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A19476 The interpreter: or Booke containing the signification of vvords wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all, or the most part of such words and termes, as are mentioned in the lawe vvriters, or statutes of this victorious and renowned kingdome, requiring any exposition or interpretation. ... Collected by Iohn Cowell ... Cowell, John, 1554-1611. 1607 (1607) STC 5900; ESTC S108959 487,900 584

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Realme the land was quieted the king gained greate riches toward the supporting of his wars Inquire farder of the name Baston is thougt by some to be the beame of a paire of Scoales or waights and this is in this place metaphorically applied to the iuste peising of recompence for offences committed My poore opiniō is that the etymology of this title or addition groweth from the French treilles i. cancelli barres or letises of what thing soeuer a grate with crosse bars or of the singuler treille i. pargula an house arbour a raile or forme such as vines runne vpon and Baston a staffe or pole noting thereby that the Iustices emploied in this commission had authoritie to proceede without any solemne iudgement seate in any place either compassed in with railes or made booth or tent-wise set vp with staues or poales without more worke wheresoeuer they could apprehend the malefactors they sought for See lib. Assisarum fol. 141. 57. Iustices of peace Iusticiarii ad pacem are they that are appointed by the kinges commission with others to attend the peace in the County where they dwell of whom some vpon speciall respect are made of the Quorum because some busines of importance may not be dealt in without the presence or assēt of them or one of them Of these it is but folly to write more because they haue so many thinges perteining to their office as cannot in fewe words be comprehended And againe Iustice Fitzherberd some time sithence as also M. Lamberd and M. Crompton of late haue written bookes of it to their great commendatiō and fruitfull benefit of the whole Realme See also Sir Thomas Smith de repub Angl lib 2. cap. 19. They were called Gardians of the peace vntill the 36. yeare of King Edward the third cap. 12. where they be called Iustices Lamb. Eirenarcha lib. 4. cap. 19 pag. 578. There oathe see also in Lambard lib. i. ca. 10. Iustices of peace c. within liberties Iusticiarii ad pacem infra libertates be such in cities and other corporate townes as those others be of any countie and their authoritie or power is all one within their seueral precincts anno 27. H. 8. ca. 25. Iusticies is a writ directed to the Shyreeue for the dispatch of iustice in some especiall cause wherewith of his owne authoritie he cannot deale in his Countie Courte lib. 12. cap. 18. wherevpon the writ de excommunicato deliberando is called a Iusticies in the old nat bre fol. 35. Also the writ de homine replegiando eodem fol. 41. Thirdly the writ de secunda superoneratione pasturae eodem fol. 73. Kitchin fol. 74. saith that by this writ called Iusticies the Shyreeue may hold plee of a greate summe whereas of his ordinary authoritie he cannot hold plees but of summes vnder 40. shillings Crompt on fo 231. agreeth with him It is called a Iusticies because it is a commission to the Shyreeue ad Iusticiandum aliquem to ●doe aman right and requireth noe returne of any certificat of what he hath done Bracton lib. 4. tracta 6. cap. 13. nu 2. maketh mention of a Iusticies to the Shyreeue of London in a case of Dower See the newe booke of Entries Iusticies Iustification Iustificatio is an vpholding or shewing a good reason in courte why he did such a thing as he is called to answere as to iustifie in a cause of Repleuin Broke titulo Repleuin K E KEeper of the great Seale Custos Magni Sigills is a L. by his office and called Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England c. is of the Kings priuy Councell vnder whose hands passe al charters Commissions and graunts of the King strengthened by the great or broad Seale Without the which Seale all such Instruments by Lawe are of no force for the King is in interpretation and intendment of Law a Corporation and therefore passeth nothing firmely but vnder the said Seale This Lord Keeper by the statute anno 5. Elizabethae Cap. 18. hath the same and the like place authority preeminence Iurisdiction execution of Lawes and all other Customes Cōmodities and Aduantages as hath the Lord Chaunceler of England for the time being Keeper of the priuy Seale Custos priuati Sigilli is a Lord by his office vnder whose hands passe all Charters signed by the Prince before they come to the broad or great Seale of England He is also of the Kings priuy Councell He seemeth to be called Clerke of the priuy Seale anno 12. R 2. Cap. 11. But of late daies I haue knowne none to beare this office by reason the Prince thinketh good rather to keepe this Seale in his owne hands and by priuate trust to commit it to his principall Secretary or some such one of his Councell as he thinketh fit for that function Keeper of the Touch. anno 2. H. 6. cap. 14. seemeth to be that officer in the kings mint which at this day is termed the master of the assay See Mint Keeper of the Forest Custos Forestae is also called cheife Warden of the Forest Manwood part pri of his Forest Lawes pag. 156. c. hath the principall gouernmēt of all things belonging thereunto as also the check of all officers belonging to the Forest And the Lord Cheife Iustice in Eyre of the Forest when it pleaseth him to keepe his Iustice Seate doth 40. daies before send out his generall Summons to him for the warning of all vnder-officers to appeare before him at a day assigned in the Summons This See in Manwood Vbi Supra King Rex is thought by M. Camden in his Britan. pag. 105. to be contracted of the Saxon word Cyninge signifing him that hath the highest power absolute rule ouer our whole Land and thereupon the King is in intendment of Lawe cleared of those defects that common persons be subiect vnto For he is alwaies supposed to be of full age though he be in yeares neuer so young Cromptons Iurisdictions fol. 134. Kitchin fol. i. He is taken as not subiect to death but is a Corporation in himselfe that liueth euer Crompton ibidem Thirdly he is aboue the Law by his absolute power Bracton lib. pri cap. 8. Kitchin fol. 1. and though for the beter and equall course in making Lawes he doe admitte the 3. estates that is Lords Spirituall Lords temporall and the Commons vnto Councell yet this in diuers learned mens opinions is not of constreinte but of his owne benignitie or by reason of his promise made vpon oath at the time of his coronation For otherwise were he a subiect after a sort and subordinate which may not bee thought without breach of duty and loyaltie For then must we deny him to be aboue the lawe and to haue no power of dispensing with any positiue lawe or of graunting especiall priuiledges and charters vnto any which is his onely and cleare right as Sir Thomas Smith well expresseth lib. 2. cap. 3. de Repub. Anglican and
scribit Suetonius cap. 42. Hodiè hic vsus in subalpina regione est frequens vt scribit Iacobinus de Sancto Georgio in tractu de homagiis col 8. Etiam pro filia quae religionem ingreditur non modò pro vna filia sed pluribus filiabus non tamen pro secundis nuptijs exigitur In which place the said author maketh mention of diuers other Civilians and feudists that record this custome to be in other places Of this aide our Fleta writeth thus sicutetiam quaedam consuerudines quaeservitia non dicuntur nec concomitantia seruitiorū ficut rationobilia auxilia ad filium primogenitum militem faciendum vel ad filiam primogenitā maritandam quae quidem auxilia sunt de gratia non de iure pro necessitate indigentia dominicapitalis Et non sunt praedialia sed personalia secundùm quod perpendi poterit in breui ad hoc prouiso c. This word ayde is also particularly vsed in matter of pleading for a petition made in court for the calling in of helpe from another that hath an interest in the cause in question and is likely both to giue strength to the party that prayeth in aide of him and also to auoide a preiudice growing toward his owne right except it be preuented For example when a tenent for terme of life by courtesie tenent in taile after possibility of issue extinct for tearme of yeares at will by elegit or tenent by statute merchant being impleaded touching his estate may petere auxilium that is pray in ayde of him in the reuersion that is desire or intreate the court that he may be called in by writ to alledge what he thinketh good for the maintenance both of his right and his owne Termes of the lawe Fitzh mentioneth both prier en ayde and prier ayde de patron c. auxilium petere à patrono nat br fol. 50. d. and the new booke of entries verbo Ayde de parcener auxilium de parcionario fol. 411. columna 4. This the later practitioners in the ciuill lawe call authoris laudationem vel nominationem Emericus in pract titulo 48. This ayde prier is also vsed sometime in the kings behoofe that there be no proceeding against him vntill the kings Councell be called and heard to say what they thinke good for the auoyding of the kings preiudice or losse touching the cause in hand For example if the kings tenent holding in chiefe be demaunded a rent of a common person he may pray in ayde of the king Also a citie or borough that hath a fee ferme of the king any thing being demaunded against them which belongeth the reunto may pray in ayde of the King c. Tearms of the law of this thing you may read the statute de big amis a. 4. Ed. 1. ca. 1. 2. 3. anno 14. Ed. 3. stat 1. ca. 14. The civile law in suites begunne betweene two alloweth a third to come in pro interesse and he that commeth in for his interrest commeth either assistendo or opponendo c. The former is like to this ayde prier the other to that which our common lawyers call Receyte Looke Receyte Aile avo commeth of the French aieul i. avus signifieth a writ that lieth where the grādfather or great grandfather called of our common lawyers besayle but in true French bisaieul was seised in his demaines as of fee of any land or tenement in fee simple the day that he died and a stranger abateth or entreth the same day and dispossesseth the heire Fitzh nat br fo 221. Alderman aldermannus is borrowed from the saxon Ealderman signifying as much as Senator in latine Lamb. in his explica of Saxon words verbo senator See Roger Hoveden parte poster suorum annal fo 346. b. Aler sans iour is verbatim to goe without day the meaning whereof is to be finally dismissed the courte because there is no day of farder appearāce assigned Kitchin fo 140. Ale-tastor is an officer appointed in every court leete and sworne to looke to the assise and the goodnes of bread and ale or beere within the precincts of that Lordship Kitchin fo 46. where you may see the forme of his oath Alias v. Capias alias Alien alienare commeth of the French aliener and signifieth as much as to transferre the propertie of any thing vnto another man To alien in mortmaine is to make over lands or tenements to a religious companie or other body politike Stawnf praero fo 48. looke Mortmayn To alien in fee isto sel the fee simple of any land or tenement or of any incorporeall right West 2. ca. 25. anno 13. Ed. 1. Alien alias alion alienigena commeth of the latine alienus and signifieth one borne in a straunge country It is ordinarily taken for the contrarie to Denizen or a naturall subiect that is one borne in a straunge country and neuer heere infranchised Broke Denizen 4. c. And in this case a man born out of the land so it be within the limits of the Kings obedience beyond the sease or of English parents out of the Kings obedience so the parents at the time of the birth be of the Kings allegiance is no alien in account but a subiect to the King Statute 2. a. 25. Ed. 3. ca. vnico commonly called the Statute De natis vltra mare Also if one borne out of the kings allegiance come and dwell in England his children if he beget any heere be not aliens but denizens Termes of the lawe See Denizen Allaye Allaia is vsed for the temper and mixture of siluer and gold anno 9. H. 5. Stat. 2. cap. 4. Stat. 1. eiusdem anni cap. 11. The reason of which allay is with a baser mettall to augment the waight of the siluer or gold so much as may counteruaile the Princes charge in the coining Antonius Faber de nummariorum debitorum solutionibus cap. 1. Allocatione facienda is a writ directed to the Lord Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer vpō complaint of some accountant commaunding them to allow the accountant such sums as he hath by vertue of his office lawfully and reasonably expended Register orig fol. 206. b. Alluminor seemeth to be made of the French allumer i. accendere incendere inflammare it is vsed for one that by his trade coloureth or painteth vpon paper or parchment And the reason is because he giueth grace light and ornament by his colours to the leters or other figures coloured You shall find the word an 1. R. 3. ca. 9. Almaine riuets be a certaine light kind of armor for the body of a man with sleeues of maile or plates of iron for the defence of his armes The former of which words seemeth to shewe the countrie where it was first invented the other whether it may come from the French verb revestir 〈◊〉 superinduere to put on vpon another garment I leaue to farther consideration Almner elecmosinarius is an officer of the
the partie himselfe detaineth it and refuseth to bring it in Regist orig fo 152. b. In like maner may be said of certificando de statuto mercatorio eodem fo 148. and de certificando in cancellarium de inquisitione de idemptitate nominis fo 195. and certificando quando recognitio c. and certificando quid actum est de breui super statutum mercatorium fo 151 certificando si loquela Warantiae fo 13. Cessor is he that ceseth or neglecteth so long to performe a dutie belonging vnto him as that by his cesse or cessing he incurreth the daunger of lawe and hath or may haue the writ cessavit brought against him Old nat br fo 136. And note that where it is saide in diuers places the tenent cesseth without any more words such phrase is so to be vnderstood as if it were said the tenent ceseth to doo that which he ought or is bound to doe by his land ortenement Cessavit is a writ that lyeth in diuers cases as appeareth by Fitzh nat br fo 208. vpon this generall grounde that he against whome it is brought hath for 2. yeares foreslowne to performe such seruice or to pay such rent as he is tied vnto by his tenure and hath not vpon his land or his tenement sufficient goods or catells to be distreined Consult more at large with Fitz. vpon this vbi supra with Fleta li. 5. ca. 34. § visa sunt and with the Termes of lawe See Cessauit de cantaria Register orig fo 238. Cessavit de feodi firma eodem fo 237. Cessavit per biennium eodem folio etiam eodem See the newe booke of entrise verbo Cessavit Cestui qui vie is in true French cestui a vie de qui i. he for whose life any land or renement is graunted Perkins graunts 97. Cestui qui vse ille cuius vsui vel ad cuius vsum is broken french and thus may be bettered Cestui al vse de qui It is an ordinarie speech among our common lawyers signifying him to whose vse any other man is infeoffed in any lands or tenements See the newe booke of entrise verbo vses and in Replevin fo 508. colum 3. verbo Trespas fo 606. fo 123. a. b. colum 3. n● 7. Chafe waxe is an officer in chauncery that fitteth the waxe for the fealing of the writs and such other instruments as are there made to be sent out This officer is borowed from the French For there calefactores cerae sunt qui regiis literis in Cancellaria ceram imprimunt Corasius Chase chacea commeth of the French chasser 1. sectari belluas apros cervos It signifieth two things in the commō lawe First as much as actus in the civil lawe that is a dryving of catell to or from any place as to chase a distresse to a fortlet Old nat br fo 45. Secondly it is vsed for a receite for deere and wilde beasts of a middle nature betweene a forest and a parke being commonly lesse then a forest and not endued with so many liberties as the courtes of attachment Swaine mote and Iustice seate and yet of a larger compas and stored with greater diuersity both of keepers and wilde beasts or game then a park And Crompton in his booke of Iurisdictions fo 148. saith that a forest cannot be in the hands of a subiect but it forthwith looseth the name and becommeth a chase and yet fo 197. he saith that a subiect may be lord and owner of a forest which though it seeme a contrariety yet be both his sayings in some sort true For the king may giue or alienate a forest to a subiect yet so as when it is once in the subiect it leeseth the true property of a Forest because that the courts called the Iustice seate the Swain mote and Attachment foorthwith doe vanish none being able to make a Lord chiefe Iustice in Eyre of the Forest but the king as M. Manwood well sheweth parte 2. of his Forest lawes cap. 3. 4. And yet it may be granted in so large a maner that there may be Attachement and Swainemote and a court equiualent to a Iustice seat as appeareth by him in the same chapter num 3. So that a chase differeth from a Forest in this because it may be in the hands of a subiect which a Forest in his proper true nature cannot and from a Parke in that that it is not inclosed and hath not onely a larger compasse and more store of game but of Keepers also and ouerseers See Forest Chalenge calumnia commeth of the French chalanger i. sibiasserere and is vsed in the commō lawe for an exception taken either against persons or things persons as in assise to the Iurors or any one or more of them or in a case of felonie by the prisoner at the barre Smith de rep Anglor lib. 2. cap. 12. Britton ca. 52. Bracton lib. 2. tract 2. cap. 22. Against things as a declaration old nat br fol. 76. Chalenge made to the Iurours is either made to the array or to the polles Chalenge to the array is when the whole number is excepted against as partially empaneled chalenge to or by the polle when some one or more are excepted against as not indifferent Termes of the law Chalenge to the Iurours is also divided into Chalenge principall and Chalenge per cause i. vppon cause or reason Chalenge principall otherwise by Stawnf pl. cor fol. 157. 158. called peremptorie is that which the lawe alloweth without cause alledged or farder examination Lamberd Eirenar lib. 4. cap. 14. as a prisoner at the barre arraigned vpon felonie may peremptorily chalenge to the number of 20. one after another of the Iurie empaneled vpon him alledging no cause but his owne dislike and they shall be still put off and new taken in their places But in case of high treason no Chalenge peremptorie is allowed an 33. H. 8. cap. 23. Fortescue saith that a prisoner in this case may chalenge 35. men c. 27. but that law was abridged by anno 25. H. 8. cap. 3. I cannot here omit to note some difference that in mine opinion I obserue betweene Chalenge principall and Chalenge peremptorie finding peremptorie to be vsed onely in maters criminall and barely without cause alledged more then the prisoners owne phantasie Stawnf pl. cor fol. 124. but principall in ciuill actions for the most part and with naming of some such cause of exception as being found true the lawe alloweth without farder scanning For example if either partie say that one of the Iurors is the sonne brother cousin or tenent to the other or espoused his daughter this is exception good and strong enough if it be true without farder examination of the parties credit And how farre this chalenge vpon kinred reacheth you haue a notable example in Plowden casu Vernon against Maners fol. 425. Also in the plee of the death of a man
Frauk almoine libera Eleemozyna in french frank Ausmone signifieth in our common lawe a tenure or title of lands Britton cap. 66. nu 5. saith thus of it Franke almoyne is lands or tenements bestowed vpon God that is giuen to such people as bestow themselues in the seruice of God for pure and perpetuall almes whence the feoffours or giuers cannot demaund any terrestriall seruice so long as the lands c. remaine in the handes of the feoffees With this agreeth the grand custumary of Normandie cap. 32. Of this you may reade Bracton at large lib. 2. cap. 5. 10. See Fitzh nat br fol. 211. See the new booke of Entries verbo Franke Almoine But Britton maketh another kind of this land c. which is giuen in almes but not free almes because the tenents in this are tyed in certain seruices to the feoffor Pritton vbisupra Frank bank francus bancus in true french franc banc signifieth word for word a free bench or seate and among our lawe writers it seemeth to be vsed for copyhold lands that the wife being espoused a virgin hath after the decease of her husband for her dower Kitchin fol. 102. Bracton lib. 4. tract 6. cap. 13. nu 2. hath these wordes Consuetudo est in partibus illis quòd vxores maritorum defunctorum habeant francum bancum suum de terris sockmannorum tenent nomine dotis Fitzher calleth it a custome whereby in certaine cities the wise shall haue her husbands whole lands c. for her dower Nat. br fol. 150. P. See Plowden casu Newis fol. 411. Frank chase Libera chasea is a libertie of free chase whereby all men hauing ground within that compasse are prohibited to cut downe wood or discouer c. without the view of the forester though it be his owne demesne Cromptons Iurisdictions fol. 187. Frank fee feudum francum seu liberum is by Brooke tit Dimesn num 32. thus expressed That which is in the hand of the King or Lord of any maner being auncient demesn of the Crowne viz. the Demesnes is called frank fee and that which is in the hands of the tenents is auncient demesn onely see the Register original fol. 12. a. Whereby it seemeth that that is frank see which a man holdeth at the common lawe to himselfe and his heires and not by such seruice as is required in auncient demesn according to the custome of the maner And again I find in the same booke fol. 14. b. a note to this effect that the lands which were in the handes of king Edward the Saint at the making of the booke called Doomesday is auncient demesn and that all the rest in the realme is called frank fee with the which note Fitzherb agreeth na br fol. 161. E. So that all the land in the realme by this reason is either auncient demesn or frank fee. The new expounder of the lawe termes defineth frank fee to be a tanure in fee simple of lands pleadable at the common lawe and not in auncient demesn See Fachineus lib. 7. cap. 39. who defineth feudum francum esse pro quo nullum seruitium praestatur Domino with whom agreeth Zasius de fendis parte 12. saying that therefore it is feudum improprium quia ab omni seruitio liberum Frank ferme Firma libera is land or tenement wherein the nature of fee is chaunged by feofment out of knights seruice for certaine yearely seruices and whence neither homage wardship mariage nor releife may be demaunded nor any other seruice not contained in the feofment Britton ca. 66. nu 3. see Fee ferme Frank law libera lex See Cromptons Iustice of peace fol. 156. b. where you shall finde what it is by the contrary For he that for an offence as conspiracy c. leeseth his franke lawe is said to fall into these mischiefs first that he may neuer be impaneled vppon any iury or assise or otherwise vsed in testifiing any truth Next if he haue any thing to doe in the kings court he must not approch thither in person but must appoint his attourney Thirdly his lands goods and chatelsmust be seised into the kings hands and his lands must be estreaped his trees rooted vp and his body committed to prison For this the said authour citeth the booke of Assises fo 59. Conspiracy F. 11. 24. Ed. 3. fo 34. See Conspiracy Frank mariage liberū maritagiū is a tenurein taile speciall growing from these words in the gift comprised Sciant c. me M. H de W. dedrsse concessisse praesenti charta mea confirmasse I. A. filio meo Margeriae vxori eius filiae verae T. N. in liberū marit agium vnum messuagium c. West parte i. Symbol li. 2. sect 303. The effect of which words is that they shall haue the land to them and the heires of their bodies and shall doe no fealty to the donour vntill the fourth degree See new Terms of law Glanuile li. 7. ca. 18. Bracton li. 2. ca. 7. nu 4. where he diuideth maritagium in liberum seruitio obligatum See Mariage Fleta giueth this reason why the heires doe no seruice vntill the fourth discent ne donatores vel eorum haeredes per homagii receptionem a reuersione repellantur And why in the fourth discent and downeward they shall doe seruice to the donour quia in quarto gradu vehementer praesumitur quòd terra non est pro defectu haeredum donatariorum reversura libro tertio ca. 11. in princ Frankpledge Franoiplegium is compounded of Franc. i. liber and pleige i. fideiussor and signifieth in our common law a pledge or surety for free men For the auncient custome of England for the preseruation of the publique peace was that euery free borne man at fourteene yeares of age after Bracton religious persons clerks knights and their eldest sonnes excepted should finde suerty for his truth toward the King and his subiects or else be kept in prison whereupon a certaine number of neighbours became customably bound one for another to see each man of their pledge forthcomming at all times or to answere the transgression committed by any broken away So that whosoeuer offended it was forthwith inquired in what pledge he was and then they of that pledge either brought him forth within 31. daies to his aunswere or satisfied for his offence This was called Frank pledge causa qua supra and the circuit thereof was called Decenna because it commonly consisted of 10. houshouldes And euery particular person thus mutually bound for himselfe and his neighbours was called Decennier because he was of one Decenna or another This custome was so kept that the shyreeues at euery county court did from time to time take the oaths of yonge ones as they grew to the age of 14. yeares and see that he were combined in one dozen or another whereupon this braunch of the shyreeues authority was called visus Franciplegu view of frankpledge See
i. hospitio excipere It signifieth with vs an officer of the princes court that allotteth the noble men and those of the household their lodgings It signifieth also in Kitchin an Inkeeper fol. 176. Hereditaments hereditamenta seeme to signifie all such things immoueable be they corporeall or incorporeall as a man may haue to himselfe and his heires by way of inheritance v. anno 32. H. 8. ca. 2. or not being otherwise bequeathed doe naturally and of course descend to him which is our next heire of blood and fall not within the compas of an executour or administratour as chatels doe Heriot See Hariot Hide of land Hida terrae Saxonicè Hidelandes is a certaine measure or quantitie of land by some mens opinion that may be plowed with one plowe in a yeare as the author of the newe Termes saith verbo Hidage by other men it is an hundred acres By Beda who calleth it familiā it is as much as will maintaine a familie Crompton in his Iurisdict fol. 220. saith that it consisteth of an hundred acres euery acre in length 40. perches and in breadth 4. perches everie perch 16. foote and a halfe and againe fol. 222. A hide of land conteineth an hundred acres 8. hides or 800. acres conteine a knights fee. Of this reade more in M. Lamberds Explica of Saxon wordes verbo Hyda terrae See Carue Hide and gaine old nat br fol. 71. Coke lib. 4. Tirringhams case signifieth carable land See Gainage Hidage Hidagium is an extraordinarie taxe to be paide for euery hide of land Bracton li. 2. c. 6. writeth thus of it Sunt etiam quaedam communes praestationes quae seruitia non dicuntur nec de consuetudine veniunt nisi cum necessitas intervenerit vel cum Rex venerit sicut sunt Hidagia Coragia Carvagia alia plura de necessitate ex consensu communi totius Regni introducta quae ad Dominum feudi non pertinent c. of this reade the new expounder of lawe termes who saith that hidage is to be quit if the king shall taxe all the lands by hides and yet also graunteth it to be the taxe it selfe saying that it was wont to be an vsuall kind of taxing as well for prouision of armour as payments of money Hinefare See Heinfare Hidel i. H. 7. ca. 6. seeemeth to signifie a place of protection as a Sanctuarie Hierlome See Heirlome Hine seemeth to be vsed for a Seruant at husbandrie and the master hine a seruant that ouerseeth the rest anno 12. R. 2. ca. quarto Hoblers Hobellarii are certaine men that by their tenure are tyed to maintaine a little light nagge for the certifiing of any inuasion made by enemies or such like perill toward the Sea side as Porchmouth c. of these you shall reade anno 18. Ed. 3. stat 2. cap. 7. anno 25. eiusdem stat 5. ca. 8. Hoghenhine is he that commeth guestwise to a house and lieth there the third night After which time he is accounted of his familie in whose house he lieth and if he offend the kings peace his host must be answerable for him Bracton lib. 3. tract 2. cap. 10. In the lawes of King Edward set forth by M. Lamberd he is called agenhine wheare you may reade more of this mater Hithe Hitha is a petit hauen to land wares out of vessels or boates new booke of Entrise fol. 3. colum 3. Hoggeshead is a measure of wine or oyle containing the fourth parte of a tunne that is 63. gallons anno i. R. 3. ca. 13. Hoistings See Hustings Homage Homagium is a french word signifiing fidem clientularem for in the originall grants of land and tenements by way of fee the lord did not onely tie his tenents or feed men to certaine seruices but also tooke a submission with promis and oathe to be true and loyall to him as there lord benefactour This submission was and is called homage the forme wherof you haue in the second statute anni 17. Ed 2. in these words when a free man shall doe homage to his Lord of whome he holdeth in chiefe he shall hold his hands together betweene the hands of his lord and shall say thus I become your man from this day forthe for life for member for wordly honour and shall owe you my faith for the land I hold of you sauing the faith that I doe owe vnto our Soueraigne Lord the king and to mine other Lords And in this maner the Lord of the fee for which homage is due taketh homage of euery tenent as he commeth to the land or fee. Glanvile lib. 9. ca. 1. except they be women who performe not homage but by their husbands yet see Fitzherbert that saith the contrary in his natura br fol. 157. F. Reade Glanuile more at large in the said first chapter with the second third fourth The reason of this M. Skene giueth de verbo significatione verbo Homagium viz. because Homage especially concerneth seruice in warre He saith also that consecrated Bishops doe no homage but onely fidelitie the reason may be all one And yet I find in the Register orig fol. 296. a. that a woman taking liuerie of lands holden by knights seruice must doe homage but not being ioyntly infeoffed for then shee doth only fealtie And see Glanuile in the ende of the first chapter of his nineth booke touching Bishops consecrated whome he denieth to performe homage to the king for their Baronie but onely fealty Fulbeck reconeileth this fol. 20. a. in these words By our lawe a religious man may doe homage but may not say to his Lord. Egodevenio homo vester because he hath professed himselfe to be onely Gods man but he may say I doe vnto you homage and to you shall be faithfull loyall See of this Britton cap. 68. Homage is either new with the fee or auncestrell that is wheare a man and his auncesters time out of minde haue held their lands by homage to their Lord whereby the Lord is tied to warrant the land vnto his tenent newe Termes of the lawe This homage is vsed in other countries as well as ours was wont to be called Hominium See Hotom de verbis feudalibus verbo Homo Skene diuideth it into liegium non liegium de verb. signifi verbo Homage for the which see Leige and Hotoman disputatione de feudis tertia Homage is sometime vsed for the Iurie in the Courte Baron Smith de Repub. Anglo lib. 2. cap. 27. The reason is because it consisteth most commonly of such as owe homage vnto the Lord of the fee. And these of the Feudists are called pares curiae sive ourtis siue domus sic dicuntur enim conuassalli siue compares qui ab eodem patrono feudum receperunt vel qui in eodom territorio feudum habent Hotoman Of this homage you may read in the 29. c. of the Grand Custumarie of Normandie where you shall vnderstand of other
in the reuersion commeth in and prayeth to be receiued to defend the land and to plead with the Demandant Many more you may haue in Brooke titulo Resceite fol. 205. See Perkins Dower 448. ●eceit is also applied to an admittance of plee though the controuersie be but betweene two onely Brooke estoppell in many places Resceyt of homage is a relatiue to doing homage for as the Tenent who oweth homage doth it at his admission to the land so the Lord receiueth it Kitchin fol. 148. See Homage Rescous Rescussus commeth of the French Rescourre se Rescourre du danger i. asserere se ab iniuria It signifieth in our common law a resistance against a lawfull authoritie as for example if a Baylife or other officer vpon a writ doe arrest a man and another one or more by violence doe take him away or procure his escape this act is called a Rescus Cassanaeus in his booke de consuetud Burg. hath the same word coupled with resistentia fol. 294. whereby it appeareth that other nations do vse this word in the same signification that we doe or the very like It is also vsed for a writ which lyeth for this act called in our lawyers latine Breue de rescussu whereof you may see both the forme and vse in Fitzh nat br fol. 101. and the register originall fol 125. See the new booke of Entries verbo rescous This rescous in some cases is treason and in some felony Crompton Iustice fol 54. b. Reseiser reseisire is a taking againe of lands into the Kings hands whereof a generall liuery or ouster le main was formerly missued by any person or persons and not according to forme and order of law Of this see Stawnf praeroga 26. where it is handled at large See resumption Resiance resiantia seemeth to come of the French rasseoir see Rasseoir i. residere and signifieth a mans aboad or continuance in a place Old nat br fo 85. whence also commeth the participle resiant that is continually dwelling or abiding in a place Kitchin fol. 33. It is all one in truth with Residence but that custome of speach tyeth that onely to persons ecclesiasticall Reseruation signifieth that rent or seruice which the graunter in any graunt tyeth the grauntee to performe vnto him or them or the Lord Paramonte Perkins reseruations per totum Residence residentia commeth of the Latine residere and is peculiarly vsed both in the Canon and Common lawe for the continuance or abode of a Parson or Vicar vpon his benefice The default whereof except the partie be qualified and dispenced with is the losse of tenne pounds for euery moneth anno 28. Henr. 8. cap. 13. Resignation resignatio is vsed particularly for the giuing vp of a Benefice into the hands of the Ordinarie otherwise called of the Canonists renunciatio And though it signifie all one in nature with the word Surrender yet it is by vse more restreined to the yeelding vp of a spirituall liuing into the hands of the Ordinarie and Surrender to the giuing vp of temporall lands into the handes of the Lord. And a resignation may now be made into the hands of the King as well as of the Diocesan because he hath supremam authoritatem Ecclesiasticam as the Pope had in time past Plowden casu Grendon fol. 498. a. Resort is a word vsed properly in a writ of ayle or cousenage as discent is in a writ of right Ingham Respectu computi Vice-comitis habendo is a writ for the respiting of a Shyreeues accompt vpon iust occasion directed to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer Register fol. 139 279. Respight of homage respectus homagii is the forbearing of homage which ought first of all to be performed by the tenent that holdeth by homage Which respight may be occasioned vpon diuers good reasons but it hath the most frequent vse in such as hold by Knights seruice in capite who because the Prince cannot be at leasure to take their homage do pay into the Exchequer at certaine times in the yeare some small summe of money to be respighted vntill the Prince may be at leasure to take it in person Responsions responsiones seeme to be a word vsed properly and especially by the knights of S. Iohn of Ierusaiem for certaine accompts made vnto them by such as occupied their landes or stockes anno 32. H. 8. cap. 24. Responsalis is he that commeth for another at the day assigned for his appearance in Court Bracton Fleta seemeth to make a difference betweene atturn atum essoniatorem responsalem lib. 6. cap. 11. § Officium as if essoniator came onely to alledge the cause of the parties absence be he the demandant or tenent and responsalis came for the tenent not onely to excuse his absence but also to signifie what triall he meant to vndergoe viz. the combat or the countrie lib. 6. cap. 11. § Si autem A man in auncient time could not appoint an Atturney for him without warrant from the king Fleta eodem cap. 13. in fine See Atturney This word is vsed in the Canon lawe Et significat procuratorem vel eum qui absentem excusat cap. Cùm olim propter extra de rescript Restitution restitutio is a yeelding vp againe of any thing vnlawfully taken from another It is vsed in the common law most notoriously for the setting him in possession of lands or tenements that hath bene vnlawfully disseised of them which when it is to be done and when not see Cromptons Iustice of peace fol. 144. b. c. vsque 149. Restitutione extracti ab Ecclesia is a writ to restore a man to the Church which he had recouered for his sanctuarie being suspected of felonie Register ori fol. 69. a. Restitutione temporalium is a writ that lyeth in case where a man being elected and confirmed Bishop of any Diocesse and hath the Princes royall assent thereunto for the recouery of the temporalities or Baronie of the said Bishopricke with the appurtenances And it is directed from the King to the Escheatour of the Countie the forme whereof you haue in the Regist origin fol. 294. and in Fitz. nat br fol. 169. Where you may read also that it lyeth for those Abbots and Priors newly elected and confirmed that were of the kings foundation Resummons resummonitio is compounded twice that is of re sub and Moneo and signifieth a second summons and calling of a man to answer an action where the first summons is defeated by any occasion as the death of the partie or such like Brook tit See Resummons fol. 214. See of these foure sorts according to the foure diuers cases in the Table of the Register Iudiciall fol. 1. See also the new booke of Entries verbo Reattachement Resummons Resumption resumptio is particularly vsed for the taking again into the Kings hands such land or tenements as before vpon false suggestion or other error he had deliuered to the heire or graunted by leters
THE INTERPRETER OR BOOKE CONTAINING the Signification of Words Wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all or the most part of such Words and Termes as are mentioned in the Lawe VVriters or Statutes of this victorious and renowned Kingdome requiring any Exposition or Interpretation A Worke not onely profitable but necessary for such as desire throughly to be instructed in the knowledge of our Lawes Statutes or other Antiquities Collected by IOHN COWELL Doctor and the Kings Maiesties Professour of the Ciuill Law in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge In Legum obscuritate captio HINC LVCEM ET POCVLA SACRA ALMA MATER CANTABRIGA AT CAMBRIDGE Printed by IOHN LEGATE Anno 1607. Collegium Iesu Cantabrigiense 1700 To the most reuerend Father in God his especiall good Lord the Lord Archbishop of Canterburie Primate and Metropolitan of all England and one of his Malesties most Honourable Priuy Councell AFTER long deliberation I hardly induced my selfe to craue your gracious protection toward this simple worke valewing it at so lowe a price as I thinke it hardly woorth the respect of any graue man much lesse the fauourable aspect of so honorable a personage Yet the remembrance of those your fatherly prouocations whereby at my comming to your Grace from the Vniuersitie you first put me vpon these studies at the last by a kind of necessitie inforced me to this attempt because I could not see how well to auoide it but by aduenturing the hatefull note of vnthankfulnesse For I cannot without dissimulation but confesse my selfe perswaded that this poore Pamphlet may proue profitable to the young Students of both Lawes to whose aduancement that way I haue of late addicted mine indeuours else were I more then madde to offer it to the world and to offer it without mention of him that by occasioning of this good more or lesse deserueth the prime thankes were to proue my selfe vnworthie of so graue advice And therefore howsoeuer I accompt this too much boldnesse in respect of the subiect yet could I be exceedingly glad it might please your Grace to ascribe mine intention to the integrity of my duty For he that meaneth truly wel cannot perform much must needes reioyce at the good acceptance of that litle which he ●erformeth All I craue for 〈◊〉 at your Graces hands is patience and pardon for this enterprise with the continuance of those your many fauours that hitherto to inygreat comfort I haue enioyed And so my long obseruation of your iudicious disposition hauing caught me what small delight you take in affected complements and verball commendation without more words in all true humblenes I beseech the Almighty long to continue your Grace in health and prospetitie to his glorie and the good of his Church Your Graces at all Commaundment IO. COWELL To the Readers GENTLE Readers I heere offer my selfe to your censures vvith no other desire then by you to be admonished of my faults For though I doe professe the amplifying of their vvorkes that haue gone before me in this kinde and haue both gathered at home and brought from abroade some ornaments for the better embellishing of our English lavves yet am I neither so vaine as to denie mine imperfections nor so passionate as to be offended at your charitable reformation Nay my true ende is the advauncement of knovvledge and therefore haue I published this poore vvorke not onely to impart the good thereof to those young ones that vvant it but also to dravve from the learned the supply of my defects and so by degrees if not my selfe to finish this modell yet at the least by the heate of emulation to incense some skilfuller architect thereunto Yea I shall thinke my paines sufficiently recompensed if they may be found but vvorthy to stirre vp one learned man to amend mine errours The Ciuilians of other nations haue by their mutuall industries raised this 〈◊〉 of worke in their profession to an inexpected excellencie I haue seene many of them that haue bestowed very profitable and commendable paines therin and lastly one Caluinus a Doctor of Heidelberge like a laborious Bee hath gathered from all the former the best iuyce of their flowers and made vp a hiue full of delectable honie And by this example would I gladly incite the le arned in our common lawes and antiquities of England yet to lend their aduice to the gayning of some comfortable lights prospects toward the beautifying of this auncient palace that hitherto hath bene accoumpted howsoeuer substantiall yet but darke and melancholy Whosoeuer will charge these my trauiles with many 〈…〉 sights he shall neede no solemne paines to prooue them For I will easily confesse them And vpon my view taken of this booke sithence the impression I dare assure them that shall obserue most faults therein that I by gleaning after him will gather as many omitted by him as he shall shew committed by me But I learned long sithence out of famous Tullie that as no mans errours ought to be folowed because he sayeth some things well so that which a man saith well is not to be reiected because he hath some errours No man no booke is voide of imperfections And therefore reprehend who will in Gods name that is with svveetnes and vvithout reproche So shall he reape hartie thankes at my hands and by true imitation of the most iudicious that euer vvrote more soundly helpe on this pointe of learning to perfection in a fevve monethes then I by tossing and tumbling my bookes at home could possibly haue done in many yeares Experience hath taught me this in mine Institutes lately set forth by publishing vvhereof I haue gained the iudicious obseruations of diuers learned gentlemen vpon them vvhich by keeping them priuate I could neuer haue procured By vvhich meanes I hope one day to commend them to you againe in a more exact puritie and so leaue them to future times for such acceptance as it shall please God to giue them I haue in some tovvardnes a tract de regulis iuris vvherein my intent is by collating the cases of both lavves to shevve that they both be raised of one foundation and differ more in language and termes then in substance and therefore vvere they reduced to one methode as they easily might to be attained in a maner vvith all one paines But my time imparted to these studies being but stolne from mine emploiments of greater necessitie I cannot make the hast I desire or perhaps that the discourse may deserue VVherefore vntill my leisure may serue to performe that I intreate you louingly to accept this One thing I haue done in this booke vvhereof because it may seeme straunge to some I thinke to yeld my reason and that is the inserting not onely of vvords belonging to the art of the lavve but of any other also that I thought obscure of vvhat sort soeuer as Fish Cloth Spices Drugs Furres and such like For in this I follovv the example of our Ciuilians that
bequeath any thing to the redeeming of captives c. and appoint one to execute his will in that point the partie soe appointed shall see it performed and if he appointe none to doe it then the Bishop of the citie shall haue power to demaund the legacie and without all delay performe the will of the deceased Admirall Admiralius cometh of the frenche amerall and signifieth both in France and with vs an high officer or magistrate that hath the gouernement of the Kings navie and the hearing and determining of all causes as well civile as criminall belōging to the sea Cromptons diuers iurisd fo 88. and the statutes anno 13. R. 2. ca. 5. anno 15. eiusdem ca. 3. an 2. H. 4. ca. 11. anno 2. H. 5. ca. 6. an 28. H. 8. ca. 15. with such like This officer is in all kingdomes of Europe that border vpon the sea and his authoritie in the kingdome of Naples is called magna Curia Admirariae quae habet iurisdictionem in eos qui vivunt ex arte maris Vincent de Franch descis 142. nu 1. This Magistrate among the Romanes was called praefectus classis as appeareth by Tully in Verrem 7. but his authoritie was not continuall as the Admirals is in these daies but onely in time of warre Neither doe I finde any such officer belonging to the Emperours in our Code And M. Guyn in the preface to his reading is of opinion that this office in England was not created vntill the daies of Edward the third His reason is probable Britton that wrote in Edw. the firsts time and in the beginning of his booke taking vpon him to name all the courts of Iustice maketh no mention of this courte or magistrate And againe Richard the second finding the Admirall to extend his iurisdiction over farre ordeined by statute made the 10. yeare of his reigne that the limits of the admirals iurisdiction should be restrained to the power he had in his grandfather Edward the thirds daies whereby the saide Master Gwin coniectureth that he did nought els but reduce him to his originall But contrarily to this it appeareth by auncient records the copies whereof I have seene that not onely in the daies of Ed. the first but also of King Iohn all causes of Merchants and mariuers and things happening within the fludde marke were ever tried before the Lord admirall Adiura Regis is a writ for the Kings Clerke against him that seeketh to eiect him to the preiudice of the Kings title in the right of his crowne Of this you may see diuers formes vpon divers cases Register orig fo 61. a. Admittendo clerico is a writte graunted to him that hath recouered his right of presentation a-against the Bishop in the common bank the forme whereof read in Fitzh nat br fo 38. the Register orig fo 33. a. Admittendo in socium is a writ for the association of certaine persons to Iustices of assises formerly appointed Register orig fol. 206. a. Ad quod damnum is a writ that lyeth to the escheater to inquire what hurt it will be to the King or other person to graunt a Faire or market or a mortmaine for any lands intended to be giuen in fee simple to any house of religion or other body politicke For in that case the land so giuē is said to fal into a dead hād that is such an estate and condition that the chiefe Lords do leese all hope of heriots seruice of court and escheates vpon any traiterous or felonious offence committed by the tenant For a bodie politicke dieth not neither can performe personall seruice or commit treason or felonie as a singular person may And therefore it is reasonable that before any such grant be made it should be knowne what preiudice it is like to worke to the graunter Of this reade more in Fitzh nat breu fol. 221. and look Mortmaine Ad terminum qui praeteriit is a writ of entrie that lyeth in case where a man hauing leased lands or tenements for terme of life or yeers and after the terme expired is held from them by the tenant or other stranger that occupieth the same and deforceth the leassour Which writ belongeth to the leassour and his heire also Fitzh nat br fol. 201. Aduent aduentus is a certaine space of time comprising a moneth or thereabout next before the feast of Christs natiuitie Wherein it seemeth that our ancestors reposed a kind of reuerence for the neerenesse of that solemne feast so that all contentions in lawe were then remitted for a season Whereupon there was a statute ordained Westm 1. cap. 48. anno 3. Ed. 1. that notwithstanding the said vsuall solemnitie and time of rest it might be lawfull in respect of iustice and charitie which ought at all times to be regarded to take assises of nouell disseisin mort d'auncester and darrein presentment in the time of Aduent Septuagesima and Lent This is also one of the times from the beginning whereof vnto the end of the Octaues of the Epiphany the solemnizing of mariage is forbidden by reason of a certain spiritualioy that the church so consequently euery member thereof for that time doth or ought to conceiue in the remembrance of her spouse Christ Iesus and so abandon all affections of the flesh See Rogation weeke and Septuagesima Advocatione decimarum is a writ that lyeth for the claime of the fourth part or vpward of the tythes that belong to any Church Register orig fol. 29. b. Advow aliâs avowe advocare commeth of the French advoüer aliâs avoüer and signifieth as much as to iustifie or maintaine an act formerly done For example one taketh a distresse for rent or other thing and he that is destreyned sueth a Replevin Now he that tooke the distresse or to whose vse the distresse was taken by another iustifying or maintaining the act is said to avowe Tearmes of the lawe Hereof commeth advowant Old nat br fol. 43. and advowrie eodem folio Bracton vseth the Latine word in the same signification as advocatio disseisiuae li. 4. cap. 26. And I find in Cassauaeus de consuet Burg. pa. 1210. advohare in the same signification and pag. 1213. the Substantine desavohamentum for a disavowing or refusall to avowe Advowzen advocatio signifieth in our common law a right to present to a benefice as much as ius patronatus in the canon lawe The reason why it is so tearmed proceedeth from this because they that originally obtained the right of presenting to any Church were maintainers and vpholders or great benefactors to that Church either by building or increasing it and are thereupon tearmed sometime patroni sometime Advocati cap. 4. cap. 23. de iure patronatus in Decretal And advowzen being a bastardly French word is vsed for the right of presenting as appeareth by the Statute of Westm the second anno 13. Ed. 1. ca. 5. Advowsen is of two sorts advowsen in grosse that is sole or
graunted by the Chaunceler of England vpon veiwe of the exception suggested to the Iustices of the common banke or of the Kings benche willing them to graunt summons to the Shyrecue of the countie where the creditour is for his appearance at a certain day before them See more in owld nat br fo 66. and Fitzh nat br fo 102. Auditour auditor commeth of the French auditeur and in our lawe signifieth an officer of the king or some other great personage which yearely by examining the accounts of all vnder officers accountable maketh vp a generall booke that sheweth the difference betweene their receipts or burden and their allowances commonly called allocations as namely the auditours of the exchequer take the accounts of those receiuers which receiue the revenewes of the augmentation as also of the Shyrceues escheatours collectours and customers and set them downe and perfect them Him that will read more of this I referre to the Statut. anno 33. H. 8. c. 33. Auditours of the Prests are also officers in the exchequer that doe take and make vp the great accounts of Ireland Berwick the mint of any mony imprested to any man Auditour of the receipts is an officer of the exchequer that fileth the Tellers bils and maketh an entrie of them and giueth to the Lord Treasurer a certificate of the mony receiued the weeke before He maketh also Debenturs to euery Teller before they pay any mony taketh their accounts He keepeth the blacke booke of the receipts and the Treasurers key of the treasurie and seeth euery Tellers monies locked vp in the new treasury Auenture is a mischance causing the death of a man without felony as when he is sodenly drowned or burnt by any soden disease falling into the water or fire Britton ca. 7. where you may see what it differeth from Misadventure See Misadventure Average averagium by M. Skenes opinion verbo arage de verborum significatione commeth of the word averia i. a beast and so consequently signifieth service which the tenent oweth to to the Lord by horse or cariage of horse I haue heard others probably deriue it from the French euvrage or euvre i. opus It seemeth with vs to haue two diuers significations for the first Rastall titulo Exposition of words maketh mention of the Kings averages which I take to be the kings cariages by horse or cart Then anno 32. H. 8. ca. 14. and anno 1. Iacobi ca. 32. it is vsed for a certaine contribution that merchants and others doe every man proportionably make toward their losses who haue their goods cast into the sea for the safegard of the shippe or of the goods and liues of them in the shippe in time of a tempest And this contribution seemeth to be so called because it is proportioned after the rate of euery mans average or goods caried Averijs captis in withernam is a writ for the taking of catell to his vse that hath his catell taken vnlawfully by another and driuen out of the countie where they weretaken that they cannot be repleuied Register originall fo 82. a. b. See Withernam Averment verificatio cōmeth from the French averer i. testari as averer quelque meschācete i. extrahere scelus aliquod in lucem ex occultis tenebris It signifieth according to the author of the termes of lawe an offer of the defendant to make good or to iustifie and exception pleaded in abatement or barre of the plaintifs actiō But me thinketh it should rather signifie the act thē the offer of iustifying the exception by diuers places where I finde it vsed For example an 34. Ed. 1 stat 2. And the demaundant will offer to averre by the assise or Iurie where to offer to averre and to averre must needes differ and againe in the same staint and the demaundaunt will offer to averre by the countrie c. thirdly in the english nat br fo 57. These errours shall be tried by averment c. Averpennie quasi Averago pennie is mony contributed toward the Kings averages Rastall exposition of words See Average Augmentation augmentatio was the name of a court erected the 27 yeare of H. 8. as appeareth by the 27. chapter of that yeares parlament And the end thereof was that the king might be iustly delt with touching the profits of such religious howses and their lands as weare giuen vnto him by an act of parlament the same yeare not printed For the dissolving of which courte there was authoritie giuen to Queene Mary by the parlament held the first yeare of her raigne ses 2. ca. 10. which shee afterward put in execution by her leters patents The name of the courte grewe from this that the revenewes of the crowne were augmented so much by the suppression of the said houses as the king reserved vnto the crowne and neither gaue nor sold away to others Aulne of Renish wine a. 1. Ed. 6. ca. 13. aliàs Awme of Renish wine 1. laco ca. 33. is a vessell that conteineth 40. gallons Aulnegeowr See Alneger Avo is the name of a writ for the which see Ayle Awncell weight as I haue beene informed is a kinde of weight with scoles hanging or hookes fastened at each end of a staffe which a man lifteth vp vpon his forefinger or hand and so discerneth the equalitie or difference betweene the weight and the thing weied In which because there may and was wont to be great deceipt it was forbidden anno 25. Ed. 3. stat 5. ca. 9. anno 34. eiusdem ca. 5. and the euen ballance onely commanded yet a man of good credit once certified me that it is still vsed in leaden hall at London among butchers c. In the deriuation of this word I dare not be ouer confident But it may probably be thought to be called awnsell weight quasi hand sale weight because it was and is performed by the hand as the otheris by the beame And if I should draw it from the greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. cubitus the parte of the arme from the elbowe to the fingers ends I might chalenge a good warrand of this from the Romaines whoe thence derived their ancile i. the luckie shield that was saide to be sent from heauen in a tempest to Numa Pompilius together with a voice that the citie of Rome stould be the mightiest of all others soe long as that shield remained in it Auncient d 〈…〉 antiquum dominicum is called more at large anncient demeasn of the king or of the crowne Fazb nat brifo 14. d. It cōmeth of 2. French words auncien 1. veter vetus veteranus antiquus and of demaine alias domaire i. publicum vectigal It signifieth in our common lawe a certaine tenure whereby all the maners belonging to the crowne in the daies of Saint Edward the Saxon king or of William the conquerour did hold The number names of which maners as all other belonging to common persons he caused to be written
his assistants in causes of iustice betweene the king and his subiects touching causes appertaining to the Exchequer The Lord chiefe Baron at this day is the chiefe Iudge of the court and in matter of lawe information and plea answereth the barre and giueth order for iudgment thereuppon He alone in the terme time doth sit vpon Nisi prius that come out of the Kings Remembrancers office or out of the office of the clerke of of the please which cannot be dispatched in the mornings for want of time He taketh recognisances for the Kings debts for appearances and obseruing of orders He taketh the presentation of all the officers in court vnder himselfe and of the Mayor of London and seeth the Kings Remembrancer to giue them their oathes He taketh the declaration of certaine receiuers accompts of the lands of the late augmentation made before him by the Auditors of the shires He giueth the two parcel makers places by vertue of his office The second Baron in the absence of the Lord chiefe baron answereth the barre in matters aforesaid he also taketh recognisances for the kings debts apparences and obseruing of orders He giueth yearely the oath to the late Maior and escheatour of London for the true accompt of the profits of his office He taketh a declaration of certaine receyuers accompts He also examineth the letters and summes of such Shyreeues foraine accompts as also the accompts of Escheatours and Collectours of Subsidies and Fifteens as are brought vnto him by the auditors of the Court. The third Baron in the absēce of the other two answereth the barre in matters aforesaide he also taketh recognisances as aforesaide He giueth yerely the oath of the late Mayor and gawger of London for his true accōpting He also taketh a declaration of certaine receiuers accompts and examineth the leters and sūmes of such of the former accountants as are brought vnto him The fourth barons is alwaies a coursetour of the court and hath bene chosen of some one of the clerks in the remembrancers offices or of the clerke of the pipes office He at the daies of prefixion taketh oth of al high shyreeus and their vndershyreeues and of all escheatours baylifs and other accountāts for their true accounting He taketh the oath of al collectours controllers surueyours and serchers of the custome houses that they haue made true entrances in their bookes He apposeth all shyreeues vyon their sūmons of the pipe in open court He informeth the rest of the Barons of the course of the court in any mater that concerneth the kings prerogatiue He likewise as the other Barons taketh the declaration of certaine receiuers accompts and examineth the leters and summes of such of the former accountants as are brought vnto him These barons of the exchequer areauncient officers for I finde them named westm 2. ca. 11. anno 13. Ed. 1. and they be called barons because barons of the realme were wont to be employed in that office Fleta li. 2. ca. 24. S. Thomas Smith saith of them that their office is to looke to the accompts of the Prince and to that end they haue auditors vnder them as also to descide all causes appertaining to the Kings profits comming into the exchequer by any meanes This is in part also proued by the statut anno 20. Ed. 3. ca. 2. anno 27. eiusdem stat 2. ca. 18. anno 5. R. 2. stat 1. ca. 9. 12. anno 14. eiusd ca. 1● And hereupon they be of late men learned in the common lawe of the realme wheras in auncient times they were others viz. maiores discretiores in regno siue de clero essent siue de curea Ockam in his lucubrations de fisci regij ratione Horn in his mirrour of Iustices saieth that barons were wont to be two and they Knights ca. De la place del Eschequer Then be there in this signification Barons of the Cinque portes anno 31. Ed. 3. stat 2. ca. 2. et anno 33. H 8. ca. 10. which are two of euery of the seuen towns Hastings Winchelsey Ry Rumney Hithe Douer Sandwiche that haue places in the lower house of Parlament Cromptons iurisd fo 28. Baron in the the third signification is vsed for the husband in relation to his wife which is so ordinary in all our lawe writers that wright in french as it were superfluous to confirme it by any one Baronet I reade this word anno 13. R. 2. stat 2. ca. 1. but I hould it falsely printed for Baneret or els to signifie all one with it Baronye baronia baronagium is the fee of a baron In which accompt are not only the fees of temporall Barons but of Bishops also who haue two respects one as they are spirituall men without possessions as was the tribe of Levy among the Israelites being susteined by the only first frutes and tenthes of the other tribes Iosue ca. 13. versue 14. The other respect they haue groweth from the bountie of our english Kings whereby they haue baronies at the least are thereby Barons or Lords of the Parlament This baronie as Bracton saith li. 2. ca. 34. is a right indiuisible and therefore if an inheritance be to be divided among coparceners though some capitall messuages may be divided yet si capitale messuagium sit caput Comitatus vel caput Baroniae he saith they may not be parcelled The reason is ne sic caput per plures particul as diuidatur plura iura comitatuum baroniarum deveniant ad nihilum per quod deficiat Regnum quod ex Comitatibus Baronys dicitur esse constitutum Barre barra commeth of the French barre or barriere i. repagalum obex vectis It is vsed in our common law for a peremptory exception against a demaūd or plaint and is by the author of the Termes of law defined to be a plee brought by the defendant in an action that destroieth the action of the plaintiffe for euer It is divided into a barre to common intent and a barre speciall Abarte to a common intendment is an ordinarie or generall barre that ordinarily disableth the declaration or plee of the plaintiffe a barre speciall is that which is more then ordinarie falleth out in the case in hand or question vpon some speciall circumstance of the fact Plowden casu Colthirst fo 26. a. b. For exāple an executor being sued for his testators debt pleadeth that he had no goods left in his hands at the day when the writ was purchased or taken out against him This is a good barre to common intendment or prima sacie But yet the case may so fall out that more goods might come to his hands sithence that time which if the plaintiffe can shew by way of replication then excep the haue a more especiall plee or barre to alleadge he is to be condemned in the action See also Plowden in the case aofre named fo 28. a. b. and Brooke titulo Barre nu
101. Kitchin fo 215. Barre also in the same signification is devided into barre materiall and barre at large Kitchin fo 68. A barre materiall as it seemeth may otherwise be called a barre speciall as when one in the stoppe of the plaintiffes action pleadeth some particular mater as a descent from him that was the vndoubted owner a feofment made by the auncester of the plaintiffe or such like A barre at large is when the tenent or defendant by way of exception doth not traverse the plaintifes title by pleading not guiltie nor confesse and avoid it but onely maketh to himselfe a title in his barre As if in an Assise of novel disseisin the tenent pleade a feosment of a straunger vnto him and giues but a colour onely to the plaintiffe Of this there is an apt example to be found 5. H. 7. fo 29. Barre is also in regarde of the effect diuided into barre perpetuall barre pro tempore Perpetuall is that which overthroweth the actiō for euer Barre pro tempore is that which is good for the present and may faile heereafter looke an example or two in Broke titulo Barre nu 23. where he saith that to plead plene administrauit is good vntill it may appeare that more goods come to the executors hands afterward which also holdeth for an heire that in an action of his auncesters debt pleadeth rien per discēt This word is also vsed for a materiall bar as the place where Se●geants or Coūcelers stand to pleade causes in courte or prisoners to aunswere to their endictments Of which our cōmon lawyers that be lycēced to plead in other contries called licentiati are termed barristers anno 24. H. 8. ca. 24. Barrator barectator commeth from the French barat i. astutia and is neere the French it selfe in significatiō For barateur in that tong betokneth a deceiver and a barator in our common law is a common wrangler that setteth men at ods and is himselfe never quiet but at brawle with one or other To this effect you may read M. Lamberds eirenarcha pa 342. who saith likewise that barettor for so he writeth is may seeme to come from the latine baratro or balatro that is a 〈◊〉 knaue or vnthrift and by a metaphor a spot in a cōmon wealth See the statute of champerty an 33. Ed. 1. stat 2. ca. vnico and West 1. ca. 32. anno 3. Ed. i. M. Skene de verb. signif verbo barratr● saith that barratours be Symonists called of the Italian word barrataria signifying corruption or briberie in a Iudge giuing a false sentence for mony whome you may read more at large as also Hortensius Cavalcanus in his tractat de brachio reg 10. parte 5. nu 66. whose words are Barataria veròdicitur quando Iudex aliquid petit indebitum vt iustitiam faciat Who also nu 195. partis 5. saith thus barraterii appellātur qui praetorium nimis frequentāt And in another place of the same worke Baratria dicitur quia fit quoddam barratrum i. commutatio pecuniae cum iustitia c. See also Aegidius Bossius in practica criminali titulo de officialibus corrupt c. nu 2. 6. Baratariam committunt Iudices qui iusticiā auro vendunt Paris Puteola de syndicatu verbo Barataria pa. 217. Barre fee is a see of 20. 〈◊〉 that every prisoner acquited of felonie payeth to the gaoler Crompt Iustice of peace fo 158. b. Barrell is a measure of wine oyle c. conteining the 8. parte of a tonne the 4. of a pipe and the second of a hogsehead that is 31. gallons and a halfe anno 1. R. 3. ca. 13. But this vessel seemeth not to conteine any certaine quantitie but differeth according to the liquor for a barrell of beere conteineth 36. gallons the Kilderkin 18. and the firkin 9. a barrell of ale 23. gallons the kilderkin 16. and the firkin 8. gallons anno 23. H. 8. ca. 4. Barriers commeth of the French barres and signifieth with vs that which the French men call ieu de barres i. palastrā a martial sport or exercise of mē armed and fighting together with short swords within certain limits or lists whereby they are severed from the beholders Barter may seeme to come of the French barater i. circumv●nire It signifieth in our statutes exchange of wares with wares an 1. R. 3. ca. 9. so bartry the substantiue anno 13. Eliza. ca. 7. The reason may be because they that choppe and change in this maner doe what they can for the most part one to ouer-reach the other See barratour Base estate is in true French basestat It signifieth in our cōmon law that estate which base tenents haue in their lands Base tenents be they as M. Lamberd saith in his explica of Saxōword● verbo Paganus which do to their lords villeinous service The author of the termes of law in his Tractat of old termes saith that to hold in see base is to hold at the will of the lord Kitchin fo 41. seemeth to make base tenure and franck to be contraries where it appeareth that he putteth copy holders in the number of base tenents And out of these I thinke that it may be probably coniectured that everie base tenent holdeth at the will of the lord but yet that there is a difference betweene a base estate and and villenage which Fitzh in his nat br fo 12. B. C. seemeth to cōfound For the aboue named author of the termes of law saith in the place before cited that to hold in pure villenage is to doe all that the lord will commaund him So that if a copie holder haue but base estate he not holding by the performance of everie commandement of his lord cannot be saide to hold in villenage Whether it may be said that copy holders be by custome and continuānce of time growne out of that extreame servitude wherein they were first created I leaue to others of better iudgement but Fith. loco citato saith tenure by copie is a terme but lately invented Base courte is any court that is not of record as the court baron Of this read Kitchin f. 95. 96. c. Base fee See base estate Baselard baslerdus in the statut anno 12. R. 2. ca. 6. signifieth a weapon which M. Speight in his exposition vpon Chancer cal-leth pugimem vol 〈◊〉 Bastard bastardus See Bastardy and See Skeene de verbo siguif verbo Bastardus Bastardy bastardia commeth of the French bastard i. ●othu● Cassanans de consuetis Burg. pa. 1116. saith bastard and silius naturalis be all one Bastardy in our common law signifieth a defect of birth obiected to one begotten out of wedlock Bract. li. 5. ca. 19. per totum How bastardie is to be prooued or to be inquired into if it be pleaded see Rastalls booke of Entrise tit Bastardie fo 104. Kitchin fo 64. maketh mention of bastardie speciall and bastardie generall The difference of which is that bastardie generall is a
his lords court For the steward as he inrolleth and maketh remembrances of all other things done in the lords court so he doth also of such tenents as be admitted in the court to any parcell of land or tenement belonging to the maner and the transcript of this is called the court rowle the copie whereof the tenent taketh from him and keepeth as his onely euidence Coke li. 4. fo 25. b. This tenure is called a base tenure because it houldeth at the wil of the lord Kitchin fo 80. chap copihoulds Fitzh nat br fo 12. B. C. who there saieth that it was wont to be called tenure in villenage and that this copihould is but a new name Yet is it not simply at the will of the lord but according to the custome of the maner So that if a copiehoulder breake not the custome of the maner and thereby forfeit his tenure he seemeth not so much to stand at the lords courtesie for his right that he may be displaced hand ouer head at his pleasure These customes of maner be infinit varying in one point or other almost in euery seuerall maner First some copiehould is fineable and some certaine that which is fineable the lord rateth at what fine or incom he pleaseth when the tenent is admmitted vnto it that which is certaine is a kinde of inheritance and called in many places custumary because the tenent dying and the hould being void the next of the blood paying the custumarie fine as two shillngs for an acre or such like may not be denied his admission Secondly some copihoulders haue by custome the wood growing vpon their owne land which by law they could not haue Kitchin vbisupra Thirdly copi-holders some be such as hold by the verge in ancient demesn although they hold by copy yet are they in accompt a kind of Free-holders For if such a one commit felonie the king hath annum diem vastum as in case of Freehold Some other hold by common tenure called meere copy hold and they committing felonie their land escheateth to the Lord of the maner foorthwith Kitchin fol. 81. chap. Tenents per verge in auncient demesn What auncient demesn is see in the right place See Tenent by copie of court rolle This is the land that in the Saxons time was called Folk land Lamberd explicat of Saxon words verbo Terra ex scripto West parte prim symbol lib. 2. Sect. 646. defineth a copi-holder thus Tenent by copie of court rolle is he which is admitted tenent of any lands or tenements within a maner that time out of the memory of man by vse and custome of the said maner haue bene dimisable and dimised to such as will take the same in fee in fee-taile for life yeares or at will according to the custome of the said maner by copie of courtrolle of the same maner where you may read more of these things Coraage coraagium is a kinde of imposition extraordinarie growing vpon some vnusuall occasion and it seemeth to be of certaine measures of corne For corus tritici is a certaine measure of corne Bracton libro 2. ca. 16. nu 6. who in the same chapter nu 8. hath of this mater these words Sunt etiam quaedam communes praestationes quae seruitia non dicuntur nec de consuetudine veniunt nisi cùm necessitas interuenerit vel cùm rex venerit sicut sunt hidagia coraagia caruagia alia plura de necessitate ex consensu communitotius regni introducta quae ad dominum feudi non pertinent de quibus nullus tenetur tenentē suū acquietare nisi se adhoc specialiter obligauerit in charta sua c. Cordiner commeth of the French cordoüannier i. sutor calcearius a shoomaker and is so vsed in diuers statutes as anno 3. H. 8. ca. 10 anno 5. eiusdem ca. 7. and others Cornage cornagium commeth of the French cor i. cornu and in our common law signifieth a kinde of grand sergeantie the seruice of which tenure is to blow a horne when any invasion of the northern enemie is perceiued And by this many men hold their land northward about the wall commonly called the Picts walle Camd. Britan p. 609. hence commeth the word cornuare to blow a horn pupil oculi parte 5. ca. 22. in charta de Foresta This seruice seemeth to haue proceeded from the Romanes For I finde cornicularios mentioned in the ciuile lawe viz. li. 1. Cod. de officio diuerso Iud. 48. lege 3. lib. 12. titulo de apparitoribus praefectorum praetorio 53. lege 1. 3. where Lucas de Penna defineth them eos qui cornu faciunt excubias militares And Brissonius libro 3. de verbo significat saith thus of them hi militum quoddam genus fuere qui corniculo merebant vnde nomen habent Where it appeareth by him out of Suetonius Plinie and Livie that the horne was an honour reward giuen for seruice in war Corner tile See Gutter tile Corodye corodium commeth of the Latine verb corrodo and signifieth in our common lawe a summe of mony or allowance of meate and drinke due to the king from an abbey or other house of religion whereof he is the founder toward the reasonable sustenāce of such a one of his seruants being put to his pension as he thinketh good to bestowe it on And the difference betweene a corodie and a pension seemeth to be that a corodie is allowed toward the maintenance of any the kings seruants that liueth in the abbey a pension is giuen to one of the kings chaplaines for his better maintenance in the kings seruice vntill he may be prouided of a benefice Of both these read Fitzh nat br fo 230. 231. 233. who there setteth downe all the corodies and pensions certaine that any abbey when they stoode was bound to performe vnto the king There is mention also of a corodie in Stawnf praerogatiue fo 44. And this seemeth to be awncient lawe For in Westm 2. ca. 25. it is ordeined that an assise shall lie for a corodie It is also apparent by the statute anno 34. 35. H. 8. ca. 16. that corodies belonged some time to Bishops from monasteries by the new termes of lawe that a corodie may be due to a common person by graunt from one to another or of common right to him that is founder of a religious house not holden in frank almoyn For that tenure was a discharge of all corodies in it selfe By which booke it appeareth also that a corodie is either certaine or vncertaine and that it may be for life yeares in taile or in fee. Corodio habendo is a writ whereby to exact a corodie of any abbey or religious house See Corodie See the Register originall fo 264. Coronatore eligendo is a writte which after the death or discharge of any coroner is directed to the shyreeue out of the Chācery to call togither the free
num 4. pag. 465. saith that fidelitas est substantiale feudi non servitium The particulars of this oath as it is vsed among the feudists you may reade well expressed by Zasius in his Tractate de feudis part 7. num 15. 16. which is woorth the comparing with the vsuall oath taken here in our part of Britannie This fealtie is also vsed in other nations as the Lombards and Burgundians Cassanaus de consuet Burgund pag. 419. 420. And indeed the very first creation of this tenure as it grew from the loue of the lord toward his followers so did it bind the tenent to fidelitie as appeareth by the whole course of the feods And the breach thereof is losse of the fee. Duarenus in Commentariis feudorum cap. 14. num 11. Wesenbecius in tract de feudis cap. 15. num 4 seqq Antonius Contius in methodo feudorum cap. Quibus modis feudum amittitur Hotoman in his Commentaries De verbis feudalibus sheweth a double fealtie one generall to be performed by euery subiect to his prince the other speciall required only of such as in respect of their fee are tyed by this oath toward their landlords both we may reade of in the grand Customary of Normandy being of course performed to the Duke by all resient within the Dutchie The effect of the words turned into latine by the Interpreter is this Fidelitatem autem tenentur omnes residentes in Provincia Duci facere servare Vnde tenentur se ei innocuos in omnibus fideles exhibere nec aliquid ipsum incommodi procurare nec eius inimicis praebere contra ipsum consilium vel iuvamen qui ex hoc inventi fuerint ex causa manifesta notabiles traditores Principis reputantur Et omnes eorum possessiones perpetuae Principi remanebunt si super hoc convicti fuerint vel damnati Omnes enim in Normania tenentur Principi fidelitatem observare Vnde nullus homag ium vel fidelitatem alicuius potest recipere nisi salva Principis fideliiate Quod etiam est in eorum receptione specialiter exprimendum Inter Dominos autem alios homines fides taliter debet obseruari quòd neuter in personam alterius personalem violentiam seu percussionis iniectionem cum violētia debet irrogari Si quis e●●m eorū ex hoc fuerit accusatus in curia conuictus feudum omne debet amittere c. This fealty speciall is with vs performed either by free men or by villeines The forme of both see anno 14. Ed. 1. stat 2. in these words when a freeman shall doe fealty to his lord he shall hould his right hand vpon a booke and shal say thus Heare you my lord R. that I. P. shal be to you both faithfull and true and shall owe my fealty to you for the land that I hould of you at the terms assigned So help me god and all his saints When a villaine shall doe fealty vnto his lord he shall hould his right hand ouer the booke and shall say thus Heare you my lord A. that I. B. from this day forth vnto you shal be true and faithfull and shall owe you fealty for the land that I hould of you in villenage and shal be iustified by you in body and goods So helpe me god all his Saints See the Register originall fol. 302. a. Fee Feodum aliâs Feudum commeth of the French Fief i. praedium beneficiarium vel res clientelaris and is vsed in our common lawe for all those lands which we hold by perpetuall right as Hotoman well noteth verbo Feodumide verbis f●udalibus our auncient lawyers either not obseruing whēce the word grew or at the least not sufficiētly expressing their knowledge what it signified among them from whome they tooke it Feudum whence the word Fief or fee commeth signifieth in the German language beneficium cuius nomine opera quaedam gratiae testifieandae causa debentur Hotoman disput ca. 1. And by this name goe all lands tenements that are held by any acknowledgement of any superioritie to a higher Lord. They that write of this subiect doe diuide all lands and tenements wherein a man hath a perpetuall estate to him and his heires c into Allodium Feudum Allodium is defined to be euerie mans owne land c. which he possesseth meerely in his owne right without acknowledgement of any seruice or paiment of any rent vnto any other and this is a propertie in the highest degree and of some it is called allaudium ab a privatiua particula laudum vel laudatio vt sit praedium cuius nullus author est nisi deus Est enim laudare vel Nouio teste nominare Quod Budaeus docuit ad Modestinum l. Herennius 63. Π. de haere institu Prataeus verbo Allaudium Hotoman in verb. feuda Feudum is that which we hold by the benefite of another and in the name whereof we owe seruice or pay rent or both to a superior lord And all our land here in England the Crowne land which is in the kings owne hands in the right of his crowne excepted is in the nature of Feudum or fee for though many a man hath land by descent from his Auncestors and many another hath dearely boughtland for his money yet is the land of such nature that it cannot come to any either by discent or purchase but with the burthē that was laid vpon him who had novel fee or first of all receiued it as a benefite from his Lord to him and to all such to whome it might discend or any way be conueied from him So that if we will reckon with our host as the proverbe is there is no man here that hath directum dominium i. the very propertie or demaine in in any land but the prince in the right of his crowne Camd. Britan pag. 93. for though he that hath fee hath ius perpetuum vtile dominium yet he oweth a dutie for it therefore is it not simply his owne Which thing I take those words that we vse for the expressing of our deepest right in any lands or tenements to import for he that can say most for his estate saith thus I am seised of this or that land or tenement in my demaine as of fee. Seisitus inde in dominico meo vt de feudo and that is as much as if he said it is my demaine or proper land after a sort because it is to me and mine heires forever yet not simply mine because I hold it in the nature of a benefite from another yet the statute anno 37. H. 8. ca. 16. vseth these words of lands invested in the crowne but it proceedeth from the ignorance of the nature of this word fee for fee cannot be without fealty sworne to a superiour as you may reade partly in the word Fealtie but more at large in those that write de feudis and namely Hotoman
purchased many of them and againe that many for capitall offences haue forfeited them to the king and that thereby they still remaine in the crowne or are bestowed againe vpon others so that at these daies many be in the hands of mean men such as by their skill in lawe or phisicke by merchaundize grazing or such other good husbandry haue gathered welth and inabled themselues to purchase them of those that by discent receiued thē from their ancestors in greater aboundance then wit to keepe them But who so euer possesseth these maners the liberty belonging vnto them is reall and prediall and therefore remaineth still though the owners be changed In these daies a maner rather signifieth the Iurisdiction and royalty incorporeal then the land or site For a man may haue a maner in grosse as the law termeth it that is the right and interest of a court Baron with the perquisites thereunto belonging and another or others haue euery foote of the land thereunto belonging Kitchin fol. 4. Brooke hoc titulo per totum Bracton lab 4. ca. 31. nu 2. diuideth manerium in capitale non capitale See Bracton lib. 5. tracta 5. ca. 28. nu pri See Fee The new expositor of law terms saith that Manour is a thing compounded of diuers things as of a house land earable pasture meadow wood rent advouzen court Baron and such like And this ought to be by long continuance of time to the contrary whereof mans memory cannot discerne c. Mansion Mansio as Eracton defineth it lib. 5. cap. 28. nu pri is a dwelling consisting of one or more houses without any neighbour And yet he graunteth forthwith that Mansio Mansioni possit esse vicinata I finde it most commonly vsed for the lords cheife dwelling house within his fee whether it haue neighbours adioyning or not otherwise called the capitall mesuage Bracton li. 2. c. 26. or the cheife maner place Mansio amongst the auncient Romans was a place appointed for the lodging of the Prince or souldiers in their iourney furnished with conuenient entertainement by the neighbours adioyning And in this sence we reade primam mansionem for the first nights lodging and so in order It is probable that this word Mansion doth in some construction signifie so much land as Beda calleth familiam in his ecclesiasticall history For Master Lambert in his explica of Saxon words ver Hida terrae saith that that which he calleth familiam others sithence call Manentem vel Mansam Mansus and Mansum I reade of in the Feudists which as Hotoman saith in verbis feudalibus est neque domus neque area neque hortus sed ager certi modi ac mensurae And againe in Commentarus feudorum lib. p. tit 4. vers de Manso Agri deserti inculti certa mensura dabantur cultoribus quasi in emphyteusin vt culti meliorati feudi iure a vasallis possiderentur In contractu autem vasalls nonnunquam incrementum i. meliorationem omnem sibi recipiebant siue per culturam siue per inaedificationem ea melioratio fieret c. And Cassanaeus de consuet Burg. pag. 1195. defineth it thus Mansus est quantum qu is cum vno pari boum laborare possit prouing it out of Bartolus in li. si ita 〈◊〉 de auro argen legato in fine legis Reade M. Skene de verbo sign verbo Mansus I reade the latine word Mansia in the same signification as namely in the charter graunted by King Kanulphus to Ruchin the abbot of Abingdon which Sir Edward Cooke setteth downe in his booke de iure Regis ecclesiastico Manslaughter Homicidium is the vnlawfull killing of a man without prepensed malice as when two that formerly meant no harme one to the other meet togither and vpon some sodaine occasion falling out the one killeth the other West par 2. symb titulo Inditements sect 44. It differeth from murder because it is not done with foregoing malice from chauncemedly because it hath a presēt intēt to kill And this is felony but admitteth clergie for the first time Stawnf pl. cor lib. 1. cap. 9. and Britton ca. 9. It is confounded with murder in the statute anno 28. Ed. 3. ca. 11. Mantyle Mantile commeth of the French Manteau and signifieth with vs a long roabe anno 24. Hen. 8. cap. 13. Manucaptio is a writ that lyeth for a man who taken for supition of felony and offering sufficient Bayle for his appearance cannot be admitted thereunto by the Shyreeue or other hauing power to let to mainprise Fitzh nat br fol. 249. See Mainprise How diuersly it is vsed see the Register originall in the table Manuel Manualis is a thing whereof present profit may be made Stawnf praerogat fol. 54. And a thing not manuell is that whereof no present profit may be made but hereafter when it falleth ibid. Manumission Manumissio is a freeing of a villein or slaue out of his bondage The forme of this in the time of the Conquerour M. Lamb. in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fol. 126. setteth downe in these words Si quis velit seruum suum liberum facere tradat eum vice-comiti per manum dexteram in pleno comitatu quietum illum clamare debet à iugo seruitutis suae per manumissionem ostendat ei liberas portas vias tradat illi libera arma scilicet lanceam gladium deinde liber homo efficitur Some also were wont to be manumitted by charter of manumission vide Brooke titulo Villenage fol. 305. The newe expositour of lawe Termes maketh two kinds of manumission one expressed an another implied Manumissiō expressed is when the Lord maketh a deede to his villein to infranchise him by this worde Manumittere The maner of manumitting in old time was thus The Lord in presēce of his neighbours tooke the bondman by the head saying I will that this man be free and therewith shoued him forward out of his hands Manumission implied is when the Lord maketh an obligation for paiment of mony to him at a certaine day or sieweth him where he might enter without suite or granteth him an annuitie or leaseth land vnto him by deede for yeeres or for life and such like Manutenentia is the writ vsed in case of maintenance Register originall fol. 182. 189. See Maintenance Marches Marchia be the bounds and limits betweene vs and Wales or betweene vs and Scotland anno 24. Henry 8. cap. 9. Camd. pag. 453. 606. and the marches of Scotlād are deuided into west and midle marches anno 4. H. 5. ca. 7. anno 22. Ed. 4. cap. 8. It seemeth to bee borowed from the German March i. limes Camd. Britan. pag. 27. or it may be from the French Marque i. signum being the notorious distinction of two diuers countries or territories It is vsed in the statute anno 24. Hen. 8. ca. 12. generally for the precincts of the Kings dominions Marchers be the noble men
time exhorting them ne merces tam viles tanti emerent Parke parcus commeth of the French parquer i. vallo vel fossa circundare It signifieth with vs a peece of grounde inclosed and stored with wild beastes of chase Which a man may haue by prescription or the kings graunt Cromptons Iurisd fol. 148. M. Manwood parte pri of his Forest lawes pag. 148. defineth it thus A parke is a place of priuiledge for wilde beastes of venerie and also for other wild beasts that are beasts of the Forest and of the chase tam syluestres quam campestres And all those wild beastes are to haue a firme peace and protectiō there So that no man may hurt or chase them within the park without licence of the owner of the same Who also fol. 149. saith thus A parke is of another nature then either a chase or a warren is For a parke must bee inclosed and may not lye ope for if it doe that is a good cause of seisure of the same into the hands of the king as a thing forfeited as a free chase is if it be enclosed And moreouer the owner cannot haue action against such as hunt in his park if it lye open See Forest See Chase See Warren This word Parke Baldwinus deriueth a paradiso eumque locum esse dicit in quo varia animalia ad vsum voluptatis aut venationis includuntur possidentur adempta naturali libertate Ad tit de rerum divis in Institutionib Parco fracto is a writ which lyeth against him that violently breaketh a pound and taketh out beasts thence which for some trespas done vpon another mans ground are lawfully impounded Register originall fol. 166. Fitzh nat br fol. 100. Parish parochia commeth of the greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. Accolarum conuentus accolatus sacra vicinia it is vsed in the Cannon law some time for a Bishoprick But in our common law it signifieth the particular charge of a secular priest For euery church is either Cathedrall Couentuall or Parochiall Cathedrall is that where there is a Bishop seated so called a Cathedra Conuentuall consisteth of Regular clerks professing some order of religion or of Deane and chapter or other colledge of spirituall men Parochiall is that which is instituted for the saying of diuine seruice and ministring the holy Sacraments to the people dwelling within a certaine compas of ground neare vnto it Our Realme was first diuided into parishes by Honorius Archb of Canterbury in the yeare of our Lord. 636. Camden Britan. pag. 104. Of these parish churches I finde there were in England in the daies of H. 8. the number of 45000. Hotoman in his disputations de feudis ca. 2. maketh mention of this word parochia out of Pomponius Laetus in these words Nam sic quoque Pomponius Laetus veterem consuetudinem fuisse scribit eamque ab Imperat 〈…〉 Constantino repetitam vt Duc 〈…〉 praefectis Tribunis qui pro augend● Imperio consenuerant darentur agri villaeque vt necessaria suppet 〈…〉 quoad viuerent quas paroehias cabant And a litle after ver 〈…〉 inter feuda parochias hoc 〈…〉 est quod hae plerumque senibus 〈…〉 veteranis plerisque emeritae 〈…〉 dabantur qui cum de Rep. bene meriti essent publico beneficio reliquum vitae sustentabant aut si quod bellum nasceretur euocati non tam milites quàm magistri militū viderentur Feuda vero plurimum I●●enibus robustis primo flore aetatis qui militiae munus sustinere poterāt imo verò vt possēt vt vellēt c. Parlament parlamentum is a French word signifiing originally as much as Collocutio or colloquium but by vse it is also taken for those high courts of Iustice throughout the kingdome of Fraunce where mens causes and differences are publikely determined without farder appeale Whereof there be seuen in number as Paris Tolouse Gresnoble in Daulphene Aix in Prouence Bordeaux Diion in Bourgogine and Roan in Normandy Vincentius Lupanus de Magistrat Franc. lib. 2. cap. Parlamentum num 28. whereunto Gerard de Haillon addeth the eighth viz. Rhenes in Brettagne In England we vse it for the assembly of the king and the three estates of the Realme videlicet the Lords Spirituall the Lords Temporall and commons for the debating of maters touching the common wealth and especially the making and correcting of lawes which assembly or court is of all other the highest and of greatest authoritie as you may reade in Sir Thomas Smith de Repub. Anglo lib. 2. cap. 1. 2. Camd. Britan. pag. 112. and Cromptons Iurisd fol. pri seqq The institution of this court Polydor Virgil lib. 11. of his Chronicles referreth after a sort to Henry the first yet confessing that it was vsed before though verie seldome I find in the former prologue of the Grande Custumarie of Normandie that the Normans vsed the same meanes in making their lawes And I haue seene a monument of Antiquite shewing the maner of houlding this parlament in the time of King Edward the sonne of King Etheldred which as my note saith was deliuered by the discreeter sorte of the Realme vnto William the Conquerour at his commaundement allowed by him This writing beginneth thus Rex est caput principium finis parlamenti ita non habet parem in suo gradu Et sic ex Rege solo primus gradus est Secundus gradus est ex Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Prioribus per Baroniā tenentibus Tertius gradus est de procuratoribus cleri Quartus gradus est de Comitibus Baronibus aliis Magnatibus Quintus gradus est de militibus Comitatuum Sextus gradus est de civibus Burgensibus ita est parlamentum ex sex gradibus sed sciendum licet aliquis dictorum quinque graduum post Regem absens fuerit dum tamen omnes praemoniti fuerint per rationabiles summonitiones parlamentum nibilo minus censetur esse plenum Touching the great authoritie of this court I finde in Stowes Annalls pag. 660. that Henry the sixth directing his priuie seale to Richard Earle of Warwicke thereby to discharge him of the Captainship of Cales the Earle refused to obey the priuie seale and continued forth the said office because he receiued it by Parlament But one example cannot make good a doctrine And of these two one must needes be true that either the king is aboue the Parlament that is the positiue lawes of his kingdome or els that he is not an absolute king Aristotle lib. 3. Politico cap. 16. And therefore though it be a mercifull policie and also a politique mercie not alterable without great perill to make lawes by the consent of the whole Realme because so no one part shall haue cause to complaine of a partialitie yet simply to binde the prince to or by these lawes weare repugnant to the nature and constitution of an absolute monarchy See Bracton lib. 5.
about the Kings court that boundeth the iurisdiction of the Lord Steward of the Kings houshold and of the the Coroner of the Kings house and that seemeth to haue bene 12. miles compasse anno 13. R. 2. Stat. prim cap. 3. Fitz. nat br fol. 241. B. and Britton fol. 68 b. 69. a. and Fleta lib. 2. cap. 2. and Sir Edward Cookes Reports li. 4. fol. 47. a. For this see the Statute anno 33. H. 8. cap. 12. toward the end But Fleta saith that this compasse about the Court is called virgata a virga quam Marishallus portat vt signū suae potestatis lib. 2. cap. 4. § prim Verge hath also another signification and is vsed for a sticke or rodde whereby one is admitted tenent and holding it in his hand sweareth fealtie vnto the Lord of a maner who for that cause is called Tenent by the verge old nat br fol. 17. Vergers virgatores be such as cary white wands before the Iustices of either banke c. Fleta lib. 2. cap. 38. otherwise called Porters of the verge Very Lord and very Tenent verus Dominus verus Tenens are they that be immediate Lord Tenent one to the other Brooke titulo Hariot fol. 23. In the old nat br and in the writ Replegiare de averits fol. 42. I find these words And know ye that in taking of leases six things are necessarie that is to say very Lord and very tenent Seruice behind the day of the taking seisin of the seruices and within his Fee And know ye that a man is not very tenent vntill he haue atturned to the Lord by some seruices So that by Brooke the very Lord and the very Tenent must be immediate and by this booke there must be an acknowledgement See an 19. H. 7. cap. 15. See Tenent Vert viride is made of the French verd i. viridis and signifieth with vs in the lawes of the Forest euery thing that doth growe and beare greene leafe within the Forest that may couer and hide a Deere Manwood in the second part of his Forest lawes fol. 6. a. and fol. 33. b. with whom also Crompton agreeth fol. 170. of his Iurisd And vert as the same author saith eodem fol. 34. is diuided into Ouer vert and Neather vert Ouer vert is that which the Lawyers call Hault bois and Neather vert is that which they cal South bois And of this you may reade him in his second part of Forest lawes cap. 6. per totum Where you shall find that he diuideth vert into generall and speciall Generall is as it is aboue defined vert speciall is euery tree and bush within the Forest to feed the Deere withall as Peare trees Crabtrees Hauthornes Blackbush and such like And the reason of this name is because the offence of destroying of such vert is more highly punished then of any other according to the quantity thereof eod ca. 6. nu 2. fol. 35. a. Vervise otherwise called Plonkets anno 1. R. 3. cap. 8. a kind of clothe Vesses anno 1. R. 3. cap. 8. anno 14. 15. H. 8. cap. 11. otherwise called Set clothes Vesture vestitura is a French word signifying a garment but in the vse of our common lawe turned metaphorically to betoken a possession or an admittance to a possession So it is taken Westm 2. c. 25. anno 13. Ed. prim And in this signification is it borowed from the Feudists with whom Investitura signifieth a deliuerie of possession by a speare or staffe and vestitura possession it selfe Hotoman in verbis feudal verbo Investitura Vesture of an acre of land an 4. Ed. prim stat prim is the profit of it anno 13. Edvard 1. cap. 25. Vice-treasurer of the Exchequer 1. Iacob 26. See Vnder-treasurer of England See Treasurer of the Exchequer View of frank pledge visus Franci plegii is the office which the Shyrecue in his Countie court or the Bayliffe in his Hundred performeth in looking to the Kings peace and seeing that euery free man be in some pledge This is called of Bracton li. 2. ca. 5. nu 7. in fine Res quasi sacra quia solam personam Regis respicit quòd introductus sit pro pace communi vtilitate codem ca. 16. nu 8. in fine See frank pledge and Leete and Decennier See the new booke of Entries verb view of frank pledge Veiours visores commeth of the French Veoyr i. cernere intueri despicere prospicere videre and signifieth in our common lawe those that are sent by the court to take view of any place in question for the beter descision of the right old nat br fol. 112. So doth Bracton vse it lib. 5. tract 3. cap. 8. per totum It signifieth also those that are sent to view such as essoine themselues de malo lecti whether they be in truth so sicke as they cannot appeare or whether they counterfeit Bracton lib. 5. tracta 2. cap. 10. cap. 14. per totum Lastly it is vsed for those that are sent or appointed to view an offence as a man murdered or a Virgin rauished See View Vicario deliberando occasione cuinsdam Recognitionis c. is a writ that lyeth for a spirituall person imprisoned vpon forfeiture of a Recognisance without the Kings writ Reg. orig fol. 147. See statuto mercatorio contra personam ecclesiasticam Vicis venellis mundandis is a writ that lyeth for a Maior and Bayliffes of a towne c. For the cleane keeping of their streets Register orig fol. 267. b. View visus commeth of the French veue i. visus aspectus conspectus prospectus and signifieth with vs the act of viewers For as the author of the Termes of lawe saith when any action reall is brought and the Tenent knoweth not well what land it is that the Demandant asketh then he may pray the view that is to say that he may see the land which is claimed of this Britton speaketh cap. 45. This point of proceeding we haue receiued from the Normans as it appeareth by the Grand custumarie cap. 66. where you shall reade to this effect It is to be knowne that there bee diuers sorts of viewes one of a fee another of a man in sicknes another of an offence as of a man slaine or of a Virgin deflowred all which he describeth in that place and againe cap. 80. 96. which are worth the reading this view at this day is vsed in an Assise of rent seruice rent charge or rent seck Fitzh nat br fol. 178. D. and in a writ de Curiā claudenda Idem fol. 128. B. In a writ of Nusance Idem fol. 183. L. N. O. In a writ Quoiure Idem fol. 128. L. In the writ de rationalibus diuisis Idem fol. 129. D. And in the writ de secta ad moliendinum Idēf 123. B. See the new booke of Entries verbo View and see Fleta how this view is made lib. 4. ca. 6. See Veiours Vicechamberlaine called
the disherison of the house or church This is founded vpon the statute of Westm 2. cap. 41. And of this see the Regist orig fol. 238. and Fitzh nat br fol. 210. And note that the author of the Termes of law saith that this is not brought against the tenent or alience Contra formam feoffamenti is a writ that lyeth for the heire of a tenent infeoffed of certain lands or tenements by charter of feofment by a Lord to make certain seruices and suites to his court and is afterward distreined for more then is contained in the said charter Regist orig fol. 176. old nat br fol. 162. and the Tearmes of the lawe Contributione faciendae is a writ that lieth in case where more are bound to one thing one is put to the whole burden Fitz. nat br fo 162. bringeth these examples If tenēts in cōmon or ioynt hold a mill pro indiviso equally take the profits therof the mill falling to decay one or more of thē refusing to contribute toward the reparation therof the rest shall haue this writ to cōpell thē And if there be 3. coparceners of land that owe suite to the lords court the eldest perform the whole then may she haue this writ to compell the other two to a cōtributiō of the charge or to one of them if one only refuse The old nat br frameth this writ to a case where one onely suite is required for land that land being sold to diuers suite is required of them all or some of them by distresse as intirely as if all were still in one fol. 103. See the Regist orig fol 176. Controller contrarotulator cōmeth of the French contrerouleur i. antigraphus gracè 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which in Rome was vsed for him cui id muneris iunctum erat vt observaret pecuniam quam in vsum Principis vel civitatis colligerunt exactores Budaeus in annota prio in pand titulo De officio quaestoris In England we haue diuers officers of this name as controller of the kings house pl. cor fol. 52. anno 6. H. 4. cap. 3. controller of the nauie anno 35. Elizabeth cap. 4. controller of the custome Cromptons Iurisd fol. 105. controller of Calis anno 21 Rich. 2. cap. 18. controller of the Mint anno 2. H. 6. cap. 12. controller of the hamper Contrarotulator Hamperii which is an officer in the Chauncerie attending on the Lord Chaunceler or Keeper daily in the terme time and dayes appointed for sealing His office is to take all things sealed from the clerke of the hanaper inclosed in bags of lether as is mentioned in the said clerkes office and opening the bags to note the iust number especiall effects of all thinges so receiued and to enter the same into a speciall booke with all the duties appertaining to his Maiestie and other officers for the same and so chargeth the clerke of the hanaper with the same Controller of the Pipe contrarotulator Pipae who is an officer of the Exchequer that writeth out summons twice euery yeare to the Shyreeues to levie the Fermes and debts of the Pipe and also keepeth a contrarolment of the Pipe Controller of the pell is also an officer of the Exchequer of which sort there be two viz. the two chamberlaines clerkes that do or should keepe a controlment of the pell of receipts and goings out And in one word this officer was originally one that tooke notes of any other officers accompts or receipts to the intent to discouer him if he dealt amisse and was ordained for the Princes beter securitie howsoeuer the name sithence may be in some things otherwise applyed To the proofe whereof you may take these few words out of Fleta lib. 1. cap. 18. in prin Qui cùm fuerint ad hoc vocati electi speaking of the coroners attachiari praecipiant appella qui capitula coronae in comitatu praesentēt contra quos vicecomes loci habeat contrarotulum tam de appellis inquisitionibus quàm aliis officium illud tangentibus c. Which contrarollum is nothing else but a paralel of the same quality and contents with the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or originall This also appeareth by anno 12. Ed. 3. ca. 3. And this signification it seemeth to haue also in Fraunce For there the king hath his receyuers of taylles in euery prouince and controllers qui ad maiorem fidem susceptoribus accedunt describuntque in tabulis quae colliguntur Gregorii syntagn lib. 3. cap. 6. num 6. Conuentione is a writ that lyeth for the breach of any couenant in writing Register orig fo 185. Old nat br fo 101. Fitzh calleth a writ of couenant nat br fo 145. who deuideth couenants into personall and reall making a sufficient discourse of them both as also how this writ lyeth for both Conuict conuictus is he that is founde guilty of an offence by the verdict of the iurie Stawnf pl. cor fo 186. yet Master Crompton out of Iudge Dyers commentaries 275. saith that conuiction is either when a man is outlawed or appeareth and confesseth or els is founde guilty by the inquest Crompt Iust of peace fo 9. a. Conuiction and attainder are often confounded li. 4. fo 46. a. b. See Attaint Coparceners participes be otherwise called parceners and in common law are such as haue equall portion in the inheritance of their auncestour and as Litleton in the beginning of his third booke saith parceners be either by law or by custome Parceners by law are the issue femall which noe heyre male being come in equality to the lands of their auncestours Bract. li. 2. ca. 30. Parceners by custome are those that by custome of the country chalenge equall part in such lands as in Kent by the custome called Gauel Kinde This is called adaequatio among the Feudists Hot. in verbis feuda verbo Adaequatio And among the ciuilians it is tearmed familiae erciscundae iudicium quod inter cohaeredes ideo redditur vt haereditas diuidatur quod alterum alteri dare facere oportebit praestetur Hotoman Of these two you may see Litleton at large in the first and second chapters of his third booke and Britton cap. 27. intituled De heritage diuisable The crowne of England is not subiect to coparcinory anno 25. H. 8. ca. 22. Copie copia commeth from the french copia i. le double de quelqut escripture latinè descriptio graece 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and signifieth in our common language the example of an originall writing as the copie of a charter the copie of a court rolle Copia libelli deliberanda is a writ that lyeth in case where a man cannot get the copie of a libell at the hands of the Iudge ecclesiasticall Register orig f. 51. Copiehould tenura per copiam rotuli curiae is a tenure for the which the tenent hath nothing to shew but the copie of the rols made by the steward of