callinge of the ministers wherof by the grace of god I wil tel you the trueth but because this and other thinges are nowe in bitter controuersie betweene our selues so that the vncharitable wordes of our mouthes are witnesses against vs of the euill affections of our hearts and our hurtfull doings one toward another do shew abundantly that euil will hath taken deepe root within vs I protest y I haue neither part nor fe lowship in this diuisiō but in loue vnitie I beare him witnesse who speaketh trueth and beare with his errour who is deceiued acknowledging my self more vnworthie then either both And that you dearly beloued may hold fast the bonde of peace and not be broken off with euerie temptation I befeeche you consider but this with me hath not God giuen his gifts diuersly to one more to one lesse to one ten pounds as it is in the parable to another but one and can we thē all know a like must we not of necessity one know more another lesse one be more wise another lesse one vnderstand this truth another that euen as God reuealeth it and euerie one of vs haue our wantes in which wee may bee better taught and shall it not be euer so as long as our knowledge is in part we see not the
life in Christe is to bee obedient vnto his will. What so euer be the way that hee will shewe vs and bid vs walke in it let vs neither decline to the right hande nor to the lefte but goe forwarde in the same We are not to loke into the worlde how our fathers before vs haue walked Our iniquities the iniquities of our fathers shall be bound together If wee be partakers of their euil doings If we go after Baalims which our fathers haue taught vs we shal be fed with the wormwood which our fathers haue eaten The gouernement of the church is vpon the shoulders of Christ he giueth vs the lawes by which we liue he ruleth alone in the house of Iacob his voice must be followed We may not now euery one say wee haue a vision we haue a dreame God hath spoken by his sonne and charged all to heare him We may not boast our selues of Sainct or Angel to hearken to new doctrines which we haue not learned for God hath not put in subiection vnto Angels these dayes of the Gospell in which we are but vnto Christe who is made the head of his people and all thinges are in subiection vnder his feete so that this is the way we haue to walke Christe is our Lord let vs receiue his lawes he is our mayster let vs followe his rules he is our Apostle let vs heare his Gospell Let vs obey in all things and we shal be established This is the glorie that GOD hath giuen vnto his sonne he is our lawgiuer we haue no other If we will leaue the stubbernnesse of our owne heartes and obey him as life is in him so wee shall surely liue for the Lorde hath not as greate pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as when the voice of the Lorde is obeyed It is an euerlastinge truethe That to obey is better then sacrifice and to hearken is better then the fat of Rams for to disobey is as the sinne of witchcrase and to chaunge the law that is set before vs this is wickednesse and idolatrie Let vs not be wise in our owne conceites to frame God a religion such as we will. This is to drawe iniquitie with cordes of vanitie and to pull sinne after vs as with car tropes A iust recompence of such wearye labours when God shall say vnto vs who hath required these things at your hands Let vs then followe so as wee be called and bringe into captinitie euerie thought of man to the obedience of Christe And the Lord our God for his Christes sake giue vnto vs heartes ful of humilitie that we may think him wisest and rest in his decrees that we be neuer spoiled through vaine Philosophie and the traditions of men but harken vnto him who is onely wise that at the last we may liue with him who hath alone immortalitie and shall fil vs with his glorie for euermore Whiche times the Lorde God bring speedily vpon vs and finishe the dayes of sinne for his mercies sake that we may enter into the heauens whether Christe is gone before vs and reigne with him for euer who is our onely Sauiour to whome with the Father and the holie Ghost three persons and one God be all honour and glorie worlde without ende Amen ¶ The xxv Lecture vpon the 10. verse and so forth the residue of the Chapter 10 And is called of God an highe priest after the order of Melchisedech 11 Of whom we haue many thinges to say which are hard to be vttered because ye are dull of hearing 12 For when as concerning the time ye ought to be teachers yet haue ye nede again that we teach you what are the first principles of the word of God are become such as haue neede of milke and not of strong meate 13 For euerie one that vseth milke is inexpert in the word of righteousnesse for he i●… a childe 14 But strong meate belongeth to them that are of age which through long custome haue their wittes exercised to discerne both good and euill WE haue heard before what comparison the Apostle hath made betweene Christ and Aaron and how the excellencie of Christ is incomparable aboue him in all workes of the priesthood our benefite by him vnspeakablie greater as of whome alone is all saluation The conclusion of the same disputation is added now in the tenth verse And he is called of God an highe priest after the order of Melchisedech which words do conclude in shorte summe all y hath been spoken ▪ first that Christ is our priest hath therfore the name of the high priest giuen him Secondly what kinde of priesthod he hath not Aarons for for it Aaron himselfe was sufficient appointed of God but another spiritual priesthod after the order of Melchisedech Thirdly that vnto this priesthod he was called of God to this sense and meaning the wordes are plainly set downe in this tenth verse as you haue heard of all which we haue spoken alreadie Nowe because this priesthod of Christ after the order of Melchisedech was not well vnderstood what kinde of priesthod it should be of what vertue and grace therefore the Apostle meaneth more at large to speake of this that they might vnderstand it as his maner is often to make exhortation to stirre vp their dull spirits least they should heare in vaine so here in the eleuenth verse and after following he maketh a long digression vnto the beginning of the vii chapter both to persuade them to holde a good vnderstanding of all that hath been spoken and to prepare them more diligently to other things that should be taught that so they might all glorifie God in good wisedom●… and knowledge of the mysterie of his wil. And this exhortation he beginneth thus Of whome we haue many things to say which are hard to be declared because you be dull of hearing Here first the Apostle the more to stirre them vp diligently to learn this mysterie of Melchisedech how he was a figure of our Sauiour Christ and the priesthood of Christe was represented in him he saith first that the matter is harde and difficult to be declared and therefore requireth great heede and d●…ligence This place dearely beloued let vs learne well for it hath many good instructions in it it is harde saith the Apostle and therfore you must adde more diligence to it Heere firste wee learne a good cause why it pleased God to leaue places in Scripture harde to vnderstand like as other places are easie for as the easinesse is because none should bee discouraged but all learne so the hardnesse is because none should be negligent and carelesse and heerein the Lord hath delt also mercifully with vs for seeing all carelesnesse in reading his worde in whiche his wisdome is reuealed is the taking of his name in vaine our own●… profite doeth now make vs take more heede of this finne for we cannot vnderstand or be edified by it but with
drawe it that was spoken in Hierusalem two thousand mile out of Italie that it was ment only of the Citie of Rome Againe they say the sinne against the holie ghost shall neuer be pardoned neither in this world nor in the world to come Ergo there is a purgatorie such are their proofes in their greatest mysteries And is not this trow you a miserable doctrine which hath no plaine and directe scripture but by suche wrested and straunge expositions can onely be proued and this I speak of their best expositions which to this day they hold and reuerence but infinite other expositions they haue and in times past of greatest account for they are written in their masse bookes their portesses their pontificalls their legends their decrees their councels their lawes that you may be sure they were expositions of generall consent and greatest force howe so euer now some woud dissemble them and these are suche expositions as I assure you and I beseech you to beleeue it for before the liuing God you shall finde it one day true the mad men in bedlem can not speake more foolishly they reason thus Peter drewe his sword and cut off Malchus eare therfore the Pope is head of the Church The world was finished in seuen dayes therfore none must marrie within seuen degrees of kinred God made two great lightes the Sunne and the Moone therfore as much as the Sunne is brighter then the Moone so much the Pope is greater then the Emperour The Prophet saith behold the face of thine anointed thus saith the pontifical is a Bishops prayer ouer the popes legat when he kneeleth before the Altar Behold I sende my messinger to prepare thy way before thy face saith God by his prophet Esaie the pontificall vseth this as a prophesie fulfilled when the Popes legate meeteth the Emperour to receiue him into any citie I haue found Dauid my seruant and annointed him with holie oyle My loue is beautifull among the daughters of Hierusalem This they applie to kings and Queenes when the cleargie receiue thē personally into their churches The prophet saith sprinkle mee Lord with ysop I shal be cleane that they applie to the priest sprinkling with holie water Lifte vp your head O ye gates and ye euerlasting dores lifte vp your selues that is when the Clarke openeth the churche doore for the Prieste to come in with the crosse on Palme sunday Tenne thousand such applications and expositions are in their bookes suche I say as I thinke no bedlem man coulde deuise more vaine and foolish Now if any of thē be ashamed of these doings I pray God that shame may be the triall of their countenance which testifieth against them and so be in them a good colour of repentance if they wil not be ashamed then the wrath of the Lord is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still ●…il hee make their madnesse knowen vnto all the world make them a hissing amonge his people who haue so prophaned his word of life And thus much touching the hardnesse of the scripture which the Apostle heere speaketh of It foloweth in the Apostle For wheras considering the time you ought to be teachers yet haue you neede again that we teach you the first principles of the word of God and are become suche as haue needs of milke and not strong meat this is the cause why the Apostle said they were slowe of hearing because they had profited no more in knowledge a great while the gospel preached professed among them yet they stil so ignorant that they knowe not the principles of their Christiā faith We haue had a great while the Gospell preached we might haue beene by this time doctours if we would haue learned I say not euery day or weeke or moneth but euery yeere a little and what a shame is it fos vs if yet we be ignoraunt in the principles of fayth howe many sermons haue wee heard or reade in vaine how many times haue wee made the sower to sowe his seede in the high wayes or among the thornes and stones If in xv yeeres we bee scarce past our A. b. c. when doe we hope that the secretes of the word shal be reuealed vnto vs Are so many yeares so small a portion of our life that wee may giue them to vanitie and learne nothing the Lord graunt that wee may better looke vnto our selues and seeing euery day taketh away parte of our life maketh this earth lie tabernacle more to corrupt let euery day bringe increase of knowledge and adde to our life that when our course is runne our faith may be kept and we may finde the crowne of righteousnesse whiche God hath laid vp for those that be wise of heart Or if this counsel of the Apostle wil not persuade vs but by leasure in xv yeeres to come we will learne hereafter I assure you our graues wil meete many of vs in our wayes while wee are yet dull in learning and when then shal be the time in which we wil enioy our knowledge Let vs looke therefore to our selues for I am afraid this sharpe rebuke of the Apostle is as iust against vs as it was against them and it must needes make vs at last ashamed except it make vs in time repent our sluggishnesse And heere by the way I beseeche you to marke well this place to see the difference of the spirit of trueth and the spirit of errour The Apostle checketh the people because they be so dull of hearing that the woorde of God is harde vnto them which ought to be moste familiar and easie He rebuketh them of ignoraunce that in so long time they haue not learned to be doctours in Christianitie able to teach others He threateneth them that if this greate sinne bee not amended let them looke for no other but that vengeaunce and wrath shal be a recompence vnto them Thus the Apostle sayth but what saith the false apostolicall man the pope of Rome forsooth he pray seth them of greate modestie that wil not presume to read the scripture as those which are darke and obscure writings he alloweth well of learning nothing and after many yeares to be neuer the wiser for ignorance saith he is the mother of deuotion He blesseth the men that haue no wisedome in them though they knowe not how to giue accompt of their faith yet he biddeth them beleue as the church beleeueth and they shal be saued Can any thinge be more contrarie to other then the apostles doctrine is contrarie to this why then do we not yet cast him off for shame and bid sye vpon the beaste that speaketh so presumptuously against the worde of God let him and his foolishnesse perishe together but let vs learne the knowledge of the Lorde It followeth For euery one that vseth milke is inexpert of the word of righteousnesse for he is a babe The Apostle before prouoked them to diligence first
because otherwise the scripture would bee hard vnto them Againe because it was ashame after so longe time to haue profited so little Nowe he exhorteth them by shewing the great hurte which shal be vnto them by their ignorance and rudenesse ▪ and sayth that while they are such they can neuer knowe the pretious and hid treasure of righteousnesse whiche Christ hath giuen onely to those that are wise and haue learned his blessed Gospel For better vnderstanding of this you muste knowe this figuratiue speeche of the Apostle of milke and strong meate by milke he meaneth the generall principles of doctrine as him selfe after declareth as of repentance of faith in Christ of baptisme of the resurrection and suche like set out breifely in generall tearmes and according to the capacitie of Children with whiche they are prepared to the kingdome of heauen and must still growe vp in more vnderstanding till they doe see with all the saincts the higth the deapth the length the bredth of Gods vnsearchable goodnesse in Iesu Christ which the Apostle calleth here the word of righteousnes Now if we wil abyde stil in our first instruction when gray hayres shal be mingled with our black yet then still we will be children in vnderstanding the Apostles wordes shal be iustified in vs we are not meete disciples of the excellent knowledge of the Gospel for he that is still at his milke hath not yet tasted of the worde of righteousnesse which is strong meate And it foloweth in the Apostle For strong meate belongeth to thē that are of perfect age which through long custome haue their wits exercised to discerne good euill In these words the Apostle maketh it more plaine what is milke and what is strong meate and why they are so called that is milke which agreeth to beginners and such as haue little experience that is strong meat which is for olde practitioners such as haue wisdome to iudge betwene truth falshod And thus much briefly of the sense of the woordes out of which what instructions we haue to gather for our owne edifying I will speake more at large God willing the next time Now let vs praye c. The 26. Lecture vpon the 13. 14. verses before mentioned so forth vpon the 1. 2. verse of the sixth Chapter 13 For euerie one that vseth milke is inexpert in the word of righteousnesse for he is a childe 14 But strong meate belongeth to them that are of age which through long custome haue their wits exercised to to discerne both good and euill CHAP. VI. 1 THerefore leauing the doctrine of the beginning of Christ let vs be led forwarde vnto perfection not laying againe the foūdation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God. 2 Of the doctrine of baptisme and laying on of handes of the resurrection from the dead and of eternall iudgment WE haue heard alreadie what reprehension the Apostle hathe hetherto made of the slackenesse of the people in learninge the mysteries of Gods word First because they haue beene so carelesse that they haue made the word hard vnto them that they cannot vnderstand it where I tolde you y who soeuer he be that accuseth the scripture of hardnesse the Apostle concludeth against him that he hath a hard dul hart Secondarily he rebuketh them in respect of the time which hath beene so long that they might nowe haue taught other yet they neede to bee taught them selues yea euen the beginnings And heere I wishe vs to looke well vnto our selues for all men knowe how longe the time hath beene in whiche the Gospell hath beene preached vnto vs and howe little we haue profited God knoweth Thirdly hee blameth them for their slacknesse because by it they spoile themselues of a great treasure for while they be thus rude and ignoraunt the worde of righteousnesse that is perfect knowledge can neuer be taught vnto them neither can they bee partakers of the excellent knoweledge of the gospel of Christe but it is vtterlie impossible euen as it is for children to eate stronge meate Then he sheweth who be strong euen those that haue their wisedome perfect so that they can iudge betweene good and euill To this purpose are these laste wordes of the Apostle Euery one that vseth milke is inexpert of the word of righteousnesse for he is a childe but strong meate is for the perfect whiche through long custome haue their wittes exercised to discerne good and euill Firste wee haue heere to learne this principle of Christianitie he that is rude and ignoraunt can not apprehend the excellent knowledge of the Gospell of Christe that is he that can say no more but this I beleeue in one God wee muste repent vs of sinne we are saued by faith we must worship God in spirite and trueth we are baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost we beleeue the resurrection of our bodyes we looke for eternal life and suche like confessions in generall wordes though where this is confessed with a single heart and a minde willing to learne more God may and will for his Christes sake accept it vnto saluation yet we that haue receiued of the Lorde bothe time and abilitie ought more exactly to vnderstand if we wil not bee despisers of the manifolde graces of God as for example the childe is taught that there is but one God aboue al and to worship him alone whome he confesseth in three distinct persons the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste Surely a young Christian man which with this faith shoud humble him selfe before God and crye Our father which art in heauen no doubt God would heare his prayer yet notwithstanding seeing this mysterie is not onely taught in generall termes but is set out also in more particular pointes in knowledge of al we must looke for the fulnesse of our comforte and reioycing that now we haue in god Thou sayest I beleeue in God the father almightie thou sayest well and it is a holy confession if thou haue hearde no more but if thou hast also learned that God is a spirit not of the nature of man not like vnto the idols of the Gentiles not like vnto any creature that thou hast heard or seene but a nature of maiestie glorie incomprehensible and aboue the thoughts of man then thou oughtest heere to exercise thy senses with wise meditations howe greate and glorious the Lord is whome thine eye cannot see thine heart can not conceiue no creature in Heauen or earth can resemble vnto thee so thou shalt learne obedience to say vnto thy senses and vnto thy naturall heart what haue I to doe with you All carnal cogitations and thoughts of man be they neuer so high of Kinges and Emperours of golde and precious stones they are vile filthy to cary into heauen if thine imaginatiōs will resemble them to the God of glory thou doest but fill thy soule with corruption
following on the contrarie parte the Apostle setteth downe what is the proper glorie of Angels that by plaine comparison this dignitie of Christ might more appeare and so of Angels he addeth that they be all ministring spirits sent out for the safetie of those whiche shall inherite saluation Where he calleth them ministring spirites according to the testimonie of Dauid before alledged He maketh his Angels spirits and his ministers a fl●… of fire which bothe names spirites and ministers the one of nature the other of office he bringeth thus into the proper definition that they be ministring spirites And because the ministerie of any creature may be in diuerse things therefore to take away this vncerteintie wherein their ministerie should be hee addeth streight that they are ministers for the safetie of Gods electe So setting out a perfect definition of an Angel fully comprehending all that wee can or ought to knowe of those blessed spirites I for all their glorie is comprehended in the nature of a spirite and the prayse which continually they sing vnto God is comprehended in their ministerie for they are named ministers according to Gods ordinaunce and good pleasure so that with continuall praise and thankesgiuing and reioycing in the Lorde they doe their worke as after their example we make our prayer Thy will be done in earth us it is in Heauen Now vpon this definition of Angels and the former testimonies of the great glorie of the sonne of God our Sauiour Iesus Christ by good comparison the Apostles conclusion is plaine and manifeste that seeing our Sauiour Christ is so exalted euen aboue the angels in all the honour of a King a Priest a Prophet wee ought much more so to acknowledge him aboue Moses aboue Aaron aboue all Temple sanctuarie mercie seate and all ordinances of the lawe that he might be alone our onely health and saluation And thus hee finisheth this first Chapter in which I saide he setteth out the person of Christe according to his Godhead bodily dwelling within him Now touching the wordes what we haue to note of this where he saith to which of the angels saide he at any time I then sufficiently declared vnto you as God gaue me grace when I expounded the v. verse Likewise of Christes sitting at the right hand of God I spake more fully expounding the third verse Where it is here added Till I make thine enimies thy foote stoole The Apostle Sainct Paule speaking of this victorie of Christ he saith He shall abolish all rule and authoritie and power noting as he faith in an other place that we wrestle not against flesh and bloud but against principalities and powers against worldly rulers of this darkenesse against spirituall wickednesse in high places wherein we see of what force and strength our enimies are And because he saith The last enimie shal be abolished which is death we see that there shall neuer want enimies to the Churche whereby wee shoulde be prouoked in regarde of our continuall daunger to be euer watchinge and because of our stronge enimies onely to put our truste in Christe And here I beseech you let our hearts be in out owne wayes and of our naturall life let vs learne wisdome least we be also vpbraided of our Sauiour Christ that we can discerne the face of the earth of the skie but we can not iudge of our selues what is right Tell me who of vs hauing a long iourney by many theeues and wilde beastes or passing the rockie seas in great and violent stormes though lie escape a place or two where no theefe is not a●…ye beaste hath molested him yet at euerie place of daunger his feare is still renued And thoughe he haue passed many highe surges and deepe gulphes of water yet at euerie waue hee is still affraide not carelesse because he hath passed farre but still carefull because there is more behinde and this wisedome we vse because we know we may as well fall toward our iourneyes end and as well bee drowned before the hauens mouthe as when we first began our daungerous voyage Euen so with the Church of Christ in which this day we confesse our selues to haue our portion from the first day of her peregrination in earth till her last entraunce into glorie there is a perpetuall hatred betweene the serpent and her head and betweene the seede of the serpent and her children in which strife euerie one of vs particularly haue our fight so that from our mothers wombe till we lie downe in the graue our life is a warrefare vpon earth No age no condition of life no day no night but brings his enimie with him and the same enimie armed with sinne and death as well against the man of an hundred yeares olde as against the childe that is newe borne and as well we may fall into condemnation through apostasie of old croked age as through concupiscence and pride of youth And if at any time we become secure like a carelesse people who haue our senses dulled with an idle dreame of peace it is not because webe out of danger but according to the parable in the gospel The strong man hath possessed a●… therfore al things seme to be so safe sure Let vs therefore be wise shake off the weight of this dull sluggishnes which presseth vs downe that with attentiue eares wee may willingely heare his louing counsell who one day will breake the strongest head of all our enimies Hee biddeth vs watche and pray because wee knowe not the day nor yet the houre and so much the rather let vs doe it because we stand not in danger of robbing or drowning or tearing with wilde beastes which yet would make vs affraide though death should end our miserie but we stand in daunger of greater calamities when death shal be abolished whether we shal be accursed in eternall fire or whether wee shal be the blessed of the Lorde And as the perill is great so we haue heard the enimies are strong and such as before whome we are verie cowards for be we otherwise neuer so valiaunt to indure paine to quarell to fight to despise any daunger as it is the manner of a great many ruffians in deed but men of good courage they would bee called bring mee one of them in battell against these enimies wee haue to striue against pride against concupiscence against idle games against all sinne and thou shalte see no boy no woman no sickeman so verie a cowarde he hath not the heart to strike one blowe but yeeldeth him selfe a slaue and is led away as an oxe to the slaughter-house Let vs therefore watch Let vs pray for in this dangerous battell in which these strong men are verie cowardes what can we do Euen let vs denie our selues and trust vnto him that sitteth on the right hand of his father and hee shall make all our enimies our footestoole And this word we must not lightly
passe ouer for it noteth a certeine great confusion vpon the enimies of Christe forthough it be sometime honour to be named the Lords footestole as where it is saide Heauen is my throne and the earth is my footestoole And especially in the lamentations of Ieremie where he saith The Lord hath darkened the daughter of Sion and throwne downe the beautie of Israel and hath not remēbred his footstole Yet in this place where it is spokē of Gods enimies it noteth their extreme ruine and shame euen as of those whome wee doe stamp vnder our feete An example of this we haue in the Iewes whose name was once so honourable how doe the Prophets glorie of the house of Iudah yet since they haue taken vp this enimitie against Christ and sett them selues against his Churche and people they haue had experience of the Lordes right hand and their name is a name of shame and ignominie ouer all the worlde An other example we haue of Rome what citie had once such honour what name was of more renowne yet since it hath beene the seate of Antichriste enimie to the sonne of God and to his Gospell as she hath filled her selfe with all abhominations so God hath troaden her vnder feete and as the Prophet sayth shee hath left her name as a curse vnto the chosen of the Lord that I assure you in my eares in the eares I am sure of many thousands moe the citie of Rome is a citie of contempt of ignoraunce of sinne like a deade stock whose sweete blossomes and pleasaunt fruite is withered and worne away And her roote as the Prophet saith is rottennesse and her bud as the dust and suche shal bee the ende of all the enimies of the Sonne of God. Nowe followeth in the last verse this definition of Angels whereof we spake before in whiche we learne and so confesse that they are ministring spirites sent out for our safetie and defence so that hereafter whosoeuer will dispute with vs aboute Angels with one worde we will answer him and cut off all curiositie This we knowe and we know it onely and who so euer knoweth more hee knoweth nothing but the vanitie of his owne minde Angels are spirites whiche serue the Lorde ▪ for his Churches safetie If yet we wil be vaine still and thinke yea but what are Archangels principalities powers rules thrones dominions What are Cherubim and Seraphim All these how so euer they be called in diuerse respectes diuersly they are all Angels in condition and nature as they are so here defined For if any Archangel throne or dominion or any other name that is named were any way greater then an Angel all this disputation of the Apostle were nothing worth for how could it proue the excellencie of Christ aboue all creatures because he is greater then Angels If Cherubim or Seraphim or any Archangel were also greater then an Angel And therefore that the reason of the Apostle may be as it is strong and vnanswerable we must confesse all blessed spirits whatsoeuer they be they be all this and this is their glorie that they be ▪ Gods ministers for the safetie of his children This doctrine the Prophet Dauid teacheth also verie plainely in the 34. Psalme The Angel of the Lord pitcheth roūd about thē that feare him deliuereth them And againe in the 91. Psalme He shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee to kepe thee in all thy ways they shal beare thee in their hāds that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone And according as this is Gods worde and his promise so we haue many examples howe he hathe at all times iustified his faith in the perfourmance of it that we might not stagger in this doctrine of Angels The Patriarches the people of Israel the Prophets the Apostles and Saincts of the new Testament our Sauiour Christ himselfe we haue seene howe the Angels haue beene with them in daungerous times and ministred the help of God vnto them Now touching the manner how the Angels of God execute this ministerie euen as it is not harde vnto the Lorde in the battels of men to saue with manie or with fewe so God sendeth out his angels more or lesse euē as he wil that it might be known the power is the Lords When Iacob feared before his brother Esau God sendeth to him an hoast of angels to comfort him When Eliseus was besett with the great hoast of the king of Syria his seruant was now exceedingly affraide Eliseus prayed to haue his eyes opened that he might see the helpe of God which was present with them and hee sawe immediately the mounteine full of horses and chariots rounde about Eliseus which were Gods Angels sent for the Prophets safegarde When our Sauiour Christ is in distresse and anguish God sendeth many Angels which doe minister vnto him And so he testifieth of the vsuall work of God common to all his sainctes and applieth it particularly vnto himselfe in reproouing Peter who woulde needs drawe his sword to mainteine his cause Thinkest thou saith he that I can not now pray vnto my father he wil giue me moe then twelue legions of Angels And as thus God sendeth out a great multitude for the saftie of one so contrariwise sometime he appointeth but one for the saftie of manie So God sent an Angel to deliuer Israel out of Aegypt and to guide them throughe the terrible wildernesse and euer after in all their troubles when they called vppon him the Angel of his presence as y prophet Esai saith was their deliuerer and when they should enter the lande of promise God sent an Angel to driue out the Canaanites before them When the armie of y king of Ashur came and besieged Ierusalem God sent an Angel who deliuered the Citie and in one night slew 185000. of the Assyrians When Dauid numbered the people and procured the wrathe of God God sent an Angel into Ierusalem who slew with the pestilence 70000. of the people So we haue many examples where vpon occasion to one man God sendeth one Angel euen as it is saide of one that he came to comfort our Sauiour Christ in the garden To Lot God sent two angels So to the womē that came to the graue of our sauiour Christ two Angels appeared tolde them he was risen againe When the Apostles looked after our Sauiour Christ at his ascension into heauen two Angels appeared vnto them to teache them what they had to do When God would destroy Sodome and Gomorth he sent three Angels to Abraham to tell him of it In the vision that Ezechiel had of the destruction of the citie God sendeth out sixe Angels to execute that iudgement And why is all this diuersitie to the end no doubt we should not be curious but rest in the doctrine which the Lord taught vs that the Angels are his ministers for