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A08218 Epistolæ HN. The principall epistles of HN, which he hath set-foorth through the holy Spirit of Loue and written and sent them most-cheefly; vnto the Louers of ye trueth and his acquaintance. And are by him newly perused, and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-Almaine.; Epistolæ HN. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed name. 1575 (1575) STC 18552; ESTC S112767 230,883 445

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the Lyfe t Iohn 1. ● which is for a verytrue Light / vnto all those that beleeue theron 8. Therfore let vs take-heede u 2. Cor. 6. a to the acceptable Tyme / wherin God doth illuminate vs. For in extending Mercy / He x Exo. ●3 b Rom. 9. b. sheweth Mercy on vs and leadeth vs from the Death / y Psa. 56. b. 116. a. to the Lyfe euen to the Sheapherd z 1. Pet. 2. c of our Soules 9. HEer-with ⁏ my Beloued I do hartely salute thee / with a Salutation of the Loue and see that thou ⁏ with an humble Heart do giue a regarde vnto thatt which I wryte vnto thee and ponder well the Sentences therof For they do poynt thee a Pro. 4. a. to the Lyfe 10 And if thou doest yet desyre larger Instruction at my hands / then wryte ouer vnto me I do alwayes ⁏ for the Loues sake proffer myself willingly to doo thee Seruice / in all what I may in the Lorde / to thy Edifying 11. Farewell and sett thy Comfort wholly and altogether / on the Loue. And salute me with a Salutation b Rom. 16. b 1. Cor. 16. c ▪ of the Loue / to the Bretheren and Sisters that are with thee which do submitt them with humble Hearts / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. And the Comunialtee in the Loue / that is heere with Vs / doth likewyse salute you all hartely with the Loue. 12. The Vnitee of Peace c 2. Cor. 13. b. Ephe 4 a. Col. 3. b. be alwayes among you all And the Loue of God the Father / take the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Eigth Epistle The Nynth Epistle Of the Seruices and Ceremonyes of the Christians and of the Vnchristians and of the right and false Vce of them with certen groundly Informations and edifying Instructions Written and sent vnto a Louer of the Trueth / at his Request Exercise thyself in Godlynes For bodely Exercise which stretcheth to the Outward / that concerneth the Nature profiteth little But the God-seruice which stretcheth to the Inward and Spirituall and to the true Godlynes is profitable to all things and hath the Promyse both of this Lyfe and of thatt to com 1. Timo. 4. The First Chapter THe Loue of God the Father ⁏ through the Reuealing of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ be with thee / my Beloued and a Ephe. 1. b. 3 b. illuminate thy Spirit to a true Knowledg of the Lyfe / in the Spirit / wherby thou mayest ⁏ with a right Discerning see-into and knowe liueingly ⁏ according to the Spirit the secret b Sap. 9. b Rom. 11. ●2 2 Counsayle and Will of God / To th end that thou mayest iudg c Iohn 7. c according to the Trueth / with a right Iudgment Tha●t graunt vs the almighty Lorde / through his Loue. Amen 2. My Beloued Our Fauour out of the Seruice of Loue ⁏ to thy Saluation standeth alwayes willingly-bent towards thee for to be seruiceable vnto thee / to thy Edifying and to a good Knowledg of the true Light For that thou mayest be illuminated with the Illumination of the Cleernes of God which ⁏ out of the Grace of his Loue is reuealed d Rom. 16. c Ephe. 1.3 a Col. 1. c 2. Tim. 1. b and appeered vnto vs in the Spirit according to the Promyses of God the Father and with Wryting / to rea●he thee the Hande to thesame / according to thy Request to a Gyding of thee into our holy Comunialtee / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 3. In which Comunialtee / wee haue our Fellowshipp e 1. Iohn 1. a with God the Father and the Lorde Iesu Christ / in the euerlasting Immortalitee wher-through all f 1 Cor. 15. f Corruption and all g Esa. 25. a. 2 Cor. 3. b. Couerings Middle-walles h Esa 59. a Ephe. 2. b. and i Psal. 146. b Bandes / be taken-awaye wher-in all Patterns Images Shadowes and Figures / do k Col 2. b Heb. 9.10 ceasse and wher-in ther is nothing-els behealde / but the euerlasting l Heb. 12. c vndisturbable Kingdom / full of all Power of God / full of Lyfe Loue and Peace / full of Cleernesses m Math. 24. d 25. d. 2. Tess. 1. a. of all the Holyons and Children of God / and full of all heauenly Treasures n Col. 2. a. and godly Ritches / euen-as God hath in tymes-past / promysed to com in Glory for a righteous Iudgment vppon the Earth 4. O thou Beloued Forasmuch as we haue shewed our Fauour of Loue on thee ⁏ with Seruice and Assistance to these heauenly o Ephe. 1. b 2. a. 3. a Col. 1. ● 2. a. Ritches in the eternall Beeing of Immortalitee / So haue we now the second-tyme / receaued Wrytings from thee and haueing perused-ouer and considered of them ⁏ so much as we can we do vnderstand therby ⁏ according to the Mencioning of thy Wrytings that thy Opinion or Conceaueing standeth towards vs or thou shouldest seeme to haue vnderstood so by Others / that we shoulde not vse the Christian Ceremonyes or shoulde account them to be vnprofitable 5. No ⁏ my Beloued we are not so presumptuous / that we shoulde not acknowledg all Gods Ordinances ⁏ in their right Foorme or V●e to be good p Eccli 39. c and profitable / being ministred in their due tyme. Yea we esteeme them very worthy and commendable in their Seruice so farr-forth or to such an ende as their Seruice reacheth the which we haue sufficiently witnessed ⁏ with sencible Distinction before all Vnderstandings / in the Glasse of Righteousnes 6. But ⁏ my Beloued if thy Heart shoulde yet stande captiued vnto anything of thatt which hath had his Fore-going the which also had the Ministration of his q 2. ●or 3 a. Cleernes to the to-coming Daye of the Reuealing of the Coming of Christ that is till that the Refreshing shoulde appeer r Act. 3. c ▪ from the vncouered Face of God / for a gloryous Kingdom of God and for a Ioye and Peace of all the Saincts of God / in the euerlasting Lyfe so consider then / by Whom and out of what Spirit / the Christian-ceremonyes are ministred / by the Illuminated or by the Vnilluminatedones out of the Letter of the Scripture or out of the Woord of Lyfe The II. Chap. SEing now then that many Instituters of Ceremonyes / do minister y e Office of Ceremonyes / out of the Prudence of their owne Vnders●anding or out of ●he Knowledg of the Letter / altogether to Controuersie and haue not receaued the Office of their Ministration / through the Woord of Lyfe / Veryly so is likewyse their Office of Ceremonyes / no a Ier. 23. b. 27. a. 29 a. Commaundement of God nor-yet their Seruices / any christian Ceremonyes For those Scriptur-learnedones do setfoorth the Ceremonyes ⁏ which they administer for
thyself altogether vnto his Will 3. Choose not also any perticuler thing in Gods Workes But looke that thou stand d 2. Cor. 12. b. contented in all the Workes of God For e Deut. 10. b Act. 10. c. Rom. 2. c. God respecteth not anyman but He worketh all things f Psal. 114.135 according to his owne Pleasure 4. If-so-be now that thou holde thyself quyet in the Workes of God and therto / indeuourest thy self to g 4. Esd. 7. a. Math. 7. b. passe-thorow the strayt h 1. Cor. 4. b. 2. Cor. 4. b. 6. a. 11. c. d Waye with all the Saincts of Christ / in Shame Blaspheamy and Contempt / and therin ⁏ following after Christ dayly takest-vp thy i Math 16. c. Luk. 14. c. Crosse ⁏ in the Obedience to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue till vnto the second Birth k Rom. 6. a. Ephe. 2. a. Col. 1. c. 2. b from the Death / So shalt thou then likewyse wel knowe and vnderstande / l 2. Cor. 3.4 a that the Power for to accomplish the Righteousnes of God / is not the Mans· but ⁏ so much as it remayneth with vs only the Lordes 5. For / for his owne sake and for the Prayse of his holy Name / He wil not m 2. Pet. 3. a. forslowe himself to performe his Worke / to our Saluation / to th end that He may establish his Promyses in vs / if we stand plyable vnto Him with submitted Hearts 6. But not for our Workes cause ▪ for that no Flesh n 1. Cor. 1. c. Ephe. ● a. shoulde bost itself but for his owne cause and for his holy Names sake / because that Hee ؛the great and almighty God and his o Math. 6. b. holy Name / shoulde be hallowed and praysed in his Workes 7. Wherfore Because now that no Flesh of Adam or of the earthly Man / p Psal 14.53 a. Rom. 3. b. hath any Vnderstanding of the Works of God / I can therfore talke very little of thosesame / with the Children of Men but must stretch-out my Heart vnto my God and speake before Him 8. O God of deepe and vnsearchable Wysdom Who hath euer bin q Esa. 40. b. Sap. 9. b. Rom. 11. b. thy Counsayler or geeuen thee to knowe before / r Esa. 45. Rom. 9. c. worke this thus or so 9. Art not thou thesame which thou art the God of Abraham and his Seede / which was from eternitee and remayneth a liueing and true God for euermore Who also worketh euery Thing without Respect of Persons or Counsayle of anyman For thy Will goeth-forth / according to thy Pleasure and thy Worke s Sap. 11. d. Rom. 9. c. can noman withstande 10. Therfore must I laude thee / O my God For thou hast brought my Soule t Psal. 30. a. 50. b 86. b 116. a. out of the Deapth of Hell and kept me / when I was in the Extremitee u Psal. 18.116 of Death 11. O my God seing thou hast hetherto / kept me from the Destruction / so let not thy Grace now likewyse depart from me although I be a Loathsomnes and x Psal. 31. b. 44. b. 79. a. 88. a. 1. Cor. 4 b. Reproach before many Men but holde me alwayes by y Psal. 10● a. thy Right-hande hande and z Psal. 119. d. teache me through thy Lawe / for that myne Enemyes ⁏ which make-vp themselues against me / for to destroy me may depart from me and make knowen vnto them / that thou hast chosen Mee to be an Instrument for thy Worke. 12. When-as now ⁏ O my God myne Enemyes do perceaue that thou dost teache and gouerne me And that it is thy Worke / which thou ⁏ to th end to performe it hast begonne with me / Then shall they wel vnderstand / that thou ⁏ O Lorde art my God ▪ and I / the a Ephe. 2. b Worke and Instrument of thy Hande which thou hast accepted vnto thee / for to accomplish thy Will 13. Now ⁏ O Lorde leade me on-forward into b Psal. 5. a. thy Righteousnes / that I ⁏ through thy Grace shewed on me may prayse thy holy Name· and highly laude and thanke thee / in thy Righteousnes 14. For truly / the Vngodly c Psal. 14. a. 53. a. Rom. 3. b. knowe thee not the Dispisers and Blaspheamers / fynde not thy Dwelling the Sencles and Self-wyseones / aske not after Thee O God in the d Psal. 6. a. ●8 b. 115. b. Esa. 32 b. Death / men do not remember thee thy Song-of-prayse / is not soung in the Hell the Hipocrites or fayned Holyones nor-yet the false Hearts and Scripture-learnedones ⁏ which blaspheame and contemne thy holy e Heb. 10. c. Spirit and Seruice of Loue or murmur ther-against seeke not thy Grace neither do any of all those likewyse / which iustifye or account themselues faythfull / ●om to be a Foote-bench vnder thy Feete 15. Seing then that all these are Straingers vnto thy Righteousnes and Holynes / therfore art thou also ⁏ O my God only holy only righteous and only true 16. Therfore ⁏ O my God giue thy Spirit into my Inwardnes f Psal. 51. b. create in mee / an vpright Heart / that is louely before thee and that walketh vnfalsly and giue likewyse thy Woord alwayes into my Mouth / so may I then prayse thee / before all those that loue thy Trueth also declare thy Righteousnes and magnifye thy Name For otherwyse ⁏ O God it is all nothing before thee The III. Chap. BEholde ⁏ thou Beloued / Shewing-forth Patience / in this my Distresse Wofulnes and Sorrow and in Prayer and Supplication vnto my God in a Rom. 6 a ● Cor 4. b. 2. Cor. 4. b. 6. a. 11. c. Dying-from and Forbearing all sinfull Beeing in Death Suffering Shame Blaspheamy and in all Contempt with man● false Bruits and in many Conflicts or Stryueings against all the Temptation of the Sinne / I do dayly follow-after the crucifyed Christ / my Lorde and Sauiour / who is gon before mee and all his Saincts / in thesame contemptible b Sap. 2. b. Rom. 6. a. Phil. 2. a. Death of the Crosse / y ● which is reiected by the Worlde and by all her Wyse and Scripture-learnedones c Esa. 53. ● Sap. 2. c. and dispised as a Foolishnes 2. In which Death of Christ / we must all be baptised or washed and euenso ⁏ drinking the d Math. 20. c. Cupp with Christ becom e Rom. 6. ● a Gal. 3. c. incorporated vnto Christ / if we shall ryse with Christ / in the Godlynes or be f Iohn 6. d. raysed-vp and made-alyue by Him in the last Daye / as g Rom 12. ● Ephe. 5. d. a Fellow-member of his Body For in Hym that sheweth Patience therin ther shall be seene / that Christ is h Ephe. 5. c. his Bodyes Sauiour
desyre likewyse of thee / that the Comunialte which is with thee / may also reade this Letter and salute them all in my behalf / e Rom. 16. b. 2. Cor. 13. b. with a Salutacion of the Loue. And if ther be any among you / that are acquaynted with Any-people / whom they knowe to seeke God with Heart or that are no vndiscreet Blaspheamers but stande wel-mynded to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue / let them also freely reade-ouer this Wryting and loue alwayes the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue to an Increasing of the holy Knowledg and reioyce you among each-other in the Loue / through the spirituall f Ephe. 1. a. heauenly Goodes which do com vnto vs in the Spirit / out of the godly Loue. 4. The Loue of God the Father / g Col. 3. b. gett the Victory in all your Hearts Amen 5. Pray for me / that the Lord wil strengthen me in my Spirit / with his Loue / To th end that I may be strengthened in Him / without Feare and so may stand-fast against all myn● Enemyes and that the Concord of Peace may be prepared vppon Earth / through the Loue and her Seruice according to the Promyses The Ende of the Fowrth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Fift Epistle A Stirring-vp of the Heart to the Immitation or Following of Christ / in the Suffering of his Crosse Written and sent by HN in the tyme of his Suffering and Affliction / vnto his Freende Wherwith he informeth him / with Vnderstanding and Woordes of Humilitee / because that he shoulde not growe-offended in any thing· but alwayes hope on the Goodnes of the Lorde My Freends hast thou ⁏ O Lorde put farr from me thou hast made me loathsom vnto them I lye captiued and cannot com-foorth Myne Eye is sadd with Misery Lorde / I call dayly vnto thee and I stretch-out my Hande to thee Psal. 88. Health and Saluation / be vnto thee my Freende whom I loue to the Righteousnes The First Chapter FOrasmuch ⁏ thou Beloued as I haue had certē Woordes with thee / touching myne Afflictiō and Wofulnes of Heart in the Spirit and touching the a Psal. 18. a. 2. Tess. 2. a. Breaking-thorow the sinfull Beeing / for to com to the Kingdom of God and that thou as farr as I coulde perceaue hadst little Sight or Discerning therof and that me thought also / that thou ⁏ vp reason of myne Affliction didst more estrainge thyself from me / then gett an Hearty-affection towards me / So is therfore my Spirit becom inclyned to wryte a little vnto thee Wherwith I do shewe / that I rest still in hope that God woulde lighten thyne Heart a little / with the holy Light of his godly Beeing b Ephe. 1. c. and graunt thee to see or to discerne / the right Meaning of my Wordes that I haue spoken with thee 2. For I am very certayne and sure of this / if the Lorde open the Doore of Vnderstanding vnto thee ⁏ wherby to see-into the vpright godly Beeing / c Gal. 4. a. Ephe. 4. a. Apo. 21. a. that ought to haue a liueing Foorme in vs that thou likewyse / shalt knowe thesame wherūto I am inclyned with Desyre and with all my Heart and after the which / I ⁏ in the Hope do carry a Zeale or apply my Dilligence / for to obteyne thesame of the God of the Liueing if Hee ؛the Almighty vouchsafe the Grace vnto Mee Vnworthyone 3. But now am I in many Mens Eyes ⁏ as also haply in thyne very ougly and loathsom and therfore d 1. C●● 4. b. contemnable and reiectable with Many But all this cometh vppon mee / because that I am so exceeding weake e Psal. 6. a. 2. Cor. 12. b Apo. 3. c. and feeble and of myne-owne-part / haue no Righteousnes with me nor any Esteemation / according to the outward Man of the Flesh. 4. ALthough ⁏ my Beloued that I seeme thus loathsom as also of myne-owne-part / am so altogether weake and voyde of strength and am contemned by all Goodthinking-wyseones false Setters-forth-of-religion and Hipocrites· and defamed f 2. Cor. 6. ● by them / with many false Bruits / Yet wonder not thou neither be offended at thesame as y t thou shouldest therfore turne thy Heart from the Seruice of Loue and from Mee 5. For truly / in that all this cometh-vppon me or in that I am a little whyle g Psal. 8. ● forsaken by the Power of my God and do fynde myself ⁏ of myne-owne-part h 2. Cor. 3. ●2 so vnmighty to the Righteousnes of God and am contemned blaspheamed and falsly defamed or accused by Many / it hapneth because that I shoulde not in-any-wyse be stout in my Heart· nor boast myself vppon myne owne Knowledg and Workes nor-yet vppon any i Tess. 2. a. Gal. 1. b. Prayse or Comendation of Men· but highly esteeme of the Grace of God / to th end that the Lorde ⁏ and not I mought euen so haue k Psal. 114 b. all Laude Honour and Prayse For Hee only is the Lorde to whom only / all Honour doth likewyse appertayne 6. FOr-that-cause / be not thou offended at the Workes of God / with his Saincts nor-yet at the Contempt which I suffer and beare at the handes of many false Hearts and good-thinking Wyseones and Scriptur-learned But note that the Lorde l Psal 4 a. leadeth his Holyones wonderfully and how that God m Psal. 129. b. Apo. 15. a. is wonderfull in his Workes 7. For n 1 Reg. 2. a. Psal. 113. a. Luk. 2. f. He maketh ritch and poore agayne and then He maketh ritch agayne / because that men shoulde euenso knowe his Ritches rightly and loue them according to their Value 8. He bringeth the Man into a wyde o Psal. 18. c. 31. a. 119. c. Roome and agayne into great Straightnes and Contempt and out of the Straightnes and Contempt / into a wyde Roome agayne / because y t he shoulde rightly knowe his wyde Roome· and liue therin vprightly The II. Chap. THis wryte I vnto thee out of hearty Loue / my Beloued / for that thou shouldest not be discouraged in any thing nor offended in mee neither-yet dismayed in thy Heart in any-wyse / because of my Mysery and Contempt which I do endure or suffer in the like a Rom. 6 a. Phil. 3. b. Death of the Crosse of Christ wherin I follow-after b Math. 16. c. 1. Pet. 2. c. 4. a Christ. But trust firmly vpon him that is the only God 2. Therfore let not thy Heart be mooued for any-maner of thing that thou seest or hearest outwardly but submitt thyself ⁏ c 1. Pet. 5. b. with all Humilitee vnder the mighty Hande of God and giue-ouer
and Blood ؛that earthly Beeing is in his right Ordinance / the h Esa. 66. a Act 7. c. Bench for the Lordes Feete ouer the which / the Kingdom of God beareth his Dominion and Christ / his Glory 9. Of which Glory / the Members of Christ haue spoken in tymes-past when-as the Lyfe of God or Christ was com vnto them / for to possesse them and to be incorporated with them saying and testifying i Iohn 1. b The Woord is incarnated or becom Flesh and dwelt among vs. Wherthrough they sawe his Glory euen a Glory of the only borne Sonne of the Father / full of Grace and Trueth 10. Beholde This Glory of Christ / was the Kingdom k Luk. 17. c. of God inwardly in them the which had inherited them for a Possession / as his Heritage and their Spirit also / thatsame and not / Flesh and Blood 11. Consider well of the Mynde that I wryte vnto thee and vnderstande the Resolution of my Vnderstanding and l Iohn 7. ● iudg with a right Iudgment The X. Chap. THou sayest likewyse / out of the Wryting of Ecclesiastes a Eccle. 12. a how that euery Thing must returne agayne / from whence it is com Thatt which is out of God / shall returne thether agayne and thatt which is of the Earth / shall be Earth agayne 2. Oh ⁏ alas heer-out is much Misunderstanding taken-on and many do runne-on in that sort / with this one Sentence and haue no Discerning nor Consideration / to what ende the Sentence soundeth nor wherto the whole Scripture stretcheth And wil nodout ⁏ out of ther owne Good-thinking include the Mynde of God ⁏ which they vnderstand not in this one Sentence of the Scripture And out of thesame they iudg euenthus Let them liue how they wil liue when they dye / their Spirit shall com agayne to God and th●●r Body to the Earth 3. Heerwithall do the lightmynded Hearts deceaue themselues who haue no Lust to Gods Righteousnes and yet for-al-that do rest perswaded / that their Spirit ⁏ which is vngodded or not of God shall com to God 4. No ⁏ Beloued No. God wil none of the wicked Spirits but He putteth them away and poynteth them from Him / b Math. 25. ● into the Condemnation of the hellish Fyer which is prepared for the Deuill and all wicked Spirits 5. FOr-that-cause ⁏ thou Beloued looke rightly into the Alteration of the Man and in what maner / the Spirit of God which God hath formed in the Man cometh to God 6. For if it were so / that the Spirit of God ⁏ which God hath formed in the Man shoulde alwayes vppon the Earth / remayne estrainged or seperated from God and from the Mans Beeing and that the Man shoulde not ⁏ vppon the Earth be incorporated to thesame / for an euerlasting Assurance c Rom. 8. b of the Inheritance of Christ and of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / in the eternall Lyfe and so ⁏ without Vniting d Eqhe. 4. c. with the Mans Beeing / in Righteousnes shoulde go to the Incorporating vnto his God first / when-as the Creature were passed-thorow the naturall Death / Who coulde then I pray thee / witnes and publish vppon the Earth / the Glory of God and the Powers of his Goodnes / to the Blessing and S●luation of the Man· and be seruiceable to the Man / to an Incorporating to thesame Goodnes of God 7. Therfore haue now in consideration / how and wherin the Fulnes of the Mynde of the Scriptures concisteth and whether that the Vnderstanding of God be wholly declared in the Man / when-as he so taketh vnto him one Sentence out of the Scripture / according to his Good-thinking and so goeth-on therwith / without Discerning of the godly Wisdom and doth not once consider / wherto that one Sentence serueth from whence it proceedeth nor to what ende it stretcheth 8. Euenthus ⁏ thou Beloued let vs consider rightly on the Mynde of the Scriptures Standeth-ther not written also / e Sap. 1. ● that the Wisdom dwelleth not in a Body that is subiect vnto Sinne Therfore cannot likewyse an vngodded Man· nor-yet one that remayneth without the Comunialtee of the Family of Loue / iudg one Sentence of the holy Scripture / rightly according to the Trueth nor-yet out of the Wisdom 9. But wheras Ecclesiastes speaketh f Eccle. 12. a. of the Earth and of God as that each-one that is Earthly and of God / goeth to his owne Incorporating / Therof I wil aske thee somwhat 10. When now this Alteration cometh-to-pas with the Man shall then the Nature of the Iniquite haue his Possession with the Man or be mingled with him as an Heyre Or shall he be thrust-out with the Vnfreeone g Gen. 21. b Gal. 4. ● I do veryly suppose / Yea according to the Promyses For beholde 11. Wil not God inhabite his Tabernacle h 2. Cor. 6. b or Temple alone and dryue-out of it / all i Esa. 35.52 a. Apoc. 21. c. that is vncleane or that defyleth the Howse of the Lorde Is not the Heauen also / his Seate and k Esa 66 ● Act. 7. c. the Earth / the Bench for his Feete 12. BEholde to this Glory of God and for that thesame shoulde raigne ouer the Man / is the Man chosen and likewyse in his Fall / called and bidden therunto agayne / by Christ / Because that he shoulde serue and liue-vnto his God only / in all l Luk. 1.8 Righteousnes and not cleaue-vnto the wicked Spirit ▪ nor-yet iudg thesame for the Spirit of God through the which / he keepeth God as also his good Spirit / out of his Dwelling 13. And whosoeuer then / through his Good-thinking and through his wicked Spirit or vngodly Beeing / keepeth the God of Lyfe out of his Dwelling and with a false Opinion● or with an Enuyousnes towards any Man / doth comfort or quyet himself therin / Hee doth willingly giue-ouer himself to the Curssing and perpetuall Condemnation 14. For what other Dwelling for God / wil anyman imagine I pray thee or what other Tabernacle or Temple of God / wil anyman make m 2. Pa● 6. d Esa. 66. a Act. 7. e. ⁏ wherin God wil dwell but the Man / n Iob. 14. b. Psal. 138. a. that Worke of his Hande For thatt is the Lordes Lust o Pro. 8. d. Iohn 14. d. for to dwell therin / with his vpright Beeing or Christ. But most-tymes when the Lorde mooueth the Man ther-to / by his Ministers the Man remayneth captiued vnto his owne Knowledg and so denyeth to yeelde himself p Ier. 7. c 16 b 27.29 b ● Act 7. c. 17 c to thesame Grace of the Lorde so that most-tymes / ther-are Feawe that suffer themselues to be prepared for an Habitation of God the which is greatly to be lamented 15. THerfore I saye vnto thee veryly like as all Gods
christian Ceremonyes out of their owne Opinion and b Ier. 23. b. Good-thinking and therfore is also their Office against Gods Commaundement For they are vnmeete to the Seruice of the Lorde / which God esteemeth-of for they knowe not his c Psal. 95. a Sap. 5 a ●eb 3. b. Wayes neither do they knowe the Waye of d Psal. 14. a Psa 59 b Rom. 3. b Peace but they are blynde dumme and deafe / thouching the Lyfe that proceedeth out of God and so in their Seruices / are e Math. 15. b ▪ 23 b Luk ● d Blyndeguydes and do likewyse leade the People into Captiuitee / with the Bandes of their Blyndnes 2. They breake not the f Iohn 6. c. Bread of Lyfe vnto the People they baptise not also in the g Math. 28. b Name of the Father ⁏ who is the liueing God nor in the Name of the Sonne of God ⁏ who is the true Light and Lyfe of his Father nor-yet in the Name of the holy Gost who is the heritable h Ephe. 1 b Paune of the Godlynes 3. Forasmuch now veryly / as these holy spirituall Ritches are not among them / therfore do they not likewyse keepe i 1. Cor. 11. c the Supper of Christ / according to the Trueth For the Bread k Iohn 6. d from Heauen / is not with them For-that-cause also / they knowe not the Woord of Lyfe nor the Spirit of Agednes l Ephe 4. c. or of the Man Christ nor they m Esa 40. b Sap. 9 b Rom. ●● ● 1. Cor 2. b vnderstand not his Death n Rom. 6. a Phil. 3. b. nor his Resurrection nor the Counsayle of God nor-yet the Wisdom nor the Christianitee 4. Seing then that they haue not receaued the Bread of Lyfe fro● Heauen neither are o Ier. 14.23 c sent by God nor by Christ and are Straingers from the secret Counsayle of God and vnderstande p Sap. 9. b 1. Cor ● b. nothing-at-all of the godly Things / How shoulde they then be able rightly to minister the Beginings q Heb. 6. a of the christian Doctrine or the Christian-ceremonyes / wherwith the vpright Righteousnes is requyred 5. Veryly they haue not the louely Feete of the r Esa. 25. b. Nahu 1. b. Rom 10. b Messengers / which com from the Hill of the Lorde they bring also no good Message they publish not the Peace neither do they likewyse make-manifest the Saluation that auayleth before God but they are quyte darkened in their Vnderstanding / through s Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. c. the Blyndnes of their Hearts and through the Vnbeleefe that is in them Therfore are they all likewyse / Ianglers Stryuers and Contenders against one-another / for the Ceremonyes and for the litterall Scriptures cause and do make among each other / Disturbance and captiued Consciences chooseing priuate t Rom. 10. a Col. 2. c. Righteousnesses vnto themselues / according to the Good-thinking of their owne Hearts The III. Chap. FOrasmuch then / as that the Kingdom of Peace / is ⁏ out of Grace a Math. 11. c 13. c. 1. Cor. 2. b. Ephe. 1. b. Col. 1. c. reuealed and geeuen Vs to see-into in the Woord of Lyfe / through the Loue of God the Father / Therfore is not the Counsayle of God vnto vs now / to take-in-take-in-hand nor to vse anything of thatt which is past / according to Mens Imagination 2. Yet do we well perceaue this / that the former Seruices ⁏ at that tyme when they were ministred through the Woord of Lyfe and vsed out of the Trueth were profitable nodout / vnto Saluation and serued for an Hand-reaching b Gal 3. c. Heb. 6. a. 7. b or Gyding-in of the Little or Youngones of Vnderstanding / to the Woord of Lyfe Howbeit / now it is also well knowen vnto vs / that many Scriptur-learnedones do now striue and contēde their-about / in their good-thingking Knowledg / and vse much Disputing and Arguing about them And thatt woulde not God haue c 1. Cor. 7. b. For we are called vnto Peace 3. If wee then shoulde likewyse bring-in and vse the former Seruices ⁏ which are passed-thorow according to the Order and Opinion of the contentious Setters-foorth of Ceremonyes or Scriptur-learnedones and shoulde not declare the Requyring of the right Seruices and Ceremonyes / So shoulde wee haue then to stryue to contende and to dispute with Them 4. But no thatt is not our Seruice Wee haue all our Regard / to note what a louely Beeing in the Peace / the Word of Lyfe holdeth before vs / as a Light and do follow his Commaundement d Iohn 6. d. 1. Tess 4. a and Will and do labour after the attayning to thatt which the Ceremonyes do requyre or thatt wherunto they were ministred in tymes-past / To th end that our Seruice wherunto God hath called vs in these last Dayes / through the e 2. Timo. 1. b Tit. 1. a. Reuealing of the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ shoulde not be darkened f 2. Cor. 6. ● with any Intanglement 5. For God woulde not y t anyman shoulde stryue or contende for Seruices nor-yet for Ceremonyes but that eueryone shoulde bow g 1. Pet. 5. a. and submitt himself vnder the Obedience of the Loue / our mostholy God-seruice and shoulde receaue the Administration of the Counsayle of God / for a Lyfe of Saluation follow-after h Pro 4. b. 5 a 2 Timo. 3. b. thesame Counsayle and so shoulde ⁏ out of the Beginings of his simple Chyldhod increase in the christian Doctrine or Ministration of the Loue ▪ or grow-vp therin i Ephe. 4. c. to the Age of the M●n Christ that is till that the Loue haue a liueing Foorme in him not looking-about after thatt which is past but haueing regard k Phil. 3. b. vnto thatt which is to com that is to the Inheritance of the Peace / to the Saluation of the Soule 6. But if anyman be mynded heer-against or resteth self-wyse and wil alledg much out of the Scripture / with his darke Vnderstanding / hee shall burthen his owne Conscience intangle his Senses and Thoughts and not fynde the Refreshing of his Mynde nor the l Act. 3. ● Comfort of his Soule The IIII. Chap. FArdermore thou testifyest / that thou vnderstandest not certen Sentences which are rehearsed in the Testimony of the Mediation of Christ and seemest to affirme ther-out / that thatt which the Prophet Esaias a Esa. 7● 11 hath spoken of Christ / shoulde be only of Christ / that was to com b Math. 1. ● Rom. 1. a. 1. Tim. 2. ● in the Flesh. 2. Thatt is suerly very-right But not as thy Mynd conceaueth it Therfore consider of the Meaning and vnderstand what I wryt vnto thee For this do I testifye vnto thee as a Secret of God that the Woord of Esai / is a liueing Woord
couer their owne wicked or euell Hearts 11. Seing then that my God ⁏ who only is the Lorde giueth nothing-els into my Heart / but Wisdom x Sap. 7. ● ● and holy Vnderstanding and sheweth and teacheth me nothing-els but all Dooing-of-good / Therfore cannot I forbeare / through the Nature y 1. Cor 3. a. of his Loue / but I must shewe vnto myne Enemyes / Freendship / for Enimitee and Loue / z Math 5. c. Rom. 12. b. for Hate declare vnto them the Saluaciō and Blessing / for Blaspheamy and Curssing / and figure-foorth before them / the Vniformnes of Heart in the Loue / for the Seperation and so to proffer the Grace of my God / vnto myne Aduersaryes / which do hate blaspheame and cursse me and to reache them the Hande / for to drawe them to the Loue of my Lorde and God and to shewe all Faythfulnes and Loue / towards those that haue smittē me priu●ly or trayterously· spewed-out many Lyes and false Testimonyes / after me· and shewed all Vnfaythfulnes towards me and the Seruice of Loue / informing them a 2. Timo. 2. c 3. b. 4. a. with Rebuke Doctrine and Exhortation / for that they mought b Act. 17. d. repent be set-vpp from their Fall of the Sinne and mought liue with Mee / in the Vnitee of the Loue / wherby to serue c Luk. 1. b. 1. Tess. 1. a. the leueing God and to vse all Concorde and Peace among each-other The III. Chap. FOrasmuch then as the open Rebuke / is alwayes better a Pro. 27. a. then secret Loue the chastenable Information / muchmore blessed / thē for one to smyte anyman priuily and the Seruice of the holy Woord vnder y e Obedience of the Loue / much-more edifying and profitable / then the Backbyting / Therfore is likewyse all my Desyre in our Seruice of Loue / to further b 2. Cor. 13. b. Phil. ● ● thatt which is most-edifying and Most-godly 2. Wherfore ⁏ O ye Resisters of our mostholy Seruice of Loue as also ye ignorant People consider once rightly I pray you / of the Loue and Kyndnes shewed on you / out of our mostholy Seruice of Loue Receaue you my Rebuke and Exhortatiō and take-heede vnto my chastenable c Pro. 4. ● ● Information Com hether and harkē after the right Knowledg and learne d Pro. 1.2 a. 3.4.5 a. Vnderstanding and holy Knowledg and e Eccli 6. c. ●ow your Backs vnder the Rodd of the Lorde For the Strypes or the sharpe Woords of Louers / are much meeter f Psal. 141. ● Pro. 27. ● then the Kisses or the Flattering-woords of Enuyers 3 For-that-cause com now all hether / into the Howse of Informacion g E●cli 6.8 ● Math. 11. c and learne to humble your Hearts vnder the Obedience of the Loue and to open them nakedly before the Elders / To th end that ye may be cleansed from the Wickednes or Euel of your Heartes 4. Suffer yourselues now to be h Deut 1● c. Ier. 4. ● circumcised on the Fore-skinne of your Heartes / in this holy Daye of Loue which is y e Eigth or Newe Daye / to the Renew●ng i Esa. 65.66 c. Ephe 1. b 2. P●t 3. b. Apo. 21. ▪ of the Worlde with Righteousnes and so ▪ through the Light of Loue and his Seruice ⁏ put-awaye the k Ier. 4. a. Fore-skinne namely the Darknesses from your Hearts / Or-els ye shall not com to the Glory of God nor to his Sainctuary For no l Esa. 35.52 ● Eze. 44. ● Vncircumcisedone / shall enter into the Sainctuary of God 5. BVt Many of you do refuse this Grace / which is proffered vnto you and do bitter and harden your Hearts against thesame Therfore is also my Complaynt against you / vnto my God for that ye are yet so vtterly m Ier 6. b. 9. c Act. 7. f vncircumcised on your Eares Lipps and Hearts as likewyse for that ye sett yourselues so presumpteously in Iudgment and wil seeme to iudg Gods n Esa. 30. b. Mich. 2.3 b Matters / out of your vncleane Hearts / according to y e Imagination of your owne Knowledg 6. I woulde aske you / on the behalfe of my Lorde and God / who hath prouoked you therunto or what Spirit hath mooued you to iudg such Matters The Cause I haue cheefly to demaunde of those that conuersate themselues dayly with vs / in Hipocrisie and that shewe towards vs or ours ⁏ in our Beholding a laughing o Psa. 28. a. 37. b. Ier. 9. a. Mouth or fauourable Countenance and in secret / speake all Euell of vs. 7. Ah-beloued speake it out boldly I pray you / yee which are so wyse now p Pro. 3. a. Esa 5. c. Rom. 12. b. in your owne conceites With whose Spirit and with what Toungs / do ye thus smyte vs priuily and slaunder and blaspheame vs behynd our backs / where we haue None to reply against you Out of what Nature haue ye thatsame I pray you Or out of whose Brestes do ye suck such Venom of corrupt Milke And wherout do many of you frame such a false Freedom / that ye haue shewed vs a fayer Face / before our Eyes also haue flattered vs with your Toungs / whilst ye were present / and do now with such a false Heart / mock vs priuily or behynde our backs / among those that do gladly giue eare vnto you and so boldly smyte and blaspheame vs / with your false Spirit and Blaspheamous-toungs No● Vs only q Luk. 10. b. ● Tess. 4. ● 2 pe● 2. b. but also the godly Wisdom and holy Vnderstanding / wherwith God hath ⁏ through his hearty Loue r Ephe. 1 a. 2 pet 1. a endowed vs and so in blaspheaming s Heb. 10. d. the holy Spirit of the Loue of God and Christ / ye dispise the precious Treasures of the spirituall heauenly Ritches as likewyse y e highest Cleernes of God 8. Which gloryous Light or godly Cleernes ⁏ wherin t 2 Cor. 4 ● a the Mosthighest hath comprehended vs / vnder the Obedience of his Loue doth ouershadow or farr exceede all the Lightes of this Worlde Yea all Vnderstandings of this Worlde / v Psa. 37.46 b Esa ●0 b. Aba c. ● b S●ph 1. a. Zach. 2. b. must be dombe before thesame and ●ow them eueryone vnder thesame gloryous Cleernes of God / which is made-manifest vnto vs. And all those that loue the vpright Righteousnes / must saye Thatt Light is verytrue The IIII. Chap. O Ye foolish People Do ye dispise the precious Pearle / because thesame is a Math. ●3 c founde in an earthen Feelde / wherin it was hidden or for that it is by God / layde in an earthen Vessell / b Rom. 9. c. 2 Tess. 2. c. that seemeth before you to be too-dishonourable and for that Hee also / declareth thesame ther-out 2. Do ye dispise the
Man ⁏ in his Ignorance is thus vtterly k Gen. 6. a. ● Rom. 1. ● Eph. 4. b. corrupted / through the Bewitching of the sinfull Flesh and hath geeuen a great Respect vnto his owne good-thinking Knowledg / so hath he likewyse turned all his Dilligence towards thesame / to l Rom. 10. a. set-vp his owne Righteousnes / according to the Goodthinking of his Knowledg and hath generally had a pleasure in his owne Workes 8. But thatt God which liueth for euer and is my God / shall now in thissame Daye m Math. 24. d 25. d. 26. g. 2. Timo. 1. b ⁏ through the Appeering of Christ in his Glory bring all Flesh of Sinne n 1. Cor 1. c. to shame / in his owne Wisdom and made Holynes In which Daye of the gloryous Cleernes of God / God wil iudg o Psal. 96. b. Act. 17. d. the Circuit of the Earth / with Righteousnes 9. Therfore shall now likewyse in thissame Daye / all Generacions of the Earth ⁏ which sett their Confidence vppon their owne Wisdom Righteousnes and Holynes of the sinfull Flesh p Esa. 13. a. Ioel. 1.2 Sap. 5. a. Lu● 21. c Apo. 18. b. c howle and weepe For Gods Doctrine / serueing to the Entrance into the true christian Lyfe / shall appeere vnto them / to an Offenciuenes· his Righteousnes / to Sinne· his Lyfe / to a Death· and his Saluacion / to a Condemnacion 10. Although I wryte thus vnto thee / thou Beloued and do not regarde any Flesh of Sinne / in his owne Righteousnes / yet do I account this of great value / that all Flesh with all his earthly Beeing / do lay-downe itself on his right Place namely q Psal. 110. a. Heb. 1.10 b. to be a Bench for the Lordes Feete and so submitt itself to the Requyring of the Spirit of the Loue of Christ / to th end that the God of Lyfe may gett the Dominion r Esa 24. c. Sap. 3. b. ouer him / with his vpright Righteousnes 11. I do also wel vouchsafe vnto thee with all my Heart / to haue obtayned all that thou louest / out of the vertuous Nature s 1. Cor. 13. of the Loue and do likewyse hope that thy Heart standeth-mynded / euen according as thou wrytest Wherby also it shall not be greeuous vnto me / to conceaue the Best of thee and that thy Wryting proceedeth not out of thyself nor out of any prudent Counsayle of the Flesh. but out of a t Sap 1. a. Ephe. 6. a. Col 3. c. single Heart / through the Mercy of God wherwith God hath pittied thee / to the Lande of his Glory and to our Ioye in the Vnitee of Heart / for that we may lyue together in the vpright and louely Beeing of Iesu Christ. 12. But if now it be Flesh or if it proceede out of the fleshly Beeing / then shall it surely v Iob 14. a. chainge and be vnconstant and vanish-away vnder the Hande and my Spirit ⁏ which is the Lordes shall not bynde itself vnto the Fleshes Beeing 13. And if it be Spirit or if it proceede out of the Beeing of the true Spirit of Loue / then shall it likewyse continue and remayne constant with thee and all myne Inclynacion / shall stande affected to thy godly Will For thatt be farre from me / that my Heart Mynde and Soule / shoulde mynde or affect anything-els / but only the spirituall and true heauenly Good and those that with mee / do loue only the Heauenly and are godly of will 14. Therfore also perswade thyself thorowly ⁏ thou Beloued that my Mynde and all the Inclynacion of my Will although I do conuersate myself with Many outwardly is inclyned only to Those that are wel-mynded to the Spirituall and Heauenly and are godly of Will and that my Heart and Spirit desyreth to haue Fellowship with none other / but those that with all their Hearts and Soules / do giue-ouer themselues to all Obedience of the Loue and so do stande wel-mynded to all Concorde with the Spirit of Loue and our Comunialtee 15. For to that ende / hath the Lorde illuminated me with his Light and endowed me with his x Sap 7. a. Wisdom and chosen me to be a y Col 1. c. 1 Timo. 1. b. Minister of his holy Woord / wherby to assist eueryone that ⁏ for y e Vnitees sake in the Loue do forsake z Math. 16. ● themselues· follow the Loue / in her Seruice and vertuous Nature· and are mynded with all their Hearts / to learne the a Math. ●1 d. Humilitee and Meeknes / of the Loue and her Seruice and to proceed-on after thesame ⁏ without Murmuring or imagining any euell till that the Meeknes of the Loue / haue a b Iam 1. c. Shape in them 16. Consider well heeron / thou Beloued For we are all created to the Vnitee c Ephe. 4. a. in the Loue / for to liue peaceably with each-other in all Loue and ⁏ through the Seruice of Loue called and chosen therunto / by God / to th end that we shoulde laude God / in y e Loue· and ⁏ like loueing Children of Peace liue and walke together / d Eph. 4.5 a. in all Loue. The III. Chap. BVt albeit now that many Multitudes of the People of this Worlde or almost all those that wil vse God-seruices ⁏ out of their owne Enterprises do not a Math. 13. b. 1. Cor. 2. b. 2 Cor. 4. ● vnderstand nor conceaue thissame / by reason of their Vnbeleefe and Blyndnes of Heart and are altogether Straingers therfrom or b Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b. ignorant therof / Yet doth not thatt concerne vs as to trouble ourselues therwith For what doth the Blyndnes or the Ignorance of the Vnbeleeuers touch vs but this concerneth vs That we haue to laude and thanke our God ⁏ who is the eternall and liueing God for his great Grace and Mercy / which He hath shewed so aboundantly on vs Little c Esa. 66. a. Math. 11. d. and Pooreones ⁏ in these last perillous Tymes from all the Thowsandes in this Worlde namely for that He hath ⁏ through the holy Spirit of his Loue illuminated Vs in our d 1. Cor. 4. a. 2 Pet. 1. c. Hearts / as his Elect and giueth Vs dayly more-and-more / to see-into and e Math. 11. d. 13 ● 1. Cor. 2. b. Eph. 1.2.3 a vnderstande the Secretnes of his vpright and louely Lyfe so that wee / through Gods Mercy towards vs ⁏ aboue all the Wyse and Vnderstandingones in this Worlde are neerest to the heauenly Trueth and do euenso knowe in the Spirit / that we are made f Iohn 8. c. free / through thesame Trueth 2. For all wee / which ⁏ through the true Spirit are g 1. Cor. 4. b. Cal. 4. b. 1. pet 1. c. begotten to be Children of God / out of the Loue and her
b. vnto himself into his Loue ▪ that euerlasting vnchaingable Light● 7. Beholde euenthus in his Loue / doth the Lorde accepe vs q 2 Cor. 6. b. for his Sonnes and Daughters for his Seruants and Hand-maydens and leadeth vs with his Right-hande / into the Daye of the true Light of his heauenly Cleernes / for to power-out his holy Spirit r Esa. 44 a. Eze. 36. c. Ioel. 2. c. Act. 2. b. vppon vs / in thesame Daye according to the Promyses / To th end that it may all be Luk. 24. c. accomplished / whatsoeuer is written of the Righteousnes of our God / in the Lawe of Moses in the Prophets and in the Gospel of Christ. The V. Chap. O Thou Beloued Consider well of this holy Vnderstanding / which is witnessed and held-forth vnto thee / out of the Seruice of Loue and then if Mercy be shewed on thee by God as that He openeth the Doore of Vnderstanding vnto thee and that thou ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue doest see-into the true Beeing / wheron we witnes / then shal-ther also an vpright Sorrow a 2. Cor. 7. b. 1. pe● 2. b. for thy Sinnes cause / be founde in thee namely most-cheefly for the Resistance and Blaspheamy / wherwith thou hast ⁏ with many euell Imaginacions spoken against the Loue and her vpright Seruice· and b Rom 16. b. Cal. 1. a. 3. a 6 b. quayled other moe single Hearts· and made them wauering in the Beleefe towards the Loue so that they likewyse ⁏ through thy Blaspheaming are becom captiued with euell Imaginacions towards our godly Seruice of Loue and the Ministers of thesame and so haue likewyse ⁏ by reason of thy Resistance and Blaspheamy dispised y e Seruice of the holy Woord vnder the Obedience of the Loue. and euenso haue much-more commended the false Testimonyes of the good-thinking Wyseones and the Institucions of the wicked Worlde because they mought hyde themselues and walke couered ther-vnder / with their euell Consciences then the true Light and the vpright Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue before the which / the Heartes of Men must appeere c Iohn ● c. Ephe. 5. b. and becom manifest vncouered or naked / if they wil be saued 2. But seing now that ther-is an vpright Doctrine and Order among vs which is not according to the Order of the wicked Worlde and that wee ⁏ by Gods Grace haue obtayned a greater and more-godly Light / then is among the worldly Wyse and her Scripture-learnedones / Therfore also be all those which are mynded against thesame / manifest vnto vs / in their craf●y Hearts and that they are wicked or euell of Nature or Disposition / and not good and how that they do in all respects / seeke and loue their Selfnes or thatt which concerneth the Flesh. and d Phil. 2. c. not the Lorde nor his vpright Beeing of Loue. 3. Because of which Craftynes and Dissimulation of the People wherwith they think to couer their Wickednes we must oftentymes be blaspheamed· and iudged for Euel-dooers and e 2. Cor. 6. ● Seducers of Men. But veryly / they cannot couer their Wickednes and Craftynes therwith / before vs but they becom so-much-the-more manifest / what they are and by what Spirit they are directed 4. But although now it be manifest / that all lying Flesh / vnder a Cullour of Vertue and of Seemly-maner ⁏ wherwith it couereth his wicked Nature hath alwayes sought his owne f Iohn 5. c. Honour And although that it be brought-to-shame therin / with his Wickednes ⁏ which ryseth-vp in itself / against our vndeceaueable Seruice of Loue and must acknowledg in his Heart / that the vpright Beeing of the Loue / is the g Math. 22. d Mark 12. d. Rom. 13. b. 1. Gor 13 Gal. 5. b. 1. Timo. 1. a Verytrue / Yet is notwithstanding / the lying Flesh of Sinne ⁏ or the good-thinking Man with his wicked and peruerse Nature / still so desperous of Honour in himself / that he woulde much-rather blaspheame the good Beeing of the Loue and reiect or condemne it for euell / then to iudg or to confesse his owne Wickednes / for euell 5. And with such an euell Conscience doth the Man oftentymes / blaspheame or iudg h Pro 17.24 c Esa. 5. c. the Light / for Darknes y e Right / for Wrong and the Good / for Euell and the vpright Ministers of the holy Woord of Iesu Christ / i 2. Cor. 6. a. for Seducers / wherby to defende his owne Euell therwith / as Good and to excuse himself k Math 6. a. 23. a. before Men / as to haue Right on his syde 6. But all this do Wee endure with Long-sufferance and do not desyre to reuendge ourselues on anyman but do giue-ouer the Reuendgment l Deut 32. d. Rom. 12 b Heb. 1● d. to the Lorde who m Ier. 17. d. Math. 16. c Rom. 2.14 b. rewardeth eueryone according to his Workes 7. For thatt God before whom we stande / doth recompence eueryone his Euel-deedes / n Sap. 11.12 c with his owne Wickednes / that doth arrogantly set-vp himself against vs. And euenso is now in this Daye of Loue / eueryone that imagineth and practiseth Euell or Mischeef towards vs / rewarded agayne with his owne Euell and Mischeef And beareing his o Gal. 6. ● owne Burden therin / from the Hande of the Lorde he must be vexed and punished by his owne Wickednes / till that he acknowledg himself giltye and turneth him to the Obedience of the Loue. In whose Seruice / the Forgiuenes of Sinnes and a good and quyet Conscience is obtayned / through the Loue. The VI. Chap. ALthough I wryte vnto thee of these things / thou Beloued / yet do I not wryte thesame to any such ende / as to retayne anything of all ●hat which was don or sayde by thee or through thee in tymes-past / against vs and our mostholy Seruice of Loue / to vpbrayde thee therwith but for that thou shouldest knowe wherin the Health a Math. 11. e of thy Soule shal be founde and with what-maner of Assistance or Helpfulnes / I desyre to help thee in thy Extr●mitee and Misery wherof thou bewaylest thyself vnto me / to th end I shoulde shewe thee som Helpfulnes Out of which Extremitee and Misery ⁏ wher-into thou hast brought thyself thou art not to be ridd / except thou hast first knowen and perceaued all thy Sinnes b Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. b. and borne Sorrow· and performed a right Confession and Repentance for thesame 2. But that which I do heere rehearse vnto thee / I rehearse it not to any euell intent but to thy Amendment For I desyre not to retayne any euell Opinion towards thee nor anyman-els / for all what is c Math. 16. b. don or spoken against vs. But this is all my Desyre / that-ther may a true d 2. Cor.