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A08546 The third part of the first booke, of the Mirrour of knighthood vvherein is set forth the worthie deedes of the knight of the Sunne, and his brother Rosicleer, both sonnes vnto the Emperour of Grecia: with the valiant deedes of armes of sundry worthie knights. Verie delightfull to the reader. Newly translated out of Spanish into English by R.P.; Espejo de principes y cavalleros. Part 1. Book 3. English. Ortúñez de Calahorra, Diego. aut; R. P., fl. 1583-1586.; Parry, Robert, fl. 1540-1612.; Parke, Robert, fl. 1588. 1586 (1586) STC 18864; ESTC S113645 377,692 528

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thing so much as to heare newes of the knight of the Sunne Then the Emperour sayde Faire and worthie Princesse I was alwaies fullie perswaded with my selfe that your soueraigne highnesse could not let but come and succour vs and put vs all in great securitie Then the knight of the Sunne came for to kisse the handes of the Emperour who receiued him with that great loue that he alwaies bare vnto him Then straight waies came forth the king Florion and with him the wise Lyrgando and sayd vnto the Emperor Lord let your highnesse giue vs part of the sight of this knight whom we haue all desired so much to know and therwith they embraced him many times as they that entirelie and with all their harts did loue him Then those good and perfect friends of his Claueryndo and Brandizel and that good Troyan as all the rest of the oth●r worthie knights It cannot be rehearsed the great mirth that all of them receiued as also the worthie things that passed at that méeting especiallie with the roiall Princesse Claridiana for that all did receiue her with that dutie and curtesie as was due vnto so high a Princesse Then was there complaints made for that they till that time woulde not make themselues to be knowen as also for that they were absent so long out of the Countrie Whereto the wise Lyrgandeo replied requesting them to let that demaund passe for that time because to giue them to vnderstand thereof it will aske a great time and how that he had it all written and when time did serue he woulde shew it vnto them forsomuch as they were thinges worthie to be knowen published After they had passed these and many other things betwixt them they all together went and returned into the Citie and the king Sacridoro went before to carrie newes vnto the Empresse Briana of the comming of the knight of the Sunne and vnto all the rest of the Ladies and Gentlewomen that were there with her who were meruailous gladde and ioyfull at those newes but most especiallie the Empresse who alwayes was verie sad and sorrowfull after that the knight of the Sunne was departed from the Court Then at the sodaine noise of these newes great preparation was made and an innumerable companie of Torches was light that it séemed in the Citie to be noone daie and all the stréetes were full of people for to sée their good Prince then at their entrie into the emperiall Pallace the Empresse accompanied with all those Ladies and Gentlewomen came forth for to receiue them whereas betwéene the Empresse and the roiall Princesse Claridiana passed many wordes of great loue Then the knight of the Sunne went for to kisse the hands of his mother who did embrace him and kissed him on the chéeke saying Oh my welbelo●ed sonne for this your comming I doe giue thankes vnto this roiall Princesse and if it had not bene for her your pardon at my handes had failed in that you haue forgotten vs so long time These and many other wordes of great loue said the Empresse vnto her sonne and vnto the Princesse the which this Hystorie doth let passe vntolde for to auoide tediousnesse and telleth of no more but how that all the rest of the night that remained they passed awaie with mirth and pastimes whereas the king Florion and the wise Lyrgandeo could not satisfie themselues in beholding the knight of the Sunne meruailing greatlie to sée him so much growen as well in bodie as in the rest since he departed from them out of Persia and héere began he to tell of many things that passed as well with the one as with the other but when he came to tell of the solitarie Ilande and of all that passed there they were wonderfullie amazed and eueuerie one did double their good willes and loue which before they b●re vnto the knight of the Sunne At this time came the king Oliuerio with those of great Britaine those worthie knights of Spaine for to speake with the knight of the Sunne who would haue kissed the kinges handes but hée would not consent thervnto but said Worthie Prince for well emploied I doe account my comming into this Countrie for y ● I haue séene the magnanimitie of all bountie and fairenesse of a knight comprehended in your person To whom the knight of the Sun answered My good Lord how in what sort so euer I am I am readie at your commandement to serue you in as ample manner as my brother Rosicleer for that it is our dutie vnto your highnesse great valour In like sort he gaue intertainment vnto all the rest of those worthie knights who meruailed to heare tolde the great wonders of the knight of the Sunne as also to sée his mightie and soueraigne proportion and grace with y ● great maiestie of his seuere countenance wherin only was sufficiēt for to publish de●lare who he was so that after 〈…〉 departed into their owne Countries they had inough to do all the daies of their life for to tell of the meruailous and strange things that they saw in Grecia as well of the Grecian knights as of she without comparison in beautie fairenesse gentle 〈◊〉 and grace the Princesse Claridiana who of the 〈◊〉 and of the Empresse and of all people was most estéemed and had in reputation aboue all the rest But when they vnderstoode that they hoped shée should be spouse vnto the knight of the Sunne with greater loue and good will they did serue and honour her of all parties and she likewise did the like vnto them and was not a little amazed at the great beautie of the Princesse Oliuia who séemed vnto them to be one of the fairest Gentlewomen that euer they had séene next vnto the worthie and faire Princesse Lyndabrides who séemed to them to bée a pearle in excellencie So from that time forwards the two Princesses Oliuia and Claridiana did beare good will and loue one to another wonderfullie so y ● with great reason all those that did beholde and sée them together might saie that they did deserue to be spouses vnto those two brethren the knight of the Sunne and Rosicleer as vnto the best knights in all the world Héere was giuen to vnderstand vnto the knight of the Sunne all that had passed in the battailes and many other things more In this sort they passed awaie the night till the next daie in the which happened as shall be declared vnto you in this Chapter following How the faire Princesse Lyndabrides had vnderstan●●ing of the comming of the knight of the Sunne 〈◊〉 ●home she wrote a Letter and of other things that to 〈◊〉 in the meane time Chapter 35. WHen the next daie was come all the Gréekes receiued great ioy and pleasure for that it was publikelie knowen vnto them the c●mming of the knight of the Sunne and the Princesse Claridiana so that the newes thereof was carried into the Campe of the Pagans which was
their sailing that I might reuenge this my great wrath and ire vpon him that hath offered me this iniure So in vttering these and other wordes of great griefe sailed Don Siluero making so great ●●mentation that his knights by no meanes could giue him anie comfort And to the contrarie sailed Rosicleer as one from himselfe with great pleasure hauing in his armes her whom he so much loued with so great glorie that it was wonder and alwaies thought to be worthie of so excellent 〈◊〉 well Likewise the Princesse Oliuia although she was not as yet in quiet of the great trouble in the which she was brought but yet séeing that she was cléere from the 〈◊〉 of Don Siluerio in the companie of him whom shée loued more than her selfe shée was satisfied of all those troubles and griefes past and receiued great contentments thought it better to be drowned in that déepe sea in the companie of Rosicleer than to liue vpon the land with so great importunances of her father and Don Siluero And as these two faithful louers were together with great contentment making manifest by words the great glorie that they receiued in their hearts Then fortune who neuer is content that men should remaine in one manner but mingling sorrow with pleasure like vnto the whéele of Amyl she turned about in such sort y ● she did shew her selfe enimie vnto Rosicleer in the midst of all his pleasures y ● in a small time he was driuen without repentance of his sins to yeeld vnto death For that being his ship with all the whole fléete of the Prince entered into the Tirreno sea at such time as the one after the other sailed with prosperous windes Out of the partes of the Leuant there arose vpon a sodaine so mightie a winde and with so great force that 〈…〉 not onelie against them in staying the swifte course of the shippes but also did moue the waters in such sorte forcing the waues to swell and to rise of so greate height that it did signifie vnto them great danger and perill th● which 〈◊〉 a little time did so much increase that the déepe waues did shew themselues cruel● and 〈◊〉 against the 〈…〉 beating their sailes to the ●asts tearing them in péeces with so great force that they could not take them in but tumbling 〈◊〉 ships from one part to another 〈◊〉 towards that place wheras the force of that outragious winde would carrie them This tempest endured with them one whole daie and a night in the end whereof all that were in the shippes committed themselues vnto the f●rie of the sea and imploied themselues in no other thing but in p●aying vnto God to deliuer them from that great perill In this sort they passed all that daie and the next night till in the morning at the breake of the daie the tempest ceased and the ship of Rosicleer and the Fléete of Don Siluerio were all together driuen into the porte of Cerdenia be whole Nauie of the Prince were twelue great ships besides other small Princes whereof foure of them with the tempest were driuen into some other partes and were not there present And for that there were in the eight ships more than foure thousand knights Don Siluerio receiued so great ioy for to sée by him the shippe of Rosicleer as though he had bene made Lord ouer all the world commanded straight waies that all the whole Fléete should bée put in order the which was done and began to assault the ship on euerie side with so great alarum that it had ben sufficient to haue terrified a great many of more ships than they were But when Rosicleer sawe himselfe compassed round about and assalted with so many ships he left the Princesse Oliuia in a cabine in the poope being the highest part of all the ship in so great confusion that he thought she wold haue died and he with more courage to die in the defence of his praie than anie feare that he had of that great multitude of his enimies tooke vnto him his armour and descen●●d into the wast of the shipps whereas hée found the good king Sacridoro all armed● with his swoorde in his hands in a readinesse to make his defence but when that he sawe him his hart was ready to break with the great griefe he receiued and the water ranne downe his chéekes calling to remembrance how many times that good knight had put his lyfe in aduenture for him and how that he neuer came vnto that estate whereby he might haue made him some parte of recompence for the same He went vnto him and embracing him with great loue he said Oh my good and perfect friend how peruerse and contrarie hath fortune shewed her selfe vnto me that so manye times my friendship hath put you in daunger of your life God doth know whether we shal be slaine or no in this conflict yet iurelie your death shall be more grieuous vnto me than mine owne To whom this good king Sacridoro with a valiant courage did aunswere saying My verie good friend this is the greatest glorie that I can receiue and the thing that I haue in most estimation and séeing that death is ordained for all mortall creatures wherein may I better emploie the same than in your seruice Come on let vs goe and make defence that our enimies enter not vpon vs let vs venture our liues and offer it as a sacrifice for to accomplish that which is due and doth appertaine to our honours and high estate This good king had not so soone spoken these wordes but the knightes of the Prince had grapled their ships together and boording the one the other in such sorte that they might well leape out of the one into the other Don Siluerio accompained with the most valiant knightes that were with him with his sword in his hand his shéeld on his arme he put himselfe formost of them all to the ship side and with a loude voice he saide O Rosicleer yéeld thy selfe straight waies vnto my curtesie surrender the prise that thou hast in thy power for that fortune cannot so much fauour thee for to escape out of my handes But Rosicloer being readie for to receiue them at the shippe side with his sword in his hand answered neuer a 〈◊〉 but yéelded him selfe vnto fortune At that time the Princesse Oliuia by the importunitie and good dicretion of her damsell Fidelia put her selfe vpon the poope of the ship in such sort that she might be séene of all that were there in the Fléete with a naked sword in her hand and with a high voice that it might bée heard of all the people she sayd O all you knights that appertaineth to the king Oliuerio my father if there be anie in these shippes doe not shew your selues at this present so contrarie vnto me but to fauour and helpe the G●éeke Prince for that many daies past I haue chosen him to be my naturall
maiestie went forth of the Citie with so great a troupe that all those wide and broade fieldes were full of people for that when the comming of these two princes were published knowen there were few or none that remained but all went forth for to receue thē The Emperour went in the middest of all those Princes and knightes and by him the good King Sacridoro with so graue and seuere countenance that he dyd very well manifest his high estate So when that they came vnto the sea port at the sound of Trumpets other kinds of instruments these princes did disembarke themselues a land Rosicleer brought by the hand his welbeloued princesse Oliuia who was of so great beautie that all that did behold her were greatly amazed so that there grew betwixt diuers great contention whether that the beautie of the Princes Claridiana did excéede the beautie of the princesse Lindabrides but all in generall said that Rosicleer had great reason to put himselfe in such perill for the loue of so faire a ladie Then straight waies came forth the faire Lindaraza whose beautie did worke no lesse admiration in the beholders then the princesse and was lead by that worthie knight of the Sunne her brother accōpanied with those renowmed princes Clauarindo Bargandel and Liriamandro likewise with the Tartarian Zoylo and the good Troyan Oristedes and the valiant king Alamades of Cornewaile all the which came foorth so séemely and richly aryed that it put in great admiration all them that did behold them So when they all came before the Emperour who receued great ioy and pleasure to sée his two worthie sonnes those two so excelent Princesses he went embraced them with great pleasure delight but in especial the two faire Ladies saying I am much more bound vnto God then any other man in the world and to giue him greater thanks for that he hath not alone brought mée to the sight and knowledging of my two so valiant sonnes but also by them I haue recouered and obtained for my daughters two so worthie Princesses as the like are not to be founde in all the world How is it that by my desert I am worthie to sée in mine Empire of Grecia so high and soueraigne beauties as these worthie peeres are Then they did hūble thēselues vpon their knées before the Emperour and would haue kissed his handes but the Emperour would not consent therevnto but returned and dyd embrace them a new caused them to arise frō the ground and then with excéeding ioy and pleasure he gaue entertainment vnto his sonnes and vnto those high Princes and Knights saying vnto Bargandel Lyriamandro Zoilo now my verie good friends am I satisfied séeing that with so ioyfull comming you wil requite me the euill newes the which you gaue mée in Constantinople of the death of my sonne Rosicleer In this shall your highnesse sée said Zoylo how far your good fortune doth extend the more to estéeme the acknowledging of your sonne Fortune wold first present before you those so sodaine and heauie newes of great dolour that after when it should be found vnto the contrarie the ioy and pleasure might be the more Then the Emperour did embrace them all one after another receiued so great contentment to sée those so worthie knights that brought his sonnes that he neuer rested nor could not bée satisfied in giuing thankes vnto almightie God for exalting him vnto so high estate Likewise they were no lesse amazed at the surpassing and gentle disposition of the Emperour and the great maiestie that hée dyd represent in his person they dyd beholde him with great attention and sayde within themselues that hée was worthie to bée Father of those two Myrrors of knighthoode throughout all the worlde And the Princesses Oliuia and Lindaraza receiued meruailous greate contentment to sée what great loue and humanitie he shewed vnto all people and what great ioye and pleasure he receiued of their comming So after that ther had passed much cōmunication in this their first méeting then the other Princes Rodamarte and Rodofeo and other noble men that came in the companie of y ● Emperour went welc●mmed their noble Princes who dyd embrace and receiue them with great ioy and loue This being done the Emperour and all the rest mounted vpon their horses and the two princesses vpon their palfraies which were brought thether for thē wel garnished tooke their waie towards the mightie Citie of Constantinople accompanied with so many knightes and Citizens that all the mightie wide and broade fields seemed to be couered with them In this sort they entered into the Citie with great maiestie pompe whereas was so meruailous sweet noise of all kindes of instruments and musicke that it was thought that the entring of Caesar into Rome af●er his great victorie was not equall vnto this and passing through the stréetes of the Citie the windowes were furnished with Ladies and damsels who greatlie meruailed at the strange and excellent beauties of Oliuia and Lindaraza and praised God of all partes for séeing that daie in the which the Emperour receiued his so worthie sonnes who brought so great ioy contentment honour and pleasure vnto that mightie Court So when they came vnto the mightie pallace Lindaraza was alighted from her Palsraie in the armes of the knight of the Sunne her brother and the faire Oliuia in the armes of the Emperour who would not consent that anie other should doe it and at their ascending vp into the greate hall there the Empresse Briana accompanied with al her Ladies and Gentlewomen came ●orth and did receiue the two Ladies embracing them with so great loue as though they had bene her owne naturall dauhters But when she sawe the great beautie and soueraigne grace of the Princesse Oliuia she receiued within her selfe a meruailous great contentment and thanked God for the good fortune that Rosicleer had obtained for the recouering of her Then the Princesses both of them did knéele downe before the Empresse would haue kissed her hands but she would not consent vn-the same but caused them to arise and with great loue shée sayde Ah precious and déere daughters what great pleasure doth my heart receiue and how ioyfull vnto me is this your comming into this Countrie and turning vnto Oliuia shee sayd How much am I bound vnto God that in loosing the name of a sister in lawe I doe inioy you for my Daughter So passing betwixt them many amorous and louing communications came vnto her the knight of the Sunne and Rosicleer to kisse her hands but she dyd embrace them with so great loue as vnto so noble worthie persons did appertaine Thē gaue she entertainment vnto all the other Princes knights with so gallant grace demeanor that al were contented therwith said that of so high worthy parents reason is that they should bring forth so worthie sunnes So after that they had spent a good
coulour and the earth shal séeme as though it had rained much bloud The huge and mightie riuers shall burst out of their course and the wide and broade seas shall chaunge the coulour of their profound waters shewing the great earthquake that shall come Then afterward the daie shall come that the Sunne at noone tide shal be 〈◊〉 loosing the greater part of his light and brightnesse a● which verie instant the mig●tie shepheard shall be in great care and perplexitie and all his slock dispearsed abroade and at the point to be lost but straight waies the San shal 〈◊〉 his whole brightnes the Lion brought by the stout Lions by her immortat déeds shall recouer his lost name and by his comming the mightie shopheard shall gather together his good ●locke and with ●o great courage shall returne vpon those hungrie Walu●s 〈◊〉 Tygers that they 〈◊〉 kil the most part of them and those withshall remaine shall slie and leau● the Countrie desolate And héere the Griffins that came 〈◊〉 the new world against the mightie shepheard shal lose their furious wrath and betwixt them and those of his ●lock shal be made great friendship and very profitable The she beare with the mightie he beare shal be taken prisoners by new enimies being deliuered by the stout Lion shal be made friends with the mightie shepheard And at the request of the Lyon and Lionesse they shall come together and of that societie shall proceede one that the deedes past shall make all mortalitie ●e forgotten Beare this in your minde for as I haue saide so it shall come to passe This Prophesie béeing written by the wise Artemidoro the Emperour and all those worthie Princes and Knights did behold it And as they vnderstoode verie little what it did signifie they were greatly amazed at the great vnderstanding of the wise man and desired him to declare somewhat the meaning thereof but he excused himselfe saying that it was not giuen vnto him for to declare that which was to come but to make manifest vnto them by figures for that if it should fall out to proue to the contrarie it would be the occasion of great daunger harme perill But yet notwithstanding all shal come to passe in such sort that the time shal declare it and make it most manifest These many other things did this wise Artemidoro declare vnto them that if they had not bene of noble courage his prophesies had put them in great wonder feare So they being in great ioye pastimes and pleasures in the mightie Citie of Constantinople although to the contrarie great sorow griefe vnto the knight of the Sunne for that the Empresse Claridiana his mistresse was not there present this Historie doth leaue them till time doe serue for to tell you what Don Siluerio dyd that returned vnto great Britaine How the Prince Don Siluerio without all hope of the recouery of the Princes Oliuia her returne vnto great Britaine and of all that was determined in the court of the King Oliuerio Chap. 8. THE wrath and anger was very great that Don Siluerio receued in that he was past all hope of recouerie of the princesse Oliuia by reason that the most part of his knights were slaine and she remaining in the power of Rosicleer the thing that he most loued in all the world without any hope of recouerie And againe séeing that the princes his friends with the king Alamades that went in his companie became his enimies and likewise remembring the great furie and stoutnesse of them with whome he had the battaile with great complaints wepings and lamentations he bewayled his misfortune which was vnto him so contrarie and so fauourable vnto his enimies So in the ende of certaine daies after his departure he ariued in great Britaine and going a land he sent the king word of his ariuall appareling himselfe and all such knights as came with him in black and mourning apparell and so entered into the mightie Citie of London whereas the king did receue him to whome with great sorow and griefe he gaue the King to vnderstande of all that had happened vnto him at the sea And because at that present the rancour and mallice which he had against the Emperour Trebatio was great in him for the death of prince Edward his sonne he was very glad that he had so good occasion and oportunitie to arme himselfe against him therefore did not onely comfort y ● prince Don Siluerio to folow his poysoned enterprise to take reuengement against him but did rather procure to kindle his wrath the more in saying that vnto them both it should be a perpetuall dishonour if they did not procure the reuengement the iniurie offered was so great and that it were better for them to dye in the quarrell then to liue in so great dishonour for euer Then the Prince who desired no other thing but verie ioyfull to see that the king was wholly of his minde and determination made a great Othe that he would neuer take to him wife in marriage till such time as that great iniurie done by Rosicleer were reuenged So that straight 〈◊〉 it was agréed betwixt them both that it should be 〈◊〉 pra●●ise to take reuengement The King commaunded all the nobles of his Court to come together to a parle being come together he put them in remembraunce of the death of his sonne prince Edward how he was slaine by the Emperour Treba●●o and then of the spoyling and carying away of the Princesse Oliuia don● by his sonne Rosicleer shewing and perswading them by many reasons how much they were bound to procure reuengement of that great iniurie And although that there were some to whome the determination of the king semed nothing good yet in the ende they all concluded and agréed that all should be done as he thought best and that out of hand they should begin to muster and procure souldiers and men of war to be made in a readinesse for to passe the seas and to enter into Grecia And although Don Siluerio had there with him manie knights of Lusitania yet did he promise to retourne into his countrie and to bring from that kingedome and also o●t of Spaine a great number for that he that was King● of Spaine at that present was a verie great friend vnto his father and he was verie certaine that he would not denie to helpe and ayde him with all the force and strength he could possible He béeing willing to put all things in effect tooke his leaue of the King and departed straightwaies from great Britaine and put himselfe vnto the rough and boysterous Seas taking his voyage towards Lusitania In the meane time King Oliuerio did ordaine and made in a redinesse all the people that possible he could and writ his letters vnto all kinges that were his friends as well Christians as Pagans geuing them to vnderstande of the great iniurie and wrong done vnto him in murthering his
as also for to saue the liues of so many Christians which looked for no other but death that daie and hauing before sent aduice of all that had passed vnto the Emperour Trebatio by his page he then descended from that hill and so fast as his horse could runne he went vnto Constantinople whereas he sound the Emperour his father with all his knights in a readinesse to goe foorth if néed should require And at his comming thether he declared vnto him in what point and estate the battaile remained and in the ende he saide that considering in how much he was bound vnto the king Oliuerio and the great loue that he bare vnto those christians that came with him dyd constraine him that with all the power possible that he could make for to goe and succour him for to saue the king Oliuerio from death and a great number of valiant and worthie knights that were at the point to be slaine Then the Emperour who was no lesse endued with excelent vertues then his sonne aunswered him as followeth That he should ordaine and doe all at his owne will and pleasure for that therein he should receiue great contentment At which words L●iamandro Bargandel and the King Alamades were verie glad ioyful for whatsoeuer damage or harme should happen vnto king Oliuerio should be great sorow and griefe vnto him and they dyd all praise greatly alow the great courage of Rosicleer Then straight waies and in great hast issued out of the citie the Emperour Trebatio and carryed in his companie all that valiant crue of knights with thirtie thousand other knights all Gréekes galopping with their horses keping very good aray and order they came into the fielde whereas the battaile was and when they saw that all the campe of the king Oliuerio wer dispersed and out of all order and aray running some one way and some an other way and all those worthy princes of the whole hoast were compassed round about with theyr enimies and put in great ieoperdie and at the point for to lose their liues without any hope of ayde and succour for to deliuer them At which time the Emperour Trebatio all those valiant knights that came with him with great furie and force put themselues in the middest amongst the Pagans that again the whole field was couered with dead bodies and it séemed that all the furie of the world came there together for on the one part went Rosicleer the king Sacridoro the Tartarian Zoylo Bargandel Liriamandro and other valiant and worthie knights that all they found before them they slew and ouerthrew to the ground and on the other side went the good Emperour Trebatio and with him the stout Florion the Prince Brandizel Clauerindo and the valiant and strong Oristedes and the good knight Flamides making so great slaughter on their enimies that they were all dyed in bloud And the desire which the good knight Rosicleer had to kill Pagans that they which were with him were not able to kepe him companie but all alone he pressed forwards and put himselfe amongst his enimies doing such wonders that ther was not one that could resist him And as he pressed thus forwards he came where as he saw a great number of Pagan knights gathered together in maner of a ring and had in the middest amongst them fiue knights all on foote verie valiantly defending themselues with their swords in their hands but their aduersaries were so manie that charged them that before his face thrée of those knights fell downe vnto the ground as though they had bene dead and the other two were so wearie that their deathes were at hand And as he ●rew nigh vnto them he saw that one of the two knights that defended themselues was the king Oliuerio and the other Don Siluerio whome he might very wel know by their armour and tokens which they had when he saw them first enter into the battaile and those who had compassed them about was the king of Bartos and the king of the Arrianos and had crownes of golde vpon their healmes with more then fiftie knights that were about those two knights and none nigh for to succour and take their parts The which being seene by Rosicleer with great furie he put himselfe amongst those companie of Pagans killing and ouerthrowing all that was in his waye and with his sword in his hand hée came whereas the two kings were and stroke one of them such a blowe vppon his righte shoulder that the whole arme with part of his backe he ouerthrew to the ground and stroke the other such an other blow vpon the head that cleauing the Crowne of gold and the Healme he cut him downe to the throate so that these two kings fell downe dead to the ground and their horses which were verie good remained without maisters And for that the king Oliuerio and y ● Prince might haue leasure to mount vpon those horses Rosicleer began to charge them with so many terrible blowes that the most part of them that were there together he slew with his owne handes and the rest which remained for feare of death ranne away but the king and the prince were so wearie that they had no power to mount vpon those horses for the which Rosicleer alighted with a trice and tooke the king in his armes with so great ease as if he had bene a childe and set him vpon his owne horse saying take and receiue this seruice of Rosicleer in token of a great deale more that he doth desire to serue you the which being saide he retourned vnto Don Siluerio and in the same order as he did vnto the king he set him vpon 〈◊〉 of the horses of the Pagan kings and he with a trice mounted vpon y ● other striking mortal blowes vpon his enimies he departed from that place leauing the king Oliuerio and Don Siluerio verie greatly amazed at that which he hadde done for them and how he shewed himselfe to be on their part Also they were verie glad and ioyful to sée themselues deliuered from the death which they thought verelie there to haue receiued At that time the king Oliuerio remembred the wordes which the wise Artemidoro had sayd vnto him when that in London he carryed vnto him the gentleman Rosicleer for to be an armed knight at his hands which was that the time should come that he should more estéeme to haue him by his side then any thing in all y ● who le world the which wordes were there accomplished in that he cléerely deliuered him from death From that place the king the prince Don Siluerio did behold the battaile and were verie much amazed to sée how the Christians had the better hand of the battaile and that ther were so many and so good knights in their fauour ayde and succour At this time the battaile was so ioyned and knit together that if the night had not bene so nigh at hand it semed that
vpon verie gallant and well dressed palfries and mounted himselfe vppon a mightie great horse● and put himselfe in the middest betwéene them And béeing in this maner in the great and wide court whereas the Emperour and the Empresse with all those valiant kings Princes and knights did behold them and a new they began to meruaile to behold their great beauties and gallant dispositions And as it hath bene declared vnto you before in this Historie that Rosicleer was of a high stature and well proporcioned of his bodie according vnto his height for that continually vnto that time he did encrease daylie more more as well in the one as in the other and ioyntly with this his face was perfect and well proporcioned verie white and faire and of a merrie couutenaunce and there was none that did behold him but had a great delight to sée him he was at that time apparailed in a Iacket of cloth of golde garnished round about with a great number of precious stones and a hat vpon his head after the Gréeke fashion full of verie fine Rubies and Diamonds and carryed no other weapon with him but that precious sworde of the Quéene Iulia at his girdle which was suteable vnto the apparell he ware for that the scabbert was garnished with gold and precious stones he was mounted vpon a big and lustie horse all baye sauing he was full of black spots which became him verie well and being in this maner on horse 〈…〉 to be a Gyant and in beautie and fairenesse Narcissus On the other part was the Princesse Oliui● with Arquirosa so faire and richlie apparailed that it was verie strange to behold and Rosicleer being in the middest betwixt them there could not a more gallanter sight be sée●e of thrée persons So in this order they tooke their leave of the Emperour of the Empresse and departed out of that mightie pallas being accompanied with all those mightie and valiqnt Princes and Knights till such time as they came into the fielde out of the Citie whereas at the request of Rosicler they all retourned back againe and they thrée alone wont toward the compe of the king Oliuerio being verie much looked at of at the people of the citie and with no lesse admiration they were looked at by them of the campe when they came nigh vnto them and not knowing the pretence of their comming they could doe nothing but behold them and abyde the time to vnderstand the effect of their comming When they were come vnto the camp they asked which was the tent of the king Oliuerio and being shewed by a knight that was there they neuer rested nor staied till they came vnto it at which time the king shas within accompanied with the prince of Lusitania and with the other princes of Scotland and Ireland consulting wha● were best to be done in their affaires but when they saw them knew Rosicleer and the Princesse Oliuia all apparailed after so gallant a sort they were wonderfully amazed and were silent to heare what should be their demand There was no mouing amongst them till such time as Rosicleer descended from his horse who straight waies alighted y ● princesse Oliuia and the quéene Arquirosa and taking them both by the hands they entred into the tent then the king and all that were with him did arise from their seates and dyd salute the one the other with such courtesie as appertained vnto so high persons and although that Don Siluerio was greatly amazed and his bloud did rise when that he saw the princesse Oliuia yet when that he saw her in the power of Rosicleer and considering the great reason she had therevnto he dyd not let to haue a great regard vnto the Quéene Arquirosa and liked very well of her and said with in himselfe that next vnto the princesse Oliuia she was the fairest gentlewoman that euer he saw in all his life and greatlie desired to know what she should be His desire was quickly accomplished for that Rosicleer putting himselfe before the king hauing the princes the Quéene by their hands said HIgh king of great Britaine I will not call you mightie for that according vnto the opinion of wise men there is none amongst mortall men can attaine to so glorious a name sauing alonely he may call himselfe mightie that is Lorde and gouernour ouer men and hath the power of all fortunes he at whose will the Heauens doth moue the windes doth blow the waters of the sea doth arise and rage and by him the earth with all beasts plants are sustained Here I doe giue you the name of high for that séeing your selfe in what estate you are in you may know how perilous and slipper it is and how readie you are and open vnto the thundering blowes of fortune Many things doth men begin and put in vre who cannot bring it to passe as they would and according vnto their mindes but in the ende it finisheth cleane contrarie vnto their expectation and this procedeth onely for that it is in theyr hands to begin them and in the power of God to giue the conclusion vnto his pleasure Our hearts he valiant and couragious for to attempt against all the whole world and doe not consider and sée that humaine force is so féeble and weake that one little and hidden euill doth ouercome it and whatsoeuer blow of fortune doth ouerthrow it This we ought to haue alwaies in our remembraunce because we should not put our selues in difficult things for that if afterwards it doth not fall out according vnto our mindes then should we not haue any occasion for to be angrie neither reason for to complaine vs of fortune for that the whole fault is in our selues and with more reason we may be angery with our selues You doe well vnderstand how that the Prince Edward your sonne with fortie thousand good knights of great Britaine came into Hungaria with what intent I doe not iudge but according as it was notorious and manifest vnto all he came for to destroy the Emperour my father for to make the king of Hungaria Lord ouer all Grecia and for that this was an attempt as vniust as difficult it was in his hands to begin the same but in the hands of him that hath power ouer all to conclude the ende according vnto his will If the Emperour my father was to be blamed herein iudge you and then sée if there be anie reason for him to make restitutiō to whome fortune would seme fauourable but now let that goe for that I doe beléeue you are certified And touching the marriage which I made with the princesse Oliui● without your lisence I will giue you to vnderstand that if you doe well consider and looke into all these things passed then should you verie manifestlie and cléerelie sée that it is not for anie iniurie towards you but that the diuine prouidence hath ordained the same for to euitate and cut off the
that curtesie at her hands knéeling downe before her he tooke and kissed her lilie white hande perforce receiuing thereby more glorie then if he had bene made Lord ouer all the world Then the Princes a new did embrace him and almost by force dyd cause him to arise saying your highnes worthie Prince doth not consent that you vse with anie this courtesie much lesse with mée that am whollie yours Then the good knight said ah mistresse as you are all onely she in all the world next vnto God that may shew me courtesie so haue you now this my mortall bodie glad ioyfull and happie I am not onely bound vnto you to kisse your hands but if so be that the great loue which I beare vnto you doe not deserue it then is not my high estate sufficient that I deserue to enioye so great courtesie and héere in I doe receiue so great glorie that if continuallye I may enioy your presen●e with a verie good will I would forget all highnes and royall estates and liue and leade my lyfe here with as great ioye and pleasure in your companie better then in any royall pallace and thinke my selfe verely to be in eternall Paradise I would to God replyed the Princes that with our honors and emperial states we might accomplish the same leading our liues here together in this solitarie Iland for that for my pleasure and contentment I request no other thing but onely the enioying of your companie in place whereas I might not be desturbed one minute of an houre but for that fortune hath exalted vs vnto so high estate and that God hath not created vs with so great callings onely to serue our selues but we must as we are bound accomplish and performe our duties to our subiects and goe and sustaine our emperiall estates and in especially you hauing so excelent parentage you are the more bound for to goe and see them and to take from them by your presence the great and long heauinesse which they haue receiued by your absence Then the good knight saide Mistresse I doe receiue so great ioye and contentment of heart onely in beholding of you that as the happie saints vnto whome the losse of parents nor any worldly thing can cause them to féele anie paine sorow and griefe euen so I being in your presence there is no absence nor any other thing that can giue or cause vnto mée sorow and griefe but yet for all this vse you your will and discretion for that I haue no will but whereas is yours These and many other mo amorous words passed béetwixt these two true and perfect louers and yet could neither of them manifest entirely the great ioye and pleasure the which they receiued at their hearts After a while that they had passed the tune in this their ioyfull méeting they sate themselues downe vpon y ● gréene grasse in the shadow vnder those huge and mightie trées whereas with swéete words still more amorous then eloquent they discoursed the one with the other of all thinges that hadde happened vnto them since their departure out of Constantinople And the princes did giue the knight of the Sunne to vnderstand the occasion why and wherefore she made battaile with him and how much sorow and griefe the supition thereof dyd cause vnto her and how and in what sort she was put out of all doubt concerning the same Likewise she tolde him of all the great preparation to the warres which was made in Grecia at her departure and how she vnderstoode that all the whole Paganisme and a great part of Christendome came against the emperour Trebatio for which cause he dyd put himselfe in a redinesse to receiue them and was verie sad and sorowfull for his absence all which when the knight of the Sunne vnderstood he straight waies had a great desire to be in Grecia séeming that in time of so great necessitie there was no reason that he should be absent in especiall for that the chiefest occasion and greatest part of those warres were for his sake Being in this communication they could not be certified the one to heare the other they saw comming towardes them two damsells vpon two palfraies whome the princes dyd straight wayes know to be her Damsells whome she left in the shippe and being greatly amazed that the princes taryed so long and not retourned came a land and went in her demaunde with great sorow and heauines because they could not finde her but when they sawe her and knew the knight of the Sunne they were wonderfully glad as well for the ioye which theyr mistresse receiued therein as also for the strange things which they had séene in that Iland And surely they were verie sad thinking that the knight of the Sunne hadde bene dead because he had not bene heard of a long time When these two Damsells came vnto them they left ceased their amorus communication and receiued them verie courteously Presently vppon the gréene grasse they dyd eate of such vittailes as the Damsels had brought a shore from the ship for their Ladie mistresse whereas y ● knight of the Sunne with the great ioye and pleasure that he receiued at his heart the coulour and semblant of his face was chaunsed so that he séemed an other maner of man and shewed the true and perfect●perfection in coulour and presence the which nature had wrought in him And the Princes for to sée him in that sort was so glad ioyful that ther was no pleasure that might be compared vnto hers After that they had eaten well refreshed themselues the knight of the Sunne séeing his good horse Cornerino in companie with that of the Princesse he lured and straight waies he came vnto him for that he had vsed him therevnto so he tooke him and after that that of the Princes and being both desirous to depart from thence they tooke each other by the hande and went vnto the place whereas the knight of the Sunne had left his good armour there he armed himselfe againe with them being holpen by the princes for that her Damsells with the great feare which they had of the diuelish Fauno the which was dead durst not come nigh them And the knight of the Sunne séeing him so fauoured and holpen by the hands of his Ladie and mistresse was in that case that he knew not whether he was in heauen or vppon the earth and being in this glorie readie for to depart out of the solitarie Iland the Historie doth leaue them till time doe serue ¶ Of the strong and well foughten battaile that was betwixt the fiftene knights of the Emperour Trebatio with the fiftene of the Emperour Alicandro Chap. 30. WHen that the day was come of the challenge and that the battaile should be tryed betwéene the fiftene knights of the Emperour Trebatio and the other fiftene of y ● Emperour Alicandro they were all in a redinesse and the field whereas the battaile should
laced on their helmes and came forth to the ship side and asked what they were that would take them prisoners Then straight waies more than ten knights of a gallant proportion and wel armed came forth vnto them and sayd That vnto two alone knights as they were there was no néede for to make that account but yet for that you shall vnderstand vnto whome you shall yéeld your selues prisoners know that we are all belonging vnto the gran Cleonidas and we doe pardon vnto none their liues except they doe yéeld vnto vs at the first to be our prisoners Of truth sayde the Princesse this cannot be that you should be belonging vnto that rouer Cleonidas for that he is not in this world neuerthelesse if that you be in your workes and deedes as hée was you shall quicklie be wheras he is and that is with the diuell How is this sayd they is our Lord Cleonidas dead It is not possible for that there is no humane power neither yet diuine that is of so much power for to kill him Then you shall vnderstand of a truth sayde the Princesse that I dyd sée him slaine onelie with one blow But these knights would not beléeue it but thought verilie that they sayd it because they woulde deliuer and cleere themselues from their hands and one of them would haue laide holde vpon her and sayd False Knight they mocking shal little profite thée for in spite of thy heart you shall goe with vs prisoners Then the knight of the Sunne who heard and sawe all that passed without drawing anie sword stroke him with his armed fist such a blowe vppon the head that he buckled his helme into his braines and ouerthrew him dead at his féet Then all the rest greatlie amazed at that blow drew their swords and leapt altogether into their ship and beganne to charge them with their blowes in the best wise they could but these two who in the like conflicts were verie well experimented drew out their fine and slashing swords and so besturred themselues that with a few blows they slew sixe of them the other which remained making a great noise leapt againe into their ships out of the which came straight waies forth more than thirtie other knights who séemed to be verie good and well armed and altogether began to leap into the other ship and charged the knight of the Sun and the Princesse with their blowes all that euer they coulde but it wel appeared that they did not know their great worthinesse in that they approched vnto them without order but in a short space they lost all their brauerie for that in the space of lesse than halfe a quarter of an houre that the battaile was begun they ouerthrew more than twentie of them to the ground with such mortall blowes that the rest which remained aliue being terrified and amazed retyred backe vnto their ships and the knight of the Sunne and the Princesse followed them whereas they found a new resistance with certain fresh knights and other people that were in the ships who began to charge them verie greatlie and laide vpon them many heauie blowes but the knight of the Sunne taking the foreward of his mistres setled himselfe in such sort that if there had ben a thousand knights before him he wold haue estéemed them little and being verie desirous to bée reuenged on the long time that he was idle in the solitarie Iland he put himselfe amongest his enimies and charged them with such mortall blowes and without all pittie that if the battaile had indured but a little longer he had not left one aliue of all that were in the ships Then those which remained seeing there was no resistance to bée made against the furie of those two knights 〈◊〉 downe before them and craued pardon for their liues Then they who were redie to accomplish their requests did grant them their desires and vnderstanding the truth how they were rouers how that they had many prisoners in their ships they commaunded them to bring them forth before them Then they obeying their commandement carried them into certaine bigge cabbines in their ships whereas they found many men and women with chaines and boltes of yron and amongst them the knight of the Sunne knew his good Pages Binnano and Aurelio and the twentie knightes of Candia that were in his companie Likewise the auncient Pilot that tolde vnto him the storie of the diuellish Fauno of the which he was not a little glad for that they were deliuered by his handes But when they knew him as well by his armour as by his face for that at that time his beauer was lifte vp it is not to be spoken how greatlie they meruailed and what ioy and pleasure they receiued and as amazed they looked the one vpon the other and could not beleeue that he should be aliue and his two Squires as from themselues came vnto him and knéeled downe before him and began to kisse his armed hands and the skirt of shirt of maile saying O Lord God how can we gratifie this great curtesie which thou hast done vnto vs in letting vs sée before our deaths this excellent and worthy prince our Lord. The knight of th● Sunne receiued them with great loue and raised them from the ground saying My good friends those who haue had you in their powers did not loue you so much as I haue done and I giue thankes vnto almightie God that I doe now see you and I doe desire him to giue 〈◊〉 so much libertie that I may gratifie you these greafe troubles the which for my sake you haue sustained for surelie it was a great griefe vnto my heart for to leaue you alone in that case without all comfort when I thought to goe and leaue my life Goe and kisse the handes of my Ladie and mistres the Princesse Claridiana who next vnto God hath deliuered me from death They hearing the same meruailed verie much thereat and went and knéeled downe before her and would haue kissed her hands but the Princesse caused them to arise and receiued them verie curteouslie for that she knew the knight of the Sunne did beare them great loue and for that she would not be knowen of the other she did not raise vp her beauer but commaunded that it shoulde not be knowen who she was Then the knights of Candia and the auncient Pilot came and kissed the hands of the knight of the Sunne giuing him greate thankes for their libertie which at his handes they obtained who receiued them with great loue and commaunded their chaines and shakles to be pulled off Then they asked the knight of the Sun what had happened vnto him in the Iland of the diuellish Fauno My good friends sayd the knight of the Sunne God of his infinit goodnesse and mercie gaue me power for to cléere and deliuer my selfe from him and to kill him for that in that Iland he may be serued being peopled as he hath
all order and with so great furie that if they had béene two Rockes they hadde broke them all to péeces and the anger and courage of eyther of them was so great because they could haue no victorie that they left one another and put themselues into the battaile whereas they slew and ouerthrew to the ground and couered the fields with dead bodies as the Mower with his Sith couereth the sorrowes with corne The knight of the Sunne put himselfe amongst those monstrous Gyants of the Orientall Indias and made so great slaughter amongest them that those which were liuing although they were fierce and rough people did flie before him he put himselfe with so great furie amongst them that the stout Oristedes rem●ined behinde him and could not followe but yet with the great desire that he had to kéepe him companie hée did strange exploits and of great wonder Then the knight of the Sunne looking backe and seeing him all alone did tarrie his comming making a breade waie in euerie place whereas hee went at which time came forth against him a rough and 〈…〉 named Othibe●● and was Lord ouer the Iland of 〈◊〉 his armour was edged round about with golde and precious stones of great price who stroke so strong a 〈◊〉 at the knight of the Sunne vppon his helme that he somewhat a●●●med him But this proude Pagan departed aduancing himselfe thereof but was rewarded for his boldnesse with his head clouen asunder to his breast so that he fell downe dead to the ground yet ther lacked not another more hardie than wise that thought to make reuengement for the same There was a king called Armelion who hauing a great confidence in his strength and in the excellencie of his armour wherewith hee was armed and was verie good went towards him and stroke him a mightie blowe vpon one of his shoulders but he that had receiued so many of that furious Bramarant receiued that of him as nothing but in paiment of his great follie the sonne of Trebatio stroke him such another vppon his head that both helme and skull he stroke into his braines the which being done he staied not but procéeded forwards on not finding anie that did disturbe him in his waie and alwaies he had an eie vnto such as séemed vnto him to bée the principall of his enimies so it chanced he discouered two mightie great and deformed Gyants that were both together with mightie mases in their handes and made great slaughter and destruction vpon the Gréekes these Gyantes were two brethren and Lords ouer an Iland in the Indian sea The one was called Zario and the other Drago and in all the whole hoast was not to bée found two Gyants more mightier and fuller of pride than they were But as this gallant louer of the royall Empresse Claridiana hadde séene them without anie consideration that they were two and hée all alone● hée tooke a Speare from a Pagan that was next him and se● spurres to his good horse Cornerino and with so great fu●ie that hée séemed a whirle winde he went towards those Gyants who were séene aboue all the rest more than two ●ubites and in sight of all the people he encountered wit● one of them in the middest of the breast in such sort that ●●though his armour was twelue plates thick yet did he thr●st his Speare a good yard through his bodie that the sharpe point of his Speare appeared at his backe and this great Gyant fell downe dead to the ground and made so great noise as though a tower had fallen downe and at such time as this good knight dyd passe alongst in his course the other Gyant that did abide his comming with his yro● mase in his hand all alofte hee discharged such a right downe blowe at him that if hee had chaunced to fasten the same it had not gone well with him but the great furie and swiftnesse of his horse Cornerino was such that before hée coulde discharge the same hée was passed by with his Maister so that the blowe fell downe to the ground and entred into the earth thrée spans and as yet hée had not lift vp his mase when that the knight of the Sunne tourned about his horse with great lightnesse and ioyning himselfe with the Gyant hée cast a thrust at him with the point of his sword in the middest of his bell●e and put so great force and strength ther vnto that without anie staying it passed through his double and thicke armour and entered into his guts vp to the hard hiltes and pulling his sworde out his guttes followed after And therwithall the Gyant with an infernall furie stroke such a terrible blowe with his mace on his backe that hée hadde ouerthrowen him to the ground if that he had not embraced himselfe with his horse necke But so soone as this blowe was giuen the mightie Gyant fell downe dead to the earth and the knight of the Sunne doing the●e and many other great meruailes passed forwardes on discouering●through all the whole battaile beholding the mightie deedes greate meruailes and highe knighthood which was done by the famous knightes on his part vnto whome it seemed that they alone were a sheelde and defence vnto all his people for without them they had beene all ouercome and dispearsed for that in comparison there were a great number more on the pa●t of the Pagans than there was on theirs Hee lykewise looked about for Rosicleer and sawe where hee was all alone so berayed and bathed in bloud that scarce hée could bee knowen from another knight but onelie by the incredible deedes which he did and seeing him in that sorte all alone without anie of his confortes that could come vnto him for to succour him hee fell greatlie in loue with him and his estimation and praied vnto God with all his heart to saue and defend him from all perill and daunger Likewise hee sawe in another place the good Emperour his father in the middest betwixt the two Spanish knights who went all three together with equall courage and magnanimitie and made exceeding great slaughter amongst the Pagans At this time the good knight would not staie anie longer to beholde them but thrust himselfe into the middest of the battaile and went from one place vnto another ayding and helping there whereas hee sawe was the greatest perill At this time the daie was wel spent for it was past noone and the knight of the Sun ●éeling the wether to be hot as he that had trauailed more than the rest for to refresh himselfe and to take some aire as also to sée in what estate the battaile was went out of the camp stood vnder a little wood side that was there hard by the Campe and alighted from his horse and pulled off his helme and dyd from that place beholde all that passed and sawe that on euerie side all the whole fields was full of people and by reason of the greate multitude he could not knowe those
when they sawe his person presence to be so strange wonderfull for alonelie by his semblance and proportion they knew him for father of the two brethren the knight of the Sunne and Rosicleer aboue all other Princes that came in that worthie crew The king and the Emperour had not yet fullie concluded the louing words of their first méeting when that the Quéene Augusta came vnto them and with the selfe same loue wherewith she did embrace her sonne Liriamandro did embrace the good Emperor Then came the knight of the Sunne who aboue all the rest might be séene he was of so gallant and tall statu●e offered to kisse the kings hands but the king would not consent vnto it but embraced him and the king clasped him verie hard betwéene his armes saying Oh happie and fortunate kinsman I doe now finde my selfe in great securitie for that I am in the armes of him that alone did defend himselfe from all my power made my kingdome to tremble and quake tell me I praie you if that you haue forgotten that anger or not if you haue not then am I fullie perswaded that I haue no securitie in my owne Countrie of Hungaria much lesse in Grecia My good Lord and grandfather said the knight of the Sunne your highnesse in whatsoeuer place you are is in great securitie from my handes for although I would procure anie outrage yet am not I sufficient to doe you anie harme and if I were fortunate against your knights it was nothing else but the wil of God to saue and deliuer me for that afterwards when you should know me you should not haue so great reason to bée sorrowfull as now you shoulde bée if I had at that time béene slaine Then the king said Ah my sonne if that had happened my life could not haue endured so long but God who doth know the secret of all things that shuld happen vnto vs did guide and gouerne all things in such sort that it is come to this point and instant wherein I doe account my selfe the most fortunatest Prince in all the whole world not onelie in knowing thée to bée my sonne but in recouering you to bée my friend The king had scarce concluded these wordes when that the Quéene came to embrace the knight of the Sunne but he did offer to kisse her hands and there passed betwixt them many swéete and amorous wordes such as might passe betwéene the mother and the sonne at such time as of long time they had not séene the one the other The Quéene Augusta receiued so great ioy and contentment to haue him in her presence that she knew not almost where she was Then approched vnto them the king Oliuerio with the Emperour Alycandro and all those mightie Princes and Lords wheras passed betwixt them great curtesie with such dutie as appertained vnto so high and worthie estates In this noble méeting they spent a good while the which being finished the Emperour Trebatio accompanied himselfe with the king euerie one ●hose his companion as best liked him and began to returne towardes the mightie Citie of Constantinople The knight of the Sunne and Rosicleer did carrie betweene them the Quéene Augusta who went with so great ioy and pleasure that she knew not were she was to sée her selfe in the middest betwixt so worthie nephewes When the Emperour Trebatio had opportunitie he sayd vnto the king Now is my desire fullie accomplished in that I do sée your Hignesse in this Countrie for although all other thinges succ●eded vnto me prosperous as I haue desired yet had I no conclusion of all this my victorie neither could I receiue anie glorie therein till now I haue your Highnesse in my presence and doe honour and obey you as dutifullie as your owne naturall sonne And if the great obligation in the which you were bound vnto the king of great Britaine had not béene betwixt vs I and the Empresse Briana many a time long ere this had come vnto you to haue craued pardon for that which is past with lisence and consentment for that which was to come For although the Empresse Briana séemed to receiue contentment to be with mée in Grecia yet receiued I great griefe for that I could not accomplish of my part the dutie which I owe vnto your highnesse When that the Emperor had concluded these words then the king who receiued great pleasure thereat sayd Soueraigne Emperour if that you haue receiued great ioy contentmēt and pleasure at my comming into Grecia how much more reason haue I to reioyce and receue pleasure to haue so glorious a sight of your person and presence being accompanied and honoured with the most highest mightiest Emperours and kings of all the world and mounted vnto the highest estate of honour that fortune may extend the which is apparaunt before my eyes also endued with such sonnes that there is not the lyke knightes in all the whole world And here I doe acknowledge that I am not worthie of so high a kinseman and in that you haue saide of my consentment it might haue bene excused for that I doe sée it cléerely before myne eies to be the will and permission of God by whome all thinges hath bene gouerned for the which neither I nor any of your aduersaries could withstand or resist And séeing my daughter hath brought vnto mée the highest and worthiest Prince of all the world to be my sonne in law and that this marriage was made by the diuine will and permission from whence hath procéeded so excelent 〈◊〉 what haue I to saye vnto it but giue vnto the soueraigne creator infinit thankes for his great goodnesse shewed vnto mée And doe most heartelie desire him to let you enioy for manie yéeres this high estate into the which you are exalted and also the high and worthie progenie that he hath giuen you With many swéete and courteous wordes the Emperour Trebatio did gratifie with thanks all that which the king had sayd So passing betwixt them these and many other things in communication which were to long here to rehearse they came vnto the 〈◊〉 of Constantinople whereas the king of Hungaria and the Quéene Augusta were wonderfullie amazed for to sée the great knighthood of that Court for that with great difficultie they might passe the wide stréetes the multitude was so great so that it was a good while before they could come vnto the mightie pallas but when they came thether they all alighted and entred into the mightie broad court whereas the Empresse Briana dyd receiue them with that ioy and pleasure as you may immagine and there passed betwixt them many louing and sweete words as betwixt Fathers and children the which I doe let passe to eschue tediousnesse And the royall Empresse Briana was so gallant faire that her Father did not know her she was so chaunged Yet they well perceiued in her the ioye and pleasure she receiued and the more to
fortune did so serue them that they followed the right waie whereas the knight of the Sun had gone and in many places they discouered the steps of his horse which séemed to be new troden followed the same so long till in the end they came vnto the place whereas they found him lying all along the gréene grasse with his face and eies swollen with wéeping and séemed to bée so wearie that he had no power to arise but when they sawe him and were fullie satisfied of knowing him they were verie glad because it was their fortune to finde him and yet not a little amazed to see him in that trance Then Oristedes came vnto him and did awake him saying Sir knight of the Sunne my good Lord verie friend what vrgent cause hath moued you at such time to depart from the Court of the Emperour The Knight of the Sunne knowing them was verie sorrowfull for that they had found him and being ignorant what answere to make them he kept silence but in a great confusion imagining how he might separate himselfe out of their companie Then they all thrée together with great loue requested him to shew them the cause of his departure the occasion of this perplexitie into the which he was brought who determining to giue them to vnderstand the whole effct thereof began to declare to them as followeth My good friends if héeretofore you haue had anie experience in loue then are you not ignorant that his power is such that it doth depriue men of all reason vnderstanding in such sort that they cannot féele nor know anie thing and especiallie them that be conformable vnto their amorous desires and disordinate appetities which is the occasion that we haue apparant before our eies so many thousands of disastres in this world and loue the onelie cause thereof and for to declare them time doth not now serue Euen so I béeing taken prisoner with the loue of the Princesse Lindabrides and blinde without anie discretion had not so much reason for to consider nor to allow more than that which was conformable vnto my wil and amorous desire being bound vnto all inconueniences and perills resistant vnto my will by the which I was brought vnto the point as you my Lords haue séene vndersfood how that this night past was dilated the marriage betwéene the Prin●●sse me fo● the which I receiued great griefe but that mightie God redéemer of all the ri●●es maker of heauen and earth who hath power ouer all things against whose infinit power there is no resistance by his great mercie did permit y ● al my corporal senses which were inchaunted and prisoners vnto the loue of the Princesse was this night set frée from all subiection by the which I was awaked out of that blinde dreame wherein I laie so that I did sée and consider the great errour that I did commit in taking the Princesse Lindabrides vnto my wife for she being a Pagan and I a Christian it is the most reprochfull thing that can be vsed in all Christian religion so that either she must returne to be a Christian or else I must forsake my profession and become a Pagan The other for that I being a Christian shuld euil preserue so great a multitude of Pagans as is in the whole state of the Emperour Alicandro for that they will not haue a Christian knight for their Lord and gouernour neither should I be in securitie amongst so many Pagans Besides all this the great griefe which the Emperour my father and all his subiects shall receiue when they shall vnderstand how that I am married in a strange Country so far distant from his with great reason they may all desire wish my death So my verie good friends I considering of this and many other things which I omit to declare determined this night past to depart because I would not heape one errour vpon another for y ● there is amendement in that which is past so that I am fullie determined not to retourne anie more vnto the Court of the Emperour Alica●●●o and therefore I desire you in my behalfe to declare 〈◊〉 him that I craue pardon at his hands and to consider the iust occasions that moueth me not to accept the high proffer offered me and how that in whatsoeuer place I shall become he shall alwaies finde me his true and faithfull seruaunt These thrée knightes were verie much amazed at these wordes of the knight of the Sunne and were verie sorrowfull for that which he had giuen them to vnderstand who replied vpon him with louing requests for to returne againe vnto the Court of the Emperour and to put all such thoughtes out of his minde Who hearing those new replies he arose vp vpon a sodain● and finding his horse at hand without anie more tarrying prese●tly hée br●deled him and with great lightnesse he tooke his backe saying My good Lordes and friends I doe most heartelie desire you that in this matter you will not importune me anie more for that I will first consent to die rather than to accomplish or fulfill your request and rest you in the power of good fortune for I will depart And in saying these words he set spurres vnto his horse and like vnto the winde he ranne vp a high and mightie hill Oristedes when he sawe the knight of the Sunne depart in that sort he set spurres to his horse and sayd vnto his companions My Lordes may it please you to carrie these newes vnto the Emperour Aly●andro for that I wil not leaue the companie of the Knight of the Sunne and therewith he forced his pace after him so fast that in the end of an houre he ouertooke him at the top of the mount Tauro whereas they found verie faire plaines and pleasant Forrests but when the knight of the Sunne sawe him follow all alone he was verie glad and tarried for him who certified him how that his companions remained behinde and how that he would not leaue his companie if it were his pleasure to accept it The knight of the Sunne gaue him great thankes gratifying his good will at which instant there was confirmed betweene thē so great perfect loue that it endured vntil their deaths These two knights trauailed together many daies vppon the mightie mountaine whereas they did not lacke of all sortes of meates for their diets in Castles and houses which they found vppon the mountaine whereas this Historie doth leaue them for to retourne vnto those two Princes that came with Oristedes who remained in great confusion with that which the knight of the Sunne and their companion had done in such sorte that they knew not what to saie But in conclusion they Agr●●● together for to depart at such time as the night approched they came vnto the mightie Citie of Naptaria whereas they found the Emperour meruailouslie tro●bled and all the whole Court in great alteration But wheir they had declared
daie it hapried that there came vnto her twelue ancient knights and of great honour from the Empire of Trapisonda all apparelled in blacke which did signifie great heauinesse who with sorrowful countenance did humble themselues on their knées before her and did kisse her hands as their Ladie and mistres and they gaue her to vnderstand how that the Emperour her Father and Empresse her Mother were both departed the world vpon a sicknesse that tooke them both together and so ended their daies how that all the nobilitie of her Empire did request her y ● out of hand the should depart to put in quietnesse and set in good order her high estate for her absence being without Lord might be the occasion of some great peril When that this dolefull newes was heard by the Princesse she receiued great sorrow at her heart for the death of her parents whom she loued verie much considering of her departure frō Grecia which was of compulsion her sorow did double increase yet was she somwhat cōforted by the parents of the knight of the Sun who did honour her in all respects then she séeing y ● of necessitie she must depart out of hand she went vnto the Emperor Empresse Briana gaue them to vnderstand therof crauing lisence for her departure promising thē to returne againe as soone as she had put in order her estate set it in quiet The Emperor the empresse receiued great griefe at those dolefull newes also that the departure of the Princesse was of pure necessitie for that the loue which shée had recouered amongst them in the smal time y ● she was there was very much but séeing the iust reason that she had to 〈◊〉 in lamenting the death of her parents they saide that it was in her choice to vse her pleasure as she should thinke best and how that they were all at her commandement in anie thing she would imploie them This good Emperour did not alonelie offer vnto her knights of great renewin for to beare her companie into her Countrie but also did contend that himselfe in person would do the like This roiall Princesse surrendering great thanks for the same would not consent that the Emperor neither anie of his knights should go with her but alonelie her owne Ladies Gentlewomen in companie with those knights y e came frō Trapisonda So taking hir leaue of them all where amongst thē was shed many teares the roiall Princesse departed out of the great mightie citie of Constantinople accōpanied with the Emperor the most principal knights of his court they did conduct her vnto y ● sea side whereas they did embrace her commend her vnto God She straight waies did embarke her selfe with all her companie began to saile towards the Empire of Trapisonda and the Emperor with all his knights returned againe vnto the Citie whereas he feit great griefe for the lack of his sons of the good knights that were absent for their respects from the court Now doth the Historie returne vnto the Princesse Claridiana saith that they found the wind so prosperous that in a short time they ariued at the mightie Empire of Trapisond whereas she was receiued of her nobles vassolls with great ioy and pleasure vnto thē all who receiued great content for y ● they had so noble faire a gouernesse y ● in all the world they beléeued was not her equall as truth is she was as well in beautie as in customes comlie grace that she had not her péere in her time So after y ● the funerall was concluded for the Emperor Empresse as did appertaine vnto their high estates the roiall Princesse was crowned for Empresse in the time y ● she remained her gouernment was such y ● in y ● as wel as in all other things appeared y ● God did vse great bountie in her behalfe aboue all other who with great care did p●sse the time many daies alwaies awaiting when she should heare newes of the knight of y ● Sun whose long absence was cocasiō of her great sorrow griefe in such sort y ● whatsoeuer pastimes pleasures her subiectes did ordaine to giue her contēt yet could she not receiue anie comfort or ioy neither could she put him out of her remembraunce a moment for that she was not in quiet neither could she not refraine from the great oppressions of her thoughts suspecting the great perill wherein the knight of the Sunne was with the continuall presence and conuersation that he hadde with the faire Princesse Lindabrides which séemed vnto her such that according vnto the great valour and desert of the knight of the Sunne with the soueraigne beautie and grace of the Princesse it were a thing impossible but that the one must néedes lone the other So with thi● great care and troubles of minde the storie doth leaue her for to tell you of the knight of the Sunne who in companie with the valiant Oristedes was trauailing through the gran Tartaria What happened vnto the knight of the Sunne and Oristedes trauailing through the gran Tartaria Chap. 4. WIth great trauaile and hast did these two great friends the knight of the Sunne the troian Oristedes make their iourneies ouer the mightie féedes of the mounre Tauro which was verie fresh and delightfull and polished with manie Castells and faire houses in which trauaile for the space of manie daies they did sundry feates of armes by reason that the inhabitants ther were verie barbarous so that euerie daie they were driuen to armore and to make their defence And in al places wheresoeuer they became they hadde contention with the dwellers there aboutes and although all that mountaine was replenished with Castiles and houses somwhat apart the one from the other yet did they passe the greatest part thereof with little daunger till vppon a night it happened being verie darke and they in the field where as they could not discouer neither castle nor house whether they might go to lodge themselues being in such a constillation as was very colde so that the first part of the night they passed with great trouble till such time as from far of they discouered a light of fier which séemed to be in a great and déeps valley they thinking that it was made by some shepherds that kept their shéepe there being very glad went thether wards And when they came nigh vnto the place they saw that it was a companie of more then thirtie barbarous people of y ● countrie being of a high and large stature and either of them had but one eye and that was in their foreheads as big as a smal looking glasse They were al apparailed with the skins of beares and of other beastes sitting round about a great fier which they had made and some of them were rosting of certaine Uenison and of other beastes which they had taken vpon spits of wood Their
talke which they had was verie barbarous and strange so that these knights could not vnderstand them for it séemed to be a kinde of howling or bleating but when they came nigh vnto them they were greatly amazed to sée people so brutish staied themselues not knowing what to say These barbarous monsters whē they saw them vpon the Horse backes and so richly armed straight waies one which semed to be the principal amongst them began to speake in their barbarous tongue making signes that they should alight come vnto the fire to warme them and to take part of their supper which was there a dressing So when the knights vnderstode their meanings the knight of the Sunne saide vnto Oristedes my very good friend what doe you thinke best that we doe Then Oristedes said Sir it séemes vnto mée requisite to do that which necessitie doth constraine vs that is that we alight go vnto the fier and suppe with this people for that colde hunger will not consent that we doe any other thing And afterward if they demaund of vs paiment for the shotte then is there your fine cutting sworde which will pay for vs all Be it done as you haue saide my very good friend Oristedes said the knight of the Sunne for that your bountie in what soeuer perill doth put vs in suretie but yet mée thinks it not requisite to sléepe much among this people And in saying these words these two worthie knights did alight and pulled the bridles from their Horses and gaue them leaue to féede on the gréene grasse of which there was great store so they came vnto the fier and sat themselues downe by the principall of them with their beuers lifted vp But when these barbarous people did sée them so faire and of so gallant disposition they all had a great good will for to kill them to eate them for that they hadde rather féede vpon humaine flesh when they may get it then of any other beast So that in their bleating speach they concluded amongst them for to execute their pretence And these knights for that they did not vnderstand them held their peace warmeing themselues by the fier making hast by signes that the supper were made readie for that 〈◊〉 were veris colde and hungerie So that when their ●●●ison and other meate was roasted all these company of barbarous people did set themselues vpon the ground round about their vittailes and began to teare it in péeces with their handes and to eate with lustie courages The chiefe captaine of them gaue vnto these knights of the Uenison for their parts who at that present made little account of the great abundance that they were wont to haue at the Emperour Alicandro his table and at the feasts of the Emprour Trebatio but fell vnto their vittailes with tooth and naile Yet that supper had cost them very déere if that the soueraigne creator had not remembred them For that in the best and chiefest time of their supper when most contentment these perfect friends receiued two of these barbarous Tartarians dissembling to serue the rest arose vp from their companie and toke eche of them a mightie great and heauie clubbe which they vsed for their weapon very softly without making any noyse they came behinde y ● two knights with all their sorce strength of both their hands they discharged their blowes vpon these two knights which did astonish them that they were out of all remembrance fell presētly to y e ground whereas they moued neither hand nor foote but lay as though they had bene dead Then these barbarous Tartarians arose vp alogether and came for to vnarnie them verie glad for that which they had done but for that they had no experience in armour and neuer before had vnlased anie in more then a quarter of an houre there was not one of them that could lose anie péece therof nor knew not where nor which waie to begin but tumbling 〈◊〉 rounde about from one place vnto an other vewing of all partes but yet were they neuer the nearer in which time y e worthie knight of y ● Sunne receuing aire was wholie come to himselfe of perfect rememberaunce considering in what state they were brought with a trice in spite of all those barbarous people that did hold him he arose vppon his féete and finding by him his good sworde which was the best in all the world and that which hée won of the Prince Meridian he tooke 〈◊〉 both his hands and stroke such a blow at him that 〈◊〉 that he cut him a sunder by the wast that the two partes fell the one from the other dead to y ● groūd ther with he stroke at an other that was vnarming of Oristedes that his right arme with the whole quarter of the body he made flie to the earth not staying with that but with great courage and furie he put himselfe amongst the thickest of them wounding and killing all that he might fasten blows vpon but these Tartarians recouering their clubbes with loude cryings they did assault him on euerie syd charging him with mightie and terrible blowes but by reason that they were cleane without armour and this valiant and stoute knight in the heate of his furie in short speace by kiling of some and wounding of other some the rest ranne awaie for feare of his mortal blowes so that not one of all these barbarous Tartarians did remaine in sight This being concluded he was going towards his friend the Troyan Oristedes for to succour him who at that instāt was come vnto himselfe and with great courage and furie he arose vp thinking that his enimies hadde bene there still but loking about for them and seing so manie slaine and none in presence but the knight of the Sunne with great ioye and pleasure he went vnto him embracing him with great loue he saide now am I fullie certified and perswaded worthie and valiant knight that the high mightie soueraigne gods haue not forgot you but haue great and speciall care of your great valour the which is made maniefest vnto me in the preuenting of this present perill otherwise this supper had bene full dere vnto me Then the knight of the Sunne embracing of him saide The liuing god who knoweth the secret of all things would not consent that so worthie a knight as you are should be slaine by so great ●reason And his pleasure was for to deliuer mée by his bountifull goodnesse whereby I should make defence to saue vs both from so great rebuke and shame And now seeing that here is none for to disturbe vs Let vs sit downe and make an ende of our supper and take our rest here till to morow morning Let it be as you doe commaund saide Oristedes séeing that here is none to trouble vs therwith these two good companions did sette them selues downe and did eate of the vittailes that was there till they were
valiant knights who with great furie and shouts began to laie vpon their aduersaries and saying Upon them vpon them for they be ouercome But whē Rosicleer hear● those wordes and sawe no other thing but perdition he began greater to lament y ● death of his friends more than his owne but that which did grieue him most was that after so many troubles sorrows the which he had passed for the Princesse Oliuia and had her in his power alwai●s hoping at her hands to receiue reward for the same he should now be constrained therefore to die and to leaue her in the power of another hauing this in his remembraunce lifting vp his eies vnto heauen to aske mercie of God for his sinnes he sawe his welbeloued mistres in a sound in the armes of Fidelia as she which made no other reckoning but to die the which did cause vnto him so great dolour griefe that it kindled in him mortall wrath and ire determined to sell his life verie déere vnto them that so much desired his death wherewith hée tooke his sword in both his handes and stroke so terrible a blowe at the Captaine Bramides vppon the wast that cutting him in two péeces he ouerthrew him dead to the ground and therewith at other sixe blowes he slew other sixe knightes behauing himselfe so amongest them that they fled from him as from the death But hée as one that had his death certaine without anie care of his life all alone he maintained the battaile against the knightes of Don Siluerio for that his friends could not doe anie thing in his defence they weare so wearie And although the knights of Lusitania were valiant and did charge him with many heauie blowes that had bene sufficient to haue cloue amanfield in péeces yet did he defend the entrie of the ship alone for the space of halfe an houre against all the companie and had about him on euery side a great number of dead bodies shewing so great wonders among his aduersaries that it was scarce credible to the beholders Whereat Don Siluerio receiued great griefe to sée so many of his knights slain but yet he durst not come nigh him himselfe but forced his knights forwards with reproch that it was a shame to him that one alone knight shoulde make his defence so long against so many Who hearing those wordes made no more a doe but put their liues in aduenture for to accomplish that which was their deaths and therewith they leaped into the ship of Rosicleer and charged him so much with so many terrible and heauie blowes that it had not bene possible for him to haue indured long if that by the wonderfull myracle of God he had not bene succoured You shall vnderstand that fortune did serue him so wel that the ship wherein was that valiant and worthie knight of the Sunne and that stout Oristedes was constrained by the force of the storme and tempest past to enter into th● same port of Cerdenia and entering in thereat they straight waies did sée the execution of that cruell battaile and were greatlie amased to sée all the water so stained with bloud and how that one alone ship did make his defence against all the rest but when they sawe so few knightes did maintaine themselues against so great a multitude of their enimies their meruaile was the more and remained astonied for a great space to sée the incredible acts that Rosicleer dyd as one that was desperate of his own life which was with so great courage that if he had séene it with his owne eyes he could not haue beléeued that any humane creature could haue done it And as he was with great attention beholding them with great good will for to aide and helpe them The knight of the Sunne did know him by the deuice of his armour although that they were all to be rai●d with bloud as also by the comelie proportion of his bodie therewith vpon a sodaine with a loude voice he said O good God it séemeth vnto me that yonder knight should be Rosicleer my brother or els my sight doth deceiue me Oh my good friend now shew forth your great bountie to defend and saue the life of the person of him that I loue best in all the worlde Come on let vs go sayd Oristedes for●with verie good will I wil offer my selfe in anie thing that doth appertaine vnto you or to your brother And in●saying these words these two good friends did cause their ship to be grapled vnto the ship of Rosicleer and with their swordes drawen in their hands they leapt into the sayd ship and sayd Courage courage good knight and take a good heart héere is come vnto thée thy brother the knight of the Sunne And therewithall turned against his aduersaries and made so great a slaughter amongst them that in a short space al the hatches of the ship laie full of dead bodies and the knights of Lusitania béeing greatlie amased at such sodaine and str●●ge succour they fled before them with all the speede they could into their owne ships and in making such hast many of them leaped short fell into the water so that by this meanes their shippe was quicklie ridde of their enimies But when that Rosicleer heard those comfortable words of his worthie brother and knew him as well by his wonderfull blowes giuen as by the deuice of his armour what ioy and pleasure might bée equall vnto his I saie vnto you it was much more than it was at that time when that he was succoured by him in the Iland of Can●●marte for that his death at that time shoulde not haue béene so grieuous vnto him as at this pres●nt the death of his good and perfect friends and hauing in his power the fayre Princesse Oliuia And as one who by the aide and succour of his Brother was in good hope to be set frée and at libertie of so rigorous and cruell a traunce with a new and vnlooked for ioye did so hearter and incourage himselfe recouering so great force and strength that hée began to make so great a destruction among his enimies as though the battaile were but as then begun and comming nigh vnto the knight of the Sunne he sayde Oh my Lorde and welbeloued brother what great benefit is this that God hath shewed vnto me that it hath pleased him that I am succoured by your great power and strength and now that I find my selfe in your companie if that all the whole world were against me I should not haue anie feare At this time the knight of the Sunne could not make him anie answere for that he was so occupied amongst his enimies where hée did so great slaughter that there was none that durst tarrie● before him Likewise the Troian did so defend his partie that it was wonderfull to beholde at whom Rosicleer was greatlie amazed not knowing who that valiant and worthie knight should be Then the king Sacridoro and the
almightie God in that he did know her to be his soueraigne Ladie and sister Then the good Troyan Oristedes went and offered to kisse her handes and yéelded himselfe wholie vnto her grace The Princesse did surrender vnto him thankes and receiued great contentment to haue in her companie so high and valiant knights For with iust reason might be sayd that there was ioyned together all the bountie and prowesse of the whole world So all together with great ioy and pleasure they commanded their shippes to be made in a readinesse and sayled together towardes the Empire of Grecia And being at sea they met with a great and mightie shippe wherein came the worthie and valiant Prince Clauerindo who with the company of his vnkle Flamides brought with them the faire Princesse Lindaraza And when they knew the one the other there was great reioycing of all theyr partes bu● in especiallie béeing giuen to vnderstand by what strange aduenture the Prince did bring her and of the good will which he had for to marrie with her at such time as they should ariue at the mightie Citie of Constantinople in the presence of the Emperour the ioy of the brethren was the more and they receiued Lindaraxa with great loue vnto whom she séemed to be in all points of great valour and she lykewise with more ioy and pleasure than euer she receiued before in all her life went along with them and gaue great thankes vnto God for that good fortune she had to meete them Then she embraced with great loue the Princesse Oliuia who with great ioy dyd receiue her being either of them verie much amazed at the strange beautie the one of the other and verie gladde that they should enter together into Grecia So with great ioye and delight they sailed on their voiage and had so gallant conuersation amongst themselues that they neuer felt the trauaile of the sea There dyd the Princes Zoylo Bargandel and Lyriamandro vnderstand of Rosicleer all his aduentures and what he had passed in them after that he departed out of England who receiued great pleasure to heare him although to the contrarie they did complaine much of him for that they taking so great paines in séeking of him with great desire of his companie he woulde not discouer himselfe vnto them So passing the time with these and other such like sports they sailed towardes Grecia and in few daies with prosperous windes they ariued at the port of Constanstinople and thinking it great reason before that they did dis●mbarke thēselues to giue the Emperour Trebatio vnderstanding of their ariuall it was concluded and agréed amongst them that the king Sacridoro should goe vnto Constantinople for that he knew the whole discourse of Rosicleer and sawe by experience the most part of his valiant worthinesse that hée might declare the same vnto the Emperour and Empresse and in what sort he doth bring with him the Princesse Oliuia and Clauerindo Lindaraza and how they are all together in the port of that Citie readie for to come a shore and by reason that the daie was farre spent and the night drew on they dyd inferre it till the next morning when that the king Sacridoro went a land and did his message How the knight of the Sunne Rosicleer and the other Princes and knig●tes with the Princesses Oliuia Lindaraza went a land and were meruailouslie receiued by the Emperour Trebatio and the Empresse Briana Chap. 7. WHen the next morning was come the good King Sacridoro went a land beeing armed with his whole armour verie richlie alonely with one Squire and entered into Constantinople who finding the Emperour Trebatio and the Empresse Briana in the great hall together without anie dolour he came in whereas they were who when they sawe him receiued him with great ioy and pleasure as well for that he was so great a friend vnto their sonne Rosicleer as also because they hoped to heare some newes from him the which they longed verie much for for of long time they had not heard from him Then the king went to kisse the hands of the Emperour who did embrace him with great loue and said King Sacridoro my verie good friend you are heartelie welcome into this Countrie for with your comming I doe receiue great ioy and pleasure Therefore tel me what is become of your greatest friend Rosicleer for that I meruaile greatlie that he is not come in your companie I am fullie perswaded that it is a great thing that should depart you a sunder Then the king after that he had done his due reuerence answered him and said Mightie Emperour I came in the companie of Rosicleer and God forbidde that so long as I liue I shoulde separate my selfe out of his companie for therewith I receive more honour and contentment than with all the whole kingdome of Antiochia the which I holde by his valyant worthinesse And héere I giue you to vnderstand most high renowmed princes that your mightie valiant most worthie sonnes the knight of the Sunne and Rosicleer are in the port of this Citie accompanied with worthie valiant princes and knights and doe bring in their companie the most excelent and faire princesse Oliuia daughter vnto the puisant king Oliuerio whome Rosicleer falling in loue with did by force of his strong arme take out of the court of the king her father and with one alone shippe in the which we are come made his defence at the sea against more thē sire thousand knights there did he shew vnto him a great part of all that had passed in that enterprise and of the great sorow which he receued for the worthie knight of the Sunne and of Oristedes his friend as also how by fortune at the sea they met with the prince Clauerindo who brought in his companie the faire Lindaraza with her vnckle Fla●nides with the whole discourse how he brought her out of the castle in such sort as he tolde them at the sea But whē the Emperour and the Empresse heard these newes they receued great ioy and comfort thereat as those who haue great experience in cases of loue did not greatly meruaile at that which Rosicleer did for the loue of Oliuia likewise they receued content for that he had accomplished his desire being fullie certified that the princesse should inherit the kingdome of great Britaine after the deceace of the king her father and how that Rosicleer could not marrie with a damsell in all the world of more higher estate Also theyr ioy did encreace at the newes of the comming of the knight of the Sunne Then the Emperour and the Empresse dyd render vnto the king Sacridoro great thankes for that he would come to bring them so ioyfull newes And the Emperour did straight waies commaund his nobles and worthie princes knights that were then present in his court to be in a redinesse for to goe and receue them who in companie with them all with great pomp
much more the victorie against the Gréekes is so vncertaine and as you may make iust accompt thereof although you think it to the contrarie without any consideration of peruerse fortune which may so fall out that they shall remaine al libertie and you deceiued although the host of men which you may carie wil be a great multitude mightie and strong yet many times it falleth out that the greatest host is ouercome by the lesser as it happened vnto Xerxes and vnto Darius and a great number more who with hosts of innumerable companie of people were destroyed and ouercome Likewise before that this shall come in effect if you doe well consider and haue an eye into the great angers and molestacions presumptions alterations and contrarieties which doth happen daylie in these mightie hostes I beleue that you will think it better to remaine and liue at home in your owne countrie then to passe into Grecia with so mightie an host for that there is no iniuries nor cruelties that may be compared vnto the condicions of men of warre And these which you do think to be your owne it may so fall out that for a little occasion they will change their copie and perhaps betray ●el them so that of knights and subiects they may become thy enimies Behold and consider of that great and mightie Alexander who in his time accompted himselfe of no lesse estate then you doe now at this present yet that which all his enimies could not conclude and bring to passe was finished by his owne knights in killing him by poyson If you wil that I shall declare vnto you many other examples by Emperours of Rome beholde who slew Pertinax and the two Maximos father and sonne Baluino Maximo Probo Graciano Valentiniano the least of all these were good valiant men and yet slaine by the hands of those of their host Likewise I will declare the great perills and misfortunes that happeneth at the sea by y ● which you must of necessitie passe this your great multitude of people I would it were not my fortune to speake but could excuse my selfe for that it is well knowen vnto all men how readie y ● mightie windes are to augment perills the mightie greate and vnmercifull waues the hidden rockes vnder the water the continuall tempests and whirle windes What is that so strong that the power of the heauens and the sea doe not rent and teare all to péeces and carrie awaie by sodaine stormes and tempests of the windes and therefore it is said that the going to the sea is easie but the comming from the sea is perillous but putting all the perills and daungers a parte and that Fortune wil shew her selfe fauourable vnto you in all these affaires and that with prosperous windes and times you are entered into the Empire of Grecia yet I would you should consider and knowe how doubtfull is the victorie at that present for that in all thinges hope is doubtfull and much more in great warres and contentions Uerie prudent and well experimented in armes was hée that saide that there is nothing that hath his ende more vncertaine than the warre and that it is farre better a certaine and sure peace than the hoped victorie One thing all you may beléeue of a certaine that verie few or none entereth into battaile without hope of victorie but yet consider if it bée not a thing that hath often happened the losse of the ouercome to be lesse than of the ouercōmers How many times doth men goe vnto the warres in hope to haue the victorie and to the contrarie remaines ouercome and that which is worst they remaine dead in the field so that they returne not backe againe to their houses ouercome nor with victorie And yet will I say more in contradiction of your hope that if you did know of a verie certaintie and truth that the victorie should be on your parts against the Gréekes yet for all that I will not let to giue you counsaile for to remaine in quiet at home in your owne Countrie for as the victorie is alwaies doubtfull euen so many times it is sorrowfull bloudie is not got with ease that which is sought with perill of their liues déerelie sold y ● is bought with bloud more deerer if it cost their liues We haue séene many times an host to haue the victorie yet their generall slaine in the battaile this is without all doubt y ● some shal be slaine on your part possible it may be your lot before any other for that your enimies as vpon the principall staie of your host will seeke to procure your death How sodainlie vnlooked for may you méet with the knight of the Sun he that was heere in your court at which tune you would willingly giue all that now you do possesse for to be as farre distant from him as you are at this present Of truth according vnto his furie great worthinesse brauerie stoutnesse the which experience hath shewed me by the incredible things done in sight of al men in this court surelie I shuld thinke no securitie in my life although I were in the middest of your great mighty host if I were certaine that he were against me in the field And héere I do desire praie the almightie immortall Gods to saue kéep thée from his furious hands for surelie my heart doth tremble to heare you saie that you will goe and seeke him to contend with him Héere is now in presence Rodaran king of Arabia and the king of Media who hath proued the experience of his mightie blowes I doe desire your highnesse to aske of them if they haue anie good will to returne and proue them againe as also if Rodaran be in the same opinion that he was before he went into Grecia Therefore O high and mightie Emperour conserue and maintaine this soueraigne estate into the which the high and immortall Gods hath exalted you and leaue off this enterprise for to goe and séeke perilles and daungers in other straunge Countries for that innumerable bée the misfortunes that wée are daylie subiect vnto And you shall not doe little for to conserue and kéepe that which you doe now possesse Wise men in times past dyd not thinke it to bée done with ease who sayde that it was great trauaile to suffer prosperitie and that it was necessarie to learne to suffer hauing Fortune at will for that it is more difficult to gouerne himselfe therewith than in aduersitie Héere therefore I thinke not amisse to staie my talke for that in this which I haue sayde you maye verie well vnderstand my iudgement not onelie that you shoulde restraine from executing your will but also that you should seperate and blot it cleane out of your thought and minde neuer more remember it For that if the knight of the Sun had done vnto you any iniurie as hetherto he hath not for that
accept it with a good will and if it bée sadde and sorrowfull they suffer it with suffer it with patience and when that with the occasions they cannot bée merrie then doe they comfort themselues with patience for that there is nothing so comfortable and pleasant as is patience therewith heauie and sorrowfull heartes are made glad and ioyfull wronges are brought to perfection it mollifieth hard hearts do mitigate difficultnesse aspar things it maketh plaine and ceaseth all quarrels and sodaine motions and finallie there is nothing of more quietnes and comfort than is the life of the patient These wéepinges these complaintes these clowdes and stormes that causeth the weake barke of our humane lyfe to bée dashed and broken in péeces against the rockes procéedeth of no other thing but of the follie and impatience of men So that gentle Knight if you dyd suffer with patience the troubles and afflictions of this life considering that in the end there cannot bée found a thing more common amongst men then shoulde no peruerse fortune although it dyd neuer so stronglie assault you bée able to cause you to be wearie abhorre your owne life neyther to goe and put your selfe into the handes of that diuellish Fauno whereas you doe aduenture no other thing but martirdome to your bodie and perpetual condemnation to your soule Let the Lord dispose of thy bodie according vnto his will séeing he made it there is no reason to the contrarie doe not procure to destroie the Castle whereas thou laied●● neither stone nor timber and no other thing is thine but onelie the compassion Doe not abridge God of that work whereas he did not onelie create the flesh but also bones bloud and spirit And it séemeth vnto me as it is most true that there is no other Lord ouer celestiall and terrestriall things but he that made all things Well then séeing that of our selues we are nothing but all is of God and commeth from him wherfore doe we humane creatures thinke that we may liberallie we all things vnto our 〈◊〉 Curteous Knight if you haue anie sorrowe and griefe possible God doth it to proue you the which although it bée now troublesome vnto you may yet so fall out that another time it will bée profitable and if it bee intollerable it cannot endure long tarrie the voice of the Lord for that hée will call you and make no aunswere before hée call you for that it is determined not onelie the daie but the houre of thy end the which thou oughtest not to abreuiate and cut off for that thou art not able to dilate it for it is impossible There hath béene some that hath taken it before their time thinking thereby to eschue a little briefe and momentarie trouble and drowned themselues in that which neuer shall haue end A mightie King or Lorde leaueth in a Castle or fortresse a lieuetenant to garde and kéepe the same who thinketh that hée doth commit great treason to depart from thence without lisence of his Lorde Why then shall wée not thinke that the treason is farre greater that the soule doth against the king of heauen for to depart from the bodie whereas he put it to be his liefetenant and gard We reade that there was neuer wise man y ● did so euil a fact as dyd Cato in killing of himselfe for that hée woulde not looke Caesa● in the face Let not so much bée spoken of you gentle knight it will séeme much worse because you are a Christian and it 〈◊〉 thing prohibited and forbidden by God wheras he saith Thou shalt not kill Why should wée then kill our selues Likewise hée doth bidde vs loue our neighbours as our ow●e selues Therefore haue a good confidence and trust in all ●●●ng for that it is not the part of a 〈…〉 but to beare a good 〈◊〉 vnto the double face of 〈◊〉 and to the contrarie a womans heart that doth yéelde for feare Therefore touching this matter gentle knight I wil saie no more for that vnto them that hath a better vnderstanding than I haue I haue sayd nothing but to put in remembrance Likewise it is néedfull for that if you haue your witt●s occupied in passions the same doth blinde the vnderstanding in such sorte that you cannot discerne thinges at hand With this the olde Pilot concluded his talke and although the knight of the Sunne at that time was in better plight to ●ight against fiftie knightes than to take counsaile of one man yet for all that he dyd conceiue well of the wordes of the Patrone as of him that was indued with no lesse wisedome and vnderstanding than with force and strength and for that his determination was so firme to accomplish his desire and againe the knightes that were there present as also the Pilot shoulde not iudge him to be an imp●tient man and one of ●●●all discretion hée said these words following If so bée that the life of man might bée perpetuall and indure for euer as immortall and the soule to die then with great reason ought we to cherish and make much of our bodies and ●●ie from all such perills as might giue an occasion vnto death for that hée that should so die might certain●●● account himselfe vnhappie for wheras before hée was some thing he should be conuerted into nothing But as it is a thing naturall to be borne and to die as wise men saith that the entering into the worlde with life is the beginning of death and the same life is the path waie therevnto and wée ought to feare death more than to be borne and we ought to flie from the death yet both of them maketh nature perfect and nothing of necessitie doeth accompanie Nature which ought to be feared and he that doth abhorre and fea●● things naturall it followeth that he should likewise fear● abhorre nature which was the occasion of life to be borne sauing if you thinke that in part you ought to praise and in part to despise and abhorre but all men of small discretion doe feare death and I doe not meruaile thereat for that all their felicities is in their bodies the which without al doubt doth end with death and with great reason they doe fear● that which they esteeme as their chiefe delight for that humane nature is such that it wil not refuse nor lacke their felicitie but that Baron which is wise couragious ●●●●●meth of his bodie no more th●n of 〈…〉 and hath all his desire set vppon the 〈◊〉 of the ●oule who when it departeth from the bodie maketh no more account but as one that in the morning departeth from an heauie combersome lodging where he remained all night If man dreade death feare is not to be 〈◊〉 for that th● soule is immortall cannot die but the bodie onelie is it not 〈◊〉 mans dutie to haue care of his 〈◊〉 and if he feare it procéedeth of follie but yet it is more foolishnesse for to desire the
remembrance with great furie he sa●d vnto himselfe God forbidde that the sword wherewith I did strike so high and soueraigne a Ladie should now be defiled in the bloud of so foule infernall a monster And in saying these wordes with great furie and force he laide holde with both his handes vpon a great and knotted branch of one of those Okes and tore it from the bodie of the trée and trimming it in the best manner he could he laid it vpon his shoulder the which was so great and heauie that many other knightes should lacke strength to lift it vp from the ground And as he trauailed in this sort he thought within himselfe that if hée should be slaine in that battaile that then his good swoorde should remaine in the fielde and then afterward it might so fall out that in time that Iland might againe bée peopled then ●oulde it not be other wise but that sworde must come to the hand of some knight wherewith he might shed the bloud of others and for that he would not doe so greate iniurie vnto so precious a Ladie hée determined first for to break it all to péeces in such sort that afterward none might profit himselfe therewith Then considering how in what manner he might execute his determination to breake th● sword in péeces he sawe by him a little rocke the height of 〈…〉 although it were farre bigger and of very hard stone and thinking thereon to break it to péeces he drew out that ●●ne sword laide vpon that rocke so many strong blowes that it séemed to burne with the great quantitie of fire that flew out thereof but by reason of his great goodnesse for that it was one of the best that was to be found in all the world all the strength that he had neither the hardnesse of the rocke was sufficient to breake it it was the sword the which he had of the Prince Meridian whereat this worthie Prince was in so great furie and wrath that with double strength he assaulted againe the rocke and in a short space he did cut and breake it all to péeces and the swoorde neuer the worse In this saith the wise Lyrgandeo that this knight had the greatest force strength that euer humane creature had before or after him and an euident token to consider y ● in so smal time he should cut breake to péeces such a rocke as that was the which no humane force was able to doe it but he onlie then this good knight séeing that all that euer he could doe was not sufficient to breake that sword although he made it many times to double bow the point vnto the hilt he determined to leaue it there and for that afterward it shuld be the better estéemed of him whose fortune it should be to finde it in the highest part of pea●e of that rocke that remained with the point of his sword hee engraued in Gréeke vearse these wordes following IF héereafter in anie time it chanceth anie knight to finde this sword you shal vnderstand that it is the knight of the Suns sonne vnto the Emperour ●●rebatio who comming to this Iland in the demaund séeking out of the diuellish Fauno for to battaile with him because he would not haue the said sword defiled on him he left it wold not carrie it with him for that after his death he would it should not come into the power of anie other he did procure to breake it vpon this rocke the which was cut and broken therewith in such sort as you finde it and yet the sword could not be broken therefore I desire thée whose fortune it is to find it neuer to strike or wound anie therewith because his owner in the time of his greatest necessitie did leaue the same in consideration that he stroke therewith the most highest and soueraigntest Ladie and Damsell that euer was borne amongst humane creatures 〈◊〉 Thus when the knight of the Sun had engrauen these wordes he put the sword into the ●ich scabbard hanged it girdle all of gold vpon the ●aid rocke and tooke his knotted club vpon his shoulder began to go forwards his way a good pace his horse followed after him a good waie off In this sort the knight trauailed did discouer from a far the fire that procéeded out at the mouth of this diuellish Fauno wherby he might discerne where he was So halfe an houre after that he departed from the rocke with the large pace in his going he came within an arow sh●t of the place whereas the Fanno was from whence he discouered the wonderful mishapen figure of that mons●er whose force furiousnesse no humane creature was able to discerne but that which made this knight meruaile most was to sée come forth at the mouth of this beast with the fire smoake so infinit a compaine of diuels in the shape of armed men y t it 〈◊〉 all the diuels in hell to be ioyned the●e together of them he sawe comming towards him a bushment which seemed to the number of two hundreth making so great a noise as though the whole Iland would haue sunke his good horse Cornerino till that time did follow him but at that great noise he returned backe againe like vnto a whirle winde vnto the place from whence he came although y ● infernal companie came against him with so great force yet this valiant and couragious knight did dismaie nothing there●t but with an irefull semblance he larged his pace towards them for to worke his furie on them who when they came vnto him did first assalt him with infernall visions then did laie vpon him with their shod clubs yron mases so thicke terrible blowes y ● it séemed to be the forge of Vulcan but this valiant knight taking his club in both his hands began with so great furie to besturre himselfe amongst them that all that euer was before him he ouerthrew to the ground by reason that they did ouerpresse him very much with their thick terrible blowes he waxed verie w●athfull did redouble his furious blowes in such sort y ● in a short time y ● infernal companie began to flie returne vnto the place frō whence they came making such houllings shrikes y ● it would haue feared anie man to haue heard them This infernall companie had scarce returned when there came forth at his mouth another legion of diuels such as y ● first were all armed● with mases of yron in 〈…〉 did resemble giants came towards the good knight making a greater noise than it doth when it thundieth throweth out some thunderb●lt when they came vnto him they assalted compassed him 〈◊〉 about charged him with so many heauie terrible blowes that thrée times they made him to stoup with knées hands downe to the ground but commending himselfe vnto almightie God with his heart he
there was small resistance to be made for that these worthie and estéemed knights of Grecia had inough to doe to make resistance against the giants of Campion which was the occasion that all his people when the night drew on began to retire and to loose ground a little and little the which being considered of by the Emperour ●rebatio and fearing the great perill that might happen vnto his people he 〈◊〉 vnto Rodaran that if he thought good to leaue off their battaile contention vntill the next daie for that as then it was verie late he would Then Rodaran hauing that offer as one y ● desired no other thing withdrew himselfe the Emperour perceiuing the night at hand blew a rich horne of Iuorie that hée had at his neck the which being knowen by his people they began to withdraw themselues and to retire towards the Citie the like did the Pagans retire towardes their tre●ches sauing onelie Bradaman and Bramarant his sonne who was so fleshed in killing and slaying and shedding of bloud that hée followed the Gréekes almost vnto the Citie before they would retire neither at that time woulde they haue returned but that the valiant Rosicleer with all those worthie knights returned vpon them so that betwixt them there began a terrible and cruell battaile for that Bramarant stroke such cruell blowes at the stout Oristedes and the Tartarian Zoylo that with two alonelie strokes hée amazed and lefte them without remembraunce and made the bloud to gush out at their mouths and noses at which season came Brandizel and stroke him such an ouerthwart blowe vppon his healme that he depriued him of his sight made him somewhat astonied but Brandizel departed not boasting of this blow for that Bramarant turning himselfe about with his sword in both his handes so saluted him that he had fallen to the ground if that he had not embraced himselfe with his horse necke In like manner Bradaman intreated the strong Florion and Clauerindo for that at two blowes he left them without remembrance at which instant came Rosicleer with the good Emperor Trebatio and with them the king Sacridoro in such sort they began to deale their blowes vpon those furious Pagans and knights that were in their companie that it séemed to be no other thing but a Smiths forge for that the great noise of their blowes were heard throughout the whole armie and although it was night yet there repaired an infinit number of Pagans to aide and help them but yet for all that they would not abide séeing how stronglie they were assaulted and laide on vppon a sodaine they set spurs vnto their mightie horse and Elephant and ranne through the rout of knights like a whirle winde and went towards their owne campe as diuells that came new out of hell méeting by the waie more than one hundreth thousand Pagans that came to helpe them and béeing night they all retourned vnto their trenches together but Bramarant was so farre out of charitie and angrie because that one alone knight had almost all that daie maintained the field against him that he would not come in the presence of the Emperour Alycandro till such time as hee in person came vnto his tent and taking both father sonne by the hands he carried them both vnto his tent whereas he did them so much honour as vnto his owne person and praysed verie much the meruailous déeds the which he did that daie because he would giue them contentment for that in the great force and strength of these two the Emperour had better confidence than in all the kings and Captaines together in all his whole armie The same night hée did inuite to supper in his Emperiall Tent all the most principall amongst them whereas they were together with great ioy pleasure and pastimes although it grieued them verie much the death of their kings which the Emperour Trebatio ●●ew and there was not one amongst them all that was so hardie as to praise the high déedes of knighthoode the which were done by Rosicleer the Emperour Trebatio and the other worthie knightes their aduersaries of whome they were greatlie amazed for that they would not giue anie occasion of anger vnto Bradaman and Bramarant that were present who in the time that they were at supper so frowned and shewed so ill fauoured a countenance fierce semblance that it caused feare in all them that did behold them At this time the Gréekes were entered into the Citie and being all lodged euerie one according vnto his calling they all supped with the Emperour in his mightie pallace whereas they had inough for to declare of the mightie power of the two Pagans and of the wonders which they dyd in the battaile which was the occasion that of new they felt the lacke of the knight of the Sunne in saying that he and his brother Rosicleer were sufficient for to make resistance against those furious beasts who had made so great slaughter amongst the Gréekes So that night passed and the next daie in the morning the dead bodies that appeared in the field were of so great quantitie that they were constrained by reason of the euill sauour that did procéede from them to take truce for a certaine time for to burie the dead burne the other So ther was ordained a truce for x. daies in which time the Gréekes dyd burie the Christians and the Pagans did burne them of their Nation so that the whole field was cléered of all the dead bodies And leauing them at this present the Hystorie returneth to declare of man●e other things that happened in the meane time How the Prince Meridian had vnderstanding of the comming of his father into Grecia how he tooke the Princesse Floralindia out of her fathers pallace and departed from Macedonia came into the camp of his father hauing first in the waie battaile with the stout Brandimardo Chap. 23. OF long time this Hystorie hath not told you anie thing of the valiant worthie Prince Meridian not for that hée in all this time was vnoccupied and that his déedes deserued not to haue anie rehear●all thereof but onelie for to conclude and make an end of this first part of the mightie Hystorie of the knight of the Sunne and of Rosicleer his brother which is the occasion that héere his acts cannot bée mentioned perticularlie but remaineth and it declareth vnto you all those things which are requisite touching this present historie of the knight of the Sunne You shall vnderstand that the Prince Meridian was one of the most noted Knightes that was amongst all the Pagans who for the loue of the Princesse Floralindia turned Christian and dyd after such valyant déedes of Knighthood that hée alone deserued a Hystorie to bée written but now that which is requisite at this present is that in the time that hée was in the kingdome of Macedonia dooing many notable thinges in the seruice of the Princesse Floralindia who
Héerein sayd Meridian I am verie well content and am glad that so valiant a Knight as thou art wilt become my friend and héere I doe protest to bée yours and therefore you shall vnderstand that I am called Meridian and am sonne vnto the Emperour Alycandro Lord of the gran Tartaria Let all graces and thankes ascend vnto the high Gods sayd Brandimardo that a knight of so high bloud and diuine generation hath giuen himselfe this daie to bée my friend and therefore worthie Prince you shall vnderstand that I am called Brandimardo sonne vnto Affricano king of Media who was slaine in the warres at Babilonia of the which warres I am sure you haue heard off before this time hée was a knight verie much mentioned in all the Pagan Countrie Then Meridian who had heard great report and mention of his Father was verie gladde of his méeting and embracing the one the other they remayned great friendes and a conclusion was made betwixt them for to depart together vnto the Emperour Alycandro his campe at whose comming there was great ioy and pleasure This they put straight waies in execution and departing from that place they left the wildernesse of Grecia and in a few daies after they came vnto the great and mightie armie of the Emperour Alycandro who were not a little amazed to see so great a multitude of people and of diuerse Nations as were there ioyned together When they came vnto the Emperiall Tent they were knowen by the Emperour who receiued them with so greate ioye and pleasure at that present that there was nothing that could giue him more contentment for that many dayes hée was verie sadde and sorrowfull because hée coulde heare no newes of his sonne the Prince Meridian and thought himselfe at that present in so great securitie and quietnesse as though hée were in his owne Countrie of the gran Cataya Likewise all such Pagan Kings and mightie Lordes as were there present dyd honour Meridian as their naturall Prince giuing great entertainment vnto Brandimardo and receiued the Princesse Floralindia as spouse vnto so high and mightie a Prince The Emperour was verie gladde and ioyfull at his sonnes aduenture whereas the Hystorie doth nowe leaue them to tell of other thinges which happened in the meane time How the king Oliuerio with his mightie hoast ariued in Grecia and how by the industrie and pollicie of the good knight Rosicleer those of great Britaine had a cruell and bloudie battaile with the Pagans what happened ouer and aboue in the same conflict Chapter 24. IN the meane time of the successe as the Hystorie hath tolde you the king Oliuerio ceased not to make all the spéed possible towards Grecia with his great and mightie armie for after that they had once passed the Sea they crossed ouer land through Almania and Germania till they came vnto Hungaria whereas the king dyd giue and aide them with fortie thousand knights the which hée had in a readinesse more for to accomplish that the which hée was bound for to doe for the King Oliuerio for that his sonne was slaine in his seruice than for anie good will he had towards those warres for with a better good will hée would haue holpen the Emperour Trebatio for to make his defence against his enimies than to doe that which hée did but for ●onds sake When these two armies were ioyned together with all spéed possible they trauailed til they came into the Empire of Grecia and at their ariuall thrée miles from the Citie of Constantinople the Emperour Trebatio had aduertisement of the same Who séeing that almost all the whole worlde was risen vp against him he praied vnto God to be his aide and succour and that he would not permit that in such sort the Christian Countrie should be destroied Then the good knight Rosicleer séeing his Father in so great distresse and he himselfe verie desirous to knowe what people they were that were come from great Britaine hée went forth of the Citie all armed with new armour which was brought and giuen him by the wise Lirgandeo mounted on a verie good horse with his speare in his hand alonelie with one Squire which did beare him companie and went towards the hoast of the king Oliuerio when he came within a mile whereas they laie he went vppon a little mountaine which was nigh vnto the high waie from the which by reason that they marched forwards vpon plaine ground he might frō thence discouer and sée all the whole armie of the king Oliuerio and part of the hoast of the Pagans and séeing so gallant a companie of armed knights and so many Ensignes with red crosses to make warre against Christians the one agaynst the other he receiued great sorrowe and griefe at his heart séeming that all Christendome was then at the point to bée lost and praied vnto God from the bottom of his heart that he would not looke vpon the sinnes of the Christians but in that great extremitie to defend them with his owne hands Thus he being in this Oration he sawe come a farre off towards that place a knight with his galloping like vnto a post and séemed that he came from the armie of the Pagans Then he falling into reckoning what it might be as he that was of a rare and quicke vnderstanding straight waies he descended from the mountaine whereas he was and passed to the other side in such sort that y ● knight might not sée him and ranne with his horse all that euer he could towards the host of the king Oliuerio so that he was a good waie off from the mountaine and séeing himselfe a good distance from the knight he turned his horse about and little and little he trauailed dissembling as though hée had come from that mightie armie Then the knight when hée had discouered him who was a valiant Pagan and king of the Masageras called Antipatro and by the commandement of the Emperour Alycandro went for to discouer knowe what people they were for that it was tolde him that a mightie armie was entered into Grecia with Ensignes and flags with the armes of Christians and hée beléeuing that they came in the fauour and helpe of the Emperour Trebatio he sent the king to know who they were and what companie of people onelie for that hée had heart good will for to giue them battaile first before they could recou●r the entrie into Constantinople for that he was verie angrie and wrathfull for the other succour which came vnto him before and being within the Citie it was at the will of his aduersaries at all times to giue them battaile and to the contrarie to take their ease at their pleasures without anie sodaine alarum for to disturbe them The which was contrarie vnto the Pagans for that it dyd behoue thē at all times to be in a readinesse because they did not know the time nor houre when that their aduersaries would assault them for the
promise vnto me with the precious Quéene Arquirosa is of so great highnesse valour that with iust reason I may thinke that shée will bée the occasion that I shall conclude friendship with you yet God who doth know the secrets of all things I doe take to witnesse that I am not constrained by loue to take you for my friend but onelie your great vertue doth binde me therevnto and this being a meane betwixt vs I saie that this is the greatest friendship that euer I might receiue of anie humane creature this thing which you doe ●ffer vnto me not being of me d●serued to giue me so high a damsell and worthie a Princesse to be my wife whom from this time forwards if she be so pleased I do receiue for my Ladie and Mistres likewise I do desire her to conceiue so wel of me to take me for her owne héere I do desire the king Oliue●io my Lord to aunswere vnto the rest y ● remaineth I hope in God y ● his answere shall be such as he is bound to giue vnto so excellent a sonne and therewithall Don Siluerio concluded his reasons the king with great contentment with that which he had said but the answere which the king made was in embracing Rosicleer and the Princesse Oliuia with shedding many teares that trickled downe his chéekes with pure loue he said Oh my welbeloued children God forbidde that in mée should raigne so great ingratitude against his soueraigne maiestie and to let you vnderstand and know the great curtesie that he hath shewed vnto me in giuing mée so good fortune as by his owne handes is come vnto me so precious children héere I doe receiue you and I doe loue you and will not haue neither do I looke for anie other contentment in all the world The almightie God doth know and he is a good witnesse therevnto that I came not forth out of great Britaine with so great a multitude of knightes for anie euill will that I had but for to accomplish that wherein I was bound vnto the Prince Don Siluerio and now séeing that he is content and satisfied there remaineth no other thing but let vs goe vnto the Citie of Constantinople whereas I may acknowledge and know the Emperor and Empresse for my brother and sister and aide and helpe him with these few knights that doth remaine When the king had sayd these wordes Rosicleer and the Princesse Oliuia did knéele downe before the king and by force did kisse his hands but the king with words of great loue did cause them to arise embracing them many times and went and embraced the faire Quéene Arquirosa and said I doe now acknowledge that all these things are ordained by the will and disposition of almightie God in that I doe see so excellent a Damsell hath béene reserued and kept and now at this time come hether to the satisfacti●n of the Prince D●n Siluerio and I beséech his almightie maiestie to giue you so good fortune as I doe desire for my selfe and therewithall Rosicleer and Don Siluerio did embrace one another from that daie forwards there was betwixt them great loue and friendshippe Therewith came all the rest of the worthie Princes and Knightes such as knew him in great Britaine and talked with him who neuer forgot the greate friendshippe that was betwixt them Lykewise the knigh●●s of Spaine for the valiant déedes which they sawe him 〈◊〉 in the battaile as also for the greate fame which 〈…〉 heard of him with excéeding good will came and offered themselues to bée his friends Then hée who had them in great estimation did offer vnto them the like and estéemed them for the most stoutest and valiantest knights that were in all the armie Thus after that they had bene together in these ceremonies receiuing the one the other a good while they all mounted vpon their horses and the princesse Oliuia and the Quéene Arquirosa vpon their palfraies and tooke their waie towards the Citie of Constantinople the Prince Don Siluerio lead the Quéene A●qui●osa by the bridle with whom he vsed many loue trickes and amorous discourses and shée likewise answered him with a gallant grace and curteous demeanour giuing thankes vnto almightie God for that so worthie a Prince had g●uen him vnto her for to be her husband and receiued great contentment They had not long trauailed in this order towards the Citie but the● sawe a farre off come out of the Citie a great companie of gall●nt and glistering knightes comming towardes them it was the Emperour ●rebatio accompanied with all his nobles and valiant knightes who beeing aduertised by a Page of Rosicleers of all that passed and of their comming towardes the Citie issued out to méet them and when they came nigh the one vnto the other the king and all those that were with him we●e greatlie amazed at the gallant and gentle disposition of the Emperour and of all those worthie Princes and knightes that came with him and sayd that all the flower and worthinesse of knighthood in the world was there ioyned together Then straight waies the Emperour went towardes the king Oliuerio and the one receiued the other with so great loue and with such excéeding courtesie as commonlie is vsed betwixt so high persons and at that instant was there confirmed betwixt them such and so great friendship that neuer after so long as they liued was separated Then the Emperour receiued the other knightes with so gallant grace and demeanour that they all receiued great contentment at the sight of him but most especiallie the king Oliuero that was talking with Bargandel Lyriamandio and the Tartarian Zoilo and the king Alamades who all together went and kissed his handes crauing pardon of all that was passed Then he with great loue did embrace them all pardoning all the rancour and euill will that he had against them and it séemed verie well vnto him in y ● they had shewed themselues so faithfull and had accomplished all that they ought could doe no lesse but beare the like to them againe So from thence they all returned vnto the Citie but when they came vnto the mightie Pallace the king and all those that came with him were in great admiration to sée and behold vpon the fore front of the same all y ● who le Histories of the knight of the Sunne and said that by his figure he resembled verie much Rosicleer which was verie true for that there was no more difference betwixt them but that the knight of the Sunne was somewhat in his face more furious and more fatter of his bodie but of one stature in all other proportions of their bodies were all one and resembled one another verie much so that the remembrance of those valyant and worthie déedes which were there so naturallie set forth vnto them that knew not thereof that it put in them so great admiration that they saide with great reason the knight of the
she hath not her equall in the world The great sorrow and griefe of my heart said the knight of the Sunne vnto her alone I wold that it were manifest but for that I will not doe so great iniurie vnto so high a damsell a● you haue héere mentioned and again because you shall not saie that I lack reason in this which I haue said I giue you to vnderstand of a truth that she is the partie and now seeing y ● I haue tolde you I most heartelie desire you that so long as you do liue you keepe it secret for that séeing I must die for her sake yet I would not for all the worlde that she should be accounted culpable of my death Now wil I giue you to vnderstand said the Princesse that there is remedie put in all this your sorrow and griefe and that your fortune is much better than you did make reckoning of for that I doe know this damsell and am certaine that many daies since she hath trauailed in your demand with greate sorrow and care for to finde you and according vnto the wordes which I heard and the profound sighs which I haue séene her vtter I doe beléeue of certaintie that she doth beare you as much good loue as you doe beare vnto her if it bée so that you haue receiued anie disfauour or discurtesie at her hands it is not vnknowen that ouer much loue many times is the occasion of iealous thoughts conceiued against them whom they loue the which she might well haue in seeing you in companie with some other faire damsell afterward being certefied of your fidelitie repented her selfe and then the loue which before she bare vnto you to be a new redoubled in her for that there is nothing that doth in●ame and kindle the amorous hearts so much as d●th a false iealousie when that faithfullie they are certefied to the contrarie for then all wrath and anger is turned vnto loue and is the ocsion the more to augment and increase and so it may be now in Claridiana that if so be that you alonelie doe loue her then was it not possible the truth to be hid and now she being repented of that which is past it doth cause her as I haue tolde you to goe in your demand and with no other intent but to aske you pardon for that which is past the which you ought out of hand for to pardon and to go séeke her for that there is nothing more worthie to be pardoned than those errours which are committed by ouer much louing Then he said Ah sir knight tell me I praie you where you did see my Ladie and mistres the Empresse Claridiana and how you doe vnderstand y ● she trauaileth in my demand for that of truth if it be true I wil presentlie depart and go séeke her vnto the worlds end onelie for to sée her wherein there shall bée no man in all the worlde so happie as I. I will tell you how I doe know it said the Empresse for that it is not many daies since that I saw her and if thou wilt that I shal tell thée true not many hours and you shal vnderstand that yesterdaie shée ariued in this Iland in your demand and shée is a aland and not farre from you and I doe beléeue that that is shée that commeth yonder This she sayd pointing with her hand towards one part of the Forrest that waies which shée came Then the knight of the Sunne all amazed and ameruailed as of a thing in mockage and impossible did looke towards that part in the meane time the Princesse pulled her gantlets frō her white hands and tooke●off her helme wherewith all her rubicond haire which séemed to be skaines of golde spread abrode vpon her shoulders of so great length that it reached vnto the ground and shewed forth that faire face with so great strangenesse and maiestie that there was nothing in the worlde that might bée compared therevnto and the more her beautie shewed for that shée was hot in trauailing a foote by reason whereof her coulour was in her face and it séemed in the middest of her white chéeks to be two fragrant red Roses her faire and rowling eies glistered like vnto two verie fine and greate Emerodes glittering with a gréene cléerenesse in so profound wise that in them it might be naturallie sayd whosoeuer did beholde them to bée conuerted into stones for that all humane vnderstanding they did amaze and leaue as astonied But to conclude the soueraigne Princesse in all pointes séemed rather to bée a diuine thing than humane but the knight of the Sunne who with great attention was looking towardes that place whereas shée tolde him that shée was comming had not as yet seene the Princesse in that order till within a while after séeing that hée could sée no bodie comming hée tourned his head about for to aske the Knight where hée hadde séene and lefte her but when he sawe her healme off and knewe her by her fayre face it cannot bée sayde and tolde what that worthie knight at that instant felt within himselfe but remayned wonderfullie amazed and meruailing more than anie man in the worlde without anie power to speake one worde neither mooued hée anie eie lidde but stoode still beholding that seraphicall face out of the which he receiued so many dazeling sightes and glittering cléerenesse as though he had continuallie looked vpon the Sunne in the morning at such time as he spreadeth his golden beames abroade vpon the earth Then the royall Princesse séeing him in that greate perplexitie with the excéeding ioye and pleasure shée receiued clasping him about the necke and embracing him shée sayde Iust true and good knight séeing that I am shée alone that haue committed this errour and hath bene the onely occasion of all this your sorow and griefe I am héere come in presence to make a meanes for the same and to cra●e pardon at your hands for all that is past for if I haue committed any offence beleue mee it was by the ouerm●ch loue which I did beare you and your troubles and sorowes hath grieued mée as much and gone as nigh my heart as mine hath bene vnto you in such sort that if God of his infinit mercie and goodnesse had not permitted mée to finde you here of trueth I doe tell you that I would neuer haue departed from hence aliue for that I was determined to ende my dayes leading the most strictest sorowfull life that might be immagined in recompence of my great error In the meane time that the Princes spake these words the knight of the Sunne receiued so great ioye and pleasure in séeing him in the presence of his so desired mistresse that he embrased her excusing himselfe with such amorous swéet words that he thought himselfe transported into an other world and knew not whether he was in heauen or on the earth And comming vnto himselfe after that he had receiued
Rosicleer Against the prince Meridian the valiant prince of Fransia Against the stout Brandimardo the mightie Troyan O●stedes Against the stoute Rodaran king of Arabia the Emperour Trebatio Against the king of Media the couragious Flo●●on for that it was giuen 0him to vnderstand that he was a valiant knight Against Zoroastes king of Trprobana was placed Bargandel Against the prince of Cambray Liriamandro Against the king of the Gandaros Don Siluerio Against the prince of Aegipt Rodoma●te Against the sixe most valiant Gyants sonnes vnto the g●an T●iteon was placed the prince Brandizel the king Sa●ridoro the Tartaria Zoylo the stout knight Flamides with the valiant knights of Spaine Don Claros and Arcalus who according vnto the great strength and power that was in the Giants had néede of no small courage and valour for to counteruaile with them And of trueth you may be lee●e 〈◊〉 before that the battaile was 〈◊〉 there was not two amongst that great number of thousand of Pagans that was in the whole Campe but thought surely the victorie to be on their part for that the fifitene Pagā knights next vnto Bramarande was the whole 〈◊〉 and strength of all the Pagan● Being all in a readinesse and the people in quiet the Iudges commaunded the Trumpets to ●ound in s●gne and token of battaile and all these knights sette spurres vnto their light horses who ranne with so great force and furie that all the earth whereas they were séemed to tremble when they came to make their encounter the noyse was so great of their sheuered speares as though they had shot of great ordinance and surely in many dayes before in that countrie was there not seene the like encounter of so many worthie and valiant knights the good Emperour Trebatio made his encounter against that valiant Pagan Rodaran whose encounter was such that they sheuered their speares in small péeces and passed the one by the other but by the force thereof Rodaran lost his stirrups and the raynes of his bridle fell out of his hand and complained very much of that encounter The like dyd the two most valiant Princes Meridian and Brandimardo making their encounters with their two strong and stout aduersaries Clauerindo and Oristedes they passed all foure the one by the other in gallant maner sheuering their speares into small péeces but no vauntage perceiued of the one part nor of the other in this their encounter Then the sixe sonnes of the gran Titheon made their encounter againste those sixe valiant knights that came against them and the strength was so great which they vsed in their encounters that if their armour had not bene verie good all tw●lue together had bene thrust through and through but by reason that the force of their armour was a de●ence against the sharpnesse of theyr speare poynts there was no more harme done but the one and the other with their horse betwixt their leggs foundred backwards to the ground but straight wayes they recouered againe and began their battaile with their swords The like dyd the stout king Florion and the king of Media and the foure princes Bargandel and Liriamandra Don Siluerio and Rodamarte who made their encounter against their aduersaries in such sort that without mouing in their saddels they passed the one by the other with a gallant demean●r and stout courage But now hearken and be attendant howe that the gran Campion as bigge as a tower vpon his Elephant ●ade his encounter with that strong and mightie knight Resicleer who lyke vnto a whirle winde with all the furi● of his mightie horse Rondarte came against him and in the middest of his course made so strong an encounter that although their Speares could not pearce their fine armouys yet the stout Rosicleer béeing astonied by the forc● of that encounter lost the raines of his bridle out of his hande and if hée had not well staied himselfe by the pommell of the saddle it could not haue béene otherwise but of force hée must haue fallen vnto the ground but firming and staying himselfe verie stronglie hée passed forwardes on greatlie tormented therewith but this gran Campion receiued so strong an encounter of Rosicleer that his mightie force was not sufficient for to holde him but doubled his backe in such sorte that hée fell ouer the crouper of his Elephant vnto the ground If the fayre Princesse Oliuia who dyd sée and beholde all that passed from the windowes of the Pallace receiued anie ioy and pleasure at that gallant and stronge encounter I reporte ●ée vnto your iudgement and on the contrarie the griefe and anger which his sonne Bramaran● susteined to sée his mightie and valyant Father by the encounter of one alone knight to bée ouerthrowen vnto the ground and hauing no patunce in himselfe neyther coulde his couragious hear● 〈◊〉 him to bée silent but in a rage he ●urst out and said It is not possibl● but that the Gods béeing 〈◊〉 against vs and our great strength 〈◊〉 ioyne 〈…〉 in a conclusion and she● forth 〈◊〉 strengths against vs in this stout and valiant knight for otherwis● to the contrarie ther● is no humane force that is able to 〈◊〉 the strength of my Father B●ada●●●● but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 séeing it is so that they will shewe themselues so contrarie against vs from this time forwardes I doe renounce them and blaspheme them and 〈…〉 to take mee 〈…〉 enimie and if so bée that this knight maye fall into my handes there shall be no sufficiencie in his greate force bée it either humane or diuine for to withdraw me to giue him the death Then the Father with no lesse furie and brauenesse than his sonne arose vp from the ground proclaiming no lesse iniuries against their false Gods for that in such sorte they shewed themselues so contrarie against them and therewith hée drew out a mightie greate and heauie fauchon which hée hadde and with a hastie pace hée went against Rosicleer thinking in a short space to hew him to péeces with his variable and mortall blowes but there was thrée thinges in this battaile cleane contrarie which was the occasion that hée coulde not execute his furious and angrie desire the one the great lightnesse that Rosicleer had that béeing on foote his Brother the knight of the Sunne had no aduauntage on him so that it was a great meruaile for the gran Campion to fasten a blowe vppon him in anie respect the other was the finenesse of his armour which was made by the wise Artemidoro of so great valour that no humane force nor edge of anie sword was sufficient for to cut or buckle them the third was the great dexteritie and strength wherewith Rosicleer did strike him and so thicke that he did not let him rest one minute of an houre neyther gaue him anie aduauntage for to profit himselfe of his great strength and although that Rosicleer had these thrée things on his parte for to make his defence against his aduersarie yet could
hée not with so great ●ase get of him the victorie for that Bradaman after that hée had the battaile with the knight of the Sunne dyd alwayes after arme himselfe with verie strong and inchaunted armour and it was so excéeding good that the good swoorde of the Quéene Iulia was not able by anie meanes to cut it and besides this his blowes were so strong and heauie that when so euer he chaunced to strike a full blowe vppon him hée made him to stoupe with his knées and handes vnto the ground and hée had as much care for to cléere himselfe from his terrible blowes as he had for to strike him so that the battaile betwéene them was very well fought and in great doubt and put great admiration in the Emperour Alicandro in all them that dyd behold thē In all this time dyd the other knights make their combat verie strongly some a foote and some a horsebacke the which was a thing worthie to behold to sée what terrible blowes were stroken the breaking of shieldes c●tting of harnesse vnmailing of goriets making the fire to flye out of their stéely healmes and harnesse of so great aboundance that it was strange to beholde so that the battaile was so strong and well foughten of euery part that one whole houre was passed and there was no aduauntage knowen nor séene of any part amongst them and the great valiantnesse of either of them was such that they did deserue particulerlie their worthinesse to be declared but by reason that there were so many together and mingled the one with the other they could not deser●e the worthinesse that they did Amongst them all their blowes were terrible but in especiall those valiant Princes Meridian and Clauerindo who with so great furie did strike their blowes that many times they were both astonied and either of them were greatly amazed at the great strength of his aduersary and the prince Meridian said that the knight in his blowes resembled the knight of the Sunne Likewise those stout and valiant knights Brandimardo and Oristedes with no lesse furie and redoubled blowes did charge their aduersaries and put great admiration in all them that did beholde the battaile who saide that they twaine were two of the stoutest knights that were in all the world It was no lesse worthie of beholding the great contēcion that was betwixt the good Emperour Trebatio and the stout king of Arabia Rodaran whose blowes were of so great force that they wer heard a great way of and being an houre past since the battaile began the strong Pagan was greatly amazed at the great force and strength of the Emperour and sayd within himselfe that it was impossible for him to get any honour in that cruell battaile for that continuallie the force and lightnesse of his aduersarie encreased and a thing to be wondered at was his valiant courage of whome naturally his sonnes had receiued the like And the Emperour Alicandro and all those kings which were with him that dyd beholde him and knew him being greatly amazed said that he was one of the most valiantest knights in all the whole world and one that was most fiercest in battaile Then the olde king of Gedrosia sayde My flesh and my bones tr●●ble when I doe thinke of that I shall sée this Emperour doe in the field against vs he being in the middest betweene both his sonnes and it séemeth vnto mée that there is no securitie whereby from the furie of their armes we cannot make any defence and this good knightes that we haue on our part behold how many there is to the contrarie who doeth make resistance and detaine them till the other doth destroy these miserable people At which words all those mightie kings that were in the triumphant Chariot laughed verie much and imputed them vnto the great feare and little force the which the king had for that he was olde But yet time happened afterward that they did féele and know that the words which he spake procéeded more of wisedome and vnderstanding then of feare Likewise it was a thing worthie to be séene the furious and well foughten battaile that was betwixt the sonnes of the Gran Thiteon and the sixe knights their aduersaries for according as they were all strong and valiant it were enough to doe in this Chapter onely to declare of their valiantnesse for the force of the Gyants was wonderfull and they stroke their blowes with so great furie that either of them was sufficient to cleaue an armed knight downe to to the wast but yet they contended with such knights who knew verie well how to resist their great strengthes and made them to sweate droppes of bloud for that they hadde amongst them that mightie and strong knight Brandizel who by reason that he was verie bigge of bodie and of great force and hot in courage brought his aduersarie in a great perplexitie and all his armour broken and vnbuckled although they were a finger thicke and this was the eldest of the sixe bretheren with whome he combatted and the most valiantest and strongest on the other side did combat those two valiant warriors the king Sacridoro and the worthie Tartarian Zoylo and behaued themselues in such sorte in their battaile that they gaue them verie well to vnderstand who they were Likewise with no lesse couragious force those two most valiant knights Don Claros and Arcalus did oppresse with their mightie blowes the two Giants their aduersaries in such sort that in the space of one houre they brought them in that case that the victorie appeared to be theirs and for that those two knights were not knowne they were greatly amazed there at for their highe and strange bountie The good knight Flamides did make battaile with the younger brother of the sixe Giants and although the battaile betwixt them was well foughten and verie perilons yet for all that by reason that his armour was excelent good and he verie light and stoute he had the vauntage of his aduersarie Also the valiant king Florion and the king of Media made their battaile with mightie furious blowes but before that one houre was past of the battaile it was well knowen that the king Florion was the valianter of both At this time the foure princes had so entreated their aduersaries that they were verie wearie and faint and they likewise were well moyled for that they had receiued great and mightie blowes of them for they were stronge stoute and valiant Thus in this sort was this cruel battaile betwixt them all the best fought that euer was séene betwixt so manie knights for that all those that dyd behold them hadde their eares deafened with the continuall sounde of the hard and thicke blowes that were stroke amongst them and there could not have bene a greater noyse if ther● hadde bene a hundreth Smithes together working and striking vppon their a●●ells Likewise in this time it was a meruailous thing to sée and beholde Rosicleer with Bradaman
with although hée lacked but one finger bredth of eight foote high which was a gallant stature yet before the Gran Camp●on he seemed nothing for that he was almost fiftene foote high neuerthelesse the blowes of the one and of the other was equall in furiousnesse for that Rosicleer did so charge with his furious blowes Bradaman that although he could not cut his armour yet dyd he all to torment and bruse his flesh and bones and with more lightnesse then was comprehended in him he made him to besturre himselfe and turne about on the one side and on the other the like dyd Bradaman vnto him for although that Rosicleer dyd saue and defend himselfe from the most parte of his blowes by his great nimblenesse and lightnesse yet for all that when he fastened a blow vpon him he made him to stoope both with knées and hands to the grounde and the armour of Rosicleer dyd make such a sound as though it had bene a bell and out of both their armours there flewe so great quantitie of sparks of fier as though they should be burned in them In this sorte the battaile betwixt them continued more then two houres in which time some of those Ladies that dyd behold them from the mightie pallace of the Emperor Trebatio were not much at quiet and ease at the●● hearts for that the Princesse Oliuia séeing her spouse and loyall louer to combat so terriblie with that furious Pagan and monster her face began to be wan and pale and the bloud waxed colde within her bodie so that fell downe in a sound amongst the Ladies in the like perplexitie was the royall Empresse Briana for her husband and sonne and the faire Princes Lindaraza for her louing and faithfull spouse Clauerindo and the like hadde that faire Ladies Arquirosa for Don Siluerio Furthermore you shall vnderstand that after two houres was passed from the firste béeginning of the battaile and that there was not one of those worthie champions that hadde anie will or desire as it séemed to rest themselues then the good Emperour Trebatio béeing very desirous to make a final ende conclusion of his battaile with the vttermost of all his force he raysed himselfe in his styrrups with his sword in both his hands therewith stroke so strong and terrible a blow vpon the healme of the stout pagan Rodaran the which by reason that it was somewhat crazed with that battaile as also with other battailes before he altogether vnbuckled from his head and breaking his skull by the force thereof all to péeces he ouerthrew him from his horse dead to the ground and sayd Now shal it be séene if thou canst deliuer thy selfe from my handes and what can profit thée the subteltie desceit of the quéene of Carmania The which being concluded he withdrew him selfe a part and did behold the battaile of the other knights whereat all that were on his part receiued great pleasure and contentment but in especiall the Empres Briana who knew not where she was with the great ioye and pleasure she receiued But the sorow and griefe of the Pagans was very great but in especial the Emperour Alicandro who had Rodaran in great estimation for that he was one of the strongest knights that was in all the whole Paganisme as of trueth he was so But yet the griefe of his heart did not herein ende for that the worthie prince Brandizel at that instant ouerthrew at his féete the Gyant with whome hée had his battaile who was the eldest of the sixe brethren wherewith he vnlased his healme and cut of his head And it was not long after when that the two valiant brethren Don Claros and Arcalus did the lyke with their aduersaries which were the second and third brothers and were the most fiercest and strongest of them all and they withdrew themselues apart and dyd behold the battaile of them that remained Then straight wayes Bargandel dyd ouercome the valiant King of Taprobana and Liriamandro made for to yelde the Prince of Cambray and within a little while Don Siluerio dyd cut of the head of the stoute king of the Gandat●s and not long after the king Sacridoro and the Tartarian Zoylo ouerthrew theyr aduersaries to the earth who were the fourth and fift bretheren of the Gyaunts who as the other before did cut off their handes of all the which the Emperour Alycandro receiued great sorrow and griefe and the like did all the Pagans and they repented them verie much in making of that challenge Then Rodamarte tooke the Prince of Aegypt prisoner for being verie wearie and féeble of his owne good will he did yéeld himself to be prisoner so likewise the valiant knight Flamides dyd force so much vpon the youngest brother the Gyant that in the end he was slaine as the rest so that all the generation of the gran Thiteon was slaine in that bat●aile It was not long after that the king Florion ouerthrew the king of Media at his féete and pulled off his healme helping him to arise from the grounde he tooke him prisoner and put themselues on the one side and dyd beholde the battaile of the other thrée that remained the which at that time were so entangled and furious that all those that dyd beholde them were put in great admiration meruailing greatlie how they could suffer so great long trauaile and make anie defence from so terrible and cruell blowes which were giuen of all partes Those which remained were those precious and valiant knights Meridian and Claueryndo a●d the mightie Troian and Brandimardo who in force and de●teritie were so equall that almost there was not anie one that could know anie aduauntage to bée of either parte and being nowe more than three houres since they first beganne the battaile and both partes agreeing therevnto they ceased for to take breath and to ease themselues in the which time they dyd beholde the great contention that was betwixt that valiant and worthie knight Rosicleer and the stout Pagan Bradaman the which was condigne and worthie to be séene for that without al order and measure they stroke their blowes with so great force that all the fields and the mightie Citie rong with the great noise of their battaile All this time did the faire and precious Princesse Lyndabrides from her triumphant Chariot beholde Rosicleer and the Emperour Trebatio and for that both of them did resemble verie much the knight of the Sunne shée reioyced greatlie to sée them although another waie her heart was verie sadde and sorrowfull for that she did not sée the knight of the Sunne amongst them and shée imagined within her selfe that hée should be in Trapisond with the princesse Claridiana which went vnto her verie heart and other waies she did argué within her selfe that hée should not bée in Trapisond for if he should bée there it were not possible but that hée shoulde vnderstand the great necessitie that his Father had of him and hauing knowledge
nothing troubled thereat but rather it séemed to be a great shame vnto them to goe together beeing their aduersarie but one alone so that betwixt them there grew a contention who should go first but in the end for that they could not conclude that point and neither of them would be the last it fell out that they must goe together and according vnto the great force and strength of that worthie Pagan their aduersarie that did abide their comming afterwarde it did not repent them of their so going Thus these two friendes being armed with their rich and strong armour without giuing anie knowledge vnto the Emperour or anie other person whether they went departed out of the campe and béeing guided by the man who brought the message in a short time came vnto the wildernesse of Grecia and not hauing trauailed long therein they found Bramarant a foote from his horse lying along vnder the shadowe of certaine trées a sléepe for that the Sunne was verie hot and he laide his head vppon his healme and slept so soundlie that although they came vnto him making a great noise yet could he not awake vntill such time as Brandimardo with his Speare stroke him a little blowe vppon the breast wherewith this mightie Pagan awaked and séeing his aduersaries before him as one amazed arose vp and put his helme vpon his head and with a trice leapt vpon his horse whom he had there at hand tied vnto a tree and tooke his Speare in his hand Meridian séeing him in that case sayde Bramarant what is it that you would haue with vs wée are now come hether at thy challenge That which I will haue answered hee with greate pride is to make you both vnderstand together that my force is much more than the force of all the knightes of Grecia and to reuenge the wordes that you sayde vnto mée before the Emperour Alycandro and those that were with him Unto proude and arrogant persons answered Meridian a little occasion is sufficient for to cause contention and strife of little effect or profite and lesse necessarie or néedfull but seeing that it is so that thou hast so good a will for to haue battaile with vs let vs straight waies come together and I hope in the high Gods that either of vs both will giue thée inough to vnderstande And in saying these wordes with his Speare in a readinesse in his hande he addressed himselfe vnto the course and desired Brandimardo that hée shoulde not aide nor helpe him for anie thing whatsoeuer that hée shoulde sée passe in the battaile Thus Bramarant béeing in a readinesse they both set spurs vnto their horses and made their encounter together with great furie and for that they were both of verie greate force and strength they shéeuered their Speares all to péeces and without doing anie more harme passed the one by the other with a gallant demeanour and vpright in their saddles but they had not gone forwardes many paces when that they tourned about their horses with their swordes readie drawen in their handes and ioyning together in such sorte that they might strike the one the other they stroke at each other such cruel blowes that they cloue their shields in péeces and the pointes of their swords descended downe vpon their healmes with so greate ●urie that greate abundaunce of fire flew out of either of them then they stroke each other another blowe with so great furie that they declined their hades downe vnto their breastes and then Bramarant did verie well féele that the force and strength of Meridian was verie much and hée likewise on the other side gaue him to vnderstand that his blowes were wonderfull and that it was requisite with greate care to defende himselfe from them for the which Meridian with a greater courage dyd laie vppon and charge his aduersarie and with all lightnesse possible did cleere himselfe from his blowes In this sorte they executed their battaile more than halfe an houre making so greate a noise that three mites compasse in that wildernesse the sound of 〈◊〉 great blowes were hedroe Thus they continued for the space of more than three quarters of an houre in their battaile without anie point of aduauntage betwéene them Then Meridian with both his handes stroke such a blowe vppon the healm● of Bramarant that hée tooke his remembraunce from him and without anie féeling his horse carryed him round about the fielde But this mightie Pagan straight waies came againe vnto himselfe and with greate furie setting spurres vnto his horse hée retourned vpon Meridian and with an infernall furie stroke so terrible a blowe vppon the healme of that worthie and valiant Prince that if it had not béene so good as it was hee had clouen him downe vnto the waste but yet for all that hée made the bloud to gush out both at his eyes and nose in great abundance and depriued him of all vnderstanding so that his horse carryed him about the field as though he had bene dead and hauing no power to make resistance against his vnbrideled wrath he went after him with great villanie for to strike him another blowe before that he should come vnto himselfe the which being perceiued by that stout knight Brandimardo with great furie he set spurres vnto his horse and before that Bramarant had space for to strike Meridian hée ouertooke him and stroke him such a blowe with his sworde in both his handes vpon the right shoulder that he had ouerthrowne him vnto the ground if that he had not embraced himselfe with his horse necke Then the furious Pagan séeing himselfe so intreated straight waies setled himselfe in his saddle and returned and stroke such a blowe at Brandimardo vpon his healme that he thought verilie his téeth had bene all broken in his head with beating one agaynst another his head was so ouerladen and almost from himself the raines of his bridle fell out of his hand his horse ran awaie with him at which time the valiant Prince Meridian was come againe vnto himselfe and was verie sorrie for that Brandimardo was come for to helpe him but with verie great wrath and angrie courage he returned vpon Bramarant his aduersarie did the like as also Brandimardo so that betwéene thrée the battaile was so well fought that it was a strange thing to behold But now let vs leaue them for to tell what happened after this You shall vnderstand that by and by after that these thrée valiant knights were departed out of the campe by many they were found lacking yet there was not one that knew wherefore they went neither did they imagine that betwixt them there should bée anie defiance so that the Emperour Alycandro and all the rest were without anie care or suspition of that matter but thought verilie that they had ben gone all thrée vpon some aduenture which was offered vnto them in that Countrie Likewise the great valour that was in all the thrée did assure them to
be without anie care of whatsoeuer peril might happen vnto them but that man whome Bramarant carried with him fearing the great perill that might come vnto his Lord for that he was assaulted with so strong and valiant knightes straight waies after that he sawe the battaile begunne retourned vnto the campe and secretlie declared vnto the gran Campion all that passed who straight waies without anie staying armed himselfe with his strong armour and mounting vppon a mightie Elephant departed out from the armie and gaue none to vnderstand whether he went but all men thought that he went to recreate himselfe in the Countrie as the others were gone Then taking his waie towards the wildernesse by reason of the great pace of the Elephant in a short space he came thether but yet two miles good before he came vnto the place of their combat he heard the great noise the which they made with their terrible blowes which gaue such a sound through the woodes and valleies as though a companie of péeces of Ordinance had bene shot off and following the sound by aime he came vnto the place hée was not as yet come vnto the place of the battaile by a good stones cast when that he saw comming towards him on the one side in great hast a knight of a bigge stature and great members who séemed to be a gyant mounted vpon a great horse verie well armed and his Speare in his hand and as it appeared by his hastie comming he was allured thether by the noise of the battaile betwéene the thrée knights but when he sawe the gran Campion he neuer rested till hée came vnto him and sayd Whether art thou iourneying this waie Bradaman Then he verie angrie because the knight was so bolde to aske him whether he went wold not answere him because he would not be deteined till such time as he sawe in what state the battaile was betwixt the thrée knights but setting spurres vnto his Elephant he rode on and this big knight followed him till they came wheras the battaile was made and sawe that it was the best fought battaile that euer they had séene in all their liues for that the two Princes Meridian and Brandimardo were verie valiant knights and of great force and strength and charged Bramarant with their mightie blowes verie thicke and stronglie in such sort that if he had not bene of so great valour and force as he was be could not haue preuailed against them But this furious Pagan was so braue and couragious that he estéemed in nothing their mightie blows but repaied them with others of so great strength that many times hée made them so astonied that they were driuen to sustaine themselues by their saddle bowes and horse neckes to kéepe themselues from falling but by reason that they were two of great valour they alwaies put him in great perplexitie which caused his anger and wrath the more to increase At this time the gran Campion setled himselfe for to helpe his sonne the sooner to make a conclusion of that battaile but the big knight that came thether with him who receiued great contentment to sée the thrée how they made that battaile dyd put himselfe before Bradaman and said that if he would aid and succour his sonne that then he shoulde be constrained first of all to combat with him who being verie angrie at those wordes answered and said Sir knight tarrie a little and I will make thee to vnderstand what a foole thou art for to take with me contention In saying these wordes he departed from him and setting spurres vnto his Elephant with his Speare in his hand which was as bigge as the mast of a ship he came running against the knight whose with so great swiftnesse as his horse could run came against him whereas they made their encounters in such sort that their speares were shieuered in péeces the shieuers slew into the aire and either of them declined somwhat backwarde vppon the arsons of their saddles but straight waies they arose and setled themselues againe and drawing out their swordes they came the one against the other whereas begun betwixt them such a battaile that it was a wonder to 〈◊〉 the great and heauie blowes that they stroke that the fire ●lew out of their healmes and harnesse many times they were verie sore astonied from themselues Then the fierce Pagan Bramarant and the two knights that did battaile with him with the great noise that the other two made in their contention left off their combat and dyd behold the other and were greatlie amazed to sée with what great furie and force they executed their blowes the one vppon the other the gran Campion they knew but not the other knight yet they had him in estimation of a worthie knight and were verie desirous to know who he was for that they could not imagine whom he should be so mightelie did he behaue himselfe Thus after a while that they beheld the battaile of the two béeing verie desirous for to conclude and make an end of theirs they beganne a new to charge the one the other so stronglie that it seemed they were more fierce and furious at that time than they were at the beginning And béeing in this angrie and doubtfull battaile the Hystorie doth leaue the one and the other for tell you of the knight of the Sunne who with the Princesse Claridiana remained in the solitarie Iland How the knight of the Sunne and the Princesse Claridiana after that they were departed from the solitarie Iland did deliuer their Pages and the knightes of Candia from the Roauer Cleonidas who carried them Prisoners Chapter 32. VErie glad and ioyfull did this Hystorie leaue the knight of the Sunne and the Princesse Claridiana in the solitarie Iland whereas with the companie and swéete conuersation of them both with a verie good will they woulde haue lead their liues cleane voide of all care and thought of their high and royall estates if they might haue béen frée of the great bondage in the which they were bound but hauing a great respect for to accomplish their duties the same daie that they met together and knew the one the other they departed out from the Iland and embarked themselues in the Princesse ship and hauing a faire winde and prosperous with great ioy they began to saile towardes the Empire of Grecia and the fourth daie after their departure from the Ilande being at thrée of the clocke in the morning a great waie from them they saw comming two great ships and as it séemed with all sayles bearing they came towardes them So in a short space by reason that the one sailed towards the other their ships met together Then they that were within the two ships ioyned with the other ship and grapled them together and cried out with a loude voice commanding them to amaine to yeeld themselues prisoners The which being hearde by those two faithfull louers they straight waies
ben hetherto dishonored by the euill life and demeanour of that euill Artimaga Whereat all those knights and the auncient Pilot as well at these newes as also at the great destruction which they sawe done in those ships on those roaners which had taken them prisoners were greatlie amazed and knew not what to saie neither coniecture who that valiant and worthie knight should be neither durst they aske him the qustion but had a great good will all the whole sort of them for to goe vnto the solitarie Iland for to sée the deformed shape of that diuellish Fauno which remained dead Thus afterwards all together went vnto the solitarie Iland and when they came aland they sawe the rocke hewed all to péeces and the Fauno where 's he laie dead and by the writing that was vpon the stone they vnderstood y ● he which did that worthie act ●as the knight of the Sunne sonne vnto the Emperour Trebatio hauing a great desire that that worthie famous deed should be manifest vnto all the world they commanded the Fauno to be skinned or slaied filled the skinne full of straw and so carried it vnto many Countries causing great admiration vnto all those that did sée it in the end they carried it vnto Grecia as in the euent of this Hystorie shall be told you When the knights of Candia vnderstood all that they desired they gaue the knight of the Sunne to vnderstand how that fiftéene daies past as they were all together nauigating towards Candia they met at the sea with that roauer and after a long time that they had made battaile with them by reason that they were many they were constrained to yéeld and be their prisoners and how that long before that they had taken his Pages and they returned backe againe for to séeke the solitarie Iland in his demand and there to die in his companie Thus after a while that they had bene with him and giuen him to vnderstand of al that had passed with them saying that he had a iourney in hand with his companion that he could not by anie meanes excuse and so committed them to God and good fortune and gaue them the ships of the roauers and all the riches that was in them which was a great quantitie for the which they gaue him great thankes and kissed his handes taking their leaue of him although with a better will they woulde haue gone with him in his companie And being departed they tooke their iourney towardes the solitarie Iland hauing inough to do all their liues after for to tel of the knight of the Sun Then he with the Princesse embarked themselues into their owne ship and hauing the winde prosperous with all sa●les bearing they sailed towardes the Empire of Grecia and not being troubled with contrarie winds neither with stormes nor tempests in a short space they ariued in a port the which was but two daies iourney from Constantinople whereas they vnderstood of the great multitude of Pagans that were entered into Grecia and in what state the wars were in then they gaue great thankes vnto almightie God and departed from thence and for that the knight of the Sunne would not be knowen till such time as he had done some valiant act worthie to be noted they agréed y ● he should leaue his armour and his horse that he had and to arme himselfe with some other strong armour which the princes hadde packed in fardels the which her damsels caryed alwayes with her for to chaunge at all times at her pleasure because she would not be knowne This thing they straight waies put in vre and the knight of the Sunne vnarmed himselfe of that good armour that was of the Prince Meridian and gaue them vnto the damsells of the princes for to put them into their fardels and he armed himselfe with others the which was all Asure and full of starres of gold and garnished about full of fine precious Stones and in strength and goodnesse nothing inferiour vnto his owne for that they were made by the wisest men that were to be found in all the Empire of ●rapisonda and although they were made for the princes yet were they ●it for the knight of the Sunne for that in stature they were almost equall but yet the knight of the Sunne was more fuller of fleshe then she was although she was meetelie reasonable in all parts Being thus armed as you haue heard he tooke a bigge and light horse one of them that the Damsels brought and left his owne to be lead alongst by the 〈◊〉 and couered his horne that he had on his forehead because he should not be knowne Likewise the princes being armed with other strong bright armour both of them to gether with great ioye and pleasure tooke their iourney towa●ds the mightie citie of Cons●lantinople And the second daye after their departure from the port they entred into the wildernesse of 〈◊〉 wherein they hadde not traua●led fully two miles but they heard a great and continuall noyse which ronge and sounded throughout all the wildernesse and it séemed vnto them to be the noise of some strong and well foughten battaile or combat on horsebacke And being verie desirous to know what it should bée they amended their horse pace and rode that waye from whence they thought the noyse should come In the ende of a good houre that they had trauailed the noyse brought them vnto the place whereas the Gran Campion and his aduersarie made their combat on the one side and on the other side the stout Bramarant with Brandimardo and Meridian and for that the knight of the Sunne knewe none of all those knightes but onelie the gran Campion which was by his great and huge bignesse they all greatlie meruailed to sée that strong and rigorous battaile that was betweene them and coulde not imagine who that valiant Pagan Bramarant shóuld be for that vnto his remembrance he had not séene a knight of so bigge a stature and one that stroke so terrible blowes neither could he fall into the reckoning of those stout and valiant knights Meridian and Brandimardo who so stronglie did charge their aduersarie and made so great resistaunce against the furie of that Pagan On the other parte they greatlie beheld the gran Campion and his aduersarie and as they were beholding the singular disposition of the knight and the high bountie wherewith hée made his combat with Bradaman hée sawe that it could bée no other but his brother Rosicleer and greatlie reioyced to sée with what courage and mightie force hée made his combat as also in what féeble state he had brought him and there they staied a good while to beholde them and the Princesse Claridiana sayde within her selfe that ouer and aboue all knights that were in the world God had created the sonnes of the Emperour Trebatio to bée most mightiest and with great reason they deserued to beare the praise aboue all other for that
horse necke he hadde surely fallen to the ground And as ye he hadde not well righted himselfe in the saddle when that this stronge Pagan stroke him an other blow ouerthwart the healme that he daseled the sight of his eyes and it lacked little to depriue him of his remembraunce Then this valiant knight séeing himselfe so entreated of his enimie being all kindeled in wrath raysed himselfe in his stirruppes and with his sword in both his handes dyd strike such a furious blow at this stout and diuelish pagan vpon his enchanted healme that being depriued of his sight and remembraunce he declyned backewards so much that his head almost touched his horse buttockes in such sorte that if he hadde not straight wayes come to his remembrance and with all the strength of his legges and bodie procured to bustle vp himselfe againe with that alone blow hée hadde bene ouerthrowen to the earth then with great furie and wrath they began to charge the one the other with their heauie and fell blowes and according vnto the terrible force with which they stroke it séemed that the battaile began anewe Meridian and Brandimardo who dyd behold all that hadde passed sayde it may be that this is the knight of the Sunne who so long time hath bene absent and could not be heard in all the countrie of Grecia for that it is not to be beléeued that any knight in all the whole world should doe that which this worthie and valiant knight hath done in our presence except the knight of the Sunne They dyd also on the other part beholde the cruell and 〈…〉 had with the G●a● Campion who likewise they dyd not kn●w whereat they were greatly wondered and it séemed vnto them that those foure which at that present dyd there combat were foure of the most 〈…〉 in all the worlde and they sayde within 〈◊〉 that the Emperour Trebatio had not in all his court a knight that one to one could resist the great and mightie strength and furious rages of the two Pagans but onely the valiant Rosicleer whome they dyd iudge of a truth to bee the same that dyd combat with the stout Bradaman Now was it a good houre and a halfe since the battaile was begunne at which time the stoute and furious Bramarant séeing that his aduersarie endured his mightie and heauie blowes so long before him was readie to burst with anger and began to blaspheme and curse himselfe for that at one blow he could not cleaue him a sunder right downe from the toppe of his head to the wast the which strong resistaunce made him to thinke verely that he should be one of his false goddes or else all they together hadde placed their force and strength in that alone knight for to battaile against him which caused his great pryde the more to encrease and being troubled with that thought he forced himselfe by his pride for to surmount the diuine Goddes he tooke his heauie sword in both his handes and raysing him selfe all that euer he could in his stirruppes and like a furious whirle winde he went against the good knight of the Sunne and his wrath was such that I thinke there was no stéele or Diamonde nor any other hard thing in all the world that could make any resistance against that mortall and diuelish blow for that this fierce Pagan for to accomplish his furie forced himselfe all that euer he could to haue bereaued the valiant knight of the Sunne of life and ●im and his wrath was suche that the wise and learned clarke Lirgandeo was in doubt that againste that mightie force should support any thing the inchauntement of the armour which the wise man sent to the good knight of the Sunne but he who saw him come so wrathfull and furious with a mightie and valiant courage dyd abide him And at such time as he would haue discarged his heauie sword vpon his helme he lift vp his sword with both his hands for to ward the same and receiued that mightie 〈…〉 same for that the edge of his swor●e was 〈◊〉 finer fi●er and sharper then his it cut the sword of Bramarant a sunder in the middest and the péece which remained towards the hilt lighted vpon the healme of the knight of the Sunne and although it was not much yet dyd it depriue him of his sight Then the good knight being greatly amazed at the mortall furie of his enimie dyd pray vnto God from the bottome of his heart for to remember him not to forget leaue him in that perilous conflict It séemed at that time that he had great néede of the diuine fauour for to get victorie in that battaile at which time his wrath and yre increased with so great anger to sée himselfe so intreated before his mistres by one alone knight that he retyred backe somewhat from the place whereas they made the battaile from whence hée set spurres vnto his horse came against Bramarant with so great furie that the earth séemed to tremble vnder him and his fiercenesse was such that it séemed to put some dread into the heart of that fierce Pagan in the which before neuer entred any feare for I insure you who so euer had sene that furious knight with his sword aboue his head in both his hands and with what wonderfull furie he came against him would haue had no lesse feare of him then of the thunderbolt that falleth out of the ayre so in this sorte when he approched vnto the Pagan he stroke and chaunsed such a blow vpon his great thick and inchaunted healme with so great furie that it hadde bene sufficient for to haue clouen a Smithes stithe asunder in the middest and for that the fine cutting edge of his sword could not cut the magical arte and inchauntment of his strong healme yet dyd that blow so ouercharge his head by the great waight thereof that it tooke his remembrance cleane from him and lyke a dead thing he fell forwards vppon his saddle bow and horse neck hanging downe his head and out at the ioynts of his helme issued great 〈◊〉 of bloud and his mightie horse being tormented with the force of that blowe ●anne out of that place and put himselfe into the thickest of that wildernesse with his Lord then the knight of the Sunne who desired not to folow him retourned vnto Meridian and Bra●dimardo saying Sir knights I doe desire you to pardon mée if you haue any anger against mée in that I tooke vppon mée the battaile with that proude knight that did combat with you for I ensure you that his great pride would not let mée to giue place vnto y ● I am bound to your great courtesie and bountie Then dyd Meridian and Brandimardo verie much behold him and were greatly amazed at his great strength and said within themselues that he was the most valiant in all the whole world for that he alone hath done that which the whole armie of the Emperour
profitable vnto him that will giue himselfe to vertue the good patterne or example of vertues in especiall of these so high and worthie Princes in whom by reason of their high estates their vertue and bountie doth shine the cléerer But now to returne to our matter The Hystorie saith that when the gran Campion was dead Rosicleer dyd make cleane his sworde and put it vp into his sheath giuing infinite thankes vnto almightie God for that victorie permitted vnto him and when he sawe the other foure knights comming towardes him he likewise went towards them and receiued them with great courtesie for that he knew both Meridian and Brandimardo by reason their faces was discouered And for that he had them in estimation to be no lesse vertuous then worthie and valiant knights he lift vp the beuer of his healme and discouered himselfe vnto them saying My good Lords I doe verely beléeue that the battaile the which you hadde with Bramarant ought more to be attributed vnto his great pride then of any misusing committed of your parts against him for that it is not in your conditions Then Meridian and Brandimardo receiued him verie courteously and reioysed verie much in knowing him and Meridian sayde Worthy prince I doe giue great thankes vnto all our gods for that they haue giuen mee to know so great worthinesse as this day I haue séene in you and in this worthie and valiant knight And I promise you th● occasion of our battaile was for a very light matter for that vnto proude and hautie persons a little thing is enough to bring them out of quiet● There d●d he declare vnto them all that euer hadde passed betwixt them till such time as that knight came thether and put Bramarant in that estate as you haue heard All this time dyd the knight of the Sunne behold Rosicleer his brother and reioysed very much to sée him so good strong and valiant and if it had not bene because he would not anger nor giue any discontentment vnto the princes he would haue giuen him selfe to be knowen vnto him his ioye and pleasure was so great but because it was the princes will not at that present to be knowen it was dissembled although that Rosicleer and the other princes dyd desire it verie much who being greatly amazed at the mightie and gallant disposition of both of them could not be perswaded to the contrarye but that one of them should be the knight of the Sunne At this time the knight began to approch and the princes sayde that it was time for them all for to retourne they vnto their campe and the other vnto the citie And as they saide it was concluded and they all departed together from that place and when that they came nigh vnto their campe Meridian and Brandimardo dyd take their leaue of Rosicleer and of the knight of the Sunne giuing thein great thankes for that which they had done for them offering vnto them great courtesie When that they were departed Rosicleer dyd aske the knight of the Sunne and the princes if it were their pleasure for to goe and take their lodging with him in the citie and pallace of his Father the Emperour who will take great ioye and pleasure for to honour such knights as they were within his owne pallace Then they aunswered him with great courtesie giuing him thankes for his gentle offer but desired him at that time that he would pardon them and heareafter they shall haue better oportunitie of time for to goe and kisse the handes of the Emperour but first their determination was for to doe him some seruice in those warres and how that with this pretence they came forth of their countries the which is verie farre and a great way out of Grecia for which occasion they came vnprouided of things necessarie to their persons requesting him to pleasure them so much as to send them a Tent for to lodge themselues and their squires whereat Rosicleer was verie glad for that they would be of their part and for to send them out of hand the Tent he tooke his leaue of them leauing them in the field harde by the other campe he entred into the Citie and went vnto the royall pallace wheras he founde the Emperour and all the other high princes in a great alteration determining for to arme themselues for to goe and seeke him for that they could not heare any newes of him where he was become mistrusting that some euill had happened vnto him he was so long out of the citie but when they saw him enter in they were all verie glad and ioyfull but in especiall the Emperour who asked of him where he hadde bene then he in the presence of them all declared what had happened vnto him since his departure out of the citie But when he said that he left the Gran Campion dead in the wildernesse their ioye and pleasure dyd redouble in them all likewise when that he told them of the battayle which the strange knight had made with Bramarant they were greatly amazed and could not immagine what knight he should be of so great power and force except it were the knight of the Sunne who of long time they neuer heard any newes of yet they thought verely that if it were he he would not keepe himselfe secret so that the Emperour and all the rest remained in a confusion and prayed vnto God that it might be the knight of the Sunne for that hauing him with them they should thinke themselues in great securitie of the mightie power of the Pagans surely they receiued great griefe for his absence although the good Emperour dyd make no shew therof yet dyd there neuer enter any mirth into his heart since his departure out of the court and in especial for that he had sent many knights into diuers parts for to séeke him but yet could he neuer heare any newes of him and now was his minde full o● suspection that it should be he that made the battayle with Bramarant Then straight waies he sent vnto the two knights two Tentes verie ritch of gold and silke with bedding verie good for them and for their damsels and squires and all other things which he thought néedful and necessarie for them and sent the king of Macedonia in his behalfe vnto them with them that carryed the Tentes When that he came into the field he straight wayes mette with them to whome the king dyd present that which was sent and sayde that the Emperour did send them great commendations saying that if it were their pleasures for to enter into the Citie and take their lodging he should receiue great pleasure and contentment therein for that there hée could better giue them such honour as vnto so good knights doth appertaine the which they receiued with great thanks and sent him word that they did kisse his Emperiall hands for the great courtesie shewed vnto them When that the king was departed the squires of the
knight of the Sunne and the damsels did arme and raise vp their Tents somwhat what aparted from the tents of the armie the which béeing done and made close in such sorte that they coulde not bée séene and knowen they supped together with great ioy and pleasure whereas they passed a good parte of the night at such time as they were most in quiet they heard a greate noise and tumult in the Camp as shall be tolde you in this Hystorie who doth leaue them at this present for to tel you of the stout Pagan Bramarant who remained in the wildernesse of Grecia of other things that happened with him How the stout Pagan Bramarant after that he was come vnto himselfe returned againe to seeke the knightes and what hee did when he found his Father dead Chap. 34. WIthin a little while after that the foure knightes with the Princesse was departed from the place whereas the battaile was made with the gran Campion Bramarant who was astonied was come againe wholy vnto himselfe finding himselfe alone and aparted from the place whereas the battaile was made and besides that he himselfe was all to be raied with bloud that gushed out at his nose and mouth and without the halfe sword the which remained in his hand for that it was fallen away the fury and outragious wrath which he did take against himselfe was such considering in what estate hée was brought that many times he would haue slaine himselfe the which he would haue done in effect his desperation was such to see that one alone knight should bring him into that perplexitie but his great desire was such for to bée reuenged for the same that hée dyd as then withdrawe himselfe from the dooing thereof presupposing in his heart for to make the cruellest reuenge that euer was executed and with that rage puffing out great abundance of smoke hée went vnto a mightie Oake and renting off a greate branch from the same the made thereof a huge and knotti● clubbe and taking it in both his handes h●●et spurres vnto his horse and with so great furie that it séemed a whirle winde hée returned vnto the place from whence hée came in the demaund and seeking out of the knightes that hadd● made battaile with him swearing 〈◊〉 he would not leaue one of them aliue but when he came vnto the place whereas the battaile was made and found none other but the gran Campion his Father dead lying along vppon the ground all to bée rayed with his owne bloud there was no comparison to bée made with the wrath of so famished a Lion neither that of the firce Tyger when that they haue lost their whelpes as vnto the furie and wrath of that stout and diuellish Pagan when that he sawe his Father to lie in that sorte dead his wrath courage and furie was such that he séemed rather to bee an infernall diuell than a knight he might haue accounted himselfe vnhappie that should haue passed by him at that present for at that time he would haue combatted with all the legio●s of infernall diuells and not finding vppon whom he might execute his furious wrath he lifte vp his eies vnto heauen and sayde thus Oh false and traiterous Gods enimies vnto my generous and naturall bloud all you together haue beene confederate vnto the death of my diuine Father come downe all together vpon the earth with all the power of your impetuous and wonderfull thunderings and lightnings or else shewe mée some waie whereby I maye ascend into the celestiall Regions whereas you haue your habitations and dwelling places that I may take most cruell reuengement vppon you for the death of the Gran Campion my Father who was much better than all you Descend therefore and come downe O yée traiterous and false dogges and haue a courage to come before my presence for that I am now héere alone I 〈◊〉 that it is a great shame and reproch vnto you 〈◊〉 you dare not descend vnto one alone knight Héere I doe sweare a●d promise you that if you dare not come in my presence neither shew me which waie I maye ascend into the heauens that I will neuer take anie reste till such time as I haue gone throughout all the Paganisme and destroyed all the Idolles and Temples that be dedicated and consecrated vnto you neither will I not leaue one Pagan aliue that will not renounce and denie your alse and deceiueable lawe and I will make them all to turne Christia●s for to scorne and burne your Idolles for that he séemeth to be a better God than all you that giueth so great strength vnto Christians Oh my good Father Bradaman who is hée that hath slaine you and so cleere deliuered from my handes Héere I doe promise you neuer to pull off this armour from my backe vntill such time as I haue torne him in péeces with my téeth and staunched my great thirst in his hot bloud But oh what ill fortune and mishap is this of mine What reuengement may Brainarant take although he destroie the whole worlde in recompence of this so great harme and iniurie which is done vnto me In saying these and many other wordes this furious Pagan did alight from his horse and tooke the broade and heauie sword of his Father and hung it at his girdle and mounted againe vpon his horse determining for to goe and séeke those knights that he left there or some other whereon he might reuenge his furious wrath and there withall hée set spurres vnto his great horse and lyke vnto a diuell he made him a runne throughout all the fieldes with so great furie that the earth séemed to tremble vnder him At this time it was darke night and Rosicleer was within the Citie and the other in their Tents at their ease but Bramarant not finding or méeting anie for to deteine him neuer staied till hée came into the Campe of the Christians whereas was more than one hundred thousand of knights and as many footmen some lying a long vppon the gréene grasse and other some in their tents and pauillions yet was there in the garde and watch of the hoast sittie thou● 〈◊〉 knights and so many footmen But when this surious Pagan sawe so many before him vpon whom he might reuenge his outragious wrath with more arrogancie pride and hardinesse than the hungrie and rauening Lion that thrusteth her selfe in the middest amongest the féeble and timerous flockes hée thrusteth himselfe in the middest amongst all those of the campe charging the footmen of the watch with terrible and cruell blowes killing and destroying so many of them that all the waie whereas he went was full of dead bodies and the rest who were greatlie amazed at that sodaine and mortall mischiefe beganne to crie out 〈◊〉 call to armour so that in a short time all the whole 〈◊〉 was in a● vproare and thinking that they were assaulted with many enimies they ranne from the one parte vnto the
other for to aide and help their companions and friends but when they saw there were no enimies they were worse amazed than they were before and knew not what to make o● that tumult but they were all quicklie put out of doubt and cerlefied what it was for that this fierce and diuellish Pagan not staying in anie one place 〈◊〉 himselfe from one part vnto the other all to be embrued in bloud and according vnto the great slaughter and destruct on the which he made he seemed rather to bée an infernall diuell than a mortal man But when they vnderstoode and knew that it was Bramarant there was but a verie sewe of them which with feare dyd not tremble ●or to sée him and with all the speede that euer they could make they dyd aparte and separate themselues from him thinking that thereby they shoulde haue their liues in farre greater securitie and safetie when that they are most farthest from his furious and mercilesse handes whereby hée hadd● opportunitie and space for to doe what 〈◊〉 and mischiefe so euer it pleased him and none so bold for to put himself before him whereby to make anie resistance against his outragious furie except it were alonelie two knightes which were verie couragious and vatiant who were Captaines oner the rest the one was called 〈◊〉 Adriano and the other the Earls of ●edo vassalles vnto the Emperour 〈◊〉 who offering their liues as they were bound came both against him and made their encounter with their speares in such sort y ● they were shéeuered to peeces but yet their appeared no more mouing in him than if they had encountred against a strong tower 〈◊〉 at their passing by he stroke one of them such a blow that beeing verie fore hurt hée ouerthrow him off his horse vnto the ground at the second blowe his companion was constrained to beare him companie This béeing past the stout Pagan put himselfe into the thickest amongest the people and ouerthrew all that euer hée met before him and neuer stayed vntill hée came vnto the 〈◊〉 whereas hée beganne to cut the cordes and tyonbers wherewith they were armed in such sorte that in a little space he ouerthrew twentie Tents and as many Pauillions downe vnto the ground But all this was nothing vnto the furious and outragious wrath of Bramarant who thought it but a pastin●e in consideration of the bloud that hée determined for to shedde in recompence of his Father death There were some in the Campe which séeing the great destruction that hée made ranne vnto the Citie and gaue aduertisement vnto the Emperour Trebatio of all that passed who out of hande with all the other worthie Princes and knightes made themselues in a readinesse for to goe forth and make resistance against that proude Pagan At this time for that the great vproare and tumnlt that was in the Campe was verie well heard by the worthie knight of the Sunne and the Princesse Claridiana who were somewhat aparted and separated from the rest and verie desirous for to know what it should bée with a trice they caused themselues to be armed with their rich and strong armour and mounting vpon their horses they rode forthwith towardes the place whereas they heard the noise of the battaile but when they came whereas Bramarant was they were wonderfullie amazed at the great furie wrath of the Pagan and supposed that in anie humane man coulde not ●ée comprehended such excéeding force and strength and hauing greate griefe and compassion for the great quantitie of blo●d that was there shed the knight of the Sunne 〈…〉 and putting himselfe before him he said 〈…〉 and r●uishing furie leaue off the shedding of innocent bloud for looke what thou doest heere so much the more will the horrible paines bée y ● thy soule shall indure in hell The night was verire cléere for the Moone did shine and was at the full and by the light thereof this proude Pagan dyd know the knight of the Sunne by his armour to be he with whom he did combat the daie before who with as greate pleasure as euer he receiued in all his life thinking at that time to haue opportunitie to bee reuenged of that was past sayd Art thou by fortune that knight that did combat with mée this daie past I am the same sayde the knight of the Sunne Then the Pagan said Heere I doe tell thee that all the whole power of the heauen and on the earth are not sufficient for to defend th●e from my fingers And in saying these words he lift vp his heuie and great cutting sword with it in both his hands he stroke this good knight such a blowe vpon his helme that it made him to 〈◊〉 his head downe to his breast and the fire flew out thereof as out of a 〈◊〉 stone but the knight of the Sunne required him that blow with both his hands and stroke him such a one vpon his shoulder that he had ouerthrowne him to the ground if he had not imbraced himselfe with his horse necke then began the one to laie vpon the other verie strenglie with so great charge that many thimes they were both astonied and the sparkes of fire were so many that flew out of their armours that if the Moone had not shined so bright by the light of the sparkes they might haue well seene how to combat at this time were all the people of the campe round about them for to sée that strong and well fought battayle and were all greatlie amazed at the high bountie strength of the knight of the Sunne and the noise was so great the which they made with their terrible blowes that it was as well heard within the Citie as in the campe whereas they did combat which was the occasion as well for that they were aduised thereof that the Emperour Trebatio and Roficleer with all those worthie Princes and knightes came straight waies forth of the Citie and with great hast came vnto the place whereas they heard the great noise of the battaile and thether whereas the most people were gathered together and when they came thether they sawe that fierce Pagan and the knight of the Sunne how they behaued themselues in their battaile and by reason that it was night and their blowes strong and great wherewith great abundance of fire flew out of their armours it was a strange and wonderfull thing to beholde so that the Emperour and all those that came with him meruailed greatlie at the strong and mightie force of them both Then when this stout Pagan sawe himselfe compassed rounde about with so many people and knew that the Emperour and all the rest of those precious and worthie knightes that came with him were there present he sawe that as then it was verie néedfull for him to vse all his whole force strength and béeing desirous in their presence to shew forth all his greate and mightie power hée charged the knight of the Sunne
manifest so high and worthie things for one waie the mightinesse of these two Emperors did make mée to wonder for that to bring in subiection the whole vniuersall world they lacked nothing and another waie I did greatlie meruaile that the great number of so manye worthie and valyant knightes who according vnto their great valour shewed in the battaile for to come of either of them might be made a perticular Hystorie But when that it commeth to my remembrance that I shall finde that shining Alphebo in the same battaile I am then tongue tide and my wittes troubled to thinke that I doe put my selfe for to declare his déedes for although I had so manye and more eies than Argos yet were they not sufficient for to beholde them Who lykewise should beholde the other son of Trebatio and the sonne of the gran Campion shall finde that their actes are not worthie of anie lesse memorie I knowe not whether you doe remember or not the names of those two valiant Pagans Meridian and Brandimardo that onelie in hearing them named the earth doeth tremble as much more shall be done by their equalls the Prince of ●raunce and the mightie Troyan Let not bée forgotten the mightie Emperour of Grecia with all the remnant of the inclite and generall knighthood of his souera●gne Court for according as they are all most valiant and stout so are they sufficient to make the whole vniuersall world to be their owne What shall we then doe if we remember so many thousands of Pagans which are vnder the banner and at the commandement of the worthie Emperour Alycandro amongst whome besides the Nations of strong Gyantes that came from the Orientall Ilandes of the Gran Campion there were one thosand more of Gyants who were so bigge mightie and strong that they were sufficient to bée accounted walles vnto a great Citie I knowe not what you do thinke of this you that doe reade this Hystorie but I for my parte when that I doe thinke of things of so great worthinesse my memorie and wittes doth faile mée And I am fullie certefied that if you did see this great battaile concluded all the Hystories that heeretofore you haue read and séene treating of loue and of wars if that they were laide before this you woulde account them as nothing I will not contend anie farther héerein with reasons but certefie you that I béeing determined to staie here and procéede no farther yet for all that as the wearied horse being forced by the sharpe pricking spurre to bée quicke in his course euen so the ouermuch affection the which I haue vnto those high and worthie Dames and valiant Knights doth constraine mée to procéede forwardes till such time as I doe conclude the first parte of this mightie Hystorie and in that my weake and wearied vnderstanding cannot comprehend let my affection supplie the same the which hath mounted my wittes so high that although with great trauaile yet haue I translated that which I thought neuer to comprehend séeking it out of greate volumes from the originall written by the wise Artemidoro who béeing holpen by the wise Lyrgandeo and the Magitian spirite lefte it in writing according as héereafter you shall heare declared At such time as the daie appr●ched of that heauie and sorrowfull time wherein was ●ought that generall and bloudie battaile in which was concluded the expedition of new Rome was séene great wonders and tokens terrible to beholde and sufficient for to terrifie the heartes of those valiant and stout warriours for that the heauens and the earth did manifest the excéeding great griefe which they felt of that mortall destruction and it séemed verilie vnto them that the end of the worlde was at hande by manifest tokens which were séene that daie for that there was neuer so great multitude of people séene slaine in one daie as appeared afterward by the greate streames of bloud which was in so great abundance that it was sufficient for to chaunge the coulour of the great Sea of ●geo into Fuxino In testimonie whereof at such time as the daie shoulde breake the same daie of the battaile all the whole region of the aire séemed to bée on fire with great abundaunce of lightnings accompanied with so many and dreadfull thunder clappes that all the celestiall moouinges séemed to haue fallen vpon the earth and at such time as the daie dyd somwhat appeare the dew that was wonted to fall from heauen in the mornings appeared to bée of red bloud wherwith al the grasse and flowers in the fieldes of Grecia was laden Likewise there were that sawe that whereas the shining starres alwayes at the breake of daie dyd vanish and take their leaue that now at that instant many Comets of fire dyd fall from heauen into the campe of the Pagans and did as much harme as thought they had béene thunderbolts amongest them And at such time as the Sunne shoulde shew her selfe they sawe plainlie how that it had lost his rubicond coulour and was chaunged into the coulour of bloud but after that this earthquake and storme of lightening and thunder was past yet there appeared not one clowde in all the whole region and compasse of the aire and the daie was verie obscure and darke by reason of the sorrowfull and vnaccustomed coulour the Sunne shewed The earth quaked and trembled verie terriblie wh●ch was the occasion that many edifices dyd fall and were ouerthrowen downe and many high mountaines dyd sinke and were censumed so that with the one and with the other all the people were greatlie amazed and there was not one although hée were neuer so valiant and strong but at those sighes and tokens receiued both feare and dreade sauing onelie that superbious Pagan the sonne vnto the gran Campion who saide within himselfe and spake it plainlie that the heauens and the earth dyd shew those signes in token of the great abundance of bloud that should be shedde that same daie 〈…〉 of the death of his Father and● thought it 〈…〉 such time as the battayle was begunne and their companions ioyned together that he might execute his mortall furie but it was not long after that his d●sire was accomplished for that that worthie and valiant Emperour Trebatio séeing that the daie was come of the battaile verie earlie in the morning at the daie breake was in the field accompanied with all those valyant and worthie knights putting in order all his people in the best manner they could for to execute their battaile and although they dyd sée those wonderfull signes and tokens which caused them to haue some feare and dreade yet for all that the good Emperour neuer once abated anie whit of his valiant courage but had great hope and confidence in the onelie liuing God that he with his mightie hand and outstretched arme woulde defend the whole state of Christendome and did continuallie in his heart call vppon God requesting him of his infinite mercie and goodnesse for to graunt
vnto him the victorie in that battaile and not to permit that that worthie crew of Knighthoode should bee vanquished and lost in that battaile and did confesse and acknowledge that his great power and all that mightie Campe was in effect as much as nothing if that bée of his beneuolence dyd not aide and succour him These and such like things sayd the good Emperour in his heart and neuer rested in going from one place to another putting his people in good order with a Tipstaffe in his hande lyke a valiant and expert Captaine wherein there was not one that dyd passe him neither in his owne Campe nor in the whole Campe of the Pagans was there anie dyd so well The first battalle that he ordained was of the Gréekes saying that in the defence of their Countrie it was greate reason that they shoulde haue the foreward wherein there was foure and twentie thousand knightes all verie well armed and excéeding expert and committed the charge and gouernment thereof vnto that valyant and worthie Alphebo the lyght of all Chi●alrie and knighthoode and put in his companie that worthie and royall Princesse Claridiana for that they being together y ● one for the other would force themselues to worke the greater wonders and on the otherside he placed with them his great friend Oristides that valiant Troyan so that they thrée being together they were sufficient for to put feare and dread in all the whole Pagan hoast The second battaile he dyd commend vnto that valiant and worthie Rosicleer called by an other name the knight of Cupid who dyd so great wonders that day that so long as the world doth endure his fame will be mencioned therin he gaue with him in company his very good friends the Tartarian Zoylo and the king Sacridoro with twentie thousand Gréeke knights of great courage who followed after his brother The third battaile he gaue vnto that mightie king Florion with all his knightes that he brought with him out of Persia and other tenne thousand of his owne people and in his companie that valiant prince Brandizel being father and sonne that made great destruction amongst the Pagans that day The fourth battaile he gaue vnto the worthie prince of Fransia and vnto the king of Lidra with all the people that they brought out of their countries The fift baitaile he gaue vnto the gouernment of the king Oliuerio and vnto the prince of Lusitania with all the people that c●me out of great Britaine and in this battaile went those two worthie princes Bargandel and Liriamandio with other worthie princes and valiant knights that belonged vnto the king Oliuerio The sixt battaile the Emperour Trebatio tooke vnto himselfe with all the rest of the knightes that remained which were to the number of thrée score thousand knights There went in this battaile in companie with the Emperour the king of 〈◊〉 the two princes of 〈◊〉 and Transilu●nia with the two gallant princes Rodomarte and Rodoteo and the two most valiant worthie knights Don Clarus and Arealus who in this daye dyd not a little exalt the honour of the Godos of Spaine There went also with the Emperour those two good knights Flamides and Florinaldes who were great friends vnto the knight of the Sunne Also there went with him those foure brethren sonnes vnto the gran Torcato with that stout Rogelio who were so couragious that there were fewe in all the whole armie that were more valianter then they being but young youthes There went also with him the King of Bohemia and many other mightie Lords belonging vnto the Emperour of Grecia whose names be not héere rehearsed for to auoi● tediousnesse So that this mightie Emperour hadde about him such a companie of valiant and worthy knights and of high estate that neuer the like was séene who little and litle in the order aboue mencioned dyd begin to fill those fields and plaines that it was a thing worthie to be séene so great number of worthie and valiant knights to be ioyned together although they saw before their eies put in good order their enimies and occasions of the great destruction looked for as also those fearefull signes and tokens which the heauens and the earth dyd shew vnto them the which was a thing of great wonder and dread to behold in especiall for those Ladies and gentlewomen that were in Constantinople who séeing their husbandes and children to depart in that sort their clamors and cryes seemed to assend vnto the heauens And in the mightie citie of Constantinople there was séene no other thing but olde men women and children who went bare foot bare legged through the stréetes from one church vnto as other praying vnto God to graunt the victorie on their parts and to defend his christian flock At this time was the Empresse Briana and the fayre princesse Olima with the beautifull Linderaza the Queene Radamira and Arquirosa and many other mo verie faire and beautifull Ladies and gentlewomen mounted vp into a high tower of the mightie pallace from whence they might at their ease discouer and sée all the whole armies but when they sawe so great a multitude of infidells against them whome they loued more then themselues they receiued great sorow and dread at their hearts which caused them to shed many teares and to pray vnto God for the victorie from the bottome of their hearts Now let vs leaue them and tell of the Pagans who were so many in number that all the night past with good part of the morning they hadde enough to doe for to set all things in good order and in a redinesse for the appointed battaile The first battaile ordained by the Emperour Alicandro he gaue vnto the rule and gouernement of that proude pagan Bramarant who like vnto an hungery Lyon or wolfe wold be the first and he had with him fiftie thousand horsemen the most furious and fiersest that was to be found in all the whole campe amongst whome he caryed all those giants that his father the Gran Campion had brought out of his owne countries which were more then one thousand and all mounted vppon Elephants who with certaine engens that they brought with them made them to be verie swifte Bramarant hadde with him in that battaile all the kinges of the Orientall Ilandes who as you haue heard were little in●erour vnto gyants and were the most strrongest and stoutest that was in all the whole Ilands and beeing this braue Barbarian in the middest amongst them he thought verely that all the whole world if they had bene ther together were not able to make resistance against him The second battaile was gouerned by those two mightie Pagans Meridian and Brandimardo who hadde with them three score thousand horsemen all of the Gran Tartaria meruailously well armed although the most part of them were armed with the hard skinnes of wilde beastes there were in this battaile twentie braue and furious Gyants whereof twelue of the most furious
taking the b●g●est lance that hée could find hee went towards them and stroke the good Emperour on the one side vnbewares and thrust him cleane out of his Saddle The lyke hee dyd vnto the two bretheren Don Clarus and A●culus Then the other Princes when they sawe the Emperour vnhorsed they came forthwith for to succour and helpe him but their comming had lyke to haue cost them deare for that at two blowes which hee stroke with his sworde he astonyed and left without remembrance the two Princes Bargandel and Lyriamandr●o and within a little while after he ouerthrew to the ground Don Siluerio and the two Princes Rodamarte and Rodofeo Flamides and Flo●inaldus and thinking that they were dead this diuellish and outragious Pagan proceeded farther on till hee came whereas Rosicleer and Brandimardo were combatting together and hée seeing their battaile so intangled and knowing him for certaintie to bée the same which slew the gran Compion his Father beeing full of mortall courage as sparkes of fire should flie out at his eies he went vnto him and stroke him an ouerthwart blowe with both his hands vpon his helme which was of so great force and strength that the bloud gushed out at his eares and nose and depriued him of his remembrance so that his horse carried him a while about the field Then the stout Brandimardo who was more vertuous than he saw the great villanie the which Bramarant had done with a wrathfull courage he went against him and sayd Oh thou vncurteous villaine come to the battaile with me for that it shal cost thée full déere this shame and discurtesie which thou hast shewed vnto me And therewith hée stroke him such an ouerthwart blow vpon the healme that with the sparkes of fire that flew out thereof he burned all the haire vpon his browes and eie lids Then Barmarant who alwaies did beare him ill will since the time that hée did combat against him and Meridian in the wildernesse of Grecia returned a replie against him with so great furie that the noise of their new begun battell betwixt them was heard throughout all the whole campe but their combat indured not long for that Rosicleer came straight againe vnto himselfe and remembring what had passed he went vnto Brandimardo and gaue him great thankes for that which he had done for him and requested him to let him to haue the battaile against Bramarant who vnderstanding what Rosicleer had sayd with great pride sayd Come both of you together against me for if there were ten such as you are I would not esteeme you in anie thing Well said Brandimardo for that I will not doe thée so much honour I will leaue the battaile for that thy selfe alone shall conclude it with this knight who I am perswaded is such a one that will abase and breake the heart of this thy great pride And in saying these wordes ●he withdrew himselfe a backe straight waies began Rosicleer for to combat with Bramarant and at two blowes that he stroke at him doubling one after another did intreate him in such sort that he knew not whether he was in heauen or on the earth so that betwixt them there began a braue battaile in such sort that Bramarant did well vnderstand that he had inough to doe to cléere himselfe from the furious blowes of Rosicleer alone without the help of the companion that he esteemed vnto to him and Meridian and Brandimanrdo who stoode and did dyd beholde the 〈…〉 not a little reioyce to 〈◊〉 how much that alone knight did 〈◊〉 the great courage and pride of Bramarant and with the great contentment that they t●●ke to beholde them in the battaile they staid and withdrew themselues a while from fighting At this time all those knights that were ouerthrowen by that monster found themselues in a great perpl●●itie for that much people dyd ouercharge them in such sorte that they could not mount themselues againe on horsebacke but in especiall the Emperour Trebatio and the two brethren Don Cla●os and Arcalus who were all a●oote together making their defence with their swordes in their handes killing slaying so many that round about them laie a great number of dead bodies But the king of Gandaros did trouble them verie much with two great ill fauoured and deformed Gyantes that he had in his companie with other knights who put them in great perill Not farre from that place were these Princes Bargandel and Lyriamandro Rodomarte and Rodofeo Hamides and Hormaldus all together whereas they did great wonders but by reason that they were a foote and charged with much people they passed great trouble The like meruailes did those two worthie Princes Brandizel and Clauerindo who were compassed about with more than twentie Gyants of the Orientall Ilands But he that was in greatest perplexitie more than all the rest was the Troyan Oristedes for that he was all alone and a foote and was closed in with thrée kings of the Indians and with and infinite number of other people in such sorte that by no meanes he could get out from amongst them except he should flie into the aire But yet this good knight in 〈◊〉 daie did make manifest the noble and valiant stocke from whence hée dyd descend for that hee slew a great number and made his partie good defending himselfe till such tim● as succour did come vnto him but yet they y ● did best cléere themselues was the Tartarian Zoylo and the king Sacridoro for that the fiue sonnes of the mightie Torcato and the stout Rogelio all together chanced to passe that waie wheras they were with the high knighthood which they vsed they mounted againe vppon their horses and ioyned with the king Oliuerio and his knights so that they all together put themselues into the thickest of the campe whereas they did great wonders Now let vs leaue them in this sort in the battaile dooing of valiant and worthie déedes on euerie side● and although the common people and souldiours on the part of the Pagans were without number yet those on the part of the Christians were farre better and better armed and dyd great slaughter vpon their enimies and let vs tell of that dreadfull Organte who was in an ambushment in a woode with his people When the Emperour Alycandro sawe that the daye passed awaie and that it was then time to put in execution that which hee had d●termined for that the battaile was at that time in a bal●ance he sent out of hande a messenger vnto him for to issu● forth So when that Organte had receiued the commandement of his Lord lyke as the hungrie Lyon runneth out o● the thicke woods for to seeke his praie in the plaine amongst the Cattell euen so he with all his people went out o● the ambushment and with as greate expedition as might bée th●y went to put themselues into the battell but it so fell out before they came thether that there happened ●nother thing cleane
for to satisfie their furious appetite and there was not 〈◊〉 one in all the whole armie that was in perfect securitie from their furious and bloudie handes Within a while the knight of the Sunne came into the place whereas was the good Emperour his Father a foote and so weary that almost he could not lyft vp his arme to his head hée and the two Spanish knightes although they had done greate and meruailous 〈◊〉 and incredible wonders yet were they at the point to haue béen slaine for that they were charged and assaulted by the king of the Gandaros and with two mightie great and deformed Gyants with an infinite number of other people who brought them into a meruailous perplexitie But quicklie they were rescued and their enimies deceiued of their prai● for when the knight of the Sunne knew him to bée his Father with a new force more than of a knight hée str●ke one of these Gyantes such a blowe vnder the gorge of ●is healme that hée cut his head clean● from his bodie The which béeing done with great lyghtnesse hée turned himselfe about and with both his handes hée stroke such an ouerthwart at the other vpon his wast that almost 〈◊〉 vnto his saddle bowe hée parted him in two péeces and the royall Princesse stroke such another blowe vppon the healme of the king of the Gandaros that with the incre●ible force thereof shée cloue his head quite downe vnto h●s téeth and ouerthrew him dead at his féete The bloud waxed colde within their bodies and theyr members shaked of all them that did sée these mortall and deformed blowes in especiall those Pagans that were ther nigh at hande who had compassed about the Emperour and the other two Princes so that it was not néedfull of anie other occasion for to cause them to depart thence for that they gaue them such entertainment that they all fledde awaie and put themselues into the battaile and thought not themselues in anie securitie wheresoeuer they shoulde become And although the good Emperour Trebatio had time and space inough for to mount vppon his horse yet hee was so wearie that he had no force for to doe it Likewise the two Spanish knightes were readie for to lie downe with wearinesse The which beeing séene and perceiued by that good Knight with a trice he alighted from his horse 〈◊〉 and tooke the Emperour his Father in his armes and with his owne strength he put him into the saddle and gaue vnto the two bretheren other two horses and with his owne handes he mounted them The which béeing done in spite of all those that were against them hée tooke vnto himselfe the horse of the king of Gandaros which was both strong and swift and with great lightnesse he leaped into the saddle and passed forwardes on leauing the Emperour Trebatio no lesse amazed than ioyfull and content to see the wonderfull dé●des of his sonne who with new force and strength the which hee recouered with that sodaine ioy and pleasure pressed forwardes into the battaile being in the middest betwixt the two Spanish knightes and dyd such 〈◊〉 acts that it seemed he had but as then entered into the battaile Then the knight of the Sunne came vnto the place with the Princesse Claridiana whereas they found on foote the princes Bargandel and Lyriamandro Rodomarte Rodo●eo Fl●●ndes and Florinaldus by whose comming they were quicklie set at libertie and had space for to mount them selues on horsback the which being done he did the like vnto the Tartarian Zoilo the king Sacridoro neuer staied til he 〈◊〉 whereas the stout Oristedes was which was a strange thing to beholde to sée the great number of dead bodies at his féete round about him but by reason that hée was ouerpressed with so many against him hée was verie wearie and almost out of breath which being perceiued by the knight of the Sunne with a great good will he did succour him slaying and ouerthrowing to the ground all those that he found against him and of the thrée kings of the Indias the royall Princesse ouerthrew two of them dead to the ground and the third ranne awaie for if he had tarried his golden crowne the which he had on his head would little haue auailed him Then the good Troyan being verie glad of that aduantaged succour tooke vnto him a verie good horse and mounting vpon him they all together thrust themselues into the battaile and neuer staied till they came whereas the two Princes Brandizel and Claueryndo who were compassed round about with those gyantine knights but quicklie they were deliuered out of their hands and ●●●unted vpon other horses At this time were ioyned together the Emperour Trebatio with all the rest of the worthie and valiant knights with the knight of the Sunne and the royall Princesse Claridiana and all was néedfull for that the Emperour Alycandro accompanied with those Gyants his gard and with the most principallest kings of their hoast came vnto that place of the camp making such destruction and slaughter that they alone had béene sufficient to haue got the whole victorie of the field But being discouered by this generous companie they all together moued towardes them whose encounter was a thing worthie to haue bene séene for that the knight of the Sunne the royall Princesse with the mightie Emperour Trebatio Don Claros and Arcalus the two princes Brandizel and Claueryndo the king Florion and the king Sacridoro with the Tartarian Zoilo All the together made their encounter against the ten Gyants of the Gard of the Emperour and that which séemed not to be beléeued and impossible to bée executed amongest all them that were in the whole armie fell out n●we deane vnto the contrarie for that euerie one of these worthie Princes missed not but ouerthrew his aduersarie to the earth either starke dead or sore wounded and although some of them of the Emperour Trebatios part were vnhorsed yet quicklie and with a trice they were mounted againe And of other twelue kings that were mightie and stout and of great valour that came in companie with the Emperour Alycandro there remained but two of them but all the rest were ouerthrowen and slaine by Ba●gandel and Lyriamandro Rodomarte and Rodofeo Flamides and Florinaldus the sonnes of the gran Torcato and the stout Rogelio When these Pagan kings were slaine and ouercome although the number of Pagans were infinit yet they beganne to loose ground for that they had no other Captaines for to gouerne them but onelie that mightie Pagan Bramarant who was deteined in battaile with Rosicleer and the two worthie knights Meridian and Brandimardo if there had b●ne many in the campe lyke vnto them before the Pagans would haue yeelded anie ground there had bene greater destruction and bloud shed more than there was but by reason that they were but two onelie they were not sufficient for to gouerne and rule them although they did make so greate slaughter that they
seemed not to be anie humane creatures But now was the time come of the good fortune and destinie promised vnto the Emperour Trebatio to shewe it selfe fauourable and the Prophesie before sayde by the olde king of Gedrosia to worke effect and accomplish the truth thereof in confirming of the same for that the Pagans began to retire and night drew on and it wared darke they receiued great feare in such sorte that they put themselues vnto flight and ranne awaie with great shame so that a little before the shutting of the euening the Pagans put themselues in such feare and hast in running that there was no force of resistance in them but to be all slaine by the Gréekes who followed them at their héeles And the Emperour Alycandro when that he sawe himselfe left alone without his strong gard and mightie kings his vassals that were wont to kéepe and beare him companie and all his people to run awaie before him ouercome and cleane without anie hope of victorie he larged the raines vnto his horse and ranne about the field complaining verie much against the Gods whome he tooke to bée his parents and kinsfolke as also against Fortune for shewing her selfe so contrarie against him but most he complained against himselfe for putting so great confidence and trust in his owne power in that hée would not giue anie credit vnto the good and true counsailes of the olde king of Gedrosia and going in this sort he came vnto his Tents and taking the faire Princesse Lyndabrides and the rest of the Ladies and Damsels that were with her with other such things as conueniently he could hée fled downe vnto the sea side whereas was all his whole Fléete whereof the Christians had burnt a great part of them such as were at the Sea for although the saide ships of the Christians were but few in number yet when that they sawe the great destruction that was made on the land they recouered great courage ●or to assault them that were at the Sea in such sorte that they set fire on manye shippes that were in the Fléete in spite of them that were there for that they found small resistance Thus as I haue saide before when the Emperour came vnto the Sea side there was so great hast of embarking that with great trauaile hée embarked himselfe into a shippe with those that came with him and being embarked yet he thought not himselfe in anie securitie but in great hast caused the Sailes to bée spread abroade and launched themselues into the Sea leauing all this troupe and power ouerthrowen in Grecia Then the Prince Meridian and Brandimardo when that they sawe how that the people were dispearsed and that by no meanes possible they coulde not staie them from flying and running awaie Then went they from one place vnto another séeking of the Emperour Alycandro but could not finde him till such time as they came vnto the Sea side whereas it was tolde them how that hée was embarked into a shippe and departed with the Princesse Lyndabrides and the other Ladies and Gentlewomen that were in her companie amongst whome was the faire Princesse Floralinda spouse vnto the Prince Meridian who when that hée vnderstoode of their departure dyd straight wayes embarke himselfe in another shippe and followed after them In all this while the Gréekes vnderstoode in no other thing but in killing and slaying of Pagans as they ranne awaie and made such slaughter as in all the daie before was not the lyke at which time all the water in the Tirreno sea from the ●geo vnto the Euxino was redde and turned into the coulour of bloud with the great quantitie that were slaine as well on the sea as on the land which was a thing of great terrour and wonder to beholde But the knight of the Sunne when he sawe that the battaile was dispearsed and how that the Pagans sledde before them hée made no farther account of them but went and sought for the Emperour Alycandro and the Princesse Lyndabrides fearing that in the moouing and running of the people they should receiue some damage or harme The which he would not that it should so fall out for anie thing in all the world for that hée considered verie well in his minde how much he was bound vnto them for the great loue which they bare vnto him And when he came vnto the Tents he went from one vnto another enquiring for the Emperour and it was tolde him how they were fled and gone wherewith he gallopped his horse till hée came vnto the sea side whereas hée sawe the Pagans making great hast for to embarke themselues and many of them did swimme aboord because they would not abide the furie of the Greekes a land Then the Knight of the Sunne came vnto one of those Pagans and put the point of his sword to his face and sayd that hee would kill him if hée dyd not tell him newes of the Emperour Alycandro Then the Pagan who sawe him depart for feare of death tolde him how that he was departed from thence in a ship with the princesse Lyndabrides and all her Ladies and gentlewomen Whereat when the knight of the Sunne heard of their departure he was verie sorrowfull as well for the perill in the which they put themselues as also for that hée would haue done vnto them the honour● and seruice that they deserued and for that his valiant courage could not suffer that they should depart in such sorte with a setled purpose and determination full of vertue he put himselfe into a Boate and caused the Marriners to rowe him vnto a good ship that was there at hande whereas he found certaine knights that did resist him at his entrie whom he slew and threatned the Maister and Marriners that he woulde lykewise kill them if they did not gouerne the ship right that waie which the Emperour Alycandro was departed and gone Then they who sawe the great destruction that hée had made in so short a time being greatlie amazed thereat and with great fea●e did obey all that he commanded so that in companie with the other ships they hoised saile and departed through that bloudie sea whereas we wil leaue them in their iourney and returne vnto them that were left in the field At this time the good Emperour Trebatio when he saw the night come on a pace and that it waxed darke being verie wearie he all his companie in killing of pagans began to blow and sound his rich horne which lyke a good Captai●e he carried alwaies about his necke and he dyd sound it i● such sort that in all those broade and wide fields it was heard at which sound all his people dyd obey his commandement and gathered themselues together But yet in all this time the battaile betwixt Rosicleer and Bramarant neuer ceased but rather as then was more furious and kindled in wrath and they did no other thing but procure to charge the one the other with
as remained aliue which was but the third parte of those which came from the gran Tartaria fled and ranne awaie towards the sea coast whereas they embarked themselues so that there remained but certaine kings and nobles such as were knowen and were prisoners vnto the Gréekes At which time the Emperour Trebatio with all his nobles hauing a great good will to celebrate with triumph the great and ioyfull victorie which God had giuen them were greatlie disturbed by the absence of the knight of the Sunne for without him it seemed that they could not reioyce nor take anie ioy or pleasure for which occasion at that instant departed many knights from the Court in the demaund and seeking of him amongest whom Rosideer was one who departed al alone from Constantinople and in such sorte that he was not knowen neither would he carrie anie bodie with him for that hee had great desire for to méete with Bramarant and to conclude with him the battaile before that anie knight be present for to separate or part them and comming vnto the sea side whereas he could not heare anie newes of him he straight waies there embarked himselfe into a ship whereas we wil leaue him and all the rest in Constantinople for to tell you of the knight of the Sunne who being verie desirous for to ouertake the Emperour Alycand●o and the Princesse Lyndabrides na●●gating by Sea was lykewise the same night constrained with the torment that tooke the Emperour for to loose his waie But whether it was by the will of God it should so fall out for that the end thereof was verie good or else by the arte of the wise Ly●gandeo or else by good fortune that gouerned his shippe in such sorte the worthie knight of the Sunne was throwen by force of the sayde storme and tempest into the porte of the strong Ilande the which béeing perceiued and knowen by the Mariners they would straight wayes haue departed from thence hauing that quiet p●rte farre more perillous than to bée at the Sea with that great storme and tempest whose great feare béeing manifest vnto the Knight of the Sunne hee was verie desirous to knowe the occasion thereof and they declared the cause verie much extolling the force and strength of Roboan and of his sonnes as also of the great crueltie that was vsed there with such knights and damsells as they did take And although the knight of the Sun would first haue accomplished his voyage in following of the Emperour Alycandro and haue left that enterprise vntill some other time yet for all that séeing that it woulde lyttle profite for to returne vnto the Sea by reason that the waues were greatlie increased with the force of the storme hée determined with himselfe to go a land and in the meane time till it pleased God to appease the rage of the weather he would put in practise to sée if hée could doe anie thing against those people for to cause them to breake that euill and diuellish custome and as hée was determined within himselfe hée put it in vre but the marriners would not enter into the Port nor boord their ship aland with a good will but he did so threaten them that he made them by force to doe all that he commanded When that hée was a land and had not well mounted vpon his horse which was that which hée wonne from the king of the Gandaros in the battaile there came forth against him ten knightes on horsebacke and as many on foote all armed with their hatchets of armes in their hands and bad him to yéeld to them as prisoner and some of them approched to laie hands on his horse bridle But this good knight answered not one worde vnto these villanous people but hauing his Speare in his hande stroke one of them such a blowe therewith that his strong armour dyd not profite him but hée ouerthrew him backwardes starke dead vnto the ground and as one that as then was not to learne to shedde the bloud of such vnhappie wretches in a short time hée made such slaughter amongest them that there escaped no more aliue but thrée of them who fledde and ranne with all hast possible vnto the Castle which was vppon the little mountaine whereas were the two oldest bretheren Langereon and Andricardo with Roboan their Father for that after that they had carried prisoner vnto the Castell the Emperour Alycandro and his companie vntill that time they had not descended vnto their Towers whereas they were wont to bée continuallie which was the occasion that the knight of the Sunne was not assaulted but by their Knightes and footmen who remayned belowe in the Towers for to kéepe and defend them for that all the rest were gone into the Castell with their riche praie But when the knight of the Sunne sawe himselfe cléere of all those that came forth against him and that there came no more people out of the Towers hee imagined within himselfe that the Gyantes shoulde bée in that highe Castle which hée sawe before him somewhat a farre off which caused him to take the waie thetherwardes and it seemed vnto him to bee one of the most fayrest and strongest that euer before hee had séene and as yet hée was not come vnto the plaine that was before the entrie which was in manner of a Court when that hee sawe come forth of the Castle by a false doore one of the Gyantes all armed with thicke plates of stéele and mounted vppon a mightie great and strong horse with a great cutting hatchet of Steele in his handes who seemed vnto the knight of the Sunne to bée one of the best furnished and well made and proportioned Gyants that euer hee saw in all his lyfe And this was Langereon the eldest and most valyantest of all the foure brethren who béeing aduertised by one of them that ranne awaie of the great slaughter and destruction that that alone knight had made amongst his people he issued out to séeke him for to take reuengement of the same and at such time as the knight of the Sunne came into the plaine ground by the Castell the Gyant approched nigh vnto him and lyfte vp the beauer of his healme But when hée sawe him of so bigge and gallant proportion and considered the newes which his men had declared vnto him hée helde him straight wayes in reputation and thought him to bée a knight of a most singular and valyant courage but making no account of him he said By thy vnaduised ariuall and comming hether Sir Knight I doe vnderstand that thou knowest not who is Lord of this Iland neither the vse and custome that is héere maintained for if thou haddest béene aduertised thereof then wouldest thou not haue come hether to séeke him whom thou hast so much grieued and angered in the slaying of his knightes With as little feare and gallant semblaunce as hée spake the knight of the Sunne aunswered him and sayd Gyant I doe verie well
know that this is the strong Iland and how that Roboan is Lord of the same who ioyntlie with his sonnes doth maintaine so euill and abhominable a custome that whatsoeuer good knight hée bée he ought for to aduenture his lyfe for to cause the same to be broken as well in the great Idolatrie vsed in the worshipping for God his creatures as also in the great crueltie vsed agaynst all knightes and damsells so that I am come hether and haue so great hope and confidence in the diuine iustice to doe so much that you shall not perseuer with this great violence and if that thou art Roboan or anie of his sonnes determine and put order to amend thy life or else come presentlie with me to battaile Then Langereon with great laughter and disdaine said Of truth Sir Knight thy great boldnesse and courage is the greatest that euer I haue heard or seene that thou hast so valiant a heart for to approch and giue attempt in that which all the whole world is not sufficient but because thou shalt sée and vnderstand that thy attempt is more of follie than of anie valiant courage or feare doe now what thou canst against me for that I am one of the sonnes of Roboan whom thou hast named And in saying these words this worthie and valiant youth did lift vp his great trencheant and stéelie hatchet and therewith went towardes the knight of the Sunne with so terrible and dreadfull semblance that it was sufficient to put great feare in anie good Knight But vnto him who had béene accustomed vnto such lyke enterprises it was not onelie without feare and dreade but also a Sp●are which hée had in his hand and taken from one of those knightes which hée stew hée threw vnto the ground and drew out his sword and went towardes Langereon who was greatlie amazed at that which hée did so that these two the one against the other charged each his aduersarie with such terrible blowes vpon their healmes that with the great force thereof they caused per●orce their horses to stoope downe to the ground and by reason that the healme of the Gyant was not of so fine mettall as it should haue béene it was clouen by the knight of the Sunne in such sorte that hée made a lyttle wounde in his scull out of the which procéeded great abundaunce of bloud that fell in his eyes and about his face the which did disturbe him verie much in this battaile and this Langereon meruailed exceedinglie at that terrible blowe which he had receiued which was the mightiest that euer in all his life he had felt and being verie desirous ●●raight wayes and out of hand to bée reuenged of the same for that in continuing in battaile it might fall out vnto him verie perillous and daungerous hee flourished with his stéelie hatchet about his head and with it in both his handes hée stroke so strong a blowe at the knight of the Sunne ouerthwart vppon his con●●aled healme that he thought verilie a whole Tower had fallen vpon him it so amazed and astonied him and with a trice hee redoubled another blowe with no lesse force and strength with the which the knight of the Sunne had passed great daunger if that he had stroke it full and right but with the force and strength that hée put in striking of the first blowe the bloud of the wound in his h●ad burst out a new and fell with greate abundaunce downe about his eyes in such sorte that whereas hée thought to haue stroken the worthie and valyant knight of the Sunne hée was deceiued and stroke his horse hard by the po●●ell of the saddle that without anie staying hee cut him cleane asunder in the middest so that he parted him in two péeces and hee straight wayes fell downe dead vnto the grounde whereby hée was constrayned to ouerthrowe his Maister but this valiant knight was not so soone fallen but he arose vp againe on his féete and meruailed greatlie at the mightie force of the Gyant and seeing himselfe so intreated he sayde within himselfe that it did well appeare that there was not present his Ladie and Mistres the Princesse Claridiana for that one alone knight had brought him vnto that extremitie And in saying these wordes he did abide the comming of Langareon who approched with his hatchet aboue his head for to strike him another terrible blowe and at such time as he would haue discharged the same he stepped on the one side with so great dexteritie that the blowe fell downe to the ground and as the Gyant by reason of the force wherewith it was stroke dyd bowe his bodie and armes after the same the Knight of the Sunne laide holde on the gorget of his healme with so greate strength that hee brake the lacings and buckles thereof and pulled it from his head and ouerthrew him from his horse to the ground and before that hée could arise hee stroke him with his healme vppon his vnarmed head that hée astonied him and layde him a long vpon the earth and not willing to doe him anie farther euill hée left him and tooke his hatchet and mounted vpon his horse the which was both bigge and verie swift And looking towardes the Castle to see if another did come forth hée chaunced to cast his eyes vp vnto the battlements therof whereas hee discouered the persons of the Emperour Alycanidro and the fayre Princesse Lyndabrides and some of her Ladies and Gentlewomen who were beholding and dyd sée all that passed in the battayle with the Gyant and by reason that all his armour was berayed and imbrued in bloud and neuer made cleane since the greate battayle that was fought in Grecia and againe that he had not his horse Cornerino they coulde not imagine or deuise who he shoulde bée but the Princesse Lyndabrides sayde within her selfe Oh how I would pardon and forgiue fortune all these trauailes and aduersities which she hath giuen vnto mée that my fortune might nowe bée so good and happie that this might be the myrrour of all knights or his brother Rosicleer or some of his friendes that might doe so much in this Iland as to carrie vs prisoners into Grecia But when that the knight of the Sunne dyd sée that faire and rubic●nd face of the Princesse he was not so greatlie troubled with the mightie and terrible blowes which he hadde receiued of the Gyant as he was for to see her who some times was gouernesse of his heart in that place wherwith he trembled and shaked striking himselfe vpon the brest as one that walketh by night in securitie and without feare discouereth vpon a sodaine some vision or fantasie before him And being somewhat amased he remained a good while beholding her without mouing of hand or foote that he thought all his sences were disturbed with the sodaine sight of this faire Princesse whose beautie was so rooted within his heart and the olde sore so festered that of truth it was very
hard and euell to be healed if that the wisedome of Lirgandeo and Artimidoro with others more auncienter then they had not put remedie in the same for that the valour of this precious princesse was such that the knight of the Sunne in her presence could neuer haue his frée libertie And being in this maze Andricardo the second brother came forth out at the castell gate all armed with very thick armour of hardened stéele and mounted vpon a mightie horse who was of no lesse stature and bignesse then the first but when that the knight of the Sunne did sée him he saide within himselfe that neuer in all his life he saw giants of so gallant proporcion nor of so great force strength as Langereon seemed to haue But when that Andricardo approched and saw his brother lye along vpon the earth thinking that he had bene dead it could not be immagined the great sorrow and griefe he receiued which caused him with so great furie and lightnesse as the arrow that is forced out of abowe to throw at the knight of the Sunne a mightie great boare speare which he brought in his hands that if his armour had not bene that of Meridian it had passed his bodie through and through to the other side for that it stroke him in the middest of his breast with so great strength that it made him to double his bodie backwards vpon his horse crouper and for that the stéelie pointe could not enter into his armour it doubled recoiled backe againe and the shéeuers flew into the aire making a greate noise but this good knight with great lightnesse did settle himselfe againe in his saddle and remembred that the faire Princesse Lyndabrides did behold him and therewith went against Andricandro with his hatchet in both his handes stroke him so mightie a blow vpon his healme that if it had chanced to be a full blow he had clouen him downe vnto the wast but it chanced somewhat aside in such sort that it cut awaie a péece of the helme with one of his cares and from thence descended his fine cutting hatchet along his breast cutting all that was before it till it came to the saddle bow the which it cloue asunder and cut his horse almost in two péeces so that he fell downe dead to the ground with his master and caught one of his legges vnder him in such sorte that what with the wound that hée had on his breast and the doubling of his legge hée could not by anie meanes arise but was the greatest amazed man in all the worlde to see that terrible and wonderfull blowe the which he had receiued and it séemed to bée done by a knight of the biggest force that was to bée found in anie parte of the vniuersall world Then Roboan who was all armed and at a windowe beholding the battaile when that he sawe his sonnes ouercome and in that perplexitie it coulde not be expressed the great sorow and griefe which he receiued for that he thought it a thing impossible that ten of the best knightes that were to be found in all the world were not able to do that which was there done and thinking in a short space to be reuenged for the same he mounted vpon a mightie horse and tooke a great speare in his hand and went forth at the Castle gate with so furious and terrible a semblance that the knight of the Sunne did verie well perceiue that he was of no lesse force and strength than his two sonnes for that he was higher of person and bigger of members and when that he came nigh vnto the knight of the Sunne with a hoarse terrible voice he sayd Knight tell me who art thou of such courage and hardinesse that hauing slaine my two sonnes darest abide mée in the field I am a knight said he that in the name of Iesus Christ in whom I doe beléeue and worship doe hope to destroie thée and all those that are obedient vnto thy lawe for that the diuine iustice beeing angrie at the great sinnes and euils by thée done in this Iland is now come to punish thée according vnto thy deserts in the déepest partes of hell Oh Goddesse the creator of all Gyantes and the bringer forth of all the fruites vppon the earth answered Roboan how canst thou suffer that one alone knight shall saie that he will destroie thy lawe and maketh a mocking stocke thereat In saying these wordes he spurred forwardes with his horse and stroke him such a blowe with his speare in the middest of his breast that he would haue sworne that the point with halfe the staffe would haue appeared at his back but it fell not out according vnto his thought for at the force thereof he made no more mention nor mouing thereat than if he had stroke against a tower but with his mightie hatchet he repaied him in such sort that a mightie great and thick shéeld that he had wherewith he would haue warded that blow he cut in two péeces and the blowe descended vppon his healme cutting the same and also a steele cap which hee had vnder it and made a cruell wound in his head and as they ioyned with their bodies verie nigh the one the other the Gyant laide holde with his armes about his necke thinking by his great force and strength to hoise him out of the saddie but he that was indued with no lesse strength than he and with more dexteritie laide hold on him by the wast held him so fast y ● by reason their horses pressed forwards they both ●ell to the ground and let go their holds rose vp vpon their feet The knight of the Sun drew out his sword the gyant a great fauchon so that they began the battaile a foot made so great noise y ● they were heard throughout the whole Iland and it séemed that there were in battaile together more then one hundreth knights Here was to be séene the great fortitude and strength of Roboan who dyd combat in such sort with the knight of the Sunne that he troubled him very much and many times his vnmeasurable blowes did put him in great perill and had brought him into much more danger if that the great strength and goodnesse of his armour and his great lightnesse had not holpen him There was also an other thing that dyd profit him verie much which was y ● great furie of his temerous blowes which made the Gyant to besturre himselfe from one part vnto an other for to cléere himselfe from the furie of them with more lightnesse then his bigge and great bodie required So that after halfe an houre that the battaile was begonne his vnwildy bodie not being able to indure anie longer waxed weake feeble by reason of certaine wounds which he had receiued out of the which issued verie much bloud in so great aboundance that all the ground was stained there with At which time the knight of the
they would hold him for their Lord and verie friend and requested him to tell them who he was how he was called Unto whome he saide that they should goe vnto the castell and there in the presence and before his prisoners he would giue them to vnderstand And therwith they went all foure together vnto the castel and being within they mounted vp vnto the battelments whereas the Emperour and faire princesse with her damsells were And when they came vnto them the knight of the Sunne pulled of his healme and kneeled downe before the Emperor the princesse y ● were together aparted from the rest with that graue merrie countenāce y ● he was wont to haue he spake these words If the errors don by the knight of y e Sun could moue the generositie of your hearts to come with so great wrath accompanied with so mightie a number of knights into Grecia for to take reuengement of me alone behold mée here now vnder your obediēce for that with this sword straight waies you giue mée my reward as my desort doth deserue for greater force to this effecte hath the greate loue and good will which alwaies I beare vnto you then all the great and mightie armies which you ordained to passe the Seas for that to counteruaile them an other force equall is sufficient for to destroy them but against the good will which alwayes I had for to serue you there is no force nor peruerse fortune sufficient for to oppresse the same and if hetherto my Lords I haue séemed vnto you to vse the contrarie for that I made resistance against your in these battailes passed it was not for to excuse mee to be yours but to withstand that the Emperour of Grecia were not wholly destroyed and againe that they should not suffer abide the smart that were nothing in the fault hereof In the meane time that the knight of the Sunne was saying these words the faire Princesse did beholde him as though she had bene transported or from her selfe with the soueraigne ioye and pleasure which presētly she receiued to sée before her with so great humilitie him whome she loued much more then her owne selfe and his fight so greatly wished desired for But when that the Emperour Alicandro dyd know the knight of the Sunne and had well vnderstoode his humble and courteous words who could immagine or coniecture the great admiration and wonder that he receiued in his heart with the varietie of diuers things that occupied his minde and vnderstanding at one instant For one waye he called to remembrance that once he thought that this knight should haue bene his sonne and how that he gaue vnto him his daughter Empire and high estate Likewise he remembred to the contrarie how that for to be reuenged on him he left his owne countries and departed with a great number of people into Grecia whereas happened vnto him all his ill fortunes and ouerthrowes he remembred also how that he sawe him in the fielde against him with so great furie and fiercenesse that hée alone did make to quake all his great and mightie armie and how that by his rigorous arme the most principallest kings and Lordes of all his hoast were destroyed and hewen to péeces and now likewise he sawe him vppon his knées before his presence with so great humilitie that more coulde not be done by his sonne Meridian if at that present he had béene there In this sort was his minde troubled and tossed withall these thoughts which was the occasion that he stood and did beholde him without speaking of anie word a good space till such time as comming vnto himselfe and remembring that he was the Myrrour of all Princes and knights in the world and as then thought him to bée equall vnto the eternall Gods and that his great valour estate would not suffer that he should continue in that sort before him he determined to consent and to suffer with patience all that was ordained by fortune and to accept and receiue the lybertie of his imprisonment at the handes of him who hath béene the occasion of all his euill but in especiall the necessitie in the which he was brought woulde not giue waie vnto anie other thing so that he went vnto him and did embrase him and kissed his chéeke and in shedding of many teares that ranne downe his chéekes hée vttered these wordes WOrthie Prince and welbeloued sonne I am he that alonelie haue erred most worthelie doth deserue the punishment for the great quantitie of bloud which I haue caused to bee shedde of those that were without fault or blame for I may well knowe and vnderstand that whome the Gods dyd make of so great magnanimitie aboue all others in the whole worlde it cannot bee but Fortune must bée fauourable vnto him and vnto mee the contrarie for that I will maintaine against him the warre and contention yea and besides all this the destini●s hath béene fauourable vnto thée in that by thy greate force and strength wée shall be set al libertis out of this prison in the which wée were committed therefore I will acknowledge the great● subiection and submission I owe vnto fortune and giue her thankes that although in the one she hath bene vnto mee contrarie yet héerein hath she bene fauourable in bringing you hether into my presence in this great néede and necessitie Therefore I will if you be contented therewith returne with you vnto Constantinople for to conclude an entire and euerlasting friendship with the Emperour Trebatio your Father and to do that now by peace which I could not before conclude or finish by warres Héere did the knight of the Sunne take great pleasure and contentment in that the Emperour Alycandro would returne into Grecia for the which he offered to kisse his hands but yet the ioy and pleasure was much more that the faire Princesse Lyndabrides receiued in that the iourney should be such that she might not so quicklie depart out of the presence of the knight of the Sunne And more it is to be considered of them that in the like operations hath had experience for to giue iudgement of the imagination of those two when they sawe themselues together before the Emperour Alycandro whereas they coulde not manifest anie part of that which they thought within their hearts At this time approched vnto them Roboan and his sonnes when they vnderstoode who they were that were their prisoners and also the knight of the Sunne they fell downe vppon their knées at their féete for to kisse their handes and craued pardon of them for all that was past Then the knight of the Sunne sayd vnto the Emperour My Lord may it please your Highnesse for to honour these knights for that they doe deserue it for the great bountie and curtesie that is in them Then did the Emperour embrace them caused them to arise from the ground offered himselfe to be their
and heard And againe I being in my glorie with the Dutches in the garden should chance to bée discouered and bewraied to haue your helpe and succour as of my verie perfect and good friends When the Duke had concluded this his fained protestation the thrée knightes who were so much his friendes dyd promise vnto him for to accomplish all his request Then when the night was come about twelue of the clock at midnight at such time as the Dutchesse and all the rest were in their found sléepe the Duke with the thrée knights went vnto the garden and although the walls were verie high yet by Ladders they went vp to the top thereof the wall was somewhat broade aboue and on the inside towards the garden hard vnto the wall dyd growe a great number of thick● and high Cypres trées which shadowed all the wall in such sort that the thrée knightes might remaine vppon the wall and heare and sée all that should passe in the garden and they not to be séene and discouered of anie In that place did the three knightes remaine and the Duke descended downe by those trées into the garden whereas he remained till within a little while after he heard a little pos●erne to be opened whereat came forth that false damsell who by reason that the Moone did shine so bright yea nigh hand shée did seeme to bée the Dutchesse for that shee was faire and of her owne stature and was apparelled with a gowne of gréene veluet set full of brouches of golde wherein was set many fine presious stones shée also had her haire hanging about her shoulders which reached downe to the ground and vpon her head a garland set full of Diamonds and rubies of great price with the which garment and garland the thrée knightes dyd sée the Dutchesse the daie before in certaine bankets and feasts that were made and by reason that it was night although the Moone did shine verie cléere yet because shee was somewhat a farre of they coulde not discerne anie other but that she was the Dutchesse Likewise shee had in her hand a bunch of feathers wherewith this Damsell did dissemble and hide her face in such sorte that shée could not bee knowen Then so soone as the Duke had spied her to come forth he straight wayes went knéeled downe before her and sayd Oh my Ladie Polisena what Prince or knight in all the worlde was euer worthie to receiue so great curtesie and fauour as this is Giue mée these your faire and white handes that I may kisse them as one vnworthie to receiue so great honour and glorie and yet I cannot thinke but that it is a dreame My Lord sayde the Damsell giue thanks vnto almightie God who hath done so much for you that you do deserue this at my hands the which I haue done for your sake arise vp from the ground for that your state 〈…〉 courtesie vento any damsell in all the the whole world much lesse vnto the Dutches of Austria who is altogether yours and in saying these wordes she tooke him by the hand and caused him to arise from the ground and the Duke straight waies began to embrace and kisse her and tooke their way● towards a fresh fountaine there at hand compassed rounde about with Iasmires and Muske Roses And before that they could come thether the Damsell sayde My Lord you doe well know that I doe not come hether for any other thing but to plight vnto you my faith and troth to be your wyfe and you my husband and spouse and that to the contrarie I would not come for all the world into this place so much against my honour My desire is that this should bée done out of hand and that we might depart for that I feare to be discouered My good Ladie Dutches sayd the Duke this is that the which I so long haue looked and hoped for And now séeing that we are both agréed and conformable in our good wills now I doe saye that I doe receiue my Ladie the Dutches Polisena for my welbeloued spouse and wife and that I doe renounce all other and cleaue my selfe onely vnto her so long as we shall liue Well then my good Lord sayd the Damsell Héere your true and faithfull Polisena doe receiue and take Roberto Duke of Saxonia for her spouse and will that no other shal be her husband but you alone All this that passed betwixt them was very well heard by the thrée knightes that were in secret and surely they were out of all doubt to the contrarie but that should be the Dutches of Austria For if they had knowen otherwise or had any other thing in their thoughts they were such knights that they would not haue affirmed that which they had sayd for all the kingedome of Hungaria When that this communicacion of matrimonie was concluded betwixt them two the Duke went with the Damsell towardes the Fountaine and at their co●ming thether she making the matter somewhat strange so that it might be heard by the thrée knights although they could not sée any thing by reason of the thicknesse of the trées whereas they were there the Duke did accomplish his wil with the Damsell And when it was houre and time for to withdraw themselues they went hand in hand together vnto the posterne where she came forth and there the duke with many imbracings and kissings did take his leaue of her and she entred in and went to sléepe leauing the apparaile of the Dutches in the place whereas she tooke them and was not séene by any And the Duke retourned vnto the thrée knights and departed from thence It fell out within a while after happened all that this Historie hath declared vnto you the which fell out to be vnto the Prince Lusiano great sorrow and griefe for that hée dyd loue the Dutches so entirely and was so fully certified of the good will loue she bare vnto him that it brought him into a great alteration of minde and almost from him selfe to sée the witnesse that was brought against the Dutches by those thrée knights whome he had in estimation to be loyall faithfull and of great credit and beleeued verely that they would not but tell the trueth in that behalfe if that to either of them should be giuen a whole kingdome And to the contrarie he had so great a confidence in his ladie and mistresse that he was fully determined first ●o bée s●aine then to consent that any such shame should be offered vnto her But his great bountie did little profit for to deliuer him from the death for that euerie one of the foure were so strong and valiant knights that in all Hungaria was not to be found one that could match any of them But yet for that aboue al things Iustice is of greater force God dyd permit for that Lusiano had Iustice on his part that he should be succoured in this his great extremttie as shal be told you
put his swoorde vnto his throate and sayde thus Duke thou art but dead if thou doest not confesse the truth of this treason which thou hast raised against the Dutchesse of Austria Then the Duke séeing himselfe in that extremitie thought of truth that the diuine iustice was come vppon him and that he was some Angell sent from God for to destroie and kill him and fearing least both bodie and soule should bée destroyed he determined to tell the truth of all the whole treason so that he sayde vnto Rosicleer that hée should holde his hands and not kill him not for that he feared to die but to saue his soule he would tell him the truth thereof Then Rosicleer did assure him his life and gaue him his hand and dyd helpe him to arise from the ground and when he sawe the other knights in battaile he and Rosicleer went and did part them and put themselues betwéene them and sayd Sir knights let this your contentious battaile cease for there is no reason wherfore you should receiue anie harme but I alone who is in the fault and worthie to be blamed At which words saying Liriamandro had ouerthrowen the stout Ricardo Lusiano had brought Carmelio into a great perplexitie so that they had not much a doe to part them the which being done the Duke with an high voice that the king and all that were there about him might heare declared all the whole treason how and in what sort in all points as he dyd it and as you haue heard But when the gentle Lusiano sawe the honour of his spouse so cleere and the great fortune and victorie that he had in the battaile whereas before both the honour of his Ladie and his lyfe was cleane lost it cannot bée expressed the great ioy and plea●ure that entered into his heart and how thankfullie he gratified Rosicleer and Liriamandro desiring them to shew him so much pleasure as to tell him who they were to take of his treasure all that was their pleasure and wills for that was too little for them in consideration of the great pleasure that they dyd for him But the ioy and contentment which the faire Polisena receiued no man is able to expresse Likewise the King and the Queene were verie ioyfull for they loued meruailous well the Prince Lusiano and the Dutchesse and meruailing verie much at the straunge bountie of the kni●●tes they thought it long till they knew what they were for that they vnderstood they were not of that Countrie The king then commaunded that they shoulde come before him who straight wayes with Lusiano went before the king and when that they had done their dutie and before that they pulled off their healmes or treated of anie other matter they craued of the king that both the Duke and the Damsell might bee pardoned and although the king determined to punish them as they had deserued yet in the ende at their request hee dyd pardon them with this condition that the Duke with the Damsell should out of hand depart the Court and neuer more in all their liues to enter into the same The Duke straight waies gaue great thankes vnto the knightes for that which for him they had done the same daie after that they knew who the knights were he departed from the Court with his damsell and the reward which he gaue vnto her for her labour was that the same night he slew her in a Forrest being ashamed of that which with her he had done And this is the reward that all such ought to looke for for although there be many that would profit themselues of the treason yet in conclusion by great fortune there are few traitors that doe escape their reward surelie they ought not to be suffered amongst men for that there is no perill or daunger that may be compared vnto the mischieuous practise and pretence of a traitor no not the raging waues of the sea earthquakes whirle winds thunder boltes stormes warres no nor the furie of the elements for the proofe whereof I doe referre mée vnto the mightie Alexander whose ●lying in the aire and trauailing on the seas whose conquests of the whole world with wars and battailes none of all these were sufficient for to bring him vnto his end but onelie a traitor one of his owne retinue by treason did kill him If this example be not sufficient consider of Darius that was before him and of Priamus the mightie Achilles Minos Nisus Agamemnon Romulus Tarquinus Seruius and the minor 〈◊〉 the mightie Bompeus Iulius Caesar and many other Emperours and kings vnto whom no perill was so dangerous as treason ordained and wrought by their owne seruants so that with great reason the traitor ought to be abhorred as wel as they that doe inioy the benefite of treason rewarded as well the Damsell as the Duke Roberto who thought she went for to bée rewarded for her trauaile yet she receiued the iust punishment for her fault But now to returne vnto that which did remaine the Hystorie saith that after the king had pardoned and forgiuen the Duke he had great desire for to knowe whome the knights were Then Rosicleer and Liriamandro pulled off their helmes and knéeling downe before the king Liriamandro sayd Let your Highnesse know and be acquainted with this knight who is Rosicleer sonne vnto the Emperor Trebatio and of the Empresse Briana whom al the whole world for his great bountie ought to honor me for Liriamandro your sonne and of the Quéene Augusta my Lady mother who with newes of great ioy and pleasure doe come to kisse your handes When the king knew to be in his presence his so long desired sonne and the other to be Rosicleer his nephew it cannot be expressed the great ioy contentment pleasure he receiued at his heart as he that in all the world desired no other thing and as one from himselfe with great ioy he went embraced them saying Oh my sonnes what ioyfull and happie newes is this vnto me for that in it is accomplished the thing that I most desired before I should die how is it that you haue consented so long time to kéepe from me this great ioy The king had scarce concluded these wordes when that the Queene with incredible ioy great hast came vnto them threw her armes about their necks whereas she remained embracing of them both a greate while and could not speake one word for ioy Thus after there had passed betwixt them many wordes of great ioy in this their ioyfull meeting straight waies the Prince Lusiano came and kneeled downe before them and would haue kissed their hands as well for the great curtesie which they had done for him as also for y ● Liriamandro was his Prince and naturall Lord but they who had him in great estimation did receiue ●nd embrace him with great loue and ioy Then after him came vnto them the three valiant knights Ricardo Carmelio