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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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ordained fit places for Storehouses of Allome for the ready vse therof to such as would buy the same the King also gaue very gratious respect princely remuneration vnto all those who of late had taken paines béene at expences in the practising and atchieuing to bring this royall commodity vnto due perfection and then tooke the traffique thereof vnto himselfe This yeare the King had ayde of his Subiects throughout the Kingdome of England for knighting his sonne Prince Henry according to the Law of this land in the leuying whereof the Subiects were very fauourably dealt withall for whereas by the ancient law of this land the subiects ought to haue paid twelue pence in the pound of the yearely value of their lands his Maiesty very gratiously ordained seuerall Commissioners in the seuerall shires who according to the purpose of their commissions did so moderately demeane themselues as no man was compelled to pay any more then he would willingly giue being a very auncient duty due vnto the King and was now in a manner quite forgotten Robert Allyley being arraigned at Newgate for fellony stood mute and refused the ordinary tryall whereupon as the manner is the hangman came vnto him to binde his hands but Allyley resisted and with his Fist smote him on the face in the presence of the Iudges who presently remembred that this prisoner but the last Sessions before was there conuicted of fellony and for the same had obtained the Kings speciall pardon which pardons in generall are vnto all persons but onely vpon their good behauiour vnto the King and his subiects and thereupon the Court instantly gaue Iudgement that for the blow he gaue his hand should first be cut off And then his body to be hanged for that fact for the which he had his pardon according to which sentence he was presently executed vpon a Gybbet at the Sessions gate In December in the 34 yeare of Quéene Elibeth there were letters pattents graunted for fiftéene yeares to the East India Merchants trading to the East Indies and in May last 1609. The Kings Maiestie vpon mature deliberation in fauour of the said Company finding the same to be very commodious traffique and Nauigation and as propitious and honourable for this Kingdome renued and enlarged the foresaid letters pattents and Charter to continue for euer enabling them thereby to be a body corporate and politique The first gouernour of this Company named and ordained both in the first and last pattent was Sir Thomas Smith Knight who is also Gouernour of the Muscouy Company and president and treasurer of the Company and counsell for Virginea This yeare the said East-India Company builded a most stately ship at Detford of the burthen of twelue hundreth tunne being the greatest and goodliest ship that euer was builded in this kingdome by any Merchants At this time they also builded a Pinace of two hundreth and fifty tunne to attend her And vpon Saturday the 30 of December his Maiestie and Prince Henry with the Lord Admirall the Lord Chamberlaine the Earle of Worcester and many other Lords went to sée these ships launched and were all entertained with a banquet in the chiefe Cabin of the great ship and the rest were banquetted at a long Table in the halfe decke these rich and plentifull banquets were all serued in fine Chyna Dishes which were fréely permitted to be taken and carried away by al persons The King gaue the Gouernor a very faire chaine of gold with a Iewell wherein was the Kings picture highly commending his endeauour care and industry for the good of the common wealth maintenance of traffique and Nauigation for the which also his Maiest● with very gratious respect commended and thanked the assistants of that companie wh● likewise kissed his Highnesse hand the King called the great ship the Trade● Encrease and the other the Pepper Corne. Sebastian Haruie William Cokayne sheriffes Sir Thomas Cambell Iremonger Maior The sixt of Nouember the famous Doctor Lancelot Androwes Lord Almner Bishop of Chichester was transferred vnto the Bishopricke of Ely And the 3 of December George Abbot Doctor of diuinity Deane of Winchester was consecrated Lord Bishop of Couentry and Lychfield And Samuel Harsenet Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Lord Bishop of Chichester And 12 of February the forenamed Doctor Abbot was transferred to the Bishopricke of London and was enstalled in Paules by his deputy Doctor Pasfielde The sixe of Ianuary at the Court of Whitehall in the presence of the King and Quéene and the Ambassadors of Spaine and Venice and of al the Péeres and great Ladies of the land and of many thousand of others there the Prince performed his first feats of armes viz. at Bar●yers against all commers being assisted onely with sixe other viz. the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Arundel the Earle of Southampton the Lord Hay sir Thomas Somerset and sir Richard Preston who shortly after was created Lord Dingwell against these challengers came 56 braue defendants consisting of Earles Ba●ons Knights and Esquiers euery challenger fought with eight seuerall defendants two seuerall combats at two seuerall weapons viz. at push of pyke and with single sword the Prince performed this challenge with wondrous skill and courage to the great ioy and admiration of all the beholders the Prince not being full sixtéene yeares of age vntill the 19 of February these feates of Armes with sundry statelie showes and ingenious deuises began before tenne a clocke at night and continued vntill thrée a clocke next morning being Sonday and that day the Prince feasted all the Combatants at Saint Iames house and then gaue thrée rich prises vnto thrée of the best deseruers defendants viz. vnto the Earle of Mountgomery M. Thomas Darcy sonne and heire to the Lord Darcy of Chich and vnto six Robert Gourdon In the yeare 1584. was discouered y e Country which is now called Virginea and was so called by Quéene Elizabeth and she assigned the same vnto sir Walter Rawleigh as being the chiefe discouerer thereof And in the yeare 1587. there were sent thither aboue 100 soules viz. men women and children since which time vntill the third yeare of his Maiesties raigne the yearely sending thither for plantation ceased and then vpon more exact discoueries there were sundrie yearely supplies sent thither of men women and children with all things necessary vnder conduct of captaine Newport and also in the Month of may there were sent thither nine ships with fiue hundred men women and children with all necessary prouision vnder commaund of Sir Thomas Gates Lieutenant generall Sir George Somers Admirall of Virginea and captaine Newport Vice Admirall with other expert captaines and resolute gentlemen And likewise at the end of this present yeare 1609. there was sent an other supply of thrée shippes with an hundred and fifty men being for the most part Artificers vnder commaund of the right Honourable Thomas Lord La Ware who
and our heires you now please to lend me your strong hand I héere promise and assure you that we will haue the supremacy and gouerntment This speach preuailed so farre that instantly the women tooke oath and ioyned their hearts and hands to effect their willes against men and in that fury flew all the men they met then they entred into Armes and for seauen yeares space maintained warres very stoutly and like valiant Amazones all which notwithstanding in the end they were suppressed by Prym●slaus partly by force partly by policy gifts and faire wordes Reade Naucler King Henry married Adelisia the Duke of Louans daughter The Citty of Glocester was burnt Henry Earle of Warwicke and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in the towne of warwicke Waleran Earle of Mellent was taken in Normandy by King Henry and hee with many others were imprisoned at Roan The King caused all the Coiners of England to haue their priuy members cut off and also their right hand because they had corrupted the Coine Henry the Emperour being dead Maude the Empresse returned into England Richard Bishop of London founded the Monastery of S. Oseth in Essex At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they contended with women in length of haire King Henry held a Councell at London wherein it was granted him correction of the Cleargie so the King tooke infinite sums of money of Priests and suffered them to doe what they would King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresit vnto Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou The Citty of Rochester was sore defaced with fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carlile Maude the Empresse did beare vnto Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry A great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in west Cheape consumed a great part of London from thence to Algate Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall of S. Crosse neare vnto Winchester Worcester was sore defaced with fire Maude the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Ieffery Robert Cortoise or Short-thigh King Henries brother died in the Castle of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henry remaining in Normandy deceased the first day of December Anno 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeares 4. moneths his bowels braines and dies were buried at Roan the rest of his body being powdred with salt and wrapped in Buls hides was buried at Reading an Abbey of his owne foundation Hee founded a Priory at Dunstable and builded the Castle of Windsort with a Colledge there KING STEPHEN STephen Earle of Beloine sonne of the Earle of Blois and Adala William Conquerours daughter Nephew to King Henry the first claimed the kingdome the second day of December Anno 1135. and was consecrated at Westminster on the 26. of December This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely of fauour personage he excelled in martiall policy gentlenes liberality towards all men although he had continuall warre yet he did neuer burden his commons with exactions Fire which began at London Stone consumed eastward to Algate and westward to S. Paules Church King Stephen besieged the castle of Exceter a long time which Balwine de Riuers held against him but at length when they within the Castle wanted necessary things to liue by they compounded King Stephen passed the sea to subdue Normandy where hee tooke many citties and strong Castles Rochester was burnt with all the citty The Archbishops sea in Yorke S. Martins without the walles the Hospitall with 39. Churches were burnt Saint Peters Church at Bath and all the citty was burnt The Nobles sent for Maude the Empresse promising her the possession of the Realme according to their oath made to her Dauid King of Scots purposing to recouer the Crowne of England for the Empresse inuaded Northumberland when by Thurstane Archbishop of Yorke the Scots had an ouerthrowe and were slaine aboue ten tho●●sand Robert Earle of Glocester returned into England with his sister the Empresse and a great A●my which arriued at Portsmouth Robert Earle of Glocester with a great power inuaded the towne of Nottingham and spoiled it the Townsmen were taken slaine or burnt in th● Churches whereunto they fled This yeare 1140. died Iohannes de temporibus he was Page to Charlemaigne King Stephen besieged Lincolne against Rainulph Earle of Chester but Rainulph Eare of G●●●cester came with a great power and rescued the same chased the Kings Army and tooke him prisoner hée was had to Glocester and after to Bristow The Empresse reioycing at this he● good hap departed from Glocester and came to Cicester from thence to Winchester where the Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into her hands Earle Robert being pursued was taken a Sobbrige with Earle Warren and many other at length through meditation peace was concluded that the King should be deliuered to his kingdome and the Earle to his liberty Gaufride de Mandeuil Earle of Essex founded the Abbey of Walden and Sir William de Mountfitchet founded the Abbey of Stratford Langthorne King Stephen hearing the Empresse to lye at Oxford with a great power came and besieged her a two moneths space Earle Robert with Henry Sonne to the Empresse landed at Warham where hee besieged the Castle which was defended by Hubert de Lucie who at length yeelded the same In the meane time the Empresse séeing that shee was voyde of helpe cloathing her selfe and her companie all in white vpon a night went ouer the Thames a foote which was then hard frozen she went to Wallingford and the Castle of Oxford was yéelded to the King William of Ypre founded Boxley Abbey in Kent King Stephen tooke Ieffery Maundeuile Earle of Essex at Saint Albones which Ieffery could not be at libertie till he had deliuered the Tower of London with the Earles of Waldon and Plecy When the Earle was thus spoiled of his holds hee tooke the Church of Ramsey and fortified it King Stephen besieged Wallingford but could not preuaile The Earle of Chester was reconciled to the King and was at the siege with him but shortly after when he came to the Court the King being at Northampton hee was taken and kept prisoner till he had rendred the Castle of Lincolne and other fortresses Earle Robert deceased and was buried at Bristow The Empresse being wearied with the discord of the English nation went ouer into Normandy Quéene Matild builded the hospitall of S. Katherine by the Tower of London for poore brethre● and sisters Henry the Empresse sonne went to Dauid King of Scots of whom he was ioyfully receiued and made Knight England was full of trouble and warre set foorth to fire and rapine through the discord betwixt Stephen and certaine Earles that tooke part with Henry Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of
Dunstons in the East of London a great fray happened wherethrough many people were sore wounded Thomas Petwarden Fishmonger slaine out of hand The beginners of the fray which was the Lord Strange sir Iohn Russel knight through the quarrell of their two wiues were brought to the counter in the Poultry excōmunicated at P. Crosse King Henry sailed into Normandy and tooke the Castle of Tonke and shortly after get Caen Beyonx and many other Townes and Castles Henry Read shriue Iohn Gedney shriue Richard Marlow Ironmonger Maior Sir Iohn Oldcastle was sent vnto London by the Lord Powes out of Wales which sir Iohn was conuict by Parliament drawne to S. Giles field hanged and consumed with fire The Parson of Wrotham in Norfolke which had haunted New-Market-heath and there robbed and spoiled many was with his concubine brought to Newgate of London where he died Iohn Brian Ralph Barton Brian deceased Shriue Iohn Pernesse succeeded Shriue William Seuenoke Grocer Maior This William Seuenoke founded in the towne of Seuenocke in Kent where hee had béene nourished a frée schoole and xii almes houses King Henry besieged the Citty of Roan halfe a yeare and more which was yéelded to him Richard Whitingham shriue Iohn Butler shriue Richard Whittington Mercer Maior This Richard Whittington builded the library in the Gray Friars Church in London his Excecutors of his goods builded Whittington Colledge they repaired S. Bartholomews Hospitall in Smithfield they bare some charges to the pauing and glazing of the Guildhall and also of the library there they new builded the West gate of London of old time called Newgate K. Henry was made Regent of France wedded Lady Katherine the Kings daughter of France at Troys in Champaine the feast being finished the King besieged and won many townes in France Iohn Burler Shriue Iohn Welles Shriue William Cambrige Grocer Maior The King suppressed the French houses of religious Monks Friars and such like in England A Subsidie was demaunded but the Bishop of Winchester lent the King 20000. pound to ●●ay the matter The King sailed into France Richard Goslin Shriue William Weston Shriue Robert Chichely Grocer Maior This Robert Chichely w●lled in his testament that vpon his mind day a competent dinner shuld be ordained for 2420. poore men housholders of the Citty and 20. pound in money to distribute amongst them which was to euery man two pence At this time such was the generall capital command sway of the King of England in France as her own Chronicles testifie that in the Court of Chancery in Paris all things were sealed with the seale of King Henry of England and the great seale of England was there new made and vsed wherein was the Armes of France England and as the King sate in his chaire of state he held two Scepters in his hands that is to say in his right hand was a scepter smooth plaine only the proportion of the French coine commonly called a French crowne in his left hand he held a scepter full of curious arts carued and wrought with the armes of England as is vsed in the English mony and on the top thereof a Crosse Presently vpon this the french were so vexed with the english gouernmēt that they practised al meanes to extirp the English as well by praiers as otherwise and neuer ceased vntill they had obtained their desire Calice onely excepted which was English many yeares after Henry the Kings sonne was borne at Windsor on the 6. day of December K. Henry being at Boys S. Vincent waxed sicke died the last of August in the yeare 1422. when he had raigned 9. yeares 5. moneths odde daies hee founded two Monasteries vpon the Thames the one of the Religion of the Carthusians which he named Bethlem the other of religious men women of S. Briget which he named Sion Hee founded Garter principall King of Armes He lieth buried at Westminster Henry of Windsor HEnry the 6. being an infant of 8. moneths olde began his raigne the last of August in the yeare 1422. the gouernance of the Realme was committed to the Duke of Glocester and the guard of his person to the Duke of Exceter to the Duke of Bedford was giuen the the regiment of France William Eastfield Shriue Robert Tatarsall Shriue William Walderne Mercer Maior The xxi of October died Charles King of France by reason whereof the kingdome of France should come to King Henry and the Nobles of France except a few that held with the Dolphine deliuered the possession thereof to the Duke of Bedford to the vse of King Henry A subsidy was granted for thrée yeares fiue nobles for euery sacke of woolle that should passe out of the land This yeare the West gate of London called Newgate was new builded by the Excecutors of Richard Whittington Nicholas Iames Shriue Thomas VVadford Shriue VVilliam Cromer Draper Maior Iames the yong King of Scots who was taken by the Englishmen in the 8. yeare of Henry the 4. and had remained in England prisoner till this time was now deliuered and maried in S. Mary Oueries in Southwarke to the Lady Iane daughter the Earle of Somerset The battell at Vernoill in Perch betwéene the Duke of Bedford Regent of France and the Arminakes but the English party preuailed Simon Seman shriue Iohn Bywater shriue Iohn Michael Stockefishmonger Maior By a Parliament was granted to the King for 3. yeares to helpe him in his warres a subsidie of 12. d. the pound of all Marchandise brought in or carried out of the Realme and 3. s. of euery tun of wine which was called tonage or poundage but since it hath béene renewed at sundry Parliaments and now called custome It was enacted that all the Marchant strangers should be lodged with English hosts and within 40. dayes to make sale of all they brought or else what remained to be forfeit to the King William M●ldred shriue Iohn Brok●●ll shriue Iohn Couentry Mercer Maior The morrow after Simon Iudes day the Maior caused a great watch to be kept with most part of the citizens in armor to stand by the duke of Glocester against the Bishop of Winchester who lay in Southwark with a great power of Lancashire and Cheshire men but the matter was appeased by the Archbishop of Canterbury The 28. of September was an earthquake which continued the space of two houres Iohn Arnold Shriue Iohn Higham Shriue Iohn Rainwell Fishmonger Maior This Iohn Rainwell gaue certaine tenements to the citie of London for the which the same citie is bound to pay foreuer such Fifteenes as well bee granted to the K. for Downgate Bill●ngsgate and Algate ward c. This yeare the tower of the drawbridge of London was begun by the same Maior Henry Frowicke shriue Robert Otley shriue Iohn Godney Draper Maior From the beginning of Aprill vnto Hallontide
Gallies and Brigantines 230 there were slaine of the Turkes more then thirty thousand beside a great number of prisoners taken and about 12000 Christians that had béene slaues with the Turkes were set at liberty The 13 of Ianuary deceased sir William Peter knight who had béene Secretary and of the priuy Councell to foure Kings and Quéens in this Realm and seuen times L. Ambassadour abroad in forraine lands he augmented Excester Colledge in Oxford with lands to the value of one hundred pounds by yeare The 16 of Ianuary Thomas Duke of Norffolke was arraigned in Westminster Hall and there by his Péeres found guilty of high Treason The 11 of February Kenelme Barne and Edmond Mather were drawne from the Tower of London and Henry Rolfe from the Marshalsée in Southwarke all thrée to Tiburne and there hanged bowelled and quartered Barncy and Mather for conspiracy and Rolfe for counterfeiting the Quéenes hand The 12 of February was proclamation made for the sharpe punishment of such as conuaied bels lead and other Church goods out of the Parish Churches or Chappels The tenth of March deceased sir William Pawlet knight Lord Saint Iohn Earle of Wilshire Marques of Winchester knight of the Garter one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuie Counsell and Lord high Treasurer of England He was borne in the yeare of our Lord 1483 he serued Henry the 7 Henry the 8 Edward the 6 Quéene Mary and Quéene Elizabeth Himselfe did sée the children of his childrens children growing to the number of 103. The 25 of March by the commandement of the Counsel the Citizens of London assembling at their seuerall halles the master collected the most actiue persons of euery their companies to the number of 3 thousand whom they appointed to be pikemen and shotte the pikemen were forthwith armed in faire corslets the gunners had euery of them his Callieuer with the furniture To these were appointed diuers captaines who to traine them vp in warlike feats mustered them thrice euery wéeke sometime in the artillery yard teaching the gunners to handle their péeces sometime at the miles end in Saint Georges field teaching them to skirmish On May day they mustred at Gréenewich before the Quéenes maiestie where they showed many warlike feats but were much hindred by the weather all day showring It was enacted that all persons aboue the age of fouretéene yeares being taken vagrant and wandring misorderly should be apprehended whipped and burnt through the right eare with a hot iron for the first time so taken the second time to be hanged This yeare 1572 was the Massacar in Paris The 2 of Iune Thomas Duke of Norffolk was beheaded on tower hill Francis Duke of Memorency and Betraude de Saligners Knights of the order of Saint Michaell Ambassadours for Charles king of France arriued at Douer The 15 of Iune they repaired to the White hall and there in her Graces chappell about one of the clocke in the after noone the Articles of treaty league or confederacy and sure friendship concluded at Bloys the ninetéenth of Aprill betwéen the Quéenes maiesty and the French King being read the same was by her maiesty and his Ambassadours confirmes to be obserued and kept The 22 of August Thomas Percie Earle of Northumberland now brought out of Scotland whither he had fled was beheaded at York In the moneth of August sir Thomas Smith one of the Quéens Maiesties priuie Counsell sent his sonne Thomas Smith Esquire into Ireland with a Colony or habitation of English men to inhabite the Ardes in Vlster Richard Pype Nicholas Woodroffe Sir Lionell Ducket mercer The 18 of Nouember was séene a star Northward very bright and cleare in the contestation of Cassiopeia which with thrée chiefe fixed stars of the said constellation made a Geometicall figure lozengewise of the learned men called Rombus this starre in bignesse at the flrst appearing séemed bigger then Iupiter and much lesse then Venus when she séemed greatest also the said star neuer changing his place was carried about with the daily motion of heauen as all fixed stars commonly are and so continued almost sixe moneths The same starre was found to be in place celestiall farre aboue the Moone otherwise than euer any comet hath béene séene or naturally can appeare therefore it is supposed that the signification thereof is directed purposely and specially to some matter not naturall but celestiall or rather supercelestiall so strange as from the beginning of the world neuer was the like The 14 of Nouember Edward Earle of Darby Lord Stanley and Strange L. and Gouernor of the Isle of Man knight of the noble Order of the Garter and one of the Quéenes Maiesties Priuie Counsell deceased His life and death deseruing commendation and crauing memory to be imitated was such as followeth His fidelity to two Kings and two Quéenes in dangerous times and great rebellions in which time alwaies as cause serued he was Lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire His godly disposition to his tenants neuer forcing any seruice at their hands but due payment of their rent His liberality to strangers his famous houskéeping his féeding of aged persons twice a day forty and odde besides all commers thrice a wéeke appointed for his dealing daies and euery good Friday 35 yeares relieued one with another 2700 with meate drinke and mony worth His cunning in setting bones disioynted or brake his chirurgery desire to helpe the poore his deliuery of his George and seale of the Lord Strange with exhortation that he might kéepe it so vnspotted in fidelity to his Prince as he had and his hope that he died in the Quéenes fauour his ioyfull parting this world his taking leaue of all his seruants by shaking of hands and his remembrance to the last day The 18 of Ianuary William Lord Herbert Earle of Worcester began his iourney toward France to the christning of the Kings daughter there in stead of the Quéenes maiesty of England The said Earle with many of his company were robbed vpon the sea of much of their baggage and thrée or foure of their men slaine In the moneth of February through sundry hainous complaints brought to the Quéenes Maiesty and her Counsell of Pirats that kept the narrow Seas doing many robberies as also the robbing of the Earle of Worcester it pleased her Maiesty to send one of her Ships named the Swallow vnder the charge of William Holstocke Esquire controller of her highnesse shippes who had with him the Gillian the Barke Garet and the Barke of Yarmouth and 306 able Marriners Gunners and Souldiers in the said three shippes and one Barke which scoured the narrow Sea from the North forland as farre Westward as Falmouth in Cornwall and tooke twenty ships and Barkes of sundry nations viz. English French and Flemmings but all Pirats and in fashion of warre He apprehended in those ships and Barkes to the number of 900 men of
May the said Prince returned into France About the middle of May certaine common persons assembled themselues in Northamptonshire Warwickshire and Leicestershire they cut and brake downe hedges filled vp ditches and laide open all such enclosures of commons and other grounds as they found enclosed which of ancient time had béen open and imploied to tillage And the last of May they were straitly commanded by Proclamation to surcease their disorder but yet they ceased not whereupon the Sheriffes and Iustices had authority giuen them to suppresse them by force And after that the King sent certaine Noblemen and Iudges to punish the wilfull offenders according to law And the 28 of Iune the King made another proclamatiō signifying his great vnwillingnesse to haue procéeded against them either by marshall law or ciuill iustice if lenity or gentle admonition might any way haue preuailed with them to desist from their turbulent rebellions and traiterous practise Tuesday the second of Iune in Pauls Church the right reuerend Father in God Thomas Rauis Doctor of Diuinity late Bishop of Glocester was by his deputy Doctor King Deane of Christ-church enstalled Lord Bishop of London He died the 14 of December 1609. Friday the 12 of Iune the King dined with the Lord Maior and after dinner went into Cloath-workers Hall and was there made frée of that company At that time also were made frée sir Patricke Murry knight gentleman of the Kings Bedchamber sir Arthur Arston knight sir Hugh Carmychel knight Iames Medow Doctor of Diuinitie one of the Kings Chaplaines and others The 16 of Iuly being the great feast day at Merchantailors hall the Lord Maior feasted all the Aldermen that were not frée of the Merchantailors and with them these honourable Personages following viz. Patricke Steward Earle of Orqueney sir Iohn Ramsey knight Lord Viscount Hadington sir Iohn Selby knight Edward Ramsey gentlemen Sewer to the King These were also made frée of the Cloathworkers sir William Stone being then Master of the company Henry Walton Thom●s Bostocke Richard Boothe and William Kymber Wardens The third of Iuly the Kings Maiestie repaied thréescore thousnd pound vnto the Citizens of London which summe the Londoners had lent vnto Quéene Elizabeth the 3 of Februarie 1598. On Saturday being the fourth of Iuly arriued Iohn Berke chiefe Councellor of Dort and Iames de Maldere Knight Lord of Heyes and had audience the sixth of Iuly they were honourably entertained and feasted in many places The fourth of Iuly the right honourable sir Thomas Kneuit knight was called by writ to the Parliament by the name and title of Baron of Escricke and sate that day in his roabes among the Barons being the last day of that Parliament holden vpon prorogation and so againe proroged vntill the 16 of Nouember following Sunday the 5 of Iuly sir Iulius Caesar knight Chancellor of the Exchequer was sworne a Priuie Councellor of Estate Thursday the 16 of Iuly 1607 the Kings most excellent Maiestie with Prince Henry and diuers honourable Personages dined at Merchantailors hall and were most ioyfullie entertained with great varietie of melodious harmony of voices and instruments and pleasant spéeches being the day they held their feast for the election of Master and Wardens and after dinner Master Iohn Swinnarton the Master and Richard Wright Andrew Osborne Edward Atkinson and William Albany the foure Wardens of the Company being accompanied with master Baron Southerton and sir Leonard Halliday sir William Crauen sir Iohn Swynerton knights and Aldermen and Ieffrey Elwes Alderman being all members of that Company resorted to the Kings most excellent Maiestie who dined in their chamber called the Kings Chamber and sir Henry Mountague knight Recorder of London being there present did in the name of the whole Company most humbly thanke his Maiesty for that it had pleased him to grace it with his royall presence that day And the Master of the Company did present his Maiestie with a purse full of gold Richard Langley the Clarke of the Company did deliuer vnto his Maiesty a roll wherein was entred the names of seuen Kings one Quéene seuentéene Princes and Dukes two Dutchesses one Archbishop thirty one Earles fiue Countesses one Viscount twenty foure Bishops sixty sixe Barons or Lords two Ladies seuen Abbats seuen Priors and one Sub-prior omitting a number of Knights Esquires c. who had béen frée of the Company which his Maiestie most gratiously accepted and said that he himselfe was frée of another Company yet he would so much grace the Company of Merchantailors that the Prince his eldest sonne should be frée thereof and that he would sée and be a witnesse when the garland should be put on his head And then they in like manner resorted to the Prince who dined in the great hall And the said Master presented his Highnesse with another purse full of gold and the Clarke deliuered his Highnesse a like roll which were also gratiously accepted and his Highnesse said that not onely himselfe would be frée of the Company of Merchantailors but commanded one of his Gentlemen and the Clarke of the Company to goe to all the Lords present and require all of them that loued him and were not frée of other companies to be free of his Company whereupon those Lords whose names ensue with humble thankes to his highnesse accepted of the freedome viz. Iohn Berke Lord in Godschalckcoort c. Counceller of Dort in Holland Sir Iames du Maldere knight Lord of Heyes c. Counceller of Zeland Sir Noel de Caron knight L. of Schoonwal c. Ambassador Lieger from the States c. The Duke of Lenox Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall Earle of Suffolke Lord Chamberlaine Earle of Arundell Earle of Oxenford Earle of Worcester Earle of Pembrooke Earle of Essex absent yet entred by order from the Prince vnder his Highnesse owne hand Earle of Northampton Earle of Salisbury principall Secretary to the King Earle of Montgomery Earle of Pearth Lord Viscount Cranborne Lord Euars Lord Hunsdon Lord Knolles Lord Haye Lord Sanker Lord Borley M. Howard Sir Iohn Harington M. Sheffield Sir Thomas Challoner Gouernor to y e Prince Sir Roger Ashton Master of the Wardrobe Gentleman of the Kings Bed-chamber Sir Thomas Vauasor Knight Marshall Sir Dauid Fowlis Sir Dauid Murry M. Doctor Mountague Deane of the Chappell M. Adam Newton Deane of Durham and Tutor to the Prince Sir Thomas Sauage Sir Lewes Lewknor M. of the Ceremonies and many other Knights Esquires and Gentlemen seruants to the King Queene and Prince and to Noblemen The new Master and Wardens chosen in the presence of the King and Prince was Iohn Iohnson Master of the Company and Thomas Owen Richard Scales Iohn Woller and Randolph Wolley Wardens The next day the King christened Iames the eldest sonne of Thomas Earle of Arundel borne of Alethea youngest daughter to Gilbert Earle of Shrewsbury the Earle of Suffolke
THE Abridgement of the English Chronicle First collected by M. Iohn Stow and after him augmented with very many memorable Antiquities and continued with matters forreine and domesticall vnto the beginning of the yeare 1618. By E.H. Gentleman There is a briefe Table at the end of the Booke Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers 1618. Dextera Domini me exalt abit To the Right Honorable Sir George Bolles Knight Lord Maior of the Citie of London and to the Right worshipfull the Aldermen his brethren And to Sir Anthony Benn Knight Recorder of the same Citie Edmond Howes Gentleman wisheth all health and felicitie RIght Honourable and graue Senators the blessed and peaceful entrance into this land and ioyfull possession of our Leige Lord of his immediate right of the Imperiall crowne of England and the vtter banishment of all doubt in the Regall succession with the vniuersall hearts applause of all his Highnesse English subiects who with one consent acknowledged their loue and dutie vnto his lawfull right in Soueraigntie all which in the speedy effecting and establishing of peace in this kingdome was much more then either our neighbour Nations held possible to bee so easily performed A appeared by their great admiration vpon the certaine knowledge thereof or was rightly vnderstood of the multitude that wholly enioyes the benefite as too plainely appeareth by their wilful ingratitude forgetfulnes seeing their long continued feare so quickely supprest and beyond all expectation conuerted into as great freedome and tranquilitie as either their hearts could wish or is enioyed by any other nation All these and many other high blessings of Almightie God still succeeded one another no man would once hold vp his finger to make present acknowledgement or publicke vnderstanding vnto posterities of the boundlesse and wondrous workes of God in these our daies as also of the manifold remarkable accidents which haue happened of late yeares These motiues I say with the earnest perswasions of diuers graue and honourable personages who neuer ceased to accite mee vnto this present Act of Chronologie haue directly caused mee to performe this generall businesse in which my tedious labours I haue been intollerably abused and scandalized by Thraso Momus Zoylus and other backebiters detractors concerning whom sith it is the least of offences to offend offenders I will neither vexe my selfe nor trouble your patience in seeking to please the enuious and insatiate But forasmuch as I highly prize the good content of the honest wise and vertuous thus was the course and manner of my proceeding herein After I had well obserued that no man would lend a helping hand vnto the late aged painefull chronicler neither in many moneths after his death that any would expose or shewe themselues to prosecute so good a worke and albeit that in this interim before there were many named to haue already entred into this Labyrinth yet not one appeared whereupon I remembred the saying of the Philosopher That the naming of many friends is a maine impediment vnto friendship And as in that so in this then for my own cleare satisfaction full assurance that I would neither preiudice nor preuent any others better proceeding I entered into particular conference with euery man whose names had beene diuulged Some of them of honourable rancke and reuerent qualitie all of them learned of good sufficiency some whereof answered me they thought that the giuing out of their names in this sort was rather done by their secret enemies of purpose to draw them into capitall displeasure and to bring their names liues into a generall question then for any other intent of good other saide who doth this worke must flatter which I cannot neither will I wilfully leaue a scandall vnto my posteritie Another said I cannot see how in any ciuil action a man should spend his trauell time mony worse then in that which acquires no regard nor reward except backebiting detraction And one amongst the rest after he had sworne an oath saide I thanke God that I am not yet madde to wast my time spend two hundred pound a yeare trouble my selfe all my friends onely to gaine assurance of endlesse reproch losse of libertie and bring all my dayes in question like as these spake so did many others And in conclusion I sawe it vtterly refused of all And by this time it was generally obserued that this worke was wholly neglected Then many of my friends began againe to animate me and very seriously required me to make supplement whose kinde perswasions preuailed so farre that I promised them to doe my indeuour onely for one yeares space wherein my good will exceeded my best experience as I found afterwards for that it is not a yeare or two wherein a man may obtaine the particularities of truth neither accomplish any thing to the effect in this solide and variable imploiment Then forthwith I repaired to the most honourable superiours vnto whom I humbly signified my zealous loue dutie and diligence in this generall seruice of my Prince and Country Of whom I receiued very gracious incouragement honorable instructions And after that vpon conference with diuers graue Elders louers of vertue and fauourers of the Cities honour by whose direction with all meekenesse I manifested my willingnesse vnto the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen being then resolued neither to breake my former promise nor to neglect so great and generall a good for any deprauing speeches or maleuolent aspects with all integritie since which time I haue spent in this busines sixteene yeares without any great cause of encouragement May it therefore please your wisedomes rightly to vnderstand that in all my proceedings I haue neither presumed too farre of my selfe nor done ought that might discourage or preuent any other And thus much for the cause and maner of my proceeding Now right honourable and most worthy Elders whose state and gouernment is renowned through the world what is hee that hath any vnderstanding and knowes not London to bee the most flourishing and peacefull Cittie of Europe of greatest antiquitie happiest in countinuance most increased chiefe in prosperitie and most stored with plentie and here I might alleadge many ancient presidents of pleasures profits time and state whereof neuer any subordinate Magistrates could equall yours But seeing few wordes to the wise suffice I will onely speake a word or two by the way The promised blessing vnto the ancient Israelites to possesse a land that flowed with milke and hony is with seuen fold measure heaped on your heads your citty filled more aboundantly with all sorts of silkes fine linnen oyles wines and spices perfection of Arts all costly ornaments and curious workemanship then any other Prouince so as London well deserues to beare the name of the choicest storehouse in the world and to keepe ranke with any royall Cittie in Europe her Cittizens rich and bounteous witnesse their franke-giuing of more then
it séem● ringing of bells making of bonefires and ●ing of Psalmes The Quéenes Maiesty foreséeing the g●rall dearth of corne and other victuals grow partly through the vnseasonablenesse of 〈◊〉 yeares past partly through the vncharita● gréedinesse of such as bee great corne maste● but especiallie through the vnlawfull and 〈◊〉 much transportation of graine into for● countries by the aduice of her honour● Councell published a proclamation and b● of orders to be taken by her Iustices for reli● of the poore notwithstanding all which the ●●cessiue prices of graine still encreased so 〈◊〉 wheat and meale was sold at London for 〈◊〉 the bushell and in some other parts of t● Realme dearer The 8 of February being Wednesday accor●ding to sentence lately giuen by the nobili● Mary Steward Quéene of Scots about tenne of the Clocke before noone was executed and suffered death by beheading vpon a scaffold set vp for that purpose at the great Hall of the Castle of Fodringay in the presence of George Talbet Earle of Shrewsburie Henry Grey Earle of Kent principall Commissioners and others the Gentlemen of the Country neare adioyning to the number of about 300 all her apparell was burned but her body with the head was royally buried at Peterborow on the first day of August next following The 15 of February the Parliament began at Westminster wherein was granted to her Maiesty towards her charges for the defence of this Realme a subsidy by the Clergy of 6 shillings the pound and of the temporalty two shillings eight pence goods and foure shillings lands with two fiftéenes c. Munday the twenty foure of Februarie a man hanged for felony at Saint Thomas of Waterings being begged by the Chirurgions of London to haue made of him an Anatomie after he was dead to all mens thinking cut down stripped laid naked in a Chest throwne in a Carre and so brought from the place of execution through the Borow of Southwarke and the city of London to the Chirurgions hall neare vnto Aldersgate the chest being there opened and the weather extreame cold he was found to be aliue and liued till thursday next following and then died The twentie thrée of February a gunpowder house at Radriffe was blowne vp with much harme Sir Thomas Bromley knight Lord Chancellour of England deceased on the 12 of Aprill and was buried at Westminster This yeare 1587 Master William Sanderson of London Fishmonger attained the perfection of making the great round globes viz. Celestiall and Terrestriall On the 16 of Aprill deceased the Dutchesse of Somerset at Hanworth and was buried at Westminster Edward Earle of Rutland Knight of the Garter departed this life at London on the 18 of Aprill and was very honourably conuaied from thence to his Castle of Beauoyre and buried in the Parish Church at Bettifford The 29 of Aprill Sir Christopher Hatton knight late Vicechamberlaine and one of her Maiesties priuy Counsell was made Lord Chancellor of England at Croidon on the 3 day of May being the first day of the tearme he rode from Ely place in Holborne to Westminster there to take his oath before whom went about the number of forty his gentlemen in one liuery and chaines of gold diuers Pentioners and other Gentlemen of the Court vpon foot-clothes the officers and Clarkes of the Chancery and then the Lord Chancellour hauing on his right hand the Lord Treasurer and on the left hand the Earle of Leicester after whom rode certaine of the Nobility the Iudges of the Realme and many knights The 22 of May was published by proclamation an order granted by the Quéene in fauour of her Subiects for the transporting of clothes out of the Realme to wit that the Merchants of the Stilyard resident in London and all other Merchants strangers or other of the realme may buy of the Clothiers any cloth vnwrought vnbarbed or vnshorne and shall haue full liberty to ship and carry away out of the port of London any such cloaths and further that all Merchants strangers and English that shall not haue liberty to buy cloathes at Blackwell-hall or within the liberties of the City of London may buy all manner of clothes in the Citie of Westminster The 18 of Iune Robert Earle of Leicester was made Lord Steward of the houshold Robert Deuorex Earle of Essex was made master of her Maiesties horse The fiftéene of Iune Robert Earle of Leicester tooke shipping at Margate in Kent toward the Low Countries where he remained not long but returned This yeares was a late spring and a cold Sommer so that at Midsomer Peason in the cods were sold at London for 8 pence the pecke yet after were plenty no cherries ripe till Saint Iames-tide or Lammas and then such plenty that they were sold for a penny the pound The 7 of September sir Thomas Henage was made Vicechamberlaine Thomas Skinnet Iohn Catcher Sir George Bond Haberdasher Richard May Merchant-tailor lately deceased gaue to the Chamber of London 300 poūds toward the new building of the Blackwell Hal which at length tooke effect Vpon this gift the said Blackwell hall was taken downe a new foundation was laide and within the space of ten moneths after with the charges of 2500 l. the same was finished Great prouision was made this yeare both by Land and Sea to withstand the inuasion by the Spanish Armado against the Realme for besides the generall forces of the Realme appointed to be mustered trained and put in readinesse in the seuerall shires for the defence of the land there was also a leauy made of two seuerall armies the one to make the body of a campe to reside at Tilbury in Essex to encounter with the Enemy if he should attempt to land in any place of that country whereof the Earle of Leicester Lord Steward of her Maiesties houshold was Lieutenant Generall as also of the Armies leuied against forraine inuasion The other to be imploied for the guard of her highnesse person vnder the charge of the right Honourable the Lord Hunsden Lord Chamberlaine to her Maiestie The campe at Tilbury consisting both of horsemen and footemen raised out of all the shires were of Lancers 253 of light horsmen 769 of footmen 22000. the armie for the guard of her Maiesties person Lances 481 light horsemen 1431. footmen 34050. The Nauie set forth and armed to the seas consisted partly of her Maiesties shippes partly of the ships of her subiects which were furnished out of the Port townes whereunto they belonged of this Nauie the chiefest and greatest part was vnder the charge of the Lord Charles Howard of Effingham Lord Admirall of England and were addressed to encounter with the Spanish Fléet the rest of the ships were assigned vnto the Lord Henry Seimer Admirall of the Fléete to guard the narrow Seas and to impeach the issuing forth of the ships and vessels prepared by the Duke of Parma at Dunkirke The
Ambassador Leger in France was sworne a Priuie Counsellor and made Comptroller of the Kings houshold and the Lord Wotton was made Treasurer of the Kings houshold Sonday the fifth of Ianuary the Lord Viscont Villers was created Earle of Buckingham at White-hall Twesday the fourth of February 1616. the Earle of Buckingham was sworne a Priuie Counsellor Twesday the 13 of February the King in person sate in the Star-chamber and made an excellent Oration to the Lords and to the Iudges vnto whom hee gaue a charge and direction how they should proceed in the Circuits Shroue Twesday the 4 of March many disordred persons of sondry kindes amongst whom were very many young boyes and laddes that assembled themselues in Lincolnes Inne field Finsbury field in Ratliffe and Stepney field where in ryotous manner they did beate downe the walls and windowes of many victualling houses and of all other houses which they suspected to bee bawdie houses And that after-noone they spoyl'd a new Play-house and did likewise more hurt in diuers other places in pulling downe walles and windowes and spoyling of house-hold-stuffe and were so head●strong that they dispightfully vsed and resisted the Shrieffes of London and the Constables and Iustices of Middlesex Whereupon the Lords of the Counsell by the Kings appointment ordained diuers of the Chiefe Iustices of Middlesex to be Prouost Marshals and to execute Marshall Law if the like occation should happen Shroue-twesday the fourth of March this yeare 1616. the Queene feasted the King at her Palace in the Strand formerly called Somerset-house and then the King commanded it should no more be so called but that it should from henceforth be called Denmarke-house which said Denmarke-house the Queene had many waies repaired beautified new builded and enlarged and brought to it a pipe of conduit water from Hyde-parke The seuenth of March the Great Seale of England was deliuered to Sir Francis Bacon Knight the Kings Atturney and was then made Lord Kéeper and the next day toward Euening died the Lord Elismer late Lord Chancellor and the fourth of Ianuary following Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper was made Lord Chauncelor When Sir Francis Bacon was made Lord Kéeper then was sir Henry Yeluerton Knight the Kings Soliciter made the Kings Atturney and Master Thomas Couentry Esquire Recorder of London was made the Kings Soliciter and was Knighted the 16 of March Friday the fouretéenth of March 1616. the King being accompanied with the Queene and Prince Charles and many of the Chiefe Nobility and others went from White-hall to Theobalds and from thence the King with his appointed traine set forward toward Edenborough the next Monday being Saint Patricks day And vpon his Maiesties returne to London viz. the 15 of September next following the King came from Windsor to London and was met at Hyde-parke by the Lord Maior and Aldermen and aboue foure hundreth of the chiefe Citizens with chaines of gold and well mounted the Lord Maior presented the King with a purse and in it fiue hundreth péeces of gold called the Vnity and there the King Knighted sir Anthony Ben Recorder of London The 20 of March 1616. the Lord Hay was sworne a Priuie Counsellor at Hynching-brooke Sonday the 23 of March 1616. at Burley on the hill in Rutland-shire sir Edward Noell Knight and Baronet was created Lord Noell of Rydlington At this time neere Wapping in the Parish of White-chappell was new builded a very faire large Chappell and a Church-yard to it which were consecrated the 7 of Iuly 1617. by the Lord Bishop of London Vpon Michaelmas day Doctor Montague Lord Bishop of Winchester was sworne a Priuie Counsellor at Hampton Court and that day at that place Sir Iohn Villers maried Frances the daughter of Sir Edward Cooke Knight William Hallyday Robert Iohnson Shrieues Sir George Bolles Knight Grocer Maior Twesday the fourth of Nouember here ariued Stephen Euanowich Lieutenant of Rasco and Marke Euanozin Posdieof of one of the thrée Chancellors of Russia from the late mentioned Michaell Pheodorowich Emperour of Russia they had audience the next Sonday and vpon Now yeares day the King feasted them and their chiefe followers and attendants at Whitehall being fifty in number their whole Traine was 75. Thursday the 6 of Nouember the Lord Hay married the Lady Luce daughter to the Earle of Northumberland Sonday the last of Nouember 1617. the Lord Archbishop of Spalato preached at the Marcers Chappell in the Italian tongue there were present the L. Archbishop of Canterbury the L. Chancellor the Earles of Arondell Pembroke Lord Zowch the Lord Compton and many others of great note he preached there againe vpon Sonday the ninetéenth of Aprill 1618. Sonday the foureteenth of December at ●●●beth were two Bishops consecrated viz. 〈◊〉 Felton Master of Pembroke-hall was consecrated Lord Bishop or Bristow and Doctor Montaigne Deane of Westminster was consecrated Lord Bishop of Lincolne at this Consecration were present and assistant at the imposition of hands with the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Archbishop of Spalato the Bishops of London Ely Rochester and Lichfield Monday the foure and twenty of December 1617. was borne Charles Lodowick at Heydelberg about foure a clocke in the morning and was christened in March following Prince Charles was out of his Godfathers At this time the Appothecaries of London obtained a corporation for themselues and their successors for euer and by Letters pattented were made a Body Pollitique and Corporate and that all such as vse and professe the Apt and Mistery of Appothecaries within London and the Suburbs thereof and within seuen miles compasse thereof shall be ordred and gouerned by the Master Wardens and socitie of the Art and Misterie of the Appothecaries Edmond Philips was the Master Stephen Hyggines and Thomas Fanes were the first Wardens New yeares day being Thursday 1617. George Earle of Buckingham was created Marquesse of Buckingham at White-hall Thursday the eight of Ianuary 1617. Sir Robert Manton Knight was sworne the Kings Secretary At the end of February this yeare 1617. the Company of the East India Merchants sent nine braue goodly ships well appointed to the East Iudies And Sir Thomas Dale Knight went Generall this was the first fléet of the second ioynt stock At the beginning of this month of Aprill 1618. the Lord De la Ware with about eight score persons viz. men women went y e second time to Virginea to make good the plantation the Lord De la Ware at his first being in Virginia through extreamity of sicknesse was constrained to returne for England about sixe yeares past and could not recouer his perfect health vntill the last yeare in which he builded a very faire shippe and went now in it himselfe and after him went Captaine Henry Spilman with thirty persons this Captaine Spilman had béene formerly
then were not known by any name Sir Edw. Cooke Lord chief Iustice of the common pleas A Tombe for Queen Elizabeth A monstrous mother The King of Denmarke arriueth in Englād Sir William Wade The King of Denmarke returneth Prince Dolphin of France christned Churches repaired Morefield otherwise called the new walks A truce betweene the Emperour of Germany and the great Turke Shrieues Maior The Lord Hay maried Great flouds A Seminary executed Reconciliation between the Graue of Emden his Subiects An. reg 5. 1607 The King manifesteth his minde to both houses Great flouds in diuers houses Prince Ienuile came into England Vnlawfull assemblies to lay opē inclosures Doctor Rauis lord Bishop of London The King dineth with the Lord Maior and made free of the Cloath-workers His Maiestie paieth 600000. l. which was lent vnto Elizabeth Ambassadors from the States Sir Thomas Kneuit made Baron A Parliament Sir Iulius Caesar made a Priuie Coūsellor The King Prince feasted at Merchantailors hall Prince Henry made free of the Merchantailors Strangers Noblemē Knights The new Master Wardens of the Merchantailers The Earle of Arundels eldest sonne The Earle of Tyrone and other Irish lords fled out of Ireland The King of Spaines second son borne The death of the Ladie Mary Sir Iaruais Clyfton made barō The Lord Awbignye maried Inmates increase of building forbidden by proclamation Also the preseruation of timber vniformity of building throughout London commanded by proclamation Contemners censured in the Star-chamber The old rottē Banquetting house of timber taken down and a new builded of bricke and stone Prouision for such Preachers as shall preach at Pauls Crosse Shrieues Maior The discouerie of the Earle of Tyrons treason The Lord Maxwell brake out of prison Sir Thomas Parry sworne a Priuie Counsellor of Estate A great frost All the Hartichokes in gardens about London were kild with this frost Viscount Hadingtō maried Allgate new builded An. reg 6. 1608 A Seminarie executed S. Edmōds Bury spoiled by a sudden fire The King was very forward to do them any fauor Doctor Mountague Lord Bishop of Bath and Wels. The Earle of Dorset dieth The oth of allegiance ministred vnto suspitious persons The Earle of Northampton made L. Priuie Seale The Earle of Salisbury made Lord high Treasurer of England The Earls of Dunbar Montgomery made Knights of the Garter Francis Earle of Comberland is the other lord Lieutenant Sir Alexander Hay knighted A Iesuite executed The corps of the lord Marquesse Dorset taken vp whole hauing been 78 yeares enterred Doctor Neyle Lord Bishop of Rochester Shrieues Maior The Viscount of Cramburne maried Consorts of pirats within the Streights and in the maine sea This Sir Francis Verney did turne vpon hope of aduācement but hee became extreame poore and miserable Pirats executed Strange shifting of the tides The yong Earle of Dorset maried and the Earle of Hertfords grandchild maried An. reg 7. 1609 A general truce in the Netherlands for twelue yeares The first generall planting of Mulbery trees in England In Dawpheny other parts of France there was silke made a good while before but not thorowout the whole kingdome vntill of late yeres M. Nicholas Ieffe many others had put it in practise long before Britaine Burse builded They were there entertained with pleasant ingenious speeches gifts and deuises Al forrain nations forbidden to fish vpon the coasts of England Scotland Ireland without speciall licence The King heareth the Bishops and secular Iudges The King heareth the complaints touching his nauie A triall of fight between a Lyon a Horse and a Bare The parents of the childe had as much as ●aw and reason could afford Kingly paiments beyond president There was neuer the like royall payment made by any King to the cōmon subiects The first making of Allome in England An ancient duty Let al that are pardoned note this for example His hand was nailed at the Gybet end before his face The originall and foundation of the East India Company Shrieues Maior Translation and consecration of Bishops Prince Henry his first feats of Armes The first discouery and plantation of Virginea The Lord La Warre goeth to Virginea The Parliament adiorned The plantation of the North of Ireland by the Citizens of London An. reg 3. 1610 The king of France murdered Prince Henry created Prince of Wales Knights of the Bath A proclamation touching Iesuits and Recusants The oath of allegiance ministred The Lord Clifford maried The King buildeth the greatest and goodliest ship of war that euer was built in Englād The Lord Wotton sent to take the oth of the French King Three Bishops consecrated Shrieues Maior The Citie of Londō buildeth new granaries and store houses The prince of Anhalt commeth to see the King Sir Edward Cecill Lord Generall of all the English and Sots forces in Cleuelād and Gulich A Monke and a Seminary executed M. Palyns bounty The Prince of Wales setleth his houshold The Parliament dissolued by Proclamation dated the 31 of December The Prince of Wales his maske at Whitehall A speciall Ambassador frō the Frēch King M. Teasdale his bounty Dunbar deceased Viscont Fenton a Priuie Counsellor Sir Marmaduke Dorrell buildeth a Parrish Church Sir Henry Montegue made Sergeant An. reg 9. 1611 Viscon● Rochester created Doctor Abbot L. Archbishop of Canterbury Sir Thomas Dale and sir Thomas Gates sent with supplies to Virginia Sir Thomas Ouerbury The King in person commeth into the Star-chāber to see the triall of his Pixe Proclamation against the transportation of gold siluer and the quoin aduanced The Duke of Yorke the Earle of Arundell and the Viscont Rochester made knights of the Garter Doctor Buckeridge B. of Rochester The yong Landgraue of Hesson arriueth in England The oath of Alleageance ministred Proclamatiō against al encrease of buildings with in Londō and the Suburbs and 20 miles therof Doctor King Lord Bishop of London France Spaine match togither The Earle of Pembrooke a Priuie Counseller Shrieues Maior Two Heretiques burned An. reg 10 1612 Viscont Rochester a Priuie Counsellor Two Seminaries executed The Lord Sanquire executed Lotteries in Londō Roger Earle of Rutland deceast The King buildeth a royall Toombe for his mother translateth her corps from Peterborow to Westminster Great windes shipwrack An Ambassador from the King of Persia to the King of Great Brittaine Hicks-hall builded Sir Baptist Hicks his farther boūtie Lent strictly kept Shrieues Maior The Palsgraue a●●ueth in England Henry Prince of Wales deceased The Palsgraue and Graue Maw●ice made Knights of the Garter The Lady Elizabeth married vnto the Palsgraue A present from London Prince Charles bishopped An. reg 11 1613 The Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth set forward for Heydelberg A Ianus borne shipwrack great flames fiers The Globe burnt The Millita●y exercis● of Armes in the Artill●●y Garden again p●t in practise Sir Peeksall Brocas doth penance at Paules Crosse Sir Iohn Merick sent Lord Ambassador