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A11863 Honor military, and ciuill contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Iustice, and iurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1602 (1602) STC 22164; ESTC S116891 203,415 258

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of his kingdome or other spacious place neere vnto it Thither the Gentleman was brought to receiue that honour and being come was forthwith placed in a chaire of siluer adorned with greene silke Then was demaunded of him if he were healthy of bodie and able to endure the trauell required in a souldier also whether he were a man of honest conuersation and what witnesses worthy credit he could produce so to affirme That being done the Bishop or chiefe Prelate of the Church tooke the Bible and holding it open before the Knight in presence of the King and all others spake these words Sir you that desire to receiue the order of Knighthood sweare before God and by this holy booke that ye shal not fight against this mightie and excellent Prince that now bestoweth the order of Knighthood vpon you vnlesse you shall be commanded so to do in the seruice of your owne King and naturall Prince for in that case hauing first yeelded vp the coller deuice and other ensignes of honour now receiued it shall be lawfull for you to serue against him without reproch or offence to all other companions in Armes but otherwise doing ye shall incurre infamy and being taken in warre shall be subiect to the paines of death Ye shall also sweare with all your force and power to maintaine and defend all Ladies Gentlewomen Orphans Widdowes women distressed and abandoned The like must ye doe for wiues being desired and shun no aduenture of your person in euery good warre wherein ye happen to be This oath taken two of the chiefe Lords led him vnto the King who presently drew foorth his sword and layd the same vpon the Gentlemans head and said God and Saint George or what other Saint the King pleased to name make thee a good Knight Then came vnto the Knight seuen noble Ladies attired in white and girt a sword vnto his side That done foure Knights of the most honourable in that presence put on his spurs These Ceremonies past the Queene tooke him by the right arme and a Dutchesse by the left and led him vnto a rich seat made on high and thereupon set him the King sitting downe on the right hande and the Queene on the other After the King and Queene were thus set and the new Knight between them al the rest of the Lords and Ladies sate downe also vpon other seats prepared for them three descents vnder the kings seat Euery Lord and Lady being thus placed thither was brought a solemn collation or banquet of delicate meates whereof the Knight the King the Queene and whole company did eate And so the ceremony ended CHAP. 4. The degradation of Knights in those daies IF any Knight at that time had bene corrupted with money by his Princes enemy or committed any other notable fact against loyaltie and honour the other Knights forthwith made humble suite vnto the king that he might be punished Which request being granted they apprehended the offendour and caused him to be armed from head to foot and in such sort as if he were going to the field Then they led him vp to an high stage made in a Church for that purpose where thirtie Priests soung such Psalmes as are vsed at burials as though the Knight had lien dead at their feete At the end of euery Psalme they tooke from him one piece of armour First they tooke off his Helmet as that which de●ended his traiterous eyes then his gauntlet on the right side as that which couered a corrupt hand then his gauntlet on the left side as from a member consenting and by peecemeale dispoiled him of all his Armes as well offensiue as defensiue which one after another were thrown to the ground and at the instant when any peece of armour was cast downe the King of Armes first and after him all other Heralds cryed aloud saying this is the head-peece of a disloyall and miscreant Knight Then was brought thither a basen of golde or siluer full of warme water which being holden vp the Heralds with a loud voice saide What is the Knights name The Purseuants answered that which in trueth was his name Then the chiefe King of Armes said That is not true for he is a miscreant and false traitour and hath transgressed the ordinances of Knighthood Thereunto answered the Chaplains Let vs giue him his right name Then spake the Trumpets What shall be done with him To which wordes the King answered Let him with dishonour and shame be banished my kingdome as a vile and infamous man that hath offended the honour of Knighthood So soone as the King had so said the King of Armes and other Heralds cast the warme water vpon the disgraded Knights face as though he were new baptized saying Henceforth thou shalt be called by thy right name Traitour Then the King with twelue other Knights put vpon them mourning garments declaring sorow and comming vnto the Knight disgraded put him downe the Stage not by the stayers hee mounted vp when he was made Knight but threwe him downe tyed vnto a rope Then with great ignominy hee was brought vnto the Altar and there layd groueling on the ground and ouer him was read a Psalme full of curses CHAP. 5. ¶ Of Knights of the Round Table ABout the yeere of Christ 490. there raigned in England then called Britaine a King named Arthur whose valour was so great and admirable as many men now liuing doe hold the same rather fabulous then credible Yet whoso shall consider enterprises of later time atchieued by priuate persons may be easily induced to thinke that a great part of praise written of that mighty Monarche may reasonably receiue beleefe But omitting to speake of his prowesse percase already by others ouerlargely discoursed I say that this most famous King hauing expulsed out of England the Saxons conquered Norway Scotland and the most part of France was crowned in the Citie of Paris From whence returned he erected a certaine Association or brotherhood of Knights who vowed to obserue these Articles following First that euery Knight should be well armed and furnished to vndertake any enterprise wherein he was employed by Sea or land on horsebacke or foot That he should be euer prest to assaile all Tyrants and oppressours of people That he should protect widowes●and maidens restore children to their right repossesse such persons as were without iust cause exiled and withall his force maintaine the Christian faith That he should be a Champion for the weale publique and as a Lion repulse the enemies of his countrey That he should aduance the reputation of honour and suppresse al vice releeue people afflicted by aduerse fortune giue aide to holy Church and protect pilgrimes That he should bury Souldiers that wanted sepulture deliuer prisoners ransome captiues and cure men hurt in seruice of their countrey That he should in all honourable actions aduenture his person yet with respect to iustice and trueth and in all enterprises proceed sincerely neuer
Collars in token they excell all other degrees of Knighthood Godfredus Adelmar● Institut Ordin Tem plariorum Fol. 98. CHAP. 18. Knights Templars IN the yeere 1117. nine Gentlemen who happened to meete in the Holy land of which number was Godfredus Aldemaro Alexandrino and Hugo de Planco de Paganus among themselues determined to erect an Association or brotherhood And being come vnto Ierusalem they consulted vpon the estate of that countrey beeing enformed that in Zaffo a towne anciently appertaining to the family of Contareni in Venice there remained many theeues that vsed daily to rob such Pilgrims as resorted vnto the holy Sepulchre They therefore resolued as a seruice acceptable to God to hazard their liues in the suppression of those robbers whereby the way vnto Ierusalem might become secure And because the Christian armie was then employed in recouery of the Holy land no order was taken for safe passage To encourage these Gentlemen in so praiseable an enterprise a lodging in the Temple of Ierusalem neere vnto the Sepulchre was appointed of which place they tooke the name of Knights Templars Also the King and Patriarch much liking an action so honourable furnished them with many necessarie prouisions To them also resorted many other Christians so as in short time the number became much encreased yet no habit signe or rule was agreed vpon Notwithstanding the Gentlemen persisted in their vow nine yeeres and grew to so great reputation that Pope Honorius at the suite of Steuen Patriarch of Ierusalem prescribed vnto them an order of life whereby they were enioyned to weare a white garment and Pope Eugenius added thereunto a red Crosse. After which time they elected an head or great master like vnto him that commandeth in Malta The number of these Knights daily encreased and their enterprises became famous not onely for guarding the way and passages but also they vndertooke warre against the Infidels both by Sea and land And the Christian Princes mooued with loue of their vertue in sundry prouinces assigned vnto them houses and great reuenues to be spent in Gods seruice In processe of time they became so potent as in euery Christian kingdome they were owners of Townes Fortresses and Castles and wheresoeuer the great Master did goe a mightie army did follow him It pleased God afterwards to permit that Ierusalem and other places of the Holyland through discord among the Christians and negligence of Princes not sending thither any aid was conquered about ninety yeeres CHAP. 19. Knights of San Iago At such time as the Arabians had well neere conquered the Countrey the remainder of the Spanish people refusing to liue vnder the Lawes of that barbarous nation retired themselues vnto the mountaines of Asturia and there setled a gouernment After some yeeres of their abode there certaine gentlemen consulting together determined to make an association and begin a warre vpon the infidels and Moores These gentlemen to the number of thirteene being all Barons and men of great qualitie agreed also vpon certaine religious rules of Knighthood yet reseruing vnto themselues libertie of mariage The Ensigne which they resolued to weare was a red Crosse in forme of a sword This Order was erected at such time as the King Don Ramiro wanne the victory against the Moores in the prouince of Compostella at which time great possessions and priuiledges were giuen to S. Iames of Compostella Anno 1030. This Order hath one chiefe gouernour who is called great Master he with thirteene other Knights haue authoritie to choose or remooue any Knight at their discretion Vpon the feast day of all Saints these Knights do vse to meete and consult vpon matters apperteining to their estate The reuenues belonging to these Knights is marueilous amounting to many hundred thousand duckets Many Popes haue giuen their alowance to this Order yet either they could not or would not reserue a greater tribute thereof then ten Malachini yeerely Thomas Docwra Ordinis S. Iohis Hi●rosolom vulgo de Malta Pras. in Anglia Eques vlt. Fol 94. CHAP. 20. Knights of S. Iohn Ierusalem called Knights of the Rhodes and now of Malta IT is written I know not with what warrant that at the Citie of Amiens in Picardie a Prouince of France there was borne a certaine Gentleman who in his childhood had bene brought vp in learning and being growen to mans estate disposed himselfe to the exercise of Armes and there in long time continued Afterwards hauing attained riper yeres he despised the world and framed himselfe to a solitarie life as one fully resolued to liue in contemplation vnseene of any but God alone Hauing sometime remained in that solitarie sort a suddaine desire he had to visite the Sepulchre where Christ was buried which shortly after he did And to the end he might with securitie passe the Barbarous Nations he apparelled himselfe like vnto a Phisition by which meane without impediment he performed his iorney Thus hauing passed the difficulties of trauell in diuers strange Countries he arriued at Ierusalem and being there fell into acquaintance with Simon Patriarch of that Citie and in lamenting wise enformed him of the oppression and crueltie offered and dayly vsed by the Infidels towardes the poore Christians in those Countreys Whereunto Simon answered that albeit the Christians in those countreys indured great outrages yet they of Ierusalem suffered much greater and should be forced to more if God did not defend them By this conference the Patriarch conceiued Peter the Hermit for so he was called to be a man of good vnderstanding and apt to execute any action of importance that should be committed vnto him Whereupon the Patriarch determined to make him a messenger vnto the Pope vnto whom by letters he imparted the great calamitie and afflicted estate of the poore Christians inhabiting the Holy land Peter hauing receiued his instructions and letter of credence returned into the West first vnto the Pope and after sollicited other Princes in such sort and with so good successe as by his perswasions many great Kings and Potentates consented to take in hand the recouery of the Holy land from the oppression of the Infidels and some of them furnished that enterprise with men some with money and some did go in person Among which number as the chiefe was Robert Duke of Normandie sonne to King William of England Godfrey Duke of Lorain with two of his brethren called Eustace and Baldwin Robert Earle of Flanders Hugh surnamed the Great brother to the French King with diuers other Princes Dukes Earles and Barons Also thither went Beaumond Duke of Calabria who for zeale to that seruice or desire of honour resigned his Dukedome vnto Ruggiero his brother taking with him so many of his subiects as would voluntarily follow him of whom with such other Captaines and souldiers of Italy as came vnto him hee assembled more then twenty thousand all choyse men and young fit for warre All things in this sort prepared for the iourney Vrban
speede pearced further into the Iland till in the end of three assaults he gained the place where the fatall sword was whereof hauing layd hold he flourished ouer his head and forthwith the misty cloudes of darkenes vanished so as euery man might see all places of the Castel The darkenes of the fortresse thus driuen away the Prince with his inchanted sword touched the wals and immediatly they fell downe The castel thus demolished the Inchanter Norabroc with a Turkish cap on his head came forth and kneeling on his knees desired the Princes pardon Therewith also he set at libertie all the knights whom he held in prison and they being free in triumphant wise fo●lowed the Prince to his Court. CHAP. 42. The inauguration of Carolus Magnus King of Italy Anno 773. WHen Desiderio King of the Lombards was taken prisoner and the people of Lombardie yeelded to Charles he proclaimed himselfe King of all Italy which title by law of Armes he iustly claimed to be his The same was also by the decree of Pope Gregory confirmed Then was he also by the Bishop of Milan crowned at Modena The crowne he recei●ed was of iron for of that mettall he commanded it should be made enioyning all his successors to doe the like The order and ceremonies of that coronation remaineth recorded in the Rota at Rome and is to this day obserued at the Inauguration of all Emperours when they are elected King of Romanes The morning when this Charles was to be crowned certaine Bishops were sent to conduct him from his chamber vnto the Church and being come thither he was brought before the high Altar Then the Archbishop after he had said certaine prayers turned himselfe to the people and asked them whether they did consent to receiue that Prince for their King and whether they determined faithfully to obey his lawes and commandements So soone then as the people had pronounced their consent the Bishop with holy oyle anointed the Kings head his breast and shoulders therewith praying God to blesse him and grant him good successe in Armes with an happie succession of children These Ceremonies being ended the Archbishop deliuered into the Kings hand a sword and ornified him with a bracelet a ring and a scepter Also vpon his head he set the crown aforesaid All those things being done he kissed him as a signe of peace and so departed from the King CHAP. 43. The Inauguration of Carolus Magnus being made Emperour Anno 800. WHen the people inhabiting the confines of Beneuento had much molested that Countrey and were subdued by Vinigesius the sonne of Charles then Duke of Spoleto Leo the Bishop of Rome in the time of prayers when all the people were assembled the Barons of Rome also present did consecrate and anoint Charles before the Altar Basilica where he also receiued the Ensignes of the Empire From thence he was conducted to the chiefe Altar of the Temple and there anointed when he had raigned in France 33 yeeres before which time no Emperour in three hundred and thirtie yeeres had bene seene in Italy This order of coronation hath euer since bene obserued At euery such coronation the people with one voice did cry Carolo Augusto Magno Pacifico vita victoria The same time also Pypin his sonne was anointed and by solemne decree of the Pope declared King of Italy CHAP. 44. The Inauguration of Pope Gregorie x. IN the yeere 1268. Pope Clement the fourth died at Viterbo After whose death the Papacie by discord of Cardinals was voide two yeeres and nine moneths The Cardinals then present in Court were seuenteene whose disconformitie continued the seat voyd almost three yeeres yet did they assemble often but euery one ambitiously affecting the Papacie for himselfe nothing could be concluded for in those dayes the Cardinals were not shut vp in the conclaue as since hath beene the vse but euery one went at libertie and at his pleasure The creation of the Pope thus deferred Phillip the Frence King and Charles king of Sicill came vnto Viterbo to sollicite the election yet they preuailed not One day these Kings being present in the Conclaue the Cardinall of Porto seeing the frowardnesse of the other Cardinals who seemed to pray ayd of the holy Ghost in that action said vnto them My Lords let vs vntile the roofe of this chamber for it seemeth the holy Ghost cannot enter if the house be still couered And so soone as he heard that Gregory was pronounced Pope he framed these verses of that election viz. Papatus munus tulit Archidiaconus vnus Quem patrem patrum fecit discordia fratrum This Pope before his ascension was called Theobaldus an Archdeacon no Cardinall being also at that time beyond the sea at Ptolemaida in Syria whether he was gone with Edward the King of Englands eldest son From thence they intended among other pilgrims to go vnto Ierusalem But hearing he was pronounced Pope returned from Syria into Italy and being come to Viterbo he receiued the Ensignes of Papacie From thence he passed to Rome and was there crowned by the name of Gregory the tenth He liued Pope sixe yeeres sixe moneths and tenne dayes and finding fault with some orders of the Church chiefly in electing the Pope he framed diuers Canons of which these are part First that the assembly of Cardinals for choise of euery new Pope should be at a place fit for the purpose and where the Pope defunct with his Court did die But if the death hapened in any village or small towne then the next citie to be the place of election That no election of any new Pope should be till after ten dayes that the other Pope departed to the end the Cardinals absent might appeare That no Cardinal in his absence should be permitted to haue any suffrage or voice in the conclaue That euery Cardinal absent and euery other person of any condition should be capable of the Papacie That no Cardinal entred into the Conclaue should goe out before the new Pope were created That no Cardinal or other person should ambitiously endeauour to compasse the Papacie by money or other corruption vpon perill of the Popes curse CHAP. 45. ¶ The Inauguration of Henry the 4. King of England 1399. THis King called before Duke of Lancaster came first to Westminster and from thence he went vnto the Tower of London accompanied with the Nobilitie and the rest of his Court there he made nine Knights of the Bath and 46. other Knights The next day after dinner he returned to Westminster in great pompe he himselfe riding through London kept his head bare and about his neck he ware the collar appertaining to the Order of Fraunce Before the King went the Prince his sonne sixe Dukes sixe Earles and eighteene Barons besides other Lordes Knights Esquiers and Gentlemen to the number of 900. or thereabout By the way awaited the Lord Mayor with his brethren and officers of the City Also the companies of euery
Hall in their Liueries which number amounted to sixe hundred All the streets where the King passed were hanged with cloth of golde siluer or rich Arras That day and the next all the conduits were full of wine some Claret and some White The night before the Coronation the King washed his body and the next morning prayed in the presence of three Prelats The next morning the Clergie in great numbers attended the King to the Temple of Westminster and from thence all the Lords and Knights of the Order in their robes awaited vpon his Maiestie to the Pallace who all that way marched vnder the Canopy of State On either hand of the King a sword was caried the one represented the Ecclesiasticall the other Politicall iurisdiction The Ecclesiasticall sword was borne by the Prince of Wales the Kings sonne the sword of Iustice Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland and Constable of England did beare which office was lately taken from the Earle of Rutland and giuen to him The scepter was caried by the Earle of Westmerland Marshall of England In this order and thus accompanied the King came into the Church where he found a place of State prepared in the mids there he set himselfe downe being furnished with all his rich and royall ornaments the crowne excepted The Archbishop of Canterbury preached and shewed the Kings person vnto the people saying Behold him here that is to raigne ouer you for so God hath ordained Will you quoth hee consent he shall be crowned your King whereunto they answered Yea and holding vp their hands offered to be sworne Then the King went downe from his seate and kneeled before the high Altar where two Archbishops and ten Bishops did take off his royall garments and annoynt him in the presence of all the multitude viz. on the crowne of his head on the breast on the shoulders on the palmes of his hands which done they set his cap vpon his head Then the King put vpon him a garment like vnto a Deacon and girt the same as Prelates vse to doe Then they buckled vpon one of his feete a Spurre and drew forth the sword of Iustice which they deliuered into the Kings hand and he put it vp into the sheath when it was put vp the Archbishop of Canterbury girt it vnto his side Then was the Crowne of S. Edward brought thither and by that Archbishop set vpon the Kings head All these ceremonies and Diuine Seruice finished the King with the same pompe he came to the Church returned to the Pallace in the mids whereof was a fountaine which flowed with wine white and red At dinner the King did sit at the first table at the second sate the fiue chiefe Peeres of the kingdome at the third the Mayor and Aldermen at the fourth the nine new made Knights at the fifh the Knights Gentlemen of the Kings house So long as the King did sit the Prince of Wales stood on his right hand holding the Ecclesiasticall sword and on the left hand stood the Constable of England shaking the sword of Iustice vnder them stood the Marshall holding the Scepter At the Kings table besides the King two Archbishops and three other Bishops did sit In the dinner time a Knight well mounted armed at all peeces came into the Hall and before him rode an other horseman that caried his Launce his name was Dymmock This Champion hauing his sword drawen and a Mace also ready deliuered vnto the king a scroule of paper wherein was contained that if any Gentleman would denie that Henry there present were not the lawfull King of England he was ready by Armes to maintaine it where and when the King should command This Cartell was deliuered to a King of Armes and by the Kings commandement proclaimed in the palace and in sixe places of the Citie but no man found to say the contrary and so the ceremonie of this Coronation ended CHAP. 46. The Inauguration of Charles the French King at Rhemes 1380. THis Charles the 6. King of France of that name being twelue yeeres olde was crowned in the presence of the Dukes of Anioy Auuernia Burgundy Burbon Brabant Berry and Lorayn the Earle of Piedmont the Earle of Marcury the Earle Eu and William Lord of Namur beeing present the Earle of Flanders and Bloys sent their deputies The King entred the citie of Rhemes with a marueilous troupe of Lords and Gentlemen hauing before them thirty trumpets sounding His Maiestie alighted at our Lady Church and thither resorted vnto him his cosins of Albert Nauarre Barry Harecourt and other yong Princes and Lords of the blood whom the next day he dubbed Knights On Sonday after the King went vnto the Church which was most sumptuously prepared There the Bishop crowned his Maiestie and anointed him with that oyle wherewith Saint Remigius had anointed Clodoueus the first Christian King of France That Oyle was miraculously as is reported sent from heauen by an Angel purposely to anoint Clodoueus And being preserued euer since a glasse although all the kings haue bene therwith anointed yet is the quantity thereof no whit decreased The King being come before the high Altar did honour all the yong men aforesayd with Knighthood and that done hee kneeled vpon rich foote Carpets that were there spred at his feete the yong Princes newly made Knights did sit and Oliuer Clisson newly also aduanced to be Constable of the kingdome performed his office and there amids the nobility with all pomp possible the King was crowned Then to the end that all men might haue cause to reioice the King was pleased to remit and forgiue all taxations subsidies and impositions by what name soeuer lately inuented The Coronation finished his Maiestie returned to the palace where his table was prepared and hereat besides the King did sit the Dukes his vncles viz. the Duke of Brabant Anioy Auuernia Burgundy and Burbon and on his right hand sate the Archbishop of Rhemes with other Lords of the Spiritualty Touching meaner Lords of the kingdome they shifted for place where it could be found The Admirals Coucy Clisson and Tremoly had their tables equally couered with Carpets of Tissue The next day the King dined according to ancient vse and the charge of the Inauguration was defrayd by the Citizens of Rhemes These ceremonies being consummate with great pomp triumph and ioy he returned to Paris CHAP. 47. At the Inauguration of King Henry the third French King three notable things obserued FIrst when he should haue bene anointed with the holy oile there was none found in the ceremonious Horne which for many yeeres had bene preserued by miracle as a relike sent from heauen Secondly when in the royall seate the Crowne was set vpon his head by certaine Bishops as is accustomed he cried out twise Oh it hurts me Thirdly when he kneeled before the Altar during Masse the Crowne fell from his head all which seemed ominous to the beholders and so it prooued both to himselfe
shall holde the candle before the Esquier till the reading of the Gospell and then the Esquier shall hold it himselfe till the Gospel be ended and then it shall be set before him till all the Seruice be ended Then one of the gouernours shall take away the hood from the Esquier And when the Gospel is read the Esquier shall kneele downe and offer money in the honour of God and him that shall make him Knight Then the Esquiers gouernours shall leade him into his chamber and lay him in his bed till it be farre day And whilest hee resteth in his bed he shal be couered that is to say with a couerlet of gold called Sigleton and the same shall be lined with Kersie And when it seemeth good to the Gouernours they shall goe to the King and say vnto him Sir when it pleaseth your Grace our Master shall rise And then the King shall commaund the Knights Esquiers and Minstrels to goe to the chamber to cause him rise and to make him ready and to bring him before him in his Hall But before their entring and noise of musicke heard the Esquiers shall make all things ready for the apparelling of him One Knight shall giue him his shirt another his hose the third his dublet another shall apparell him in a kertle of red Tartar Two other shall lift him out of his bed two others shall put on his blacke netherstockes soled with leather two other to lace his Manches another to girde him with a girdle of white leather without any studs another shall combe his head another shall put on his coife another shall giue him a Mantle of silke and Kertle of red Tartar laced with a white silke lace But the Chandler shall haue for his fees all the garments and others wherewith he was clothed at the first entrie and also the bed and Sigleton for which fees the Chandler of his owne expences shall finde the coife gloues girdle lace Then the Knights shall mount on horsebacke and conduct him to the Hall the musicke playing before him his horse sadled with blacke leather the Arson white stirrop leathers blacke and stirrops gilt the pectorel of blacke leather with a crosse paty of gold hanging before the horse feete and without a crouper the bridle of blacke leather with a crosse paty on the forehead and then a yong Esquier to ride before him without a hood who shall beare his sword by the point with the spurres hanging at the hilts which are white studded with blacke and a white leather girdle without any studdes When they come to the Kings Hall the Gouernours and Marshals shal be ready to meete him and at his alighting the Marshall shall haue his horse or else 100. sh. for his see he shall be brought to the vppermost table in the Hall and there tarie till the Kings comming the Knights on each side of him and the young man holding his sword betweene the two Esquiers And when the King commeth into the Hall and looketh on the Esquier ready to take the high Order of temporall dignitie he shall demand the sword and the spurres and the Chamberlaine shall take the sword and the spurres from the yong man and shall shew them to the King then the King shall take the right spurre and shall deliuer it to the most noble Lord saying Put this vpon the Esquiers heele and he kneeling on that one knee shall take the Esquier by the right legge and put his foote vpon his knee and make fast the spurre to his right heele and the Lord shall make a crosse on the knee of the Esquier and kisse him This done another Lorde shall come and fasten the spurre to the left foot in the same manner And then the King of his great curtesie shall take the sword and gird it about the Esquier and then the Esquier shall lift vp his Armes on high holding the Gantlets in his hands betweene his fingers and the thumbes And the King shall put his arme about the Esquiers necke and lift his right hand vp and smite the Esquier on the shoulder saying Be a good Knight and then kisseth him And then the Knights doe leade the new Knight to the Chappell with great melody to the high Altar where he kneeleth downe and putteth his right hand vpon the Altar promising to defend the right of holy Church during his life And then he shall vngird the sword and with great deuotion pray vnto Almightie God that he may keepe the Order which he hath taken vpon him and accomplish the same to the end and taketh a drop of wine And at his going out of the Chappell the Kings master Cooke is ready to take away the spurres and to haue them for his see saying I am come from the King being his master Cooke to take the spurres from you and to shewe you that if you doe any thing against the order of Chiualrie which God forbid I will cut away the spurres from your heeles And then the Knights shall lead him backe into the Hall and he beginneth the table of Knights and the Knights shall sit about him and he shal be serued as the other are but he shall neither eate nor drinke nor mooue or looke here or there no more then one that is new married This done one of the gouernors shall haue a handkerchife in his hand which he shall hold before his face when he wil spit or such like and when the King is risen from the table and gone into his chamber then the new Knight shall be led with a great number of Knights and Minstrels before him to his chamber and at their entring the Knights and Minstrels shall take leaue and hee shall goe to dinner The Knights beeing departed the chamber shall be shut and that newe Knight shal be dispoiled of all his abillaments which shall be giuen to the Knights Heralds if they be present or els to the Minstrels with a marke in siluer if he be a Bacheler Knight and if hee be a Baron then double somuch if hee be an Earle or higher estate alwayes doubled and the Russet night-cap shall be giuen to the watch or els a noble in money And then he shal be apparelled in a blew gowne with the Manches open in the maner of a Priest and hee shall haue at his left shoulder a lace of white silke hanging which he shall weare vppermost on his garment so long till hee haue gained honour in Armes and be recorded by some noble Knights Esquiers and Heralds of Armes for some memorable deeds done by him as hath bene said before or by some noble Prince or noble Lady which may cut away the lace from the Knights shoulder saying Sir wee haue heard much of your renowne and what you haue done in diuers places to the great honor of Chiualrie for your selfe and him that made you Knight therefore reason would that this lace should be taken frō you But after dinner the Knights and
and all other Lords of the Court. The day of triumph being come the King and the Queene attended vpon by the troopes of men at Armes and Ladies aforesaid passed through London from the Tower to Smithfield Being come thither the King the Queene the Ladies and other honourable personages setled themselues in such places as were prepared and sorted with their degrees Then were the men of Armes marshalled and set in such order as they should runne The first courses were allotted to the Earle of S. Paul and his Band who were with great courage encountred by the English Betweene them the first dayes Iusting was spent and that night his Maiestie the Queene and all the company supped and lodged in the Bishops house neere to Saint Pauls Church The chiefe honour and commendation of that first fight was among the strangers giuen vnto the Earle of S. Paul and among the English the Earle of Huntington had the praise This magnificent supper ended euery one resorted to his lodging the King and Queene onely excepted who continued their lodging in that house all the time of that triumph The next day after noone King Richard himselfe in compleat Armour appeared in the fielde being followed with the whole band of English Knights Thither also came the Queene with her traine of Ladies and was set in that roome where the day before she had bene placed The first of the strangers that offered to runne was the Earle of Oye who presented himselfe and his companie most pompously furnished And after him followed the Earle of S. Paul with his troope of Frenchmen The Knights strangers being entred and readie were foorthwith incountred by the English The conflict continued till darke night with equall honour The Iusts of that day ended the King returned to his lodging accompanied with the Noble strangers and there supped The chiefe commendation of that day on the strangers part was allotted to the Earle of Oye who by his vertue without fauour so deserued Likewise among the English a Gentleman named Hewe Spencer was highly praysed On Tuesday also the men at Armes resorted to the Tilt and continued the exercise with great admiration of the beholders On Wednesday the runners intermingled themselues and euery one did runne as he thought good On Thursday the King conuited all the men and all the women supped with the Queene On Friday the whole company was feasted by the Duke of Lancaster On Saturday the King and the Queene accompanied with the Earles of Oye and S. Paul in great state rode to Windsor where they were most honourably intertayned and the Earle of Oye receiued the Garter From thence euery one returned home CHAP. 30. The triumphall passage of Charles the fift Emperour through France Anno 1540. IN the moneth of December this Emperour arriued at Bayon where the Dolphin and Duke of Auuernia with great pompe receiued him Being in the towne he behaued himselfe as King pardoning offenders and deluering them from prison From thence with like Maiestie he passed to other cities accompanied with the sayd Dolphin and Duke where he vsed the same authority In Ianuary hee came to Castelloaldum where the King in person with much magnificence intertained him From thence he passed to Amboyse where King Charles the 8. had built two great towers the walles whereof are so large as Mules and Carts may passe vpon them The King then to the end that Caesars entrie in the night should bee the more magnificent furnished those towers with an exceeding great number of lights so as they might behold all the Countrey as if it had bene faire day But when Caesar was going vp by great mishap the tower fell on fire the flame and smoke whereof became so great as euery one feared lest the Emperour should haue bene smothered Whereupon all men there present laboured by fleeing to saue themselues Some that were suspected to haue done this fact were apprehended and the King did command they should be hanged though indeed no proofe appeared but Caesar would in no wise they should die so were they pardoned After this disaster the King conducted the Emperar to Bleas and from thence to Fountainableu where they hunted hauked and beheld certaine Iusts and Tournaments in conclusion no sport or solace was omitted From thence the Emperour attended by the Dolphin and Duke went to Paris Before he entred the citie the Burgesses and Citizens of all sorts came foorth and receiued him with no lesse ceremony then if the King had bene present there he also set at libertie all prisoners From thence he passed vnto the Constables house and was there most honourably lodged At last he went into Picardy and so to Valentia which is the first town of his iurisdiction in Belgica vnto which place the Dolphin and Duke did follow him CHAP. 31. The triumphall Entry of Philip Prince of Spaine at Milan An. 1548. THis Prince entred at the gate towards Pauia where the citizens had made a stately bridge whereupon they shewed diuers Pageants Arkes triumphal adorned with verses and sentences very markable About three of the clocke after noone he entred the citie where the most reputed citizens did attend him in Burgo della Trinitá as they call it Being passed that place hee was saluted by Caesar Gonzaga the Count Iohn Treuultio the Count Charles Belgioso and many other noble persons richly apparelled After them Mutio Sforza presented his reuerence being accompanied with a great troupe of Gentlemen of the Countrey clad in white silke and bearing in their hands Pollaxes the heads of them were gilt and the staues couered with white silke Then followed the Doctors schollers accompanied with 300 horsemen apparelled in yellow coats And immediatly appeared two other troupes of men lightly armed which company garded the ancient Lords and Noblemen of the countrey among whom were some Princes Earles and Barons That troupe was so great as two houres sufficed not to see them passe They that rode next vnto the Princes person were the Duke of Alba the Duke of Sossa the Marquesse of Pescara the Admiral of Castilia the Marquesse Milo Ferdinando Gonzaga On the one side of the Prince the Cardinal of Trent on the other the Duke of Sauoy did ride Behind them followed fiue companies of men at Armes apparelled in siluer and gold conducted by Count Alexander Gonzaga Count Francisco Somaia Count Philippo Tornello two other noblemen I omit to tell of diuers shewes Arkes triumphal and other sights wherwith in euery streete the Prince was entertained by Italians onely These Complements ended the Prince came vnto the chiefe Church at the doore whereof were excellent Paintries The Prince in his entire to the Church was by the Senate and people of Milan presented with a basin of gold ful of double Duckats to the number of ten thousand as was reported The Prince thus entertained and setled in the citie Iusts and Tournaments were brought before him The Actors in that triumph were apparelled in
in their crests they ware feathers of many colours Before them rode a young man apparelled like to a woman after the most anticke fashion That woman was mounted vpon a fish and by her a footman did runne She complained and bitterly cursed one by whom she had bene iniured Then the Knights who accompanied her promised to be reuenged and presently determined to assault the Iland The first of these three Knights bearing many colours was Yuan Cunia the Spaniard who at the second course hurt the Earle Arenberg very sore and hauing lost the vse of one finger on his right hand he ran no more In his place therefore succeeded a Knight vnknowen wearing the signe of an horne Then came the Earle Hochstrate in white siluer wearing on his breast a rose And although he perfourmed his part well yet was he forced to dismount The Earle Arenberg beeing wounded in his place one other of three knights errant did come who was the Lord Hubermunt of the Emperors Chamber The third Knight was Peter Ernest Earle Mansfield calling himselfe Knight of the white Moyle Against him came the Knight of the golden Lyon vpon whom the Earle Mansfield brake three swords but the fourth sword by misaduenture fell out of his hand and thereby he forced to become prisoner And this was the end of that dayes conflict The next day soone after dinner out came the Lord Pelous of Burgundy called the Knight of the greene Shield hee and his horse were furnished with gold and greene The first three encounters he made against the Lord Thourlo were to good purpose but beeing come to the Sword it was by force wrested from him and he caried to prison Then followed Rodorigo Bassano a Spaniard called Pedro Vermandesio who within three encounters was taken The Lo. Courlan a Burgundian called Knight of the three Starres all in greene desiring to be reuenged was also made prisoner The next day Peter Ernestus Earle Mansfield desired againe to try his fortune calling himselfe the feathered Knight But at the second encounter his aduersaries Launce brake the sight of his headpeece and cut his nose wherewith he fell downe dead yet because the armour was good and the violence of the blow broken he recouered After Mansfield followed the L. Noyel a Fleming who after a little fight before the tower of Terror where he fought with great courage was forced to yeeld Then Iacomo di Leyua a Spaniard called the Indian Knight attired in blacke after the second course yeelded himselfe Next to the Spaniard entred two Knights in red cloth of Tissue richly embrodered with gold they called themselues Knights of Hungary The one was the Prince of Ascoli who at the first encounter yeelded himselfe neither had Giacobo a Cunia called also Gonartus a Stella tenebrosa better fortune for at the first course he was taken The first that entred the Iland by force was Iohn Guixada sirnamed Gulielmus Superbus Hee apparelled in blacke tissue embrodered about with gold by force of Armes brake into all the passages and then by aid of the Lord Bossuuio master of the Emperours stable was receiued into a Barke hauing sayles of white and red silke So being landed in the I le he attempted to winne the precious sword And though his attempt prooued vaine yet in approbation of his valour the Queene did giue him a crowne Next to him his brother with equall fortune entred the Iland men called him Iohn Lodouic Guixada who for his hardy enterprise receiued also a garland The like successe had the Duke of Arscot his brother who with the Marquesse of Cieura called Knight of the red Shield wheron were painted three Mores heads entred the Ile Likewise Ferdinando della Zerda a Spaniard called fortunes Knight hauing slaine the guard was also crowned The next day also Monsieur de Chaumont called the sodaine Knight and one other Knight named Florestan which was the Lord Valous both Flemings yeelded their charges The fift man that entred the Ile was Lodouico Zapatta a Spaniard his garments were of yellow cloth of gold But Iohn Zeuendio a Spaniard also called the sorowfull Knight was forced in the first straight to alight was presently ledde into the darke fortresse The like fortune had Monsieur de Moncean named Knight of the Mistie mountaine The sixt that entred the Ile was the Earle of Megen otherwise the Knight of the Sunne His apparell was blacke cloth of gold The like good hap was like to befall vnto Monsieur Champagni but his horse encountring an enemy at the chocke amazed him so much as he fell downe and was taken prisoner The seuenth garland Gaspero Roblesio a Spaniard gained He being called Knight of the Moone recouered the second passage complaining vnto the Earle of Egmont that the Iudges without desert had giuen honor to Monsieur de Truilier a Frenchman But Monsieur Querenaut a Knight errant encountring Monsieur Preux called Knight of the Rose tooke him prisoner Then Garna ab Ayala a Spaniard called the Knight of Death all in blacke poudered white came foorth to fight Before ●im the Queenes Musicians went singing a funerall tune which prognosticated his misaduenture for at the first encounter he was taken Then appeared one called Knight of the Bas●lisco beeing indeed Monsieur Myngoual who in a fight on foot gained great honour but at his first encounter on horsebacke he became prisoner The eight garland Monsieur de Mally a Flemish Gentleman and a follower of the Duke of Arscot obtained That Knight was brauely furnished in white siluer and called himselfe the furious Knight Last of all the prince of Spaine with his Band of Knights appeared their attire was vermilion cloth of gold wrought with flowers of siluer and garded about with lace of gold The Caparisons of their horses were of the same Also the Saddles the Petrels Croopers and Girthes were of vermilion silke mixed with gold so was euery mans scaberd and all the fauours in their Creasts were made of white and vermilion red The chiefe Knight of the princes company was the Marques of Pescara sonne to the Marquesse of Guasta in Italy who called himselfe Knight Anonius a beardlesse yong man yet so valorous as in that fight he receiued a crowne Next to him was the Baron Noirquerk a Fleming called Knight of the the Rose a gallant Gentleman yet at the first encounter taken prisoner The third was the Marquesse of Monte Knight of the Skie because his Armour was of that colour Hee passed the Strait but further hee could not goe The fourth was the Prince of Piemount and Duke of Sauoy whose vertue merited a garland but his sword could not gaine more ground but onely to enter the Iland The fift was the Prince of Spaine who brake his two first Launces with great courage and the third was torne with so great violence as thereof ten pieces were seen to lie on the ground These courses furiously perfourmed he drew forth his sword and with marueilous
edomiti Burgraues quasi 〈◊〉 Comites Rheingraues qui praesunt rusticis In the Court Imperiall Comes was anciently the title of sundry officers as Comes Largitionum Comes laborum Comes Consistorianus Comes Palatij Comes Palaij had Iura Regalia and thereby might erect Barons vnder them as Hugh Lupus first Count Palatin of Chester made eight Barons and had that Earledome giuen vnto him by the Conqueror ita liberè ad Gladium sicut ipse Rex tenebat Angliam ad Coronam The Countie of Lancaster was made County Palatine by King Edward the third and had Barons Chancerie and Seale so had the Bishopricks of Durham and Ely The Offices of these Barons were to sit in Councell and Parliament with the Earle in his Pallace and to honor his Court with their presence Also for more magnificence these Earles kept their Grandiours and festiuall dayes as absolute Princes in their prouinces Comes Marescallus Angliae is an Earle by office and so is no other Earle of England but hee he is in the vancancie of the Constable the Kings lieutenant Generall in all marshall affaires His office is of great commandement and endued with many honourable priuiledges King Rich. the second in the 21. of his reigne granted to Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey Earle Marshal of England Quod idem Dux ratione officij sui habeat gerat deferat quendā baculū aureum circa vtrumque finem de nigro annulatum non obstante quod aliquis alius ante haec tempora baculum ligneum portare consueuerit To the degree of an Earle belongeth a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood with a Coronet of gold with points only and no flowers CHAP. 12. A Vicount A Vicount is in degree dignity next vnto an Erle it was anciently a name of Office vnder an Earle and called Vicecomes or Subcomes and this office was to heare and determine causes of difference and to execute Iustice in the Earles County The Saxons called him the Shyre-Reue and in the Norman speech Vicount Hee is of greater dignity then a Baron as is the Vicount de Thureyn and the Vicount of Combre in Fraunce or as the Vicounts Mountacute and Vicount Howard of Bindon in England This degree hath a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood and a Circulet without either Floures or Points as appeareth in the Margent CHAP. 13. A Baron NExt ensueth a Baron which dignity was called in the British tongue Dynast in the Saxon Thayn in Latine Baro which signifieth Vir grauis for Albertus de Rosa in his Dictionary expressing the signification of the word Baro sayth Barones dicuntur graues personae à Graeco vocabulo Baria quod idem est quod autoritas grauis Likewise Calap in his Dictionary sayth Baro est vir fortis à quo fit diminutiuum Barunculus Men in this dignity were euer of great reputation for Hortensius speaking of Barons whome Dominicus de S. Gemi calleth also Capitanius sayth Non solum militare sed prudenter atque grauiter ipsis ducibus consulere officium est Baronis Barons were also anciently accounted companions to Earls and others of higher dignity and therefore reckoned of that number called Peeres or Pares regni or Pares homines of some men pronounced Parhomines and corruptly Barones conuerting the letter P. into B. as Libard for Leopard The dignitie of a Baron is thus defined Baronia est quaedam dignitas inter nobiles habens quandam praeeminentiam inter solos simplices nobiles post principatus ex consuetudine introductam ex quodam mod● vtendi diuer simode diuersas patrias Cass. It seemeth also that a Baron in diuers Countreys is diuersly esteemed for in England they are to proceede according to their segniority but in Burgundy they be reputed the greatest Barons that are of greatest possessions And as a Duke had anciently vnder him ten Earles or Earledomes and an Earle 10 Baronies so a Baron ought be commander of some competent company of Segniories the greater the number be the more his honour Quanto maiora qu●●tractat tanto ipse maior est Dauid Likewise Salustius in his Prooeme of Catelin sayd Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio In the kingdome of Naples all Gentlemen hauing iurisdiction appertaining to their lands and castels are called Barons yet in diuers places of France no Segniory is reputed a Barony vnlesse it hath belonging vnto it foure Castels one Hospital one Colledge with a Chruch hauing also a Seale autentike Which dignitie is preferred before the title of Gentlemen yet is inferiour to all Countiships such is the opinion of Cassaneus lib. 8. One other degree of great estate and titular dignity there is called Princes although in England I haue not seene or read of any such in that kind yet where that title is in vse they precede Barons Some of them haue Iuraregalia and therefore do hold that dignitie either by custome or priuiledge as the princes of Orange Piedemont and Achaia haue Iura regalia But others do hold that title by custome which is of great force as Baldus affirmeth saying Consuetudini standum erit A Baron hath not Potestatem Principis yet is he numbred among noble personages and some Barons by reason of their Baronies haue so much authority ouer their owne vassals as if they conspire against them that offence is called treason in respect whereof the title of Baron is so much the more honourable Note that a Baron hauing Iura Imperialia or Iura Regalia is reputed equal vnto an Earle notwithstanding the Earldome or Barony doe differ in dignity Note also that Barons doe participate of diuers priuiledges and Immunities proper vnto other dignities aforesayd they are Lords of the Parliament in England and of them it is called the Barons Court For the Parliament makes not Barons but Barons Parliaments The title of Barons in France was anciently generall aswel to Princes of blood as all others holding immediatly of the Crowne So do we cal the greatest estates of England by the names of Barons Lords Spiritual and Temporall Of Barons in England there hath bene also anciently diuers sorts Some were Barons in name but not noble as the Barons of the fiue Ports and Barons of London whom Bracton maketh mention of in these words Coram Baronibus London And in another place Sicut Barones London coràm me testantur The Barons of the Exchequer are of like condition Other Barons both in name and dignitie yet not called honorable were Barons created by the Earles Palatines Of Barons honourable are three degrees viz. by Tenure by Creation and by Writ Barons by Tenure are Bishops chiefly caled Lords Spiritual and euer reputed honorable not in respect of noblenes in blood but for their function and office they are Peeres and Barons of the Realme They are also first in nomination and take place on the Princes right hand in the Parliament chamber They are also called Right honourable Lords and Reuerent Fathers in God They haue
stand aboue and precede all others that are in pari dignitate of themselues as a Duke of the Bloud aboue all Dukes not of the Bloud and so the like in all other degrees except the Princes knowen pleasure be to the contrary A Dukes eldest sonne and heire of the blood Royall shall haue place before a Marquesse and if he be not of the blood he shall haue place aboue an Earle An Earles sonne and heire of the blood Royall shall precede a Vicount and if he be not of the blood he shall haue place aboue a Baron CHAP. 23. The proceeding of Parliament to Westminster from her Maiesties Royall Pallace of VVhite Hall FIrst Messengers of the Chamber Gentlemen two and two Esquiers two and two The sixe Clerkes of the Chancerie Clerkes of the Starre-chamber Clerkes of the Signet Clerkes of the priuie Counsell The Masters of the Chancery Esquiers of the Body The Trumpets The Queenes Attorney and Soliciter Sergeants of the Law The Queenes Sergeant alone The Barons of the Exchequer two and two Iudges of the Common Pleas. Iudges of the Kings Bench. Pursuyuants Pursuyuants The Lord chiefe Baron and the Lord chiefe Iustice of the Common Pleas. The Master of the Roules and the Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench. Batcheler Knights Knights of the Bathe Knights Bannerets Knights of the Priuie Counsell two and two Knights of the Garter The Queenes Maiesties Cloake and Hat borne by a Knight or an Esquier Noblemens yonger sonnes Heralds Heralds and heires apparant two and two The principall Secretary being no Baron The Vice-chamberlaine The Treasourer and Comptroller of the Houshold Barons in their Robes two and two The yongest form ost Bishops in their Robes two and two The Lord Admirall and the Lord Chamberlaine of Household together if they be Barons and In pari dignitate Norroy King of Armes Viscounts in their Robes two and two the yongest formost Earles in their Robes two and two they yongest formost Marquesses in their Robes Dukes in their Robes The Lord President of the Counsell and the Lord Priuie Seale Lord Steward of the Queenes house and the Lord great Chamberlaine Clarencieux King of Armes The Almner The Master of Requests The Lord Chanceler and the Lord Tresurer of England together The Archbishop of Canterbury the Archbishop of Yorke together Sergeants at Armes Sergeants at Armes Garter chiefe King of Armes barehead The Cap of Estate borne by the Marques of Winchester and with him on the left hand the Earle Marshall of England with his gilt rod. The Sword borne by an Earle THE Queenes Maiestie on horsebacke or in her Chariot with her Robes of Estate her Traine borne by a Duchesse or Marchionesse The Pensioners on ech side of her Maiestie bearing Poleaxes The Lord Chamberlaine and the Vize-chamberlaine on eche side of the Queene if they attend out of their ranke but somewhat behinde her The Master of the Horse leading a spare Horse next behinde her Maiestie Ladies and Gentlewomen according to their Estates two and two The Captaine of the Guard with all the Guard folowing two two CHAP. 24. The placing of great Officers according to the Acte of Parliament made An. 31. H. 8. THe Lord Vicegerent shal be placed on the Bishops side aboue them all Then the Lord Chauncellour The Lord Treasorer The Lord President of the priuie Counsell The Lord Priuie seale These foure being of the degree of a Baron or aboue shall sit in the Parliament in all assemblies of Councell aboue Dukes not being of the blood Royall viz. The Kings brother Vncle or Nephewes c. And these sixe The Lord great Chamberlaine of England The Lord High Constable of England The Earle Marshall of England The Lord Admirall of England The Lord great Master of Steward of the Kings house The Lord Chamberlaine of the Kings houshold These sixe are placed in all assemblies of Councell after Lord priuie Seale according to their degrees and estates So that if he be a Baron to sit aboue all Barons and if he be an Earle aboue all Earles And so likewise the Kings principall Secretary being a Baron of the Parliament hath place aboue all Barons and if he be of higher degree he shall sit and be placed according thereunto Note If any of the Officers aboue mentioned be not of the degree of a Baron whereby he hath not power to assent or dissent in the high Court of Parliament then he or they are to sit on the vppermost Wolsacke in the Parliament chamber the one aboue the other in like order as is specified The Nobilitie Temporall are placed according to the auncientie of their seuerall creations and so are the Lords Spirituall sauing The Archbishop of Canterburie So placed of dignitie The Archbishop of Yorke Bishop of London So placed by Acte of Parliament Bishop of Durham Bishop of Winhcester The rest of the Bishops haue their places according to the senioritie of their seuerall consecrations And this for their placing in the Parliament house Howbeit when the Archbishop of Canterburie sitteth in his Prouinciall assembly he hath on his right hand the Archbishop of Yorke and next vnto him the Bishop of Winchester and on the left hand the Bishop of London But if it fall out that the Archbishop of Canterburie be not there by the vacation of his See then the Archbishop of Yorke is to take his place who admitteth the Bishop of London to his right hand and the Prelate of Winchester to his left the rest sitting as is before said as they are elders by consecration CHAP. 25. The Queenes Maiesties most royall proceeding in State from Somerset place to Pauls Church Ann. 1588. ON Sunday the 24. day of Nouember Anno 1588. our Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth rode with great solemnitie in her open chariot from Somerset house in the Strond to the Cathedr●l Church of S. Paul in London where at the West doore before her Maiesties entrance in there was prouided a rich Chaire of Estate and the ground being spred likewise with tapits her Maiestie kneeled downe against a deske couered with very Princely furniture and said the Lords prayer and then the Bishop of London in his Cope deliuered her a booke containing all the Orders Charters and Priuiledges belonging to the said Church which her Maiesty receiuing did confirme and redeliuer vnto the Bishop in the presence of all the Prebends and Churchmen who attended her Highnesse in very rich Copes and so with the whole Quire singing before her she proceeded vp into the Chancell where within a Trauers she rested vntill the Procession and other diuine Anthems were sung After which her Maiesty entred into the place ordained for the Duchie of Lancaster which at that time was newly reedified with faire and large glasse windowes in which she stayed during the Sermon preached at the Crosse by Doctor Perce then Bish. of Salisbury where with the whole assembly of the people she gaue God publicke thankes for that