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A03007 The actis and deidis of the illuster and vailzeand campioun, Schir William Wallace, knicht of Ellerslie; Wallace Henry, the Minstrel, fl. 1470-1492.; Blair, John, fl. 1300. 1570 (1570) STC 13149; ESTC S119817 198,266 370

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sall neuer forbeir Ȝoung nor auld that abill is to weir Preist nor woman I think nocht for to sla ▪ In my default bot gif thay causing ma. Schir Iohne he said lat all this murning be And for hir saik thair sall ten thousand de Quhair men may weip thair curage is the les It slaikis Ire of wrang thay suld redres Of thair complaint as now I speik na mair Of Auchinlek in Kilbank dwelland thair Quhen he hard tell of Wallace vexatioun To Cartlane wod with ten men maid him boun Wallace he fand sumpart within the nicht To Lanerk toun in all haist thay yame dicht The watche as than of thame had lytill dreid Partit thair men syne diuers wayis ȝeid Schir Iohne ye Grahame and his gude cūpany To Schir Robert Thorne full fast thay hy Wallace and his to Hessilrig sone thay past In ane heich hous quhair he was sleipand fast Struik at the dure with his fute hardely Quhill bar and brais in the flure gart he ly The Schiref cryit quha makis that greit deray Wallace he said quhilk thow hes socht this day The womanis deith will God thow fall deir by Hessilrig thocht it was na tyme to ly Out of that hous full fane he wald haue bene The nicht was mirk ȝit Wallace hes him sene Feirfly him straik as he come in greit Ice Vpon the heid bristit throw bane and lire The scheirand sword glaid to his schulder bane Out ouir the stair amang thame is he gane Gude A●chinlek trowit nocht that he was deid Thryis with ane knyfe he straik him in that steid The scry about rais rudely in that streit Feill of the laif war ful ȝeit vnder feit Ȝoung Hessilrig and wicht Wallace is met Ane sicker straik Williame hes on him set Derfly to deith ouir the stair dang him doun Mony that nicht thay slew in Lanerk toun Sum Greissis lap and sum stikkit within Affeirit thay war with hiddeous noyis and din. Schir Iohne ye Grahame had set ye hous in fyre Quhair Robert Thorne was brynt vp bane lyre Twelf scoir thay slew yat war of Ingland borne Wemen thay leuit and Preistis on the morne To pas thair way of blis and gudis bair And swore that thay agane suld cum na mair Quhen Scottis hard thir fyne tythingis of new Out of all partis to Wallace fast thay drew Pleneist the toun quhilk was thair heritage Thus Wallace straif aganis that greit barnage Ay he began with stryfe and stalwart hand To cheueis agane sum rowmis in Scotland The worthie Scottis that semblit to him thair Cheis●t him for cheif thair Chiftane and leidair Aymer Wallange ane felloun Tyran Knicht In Both wel dwelt King Edwards mā ful richt Murray was out thocht he was richteous Lord Of all that land as trew men will record Into Arrane he was dwelland that tyde And vther ma in this land durst nocht byde Bot this fals Knicht in Both well w●mand was Ane man he gart sone to King Edward pas And tauld him haill of Wallace ordinance How he had put his pepill to mischance And planely was rissin agane to Ring Greuit thair at richt greitly was this King Throw all Ingland he gart his doaris cry Power to get and said he wald planely In Scotland pas that Realme to statute new Feill men of weir to him richt fast thay drew The Quene feld weill how that his purpois was To him scho went on kneis syne can scho as He wald desist and nocht in Scotland gang Ȝe suld haue dreid to wirk sa felloun wrang Cristinit thay ar ȝone is thair heritage To reif thair Croun it is ane greit outrage For hir counsall at hame he wald nocht byde His Lordis him feit in Scotland for to ryde Ane Scottis mā yan dwelt with King Edward Quhen he hard fell that Wallace tuke sic part He stall fra thame al 's priuatly as he may Into Scotland he come vpon ane day Seikand Wallace he maid him reddy boun This Scot was borne in Kyle at Ricardtoun All Ingland coist he knew it wounder weill Fra Hull about to Bristow euerie deill Fra Carlile throuch Sandwiche yat Royall steid Fra Douer ouir vnto Sanct Bayis heid In Picardy and Flanders baith he had bene All Normandy and France hes he sene An● Purseuant to King Edward in weir Bot he culd neuer gar him his armis beir Of greit stature and sumpart gray was he The Inglismen callit him bot Grymisbie To Wallace come and into Kyle him fand He tauld him haill the tythingis of Ingland Thay turnit his name fra tyme yat he him knew And callit him Iop of Ingyne he was trew In all his tyme gude seruice in him fand Gaif him to beir the armis of Scotland Wallace agane in Cliddisdaill sone he raid And his power semblit withouttin baid He gart command quha wald his pear tak Ane fre remit he suld gar to him mak For alkin deid that thay had done beforne The Perseis peice Schir Rannalds was worne Feill to him drew that bauldly durst abyde Of Wallace kyn of mony diuers syde Schir Rannald than send him his power haill Him self durst nocht be knawin in battall Agane Sutheroun for he had maid ane band Lang tyme befoir to hald of thame his land Adame Wallace past out of Ricardtoun And Robert Boyd with gude men of Renoun Of Cuninghame and Kyle come men of waill To Lanerk socht on hors ane thousand haill Schir Iohne ye Grahame his gude Cheualrie ▪ Schir Iohne of Tynto with mē yat he micht be ▪ Gude Auchinlek that Wallace Vnkill was Mony trew Scot with yair Chiftane culd pas Thre thousand haill of lyklie men in weir And feill on fute quhilk wantit hors and g●ir ▪ The tyme be this was cūmand vpon hand The awfull Oist with Edward of Ingland ¶ The Battell of Bigar TO Bigar come with sextie thousand men In weir weidis that cruell was to ken Thay plantit thair feill Tentis pauillonis Quhair clarions blew with mony michtie soundꝭ Pleneist that place with gude victuall and wyne In Cartis brocht thair purueyance full fyne This awfull King gart twa Heraldis be brocht Gaif thame command in all the haist thay mocht To charge Wallace that he suld cum him till Without promis and put him in his will Becaus we wait he is ane gentill man Cum in my grace and I sall saif him than As for his lyfe I will vpon me tak And efter this gif he wald seruice mak He sall haue wage that may him weill suffice That Rebald wenis for he hes done supprise To my pepill oft vpon auenture Aganis me that he may lang Indure To this proffer ganestandand gif he be Heir I awow he salbe vangit hie Ane ȝoung Squyar was brother to Schir Hew He thocht he wald ga disagysit to persew Wallace to se that tuke sa hie
tauld to him how thay eschaipit wair The Scottis all as swyne lyis drunkin thair Of ȝour wicht wyne ȝe gart vs hidder leid Full weill ȝe may be vengit of thair deid Vpon our lyfis is suith that we ȝow tell Returne agane ȝe sall find thame ȝour sell He blamit thame and said na wit it was That he agane for sic ane taill suld pas Thair Chiltane is richt meruellous in weir Fra sic perrell he can full weill thame beir For to seik mair as now I will nocht ryde Our meit is loissit thairfoir we man nocht byde The hardy Duke of Longcastell and Lord Souerane he said to our counsall concord Gif this be ●rew we haue the mair auaill We may thame win and mak bot licht trauell War ȝone folk deid quha micht agane vs stand Than neid we nocht for meit to leif the land The King answerit I will nocht ryde agane As at this tyme my purpois is in plane The Duke said Schir gif ȝe determynit be To moue ȝow mait it effeiris nocht to me Command power agane with me to wend And I of this sall se ane finall end Ten thousand haill he chargit for to ryde H●ir in this strenth all nicht I sall ȝow byde We may get meit of bestiall in this land Gude drink as now we may nocht bring to hand Of West mure land the Lord had met yame yair On with the Duke he graithi● him to fair At the first straik with thame he had nocht bene With him he led ane thousand weill besene Ane Pikard Lord was with ane thousand boun Of King Edward he keipit Calice toun Thir tweir thousand vnto the toun can fair The twa Capitanis sone met thame at Bigair With the hai● stuf of Roxburgh and Berwike Schir Rauf Gray saw yat thay war Sutheroun like Out of the South approchit to thair sicht He knew full weill with yame it was not richt Aymer Wallance with his power come al 's King Edwardis man ane tyran Knicht and fals Quhen thay war met thay ●a●d nocht 〈◊〉 yair Bot deid Crocis and thay war spulȝeit bair Than meruellit thay quhair the Scottis suld be Of thame about apperance thay culd nocht se Bot spyis yame tauld yat come w t Schir Aymare In Dauidschaw thay saw yame mak repair The feill Sutheroun sone past to that place The watche was war and tauld it to Wallace He warnit the Oist out of the Toun to ryde In Roppis Bog he purposit to abyde Ane lytill Schaw vpon the ane syde was That men on fute out of the Bog micht pas The hors thay left into that lytill hald On fute thay thocht the Mos that thay suld hald The Inglis Oist had weill thair passage sene And followit fast with cruell men and kene Thay trowit yat Bog micht mak yame lytil vaill Growin ouir with Risp all ye sward was haill On thame to ryde thay ordanit with greit Ire Of the formest ane thousand in the myre Of hors with men ar plungit in the deip The Scottis of thair cūming tuke gude keip Vpon thame set with straikis sad and sair Ȝeid nane away of all that enterit thair Licht men on fute vpon thame derfly dang Feill vnder hors war smorit in that thrang Strampit in Mos and with rude hors ouir gane The worthie Scottis the dry land than hes tane Vpon the laif fechtand full wounder fast And mony grume thay maid full sair agast The Inglismen that besy was in weir Assailȝeit sair thame fra the Mos to beir On ather syde bot than it was na bute The strenth thay held richt awfully on fute To men and hors gaif mony greuous wound Feill to the deith thay stikkit in that stound The Pikard Lord assailȝeit scharply thair Vpon the Grahame with straikis sad and sair Schir Iohne ye Grahame with ane stif sword of steill His bricht byrneis he peirsit euerie deill Throw all the stuf and stikkit him in that steid Thus of his dynt the bauld Pikard was deid The Inglis Oist tuke plane purpois to fle In thair turning the Scottis gart mony de Wallace wald fane at the Wallange haue bene Of Westmureland the Lord was yame betwene Wallace on him he set ane awfull dynt Throw Basnet stuf yat na steill micht out stint Derfly to deith he left him in that place Swa the fals Knicht eschapit throw this cace Gude Robert Boyd hes with ane Capitane met Of Berwik than ane sad straik on him set Ouirthort the craig and keruit the Pesane Throw all his weid in sunder straik the bane Feill horsmen fled fast and durst nocht abyde Rebutit euill vnto thair King thay ryde The Duke him tauld of all thair Iourney haill His hart for Ire boldnit in bitter baill Heichly he hecht he suld neuer Londoun se On Wallace deith quhill he reuengit be Or lois his men agane as he did air Thus south he socht with greit sorrow and cair Than at the Kirk ane lytill tary maid Syne throw the land ouir Sulway fast he raid The Scottis Oist ane nicht remanit still Vpon the morne thay spulȝeit with gude will The deid corps syne culd to Braidwod fair At ane counsall thre dayis thay soiornit thair At the Forest Kirk ane meting ordanit he Thay cheisit Wallace Scottis wardane to be Craisting he suld thair panefull sorrow ceis He ressauit all that wald cum to his peis Schir William come that Lord Dowglas was Forsuke Edward at Wallace peax can as In that thirlage he wald na langer be Tribute befoir to Ingland payit he In contrair Scottis with thame neuer raid Far better cheir Wallace thairfoir him maid Thus treitit he and chereist wounder fair Trew Scottis men that fewtie maid him thair And gaif greitly feill gudis that he wan He warnit it nocht to na gude Scottis man Quha wald rebell and gang contrair the richt He puneist sair war he Squyar or Knicht Thus meruellously gude Wallace tuke on hand Likly he was richt ●air and weill farrand Manly and stout and thairto richt liberall Plesand and wyse in all gude generall To slay forsuith Sutheroun he spairit nocht To Scottis men full greit proffit he wrocht Into the South forsuith than passit he As him best thocht he reullit that countrie Schireffis he maid that cruell was and kene And Capitanis of trew wyse Scottis men Fra Gamyllis peth the land obeyit him haill To Vr watter baith strenth Forest and daill Aga●s him in Galloway hous was nane Except Wigtoun biggi● of lyme and stane That Capitane hard the reull of Wallace Away be sey he stall out of that place Leuit all waist and culd in Ingland wend Bot Wallace sone ane keipar to it send Ane gude Squyar and to name he was cald Adam Gordoun as the storie me tald ANe strenth thair was at the watter of Cre Within ane roche richt stalwart wrocht of tre Ane
and had it vnderstand At this Herald he askit his credance With asper speiche and manly countenance And he him tald as I haif said befoir The Kingis desyre quhat neidis wordis moir ▪ The hie honour and the greit Nobilnes Of ȝour manheid weill knawin in mony place Him lykis asweill ȝour worschip to auance As ȝe war borne ane leige man of France Sen his Regioun is flour of Realmis sene Al 's the greit band of kyndnes ȝow betwene And sen this Realme standis in sic saiftie It war worschip his presence for to se Wallace consauit withouttin tarying The greit desyre of this gude Nobill King Syne to him said sa God of heuin me saue Heirefter sone ȝe sall ane answer haue Of ȝour desyre that ȝe haue schewit me till Welcum ȝe ar with ane fre harty will The Herald baid vnto the twentie day With Wallace still in gude weilfair and play Consumit the tyme with wirschip and plesance Be gude auyse maid his deliuerance With his awin hand he wrait vnto the King All his Intent as tuiching to this thing Richt riche rewaird he gaif the Herald to And him conuoyit quhen he had leif to go Out of the toun with gudly cumpany His leif he tuik and went vnto the sey Gude Wallace than hes maid his purueyance His purpois was to se the King of France Neirest but weir to Sanct Iohnstoun couth fair Ane counsall than he had gart ordane thair Into his steid cheisit ane Gouernour To keip the land ane man of greit honour Iames gude Lord the Stewart of Scotland Quhilk Father was as storyis beiris on hand To gude Walter quhilk was of hie parage Mariory Bruce syne gat in Mariage Thairof as now to speik I haue na space It is weill knawin thankit be Goddis grace ▪ And to the Herald withouttin residence How he appeirit vnto the Kingis presence Fra the Rochell the land sone hes he tane A touir the land he graithit him to gane Seikand the King al 's gudly as he may Sa to the Court he passit on ane day To Paris went as peirles of Renoun This King that tyme held Palice in that toun Quhen he him saw hes graithly vnderstand He speirit tythandis the weilfair of Scotland The Herald said into thir termis schort That all was gude he had the mair comfort Saw thow Wallace the Chiftane of that land And he said ȝe that dar I tak on hand Ane worthyar this day is leuand nane In way of weir al 's far as I haue gane The hie worschip and the greit Nobilnes The gude weilfair plesance and worthynes The riche rewaird was michtie for to se That for ȝour saik he kyithit vpon me And his answer in writ he hes ȝow sent The King ressauit it with ane gude Intent O Royall Roy and richteous Crownit King Ȝe knaw this weill be vther ma than me How yat our Realme standis in perplexite The fals Natioun that we ar Nichtbouris to Quhen pleissis thame thay mak vs ay ado Na band may be maid of sic sufficiance Bot ay in it thay find ane variance To wait ane tyme will God that I may be Within ane ȝeir I will ȝour presence se Of this answer weill pleisit was the King Leif I thame thus in Royaltie to Ring And glaid comfort richt as I haue ȝow tald Of Wallace furth I will my purpois hald ¶ How Wallace past in France and faucht wit● the Reid Reuar and vincust him Cap. ij INtill Apryll the ane and twentie day The Kalend changit as we vse to say The lustie tyme of Mayis fresche cūming Celestiall greit blyithnes in to bring Principall moneth forsuith it may be sene The heuinly hewis vpon the tender grene Quhen auld Saturne his cluddy cours hes gane The quhilk hes bene baith bird and beistis bane Ȝephirus eik with his sweit vapour Hie comfort hes be wirking of natour All fructeous thing into the eird adoun That reullit is vnder the hie Regioun Sober Luna in following of the se Quhen bricht Phebus is in his Chemeis hie The Bullis cours sa takin hes his place And Iuppiter was in the Crabbis face Quhen Aries the hait Signe Colerik Into the Ram quhilk hes his roumis rike Thetis had his place and mansioun In Capricorne the Signe of the Lyoun Gentill Iuppiter with his myld ordinance Baith herb and tre reuertis into plesance And fresche Flora hir floury mantill spreid In euerie vaill baith hoip hill and meid In this same tyme for thus myne Author sayis Wallace to pas of Scotland tuik his wayis Be schort anyse he schuip him to the sey And fyftie men tuik in his cumpany He leit na word than walk of his passage Or Inglismen had stoppit his veyage Nor tuik na leif at Lordis of Parliament He wist full weill thay wald nocht all consent To suffer him out of the land to ga For thy anone without witting of ma He gart foirse and ordane weill his schip And thir war thay past in his fellowschip Twa Wallacis was his kynnismen full neir Craufurd Cleland to him war haldin deir At Kirkeudbricht he ordanit his passage Seymen he set and gaif thame gudly wage Ane gude new Barge richt worthely wrocht for weir Thay wātit nocht of wyne vittal nor geir Wit ȝe thay war ane gudly cumpany Of waillit men had wrocht full hardely Boneallies drank richt glaidly on ane morrow Syne leif thay tuik with greit God to borrow ▪ Boittis war schot and fra the land thame sent With glaid hartis atanis in thay went Vnto the Schip thay rowit haistely The Seymen than wirkand full ernestly Ankeris wand in wyselie on ather syde Thair leidis kest and waittit weill the tyde Leit Saillis fall and hes thair cours anone Ane gudly wynd out of the richt airth come Freikis on foirstam reullit weill thair geir Leidis on lebuird with ane Lordly feir Lynis laid out to luik thair passage sound With ful Saill yus fra Scotland Firth yai foūd Saillit haill ouir the day and al 's the nicht Vpon ye morne quhen yat ye Sone schynit bricht Thair Schipmaister vnto the Top is went South eist he saw that trublit his Intent Sextene Saillis arrayit on ane raw In collour reid that towart yame couth draw The glitterand Sone vpon thame schewit bricht The sey about Illuminit with the licht This mānis Sprite was in ane extasy Doun went he sone and said richt sorrowfully Allace quod he the day that I was borne Without remeid our lyfis ar all forlorne In curssit tyme I tuik this cure on hand The best Chiftane and reskew of Scotland Ouir reklesly I haue tane vpon me With waik power to bring him throw the see It forcit nocht wald God I war torment Sa Wallace micht with worschip chaip vnschēt Quhen Wallace saw and hard this mānis mane To
Ane Trumpet blew and fra the wod thay draw Wallange left of that sicht fra that he saw To sailȝe mair thay thocht it was na speid Without the wod to counsall sone thay ȝeid The worthy Scortis to rest thame was full fane Fell hurtis thay had bot few of thame was slane Wallace bad all of gude comfort to be Thankit be God the fairar part haue we Ȝone Knicht Psewart hes at greit Iourneyis bene Sa fair assay I haue bot seildin sene I had leuar on Wallange wrokin be Than ony man that is of ȝone menȝe The Scottis all vnto the Barreris ȝeid Stanchit woundis that couth full braithly bleid Sum Scottismen had bled full mekill blude For falt of drink and al 's wanting of fude. Sum febillit fast that had feill hurtis thair Wallace thairfoir sichit with hart full sair Ane hat he hint to get watter is gane Vther refuge as than he wist of nane Ane lytill strand he fand that ran him by Of cleir watter he brocht thame aboundantly And drank him self syne said with sober mude The wyne in France me thocht not half sa gude Than of the day thre quarteris was ouir went Schir Iohne Psewart hes cassin in his Intent To sailȝe mair as than he couth nocht preif Quhill on the morne that new men couth releif And keip thame in quhill thay for honger soir Cum in his will or ellis de thairfoir Wallange he said I charge the for to byde And keip thame in quhill I to Cowper ryde Thow sall remane with fyue hundreth at thy will And I ye morne with power sall cum the till Iohne Wallange said this charge heir I forsaik Efter this day all nicht I may nocht waik Bot traistis weill thay will Ische to the plane Thocht ȝe byde al 's or ellis de in the pane Psewart bad byde or vnderly the blame I the command on gude King Edwardis name Or heir to God avow I mak beforne And thay brek out to hyng the hie the morne Of his command Iohn Wallange had greit dreid Psewart fra thame with nyne scoir into deid Nixt hand the wod and his gude men of Fyfe The Scottꝭ was blyith quhē y t yai hard sic stryfe Wallace drew neir his tyme quhen yat he saw To the wod syde and couth on Wallange caw That Knicht hes hecht ye morne to hang the hie Cum●n to vs I sall thy warrand be In contrair him and all King Edwardis micht Tak we him quyk we sall him hang on hicht Ane gude Lordschip I sall the gif heir Eist In this Ilk land that thy brother hes leisit Wallange was wyse full sone couth vnderstand Be lyklines Wallace suld wyn the land And better him war into the richt to byde Than be in weir vpon the tother syde With schort auysement to Wallace in thay socht Than Psewart cryit and said that beis for nocht And fals of kynd thow art of heritage Edward on the hes euill wairit greit wage Heir I sall byde my purpois to fulfill Outher to de or haue the at my will For all his speiche to pas yai wald nocht spair With full glaid hart Wallace ressauit yame yair Be that Rothwen and Ramsay of Renoun Be ane trew Scot yat past to Sāct Iohnstoun Thame warning maid yat Psewart followit fast Vpon Wallace than war thay sair agast Out of the toun Ischit in all thair micht With thre hundreth yat worthy war and wicht To Blak Irnesyde assemblit in that place As Wallange was gane in to gude Wallace The Knicht Psewart hes weill thair cūming sene Ane fair plane feild he cheisit thame betuene Elleuin hundreth and four scoir than had he The Scottis men war fyue hundreth and sextie Thir was bot few ane plane feild for to tak Out of the wod gude Wallace can him mak He wist na wit of thame that cūmand was Mair hardiment was fra the strenth to pas Bot quhen he hard Rothuen and Ramsay cry Of Ouchtirhous blyith was this Cheualry Micht thay of gold haue brocht ane Kingis rent To gude Wallace micht nocht sa weill content Than to array thay ȝeid on ather syde In cruell Ire at battell bowne to byde Worthyer men than Psewart semblit thair In all his tyme Edward had neuer mair Bot Psewart saw his number was far ma His power sone he gart deuyde in twa To fecht in that caus Knichtly he thame kend In that Iourney outher to wyn or end The worthy Scottis yat first amang yame baid Full greit slauchter on Inglismen thay maid Into the wod befoir had preuit weill Than on the plane thay sonȝeit neuer adeill In curage grew as thay war new begun Schort rest thay had fra rysing of the Sone Be that Ram●ay and gude worthy Rothuane Throw out the thickest of the preis is gane Sloppis thay maid amang the Inglismen Disseuerit thame be twentie and be ten Quhen speiris war gane with swordis of mettel● To Inglismen thair cūming sauld full deir Wallace and his be worthynes of hand Feill Sutheroun blude gart licht vpon ye land The twa feildis togidder reillit than Schir Iohne Psewart with mony Nobill man To help thair Lord thre hundreth in ane place About him stude and did thair besynes Defendand him with mony awfull dynt Quhill all the outwart of the feild was tynt Of commounis part into the Forest fled Su●cour to seik thir men sa had thame led The Scottis hes sene sa mony in ane rout With Psewart stand that Inueronit him about Vpon all sydis assailȝeit wounder sair The poleist plaitis with poyntis peirsit bair The Sutheroun maid defence full cruelly All occupyit was this Nobill Cheualry Schir Iohne Ramsay wald thay had ȝoldin bene Wallace said nay it is all wrang ȝe mene Ransoun to tak we can nocht now begin On sic ane wyse this land ȝe may nocht win Ȝone Knicht of auld our enemie hes bene Sa fell to vs of thame I haue nocht sene Now he sall de throw help of Goddis grace He come to pay his Ransoun in this place The Sutheroun saw and wist planely to de Reskew was nane suppois that thay wald fle Freschly thay faucht as thay had enterit new Vpon our syde part worthy men thay slew Thā Psewart said allace throw wrangous thing Our lyfis we lois for desyre of our King That felloun Knicht dou●it his lyfe richt nocht Amang the Scottis full manfully he wrocht Bisset he straik to deith for outtin mair Wallace preuit with his sword birneist bair At Psewartis hals he ettillit with greit Ire Throw pe●ane stuf in sunder straik the swyre Deid to the ground he ruschit for all his micht Be Wallace and thus endit that gude Knicht The remanent without mercy thay sla For gude Bisset the Scottis was wounder wa In handis sum thay stikkit but remeid Na Sutheroun past with lyfe out of that steid Than to the wod
the feild hes tane With aucht thousand of worthy men in wane The Sutheroun war richt douchtie into deid Togidder straik stuffit in steill weid Than speiris sone all into splenderis sprent The hardy Scottis out throw ye Sutheroū wēt In rayit battell seuin thousand doun thay bair Deid on the bent that cowerit neuer mair Richt fell fechting with wappinnis groūdin kene Blude fra beirnis was buschit on the grene The stalwart stour that felloun was and strang The worthy Scottis sa derfly on thame dang That all was deid within ane lytill stound Nane of that place had power for to found Ȝoung Wodstok hes baith lyfe and Oist forlorne The Scottis spuilȝeit of gude geir thame beforne Quhat thame thocht best of fyne harnes yai waill Baith gold and gude and hors that micht auaill To Striuiling brig without resting thay raid Or ma suld cum Wallace this ordinance maid Past ouir the brig Wallace gart wrichtis call And with craftis men vndid the passage all Syne thay same folk he send to the Drip furd Gart set the ground with stark staikkis and burd With nyne or ten Sillis he kest the gait befoir Endlang the schald maid it al 's deip as schoir Than Wallace said we sall on ane syde be Ȝone King and I bot gif he southwart fle He send Lawder quhilk had in hand the Bas Endlang the coist quhair ony Veschell was And men with him that besylie couth luik Of Ilk boit ane buird or twa out tuik Schippis thay brynt of strangeris yat was yair Setoun and he to Wallace thus can fair In Striuiling lay vpon his purpois still For Inglismen to se quhat way thay will The Erll Malcolme Striuiling in keiping had To him he come with men of armis sad Thre hundreth haill that sicker was and trew Of Lennox folk thair power to renew Schir Iohne the Grahame fra Dundaf sickerly To Wallace come with ane gude Cheualry Tythādis him brocht ye Sutheroū come at hand In Torphtchen King Edward was ludgeand Distroy and the place of purueyance was thair Sanct Iohnis gude as than yai wald nocht spair Gude Stewart of Bute come to Wallace yair With him he had twelf hundreth men and mair The Cumyng than was past in Cumm●rnald Vpon the morne bownit the Stewart bald Sone to array with men of armis bricht Twentie thousand than semblit to thair sicht The Lord Stewart and Cumyng furth ya● ryde To the Fawkirk and thocht thair to abyde Wallace and his than to array thay ȝeid With ten thousand of worthy men in deid Quha culd behald his awfull Lordly vul● Sa weill besene sa fordwart sterne and stout Sa gude Chifranis as with sa few thay b● Without ane King was neuer in Scotland ●ene Wallace him self and Erll Malcolme the Lord Schir Iohne ye grahame Ramsay at record Setoun Lawder and Ramsay yat was wicht Adam Wallace was to that Iourney dicht And mony vther quhilk preuit weill in preis Thair namis all I may nocht heir rehe●rs Sutheroun or than out of Torphichen fure Thair passage maid into Slam●nane mure Into ane plane set Tentis and Pauilloun South the Fawkirk a lytill abone the toun Gude Iop him self Iudgit be his sicht In haill number ane hundreth thousand richt Of Wallace come the Scottis sic comfort tuik Quhen thay him saw all dreddour thay forsuik For of Inuy was few thair that it wist Tressonabill folk thair mater wirkis with list Poysoun sen syne at the Fawkirk is cald Throw greit tressoun and corruptioun of ald Lord Cumyng had Inuy at gude Wallace For Erll Patrik that hapnit vpon cace Countes of Marche was Cumyngis Sister deir Vnder cullour he wrocht on this maneir Into the Oist had ordanit Wallace deid And maid Stewart to fall with him at pleid That Lord he said that Wallace had na richt Power to leid and he present in sicht He bad him tak the vangaird for to gy ▪ Sa wist he weill that he suld stryfe for thy Lord Stewart askit at Wallace his counsall Said Schir ȝe knaw quhat may vs maist auaill Ȝone awfull King is felloun for to b●de Richt vnabasit Wallace answerit that tyde And I haue sene ma swyis into Sc●la●d With ȝone ilk King quhē Scot●s●ē tuik on hand With ●ewar men than now a● hidder soch● This Realme agane to full gude purpois brocht Schir we will fecht fo● we haue men anew As for ane day so that we all be trew The Stewart said he wald the vangaird haif Wallace answerit and said sa God ●e ●f That ȝe sall nocht sa lang as I may ring Nor na man ellis quhill I se my richteous King Gif he will cum and tak on him the Crown At his command I sall be reddy boun Throw Goddis grace I reskewit Scotlād twyis I war to mad to tyne it on sic wyse To tyne for boist that I haue gouernit lang Thus half in wraith srawa●t him ca● he gang Stewart thair with all bowdnit into ba● Wallace he said be the I tell ane ●a●ll Say furth quod he o● the fairest ȝe can Vnhappely his ta● thus he began Wallace he said thow ●akis the mekill cu●e Sa fairir it be wirking of nature How ane Howlet complenit of his Fethrame Quhill Dame nature tuik of Ilk bird but blame Ane fair fedder and to the Howlet gaif Than he throw pryde rebutit all the laif Quhairfoir suld thow thy Senȝe schaw sa hie Thow thinkis nane heir that suld thy fellow be This makis it thow art cled with our men Had we our awin thyne war bot few token At thir wordis gude Wallace brynt as fyre Quir hastely he answerit him in Ire Thow leid he said the suith full oft hes bene Thair haue I biddin quhē thow durst not be sene Cōtrair thy enemeis na mair for Scotlandꝭ richt Nor dar the Howlet quhen yat ye day is licht That taill full neir thow hes tald be thy sell To thy desyre thow sall me nocht compell Cumyng it is hes geuin the this counfall Will God ȝe sall of ȝour first purpois faill This fals tratour that I of danger brocht Is wounder lyke this Realme to bring to nocht For thyne oggart outher thow sall byde or de To presoun led or cowartly to fle Reskew of me thow sall get nane this day Thair with he ●urnit and fra thame raid his way Ten thousand haill away with Wallace raid Naue better was in all the warld sa braid As of sic men that leuand was on lyfe Aliace greit harme fell Scotland for that stryfe Past to ane wod fra the Fawkirk be eist He wald nocht byde for command nor requeist For charge of nane bot it had bene his King That micht that tyme bring him fra his etling The v●her Scottis that saw this discentioun For discomfort to leif the feild was boun Bot that thay men was natiue to Stewart Principall of Bute tuik
tuik to his peis To Burdeous he past or he wald ceis On out biggingis full greit maistrie he maid Still twentie dayis at strang assailȝeing baid Forthis and werk that was without the toun Thay brak and brynt and put to confusioun Hedgis and alayis be laubour that was thair Fuilȝeit and spilt thay wald na fruitis spair The Inglismen maid greit defence agane With schot and cast that mekill war of mane Of gūnis thay war and ganȝeis stuffit weill All artailȝe and wappinis of fyne steill With men and meit within was buskit bene The greit Capitane was wyse cruell and kene Of Glocester the huge Lord and Here The Erll had bene ay vsit into were Keipit his men be wit and hardyment Without the toun yair durst nane fra him went The land without was neir waistit away Weirmen sa lang into the countrie lay In Wallace Oist sa scant was of vittaill Thay micht nocht byde na langer to assaill Than this wyse Lord the Duke of Orlyance To Wallace said Schir ȝe suld ken this chance It standis ouir weill with yis fals sutheroū blude For on na wyse can we stop thair fude. The hauin thay haue and schippis at thair will Of Ingland cūmis vittall aneuch thame till The land is pure of vittall suld vs beild And ȝe se weill al 's thay forsaik the feild Thay will nocht fecht thocht ȝe all ȝeir suld byde Ȝe may of peice pleneis thir landis wyde My counsall is in plane anent this thing That ȝe wald pas with worschip to the King Be his assent ȝe may at laiser waill With prouisioun agane thame to assaill Wallace Inclynit and thankit this wyse Lord Than thay returnit all in ane gude accord Past vp in France with honour to the King And schew him haill the veritie of this thing And he thairof in hart was wounder glaid Frenche men befoir yat hundreth ȝeir nocht had Of Guyan haill sa mekill in thair hand Wryting be than was new cūmin of Scotland Fra part of Lordis and gude Bischop Sinklair Besocht the King into thir termis fair Of his gentrice and of his gudly grace For thair supple to counsall gude Wallace To cum agane and bring thame of bandoun And tak to weir the Crown of that Regioun This writ as than he wald nocht to him schaw Richt laith he was for freindschip feid or aw Wallace suld pas sa sone fra his presence Ane dwelling place he tuik to his residence In Schynnone still Wallace his dwelling maid And held about richt lykand landis braid Ane kene Capitane than clamit in heritage Office of it and greit landis in wage Thairfoir he thocht gude Wallace for to sla Vnder cullour sic maistrie for to ma. Lang tyme he socht to get ane day and place Said he desyrit in seruice to Wallace ANe tryste thay set with fyftene on the syde Fourtie thair by he gart in buschement byde Of men in armis quhen he with Wallace met Richt awfully he bad thame on him set Nane armour had Wallace men in that place Bot sword knyfe yai bure on yame throw grace Part of his men left neir ane Forest syde Richt busteously the Capitane said that tyde That Wallace held of his landis vnricht Richt soberly he said to that Frenche Knicht I haue na land bot quhilk the King gaif me My lyfe thairfoir hes bene in Ieopardie The Knicht answerit thy lyfe sall be forlorne Or ellis that land the contrair quha had sworne Abak he lap and out ane sword he drew The buschement brak quhen he that takin schew Gude Wallace thocht that mater stude not weill He grippit sone ane scheirand sword of steill And at ane straik the Knicht to deith he draif About sextene sone lappit all the laif Wallace and his sa worthely thay wrocht Full feill thay ●lew that ●airest on thame socht The Knichtis brother yat stalwart was strang And thocht thay suld be vengit or thay gang Of Wallace men sum part he woundit sair Mawand thair was into ane Medow thair Nyne stout Carllis all seruandis to that Knicht Syithis thay hynt and ran in all thair micht To the fechtaris or thay come neir that place Bot thame persauit richt weil hes gude Wallace Sa awfull thing of sic he neuer saw Thame to resist him self can to thame draw Into the stout left his men fechtand still To meit thay Carllis that come with egir will The first leit draw at Wallace with his Syith Deliuer he was and heich ouirlap it swyith Ane akwart straik hit the Churll on the heid Derfly on ground he hes him left for deid The tother he met ouir lap his Syith sa kene On the schulder al 's straik him in that tene Throw all the coist the Nobill sword doun schair The thrid he met with ane full awfull fair The groundin Syith at Wallace he leit draw This gude Chiftane clenely ouir lap thame aw With his guid sword he maid ane hiddeous woūd Left him for deid syne on the feird can found On the Rig bane in greit Ire can him ta Cleuit the coist richt cruelly in twa Thre formest Syithis yis gude Wallace ouir lap And four he slew yai saw sic was thair hap For ane man ay he slew at euerilk straik The last fled first this can thair power ●laik Wallace followis and sone the fyft ouirtais Straik him to deith that na farther he gais Syne sped him sone vnto his men agane Be than thay had the Knichtis brother slane Fyftie and sex derfly to deith was dicht Except seuin men that fled out of thair sicht Fyue Mawaris al 's that Wallace self with met To Frenchemen sen syne na sic tryst set Becaus that thay him brocht to sic ane cace The King hard tell weill chaipit was Wallace Send for him sone syne prayit him for to be Of his houshald and leif in gude saiftie For weill he saw thay had him at Inuy Still with him self he gart him byde for thy Twa ȝeiris thair Wallace with myrth abaid Still into France mony gude Iourney maid The King him pleisit in all his gudly mane Fra him he thocht he suld nocht part agane Lordis and Ladyis honourit him reuerently Wretchis and Schrewis ay had him at Inuy ¶ How Wallace slew the twa Campiounis Cap. i● TWa Campiounis yat time dwelt w t ye King Had greit despite at Wallace in all thing Togidder ȝeid ay thir twa Campiounis Of felloun force and thrawart conditiounis Richt greit despite thay spak ay of Scotland Quhill on ane day it hapnit vpon hand Wallace and thay war leuit thame allane Be auenture into ane hous of stane Thay vsit to beir na wappinis in that hall Thay trowit thairfoir ane mys yai micht not fall Thair commonnit thay of Scotland scornefully Than Wallace said ȝe wrang vs vtterly Sen we ar
¶ The actis and Deidis of the Illuster and Vailȝeand Campioun Schir William Wallace Knicht of Ellerslie ☞ ✚ ☜ ¶ ¶ The First Buik OVR Antecessouris that we suld of reid And hald in mynd yair nobill douchtie deid We let ouir slyde throw verray sleuthfulnes And castis vs euer to vther besynes On vane gamming is set our haill Intent Quhilk hes bene sene in till thir tymis by went Our nixt nichtbouris cūmin of Brutus blude That oftentymis to Scottis willit lytill gude Thocht now of lait God turnit yair mynd will That greit kyndnes yai haue schawin vs till The hartis of pepill the Lord hes in his hand He may yame reu● and gyde at his command And thocht all Leidis wald haue yis lād in thrall Oppone his power God can aganis thame all As we haue sene in our foirbearis afoir Bot of thir Parabillis as now I speik no moir ¶ We reid of ane richt famous of Renoun Of worthy blude that Regnit in this Regioun And hyne furth now I will my purpois hald Of William Wallace as ȝe haue hard heir tald His Foirbearis quha lykis to vnderstand Of auld Lynnage and trew blude of Scotland Schir Rannald Craufurd richt Schiref of Air Swa in his tyme he had ane docher fair And ȝoung Schir Rannald Schiref of yat toun His Sister fair of gude fame and Renoun Malcolme Wallace hir gat in mariage That Ellerslie than had in heritage Auchin bothy and mony ane vther place The secund Oye he was to gude Wallace The quhilk Wallace full hardely had wrocht Quhen Walter heir of Wallace to him socht Quha lykis to heir mair knawledge in yat part Ga reid the lyne of the first Stewart Bot Malcolme Wallace gat on this Lady bricht Malcolme Wallace ane full gude gentill Knicht And William al 's as Cronicklis beiris on hand Quhilk efter was the Reskewer of Scotland Quhen it was loist with tressoun and falsnes Ouir set with fais it fred throw Goddis grace King Alexander our worthy King forlorne Be auenture his lyfe had at Kingorne Thre ȝeiris still ye Realme stude desolait Quhair throw yair rais ane full greuous debait Our Prince Dauid Erll of Huntingtoun Thre dochteris had of gude fame and Renoun Of ye quhilk thre come Bruce Balliol Haisting Twa of thir thre desyrit to be King The Ballioll clamit of ye first gre lynely And Bruce the first Maill of ye secund gre by To Edward sone vnto Ingland thay send Of this greit stryfe thocht yai suld mak ane end Foly it was forsuith it hapnit sa Succour to seik of thair auld mortall fa. Edward Langschankis had new begun his weir Vpon Gascone into ane awfull feir Thay landis quhilkis he clamit stude in sic cais He thocht fra hand to mak it haill conqueis To Norhame Kirk he come withouttin mair The counsall yan of Scotland met him thair Full subtellie he chargit thame in bandoun As thair Ouirlord to hald of him the Crown Bischop Robert in his tyme full worthy Of Glasgow Lord said that we do deny Ony Ouirlord bot the greit God abuif The King was wraith and hame he did remuif Ȝit Iohne Ballioll followit on him sa fast To hald of him he grantit at the last And contrair richt ane King he maid him yair Quhair throw Scotland repentit it full sair To the Ballioll our Lordis wald nocht consent Edward furth with set doun ane Parliament He callit Ballioll to answer for Scotland The wyse Lordis gart him sone brek yat band Ane Abbot past and gaif ouir his alledgeance King Edward yan it tuik in greit greuance His Oist he raisit and come to Werk on Tweid Bot for to fecht as yan he had greit dreid To Corspatrik of Dunbar sone he send His counsall askit for he the countrie kend Fra he was brocht in presence of the King Be subtell band yai cordit on this thing ¶ The Wynning of Berwik Cap. ij ERll Patrik than to Berwik couth persew Ressauit he was and traistit verray trew The King followit with his men of Renoun ●ter mydnicht at rest was all the toun Corspatrik rais the keyis weill he knew Leit briggis doun and Portcuilleis thay knew Edward Enterit and gart sla haistely Of men and wyfis aucht thousand and fyfty And barnis al 's be this fals auenture Of trew Scottis chaipit na creature Ane Capitane thair this fals King hes maid Towart Dunbar without resting thay raid ¶ The Battell of Dunbar Cap. iij. QVhair gadderit was greit power of scotlād Aganis Edward in Battell for to stand Thir four Erllis was enterit in that place Of Mat Menteith and Athoill vpon cace In the Castell the Erll gart hald thame in That to thair men without yai micht not win Nor ȝit to thame suppleing for to ma The Battellis than togidder fast thay ga Full greit slauchter yat pietie was to se Of trew Scottis ouir set with subteltie Erll Patrik than quhen the fechting was fellaist To our fa turnit and harming did vs maist Is nane in warld yat skaithis may do mair Than weill traistit in borne familiar Our men ar slane without redemptioun Throw thir deidis haill tynt was this Regioun ¶ How King Edward and Corspatrik come to S●one and put doun Iohne Ballioun and had with yame ye A●ris of Scotland Cap. iiij ☞ ✚ ☜ KIng Edward past and Corspatrik to Scone And thair he gat homage of Scotland sone For nane was left ye Realme for to defend For Iohne Ballioll yan to Montros yat send And him depryuit for ay of his Kingrik Than Edward his self was callit ane Royall Rik The Crown he tuik vpon ye samin stane That Gathelus send with his Sone fra Spayne Quhen Yber Scot first in Scotland came That Canmore syne King Fergus had to Name Brocht it to Scone and gart it stabill thair Quhair Kingis war Crownit viij hūdreth ȝeir mair Befoir the tyme yat King Edward it fand Thir Iowellis he gart turs in Ingland In Londoun set in witnes of that thing Be conqueis yan of Scotland maid him King Quhair y t stane standis Scotlād suld maister be God cheis ye tyme for Margaretis airis to se Aucht scoir thay led of greitest yat yai fand Of airis with thame and Bruce out of Scotland That office than he bruikit bot schort tyme I may not now put all ye deidis in ryme On Cronicklis quhy suld I tary lang To Wallace agane now breifly will I gang Scotland was loist quhen he was bot ane Chyld All haill ouir set with our enemeis wyld His Father Malcolme in the Lennox fled His eldest Sone thidder with him him he led His mother fled with him fra Ellerslie To Gowrie past and dwelt in Kilspindie The Knicht hir Father thidder thame sent Vnto his Vncle with ane gude Intent In Gowrie dwelt and had thair leuing thair Ane agit man
ane man of greit riches This michtie persoun hecht to Name Wallace Maid yame gude cheir was ane full gude man Welcūmit yame fair and to thame tald he than Did him to wit the land was all on steir Tretit thame weill and said my Sone sa deir Thy mother and yow richt heir with me sall byde Quhill better be for chance that may betyde Wallace answerit said Westir mair we will Our kyn is slane and that me lykis euill And vther mony worthy in that art Leif I will God we sall vs wreik on part The Persoun sichit and said my Sone sa fre I can nocht wit how that redres may be Quhat suld I speik of frustrair at this tyde For gift of gude with him he wald nocht byde His Mother and he to Ellerslie thay went Vpon the morne scho for hir brether sent In Corsbie dwelt and was Schiref of Air His Father was deid had leuit lang tyme thair Hir eldest Sone yat mekill was of mane Hir husband al 's at Lochmabane was slane Schir Malcolme Wallace was his name but leis His hoch sennounis he cuttit in that preis On kneis he faucht feill Inglismen thay slew To him than socht ma fechtaris than anew On ather syde with speiris bair him doun Thair stickit thay yat gude Knicht of Renoun Vnto my taill I left at Ellersly Schir Rannald come vnto his Sister fre Welcūmit thame hame and speirit of yair Intent Scho prayit that he Lord Peirse to wald went Scho Irkit of weir scho culd na farther fle To purches peice in rest that scho micht be Schir Rannald had the Peirseis protectioun As for all part to tak Remissioun Than he gart wryte to his Sister that tyde In that respect Wallace wald nocht abyde His Mother he left scho weipit with hart full sair His leif he tuik syne fra his Eme can fair Ȝoung he was and to Sutheroun richt sauage Greit rowme yai had despyte and eik outrage Schir Rannald durst not weill had Wallace yair For greit perrell he wist appeirand wair For yai had haill the strenthis of this land Quhat yai wald do durst nane aganis yame stād Schiref he was and vsit thame amang Full sair he dred yat Wallace suld tak wrang For he and thay culd neuer weill accord He gat ane blaw thocht he was Lad or Lord. That profferit him ony lichtlynes Bot thay repairit ouir mekill to that place Al 's Inglis Clerkis in Prophecie it fand How ane Wallace suld put yame fra Scotland Schir Rannald knew weill ane mair quyet steid Quhair William micht be better fra thair feid With his Vncle Wallace of Ricardtoun Schir Richard hecht that gude Knicht of Renoū Thay landis haill than was his heritage Bot blynd he was sa hapnit throw curage Be Inglismen that dois vs mekill deir In his rysing he worthy was in weir Throw hurt of Vainis and menisching of blude Ȝit he was wyse and of his counsall gude In Februar Wallace was to him send Into Apryll fra him he bownit to wend. Bot gude seruice he did him with plesance As in that space was worthy to auance ¶ How Wallace past to the watter of Irwyn to tak Fische Cap. vj. SA on ane tyme he desyrit to play Into Apryll the thre and twentie day To Irwyn watter fische to tak he went Sic fantasie fell into his Intent To leid his Net ane Chyld with him yair ȝeid Bot he or None was in ane felloun dreid His sword he left sa did he neuer agane It did him gude suppois he sufferit pane Of that laubour as than he was nocht sle Happy he was tuik fische aboundantlie Or of the day ten houris ouir couth pas Rydand thair come neir by quhair Wallace was The Lord Peirse was Capitane yan of Air Fra him he turnit and couth to Glasgow fair Part of the Court had Wallace laubour sene To him yair raid fyne cled in garment grene Sanct Martynis fische said Scot now we wald haif Wallace agane yame meikly answer gaif It war ressoun me think ȝe suld haue part Waith suld be delt in all place with fre hart He bad his Chyld gif yame of our waithing The Sutheroun said as now of thy deilling We will nocht tak thow wald gif vs our small He lychtit doun and fra the Chyld tuik all Wallace said than gentil men gif ȝe be Leif vs sum part we pray for cheritie Ane agit Knicht seruis our Lady this day Gude freind leif part and tak nocht all away Thow sall haue leif to fische and tak the mair All this forsuith sall in our flitting fair We serue ane Lord thir fische sall to him gang Wallace answerit said thow art in the wrang Quhom thowis yow scot in faith yow seruis ane blaw To him he ran and out ane sword cā draw William was wa he had na wappinis thair Bot the Polt staf quhilk in his hand he bair Wallace with it fast on the cheik him tuik With sa gude will quhill of his feit he schuik The sword flaw fra him ane fuit braid on ye land Wallace was glaid and hynt it sone in hand And with ye sword ane akwart straik him gaif Vnder the heid his craig in sunder draif Be that the laif lychtit about Wallace He had na help bot only Goddis grace On ather syde full fast at him thay dang Greit perrell was gif thay had lestit lang Vpon the heid in greit Ire he straik ane The scheirand sword glaid to the collair bane Ane vther he hit on the arme haistely Quhill hand and sword baith on ye land can ly The tother twa fled to thair hors agane He stikkit him yat last was on the plane Thre slew he thair twa fled with all yair micht Efter thair Lord bot he was out of sicht Takand the mure or he and thay culd twyn To him yai raid anone or yai wald blyn And cryit abyde ȝour men ar martyrit doun Richt cruelly into this fals Regioun Fyue of ȝour men heir at the watter baid Fische ȝow to bring thocht it na proffeit maid We ar eschaipit bot in feild stane ar thre The Lord speirit how mony micht thay be We saw bot ane that hes ouircūmin vs all Than leuch the Lord and said soull mot ȝow fall Sen ane ȝow all hes put to confusioun Quha menis it maist ye Deuill of hell him droun This day for me in faith he beis nocht socht Quhen Wallace yus ye worthy work had wrocht Thair hors he tuik and geir yat was left thair Gaif ouir ye craft and ȝeid to fische na mair Went to his Eme and ●ald him of the deid And he for wo neir worthit out of weid And said sone thir tythandis sittis me soir And yai be knawin yow may tak skaith yair foir Vncle he said na langer will I byde Thir Sutheroun hors lat se gif I
His men he gat syne lichtit he to gang Towart ane hicht and led thair hors ane quhyle The Inglismen war than within ane myle On fresche hors rydand full haistely Seuin scoir as than was in that cumpany The Scottis lap on quhen thay that power saw Frawart the south thame thocht it best to draw Than Wallace said it is na wit in weir With our power to byde thame bargane heir Ȝ●ne ar gude men thairfoir I reid that we Innermair seik quhill God send vs supple Haliday said we sall do ȝour counsaill Bot sair I dreid that thir hurt hors will ●aill The Inglismen in burnist armour cleir Be than to thame approchit wounder neir Horsit Archearis schot and wald nocht spair Of Wallace men thay woundit twa full sair In Ire he grew quhen that he saw thame bleid Him self he turnit and on thame sone he ȝeid Sextene with him that worthie was in weir Of the formest richt scharply doun thay beir At that returne fyftene in feild was slane The laif thay fled vnto thair power agane Wallace followit with his gude Cheualry Thomas Haliday in weir was full besy Ane buschement saw that cruell was and kene Twa hundreth haill of weill graithit Inglismen Vnkill he said our power is to smaw Fra this plane feild I counsall ȝow to draw To few we ar aganis ȝone felloun staill Wallace returnit full sone at his counsaill At the Corheid full fane thay wald haue bene Bot Inglismen hes weill thair purpois sene In plane battell thame followit hardely In danger thus thay held thame awfully Hew of Morland Wallace followit fast He had befoir maid mony Scot agast Haldin he was of weir the worthiest man In north Ingland with thame was leuand yam ▪ In his armour weill forgit of fyne steill Ane nobill cursour bure him baith fast and weill Wallace returnit besyde ane burely Aik And on him set ane felloun sicker straik Baith collar bane and schulder blaid in twa Throw the mid coist ye gude sword gart he ga His speir he wan and al 's his cursour bricht Syne left his awin for loissit was his micht For laik of blude he micht na farther gang Wallace on hors the Sutheroun men amang His men releuit that douchtie war in deid Him to reskew out of that felloun dreid Cruell straikis forsuith thair micht be sene On ather syde quhill blude ran on the grene Richt perrillous the semblay was to see Hardy and hait continewit the mellee Schow and reskew of Scottis and Inglis al 's Sum keruit bane in sunder and sum the hals Sum hurt sum hynt sum doungin to the deid The hardy Scottis sa steirit in that steid With Haliday on fute that bauldly abaid Amang Sutheroū ane ful greit rowme yai maid Wallace on hors hynt ane Nobill speir Out throw thame raid as gude Chiftane in weir Thre slew he thair or that his speir was gane Thus his gude sword in hand hes he tane Dang on derf●y with straikis sad and sair Quhome that he hit greuit the Scottis na mair Fra Sutheroun men be naturall ressoun knew How with ane straik ay ane man he slew Than meruellit thay he was sa mekill of mane For thair best man in that kynd he had slane That his greit strenth agane him helpit nocht Nor nane vther incontrair Wallace socht Than said thay all leif he in strenth vntane This haill Kinrik he will wyn him allane Thay left the feild and to thair power fled And tauld thair Lord how euill the formest sped Quhilk Graystok hecht was new cum in ye land Thairfoir he trowit nane durst agane him stand Wounder him thocht quhen yat he saw that sicht Quhy his gude men for sa few tuik the flicht At that returne in feild twentie war tynt And Morland al 's thairfoir he wald nocht stynt Bot followit fast with thre hundreth but dreid And swore he suld be vengit of that deid The Scottis wan hors because yair awin couth faill In fleing syne cheisit the maist auaill Out of the feild thus wicht Wallace is gane Of his gude men he had not loissit ane Fyue woundit war but lichtly furth thay raid Wallace ane space behind yame ay abaid And Halyday preuit weill in mony place Sister Sone he was to gude Wallace Warly thay raid and held thair hors in aynd For thay trowit weill the Sutheroun wald affaynd With haill power atanis on thame set Bot Wallace kest thair purpois for to let To brek thair ray he vesyit him full fast Than Inglismen sa greitly was agast That nane of thame durst rusche out of the staill All in array togidder held thame haill The Sutheroun saw how that abandounly Wallace abaid neir hand thair Cheualry Be Morlandis hors yai knew him woūder weill Past to thair Lord and tauld him euer ilk deill Lo Schir thay said forsuith ȝone same is he That with his handis garris sa mony de Haue his hors grace vpon his feit to byde He doutis nocht throw fyue thousand to ryde We reid ȝe ceis and follow him na mair For dreid that we repent it syne full sair He blamit thame and said men may weill se Cowartis ȝe ar that for sa few wald fle For thair counsall ȝit leif wald he thame nocht Into greit Ire he on thame sadly socht Waillād ane place quhair yai micht bargane mak Wallace was wa vpon him for to tak And he sa few to byde thame on ane plane At Quenisbery he wald haue bene full fane Vpon him self he tuke full greit trauell To fend his men gif that micht him auaill Ane sword in hand richt manlyke him to weir Ay waittand fast gif he micht get ane speir Now heir now thair befoir thame to and fra His hors gaif ouir and micht na farther ga Richt at the Skirt of Quenisbery befell Bot vpon grace as myne author will tell Schir Iohne ye Grahame yat worthie was and wicht To ye Corheid come on ye vther nicht Threttie with him of Nobill men at wage The first douchter he had in mariage Of Haliday was neuoy to Wallace Tythingis to speir Schir Iohne past of ye place With men to speik quhair thay ane tryst had set Richt neir the steid quhair Scottis Inglis met Ane Kirkpatrik that cruell was and kene In E●daill wod that half ane ȝeir had bene With Inglismen he tuld nocht weill accord Of Torchorwald he Barroun was and Lord. Of Kin he was to Wallace Mother deir On Craufurd syde that mekill had to steir Twentie he led of worthie men and wicht Be than Wallace approchit to thair sicht Schir Iohne ye Grahame quhē he ye coūter saw On thame he raid and stude bot lytill aw His gude Father he knew richt wounder weill Kest doun his speir and sonȝeit nocht adeill Kirkpatrik al 's with worthie men in weir Fyftie in front atanis doun thay beir
ane greit offence Thus thay approchit on towart thair presence At the Pauilloun quhair thay the Lyoun saw To ground thay licht and syne on kneis yai faw Prayand for peice thay cry with pieteous cheir Erll Malcolme said our Chiftane is nocht heir He bad hir ryse and said it is nocht richt Ane Quene on kneis to ony lawer wicht Vp be the hand the gude Erll hes hir tane Atouir the bent to Wallace ar thay gane Quhen scho him saw scho wald haue kneillit doū In armes sone he claucht yis Quene with Croun And Kissit hir withouttin wordis moir Sa did he neuer to na Sutheroun befoir Madame he said richt welcum mot ȝe be How pleissit ȝow our Oisting for to se Richt weill scho said of freindschip we haue neid God grant ȝe wald of our necessair to speid Suffer we mon suppois it lyke vs Ill Bot traistis weill it is contrair our will Ȝe sall remane with this Lord I man gang Fra ȝour presence we sall nocht tary lang The Erll and he vnto the Pauilloun ȝeid With gude auyse to deme mair of this deid The counsall sone Wallace gart call thame to Lordis he said wait ȝe quhat is ado Of thair cūming my self hes na plesance And thairfoir man we wirk with ordinance Wemen may be contempning into weir Amang fuillis that can nocht thame forbeir I say nocht this be thir nor be the Quene I trow it be bot gude that scho will mene Exempill tak of lang tyme passit by At Runsy vaill the tressoun was planely Be wemen maid yat Ganzelone with him brocht And Turky wyne forbeir than couth thay nocht Lang vse in weir gart thame desyre thair will Quhilk brocht King Charlis to felloun lois Ill. The flour of France without redemptioun Throw that foull deid was brocht to confusioun Command ȝour men thairfoir in priuat wyse On pane of lyfe thay wirk nocht on sic gyse Nane speik with yame bot wyse men of greit vaill That Lordis ar and sworne to this counsall His charge thay did al 's gudly as thay mocht This ordinance throw all the Oist was wrocht He and the Erll baith to the Quene thay went Ressauit hir fair and brocht hir to ane Tent. To Denner bownit al 's gudly as thay can And seruit was with mony lyklie man Gude purueyance the Quene had with hir brocht Ane assay scho tuik of all that gude hir thocht Wallace persauit and said we haue na dreid I can nocht trow Ladyis will do that deid To poysoun men for all Ingland to wyn The Quene answerit gif poysoun be thairin Of ony thing quhilk is brocht heir with me Vpon my self first sorrow ȝe sall se Sone efter meit ane Marschell gart all absent Bot Lordis and thay that to the counsall went Ladyis appeirit in presence with the Quene Wallace askit quhat hir cūming micht mene For peice scho said that we haue to ȝow socht This byrnand weir in baill hes mony brocht Ȝe grant vs peice for him that deit on tre Wallace answerit Madame that may nocht be Ingland hes done sa greit harmis to vs We may nocht pas and lichtly leif it thus Ȝes said the Quene for cristin folk we ar For Goddis saik sen we desyre na mair We aucht haue peice he said that we deny The perfite caus that sall I schew for quhy Ȝe seik na peice bot for ȝour awin auaill Quhen yat ȝour King had Scotland grippit haill For na kin thing that he befoir him fand He wald nocht thoill the richt blude in our land Bot reft thair rent syne put thame self to deid Ransoun of gold micht mak vs na remeid His fell fals weir sall on him self be sene Than soberly to him answerit the Quene Of thir wrangis amendis war maist fair Madame he said of him we ask na mair Bot that he wald byde vs into battall And God be Iudge he kennis the mater haill Sic thing scho said it war nocht gude think me Peice now war best and it micht purchest be Wald ȝe grant peice and trewis with vs tak Throw all Ingland we suld gar prayeris mak For ȝow and yame yat in the weir war loist Than Wallace said quhair sic cūmis throw boist Prayer of force quhair sa that it be wrocht To vs helpis outher lytill or nocht Warly scho said thus wyse men hes vs kend Ay efter weir peice is the finall end Quhairfoir ȝe suld of ȝour greit malice ceis The end of weir is cheritie and peis Peice is in heuin with blis and lestandnes We sall beseik the Lord of his hie grace To command peice sen we may do na mair Madame he said or ȝour prayer cum thair Mendis of Ingland we think yan for to haue Quhat set ȝow thus on weir sa God ȝow saue Fra violent weir that ȝe think nocht to dwell Madame he said the treuth I sall ȝow tell Efter the dait of Alexanderis Ring Our land thre ȝeir stuid desolat but King Keipit full weill at concord in gude stait Throw twa yat clamit thair hapnit greit debait Sa ernistfully accord thame nocht thay can Ȝour King thay askit for to be thair ouir man Slely he slaid in strenthis of Scotland The Kingrik syne he tuik at his awin hand He maid ane King aganis our richteous Law For he of him suld haue the Regioun aw Contrair this band war all the haill barnage For Scotland ȝit was neuer in thirlage Greit Iulius that tribute tuik of all His wynning was in Scotland bot richt small Than ȝour fals King vnder collour but mair Throw band he maid to Bruce that is our Air. Vndid that King quhilk he befoir had maid Throw all Scotland with greit power yai raid To Bruce sen syne he keipit na cunnand He said he wald nocht gang and conqueis land To vther men and thus the cace befell Than Scotland throw he demanit him sell Slew our Eldaris greit pietie was to se In presoun syne lang tyme thay presonit me Quhill I was than cassin out for deid Thankit be God he send me sum remeid Vengit to be I preuit all my micht Feill of that Kin to deith syne haue I dicht The rage of ȝouth gart me desyre ane wyfe That rewit I sair and will do all my lyfe Ane Tratour Knicht but mercy gart hir de Ane Hessilrig bot for despyte of me Than rang I furth in trauell weir and pane Quhill we redemit part of our land agane Than ȝour counsall desyrit of vs ane trew Quhilk maid Scotland full graithly for to rew Into that peice thay set ane subtill Air Than xviij scoir to deith thay hangit thair That Nobillis war and worthy of Renoun Of coit armouris eldest in that Regioun That deith wethink to venge in all our micht The woman al 's that duilfully was dicht Out of my mynd that deith will neuer slyde Quhill
will ȝow nocht trauall Now I will speik sum thingis for myne auaill Our barrane land hes bene ouirset with weir Be Saxonis seid that dois vs mekill deir Slane our Eldaris distroyit our richteous blude Waistit the land of gold and vther gude And ȝe ar heir in micht and Royaltie Eye ȝe suld haue to our aduersitie And vs support for kyndnes of the band Quhilk is confermit betuix ȝow and Scotland Al 's I am heir for ȝour charge at plesance My lyflait is bot honest cheuisance Flour of Realmes forsuith is this Regioun To my rewaird I wald haue greit guardoun Wallace he said now ask quhat ȝe wald haif Gude gold or land sall nocht be lang to craif Wallace answerit swa ȝe grant it to me Quhat I wald haue it sall sone chosin be Quhat euer ȝe ask that is in this Regioun Ȝe sall it haue except my wyfe and Crown He thankit him of his greit Kinglynes All my rewaird salbe asking of grace Peice to this man I brocht with me throw chāce Heir I quyt clame all vther gift in France This same is he gif that ȝe knaw him weill That we of spak Thomas of Longoueill Be rigour ȝe desyrit he suld be slane I him restoir vnto ȝour grace agane Ressaif him fair as leige man of ȝour land The King meruellit and couth in study stand Perfytlie knew that it was Longoueill He him forgaif his trespas euery deill Bot for his saik that had him hidder brocht For gold nor gude ellis he did it nocht Wallace he said I had leuer of gude land Thre thousand pund haue seissit in thy hand That I haue said sall haldin be in plane Heir I ressaif Thomas to peice agane Deirar to me than euer he was befoir All for ȝour saik thocht it war mekill moir Bot I wald wit how this meruell befell Wallace answerit the treuth I sall ȝow tell Than he reheirsit quhat hapnit on that day As ȝe befoir myne Author hes hard say Quhen the gude King had hard the suddand cace Vpon the sey be for sicht of Wallace The King him held richt wourthy to auance He saw in him manheid and Gouernance Sa did the Quene and all thir vther Lordis Ilk wicht of him greit honour than recordis He purchest peice for all the power haill Fourtene hundreth was left at the Rochell Gart cry thame fre trew seruandis to the King And neuer agane for ●alt into sic thing Quhen Thomas was restorit to his richt Of his awin hand the King had maid him Knicht Efter he gaif stait to his neirest Air And maid him self with Wallace for to fair Thus he hes brocht thay men fra reif throw cace Be suddand chance of him and wicht Wallace Thus leif we thame in worschip and plesance At lyking still with the gude King of France ¶ How Wallace past in Guyan Cap. iii. THay twentie dayis he ludgit into rest Sa to remane he thocht it nocht the best Still into peice he couth nocht lang indure For quhy contrarious it was to his nature Richt weill he wist Inglismen occupyit Guyan that tyme thairfoir he hes espyit Sum Ieopardie vpon thame for to mak Ane gudly leif he at the King couth tak Of Frenche men he wald nane with him call At that first tyme for auenture that micht fall Bot Schir Thomas that seruice couth persew He wist nocht weill gif all the laif was trew Of Scottismen than semblit haistely Nyne hundreth sone of worthy Cheualry In Guyan land full haistely can ryde Raissit feill fyre and waistit wynningis wyde Forthis thay brak and stalwart biggingis wan Der●●y to deith brocht mony Sutheroun man Ane weirlyke toun sa fand thay in that land Quhilk Schemēt hecht yat Inglismē had in hād Towart that steid full sadly Wallace socht Be ony way assailȝe gif he mocht Bergane to haue and he micht get thame out Greit strenth of wod yair was yat toun about The toun stude al 's vpon ane watter syde Into ane Park that was baith lang and wyde Thay buskit thame quhill passit was the nicht Quhen the Sone rais four hundreth mē he dicht The laif he gart Craufurd in buschement tak Gif thay mysterit ane reskew for to mak Than Longoueill that ay was full Sauage With Wallace past as ane to that skirmage Thir four hundreth yat was full weill arrayit Befoir the toun the plane baneir displayit It was nocht weill than knawin in yat cuntrie The Lyoun in gold yat awfull was to se Ane forray kest and seissit mekill gude Weirmen within that wyselie vnderstude Sone Ischit out the pray for to reskew The worthy Scottis feill Inglismen thay slew The laif for dreid fled to the toun agane The forray tuik the pray and passit in plane Towart the Park bot power of the toun Ischit agane in awfull barteil boun Ane thousand haill of men in armes strang Few baid within that micht to armes gang Than Wallace gart the forrayaris leif ye pray Assemblit sone into ane gude array Ane cruell counter was at that meitting sene Of wicht weirmen into thair armour schene Feill left thair lyfe vpon the Sutheroun syde Bot nocht for thy full baldly thay abyde Of the Scottis part than worthy men thay slew William Craufurd that weill the perrell knew Out of the Park he gart the buschment pas Into the feild quhair feill men fechtand was At thair entre thay gart full mony de The Inglismen was wounder ●aith to fle Full worthely thay wrocht into that place Baid neuer sa few sa lang aganis Wallace With sic power that day as he was thair On ather syde assailȝeit wounder sair Into that stour sa fellounly he wrocht That worthy men derfly to deith was brocht With pointis peirssit throw plaittis birnist bricht Wallace him self and Schir Thomas the Knicht Quhome sa thay hit maid neuer mair de●ait The Sutheroun part was handillit thair sa hait Into that place thay micht na langer byde Out of that feild with sair hartis thay ryde Vnto the toun thay fled full haistely Wallace followit and his gude Cheualry Fechtand sa fast into the thickest thrang Quhill in the toun thay enterit thame amang With him Craufurd and Longoueill ye Knicht And Richard al 's ▪ Wallace his Cou●ing richt Fyftene thay war of Scottis in cumpany Thus hapnit thay amang that greit party Ane cruell portar gat vp vpon the wall Pullit out the pyn leit the port Culȝe●s fall The Inglismen saw enterit in was na ma Vpon the Scottis full hardily thay ga Bot to ane wall thay haue thair bakkis set Sad straikis and sair baldly about thame bet Richard Wallace the Turngrece weill hes sene He followit fast vpon thair portar kene Vpon the wall deid doun in ane dyke him draif Gat vp the port and leit in all the laif Quhen Wallace men had thus the entre wyn Full greit
will Nyne scoir he led in harnes burneist bricht And fyftie war with Wallace in the richt Vnrebutit the Sutheroun was in weir And fast thay come full awfull in effeir Ane maner of dyke of stanis thay had maid Narrowit ye dyke ▪ quhait throw the thickest raid The Scottis on ●uit tuik the gait thame befoir The Sutheroun saw thair curage was the moir In prydfull Ire thay thocht ouir thame to ryde Bot vtherwayis it hapnit in that tyde On ather syde togidder fast thay glaid The scottꝭ on fuit greit rowme about yame maid With prunȝe and speiris throw plaitis of fyne steil The Inglismen that thocht to venge yame weill On harnest hors about yame rudely raid That with vneis vpon thair fuit yai baid Wallace the formest in the birny bair The groundin speir throw out his body schair The schaft he schuik it of the fruschand tre Deuoydit it sone sen na better micht be Drew swordis syne baith heuy schairp and lang On ather syde full cruelly thay dang Fechtand atanis in that felloun dout Than Inglismen Enueronit thame about On force ettillit out throw yame for to ryde The Scottis on fuit that baldly couth abyde With swordis schair throw hals and habrik gude Vpon the feildis schot out the Sutheroun blude Fra hors and man throw harnes burneist bene Ane sair assailȝe forsuith yair micht be sene Thay traist na lyfe bot to the latter end Of sa few folk greit nobilnes micht be kend Togidder baid defendand yame sa fast Durst nane disseuer quhill yat ye preis was past The Inglismen yat war richt wyse in weir Be force ordanit in sunder thame to beir Thair cheif Capitane al 's feirs as ony bair Throw matalent and verray proper cair Syne ane greit hors into his glitterand geit Out ouir castis ane felloun asper speir The Knicht Fenwik that cruell was and kene Of Wallace Father he at the deith had bene And of his brother that douchtie was and deir Quhen Wallace saw yat fals Knicht was sa neir His curage grew in Ire as ane Lyoun To him he ran and freikis feill bair doun As he glaid by ane akwart straik can him ta Baith Thee and Arsoun in sunder gart he ga Fra the Cuirsour he fell on the far syde With ane schairp sword he straik him in yat tyde Or he was deid ane greit preis come sa fast Ouir him to ground yai bure Boyd at the last Wallace was neir and turnit in agane Him to reskew quhill he rais of the pane Wichtly did him wier quhil he ane sword had tane Throw out the stour yir twa in feir ar gane The remanent vpon thame followit fast In thair passage feill Sutheroun maid agast Adam Wallace the Air of Ricardtoun Straik ane Bewmont ane Squyar of Renoun On the pesane with his sword burneist bair The burneist blaid his hals in sunder schair The Inglismen saw thair Chiftane was slane Baldly abaid as men of mekill mane Riche hors Rampand ruschit freikis vnder feit The Scottis on fuit gart mony lois the sweit With men lichtit thame self for to defend Quhair Wallace come ●hair deid was lytill kend The Sutheroun part forfruschit war that tyde That in that stour thay micht nocht lang abyde Wallace in deid he wrocht richt worthely The Squyar Boyd and all thair Cheualry The Inglismen tuik plane part to fle Lytill and Cleland gart of thair enemeis de On hors sumpart to strent his can yame found To succour yame with mony werk and wound Ane hundreth deid in feild was leuit thair And thre ȝemen of Wallace deid but mair Twa was of Kyle and ane of Cuninghame With Robert Boyd to Wallace come fra hame Four scoir eschaipit fra feild on ●utheroū syde The Scottis in place that baldly couth abyde Spuilȝe and the feild of gold and vther geir Harnes and hors quhilk thay mysterit in weir The Inglis knaifis thay gart the Cariage leid To Clydis Forest quhen yai war out of dreid And band yame fast with widdeis sad and ●air On bowand tr●is syne hangit thame richt thair He spairit nane that abill war for weir Bot wemen and preistis he gart thame ay forbeir Quhen this was done to Den●er sone yai wend Of stuf and wyne that God had to thame send Ten scoir thay wan of hors that Cariage bure With vittall wyne al 's mekill as thay micht fure And vther stuf that thay of Carleill sed The Sutheroū part out of the feild that sled With sorrow socht to the Castell of Air Befoir the Lord and tald him of thair 〈◊〉 Quhat gude thay left and quha in feild was slane Throw wicht Wallace that mekill was of mane And how he had gart all thair seruandis hang The Peirse said and that Squyar lest lang Out of this land he sall exyle vs clene Sa dispytefull in warld was neuer sene In our presoun heir last quhen yat he was Ouir sleuthfully our keiper leit him pas Than thus our hald I find weill may nocht be we man gar bring our vittell be the sey Bot lois our men it helpis vs richt nocht Our kyn may ban that euer we hidder socht Leif I yame now blamand thair sary chance And mair to speik of Scottis mēnis gouernance ¶ Quhen Wallace had weill vincust into plane The fals ty●an that had his Father slane His brother al 's quhilk was ane douchtie Knicht Vther gude men befoir to deith thay dicht He gart prouyde and partit thair vittaill With stuf and hors that was of greit auaill To freindis about richt priuely thay send The remanent full glaidly thair thay spend In Clydis wod thay Soiornit thair thre dayis Na Sutheroū was that did persew thay wayis Bot he thoillit deith that come in thair dangeir The word of Wallace walkit far and neir Wallace was knawin on lyfe leuand agane Thocht Inglismen yairof had mekill pane The Lord Peirse to Glasgow culd he fair With wyse Lordis and held ane counsall thair Quhen thay war met ma than ten thousand Na Chiftane was that tyme durst tak on hand To leid ane Range on Wallace to assaill Speirit about quhat was thair best counsaill Schir Aymeir Wallāge yat fals tra●our strang In Both well dwelt and than was thame amang He said my Lord my counsall will I geif Bot ȝe do it fra skaith ȝe may nocht leif Ȝe man tak peice without mair tarying As for ane tyme we man send to the King The Perse said of our trewis will he nane Ane awfull Chiftane trewly he is ane He will do mair in faith or that he blyn Sutheroun to slay he thinkis it is na syn Schir Aymeir said trewis behouis ȝow ta● Quhill efterwart for him prouysioun mak I knaw he will do mekill for his kin Gentrice and treuth ay restis him within How ye Inglismē tuik peice with Wallace Ca. ij HIs
seik Schir Rannald in yat rage Bot he was still yan at his herberage Sum wyse men said heirof na thing he kend The men war slane heir at the tounis end Schir Rannald come be nyne houris of the day Befoir the Peirse and his men brocht wat thay Thay followit him of fellony yat was wrocht The Assyse of this to him couth say richt nocht Thay demit about of yat fell suddand cace Befoir the Iudge yair he denyit Wallace And sa he micht he wist nocht quhair he was Fra this counsall my purpois is to pas OF Wallace to speik in wyldernes sa wyde The Lord God be his Gouernour and gyde Still at yat place four dayis he soiornit hail Quhill tythingis come to him fra that counsaill Than statute thay in Ilk steid of the west In thay boundis Wallace suld haue na rest His deir Vncle ane greit ai●h gart him ●weir That he but leif na freindschip suld him beir And mony vther full wo was that day Robert Boyd stall of the toun away And Cleland al 's befoir with him had bene Thay had far leuar to se him with thair Ene Leuand on lyfe as thay knew him befoir Than of clene gold ane fyne Myl koun and moir Boyd weipit sair and said our Lord is gane Amang his fais is set all him allane Than Cleland said fals Fortoun changis fast Greit God sen we with him had euer past Edward Lytill in Aunandaill is went And wait richt nocht of this new Iudgement Adam Wallace baid still in Ricardtoun Sa fell it thus with Wallace of Renoun He with his power partit meruellously Be Fortoun of chance ouir turnis dowbilly Thair pieteous mane as than couth nocht be bet Thay wist na wit quhair that thay suld him get He left the place quhair he in ludgeing lay To Erll Malcolme he went vpon ane day The Lennox haill he held into his hand To King Edward yan had he nocht maid band That land was strait and maisterfull to win Gude men of armis yat tyme was it within The Lord was traist ye men sicker and trew With waik power thay durst him nocht persew Richt glaid he was of Wallace cumpany Welcūmit him fair with worschip reuerently At his awin will desyrit gif he wald To byde thair still maister of his houshald Of all his men he suld haill Chiftane be Wallace answerit that war aneuch for me I can nocht abyde my mynd is set in plane Wrokin to be or ellis de in the pane Our west countrie thair statute is sa strang Into the North my purpois is to gang Steuin of Ireland than in the Lennox was With wicht Wallace he ordand him to pas And vther al 's that war borne of Argyle Wallace still thair maid residence ane quhyle Quhill men it wist and semblit sone him till He chargit nane bot at thair awin gude will Thocht yai war strangeris ȝit couth he not yame dreid Bot ressauit thame all in his weiris to leid Sumpart of thame was yan of Ireland borne That Makfadȝeane had exylit out beforne King Edwardis man he was sworne of Ireland Of richt law birth suppois he tuik on hand To Wallace thair come ane yat hecht Fawdoun Of Malancholy and euill complextioun Heuy of stature and dour of contenance Sorrowfull was ay in dreid without plesance Wallace ressauit quhat men wald cum him till The bodylie aith thay maid him with gude will Befoir the Erll all in ane gude concord And him ressauit as thair Capitane and Lord. His speciall men that come with him fra hame The tane hecht Gray the tother Keirly be name In his seruice come first in all thair mane To Lowdoun hill quhair yat Fenwik was slane He thame commandit ay nixt yame to persew For he thame kend richt hardy wyse and trew His leif he tuik richt on ane fair maneir The gude Erll than he bad him giftis seir Wallace wald nane bot gaif of his feill syis To pure and riche vpon ane gudly wyis Humbill he was hardy wyse and fre And of riches he held na propertie Of honour worschip he was an em●●rour kend As he of gold had aboundantly to spend Vpon his fais he wan it worthely Thus Wallace past and his gude Cheualry Sextie he had of lyklie men at wage Throw the Lennox he led yame with curage Abone Lekky he ludgit thame in ane vaill Ane strenth thair was quhilk yai thocht to assaill On Cargunnok thair biggit was ane ●eill That stuffit was with men and vntall weill Within ane dyke Clois Chalmer and ●all Capitane thairof to name hecht Thirll wall Thay led Wallace quhair yat this bigg●● was Thocht to assailȝe it far by or ●e wald pas Twa spyis he send to vesy all the land Richt laith he was the thing to tak on hand The quhilk be force yat suld gang him agane Rather he had throw auenture bene slane Thir men went furth quhē it was large mydnicht About the hous thay spyit all at richt The wachemen heuy was and fallin on sleip The brig was drawin yat ye entrie suld keip The laubouraris lait reklesly went in Thir men returnit withouttin noyis or din. To thair Maister and tald quhat thay had sene Than graithit he sone thir men of armis kene Sadly on fuit vnto the hous thay socht And enterit in for letting had thay nocht Wicht men assayit with all thair besy cure Ane lokkit bar was drawin athort the ●ure Bot yai micht nocht it brek out of the waw Wallace was greuit quhen he sic tary saw Sum part anoyit wraithly to it he went Be force of handis it raisit out of the sprent Thre elne of breid al 's of the wall pullit out Than meruellit all his men that was about How he did mair than twentie of thame micht Syne with his fuit the ȝet he straik vp richt Quhill brace and bandis he bristit all atanis Frayi●lie thay rais that was within yai waynis The wache man had ane felloun staf of steill At Wallace straik bot he keipit him richt weill Rudely fra him he reft it in the thrang Dang out his harnis syne in the dyke him slang The remanent be that was on thair ●eit Thus Wallace sone can with the Capitane meit The sta● he had heuy and forgit new With yat Wallace vpon the heid him drew Quhill bane and brane all in sunder ȝeid His men enterit that worthy war in deid In handis hynt and stikkit all the laif Wallace commandit yai suld na weirman saif Twentie and twa yai stikkit in that steid Wemen and barnis quhen yat ye men was deid He gart be tane and keipit in clois full weill That yai thair out micht haue yairof na feill The deid bodyis yai put sone out of sicht Tuik vp the brig or that the day was licht In that place daid four dayis or
he wald pas Wist nane yairout how that the mane● was Spuilȝeit yat ●teid and tuik thame gan and geir Iowellis and gold away with yame thay beir Quhen he thoc●● tyme thay Ischit on the ●icht To the 〈◊〉 wod yai went with all yair micht The Capitanis wyfe wemen and Chylder thre Past quhair yai wald for Wallace left yame fre In that Forest he lykit nocht to abyde Thay bownit yame ouir Forth for to ryde The Mos was strang to ryde yan was na bute Wallace was wicht and lichtit on his fute Few hors thay had lytill thairof yai rocht To saif thair lyf●s fell strenthis oft thay socht Steuin of Ireland he was thair gyde that nicht Towart Kincardin syne restit thair at richt In that Forest quhilk was baith lang and wyde Quhilk fra the Mos grew to the wa●ter syde Efter the Sone Wallace walkit about Vpon Tech syde quhair he saw mony ane rout Of wyld beistis wauerand in wod and plane Sone at ane schot ane greit Hart hes he slane Flew fyre of flynt and graithit yair at richt Suddandly thair ▪ fresche vennysoun thay dicht Vittall thay had baith breid and wyne sa cleir With vther stuf aneuch at thair Denneir This staf of steill he gaif Keirly to keip Syne past thay ouir the watter of Tech sa deip Into Stratherne thay enterit suddandly In couert past or Sutheroun suld thame spy Quhome yat yai fand of Scotlandis aduersouris Without respect was cum thair fatall houris Quhome euer thay met was at the Inglis fay Thay slew all doun withouttin mair delay Thay spairit nane yat was of Inglis blude To deith he ȝeid thocht he was neuer sa gude This was the grace that Wallace to yame gaif Thay saifit nane Knicht Squyar nor knaif Bot waistit all be worthynes of weir Of that partie that micht beir bow or speir Sum part be slicht sum part be force thay flew Bot Wallace thocht yai waistit neuer anew Siluer thay tuik and al 's gold as thay fand Vther gude geir full lichtly red fra hand Cut ● it throttis syne in Peitpottis yame kest Put out of sicht for yat yai thocht was best At the blak Furde as thay suld yan pas ouir Ane Squyar come and with him bernis four To Down suld ryde and wenit yat yai had bene All Inglismen yat he befoir had sene Tythingis to speir he huwit thame amang Wallace thair with ane gude sword out he ●wang Vpon the heid he straik with sa greit Ire Throw bane and brane in sunder straik ye fyre The tother thre in handis sone war hym Derfly to deith stikkit or thay wald slynt The hors thay tuik and quhat thay lykit be●● Spuilȝeit yame bair syne in the Gog yame kest O● yis mater na mair tary thay maid Bot furth yair way passit withou● abaid Thir weirlyke Scottis all with ane assent Sa North ouir Erne out throw the land yai wēt In Methuen wod yair ludgeing tuik yat nicht Vpon the morne quhen yat ye day was licht Wallace rais vp went to the Forrest syde Quhai● yat he saw full weill beistis abyde Of wyld and tame walkand aboundantlie Than Wallace said this countrie lykis me W●●rmen may do with fude yat yai suld haif Bot want yai meit thay rek nocht of ye laif Of day●tie fair Wallace tuik neuer keip Bot as it come welcum was meit and sleip Sum tyme he had greit sufficience within Now want now haue now lois now win Now licht now sad now blyith now in baill In haist now hurt now sorrow and now haill Now weildād weill now cald wedder now hei● Now moist now drouth now wauerand wynd now wei● Sa fairꝭ w t him for scotlādꝭ richt ful euī In fell debait seuin ȝeirts and monethis seuin Quhen he wan peice and left Scotland in plane The Inglismen maid new conqueist agane In frustrat termis I will nocht tary lang Wallace agane vnto his men can gang And said heir is ane land of greit aboundance Thankit be God of his hie purueyance Seuin of ȝow feiris graith sone and ga with me Richt sair I lang Sanct Iohnstoun for to se How Wallace past to Sāct Iohnstoun slew ye Capitane how he wan Kincleuin Cap. ij STeuin of Ireland as God of heuin the saif Maister and ●eidar I mak the of ye laif Keip weill my men lat nane out of thy sicht Quhill I gang hidder sall cum with all my micht Byde me seuin dayis into this Forest strang Ȝe may get fude suppois I dwell sa lang Sum part ȝe haue and God will send ȝow mair Thus turnit he and to the toun can fair The Mair keipit the Port of the Village Wallace knew weill and send him his Message The Mair was brocht saw him ane gudly man Richt reuerently he hes ressauit thame than At him he speirit all Scottis gif ȝe be Wallace said ȝe and it is peice trow we I grant he said that lykis vs wounder weill Trew men of peice man ay sum freindschip feill Quhat is ȝour name I pray ȝow tell me it William Malcolmesone he said sen ȝe wald wit In Ettrik Forest hes my wynning bene Thair I was borne amang the Schawis schene Now I desyre this Northland for to se Quhair I micht fynd bet●er dwelling for me The Mair said Schir I speirit for nane euill Bot feill tythingis is oft tymis brocht vs till Of ane Wallace that was borne in the west Our Kingis men he haldis at greit vnrest Martyris thame doun greit pietie is to se Out of the trewis forsuith I trow he be Wallace said than we heir speik of that man Tythingis of him to ȝow tell I nocht can For him he gart yan ane Innis graithit be Quhair nane suld cum bot his awin men and he The Stewart Keirly brocht thame in fusioun Gude thing aneuch the best was in the toun Al 's Inglismen to drinking wald him call And commounly he delt nocht thair with all In thair presence he spendit ressonabilly Ȝit for him self he payit aboundantly On Scottis men he spendit mekill gude Nane with his will vpon ye Sutheroū blude Sone he consauit in his wit priuatly Into that toun quha was of maist party Schir Iames Buttellar ane agit cruell Knicht Keipit Kincleuin ane Castell wounder wicht His Sone Schir Iohne yat dwelt into ye toun Vnder Capitane to Schir Gerard Heroun The wemen al 's he vesyit at the last And sa on ane his Ene began to cast In the South gait of fassoun ferly fair Wallace to hir maid priuatly repair Sa fell it thus fra the toun or he past At ane accord thay hapnit at the last Wallace with hir in secreit maid him glaid Sutheroun wist nocht yat he sic plesance had Oft on the nicht he wald say to him fell This is far war than ony pane of hell That yus with wrang yir
arrowis al 's baith lang and schairp with aw Na man was yair yat Wallace bow micht draw Richt stark he was and in full souer geir Baldly he schot amang thay men of weir Ane Angill heid vnto the huikis he drew Syne at ane schot the formest sone he slew Inglis Archearis that hardy war and wicht Amang the Scottis bikkerit with all thair micht Thair awfull schot was felloun for to byde Of Wallace men thay woundit feill that tyde Few of thame was sicker of Archery Better thay war and thay gat euin party In feild to byde outher with sword or speir Wallace persauir his men tuik mekill deir He gart thame change and stand not in yat steid He kest alwayis to saif thame fra the deid Full greit trauell vpon him self tuik he Of Sutheroun Archearis feill men he gart de Of Longcastell Schyre bowmē war in yat place Ane fair Archear ay waittit on Wallace At ane oppin quhair he vsit to repair At him he drew ane sicker schot and sair Vnder the Chyn throw ane collar of steill On the left syde and hurt his hals sum deill Astoneist he was bot nocht greitly agast Out fra his men on him he followit fast In the turning with gude will hes him tane Vpon the craig in sunder straik the bane Than feill of thame na freindschip with him fand Fyftene that day be schot deit with his hand Be that his arrowis waistit war and gane The Inglis Archearis forsuith yai wantit nane Out with thay war thair power to renew On euerilk syde to thame yai culd persew William Lorane come with his busteous staill Out of Gowrie on Wallace to assaill Neuoy he was as it was knawin plane To the Buttellar befoir that thay had slane To venge his Eme he come in all his micht Thre hundreth led of men in armis bricht To leid the Raynge on fute he maid him ford Wallace to God his conscience couth remord Syne comfort thame with manly countenance Ȝe se he said gude Schirris thair ordinance Heir is nane chois bot outher do or de We haue the richt the happyer may it be That we sall chaip with grace out of this land The Lorane be that was reddy at his hand Be this it was efter none of the day Feill men of wit to counsall sone ȝeid thay The Sutheroun kest schairply on euerilk syde And saw ye wod was nouther lang nor wyde Lichtly thay thocht he suld it hald sa lang Fyue hundreth maid on fuit throw it to gang Sad men of armis that egir war of will About the Scottis with mony schout full schill With bow and speir and swordis stif of steill On ather syde na freindschip couth thay feill Wallace in Ire ane buirly brand can draw Quhair feill Sutheroun war semblit on ane raw To fend his men with his deir worthy hand The folk war fey that he befoir him fand Throw the thickest of ye greit preis he past Vpon his enemeis he wand wounder fast Aganis his dynt na weidis micht auaill Quhome sa he hit was deid withouttin faill Of the feirsest full braithly bair he doun Befoir ye Scottis that war of greit Renoun To hald ye strenth yai preissit with all yair micht Than Inglismen yat worthy war and wicht Schir Iohne Buttellar releuit in agane Synderit ye Scottis and did yame mekill pane The Lorane al 's that cruell was and kene Ane sair assay forsuith yair micht be sene Than at ye strenth yai micht na langer byde The Raynge sa strang come vpon ather syde In ye thickest wod yai maid thair fell defence Aganis thair fais sa full of violence Richt feill Sutheroun leuit thair lyfe in wed To ane new strenth Wallace and his men fled On thair aduersaris thay maid full feill debait Bot help yame self nane vther succour yai wait The Sutheroun al 's war synderit than in twyn Bot thay agane togidder sone can wyn Full subtelly thair ordinance thay maid The Raynge agane thay bownit but mair abaid The Scottis was hurt part of yame war slane Than Wallace said we laubour all in vane To slay commounis it helpis vs richt nocht Bot thair Chiftanis that hes yame hidder brocht M●cht we wirk swa yat ane of yame war slane Sa sair assay thay culd nocht get agane Be this the Oist approchand was full neir Thus yai thame held full manly vpon steir Quhen Wallace saw the Sutheroun was at hād Him thocht na tyme langer yan for to stand Richt manfully he graithit hes his geir Sadly he went aganis thay men of weir Throw out the stour full fast fecht and he socht With Goddis grace to venge him gif he mocht Vpon the Buttellar awfully straik he Saifgaird he gat vnder ane bowand tre The branche in twa he straik abone his heid Al 's to the ground and fellit him in that steid The haill power vpon him come sa fast That thay be force reskewit him at the last Lorane was wa and thidder fast couth draw Wallace returnit sa suddandly him saw Out at ane syde full fast to him he ȝeid He gat na gyrth for all his burneist weid With Ire him straik on his gorget of steill The trench and blaid it persit euerilk deill Throw plait and stuf micht nocht aganis it stand Derfly to deith he left him on the land Him haue yai loist thocht sutheroū had it sworne For his craig bane was all in sunder schorne The worthy Scottis did Nobilly that day About Wallace quhill he was won away He tuik the strenth aganis thair fais will Abandoundly in bergane baid thame still The scry sone rais the bald Lorane was deid Schir Gerard Heroun tranoyntit to that steid And all the Oist assemblit him about At the North syde than Wallace Ischit out With his gude men and bownit thame to ga Thankand greit God that thay war partit sa Seuin of his men to deith that day was dicht To Cargill wod thay went that ●amin nicht In the feild left of the Sutheroun se● scoir And Lorane al 's thair murning was the moir The Raynge in haist thay rayit sone agane Bot quhen thay saw thair trauell was in vane Quhen he was past full mekill mane thay maid To rype the wod ●aith vaill slonk and s●aid For Buttellaris gold Wallace tuik gold befoir Bot thay fand nocht wald thay seik euer moir His hors thay gat bot nocht ellis of his geir With dulefull mane returnit thir men of weir To Sanct Iohnstoun with sorrow greit ●air Of Wallace furth me lykis to speik sum mair The secund nicht the Scottis co●●h yame draw Richt priuatly agane to Schort wod schaw Tuik vp thair gude quhilk was put out of sicht Clei●hing and ●●u● baith gold and siluer bricht Vpon thair feit for hor● was than thame fra Or the Sone rais to Methuen wod can ga
his deir worthy hand Fell famen he left fey vpon the land Ȝit Wallace loist fyftene into that steid And fourtie men of Sutheroun thair war deid The Butellaris folk sa fruschit war in deid The hardy scottis to the strenthis throw yai ȝeid Vpon Tay syde thay haistit thame full fast In will thay war the watter to haue past Better him thocht in perrell for to be Vpon the land than wilfully to se His men to drowne quhair reskew mycht be nane Agane in Ire to the feild ar thay gane Butellar be than had put his men in array On thame he set with awfull hardy assay On ather syde with wappnis stif of steill Wallace agane na freindschip leit thame feill Bot do or de thay wist na mair succour Thus fend thay lang into that stalwart stour The Scottis Chiftane was ȝoung in ane rage Vsit in weir and fechtis with curage ▪ He saw his men of Sutheroun tak sic wrang Thame to Reuenge all dreidles can he gang For mony of thame war bleidand wounder sair He cou●h nocht se na help appeirand thair Bot gif thair Chiftane war put out of his gait The brym Butellar sa bauldly maid debait Throw the greit preis Wallace to him socht His awfull deid he eschewit as he mocht Vnder ane Aik with men about him set Wallace micht nocht ane graith straik on him get Ȝit sched he thame ane full rude s●op hes maid ▪ The Scottis went out na langer thair yai baid Steuin of Ireland quhilk hardy was and wicht To help Wallace he did greit preis and micht With trew Keirly doucht●e in mony deid Vpon the ground fell Sutheroun gart yai bleid Sextie war slane of Inglismen in that place And nyne of scottis yair tynt war throw yat cace Butellaris men sa distroyit war that tyde Into the stour he wald na langer abyde To get supple he went vnto the staill Thus loist he yair ane hundreth of greit vaill As thay war best arrayand Buttellaris rout Betui● parteis than Wallace Ischit out Sextene with him thay graithit thame to ga Of all his men he had leuit na ma. The Inglismen hes missit him in hy The hound thay tuke and followit him haistely At the Gask wod full ●ane he wald haue bene Bot this sluth Ratche quhilk cruel was and kene On Wallace fute followit wounder fast Quhill in thair sicht thay approchit at the last Thair hors was wicht had soiornit weill lang To the nixt wod twa myle thay had to gang Of vpwith eird thay ȝeid with all thair micht Gude hope thay had for it was neir the nicht Faudoun he tyrit and said he micht nocht gang Wallace was wa to leif him in that thrang He bad him ga and said the strenth was neir Bot he thairfoir wald nocht the faster steir Wallace in Ire on the craig can him ta With his gude sword and straik the heid him fra Dreidles to ground he duschit to the deid Fra him he lap and left him in that steid Sum demis it to Ill and sum to gude And I say heir into thir termis rude Better it was he did as thinkis me First to the hound it micht greit stopping be Al 's Faudoun was haldin at greit suspisioun For he was knawin of brukill complexioun Richt stark he was and had bot lytill gane Thus Wallace wist had he bene left allane And he war fals to enemeis wald he ga Gif he war trew the Sutheroun wald him sla Micht he do ocht bot tyne him as it was Fra this questioun now schortly will I pas Deme as ȝe list ȝe that can best and may Bot I reheirs as myne Author will say Sternis as than began for to appeir The Inglismen wa● cūmand wounder neir Fyue hundreth haill war in that Cheualry To the nixt strenth than Wallace can him hy Steuin of Ireland vnwittand of Wallace And gude Keirlie baid still neir hand that place At the mure syde into ane scrogy slaid Be eist Duplin quhair thay this tary maid Faudoun was left besyde thame on the land The power come and suddanly him fand For thair sluith hound the graith way to him ȝeid Of vther tred as than scho tuik na heid The sluith stoppit at Faudoun still scho stude Na forther wald fra tyme scho fand the blude The Inglismen demit for vther yai couth not tell Bot yat ye Scottis had fochtin amang yame sell Richt wa thay war for loissit was thair sent Wallace twa men amang the Oist in went Dissimulit weill that na man suld thame ken Richt in affeir as thay war Inglismen Keirlie beheld vnto the bauld Heroun Vpon Faudoun as he was luikand doun Ane subtill straik vpwart him tuik that tyde Vnder the cloik the grundin sword can glyde By the gude mai●ȝe baith craig and hals bane In sunder straik thus endit that Chiftane To ground he fell feill folk about him thrang Tressoun thay cryit ane tratour vs amang Keirly with that slaid out at ane syde His fellow Steuin than thocht na tyme to byde The fray was greit and fast away thay ȝeid Baith toward Erne thus chaipit yai that dreid Butellar was wa of weiping micht nocht stynt Thus reklesly this gude Knycht haue thay tynt Thay demit all that it was Wallace men Or ellis him self thocht thay culd nocht him ken He is richt neir we sall him haue but ●aill The f●●ill wod may lytill him auaill Fourtie thair past agane to Sanct Iohnstoun With this deid Corps to burying maid it boun Partit thair men and diuers wayis raid Ane greit power at Duplin still thair baid To Danrich the Butellar past but let At sundrie furdis the gaitis vmbeset To keip the wod quhill it was day thay thocht As Wallace thus in the thick Forest socht For his twa men in mynde he had greit pane He wist nocht weill gif thay war tane or slane Or chaipit haill be ony Iepardie Threttene war left with him na ma had he In the Gask hall thair ludgeing haue thay tane Fyre gat thay sone bot meit than had thay nane Twa scheip thay tuik besyde thame in ane fald Ordanit the Supper into that semely hald Graithit in haist sum meit for thame to dicht Sa hard thay blaw rude hornis vpon hicht Twa send he furth to luik quhat it micht be Thay baid richt lang and na tythingis hard he Bot busteous noyis sa brymlie blawand fast Sa vther twa in to the wod furth past Nane come agane bot busteously can blaw Into greit Ire he fend thame furth on raw Quhen that allane Wallace was left thair The awfull blast aboundit mekill mair Than trowit he weill thay had his ludging sene His sword he drew of Nobill mettell kene Syne furth he went quhair yat he hard ye horne Without the dur Faudoun was him beforne As to his sicht his heid into his hand Ane
croce he maid quhen he him sa saw stand At Wallace in the heid he swakit thair And he in haist sone hynt it be the hair Syne out at him agane he couth it cast Into his hart he was greitly agast Richt weill he trowit that was na spirit of man It was sum Deuill that sic malice began He wist nane auaill thair langer to abyde Vp throw the hall thus wicht Wallace can glyde To ane clois stair the burdis raif in twin Fyftene fute large he lap furth of that In. Vp the watter suddanly can he fair Agane he blent quhat apperance he saw thair Him thocht he saw Faudoun that vgly Syre Vpon the hous and all the laif in fyre Ane greit rufe tre he had into his hand Wallace as than na langer wald he stand Of his gude men full greit meruell had he How thay war tynt throw this fell fantasie Traistis richt weill all this was suith in deid Supppois that it na point be of the Creid Power thay had with Lucifer that fell The tyme that he departit fra heuin to hell Be sic mischeif gif his men micht be loist Drownit or slane amang the Inglis Oist Or quhat it was in lyknes of Faudoun Quhilk brocht his men to suddand confusioun Or gif the man endit in euill Intent Sum wickit Spirit agane for him present I can not speik of sic Diuinitie To Clerkis I wil● lat all sic maters be Bot of Wallace on furth I will ȝow tell Quhen he was went out of this perrell fell Ȝit glaid he was that he had chaipit sa Bot for his men greit murning can he ma. Flait be him self to the maker abufe Quhy he sufferit he suld sic panis prufe He wist nocht weill gif it was Goddis will Richt or wrang his fortoun to fulfill Had it pleisit God he trowit it micht nocht be He suld him set in sic perplexitie Bot greit curage in his mynd euer draif Of Inglismen ane mendis think and to haif As he was thus walkand be him allane Vpon Erne syde makand ane pieteous mane Schir Iohne Butellar to wache yai furdis richt Out fra his men of Wallace had ane sicht The myst was went and to the mountanis gane To him he raid quhair that he maid his mane On loud he speirit quhat art thow walkꝭ yis gait Ane trew man Schir thocht my vayage be lait Erandis I pas fra Down vnto my Lord Schir Iohne Stewart ye richt quha wil record In Down is now new cūmin fra the King Than Butellar said this is ane selcouth thing Thow leid he said thow hes bene with Wallace I sall the knaw or thow cum of this place To him he stert the Cursour wounder wicht Drew out a sword syne maid him for to licht Abone the kne gude Wallace hes him tane Throw Thee and braune in sūder straik the bane Derfly to ground the Knicht fell on the land Wallace the hors sone sesit in his hand Ane akwart straik syne tuke him in that steid His craig in twa this was the Butellar deid Ane Inglisman saw thair Chiftane was slane Ane speir in reist he kest in all his mane On Wallace draif fra the hors him to beir Warly he wrocht as worthie man in weir The speir he wan withouttin mair abaid On hors he lap and throw ane greit rout raid To Dalrich than he knew the fuird full weill Befoir him come feill stuffit in lyne steill He straik the first but baid in the blasoun Quhill hors and man all flet the watter doun Ane vther sone downe fra his hors he bair Strampit to ground and drownit without mair The thrid he hit in his harnes of steill Throw out the coist the speir it brak ilk deill The greit power than efter him can ryde He saw na wisdome thair langer to abyde His burnist brand in hand braithly he bair Quhome he hi● richt thay followit him na mair To s●uf the chace few freikis followit fast Bot Wallace maid the gayest ay agast The mure he tuke and throw thair power ȝeid The hors was gude bor ȝit he had greit dreid For failȝeing or he wan to a strenth The chace was greit scaillit on breid and lenth Throw strang danger thay had him ay at sicht At the blak furd thair Wallace down can licht The hors stiffit the way was deip and lang Ane large lang myle wichtly on ●ute can gang Or he was horsit rydaris about him kest He saw full weill lang sa he micht nocht lest Sad men in deid vpon him can renew Without recouering twentie yat nicht he slew The feirsest ay rudely rebutit he Keipit his hors and rycht wisely can fle Quhill that he come the mirkest mure amang His hors gai● ouir and wald na farther gang Wallace on fute tuke him with gude Intent The hors he slew or that he farther went That Inglismen of him suld haue na gude And left on fute for weill he vnderstude For Sutheroun men of him suld haue na sicht In heich hadder he past with all his micht Throw that dark mure fra yame yan hes he socht Bot suddanly thair come into his thocht Greit power wo●k at Striuiling brig of tre Sichand he said na passage is for me For fault of fude and I haue fastit lang On weirmen now me think na tyme to gang At Cambuskinneth I sall the watter till Lat God aboue do with me quhat he will Into this land langer I may nocht byde Tary he maid sumpart on Forthis syde Tuik of his weid and graithit him but mair His swo●d he band that wounder scharply schair Amang his geir on his schulders on loft Thus in he went to greit God prayand oft Of his hie grace his cause to tak on hand Ouir the watter he swam to the south land Arrayit him sone the sesoun was richt cauld For Piscis was into his dayis auld Ouirthort the Kers to the Torwod he ȝeid Ane wedow dwelt quhilk helpit him in neid Hidder he come or day began to daw To ane windo and priuatly can caw Thay speirit his name bot tel yame wald he nocht Quhill scho hir self neir to his langage socht Fra tyme scho wist that it was wicht Wallace Reiosit scho was and thankit God of his grace Scho speirit sone quhy he was him allane Murnand he said as now man haue I nane Scho askit him quhair that his men suld be Fair Dame he said ga get sum meit for me I haue fastit sen ȝister day at morne I dreid full sair that my men be forlorne Greit part of thame to the deith I saw brocht Scho gat him meit in all the haist scho mocht Ane woman he callit and al 's with hir ane chyld And bad thame pas agane thay wayis wyld To the Gask hall tythingis for to speir Gif part war left of his men in to feir And
and cassin doun The Capitane deid of it and Sanct Iohnstoun The Lorane al 's in schortwod schawis schene Into that land greit sorrow hes bene sene Throw wicht Wallace yat all this deid hes done The towne he spyit and that forthocht vs sone Butellar is slane with douchtie men and deir In asper sp●iche the Persee than can speir Quhat word of him I pray the graithly tell My Lord he said richt thus the cais befell We knaw for treuth he was left him allane And as he fled he slew full mony ane The hors we fand yat him yat gait couth beir Bot of him self nane vther word we heir At Striuiling brig we wait he passit nocht To deith in Forth he may for vs be brocht Lord Perses said now suithly that war sin Sa gude of hand is nane this warld within Had he tane peax and bene our Kingis man This haill Impyre he micht haue conquest yan Greit harme it is our Knychtis that ar deid We mon gar se for vther in thair steid I trow nocht ȝit that Wallace loissit be Our Clerkis sayis he sall gar mony de The messinger sayis all that full suith hes bene Mony hundreth that cruell was and kene Sen he began ar loist without remeid The Persee said forsuith he is nocht deid The cruikis of Forth he knawis wounder weill He is on lyfe that sall our Natioun feill Quhen he is stressit than can he swome at will Greit strenth he hes baith wit and grace yairtill Ane messinger the Lord chargit to wend And this comand in writ he with him send Schir Iohne Stewart gart Schiref yā be maid Of Sanct Iohnstoun and all the landis braid Into Kincleuin thair dwelt nane syne agane Thair was nocht bot brokin wallis in plane Leif I thame thus reuland the landis thair And speik I will of Wallace glaid weilfair He send Keirlie vnto Rannald that nicht To Boyd and Blair that worthie war wicht And Adame al 's his Cousing gude Wallace To thame declarit all this panefull cace Of his eschaip out of that company Richt wounder glaid war thir gude Cheualry Fra tyme thay wist that Wallace leuand was Gude expensis thay maid to him to pas Maister Iohne Blair was ane of that message Ane worthy Clerk baith wise and richt sauage Leirit he was befoir in Pareis toun Amang Maisteris in science of gude Renoun Wallace and he at hame in scule had bene Sone efterwart as veritie was sene He was the man that principall vndertuke That first compylit in dyte the latine buke Of Wallace lyfe richt famous of Renoun And Thomas Gray Persoun of Libertoun With him thay war and put in Historiall Oft ane or baith mekill of his trauall And thairfoir heir I mak of thame mentioun Maister Iohne Blair to Wallace maid him doun To se his heill his comfort was the mo●● As thay full oft togidder war befoir Siluer and gold thay gaif him for to spend Sa did he thame frely quhen God it send Of gude weilfair as than he wantit nane Inglismen wist he was left him allane Quhair he suld be was nane of thame couth say Drownit or slane or eschaipit away Thairfoir of him thay tuke bot lytill heid Thay knew him nocht the les he was in dreid All trew Scottis greit fauour to him gaif Quhat gude thay had he misterit nocht to craif The peax lestit that Schir Rannald had ta●e Thay thre monethis it suld nocht be out gane Haill Cristmes Wallace remanit thair In Lanerk oft to sport he maid repair Quhen that he went to Gilbank fra the toun Gif he fand men was of that Natioun To Scotland thay did neuer greuance mair Sum stikkit thay sum throttis in sunder schair ▪ Feill war fund deid bot nane wist quha it was Quhome he handlit he leit na farther pas Thair Hessilrig dwelt yat cursit Knycht to waill Schiref he was of all thay landis haill Of felloun outrage dispitefull in his deid Mony of him thairfoir had mekill dreid Meruell he thocht quha durst his pepill ●la Without the toun he gart greit number ga Quhen Wallace saw that thay war ma than he Than did he nocht bot salust courtes●ie Al 's his four men bure thame sa quyetlie Na Sutheroun culd deme yame vnhonestlie In Lanerk dwelt ane gentill woman thair Ane madyn myld as my buik will declair Auchtene ȝeir auld or lytill mair of age Al 's borne scho was to part of heritage Hir Father was of worschip and renoun And Hew Braidfute he hecht of Lāmintoun As feill was than in the countrie cald Befoir tyme thay gentill men war of ald Bot this gude man and al 's his wyfe was deid The madin than wist of nane vther remeid Bot still scho dwelt on tribute in the toun And purchest had King Edwards protectioun Seruandis with hir of freindis at hir will Thus leifit scho without desyre of Ill. Ane quyet hous as scho micht hald in weir For Hessilrig had done hir mekill deir Slane hir brother quhilk eldest was and Air All sufferit scho and richt lawly hir bair Amiabill sa bening war and wyse Courtes and sweit fulfillit of all gentrice Weill reullit of toung richt haill of countenance Of vertewis scho was worthie to auance Humbill hir led and purchest ane gude Name Of alkin wicht scho keipit hir fra blame Trew richteous folk ane greit fauour hir lent Vpon ane day to the Kirk as scho went Wallace hir saw as he his Eye can cast The prent of lufe him prunȝeit at the last Sa asperly throw beutie of that bricht With greit vneis in presence byde he micht He knew full weill hir Kinrent and hir blude And how scho was in honest vse and gude Quhyle wald he think to lufe hir ouir the laif Ane vther quhyle he thocht on his desaif How that his men war brocht to confusioun Throw his last lufe he had in Sanct Iohnstoun Than wald he think to leue and lat ouir flyde Bot that thocht lang in mynd micht nocht abyde He tauld Keirlie of his new lust and baill Syne askit he him of his trew counsall Maister he said al 's far as I haue feill Of liklynes it may be wounder weill Sen ȝe sa lufe tak hir in mariage Gudely scho is and al 's hes heritage Suppois that ȝe in luifing feill ane mis Greit God forbid it suld be sa with this To mary thus I can nocht ȝit attend I wald of weir first se ane finall end I will na mair allane to my lufe gang Tak tent to me for dreid I suffer wrang To proffer lufe thus sone I wald nocht preif Micht I leif of in weir I think to leif Quhat is this lufe na thing bot fulischnes It may reif me baith wit and steidfastnes Than said he thus this will nocht graithly be Amouris and weir atanis to regne
Throw the thickest of thre hundreth thay raid On Sutheroun syde ●ull greit slauchter yai maid Thame to reskew that was in felloun thrang Wallace on fute the greit power amang Gude rowme he gat throw help of Goddis grace The Sutheroun fled and left thame in that place Horsis thay wan to stuf the chace gude speid Wallace and his that douchtie war in deid Graystok tuke flicht on sterne hors and on stout Ane hundreth held togidder in ane rout Wallace on thame full sadly culd persew The fleing weill of Inglismen he knew That ay the best wald pas with thair Chiftane Befoir him ●ād he gude schir Iohne ye Grahame Ay strykand doun quhome euer he micht hy Than Wallace said this is bot waist foly Commounis to slay quhair Chiftanis gais away Ȝour ho●s ar fresche thairfoir do as I say Gude men ȝe haue ar ȝit in Nobill stait To ȝone greit rout for Godis lufe hald ȝour gait Sinder thame sone we sall cum at ȝour hand Quhen schir Iohne had his taill weill vnderstād Of nane vther fra thynefurth tuke he heid To the formest he followit weill gude speid Kirkpatrik al 's considderit thair counsaill Thay chargit thair men ay follow on the staill At his command full sone with thame thay met Sad straikis and ●air sadly vpon thame set Schir Iohne the Grahame to Graystok fast he socht His Pesane yan it helpit him richt nocht Vpon the craig ane graith straik gat him richt The burly blaid was braid and burnist bricht In sunder ker●it the mailȝeis of fyne steill Throw braun and bane it ruschit euerilk deill Deid with that dynt to the groūd doun him draif Be that Wallace assemblit on the laif Derflie to deith feill freikis thair he dicht Rais neuer agane quha euer that he hit richt Kirkpatrik than Thom Haliday and thair men Thair douchtie deidis war Nobill for to ken At the Knok heid the bald Graystok was slane And mony men quhilk war of mekill mane To saif thair lyfis part in the wod thay past The Scottis men thay ran togidder fast Quhē Wallace with Schir Iohne ye Grahame met Richt gudly he with hūbilnes him gret Perdoun he askit of the reprufe be●oir Into the chace and said he suld no moir Informatioun mak to him that was sa gude Quhen that Schir Iohne Wallace weill vnderstude Do way he said yairof as now na mair Ȝe did full richt it was for our weill fair Wyser in weir ȝe ar all out than I Father in armis ȝe ar to me for thy Kirkpatrik syne that was his Cousing deir He thankit him richt on ane gude maneir Nocht ane was loist of all thair Cheualry Schir Iohne ye Grahame to yame come happily The day was done approchand was the nicht At Wallace thay askit his counsall richt He answerit thus I speik bot with ȝour leif Richt laith I war ony gude man to greif Bot thus I say in termis schort for me I wald assaill gif ȝe think it may be Lochmabane hous quhilk now is left allane For weill I wait that power in it is nane Carlauerok al 's ȝit Maxwell hes in hand And we had this thay micht be baith ane wand Aganis Sutheroun that now hes our countrie Say quhat ȝe will this is the best think me Schir Iohne the Grahame gaif first his gude cōsent Syne all ye laif richt with ane hail Intent To Lochmabane richt haistely thay ryde Quhen yai come yair nocht half ane myle besyde The nicht was mirk to counsall ar thay gane Of Mone or Sterne apperance was yair nane Than Wallace said me think this land at rest Thom Haliday thow knawis the countrie best I heir na noyis of feill folk heir about Thairfoir I trow we ar the les in dout Haliday said I will tak ane with me And ryde befoir the maner for to se Watsone he callit with me thow mak the bown With yame thow was ay nichtbour in yis town I grant I was with thame aganis my will And myne Intent is euer to do thame Ill. Vnto the ȝet thay twa peirtly furth raid The Portar come without langer abaid At Iohne Watsone tythingis culd he speir Oppin he bad the Capitane cūmis neir The ȝe● but mair vnwysely vp he drew Thom Haliday sone be the craig him threw And with ane knyfe stikkit him to deid In ane dark hoill doun dreidles kest him deid Iohne Watsone hes hynt the keyis in his hand The Portar yā with wicht Wallace was cūmand Thay enterit in befoir thame fand na ma Except wemen and simpill seruandis twa In the kiching lang scudlaris had thay bene Sone thay war slane quhen the Lady had sene Scho cryit grace for him that deit on tre Than Wallace said Madame ȝour noyis lat be To wemen ȝit we do bot lytill euill And ȝoung childer we lyke nocht for to spill I wald haue meit Haliday quhat sayis thow For fastand folk to dyne gude tyme war now Greit pur●iance was ordanit thame befoir Baith breid and aill gude wyne and vther stoir To meit thay bownit for thay had fastit lang Gude men of armis vnto the clois gart gang Part fleand folk on fute thay fra thame glaid On the Knok heid quhair greit melle was maid Ay as thay come Iohne Watsone leit thame in And done to deith without noyis or din. Na man left thair that was of Ingland borne The Castell weill thay vesyit on the morne For Iohnstoun send ane man of gude degre Secund dochter forsuith weddit had he Of Halidayis deir Neuoy to Wallace Greit Capitane thay maid him of that place Thay left him thair into ane gude array Syne Ischit furth vpon the secund day Wemen had leif in Ingland for to fair Schir Iohne ye Grahame gude Wallace culd cair To the Corheid and ludgit yame yat nicht Vpon the morne the Sone was at the hicht Efter Denner thay wald na langer byde Thair purpois tuke in Craufurd mure to ryde Schir Iohne ye Grahame with Wallace yat was wicht Thom Haliday agane returnit richt To the Corhall and thair remanit but dreid Na Sutheroun wist principall quha did yis deid Kirkpatrik past in Eskdaill woddis wyde In saiftie thair he thocht he suld abyde Schir Iohne ye Grahame gude Wallace in feir With thame fourtie men of armis cleir Throw Craufurd mure as that thay tuke ye way On Inglismen thair mynd remanit ay ¶ How Wallace wan ye Castel of Craufurd and how he slew the Capitane thairof Ca. iij. FRa Craufurd Iohne ye watter doun yai ryde Neir hand the nicht thay lichtit vpon Clyde Thair purpois tuke into ane quyet vaill Than Wallace said I wald we micht assaill Craufurd Castell with sum gude Ieopardie Schir Iohne ye Grahame how say ȝe best may be This gude Knicht said and ye men war without To tak the hous thair is bot lytill dout
With him Tynto that douchtie was in deid And Dauid Sone to Schir Walter to leid Behind thame neir the fute men gart he be And bad thame byde quhill thay yair tyme micht se Ȝe want wappinnis and harnes in this tyde The first counter ȝe may nocht weill abyde Wallace gart sone the Chiftanis to him call This charge he gaif for chance that micht befall To tak na heid to geir nor ȝit peillage For thay will fle as wod folk in ane rage Win first the men the gude syne ȝe may haif And tak na tent of couetise to craif Throw couetise men loissis gude and lyfe I ȝow command forbeir sic in our stryfe Luke ȝe saif nane Lord Capitane nor Knicht For worschip wirk and for our Eldaris richt God blis vs all that we may in our veyage Put thir fals folk out of our heritage Than thay Inclynit all with ane gude will His plane command thay hecht it to fulfill On the greit Oist the parteis fast can draw Cūmand to thame out of the South thay saw Thre hundreth men into thair Armour cleir The ganest way to thame approchit neir Wallace said sone thay at na Inglismen For by this Oist the gaitis weill thay ken Thom Halyday thay men he gydit richt From Annandaill he had led thame that nicht His twa gude Sonnis Iohnstoun Rutherfurd Wallace was blyith fra he had hard that word Sa was the laif of his gude Cheualry Iardane thair come into thair cumpany And Kirkpatrik befoir in Eskdaill was Ane wing thay war in Wallace Oist to pas The Inglis watche that nicht had bene on steir Drew to thair Oist richt as the day can peir Wallace knew weill for he befoir had sene The Kingis Pauillone quhair it was buskit bene Than with riche hors ye Scottis vpō yame raid At the first counter sa greit abasing maid That all the Oist was stoneist of that sicht Full mony ane derfly to deith was dicht Feill of thame as than was out of array The mair awfull and haistie was the fray The noyis was hudge throw straikkis that thay dang The rumour rais sa rudely yame amang That all the Oist was than in point to fle The wyse Lordis fra thay the perrell se The felloun fray al 's rasit was about And how thair King stude in sa mekill dout To his Pauillone full mony thousand socht Him to reskew be ony way thay mocht The Erll of Kent that nicht walkand had bene With fyue thousand of men in armour kene About the King full suddandly thay gang And traistis weill ye assailȝe was richt strang All Wallace folk in vse of weir was gude Into the stour sone lichtit quhair yai stude Quhome euer yai hit na harnes micht yame stynt Fra thay on fute assemblit with swordis dy●t Of manheid thay in hartis cruell was Thay thocht to win or neuer hyne to pas Feill Inglismen befoir the King thay slew Schir Iohne ye Grahame come with his power new Amāg ye Oist with ye myddil ward he raid Greit martirdome on Sutheroun men yai maid The reirward than set ou sa hardely With Newbigging and all the Cheualry Pauillone raipis thay cuttit all in sunder Borne to the ground and mony smorit vnder The fute men come the quhilk I spak of air Qu frayit folkis set straikis sad and sair Thocht thay befoir wantit baith hors and geir Aneuch thay gat quhat yai wald waill to weir The Scottis power than all togidder war The Kingis Pauillone brymly doun thay bair The Erll of Keut with ane gude Axe in hand Into the stour full stoutly culd he stand Be●oir the King makand full greit debait Quha best did than had the hiest estait The felloun stour sa stalwart was and strang Thairto continewit meruellously and lang Wallace him self full sadly culd persew And at ane straik the cheif Chistane he flew The Sutheroun folk fled fast and durst not byde Horsit thair King and of the feild can ryde Aganis his will for he was laith to fle Into that tyme he rocht nocht for to de Of his best men thre thousand thair was deid Or he culd find to fle and leif that steid Twentie thousand fled with him in ane staill The Scottis gat hors and followit yat battaill Throw Culter hope or tyme thay wan the hicht Feill Sutheroun folk war marrit in thair micht Slane be the gait as thair King fled away Baith fair and bricht and richt cleir was the day The Sone rysin schynand ouir hill and daill Than Wallace kest quhat was his best auaill The fleand folk that of the feild first past In to thair King agane yai semblit fast Fra ather syde sa mony assemblit thair That Wallace wald lat follow thame na mair Befoir he raid gart his folk turne agane Of Inglismen seuin thousand thair was slane Than Wallace Oist agane to Bigar raid Quhair Inglismen greit purueyance had maid The Iowalry as thay war hidder led Pauillonis and all thay leifit quhen thay fled The Scotts gat gold gude geir and vther wage Releuit thay war that partit that peillage To meit thay went with myrth and plesance Thay spairit nocht King Edwardis purueyance With solace syne ane lytill sleip thay ta Ane priuat watche he gart amang thame ga Twa Cuikis fell thair lyfis for to saif With deid Crocis that lay vnput in graif Quhen thay saw weill the Scottis war at rest Out of the feild to steill thay thocht it best Full law thay crap quhill thay war out of sicht Efter the Oist syne ran in all thair micht Quhen yat ye Scottis had sleipit bot ane quhyle Than rais thay vp for Wallace dreidit gyle He said to thame the Sutheroun may persew Agane to vs for thay ar folk anew Quhair Inglismen prouisioun makis in weir It is full hard to do thame mekill deir On this plane feild we will thame nocht abyde To sum gude place my purpois is to ryde The purueyance thay left was into that steid To Roppis Bog he gart seruandis it leid With ordinance that Sutheroun brocht in thair He with the Oist to Dauidschaw can fair Quhair thay remanit ane greit space of the day Of Inglismen ȝit sum thing will I say As King Edward throw Culter hopis socht Quhen he persauit the Scottis followit nocht In Iohnis Graif he gart his Oist byde still Feill fleand folk assemblit sone him till Quhen thay war met the King neir worthit mad For his deir kyn that he thair ●o●ssit had His twa Emis into the feild was slane His secund Sone that mekill was of mane His brother Hew was killit thair full cald The Erll of Kent that cruell berne and bald With greit worschip tuke deid befour the King For him he murnit sa lang as he micht Ring At this semblay as thay in sorrow stand The twa Cu●kis come sone in at his hand And
gait befoir na man micht to it win But the consent of thame that dwelt thairin On the bak syde ane roche and watter was Ane strait entre forsuith thair was to pas To vesy it Wallace him self sone went Fra he it saw he kest in his Intent To win the hald he hes chosin ane gait That thay within suld mak lytill debait His power haill hes gart byde out of sicht Bot thre with him quhill tyme that it was nicht Than tuke he twa quhen that the nicht was dym Steuin of Ireland and Keirly that culd clym Vp sone thay went aganis that roche sa strang Thus enterit thay the Sutheroun men amang The watche befoir tuke na tent to that syde Thir thre in feir sone to the Portar thay glyde Gude Wallace than straik the Portar him sell Deid ouir the roche into the dyke he fell Leit doun the brig and blew his horne on hicht The buschment brak and come in all thair micht At thair awin will sone enterit in that place To Inglismen thay did full lytill grace Sextie thay slew in that hald was na ma Bot ane auld Preist and sempill wemen twa Greit purueyance was in that roche to spend Wallace baid still quhill it was at ane end Brak doun the strenth baith brig Bulwark all Out ouir the Roch thay gart the tymmer fall Vndid the gait and wald na langer byde In Carrik syne thay bownit thame to ryde Haistit thame nocht bot soberly can fair To Turnbery that Capitane was of Air With Lord Persee to tak his counsall haill Wallace purpoisit that place for to assaill Ane woman tauld quhen ye Capitane was gane Gude men of fence into the steid was nane Thay fillit the dyke with eird and tymmer baill Syne fyrit the hous na succour micht auaill Ane Preist thair was and gentill wemen yairin Quhilk for ye maner maid hiddeous noyis din. Mercy thay cryit for him that deit on tre Wallace gart slaik the fyre and let thame be To mak defence na ma was leuit thair He thame commandit out of the land to fair Spulȝeit the place and spilt all that thay mocht Vpon the morne to Cummok sone thay socht To Lanerk syne and set ane tyme of Air Mudoaris feill he gart be punist thair To gude trew men he gaif full nobill wage His brother Sonnis put to thair heritage To the blak craig in Cumnok past agane His houshald set with men of mekill mane Thre monethis thair be dwelt into gude rest The subtill Sutheroun fand weill it was ye best Trewis to tak for to eschew ane chance To further this thay send for Knicht Wallance Bothwell ȝit that Tratour keipit still And Air all haill was at Lord Perseis will Throw greit supple of the Capitane of Air The Bischop Beik in Glasgow he dwelt thair Erll of Stanefurd was Chalmerlane of Inglād With Schir Aymer this Tratour tuke on hand To procure peax be ony maner of cace Ane saif Conduct thay purchest of Wallace In Ruglin Kirk the tryst thair haue thay set And promis maid to meit Wallace but let The day of this approchit wounder fast The greit Chancelar and Aymer hidder past Syne Wallace come and his men weill besene With him fyftie arrayit all in grene Ilk ane of thame ane bow and arrowis bair And lang swordis the quhilk full scharply schair Within the Kirk how sone he enterit had Vnto his prayer he past but mair abaid Syne vp he rais and to his tryist he went And his gude men full cruell of Intent In Ire he grew that Tratour quhen he saw The Inglismen of his face stude greit aw Wit reullit him that he did nane outrage The Erll beheld fast to his hie curage Forthocht sumpart that he come to that place Greitly abasit for the vult of his face Schir Aymer said this speiche ȝe may begin He will nocht bow to na Prince of ȝour kyn Assouerit ȝe ar I traist ȝe may speik weill For all Ingland he will nocht brek adeill His saif Conduct or quhair he makis ane band The Chancellar than proferrit him his hand Wallace stude still and culd na handis tak Freindschip to thame na liklynes wald he mak Schir Aymer said Wallace ȝe vnderstand This is ane Lord and Chancellar of Ingland To salus him ȝe may be proper skill With schort auise he maid answer him till Sic salussing I vse to Inglismen Sa sall thay haue quhair euer I may thame ken At my power that mak I God awow Out of Conduct gif that I had him now Bot for thy lyfe and all his land sa braid I will nocht brek the promis that is maid I had leuer at myne awin will haue the Without conduct that I micht wrokin be Of thy fals deid thow dois in this Regioun Than of pure gold ane Kingis greit Ransoun Bot for my band as now I will lat be Chancellar say furth quhat ȝe desyre of me The Chancellar said the maist caus of this thing To procure peax I am send fra the King With the greit seill and voce of his Parliament Quhat I bind heir our barnage sall consent Wallace answerit ouir lytill mendis we haif Syne of our richt ȝe occupy the laif Quytclame our land and we sall nocht deny The Chancellar said of na sic chargis haue I. We will gif gold or our purpois suld faill Than Wallace said in waist is that trauaill We ask na gold be fauour of ȝour kyn In weir of ȝow we tak that we may wyn Abaissit he was to mak answer agane Wallace said Schir we Iangill all in vane My counsall geuis I will na fabill mak As for ane ȝeir ane finall peax to tak Nocht for my self that I bind to ȝour Seill I can nocht trow that euer ȝe will be leill Bot for pure folk that greitly hes bene supprysit I will tak peax quhill farther we be auysit Than band thay thus thair suld be na debait Castell and Toun suld stand in that ilk stait Fra that day furth quhill ane ȝeir war at end Seillit this peax and tuke thair leif to wend. Wallace fra thame past into the west Maid plane repair quhair that him lykit best Ȝit sair he dred that thay suld him dissaif This Indenture to Schir Rannald he gaif His deir Vnkill quhair it micht keipit be In Cumnok syne to his dwelling went he ☞ ✚ ☜ ¶ The Seuint part of this Buik declairis how Wallace brynt ye Bernis of Air and put Bischop Beik out of Glasgow slew Lord Persee Ca. j. IN Februar befell the samin cace That Inglismen tuke trewis with Wallace This passit ouir quhill Marche away was socht ▪ The Inglismē kest all ye wayis yai mocht With subtill and wickit Illusioun The worthie Scottis to put to confusioun Into Aprile the King of Ingland come In Cumbirland of pumfret fra his
in that tyde Within the wallis rampand on ather syde Rumist with reuth and mony ane grisly grane Sum grymly grat quhill thair life days war gane Sum durris socht the entre for to get Bot Scottis men la wysely thame beset Gif ony brak be auenture of that steid With swerdis sone brimmyt thay war to deid Or ellis agane be force dreuin in the fyre Thair chapit nane bot brynt vp bane and lyre The stynk scaylit of deid bodyis sa wyde The Scottis abhorrit neir hand thame for to byde Ȝeid to the wynd and leit thame euin allane Quhill the reid fyre had yat fals blude our gane Ane freir Drumlaw was Priour than of Air. Seuin score with him yat nycht tuke harbery ya●● In till his Innis for he micht not thame let Quhill neir mydnycht ane wach on thame he set Him self wolk weill quhill be the fyre saw ryse Sum mendis be thocht to tak of that suppryse His brethir vii sone to harnes thay ȝeid Him self chiftane the remanent to leid The best thay waill of armour and gude geir Syne wapins tuke richt awfull in affeir Thir viij Freris in thre partis thay ga With swerdis drawin to ilk hous ȝeid twa Sone enterit in quhare Suthroun sleipand war Vpone thame set with straikis sad and sair Feill freikis thair thay Freiris dang to deid Sum nakit fled and gat out of that steid The watter socht abaissit out of sleip In to the Freir Well that was baith lang and deip Feill of thame fell that brak out of that place Drounit to ground and deit withoutin grace Drounit and slane was all that harbryit thair Men callis it the Freris blissing of Air. Few folk of vale was leuit Vpon cace In the Castell Lord Peircie fra that place Before the Air fra thyne to Glasgou drew Of men and stuf it was to puruey new Ȝit thay within saw the fyre birnand stout With schort aduise Ischit and maid na dout The bushment than as weriouris wyse and wicht Leit thame allane and to the hous past richt Boyd wan the port enterit and all his men Keiparis init was left bot nyne or ten The formaist sone him self seisit in hand Maid quyte of him syne slew all that thay fand Of purueyance in that Castell was na●e Schort tyme befoir fra it Peircie was gane The Erll Arnulf had ressauit that hald Quhilk in the toun was brynt to pouder cald Boyd gart remane of his xx men still Him self past furth to wit of Wallace will Keipand the toun quhill nocht was leuit thair Bot the wod fyre and belchis brynt full bair Of likly men that borne was of Ingland Be swerd and fyre that nycht deit fyue thousand Quhen Wallace men was weill togidder met Gude freyndis he said ȝe knaw that thair was set Sic law as this now into Glasgow toun The Bishop Beik and Peircie of renoun Thairfor I will in haist we hidder fair Of our gude kyn sumpart is loissit thair He gart full sone the Burges to him call And gaif command in generall of thame all In keiping thay suld tak the hous of Air And hald it haill quhill tyme that we heir mair To byde our King Castellis I wald we had Cast we doun all we may be demit our bad Thay gart meit cum for he had fastit lang Litill he tuke syne bounit thame to gang Hors thay cheis that Suthroun had brocht thair Anew at will and of the toun can fair Thre hundreth haill was in his cumpany Richt wounder fast raid this gude cheualry To Glasgow brig that biggit was of tre Sone passit ouir or Suthroun micht thame se Lord Peirce wicht that besy was in weir Semblit his men full awfull in affeir Than demit thay all that it was wicht Wallace He had befoir eschapit throw mony cace The Bischop Beik and Peircy that was wicht Ane thowsand led of men in armour bricht Wallace saw weill quhat noumer semblit thair He maid his men in twa partis to fair Graithit thame weill without the town end He callit Auchinlek for he the passage kend Vncle he said be besy in to weir Quhethir will ȝe the Bischopis taill vp beir Or pas before and tak his benysoun He ansuerit him with richt schort prouisioun W●bischopit ȝit forsuth I trow ȝe be Ȝour self sall first his blissing tak for me For sickerly ȝe seruit it best to nycht To bere his taill we sall in all our mycht Wallace ansuerit sen we mon sindry gang Perell it is and ȝe byde fra vs lang For ȝone ar men will nocht be sone agast Fra tyme we meit for Goddis saik by ȝow fast Our sindering I wald na Suthroun saw Behynd thame cum in throw the north eist raw Gude men of weir ar all Northumbirland Thay partit thus tuke vthir be the hand Auchinlek said we sall do that we may We wald lyke euill to byde ocht lang away Ane busteus staill betuix vs sone mon be Bot to the richt Almichty God haue Ee. Adam Wallace and Auchinlek was down Seuyn score w t tham on the bak syde of the toun Richt fas● thay ȝeid quhill thay war out of sicht The tothir part arrayit thame full richt Wallace and Boyd the plane streit vp can ga Suthroun merwalit because thy saw na ma Thair Ensenȝe cryit vpone the Peircyis syde With Bischop Beik that baldly durst abyde Ane fair semblay was at thair meting sene As fyre on flynt it fairit thame betuene The hardie Scottis richt awfully thame abaid Broch feil to ground throw weid y e weil was maid Peirssit plaittis with poyntis stif of steill Be force of hand gart mony cruell kneill The strang stour rais as reik abone thame fast Or myst throw Sone vp to the clowdis past To help thame self ilk ane had mekill neid The wourthy Scottis stude in ane felloun dreid Ȝit furthwart fast thay preissit for to be And thay on thame greit wounder was to se The Peircyis men in weir war vsit weill Richt feirsly faucht and sonȝeit nocht adeill Adam Wallace and Auchinlek come in Ane part of Suthroun richt sadly thay twyn Returnit to thame as nobill men of weir The Scottis gat roume and mony doun thay beir The new countit assailȝeit thame sa fast Throw Inglismen main sloppis at the last Than Wallace self in to the felloun thrang With his guid Swerd that heuie was and lang At Peircyis face with ane guid will he bair Baith bane brayne the fruschit steill throw schair Thre hundreth men quhan Lord Peircy was deid Out of the gait the Bischop Beik thay leid For than thame thocht it was na tyme to byde By the freir Kirk to ane wod thair besyde In that forest forsuth thay taryit nocht On fresch hors to Bothuell sone thay socht Wallace followit with wourhty men and wicht Forfochtin thay war and trauellit all the
Gaif ouir the hous syne couth in Ingland pas On the thrid day that Wallace fra thame raid With King Edward full mony ȝeir thay baid In Brucis weir agane come in Scotland Strueling to keip the ane of thame tuke on hand Mentioun of Bruce is oft in Wallace buik To fend his richt full mekill pane he tuik Quhairfore suld I heir ony tary ma To Wallace furth now schortly will I ga Duncane of Lorne Gilmichell fra him send Ane spy to be for he the cuntre kend Be our party was past Strath fillane The small fute folk began to irk ilkane And hors al 's on force behufit to faill Than Wallace thocht that cumpany to waill Guid men he said this is nocht meit for vs. In brokin array and we cum on thame thus We may tak skaith and harme our fais small To thame in lyke we may nocht assembill all Tary we lang ane plane feild quhill thay get Vpone thame sone sa weill we may nocht set Part we man leif vs followand to be With me sall pas our power in to thre Fiue hundreth first to him self has he tane Of westland men war wourthy knawin ilkane To schir Iohne the Grahame al 's mony ordanit he And fiue hundreth to Richard of Lundie In that part was Wallace of Ricardtoun In all gude deid he wes ay reddy boun Fiue hundreth left and micht not with thame ga Suppois that thay to byde wes woundir wa Thus Wallace oist begouth to tak the hicht Our ane montane syne passit out of sicht In Glendochar thair spy met thame agane With Lord Campbell then was our folk richt fane At thair meiting greit blythnes micht be sene Thre hundreth led that cruell war and kene He comfort thame and bad thame haue na dreid Ȝone beistly folk wantis wapnis and weid Sone will thay fle scharply and we persew Be Loch Douchar full suddandly thame drew Than Wallace said ane lyfe we sall all ta For heir is nane will fra his fallow ga The spy thay send the entre for to se Vpon the Mos ane Scurreour sone fand he To scour the land Makfadȝeane had him send Out of Cragmore that day he thocht to wend. Gilmichell fast vpon him followit thair With ane guid Swerd that weill scharply schair Maid quyte of him that tythingis tald he nane The out spy thus wes loissit fra Makfadȝeane Than Wallace oist vpon thair fuit thay licht Thair hors thay left thocht thay war neuer sa wicht For Mos and Crag thay micht na langar dre Than Wallace said quha gangis best lat se Throw out the mos delyuerly thay ȝeid Syne tuke the hals quhairof thay had maist dreid Endlang the schore ay thre in front thay past Quhill all within thair semblit at the last Lord Campbell said we haue cheisit this hald I trow to God thair walknyng sall be cald Heir is na gait to sle ȝone pepill can Bot rochis heich and watteris deip and wan Auchtene hundreth of douchty men in deid On the greit oist but mair proces thay ȝeid Fechtand in front and meikill maistrie maid The frayit folk buskit withoutin baid Rudly to ray thay ruschit thame agane Greit part of thame was men of mekill mane Gude Wallace men sa stoutly can thame steir The battall on bak fyue aker breid thay beir In to the stour seill tyrant gart thay kneill Wallace in hand had ane guid stat of steill Quhom euer he hit to ground brymlie thame bair Roumit him about ane large rude and mair Schir Iohn the Graham in deid was richt worthy Guid Campbell al 's and Richard of Lundy Adam Wallace and Robert Boyd in feir Amang thair fais quhair dedis war sauld deir The felloun stour was awfull for to se Makfadȝeane than sa greit debait maid he With Irland men hardie and corageous The stalwart stryfe richt hard and perillous Abundance of blude fra woundis wyde and man Stikkit to deid on groun● lay mony man Tua houris large in to the sto●r thay stand ▪ The ●●●rssest thay a ●ch of fech●ing and That ●op himself ●ill wist nocht 〈…〉 Bot Wallace men wald nocht in sounder twyn To help thame self thay war of hardy will Of Irland blude full fellonly thay spill With fell fechting maid sloppis throw the thrang On the fals part our wicht weirmen sa dang That thay to byde micht haue na langar micht The Irland Folk than maid thame for the flicht In Craggis clam and sum in watter flet Tua thowsand thair drounit withoutin let Borne Scottis men baid still in the feld Kest wapnis thame fra and on thair kneis kneild With pietuous woce thay cryit on Wallace For Goddis saik to take thame in his grace Greuit he was bot reuth of thame he had Ressauit thame fair with countenance full sad Of our awin blud we suld haue greit piete Luk ȝe slay nane of Scottis will ȝoldin be Of outland men lat nane chaip with the lyfe Makfadȝeane fled for all his felloun stryfe Vnto ane Caif within ane clift of stane Vnder Cragmoir with fyftene is he gane Duncane of Lorne his leif at Wallace ast On Makfadȝeane with worthie men he past He grantit him to put thame all to deid Thay left nane syne bot brocht Wallace his heid Vpone ane speir throw the feild it bair The Lorde Campbell syne hynt it be the hair Heich on Cragmoir he maid it for to stand Still on ane stane for honour of Irland The Lyflait men that war of Scotland borne Sone at his faith he gart thame be suorne Restorit thame that wald cum to his leis He leit slay nane that wald cum to his peis Efter this deid in Lorne syne couth he fair Rewllit the land had bene in mekill cair In Ardcatan ane counsall he gart cry Quhair mony man come to his Senȝeoury All Lorne he gaif to Duncane that was wicht And bad him hald in Scotland with the richt And thow sall brouk this land in heritage Thy brothir sone in London has greit wage Ȝit will he cum he sall his landis haif I wald tyne nane that Veritie micht saif Mony trew Scot to Wallace couth persew At Ardcatane fra feill strenthis thay drew Ane guid Knicht come and with him men sexty He had bene oft in mony strang ieoperdy With Inglismen and sonȝeit nocht adeill Ay fra thair faith he fendit him full weill Keipit him fre thowcht King Edward had sworne Schir Iohne Ramsay that richteous was borne Of Ouchtirhous and vthir landis lord And Schirref al 's as my buke will record Of nobill blude and auld ancestrie Continewit weill with wourthy Cheualrie In to Stroonchane lang tyme he had bene At greit debait amang his enemyis kene Richt wichtly wan his leuing in to weir To him and his Suthroun did meikill deir Weill he eschewit and sufferit greit distres His sone was callit the flour of courtlynes
As witnessis weill in to this schort trety Efter the Bruce quha reidis that history He reullit weill baith in to weir and peis Alexander Ramsay to name he hecht but leis Quhen it was weir to armes he him kest Vnder the Croun he was ane of the best In tyme of peax to courtlynes he ȝeid Bot to gentrice he tuke nane vthir heid Quhat gentill man had nocht with Ramsay bene Of courtlynes thay comptit him not ane prene Fredome and trueth he had as men wald as Sen he began nane better Squyar was Roxburgh ald he wan richt manfully Syne held it lang quhill tratouris tresonabilly Causit his deith I dar nocht tell ȝow how Of sic thingis I will ga by as now I haue had blame to say the suthfastnes Thairfoir I will bot lichtly ryn that cais Bot it be thing that planely sclanderit is For sic I trow thay suld nocht demena mis. Of Alexander as now I say na moir His fader come as I tald ȝow befoir Wallace of him richt full greit comfort hais For he weill couth do harmyng to his fais In weir he was richt mekill for to pryse Bosy and trew baith sober wicht and wyse Ane guid Prelat al 's to Ardchatane socht Of his Lordschip as than he broukit nocht This wourthy Clark cumin of the lynage Of Siuclare blude nocht fourtie ȝere of age Chosin he was be the Papis consent Of Dunkeld Lord was maid with guid entent Bot Inglismen that Scotland grippit haill Of benefice thay leit him brouk bot small Quhen he saw weill thairfoir he micht nocht mute To saif his lyfe thre ȝeris he dwelt in Bute Leiffit as he micht and keipit ay guid part Vnder saustie of Iames than Lord Stewart To gud Wallace quhilk Scotland wan with pane Restorit this Lord to his leuing againe And mony ma that lang had bene ourthrawin Wallace thame put richteously to thair awin The small oist al 's quhilk I spak of Air. In to the hicht that Wallace leuit thair Come to the feild quhair Makfadȝeane had bene Tuke that was left baith weid and wapnis schene Throw Lorne syne past al 's gudly as thay can Of thair nomber thay had not loissit ane man On the fift day wan to Ardchatane Quhair Wallace baid with guid men mony ane He welcumit thame vpone ane gudly wyse And said thay war richt mekill for to pryse All trew Scottis he honorit in to weir Gaif that he wan him self keipit na geir ¶ How Wallace wan Sanct Iohnston Ca. iij. QWhen Wallace wald na langar soiorne thair Fra Ardchatan out throw the land thay fair Towart Dunkeld with guid men of renoun His maist thocht than was of Sanct Iohnstoun He callit Ramsay that guid Knycht of greit vaill Sadly auysit besocht him of counsaill Of Sanct Iohnstoun now haue I rememberance Thair haue I bene and loissit men throw chance Bot ay for ane we gart ten of thame de And ȝit me think that is na mendis to me I wald assay fra this land or we gang And lat thame wit thay occupie heir wrang Than Ramsay said that toun thay man not keip The wallis ar lawt suppois the dykis be deip Ȝe haue anew that sall thame cummer sa Fill vp the dyke that we may planely ga In haill ba●tell ane thousand ouir atanis Fra this power thay sall nocht hald ȝone wanis Wallace was glaid that he sic comfort maid Furth talkand thus vnto Dunkeld thay raid Thre dayis thair thay ludgeit with plesance Quhill tyme thay had forsene thair ordinance Ramsay gart big strang Bastailȝeis of tre Be gude wrichtis the best in that cuntre Quhen yai war wrocht betaucht yame mē to leid The watter doun quhill thay come neir yat steid Schir Iohne Ramsay richt gudely was yair gyde Reullit thame weill at his will for to byde The greit Oist than about the village past With eird and stane thay fillit dykis fast Flaikis thay laid on tymmer lang and wicht Ane roume passage to the wallis thay dicht Feill Bastailȝeis richt starkly vp thay rais Gude men of armes sone to assailȝe gais Schir Iohne ye Grahame and Ramsay yat was wicht The Turat brig assegit in all yair micht And Wallace self at mid syde of the toun With men of armes that was to bargane boun The Sutheroun men maid greit defence yat tyde With Artailȝe that felloun was to byde With Tablaster ganȝe and stanis fast And hand gunnis richt brymlie out thay cast Funȝeit with speiris at men of armis kene The Nobill Scottis that worthy ay hes bene At hand straikis fra thay togidder met With Sutheroun blude thair wappinnis sone yai wet Ȝit Inglismen yat worthy war in weir Into the stour richt baldly can thame beir Bot all for nocht auaillit thame thair deid The Scottis throw force vpon yame in thay ȝeid Ane thousand men ouir wallis ȝeid haistely Into the toun rais hiddeous noyis and cry Ramsay and Grahame the Turat ȝit hes wyn And enterit in quhair greit stryfe did begyn Ane trew Squyar quhilk Rothuē hecht to name Come to ye assalt with gude Schir Iohn ye Grahame Threttie with him of men yat preuit weill Amang thair fais with wappinnis stif of steill Quhen that the Scottis assemblit on ather syde Na Sutheroun was that micht thair dynt abyde Twa thousand sone was fulȝeit vnder feit Of Sutheroun blude thay stikkit in the streit Schir Iohn Stewart saw weill the toun was tynt Tuik him to slicht wald na langer stynt In ane licht Barge and with him men sextie The watter doun socht succour at Dundie Wallace baid still quhill the feird day at morne Add left nane thair that was of Ingland borne Riches thay gat of gold and vther gude Pleneist the toun agane with Scottis gude Ro●huen he left thair Capitane to be In heritage gait him the office of fe Of all Stratherne and Schiref of the toun Syne in ye North gude Wallace maid him boun In Abirdene he gart ane counsall cry Trew Scottis men suld assembill haistely To Cowper he raid to vesy that Abbay The Inglis Abbot was fled fra thyne away Bischop Sinklair without langar abaid Met thame at Glammis syne furth with yame he raid Into Brichen thay ludgeit all that nicht Sone on the morne Wallace gart graith at richt Displayit on breid the Baner of Scotland In gude array with Nobill men at hand Gart planely cry that sauit suld be nane Of Sutheroū blude quhair yai micht be ouirtane In plane battell throw out ye Meirnis thay ryde The Inglismen that durst thame nocht abyde Befoir the Oist full feiritly thay fle To Dūnotter ane strenth within the se Na farther thay micht wyn out of the land Thay assemblit thair quhil yai war four thousand To ye Kirk yai ran yai thocht girth to haue tane The laif remanit vpon the Roch of stane The
Oist hes he tane Gude Setoun syne Ischit with few menȝe Part of his men into Dunbar left he To Wallace raid was on the richteous syde In gude array to the Spot mure thay ryde Sum Scottis dred the Erll sa mony was Twentie thousand agane sa few to pas Bot Iop persauit he bad Wallace suld byde Tyne nocht ȝour men bot to sum strenth ȝe ryde And I sall pas to get ȝow power mair Thir ar ouir gude thus lichtly for to wair Than Wallace said in treuth I will nocht fle For four of his ay ane quhill I may be We ar ouir neir sic purpois for to tak Ane dangerous chace thay micht vpon vs mak Heir is twentie with this power to day Wald him assay suppois I war away Mony thay ar for Goddis saik be we strang Ȝone Sutheroun folk in stour wil not byde lāg ☞ ✚ ☜ ¶ How Corspatrik brocht in Scotland Bischop Beik and Robert the Bruce and how Wallace gaif thame battell and put thame out of Scotland Ca. ij THe bryme battell braithly on ather syde Greit reird yair rais ouir all quhair yat yai ryde The sair sēblie quhē yai togidder met Feill straikis thair thay sadly on vther set Prunȝeand speiris throw plaitis peirsit fast Mony of hors doun to the ground thay cast Sadillis thay teym of hors but maisteris thair Of the south syde fyue thousand doun thay bair Gude Wallace Oist the formest cūmerit sa Quhill yat the laif was in will away to ga Erll Patrik baid sa cruell of Intent All haill his Oist tuik of him hardiment Aganis Wallace in mony stour was he Wallace knew weill that his men wald nocht fle For na power that leuand was on lyfe Quhill thay in heill micht be ay ane for fyfe In that greit stryfe mony was handillit hair The feill dyntis the cruell hard debait The feirs stryking maid mony ane greuous woūd Vpon the eird the blude maid to abound All Wallace Oist into ane compas baid Quhair sa thay turnit full greit slauchter yai maid Wallace and Grahame Ramsay full worthy The bald Setoun and Richard of Lundy And Adam Wallace al 's of Ricardtoun Baith Hay and Lyle with gude men of Renoun Boyd Barklay Baird Lawder yat was wicht Feill Inglismen dersly to deith thay dicht Bot Erll Patrik full feirsly faucht agane Throw his awin hand mony he put to pane Our men on him thrang ford wart into thra Maid throw his Oist feill sloppis to and fra The Inglismen began planely to fle Than Bischop Beik full suddandly thay se And Robert Bruce contrair his natiue men Wallace was wa fra tyme he couth him ken Of Brucis deidis he was aggreuit mair Than all the laif that day that semblit thair The greit buschment atanis brak on breid Ten thousand haill that douchtie war in deid The flearis than with Erll Patrik releuit Thay faucht agane quhair mony war mischeuit Quhen Wallace saw the buschment brokin was Out of the feild on hors thay thocht to pas Bot he saw weill his Oist sound in thair weid He thocht to fray the formest or he ȝeid The new cūmin Oist about thame semblit yair On ather syde with straikis sad and sair The worthy Scottis sa feirsly faucht agane Of Anthonis men mony haue thay slane Bot that tyran sa vsit was in weir On Wallace Oist thay did full mekill deir And the bald Bruce sa cruelly wrocht he Throw strenth of hand feill Scottis he gart de To resist Bruce Wallace he preissit fast Bot Inglismen sa thick betuix thame past And Erll Patrik in all the haist he mocht Throw out the stour to Wallace sone he socht On the Pesane ane felloun straik him gaif Keruit the plait with his scharp groundit glaif Throw all the stuf and woundit him sum deill Bot Wallace thocht he suld be vengit weill Followit on him and ane straik ettillit fast Bot ane Maitland reklesly betuix thame past Vpon ye heid gude Wallace hes him tane Throw heid and braune in sunder straik the bane Deid to the ground at that straik he him draif Thus Wallace was disseuerit fra the laif Of his gude men amang thame him allane About him socht feill enemeis mony ane Stikkit his hors to ground behuisit him licht To fend himself al 's wyselie as he micht The worthy Scottis that micht na langer byde With sair hartis out of the feild thay ryde With thame in feir thay weind Wallace had bene On fuit he was amang his enemeis kene Gude roume he maid about him into breid With his gude sword that helpit him in neid Was nane sa strang that gat of him ane straik Efter agane maid neuer ane Scot to wraik Erll Patrik than that had greit craft in weir With speiris ordanit gude Wallace doun to beir Anew thay tuik was haill into the feild To him thay ȝeid thocht he suld haue na beild On ather syde fast prunȝeand at his geir He hewit of heidis and wyselie couth him weir The worthy Scottis of this full lytill wist Socht to gude Grahame quhē yai yair Chiftane mist Lawder Lyle Hay yat was ful wicht And bald Ramsay quhilk was ane worthy knicht Lundy and Boyd and Cristall of Setoun With fyue hundreth that war in bargane boun Him to reskew full ruidly in thay raid About Wallace ane large roume thay maid The Bischop Beik was braithly borne to eird At that reskew thair was ane felloun reird Or he gat vp feill Sutheroun thay slew Out of the preis Wallace thay can reskew Sone horsit him vpon ane Cuirser wicht Towart ane strenth rydis in all thair micht Richt wyselie fled reskewand mony man The Erll Patrik to stuf the chace began On the slearis thair lytill harme thay wrocht Gude Wallace folk away togidder socht Thir fyue hundreth ye quhilk I spak of air Sa awfully abandounit thame and sair Na followar durst out fra his fellow ga The gude flearis sic turning in thay ma. Four thousand haill had tane the strenth befoir Of Wallace Oist his comfort was the moir Of Glastaden that Forest thocht to hald Erll Patrik turnit thocht he was neuer sa bald Agane to Beik quhen chaipit was Wallace Curssand Fortoun of his mischancefull cace The feild he wan and seuin thousand was loist Deid on that day for all the Bischoppis boist Of Wallace men fyue hundreth slane I ges Bot na Chiftane his murning was the les Neir euin it was bot Beik wald nocht abyde In Laumyr mute thay turnit in that tyde Thair ludgeingtuik quhair he thocht maist auaill For weill he trowit the Scottis wald assaill Vpon the feild quhair thay gaif battell last The cuntrie men to Wallace gadderit fast Of Edinburgh with Craufurd that was wicht Four hundreth come into thair armour bricht To Wallace raid be his ludgeing was tane Of Teuidaill come gude men mony
ane Out of Iedburgh with Rothuen at that tyde Togidder socht fra mony diuers syde Schir Williame yan yat Lord was of Dowglas With him four scoir that nicht come to Wallace Twentie hundreth of new men met that nicht Vpon yair fais to venge thame at thair micht At the first feild thir gude men had nocht bene Wallace wachis thair aduersaris hes sene Into quhat wyse thay had thair ludgeing maid Wallace bownit efter Supper but baid In Laumyr mute thay passit haistely Sone to array ȝeid this gude Cheualry Wallace thame maid in twa partis to be Schir Iohne ye Grahame Setoun ordanit he Lawder and Hay with thre thousand to ryde Him self the laif tuik wyselie for to gyde With him Lundy baith Ramsay and Dowglace Barklay and Boyd and gude Adam Wallace Be this the day approchit wounder neir And bricht Titan in presence can appeir The Scottis Oist sone semblit into sicht Of thair enemeis thay war nocht reddy dicht Out of array feill of the Sutheroun was Richt awfully Wallace can on thame pas At this entre the Scottis sa weill thame bair Feill of thair fais to deith was brytinuit thair Redles thay rais and mony fled away Sum on the ground was smoirit quhair yai lay Greit noyis and cry was raisit thame amang Gude Grahame come in yat stalwart was strāg Fra Wallace men war weill togidder met On the South part sa awfully thay set Incontrair thame thay frayit folk micht not stād Atanis thair fled of Sutheroun ten thousand The worthy Scottis wrocht vpon sic ane wyse Iop said him self yat yai war mekill to pryse Ȝit Bischop Beik that felloun tyran strang Baid in the stour richt awfully and lang Ane Knicht Skeltoun that cruell was and kene Befoir him stuid into his armour schene To fend his Lord full worthely he wrocht Lundy him saw and sadly to him socht With his gude sword ane akwart straik him gaif Throw Pesane stuf his craig in sunder draif Quhair of the laif war stoneist in that steid The bald Skeltoun of Lundyis hand was deid Than fled thay all and micht na langer byde Patrik and Beik away with Bruce can ryde Fyue thousand held into ane slop away To Norhame hous in all the haist thay may Our men followit that worthy war and wicht Mony flear derfly to deith thay dicht Thir thre Lordis to the Castell thay socht Full feill thay loissit that was of Ingland brocht At this Iourney twentie thousand thay tynt Drownit and slane with speir and swordis dynt The Scottis at Tweid than haistit thame sa fast Feill Sutheroun men to wrang fuirdis thay past Wallace returnit in Norhame quhen yai wair For worthy Bruce his hart was wounder sair He had leuer haue had him at his large Fre till our Crown than of fyne gold to charge Mair yan in Troy was quhen ye Greikis it wan Wallace passit with mony awfull man Ouir Patrikis land and waistit wounder fast Tuik out greit gudis and placis doun can cast His steidis twelf that Met hamys was cald Wallace gart brek thay buirly biggingis balo Baith in the Mers and al 's in Louthiane Except Dunbar standand he leuit nane To Edinburgh than vpon the aucht day Vpon the morne Wallace without delay To Perth he past quhair ane Counsall was set To the Barrounis he schewit withouttin let How his greit vow richt weil eschewit was To ane maister he gart Erll Patrik pas Becaus he said of Scotland he held nocht To King Edward to get supple he socht The Lords was blyith and welcūmit weill Wallace Thankand greit God of his fair happy cace Wallace tuik stait to Gouerne all Scotland The barnage haill maid him ane oppin band Than delt he land to gude men him about For Scotlandis richt had set yair lyfis in dout Stanetoun he gaif to Lawder in his wage The Knicht Wallange aucht it in heritage Than Birgem cruik he gaif Lyle yat was wicht To Skrymgeour al 's full gude rewaird he dicht Syne Wallace toun and vther landis yair till To worthy men he delt with Nobill will To his awin kyn heritage nane gaif he Bot office haill that euerilk man micht se For couetise thair couth na man him blame He baid rewaird quhill the King suld cum hame Of all he did he thocht to byde the Law Befoir his King maister quhen he him saw Scotland was blyith in dolour had bene lang In ilk ane part to gude laubour thay gang ¶ How Wallace past in Ingland and remanit yair thre quarteris of ane ȝeir and come hame agane but battell Ca. iij. BE this the tyme of October was past Nouember neir approchit wounder fast Tythingis thair come King Edward greuit was With his power in Scotlād thocht to pas For Erll Patrik had geuin him sic counsall Wallace gat wit and semblit power haill Fourtie thousand on Roslyng mure thair met Lordis he said this is King Edwardis set In contrair richt to seik vs in our land I hecht to God and to ȝow be my hand I sall him meit for all his greit barnage Within Ingland to fend our heritage His fals desyre sall on him self be sene He sall vs find incontrair of his ene Sen he with wrang hes riddin this Regioun We sall pas now incontrair of his Crown I will nocht bid greit Lordis with vs fair For myne Intent I will planely declair Our purpois is outher to wyn or de Quha ȝeildis him sall neuer ransonit be The Barrounis than him answerit worthely And said thay wald pas with thair Cheualry Him self and Iop prouydit that menȝe Twentie thousand of waillit men tuik he Harnes and hors he gart amang thame waill Wappinnis anew that micht for thame awaill Graithit thir men that cruell war and kene Better in weir in warld couth nocht be sene He bad the laif on laubour for to byde In gude array fra Rossing mure thay ryde At yair muster gude Wallace couth thame as Quhat mysteris ma in ane power to pas All of ane will as I trow set ar we In plane battell can nocht discomfeist be Our Realme is pure waistit with Sutheroun blude Go wyn on yame gold or vther gude The Oist Inclynit all with humbill will And said thay suld his bidding than fulfill The Erll Malcolme with Ireland men is gane Bot name of reull on him he wald tak nane Wallace him knew ane Lord yat was worthy At his counsall he wrocht full steidfastly Starker he was gif thay had battell sene For he befoir had in gude Iournayis bene Ane man of strenth that hes gude wit with all Ane haill Regioun may comfort at his call As manly Hector wrocht into his weir Aganis ane hundreth comptit was his speir Bot that was nocht throw his strenth anerly Sic reull he led of Nobill Cheualry Thir exemplis war worthy for to ken Hector I
quhair it was brynt on breid Ane rod thay maid and to the Castell ȝeid Straik doun the ȝet tuik that thay micht win Iowellis and gold greit riches was thairin Spuilȝeit the place and le●t nocht ellis thair Bot beistis brynt bodyis and wallis bair Than tuik thay hir that was wyfe to Fehew Gaif hir command as scho was woman trew To turs that heid to Londoun to King Edwart Scho it ressauit with greit sorrow in hart Wallace him self thir chargis to hir gai● Say to ȝour King bot git I battell ●ai● At Londoun ȝettis we fall assailȝe sair In this moneth we think for to be thair Traist in ye treuth will God we sall nocht faill Bot I desist throw charge of our counsall The south west part of Ingland we sall se Bot he seik peax or ellis bergane with me Vpon ane tyme he chargit me on this wise ▪ Richt busteously to mak to him seruice Sic sall he haue as he vs caus hes maid Than mouit thay withouttin mair abaid Deliuerit scho was fra this Cheualry Towart Londoun scho dicht hir ernistly Vnto the toun but mair proces scho went Quhair Edward lay sair mouit in his Intent His Neuoyis heid quhen he saw it was brocht Sa greit sorrow sadly vpon him socht With greit vneis vpon his feit he stude Weipand in wo for his deir tender blude The Counsall rais and prayit him to ceis We lois Ingland bot gif we purches peis Than Wodstok said this is my best counsall Tak peice ane tyme as for our a win auaill Or we tyne mair we slaik of our curage Efter ȝe may get help be ȝour barnage The King grantit and bad yame message send Na man was thair that durst to Wallace wend. The Quene appeirit and saw this greit distance Weill borne scho was of the richt blude of France Scho trowit weill yairfoir to speid the eirair Hir self purpoissit in that Message to fair Al 's scho forthocht that the King tuik on hand Agane the richt sa oft to reif Scotland And ●eill men said the vengeance hapnit sair Of greit murther his men maid into Air. Thus demit thay the counsall thame amang To this effect the Quene bownit to gang Quhen scho hes sene ilk man forsaik this thing On kneis scho fell and askit at the King Souerane scho said gif it ȝour willis be That I desyre ȝone Chiftane for to se For he is knawin baith hardy wyse and trew Perchance he wald erar on wemen rew Than on ȝour men thay haue done him sic dei● Quhen he thame seis it mui●is him ay to weir It may nocht skaith suppois I do na vaill To help this land I wald mak my trauaill The Lordis all of hir desyre was fane Vnto the King maid Instance into plane That scho micht pas● the King with akwart will Half into Ire he gaif consent thair till Sum of thame said the Quene luifit Wallace For the greit voce of his hie Nobilnes Ane hardy man that is lyklie with all Greit fauour will of Fortoun to him fall Anent wemen is sene in mony place Sa happinnit in this tyme of Wallace In his rysing he was ane luifar trew And cheissit ane bot Inglismen hir slew Ȝit said thay nocht the Quene wald on hir tak As for his lufe sic trauell for to mak Now lufe or leif or for help of thair land I mak reheirs as I in Scripture land Scho graithit hir vpon ane gudly wyse With gold and geir and folk at hir deuyse Ladyis with hir ▪ nane vther wald thay send And auld Preistis that weill the cuntrie kend Leif I the Quene to message reddy dicht And speik farther of Wallace trauell richt THe worthy Scottꝭ amāg yair enemeis raid Distructioun greit vpō yame haif yai maid Waistit the land about on ather syde Na weirman than durst in thair wayis abyde Thay Ransonit nane bot to the deith thame dicht In mony steid maid fyris braid and bricht The Oist was blyith and in ane gude estait Na power was that wald mak thame debait Greit riches wan of gold and gude thair till Leuing aneuch to tak at thair awin will In awfull feir thay trauell throw the land Maid biggingis bair yat thay befoir thame fand Greit Barmkinnis brak of steidis stark strang Thir wicht weirmen of trauell thocht nocht lang South in the land richt ernistly thay socht To Sanct Albanis bot harme yair did yai nocht The Pryour send i hame wyne and vennysou● Refreschit the Oist with fude in greit fusioun The nicht appeirit quhen thay war at that place Thay herbi yit than fra thyne ane lytill space Cheissit ane s●eid quhair thay suld byde all nicht Ten●s on ground and Pauillioūis proudly picht Into ane vaill ▪ besyde ane Riuer fair On ather syde quhair wylde beistis maid repair Set wachis out that wyselie couth thame keip To Supper went and tymously couth sleip Of meit and drink thay ceis with sufficiance The nicht was schort ouir draif ▪ the dirkful chāce ¶ How the Quene of Ingland come and spak with Wallace Ca. v. THe mery day sprang fra the Orient With bemis bricht Illuminit ye Occident Efter Tytan Phebus vprysit fair Heich in the Spheir the Signis maid declair Zephirus began his michtie morrow cours The sweit vapour did fra the ground resours The donk dew doun fra the heuin did vaill In euerie meid baith Firth Forest and daill The fresche Reuer amang the Rochis rang Throw grene branchis quhair byrdis biythly sāg With Ioyous voce in heuinly harmony Than Wallace thocht it was na tyme to ly He blissit him syne suddandly vp he rais To tak the air out of his Tent he gais Maister Iohne Blair was reddy haistelie To Goddis seruice bownit richt reuerentlie Quhen that was done Wallace couth him array In his armour quhilk was baith gude and gay His schynand scheild yat burneist was full bene His leg harnes that claspit was full clene Pulanis greis he claspit on full fast Ane clois birny with mony sicker cast Breist plait Braissaris yat worthy war in weir Besyde him furth Iop couth his Basnet beir His glitterand gluiffis grauin on ather syde He semit weill in battell for to byde Ane gude girdill and syne ane buirly brand Ane staf of steill he grippit in his hand The Oist him blissit and prayit God of his grace Him to conuoy fra all mistemperit cace Adam Wallace and Boyd furth with him ȝeid Endlang ane Riuer out throw ane flureist meid And as thay walk atouir the feildis grene Out of the South yai saw quhair yat ye Quene Towart the Oist come rydand soberly Fyftie Ladyis war in hir cumpany Waillit of wit and demit of Renoun Sum wedowis war and sum of Religioun And seuin Preistis that enterit war in age Wallace to sic did neuer greit outrage Bot gif to him yai maid
hes fundin Vnder that trew yai gart auchtene scoir de That Nobillis war the best in our cuntrie To the greit God my avow heir I mak Peice with that King think I neuer to tak He sall repent that he this weir began Thus mouit he with mony Royall man Vnto the King and tald him his Intent To lat him pas the King wald nocht consent Quhill Wallace thair maid promeis be his hand Gif euer agane he thocht to leif Scotland To cum to him his greit Seill he him gaif Of quhat Lordschip that he lykit to haif Thus at the King ane haistie leif tuik he Na man with him he brocht of that cuntrie Bot his awin men and Schir Thomas ye Kniche In Flanderis land thay past with all yair micht Guthreis Barge at the Sluce couth ly still To ye sey yai went with ane full egir will Baith Forth and Tay thay left and passit by On the North coist gude Guthrie was thair gy In Montros hauin thay brocht him to the land To trew Scottis it was ane blyith tythand Schir Iohne Ramsay yat worthy was wicht Fra Ouchtirhous the way he cheissit richt To meit Wallace with men of armis strang For his dwelling thay had thocht wounder lang The trew Rothuen come al 's withouttin baid In Birnane wod he had his ludgeing maid Barklay Bissat to Wallace semblit fast With thre hundreth to Ouchtirhous he past ☜ ✚ ☞ ¶ The Tent Buik declairis how Wallace wan Sanct Iohnstoun be ane Ieopardie Ca. j. THe latter day of August fell this cace For the reskew thus ordanit gude Wallace Of Sanct Iohnstoū yat Sutheroun occupyit Fast towart Tay thay passit and espyit Or it was day vnder kynnoull thame laid Out of the toun as Scottismen to him said Thair seruandis I schit with Cartis hay to leid Swa was it suith and hapnit in that steid Than sex thair come and brocht bot Cartis thre Quhen yai of hay was leidand besylie Guthrie with ten in handis hes thame tane Put all to deith of thame he saifit nane Wallace in haist gart tak thair vmest weid And siclyke men thay waillit weill gude speid Four was richt gude Wallace him self tuik ane Ane Russet cloik and with him gude Rothuen Guthrie Bissat and al 's gude ȝemen twa In that Ilk fute thay graithit thame to ga Fyftene thay tuik of men of armis wicht In Ilk Cart fyue thay ordanit out of sicht Full subtellie thay couerit thame with hay Syne to the toun thay went the ganest way Thir Carteris had schort swordis of gude steill Vnder thair weid callit furth the Cartis weill Schir Iohn Ramsay baid in the buschemēt still Quhen myster war to help yame with gude will Thir trew Carteris past on withouttin let Atouir the brig and enterit at the ȝet Quhen thay war in thair cloikis kest thame fra Gude Wallace than the cheif portar couth ●a Vpon the heid quhill deid he hes him left Syne vther twa the lyfe fra thame he reft Guthrie Bissat did richt weill in the toun And Rothuen al 's dang of thair fey men doun The armit men that in the Cartis war brocht Rais vp and weill thair deuoir dewly wrocht Vpon the gait thay gart feill Sutheroun de Than Ramsayis spy hes sene thame get entre The buschement brak baith brig and port hes wyn Into the toun greit stryfe thair was begun Twentie and ane or Ramsay come in plane Within the toun had fourtie Sutheroun slane The Inglismen to array was nocht gane The Scottis as than laiser leit yame haue nane Fra gude Ramsay with his men enterit in Thay saiffit nane was knawin of Sutheroū kin And Longoueill ye worthy Knicht schir Thomas Preuit weill thair and mony vther place Aganis his dynt few Inglismen micht stand Wallace in him greit faith and kyndnes fand The Sutheroun part saw weil ye toun was tynt Feirsly thay fled as fyre dois of the flynt Sum fled sum fell into draw dykis deip Sum to the Kirk thair lyfe gif thay micht keip Sum fled to Tay and in small veschell ȝeid Sum derfly deit and drownit in that dreid Schir Iohne Psewart at the west ȝet out past To Methuen wod he sped him wounder fast Ane hundreth men the Kirk tuik for succour Bot Wallace wald na grace grant in that hour He bad slay all of cruell Sutheroun kyn Thame for to slay he said it was na syn Four hundreth men within the toun was deid Seuin scoir on lyfe chaipit out of that steid Wyfis and barnis thay maid thame fre to ga With Wallace will he wald slay nane of tha Riches thay fand that Inglismen had brocht new Pleneist the toun with worthy Scottis trew Schir Iohne Psewart left Methuen Forest strāg Went to the Gask full feill Sutheroun amang And syne in Fyfe quhair Wallange Schiref was Maid Scurriouris sone out throw ye lād to pas And gadderit men ane stalwart cumpany To Ardagane he drew thame priuatly Ordanit thame in reddy bergane bown Agane he thocht to sailȝe Sanct Iohnstoun Quhair Wallace lay and wald na langer rest Reullit the toun as than him lykit best Schir Iohne Ramsay greit Capitane ordanit he Rothuen Schiref at ane accord to be This charge he gaif gif men yame warning maid To cum to him withouttin mair abaid And sa yai did quhen tythingis was yame brocht With ane hundreth Wallace furth fra yame socht ¶ The Battell of Blak Irne syde Forest Ca. ij IN Fyfe he passit to vesy that cuntrie Bot wrang warnit of Inglismen was he Schir Iohne Psewart quhē yai war passit by Fra the Oychell he sped him haistely Vpon Wallace followit with all his micht In Abirnethy tuik ludgeing that first nicht Vpon the morne with fyftene hundreth men To Blak Irnesyde as his gydis couth him ken Thair Wallace was and micht na message send To Sanct Iohnstoun to mak this Iourney kēd For Inglismen that full subtill hes bene Greit wachis warnit yat nane micht pas betuene Than Wallace said this mater plesis nocht me He callit to him the Squyar gude Guthrie And Bissat al 's that knew full weill the land And askit at yame quhat deid was best on hand Message to mak our power for to get With feill Sutheroun we will be vnbeset And wickit Scottis that knawis this Forest best Thay ar the caus that we may haue na rest I dreid far mair Wallange that is the gyde Than all the laif that cūmis vpon that syde Than Guthrie said micht we get anis ouir Tay To Sanct Iohnstoun it war the ganest way And warne Ramsay we wald get succour sone Ouir suith it is that can nocht weill be done Richt weill I wait Veschell is leuit nane Fra the wod hauin to ye Ferry callit Arrane Than Wallace said the watter awfull is My self can swoume I trow and aill
micht ▪ To help Wallace in fence of Scotlandis richt The gude Randall in tender age was kend Part of gude men out of Murray he send Iop passit agane and come in presence sone Befoir Wallace and tauld how thay had done Bot Maister Blair sa gude tythingis him brocht That of the Cumyng Wallace full lytill rocht Al 's Inglismen than had full mekill dreid Fra Fyfe was tynt the war thay trowit to speid The Duke and Erll that tyme in Scotland led Capitanis thay maid in Ingland syne thay sped Wallace him bownit quhē he thocht tyme suld be Fra Sanct Iohnstoun and tuik with him fyftie Steuin of Ireland and Keirly yat was wicht For Inglismen thay had haldin the richt In waith men weid and fendit thame richt welll To gude Wallace thay war al 's trew as steill To follow him thay twa thocht neuer lang Throw the Oychell thay maid yame for to gang Of mair power he taryit nocht that tyde To keip the land the laif he gart abyde To Striuiling brig as than he wald nocht pas For strang power of Inglismen thair was ¶ The wynning of Erth. Cap. iilj TO Erth Ferry thay passit priuatly And buskit thame in ane dern steid thair by Ane cruell Capitane in Erth dwelt that ȝeir In Ingland borne and hecht Thomlin of weir Ane hundreth men was at his leiding still To bruik that land thay did power and will Ane Scottis fischear quhilk yai had tane beforne Contrair his will gart him be to thame sworne In thair seruice thay held him day and nicht Befoir the Sone Wallace gart Iop him dicht And send him furth the passage to espy On that fischear he hapnit suddandly All him allane bot ane boy that was thair Iop hynt him sone and for na dreid wald spair Be the collar and out ane knyfe pullit he For Goddis saik this man askit mercie Iop speirit sone of quhat Natioun art thow Ane Scot he said bot Sutheroun gart me vow In thair seruice aganis my will full sair Bot for my lyfe that I remanit thair To seik fische I come on this North syde Be ȝe ane Scot I wald fane with ȝow byde Than he him brocht in presence to Wallace The Scottis was blyith quhen yai haue sene yis cace For with his boit yai micht weil passage haif For Ferry craft he thocht nocht for to craif Vpon that syde lang space thay taryit nocht In the south land with glaid hartis thay socht Syne brak the boit quhen thay war landit thair Ser●ice of it Sutheroun micht haue na mair Than throw the Mos thay passit full gude speid To the Torwod yat man with thame thay leid The Wedow thair brocht tythingis to Wallace Of his trew Eme that dwelt in Donypace Thomlin of weir in presoun had him set For mair tresour ya nhe befoir micht get Wallace said Dame he sall weill lousit be The morne be none or ma thairfoir sall de Scho gat thame meit and in quyet thay baid Quhill it was nicht syne reddy sone thay maid Towart Erth hall richt suddandly thame drew Ane strenth thair was yat weill ye fischear knew Of draw dykis and full of watter wan Wysel●e thairof hes warnit thame this man On the bak syde he led thame priuatlie Fra the watter as wount to cum was he Our ane small brig gude Wallace enterit in Into the hall him self thocht to begin Fra the Supper as thay war bown to ryse He salust thame vpon ane awfull wyse His men him followit suddandly atanis Haistie sorrow was rasit in thay wanis With scheirād swordis scharply about yame dang Feill on the flure was fellit thame amang With Thomlin weir Wallace him self hes met Ane felloun straik sadly vpon him set Throw heid and swyre all throw ye coist him claif The worthy Scottis fast stikkit of the laif Keipit durris and to the deith thame dicht To chaip away the Sutheroun had na micht Sum wyndois socht for to haue brokin out Bot all for nocht full fey was maid that rout About the fyre buschit the blude sa Reid Ane hundreth men was slane into that steid Than Wallace socht quhair his Vncle suld be In ane deip Coif he was set dulefullie Quhair watter stude and he in Irnis strang Wallace full sone the brais vp he dang Of that myrk hoill brocht him with strenth list Bot noyis he hard of na thing ellis he wist Sa blyith befoir in warld he had nocht bene And thair with sichit quhen he had Wallace sene In dykis out the deid bodyis thay kest Graithit the place as that thame lykit best Maid full gude cheir and wyse wachis thay set Quhill neir the day thay sleip withouttin let Quhen thay had sicht spuilȝeit the place in hy Fand ganand geir baith gold and Iowalry Ouir all that day in quyet held thame still Quhē Sutheroun come ressauit yame with gude will In yat laubour ye Scottis was ful bane Inglismen come in bot nane ȝeid out agane Wemen and barnis put in presoun and caif Sa thay micht mak na warning to the laif Steuin of Ireland and Keirly yat was wicht Keipit the port vpon the secund nicht Befoir the day the worthy Scottis rais Turssit gude geir and to the Torwod gais Remanit thair quhill nicht was cūmin on hand Syne bownit thame in quyet throw the land The wedow sone fra thay war passit dout Ane seruand send and leit the wemen out To pas fra Erth quhair yat yame lykit best Now speik of thame that went into the west ¶ How Wallace brynt the Inglismen in Dunbertane Cap. v. VAllace him self was sicker gyde that nicht To Dunbartane the way he cheisit richt Or it was day for than the nicht was lang Vnto the toun full priuatly thay gang Mekill of it Inglismen occupyit Gude Waallce sone throw ane dark garth him hyit Vnto ane hous quhair he was wont to ken Ane wedow dwelt that was freind to our men About hir bed on the bak syde was maid Ane dern wyndo was nouther lang nor braid Thair Wallace callit and sone fra scho him knew In haist scho rais and priuatly him drew To ane clois barn quhair thay micht keipit be Baith meit drink scho brocht yame greit plentie Ane gudly gift to Wallace al 's scho gaif Ane hundreth pund and mair atouir the laif Nyne Sonis scho had was likly men and wicht Ane aith to him scho gart thame sweir full richt In peice thay dwelt in trubill thay had bene And tribute payit to Inglis Capitanis kene Schir Iohne Menteith the Castell had in hand Bot sum men said thair was ane preuie band To Sutheroun maid be meanis of that Knicht In thair supplie to be at all his micht Thairof as now I will na proces mak Wallace that day ane schort purpois can tak Quhen it was nicht he bad the wedow pas
And mark the duris quhair Sutheroun dwellād was Syne efter this he and his Cheualry Graithit thame weill and wappinis tuik in hy Went on the gait quhair Sutheroū was on s●ei● ▪ Ane greit Oistillary our Scottis tuik to keip Ane Inglis Capitane was sittand vp sa la● Quhen he and his with drink was maid sa 〈◊〉 Nyne men was thair with him set in hie 〈◊〉 Sum wald haue had gude Wallace in that ca● Sū wald haue būd schir Iohn ye grahame throw ●ēth Sū wald haif had guid boyd at swordꝭ ●eth ▪ Sum wissit Lundy yat chaipit was in Fyfe Sum wichter was nor Setoun yan in stryfe Quhen Wallace hard the Sutheroū mak sic dyn He gart all byde and him allane went in The laif remanit to heir of thair ty●hance He salust thame with sturdy countenance F●llowis he said sen I come last fra ●ame In trauell I was in land ouir vncouth fame Fra South Ireland I come in this cuntrie The new conqueis of Scotland for to se Part of ȝour drink and sum gude I wald haif The Capitane than ane schrewit answer him gaif Thow semis ane Scot vnlikly vs to spy Thow may be ane of Wallace cumpany Contrait our King he is ryssin agane The land of Fyfe he hes riddin in plane Thow sall heir byde quhill we wit how it be Be thow of his thow sall be hangit hie Wallace thocht than it was na tyme to stand His Nobill sword he grippit sone in hand Ouir thort the face drew the Capitane in tene Straik all away that grew abone his Ene Ane vther braithly in the breist he bair Baith braune bane ye buir●y blaid throw schair The laif ruschit vp to Wallace in greit Ire The thrid he fellit full derfly in the fyre Steuin of Ireland and Keirly in that thrang Keipit na charge bot enterit thame amang And vther ma that to the dure can preis Quhill yai him saw yair culd na thing thame ceis The Sutheroun men full sone was brocht to deid The blyith Oistillar bad thame gude aill breid Wallace said nay quhill we haue laiser mair To be our gyde thow sall befoir vs fair And begyn fyre quhair yat the Sutheroun lyis The Oistillar sone vpon ane haistie wyis Hynt fyre in hand and to ane greit hous ȝeid Quhair Inglismen was into mekill dreid For thay wist nocht quhill yat ye Reid low rais As wod beistis amang ye fyre than gais With panis fell ruschit full sorrowfully The laif without of our gude Cheualry At Ilk hous quhair the Oistillar began Keipit the duris fra thame chaipit na man For all yair micht thocht king edward had sworne Gat nane away that was of Ingland borne Bot outher brynt or but reskew was slane And sum throw force dreuin in the fyre agane Part Scottis folk in seruice thame amang Fra ony pane frely thay leit thame gang Thre hundreth men was to Dunbertane send To keip the land as thair Lord had thame kend Skaithles of thame for ay was this Regioun Wallace or day maid him out of the toun Vnto the Coif of Dunbertane thay ȝeid And all that day thair soiornit but dreid Baith meit and drink the Oistillar gart be brocht Quhē nicht was cūmin in all ye haist thay mocht Towart Rosneith full ernistly thay gang For Inglismen was in that Castell strang On the Garloch thay purpois thame to byde Betuix the Kirk that neir was thair besyde And to the Castell full priuatly thay ga Vnder ane bray thay lubgit thame full la. Vnder the watter quhair commoun vse had thay The Castell stuf vnto the Kirk Ilk day Ane mariage al 's was that day to begin All Ischit out and left na man thairin That fence micht mak bot seruandis in that place Thus to that tryst thay passit vpon cace Wallace and his drew thame full priuatly Neir hand the place quhen thay war passit by Within the hall and thocht to keip that steid Fra Sutheroun men or ellis thairfoir be deid Compleit was maid the mariage into plane Vnto Rosneth thay passit hame agane Four scoir and ma was in that cumpany Bot nocht arrayit as was our Cheualry To the Castell thay weind to pas but let The worthy Scottis sa hardly on thame set Fourtie atanis derfly to ground thay bair The remanent effrayit war sa sair Langer in feild thay had na micht to byde Bot feirsly fled fra thame on ather syde The Scottis thair with weill hes ye entre win And slew all thair that in the hous was fundin Syne on the flearis followit wounder fast Na Inglisman with lyfe thair fra thame past The wemen sone thay seisit into hand Keipit thame clois for warning of the land And deid bodyis all out of sicht thay kest Than at gude eis thay maid thame for to rest On that purueyance seuin dayis ludgit thair At rude coistis to spend thay wald nocht spair Quhē Sutheroun come thay tuik thame glaidly in Bot out agane thay leit nane of that kin Quhat tythingis send the Capitane of yat steid Thair seruitouris the Scottis put to deid Spuilȝeit the place and left na gudis thair Brak wallis doun and maid the biggingis bair Quhen yai had spilt all stane werk yat yai mocht Syne kendillit fyre and fra Rosneth thay socht Quhen thay had brynt all trein werk in yat place Wallace gart freith the wemen of his grace To do thame harme neuer his purpois was Than to Falkland the worthy Scottis can pas Quhair Erll Malcolme was bydand at defence Richt blyith he was of Wallace gude presence Than he fand thair ane Nobill cumpany Schir Iohne ye Grahame and Richard of Lūdy Adam Wallace that worthy was and wyse Barklay and Boyd with men mekill to pryse At Cristynmes yair Wallace Soiornit still Of his mother tythingis was brocht him till That tyme befoir scho had left Ellerstie For Inglismen scho durst nocht in it be Fra thyne disagysit scho past in pilgrame weid Sum girth to seik to Dunfermling scho ȝeid Seiknes scho had forsuith into that steid Deceissit scho was God tuik hir Sprite to leid Quhen Wallace hard yat yir tythingis war trew How sadnes sa on Ilk syde can persew In thank he tuik becaus it is naturall He louit God with sicker hart and haill Better him thocht as it was hapnit sa Than Sutheroun suld put hir to vther wa He ordanit Iop and alswa maister Blair Thidder to pas and for na coist to spair Bot honorabilly ye Corps put in Sepulture At his command thay seruit all the cure Doand thairto as deith requyrit to haif With riche entrie the Corps thay put in graif Agane thay turnit and schewit of hir end He thankit God quhat grace that euer he send He seis the warld sa full of fantasy Comfort he tuik leit all murning ga by His maist desyre was for to
freith Scotland Now will I tell quhat cace yan come on hand ☞ ✚ ☜ ¶ ¶ How Schir William Dowglas wan the Castell of Sauquhair be ane Ieopardie and how William Wallace reske wit him fra the Inglismen and put thame out of that part Cap. vj. SChir William lang of Dowglasdaill was lord Be his first wyfe as richt is to record Deceissit than out of this warldly cair Twa Sonis he had with hir that leuit thair Quhilk lyklie was and abill in curage To Scuill war send into thair tender age Iames and Hew sa hecht thir brether twa And efter sone thair Vncle culd thame ta Gude Robert Keith had thame fra Glasgow●oun And ouir the sey to France he maid him boun At study syne he left thame in Paris With ane Maister yat worthy was and wyse The King Edward tuik thair Father yat Knicht And held him still thocht he was neuer sa wicht Quhill ●yme he had assentit to his will Ane mariage al 's thay haue ordanit him till The Lady Ferres of power and hie blude Bot thairof come to his lyfe lytill gude Twa Sonis he gat on this Lady but mair With Edwardis will he tuik his leif to fair In Scotland come and brocht his wyfe in peis In Dowglas dwelt forsuith this is na leis King Edward trowit that he had steidfast bene Fast to thair faith bot the contrair was sene Ay Scottis blude remanit into Dowglas Aganis Ingland that preuit in mony place The Sauquhair was ane Castell fair and strang Ane Inglis Capitane had done feill scottis wrāg Into it dwelt ane Bewfurd he was cald That held all waist fra thyne to Dowglas hald Richt neir of kyn was Dowglas wyfe and he Thairfoir he trowit in peice of him to be Schir William saw that Wallace rais in plane And richt lyklie to freith Scotland agane To help him part into his mynd he keft For in that lyfe richt lang he couth nocht left He thocht na charge to brek vpon Ingland It was throw force yat euer he maid thame bād Ane ȝoung man than that hardy was and bald Borne with him self and Thomas Diksoun cald Deir freind he said I wald preif at my micht And mak ane fray to fals Bewfurd the Knicht In Sauqu●air dwellis dois ful greit outrage Than Diksoun said my self in that veyage Sall for ȝow pas with Andersoun to speik Freindschip to me my Cousing will nocht brek He is the man thair fyre leidis thame till Throw his help ȝour purpois ȝe may fulfill Schir William than in all the haist he micht Threttie trew men in that veyage he dicht And tald his wyfe to Dunfreis he wald fair Ane tryst he said of Ingland he had thair Thus passit he quhair yat na Sutheroun wist With thir threttie throw waist land at thair list Quhill nicht was cūmin he buschit yame full law Into ane cleuch neir at the watter of Craw. To the Sauquhair Diksone allane he send And he sone maid with Andersoun this end Diksoun suld tak baith his hors and his weid Be it was day ane draucht of wod to leid Agane he past and tald the gude Dowglas Quhilk drew him sone into ane priuat place Andersoun tald quhat stuf that was thairin To Thomas Diksoun was richt neir of his Kin. Fourtie thay ar all men of mekill vaill Be thay on fuit thay will ȝour sair assaill Gif ȝe happin the entrie for to get On thy richt hand ane stalwart axe is set Thair with thow may defend the in ane thrang Be Dowglas wyse he byde nocht fra the lang Andersone ȝeid to the buschement in hy Neir the Castell he drew thame priuatly Vnto ane Schaw Sutheroun mistraistit nocht To the nixt wod with Diksoun sone he socht Graithit ane draucht on ane braid flyp and law Chargit ane hors and to the toun can draw Arrayit he was intill Andersonnis weid And bad haue in the Portar come gude speid This hour he said thow micht haue bene away Vntymous thow art for it is scantly day The ȝet ȝeid vp Diksoun gat in but 〈◊〉 Ane thortour band that all the draucht vp bair He cuttit it the flyp to ground couth ga Cūmerit the ȝet steiking thay ●cht nocht ma. The Portarsone he hynt into that f●ryfe Twyis throw the heid and rest him sone his lyfe The axe he gat that Andersoun of spak Ane beikning maid yair with ye buschement brak Dowglas him self was formest in that preis In ouir the wod enterit or thay wald ceis Thre wachemen was fra the wallis cūmin new Within the clois the Scottismen thame slew Or ony scry was raisit in that stour Dowglas had tane the ȝet of the greit Tour. Ran vp the Grece quhair that the Capitane lay On fuit he gat and wald haue bene away Quir lait it was Dowglas straik vp the dure Bewfurd he fand in myddis of the flure With ane stif sword to deith he hes him dicht His men followit that worthy war and wicht The men thay slew that was within thay wanis Syne in the clois thay semblit all at atanis The hous thay tuik and Sutheroun put to deid Gat nane bot ane with lyfe out of that steid For that the ȝet sa lang vnsteikit was This spy he fled and to Durrisdeir can pas Tald that Capitane that thay had hapnit sa And vther he gart vnto the Ennoch ga And Tyberis mure was warnit of this cace And Lochmabane all semblit to this place The countrie al 's quhen thay hard of sic thing To seige Dowglas and hecht thay suld him hing Quhen Dowglas wist that nane was fra thame chaip To sailȝe him he trowit y t yai wald schaip Diksone he send vpon ane Cuirsour wicht To warne Wallace in all the haist he micht In the Lennox Wallace had tane the plane With four hundreth that was of mekill mane Kilsyth Castell he thocht to vesy it That Rauinda●ll held bot trew men leit him wit That he was out that tyme in Cūmernald Lord Cumyng dwelt on tribute in that hald Quhen Wallace wist he gart Erll Malcome ly With twa hundreth in buschement neir thairby To keip the hous that nane suld to it fair He ●ulk the laif in the wod syde neir thair Ane Scurriour set to warne gif he saw ocht Sone Rauindaill come of yame he had na thocht Quhen he was cūmin y t twa buschemētis betuene The Scurriou● warnit thir cruell men and kene Quhē Erll Malcolme had barrit yame fraye place Na Sutheroun ȝeid with lyfe thay did yat grace Part Lennox men thay left the hous to ta On spuilȝeing than thay wald na tary ma. To seige housis than Wallace couth nocht byde Throw out the land in awfull wyse thay ryde Than Lynlithgow toun yai brynt into yair gait Quhair Sutheroū dwelt yai maid yair biggingꝭ The Peill yai tuik slew yame y t was yairin ●ha●
Wallace and Lindesay of Cragey Away thay fled into the nicht be sey And Robert Boyd quhilk was baith wyse wicht Arrane thay tuik to fend yame at thair micht And Corspatrik into Dunbar dwelt still Fewtie full sone he maid King Edward till Abirnethie Lord Soullis and Cumyng al 's And Iohne of Lorne yat lang tyme had bene fals The Lord of Breichen and mony vther ma At Edwardis peice for giftis yat he yame ga Iusting of peice for twentie dayis set he Of Inglismen in Lorne that men micht se Plane to declair bot for this caus I wis That all Scotland be conqueis than was his The Lordis than and gude Bischop Sinklair Syne out of Bute thay maid ane Ballingair To gude Wallace tald him thair torment haill Than wrait thay thus to get Bute of thair baill OVr hoip our heill and our haill Gouernour Our gudly gyde our best Chiftane in stour Our Lord our luif our strēth in richteousnes For Goddis saik redeme vs anis to grace And tak the Crown to vs it war kyndair To bruik for ay or fals Edward it bair The writ he gat bot ȝit suffer he wald For greitt falset that part him did of ald Mekill dolour it did him in his mynd Of thair mysfair for trew he was and kynd He thocht to tak amendis of thair wrang He answerit nocht bot into weir furth rang Of King Edward ȝit mair furth will I mele Into quhat wyse that he couth Scotland dele In Sanct Iohnstoun the Erll of Ȝork he maid Capitane to be of all thay landis braid Fra Tay to Dee and vnder him Buttellair His Grandschir had at Kincleuin endit thair His Father al 's Wallace had baith thame slane Edward thairfoir maid him ane man of mane The Lord Bewmont into the North he send Thay Lordschippis haill he gaif thame in cōmend To Striuiling syne fra Sāct Iohnstoun he went Thair to fulfill the laif of his Intent The Lord Cliffurd he had than Dowglasdaill Reullar to be of the South Marchis haill All Galloway he gaif Cumyng in hand Wist nane bot God how lang yat stait suld stand The gentill Lord gude Bischop of Lambertoun Of Sanctandrois had Dowglas of Renoun Befoir that tyme ȝoung Iames wicht and wise To him was cum fra Scuillis of Parise Ane priuate fauour the Bischop to him bair Bot Inglismen was sa greit maisteris thair He durst nocht weill in place schaw him kyndnes Quhill on ane day he tuik sum hardynes Dowglas he callit and couth to Striuiling fair Quhair King Edward was deiland landis thair He profferit him to the Kingis seruise To bruik his awin fra he wist in this wise Dowglas he was than he forsuik planelie Sweiris be Sāct George he bruikis na lands of me His Father was incontrair of my Crown Thairfoir as now he bydis in our presoun To the Bischop nane vther answer he maid Bot as he plesit delt out thay landis braid To the Lord Soullis all haill the Mers gaif he And Capitane al 's of Berwik for to be Olyphant yan yat he in Striuiling fand Quhen he him had he wald nocht keip his band The quhilk he maid or he Striuiling him gaif Dissaitfully this King couth him dissaif Into Ingland send him to presoun strang In greit distres he leuit thair full lang Quhen Edward King had delt this Regioun His leif he tuik in Ingland maid him boun Out of Striuiling south wart as yai can ryde Cumyng hapnit neir hand the Bruce to byde Thus said he Schir and ȝe can keip counsall I can ȝow leir quhilk may be ȝour auaill The Bruce answerit quhat euer ȝe schaw to me As for my part sall weill conceillit be Lord Cumyng said Schir ȝe knaw not yis thing Of all this Realme ȝe suld be richteous King Than said the Bruce suppois I richteous be I se na tyme to tak sic thing on me I am haldin into my enemeis hand Vnder greit aith quhen I come in Scotland Nocht part fra him for proffeit nor requeist Nor for na strenth bot gif deid me arreist He hecht agane to gif this land to me Now fynd I weill it is bot subteltie For thus thow seis he deillis my heritage To Sutheroun part and sum to tratouris wage Than Cumyng said will ȝe heirto concord Of my landis and ȝe lyke to be Lord. Ȝe sall thame haue for ȝour richt of ye Crown Or and ȝe lyke Schir for my warysoun I sall ȝow help with power at my micht The Bruce answerit ▪ I will nocht sell my richt Bot on this wyse quhat Lordschip thow wil craif For thy supplie I hecht it thow sa●l haif Cum fra ȝone King Schir with sum Ieopardie Now Edward hes all Galloway geuin to me My Neuoy Soullis that keipis Berwik toun At ȝour command his power sall be boun My Neuoy al 's ane man of mekill micht The Lord of Lorne hes greit rowme in ye hicht My thrid Neuoy ane Knicht of greit Renoun Will ryse with vs of Breichen the Barroun Than said the Bruce fell thair sa fair ane chance That we micht get agane Wallace of France Be wit and force he couth this Kingrik wyn Allace we haue bene ouir lang haldin in twyn To that langage Cumyng maid na record Of auld deidis into his mynd remord The Bruce and he completit furth thair band Syne yat same nicht seillit it with thair hand This Ragment left the Bruce with Cumyng yair With King Edward hame in Ingland couth fair And yair remanit quhil yis ragmēt was knawin Thre ȝeir or mair or Bruce preissit to his awin Sum men demis Cumyng the Ragment send Sum men thairfoir agane makis defend Nane may say weill that Cumyng was saikles Becaus his wyfe was Edwardis Cousignes He seruit deid be richt law of his King Sa reklesly myskeipit sic ane thing Had Bruce past by but baid to Sanct Iohnstoun Be haill assent and ressauit his Crown On Cumyng syne he micht haue done the law He couth nocht th●ill fra tyme that he him saw Thus Scotland left in hard perplexitie Of Wallace ma●e in him part speik will we ☜ ✚ ☞ ¶ The Twelft Buik declairis how Wallace Conqueist the land of Guyan and how he was maid Lord thairof Cap. j. THe sair trauell the ernist besynes The fell laubour he had in mony place To wyn the land yat ye gude King him gaif Into his Regne he wald na Sutheroun saif In Guyan land Wallace was still at weir Of Scotlandis lois it did his hart grei● deir Of trew Scottis in mynd he had pietie He thocht to help his tyme quhen he micht se Of set battellis fyue he discomfeist haill But Ieopardie and mony strang assaill Syne thay forsuik and durst him nocht abyde The Sutheroun fled fra thyne on ather syde To Burdeous into greit multiplie The toun thay stuf with vittallis be the se All Guyan land Wallace
bund in freindschip to ȝour King And he of vs is plesit in all thing All Scottismen hes helpit this Realme fra dreid Me think ȝe suld gif gude word for gude deid Quhat may ȝe speik of ȝour enemeis bot euill In lichtlynes thay maid answer thair till And him dispytit in thair langage al 's Ȝe Scottis thay said hes euer ȝit bene fals Wallace tuik ane on the face in his tene With his gude hand quhill neis mouth and ene Throw the braith blaw all buschit out of blude Grouflingis to groūd he smoit him quhair he stude The tother hynt to Wallace in that steid For weill he weind his fellow had bene deid And he agane in greif him grippit sair Quhill his spreit failȝeit yat he micht do na mair The first freik rais and smoit on Wallace fast Baith to the deith he brocht thame at the last Vpon ane Pillair thair harnis out he dang And with his handis out at ye dur yame slang And said quhat Deuill mouit ȝone Carllis at me Lang tyme in France I wald haif lattin yame be Traist weill in treuth thus war thay gane in deid Thocht Frenche mē now not lykis yairof to reid Al 's I will ceis and put it out of Ryme Better it is quha richt can luik the tyme Mony greit Lord was displeisit in France Bot ye gude King yat knew all haill the chance Richt greit despite of Scotland spokin had thay This passit ouir quhill yat vpon ane day Was nane of thame yat durst it vndertak He had done wrang or yairfoir battell mak ¶ How Wallace slew the Lyoun in the Barrace Cap. iij. THis Royall Roy ane hie worschip him gaif As Conquerour him honourit ouir ye laif Ane fell Lyoun yis King had gart be brocht Within Barrace for greit harme yat he wrocht Tyrlisit in Irne na mair power him gaif Of wodnes he exceidit all the laif Bot he was fair and richt felloun in deid In that strang strenth he gart men him feid Keipit him clos for men and bestiall In Court yair dwelt twa Squyarꝭ of greit vaill That Cousingis war to ye Cāpioūis twa The quhilk befoir Wallace hapnit to sla Ane band thay maid in preuy conclusioun At thair power to wirk his confusioun Be ony meane throw fraud and subteltie Efter yairfoir yai thocht nocht for to de To deith or schame sa yat yai micht him bring Vpon ane tyme thay went vnto the King This Scot thay said that ȝe sa weill fair mak He seis nocht heir bot he wald vndertak Be his greit force to put to confusioun Now he desyris to fecht with ȝour Lyoun And bad vs ask at ȝow this battell strang Ȝe grant him leif in the Barrace to gang Sadly agane to thame answerit the King Sair me forthinkis he desyris sic a thing Bot I will nouther for greif nor ȝit plesa●ce Deny Wallace quhat he desyris in France Than went thay furth sone met with Wallace Ane figurat taill thay tauld him in yat cace Wallace thay said the King desyris that ȝe Direnȝe battell sa cruell for to se And chargis ȝow to fecht with this Lyoun Wallace answerit in haistie conclusioun And I sall do quhat be the Kingis will At my power richt glaidly to fulfill Than passit he vnto the King but mair Ane Lord of Court quhen he approchit thair Vnwyselie speirit without prouisioun Wallace dar ȝe ga fecht with our Lyoun And he said ȝe sa the King suffer me Or with ȝour self gif ȝe ocht better be Quhat will ȝe mair this thing admittit was That Wallace suld vnto the Lyoun pas The King chargit to bring him gude harnes And he said nay God scheild me fra sic cais I suld it tak gif I faucht with ane man Bot for ane Dog that nocht of armis can I will haue nane bot singlil as I ga Ane greit mantill about his hand can ta And ane gude sword with him he tuik na mair Abandoundly in Barrace enterit thair Greit cheinȝeis was wrocht in ye ȝet with a gin And pullit to quhen Wallace was thairin The wod Lyoun on Wallace quhair he stude Rampand he brayit for he desyrit blude With his round pollis in the mantill rocht sa Akwart the bak ȝit Wallace can him ta With his gude sword that was of birneist steill His body in twa it cuttit euerilk deill Syne to the King he raikit in greit Ire And said on loud was this all ȝour desire To wair ane Scot this lichtly into vane Is thair ma Doggis yat ȝe ȝit wald haue slane Ga bring yame furth sen I man Doggis quell To do bidding quhill yat I with ȝow dwell It ganis full weill to graith me in Scotland For greiter deidis yair men hes tane on hand Than with ane Dog in battell to encheif At ȝow and France for euer I tak my leif The King persauit yat Wallace greuit was Sa ernistly he askit leif to pas Rewit in his mynd that it was hapnit sa Sa lewd ane deid to lat him vnderta Knawand the worschip and ye greit Nobilnes Of him quhilk sprang yat tyme in mony place Hamely he said it suld displeis ȝow nocht It ȝe desyrit it bred neuer in my thocht And be the faith I aw the Crown of France I thocht neuer to charge ȝow to sic chance Bot men of vaill that askit it for ȝow Wallace answerit to God I mak ane vow I lykit neuer sic battell to be in Vpon ane Dog na worschip is to win The King consauit how this falset was wrocht The Squyaris baith was to his presence brocht Culd nocht deny quhen thay come him befoir All thair trespas thay tald withouttin moir The King commandit yai suld be done to deid Smoit of thair heidis without ●ny remeid The Campiounis lo for Inuy caus●es To suddād deith Wallace yame brocht throw cais The Squyaris al 's fra yair falsnes was kend Inuy yame brocht baith to ane suddand end Lordis behald Inuy the euill Dragoun In cruell fyre he byrnis this Regioun For he is nocht yat aboundis in Inuy To sum mischeif it bringis thame haistely Forsaik Inuy thow sall the better speid Heirof as now I will na farther reid Bot in my mater that I befoir began I sall declair al 's planely as I can QVhen Wallace saw thay had him at Inuy Langer to byde he couth nocht yan planely Better him thocht in Scotland for to be And auenture tak outher to leif or de To help his awin he had far mair plesance Than thair to byde with all the welth in France Than his haill mynd manheid and curage Was planely set to wyn out of bondage Scotland agane fra pane and mekill schoir He vowit he suld or ellis de thairfoir The King hes sene how gude Wallace is set The letter than him gaif withouttin let The
this pane for Scotlandis richt The Erll of Ȝork was in Sanct Iohnstoun still To Buttellar send and bad him byde at will To him full sone yair suld cum new power And al 's him self thus tauld the Messinger Buttellar wald fane Wallace had ȝoldin bene Or the Erll come and for this caus was sene His Grandschir and his Father baith he slew This Knicht yair with towart ye Park him drew Quhat cheir thay maid vpon the Scottis he cald Than Wallace said far better than th●w wald The Buttellar said I wald fane speik with the Wallace answerit thow may for lytill fe Wallace he said thow hes done me greit skaith My Father and my Grandschir thow slew baith Than Wallace said for stait that thow art in It war my det for to vndo thy kin And I think al 's as God of heuin me saif That my twa handis sall graith the to thy graif The Buttellar said that is nocht lyklie now Bot we the haue we sall gar sydis sow Of this I ask and thow wald mak me grant Quhat I the hecht yat thing thow sall not want Say furth quod he be thy desyre ressonabill I sall it grant withouttin ony fabill The Buttellar said Wallace thow knawis richt Thow may not chaip be power nor be ●licht And sen thow seis it may na better be For thy gentrice thow wald th● ȝeild to me Than Wallace said thy will vnskilfull is Thow wald me do quhilk is ouir hi● ane mis. Ȝoldin I am to better I can prufe To quhome he askit to the greit God abu●e For euerilk day sen I had wit of man Befoir my werk to ȝeild me I began And al 's at euin quhen yat I failȝeit licht I me betuik to the maker of micht The Buttellar said me think thow hes done weill Ȝit of ane thing I pray the lat me feill For thy manheid yis to me manifest Quhen that thow seis thow may na langer lest On this Ilk place quhilk I haue tane to weir That thow cum furth and all vther forbeir Than Wallace leuch at his cruell desyre And said I sall thocht thow war wod as fyre And all Ingland the contrarie had sworne I sall cum out at that Ilk place the morne Or ellis this nicht traist weill yat I the say I byde nocht heir quhill nyne houris of the day Buttellar send furth ye chak wache on Ilk syde In that Ilk place baldly he bownit to byde Thus still thay baid quhill day began to peir Ane thick myst fell ye Planeit was nocht cleir Wallace assayit all that place about Leit as he wald at ony ane place brek out Quhill Buttellaris men away fra him couth ga To help the laif quhen yai saw it was sa Wallace and his fast sped thame to that steid Quhair Buttellar baid feill men yai draif to deid The worthy Scottis sone passit throw yat melle Craufurd thair with was sair hurt in ye kne At eird he was gude Wallace turnit agane And at ane straik he hes the Buttellar slane Hynt vp that man vnder his arme sa strang Defendand him out of that felloun thrang Gude roume he maid amāg yame quhair he gais With his richt hand he slew fyue of his fais Bure out Craufurd be force of his persoun Nyne aiker braid or euer he set him doun The Sutheroun fand y t thair Capitane was deid Semblit him about bot yan was na remeid Threttie with him of the wichtest thay brocht Deid on that place quhair at ye Scottis out socht Wallace and his be than was fra thair sicht Sutheroun baid still for greit lois of that nicht The myst was mirk that Wallace lykit weill Him self was glaid and said to Longoueill At Methuen wod is my desyre to be For thair is bestiall to get of greit plentie Be than thay war weill cūmin to the hicht The myst slaikit the Sone schynit fair and bricht Sone war thay war ane lytill space thame by Of four and threttie in ane cumpany Than Wallace said be ȝone freind or fa We will thame se sen that thay ar na ma. Quhen thay come neir ane Nobill Knicht it was The quhilk to Name hecht Hew of Dundas And schir Iohn Scot ane wyse worthy knicht Into Stra●herne ane man of mekill micht For thair he had greit part of heritage Dundas Sister he had in mariage Passand thay war and micht na langer lest To Inglismen thair fewtie for to fest The Lord of Breichen sic cūnand had yame maid Of King Edward to hald thair landis braid Bot fra thay saw that it was wicht Wallace Held vp thair handis and thankit God of grace Of his greit help quhilk he had send yame yair To Methuen wod with ane assent thay fair Sone gat thame meit of bestiall that thay fand Restit that day quhē nicht was cūmin on hand To Birnane wod but resting ar thay gane Quhair yai haue fund y e Squyar gude Ruthuane In outlaw vse he had lang leuit thair Of bestiall quhill he micht get na mair Thay taryit nocht bot into Athoill ȝeid Quhair meit was scant yair Wallace had greit dreid Passit to Lorne richt lytill fand he thair Of wyld and tame that countrie was maid bair Bot in strenthis thair fude was leuit nane Thir worthy scottis yan maid ane pieteous mane Schir Iohne Scot said he had far rather de Into gude name and leif his airis fre Than for to byde as bund in subiectioun Quhen Wallace saw thir gude men of Renoun With hunger stad almaist micht leif na mair Wit ȝe for thame he sichit wounder sair Gude men he said I am the caus of this At ȝour desyre I sall amend this mis. Or leif ȝow fre sum cheuisance for to ma All him allane he bownit for to ga Prayit thame byde quhill he micht cum agane Out ouir ane hill he passit into plane OVt of thair sicht into ane Forest syde He set him doun vnder ane Aik to byde His Bow and Sword he lenit to ane tre In anguische greif on grouf sa turnit he This pieteous mane was for his men sa wrocht That of him self lytill thing than he rocht O wretche he said that neuer couth be content Of ouir greit micht yat ye greit God the lent Bot thy feirs mynd wilfull and variabill With greit Lordschip thow couth not sa byde stabill And wilfull wit for to mak Scotland fre God lykis nocht that I haue tane on me Far worthyar than I of birth was borne Throw my desyre for hounger ar forlorne I ask at God thame to restoir agane I am the caus I suld haue all the pane Quhyle studyand yus quhyle flytād with him sell Quhill at the last vpon s●eiping he fell Thre dayis befoir thair had him followit Fyue The quhilk was bund or ellis to lois yair lyue The Erll of Ȝork bad yame sa greit
thousand than was sene Bot Inglismen had left the toun all waist On euerilk syde away than can thame haist In all that land left nouther mair nor les Lord Bewmont tuik the sey at Buchane nes Throw Scotland than was manifest in plane The Lordis that fled in hart was wounder fane The Knicht Clement of Ros come suddandly In Murray land with thair gude Cheualry The hous of Narne yat guid knicht weil hes tane Slew the Capitane and gude men mony ane Out of Murray and Buchane land come thay To seik Bewmont bot he was past away Than thir gude men to Wallace passit richt Quhē Wallace saw schir Iohne Ramsay y e knicht And vther gude men that had bene fra him lang Greit curage yan was raisit thame amang The land he reullit as that him lykit best To Sanct Iohnstoun syne raid or yai wald rest ¶ The Seige of Sanct Iohnstoun AT euerilk port ane stalwart wache he maid Confermit ane Seige and steidfastly abaid Bischop Sinklair in all gude haist him dicht Come out of Bute with semely men be sicht Out of the Ilis of Rauchlie and Arrane Lindesay and Boyd with gude men mony ane Adam Wallace Barroun of Ricardtoun Full sadly socht to Wallace of Renoun At Sanct Iohnstoun baid at the Sailȝe still For Sutheroun men yai micht weill pas at will For in thair way thair durst na enemie be Bot fled away be land and al 's be se About that toun thus semblit thay but moir For thay had bene with gude Wallace befoir Setoun Lawder gude Richard of Lundie In ane gude Barge thay past about the se In Sāct Iohnstoun hauin yair ankeris haue yai set Twa Inglis schippꝭ yai tuik withouttin let The tane thay brynt and stuffit the tother weill With artailȝe and stalwart men in steill To keip the Port yait suld cum na vittaill Into the toun nor men that micht auaill Fra South and North mony of Scotland fled Left Castellis waist feill leuit thair lysis in wed The Sutheroun Bischop yat befoir left Dunkell To Londoun past and tald Edward him sell In Scotland yair had fallin ane greit myschance Than send he sone for Aymeir the Walla●ce And askit him quhat than was best to do He hecht to pas and tak greit gold thairto Into Scotland sum meanis for to mak Aganis Wallace on hand this can he tak He said he wald vndo King Edwardis Crown Bot gif he micht throw tressoun put him doun King Edward hecht quhat thing y e Wallange bād He ●uld it keip yairto he gaif his hand Wallange tuik leif and into Scotland went To Bothwell come syne kest in his Intent Quhat man thair was micht best Wallace begyle And sone he fand within ane lytill quhyle Schir Iohne Menteith Wallace Gossop was Ane Messinger Schir Aymeir hes gart pas Vnto Schir Iohne and sone ane tryst hes set At Ruglyn Kirk thir twa togidder met Than Wallange said Schir Iohne yow knawis yis thing Wallace agane rysis contrair ye King And yow may hau● quhat lordschip yow wil wail And yow wald wirk as I wald gi● counsaill Ȝone tyran haldis the Realmis at trubill baith To thriftie men it dois full mekill skaith He traistis ye yow may full weill him tak Of this mater I reid ane end yow mak War he away we micht at lyking Ring As Lordis all and leif vnder ane King Than Menteith said he is our Gouernour For vs he baid in mony felloun stour Nocht for him self bot for our heritage To sell him thus it war ane foull outrage Than Wallange said and thow weill vnderstude Greit merite it war he spillis sa mekill blude Of cristin men puttis saullis into perrell I bynd me al 's he sall be haldin haill As for his lyfe and keipit in presoun King Edward wald haue him in subiectioun Than Menteith thocht sa thay wald keip cūnand He wald full fane haue had him of Scotland Wallange saw him into ane study be Thre thousand pund of fyne gold leit him se And hecht he suld the Lennox haue at will Thus tressonabilly Menteith grantit thair till Ane Obligatioun with his awin hand he maid Syne tuik ye gold and Edwardis Seil sa braid And gaif thame his quhen he his tyme micht se To tak Wallace ouir Sulway gif him fre To Inglismen be this tressonabill concord Schir Iohne suld be of all the Lennox Lord. Thus Wallace suld in Ingland keipit be Sa Edward micht mak Scotland to him fre Thair couetise was ouir greit maister sene Nane exempill takis how ane vther hes bene For couetise put in panis strang and fell For couetise the Serpent is in hell For couetise gude Hector tuik the deid For couetise thair can be na remeid Throw couetise gude Alexander was loist And Iulius al 's for all his reif and boist Throw couetise deit Arthur of Britane For couetise thair hes deit mony ane For couetise the tratour Gauilioun The flour of France he put to confusioun Throw couetise thay poysonit gude Godefray In Antioche as the Author will say For couetise Menteith vpon fals wyis Betraisit Wallace yat was his Gossop thryis Wallange in haist with blyith will and gude hart To Londoun past and schew to King Edwart Of thair contract he had far mair plesance Than of fyne gold geuin in Ballance Of greiter wecht than his Ransoun micht be Of Wallace furth ȝit speik sum part will we AT Sanct Iohnstoun was at the seigeing still In ane morning ye Sutheroū with guid will Fyue hundreth men in armis richt Egerly Thay Ischit furth to mak ane Ieopardy At the South Port vpon Scot and Dundas Quhilk in yair tyme richt wyse and worthy was Aganis thair fais richt scharply faucht and sair In that counter seuin scoir to deith thay bair Ȝit Inglismen that cruell was and kene Full derfly faucht ▪ quhair douchtie deid was sene Fra the west ȝet drew all the Scottis haill To the fechtaris quhen yai saw nocht auaill Bot in agane full fast thay can thame speid The Knicht Dundas preuit douchtie in deid Ouir neir the ȝet full bandounly he baid With ane gude sword full greit maistrie he maid Nocht wittand weill his fellowis was him fra In at the ȝet the Sutheroun can him ta Vnto the Erll thay led him haistelie Quhen he him saw he said he suld nocht de To slay this ane it may vs lytill remeid He send him furth to Wallace in that steid Vnto the North his battellis hes he brocht Quhill he him saw of this he wist richt nocht Send to the Erll and thankit him largelie Hecht for to quyte quhen he sic caus micht se Bot ȝit yairfoir souerance he wald nocht grant Thocht thay war ȝoldin and cum recryant For gold nor gude he wald na tribute tak Ane greit assault than he began to mak The Erll of Fyfe dwelt vnder
haue sa lang heir vsit ȝow allane Quhill wit thairof is into Ingland gane Thairfoir heir me and sober ȝour curage The Inglismen with ane full greit barnage Ar semblit heir and set this hous about That ȝe be force on na wayis may wyn out Suppois ȝe had the strenth of gude Hector Amang this Oist ȝe may nocht lang Indure And thay ȝow tak in haist ȝour deith is dicht I haue spokin with Lord Cliffurd that Knicht With thair Chiftane weill menit for ȝour lyfe Thay ask na mair bot be quyte of ȝour stryfe To Dunbartane ȝe sall pas furth with me In ȝour awin hous ȝe may in saiftie be Sutheroun sic vse with Menteith lang had thay That Wallace trowit sum part that he wald say Menteith said Schir lo wappinis we na●e haif We come in traist ȝour lyfe gif we micht saif Wallace trowit weill and he his Gossop thryis That he wald nocht be na maner of wyis Him do betrais for all Scotland sa wyde Ane aith of him ▪ he askit in that tyde Thair wantit wit quhat suld his aithis moi● Forsworne to him he was lang tyme befoir The aith he maid Wallace come in his will Richt fraudfully all thus he schewit him till Gossop he said as Presoner yai mon ȝow se Or yan throw force yai will tak ȝow fra me Ane Courche with slicht vpon his handis yai laid And vnder syne with sicker cordis thay braid Baith schairp and teuch and fast togidder drew Allace the Bruce micht fair that bynding rew Quhilk maid Scotland sone brokin vpon cace For Cumyngis deith and lois of gude Wallace Thay led him furth in feir amang thame aw Keirly he myst and na Sutheroun he saw Than wist he weill that he betraissit was Towart the South with him quhen yai can pas Ȝit thay him said in trenth he suld nochc de King Edward wald him keip in gude saiftie For the honour in weir that he had wrocht The sair bandis sa trublit all his thocht Credence thairto forsuith he couth nocht geif He wist full weill thay wald nocht lat him leif Ane fals foull cais yat Menteith hes him sald Quhen on this wyse gude Wallace he was cald Sum men sayis it was to saif his Lord Thay leid all out that maid that fals record At the Fawkirk the gude Stewart was slane Our Chronicklis reheirsis that in plane On Magdalene day the xviij ȝeir befoir Cumyngis deith thairfoir it witnessis moir At Restoun Wallace was tressonabilly Thus falsly stollin fra his gude Cheualry In Glasgow lay and wist nocht of this thing Thus he was loist in byding of his King South thay him led ay haldand the waist land Deliuerit him in haist ouir Sulway sand The Lord Cliffurd and Wallange tuik him thair To Carleill toun full fast with him thay fair In Presoun him set that was ane greit dolour That hous efter thay callit Wallace Tour. Sum men syne said yat knew not weill ye cace In Berwik toun to deith thay put Wallace Contrair is knawin be this opinioun For Scottismen than had all Berwik toun To Scotland fre vntill yat Soullis it gaif For Lord Cumyng to Ingland with the laif Ane vther point is the tratouris durst nocht pas That sauld him sa quhair scottismen maister was The thrid point is ye commounis of Ingland Quhat thay deny thay will nocht vnderstand That thing be done for witnes that may be Na credence gif farther nor yai may se To se him de Edward had mair desyre Than to be Lord of all the haill Empyre And for this caus thay keipit him sa lang Quhill ye commounis micht vnto Londoun gāg ¶ Allace Scotland to quhome sall thow cōplene Allace fra pane quha sall the now refrene Allace thy help is fastly brocht to ground The best Chiftane in braith bandis is bund Allace thow hes now loissit thy gyde of licht Allace quha sall defend the in thy richt Allace thy pane approchit wounder neir With sorrow sone thow man be left on steir Thy gracious gyde thy greitest Gouernour Allace ouir neir is cum thy fatall hour Allace quha sall now beit the of thy baill Allace quhen sall of harmis thow be haill Quha sall defend quha sall the now mak fre Allace in weir quha sall thy helper be Quha sall the keip quha sall the now redeme Allace quha sall the Saxonis fra the fleme I can na mair bot beseik God of grace The to restoir in haist to welth and peice Sen gude Wallace may succour the na mair The lois of him Incressis mekill cair Now of his men in Glasgow still that lay Quhat sorrow rais quhen thay missit him away The cruell pane the wofull complening Thairof to tell it war ouir heuy thing I will lat be and speik thairof na mair Lytill reheirs is ouir mekill of cair And principally quhair redemptioun is nane It helpis nocht to tell thair pieteous mane The deith yairof is ȝit in remembrance I will lat slaik of sorrow the ballance Bot Longoueill to Lochmabane can pas and yair hecht he quhair gud prince Edward was Out of Scotland he suld pas neuer mair Lois of Wallace socht to his hart sa ●air The Realme of France he vowit neuer to se Bot avenge Wallace or ellis yairfoir to de Thair he remanit quhill cūming of the King With Bruce in weir yis guid knicht furth did ring Remembrance syne is in the Brucis Buik Secund he was quhē yai Sanct Iohnstoū tuik Followit the King at wynning of the toun The Bruce thairfoir gaif him full greit guardoun ☞ All Charteris landis ye gude King to him gaif Charteris sen syne of his kyn is the laif Quhairto suld I far in this Story wend B●t of my buik to mak ane finall end Robert the Bruce come hame on the thrid day In Scotland efter that Wallace was had away To Lochmabane quhair he fand gude Edwart Quhairof he was greitly reioysit in hart Bot fra he wist Wallace away was led Sa mekill baill into his breist was bred Neir out of wit he worthit for to weid Edward full sone yan to his brother ȝeid Ane suddand chance this was in wa fra weill Gude Edward sayis yis helpis nocht adeill Lat murning be it may be na remeid Ȝe haue him tynt ȝe suld Reuenge his deid Bot for ȝour caus he tuik the weir on hand In ȝour defence and thryis hes fred Scotland The quhilk was tynt fra vs and all our kyn War nocht Wallace we had neuer enterit in Myrrour he was of lawtie and manheid In weir the best that euer sall power leid Had he lykit for to haue tane ȝour Crown Wald nane him let yat was in this Regioun Had nocht bene he ȝe suld had na entres Into this Realme for tressoun and falsnes That sall ȝe se the tratour that him sald Fra ȝow he thinkis Dunbartane for