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A08483 An exposition of the Symbole of the Apostles, or rather of the articles of faith In which the chiefe points of the euerlasting and free couenant betweene God and the faithfull is briefly and plainly handled. Gathered out of the catechising sermons of Gasper Oleuvian Treuir, and now translated out of the Latine tongue into the English for the benefite of Christ his Church. By Iohn Fielde. Olevian, Caspar, 1536-1587.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1581 (1581) STC 18807; ESTC S113494 126,658 260

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to God peace to the earth A good wil in men Like as therefore in times past when Salomon by the commaundement of God was annoynted there was publike ioye amongest the people of God because they knewe that God woulde doe them good and defend them by the hande of a king so also we when wee heare out of the worde of God that our Lorde Iesus is Christ that is that same annoynted of the lorde we ought together with the Angels to be filled with an exceeding ioye of minde being surely persuaded that euen in this verie thing that the heauenly father hath appointed and in verie deede giuen his owne sonne Christ that is annointed to be our king that he doeth openly from heauen declare that hee by this sonne will become the euerlasting restorer and defender of his Church Why Christ was annointed not onelie to be king but also Priest IT followeth that we declare whie he was not onely annointed to bee a king but also a Priest The reason is because the kingdome of Christ was so to bee established that he must satisfie for euer the righteousnes of God and so this begonne peace promised grace might staie vppon a sure and sound foundation Now the foundation is the euerlasting priesthood of Christ that is that same gift which not onely by commaundement but also by solemne oth in a wonderful wisedome and mercie is from the father laide vpon this certaine person whereof these are partes First the prayer of so great a person most pure and most holy together with a sacrifice matchable with the sinnes and wickednesses of all beleeuers Io. 17. Heb. 7. the other the shewing of himselfe before the face of the father in the heauens after this sacrifice is offered vp Hebr. 9 vers 24. Because it was ordained of God by an oath and by an vnchangeable decree of God which we may surely trust to that Christ should shewe himselfe to witte his owne bodie and soule taken into the vnitie of his person in which all our sinnes were punished without ceasing before the face of the father that alwayes the efficacie of that Sacrifice once offered vp might florish and be of force before the father Of the profite that we take by this that Christ was anointed to be a priest THe chiefe profite is that I haue a certaine person which hath sacrificed for mee and continually maketh intercessiō for me that the force of his intercessiō made sacrifice offred vp in earth might alwaies be of force in the sight of God as it is saide in the Psalme 110. The Lorde hath sworne and will not repent him Thou art a Priest for euer Nowe an euerlasting priest is not without an euerlasting vse and fruite of his priesthoode towarde his faithfull But wee will speake more aswell of the kingdome as of the Priesthoode in the article of sitting at the right hand of God Why also was he annointed to be a Prophet THe reason why hee was annointed to bee a Prophet is because that same priestly kingdome in which euerlasting righteousnes and peace should florish was to bee established by the scepter of his worde that is by the preaching of the Gospell and in the power of the spirite whereby he was annointed And truelie so was it foretold by Esay The spirit of the Lord is vpon me because he hath annointed me that I should preach glade tydinges vnto the power he hath sent me that I shoulde heale the contrite in heart as our Lorde affirmeth in the 4. of Luke that it was fulfilled in him Therefore hee saith vnto Pilate that his kingdome was not of this worlde that he came into the worlde that he might giue testimonie vnto the truth I vnderstande Christ therefore so to be annointed a Prophet that hee being sent out of the bosome of his heauenly father in mans nature was annointed with the fulnes of the holy Ghost that being ful of grace and trueth hee might cleerly and manifestly set forth vnto vs that same mysterie hidde from the beginning the euerlasting will and counsell of God concerning the redemption of mankinde Iohn 1. The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath shewed it vnto vs. Furthermore also that the same Christ may effectuallie teach vs to the end of the worlde For which cause hee also hath promised his presence by the office of teaching Beholde I am alwayes with you euen to the end of the worlde Of the fruite of Christes propheticall office THe Lorde Iesus is anointed with the spirite of prophesie to this end that we should by no meanes doubt of the vnchangeable wil of the father towarde vs. Heb. 1. God in times past at sundrie times and in diuerse maners spake vnto our fathers by the Prophetes but in these last times he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne Further who dareth to say howe shall I knowe the will of God towardes beleeuers seeing the sonne him selfe to whome the minde and will of the father is throughly knowen hath opened the will and promise of the father in the Gospell The other fruite is nowe declared for that it teacheth vs effectuallie to the end of the worlde and transformeth vs into that which we are taught of him 2. to the Corinth 2. vers 17.18 Howe far forth those things which are spoken concerning the office of Christ or of the priestly prophetical kingdome of Christ agree with the doctrine of the free couenaunt BVt same man will say that same priestly kingdome that thou hast said to be established by that same Messias or annointed of the Lord by the scepter of the word and power of the spirite is it not that same euerlasting couenaunt or worke of saluation that standeth in the free forgiuenesse of sinnes and vndeserued gift of the holy Ghost and euerlasting life Yes verilie For that same couenant of saluation made with Abraham was renewed with Dauid and to him was promised out of his seede an euerlasting king who shoulde be the mediator of this couenaunt Psalme 89. And in the first of Luke the Angel saith to Marie This shall be great and he shal he called the sonne of the most high and the Lorde God shall giue vnto him the seate of Dauid his father and he shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and there shall bee no end of his kingdome And a little after Zacharie the father of Iohn Baptiste being full of the holy Ghost prophecied saying Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel because he hath visited and redeemed his people and hath lifted vp an horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of Dauid his seruaunt as he hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets which were since the world began that it should come to passe that he would saue vs from our enemies and out of the hande of all that hate vs that he shoulde shewe mercie towardes our fathers and be mindfull of his holy couenaunt of the oath
forget thee Beholde I haue written thee in my handes Zacharie 2. He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye c. Psalm 22. and 55. Cast thy care on the Lord and he shall nourish thee neither wil he euer suffer the righteous to fleete 1. Pet. 5. Cast all your care vpon God for he careth for vs. Rom. 8. We know that to them which loue God all thinges shall fall out to their good Beholde these promises liuely painted foorth in the creatures Matth. 6. For this cause I say vnto you be not carefull for your life what you shall eate or what you shall drinke nor for your body what ye shall put on For is not the life more worth than meate and the body more worth than apparell Looke vpon the foules of the ayre they sowe not neither reape nor carrie into the barne and your heauenly father nourisheth them are not you much better than they Now which of you by carcking can adde one cubite vnto his stature And why are you carefull for rayment Learne how the lillies of the feeldes grow they are not wearie neither spinne but I say vnto you that Salomon in all his glorie was not apparelled as one of these Now if God so cloath the grasse of the fielde which is to day and to morrowe is cast into the furnace will he not cloath you much more O ye of little faith Be ye not therefore carefull saying what shall we eate or what shall we drinke or wherewith shall we be cloathed Now because we are fallen from the right of creation Christ there worthily maketh mention of the father casting the Ethnickes in the teeth with their distrust saying For the gentiles require all these thinges But your heauenly father knoweth that you haue neede of all these thinges By both which he calleth vs to the free couenant or promises in his sonne and in him he establisheth our confidence In the second place therfore look vpon the pledge of al the promises after this manner to wit vpon his onely begotten sonne by whom not onely lillies but all thinges aswell visible as inuisible are created and who yet vpholdeth and mainteineth them with the word of his power Heb. 1. Who also is appoynted heire of all thinges I say our heauenly father hath giuen this his sonne for thee to death and hath freely appointed thee a fellow heire together with his sonne through faith How therefore can it be that any creature should hurt thee which without the present operation of the sonne of God who is thy pledge cannot so much as moue it selfe yea rather how can it be that all creatures through and for the sonne in whom they consist and of whom they are gouerned and whereof thou art also a fellow heire should not necessarilie be constrained to serue thee and to worke to thy good yea euen then when they seeme greatliest to be against thee So Paule looketh vpon this pledge in the 8. chapter to the Romaines What therefore shal we say to these thinges If God be for vs who shall be against vs Verily he which hath not spared his owne sonn but hath deliuered him for vs all how should he not also with him gratifie vs with all thinges The third poynt of doctrine concerning Gods prouidence THou seest without thee partly men and partly also other creatures Because therefore thou hast to doe with both thou shalt not doubt that the prouidence of God doth gouerne ouer both And first of all the most high hath the counsailes willes endeuors and to be short all the powers of men whether they be good or bad in his owne hand aswell for the mitigating and turning of their mindes vnto thee as also for the brideling of their malice Of that we haue an example in Gene. 33. where Esau imbraceth Iacob who notwithstanding went out against him with a minde altogether deadly Call also vpon the Lord with the same confidence that Iacob did in the like danger Also Exod. 3. I wil giue this people fauour with the Egyptians and it shall come to passe that when ye depart ye shall not depart emptie of this we haue an example in Gene. 35. When they went foorth to wit Iacob and his sonnes the feare of God was vpon those Cities which were round about them so that they did not follow the sonnes of Iacob Moreouer the prouidence of God doth so gouerne ouer other creatures that what so euer can fall out from them to the faithfull being his confederates he turneth it to their good saluation Rom. 8.28 Now we know that all thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God The fourth poynt of doctrine concerning Gods prouidence THe other are creatures which we see not to wit Angels and diuels Of both these let a faithfull man so fully perswade himselfe First that God vseth Angels themselues as notable and excellent spirites to the ministerie and defence of his confederates as he hath promised Psalm 34. and 90. Heb. 1. Gene. 24. And as for the diuels that lie in waite against the saluation of his elect albeit he gouerneth them not by his spirite as he doth the Angels yet notwithstanding he so curbeth them in by his power as it were with a bridle that they can not so much as moue themselues vnlesse so farre forth as he suffereth them yea and he cōstrayneth them though they resist it to perfourme his will will they nil they Iob. 1. Luk. 22 Rom. 16. 1. Cor. 10. The fift poynt of Doctrine concerning Gods prouidence WE must vse the means that God offreth they are gifts of his prouidēce not for distrust which turneth the heart from God or for confidence in creatures but for obedience that we tempt not God passing the boundes of our vocation or despising the meanes which are instrumentes of the diuine prouidence and prescribing vnto him an other meane of helping then that he wil help vs by Mat. 4. vers 7. When the diuel would shew the prouidence of God to the end Christ should throwe himselfe downe headlong because God had commaunded his Angels concerning him that they should beare him vp in their handes he answereth it is written againe Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God And Paule in the Acts. 27. vers 21. saith O men ye ought to haue obeied me and not to haue gone from Creta and haue gained this iniurie and losse Also vers 30.31 The first vse or fruite of that doctrine concerning the prouidence of God THe first fruite is the glorie of God For a faithful man wil glorifie God in al things aswell prosperous as hurtfull from whom through whom and to whom all thinges are and he will vndoubtedlie persuade himselfe both morning and euening that God sheweth foorth no lesse power in the preseruation and gouernement of all thinges then in the first creation For verilie albeit God ceased from the creation of all newe sortes or kindes on the seuenth day yet
the glorious gouernment of all thinges of Christ sitting at the right hand of God the father in the heauens and especially of his Church of which he is the head if youre highnes I say by his mercifull acceptation an elect and noble member of his do conceiue any spirituall gladnes in the middest of these miseries of the Church whereby God doth alwaies exercise your highnes faith this certainly shal be my greatest desire and the matter of all our ioy The Lord Iesus continue your highnes who haue by so many meanes so fauorablie comforted me in this sicknes and chiefly with that same excellent gifte of God I meane with that cleare well water to inrich the same againe with all kinde of blessinges together with all your posteritie to the aduancement of his glorie and the consolation of Gods children Amen vntil that same eternal sonne of God fill vs with ioye gathered together vnto himselfe into heauē with that same sweete and euerlasting sighte of himselfe your highnes I say with all that call vppon his name lead vs to those foūtaines of euerlasting waters Amen Faithfull is he that hath promised he wil bring it to passe Giuen at Heydelberge the 19. day of March Anno D. 1576. Your excellent highnes his most boūden Gasper Oleuian minister of Gods worde To the youth addicted to true godlinesse health c. THou hast vnderstodde most dearely beloued youth and flower of the Church the purpose of this my little worke by the preface to the most noble Elector Palatine onely it remaineth that thou take it with the same hande wherewith it is reached vnto thee that is with the right hand and not with the left That shal be done if I shall acheiue my purpose and by the grace of God shall kindle many from amongest you to the feruent study of the holy scriptures Surely I my selfe being but yet a boye was wōderfully kindled with a desire both of learning teaching others concerning God in outward shew vpon very small occasion but indeede vpon very great for I fell vpon the writing of a certaine excellent learned man where almost euen to this purpose he exhorteth youth there is nothing more excellent saith he than for men to teache others concerning God as touching the creation of mankinde of mans fall into sinne of reconciliation and restoring of him againe through the sonne of God that same promised seede of the woman that shall bruse the head of the serpent c. These seemed to me altogether religious and holy sayings and it pleased the Lord by these wordes to kindle in me the sparkes of a feruent desire both of learning and in time to come of instructing others either in the schoole or in the Church For I set before mine eies the company of young men in the schoole also the flocke of learners in the Church What can be more notable thought I then to haue there before me not onely young men but also hoare headed husbandmen who together with thy selfe are banished frō paradise for sinne like Adā til the earth who for their old age are reuerend and as fathers many women also who are as mothers if the Lord will haue thee to speake his word vnto these and to instruct them of God of the creation and preseruation of the worlde of the subtiltie of the serpent deceauing man of the promised saluation by the seede of the woman what can be more comfortable what can happen vnto thee more to be wished for of God seeing without the knowledge of these thinges men liue more miserably than brute beasts The Lord continually after that time nourished these sparks in me by his holy spirit and by the reading of the holy scriptures I was then a boye of fifteene yeres olde and a little before for studies sake sent to Paris by my parents But to what ende speake I these thinges so familiarly I speake as a young man to young men hoping that it will come to passe that those things which were not of small moment in my minde will likewise in your mindes kindle the sparkes which may engender that earnest desire aswell of learning as of teaching And so much the more whē you shall perceaue your selues not only prouoked by my example but also God giuing you grace holpen by this my little labour For although before I was sixteene yeres old whē I was sent to Paris I had some direction by my schoolemaisters who yearely before Easter did expounde vnto vs in the schoole called Treuiror the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and were wont according to the measure God had giuen them to conferre the figures of the olde Testament with the accomplishing thereof by the passion of Christ a thing very comfortable which afterwards by the grace of God opened vnto me the whole scope of the scriptures yet notwithstanding that handleading was more dark obscure by reason of the multitude of mens traditiōs in which Christ dead raised vp againe was wrapped darkened in the popedome so that I coulde not well vse that light which by the conference comparing of those figures and the fulfilling of the thinges themselues I did see to shine in the passion of Christ But yet for all that that same weake foreknowledge in his time God blessing it wanted not his excellent fruite But here dearely beloued youth you shall see Christ dead and raised vp againe without any mazes of mens traditions so liuely set before your eies that by the sure and vndoubted propheticall and apostolicall worde as it were by the hand yea as by a light shining in a dark place being brought vnto him you may knowe him truely to be the same who was made vnto vs of God to be our wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption as it is written All that glory let them glory in the Lorde 1. Cor. 1. and that we are compleate in him to the Coloss 2. Last of al for asmuch as the vnthankefulnesse of the world doth driue away and feare many both from learning and teaching goe to shall not Christ punish the worlde for this vnthankefulnesse If he remaine faithfull ought not this to satisfie vs Christ the Lord of heauen and earth will not suffer you seruing him to be altogether destitute of necessary things but he that prouideth seede to the sower he also will prouide bread for foode I haue oftentimes thought of that same saying of Christ Luk. 22. When I sent you without bagge and scrippe and shoes wanted ye any thing his disciples aunswered Nothing yea they did not once remember whether they should neede any helpe for their iourny executing of their office The same Christ yet liueth raigneth God for euer who hath the hearts of all in his hands that he may do good to all faithfull pastors euen as he had commanded be it that he spake neuer a word to the widowe of Sarepta that shee should giue foode to her seruant Elias
vers 9 That same worde is the onely begottē sonne of the father and the co-eternal image of the father His onely begotten sonne Io. 1. We haue seene his glory as the glory of the onely begottē of God To the Hebr. 1. who being the brightnes of his glory the light from the light and very ingraued forme of his person of his substance and bearing vp all things by the worde of his power Our Lord. c. And he is the Lorde of all creatures but chiefly of the faithfull or of the Church Io. 1. He was in the worlde and the world was made by him but the worlde knew him not he came amongest his owne and his owne receiued him not Before he came into the world he was a subsisting person and Dauids Lord from which Christ maintaineth his diuinitie in the 22. of Mathew saying What thinke you of Christ whose sonne is he they say vnto him Dauides he saith vnto them how then doth Dauid in spirit call him Lord saying The Lord said vnto my Lord sit at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footestoole If therefore Dauid call him Lord how is he his sonne Also Luk. vers 1. verses 16.17.43 and vers 76.77 And thou childe Iohn Baptist shalt be called the Prophet of the most high For thou shalt goe before the face of the Lorde to prepare his waies thou shalt giue the knowledge of saluation to his people Malach. 4. vers 5. Io. 1. This is he that commeth after me that was before me c. Io. 20. vers 28. Thomas answereth him my Lord and my God Acts 16. vers 31. and Chap. 18. vers 10. Who was conceaued by the holy Ghost So Christ was conceaued by the holy Ghost that being before that substantiall worde and by himselfe subsisting he tooke our flesh Philip. 2. who being in the forme of God thought it no robbery to be equall with God but he made himselfe of no reputation taking vpon him the forme of a seruante Hebr. 2. He tooke not the natures of Angels vpon him but he tooke the seede of Abraham Io. 6. I am that bread of life which came down frō heauen Io. 16. I went out from the father came into the worlde c. and 1. Timot. 3. Great is the mysterie of godlines God is manifest in the flesh Borne of the virgine Mary The Prophetes foretolde that this man which is borne of the virgine should not be a man in such sort as should subsist of himselfe as Peter and Paule but the true God to witte the second person bearing and vpholding that humaine lumpe into the vnitie of the person knitte vnto him Isay 7. Beholde a virgine shal be with childe and shal bring forth a sonne thou shalt call his name Immanuell God with vs. And in the 9. A childe is borne vnto vs A sonne is giuen vnto vs and the principalitie was vpon his shoulders and thou shalt call his name wonderfull counseller the mightie God father of eternitie and prince of peace Ierem. 23. I will reare vp to Dauid a righteous braunch and he shall raigne king and shall prosper c. And this is his name whereby they shall call him Iehoua our righteousnesse Miche 5. And thou Bethlehem Euphrata although thou be amongest the thousands of Iehudah out of thee shall there come forth vnto me which shal be the gouernour of Israel and his generations shal be from olde and from the daies of euerlastingnes Coloss 2. vers 9. In him dwelleth all fulnes of the Godhead bodily He suffred vnder Pontius Pilate He confessed before Pontius Pilate vnder whom he suffered that his kingdome was euerlasting and that therefore he came into the worlde that he might giue testimony of the truth Io. 18. vers 36.37 and Acts 4. vers When the same iudge iudged him there is fulfilled that prophecy in the 11. of Zachary Mat. 27. And they tooke thirty peeces of siluer the price of him that was valued whom they of the children of Israel valued And they gaue them for the potters fielde as the Lord appointed vnto mee That which the Lorde foretolde of the children of Israel prising him then when the couenant was to be taken away and the people to be forsaken which he signified by the breaking of the staffe which was called the staffe of meekenes or rather the staffe of ioye But in Christ God manifested in the flesh this full disanullance being at hande yea in all circumstances it was fulfilled by a wonderful prouidence Crucified Crucified Zach. 12. vers 10. They shal looke vnto him whō they haue pearced This Iehoua saith of himselfe and Iohn saith that this was fulfilled in Christ Cap. 19. vers 37. And the 1. Cor. 2. vers 8. If they had knowen they had not crucified the Lorde of glory Acts. 3 vers 15. Ye haue slaine the prince of life Dead Dead The Testament was to be confirmed by the death of the Testator Now the Testator was God Hebr. 9. vers 16.17 And Cap. 8. vers 8.9 Acts 20. God hath purchased the Church vnto himselfe hy his owne bloud Buried descended into hell Oze 13.14.15 Buried descended into hell God saith I will redeeme them from the power of hell I will redeeme them from death I will be thy death O death O hell I wil be thy destruction This was partly fulfilled by Christ and shall partly bee fulfilled hereafter as the Apostle teacheth 1. Cor. 15. vers 55.56.57 Therfore Christ is true God he rose also by his owne power He rose from death the third day Rom. 1. vers 4. Io. 2. vers 19. Destroy you this Temple and I will reare it vp againe in three daies And Cap. 10. vers 17. 18. I lay downe my life that I might take it againe No man taketh it from mee but I laye it downe of my selfe I haue power to lay it downe and power to take it againe That he is the true God that ascended into heauen The third day he rose againe from the dead the Apostle plainly teacheth in the fourth to the Ephesians verses 7.8 9. To euery one of vs is grace giuen according to the measure of the gifte of Christ wherefore he saith when he ascended vp on high He ascended into heauen he led captiuitie captiue Io. 3. vers 13. No man ascendeth vp to heauen that is to say by his owne power for others ascend being drawene but he that hath descended from heauen And Io 6. vers 36. and vers 62. Also in the 16. Cap. vers 28. He sitteth at the right hand of God the father almightie He sitteth at the right hand of God and is worshipped of Angels and men Hebr. 1. To which of the Angels hath he euer saide sitte at my right hande In the same place all the Angels of God shall worshippe him And 1 Pet. 3. vers 22. to the Ephesians 1. verses 20.22.23 to the Philippians
not onely by some vniuersall reason and motion but also by a particular and speciall yea which stretcheth it selfe euen to the least sparrowes and to the most contemptible haires of our heades yea further euen to the direction of lottes so that all things are done by the dispensation and appointment of God and fall not out at aduenture or by chance and therefore he must haue the sight of his minde alwaies bent vpon God with whō he is in league as the chiefe cause of all things Testimonies Exod. 21 vers 13 He that hath not lien in waite for him but the Lorde hath appointed him into his handes Prouerbs Chap. 16. vers 33. Lottes are cast into the lappe and all the iudgement therof dependeth wholy vpō the Lord. Act. 1 26. Iam. Go to now ye that say to day and to morowe we will goe into such a citie and let vs continue there a yeere buy sell get gaine who know not what shall come to passe to morrowe For what is your life It is euen a vapoure that appeareth for a little time and afterward vanisheth away And therefore yee ought to saye and if the Lord will and we liue we will doe this or that Matt. 10.29 Are not two sparrowes sould for a farthing and one of them falleth not on the grounde without your father And the haires of your head also are numbred Feare ye not therefore yee are of more value then many sparrowes Also Deutero 28. Ierem. 10 23. Prouerb 20. Actes 14. Gene. 25. Ioseph saith Gene. 45.5 It was not you that sould me into Egypt but I was sent before you by the will of God that I might preserue your life Ioseph knewe that he was not sould by chaunce but by the counsell of God so that he saith that he was sent thither by the will of God in which also he resteth Iob busieth not himselfe with complaints against the Chaldeans but he saith Iob. 1.21 The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken blessed be the name of the Lord. Is God therefore the author of sinne GOd forbid For God so gouerneth all things by his prouidence that in meane time he continueth free from all sinne first because he putteth not malice into man but the same is of the diuel Iohn 8. Although God vse the same as an instrument to the setting foorth of his glorie Secondly because all actions are discerned by their endes God in all actions hath an end agreeable with his vnchangable and euerlasting righteousnes Now men whiles they erre from the minde of God and from his righteousnes reuealed in his word they sinne The brethren of Ioseph haue an other ende then God You saith Ioseph Gen. 50.20 thought euill against me but God disposed it to good that he might bring to passe as it is at this day and saue much people aliue The diuel in afflicting Iob hath this end that he may cause him to blaspheme God Iob. 1. draw Iob to destruction The Chaldeans also haue their scope that they may waxe rich by robberie But God in all this busines so dealeth as he may trie Iobs faith and patience 2 Sam. 16.12 and manifest his owne glorie and at length deliuer him with Sathans confusion So Dauid acknowledgeth God to deale rightly and iustly by Simey as he saith Suffer him for God hath commaunded him to curse me When as notwithstanding the same Dauid pronounceth of the same deede that Simey sinned greeuously 1. King 2.8 And Simey also confesseth the same thing 2. Sam. 19.19 Because forsooth God vsed an euill instrument well to humble Dauid to the ende he might giue to God the praise of righteousnes and mercie but Simey himselfe had an ende purpose quite contrarie from the minde and lawe of God And therefore forasmuch as there is fault in the instrument at length by the wonderfull prouidence and iust iudgement of God he is drawne to punishment 1. King 2.36.44 Wherefore al things are so done by the prouidence of God that he in meane time continueth free from all sinne which is proper alone to the diuel and to the corrupte nature of man Argumentes taken out of the newe Testament whereby it is plainely shewed that God doth so worke that he remaineth voyde of sinne THe passion of Christ is a notable doctrine of this thing For there were the Pharisees Iudas Pilate yea and God himselfe not onely permitting but also working in it and striking his sonne Esai 53. vers 5 6.7 The Lord cast the iniquities of vs all vpon him and the Lord would bruse him and afflict him Also Acts 4. vers 27.28 Herod and Pontius Pilate with the gentiles and people of Israel are indeed gathered togeather against thy holy sonne Iesus whom thou hast anoynted that they might doe those thinges which thy hand and counsaile had before determined to be done Euerie one had their diuerse endes God had this ende that mankinde should not perish Iudas that he might gaine by betraying him the Pharises together with Caiphas the high priest that they might prouide for their owne glory which they sawe to be weakened and shaken of Christ and also that the Romaines might not come and vtterly destroy their nation and therefore that it was much better that one should die for the people whereas notwithstanding the highe priest of that yeare vnwittingly and thinking a quite contrarie thing prophecied of the ende which God had determined with himselfe Pilate that he might not incurre the displeasure of Caesar which the Pharises threatned c. Who will say here that God sinned in giuing his sonne to the death in punishing our sinnes with extreame torments both in the soule and body of his sonne offering himselfe thereunto of his owne accord for mankinde Who also will say that Iudas Caiphas the Pharises and Pilate sinned not in killing Christ whom they knew to haue committed nothing worthy of death albeit they did not any thing that first the hand and counsell of God had determined Because in doing this they regarded not nor set before their eies that same scope and purpose of God but had other endes altogether straunge from the minde and will of God reuealed The second poynt of doctrine concerning the prouidence of God WE must not onely determine that all thinges are done by the dispensation and appoyntment of God but also that al and singular thinges are done for our good and therefore thou shalt bee sure that euerie thing that commeth to passe shal be healthfull vnto thee First of all because he hath bound himselfe vnto thee although vnworthy in Christ whiles he hath promised Now there are notable promises set foorth in the 91. Psal He that dwelleth in the helpe of the most highest c. Also in Esaias the 49. Will a woman so forget hir infant that she will not haue compassion vpon the sonne of her wombe Although she shall forget it yet notwithstanding I will not
he hath not ceased neither ceaseth he to make singular things dayly neither doth he cease to cōserue gouerne al things which are made he maketh stil as Christ saith Ioh. 5. My father worketh hitherto and I worke Now to bring foorth and fashion all thinges which growe and spring vp dayly by a present operation to conserue all creatures to gouerne all thinges yea the least to rule and bowe all mens willes adde further to gather the church dayly by the voyce of the Gospell and to raise vp the same by the inward voyce of the Sonne from death euerlasting vnto life Iohn 5. All which thinges verily he doth dayly is of no lesse power then once to haue created heauen and earth Moreouer let vs extoll and glorifie his wisedome which forasmuch as it is altogether infinite let vs thinke daiely that all thinges that are done or wrought in the world are so wisely done of God as they could not be done wiselier Collo 1. ver 16. Dani. 4. vers 22. Esai 40. vers These thinges are conteined in that saying of Paule O the depth of the riches aswel of the wisedome as of the knowledge of God! And a little after For of him by him and for him are all thinges And being mooued by these he glorifieth God saying To him be glory world without end Amen And surely such is the disposition of the faithfull that the consideration of Gods prouidence whereby the vngodly take occasion to striue with God hath this end with them to make them glorifie God And principallie in prosperitie in which we behold more euidently then in aduersitie the bright face of God to glorifie God and this doctrine of the prouidence of God ought to incourage vs to true thankefulnes of minde For what soeuer thing falleth out prosperously and as we would desire that a godly man doth wholly attribute to God whether he tast his bountifulnes by the ministerie of men or else be holpen euen by insensible creatures For this will he thinke with himselfe in his minde Surely it is the Lord who hath bowed the mindes of these vnto me it is he likewise who hath inspired his power into other creatures and doth still inspire it that they should be instrumentes of his goodnesse towardes me Ieremi 5. Acts. 3.14 The second fruite THe second fruite is patience aswell in our whole life which is full of miseries as also in induring persecutions for the truth of the gospel And verilie first we will breifly shew how the knowledg of the doctrine of Gods prouidence begetteth patience in vs. This bringeth forth impatiēce in vs because we loke vpon creatures that are aduersaries vnto vs. But indeede wee looke not vpon God when as notwithstanding he doth these thinges not as an aduersarie against vs but as a father And vndoubtedly those same afflictions wherewith he exerciseth our faith and patience what other thinges are they then instruments wherewith euen himselfe being present worketh and that verily for this end he worketh that all thinges according to his promise no not the least thing or greefe excepted I say that all things might worke together to our good Rom. 8. Whatsoeuer thinges therefore shal fall out either publique or priuate aswell ioyfull as heauie whosoeuer is throughly persuaded that God most wisely gouerneth al things by his prouidence and is fully reconciled vnto him in Christ he must needes take them no otherwise then as benifites yea and as benifites of God and which vndoubtedly are to his saluation Vnlesse therefore we will resist God who is onely wise with the wisedome of our flesh and become blasphemers against Christ as not hauing reconciled the father fully vnto vs we must not doubt any whit at all that the infinite wisdom of God by and for his goodnes worketh all thinges for our good how soeuer it seeme otherwise vnto vs. And therefore a faithful man when he once knoweth the doctrine of Gods prouidence he sticketh not in creatures by which he is afflicted or in the contemplation of his owne euill but he will rather lifte vp his minde to consider the fatherly hand of the most wise God whereby he is chastised and to that same vndoubted good that God through that same affliction will haue wrought and in his good time will make manifest For God alwaies hath the end ioyned with his owne glorie and the saluation of the faithfull The consideration of either of these must needes be of great force to imprint both that same quiet moderation of minde and patience in his children Whereof we haue notable examples in Ioseph Gene. 45. in Iob. cap 1. in the people of Israel Gene. 15. ver 13.14 Exo. in Dauid 2. Sam. 16. So likewise the knowledge of Gods prouidence in suffering persecution for righteousnes sake doth bring foorth patience First because the enimies of the truth cannot thinke a thought no nor moue a finger against vs but by God not onely suffering it but euen working it To be short because they cannot exceede that bound appoynted from euerlasting For so Acts. 4. the Apostles being in persecution spake by the holy ghost Of truth they were gathered together against thy holy sonne Iesus whom thou anoyntedst Herod Pontius Pilate together with the gentiles and thy people Israel that they might doe what soeuer thy hand and thy counsaile had determined before to be done Also Ioh. 7.30 the 8. vers 20. Like as it was impossible therefore that Herod Pilate together with the gentiles Iewes should conclude more and bring any more to passe in afflicting Iesus Christ our head then the hand and counsell of the Lord hath ordained to be done frō euerlasting so also it is as impossible that the Herods of our time the Pilates and the Pharises together with the madde bewitched people should take more in hād bring more to passe in afflicting the members of Christ thē the hand and counsell of God hath first decreed to be brought to passe by them Nowe he hath decreed nothing that is not most healthfull for vs. The reason of this consequence is because the conformitie of the mēbers with the head Christe first in afflictions and afterwards in glorie is founded vpon the euerlasting counsaile of God vpō which also is founded the passion of Christ himselfe as it is taught Rom. 8.28.29 verses The last fruite of the doctrine concerning the prouidence of God THe last fruite is that same incredible security wherewith the Christian heart is euer afterward fenced for when innumerable euils lie vpon the life of man which threaten as many deathes when this light of Gods prouidence shall once shine forth vnto him then at length is he relieued from vexation feare in a manner from all care whereby he fully resolueth that he is receaued into the faith of God is a confederate to him cōmitted to the care of Angels free frō al dāger hurt of creatures neither that he
of the Diuel both which the Apostle plainly ioyneth together 2. Cor. 5.15 and Rom. 5.18.21 and Rom. 6.7.8 2 Tim. 1.10 Of the fruites whereof we are made partakers by the death of Christ THE first fruite is that the obedience of Christ is our righteousnes before God For in the death of Christ faith specially looketh vpon that same voluntarie and speciall obedience of the sonne whereby he was made obediente to the father euen to the death and to the death of the crosse Philip. 2.8 Hebr. 5.8 And therefore euen as by the disobedience of one man manie were made sinners so by the obedience of one righteous many are made righteous Rom. 5. And because by his death he iustifieth vs from our sinnes through which the diuell gotte the power of death the scripture saith that the sonne of God through death abolished him that had the power of death that is the diuel set free as manie as through the feare of death through all their life were subiect to bondage Heb. 2. Therefore in this article there is contayned this promise which I take by faith that Christ died for my sinnes the iust for the vniust that I clothed through faith with this obedience might be esteemed righteous before God And surely when Isay in the 53. chap. had largely set forth that same willing obedience of the death of Christ as a lambe not opening his mouth after wardes he expressely setteth foorth in the same being laid hold on by faith our iustification in these wordes My righteous seruaunt by his knowledge shall iustifie manie because he shall beare their sinnes Certainly it must needes be that the voluntarie passion and death of the son of God be an excellent thing seeing that there are not so many so euident prophesies of any thing as of that so that there was no day passed but the same in a figure as in a visible prophesie to wit in that continuall sacrifice morning and euening was set before the eyes and seeing without the shedding of bloode there coulde be no remission it must of necessitie be a most precious thing and seeing S. Peter saith that the Prophets haue enquired and searched when or what time that same forewitnes which was that same spirit of Christ in them should declare the sufferinges that should come vnto Christ and the glorie that shoulde followe 1. Pet. Nowe the worthines of this obedience euen to the death hangeth vppon the worthines of the person for that so great a person to wit as the sonne of God who was in the forme of God was made so far foorth obedient in his humaine nature that hee refused not to vndergoe that same curssed death vpon the crosse By these it is plaine that this is the first fruit of the death of Christ that hee might be our righteousnes before God and vnlesse that thing be vndoubtedly determined of vs wee doe not worthily enough esteeme the precious death of the sonne of God Of the second fruite of the death of Christ THe seconde fruite is the mortifying or killing of sinne For he hath not only through his death satisfied the iudgement of God for sinne but also hath broken the power of the infection of it which by the iust iudgement of God it had ouer vs. This I open thus in that Christ died he died once and that for sin And that he died for sinne I vnderstand thus that he not onely satisfied for it by his death but also so brake the power of sinne which was altogether wholy comprehēded in the iust iudgemēt of God by making a perfect satisfaction that nowe it cannot any longer as before creepe rage in the bodie of Christ which is the church but must by little and little decay Heb. 9.14 2. Tim. 1. ver 10. For euen as when the hearte of a man hath receaued a deadly wounde he is as one for dead because he cannot escape death euen so sinne hath receaued a deadly wounde in Christ so as we are saide to be dead in Christ Rom 6. And so the Lord speaketh in Hosee the Prophet cap. 13. I will redeeme them from the power of hell o death I will be thy death saith he euen I Iehouah will be thy death O death Therfore Christ who is God or Iehouah manifest in the flesh by hearing ouercōming death was the death of death sin that is to say by satisfying for sinne that it shoulde not be laide to our charge and by breaking the force of sinne which is the sting of death that is the power of infection which the iust wrath of God had gotten ouer vs to wit the wrath of God being appeased 1. Corinthians 15. Therefore Iohn saith The sonne of God was manifested to this end to dissolue the workes of the diuel Therefore the sonne of God which is the true Iehouah Iere. 23. dyed not onely that he might satisfie for sinne but also that by satissatisfying he might destroy sinne as the worke of the diuel For in satisfying hee both tooke away the cursse and also that might strength of growing further from sinne all which was conteyned in the iust iudgement of God to which he fully satisfied and this fauour he also obtayned for vs that hee by his spirite might kill sinne in vs who grewe vp together by one spirite into one bodie together with him 1. Corinthians 12. And was buried Testimonies out of the Prophetes and Apostles ISay 53. And he gaue his buriall with the wicked and with the rich in his death albeit he had committed no iniquity neither was there deceipt in his mouth This prophesie was fulfilled Ioh. 19. verses 38.39.40 where the Lord is buried by Ioseph of Arimathea The figure of Ionas is applyed also to this by the Lord himselfe Mat. 12. vers 39.40 And in the 13. of Marke when Iesus was at Bethania in the house of Symon the leper when he was set downe a woman came hauinge an alabaster boxe of Spikenard very costly and breakinge the boxe shee powred it on his heade Nowe many disdained and were offended amongst them selues saying to what end is this wast of the ointment For this might haue beene solde for more then three hundred pence and giuen to the poore and they raged against her But Iesus saide let her alone why trouble you her shee hath wrought a good worke on mee For the poore you shall haue alwaies with you when you will you may do them good but mee you shall not haue Shee hath done that shee could For shee came afore hand to anoint my body to the burying These thinges hath Marke Where we see that the holy ghost by a secret instinct through that woman hath in that same visible ointment set before the eies of all as it were a visible prophesie of the death and buriall of Christ. To what ende the buriall of Christe tendeth and which are the fruites of it BVrial is a part of the humiliation
of Christ For it is the proceeding of his death The first fruit therefore of this article is the cōfirmation of our faith that wee doubte not Christ being deade in deede and buried for vs that he was so farre foorth humbled that neyther death nor buriall can hurte vs forasmuch as the wrath of the father is truely and and indeede pacified For euen like as Ionah who was a figure of Christ being once cast into the sea the storme ceased and a great calme followed euen so Christe foretolde that hee shoulde be cut of frō the number of those that liued and should be placed in the heart of the earth that he might reconcile the father vnto vs being angrie for our sinnes Which thing forasmuch as Christ the mediatour of the couenaunt hath in deede fulfilled as is contayned in this article wee doe worthilie beleeue it And this in deede is the firste fruite of Christ his buriall The seconde This article also maketh to repentaunce and amendement of life For like as Christ deade by sinne resteth in the graue so wee by the vertue of that communion which wee haue with Christ deade and buried wee ought altogether to esteeme our olde man by the power of faith and by the testimonie of Baptisme to be buried together with Christ that true rest being restored to our consciences wee maye rest from our workes that is from our sinnes and so beginne heere that euerlasting Sabbaoth vntill by the vertue of Christe it bee fully accomplished in vs. So Paule when hee sayde in the 6. to the Romanes that wee are baptised into the death of Christ hee by and by addeth that wee are also buried with Christ by baptisme into death to witte that hee might expresse that by the vertue of that communion wee haue with Christe it is brought to passe in a continuall course and proceeding that wee mortifie our olde man And besides these principall endes and fruites whereof we haue spoken this is also to be added that buriall is an euident signe that Christ was deade in deede Vpon his death depended satisfaction for sinnes and therefore it behoued that to be most certaine and no place to be left of doubting Nowe all doubtinge of his death is taken away when he was buried as other dead men are and that according to the scriptures Isay 53. vers 9. Notwithstanding the principall and proper endes are those wee haue before mentioned He descended into hel Testmonies out of the Prophets and Apostles SAint Peter citeth the 16 Psalme in the second of the Acts of Christ his descending into hell saying This man being deliuered by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of God after you had taken with wicked hands you haue crucified and slaine whom God hath raised vp loosing the sorrowes of death because it was impossible that he should be holden of it For Dauid saith concerning him I beheld the Lord alwaies before mee For he is at my right hande that I should not be shaken Therefore did my hearte receiue comfort and my tongue reioysed and so my flesh doth rest in hope Because thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell nor suffer thine holy one to see corruption Thou hast made the waies of life knowne vnto mee and thou shalt replenish me with gladnesse in thy sight Of the false vnderstanding of this article where also is entreated of Lymbus and of the first beginning of the error thereof THat it followeth in the Creede that Christe descended into hell shal we say that it hath hath this sense that Christ descended into Lymbus in which place there is neither ioie nor sorrowe that he might deliuer the fathers from thence or els that he descended into the place of the damned No not so For first it is euident that the fathers also before the death of Christ had ioye and comfort as it appeareth Luk. 16. in Abraham and Lazarus Besides that the word Hell is not taken for Lymbus in any place of the scripture Nowe the beginning of the error concerning Lymbus is that many thought and yet doe thinke that sinnes were not forgiuen before that Christ suffered And the passion of Christ had his effect and power from euerlasting For Christ yesterday and to day for euer and the same world without end Hebr. 13.8 And Paule to the Romanes 4. defineth iustification by Dauid Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen Therefore in the time of Dauid before Christ had suffered sinnes were forgiuen by confidence and trust in that sacrifice of Christ to come And in the same Chapter he saith that we obtaine happines and remission of sinnes by no other meanes then whereby Abraham obtained it who is the father of all beleeuers So Math. 8. Many shall come from the East and from the West and shal sit with Abraham Isaack and Iacob in the kingdome of Heauen Seeing therefore that this same errour preuaileth against the Scripture that the Fathers had not remission of sinnes before Christ suffred from thence sprang this other errour concerning Lymbus For it was too harde to thrust the fathers downe into hel because as they cōfesse there is no redēption out of hel to place them in euerlasting felicitie they dust not because Christ hauing not yet suffered they thought their sinnes were not yet forgiuen They found out therfore a middle place in which there was neither felicitie nor sorrowe which in the schooles they called Lymbus as if they should say the porch of hell And so the diuell endeuoured to darken the greatnes of the efficacie of Christes sacrifice whiles he denied that the Fathers had remission of sinnes in the olde Testament by faith in the sacrifice to come and therefore he deuised vnto them Lymbus euen like as hee faigned Purgatorie for those faithful ones who were dead after the suffering of Christ That to the same ende also the power of cleansing from sinnes might be withdrawen from the passion of Christe against the manifest worde of God I. Iohn 1.7 2. Neither is it to be suffered in any case that we say that Christe descended into hell that is to the place of the damned that there he should ouercome death and the diuel for vs or that he should suffer any newe tormentes for that he both ouercame Sathan by his death and after death suffered no more sorrowes by which he should deliuer vs from the power of Sathan the Epistle to the Hebrues doth witnes chapter 2. That he might by death abolish him which had the power of death that is the diuel might set as many free as by the feare of death throgh al their life were subiect vnto bondage Also to the Coloss 2.14.15 And Luke the Euangelist witnesseth that he deliuered vp his spirite to the keeping of his father Neither can it fitly be taken of the shewing forth of the victorie of Christ in hell for that belongeth to that exaltation which at length he began in his resurrection nowe the descending of Christe
viuification or quickening because as Christ is iustified from our sinnes by rising againe and therewithall is quickened so he that beleeueth in Christ is both iustified and quickened as the Apostle teacheth Ephes 2. vntill the 11. verse Therefore Paul Rom. 5. calleth the same iustification of life and opposeth it to the fault of condemnation and maketh an antithesis or matching of contraries betwene sinne that raigneth to death and the righteousnes of Christ which whosoeuer receiue they raigne in life verses 17.18.21 And in deede so as not onely Christ worketh in vs not onely that same newe life but also Christ is that life himselfe as him selfe saith I am the way the trueth and the life Iohn 14.6 And Gala. 2.20 Nowe I liue no more But Christ liueth in me Viuification therefore is the seconde fruit of the resurrection of Christ to wit for that Christ himselfe alwayes liuing is become our life through faith and because by the vertue which we drawe from our heade Christe through the spirite of faith we arise in this life into newnes of life that by liuing purely and holily wee might wholy consecrate our selues to the will of God This thing the Apostle teacheth Col. 3. If yee be risen with Christ seeke those thinges that are aboue where Christ is sitting at the right hande of God Care for heauenly thinges and not for earthly For this cause also the selfe same Apostle saith Rom. 6. that We are planted into the similitude of the death of Christ that being partakers of his resurrection we might walke in newnes of life In which wordes he not onely setteth out the resurrection of Christ as an example for vs to followe but also especially teacheth that this thing especially wrought in vs that by the vertue of the resurrection of Christ wee might rise agayne into a newe life Of the third fruit of the resurrection of Christ The thirde fruit which is ioyned with the second is the assurance of our perseuerance in faith and of full victorie against sinne and death For euen like as Christ dyeth no more but liueth the life which neuer can faile for in that he is dead he is once dead to sinne but in that he liueth he liueth to God death shal haue no further dominion ouer him Rom. 6. so they that are engraffed into Christ through faith do drawe out of him a spirituall life from which they can neuer fal and which no not in the verie separation of the body and of soule can bee extinguished as Christ saith If any man keepe my word he shall neuer see death Iohn 8.51 Therefore seeing the faithfull liue this life of Christ in an entrance or beginning the force and nature whereof shed into their minds from Christ is such as it can neuer altogether die they are also assured of the full consummation and perfecting of it The selfe same thing also Peter teacheth 1. Epist 1. Blessed be God and the father of our Lord Iesus Christ who of his great mercie hath begotten vs into a liuely hope through the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead And verse 4. 6. he laieth the cause foundation of a liuely hope in the mercie of the father resurrectiō of Christ because as Christ after that hee arose in our name by the mercie of the father he alwaies liueth so hope also hath a permanent and indurable life in him partly regeneration being begone and partly it loketh for it in that same full consummation and finishing In the first to the Ephesians verses 19.20.23 there is a notable place most fit and agreeable vnto this doctrine to wit that God doeth shewe foorth that selfe same power in vs whiles he giueth vs faith which hee wrought and declared in his sonne when he raised him vp from the dead and that same substantiall word it selfe to be that which filleth all in all thinges The same also 1. Pet. 1. verse 3.5 2 Cor. 4.14.16 And from hence floweth that same certaintie concerning full victorie against sinne against the assaultes of sathan and death For like as that euerlasting worde in flesh which it tooke and which in it owne power it raised from the deade Iohn 10. ouercame our sinne imputed vnto him death so also that same euerlasting worde shall not cease dwelling by grace in the faithfull but vtterly to abolish in those also the remnauntes of sinne and death already ouercame by his vertue and power 1. Corinthians 15. vers 54.57.58 1. Iohn 5.4.5 For by no other vertue and power but by the verie same whereby that euerlasting worde in that receiued lumpe ouercame our sin and death we know also according to the promise the same worde also working in vs that wee shall vanquishe and ouercome Io. 4. Because he is mightier that is in vs then he that is in the worlde This certayntie of our perseueraunce in true faith and of a full victorie through faith bringeth to passe that we take all thinges from his hande whether they be thinges prosperous or full of aduersitie being fully persuaded that all those thinges doe hasten the fruition of that same victorie which now is gotten for vs by Christ 1. Cor. 15. Thankes be to God who hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord Jesus Christ The same is in the 2. Cor. 4.15 Concerning the last fruite of the resurrection of Christ SEing that not only our soules but also our bodies are mēbers of our head Christ through the bonde of the spirit of faith 1. Cor. 6. ver 5. 15. Rom. 8.11 therefore in the resurrection of our heade Christ our bodies haue a certaine pledge and seale that they are not onely raysed vp from sinnes in this life as was shewed in the second fruit but also the selfe same bodies which are yet mortall haue both nowe the right of euerlasting life and through that same quickening spirit of Christ are repaired to the fruition of him and to true immortalitie in the end of the world and that in the selfe same state and condition with the glorious body of Christe Phil. 3. Who shall transforme our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to that effectuall working whereby hee is made able to subdue all things vnto himselfe 1. Cor. 15.49 As we haue borne the image of the earthly Adam so shall we heare the image of the heauenly The last fruit therefore of the resurrection of Christ is tha● immortalitie is adiudged vnto vs from God himselfe made in the raysing vp of the Messiah and offered vnto vs by the Gospell and sealed by the spirite of Christe 2. Tim. 1.10 Who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortalitie vnto light thorough the Gospell To the Ephesians chap. 1. In which Christ also you haue hoped hauing heard the worde of trueth euen the gospell of your saluation in which also after that ye beleeued ye were sealed with the holy spirite of promise whiche is the
earnest of our inheritaunce whiles we are redeemed into libertie to the praise of his glorie Although therefore wee die yet we shall rise againe into an immortall life because both the right of life is adiudged vnto vs in the raising vp againe of the sonne and wee are ingraffed into this Christ raysed vp as branches vnto the vine both by the outwarde testimonie of the Gospell and also by the inwarde witnesse of the holy Ghost 1. Corinth 15. If Christ bee risen againe we also shall rise againe Hitherto also belongeth it that he calleth him the firste fruits of them that rise againe because the whole haruest of all the faithfull from the beginning of the worlde was sanctified vnto God by the raysing vp of that lumpe which the sonne of God had taken of vs to a blessed resurrection Hitherto also it belongeth that he is called the first begotten from amongest the dead Colossians 1. as else where it shall bee declared more largely Seeing therefore that in raysing vppe of the sonne the right of life is brought to light vnto vs and that same quickening spirite of Christ is giuen vnto vs hauing heard the Gospell that same spirit I say of faith through which not onely our soules but also our bodies are members of our head Christe therefore wee haue an vndoubted pledge in the resurrection of our heade Christe that our bodies are to bee repayred and restored to immortalitie He ascended into heauen Testimones out of the Prophetes and Apostles THE Apostle in the fourth Chapter to the Ephesians citeth a prophecie out of the 68. Psalme concerning the ascension of Christ but vnto euerie one of vs grace is giuen according to the measure of the gift of Christ Wherefore he saith when hee ascended vp on high he led captiuitie captiue and gaue giftes vnto men And the prophecie in the hundred and tenth Psalme of the sitting of the Messias at the right hand of God comprehendeth in it a prophecie of the ascension into the heauens as it were an entrie of that glorious exaltation at the right hande of God the which thing is confirmed by the testimonie of the holy Ghost himselfe by the mouth of Peter Actes 2.34 Since then that he by the right hande of God hath ben exalted and hath receaued of his father the promise of the holy Ghost he hath shedde foorth this amongest you which you see and heare For Dauid is not ascended into heauen but hee saith The Lorde saide to my LORDE sitte at my right hande vntill I make thine enimies thy footestoole So also Mark● the Euangelist in the sixteenth Chapter ioyneth the entrie with the sitting it selfe at the right hand so after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sitteth at the right hande of God And Christ Iohn 14. foresheweth his ascension into heauen let not your heart be troubled ye beleeue in God beleeue also in mee In my fathers house are many dwelling places otherwise I woulde haue tolde you I goe to prepare a place for you And seeing I goe to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you vnto my self that where I am there you may be also The Euangelists describe a sure manifest fulfilling of these foresayinges concerning the ascension of Christ Marke in the place nowe aledged and Luke in his Euangelicall historie chapter 24. Loe I doe sende the promise of my father vppon you but tarie ye in the citie of Ierusalem vntill yee bee indued with power from on high Now he ledde them out into Bethaniah and lifting vp his handes he blessed them And it came to passe that whiles he blessed them being separate from them he● was carried vp into heauen and they worshipping him returned to Ierusalem with great ioye and were continually in the temple lauding and praysing God And in the first of the Actes And when he had spoken these thinges while they behelde hee was taken vp and a cloude tooke him out of their sight and while they looked stedfastly towardes heauen beholde two men stoode by them in white apparell who saide Yee men of Galilie why stande yee gasing into heauen This Iesus which is taken from you into heauen shall so come as yee haue seene him goe into heauen And Peter Actes 3 And nowe brethren I knowe that through ignorance ye did these thinges as also did your gouernours but those thinges which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophetes that Christe shoulde suffer he hath thus fufilled Amend your liues therefore and turne that your sinnes may be put away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and when he shall send Iesus Christ which before was preached vnto you whom the heauen must containe vntill the time that all things bee restored which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began The meaning of these wordes He ascended into heauen THE meaning is I beleeue Christe who according to his diuine nature was alwayes in the heauens Iohn 1. and 3. after that he had fulfilled the office of ambassage and by the space of fourtie dayes had instructed his disciples concerning the trueth of his resurrection in that same true bodie of his that was taken out of the substance of Marie the virgine that it hanged vppon the crosse was deade and buried that being glorified rose againe that in the selfe same body I say together with a very humaine resonable soule he ascended into the heauens where the seat is of euerlasting felicitie The scripture in the first Chapter of the Actes doeth set out the matter most liuely before our eyes And in an other place he saith the same things that CHRIST departed from his disciples and was lifted vp into heauen Luke 24. that hee went from them Iohn 14. that hee left this worlde Iohn 16. that hee was taken awaye Actes 15. from vs Luke 24. into those same holy tabernacles not made with hands Hebrewes 9. into heauen it selfe Mark 16. that he is there continually and without any interruption Hebrewes 10. that heauen must holde him vntill the time of the restoring of all thinges Act. 2. Howe Christ being absent is yet present BVT if that Christ went from vs hath left this worlde howe is that promise of Christ fulfilled Beholde I am alwayes with you vnto the ende of the worlde Matthew 28. Surely it is so fulfilled euen like as that same other word of Christ was fulfilled Verilie I say vnto you that before Abraham was I am Iohn 8. For like as hee fulfilled that by the presence not of his fleshe but of his diuinitie and yet feared not to say I admit that he vnderstoode it onely of the presence of his diuinitie so also according to his maiestie according to his prouidence according to his vnspeakeable and inuisible grace that saying was fulfilled of him Beholde I am with you alwayes euen to the ende of the
vanquished so that nowe we are deliuered and iustified through Christ from it which also maketh entreatie for vs whilst he saieth for vs which also sheweth that there is farther a newe confirmation of our faith to be added to the nexte of the free iustification thorough Christe to wit that hee also is at the right hande of God whether he could not haue come vnlesse he had beene iustified from our sinnes and that he entreateth also for vs to wit whilest by the power of that onely one sacrifice he appeareth euerlastingly righteous for vs. 1. Iohn 2 1. And so that same abiding at the right hande of God and shewing him selfe before the Father is a continuing of that euerlasting iustification of ours to the end that there should be no place left for any accusation against beleeuers so full euerie manner of waie is our iustification in Christ so euerlasting and so vnderpropped vpon most sure foundations to the knowledge whereof Paule in the place nowe alledged would leade vs by those argumentes as it were by certaine steppes and degrees Of the second fruite of the ascension THe second fruite is that by his ascension into heauen he hath made vs to sit with him in heauenlie places Ephes 2.6 So that we do not onely in a naked hope looke for heauen but we possesse it in the head and in Christ our brother aswell because that same earthly and bodily pledge which he hath taken of vs full expiation cleansing being made of our sins doth possesse the heauens nowe in our name as also because we our selues doe possesse a spiritual and heauenly pledge receaued againe frō him to wit the spirite of Christ dwelling in vs so by the power of the holie Ghost through faith in the promise of the Gospell we are ingraffed into him And therfore Ro. 10.6.8 The righteousnes which is of faith saith thus Say not in thy heart who shal ascend into heauen That is to bring Christ from aboue c. But what saith it The worde is neare thee euen in thy mouth and in thine heart that is that same worde of Faith whiche wee preache Surely the spirituall first fruites of this doctrine are most sweete For it bringeth to passe by the power of Christ his spirite that now in a certain and vndouted hope in our head Christ we possesse heauen Therefore let vs confirme our mindes in this most profitable doctrine by some most euident oracles of the scripture Christ himselfe nowe about to goe into that heauenly possession in our name speaketh on this sort Iohn 14. In my fathers house there are many abyding places if it had bene otherwise I had tolde you I go to prepare a place for you The same Iohn Chap. 20. I ascend to my father and to your father to my God to your God The Apostle also maketh vs so sure of the certaintie of the earnest and pledge which Christ hauing of vs hath aduanced into the heauens that he saith in the second of the Ephesians that God hath made vs to sitte with Christ in heauenly places Againe of sending that same earnest or comforter vnto vs Christe speaketh thus in Ioh. 16. I speake the truth vnto you it is profitable for you that I goe for if I go not that same comforter shal not come vnto you Peter also witnesseth of this same earnest already sent in Actes 2. also Paule in 2. Cor. 1. Who hath sealed vs and giuen the earnest of his spirite in our heartes And most plaine of all other places in the 2. Cor. 5. See also Tertullian in his booke of the resurrection of the flesh where amongest other thinges he writeth thus This Iesus called the Mediator of God men of the trust of either part committed vnto him doth keepe the pledge of the flesh in himselfe as the earnest of the whole summe For like as he hath left the earnest of his spirit with vs so also he hath taken of vs the earnest of the flesh and hath aduanced into heauen the pledge of the whole summe hereafter to be brought thither Be quiet therefore O flesh and bloud you haue vsurped both heauen the kingdome of God in Christ or if they denie you in Christ let them also denie Christ to be in heauen who haue denied heauen vnto you Of the thirde fruite THe third fruite is that Christ therefore sitteth in the highest heauens that through his power shed into our hearts from thence he may drawe vs from these earthly and carnal things present and may quicken them and lift them vp to desire and meditate vpon heauenly and spiritual thinges to come Philip. 3. Our cōuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for our Lorde Iesus Christ He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie Testimonies out of the Prophetes and Apostles Psalme 110. Iehouah hath saide sitte at my right hand vntil I put thine enimies as a footestoole vnder thy feete Iehouah shal send out of Sion the rodde of thy strength rule in the middest of thine enemies Also the Lorde hath sworne and it shall not repent him thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech And Christ teacheth in Matth. 22. towardes the end that this prophecie is to be vnderstoode of him And Christ being adiured of the high priest confesseth himselfe to be both the sonne of God and that he will ouercome his enimies sitting at the right hand of God Matth. 26.63 64. And the high priest answering said vnto him I adiure thee by the liuing God that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ that sonne of God Iesus saith vnto him thou hast saide Neuerthelesse I say vnto you hereafter shal you see the sonne of man sitting at the right hand of the power of God comming in the cloudes of heauen The fulfilling of that prophesie of Dauid concerning the sitting at the right hand of God is extant in the 16. of Marke After the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receaued vp into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God and Act. 2. ver 33.36 5. ver 31. and so that same stone refused of the builders was made the head of the corner Act. 4. ver 10.11.12 Which stone cut from the mountaine without handes goeth to the right hand of God to breake al the rest of the kingdoms but his kingdome shal stand for euer Dan. 2. ve 44.45 And Paul in Ephes That ye may know what the hope is of his calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the Saintes and what is the exceding greatnes of his power towards vs which beleue according to the working of his mightie power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him vp frō the dead and set him at his right hand in the heauens To what end sitting at the right hand of God the Father almightie is added to his ascension into heauen THe scope or principal end of Christe his ascension
a most wise and mightie heade Christ and a defence against the enemies This kingdome when it was in this worlde beganne in humilitie as he saith repent amend for the kingdome of God is at hand The exaltation therefore in this kingdome is that same placing in highest degree of honour to the end the sonne may shew himself openly before the Angels blessed men in great light to be the king and heade of all the elect and by shedding his power euen vnto vs with a greater efficacie then when he was in his body in the earth he may restore and repare life and saluation by the worde and spirit in his electe and may defend thē against al enemies Eph. 1.21.22 The father hath placed Christ at his right hand in the heauens far aboue all power principality might and dominion euery name that is named not in this worlde onely but in that which is to come and he hath made all thinges subiect vnder his feet and hath appoynted him to be heade ouer all thinges to the Church which is his bodie and the fulnesse of him which fulfilleth al in al things Ioh. 16.7 I speak the truth vnto you it is expedient for you that I goe away for vnlesse I goe that comforter shall not come vnto you but if I depart I will sende him vnto you And this was because it was so appointed by God his decree that Christ being exalted in his kingdome should sende him What fruits we are partakers of by the exaltation of Christ in his kingdome LIke as Christ was borne and died for vs so also he sitteth at the right hande of God for vs. Nowe the first fruite is that onely Christians doe rightly knowe God call vppon him and praise him For therefore the father placed Christ at his right hande that hee might be acknowledged worshipped and praised both of Angels and men as their onely God and Lorde And contrariwise God doeth abhorre all other worshippes which are not directed vnto Christ in whome onely hee will bee acknowledged called vppon and praysed Peter inferreth Acts 2. of the sending of the holy Ghost out of the testimony of Dauid concerning the sitting of the Messias at the right hand of God Therefore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suretie that God hath made him both Lorde and Christ this Iesus I say whome ye haue crucified And Phil. Wherefore God hath also highlie exalted him and giuen him a name aboue euerie name that at the name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bow both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth and that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lorde vnto the glorie of God the father And Psa 97. ver 7. Apo. 5. ver 1. Cor. 1. ver 2. Act. 7. ver 59. cap. 9. ver 14. The second and the third fruite THE other fruits are knowen by their ends For therefore Christ is exalted in his kingdome that inwardly hee maye enrich his Church and without he may defend it against enimies yea and also may bridle those that are deadly and inwarde enemies the seconde fruite therefore is that the father for and by this Christ doeth assuredly giue the holy ghost to them that aske it doeth gouerne and quicken the faithful by the ministerie of the Gospel both beautifieth the whole Church with diuerse gifts and also giueth to euery mēber so much giftes as are sufficient for the glorie of the head for the edificacion of the whole body and the saluation of that same member but hee leaueth none of them without necessarie gifts or letteth them to be emptie Actes 2.33 Christ exalted to the right hand of God and hauing obtained of his father the promise of the holy Ghost hath shed forth this which ye nowe see and heare And to the Eph. 4.7 To euery one of vs grace is giuen according to the measure of the gift of Christ. And a litle after He therefore gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some pastors and teachers for the repairing of the Saintes for the worke of the ministery and for the edification I say of the body of Christe till wee all meete together in the vnitie of faith and that acknoweledging of the Sonne of GOD vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ Also Let vs altogether growe vp in him which is the heade to wit Christ by whome all the bodie fitly knitte and compact together by all the ioynts for the furniture thereof according to the effectuall power which is in the measure of euerie part the whole receaueth increase of the bodie vnto the edifying of it selfe in loue Christ therefore raigneth vnto vs at the right hande of the father that powring out the holy Ghost vpon vs he might be effectual by the ministerie and through the spirite might make vs his mēbers and might aduaunce his spirituall kingdome day by day in vs vntill he might fully ioyne vs vnto himselfe being perfectly regenerate and washed againe from sinne and corruption and so he might be God all in all 1. Corinthians 15. The thirde fruite THE thirde fruit is the defense of the Church against all our enemies sinne the flesh the worlde tyrantes diuels all which our heauenly father calleth the enemies of Christ and in verie deede he sheweth dayly examples of his power in ouerthrowing them Psal 110. The Lorde hath said to my Lord sit at my right hande vntill I make thine enimies a footestoole vnto thy feete Iehoua shall sende the scepter of thy strength out of Sion rule in the middest of thine enimies Surely a wonderful consolation that we are his brethrē yea his members to whome all power is giuen in heauen and in earth without whose will power neither the Turkes nor antichrist can deuise any thing against the Church no nor conclude or moue so much as a finger for the executing of their counsailes so that Christe raigneth in such sort in the middest of his enemies that he will not be shut out no not out of their most secrete counsailes Yea we are the brethren and members of that Christ by whose most present diuine power all men are gouerned and all creatures in heauen and in earth so that wee may saye with full securitie of minde with the Apostle Romanes 8. Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation shall anguish shall persecution shall hunger shal nakednes shall danger shall the sword as it is written For thy sake are we killed all the day long we are counted as sheepe appointed to the slaughter yea but in al these thinges we are more then conquerours through him that hath loued vs. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor hight nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separat vs
hated iniquitie therefore hath God euen thy God anointed thee with the oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Dan. 9. The holy of holy shal be anointed Afterwardes he saith The Messias shall be cut of and then the people shall destroye the Citie and the Sanctuary with that Captaine that shall come The Angel witnessed the fulfilling of this anointing Hierusalem yet standing Luke 2. Behold I bring you glad tidinges of great ioye that shal be to al the people that a Sauiour is this day borne vnto you in the citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lord. The whole multitude of the heauenlie hostes witnesseth the same thing praising God and saying glorie to God in the highest heauens and in earth peace and towardes men a good will Mat. 2. The starre and the wise men witnesse Christ or the anointed of the Lorde to be sent and in the second of Luke Symeon and Anna the prophetesse from the 25. verse to the 41. where also the prophesie of Esaias is sene fulfilled Ca. 8. ver 14. A notable prophesie of Isaias in the 61. Cap. is fulfilled Luke 4. Iesus came to Nazareth where he had ben brought vp and entred as he was wont vpon the sabboth day into the synagogue and rose vp that he might reade Then was giuen vnto him the Booke of the Prophet Esaie and when he had opened the booke he found a place in whiche it was written The spirite of the Lorde is vpon me because that he annointed me that I should preach gladde tidinges he sent me to heale the broken in heart that I should preach deliuerance to captiues and recouerie of sight to the blinde that I should se● them at libertie that are distressed And that I should preach the acceptable yeare of the Lorde And when he had restored the booke closed vnto the minister he sate downe and the eies of all that were in the synagogue were fastened on him Then he began to say vnto them This day is the scripture fulfilled in your eares Also Acts the 10 vers 38. The vniforme praier of the Apostles witnesseth the prophesie in the 2. Psalme to be fulfilled in our Lorde Iesus For so also Luke writeth in the 4. of the Actes The man was aboue fortie yeare olde on whom this miracle of healing was shewed Nowe being let goe they came to their companie and shewed what the cheefe of the priestes and the Elders had saide vnto them And when they heard it they lift vp their voices with one accorde to God and saide O Lord thou art the God which hast made heauen and earth the sea and all thinges that are in them Who hast saide by the mouth of thy seruant Dauid Whie did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vaine thinges The kinges of the earth stoode vp and the princes were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ For they were gathered together in deede against thy holie sonne Jesus whom thou hast annointed both Herode Pontius Pilate with the nations and peoples of Israel that they might do whatsoeuer thine hand and thy counsel had determined before to be done These are the testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles that Iesus is the Christ or the annointed Messias What we are taught by the name of Christ or anointed BY the terme of Christ or anointed is taught that this person came with the commandement of the father and that the same was ordained of him that he shold erect that Priestly kingdom by the scepter of his word power of his spirite in this life and should finishe it in the life euerlasting For like as anointing wherby at Gods commandement Kinges Priestes and prophets were appointed amongst his people with an outwarde and visible oyle was a publike testimonie that God would gouerne efend his people by this person also kepe vpholde his diuine worshippe and likewise teach his people and this person had commandement of this thing that they might suffer themselues to be gouerned clensed and taught so the sonne of God manifested in the fleshe concerning his manhoode is anointed with the holy Ghoste without measure which is the truth of that outward anointing and so is ordained and giuen of the father to be the king priest and prophet of his Church First of all therefore the name Messias or Christ serueth for a notable confirmation of our faith to witte whilest we vnderstand by anointing that the sonne of God hath commandement in the very same that he is Christ or anointed by his kinglie power to keepe vs by his euerlasting sacrifice to reconcile vs to the Father and to open vnto vs al the will of the father to be short not to rest vntil he haue beautified his Church with glorie and euerlasting life Ioh. 6. verse 27. cap. 10.18 Psalme 43.6.7 to the Heb. 2. ver 8.9 Also cap. 5. ver 4.5 Heb. 1. ver 9. And forasmuch as the sonne of God that same annointed of the Lord hath his solemne commandement it is certaine that he wil execute it most faithfully Of the frute or consolation which the faithful receaue thereby THe first fruite is that our faith hath a certaine obiect or matter to respecte to wit this same certaine person sent and appointed from the Father with commandement which now beginneth in vs that same spiritual and euerlasting kingdome which is righteousnes peace and ioie in the holie Ghost in the sted of sinne euerlasting heauines and death and shal finish it afterwardes and seeing that he holdeth vnder his gouernement and iron scepter al thinges created both his and our enemies that is both wicked men and diuels that they hurt not either his glorie or our saluation but rather that euen against their willes they aduance both Hence peace and ioye arise in the heartes of beleeuers who are citizens of this kingdome For as it must needes bee that al they be made sadde that doubt vnder what Lorde they are in this life whether vnder Christe or Satan so on the contrarie it can not be but all they must be filled with ioye who by the inwarde testimonie of the anointing of faith and by the outwarde of holie baptisme are assured that they are vnder Christe the King of righteousnes and are translated out of the kingdome of darkenesse into the kingdome of Christ Coloss 1. and haue the kingdome of the sonne of GOD euen begone in them as Christ saith the kingdome of God is in you or amongst you The Angel exhorteth vs to this ioye in the verie manifestation of this king Luk. 2. verse 10.11 Be not afraide For beholde I bring you glad tydinges of great ioye that shal be to all the people to wit that this daie a Sauiour is borne vnto you in the citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lorde Hence is the same peace and good will in the heartes of beleeuers of which afterwardes that same multitude of heauenly hostes doe mention in their songe Glorie in the highest heauens