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A00113 The right plesaunt and goodly historie of the foure sonnes of Aimon the which for the excellent endytyng of it, and for the notable prowes and great vertues that were in them: is no les pleasaunt to rede, then worthy to be knowen of all estates bothe hyghe and lowe.; Renaut de Montauban (Chanson de geste). English. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1554 (1554) STC 1011; ESTC S106657 375,588 358

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the head that was smyttē of from the body and the face that was all to Hewen Ha good Lorde sayd he how well maye I be made now al quicke well I ought for to hate the duke Benes of Aygremoūte that thus hath murdered my sonne he than kissed his childe al bloudiful often and said vnto him in this wise Ha faire sonne ye were a talle man and a gentil knight Now praye I the puyssant God of glorye that he take your soule this yf it be his pleasure into hys Realme of Paradyse Great sorow made the kyng Charlemayne for the death of his sonne Lohier But alwayes recomforted him the good Duke Naymes And thē Ogyer the Dane and Sampson of Bourgoyne tooke him vnder the armes of him and ledde him vnto saynt Germayne of the medowes And there the bodye of Lohier was buried and enoynted with balme as it apperteyneth vnto all the sonnes of kinges Thus was he put into hys graue God haue of hys Soule mercy WE shall bene heere to speake of the good king Charlemayne that was moch sori of his sonne Lohier as ye haue heard and shall tell you of the good Duke Aymon of Reynawde his sonne and of his three bretherne that were at Parys My children sayd Aymon ye know how the Kynge Charlemayne is moche wrothe and not without a cause by cause that my brother your vnkle hath slaine Lohier his sonne And I wote well that he shall go vpon him with all his puyssaunce but verelye we shall not go wyth him But rather shall we goe to Dordon and yf the Kyng make warre agaynst hym we shall helpe him with all our power So lyghted anon on horsebacke the good duke Aymon the foure knightes his children and bayted no wher tyll they came to Laon from thēs they rode so longe tyll they came to Dordon And whan the Lady sawe her Lorde and her foure children she was right glad and went against them for to welcom them and asked after tydinges and yf Raynawde hys other childeren were made knightes Than the good duke answered yea and after she asked why they were departed fro the kinges court And than he rehersed vnto her word by word how hys brother the duke Benes had slayne Lohier the sonne of the Kinge Charlemayne Wherof the good Lady Margery was wonde●full wrothe and sorye For well she knew that this death of Lohier was the totalle dystruccion of the Duke Aymon her housbande of her self and of her childerne and of their lande She heard Renawde her eldest Sonne that thretened Charlemayne the great Kynge then sayd to hym the Ladye hys Mother My Sonne Reynawde I pray thee vnderstande me alytle Loue thy souerayne and thy naturall Lorde and dread him aboue all thinge and bere him honour and reuerēce And God shall rewarde thee for it and ye my Lorde Aymon I am moche maruelled of you that are departed from Charlemayne without leaue of him the hath doone to you so moche good and so great worship and hath geuē to your sonnes so noble and so riche armes and hath made them knightes with his owne handes more great honour he might not doo to you nor to your childrē Lady said the Duke we be thus departed frō King Charlemayne because that my brother hath slayne his sonne as I haue tolde you afore A God sayd the Lady that of the virgin was borne in bethlehem howe hath that euyll thys day surmounted the good For goddes loue my Lorde sayde the Ladye medle not withall For ye shall see this next sōmer that the kinge shall go vpon your brother by my counsell serue the kynge your rightwyse Lorde nor fayle him for nothynge For and ye doo otherwyse ye shall be vntrew and false towarde your Souerayne and naturall Lorde Lady sayd the duke by god omnipotente I wold leuer haue lost my castell and the halfe of my lande than that my brother should haue slayne Lohier Now the wyl of god be done therin and none other wyse TO speake of the good Duke Aymon of Dordō and of his wife the duchesse and of theyr sōnes we shal heere leue shall returne to speake of kynge Charlemayne that was come agayne to parys makīg great sorowe for his sonne Lohier There had you seene many a gowne torne broken many a hande wrongen and manye heares of the head pulled so that it was piti and wonder for to se Alas mi dere sonne said kyng Charlemayne he that hath slayne thee so cruelly loued me but lytle I shall neuer be in quiete nor in reste till that I haue take vengeaunce of thy death Syr sayd the duke Bauyere haue mercy of your selfe For it behoueth not so great a prince as ye be for to make so great sorow as ye doo And in the meane whyle came a messenger afore the kynge which shewed to him howe Aymon Duke of Dordon his foure sōnes were gon into their countrie wherof the kyng was sore an angred and wrothe And sware god and saynt Denis the afore he sholde dye that Aymon and his chylderen sholde abye full sore for it that the duke Benes of Aygremoūte sholde not kepe them therfro The dyner was redy they wasshed their handes and were set at dinner but wyt it that the kynge dyd eate but lytle as he that was in greate melancolye the fayre Salamon serued that day afore hym the cuppe great people was there After diner the Emperour Charlemayne did reason with his barons and sayd to thē lorde sayd he the duke Benes of Aygremount hath doone to me greate outrage that so shamefully hath slayne my sonne Lohier But and it please God I shall go wreke it vpon hym this next somer and I shall destroye all his land and yf I may take him I shall not leaue hym for the duke Aymon the shamefullye is gone from mee nor for his foure sonnes that I haue made knightes wherof I me repente sore but that I shall make them to be hanged Syr sayd than the duke Naymes nowe heare what I shal say to you your sōne is dead by great vnhap well in an euill hour was he put to death for neuer death was so sore solde ne so dere bought as this shal be So sende nowe for your folke through all your londes and than from hens toward Aygremounte take your waye And yf ye may take the Duke Benes let the death of your sōne Lohier be to him ful dere soulde NAymes sayd the kynge ye be a good man sage curtoyse valyaunt euen thus shall I doo for well wysely ye haue counselled me Than gaue he leaue to many of hys barons and gentil men that were in his courte at that time tolde them that eche of them should go into his countrie for to make them self redy and that they should come agayne to him the next sommer So was it doone as the kynge had commaunded And thus wente the barons and the gentil men from
to hym answered his two bretherne that they wolde doo it syn that he counselled thē so and cōcluded together that they should sende thyther as soone as it were day They made that nyght good watche vnto the morning and than they made redi their messangers for to sende to the kyng Charlemayne And whan they were redy Gerarde of Roussyllon sayd to them Lordes say wel to kynge Charlemayne that we be sore dyspleased of the death of hys sonne Lohier and that our brother the duke Benes repenteth him selfe of it full sore that yf it please hym to haue mercy of vs that we shal go serue hym where it shal please him to sende vs wyth .x. thousand fyghtynge men And also ye shall saye to Naymes of Bauyere that we pray hym that he wyll enploy hymselfe towarde the kyng Charlemayne that this accorde may be had AFter that the messāgers had well all alonge vnderstand what they should saye to the Kynge Charlemaine from the three brethern dukes They lyghted on horsbacke eche of them berynge braunches of Olyue tree in their handes in token of peace And ceased not to ryde tyll that they were come afore the tente of the kinge charlemayne Than spake one of them whiche was named steuen that salued the king in this maner Syr I praye our lorde that of his grace giue you good lyfe long And wyt syr that the duke Gerarde of Roussyllon and the Duke Benes of Aygremount and Dron of Nantuell ben come hither the whiche cry you mercye and beseche you ryght humbly that it please you to pardon them the death of your sonne Lohier Of the whiche they are wrothe sory And the duke of Aygremount let you wyte by vs that yf it be your pleasure to doo so that he and hys bretherne shal be your lyege men shall come to serue you with .x. thou sand fyghting men in all that shal be your pleasur to enploy them syr for goddes sake haue remembraūce that god forgaue his death to Longes the cruelly sticked him to the hart wherfore syr please it you to pardon thē take them to your good grace And of this right hūbly they beseche you WHan the kynge Charlemayne had thus heard speake the messangers of the three brethern He frō peled his forehead knitted his browes and looked full angrely and at that houre he answered to them nothynge and than soone after he begā to speake in this maner Bi my faith syr Steuen sayde he well had the duke Benes lost his wittes whan he so shamfully slew my deere sonne Lohier whiche I loued so tenderly Now is he my man wyll he or not Syr sayd Steuē I am certayne that he shall doo to you all reason to the direction of your good counsell Than sayd the kinge of this we shal counseyll vs and withdrewe hym a lytle a side and called to him duke Naymes Ogyer the Dane syr Salamon Huon of Mauns Walleran of Bollon Odet of Langres and Leon of Fryse sayd to them Lordes heere ben the messangers of the duke Benes and of his bretherne that sende me worde that they wyll come for to serue me where my wyl shal be wyth .x. thousand good fyghting mē yf we wyll pardon theym the death of my sonne Lohyer And they shall be our vassayle and true liege men of vs they shall holde theyr landes and theyr lordeships Syr answered the duke Naimes in this is nothing but well So counsell I you that ye pardon them For they be muche valyaunte and of great renome Wherfore pardon them yf it please you THan by the Counsell of the Duke Naymys of Bauyere the kynge dyd pardon the three bretherne called to him the .iii. knightes and said to them how he pardoned the three dukes the death of his sonne Lohier by suche a condicion that the duke Benes of Aygremoūt should come for to serue hym at the feast of Saynt Iohn next comynge wyth .x. thousand fyghtyng men wel arayed and ye shall tel to them that they surely come nowe to me for to take of theym theyr othe and fayth that they shall fro hens forthe obey and serue truly And that of me they shall holde all theyr landes Then departed the knyghtes from afore the kyng Charlemayne and came agayne vnto the Dukes and shewed vnto them how they had sped of their message with the king Charlemayn wherof the three brethern thanked much humbly our lorde God Then sayd the duke Rycharde of Roussyllō it is reason that we take of our good gownes and go to the kynge Charlemayne naked and crye hym mercy of this that we haue thus offended agaynst his hygh puyssaunce lorde shyp and the other two brethern answered that well they ought to doo so So tooke the noble knyghtes their clothes of and al naked bare foote and in poore estate departed from theyr lodges and well foure thousande knightes wyth them all bare fote and in their shertes and in such estate as were theyr maysters In thys wyse they came tofore the king Charlemayne And wyt wel that in right great humilitie were set the three bretherne for to haue peace and accorde wyth the kyng Charlemain that was wroth to them specyally to the Duke of Aygremount as more playnlye ye shall heare here after WHan the kynge Charlemayn sawe thus come the three bretherne wyth theyr barons knyghtes he called to hym the duke Naymes many other barons and sayd to thē can ye not tell me what folke ye see yonder comyng Syr sayd the dukes Naymes it is the Duke Benes of Aygremount with his folke that come for to requyre you of mercie This hanging the Duke Benes of Aygremount came afore the king and cast hymselfe vpon hys knee sayd vnto hym in this wise Syr for god I crye God mercy we ben heere comen by your commaundement if I haue slayne your deere Sonne by my foly I now as your man yelde me my bretherne also Gerarde of Roussyllon and Dron of Nantuell and wyl be your lyege men and serue you with all our puyssaunce where your plesure shal be to set vnto and neuer dayes of our lyues we shall fayle you but yf it belonge in you Than whan the kynge sawe theym thus come humblie towarde hys presence in theyr shertes barefoote and had hearde this that the Duke of Aygremount had sayd to hym he had of them ryght great pitie pardoned them the death of his Sonne Lohier and all his euyll wyll Than should ye haue sene from one part from the other kysse and colle eche other their kynnesmen and som wept for Ioye and the other for pitie WHan were peased the barōs with the king Charlemayne by the counsel of the good duke Raymos than sware promised the three brethern good fydelitie to the kynge Charlemayne and that they should serue him at all tymes that he should cal for thē So tooke they a glad leue from the
to hym Syr I shall tell you suche tydynges wherby ye shall get good ynoughe yf ye wyll beleue me and I shall tell you a thyng wherof ye shal be ryght glad Good freende sayde than Rowlande thou art welcom to me what tidinges bringest thou tel me I praye thee Syr sayde Pygwade wyt it that the kyng Yon fleeth away all vnarmed he and all hys folke and hath wyth theym nother Somer nor Mule but onlye theyr best horses and they go into the wood of the serpent into a house of religion whiche is named saint Lazare he himselfe is delibered for to take the habite and to be come a mōke By my fayth sayd thā Rowlande I shal go meet with them anon with foure thousande knightes and I shall auenge Reynawde hys bretherne vpon them and I shal make them to be hanged as traytours For I neuer loued traytours nor neuer shall and God wyll Syr sayde pigwade yet is there more for I haue found Reynawde his brethern and Mawgys that came ouer the ryuer of balancon that bringeth with thē many prysoners of your folke And yf ye wyll fynde theym ye muste go that waye Freende sayd Rowlande ye haue deserued a great reward for ye haue brought to vs good tydynges Than Rowlande called to hym Olyuer and sayd Olyuer my good true felaw lyght vpon your horse quickely and bryng wyth you Guidellon and Richarde of Normandy ye syr Ogyer of Denmarke ye shall come with me if it please you and ye shall see the great prowesse of Reynawde the sonne of Aymon and we shal take with vs but foure thousād men and yet Reynawde is fiue thousand well horsed and well arayed And thus we shal mowe fyght with them wtout any auauntage Certes sayde Ogyer I shall goe there to see how ye shall haue hym And whan ye haue taken hym I promyse you to lend you a rope yf ye haue need of it And whan they had al deuised thei mounted on horsebacke and tooke theyr waye And the greate ribawde guided them streight to the riuer of Balancon and the king of Gascoin rode than through the woodes of the serpent wyth his folke and he rode so longe that he ariued at the monastery of saint Lazare And they praied the abbot of the place so muche that he made them monkes in the deuils name This hangynge came there Rowlande and Olyuer wyth theyr folke that entred anon into the abbay And whan the abbot saw them he came them agaynst and all the couent singyng Te deum laudamus And whan they had songe the abbote sayd to Rowlande Syr ye be ryght welcome wyll ye haue any thyng that we may doo lorde abbot sayd Rowlande we thanke you with all our harte But wyt that we seeke heere the falsest traytour of the worlde that men call the kynge Yon of Gascoyn the whych is heere within for I wil hange hym lyke a theefe THan answered the abbot ye shall not syr and please you for he is become our monke and also he hath taken the habite and therfore wee shall defende hym agaynst all men Whan Rowlande heard the abbot speake so he tooke hym by the hood And Olyuer tooke the priour that was nyghe and they shoued thē so pretely agaynst a piller of marble stone that theyr eyen lept out of their heads And than Rowland sayd to the abbot Now mayster monke delyuer to me lyghtly that deuyl the king yon whyche is the brother of Iudas or els I shall make an ende of you for I haue sworne that he shal neuer doo treason more Whā the abbot vnderstoode this that Rowlande sayde to him he and all his monkes fled awai from him And whan Rowland saw this he set hande at his good swerde Durandall and entred into the cloystre where he founde the kynge Yon kneeling before an Image of our ladie and was clad with the habite of religion and the hode vpon his head And whan Rowlande sawe hym he knew him well For he had seen him with his vncle Charlemayne Than he tooke him and sayde to hym syr monke in the Deuils name conne ye well your lesson aryse vp with sorowe and come with me for to see the kyng Charlemayne For he shal make you to be hāged as a traytour proued euill king and a felon Where bē the foure sonnes of Aymon that ye should haue delyuered vnto Charlemaine ye shal be paied for the treason that ye haue doone and I with mine handes shal auenge Reinawde and hys brethern vpon you whan he had sayd this he made the kynge Yon to be set vpon a horse and blinded his eyen wyth a cloute that he myght not see nothynge And than gaue him the mokes hode vpon his head And thus sat in the sadle the face towarde the horse tayle and the backe forwarde The king yon made none other thinge but that he wysshed styll after Reynawde and hys brethern and sayd Alas and that I dyd great harme whan that I consēted to this mortall treason nowe ought I well to dye ten tymes yf it might be so For I haue wel deserued death Whan the king yon had sayde this he sayd to one of his priuy coūsell that he herd nyghe him how wel he saw not Freend go to Mountawbā and tell Reynawde that he come to succoure me for he is my man and that he take no heede to mi trespace and euil dede but to his fraunchise For he let me dye so he shal be therof repreued blamed euermore hys yssue shal be dyshonoured by it And yf he can recouer me I wyll that he make my tonge to be cut of wherby I dyd consent to the treason or elles my heade yf it semeth him good for I haue well deserued it ayenst hym Syr sayde the knyght I shall not goe there for I wot well that Reinawd wyll not set one foot out to saue you bycause of the greate harme that ye wolde haue doon to hym he shal sayd the kynge yon for I knowe so much by hym that he shall not saie there ayenst Syr I wyll than goe to hym with a good wyll syth that it please you and god gyue that Reynawd his bretherne and Mawgys wyll come and helpe you for I knowe wel that ye haue greate neede of it but yf god helpe you Thys hangyng Olyuer sayde to Rowlande Rowlande good felaw myne what shal we doo with this vnhappy kynge freende sayde Rowland we shal lede hym to moūtfawcon and we shall leue Balancon at the ryght hand And this they did for to fynde Reynawde and his bretherne for Rowlande was sore willynge to fynde Reynawd his brethren and Mawgys theyr cosyn good lorde sayde Ogyer the Dane by thy pytie and myserycord graunt to Rowlande his prayer and his wyll that is that we may fynde Reynawd and Mawgys for to see how Rowland shall bere himselfe and yf he shoulde take theym or no for I knowe well that none shall
suche a childe as ye take me for Whan Rowlande felte that great stroke that Reinawde had gyuen to hym he was all meruaylled of it and withdrewe hymselfe a backe for he wold not that Reynawd should haue recouered a nother stroke vpon hym sodenly and sette hande to Durandall his good swerde and ranne vpon Reinawde and Reynawd helde his sheelde ayenst it and Rowlande smot in to the sheelde so great a stroke that he cloue it by the middes through and through the stroke descended vpon the helme and dyd it no harme And whan Rowland had made that stroke he said to Reinawd Vassail ye be now quite for I haue yelded you againe that ye lended me ryghte nowe Nowe shall I see who shall begynne agayne By my soule sayd Reinawde fowle fall haue I now yf I feyne me nowe For I dyd but playe afore nor your fraunchyse shal neuer auaylle you ayenst me but that I shall brynge youre pryde all downe to the erthe Reynawde said Rowland yf ye doo this that ye say ye shall werke merueilles And all thus as they wold haue begon again the bataylle so came there Mawgis al his company said to Reinawd Cosyn mounte vpon bayarde for it were to great a losse yf you or Rowlande were deade there came Ogier Olyuer and made Rowland to light agayne vpon his horse But wit it well that Ogyer had not be so gladde yf one had giue to him a great cytie as he was be cause that Reynawde had cast downe Rowland his horse And whan they had recoūtred Rowland they began a sore batayle and a cruell and so fell that it was pytie for to see for the one hewe the other without anye mercye And whan Rowland sawe that the batail was begon again his hert dyd swell for angre by cause that Reinawde bad ouerthrowen him to the ground so beganne he to cal as hyghe as he myght Where are ye gone Reynawde the sonne of Aymon goe a side and lette vs parfornyshe our batayl for men knowe not yet whiche is the best knyghte of vs two Syr sayde Reynawde ye haue the courage of a knyght that wyll conquere honour but and we fyght heere togyther our folke shall not suffre it But lette vs doo one thyng that I shall tell you ye be well horsed and I am also let vs bothe swyme ouer the ryuer and goe to the wood of serpente For ye canne not wyshe no better place for to fyght and we shal not be there departed th one fro the other of our folke but w● shall maye fyght there togyther tyll the one of vs two be discomfited ouercome Certes sayde Rowlande ye haue well spoken and I graunt it as ye haue said and thā they spurrrd their horses for to goe to the wood of the serpent but Olyuer tooke heed to them tooke Rowlād by the brydell and withhelde hym wolde he or no and Reinawde went for to haue passed ouer the ryuer vpon bayarde that ran as the winde and walloped so harde that he made al the erthe where he passed to shake vnder him as he rā in this maner he looked afore him saw the king yon that was auyronned with well foure score knightes that keept hym for feare of Reinawd lest he and his bretherne shoulde haue rescued hym these knyghtes ledde him shamefullie as ye haue hearde afore And whā Reynawde sawe the kyng he was gladde of it and sayd Ha good lorde blessed be thy name whan ye haue graunted me so fayre aduenture and with this he set hande to hys swerd and spu●red bayard with the spurres and cried as highe as he could lette goe the kyng yon euell folke that ye be For ye be not worthy to ley hande vpon him And than he entred wyth in them and smot a knight vpon his helme so rudely that he cloue his head to the harde teeth and ouerthrewe him dead to the earth And whan the other sawe Reynawd amonge them they put themselfe to flyght and said the one to the other The deuyll hath brought this cruell man heere nowe lette vs flee goddes curse haue he that shall abide him for the soule of hym that wilfully suffreth him selfe to be slaine shall neuer come to the mercye of god And than they put themselfe into the thyckest of the forest and lefte behynde theym the kynge yon that they lodged as a prysoner And Reynawd came streyght to hym and vnbounde hym and vnstopped hys eyen and after sayde to hym Ha euell kynge how haue ye the hert for to betray vs so falslye as ye haue doone me and my brethern dyd we euer any thing that was in your displeasure It is not longe on you but that we should haue been all hanged by this but I shal smite of your head euen anon and shall auenge me and my bretherne vpon your body Whā the kynge yon sawe Reynawde that hadde delyuered hym he kneeled a downe before hym and sayde to him Certes noble knyghte it is well reason that men slea me Wherof I pray you for god that your selfe will take the lyfe fro me and cut of my heade and lette it be doone by none other and pulle out my tonge wherwyth I spake that treason For I haue well deserued greater martyrdom and all this made me doo the erle of Ansom and the erle Anthony Now slea me for god for such an euil man as I am oughte not to liue longe I haue much leuer that ye kill me with your swerde than that cruell kynge Charlemayne should make me to be hanged Now lyghte vp sayde Reynawde for ye shall be well payed as ye haue deserued ❧ But heere leaue I to speake of the kyng yon of Gascoyne and of Reinawde that been in the wood of the serpente where that he taryed after Rowland for to fight with him as he had promysed vnto hym and shal retourne for to speake of Rowland and of Oliuer that spake vnto their folke for to tell theym a parte of their besines howe they had be dyscomfyted IN this parte sheweth the history that after Reinawd was departed from the bataylle for to goe fight body to body ayenst Rowlande the neuewe of the king Charlemati● in the wood of the serpente Rowland Olyuer and Ogier the Dane fought ayenst Alarde Guycharde and the litell Rychard ayenst Mawgys and ayenst theyr folke and the batayle was there so sharpe and so fell of one parte and of the other so that greate hurte and scathe was there made of both partes but at the laste the dyscomfyture turned vpon Rowlande and vpon his folke In so muche that Rowlande and Olyuer were constrayned by force for to goe backe againe all dyscomfyted for the three bretherne and Mawgis made ayenst them so greate efforte of armes that they gate the pryce that daye And thus as Rowlande wente backe againe all dyscomfyted he bare his head low for he was a shamed that he had be so
of good knightes but of wymen to make such sorow as ye doo Cosyn cosyn sayd Alard I shal tel you what causeth vs to doo so Wit that Rowland leadeth Rycharde for hys prysoner the best knight of the world afte Reinawd and Reinawde wyll goe to the Pauilyon of Charlemayne and also ye knowe well yf he goe there he is but lost for euermore Reynawd said thē Mawgis it were no wysdome to you yf ye went there for your going thyther should not proffyte you nothynge but goe youre wayes to Mountawban and I shall goe there as ye wold haue gon my selfe and yf Richard be not dead I shall brynge him again with me vnto you al were he shytte vp in .x. prysones mawgre Charlemayn Cosyn said Reynawd I shall become your man●e yf ye doo thys that ye saye Cosyn sayde Mawgis I shal doo it without faut but leue youre sorowe I shal delyuer him ayen to your hādes whole soūde yf it please god and whan he had sayde so the brethern sette themselfe to the waye for to returne to Mountawbā but so great sorow was there neuer made as the three bretherne made for their brother Richarde thus making their great mone thei dyd so muche that they came vnto Mountawban and lyghted fro their horses in the base courte after wēt vp to the dungeon whan the noble lady Clare the wife of Reinawd wist that her husbande came she came agaynst hym right glad and Ioyfull and led at eche hande of her bothe her yonge chyldren Aimon and yon and eyther of theym bare a lytell staffe in theyr handes and began to crye vpon theyr vncle vassaile but that ye be now prysoner ye should haue died by our handes they came nyghe hym and saide cursed kinge and vntrue why haue you betrayed my lord our father and his bretherne our vncles that haue doone to you so good seruyse sertes ye be well worthye to dye a shamefull death Whan Alarde hearde his neuewes speake of thys maner he began to weep ful tenderly And thus as he wept he kissed Aimonet that bare the name of theyr father and said Ha god how ben we brought lowe and destroyed And whan that the lady heard Alard speak these wordes and saw that he wept she thoughte well that it was not without a cause and she sayde to Alarde Fayre brother for god tell me the occasion of youre sorowe Ladye sayd Alarde with a good wyl Now wyt that we haue loste oure brother Richarde Rowlande ledeth hym for hys prisoner to Charlemaine but yf our lord saue him We are not lyke neuer to see him Alas I vnhappy what shall we doo sayd the lady syth that Rychard is lost For we shall neuer haue honoure And sayinge these wordes she fell downe in a swoune to the erth And whan that she was come againe to herselfe she beganne for to make so great sorowe that all they that were there had greate pytie of her ❧ But heere leueth the hystorye to speake of Reynawde of Alarde and Guycharde and of the ladye Clare and of her yonge Chyldren And retourneth to shewe of Mawgys the good knighte that had put hymselfe in aduenture and in payne for to delyuer Rycharde oute of the handes of the kyng Charlemayne ❧ How af●er that Reinawd Alard Guychard were returned to Moūtawban after the bataylle that they had by the woode of the serpente they made great sorow for the loue of Richarde their brother that was in the handes of the kinge Charlema●n● And howe he was deliuered by t●e wytte of M●wgys NOw telleth the historye that whan Mawgys was come againe to Mountawban he was so much wrothe that he myght no more for the loue of Richard that was take And because that Reinawde and his bretherne made therfore so great sorowe Incontinente that he was lyghted from hys horse he went in to his chambre and made hym selfe to be disarmed and after he tooke of all his clothes and put him selfe all naked and this doone he tooke an herbe and eate it as soone that he had it he swelled like a padde and than he tooke an other herbe chaufed it and helde it betwene hys teeth and anon he became al blacke as a cole in his face os one that is beaten with staues his eyen reeled in hys head as he hadde be other dronke or mad and disguysed himselfe wonderfully that he that had well know him afore shoulde not than haue said that he hadde be Mawgys And whan he was thus turned and countrefayt he tooke a great mantell and a hoode clothed himselfe therwith and tooke on his feet a greate payre of bootes and the staffe of a pilgrime in his hande And thus arayed he issued out of Mountawban And whā he was out he set himselfe for to goe the way so greate pase that no horse could not haue waloped so fast tyll that he came to mountbendel before the centes of the emperour Charlemayne or euer that Rowlande were come there againe and there he helde him stil and spake nothing at all but looked onely vpon the kyng and vpō his pauyllion And whā he went he halted with the one foote lened before the kinges tent vpon his staffe and kepte the one of his eyen close And whā he saw the kyng come oute of his pauyllion he nighed him and said God of heauen that suffred deth and passion on the crosse keep you kyng Charlemain fro deth and from prison and from euil treason VAssail said the kinge Charlemayn god confounde you for I shall neuer truste vpon suche a begger as ye be bycause of the euyll theef Mawgis the whiche hath deceyued me many times for whan he wil he is a palmer a knight or a grifon or elles a heremyte by suche maner that I canne not beware of hym And if it please god his blessed mother I shal auenge me once vpon him howe that the game goeth And whā Mawgys hearde the Emperoure speake of this maner he answered nothynge and kepte hym styl a great whyle and after he sayd to the king Syr yf Mawgys be a theefe all other poore folke be not so I haue more need of helthe than I haue to doo any treason and it is well seen on me that I am not the bodye that might doo any great harme Syr I come from Iherusalē where I haue worshypped the holy graue and haue doone my oblacions in the temple of Salomon and yet I must goe to rome and to saint Iames in galyce God will But I dyd passe yesterdaye ouer balancon and ouer Gironde with .x. men my seruauntes that I ledde alwaies by the waye with me for to keep defende my bodye And whan I had passed ouer Gyronde I came with my men throughe a wood nighe Mountawban where I met with many brygantes and theues the slewe all my men and all that I had they took fro me and let me goe and gladde I was
swearde wolde haue slayne the Emperour Charlemayne but Reynawde drew him a syde And the duke Naymes and Ogyer sayde than vnto hym Rycharde Richarde refrayne your courage For it were not wel doone for to kyll a man that slepeth And also afore that we shal departe hence we shall set all at one and God wyll ¶ Shortelye for to speake Olyuer and the Duke Naymes spake so fayre vnto Rycharde that they made him promise them that he should doo no harme to the Kynge Charlemayne Neuerthelesse Rycharde left not to make great sorow for his cosyn Mawgys that he had lost For al them that saw him make so great mone had pitie for to se him It was no meruayle if Richarde made sorowe for Mawgis For I promise you he had greate need of hym not longe after And so had all his brethern as ye shall heare heere after ALl thus as the foure sonnes of Aymon made theyr moue for the loue of theyr cosin Mawgis The duke Nymes began to speake sayde in this wise By god lordes ye doo not wel for to make so great sorowe I pray you leue this heuynes And let vs begyn to speake of your peace that muste be made with the Emperour Charlemayn that an ende maye be hadde of thys warre that hath endured so longe By god sayd Rowlande ye be passynge slow therupon And also we muste fyrste haue his mercy or euer we moue any thing of the peace For ye wot wel that I left him bycause that peace should be made Syr sayd the duke Naymes ye speake wysely and well but howe shal we speake wyth hym wythout Mawgys were heere we cannot awake hym And but yf god remedyeth it we shal neuer speke wyth him But al thus as the barons spake in thys wyse The charme that Mawgys had set vpon Charlemayne was come at an ende and the strength of it was passed And sodenly Charlemaine began to moue hys body and arose anon vpon his feete and right sore abasshed looked al aboute him And whan he saw that he was at moūtawban in the subieccion of Reynawd the sonne of Aymon he was sore an angred and made suche sorowe for it so that al they that were there trowed that he had ben mad and from hymselfe And whā his wittes were come agayne he knew wel that Mawgys had doone it vnto hym sware that as longe as he were manne on liue he should make no peace tyl that he were out of Mountawban and that men had brought Mawgys to hym And whā Rycharde vnderstode this that Charlemayne sayd he began to saye in this wyse Howe the deuill dare ye thus speake syr ye see well that ye be our prysoner And yet ye thretē vs. I make to god mine a vowe and to Saynte Peter were not that I haue promysed that I shal not doo to you no harme at this tyme I should strike the head from the bodye of you Holde your pease sayd Reynawde let the kynge Charlemayne saye his wyll ye are ouer besy in your wordes And let vs all pray hym that he wyll pardon vs. For the warre hath lasted to longe cursed be he that began it For great euyles and harmes the whiche are happed therby REynawde was wyse and wel taught for to stylle thus hys brethern to whome he said My lordes my brethern yf it please you ye shal come with me for to cry mercy vnto our souerayne lorde the Emperour Charlemayne Reynawde said Alarde we shall doo all that ye wyl By mi faith said the duke Naimes My lordes ye doo ryght wisely and I promyse you that all good shall come to you therof Than Reynawd and all hys brethren and Rowland and Oliuer and Ogyer the Dane the duke Naymes the bisshop Turpin and Escoufe the sonne of Oedō began all for to fall on theyr knees before the emperour And Reinawde spake fyrste and sayd in this maner of wise Noble Emperour haue mercy of vs for I and my brethern wee yeeld vs to you to doo your pleasure of vs your will be so that our lyues ben saued there is nothinge but that we will doo it for the loue of you if it please you to graunt vs peace with you And for that piti pardon that God gaue vnto Mary Magdelene whan she wasshed hys feete in the house of Simeon good syr haue pity of vs. And yf it please you not for to pardon me at the least pardon my brethern And take them agayne theyr landes and I shal gyue you Mountawbā and Bayarde my good horse And so shall I goe into the holy lāde I Mawgis where we shal serue to the Temple of our Lorde And whan the kinge Charlemain heard Reynawde speake thus he blastred all for angre and sayd by that good lorde that made me yf all the worlde speake to me therof yet should I neuer cosēt me to no peace but I haue Mawgys in my handes for to doo my wyll vpon hym Alas sayd than Reynawde now haue I hearde that worde bytynge wherof I am al desperate For I should rather let my selfe be hanged thā that I should cōsente to the death of Mawgys my good cosyn For he hath not deserued towarde vs that we should betraye hym but rather he were worthy by reason for to be lorde aboue vs. Reynawde sayd thā Charlemaine thīke not thoughe I am your prysoner that ye shall make me doo anye thynge agaynst my wyll syr sayd Reynawd wyte it that myne entente is for to meke my self toward you for I haue leuer that we suffre wronge of you than ye of vs now tell me syr how I shall delyuer you Mawgys that is our life hope sucours our comfort sheeld our spere and also our swerde our brede our wyne and our flesshe also our refute our mayster our guyde and our defence in all places wherby syr I tell you that yf ye had all my brethern in your pryson and that ye should make them to be hanged and that Mawgys were with in my power and with me yet wold I not yeelde hym vnto you for to quyte wythall my brethern And also I swere you vpon my fayth that I wot not where that he is gone god wot it Ha sayd the Emperour charlemayne goddes curse haue he for I am sure he is heere within you he is not sayd Reynawde I take it vpon my baptysme And than Reynawde turned himself toward Rowlande and all the other barons and sayd to them Lordes I beseche you for God that it wyll please you for to pray our souerayne lorde the kinge that he wyll haue mercye of me and of my bretherne to the ende the peace maye be had in Fraunce yf it please hym And than Naymes that was kneelinge vpon his knees and that heard that Reynawde had sayd and wyste well that he spake but well sayde to the Emperour in this wise Syr I pray you that ye wyll not be dyspleased of that I shall tell you ye know
greate angre that he had and helde a demylaunce in hys handes the whiche he began to gnawe with his teeth so angry he was and whā his wrathe was a litle gone he called a knyght and sayd to hym Now lyght on horsbacke lyghtly and ride after Rowland and after the other barons and tell them in my behalfe that they come speake with me and I shal be demened as they wyl themselfe and that I shall pardon Reynawde yf they wyll come agayne to me Syr sayde the knyght blessed be God that hath brought you to thys mynde And than this knight tooke an horse and rode hastelye after the xii peeres of Fraunce And whan Reynawde that was with the duke Rycharde of Normandye vpon the gate of Ardeyn apperceyued this he sayde to the duke Richarde of Normandy cosin I se rome a knight out of the pauilion of the kynge Charlemayne I beleue that he goeth vnto the twelue Peeres of Fraunce for to make theym to returne agayne I weene we shall haue this daye peace and god before Syr sayd Rycharde ye shall haue peace mawgre them al that letteth it I ought for to loue deerli my felowes the whiche be cause to keepe me from death also to haue peace Wyt it that the knight rode so fast that he ouer tooke Rowlande all the other peeres of Fraunce and said vnto them in this maner of wise Lordes the kinge Charlemayne sendeth you worde by me that ye wyll returne agayne to hym and he shall pardon Reinawd for the loue of you for goddes loue come lyghtly For he neuer left weepyng sythe that yee went your waye from him Naymes sayd Rowland let vs retourne agayne For I holde the peace made wherof this sorowfull warre shall fayle that hath lasted so longe a whyle Whan the Duke Naymes hearde Rowland speake so he was ryght glad of it and Ioyned hys handes towarde heauen and sayde in this maner wise Good lorde Iesus blessed be the tyme that it hath pleased the to tourne the courage of the kynge Charlemayne and that this vnhappy warre is brought to an ende And whan the Duke Naymes had sayde this they returned agayne towarde Charlemayne ANd whan Reynawde apperceiued that the twelue yeeres wente agayne to Charlemayne he sayd to the Duke Rycharde of Normandy Cosyn the Barons returne agayne I beleue that the peace shal be made and that we shal mow wel goe soone at our libertie now shall Reynawde maye say that I and my brethern ben at his cōmaundemēt and shall be as longe as we ben men on lyue Well glad were the Barons of the one part of thother bicause that God had suffred that the peace should be made And whan Charlemayne saw his barons come agayn he went agaynst thē sayd By God my lordes ye are wel ful of great pride that ye make me to be come peasible with Reynawde agaynst my wyll ye know that I haue hated hī so muche that I may not see him but I shal be angry bycause of his pride that is so great Wherfore yf ye will that I make peace wyth hym I wil that he goe into the holy lande poorelye clothed on foote And so I wil haue his hors Bayarde And I shal also returne agayne to his brethern all theyr lyuelode out of my handes Therfore yf thus he wyl doo I shal fal to peace and accorde with hym els not For I make mine a vowe to God that I shall neuer doo other wyse therin thā I tel you now And therfore looke wel whiche of you shall doo thys message Syr sayd the duke Naymes I shal go to Reynawde with a good wyll yf it be your pleasure that I go to hym Naymes sayd Charlemayn It pleaseth me well And than incōtinent the duke Naimes rode to Ardeyn And whan Reynawde saw him come he knew hym well and wente him agaynst and so did the duke Richarde and the brethern of Reynawde whan the duke Naymes saw the Noble Barons come agaynst hym he lyghted from the horse anon went and kyssed them all and after he had doone so he sayd Reynawde Charlemayne sendeth me to you with his greetynge God yelde hym sayd Reynawde Now haue I that I haue desyred so longe Naymes shal I haue peace yea sayd the Duke Naymes vnder a condicion the whiche I shal tell you It is that ye must go poorely clothed and begging your breade for godes sake in the holy lande and so shall ye leue bayarde wyth Charlemayn and this doone ye shal haue peace And he shal giue agayne your herytage to your bretherne Duke Naymes said Reynawde ye be right welcome And I promyse you that I am redy to doo the commaundement of the kinge And yf he wyll haue of me ony thynge more by any wyse I shall in euery poynt fulfyll his wil if it be possible for me to doo it Now shal I be a good truaūt for I can well ●ske bread whan me nedeth Whan the duke Naymes heard Reynawde sp●ake thus he was wel glad of it and so was the duke Rycharde that they saw the noble Reinawde agreed to the will of Charlemayne so muche as for to be come a poore begger for to haue peace And after that Reynawde was thus acorded therto he went into hys stable and tooke Bayarde deliuered him to the duke Naimes than he tooke his ●auer bare it on hie vpon the highe rowre in token of peace And whan Charlemayne saw the baner of Reynawde he shewed it to Rowland Ha god sayd Rowlande howe meke is Reynawde good of kynde to haue made peace in this maner of wyse Blessed be Ihesus that ●ath giuen him that wyll for to go nowe a foote wherof I playne hym sore Rowland sayd Ogier Reynawde is a lambe full of mekenes and in him are all the good condicions that a knight ought to haue This hanging came there the duke naymes that brought Bayarde with him and pre●●●ed him to Charlemayne said to ●●n Sir ▪ Reynawde is redy for to 〈◊〉 all that ye haue cōmaunded hi● and he shal departe to more wyl ye wyll sythe your pleasure is so I wyll wel said Charlemayne but tell me where is the Duke Rycharde for I wil know it Syr sayd the duke Naymes wyt that the Duke Rycharde fareth well and is abiden with Reynawde for he wyll conuey hym whan he goeth And wyt that Reynawde this hangyng made great cheere with his folke at his ease and after sayd to thē Lordes I beseche you be not sory that I go for I haue made this peace more for you than for me I pray you that ye holde wel togither tyl I come agayne and whā he had layd this to them he went into hys chābre and vnclothed hymself from hys good raymentes and cast vpon him a poore mantell a payre of big shoone wel clouted made for to be brought to hym a palster well yrenned for to beare in his hāde And
cosyn I am yet dysposed for your loue to beare armes for I coulde not suffre you in daunger And whan the king Symon hearde Mawgis speake so he sayd hym great thanke and went enbraced hym and after sayd by my soule heere is a good Hermite for whan it was need he put wel hand to the swerde Syr sayd Reynawde ye say well trouth and I promyse you men should fynde in the worlde but few suche knightes as he is one After all these thynges sayde euery man tooke his harneys and the kinge all armed went to Mawgys sayd al laughyng My freend Mawgis I pray you that ye wyl beare my standarde this day Syr answerde mawgys yf ye take me it I promyse you I shall haue it in suche a place that ye shall swete or euer ye shall come to me And whan the kynge hearde Mawgys speake so he was ryght glad therof and than he tooke him hys baner And whan Mawgis had it in his hande he sayd to the kynge syr now folow me that wil for this day shall thadmyral be discomfited yf it please God whan Mawgys had sayd so he gaue the spurres to his horse put himself amonge the sarasyns as a lyon Reynawde folowed him nighe recountred a persian whome he smote with his spere so great a stroke that he made hym tumble dead to the ground wherof thother were sore abasshed after he put hande to hys swearde shoued himself into the greatest prece smote on eyther syde of him vpon the persians so meruailouse strokes that they were greatly meruayled with it for al they that he hit he brought theym to thyr ending and whan thadmyrall saw the great efforce of armes the Reinawde made agaynst hys folke he sayd to a neuew of hys that was by hym By mahoune I saw not yesterday that great mā of armes nother he that beareth now the baner of Simon from whens the deuil are they come that so greatly greueth vs I see wel they be some straunge knightes I am all redy so feard of them that all the bloud in my body trembleth This hangyng the kyng Symon Reynawde made great slaughter of the sarasyns But whā the admiral saw that hys folke bare thēselfe so yll he wyst not whether he wolde flee or abyde Than came reynawde brekyng the prece that cried as loude as he could mountawban And whan thadmiral heard that cry he was sore a ferde that he wyst not whether to go but sayd by mahoune I beleue that this deuil helpeth himself with some deuilry for I left him in Iherusalem and now he is heere THan whan thadmyral Barbas knew that he that made so great greef to his folke was Reynawde of moūtawbā he shooke al for feare said to his neuew by machomet my god we haue doone yll to come heere for to make warre agaynst the king Simon syth that he hath this deuill Reynawde of mountawban for his like is there not in all the worlde of knighthoode now wolde I be wel in my ship in the middes of the sea for yf I abyde hym he shall make an ende of me Syr sayde his folke haue no doubt of the greate vilayn for and he come ones in our handes he shal not lyghtly scape vs lordes sayd thadmyral ye wot not what ye say ye know not the greate prowes of Reynawde for we were ten times mo folke than we ben yet should not we endure agaynst hym therfore by the fayth that I owe to mahoune I wil abide heere no lenger And whā he had sayd these wordes he turned the brydel as sone as he might fled towarde his galays al his folke after him And whan Reynawde saw that the paynems were discomfited he began to crye after Mawgis after for the truaūtes are discomfited And whan he had sayd so he put hymselfe to the chase the king Simon after him went castyng downe Sarasyns as beastes And wyt that they slew so many of thē that men should not beleue the numbre but they coulde not take thadmirall for he was the formest BArbas the admyrall of Persie whan he founde hymself saued in his shyp he began to looke a lande and saw the great domage that Reinawde Mawgys made of hys folke for all the shores of the sea were ful of sarasīs slayne wherof he had great sorow so began he to pull his heres of his berde cursed thoure that euer he was borne Reynawde came to the shores saw that thadmyrall was saued wherof he was full sory wyst not what he should doo more to him but he made to be cast boltes of wylde fyre into the galley of thadmyrall so that he brent the moste part of it and Barbas was fayne to entre into another ship And ye ought to wyt that all the sarasins that bode a land lost theyr liues whan ye●ing Simō saw that he was to his aboue of his enemies he was ryght glad of it so ranne he and enbraced Reynawde and after sayde to hym Reynawde I know wel that I am kīg by your prowes for ye had not be the admirall Barbas had distroyed me and had made an ende of me wherfore it is reason that ye be rewarded for it therfore Reynawd I make you lorde of all my goodes of all my lande Than sayde Reynawde syr I thanke you muche of your good wyl for we be not they that haue discomfyted the sarasyns It was god and none other for we be not so puyssaunt I and Mawgys for to doo it without him And whā they had thus spoken together a lōg whyle at the sea syde the kyng tooke Reynawde with the one hande and Mawgys with the other hande and went to warde the Citie And whan they were come there the king made the gayne to be brought presented it to Reynawde and to Mawgys wherof Reinawde Mawgis wolde take nothynge but gaue it to the poore knightes incōtinent Mawgis tooke agayn his hermites werd Than began the feast to be there great for the victorye that god had giuen them The cheere that the kyng made to Reynawde in his paleys is not for to say for it was great and for to make shorte tale Reynawde was honourably feasted the space of foure dayes And than he woulde departe asked leue of the kynge wherof the kyng was ful sory bycause he wolde bide no lenger and whan he sawe that he wolde go he gaue him mani fayre giftes made his ship to be garnisshed with muche good vitayles And whan this was doone Reynawde tooke leue of the kyng Symon of hys barons and the kyng conueyed Reynawde to the shyp And whan he came to the patting the king Simō kissed Reynawde sore weepyng and after went agayne to Palerne and Reynawde did doo hale vp saile and tooke sea ceassed neuer tyl he cam to Rome and there they tooke lande and he and Mawgys went and
harme thā I shall wyll ye promise me thys said Borgons yea said Reynawde Now hold my swerd sayd Borgons I put my self al together in your hand And Reynawde tooke hys swerde and assured hym that he should not dye and they two went together for to take theyr horses and whan they had theym they lyghted vpon and tooke theyr way towarde Bordews and as they cam againe they met with king Yon that came and hys folke renning agaynst hym as fast as they myght Whan Reynawde saw the kyng he thanked hym muche that he was comyng after hym and presented to hym Borgons that he had thus taken and cōquested as I haue rehersed to you sayd to him Noble king of Gascoyn I beseche you that Borgons haue no harme for I haue assured hym Good freend sayd king yon no more he shall but all honour for the loue of you and I praye to God that I may doo nothynge that is agaynst your wyll And whan Alarde Guycharde Rycharde Mawgys saw Reynawde that brought Borgons prisoner they were neuer so glad for they wend to haue lost hym so ranne they and kyssed hym ful sweetly and made hym great feast and great honour For they had ben in great sorow for the loue of hym BRother sayd Alarde into a great sorow and heuines ye had brought vs this day for we wende that ye had betake but sith that ye haue taken Borgons the warre is doone and blessed be the houre that ye were borne the pappes that ye sucked and whan they were wel feasted they tooke on theyr way towarde Bordews where they led Borgons as a prisoner And whan the kynge yon was at Bordews he lighted downe and tooke with him Reynawde and his brethern by the hande Mawgys also went vp to the palays foūde his folke that made great feast and he called them to hym and sayd Lordes bere honour and worshyp more to this knyght than to me for I am king of Gascoyn by theyr worthynes and great prowes For if thei had not ben I had ben dead and ouer throwen blessed be that good lorde that dyd put in theyr myndes for to come into this coste for they haue quyted my land haue set all my realme in peace To speake shortlye the kynge made the buty to be dealed Wherof the moste party he made to be gyuen to Reynawde hys bretherne And Reynawde wolde take nothyng of it but gaue it all to his folke and whā the kynge saw the great largenes of Reynawde he loued hym more than he did afore and than he sayd that he wolde make Reynawde lorde ouer hym and of all his lande THe kyng yon had a syster the whych was a right fayre damoysell Whan she hearde speake so moch good by Reynawde she called to her a knyght that was called water and sayd to hym tell me by your fayth who hath the pryce of the batayle Madame sayde water I shall tell it you with a good wyll Nowe wyt that Reynawde is the best knyght of all hys brethern of al the world for he tooke Borgons the sarasyn by force wherby he hath brought the warre at an ende whā the pucell vnderstode this worde she was ryght glad dyd thanke our lorde for it with al her hert And the king his knightes ceassed not to make ioye for the victory the god had sent to them thorouh the great pro●esse of the valiaūt Reynawde Whan borgons saw him selfe in pryson he sent worde to kīg Yon that he should come speake wyth hym And as soone the king Yon wyst of it he went to hym And whan borgons saw him he salued hym after sayd to hym Syr I am your prysoner also the moste party of my folke yf it please you ye shal put me to raūsone and my men also I shal gyue you .x. horses laden wyth golde for me for my folke Borgons said the kynge I shall doo wyth a good wil yf Reynawde counsel me so and no otherwyse I wyll not doo and thā the kyng Yon sent for Reynawde for his bretherne and all hys other barons And whan they were come he helde his counsell howe he should doo for the delyuerance of borgons Reynawde his barons counselled the kyng that he should put borgons to raūson whā the kinge saw that his barons counselled hym the same he made borgons to be called and made his delyueraūce to be sygnyfyed vnto hym And thus was borgons delyuered and went with his folke into his countrey yelded Tholouse agayne to kynge Yon sent to hym x. sommers all laden with fyue golde as he had promysed to hym And incontynent that the kynge Yon had receyued them he gaue them to Reynawde and to his brethern but Reynawde did as a worthy knyght For not a penye he wolde take of it nor his bretherne also IT happed vpon a day the Reynawde his bretherne wente in a forest that was not ferre thens toke foure wilde beastes as they were comynge homwarde they foūd themself vpon the riuer of Gironde as they wente Alarde looked ouer the riuer and saw a hyghe mountain and all hyghe on the toppe of it was a fayre roche And whan Alarde saw so fayre a grounde and so stronge he turned hymself towarde Reynawde and sayde to hym Brother yonder vpon that hyghe Mountayne is a fayre grounde and a strong I beleue that there hath be sometime a castel And yf we myght doo so muche to buylde there a stronge place for our selfe Charlemayne should neuer take vs there And ye wyll beleue me ye shal aske it of kyng Yon and yf he gyueth it to you let vs doo make there a stronge castell Cosyn sayde Mawgys to Reynawde Alarde giueth you good counsell And I pray you that ye wyll doo so as he hath sayd Cosyn sayd Reynawde I shal doo it syth that ye counsell me so And whā they were accorded to the same they entred into a barge and wente ouer Gyrounde whan they came a lande they ceassed neuer tyll that they came afore the kynge and presented hym the beastes that they had taken And whan the kynge saw them he receyued them curtoysly for he loued them moche And than the kynge enbraced Reynawde in hys armes THe morowe nexte after that the kynge had hearde masse Reynawde tooke the kynge drew him a lytle at a syde and sayd to him Syr we haue serued you longe well and truly Certes sayd the kynge ye say trouth and therfore I am holde towarde you well for it now looke yf I haue in al my lande cities townes or castelles or other thyng that ye wyl haue for ye shal haue it incōtinēt Syr sayd Reynawde I thanke you muche of your good wyll But heare my wordes yf it please you say on hardly sayd the kynge Syr sayd Reynawde I and my brethern were the other daye comyng fro the chase and as we came alonge by
coūtrey was no towne so wel peopled for there dwelled .v. hundred burgeys al riche men there were wel L. tauerners and xv.c. men of crafte besyde all other folke shortly to speake Mountawban was so well garnysshed and so riche wtin a litle while that it was great meruayle for to see and wyt it that the kyng Yon loued Reynawde with so good a loue for bycause of the greate worthynes of hym that he gaue to hym valerey and all the Lordeshyp that was worthe a thousande marke of good rente moche well set and whan the barons saw them that the kynge loued Reynawde so wel they were wroth for it and had enuye vpon hym and they came to the kynge and sayd to hym syr take wel good heed what ye doo for moūtawban is ryght stronge so is Reynawde suche a knight that none better is not in all the remenaūt of the worlde and yf it happe by any wise that he be an angred vpon you he shall mow lyghtly beare to you and to all your folke ouer greate dommage Lordes sayd the kyng ye saye trouth but Reynawde is so gentyl so curtoys of himselfe that he shall neuer thynke vpon no trayson nor to no shame in no maner of wyse Syr sayd than an olde knyght that stode before the kyng yf ye wyll beleue me I shall tell you how ye shall alwayes be lorde and mayster aboue Reynawde al the tyme of your life Freend sayd the kyng tell me thys I pray you Syr sayd the knyght gyue him your syster to his wyfe so shall she be well maryed for Reynawde is well a noble gentylmā of al foure sydes and therby ye shall be assured that he shal neuer be angry ne wroth with you Freend sayd kynge you ye gyue me good counsell and I shall doo it as ye haue counselled me but I pray you that ye purchase this mater Syr sayd the olde knyght syth that I know your wyll in thys behalfe I shall doo my best for to brynge the matter to a conclusyon effectuel After these wordes thus sayd the king returned agayne to Bordews with ioye deuysyng with the olde knyght of the matter wherof they had spoken togither THe first dai of the moneth of May Reynawde went from his castel of Mountawban to Bordews for to see kyng yon tooke Alarde his bother with hym And whā the kyng yon wyste of it he came to hym agaynst receyued Reynawde with great ioye and kyssed hym full sweecely And after the kynge tooke hym by the hand and went vp together to the hall of the palays and so forth to the chambre of parements whyche was hanged right rychelye And than the kyng called for the cheffe for to playe at it with Reynawde And as they were playing together there came in the olde knyght that had charge of the kinge for to make the mariage of Reynawde and of the kynges Syster whyche knyght was called Godefray of Molins whā he was come afore the kyng he sayd Heare lordꝭ what I wil tel you to nyght as I was in my bed a slepe me semed that I saw Reynawde the sonne of Aymon that was set hyghe in a chayre and all the people of thys Realme enclyned theymselfe before him And the king gaue to hym a sperhawke mewed full fayre and good and me semed also that than came a great bore out of the woodes that made an horryble noyse so that no bodye durste not aproche nyghe him three men assayled him but they coulde not hurte him and passed by theym And whan Reynawde sawe that he lighted vpon Bayarde and came agaynst him and faught with hym hurted him sore and than I woke out of my sleape and whan the olde knyghte hadde sayde so then rose a doctour that was called bernarde the whych was ryght wise a great clerke and sayd fayre Lordes yf ye lyst to herken I shall expowne declare vnto you the sygnyfycacion of this dreme Wyt it that the chayer where Reynawde sat betokeneth the castell that he hath buylded and the people that bowed hemself towarde hym signifyeth the folke that are come to dwell there And the gyft that the kyng gaue to hym betokeneth that thou king Yon shal gyue him his sister to wyfe the wilde bore sygnyfyeth som great prince christē or Paynym that shall come to assayle kynge yon and Reynawde shal defēde hym by force of armes and the same is the sygnyfication of the dreame of Godfray I indygne for to speake should counsell that the mariage should be doon of Reynawde of the syster of kyng yon For they shal be thus both right well and richely wedded and than the kynge answered thou haste spoken well and wysely Whan the clerke had declared the betokenyng of the dreame of tholde knyght Godfray the kyng yon sayd that touchynge thys maryage the thinge was well agreable vnto hym And whan Reynawde vnderstode thys warde he sayd to the king Syr gramercy of the fayre gift that ye doo to me but and if it please you ye shal haue a lytle pacyence vnto the tyme that I haue counselled with my brethern my cosyn mawgys Brother sayde Alarde ye haue sayd yll What refuse you of the king so great a gift as he giueth you now yf ye wyll beleue me ye shall fulfyll the kynges wyll incontynent for to me and to my bretherne it shall please well And whan the king gaue you not his syster but a symple Damoysell yet ought you to beleue him and doo after his wyl Brother said Reynawde it is not the fyrste tyme that ye haue giuen to me good counsell and true and I promyse you I shall doo it syth that ye doo counsel me so And than Reynawde turned hymselfe to warde the king and said to hym Syr I am all together redye to doo all that ye wyl and than Reynawde rose vp and the kynge tooke hym by the hand and made his sister to be affyaunced vnto hym THan whā the maryage was made accorded made sure of the one parte of thother the kinge yon came to the chāber of his sister and found her besy aboute a penouncel of a spere that she made ful fayre for the knight Reynawde but she durst not tell it The kynge salued her as soone as he sawe her and the noble mayde rose vp anon against her brother and made hym due reuerence ryght manerly Fayre syster sayd the kynge I haue doo marye you well and hyghlye Whan the pucell vnderstode hym she began to chaunge her colour and bowed her body to hym and sayd no worde of a longe whyle And whan she had the power for to speake she sayd to the kyng her brother syr to whome haue you geuen me Fayre Syster sayd the kynge I haue gyuen you vnto the best knight of the worlde it is Reynawde the sonne of Aymon the noble knyght valyaunt Whan the noble Damoysell vnderstode that it was to Reynawde to
and the kyng Yon he knewe them well And incontynente he salued the kyng and sayde to him Syr god geue you good lyfe and longe And the kynge rendred to hym his salute and after sayde to him Of whence be you syr sayde Ogyer We been of the sweet Fraunce And also we be sente vnto you And we are of Charlemaynes folke now heare vs if it please you Syr said the kyng ye be ryght welcome Nowe tell on what ye wyll saye Syr sayd Ogyer Themperour Charlemayne sendeth to you worde by vs that ye yelde agayne vnto hym his enemyes the whiche ye haue withdrawen into youre landes and ye sende to hym an hundrede of your men for to conduyte and brynge theym wyth hym vnto Fraunce And yf ye refuse to doo this We by his commaundement defye you of his be halfe And within these iii. monethes he shall be in Gascoigne and shall take all your landes and shall be syege you with in the citie of Bordews And yf he take you he shal punyshe you in your body Now haue we sayde our message and yf it please you ye shall gyue vs an answere OGyer sayde the kynge it is well trouthe that I haue reteyned the foure sonnes of Aymon whyche bene worthye knyghtes and so haue I reteyned theym because they bene prue and valiaunt in armes and also that they haue holpē and socoured me at my great need For I was disherited and vndoone for euer if they had not bene And for the greate good that they haue done to me I haue gyuen my syster Germayne to Reynawde for his wyfe And therefore I should be to cruell and eke well mischaunt if I should now take them into the handes of their enemyes mortall sith that they haue doone to me so good seruyse I haue leuer to be disheryted and dye an euyll death than to yelde them or suffre that they haue anye harme nor shame to my power For namely the kynge Charlemayne should than holde me for a foole wel nyce And therfore Ogyer yf it please you ye shall tell the Emperoure from my behalfe that I shall for sake fyrst all my londe and my realme than I should delyuer them in his handes And thys is my answere THan whan the king had sayd thus Reynawde spake after and sayde Ogier I meruayll greatly of the kynge Charlemaine that will not leaue vs in peace He cast vs out of Fraunce poore disherited wherof I am ashamed as ye knowe I wolde be reformed with reason to the sayenge of his barons but it pleaseth him not And so he casted vs out of Mountainforde shamefully so that we wist not where we shoulde goe And yet it suffyseth hym not but he wyll caste vs out of the londe of Gascoigne wherof he dooth great synne For yet am I redy for to doo his wyll in reason ryght And I tell you well that yf he refuse this by his pryde I wyll well that he know that I and mi bretherne are not suche that shall be taken as lyghtly as he weeneth And I promyse you that or euer he hath vs I shall make hym more than .x. tymes angrie and wroth For this that he dothe he dothe it but of pryde Ogyer I wyll well that kynge Charlmayne knowe that the king yon of Gascoigne hath gyuen to vs leue to builde a Castel that hath to name Mountawban the whiche is strong and imprenable yet I haue knyghtes with me that shall not fayle me at my need and tell to kinge Charlemaine that sith I cannot haue no peace nor accorde with hī that I shal doo to hym all the dōmage and harme that shal be to me possyble for to doo REinawde said Ogier ye speake not wysely weene ye to abashe vs with wordes ye shal not so but whā ye shall see the Hoste and the great power of Charlemayne to gether ye shal be sore abashed and at the ende ye shall be full wrothe and sorye ye knowe well that the Emperour Charlemayne made you knight and ye slewe his Neuewe Berthelot and therfore think not to finde peace toward him and ye weene to be assured bycause the kyng yon hath made you to close a Castell but well I wil that he knowe that he shall repente for it full sore For afore two monethes be past we shal be in the middes of his lande and shall destroy all his Realme and we shall brenne bothe Castelles and townes Ogier saide Reynawde I swere to you vpon my fayth that whan king Charlemaine shal be with his hoste in to this land he shall wisshe hym selfe soone againe in Fraūce with his folke And whan he shall see the hard Iustyng and sharpe warre that I and my brethren shal make against him he and ye shal be sore abasshed of it and some of you speaketh nowe hye that whan the deed shall come to profe he shall be full lowe Reynawde sayde than Ogyer I wyll hyde nothinge from you The kyng Charlemayne hathe so great a power and is delibered for to besiege Bordews and if he maye take you he shall punysshe you cruellye nowe doo as ye will I haue tolde you al my message and I goo againe to kyng Charlemayne Whan he had sayde these wordes he returned toward king Charlemaine and shewed vnto hym what kinge you and Reynawde had saide And whan the king vnderstoode the same he shooke all for anger saide now shall it be seen how king yon and Reinawde shal defende Gascoigne against me than went forth Charlemaine and passed the ryuer of Gyronde rode so longe that he came to Parys and the daye after he called al his barons that thei should come to him And whan thei were all come the kynge helde hys counsell and saide to them Lordes I haue sent for you to tell you the great shame that the kinge yon of Gascoigne doth to me For he holdeth the foure sonnes of Aymon my mortall enemies in dispi●e of me ye knowe what domage they haue doone to me For they slewe my neuew Berthelo● I dyd banisshe them out of Faunce than made thei the castell of Mountaynforde within my land and I chased them out of it Nowe been they in Gascoigne wyth the kynge Yon that saith he shal defend them against me and he hathe geuen his Sister to Reynawde wherefore I praye you all that ye wyll helpe me that I be auenged ANd whā Charlemaine had said this there was none of the barons that answered to him any worde for they were werye of the warre that they had made so long against Reynawde And Charlemaine sawe that no bodye anwered to him no thing he called to him the Duke Naimes and Ogier the Dane and the Erle Guydellon and saide to them Lordes what counsell doo you geue gyue to me in this matter Syr sayde the Duke Naymes yf ye wyll beleue me I shall gyue you good counseyl Suffre youre hoste to reste thys fyue yeres bycause that your folke is
wery of the warre so shall they reste them selfe a lytell And whan they shall be fresshe than shal ye mow make warre at youre wyll for euery manne shall than come to it with good wyll And whan themperoure vnderstoode this counseyll he was sore an angred for it that he wente almoste oute of hys witte and as he would haue sayde ayenst the duke Naymes there came a yonge gentylman of greate beautye and brought in his company xxx faire squiers well arayed this yongelynge came to the palays and went vp and whan he came afore the Emperour he made hys obeysaunce to hym full curtessye freend sayde the kynge ye be ryght welcome what winde brought you hither and what be you syr sayde the squier I am called Rowlande of bretayne and I am the sonne of youre sister and of the duke of Myllon THan whan Charlemayne vnderstoode Rowlande speake thus he was right glad of him and tooke him by the hand and kissed him many times sayd to him ye be righte welcome I wil that ye be made a knyghte to morowe in the mornynge ye shall assaye your selfe vpon Reinawde the sonne of Aymon Syr saide Rowland I shall do your commaundement and I promyse you Reynawde shall not be spared of me and he shal not bere awaye nothinge of yours He slewe my cosyn Berthelot wherof I am ryghte sory and therefore I shall auenge hys death yf I may by ony maner or elles Reynawde shall slea me And in the mornynge the kynge Charlemayne dowbed hys neuewe Rowlande to a knyghte with muche Ioye and with great honour as the feast was a doinge there came a messanger that said to the Emperoure Moste hye moste puyssaunte prince your menne of Coloyne recommende them righte humbly to your good grace they doo you to wyt that the sarasyns haue besyeged them and haue hurte them ryghte sore For they haue brent and destroied all the country Wherefore they beseche you ryght humblye that ye come for to helpe socoure them if it be your pleasure or elles they are but dead and vtterly destroyed ANd when the Emperoure vnderstood these tydynges he bowed his head toward the erth and beganne to thinke a litell And whan Rowlande saw his vncle that mused th●s in him selfe he said to him wherof be ye so dismayed Geue me some parte of your menne And I shall goe reyse the syege of Coleyne And whan the Emperour heard Rowland speake soo he was ryghte gladde of it and enbraced and kyssed hym full sweetlye and sayde to him fayre neuewe blessed bee the houre that euer ye were borne For I knowe for sertayne that ye shall keep me from payne and trauayle and in you shall be my reste and my comforte And I wyll that ye goe there And than he gaue hym twenty thousand men of armes well horsed and well arayed And whan they were wel apparelled Rowlād lyghted vpon his horse and sayde to hys vncle the kinge Sir I cōmende you to god Fayre neuew said Charlemaine I haue taken to you my mē in your keeping I praye you that ye will keep them well do so muche that ye get worship god be with you Sir said Rowlande be not dismaied for at my retourne if it please god ye shal know how that we haue doo And whan he had saide thys worde he tooke leaue of his vncle went on his waye with his folke they rode so longe by their iourneys that they came to Coloine all by nighte put their busshement nyghe their hoste as they were nighe the hoste thei met with certeine sarasins that came againe with a great praie of oxen and sheep and of men women that were their prysoners and made them suffre great martyrdome WHan the frenshemē saw their enmies they saide in this maner lordes oure lorde hathe sente vs hyther Heere bene the traytours sarasyns that so sore we haue desired for to fighte with them Now shall it be seene what we shal do with thē put vs amonge thē for at this houre they shall be ouerthrowen whan they had spoken ynough they made none other taryinge but spurred their horses and ran vpon the sarasyns by great strengthe so that in a lytle whyle they had them dyscomfited so sharpelye that they slew them all and recouered all the prysoners the bestes ¶ And shortly to speake whan the hoste of the painimes hearde the noise of the frenshemen they moued theim selfe lyghted vpon their horses vpon the frensshemen And whan the frensshemen saw thē come they went agayne to their busshement as well as they could and beganne to chase theim ANd whan Rowlande sawe that it was time to set vpon he yssued oute of his embusshmente with his folke and went and smote vpon the sarasyns so harde that he casted to the earthe a greate parte of theim And to speake shortly the batayle began so cruell so fell that it was pitie to see For ye should haue seene so many speares broken so many sheldes in two so many sarasins lying dead on the grounde so that with paine men might goe by for the deade men that laye so thicke one vpō thother Rowlande spurred his horse with the spurres wēt smote a sarasin that was a kynge the chiefe of the sarasins hoste with so great mighte that he ouerthrewe him to the erthe but he slew hym not of that stroke but taryed vpon hym and gaue to him suche a stroke with his swearde vpon his helme that he made him all astonyed And whan Rowlande sawe hym also euyl araied he bowed hymselfe tooke hym for his prysoner and dyd sette hym againe vpon his hors brought him with hym And whan the sarasyns sawe their lorde taken and sawe the wundres of armes that Rowland made and of the frenshemenne they put theimselfe to flyghte full shamefully And whan Rowlande saw the sarasins flee thus he cried wyth a hyghe voice Lordes goe after theym for they flee al and if they scape vs it shal be to vs a greate blame towarde myne vncle the kyng Charlemaine and we shal be holden for cowardes wherfore I pray you lette not one escape for ye shall haue theym lyghtlye syth that I holde in my hande theyr kyng Whan the frenshemenne heard Rowlād speke thus they said free knight be not dysmaied of nothyng for we make no doubte that none of theym shall scape but they shal be taken or slayne Lordes sayde than the king sarasin that Rowland had taken that had to name Escorfawde They bene all mine I praye you that ye kylle theym not for they ben all ynough discomfited sith that ye haue taken me but gyue theym truce and haue me to kyng Charlemayne yf it please you And yf ye may doo so much that Charlemaine pardone me the great offence that I haue done to him I shall boide fro hence forth all myne heritage of him yet all my lygnage shall
vpon the othe that ye haue made to me that ye will counseyll me truelye howe I shall be ruled in thys matter and howe I myghte haue thys Castell of Mountawban whan the kinge had thus spoken there was none so hardye that euer durste saye one worde but onely the Duke Naymes of Bauier the pr●e and wyse knyght Syr said the Duke Naymes ye aske counsell for to besyege Mountawban but no manne that hathe any reason in his heade oughte not to counseyll you the same for whye the daunger is there greate because that Guynard the lorde of Berne knoweth of it and so dooth Godfray the Lorde of Poycy that are good knightes and sore dread for theyr worthynes and also the kinge yon that is at tholouse the whiche shall come all to helpe and succour Reinawd by cause they be of his aliaūce and also they know that he is one of the best knyghtes of the worlde And they knowe well also that Reynawd gyueth to vs muche to doone and so I tell you if they see themselfe togyther they shal giue you ynoughe to doo and shall maye beare to you a great dommage But and ye wil haue good counseyll and beleue me I shal gyue it to you truelye Syr sende worde to kynge yon that he withdraw not nor keep your enmyes within hys londe but that he yeeld them in to youre handes for to doo with them youre pleasure and your commaundemente And yf he wyll not doo so ye shall destroye all his londe and no mercy ye shall haue vpon him Naymes saide the kynge nowe gyue you me good counseyll and I wyll that ye haue saide be doone incontynente Than the kyng made come an Heraude of hys and sayde to hym Nowe goe lyghtlye to Tholouse and tell kynge yon on my behaulfe that I am entred in to Gascoyne accompanyed of the twelue peeres of Fraunce with an hundred thousand fyghting menne and with Rowlande and Olyuer and telle hym that by saynt Denys of fraunce yf he yeelde me not my enmyes that been the foure sonnes of Aymon that I shall waste and destroye all hys londe nor to hym shall abyde nother cytie nor Castell but it shal be ouer throwen to the earth And yf I canne take hym I shall take from him hys crowne so shall he be called kynge ouerthrowen Syr sayde the Heraude your commaundement I shall doo without varying of one word euen as your good grace pleaseth to commaunde me and thus departed the Heraude from the hoste of Charlemayne and tooke hys way towarde Tholouse there he founde the king yon of Gascoyn in his pallays with a right fayre company assone that he saw the king he knew hym well so made he than to hym the reuerence and said to him in the Emperours behalfe the thing worde by worde wherof he was sent there ANd whan the kyng yon vnderstoode the Heraude that spake so he bowed hys head towarde the earthe and began to thinke a longe while and said not a word And whā he had thus longe mused ynoughe he said to the messāger Good freend ye muste cary heere a seuen nyght I praye you and than I shall tell you my wyl and what I purpose to doo Syr saide the Heraude I shall abyde with a good will sith that it please you Than wente the king yon in to hys chambre and eyght earles with him and cōmaunded that the doores should be well sheete and than they set theim all vpon a benche And whan they were al set the kyng yon tooke the worde and said in this maner Lordes I beseche and require vpon the faith that ye owe to me that ye geue me good counseyll to the honoure of me not at my will but by reason Nowe wit it that the kynge Charlemain is entred within my lōd with the tuelue peeres of Fraunce and Rowlande and Oliuer with an hundred thousande men And he sendeth to me word but if I deliuer vnto him the four sonnes of Aimon he shall not leaue me nother citie nor towne but he shal cast all to chearth and shal take the crown fro my head and so shal I becalled a kinge ouerthrowen My father helde neuer nothing of him and no more shal I it is better to die with great worship than to liue in great shame THan whan the king you had thus spoken there rose vp a knight named Godfraye that was neuew to king yon and sayd to him sir I merueyll me that ye aske counseyll for to betray suche knightes as ben the foure sonnes of Aimon Reinawde is your man and your carnall freend ye know what good he hath● doone to you and to your londe It is not longe a goe that he dyscomfited Marcyl the puysaunt Sarasin and chased him well foure mile and smot of his heade and presented it to you and ye haue promysed and sworne to him that ye shal defend and keep him him ayenst all menne Mine vncle if ye thynke to faylle him and wil not holde that ye haue promised to him let him and his bretherne goe out of your londe in to some other countrie to seeke theyr aduenture And hapely they shall serue some lorde that shal doo to them more good then ye wyll doo and also I praye you my deare lord and vncle as much as I cā that ye wil doo nothing that turneth you to blame nor to dyshonour nor that can be caste by maner of reproche toward your freendes Than spake the olde earle of Ansom and said Sir ye wil that we giue you counseill yf ye wil doo that we shal counseil you ye shal doo wel for your selfe Now say on hardely said the king that semeth you best to be doo for I wyll doo as ye shall counseyll me Syr sayde the earle ye haue wel heard saye and so it was trouth that Benes slew the earle Lohier wherfore Charlemaine sente for him and made hys head to be smyten of at Parys and at that time Reinawd and his brethern were verye yonge and of them was none mencyon made And afterwarde whan they were great the kyng wold amende it to them For the thynge toucheth them but they had the hert so fell that they wolde take none amendes and lasted theyr hate longe wherof euer syth hathe come greate harmes and euylles For Reynawde slewe Berthelot the neuewe of the king with a chesse borde sir I know not why I shoulde hyde anye thynge fro your knowledge ye knowe well that Charlemaine is so myghtye a kyng that he neuer vndertooke wan● but he came to his aboue of it Wherfore I doo geue you counseyll that ye yeelde Reinawde and hys brethern and Mawgis to the kynge Charlemayne and thus shall ye be delyuered of a greate thoughte and of a greate daunger And after thys spake the erle of Mobandes and sayde syr yf ye wil doo this that the erle of Ansom counseilleth you yee and we shall be traytours For Reynawd is your man and so muche ye haue
loued him that ye haue giuen hym your sister to his wife And whan he came in these marches he came not lyke a knaue but he came to you as a noble knighte prue and worthye For he brought in his felawship foure thousande men well armed and well horsed and said to you afore vs all oreuer he tooke of his spurres that he had warre with the kinge Charlemain Neuerthelesse ye receiued him with good herte and after made of him at your wil. And for you he conquested mani batailles did so much that he delyuered you from the handes of your enemyes And therfore syr I tell you that ye be not worthye to calle your self ne to bere the crowne vpon youre heade if for feare of death ye betray such knightes as are the foure sonnes of Aymon For ye haue not yet loste nother Castell nor town if ye doo it otherwise ye shal be taken and holden for a traytoure After spake Anthony the olde earle sayde to the kinge Syr beleue not this counseyll for suche counseyll he gyueth you now wherof ye shall be betrayed at the last For I know better then tent of Reinawde than anye man that is heere ye must vnderstōde sir that Reynawd was sonne to a mā that had but one town and was so proude that he dayned to serue nor obeye his lorde the king of Fraunce but slewe Berthelot by his great pride and outrage Wherfore the kynge Charlemaine chased hym out of the realme of Fraunce Nowe it is happed so that he is in Gascoygne and ye haue gyuen to hym great landes and because he hathe youre syster to wife he is become so proude that none maye dure afore hym And he setteth not a peny nother by you nor by your courte Wherfore I swere to you by the head that I beare if he may by any wise he shal take the life from you for to haue all the realme to him selfe Wherfore I aduyse to you by rightwise counsell that ye yeeld him and his bretherne to Charlemayne And ye shall doo as a wise king and so shall you pease the great wrath of the kyng Charlemayne of Fraunce After spake the duke Guymarde of Bayon and sayd to the kynge Syr I tell you that the earle Anthony lyeth falsly and giueth you euill counseyll for Reynawde as sonne to the duke Aimon of Ardeine which is of ryght great lygnage And Charlemayne made to slea the duke Benes of Aygremount their vncle by great wronge and Reynawd tooke therof vengeaunce vpon Berthelot by good reason and that more is it was his body defendinge Wherof I tell you that no kinge is not worthye to beare any crowne nor to haue honour that wil do treason for thretening of a nother lorde And after spake Humarb an olde knighte and sayde By god Guymard I beleue that ye haue los● your wit to counseill the kinge you for to beare out Reinawd ayenst the great king Charlemain for to make al the lond of Gascoyne for to be destroied wherof ye should care but litell if the realme were wasted and the king brroughte to shame so that ye had laude and praising Than said Guimard thou liest falsly and if we two were in an other place than here I should shew thee that thou were an olde doterd and a foole For I wolde not coūseyl the king yon but al thing that concerneth his honour and profite also of his realme AFter spake one named sir hector an auncient earle said to the king Sir ye aske counseyl of suche that can not counsell theim selfe For it is all otherwyse thenne Guymarde saith And I ensure you that if ye lose in this matter he shal lese therby nothyng Syr ye knowe that Reynawde is a knyghte good ynoughe But by his greate pryd● he hath made warre with Charlemain For he slewe Berthelot his neuewe by his outrage Now he is come in Gascoygne and ye haue gyuen him your sister in maryage wherof ye dyd great foly and ye made hym the castel of Mountawban vpon the strōgest grounde that is within youre realm Now is come the king Charlemain that hath besieged him wherfore I counseyll you that ye accorde with the kynge Charlemain and deliuer your selfe of Reynawd as sonne as ye may For it is better that ye lese foure knightes than al your realme take from him your sister and giue her to another that is a greater gentilman than is Reinawde and that haue no suche enemyes as is Charlemaine and fynde some meanes to yeelde Reynawde and his bretherne to the king Charlemain And this ye shall well may doo wi●hout blame yf ye wil doo that I shal coūsell you Freend said the king yon I am ready to doo that whiche ye shall coūseil me aboue al other that ben heere THan whan the kinge yon of Gascoigne saw that the moste party of his counseil accorded to that he shoulde yeelde Reinawde and his brethern to king Charlemyane he began to weep right tenderly and said in him self that no body could here it by god Reinawd I am sore charged for you nowe shall departe my loue for you for ye shall lese the body I shal lese therby the loue of god of his mother for I shal neuer fynde mercy in hym for to be tray suche a knyght as ye be But I tell you that GOD shewed that day for Reinawde a fayre miracle for the chambre where the coūsell was kept that was al white chaunged colour became al blacke as a cole Lordes sayde the kynge yon I see well that I muste yeelde the foure sonnes of Aimon syth that the most parte of you accordeth therto and I shall doo it sith that that ye counseyl me so But I wot wel that my soule shall neuer haue therof no pardon And shall be therfore taken all my life as a Iudas and than they left the counseyll and went oute of the chambre And whan the kynge was come out of the chambre he set him downe vpon a benche and began to thinke sore And as he was in this thought he began for to weep sore for greate pitie that he had And whan he hadde thoughte and wepte ynoughe he called his secretary and saide to him Come forthe syr Peter and write a letter frō me to the kīg Charlemaine as I shall tell you It is that I sende him salutacion with good loue And yf he wyll leaue me my londe in peace I promyse hym that afore ten dayes been passed I shall deliuer vnto him the foure sonnes of Aymon and he shal find them in the playne of Valcolours clothed with scarlet futred with ermynes and rydynge vpon mules betynge in their handes floures and Roses for a token for because that menne shall better knowe them And I shal make theym for to be accompanyed of eyghte earles of my realme and if they scape from him that he blame me not for it Than sayde the secretory syr your commaundement shall be doone
otherwise Alas and what sorowful harme they hadde of this that they were thus clothed For that were the tokens and recognyssaunce wherof they were in daūger of death if god had not holpen them of his pitie and mercy And whan the foure sonnes of Aimō had their mautelles on the kyng yon behelde them and had of them great pitie and began to weep There was his stewarde that the ●rayson well wist that saide not one word for ●ere of king yon And whā the mete was redy Reynawde prayed muche the king that he woulde eate For he made him to be serued ryght wel Whan they had eaten the kyng yon rose vpon his feet and toke Reynawde by the hande and said to him My faire brother my frend I wil tell a counseyll that ye know not Nowe wyt that I haue bee at Mountbenden and I haue spoken with king Charlemayne the which charged me of treason by cause that I keep you in my realme wherof I haue presented my gage afore all hys company and no mā was there so hardy that durste speake ayenste that that I sayd After this we had many wordes togither among whiche we spake of good accorde and of peace whereof at the laste the kyng Charlemayne was contente for my loue for to make peace with you in the maner that foloweth That is to were that to morow erly ye shal goe to the playne of Valcoloures ye and your brethrē al vnarmed but of your swerdes mounted vpon youre mules and clothed with the mantelles that I haue geuen to you and that ye shall beare in your handes Roses and floures and I shall sende with you eyght of myne earles for to goe more honourably the which ben al of my lygnage And there ye shal finde the king Charlemaine and the duke Naymes of hauyere and Ogyer the Dane and all the twelue Peres of Fraunce and there Charlemayne shall gyue you suertie And ye shall doo to him reuerence in such maner that ye shal cast your selfe to his feet and there he shall pardone you and he shall gyue you agayne all youre londes entierly THan sayde Reinawde syr for gods mercy For I haue greate doubt of the king Charlemaine by cause he hateth vs to death as ye know And I promyse you it he holdethe vs he shall make vs to die a shamefull death Good freend saide the traytoure kynge yon haue ye no doubte at al. For he hath sworne vnto me vpon his faith afore al his baronye Sir answered Reynawde we shall doo your commaundements Ha God sayde Alarde What saye you my brother ye knowe well that kynge Charlemayne hath made his oth many times that if he may take vs ones by ony maner of meane he shall bringe vs to a shameful dethe Now I meruayle me greatly of you faire brother how ye wil accorde for to goe put your selfe and vs in to his handes al vnarmed as a poore mischaunte Neuer haue god mercy vpō my soule yf I goe there without mine armes nor without to be as it apperteyneth brother said Reinawd ye saye not well God forbed that I should mistrust my lorde the kyng yon of any thing that he telleth me And than he turned hym towarde the kyng yon and sayde to hym Sir without any faute we shall be there to morowe earlye in the mornyng whatsoeuer happeth of it Fayre lordes said Reynawde god hath holpen vs wel that we haue peace with the kynge Charlemayne to whome we haue made so longe time so mortall a warre but sith that my Lorde the king you hath made thys peace I am content to doo to him as much reuerence as to me is possyble For I am delybered to goe naked in my small lynen clothes to the Mountesaynt Michael And whā Reinawd had sayd this word he toke leaue of kyng yon and went in to the chambre of the faire lady his wife foūd there his other two brethren that were with her whā the lady saw her husbonde come she came ayenst hym and tooke him betwen both her armes by great loue and kissed hym Lady sayd Reynawde I ought wel to loue you by great reason For your brother the king you hath trauailed hm selfe right sore for me and hathe be sore blamed at the courte of Charlemaine for me but he hath doone so muche blessed be god that he hathe made my peace with the king Charlemaine And that Rowland and Oliuer Nor all the twelue Peeres of fraūce might neuer make he hathe graunted vs againe all our landes And all thus we shall be riche and shal liue al our life in reste peace so shall we mow helpe and gyue the hauoyre that we haue vnto the poore knightes that haue serued all theyr lyfe truely and wel THan sayd the lady I thanke god greatly therof with al my hert But tell me where the concordaunce shall be made and hyde it not from me yf it please you Lady sayde Reynawde I shal tell it you without any faute Wit that to morowe we muste ryde to the playne of Valcolours there the peace shal be made but I and my brethren must goe thither without armes but onely oure swerdes and vpon mules berynge roses in oure handes And there we shal fynde the duke Naymes of bauyere Ogyer the Dane al the .xii Peeres of Fraunce that shal receiue othes whā the lady vnderstod these wordes she was so sore an angred thereof that almost she had lost her witte and saide to Reynawde Syr yf ye wyl beleue me ye shall not goe one fote there For the plaine of Valcolours are so daungerous for there is a roch ryght hyghe and there ben foure grete woodes rounde aboute yf ye will beleue me ye shall take a day for to speake with Charlemaine heere in the medowes of Mountawban ye shall goe there mounted vpon bayarde and youre brethren with you there ye may conferme youre peace or elles continew your warre take two thousande knyghtes and gyue theym to Mawgis youre cosyn whiche shall keep them in a busshemente vpon the ryuage if it happe you to haue need for I doubte me sore of treason wherfore I pray you that ye keep your selfe well sure For I dyd dreame to nyghte a dreame that was fereful merueilous for me semed that I was at the windowes of the great palace and sawe come out of the greate wood of Ardeyn well a thousande wilde bores that hadde greate and hortyble reeth the which flewe you and rented your body al in peeces and also I saw that the great towre of Mountawban fel downe to the grounde moreouer I saw a shot of aduenture that smot your brother Alarde so harde that it perced his body through and through and that the chapel of Saint Nycolas which is within this castel fell downe to the earthe and all the ymages that been in it wepte for greate pitte And the two aūgelles came downe from heauen that hāged your
whan so fayre I was deliuered of theim And after I asked of the folke of the countrey what menne they were that so hadde slaine my men and they dyd tell me that they were the foure sonnes of Aymō and a greate theefe that was called Mawgis with theym And I asked them why they wold set themselfe to so foule a craft vnhappy seen that they were so greate gentilmen born and the people of the coūtrey answerde me that they were constrained for to doo so bycause they had so greate pouertie within Mountawban that they wist nor what to doo But I did neuer see so cruel a man as the same Mawgys is for he bounde my handes behinde my backe whan he had robbed me and thā he bet me so sore that I weened to haue dyed therof and hath araied me as ye see Syr ye be the best kynge in the worlde and ye be the lorde of all this land wherfore I pray you for god that ye wyl doo me ryght of these four sonnes of Aymon and of Mawgis that greate theefe And whan Charlemain vnderstood these wordes he ryghted his heade vp said Pylgryme is it true as thou saiest yea sir said Mawgis Nowe tell me thy name said Charlemayne Sir said Mawgys my name is Gaidon I am borne in Bretayne I am a great man in my contrey wherfore I require you in the worshyppe of the holye sepulcre that I haue sought that ye doo me ryght Pylgrime sayde Charlemaine I can not haue no ryght of them my selfe for I promyse thee if I had them all the worlde should not saue them but that I shoulde make them dye a shameful deathe Syr sayde then Mawgys sith that ye can do me no ryghte of theym I beseche almightye god that is in heuen that it pleaseth him for to doo it Syr saide the barons thys pilgrime semeth to be a good man and a true as we suppose For it is well seen on him geue to hym your almesse yf it please you And thenne the kinge commaunded that men should giue him twentye pound of money and Mawgis tooke them and put it in his hoode and he saide in himselfe ye haue gyuen to me of your own good but ye haue doon like a foole I shal rewarde you ryght euel for it or euer I departe fro you whan he had the syluer he asked for some meate for gods sake and oure ladyes for sythe yesterdaye he hadde not eaten as he said by my faith said Charlemaine thou shalt haue meat drinke ynoughe And anon they did brynge him meate and he sette him downe and tooke and eate wel of the best And the king saide to him nowe eat free good pilgrim For thou shalt be wel serued and Mawgys eat styl answered neuer a word but beheld onely the king in hys vysage And the kinge saide to him tell me Pylgryme and hide no thynge from me whi hast thou loked so on me sir said Mawgis I shall tel you with a good wyll Wyt that I am a wel trauaylled man but in no place that euer I was I saw neyther christen man ne sarasyn so goodly a prince ne so curteous as ye be one wherof of all the pardones that I haue wonne in my vyage makinge I giue you the haue freely Certes pilgrime said the king and I take it gladlye And I thanke you muche therof And Mawgys gaue hym for a witnesse of the same his palmers staffe for to kysse it thā said the barons euery chone certainlye syr the pylgryme hath giuen vnto you a verye fayre gyfte ye oughte to rewarde him wel for it Syr said thenne Mawgis I aske none other rewarde of you for it but that it please you for to take my poore gyfte a worthe and that I may rest my selfe heere a while for I am verye sycke wery And thus as the kynge spake to Mawgys came than Rowlande and Oliuer and al their folke that brought Richard for a prisoner ANd whan Ogier Estorfawd the sonne of Oedon and the duke Naimes saw that Rowland wold goe to the pauiliō of charlemaine with Richard They came to Rowlande and saide to him Syr Rowland howe can ye hate Richard so sore that ye wyll yeeld hym to Charlemaine Lordes said Rowlād what wyll ye that I shall doo wyth him tell me and I shall doo it Syr sayde they we wyll that ye delyuer Richard and ye shall say that it was a no●her prisoner Lordes sayd Rowlande yf I canne doo this I shal doo it gladly And these wordes hearde a yoman that incontinent spurred his horse and came to the kinges tent said to Charlemayne Syr I bringe you tydynges sore straunge we haue foughten by the ryuer syde of Balancon where that Reinawd the sonne of Aymon hath keept his own right well ayenst Rowland your neuew and setteth not a straw by him And Rowland lost there more than he wan Whan the Emperoure charlemayne vnderstood that worde he was abasshed greatlye and after he said to the yoman Tel me my freend howe was yet of my neuewe Rowland Sir said the yoman he fought with the foure sonnes of Aimon that defended themselfe well But Rowlande hath brought with him prysoner one of the foure sonnes of Aimō the which is the most hardy and the most valiaunt of thē al in al pointes CHarlemayn began than to lepe for Ioye whan he vnderstoode these tydynges and came out of his tent and behelde and sawe Rychard that Rowlande broughte and whan Charlemayne sawe Richarde he knewe him well incontinente and began to crie for greate Ioye that he had By my soule neuewe it is well seen that ye haue ben there For elles Richarde shoulde not haue ben take Certes sir said Rowlande well lied Ogierro you for yf he hadde not be the foure sonnes of Aimon were take aswell as one and than said the king to Rychard Whoresone by the faith that I owe to god ye shal be hanged by the necke but fyrst ye shall haue of euil and of tormentes ynoughe sir said Richard I am in pryson I feare me not to be hanged as longe as my brother shal may lyght vpon bayard and that Mawgys be alyue Alarde and Guicharde my ryghte deare brethern for if ye do to me any outrage no castell ne town ne fortresse shal not keep you but they shal make you dye an euell deathe or two dayes be passed Whan Charlemayne heard Richard speake so proudlye he was ryghte an angred for it and tooke a staffe with bothe hys handes and smote Richard therwith vpon hys heade so hard that he made the bloud renne out of it to the earthe and whā Richarde felte himselfe thus wounded he vaunced him selfe and tooke themperour Charlemain with both the hys armes by the waste wrastled togither a longe whyle so that they fell both downe the one heere the other there And Rycharde rose vp quickely and wolde haue renne vpon Charlemayne but Ogyer and
not me nay wtout fawt sayd Ogier For ye bere the armes the baner of Rypus I haue done so syr said Ri●hard bycause that I should not be knowen By my soule sayde Ogyer I wil see your face naked For otherwyse I wyll not beleue the that ye saye Syr sayde Richarde and ye shal see me anon And than he vnbuckled his helme shewed hys vysage And whan Ogyer sawe him he was right glad and wente and kissed the mouth of Richarde ful sweetly and tooke him in hys armes many tymes and sayd to Richarde all laughynge Cosyn what haue ye doone of Ripus by mi fayth sayd Rycharde he is nowe Archebisshop of the feeldes giuyng the benediccion wyth his foote For my brother Reynawde hath hāged hym with his owne handes wolde not suffre y● none other should set hande vpon hym but only hymselfe by my soule sayd Ogier he hath doone right well And than he sayde to Rycharde fayre Cosin see to your selfe for heere cometh Charlemayne and god be with you thus returned ogier And whan Charlemayne saw Ogier he sayd to hym why went ye towarde Ripus afore me Syr said Ogier if ye were not so nyghe me I should smite of his hed But I dare not doo it for loue of you goe yee to hī for I make you sure he shal haue none harme by me Then sayd Charlemayne I shal defende him against al men And than he spurred the horse with the spurres came to Richard weenyng to him that it had ben Ripus and sayd to him come nere my specyall freende Ripus and take no feare of nothynge For I shall keepe you agaynst all men Whā Rycharde heard Charlemayne speake thus he sayde to hym I wyll that ye knowe now that I am not the false traytoure Ripus but I am Richarde the sōne of Aymon and I am the brother of Reynawde the beste knight of all the worlde and of Alarde and of Guycharde and cosyn to the valyaunte Mawgis that ye loue so muche ye smote me to day in the mornyng with a staffe in the head whereof ye mysdyd greatly and therfore my brother Reynawde hath hanged your ryght welbeloued rypus there as he wold haue lodged me and .xv. of his felawes with hym for to beare hym felawshyp now beware of me for I defye you Whan Charlemayne vnderstode these wordes he was so sore an angred of it that none can be more and spurred his horse and ran vpon Rycharde Richarde agaynst him and gaue the one to the other so great strokes in theyr sheldes that they brake bothe theyr speres al ī peeres And with the same they recountred eche other with their bodyes so mightly that the strongest of bothe habandon ned the stiropes but it happed wel to Charlemayne that he abode within tharsons of the sadle but Richarde fell downe to the erth And whan Rycharde saw himself a ground he was wrothe for it rose vp quicklye and set hande vnto his swerde and went and smote Charlemayne vpon hys helme so great a stroke that he ma●e him all astonyed withal but the swerd slyded vpon the helme that was good and fiue downe vnto the horse necke so harde that he cut it a sundre and wyth this stroke he felled the horse sterke dead and by all thus was Charlemayne brought to the grounde And whan Charlemayne saw hym selfe a groūde he was sore an angred for it and lept vpon his feete ryght quyckely and tooke hys swerde in hys hande and smote Richarde vpō his helme so harde that he made him reele withal and than begā betwene Charlemayne and Rycharde a sore sharpe medlyng And whan they had fought a great whyle together charlemayne began to crye Mountioye saynt Denys And whan Rycharde hearde this he drew him a syde and tooke hys horne and souned it right hye so that his brethern heard it wel and so did Mawgys And than incōtynēt they spurred theyr horses and came towarde Rycharde for to succour hym And than sayd Mawgys I doubt me that Rycharde is taken but we shall dye al wyth hym or els we shall haue hym agayne GReate dylygence made Reynawde for to succour Richard And whan he was come where he was he cryed sodaynly Mountawban and Alarde pauereyment Guycharde Balācon Richarde ardeyn and Mawgis went ranne vpon a knight that was called magon other wyse Sampson Lorde of Pierrefrit and rought hym suche a stroke that he felled hym dead to the grounde Reynawd smote vpon another knight by suche a wyse thar he shoued his swerde throughe and throughe his bodye Guycharde smote another with hys swerde so fyersly that he cleued his head in two peces Alarde smote the fourth knyght vpon his helme so great a stroke that he caste hym dead to fore hys feete after he ranne vpon another knyght rychely arayed and gaue eche other suche strokes that they bothe fell downe from theyr horses to the erth than came there Reynawde that dyd so muche that the sayde knyght was taken prysoner whych was called Hughe of Almayne brought hym to moūtawban what shal I tel you more the batayle began to be fell so cruel that it was great pitie for to se for the one spared not the other but slew eche other as thicke as beastes And whā Reynawde saw al redy that the Sunne was gone vnder that the night came fast on he was in a doubt for his brethern sayd good lorde through thy mercy and redempcion keep me my brethern from death and from prison for the night that is at hand maketh me to be aferde And as he spake these wordes came there king Charlemayne as fast as his horse myght walop agaynst Reynawde and Reynawde against him bicause he knew him not smote eche other so harde in theyr sheeldes that they made theyr speres to flee in peces and recoūtred together bothe with theyr bodyes sheeldes so meruaylously that they ouerthrew eche other to the ground and than they rose quicklye bothe at ones set hande to theyr swerdes than Charlemayne began to crye Mountioye Saynte Denys and after sayd if I be outraged by one knight only I ought not for to be a kīg nor to bere crowne Whā Reynawde vnderstode Charlemayne speake he knew him well withdrewe hīself a side sayd Alas how am I dyffamed it is charlemayn to whom I haue lousted I haue misprised to sore for to haue set hande vpon hym Ha good lorde it is wel .xvi. yeres a gone that I spake not ones with hym but I shal now speke to hī if I shoulde dye for it for by reason ryght I ought to lese the fyrst wherfore I will make to hym a mendes presently and let him doo with me what he wyll and whan he had sayd this he went to Charlemayne and kneeled before him and sayd to him Sir for God I crye you mercy gyue me trewes tyll that I haue spoken wyth you With
a good wyll sayd Charlemayne but I wote not who ye be how be it that ye haue iusted with me I thanke you hūbly sayd Reynawd of that it pleaseth you to saye so by me Syr wyt that I am Reynawde the sonne of Aymon and I crye you mercy And for that pytie that oure lorde had vpon the crosse of hys mother whan he recommended her to saynte Iohn his disciple I beseche you that ye wyll haue pitie vpon me and vpon my bretherne ye knowe that I am your man and ye haue disherited me of my landes and haue chased me out of Fraunce It is a goe .xvi. yeres and by cause of thys are dead so many noble knyghtes and valyaunt men and other in so great nūbre that it can not be sayd For God ye see well what losse that cometh of the warre for a lorde that hath no piti in hym hath a hert as hard as a stone And therfore syr I beseche you for god that ye haue merci on me and of my brethern that ben such knyghtes as ye know I speke not these wordes for feare of death ne for couetyse of richesse For god gramerri we haue goodes ynough but I speake it for to haue your loue onely Syr suffre that we haue peace with you and we shall become your men for euermore and we shall swere to you fayth and legeaunce and also I shal gyue you Moūtalban and my good horse bayarde which is the thing that I loue best in this worlde after my brethern and Mawgis For there is not in all the worlde suche another horse And yf thys cānot satisfy your mind I shal doo yet more pleseth it to you for to pardon my bretherne and I shall for swere Fraūce for euermore that I shall neuer be seen there And I shal goe to the holy sepulcre in Ierusalem bare foote for the remembraunce of you and I nor Mawgys shal neuer come agayne into Fraūce but we shall warre styll on goddes enemyes as ben turckes and Sarasyns THan whā Charlemayn hear de Reynawde speake thus he answered hym and sayde Reynawde ye speake for nought ye dyd an ouer great foly whan ye tooke that hardines vpon for to speake with me in my palays as ye dyd and yet yee dyd worse whan ye slew my nenew berthelot that I loued so muche now ye speake of peace ye crie me merci I promyse you for certayne that ye shall haue no peace with me but yf ye doo that I shal tell you Syr said Reinawde what shall that be tel me I pray you I shall shewe it to you wyth a good wil sayd Charlemayne and if ye doo it ye and your brethern shall accorde wyth me and I shall gyue you agayne your heritage and yet I shal gyue you ynough of myne owne It is that ye gyue me Mawgis in my handes for to doo my pleasure with hym For I hate him more than ony thyng in the worlde Syr sayd Reynawde yf I should deliuer hym to you what wolde ye doo to hī Reynawde sayd Charlemayne I ꝓmyse you I should make hym to be drawen shamefully at foure horses tayles through Parys after that I should take from the body of hym the lymmes one after another and than I should make hym to be brent and his asshes to be cast at the winde And whan he shall be arayed as I tell you let hym than doo his incātacions his magyke as he wyll I pardon hym all that he can doo to me after y● Than sayd Reynawde to the Kynge Syr wolde ye doo it in deed as ye say yea said Charlemayne in good fayth Emperour sayd Reinawde wolde you not take townes ne castelles golde nor syluer for the raunsom of Maugis certes nay sayd Charlemayne Syr sayd Reynawde than shall we neuer be accorded to gither For I tell you for certeyn that yf ye had all my bretherne in your pryson and that ye were delibered for to make them to be hanged yet should I not gyue you mawgys for to haue them delyuered oute of your handes Holde your peace than sayd Charlemayne and beware of me for otherwyse get ye no peace wyth mee Syr sayd Reynawde I am sory for it for we be no men that ought to be caste from your sexuyse and sith that ye defye me I shal defend me and our lorde shall me doo that grace yf it please hym that I shall not betake of you And whan Charlemaine heard this he was sore angry and ranne vpon Reynawde and whan Reynawde sawe hym come vpon hym he sayd to hī Syr for god mercy suffre not that I sette hande vpon you For if I should let my selfe for to be slayne by you I wexe well a myschaūt Vassayl sayd Charlemayne these wordes auaileth you not for ye muste needes defende yourself And thā Charlemayne smote hym with Ioyuse his swerde vpō his helme and the stroke slided downe vpon the sheelde of Reinawde so that he kytted quyte and clene a great parte therof Whā Reinawde felt so greate a stroke that kynge Charlemayne had gyuē hym he was sore an angred for it He vaunced hym selfe foorth and caught the kyng with bothe his armes by the backe by the waste in maner of wrastelynge For he wolde not smyte hym with his swerde flāberge and tooke layd him vpon the necke of his horse baiard for to haue brought hym with hym to Mountawban without any other harme And whan Charlemayne sawe that he was hādeled of this fation he began to crye as lowde as he myghte Mountioye saynt Denys and than he sayd ha fayre nenew Rowlande where be you Oliuer of vyenne and ye duke Naymes and bysshop Turpyn shall ye suffre that I be thus taken and brought as a prysoners and if ye doo so it shal be a great shame to you al Reynawde began thā to crye Mountawban as hyghe as he coulde whan he heard Charlemayne speake so And after he sayd ha my brethern and ye cosyn Mawgis come hyther and let vs goe for I haue gyuen the kyng suche a checke that if we canne now brynge him with vs wee shall haue peace in Fraūce frō hens forth on Than the noble peres of Fraūce as Rowland Oliuer the other cam to the succours of Charlemayne and of that other parte came there for to helpe Reynawde his bretherne and Mawgis wel foure hūdred knightes well armed And whan the valyaunt knightes were assembled together of bothe partyes ye should than haue seen a merueylous batayle For they slewe eche other as beastes and there were so many speres broken and so manye sheeldes clouen and hewed into peeces and so man● helmes vnbuckled and so manye a quiras broken and perced and so many horses that drewe after theyr guttes a longe in the feeldes and so manye a man slayne that it was pytie for to see And whan Rowland was come to the meddle he wente vpon Reynawde and gaue him so great a stroke vpon his helme
syr that I am suretie for Reynawde and so is Ogyer the dane but me semeth that we ought now to be discharged therof sith that ye be here presente within his castell but another thynge I wyll tel you me thinketh that ye ought to take that the erle Reynawde proffereth to you or that any more harme come to you therof and so helpe me God ye shall doo wel And al they of your courte shal be glad of it And whan the barons hearde this that Naymes had sayde to the kinge Charlemaine they spoke all and sayde Syr doo that the duke Naymes hath tolde you for he hath gyuen you good counsell and true And yf so be that ye doo it not ye shall come to late for to repente you of it But WHan Charlemayne vnderstode this that the duke Naimes had sayd to him he was ryght wroth of it For his herte was so harde astonyed with great angre that he tooke no hede of good coūsel and he sware by saynt Denys of Fraunce that he should not doo it for no man but yf he had fyrst Mawgys in hys handes for to doo hys wyll ouer hym And whan Reynawde hearde these wordes he blustered in his face for angre and rose vp from kneelinge his bretherne and all the other barons also And then Reynawde sayde to Rowlande and to all the other Lordes that were there Syr I wyl wel the Charlemaine know my wil my entente the whiche I shall shew afore hym vnto you Wyt it that syth I cā fynde no mercy in him I praye you that ye wyll not blame me frō hence for thou yf I seeke my ryght For I shall seeke it in all the maners that a true knight ought to doo And whā Reynawde had sayd this he turned him towarde the kynge and sayd to hym Syr ye maye goe hens whan it please you for by my soule ye shal haue no harme of me now for ye be my souerayne lorde with good wil we shal be in good peace wyth you THe barons of fraūce that were there wundred sore of the great kindenes of Reynawde Thā sayd the duke Naymes haue ye heard the great humilite of the noble knight Reynawde By soule sayd rowlande Reynawde sayth meruaylously I wolde not haue trowed that he should euer haue fared so fayre with Charlemayne And whan Rychard vnderstoode that that his brother Reinawde had sayde he spake in thys wise brother Reinawde I holde you mad What wyll ye doo ye see that we haue in our handes this vengeable kyng the whiche we may kyll or els suffre hym to lyue yet he is set so sore to pryde that he wyll doo nothing that his good counsell telleth hym but he threteneth vs alwayes more and more and ye wil let him go thus a waye surely brother if he scapeth vs so he shal yet angre vs right sore and I promise you yf he hadde vs as we now haue hym he should make vs all to dye shamefullye not al the golde in the worlde should not saue vs therfro And therfore I tell you that ye doo greate folye to let him go thus away For and ye wyl ye shall now make our peace but me semeth ye seeke none other but your death wherof I pray god yf ye suffre him thus to goe awaye that he maye make you to dye a shamefull death And whā Reynawd heard his brother speke so he was wroth sayd to hī in angre Holde your peace brother for he shall goe his wayes quite will you or no and the peace shal be made whan he wyll and no soner it shal not be for there vnto he shal not be compelled of me and go you hens from me for your great wordes displeaseth me WHan Reynawde had sayde this he dyd call a gentylman of hys to whome he sayd go lightly without any taryenge to the yoman of min horses byd him bringe me my horse Bayarde For I wyll that my souerayne lorde ryde vpon hym vnto his hoste for he rode neuer vpō no better horse And whan Richarde heard this he wēt fro thens al swellinge with angre as a fyersfull lyon bycause he knew that Charlemayne should goe so And wit it that the king Charlemayne hearde and vnderstode well all these wordes but he durste not saye nothyng so sore he feared the fiersnes of the yong Richard This hangyng came there agayne the gentilman that was gone for Bayarde whiche he brought with him than Reynawde tooke his good horse baiarde came to Charlemayne said to hym syr ye maye lyght whan it please you and goe at your lybertye for to comforte your folke whiche I am fure ben full sory for the taking of you And whan Charlemayn saw this he lighted anon vpon Bayarde went out of Mountawban for to goe to his hoste and Reynawde conueyed him to the gate of Mountawban whan the kinge was gone he made the gate to be shet anon And the frenche men that sawe their king come agayn they were right gladde and receyued hym worthely after they asked hym how it wēt with him and yf he had graunted the peace lordes it is wel with me God gramercy but of peace I haue made none nor neuer shall as longe as I am man a lyue for no man that shal speake to me of it but yf I haue the traytour mawgis for to doo with him mi wyll Syr sayd some of his barons how haue ye be delyuerd By my fayth sayd charlemayn Reynawde hath delyuerde me agaynst that the wyll of hys bretherne all quite at my lybertie Syr sayd the barons haue ye not seen Rowlande Olyuer the duke Naimes the bisshop Turpin Ogier the dane nor Escouf the sonne of oedon yea surely sayd Charlemayne but they haue all forsake me for the loue of Reynawde wherof by that god that hynge vpon the crosse yf I can haue them agayne I shall shew thē that they haue not doone well and whan he had sayd thus he lyghted from Bayarde and made him to be brought agayne to Reynawde ANd whan Reynawde sawe bayarde that Charlemayne had sent hym agayne he called rowland and his felawes sayd to thē fayre lordes I know well that ye be not in the grace of the greate kynge Charlemaine for the loue of me but I wyll not that ye haue mawgre for me nor for my brethern and therfore fayre lordes I quyte you all quarelles that I maye lay vpon you and gyue you leue to goe whan it please you And whan the Duke Naymes vnderstode the kindnes of the hert of Reinawde that was so noble he thāked hym hyghly and kyssed and enbrased hym for great loue wolde haue kneeled downe afore hym but Reynawde wolde not suffre hym Than the duke Naymes began to saye let vs thynke to goe after the kyng Charlemayne your vncle sith it please Reynawde to gyue vs leue Naymes sayd Rowlande how can we doo this shall we leue Reynawde the whiche ye se
Reynawde did choose an hundred of the best knightes of his felawshyp and sayde to theym Syrs I praye you that ye wyll be wyth me in the fyrste batayle and ye shall doo me great honoure Syr sayde the knightes we shall gladlye doo your commaundement and we shall not leue you as longe as life is in vs and so we thanke you of the great worshyp that ye doo call vs in your company for ye knowe well that wee canne not fare amys as longe as wee be wyth you WHan Reynawde had ordeyned wel hys batayles he made none other taryenge but wente the formest of all the sheelde at the necke and the spere in the fyst was mounted vpon Bayarde that beheld proudly about him makynge greate noyse And then Reynawde gaue him the spurre and went fayre vpon the folke of the Kynge Charlemayne and whan Charlemaayne saw Bayarde remynge that made so great bruyte and Reynawde vpon his backe that cam in so fayre ordenaunce he was sore abasshed of it and sayd in him self O good Lorde and where the Deuyll haue all redy had the foure Sonnes of Aymō so many folke as I se here now come with them I beleue tha● it is some deuylles werke For I had not left many with them late a goe And now Reynawde is so puyssaūt that he feareth me nothyng But I promise god all this shal not auayle hym nothynge but I shal doo iustice vpon him and his brethern or ought longe And than he made his bataile to set in ordenaunce in the best wyse that he coulde and lighted on horsebacke for to come fyght wyth Reynawde And whan the Duke Naymes saw that Charlemayn was so mad that he wolde goe fight with Reynawde he went to hym sayde syr what is that ye will doo I promyse you it were greate folye for to fight with these folke it were better that ye made peace with Reynawd For I am sure that Reynawde shal doo all that ye wil cōmaunde him and I tell you wel that if we fight with thē that ye shall see manye knyghtes to trayle theyr bowelles thorough the feelde wherof it shal be great harme to the one party and to the other And suche shall the losse be that it shal not be recouered agayne Naymes sayd the kinge Charlemayne let vs alone for I shal doo none other wise for no man that liueth I should rather let me to be dismembred And whan the duke Naymes had vnderstande his wordes he was ful sory of it and left his speaking therof from that houre Charlemayne delybered hymselfe for to fyght and alwayes he rode forth in great wrath ANd whan Reynawde sawe that the two hostes were approched sore nighe th one the other as to hande and hāde he sayd to his brother Rychard that was next him I wil go speake with the king Charlemayne for to wyt of hym yf he wil pardon and take vs vnto hys grace For yf he wolde doo so I should doo entierly all his wil and pleasure as to our souerayne lorde By god brother sayd then Rycharde yee be not worthe a botell of hey for the herte is all redy fayled in your bely Goe forth mischaūt sayd then Reynawde thou wot not what thou sayest For I wyll go there no man shall keep me therfro if he refuseth the peace whan I shall axe it of hym I shall make myne auowe to God that I shall neuermore require him therof Brother sayd Alarde ye say wel and wisely go there hardly and doo therin your wyll And than Reynawde made none other delayinge but he smote Bayarde with the spurres and went incontinent towarde the kynge Charlemayne sayd than to hym Syr for gods mercy suffre if it be your pleasure that we haue peace and accorded with you that this warre that hath lasted so longe maye finisshe and that your wrath be put awai from vs if it please you and I shall be redy to doo all that ye wyll and also I shall gyue you Bayarde my good horse Than sayd the kynge to hym goe fro me false gloton the deuyll speed thee for al the worlde shal not conne keep thee but I shall slea thee Syr sayd Reynawde ye shal not doo so and god wyll for I shall defend me well And wit it sith that it is com to this ye shal not be spared of vs but we shall doo the worste that we can Smite knightes sayde the kynge Charlemaine I shall neuer prayse you if this euil glotton scape me now And whā that Reynawde sawe thys he sayde Syr kinge of Fraunce I defie you and forthwith he spurred Baiarde and ranne with his spere vpon a knight whyche he smote so harde in the br●st that he ouerthrew hym dead vnto the erthe And after that he went agayne vnto his folke And whan that the kinge Charlemayn saw this he cried wan hye voyce smite knightes now shall they ben discomfyted THan whan Rowland hearde the kynge Charlemayne crie thus he spurred his horse and went after Reynawde also many other knyghtes but they ou●r tooke hym not Whā Rycharde saw his brother come he came hym agaynst sayde to him Brother what tidinges brīg you shal wee haue peace or warre B●other sayd Reynawde let vs doo the best that wee can doo for peace we shal not haue Brother sayd then Rychard god blesse you for the tidinges that ye brynge for I thynke to doo this day suche a thynge wherof king Charlemayne shal be angry Brother said Reynawde I pray you that ye shewe yourselfe vertuous stronge agaynst our enemyes Whan the king Charlemayne sawe that it was time to set vpon him he called hastely the duke Naymes and sayde to hym Naymes hold my Oriflam and thynke for to smite wel and valiauntly as a worthy knight ought for to doo at eyther hande in keeping my worship and herof I praye you hertely Syr sayd the duke Naymes ye need not for to pray me for I am boūde for to doo the same but it greueth me that ye haue not done other wise that is for to sai that ye should haue graunted to the peace for the warre hath lasted to longe Naimes I commaunde you that ye speake no more therof vnto me for while I li●●● they shall haue no peace with me Syr sayd the Duke Naymes I am sory for it Now let see what ye shall doo for I goe to batayle fyrst of all and looke that ye folow me yf ye will for I shall put me in suche a place wherof ye shal be sore meruayled not without a cause for there hys no man so colde but he should soone get here there within a litle whyle Frow folow that wyll ANd whan Reynawde saw the Oriflam of Fraunce come he broched Bayarde wyth the spurres and ranne amonge the thickest and smote a knight so harde that he cast hym downe vnto the erth And after he turned him toward his folk chered thē honestly than
ye must wyt that the duke Rychard was styll with him to whome Reynawde commended his wyfe and his chyldren and all his brethern And that he wolde pray the kinge that he should haue theym for recommended And whan he had arrayed hymselfe so he came towarde the halle to the duchesse hys wyfe ANd whan the noble duchesse Clare saw her husband so arayed in his beggers clothynge she tooke suche sorowe for it that she fel downe in a swoune to the erth as she had be dead And whan Reynawde saw her fal he ran for to take her vp and after sayd to her Lady for God take it not so sore at your herte For I shall soone come agayne and god before And wyth you shall my bretherne abyde that shall serue you as theyr lady And so I tell you that I am so glad of the peace that me semeth that I am come agayne al redy Madame my deere wyfe I pray god keepe you from all euilles And with this he kissed her full sweetely And than he tooke on his way and whan the duchesse saw hym goe she tooke for it so great sorow that she swouned agayne and abode thus a longe while that all her gentil women went she had ben dead And after she was come againe to herself she ma● great mone for her lorde Reynawde For she scratched her face pulled her heres from her head for great sorow whan she had made so muche sorow she said O good husbād Reinawde whose like is not in all the worlde of goodnes god be with you For I wot well that I shal neuer see you And whan she had sayde these wordes she went into her chambre tooke all her noble raymentes ●ast them in a fyre and whā they were al brent she tooke a poore smocke and cast it about her said she should neuer were none other clothes till she saw her lorde husbande agayne AFter that Reynawde had takē leue of his wife he departed the duke Richarde his brethern and his folke conueyed hym a great waye alwayes speaking that it was pitie to heare And whan Reynawde thought that they had gone ferre ynoughe with him he turned him towarde them sayd Lordes I praye you hūbly that ye returne home again for as long as ye be with me I am not at my ease go your way in the name of God and recomforte my wyfe the duchesse that weepeth so sore to you my brethern I cōmende her my children also Wyt it whan Reynawde had sayd this there was none that coulde take leue of him so ful of sorowe they were except Alarde that sayd to him Mi deere brother I prai you hertely that ye come shortlye agayne for your departinge is so heuy to me that I trow I shall die for sorow And whan Alarde had sayd so he enbrased his brother tooke leue of him making great sorow so did Richarde of Normandye to whome Reynawde sayd my cosyn I cōmēde you ones my wife agayne and my children al my brethern for they be of your bloud well ye know it Reinawde sayd the duke Richarde I promyse swere as knight that I shal helpe defende them agaynst all mē except agaynst the king doubt not for them for they shal want nothīg ¶ Now leueth the hystory to speke of Reynawde that went to the holy lande araied as ye haue heard and retourneth to speake of his brethern howe they came to Charlemayne with the duke Richarde of Normandy ¶ How after that Reynawde was departed fro Ardeyn to make his viage beyonde the sea clothed poorely as a pilgrim askīg his meat for god sake the duke of Normandi tooke alarde Guycharde Richarde brought thē with him to Charlemayne whiche receiued them honourably tooke vp his siege went to paris But whan he cam to the citie of lege vpon the riuer of meuze he made bayarde to be cast in it with a milstone at the necke of him But mē sayen the bayarde scaped out and that he is a lyue yet in the forest of Ardeyne IN thys party sheweth the hystory that whā Reynawde had put himselfe to the way as yee haue hearde Richarde of Normandy and his brethern came agayne to Ardein full sory for Reynawde where as they found the good duchesse Clare that made greate sorowe for her lordes departyng And whan they were come agayne there the duke Richarde tooke the duchesse by the hande and began to recomforte her so many fayre wordes he layde vnto her that she slaked a litle her sorow and after thys the duke Richarde sayde to the brethern of Reynawde in this maner Lordes goe make you redy and we shall go vnto Charlemayn Sir sayd the three brethern let vs whan it please you And then they went tooke on the best clothing that they had And I promise you they were three fayre knightes and after they were wel apparayled they mounted eche of them vpon a palfraye of hye pryce ryght fayre wythout anye armes And for to speake shortly they yssued out of Ardeyn and came to the pauilion of Charlemayne And whā the king saw thē he was ryght glad So he commaunded al hys barons that they should go againe them Ha god sayd Rowland now comen the three bretherne well sorye certayne they haue a cause for they haue lost theyr helpe succoure and hope Now I see that the duke Richard cometh with them wherof he dooth well for he is their kynsman NOw ye ought to wit that the three brethern of Reynawde came to the pauilion of Charlemain well honestly arayed And whā they were afore the kyng they kneeled hūbly at his feete and Alarde spake fyrst sayd Sir Reynawde our brother recōmendeth him hūbly to your good grace salueth you as his souerayne lorde he sendeth you Rycharde the duke of Normandy whiche ye se heere and so he praieth you that ye will haue vs for recommended for he hath taken his way towarde the holy lande for to accomplisshe your commaūdemēt Freende sayd Charlemayne ye be right welcome Syth that it please our lorde that we shal be freendes I shall doo for you and shal bring you al to honour as it apperteyneth to suche knightes as ye ben And yf god wyl bring Reynawd saufe agayne from his viage I shal holde him as deere as I doo mine owne neuew Rowland for he is replenysshed with great worthines Syr sayd Richard god bring him agayn whan the king had thus spoken with the brethern of Reynawde he came to the duke Rycharde of Normandy kissed him more than .x. times and whan he had feasted him ynough he said to him duke Richarde I praye you that ye wil tel me what prisō gaue you Reynawde what meates for to eat Sir said the duke of Normādy by the fayth that I owe to god and to you I had better prison and was more at mine ease than euer knyght was
telle it you with a good wyll Nowe wyt it that I am called Reynawd of Mountawban but Charlemayne hathe casted me therfrom wrongefully the Duke Aimon is my father and I am now come in to the holy londe for to serue our lord ayenst his enmies For thus hathe commaunded me to doo Charlemayne my souerayne lorde whan I made peace with him And that worse is I must needes come thus poorely arrayed as ye see beggyng my brede where so euer I goe or come where ayenst I wolde neuer goe for to haue peace Whan the erle of rames vnderstoode Reynawd he was gladde of him and heaued vp his handes towarde heauen and thanked God and after sayd O noble knight Reinawde of Mountawban the best knyghte of the worlde take heere my homage For I gyue my selfe vnto you and al my goodes And whan Reynawde sawe this he sayde to the earle of Rames Stand vp for ye profer me outrage By god sayd the erle I shall neuer aryse tyll ye haue graunted me a thynge Sir sayde Reynawde I graunt it you with a good wyll and with good herte Gramercye sayd the erle and than he stoode vp and sayde to Reynawde Is it trouthe that ye haue peace with the great king Charlemaine Alas where been youre bretheren the worthy knightes and Mawgys youre cosyn in whome ye haue so great trust your good horse bayard Sir said Reynawd wit that I had peace with the kinge Charlemaine of the warre that so longe hath lasted by suche maner as I shall tell you that it is that I must come heere in suche clothyng as ye see vpon me and heere is Mawgis my cosyn that is comen heere with his free wyll for he is not constrayned therto for the kynge Charlemayn weneth he be deade longe a goe and my bretherne been abyden with my wyfe and my chyldren For the kyng hath returned all oure lyuelode vnto theym again And whan the earle vnderstoode the trouthe of all he was ryghte gladde of it so that he beganne to crye with a hyghe voyce Ha duke Reynawde of Mountawban howe greately be you welcome heere to vs as the most valyaunte knight of the world blissed be the good lorde that hathe conduyte you hyther And I praye you for god that ye receyue myne homage so shall ye saue the worshyppe of the kynge thomas that is nowe prysoner there within the citie for and ye be oure capitayne and oure heade I put no doubt but we shall well soone take Iherusalem And thus shall the kynge Thomas be belyuered oute of the handes of the false sarasyns THere came all the barons of Surrye that were full glad of the coming of Reynawd of mountawban to whome they made greate reuerence and feasted hym ryghte hyghly And shortly to speake they al prayed him to be theyr lorde and head capitayne and that he wolde guyde them as the erle of Rames had doon afore And whan Reynawde sawe that all the barons of Surrye desyred and prayed him so sore for to receyue theyr homages he sayde vnto theym Lordes sith that it pleaseth you for to doo me this great honour I take it saufe alwaye the ryght of kynge Thomas whiche is your souerayne lorde Syr sayde the barons we will haue it thus And thenne he receyued their homagis and whan he hadde receyued theim the erle of Rames kneeled before him and sayd Syr I wil that ye giue me now that thinge that ye haue graunted me Sir sayde Reynawde saye what it is and ye shall haue it Syr sayde the erle of Rames it is that ye wyl vouchesaufe to be lodged in my pauyllion and th●t ye spende none other good but myne And if ye wyl gyue any thing I shall delyuer it to you and I shal gyue you syxe of my knightes for to serue you Good earle of Rames gramercye of the worship that ye doo to me ▪ than the erle tooke Reynawd by the hande and broughte so hym in to his pauyllion and made him to be serued as his souerayne lorde and whan all the barons hadde conueyed Reynawde to the pauyllion of the erle of Rames they tooke leaue of him and went again in to their pauylliōs and thanked God that he hadde sent theym suche a knyghte and so vallyaunte a manne to be their capitaine and theyr Lorde And than whan the erle of Rames sawe that all the barons were gon to theyr pauilliōs he made to be broughte there manye good horses and fayre paifrays and ryche raymentes of dyuers coloures furred with ryche furres and all maner of good harneys for the warre curaces and ryche helmes and noble swerdes and greate plentye of plate bothe of fyne golde and of syluer and all thys he presented to Reynawde But he wolde take nothynge but onlie a complete harneys for his body and a swerde that he chose there amonge all and an horse And all the remenaunt he made to be dealed to the poore knyghtes that had mystre and need of it And whan the erle of Rames sawe that Reynawde hadde taken but one horse one harneys and one swerde he sayde vnto him Syr for God take on you a nother raymente for ye wot well it apperteyneth not to suche a man as ye be for to goe clothed as ye doo Sir said Reynawd pardonne me and it please you for I shall neuer were none other raymente but this that I haue nowe on tyll that I haue kyssed the holy sepulcre wherin God was put after that he was brought downe fro the crosse Sir said then the erle doo as ye wil and than he went to Mawgys and said to him I praye you put awaye this capye and this hood and take other raimentes syr said Mawgis than I pray you be not dyspleased yf I full fyll not youre desyre at this time for I tell you that I haue promysed that I sh●ll were no other cloth as longe as I lyue but such as the same is Thenne whanne the erle sawe that Reynawde nor Mawgys wolde not take none other raymentes for no thinge that he coulde saye vnto them he was sory for it And than he made the tables redye for to goe to supper And whan they hadde supped the erle of rames called wallerauen of fayer and Geffray of Nazareth and sayde to them Now thinke for to doo well syth that god hath sent to vs suche succour And whan the barōs heard the erle speake thus they answered we shal doo oure best by the grace of God And than euery man went to his pauillion and made greate plentie of torches to be fyred so that it was merueylles of the light that was in the hoste and euery man began to daunce and disporte theymselfe aboute their tentes and pauyllions a longe while for Ioye of the comynge of Reinawde And whan turkes that kept the towre of Dauyd sawe the greate lyghte that was in the hoste of the christen they were all merueylled of it Than some of them went and shewed it to
I am your lorde that shal defend you ayenst this vnhappy christēs Where is Margaris become that I see hym not Sir said one of the sarasins he is dead at the first Ioustinge that he made whan thadmiral hearde this he wend to haue gon out of his wyt and said who is the hath borne me so great harme as to slea the noble king margarys is it not the great earle with the forke yea sir said the folke for he is called the best knight of the world and also he hathe brought this daye to death many of your men with hys handes Muche sory was thadmiral for the death of Margaris and swore the god mahoune that he shoulde perse the herte in his bely And whan he had made this oth he gaue the spurres to the horse and put him selfe to the medle and the first that he recountred was wallerauen of fayete to whom he gaue such a stroke thorough the sheeld that he made his spere head to apere out at the backe of hym and slewe him dead to the erthe And whā the admyrall had giuen that stroke he put hande to his swerde and shoued him amonge the thickest crying percie as hie as he coulde and saide barons smite vpon this vnhappy christens for now shal they be discomfyted And whan therle Iaffas Geffray of nasareth saw that thadmyrall fared so foule with the christens they put them in to the p●ece amonge the Sarasyns and there was grea●● slaughter made of both partyes but at the last the christen had ben shrewdely handled if Reinawd and mawnys had not come lyghtly there Reinawde that sawe this harde batayll shoued him selfe amonge the thickest as a wolfe among a flocke of sheep and smot a persian that was cosin to thadmyrall that had to name Orrende and gaue him such a stroke with his swerde that he made his heade to slee wel a spere lengthe from his bodye with helme and all And after he smote a nother that was neuewe to Malbon so that he slewe both horse and man with one stroke To say the trouth Reinawd made there so great merueylles of armes that al the painymes were fore abashed for he had hys sheelde cast behynde his backe and held the ●eyne of hys horse about hys arme and helde his swerde in bothe his handes and habandonned his body smytyng merueyllous strokes on ether side vpon the sarasyns so that he smot no stroke but he slew a turke or paynim And whan thadmyr●● sawe the great greef that Reinawd bare to his folke he sware his god appo●lyn he shoulde neuer eate meate till he had slaine the great villain Sir said than the king Alebrōdye to him I pray you leaue this entrepryse for I t●ll you for very certaine that if ye goe afore him he shall kylle you with one stroke Than said thadmyrall ●o him yf I had nowe a good guysarn in my hande he should as lytil endure myn efforce as should a boy ▪ for and I bring him not down● I shall neuer require to beare any armes more nor to ryde vpon anye horse more MVche cruell and harde was the medlyng Mawgis was there that made great occysyon fro the one syde and fro the other And whan reinawde saw Mangis that did so wel he was glad and so smot he a turke vpon his helme suche a stroke that he cleued his head in two peeces and so he smot a nother at the sydes so that he cleued all his ribbes and cut al to gyther a sundre his bodye and after this he smot a nother so that he hewed his heade clene of one of his armes and whan he had slain these .iii. with one enpraint he cried moūtawban saying smite barons for the sarasins bothe turkes persians been dead ouerthrowen and th●nke to auenge your lord Thomas which is so excellent a king And whā thadmiral barbas heard cry mountawban this worde abashed hym more than any other thinge for he anewe well than that he that his men called the great carie with the forke Was the valiaunt Reynawd of mountawban of whome he had heard speake of many tymes afore that and that he was the best knight of al the worlde and whā he knewe this he wold ful fayne haue be again in percie than he tooke his way anon to ward the citye as a man discomfited and ouerthrowen and drewe to the gate fore for to haue gone in to it but the vallyaunte erle of Rames pursued him so nyghe that he suffered him not to goe at his wil. And than the admyrall sawe that he was so sore pursued he was aferde to be take and so he smote his horse with his spurres and gat in to the citie with great payne lefte all his folke behinde and saued hym selfe but the moste parte of his men were there slayne And whan Reynawde wyste that the admirall of percie was so scaped he was right sory for it and than he looked about him and saw there a great peece of tībre that had .xv. foote of length he lyghted downe a foote and tooke the balke and trussed it vp afore hym vpon his horse necke as lyghtly as it had be some peece of welow Thā he sayd to them that had victori as wel as he Lordes folow me yf it please you with a good will sayd the barōs for we shall neuer leue you nother for death nor for life NOw wyl I tel you why Reinawde did take that balke afore sayde Ye ought to wyt that Reynawde bethought well that the admirall barbas should not make the gate to be shet after him for loue hys folke should come in that were out therfore bare Reynawde the great balke or beme to the ende that if he found the gate open he should put it vnder the porte colisse that it should not be shit lyghtly agayne And after he had be thought hymselfe therof he went on his way with the christens as faste as they coulde runne towarde the gate of Iherusalem where the admyrall had saued hymseflfe whan he came there he sawe the gate open wherof he was glad so tooke he thā his beme and put it vnder the port colisfe so that it myght not be lette downe nor the gate could not be shyt nother but ye may well know that Reynawde dyd not this wtout great trauayle for there was so many bodyes bothe quycke dead in his wai that he myght not well helpe hym self but one thyng helped hym wel for whan the Sarasyns saw hym they were so fearde of hym that they made him waye fled all afore him WHan the noble knyght Reynawde saw that the porte colisse was well faste vpon the beme that he had brought there without any tarying he put hād to his swerd and put hymself within Iherusalē And whan he was in he began to crye as hye as he myght Mountawban Moūtawban the citie is wōne and made there so muche of armes the Mawgys
shall gyue theym to the gentyll Reynawde as to hym that is as I wene the moste valyaunt of all and of other good armes I shall gyue to the other three bretherne So brought there the stewarde the armes that were full fayre and riche and than were armed the foure gentyl brethrē children to the good Aimes of dordōne and Ogyer of Denmarke that was of theyr kynne dyd on theyr spurres to the new knight Reynawde the kynge Charlemayne gyrde hym his swearde and than doubed him to a Knighte sayinge God encreace in thee goodnes honour and worthines And than mounted Reinawde on horsbacke vpon Bayard that was suche a horse that neuer was his like in all the world nor neuer shall be except Busifal the horse of the great Kinge Alexander For as for to haue ronne .xxx. myle together he wolde neuer haue sweted The sayd Bayard thys horse was growen in the Isle of Boruscā and Mawgys the sonne of the duke Benes of Aygremount had gyuē to his cosin Reynawde that after made the Kynge Charlemayne full wrothe and sory as ye shal now heare here after REynawde was a horse backe with a Sheelde paynted hangyng at his necke and thwerled his swerde by great fyersnesse And wyt wel that he was a fayre knight wounderful great and well founded and of hym was a fayre syght for well he semed one of the moste valyaunt Knightes that men coulde fynde in all the worlde And the Barons that were there sayde Ha god what a fayre Knight is he Neuer was nor shall be sene so fayre a man of armes as Reynawde god encrease to hym honour and worthynesse goodnes and pryse And after were moche honourably and worthily arayed and armed the other three bretherne of Reynawde and sith lyght all on horsebacke vnder Saint Victor nyghe Parys Than made the kinge Charlemayne to set vp in the grounde a poste agaynst whyche he made the new knightes for to assaye them selfe They Iusted moche worthely but Reynawde Iusted best vpon his horse bayarde ryght well lyked and were a greable vnto charlemayne the faytes of the valyaunt knyght Reynawde vnto whome the king sayd Reynawde frō hens forth ye shal come with vs in batayle and Reynawde answered him in thys maner Syr god yelde it you an hundred thousand tymes and I promit you in good fayth to obey and serue you truly Nor neuer ye shall fynde my selfe in no forfayte but yf it com of you THe Emperour Charlemaine after the Iustynge was doone he retourned to his Palays in Parys Than he resoned wyth hys prynces and Barōs and there were the duke Naymes of bauyres Oger the dane and the A●chebysshop Turpin and sayd to them in thys wyse barons sayd he I cannot maruayle me to moche of Lohier my eldest son that ●a●ieth so longe in hys message I haue great feare that some incontinent be happed vnto hym I dremed this night in my slepe that the thonder bolte fell vpon my Sonne Lohier and then came the Duke benes of Aygremount vpon hym and smote his head of but by my bearde yf he haue doone so whyles he lyueth he shall neuer accorde with me Nor I shall neuer haue Ioye at my herte For it is he that I loue best in this worlde Syr sayd the duke Naymes I beleue not such thinges nor vnto suche dremes ye shall not gyue no credence alwayes sayde the king yf he haue doone so I shall neuer leue him the value of a peny for I shall sende for the Normans the Bernyge●s the Fleminges the chāpenoys the Almaynes the Bauiers and for Englishemen and so shall I goe vpon hym and shall vtterly destroy hym and Naymes sayde euer vnto hym that he shoulde not fraye hym selfe of nothynge tyll that he knewe the certentye And as they spake thus there came rydīg a messenger vpon a horse fauell sore sicke and werye and also sore wounded vnto the death He came vnto Parys afore the Palays where Kyng Charlemayne was at the wyndowes And whan he sawe come the Messanger he came downe lightlye from the Palays halle vnto the gate and with him Naymes of Bauyer and Ogyer the Dane And whan the Messanger saw the kinge he salued him fall soft as he that was ryght sorye and sore wounded and that wyth payne myght speake and said in this maner wyse Great folye ye dyd whan ye dyd sende my Lorde your sonne for to aske trybute and obeyssaunce of the Duke Benes of Aygremounte the whiche trybute your sonne asked him shāfully but the duke whiche is sore fel and cruel whan he heard speak my sayd lorde your sonne he cōmaūded to a mayny of knightes that were there that he should betake that he should neuer retourne agayn to you for to recoūt his message nor what answere he had founde to the which takīg the medle was great and cruell so that your dere sōne Lohier was dead there And the Duke Benes of Aygremount kylled hym and all your folke except me and .ix other that conduyte and bryng your sonne in a byere And I my selfe am sore hurt as ye may se And than the messāger could speake no more But fell downe in a swoune of the greate greefe and sore that he felte bycause of hys woundes And whan the kīg had heard these wordes he fel down vpon the groūd for the great sorow that he tooke therof and wrange his handes and pulled his beard And tare all hys heres sayinge Ha good lorde that made heauen and erth ye haue brought me in great sorowe tourment Irrecouerable that neuer shall cease with me So requyre I vnto you the death humbly For neuer more desyre I not to lyue The good duke of Bauyre began to recomfort him sayinge For goddes loue syr tourment not your self but haue good hert and hope in god and recomfort your folke And thys wolde say the duke Naymes for thē that he saw weepe there for theyr kīsmen and freendes that were dead with Lohier And doo sayd he to the kyng let your sonne be worshypfully buryed at saynt Germayne of the medowes And than ye shall goe vpon the Duke Benes of Aygremount wyth all your noble power and great puyssaunce and shall destroy hym and all hys landes at your pleasure Than the kinge Charlemayne recomforted him selfe and well he knew that Naymes coūselled hym truly and lawfully Than sayd the kyng Barons make redy and wee shall go agaynst my dere sonne Lohier And incontinent all the prynces and Barons made them selfe redye for to doo the commaundement of the kinge And whan they were gone two myle out of Parys they met with the corps And were there with the Kinge Naymes Ogyer Sampson of bourgoyne and many other great Lordes Than sayd the kinge Charlemayne whan he sawe the body of his deere sonne Lohier Alas how shamefully am I created he descended from his horse a foote tooke vp the cloth that was vpō the biere behelde his sonne Lohier Than saw he
Lumbardes also that were of the parte of kinge Charlemayne So medled theym selfe the one party amōge the other And ther was moche harde and horryble assēble For there were slayne many mighty and worthy knightes of bothe sides and Richarde of Normandye shewed wel there his great prowesse and worthines For he wente and smote a knight that Gerarde of Roussillon loued moche by suche a strength that he ouerthrewe hym dead from his horse to the erth afore the sayd Gerarde Whiche than sayd Now am I wel sory and wrothe for hym that now is dead that I loued so sore certes I shal neuer haue Ioy at my hert but that I be auenged therof shortlye Than tooke Gerarde of Roussillon his baner in his fist But hys brother Nantuell came anon to hym and sayd brother I coūsell you that ye tourne agayne For here cometh Charlemayne wyth hys folk and well I tell you that yf wee abyde hym the losse shall tourne vppon vs. And whyle they were speakynge thus Walleran of Bollon smote the neuew of Gerarde of Roussillon so that he foyned at hym with his swerde through the body of hym fell downe dead to the earth Than trowed Gerarde to haue gone out of his wytte and sente anon for the duke Benes his brother that he should come soone to succoure him and he dyd so as pren and valyaunt that he was And of the other syde assembled there the kynge and hys folke ¶ So shal you now hear of a thing meruaylous of so greate a nobles the at the same feeld were cruelly slayn This was in the moneth of Maye vpon a mornynge that kyng Charlemayne did assemble his folke with the folke of the duke of Aygremoūte and of his bretherne To the whych assemble ye should haue sene manye fayre harnayses shynynge for the Sunne that fayre and cleare was the day the whyche assemble was wunderfull stronge For there were so many feete and heades smytten of so many good horses slayne and the other ranne thorough the medowes wherof the maysters lay dead vpon the grasse And wyt it for trouthe that there were dead that same day of the one syde and of the other more than xl thousand men A God what slaughter there was muche great nobles dead The duke Benes sore angred went and smote syr Walter Lorde of Pierrele in his shielde so that hys spere went through the body of hym and fell downe dead afore hym Than cryed he with an hye voyce his baner Aygremounte GReat was the preas and the batayle fyers and meruaylous And there shewed Rychard of Normandy much worthili his great hardynes For he Iusted agaynst the duke of Aygremoūt so that he perced hys sheelde and dyd hurt hym right sore and sayd to him by God ye shall not thys daye escape death It was an euyll daye for you whan ye dyd slea my Lorde Lohier with that he did draw out his swerde and smote the duke agayne vpō his helme in such a wise that if it had not ben a coyfe of steele that made his stroke to slide the said Benes had be dead the houre And the stroke fell downe vpon the horse cut the horse in two as though it had be nothing And thus fell the horse dead vnder hys mayster Thā was the Duke Benes sore abasshed whan he thus foūd him self a groūd But he stoode vpon his feete redely as he that was preu and valyaunte holdyng his swerde in his hande went and smote a knight named sir Symon so that he kylled hym sterke dead in the place And than he called wyth an highe voyce Aygremount his baner Than came to hym hys two bretherne the Duke of Roussillon and of Nantuell and of the side of kinge Charlemayne came Ogyer Naymes Wallerā of Bollon Huō lorde of Mauns the Erle Salamon Leon of Frise the archebisshop Turpyn and Escoufe the sonne of Oedō And than should ye haue sene there at that assemble muche great meruayllous noblesse of knyghtes that lay dead vpon the erth the one vpon the other that it was a pyteous syght for to beholde TO this inhumayne occysion was come thēperour Charlemayne cryinge barons if they escape vs we shall neuer haue honoure and than he bare vp his spere to the rest and went and smote into the sheelde of Gerarde of Roussyllon so that he ouerthrew both horse and man to the ground and there had be his last daye yf it had not ben the Duke Benes and Dron his brethern that muche worthely and wyth great dylygēce succoured hym Of that other party came Ogyer the Dane vpon hys good horse Broyforte that smote a knyght of the folke of Gerard duke of Roussyllon called Syr Foulquer so that he cloue him to the teeth and fell downe dead vnto the erth And whan Gerarde of Roussyllon sawe thus hys knyght slayne he called to god to our lady saying Well haue I thys daye lost my fayre and good knight And the duke of Aygremoūt was sore abasshed and prayed God also full pyteously that it wolde please hym to kepe hym from death and from fallynge in to the handes of Charlemayne Nyghe was the sonne vnder and it was well aboute cōplyn tyme the fyghters of the one parte of the other were voery sore chauffed And so wythdrewe the thre bretherne abacke vnto theyr Tentes with moche wrathe and in especyal Gerarde of Roussyllon that had lost that day Aymanoy his cosyn and a hundred other of the best Knyghtes of his company And he sayd in this wyse An euyll houre it was whan the sonne of Charlemain was slain Than came to hym the duke Benes of Aygremoūt bledyng as he that was horriblie wounded And whan Gerarde saw hym he began to sygh tēderly sayinge Fayre brother are ye woūded to death Nay sayd he I shal soone be whole Than swore Gerarde the duke of Roussyllon that to morow at the sonne rising He should begyn agayn the batayle against king Charlemayne and hys folke wherfore thyrty thousande shal lose their lyues Alas for god nay sayd his brother the Duke Nantuell But yf ye wyll doo my counsell we shall sende xxx of the wysest knightes that wee haue vnto kynge Charlemayne and by our sayd knyghtes we shall doo hym to wyt and shew hūbli that he haue pitie and mercy of vs and that the Duke Benes our brother shall amende hym the death of hys sonne Lohier euen so as it shal be aduysed by the prynces barons of hys felawshyp and of ours ye know wel all redy that we ben hys lyege men that for to warre agaynst hym we doo cruel falshed yet more it is that yf he had loste all his folke that he hath here with him or euer that it were a moneth passed he should haue recouered twyse as many so may we nothing doo agaynst hym And therfore may we nothyng doo against him therfore I pray you my brethern that ye wyll doo thus
ye and what winde driueth you hyther thā spake one of the knyghtes sayd to Reynawde Syr we ben knyghtes of my lorde your father that sendeth to you by vs a defiaunce Lordes sayd Reynawde I wyste it well as soone as I dyd see you of ferre But go agayne tel to our father that it wyll please hym to gyue vs trewce for he shall not doo wel for to be fight vs that are his naturall childrē Syr said the knight of the folye ye speake but thinke to defende your selues well for he shall assayle you wtout doubt ANd whan they had sayd these wordes hey retourned agayne for to reherse to Aymon theyr message how they had defyed hys children Whan the olde Aymon vnderstode them he made none other tarying but spurred his horse with the spurres and ranne the formaste vpon hys sōne And whan Reynawde sawe his father come he came against him and said Ha father what doo you we haue none so great a foe as ye be to vs and I haue great meruayle that ye come alwayes vpon vs ye doo yll great sinne for to doo so At the least yf ye wyll by no wyse helpe vs be not to vs contrary ne enemy yf it please you Thou theefe said Aymon ye shal neuer doo good syth that ye begyn to preche Goe to the wood so shall ye become wylde beastes euyll day giue you god For ye ben not worth an handfull of straw Now thynke to defende your selfe For yf ye ben taken ye shal be put to a great tourmente Syr sayde Reynawde ye doo vs wronge I shal defende me syth that I mai none other wyse doo For yf I sholde let mi selfe to be slaine mi soule should be put to paine and tourmente Whan Aymon saw that he brought his spere in the rest and put himself among his children lyke as they had ben straūgers And whan Reynawde saw that he cryed to hys men and sayd heere is none other but doo wel now Lordes thīke to smite wel for need cōpelleth vs therto And whan he had sayd the worde he spurred his horse with his spurres and put hymself in the thickest And began to make so great effortes of armes that all the folke of his father meruayled of it greatlye ¶ What shall I say the batayle began so fell and so cruell that pytie it was to see For ye should haue sene gyue and receyue great and horrible strokes of the one parte and of the other and many knightes and horses dye many sheeldes broken and mani white harneys broken So manye heades smittes of and so many legges and armes brokē and sore hurt And thinke that this batayle was sore stronge and well holden of the one syde and of the other But to say the trouth Reynawde must lose at that tyme. For hys Father had three tymes as many folke as he had For of fyue hundred mē that abode with Reynawde after his castel was take which were with him at this bataile were left on lyue what hurt sound but fyfty persones But I tell you well for verye certayne that Reynawde his bretherne dyd so great harme to the folke of theyr father that they slew well halfe of the men that he had But at the last Reynawde must lose and flee away towarde the mountaynes and Aymon chased hym as well as he could for he wēd well for to haue taken theym and whan Reinawde saw them self vpon the toppe of the mountayne he sayde vnto his brethern Let vs not departe frō hence For this is a good place for to defende Wyt that there was great scarmysshīg and iustyng made and many a knyght dead and verye sore wounded And there was slayne vnder Alarde his good horse And whan that Alarde sawe himselfe a ground he lept vpon his feete ryght quickli And tooke his swerde in his hande and began for to defende well his bones And whan that Rychard sawe his brother Alarde a foote he turned towarde him for to helpe succour hym and Aymon and his folke came there for to take him So began the batayle yet agayne more cruel then it had be afore And wyt that Alarde should haue ben taken there yf it had not be the noble and worthy knyght Renawde that came for to helpe him And whan that he was come there he smote Bayarde wyth hys Spurres and wente into the greatest pr●se So that he ouerthrew the Duke Aymon his father doune vnto the grounde and after he sayd vnto hym Father ye haue pledged my brother Alarde For ye be now set a foote as he is Than was Aymon very sore angry that he loste almost his wittes And Reynawde set his hand to his swerde and began for to departe the prese in suche a wise that he brought hys brother Alarde out of the prese and after sayd to hym Fayre brother lepe behinde me vpon Bayarde For to abyde here any lenger it were folye Whā Alarde vnderstode his brother Reynawde he was ryght glad for he was so wery that he myght no more and so he mounted vpon Bayarde behynde his brother Reynawde And whan Bayarde wyste him self lade wyth two knyghtes he strengthed hymself so strongly that it semed to Reynawde that he was more Ioyouse and more mery than he had be of al the daye Now wit it that Reynawde made foure Ioustes vpō his horse Bayarde with hys brother Alarde behinde hym Whereof he slewe foure knightes of the folke of Charlemayne that were come with hys father Aymon And all thus Reynawde tooke Alarde out of hys enemyes handes Mawgre theyr teeth bare hymself right worthely the same day as here after ye shal mow more playnly vnderstande NOw ben the foure sonnes of Aymon recreaunt almoste wery but only Renawde that neuer was the weker for nothing that he dyd in armes For as he went he turned himselfe at euerye passe that he made and rebuked and kept his enemyes a backe with his harde strokes that he gaue to them so that his folke wente afore hym all at theyr ease and leyser And whan he sawe that his folke were wel ferre from their enemyes he spurred Bayarde and came to his folke his brother Alarde behinde hym as lightly as bayarde had be without anye brydell and no sadle vpon him For this horse was suche that he was neuer werye and thus as Reynawde went away than cam folowed after him Esmenfray that was one of the moste worthy knyghtes of Charlemayne was vpon a horse right good and blacke that Charlemayne had geuen to hym And whan he was nighe Reynawde he cried to them So helpe me God glottons ye ben dead or taken sureli I shal brynge you to Charlemayne And anon wēt and smote Reynawde in his sheelde wherof Reynawde was muche angry and Reynawde smote him agayne in suche a wyse and wyth so great a strength that neyther for his sheelde nor for his good armures of steele he was not kepte but that Reynawde
brother Richarde at an apple tree and then the saide Richarde cried with an hyghe voice Fayre brother Reynawd come and helpe me and Incontinente ye went there vpon youre horse bayarde but he fell downe by the waye vnder you wherfore ye mightht not come time ynough wherof ye were ful sory therfore good syr I counseyle you that ye go not there LAdye sayde Reynawde holde your peace for who that beleueth ouer muche in dreames he dooth ayenst the commaundemente of God Than said Alarde by the faythe that I owe to god I shal neuer sette foote there nor I nother saide Rycharde Alas saide than Guycharde yf we must goe there lette vs not departe thitherwarde as men of counceylle but let vs go there lyke as prue and worthy knightes hauing eche of vs his armes vpon him wel horsebacke not vpon mules on that our brother Reinawde he well mounted vpon baiarde which shal may beare vs al foure at a need by god sayde Reynawd ye shal say what ye wil but I shal go there as I haue saide what so euer happeth and than he went out of his chambre came to king yon and said to him By god I merueill me muche of my brethren that wil not go with me because they haue no horses with them and yf it please you ye shall giue vs leaue to take eche of vs a horse ye shal keep stil your eyght earles with you and we shal go there as ye haue commaūded vs I wil not doo it said the kyng you for the kyng Charlemaine douteth you to sore and youre bretherne and your horses also I haue giuen hostages suretes that ye shal beare no maner of harneys with you but onely your swerdes as I haue tolde you afore and that ye shal ride vpon mules not vpon horses And yf ye go there otherwise arayed Charlemayne shal thinke that I wyll betraye hym and so shall he destroye al my lande that shall be the paymente that I shal haue for you I haue trauailled my selfe full sore for to bring you and youre bretherne at one with Charlemaine therfore go there yf ye will and if ye wil not leaue it Than said Reinawd sir syth that it is so we shal go there And than he wente from kyng yon in to his chambre again and founde his wife that noble lady Alard and Richarde that asked him how he had doone if they should haue his good horse bayarde with theym By God said Reinawde I can not haue leaue to doo so but my bretherne doubte you not for the kynge yon is a true prince and if he shoulde betray vs he should be sore blamed for it for he shal make vs to be conduyted by eyght of the moste great erles of his realme god confounde me yf I sawe euer ony euil doone by him Sir said hys bretherne we shal goe gladly with you sith that ye wyl haue vs needes to doo so Whan they were thus accorded herto thei wente to bed slept vnto the daye appeared and whan Reynawde sawe the daye he rose vp and saide to his bretherne Arise sits and make vs redy for to goe there as we should goe For yf Charlemayne be sooner to the plaines of valcolours than we he shal hapely be angry for it Syr sayde hys bretherne we shall soone be redy whan they were all redy they wēt to the churche of saint Nycolas for to heare masse whan it came to the offryng Reynawde his bretherne offred many ryche gyftes And after the masse was done they asked after theyr mules incōtinent they mounted vpon in their felowship were eyght earles the whiche knewe all the maner of treason whan they were all mounted they tooke on theyr way but the foure sōnes of Aymon were good to knowe by the other for they had on greate mantelles of scarlet turred with ermynes bare in their handes roses in tokē of peace also their swerdes for they wold not gyrde theim Now god be with them for if he keep them not they bene in waye of perdycyon neuer to come againe to Moūtawban whan the king yon sawe them thus go he fell downe in a swount more then foure times for the great sorowe that he had at his hearte for how be it that he had betrayed them so yet had he great pitie of them but this that he had doone euyl counseyl had made him doo it And than he be gan to make the greatest sorow in the worlde said ha good lorde what haue I doone dyd euer man so great treason as I haue doone nay verely for I haue betrayed the best knyghts of the world and the moste worthye and true THan sayde his folke Syr ye doo not wel to make suche a sorowe for Reynawde is very wise he shal it perceiue ryght soone Ha god sayd the king yon were it as ye saye for I shoulde be more gladde than yf I had wonne tenne of the best cyties of Fraunce for Reynawde is my freend and my brother Ha Mawgys how shal ye be sory whā ye shal know this matter Reynawde did great foly whan he tooke not your aduyse in this thynge for yf he had knowen of it ye should not haue suffred him to go there Lordes sayd the kyng yon I poore wretche whether shall I become yf the foure sonnes of Aymon di● for Mawgis shal slea me without mercy and also it is well reason for who that betrayeth a nother and princypally his freend carnall ought not to lyue nor haue euer any worship but his folke tooke hym vp incontinente and began to recomforte him by many greate reasons that they layed afore him NOw begynneth the piteous hystory of the foure sonnes of Aimon that wente to theyr deathe by the meanes of the traytour kyng yon And bycause of the treason that he cōmited ayenst the foure sonnes of Aymon he loste the realme of gascoygne the name the dygnyte therof for neuer sith that tyme was no kyng crowned in Gascoygne Now shall I tell you of Reynawde and of his brethren than tode Reynawde and his brethren towarde the plaine of Valcolours and as they toode thitherwardi Alarde began to syng ryghte sweetly and Ioyfull a newe songe and Guycharde and Rychard dyd in lykewise but I tell you that no instrument of musike sowned neuer so melodyouslye as the three brethren dyd syngyng to gither alas what pyty was it of so noble and so worthy knightes that went singing and makyng Ioy to their death they were as the swanne that syngeth that yere that she shall die Reynawd went behynde them sore thynkyng hys head bowed down towarde the earth and beheide hys brethern that rode forth makyng great Ioye and he sayd o god what knyghtes be my brethrene that there been none suche in all the world nother so gracyous And whan he had saide this he sette his hands together and heued them vp towarde
saue him but cleued hym to the teeth What shall I tell you more Nowe wit it that at that time Renawde slewe wyth his owne hādes foure earles thre dukes and sixe knightes and after he begā to crye Mountawban with a hye voice And after his crye he went smote Roberte the lorde of Dygeon that was sonne to the duke of Burgoine so that the head with the helme he made it lepe to the grounde after he slewe a nother sterke dead that came to rescue the said lorde ANd whan Rainawde hadde doone this noble prowesse he behelde about him and trowed to haue seen his brethren than but he saw none of them wherof he was sore abasshed O god sayd he where are my brethren gone nowe be they well ferre from me we shall neuer come togither again And than came there Alarde that in likewyse had wonne a horse the sheeld and the spere for he had slaine a knight and had taken his hors but he was sore hurte Neuerthelesse he came held side with his brother and Rycharde and Guycharde came soone at the other side Than Alarde saide to Reinawde Brother be al sure that we shall neuer faile you to the deth And whan the foure brethrē were assembled togither againe they began to make so great distruccion of frenshemen that none durste abyde theym For all they that they hytte scaped not the death whan the frenshemen sawe this they were meruailled and said the one to the other By my soule this passeth all other wunder I trow that they ben no knightes but that they bē deuils now let vs make to thēa sawte both behinde and before for if they liue long they shall do vs greate hurte And whan they were hereto accorded they ranne all vpon the foure sonnes of Aymon so harde that they parted them woulde they or not But Reynawde passed throughe them al and broughte himselfe out of the prese and Alarde after hym And Rycharde retourned fleeing toward the roche Mountbrō and Guychard abode there on foo●e for the frenshemen had slayne hys mule vnder him and had wounded him with two speres well deep into the flesh and was taken for prysoner and they bounde him bothe hande and foote and layed him vpon a litel hors ouerthwarte like as a sacke of corne so wounded as he was and I promyse you men might wel folowe him by the trase bicause of the bloud that came oute of his bodye and so leed him so shamefullye as that it may had be a theef and went all betynge vpon hym saying to hym that they led hym to Charlemayne the which should make him to be hāged for to auenge the death of his deere neuew Berthelot that he loued so muche the whyche Reynawde slewe so shamefully playinge at the Chesse ANd whan Reynawde saw that hys enemyes led his brother Guycharde so shamefully he wexed almoste madde for angre and called his brother Alarde to him and said Fayre brother what shal we doo see how shamefully they fare with our brother Guycharde yf we suffre thē to brynge hym forth of this facyon we shall neuer haue worshyp in our dayes Brother sayd Alarde I wote not what we maye best doo for to abyde or for to goe to them For I tel you that we be no mo but two and they be so great nombre of folke that wee can doo nothing agaynst them O god sayd Reynawde what shall I doo if the king Charlemaine make my brother to be hanged I shall neuer be at my hertes case nor I shall neuer come to no courte but men shal poynte me with the fynger and shall saye see yonder is the sonne of Aymon that let his brother to be hāged to the pyn tree of Moūtfaucon he durst not succour hym Certes sayd Reynawde to Alarde brother I had leuer dy fyrst but if I should rescue our brother fro death Brother sayd Alarde now set your selfe afore I shal folow you after my power I wyl helpe you to rescue hym And whan Reynawde heard that he cast his sheeld behinde him and habandonned his body all boldely as a Lyon and cared not how the game should go for ye saw neuer wood men hew in a forest nor make so great noyse as Reynawde made with his swerde amonge his enemyes for he cutted hewed legges and armes by suche wyse that no man should beleue it but they that see it Thus made Reynawde at that time that the Frenchemē must needes make him way to passe whether thei wolde or no. And mani made hym way for the loue of O●ier for they knewe well that the foure sonnes of Aymon were his cosyns And whan Reynawde was passed he sayd to them that led his brother Guycharde Let goe the knyghte ye yll folkes for ye be not worthye to touche hym and whan they that led Guycharde sawe come Reynawde they were sore afrayed that they put them selfe to flight left Guycharde free and sayde the one to the other here cometh the ende of the worlde And whā Reynawde saw that they fled the sayd to Alarde Goe ye fayre brother and vnbinde Guicharde our brother and set him vpon this horse and gyue him a spere in his hande come after me for the traytours ben dyscomfyted Brother sayd Alarde I shall goe where it please you but I tell you yf we parte one from the other we shall neuer come together agayne seyng that we be so few so yll armed but let vs keep together helpe th one thother Brother sayde Reynawde ye say well wisely and we shal doo it And than they wente bothe together to Guycharde vnbounde hym and made him mounte on horsebacke the sheelde at the necke and the spere in the hande Now goe there the three brethern together and the fourth fighteth agaynst a greate nombre of folke that was the valyaunt Richarde that was the moste worthy of all after hys brother Reinawde But men had slaine his mule vnder hym and was wounded ryght sore But he had slayne fiue erles and well .xiiii. knyghtes wherof he was so sore trauayled and so wery that he might not all moste defēde himselfe no more but went rounde aboute the roche And than came gerarde of valcome that was cosyn to Foulques of Moryllon the whyche he had founde dead wherof he made great sorowe sayd Ha gentyl knight it is great domage of your deth Certes he that hath brought you to this death he is not my freend Now shal I auenge me if I maye than he came to the roche And whan he saw Reynawde in so great greefe he spurred his horse with his spurres bare his spere alowe smote Rycharde through the mantell of scarlet that he wrapped aboute his lifte arme so harde that the spere entred ferre in his bodye so muche that he brought hym to the erth and as he drewe hys spere agayne the guttes of Richarde came out of the body into his
worlde saue vs not fro hangynge or some other shamefull death and therfore I wyll not yeeld me by no maner of wyse A man that wylbe valyaunte ought to defende hymselfe for to be whole Ha Richarde succour vs for the loue of Iesus for wee haue well mistre we ben nother Normās nor Bretons but we ben all of one father and of one mother Now ought we well to helpe eche other with all our power for our worship for other wyse men should say that we ben bastardes and of an yll father ye saye trouthe sayde Guicharde But ye wolde not beleue how feble I am for I am wounded to the death Certes sayde Reynawde I am sory for it but I shall defende you as longe as life is in my bodi who had seen than the noble knight Reinawd take vp the great stones and cast thē vpon hys enemyes ye wolde not haue sayd that he had not be woūded nor trauayled of nothing Whan Richarde that lay a ground thus woūded as I haue tolde you aboue saw and heard the great noyse that they that sawted the roche made he tooke vp his head and sayd to Reynawde Brother I shall helpe you But cut me some of my sherte I shal binde my syde and wounde so that my bowelles may not yssue out of my beli and than I shal set me to mi defence and shall helpe you with al my hert Than sayd Reynawde nowe art thou well worthe a true man And whan Guycharde vnderstoode hym he was a shamed and tooke agayne strength in him beyonde hys power and came to the defence and sayde with a high voice Ogier fayre cosin what doo you to your lynage Certes it shal be a great shame to you yf ye succour vs not for the faute that ye doo to vs shall be layde vnto you in euery place where ye goe to let vs dye thus we that ben your kynnesmen the best of all the worlde saue Reynawde ye shall doo like a true man and as for vs other it maketh nother lesse nother more Whan Ogier vnderstode these wordes he was sory for it that no man might more and wolde haue gyue a great thing for to haue deliuered them And said that he wolde doo wyth all his herte all that he might doo for them And thā Ogyer spurred Brayforde with his spurres and came to the roche with a staffe in his hande and sayde to thē that sawted the roche wythdraw your selfe a litle tyll I haue spoken wyth them a litle for to wyt whether they wyll giue them selfe vp or no. For it is better that we haue thē quicke than dead Sir sayd the Frenche men we shal doo your commaūdement But wee leaue them wyth you to keep in the name of the kynge Charlemayne Ha god sayd Ogier I neuer thought treasō nor I shal not begyn yet And than he came more nighe the roche than he had be and called to hym the foure Sonnes of Aymon and sayd to theym Fayre cosyn rest you and take agayne your brethe and yf ye be hurt wrappe vp your woundes make good garnisshinge of stones so defende youre selfe nobly of al your power for if the king Charlemayne may haue you ye shall neuer haue pardonne but he shal make you to be hanged strangled and therfore ye muste needes kepe your selfe well For I promise you yf Mawgis know of it he shall come to soccoure you thus shall ye scape other wyse not Cosen sayd Alarde ye shall haue of it a good rewarde yf euer we may scape ye saye true sayde Reynawde For yf I mai scape bi god that suffred death passyon for vs vpon the Crosse all the golde of the world shal not saue him but I shall slea hym wyth myne own handes for I hate hym much more than I doo a straunger For he that should helpe and defende me agaynst all men it is he that doth me harme Cosyn sayd Ogyer I maye not doo therto so helpe god my soule For the kyng Charlemayne made me swere afore all hys barons that I should not helpe you in no maner of wyse And of this that I doo I am sure the the kynge Charlemayne shall conne me no thanke Brother sayd Alarde Ogyer telleth you trouth And also it was well trouth that Ogyer was repreued therof for treason for charlemaine called him traitour afore al his barons Than Reynawde boū●e the woūdes of his bretherne as wel as he could But the wounde of rycharde was so greefully to see that it was pitie to beholde for all the entrayles appered oute of hys bodye And whan he had lapped theym al Alarde wrapped the wounde that Reynawde had in the thyghe and whan they had rested themself a litle Reynawde stoode vp and went vpon the roche for to gather stones to defende them self And garnysshed ther with theyr defence where his bretherne should stande Whan the Frenchemē sawe the Ogyer the Dane made there to longe a soiournynge they began all to call and crye Ogyer ye make there to longe a Sermon tell vs yf they wyll yelde them or no or yf they shall defende themselfe Naye sayde Ogyer as longe as they haue lyfe in theyr bodyes By my soule sayde the Frenche men than go we sawte them efte agayne Than sayde Ogier I promise you I shal helpe them with all my power Whan the Erle Guymarde hearde Ogyer speake so he wente to hym sayd We commaūde you in the kinges name of Fraunce that ye come to the batayle wyth vs agaynst the foure sonnes of Aymon as ye haue promised and sworne for doubt of you many a lord is here in your company that wyll not fyght Lordes sayd Ogyer for god mercy ye know wel al redy they ben my cosyns germanye I pray you let vs withdrawe our selfe a backe and let them be in peace and I shall gyue eche of you large goodes Ogier said the frenche men we shall not doo so but we shall brynge them prysoners to the kynge Charlemayne that shal doo with them hys pleasure and also we shall tell him what ye haue doone Wherof he shall conne you lytle thanke all his life And after whan Ogier vnderstode these wordes he was sore an angred sayde by great wrathe By the fayth that I owe to al my freendes if there be ani of you so hardy that take Reynawde or any of this brethern for to delyuer them to king Charlemayne I shall smyte of his head what some euer come after it Ogier sayd the Erle Gūymarde we shal not leue therfore for to take them ryght shortly And whan we haue them we shal see who shal take them from vs for we shall well can shewe this to the king Charlemain And than they began to sawt the roche agayne Wit it that Reynawde hys brethern defended themfelf full nobly But whan Reynawde sawe this great multytude of folke that came for to sawte them he began to saye Ha Mawgis
to Ogyer Ogier be helde towarde the ryghte waye that came to the wood sawe folke come to Reinawd that Maugis brought and was all afore mounted vpon Bayard that came fast And whan Ogier sawe come thus the folke of Reinawd in great numbre he knew them well was righte glad of it his herte rored in his bely for Ioye and righted himselfe vp in his sadle wel halfe a foote sayd to his folke Fayre lordes what shal we doo the deuyll hath tolde Mawgis that we be heere he cometh ryding vpon baiarde bryngeth wyth hym a fayre company certes if we were .xx. thousande yet were we not able to fyghte with them and ye shall see thys day that the sorowe shall returne vpon vs. This hangyng came Mawgis with al his felowship there wher he saw Ogier he came to him and sayde Ogier I holde you for a foole bycause that ye came heere to werke treason I chalenge of you Reinawd and his brethren and am come heere to be theyr suretie By god Ogier it longeth not to you for to betray thus Reynawd his bretherne for ye be of his lignage but ye haue yl shewed it to him your father wrought neuer treason I meruayll me sore howe ye wold graunt to it your father left you in Fraunce for a pledge at saynt Omers to Charlemain whose man ye are paying to him euery yere foure peny weyght of golde Ogyer ye be desended of damp Richarde of Rousillon of Dron of Nantuel of the duke Benes of Aygremounte al these were bretherne good true men and faithful knightes and Aimō of dordon was theyr brother and is father to Reinawd this knowe ye well and ye will be other than was your lygnage wherof I defy you to the death for I hate you vtterly Whan Mawgis had sayd this worde he spurred bayard with his spurres smot Ogier in the shelde so harde that the sheld nor his harneys could not saue him but that he made him a greate woūd in his brest and of that stroke flough the spere in peces whan Ogier sawe that he was so sore an angred for it that he wexed almost mad wold haue gon vpō Mawgys but he might not For whā baiard smelled his lord he ran mightely toward him wold he or no whan he was come before Reinawd he kneeled before him Maugis lighted frō him came to Reinawde kissed him ful swetly after he kissed Alarde and Guicharde than said where is the lytel Rycharde For men helde hym for one of the most hardy of the world Cosyn sayd Reinawde he is there aboue sore wounded that I wote not whether he be dead or alyue cosyn sayd Mawgys can not he moue him selfe it is not time to speake so long said Reinawd but let vs se who shal doo best gyue me mine armes with a good will sayde Maugys than Reinawde armed hym and lyghted vpon bayarde the shelde at the necke and the spere in the hande and whā he had sayd this he spurred Baiard with his spurre lept at euerie tym me .xxx. foote of length Whan Reynawde sawe hymselfe vpon bayrad he was ryght gladde for he trowed neuer to haue set vpon his backe agayne and whan he sawe himselfe thus horsed armed with his owne armures so held himselfe more sure than that he hadde be in the mayster towre of Mountawban and than he made a course and ranne vpon Ogier and smote hym so hearde that he made hym lyghte fro the sadle and bare hym fyerslye to the grounde And whan Reynawde sawe Ogyer a groūd he lyghted a foote and tooke the horse of Ogyer and brought it to him againe and helde the styroppe and made Ogier to lyght vpon braiford againe and than Reinawd said to hym Cosyne Ogyer now haue ye the rewarde of the goodnes that ye did vnto vs but certes this that ye haue don ye did it as a traytoure and an ill kynsmanne therfore keep you from me for I defie you and by him that made the worlde I shall spare you no more for ye are slaundred COsyn Reinawde sayde Ogyer and we shall keep vs fro you doubte ye not Who than hadde be in that place he shoulde haue seen howe Reynawde had medled him selfe vygoriously among the frenshemenne and myght well saye that he was a knight prue and valyaunt And thā came Mawgys vpon a nother horse that he had recouered and spurred him with his spurres and came to the earle Guymard and smote him thorughe the sheeld so that he shoued his speare through and through his bodie and feld him doune deade to the earthe And whan he had gyuen that stroke he cryed Mountawban clere mount and after he said in this maner free knightes smite vpō this frenshemen that wolde slea the best knightes of the world they haue wel shewed great worthines whan they be com hither in great numbre for to fighte ayenst foure knightes vnarmed but they shall repente theym of theyr bargane right sore or that two howres been a goe and therfore leye strongly vpon theym and as harde as ye can for if Ogyer scape vs we be dyshonoured and than began the stryfe fell and cruell many a frensh man was cast down to the earth For they might not endure the grea● merueylles of armes that Reinawd and his brethren made And whan the frenshmen sawe that they could not withstande no lenger and sawe the great dommage and hurte that Reynawd his bretherne and Mawgys bare to theym they put theymselfe to flighte Ogier with them towarde the riuer of Dordonne and Ogyer passed it ouer vpō his horse braiford and whan he was come at the other syde of the ryuer be lyghted a foote and Reinawd called in a scorne and sayde to hym Ogyer I trowe ye be become a fyssher haue ye eeles or sawmons I gyue you leue to chuse whether ye wyll come again at this syde or that I goe to you at that syde and yf ye come agayne at thys syde I shall keep you safe from all men but of me onelye or elles make me sure fcom Charlemaynes folke and I shall iuste with you and after said to him Ye whoreson false knaue ye haue falsed your fayth to Charlemayne for ye be my cosyn germaine And howe had ye the herte for to see vs be murdered in youre presence and that ye defended vs not ayenste all men and ye come your selfe for to slea vs by treason Certes Ogyer ye haue doon amys greatly But thanked be god ye leaue with vs behynde you a good pledge For heere abydeth with vs Foulques of moryllon and the erle Guimard the which shal neuer make vs no warre and more thā vi hundred of your frensh knightes euill tidinges ye shall beare of theim to Charlemaine and to Rowlande and ye shal giue them an ill reconing of your men And goddes curse haue they if they make not you to be hanged as a
theef by the necke THenne were the frenshemen sore abashed whan thei heard Reynawde repreue Ogier so wherof they were gladde and saide togither wel finde ye now the reward of your goodnes if ye wold haue doone your deuoure the foure sonnes of Aymon had be taken And whan Ogyer saw himself thus repreued of the one part and of the other he was ryghte sory for it And than they lefte him vpon the ryuer syde of Dordon and abode wyth hym but .x. menne And whan Ogier sawe that all his companye had lefte hym he knewe wel that they dyd so for dispite than sayde he all by hymselfe Fayre God of heauē I am wel worthy to be serued thus And the prouerbe maye-well be rehersed for a trouthe that sayth Often happed euyl for a good turne Whan Ogier had sayd this he cryed saide to Reynawde O mad beste ye blame me wrongefully and without a cause for ye and your brethern should haue be hanged by this without any pardonne nor Mawgys hadde neuer come heere tyme ynoughe wherof ye haue called me traytoure but ye lye falslye For I neuer dyd treason nor neuer shall yf God wyll ye haue also called me fissher nowe oughte I well to wexe mad all quicke whan such a glutton dooth to me so great outerage but by the faythe that I owe to all my freendes but if I feared other than you I shoulde goe gyue you suche a stroke thoroughe the sheeld that ye shoulde saye it is a stroke of a mayster Than sayd Reynawde Ogier ye speake wel at your ease for ye shal doo nothynge at all of that ye saye least your lymmes should be hurt by my berde sayde Ogier I shall And than he broched brayforde wyth the spurres and put hymselfe to swyme ouer the ryuer And whan he was come to the playne grounde he made hym ready for to iouste as were as he was And whan Reynawd saw Ogier so yll arayed for to fyght he had pyte therof and sayde to hym Cosin I haue at this houre no wyll for to fyght and therfore goe your wayes againe for this daie ye shall not be defoyled by me nowe know I well that ye haue holpen me Reynawd sayde Ogier mocke not with me ye haue called me traitour before mani knightes if I went my way again menne might say to Charlemain that I had betraied him falslye My spere is yet al whole it were a great shame to me but I brake it vpon you or vpon one of your brethern For Foulques and the earle Guimard should complain in helle vpō me and of the other part I shoulde haue none excuse towarde the king Charlemain if I went thus awaye for ye haue well slaine foure hundred knightes of ours wherfore I say cor a conclusion that I shal not goe my waye but that I medle first with you for ye wot well that yf I went thus my way the king Charlemaine should beare me some dishonoure for it and he shoulde haue reasone also he shoulde make me to be headed and therfore I wil fyght with you for certes I haue leuer die than to returne thus to him and yf God hathe ordeined that ye shall smite of my heade I pardone you my death for if I canne ouercome you I shall bringe you to the king Charlemaine what someuer come of it ANd whan Reynawde hearde Ogyer speake so he wexed all mad for angre and saide by wrathe Ogier I defy you to the death keep you fro me you of me said Ogyer And whan they had defied eche other so Reynawde spurred Bayarde and Ogyer brayforde their good horses and ranne the one vpon the other so strongly that the earth trembled vnder their feet And whan came for to laie the speres alowe they hytte eche other so harde that they brake theyr speres and after their speres were broken they recoūted eche other with their sheeldes and gaue eche other so great strokes that they both fel down to the earth ouer their croper of theyr horses and were sore wounded And whan the two good knightes sawe theimselfe at the grounde they rose vp quickely and sette hande to theyr swerdes and began to make so harde medling that it was meruayle But herke of their horses Wit that what● Bayarde and brayforde sawe theyr maisters at the ground incontynent they wēt the one to the other and began to byte eche other and cast theyr feet the one vpon the other Whan Ogyer sawe that he was ful sory for it for he knewe wel that bayard was the stronger so ranne Ogyer thyther the sheelde at his necke and hys swerde in his hand for he wold help his good horse Braiford for he was afearde that bayarde shoulde haue kylled hym Whan Reynawde sawe thys he cryed and sayde what is it Ogyer that ye wyll doo it is not the werke of a knighte to smite a beaste and well me semeth that ye haue ynoughe to doo of me wythout ye bete not my hors Than Reinawde smot Ogyer so greate a stroke vpon his helme that he feld hym downe vnto the grounde but the stroke slyded a syde kut asunder all that it ●ought well an hundred maylles of hys flankarde and wounded hym sore vpon his hyppe and yf the swerde had not tourned within Reinawdes hande Ogier should neuer haue eaten breade and whan Reinawd had giuen to him that stroke he saide to him Ogier le● alone Bayarde for ye haue ynough a doo with me I beleue that I haue appaired youre helme for I se your visage that is sore pale And whan Ogier felte himself hurte he wexed almost wood for angre and retourned to Reinawd with his swerde Cortyne and sayde A cortine that so muche I haue loued thee and certes it is well reason for ye be a good swerde and in manye places ye haue well holpen me many a proude man ouerthrowen And whan I went with the king Charlemaine at Estbroughe in Almayne Rowlande and Oliuer dyd assaye theyr swerdes at Petrō and I smot after for to assaye you And ye kutted therof wel half a foote and there I brake you wherof I was ryghte sorye But for the goodnes that I know in you for to amende again therfore ye be ca●●●d corten and but if ye auenge me now of this glutton I shall neuer haue no trust to you And thā he smot Reynawd vpō hys helme so hard that he made him reele And whan Ogier sawe Reinawd thus arayed he sayde to him by god Reinawde I haue yeeld you againe that ye had geuen me we be nowe quite wyll ye begyn a freshe by my faythe saide Reynawd yea for I desire more to fyght than I doo any other thyng And than they went and ranne the one vpon the other and began an nother medlynge but than came there Alarde Mawgys and Guycharde and all theyr folke And whan Ogier sawe theim come he was wrothe and sorye for it and so want he againe vnto braiforde hys
freendes Now be the king blamed but yf he maketh you to be hewen al to peeces for they should haue ben take yf ye had not be THan whan Ogyer sawe hym selfe so repreued he wexed al mad of the great iniury that Rowlād hadde saide to him so and answered boldlye and saide Damp Rowlande ye lye falsly of that ye say For I am not suche as ye tell And heere is my pledge for to defende me this quarell ayenst body to bodye for I nor none of my kinne dyd neuer amys ayenst Charlemaine but of all Fraunce I am one of the best and truest knyghtes that be in it and of a better kinne I am come than ye be Rowlande Gerarde of roussyllon was mine vncle he kept me of a litell childe Dron of Nantuell and the duke Benes of Aygremont these three were brethern the whiche were all myne vncles And Myneus of aygremount was my father and also the bishop Turpyn and Richarde of normandye ben my kinsmen and thus are they foure sōnes of Aimon of my lignage now good syr Rowland tell me your lygnage for I knowe youre hyghnes For by sainte Denis of Fraunce I shall defende me ayenst you with my swerde and so shall I shewe to you yf I be true or no. Rowlande was than wonderful wroth whā he heard Ogier speake so and vaunced him selfe ayenst him and wold haue smitten him And whan Ogier sawe him come he set hande to his swerde cortyne and said to Rowland Beware ye be not so hardy for to set hande vpon me for by the faythe that I ow to hym that begate me I shall make thy heade to flee fro thy bodye yf ye come anye nerer Whan Charlemayne saw these two barons moue themselfe so sore the one ayenst the other he was ryght sory for it And than rose the duke Naymes of bauiere the earle Aymerye and sayde Syr Rowland what wyll ye doo by my heade the thynge shal not goe as ye trowe for Ogyer is not suche as ye make him and yf the kynge were not the thyng shoulde goe otherwise than ye ween Ogyer is suche a knight as al the world knoweth nor in his lignage was neuer no man borne that made treason but he is the best knighte in all Fraunce of all sydes But we merueile howe Charlemayne suffreth you to take so greate a pryde vpon you and if he suffereth it we will not doo so for no thynge that can come of it Whan Charlemaine sawe this great noyse betwen hys barons he was righte wrothe sayde to Rowland Faire neuewe let this alone for it longeth not to you to saye so and betwene thys and to morowe I shal enquere of thys matere And yf Ogyer hath doo amys in any thing ayenst me I shal make hym abyde it full deare for all they in the worlde shall not keep him but shall make him be headed for it Sir said Ogyer I wyll well but there is in Fraūce no man so prue ne so hardy that shall say that I haue doone treason ayenst you nor ayenste anye other but that I shall fyghte ayenste hym in the quarell and shall shewe to him that he lieth falsly but and it please you to heare me I shal tell you the trouthe of the matter wyt it syr that whan I came to the roche Moūt bron where the foure sonnes of Aymon were and saw that we were so great numbre of folke ayenst foure knightes all vnarmed I promyse you that I holp them not nor I was not ayenst theym but wythdrewe me a syde and lette the other shyfte with them and I stoode styll and behelde vpon the greate sorowe For I sawe dye my fleshe and my bloud and I myghte not helpe them of no thyng nowe haue I tolde you all the truthe and all that I dyd And yf ye fynde otherwyse than that I tell you afore all this noble barons I wyll be sore punyshed But by the fayth ●hat I owe to god yf euer I finde me in any place where I maye help them I shall helpe them with al my power yf I should lose my heade for it For all the world ought to hate me bycause I fayled theym at their need for they ben my cosyns and ye syr haue doone so muche to them that it shoulde suffise you for they be not so muche gyltye of that they be charged of as men make semblaunt but by the virgin Marye as longe as I shall lyue I shall not fayle theym of that I may doo ouer hasti was Rowland for to haue smitten me wrongfull● and without anye cause but I will well that he knowe that yf he sawe Reynawde mounted vpon his horse bayard he should not take him for a rybawd nor he should not dare abyde him bodye to bodye for all the golde of spayne Whan Rowlande hearde Ogier speake thus he sayd to him by god Ogier ye haue praysed him muche and ye make hym wunderfull hardye but I praye god that I maye once fynde him vpon bayard h●s good horse all armed fro heade to toe for to knowe yf he be so valiaunt as ye make him Wit that god hearde the prayer of Rowlande for Rowland not long after that found Reynawde vpon bayarde and I tell you that Rowlande helde hym not sith for no rybawd nor for knaue but tooke him for the best knyght of the worlde ❧ But the history leueth nowe to tell of the kynge Charlemayne af Fraunce of Rowland and of Ogyer the dane and of the .xii. peres of Fraunce that been at the siege afore Mountawban and returneth to speake of Reinawde that was yll at ease forthe loue of Richarde hys brother that was wounded to death in the roche Moūtbron NOw sheweth the history that after Reinawde had discomfyted the frenshemen he returned again toward roche Montbron where he had left his brother Richard thus woūded as ye haue heard And whā he was come there and sawe hys brother so horrible wounded he could not keep hym from weping and said Alas what shall I doo whan I haue lost my deare brother the best freend that I haue in the worlde And after he had sayde that worde he fel to the grounde from Bayarde in a swoun And whan Alarde and Guicharde sawe theyr brother that was falle they beganne to make theyr mone of Richarde pitteously And whan Reinawde was come agayne to himself he made great sorowe with hys two brethren Alarde and Guichard vpon Richarde their brother that laye vpon the earthe with his bowelles betwene his handes And this hangyng came Mawgis vpon broykarre his good horse the best that menne wyste after bayarde and held a peece of a spere in his hande And whan he sawe Reinawde make suche a sorowe he was right sorye for it And whan he sawe Richarde thus sore wounded he was wrothe and hadde great pytie for to see the wound that was so greate for men saw the liuer within his body Thenne sayd he to Reynawde
put downe hys pryde but onelye Reynawde ❧ But heere I leue to speake of Rowlande Oliuer and of Ogier and of their folke and of the kynge yon of Gascoygne that they brought wyth them for to be hanged and retourne agayne to shew of the foure sonnes of Aymon ❧ Howe after that Reinawde and his brethern were garnished of their woundes that they had in the plaine of Valcoloures they went agayn to Mountawban And howe they rescued the kynge yon from the handes of Rowlande ❧ Capitulum .xi. IN this partye sheweth the history that whan Reinawd and his brethern were wel whole of their woundes by the helpe of Mawgys that had healed them they put theym selfe vnto the waye againe towarde Mountawbā And whan they were come there my ladye Clare went ayenst thē and broughte with her two chyldren yonnet and Aymonet that had wept and scratched theyr sweet vysages so sore that there appeered of theym nother eyen nor mouthes alwayes they wist not wherfore they dyd so for they were verye yonge And she also was all dysfygured for weepyng and of great lamentacions that she made for she wyst well how her brother the kynge yon had betraied Reynawde her housbond and his bretherne and wende that they had been dead But whan she sawe them come she was neuer so gladde And the two children ran at their fathers feete wolde haue kyssed them And whan Reinawd saw that he shoued theym away with his feete so strōglye that he had almoste broste theym And the lady wolde haue taken him in her armes and kyssed hym but he wold not suffre her and fayde to her Ladye goe oute of my syghte to your brother that fellon cruell and false traytoure for ye shall neuer haue my loue again for it hathe not holden in him but that we shoulde haue be deade by thys tyme yf God and oure cosyn Mawgis had not succoured vs nowe goe after hym all a foote and without companye for ye shall not take nothynge of myne and as an euyll woman ye shall goe youre wayes for ye be the syster of the king yon the greatest traytoure and the vntruest kinge of the worlde and I shall angre your chyldren for I feare me lest they should be traytours as theyr vncle Sir for god mercy sayd the ladi I shal swere to you vpon al halowes that I had doubt of your goynge and many times I dyd tell you of it through the occasion of the dreme that I dremed that night and I tolde you that ye should not beleue the king my brother And not withstandyng that he was my brother I doubted this that is be fallen syth Sir for God I cry you mercy for in this I am nothinge giltye and so God haue mercy of my soule For I loue moche better the least toe of your foote than al king Yon my brother nor all the lande of Gascoin And whan she had sayd this she fel downe in a swoune vpon the feete of Reynawd And whā Guicharde saw the Ladye in a swoune he tooke her vp sayde to her Madame discomfort not your selfe so sort let Reynawde saye hys wyll for ye be our owne Lady and our syster now be of good cheere as long as we be aliue we shal not fayle you and thoughe our brother Reynawde fayle you we shal not doo so but we shall serue you wyth all our hert Brother sayd Rycharde let vs doo one thyng go we pray our brother Reynawde that he pardon my lady our syster hys euyll wyll for she is not gilty in the mater And yf we wolde haue beleued her wee should not haue gone one foote out of thys place and now we ought to shewe the green and the russet Mantelles of ermynes the good horses and palfreys that mi lady did giue vs more oftener than did Reynawde now let vs rewarde her for it for she hath mystre of it and at the ende the freende is knowen By my fayth sayd Alarde ye saye well And than wente the three brethern vnto Reynawde and drewe hym a syde and after Alarde sayd to hym Fayre brother for goddes loue be not thus angrye for ye knowe that my Lady hath no culpe at all the treason that her brother that king yon hath doone to vs. For if ye wolde haue beleued her wee should not haue gone thether Wherfore we praye you that ye wyll pardon her Than sayd Reynawde my brethern for the loue of you I graunt the same and I pardon her myne euill wyll presently Whan the brethern vnderstode him they were ryght glad and came to the Lady Clare and sayd to her Madame be of good cheere and make ioye for we haue made youre peace And than Alarde and Guycharde tooke her by the handes and brought her to her husbād Reynawd whan Reynawde saw her he went and tooke her by the chyn and kissed her And than began the ioy and the feast ryght great at Mountawban And they wasshed their handes and went to theyr meate And thus as they sat at the table there came in the messanger of the king Yon that cam to Reynawde and whā he was afore Reynawde he sayd to hym Syr the kyng Yon sendeth you worde by me that ye com to succour him for other wyse he cannot scape the death For Rowlād and Olyuer ledeth him for to be hanged at Mountfawcon and doo thys syr yf it please you for god and beholde not his euyll wyl but take heed to your goodnes for oure Lorde pardonned Mary Magdalen and longis of their sinnes He knoweth well that he hath deserued death for the great faute that he hath doon to you and yf ye slea him he pardonneth to you his death GOddes curse haue he sayd Alarde that shall set hys foote thitherwarde nor that shal bye him agayne though he might be had for a strawe but goddes curse haue Rowland yf he hāgeth him not as a traytour approued whā Reynawde had heard this that the messanger sayd he looked downwarde and studied a good whyle that he sayd no worde whan he had thought long ynough he begā to weepe beholding his bretherne for a good herte can not lye whā it cometh to a need Than sayd he a good reason as a noble knight Lordes sayd Reynawde to hys brethern to his knightes Now heare what I wyll say to you Ye knowe how I was disherited at paris wrōgefully vpon a feast of Penthecoste that Charlemaine helde open court and full in hys palays where was a compani of great lordes For there were .vii. hundred knyghtes all gentilmen bothe of name and of armes and a hondred what of Dukes and of Erles and more than foure score bysshopes and many barons that tyme was slayne the duke Benes of Aygremount myne vncle that was so good a knyght as men knew wel I dyd aske right for him to Charlemayne afore all hys courte wherof the kynge rebuked me and called me all to nought and greate iniurye he sayd
to me And whan I sawe that the kyng repreued me thus I was wrothe and right angry for it I beheld vpon my brethern and knewe theyr stomackes and saw myne enemyes before me so neded not that I should haue sought them els where And it suffised theym not of that I had be outraged by Charlemayne but that Berthelot outraged me of newe he and I playinge at the Chesse wherof I tooke the chesse boorde and smote hym with it so greate a stroke vpon hys head that I slew hym afore my feet And Lewes a nother neuew of Charlemayne wolde haue slayne my brother Richarde and had hurte hym all redy full sore But I smote hym in suche wise with my fyst that I feld him downe dead afore me to therth whan Charlemayne wyst of it he wolde haue made me to be killed hewed into peeces but my kynsemē wolde not suffre it for there was great medlyng so that many strokes were gyuen And whan the medling was ended I mounted vpon Bayarde my brethern I made to moūt also th one before the two other behynde me and thus rode we al foure vpon my horse bayarde so came to Ardeyne where I dyd buylde a castell And there Chaylemane came and beseeged me and made swere mi good father Aimon that he shoulde neuer helpe vs wyth none of all his goods and that he should be vtterly ayenste vs and in lyke wise he for closed me fro all my kynsmen that none of them was not so hardy for to haue shewed to vs the least fauour of the worlde Fayre bretherne ye knowe wel the great pouertie that we haue endured so longe time And whan I sawe that I wyst not where to go I came into thys lande wyth suche a felawship as ye knowe I spake to the kynge Yon and shewed hym howe I had warre agaynst Charlemayne and he shewed me great loue and made me great honour so that he gaue me his syster to my wyfe and with her a duchy builded Mountawbā for me And of the other parte my chyldren are hys neuews wherof th one beareth his name that is yonnet and ye see them here and I haue saued hym hys Realme and all hys londe and all his rebelles I haue made come to seeke mercy of hym I foūd him neuer in faute but Charlemayne is so great and so myghty a kynge and also ye knowe well that he hath ouercome and dysshonoured many good mē and for fere of him the kyng Yon betrayed vs wherof he is not to be blamed ouermuche seynge that agaynst Charlemayne nothinge hath power And therfore yf the kynge Yon deliuered me to charlemayne it was by euyll counsell that some of hys barons gaue hym For god made neuer so good a man but that that he misdoeth by euyll counsell somtyme And how can I leaue hym whan I haue not mystrusted hī afore time me semeth that I ought to shew hym goodnes agaynst felonye Therfore I pray you all that ye wyll make you redy for I wyll goe succour him For it were great reproche to my chyldren that theyr vncle should be hanged as a theefe and it were to vs a great disshonour for he is our lord and if he had doone euil we ought to doo well agaynst it and also we ought not to forget the benefaytes that the kynge yon hath doone to vs and I promise you that the faute and the treason that he hath doone is not come through his malyce but through euyll counsel For yf it had be onlye by hys mocyon I wolde see the hert from the bodye of hym but I wot wel nay for Charlemayne is of so great power that euery man feareth him And therfore I tell you that I wil goe rescue him from Rowlande if I can wyth all my power By my fayth sayd Alard ye shall than goe wythout me for I shal not put my feet there for a traytour ought neuer to be holpē nor succoured Nor I sayde Guycharde I shall not goe there ●e shal sayd Richarde and it please you syth that Reynawde wyll haue vs to doo so for he is our Lorde and our welt therfore I pray you fayre bretherne that ye wyll obey him Whan Reynawde had concluded that he should goe for to rescue the kynge Yon agaynst the wyll of Alarde and of Guicharde al the Gascoynes that were there began to crye and sayde blessed be the houre that euer Reynawde was borne For no man erthely is worthe hym of goodnes and of prowes and than they sayde to Reynawde Syr we shall giue vp to you all the lande of Gascoyne and shall make you the Lorde of it For there shall be neuer none other lorde in Gascoyne but you as longe as ye shall lyue so that for god ryght sweet syr that ye suffre not the kynge yon to be had awaye to Charlemayne for it were a great shame to all them of the reame of Goscoyn that men had hanged theyr kyng By mi soule sayd Reinawde ye say trouth And than he tooke his horne and blewe it thre tymes so stronglye that he made all Mountawban to sowne with it And incōtynent without abydinge thei of the towne wente and armed them and came before Reinawde and whā thei were all redy Reynawde lighted vpon bayarde the shelde at the necke and the spere in the hande and they were well in hys felawship syx thousande men on horsebacke and well a thousande a foote And whan thei were out of Mountawban Reinawd spake to his folke and sayd to them Lordes remēbre you that your lorde is in great daunger and in perill of death and but if we fight strongli he is dead without remedye wherfore I pray you all that ye doo this daye that that shall turne to our worshyp And whan Reynawde had said these wordes he wente agayne towarde hys brethern and sayd to thē Fayre brethern ye know that Rowland hateth me to death not through my defawte but only through enuye Wherfore I pray you that ye attende vpon me thys day and ye shal see me doo as a good knight thys day the pryde of Rowlande must be leyde or els mine a downe Whan Alarde hearde his brother Reynawde speake so he sayde to hym And wherof care you● be sure and certayn that as longe that lyfe is in our bodyes we shall not fayle you and with this worde they put them to the waye And Reynawde tooke two thousand knyghtes and gaue them to Alarde and Guichard sayd to them Fayre brethern ye shal make the forward keep your men in good ordenaūce I my brother Richarde shal make the reregarde syr sayde Alarde we shall doo it well yf god wyll and thā they rode forthe so longe that they sawe the folke of Rowland nygh them whan Alarde a perceyued theym he made hys mē to tary and sent worde to Reynawde that he shoulde make haste to come for they had founde
ye will goe hang that whoreson Richard sir sayd Escoufe ye wot well that more Oedon holdeth all the londe that ye speake of and I had neuer nothynge therof but I am felaw with Rowlande in armes And whan I shal be lorde of that lond that my father holdeth in his hand I shal fulfyll youre commaundement by saint Denis of Fraunce ye must goe see that he be hāged said Charlemain and I shal make you lorde of mo londes Syr sayd Estorfawd is it earnest that ye speake yea saide Charlemayne By my head sir saide Estorfawde ye wolde not be with me for to see Richard hāge for halfe of your realm Whan the kinge heard that he was thus repreued he tooke a staffe and cast it after Estorfawd but Estorfawd stert from his place and the staffe brake in peeces ayenst a post And whan the .xii. peeres saw that they went all oute of the pauyllyon of Charlemayne and whā that Charlemain returned him and saw that none of all the .xii. peeres wolde abyde there with him Than he saide to the duke Naymes where be my .xii. peeres gone sir said duke Naymes they ben all gone out of your pauillion and not without a cause for it becometh not to suche a noble kinge as ye be to smyte his barons for ye should be sore blamed THan whan Charlemayn saw this he called to him Richard of montrolonde saide to hym come foorthe Rycharde of montrolonde heare what I shal tell you ye knowe well that ye be one of theym that I loue best in this worlde but ye must doo one thinge at my request It is that ye wyll goe hange Richarde the sonne of Aimon at the gybet of moūtfawcon Than Richarde of montrolonde answered Syr I shall doo so with a good wyl for I am your man and so I ought not to refuse your cōmaundemente but by my soule syr Emperour yf ye will that I goe hange Richarde ye shall come with me with a thousand knightes well armed and I shall hange hym where soeuer to please you And if Reinawd and hys bretherne come there for to rescue I shall ieoparde mine owne body for to saue youres Nowe see to yf ye will doo this or no for none othewise wil I not goe there one foote Goe from me glotton saide Charlemain gods curse haue thou THe kinge than called to hym the duke Naymes and sayde to him What counseill gyue you syr syr sayd the duke Naimes good if ye wyll beleue me sir ye wot that Reynawde his bretherne and Mawgis are the best knightes of Fraunce as euery man knoweth well this warre hath lasted ryght longe For it is wel xvi yeres that it began fyrst and many a noble knight hathe be slayne for the same if it please you ye shall send worde to Reinawde Alarde Guychard and Mawgys that they wyl become your men and ye shall delyuer agayne vnto them theyr brother Rycharde alyue and that ye wyl doo make Reinawde and Alarde of the xii peeres of Fraunce And whan Reinawd his brethern shal se that ye haue doone to theym so great worshyp they shall serue you with good herte and so that ye shall con them greate thanke for it and I ensure you ye shal be the more dredde and more redoubted for cause of theym and yf ye haue once the foure bretherne and Mawgis theyr cosyn to youre freendes there shall be no prynce in all christendom so hardy that dare moue watre ayenst you and I promise you syr that the more that ye keepe thys warre ayenst them the more shall ye lose therby and moreouer they be all of our house by theyr father Aymon this know ye wel and thefore I can not hate them by no wyse Naymes sayd Charlemaine I will not doo so for they all haue doone amys ayenst me and so shall I doo hange Richard by the faithe of my bodye syr sayde the duke Naymes ye shall not doo so and god wyll for he is of greate lygnage of our lignage for we shoulde neuer maye suffre it nor endure and ye also shoulde be blamed ful sore for it But and ye wyl make hym dye I shall gyue you better counseyll Tell me howe sayd Charlemayn I shall doo it yf it semeth me good Syr sayde the duke Naymes syth it please you that Richarde shall dye let him be cast into a deep prison vnder the earthe and make him to be kepte surely therin that he scape not awaye and commaund that no meat at all be broughte vnto him and so shall he dye for hungre And ye shall not be blamed if ye doo so Naymes sayde the Emperour Charlemayne ye doo Iape with me I knowe it wel whan ye doo tell me this ye knowe well that Mawgis is to great a nigromancer For I should neuer may keepe Richarde in pryson but that Mawgis wolde haue hym out thorough his craft and therfore I wyll not doo as ye say Than came Ogier the dane and said to the duke Naymes ye make to longe a sermon let the kinge doo with it as it pleaseth him For the more that ye praye him the worse shall he doo but he shall make peace whan he see that he can none otherwise doo But this daye shal be seen who loueth richard And whā Ogier had said this he went oute of the pauillion and Escoufe with him and Richarde of Normandy the byshop Turpin and Guidellon of Bauyere and made theyr folke to be armed whan they were armed they were well .xii. thousande men And than Ogier began to crie with a hie voice Now shal it be seen who shal be so hardy for to leade Richarde the sonne of Aimon to hāgyng For such shall bring him that neuer shal come againe but he be headles and Ogier went in to the pauyllyon where richarde was that was bound both handes and feet and was blindfeld And whan Ogyer sawe rycharde that was thus arayed he had of hym greate pytie so went he to him to haue deliuered him but he aduysed himselfe and sayd that he should not doo it but he wolde tary for to see an ende of it what the kynge should doo therof And whan rycharde hearde Ogier speake he called to hym and said in the presēce of the duke Naimes and of rycharde of Normandye of Guydellon of Bauyere and of the byshoppe Turpyn and of rowlande that than happed to com thete Faire lordes I knowe well that yf it were at youre pleasure ye wolde let me goe quyce and all ynoughe ye haue trauaylled youre selfe for me wherof I thanke you right much but syth that I must needes be brought vnto the galous it is better that I poore vnhappy die alone than that ye should haue anie harme for my sake wherfore looke that ye lose not the good grace of Charlemayne and I praye you that ye will goe vnto hym and telle him that he doo his wyll vpon me for I haue leuer die shortly than to liue longe in
confessour Syr I wot not what I should more say giue me absolucion he gaue him penaunce accordinge to the terme of hys lyfe and the confessour went from him all weeping And whan rypus sawe that richard was confessed he came to him and put the halter aboute hys necke and made him moūt vpon the ladder dyd shyt the cheyne wherat he should hange And whan rycharde sawe that his bretherne came not for to saue him he wende none other but that he shoulde haue died and delybered hymselfe for to suffre death at the houre and than he said to ripus My freend I pray thee for God that thou suffre me a while till I haue saide an oryson that I dyd lerne in my youth to the ende that god haue mercye on my soule I wyl not sayd ripus thou shall haue no lenger respyte Syr sayde his men yes ye shall if it please you For if he may doo so muche that his soule be saued he shall praye for you in the other worlde and for vs also And thā rypus gaue respit to richard wherof he did like a foole And than Richard turned him self toward the cast and began to saye his praier with a good heart and deuoutly For he trowed to haue death withoute remyssion and he sayd in this maner GLorious Ihesus by thy blessed name that made heauen and erthe and al the elementes that been and went in this worlde as a poore man And saued Ionas from the bellye of the fyshe And in Bethleem reisedest Lazaron And deliuered Daniell from the pyt of the Lyon The synnes of the theefe ye dyd pardonne on the Crosse where the felons Iewes had crucyfyed you Also to Mary Magdalene her synne ye forgaue in the house of Symon For she weshe there youre feete wyth her greate deuocyon Iudas the false traytoure murmured through enuy wherof ye did shew to him that he did great foly and Iudas kyssed you by greate treason and deliuered you to the Iewes wherof he was rewarded after his deseruynge Good Lorde ye created and made our father Adam of the slyme of th earth and Illumyned him with the grace of the holye ghoste and after ye did abandon to hym the fruites of paradise but he brake your commaundemente wherby mankynde went to dapnacion and we all were dampned withoute remyssyon but after ye redemed vs by the meryte of youre blessed passyon ye dyd suffre greate euylles and greate affliccions for vs poore synners wythoute anie deuocyon Whan Longys dyd shoue the spere in to youre dygne side the water ran out of it and also the bloude septe into his eyen wherof he recouered his syghte ●nd ye pardonned him hys synnes whan he called vpon you for mercie And also to Noe ye let make by your carpenters an arke for to saue himselfe and of euery beast a couple In Iosaphat good lord ye brought your Appostles where ye dyd make a fayre myracle for with .ii. fyshes and fyue loues of barly ye fed fyue thousande men all their fylle O good lorde as I doo beleue this that I haue sayde stedfastly keep this day my bodi fro death that is so nigh that I be not hanged nor put in prison but delyuer me from the handes of my enmyes that I be not vyrupered nor brought to shame by Rypus of ryplemond that holdeth me in his gynnes Ha Reynawde my ryghte deare brother that ye be not heere now with my bretherne and with my cosyn Mawgys ye haue now forgoten me and let me heere die wherfore I recommende me to god of heuen And than Richarde began to weepe full tenderlye and sayde to Rypus Rypus doo with me what ye wyll NOwe shall we speake of bayarde the good horse of Reynawd of his brethern and Mawgis It is trouthe that Bayarde the horse of Reinawd the sonne of Aymon that came of the fery and thus he vnderstoode the worde whan it was spoken as well as it had be a manne whan Bayarde vnderstoode the noyse that the folke made about the galous and faw that his master slept fast he cam to Reinawde and smot hym so harde with his feete in the myddes of hys sheelde that he made hym awake So lept Reynawd vpon his feet al afraied and behelde what it was and looked toward Mountfawcon and saw his brother vpon the ladder so made he none other tarying but lighted vpon bayarde that ranne as the wynde for at euery time he lepte .xxx. foote in a playne grounde And Alarde Guycharde and Mawgis awoke for loue of bayard that made greate noyse And whan they were all awaked Mawgis began to crye as hyghe as he coulde vpon his horse the deuyll speed the euyll beast that thou hast let me slepe so longe and than he lyghted quickly vpon his backe for ther was no better horse in all the worlde after bayarde WHan Rypus of riplemōde that wolde haue strangled Richard saw come his bretherne and Mawgys he was so sore abashed with it that he wist not what he shoulde doo he sayde than to Richarde richarde ye be delyuered oute of my handes for here comen Reynawd and Mawgys and all theyr puyssaunce that come for to succoure you and yf it please you ye shall haue mercye on me For this that I dyd for to haue brought you heere it was but for to haue a waye the debate that Charlemaine had with the .xii. peeres of Fraunce and I knewe well that ye should be rescued without any faut by youre bretherne and of Mawgys Ripus saide richarde mocke not with me for heere is to harde a mocke for me and ye wynne not muche by for to gabbe me of this facion By my soule saide ripus I mocke you not it is in good ernest that I saye ye maye see them heere not a bow shot a ferre nor I seeke not to doo you any harme but goe downe fro the ladder and haue mercy on me I beseche you for goddes loue RYcharde was meruelouslye abashed whan he hearde ripus speke and he turned his heade a syde and sawe reynawd that came a good pase and whan he sawe hym he sayde rypus I shall neuer clayme my brother reynawde for my brother yf he hange you not by the necke to the same gybet where as ye thought to haue hanged me ryghte nowe This hangynge that richard spake to ripus reynawde was aryued and hearde this that Richard had sayd to Rypus And Reynawde beganne than to crye with highe voice so helpe me God Ripus ye be deade for ye be a cursed man and for youre cursednes I shall hange you my owne selfe at this gybet so shall you be possessoure of my brother Richardes place for al the power that Charlemayne shal make shall not saue you therfro This hanging came there Mawgis sore chaufed said to Ripus Ha Ripus thou traitour euil man ye haue alwaies be readye to doo some euil againste vs but sith that I haue founde you heere I shall not seeke you no
thei were sore abashed that there was no man so hardye that durst saye one worde And the one looked vpon the other and were abashed And whan the duke Naimes of bauiere vnderstood the wordes of Charlemain he put him self forth and said Sir Emperour god forbyd that ye should doo as ye saye for it were great shame to vs all and also to you but I wot wel that we haue mysprysed ayenst you in that we haue supported Reinawde but ye oughte to consydre that we haue doone was by no malyce but for good entencion For we wend for to haue made the peace of the warre that hath endured so longe wherby many good true men are deade but sith that we see that it pleaseth not you to make peace with the four sonnes of Aimō take again your crowne and be not wroth with vs and we shal promyse you that we al shal serue you well and truely and that we shal take Mountawban or a moneth be passed or elles we shall die all from hence forth on he that shal spare the foure sonnes of Aimon shal be slaine of vs. Than saide the kinge Charlemayne lette all this alone I tell you for certaine that I shall neuer be your kynge but ye yeeld to me Reynawde or Mawgis the cursed theef that hathe mocked me so often And whan Charlemaine had saide this he entred within his pauilion sore an angred And than came theere Olyuer that was sore abashed of that he sawe the king make so euill chere and after he saide to Charlemayne Syr wherof are ye so sore angry by my faith saide the duke Naymes he hath shamed vs for he hath forsaken his crowne and his realme Sir said than Olyuer doo not so but take ayen your crown and be our lorde and our kyng And who dooth not youre commaundemente chastyse him in such a maner that mē take ensample therby Olyuer saide Charlemayn ye speake for nought for I wyll not doo it but I haue Reinawd or Mawgis dead or quicke syr saide Olyuer now pardon vs than I shal delyuer to you Mawgis or euyn DAmp Oliuer sayd Charlemain I am not a chylde wherof men ought to mocke with For I ●oe well that Mawgis doubteth you of nothing Syr said Olyuer yf ye will promyse me that ye shall take again your crowne and that ye shall keep vs as ye haue doone afore tyme I shall bringe him nowe afore you by my faithe sayde Charlemayne yf ye doo it and that I maye haue hym at my will for I hate hym most of all men in the worlde I shal doo al that ye will desire of me and also I shall giue you londes ynough that ye shal be contēt of me for if Mawgys were not the sonnes of Aymon myght not endure ayenst me for yf I had them in prison and thoughe I had sworn to keep them yet shoulde that theefe Mawgis stele theym awaie fro me Syr said Olyuer I shall bryng him to you witout any doubte And than Olyuer went to his pauylyon and Rowland with him and many other knightes for to see Mawgis Oliuer sayde then to Mawgis Mawgys ye must come to Charlemayne Oliuer saide Mawgys ye haue betrayed me but I wot well that Charlemaine shall be more curteous than ye haue be for he shall do me no harme and let vs goe to him in the name of god whan ye wyll And than Olyuer ledde Mawgys to Charlemaine and whan he was within the pauillion he went streighte to the king and saide to him Syr ye haue promised me that if I brought Mawgis that ye should take againe youre crowne And that ye should keep vs to right as ye haue doone afore time Certes saide Charlemain it is trouthe and if ye keep your couenaunt I shall doo that I haue promysed you Now holde you sir saide Olyuer here Mawgis that I delyuer to you for to doo your pleasure with him the which I haue take and conquered by force of armes Whā the kyng Charlemaine sawe Mawgis he was so gladde that no man mighte be more and after he saide by my fayth nowe haue I one parte of my desyre thou false theef Mawgys now I holde thee nowe shalt thou be rewarded of thy pride that thou hast shewed to me whan thou barest awaye myne egle of golde and for all the good turnes and theftes that thou hast doone in thy daies For many times thou hast angred me sore wherof thou shalte be nowe payed after thy deseruynge Syr saide then Mawgis ye shal doo with me what it please you for I am now in your handes but I counseyll you for the best that ye let me goe and that ye make peace with Reinawde and with his bretherne for ye shall get no thinge by my deathe and my cosins been such that they shall auēge it right wel by force of armes and if ye doo as I saie ye shall haue with you the floure of knighthode of all the worlde A theef said Charlemain how fearful thou arte now Certes this that thou sayest shall auaylle the nothynge Syr saide Mawgis I am no theefe Now can I not doo nothing sith that I am in your handes And whan ye shall haue put me to death ye shal doo me no more nothinge and yet ye shal be sory for me or euer .xiiii. houres comen at an ende Rybawd saide Charlemaine speake not so boldly for I can thou shalte haue an euil night or euer thou scape me nor the glutons thy cosyns shall not helpe the therfro but that I shall make the die in dispite of al thy witch craft that thou cannest doo ☞ Now we shal leue a litel to speake of Charlemain and of Mawgis and we shal speake of the good knight Reynawde Alard of Guichard and of the litylle Richard his brethern WHan Reynawd was departed from the hoste of Charlemayn as I sayde before he rode so longe that he came to Mountawban and his folke with hym And whan that lady wist that her lord came she came him ayenst and said to hym Sir ye bee righte welcome haue ye deliuered Rycharde yea verely sayd Reinawde god gramercy and blessed be god sayde the lady And than she went to Rycharde and kyssed hym more than ten tymes there was a cheere and a feast made ryght amyable And after they had made greate Ioye Reynawd began to demaunde after hys cosin and the lady answered my lorde I knowe no tydynges of hym and whan Reinawde heard that he was sore agast of it and turned himselfe towarde hys bretherne and sayde to theym My bretherne I praye you that we may know whether our cosyn mawgis is come or not and goe seeke him in his lodges for haply he is goe for to vnarme him selfe And incontynent Guicharde and Richard sought hym at thys lodges and asked for hym to two of his men the whiche sayde that they had not seen hym sith he was gone with them And whan they hearde that they were
full sory and went agayne to theyr brother Reynawde and tolde him howe they coulde not fynde hym Whan Reynawde vnderstoode that they hadde not founde hym he beganne to make more sorowe than yf all his brethern had be deade and than who had seen the greate mone that Alarde Guycharde and the lytyll Richarde made for theyr cosyn he wolde haue had greate pitie for to see theym for they pulled theyr heres from theyr heades and scratched theyr visages whan the good lady sawe the greate sorowe that Reinawde her husbande and his bretherne made she fell downe in a swoune to the erth I promyse you he that had seen that sorowe how heard hearted that he were coulde not haue kept him from weepyng AFter that Reynawde hadde thus made greate sorowe he refrained himselfe a lytyll and than sayd Ha my cosyn Mawgis well ye haue stolen your selfe from vs and what shall we doo fro hence forth sith that we haue lost you Whan they had made theyr mone in this maner a lōge while Remawde said to his bretherne and to his folke My Lordes I pray you that ye leue your sorowe for by no sorowe the matter can not be remedyed I praye you recomforte yourselfe for I wyll put me agayne to the waye for to goe to the woode of the serpent for to speake with the abbot of saynte Lazare to wyt yf he canne tell vs anye tydinges for my hearte iudgeth me that afore .xxiiii. houres I shall knowe the certentie and fare well my bretherne tyll I come againe ye speake well and wisely saide Alarde but we shall goe with you for to keep you Certes said Reinawd ye shall not come a foote with me And thā Reinawd went in to his chambre and made him to be armed and came and lighted vpon bayarde his good horse yssued out of moūtawban the sheelde at the necke and the spere in the hand and came to balancon and passed ouer the water whan he was ouer the water he foūd two laddes that came to water their horses from the host of Charlemain whan the laddes sawe Reynawde that was so greate and was all alone they sayde to hym Syr what be you that are alone ye seme to be ● noble man Children saide Reinawd I am of Rypus folke that dyd scape whan the sonnes of Aymon hanged hym at mountfawcon And than he sayde agayne to theym What dooth the valyaunt kynge Charlemaine so it is supper tyme with hym Syr said the laddes the kynge is well merye and maketh good chere he hath forgoten all the sorowe that he dyd make for your mayster Rypus For men haue brought to him Mawgys that he hated so muche Now tell me saide Reinawde is Mawgis deade Syr saide the two laddes he is yet a liue Whan Reynawde vnderstoode that Mawgys was a lyue hys here lepte all in his bely for greate Ioye and than he saide my fayre chyldren blessed more you be syth that Mawgys is not dead Now I feare me not that he shall dye this daye All thus as Reinawde spake this the laddes went their wayes and Reynawde abode alone thynkynge at the ryuer syde and whā he had thought ynoughe he saide to himselfe fayre God what shall I doo I wote not nowe what shall I thynke or saye for yf I goe assayle Charlemayne at his supper the night is derke and he shall wen that I haue great folke with me and he shal be aferde to leese Mawgis and thus he might kill him anon But sith that I knowe so muche of him I shal tary till to morowe and yf he bringeth him than for to be put to death I shall defende him with mi power or els I shal dye with him ¶ Here leueth the histori to speake of Reinawde that is at the riuers syde of balancon al alone vpon Bayarde and returneth to speake of Charlemayne the emperoure kynge and of Fraunce ¶ How the king Charlemayn wolde haue doone hange Mawgys incontinent after that Oliuer had delyuerd him to him but thorugh the meane of of the .xii. peeres of Fraunce that at the request of Mawgys were his surety for one night only he dyd so muche that he scaped with his honour and acquitaunce of them that were hys sureties And he brought with hym to mountawban the crowne and the swerde of the Charlemayne the same night and also the swerdes of all the peeres of Fraunce Wherof the Emperour was right sory and how the kinge Charlemayne sente worde to Reynawde that he should sende hym agayne his crowne and his swerde and all that Mawgis had borne awaye with him and he should giue him truce for two yeres to the whiche thing Reynawde graūted wherto happed many greate euyl les afterwarde IN this party sheweth the historye that whan Charlemaine saw him seased of Mawgis he called Rowland Olyuer Ogier the dane the bishop Turpyn Richarde of Normandy Guidellon of Bauier the Duke Naimes and said to them My lordes I pray you as muche as I can that ye doo make a greate galous for I am delybered that afore supper Mawgys the great theef shal be hanged by the necke for yf all the worlde had sworne the contrary yet shall I not keep him to the day were come Syr saide the duke Naymes syth that it please you that Mawgis shall dye ye shall make hym dye by a nother maner of wyse if ye doo after me And how than sayde Charlemayne Syr I counseyll you that ye hange not Mawgis by nyght for Reinawde and his bretherne should mocke you and they shall saye that ye durst not make him dye by daye light for feare of theym and therfore syr abide till the day become and thā maye ye doo execucion vpon hym with worshyp And whan the tyme shall become that ye wyll sende him forth send many folke with him that and Reinawde and his brethern come there for to succure him that thei may be take and hanged with hym Naymes sayde the kinge ye mocke with me for yf this theefe scape me I am defamed Syr sayde Mawgis if ye be a feard that I should goe awai I shall giue you suretye that I shall not goe Who is that saide Charlemayn that shal be thy surety is there nye man in the world that is so hardie that dare take this Syr saide Mawgis I shal finde ynoughe yf it please you Nowe shall we see saide Charlemain how ye shal finde them and thā Mawgis looked about him saw the twelue peeres so called he Olyuer and said to hym Syr Olyuer ye promysed me whan I yeelded me to you that ye wolde helpe me toward Charlemayne Now I require you that ye wyll be my suretye yf it please you wyth a good wyll sayde Oliuer vpon my life and my goodes I shal be your surery and ye sir Rowland saide Mawgis shall ye not be also for god my surety and ye duke Naymes and ye Ogier and ye Escouf and ye byshop Turpyn and ye damp
that gifte so riche he was gladde of it by cause of the great valure of it Reinawd called Mawgis saide to him Cosin what shall we doo with this egle My cosin saide Mawgis me semeth that ye ought to put hym aboue vpon the apple of the greate towre of this castell to the ende that Charlemayne and all his hoste maye see it By my soule said Reinawdeye saie wel And they tooke the egle and made it to be borne vpon the highe towre of Mountawban And whan the sonne dyd shyne vpon thys Egle it casted so greate a light that it might be seen .x. myles thence And whan Charlemaine and his folke apperceued it they were ryght sorye for it and an angred WHan Charlemayne the greate Emperoure saw that the foure sonnes of Aymon mocked him thus he called to him Rowland and Olyuer and all the other Peeres of Fraunce and sayde to them Lordes it is sore mishapped to vs sith we came in this londe of Gascoygn for I haue lost my crowne and Ioious my swerde myn egle of golde that was of so great value as ye all know and ye al haue loste youre good swerdes where of we bē wel shamed also we haue ben chased fro the feeld shamefully Now haue wel the four sonnes of Aimon shamed vs al through that falce theef Mawgis Wherfore my faite lordes I complain me vnto you prayinge that you wil helpe me to auenge me vpon theim for they haue doone you shame as wel as vnto me Than said the .xii. peeres of Fraūce syr we be ready for to doo all that ye wyll I wyll saide the kinge that ye Ogier also the duke Naymes and ye byshop Turpyn and ye Escoufe the sonne of Oedon that are of the kinred of Reinawde that ye goe to Mountawban and so tel to Reinawde to his brethern and Mawgys that they deliuer me againe my crowne Ioyous my swerd and also myne Egle of gold and the swerdes of you al and I shall giue them truce for two yeres And I shall doo al mine hoste to returne againe in to fraunce syr answered Ogier I shal with a good wyll doo your commaundement but I feare me of Reinawde that he will keep vs prisoners Ha Ogier sayde Charlemayne ye feare him but litell whan the barons heard the cōmaūdement of the king they made no tarying but lighted on horsbacke and rode to Mountawban And whā thei were come togither to the draw bridge the porter that keept warde vpon the gate said to them lordes what be ye my freend said Ogyer we are of the folke of Charlemaine goe youre waye to Reinawd and tell him that the Duke Naymes the byshop Turpin Escoufe the sonne of Oedon and Ogier the Dane wolde speake with him My lordes said that porter I shal goe to him incōtinent than he went to Reynawde and shewed him howe foure knightes were at the gate that wolde speake with him what be they said Reinawde My lorde said the porter they tolde me that the one is called the duke Naymes that other the bishop Turpin and a nother Escoufe the sōne of Oedon the fourth is named Ogyer the dane Whan Reynawd heard this he stood vp and said to his three brethern My lordes heere cometh foure valyaunt k●yghtes and wise I beseche you that we shew to them that we been no children for to be rocked in a slepe Cosin sayde Mawgis ye speake well and wisely Me semeth it were good that we should know wherfore they come or they entre to the ende that we may best answere to them Than they went vnto the gate and made the drawe brydge to be lette downe And whan it was doone Rycharde yssued out first vpon the brydge and went ayenst them and made to them greate honour and sayd to them My lordes ye be ryght welcome thys castel is ●t your commaundement For I holde me so sure of my brother Reinawd that I dare offre it to you cosyn said the messangers gramercye And than Reinawde auaunced him selfe and saluted them honourablye and after tooke Ogier by the hande he him thother three he brought to the Dungeon where they were receiued honestly by the lady Clare the wife of Reinawde And whan Reinawde had receyued them he made them to sit vpon a benche and than he saide to them fayre lordes I praye you that ye wyll tell vs wherfore ye become For ye come not without a greate cause ye knowe wel syr Reynawd said Ogier that all we that been heere haue euer loued you well And I promise you yf it had been our will ye should haue had good peace with the kinge Charlemayne but many tymes he hathe vnbrayed vs therof ye must knowe that your cosyn Mawgis hath shamed vs al for we were his suretie to Charlemayne vpon our othe to deliuer hym at hys will And the said Mawgis is come hyther without our leaue ayenst hys promyse and that worse is he hath robbed the crowne of the king Charlemayne and his swerde and all the swerdes of vs all .xii. peeres Wherefore Charlemain sendeth to you worde by vs that ye see heere that ye deliuer him again his crown the egle of golde and all oure swerdes And he shall gyue you truce for two yeres and he shall doo returne al his armie in to fraunce After that Ogyer had said this Mawgis stood vp and spake by the leaue of Reynawde said Lordes ye ben right welcome in this castell of Mountawban And yf it please you ye shall not speake no more of this matter now and ye shall abyde this night with vs and to morowe ye shal haue an answere of that ye haue sayde Reynawde saide than Ogier wyl ye keep that Mawgys hath said yea without fault said Reinawde sith that it pleaseth you we shall abyde for the loue of you And than Mawgys went to the stuarde of Mountawban and aduised him the meates Wherof the knightes of Charlemaine should be feasted with all and tolde that they should be wel serued what so euer it coste And see that the great cup be borne afore the duke Naymes the whiche I did conquere at reyns My lorde answered the stuarde doubte not ye shall well be serued at my power And the●●●e Mawgys came agayne And whan Reynawde sawe him come he calles hym and saide to him my cosyn I praye you see that we be well serued sir saide Mawgis I haue purueyed for it al ready Whā Reinawd vnderstood him he was gladde of it and begā to deuise with the folke of Charlemaine right honestly and of many thinges And whan he thought that the meate myght be well ready he his bretherne tooke the foure knightes and brought them to the halle to theyr meate whan they were there Mawgys made them washe than he tooke the duke Naimes and made hym syt downe and my lady Clare next hym And he made syt downe the bisshop Turpyn and Reynawde and than Ogyer and Alarde
vpon hym By God Reynawde this daye shall ye haue a doo with me I promise you that whan ye shall goe fro the feeld ye shal neuer doo faytes of armes agaynst me nor agaynste no other whan Reinawde heard Rowland crye so he came agaynst him sayd to him syr Rowlād it becometh not to suche a knyght as ye be for to threte me thus I tell you that I am heere redye yf ye wyl batayle ye shall haue it incontynent Reynawd sayd Rowland I am not come heere for peace but keep you fro me yee shall doo as a wyse man Rowland sayde Reynawde beware of me for I am sure that I shall brynge downe the pride of you that is so great ANd whan Reynawde had sayde that worde he spurred bayard with the spurres came agaīst Rowland Rowland agaynst Reynawde they gaue to eche other so great strokes at theyr brestes that they brake bothe theyr speares al to peces and with the rēning that they made agaynst eche other they recountred the one the other soo harde wyth theyr sheeldes that Reynawde muste needes fal downe to the erth with hys saddle betwene hys thyes bicause of the gyrtes that brake a sunder rowlāde lost his stiropes with al. And whā Reynawde saw himself a ground he rose vp right quickly and lighted agayne vpon bayarde without sadle and came vpon Rowland wyth his swerde in his hande gaue hym so great a stroke that Rowlād felt him selfe sore greued with all whan he sawe that Reynawde had stonyed hī so sore he set hande to durandall his good swerde ranne asprelye vpon Reynawde And whan Reynawde saw him come ▪ he went right fyersly vpon Rowlande than began the batayle to be harde and fore cruel betwene them two and I promise you they lefte not one peece of theyr harnes whole nether vpon the one nor vpon the other but it were al to brosten and beaten a sondre in so much that the barons that looked vpon thē had great pitie of th one of thother whan the duke Naymes had beholde a longe whyle of this wunderfull batayle he began to cry as loude as he coulde saying in this maner Ha kyng Charlemaine ye are ouer cruel for thoroughe your cruel malice ye put to death two of the best knyghtes of the worlde wherfore ye shall ones aby or longe whan Reynawde saw that neyther of them two coulde not ouercome the other he sayde to Rowlande Yf ye beleue me we shal lyght downe a foote bothe to thend that we kyll not our horses For yf wee slea them we shall neuer recouer none suche nor so good ye saye well sayd Rowlande and I am so contēt And than they descended a foot vpō the medowe Rowlande sayde Reynawde now are we per to per now it shall be seen the whiche of vs two shal be mayster of the place And with this they ranne the one vpon thother as proudly as it had ben two Lions who that had seen than the greate strokes that dangerous that they gaue to eche other he shold haue said that there had be neuer suche two knyghtes in all the remenaūt of the worlde whan Rowlande sawe that he coulde not wynne Reynawde he came to hym tooke him with a ful arme and so dyd Reynawde hym in lyke wyse in maner of wrastelynge togyther a great whyle without that the one coulde cast downe the other by no way And I promyse you that a man should wel haue gone a m●●● or euer they left eche other goe whā they were coupled ones togyther at the last whā they saw that the one coulde not cast downe the other they let eche other goe the one there and the other heere for to take their breth for they were ryght wery sore trauayled so muche that almoste they myght not stande no lenger theyr helmes sheeldes and theyr armes were all to cut and brooken and the grounde where they fought thus was all to stamped and beaten with theyr feete as men had beaten corne there vpon WHan Charlemayne saw that the one coulde not ouermaister the other and howe they were both euyll arayed he was sore aferd● for his neuew Rowlande and than he kneeled downe vpon his knees heued hys handes together towarde heauen and began to say Good lorde gloryous that made the worlde sea heauens and the erth and delyuerde the holy virgyn margarete from the bely of the horyble Dragon and Ionas from the bely of the fysshe I beseche you also that ye wyll delyuer my neuew Rowland from this batayle mortall and sende me suche a token wherby I maye departe these two knightes from eche other to the honoure of the one and of the other whan Alarde Guycharde and Rychard saw theyr brother so wery they were a ferde of hys person and than they began also to praye god that he wolde keep theyr brother Reynawd fro death and from prison And whā they had made theyr prayers oure Lorde for the prayers of Charlemain shewed a fayre myracle for he made ryse so great a clowde so thike that they myght not see eche other Than Rowland sayd to Reinawde where are ye gone Reinawde other it is night or els I cānot see neuer a whit No more doo I sayd Reynawde verely Reynawde sayd Rowlande I pray you doo to me a curteys turne a nother tyme I shal doo as much for you yf ye require me therof Syr Rowland sayd Reynawde I am redy for to doo al that ye wyll require me of so that my honour be saued Gramercye Reynawde of that ye haue graunted me wyt that the thing that I wyll desyre of you is this that ye bring me with you to Mountawban Syr Rowland sayd Reynawde yf ye wyll doo this I shal be ryght glad therof By my fayth I shal go there wyth you without any faute if it please you Syr sayde Reynawde God of hys goodnes yeelde you the worshyp that ye wil now doo to me for I haue not deserued it vnto you Syr Reynawde sayde Rowlande wyt that I doo this bycause that I know wel that ye be in the right and that ye fyght in a good quarell and I am in the wronge And whā rowlande had sayd this the receyued hys syght and saw as he dyd afore and than he sawe Vylaunche his good horse and he lyghted vpon hym and in lyke wyse Reynawde vpon bayarde And whan Charlemayne sawe this he was sore abasshed and begā to call and to crye Lordes Lordes nowe see I wot not what I should saye for Reynawde ledeth Rowlād with hym Now shall I see if ye shal let him goe whan Charlemayn had spoken thus he came to his horse lyghted vpon him and began to crie Now shall I know who ben my frēdes whan the barons of Fraunce heard Charlemaine speake thus thei spurred theyr horses and ran after Reynawde WHan Ogier sawe Reynawde come wyth Rowlande
that he brought with hym he was ryght glad and he came agaynst Reynawd and sayd to him Syr ye haue wel wrought this dai that ye haue taken such a proye Ogier sayd Reynawde I promise you that Rowlande hath let himselfe to be taken with his good wyll Thanked be god of it sayde the duke Names Reynawde said Ogier go your way to Mountawban and the bysshop Turpin the sonne of Oedō and I shal returne agayne we shal tary Charlemayne that cometh after you and wee shal doo so much that ye shall be wel at Mountawbā or they ouer take you Ogier sayde Rowland ye say well and I thanke you of your curtoysie whā thei had thus shortlye spoken together Reynawde Rowlande rode so fast that they came to moūtawban It is not to be asked if Rowland was wel feasted at moūtawban I promise you it is not possible to feast a prince better nor more honourablie thā he was at moūtawban This hanging Ogier was come against king Charlemain and he dyd so muche by his fayre lāguage that he helde the king till that he thought that Reynawde Rowlande might be well at Mountawbā by that time And whā he had doone so he spurred his horse and went to Mountawbā after the other where as he myght well goe without to be vnbraied for it for he was one of the suretyes of Reynawde as yee haue heard And whan Charlemaine saw this he folowed him vnto the gates And whan he was come to the gate of Mountawban he began to crye with an hie voyce By god Reynawde this that ye haue doone shall auayle you litle for ye shall neuer haue peace wyth me as longe as I am man a liue And whan that he had sayd this he returned him from the gate and sayd to Oliuer that was there with hym Oliuer go lightlye to Mountbendell and bring heere all my hoste for I wyll besiege all thys Castell Than sayd Oliuer I shall go there with a good wyll but and it please you ye shall come wyth me for I promise you if ye comnot there your selfe they shall not come hither for me Than shall I goe there my self and thus tooke Charlemayne hys waye towarde Mountbendel where his hoste laye whan his folke sawe him come they wente agaynst hym and began to saye to him syr what haue ye doone with Rowlād lordes sayd Charlemayne Rowlād is gone to Mountawban but I commaund you al that incontinent without delaye that my siege be transported all rounde aboute Moūtawban and ye damp Oliuer shall beare the oriflā and damp Rychard of Normandye shall lede our hoste Whan Charlemayne had comaūded all this there was none that sayde agaynst it but set themself to bring downe the tentes and pauilion and to trusse and lede theyr baggages and caryed all to Mountawban RYcharde of Normandy went with .xii. thousande men to Balācon to keep the passage of the ryuer tyll all the hoste were ouer the ryuer This hanging Charlemayne had put himself afore for to se where he might best pitche his tentes and his pauilion for to keep siege royall afore the Castell of Mountawban And whan al the hoste was come a fore Mountawban the kinge made incontinēt his pauilion to be set vp before the great gate And whan all the hoste was set the nyght watche of the great Towre came to Mawgys and sayde vnto him Syr wyt the Charlemaine is come with his hoste and hath put his pauilion before the mayster gate Is it true sayd Mawgis yea without any faute sayd the watche Now care not for it sayde Mawgis for Charlemayne seeketh his domage and he shall haue it soner than he weeneth Than went Mawgys to Reynawde And shewed him howe Charlemayne was come with all his hoste And whan Reynawde heard this he went vnto Rowland and sayd vnto him Sir ye muste wyt that Charlemane youre vnkle hath layde siege afore vs but I promise you that if it were not for the loue of you I should shew him that he hath not doone wel Reynawde sayd Rowlande I thanke you muche but one thynge I wyll tell you saue your correccion me semeth that I ought to sende to myne vnkle the duke Naymes Ogyer the dane and also the bysshop Turpyn that shall shewe vnto him in this maner Syr Emperour wyt that Reynawde for the loue of you wyll not gyue no Irons to your neuew nor he wyl not put hym in prison But he maketh him as good cheere as he doth to his owne selfe And that more is Reynawde his brethern and Mawgys doo present themselfe for to giue thē and theyr castell vnto your handes so that theyr liues be saued ye speake well and wisely syr Rowland said Reynawde and so I am redy to doo as ye wyll haue it Rowland sayde the duke Naymes I dare not goe to hym ye may wel ynoughe sayd Rowland For ye be not hated of the king duke Naymes sayd Ogyer we shal goe to Charlemayne yf ye wyll doo after me And they accorded that thei two should goe togither to the kyng for to shew to hym as Rowland had deuised And whan that these two princes the duke Naymes and Ogyer came to the pauilion of Charlemayne they saluted him reuerently and the duke Naymes spake to him in thys maner of wyse Syr Emperour your neuew Rowland recommendeth him humblye to your good grace the whych Reynawde kepeth within Mountawban for his prisoner not vnkyndly but he maketh to hym as good there and as great honour he bereth vnto hym as he were his owne brother and his souerayn lorde and all this he dooth for your loue And demaundeth of you peace yf it please you to graunt it to hym by suche maner that he shall gyue you Mountawban and the Egle of golde and he shall let goe Rowlande at his libertie without raunsū And also he shall yeelde hymselfe to you and his brethern in lyke wyse and also Mawgys for to doo your wyl with them saue theyr liues and they shall promyse you yf theyr seruyse pleaseth you that thei shal serue you agaynst all mē with all theyr power and puissaunce so that ye shall haue cause to thanke them for it WHā Charlemayne vnderstood these wordes he shooke al for great angre And began to saye to the duke Naymes and to the other that were come to hym flee out of my pauilion euill folke I meruayle me how haue ye durst cum heere within and I tell you that Reynawde shall haue no peace with me but if I haue Mawgis for to doo my wyll of him whan the barons vnderstode charlemayne that spake thus they came out of hys Pauilion and tooke no leaue at hym but returned incontinent to Mountawban whan they were come there Rowland and Reinawde asked theym howe they had doone with Charlemaine Lordes said the duke Naimes it is no force to be asked after it For Charlemayn wyl not doo it but if men take vnto him Mawgis for to doo his will
doo euen anon yf ye wyl deliuer him vnto me After these wordes Reynawd ryghted his head vp and sayde My brethern ye know well that Charlemaine is our souerayne lorde And of thother part ye see how Rowland the Duke Naymes Ogier the dane the bisshop Turpin and also Escouf the sonne of Oedon are wythin for to make our poyntment with Charlemayne for they know well that we ben in the right the king in the wrōg and thus yf we kyll hym be it wyth ryght or with wronge all the worlde should renne vpon vs nor neuer as lōge as we liue we shal not be wtout warre And whan Reynawde had sayde thys Alarde spake in thys maner Brother ye haue spoken wiselye but ye see that we cannot haue peace wyth Charlemayne by no wise me semeth that wee ought to aske it of hym oute for all and yf he wil not let vs keep hym prysoner brother sayd Guycharde ye say wel but my hert telleth me that he shall neuer make peace wyth vs nor loue vs Lordes sayde Rycharde me semeth that wee haue a good head of Reynawde our brother thanked be our Lorde the whyche hath gouerned vs ryght well herto let hym shyfte wyth the kynge as he wyll And that that he wil shall be doone By my faythe sayde Alarde Rycharde speaketh well And whan they were all accorded to that that Reynawde should doo the foure brethern went to the Chambre where Rowlande was to whome Reynawde spake in thys wyse Syr Rowlande a ryse I praye you that ye wyll sende for Ogier the bysshop Turpyn and for all the other that be heere wythin of the folke of Charlemayne For I wyll tell you one thynge And whā Rowlande saw Reynawde and hys brethern at that time of the night come into his chambre he was meruaylled Neuerthelesse he sent for all hys felawes as Reynawde hadde tolde hym And whan they were al come Reynawde stoode vp and sayd Lordes ye ben all my freendes god gramercy and you wherof I wyll not hyde nothynge from you Yee must know that I haue heere within a prysoner by whome I shal haue peace all myne herytaunce agayne Reynawde sayd Rowlād I pray you tel me what he his For heere is no mā but that wolde fayne ye should doo wel By my soule sayd Reynawde it is the great emperour Charlemayn to whome al fraūce belongeth And whan Rowland vnderstode these tidinges he was sore maruayled of it sayd Reynawde ye tell me nowe a wunderfull thynge Howe haue ye taken myne vncle so lyghtly tell me it please you how ye had him heere within haue ye taken hym by force of armes nay verely said Reynawd Tell me then how I pray you sayd Rowlande wit it sayde Reynawde that I wot not howe Mawgys my cosyn did to night but well I wot that he hath brought the king heere within out of his pauilion and hath laide him in a bed in a chambre where he is now fast a slepe WHan Rowland and al his felawes heard these tidinges they were greatly abasshed how it myght be that mawhis should bringe the kynge there I meruayle much ther of sayd the duke Naymes for ye knowe well that the king made hymselfe for to be kepte bothe night and day well sure Lordes sayde than Ogyer all this hath doone our Lorde for the loue of reynawde bycause he setteth hym al to mischeif against Reynawde and that the warre hath lasted to longe the whiche shal now be left wherof I thāke God for my parte For manye good knightes haue loste their lyues for it And whan Ogier had sayd thus Reynawde tooke Rowland and the other and brought theym alwayes speakinge vnto the chambre where Charlemayne laye so faste a slepe that they coulde not awake hym for nothing that they could doo to him For Mawgys had charmed hym so harde And whan the barons sawe the kinge so harde a slepe they wundred full sore vpon it they were greatly abasshed of it Than spake Rowlād fyrst and sayde Reynawde where is Mawgis that hath wrought so well to night I praye you let hym come heere and that he awake mine vncle Charlemaine out of this slepe And whan he shall be awaked wee shall all fall at hys feete and shall crye hym mercy And so I pray you that thoughe yf ye holde mine vncle in your handes that ye wyll not be the prouder for it in youre wordes by my fayth syr Rowland sayd Reynawde I wil that ye know I should rather dye than I should say so my souerayne lorde a foule worde But I shall put me my goodes and all my brethern to his wyll to the ende that it wyl please hym to graunt vs peace wyth him And I wyll go fetche Mawgys to you therto doo with hym what ye wyll And than Reynawde wente and sought Mawgys the whiche he coulde not finde wher of he was full sory And whan that the porter wyst that Reynawde sought after Mawgys he came to hym and sayd Syr ye seeke hym for nought for he wente his wayes out right now And how knowest thou of it sayd Reynawde Syr wyt it that this night he made me open the gate and he wēt out vpō your horse bayarde And he had not taryed longe whan he brought a great man a bigge vpon the horse necke afore hym went in I wot not where And soone after he came agayne vpon another horse and he had clothed hym selfe poorely And than he made me to open the gate and he wente oute and he came not sith againe And al this is trouth that I tell you now ANd whan Reynawde had vnderstande these wordes he was so wrothe that he wist not what to say nor doo For he knewe well by hymself that Mawgys was gon his wayes bycause he wolde no lenger abyde the wrathe of Charlemayne Than began Reynawde for to weepe full tenderly for hys cosin that was thus gone And all weepynge he came againe vnto the barons and sayde to them how Mawgys was gone away wythout his knowledge wher of he was so worth and so sori that he went almoste out of his minde And whā Alarde Guycharde and Rycharde had well vnderstāde thys they begā for to make great moue and sorowed full sore And than Richarde began for to sai Ha my fayre cosyn Mawgys what shall we doo from hens forthon sith that we haue loste you we may wel say that we be discomfited For ye were our saluacyon our succours oure hope our counsel our refute our defence and also our guyde For it is not yet longe ago that I should haue dyed an euyll death yf I had not bē succoured through your helpe Alas all the heuynes that ye bere of the wrathe that the kinge Charlemayne hath agaynst you cometh onli by vs. And whan he had sayd so he knacked his teeth for angre and sayde wee ben nowe well all lost syth that we haue lost Mawgis And with this he set hande to his
slayne you al the golde in the worlde should not haue saued you Item thynke thenne also in the great mekenes that he hath alwaies shewed to you also for the great trust that he hathe had in you he leued you his good horse bayarde that hath no matche in all the world syr yf ye ouerthynke well al ye shall find that no manne dyd neuer to none other so greate curtoysye as Reynawd hath doone to you and of that other parte he and his bretherne ben such knightes as euery body knoweth I swere to you syr by al hallowen that or euer ye shal take Mountawban Reynawde and his brethern shall beare to you suche domage wherof ye shal be wrothe And yet ye ought well to take heed how we wast and destroye the country and the feeldes and great good ye doo dyspende whiche for youre honoure were better to be employed vpon the sarasins than vpon the foure sonnes of Aymon for the sarasins been now in rest makynge great ioy for the cause of this warre and they doo well For warre hathe left them and it is come among our selfe so horrible and so cruel that many noble and worthy knyghtes ben deade therof THe kinge Charlemain was sore abashed whan he hearde the duke Naymes speake so and it moued his bloud ful sore and became pale as a white cloth for the greate wrathe that he had at his heart and casted a syde his sight angrely vpon the duke Naymes and sayde to hym by great wrathe Duke Naymes by the faith that I owe to that blessed ladye that conceyued the sonne of god in her virginitie that if there be any man so hardy to speake more to me of accorde to be made with the four sonnes of Aymon I shal neuer loue him but I shal angre hym on his bodye For I am not dysposed to make peace with them for nothynge that can be sayd but I shal hange them what soeuer it coste me or I departe from this syege whan the barons hearde Charlemaine speake thus proudely they were sore meruaylled of it and left to talke of this matter But whā Ogier sawe that al the barons held theym stylle he began to saye to the kynge Charlemaine Cursed be the houre that Reynawde suffred not Rycharde to smite of your heade for ye had not thretned him so now And whā Charlemayn heard that Ogier sayde to him he bowed his necke and looked downeward all pensifull and syn he sayd now lordes make you redy see that euery man fal to his armures for I wil now gyue assaute to Mountawban And whan the frenshemen hearde the commaundemente of the king they made no tarying but went armed themselfe and whan they were al ready they came in good ordenaunce and broughte ladders other instrumentes with them for to saute withal the castell and engynes for to breake downe the walles and presented thē before Charlemain for to accomplysh his wyll And whan the kinge saw them so wel apparelled he commaunded thē to goe saute the castell of Mountawban ANd as soone as Reynawde saw his enemies come he called his brother Alarde and sayde to him Brother I pray you take bondy my good horne blowe in it strongly to the ende that our folke arme them selfe when they heare it for heere come the frenshmen to saute vs. whan Alard vnderstoode the commaundement of Reynawde he tooke bondy and blewe in it with so great a winde three tymes that all they of the castel hearde it and were all abashed wyth all and without anye taryinge they went armed themself and lyghtly gate vpon the walles for to defend the Castell Neuerthelesse the frensh men came neare and entred in to the dyches as hogges doone in a myre and dressed vp their ladders to the walles But wyt it that they of within the castel beganne to defende so stronglye with castinge of stones that they domaged sore the frenshemen so that many of them lay deade within the dyches For Reynawd his bretherne dyd there so great feates of armes that no body myght endure their strokes who had seen the poore duchesse and her yong children at that saut bryngynge stones to Reynawde and to his brethern vpon the walles he wolde haue had pytie of it For the two yonge sonnes of Reinawd said to theyr vncles holde our vncles these stones for they been greate yn●ughe Suche defence made they of Mountawban that they ouerthrewe them that were vpon the ladders to the botome of the diches all dead and sore wounded and whan the king Charlemaine saw this he was wrothe for he knewe than wel that he should neuer take Mountawbā by force nor also the noble knightes that were within it as Reinawd and his bretherne And therfore he made the trompette to be blowen to call his folke a backe with so greate angre that he was almoste out of his mynde and whan the frenshmenne hearde blowe the retrete they were glad for they were shrewdly handeled and I promyse you that Charlemain left such a company dead with in the diches that he longe after was full sory for it WHan Charlemayn and all hys folke were wythdrawen again he beganne to sweare Saynte Denys of fraunce that he should neuer departe thence til he had famished Reynawde his bretherne within the castel of Moūtawban than he commaunded that afore euerye gate of the castel should be layed two hundred knightes for to keep that no bodye might in nor oute but he should be take And whan Reinawde sawe that he kneeled down vpon his knees and heued vp his handes toward heauen and said Good lord that suffred deth on the crosse I beseche you that ye wil graūt vs that grace that we maye haue peace with Charlemain saue our liues And whan Richard heard the praier of Reinawd he tooke heed to it and said Brother I promise you if ye wolde haue beleued me we shoulde nowe haue be in good rest peace For Charlemaine wolde haue be glad therof for to saue his life ye know that our cosin mawgis broughte him not heere for none other cause to be our prisoner but to the entent that we should make our peace but ye wold not take heed to it whan we might haue had our wyll and I promyse you we shall not doo as we wolde THe emperour Charlemain abode so longe at the siege afore Mountawban that they that were within it had great need of vitaylles for he that had any meat he hyd it incontinent and so great scarstie of vittailles was there within a while that men coulde get there no meat for golde nor for siluer and many other fell downe at grounde heere and there so feynt for hungre that it was great pitie for to see for the derth was there so great that th one brother hidde his meat from the other and the father from the childe the childe fro the father fro the mother And shortlye to speake I promise
they left Charlemayne bycause he wolde not make peace And howe he sent worde to them that they should come to hym agayne And he should make peace with Reynawde IN this party sheweth that the kyng Charlemayne was at the syege of Ardeyn sore an angred that he myght not know howe Rychard of Normandy dyd So sent he for all hys Barons for to come to hym And whan they were come in his pauillion he sayd to them thus Lordes I see wel that it goeth now yll with me bycause I see that Reynawde hath not sent me agayne Richarde of Normandy and he might well haue delyuerd hym free quite and haue sende hym vnto me for all the harmes that he hath doone to me Vncle sayde Rowlande I merueyll greatly of that ye saye ye shew wel to vs that ye be wythout counsell By the fayth that I owe to you ye shal neuer see Richarde of Normandye but yf ye pardon Reynawde his brethern diuerse times he hath meked himselfe vnto you and hath be alwayes redy to fulfyll your plesure ye wyll not take hym to your grace be not than merueyled if Reinawde shewe nowe some dispite agaynst you For and ye consider wel the great curtesie that he hath doone vnto you namely whan he had you at his will within mountawban that he delyuered you and suffred you goe quite and free fro him at your liberti ye should doo for him otherwyse than ye doo but syth that Reynawde seeth that he may not finde no mercy in you he wyll not leese his curtesye but he shall doo the worste that he can as ye maye well perceyue experience of it euery day for he dōmageth vs dayly and keepeth his prisoner the best knyght that yee had that is Richarde the duke of normandy the whych I weene be dead by thys time Neuew sayd the kinge Charlemayne I promyse you that Reynawde hath not put hī to death but he kepeth hym wel at his ease with great honoure syr said than the duke Naymes Syth that the wordes ben come to this I must tel you my mynde Syr yf Reynawde beareth you dommage ye cānot blame hym for it For he hath prayed you so many times humbly that ye wold haue mercy on him and ye wolde neuer heare hym but ye haue alwayes shewed your selfe the moste proude kynge of the worlde agaynst hym the moste angry and ye wyll beleue no counsell and so I tell you if Reinawd hath not made to dye Richard of Normandy he is the kyndest mā of the worlde But I beleue better that he is dead than otherwyse for no man heere can tell whether he be dead or a liue WHan the kyng Charlemayne heard the Duke Naymes speke thus he knew wel that he tolde hym trouth So began he to syghe sore and to these wordes came forthe the Bysshop Turpin Ogyer the dane that sayd in this maner Sir wyt it verely that Naymes telleth you trouth For Reynawde hath a good cause to be angrye wyth you And whan Charlemayne heard his barōs speke thus he was all abasshed of it And called the duke Naimes the bisshop Turpyn Ogier the Dane Escouf the sonne of Oedon sayde to them Lordes I pray you goe to Ardeine tel Reynawde in my behalf that he wil sende me Richarde of Normandy And whan he hath doone so that he thā deliuer Mawgys into my handes for to doo my wyll of hym And then he shall haue peace wyth me al the dayes of my lyfe Deere syr sayde the duke Naymes ye sende vs for nought For I wot wel the Mawgis is gone from Reynawde it is three yeres passed and more And yf that Reynawde wolde delyuer him he may not For he knoweth not him selfe where he is Naymes sayd the king Charlemayne yee shall at leste heare what Reynawde shal say vnto you and ye shall also know how Richarde of Normādi dooth Syr sayd the duke Naymes syth that it pleaseth you that I shall goe I am well contente but I pray our Lorde that we maye returne agayne whole and sounde of our persones without to be dyshonoured whan the barons saw that kinge Charlemayne wolde that they should goe to Ardeyne for to doo his messager they durste not saye there agaynst And so they wēt thether anon and eche of them bare in his hande a braunche of an oliue tree in tooken of peace And whan they came vnto the gate they founde it open for them For Reynawde had seen thē come from ferre Wherfore he commaunded that the wicket should be open And whan the barons saw the litle gate open they went into the towne and cam to the Palays And whan Reynawde wyst that they were come within the palays he wēt and layde hymselfe downe vpon a bedde wyth hys legges crossed and sware God and his blessed mother that he should not praye the kinge Charlemayne of nothing For he had doon him to great harme for throughe the kynge Charlemayn he had loste his good cosyn Mawgis and Moūtawban that he loued so muche This hanginge came there the messagers of the king Charlemaine afore Reynawde Whan the Duke Naymes that was the formest saw Reynawde he saluted him honourably And after he sayd to hym Syr Reynawde the kinge sendeth you worde by vs that ye sende hym agayne Richarde the duke of Normandy And more ouer he sendeth you worde that yf ye wyll delyuer him Mawgys ye shal haue peace with him al the dayes of his lyfe And he shall deliuer you agayne all your landes And he shal keep bothe your childrē in his court with him and he shall make them knightes with his owne handes My Lordes sayde Reynawde ye be ryght welcome to me as the knightes of the worlde that I ought to loue best But I meruayle me greatly of Charlemaine that sendeth me these wordes for eueri man knoweth wel that I haue not Mawgys But by him I haue lost hym And wolde to god that I had heere Charlemayn as wel as I haue Rycharde of Normādye And yf he wolde not graunt me peace with him I promise you he should leaue his head for a pledge So should I be than auenged of all the great harmes dommages that he hath doone to me syth that I haue be made knight of him lordes I wēd that Charlemayne had be more curtoys then he is For if I had wyll that he wolde haue ben so fell vpon me and my brethern I should well auenged it vpon him But it is to late to repente me that I did not so wherfore that ye voyde out of my Palays and goe tell your king that I haue not Mawgys but I haue loste hym for him and also yf I had him he should not haue him And bicause I haue thus loste my good cosyn Mawgys for hym I shal make to morow Richarde the duke of Normandy to be hanged vpon the chefe gate of this Citie in the dispite of him for no lenger respite
he shal not haue of me how be it that he is of my lignage and I tell you come no more heere nor no man of Charlemayne For I promyse you I shall stryke of the heades of as many as shal come fro him to me without any fayle WHan Ogyer the Dane saw Reynawde so angry that he answered so proudlye he meruailed sore aad drewe him selfe by Reynawde and said to him Fayre cosin I pray you that ye will shewe to vs Rycharde of Normandy to th ende that we may tell Charlemayne that we haue seene hym Ogyer I haue well vnderstande you sayde Reynawde but ye shall neuer see him afore that I haue hanged hym And yf Charlemayne be angry wyth me for it let him auenge it yf he can for I defie hym and all his pow●r and goe you hens anon For by my soule if ye abide heere any lenger it shall repent you full sore And whan the barons saw that Reynawde was so feruently wrothe they durst no lenger tary there but tooke leue of him and went out of the Citie and went lightly to the hoste of Charlemayne that awayted after them Whan the kyng saw the Barons come he said vnto them Lordes ye be welcome what tidynges brynge you haue ye not seene Rycharde of Normandye Syr sayde the Duke Naymes Reynawde doth you to wit that as loge as he maye ryde vpon Bayarde yee shall not haue Mawgys for he hath lost him by you And for the vengeaunce to be taken of the same Reynawde sēdeth you worde by vs that he shall hange to morow Rycharde of Normandye vpon the great gate of his towne and thus shall he doo of all your mē that he shall take and yet he sayth more yf he had you as well as he hath Richarde of Normādie that if ye wolde not graunt him peace yee should leaue wyth hym your head for a pledge Whan Rowland heard the worde that the Duke Naymes had reported vnto hys vncle Charlemayne he sayde Syr be not displeased of that I shal tel you me semeth that ye shall neuer see the duke Richarde and al for your pride Syr we finde in holy scrypture that god curseth the fruite that neuer is ripe thus shall it be by you that neuer wyll rype nor condiscēde to no peace with the foure sōnes of Aymon the best knightes of the worlde that so many tymes haue prayed for it humbly and full piteously Wherfore I swere to you vpon all halowes that yf the duke Rycharde of Normādy be hanged ye shall lose honour worshyp all your lyfe dayes Whan the kinge Charlemaine heard his neuew Rowlande speake thus that sayde that Rycharde of Normandy should be hanged he was so myscheuously an angred that he gnewe the nailes of his handes for great wrath ye ought to wit that Charlemayne was so angry at that tyme that yf he had had any maner of staffe in his hād he wolde haue gladly smitten Rowland but whan he sawe that he might not accomplisshe his wil he called his barons and sayde to them Lordes ye wene to make me a ferde with your wordes I am no childe for to be thꝰ abasshed and also I swere you by my fayth that if Reynawde were so hardy to doo anye harme vnto Rycharde of Normandy I should hāg hym wyth myne owne handes he all his lygnage that none should be left a lyue RYght sore wrothe was the king Charlemayne whan he hearde tell that Reynawde wolde make Rycharde the duke of Normādie to be hanged But whan Ogyer h●●●de Charlemayne swere thus that he should hang all the linage of reinawde he coulde not absteyne hymself but that the teares fel downe fro his eyen and than he said to the bisshop Turpin Sir what thynke you by our kynge that sayth by his great pride that he shall hange vs all for al that he dooth procedeth but of enuye pryde but god sende me death yf I care for hys wrathe for yf Reynawde hath not lied to vs he shall doo be hanged to morowe Richarde of Normandy in such a place where as Charlemayne shall mow see him hange with his eyen This hanging the Duke Naymes saw that the king was angry and he sayd to him Sir wit that we all be sore abasshed that ye threre vs of one parte Reynawde of the other And I meruaile me not of Reynawde for he is so wroth rox bycause that ye haue make him lose Mawgys that no man might be more And I promyse you for greate angre he shal make Rycharde of normandy to be hanged and as to you namely he woulde stryke of your hed yf he had you in the case that he hath Rycharde nowe and yf he hangeth Richarde What may we doo therto that ye threten vs so muche therfore wherefore I counsell all my felawes that are of the lynage of Reynawde that we goe our wayes and that we let you shift of the warre of the foure sonnes of Aimon By god sayd that other peeres of fraunce Naimes speaketh well and he giueth vs good counsell THen whan Charlemayne saw his barōs so sore moue he wyst not what he should doo but gaue them leaue to withdraw them self vnto the morow that thei should returne to him and he hymself went to his bed but al night he could not fall a slepe but w●tied in his bed wtout any rest and wyste not what to doo And whan the day came he a rose from his bedde and sent for all hys barons Whan they were come he sayd to them Lordes what shall we doo of Reynawde that wyl hange the duke Richarde of Normandy afore mine eyen Sir said thā the duke Naimes for nought seketh one coūsell that wyll not put it to effect whi aske ye counsell sythe that ye wyll doo nothing but after your owne head but and ye wyll beleue me I swere you on my fayth that al good shal come therof Syr make peace with Reynawde and ye shall haue the Duke Rycharde and also ye shall haue the good loue of all your men for there is none but he is wery of the warre and they haue reason Naymes saide the king I wil not doo it holde your peace therof for that shal be the laste worde that euer I shal say Syr said Rowland by my soule ye doo great wronge yf ye suffre the good duke Richarde to be hanged that so muche loued you and doone great honour it shall be to you great shame and so I swere to you vpon all halowes that yf I see hange Rycharde of normandy I shal part out of your hoste fro your seruyce and I shall goe so ferre that ye shall neuer haue helpe of me Rowland sayd Olyuer ween not that I shall abide after that yee are gone for the kinge doothe great wronge to Reinawde our cosin Ful sore an angred was the kynge to heere these wordes but he helde thā his peace and sayde neuer a worde And wyt it that al the
for I was serued of the same the Reynawde was and sometyme etter and so I promyse you syr that the gentyll duchesse hys wyfe made me great cheere and good company wyth her two fayre chyldren Syr I beseche you if that euer ye loued me that ye wyll worshyp Alarde hys bretherne yf it please you for they haue doone to me great honour and they haue giuē me great giftes And yf it please you ye shal haue the good duchesse and her chyldren for recommended for she is the humblest lady of the worlde and the moste wysest Rycharde sayd Charlemayne wyt it that I shal not fayle them as long as lyfe shal be in my body And whā the children of Reynawde shal be in age for to be made knightes I shal doube them to it mine owne handes with great worship and god spare me lyfe and so shall I gyue them lādes ynoughe for to maynten theyr astate Gramercy syr sayd the duke Rycharde of Normandye god yeelde you WHan they had deuysed all ynoughe of the thynges afore sayd the kynge Charlemayne commaunded that he should be dyslodged and anon his commaundemēt was doone and than euery man put hymselfe towarde the way towarde his countrie And whan that the king saw that it was time he moūted on horsebacke and tooke on his way towarde the citie of lege And whan he was come in lege ▪ he lodged him vp on the bride of the ryuer of meuze And whan the mornyng was come he made be brought afore hym the good horse of Reynawde Bayarde And whan he saw him he began for to laye in ●his wyse Ha Bayarde bayarde thou hast often angred me but I am come to the poynt god gramercy for to auenge me and I promyse thee thou shalt now abye it ful deere the tourment and felony that I haue often times had by thee And whan the kyng had sayd so he made a great milstone to be fastened at the necke of bayard and than made him to be cast from the brydge downe into the water whan Bayarde was thus tombled in the ryuer he sanke vnto the botome of it And whan the kynge saw that he made great Ioye and so sayd Ha bayarde nowe haue I that I desyred and wysshed so lōg For ye be now dead but if ye drinke out al the water And whan the frēche men sawe the greate cruelnes of Charlemayne that auenged himself vpon a poore beast they were yll cōtent And than spake the bisshop turpyn and sayd Ogyer of Denmarke what thinke you by Charlemayne he hath well shewed at this a great parte of his great felony syr sayd Ogier ye say trouth he hath doone to great folye for to make dye suche a good beast as this horse was Syr sayd Oliuer to Rowlande Charlemayne is now waxen all folyshe ye saye full trouth sayd Rowlande I perceyue it full well and for to say the trouth there was none of the .xii. peeres but he wept for loue of the good horse Bayarde But who someuer was sorye for it Charlemayne was glad of it NOw ye ought to know that after that bayarde was caste in the riuer of meuze he wente vnto the botom as ye haue herde might not come vp for bicause of the great stone that was at his necke whiche was horryble heuye and whan bayarde sawe he myghte none otherwise scape he smote so longe and so harde with his feete vpon the mylle stone that he brast it and came agayne aboue the water and began to swym so that he passed it all ouer at the other syde and whan he was come to londe he shaked hymselfe for to make falle the water fro him and began to crie hie and made a merueyllous noyse and after beganne to renne so swyftlye as the tempest had borne him awaie and entred in to the great forest of Ardeyn And whan the king Charlemayne saw that bayard w●s escaped he tooke so great sorowe for it that almost he loste his wyt for angre But all the barons were gladde of it Thus as ye haue heard escaped bayarde out of the handes of Charlemayne and wit it for very certayn that the folke of the countrey saien that he is yet a lyue within the wood of Ardeyn But wyt it whan he seeeth man or woman he renneth anon awaye so that no bodye maye come neere hym And after all these thynges the kynge Charlemaine as angrye as he was departed fro Meuse and went in to a chapell that was nigh and called to him al his barons and gaue them leue to goe into theyr countreys wherof they were ryght glad for they wer● sore desyringe for to see theyr wyues their children and their ●●ndes ¶ Howe reynawde found Mawgis his cosyn as he went by the way for to accomplishe his voyage to the holy sepulchre in the countrye of Constantynople And howe they went to gither to Iherusalem which the admyral of persie had taken by treason vpon the Christen but Reynawde and his cosin Mawgis dyd so much with the folke of the countrey that the citie of Iherus●lem was gotten again by the christen people NOwe telleth the history that after that Reynawde was departed from Ardeyn for to goe in to the holy lond he went so much by the iourneys that he came to constantinople and lodged him in an holi womās house whiche serued him as well as she coulde and gaue him suche meat as go● had gyuen to her and after she wash●d his feet as she was wunt to doo to other Pylgrymes And whā this good woman had doon so much she tooke Reynawde by the hande and broughte him in to her owne chambre and sayde to him Good mā ye shall lie heere for in my other chambre ye may not be for there is a poore pylgryme that is sore sycke Dame said Reinawde let me see that pylgryme that ye speake of whiche is so sycke with a good wyll sayd the poore wom●n ye shall see him for I promyse you there is greate pitie in hym And than she tooke Reynawde by the hande and brought him to the pylgryme that was in his bed And whan Reynawd saw him he knewe well that it was his cosyn Mawgis wherof he was ryghte glad so began he to speake to him and sayd Freend how is it with your persōe And whā Mawgis heard Reynawd speake to hym he lept oute of his bed as he neuer had be sycks and enbrased Reynawde more than twentye tymes and after said to him Cosin howe is it with you and what aduenture bryngeth you heere in this poore clothing that ye haue on tell me yf it please you haue ye peace with the kynge Charlemayne Cosin said Reynawd yea by suche a maner as I shall tell you And then he rehersed hym al the maner as ye haue hearde aboue and all the treatye that he had had wyth Charlemayne WHan Mawgis vnderstoode the wordes of Reinawde he was ryght glad of it And than he embraced againe
theyr maister and lorde And whan the admyralle hearde the tydynges he began to crye hie and said O Machomet what ●illeth now that vnhappi folke that make so greate feast I beleue that they ben as the swanne is whan she shall die for I am sure they shal one of these daies be al slaine and therfore they make so great ioye And whan barbas the admirall had sayde this he sware by machomet afore all his barons that he should make an issue on the morow for to hewe al the christen in peeces Syr saide an olde paynym Beware your fleshe well of a greate kerle thae is there new come among them the whiche bereth a great forke in his hande for yf he hyt you ye are but dead I am well sure that all they of thoste make this Ioie for that lurden I know him not sayd thadmyral to the paynym but and I canne hye hym with my branke of steele I shall make him leue his great head behind him for a pledge till he commeth again for he is naked and therfore he may not endure ayenst me WHan the kynge Thomas that was there prisoner saw the great feast ioye that the christen made Wist not what he should thinke but sa it to himself Ha goddes what haue now my folk● that they make suche a noyse suche a sporte alas doo they not remembre me I beleue better ye than naye for the feaste that they make nowe is for somwhat Wyt it that they of rames and of Iaffes and of all the countrey aboute Iherusalem whan they saw the great light they wende that the citie had be set a fyre and some were sore aferde leste thoste had a doo Thus was all the countrey abasshed but they that were in thoste cared but litell for it And whan they had sported themselfe ynoughe they ordeined the watche and after went to rest And whan the day was come the barons rose and went to the pauillyon of Reinawde whiche was vp and redie and they salued him reuerently and after said vnto him thus sir what thinke ye that we must doo shal we assaille the citie or no Lordes saide the duke Reinawde me semeth that it were good for to giue to it a sawte For we haue great auauntage afore hande for he that shall dyein the sawtinge of the holye citie he shal be saued without doubte whiles that the barons deuised thus together for to giue a sawte to the citie the admyrall of Percie made to open the gate a force and yssued out of the town with ten thousande fightinge menne well armed And whan Reinawde and the barons of surry knewe it they ranne to their harneys Reinawd was armed incontinent tooke his helme and his swerde and lighted vpō his horse that the erle of Rames had geuen him And whan reinawde was on horsebacke Mawgis armed him also and mounted on horsebacke and began to crie Barons of Surrye be not dysmayed in no wyse for I promyse god I shal neuer returne to be hermyt yf the turkes be not dyscomfyted and ouerthrowen And after he had sayde so he went to Geffraye of Nasareth and saide to hym Baron keep you by Reynawde for if all the other knyghtes in the felawshyp were suche as ye be Barbas shoulde be discomfited or noone and whan al the barons were wel armed and wel on horsebacke they ordeined theyr battailles as wel as they could And than came the admyrall barbas that smot in to thoste of the christen The fyrste barrailie of the sarasins was conduited by a king that had to name Margarys that was lord of the towre of Tailes whiche was ryght cruell and dare in his armes a dragon pyctured with an horryble fygure WHan the kyng Margaris sawe it was time to smite vpon the christen he spurred his horse with his spurres ran ayenst Reinawd And whan Reinawde saw him come he said to therle of rames Heere cometh one to seeke his death with great haste ye haue doon me great honoure but this king shal haue dyshonoure for your loue at the fyrst And whan Reinawd had saide this he spurred his horse and ranne ayenst Margarys so harde that nother sheelde nor quyras could not saue him but he shoued his spere thorough the brest and ouerthrew sterke dead to the grounde And whan Reinawde had gyuen that great stroke he saide Goe thy waye to helle the deuill spede thee and beare felawship to thy predecessours that went there afore thee And after he put hande to the swerde and smot another sarasin so harde throughe the helme that he cloue him to the teethe and forthe withall he taught another vnder the bauere so that he made his heade to flee from the shoulders and whan he had slain these three he cried Mountawban vpon these panyms And whan Mawgis hearde hym he put himselfe amonge the Turkes so couragyously that the first that he recoūtred he sent him downe in to helle and than tooke his swerd in his hande and dyd merueylles of armes so that he slewe so many turkes that reinawde and the barons meruaylled greatly Than saide Reinawde to the earle of Rames What say you by my cosin Mawgis saw you euer so good an hermyte By my soule said therle he is to be commended blessed be the wombe that bare hym and thoure the ye ben come in to this londe for now I am well sure that Iherusalem shal be recouered the king Thomas delyuered out of prison with the grace of God Whan therle of Rames had sayde this to Reynawde he spurred his horse with the spurres and smote a turke such a stroke that he made the yren of his spere to apeece at the back of him that he fel dead to therth after he tooke his swerde in his hand began to crye Rames as hie as he coulde sayinge barons smite nowe a good for the persians shall be nowe vtterly dyscomfyted yf god keep the valliaunt Reynawd of Mountawbā his valiaūt cosin Mawgis Now is the houre come that the traytoure Barbas shall finish his life that thꝰ betraied the holy citie of Iherusalem by his false wit Than did set on the barons of the londe whiche began to make merueiles of armes ayenst the sarasins Who had seene that tyme Reynawde and Mawgis how they made way to them that cam after thē he wolde haue meruailled greatly for I promise you none durst abide afore them were he neuer so hardy or valliaunt but he was slayne of them After Reinawde and Mawgys was therle of Rames Geffray of Nasareth and wallerauen of fayete with their folke and thei made merueilles of armes ayenst their enemies and whan the sarasins sawe that they could not abide the greate domage of that the christē bare to them they put them selfe to flyght taward the citie WHan thadmirall Barbas sawe that his folke were dyscomfited he was angry for it said whoresōnes whi doo ye slee thus awai know you not thus
brother for he is your elder that know ye well THan sayde yonnet father be you sure I shall serue my dere brother as I wolde doo you that are my lord my dere father By my faithe faire sonne saide reinawde if ye do so ye shal be praised for it whersomeuer ye come or goe But yet one thing I forbid you that ye speake not to muche for if ye doo the contrarie the frensshemen shall saie that ye be not like inconditions to your parentage Father saide the childrene we haue suche a trust in oure Lorde god that he shall keep vs from al thing that is contrarye to his will and that we shall so gouerne vs that ye shal gladlie auowe vs for your children all they of the courte of Charlemayne shall loue vs but yf they wil doo wrong whan Reynawd heard his children speake so the was ●ight glad therof and drewe them aside and said to theim My fayre children ye goe now into fraūce remember well heere after al which I shall tell you now ye must know the there be in the courte of Charlemaine a great lygnage of folke that neuer loued vs but litel the which are of the greate power thei be of maūt I charge you that ye ne goe nor come with theim for nothing that they can tell you yf thei hurt you by any wise see that ye reuēge your selfe wysely shewe them that ye be the sonnes of Reinawde of mountawban Father said the chyldren doubt not we shal not suffre that anye outrage be doo to vs if we mai Faire children saide reinawde kneele afore me they kneeled anon afore their father reinawd gaue thē his blessyng after kissed them weeping manie times gaue them leaue after turned him to his knightes and saide My lordes I commend you to god pray you that ye rend wel my children suffre not that any wrong be don to them to your power for ye knowe wel that we ben hated in fraunce I praie you giue thē alwaies good coūseil and that thei be alwaies courteous gentil liberal of their goodes for a prīce couetous was neuer praised whan reinawd had said this he withdrew him sore weeping Thus leueth thistorie to speake of reinawd of his bretherne and returneth to shew of his children that were gone to the courte of Charlem●ine ❧ Howe after that the kyng Charlemayne had receyued ful sweetly the sonnes of Reynawde they foughte with the sūnes of Foulques of Moryllon discomfited them in the ysle of oure lady within Parys bycause they had layde treason vpon reynawde theyr father for cause that he had slayne Foulques in the playne of Valcoloures NOwe sheweth the tale that after that Aimonet yonnet were departed fro theyr father they rode so muche by their Iourneys that they came to parys and lodged theym by the palays and whan thei were lodged the two childrē clothed themselfe honestly all theyr folke than they went with their felawshyp holdyng eche other by the handes to the palays And whan the barons of Charlemaine sawe come the .ii. brethern so rychely arayed and so goodly a felawshyp of knyghtes after them they meruayled greatlye what they myght be so said th one to thother heere be two fayre chyldren by lykelyhod they shoulde be brethrē and they must be of som hie lignage The barons thē folowed them whā they moūted to the palays they entred within the great hall where thei found the king Charlemayne that deuised with some of his barons there was the duke naimes Richard of Normandy Salamon of breteyn Ogyer the dane therle Guaneilō also Constans and rohats which .ii hated reynawde of Mountawban ryght sore for they were the sonnes of Foulques of morillon that reinawd had slayn in the plaine of valcoloures whan he and his bretherne defended them so wel at the roch of Moūtbron These two bretherne Constans and rohars had great name in the court but their hertes were full false and the kinge Charlemayne loued theim well for theyr prowes and greate knighthode With Charlemain were also many other greate prynces and barons wherof the booke maketh no mencion For it were to long a thing for to be recounted THan whan the two brethern the sonnes of Reinawde of Mountawban were come in to the hall they saw the kinge amonge his barons so went they vnto hym and kneeled downe afore him and kissed his feete And than Aymonet spake first and said Sir god giue you good life longe and keepe from euill all youre noble companye Sir we are come to you for to haue the ordre of knighthod if it plese your good grace to giue it to vs for of no better hand than is youres We can not haue it wherfore sir we beseche you humbly for god and for the loue of our father that it will please you to receyue vs in your seruise vnto the time ye giue the saide ordre of knightehode who bē you said the king that speake thus Sir saide Aymonet we are the sonnes of Reynawde of Mountawban And whan the kyng Charlemayn vnderstoode that they were the sonnes of Reynawde he rose vpon hys feet lyghtly and receyued them honourably and after said vnto theym My chyldrene ye be righte welcome and how fareth your father syr sayde the chylderne he doothe well thanked be god and he recommendeth him right hūbly to your good grace beseeching you that ye will haue vs for recommended and we haue lefte hym at Mountawban but he draweth now sore to age Thus goeth the worlde my children said the king euery man must take in it an ende Muche glad was the kynge Charlemayne of the comynge of the two sonnes of Reynawde and ryght gladly he looked vpon theim for the loue of theyr father for the more he behelde theim and the more fayrer he founde th●im and better lyked theim and well he loued theim because they were lyke the father And whā that he had looked vpon them ynough he said to his barons Lordes if the children wold forsake the father they coulde not for neuer children were more lyke to him than they whan he had sayde so he turned roward the children and sayde to theym Fayre childrene ye shall be made knightes at al tymes whan ye will for the loue of youre father my good freend and I shal giue you more londes than your father hath and for loue of you I shal make an hundred knightes more with you for ye ben of suche a stocke come that ye be worthy for to be honoured pr●ised and holden dere And than whan the duke Naimes Rowland O●iuer that came there and all the other Peeres of Fraunce sawe that they were the two sōnes of Reinawd of mountawbā they were ryght glad of it than euery man kissed theym by great loue and asked them howe Reinawde and his bretherne b●d lordes saide Aymonet what are you that be so glad of
spurred hys horse with the spurres and shoued him betwene Rohars Yonnet so that it was force to yonnet to let goe hys prise wolde he or no. And whan Aymonet saw that Constās had deliuered Rohars from the hādes of yonnet he went rāne vpon Constans and smote him with flamberge vpon the sheelde so harde that he made of it two peeces Shortlye to speake the chyldren of Reynawde hasted so muche the two sonnes of Foulques that they began to lese place were so werye that they asked none other thyng but for to rest themselfe But Aymonet yonnet had none other wyll but for to fight still I tell you for certayne that they were all foure sore wounded that they lost much bloud for they had fought longe And whan Constans had soiourned a litle he came vpon Aymonet and gaue him suche a stroke so that he made him a great wounde but no dead wounde And whā Aymonet saw him so wounded he gaue Constans so great a stroke vpon the eare that he bare it away withal the iawe bone whan charlemayne saw that great stroke he might not forbeare but he said By god now is he worse arayed thā he was before for the two sonnes of Foulques of morillon bē shamed and confused Sir sayd Reynawde they haue well deserued it for they haue forsworne thē selfe falsly This hanging Yonnet went vpon Rohars and gaue him so great a stroke vpon hys helme that he brake it and made his swerde to entre in his head a finger deep Wyt it that the batayle lasted longe the one agaynst the other and it happed that by force of fighting the one against the other they were fyghtyng two two together wel a bowe shot from eche other and so made they two batayles for aymonet fought agaīst Constans yonnet faught agaynst Rohars which was fore greued for Yonnet had brought hym to the erth And whan yonnet sawe that he had brought downe rohars he sayd that it were shame to fyght with hym on horsbacke agaynst him on foote so lighted he downe for to fyght wyth Rohars But whā he had habādonned his horse In contynent the said horse ran to the horse of Rohars and wolde haue strāgled him And whā Charlemayne saw that he began to laughe with it and sayd by my fayth we haue three batayles But I se well that Yonnet hath brought Rohars so lowe that he may no more whan Rohars saw that he myght no more endure the great strokes of Yonnet he began to crye and sayde Ha fayre brother Constans where are ye that ye come not helpe me that are so good a knight and that toke first the quarell in hande wherof it goeth full euyll with vs. For yf ye succour me not now I shall dye incontinent And whan Constans heard his brother crye thus he left Aymonet and went towarde Yonnet for to helpe hys brother but wyt it well that he went not very sounde from Aymonet for he had made hym moe than xx woundes And whan Constans was come to hys brother Incontynent he ranne vpon Yonnet wyth his horse And whan Aymonet saw that he began to crie after Constās and sayd By my soule he baptysed you full yl the named you Constans For I saw neuer more towarde thā ye be that so renneth away for feare of me whan he had sayd so he ran after for to succour hys brother yonnet And whan he was come there he went a fresshe vpon Constans Constans vpon hym the which gaue him a great stroke vpon his helme but the stroke slyded vpon the horse and slew hym withall And whan Aymonet haw him a groūd he righted hym quickely smote Constans vpon his helme and it was so harde that flamberge coulde not entre in it the stroke slyded vpon the vyser brast it and a great part of his visage so that the teeth were seen plainely and with that fel the stroke vpon the horse necke so that he kit it in two peeces and so fell the horse dead to the erth SOre abasshed was Constans whan he saw his horse slain and than Aymonet sayd to him By god false traytour nowe shalt thou dye ye dyd yll whan ye called euer my father of treason whiche is as true a knyght as is anye in all the worlde but now is the daye come that ye shall abye it ful deere And whan Reynawde heard his sonne speake thus he was ryght glad of it thāked God therof hertlye whan Aymonet saw Constans vpon his feet agayne he went him vpon and hasted hym ryght sore with strokes so that Constans had no power to strike one stroke more but he went abacke heere and there for to eschew the strokes of Aymonet And whan Constance saw that he wyst no more what to doo he cast hys sheelde to the erth and tooke Aimonet by the waste for to wrastle with hym And whan aymonet saw this he was not afearie of it for he was stronge and lyght so tooke he Constans by the helme and drew it towarde him with such might that he pulled it from the head of him And whan Constās saw him so sore handled he cryed vpon his brother Rohars sayd Ha brother succour me for I haue no power for to defende my selfe Whan Rohars heard his brother call thus he was ful sory that he might not help him for he had lost so much bloud that he might not well stand vpon his feete but alwayes he forced himselfe so muche that he came vnto his brother Constans and wende to haue smittē Aymonet from behynde but he dyd not bycause Aymonet saw hym come went and smote hym suche a stroke that he felled hym to the earth And than went agayne vpon Constans and gaue him suche a stroke that he smote almoste his left arme of Than began Constans to crye and sayd Ha fayre brother succour me or els I am dead Brother sayde Rohars I can gyue you nother succoures nor helpe for I am my self nere gone and whan Charlemayn saw this he sayd by god now are dead the sonnes of Foulques or morillon by theyr false wit Syr sayd Ogier ye ought not to recke for they maynteyned a false quarell ye say trouth sayd Charlemayn Nowe theyr falshoode apereth well Whan Reynawde saw rhat his children were to their aboue he was ryght glad of it but so was not Guanellon for he was so angry for it that he became as blacke as a moore Then called the sayd Guanellon Berenger Hardock Henry of Lyon and Pignabell of Moryllon and sayd to them Lordes now be we all dyshonoured for the sonnes of Foulques of Morillon are discomfited I wolde fayne succour them yf I durst but I feare to sore the kynge that is there wyth great puyssaūce Syr sayd Hardres or Hardocke wo is me for it but we can not doo none other thing as for this time therfore we muste refrain our wrathe shew a good face
king that they made no doubt of them that they should be soone whole And after that the Iustice was doone of the sonnes of Foulques of Morillō Reynawde abode in Paris til his children were whole whan they were whole they went to the Palays to see the kynge Charlemayne the whiche made thē good cheere gaue thē manye fayre giftes as ben castels fortresses of great name thā Reynawde and hys brethern asked leue of the kyng he gaue it thē against his wil prayed them that they wolde come see him agayne syr sayd Reynawde we shal doo gladly your cōmaūdement Whā Reynawde had taken leue of the king and also his brethern childrē they tooke on their way towarde moūtawban and they did so muche by theyr Iourneys that they came to bourdews And whā Reynawde had rest hym a litle he called his chrildren afore his brethern and sayd to them my children heare what I wyl say to you I ordeyne at this tyme that yonnet shal haue ardeyne for his parte and Aymonet Mountawban for it is not longe a goe syth I heard saye that god sayd that the tree that beareth fruite shal neuer dye wit it that I haue offended god greatli and me semeth that the time is now come that I should amende my self for I feare sore my poore soule wherfore I shal doo my deuoure for to yeelde it agayne to the blessed lorde that made it after his Image whan his brethern hearde speake this they know wel what he wolde doo and therfore they began to make great sorow And whan reinawde saw that he sayd to them forsothe syrs ye are not wyse to make suche sorowe for ye knowe not yet what I wyll doo see ye not that I am yet with you Wherof are yee abasshed be not yee ryche ynoughe there is nother of you but mai keep a thousand horses in his stable Of the other part thoughe I am nowe whole of my bodye thanked be our lorde yet wyl I gyue in my lyfe to my children theyr part to the ende that they fall not in dyscorde after my death and therfore I wyll that eche of you knowe from hens forthon what he shal haue And whan Reynawde had thꝰ ordeyned for his children yonnet departed from his father with his blessing went to Ardeyne where they of the land receyued him to be their lorde and made to him fewte homage And after that Yonnet was gone Reynawde his brethern with Aymonet wente to Mountawban and whan they of Mountawban saw theyr lorde thei were glad receyued hym honourably And whan the feast was passed Reinawde commaunded al his subiectes that they should make theyr homage vnto hys sonne Aymonet whan al this was doone that nyght was come euery man went to bed than Reynawde entred hys chābre walked in it til it was midnyght passed than Reynawde vncle theo himself al naked tooke a cote of sory russet vpon his fleshe wtout any shert thervpon a great mantel of the same And thus arayed barefoote wtout any wepyn but onlye a staffe in his hand to defende hym from the dogges yssued out of hys chambre went out of the palays came to the gate of the towne and made it to be opened whā the porter saw his lorde so yll in so poorely aray barefoote he sayd to hym Syr alas whether goe ye thus without felawship so yll apoynted I wyl go awake your brethern my lorde your sonne for ye be in great daunger of theues because ye haue nother armour nor wepyn for to defende your selfe freende sayd Reynawde let alone go not there For my trust is in god that he shall keep me from all daunger But thou shalt tell my bretherne whan thou seest theym to morowe that I greete them wel to my sonne also and that they thynke alwayes to doo wel that they lo●e eche other as thei ought for to doo and so tel them that they shal neuer see me more as I well trowe For I go to saue my soule yf God giue me the grace to doo so so shall I dye whan it please god for thorough mi cause are dead many a man wherof I feele my poore soule greued sore therfore wyll I beare payne on my body for it doinge penaunce all the remenaūt of my lyfe and if I maye saue my soule I aske none other thing And whā Reynawde had said this he looked on his finger tooke a ringe with a precious stone whiche was wel worth .v. mark gaue it to the porter sayd to him my freende ye be wel rewarded of your seruice that ye haue doone to me Syr said the porter gramercye of this gifte but alas syr ye put now all your countrie in great sorow for your departynge than he began to weepe right sore This hanging went Reynawde on hys waye thus arayed as ye haue heard and as he went the porter looked euermore after hym by the light as longe as he might see him whā he might no more see hī he fel down in a swoune to the erth and was thꝰ a longe while whan he was come agayne to himselfe he made greate mone sith sayd Ha God whether goth now my lorde so poorely arayed after he had made great sorow a longe whyle he shet the gate again and went into his house And whan he was there he looked vpon the ring that Reynawde had giuen him and knew wel that it was a ryche gyft wherof he was glad ¶ We shal leue heere to speake a litle of the valyaūt Reynawde of Mountawban that goth for to saue his soule and to doo penaunce for hys synnes thoroughe the woodes lookyng downwarde and we shall speake of his brethern and of his sonne Aymonet ¶ How after that Reynawde was gone from Mountawbā neuer to returne his brethern and his sōne Aymonet made great sorow whan they knew of it that he had not take leue of thē NOw sheweth the hystory that whan the morowe came and that Aymonet his vncles were vp they went to the churche weenyng to haue Reynawde there as they were wont And whan they saw hym com not to matyns they meruayled sore there was come his chapeleyne for to say matyns there with hym the whyche whan he foūde not his mayster in the churche he was all abasshed and spered after him to his brethern Syr sayd Alarde I weene he be sicke for god let vs go see how he dooth and than he wēt to seeke him in his chambre where they founde him not wherof they wende all to haue ben desperate Lordes sayde Alarde nowe be we lost for heere ben his gownes his shertꝭ his shone his swearde and all his armours now is he gone from vs. I see it well in poore arai god be with him And as they were thus makyng theyr mone came in the porter that made greate sorow for
of Coleyn abode nother mā nor woman but went with the corps and all the clergy folowed after singyng in great deuocion So muche went the carte that he came to a lytle towne that is called Croyne and there he abode styll And ye must wit that our lorde dyd shew there many fayre myracles for the loue of the holy body for al sycke people of what syckenes it was that came there for to worshyp the holye bodye Were whole incontinent This happed of the noble knight Reynawde of moūtawban as ye haue hearde And ye ought to wyt that the renome of the holy body was so spred all aboute that folke came to Croyne where it abode from ferre wayes for to seeke hym and he made there so fayre myracles that of all the Realme and of almayne folke drewe thether And so muche were worthe the offringes that were done there within a short while that of a litle chapell there as the bodye rested whiche was of our lady is now a royall churche and a great And whan the holy body was abyden in this lytle chapell as it is sayd where god made contynually miracles the archebysshop of Coleyn al the clergi came to the corps vncouered his visage that euerye body should see him that came there yf haply the ony man or woman myght know hym for to haue his name for none coulde name hym but the holy corps But there came no man that could know And whan the archebisshop saw that no body could say what he was he was sory for it for yf he had knowen his name he wold haue put him in a shrine of golde bicause of the great miracles that he made dayly for he made the defe to heare the blynde to see the lame to go ryght many that were dombe he made to speake often times apered tapres of wexe brennyng aboute the corps NOw shall ye heare howe the noble Reynawde was knowen Yee ought to wyt that the brethern of Reynawde that is to wyt Alarde Guicharde Richarde were on a daye vpon mountayne so sorye that they could heare no tidinges of theyr brother Reynawde Than cam a Pylgrime forth by that salued the barons Pylgrime sayde Alarde fro whēs come ye yf ye wot any tydinges tel it vs I pray you Lordes said the pilgrime with a good wyll I shall tell you that I know Wyt it that I come out of Almaine from a towne that is called Croyne by Coleyne vpon the ryne where I haue seen many great miracles doone of god for the loue of a man that came to the Citie but late ago the which was so great that euery body said there that he was a Giaunte And wyt ye that whan he came there that he sawe men make the churche of saynt Peter so dyd he present there hys seruyce to the mayster mason the whiche reteyned hym gladly Shortly for to say this great man dyd wonder of bearyng of stones and of morter For he bare more at ones than .xv. other of the labourers that were there with him and he was all day wtout meate saue at euyn he tooke a peny that he gate for no more he wolde haue for hys laboure a day and therwyth he bought hym a peny lose and dranke none other to it but water and thā he went to his rest vpon a litle straw vnder a great vaute And ye muste wyt that this great man was well loued of the maysters masons of the sayd churche whyche wolde often haue gyuen him meate and wyne more money But he wolde neuer take nothyng but a peny onely by the day for to bye hym selfe a peny lofe as I told you afore He serued so wel all the masons there that they were more contente of hym alone then of the other labourers And whan the labourers saw that they were so lytle set by for the loue of this great mā they were sore an angred and tooke great enuy at hym and conspired tog●ther for to slea hym shamefully So dyd they aspye hym where as he slept vnder the vaute whyle that the mayster masons were gone to theyr dyner and then one of theym came to hym with great hamer in his hād and brayned him then they put hym in a sacke and caryed him in a carte to the Ryuer of the Ryne where they cast hym And wyt it that whā they had doone so our lorde shewed there a great myracle For al the fisshes of the Ryne assembled them aboute the corps and made it abyde in one place aboue the water And whan that the nyght was come aungelles were hearde there whyche songe melodiously the seruyce of the dead so hye that all they of the Citie might haue heard them and it semed that al the water about hym had ben in a fyre of the greate lyght that was seen there Than came the archebisshop of Coleyne wyth all his colege and made the corps to be taken and brought in a Carte to the Churche And whan he was there the Archebysshop songe masse for this was in the mornyng and whan that the seruyce was doone the Achebysshop sayd to foure Lordes whyche were there that they should take vp the corps for to haue him into his graue wyth fayre prosessyon But these foure barons coulde neuer moue hī from the place where as he was But the corps incontynent to euery bodies sight that was there was brought into the carte agayne wyth the twynkelyng of an eye and sodeynly the carte departed and wente away alone out of the towne as good a pace as thoughe ten horses had drawen at it whyche was sore agaynst the wyll of the people that wept ful tenderly bycause that it wolde not a byde with them But all they of the Cytye bothe lytle and great went a processyon after it vnto a lytle town where the corps of the great man abode styll whyche is called Croyne in a lytle chapell of our lady where he doth now many a fayre myracle for I ensure you that al the sicke folkes that seeke him there be made whole returne to their home in good helth And so I haue left there the archebisshop of Coleyne and all the clergye that hath doo make of the offerynges that ben gyuen there vnto thys holy corps a fayre place and a roial churche there as the sayd chapell of oure lady was afore WHan Alarde Guicharde and Rycharde heard the pilgryme speake so they began all three to weepe ful sore for pitie that they had of theyr brother reynawde for well they knew it was he of whome the Pylgryme spake of Alas my brethern sayd Rycharde Now ben with well destroyed and vndoone for euer more For I know wel that it is out deere brother that we haue sought so longe Wyt it that the three brethern made there so great sorowe that it cannot be rehersed And whan they had made this greate sorowe they tooke leaue of the pilgrime and thāked hym and went to make
heauen all weping and saide in this maner good lord by thy gloryous and blessed name that diddest cast daniell out fro the lyons delyuered Ionas fro the fyshes bely and saued saynt Peter whan he cast himselfe from the sea for to come to the pardoned Mary magdalene and made the blinde to see suffred passion deathe vpon the crosse for our sinnes pardoned Longyus that smot thee with a spere in to thy blessed side wherfro thy blessed bloud fel in to his eyen and incontinent he recouered his syght therby and by thy resurreccion keep this day my body if it please the fro deth and from prison and also my brethren for I wote not where that we goe but me semeth that we go in great peryl And whan he had fynyshed his oryson his eyne wexed were againe for pitie that he had least his brethren should haue any harme for loue of him For it plesed him not wel that thei were so bare of their armes THan whan Alarde saw his brother Reynawde that had his eyne ful of teres he sayed to him Ha brother what ayleth you I haue sen you in right great peril aboute a harde werke but I sawe you neuer make so yl cheere as ye doo now for I haue seen you weep at this houre wher of I meruail me greatly for I wot wel for certayne that ye weep not without some great occasion Than sayd Reynawde Fayre brother me ayleth nothinge By the faithe that I owe to you sayd Alarde ye weep not for nothynge This is the daie that we sholde be at one with kynge Charlemayne so pray I you for god my dere brother that ye leue this sorowe let vs go forth mereli and bere out a good face as longe as we ben alyue for after that a mā is ones deceassed it is no more spokē of him And this I praye you bretherne that ye synge with vs. For ye haue so fayre a voice that it is a great pleasure for to heare you syng whan ye be wyllinge to it Brother said Reinawde with a good wyll syth that it pleaseth you And than began Reynawde for to synge so melodiousli that it was a great pleasure for to here hym So longe rode the foure sonnes of Aymon the lytell pace of their mules syngyng and deuisnge amonge theymselfe that they came to the playne of Valcolours ❧ Now wyl I tel you of the facion of the valey for wyt that if I telled you not ye shoulde not maye know it There is a roch right hie noyous to goe vp it is enuironned rounde aboute with foure great forestes ryght great thycke for the least is there a dayes Iourney to ryde thrugh it ther bē foure great riuers all aboute it sore deep wereof the gretest is named Gyronde the other is called Dordon the thyrde is named Nore the other Balancon there is nothet castell nor towne by .xx. mile nighe about it And therfore the treason was there deuysed for thys playne of Valcolours was ferre fro all folke there was a way crossed in foure the one waye was towarde Fraunce the other in to Spaine the other in to Galyce and the fourth in to Gascoygne And at euery one of these foure wayes was layde a busshement os .v. hundred men wel horsed and armed for to take Reinawde and his brethren quicke or deade for thus had they sworne it promised to kyng Charlemayne Than come there Reinawd his bretheren with theyr felawshyp of eyght erles that the kynge yon of Gascoyne had take to them the whiche wist well al the mistery of this treason And incontinent Ogier the dane sawe theym fyrste of all the which was all abashed and sayd to his folke fayre lordes ye ben my men my subiectts and my freends ye know that Reynawd is my cosyn I ought not to see his death nor his domage Wherfore I pray you all that ye will doo him no harme at all nor to none of his bretherne my cosyns They answered al that they should doo his commaūdement with a good will This hāgyng Reynawde and his brethrene passed by wente in to the myddes of the playne THan whā Reinawd and his brethrē were come there and found no body they were of it sore a bashed And after whan Alarde saw this he called his brother Rychard and sayd to him what is this fayre brother I se well that we ben berraied for I se you chaunge your colour how think ye Brother said Richard I doubt me sore for Reynawd haue no doubt said Alarde For we shall haue nothyng but good My brother sayd Rychard I promyse you all my heart shaketh nor neuer in my daies I had not so great feare for al my heres ryse vp wherof I doubte me sore that we ben betrayed that more is I should not be aferde yf Reynawde were armed set vpon bayarde and we also for thus as ben now we bē halfe discomfired And whan he had saied thus he spake to Reynawde said Brother why doo we tary heere sith that we haue foūd no body with whome we shoulde speake for if .xx. knights wer here armed thei should haue vs where they wolde maugre our teeth as bestes seing that we haue so many enemies in Fraūce ye wold not beleue this that we told you and also youre wife at Mountawban wherof I feare me sore that ye shall haue no leiser for to repent you of it For if our cosin Mawgis had be heer with vs that ye had your good hors baiard we should not doubt Charlemaine with al his puissaunce of a straw I pray you let vs go hence for I promise you it is foly for to abide heere long for I know wel that Charlemaine hath made vs to come here as bestes clothed with scarlet nor I can not beleue none other but that the kinge you hath falsly betrayed vs. CErtes fayre brother ye saye trouth sayde Reynawde and I perceyue me well of it now let vs goe backe againe all fayre softe as they wolde haue returned Reynawde behelde a side sawe well a thousande knightes armed com●ng a greate pace ayenst them Foulques of Morylion came afore at the other wel horsed his shelde afore his brest his spere alowe in the rest the great wallop ayenst Reynawd for he was the man in the worlde that he most hated whan Reynawde sawe com Foulques of Morillon he knew him wel at his shelde was so angred for it that he wist not what to doo A god what shal we poore siners doo I se wel that we must die this day with out doubte Brother said Alard what saie ye by my faithe said Reinawde I se heere great sorow Heere come●h Foulques of Morillō for to slea vs whan Alard had sen them coming it lacked litell that he wexed madde fell downe almost for greate angre that he had of the same