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A19128 The famous, pleasant, and variable historie, of Palladine of England Discoursing of honorable aduentures, of knightly deedes of armes and chiualrie: enterlaced likewise with the loue of sundrie noble personages, as time and affection limited their desires. ... Translated out of French by A.M. one of the messengers of her Maiesties Chamber.; Histoire palladienne. Part 1. English Colet, Claude, 16th cent.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1588 (1588) STC 5541; ESTC S105031 117,949 193

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so high Then one of the King of Norgalles Knightes came to trie his fortune whome the Statue repulsed with such shame as all the day after he would not be séene I promise ye Gentleman said the King his maister you might haue spared the labour in comming so farre to returne home with so foule a rebuke and little néede had ye to shew vs your great inconstancie brother quoth the King of Scots be not offended with him for well he knowes that his Mistresse is not in this companie You say true brother aunswered the King of Norgalles but if I knew her I would aduertise her of his exceeding vertue Héere commes another of my Knightes to make a better proofe and yet perhaps will amend his fellowes dishonor The Knight attained the highest step without any disturbance and as he lifted his hand to take the Image of Cupid the Statue tooke him by the arme and set him on the ground againe I see then said the King of Norgalles each one must heere be iudged according to the greatnesse and defect of his loyaltie Afterward came a little Scottishman as thicke as tall his beard growing scattering like bristles his nose flat to his face two teeth standing before gagd out of his mouth a man in euery part very much mishapen and seruing as a Iester to make the King laugh he had married a woman as handsome as himselfe yet was he iealous of her out of all measure This proper Squire séeing so many repulsed by the Statue by breach of their loyaltie to their Wiues and Ladies considered with himselfe that he had neuer violated the bonds of marriage but euermore kept his faith to his wife therefore he would hazard his good hap not doubting but to carie the Image of Cupid with him into Scotland Hauing demaunded leaue of the King his Maister with a little cudgell in his hand he came to the Collomne and went vp to the verie highest step the Statue not offering any signe of resistance but as this deformed fellow would haue embraced the Image of Cupid the Statue snatched the cudgell out of his hand and so rapt him therewith about the shoulders as he was constrained to hye him downe againe the Kings and all present merily laughing at this iest Alas poore foole said the King of Scots how durst thou presume to shew thy selfe in this action Why my Lord aunswered the Queene your little man is yet found the most loyall and no Gentleman this day hath witnessed the like Beléeue me Madame aunswered the King of Scots it is against his will that he is so loyall for being so euill fauoured and deformed how can he finde any woman to offend with him Come hether little fellow said the King Milanor you haue beene beaten with your owne cudgell because ye came no better prouided but that the honor of the day may remaine to you I will that at this present no further triall shall bée made enough hath beene done my men let now the Ladyes by their beautie aduenture for the rich Crowne of Venus and let it suffise that a little fellow hath strained all our Knightes The Quéene in person began the enterprise but reiected as vnworthy of the fatall Crowne and after her followed the Ladies of the Court whose fortunes were like or worsse in effect to their no little disgrace in their owne conceites who prized their beauties at the highest rate The London Danies had likewise their time of proofe yet could their daintie faces carie no pawne in this attempt for the Crowne was reserued for the onely Lady who might not be paragonned by any other whatsoeuer CHAP. IIII. ¶ How after all the Triumphs were ended perfourmed at the Baptisme of the yong Prince Palladine and the aduentures thus left of the three Statues the Kings of Scotland and Norgalles tooke their leaue of the King Milanor and the Queene and returned from England into their owne Countreys BY this time were all the Princes and Ladyes throughly satisfyed with the pastimes wherefore with sound of Trompets Clarions and Cornets they returned to the Pallace where was prepared for them a most roiall banquet and bicause the Kings of Scotland and Norgalles were to depart on the morrow the Citizens of London in honor of their Prince came with diuers stately Maskes to the Pallace where they behaued themselues to their credit and the Kings good liking Afterward entred the hall twelue Gentlemen of the Court in complete Armour with blunt Foyles and Targets when deuiding themselues sixe against sixe hauing for their barre two Pykes which were held ouerthwart by two of the Kings Guard they layde on each other such eager strokes as their swords flew in péeces and their Armour was battered in many places Then they withdrew themselues giuing place to twelue other who Combatted with the Pyke arming Sword and Battle-Axe and thus was the night consumed in such disports to delight the Kings of Scotland and Norgalles who in the morning tooke their leaue of the King and Quéene and were conducted on their iourney by many English Lords The King Milanor and his Quéene beeing not a little contented that the Princes had done them such honor in their Realme but greatest of all was their comfort in their Sonne Palladine who in prowesse and loyaltie should surpasse all other of his time and was carefully nourished by a vertuous Gentlewoman wife to an aged Squire named Romandrin of Gaule with whome he remained till he came to the age of fiue yeeres About this time the Quéene trauailed againe and was deliuered of two goodly Daughters béeing Twinnes the one whereof was named Marcelina and the other Floraea these swéete babes were tenderly regarded in the Court and there will we leaue them with the Quéene their Mother remembring yong Palladine who is in the custodie of graue and learned tutors enstructed in the Languages as also Greeke and Latine wherein he profited so well as at tenne yeeres he could speake them as perfect as his English toong Héerewithall he practised Knightly Chiualrie to manadge great Horsses and all Gentlemanlike exercises searching the bowelles of the chéefest Historians from them to learne the practises and sleights of Millitarie profession And when the time would not serue him to Hawke and Hunt he would kéepe himselfe from idlenesse with his Lute Bandora and Uirginalles with diuers other sweete Instruments wherein he tooke delight and grew verie excellent This yong Prince thus giuen to all honest and vertuous quallities began to haue some feeling of his high and magnanimous spirit so that to experiment and trie his owne strength he would cope with diuers yong Lords Gentlemen of his age to runne in the Listes to breake Launces to Combate with the Mace the Arming-sword and all other weapons both on horssebacke and on foote In all which exercises he found not his equall which made him desirous of the order of Knighthood to the end he might séeke after strange Aduentures as the King
Dace with the Duke of Dardania their confederate hauing passed the Albane Mountaines were encamped within a league of Baldina And of this Armie the King himselfe was the leader hauing in his companie a Giant named Muzimalde the mightiest man in stature that euer was séene who bare a huge mace of stéele twelue foote in length being answerable in weight to the greatnes thereof The Princes of Misia and Dace had charge of the maine battell and the Duke of Dardani● the ariergard with two thousand Thracians ordained in the wings which were newly come to giue them succour Thus doo these Armies with furie encounter together and great hauock is made on either side especially the Aquileans were in greatest ieoperdie But now the Knight without rest Broantine Liboran and certaine Gentlemen appointed by the wise Orbiconte to accompanie them arriue in the féeld and séeing that side goe to wracke for whose assistance they trauailed thither like Lyons and no men they thrust among the thickest where breaking the aray of their enemies no one durst stand before them but paid his life for ransome of his boldnes At length the Knight without rest encountred the huge Muzimalde and though the weightie strokes of his mace did often put the Prince in danger yet by pollicy and fine chiualrie in the end he got the better of the Giant sending his soule to the Deuill whome he resembled The Panomans at this fight were greatly dishartened finding themselues vnable to hold out any longer so the Dukes of Sclauonia and Liburnia tooke many noble prisoners among whome were the Princes of Dace and Dardania the Duke of Misia being slaine by the hand of the Prince Almiden and the rest of the Panonians with shame driuen to ●light When the honor of the day was thus fallen to the Aquileans the two Princes Almiden and Zorian sent for the knight without rest and his companions whome after they had embraced they desired to goe with them to the King their Father who should remunerate the great paines they had taken And that his Maiestie might vnderstand their good successe a Courrier was sent before in all haste and being brought into the Kings chamber where the Quéene and Nonparelia were present he deliuered his letters wherein the Princes had not spared to report the worthie déedes of the knight without rest and theirs likewise that came in his companie so that the King demaunded of whence and what the Knight was who in his cause had behaued himselfe so brauely whereto the messenger thus answered My Lord it is as yet vnknowne of whence he is yet this I can assure ye that he is one of the most goodly Gentlemen that euer I sawe And in the Armie it is reported that had not he come when he did and your Captaine Broantine with other in their companie your Maiestie had lost the day for our auantgaid being broken the Giant Muzimalde laid on such load as horsse and man he strooke to the ground But at the arriuall of this Knight euen as some God had taken humane shape vpon him our courage encreased the huge Giant by his hand was slaine and all the rest stood amazed as doubting to fight or turne their backs When the King of Panonia who was in person in the battell sawe the onely man he trusted in thus confounded with his Sonne and fiue hundred men he set furiously vpon vs meaning to reuenge the Giants death if he could but this heate lasted not long for our men séeing the incredible magnanimitie of this Knight and his companions followed him with such alacritie of courage as the King and all his men were driuen on a heape and had not a sudden winde and extreame storme fallen among vs the King and his Sonne had béene slaine or taken But the weather beating vpon our faces we could not discerne which way they fled till we espied them on the tops of the Mountaines whereupon this Knight and his companions made after them killing many of them among the hilles and brought backe with them fiftéene prisoners For conclusion I thinke our great Prophet sent this Knight by whome the Princes your Sonnes and all our liues are saued The good King was so glad of these tidings as he tooke ● rich chaine from his arme and gaue it the messenger earnestly desiring to sée the Knight without rest that hée might account of him as his vertues deserued and foorthwith he commaunded through his Realme a generall reioycing should bée made for this happie victorie with bonfires ringing of belles and such like signes of gladnes The Princesse Nonparelia hearing the messenger so highly extoll the knight without rest became immediatly amorous of him longing for the returne of her Brethren that she might sée the image of her desire On the morrow the King commaunded all his Estates to goe méete his Sonnes and the Knight without rest charging them to honor him as they would doo him selfe which they fulfilled effectually as in the Chapter following you shall behold CHAP. XXX ¶ How the Aquilean Princes and the Knight without rest arriued at the Court and their gracious entertainement by the King Queene and faire Nonparelia GReat haste made the Princes of Aquilea to the Courte that they might present the Knight without rest to the King their Father and when they drewe neere the Citie such a multitude of people met thē on the way to sée the Knight so highly renowmed as they could not ride on for the prease throng At the Citie gates they were welcommed with many learned Orations all the stréetes being hanged with costly Tapistry as it had béene to entertaine the greatest Monarch in the world And the good old King very weake and crazie by reason of his late sicknesse came in person to the Pallace gate accompanyed with all the Princes Lords of his Court when his two Sonnes hauing humbly kissed his hand the Knight without rest would haue done the like but the King would not permit him wherefore he embraced him in his armes as though he had béene as great a state as himselfe Gentle Knight quoth he welcome and frollick in our Court for such report haue I heard of your vertue and prowesse as neuer was I more desirous of any thing then to see that worthie man who with honorable paines laboured in my seruice hazarding your life and person for him that neuer deserued such fauour and freendship My Lord answered the Knight without rest this gracious kindnesse exceedeth all report in deigning to accept of me so honorably I being but a poore and simple Knight errant readie to passe straights of death in your seruice Ah my Sonne sayd the King death hast thou alreadie aduentured for me for which I cannot returne sufficient recompence yet if I cannot requite you effectually my good will shall not want wheresoeuer you be in meane time aske what you will and be assured to speede So taking him by the one hand and his Sonne Almiden by
vp the incense of semblable affections she triumphing in the loue of so braue a Knight and he gloryi●g in the onely Dame for beautie the successe whereof héereafter ensueth CHAP. XXXI ¶ How the Princesse Nonparelia came to visit the Knight without rest what talke they had together And how the wise Orbiconte came to the Court who healed the Princes woundes he receiued in the Combate VErie dangerous were the woundes of the knight without rest and therefore he was constrained to keepe his chamber eight dayes together in which time the Princesse Nonparelia sent often to vnderstand of his health and went her selfe as opportunitie serued to see how he did But that which most of all gréeued these two louers was that they could not conferre together so secretly as they would for she neuer went to him without companie of her Ladyes whome she was loth to acquaint with her amorous desires At length as one desirous to be resolued of his affection towards her one day she withdrew her selfe into her chamber feigning to repose her selfe there all the after noone hauing but two of her wayting Gentlewomen with her the rest were sporting in the Garden and Orchard and from her chamber she could goe to the Princes lodging through the great Galleries vnséene of any wherefore accompanyed with her two Damosels she came to the knight without rest finding no bodie with him but Liboran who generally through the Court was reputed dumbe he seeing the Princesse presently gaue place walking to the windowe with the two Gentlewomen where with signes and gestures he deuised with them they taking great pleasure to behold him pittying his imperfection because he was of stature comely and gentle in conditions While they thus beguiled the time with Liboran their mistresse seeing she might safely conferre with the knight without rest sate downe in a chaire by his bed side and taking his hand to feele his pulses giuing a great sigh thus spake Alas my Lord pitie it is that honorable kindnes should be so hardly requited and though your comming hither hath benefited the King and vs all yet may you cursse our acquaintance being bought at a price so déere and dangerous Not so good Madame answered the knight without rest I rather thinke the heauens specially fauoured me in directing my trauaile to this happie countrie were it onely but to sée you swéete Lady that mine eyes might behold the rare perfections wherewith mine eares could neuer be glutted You speake your pleasure of me my Lord answered the Princesse but were I endued with those titles which you giue me yet are they farre inferiour to your noble desarts But leaue this talke my Lord and tell me how ye fare and how you féele your wounds recouered for nothing do I more desire then to sée you well and frée from danger Alas Madame quoth he the wounds I receiued in the combate against Sulberne are nothing in respect of that I tooke when I sawe you first The Princesse well vnderstanding his meaning yet feigning the contrarie thus replied Why doo you not then acquaint the Kings Chirurgions therewith who are reputed the most skilfull in all this Countrey tell them your paine and feare not for all diseases are easily healed when they be soone taken in hand and not suffered to enter the bodie too farre Or if you will not declare it to them thinking perhaps they can giue you no remedie boldly may you reueale it to me as to the most secret fréend you haue in the world And this I dare assure ye that if your gréefe may be cured by humane capacitie my Aunt the wise Orbiconte can doo it effectually and for her will I presently send a messenger who will not faile to make all possible speede hither The knight without rest well noting y e Princesse words was so rauished in conceite as he was not able to make any answere but deliuering many a bitter sigh from the bottome of his hart he lay as one confounded in a traunce Why my Lord quoth she what think you on dare you not discouer your disease to me if you distrust me I will binde my selfe to you by a sollenme othe neuer to reueale it to any liuing creature but will kéepe it as secret as your dumbe fréende that cannot speake nor shall the riches of the worlde make me breake my promise The Knight without rest would yet make no answere but still sighing with wonderfull affection behelde the Princesse who now changing her cullour and with the teares trikling downe her chéekes continued her speeches thus Beléeue me my Lord me thinkes vnder correction you doo me wronge in fearing to bewraye your gréefe to me I beséeche ye if you beare me any good will at all not to make your harme vncurable by defaulte of vtteraunce to your freende and consider that silence is the Nursse of many malladies where contrariwise disclosing the same in time the danger is with ease preuented The woordes of the Princesse deliuered with such zealous protestations and with so many gracious offers caused the Knight without rest setting all doubtfull feares aside thus to answere Madame séeing you haue coniured me in such sorte and haue sollemnelye promised withall to conceale the greefe that torments me and cannot be séene I will make known my harme vnto you And as he would haue procéeded a Gentleman entred the Chamber to aduertise the Princesse that the wise Orbiconte was newly ariued and that she came to visit the Knight without rest As the Princesse was going to welcome her Aunt she met her at the Chamber doore and comming in againe with her after she had humblye saluted her she brought her to the Beds side the Knight without rest being not a little glad to sée her in consideration of the promise she made him at her Pallaice Courage my Sonne quoth Orbiconte for ere thrée dayes be past I will make your woundes whole and sound especially that which toucheth your heart It is not to be asked whether these woordes pleased him or no and she looking on his wounds annointed them with a precious ointement which healed them in suche sorte as in foure and twentye howers the skarres could hardly be séene then merilye to her Niece she thus spake Doo not you hate this Knight faire Niece that hath kept you from marying with the King of Panopia Beléeue me good Aunt answered the Princesse I am more beholding to this Knight then to any man els liuing for he hath saued my life and honor and may I any way recompence his gentlenes he shall perceiue that I will not be ingratefull But while the King my Father laboureth to requite his paines let him be perswaded of my good will toward him Madame quoth the Prince so you continue me in your good grace I thinke my selfe better recompenced if I haue deserued any recompence at all then were I presentlye created Emperour of the worlde To breake off their conference a Squire came who saide that
passion to procéede by bashfulnesse or feare which oftentimes preuents yong Gentlemen when they enter the presence of great Ladies she tooke the Prince by the hand and thus began My Lord you are so welcome as your owne hart can wish great hath béene your payne and trauayle comming so farre to see this Court no sufficient recompence can the King our Father make yée nor we poore Ladies for this excéeding kindnesse These words forcing Manteleo to recouer his spirits caused him returne this aunswere In comming hither swéete Madame haue I sustayned no paine or trauaile but rather comfort pleasure and pastime For long since is it that I desired to offer my seruice to the King your Father as well for the rare vertues which makes him farre renowmed as also to renew the auncient amitie that yée and the Duke my Father haue had together when they as Knightes errant trauayled straunge Countreys Another and chéefe cause was to see my Lord your Brother whose second in prowesse is not to be found and you likewise faire Ladies whome heauen hath not onely enriched with especiall vertues but also with rare and most perfect beautie And though my Starres alotted me no greater good héereby then to behold the surpassing worke of nature in you both yet would I repute my trauaile more largely requited then were I created Emperour of the world adioyning héere to if any seruice remayned in me that might be to your liking During these spéeches he threw many piercing lookes on the Princesse Marcelina and she returned the like on him thinking she had neuer seene a more comely Knight in all perfections her Brother Palladine excepted gathering by his lookes and yéelding countenance that she had wonne some earnest in his loue with which imagination her hart was highly contented and to continue him in this good affection she thus replyed Not a little doo I think my selfe beholding to you my good Lord noting your forward zeale to the King my Fathers seruice loth am I to presse yée with such regard towards me in that my deseruings are altogether too simple let my good will then excuse my want assuring your selfe of a maydens prayers wheresoeuer you go As Manteleo would haue aunswered the Prince Palladine came and thus brake off their talke I beséech yée my Lord and companion to withdraw your selfe into your Chamber there to repose your selfe after your iourney for of necessitie you must be sore wearied hauing spent so little time betwéene Millaine and England Manteleo departed to his Chamber with Palladine and in two lodgings ioyning together lay these new fréends There did the Millayne Prince cloath himselfe in braue and sumptuous garments not forgetting the gra●ious spéeches of fayre Marcelina who likewise so soone as he departed could not kéepe in her owne opinions but with her Sister fell in commendation of Manteleo setling the loue of him so néere her heart as she resolued neuer to haue any other Husband so pleased the King and Quéene to giue their consent Continuing in this determination thence forward her extreame desires made her pensiue and solitarie yet would she not impart her disease to any one because she would first make triall of the Princes constancie least his loue might be impeached with dissembling ●alliaunce But now is the houre of Supper come when the amorous Prince Manteleo was placed at the table right ouer against his beloued Marcelina neither of them being offended at this good hap but vsing the same as an especiall benefite with secret glaunces to court each other Which the Princesse Floraea dilligently marked and seeing her Sister so often to chaunge her couller coupling therewith many bitten in sighes she tofore hauing neuer shewed the like became iealous of the matter thinking the Prince should as soone affect her as her Sister yet made she no outward shew of this conceite But when the Tables were withdrawne and each one preparing themselues to daunce Manteleo tooke his Lady Marcelina without making any offer to Floraea wherewith she became so mal content as to despight them she would euery day after sit so néere them as they could not speake one word to each other but she might easily vnderstand what they said The Prince well noting how hee was crost would the oftner entertaine Marcelina to Daunce taking the benefite at the end of each Measure which gaue them libertie to conferre together no one in those excused times being able to impeach them whereat Floraea greatly repined séeing them talke with such affectionate protestations The Pastimes ended the King and Queene went to their lodgings Manteleo humbly giuing them the good night not forgetting the Saint he serued in desires and afterward the Prince Palladine accompanied him to his Chamber where after many other spéeches betwéene them they concluded on the morrow to request their Knighthood of the King So Palladine left Manteleo for that night whose mind was busied with his Ladies fauorable words not doubting but to shew himselfe so forward in Armes as the Princesse should receiue good occasion to affect him and graunt him the honor he earnestly desired In this good hope he laid him downe to rest the Princesse Marcelina nothing inferiour to him in amorous opinions and that night her brother Palladine had told her that Manteleo and he would intreate their Order of the King wherewith she was not alittle contented determining thence forward to entertaine the Prince of Millaine as her Knight CHAP. VI. ¶ How the Princes Palladine and Manteleo with many other great Lords were Knighted by the King Milanor and of an aduenture that happened in the Court which Palladine and Manteleo ended FAire Aurora chasing away the clowdie night the Prince Palladine accompanied with many Gentlemen came to bid Manteleo good morrow Why my Lord and companion quoth he it séemes you haue forgotten what we determined yesternight Pardon me good Prince aunswered Manteleo my memorie is not so short but so swéetly haue I slept this night as hindered me from rising sooner Then went they to salute the King and intreated his Highnesse to graunt them their Knighthood When his Maiestie perceiuing their forwardnesse and noting the earnest desire of Manteleo thus aunswered Loth am I to denie your request albeit as yet you are ouer-yong but the good opinion I haue of your prowesse and fortunate successe that may befall ye héereafter doth supply your want of yeeres wherefore this night perfourme the holy watch and to morrow will I giue ye your Order The two Princes humbly thanking his Maiestie went to giue order for their Armour and furniture and at night they entred the Chappell where spending the time in the accustomed religious exercise they expect the houre of their long desired honor In the morning the King with his Nobilitie entred the Chappell and as he was busied in the Ceremonies vsed in such affaires there entred two Damosels verie brauely apparelled each of them hauing a goodly Sword in her hand and with them was an
set with Starres of gold and in his Sheeld a Lady reskewed from a Giant the other bare for his deuise Fame triumphant in a siluer feeld The Knight in azure Armour made signe to Caesar that he would first aduenture for his Lady yet such was his ill hap in the end as both horsse man were throwne to the ground When the Knight of Fame sawe his fréend dismounted he came to Caesar with these speeches Sir Knight I confesse as well as thou doost that my Lady Rosamonde excelleth all other in beautie but this will I make good on thy body that I am more woorthie to be her seruant then thou art It should séeme then answered Caesar that I deserue not to be so accounted this controuersie shall the strength of my Launce presently discide and thou or I will be her onely seruant Heereupon they encountred verie valiantly breaking many Launces yet neither able to mooue the other whereat they both grew angrie desiring the King to let them haue stronger Launces or else to permit them the Combate with the Sword but the King would not suffer them to meddle with Swords commanding each of them a very strong Launce at which charge the Prince Caesar was brauely dismounted and the Knight of Fame had almost borne him companie A great murmuring presently grew among the people some auouching that because the strange Knight so hardly recouered himselfe therefore Prince Caesar should not be held as vanquished but that they should prooue their fortune once more But the Iudges gaue verdict to the contrarie attributing the conquest to the Knight of Fame which when Caesar heard he went to the King to intreate his Maiestie for the Combate with its Sword but he denyed it him saying that the Ioustes being enterprised for loue ought not to be ended in hatred At these words Prince Caesar went to his Lady Rosamonde who gaue him many thanks for his honorable paines and though his successe happened so ill in the end yet would not she withdraw her loue But now commes Palladine into the feeld being sorie he had not the conquest of Caesar yet determining to end his choller on the Knight of fame to whome he approached saying It gréeues me Sir Knight that I Iousted not with noble Caesar for if I had little praise couldest thou haue gotten to day Your reason aunswered the Knight of fame Because I had woon y e honor ꝙ Palladine which thou vsurpest and yet remains in doubt among a number which if thou darest say thou hast deserued I will auouch the contrary beside y t it appertaines not to thee to be seruant to the faire Lady Rosamonde nor to the very meanest among her Ladies for as I vnderstand she is prouided of one beyond thee many degrees Good Sir aunswered the Knight of fame you are very bold and braue in spéeches What mooueth ye so much to abase me seeing you knowe not of whence or what I am nor hast thou seene any matter in me deseruing these words But I perceiue the cause héereof groweth by the desire thou hast to deale with me wherein thou shalt haue thy desire either at the Launce or Sword so pleaseth the King to graunt vs that libertie Then turning to his Maiestie the Knight of Fame intreated the combate with the Sword if they could not finish their quarrell at the Launce Loth was the King to suffer such danger but the Iudges with many Lords and Barons there present noting the earnest desire of the Knight and that they were both strangers perswaded his highnesse intending to cause them giue ouer if in fight either of them should be in perill of life When they had thus obtained what they would they gaue their horsses the spurres and with a verie rough encounter they were both dismounted whereat Palladine verie angrie drew his Sword and marching against the Knight of Fame such a cruell combate continued betwéene them as neuer had the like beene seene in Fraunce The King beholding their Armour broken and the ground coulored with their scarlet blood sent his Sonne the Prince Lewes to intreate them giue ouer which they immediatly did the Knight of Fame being not a little glad thereof because he was brought into verie great debilitie onely by the exceeding aboundant losse of his blood Lewes bringing them before the King his Father caused them both to be graciously entertained and taking Palladine by the hand sayd Sée heere my Lord the man that slew Brulanfurior and his brother who deliuered me from imprisonment and many Knightes that were held captiue in the Castell The King not alittle ioyfull of these newes arose and embraced Palladine saying Worthie Knight I am more indebted to you then any man else in the world for you alone haue done that to me which neither with strength or pollicie I was able to compasse I enioy my Sonne againe by your meanes and my people are deliuered from those mercilesse villaines whome neyther law nor loue could bridle let me vnderstand of whence you are that I may knowe the man to whome I am so highly beholding My Lord aunswered the Prince my name is Palladine Sonne to the King Milanor of England your louing brother and vowed fréend At these words the King was much more glad then before and casting his armes about his necke with inward conceite of ioy the teares trickled downe his face then came the Quéene and faire Rosamonde her daughter who welcommed the Prince with maruailous courtesie the like did Landastines Simprinell and Lydiseo of Hungaria who was the man that came with the Knight of Fame and at report of these Triumphes trauailed into Fraunce As for the Knight of Fame himselfe he was called Don Robert the Prince of Freeze a stout couragious and hardie champion greatly deuoted to the loue of faire Rosamonde The King presently departed to his Pallace there to honor these braue Knightes as they worthely deserued but Caesar of Room● highly thanked Palladine for reuenging his foyle on the Knight of Fame swearing to him an inuiolable league of amitie which grew to such effect as you shall héereafter behold CHAP. XXIII ¶ How the Princes Don Robert of Freeze and Lydiseo of Hungaria being healed of their woundes departed from Paris and of a letter which the wise Orbiconte sent to Palladine who was passionate for the loue of faire Rosamonde of Fraunce DOn Robert of Freeze hauing kept his chamber certaine dayes by reason of the dangerous woundes he had receiued and Palladine likewise in the selfesame estate yet carefully attended on by the Kings Chirurgions a greater corsey happened to them both then either their woundes or doubt of health For Don Robert séeing he was not regarded of the faire Princesse Rosamonde whome he loued as déerely as his own life thought to haue committed violence on himselfe but that by good aduise he was better perswaded and being out of hope to compasse his desire when he was somewhat recouered he and Lydiseo of Hungaria tooke
Broantine to enquire of whence and what they were Broantine comming to their lodging immediatly knew the Knight without rest being the Knight that accompanyed him into Bulgaria when Dardalon defended the Iousts for the Duchesse Brisalda and brought him to the Citie of Varne as you heard before Sir Palladine quoth Broantine you are hartely welcome hither what cause hath drawne you into this farre Countrey long it is since I was last in your companie The Knight without rest amazed at this acquaintance especially in a heathen countrey where he neuer was before aunswered Good Sir I must desire ye to pardon me for I doo not remember that euer I saw ye till now and it may be you take me for some other body No my Lord sayd Broantine I knowe ye well inough for I trauailed in your companie to the Court of the Duchesse Brisalda at what time you slew the prowd and cruell Dardalon I thanke ye gentle Sir quoth the Knight without rest for your freendly remembrance but may I request the cause of your being in this Countrey In sooth Sir answered Broantine such enemies I haue in the Realmes of Dace and Bulgaria for the death of a Knight whome I vnhappily slew as I am constrained to absent my selfe from thence yet do I hope in time to conquer my troubles and to returne home againe in safetie May I then quoth the Knight without rest desire this fauour at your hands to enstruct me how I shall gouerne my selfe among these people for I would not willingly be knowne that I am a Christian in respect of the danger may happen to me thereby and therefore haue I changed my name calling my selfe the Knight without rest hauing determined to rest in no place till I haue found one I earnestly séeke for Referre your selfe to me said Broantine you shall not be knowne but both you and they that came with ye shall be courteously entreated and the rather because you can speake this countrey language I vnderstand it in deede said the Knight without rest and speake it indifferently as my Squire can doo also but this Gentleman meaning Liboran is ignorant therein and therefore counterfeiteth himselfe dumbe that he might not be knowne nor we by him A good deuise answered Broantine stay héere if you please till I returne I will goe make report of you to the Gouernour and by my spéeches you shall be freendly welcommed So went Broantine to the Gouernour to whome he said that the Knight without rest was of his acquaintance a man valiant hardy and couragious professing the same lawe that he did The Gouernour thinking Broantine was a Pagan and the Knight without rest in like maner was glad of his arriuall and hoping to haue his assistance in the warres which the King had with the King of Panonia sent Broantine to him againe intreating him to dine with him the next day According to the Gouernours request the next day the knight without rest came to the Pallace where he was entertained verie honorably the Gouernour vsing these words to him Sir Knight our Captaine Broantine hath made such report of your forwardnes in Armes as while I liue you must account me your fréend and I will let the King vnderstand of your being heere that he may accept of you as men of vertue deserue My Lord answered the knight without rest I beséech ye thus to aduertise his Maiestie that there is no Gentleman more readie to his seruice then I will be and happie doo I account my selfe if I can doo any thing worthy his good liking In this warres against the King of Panonia will I shew my selfe and this Gentleman pointing to Liboran who long since lost his spéech by a catharre that bred within his throate yet is not his vertue or prowesse any thing diminished for good experience haue I had of his noble chiualrie Liboran gathering by countenance of the knight without rest 〈◊〉 the vsed these words on his behalfe with reuerence to 〈◊〉 Gouernour gaue a signe with his head and hands that he was likewise willing to make one in the Kings seruice which he courteously accepting embraced them both being sorie that Liboran had such an imperfection so that long after he was called the dumbe Knight The Gouernour walking with them in the great Hall declared the whole cause of the warre betwéene the King his maister and the King of Panonia and how within two or thrée dayes he meant to bid him battell As for the matter of their discord it grew by this occasion that the King of Aquilea refused to giue his daughter Nonparelia in marriage to the King of Panonia nor the yong Princesse her selfe could not be perswaded to like of him by reason of the many bad qualities he was endued withall as also he was a man verie much defourmed In déede my Lord answered the knight without rest I haue oftentimes heard that the Princesse Nonparelia is the flower of the world for beawtie an ill match were it then that so sweete a Lady should haue a husband so hard fauoured And the onely cause of my comming into this Countrey was to defend her honor in this enterprised warre as the Lady beyond all other in rare perfections Soone after they sate downe to dinner where wanted no store of costly delicates and the Tables were no sooner withdrawne but there entred the Hall a comely aged Ladie her face all besprent with teares and her sorrowfull lookes bewraying the anguish of her spirit A good while she stoode viewing all the Lords not speaking one word till the Gouernour moued with pitie thus spake Faire Lady full well doth your countenance bewray that something hath happened scant to your liking boldly deliuer the cause of your sadnes and may I in any thing giue you redresse be you assured I will perfourme it Alas my Lord quoth she my case requireth present assistance for my husband comming with his Sonne to this Citie onely to aide the King in his warres foure Knights set vpon them in the Forrest neere at hand and binding them both hands and feete haue forcibly caried them away threatning in most cruell sort to murther them for some priuate displeasure conceiued against them The knight without rest presently offered himselfe desiring the Gouernour that he might redresse the Ladyes wrong and hauing obtained leaue for his departure with Liboran Lycelio and Captaine Broantine went immediatly to horssebacke So riding with the Lady at length they ouertooke the foure Knightes who with great cudgels cruelly did beate the Ladies Husband and Sonne whereat the knight without rest highly offended gaue y t spurres to his horsse to encounter w t them But Liboran by signes and Broantine by intreaties perswaded him to suffer them deale with the foure Knightes which they did verie valiantly and killing them all foure deliuered the Knight and his Sonne safely to the Lady Afterward they rode to the Knightes Castell where their wounds receiued in fight being searched
the other he went vp into the great Hall where the Quéene the Princesse and all the Courtly Ladies being choisely tricked in their brauest accoustrements welcommed them with meruailous kindnesse especially Nonparelia who shined like the morning Starre among the other virgins her courtesies to the Prince excéeded all comparison These Courtly ceremonies ouerpassed the Knightes were conducted to their chambers to refresh themselues and change their habites while the roiall supper was preparing Now was the Knight without rest thoroughly set to worke with consideration of the Princesse supernaturall beautie and longer would he haue continued in this rauishing studie but that the Prince Zorian came to aduertise him that the King stayed onely his comming So walked they together into the great Hall where the King caused the Knight without rest to sit next him at the table and the Princesse Nonparelia right ouer against him a thing to her no little contentation that she might behold the worthie personage who had gained the onely priuiledge of her heart All supper time these two louers fed on no other viands then the one regarding the other with piercing lookes for their amorous affections so ouermaisterd their sences as they forgot to receiue any sustenance The supper ended the Lords and Ladies of the Court fell to dauncing meane while the Princesse Nonparelia hauing noted the gracious behauiour of the Knight without rest took the hardines vpon her to come néere him and hauing with great modestie saluted him thus spake As I vnderstand Sir Knight the King my Father and all his are highly beholding to you in respect of your honorable paines in the late battell against our enemies Alas Madame quoth he if I had not as then beene present yet doubtlesse you had béene assured of victorie little then is the glorie that I haue deserued Heerein you must pardon me Sir aunswered the Princesse for I haue heard credibly reported that but for you we had lost the day yet let me intreate so much fauour as to tell me of whence you are and what might be the occasion of this great kindnesse that for my fathers sake you should so gladly thrust your life into danger Madame quoth he so long since did your diuine name ouercome me and such is your present authoritie ouer me as death shall not make me conceale or disguise the truth to you Knowe then sweete Lady and hold it for certaine that nothing procured me to assist the King your Father in his late warres but onely your loue beautie and good grace all which I haue heard so generally commended as now I confesse report hath not feigned In sooth my Lord quoth she such vertues as you speake of are hard to be sound in me but let it be as you please to alleadge yet no one is so much bound to thanke you as my selfe for if the King my Father had lost the honor of the battell too late had it beene for me to renew the peace falling into the subiection of the verie worst man in the world to whome my selfe denied the request of marriage and héere hence grew the warre betwéene my Father and the King of Panonia So much good Madame quoth he did I heare before by the Gouernour of Enna and the wise Lady Orbiconte who intreated me and my companie verie honorably at her Pallace and if in this action I haue done you any seruice I account my labour well bestowed and repute my selfe beyond all other in fortune hauing disappointed a Prince so contrarie to the vertues and perfections wherewith your gracious nature is accompanied for a man of so bad conditions ought to haue sorted out one like to himselfe In déede my Lord quoth she you haue said the truth notwithstanding his euill disposed and deformed bodie made me not refuse him but his great defect of vertue and honestie for the gifts of the mind are to be preferred before those of nature yet was he acquainted neither with the one or other Longer would they haue continued in talke but that the King commaunded to ceasse the dauncing because the Knightes should goe rest themselues in their chambers wherefore the Princesse breathing a vehement sigh from her inward soule gaue the courteous good night to the Knight without rest who hauing deuoutly kissed her faire white hand followed the King to his lodging and there committing his highnesse to the fauour of the night was by the two Princes brought to his chamber they both louing him as he had béene their brother especially Zorian the yongest who determined to accompanie him when he left the Court and to séeke aduentures with him as a Knight errant As each one thus departed to his lodging the Princesse called Broantine to her and enquired of him what and of whence the knight without rest was Madame quoth Broantine at this time I can hardly satisfie you yet thus much I dare assure ye as I vnderstood by the wise Lady Orbiconte that he is discended of royall linage and one that I am especially bound to hauing receiued vnspeakable fauours at his hands In sooth said the Princesse he may well be said to procéede of royall parentage in that his ordinarie behauiour declares no lesse but doo you knowe the cause of his comming into this Countrey so slenderly accompanyed and why he entred a quarrell nothing concerning himselfe The cause as I haue heard good Madame quoth Broantine was the renowme of a Ladies beautie famed through the world to excell the fairest At these words the Princesse began bashfully to blush séeing these spéeches agréed with those the Prince himselfe spake which encreased the amorous fire alreadie kindled in her heart and that did Broantine very well perceiue yet he dissembled as though he knew nothing So departed the Princesse to her chamber and Broantine went presently to the knight without rest to whome he reuealed his talke with Nonparelia aduising him to follow a matter so well begun for there was hope of good successe to be expected The Prince embracing Broantine gaue him thanks for his freendly tidings and the next day happened a notable occasion both to the honor of the knight without rest and to assure him of the Princesse For Sulbern cousin to the Giant Muzimalde came and challenged the Combate against him that slew his kinseman which the knight without rest accepting in open feeld ouercame his proude enemie and thereby wonne the especiall good liking of the King and the whole Court Yet was not this Combate sought without great daunger in respect Sulbern was a man in stature equall to Muzimalde and two such monstrous aduersaries would put an approued champion to his triall but though the Knight without rest was verie sore wounded and many times brought in hazard of his life yet at length he bare away the honor of the féeld and the head of his enemie as a present to his mistresse Now doth Venus lighten all her Lampes and the religious louers approch her altars offering
King would not deny him then againe he dispaired of the matter reputing himselfe vnlikely to enioy her by reason of their contrarietie in faith and religion the King being an earnest maintainer of the Pagan lawe Nor would this imagination serue wherefore he intended to steale her thence secretly and to carie her with him into England while Orbiconte laboured at home to appease the trouble that might follow In the end he reposed himselfe on the faithfull promise of Orbiconte and desired his Lady to doo the like because he had found her so iust in all his former fortunes But now are the Ambassadours come to the Court where being entertained with great pompe and royaltie he that was appointed chéefe in the embassade thus deliuered his message to the King King of Aquilea the high and mightie Lord my maister being aduertised of the rare vertues wherewith thy Daughter is endued hath sent me to intreate thée that thou wouldest bestowe her on him in marriage and in so dooing he vowes himselfe thy fréend and a continuall enemie to thy ill willers Heerewith he deliuered the Letters of credit signed with the hand and scale of the great Turke whereat the King no lesse ioyfull then amazed that his Daughter should arise to so high fortune without crauing any aduise in the cause thus answered I thanke my gracious Lord with all my heart that he will so honor me with request of my Daughter in marriage and her do I fréely giue him with all that is mine at his disposing Then did the Ambassadour present the King sixe goodly Coursers of Turkie sent him from his Lord and maister and to the Princesse he gaue a sumptuous Carbanet garnished with Carbuncles Orientall Pearles and stones of inestimable valew which she receiued with good countenance albeit God knowes with a heauie heart in which gréefe the Knight without rest bare her company yet durst not outward shew therof This costly Iewell the Queene immediatly fastened about her Daughters neck being commended for the rarest that euer was seene afterward the King walked with the Ambassadours dooing them all the honor he could any way deuise While all the Court were busied Orbiconte came with Nonparelia to Palladines chamber and there concluded that he should on the morrow take his leaue of the King framing his iourney directly toward England where the Princesse and she would in short time méete him willing them to make no shew of sorrow at their departure least suspition might preuent what she had intended but to resolue them assuredly that all her promises should sorte to effect The Knight without rest did as he was aduised and albeit it was long ere the King would giue consent because he loued him very déerely yet at length with muche adoo he preuailed the Prince Zorian obtaining leaue of his Father to accompanie him in trauaile because his Maiestie thought he could neuer haue a brauer companion Many rich giftes the King bestowed on the Knight without rest especially one of the Coursers sent him from the great Turke and other thinges néedfull to be vsed in trauaile and thus he prepared him selfe toward his iourney reposing his confidence in the wise Orbiconte that she would bring his Lady safely into England CHAP XXXVI ¶ How the knight without rest and the Prince Zorian departed from Aquilea toward England and how the Knight without rest by the waye discouered him selfe to the Prince Zorian who when he came into England was baptized and betrothed to the faire Graciana daughter to the Earle of Flaunders and the like was Mantelio and Land●stines to their Ladies EUery thing being in redines for our Knightes trauaile after all the ceremonious conges at the parting of freendes the knight without rest Zorian Broantine Lyboran and Lycelio all brauelye mounted in seemely equipage they leaue the Courte of Aquilea and toward England iourney with all conueniēt speede the Knight without rest being especially induced to this haste because he expected the promise of Orbiconte soone after would followe him with the faire Nonparelia Many woorthy aduentures they had by the way as defending chaste Damoselles from forced violence and helping distressed Ladies to their suborned right which growing to more tediousnes thē delightfull matter I haue thought good to abridge as lothe to speake of any thing but what is woorth the hearing When our Knightes were entered the Realme of Almaigne and the Englishe Prince had made good triall of Zorians loue to him one night as they laye in Bed togeather he entred into these spéeches My Lord Zorian the fréendship solemnely sworne betwéene vs and the proof of your ready good will in all my actions will not let me hide one thing f●●● you which till this present I haue kept with great secrecie both from the knowledge of the King your Father and you onely by the perswasion of the Lady Orbiconte your Aunt to whome I am more beholding then any other liuing creature For in my iourney toward Aquilea oftentimes did she preserue me from the danger of death and by her meanes I left the Court of the King of England my Father by her promise that I should enioy your faire Sister in mariage in recompence of some seruice I should doo to the King your Father and this by her secret knowledge she likewise tolde me that all your Fathers dominions shall be shortly conuerted to the Christian faithe which I professe and will doo till death Then he recounted how Orbiconte sent him the Shéeld he bare and shewed the Swoord wheron the name of Aquilea was engrauen being brought to him by the enchaunted knight and two Damosells He likewise declared how he changed his name because he would not be knowne and that Liboran only counterfeited dumbnes being not able to learne the Aquilian language all the rest of his trauailes at full he opened his right name and whether he now iournied In sooth my Lord Palladine answered Zorian such resolute opinion of your vertues haue I imprinted in my hart as though you be contrary to me in loue and profession yet shall not my good will slack or I forgoe your companie but I would the time were come wherein my Fathers kingdome shall embrace Christianitie which I already begin to like so well beleeuing that your God is of greater power then ours as all our successefull déedes of armes beare witnes that I ere long will become a Christian Yet one thing cheeflye dooth displease me that my Sister is promised in mariage to my Lord the great Turk which will be the occasion that my Aunte Orbiconte cannot keep her woord with you My Lord and companion saide Palladine that I haue your good liking in this cause in sooth it dooth not a little content me but as for your Sister there is nothing yet doone but may easily be altered Madame Orbiconte hath promised to content the great Turke and your Father and in fewe dayes will safelye arriue with your Sister in England I would we
his Father had done in his youthfull time Thus continued he sixe or seauen moneths in this desire not daring to aquaint the King his Father therewith least he should refuse his request in respect of his yong yeeres but the destenies who foresawe the maruellous déedes of Armes he should accomplish and the straunge encha●●●ments that should be finished by him would not suffer 〈◊〉 remaine long slothfull in his Fathers Court among 〈◊〉 Ladies and beautifull creatures but bringing his 〈◊〉 to perfection found the meane that he should be Knig●●●d by the King his Father as héereafter you shall read● more at large CHAP. V. ¶ How the Duke Temoreo of Millaine sent his Sonne Manteleo into England to be made Knight with the Prince Palladine and how Manteleo became enamoured of the Princesse Marcelina DUring this time the Duke of Millaine had a Sonne named Ma●●eleo a yong Prince and of vertuous nature brauely disposed to Knightly resolutions and being aged about eightéene yéeres He hauing oftentimes heard the famous report euery where bruted of the Prince Palladine of England and what a strange aduenture happened at his birth which could not as yet be ended by any was very desirous to go see him that he might be aquainted with the Prince so renowmed And one day finding the Duke his Father walking in his Garden he came and knéeled before him desiring licence for three or foure moneths to trauaile into England that he might be aquainted with the Prince Palladine of so especiall report as also the wise and debonaire King Milanor his Father with whome quoth he all Kings and Princes louers of vertue haue euermore desired fréendly allyance Witnesse héerof is the King of Portugall the Kings of Scots and Norgalles and diuers other Princes straungers by his hand my Lord so it stand with your liking would I receiue my order of Knighthood which he I hope will not denie me in respect of his owne gratious humanitie and the consideration he will haue of your person when he shall vnderstand that I am your Sonne The Duke hearing his Sonne in these tearmes was well pleased to behold him of so good a mind and contented likewise to graunt what he demaunded saying In sooth my Sonne seeing Fraunce and England are now in peace together the lesse do I doubt of thy going thither and boldly mayst thou assure him that he hath a perpetuall fréend of me determine then to depart when thou wilt foorthwith shall I giue order for thy prouision in trauaile but returne not till thou hast tried the aduenture so renowmed which hapned before the Kings Pallace on the day of his Sonnes birth and if thy good fortune may bring it to an end well mayst thou intreate the King for thy Order in that thou shalt well deserue thy Knighthood seeing so many haue fayled in triall thereof Manteleo hauing humbly thanked the Duke his Father for graunting him the thing he onely desired said I promise you my Lord that I will not returne thence without proofe of my fortune albeit I were sure to be repulsed more sharply then any hath béene heeretofore yet since the aduenture is so ordeyned let me dye ere I be dishonored with feare or dismaying Héereupon the Duke called the maister of his Horsse to whome he gaue charge to prouide his Sonnes estate toward England and that all things might be readie for his departure within thrée daies following which was accordingly perfourmed and so the Prince Manteleo with his trayne set forward from Millaine in the wéeke next after Pentecost making such expedition in trauaile as hauing passed the fairest Cities in Fraunce which he was desirous to see he came to Bullin where he tooke shipping and with a merry gale of winde in lesse then eighteene houres he landed in England The King Milanor aduertised of his arriuall was greatly contented therewith commaunding in all the Townes where-through he should passe that he should be receyued and intreated honorably And when he drew néere London the Gouernours were charged to méete him on the way the Prince Palladine likewise to welcome him at the Citie gates and the King with his Quéene and Ladies remained at the Pallace to entertaine him Euerie thing thus perfourmed in greatest maiestie the Prince of Millaine was receiued with generall ioy of the Citizens and the Prince Palladine accompanied with many great Lords of England to whome Manteleo behaued himselfe with honorable modestie as well he could his Courtship in those affayres and riding along with the English Prince he entred into these speeches The fame of so many lawdable vertues accompanyed with heroicall prowesse and magnanimitie which amply are discerned in your dayly cogitations hath earnestly prouoked me good Prince to be aquainted with you for which onely occasion I left my natiue Countrey to see this Realme euery where named happie by the honorable regiment of the King your Father whose vertues you imitate so effectually as you remaine a wonder to them that neuer saw you And long may good successe attend your dayly actions heauen making me so fortunate to winne acceptance in your eyes in that I haue deuoted my selfe to estéeme of you aboue all other Sir Manteleo answered the Prince Palladine as I knowe my selfe farre vnworthie these titles of prayse so am I perswaded that your speeches proceed of good affection towards me flying reports are oftentimes found vntrue yet do not I mislike your opinion of me which hath sorted out the meane to sée and knowe you in this Countrey as our honorable and well wishing fréend Of the King my Father haue I heard of your parents and good acquaintance hath he had with the Duke your Father when as a Knight errant he sought after aduentures assure your selfe therefore right welcome hither and gladly shall I accept of you as my freend and companion Thus beguiled they the time til they came to the Pallace where the Prince of Millaine stayed to behold the Statues reading the deuises he had so long desired to see whereat not able to maruaile sufficiently they went on into the great Hall where the King embraced him verie louingly the Princes and Lords likewise present entertained him with excéeding kindnesse and humanitie in that they had heard the King many times report the worthie chiualrie of the Duke of Millaine his Father After the King had welcomed this stranger with manyfold courtesies and had vnderstood the cause of his comming to his Court he sent him with the Prince Palladine to salute the Quéene and her Daughters But loue whose puissance as yet he had neuer felt finding time and opportunitie so conuenient when Manteleo had done his reuerence to the Queene comming to the Princesses that attended on her hauing kissed the first named Marcelina he found his sences so strangely inueigled as he stoode silent before her a prettie while being not able to deliuer one word so was he rauished with contemplation of her beautie Which the Princesse well noting and imagining this
sake that sent yée will I presently giue such a remedie as shall diminish part of the greefe he endureth So giuing vs the two Swords with a little white wand she smote thrée blowes on the Elme tree from whence flew foorth a Bird crying very pitifully then with the wand she troubled the water in the fountaine vsing certaine priuate spéeches againe and taking a little of the water in her hand she dreined it on my brothers head saying Now go and commend me to your Aunt and to the two Knightes that shall draw the Swords to whome I will that thou giue the order of Knighthood to the ende their vertue courage and magnanimitie may be encreased So left we the old Lady and euer since followed her commaundement making a bootelesse search in many places till we found you to whome the aduenture was destemed And thus my Lords haue you heard the entire discourse of my Brothers misfortune Now as concerning what remaineth we must conduct ye into Hungaria to the Castell where my faire Sister is enclosed and where the villaine abideth that stole her from my Brother Yet is her honor preserued from any attaint for as the Traytor one day would haue rauished her mine Aunt of whome I spake by aduenture came thither and hauing throwne the paillard out of the chamber by the shoulders enchaunted the same in such sort as none may enter therein but my Brother nor can he come there but by your ayde A déede of such honor and charitie I hope you will not refuse in reuenging our wrong on that maleuolent villaine which shall be easie for you to doo as the aforesaid wise prophetesse declared to vs. The Princes hauing heard this monstrous treason thus aunswered We will assist ye faire Lady to our vttermost nor shall ye neede to whet vs on with perswasions for we are bound by dutie to reuenge actions so soule and enorme For this kinde replye she gaue them many thanks spending the time in these and like conferences and two daies rode they without any aduenture worthie the rehearsall CHAP. X. ¶ How Palladine and Manteleo met foure Knightes with whome they Combatted and the issue thereof THE third day as the Princes with their companie issued foorth of a thick wood they met four Knightes of whome after ●ourteous salutations Palladine demaunded whether they trauailed Directly towardes London aunswered one of them where the King abideth as we vnderstand And the cause of our iourney thether is to trie an aduenture of two Swords which not long since were caried thither vnable to be drawne by any but by two of the best Knightes in the world If you go for no other occasion aunswered Palladine well may ye spare that labour for two yong Knightes ended the aduenture two dayes since and more Two yong Knightes quoth another of them of what Countrey I pray ye The one said Palladine is an Englishman and the other an Italian borne in Millayne By my faith quoth the Knight in a great laughter belike then the enchauntment was no hard matter to finish nor was any hidden vertue to be discernd therein when an Italian and an Englishman could bring it to ende Uery fewe good Knightes are founde among the Italians in whome is more ostentation and brauadoes then matter of moment and effect and in Englishmen is much lesse being reputed in all Countreys for men of little estimation The two yong Princes hearing their Countreys so dispraised began to growe in maruailous choller especially Mante●eo who bending the browes and enflamed with vnquenchable anger thus aunswered Of whence are you Sir that can so well collaude the Knightes of England and Italy What mooues you to vse such spéeches being in the Kingdome you discommend Trust me if you haue any wit you make no shew thereof in your words Be not angrie aunswered the Knight I see by your couller that you sweate in your Armour but if ye continue this moode you haue met with Spanyards that will walke ye a little And heere haue you met an Englishman and an Italian sayd Manteleo euen they that ended the aduenture of the enchaunted Swords who presently will teach ye to temper your toong With these words he went to his Squire for his Launce placing it to encounter him that gaue the spéeches but Palladine called to him saying Forbeare my Lord and let me deals with him for I ought to begin first because the offence was first made to me Beside they are in my Countrey it belongeth then to me to correct their folly making by proofe what an Englishman is able to doo If you see me stand in néede of your helpe doo as you shall finde occasion otherwise let me alone with these lusty Spanyards Palladine without any further spéeches with a braue carire encountred the prating companion who though he brake his Launce with good courage on the Prince was throwne with such violence from his horsse as he lay not able to stirre hand or foote Which when the other three beheld they ran altogether against the Prince who gaue the foremost such a freendly welcome as falling on his head to the ground brake his necke with the weight of his owne bodie The other twaine at this encounter had broken their Launces on Palladine and now drew their Swords thinking to reuenge their fellowes ill fortune but greatly did they finde themselues deceiued for the Prince séeing he had no more to deale withall thou these two redoubled so many fierce strokes vpon them as the one fell out of his Saddle depriued of his sences and the other to saue his life would haue fled away the Prince disappointing him of that benefit by hamstringing his horsse caused him to fall to the earth when snatching off his Helmet with his Sword would haue smitten his head from his shoulders Alas Sir Knight cried the vanquished Spanyard saue my life I yeeld my selfe to thy mercy what I haue done against thee was in reuenge of my Brother whome thou first dismounted accurssed be the houre that he spake so vndiscretly this is not the first time I haue endangered my life onely to sustaine his fond and ouerfoolish quarrels Mercie I graunt thee aunswered Palladine so thou promise and sweare to fulfill one thing which is that so soone as thy woundes are healed thou shalt go to the King of Englands Court there submitting thy selfe to his will and mercie And thou shalt say to him that the two Knightes which departed thence with two Ladyes and if Knight who was there deliuered from enchauntment in reuerent wise salute his Maiestie hauing sent thée to be disposed at his pleasure Moreouer thou shalt not faile to tell him the cause why we sent thee in this sort to his highnesse The like declaration shalt thou make before the Queene and her two Daughters Marcelina and Florea All this will I gladly accomplish answered the Spanyard but as for my Brother and the other Knightes I thinke they will neuer passe further
Palladine least any other should come foorth of the Castell to resist him When the Porter sawe the Prince enter the Castell and with him the Knight whome his maisters Sonnes were sent to kill or bring thither prisoner he ranne vp the staires into the Hall crying murther murther to armes Gentlemen for we are all betrayed At this fearefull cry the Lord of the Castell being an auncient man went to the window ouer the gate and seeing his Sonne and seruants lying on the ground eyther slaine or in no better case he fell in a swoune and had not one of his Gentlemen beene by to helpe him he neuer had recouered life againe But being come to himselfe he with seauen more were presently armed and vnderstanding by the Porter that but thrée men kept the Castell gate he with his people came downe into the Court and like a Lion enraged smote at Palladine saying Uillaine well mayst thou cursse thy comming hither to murther my Sonnes both thou and the Traytor in thy company shall déerely abide it Uery sharply did they beset the Prince his Squire Lycelio and the Knight yet in the end they vanquished all but two who submitted themselues and called for mercie for which good fortune the Knight humbly thanked Palladine who calling the Damosell into the Castell because feare made her tary still without made fast the gate and went vp into a faire chamber where they were vnarmed and their wounds bound vp And while prouision was making for their Supper the Prince ●ntreated the Knight to te●●●he occasion why he was brought thither so bound and misused Worthie Sir aunswered the Knight a true discourse shall I make of all my trouble and thus it is The Lord of this place the auncient man whome you first ouercame in the Court had thrée Sonnes one whereof I found about a moneth since in a little Warren néer to my house which is distant hence not past a mile and thither had he allured a yong mayden the daughter to a poore tenaunt of mine where villainously he sought to dishonor her My selfe by good hap walking that way beheld the poore virgin before him on her knees he hauing his Sword drawne in his hand threatning therewith to cut her throate if she would not accomplish his vnlawfull desire When I sawe this vncouth spectacle and that the poore mayden was out of breath with strugling and striuing to defend her chastitie I came to him and fréendly intreated him to forbeare that bad minde but he immediatly without vsing any words better or worsse left the mayden and with his Sword began to assayle me where doubtlesse I had béene murthered had I not béene prouided for mine owne defence yet did I make such good shift with him as he was fayne to submit himselfe to my mercie which I was contented to graunt him vpon promise that he would neuer offer the like vile attempt not fitting the name of a Gentleman who rather ought to defend the chastitie of virgins But the forsworne wretch kept not his promise with me for so soone as I had left him he ran after the poore mayden againe who thought to saue her selfe by flight to her Fathers house and in despight that he was vanquished by me or what else I knowe not he stabd her to the heart with his dagger I hearing her pitifull cry when the wound was giuen ran after the murtherer who turned againe valiantly to resist me but I handled him in such sort as he accompanyed the poore mayden in death A Lackey that attended on this lubricious villayne seeing his mayster had giuen his last farewell to the world immediatly caryed the newes to the Lord his Father and his other two Brethren whom you slew without the gate The Brethren made sollemne promise to their Father that they would take the most cruell vengeance on me as could be deuised awayting opportunitie to execute theyr bloodie intents and this day as I was walking in my garden hauing no other defence then as you sée me in my doublet they layd violent hands on me binding me on the horsse as you found me and but for you God knowes how they meant to haue vsed me Sir Knight quoth Palladine thanke God for your deliuerance and next to him the wise Lady Orbiconte who sent this Damosell to conduct me hither for your succour Ah my good Lord aunswered the Knight often haue I heard of that worthy woman who as I vnderstand is Sister to the King of Aquilea a maruailous louer of Knightes vertuous and valiant I promise ye right soone will I go giue her thanks for this excéeding fauour Palladine hearing him speake of Aquilea remembred the letters engrauen on his Sword for which cause he determined to trauaile thither to finde the wise Orbiconte that she might shew him the Lady whereof in his sléepe she did aduertise him Upon this resolution they sate downe to meate and after the Tables were withdrawne the Damosell thus spake Sir Knight you haue accomplished the promise you made me for which I thanke ye and will make report thereof to my Lady and mistresse to whome I must with all dilligence returne being assured of this Knightes safetie wherefore I humbly take my leaue because I meane to be gone very earely in the morning Palladine sorie she would be gone so soone sayd If it like ye faire Damosell I will conduct ye on your way for your Ladyes sake who beares me such affection without any desert My Lord quoth she I hartely thanke ye but my Lady commaunded me to returne alone assuring me to escape on the way without any disturbance and albeit she had not so charged me yet should ye not by my meanes trauaile so soone for your wounds are yet not to dally withall but I will leaue an vnguent with your Squire that shall right soone recouer them from danger Seeing then sayd Palladine that my companie is needlesse let me intreate ye to commend me to your mistresse to whome while I liue I shall remaine an affectionate seruant and Knight And to the end you may remember me and in requitall of the good Sheeld you brought me weare this chayne of gold for my sake and forget not my humble dutie to the Lady Orbiconte The Damosell receiuing the chayne tooke her leaue of him and the Knight and on the morrow rode toward Aquilea leauing Palladine with the Knight who brought the Prince to his owne Castell shewing him ●h● place where the incontinent villaine murthered the yong virgin CHAP. XVII ¶ How the Prince Palladine trauailing toward Aquilea was aduertised of the beautie of Brisalda Duchesse of Bulgaria for whose loue Dardalon the proud mayntayned Ioustes against all commers and of the cruell Combate betweene him and Palladine PAlladine remained with the Knight till his wounds were healed being entertayned meruaylous nobly and setting on his iourney toward Aquilea on the frontiers of Dace he met an armed Knight with a Squire bearing his Helmet and Launce whome
and if in ought else I can doo ye any seruice till the latest houre of death will I willingly imploy my selfe Brisalda who was as it were rauished with contemplating his beautie tooke him by the hand and causing him to arise sayd With all my heart gentle Sir I thanke ye and accept your offer so freendly made for I greatly doubt ere long I shall neede your assistance against the Giant Brandidoll Cousin to him whome you haue slaine for no sooner shall he heare of his death but hither will he come and accuse me as authour thereof because Dardalon being enamoured of me ordeyned this Tourney thinking to espouse me either by loue or force In this did Brandidoll promise his ayd and diuers other of their faction as bad as they many of them being now slayne which so contents me as nothing can do more And were I as well rid of cruell Brandidoll hencefoorth should I liue in peace without feare or suspition of any one for when the mightie enemies are quailed the meaner dare not presume to stirre Madame quoth Palladine perswade your selfe in this that in respect of your innocencie God will not suffer you to take any wrong but that your enemies shall worke their owne confusion Longer they would haue continued in talke but that the Gentleman Ussher gaue warning of dinner wherefore the Duchesse went and sate downe at the Table Palladine sitting iust opposite to her who tooke so great pleasure in hearing him speake as she had no mind to eate or drinke All which Palladine heedfully noted and God knowes how well it liked him for if the one were passionate in loue you may think y e other was in the same predicament Oftentimes would they throwe such wounding lookes on each other as neyther had power to speake a word but to couer this alteration the Prince feigned to listen to the consort of musique which plaied all dinner time maruellous swéetly The Tables withdrawne she tooke him by the hand and caused him to sit downe in a chaire by her while many yong Lords and Ladyes daunced after that Countrey manner You may not daunce Sir quoth she because our Chirurgions doo thinke it hurtfull for your woundes beside rest is verie néedfull for you in respect of the rough combate you had with Dardalon whome to your great honor you worthely conquered For any thing I haue done swéete Madame quoth he let the credit thereof remaine to your selfe and thinke me as readie to doo you seruice as he that is most forward among your seruants of which number I desire ye to accept me as one Uns●emely were it good Knight quoth she to account of you as my seruāt but if you please to stay in this Cuntry you shall perceiue by my endeuours heereafter that I both honor and reuerence such men as you are As she would haue proceeded further her Gouernesse came and said it was time she should resort to her Chamber wherevpon they parted not without sufficient shewes on either side that betweene them was a sympathie of affection What seuerall afflictions they endured in absence let them imagine who haue no comfort but in the presence of their fauourite As for the Duchesse she on the morrow sent the Prince a rich Diamond by one of her Ladies with this message y t it was her determined iewell to the best combatant and therefore his due as hauing deserued it beyond all other Palladine receiued it verie thankefully returning this aunswere by the Lady that in requitall of that gentle gift he would that day enter the Listes and against all commers maintaine the beautie of the Duchesse As for his wounds Lycelio had annointed them with the precious vnguent which the Damosell brought from the wise Orbiconte so that they were verie soundly healed For ioy of this aunswere the Duchesse caused a goodly Scaffold to be erected whereon she and her Ladies would stand to see the Iousts and at each end of the Listes were sumptuous Trophees curiously placed decked with diuers impreses and mots of loue in artificiall Tables hanging thereon While Palladine and the other Lords were arming th●●selues he was aduertised of an other Knight new entred the féeld who was the Prince Al●ian of I●ela●● a yong braue and gallant Knight at armes one that was highly affected to the Duchesse Brisalda So soone as he was entred the Listes he was encountred by a Moore Knight vnknowne who was dismounted at the first course the like successe had eight or ten more which Palladine perceiuing he gaue his horsse the spurres against this lustie champion lifting him halfe a foote in height from his Saddle And as they were taking new Launces for the second race there entred a mightie man armed cap a pe who furiously said Where is the villaine that slew my Cousin Dardalon by the great God this day will I giue his flesh to the dogs and hers likewise that was the cause ther●of pointing to the yong Duchesse Brisalda And because he had heard that a yong Knight did his kinseman to death he ranne in a rage on the Prince Alfian of Ireland giuing him such a stroke on the head with his great Semitarie as the gentle Alfian fell beside his horsse Palladine thinking this to be Brandidoll and séeing him readie to smite off the Princes head ranne to him saying It is with me that thou must deale I slew thy Cousin Dardalon as his villainie and crueltie well deserued Brandidoll without making any aunswere left the Prince of Ireland and ioyned with Palladine when continued betwéene them a long and terrible combate Each one verily expected Palladines death such was the great oddes betwéene him and his enemie but so happily it fell out in the ende that Brandidoll by treading on the trunchion of a Launce fell downe backward when the Prince taking his aduantage got sure hold of him and smote off his head For ioy of this victorie the Trompets chéerefully sounded and the Duchesse discending from the Scaffold commaunded the Ioustes to ceasse for that day and comming to the Prince gaue him many thanks in that he had deliuered her from two such cruell enemies who sought the subuersion and spoile of her honor With meruailous signes of ioy they returned to the Pallace where Palladine was immediatly brought to his chamber and such wounds as he had receiued in fight were dilligently regarded by the Duchesse Chirurgions Each day would she duly come to sée him and vnderstanding that he was Sonne to th● King of England practised how to vnite her selfe with him in marriage And as an earnest of her perfect loue she permitted him to gather that daintie flower which many had with long pursuite laboured for he not refusing so braue a conquest because he verily perswaded himselfe that Brisald● was the Lady of whome the wise Orbiconte had told him wherefore during the space of sixe wéekes he continued there in this heauen of delight till fortune iealous of so mutuall agreement
separated them as you shall presently heare CHAP. XIX ¶ How a strange aduenture happened in the Citie of Varne by the ending whereof the Prince Palladine determined to depart from the Duchesse Brisalda HEere must I intreate ye to remember the Princes of Norgalles and Scots Landastines and Simprinell whome we left in the King of Englands Court Landastines being enamoured on the Princesse Florea Sister to Palladine as Manteleo was of his faire Marcelina Simprinell loth to part them that agréed so well left his companion in England trauailing to the King of Norgalles Court where he certified his Maiestie of the good estate of his Sonne Landastines Which newes were so welcome to the King as he intreated Simprinell to abide in his Court that he might shew him the pleasures of his Realme whereto the yong Prince right willingly condiscended as one desirous to behold nouelties But rather the chéefest cause was his affection to the faire Princesse Belanicia daughter to the King of Norgalles with whose beawtie he was meruailously enthralled and not daring to acquaint her with his loue he fell into a dangerous sicknes to the great gréef of the King who loued him as he had béene his owne Sonne In the end the Phisitions hauing declared to Simprinell how perillous his case stood by concealing his gréefe made him thus resolued that before he died he would make knowne to the Princesse Belanicia who oftentimes came her selfe to visit him and sent him many comfortable meates in his sicknesse the originall cause of his extremitie And one time among other the Lady that was most vsually sent by the Princesse and in whome she reposed greatest confidence desired him to bewray from whence his sicknesse grew promising withall that she would labour to her vttermost to procure his health The yong Prince very modest and bashfull taking the Lady by the hand thus aunswered Faire freend I thanke ye for your readie good will in séeking my helpe which is a matter not impossible to bee done but as for the cause of my languishing disease I will not acquaint ye therewith vnlesse ye sweare to keepe the same secret not reuealing it to any one but such as I shall name Assure your selfe thereof said the Lady by the faith of a virgin Know then sweete Lady quoth Simprinell that my extreame sicknesse happened by no other cause then the loue and affection I beare to your mistresse and feare to offend her or the King hath by silence of my loue brought me to this daunger Why my Lord quoth she you that are of so high and honorable discent can ye offend my Lady by louing her or you that are as good as she doo not deserue loue for loue she is the child of a King and so are you beside she is humble and gracious as any Princesse liuing then feare not to let her knowe your daunger Alas Madame quoth he neuer shall I dare to speake to her but may it please you to solicite my cause yet with carefull héed of her dislike I shall confesse my life preserued by you And so much will I doo for ye my Lord quoth she without giuing her any occasion of offence but rather shall I doo it in such sort as by a speedie answere you shall perceiue her mind Go then good madame said the Prince and boldly may ye assure her that my life or death is in her hand So went the Lady to her mistresse to whome she imparted what you haue heard wherewith she was so well pleased as she presently sent to him againe this aunswere that she entertained his loue with the like and that as he would witnesse his affection towards her he should practise what spéed he could deuise for his health These words breathed such life into the Prince as within few dayes he was perfectly recouered when after many amorous parlees with Belanicia she to make a triall how his loue was grounded hauing heard report of the faire Duchesse Brisalda desired him to trauell to Varne in Bulgaria carying with him her liuely counterfeit and there to maintaine against all Knightes whatsoeuer that she was fairer then the Duchesse Brisalda on which condition she would accept him as her Knight and loyall seruant Simprinell glad to be so commaunded the next day hee departed with his foure Squires and comming to Varne where the Duchesse remained heard what braue imployment was there in Chiualrie wherefore comming to the accustomed place of the Tourney on a faire Piller he placed his Ladyes picture saying he would maintaine against all commers that his mistresse excéeded the Duchesse Brisalda in beautie The Knightes attendant on the Duchesse were amazed héereat preparing themselues to defend her cause but Simprinell willed them first to bring the Duchesse counterfeit and it to be placed by his Ladies and the conquerour should carie them both with him Right soone was the Duchesse figure set on the Piller and Simprinell this first day dismounted twelue Knights Palladine being ridden abroade on hunting which made Brisalda despaire of her fortune fearing the strange champion would depart vnconquered This dayes good successe emboldened Simprinell to try the second when Palladine entring the Listes among the other Knightes whome one by one he saw brauely vnhorsed he came to Simprinell with these spéeches In sooth Sir Knight I commend your enterprise beeing a cause that maketh many forward in Armes but as for the Lady whome you extoll beyond my Lady the Duchesse héer present I say and will auerre the contrary against you and all other till the houre of death If affection hath blinded your eyes I soone shall alter that opinion when your owne selfe shall confesse that your Lady is no way to be compared with mine I imagine by your words Sir answered Simprinell that you will defend your mistresse by the toong onely but let vs goe to the matter roundly for you are not yet so good an Oratour as to perswade me from a resolued assurance You thinke then quoth Palladine that I thinke to escape the Combate by my words Not so for you shall sée me effectually defend the honor of her beautie who is my mistresse So giuing the spurres to their horsses they encountred with such violence as Palladine lost his stirrops but Simprinell was cast foorth of his saddle to the great ioy of the Duchesse and her freends that his presumptuous arrogancie was so worthely checked Afterward they fell to the Combate with the Sword and long they fought without any aduantage till Palladine by tripping his enemie got him downe and himselfe vpon him when holding his Sword ouer him he sayd Now must thou confesse the Duchesse Brisalda to be a Lady farre excelling thine in beautie elfe art thou not like to sée her again● Seeing fortune hath throwne me into this extremitie said Simprinell I confesse my selfe vanquished but to say that my mistresse is inferiour to thine I will not though I die therefore nor am I otherwise bound by my owne conditions
then to leaue her portrait to the will of the conquerour The Iudges of the féeld gaue sentence accordingly wherevpon Palladine left Simprinell and went to place the Duchesse counterfeit aboue Belanicia albeit he perceiued her figure much more beautifull by which conceit he gathered that this was she of whome the wise Orbiconte told him wherefore he onely minded Belanicia purposing right soone to forsake the Duchesse As he was vnarming in his chamber he began to thinke how he might leaue Brisalda and what excuse would serue for his departure yet when he considered his good entertainement and what especiall fauour he had receiued at her hands he altered his mind reputing the words of Orbiconte for méere illusions And as he continued in this déepe musing he thought he heard one whisper in his eare saying It is not heere Palladine that thou must abide wherefore follow the good fortune that is promised thée Héerevpon he concluded what euer happened he would depart on the morrow and thereof that night he meant to aduertise the Duchesse to whome he went right soone afterward CHAP. XX. ¶ How Palladine aduertised the Duchesse of his departure and how trauailing to the Realme of Norgalles he had a dangerous Combate with Simprinell whome he knew afterward SUch were y t troublesome thoughts of Palladine in hastening his departure toward Belanicia as without any longer stay he came to the Duchesse who séeing him looke so sad desired to knowe the cause thereof In sooth Madame quoth he I can not forget the strange Knight that I Iousted withall this day right sorie I am that I demaunded not his name for I imagin I haue sometime seene him in England If that be all sayd the Duchesse we will send for the Knight hither but her sending was in vaine for he departed immediatly after the Combate When Palladine sawe no excuses would serue but she would néedes presse him with earnest request of his penstuenesse he said Let it not dislike ye good Madame if I haue intended any thing for your honor and mine owne but rather conceiue thereof as it deserueth Full well you knowe faire mistresse that hardly can we continue our loue together enioying the benefite y t good hap affoords vs without iealous suspition of your Lords and Ladyes and affection maketh amorous fréends oftentimes forgetfull of themselues so that béeing subiect to the iudgement of many they shall hardly escape without scandalous and peremptorie spéeches And nothing sweet Madame is more hurtfull to our honors especially yours in respect of your greatnesse and authoritie to preuent which danger and that héereafter we may stand out of the reach of wounding toongs I meane to trauaile to England to the King my Father whome I wil acquaint with the intended mariage betwéene vs and his good will obtained right soone shall I returne to haue it accomplished In the meane while you may conferre thereon with the Lords of your Councell who I thinke will not dislike thereof when they vnderstand my birth and parentage so shall our credits be safely defended and what hath past alreadie be sufficiently recompenced When Brisalda heard these spéeches her heart was so swollen with gréefe as she was not able to make any aunswere whereat he could not but meruaile considering his words tended to great reason yet with such zealous perswasions he still laboured her making faithfull promise of his spéedie returne as in the end he obtained her consent albeit God knowes verie vnwillingly Giuing her then an amorous conge he tooke two bracelets from his armes verie richly embellished with pearle and stone and presented them to the Duchesse saying On the same day I came to your Court swéete Madame you gaue me a iewell which I will kéepe for your sake while I liue that you may likewise remember me I beséech ye to weare these bracelets which were giuen me by my mother on the day I was Knighted Alas my Lord quoth she I doubt you haue left me such a remembrance as except you spéedily returne againe will beare me company to my latest home Yet will I kéepe one of the bracelets for your sake and when you come againe I will haue the other So putting the bracelet on her arme she vowed neuer to take it off vntill she sawe her Knight returned With many kind embracings and deuoute kisses he returned to his lodging and the Duchesse to her chamber where calling her trustie maiden to her who was a captiue Moore and one not a little in her fauour being acquainted with all that had passed betweene the Prince and her with many bitter sighes and teares she telles the Moore the summe of her greefe The Moore perswaded her that the Prince heerein had done aduisedly for safetie of both their honors if their loue as greatly she doubted had sorted to effect for secrecie must be the meane to couer such matters which she would so substancially bring to passe as none but themselues should be acquainted therewith With much adóo the Duchesse was pacified and on the morrow when Palladine departed she sent him a pursse of gold to spend in his trauaile causing her Lords to accompanie him two or thrée miles on his way and so though loth these louers are seperated the Duchesse abiding ●olitarie in her Pallace and Palladine hauing bidden the Lords adiew is iourneying in haste toward Norgalles He had not ridden halfe part of the day but a Knight with thrée Squires gallopped after him crying Stay Sir Knight for héere commes one that must speake with thée Palladine presently turning his horsse tooke his Launce from his Squire thus aunswering What is he that would speake with me let him kéepe out at the length of my Launce till I haue better knowledge of him why he should come to seeke me in such haste Because thou wouldest so faine knowe me aunswered the Knight thou shalt vnderstand that I am the man thou didst vanquish yesterday more by fortune then prowesse therefore I would now trie againe how well I can reuenge my former foyle So fetching their carire they encountred together so brauely as they were both dismounted and while their Squires laboured to catch their horsses that ran about the féeld they fell to the combate with the Sword and wounded each other very dangerously till in the end Palladine got the aduantage and as he made proffer to smite off his enemies head he knew him to be Simprinell Sonne to the King of Scots Soone was all the former vnkindnesse pacified and each embraced other verie louingly reproouing themselues of great wrong to fréendship yet excusing the same by ignorance When their Squires sawe how they were wounded one of them thus spake In this wood my Lords is a faire Abbey and there remaineth one verie skilfull in Chirurgerie so please ye to goe thither the Abbot will entertaine ye gently because he is brother to a worthie Gentleman who spent his time as a Knight errant and for his sake he loueth all
therefore was content to be esteemed but as a poore Knight errant The Duke merily demaunded of Palladine whether he trauailed and about what affaires My Lord quoth the Prince my iourney is to Paris and no other busines haue I there then to make one in the famous Tournament ordained by the Prince Caesar of Roome for loue of the faire Rosamonde of Fraunce But will you quoth the Duke aduenture your selfe against a Prince so magnanimous In sooth aunswered Palladine I will try my fortune both against him and other if I may Alas said the Duke scoffingly your courage excéedes your abilitie if you desire the combate as you professe I would aduise ye not to meddle with Caesar for if ye doo you will hardly deale with any other afterward Let that fall out quoth Palladine as my fatall Starres haue appointed if I be vanquished I must put it vp with patience for I am as all men are subiect to fortune You are then said the Duke the Knight of fortune and she your mistresse yet can I scant thinke it vnlesse that is she which is painted in your Shéeld Palladine seeing the Duke so scorne him angerly aunswered In truth my Lord your lips hang in your light in taking the God of loue to be fortune I see I am deceiued quoth the Duke for Cupid hath made you a louing Knight by the faith I beare to Chiualrie me thinks amorous conceites doo ill agrée with so yong a countenance I scant thinke said Palladine that your elder countenance can disgrace mine so yong Be not angrie Gentleman quoth the Duke the tune is dangerous for diseases and if you chase your selfe too much you may chance to be beguiled of all your wit If I happen héereafter said Palladine either to borrow some wit of you or to lend you more then you seeme to haue thinke a yong man as able as he that lookes more auncient and for your scoffing floutes the next time I meete with yee you and I will try who is the better man So taking a Scarffe from about his arme he threw it to the Duke saying In witnesse of my words there is my gadge which I will fetch againe before I will forfeit it and pay you vsurie inough for your taunting speeches With which words he galloped an other way the Duke in great laughter bidding him adiew but Palladine rode on verie paciently minding to be reuenged on the Duke when he came to Paris But it fell out contrarie to his expectation for the Duke and all his Knightes riding toward Paris were taken by two cruell Outlawes that kept a strong Castell they beeing named Brulanfutior and Frucidant who likewise kept the Prince Lewes of Fraunce prisoner because Brulanfurior sought to marie with his Sister Rosamonde and béeing denyed as vnworthie so faire a Princesse hée and his Brother left the Court alluring with them the yong Prince Lewes and there led a most hatefull and despised life emprisoning all the Knightes they could get and stealing all necessaries from the poore countreymen By this Castell Palladine chaunced to ride when he saw the seruants to these cruel men take violently a great heard of Sheepe from two poore Shepheards which he got them againe by killing the theeues and afterward vnderstanding the thraldome of Prince Lewes disguised in Shepheards habits he and Lycelio entred the Castell where by pollicie they slew Brulanfurior and Frucidant with all the villaines that attended on them Then searching the Prisons they found the Prince Lewes the Dukes of Sauoy Gaule and Guienne the Countie of Champaigne and many other great Lords prisoners there to whome he gaue libertie and so the Duke of Gaule confessing his former folly was freendly pardoned by the Prince Palladine and there stayed three or foure dayes in companie with the Princes while Lycelio annointed his woundes with the precious vnguent so that they were sound and perfectly healed CHAP. XXII ¶ How the Princes Palladine and Lewes of Fraunce arriued at Paris and of the noble deedes of armes accomplished by the Prince Caesar in the Ioustes which he maintained for the loue of faire Rosamonde of Fraunce QUietly remained the Princes in the Castell of Brulanfurior and beguiling the time with repetition of many Knightly aduentures till féeling themselues in good plight to trauaile and knowing the day was now at hand when y e Prince Caesar would begin his enterprise for faire Rosamonde when Lewes committing the Castell to the custodie of a trustie Gentleman and what prisoners remained to stay the censure of the King his Father with Palladine he set forward to Paris Loth was the English Prince to be knowne as yet to the King of Fraunce vntill he had tried his fortune against Caesar of Roome wherefore he intreated Prince Lewes and the rest to conceale his name and for I would not be knowne quoth Palladine by my Shéeld I beséech ye good freend Lewes to lend me yours which I will imploy with such chiualrie as you shal not be dishonored therby Prince Lewes graunted Palladines request and comming to Lo●●re where the King then lay no little ioy was made for the returne of the yong Prince And when the King demaunded for the Knight that slew Brulanfurior and Frucidant the Prince aunswered that he was gone to Paris but would not be knowne till he had Io●sted with the Prince Caesar. On the morrow the Tournament began and the Knightes entring the Lystes the King and all the estates placed to regard the sports Prince Caesar verie brauely came foorth of his Tent and the first that made offer to runne with him was the Duke of Gaule who bare in his Sheeld for his deuise a Knight fighting with a Lion Whereby was figured the noble assistance he gaue to his Lady Agricia who had beene deuoured by a Lion had not he defended her whereupon she entertained him as her Knightly seruant commanding him to trauaile to Paris and to maintaine her beautie against Prince Caesar of Roome as farre excelling faire Rosamonde of Fraunce For this cause he entred the Listes and comming to Caesar thus spake Hither am I come Sir Knight to iustifie that my mistresse faire Agricia of Naples exceedeth Rosamonde in all perfections of beautie And I quoth Caesar will maintaine the contrarie that the Lady thou hast named deserues not to be equalled with my diuine Goddesse So coutching their Launces they met together with exquisite chiualrie and at the second encounter the Duke of Gaule was vnhorssed when being caried into his Tent by his Squires verie sore hurt and brused with his fall he entred into many dolorous complaints because he had so lost the honor of his mistresse Landastines of Norgalles and Simprinell of Scotland being come thither to finde the Prince Palladine determined to make proofe of their valour against Caesar but they accompanied the Duke of Gaule in misfortune and so did diuers other Knightes after them Then entred the Listes two braue gallants the one in azured Armour thick
downe to a Riuer side where he met an aged Hernut with an earthen Pitcher in his hand full of water and hauing saluted the old Father demaunded of him if any Towne or Uillage were neere at hand or any religious Church or Chappell where a Knight might be buried whome he had found slaine in that Forrest In sooth my Lord answered the Hermit he is not the first that hath béene murthered in this place for I haue enterred fiftéene or sixteene in my little Chappell which is kept with holie and religious deuotion where if you please the Knight you speake of may be buried and I will helpe to carie him thither for no other place is neere at hand by two good leagues and more Good Father then said the Knight of Fame your gentle offer shall be accepted the bodie is not farre hence and little labour shall you take for his Squire and mine shall lay him on a horsse and so conuay him to your Chappell without trouble So went he with the Hermit to the dead bodie and awaking the Squires conuaied it to the Hermits Chappell in manner aforesaid where the funerall ceremonies finished the Knight of Fame rewarded the old Hermit and afterward mounted on horseback all thrée riding straight to Tolledo and passing the ●●ood Dori● entred the Realme of Portugall where they vnderstood that Galitreo was as then at the Court. Don Robert sendeth his Squire to the King to request safe conduct for arriuall at the Pallace which béeing obtained in presence of his Maiestie he thus began Hither am I come worthie Prince to let you knowe that in your Court abideth the most traiterous and disloyall Knight as euer was heard of and who not four daies since hath doone such a deede in Spayne as no one bearing Armes would haue committed the like By treason and villainie hath he murdred one of the most valiant Knights in Europe as I vnderstand for neuer did I knowe the man 〈◊〉 see him till he was dead he being named Don Frionell of Scicilie who left your Court by commaundement of Madame Minoretta vpon an occasion best knowne to her selfe Full well did I knowe the man answered the King but name him to me who slew Frionell in such sort as thou sayest to the end I may cause him come and defend his cause and if he did it in manner as thou hast declared or else can bring any proofe thereof neuer shall he enter the combate with thée but iustice shall be inflicted on him as so foule an offence deserueth As for me my Lord answered the Knight of Fame I can make no other proofe thereof then by this Squire that serued Don Frionell in whose armes I sawe the Knight breathe his last and dying confessed that the Castill●●n Prince slewe him by treason wherefore my Lord send for him and if he denie it heere am I readie to auouch it and by my Sword will make him confesse it The King hearing him name the Prince of Castile was greatly astonied héereat for he knew not that he was absent from his Court so lately and the Queene with her Ladies being present were no lesse abashed but aboue all the Princesse Minoretta who hearing the death of her valiant Knight whome she in loue had made cheefest account of immediatly such sorrow strooke to her heart as her speech failing her and a cold chilling blood passing the condu●ts of her vaines she leaned on the lap of her Gouernesse where falling in a dead traunce all the Ladies had much adoo to get life in her againe But she being recouered and each one placed as they were before Galitreo was sent for to whome the King thus spake Beléeue me Galitreo I alwayes conceiued well of you till now perswading my selfe of your truth and discretion that nothing in the world could mooue ye so much as to thinke a bad thought much lesse to commit any acte of treason But what I say this Knight auoucheth that in Spayne you haue doone a deede of high dishonor where you being armed and well accompanied outragiously set vpon the noble Lord Don Frionell he being naked and without defence then and there you cruelly murdred him yea for a cause of no weight as I vnderstand what answere make ye to this accusation If Galitreo were then doubtfully surprized I referre to the iudgement of like bad minded men but hauing beheld the stearne countenance of the Knight of Fame with counterfeit reuerence thus replyed My Lord not onely now but at all times calumnia-tours and false accusers are easily found the greater part of the auncient Romaine Histories are stored with examples thereof but in the end such bastard broode of detractours haue felt the desert of their lauish toongs and innocencie hath vaunted with triumph This speake I in respect of this paillard who vnder your Maiesties correction hath falsly lied and as a leaser is to be esteemed For the woorthie Lord Don Frionell was one of the déerest freends I had in the world beside I dare gadge my life that this false wretch knowes me not or euer saw me before this instant I beléeue well quoth the Squire to Don Frionell that this Knight had no knowledge of you till now but I am assured that he hath spoken truth and so my maister himselfe confessed at his latest gaspe that because Madame Minoretta fauoured him and despised you therefore you wrought his death in that cruell manner The Knight of Fame perceiuing that Galitreo had no great mind to the combate interrupted the Squire and thus spake to the King I sée well my Lord that Don Galitreo despairing of his cause desires to trifle the time with many circumstances in that he thinketh me vnable to auerre mine accusation because I want further testimonie how he and his complices masked and disguised did the shamefull déed of death and murther may it therefore like your Maiestie to graunt vs the combate and in fight will I make manifest his treason Presumptuous as thou art quoth Galitreo doost thou thinke I feare to méete thée in plaine combate no so please my Lord the King I accept thy challenge and hauing giuen thee the due belonging to a false varlet will follow the quest of my déere freend Don Frionell Him maist thou dead quoth the Knight of Fame soone enough to thy shame not farre from the place where thou didst murther him in a little Hermitage in the same Forrest where I caused him to be interred as his Squire and mine owne are able to testifie Héereupon the King called two auncient Knightes who hauing heard the difference betwéene the Knight of Fame and Galitreo he demaunded their aduise in this doubtfull matter They thought it expedient that the combate should be graunted them to end the controuersie of further proofe because Frionell might be slaine by the accuser and his Squire as by Galitreo that stood accused Wherefore the King graunted them the combate at the Launce and Sword as is common among all
might finde them there quoth Zorian at our comming you maye be assured I would not hinder your mariage but assist it to the vttermost of my power for more account doo I make of your loue and fréendship then all the wealthy possessions af my Lord y e great Turk And one thing will I intreat ye faithfully to prom● me that the next day after our arriuall at your Fathers Court you will take such order as I maye be baptised in the faith of a Christian for I féele my conscience that way earnestly addicted Palladine not a little ioyfull of this request promised to perfourme what he had desired so sléep causing them to breake off talke the nexte morning they were earlye on Horsse backe and passing the Rheme they entred Lorrayne Afterward trauersing the Ardeines Luxenbourge and Liege they came into Brabant and from thence after many aduentures ended they crossed through Flaunders taking shipping at Callis and in shorte time landed at Douer in England where they stayed two or three daies to refresh them selues Then comming to London to the Court God knowes what ioy was there made for their arriuall the King to see his Sonne returned Manteleo and Landastines their long absent fréend and the Citizens their yong Prince whome they feared was lost let all their ioye be compared together and thinke of what efficacie so great a matter is because pen and paper cannot disclose it Palladine not vnmindefull of his passed promise acquainted the King his Father with the state of Zorian how graciouslye him selfe was entertained in the Court of Aquilea and how the Princes Sister was comming after with her Aunt a Ladye of incomparable vertues and graces and her noble brother renouncing his paganisme desired to be receiued into the fellowship of Christians not being able to enioy peace in conscience till he were deliuered of his vnbeleefe The King excéeding glad of these good newes caused such royall preparation to be made against the next daye as at a matter of such solemnitie is required there was Zorian and his Squire christened the King the Queene and the Earle of Fl●unders witnesses to the Prince and Palladine Manteleo and Marcelina to the Squire Ligasto Returning from the Church to the Pallace there was ordained a sumptuous feast and Zorian well regarding the Ladies of England among them all liked Graciana daughter to the Earle of Flaunders being then sodenly so enchaunted with her as he secretly vowed neuer to loue any other while he liued Palladine perceiuing his amorous glaunces on Graciana and noting the many alterations of his countenaunce immediatly knew what disease he was troubled withall which he desirous to ●●ttigate and to pleasure the Prince Zorian to his vttermoste the tables being withdrawen he tooke Graciana by the hand and bringing her to Zorian thus spake My Lord and noble companion for my sake loue this beautifull Lady she is named Graciana and I hope you shall finde her nature answerable to her name to wit gracious vertuous and honest I promise ye my Lord quoth Zorian you haue doone me the greatest pleasure in the World bringing to me a Lady so woorthily accomplished that I might learne to imitate her vertues which haue pearced my hart in such sorte as would she accept me to be her Knight and seruant neuer should any other Lady haue the honor of my loue I perceiue well then said Palladine that you are touched to the quick doo you twaine deuise togeather and in meane while I will goe talke with the Countie her Father So taking the Earle of Flaunders aside he rehearsed to him the manifolde vertues of the Prince Zorian and how intirely he loued his Daughter thinking it a great preferment to her if she ioyned with him in mariage Like spéeches hid he vse to the Queene his Mother who was Cosin germaine to the Carle of Flaunders and betweene them bothe handled the matter so effectuallye as within two dayes Zorian and Eraciana were affianced together their mariage being deferred because of Ambassadours were gone to Norgalles and Millaine to conclude the mariages betwéene Landastines Manteleo Marcelina and Florea and the Princes Fathers consent obtained all these mariages should be sollemnelye perfourmed togeather But twenty dayes being now past and Palladine hearing no tidinges of Nonparelia he began to waxe melanchollye halfe distrusting the promise of Orbiconte yet did not this pensiuenes continue long for she arriued soone after as you shall presently perceiue CHAP. XXXVII ¶ How the Princesse Nonparelia was deliuered to the great Turkes Ambassadours and how by the sorceries of the wise Orbiconte the Ships were scattered and what perswasions she vsed to the Mari●●ers who were very lothe to saile into England WIthin thrée dayes after the departure of Palladine and Zorian from Aquilea Nonparelia was honourably deliuered to the great Turks Ambassadours and with meruailous royaltye conuaied on Ship boorde accompanyed with her Aunt Orbiconte and a séemelye traine of Ladies beside The Ankers weyed and the sayles hoysed they launche into the deepe the Princesse still fearefull to loose the true owner of her loue yet comforted by her Aunt that in few dayes they would sée England Being entred the Mediterranean Sea Orbiconte saw it was time to set her practise abroche and seeing the Pilots and Mariners were all at rest with a Booke in her hand she came vp on the deck where brething her charmes into the aire and filling the sayles with her vnhallowed spelles the windes began to blowe terribly and the Seas were troubled with wonderfull roughnes that the Mariners awaked with the horror of the storme awaiting euery hower their vtter destruction In this tempest the ships were seperated so farre a sunder as the Turkes dispaired of euer méeting againe so that the vessell wherin y e Princesse and Orbiconte were by daye was on the borders of Scicilie and very néere to the Labean promontarie albeit the Pilot could not tell in what Cuntrie they were Then Orbiconte calling the Gouernours of the Ship to her and the Gentlemen appointed to attende on the Princesse in the presence of her Niece thus spake to them You haue seene my good freendes in what extreame danger we haue beene this night past and I thinke there is no one amonge yee but is perswaded that our Gods haue especially preserued vs yea by wonderfull miracle from shipwracke wherwith euery minute of an hower we were threatned In like sorte you may imagine that not without some secret and hidden cause we are caste into these partes and scattered from the Ships of my Lordes Ambassadours héerby doo our Gods euidentlye manifest that men how strong or puissant so euer they be cannot bring to end any intended enterprise vnlesse it be ordered by their fauour and direction and heerehence ariseth the the common prouerb That men purpose and the Gods dispose It is well knowne to you that the King my brother hath graunted in mariage my Niece Nonparelia to our Lord the great