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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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Sedechias a Iewe whom he vsed for his physicion Carsius the sonne of Alphons kinge of Spaine .iii. yeres Charles surnamed the .iii. spedde him towarde Italy to clayme the imperial crowne Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4840 The yere of Christ 879 but Iohn the pope not willinge to make him emperour but woulde the imperiall auctoritee shoulde remaine with the Frenchemen fled into Fraunce and auctorised king Lewys the stammarer and sonne of Charles the balde But after .ii. yeres he retourned to Rome and annointed Charles the thirde Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 4842 The yere of Christ 881 and crowned him with the imperial Diademe by which meanes the empire came again to the Germaines This Charles defended Italy from the inuasion of the Sarasens Lewys and Charlemaine the sons of Lewys the stammarer were proclaymed kinges of Fraunce Betwene whom and Lewis of Germanie fel strife and debate by the meane of two Frenche gentilmen called Gossellne and Conrade whiche excyted Lewys the Germaine to warre vpon the .ii. yonge kinges Ordinius succeded his brother Garsius in the kingedome of Spayne and reigned .viii. yeres The Normains or Danes inuaded robbed and pylled the countreys of Fraunce about the riuer Maze Ordonius kinge of Spayne The yere of the worlde 4843 The yere of Christ 882 by the vntrouth deceyued and put to death the .iiii. Erles of Galyce Anni regum Angli 11 For whyche deede the prouince of Gallice forsoke his dominion and ordeyned to them certaine iudges to whom they cōmitted the gouernance of theyr realme The Normains continually robbed Fraunce and possessed many partes therof as Campaine and the countrey about the riuer Lyger Martine the .ii. was pope one yere Lewys kinge of Germanie died wherefore Charles the emperour departed from Italye to take possession of his brothers landes The Danes conquered brent and cast to the grounde Treuersand vanquished the Frenchmen Anni regum Angli 13 Lewys kinge of Fraunce ended his life The yere of the worlde after whom Charles or Charlemaine his brother The yere of Christ 884 fel at communicacion of peace with the Danes And finallye concluded that Godfrey their kinge to confesse the faythe of christ and to be christened shoulde enioye the whole prouince of Frise. After this time the space of .60 yeeres the empyre of Rome was vexed with ciuile warres and al kinde of misery in so muche that by the iniurie of these times honest●e greatly decayed and the name of learning and good letters was almoste forgotten Alurede of Englande was sore ouerset with newe companies of the Danes But at lengthe takinge to hym a valyant courage he enterprised to espy the maner of his enemies in this wise He did on him the habite of a mynstrel and with his instrument of musike entered the tentes of the Danes and in shewing them pastime and sōg he espied all theyr flouth and idlenesse and harde muche of theyr counsayle Than priuily retourninge to his army with a chosen companye fell vpon the Danes in the night and slew of them a great noumber and lastly concluded a peace on condicion that as many of theym as woulde be christened shoulde inhabite the prouinces of Eastangles and Northumberlande the other to depart into Fraunce Adrian pope one yere He obteyned that the emperours auctoritee shoulde not be loked for in the creacion of the pope The yere of the worlde 4847 The yere of Christ 886 Charles the emperour Anni regum Angli 15 after the death of his kinsman was made kinge of France By the counsayle of Notus Alurede king of England ordeyned the first grammarschole in Oxenford fraūchesed that towne with manye great libertees The Normains besieged the citee of Paris and afier yode to Soysons The yere of the worlde 4847 The yere of Christ 887 destroying the countrey before them Anni regum Angli 16 Leo the sonne of Basile emperour of Grece The Hunnes a people of Scithia breaking out of their owne countrey inuadde Pannonie expelling the Gepides and Auares and ioygned them with theyr kynsmen the Hungares Phroilla expelling his brothers children Anni regum Angli 18 toke on him the kingdome of Spaine The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and when he had reygned one yere died being taken with the leaprie Certaine of the Danes retourned againe into France into Englande and besieged the towne of Rochester and were driuen backe by kinge Alurede Anni regum Angli 20 Charles the emperour for his negligence The yere of the worlde 4852 The yere of Christ 891 was deposed by Arnolphus his nephew chosē emperour in his place who reigned .xii. yeres Eudo sonne of Robert Duke of Ang●●w was made king of France and protectour of the yong prince Charles the simple The Lumbardes partly desyringe to renew their kingdome partly contemning the feblenesse of the Romans ordeyned Beringarius to be emperour an other company dissenting from theim made Uuido kinge of Italye whiche was before Duke of Spoletum betwene which two noble men was arrered deadly warre Alphons the .iiii. reigned .v. yeres Leo the emperour by ayde of the Turkes at the first encounter vanquished the Bulgares But afterwarde trusting to their false pretended peace he was putte by theim to great domage Anni regum Angli 21 The Danes with most egre crueltee entred .iiii. partes of this lande together The yere of the worlde 4853 The yere of Christ 892 and when they were expelled frō one parte foorthwith they passed to an other Yet that notwithstanding the good and valiaunt kinge Alurede behaued him so wisely that by the redy assistence of his people he had of them alwaye the vpper hande Uuido king of Italye chased Beringarius out of his countrey to Arnulph the emperour whiche as then was occupied in the warres against the Normains whō he subdued At election of Formosus popewas great strife and variance but in the ende he by Mars and money obteined the bishoprike Arnolph entred Italy against Uuido The yere of the worlde 4855 The yere of Christ 894 and tooke Bergamum and honge theyr erle Ambrose vpon a gibbette Anni regum Angli 23 Zuuentebaldus Duke of Morauia rebelled agaynst Arnolph whiche had committed to him the Dukedome of Boheme whome for so muche as he could not bringe in subiection by his owne power he desyred helpe of the Hungares by whose assistence he brought the Duke to due obeysance Donalde the .vi. reigned in Scotlande .xi. yeres He made a law that all men that did forswere them selfe or speake of the diuell should be burned in the lyppes with a hote yron The Normains besieged Paris the second time Englande was vexed with .iii. maner scourges warre of the Danes The yere of the worlde 4856 The yere of Christ 895 great mortalitee of men Anni regum Angli 24 and moreine of beastes Arnolph went into Italye the seconde time and by force entred the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4857 The
after at the caste●l of Flynte they toke kinge Richarde and helde him as prysoner in the tower of Lōdon where he yelded vp and resigned to the sayd Henry Duke of Herforde all his power and kingly title to the crowne of England and Fraunce knowlaging that he was worthely deposed for his demerite● and misgouerning of the common weale Warre in Lumbardy betwene Galias duke of Myllayne and the citees of Florence and Mantua Boniface bishop of Rome went to Perusia to set agrement betwene the nobles and the commons of the cytee which were fallen at variance A great noumbre of people in Fraunce were vexed and dyed of the plague Ipedimic The yere of the worlde 5360 The yere of Christ 5399 A blasing sterre was sene at the same tyme wyth beames of most feruent fire HEnrye the .iiii. was ordeyned kynge of Englande more by force as it appeared Anni regum Angli 1 than by lawful in●cession or election which thing turned him to muche vnquietnesse caused often rebellion in this realme of courage he was noble and valiant and after the ciuil warres was appeased shewed him selfe very gentil and louinge to his subiectes Henrie his sonne was made prince of wales Galias duke of Myllayne bought the citee of Pyse of Robert the sonne of Iames Ap●●an He receyued also by composicion and fayre promyses the citee of Perusium whiche belonged to the bishoppe of Rome and not long after brought to his subiectiō Bononia and Luca wherby his seig nory was greatly augmented This yere a certayne priest arayed all in white came out of the alpes into Italie bringing with him a nombre of men in the same appara●le called the white sect or felowship which secte of white companions Bonyface the bishop of Rome disperc●ed and burnt the priest that was theyr head and mayster Bishop Boniface at the intercession of his people retourned to the citee of Rome which thing he refused to dooe vntil they had graūted to receyue a senatour or gouernour of their citee at his appointment that a stranger and none of the citee according to the decrees of his predecessours this senatoure wss called Malatesta beyng before of the citee Pizaurie Mahomet the Turke murdered Orchane his brother The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1400 Sir Iohn Hollande Duke of Exeter Anni regum Angli 2 brother to king Richarde and the dukes of Amnarke and of Surrey with the erles of Salesburye and of Gloucester other that fauoured Richard of Burdeur conspired agaynste king Henrie and appoyncted priuily to murder him at a feast and iustes whych should be holden at Oxenford or as some write at a mumming in the castel of Winsor But howe it was theyr treason was disclosed and they all for the same put to death with as many knightes squiers as were of that alyaunce and confederacy King Richarde was put to death in the tower of London and caried through the citee that men myght se him and so conueyghed to the abbey of Lāglei there buried A certayne priest was burned in Smithfielde Uariance in Scotland betwene the erle Douglas and the erle of March for which the erle of Marche fled into Englande and after wrought the Scottes much wo. Sigismunde kinge of Hungarye caused to be put to death .xxxii. of the noble men of his realme wherefore in his absence certayne of the people sent for Ladyslaus from Naples and made him theyr kynge shortlye after Sigismūd recouered agayne his kingdome by strength and force of armes but yet it was not longe ere that he was agayne taken of the nobles of his realme and cast in prison at the towne of Soclos and there kept a good space being put into the handes of a wydow whose husband he had putte to death whom he entreated with so fayre wordes and promisses that he was sette at his lybertee and recouering agayne his kingdome putte to death Stephen Uuayuoda In Englande sir Roger Clarin●on a knight The yere of the worlde 5362 The yere of Christ with his ii seruantes Anni regum Angli 3 the priour of La. and .viii. gray friers were hanged at Tyburne for making of tauntinge and scoffing rimes and verses agaynst the king King Henry went towarde Wales to quiete a rebellyous sedicion which was arrered among the Welshemen by one Owen of Gleandere Warre betwene Galias of Myllayne and the Florentines Uinceslaus the emperour for his cowardise and vnhonest life was deposed and Rubertus or Robertus duke of Bauarie aduanced to the imperial auctoritee by the electours of Germanye This emperour went into Italy agaynst Galiatius of Millain but he preuailed nothing The bishoppe of Rome published a law that no priest shuld be admitted to a benefice vntill he had payed the first fruytes of the same whereby he was made lorde of the worlde Ladislaus the sonne of Charles who was before kyng of Naples was restored ag ayne to his fathers kingdom About this time sir Henrye Persie Erle of Northumberlande The yere of the worlde 5363 The yere of Christ made a viage into Scotlande Anni regum Angli 4 in the quarel of Mumbray erle of March. Patrike Hepburne inuading the borders of England was discomfited and many of his men slaine and taken prisoners Sir Thomas Percy Erle of Worcester Hēry Percye sonne to the erle of Northumberlande rebelled and gathered a great power agaynst king Henry of Englād with whom they encountred nere to Shros●bury but to theyr owne confusion for in that conflict was slayne sir Henrye Spenser with diuers noble men on both partes and prince Hēry the kinges sonne wounded with an arrowe in the face Sir Thomas Percye was taken after beheaded his brother the Erle of Northumberland fled for feare into Scotlande Galiatius duke of Myllayne departed out of this life and gaue to Iohn his sonne the duchye of Millayne to Philipye the lordshippe of Pauie After his decease rose many tyrannes in Italy which vexed that coūtrey with most cruell sedicion and warre For the nombre of xxv citees forsoke the dominion of the lordes of Millayne and chose to them priuate gouernours Mahomet the Turke when he had slaine his brother obteined alone the kingdome who after the death of the Tartacian Tanberlanis recouering again his fathers dominiō vexed with extreme murder and slaughter the Bulgares and Walaches toke the citee Hadrianopolis which he made his seat royall The yere of the worlde 5364 The yere of Christ The emperour Robert came into England only to se the countrey and commodityes therof Anni regum Angli 5 wher he was receiued with great triumph Cambaleschia Nepta●um and Quins●li great cyties of Scythia vnder the dominion of the Tartarians were first founden Great discencion and variance in France betwene the Dukes of Burgoyne and Orliance Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5365 The yere of Christ in so much that mortall warre was arrered on bothe partes to the great dysturbance and vnquietnesse of
lyne of the iust men By the name of the yrste a cytie was builded in the earthe The holynesse of the later dooeth appere in that it is written that he hathe walked wyth god and that he hathe prophecyed of the tymes to come The yere of the worlde 688 The yere before Christe 3275 ¶ In the 6● yeeres of hys lyfe Enoch begat Mathusalem the scripture doeth recite he was of longest lyfe prefyguratyng the eyght tyme of resurrection whyche shal begin in the laste daye and neuer after haue ende ¶ Eathusalem in the .187 yeere of hys lyfe begatte Lamech The yere of the worlde 875 The yere before Christe after whose byrthe he lyued .782 yeeres and dyed in the yere of the floude He was borne in that tyme whā that wyckednes and malyce began to abounde vppon the earthe not onely amongest the chyldren of Cain but also amonge those whiche were called the chyldren of the godly Thys Lamech was not onely a iuste man but also a prophete whan he sayed he shall comfort vs. ¶ Adam our fyrste father deceaced whan he was .930 yere of age The yere of the worlde 930 The yere before Christe 3033 ¶ Enoch in this season was by god taken vp into heuen ▪ whiche deede dooeth manyfest vnto vs the immortalitye that remayneth after thys lyfe The yere of the worlde 987 The yere before Christe 2976 and that God wyll iudge the worlde who wyll saue those that be ryghtuouse and damne theim that be wycked The yere of the worlde 1057 The yere before Christe 9062 ¶ Lamech whan he had lyued .182 yeeres begate Noe sayinge This shall comforte vs frome the woorkes and laboures of oure handes in the earthe whyche the lorde hath cursed ¶ Noe whan he was .500 yeeres of age begatte Sem Cham The yere of the worlde 1556 The yere before Christe 2404 and Iapher not that they were borne all at one tyme but that before the fyue hundred yeere of his age he had begot none of them After the recytall of the byrth of the sonnes of Noe foorthwyth the holy scrypture declareth the occasyon of the floude because the worlde began to waxe wicked and there is rehersed amonge the chyefe of their vices the contempte of god adultery and crueltye in the whyche they exercysed all kyndes of voluptye and pleasure For thus the texte hath whan that men began to multiplye vpon the earthe and broughte forth daughters the chyldren of god seynge the daughters of men to be fayre tooke theym to their wyues The holy scrypture calleth the chyldren of god all those whiche descended from Seth and the chyldren of men those whiche issued from Cain For Adam commanded that the children of Seth shulde in no wyse couple with the children of Cain which long tyme was obserued till that the zele and loue of vertue decayed God therby perceyuyng that the wickednes of man was great vpon the erth repented that he had made man not that there is any suche passion in god but that the scripture so speaketh to vs after a familiar and worldlye maner and therfore thretned a destruction to the worlde by a floudde and wolde therfore Noe to declare this .120 yeres before it shulde come In the meane tyme he commanded hym that he should builde an arke that shoulde conteyne in lengthe .300 cubites whiche after the exposicion of Hugo and S. Augustine were .300 perches euery cubite geometricall beyng six cōmon cubites in widenesse it was .l. perches and in depenesse from the vpper decke to the bottome .xxx. perches and the roufe ouer it in height one perche This arke was not by mans power brought into the sea but by the course of the waters rysynge vp it was borne awaye and rather by the diuine prouidence than by mans policie it was gouerned from renuynge to wrecke Noe began to builde this in the .523 yere of his lyfe before the floud as Berosus witnesseth 78. yeres In the .vi. C. yere the seconde moneth the lorde saied vnto Noe that after seuen dayes this deluge shulde fall in whiche space he brought into the arke his stuffe prouision and al other thynges necessary for hym Wherat euery man laughed and toke hym as one madde that dreamed of suche a floud But finally as it is written in the gospell thei were eatyng and drynkyng they maried and wer maried euen vnto the daye that Noe entred the arke and wolde not knowe it vntill the deluge came and destroied them all Not that it was vnknowen vnto them but that thei dispised to beleue it For Noe shewed it to them as well in woorde as in deede Also the buyldyng of the arke was a certaine declaracion therof but thei were without faith and feare of God for whyche cause they were worthily punished Thus the tyme passyng the .17 daye of the seconde moneth Noe with his wife and three sonnes and theyr wiues entred the arke And beholde sodeinly there came together vnto him bestes of al kindes not brought thither by man but euen by the miracle of god Neither did Noe take theym but suffered theym as they came to entre ne there came anye more than of vncleane beastes two a male and a female of cleane bestes seuen foure males and three females of the which one male was reserued for sacrifice after the floud the resydue were kept for generacion The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 2307 ¶ Thus they being entred the lord shut the doore of the arke and incontinēt the springes of the sea burst out the windowes of heauen opened the rain fel continually .xl. dayes and .xl. nightes the waters swelled and rose aboue al mountaynes .xv. cubites All lyuing creatures dyed except fishe and suche as mighte endure in the bowels of the earth The waters encreased a. Cl. daies and on the .xvii. daye of Octobre the arke stacke vppon the mountaines of Armeny The last daye of Ianiuer Noe opened a windowe and put forth a crowe which streight waies retourned After seuen daies he put forth a dooue which came againe at nyght bringinge a branche of Oliue with grene leaues Neuerthelesse he taryed seuen other daies and put forth the doue agayne whych neuer returned Yet wold he not issue out but remained for the cōmaundement of the lord who commaunded him not to go foorth before the .xvii. daie of the seconde moneth wherby it appeareth that he remayned a iust yeare in the arke ¶ Berosus the Caldei maketh mencion of this floude in this maner Before the famous deluge of waters wherby the hole world perished there preceded manye yeares which of our Caldians were faithfully obserued They write that about Libanum was a great citee of giantes called Enoch who were lordes of the world from the rysing of the sonne tyl the sonne sette They trustinge in the hugenes and strength of theyr bodies with armure that thei had inuented oppressed all men They deuised tences musical instrumentes and all delycacyes they fedde with mans fleshe and companied commonly
yere before Christe 2206 For Nemroth after he had by force broughte his borderers vnder subiection exhorted to his enterprise Iectan comen of the stocke of Sem and Suphue one of the chyldren of Iaphet For by these thre princes gouernance and fortune the hole posteritee of Noe was ruled Nemroth was a man veray bold and eloquent in tunge and sayed That the felicitee of man ought not to be ascribed vnto god but that rather euerye man obteineth it by his owne industrie For which cause he perswaded the people to builde an high towre ouer the whiche the water shuld not arise and that the top thereof should reache euen to the heauens The multitude were ready to fulill the commaundementes of Nemroth esteming the obeysaunce of god to be a greuous bondage and builded the towre But as soone as they began God foorthwith as the holye scripture testifieth by this meane dashed the pride of the buylders That where so many nacions gathered together which in number were .lxx. vsed but one language or speche god so confused theyr tongues that euery one of theim spake in sundry speches that the one might not vnderstand the other wherby of necessitee the woorke was lefte vnfinished and they scattered abrode through al the world ¶ After this varietee of tungues chaunced dyuers kyndes of monstruous people were brought forth in sundry places S. Augustine in his booke intituled the citee of god writeth in this maner God knowing in what similitude or diuersitiee of the membres of mans body the beaultie therof is comprehended wold also bryng into the worlde many monstruous people that therby the pryde of man might be abated Therefore what so euer maner men be borne in any place so that they be creatures reasonable mortal and begotten of man ought not to be doubted albeit thei be deformed and contrary to our nature The first Monarchie IT is to be vnderstand that those thinges which be done of magistrates and rulers ought to be taken and honoured as the worke of god We haue warned afore ī our preface that god wold the world to be gouerned by .iiii. monarchies the policie iustice correctiō might be kept amōg mē therfore many thinges be spoken of them in scripture God did set forth these monarchies or empires to Daniel by two facions The first vnder the similitude of a man whose head was of golde his breast of siluer his bealy of brasse hys legges of yron his fete parte of yron parte of earth and howe christ the stone brake the feete that the man should fal and so the world to ende Daniel interpreted this vision to signify the .iiii. monarchies For sayeth he the golden head signifieth the first monarchie which was of the Assyrians the siluer breast the kingdome of the Persiās the brasen bealy the reygne of the Macedons the yron legges the empire of the Romains the earthen and yron feete do betokē this present state of the empire of Rome because that at this season it is of lesse power and reputacion than it hath bene ¶ The foure beastes that were shewed vnto Daniel signified the figure of these monarches The Lion declared the strength of the Assyryans the beare the power of the Persians the leopard the valyant courage of Alexander the fourth beast the puissaunce of the Romaines ¶ There is more ouer that other cruel kingdomes shuld rise whiche should ordeine harde and straight lawes against the religion of Christe by whome is vnderstande the reygne of Mahomettes and Turkes at thse dayes So faithfully God remembreth vs that the histories of the world knowen we maye consider the ende therof to be at hande and that by this meanes we may establishe our fayth It appereth in the Bible that the first kyngdome was begun by Nemroth amonge the Babyloniās whom the scripture calleth a stronge hunter before the lorde that is a mightye prince who by force brought people to his subiection In that he was called a hunter is signified that he was a deceiuer of soules an oppresser of men and for that he withdrewe men from the true religion of God he was so called ¶ This Nemroth called also Nimrod and Babylonicall Saturne The yere of the worlde 1788 The yere before Christe 1175 was the sonne of Chus who was the son of Cham. He began the first empire and reigned .56 yeres He builded the towre Babell whyche he lefte vnfynished and finally for his wickednes was of the infernal spirites rapte in to hell Frome Nemroth Berosus the Chaldey and Metastenes the Persian began their chronicles ¶ The firste Monarchy began among the Chaldeis as Xenophon testifieth and the posteritee of Cham reigned firste of whome Nemeroth had his beginnynge All be 〈◊〉 that Cham was cursed yet god wōderfully deferred both the punishement and promyse Notwithstandyng the impyre dydde not continue in the handes of the posteritee of Nemroth For among the Assyrians rose vp a new kingdome by Assur of whom Niniue was builded who subdued the citee of Babylon whyche Diodorus Siculus doeth wryte and by this occasyon the Monarchy was changed from the Chaldeis to the Assyrians Strabo and diuers other make mencion of the citee of Niniue that standeth in Assyria wherby it maye bee easily gathered that Babylon and Niniue were two sundrye cities and not one citee called by diuers names The yere of the worlde 1797 The yere before Christe 2166 ¶ Comerus Gallus in the .33 yere after the fyrst arriual of Ianus in Italy and the .1414 yere before the buildyng of Rome brought inhabitantes into the royalme called after Italy and was made the fyrst kynge thereof He named the coūtrey after his owne name and taught theim bothe lawes and iustice The yere of the worlde 1799 The yere before Christe 2164 ¶ Iubal in the .142 yere after the Deluge receiuynge Spain for his porcion builded a famous citee of his own name in that parte whiche is nowe called Granado ¶ In the same tyme the prudente Samothes came into Fraunce and there first reygned ¶ Occeanus the son of Cham first reygned in Aegipte He by his sister Thetis had many chyldren Then came vppon him the corrupter of mankinde C ham his father The yere of the worlde 1802 The yere before Christe 2161 the Aegiptian Saturne who for the corruption of hys maners was surnamed Chamesenuus where he taught magike and was had in great renoume ¶ Gog with his father Sabus possessed Arabia The yere of the worlde 1805 The yere before Christe Triton Libia Chus Aethiopia and Getulus Getulia ¶ Thuyscon one of the sonnes of Noe The yere of the worlde 1812 The yere before Christe 2151 borne after the floud with the children of Istus and Mesa enhabited all the countreis from the mountain Adula to Ponthus and from the great riuer Tanais to the Ryne He was the founder of the Sarmatians and Germanes two mighty nacions and gaue vnto theym lawe After he had reygned .150 yeares he dyed being of his people estemed to
the hebrues which we do folow All be it Iosephus saith that he reigned .12 yeres and with Saul 17. yea and Eusebius doth affirme that Samuel and Saul reigned .xl. yeres LOcrine the sonne of Brute reygned .xx. yeres he was slayn by his wyfe Guendoleyn The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe Before Britayne knovven 1034 for so much as for the loue of an harlot he had forsaken hir The yere of the worlde 2880 The yere before Christe 1083 The Peloponenses warred agaynst the Athenians Before Britayne knovven 1033 Latinus Syluiꝰ The yere of the worlde 2887 The yere before Christe 1076 the fift king of Latins reigned .l. yeres Before Britayne knovven 1026 ¶ The Iudges or dukes of Israel were not by herytage or naturall succession And therfore the souerāine gouernance among theim was vncertaine sauyng onely in the roume of the his priestes But God added to theim for helpe often times certaine wise princis whiche he chose now in one place now in an other Wherfore the Israelites tindyng them selfe greued with his vncertayne gouernance desired of Samuel their high priest to haue a kyng to rule them as other countreis had Samuel wold not doe any thyng vnaduisedly in so great a matter And therfore asked counsayle of God Who shewed him selfe to be greatly displeased with the vnlefull request of hys people and thretned that they shuld be therfore greuously punished How be it he graunted their request and ordeined Saul to be their kyng Here the power of kinges and gouernaunce of kyngdomes was ordeined and established by God Wherfore it is to be marked that god was not therfore angry because he disalowed the power and auctoritee of kynges but because he was displeased with the vnconstant mynd and affection of the people in chaungyng that kynde of gouernaunce in the commune weale that was by hym ordeined ¶ Saul the fyrst kyng of the Hebreues reigned ● yeres The yere of the worlde 2889 The yere before Christe 1074 He from an asseherde was brought to the maiestee of a king Before Britayne knovven 1024 and whiles he folowed the admonicions of Samuel he prospered and slue of the Ammonites and Palestines .60000 But therwith beyng elated neglectynge the prophete counsailynge with Phytones sleyng the priestes and contemnyng God he was both of god and man forsaken wherby he was ouercome with al his house of the Palestines and willingly killyng him selfe was vnto his enemies a laughyng stocke ¶ The holy man Dauid by the commandement of God was anoynted kyng of Israell of the prophete Samuel Whom Saul after the spirite of god had forsaken hym partly forenuy that Dauid was so highly praised of the Israelites and partly fearyng that he wold defeate him of his kyngdome vexed with continuall persecucion duryng which tyme Dauid shewed many exaumples both of godly pacience and also of loyal obedience toward his prince In so muche that whan Saul by the prouidence of god fell in his handes he onely cut a peece of the hem of his garment in token that if he had listed at that present he might haue slayne hym and for that dede afterward greatly repented that he had ben so bold as to cut the hemme of the garment of Saul his soueraigne lorde and kynge notwithstandyng that he was his moste greuous enemy and euery houre sought his death The yere of the worlde 2891 The yere before Christe 1072 ¶ Dauid the sonne of Iesse Before Britayne knovven 1022 both kynge and prophete of almyghty god after the death of Saul reigned .vii. yeares ouer the tribe of Iuda and than was admitted kyng of all Israell He dyd that was good and ryght in the syght of god and put his trust and confidence in the lord god of Israell so that before nor after hym was not his lyke amonge the kynges of Iuda he cleaued to the lorde and went not from his steppes he dyd the cōmandementes that the lord had geuen by Moses Wherfore of hym god bare witnesse that he was a man accordynge to his hert and desire and to hym renewed his promises of the helth and saluacion that was to be loked for in Christe ▪ so that for the certayntee therof Christe of the prophetes is called the soonne of Dauid And furthermore Dauid him selfe by the inspiracion of God in his hymnes and Psalmes most manifestly prophecieth of the conceptiō byrth lyfe death resurrection ascencion and heauenlye kyngdome of our sauiour Christ. Wherfore among the prophetes and other holy men his writynges were had in great estimacion and of lyke auctoritee as were the writynges of Moyses Isboseth the son of Saul was made king ouer Israel ¶ Codrus in the Peloponessian warres The yere of the worlde 2895 The yere before Christe 1068 Before Britayne knovven 3018 for the welth of his countrey gaue hym selfe to the death After whome the Athenians had no more kynges but magistrates by whom they were ruled Of whom Modon the sonne of Codrus was fyrst who gouerned them .xx. yeres Abiathar consecrated high priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 2898 The yere before Christe 1065 ¶ Dauid was chosen and anointed king ouer al Israe and reigned .33 yeres He expulsed the Iebuseis Before Britayne knovven 1015 made Hierusalem his citee he vanquished the Philistines ▪ and brought the arke from the house of Aminadab to Hierusalem Ixion reigned in Corinth xxxvii yeres Before Britayne knovven 1014 GUendoleyn the wife of Locryne gouerned this roialme of Britayn .xv. yeres The yere of the worlde 2899 The yere before Christe 1064 durynge the nonage of hir sonne Madan Before Britayne knovven 1013 Eupa●es the .3 ▪ emperour of Assyria reigned .38 yeres ¶ Dauid commited homicide and adulterie Before Britayne knovven The yere of the worlde 2900 The yere before Christe 1063 for whyche he was greuously punished After this The yere of the worlde 2901 The yere before Christe 2062 Salomon was borne vnto hym he made all his borderers tributaries accordyng to the diuine promission from Euphrates and the great sea to Egypt than beyng in peace he made the psalmes Before Britayne knovven 1008 ¶ Argis gouerned the Lacedemōs one yere The yere of the worlde 2905 The yere before Christe 1058 after whom succeded Archestratus he reigned .35 yeres Before Britayne knovven 1003 Nycius Fesulanus ruled the Thuscanes The yere of the worlde 2910 The yere before Christe 1053 Micena now called Cuma was builded in Italy MAdan sonne of Locrine and Guendoleyn toke on hym the gouernance of Britayn which quietly he ruled In the .xl. yere of his reygne he finished hys life leuyng after him two sons Menpricius Manlius Before Britayne knovven 997 Agastus gouerned the Athenians .xxxvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 2916 The yere before Christe 1047 ¶ Carthage as many do write was in this time builded by Carcedo a Tyrian other say it was builded by Dido Absalon Amnon Adonias with the other children of Dauid Nathan Gad and Asaph prophetes in this tyme flourished Before Britayne knovven
of his people and at last was murdered by Artabanus his president ¶ A sedicion in Rome for the lawe Agraria Before Britayne knovven 421 The mistocles distroiyng and driuing away the Barbariens reedified and wa led Athenes The yere of the worlde 3492 The yere before Christe 471 At the laste for al his benifites by hys vnnaturall countrey men he was banished and of force driuen to go vnto Xerxes his vtter ennemy who rereyued him honourably and wold haue sent him with an army againste the Atheniens but he chosyng rather to dye than to be vnfaithfull to Xerxes or els to destroy his countrey poisoned him selfe Sedicion and pestilence in the citee of Rome Urbinia a virgin Uestale for loosynge hir chastytee was buryed quicke Aristides of Athenes for his wisedome iustice and temperance was right noble and famous He not withstanding that the Atheniēs had exiled him without anye cause but onely for that he was counted to excell in iustice yet at his departyng he prayd to god that what so euer they desired it might come to good effect and cōclusion And when he was called againe from banishment he neuer remembred any olde displeasure in so muche that he alwaye honoured Themistocles with whom he had perpetuall contention in the wealepublike Of his temperance this was a great token that notwithstandynge he had bene in the greatest dygnytiee and offyces in the commō weale of Athenes yet dyed he so poore that he left not sufficient to burye hym worshypfullye And his daughters wer maried at the cōmon charge of the citee And to his son Lycimacus was giuē by the people one hūdred Minae whiche is of our money .239 poundes .xi. s. viii d. Unto this tyme Herodotus wrote his history The yere before Christe 469 Before Britayne knovven 419 ¶ Amilco capitaine of Cartage about this tyme The yere of the worlde 3494 after many victories bothe on lande and sea lost all his army by pestilence in Sicily Before Britayne knovven 417 Artabanus in hope to opteyne the empire slue Xerxes The yere of the worlde 3496 whome Artaxerxes to be reuenged of his fathers deathe with his sworde thrust him throughe the bodye The yere before Christe 467 whan he had reigned .vii. monethes Artaxerxes the seuenth emperour of Persia surnamed long hande reigned .xl. yeares ▪ his dominion was from the furthest parte of Inde vnto Aethiope ouer an .127 prouinces The yere of the worlde 3497 The yere before Christe 466 he embraced peace Before Britayne knovven 416 and therfore was beloued of his subiectes Artaxerxes made a great feast vnto his lordes be put away from hym the queene Uaschi The yere of the worlde 3499 The yere before Christe 464 Before Britayne knovven 414 because she refused to come to him and caused many maidens to be brought before hym amonge whom in place of Uasche he chose Hester Sicily was gouerned by the people Quintius builded in Rome the brothelhouses The Romanes mustered ī which there were found .124 214. heades of citesins A pestilence in Rome wherein the consules dyed Before Britayne knovven 412 The Uolscians besieged Rome The yere of the worlde 3501 The yere before Christe 462 The Romaynes tryumphed ouer the Uolscians with theyr alies The yere of the worlde 3502 The yere before Christe 461 Before Britayne knovven 411 In this battaile the name of Uolscians was almoste destroyed For there fell of them in discomfiture 10470. taken prisoners with .xiii. insignes .1250 Esdras by the licence of Artaxerxes came from Babylon to Hierusalem with .1775 Iewes The yere of the worlde 3503 The yere before Christe 460 Before Britayne knovven 410 to repaire the lawe and citee of god and to teache the people For he gathered and brought in order the bokes of holye scripture before scattered and destroied and inuented the hebre charectes whiche be vsed at this daye This yere also Hester began to reigne as queene Perdicas kyng of Macedon reigned .28 yeres Before Britayne knovven 409 The yere of the worlde 3504 The yere before Christe 459 The seruantes in Rome rebelled they toke the capital by their capitain Herdonius and slue Ualerius the cōsul The consules triumphed ouer the Uolscians Before Britayne knovven 408 the citee mustered The yere of the worlde 3505 The yere before Christe 458 in whiche there were 1●2419 citezens Quintius Cincinatus was chosen Dictatour frō the plough The yere of the worlde 3506 The yere before Christe 457 Before Britayne knovven 407 who wypyng awaye the duste and sweate from his face entred the citee and receiued that high auctoritee in whiche by his prowesse and wisedom he not only deliuerd the citee from the assaulte of theyr enemies but also vanquished theim After whiche vyctorye he surrendred his office and dignitee and repaired agayne to his husbandry whiche he diligently applied A sedicion The ten Tribunes or protectours of the cōminaltee were created ¶ A man persuaded Artaxerxes to cōmaunde all the Iewes to be slayne Before Britayne knovven The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 456 bicause Mardocheus wolde not doo reuerence vnto hym Before Britayne knovven 405 The yere of the worlde 3508 The yere before Christe 455 The king graūted and the commandement was sent foorth and whan it should be executed In the meane while Hester declared hir kynred and deliuered the whole nacion from that mischiefe A mā was hanged vppon the galowes whiche he had prepared for Mardocheus and the other was exalted into the kynges fauour who as Philo witnesseth liued .198 yeares Empedocles and Parmenides philosophiers of Athenes in this time flourished The fyrst in musike was notable the other sequestryng him selfe from al company on the moūtayn Caucasus deuised the science of logike Cratinus Plato comedie writers and Aristarchus maker of tragedies liued A dissencion in Rome for the lawe Agraria ¶ Neemias obteined licence of the kyng and queene Hester Before Britayne knovven 403 to fynyshe Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 3510 The yere before Christe 453 At this daye begynneth the computacion of the .70 wekes of Daniel euery weke cōteynyng seuen yere whiche fynished at the death of Tiberius after whom Gaius caused his ymage to be set in the temple vnder the name of great Iupiter ¶ Neemias with the helpe of Eliasib high priest sonne of Ioachim and Resa Mosolla son of Zorobabell with other princis of the people in .52 dayes fynysshed their worke And for feare of the inuasiōs of theyr ennemies thei helde theyr weapōs in one hand and wrought with the other The walles beyng builded Neemias cōmanded the people to assemble and recited vnto them the law and celebrated the feast of that moneth he gouerned the people .12 yeres and after retourned vnto the kynge as he promised Not long after he repaired agayne into Iurie where he wrate the boke of his owne gestes and quietly fynyshed his lyfe The Romaines had hytherto no certayne lawe to preserue common cōcorde and peace in their publike weale wherby contrauersies and dissencions
Thirdly howe honeste a labour it was so to employ the vacant time that I had from other necessary businesses I sho●e from me vnprofitable bashefulnesse and haue enterprised not onely to finishe this warke but also after the ouersight and correction of other men haue suffered the same to be published Wherfore you gentyll reader shall take well in worthe this my boldenesse and perswade youre selfe as the trouthe is that I was moued to this excercise rather of good wille ▪ to profytte my natural countrey and to do pleasure to other men than for any fame or aduauncemēt that I hoped might come to me therby And if I se ye take it well in gree vndoughtedly you shal encourage me hereafter to goo in hande with some exercise that shal perchaunce tourne to more profytte and pleasure of theim whiche be desirous of honest knowlege Vale. AFter the deathe of Octauius Augustus the second Cesar that thinges happened in Rome that somtime doeth in all commen weales at the decesse of great princes and rulers that is sediciō vnquietnesse and trouble For the souldiours being as than in Pannonie raised a greate sedicion in their rage beatte murdered diuers of their tribunes other officers which cōmocion after much peines was lastly quyeted by Drusus the sonne of Tiberius In like maner for like causes was great trouble vnquietnes in the hoste that lay in Germanie At which time whan Germanicus their captaine exhorteth them to quietnes the souldiours obstinately refused the empire of Tiberius profered to make him their emperour but Germanicus wolde rather haue slaine him selfe with hys owne weapen thē by such vnlawful meanes to obteine the imperiall auctoritee And moreouer the commons of the citee of Rome diuers of the nobles also hauing in their hertes as it were a naturall hatred towarde the Monarchy or highe power of Cesars diuised and imagined with theim selfes diuerslye howe to extinguishe the imperial auctoritee bring the citee to her pristinate for me and gouernaunce of consulles which thing they more ernestlye desired for so muche as they had as yet freshe inmemorie the swetenes of theyr ancient libertees and the fame of man●e noble men whiche by Iulius and Augustus had bene outlawed and put to deathe And also because they feared the proude and cruell nature of Tiberius who was named to succede Augustus in the empire But al this notwithstanding Tyberius wyth suche craft and dissimulacion handeled the matter that he not onely obteyned the imperiall auctoritee but also seemed to take it vpon him against his will There was at this time no notable warre sauinge that the Romaines made fierce warre vpon the Germaines rather to reuenge the infamy that Q. Uarus had receyued at theyr handes than to enlarge theyr empyre which at this time had spred it selfe well ner ouer all the world In Iudea Herode and Philyp buylded and repayred certaine cities and townes in the honour of Cesar which made theym rulers Herode whiche was also called Antipas walled the citee called Sephoris and named it Anthoccadorida in like maner the citee Bethaurata whiche he called Iulia. Philip buylded Paniada aboute the well of Iordaine and named it Cesaria He erected also Bethsayda nye to the riuer Genasar gaue it to name Iulia Omonima Germanicus Cesar the Romaine capitaine nye to the wood Cesia vainquished and slue the Germaines called Marsi Iuba a man of excellent learninge kinge of the Moores Abagarus of Mesopotamia and Bardascanes of Babylon Anni regum britannie 1 GUiderius the first sonnne of Cimbaline The yere of Christ 17 began his reigne ouer the Britons reigned about The yere of the worlde 3978 28. yeres This mā was valiant hardy welthy trusted muche in his strength And for he thought the Romains had theyr tribute wrongfully he therfore of great courage denied to paie tribute for whiche cause ▪ Claudius the .v. emperor came into Britain with a great power to claim againe the payment therof as shall after be shewed Ualerius Gratus was president of Iudea he fyrste began to sel the roome and office of the high priest whyche example other being after in his auctoritee folowed Busines beganne among the Parthians through the death of theyr kinge Phraates whiche was murdered of his bastard son by the coūsail of his own cōcubine Thermusa to the entent that hir son might succede in the kingdome But the parthians deposed the bastarde and obteined of the Romains Uonones the legitimate sonne of Phraates and made him theyr king whom shortly after vnconstantly they agayne deposed Germanicus nie vnto the riuer Gisurgis ouercame and put to flight the Germains called Cherusci The riuer Tiberis ouerflowed the citee of Rome wherof great ruine and decay of buyldinge and mortalitee of people ensued A lawe was published wherby all inchaunters southsayers and they whiche had knowlage in mathematicall and magical sciences were banished out of Italy And also that the Romaines at theyr table shoulde not be serued with so riche and sumptuous plate Cecinna an vnder capitatne of the Romaines ouerthrue the Germains with theyr two capitains Armenius and Inquionierus A great commocion was like to haue bene in Italye throughe the insolente boldnesse of one Element the seruant of Agrippa whiche Agrippa was priuelye putte to death by Tyberius For this seruant a good space after his maisters death came abrode and named him selfe Agrippa to whom bothe in age and person he was not muche vnlike by whiche meanes he gathered to him great cōpanies and cam toward Rome but shortly after his cōpanies were disparkeled and he taken and put to deathe by Tyberius Germanicus Cesar triumphed for his great vyctoryes in Germany The yere of the worlde 3979 The yere of Christ 17 Anni regum britannie 2 In the whiche he semed to bring againe the glorie and renoume that Q. Uarus lost before for so muche as he brought in his triumph the same insignes and standerdes which were taken in the scomfiture of Uarus Tyberius for enuy condemned Archelaus king of Cappadocia and made his kingdome a prouince In Asia .xii. cities were ouerthrowē with an erthquake U●lerius made Ismaell the sonne of Iabus hic prieste in Iudea and deposed Amianus Anni regum britannie 3 Rebellion and warre began in Affrike The yere of the worlde 3980 The yere of Christ 19 by one Tacfarinas whiche was vanquished and chased by Furius Camillus proconsull of Affrike but not soo that he ceassed to rebelle Piso was made president of Surry Germanicus beinge enuied of Tyberius the emperor for the prosperous successe of his warres in Germanie Anni regum britannie The yere of the worlde 3981 The yere of Christ was remoued from that prouince and sent into Armenia where he ordeyned Zenon king of Armenians and made peace with Artabanus and the Partheans And shortely after through the counsail of Tyberius he was poysoned by Pyso and his wife Placine whose death brought gret sorowe and heauines to the
the eas● syde The .xiiii. day of Iuly kyng Henry hym selfe with a goo●ly company passed from Douer to Caleys and on the xxvi day of the same moneth encamped on the north syde of Bulleyne After whose comyng the towne was so sore battered with gunshotte and certayne of their tow●rs beynge vndermyned so shaken with force of gunnepouder that after a moneths siege the capitayne sent woorde to the kynge that he woulde yelde the towne to his behalfe on condition that all whiche were within myght departe with bagge and baggage whiche condition kynge Henry mercyfully graunted And the Bulleynors departed one and other to the number of .4454 In this meane tyme the Emperour had made a peace with the frenche kyng wherat kyng Henry was not a lyttell displeased and shortly after returned into Englande Shortly after the Frenchemen came by nyght vpon the Englyshemen in Bas●boleyne and slewe of them a great n●ber Howbeit they wer shortly chased frō thense and the Base town holden after that in good quietnesse Mounsire de Beese with .xv. thousande Frenchmen encamped ouer agaynste Bulleyne on the other syde of the water entendyng to buylde there a forte But shortly after he was set vpon in his campe by therle of Hertford the lorde Lisle the lorde Graye of Wilton and others and fledde with all his power leauynge behynde hym his ordinaunce tentes and plate The .xix. daye of Februarye was cruelly bourned at Torney in the frontiers of France The yere of the worlde 5506 The yere of Christ 1545 Anni regum Angli 3 one Peter Brulius a frenchman somtyme preacher of the gospel of Christ in Arg●ntine a citie in Germanie The maner of his death was this he was burned with a small fyre to the ende to make his tourment the greater He stoode manfully to his doctrine euen to the last breath and beyng in prison he dyd by letters confirme his disciples and confort his wife and children euen after he was cond●●n●d to die The doctrine that he stode to in his laste examination consisteth in these poyntes Fyrst that in the supper of the Lorde duely ministred and receyued is in spirite by faithe receyued the very bodye of Christe That the masse is a mere mans inuention iniur ious to Christe That the worshippyng of the consecrated bre ade is ydolatrie That there is none other purgatorye but Christes bloud That we can not honour sainctes better ▪ then by folowyng them in faithe and vertue That mans frewill is so letted by the fall of Adam that ▪ without goddes grace it can do no good thynge That it is faith whiche bryngeth vs saluation That no mannes traditions ought to be receyued to bynde conscience That to haue ymages in temples is very daungerous for fallyng into ydolatrie That baptisme is the signe of the couenant that God hath made with vs and of th● mortifications and newe lyfe that shulde folowe baptisme and that this sacrament ought not to bee denied to infantes sithe the promise pertayneth to them also That no vowe oughte to be made more then the word of god requireth or that is not in mans power to perform That eareshrift other then for counsell in doubtfull matters is a very dangerous tormentyng of the mynde And that he dydde not doubt of the perpetuall virginitie of the virgin Mary The Somer after the Frenchmen came downe with a great power and builded the fort or bastilion ouer agaynst Boloigne whiche the french kyng named Monpleasure betwene whiche fort the toune of Boloigne were continuall skirmishes to the losse of both partes Word cam to king Henry that the frenchmen intended to lād in the Isle of Wight Wherfore he went to Por●ismouth sent letters into diuers partes of his ●●alm to haue mē in a redines At which his being ther a goodly ship of the kings named Mary rose with sir George ●arew the capitain and manye othe●●●ntilmen was drowned in the middes o● the hauen b●●r●at foly and negligence Lorde Edward Seimour ●●le of Hertforde was sent by the kyng into Scotlande with an armie of .12000 mē where he destroyed dyuers townes in the myddle marches and greatly endomaged the Scottes A parliament holden at westminster wherin was grāted to the kynge a subsidye of .ii. s̄ .viii. d. in the pounde of moueable goodes and .iiii. s̄ of landes to be paied in th●e yere also colleges chaunteries hospitalles were geuen into the kynges handes for his lyfe tyme. Lorde Lisle highe admyrall of Englande landing in Normandie brente the suburbes of Treiporte and toke and spoyled well nere all the shippes in the hauen after that he destroyed many villages by the sea syde and got great praie Mounsire de Bees inuaded the Englishe pale besyde Grauelin By menes of the emperour cōmunica●●ō of peace was had betwene the ambassadours of Eng●and and Fraūce but nothing at this tyme was con●lu●e● Kynge Henry sent the lorde Edwa●de 〈◊〉 Erle of Hertforde and the lorde Lisle hy●h 〈◊〉 all with a company of .7000 men to pr●u●nt 〈…〉 who intended to builde an other forte at 〈…〉 ●ode At whiche tyme they entr●d into the hauen two ●ay● before the frenchemen had appointed to b● there An● so 〈◊〉 seated them of their purpose Often skirmishes betwene the Englishe garr●son of Bulleyn and the Frenche forte greately to the losse of bothe partes And at one tym● especially wer slayn .xvi. englishe gentyll men ▪ and .lxxx. other and fewe or none of the Frenchemenne The Stewes and other lyke brothell houses were by the kynges commaundement put downe in all partes of the realme as places that dyd mayntayne whordom manslaughter and all other mischiefe and naughtines A peace concluded betwene Englande and Fraunce Anni regum Angli which was proclaymed on Whitsonday to the great reioycyng of both realmes The yere of the worlde 5507 The yere of Christ 1546 For conclusion of this peace the vicount Lisle high Admirall with the byshop of Duresme and a goodly cōpany of men went into France after whose returne the byshop of ●●reux and two Erles came into England and were honourably receyued w●h great ioye and triumph Anne Askew gentlewoman Iohn Lassels gentilmā ●nd two other were brente in Smithfield● for opinion● contrary to the act● of the syx Articles At whiche tyme doctour Shaxton also recanted The duke of Norfolke and his sonne the Erle of Sur●●y wer attaynted of treason For which his sonne was put to execution and himselfe committed to the Towre where he remayned longe tyme. In Ianuarie the renowmed ●ing Henry the eyghte ended his lyfe and was buried at windsore THe most gratiouse and noble prince Edwarde the s●xt beyng .ix. yeres of age The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1543 succeded hys fathe● in the gouernance of thys realme and was crowned at Westmin●ter on Shrofe sondaye with great solemnitie In whome the people muche reioyced wishynge hertily hys longe and prosperouse reigne ouer them for that they sawe in hym euidente liklyhodes
of Christian and politike gouernemente when yeres sh●ul●e make ripe those fruites of vertue which euen in his tender age appeared to be sowen in hys royall herte Under this Kynge in the the tyme of hys minoritye hys vncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde protectour with the rest of the counsel gouerned this realme By wh●me to the furtheraunce of gods worde and true religion commissioners were sent into al partes of the realme with commaundement to take all Images oute of churches for auoydinge of Idolatrie and to cause al persons to leaue the superstitiouse vse of beades Wyth these commissioners were sente certein godlye learned preachers which dehorted men from superstition and enstructed them to geue theim selfe to true and vnfayned worshyppyng of god in heart and mynde with due obedience towardes theyr prince This yere order was taken that the pompous and superstitious maner of goyng in processi●n shuld be lefte and no more vsed The last day of Iuly Steuen Gardiner Bisshoppe of Winchester was sent prisoner to the towre of London And about the same tyme Doctour Smith of Oxford recanted openly at paules crosse diuers articles conteyned in twoo bookes whiche he had made one for the defence of the sacrifice of the Maise an other to proue that vnwritten verities oughte to be beleued vnder payne of damnation Shortlye after the Lorde Protectoure and Erle of Warwike wente into Scotlande with a stronge army requiringe the Scottes to fulfyll their promise made before to kynge Henry concernynge the mariage of theyr younge Quene with noble prynce Edwarde hys sonne But the Scottes alwayes vnfaithfull of promisse stubb●rnel●e came againste them with a greate puisaunce And not long after the two armies encoūtred in the feldes of Muscleborow● at a place called Pinkersloughe the englishmen not thinckynge as then to haue battaile And because the fronte of the Scottishe army was so terribly set with pikes our horsemen that gaue the firste on set were enforced to recule with losse of certen gentlemen whiche reculynge muche abashed our footemen But yet by the great wisedome and pollicye of the capitaynes and the good stomake of our souldiours wherewith god had at that present strengthed them they gaue a new onset and without any notable fight discomfited the Scottes and optayned a noble victorie At this tyme were slaine of the Scottes betwene thyrtene and fouretene thousande and not passynge an hundred Englysshemen This yeare dyd the pestilence so rage in the Citie of London that men fell to buryeng their deade early in the mornynges and late in the euenynges whervpon a commaundemente was geuen to all curates that they shoulde bury none before .vi. in the mornyng nor after vi at nyght and that a bell should ryng .iij. quarters of an houre or more After Myghelmasse was holden a parliament wherein chauntries were giuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at his pleasure It was also ordeyned in this parliam●nt that the body and bloude of Christe shoulde be receyued of all persones in bothe kyndes breade and wyne And an order was appoynted for the auoidyng of sturdy vagabundes and beggars In this meane whyle Peter Martyr a Florentine borne and of excellent knowlege in diuinitie being sent for by Thomas Cranmer archebyshop of Canterbury came into Englande ▪ in Nouember and shortely after was made reader of diuinitie in the vniuersitie of O●forde for his excellencie and soundenes in doctrine Also in this parliament were repealed certain bloudy statutes made in the tyme of kynge Henry the eight Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1548 emongest whiche the statute of sixe articles was one The fifte day of Februarye the aboue named duke of Somerset with the reste of the counsaylours of the realme dyd wryte vnto the Scottes in the kynges name a very longe and piththy Oration exhortynge theim to embrace peace but in vayne as afterwarde appeared to the great losse of bothe realmes In this February hotte persecution beganne agayne in Fraunce and especially at Paryse for the doctrine of Martyn Luthere where as in the meane whyle in Englande mens wyttes were occupied in dyuysynge howe to abolyshe the masse vtterly In Aprile folowynge Martine Bucer beeynge sente for by the marques of Brandenborough one of the princis electours came frome Strawsborough in Germany to Aus●orough and was there of hym and other at his appoyntemente entreated and perswaded by fayre woordes and promyses by roughe wordes and threatenynges and by all meanes possible to geue his consent to a booke called Antididagma whiche the Papistes had bene in hande with frome the yeare of our Lorde a thousande fiue hundred fortye and two to this present● yere a .1548 and hadde as nowe made it perfect as they thought But al this not withstanding Bucer departed not geuyng consent to theyr boke but not without danger of his lyfe This boke was fyrst pende against that boke of reformation of religion which Herman byshop of Coleyn caused to bee drawen and was afterwardes sette forth in his name But yet when they had made it as perfect as they coulde and had confirmed in it all popery welmoste it coulde not be allowed by Gods vicar of Rome bicause there were in it some thynges graunted to the contrary parte The fyrst day of October Edmunde Boner byshop of London was depriued of his byshoprike and put in prison in the Marshalsey for that he obstinately stode in the defence of popisshe supersticion and Nycholas Ridley byshop of Rochester was by the kynges authoritie transl●t●d to London The fourth day of Nouember was a parliament holden at Westminster vpon prorogation wherin was authorised a boke of an vniforme order of common praier and administration of the sacramentes in the englishe tongue Also the mariage of priestes was in the same parliament made laufull Moreouer the acte made in the .xxxii. of the reigne of kyng Henry the eight concernyng contractes of matrimonie was in this parliament repealed for that many beastly persons maliciousely enterpreting the same did by obtaynyng the firste carnall copulation take frome honest men their despoused wyues Sir Thomas Seimour lord Seimour of Sudley high admyrall of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 3 was by parliament attainted of treason for which his head was striken of at the tower hill in London the .xx. of Marche It was sayd that he fought to distroy the yong kynge Edwarde his neuewe and to make hym selfe kynge but moste men thynke he dyed innocent in that matter In Aprile Martine Bucer and Paulus Fagius men of excellent learnyng after many letters sente to theim from Thomas Cranmer archbyshop of Cantorburye came into Englande and were frendly receyued of the kyng hymselfe of the whole nobilitie welmoste and of the people also And after they had a while refreshed thē selues with the archebyshop of Canterbury they were bothe sente to Cambri●ge there to teache the trewe doctrine of Christe In Maie