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A06134 The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time. VVherein is also set downe the beginning, continuance, succession, and ouerthrowes of kings, kingdomes, states, and gouernments. By Lodovvik Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16619; ESTC S108762 565,858 746

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forward God shal go before you and cast out the Cananites the Hittites the Iebusites Girgashites Perisites and the Amorites so they passed ouer Iordan drie the water staied and gaue them place in like sort as the red sea did The walles of Iericho fell downe and gaue them place to enter vnto the citie without strokes Nowe Iericho being burned diuers kings countreies and cities hearing how Iericho and Ai were destroied gathered their forces together one to helpe an other but in vaine for the Lorde fought for Israel for fiue kings rose against Iosua which were destroied and discomfited and as it is written in the 12. of Iosua thirtie kings were vanquished ouerthrowen and slaine whose names you may reade in Iosua This godly Iosua was an other Moses ruled Israel in all obedience of the Lorde conquered and possessed the land of promise and kept Gods people all his time in peace liued 110. yeeres and gouerned Israel two and thirtie yeeres Eusebius saieth thirtie and hee died two hundred yeeres after Iosephs death CHAP. III. Of the Iudges of Israel after Iosuas death vntill Saul the first king of Israel of their gouernment warres and continuance THe Hebrewes had none to gouerne them 8. yeeres after so long inter regnum continued whereby the Israelites euer rebelling against God cōtemned the lawes despised religiō quiteforgat Moses Iosua the benefits of God toward thē a thing almost incredible that so soonefrō God they would fall hauing tasted of his goodnes and mercie so long for after they had entred into the lande of Canaan and had seene the promise of God performed insteed of thanks for the same they rebelled and prouoked God to anger for he suffered them to be vexed and tormented by tyrants he tooke their libertie away from them and left them destitute of all comfort and helpe yet God raised from time to time such as should defend them if they would be obedient and thankefull vnto God and although the Israelites fell to idolatrie after Iosuas death and thereby were giuen vnto their enemies handes as the tribe of Beniamin 1005. in one day slaine and so the tribe of Dan with others yet God left them not for all their ingratitude but stirred good and godly Iudges as Othoniel Ehud Gedeon and others to deliuer them in extremities The Lorde pitied them and raised Othoniel of the tribe of Iuda the yonger brother of Caleb which gouerned the Israelites 8. yeeres animated them againe to goe to warre against the king of Syria whom God deliuered to the hands of Othoniel and brought them to the fauour of God that Israel had rest 40. yeeres 32. vnder Iosua and 8. vnder Othoniel yet still Israel offended God and committed wickednes before the Lord so long vntill that Eglon king of Moab was by God appointed to bee their scourge Hee smote them and afflicted them and kept them vnder him 18. yeeres vntill Ehud of the tribe of Beniamin a man whome God appointed to defende and to deliuer his people euen he ouerthrewe the Moabites slewe 10000. at one time and killed Eglon the king of Moab and caused Israel to haue rest 80. yeeres the whole time of his gouernment But when this good Iudge died the children of Israel againe fell from the Lord. Then Iabin the king of Canaan had them in his power troubled and persecuted them extremely for God had sold them for their wickednes vnto the handes of Iabin and Sisera his Generall yet still his mercie continued with them for Debora and Barach of the tribe of Nephthali were of God appointed to defend the Hebrewes for Israel preuailed against Iabin king of Canaan and prospered vnder Debora and Barach while Debora and Barach gouerned which was fourtie yeeres Some writers doe interpose Shamgar to be the thirde Iudge of Israel compting Othoniel to be first Iudge that deliuered Israel after Iosua Ehud the seconde Iudge that killed Eglon and then Shamgar which slewe of the Philistims sixe hundred with an Oxe goade Nowe while these thinges were done amongest the Israelites reigned in Niniue Pannias in Athens reigned Pandion the 8. king of the Athenians About this time Bithinia was builded Gedeon the first Iudge one of the tribe of Manasses after that Israel committed wickednes was sent by God to deliuer them from the Madianites who at that time oppressed Israel miserably but they alwaies in great extremities at the last pinch when necessitie forced them and miserie oppressed them according to their wonted maner cried vnto the Lorde and he heard them and helped them by Moses in Egypt and in the wildernes by Iosua to come to the lande of Canaan and in the lande by Othoniel in often deliuering Israel from the king of Syria by Ehud in sauing them from Eglon the king of Moab whome Ehud most boldely and zealously killed in his priuie chamber by Shamgar in defending them from the Philistims of whome he slewe sixe hundred with an Oxe goade by Barach and Debora from Iabin king of Canaan and Sisera and nowe by Gedeon whom God raised to defend them and to deliuer them from the Madianites who preuailed much against Israel for both the Madianites and the Amalekites brought Israel into so great misery that they made them dennes in the mountaines and caues to hide themselues from the Madianites After seuen yeeres oppression and affliction then they cried vnto God when they were most afflicted and persecuted and not before But the mercie of God was with them for all their vilenes and stubbornes Gedeon was called by God to be their aide who ouerthrewe the Madianites and ouercame the Amalekites not by strength or force of Israel but by the workes and wonders of God as you may reade in the Iudges at large for with three hundred Gedeon slewe one hundred and twentie thousand of the Amalekites Madianites and Arabians And though Ephraim murmured against Gedeon yet he appeased them and reuenged him selfe on them of Succoth and Penuel Reade the 8. of the Iudges you shall be satisfied By Gedeon nowe againe Israel was restored to the former libertie and dignitie hauing vanquished the Madianites and slaine Oreb and Zeeb two of their princes and their heads brought to Gedeon beyond Iordan Nowe reigned Panninas in Niniue the fiue and twentieth king of the Assyrians Pandayon of that name the second king after Cecrops reigned in Athens Euristheus the first king of Mycena this was that king whose fame was great in Greece he brought the Argiues and their kingdome subiect vnto Mycena which kingdome continued from Iacobs birth vntill Gedeons time fiue hundred and fiftie yeeres during which time reigned foureteene kings ouer the Argiues About this time reigned in Troy Ilus the fourth king of this kings name Troy was called Ilion being first called Dardania by Dardanus who first builded it in the last yeere of
M. Antoninus surnamed the Philosopher and of his sonne Cōmodus of the difference in their gouernment of the loue which the father had in Rome and of the hatred and contempt which the sonne had of the murthers and slaughter of diuers Emperours from M. Antoninus the 17. Emperor vntill the time of Dioclesian the 38. emperor 562. Of the rest of the Emperours of Rome after Dioclesians time at what time their Empire at Rome beganne to decay for that the dignitie of the olde Emperours were diminished by reason that Constantinople whom Constantine the great had so enriched and beautifiedwith their auncient monuments of Rome that olde Rome was hereby defaced and newe Rome thereby florished so that the Empire was diuided betweene two Emperours the one to be at Constantinople the other at Rome 576. Liuius Trogus Pomp. Florus Valerius Max. Eutropius Suetonius Egnatius Tacitus Voriscus Cassiodorus Blondus Iosephus Plinius Appianus Sabellicus Orosius Beroaldus Polybius Dionys. Halicar Herodianus Fūctius with others THE TRYALL OF MARTYRS OF the try all of the Martyrs of God in the primitiue Church from the first persecution vnder Tiberius the third Emperour in the which Stephen was stoned Iames beheaded Philip hanged with infinite more tormented and persecuted vntill the third persecution which began vnder Domitian the twelfth Emperour of Rome Fol. 587. From the third persecution vnder Domitian the 12. Emperour vnto the sixt persecution vnder Sept. Seuerus the 22. Emperour of the constancie of faithfull Martyrs euery where in the Church of God of their godly liues their deaths and their glorious victorie ouer Satan 593. Of the tyranny of time frō the sixt persecution vnder Seuerus vntil the ninth persecution vnder Dioclesian the Emperour of the zeale and constancie of the godly in their martyrdome and of the tyranny and wickednesse of the kings of Persia and of the Emperours of Rome at that time in the persecution of the Church 600. From Dioclesian vnder whom the vehementest persecution of any reigned vntill the reigne of Alexander Seuerus by whose good meanes and great traueile persecution somewhat sla●…kt at what time diuers heresies began fresh in many places of Asia and Europe 608. Eusebius Euagrius Ireneus and Functius table OF SPAINE OF the antiquitie of Spaine and of the originall of their kings and of their continuance from Tubal vntill Hispanus during which time they were called by diuerse seuerall names as Caetubales Hiberi Celtiberi and Hispani Fol. 617. From the time of Hispanus by whom they were called Hispaniards vntil the monarchie and the names of kings ended after what time Spaine was diuided into peculiar prouinces and seuerall dominions after the reigne and gouernmēt of 24. kings frō Caetubal the first vnto Mellicola the last 626. From the dissolution and change of the kingdome of Hispaine into prouinces and dominions vntill they were subdued by the Carthagineans and Affricanes vnder whom they were subiects vntill Scipio Affricanus time at what time both Affrica Carthage and Hispaine were made tributaries vnto Rome 633. From the time that the Romanes conquered Hispaine vnto the time of the Vandales the third conquest of Hispaine and from the Vandales vnto the Gothes victorie ouer Hispaine the fourth conquest from the Gothes vnto the Saracens the fift conquest of Hispaine 641. From the time that the Saracens possessed Hispaine vntill the time of Ferdinandus the great and Alphonsus king of Aragon which were the onely first two kings that possessed all Hispaine from the first monarchie of their kings which was 2400. and odde yeeres so base a countrie was Spaine and conquered so many times vntill Ferdinandus time 647. For the histories of old Hispaine fewe haue written of it as Annius Manethon but since they were conquered by the Romanes all Romane writers speake of them by the reason of the Affricane warres as Liui. Trogus Pomp. Lu. Florus Blondus Beroaldus Functius and many more of late But of olde Hispaine Io. Annius Manethon Diodorus Siculus Ritius Iornandus Boufinus OF GALLOGRAECIA OF the beginning and original of the natiō which was called Galgreekes or Gallograecians of their inuasions spoile and slaughter in many countries in Asia and of their ouerthrowe by Cn. Manlius who with great pompe triumphed ouer them at Rome 655. From Francus the 16. king of Fraunce then called Sicambri vntill the time of Farabertus the 12. in number after Francus of the warres inuasions and victories of the enlargement of their kingdome from one king to another vntill Farabertus gouernment during which time they were called Franci after the name of Francus 669. Of the continuall warres which the Frenchmen had still in seeking for the quiet possession and the whole gouernment of all Fraunce from the time of Farabertus vntill the time of Pharamundus during which time they were called Franci for as they were before called Sicambri from Marcomirus vnto Francus foure hundred and odde yeeres so nowe from Francus vnto Pharamundus they were called Franci foure hundred and odde yeeres that wellnigh nine hundred yeeres they were before they coulde possesse the kingdome of Fraunce 675. From Faramundus the first king that had all Fraunce in his hand and from whom al Historians and Chronographers beginne the historie of Fraunce who beganne his reigne in Fraunce in the yeere of our Lorde and Sauiour 420. of the lawes gouernment and warres from that time vnto Clodouaeus the first Christian king of Fraunce and so vnto Clodouaeus the second of that name and the 12. king after Pharamundus 684. From Clodouaeus the second who began his reigne 645. vntill the reigne and gouernment of Charles the great the patrone and onely mirror of France by whom chiefely the Frenchmen florished in famous renowme and in whō all the lawes relikes and monuments are established 697. From Charles the great the onely king of Fraunce in fame of whome all the states of Fraunce holde their lawes monuments and other ceremonies belonging to their inaugurations crowning and their seuerall pompe of his warres and victories against the Saracens of his diuers conquests euery where and of the taking of the Empire into Germany 703. Tritemius Pau. Aemilius Arnol. Ferronus Io. Tilius Ritius Blondus Beroaldus Plutarch Functius T. Liuius Diodor. Siculus The briese for Britaine I gathered out of these Authors Dionysius Halicarnassaeus Diodorus Siculus Strabo Gildas Giraldus Guidonius Ponticus Verrunnius Iu. Caesar. OF THE CREATION OF the world and of the continuance of the first age therein from Adam vnto Noah IN the beginning of all beginnings when GOD had made the vniuersal frame of the whole world of nothing the earth being without forme or shape couered with water and the water couered with darkenesse The first creature that was made was light of some learned men supposed to bee the creation of Angels for the Sunne the Moone and the Starres were created the fourth day the rest of the sixe daies workes is set
singular man of God Moses to whome the lawe in Mount Sinai was giuen and by whome the lawe had full execution with whome GOD talked so familiarly that hee alone continued with GOD fourtie dayes in Mount Sinai the moste auncient Chronographer of the worlde the verye light of prophane Histories and the onely teacher of time as by his 5. bookes appeare but for that Moses must be spoken of almost in euery place for the recourse and triall of time I will nowe goe forward with the historie Nowe reigned ouer the Assyrians Ascatades the 18. king in Niniue and in the 8. yeere of this Ascatades Cancres Pharaoh the king of Egypt with all his great armie were drowned in the red sea In Moses time happened two great floods the one called Deucalion flood 784. yeeres after Noahs flood the other in Thessalia after which followed such earthquakes in Thessalie that many thousands of beasts men women and children townes and cities were destroied as both Berosus and Xenophon doe agree After which earthquake fire wasted many townes and cities in Greece called incendium Phaetontis In Moses time the kingdome of Athens beganne wherein Cecrops was the first king of Athens 350. yeeres before the destruction of Troy From Abraham to Moses 450. from Moses to the first building of the Temple 480. yeeres Thus farre Berosus writeth euen from the beginning of Noah out of the arke vntil the going of the Israelites out of Egypt yet a litle farther vntill the falling of Dathan with 250. more which held with Abiran and Chore for their murmuring against Moses After this went Moses vp from the plaine of Moab to mount Nebo where the Lorde shewed vnto Moses all the lande of Canaan according to his promise saying thou shalt see the lande of Canaan with thine eies but thou shalt not goe ouer thither and there Moses the seruant of the Lorde died for whome Israel wept 30. daies and after whome Iosua succeeded Moses was 120. yeeres of age when he died Nowe you must vnderstande that when Ioseph was dead and the Hebrewes began to be multiplied the Egyptians both feared and hated them oppressed them as you heard with all toile and slauerie and not yet contented but a law was made among the Egyptians that euery male childe of the Hebrewes should be throwen to Nilus This lawe continued from Moses birth and before vntill their God deliuered them by Moses God had appointed with Moses and after with Iosua wise and graue men as Elders Iudges Magistrates to gouerne the Common-wealth of the Hebrewes vnder Moses as Iethro his father in lawe had councelled him the head of any tribe or of any citie Conuocauit populos Israel Senatum eorum principes eorum iudices eorum Ios. 23. Hee had also the Leuites the Priest and the high Bishop a state of Common-wealth chaunged from Oligarchia which was in Abrahams time into Aristocratia by the expresse commandements of God in all the lawes of the Hebrewes Morall and Iudiciall And after God gaue the Ceremoniall Lawes to Moses at mount Sinai for the Common-wealth of the Hebrewes were of all others most principally to be allowed for that God ordeined all their lawes ordered their Iudges al their Kings and their high Priestes for these three states gouerned the Hebrewes from Moses the first Iudge vntil the last high Priest though by Moses other officers were appointed as Tribunes Centurions and Captaines some ouer a 1000. some ouer a 100. some ouer 50. by the Greekes named Chiliarchi Hecatontarchi Pentecontarchi Decatarchi The offerings which were gold siluer and brasse blewe silke purple and scarlet fine linnen Goates haire and Rammes skinnes coloured red oile spices perfumes of sweete sauour the Tabernacle the Arke the stone table and the rod of Aaron and Manna which were testimonies of Gods presence Read of these Ceremoniall lawes in Exod. 25. About this time reigned in Egypt Ramesses afterwards hauing vanquished his brother Danaus from Egypt Egyptus vsurped the kingdom of Egypt named it Egyptus after his owne name Amongst the Argiues Stelenus their 9. King and after him succeeded Danaus being driuen out of Egypt by the foresaid Egyptus his brother giuing that name to the Countrey of Egypt being before named Mizraim Nowe in Creete gouerned Axit and in Athens the 4. king Ericthonius in these daies Nowe Memphis in Egypt of one Epaphus as Eusebius doth name was builded Dardanus builded Dardania in the sixt yeere of this king Egyptus this afterwarde was called Troy-Cyrene at this time was likewise builded in Libya and Nisa a great citie in India by Dionysius In Niniue Amintes the 19. king of the Assyrians gouerned It is written by Orosius that Danaus king at this time of the Argiues hauing fiftie daughters who being married to fiftie brethren sonnes to his owne brother Egyptus wrought meanes by these his daughters to requite the iniurie of his brother they agreeing with their father conspired the deathes of their husbandes and slewe them all in one night This historie is diuersly written which I leaue to euery mans iudgement After that Moses had gouerned the people of God 40. yeeres in the wildernes hee made choise of Iosua as you heard to be their Gouernour and Iudge for there was no succession of Gouernors no election of states no Prince no Iudge to claime right amongest the people of Israel but the lawe of God was the Iudge that gouerned Israel So Gedeon saide Non dominabor vestri nec dominabitur vestri filius meus sed Dominus he was the onely ruler so they prospered all the time of good Iudges This Iosua the second Iudge of Israel whome God raised after Moses was adorned with excellent giftes as with counsell to gouerne Israel and with strength to defend Israel this bringeth them after all difficulties vnto the land of Canaan which Iosua diuided among the people he appointed their borders he established lawes and ordinances assuring them of Gods fauour if they would obey God and contrariwise of his plague and vengeance by disobedience To this good Iosua God saide my seruant Moses is dead nowe therefore arise goe ouer Iordan thou and all this people vnto the lande which I gaue them for euery place where you shall tread vpon haue I giuen you there shall be no man able to withstande thee all the daies of thy life bee thou strong and be of good courage I will not leaue thee nor forsake thee This was great comfort to Iosua to haue God to be with him to assist him to strengthen him to defend him Then Iosua commanded his hoste with their Captaines and officers to passe ouer Iordan he exhorteth the Rubenites the Gadites and the halfe tribe of Manasses to execute their charge saying the Lord your God hath giuē you this land which was somtime in the possession of Sihon king of the Amorites and in the hands of Og king of Bashan goe you
last by the Romans Cornelius Festus Sillas sonne and Furus Centurio entred first the Citie and after the whole Romane armie rushed in and slew 22. thousand Iewes spared the temple and the sacred treasures therein defiled not the Sanctuarie neither touched Pompey the golden table neither tooke away with him one penie of the 2000. talents which was the treasure of the temple But Crassus in short time after going against the Parthians in his voyage spared neither treasure nor the temple Ierusalem was builded in Iudea by Sem the sonne of Noah and was by him first named Solima or Salem a citie most famous and the soile it selfe most fertile and so by God blessed and preserued from the first building in the time of Sem vnto the last ouerthrowe of the same by Titus the Romane Emperour being 2177. yeeres Iosephus doeth describe the situation and building of this towne that it was builded vpon two hilles the one hill higher then the other Dauid the first king of the tribe of Iuda in whose time for that he fortified the higher hill after his dayes it was called Castellum Dauid the lower hil was called Acra ouer against this hil Acra they began afterwards to drawe another hill to enlarge this citie and to ioyne the temple within the same for the temple was builded on a hard high rocke for that it might the better be seene that the state and magnificence thereof might be beholden and seene aboue the towne and aboue the high towres of the walles for Hierusalem was compassed with three seuerall walles fronted one against another with such high strong towers that some of them were 70. cubites higher then the walles as the tower called Psephina likewise the tower of Hippicos was fourescore and fiue cubites high The second towre called Phasaelis after Herods brothers name was fourescore and tenne cubites high the thirde named after his wiues name Mariannes which farre excelled the rest whose large descriptions you shall reade in Iosephus a Iewe borne and brought vp in Ierusalem vntil the destruction thereof where he was taken prisoner by Titus there it is set forth to the ful the situation of the citie the beautie of the temple the strength of the walles the height and largenesse of the towres the port and state of the gates the full description of the foure hilles which Hierusalem was builded on and other things which now I omit for the circuite of Hierusalems walles was no more but thirtie and nine furlongs This towne was nothing like in bignesse to Babylon or to Niniue but farre greater in fame and in victories for Hierusalem had triumphed and sawe the ende and last destruction of the Caldeans Assyrians Egyptians Arabians and Persians for litle Iudea endured the force and power of the three first Monarchies which was the Assyrians the Persians and the Grecians though it was before conquered fiue seuerall times by the iust iudgement of God for their transgression and sinne yet by the mercie of God saued and preserued as is before mentioned vntil thirtie eight yeres after Christs death All that while that they serued God and followed the steppes of their forefathers I meane Abraham Isaac Iaacob Daniel Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias they preuailed against all nations they conquered all Countreys and brought all the kingdomes of the worlde to admire their vertues to feare their force and to seeke fauour and friendship at their handes though they were sometime touched for their stiffenecked stubbernes and too much iniquities as in Egypt in the wildernes and after they had possessed the land of Promes for still they offended the Lorde for the which these seuerall fiue conquests were had ouer them The first was by Nabuchodonosor the great king of Babylon the second by Asocheus king of Egypt the thirde time by Antiochus the great king of Syria the fourth by Pompeius the great and the fift and last was by Titus Vespatian In the which last subuersion and ouerthrowe of Hierusalem wee reade in Iosephus being then a present souldier in the warres the calamities and great miseries that then fel on the citie of Ierusalem and on the inhabitants thereof Their hunger and famine was so great that one did eate an others vomite the fathers did eate their children and the mothers fed on their owne babes in the cradle in so much that stinking carions and dead bodies which died for hunger in the streete was meate of great daintines in Ierusalem They were constrained to eate beastes dung dried leather girdles shoes and skinnes which couered their shields yea they sought their foode in Iakeses many slewe and butchered one another in the citie Besides this the plague was so hote amongst them that lodgings houses temples and all the streetes in Ierusalem were filled with dead bodies The slaughter was such as within 18. moneths siege 110000. were slaine within the citie and most of them strangers and Gentiles which came vp to the feast according to the custome of the Iewes where suddenly they were taken and besieged you must thinke by famine and by the sword During which time 97000. were taken prisoners and captiues there were found of the Iewes in priuies and Iakeses and hiding themselues in caues sinkes and holes of the earth aboue 2000. Some sent of these to the nomber of 70. thousand to Egypt as bond slaues there to moile like beastes in intollerable toile some solde more cheape then dogs for Egesippus witnesseth that 30. Iewes were solde for a penie and those were yong boyes vnder sixteene yeeres OF THE FIRST ORIGInall of the CHALDEANS first called Arphaxades after the name of Arphaxad the thirde sonne of SEM which was the first kingdome of the world of their continuance gouernment and last destruction by Darius Medius and Cyrus NOw hauing ended the historie of the Hebrewes the posteritie of Arphaxad the thirde sonne of Sem I will followe Assur the second sonne of Sem who builded Niniue from whom and after whose name the Assyrians are called whose history I haue now in hand In the hundreth thirtie and one yeere after the flood when people had multiplied in the land of Shinear olde Noah taught the people to seeke new seates and dwellings instructed the newe worlde the first age after the flood in the course of the Sunne the Moone and the starres and in all other things wherein Noah was most perfite hee declared to his people what he knewe and sawe in the first age and deuided the world into three parts Asia Africke and Europe and sent his sonnes to seeke aduentures Cham he sent to Egypt and to Africke with his company Sem to Asia and Iaphet with his people to Europe of whom I will speake where their historie is handled Now I will begin the historie of the Chaldeans who after that the people were dispersed at the building of Babel and had scattered into euery partes of the worlde were the first that
should claime more dignitie then was set downe by Alexander in a table which the Romanes afterward kept vsing the same order for a time as Alexander did It is written that the great Alexander had yeerely tribute paide vnto him during his life the summe of sixe thousande talents for Plutarch in the life of Agesilaus speaketh of a king named Tachus in Egypt to whom Agesilaus came from Sparta for Nectanabus was a nephew of king Tachus and one of his chiefe captaines who rebelled against the king and being chosen by the Egyptians their king he desired the aide of Agesilaus who ioyned with him being an olde souldier hauing had in hand greater battels in Greece against Pelopidas and Epaminondas then at that time with Nectanabus against Tachus Therefore Nectanabus committed all into the handes of Agesilaus by whom the victorie fell to Nectanabus Tachus the king forced to flee After this the affaires of this Nectanabus had good successe and hee was quietly stablished in his kingdome by the meanes of Agesilaus king of Sparta to whō Nectanabus gaue two hundred thirtie talents of siluer in readie money to defray the charges of his souldiers Thus Nectanabus reigned quietly in Egypt though vnder Darius the last king of Persia Mezabes gouerned Egypt who yeelded into the hands of Alexander the kingdome of Egypt assoone as hee had heard that his master king Darius was slaine and al Persia subdued by Alexander who as you heard before possessed Egypt without warres being yeelded of the state of Egypt From the time of Alexander the great vnto Iulius Caesar that is from the Monarchie of the Grecians vnto the Romanes is two hundred eightie two yeeres After the death of Alexander his kingdomes were diuided chiefely betweene foure of his graund captaines specially those kingdomes which were of the greatest fame and renowne as Macedonia to Cassander Asia the lesser to Antigonus Babylon and all Asia the great to Saleuchus furnamed Nicanor Egypt with the most part of Syria to Ptolomei the sonne of Lagi This was the first king of Egypt after Alexanders death after whose names all the kings of Egypt vntill Iulius Caesars time were called Ptolomei This king grewe great and mightie in Egypt and beganne strongly vpon the next nations vnto him to make warre and brought diuers subiects vnder the Empire of Egypt whose good successe in the beginning Perdiccas began to enuy This Perdiccas was the chiefe gouernor of Macedonia and as it were left a tutour ouer Arideus the base brother of Alexander the great to whom by common consent the kingdome of Macedonia was appointed Perdiccas supposing to keepe Egypt subiect to Macedonia and to bridle the insolencie which he sawe in Ptolomei he leauied a great armie of souldiers made a voiage into Egypt against whose comming Ptolomie with al celeritie gathered his army and gaue him battel wherein Perdiccas was slaine and his whole company ouerthrowen Vpon this ouerthrowe of Perdiccas Ptolomei king of Egypt waxed insolent of the victorie entred into Syria by strong hand brought Syria vnder Egypt after hee went to Ierusalem he plagued the citizēs wasted spoiled brought diuers out of Iudea captiues into Egypt Of this king the Prophet Daniel spake in this sort The king of the South shal be mightie and his dominion shal be great reade more in Daniel of this Antigonus being aduertised of Ptolomeis great victories howe he had vanquished Perdiccas subdued Syria sent his sonne Demetrius a young man of 22. yeeres and the first time that he tooke the charge of a General in hand and that against an old souldier of the great Alexander trained vp in discipline of warres alwaies Demetrius was put to flight 5000. of his men slaine and almost eight thousand taken by the Citie of Gaza Antigonus hearing howe his sonne was ouerthrowen said that this Ptolomei ouerthrew beardles men said further he should fight with bearded men And it came to passe that Demetrius being before put to flight was not quiet before he requited the last foile by the king of Egypt receiued with the like ouerthrow wherein Demetrius had the victorie of Ptolomei and of his army which victorie did put Ptolomei out of al Syria and brought Antigonus in againe By this time Seleucus whō Antigonus had driuen out of Babylon before came againe and entred into Babylon Cassander likewise fearing that young Hercules the sonne of Alexander the great being nowe of fourteene yeeres of age should be by the Macedonians so fauoured for his fathers sake that hee should be king in Macedonia therefore hee secretly commaunded that both Hercules and his mother Arsine should be murthered yet Cassander was not quiet vntill hee practised the like murther against Olympias Alexanders mother and against Roxana Alexanders wife Antigonus and his sonne Demetrius were much enuied for their victories this time in so much that all these kings after Alexanders death destroyed one another with continuall warres Lysimacus was slaine by Seleucus Seleucus was slaine by Ptolomei whose sister was maried to Lysimachus Polibeus writeth that in the hundred twentie fourth Olympiad Ptolomie Lagi king of Egypt Seleuchus Nicanor king of Syria Lysimachus king of Thracia and Ptolomei Cerannon brother to Philadelphus chiefe souldiers vnder Alexander the great were slaine one of another Thus Ptolomei the sonne of Lagi after hee had conquered Perdiccas ouerthrewe Demetrius subdued Syria and the most part of Iudea when hee reigned fourttie yeeres died during which time Demetrius Phalerius ruled Athens vnder Cassander and Demetrius surnamed Poliorcetes destroyed a Citie in Samaria which Perdiccas builded This time the people of Alexandria sent to entreate for the Romanes friendshippe to aide them if neede required This was the first request made to the Romanes by the Citizens of Alexandria in Egypt for the Romanes beganne to bee strong and they of Alexandria perceiuing the great warres and tyrannie that was in all partes of the worlde at that time And also hauing seene within Egypt more blood in the time of one Ptolomei then in twentie Pharaos for then Egypt had nothing to doe but to builde Piramides and to make Labirinths monstrous and needelesse monuments but nowe sworde and fire came into Egypt In the time of this king florished Theophrastus a famous Philosopher one of Aristotles schollers and Menedemus another Philosopher in the same time liued Menander the Tragedian Atheneus the Historian and Demetrius Phalerius In Egypt succeeded after Ptolome Lagi his sonne Philadelphus a learned prince and a great fauourer of learned men this king was iust discreete and gentle bent more to mainteine peace then to procure warres and therefore so beloued of his people and hee to them againe so louing that during his whole gouernment which was thirtie eight yeeres the Egyptians liued quietly without trouble or warres where before Egypt for a thousand foure hundred yeeres was brought vp vnder blind priests
fire vestall virgines and religious men and priestes of diuers orders as Salij Faeciales and Flamines which he instituted to serue his gods for hee was vertuous and good for when Rome was builded by Romulus Numa was borne The Cimmerians were now at this time ouerthrowen by the Scythians the Scythians entred vnto Asia and tooke Sardis the chiefest citie of the Medes and came conquering countreys and regions as farre as Palestina About this time Necho king of Egypt who a little before ouerthrewe the good and godly king Iosias is now by Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians vanquished by the riuer of Euphrates CHAP. II. Of the rest of the kings of Lydia from Ardis the sixt king vntill Craesus the last king of Lydia and of their destruction by Cyrus and the kingdome brought subiect to Persia. NOw succeeded Ardis his sonne named Sadaites the 7. king of the Lydians who as Herodot saith raigned 12. yeres but Functius saith 15. yeres Of this king nothing is mentioned with Historiographers but that in his time Ancus Martius the fourth king of Rome brought a huge armie against the Veientines which being by Martius ouerthrowen had his triumph graunted vnto him by the Senators This Martius made vpon Tiber a hauen called Hostia foure or fiue leagues from Rome and a passage frō thence to the sea The Sabines were ouerthrowen by this king as before oftentimes by his predecessors This time was Dirachium builded and Perosina Aulus Gelius an ancient writer reporteth an historie of one Arion a Lesbian borne a man of great skil in musicke a deare friend of Periander king of Corinth trauailing Sicilia and Italy he grew in great fauour with all men in all countreys and hauing in time heaped great wealth by his arte longed againe to be with Periander in Corinth Now being shipped and well forward toward Greece the mariners vnderstanding that he had much money spoyled and robbed him of his money and after being ready to kill him he befought them with teares to spare him so much time vntil he had attired himselfe in his best apparell and to licence him to play vpon his lute and to sing two or three songs before he died to the Muses which being graunted he prepared to play and sing very loude and in the midst of his song he leapt as farre as he could into the sea where the great Dolphine a fish as histories record very much entised with musicke greatly delighted with mans voyce caried him cleane vpon his backe from the water and brought him vnto an hauen of Lacedemonia called Tenarum from whence he trauailed to Corinth and opened to Periander the king the whole course of his fortune About this time Tarquinius Priscus the fift king of Rome began his gouernment in the 41. Olympiad as Dionysius writeth in the which Olympiad Cleonides a captaine of Thebes got the victorie in the games of Olympia After Sadaites folowed Haliates the 8 king of Lydia he raigned 49. yeeres in whose time though he himselfe did nothing worth the writing yet the most part of the kings of the worlde were busie the king of Assyria was in warie with the king of Egypt This time raigned in Babylon Nabuchodonosor to whose gouernment not only Assyria but al the East kings were broght vnder his becke Likewise about this time a great band of the Scythians were driuen to flee to the Medes where they were kindly harboured much made of and well intertained vntil such time as by some cōspiracie they were found rebellious vnto the king of the Medes then they fled from thence vnto Lydia to this king Haliates and being by him there succoured great warres grew thereof betweene the king of Media and the king of Lydia and continued vntil Astiages maried the daughter of Haliates vpon the which peace and great affinitie began to be betweene the Medes and the Lydians Herodotus who writeth this historie is thought of Functius and others to erre in the time In Egypt there raigned Apries whom Ieremie calleth Hophra whose name he ought to knowe for by this king Ieremie was put to death in Egypt In the 7. yeere of this king Haliates this Apries king of Egypt in the middest of his tyrannie God gaue him into the hands of his enemies so the Lord said I wil giue Pharao Hophra king of Egypt into the hands of his enemies as I gaue Zedechias king of Iuda And in another place the Lord saith I will giue the land of Egypt vnto Nabuchodonosort king of Babylon and Egypt shal be the wages for his armie to spoyle her spoyle and to take her praye For to Egypt flead Iuda for succour where they were put to the sword and not one escaped Now againe in Rome beganne Tarquinius Priscus the fift king of the Romanes he on the other side beganne to lay on about him with the Latins and with the Sabines that after he had brought the Latines with long warre to seeke fauour at his hande and being driuen out of the countrey by Tarquinius were forced to intreate for peace and to craue the Romanes friendship who by this time waxed so strong that all the West part of the world began to heare of the Romanes Now after that the Latins were vanquished the Sabines againe being olde auncient enemies of Rome a very warlicke nation with all force came against Tarquinius at what time their bridge was burned their tentes taken and themselues slaine and forced to intreat for truce for six yeres After the Sabines the Hetruscanes armed them against Tarquinius whose warre continued 9. yeres About this time the seuen sages of Greece florished whose names I thought good to put downe together for that they liued at one time Solon of Athens Thales of Milesia Pitacus of Mitilena Periander of Corinth Bias of Prienna Chilo of Sparta and Cleobulus of Lindia These singular wise men were in those dayes esteemed the rarest men of the world In this time the kingdome of Corinth failed in Periander the last king or rather the last tyrant and the gouernment was altered to a popular estate About that time Polymnestor a very yong man and as the historie hath termed him a boy being a feeding his fathers goats a hare by chance rūning by the boy folowed ranne so swiftly that he ouertooke the hare and brought her home to his father declaring the race the running betweene him and the hare to his father The matter being spread abroad the yong man was brought to the games Olympical where he wanne the victory in running and had a garland on his head as Solinus doth write Ciaxeres sōne vnto Astiages some say his father as Zonoras in his first booke but Zenophon likewise affirmeth with Iosephus that this Ciaxeres was Astiages sōne called by the name of Darius Medus of Daniel and of Iosephus but the Grecians named
tenne hundreth thousand nauies insomuch that the Persians bragged that the Ocean seas had scant sufficient roome for their nauies that all Greece was not able to giue them ground ynough and scant place for their shotts in the aire with this insolencie the Persian armie marched While Xerxes this time was in preparing such a huge host the Grecians bestirred themselues with all care and diligence to call their force together and to gather their strength together from all parts of Greece The Athenians made fourtie nauies the Magarenses made twentie nauies the Chalsidenses so many as they of Athens made which was fourtie the Peloponesians twelue nauies the Lacedemonians tenne the Epidaureans eight and the inhabitants of Agineta two and twentie the Traezeneans made fiue nauies so that the whole nomber of the Grecians nauie was but two hundreth seuentie and ons The Athenians appointed to be their generall Themistocles and the Lacedemonians made Euribiades but the Persians could not finde a fit generall for so great an armie for as Herodotus doth record it there was in the campe of Xerxes an hundreth and seuentie Myriads of souldiers You must vnderstand that euery Myriad is compted for tenne thousand so that a hundreth and seuentie Myriads are to be taken for seuentie hundred thousand men which Xerxes had in his voiage to Greece which was in the seuenth yeere of his raigne when he sailed on the sea of Helespont and marched with more boldnesse then wisedome drinking a bowle of wine to the Sunne and throwing the cuppe after his draught into the sea making a vowe that hee would not returne from this iourney before hee had brought all Greece and Europe ioyned with Asia subiect to Persia. But hee was soone deceiued for the Persians fought for money to augment their treasure the Grecians fought for vertue to defende the libertie of their Countrey for this warre of Xerxes was more taken in hande for ostentation then for necessitie to doe iniurie and not to defend iustice The authours whereof God hath from time to time punished as Iosias that good king yet for such a fault hee was giuen to the hand of Necho king of Egypt an infidel Cyrus this Xerxes grandfather for taking vnnecessarie warres in hand against the Scythians was slaine by Tomyris a woman and now this king needlesse without cause offered thought to haue eaten vp all Greece he was made a runnagate and to flee from Greece his souldiers slaine his captaines drowned and himselfe hardly escaping for within two yeeres the Persians had foure ouerthrowes The first ouerthrowe was at Thermopila where hee lost twentie thousand Persians by three thousand Grecians After they were vanquished in two sundrie great battels vpon the sea the one hard by Artimesium in Thessalia the other by the Isle Salamines from whence Xerxes himselfe was secretly forced to flee in a little boate after he had lost the last battel to his great ignominie and shame which hee neuer recouered during his life Afterward leauing Mardonius behinde him with three hundreth thousande Persians the fourth battell was giuen him at Platea where the Persians likewise were ouerthrowen Mardonius slaine by a souldier of Sparta and all Greece triumphed of that victorie CHAP. III. Of the successors of Xerxes in Persia of their warres victories and gouernment of the state of Greece and of the prosperities victories and fame they had in Xerxes time THis time flourished Greece for it had many Themistocles which was wōt to say I ouercome my friends with patience my foes with celeritie after this victory it began to be strōg and to florish in same before al nations vntil ciuil warres for Caesar was demaunded by a Romane a friend of his how he conquered so many nations in so short a time he answered by celeritie for said Caesar it was a fault found in Hanibal that after he had taken Capua that he had not layd siege to Rome This great and mightie voyage of Xerxes being thus with losse and shame finished euen hee who was a terrour to the whole world and so called terror gētium before this time was now had in contempt despised of all Persia. Artabanus who then perswaded this iourney had 7. sonnes well esteemed of the Persians and perceiuing the contempt of Xerxes with the people and how he slew his brother after this great infamie of the warre when he returned home he tooke his brothers wife and his brothers daughter and committed incest with them both but his owne vncle Artabanus his fathers brother slew him after that Xerxes had raigned in Persia 21. yeeres But Mardonius could not perswade Xerxes before his going to Egypt for he went to Egypt in the second yere after Darius death and after he had subdued them brought them into a straighter seruitude then they were vnder Darius he made his returne towards Greece leauing behinde him in Egypt his brother Archemenes to gouerne the countrey After he had bene foure yeres in subduing Egypt the fift yere he tooke this voyage with great expedition to Greece Greece then flourished for euen at that time and specially after Xerxes time their fame grewe greater by their great victories had ouer Xerxes for in Greece euery citie seemed a kingdome and so continued vntil the Peloponesian warres such magistrats such captaines as Themistocles who by Thucydides was thus commended that he excelled for his wit that he wanted neither foresight of things to come neither memorie of things past neither vnprouided of things present and what hee knewe not he would learne and what he was taught he could performe ready of wit quicke of actions and circumspect in all his doings the honor and glory of all Greece After whom Pericles was had in great estimation in Athens So of Agesilaus and Cleomenes in Sparta of Epaminondas Pelopidas in Thebes and so the rest at that time in Greece of whom I haue written in the historie of Greece After him succeeded his sōne Artaxerxes the long handed for that the right hand was longer then the left a noble and a courteous prince and the first of this name of al the kings of Persia he began to gouerne Persia after Xerxes his father at what time Perdicas the second of that name the 11. king of Macedonia raigned To this Artaxerxes fled that worthy man Themistocles being banished from Athens whom often from destruction he saued and by whom the great ouerthrow was giuen to Xerxes and to his nauie to the glory of Greece and shame of Xerxes In this Artaxerxes time florished two great Philosophers Empedocles and Parmenides Many learned men of great fame liued in Artaxerxes time as Democritus and Heraclitus two philosophers the one laughing alwaies at the folie of the world the other alwayes weeping at the misery of the world Hipocrates that famous phisition serued this Artaxerxes in Court Gorgias and Pherecides Policlitus
and Herodotus Greece began to florish in philosophie and in all knowledge about this time In this kings time the Romanes sent to Athens for the lawes of the twelue tables at what time the Romanes created tenne men named Decemuiri to interprete the lawes About this time Titus Liuius writeth that the Frenchmen came out of Scythia first with one Marcomirus to the nomber of 489. thousand to the confines of Germanie where they were called first Nemmagi by the Saxons the second name they had of Cambra the Queene and were called Sicambri and the third name of Francus a king they were named Franci as you may reade more in the history of France But to returne to Artaxerxes whose zeale to the Church was such that he commaunded the Edict of Cyrus to be performed which was hindred by Cambyses and by Darius Histaspis his owne grandfather who after once he had permitted the Iewes to haue Cyrus decree performed a good king yet he was letted to doe that which now his sonne doeth by reason of the warres which hee had in Egypt and Greece for then warres were put to silence in Asia and in the East part At this time Artaxerxes did send Esdras with great treasures and substance to Ierusalem in the seuenth yere of his raigne to build vp againe Ierusalem to repaire the temple to restore to the Iewes their common wealth This Artaxerxes is named in Esdras to be Darius by the prophet Aggeus and Zacharie at what time a great multitude of the Iewes came from Babylon with Esdras to Ierusalem though Sisines the gouernour of Syria and Phoenicia would had hindered them had not Artaxerxes commanded to helpe them All this time Artabanus mused how he might destroy Artaxerxes to haue the kingdom for to that end before he slew Xerxes this kings father that imagination was strong with Artabanus laying the like snares to murther Artaxerxes but Artaxerxes hauing intelligence of the same and fearing Artabanus sonnes seuen stout and gallant gentlemen he gathered an armie of souldiers as though he had some secret voyage in hand amongst whom Artabanus was soonest and readiest armed and as Artaxerxes vewed his armie he spied Artabanus in armes of whom stil he stood in feare vntil he preuēted the danger with Artabanus death to saue his owne life The Iewes toke this Artaxerxes to be Darius Histaspis sonne whom they called Assuerus by queene Esther By this good king Nehemias was sent after Esdras to Ierusalem with the like rewards as before From the seuenth yeere of this Artaxerxes sirnamed the long hand some do beginne the seuentie weekes of Daniel concerning the comming of Messias About this time Pericles died a noble Captaine of Athens that succeeded Themistocles and Plato was borne whose master Socrates flourished at that time Thucydides which liued in the time of Artaxerxes saith Themistocles was driuen from Athens and banished vnto Persia yea to come to serue this king whose father he anoyed so much and whose people he vanquished in foure great battels so vngrateful Athens was towards Themistocles Aristides Alcibiades and others of whom I do speake in the historie of Greece The Iewes had some quietnes from Artaxerxes time the fift king of Persia vntill the time of Ochus the eight king of Persia. Likewise the Grecians were in rest and had the cities countreis to vse with free libertie by meanes of this king Artaxerxes for the Athenians and the Peloponesians were made friends for fourteene yeeres of whose warre afterwarde Thucydides continueth his history and writeth the calamitie of Greece which ensued the ciuill warres of the Grecians After folowed the Peloponesian warres which continued 27. yeeres to the ouerthrowe of all Greece In the seuenth yeere of this warre died Artaxerxes after he had raigned fourtie and foure yeres this warre began before Augustus Caesar foure hundreth yeres About this time Capua was taken of the Samnits and Macedonia was in many places wasted and burned by a Thracian captaine called Sitalices Agis was king in Lacedemonia this time and Archidamus raigned in Sparta There liued more learned men in Artaxerxes time then in any one kings time and that in euery part and coast of the world and therefore it is not amisse to put them in one place for that they were at one time I meane one age especially of Romanes Grecians Esdras and Nehemias two noble Iewes Aggeus and Zacharias two godly Prophets Empedocles and Parmenides two great Philosophers Phericides an Historiographer of Syria Cratinus a great writer of Tragedies and Comedies Sophocles and Euripides the Tragaedians And Proclitus a Philosopher Democritus and Heraclitus two Philosophers Hippocrates a famous Phisition attendant vpon king Artaxarexes Ctesias a Persian Chronographer and one of Artaxerxes houshold Socrates flourished this time and Plato his scholer was yet but yong Herodotus and Thucydides two great writers Aristophanes and Protagoras whose bookes were burned in Athens by a publique Edict And a litle after Pindarus and Diogoras the Philosopher Zeuxes and Phidias two renowmed cunning men in cutting or grauing Images statues in painting most excellent which skill amongst the Grecians was much esteemed In Artaxerxes time liued Miltiades Themistocles Cimon and Pericles foure famous Athenians In Rome Lucius Sicinius dentatus a very strong man Tribune of the people of whose strength Plinie in his seuenth booke Cap. 28. and Solinus Cap. 6. In Artaxerxes time the Romanes sent to Athens for the twelue Tables which Solon had made to be had in great reuerence amongst the Grecians In Persia after Artaxerxes succeeded Darius Nothus this maried Artaxerxes sister Bibliander thought him to bee Xerxes sonne others named him Xerxes the seconde others affirming him to be Artaxerxes sonne but it is not much material for Chronographers omit to put him amongst the kings of Persia so Ctesias himselfe a Persian writer who liued in his dayes and serued his predecessour Artaxerxes While this Darius raigned in Persia the Egyptians againe began to reuolt at what time Amartheus gouerned Egypt and Orestes raigned king in Macedonia The Athenians made this time a league with the Lacedemonians likewise they concluded a peace with the Argiues and with the people of Mantinea by the counsell of Alcibiades This time gaue the Lacedemonians a great ouerthrow to the Argiues whereupon peace was concluded Agis being then king in Lacedemonia and himselfe generall in the fielde at Tegaea The state of Greece was to be lamented from time to time for as they did thinke all the world to be barbarous beside themselues so of themselues they could not agree vntil all Greece was through ciuil warres destroyed and wasted one countrey bickering at another and one citie enuying an other that they who triumphed oft ouer the strong Persians are now troden vnder foote of their next neighbours For in this Darius Nothus time when the Athenians had giuen an ouerthrow to the Syracusans the Lacedemonians
Thus after long seditious contentions they agreed among themselues that Antipater should gouerne Macedonia and Greece that Ptolome should gouerne Egypt and Afrike and part of Arabia Learchus should gouerne Lycia Pamphylia and the greater Phrygia Cappadocia and Paphlagonia were assigned to Eumenes to Laomedon were assigned Syria and Phoenicia to Cassander Caria to Menander Lydia and to Lysimachus Thracia Pontus and Cilicia Illyria to Philotes to Leonatus the lesser Phrygia these with others whose names Functius setteth downe These princes within fourteene yeeres by ciuill discord fell to variances and contencions that they destroyed one another such is the force of ambition that it neuer conteineth within any bounde of reason I will not repeate the names of those that were likewise assigned to gouerne the Sogdians the Bactrians the Indians and other places which in like maner through mutual dissension slue one another Alexander for a while was left vnburied in Babylon quite forgotten of all his princes vntil Ptolome as Curtius doeth witnesse sent for his body brought it to Memphis and from Memphis it was caried to Alexandria and there in his owne tombe was buried Nowe after these Princes were thus destroyed the Empire voide of any good gouernment for though they with one consent elected Arideus to bee king of Macedon yet their obedience was farre from their election but euery man aspired to a kingdome all the Countries betweene the riuer Hydaspes and the riuer Indus Taxillus gouerned In Persia gouerned Neoptolemus in Parthia Nicanor in Babylon Pencestes and Archesilaus had in his hand Mesopotamia All these practised meanes how they might from gouernours become kings for as I saide before Alexander left no king behind him for so it was before Alexander by Cyrus before Cyrus by Nabuchodonosor before Nabuchodonosor by Merodach before Merodach by Ninus before Ninus by Nimrod So God from the beginning by his great wisedome hath established kingdomes and common weales that where hee gaue his sworde there the victorie went and there the Monarchie florished so God ordeyned things to come to passe that nowe againe the Empire of Alexander should be deuided as Daniel the Prophet had before tolde saying That a strong king should come and gouerne and doe what pleased him but it should bee diuided in quatuor ventos Coeli as then it happened truely betweene foure princes though Iosephus sayeth fiue the first was Cassander the sonne of Antipater and euen hee who poysoned Alexander hee I say after his fathers death and after hee had destroyed the whole progenie of Alexander inuaded Macedonia and vsurped the kingdome the 2. Ptolo. Lagi the first king of Egypt and had the most part of Syria vnder his Scepter the 3. Seleucus surnamed Nicanor king of Babylon and of Asia the greater the 4. Antigonus king of Asia the lesse These and their posterities had entred in armes and beganne to warre within them selues that they likewise came to ruine and were destroyed one by another as you shall reade more in the histories of the kings of Asia and Syria In the meane season the Athenians againe a people euer desirous of soueraigntie vnderstanding that Alexander the great was dead were in armes against Antipater still looking to haue their former libertie ioyned with themselues the Aeolians gathered three thousand souldiers two hundred nauies now Demosthenes being banished frō Athens being at Megaris or as as Plutarch saith at Aegina for his 20. talents in bribes receiued of Harpalus was called backe by the Athenians who through his wōted eloquence allured the Argiues the Corinthians and the Scicionians to ioyne with the Athenians against Antipater who by election was king of Macedonia next after Alexander and chiefe gouernour ouer all Greece as Alexander was and his father Philip before him In these warres the Athenians had very good lucke in the beginning while yet Leosthenes their generall was aliue but hee being dead their good happe and successe died also before Leosthenes had shut vp Antipater in the citie of Lamia and straightly had there besieged him But this continued no longer then to the battel of Cranon where againe the Athenians were ouerthrowen and Demosthenes with many of their Orators fled and after to auoide Antipaters hand ridde away themselues by poyson Cassander beganne in Macedonia and in Greece to practise falshood after he had maried Arideus daughter Thessalonices for by consent of all the princes Arideus was appoinred to succeede Alexander and he reigned seuen yeeres king in Macedonia but Olympias Alexanders mother made meanes to dispatch both Arideus and his wife Euridices out of the way for that they resisted the Queene Olympias to come into Macedonia frō Epire and Olympias her selfe liued not long after for the Macedonians honoured her much for Philip her owne husbands sake and for Alexander her sonne vntill shee became to be cruell and to vse much tyrannie But Cassander who farre exceeded her in murthering and in destroying tooke her also and commaunded her to bee slaine and likewise commaunded Roxana Alezanders wife to be kept and to be looked vnto being sent with her sonne Alexander to Amphipolis but she her sonne was slaine While in this sort Cassander fomed in blood Antigonus who had obteined to be king of lesser Asia came in armes against Cassander Lysimachus king of Thracia and Seleucus king of greater Asia ioyned with Cassander and the battell was giuen at Gaza a citie of Palestina where Demetrius Antigonus sonne had the worse Cassander within a while after this battell died when he had reigned eighteene yeeres After whom succeeded two sonnes of Cassander named Antipater and Alexander who in much discord and with much adooe they reigned foure yeeres this young king Antipater after he had reigned three yeeres perceiuing that his mother was more bent to fauour her other sonne Alexander with his owne hand slue her vpon this vile murther Alexander presently sent to Demetrius for ayde and to reuenge his mothers death vpō his brother Demetrius was glad to heare such newes that Antipater had slaine his mother and nowe Alexander to rise against his brother sawe an open passage hereby offered vnto him to become king of Macedonia which so came to passe for both Antipater and Alexander one destroyed another for Lysimachus slue Antipater and Demetrius Alexander left the kingdome to Demetrius the posteritie of Cassander had no lōger time in Macedonia it was Gods iudgement for this Cassander as it is reported poysoned Alexander the great being with two other of his brethren Iolla Philip gentlemen of his priuie chamber their race ended for in the time of Antipater and his sonne Cassander Demosthenes Demades and the most part of the noble Orators of Athens were slaine And nowe Demetrius the sonne of Antigonus was proclaimed king of Macedon and beside Macedon he had Thessalie and the most part of Peleponesus hee further did
Asia euen to flee to Ptolomey where he was claptin prison frō whom he secretly stale away and fled but being taken by theeues was slaine About that very season his brother Seleucus by a fall he had frō his horse lost both his life and kingdom after he had raigned king of Asia and Syria 20. yeeres and so these two brethren by discord lost both Syria and Asia After this Seleucus came succeeded his sonne Seleucus Ceraunos the 5. king of Asia and Syria he after he had raigned 3. yeeres was slaine by one of his owne noblemen named Nicanor Then followed Antiochus surnamed the great the 6. king of Syria who indeed was so great that he wanne to his kingdome more then any of his predecessors and hauing long warres in Egypt with Ptolome Philopater by him for all his greatnes he had an ouerthrow or two But this Philopater died and left behind him a young sonne whom he committed for the safegard of his kingdome to the Romanes commending both his sonne in his minoritie his kingdome into the fidelity of the Senators for all kings in their distresse fled vnto the Romanes as to a sanctuary of refuge Now Antiochus the great in his minde contemned the Romanes made warres in Egypt vpon this yong king to whom the Senators sent Embassadors commanding him to auoyde Egypt not to warre vpō the yong king whom the Senators of Rome tooke to their tuition Antiochus esteemed not much the threatning of the Senators but rather despised the messengers making his armie ready against the Romanes hauing by this time Hannibal who by Scipio Affricanus was ouerthrowen at the battel of Zama which was the last ouerthrow of Hannibal for the Carthagineans had lost Sicilia Sardania Spaine and Hanibal was driuen out of Italy to Affrike and frō Affrike to Asia vnto king Antiochus where he was with great curtesie receiued By this time the Senate had intelligence that Nabis the tyrant had inuaded diuers countreies of Greece subdued manie cities and therefore they wrote vnto Titus Flaminius that Greece should be set at libertie from Nabis as Macedonia was from Philip. The greatnes of the Romanes was such that they thought to execute all warres by their commandement yet the name of Hannibal caried great reputation with all men and specially with the Romanes who had for 16. yeeres well tried his valure Antiochus at the first made much account of Hannibal for had he followed Hannibals aduise in his warres against the Romanes afterward as he did at the first Antiochus had done farre better for Hanibals counsell was that Antiochus should make warre with the Romanes in Italy for said he Italians must ouercome Italy and Romanes must conquere Rome Hanibal hated the Romanes and therefore he studied how to set forward Antiochus and perswaded Antiochus who trusted still in peace that as the Romanes had gotten the most part of Europe and Affrike so would they not giue ouer vntill they would get Asia if they might The authoritie and credit of Hanibal made Antiochus so to yeeld that Hanibal himself was sent to Syria to leuie a great nomber of ships he was made general of Antiochus army by sea together with one Apollonius This battel by sea had no good successe the victory fel to the Romans Apollonius fled and as Plutarch saith we find that Hanibal did nothing worth the memory After this battel assoone as Antiochus was ouercome by the Romans Hanibal fearing he should be deliuered to the Romans fled to Prusias king of Bythinia at whose hands he was required againe by Tit. Flaminius Now king Antiochus hauing lost 50. thousand footmen and 4000. horsmen was forced to desire peace which the Senate graunted him vpon conditions that he should auoid forth of Europe and Asia and medle no further but within the precinct of Taurus and also that hee should pay to the Romanes tenne thousand talents and 30. pledges for the assurance of his prouinces and lastly that hee should deliuer Hanibal who had bene the only procurour of the battel These conditions being performed by Antiochus the Senate gaue all those cities of Asia which Antiochus had lost to Eumenes king Atalus brother they gaue also to the Rhodians diuers other cities for that they had assisted the Romanes against Antiochus After this great victorie Lucius Cornelius Scipio returned to Rome and with great glory triumphed and then obtained the like name in Asia as his brother had before in Affrike which was to be called Scipio Asiaticus for that he conquered Antiochus the great at Magnesia had driuen him out of Asia euen as his father the elder Scipio was called for subduing of Hanibal and the driuing out of Hanibal of Affrike Scipio Affricanus All this while the Iewes were so much troubled betweene the kings of Egypt and the kings of Syria that they found that same true but specially by the king of Syria and therefore the Iewes rather did ioyne their force to the Egyptians against the kings of Syria for while Antiochus held warres with the Romanes Scopas king Ptolomey Epiphanes general was in Coelosyria possessed Samaria other cities of Iudea and molested the Iewes at that time much vntill Antiochus ouerthrew Scopas at the flood Iordan destroyed his army got those cities which Scopas had and entred into Ierusalē where he was fully pleased with rewards and satisfied with money with whom they had peace for Iudea as I said before had peace and quietnes frō Alexander the great vntil Antiochus the great which was 100. yeres and odd About this time 3. notable triumphes were at Rome the one by Scipio forth of Affricke before whose chariot Asdrubal was led the other by Metellus foorth of Macedonia before whose chariot Andriscus was led this was that false named and coūterfaited Philip the thirde triumph was by Metellus sirnamed Mummius ouer the Corinthians before whom were caried the brasen ensignes and painted tables and other sumptuous ornaments of that famous citie CHAP. II. Of that wicked and most blasphemous king Antiochus Epiphanes sonne to Antiochus the great and the type of Antichrist of his vsurpation and tyrānie of the kingdom of his sacking and crueltie in Ierusalem of his bloody warres and persecutions of Christians DVring the warres of Antiochus the great with the Romans ciuil warres began in Greece againe betweene the Athenians and the Aetolians Of these warres reade Polibius and Plutarch in the life of Philopomen Likewise Mithridates king of Parthia waged battel with the Sinopians About this time Siphax king of Numidia was after sundrie battels by Masinissa ouerthrowen and driuen out of his kingdome This time Pharnaces the fourth king of Parthia conquered those people called Mardi astoute nation as Iustine saith In the time of Antiochus the great there happened in one yeere 57. earthquakes insomuch that Rhodes and Caria were so shaken thereby that the
he was wise eloquent and discreete whom the people honored much and whose counsel Tarquinius vsed in any doubtful action as an oracle he was brought vp in militarie discipline as both the Sabines and Hetruscans can testifie This king perceiuing that Ancus Martius sonnes had slaine king Priscus his predecessor and his father in lawe vnderstanding himselfe to stande in the like danger if they should liue they being right heires to the Empire of Rome Seruius by decree banished the sonnes of Martius out of the territories of the Romanes yet Fabius Pictor saith that they were the sonnes of Tarquinius Priscus but hee is reprehended and conuicted with probable reasons by Halicarnassaeus But howsoeuer it was the like ende that Tarquinius Priscus had by Ancus Martius sonnes the same had Seruius Tullus by Tarquinius sonnes both murthered As touching the gouernment of Seruius Tullius in the warres against the enemies of Rome he excelled his predecessours and brought the people the townes and cities about Rome most willingly to yeeld themselues after that he had triumphed ouer them with 3. solemne triumphes for this king for the space of 20. yeeres waged warres with the Hetruscans with the Sabines and others so that he conquered at length all places about Rome without blood for the Romans yet had no great force to make warre farre from Rome for during the time of their kings which was 244. yeeres which was the first infancie of Rome they had their handes full to answere those next cities and their next neighbours dwelling about them This king was the first that inuented mustering of men which before this time was not knowen as Eutropius saith in al the territories of Rome for in Seruius Tullus time the names of all the inhabitants of Rome were taken and accompted by the pole there were found in the Citie of Rome eightie foure thousand Citizens able men In Seruius time brasse was coyned in Rome and after Seruius time two hundred yeeres there was no siluer coyned in Rome By this king three hilles were annexed to Rome the one was called Quirinalis the seconde Viminalis the third called Esquilinus By this king the walles of Rome were entrenched rounde about and by this king was a faire Temple builded vpon mount Auentine to the godesse Diana Reade more in Dionysius Halic but the end of this king was as I saide before to be slaine by the wickednesse of his sonne in lawe Tarquinius who was sonne to the last king Tarquinius Priscus whō this Seruius Tullus succeeded the treacherie of his owne daughter whō he had espoused to the said Tarquinius Thus was he slaine when hee had reigned fourtie foure yeeres king of Rome During which time reigned in Egypt king Amasis and in Macedonia Alcetas In the time of this king Seruius Croesus the last king of Lydia was conquered by Cyrus and the kingdome of Lydia brought vnder the Persians at what time Cyrus beganne his Empire in Persia after he had conquered Astiages the last king of the Medes and made Medea as Lydia was subiect vnto Persia at one time for Cyrus grew in Seruius time the strongest king and the onely Monarch of the worlde for after he had conquered these two great kings Croesus king of Lydia and Astyages king of Media he also at that instant subdued Balthasar the last king of Babylon so that he adioyned to the Empire of Persia the kingdomes of Media Lydia and Babylon This time did Daniel prophecie of the foure Monarchies by the foure beastes rising out of the seas the very ground of all Chronicles In Seruius Tullius reigne happened the renowmed and famous battell betwixt the Argiues and the Lacedemonians three hundred against three hundred on either side to trie and to make a full conquest by them of all their warres which happened to the Lacedemonians for that three of the three hundred escaped and all the rest on both sides died manfully in the fielde This time florished Stesichorus and Hiponax likewise Anaximenes the Philosopher and Chilo one of the seuen wise men liued in this age Nowe I will returne againe to Rome and speake of Lu. Tarqninius surnamed the proud who succeeded Seruius Tullus in the kingdome not lawfully but by force and strength in the 601. Olympiad sixteene ye●…es before the begining of the nineteenth Iubilee In this Olympiad Agatharchus wanne the victorie in the games of Olympus This king as hee entred vnto the kingdome of Rome with force and violence so hee continued with crueltie and tyrannie farre differing frō Tarquinius Priscus his graundfather This king planted himselfe in Rome against the Senators and the people and garded himselfe with wicked and lewde people translating the whole gouernment of the kingdome into tyrannie he maried his daughter to the Gouernour and Dictator of the Latines named Octauius Mamilius of the stocke of Telegonus the sonne of Vlisses by Cyrses to strengthen himselfe against his enemies This Tarquinius was maried to Seruius daughter a very vertuous and modest lady and his yonger brother named Arnus maried the yonger daughter of Seruius a wicked and lewde woman not of the disposition of her elder sister a match vnfitte for so quiet a husband not like his elder brother the difference betweene Tarquine the proud and his brother or his sōne as some suppose also the differēce betweene the two sisters was great the one rash cruell wicked false and full of all impietie to whom happened an honest sober and vertuous lady and yet could not doe any good vnto him and to his good brother being gentle courteous good godly happened as I tolde you that wicked scorpion the yonger sister who when that she coulde not perswade her husband to any wicked acte shee came to him I meane to Tarquine the proude who was as ready as shee to kill to murther and to commit any wicked thing else shee councelled him and shee furthered him to murther the olde king her father and to take the kingdome into his hand What should I rehearse the number of this womans faultes Reade ●…iui and Halicarnassaeus and you shall reade how Tarquinius slue the king his father in law and vsurped the kingdome and afterward how tyraunt like he gouerned the Citie of Rome vntill he became so odious as he was deposed from his Throne and banished from Rome aswell for his owne tyrannie and murther as also for his sonne Arūtius Tarquinius his rape and wicked incontinencie for when he had forced a noble woman named Lucretia the wife of Colatinus who when shee had of this iniurie complained to her husband and other her friends in the presence of them all she slue her selfe the filthines and horror of this wicked acte kindled the heartes of the Senators and the people against Tarquinius Sp. Lucre. Pu. Val. Publicola C. Lu. Iunius Brutus sware in that place the destruction of Tarquinius and hee himselfe
After this triumphs Scipio was sent to Spaine to the Numantines who had a little before discomfited Q. Pompeius the Consul ouer whom he had his second triumph but shortly by Scipio the citie of Numantia was subdued hee had triumphed ouer Affrike About this time Attalus king Eumenes his father some say his brother died and made the people of Rome his heire and so by testament Asia was annexed to the Romane Empire notwithstanding warre ensued in Asia by Aristonicus a base sōne of Eumenes in that warre Pub. Lucius Crassus was slaine his head cut off and brought to Aristonicus and his body buried at Smirna It is written of this Crassus that he might brag of 5 principal great gifts To be most noble The most wealthiest The most eloquent To be the most learned ciuillian And to be the most high Bishop About this time Carthage in Affrike was reedified by the cōmandemēt of the Senat after that it was subdued by Scipio 22. yeres and as writeth Polib diuers Citizens of Rome went to dwel in Carthage Not long after this Scipio was found dead in his house not without great suspiciō of Caius Graccus now warre was by the Romanes cōmenced against the Thraciās at what time triumphed in Rome the two brethrē Metelli in one day the one ouer Thracia the other ouer Sardinia the wars of Iugurth immediatly after this ensued of whō Salust maketh menciō This was the sōne of Micipsa king of Numidia who hauing two other brethrē beside himselfe named Adherbalis and Hiemsalis these Iugurth slue and vsurped the kingdome for this fact the Romanes sent Lucius Calphurnius then Consul against Iugurth but hee did no good for hee was corrupted with money After Spurius Albinus Posthumus was sent by the Senators who fought with Iugurth but with great dishonour The thirde time Quintus Cecilius Metellus was sent who vanquished Iugurth and subdued Numidia at last tooke him and brought him prisoner to Rome Of this Iugurth you shall reade more in the Affricane historie and I will lay downe the names of the Romane Consuls captaines and generals that triumphed from the ende of the second Affricane warre which was from Scipio Affricanus the elder vntill the time of Scipio Affricanus the yonger which was 56. yeeres 1 Ti. Quin. Flaminius 2 Lu. Flamin his brother 3 Lu. Cornelius Scipio surnamed Affricanus 4 Lu. Valerius Flaccus 5 M. Portius Cato 6 Lucius Manlius 7 Scipio Nasica 8 Ti. Sempronius Longus 9 Spu. Posthu Albinus 10 Quintus Martius 11 M. Aemilius Lepidus 12 M. Sempro. Tuditanus 13 Lucius Anitius 14 Au. Manl. Torquatus 15 C. Lu. Crassus 16 Quintus Opimus 17 Sci. Affrica the yonger 18 Q. Cecilius Metellus 29 C. Cecilius Metellus 20 Lu. Cornelius Cnima 21 M. Liuius Drusus 22 C. Papirius Carbo 23 Lu. Celius Metellus 24 Cneus Octauius These with many other noble Romanes florished in those dayes for nowe the Romanes after all their wars in Affrika brought all kingdoms vnder the Empire of Rome for frō that time forward the glory of Rome did excel sauing for some ciuill wars that grew beeene Marius Silla after beweene Pompey Caesar els Rome was in her greatnes for in the 646. yeere after the building of Rome Caius Marius a man of great seruice amongst the Romanes in consideration that he had bene seuen times Consul in Rome was the onely cause of the first ciuil warre in Rome vpō indignation taken that Silla was preferred in the wars then against Mithridates king of Pontus who had already done good seruice in Asia Achaia though Mithridates had perswaded the Atheniās to resist Silla for at that time Mithridates held a great part of Asia in his hand and of Thracia so that many thought that Mithridates should in time conquer the Romane Empire for he was eager and cruell against those that loued the Romanes But Silla in spite of Mithridates his philosopher Athenius his successor Aristo the tyrant besieged Athens and wanne it where he killed a number of the Citizens many before were famished for a measure of wheate called Medinus was sold in Athens then for a thousand Drachmes which doe mount to a hundred crownes which before in time of peace was sold for fiue Drachmes After he had taken Athens he marched to Beotia and ouerthrewe Archilaus Mithridates generall slue a hundred thousand of his men and from thence to Thebes and did much harme both to the Citie and Citizens Marius disdaining the good successe of Silla made meanes to the Senate to haue that warre into his hand which Silla had against Mithridates This was graunted to Marius whereupon Silla in a great furie with all his armie returned backe to Rome entred the Citie killed Sulpitius slue many and draue Marius to flight and secretly went to Apheca Silla and Marius beganne nowe both to neglect the warres abroade against Mithridates and like two furious enemies of Italie spoyled their countrie and gaue libertie to the enemie to vanquish and subdue in this time Armenia the lesse and all the sea coastes called Ponticum and Bosphorus Silla by consent of the Senate tooke his iourney against Mithridates recouered Greece as you heard and other prouinces But to be short Silla ouercame Marius after many hotte broiles in Italie concluded peace with Mithridates returned to Rome at what time Lu. Scipio and Norbanus were Consuls in Rome These both thought to resist Sillas comming to Rome but Lu. Scipio with all his armie went and yeelded to Silla and the other Consul fled to Rhodes where for feare to come to Sillas hand hee slue himselfe That yeere Silla was made Dictator in Rome sixe hundred seuentie three yeeres after the building of Rome at what time he tyrannized against the Citizens of Rome so that Silla after much good seruice first done to his countrie afterwarde fell to such slaughter and tyrannie that he had beene better vnborne then borne And so of Marius may be spoken who plaied the like part before Silla and were both called faces faeces Italiae for their bloodshed in their coūtrie for Marius before Sillas slaughter and murthering of the Citizens of Rome hee killed Cneus Sulpitius and others so Sulpitius and others slue in Rome Cneus Octauius and many of the best of Rome aswell Noble men Senators Consuls as others This ciuil warre in Rome as Eutropius and Melancthon affirme endured tenne yeeres in the which were slaine aboue fiue hundred thousand souldiers twentie foure Consuls seuen Pretors fourtie Tribunes and as they write three hundred Senators beside Reade Melancthon of this warre Now after that Silla had these tenne yeres fomed in blood and had subdued both Marius and his sonne the yonger Marius hee triumphed ouer Mithridates with great glory In the latter yeeres of Silla young Pompey afterwarde surnamed the great for his prowesse courage was much honored of Silla
Maxentius vnder colour of cruel pretence thinking to goe to Fraunce as intrueth he went meaning to kill his sonne in lawe Constantinus accusing his owne sonne how he repulsed him frō Rome and would haue killed him if he had not fledde but his guile was detected by his owne daughter Faustina who disclosed all her fathers conspiracie to her husband Constantine whereupon Herculeus fledde to Massilia where hee was slaine a man voide of all humanitie hurtfull to all c. After Herculeus was slaine Galerius dyed and then the empire was gouerned by Constantinus and Maxentius whose fathers were before them emperors and by Licinius and Maximinus but so many lordes coulde not agree long for Constantine vanquished Maxentius at Miluius bridge Within a short time warre grewe betweene Licinius and Maximinus and to auoide the emunent mischiefe Maximinus dyed suddenly at Tharsus Constantinus being of a hautie courage coueting to bee a sole Emperour made warre vpon Licinius dis deare friend and his brother in lawe who had espoused his daughter Constantia with whome hee had diuers battailes the one in Hungaria the seconde in Cybale the third in Nicomedia a famous Citie of Bythinia where Licinius yeelded himselfe to Constantine and yet contrarie to the lawe of armes and to the othe and promise made betweene them Licinius was slaine nowe there was no warre in Rome but betweene the Emperours and nothing is to be written but of murthering and killing of Emperours where before men wrote of their forreigne victories of their conquests of kingdomes of their triumphs of their pompe and glorie of their port and fame in so much that the Romanes onely bragd of themselues and said Magna agere fortia pati Romanorum est Nowe Cerausius fledde before to Britaine from Maximianus where in Dioclesians time hee was slaine by Alectus his companion after hee had kept Britaine by force for three yeeres after Cerausius and Alectus Alectus was subdued by Asclepiodotus captaine of the garde and so Britaine was recouered againe within tenne yeeres after Cerausius had taken it Nowe after that Maximianus Herculeus was slaine at Massilia thinking to returne to his sonne Maxentius againe Constantine the great hauing intelligence of these practises betweene the father and the sonne presently after the death of the father Maximianus hee commenced warre vpon his sonne Maxentius and ouerthrewe him as you heard before Then the great Constantine hauing the Empire in his owne hande hee appointed Constantinus Crispus his sonne to haue the gouernment in Fraunce his other two sonnes Constans and Constantius had the rule in the East partes his three sonnes were made three Caesars and him selfe made Augustus His great fortune was such that Constantinus was surnamed the great for hee was compared for the good successe hee had in the beginning of his Empire to Cyrus the great king of Persia and to Alexander the great king of Macedonia and in like sort prospered as they did at the first but afterwarde being altered from his wonted gentle and flexible minde hee persecuted his owne blood he slue his owne wife Fausta and his sisters sonne a very notable young man hee persecuted sundrie of his friendes and many of his alliaunce Constantinus was endued with many excellent vertues hee was of such passing industry in wars that he sūdry times ouer threw the Gotes wan great praise among the Barbariās This emperor was much adicted to the study of the liberall artes and he endeuored to gaine the loue of the people There was nothing wanting in Cōstantine that should be in a good emperor he enacted and established many sound lawes to the Romanes and furthered the Church of Christ with al care diligence for he destroyed many temples of the Gentiles In his time sundry Synods were called which shalbespoken of in another place specially the great Synod at Nice in Bythinia where 318. Bishops were together at what time the heresie of the Arrians as ouerthrowen He rebuilded in Thracia Byzantiū and named it after his owne name Cōstantinople and he reedified in Bythinia a towne called Drepana named it after his mothers name Helenopolis of whom Eusebius doeth write that Helena the mother of Constantine found the crosse whereon our Sauiour Christ suffered at Ierusalem and when he had made great preparation against the Parthians he dyed in Nicomedia after he had reigned thirtie one yeres and had liued sixtie sixe yeeres and left behind him his three sonnes Constantinus Constans and Constantius to succeede him in the Empire Hee left also a very gallant young man his brothers sonne named Dalinatius which was slaine in an vprore which fell among the souldiers in Thracia The three sonnes of Constantine had the Empire among them as by will and testament Constantine had commaunded but the elder brother not long after his fathers death attempted warre against his youngest brother at Aquileia and was slaine and then the Empire fell betweene the two other brethren Constantius and Constans the one gouerning in the East the other in the West In the same sort was Constans slaine in the Castle of Helena at Magnensium as his brother Constantine was in Thracia The third brother had diuers and sundry battels against Sapores king of Persia who neuer had good successe in any battell hee tooke in hand but that battell which hee fought at Singara and yet susteyned the losse of the victorie of that battell Thus the two sonnes of so worthie an Emperour dyed without any great conquest made Nowe by this time new matters grew in Illiria for Magnentius possessed Italie Fraunce and Affrike after the death of Constans though Sextus Aurelius writes otherwayes Yet this Magnentius was made Emperour by the souldiers at what time in Rome Nepotianus sisters sonne to Constantine the great was also by the people their created Caesar whom Magnentius returning from Affrike to Rome subdued within twentie eight dayes after he was made emperor after he created his owne brother Decentius to be Caesar reigned ioyntly three yeeres and sixe moneths vntil the vnhappy battel at Marsa where a great number of the Romanes were slaine and Magnētius vanquished who shortly after slue himselfe at Louaine Which newes being toulde to Decentius hee for very griefe hanged himselfe This time Constantius deputed his vncles sonne Gallus to be Caesar ouer the East partes but shortly after both Constantius and his cousin Gallus waged ciuil wars in the which warre Gallus was slaine by Cōstantius This time Syluanus being made Caesar attempted newe matters in Fraunce and was likewise slaine within thirtie yeeres after Now Constantius was Emperour alone and hauing the whole Empire in his owne hand he appointed Iulianus his vncles sonne and brother to Gallus Caesar ouer Fraunce This recouered the spoile of the Barbariās the townes and cities which they besieged and slue a great armie of the Almaines at Argētine
Empire decayed For as the Romanes were strengthened by the subduing of the Latines and Albanes Crescit Roma Albae ruinis euen so Fraunce became strong by the ruine of Rome 1 After Farabertus succeeded his sonne Sunno and raigned 28. yeeres 2 Hildericus the sonne of Sunno 40. yeeres 3 Batherius the sonne of Hildericus 18. yeeres 4 Clodius the sonne of Batherius 27. yeeres 5 After Clodius succeeded his sonne Walterius and raigned 8. yeeres 6 After Walterius raigned his sonne Dagobertus or Degenbertus 11. yeeres 7 After him his sonne Clogio 2. yeeres 8 After Clogio his brother Clodomirus raigned after him 18. yeeres 9 After Clodomirus his sonne Richimerus raigned 13. yeeres 10 After him raigned Theodomirus 10. yeeres 11 After him raigned Clogio 18. yeeres 11 After Clogio Marcomirus the thirde of that name CHAP. IIII. From Faramundus the first king that had all Fraunce in his hand and from whom all Historians and Chronographers beginne the historie of Fraunce who beganne his raigne in Fraunce in the yeere of our Lord and Sauiour 420 of the lawes gouernment and warres from that time vnto Clodouaeus the first Christian king of Fraunce and so vntill Clodouaeus the second of that name and the 12. king after Faramundus NOw this Faramundus the sonne of Marcomirus the great when hee was made king of Fraunce he cōmitted the charge of his former gouernment which hee had in the East Fraunce to his brother Marcomirus he gouerned the Frenchmen in Gallia 7. yeeres and he augmented the crowne of Fraunce with more territories as Mosellana Augusta and other places He instructed the rude people and brought them from rudenesse to ciuilitie taught them to liue vnder a lawe made decrees and statutes to gouerne his countrey Here the crie of Chronicles for Pau. Aemilius writeth this historie farre otherwise so doeth Langaeus and hee saith that the Frenchmen were named Franci of one Francio the sonne of Hector But the trueth of this historie is found rather in Tritemius and Hunebaldus with whom both Functius and Lazius doe agree In this they agree all that from Faramundus time the kings of Gallia were nombred Iulius Caesar who long serued vnder the Romans in France deuided Gallia into three countreys from the riuer of Rhein vnto the riuer Sequana and that countrey is called Gallia Belgica from the riuer of Sein vnto Garumna that countrey is called Celtica and from Garumna vnto the mountaines Pyrenei which is called Aquitania which was before called Amorica With this Plini doeth accord All these people were in ancient time called Celtae Reade Strabo and Plini in the description of Gallia from mount Pyrenei to the riuer Garumna lieth Aquitania from thence to Sequana dwelt the Celtes and frō thence to the riuer Rhein the Belgians I will passe to the kings who beginne in this Faramundus time to be kings of Gallia after 870. yeeres warres by his predecessors before he raigned seuen yeeres and others affirme 11. yeeres In this Faramundus time the Lawe called Salica was made After whome succeeded Clodius his sonne sirnamed Crinitus or Comatus the second king of all France which was called then Gallia he raigned 28. yeeres and plagued the remnant of the Gaules which dwelt in Gallia vnconquered He gaue diuers sharpe battels to the Romanes and commaunded by an Edict that the Frenchmen should let their beards and the haires of their head grow and so to combe keepe it without cutting because they might bee knowen hereby to be the Frenchmen and to make a difference betwene them and others that dwelled within Gallia wherefore he was sirnamed Clodius Crinitus In the sixt yeere of his raigne he ouercame those people called Senouenses and Aurelionenses which dwelt about Lutetia and ioyned them to the kingdome of Fraunce He likewise in the ninth yeere of his raigne subdued the Saxons the Trentones the Doringes and brought all that part of Fraunce bordering vpon the sea into subiection and in the thirtieth yere of his raigne he also brought Bataui Tungri Menaxij and diuers other people that were cōmorant in the edge of France at what time the Gothes had done great harme in that part of Fraunce called Aquitania and also the Burgundians subdued much in Lugdunum This time the Scots and the Pictes inuaded Britaine and spoiled the countrey and did much harme About this time Atala king of that nation called Hunni in Germanie had much to doe with the Romanes and both gaue and tooke diuers repulses This Clodius when hee had enlarged the kingdome of Fraunce with the most part of Gallia and had raigned twentie yeeres some say 17. yeeres hee died in whose time Valentinianus had married Eudoxia the daughter of Theodosius the Emperour by whom Valentinianus was made Augustus This time Theodosius waged warres against the Vandols who had a king named Giezirichus who had license by Valentinianus to dwel in Affrica who had dwelt there in despite of the Romans for the space of 95. yeeres vntil by Iustinianus the Emperour they were thence expelled and driuen out and at that very time the Hunnes entered and spoiled Thracia and Illyrica and subdued with sword and fire vntill they came to Thermopila Likewise in the foureteenth yeere of this Clodius the Gothes brake their league against Spaine and possessed with the sworde the next territories to Spaine and besieged the citie of Narbon This time Patricius was sent from Celestinus then bishop of Rome to Ireland to instruct the Irishmen in the Christian faith of this Patricke the Irishmen bragge much In the time of this Clodius Vortigerus with the Saxons by deceit and craft inuaded Britaine for hitherto the Britaines kept tacke with the Romanes sometime in warre with them and sometime in peace Reade more of this in Beda This was in the yere after Christ 446 at what time great persecution was in Affrike vnder king Giezirichus the Vandole and the heresie called Eutichiana beganne to rise in Constantinople This time raigned in Persia Vararanes the fift of that name and fifteenth king of Persia. After this time we reade of no mention made of any Olympiad though long before they were little vsed for the Olympiads flourished vntill the time of Lucius Silla the Dictator yet vsed for computation sake but with most absurd and grosse errours both of Zenophon and Thucydides who little vsed them and yet erred in them though they liued and wrote then when the Olympiads most flourished and it made me also oftentimes to auoyd the Olympiads in my histories for that I found great errors in them But I will come to the thirde king of Fraunce Meroueus the sonne of Clodius who succeeded his father and raigned 12. yeeres others say but 10 and so the errour which was in the yeeres of Faramundus is corrected and amended This king lost nothing which his father got He did not onely defend and maintaine all
which he sinned and therefore died for it was meete in reason that the same day the second Adam for the saluation of mākind should sanctifie vnto himselfe his spouse the Church in which he had created the first Adam the father of mankind taking a ribbe out of his side made a woman for as man was formed the sixt day and did eate of the tree the sixt houre so the Lord Iesus reforming man is fastened to the tree the sixt day and sixt houre and that day wherein Christ was killed and slaine in the flesh and in the which day he was made a redeemer and a Sauiour to man that had perished It is so euident that that day the Lord obeying his father suffered death wherein Adam being disobedient vnto God died for as Adam by eating of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge brought death to the world so Christ our Sauiour dying vpon the tree of the crosse gaue life vnto man And againe as Christ was crucified in Golgotha for the sinne of man so Adam was dead and buried in that place before by transgressing the commaundements of God Looke in what day Adam transgressed in the coole of the day was hee condemned and put out of Paradise so faith Rabbi Isaac that the creating of Adam and the commandement and the fall and the driaing out of Paradise all befell the selfe same day Many of these Analogies seeme probable for the confirming of these opinions afore spoken For as it was kept in the tree which was the instrument of life and death so is it also kept in time and place But thanks be vnto God who deliuered vs from the fal from the curse from death hell damnation and from going out of Paradise which was our portion held by the first Adam but now all things are made manifest by the second Adam by the appearing of Messias who hath abolished sinne and death and hath brought life and immortalitie vnto light through the Gospel for as Eue being a virgin and incorrupted when she had conceiued the words of the serpent brought foorth by disobedience death so the virgin Mary full of faith and gladnesse embracing the salutation of the Angel Gabriel restored life through Christ who redeemed man from thraldome So was the promise of God before Adam was brought out of Paradise that the seed of the woman the Messias and Sauior in whom and by whom we haue eternall life should tread the Serpents head This comfort was very great vnto Adam and continued from Adam the first man vnto Abraham 1949. yeeres the first Patriarch wherein the children of God were instructed by this promise and saw through faith the redemption of man Now by the sentence of God Adam was sent from the garden of Eden to till the earth whence he was taken and being cast out at the East side of the garden of Eden the Lord God set Cherubins and the blade of a sword shaken to keepe the way of the tree of life Afterward Adam knew his wife which conceiued and bare Caine an argument to prooue of no long continuance of Adam in Paradice And againe Eue conceiued and had another sonne and called him Abel for yet the blessings of God the state of mariage and mans nature were not vtterly abolished through sinne but the qualitie and the conditions thereof was chaunged Caine was a tiller of the ground and Abel was a shepeheard they offred both to the Lord sacrifice and it is plaine by their oblation that how Adam instructed his children in the knowledge of God and how God gaue them sacrifices to signifie their saluation for so Adam confessed the Lord to be God saying I haue obtained a man by the Lord when Caine was borne God tooke not his spirit frō his elect neither did absent himselfe frō the church For the first godly Fathers had the law writē in their hearts by the spirit of God The first table where the cōmādemēts were grauē was flesh which was in Adam the secōd was giue in tables of stones to Moses But as cōcerning their oblations Caine offered vnto God of the first fruite of the groūd Abel likewise offered the first fruit of his shepe Abel with his sacrifice was accepted of the Lord and Caine with his oblations was reiected For so Paul saieth that Abel offred vnto God a greater sacrifice then Caine by the which he obtained witnesse that he was righteous because GOD receiued him to mercy and therefore imputed righteous God testifying of his gifts by the which being dead yet liueth wherefore Caine was angrie and exceeding wroth and his countenaunce fell downe because he was an hypocrite and offered onely for outward shew without sinceritie of heart yet God gaue vnto Caine the dignitie of the first borne ouer Abel But Cain contemning despising God whē he was reproued of God for the murthering of his brother Abel whom he entised to walke to the fields to be killed whose blood euen from earth cried vp vnto heauen for reuenge at Gods hand at that time the curse of God was pronounced against Caine and he went from the presence of the Lord wandring from place to place with tortures of a guiltie conscience according to Gods sentence as domesticall furies night and day seeking meanes to hide himselfe with the like guiltie conscience as Adam had when he fled from the face of God when hee was called of Iehoua in Paradise Where art thou Adam Caine went to the land of Node thinking by being farre from God he should haue lesse occasion to feare him Caine had some visible marke to be knowen of all men for God said he should not be slaine not that he loued him but for that God abhorreth murther and would haue a murtherer knowen Caine knew his wife which conceiued and bare Henoch and builded a citie and called it after his sonnes name Henoch this was the first citie of the world there hee dwelt with his wife To Henoch was borne Irad and Irad begate Mehimal and he begate Methushael and Methushael begate Lamech these children grew vngodly and wicked as most naturall and like children to Caine the last worse then the first for this contemptuous Lamech tooke to him two wiues the one named Adah the other Zillah thereby he first corrupted the lawfull institution of mariage which was that two should be one flesh Afterward he mocked scoft at Gods sufferāce in Cain saying If Cain shal be auenged seuen fold truly Lamech shall be auenged seuentie times seuen fold as though God would suffer none to punish him albeit hee was most contemptuous of good liuing most vngodly and wickedly hauing 76. children in adulterie as Iosephus writeth but by Adah he had a sonne named Iubal who was the first that taught to make tents and to dwell therein and he was the first father of such as had cattell Lamech had a sonne named Iubal who was the first
figure thereof he said by the spirite of prophesie that vvhen his sonne Noah vvas borne this should comfort vs concerning our vvorke and sorovv of our hands as concerning the earth vvhich the Lord hath cursed The last man of the first age vvas Noah a iust and vpright man in his time before God hee likevvise vvalked vvith and obeied GOD in all things and therefore found fauour vvith God vvith vvhom God made his couenant established the same vvith a signe for thee only haue I found iust and righteous in this age vpon the earth for Noah vvas called the righteous preacher preaching vnto the vvicked for amendment of life and because they vvere luld in all kind of securities and feared not God Noah departed from them and vvent to another land for hee vvas vvarned of God of things that vvere not seene as yet concerning the Arke God vvas so much offended vvith the vvickednesse of the vvorld that his vvrath vvas kindled to see such iniquitie vpon earth for the whole world was corrupt before God and vvas filled with crueltie all flesh had corrupted his way and all imaginations of mans thoughts were so euil and wicked that it repented the Lorde to haue made man and as it were disauowing man to be his creature they were so addicted to intemperancie lust gluttonie and securitie the foure principall causes of the flood which for sinne destroied man and beast and yet in mercie God spared man 120. yeeres to repent before he woulde destroy the worlde No dout many things haue bene written of the olde Patriarches in the first age and thought of many writers that Adam and his sonne Seth had made two tables of stone wherein they wrote many goodly things to their posterity The best warrant is read in Iosephus for that he trauailed much in the historie of the Iewes and their other histories called Drash for their Rabbies heape many fables beside the historie of Moses in their Chronicles called Drash so Philo Iudaeus Herodot and Melancton from them affirme It is written againe that Adam and Seth foreseeing the deluge of the world caused two pillars to be set vp the one of brickes the other of brasse one to resist the violence of the water the other to endure the rage of the fire but I see no reason that Adam should prophecie the same to be from God and yet he being man sought meanes by naturall reason and waies by arte to preuent the euerlasting decree of the Almighty Iosephus might wel erre in that I thinke that many things are written of the Iewes which doe not agree with the purpose of Gods prouidence nor his counsell for the Iewes recorded in their bookes of histories called Drash any thing that might be coniectured true and which they themselues supposed in opinion to be true as the maners of their Talmudists were Iosephus a great writer of the Iewes antiquities the best Historiographer of Chaldean histories who wrote more and is more to be commended then any other and because he thinketh much amisse for any man to seeke recordes of antiquities amongest the Graecians men of late knowledge hauing their beginning and first originall from Egypt and Chaldea specially Assyria and Chaldea the first seate of man after the flood for the Greekes began to flourish in the declining age of the world when that Assyria Chaldea Egypt and other places of the East were wasted consumed with sword and fire for so it seemeth by the Philosopher Calisthenes report then being with Alexander the Great at the siege of Babylon writing vnto his cosin Aristotle who had bene his preferrer vnto Alexander to that purpose he might search out the Libraries of Babylon and to certifie Aristotle of those antiquities specially of Astrologie wherein the Chaldeans past and of their monuments wherein the Greekes were ignorant for Calisthenes sent vnto Aristotle howe that Babylon was farre more famous for all kind of learning and knowledge twelue hundred yeeres past then it was when Alexander the Great did besiege it certifying him with recordes of 19. hundred yeeres before Alexanders time Berosus an ancient writer and a man of great authoritie amongst the Chaldeans saith that Arphaxad one of the sonnes of Sem whose birth vvas 2. yeeres after the flood christened the first name of this Countrey after his ovvne name aftervvarde it vvas called Cephem and novve last named Chaldea of the situation of this Countrey and the seate of Babylon I vvill let the reader reade of it in Ptolom●…us and in Pomponius Mela. I vvill goe on vvith my historie When C ham the second sonne of Noah had begotten a sonne named Chus and Chus had begotten a sonne named Nemrad this began to take armes and to become great in his doings he became mightie in earth vsing violence and force against all people framing himselfe to be first Emperour of the vvorlde so full of crueltie and tyrannie that it grevve vnto a prouerbe as it is in the Genesis as Nemrod the mightie hunter before the Lorde his oppression vvas such that he passed not to commit crueltie euen in Gods presence This Nemrad began to rule in Babel in the land of Shinear aftervvard called Chaldea vvhere he and his companie returning from Armenia vvhere they after the flood began to build vp an high tower whose top should reach vnto heauen to get them a name vpon earth least they should be scattered ouer the whole earth thinking through pride and ambition to preferre their owne glory before Gods honor but vaine is the helpe of man their wicked enterprise was ouerthrowen for God sawe their follie and so confounded them in their deuises in their speach that one could not vnderstand another Then were they deuided and scattered then confusion of tongues began which was then in the house of Heber onely the Hebrew tongue then began people to seeke out countries and to inhabite the earth The posteritie of Sem to great Asia Persia Assyria and Chaldea and all the regions about Euphrates towards the East part of the world The posteritie of Cham went to Egypt Aethiope Libya and possessed all places about Nilus and reached towards the South vnto the furthest part of Affrica and the posteritie of Iaphet possessed all the Westcountrey the lesser Asia and all Europa of whom all the Gentiles sprang out Thus much for the first age from Adam vnto Noah 1656. Now I meane particularlie to follow my historie as the reason is offered vnto me by following the sonnes of Noah their children and posterities frō the land of Senaah vnto euery part of the earth CHAP. I. Of the most ancient and true historie of the Hebrewes after called Israel of their lawes and originall gouernment called Oligarchia from Abraham vnto Moses THE historie of the Hebrewes for that it is most ancient from Hebers time the fourth from Noah and most true for that it is written by Moses and confirmed by the
was commanded by Samuel to take armes against the Amalekites to spare neither man woman or child cattell or beasts but for sauing of Agag the king and few of the fattest beasts for sacrifice Saul lost his kingdome disobedience was the cause thereof Some may thinke the cause to be small that Saul did to be reiected from his kingdome the sparing of a kings life So likewise may they iudge of the men of Bethshemesh who because they had looked into the Arke of the Lord he slew 50. thousand three score and ten men for it was not lawfull for any either to touch the Arke or to looke within it saue only to Aaron the high priest and to difobey GOD and to breake Gods commaundement is a thing most terrible Now though Saul spared Agag disobeying God yet Samuel most zealously without any further delay hewed him in pieces After this Samuel returned to his house to Bethleem where he was commaunded to annoint one of the sonnes of Ishai king of Israel and hauing all the seuen sonnes of Ishai before him saue the yongest which was Dauid who kept his fathers sheepe in the fieldes Samuel commaunded Dauid to be sent for at whose comming the Lord said to Samuel Arise annoint him for this is hee And Samuel tooke the horne of oile and annointed him king in the middest of his brethren and the spirite of the Lord came vpon Dauid from that time forward and the spirite of the Lord departed from Saul And now though Dauid was annointed king by Samuel the Prophet yet GOD would haue Dauid to be exercised in many things before hee should haue the vse of the kingdome After this Samuel went to Ramah to his house and came no more to see Saul vntill Saul died Samuel loued Saul much and mourned much for him and God therefore reprooued Samuel Samuel was a godly Iudge ouer Israel who with great care and diligence serued God and gouerned his people keeping his circuite once euery yeere from Bethel to Galgala and from Galgala to Masphat and from Masphat to all townes vpon his wayes to Ramah where Samuel dwelt and there hee set vp an altar vnto the Lord and iudged Israel Euen so did Debora sit vnder a Palme tree betweene Ramah and Bethel iudging and determining causes of the people This Prophet gouerned Israel fortie yeeres Saul being deposed and throwen from his kingdome hee fell vnto great melancholie imagining how he might compasse and bring things to passe with troubled minde for the euill spirite of the Lord came vpon him that hee oftentimes was molested and vexed with troublesome thoughts And to ease the king of these agonies instruments of Musike with all kind of harmonie were thought very necessarie of his counsell Dauid was called and sent for by Saul to plaie vpon the harpe before Saul for hee was skilfull in Musike so Saul loued Dauid and made him his armour bearer While Saul was in this melancholie moode the Philistines were againe in armes against Israel wasted their countrey destroyed their Cities and prouoked the Hebrewes to warre Saul made readie his hoste but while yet they were preparing for the battell Goliah a mightie huge man a great Giaunt vaunted forward from the hoste of the Philistines by himselfe cried and called for a combate if any one man of the Hebrewes durst defying Israel and blaspheming their God But GOD prepared Dauids heart mightie and valiant and with a sling to bee able to ouerthrowe this Giant for Dauid by the experience which hee had in time past by Gods helpe nothing doubteth the danger of Goliah sithence hee killed a Lion and a Beare before this time being but a shepeheard in the field Hee was fullie perswaded by Gods spirite to haue the victorie ouer Goliah being mooued with a feruent zeale to be reuenged vpon this blasphemer But true it is Comes virtuti inuidia Here Saul began to enuie Dauid and to laie snares to kill him for great actions are full of dangers But there is no danger where God defendeth and saueth the vertues of Dauid purchased much enuie much daunger which Dauid escaped by the prouidence of God But Saul still deuised his destruction vsing all policies and inuenting many stratagemes to ouerthrow Dauid promising Dauid his daughter Michol to wife seeking at Dauids handes nothing but valiant courage and seruice agaynst the Philistines But the more victories Dauid wanne the more danger ensued him the greater seruice he did the more he was enuied and hated for Saul feared Dauid seeing the Lord was with him and Ionathan the sonne of Saul told Dauid the wicked purpose of his father so that Dauid was driuen to flee from Saul and to hide himselfe in a Caue Samuel the Prophet about this time died and was buried in Ramah his owne citie Dauid being still persecuted of Saul wandred and fled from Saul to Achis king of Gath where hee should haue a charge vnder the king to fight against Israel which troubled him not a litle yet such was the infirmitie of Dauid that he durst not denie the king Now Saul all this while following his wicked purpose consulted with a witch to know of Samuels spirite the successe of his kingdome by whom I meane not Samuels spirit but the spirit of Satan he was fully certified of his ruine and of the end of his kingdom which happened to Saul and to his children for it fell out that Saul killed himselfe and his children were slaine in the battell a cruell life hath a desperate end After the Philistines found Saul Ionathan Abinadab and Malchishua his three sonnes lying dead in mount Gilboa after the victorie and the Philistines cut off Sauls head and stripped him out of his armour and they laied vp his armour in the house of Ashtaroth their idole and hanged his bodie on the wall of Bethshan in token of victorie and triumph Saul died after the deliuerance of Israel from Egypt 473. yeeres after the calling of Ioseph into dignitie in Egypt 660. yeeres and after the flud 1234. yeeres Thus the wicked in their pompe and pleasure consider not the iudgement of God During this time raigned Dircillus ouer the Assyrians the 31. king and Aeneas Siluius the 4. king of the Latines In Athens this time raigned Codrus the last king of the Athenians betweene whom and the Peloponesians grew great warres and continued vnto the last destruction of all Greece In the time of Saul certaine people were driuen out of Thessalia called Boeotij they found a land to inhabite which at this day is called Boeotia before named Cadmeia The The kings of Sicyonum called otherwise Peloponesus ended in Sauls dayes euen when Israel began their kingdom About this time the kingdom of Lacedemonia began where first raigned Euristhenes of whom descended Leonidas and Cleomenes two valiant captains which ouerthrew the Persians in the great battell at Thermophila About this time descended the stocke of
hundred sixtie two yeeres and Iuda which continued three hundred ninetie three yeeres but both Iuda and Israel forsooke God and followed idolatrie vntill GOD at length by his iust iudgement destroyed them vtterly for the rigour of Roboham in following of lewd counsell made the people to rebell the house of Dauid against the house of Israel hee folowed women and had eighteene wiues and threescore concubines hee had eight and twentie sonnes and three score daughters Roboham forsooke the Lord and therefore Susack king of Egypt came vp against Ierusalem ransackt the Citie spoyled the Temple and tooke the treasures of the Citie and of Robohams house this was the first destruction and affliction of Ierusalem for Roboham had transgressed the commandements of God for no calamities could come to Israel no countrey might annoy them no king could hurt them But when the Lord gaue them ouer for sinne this Susack king of Egypt came in the fift yeere of Roboham with twelue hundred chariots with three score thousand horsemen and the people were innumerable that were with him as Iosephus saieth foure hundreth thousand footemen came from Egypt with him Lubins Sukimes people of Affrica called also Troglodites he had Aethiopians Egyptians with diuers other more nations he tooke the strong cities of Iuda and caried their treasure to Egypt After the time of Roboham who raigned 17. yeeres succeeded him in Ierusalem his sonne Abia against whom Ieroboam straight after Robohams death came in armes with great expedition they both prepared for the battell the greatest armie that euer was in Israel Abia had foure hundred thousand chosen men Ieroboam had eight hundred thousand men and the battell met and fought and for that Abia trusted in the Lord who is the stay of all kingdomes and the giuer of all victories hee had such a victorie ouer Ieroboam that Israel fled before Iuda and God deliuered them vnto the hands of Abia being yong of yeeres and too tender to execute such a charge and to gouerne such an armie so that the slaughter was great euē fiue hundred thousand chosen men slaine so that Iudea preuailed against Israel at that time because they depended vpon the Lord of their fathers so Ieroboam was brought vnder at that time Hee was so pursued by Abia his strong Cities taken his men slaine himselfe hardly escaped the Lord plagued him that he could not recouer strength in Israel againe all the dayes of his life For because God made him a king of a seruant and he neglected the seruice of God and forgot his benefits therefore he was iustly punished for Dan and Bethel was the first and the greatest cause of his fall I neuer read in prophane histories of such a number neither in the historie of the Church foure hundred thousand souldiers in one armie and eight hundred thousand in the other Ieroboā after he had raigned in Israel 22. yeres died See you the anger of God for idolatrie in seruing worshipping the calues of Dan and Bethel for God gaue Israel ouer vnto their last destruction which was in the time of Salmanasser Senacheribs father for Iuda deuoured Israel and Israel deuoured Iuda that both at length were destroyed and ouerthrowen Iuda by Nabuchadonosor Israel by Salmanasser both Ierusalem and Samaria made euen to the ground in the time of Zedechias the last king of Iuda and Osea the last king of Israel Then succeeded Ieroboham in Israel Nadab their second king the naturall sonne of Ierobohā wicked malicious cruel following his fathers steps in idolatrie all wickednes But God stirred vp one tyrant to punish an other for Nadab did offend in prouoking the people to commit idolatrie with his golden calues and as hee was most busie in besieging a towne belonging to the Philistims named Gibbethon he was slaine of Baasha according to the Oracle of God before spoken The sinne of Ieroboam was great and therefore Baasha was appointed by God to destroy all the house of Ieroboam he slewe Nadab and reigned in his steede In Iuda nowe reigned Asa a wise godly and discreet man an obseruer of the lawes of God a walker in his waies and in Israel Baasha the 3. king reigned warre grewe betweene Baasha king of Israel and Asa king of Iuda Ramah was builded by Baasha to that purpose that none might goe in or out to Asa king of Iuda who followed the example of Ieroboam But Asa assembled all Iuda and tooke the stones of Ramah and the timber thereof and builded Mizpah and Geba two great townes in Iuda the warres continued betweene the house of Israel and the house of Iuda But still the Lorde had respect to Dauid and to his stocke for Baasha and all his posteritie had the like ende as Ieroboam had and his house But Asa walked right before God he destroied idolatrie tooke away the altars of the strange gods and brake downe the images and cut in peeces the groues hee deposed his mother Maacha from her regencie and threwe downe her idols which she had made in a groue Asa brake it stampt it and buried it at the brooke of Cedron commanded Iuda to seeke the Lord and to serue him for he knewe like a godly king that in abolishing of idolatrie and aduauncing true religion the rest and quietnes of kingdomes stoode For when Zareus king of Aethiopia came against him with an huge armie of ten hundreth thousand to Maresa a towne of Iuda Asa praied vnto God when he should goe to fight and acknowledged all victories to come from God and therefore obtained the victorie ouer the Aethiopians slewe them and pursued them to Gerar and there was no warre in Iuda vnto the 35. yeere of Asa. Yet he was reproued by the Prophet for his couenant with Benhadad king of Syria and likewise offended God to trust in Physicions to helpe his disease not to seeke helpe at Gods hands About this time Elias and Elizeus were borne in the middle age of the world Capetus Siluius nowe reigned the 9. king ouer the Latines Eutropius calleth this king Epidus In Assyria gouerned Ophrateus and in Lacedemonia the fift king Doristus at what time Smyrna was builded in Samos in king Asas time Nepher Cherres reigned in Egypt king for 4. yeeres and after him succeeded a king in Egypt called Amenophis who reigned 9. yeeres In Athens gouerned Phorbas the 5. Iudge and in Corinth ruled Basis the 5. king after whom their kings were called Bacidae as the Romane Emperours were named Caesares In these daies Hiel the Bethelite did build Iericho which fel before in the daies of Iosua at the sounding of the trumpets and shouting of the Israelites But the iudgement of God followed Ieroboams house according to the Prophet saying to Nadab and to Baasha that slewe Nadab That dogges should eate him that died in the citie and the fowles
that the olde Assyrian Empire possessed but a litle part of Assyria Modicam quandam Assyriae partem obtinuit as Dionysius affirmeth for during the time and gouernment of the first kings of Assyria euen from Nynus the first king vntill Sardanapalus their last king was fabulosum tempus the trueth of their historie and the glory of their Empire appeared from the time of Phul Belochus which was father to Phul Assur and in the sacred Scripture named Tiglat Assur This Phul Assur was father to Salmanasser and Salmanasser was father to Senaherib At this time it was called newe Assyria whose Empire was againe after the death of Saneherib by Merodach brought into Babylon for in Babylon the first Empire began after translated from Babylon to Niniue and now from Niniue to Babylon againe where it ended in Balsaar as it shall be shewed when the historie commeth to it In this kings time the Midianites preuailed much against the children of Israel for seuen yeres and they were sore oppressed vntill Gedeon was sent to be their deliuerer and to be their iudge Then Pannias or otherwise Pannas was the 25. king of Assyria in whose time the kings of Argiues ended their kingdome their Empire was translated into Mycena after they had gouerned as kings 540. yeeres In this time reigned in Athens Pandion and Mydas gouerned in Phrygia About which time Abimelech the tyrant vsurpeth the kingdome of Israel and putteth seuentie of his brethren to death Habuit mercedem for at Thebes as Abimelech was besieging a high strong Towre a woman did cast a piece of a milstone vpon his head and brake his braine panne after he had bene a iudge in Israel three yeeres In the 24. of Pannias happened the fourth Iubilee after Moses In this kings time likewise ruled in Israel Thola a iudge of the tribe of Isachar and gouerned the people of Israel 23. yeres After this reigned Sosarmus 19. yeeres in Assyria It is written that Orpheus the Thracian the most famous and most auncient musitian liued at this time Iair the Gileadite gouerned Israel 22. yeeres this iudge had thirtie sōnes that rode on 30. asse coltes men of great authoritie for they had thirtie Cities in the land of Gilead and they kept the land in peace 22. yeeres Now Faunius Iunior gouerned Italie to whom Euander came from Arcadia and had giuen him certaine lands in Italie which Euander called afterward Palatinum Manethon writeth that Hercules Amphitrions sonne was borne about this time of whom the Poets faine that he was the sonne of Iupiter of this man more shal be spoken amongst the Grecians when I speake of their histories But againe to the Assyrians who had after Sosarmus a king called Mytreus the 27. king and raigned 27. yeeres in the latter ende of this kings raigne Hercules killed Cacus the great giant in mount Auentine after Hercules ouerthrew Troy and killed the king called Laomedon and made Priamus his sonne king of the Troyans who againe repaired and builded vp Troy to be one of the strongest townes of the worlde This Hercules came to Italie fiftie and fiue yeeres before AEneas comming and gaue to the Italians lawes Reade of this more in Halicarn lib. 1. In Israel after Iudge Iair died it was 18. yeres interregnum without a Iudge and they wrought wickednes in the sight of the Lord againe and serued Baalim and Ashtaroth the gods of Syria and the gods of Sidon the gods of Moab the gods of Ammon and the gods of the Philistines and God was angrie with them and deliuered them to the handes of their enemies who vexed and oppressed them 18. yeeres vntill the time they put away the strange gods and serued the true God with great repentance Ishai the father of the Prophet Dauid was borne about this time three hundreth yeere after the Israelites going out of Egypt Nowe with the Assyrians Tautanes the 28. king beginneth to rule about which time Hercules appointed the games of Olympia where all the Grecians came to exercise feates of armes running and wrastling with all other kinde of exercise 430. yeeres before the Olympiads began This time happened in Egypt in the Isle of Pharao a great deluge called Diluuium Pharaonicum which did ouerflowe the whole countrey which was seldome seene in Egypt for that they haue no raine but onely the ouerflowing of Nilus which once a yeere happeneth vnto them By this time Iephtah was made Iudge in Israel a valiant man but for that hee was a bastard sedition grewe in Israel against Iephtha by the Ephraimites his brethren thrusted him out and Iephtha fled to the land of Tob but hee was made afterward captaine ouer Israel and hee subdued the Ammonites from Aroer to Abel 20. cities and slew 42. thousand of the Ephraimites and for the victorie here of he sacrificed his daughter vnto the Lord according to his vow though it was rash vnlawful In this Tautanes time raigned 4. Iudges Iephtha 6. yeres Ibzan gouerned 7. yeres some thought this to be Boas the husband of Ruth the grandfather of Dauid this had 30. sonnes and 30. daughters After him Elon of the tribe of Zabulon iudged Israel 10. yeeres and after Elon ruled Abdon this Iudge had 40. sonnes and thirtie sonnes sonnes that rode on 70. assecolts and he gouerned Israel 10. yeres and died About this time Theseus rauished Helen the wife of Menelaus which being by Adoneus king of the Molosseans taken was rescued by his felow and alwayes his companion Hercules In the kingdome of Assyria succeeded Tautanes who raigned 40. yeres of which we reade nothing worth the writing At this time Samson the sonne of Manoah of the tribe of Dan gouerned Israel 20. yeeres he plagued the Philistims who had kept Israel vnder hand for their sinnes wickednes for God was angrie with them for notwithstanding all his goodnes his mercy towardes them and his miracles amongst them yet they still rebelled and moued the Lord to wrath this Samson was the last Iudge of Israel Then the state of the Israelites gouernment was altered and they were vnder Ely the priest At this time raigned a king that gouerned the Thuscanes named Ocnus Beanor this builded Mantua the coūtrey where Virgil was borne which the Romans called after Hethruscanes Now that the race of the Iudges of Israel is ended which continued from Moses death vntil Samuel 357. yeres God suffred kings to gouerne his people and appointed his Prophets to direct his kings this came to passe in Samuels time who anoynted Saul king ouer Israel and they both together raigned 40. yeeres By this time Tyneus the 30. king of the Assyrians raigned in Niniue 30. yeres and in the 13. of his raigne the 7. Iubilee of the Iewes began The kingdome of Hispane before called Iberia before that time Celtiberia is in this time deuided into prouinces into seueral gouernmēts of
changed betweene 12. Princes which should equally gouerne the whole kingdome of Egypt so did for 15. yeres as Diodorus affirmeth After this one of the 12. princes obtained into his owne hand the whole kingdome and gouerned 54. yeres after augmenting the confines of Egypt by the ayde of certaine Grecians which against their wils were driuen into Egypt by a tempest with whom Psammiticus entred into friendship and came thereby to be king of Egypt To these Grecians did the king giue a countrey to dwell in farre from Nilus with these Greekes Psammiticus cōmaunded that certaine yong gentlemen of Egypt should be brought vp in the Greeke tongue which afterward made Egypt acquainted therewith While yet Psammiticus was one of the 12. magistrats before he became king these 12. consented to make some monument in memory of their gouernment therefore they erected many huge strange works as pillars porches labirinths Piramides temples other sumptuous buildings they also studying how to passe these monuments inuented to make a Labirinth vpō the lake of Meris not far frō the city of Crocodiles for so the Egyptians had cities according to the names of those fowles fishes and beastes which they had honored for their gods and had erected temples for sacrifices in these cities and though the temple of Diana in Ephesus the temple of Iuno in Samos were huge monstrous for their bignes yet the Piramides of Egypt were farre more greater But the Labirinth far excelled this greatest Piramides for within this Labirinth were chambers parlers halles and other roomes to the number of three thousand whereof an hundreth and fiftie were made vnder the ground and the other aboue ground with such artificiall worke with the pictures and likenes of all kinde of creatures that it farre excelled all the monuments of Egypt and the place whereupon it was made and builded was a lake of three thousand sixe hundreth furlongs which are three hundreth seuentie and fiue miles which is more wonderfull then the Labirinth it selfe Herodoti fabula But now to the king Psammiticus againe who hauing long layd siege to Azotum a citie of Syria and after many yeeres ouerthrowen for it was the longest siege that euer endured which may be read of Psammiticus died after whom succeeded his sonne Necho of whom the Prophets make true mention and therefore Herodotus Diodorus and others may be the better spared being prophane writers because hee and his doings is mentioned in the sacred histories of whom the Prophets write that the wrath of God was ripe to giue iudgement against Egypt at this time for Egypt had so long offended the Lorde with their vaine superstition and idolatrie Now Necho was cried out vpon by the Prophet Ezechiel which was by the riuer Perath and gaue sentence against all Egypt in this sort Howle and crie woe be vnto Egypt the sworde shall come vpon Egypt and feare shall come vpon Aethiopia Pathros shall be desolate and fire shall be in Zoan which is Taphnis Thus the Prophet cried out againe I will powre out my wrath vpon Shin which is named in histories Pelusium and I will destroy the multitude of No the yong men of Auen which is otherwise called Heliopolis and of Phibeseth which is also named of olde Pubastum shall fall by the sworde CHAP. III. Of the last kings of Egypt by the name of Pharaos which continued a thousand two hundreth yeres and of the first conquering of Egypt by Cambyses the second king of Persia. THis time great warres grewe betweene the Assyrians and the Egyptians the greatnes of both these kingdomes which then were the onely kingdomes of the world were destroyed by the sword for so the Prophet saide that Egypt should be the reward of the king of Babylon for his labour which he tooke against Tyrus and so it was performed in Necho after much mischiefe that he had done to Israel he was deliuered into the hands of Nabuchodonosor for so the Lord said I will strengthen the armes of Nabuchodonosor and the armes of Pharao shal be weakened Of this Necho and Aprie the last Pharaos mentioned in Scripture had full triall for Necho raigned seuenteene yeeres and left behind him a sonne named Psammis which raigned 6. yeeres and making warre with the Aethiopians died About this time Phaortes king of the Medes with al his army was ouerthrowen by the Assyrians at what time the Scithians entred into Asia spoiled and wasted almost to the countrey of Palestina Tullus Hostilius the third king of Rome died in the beginning of the raigne of Necho Herodotus doth place Apries the sonne of this Psammis This king for a time prospered like his grandfather Psammiticus but I wil admit Herodotus to speake of this king Apries for the like cause as before for I finde that he is called in Ieremie Hophra To this king many of Ierusalem fled from the hand of Nabuchodonosor where they were as well entertained as with Nabuchodonosor for so the Prophet said that the sword should follow them into Egypt and Pharao should destroy all that fled from Nabuchodonosor who at that very time tooke the citie and brought all Iuda captiue into Babylon though Ieremie perswaded the contrary yet they of Iuda vowed to burne incense vnto the Queene of heauen and vnto the gods of Egypt but the God of Abraham and Isaac gaue them ouer to the sworde and destroyed them with famine And after that Apries had fedde his tyrannie against the Iewes and had slaine the Prophet Ieremie afterward he ouerthrew Sidon besieged Tyre and had done great harme in Iudea and the word of the Lord came vnto him saying I will giue Pharao Hophra king of Egypt into the handes of his enemies and into the hands of them that seeke his life euen into the hands of Nabuchodonosor Though Herodotus affirmeth as other prophane histories doe that Apries was after the ouerthrow of Sydon forsaken of his people and vanquished by Amasis at Memphis and caried captiue from Memphis into Sais into his owne pallace before But now Amasis raigned king in Egypt and ruler of Apries throne thus Apries after he had raigned thirtie fiue yeeres died by the handes of his enemies During the raignes of these two last kings Necho and Apries which was fiftie three yeres many destructions of countreys and cities happened as the destruction of Niniue and also Assyria by Ciaxeres king of the Medes the destruction of Hierusalem and all Iudea by Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon and the warres betweene the Chaldeans and the Egyptians which continued seuen and twentie yeeres the victorie whereof fell to the king of Babylon as the Prophet before had sayde I will giue the lande of Egypt into the hande of Nabuchodonosor for wages to his Armie This time raigned in Rome Ancus Martius the fourth king and Tarquinius Priscus the fifth king Europus raigned now the seuenth king of Macedonia
idolatrous superstition giuen to all errours onely acquainted with the Egyptian tongue Now Philadelphus with greater care and zeale of his countrie then any of his predecessours had before kept with him diuers and sundrie learned men as Aratus Callimachus Apollonius Theocritus Hipparchus the Mathematician and Demetrius Phalerius the Philosopher which at that time was banished from Athens and receiued in Egypt Philadelphus a prudent and a learned prince and cōuersant with learned men knewe well that the Iewes religion their lawes their maners and their seruice of God did farre excell all the nations of the world he sent great presents and giftes to Eleazr the hie Priest then being at Ierusalem entreating him to send learned men of the Hebrewes that coulde translate the bookes of Moses and the Prophets into the Greeke tongue that Egypt might be acquainted with the worde of God aswell as Iuda to whom Eleazar sent seuentie two learned men to interprete and to translate the Bible After this hee prouided in Alexandria such a famous Librarie to the common vse of learned men as farre excelled all other Libraries And as Melancthon sayth hee caused many other thinges to bee translated into the Greeke tongue hee restored the poore Iewes that dwelt captiues in Egypt into libertie hee sent for learned men into all Regions hee honourably mainteined them and louingly vsed them that Egypt florished with sound doctrine and vertuous men for euen then Iesus the sonne of Sirach gathered in Egypt together many wise sentences and godly speaches many learned and vertuous lessons which his graundfather before had written in Ierusalem which hee nowe augmented with care and diligence and compiled in a booke which is reserued in the Church to great vse This king excelled all the Pharaos before him and all the Ptolomeis after him and during his reigne he studied to mainteine peace and to auoide warre and therefore bestowed his daughter Berenices to Antiochus surnamed Theos who offered diuers iniuries to mooue warres against Egypt but while Philadelphus liued Egypt prospered florished with all good successe but after that Philadelphus died his sonne Ptolomei Euergetes reigned twentie sixe yeeres of whom Daniel saide that the kings daughter of the South which was Berenices Philadelphus daughter and this king Euergetes sister shoulde come to the king of the North to make agreement but Daniel saide it shoulde not continue for shee shoulde bee deliuered to death and out of the budde of her rootes shall one stande vp named Euergetes and shall enter with an armie into the fortresse of the king of the North which is called Antiochus Theos and doe what hee list and shall preuaile Hee plagued the Syrians and reuenged Berenices his sister with diuers victories for hee caried captiues into Egypt their goddes with their moulten images and their precious vessels of siluer and golde for after Seleucus had lost his Nauies by a tempest on the sea hee geathered an armie by lande and gaue battaile to Ptolomei but the like misfortune fell then vnto him and the victorie happened to Ptolomei for hee was driuen to flee to Antiochia and from thence to craue his brother Antiochus helpe which then gouerned Cicilia Ptolomei hearing of these newes concluded a peace with Seleucus and returned into Egypt after he had fully requited his sisters death vpon the Syrians During Euergetes reigne the Parthians beganne their kingdome who were all named Arsaces as nowe the kings of Egypt were called Ptolomei this time the warres of Africke beganne betweene the Carthagineans and the Numidians at that time Amilcar was sent captaine generall into Spaine for Carthage in this Euergetes time certeine enterludes were appointed by the oracle of Sibilla in Rome named Floralia the fourth kalends of May in the honour of the goddesse Flora for faire weather and fruites of the earth like vnto the feast named Rubigalia which Numa Pompilius instituted the seuenth kalends of May in Rome After this Ptolomei Euergetes had reigned twentie sixe yeres he died whom succeeded his sonne Ptolomei surnamed Philopater a cruell beast and not a king but a monstrous tyrant a murtherer both of his wife and his sister Euridices whose filthy and lewde life is better to passe with silence then to expresse in writing of whome Iustine saide Noctes in stupris dies in conuiuijs consumsit letting his strumpet Agathocles and her mother Euanthea to rule and gouerne Egypt as pleased them for none might lesse commaunde in Egypt then the king nor none might doe more in Egypt then women for nothing delighted Philopator but women and dauncing and whatsoeuer Agathocles would that also Philopator would Against this king Antiochus the great king of Asia and Syria came towarde Egypt and beganne to take and spoile those Cities of Syria which held with Philopator the king of Egypt Antiochus comming forwarde towarde Egypt Ptolomei Philopator mette him and gaue him battell at Raphia a Towne in the Confines of Palestina where Antiochus the great was ouerthrowen and put to flight and forced to intreate for peace at Philopators hande and so Philopator king of Egypt gotte the victorie ouer Antiochus and recouered those Townes of Syria which Antiochus had woonne before This victorie was well gotten but not well vsed for Philopator was so puffed vp with pride and insolencie that hee thought hauing ouerthrowen Antiochus the great hee might well also ouerthrowe IEHOVAH the great entred Ierusalem spoyled the Temple slue the Citizens and made hauocke of Gods people some to bee deuoured of beastes and some to bee quartered by men Reade the Machabees further of this but specially reade the eleuenth of Daniel where the whole historie of the kings of Syria and Asia of Egypt of Persia of Greece and of the Romanes are before spoken by the Prophet There it said was by Daniel that Antiochus and all his armie should be deliuered into the handes of Philopator and after that victorie it was by the Prophete saide that Philopator shoulde waxe arrogant and proude and that he shoulde contemne and blaspheme the Lorde of Israel and the God of Iacob that hee shoulde prophane the Temple destroy the people and in his furie excell in tyrannie but at length hee shoulde not preuaile for hee was poysoned and so died after his most wicked and incestuous life leauing behinde him a sonne by his sister Euridices of fiue yeeres olde when hee had reigned seuenteene yeeres I passe briefely these Histories of Egypt for that in the historie of the kings of Syria and Asia the kings of Egypt are likewise spoken of and in the Machabees also you may reade further of this Antiochus for since the death of Alexander the great the kings of Syria and Asia could not agree with the kings of Egypt vntill the last destruction of both the kingdomes by the Romanes and therefore assoone as euer Philopator died Antiochus streight againe sought to inuade Egypt vnderstanding this Ptolomei
stone of the same ring was an Ancre imprinted which afterward was the cognizance of all Seleucus posteritie This ring did Laodice deliuer to her sonne Seleucus at that time when great Alexander tooke his conquest to Persia vnder whom Seleucus was then a souldier for hee was but base borne as in that historie ye may reade further yet this Seleucus after that Alexander died had growen to be the onely great king of all Alexanders successours and builded a great citie and named it Antiochia after his fathers name which was Antiochus a captaine vnder king Philip Alexanders father The elder that Seleucus waxed the more ambitious hee was euen so was Lysimachus as olde as hee the one seuentie and foure and the other seuentie and seuen and yet both giuen to seeke more kingdomes and at last seeking one to conquer the other as it came to passe after many battels Lysimachus was ouerthrowen and slaine by Seleucus Of this great victorie he waxed so proude that he forgate the frailenesse of fortune and the inconstancie of time not thinking that his death should be within seuen moneths after for Ptolomeus sirnamed Cerainon whose sister Lysimachus had maried reuenged the death of his brother in lawe This battell betweene Lysimachus and Seleucus was the last battell of all those that serued Alexander in his conquest for as Lysimachus ouerthrew Pyrrhus so Seleucus ouerthrew Lysimachus and now Ptolomeus ouerthrew Seleucus and that as I said before within seuen moneths after Lysimachus ouerthrow But Iustine saith Seleucus was slaine by snares and falshood By this time died the most part of those that were Alexanders princes and in his iourneyes with him chiefe captaines as Perdicca Craterus Emmenis Antigonus Antipater Cassander and his two sonnes Polibius saith that Ptolomeus the sonne of Lagi Lysimachus Seleucus and Ptolomey Cerainon died in the hundreth twentie and foure Olympiad which was after Alexanders the great tenne Olympiads which is fourtie yeeres for he died in the hundreth and fourteene Olympiad All writers doe agree of this Olympiad for the Greekes compted their yeeres from Alexanders death forward for before Alexanders time the Greekes histories erred much and specially by their Olympiads which made Chronographers to erre for al chronicles crie out vpon the Olympiads Seleucus after he had gotten so great fame that all Asia and Syria obeyed him he beganne to builde townes and cities as Antioch Laodicea Seleucia Apamia Edissa Berouea and Pellum and brought the Iewes to inhabite these cities he gaue them equall lawes and ordinances together with the Grecians to liue and to enioy their libertie thereby and after he raigned one and thirtie yeeres he died After him succeeded Antiochus Soter the second king of Syria hee raigned 19. yeeres after whom succeeded Antiochus sirnamed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This king played his part hee was the cause of all the warres betweene the Egyptians and Syrians he had great spite vnto Philadelphus the king of Egypt wasted and spoiled much of his countrey this king Philadelphus was adicted more to peace then to warre more giuē to his books then to brawles he tooke greater care to furnish Egypt with the lawes and ordinances of the Iewes then to prouide preparations against Antiochus and therefore to auoyde warre whereby he might finish many good things which he tooke in hande and specially the translation of the Bible from the Hebrew vnto the Greeke tongue by 70. graue wise and learned men for that cause he gaue his daughter Berenices in mariage to Antiochus This king Antiochus had before maried Laodices by whom hee had two sonnes the elder named Seleucus sirnamed Gallinicus and the yonger Antiochus sirnamed Ierax The mother of these two was diuorced for a time from king Antiochus Now after he had maried Berenices he liued in quiet and in fauour with his father in lawe Philadelphus as long as he liued but when Philadelphus died he called Laodices his first wife againe and turned Berenices aside for a time Laodices being returned vnto her husband deuised a way to kill Berenices Philadelphus daughter but first she imagined to requite her husbands courtesie for calling her home and fearing he would do the like againe she gaue him a cuppe of drinke and dispatched him quite then shee called both her sonnes and made them with speede onely to feede her furie to put Berenices out of the way Hence grew the cause of all the warres as I said betweene the kings of Egypt and the kings of Syria and not onely betweene those but also poore Iudea was so beaten and afflicted betwene these as they often times made a spoile of Ierusalem of the temple and of Gods flocke Of this Daniel spake that Berenice the kings daughter of the South should be matched with the king of the North which was Antiochus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 king of Syria which is in the North in respect of Ierusalem for that the Prophet gaue the situation of that place to be betweene the South and the North. When Philadelphus died and his sonne Ptolomey Euergetes succeeded he thought to reuenge the murthering of his sister and made a great armie readie to giue battel to Seleucus and tooke from him the most part of Syria wasting and spoyling all Asia beside and hearing of sedition and mutinie in Egypt his own kingdom he returned hauing done great harme to Seleucus to answere those which rebelled in Egypt In the meane season Seleucus thoght not only to recouer his losse by Ptol. Euergetes but also to requite him with the like After this litle stay Seleucus came with a nomber of nauies and thought to haue againe those townes and cities which he lost to Ptolomey but a sudden tempest ouerwhelmed that enterprise and left nothing to Seleucus of al his preparation but nudum corpus spiritum himselfe with few others frō shipwracke he staied by these repulses and could not reuenge the wrōg he had by Ptolomey vntil he saw his time conuenient at which time as a man borne to be ouerthrowen he fled from the battell with losse and shame to Antioch and from thence he sent for ayde to his brother Antiochus to Silicia Ptolomey vnderstanding of Antiochus ayd he presently concluded a peace betweene Seleucus and himselfe for 10. yeeres Antiochus perceiued how the matter went and where he came to ayd his brother he now turneth his force and power against his brother and hauing many of the Celtes which were Frēchmen his hired souldiers ouer whom Brennus had the charge not Brēnus that sackt Rome for he was before 108. yeres but he gaue the ouerthrow to his brother Seleucus he was met againe with Eumenes king of Bythinia who saw a platforme layd before his face to possesse Asia if these two brethren might be conquered and therefore Seleucus being ouerthrowen by his brother Antiochus Eumenes againe ouerthrew Antiochus and droue him out of
what condicions he woulde being then vanquished and Armenes his sonne together with king Philips sonne Demetrius were led before Flaminius charet as hostages and pledges to Rome began to kindle more fire against the Romās but he was slaine by the Aetolians Eutrop writeth this historie otherwise but I stand not vpon controuersies After this ouerthrow giuen to Antiochus he made meanes to the Romanes for peace which was graunted if he would auoid forth of Europe Asia and meddle no further but within the precinct of Taurus giue to the Romanes 10. thousand talents 30. pledges for the assurance of his promise and in conclusion to deliuer Hanibal to them who had bin the cause of this warre This being done the Senat gaue to Eumenes all these cities of Asia which Antiochus had lost in battell likewise they gaue to the Rhodiās diuers other cities for that they assisted the Romanes against Antiochus By this victorie triumphed Lu. Cornelius Scipio in Rome where hee brought infinite spoile treasures of Asia and had the surname of Asiaticus giuen him was called Scipio Asiaticus as his brother was called Scipio Affricanus but both these brethrē were much enuied for their greatnes Scipio Affricanus was accused by Marcus Por. Cato by whose meanes afterwarde though he was not banished yet he most willing departed frō Rome into Lucernum saying these wordes O ingrata patria non habebis ossa mea His brother Scipio Affricanus was both accused and condemned when Caius Flaminius was Consul About this time Hanibal died is buried at Libissa a banished man out of his Countrie a man likewise that had deserued wel of his countrie Philip king of Macedon died also this very time This had both warred against the Romanes and assisted them against Antiochus After Philip died his sonne Perseus rebelled in Macedonia and reared warres against the Romanes with whō ioyned Cotys king of Illiria the Romanes were not long about Perseus for he was vanquished in one battell yea and as Phil. saith in one houre he fled from Pydna to Pella and within few dayes yeelded himselfe to Cneus Octauius in Samothracia and was brought out of hand to Paulus Emilius who after his honorable progresse in Greece and in Macedonia he shipped at the citie of Orica and returned to Italie to whō a triumph was graunted such a triumph as farre excelled others equall to Pompey or to Caesars triumphs For Emilius had in this triumph led before his chariot king Perseus himselfe being fourtie fiue yeeres of age and his two sonnes and in an other chariot Gentius king of the Illyrians with his brother and his sonnes ouer whom triumphed Caius Anitius This triumph is set foorth in Plutarch to the admiration of many strangers which then were at Rome as Eumenes king of Asia and Prusias king of Bythinia who at that time brought his sōne Nicomedes with him to Rome and committed him to the gouernment of the Senators CHAP. VI. Of the conspiracie of L. Catelina and of the two ciuill warres the first betweene Marius and Silla and the second betweene Pompei the great and Iu. Caesar during which time Carthage and Numantia were subdued in Hispaine and the last conquest of Affrika by Scipio the younger and also surnamed Affricanus the younger NOwe that the Romanes had quieted Asia and brought the kings of Egypt to bee friendes of the Romanes subdued Macedonia and made all Greece free from warres and when as they thought that they might take some repose and rest from further warres they were certified of newes from Carthage that the Affricanes and Carthagineans had broken the league of peace with the Romans whereupon the third warres were taken in hand for all this time of fiftie two yeres peace was kept betweene the Romanes and the Affricanes at what time the Romanes were occupied in the warres of Syria against Antiochus in the warres of Macedonia against king Philip and his sonne Perseus in Greece against Nabides the tyraunt of Lacedemonia in Illyria against king Gentius and in Bythinia against Prusias who had maried the sister of Perseus These kings and countries were no sooner quieted but the Affricanes began to commence warre the third time with the Romanes at what time Lu. Martius Censorinus and Marcus Manlius were Consuls at Rome in the yeere after the building of Rome sixe hundred and one some say sixe hundred fiue These Consuls tooke their voyage to inuade Carthage and by Mar. Portius Cato his councel being at that time the wisest man in Rome to rase Carthage from the grounde or to make it euen to the grounde yet Scipio Nasica a good man and so of the Senators esteemed and of the Citizens accompted contraried Cato in that councell perswading lenitie to bee fitte for the Romanes being conquerours The warre was taken in hand and so furiously folowed that Carthage within foure yeeres was destroyed by Scipio Emilianus nephewe to Affricanus who was deputed generall of the Romane armie at that time of whom Cato was wont to say Hic solus sapit one in vertue and courage most like to his predecessour Scipio Affricanus The chiefe captaine then in Carthage was one Asdrubal Phanea or as some say Famea These names Hamilcar and Asdrubal were in Carthage as Scipio or Fabius were in Rome In the beginning of this warre died Masinissa an olde constant friende alwayes to the Romanes after that he had liued ninetie eight yeeres Now Scipio with inuincible courage assaulted Carthage and wanne and pluckt it to the ground he waxed so famous thereby that being a yong man he was created Consul who by his prowesse and valure merited to be called Scipio Affricanus the yonger In the meane time while this warre was in Carthage one vsurped the name of Philip of the kingdome of Macedonia and proclaimed warres against the Romanes and gaue Publius Inuentius Pretor then of Rome the ouerthrowe and made such a slaughter of the Romane army that none skant escaped aliue Q. Cecilius Metellus was deputed captaine and sent against this false named Philip who slue twentie fiue thousand of his men recouered Macedonia and tooke prisoner this false Philip This time Corinthus the third citie of all Greece was ouerthrowen and pluckt to the grounde by Mūmius the Consul which Citie was builded by Beletes Hippios sonne nine hundred fiftie two yeeres before so long Corinthus florished Likewise at this very time againe one in Macedonia vsurped in like maner as before one false Philip nowe vsurped the name of Perseus but hee was soone subdued by Tremilus the Questor so that at once entred into the citie of Rome foure triumphs the first by Scipio Affricanus the yonger foorth of Affrike ouer Asdrubal the second by Metellus foorth of Macedonia ouer Andriscus which was that false Philip before spoken the third by Mūmius the Consul ouer the Citie of Corinth
the left shoulder he caused the like picture to be made for himselfe and commanded all his souldiers to call him Alexander This Emperor died as he was preparing a voyage against the Parthians at Edessa when hee had liued 43. yeeres Presently after the death of Caracalla Opilius Macrinus and his sonne Diadumeus were created Emperours who after they had reigned ioyntly fourteene moneths they were both slain in a sedition which fel among the souldiers without doing any thing worth the writing After them stept to the empire Marcus Aurelius surnamed Heliogabolus well so named for in all beastlinesse he resembled his predecessors these vnderwritten Nero Caligula Sergius Vitellius Domitianus Commodus This Heliogabolus was supposed to be the sonne of Caracalla he likewise defamed himselfe with all kind of shame and reproch whose filthinesse and lewd behauiour you may reade in Herodian He was slaine in an vprore which the souldiers made at what time also his mother Semia Sira called of some Semiamira died after he had liued very vnchastly and filthily for 4. yeres but Eutropius saith 2. yeres 8. moneths During the raigne of these 3. last emperors there were no good things done in Rome but vprores and sedition of souldiers creating whom they would to be Emperour one day and the next day deposing them from life empire Only this happened that the Amphitheator was set on fire and few fellowes were quiet at Rome The great men of authority then were these Titus Saturninus Marcus Noninus Mutianus Cornelius Amulinus Lu. Torpilius Dexter C. Gallus Gentianus and Bassus Gentianus Clodius Albinus Balbinus chosen Emperour against Maximinus Aur. Alex. Seuerus and Maximus were both made Emperours Aurelius Alexander Seuerus was chosen Emperour when he was but twelue yeeres of age whome the souldiers named Caesar and the Senate created Augustus he was a very vertuous Prince and one that fauoured all good men he gaue him selfe to martiall pollicie and tooke in hand about the 9. yeere of his raigne warres against Artaxerxes king of Persia who had before vanquished Artabanus king of the Parthians who then gouerned the Persians And as Artaxerxes ouercame Artabanus was the first king of Persia after Darius who before was conquered by Alexander the great so this Artaxerxes was subdued by this Alex. Seuerus with great glorie and had his triumph graunted him in Rome being but 21. yeeres of age he had such care of the Empire and such diligence that he committed the charge of Armenia to a noble captaine called Iunius Palmatus he committed the prouince of Illyrica vnto Varus Macrinus and the countrey of Mauritania to Furius Celsus Of these 3. Captaines victories in these countreys reade Lampridius This was the first Emperour that fauoured Christians and being so yong an Emperour he associated with him to assist him in iudgement Vlpianus a great Ciuilian a lawe maker and had an office called Magister Scrinii as it were Master of the Rowles he had in those dayes in his Court a number of learned men whose names Lampridius setteth down in this sort whome he vsed as Counsellers Fabius Sabinus Domitius Vlpianus Aelius Gordianus Iulius Paulus Modestinus Pomponius Alphenus Africanus Florentinus Proculus Martianus Callistratus Hermogenes Tryphonius Metianus Celsus The most part of these were Ciuilians and scholers to Papinianus Besides these lawyers florished in Seuerus Court Quintilius Caius Marcellus Aelius Seuerianus Cutilius Seuerus three singuler learned Romanes but he reigned not long for he was slaine in Fraunce in a tumult that grewe amongst the souldiers hee and his mother Mammea in a towne called Moguntia after he had reigned 13. yeeres After this good Emperor Seuerus succeeded Iulius Maximinius a man of meane parentage whose beginning was to be a shepheard in Thracia and after came to be a souldier and in processe of time came by the meanes of the souldiers to be Emperour without consent of the Senators who in the beginning had some good successe against the Germanes but not long after slaine by Pupienus at Aquilea and his yong sonne called also Maximinius when hee had reigned three yeeres After him succeeded Pupienus Balbinus Gordianus three Emperours together in Rome but Pupienus and Balbinus were slaine at Rome and Gordianus obtained the empire and held it sixe yeeres alone he espoused Tranquillina Masetheus daughter and after tooke his voiage into Persia and ouerthrewe Sapores king of Persia tooke diuers cities and in many sundrie skirmishes did greatly afflict the Persians But as hee returned thence he was likewise slaine through treason of one Philip who succeeded him in the Empire but his monument is erected vp by one of his souldiers in memoriall of him and that place is called Gordianus graue Marcus Iulius Philippus after he had slaine Gordianus he and his sonne Philip came to the empire and reigned ioyntly fiue yeeres In the time of these two Philips there was celebrated in Rome great solemnitie and preparation of Gunnes and shewes with such pompe and magnificence as Capittollius affirmeth that the like before in Rome scant had beene seene Philip builded a towne in Thracia named it after his owne name Not long after both the father and the sonne were slaine the father at Verrona and the sonne at Rome being of the age of 12. yeeres About this time liued Iulius Africanus a great Historiographer and that godly man Origen wrote his booke of Martyrs After these two Philips succeeded Decius borne at Bubalia a Towne in Hungaria a man well instructed in all kinde of sciences but hee was the eight Emperour that persecuted the Christians and beside commaunded by an Acte that all that worshipped Christ shoulde be slaine hee repressed some warres that were cōmenced in Fraunce and made one voyage against the Gothes at what time hee caused his sonne to be created Caesar. This Decius founded Bathes in Rome who when he had reigned two yeeres both he and his sonne died in Barbaria Some iudged that hee was swallowed vp in an earthquake and some affirme that hee was drowned in a riuer of Thracia called Abricium Then were created Emperours in Rome Gallius Hostilianus and Voluntianus his sonne they committed no act worthie of writing but they were likewise persecutors of the Christians and in their time fell great plagues and sundrie other diseases in the Romane Empire and after they had reigned scant two yeeres they were slaine and within three moneths after them Aemilianus who succeeded them in the Empire was in like sort slaine so that of 30. Emperours which reigned since Octauius Augustus time vntill Licinius Valerian sixe of them escaped not the handes of murtherers Such was the enuious estate of Rome from time to time such was their tyrannie and auarice vntill the Romanes fame and dignitie was much obscured and so little esteemed of the kings about ouer whome they had before so long triumphed euen
well in all this warre that Scipio after Numantia was destroyed wrote to king Micipsa in commendation of Iugurth to will him to esteeme of such a one as in all chiualrie and manhood resembled his graundfather Masinissa Iugurth by this meanes was adopted by Micipsa to be his sonne to ioyne with his other two sonnes Adherbal and Hiempsal whome he exhorted to be true to the Romanes and to hold with his brethren But of this I wrote in the Affrican Historie When Scipio had conquered all Affrica and brought all Hispaine subiect to the Romanes he returned into Rome with his great triumphes and left all things in quiet vntill Viriatus time a meane Spaniard but a shepheard in the beginning and after became a captaine among robbers and thieues This Spaniard grewe in time to bee called Protector of Spaine against the Romanes This Viriatus stirred many battels and raysed the Spaniardes for the space of fourteene yeeres against the Romanes They hearing of this at Rome Quintus SeruiliusC epio was sent foorth with a Romane armie against this Viriatus The battell was waged in Lusitania nowe called Portingal where Viriatus was slaine by his owne souldiers yet all Spaine was in an vprore by this Viriatus and many cities of Spaine reuolted from the Romanes and were at that time in armes for Viriatus had giuen a great ouerthrow to Caius Vetilius and all the Romane armie and Q. Pompeius then Consul was discomfited by the citizens of Numantia the worthiest Citie of Spaine And after him Caius Hostilius Mancinus had the like reproch and was forced to make infamous league with the Spaniardes so that the stout Romanes were twise discomfited by the Numantines and Spaine againe beganne to spite the Romanes This Viriatus kept playe with the Romanes and gaue them many hard battels and vanquished many great Romanes vntill another Scipio came and brought Spaine as lowe as his predecessors did and thereby was called Scipio Affricanus the yonger for of long time after the two Scipios the brethren and after Scipio Affricanus the elder that Pub. Scipios sonne that died in Spaine by whome all Spaine was subdued quietnesse was in Spaine and they payed tribute vnto the Romanes vntill the third Affrican warres which beganne two and fiftie yeeres after the second warre and in the sixe hundreth yeere after the building of Rome Then Famea and Asdrubal for this name was among them as Scipio was among the Romanes were appoynted lieutenants for Spaine who held out for a time vntill by Scipio the yonger they were vanquished for still Spaine was ayded by the Carthagineans and Affricans and both Carthage and Affrike were strengthened by the Spaniardes After Famea and Asdrubal were ouercome Sertorius a noble Romane who tooke part with Marius against Silla in the ciuill warres at Rome doubting the fortune and force of Silla fledde to Spaine stirred the Spaniardes to battell against the Romanes This warre was great and bloodie for the time that it continued for Romanes fought against Romanes for Metellus who was sent from Rome to Spaine against Sertorius for all that Metellus was an approued souldier yet hee was ouermatched by Sertorius The Senate sent Cn. Pompeius to ayde Metellus yet Sertorius assailed them and kept sharpe and eagre warre with equall fortune This warre en dured eight yeeres vntill Sertorius was slaine by his owne souldiers At that time Spaine againe submitted themselues to the Romanes the warre nowe ceased in Spaine and both Metellus and Pompeius had their seuerall triumphes ouer ●…aine in one day in the which day two other great triumphes were at Rome the one by Curio ouer the Macedonians the other by Seruilius ouer the Isaurians so that in one day foure triumphes entred into the Citie of Rome together so great and so famous was the glorie of Rome Then wee reade of nothing done in Spaine vntill Sextus Pompeius who after his fathers death Pompeius the great at Egypt fledde into Spaine to whome fledde M. Cato and diuers other noble Romanes they tooke certaine Cities in Spaine stirred the Spaniardes to withstand the Romanes opening the violence and ciuill warres of Rome the crueltie and slaughter of their friendes and the vtter destruction of their countrey This warre was appeased by Iulius Caesar after many sharpe and doubtfull battels betweene Sextus Pomepius and Caesar at what time Iulius made his triumph with great glorie and pompe ouer Spaine which was the last conquest of Spaine for by this time Caesar had triumphed ouer the Frenchmen ouer the Egyptians ouer Pontus ouer the Affricans and ouer Spaine last of all and brought Spaine subiect to the Romanes CHAP. IIII. From the time that the Romanes conquered Hispaine vnto the time of the Vandols the thirde conquest of Hispaine and from the Vandoles vnto the Gothes victorie ouer Hispaine the fourth conquest and from the Gothes vnto the time of the Saracens the fift conquest of Hispaine AFter which time Spaine was so obedient to the Romanes and so seruiceable that when Caesar died and good Augustus had taken the Empire in hand the Spaniards so honoured Augustus that they began to make their accompts and to nomber their yeres from the raigne of Augustus for as the Romanes vsed to nomber their yeeres from the first building of Rome the Grecians from their Olympiads the Saracens and the Arabians from Mahomet and the Christians from the birth of our Sauiour Christ so the Spaniards numbred their yeeres from Augustus whom they so esteemed and loued that they builded certaine townes and cities and named them after Augustus name so continued vntill the time of the Vandols and Gothes and after them the Saracens So long was Spaine vnder Augustus and vnder the Empire of Rome for as in Augustus time the Spaniards endeuoured euery way to please the Romanes in accompting the yeeres from Augustus by these foure letters A. Er. A. which signified Annus erat Augusti as the Arabians made their accompt by the worde Hegyra which Mahomet commanded of late dayes to be kept And of late dayes among the Romanes they nombred their yeeres per Indictiones which Constantine the great had made by Law to be obserued for the old accompts and nombring of yeeres of the Egyptians frō the flood of the Chaldeans from Adam the olde Greekes from Ninus and long after from the Olympiads so the ancient Romanes from the building of Rome and so diuers others from the destruction of Troy and the Christians from the time that our Sauiour Christ was conceiued in the wombe of the Virgine But now all Spaine was brought a Prouince by the Romans vnder whom Spaine was gouerned by the space of 420. yeres vntill the Empire was taken from Rome to Constantinople at what time the kingdome of the Gothes Vandols Hunnes and Lumbards beganne to flourish in the West countreys for during the glorie of the Romanes which was