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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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vnto them who beeing turned from iniquitie do lead a new life 1 LIke as if the Seruant of some Noble man or Gentleman were for committing of treason felonie or murther condemned and going to the place of execution and his Lord or Maister of meere fauour and good will should not onely by earnest sute to her Maiestie procure a pardon for his life and so deliuer him from that villainous death but also should adopt and take him for his sonne and heire if he now after this his deliuerance go and say I will take my pleasure be Idle and follow mine owne phantasie and neuer endeuour to please or pleasure his Lord and Maister but rather seeke to hurt and displease him euerie way that hee can such a wretch deserueth to be punished most extreamely Euen so such as say that Christ hath Redeemed vs and by his death hath purchased for vs forgiuenesse of sinnes righteousnesse and life euerlasting and hath adopted vs to bee his sonnes and heires wherefore we will take our pleasure be Idle and rather we will doo more wickednesse doubtlesse Christ dyed not for such nor satisfied for their offences no nor yet merited heauen for them to the end that they shouid spend their dayes in Idlenesse and heape sinne vpon sinne but rather to liue Christianly and godly Ro. 6.4 Gal. 5.24 Tit. 2.11 2. Tim. 2.19 Luk. 1.75 Ephe. 1.4 2.10 1. Pet. 1.15 2 Like as if an Astrologer could or should tell an ambitious Cardinall that he should be Pope although hee did put an vndoubted trust therein yet for all that hee would not be Idle but would vse all the meanes that possible he could to attaine and come to that dignitie Euen so the Children of GOD the surer they are that Christ hath Redeemed them so much the more they vnderstand the great good will of God towards thē and therefore they are alwayes forced more and more by godly conuersation of life to make certaine vnto themselues the knowledge of their election and Redemption by Christ 2. Pet. 1.10 3 If a miserable and wretched Theefe shall haue committed many thefts and murthers and after that his wicked deedes were knowne the sonne of a King should be brought to be arrained and condemned for the same and so beare the punishment thereof and this theefe to be discharged and pardoned if herevpon the theefe should reioyce and make a scoffe at him when hee seeth the sonne of a King to be put to death and suffer the punishment that hee deserued such a Caytiffe deserueth a most horrible death Euen so at this present it fareth with vs behold our Sauiour Christ the onely Sonne of God is imprisoned and we deliuered hee condemned and we pardoned hee put to death and to all shame and we receiued to honour it is not therefore for vs to be drowsie-headed and liue securely and to flatter our selues in our sinnes and iniquities 4 As the Israelites were neuer able to yeeld sufficient thanks to God for their bodily deliuerance from the bondage which they were in in Egypt So to Christ our Sauiour for our Redemption and spirituall deliuerance from the tyrannie of Sathan and sinne Exo. 14.30 20.2 Psal 81.10 Gods Prouidence ouer his Children 1 AS it was impossible that Herod and Pilate together with the Gentiles and Iewes should conclude more and bring any more to passe in afflicting Iesus Christ our head then the hand and counsell of the Lord hath ordained to be done from euerlasting So also it is impossible that the Herods of our time the Pilates the Pharisies togither with the mad and bewitched people should take more in hand and bring more to passe in afflicting the members of Christ then the hand and counsell of God hath first decreed to be brought to passe by them Act. 4.27.28 Iohn 7.30 8.20 2 As the smallest birds of the earth are not taken without the will and prouidence of our heauenly Father Euen so nothing good or euill dooth happen vnto Gods Children without his prouident will Math. 10.29 Amo. 3.6 3 As the Lord in mercie feedeth the birds of the ayre that they haue sufficient and also so gallantly decketh the Lillies of the field which bee so gorgiously and so richly cloathed that euen Salamon in all his royaltie was not apparelled like one of them Euen so much more if wee haue an assured trust in him so liberall and bountifull a Father he will not doubtlesse see vs his Children lacke any thing that good is concerning our foode or sustenance apparell or cloathing as shall be meete and expedient for vs. Math. 6.26 28 29 30. What Comfort we receiue by the name of Christ or annoynted 1 LIke as the annoynting whereby at Gods Commaundement Prophets Priests and Kings were appoynted amongst his people with an outward and visible Oyle was a publike testimonie that God would gouerne and defend his people by this person and also keep and vphold his diuine worship and likewise teach his people and this person had commaundement of this thing that they might suffer themselues to be gouerned cleansed and taught Euen so the Sonne of God manifested in the flesh concerning his manhood is annoynted with the holy Ghost without measure which is the truth of that outward annoynting and so is ordeined and giuen of the Father to the Prophet Priest and King of his Church 2 As it must needs be that all they be made sadde that doubt vnder what Lord they are in this life whether vnder Christ or Satan So on the contrarie it cannot be but all they must be filled with ioy who by the inward testimonie of the annoynting of faith and by the outward washing of holy Baptisme are assured that they are vnder Christ the King of righteousnesse Col. 1.13 Luk. 17.21 2.10 11. 3 Like as in time past when Salamon by the commandement of God was annointed there was publike ioy amōg the people of God because they knew that God wold do them good and defend them by the hand of a King Euen so wee when we heare out of the word of God that our Lord Iesus is Christ that is that same annoynted of the Lord we ought with the Angels to be filled with an exceeding ioy of minde beeing surely perswaded that euen in this very thing that the heauenly Father hath appointed and in very deede giuen his owne Sonne Christ that is annoynted to bee our King that he dooth openly from heauen declare that hee by his sonne will become the euerlasting restorer and defender of his Church Christian Seruice AS in a mans body one part is very readie to doo seruice to an other the foote to the eye and the eye to the foote Fuen so euerie Christian man as parts of the mysticall body of Christ must be willing and ready to do seruice one to an other not enuying those which bee in greater calling nor scorning his inferiours Christianitie LIke as euery thing which striketh a hard Stone
false Heart of the other Iam. 18. Luk. 10.13 Eccle. 2.13 1. Sam. 5.2 Act. 4.32 10 As there be two colours red and blew in one Rainbowe So there must be two affections ioy and sorrow in one Heart 11 As a bright and shining resemblance or image may be seene plainly in a cleare and pure looking Glasse Euen so doth the face as it were of the euerlasting God shine forth and clearely appeare in a pure Heart Math. 5.8 Health to be sought for of God 1 AS a good Physition or Surgion wil first remooue the cause ere hee begin to heale Euen so he that enterpriseth his Health must first of all goe vnto Iesus Christ the Physition of the soule that the cause may be remoued then Phisicke hath vertue and power to heale and not before Luk. 8.43 2 As the vertue attractiue to drawe Elisha from his worke was not in Elias cloake but in the power of the word Euen so the vertue of healing is not in the Physitions nor any thing they take in hand but in the Lord of life 1. King 19.19 20. The Husbands dutie to his wife 1 AS a Christall Glasse is a precious and profitable vessel yet brittle which a man doth more carefully take heede of the breaking of it then of some earthen or tinne vessell the one being more base the other more strong So also the Husband ought to haue such regard of the frailtie of his wife that hee may beare with her and entreate her with gentlenesse and discretion that hee may vse her as a precious vessel to his comfort ioy 1. Pet. 3.7 2 As in a great stormie wind a man lappeth his cloake about him and holdeth it fast for feare of loosing but when the wind is downe the weather calme he letteth it hang easily So when Husbands will as it were perforce wrest away their wiues infirmities many of them will obstinatly resist yet contrariwise by sweete words and louing exhortations they might bee wonne voluntarily to forsake them 1. Sam. 1.8 3 As it is meere folly for a Husband to praise and commend his wife in company So is it as dangerous to checke and reproue her before witnesse 4 As God created the woman not of the head and so equall in authoritie with her Husband So also he created her not of Adams foote that she should be troden downe and despised but hee tooke her out of the ribbe that shee might walke ioyntly with him vnder the conduct and gouernment of her head Gene. 2.21 5 As God hath testified his singular goodnesse vnto man in creating him an helper to assist him Euen so the Husband ought to consider in how many sorts shee is to him a helper to passe ouer this life in blessednes Gen. 2.18 High minded men AS the Hauke is then lost when trusting to her wings shee ryseth and mounteth too high Euen so do vaine and proude men then fall from God when with their owne wit reason and wisedome onely and alone they will vnderstand the deepe mysteries of God as though the counsels and wisedome of Gods eternall maiestie might and could bee comprehended with the reason and wit of man Rom. 11.20 High estate of life daungerous AS a tree set vppon the top of a mountaine is mightily shaken and easily rent vp by the rootes with euery blustering blast and storme of winde Euen so man in this world the more and Higher he is exalted the more and greater daungers is he subiect vnto Luk. 1.52 Iam. 4.6 Math. 7.17 Luk. 6.44 Hope 1 AS a man passing through a very swift floud doth not looke downe to the water least it should make him giddie and so be in daunger of falling but he hath his eyes fixed on the banke or shoare that hee goeth ouer vnto Euen so a Christian passing through the waues of the troubles of this world lifteth vp his eyes to heauen beholding there with a spirituall regarde the quiet banke that hee shall come too by Christ not respecting the troubles and torments that hee is in which troubles and torments the wicked doo respect and that is it that casteth them into desperation 2 As the whole vse of the Anchor is to holde fast the Ship in one sure and certaine place notwithstanding all tempests and waues beating against it because it entereth into the very depth and bottome of the Sea there taking fast hold Euen so the principall vse of Hope is to enter into the heauen of heauens where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God and to hold fast our soules there with him notwithstanding all the waues and tempests of Sathan sinne and condemnation doo beate dayly and continually against them Ingratitude of base borne persons and others AS the Iuie sticking to the boughs of trees is so by the others helpe exalted and yet as it were by a flattering and ouer-hard embracing doth either kill or much hinder the growing of the trees So base borne persons that bee promoted in honour by the helpe and familiaritie of them that be noble doo yet oftentimes oppresse them by whose helpe they haue ascended and haue beene aduaunced Imperfections doo not make God to refuse vs. 1 AS a Father casteth not away his children because they are sicke crooke-backt blind or maymed of hand or foote or otherwise counterfeit and Imperfect but handleth them more tenderly and dealeth more softly with them then with the others respecting their debilitie and feeblenesse Or as men cast not away Wine though it haue lees or grounds nor cast away Gold howsoeuer it be couered with dust And as a husbandman refuseth not land though it be ouer-grown with brambles and bryers but will vse the greater diligence to stocke it to plough it hoping by his labour that it wil bring foorth fruit plentifully Euen so God likewise will not refuse and put vs away because hee seeth many Imperfections and infirmities in vs nay rather that is an occasion that hee will take the greater pittie vpon vs. Psal 103.13 2 As wee looking aside through a Glasse be it blew or yealow or of any other colour all the things wee see seeme to vs to be of the colour of the glasse throgh which we did behold them So God also beholding and looking vpon vs in his Sonne we seeme to him to be of his colour notwithstanding our manifold Imperfections wants we haue the appearance and brightnes of his innocencie and righteousnesse which causeth that in seeing and touching vs he thinketh he seeth and toucheth his owne naturall Sonne Euen as olde Isaac did in handling Iaacob Gene. 27.21 22. Infirmities why God suffereth them in the best LIke as a Iudge dealeth with vs in some criminall processe who will giue an enlargement but yet with condition or as they say with a quousque that is till the the time that hee calleth it backe and putteth him in his former estate wherein he was before if it happen that he fall into any new fault againe
the eye is not in all places that the sight dooth reach vnto As wee knowe that seueritie and mercie are in God so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cannot be seperated from the other and yet they that feele his seueritie doo not feele his mercie that is to say those whom he doth according to his righteous iudgement punish euerlastingly in hell fire them doth he vtterly banish and put away from his bounteous goodnesse and mercie Euen so although the Diuinitie and humanitie of Christ be so lincked and ioyned together that wheresoeuer the one is it doth not therfore follow that the other is there also For the godhead of Christ can be euerie where and in more places then in one at once but his manhood cannot be euerie where nor in moe places then one at once Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper do no more change their substance nor qualities then the water in Baptisme 1 AS in the Sacrament of Baptisme the substance of water remaineth still So likewise in the Lords Supper remaineth the substance of Bread and Wine 2 As in Baptisme is giuen vnto vs the holy Ghost and pardon of our sinnes which yet lie not lurking or inclosed in the water so in the Lords Supper is giuen vnto vs the Communion of Christes body and bloud that is grace forgiuenesse of sinnes innocencie life immortalitie without any transubstantiation or including of the same in the Bread Mar. 16.19 Luk. 24.6.51 Act. 1.9.10 Iohn 12.8.26 3 As by Baptisme the old man is put off and the new man put on yea * Gal. 3.27 Christ is put on but without transubstantiation or chaunging of the water Euen so it is in the Lords Supper wee by faith spiritually in our soules do feede on Christs Body broken do eate his flesh and drinke his bloud do dwell in him and he in vs but without transubstantiation Bookes 1 AS Theeues be loth to assault an house where they know to be good Armour and Artillerie so wheresoeuer the Bookes of the holy Scriptures be wel occupied and exercised there neither the diuell nor any of his angels dare come neare 2 Like as Smithes Masons Carpenters and other handie craftsmen what need soeuer they be in or what shift soeuer they make will not sell or lay to pledge the tooles of their occupation for then they could not worke or follow their trade and so get their liuing So likewise euerie good Christian ought to be like minded and affectioned towards the Bookes of the Prophets Apostles and other holy writers inspired by the holy Ghost the instruments of their saluation and therefore not to sell or pawne them away 3 As vnto those precious stones the greatest price is due which not onely with their colours do delight the eyes but also are of effect for medicines So vnto those Bookes is the chiefest praise due which in them do not onely containe pleasant speech and eloquent but also that do deliuer the minde from all vice and corruption 4 Like as one dish of meate well chewed and digested will comfort nature more then diuerse delicates that lie rawe and vndigested in the stomacke Euen so one good Booke often and throughly read will do thy soule more good then the superficiall sight and taste of a thousand 5 Like as no wise man will receiue a writing for the least plotte of grounde without the counsell of some learned Lawier nor a medicine for his body without the aduise of some learned Phisition Euen so much more ought a Christian not to venture vpon a Booke wherein may be some damnable errour which may conuey from him his heauenly inheritance or some deadly poyson which may kill his soule without the direction of some godly Diuine 6 As vnto men of diuers complexions and affections God hath giuen choise of meates and varietie of apparell So likewise many Bookes to one ende are published and set forth by sundrie men in diuers fashions and with a diuers gift order and facilitie that hee whom one Booke sauoureth not might yet like the taste of an other Our second Birth LIke as we see the naturall Body from the first Birth to receiue diuers members and euerie member diuers offices vses as it is the vse of the eye to see good or euill and of the hand to take vnto it that which is good and to remoue from the Body that which is euill Euen so in the second Birth we receiue new members whereof euerie one hath his diuerse vse and function as knowledge of the will of God hope loue faith which is as it were the hand reaching vnto vs all the mercifull promises of GOD in Christ whereby we are so surely ioyned in affection to the Lord that by nothing we can be seperated Cares of the world hurtfull AS a Clocke can neuer stand still from running so long as the peases and plummets doo hang thereat Euen so a worldly man hauing infinite Cares cogitations and anxieties hanging vpon his minde as waights vpon the Clocke can neuer haue rest or quiet day or night but is enforced to beate his braines when other men sleepe for the compassing of those trifles wherwith he is encombred Carelesse keepers of Gods commandements AS the Scribes and Pharisies that came from Ierusalem picked a quarell against our Sauiour Christ because his Disciples did eate with vnwashed hands wherby they transgressed as they said the tradition of the Elders Our Sauiour Christ in defence of his Disciples chargeth the Scribes and Pharisies which were so zealous to maintaine their owne ceremonies that they were carelesse to breake the commaundements of God Euen so it commeth to passe alwaies that they which are most earnest in vpholding and defending traditions and ceremonies inuented by man are most forgetfull in keeping the commaundements of God But this is the iust iudgement of GOD against those that inuent a new worship of their owne braine That first they loose their labour and secondly that they are depriued of all-right vnderstanding because they haue presumed to be wiser then God Whom the word of God condemneth Esa 29.13 14. 6.9 Math. 13.14 Act. 28.26 Rom. 11.8 Iohn 12.40 Carnall minded men AS with a leaude and naughtie Companion if wee keepe companie we shall learne no good but rather be readie to be infected with his sinne and vice Euen so if wee suffer our selues to be acquainted with the flesh and vse it as a companion in all our dealings and yeeld vnto it we shall then be sure to learne no good of it for the flesh prouoketh vs to whordome to drunkennes to wantonnesse c. Now if we shall acquaint our selues with the flesh we shall learne those things which tend to our destruction Gal. 6.8 Rom. 8.12 13 14 15 16. Tit. 2.12 The Cause of Gods plagues are diligently to be searched out LIke as the Phisition seeing in a glasse by the water the disease within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of
were the deliuerance too late but wee meane that hee deliuered him that hee should not bee hanged So likewise when the Scripture saith that Christ dyed to deliuer vs out of hell because hee saueth and deliuereth vs that wee come not there which else should surely haue gone thither and haue beene damned perpetually except Christ by his death had deliuered and loosed vs. Christ reuiueth vs againe that were dead LIke as the Pellican which hauing brought foorth her young ones dead or beeing stung or killed by Serpents shee pecketh foorth her heart bloud to reuiue them Euen so wee beeing conceiued and borne in sinne and altogether dead in our trespasses and offences stung of that olde and fierie Serpent the diuell which first beguiled our Parents in Paradise and so hauing the reward of sinne which is death we in this case are reuiued and quickned againe by the bloud of the true Pellican Iesus Christ which he from his heart hath shead and powred out for vs. Col. 2.13 14. Christs person consisteth of two natures 1 LIke as there must be both these two natures true and sound the properties of either being kept in one person of Christ to reconcile man to God and to strike this couenant So also to keepe this couenant that according to the promise and oath of God it may be euerlasting both natures must remaine for euer sound with their properties vnlesse we will haue the couenant in the piller and foundation to be shaken 2 Like as when the roote of a tree is hurt the braunches also doo wither and there can be no fruite hoped for Euen so the Doctrine beeing corrupt concerning the person of Christ and the two natures in the same person together with their distinct properties the doctrine also of the Priestly and Kingly office of Christ remaineth corrupt which are as it were the fruites of the doctrine concerning his person Christ though amazed and confounded with sorrowes and feares yet remained still sinlesse LIke as if you set two glasses filled the one with muddy water and the other with cleare Christall water and first let them stand till all the muddinesse in one be setled at the bottome then shake both these glasses in the one the mudde ariseth straightway and defileth all the water there in the other although you shake it neuer so much yet the cleare water though troubled likewise remaineth still all cleare as Christall Euen so if any of vs bee shaken and disquieted with any trouble our muddy affections arising doo presently defile vs all ouer but Christ in whom was mans true nature but not any the least defilement of nature beeing likewise shaken he remained still cleare from any the least spot of sinne at all Christ neuer lost his confidence in God LIke as those men do neuer loose their confidence and trust in God who by some violence are stricken into astonishment or naturally fall on sleepe their faith patience loue obedience decreaseth not in them for all that Euen so neither in Christ his assurance in God could neuer decay albeit his sinlesse nature might and did feare the paine and beeing astonished with excessiue paine might and did suddenly desire ease Math. 27.46 Mar. 14.33 c. He that Speaketh in the Church LIke as if the Harpe make a confused noyse and giueth no distinct sound it delighteth not it recreateth not because no man can tell what it is that is plaide So he that Speaketh in the Church in a language which other men vnderstand not cannot edifie because men vnderstand not what he speaketh Confessing of secret faultes LIke as he is vnwise that openeth his disease and committeth himselfe vnto an vnskilfull Phisition that will rather make him worse then cure him Euen so as vnwise is he that reuealeth his secret falls scapes to them whose mouthes are readie with the Pharisies to say See thou to that or to blabbe abroad their brethrens infirmities so making the matter rather worse then better Christ after a sort present with vs in bodie 1 AS the sun which thogh it remain stil in the firmamēt and therefore in verie deed toucheth not the eye yet the bodie of the Sunne is present to the sight notwithstanding so great a distance betweene So likewise the bodie of Christ which by his ascending is taken vp from vs and hath left the world and is gone to his father is indeed absent from our senses yet our faith is conuersant in heauen and beholding that sonne of righteousnesse and is verily in presence with it there present like as our sight is present with the body of the Sunne in the firmament or as the Sunne is present with our sight in earth Ioh. 14.19 16.28 Act. 7.55 Col. 3.1 Hebr. 4.16 10.28 2 As the Sunne with his light is present to all things So is also Christ with his Godhead Spirit and power present to all and filleth all Ephe. 1.23 Col. 1.17 18. How Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 1 AS it is the vse and custome of Kings and Princes which haue their deputies substitutes to whom they freely giue all authoritie to rule and gouerne and do cause that man to sit by him and at his right hand whom he will giue most honor and vnto whom he wil giue most authoritie and power Euen so we vnderstand by these words He sitteth at the right hand of God that our Sauiour Christ is exalted aboue all creatures and that hee hath dominion or gouernance in heauen and in earth and that he raigneth with his Father hauing equal power with him 1. King 2.19 Psal 45.9 110.1 Mat. 20.21 Phil. 2.9 10 11. 1. Pet. 3.22 Ephe. 1.20 21. 4.15 2 As those on earth that are set at the right hand of Kings do execute iustice in courts or Assises for the maintenance of the state and peace of the Kingdome Euen so Christ Iesus sitting at the right hand of his Father that is being made soueraigne Lord of all things both in heauen and earth is to hold a Court or Assise in which he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Christ confounds his enemies AS Iosua dealt with the fiue Kings that were hid in the Caue he first makes a slaughter of their armes then he brings them foorth and makes the people to set their feete on their neckes and to hang them on fiue trees Euen so Christ deales with his enemies he treades them vnder his feete and makes a slaughter not so much of their bodies as of their soules And this the Church of God findes to bee true by experience as well as it findes the loue of Christ towardes it selfe Iosu 10.24 Luke 17.27 Psal 2.9 110.1 Corruption of truth by mans traditions AS sweete Dough is made sowre by a litle Leauen So is the sweetnesse and comfort of the doctrine of truth corrupted if it be neuer so litle entermedled with humane doctrine or mans traditions Mat. 13.33 16.6 The Creature
7.37 3 Like as water dooth put out fire and quench thirst So the holy Ghost doth quench the fire of the euill concupisences of the flesh and doth also quench the thirst of the poore troubled soules satisfying them for euermore Yea hee doth asswage ease and comfort the griefes and mourning of the godly which commonly are in this world most afflicted and whose sorrowes do passe all humane consolation whereof he hath the proper name Paraclet or the Comforter Ioh. 4.13 14. 16.7 4 Like as in this life it commeth to passe in the Elect and chosen as wee see it by experience in bladders the which if they bee emptie and throwne into the water foorthwith they sinke But if they bee blowne and filled with wind they fleete and swimme aboue like a bubble and sinke not vnder the water Euen so mens minds being as yet voide and destitute of the spirite of God are drowned in their inordinate desires sensualitie pleasures and other sundrie passions and worldly affections But when they are replenished and filled with the holye Ghost they triumph ouer sinne and are of it neuer ouercome So that by his meanes wee haue abilitie to will those things that are right and to do those things that are good 5 As it is the nature of fire to warme the body that is benummed and frozen with colde So when a man is benummed and frozen in sinne yea when hee is euen starke dead in sinne it is the propertie of the holy Ghost to warme and quicken his heart and to reuiue him Mat. 3.11 Ioh. 3.5 6 As it is the propertie of Water to clense and purifie the filth of the bodie Euen so the holy Ghost dooth spiritually wash away our sinnes which are the filth of our nature 7 As Oyle doth strengthen the members and make them more nimble and doth also restore and heale them being broken So much more doth the holy Ghost make vs chearefull and quicke readily and constantly to performe the duties of our calling 7 As fire altereth things sometimes by burning out sometimes by inflaming So the holy Ghost altereth man by regenerating burneth out by mortifying the old man inflameth by quicking and raysing vp the new man Great men full of cares AS the toppes of trees placed on great mountaines are mooued with the least blast of wind that bloweth Euen so those men which are set in high places of honour and dignitie are troubled with the report of euery messenger though neuer so base whereas men of low degree and calling for the most part liue quietly at ease without any molestation Grace wrought by degrees AS a man looking stedfastly on a Diall cannot perceiue the shadow mooue at all yet viewing it a while hee shall perceiue that it hath mooued So in hearing of the word but especially in the receiuing of the Lords supper a man shall iudge euen his own faith and other graces of God to be little or nothing increased neither can he perceiue the motion of Gods spirit in him at that present yet by the fruites and effects thereof hee shall after perceiue that Gods spirite hath by little and little wrought greater faith and other graces in him A Godly life AS it cannot by any meanes come to passe that hee which enioyeth the beames of the Sunne should be in darknesse Euen so it is impossible that he which hath his conuersation with God should not be immortall Holy Ghost worketh where and in whom he will 1 LIke as the wind bloweth in what quarter of heauen it listeth and where it beginneth blowing where it endeth no man can tell neither can any man deuise meanes to stop the course of it Euen so with like libertie and with the like open apparance worketh the holy spirit of God where and in whom hee will and no power nor abilitie of man is able to resist and withstand it Iohn 3.8 2 As of drie Wheate one lumpe cannot bee made without moysture nor one loafe So neither could wee that are many become one in Christ Iesus without water which is from heauen that is without the holy Ghost Good will not to be mocked AS a man hauing a seruant that is an idle fellow who forefloweth his businesse mindeth other matters and goeth to his worke lastly and like a Beare to the stake would not bee pleased with his seruice but rather would shift his hands of him and send him packing Euen so the Lord our God cannot abide that wee should worshippe him with our bodies when our soules are farre from him that we should honour him with our tongues when our hearts wander from him Or that we should serue him in part some peece of the Sabboth and to serue sinne and Sathan the rest for he will not be mocked hee is euer iealous of his owne glorie Gal. 6.7 God a spirit which cannot be represented by any bodily shape LIke as a bodyly Image which representeth vnto vs the face of man ought liuely to set before vs all his lineaments and proportions that by the counterfaiting or engrauing we might conceiue whatsoeuer might bee seene in him which the same representeth Euen so the image of God must through the same likenesse set before our senses a certain vnderstanding of the knowledge of God For this we are sure of that nothing may beare the image of God but that which is a spirit because in very deed God is a spirite and therefore this image of God in man can haue no abiding place but in the soule Gene. 1.26 27. 2.7 5.1 Col. 3.10 Eph. 4.24 All Good things come from heauen AS the raine and dew falling from aboue watering the ground makes it fruitfull So likewise the grace of the holy Ghost comming from God the father stirre vp our minds to all goodnesse 1. Cor. 4.7 Iam. 1.17 Gentlenesse rather to be vsed then rigorousnesse AS some disease which by no force can bee expelled oftentimes is with the iuyce of hearbes asswaged So some men you shall sooner ouercome and winne by clemencie and Gentlenesse then by rigorousnesse and extremitie The Gospell to bee mingled with the law in preaching 1 AS the strong purgine blacke Hedebore giuen vncorrected with other things to allay the power of it hurteth more thē profiteth So the terrible iudgement of the word when it is preached without some comforts intermingled will doo more harme then good 2 As bitter Wormewood and sweete Honie mingled together are very profitable to take away the dimnesse of the bodily sight and to make a man see worldly things clearely So the bitter threatnings of the law and sweete promises of the Gospel laide together are most fit to take away the dimnesse of spiritual eyes and to make them see clearely heauenly things So outward aduersitie prosperitie mingled together 3 As Pepper-woort once sowen continueth and can hardly be destroyed So the word once receiued continueth and can hardly be banished Gospell 1 AS the law because it is the
doo all their businesse by candlelight so continuing vntill the broad day Euen so in like sort whilst we abide in this world where we are compassed about with the grosse darknesse and ignorance of heauenly things wee must carefully giue eare to the prophecies of the word take counsell at them gouerne our selues wholy by them so long till the day of the Lord approach and the time wherein we shall clearely behold those things in the presence of God which now in this pilgrimage of ours we beleeue and hope after 2. Pet. 1.19 3 As men enterchaungeably are said to be wiser one then an other when as one is wiser in diuers points and an other againe in some other points Euen so if mans wisedome bee able to doo that which the reuealed wisedom of God is not then is God wiser then man not simply but in some pointes and man wiser then God not simply but in some points and therefore such as avouch that the wisedome of man is not able to refell and confute some errors heresies and false opinions which the word and reuealed wisedome of God cannot is to make man wiser then God Esay 29.14 1. Cor. 1.20 25. 3.19 4 Like as Abraham said to the rich glutton being in torments who would haue had him to haue sent one to his Fathers house to warne his fiue brethren least they also should come into that punishment They haue Moses and the Prophets said hee let them heare them and if they will not heare them neither wil they be perswaded though one rise from the dead againe Luk. 16.29 31. Euen so they that will not be perswaded by such reasons as may be alleadged and brought both for confirmation and confutation of any point either of doctrine or manners out of the sacred Scriptures surely they will not bee mooued any thing at all either with the authorities of Poets Phylosophers Oratours or other prophane writers whatsoeuer neither yet with the reasons that may be brought out of an Ecclesiasticall writer how famous learned or notable so euer he were Sanctification 1 LIke as Lot was vexed and his righteous heart was grieued with the vncleane conuersation of the Sodomites from day to day Euen so ought our soules to be vexed and grieued continually at the wickednesse of our time and to send vp prayers to God for them that they may be brought to the obedience of his holy wil. 2. Pet. 2.7 Ezech. 9.4 2 Like as Ioseph Elias and Elizeus left their garments behinde them Euen so must the children of God leaue their carnal affection c. before they can please God and attaine saluation by Christ 3 As Wormes and Flies that haue layne dead all winter if they be laid in the Sunne in the spring time begin to reuiue by vertue thereof Euen so when wee are vnited to Christ and are as it were laid in the beames of this blessed Sonne of righteousnesse vertue is deriued thence which warmeth our benummed hearts dead in finne and reuiueth vs to newnesse of life whereby we begin to affect and like good things and put in practise all the duties of Religion 4 As the sight of him that is bleare-eide is hurt by looking against the Sunne Euen so likewise it is very daungerous to handle a thing that is pure with handes vnwashed and a man not to purge himselfe that hee may become a vessell sanctified to honour meete for the vses of the Lord and prepared to all good workes 2. Timo. 2.19 21. The Seruice of God is to be preferred before all earthly things 1 LIke as if a Seruant that is factor for his M. beyond the seas after many yeares returning home to giue accounts to his maister shuld yeeld a reckoning of so much time mony spent in carding dicing dancing so much in courting and wanton company we would laugh at so fond a reckoning but being further asked by his maister what time he bestowed on his marchandise which he sent him for if he should answer none at all nor that hee euer thought or studied vpon that matter we might thē thinke him wel worthy of al shame punishment Euē so surely with much more shame and confusion shal they stand before God at the day of iudgemēt who being placed here to so great a businesse as is the worship seruice of God haue notwithstāding neglected the same bestowing their studies labors cogitatiōs in the vain trifles of the world which is as much from the purpose as if men being placed in a course to run at a goldē game of infinit price they shuld leaue their mark and make some step aside after flies or feathers in the aire and some other stand stil gathering vp the dung off the ground we would thinke these men not worthie to receiue so great a reward as this that was proposed and offered to them 2 Like as Doues Pigeons and Lambes were offered in sacrifice and sanctified vnto the Lord vnder the Lawe as well as Oxen Euen so children young men ought to dedicate themselues to worship and serue God as well as old folke Leuit. 5.5 6. Numb 28.3 9. 2. Chro. 7.5 Psal 8.2 119.9 148.12 3 As the sacrificing Fire neuer went out but burned continually vpon the Altar Euen so Christians ought to haue a continuall care of Gods Seruice Num. 6.13 Scorners LIke as olde men for the most part are wayward and thinke scorne to be told of their faultes So likewise is this doating age of the world wayward and waspish if when a Preacher shall reproue them of any vice that they are faultie in Sinne left by vngodly meanes AS a Bird the more she strugleth hauing lyme twigges on her wnges the faster is she ensnared Or likewise a Fish taken with a baite Or as a man that washeth him in a poole that is muddie in the bottome the fowler he is So likewise a man being in Sinne striuing to get out by vngodly meanes hee infecteth himselfe the more with Sinne. Sathan 1 AS a Rauen or carrion Crowe will seaze first on the eye of a beast that seemeth to be dead knowing that if the eye be out they may the easier get their pray So Sathan will seeke first to pecke at our eye of faith and if that be out he will rule vs as he will 2 As a weak brittle wall is easily cast down ouerthrowne with euery Engine but an huge fense a mightie strong wall and a Tower that is firme and fensed on euery side doth stand surely endureth the force that commeth against it without yeelding staggering or falling in so much that the enemies that seek to ouerthrow it are driuen and constrained to vse warlike engines and pollicie yea and to batter and shake it with engines torments and ordenances of warres which wil send and throw out stones weapons bullets and pellets of yron and lead Euen so Sathan dooth most easily ouerthrow with euerie light temptation fraile and weak
with them So likewise we ought to make more account of the Word of God which is the Law of spirituall libertie Iam. 2.16 91 As Mariners vse by the starres to direct their courses on the Sea So must wee make Gods Word a starre to direct vs to Christ 92 As wee account much of Rings Iewels or such like things which are left vs of parents and friends beeing dead So must we account make much of Gods Word left vs by Christ 93 As the Sunne shining vpon filthy sinckes dunghils and puddles draweth out loathsome smells yet it selfe is pure and not defiled with them Euen so the VVord of God which though it draw sinne and wickednesse from sinfull men yet it selfe is pure and holy Psal 12.6 19.8 94 As we may see many mens faces but not know their minds except wee conferre long with them So it is with the VVord of God if we onely barely and carelesly read it and doo not earnestly meditate in it and studiously search it 95 Euen as the naturall man conceiued of naturall seede is nourished with bloud in his Mother wombe and fed afterward with Milke when hee is once borne as all creatures are nourished with that whereof they are engendred So in like manner the regenerate man conceiued and begotten of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God is nourished fostered by it receiuing the same simply and purely without any mixture and hotch potch of any other mans inuentions with it Wicked 1 AS the third sort of Canterburie belles beeing planted in Gardens prosper ouermuch for it dooth spread abroad and multiply that it hurteth other hearbs and will not easily bee weeded out or ouercome Euen so the Wicked in the Church 2 As if one and the same wormewood the common wormewoood is hote in the first degree Sea wormwood hote in the second and yet both wormwood So among the Wicked some lesse hote in profession some more and yet both Wicked some lesse cruell some more cruell and yet both vngodly c. 3 As the wilde Boores and Swine which are wont to eate and destroy other Wheate and Corne will seldome feede vpon Triticum Romanorum or bearded wheate because of the prickie beards which doo them hurt So the VVicked which liue by deuouring and oppressing other the Children of God will seldome assault them which can hurt them 4 Polimanie held in the hand keepeth a man from beeing stung or hurt with any Scorpion but the more vertues a man hath the sooner the VVicked will vexe him therefore are worse then Scorpions 5 As the great Raifort or mountaine Radish being planted neare the Vine causeth it to starue and wither away So the VVicked beeing too neare the godly make them to decay and fall away 6 As the Salamander that is euer in the fire and neuer consumeth So be the souls of the reprobate and vngodly men euer dying in hell and yet neuer dead 7 As water lighting vppon a hard stone falleth away because there is no entrie open into the stone So the VVicked doo with their hardnesse of heart driue backe the grace of God that it cannot pearce into them 8 As the flint stone are made of such matter that neither water can moysten them nor fire can melt them Euen so the VVicked and obstinate are so stonie hearted that neither the heauenly deaw of the sweete promises of the Gospell or the feare or furious threatnings of the law can mollifie their hearts Ezech. 3.9 9 As long as a sicke man can walke and stand there is some hope that he will recouer and amend but if he must needes lie downe then there is little hope of his health Euen so a man that walketh in the counsell of the VVicked or standeth in the way of sinners there may be some hope of him but if hee once sit downe in the Chaire or seate of the scornfull then there is no hope at all of his repentance Psal 1.1 10 As the disease of a Canker infecteth alwayes the next part vnto it vntill it haue runne through and infected the whole body Euen so the VVicked neuer cease vntil they haue drawne them all such as keepe them companie 1. King 11.3 4 5. Deut. 7.3 4. Iudg. 16.16 17 18. 11 As fire is of this nature qualitie that it will burne vp whole houses and faire places euen with a sparke if it be letten alone which otherwise might bee put out with ones finger Euen so the VVicked yea but one Wicked member in a Towne if he bee suffered will at length doo much hurt to the whole Towne c. 12 As that Mother cannot but be greatly afflicted who hauing many children weeping and crying at once for meate and she not hauing sufficient or none at all to giue them Euen so the VVicked man beeing greedily called vppon without ceasing but almost infinite passions to yeeld to their desires must needes be vexed and pitifully tormented especially being notable to satisfie any one of the least of their petitions 13 Like as the stone of Sycila the which the more it is beaten the harder it waxeth Euen so the VVicked the more that the terrours and threatnings of Gods iudgements are denounced against them the more hard harted they bee 14 As the Graue alwayes craueth for more and is neuer satisfied Euen so such is the vnsatiablenesse of the throates of the Wicked Rom. 3.13 15 As the Milner doth muffle and blindfold his horse that draweth his malt Mill whereby the horse supposing that he goeth right forward is deceiued for that hee turneth round Or as the Faulconer doth put hoods vpon the heads of his Haukes that so they may sit the quietter on his arme Euen so Sathan muffleth and hoodwinketh the Wicked by ignorance and by the delights pleasures vaine inticements of the world that so he may possesse them the quietter to their vtter ouerthrow 16 As the Adder is by nature enclined and desirous to sting and hurt with his poyson whome so euer hee may Euen so all the counsels of the Wicked tend to the encrease of wickednesse and mischiefe Psal 58.4.5 83.5 17 As the poysonfull nature of an Adder can by no means be redressed no not by enchauntment for he stoppeth his eares against the charmer Euen so there is no hope of the conuersion of obstinate Wicked ones who stubburnely refuse to heare all wholesome doctrine and good counsell that proceedeth out of the word Act. 7.57 18 As the Axe is in the hands of the hewers or workemen Euen so the Wicked whose miserie and seruice the Lord vseth to destroy and to plague others are also in the hand of God Esa 10.15 19 As men throwe away their tooles when they are worne and broken Euen so God when he hath finished his worke then he casteth away the Wicked whom onely he vseth as instruments of his wrath Esay 12. 20 As Anakins or Giants were driuen out of the land of Canaan for their sinnes
that so it may become pure from all drosse So before that the faithfull can be vessels of honour fit for the seruice of God in the Kingdome of heauen they must be cast into the furnace of Affliction and there be weaned from the vaine delights and pleasures of sinne yea tryed to be sound in the profession of the faith and corrected for their former misdemeanour 75 As a tree which although it be remoued out of one place vnto another yet florisheth so the Afflictions of the godly turneth to their profit Admonition or wholesome preceptes 1 AS vnto him that is diseased with the Kinges Euill hony is vnpleasant and bitter when as vnto others the same is very sweete So good and profitable admonition and wholesome preceptes to godly men are most delectable whereas vnto those that are corrupted with affections they be altogether sharpe and vnsauorie Anger 1 AS continuall shogging doth much bruise and shake the body So dayly anger doth wound and marre the mind Pro. 16.32 2 As a childe for want of experience seeking with a sword to annoy others woundeth himselfe So Anger that intendeth to endammage others is most hurtful to it selfe 3 Like as according to the mind of Hipocrates that sickenesse is most perillous wherein the sicke man altereth his countenaunce and hew So likewise there is no disease of the minde more mischieuous then Anger for it altereth the voyce and going of man that hee seemeth sometimes strange vnlike to himselfe Pro. 14.17 Ephe. 4.31 Col. 3.8 4 As the Marriners perceiuing tempest at hande do with ankers fasten their shippe So before the tempest of immoderate Anger do inuade vs wee ought with reason to stablish and fasten our minde 1. Cor. 13.5 5 Like as if a man blow a sparke hee doth many times make a great starre-fire but contrariwise if hee spitte on it he quencheth it cleane out Euen so if one speake proude boasting wordes to his enemie he shall incense and prouoke him to wrath but if hee intreat him kindly with faire speeches hee then shall pacifie his Anger before it breake out Mat. 5.22 Rom. 12.19 Pro. 15.1 18. Eph. 4.26 26. Col. 3.8 6 Like as if a man ioyne fire to fire he maketh the flame the greater Euen so if a man thinke to suppresse another mans Anger by being angrie himselfe hee shall both loose his labour and rather encrease the other mans Anger 7 As vineger corrupteth a vessell if it be long in it So Anger doth corrupt the heart if it continue in it 8 Like as we abhorre drunkards for that so long as they are drunken they are without sence and vnderstanding differing nothing from bruit beasts but in shape portraiture onely So in like maner for the same cause must we flie this cholerick passion of Anger which like a hot feruent feuer so troubleth our minds that so long as we are possessed therewith we can not vnderstand much lesse speake any thing that sauoureth of reason 9 As we account him a madde and a furious man that would set fire on his owne house Euen so may we thinke of him that setteth his owne heart on fire burneth himselfe through anger malice and reuenge 10 As vineger spoyleth the vessell wherein it is kept So doth Anger and choller marre him in whom it aboundeth 11 As euery one abhorreth a wrangling and contentious person and as euery one looketh carefully to fire for feare of harme So likewise we should take heed of this chollericke passion of Anger which is as a daungerous flaming fire wasting and consuming whatsoeuer it toucheth and cannot be quenched but with great difficultie beeing once but a litle kindled 12 As fire when it is couered with ashes yet it is not quenched Euen so Anger or choller though it be dissembled couered or retayned in the heart a while yet it is not so quenched but it hatcheth hatred which by litle litle so conuerteth himselfe into his substance as in short time it becommeth vnseperable from his nature 13 Like as if wee haue but one child wee are loth hee should be gouerned by a foole So likewise we must consider that when we suffer our selues to be transported by Anger and choller we commit our selues as it were to be ruled by a furious person 14 Like as when our enemie inuadeth vs we seeke to repulse and driue him backe by all meanes possible least he should set footing in our territories land and nestle himselfe neere vs and if he be entred we are carefull so to impeach and remoue him that he fortifie not himselfe Euen so in like manner wee must make such bulwarks about our heartes that Anger and choller may no way enter but if it happen that it once entreth and lyeth secretly in the corners of our breasts and that it surprise set vpon vs on the sudden or maketh way by force we must forthwith deuise all the wayes we can to expell it as soone as we may 15 If we haue eaten poyson we seeke forthwith to vomite it vp againe with all speed and if we be fallen into any disease we vse the meanes we can to prouide a remedie So likewise when wee feele any vnruly motions of Anger or choller the fiery flames thereof be once kindled in our hearts wee must be carefull to represse and coole them as we would be to quench the fire in our houses Ephe. 4.26 16 As wind in the bodie puffeth it vp and maketh it to swell and seeme great Euen so Anger puffeth vp a man and maketh him so proud and arrogant that he thinketh no deuice so good as his owne neither will he take any counsell of himselfe during the heate of his fiery passion nor yet receyue any at other mens handes 17 As they who seeing their houses on fire vnderstand not what is said vnto them by reason of the noyse about thē the troublesome cogitations of their owne mindes Euen so angrie peeuish persons are so sencelesse void of reason that they will not hearken to any good aduice or counsell so that if one speake gently vnto them they do not regard it if hee reproue them roughly they are the more exasperated and become more wilfull 18 As many medicines do litle profit if they be not applied after the fitte be ended So can we not comprehend any reason if with the tumultuous and troublesome motions of Anger our mindes be molested and vexed 19 As we vse to deale with fire which with great earnest endeuour we seeke to quench when as it first beginneth to kindle not expecting or tarrying til it hath takē the beames and rafters of the house or any solide matter whereby it may be encreased and strengthened So in like manner we must not stay til we burne flame with Anger but as soone as euer wee feele our selues disposed thereunto and that the pulse of our heartes beginnes to beate more quicke then is conuenient for a right wholesome
temperature 20 As Plato hauing taken his man in a great fault was of a sudden exceedingly mooued and hauing gotten a cudgell as though he would haue beaten him notwithstanding desisted and vsed no further punishment one of his friends standing by him and seeing this thing demanded of him why he had gotten such a cudgel to whom he answered that he had prouided it to correct and chastise his owne Anger which seemed to rebell against him would no longer be ruled by reason In like maner should we do when as we are troubled with this passion of Anger get either a knife or a sword to cut the throat of it when it beginneth and as it were in his infancy for we may easily at the first oppose our selues against it as against a tyrant and not permit it to haue rule ouer vs but if wee suffer it to encrease and to fortifie it selfe it will by litle and litle ouerrule vs and at length become inuincible 21 As they who haue the falling sickenesse to the ende that other should not see them fall groueling lie foming at the mouth shewing a most strange and gastfull countenance do withdraw themselues from all company Euen so we should get out selues out of all company that so we might the more easily tame this furious passion of Anger that so at length we might attaine such a moderation and constancie of mind that it can not be altered with any occasion whatsoeuer 22 Like as the Thebanes thought at the first that the Lacedemonians were inuincible therefore durst not meddle with them but after that they had ouercome them once or twice thē they thought they were able to conquere them and that in set battails So in like manner if wee once take heart thinke that we are able being wel armed with reason to meete anger in the field ouercome it we shal not need to encounter this enemie twise for he will not be so hardie as appeare the second time or if he do it wil be to his vtter ouerthrow and confusion 23 As the couetous man thinketh that if he once obteineth that he desireth he will then rest contented so we thinke and imagine that if we haue vttered our Anger our mindes are satisfied but as the desire of the one is nothing asswaged by the possession and encrease of riches which he desireth but rather augmenteth more then it was before So likewise the poysoned stomacke of the other is nothing eased by outragious and furious speeches but rather they become more froward and peruerse 24 As fine gold doth suffer it selfe to be tried in the furnace sixe or seuen times and yet the heate of the fire doth neuer chaunge his nature or colour Or as good corne is first threshed with the staile and then winnowed in the winde and yet is neither broken with the one nor carried away with the other Euen so we should suffer our selues to be tried by iniuries oppressions and other hard dealing and yet not by impatiencie through Anger or Choller chaunge our nature or yet our colour or be carried away to any inconuenience 25. As trees planted by running brookes doth endure both winter and sommer whom the first hurteth not by his frosts cold nor the second by his heat and drought Or as sheep that be thorne euerie yeare and in the end be led to the slaughter and suffer their throats to be cut without gainesaying or as incense doth permit it selfe to bee cast into the fire Euen so should we through patience being free from Anger suffer our selues to be wrong hardly dealt withall that so we may the more manifest the faith which God hath giuen vs. 26. As the ship that is well made and sufficiently trimmed neither the mightie windes raging waues or stormie tempests doth make it to leake Or as the Palme tree which though it be mightily loaden yet neuer bendeth or as our Sauiour Christ was whipped mocked and crowned with thornes yea and crucified too yet prayed fo● his enemies who did him all this harme Euen so in like manner if we be once armed with this corslet of proofe I meane patience not onely words and iniuries which are but as the points of the thornes should not pierce vs to be angrie but also the sharpe arrowes of Sathan his Lances and Pikes should neuer be able to touch or moue vs to the quicke Psal 129.2 3 4. 27 As in eschewing euill wee follow that which is good and contrariwise in running after vice wee slee from vertue So likewise in ●straunging our selues from pittie and clemencie wee by and by shake hands with Anger which is alwayes attended on by spite and enuie Ambition 1 AS wormes engender sooner in soft and te●der wood then in other that is more hard and knottie and likewise as moathes doo breede sooner in fine wooll then in course flocks Euen so Ambition sooner assaulteth an excellent and rare man in all kinde of vertue then an other which is not so vertuous 3. Iohn 9. Mar. 9.34 Math. 20.20 Iudg. 9.5 Psal 30.6.7 2 As those that tugge at the Ore in the Gallie a man would iudge them seeing their maner of doing and how they stretch their armes forward that they would go on and saile forthright when with all their might they enforce themselues to draw backwards Euen so some beeing Ambitious and vaineglorious will yet neuerthelesse perswade that they haue nothing in greater detestation then Ambition and vaineglorie when there is not any thing whereof they are more desirous and greedie Such in times past were the Pharisies as are yet at this day many that hunt for liuings and preferments who haue their hearts swolne and puffed vp with Ambition which they cloake and colour vnder the vizard and outward shewe of humilitie These may be fitly resembled to Antisthenes who on a time walked in the common place at Athens with a cloake all torne and tattered to the end that euerie one beholding him so poorely apparelled might iudge that he did it through humilitie and not for lack of goods because hee was a man well esteemed and of good reputation But Socrates hauing discouered by the readinesse of his good vnderstanding and iudgement the Hypocrisie of this Philosopher said aloude that he saw his Ambition through the holes of his cloake Diogenes also entering on a time into Plato his chamber and seeing his bedde verie finely made because beeing of a ciuill and Gentlemanlike nature hee was neate and hansome in his moueables apparell and gestures and to bee short in all his conuersation hee went and wallowed himselfe like a Swine vpon it saying that hee trampled downe Platoes pride but Plato answered readily that this was done with greater pride For all is not gold that glistereth as is commonly said 3. As Icarus who taking vpon him to flie with wings made of wax when he came neare the Sunne his wings melted with the heate thereof and so he fell into
holy Ghost and be drawn from the loue of themselues and of worldly things vnto the pure loue of God as their Parents were A briefe Comparison of the sinnes that raigned in the people in the time of the Prophet Zephania with the like sinnes in the people of our time 1 AS in the time of the Prophet there were many and foule finnes and vices then raigning and ouerflowing amongst the people Euen so likewise are there now many greeuous sins and offences amongst vs. 2 As the people then presumed vpon their blinde and dead faith and counterfeit repentance and hypocriticall and faigned prayers So also the common people now presume vppon theyr idle faith thinking themselues as good Christians as the best if so bee that they can say by heart the Articles of theyr Beleefe the Lords Prayer and the tenne Commaundements and thinke that they repent verie well if they come to the Church on the Sabboth dayes and other holy dayes and say the Confession after their Minister although they bee neuer touched with any remorse or feeling of any one sinne yet they suppose they haue repented sufficiently and so likewise of Prayer 3 Like as in the Prophets time when the people were thus ouerwhelmed with their blinde faith counterfeit repentance and hypocriticall Prayers then the Lord in mercie sent his Prophets vehemently and sharply to reproue them and to denounce the iudgement of God against them Euen so the Lord of his vnspeakable goodnesse hath raised vp many famous and zealous Preachers in our dayes to exclaime and crie out against the manifold wickednesse now raigning amongst vs and to threaten vs with the vengeance of God for the same 4 As there were alwayes some good Prophets that would reprooue sinne and iniquitie in all estates without respect of persons so there was also some false and fawning Prophets and Preachers that would soothe vp the people with sweete and flattering words and dawbe them vp with vntempered morter telling them that there was peace and all was well and that they were in a very good case when indeede destruction was euen at hand Euen so in like manner as wee haue many faithfull Preachers that will boldly reprooue sinne in all estates so also wee haue many such clawbackes and flattering Ministers who doo soothe vp their Parishioners making them beleeue that they are as good Christians as the best and that they may be partakers of the Lords Supper if so be that they can say the Lordes prayer the Articles of their Beleefe and the tenne Commaundements yea and though they vnderstand not what the Sacraments meane neither wherefore nor yet to what end they were ordained nor what profit they should haue by worthily receiuing the same and if so be that they come to the Church at times appointed and heare the Seruice read although they returne home againe as wise as they came and haue profited no more in knowledge then the seates that they sat on yet these are good people say they and obedient and dutifull subiects 5 Euen as in the Prophets time the people then excused themselues for not comming to heare their Sermons because there were some Priests and false Prophets that did bend and set themselues with all their force to contrarie and gainsay that doctrine which the true Prophets did deliuer vnto the people wherevpon the people said that they could not agree amongst themselues therfore they would not heare them So likewise a number of people do now say after the like sort go about to excuse themselues saying we wil not heare them because they cannot agree among themselues for one say they Preacheth of this thing to day an other against it the next day some allow of one thing to day othersome disallow of the same so that say they we cannot tell which to follow or whom to beleeue but such as would be accounted good Christians ought to be growen to such knowledge and iudgement in the word of God that they be able to discerne and iudge who preacheth sound Doctrine and who teacheth corrupt and so to trie the spirits c. 1. Iohn 4.1 Christ Communicated to vs by a spirituall maner 1 AS we verily take and eate the bread and wine by a naturall maner the which incontinent after by digestion turneth into our substance and nourishment of our corporall life So likewise as verily although by a spirituall and celestiall maner and not with mouth and teeth is Iesus Christ himselfe which is now in heauen on the right hand of his Father communicated vnto vs 1. Cor. 10.16 that we may be flesh of his flesh Eph. 5.30 that is to say beeing knit and incorporated with him by faith Iohn 17.21 22 23. our soules and our bodies doo attaine to eternall life Col. 2.12 yea euen whilest wee be in this world his spirit doth sanctifie and gouerne our bodies and soules to dedicate and sacrifice all our life to his seruice and to the loue of our neighbours for the loue of him 2 As no man will denie a mans wife to be with her husband one body and flesh although hee be at London and she at Yorke So likewise it cannot truly be denied that the coupling of Christes body and bloud to the Sacrament is a spirituall thing and therefore there needes not any such carnall presence as the Papists doo imagine Education of Children 1 LIke as fruitfull fieldes for lacke of tillage waxe barren Or as trees being neglected either bring forth no fruite or else the same vnsauorie without the diligence of graffing and pruning Or as dogges be vnmeet to hunt the horse and Oxen vnapt to the plough except mans diligence be put thereto Euen so Children would become wilde and vnprofitable except by diligence and in due time they should be fashioned and brought in order by good bringing vp 2 Like as planting and carefulnesse hath great power in all growing things Euen so hath Education greater vertue and strength yea and better fruite in the diligent bringing vp of Children 3 Like as Noblemen and Gentlemen are desirous to haue a good and skilfull horsekeeper that can keepe their horses well and they spare not to giue great stipends to such Euen so how much more ought Christian Parents be desirous to haue and maintaine a good Schoolemaister that might godlily bring vp their children in vertue and wisedome 4 Like as if a horse be not well broken or haue any euill qualitie the owner will be carefull to see it remedied and that he may be made gentle So likewise godly Parents seeing their naturall childe euill brought vp ought to be much more carefull that he may be brought to some good order 5 As there be some men who can easily see and spie a spauine a sprent a ringbone or such other disease in a horse Euen so much more ought a good Father be as readie to looke that there be no faults in his Children or in the teacher vnto whome hee committeth the
the full So likewise the Church of GOD is subiect to darkenesse as in the time of Poperie and superstition 35 As the Moone dooth borrowe her light of the Sunne because of her selfe she hath litle or none at all Euen so the Church of God hauing no light of it selfe doth take her light from the Sonne of God Christ Iesus 36 As iealousie cannot abide that the wife should shew any signe of loue to an other man Euen so Almightie God cannot brooke that the Church his spouse should take the least part of of his glory from him and bestowe it vpon a strange God that is both hopelesse and helplesse Exo. 20.4 5. Deut. 6.13 Math. 4.10 37 As the Arke was long and broade So the Church and Kingdome of Christ is long and large Psal 71.8 Gene. 6.14 15. 38 As the Arke was great and large and yet small in comparison of the floud Euen so the Elect are many no doubt but fewe in respect of the reprobate Luk. 12.32 Math. 22.14 24.22 7.14 39 As the Arke was made of many peeces of wood and ioyned together in one So the Church consisteth of many members knit together in one faith For in Christ Iesus wee are all one without difference of man or woman 40 As the Arke was made of incorruptible wood Euen so the Church consisteth of immortall soules 41 As the Arke did float in the floud euen so the Church is in this world as in a sea of troubles Act. 14.22 42 As one Billow in the sea pusheth forward an other So likewise troubles doo come vpon the Church by troupes 43 As the Moone is not alwaies visible being in hir chāge So likewise the Church of God to the eye of man is not alwayes in a visible shewe as the proud Church of Rome is but hath sometime war and aduersitie sometime peace and prosperitie As a Ship vpon the seas is tossed with the winde and waues from one place to an other Euen so is the Church often tossed hither and thither in this sea of this world but yet neuer drowned because Iesus Christ is in it and holdeth the sterne with his hand 44 As the hand cut off from the body dieth and lacketh life Euen so it is in the mysticall body of the Church no life or saluatiō without the body of Christ Ezech. 13.9 Ioel. 2.32 Act. 2.47 45 As trees in winter which for that they are naked and voyde both of leaues and of fruite do seeme for the time litle to differ from dead and starued trees and yet haue secretly hid in them their Iuice which maketh thē spring againe and as it were reuiue againe in Sommer Euen so such is the state of the Church of God which though in bitter persecution seemeth to bee as it were quenched and extinguished yet when God giueth some peace and rest it flourisheth and springeth againe 46 As a Vine when the fences thereof are broken lieth open to the waste and is spoiled of euery beast of the field Euen so the Church and people of God when for their sinnes hee seemeth for a time to withdrawe his protection and defence is subiect to the iniuries and violence of all sorts of the wicked 47 As ground and soile that hath lyen long waste by good husbandrie is rid and often brought to flourish with corne or grasse Euen so the Church of God after long persecution is by the power and goodnesse of God brought againe to a flourishing estate 48 Like as if a man should haue both his hands and his armes cut off his eyes put out c yet as long as his head standeth and other vitall parts he is to be counted a man although a maymed man Euen so it is in the Church or assemblie as long as it holdeth the head how defectiue it is otherwise it hath the due and right of the Church of God 49 And although a man should haue six fingers on one hand and but three on the other and albeit they should stand where the mouth doth yet all this deformity should not hinder from being truly holden to be a man although it would be a great deformitie in him of the other part if he had no head at all or there were no naturall cōiunction of the parts one with the other but a whole through displacing of euery part from his proper seate then verily could he not be deemed to haue either the proportion of a man or his life So likewise if an assembly hold not the head which is Iesus Christ or be nothing else but a confused multitude without any part of the order which the sonne of God hath appointed the same is iustly crossed out of the account of Gods Church 50 As he that entereth into a faire and goodly goldsmithes shop richly furnished with precious Pearles and costly Iewels of all sorts ought not to mislike those excellent things and costly treasures because hee seeth among them a blacke fornace dustie coales and sundrie instruments of base mettall because these instruments coales and fornace must needs be had to make those Iewels as Chaines Earings and Bracelets of Gold withall So in the Church of God where are innumerable men some famous for their wisdome some renowned for their godlinesse some forward feruent in Christian loue charitie many excelling in all kind of vertues if a man see there some vnlearned some deceiuer● some wicked ones some tyrants and many vngodly ones he ought not therefore to picke a quarrell against the Church of Christ nor yet to thinke of the ruine and destruction of the same 51 As the Lawier who hath no further power but to expound the Lawe is vnder the Lawe So the Church which hath authoritie onely to publish and expound the Scriptures cannot authorize them vnto vs but must submit her selfe vnto them 52 As the Ocean sea which is but one is diuided into partes according to the regions and countries against which it lyeth as into the English Spanish Italian sea c Euen so the Church dispearsed ouer the face of the whole earth is diuided into other particular Churches according as the countries are seuerall in which it is seated as into the Church of England and Ireland the Church of France the Church of Germanie c. 53 As the superfluous humors in the vaines are no parts of the body Euen so the vngodly though they be in the Church yet indeed they are no parts of it Math. 13.25.47 54 As the Carkasse of a deade man that weareth a liuing mans garment is not a liuing man though hee looke neuer so like him Euen so the Church of Rome now at this day is of a spouse of Christ become an harlot and in very deede is no true Church of Christ 55 As in a familie children are for the most part one like an other and brought vp alike Euen so it is in Gods familie which is his Church the members thereof are all alike in heart and
discharge no one member can discharge the dutie of an other So also it ought to be in the Church of God 76 As all the seuerall members in the body of man are knit together and vnited to the head So all the seuerall members of the Church are knit and vnited vnto the head Christ 77 As in the naturall body euery seuerall member is as it were the member of euery other in seruing to their good as the eye will see the hand wil take the mouth will speake all for the good of any weake member Euen so it is in the Church of God 78 As the naturall members take spirit and sense from the head So the Church hath all her spirituall feeling and life of Christ who is able to quicken and giue life 79 As the husband that loueth his wife thinketh himselfe not well till she hath his company and he her presence So God loueth the Church his spouse that hee cannot abide to be without her company and thinkes her not safe except she be in his presence therefore it pleaseth the Lord Iesus not onely to call himselfe the head of his Church and the Church his body but also to tearme his Church the fulnesse of himself although he filleth all in all things as though he were imperfect without his Church Psal 41.12 Ephe. 1.23 80 Euen as the father or mother will haue that Infant in their sight which they loue most dearely So God will haue his Church in his sight which he loueth-most tenderly Esay 45.15.16 Christ our Righteousnesse 1 LIke as our sinnes appeared so horrible so great so monstrous and vgly in the presence of God that being once but imputed to Christ he could not notwithstanding that his vnspeakable loue but euen in iustice most seuerely punish our said sinnes in his sonne so surely such is the excellencie of the Righteousnesse of Christ that being once but imputed vnto vs in the presence of our heauenly Father he cannot notwithstanding all our former vnrighteousnes but be throghly pleased with vs and except such a discharge of our sins by his Son for our owne discharge none otherwise then the debt of a Banquerout discharged by some speciall friend is accounted and accepted with his creditor the discharge of the Banquerout himselfe 2 As the soule of a man doth so quicken the body that notwithstanding the mēbers thereof in themselues be but weake yet they are sure not to decay all the while they do hold any participation with the powers of the soule but appeare in the presence of men both lustie and strong So vndoubtedly our Sauiour Christ being that immortall soule of his mysticall body which inspireth spirituall life into all the members therof verily all those his said members are sure so long as they continue incorporate with Christ both to hold the substance of life and withall to be accounted as liuely members in the presence of God during their partitipation with that true life it selfe whereof they take sure hold by a liuely faith Iohn 14.6 1. Iohn 5.11 12. 3 As Cochlearia or Spoonewort the roote of the water Lilie and likewise Telephium and Gentian laid to the body taketh away blacke spots So Christ applied to the conscience purgeth it from dead workes 4 As Smilax aspera or rough Bindeweede serueth not onely against venome receiued aforehand but also against all poison taken after a man hath eaten it So Christ receiued by faith profiteth not onely against the sinnes which before hath bene committed but also done afterward 5 So long as a man stung with a Scorpion holdeth wilde Carthamus in his hand he feeleth no paine but so soone as he letteth it go the ache and paine taketh him a fresh So as long as a man stung with sinne holdeth Christ by faith he feeleth no torment of conscience but so soone as he letteth him go the terrors of death take him a fresh 6 As the people of Israel passing through the Wildernesse had to fight oftentimes against Serpents and when they were stung and smitten by them for to be preserued from the venome and from death they lifted vp their eyes toward the Brasen Serpent that Moses had set vp amidst their tents by sight whereof they were healed So we in like maner fighting against our concupiscences if it come to passe at any time that they giue vs any blow to the ende that this stripe may not be deadly vnto vs wee must lift vp our eyes towards Iesus Christ hanging vpon the Crosse and beseech him that hee would forgiue vs all our trespasses and be our Righteousnesse Iohn 3.14.15 7 As in a naturall body the power that the eye hath to see serueth more to the vse of the other members thē for it selfe because that seeing and marking them all it is watchfull rightly to guide them and to direct their actions not being able in the meane time to see themselues nor to serue it selfe Euen so the Righteousnesse innocencie and obedience of Christ Iesus stand vs in more stead then him seeing that notwithstanding he had all these things and was in his nature life and whole conuersation absolute and perfect yet for all this hee was condemned and crucified We on the contrarie part albeit his Righteousnesse innocencie and obedience be onely imputed vnto vs yet for all that by meanes of this imputation we are absolued iustified and discharged of all our sinnes and of all the accusations that all our enemies can bring against vs. 8 As it is inough that we gather the fruite of a tree and that it alwayes remaine in his place and that wee carrie it not away with vs So in like maner we must content our selues to be partakers of the fruites of Christ his Righteteousnesse albeit it be not essentially in vs but onely by imputation and in as much as through his onely mercie it is bestowed vpon vs. 9 Like as they do that go vp into an high Tower who looking downewards and seeing the depth are afraide to fall and that they may be the more sure they lay hold of the railes Euen so must we leane vpon the Righteousnesse and death of Christ Iesus and strengthen our selues in that to the end we may be preserued from falling 10 Like as in Winter we can no sooner be from the fire but we are cold nor out of light but we enter into darknesse Euen so we can no sooner be parted from Iesus Christ who is is our Righteousnesse and our life but straight we are in sinne and in death for as much as he is the life that quickneth vs the Sunne that giueth vs light and the fire that warmeth comforteth and refresheth all his members 1. Cor. 1.30 Rom. 5.19 Esay 53.4 5. Col. 1.20 11 As the Moone hath no light but that which it hath from the Sunne and as the light is little or great as it is neare or farre off in such sort that if it depart from it it remaineth altogether obscure
die together Euen so a good Conscience and the graces of God in vs they encrease together and die together 10 As a faire and bewtifull countenance is pleasant and gracious in a mans eyes Euen so a good and purified Conscience is acceptable and delightsome in the sight of God 11 As ouermuch fulnesse of the stomack and superfluitie of meates groweth that obstruction which the Phisitians do call oppilation or stopping wherevpon breedeth a continuall headach and that frenzie which bringeth men to a madnesse Euen so of a depraued and dishonest loue of this life of the corruption of maners of gluttonie and excesse eating doth spring an vnbridled and vntamed lust whereof ariseth that phereneticall madnesse of heretickes and a corruption of their vnderstanding in matters of faith so that they which care not to keepe a good Conscience do at length fall to an incurable contempt of faith 1. Timo. 1.5.19 12 Like as if we haue a childe that by crying is grieuous vnto vs wee seeke to appease and still him either by threates or promises by gifts or stripes but if hee will not be so stilled either wee can send him away from vs or wee our selues go from him that wee may not be troubled with his crying But our Conscience once feeling or apprehending the wrath of GGD euen but a little will neuer suffer vs to be quiet promise threaten giue strike what euer you do still it cryeth louder and louder and still it tormenteth yea when you seeke to send it away it sticketh closer vnto you neither can you depart from it for beeing in you it is alwayes at hand 13 Euen as he which is troubled with a burning feauer is hotter then he which is parched with the Sunne So is that man more troubled which hath a guiltie Conscience then a good man by all outward afflictions 14 As the sicke man when he seemes to sleepe and take his rest is inwardly full of troubles So the benummed and drousie Conscience wants not his secret pangs and terrors and when it shall be rowsed and wakened by the iudgement of God it waxeth cruell and fierce like a wilde beast 15 Euen as all renued wounds are hardly or neuer cured So likewise when a man sinnes against his Conscience as much as in him lyeth he plungeth himselfe into the gulfe of desperation for euery wound of the Cōscience thogh the smart of it be litle felt is a deadly wound and he that goes on to sinne against his Conscience cannot call vpon the name of God for a guiltie Conscience makes a man flie from God 16 As a Notarie or a Register that hath alwayes the penne in his hand to note and record whatsoeuer is said or done who also because he keepes the Rolles and Records of the Court can tell what hath bene said and done many hundred yeares past Euen so the Conscience obserues and takes notice of all things that we do and inwardly and secretly within the heart doth tell vs of them all 17 Like as the Maister of a prison is knowne by this to haue care ouer his prisoners if he send keepers with them to watch them and to bring them home againe in time conuenient Euen so Gods care to man is manifest in this that when he created man and placed him in the world he gaue him Conscience to be his Keeper to follow him alwayes at the heeles and to dogge him as we say and to prie into his actions and to beare witnesse of them all 18 Euen as a man being to make an vnknowne iourney should finde one that would go with him and shewe him the way with all the turnings thereof he could not but take it for a great point of curtesie So likewise seeing we are Pilgrimes in this world our life is our iourney and God also hath appointed our Conscience to be our companion and guide to shewe vs what course wee may take and what we may not 19 As a wilde beast which so long as he lyeth a sleepe seemes very tame and gentle hurts no man but when he is rowzed he then awakes and flies in a mans face and offers to pull out his throate So likewise it is the maner of a dead and benummed Conscience to lye still and quiet euen through the course of a mans life and heerevpon a man would thinke as most doo that it were a good Conscience indeede but when sicknesse or death approacheth and commeth it being awaked by the hand of God begins to stand vpon his legs and shews his fierce eyes and offers to rend out euen the very throate of the soule Gene. 42.2 20 As all the vertues of naturall men are indeed bewtifull sinnes and their Righteousnes but a carnall Righteousnes So the Conscience also of a carnall man though it excuse him for well dooing is but a carnall Conscience 21 Like as when a man enters into his house at midnight he findes or sees nothing out of order but let him come in the day time when the Sunne shineth and hee shall then espie many faults in the house and the very moates that flie vp and downe Euen so let a man search his heart in the ignorance and blindnesse of his minde he will straightway thinke all is well but let him once begin to search himselfe with the light and lanterne of the Law and so he shall finde many foule corners in his heart and Conscience and many heapes of sinnes in his life 22 As some men seeke day and night from yeare to yeare for honours riches and pleasures which they must leaue behinde them So much more ought we to seeke for renued and reformed Consciences considering that Conscience will be with vs in this life in death at the last iudgement and for euer 23 As a man arrayed and apparrelled in cloath of Tishue set in a chaire of estate hauing before him a table furnished with all daintie delicates his seruants Monarches and Princes his riches the chiefest treasures and Kingdomes of the world but withal suppose there were one standing by with a naked sword to cut his throate or a wilde beast readie euer and anon to pull him in peeces we cannot otherwise say but that this mans estate and all his happinesse is yet nothing but woe and miserie Euen so such is the estate and condition of all men that abounding with riches honors and pleasures carrie about them an euill Conscience which is a sword to slay the soule or as a rauenous beast readie to suck the blood of the soule and to rend it in peeces 24 Like as in gouerning the Ship on the Sea the Pilot holding the helme in his hand hath alwayes an eye to the compasse So we likewise in the ordering of our liues and conuersations must alwayes haue a speciall regard to the Conscience 25 As God giues to the eye certaine lids of flesh to defend and couer it from outward iniuries Euen so must we vse meanes to auoyd whatsoeuer may offend
nature requireth are fruitfull in yeelding both bigger and sweeter Grapes so godly Christians the braunches of Christ the true Vine so long as they abide in him shall be manured by God the Father that carefull Husbandman that their fruite shal be both in quantitie more aboundant and in qualitie more pleasant vnto him 20 Like as euery man that trieth maistries whether it be in running wrestling or buffeting doth with great warinesse and diligence forbeare the meates pleasures and all other things that weaken the powers of the body or which may abate their nimblenesse and either hinder or disappoint them of the victorie Euen so euerie Christian sustaining a continuall encounter and wrestling with the diuell and their owne sinfull lusts and outward enticements must throughout the whole race of their life abstain from all things that offend either God or godly and weake persons 21 As the Householder that feareth theeues will cause his house to be diligently watched and looked vnto least the theefe come vpon him at vnawares So likewise Christians should be warie and watchful and be prepared for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour who will come in an houre wherin we least look for him Mat. 24.43 Iames. 5.7 8. 22 As bones in mens body being the stronger beare vp the skinne and flesh which is the weaker So likewise Christians whom God hath endued with greater strēgth should learne to beare with many infirmities in others Rom. 15.1 23 As a tree bringeth forth first leaues then blossomes and then fruite So a good Christian ought first to bring forth good thoughts then good speeches and after a godly life to the honour of God the good of his children and the saluation of his owne soule 24 As our Sauiour Christ did not breake the brused reede nor quench the smoaking slaxe that is did beare with many infirmities in those which were his Disciples least he should breake off or quench those good things which began to appeare in them Euen so such as are sound and strong Christians ought also to beare and forbeare to cherish and foster such good things as they shall perceiue to beginne to liue and growe in their weake bretheren Rom. 15.1 1. Cor. 9.22 Gal. 6.1 2. 25 Like as men-seruants and maid-seruants attend vpon their maister and mistresse and yeelde their duties vnto them vpon hope of finding helpe and friendship at their hands euen so euery good Christian ought to be diligent and careful to please God and to be well content to tarrie his leisure for those graces and mercies which he looketh for at his hands Psal 123.2 Math. 8.9 26 As the child which as yet can vse no reason is for all that a reasonable creature and the man in a sowne feeles no power of life and yet he is not dead So likewise the Christian man hath many quames come ouer his heart and hee falles into many a sowne that none almost would looke for any more life of Christ in him yet for all that he may be a true Christian 27 As straungers and trauellers abstaine in Countreys where they are straungers from many things which which would hinder them in their voyage So good Christians in their passage through this world should abstaine from the lusts of the flesh which hinder their soules from life euerlasting 1. Pet. 2.11 28 As that vnprofitable seruant was greeuously punished who had receiued a talent of his maister and went and digged it in the earth and hid it Euen so such Christians as haue receiued any gifts of God and doo not employ them to the common vse benefite and profit of the Church and people of God shall receiue heauie and grieuous iudgements of God for so doing Math. 25.30 29 As Theeues and such other malefactors are executed and suffer due punishment according to their deseruings So all Christians are to take heede that they deserue not to suffer as murtherers theeues euill dooers o● busie bodyes but if they suffer for a good Conscience then they are not to be ashamed 1. Pet. 4.15.16 30 As braunches cannot bring forth fruite except they abide in the Vine So likewise Christians cannot bring forth fruites of Righteousnesse except they abide in Christ Iohn 15.1 2 3 4 5 6. 31 Like as they which runne or wrestle for the best game do of their owne accord abstaine from all things which may either make them short winded or hinder their lightnesse strength or nimblenesse Euen so much more then ought Christians cast off and abstaine from all those things which may hinder them in the way course of euerlasting life 1. Cor. 9.25 32 As an Owle peepes at the Sunne out of a barne but dares not come neare it So likewise some Christians peepe at Religion and will not come to it but stand aloofe pinking and winking as though they were more afraid of God then the diuell 33 Euen as a candle that it may giue light vnto others it selfe is burned and consumed or as salt it selfe is brused and molten that it may giue good season and a sweete sauour vnto meate So a true Christian especially one aduanced to dignitie and placed in authoritie should spare no labour but euen breake himselfe with studie and care and vndergo any paines to do good to profit many and to win some soules to God Math 5.13.14 34 Like as in great and sore diseases all the best remedies that can be deuised are wont to be applied with all speede Euen so the more that Christians see wickednesse ●nd vngodlinesse to abound the more ought they to con●ider by what meanes they may be remedied that some may be saued among so many thousands which are ●ard-hearted and enemies to all good warnings 35 Euen as the children of this world do witnesse ●hemselues themselues to be all one with the world by ●ollowing their worldly lusts ambition couetousnesse and pleasures So in like case Christians shew themselues to be made one with Christ by his holy spirit when they follow Christ steppe by steppe and make his life to serue them as a most perfect rule to leade theyr life by 36 Euen as the Saylers Gnomon or rule which is commonly called the Marriners Needle doth alwayes looke towards the North-poole and will euer turne towards the same howsoeuer it bee placed which is maruellous in that instrument and Needle whereby the Marriners doo knowe the course of the windes Euen so euery Christian man ought to direct the eyes of his minde and the wayes of his heart to Christ who is our North-poole and that fixed and constant North-Starre whereby wee ought all to bee gouerned for hee is our hope and our trust hee is all our strength wherevpon we must still relie 37 Like as the Gnomon dooth euer behold the North-starre whether it bee closed and shut vppe in a Coffer of Golde Siluer or Woodde neuer loosing his nature So a faithfull Christian man whether hee abound in wealth or bee pinched with pouertie whether hee bee
light to euery thing although there bee that receiue no light at all at it Euen so Christ is called the light of the world although a great number haue no part of the grace of his light yet his Redemption is vniuersall because it is so appointed vnto all men that without it none is nor can be redeemed Iohn 8.12 9.5 1. Timo. 2.6 Christ receiued by faith 1 A As the naturall body receiueth life from the head and is dead without it and as the braunch though it be neuer so neare the Vine-stock yet if it abide not in it and growe not in it hath no life there from and therefore withereth and if it abide in it then it liketh and fructifieth And as the hungrie and thirstie man hath not the benefite of meate and drinke to liue by by comming where it is seeing it and knowing it but by eating and drinking thereof and digesting it so that by force of nature there growe an vnion betwixt him and his meate Euen so it is as necessarie that the faithfull bee vnited to their head Christ spiritually engrafted into him and grow in him by faith and that euery one that would be saued eate him and drinke him and that so effectually as that hee may be their spirituall foode For if it be thus they shall liue for euer by him otherwise they remaine in death wither and must perish Neither is it sufficient that wee heare or reade of him and his merites and passion but they must bee receiued by faith Col. 1.18 Ephe. 1.22.23 Iohn 6.53 54 55. 2 As meat drink being set before vs is taken in by eating thereof to our temporall nourishment Euen so Christ is as surely apprehended of vs by faith to our spiritual maintenance in the word preached and Sacraments ministred which are the dishes wherin one and the selfesame Christ is offered vnto vs. 3 As the Soule naturally ioyned to the body bringeth forth her effects So Christ dwelling in vs by faith and the holy Ghost after a spirituall manner and by a spirituall vertue doth shewe his power in vs to inable vs to resist sinne and to bridle the corrupt desires of the flesh 1. Pet. 4.1 4 As there can bee no eating without taking or receiuing of meate So no beleeuing in Christ without a spirituall receiuing and apprehending of him How the two Tables of the 10. Commaundements be alike AS one man may be like an other in nature and qualitie although the one exceede the other in greatnesse degree and dignitie c. Euen so the second Table of the 10. Commaundements is like in qualitie and condition vnto the first yet they are not equall for the first is in degree of more dignitie and excellencie then the second Math. 22.39 Confession of our euill deeds to God 1 LIke as Beggers if they haue any good thing doo conceale and hide it and doo onely shewe their ragges and their soares wherby they may moue and stirre the compassion of the beholders to pittie them Euen so it behoueth vs not to boast our good deedes before God as the Pharisie did but to professe and confesse our euill deedes if wee will prouoke the Lord his mercie towards vs as the Publican did Luk. c. 2 As a man that hath money to pay whilest hee hath it in his hand is loath to part with it but when he hath once paide it he is glad that it is discharged and would not for any thing it were to pay againe Euen so men before they haue confessed their sinnes are vnwilling to disburthen themselues of them but when Confession is once made they haue eased their hearts and discharged their consciences conceiuing such comfort as they would not for all the world it were to doo againe Psal 91 1 2. c. 3 As they which haue in their stomacks meate vndigested or store of ill humours are eased if they vomit them vp So if sinners and euill dooers doo Confesse their sinnes to God they shal finde ease in their soules and consciences Proud Persecutors which thinke that without Gods leaue they may deale as they list with Christians LIke as King Kantus sometime King of this Realme standing by the water side aftet a great raine and marking how the water did rise which by leisure so encreased that it wet his feete where he stood and hee beeing so proud in heart thought that whatsoeuer he said euerie thing would obey straight commaunded the water that ●t should arise no further nor wet his maisters feete any more but when he sawe that the water rose still and would not obey him but ranne into his shooes hee perceiued his foolishnes and confessed there was a God and ● King aboue him whom onely the waters would obey Euen so all greedie Churles and couetous Cormorants ●hall well perceiue when they haue wrought themselues wearie and gotten little that all encrease comes from the ●ord and not of themselues Psal 75.6.7 127.1 2. ●ro 10.22 Luk. 5.5.6 Christ a most wholesome medicine and and salue to all poore sinners 1 AS the brazen Serpent was eleuated and lifted vp in the Desart by Moses for to heale all those that did looke vpon it So it was necessarie that our Sauiour Iesus Christ as he himselfe doth witnesse should be hanged vpon the Crosse and lifted vp on high for to heale all those that be deadly stung and wounded by the old Serpent the diuell Nomb. 21.8 Iohn 3.14 12.31 32 33. 2 As the brazen Serpent had the figure forme and shape of a Serpent and yet it was no Serpent no nor yet had any venome or poyson So our Sauiour Christ did take vpon him the shape of a sinner and yet he was no sinner but was and is a most wholesome medicine and soueraigne salue vnto all poore sinners that doo behold and looke vpon him by faith and that seeke for saluation no where else but in the onely merits of his death and passion Heb. 4.15 3 As there was no Phisicke Medicine or Salue that could heale those that were stung of the firie Serpents but only the looking vpon the brazē Serpent that was erected and set vp by the commaundement of God Euen so haue we no maner of Phisicke or salue against sinne and euerlasting death or any other obiect or marke set before the eyes of our faith to behold for to bring soule health and saluation vnto vs but onely Iesus Christ being crucified who is giuen vnto vs of God For it doth not belong vnto vs to chuse the medicine or salue but it pertaineth to God our soueraigne Phisition who alone is able to heale vs from this deadly sicknesse who also alone knoweth what medicine or salue is necessarie for vs. 4 And as it is not in our power to finde the medicine of saluation so can we not of our selues finde the maner and meanes how to vse and applie the same For as in the sicknesse of the body the sicke
crosse we profit not as we ought then either he letteth it lie the longer vpon vs or remouing it sendeth an other in stead of it though not presently because we could not beare it yet afterwards when it seemeth best vnto him 12 Like as when a mans body is so distempered and some member so putrified then it is best for him to haue his bloud taken away from him to be launced and seared yea to haue a part cut off Euen so when any affliction or calamitie doth befall vs let vs not be discontented therwith or be impatient but submitting our iudgements and wills to the iudgement and will of God let vs quietly endure seeing the Lord giueth vs that not which we fondly desire as the best but which he knoweth to be and is indeed the best 13 As the sicke Patient cannot as he is man but feele the launcing and searing of his flesh and so complaine of it with great griefe yea crie out for the extremitie of paine though hee knoweth it to be best for him then and therefore dooth after a sort most willingly suffer it Euen so some are so full of complaints in their afflictions because they are not perswaded at that time that the very thing is sent for theyr most speciall good and therefore such are to meditate vpon this heretofore set downe concerning this matter 14 As in worldly matters we will beare many things at the hands of them whom we loue as the child at the mother the husband at the wife one friend at an other Euen so how much more ought we to beare al things at the hands of God whom we know so loueth vs in Christ and therfore we ought so to loue him again no doubt wold beare if there were that loue in vs which ought to be 15 Like as when the childe hath offended his father he ●hould say to his seruant in his anger Take him out of my sight and punish him it would be more greeuous then if he should take correction of him himselfe Euen so it may minister vnto vs some comfort that in afflictions we know that we are vnder our Fathers hand and that he hath not deliuered vs vnto any other to be tormented Rom. 8.29 Psal 66.10 16 As in a familie great is the priuiledge of the eldest brother and none must looke to go beyond him nay euerie one cannot be like vnto him and if any might come to as great an inheritance as hee by dooing those things which he did before them they might not refuse the condition vnlesse they would prefer themselues before him So likewise seeing it hath pleased the Lord to consecrate the Prince of our peace through affliction Heb. 2.10 and he came vnto glorie no other way then this wee must thinke it good for vs to go the same way that we might be like vnto him and so by our practise shewe that wee acknowledge him to be the Prince of our peace and our eldest brother 17 Euen as he is the chiefe and principall in the Common-wealth in the Church in a priuate familie and in any place that all desire to be like vnto So when wee are contented to be like vnto Christ in any thing euen in the Crosse then shall we declare that we hold him to be the chief and principall and as it is said The first begotten among many bretheren 18 Howsoeuer there is great difference betweene the head and the rest of the members yet there is a certaine conformitie betweene the members of the same body and the head and all of them are inferiour vnto it Euen so howsoeuer there is no comparison betwixt Christ and vs yet we must be like him in this that we must not be aboue him and therefore not to refuse any condition tha● he hath vndergone before vnlesse we would preposteriously preferre our selues the members before him our head which were to darken the glorie of him that is the first borne and to staine the honour of him that is the Prince of our peace 19 As it were a disorder if the subiects would refuse to do that which the Prince had done before or if the younger bretheren should thinke much to be brought vp that way that the heire hath beene before Euen so when wee shall refuse to beare the crosse which our Sauiour Christ by the appointment of his father hath borne in greater measure then we shall or can it is nothing else but to lift vp our selues aboue him and to say that we will not be conformable vnto him as to our Prince or eldest brother 20 As it did not repent Ioseph that he first enduring the prison was afterwards made ruler in Egypt or Iacob that he came to inherit his fathers blessing at the last by a long exile and tedious bondage or as it did not repent the Israelites that by passing through a forlorne Wildernesse fortie yeares they came to the land of promise in the end Euen so we must not prescribe the Lord any thing in the matter of our saluation but thinke our selues happie that we are saued any way yea if we went to heauen by hell and when wee are come thither we shall finde the ioyes so farre surpasse all troubles and aduersities whatsoeuer that wee shall neuer repent vs of the hardnesse of the way 21 Like as if one bleede at his nose so that hee bee ●n some daunger of life the best way to remedie the ●he same is to chaunge the course of the bloud by letting him bloud in an other place Euen so seeing there is no Comfort in worldly pouertie but wee thinke our selues most miserable wee must turne our eyes to our spirituall pouertie and so wee shall ere it bee long finde comfort 22 Like as if one that were blinde should be suddenly taken and carried to some punishment hee knew not by whom hee might greatly feare what would be the end or measure of it Or if one should be dealt withall as is the maner of the Spanish Inquisitours to put the poore soule in the greater feare if hee should haue a tormenter sent vnto him very vgly disguised who should carrie him into a darke place hee knew not whither that might encrease the griefe of his affliction the more but if when he were in the middest of it he should heare the voyce of his father and so perceiue that it were his father that corrected him though so disguised it might somewhat diminish his feare Euen so howsoeuer it be true that euerie crosse is so much the more vncomfortable vnto vs because wee looke not vp vnto him that sendeth it and wee are so blinde that wee consider not who striketh vs yet when we heare out of the word the voyce of our father speaking vnto vs and telling vs that it is he that dealeth with vs how straunge and deformed soeuer the tormenter may seeme to be let vs not bee too much discouraged because that euen when he striketh vs the bowels
rather putrifie within him by couering and defending them then heale by repentance and confession it is to be feared that such a one shall not finde repentance at commaundement when he wisheth for it Rom. 2.3 4. Carnall men 1 AS a childe borne and brought vp in a dungeon will not beleeue if his mother tell him of the light of the Sunne and such other pleasant commodities that there are such things or very hardly Euen so no more will Carnall men beleeue either the immortalitie of the soule or the mercie and iudgement of the Lord c. 2 Like as in other matters it commeth daily to passe that mē being in processe of tim● brought by experience to see their owne errors wherein they haue done amisse are displeased with themselues for so dooing wish they had done otherwise and so are said to repent of this or that action So Carnall men hauing all their liues liued in vaine and sinfull pleasures altogether carelesse of the seruice of God and of their owne saluation at length see the vanitie of their liues past are greeued for it and wish although too late that they had taken an other course 3 As Adam by comming out of the state of holinesse into the state of sinne had his eyes opened to see the filthinesse of sinne and his owne nakednesse wherevpon he beeing ashamed desired to hide and couer himselfe So in like manner Carnall men comming out of the state of senselesse securitie wherein they neither knew nor considered what sinne is into the state of repentance wherein they conceiue of sinne as it is indeed and iudge themselues in regard of it the most abiect men of all other vnworthie of their company or to come in their sight and therefore they decline and shun it wherin this shame doth consist Couetousnesse in old men 1 AS wayfairing men the lesse way they haue to go the lesse carefull neede they to be either of spending their money or victualls Euen so for olde men who haue as it were one foote in the graue to be couetous is a verie absurd thing Christ our Prophet 1 AS the print of a Seale is more plainely perceiued in the soft waxe then in the Seale it selfe So likewise the knowledge of God is more manifest to vs in Christ who is the liuely image and engrauen forme of his Father 2 As the Moone dooth naturally receiue her light of the Sunne So all the light all the true wisedome and vnderstanding or heauenly knowledge that the Church hath it hath it of our Sauiour Iesus Christ Christ was in our person iustly cursed of God and executed for vs. 1 AS the Suretie is by the iust sentence of the Lawe condemned to pay his debt for whom hee hath willingly and aduisedly vndertaken Euen so it is meere and true iustice and no wrong that Christ by the iust sentence of the Lawe was hanged on a tree and so hee bare indeed the true curse of the Lawe 2 As the Suretie although hee be vtterly cleare obnoxious and guiltie to none yet by his suretiship is a debter and obnoxious to the Creditor and the Law So likewise Christ tooke our person on him and presented himselfe therein before his Father and so hee became by our sinnes sinfull defiled hatefull and accursed 3 Like as if a tender Ladies only child should by some casualtie be all tumbled in bloud or mire most stinking filth the child so berayed loathsome would breed great abhorring loathing in the eyes of the delicate Lady yet the childe 's own person shuld be neuerthelesse beloued of the mother but rather the more if it may be So such two persons or conditions are found in Christ according to one he was alwayes beloued according to the other which he tooke vpon him whilst he had not finished that office he was iustly accursed Christs Merits 1 AS the Iebusites Gods enemies could not fully be cōquered vntil Dauid came Euen so no more could the Kingdome of Sathan bee cleane ouerthrowne vntill Christ Iesus the King of glory was borne of the seede of Dauid who conquered sinne hell and the diuel and possessed the holy hill Sion and made his people Citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem 2. Sam. 5.6 7 8 9. Iosu 23.7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 2 Euen as the Oyntment that was powred vppon the head of Aaron rested not there but went downe also vpon his beard yea to the skirts of his cloathing So likewise the righteousnes of Christ and his Merite is giuen and attributed to euery one that be his members Psal 133.2 3 As Christs righteousnes is made ours really by imputation to make vs righteous Euen so we by the Merite of his righteousnes imputed to vs do merite and deserue life euerlasting Christ a King 1 AS King Dauid when hee had raigned 33. yeares in Ierusalem died with great victorie Euen so Christ ●esus our Lord and graund Captaine after hee had preached the Kingdome of his Father gat this noble victorie ●gainst death and all his enemies in the 33. yeare of his ●ge by suffring death and tryumphantly ascending into heauen where he raigneth a glorious King for euer Christian a generall name for all that are baptized LIke as euery man and woman hath a seueral proper name whereby hee is discerned and knowne ●rom another Euen so there is one name that is general●y apperteining vnto all men namely Christian which is ●eriued vnto vs from Christ our Sauiour as the Authour 〈◊〉 whom we beleeue in whom we are baptized whose word we esteeme whose redemption and righteousnesse we doo reuerence by whose spirit wee beeing annoynted with holy oyle by him are made ioyfull and glad Act. 11.26 26.28 1. Pet. 4.16 Gods Children 1 LIke as natural Children are like their naturall fathers in fauor in speech in laughter or in some lineaments of their bodies Euen so the spirituall Children of God are like vnto him their Father in righteousnesse and holinesse of life 2 AS we loue them which loue our Children and our hearts and hands too arise against them which misvse thē Euen so the Lord our God who exceedeth all fathers in loue much more loueth those which loue his Children and his heart and hand too arise in his heauie wrath and displeasure against such as harme and misvse them 1. Iohn 5.1 Psal 15.4 Mat. 10.40 41. Luk. 10.16 Zach. 2.8 3 As a woman in trauaile in the middle of her sorrow crieth in her paines Euen so such is the estate of God his Children in the midst of persecution Esa 26.17 The excellencie of Gods Children 1 LIke as Dauid said when hee should haue married Saules daughter Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a Kings sonne seeing that I am a poore man and of small reputation So seemeth it to any a light thing to bee sonnes and daughters of GOD the King of all Kings seeing wee are sinfull men and of no reputation but haue deserued rather eternall
the corrupted wounds of a sicke body and to take away or to feare with an hot Iron the rotten flesh in cutting or searing hath no pittie of the weake man to the end that in curing his sore and healing his wound by cutting and searing he may shew him pittie Euen so our most wise God that celestiall Physition and heauenly Surgeon smiteth and afflicteth vs that hee may heale vs cutteth and seareth vs that he may cure vs. Heb. 12.6.7 Deut. 32.39 Amo. 3.2 Psa 89.31.32 Good Christians are much grieued when God is dishonored AS a water pot or a Viall full of liquor if suddenly it be ouerthrowne doth shed and scatter the liquor So a deuout and godly Christian abounding with teares being mooued and troubled with sorrow because of the iniuries dishonour wrongs and blasphemies committed against the Lord doth presently powre out great aboundance and as it were mightie streames of salt and bitter teares Luke 19.41 Psal 119.136 Math. 26.75 Disobedient Children EVen as a long and a prosperous life is promised vnto obedient sonnes So on the other side all disobedient vnthankfull and obstinate Children are assured of the punishment of infamie ioyned with diuers and great o● lamities and torments Exod. 20.12 1. Sam. 2.22 1. King 1.25 c. Deut. 21.18 c. Pro. 20.20 Ephe. 6.2 The end of our Calling LIke as if her Maiestie to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call foorth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to Iust and turney in her presence for her honor they wold no doubt straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Euen so much more ought we that are Christians to performe this dutie to our God and Prince who hath called vs out by name to fight for his honour to be a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew forth his vertues and to be zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice he hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and therefore we must endeuour to doo valiantly and to doo our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly king and prince Tit. 2.13.14 Psal 130.4 1. Pet. 2.9 Cantic 8.6 The Churches variable estate vpon earth LIke as the day and night doo one follow another So likewise in the administration of the Church here vpon earth Christ suffereth a continuall intercourse betweene peace and persecution Christ is to be serued and pleased before our selues or others AS the maister of those seruants that are borne in his house or whome hee purchaseth doo pretend that they doo him wrong when they spend any time either to their owne particular profite or in the seruice of others So may Iesus Christ much more iustly complaine of vs that are his two-fold seruants namely by birth and by purchase if wee imploy euen neuer so little of our liues to serue and please our selues the world or the diuell our enemies 1. Cor. 6.19 Math. 16.24 Luk. 9.23 Rom. 12.2 It is spirituall Adultrie to forsake Christ and loue the world EVen as a woman may rightly be called an Adulteresse that giueth her body to other men and setteth her loue on an other So they which flie from Christ and forsake him being their spirituall husband by setting their loue on this world or any thing therein doo commit adulterie against Christ Iam. 4.4 Ephe. 5.30 1. Cor. 6.17 Christ is sent of the Father AS fire sendeth forth both heate and light but neither heate nor light sendeth fire so the father sendeth both Christ and the all knowing comforter and hee is vnsent Christ and the holy Ghost are of the Father AS both the light the heate are of the fire So Christ and the holy Ghost both are of the Father the one begotten the other proceeding and the Father onely is of himselfe and of no other Christ is to be loued for sauing of vs. 1 LIke as if thou fallest into a deepe ryuer being in apparant daunger of drowning if any man should cast the a rope or himselfe leape into the water to saue thy life thou canst not sufficiently confesse and acknowledge thy selfe his debter to doo him pleasure and seruice all the daies of thy life So likewise wee were not onely in daunger of falling into hell but were alreadie fallen euen from our infancie and dayly through our sinnes fell deeper and deeper Yet Christ cast vs not in a rope to pull vs vp and saue vs but threw himselfe into our sea of woe into our hell to be short into horrible death wherein wee were drowned to plucke vs foorth and therefore with great zeale and affection we are bound to say Lord wee are bound to loue honour serue please and obey thee in all that we may with our whole hearts all the dayes of our life 2 Like as if thou werst vpon a Scaffold ready to be beheaded for thy drunkennesse or adulterie and thereupon shouldest haue a pardon and so thy life saued vpon condition that thou shouldest fall no more thereinto thou wouldest no doubt willingly and heartily promise yea with thy hand subscribe and with thy tongue sweare that thou wouldest neuer more commit adulterie or drunkennesse but that thou wouldest abhorre all Tauernes Ale-houses and drunkerds all whores and bawdes and so amend thy life Now seeing Iesus Christ hath saued thee not from an apparant daunger of death but euen from death it selfe and not from the death of the body but from euerlasting death who requireth of thee to amende thy life which thou art bound so to doo yea thou oughtest cheerefully and earnestly promise and faithfully vowe to reforme and amend and to shun all occasions that might procure thee to displease and offend him Counsell EVen as out of an Apothecaries shoppe where verie wholesome medicines precious oyntments and most pleasant perfumes are solde sometimes commeth most ranke and deadly poyson So very often from men greatly experienced and deepely learned do come very pestilent pernitious and treacherous Counsels The right knowledge of Christ crucified 1 AS Elizeus when hee would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vppon his hands and his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him Euen so if thou wouldest bee reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the Crosse of Christ and applie thy hands to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinful heart to his bleeding hart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue plunge thy selfe wholly both body and soule into the woundes and bloud of Christ 2. King 4.34 2 As the dead Souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his body Euen so shalt
thou by a spirituall touching of Christ dead buried be quickned to euerlasting life 2. King 13.21 Our Conformitie with Christ by a certaine kind of imitation 1. AS Christ in the garden and vpon the Crosse by prayer made with strong cries and teares presented and resigned himselfe vp to be a sacrifice of propitiation to the iustice of his Father for mans sinne So must wee also in prayer present and resigne our selues our soules our bodies our vnderstanding will memorie affections and all we haue to the seruice of God in the generall calling of a Christian and in the particular callings in which he hath placed vs. Psal 40.7.8 2 As Christ bare his owne Crosse to the place of execution So must we as good Disciples of Christ denie our selues take vp all the Crosses and afflictions that the hand of God shal lay vpon vs if it be euery day and follow him Iohn 19.17 Math. 10.38 3 As our Sauiour Christ when hee apprehended the wrath of God and the very pangs of hell were vpon him wholly stayed himselfe vpon the aide helpe protection good pleasure of his Father euen to the last So must wee by a true liuely faith depend on Gods mercy in Christ as it were with both our hāds in peace in trouble in life in the very pang of death and we must not in any wise let our hold go no though we should feele our selues discend to hell Children not to be cloathed with ouer costly apparel AS the soft Flax soone catcheth hold on the fire So likewise youthfull nature will soone bee inflamed with Costly apparell and with new fashions which is a great fault in parents as lamentable experience too much teacheth this day Esay 14.12 Zeph. ● 8 Christ will take Compassion on vs. 1 AS the Apple of the eye is so tender that it may not be touched but with great griefe So likewise the coniunction betweene Christ vs is such that he feeleth our afflictions and thereof taketh great compassion Zach. 2.8 2 As Alexander the Monarch of the world whensoeuer he came to any Citie to besiege it he wold at the first shew forth display his white flag or banner in tokē of mercy if they would yeeld but if they would not then he would set forth and display his red flags and banners in token of wrath and bloud So in like maner at the first our Sauiour Christ wil shew mercy vnto vs hoping that we wil turne repent but if we wil not then he wil bring dreadful iudgements vpon vs. Cardes and Dice 1 AS by lots the souldiers parted the garments of Iesus Christ So may we wel say that these games of Cards and Dice is the meanes to part betweene the world and the diuel many of those who professing reformed Religion are addicted therunto Mat. 27.35 Pro. 16.33 Eph. 5.16 2 As the pleasure of gaine and the sorrow for losse in play are mighty passions to moue the harts of men So also a number of braules quarrels and controuersies doo arise of Carding and Dicing as swearing cursing and blaspheming of God c. Exod. 20.7 Math. 12.36 1. Cor. 10.31 3 As they that whet their kniues vpon a chalke stone do not sharpen them but rather make them more dul blūt Euen so such as vse Dicing and Carding do not quicken their wits but rather dull them Christ is the foode of a Christian soule AS euery man is carnally fed and nourished in his body by meate and drinke Euen so is euery good Christian man fed and nourished in his soule by the fleshe and bloud of our Sauiour Christ Care of the saluation of others AS when one of our friends is ill at ease or sicke in his body we will not sticke to ride and runne to procure any meanes whereby to restore his bodily health Euen so much more ought we to be more carefull of the saluation of the soules of our brethren by how much more the the soule is of greater price then the body Christ crucified healeth vs. AS skilfull and cunning Physitions are wont sometimes when a sick man is sore vexed with a numnesse of his whole body to cut a vaine of his head that the letting of bloud may heale the body of that disease and sicknesse Euen so Christ is our head and wee are his members A vaine of our head is cut that our whole body may be healed Christ suffered that mankind might bee redeemed Col. 1.18 Gal. 4.4 Originall Corruption is the roote of all sinne AS the cause of trees and plants of their rootes stockes stems and boughes is in the seede So the cause of our transgressions foule sinnes and most daungerous iniquities is our owne Corruption wherewith wee are moued and inclined to all euill and the ignorance and not knowing of our selues wherewith we are greatly hindred in the knowledge of our God and doo also most sharpely censure those things in others which wee doe loue and cherish in our selues Our Conuersation is carefully to be looked vnto AS it behoueth him that walketh vpon cordes strained and fastned on high diligently to looke to his footing that he may not totter or decline this way or that way Euen so it standeth vs vpon to bee warie and carefully to looke about vs and to take good heede where we set our feete that is our affections and the delights of our hearts least we fall downe headlong into the bottomlesse gulph of Gods displeasure For if wee will fixe our affections and bend our wils with a deliberate consent to doo the thing that is euil vniust and vngodly making no conscience of any thing that we doo bee it neuer so opposite and contrarie to the will of God it cannot be but falling from the state of grace wee shall fall most suddenly and shamefully into the infernall pit of hell death and damnation 2 As a wheele although it turne about on the ground yet the greatest part of it is alwaies from the earth and but little of it toucheth the ground So although our body be on earth yet the Conuersation of the soule which is the greater part of vs must be in heauen Christ is possessor of heauen for vs. 1 AS if vpon the confiscation of an inheritance comming to many brethren when the Prince afterward maketh a release the eldest brother taketh the possession for assurance that himselfe and his brethren are restored to their goods and the same is an assurance to the coheires with the eldest that in the person of their eldest brother themselues are put in possession of the inheritance common to them all Euen so Iesus Christ hath taken possession of heauen not onely for himselfe but also for vs his coheires Rom. 8.17 2 As the high Priest entring into the holy Sanctuarie vpon his shoulders and brest carried the twelue names of the twelue Tribes of Israel So Iesus Christ entered not alone into heauen but we also with him Ephe. 2.5 Companie changeth
body he suffered in his soule the heauie wrath and indignation of his Father and the extreame tortures and torments of hell for a time no lesse then the the reprobates that be there alreadie and no lesse then all we by iust desert should haue suffered for euer if Christ had not done it for vs and yet fewe or none for all this will shead one teare giue one grone or sigh once from the bottome of his heart Christ his goodnesse considered there was neuer any creature dealt so vnkindly with him as man doth AS sometimes it falleth out that a Henne sitteth vpon Ducks egges and with her diligent sitting and the heate of her body she doth hatch and bring them forth and when they be able to follow her she clucks them and after her maner as though they were her naturall Chickens she doth call them about her but they being not of her but the Ducks kinde though by her they haue beene hatched and of her haue receiued life and though shee hath a continuall care to bring them vp and to defend them from such enemies as seeke to deuoure them yet neuerthelesse they will follow and seeke after that wherevnto by nature they are inclined and giuen when shee is scraping and scratching in the earth to finde them foode they will be in the water mire or foule puddle after their kinde she may cluck and walke alone they will not keepe her companie vnlesse perhaps in some daunger when the Kite is readie to catch them for some succour they will flie to her howbeit at the length when she perceiueth them to be vnnatural and vnkinde to her she doth forsake them and giue them ouer Euen so our sweete Sauiour Christ Iesus hauing taken great pains for vs and hauing humbled himselfe euen in the lowest degree of all humilitie that can be named as in comming downe out of his fathers bosome being most perfect most holy and omnipotent God being euery way equall and in nothing interiour to his Father to take our weake fraile and feeble nature vpon him and sinne excepted to haue a perfect feeling of all our miseries infirmities as wearisomnes of body hunger and thirst and such others and besides the induring of these many yeres together hauing suffered a most cruell death and euen at his death vpon the Crosse hauing tasted and taken a full cup of his Fathers furie and indignation which was indeed filled and prepared for vs as a iust reward for our sinnes and should haue beene our owne cup and our owne portion for euer and euer had he not euen then taken and supt it vp to cleare and to free vs from it Againe after all these things hauing still continued his humilitie in suffering death to keepe his bodie three dayes in the graue and euen as it were to treade and trample vpon him and then manger death hell diuell and Iewes hauing risen againe and being ascended and gone vp to his Father where now vntill his comming againe to iudge the quicke and the dead he sitteth at the right hand of maiestie and power He now speaketh and calleth vnto vs by his Prophets Apostles and Ministers and willeth vs to remember what case and estate we were ●n before he died and suffered all these things for vs and he would haue vs to know to be sure and neuer to forget that if he had not suffered death here vpon earth as hee did we should neuer haue found any way or entrance into heauen the celestiall ioyes and pleasures of the Lords saints saluation and eternall life should neuer haue be●onged vnto vs wee should haue had no more to do with them then they that liue without faith and die infidels The horrors of hell and the stinking lakes of vnspeakable shame confusion torments endlesse death and damnation should haue beene our inheritance lot and perpetuall portion Christ therfore doth daily put vs in mind that we be not our owne but his and that we bee the greatest and dearest purchase that euer was made in heauen or in earth and that the like price and cost was neuer bestowed vpon any creatures as vpon vs. When the Angels which were in heauen in the presence of their creator did once offend they were hurled out and cast into hell Christ would not bestow vpon them one pennie of all that great price and rich raunsome which he paied for vs he would not then become man to shed one drop of bloud for them but for our sakes hee spared not one drop but shed all The Hen that himselfe speaketh of was neuer so diligent and carefull to gather her chickings vnder her wings as he hath euer beene most ready to shroude and to protect vs against all the enemies of our soules and bodies Many mothers shal sooner forget the children of their owne wombe and vtterly forsake them before Christ will forsake vs yea he will neuer forget nor forsake vs vnlesse we first forget and forsake him Now therefore wee being his so dearely bought and so truely paid for hee calleth vpon vs euery day he clocketh vs and looketh for vs that we should follow him and treade in such steps as he hath appointed that we should not range at randome but keepe our selues within the hearing of his voice and our liues within the limits of obedience vnto the same these things he looketh for at our hands But we deale with this most kind most louing and most mercifull redeemer and Sauiour of our soules bodies euen so as the vnnatural vnkind Ducks deale with the Hen of whom they haue receiued life they regard not her clucking neither we Christs calling when shee is seeking and prouiding for them on the faire drie and wholesome earth they will bee in some foule water filthie mire or stinking puddle And when the Lord Iesus calleth vs to integritie of life to doo the thing that is iust and right in his owne eye and to speake the truth according to the knowledge of our hearts then will wee with greedinesse pollute our soules and bodies with al wickednes and things that be abominable then will we oppresse our brethren not caring who sinke if our selues swimme then will we not sticke to speake lies euen to Gods owne face And when the Lord calleth and sendeth vs to seeke heauenly things wee presently returne to the foule puds of the world carnal delights and vaine yea vile pleasures So that wee euer take the contrarie way to that which Christ commaundeth Christ calleth for our harts to haue them in truth and sinceritie with all diligence to attend vpon his pleasure and to waite on his will he would haue vs not in part but wholly to giue them vnto him and without the heart hee will receiue and take in good part at our hands and lips nothing But wee on the other side giue nothing lesse to God then our hearts There is nothing that may and cannot commaund our hearts haue them at pleasure sooner
Euen so we if we desire to be enriched with Gods graces must first of all labour to haue Faith which is the onely keye of Gods treasure house and doth bring vpon vs from God all graces needfull both for soule and body 4 Like as no man may liue a corporall life by meanes of the soule of an other man but onely by his owne soule Euen so no man may liue a spirituall life by the Faith of an other but by his owne Faith Aba 2.4 5 As no man may entertaine and conserue the life which he receiued by meane of his soule by the foode and nourishment which an other doth take nor by that which he eateth and drinketh but only by that which he himselfe doth take and by the meates and drinkes which he receiueth by his owne person Euen so is it of the nourishment of the Faith of euery man by the word of God for the entertainment conseruation of the spirituall life 6 Like as no wicked and vngodly sonne is made better for in respect of the Faith vertue of his godly Father neither yet any godly sonne is worse in respect of the vngodlinesse of his wicked father So no man is saued by an other mans Faith but by his owne And yet it cannot bee denied but that both temporall and spirituall benefites bee obtained and gotten for and through the Faith of other men Euen as one man by his wisedome may make another man proue wise So he that belieueth may by his Faith and prayer obtaine Faith for other men Yet notwithstanding like as no man is wise by an other mans wisedome but by his owne So no man is saued by another mans Faith but by his owne Ezech. 18. Math. 8.5 c. 9.2 Mar. 2.3 4 5. Luk. 5.18 7 As the leaues and flowers and sprigs of Water Betonie or Browne-woort though they haue their yearely course and chaunge yet the roote from which they spring is euerlasting So though the outward fruites of Faith are chaungeable and decay many times yet Faith continueth euer 8 As Dictam or Tragium receiued causeth Darts sticking in the flesh to fal out So the promises of God in Christ apprehended by Faith cause the firie Darts of the Diuell to vanish and fall away 9 As the smell of Trefoile is often stronger in a moyst and cloudie darke season then in faire weather So the strength of Faith vttereth it selfe more in aduersitie and affliction then in pleasure or time of prosperitie 10 As the Parents are a meanes to beget the bodily forme of their children Euen so the Preachers which are called fathers beget the forme of a Christian mind which is Faith or the confidence of the heart which layeth hold vpon Christ and cleaueth to him alone and none else 1. Thes 2.11 2. King 17.10 13.14 Phil. 10. 11 Faith is compared vnto Golde but Faith is much more noble then Gold For as Gold is the most precious mettall in things mortall So Faith doth most excell in things spirituall 12 As a house is made to keepe vs from colde in winter and from heate in Summer and to defend vs from theeues and violences that may be offered vs which house if it be alwaies in building doth not saue vs from any one of those harmes Euen so our spirituall house of Faith if it bee once built it saueth vs from heate of persecution and coldnesse of all kind of aduersities from the Diuell and from all kind of temptations wherewith he assalteth vs but being alwaies in building it saueth vs from none of these 13 As those Birds that flieth highest in the firmament are not so quickly snared by the fowlers Ginnes as other be So likwise those men that haue alwaies an eye through Faith vnto Iesus Christ whose minds doth mount aboue the skies are not so soone snared by the fleshe the world and the diuell as others be 14 Like as Fire if fuell or wood be not alwaies added to it will at length goe out Euen so Faith if we let it alone neuer stirre vp the same by hearing the word preached by repentance and inuocation it will cleane be extinguished 15 As no Man may liue a corporall life by meanes of the soule of an other man but onely by his owne soule Euen so no man may liue a spirituall life by the Faith of an other but by his owne Faith Abac. 2.4 Rom. 1.17 16 Like as no wicked and vngodly Sonne is made better for and in respect of the Faith and vertue of his godly Father neither yet any godly Sonne is worse in respect of the vngodlinesse of his wicked Father Euen so no man is saued by an other mans Faith but by his owne Ezech. 18. 17 As one Man by his wisedome may make an other man prooue wise So he that belieueth may by his Faith and prayer obtaine Faith for other men Math. 8.5 c. 9.2 Mar. 2.3 4 5. Luk. 5.18 18 Like as no man is wise by an other mans wisdome but by his owne So likewise no man is saued by an other mans Faith but by his owne 19 As the plaister if it bee not laide to the wound will neuer heale the soare Euen so Faith and beliefe will not profit any man vnlesse hee truely applie it to himselfe Rom. 1.17 20 As the mightie Oake whose roote as far stretcheth downwardes as his bowes vpwards may bee shaken but yet not plucked vp quite Euen so they which haue fixed their Faith firmely in Christ and haue cast the Ancor of their hope in his lap though they be tossed too and fro diuers waies cannot finally fall away from God 21 Like as an Emplayster or Cataplasme made of the brused seede of Mustard is knowne to haue singular vertue and effect beeing applied to them that haue their members benummed that are fallen into the Letharge or drowsie Euill or that bee troubled with the swimming and giddinesse in their head Or that haue the Apoplexie Palsie Falling sicknesse and to bee short for all cold griefes and diseases because it warmeth and bringeth heate motion and sense againe into the affected parts and is also good to helpe Leprous Scuruie Scabbie and vlcerous persons So likewise Faith being vpholden shored vp and surely Anchored vnto the word of God reuiueth erecteth cheareth vp and restoreth the dull spirites and appalled conscience of man making it readie and prompt to execute atchiue and exercise the offices and functions of godlinesse 22 As a Laborer in seruing a Mason or slater as he goeth vp the ladder stayeth himselfe by one of his handes and serueth the Mason or slater with the other Euen so euerie good Christian in this world is as it were vppon a ladder his two handes are Faith whereby hee stayeth himselfe in his calling depending on the commaundement and promise of God and the other loue whereby he performeth the workes of his calling to the good and benefit of others 23 Like as a man
with a Palsie hand can stretch it out as well to receiue a gift at the hand of a King as he that is more sound though it bee not so firmely and stedfastly Euen so wee must know that a weake Faith will as truely apprehend Gods mercifull promises for the pardon of sinne as a strong Faith though not so soundly 24 Euen as it little profiteth the wounded man to haue the best medicine lying by him except he had a hand to lay the plaister vppon the soare Euen so the mercies of God can doo vs small good except wee haue Faith to applie them vnto our sinfull soules Habac. 2.4 2. Cor. 1.24 5.7 25 As our hand is to our mouth and the mouth to the stomacke and the windpipe to the hart so that if thou hast not a hand to feede thy month and a mouth to feede thy stomacke thy body must needs soone perish And againe if the windpipe should be cut asunder presently thy heart dyeth and al thy members fall downe because they want the breath of life Euen so if thy Faith which is the onely meane whereby thou receiuest the breath of Christs spirit into thy soule and whereby thou liuest that new life in Christ Iesus of which the Prophet Habacucke speaketh The iust shall liue by his Faith If this pipe and Cunduit bee perished or broken in thee by thine owne negligence or cut off by thine aduersarie the diuel who seeketh nothing else night nor day but thy euerlasting poyle then certainly both thy soule and body must needs perish too 26 As the Fig tree that bare no fruit was threatned to be cut down or as a Sun without light is but a painted Sun Or as a coale without heat is dead Or as a body without motion liueth not Euen so Faith without workes is dead and the Christians that bringeth not foorth the fruites of the spirite of Christ belongeth not to Christ and so is no Christian Luk. 16.6 Iam. 2.17 27 As Infidelitie is the head-spring of all wickednesse and vice So on the contrarie side Faith is the originall well and fountaine of all vertue and godlinesse Which Faith is declared not onely by words but by such deedes and workes as God hath commaunded vs in his holy and sacred Scriptures and where no such workes bee speake they neuer so godly there is no true liuely Faith Tit. 1.1 3 1 6. 28 As Beggers which not being woorth one farthing wil yet boast of great wealth So many brag of great Faith and holinesse but haue little or none euen as though they could remooue mountaines out of their places and yet know not what true Faith is Luk. 18.8 29 As the Sunne except it shine and beate vppon the face of the earth there will no fruite spring increase or ri●●pen Euen so except Faith shine in the soules of men they shall neuer be acceptable to God 30 As the Sunne shining in the firmament auaileth him not that hath none eyes to see the same neither him that winketh with his eyes and will not see but onely him that doth behold the light thereof So doth the death of Christ profit him nothing which lacketh true Faith to lay hold vpon the same but onely such as by a liuely and fruitfull Faith applie the same vnto themselues Gal. 2.20 Iohn 3. 6. tot 31 As some kind of medicines are so composed that they will serue for a generall helpe for all diseases So Catholike Faith doth serue against all diseases of the soule 32 As a Traueller which iourneying into a Countrie where he might liue delightfully profitably doth leaue the right and straight way and followes by paths which will leade him into daungerous places to the losse of his life is vnwise So euery one that thinketh to please God without Faith taketh a wrong course and deceiueth him selfe to the destruction and losse of his soule 33 As a shielde or buckler is the chiefe defence of a Souldier wherby he beateth backe his enemies weapons So likewise Faith in time of spiritual conflict repelleth the diuels weapons or instruments Psal 5.12 34 As the superstitions Pagans thought that an Idoll which they termed Vibilia kept them from erring out of their way So Faith which is our Vibilia will not suffer vs to wander out of the way so long as we doo all things according to that patterne which was shewed vs in the mount Exod. 25.40 35 As the argument is alway good for the subsistance of any subiect vnto the natural propertie of the same and contrariwise the propertie being set the subiect of necessitie must be seene So Faith which iustifieth man being set good workes which are the properties of the spirit of of Faith are necessarily set 36 Euen as good works being set Faith frō which they doo spring must needs be set So whersoeuer Faith is not good works are not where good works be not there is not faith the cause of good works 1. Tim. 1.18 19. Ma. 25.34 37 Euen as without eyes no man seeth without eares no man heareth without smelling no man smelleth without tasting no man discerneth tastes without touching no man toucheth any thing So without Faith can no man see heare smell taste eate and finally touch Christ 38 As by the preaching of the Gospell the holy Ghost doth kindle Faith in vs So he increaseth feedeth cherisheth confirmeth the same by the vse of the Sacraments Gen. 17.10 Exod. 12.13 Math. 26.26 27. 1. Cor. 11.23 39 As the bodie hath his hand mouth and stomacke whereby it taketh receiueth and digesteth meate for the nourishment of euery part So likewise in the soule there is a Faith which is both hand mouth and stomack to apprehend receiue and apply Christ and all his merites for the nourishment of the soule Gal. 3.14 40 As in the litle tender budde is infolded the leafe the blossome and the fruite So where men are displeased with themselues for their offences and do withall constantly from the heart desire to beleeue and to be reconciled to God there is Faith and many other graces of God infolded Isay 42.3 Math. 6.6 41 Euen as in a childe when he growes to be a man remains to be the same substāce that was in the child before but now is made stronger by age and castes away all childish toyes So in the same Faith which we professe in our Baptisme must we grow learn the full vnderstanding of it that it may he felt sweeter vnto vs daily more and more while we liue euen to our last end and by which Faith we also grow in the feare of God and by which we be saued Faith is Faith though it be weake or small or lye hidden 1 LIke as a litle child who with his litle hands or as a pore man who with his rugged scabby hands refuse not to take bread other alms that men wil bestow vpon them aswel as if they were greater hole And like
man when he is a thirstie tarrieth but for drinke and when hee hungereth abideth but for meate and then drinketh and eateth naturally Euen so is the Faithfull euer a thirst and an hungered after the will of God and tarrieth but for an occasion and whensoeuer an occasion is giuen hee worketh naturally the will of God 2 As the vnbelieuers declare their vnbeliefe by the working of the euill spirit in them outwardly the fruites of the flesh Euen so the belieuers declare their Faith by the working in them outwardly the fruites of the spirite 3 Like as when we heare a Musition play sweetely or a painter picture curiously we do not inquire what countrymen they are or whether they bee borne of noble parentage or no but diligently hearken to the Musicke and marke and view well the picture So a Faithfull and carefull hearer of the word must not so much regard the state and condition of the Preacher as diligently to marke the good things that he teacheth and so to practise them in his life and behauiour Fall of man through his owne pride AS we see a child who whilst he runneth vp and down to shew his new cloathes hee stumbleth euen vpon his cloathes and catcheth a Fall and seeing himselfe downe and his cloathes soyled and arayed in the dust he cryeth lowder at his Fall then hee crowed before at his new Coate So God hath put many excellent graces vpon thee thou crowest at the sight of them as Nebuchadnezzer did at the sight of his Pallace and like a foole thou art in admiration of thy selfe till thou stumblest euen vpon thine owne giftes and when thou art downe thou which before didst crow like a foole doest then crie like a child especially because thou seest thy excellent graces euen thy coate of diuers colours stayned and foyled with thy Fall Psa 75.6 7. The Famine of the soule LIke as when God sendeth a Famine that wee hardly find wherewithall to sustaine our liues then our condition is miserable Euen so much more daungerous and greater is the Famine of the soule when God taketh away from any people the sincere Preachers of his word Amo. 8.11 12. Feare of God 1 AS Ioseph did dreame that the Sunne and Moone did bowe vnto him So must the whole world Feare and stand in awe of Gods maiestie Gen. 37 9. 2 As Iacob told his vnckle Laban that except the Feare of Isaac had beene with him meaning the Feare of God who was Isaacs Feare he would haue sent him away emptie Euen so it is with vs all except Gods Feare remaine and continue with vs though the Lord hath deserued neuer so much at our hands yet we like vnthankfull Labans would send him emptie away and robbe him of the praise of all his blessings and graces bestowed vpon vs. Gene. 31.42 Pro. 1.7 14.27 Exod. 20.20 Gene. 42.18 Gods Face is fearefull to the wicked AS the Face of an earthly Iudge which can but kill the body is most fearefull and terrible vnto that partie which is brought before him for his wicked fact Euen so the Face and sentence of the eternall and heauenly Iudge of Iudges will bee most terrible against the wicked who after he hath killed can cast both body and soule into hell fire and from whose countenance flyeth away both the heauens and the earth Math. 10.28 Reue. 20.11 Friends vnprofitable AS the stumpe of a tooth is vnprofitable to eate withal So they in whom there is no faith nor credite to be reposed are Friendes vnfit and vnprofitable for a man in the day of trouble Prou. 25.19 A Friend forsaken AS a vessell how profitable so euer it hath beene to the owner and how necessarie for his turne yet when it is broken it is throwne away and regarded no longer Euen so such is the state of a man forsaken of those whose Friend he hath beene so long as he was able to stand them in stead Psal 31.12 Such a Father such a Sonne AS Vipers broode destroyeth them that breed them So generally the children of them that murthered the Prophets and shewed crueltie to the saints of God fulfill the measure of their fathers and are vnmercifully bent against all those that seeke their life and saluation Math. 3.7 23.33 A dead Faith 1 LIke as he that falleth into a Riuer if he neither moue hands armes nor legs is quickly drowned and sinketh downe dead to the bottom but if he swim escapeth aliue So he that trusteth to a dead Faith which because it hath no good effects and bringeth forth no liuely fruites as an holy loue to God man pietie patience pitie mercie compassion and such like vertues he must needes be drowned in vtter destruction and sincke downe into the bottomlesse gulfe and pit of hell but he that moueth his hands his feete to do the deeds of a true right Faith which worketh by loue and shall be a dooer of the word and not an hearer onely he shall escape safe out of all dangers and shall arriue at the happie hauen of eternall happinesse and euerlasting life through Christ Iesus Iam. 2.14 c. Gal. 5.6 Iam. 1.22 2 Like as if a man say to one that is hungry fill thy belly and giueth him nothing this shall not be true charitie So likewise if a man say he beleeueth bringeth forth no workes of Faith this shall not be true faith but a certaine dead thing set out with the name of Faith wherof no man hath to bragge vnlesse he will openly incurre reprehention seeing that the cause is vnderstood by the effects Iam. 2 15 16. Spirituall Fornication AS they that forsake their husbands and giue themselues ouer to straungers doo so become common Whoores Euen so such is the state of those which leaue God and the truth which sometime they professed and commit Idolatrie and cleaue to superstitions Ezech. 23.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Fasting when needfull 1 AS men accused in times past with longe hanging beardes with vncombred hayre with blacke array were wont humbly to abate themselues to the end to procure the mercy of the Iudge So likewise when we are accused for our sinnes before the iudgement of God when either pestilence or famine or war begin to range abroad or if any calamitie otherwise seeme to hang ouer our coūtrie then it behoueth vs both for his glorie and for common edification and also is profitable and healthfull for vs that wee should in pitious array humble our selues in Fasting and prayer before his maiestie and so craue to escape his seueritie Ioel. 2.25 2 As bridles are necessarie for wilde horses So likewise is Fasting sometimes for a Christian to tame the fleshe 3 As some men naturally are continually out of measure and inclined to one extremitie or other which are both naught and many there haue beene which haue alwayes continued but too licentious So also some there haue beene so superstitious in Fasting and abstinence that they
haue made conscience to vse such things as God hath left free and at their libertie Fained Friends 1 EVen as a brooke in winter is carried with great violence and runneth with a mightie force flowing ouer with abundance of waters on euery side when there is no want nor neede of waters but in the heate of Summer is dried vp and emptie when water is scant and hard to be had wherto thirstie passengers as they trauaile running in hope of water to drinke are vtterly deceiued So a fayned and hollow hearted Friend in the time of thy prosperitie and rich estate will promise thee many things when thou hast neede of nothing but if the winde shall turne and blow the contrarie way and thou shalt be turned and tossed with many sharpe brunts and blustring blasts of troubles aduersitie penurie and pouertie thy Friends as thou thought will bee like a tree withered through want of sap and like a ditch without water dried and parched with the heate of the Sunne 2 As a shaddow doth follow that man which is lighted with the bright beames of the Sunne but if the Sunne be hid or couered with a cloud the shadow vanisheth is cleane gone So a fained and counterfaited Friend doth follow and plie that man whome he perceiueth to bee rich to be famous honorable in the Princes fauour at whose hands hee hopeth that some thing will be gotten But if he shall fall into calamitie bee despoyled of his riches and shall tumble downe from the toppe of his honour into the lowevallie of disgrace hee presently forsaketh him and maketh no reckoning nor account of him Prou. 17.17 3 As a Swallow whose companie may be had in Summer but not in winter So likwise Friends as they go now a dayes will swarme about thee so long as thou art able and willing to feede their humors and serue their turnes but that ended they will leaue thee in the middest of a thousand surges and wants of what troubles soeuer shall light vpon thee Forgiuenesse of sinnes 1 AS the Serpent or the Toade when they die are not in so miserable a state as sinfull men because there is the ende of their woe and miserie So contrariwise when men dieth out of the fauour of God and without the benefit of Forgiuenesse of sinnes there is thē the beginning of his woe and miserie 2 Like as when Benhadad king of Syria was discomfited and ouercome by the king of Israell by the counsell of his seruants who told him that the kings of Israell were mercifull men he sent them cloathed in sackcloath with ropes about their neckes to intreate for peace and fauour Now when the King saw their submissiō he made couenant of peace with him So likewise we by our sinnes most iustly deserue hell death and condemnation euery day and therefore it standeth vs in hand to come into the presence of God to humble ourselues before him in sackcloth ashes crauing and intreating for nothing in the world so much as for pardon of our sinnes and that day by day without ceasing till the Lord giue his blessed answere to our consciences that all our sinnes are put out of his remembrance 1. King 20.32 Psal 32.1 Esay 38.17 44.22 Mich. 7.19 3 Like as a man that for some misdemeanour hath beene cast into prison and lyen there many yeares winter and Summer in cold yrons when he obtaines libertie he will often bethinke himselfe of his old miserie and take heede for euer least hee fall into the same offence againe So likewise he which hath seene his owne sinnes and felt the smart of them and withall by Gods goodnesse obtayned assurance touching the pardon and Forgiuenesse of them will neuer willingly and wittingly commit the like sinnes any more but in all things chaunge the course of his life Faith must not wauer in prayer AS the waue of the Sea is driuen sometimes into this coast somtimes into that according as the wind the raging of the Sea is So likewise a mā doubting now thinketh this thing shortly after his mind being chaunged he thinketh an other thing euen as he is driuen on with erronious doctrine and blind affections Such a man prayeth in vaine because hee is destitute of true Fayth Iam. 1.6 7. Forgiuenesse of sinnes free yet requireth thankfulnesse 1 EVen as the King his seruant owing him ten thousand Talants yet when he fell downe and besought him he forgaue him the whole debt freely and of his meere liberalitie So also God the Father dooth freely forgiue them all debts that is sinnes which flie vnto him for succour with trust and confidence in Christ Math. 18.23 c. Luk. 7.41 42. 2 But euen as the king called againe vnto punishment that seruant being vnthankfull and cruell toward his fellow seruants and that which before he forgaue him when he humbly besought him now hee requireth againe of him being stubborne and cruell towards his fellowes So God after he hath receiued vs being sorrie for our sinne into fauour will haue vs imitate his example in liberalitie and goodnesse towards our neighbour Math. 18.32 33. Faith without workes is vaine 1 EVen as that speech is vaine wherein it is said to the needie warme your selues and fill your bellies when as helping hands are not also put to So that Faith is vaine and deade which is in the mouth without the fruite of workes Iam. 2.15 16. 2 As a Carkas wherin is no liuely spirit deserueth not to be called a liuing creature Euen so Faith that is dead and without workes deserueth not to bee called Faith Iam. 2.17 3 Euen as the spirit which is inwardly in a lyuing creature quicke and lusty doth bewray it selfe by moouing feeling and by the outward actions So likewise a liuely Faith doth shewe it selfe by good workes otherwise it is like a tree without a roote by which it is nourished held vp and adorned Iam. 2.18.26 4 As Almes and liberalitie to the poore which is but in faire speeches is cold and doth not helpe So in like manner the Faith which is but in words and outward profession of speech although it be with neuer so great brags is dead so that wee must vnderstand that a thing which is weake and dead in it selfe can by no meanes haue power to giue life and to saue 5 Like as if that liberalitie which is onely in words be cold dead and doth not profit the poore nor make him a liberall man which vseth it Euen so that Faith which is onely in speech is dead and therefore cannot saue or profit him which hath it For if words onely could profite or cause it to bee Faith then should words also profite the poore man or woman which is destitute But words onely can not make a faithfull man nor onely words make a liberall man 6 As a man is knowne to be dead when hee doth not breath cannot stir see heare such like and contrariwise when
power to moue or stir and therefore he cannot so much as desire or doo any thing that is truely good of himselfe but God must first come and put a newe soule into him euen the spirit of grace to quicken reuiue him and then being thus reuiued the will beginneth to will good things at the very same time when God by his spirit first infuseth grace Iere. 10.25 4 As a Ship when the Sterne is broken is driuen hither and thither where the tempest will Euen so by the diuel we are driuen from one sinne to an other neither hitherto can doo any thing but euen as the diuell will and except God doth deliuer vs with his strong hand of his mercie we shal remaine in the bonds and chaines of sinne vnto death Gene. 6.5 8.21 20.6 Prou. 16.1.9 20.24 21.1 5 Like as if a man should fall into a myrie deepe and stonie place and so should both be drowned bee arrayed with myre and also be hurt So wee by originall sinne are drowned in the darknesse of ignorance wee are so defiled with lusts concupiscence and wee are wounded as touching the powers and faculties of the mind Iere. 31.18 Ezech. 36.26 27. Ioh. 6.44 45. Rom. 9.10 6 As the vnderstanding doth see nothing of it selfe but that which is carnall Euen so the will of man doth hate and abhorre of it selfe all things which are good and loueth that which is euill carnall and nothing durable 1. Cor. 2.14 7 Like as when a man taketh a knife and cutteth bread with it the knife also doth cut but not without the hand of him which holdeth the knife for the knife is not Free of it selfe either to cut or not to cut yet for all that when a man doth cut any thing with a knife hee saith this knife cutteth well or ill although of it selfe it dooth cut nothing at all but by the power and force of the cutter So we likewise can do nothing of our selues that is good and right except the spirit of God worketh it in vs So that all godly Christians wil confesse and say we haue laboured we haue preached we haue praied c. knowing yet them selues to be nothing else but the instruments of the Lord which worketh Prou. 16.1.9 21.1 Iere. 10.25 13.23 34.7 Ezech. 36.26 Godlinesse the beginning and foundation of righteousnesse 1_LIke as before the comming of our Sauiour Christ in the fleshe when sacrifices were vsed as God had then commaunded it was appointed that the same sacrifices should bee seasoned with salte or else the Lord would not allow of them So likewise vnlesse we be seasoned with the the salt of true Godlinesse we and all our doings shall be vnsauerie to the taste of the Lord yea whatsoeuer wee doo this being wanting though it seeme neuer so glorious before men yet shall it be loathsome in his sight as a thing defiled and as a counterfeit righteousnesse Leuit. 2.13 Mar. 9.49 50. 2 As the buyer while hee is in buying disprayseth the thing which hee buyeth and saith it is naught it is not worth the price which yee aske but when he hath bought it so soone as he is gone he boasteth of his peniworthes and saith it is better then his money Euen so Godlinesse before a man haue it he saith it is not woorth his labour and thinks euery houre too much that he spendeth about it but when he hath found it he would not loose it againe for all the world because it maketh him contented with that he hath Prou. 20.14 1. Tim. 6.6 3 As a Syence or impe that is grafted into a tree doth in such wise drawe away the sap and force thereof that it bringeth foorth fruite according to his owne kind and not after the kind of the tree whereinto it is grafted But with Iesus Christ it is contrarie for they that are grafted in him doo in deede gather strength from him yet so that they alter their nature and bring foorth fruit not after the kind of Adams children but of Iesus Christ into whom they are grafted Ioh. 15.5 Good mens estate amongst the wicked AS the good corne may not grow nor encrease vnlesse the vnprofitable weedes be weeded away So except vicious men and vagabounds were punished good men might not prosper nor liue in peace Grace 1 AS where Sothernwood Lysimachus Poley Calamint Dictam Nigella Peutidanum are laide or growe there venemous beastes flie away So where the Grace of God is Sathan and euill motions depart Math. 12. 2 As we see the leaues fall from the trees in a boystrous wind So the Graces of God shall decay and drop away in the wicked one after an other as though they were in a consumption Luk. 8.18 3 As those that were out of the Arke though they had witte glorie riches and learning were drowned in the floud So likewise no wit nor learning nor riches without Grace can saue a man from perdition Gene. 7.21 4 As that which is not in the vessell is not of the vessel nor commeth thereof yet it is drawne out of the vessell So Grace is not of the Sacramēts nor commeth of them but springeth of the eternal fountaine of the which fountaine the soule seeketh in the Sacraments 5 As a man doth runne to the vessell when he seeketh the lycoure So must hee which seeketh the lycoure of Grace and hath it not runne to the Sacraments 6 As when the West wind bloweth with her pleasant blastes the foulenesse and sadnesse of winter is put away and the whole face of nature waxeth new and young againe as the trees are beautified with boughes and the greene grasse is distinguished with the sight of diuers flowers and the Sunne it selfe and the shewe of heauen dooth delight the eyes with a pleasaunt aspect Euen so soone as the Grace of the holy Ghost doth blow vpon the mind of man foorthwith doth the deformitie and foulenesse of the former life passe away And in the steede of vices the whole life shineth with vertues of comelinesse So that man may be counted to be borne againe luckely to waxe yong 7 As fire is kindled and stirred vp by often blowing and putting too of wood So the Grace of God must daily be stirred vp by the vse of the word Sacraments and prayer and by meditating striuing asking seeking and knocking Math. 25.26 2. Timo. 1.6 Gene. 17.1 Psal 119.57 8 Euen as they are liker to retaine and recouer their health who are carefull in vsing a competent diet of meate and medicine then they who doo carelesly distemper themselues in sicknesse and in health nor regarding what things are wholesome or hurtfull for them So likewise those Christians who are carefull and painefull in seeking seruing God are farre liker to attaine to Grace then they who are otherwise 9 As it was the peoples dutie to come to the visible Arke and there to waite and looke for the Grace of God So no man may
and couered and the feeling of them may be lost but they cannot either finally or totally be abolished 2 Like as a Mother that loues her childe most tenderly sets it downe in the store lets it stand and fall and breake the face and all this while shee hides her selfe not because her purpose is to leaue her childe quite or to make it hurt it selfe but that when shee taketh it vp againe it may loue her the better Euen so the holy Ghost dealeth with men to make them see their owne weakenesse and frailtie he hides himselfe as it were in some corner of the heart for a season that they may the more earnestly hunger after Grace the want whereof they feele 2. Chro. 32.31 Graces of God 1 AS the excellencie of naturall and outward blessings being abused is the meanes of the excessiuenesse of sinne not of it selfe but by the corrupt disposition of our nature So the spirituall Graces of God bestowed vppon men liuing in the Church doo often by the iust iudgement of God worke the same effect and that in far greater measure 2 As it is impossible that among Heathen men they who are of small wit capacitie knowledge strength and riches should be wicked in so high a degree as they who excell in the foresaid respects So it is not possible that any who hath not receiued some spirituall Graces of God should come to so high a degree of sinne as they in whom it hath pleased God to worke that shadow of regeneration which hath bin declared in the former Chapter 3 As wee see it commeth to passe in naturall things as namely in water which after it hath bene a little warmed becommeth more cold then if it had neuer had any heate in it Euen so men who haue had some heate of Religion kindled in their hearts by the spirit of God if they contemne and abuse the said Graces of God become more wicked and irreligious then they who neuer knew what Religion ment 4 As the encrease of light doth make a decrease of darknesse it being impossible that two things of contrary natures should be together in one subiect the one not expelling the other either wholly or in part so the spirituall Graces of God which are the matter of mans holynesse bestowed on vnregenerate men do worke in them a decrease of sinfulnesse making them lesse sinfull then otherwise they would be and then vsually vnregenerate men are 5 As all sweete and pleasant things are sower and vnpleasant vnto the taste of sicke persons So likewise will Gods Graces and gifts be vnto vs if we vainely waste or abuse them The Gifts of God AS men preserue the fire by blowing it So by our diligence wee must kindle and reuiue the Gifts of God bestowed on vs. 2. Timo. 1.6 Though there be degrees of Glorie yet all shall haue sufficient LIke as if sundrie vessels whereof some are bigger and some lesse if they be cast all into the Sea some will receiue more water and some lesse and yet all shall be full and no want in any So likewise among the Saints of God in heauen some shall haue more Glorie some lesse and yet all without exception full of Glorie 1. Cor. 15.41 Dan. 12.3 Some loue Godlinesse whilst nothing is required of them contrarie to their owne affections AS Aiax would seeme deuout toward God so long as he perceiued nothing to be required of him which was contrarie to his affections but when hee was commaunded to spare Vlysses In other things saith he I will obey thee but not in this thing Euen so of this sort is the Religion of many at this day who will be louers of Godlinesse so that it dooth not disagree with their affections which they will haue wholly to bee satisfied yea though God be angrie therewithall God chastiseth his of very loue and mercie 1 LIke as a naturall Father first teacheth his deare beloued childe and afterward giueth him warning and admonition and then correcteth him at last Euen so God our heauenly Father assayeth all manner of wayes with vs which are well growne and old in yeares but young and tender in faith first hee teacheth vs his will through the preaching of his word and so giueth vs warning now if so be that we will not obey him then he beateth and ierketh vs a little with a rod as sometime with pouertie sometime with sicknesse and diseases or with other afflictions which should bee named and esteemed as nothing else but childrens roddes or the wandes of correction 2 Now if a small rod or wand will not helpe nor doo any good of the child then his Father taketh a whip or a cudgell as in case his Sonne waxeth stubburne and will prodigally spend his mony and thrift wantonly and ryotously in euill companie then commeth the Father and pulleth him out by the hayre of his head bindeth his hands and feete and beateth him till his bones crack and sendeth him into prison or banisheth him out of the coūtrie Euen so when we wax obstinate and stubburne and care neither for words nor for stripes then God sendeth vnto vs more heauie and vniuersall plagues as pestilence dearth sedition vprore casualtie of fire murther warre losse of victorie that being taken of our enemies and led away prisoners and captiues c. And all this he doth to feare and to tame vs and as it were with violence to driue and to force vs vnto repentaunce and amendment of our liues 3 Like as in truth it is against a louing Fathers will and mind to strike his child who would much rather doo him all the good that euer hee could but through long sufferance and ouermuch cherishing his child waxeth rude and euill nurtured therefore doth he punish him but yet in the mids of all his anger his fatherly heart breaketh out in case that he putteth his Sonne away from him for some grieuous fault yet he sendeth him not away altogether comfortlesse but giueth him some apparel and some comfortable words and so sendeth him from him not to remaine for euermore in banishment but when he is once a little humbled meekned and amended then to receiue him home againe and this hee dooth to turne and keepe from his Sonne all such things as might hurt and destroy him not minding to cast away his childe or vtterly to forsake him Euen so certainly when God sendeth miserie and affliction vpon vs there lyeth hidden vnder that rod a fatherly heart and affection for the peculiar and natural propertie of God is to bee louing and friendly to heale to helpe and to doo good to his children and therefore hee sendeth vs euill that he may doo vs good and yet in the mids of all affliction and punishment he sendeth some mitigation comfort and succour 4 As a Mother feedeth and nourisheth her childe and all the good shee can doo vnto it that doth shee euen of a tender and motherly hart and yet through the frowardnesse and
heauen and earth whereto thou maist leaue and not be deceiued wherein thou maist trust and not be disappointed He will euer be at thy right hand that thou shalt not fall He will take thy part and will mightily defend thee against all thine enemies of thy body and of thy soule But if thou wilt shake hands with vertue and bid it adew and farwell and forsaking the wayes of God wilt liue as thou list and follow thine owne corruption and make no conscience of ought thou doest defiling and blemishing thy selfe with al manner sinne and iniquitie then bee sure the Lord will appeare vnto thee in his furie and indignation from whose Iustice and iudgements none shall euer be able to deliuer thee M●l 3.6 Iam. 1.17 Psal 16.8 Glorie and renoume 1 LIke as the shaddow followeth the body as a companion inseparable Euen so doth Glorie renoume and fame accompanie excellent vertues worthy giftes and noble qualities 2 As a Smoke which at the first is great and thicke ascending vpward is quickly scattered and out of sight Euen so the Glorie of the proud men of this world by little and litle is obscured and vanisheth cleane away 3 As that fire smoketh not much which flameth at the first blowing So the Glorie that brightly shineth at the first is not greatly enuied at but that which is long in getting is alwayes preuented by enuie Not to belieue that there is a God AS there is no wound more mortall then the same that plucketh foorth mans heart or soule So likewise is there no poyson or pestilence of greater force suddenly in men to kill all faith hope and charitie with the feare of God and consequently to cast him headlong into the pit of hell then to denie the principle and foundation of all Religion namely that there is a God Psal 10.4 14.1 53.1 1. Tim. 3.16 Godly men see clearely the light of the word but the wicked doo the contrarie AS they that haue cleare and sound eyes doo easily induce the bright light of the Sunne wherewith eyes that be sore and diseased are greatly offended So vertuous and Godly men are illuminated and wonderfully cleared in their vnderstanding and the eyes of their minds with the diuine and heauenly light of the word of God wherewith the wicked and vngodly are highly offended in so much that they hate the light and loue darknesse more then it and so growing blinder and blinder euery day at the length they fall and tumble down headlong into the insaciable pit of eternall destruction Iohn 8.12 No heauen without the Grace of God 1 AS the Pilot of a Shippe without the shine of Sunne or Moone cannot take the Hauen of any land So a man without the light of Grace cannot attaine to the Hauen of Glorie but howsoeuer hee perswadeth himselfe that he casteth his Anchor in a place of safety it falleth out in the end that he casteth it vpon a Rocke where there is no hope of saluation 2 As those that were out of the Arke though they had wit glorie riches and learning were neuerthelesse drowned in the floud So no wit nor learning nor riches without the Grace of God can saue a man from euerlasting perdition Gene. 7.21 Gods fauour the safest refuge AS yong Chickens are in safetie from the Hauke and Puttocke so long as they straie not from about the wings of their dammes and when they do straie far from them they are easily taken of euerie vermine Euen so they that depart and lead their liues within the compasse and limits of his lawes and ordinances are most safely kept by him from the force inchauntments engines and all the subtill deuises of Sathan and his instruments but if they forsake God and not regarding his word diuide themselues from him by their sinnes and iniquities they must needes fall into the talons and iawes of that tyrannicall Hauke and hound of hell from whence there is no deliuerie 1. Pet. 5.8 The Glorie of God 1 AS the Glorie of God infinitely surmounteth the body the soule the honour and all that belongeth vnto man So it ought to bee in greater price and estimation with vs must continually be preferred aboue all things and neuer bee brought into the ballance of comparison with them Exod. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 2 As the want of zeale towards the the Glorie of God in all our doings and the preferring of earthly things before heauenly temporall before spirituall breedeth and nourisheth a corrupt manner of profession So it defileth all our counsels and workes and carrieth vs headlong to the loue of the world which is contrarie to the pure vehement and euerlasting loue of God 1. Cor. 10.31 3 As the saluation of men ought to bee deare vnto vs So the Glorie of God which consisteth in that his orders in his Church be kept ought to be much more deare that if at any time the controuersie could be betwene his Glorie and our saluation our saluation ought to fall that his Glorie may stand God would all to be saued EVen as an earthly Father is in such wise affected towards his children that hee would haue euery one of them to come to thriftinesse and be honest and worthie successours to him of his goods and substance and yet notwithstanding beeing made frustrate of his hope findeth the stubbernnesse and disobedience of them whereby they also at the length doo cast themselues with great ignominie into destruction and into some infamous kind of punishment Of this Father it may be said that he hath brought vp children kept to this so great mischiefe not that the will of his purpose was not farre other but that the children through their owne rebellion haue brought this mischiefe vpon themselues So God verily would haue all men made after his owne image to bee saued but if any of these beeing rebellious will not imbrace his word and by faith be conuerted but delighting themselues wholly in sensualitie pleasures and vanities doo die in their wickednesse these God suffereth to perish that they might sustaine the iust punishments as wel of their owne offences against the law of God as also of their contempt of obtaining saluation through Christ 1. Tim. 2.3 4. No man hath seene God at any time AS the children of Israel could not behold the shining face of Moses when hee had talked with God on the mount for the exceeding brightnesse therof but couered with a Vaile where through they did behold him So no man hath seene God at any time or can behold the face and presence of the Deitie and Godhead but so farre as it is both veiled and reuealed by the body and humaine fleshe of our Sauiour Christ Exod. 34.34 Iohn 1.18 1. Tim. 6.16 One God in Trinitie 1 EVen as a Margarite in euery part shining alike which if it bee defiled or fouled on one part looseth all his beautie So the Trinitie is but one God and if one person be dishonoured all three being
but one God are dishonoured 2 As one Sunne serueth to giue light to the whole world and one soule is able to rule quicken the whole body whereas notwithstanding neither the Sunne created the world nor the soule the body So much more one God shall be able to rule and maintaine his owne worke which with so great wisedome and power he alone did create vnlesse wee will make the worke greater then the Creator or charge the incomprehensible of God with any imperfection Why God denieth vs our petition AS sicke folkes are denied many things which they require because they bee often hurtfull vnto them So God denieth vs many things which we aske of him because they are not good for vs. Hearers of the word 1 AS desperate patients which at no hand will practise the good Physicke giuen them because they see their Physitions something sickly and crazie Or as those men that being as blind as a beetle yet doo most willingly refuse the true and faithfull directions of their appointed guides because as they thinke they haue a blemish in one of their eyes Euen so such are those Hearers of the word who say they will not belieue the Preacher say what he can will because hee doth not practise himselfe that which he preacheth to other 2 As al those excellent creatures of God so high so singular so pure so precious so beautifull and the same so shining were first formed euery of them by the word of the Lord from that vnfashioned that darke and confused Chaos are not therefore contemptible but rather most highly to be esteemed as apparant testimonies of the incomprehensible maiestie goodnesse wisedome power and prouidence of God For example Wine which is so friendly to nature such a strength to the weake such a solace to the sorrowfull and many wayes so medicinable for men is not therefore to bee despised because it is broched from a warped a woodden or a wormeaten barrel Or as Milke which is such a strength vnto nature so wholsome for diet and euery wayes so wonderfull in working is not therefore to bee misliked because it is drawne from an hayrie a fat or fleshie bagge Or as Roses which are most seemely in sight so sweete to smell vppon and so meete for medicine are not therefore to bee reiected for that they grow vp among prickes among brambles and briers Or as an Electuarie which comforteth nature purgeth corruption and restoreth to health is not therefore to bee forsaken because it is made of vile and bitter confections or brought out of a loathsome boxe Or as Siluer and Gold which are such singular treasures so glittering in sight and euery way most necessarie for mens vses are not therefore to bee abhorred because they are tryed foorth of the lowest Element which is the earth Or as precious stones which are so seemely in show so rich in valew and of such singular operation are not therefore to be loathed because they are commonly brought foorth by filthie and venemous beasts Or as silke which is most precious yet is for all that spunne by the vilest worme Or as the body of man which after a sort may be called the final cause of all creatures the most excellent in forme the perfectest in substance and which onely was ordained to eternall happinesse and yet was the same both formed of earth and fashioned euen of filthie clay by all which Similies we may truely conclude that for so much as the aforesaid matters are not to bee vilely esteemed notwithstanding they doo proceede from such vile and filthie beginning Euen so much lesse may the word of the Lord be reiected of any Hearers of the same beeing truely preached though the life and maners of those Ministers thereof be neuer so much to be misliked of men Gene. 1.3 c. Psal 33.8 9. 148.5 Rom. 1. 20. Math. 23.2 3. 3 As the Physition when he is sicke cannot heale him selfe nor hath not his iudgement so perfectly as he had before he was sicke but seeketh helpe at an other Physitions hand So the lernedst man liuing though he be a preacher himselfe as long as hee liueth and beareth sinfull fleshe about with him shall haue many sinfull and froward lusts and affections raigning in him which blindeth his sight that he seeth not his owne sinnes and therefore it is very needfull that hee should often Heare the Sermons and counsels of others although they be much his inferiors 2. Pet. 1.21 13. 1. Tim. 4.6 c. Tit. 3.1 c. 2. Sam. 12.1 c. 4 As a Spunge gathereth vp all liquor whether it bee good or bad Euen so some Hearers of Sermons receiue all that is spoken good and euill 5 As an houre Glasse or Condiut that which in an houre runneth in the same in an other houre runneth out againe So likwise some Hearers forget that in one houre which they heard and learned in an other 6 As a vessell that receiueth liquor which being powred out the dregges remaine Or as a Siue that retaineth and keepeth the good Corne and casteth out the chaffe Euen so some Hearers of the word preached doo reiect and neglect the wholesome and profitable doctrine and keepe in minde that which is not so necessarie and profitable 7 Euen as a Dogge beeing otherwayes but a filthie beast hath a tongue very medicionable for many malidies And as the Dragon though he be very cold of body himselfe yet for all that there proceedeth a fire from his mouth for the heat of others So likewise some preachers notwithstanding they bee lewde in life and key colde in godly conuersation yet for all that they may haue such a tongue as may prescribe a very soueraigne salue for the surfetting of their Hearers soules and they may also haue such a mouth as may kindle a fire to consume the corruptions of their Hearers and so also enflame them in newnesse of life and therefore to be heard willingly 8 As a famished man who doth neuer refuse any wholsome foode prepared for him by his Host though his Host himselfe will not taste thereof And likewise a verie sicke patient which neuer reiecteth an healthfull medicine though his Physition doth minister the same with a Leprous hand Or as a miserable begger will not forsake a faire peece of Siluer or Gold though it bee proffered him in a filthy fist And like as vnto an imprisoned Rebell who will neuer reiect the Princes pardon though it be brought him by a most leaud ribald Or as a sorrowfull distressed Caitiffe which willingly would heare any ioyfull newes notwithstanding the messenger which brings the same be a very vngracious varlet So there can be no more daintie diet prouided for Christians then the foode of their soules there cannot be a more healthful medicine be made for Christian Hearers of the word then that which amendeth their spiritual maladies Nor there can bee a more golden gift giuen vnto them then seuen times purified Gold
So Hypocrites and hollow-hearted Christians wil euer be among the sound and sincere Christians in the same Church though the faith of the one groweth not with the other but dieth but it is otherwise in the Church inuisible 5 As the sound rooted Holeworte is alwayes the smaller the hollow rooted Holeworte the greater So Hypocrites are commonly greatest in worldly matters and substance and the greatest in worldly things are commonly hollow-hearted 6 As Silkwormes after they haue for a time brought out their silke at the last turne into Moathes or Butterflyes so some hauing done good in the Church for a time fall afterward and become vaine persons and sometimes with the Silke-wormes consumers of that good which they haue wrought 7 As the most Dodders haue properties according to the hearbs whereon they growe being hotter when they growe on hote hearbes then vpon cold So many are zealous or cold in Religion according as their Maisters are vpon whom they hang and also coole with them 8 As the hearbe Oleander maketh a goodly and beautifull shewe yet hath scarce one good propertie but is deadly to the vsers of it Euen so bee Hypocrites 9 As the hearbe Horsflower or Melampyrum hath seed like to wheate yet is hurtfull to Corne So likewise are Hypocrites to godly Christians 10 As the hearb called horned Clauer after it hath once borne seed perisheth both braunch and roote So shall Hypocrites do 11 As the wild Caroline thistle is of the receiuers found hot of operation yet by nature is colde So many euill men to others seeme hotte for a time in profession yet haue cold hearts within them 12 The Mulberie tree is counted the wisest of all trees because it onely bringeth foorth his leaues after the colde frosts be past so that it is not hindered as other trees bee but in Christianitie he is but a foole an Hypocrite that professeth not openly till daungers be past and till he may doo it without losse or hinderance 13 As the flower of Periwincle Milkworte Lysimachus is plesant to behold yet without sauor So Hypocrits make a faire show yet vnsauory in the nostrils of the Lord. 14 As the small Tornesell when it hath made a shewe for a time with white Veluet leaues and yealow flowers it fadeth away without bringing forth any fruit So Hypocrites when they haue made a faire shew for a time fall away without bringing forth any fruits of godlinesse 15 As Mousetayle Adders-tongue flower in Aprill and are ripe in May and shortly after the whole hearbe perisheth in the pride of the yeare So many people at the beginning of Religion make a great shewe but fall away long erre troubles come euen in the middest of the Churches prosperitie 16 As the seede of Mercurie is commonly lost before it be ripe So many leese their Religion before it come to perfection 17 As the stinking Coriander bringeth forth a sweete seede So an Hypocrite and wicked man sometimes vtter good words 18 As a woodden leg set to the body is no member of the body Euen so a Christian who doth onely in shew name professe Christ such a one is no true member of Christs mysticall body but an Hypocrite 19 As there needeth no more but one pinne or pricke to pearce a Bladder and to make all the wind therein inclosed incontinently to come foorth Euen so there needeth no more but one very little tentation to pul the vizard from Hypocrites and to discouer them to euery man who shall know after that they bee tried that there was nothing but a colour and an imagination of all the reputation of righteousnesse and vertue which they had gotten amongst men Rom. 10.3 2. Cor. 3.5 1. Cor. 2.14 20 As sea wormewood if it be in it naturall proper place is of a very strong smell salt and of a most straunge and bitter taste but if it bee remooued into gardens or grounds naturally holpen with sweet waters it doth maruellously alter and yet Sea-wormewood still So the wicked in their owne companie c. are most vngracious c. but comming into the Church where the sweet streames of Gods word runne they seeme greatly chaunged for a time and yet wicked men still 1. Sam. 2.12 c. 21 As the hearbe Biscort though it haue straight and smooth leaues yet is rightly called by that name because the roote in the earth is crooked and writhen So though many make outwardly a faire profession yet the Lord cōdemneth them as wicked because hee seeth their heart within to be wickedly set 22 As the yellow Wolfes-bane flowreth in Winter and yet a venemous and naughtie hearbe for all that So many make a faire shewe euen in aduersitie yet euill men for all that 23 Euen as some Birdes hatch other Egges forgetting their owne in like manner Hypocrites hatch other mens discredit vpon little or no ground but forget their owne liues that are ful of grosse sinnes and hypochrisies 24 Like as a good a faire cloake being large so couereth a man that many things may be carried vnder it and conueied cleanly which we would be loth and asham d to haue seene Euen so Hypocrites craft and deceit hideth and couereth their vntruth which to bee plainely seene and perceiued they would be ashamed 1. Pet. 2.16 2. Cor. 4.2 25 As drunkards erre goe astray and are not able to guide and direct themselues in their way Euen so shall it be with wicked Hypocriticall Priests Prophets and Ministers for they shall faile in vision and stumble in iudgement as by experience may manifestly be seene by many Esay 28.7 26 Like as when wee see Tares to grow in the Corne fieldes amongst the Wheate till Haruest which cannot without some hurt to the Wheate bee rooted out afore So wicked Hypocrites and other euill men of whome there is hope that they may be conuerted shall be alwaies in the outward account of the Church till the end of the world Math. 13.29 30. 27 Like as graues vppon which lie faire stones costly engrauen with Imagerie hauing inscriptions in brasse and the Armes of them that lie in them faire set forth and blazed by Hearauldes cunning hauing within them nothing but a rotten stinking carion Euen so Hypocrites which outwardly beare a glorious shew before men and but inwardly before God are most foule filthie and lothsome Math. 23.27 28. 28 Euen as Mariners which are carried with the course and force of winds being in an Hauen wil not disanchor nor depart out of the Hauen without a prosperous wind blowing to their very good liking So Hypocrites doo looke that the people should shout and clap their hands in token of their great praises and commendations they seeke for and hunt after vaine bruites and reports without which they are disposed to doo nothing well Math. 6.2.5 29 As a peece of Waxe the nearer it approcheth and commeth to the fire so much the more the heate of it appeareth in
of them that behold it the more excellent men are they iudged Euen so Hypocrites doo some deedes which to see too are very good workes but neuerthelesse they keepe their hearts minds and wils diuided and seperated farre from God These things to wit their hearts minds wils and purposes they steale from the Lord and doo bestow them vpon the world they regarde not God they seeke onely to please men in the action of vertue they haue no respect vnto vertue it selfe but onely and barely to the shewe and shape or likenesse of vertue Rom. 12.1 6.4 1. Cor. 5.7 8. Ephe. 4.24 41 As the Hearbe of the Sunne so called because it windeth it selfe about the Sunne in the morning very earely it beholdeth the rysing thereof and all the day it euen followeth the course of the Sunne euer turning the leaues towards the same but the roote it neuer changeth stirreth nor moueth it hath that still fast fixed within the earth So likewise Hypocrites will seeme to followe the Sonne of righteousnesse Christ Iesus but it is onely in leaues and outward shewes for their rootes that is their hearts are farre and fast within the earth where in deede their treasure is Math. 6.21 42 Like as Apple-trees which in the sweete and pleasant spring-time will bee well stored and full of goodly blossomes and will giue a franke offer and a large promise of much fruit but when the fruite is looked for and should be gathered there is none to be had they were but bare leaues and idle blossomes Euen so such are Hypocrites who wil lift vp their hands eyes and voices towards heauen and God and with such godly greene leaues will make a faire flourish a beautifull shew but their harts affections are surely set vpon earthly vaine vile and transitorie things and are as farre from God as heauen earth are distant one from an other Esay 29.13 Math. 15.8 43 As a Rushe or grasse without moysture withereth and drieth vp Euen so the Hypocrites because they haue not faith moystned with the grace of God perish and vanish away Iob. 8.11 44 As the Doer of Gods will doth abstaine from euill because it is contrarie vnto the will of God doth good because he is constrayned with the loue of him which is onely good So the Hypocrite contrarily abstaineth from euill for feare of punishment and doth the thing which seemeth good not constrained with the loue of God but mooued of his owne will by desire of praise or hope of reward Math. 7.21 45 As an Actor in a Comedie or Tragedy which somtimes resembleth Agamēnon somtimes Achilles somtimes their enemie Hector sometimes one mans person sometimes an other Euen so an Hypocrite wil counterfeit and seeme sometimes to be an honest and iust man sometimes a religious man and so of al conditions of men according to time persons and place 46 As the Ostrich hath things like wings would make one belieue that she could flie but cānot So an Hypocrite will resemble make a great shew of that which he is not 47 As Stage-players are not taken for them which they be but doo put on and represent a straunge person and hide that vnder a personage which they are not So the Scripture by a Metaphor calleth such Hypocrites as by externall gestures and deeds boast themselues for Saintes when for al that their minde is prophane and wicked that is when the outward man appeareth meeke as a sheepe when the inward man is rauening like a Wolfe Mat. 7.15 48 As the King that exacted of his debtor tenne thousand Talents did neuerthelesse frankly forgiue the whole debt to him which had nothing to pay but flied vnto the mercy of his Creditor So the Lord saith vnto the proude Hypocrite If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements Mat. 10.17 to the end that the Hypocrite descending into himselfe might confesse his filthines pouerty so craue pardon which had he done he had heard with the sinful woman Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Luk. 7.48 49 As it is easie to know a peece of Gold from a peece of Brasse when they come both to the Anuile and to bee striken with the hammer for Brasse will not bee handled but when it cōmeth to the beating it breaketh maketh a sharp dinne and yrkesome Gold soundeth sweetly is pliable you may stretch it out both in length bredth in thin and fine leaues as you list So in like manner when an Hypocrite commeth betweene the Anuile the hammer of affliction hee brasteth with impatience he murmureth cryeth out and lamenteth in blasphemies against God whereas a faithfull Christian praiseth God giueth him thankes and layeth out his heart submitting himselfe willingly vnder the Lords hand that striketh him 50 As the Viper hath a smooth skin finely spotted without but most poysonfull within Euen so an Hypocrite hath sugered words faire speech but a deceitfull heart 51 Like as the Viper when shee goeth to the water to drinke casteth out her poyson and after she hath drunke receiueth the same againe So likwise an Hypocrite when he presenteth himselfe to be partaker of the Lords Supper will counterfeit much holynesse and seeme to bee religious and vpright in life and conuersation but afterwardes he returneth to his vomite and continueth in his wicked course 52 As a Rush cannot grow without moystnesse so can not the Hypocrite because hee hath not faith which is moystned with Gods spirit Heretickes 1 AS one being bitten with a mad Dogge shall not only runne mad himselfe but also with his contagion shall infect others So they which haue conceiued any pernitious Doctrine or Heresie will not onely themselues be infected but also with their infection vtterly marre and defile others 2 As the wind doth not carrie away the sound good Wheate but the light chaffe neither doth a storme ouerturne a tree fast and soundly rooted Euen so no more doth euery wind of Doctrine carrie away true members of the Church but the chaffe and rotten members as Heretickes ignorant persons Hypocrites phantastical heads and new-fangled men c. 3 As vnconscionable Vintners mingle their Wine with water So Heretickes corrupt the truth and mingle their owne conceits with it Hypocrisie 1 AS it auaileth a man nothing at all to the ease and reliefe of his pouertie to haue false coyne in his purse it must be good currant money otherwise it doth further endaunger himselfe and openeth a gap to his vtter destruction Euen so a faire tongue with a foule heart is false coyne it will helpe no man if he say he hateth sinne and yet loueth it in his heart for in so doing he condemneth himselfe how many and how good prayers soeuer hee maketh 2 Like as little children will feare and be greatly afraid at bugges and without feare thrust their hands into a candle or fire So likewise many men will bee afraide to commit the lesse sinnes yet make no
and braggeth neuer so much of the name of a Christian that perfectly knoweth not the duties belonging to a Christian man 2. Thes 1.6 7 8 9. Rom. 3.12 4 As no man will bee content to entertaine and giue wages to a seruant that professeth ●●●selfe in wordes to be a Husbandman and yet neither knoweth nor can doo any part that belongeth to husbandrie Euen so we may not thinke that God wil allow or like of such men as outwardly in words professe themselues to be Christians by saying they hope and beleeue well and yet are Ignorant and not able to render a reason of any point of Christianitie Leuit. 4.2 5 Like as the Physition cannot communicate his health to and with his sicke patient Or as the liuing man cannot diuide or depart his life with the dead body of an other man but euery man enioyeth his owne health and liueth with his own life So the knowledge that another man hath profiteth not him that is Ignorant and vnlearned but euerie man must knowe and learne himselfe the grounds and principles of Christianitie if hee will bee saued 6 Like as if a child bee borne and brought vp in a dungeon of a pryson and grow to some yeares neuer seeing light if one tell him of trees and mountaines and Birdes and other ceátures hee cannot tell what he meaneth So likewise it is with vs which are borne in blindnesse and Ignorance we know not what heauenly thinges meane till we be told and shewed them by the light of the Scriptures Iustice of God in desertions LIke as if a Magistrate giue a man for a iust cause to bee hanged hee doth but Iustice So likewise God if he for our disobedience giue vs vp to Sathan he dooth but iustly Now if the hangman doo misuse him grieuously there is no faulte in the Iudge or Magistrate but in the malice of the hangman So likewise no fault in God if the diuell doo cruelly handle vs beeing giuen ouer vnto him Infirmitie of falling diminisheth not the grace of Christ. THough God forgiueth and pardoneth not sinners because they should sinne Yet dooth not infirmitie of falling diminish the grace of Christ where faith with repentance worketh Rom. 6.15.16 c. All must appeare before the Iudgement seate of Christ but yet diuersly 1 LIke as some do come to the Assises or Sessions there to receiue their Iudgement and condemnation other some also come to giue euidence against them and to ayde and assist the Iudge in the execution of his office Euen so after the same manner shall it bee at the last day For the reprobate vngodly and mercilesse shall appeare there to receiue their deserued condemnation but contrariwise the faithfull shall then with the Angels come to assist and waite vpon their Iudge Christ Math. 18.28 29. c. Math. 19.28 Luk. 22.29 1. Cor. 6.2 3. 2 As at the barre of an earthly Iudge the malefactor is brought out of prison and set before the Iudge and there examined Euen so in that great day shal euery man without exception bee brought before the Lord to be tryed Rom. 14.10 2. Cor. 5.10 Idolatrie 1 LIke as if men take and account it for a despite and a great reproach to be termed named an Idol Euen so much more wil God our heauenly Father be offended if any shall call Images the likenesses of God 2 As the breach of wedlocke and defiling of the marriage bed by filthie Adulterie is a most wicked and detestable sinne So likewise is Idolatrie a most shamefull and execrable thing when as the honour and glorie due to the liuing God is prophaned and giuen to an other Iere. 16.11 Ezech. 6.4 2. King 17.4 1. Cor. 10.14 3 As it cannot bee otherwise but whereas the ayre is corrupted there must follow pestilence and infection of the bloud So where the mind is not purely perswaded of God must follow this grosse and censible Idolatrie that would honour God in an Idoll The Lord and his people are inseparably Ioyned together AS a man girdeth himself with his girdle Euen so God tyeth his people to himselfe Iere. 13.11 Incorporation with Christ 1 AS the Imp or grasse is translated from his natiue tree to growe in an other So we as many as bee true Christians are translated from Adam to Christ and from being Gentiles to bee of one body with the posteritie of Abraham Rom. 6.5 Rom. 11.17 2 As men graffe to that ende that the Verdure of the stocke may correct and amend the taste of the fruite that it may bee the more pleasant to the eater So Christians should haue their corruptions corrected and amended by Christ and his spirit working in them that they may the better taste to God 3 As the Graffes liue not by his naturall Iuice but by the Iuice or moysture receiued from the roote of the stocke whereinto hee is graffed So wee that are true Christians may liue by the power of Christs spirit working in vs or rather Christ liueth in vs. Gal. 2.20 Iustice of God AS farre as the great mountaine exceed the rest of the earth So farre dooth the Iustice of God exceed and excell the righteousnesse of any creature Psal 36.6 The reward of Iniquitie AS ploughing reaping and eating the fruite doo successiuely follow one an other So hee that plougheth wickednesse shall reape Iniquitie and eate the fruite of lyes Esay 28.24 Prou. 22.8 Ingratitude of the Church AS a Vine planted which neither for choyse of good ground neither for any other thing which the hand of the Husbandman might doo to it can iustly complaine of any want and yet deceiueth the Husbandmans expectation and maketh him to loose both paine labour and cost Euen fo such is the vnkindnesse of people oftentimes who would be counted for the people of God and whome God hath diligently called to the knowledge of himselfe by the preaching of the word and yet proceed in impietie and vngodlinesse Esay 5.1 2. Image of God 1 LIke as when so oft as a man thinketh of some knowne man beeing absent hee doth as it were draw in his minde the proportion of his body which hee beholdeth thinking of him that is absent out of the minde as when a Painter draweth with his hand the portraiture of that body whose Image hee painteth to the intent that the painted Image may represent as much as may be the shape of him that is absent So likewise when the Scripture saith that man was created in the Image and after the likenesse of God we must diligently marke how farre hee is said to haue beene so made and that there was in him whereby hee did resemble the excellencie of his Creator and did as it were represent God himselfe in a Glasse 1. Cor. 11.7 Ephe. 4.14 2. Cor. 3.18 2 Like as a bodily Image which representeth vnto vs the face of a man ought liuely to set before vs all his lineaments and proportions that by the counterfeiting or engrauing we might
they are Illuminated by him Sound Iudgement necessarie AS the eye is the sight of the body to guide and leade it in the right way and if it bee cleare the body cannot goe amisse Euen so the Iudgement is the eye of the mind which being sound true and framed according to Gods word then are our affections right the actions and motions of our mind right and good in Gods sight as far as mans weaknesse can comprehend Our Iourney to heauen 1 AS Trauellers that be vppon their Iourneys doo not abide in those Hosteries or Innes where they are wel vsed lodged or entertayned and where they finde plea●●nt Gardens walkes or such other intisements but after their baite or in the Morning doo passe on their way E●en so we albeit God in this life giue vs goods honours houses and other carnall commodities yet wee must remember that we are trauellers and must not stay but goe forward on our Iourney toward heauen yea and in case we be afflicted with sicknesse pouertie or any other calamitie yet must we still thinke that we are vpon our Iourney and therefore taking comfort say Peraduenture we shall be better to morrow 1. Cor. 7.29 c. 2 As they who are to depart from a forraine land towards their owne countrie doo prepare things necessarie for their Iourney So must we likwise prouide that which is expedient for the happie performance of our Iourney towards our heauenly Countrie Vnbeleeuing Iewes AS that drie skin which a Snake doth cast to renew her age hath in it the shape likenesse and prints of eyes and that thin rinde also wherewith the eyes of the Snake are couered and yet in deed hath no seeing eyes So the wicked and vnbeleeuing Iewes did seeme to haue eyes but in deed they were blinde and Idle and emptie skins and rindes without sight they were men but not of God they had eyes of the flesh but none of the spirit they could see creatures but they had not one eye to beholde the Creator And as for Christ they had no more sight nor knowledge of him then they had of the Sunne and Moone when they were yet in the wombes of their mothers Iohn 9.29 The Infirmities of godly Fathers are set downe in the Scripture for our comfort and instruction EVen as they which first sayled in the Seas gaue proper names to daungerous Rockes and perilous places where they hardly escaped with their liues to the end that their posteritie by such markes might shunne shipwracke and passe safely away calling places diuersly as the Sage bed the Lauender bed with other like names best known to Saylers Or as Carters vse to set vp some bush or other like marke in that place where their Waine or Cart stuck fast for a warning to thē that come after So likewise haue the godly Fathers as the Patriarkes Prophets Apostles furthered vs by their falls and Infirmities and by their experience taught vs to eschew many incombrances which they because they brake the Ice first themselues could not foresee 2. Sam. 11.2 c. Iohn 18.17.25 27. Gal. 1.13 Luk. 15.12 c. Infidelitie 1 LIke as the Moulde which is blind to see things on earth cannot see the starres in heauen So hee which will not beleeue God concerning things on earth cannot beleeue him concerning heauenly things 2 Euen as a subiect or tenant disclooning his king and Lord and relying himselfe vpon a new maister euen one who is a deadly and professed enemie to his first maister doth incontinently depriue himselfe of all those farmes lands houses preferments and commodities whatsoeuer the which he did enioy whilst hee liued in alleagance to his Lord So the case standeth with man when as by Infidelitie he falleth from God for then he looseth all manner of blessings belonging either to his happinesse or to his holinesse yea it is impossible that a man should either loue feare honour or obey God from whom he looketh for neither good nor euill and therefore Infidelitie is to be accounted the roote of all euill Hebr. 3.12 Gods Iudgements not regarded of many 1 AS lightning breaketh the cloudes and the suddaine light dooth not so much illuminate as dull the sight of the eye So many feeling the hand of God are rather dulled then mooued forwards to heauen 2 As skilfull Physitions in curing diseases vse certaine degrees first they begin with gentler sorts of salues and if they doo little good then they lay sharper remedies vnto the wound for if medicines doo not heale the yron doth heale those which the yron healeth not the fire doth heale but such as the fire doth not heale those are incurable So God doth sometime reprooue mans wickednesse by his word if that dooth not helpe hee correcteth with sicknesse infamie and Imprisonment if these profite not hee inflameth the fire of his Iudgement in the mindes of men and maketh them agast and amazed with the terror of euerlasting torments if neither that can heale their cankor he leaueth them quite as incurable and giueth them ouer into a reprobate mind so that they haue neither a right Iudgement to discerne things nor any sorrow at all by reason of the filth of wickednesse wherin they wallow Instrumentall cause of preaching AS a builder must haue not onely an exquisite skill in building and an abilitie to accomplish his skill and faithfulnesse to performe it and meete matter or stuffe to worke vppon but apt Instruments also or tooles to trie foorth and fashion the building So likewise a Preacher must not only haue the spirit of God to direct him in preaching and vtterance to publish the same and faithfulnesse for the performance thereof and matter to practise vpon but fit Instruments also to proportionate the worke verie aptly in euery point namely Logicke and Rhetoricke with other artificiall helpes which be as it were the Instrumentall and causes of preaching Rash Iudgement condemned AS it is the point of great rashnesse a thing disallowed of all men euen in worldly affaires for one man to cōdemne another before he haue heard him Euen so it is great folly for a man to giue his Iudgement vpon spirituall matters before hee hath well weighed and aduised of them Act. 18.21 21.14 Rom. 1.10 15.32 1. Cor. 4.19 Psal 115.3 Prou. 18.13 Knowledge of God how it is attained vnto 1 AS our naturall eyes haue power to discerne the things of this world by the Sunne that we dayly see Euen so the Knowledge of God that wee hope to haue of him must come by grace through the light of him that can lighten our vnderstandings and open the eyes of our minds otherwise wee shall rest in continuall darknesse if our inward eyes receiue not light by that supernall Sunne 2 As there is great difference betwixt the viewing of a man in a darke or dimme Glasse and the sight of him face to face in a bright day Euen so is there much more difference betwixt our
of God Numb 23.10.19 c. So in like manner many do wish and be desirous to enter into the Kingdome of heauen but yet they will not doo the will of God neither labour nor take any paines for the meanes that is the preaching of the word of God whereby they may come by it Mat. 7.21 19.16 c. Luk. 13.24 Math. 11.12 Luk. 16.16 Ioh. 6.27 Knowledge 1 AS that man that hath receiued abundance of wealth at his maister hands dooth notwithstanding steale from him and robbe him of that which is his owne is more worthie of death then hee that had no meanes to helpe himselfe Euen so is it with him on whome the Lord hath bestowed Knowledge and yet according to the same will not ioyne obedience for obedience is the Lords and hee that faileth herein robbeth God of his honour 2 As he which hath Knowledge shal if with the same he ioyne not obedience haue greater punishments then he which hath lesse Knowledge So also he that hath lesse Knowledge or none at all and will not labour for vnderstanding and spirituall wisedome shall surely feele those torments wherewith the other was afflicted on whome the Lord bestowed more Knowledge Luk. 12.47 48. Mat. 7.21 Rom. 12.2 Ephe. 5.17 3 As Wine without the mixture of water doth trouble the braine c. So Knowledge without loue doth make a man proud Knowledge and sight of our selues 1 AS salt is made of Sea water but so long as it is in the Sea it is not salt it must be taken out of the Sea and placed vpon the drie land that being in salt pits where the Sunne may shine the ayre blow vpon it the water may be thickned and so conuerted into salt Euen so this world is a Sea so long as wee liue in the world tossed with the ebbings and flowings of the worldes inconstancie and ouerwhelmed in the bitter waters of the sinnes and wicked practises of the same we are as yet no salt we must go out of the world enter into the land to wit into our selues and take a iust viewe of our owne imbicilitie and haue a due consideration of our owne miserable and wretched estate that the Sonne of righteousnesse may thrust out his beames and the wind of heauenly grace may blow vpon vs and so we may be turned into an admirable wonderful salt that being seasoned our selues we may be meanes and the Lords instruments to season others 2 As our eyes which do behold heauen and earth and other innumerable creatures of God doo not see themselues but looking in a Glasse by that meane they perfectly see themselues So we doo not see and consider our owne frailtie brickle estate but if we will set before our eyes the glasse of the remembrance of death and the true Knowledge of our selues beholding diligently this cleare Glasse we cannot choose but very plainely see our selues and what we be Iam. 1.22 23 25. Kings AS in a suddaine casualtie of fire or in a Citie surprised there is great feare So prophane and supersticious Kings and their Counsellors when the voice or doctrine of the Gospel is heard doo tremble for feare and do mortally hate the same as the firebrand of sedition in a common-wealth and as the loosenesse of discipline Psal 2.2 Loue of the world AS a Nurse that weaneth her childe from the loue and liking of her milke doth annoynt her Teate with Alloes Mustard or some other such bitter thing So our mercifull Father to the end that he may retyre and weane vs from the Loue of worldly delights vseth to send vs tribulation and affliction which of all other things hath most force to worke that effect as we see in the example of the prodigall Sonne 1. Cor. 11.32 Luk. 15.12 c. Gods Loue. 1 AS a sure friend is not knowne but in time of neede So Gods goodnesse and Loue is neuer so well perceiued as it is in helping of vs when we cannot helpe our selues Psal 41.11 2 As Adams fall did serue to manifest Gods iustice and mercie the one in punishing the other in pardoning of sinne which otherwise wee had neuer knowne So the troubles of the Church serue to manifest first our deserts by reason of our sinnes Secondly our weaknesse and inabilitie to helpe our selues and thirdly the Louing kindnesse of the Lord our God in sauing and defending that so we might be truely thankfull and returne al the prayse and glorie to God and none to our selues Rom. 9.22 23. 3 As a Father keepeth his Sonne and heire short without any money in his purse or any thing else at his owne will till the time come that hee shall inherite and in great wisedome he doth it for if his Sonne should haue the inheritance presently he wold wast it and spend it vainely So God dealeth with his children and for no other cause both in singular wisedome and Loue that they may say afterward By this I know that thou Louest me c. Psal 41.11 Life variable and troublesome 1 AS the Sea by tempest is sometimes troublesome and then is quiet and calme by faire weather againe So the Life of man sometime is oppressed with sorrow and extreame necessitie and somtimes it floweth with ioy and wealth at will 2 As a flower so soone as it bloweth and is ripe is cut downe or very shortly gathered So likewise is the continuance of a mans Life Iob. 14.2 Esay 40.6 7. 3 As the beautie of a flower sodenly fadeth is quickly gone So likewise is all the glorie and graces of all flesh Psal 103.15 Iam. 1.10 11. 1. Pet. 1.24 4 As now the Sunne is shadowed with cloudes and by and by shineth forth bright So likewise the Life of man is subiect to chaunge Iob. 8.9 5 As Vapours appeare for a little while and afterward vanisheth away quite out of sight Euen so the Life of man is quickly vanished and gone Iam. 4.14 6 As wind suddenly passeth away with a blast So also suddenly passeth the Life of man Iob. 7.6 7. 7 As there is no way so plaine but it hath many turnings and by-pathes that vnlesse a man take good heed he may wander and goe out of his way Euen so the Life of man hath many by-pathes to walke in so that vnlesse he take great heede hee wil easily wander out of the right way 8 As there is no way but it hath a beginning so it hath an ending So likewise the Life of man as it hath a beginning so also it hath an ending Louer of vertue AS some Louers doo much delight in the pale colour of her whome they Loue So the Louer of vertue and godlinesse doth nothing abhorre the banishment of sincere Christians neither the pouertie of sound professors nor yet the condemnation of the faithfull Saints of God Learning 1 AS the Bird bringeth all kind of foode vnto her young ones neast and is nothing the better her selfe therefore So some doo onely Learne
the Lords helpe he deferreth not to helpe vs because hee Loueth vs. Gene. 34.19 5 Like as when Iosephs brethren came to Egypt to buy Corne Ioseph knew them and spake roughly vnto them and bare them in hand that they came as spies So the Lord dealeth with his children many times when they come to him for such things as they want hee knoweth them well but maketh himselfe straunge vnto them and speaketh roughly vnto them by seeming to denie their request yea sometimes by increasing their sorrow and affliction as Iacob striuing with the Angell for a blessing receiued a blow on his thigh more then he looked for Gene. 42.7 Gene. 32.24 25.32 6 Euen as it was said of Ioseph that he tooke Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes now all this while Ioseph knew his brethren but they knewe not him for if they had knowne it had beene their brother Ioseph which Loued him no doubt they would haue borne any thing at his hands So likewise if we knew our troubles to come from our Father which Loueth vs wee would willingly beare any thing at his hands Gene. 42.8 7 Like as when Beniamin must goe then Iacob thought he had beene robbed of all his children but hee found Ioseph Simeon and Beniamin and all againe at the last So Gods children in the end find all when they thinke they haue lost all 8 As they went home hue and crie came after them for Iosephs cup which was in pollicie conueyed into their brother Beniamins sacke search was made they thought themselues cleare But when it was found in Beniamins sacke they were worse appaide then they were before whereupon Beniamin must stay by the reckoning and answere the matter this passed all the rest Euen so doth the Lord many times find out sinne by vs when we thinke all is well and then things goe worse and worse with vs as wee thinke and yet still the feare is greater then the hurt for God Loueth vs. Gene. 44.1 c. 9 Like as Iudah hereupon drew neare to Ioseph and said Let me speake but one word in the eares of my Lord and so tels him a long storie of the whole matter from the beginning to the ending as though Ioseph all this while had knowne nothing of the matter So wee oftentimes in the griefe of our hearts powre foorth many things and great complaints which the Lord knoweth well enough 10 Euen as after many trials it is said that Ioseph could no longer refraine before all that stood by but cried Haue foorth euery man from me Which being done he wept and cried so that all heard him both of the Egyptians and Pharaohs house and at last his Loue brake foorth like the morning light ouerfloweth after long restraint as a streame whose course is stopped ouerfloweth the bankes and so he vttereth himselfe asking if his Father were aliue But his brethren could not answere him for they were astonished at his presence Full little did they thinke that Ioseph had beene so heare them they did not once dreame of any such matter or of any such man Euen so the hand of God is many times in tempering of afflictions to the godly in Loue for their good when they thinke full little vppon it Gene. 45.1 c. 11 As Ioseph said to his brethren I am your brother whom yee sold into Egypt come neare I pray you vnto me be not sad nor grieued with your selues that you sold me for it was Gods dooing for your preseruation Afterward they and their Father and all his house came vp and had Egypt to inhabite Euen so after the like manner after many trials God dealeth with his children hee vttereth himselfe vnto them and puts them in good remembrance of their iniuries done to his Maiestie hee freely forgiueth them and giueth them the inheritance at the last which is more then they deserue and more then they desired and more then they looked for by which they are assured of Gods great Loue and fauour vnto them Therfore let vs be content with patience to beare what triall so euer our louing God and mercifull Father shall thinke good to lay vpon vs. 12 As Iehoram said to Iehu when he marched in his furie Commest thou peaceably As if hee should say if thou commest peaceably march as furiously as thou wilt So let vs say to our God O Lord commest thou fauourably and in Loue against vs Then come as terribly as thou wilt Shoote thine arrowes and spend them all vpon vs beate vs to pouder take all away and in this life doo with vs what thou wilt so thou doest assure vs of thy fauour 2. King 9.20 22. 13 As the birth of the child into the world swalloweth vp all the pangs and paines of the Mother in forgetfulnesse which went before the birth So likewise we if after our manifold afflictions and sorrowes for Christ his sake we bring foorth the assurance of Gods fauour here and of eternal life hereafter being dead let forgetfulnesse deuour and consume all the rest Law of God 1 AS some marke by the way side may well direct vs and shew vs which way to take So the Law of God may well leade vs and not teach vs the way that wee must take and walke in but it cannot giue vs strength and courage to goe through if we be wearie neither enable vs to come to the place whither we would goe 2 As a Physition and Surgeon comming to a sick man to heale him openeth the veine and taketh away bloud from him not to the ende to make him to die but as a remedie appointed for the recouerie of his health and safetie Euen so the Law pearceth our Impostume and sometimes maketh a great hole in it but neither to the ende to kill vs nor to hurt vs but to bring vs into a good order to the end we may bee the more easily healed Rom. 10.4 Gal. 3.24 3 As a chaste Virgine soiourning and dwelling with harlots in the stewes who although shee be chast her selfe yet can shee not win those to chastitie with whom shee is conuersant but preuaileth nothing and so is weake Euen so the Law although of it selfe it bee good holy and iust yet in carnall men it dooth nothing lesse then make them good and so it is weake and feeble And so likewise the Gospell as it is written in Paper and Parchment and is preached by mans voice is weake in those that be void of Gods spirit but it is the power of God to saluation onely to those that beleeue Rom. 7.12 Rom. 8.3 Rom. 1.16 4 As a pleasure or good turne may bee said to be the cause of ingratitude and prosperitie the cause of enuie but yet improperly Euen so the Law because it bringeth transgression and wrong doing and that not of it selfe but by our fault for it requireth obedience but it findeth vs doing amisse and so it is the cause of transgression but improperly Rom.
30.1 2. c. 31.1 2. c. Dan. 3.24 c. Psal 2.10 3 As inferior Magistrates ought not to shrinke from equitie Iustice notwithstanding the commaundements of their superiors So is it as great an ouersight in the superiour for feare of displeasing his inferiour to make any wrongfull or vnlawfull decree Dan. 6.9 25. c. Iere. 38.5 Math. 27.25.23 4 Like as when fire hath taken a house men vse to pull it downe and to cast it to the earth least it should fire also the neighbours houses So must the Magistrate plucke down and punish the transgressor least the heate of Gods wrath be kindled and consume all the people Numb 35.32 33. Iosu 7.12 c. Deut. 13.10 11 17. 21.1 c. Iona. 1.15 1. Cor. 10.6 c. 5.4 c. 5 As it is great rigor to condemne to death a man that by mischance killeth one So is it a mercy condemned by the Lord himselfe to pardon him that wilfully committeth murder Numb 35.11 12. Numb 33.16 17. Exod. 21.12 6 Euen as too much crueltie and seueritie of a Prince dooth make his subiects to feare him with hate So also doth generall good will gentlenesse make them to loue him and to feare least he should bee taken from them or incurre any mishap 7 As Princes and Magistrates haue their lawes statutes and ordinances wherewith to containe their subiects in their duties in the time of peace So should they take order for good gouernment in the warres to the end their iust warres may iustly and hoisly bee prosecuted Deut. 20.1 c. Meane estate of life is safest AS men being in deepe Caues are neuer stricken with thunder or lightnings So the base low and Meane estate or degree is most at ease and in safetie Ministers 1 AS a Mule that is gotten betweene a Horse and a shee Asse is neither Horse nor Asse So some Ministers whiles they endeuor and studie to be as well of the Court as of the Spiritualtie and to bee as well ciuill Magistrates as Preachers of the Gospell are in deed neither of both 2 As a Physition may perswade his sicke patient to take medicine and tell him the daunger if he will not receiue it but hee cannot compell him and yet oftentimes the sicke partie is forced by his parents and friends to receiue it Euen so it is the office of a Minister and Preacher to perswade by all good meanes his parishioners to abstaine from all notorious sinnes but to compell them he cannot but the magistrate may and ought to doo it Deut. 21.18 19 20 21. 3 Like as that woman which taketh a child to nurse and feede for hire although shee should pray for it one part of the day and sing it an other part of the day should wash it and keepe it as cleane as possibly could be the third part of the day and yet should giuen no milke nor feede it but suffer it to die for hunger neuerthelesse for all her singing and saying washing and praying shee were a murderesse Or as if a watchman were hyred of the Citizens to watch the Cittie and should leaue his place and goe into the Cittie and helpe the Masons to build the Walles or be occupied about some other affaires which hee had no charge off and in the meane time the enemies should come and kill some within the Cittie in thus doing hee should bee guiltie of their death Euen so that Minister that taketh a Congregation to feede who although he be diligent in reading his seruice singing of Psalmes ministring the Sacraments or else occupied about some affaires of the common-wealth and shall leaue vndone the most principall part of his calling which is preaching and Catechising and so the people perish for want hereof in thus dooing he should bee a soule murderer and guiltie of all those that thus perish Ezech. 34.2 c. 33.2 3. c. Iere. 23.1 2. c. Zach. 11.17 Iohn 10.1 c. 4 Like as Cookes who commonly are occupied in preparing of banquets haue as much feeling and seeing of the meate as any other and yet there is none that eateth lesse of it then they for their stomackes are cloyed with the smell and taste of it So in like maner it may come to passe that the Minister which dresseth and prouideth the spirituall foode may eate the least of it himselfe and so labouring to saue others he may be a reprobate Mat. 7 22. Act. 1.16 17. 2. Timo. 4.10 Hebr. 6.5 5 Like as if Ministers cannot aunswere one thing of a ●housand if God should enter into iudgement with them in respect of themselues Euen so much lesse will they be able to aunswere the Lord for euery soule that dieth belonging to their charge which will bee required at their hands dying I meane the spirituall death for lacke of spirituall foode Iob. 9.3 Ezech. 3.18 6 As there cannot bee a greater treasure or Iewell in a Christian common-weale then an earnest faithfull and constant preaching Minister of the Lords word Euen so can there not be a greater plague among any people then when they haue one for their Pastour and Minister that is either a Nonresident a blinde guide a dumbe Dog or an hypocriticall hireling 7 As a iust and righteous man regardeth and is mercifull euen to the very beast that doth him seruice Euen so much more Ministers ought to haue a great care of the soules and saluation of those people committed to their charge Prou. 12.10 Act. 20.28 Col. 4.17 1. Pet. 5.2 3. 8 As a Lawyer may not expound the Lawe as he thinketh best himselfe but he must expound Law by Law and as the tenour of the writings doo require Euen so a Minister of the word may not expound Scripture after his owne humour and as best liketh him but hee must doo the same by Scripture and as the tenour of the same will suffer him and according to the meaning of the holy Ghost 9 Like as a carefull Housholder knoweth euery thing in his house and what is necessarie for euerie one Euen so a carefull Minister dooth watch ouer his flocke that he may know euery man his conuersation and manners and so may Ministers comfort where it is needfull and reprehend the blame worthie 10 As there bee diuers sorts of Candles some of Rushes which giue a small light and are soone foorth some of Weeke but will not burne vnlesse they bee often snuffed but the best sort are of Cotten and burneth dearest Euen so there bee diuers sortes of Ministers in England As first reading Ministers and these giue no light at all and therefore to bee cast out Secondly such as bee turne-coates and time-seruers as King Henries Priestes Queene Maries Chaplaines who also doo more harme then good without great compulsion but the best sort are zealous and painefull Pastours who are the true lightes and Candles Math. 5.14 Iohn 5.35 Reue. 1.20 11 As Birdes fall not into the snare
the more it turneth to his hurt Euen so such Ministers as make no conscience of sinne do by Gods iust iudgement prooue diuels as the example of Iudas manifesteth for the more knowledge a man hath the more wicked he is if he want grace Mark 14.44 Iohn 6.70 33 As a lumpe of Waxe if it bee kept from heate or from the fire it keepes his owne forme still but if it bee held to the fire it melts and runne abroad So Ministers who by reason of their callings come neare God if they be lumpes of iniquitie and liue in their sinnes they shall find that the corruptions of their hearts will melt abroad as wax at the fire Iere. 15.19 Esay 6.5 34 Like as if a Nurse should take a mans child to bring vp and yet neuer giue it milke in so much that the child dieth for hunger shee for thus doing is a murtheresse Euen so it is with him that taketh vppon him the charge of Gods people and neuer feede them with the milke of Gods word or else so seldome that their soules doo famish he is the murderer of them and hath betraied them into the hands of their enemies and shall bee condemned ●or them as a traytor vnto God vnlesse he repent 35 Like as a charitable and godly maister sometimes giueth a good Almes by the hand of a lewde and wicked seruant Euen so God if it seeme good to him by the Ministery of an euil Minister can draw the vngodly to know loue and feare him 36 As the Snuffers and tongs which were in Salomons Temple wherewith they did snuffe the Lampes were of most pure Golde Euen so the Ministers of the Gospell who are bound to reproue and checke the sinnes and iniquities of others ought to keepe themselues blamelesse and vnspotted of the world Exod. 37.23 Esa 58.1 1. Tim. 3.2 Iam. 1.27 37 As he which hoordeth vp hideth his Corne that it may not helpe and succour hungrie soules in the time of dearth is grieuously cursed of men women and children and contrariwise he that in a famine great dearth doth bring forth his Corne and selleth it is highly praysed and praied for of the people So likewise that Minister Preacher deserueth sharpe and rough reprehensions which will not impart his knowledge and skill to the hungrie and thirstie soules of the children of God and on the other-side hee is worthily praysed which openeth vnto them the Garner of diuine doctrine which teacheth and preacheth doth faithfully exercise the office of a watchman Prou. 11.26 Ezech. 3.17 18. 33.2 38 As learned and skilfull Physitions with the bitter potions and sharpe medicines which they minister vnto their patients doo mixe some sweete and pleasant thing to winne those that be sicke the more willingly to receiue them So Ministers and Preachers of the word of God beeing learned and godly wise ought if need bee to temper their bitter and rough reprehensions with a sweete and comfortable doctrine and so of sharpeness● and mildnesse to make a soueraigne wholesome medicine to heale the spiritual griefs diseases of their hearers 39 As the Priest that serueth and wayteth at the Altar is worthie to liue vpon the offerings and the Souldier that ventereth is worthie his wages And the Husbandman that toyleth is worthie the haruest and the sheepheard that feedeth a flocke is worthy to bee fed with the milke and cloathed with the wooll So questionlesse that Minister that preacheth not is worthy no offerings the Souldier that fighteth not is worthy no wages the husbandman that loytereth is worthy of weedes the sheepheard that feedeth not can with no good conscience require either the milke or the fleece but his due reward and iust recompence is punishmēt for by his default the sheepe the people of God are hunger starued destroyed of the Wolfe 40 As the words of a Lord Chauncellor are said to be great because it comes f●●m the King So the words of a Minister are said to be g●●at because it comes from God thence the preachers are said to be the mouth of God and their words a two edged sword Exod. 4.11 12. 41 As God said to Ioshua Whosoeuer will not obey the words of thy mouth shal die Euen so he that obeyeth not the words of Gods holy Ministers shal surely die Ios 1.18 42 As the Gospell is to be preferred before the Law for the worthinesse of it So the Ministers are to be preferred before the Prophets for their worthinesse 43 As they who dresse much meate for others taste some themselues and as nurses who chew meate for yong children suffer some to slip downe into their owne bellies So the Ministers of the word who studie day and night how they may be setting before the eyes of the people the vgly and filthie shape of sinne should themselues bee great●y inamoured with it that they who labour to affright others with the fearefull iudgements of God should stand in some awe and that they who inflame others with the loue of God should heate themselues and in briefe that all the doctrines exhortations threatnings and promises which they propound to the people in the name of God should redownd to their owne profite and edification 43 As it is meete that the Steward of a great family should be wise and discreete in such sort that hee haue a respect to euerie mans age abilitie and disposition and to giue and distribute to euerie one of them accordingly So likewise it is very requisite that Ministers who are the disposers of the blessed word of God should haue a speciall kind of dexteritie wisedome and good discretion whereby hee may skilfully and fruitfully diuide to euerie one their portion accordingly 1. Cor. 4.1 2. 2. Timo. 2.15 44 As a Father beareth a ten●●r affection to his daughter Euen so a godly Minister hath a louing heart tender affection to his people which are members of the Church Lament 2.11 1. Cor. 4.15 45 As the mouth of the Oxe was not to bee musled that treadeth out the Corne. Deut. 25. So the Minister of the Gospell must be prouided for 1. Cor. 9.9 10. 46 As the Candle that is carried in a Lanthorne shall light many Candles and yet loose no part of his owne light bee the wind neuer so boysterous but that Candle that is open to the weather a little puffe of wind or one drop of raine will put it out that it can neither giue ligh● to others nor to it selfe So in like manner that Minister that taketh heede to learning and continueth therein and he to whome the word of God is a Lathorne and a light shall helpe himselfe and others when hee that ventureth without it sh●ll put out his owne light and the light of others also 1. Timo. 4.16 Psal 119.105 47 As it is to be seene and read in the Gospell that not euerie one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shal inherite the kingdome of heauen but they which
doo the will of my Father saith Christ which is in heauen Euen so is it often said that a hood maketh not a Muncke neither rounding or powling neither yet a long Gowne or a square Cap or Tippet maketh a true Apostle or Minister but he is counted to bee the assured Minister of Christ which both is able and can by sound doctrine exhort and comfort the gaine-sayers thereof and also doth diligently goe before the people of God by good example of life and vertuous conuersation 48 As it is the dutie of Iudges which doo sit in iudgement as concerning matters of life and death to shut the one eare to the accuser and to reserue the other for him that is accused after the example of great Alexander So likewise it is the part of Ministers to be ready to make answere to euerie question of the Law of God for he that is ignorant in Gods Law he may assure himselfe that he can by no meanes be Gods Minister Mind 1 AS we vse not the troubled water vntill it bee cleared againe So must we not vse our Mind being moued and angrie but suffer it first to be pacified 2 As out of the vessell which is filled with liquor the ●yre is expelled So out of a Mind replenished with ver●ue and godlinesse all kind of vanities be voide Member of Christ falleth not finally AS a mans arme taken with the dead Palsie hangs by and receiues no heate life or sence from the rest of ●e Members or from the head yet for all this it remaines still vnited and coupled to the bodie ●nd may againe be recouered by plaisters and phisicke So after a greeuous fall the child of God that feeles no inward peace comfort but is smitten in conscience with the trembling of a spirituall Palsie for his offence neuerthelesse in deed remaines before God a member of Christ which shal be restored to his former estate after true and vnfained repentance Memorie AS the leaues of a booke which is sildom vsed wil cleaue fast together Euen so the Memorie waxeth dull if it be not oft quickned A Minde ruled by reason AS the ship which hath a strong ankor may safely stay in any hauen So likewise a man which hath his Mind ruled by reason will liue peaceably and quietly in any region of the world The Minde of man 1 AS Trees planted and set by the waters side seeme faire and pleasant adorned with store and varietie of fresh and greene leaues So likewise doth the Minde of man being garnished with godly knowledge moys●ned with the water of Gods diuine spirit flourish shine with the bright beames of vertue and spread abroad his boughes both of faith toward God and also yeeld foorth the fruite of Christian workes toward his neighbour Psal 1. 3. Esay 17.8 2 As the eye of the bodie although it behold all othe● things yet it cannot see either it selfe or some other part● of the bodie euen those which are nearest vnto it So it fareth with the Mind of man the eye of the soule it ranged ouer the whole worlde aboue the highest heauens an● beneath the bottom of the earth and yet it is a straunger 〈◊〉 home most ignorant of the owne estate 3 As we see in running Riuers that the force of the water is greatly diminished when as the currant thereof is turned into seuerall litle streames and that both the heate and light do loose much of their vertue when as they are dispearsed abroad into large and open places So likewise it happeneth to our Mindes when as they are applied vnto seuerall studies which sometimes are contrary one to the other so that we thinking through an ambitious desire to do many things in the end effect and bring to passe nothing as we should do 4 As Porke betokeneth vncleannesse from which we must abstaine and beasts did signifie that beastly affections should be killed So the Minde and will must be renued that it may allow chuse and do such things as please God 5 As the bodie being alwayes oppressed with labour looseth his strength and so perisheth So likewise doth the Minde of man oppressed with the cares and pleasures of this world loose all her force lust and desire that she had to the rest to come of eternall life and so dieth not onely the death of sinne but hasteth what she can to hate abhorre all vertue 6 As a ship hauing a sure Ankor may lye safe in any place So the Mind that is ruled by perfect reason is quiet euery where Merite or desert not to be looked for for well doing 1 LIke as if one say the Prince hath bestowed a great Office vpon such an honest man this betokeneth ●ot wherefore but vpon what maner of person the Prince ●estowed it Euen so in like maner if we say that God wil ●iue glory the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting life ●o them that walke vprightly this teacheth vs what maner of men the Lord will giue the inheritance vnto but not for what cause mouing him he will giue it vnto them Eze. 36.22 Math. 18.27 25.34 Luk. 17.7 9 10. Gal. 1.15 3.18 2 As he which is wicked and dooth wickedly hurteth himselfe and not God Or as hee that hath the health of his bodie and doth by good dyet keepe and preserue it dooth hee therefore deserue any reward at the Phisitions hands Verely no for he doth it not for the Phisitions profit but for his owne Euen so likewise he that by the gift of God hath obtained the health of his soule and by his grace doth the things that belong to the preseruation of the same shall we say that he dooth Merite or deserue any reward at Gods hand because that he is made such by his grace and gift and doth now through his helpe aide and assistance keepe the same grace for his onely profite and commoditie either by earnest beliefe or by vnfained loue or by assured hope or by well doing and patience in aduersitie and trouble c. 3 Like as if any man that hath a state or interest for terme of yeres and a taking of profit in a peece of ground by another mans liberall graunt doo also claime to himselfe the tytle of proprietie dooth hee not by such vnthankefulnesse deserue to loose the verie selfe possession which hee had Or like as if a bonde Slaue beeing made free of his Lorde doo hide the basenesse of the estate of a Libertine who is made free by maumission and not by byrth and boaste himselfe to bee a Free-man borne is hee not woorthie to bee brought backe into his former bondage Euen so althoug● good woorkes proceede from the grace of God ye● they doo please him and are not vnprofitable to the dooers of them but rather they receiue for rewarde the most large benefits of God not because they deserue but because the goodnesse of God hath of it selfe appointed this price vnto thē But what spitefulnesse is this
that men not contented with that liberalitie of God which giueth vndue rewardes to workes that deserue no such thing do with ambition full of sacriledge endeuour further that that which is wholly of the liberalitie of God may seeme to be rendred to the Merites of men Murderer of soules LIke as if a Nurse should for wages take in hand to nurse a young child who either hauing no Milke or hauing milke enough would giue it none but suffer it to die for hunger in thus doing shee were a Murderesse Euen so that Minister that taketh a flocke to feede by Preaching and Catechising who either hath no knowledge to performe this dutie or hauing sufficient knowledge but yet is Nonresident and absent from them and so suffereth the people to perishe for want of instruction such a one before God is a soule Murderer Ezech. 33.2 c. 34.2 c. Iere. 23.1 c. Zach. 11.17 Esay 56.10 11. Marrying 1 AS they that purpose to plant any thing doo first consider the nature of the ground in the which they minde to plant Euen so much more should men that entend to Marrie haue respect to the nature and condition but especially to the soundnesse of Religion of the woman of whom hee desireth to plant Children the fruits of honestie and welfare 2. Cor. 6.14 c. Deut. 7.3 2 Like as that Husbandman doth with diligence Till that ground which he hath once taken to Farme althogh it be neuer so full of faultes as if it be drie if it bring foorth weedes though the ground cannot beare much weat yet through good husbandry he winneth fruit thereof Euen so in like maner he that hath a froward or irreligious wife must haue care and diligence to instruct and order her minde and courteously apply himselfe to weede out by little and little the noysome weedes of sinne out of her minde with wholesome precepts out of Gods word that in time he may feele the pleasaunt fruite thereof to both their comforts For as it is commonly said A good Iack maketh a good Gill. 3 Like as a man hauing one hand or one foote if by any meanes hee get himselfe an other may thereby the more easily lay holde on what hee listeth or goe whither hee will Euen so hee that hath marryed a Christian wife shall more easily enioy the healthfull pleasures and profitable commodities of this present life For in trouble the one is a comfort to the other in aduersitie the one is a refreshing vnto the other yea and in all their life the one is a helpe and succour to the other Ministers that haue moe liuings then one are neuer true teachers 1 LIke as a Dogge which as long as hee holdeth a bone in his mouth and knaweth it so long he holdeth his peace and cannot barke Euen so as long as Ministers haue this bone of pleasaunt riches and superfluitie of liuing they will neyther deale faithfully nor truly with the word of God nor yet carefully discharge their calling Magistracie and Ministerie not to be sued for 1 LIke as it is meeter that the diseased seeke to the Physition for counsell then that the Physition should goe about to seeke for the sick Euen so he that knoweth himselfe fit either for Magistracie or Ministerie any dignitie or Office should rather abide till hee be called thereunto then seeke for it himselfe Exod. 18.21 2 Like as a gouernour of a Ship is not chosen for his riches but for his knowledge So should the chiefe Magistrate in euerie Cittie be chosen rather for his wisedome and godly zeale then for his wealth and great possessions 3 Like as a battered or crazed Ship by drinking in of water not onely drowneth her selfe but all those that are in her So a ruler by vsing viciousnesse destroyeth not him selfe alone but all others besides that are vnder his gouernment 4 Like as a good Musition hauing any key or string of his Instrument out of tune dooth not immediately cut it off and cast it away but either with straining it higher or slacking it downe lower by little and little causeth it to agree So should Rulers rather reforme tansgressours by small corrections then seeke to cast them away for euerie trespasse The Ministerie of the word 1 AS all men knowe that the good estate of the body dooth chiefly consist herein that the meate wherewith it is nourished bee well dressed and made fit for the receiuer not raw offensiue or mingled with any hurtfull thing So without question the health of the soule doth chiefly depend on the Ministerie of the word that it offer ●o the Church nothing but that which is both in it selfe good and sound and also made fit for the present estate of the hearers 2 Like as most men are curious about the dressing of their bodily meate which is soone turned to filth and so cast away as a most loathsome thing yea which together with the belly for the which it is prepared shall be abolished 1. Cor. 6.13 So surely much more it is to be wished the contrary greatly to be wondered at that men wold be likewise as carefull in prouiding for themselues wise and cunning Cookes able to prepare a right the sacred word of the euerliuing God wherewith their soules are or ought to bee fed to eternall life But alas men spend their whole care time and substance about the one To wit the filling of their bellies and the feeding of their bodies and are altogether carelesse of the other thinking no cost sufficient for the one and euerie pennie that is bestowed on the other cleane lost Mind diseased and sicke 1 AS the sicke body cannot away with neither heate nor cold So a sicke Mind is neither pleased with wealth nor woe 2 As vnto them that are sicke all things are troublous they loath their meates blame Physitions and be angrie with their friends but health being restored they delight in things againe Euen so vnto a sicke Mind each life i● loathsom but to a sound Mind no trade of life is misliked 3 They which be sicke in body will giue themselues to rest they will keepe good diet and send for the Physition with speede But they that bee diseased in Mind doo abhorre all rest and remedy 4 Like as if the fountaine bee muddie and corrupted nothing that is pure can proceed from the same So if th● Mind bee infected with euill affectio●s it will corrupt a● that proceedeth from the same 5 As children and they whose stomacks are queasie cannot abide bitter and vnpleasant potions though they be wholesome but rather like sweete things best though most hurtfull Euen so wicked men fooles they whose soules Sathan hath bewitched like better of them that sing Placebo speake Placentia sowing pillowes vnder their elbowes and doo flatter them then they that tell them the truth and find fault with their sinnes 6 As a good stomacke turneth al that it eates into good nutriment and a bad
truth 1 LIke as they which builded again the material and stone wall of the earthly Ierusalem had not only the Trowell in one hand to build withall but moreouer the sword in the other to beate back their enemies which assaied to hinder the worke that was in doing So in like maner those men whō the Lord hath appointed to build vp this spirituall Ierusalem of his the Church of God it behoueth them not only to hold fast the word of truth to edifie withall but moreouer they must bee of abilitie through the plentiful knowledge of the word to confute and confound all their gaine-standers Nehe. 4.17 18. c. Ioh. 17.17 2. Cor. 6.7 Ephe. 1. 13. Colloss 1. 5. 2. Tim. 2.15 Iam. 1. 18. 2. Tim. 3.16 17. 2. Timo. 2.25 2 As the Proclamation is the Princes who first set it foorth though it be afterward published againe of the Cryer So the word is Gods who first vttered the same though it be rehearsed a new of any learned writer 3. And as he that calleth the Kings Proclamation repeated by the Cryer the Cryers proclamation had need of a fauourable Interpreter to saue him from rebuke Euen so if any shall auouch the word and authorities of Gods Spirit repeated of learned men to be their authorities had need of a verie partiall hearer to quite him from blame 4 Like as if a man were sent on a message frō his Prince and by the way should heare his message repeated of one of his fellowes or more if when hee commeth to doo his message he should say thus saith my companion or thus saith my Lord the King my companion together what might we thinke of such one in so saying In like manner they which take so much paines to alleadge the words of the Lord or the summe and meaning of them vnder the name of learned writers or ioyne God and men togegether as cospeakers to make the matter sufficient as though otherwise it were not enough for they are vnwise to thinke that men will regarde what man saith in such matters 5 Like as if any Noble man of wisedome and credite shuld be called to witnesse the truth in any doubtful matter which hee well vnderstood and hauing declared the whole truth the partie that requireth the same should answere thus I would the rather belieue this that you haue said to be true if so be that I might heare some of your seruants to witnesse the same In this doing might not this Noble man well thinke that he were greatly abused that could not be credited vnlesse his men should also testifie thereof Euen so how can the Lord take it in good part seeing hee hath so often in his word commaunded that wee should speake nothing vnto his people but that which commeth from his mouth without any other additions and hath sufficiently set downe in his word the whole truth both what is needful for vs to doo and what to leaue vndone and yet many will not belieue him vnlesse they heare Heathen men and other learned writers to witnesse the same 1. Pet. 4.11 Deut. 18.18 Iere. 9.1 King 22.14 2. Chro. 17.7 8 9. Ezech. 3.4 17. 33.7 6 Like as if a Scholler will not beleeue that which his maister hath taught him vnlesse his schoole-fellow will say it is so this fond opinion of the Scholler maketh not the teaching of his Maister insufficient Euen so when a man will not beleeue that the word of God dooth teach or refell and confute this or that vnlesse the Doctors do so expound the same yet this proueth not but the Scripture of it selfe is sufficient to doo it though hee make not so much account thereof Esay 59.21 Hebr. 4.12 Iere. 23.29 22. Psal 19.7 8. Ministers must obey Christ AS no Ambassadour can haue any higher authoritie then is limited and expressed by plaine words in his Commission by the Prince or whosoeuer it bee that graunteth it and as euerie one of the Commissioners to whome a Commission is directed haue that authoritie which in their Commission is mentioned and no other Euen so in the Commission that Christ gaue to his Apostles euerie one of them ought obediently to obserue their maisters commaundement with his authoritie giuen to them and not to breake it and goe beyond the bounds and limitation of it The dutie of Ministers both to seducers and the seduced LIke as parents whē their child is hurt with the biting of a Dogge are wont to pursue the Dogge onely but the weeping child they bemone and speake faire vnto it comforting it with most sweete words So likewise godly preachers must bee impatient zealous sharpe and vehement in condemning and detesting the false iuglings deceits of the Authors of false doctrine and maintainers of sects but contrariwise they must with all mildnesse good affection and gentle speech behaue themselues ●owardes those that are mysled gone astray and falne ●hrough weaknesse and so to reclaime them Gal. 6.1 Mens deuises LIke as if a wicked seruant doo take vpon him to serue his Maister with wholesome foode should mingle therwith some secret poyson to annoy him withal deserueth due punishment according to his demerites Euen so as displeasantly shall the confused minglings and foolish deuises of Men be taken of the Lord in making mixtures of their owne deuises with his worshippe and seruice Mens traditions 1 AS when the naturall Sunne is darkned with cloudes that doo arise from the waters and from the earth Euen so our Sauiour Christ which is the true Sonne of righteousnesse is wonderfully darkned with the mysts and clouds of Mens traditions and dreames so that many times his comfortable light is cleane taken away from the eyes of our soules and consciences 2 Like as if the Sunne bee darkned the Moone of necessitie must loose her light Euen so when the chearefull light of the true Sonne of righteousnesse is taken away by Mens inuentions and superstitious doctrine and Popish traditions without all doubt the Church must vtterly loose her light it must needes bee without all heauenly vnderstanding and knowledge it must needes be in horrible darknesse and in the shadow of death Moderation of worldly care LIke as a traueller in his iourney is troubled with care for nothing but that which shall bee necessarie for him in his iourney So wee in the pilgrimage of this life must bee carefull for nothing but that which may benefite vs in our iourney to life euerlasting Man of no continuance 1 AS a dreame smoke vapour a puffe of wind a shaddow a bubble of water hay grasse hearbs flowers leaues a Weauers shuttle dried stubble are things of smal account and lesse continuance Euen so the glorie beautie magnificence strength and wisedome of Man is nothing else then vaine britle transitorie and ruinous vnlesse it bee sustained vpholden and vndershored by the heauenly power of the sure and eternall word of God Psal 73. ●● Iob. 20.8 Psal 103.14 15. Iob. 7.6 7. 8.9
Gene. 21.14 11 As the virgin Marie wept so sore for the death of her Son Iesus as though her tender heart had bene stabd and pearst through with a sharpe sword Euen so there is nothing in the world that ought to cause vs to bee more sorrowfull then this that Christ beeing blessed in himselfe ●as cursed for vs being exalted in himselfe was imbased for vs being iustified in himselfe was condemned for vs being a liue in himselfe was dead for vs. 12 As a Ship being neither too heauily burdened nor ●o lightly balāced feareth neither waues nor winds but sayleth safely to the hauen So wee beeing neither too heauie for our owne sinnes and miseries nor too light for Christs mercie but ioyning Weepe not for me but weepe for your selues Luk. 23.28 Both together shall neither bee drowned with waues of desperation nor puffed vp with the winds of presumption but we shall sayle safely in the Arke of Noah vpon the sea of this world till we arriue at the hauen of all happinesse in heauen 13 As a Father pittieth his owne child and if hee see him crie doth what hee can to still him and takes out his hand-kercher and wipes the infants eyes himselfe Euen so after the same fashion God our heauenly Father will with his owne holy finger wipe away all teares from our eyes and take vs most louingly by the hand and leade vs out of the house of Mourning into the house of mirth then though we haue sowne in teares yet wee shall reape in ioy Psal 103.13 Reue. 7.17 Psal 126.5 Naturall thing AS the salte water being for drinke vnprofitable yet susteineth and beareth vp the Ship better then the sweete which for drinke is more apt and meete So euerie Naturall thing hath his owne vse whervnto if it bee applied then it worketh his effect Good Name 1 AS fire once kindled is soone preserued but beeing extinct it is not easie to kindle the same againe So is it easie to defend a good Name but if it be once blotted and lost hardly shall we restore it againe 2 As the Lord by the eight commaundement bindeth our hands as it were with a manacle or hand shackle from stealing robbing or any wayes diminishing of our neighbours goods So also by the ninth Commaundement he bridleth our tongue that we should not hurt or impaire the good Name credit or estimation of our brethren but by loue to vphold and maintaine the same Prou. 22.1 Eccle. 7.3 3. As a precious Oyntment being poured foorth casteth out spreadeth abroad a sweete a fragrant and an oderiferous sm●ll far and neare Euen so the good Name and fame of such Christians as are annoynted with the holy Ghost dooth cast out and spread it selfe farre and neare very sweete to the nosthrils of the Almightie and verie delightfull to the members of Christ Cant. 1.2 1. Ioh. 2.20 27. Noble men and housholders 1 LIke as the Sunne in the Firmament giueth light to all the regions round about him and by his bright appearing expelleth the darknesse comforteth and cheareth the world So likewise should Noble men Magistrates Gentlemen Ministers and housholders labour to banish sinne and corrupt Religion and bee a lanthorne of godly life to comfort and shine to others that they might direct their liues after their good ensamples Phil. ● 15 Math. 5.16 2 As Cyprian let no day passe without reading of Tertullian nor Alexander without reading of Homer nor finally Appelles without some line proportioned So is it meete that no degrees should loose any opportunitie or occasion graunted to the meditation of Christian Religion but rather being taught by the example of the Emperour Constantine would repose their whole study in the word of God Deut. 17.19 20. Iosu 1.8 Psal 1.2 Deut. 3.11 12 13. Neglect of heauen for earthly things LIke as if a Golden game of inestimable value should bee proposed for such as would run could win the same and when the course or race were begunne if some should step aside and followe after flies or feathers that passed in the ayre without any regard of the prize and gole proposed who would not maruaile and take pittie of their folly Euen so is it with men of the world who are placed together in a course or race and that the kingdome of heauen is propounded vnto vs for the game or prize but few endeuour to enter therein and why For that most men doo step aside and leaue the marke Most men doo run awry and doo follow feathers vp downe in the ayre most men doo pursue vanities and hunt after pleasures and doo wearie themselues therewith vntill they can neither runne nor goe nor mooue their limmes any further and then for the most part it is too late to amend their folly 1. Cor. 9.24 25 26 27. Psal 4.2 3. Iere. 2.13 18. The Name profiteth none in whome vertue is n● 〈…〉 1 AS neither they yearely reuenue●●or the glorious titles and Names ●●●●cessors and to discend of noble parentage maketh men noble and renowmed indeed vnlesse they themselues be godly honest and wise Euen so neither the godly Names no nor yet the faith and vertue of Fathers auaileth wicked and vngodly children any thing at all vnlesse they repent and become faithfull as their Fathers were Iohn 8.39 Math. 3. ● Gal. 3.7 2 Like as those children which are named and called by and after any of the names of Patriarkes Prophets Apostles or by the Name of other Saints man or woman are not any thing the better because they haue such godly and Christian Names vnlesse that they doo immitate and follow them in faith vertue and godly behauiour Euen so on the other side they that be not called by such Christian Names as are mentioned in the sacred Scriptures are not in respect of their Names any thing the worse hauing an assured faith in the merites of Christ his death passion and bloud-shedding and leading their liues agreeable to the same Iosua 10.3 Daniel 1.7 To what ende proper Names were giuen vs in baptisme LIke as infants in times past amongst our auncestors had their Names giuen them when they were Circumcised to this end that the Circumcised might be admonished by the calling by their Names at what time and place they had their Names giuen them and should thinke that they are written in the number of the children of God and ioyned in league with him and made partakers of the couenant So after the same maner must we remember that haue had proper Names giuen vnto vs at our baptisme for this vse and end both to distinguish betwixt man and man and also to put vs in mind that we are by grace adopted to bee the Sonnes of God and receiued into his fauour and therefore that wee are Gods owne and as it were his goods and riches as they which beare his Name as proper vnto him Luk. 1.59 2.21 Wicked Neighbours LIke as Thornes cannot be touched nor handled except mens
Idolatrie and superstition whereby also their ignorant mindes and weake consciences are much disquietted for a time yet for that they procure in the ende their former health and seeke onely to restore them a right to their perfect libertie in Christ they cannot therefore bee truely termed disturbers either of the outward or inward peace of the Church but rather the faithfull defenders thereof for that they doo daily admonish their people to conforme themselues to the right manner of seruing and worshipping God according to his word and to beware of such stinking Garlike and Onions of Egypt as naturally they are apt to surfeit vpon Numb 11.4 5. Patience 1 AS in playing tables we know not what cast shal happen but that which happeneth is the players part to play well So what things shall happen in our life is not in vs to appoint but that which happeneth is our dutie by Patience to accept and vse well 2 As the Apostles did waite with Patience for the promise of Christ for so soone as he was ascended into heauen they came straight to Ierusalem where they continued tenne dayes till the holy Ghost was sent So likewise must wee prescribe no time to the Lord but Patiently waite for those things which we want Act. 1.11 12. 2.1 2 3 4. 3 Euen as the Husbandman labouring in tilling and sowing their fieldes doo patiently looke for fruite So the godly ought by Patience to looke for the end of faith which is the saluation of their soules Iam. 5.7 Preacher 1 AS one peece of wood cannot possibly kindle an other vnlesse the same bee first kindled it selfe So likewise no Preacher can inflame his hearers with the loue of Religion which is not first inflamed himselfe with the loue of the Lord and a care of his glorie nor conuert or teach an other rightly that is not truely conuerted and taught himselfe c. Luk. 22.32 Rom. 2.21 2 As the aboundance of fruites or as a plentifull haruest procureth the paineful ploughman to labour afresh and with a future hope to put his hand to the plough to bend his backe to the burden and most willingly abide the brunt of euerie blast because hee seeth such store of fruites from his former labours So surely euery godly Preacher perceiuing his former practise to bring foorth such profit hee is pricked forward to labour more diligently in his calling accounting those paines his onely pleasure and making those his carefull hearers his daily delight saying Loe these are the trees of righteousnesse these are the planting of the Lord in whom he is glorified c. Prou. 11.30 Esay 61.3.9 3 As the yong Crab-fish being checked on a time of her elder for going so crokedly said first go you straight before vs and then wee will the straighter follow your steps So if the Preacher will haue his hearers to doo and practise that which he teacheth them then hee himselfe must doo and practise that which he teacheth them that so his good behauiour may be their ensample otherwise they will cast his owne dung in his face and say Physition heale thy selfe Luk. 8.16 11.33 1. Pet. 2.12 Math. 23.13 Mal. 2.9 Luk. 4.29 4 As those foolish Carpenters who building and preparing the Arke for the sauegard of Noah and his family were drowned themselues in the floud Or as a grinding-stone which by giuing an edge to the tooles yet becommeth it selfe more blunt then before Or as a Candle which by giuing light to others is consumed it selfe Or as a Mearestone which directeth the poore traueillers aright in their viage but yet it standeth still it selfe at a stay Or as that miserable Husbandman that selleth away al his best Corne but keepeth the refuse to himselfe Or as Cyrus the foolish Wine seller solde others of the best Wine and did drinke the lees and dregges himselfe Or as a fire-brand which kindleth and setteth other wood on fire but it is consumed and burnt it selfe Or as a sicke Captaine which may giue his Souldiers good counsell though himselfe bee vnable to strike a stroake Or as an Alabaster box which containeth very precious oyntments for such as are sicke but feeleth it selfe no sauour thereof Or as a Librarie ful of singular good knowledge for such as are desirous to learne but hath neither vse nor profit thereof it selfe Or as a gilden Cup full of very wholesome Wine for the comfort of those that are drie but yet it remaineth it selfe a thirst Or as a foolish Minstrell which singeth one thing with the mouth and harpeth an other with his hands Euen so that Minister that giueth good counsell to other but followeth it no● himselfe that buildeth vp with one hand but breaketh downe with the other which Preacheth soundly bu● liueth lycentiously which reprooueth others for stealing and yet stealeth himselfe who blameth others fo● Adulterie but yet breaketh wedlocke himselfe who condemneth the ill dooings and dealings of others and yet dooth the same things himselfe Such a one may as sure himselfe that without speedie repentance he shall neuer escape the iudgements of God Gene. 6.21 Math. 14.38 39. Luk. 17.26 27. 1. Pet. 3.20 Gal. 2.18 Psal 50.17 18. Rom. 2.21 22 23. 5 As there is but one onely meanes to saluation for all whether Prophet or Apostle Preacher or people Iew or Gentile bond or free or of what condition so euer So surely those are the best kind of Preachers in deed which deliuer the doctrine of Christ with some experience and feeling thereof in themselues which verily addeth a maruellous efficacie and force to that doctrine deliuered Gal. 2.6 Ephe. 6.9 Col. 3.25 1. Pet. 1.17 6 As the sicke man seeketh not a Physition eloquent but expert and cunning So of a Preacher there must not be required a phrase of speech adorned and affected but plaine wise and for edification 7 Like as some men entangled in ouer many turnings ●oo make a short way very long So likewise some Preachers in teaching trifling questions and matter that edifieth not doth greatly hinder his hearers from profiting in wisedome and knowledge 8 As a blind sore and wounded eye which cannot direct and leade the body is rather a blemish and a bur●en to the naturall body then a commoditie Euen so a man allowed and appointed to be a spirituall Pastor and Preacher which hath not the knowledge and grace to Preach the Lawe and the Gospell is but a blind and sore eye not able to direct and guide the spirituall bodie the people of God of whom he taketh charge of Mat. 6.23 〈◊〉 15.14 Act. 8.31 10 As a family or houshold left without a guide or Steward waxeth disordered as Schollers wanting a Schoolemaister cannot be learned as a ship destitute of a guide is vnlikely to be preserued Euen so the state and condition of such Churches and parishes are most wofull and lamentable which are depriued and lacke true and faithfull Preachers who are the Lords stewards to dispose his secrets the
Lords Schoolemaister to teach his people the Lords vnder-guides to direct his flock of sheepe into the sheepe fold of Christ Iesus Prou. 29.18 1. Cor. 4.1 Math. 28.19 Ioh. 10.16 11 As the Surgion is accustomed first of all to lay to a sore very sharpe playsters and after the wound beeing open then those that be more gentle Or as a Father seeing the corrupt manners of his child first correcteth them with stripes and afterwards comforteth him Euen so must the Preacher of the word deale with his auditorie after he hath denounsed iudgements and threatnings h● must then minister comforts and promises 12 Like as there bee two duties or properties belonging to a good shepheard to wit first to feede his sheepe and secondly to preserue them in safetie from Wolue● and Foxes Euen so a good Pastor Minister of Christ● sheepe first ought to feede them with the fodder of pu●● and wholesome doctrine of Christ and secondly to d●fend them form Wolues and theeues that is against fal● deceiuers c. Act. 20.28 Ioh. 21.15 16. 13 Like as the Fountaine though no man draw of doth still send forth his springs Or as a ryuer though ● man drinke of it yet dooth it keepe his course and flow neuerthelesse Euen so it behooueth him that Preache● the word of God to do what lyeth in his power thou● no man giue any attentiuenesse or haue any care to f●low the same Iere. 7.27 Ezech. 2.3 3.9 11 17. ●3 ●●●4 14 Like as that man which goeth about to cut downe a tall and mightie Cypres beeing barren vnprofitable and a midle tree that other fruitfull plants which are lette● and hindered through the noysome shaddow of it may increase and prosper dooth not dispaire though at the first or second blow he fell it not but by little and little he striketh with the Axe vntill at the length hee lay it along Euen so a Preacher of the word of God although he see no profit follow his preaching no faults amended no sinnes abated yet for all that hee ought not to despaire to faint and to hide his Talent in the ground but ●●her hee ought to continue his preaching and neuer giue ouer that at the length with the two edged sword of the pure word of God he may new and fell downe the ●●●ge and monstrous tree of sinne and all abhomination ●●d that the new plants of vertue holinesse and righteousnesse may grow prosper and increase 15 Euen as the precious stone called a Iacincte is tur●●d and chaunged with the ayre for in a cleare ayre it 〈◊〉 bright and in a cloudie season it is darksome and not 〈◊〉 pleasant So the Preachers and reachers of the word ●f God in their teaching and preaching ought to frame ●●emselues to meete with the maners ages and qualities fill their hearers 1. Cor. 2. ● 3.1 2. c. 9.19 16 As one and the same medicine is not vsed and mi●●red to all that bee diseased and sicke but diuers medi●●●● according to their diuers diseases So likewise one ●●d the selfe same doctrine is not agreeable to all hearers ●●e reaching therefore and preaching of the Ministers Christ must bee so ordered and diuided that hauing ●●rs and sundrie hearers whose cases differ much and are not all alike euerie one may haue his seuerall portion that not one through want of discretion in him goe emptie away 17 As a diligent and learned Physition before he minister any Physicke to his sicke patient ought not onely to seeke out and to know the disease of him whome hee purposeth to cure but also his manners his vsuall behauiour the nature of his bodie and his qualities So also a godly wise Preacher of the word must doo his best endeuour to know the infirmities manners and dispositions of his auditorie that spirituall Physicke fit and meete for euery one may bee ministred in due time 18 As the people were rowzed and stirred vp to wars and to celebrate certaine dayes wherein sacrifices were offered vp vnto God by the Priestes in the founding of Trumpets Euen so euerie Preacher of the word of God ought to call vpon sinners to remooue their Tents from this wicked world and the manners and fashions of the same and so much as in him lyeth to bring the people that are blinded in their sinnes and falling from God out of their errours perils and daungers and with all their force and skill to mooue and stirre them vp to bee that in deed which true Christians dooth require Numb 10.2 c. Ioel. 2.1 Esay 55.6 7. 58.1 Reue. 18.1 19 As an expert and skilfull Husbandman dooth first draw out of his fields or lands pulleth vp by the rootes thistles briefs brambles and all other venemous wilde weedes and afterward committeth vnto them his good seedes Euen so a wise and skilfull Teacher of the word of God ought first to roote out sinne and vices and to till as it were the minds of his hearers and as much as in him lieth to draw and pull out of them both roote and rinde of all maner of euill and wickednesse and to prepare and make them meete to receiue the good seedes of the holy word and to sowe in them those things which being rooted and growne vp may bring foorth both pleasant profitable and plentifull fruites Ezech. 16.2 c. 20 As a Sine or a boulter wherewith meale is sifted or boulted which sendeth forth the finest flower best of the wheate and keepeth the bran worst to it selfe Euen so that Preacher which instructeth others with wholsome doctrine and doth so staine and blemish himselfe with vile naughtie vices that his life doctrine be opposite and cleane contrarie the one to the other so that it is seene and perceiued of all that there is no agreement betweene them Exod. 28.30 Psal ●5 20 Ezech. 18.8 9. 21 As the looking Glasse dooth shew very plainely to them that behold in the likenesse of such men or women ●ore before it that they may dresse and trim themselues and yet doth not see it selfe So that Preacher or Maister which very copiously and eloquently doth teach others vertue and and all good things and yet himselfe giuen to sinne and wickednesse he doth in deed teach others but he teacheth not himselfe Rom. 2.1 21. 22 As the sower doth fill his hand and so casteth it abroad vpon the ground not setting in seed by seed or chusing a place for euery seed but where it lighteth Euen so the Preacher doth cast forth the word among the people and looke how the ground is into which it falleth so doth a prosper for mens hearts are the ground vpon which the word is cast and euerie one hath a heart vpon whom the feede is sowen 1. Math. 13.3 23 As God commaunded his Priest Aaron to haue the ●●east plate vpon his hart the Vrim Thummim the one signifying light that other perfection meaning also by Vrim
should say that he had in vaine asked helpe at their hands Euen so much more wil God the great king of heauen and earth who is as able as the richest and as willing to giue as the frankest yea and hath as great care and that not without cause of his glorie as any man hath of his worldly worship renowme thinke scorne that any man should say there is no helpe for me in God I haue in vaine afflicted my soule humbled my selfe at his footestoole by Prayer cleansed my wayes in his sight repaired to the place of his presence and called vpon him there is nothing to be hoped for or gotten at his hands 29 Euen as the Smith striketh the yron while it is hote and fit to receiue any forme or impression So God although he could imprint his grace in the coldest hardest and flintiest disposition of the heart yet he rather doth it when as the affections of men are stirred vp and enflamed either by the ministerie of the word and publike Prayer during the which regeneration is ordinarily wrought in men or else by some priuate Christian exercise as reading the Scripture and serious meditation but especially by praying and singing Psalmes to God in the time of the which actions it pleaseth God sometimes to send his spirit into the hearts of his elect 30 Like as a medicine or playster cannot heale a wound if there be any yron sticking in the same So in like manner the Praier of a man profiteth him not as long as there is sorrow in his mind or hatred in his brest for if charitie want all things be void 31 Euen as a child when he feareth any euill or harme towards runneth to his father for helpe and succour So in like manner the children of God they runne to God by Prayer in all their daungers and distresses Gene. 16.11 21.17 32 As a louing Father in regard of his ignorant and somtimes negligent child doth giue him things vnasked but not to the rebellious Euen so God doth oftentimes bestow his graces and benefites vpon vs without Prayer 33 As parents rather take pleasure to heare their children stammer then to heare some other speake eloquently Euen so doth the Lord take pleasure in the Prayers of his Saints because in Christ hee taketh them for his children 34 As the knowledge of God ought not to be vnperfect or doubtfull So Prayer should not be faint or slacke without courage or quicknesse 35 Like as he that is in prison desireth euer to be deliuered whether hee be eating drinking or sleeping and as he that is sicke desireth alwayes to bee whole euen so dooth euerie Christian man pray continually yea euen when hee seemeth not to pray for Prayer consisteth not in much babling Math. 6.7 But in spirit and veritie Iohn 4.24 and in vehement desire of the heart towards God 36 As a Sonne being pinched with any griefe or want doth straight way runne to his Father for reliefe So doo the faithfull in the manifold miseries and crosses of this present life seeke for helpe at the hands of their heauenly father by Prayer Ephe. 5.1 37 As the exercising of the body doth not onely preserue it in the naturall vigour but also increaseth strength of it and keepeth it from sicknesse So by the daily vse of Prayer wee shall find that the Lord will increase in vs all spirituall graces farre aboue our owne expectation or the opinion of any other Ephe. 6.18 It is no Presumption to be assured of our saluation 1 LIke as if a king should make a promise vnto some one of his seruants whom he fauoreth and the same partie should aunswere againe I stand in doubt of your promise or I hardly beleeue the performance of your promise might not the King well thinke himselfe greatly dishonoured to haue it doubted whether he be a man of his word But if he should sweare for the Performance of his promise yet the partie would not credit him he would neuer put that vp or suffer such an iniurie Euen so after the same manner it must needes follow that seeing God hath bound himselfe both by promise and by oath that it is great presumption for vs not to beleeue him yea it is all one as to thinke that God may lie or that he may be forsworne which is horrible blasphemie Hebr. 6.17 18. 2 Like as it is al one if a man be cōdemned for treason to haue his pardon sent him being but one man alone or hauing a great sort moe cōdemned vnto death with him as if a general pardon be sent for them all Euen so it is betwixt God and vs we were all condemned he hath sent a general pardon to as many as beleeue his promise which he offereth and sendeth vnto all in generall as hee also offereth and sendeth vnto euerie one in particular saying that whosoeuer beleeueth and trusteth in Christ shall be saued God therefore hath told some men that is such as beleeue that they shall be saued and such as doubt of his promise and his oath that they shall be damned So that it is no presumption to be sure and certaine of our saluation Mar. 16. Iohn 3.16 17 18. 5.24 Act. 15.11 Pure mind AS the Sunne is not defiled by shining vpon a puddle or dunghill but doth rather drie vp and driue away the stinch Euen so a Pure and chast mind striueth against the vncleannesse of the world and ouercommeth it but is not defiled it selfe Proceeding in Religion LIke as the young child must not looke to bee fed alwayes with the Teate or pappe but as it groweth in yeares so to feede on stronger meate Euen so good Christians must not content themselues to haue learned the principles of Religion but they must labour also to Proceed and come to perfection by learning the substantiall and higher points of Religion and not to bee like truants alwayes sticking at one lesson Hebr. 5.13 14. 1. Pet. 2.1 2 3. Prayer must be made to God alone LIke as if a King would send out a Proclamation that all his subiects whensoeuer they had any suit or trouble should come to himselfe and let him vnderstand their case to the intent to winne his subiects fauour and to make knowne his good will towards them then that man might well bee counted foolish that knowing this would seeke and sue to some Noble man to get him to speake to the King for him and this King might iustly be offended and displeased at him for so doing Euen so it standeth betwixt God and vs who hath commaunded vs to call vpon him in the day of trouble so hee will deliuer vs and therefore those that make Saints their mediatours doo robbe him of his honour and glorie that is due vnto him c. Psal 50.15 Profession abused AS wee doo not condemne the Art of Physicke because some Physitions haue giuen poyson for Apothicarie drugges but those that abuse the Art Or as wee
newnesse of life 2. Cor. 5.19 Saluation onely in the Church 1 AS Sothern-wood will grow no where but in Gardens where it is planted So the godly wil not grow any where but in the Church and body of Christ where they are engraffed 2 Euen as it was necessarie that they which should be saued from the floud should be in the Arke So likewise all they that will be saued from the floud of Gods wrath must of necessitie bee in Christ and so in the Church Gene. 7.1 c. Sacrament of the Supper compared with the Paschall Lambe 1 AS the Paschal Lamb was instituted eaten the night before the children of Israel were deliuered out of Egypt So likewise was the Supper of the Lord instituted and eaten the night before wee were deliuered from our sinnes Exod. 12.1 c. 1. Cor. 11.24 25. c. 2 As the Paschall Lambe was a very Lambe indeed Euen so the Sacrament is very Bread and Wine indeed 3 As the Paschall Lambe was called the Lords passeouer or passing by of the Lord which destroyed the power of Pharao deliuered him So the Sacrament is called the body and bloud of the Lord which destroyeth the power of the diuell and deliuereth vs. 4 As the Children of Israel were but once deliuered from Egypt notwithstanding they did take euery yeare a Lambe to keepe the deed in perpetuall remembrance Euen so Christ our Sauiour bought and redeemed vs but once for all although the Sacrament thereof be often distributed and broken among vs to keepe the benefite in perpetuall memorie 5 As many as did eate the Paschall Lambe in faith and beleeued Gods word as touching theyr deliueraunce from Egypt were as sure of the same thorowe faith as they were sure of the Lambe by eating of it So as manye as doo eate of the bodie and blood of Christ by faith and beleeue Gods word as touching theyr deliueraunce from Sinne Death Hell and damnation are as sure of theyr deliueraunce thorow faith as they are sure of the bread by eating of it c. Sinne how carefully it is to be auoyded 1 AS the diseases of the bodie and corporall death doo much disquiet and trouble our mindes that wee commonly tremble and quake at the onely mention of them Euen so howe much more ought wee to feare the sicknesse of the soule and death of the same which commeth by reason of sinne then which there can bee no greater nor more fearefull calamitie come vnto vs. 2 Like as euerie man dooth auoide so much as in him lyeth the paine miseries diseases and death of the bodie Euen so howe muche more ought wee to decline and eschewe the death of the soule and the causes of these euilles which bee Sinnes and offences and feare the anger of God which wee so by our transgressions doo procure 3 As the Physition seeing in a Glasse by the water the diseases within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of the disease and ministers good things for the same Euen so wee in looking into the Glasse of Gods word shall soone perceiue the diseases and infections of Sinne which are in vs and the cause thereof and so wholesomely minister some profitable and comfortable remedies for the same 4 As little theeues beeing let in at a window will set open great gates for greater theeues to come in at Euen so if wee accustome our selues to commit little Sinnes and let them raigne in vs they will make vs the fitter for greater offences to get the aduantage of vs and to take hold on vs. 5 As all kind of wild beastes escaping out of the snare will take heede least they come there any more yea though they should bee in bondage euen vnto man the most excellent of all other creatures Yet man by Sinne falling into the snares of Sathan cannot beware though hee shall bee in bondage to the most cursed of all creatures 6 As a drunken man whilest hee ingorgeth aboundance of Wine feeleth no discommoditie thereby but afterwards he seeth and feeleth the inconuenience of the same So in like manner Sinne whilest it is in committing dooth darken the light of reason howbeit afterwards the conscience arysing sheweth both the vglinesse of Sinne and the absurditie of the fact and so vexeth the soule more grieuously then if all the world accused him of the same Sacraments are not corrupted by the wickednesse of Ministers 1 LIke as there is no difference betweene the selfe-same image or figure of any thing imprinted or sealed with a Ring or signet of Golde and with a signet made of yron or wood Euen so the word and Sacraments being ministred by a lawfull Minister although otherwise a wicked and an vngodly Minister yet be the same Word and Sacraments of the same vigour strength and efficacie as when they be ministred by a man of excellent vertue and godlinesse For as the Father shall not die for the childe nor the childe for the Father So the Minister shall not die for him that receiues at him nor the partie that receiues for the euilnesse of the Minister for euery one shall sincke in his owne sinne so that the Minister which doth so wickedly corrupt the holy Sacramēts and holy ordinances of God ministreth them to his own damnation and iudgement Deut. 24.16 Ezech. 18.20 2. King 14.6 2. Chro. 25.4 1. Cor. 11.29 2 Like as among men if a Letter be sent so that the hand and feale of him that sendeth it be well knowne it maketh no matter who or what manner of man be the carrier Euen so it ought to suffice to know the hand and seale of our Lord in his Sacraments by what lawfull Minister so euer they bee brought for the malice or leaudnesse of man cannot change the nature of the ordinance of God And therefore the vertue and efficacie of the word and Sacrament consist and depend not vpon the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the Minister but in and vpon the commaundement ordinance power and authoritie of God onely 3 Like as Gold is Gold of whom so euer it be giuen or receiued Euen so likewise is the Sacrament whether it be giuen by a good or bad Minister For Iudas although he were a theefe yet hee Preached and baptized whose doctrine and baptisme was as well the doctrine and baptisme of Christ as was Peters and Andrewes Iames and Iohns Ioh. 6.70 12.6 4 Like as if the Treasurer or Receiuer of a Prince doo deliuer forth false counterfeit money in stead of good the Office whereunto hee is called cannot make it other then false and counterfeit money because he dooth not execute his Office faithfully but doth chaunge the good money which hee receiued to distribute by the commaundement of his Lord and Maister into that which is not the same that he receiued to be distributed and by this meanes they which shall haue receiued the same shal be deceiued and spoyled On the other side although he were
letter as hee had wont to doo and that were a great bondage and wearisomnesse to binde him vnto it still nay it were altogether rediculous and childish in him indeed So now though we be charged to rest vpon the Saboth yet when we are not ouercharged with those Iewish ceremonies which they being children had giuen thē as furtherances vnto them let vs not complaine before we haue cause neither murmure against God because we cannot be so licentious as we would seeing we be at such libertie as we be and as it pleaseth the Lord to bestow vpon vs and let vs bee so much the more carefull to rest by how much we haue but this one thing to attend vpon and are made free from many other which might hinder vs. Deut. 6.8 9. Gal. 4.3 10 As they preposterously labor to reform the church that haue no care to reforme themselues and vndiscreetly complaining of wants and disorders there do not practise better orders in their houses vpon themselues and theirs do hinder it and keep them backe Euen so they that labour for more meanes to sanctifie the Sabbath and are carelesse in practising those that they haue doo stay such good blessings as God might otherwise bestow vpon his Church this way Notorious Sinnes LIke as a man is much more to be blamed which goeth out of his way in the cleare Sunne at noone-tide then he which goeth by night with a candle Euen so such men deserue much more to be punished for committing of foule and notorious Sinnes now vnder the cleare light of the Gospel then in the time of the Lawe Sinne couered by Christs innocencie AS a garment or cloake do serue to couer our bodies Euen so the innocencie iustice holinesse of Christ Iesus doth serue to couer our Sins before the iudgement of God to the end that there appear no one spot of them in his sight Gal. 3.27 Sinner 1 LIke as God is much pleased with the praier of the iust Euen so much more he doth delight in the amendment of the Sinner for it doth little profit for the one to multiply his prayers if the other do not diminish his sinnes 2 As an earthly Father when his childe is sicke he will not cast him away but take pitie vpō him So much more our heauenly Father when a Sinner humbleth him selfe before him and lamenteth his sinnes wil shew his fatherly affection towards him that repenteth 3 As the night in the first dawning of the day in which though the darknesse remaine and be more in quantitie then the light yet when the Sun hath alreadie cast some beames of light in the aire then the breaking of the day appeareth Euen so the conuersion of a Sinner is not wrought all at one instant but in cōtinuance of time and by certaine measures and degrees So that he that is in the first degree of his conuersion when the holy Ghost by the meanes of the word inspires him with some spirituall motions and begins to regenerate and renue the inward powers of his soule Sinne. 1 LIke as that mans disease is most perillous which lyes sicke and feeles not his sicknesse nor cannot complaine of one part more then an other for then the disease hath equally troubled the whole bodie So likewise they which lie wallowing in sin so forgetting God and all goodnesse that they feele no remorse of conscience for their sinnes are desperate and almost past all recouerie 2 As vertue must be imbraced in heart in affection in countenance word and deed or else we are found breakers of the Lawe of God So likewise Sinne must be abstained from as wel in heart in affection in countenance and word and also in deed 3 Like as the dead body lies rotten and stinking in the graue fearefull and loathsome to looke on and grieuous to remember Euen so when we lie buried in Sinne wee stinke in the sight of God he cannot abide to looke on vs nor will remember vs. 4 And as when the body lyeth on sleepe in the bed which is an Image of our graue can neither see feele heare taste smell vnderstand nor yet mooue out of the place vntill it be awaked nor can take any pleasure at all in any one creature of God So we when we lie sleeping and wallowing in Sinne wee neither see the maiestie of God with the eyes of our faith nor feele his mercies offered vnto vs in and by his deare Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus nor yet can taste at all how sweete the Lord is our eares are stopped from hearing good counsell wee perceiue nothing at all of Gods goodnesse towards vs his word is not sauerie vnto vs neither yet be wee mooued or stirred vp to doo any one good worke of charitie Rom. 13.11 5 Like as Carrion dooth not onely smell euill it selfe but infects all that come neare it So likewise that man that is defiled with any notorious Sinne doth not onely defile all things that he takes in hand but all such as keepe him companie so that Sin hath greater force and strength to defile other things then goodnesse hath to make other things holy 1. Cor. 15.33 2. Timo. 2.16 17. Rom. 6.23 6 As a beast ouer-laden is readie to sinke vnder his burden except there bee present helpe at hand to ease him Euen so wee are in daunger to sincke into the pit of perdition by reason of our great and grieuous burden of Sinne except wee flie to Christ who onely and alone can vnburden vs and ease and refresh vs. Math. 11.28 7 Like as if wee doo suspect any vncleannesse in vs wherefore the Prince or any Noble man should loath or abhorre the sight of vs wee would take great paines to remoue put it away Euen so much more we ought with all diligence and speede that may bee to put away that vnclean Sinne and filthinesse that doth seperate and make diuision betwixt vs and God and that hideth his face from vs that he will not heare vs. Esay 59.2 Iere. 5.25 8 Like as if there were an Apostume about the stomack of a man or in his bowells it would be neuer a whit the worse for him if it were seene that it might be launced Euen so that man that thinketh himselfe to be whole and sound because he wil not see his sinne and disease he must needs be voyd of all wit and reason 9 Like as a man that hath a disease or soare in his bodie before hee can be cured of it hee must see it feele the paine of it and be in feare least it bring him into danger of death after this hee shall see himselfe to stand in need of phisicke and he longeth til he be with the Phisitian when he is once come to him hee desireth him of all loues to help him and to shew the best skil he can he wil not spare for any cost then hee yeelds himselfe into the Phisitians hands perswading himself that by Gods blessing
so putteth himselfe into their hands Euen so we cannot turne back that is to say offend God but with this condition that we shall fall into ruine and euerlasting perdition 45 As he which is fallen into a deepe Caue cannot so easily get out as he fell in So it is easie to Sinne but not so easie to be rid of it againe 46 As we are all angrie with Adam because he obeyed his wife rather then God So we must be angrie with our selues for our Sinnes in that we studie to obey and please our flesh and men more then God 47 As God did allow the good things and euer had somewhat to say for the euill that hee found in the seuen Churches So will his maiestie reckon with vs for all our Sinnes not onely of omission but commission although hee doo finde some yea many good things amongst vs. Reue. 2.1 c. 48 As he who taketh a taste of Honie is easily drawne on by sweetnesse of it to eate of it to his great hurt So the pleasure of Sinne being once felt and enioyed wil not afterwards be easily reiected and contemned 49 As the Marchant venturer hauing receiued a great losse by Sea or the Souldier a great wound in battaile often become desperate and carelesse of their owne estate So in like manner a Christian by committing some grieuous Sinne is brought to this passe that hee layeth aside the care and studie of holinesse and letteth all goe at sixe and seuen 50 As one hauing a weake constitution of body beeing in safetie and as we say out of gunshot is liker to liue then the strongest man being in battaile in the middest of his enemies Euen so a weake man being out of temptation and auoiding occasions of Sinne is liker to stand then he who rashly rusheth vpon the pikes and hath many occasions of sinning although in his minde affection and purpose he doo more abhorre from Sinne and so haue a greater measure of the contrarie grace then the other 51 Euen as men doo most fortifie by Art those places of their Townes and Cities which are weakest by nature and flocke thither a pace to defend wher they see the enemie most busie in assaulting So the care in auoiding Sin by considering the nature effectes of it and by eschewing the occasions of it ought to be exercised chiefly in regard of those sinnes and the occasions of them where vnto we know our selues naturally inclined to the which we are oftnest tempted and haue oftnest yeelded 52 As that Citie which is continually besieged and assaulted cannot but bee taken at length at one time or other as they who haue the care and defence of it committed vnto them cannot but sometimes remit of their diligence and bee ouertaken with sleepe drinke forgetfulnesse faire promises pretenses or by some such meanes So wher the corruption of Sinne is continually working in the heart it cannot be but that it should at one place or other vppon one occasion or temptation or other burst forth into open Sinne. 53 As a most naughtie Roote beeing not plucked vp out of the ground doth continually grow and bud more and more Euen so Sinne when wee chearish it doth get dayly newe strength vnto it vntill a monstrous floud of Sinnes haue ouercome vs. 54 Like as when one man standeth bound to an other for the performance of diuers couenants if he breake but one yet he forfaiteth his bond but if hee breake two three or moe of the couenants then is not onely his bond forfeited but also the Lawe hath more force and vauntage against him to condemne him Or as hee that standeth bound to an other for the payment of a peece of money at a certaine day and breaketh his day is yet neuerthelesse still indebted although the Creditor doo not straightway sue his bond but of good will forbeareth him for a time Euen so by euerie Sinne we encrease our debt to God for if we breake one title of Gods Law and faile in one point we are guiltie of all and haue forfaited our Obligation but if we of purpose and willingly heap Sinne vpon Sinne and as it were make an Art of sinning our cōdemnation shal then be the greater And although the Lord in his mercie forbeareth for a time to take punishment of vs for our Sinnes to the end to mooue vs to repentance yet stand we still debters vnto him and are to yeeld an account for the same at his good pleasure Iam. 2.10 Deut. 28.58 Rom. 2.4 55 As that Steward that doth spend and wast his maisters substance without regard and neuer looketh to his debt booke the body of such a one is commonly laid in prison Euen so he that neuer trieth himselfe by the Law of God neither in the first nor second Table shall be placed there as Christ saith where the worme dieth not where shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth for by euerie Sinne and transgression we doo encrease our debts which God will request of vs except wee craue of him with a liuely faith pardon of them Mar. 9.44 46. Math. 22.13 Reue. 19.20 Sacramentall signe 1 AS the word is all one to the euill as to the good So the Sacramentall signes bee common as well to the euill as to the godly but yet neither the one part or the other dooth helpe any thing at all to such as are voide of faith 2 As men bind themselues in Obligations putting too their hands and seales so as they cannot goe backe Euen so when God commaunds vs to receiue Sacramentall signes in faith and withall promiseth to the receiuers to giue the thing signified hee bindes himselfe as it were in bond vnto vs to stand to his owne word Sinne which is committed of frailtie differeth from Apostasie and backsliding LIke as it is one thing to ray a bodies feete after they be washed and an other matter to goe tumble all the body againe in filth and myre like Swine Or as it is not all a like when a woman dooth sometime offend hir Husband as when shee breaketh her faith and bond of wedlocke and setteth her selfe quite out from all the honest knot of wedlocke Euen so it is one thing simply to Sinne which the children of God also doo and an other matter vtterly to fall and runne backe from the grace of God and to mocke and crucifie Christ a new which the reprobate doo and not the elect Iohn 1.8 10. 2.1 Hebr. 6.4 5 6. 10.26 A Sacraments are witnesses of the truth LIke as the chiefe end of Sacraments is this that they are testimonies to confirme the truth by which the Lord in his Church euen visibly dooth testifie that the things now vttered by preaching of the Gospell and by the promises assured to the faithfull from the begining of the world are in euery point so brought to passe and are so certainely true as they are declared and promised in the word of truth Euen so Baptisme is
or perfume in the ayre which in some mens nosthrils is sauorie and pleasant and doth reuiue them and others it striketh starke dead Euen so the Word preached by Gods Ministers lawfully called by him therunto hath the same power and force in it which Christ himselfe shewed when he spake on earth for it is the sauour of life vnto life to saue those that heare it Or it is the sauour of death vnto death to those that contemne it Ioh. 18.4 5 6. 2. Cor. 2.16 75 As it is the vse of Physicke to cure men of diseases when they are falne into them so also to preserue them from sicknesse before it haue taken hold of them Euen so it is the power of the Word to asswage the trouble of conscience when it dooth once presse vs as also to preuent it before it hath ouertaken vs. 76 As it profiteth nothing to graffe a plant if with a whirle wind or storme it bee pulled vp by the rootes before it beare fruit So the Word of God being preached heard and laide vp in our minds shall doo vs no good if before it bring forth fruit with some blustering blasts and sturdie storme of temptations it shall be rooted out of our hearts Psal 1.2 77 Euen as a twig or braunch taken from a very good and fruitfull tree and graffed into the trunke or stocke of some wilde tree as a Crab Thorne or such like dooth drawe the stocke or trunke to the nature of the twig or braunch that now it beareth other leaues and other fruit then it was wont to doo So the Word of God wel planted and surely graffed in our barren hearts by preaching and Catechising doth draw vs and conuert vs vnto and into it self and causeth vs to beare other goodly leaues of holy and godly Words and other most pleasaunt and wholesome fruits of vnfained vertues and graces but by the way we must needes crop and cut off the boughes of our olde sinnes that Christ may be graffed in vs and then no doubt our fruit shall bee such as God for his Sonnes sake wil accept and take in good part at our hands 78 As men are wont accustomed to make account of precious things and not to cast them at randome but to keepe them safe vnder locke and key Euen thus safely and surely must the Word of God when it is heard and preached bee kept in our hearts if we will euer come by true wisedome Psal 119.11 Luk. 2.19 Heb. 2.1 Iam. 1.21 79 Euen as we cannot feele the fauour and taste of any meate vnlesse we chaw the same So also wee neuer feele any fruit of Gods Word vnlesse the same abide in vs and we doo as it were chaw and ruminate the same 79 As the Sun at sometime of the yeare in some place dooth afford his shine and light vnto the people and yet dooth little or nothing warme them So the knowledge and vnderstanding of the Word and will of God preached dooth not by and by worke an hungring and thirsting to lead a vertuous and godly life in all those whom it hath instructed and most perfectly taught what they should doo and how they ought to liue They receiue knowledge and vnderstanding from it but they refuse the grace and denie the power of it 80 As the Iewes which crucified the Sonne of God euen Iesus Christ were conuerted by hearing Peter preach but one Sermon But we are worse then they who haue heard many hundreds of Sermons and yet are many of vs neuer touched with any remorse of conscience nor moued to any serious or true repentance Act. 2.37 38 39. 81 Like as we see Crowes and other foules follow the heeles of the sower to picke vp and deuour such graine and Corne as doo lie vncouered So in like manner doo the Diuels come like greedie foules into the assemblies wher the Word of God is preached to take it away from the hearts of the people that it may not growe there Math. 13.4 82 As a Purgation made for the body many times worketh not his operation by reason of the ill temperature of the body or else of the region that too much by reason of her draweth humours of man into the exteriour parts of the body So likewise the Word of God powred into the eares and vnderstanding of man worketh not many times his operation in cleansing the soule from the humours and corruption of sinne by reason of the ill temperature and disposition of the persons that vseth to read and heare the Scripture 83 As the child before he is borne into the world abideth in the Mothers wombe and taketh all nourishment of her So we must learn what God is within the bounds of his Word not at rouers vntill he mercifully deliuered vs from this bondage and out of the dungeon of the body and graunt vs to behold him face to face 84 As playsters except they bee applied in order and time and be laid vpon the wound though they be neuer so good yet they cannot heale Euen so it is with the Word of God and the parts of it which except they bee vsed in order and time conuenient will not humble and receiue vs as their vertue is 85 Like as the red Sea was a safe passage for the Israelites comming out of Egypt and a drowning to the Egyptians Or as the fire of Babylon hurt not the three children cast into the Ouen but yet burnt the Ministers which cast them in Or as the Lyon saued Daniell aliue but quickly did deuour his accusers Euen so such is the nature of the VVord of God that as it is a condemnation to the wicked so it is the power of God vnto saluation to all those which beleeue the same Exod. 14. toto Dan. 3.21 25. Dan. 6.22 24. Rom. 6.16 86 As there was in the Arke the tables of the Law the pot of Manna and Aarons rod So in the Word of God there are Commandements mercies for the faithfull and iudgements for the impenitent and vnfaithfull 87 Euen as salt is good both for the keeping of dead flesh from corruption and for the healing and purging of that which is aliue So the Word is profitable for them that be dead in trespasses and sinnes to make them aliue and for them that bee aliue in Christ to heale and purge them of sinne 88 Like as the Sunne shining on the earth is not polluted or hurt thereby but rather cleanseth all things So the holy Word of God is not polluted by a sinfull body but purifieth it 89 As Honie through the sicknesse and heate of a Feuer dooth make the bitter things that are taken into the mouth to seeme straunge and worse then they are indeed So Gods VVord beeing digested and receiued into our soules dooth make vs more abhorre the bitternesse of sinne lust vanities c. 90 As we make great account of our Charters whereby we hold our earthly liberties yea we gladly read them and acquaint our selues
is counthe veriest dullard yet bringeth more Wit and abilitie to helpe it selfe then a young infant Euen so whatsoeuer Wisedome or vertue men haue now they brought it not with them into this world but haue it afterwards by the gift and free liberalitie of God Iam. 1.17 3 As the Palme tree spreadeth his boughs and braunches so wide and giueth such pleasaunt shaddowes that Xerxes the King of Persia tooke singular delight to sit vnder it whole dayes together So likewise Wisdome comming out of the mouth of the most high with heauenly comfort protecteth shadoweth recreateth defendeth al those that commit themselues vnder the shadowes thereof from all harme and daunger Psal 17.8 Lamen 4.20 4 As Honie is good and the Honie combe sweete vnto the mouth So also is the knowledge of Wisedome vnto the soule Prou. 24.13 14. 5 As earthly wisedome is corrupted with affections Euen so heauenly Wisdome is pure vndefiled and not polluted with affections Iam. 3.17 6 As earthly wisedome is desirous of contention So contrariwise heauenly Wisedome is peaceable that is diligent to make peace and quietnesse among men 7 As earthly wisedome is rigorous and cruell So heauenly VVisedome is gentle and giueth place to rigour 8 As earthly wisedome will yeeld to no man So heauenly VVisedome is tractable and doth easily obey him that commaundeth those things that be good and right 8 As earthly wisedome is vnmercifull So heauenly VVisedome is mercifull and full of good fruits 9 As earthly wisedome doth accept persons omitting the cause So heauenly VVisedome dooth in no case regard the persons but the causes 10 As earthly wisedome hath hypocrisie ioyned with it So heauenly VVisedome is voide of all hypocrisie 11 As the sweete showers of raine fal downe from the high hills and mountaines and so they abide barren but they rest and sinke into the low valleyes and make them fruitfull Euen so the deawes of true VVisedome dooth not rest vpon the proud hautie and scornefull but vpon the meeke lowly and humble Esay 57.15 66.2 Math. 11.25 Luk. 1.51 1. Pet. 5.51 12 As hee that is humble and hath denied himselfe is fittest for the receiuing of wisedome Euen so there is no greater hinderance to the attaining of VVisedome then the pride of mans heart and carnal VVisedome Rom. 8.7 13 As in daungerous sayling the sterne is not committed to him which excelleth in riches and nobilitie but to him which is expert in the skill and cunning of Nauigation So likewise it behoueth not to commit and deliuer vnto him a princely gouernement which is richer and more honourable then other but to him which doth excell other in VVisedome policie and fidelitie 14 As reason is the difference which distinguisheth a man from a beast So VVisedome is the perfect index which sheweth how farre one man excelleth an other 15 Like as a hand is no part of a man except it can doo the office of a hand So is VVisedome no part of VVisedome vnlesse it be imployed as it should be Word of God 1 AS an ill stomacke what good meate so euer it receiueth it turneth it into ill humours and the Spider gathereth poyson to the same flowers that the Bee gathereth Honie So in the VVord of God and his blessed Lawes which he ordaineth for our health and saluation ill men gather death and damnation through their owne wickednesse and no fault in the Law nor Law maker 2 Like as no Burgesse of a Citie that hath care of his Corporation but would bee glad to know how in times past the world went with his Corporation that thereby hee may vnderstand the better how to behaue himselfe therein as occasion shall serue and not onely would desire to know the Lawes of the same but also what examples haue any way beene giuen touching the same Euen so it becommeth much more Christians that are Citizens of the Church of Christ and haue a communitie in that body to knowe not onely the Lawes of this Citie which is the Word of God but also what hath befallen either good or bad and euerie accident whereupon experience may arise by example and wisedome thereof to be put in vse accordingly 3 As men in the night because of the darkenesse vse Lanthorne and lights that they may see their way Euen so we ought in this blind darke and ignoraunt world to vse the Word of God as a Lanthorne vnto our feete and a light to our steps that we may walke in those wayes that God hath prouided for vs to walke in Psalm 119.105 Iohn 1.9 4 As Almightie God by his most mightie word and his holy spirit and infinite power brought foorth all creatures in the beginning and euer sithens hath preserued them Euen so by the same Word and power he worketh in vs from time to time this maruellous spiritual generation and wonderfull spirituall nourishment and feeding which is wrought onely by God and is comprehended and receiued of vs by faith The Word must be rightly diuided OFtentimes wee see that one mans stomacke taketh harme of that meate whereof an other taketh profit and that which helpeth one sicke man hurteth an other Euen so doth the Word of God not rightly preached and therfore to Preach mercie where iudgement ought to be taught and to Preach onely the Law where the Gospell should be taught is not good The World lieth in sinne AS a possessed or mad man is not therefore free from the snares of the Diuell or well in his minde because hee hath his hands and his feete bound and can doo no hurt Euen so the World although it bee bridled by the Law from outward wickednesse and mischiefe yet is it not therefore righteous but still continueth wicked yea this restraint sheweth plainely that the World is wicked and outragious stirred vp and enforced to all wickednesse by his prince the Diuell for otherwise it need not to be bridled by Lawes that it should not sinne The true Worship of God EVen as a man might say vnto his wife of one that is not a verie man for as much as he is not a man hee is not meete for marriage and therefore not to be matched with thee as thy Husband and if hee be a very man indeed yet thou maist not ioyne him with me for I am thy Husband onely So likewise if any be a counterfeit God euen therfore he is not to be Worshipped nor to be matched with the true God because he is counterfeit if any seeme to bee the true God yet we may not Worship him which professe one true God and that one alone Exod. 20.2 3. Deut. 5.6 7. Our best Workes stayned 1 AS pure water put into filthie vesselles is corrupted therby Or as cleare running water passing through filthie channells gathereth filthinesse Euen so the pure graces of God so soone as they entered into vs are stained by the corruption of our nature 2 Like as there is a greater force in sinne to pollute holy things then
in holy things to sanctifie polluted things Or as the whole part of a mans body touching the soare part cannot heale it but rather is in danger to be infected by it Euen so it followeth necessarily that the best Works in man are wholly corrupted so that if the Lord should straightly examine them no man can answere for one of a thousand Agge 2.13 Iob. 9.2 3. Our Weaknesse to please God LIke as if a man beeing hyred to doo a dayes worke should deceitfully worke but with one hand and so disappoint his Maister of the Worke which should haue beene wrought with both hands Euen so whereas God craueth in euerie action all our wisedome wit will memorie vnderstanding and affection wholly to concurre together we scarcely giue him a part of all Wisedome and strength to be ioyned LIke as a Tree that the wind hath shaken loose at the roote the higher and greater that it is the sooner it is ouerthrowne Euen so a Souldier the stronger that he is wanting Wisdome the sooner he is ouerthrown for courage and strength without Wisdome is foolish rashnesse and Wisedome without courage and strength is fearefull cowardlinesse ioyne them together and they make a perfect Souldier The Will is in stead of the fact before God LIke as he is not to bee accounted healthfull which though hee doo appeare whole in the outward parts yet hath some euill disease with in his stomacke either in his Liuer or in his Lights or in some other place Euen so he cannot bee taken for a iust and righteous man if God be iudge which although he do not outwardly vse whordome steale nor kill yet dooth in his heart desire other mens wiues seruants c. or any other goods and wisheth that he were dead or hanged whō he hateth Exod. 20.17 Good Workes but yet failing in the manner of doing AS the Elders of the Iewes who comming to our Sauiour Christ in the behalfe of the Centurion for his sicke seruaunt besought him instantly as though they might not be denied and they tell him that the Centurion is worthie of so much fauor as that forsooth the Lord Iesus should come to him heale his seruant for proofe whereof they alleadge two strong reasons one is hee loueth our nation an other is he hath built vs a Synagogue Euen so plead the Papists we are worthie O Lord of thy fauour we haue deserued so much at thy hands Or such a one that is now dead hath deserued so much as that thou shouldest receiue his soule for he loued vs well while hee liued he was an honest man hee made vs good cheare he kept a good house he filled our bellies our purses too besides this he hath built vs a stately Synagogue goodly Churches and Chappels of ease hee mended our high-wayes hee erected such a Colledge such an Hospitall therefore Lord thou must of necessitie receiue his soule into thy kingdome or else thou doest him wrong Luk. 7.3 4 5. Math. 7.21 22. By the written Word of God things amisse are discerned LIke as a man that hath neuer so good eyes yet if hee bee in a deepe darknesse cannot for all the goodnesse of his eyes know and discerne his owne Father standing directly before him much lesse a beame or a mote in his eye vntill such time as he hath light to discerne him withall Euen so though we bee neuer so well and sharpe sighted are we able to discerne a beame or mote in the Churches eye without the helpe of the light of the Word Psal 119.105 Ephe. 5.13 Math. 7.3 4 5. 2. King 22.1 c. 29.1 2 c. Not two Wills in God AS the sight of the eyes when they are dazeled disturbed doo imagine and suppose that there bee two candles burning when ther is but one Euen so our mind when it looketh vppon the Will of God supposeth that there bee two Wills in God one secret and an other reuealed which is a thing farre disagreeing from the nature of God The Wisedome of God AS the Lord is Almightie and able to deliuer his children and Church from the wicked and willing to do it Euen so dooth hee know the wayes and meanes most perfectly readily how to doo it at al times according to to his will and pleasure 2. Pet. 2.9 Wrath of God 1 AS all good neighbours will hastely run to the quenching of a daungerous fire So likewise all Christians ought to make speed to pacifie the Wrath of God when they perceiue the same to wax hotte against them Psal 2.12 2 As the water of mightie flouds doo with great violence rage flow and cannot be stopped So the Wrath of God commeth vpon the wicked who peruert all lawes and all Religion Hose 5.10 The Workes of Gods ministerie ineuitable LIke as it is to no purpose to seeke to take by force a Citie so well fenced and manned as it may be So likwise vaine are the attempts of them that oppose themselues to Gods Ministers to hinder them from dooing that for which God hath sent them Iere. 1.18 19. Gods Word the salue for our soules AS those parts which are within vs haue most need of carefull keeping because the inward disease is most daungerous Euen so the holy Ghost hath allotted vnto our inward infection the most soueraigne and all sufficient salue his Word Psal 147.3 Math. 8.8 Mark 1.40 Will of God 1 AS the Potter in tempering his clay if he cannot make and frame it according to his mind at length he will dash it in peeces So God created man not that he should doo his owne Will but Gods Will and therefore whosoeuer he bee that followeth the lustes of his owne wicked heart and wil not be brought to be conformable to Gods Will but continues rebellious still the Lord in his wrath will confound them eternally 2 Like as if a man haue a trade and other men come into his shoppe and vse such instruments as bee there to a wrong ende though they were their owne yet it would grieue him to see it So God created all things for his own vse and for the accomplishing of his Will but rebellious man conformes himselfe to the Diuils Will and thereby no doubt he grieuously offendeth God Good Workes vncontrollable AS no man can accuse the Potter for making of the same lumpe of Clay a drinking Pot and a Chamber pot So likewise none ought to quarrell or find fault with their Creator whose Workmanship they are framed at his good pleasure and will Rom. 9.21 Mans Weaknesse to doo any thing for himselfe AS it is with young children who when they are first taught to goe can stand no longer then they are holden vp by the hand Or as it is with those that learne to swim who as soone as they are left to themselues sinke to the bottome Euen so likewise is it with vs when God taketh his helpe from vs and ceaseth to defend and relieue vs or else to take
Euen as the Grape that it may yeeld wine is brought to the presse that it may be throughly pressed so man is brought to calamitie that being pressed with sorrowes and exercised with afflictions he may bring forth the sweete and pleasant liquor of obedience and vertue and so be aduanced to true Christianitie which is the greatest and highest dignitie in the world Miseries penuries and tribulations do for the most part keepe vnder and stay our vnruly lusts and daungerous desires and are meanes that we lift vp our hearts and mindes vnto God and that we be strengthened and confirmed in true pietie and vnfained godlinesse And on the other side prosperitie worldly wealth dignitie and honours are oftentimes meanes to hinder vs in holy exercises and to puffe vs vp with pride and vaine-glorie and to draw vs to disloyaltie and rebellion against God Numb 21.6.7 2. Chro. 33.11.12 Nehem. 9.27 Aduersitie bettereth the godly but maketh the wicked worse 1 EVen as full wheate in the eare falleth out with the least motion of the sheafe that which is somewhat shrunke more hardly leaueth the huske but that which is altogether shrunke will rather go to the Chaffe then go out of the eare So a sincere hearted Christian with the least Affliction leaueth his sinne and flyeth to God the weaker Christian more hardly doth the same but the Apostata will rather burne with vnquenchable fire then forsake his beloued sinne that so hee may turne to God How a man may be assured of his Adoption 1 LIke as fire is knowne to be no painted but a true fire by two notes by heate and by the flame now if the case fall out that the fire want a flame it is still knowne to be fire by the heate Eeen so there bee two witnesses of our Adoption Gods spirit and our spirit now if it fall out that a man want the principall which is the spirit of Adoption hee must then haue recourse to the second witnesse and search out in himselfe the signes and tokens of the sanctification of his owne spirit by which he may certainly assure himselfe of his Adoption as he may know fire to be fire by the heate though it want a flame 2 Like as when the Angell shewed vnto the Shepheards the natiuitie of Iesus Christ saying I shewe vnto you great ioy that this day is borne to you a Sauiour in the Citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lord hee addeth you shall haue these signes ye shall finde the childe wrapped in swadling cloathes and laid in a maunger now if these Shepheards beeing come to Bethelem hadde founde the holy Virgine in an honourable Pallace and the Childe in a magnificall and royall cradle they might haue had iust occasion to doubt of the tidings of the Angell this estate not agreeing with the signe that he had giuen but hauing found the Childe in poore estate in a maunger as the Angell had foretold they were confirmed to beleeue that it was the Messias Euen so God hauing reuealed vnto vs by his word that he hath chosen vs to be his children hauing sealed it in vs by the testimonie and effects of the vnction of the holy Ghost and hauing also giuen vs the markes in this that hee hath made vs the members of his Church hee hath foretold and hath giuen one signe more of our Adoption that wee shall bee reproached and persecuted if then the world did make much of vs loued and honoured vs wee might after some sort doubt of the word of God and of our election and Adoption but seeing the accomplishment of that that was foretold vs wee ought to bee so much the more confirmed in this assurance that wee are not of the world but appertaine vnto our good GOD. Iohn 15.19 3 Like as if we aske the way to go to any place and that one tell vs for a signe of the right way that it is at the beginning dyrtie and afterwards full of hills wee will leaue the other wayes which seeme straight drie faire and easie and finding in that way which wee take dyrt and hills foretold and giuen vs for a signe wee will bee so much the more confirmed that wee are in the right way So the holy Ghost hauing foretold that through many tribulations wee must enter into the Kingdome of heauen and that the way leading to eternall life is narrow and difficult if wee finde the way of the Gospell narrow and full of troubles let vs acknowledge that wee are in the right way to the Kingdome of heauen and that we ought therefore to be so much the more confirmed in assurance that we are the Adopted children of God Act. 14.22 Math. 7.13 Of the inward markes of our Adoption 1 AS to the blinde and deafe the opening of their eyes and eares is needfull clearely to see and heare the voyce of him that speaketh Euen so we being of our owne nature both blinde and deafe as touching vnderstanding the holy Spirit is hee that openeth our eyes and eares to comprehend the reuelation of our Adoption and to feele in our hearts the assurance of it engendering in vs Faith which is as it were the hand by which wee apprehend this great benefite whereof also the fruites and effects as well of the holy Ghost dwelling in vs as of the faith that is in vs are the principall and most assured markes to giue vs knowledge of our Adoption Rom. 8.16 1. Iohn 3.24 4.13 Rom. 5.1 Ephe. 1.13 Baptisme may not be denied to Infants Deut. 10.16 30.6 Iere. 4.4 Rom. 2.28.29 4.11 1 AS Circumcision was a Sacrament of repentance as Moses and the Prophets do witnesse and also a Sacrament of Faith as the Apostle teacheth and yet God did not debarre Infantes from receiuing of the same Euen so no more ought Baptisme to be denied to our litle children Exo. 12.48 Nom. 9.14 2 Like as in the old Law when any stranger forsaking his Idolatrie would be ioyned vnto the people of God and professe the same religion that they professed both he and all his men children were circumcised were they neuer so young Euen so in the Apostles time and many yeeres after when any were conuerted vnto the faith of Christ not onely they but al their whole housholds both old and yong were sealed vp with Baptisme which is the seale of the people of God Act. 16.31.33 1. Cor. 1.16 Baptized but once 1 AS the Israelites were but once circumcised So wee are but once Baptized onely because we are but once borne onely As Circumcision was the first beginning of Iudaisme So Baptisme is the first of beginning Christianitie Baptizing by a Midwife 1 AS a priuate man condemning or killing a murtherer because the lawfull Magistrate is not then at hand to do it hath himselfe murthered and executed no iustice because he had no calling therevnto Euen so the Midwife or any other which without all calling do take in hand to Baptize children
doo make a prophane washing and so administer no Sacrament of the Lords 2 Like as if the will of a Prince do ordaine one certaine man to confirme writings that by his onely Seale which hee hath appointed for that purpose so that although an other vse an other Seale made without or against his will of the same matter and fashion and in all things like it yet it is treason to vse it and the same is none of his Seale Euen so by much more ought the will of God which is that onely those should minister the Sacrament which haue a publike calling therevnto and haue that authoritie giuen them from the Lord should minister the Sacrament and none other although an other doo it in the same order and with the same instruments 3 As by the Seale which the Prince hath set apart to seale his Graunts and Letters Pattents with when it is stolen and set too by him that hath no authoritie there groweth no assurance vnto the partie that hath it So if it were possible to be the Seale of God which a woman should set too in Baptizing Infants yet for that she hath stolen it and put it too not onely without but contrarie to the commaundement of God we see not how any can take any assurance of the doing hereof For as well and as lawfully may she preach publikely in the Church and minister the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper openly or otherwise as to Baptise in time of necessitie c. 4 As a Seale added to a Deede or Euidence by such as hath no authoritie to put to the same hath no force to ratifie or confirme the Couenants and Graunts in the Writing which kinde of Seale hath beene alwayes deemed no better then a counterfeit and plaine forgerie Euen so the outward seale of Baptisme added by women hath no force by Gods institution to confirme any in the promises of saluation because women haue no warrant in the word to Baptise for euerie washing of the childe in the name of the Trinitie is not a Sacrament of Baptisme neither can there bee rendered any cause why the Lords Supper ministred by them should not bee counted as good a Sacrament as their Baptisme Baptisme 1 EVen as they which were in the Arke of Noah were preserued from the floud So whosoeuer doth earnestly sticke to the couenant of their outward Baptisme are deliuered from the euerlasting floud that is to say from the paynes and torments of hell by Iesus Christ 2 As the floud did preserue so many as were within the Arke but sunke the rest So likewise is Baptisme auaileable to so many as are Baptized into the Church of Christ by faith but helpeth the rest no more then it did Simō the sorcerer Act. 8.9.10 c. Mar. 16.16 1. Pet. 3.10.21 3 As in the Floud both sinne and sinners did perish So also in the floud of Baptisme sinne sinketh but the sinner is safe Tit. 3.5 Iohn 3.5 4 As the Purse of a true man in the hand of a theefe doth not make or proue him to be a true man Euen so Baptisme though it be in the assemblies of the Churches of Rome yet it noth not proue them to be the Churches of God neither doth it appertaine vnto them but vnto an other hidden Church of God which he hath in all ages gathered forth of the midst of them 5 As the graffe receiueth substance and nourishment of the roote into which it is graffed So they that receiue Baptisme with such faith as they ought do truly feele the effectualnesse of the death of Christ in the mortifying of their flesh and therewithall also they feele the effect of his resurrection in the quickning of the spirit Rom. 6.3 Col. 2.12 Reading of Authors 1 AS Vlisses stopping his eares with waxe escaped the danger of the Sirenes So ought we to auoyde such things as are found filthy in Bookes and Authors though they seeme pleasant if we will auoide the danger ensuing such things 2 As the like pleasure is not to him that goeth into a goodly garden garnished with diuers kindes of hearbes and flowers and that there doth no more but behold them of whom it may bee said that hee went in for nothing but that hee would come out and to him which besides the corporall eye pleasure knoweth of euerie one the name and propertie So verily much difference is there in reading of Authors and in sundrie sorts of men that doo it and much more pleasure and profit hath hee which vseth art and iudgement then the other which with great studie indeed turneth them ouer but for lacke of the knowledge of precepts wanteth also the fruite and delectation that he more amply might obtaine Christs Body is not inclosed or conteined in the bread vnder the bread or with the bread neither the bloud in the wine vnder the wine or with the wine 1 AS the bloud of our Sauiour Christ doth cleanse vs from all our sinnes 1. Ioh. 1.7 and yet we need not to haue it really present with vs for to be washed or bathed in it So Christ our Sauiour according to his promise doth daily or whensoeuer we do come worthily to his holy Supper feed both our bodies and soules with the wholesome and heauenly foode of his precious Body and bloud and this doth he by his eternall and almightie Spirit so that he needeth not therefore to come downe at the becke of euerie iugling popish Priest and to be really present in their wafer Cake after that they haue with gaping and blowing spoken foure or fiue words vpon it Receiuing of the Sacrament Iohn 13.20 Luk. 10.16 Math. 25.41 c. 1 LIke as Christ doth recouer and impute that to bee done vnto him which is done to his Ministers or poore needie members So also doth he recouer and impute that to bee done vnto his Body and bloud that is done vnto the Sacrament of the same 1. Cor. 11.27 2 Like as he that sinneth against a Minister or a poore man sinneth against * Act. 9.4 Zach. 2.8 Christ himselfe although in the meane while hee hath not hurt Christes person in any point Euen so is he also guiltie of the body and bloud of Christ whosoeuer receiueth the Sacrament of the Body and bloud of Christ vnworthily although in the meane season he hath not receiued the very Body and bloud of the Lord. 3 Like as if a Rebell should tread vnder his feete the Seale Letters or Coyne of the Prince although he touch not the Prince himselfe nor tread him vnder his feete yet is he said to haue troden the Prince vnder his feete and is accused not for hurting the Seale or defiling the Letters or defacing his Coyne but hee is charged of treason and accused for treading the Prince vnder his feete Or if one man should send a gift or token vnto an other man as a peece of bowed siluer a Nutmeg or a Rasing of Ginger if the partie