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A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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great and terrible day of the Lord of the righteous iudgemēt of God which shall burne in wrath or fire ouer all vngodly which haue dispised the loue in her seruice and requiring and refused the fatherly correction as a fire to their euerlasting condemnation in the fire of hell which is prepared for the deuill and his angels or ministers In which preseruation and extending of grace or Section 9 merciful fauour of our God sauiour God the father with the discipline of his lawe manneth himselfe according to the inward man with vs and we become like wise with the cleerenesse of his godly light wherwith all he with the law of his chastising is alwaies against vs in the sin godded or made conformable in a good willing spirit to the vpright righteousnesse with him to the end that wee through his owne beeing should beare or cary as men of God his holie name vnder the obedience of his lawe and liue and walke euen so according to the lawe or ordinaunce of his true beeing in all loue Answeare The Riddels darke speaches of H.N. I meane God willing to touch hereafter in a place proper peculiar to that matter the name of father that we may learne with Alphabetaryes first to spel and then to ioyne together signifieth his loue as appeareth by the last line of the former Section the line that went immediatly before this By plucked or plucking hee meaneth Baptising as appeareth out of the fourth Section and first line Sauiour is a preseruation in all godlinesse and noteth vnto vs an estate when men are voide and free from sinne and walke in all loue as is apparant in the 8. and 9. Section The very like being substance of his Godhead is nothing else but loue as appeareth by the last line of the 2. Section Now to ioyne these together this he affirmeth that we thorow the seruice of H.N. his holie gratious word our obedience thereunto are led of the father to the loue of Iesus Christ So that by his doctrine God the father bringeth vs no otherwise then by the hand of our owne obedience vnto the loue of Iesus Christ Our obediēce must necessarilie go before for we are to passe thorowe the seruice of the holie and gratious worde vnder the obedience of he lawe of the Lorde to the loue of his only sonne Iesus or sauiour These be his owne words And this is that which is contained in the 3. Section He describeth particularlie in the 4. Sections folowing How we becom thus preserued frō sin to walke in al loue which is our baptising in the fathers name affirming that the law of God cōmeth first with correction or discipline letting vs see sinne the deuil and the flesh their lying craftie and decietfull or false nature and God his indignation and wrath ouer the same and thereupon groweth griefe and sorrowe for sinne a minde wholly inclined to mortifie it and then they giue ouer them selues wholie to the coūsel of the holy worde and the elders in the seruice of the loue And thus are men become preuented and enformed as he saith in the 4 Section to an incorparating in the godlie righteousnesse which is this loue the walking therein These sundry Sections cannot in number compare with the errours therin contained For first in this his discourse vpon the Articles of our belief where hee was to intreate of faith he is wholie occupyed about loue and obedience vnto the law of god So that faith is nothing but deeds in his opinion Loue is beliefe beleeuing is working and louing or working is become beleeuing For he will haue our woorkes and obedience vnto the lawe to get and giue vnto vs the name of beleeuers that in so doing we may be accounted faithfull and that the same should not be a fruite of faith but faith it self So that by H N. his mystical doctrine a riddel darker then was that which Sampson propounded vnto the Philistines is put forth vnto vs to witte howe the sonne should beget the father afterwarde they two make but one man He saith that works beget faith they growe to be but one and the same thing The Scripture affirmeth faith to be the father and workes not to bee children lawfully begotten how faire soeuer they shall bee to the shewe vnlesse they proceede out of his loines So doe we reade in the Epistle to the Hebrewes where all the good woorkes of the godly fathers are fathered vppon Faith and it is said that thorow faith they wrought righteuosnesse Faith is swallowed vp of works by this doctrine For they are made all in all with H. N. he maketh no account of our perswasion of the goodnesse of our God thorowe the mercifull promises of his worde and therefore altogither leaueth that doctrine when he is euen haled vnto it by the matter which he hath in hand and falleth into the discourse of workes The Apostle Saint Iames keepeth a cleane contrary course for when he is forced by the matter he hath in hand to aduaunce woorkes to their highest degree yet doth he hide them vnder the couert of faith sauing of that principall worke of Abraham that this scripture was fulfilled in it Abraham beleeued that was reckoned vnto him for righteousnes so that it was his belief that set that price value vpon it The Apostle Paule likewise affirmeth that Abraham his beliefe was counted vnto him for righteousnes and addeth more that to him who trusteth not to his works but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is coūted for righteousnes One the same spirite cannot be Author of such diuersitie The Apostle so commendeth faith that hee affirmeth vs to be accounted righteous thorowe the same vtterly excluding woorkes for the procuring of our righteousnesse But H.N. contrarywise so aduanceth workes that he doth altogither banish faith and cause it as one that dare not shewe his face to creepe into the corner of workes and to lye couered with the garment thereof Neither is H.N. content with this spoyle of faith the chiefe treasure in our house but remembring that he left the house standing turneth backe againe to fire the same ouerthrowing the Sacramentes in like manner and wil haue our Baptisme to be no other thing then this walking in the obedience of his loue and therefore termeth it the plucking of the father or Baptising in the fathers name And that is not the least of his errours although I doe giue it the last place that hee deliuereth in the eight Section That in this communialtie of loue thorowe the seruice of the holie worde and of the fatherly correction which is the sight and misliking of sinne wee are led foorth vnto Iesus Christe to be made free from sinne preserued in godlinesse and to haue GOD manned with vs according to the inwarde man For it giueth vnto man the
preuenting of GOD his goodnesse the dignitie and desert of bringing him selfe vnto Christe by his hatred and mislyking of sinne wheras the mislyking of sinne as well as the loue of righteousnesse are fruites that followe our beeing in Christ not causes that goe before to procure the same as appeareth in the Epistle to the Romans Likewise thinke ye also saith the Apostle that ye are deade vnto sinne and liuing vnto God in Iesus Christ our Lorde He ioyneth with the Pelagians against the grace of God which renueth and regenerateth vs and inwardly draweth vs by his spirit to beleeue and doe the will of God and will haue the grace of GOD no further to stretch vnto vs then that we haue from the Lord a lawe and doctrine whereby wee may learne what to beleeue and what to doe but the power to performe this albeit they will not refuse to call it the grace of GOD yet they say it is our nature according as August reporteth Isti autem asserunt sicut a fratribus qui eorum libros legerunt cognouimus in eo dei gratiam deputandam quod talem hominis instituit creauitque naturam quae per propriam volumtatem legem dei possit implere siue naturaliter in corde conscriptam siue in literis datam eandem quoque legē ad dei gratiam pertinere quod illam Deus in adiutoriū hominibus dedit illam vero gratiā qua vt dictum est Christiani sumus cuius Apostolus Praedicator est dicens condelector legi dei secūdum interiorem hominem Video autem aliam legem in membris meis repugnantem legi mentis mei et captiuantem me in lege peccati miser homo quis me liberabit de corpore mortis huius gratia dei per Iesum Christum dominum nostrum nolunt omnino cognoscere nec apertè quidam oppugnare audent In their opinion as Augustine saieth the grace of God towards vs is this that we haue such a nature from him that by our owne wil and power we may satisfie fulfill the law of God and that this is also that other parte of the grace of God towardes vs that hee hath giuen a lawe for the helpe of man But as for that grace whereby wee are are Christians whereof the Apostle speatketh saying I am delighted with the lawe of God in the inner man but I see an other lawe in my members striuing against the lawe of my minde Miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of sinne The grace of God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde that will not acknowledge that neither dare they openly impugne or speake against it This plucking thorowe the seruice of that gracious word which he affirmeth to haue the foregoing by vs in the administration of the holie woorde in the thirde and fourth Section is according to the Pelagians the other grace of GOD which is added to that of our good nature euen to haue a rule instruction from God to guide this nature which in their opinion is so franke and so free vnto good that if it may once see the way there is no stay with it or let to keepe it from going forwarde And therefore where it is written in the Gospell after Saint Iohn No man can come vnto mee except the father which hath sent mee drawe him H.N. calleth this drawing of the father a plucking that plucking to be the giuing of a lawe and worde to rule our liues by In opinion then he ioyneth iumpe with the Pelagians for denying originall sinne he is forced to confesse the grace of GOD to be in nature and againe we see the lawe which doth poynte out the right way vnto life is called the plucking of the father or baptising in the fathers name H.N. Section 10 And that this is the vpright Christian Baptisme or washing in the name of the father and is the true baptisme which hath the forgoing in the christian doctrine of the seruice of loue Section 11 We confesse likewise that all such as beleue not euen thus in God the father beleeue vnrightly and that also they all which become not euen so as is aboue saide baptized thorowe the seruice of the holie worde vnder the obedience of the law of the Lorde or of the doctrine of his word in Gods loue or true being beare or carry not Gods holy name nor the spirite of his true beeing nor are baptized in the name of the father and that in like manner it is not meete or conuenient that men should count such vnbeleeuers and vnbaptized ones for Christians neither yet also for men at whose handes one should any way suppose or trust to finde any woorde of Gods trueth or yet any workes of righteousnesse or good seruice that God regardeth or accepteth Answeare It appeareth by these wordes that H. N. reckoneth of all beside his owne secte For there are no people beside him selfe and his familie who thinke or beleeue so erroniously as this confession teacheth as of Heathen vnbeleeuers vnbaptized ones they be his owne words as also be these It is not meete that men should account such for christians Whē hee concludeth that wee may not think to finde any woorde of God his trueth or any workes of righteousnesse among them whosoeuer beleeueth otherwise he speaketh not only ignorantly for that some trueth may be founde where there is store of errour and a wicked lyfe may be founde where the groundes of religion are truely holden but also maliciously agaynst the true Churche of GOD as that no woorde of trueth or woorke of righteousnesse were among vs who abhorre his religion as Heretical deuilishe doctrine What benefite doe these men receiue by the ministerie of the worde being thus perswaded of the Church of God In what readinesse are they to ioyne with any enimie for the ouerthrowe of the Churche being perswaded of vs that neither woorke of righteousnesse nor woorde of trueth is among vs I trust the Lorde wil moue the heartes of those who haue the gouernment in their handes either to trauaile to plant in them a better opinion of the Church or if that will not bee to cut them of as rotten members before they shall woorke any greater woe vnto the same The opinion of H. N. touching the Churche of God as appeareth by this his speache is most pernicious neither thinketh he worsse of Turks and infidels then hee doeth of all Christians that receiue not his doctrine What effectes this opinion may woorke in the heartes of the simple people that be seduced by him I leaue it to their godlie care to whom it doth chiefly appertaine to refourme the same H. N. The seconde Article Section 13 Wee beleeue in Iesus Christe the onely sonne of God our Lorde We confesse that the same sonne of GOD Iesus Christ is the very like being of the liuing God his father through whom god the father hath
Lorde had pardoned him his sinne therefore euery man that is godly shoulde bee emboldened likewise in their sinnes to flie vnto him wherevpon it followeth that euery man that is godly is subiect to sinne And if this offence of Dauid which had pardon from the Lorde had not beene ommitted after his calling and walking vnto the worde of God then could it not haue beene an argument of hope for the godly because it was committed before he began to liue in the feare of God and therfore their estate condition should be so diuerse that one coulde not yeelde the helpe of hope vnto an other Now if euery godly man should haue hope by it then is there no man so illuminate but he remaineth subiect to sinne and therefore must liue by faith and with the true Church of God beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes Nowe forgiuenesse of sinne if H.N. his doctrine may be beleeued is not to bee had or hoped for without this his familie of loue so that euery man not beeing of that his number is shut out of the Church and kingdome of Christ and liueth without all hope of mercy and forgiuenesse from the Lorde For these be his wordes in explaning this Article No man shall obteine grace nor forgiuenesse of sinnes at God his hands without thissame holy communialtie of Christ for thissame is the holy christianity the Familie of loue wherein God himselfe dwelleth liueth walketh c. H. N. The xi Article Wee beleeue the resurrection of the fleshe wee confesse that the dead which are deceased or fallen a sleepe in Christ rise vp with their bodyes and appeare with Christ in his glory where through the whole house of Israell becommeth erected or restored in the last day according to the promises Answeare That the resurrection of the body is wholy and altogither a spirituall matter according to the doctrine of H. N it plainely appeareth in all his bookes I in deede he vseth this worde body in this place but as his accustomed kind of dealing hath beene heeretofore that the simple may the sooner be deceiued thereby in not suspecting any straunge matter to be there where they heare no other beside the knowen accustomed wordes He calleth it the resurrection of the body be cause it is acccōplished while yet we are liuing in this body for so many as nowe imbrace the doctrine of H. N. and are growen to perfection in the same in his iudgement those are risen from the deade and that is with him the resurrectiō of the body in the last day whervnto he draweth all the scriptures which mention the day of iudgement the second comming of Christ when as wel good as bad shall rise againe in the fleshe and be adiudged either to ioy or paine euerlastingly That thus he thinketh of the resurrection it is plaine and euidently to be seene in his Euangelie Chapter 35.8 Beholde in this present day is this Scripture fulfilled and according to the testimonie of the scripture the raysing vp and resurrection of the Lordes dead commeth also to passe presently in thissame day through the appearing of the comming of Christ in his maiestie which resurrection of the dead seeing that the same is come vnto vs from Gods grace we doe likewise in this present day to an Euangelie or ioyfull message of the kingdome of God and christ publish in al the world vnder the obediēce of the loue In which resurrection of the dead God sheweth vnto vs that the time is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead that are fallen on sleepe in the Lord rise vp in this day of his iudgement appeare vnto vs in godly glory which shall also frō henceforth liue in vs euerlastingly with Christ and raigne vpon the earth wherein the scripture becommeth fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written therof And in the seconde chapter of the Euangelie Section 3. For that cause awake now in the spirit ye louers of the trueth and throughly measure or try out the ground of this same spirit which to the making aliue of all the dead that are deceassed in the Lord is proceeded from God and meruaile not at any of thissame but search or examine the scripture whether that it make not mention of the same Likewise in the 4. Chapter Section 14. For this cause our hope standeth now in this day very little on many inhabitours of the worlde for of them there shall fewe come which shall stand minded or adioyne them vnto the loue and the requiring of her seruice with all their heart and yet many fewer which shall perseuer therin vnto the ende Therefore hope we with ioy much more on the appearing of the dead which dye in the Lorde or are dead in him to wit that they in their resurrectiō from the death shall liuingly come vnto or meete with vs For all the dead of the Lord or members of Christ shall now liue arise with their bodyes we shall assemble vs with them and they with vs to one body in Iesus Christ into one louely beeing of the loue and be altogither concordable in the loue and peace of Iesu Christ He that shall reade the booke of H.N. with iudgement shall soone see and perceiue that the knowledge of his doctrine and obedience thereunto is with him all in-all it is the cōming of Christ the sound of the last Trumpet the resurrection from the deade and euerlasting life of many I will giue you one place for proofe heereof it is in his Euangelie Chapter 38. Section 2 Wherefore awake now all lift vp your heades heare and see the wonderfull actes of God and haue regarde vnto the sounde of the laste Trumpet and consider the forefront of the true Tabernacle of God wherein the beginning of the true God seruice and of the vpright Christian life becōmeth erected the holie of the true tabernacle of God wherin the true God seruice and his requiring the obedience of the belief euen vnto the vpright christian life is accomplished the vaile remoued from the most holy the most holy of the true tabernacle of god wherein the perfection of the true Christian life and al that which God hath spoken from the beginning and promised thorow his Prophets is set vp the kingdome of the God of heauens full of al pure beautie and heauenly powers wherein all mindes of pure hartes doe liue with christian triumph free without feare the day of the righteous iudgement of God in which the compasse of the earth becommeth iudged with righteousnesse the iudgement seat of Christ before which all things must needes be manifested the perfect being of God and Christ in his abundant clearnesse of the godly light the true rest of al the children of God in their perfect louelinesse and vpright being the mysterie of the heauenly trueth wherein the right seruice of loue hath his ministration the declaring of the spirituall treasures or riches
it as that their heartie goodwil affection may be seene to appeare thereby towards it This iudgement of God vpon H.N. and his Family speaketh plainly of the Gospel that we can not enioy it if wee giue no better entertainment then they haue done vnto it For as for them they are now farther from the knowledge of the Gospel then they were the first houre that euer they looked vppon the light For Christ is nothing with them but obedience vnto that doctrine which they professe Which may easily be discerned by H.N. his discription of him which is this Christus doth signifie vnto vs saith H.N. the safe making oyle of the God sauing being and yet more plainely is that matter expressed in the Booke entituled Theol. Ger. A booke that euery mā who hath red any of his workes if his owne coūtrimen had neuer discouered it might easely perceiue to haue come frō the same spirit which spake in him These words are founde there touching that matter Vetus homo est Adamus et inobedientia ipsitas egoitas et similia at nouus homo est Christus et obediētia Adā is the olde man disobedience he I such like but Christ is the new man obedience Where that obedience is nothing that he doth is sinne where that is not there is nothing but sinne God hath nothing so proper vnto him wherein by this doctrine of H.N. his illuminate elders be not felowes with him euerlasting life if that we beleeue him is fully felt possessed in this life here is our heauen here is our hell the resurrection is not corporall of the body but spirituall of the minde Now is Christ come to iudgement and this doctrine is the last trump they are rysen againe and in perfect ioy who haue perfectly imbraced it and those haue alredy receiued their iudgement be in hell who do resist it to be gilty of death by the sinne of an other or to be iustified by the righteousnes of an other is a doctrine not onely not receiued of them but throughout all their bookes impugned our sinnes by this doctrine are answeared within vs and no righteousnesse that shall doe vs good is without vs Touching which point this is saide in the Booke alledged before Etiamsi Deus omnes homines quicunque sunt ad se assumeret ipse in eis homo fieret ipsi in eo deus fierent idem in me non fieret nunquam corrigeretur meus lapsus Although GOD woulde take all men to himselfe and were made man in them and they were made God in him and the same shoulde not bee done in mee my sinne and offence shoulde neuer bee discharged They onely are the Church al cōgregations whatsoeuer that ioine not with thē they call thē Synagouges of Sathan and nestes of Deuils they holde that euery man is his owne Sauiour and a Chrst for him selfe euery mā that hath wel profited in the schoole of H. N. is perfit and without sinne To conclude this matter the errours bee so many so foule and so filthy as woulde force the very penne in passing to stay stop the nose The onely way whereby a man should enter to do them good haue they hedged and stopped vp against vs for they say that they onely are spirituall and therefore iudge truely of the word that they haue the sence and we nothing but the words they haue the spirit and we nothing but the letter that they haue the life and we the body they haue the carnel we the shell they haue the sword and we the scabbard To be briefe in this matter of doctrine H.N. turneth religion vp side downe and buildeth heauen heere vpon earth maketh God man and man God heauen hell hel heauen For venom and poyson which will bring present death hath he dispersed ouer euery member article of our beliefe so vniuersall is the poyson of his opinion Touching conuersation howe may wee imagine that there is any soundnesse when the doctrine and vitall partes be thus infected For do we not read in the scriptures that most shameful corruptiō of life hath alwaies followed as a due deserued punishment the corruption of doctrine God gaue them vp saith the Apostle to their hearts lusts vnto vncleannes to defile their owne bodyes betwene thēselues which turned the trueth of God vnto a lye Which thing Priscillianus of whom H.N. hath borowed not only that villanous wresting of the word by allegories but also that monstrous opiniō that periurie and lying be lawfull and may be doon with good conscience to conceale religion confessed beeing condemned to dye for heresie Priscillianus saith Daneus was put to death at Treuyris which is the most famous Citie of Germany hauing confessed before that that hee had oftenten times committed moste shamefull wickednesse with the women of his sect And what a libertie H. N. his doctrine giueth vnto all lewdnesse of life in his allegorie of the woman that is rauished in the fielde I leaue it to the consideration of the godly These be his wordes in his booke called Documentall Sentences speaking of temptations vnto sinne If they take and lay holde on vs with force and violence and that then although we cry there commeth not any power or helpe vnto vs for to withstand them in their force and violence and that they euen so rauish vs against our will so are wee guiltles of the transgressing for we haue cryed to be released of the tyranny of the euil there is no help come vnto vs Of the which guiltlesse transgressing the law likewise witnesseth where it sayeth A woman which is violently taken in the field where as there is not any helpe and so rauished and although she haue cried aloude yet gotten no helpe she shall be guiltlesse of the transgressing What can open anie window wider vnto all wickednesse then this doctrine doeth For if temptations presse vs and our prayers presently preuaile not by this doctrine we are discharged of all daunger from the fact howe often and how grieuously soeuer we shall offende Whom would not this doctrine not onely incourage vnto sinne but also make him impudently secure and senselesse in the same This monstrous birth so beastly and so blinde hath the contempte of the worde and want of care to keepe it in a good conscience nourished and brought forth Wherby we may see with what daunger we walke not onely wickedly but also carelesly against the worde For this spectacle doeth plainly shew that it is more precious in the Lord his sight then that he either can or will put vp at our hands the contempt and neglect of the same And therfore when we see at this day those men who sometimes haue knowne the trueth become as beastes voyde of all reason let vs vnderstande that the Lorde thereby meaneth to magnifie his worde and to let men perceiue the might and Maiestie of the
For mark their meating you shal perceiue that alwaies the one draweth vpō the other wil neuer leaue him before he haue either a leg or an arme of him And in asmuch as partly by his dark speaking partly by his allegorical expositiō he hath hatched a mōster of perfectiō which he calleth Christ I haue added to the end of this booke 3. seuerall short treatises of those 3. special matters concluding the booke with a Sermō which I made heretofore moued therunto by the iudgemēt of some not only for that the present occasiō did then force me to stād vpō that historie of Christ his death which H.N. would wholy and altogither transforme into an allegorie but also for that in so large a matter of doctrine to reforme our iudgemēt I wished there might be somwhat ioined to further our cōuersation I haue likewise set down the iudgemēt of some godly learned as wel of the Dutch church as of our owne touching these heresies of H.N. that thēselues may see I am not alone neither in my opiniō of thē neither in this necessarie cōtention by writing with thē These fruits of my labours my very good Lord I present vnto your honour as a publike testimonie of my humble duetie good will vnto your L. not only in respect of my selfe for your L. great good deseruings towarde me but also in regarde of many others who find a safe harborow vnder your honourable protection and haue such an easie accesse entrance vnto your honour in all their good occasions and lawfull requests as bindeth vs vnto all duetie and thankfulnesse vnto his maiestie and your honor as his instrument for the same Which hath made me bold at this time to cōmend vnto your honourable care the redresse of a dangerous enormity which of late hath broken out in this land I meane this Athisme brought in by H.N. that his household who will bee called the Familie of loue The seruice your honour may doe vnto God in it is great the hope to preuaile against them in like maner is good for as true Religion spreadeth and increaseth vnder the crosse so punishment and affliction is the bane of heresie and false religion With what care and conscience such matters are to bee dealt withall that which is read in Deut. 14. may sufficiently direct your honour Where it is plainly declared that if anie shall secretly intice vnto a strange religion either friend husband or brother the nearest bondes that nature or friendship hath they stand charged not only to reueale it but also that their handes shall be first vpon them to put them to death To bewray the secretes of a deare friend who is to a man as his owne soule seemeth to flesh and blood an heynous matter to deale so with a mans brother the sonne of his mother or with his daughter the bowels of his owne bodie the law of nature doeth crie out of it and yet for the glorie of our God we are not onely in such a case to reueale this against them but our selues to be the chiefe doers in the death execution of thē which telleth vs that with the true worship of God and religion neither friendship nor nature may enter anie comparison nay it telleth vs that at the bringing in of Idolatry a strange religion how secretly soeuer the seedes therof shal be sowen rather thē by the impunitie therof Gods glorie should be defaced and the daunger that is due for the neglect thereof should be susteined we are not onely to lay aside naturall affection but euē to breake into our owne bowels to bathe our selues in our owne blood The case so nearly touching the glorie of our God I am in good hope that this which hath bene said shall sufficiently perswade your honour to enter into some speedie care consideration how to suppresse so great grieuous a danger Your L. labour in this cause so directly and so daungerously dealing against the highest hee can neuer forget to recompence who hath promised to reward euē to a cup of cold water bestowed vpō the least of those little ones who doe beleeue in his name The God of all glorie make you partaker of that honour which is assured vnto all them who by these such like fruites of faith shall trauaile the ratifying of their owne election and the remouing of all such enormities or blemishes which either hurt the health or hinder the beautie of the Church Your Lordships most bounden to serue in the Lorde Iohn Knewstub To the Reader grace and peace THe holie Apostle speaking of the comming of the Romishe Antichrist sheweth that the Lorde woulde set vp that rennagate seat as it were an executioner or sergeant of his wrathfull iudgement against those which should not haue the loue of the trueth that they which would not effectually beleeue it receiuing sentence of the Lord himself to beleeue lies effectually shoulde be put to the execution thereof by the ministerie of that seat The truth wherof as in other places of Europe so in this our Countrey especially is euidently seene where the Lord sitting in his Assise not twise a yeare but all the whole yeare long reuengeth the shameful contempt and neglect of his truth by sending numbers to their stie or walter againe which beeing drawne into the fouldes of Christ by the preaching of the Gospell behaued themselues coldly and carelesly therein And albeit in long processe of time this only cāker of Poperie be able to eat vp the whole church yet the sinnes of our Countrey crie so loude that is to say are done so openly and so vncōtrolledly in the sight of the Lord that as if he woulde make a short hande of all he setteth vpon vs with diuerse engines at once to pull downe that which he hath so graciously builded and with diuerse axes layde euen to the roote vtterly to cutte vp that which his owne hand hath planted And to follow the former comparison as where there are great store of fellons the Iustices of Assise are faine to seuer and single themselues to make the speedier hande of them euen so through heapes of those which haue no loue of the truth in them the lord is as it were faine to erect vp other iudgement seates by the which hee may ease himselfe of them and to appoint other hangmen for their quicker dispatch to the place wherevnto they are adiudged And therefore contenteth not himself now with the heresie of the Papistes which haue beene a long time the principall sincke to receiue the outcastes of the Church nor with the heresie of the Arians and Anabaptists as it were other houses of office whereunto some of the filth of the Church hath beene discharged but stirreth vp other brandes of hell to set fire as it were in euerie corner of the Church Of this sort are the vnlouely companie of them that call themselues the Familie of loue Wherevpon it may
in humbling our selues before him in prayer with weeping and fasting our eyes may faint in our heades with looking for remedie either of this euill or of any other that hang ouer vs. But I see well enough what the cause is why in so great an ouerplus of cares for other things there is yet so small care taken of this and it is because it is not esteemed perillous vnto the estate So by the way is the glorie of God troden vnder our feete which howsoeuer it be defaced yet so that it be imagined for truly it cannot be without hazard of the estate there is almost none that layeth it to his heart But yet tell mee I pray you howe come we to be so secure of the estate against this route of heretikes For let it not hurt the estate that it is the pestilentest heresie that euer was in the land that it leaueth neuer a peece of the knowledge of GOD whole and vnshaken that it is a masse or packe of Poperie Arianisme Anabaptisme and Libertisme I say let all this not once touch the foote of the estate which notwithstanding preaseth to the verie throate of it yet that it maketh no conscience of anie duetie to men their owne brood onely excepted that they may lie to all so they say true to themselues that they thinke euerie thing lawfull how filthie and howe disorderly soeuer that their fantasticall spirite telleth them doeth it not goe straitly and directly to the ouerthrowe of the cōmon wealth For if it shoulde but suddenly come into the giddie pate of one of their perfites that there ought to be no Magistrate or that none ought to bee better than other or possesse more then other it must bee by and by holden for so resolute a doctrine amongest them as if it had beene ripely debated and decreed by all the Vniuersities in Europe yea a horrible thing as if it hadde proceeded from the sacred mouth of god And who can tell whether these bee their thoughts alreadie which they smother vntill such time as they haue gotten an armie to execute them A number in this lande vppon a false alarme haue beene in a vaine iealousie and feare of Puritanisme Nowe the iustice of GOD hath payed vs For that which was spoken before in slaunder nowe may bee spoken in trueth and that which was beleeued when it was not is scarce suspected when it is For if you seeke after the Puritans these they bee Which although for their loosenesse of life they are from the toppe to the toe nothing but blottes yet bragge they of all perfection euen vnto a verie deifying of themselues what mischiefe therefore yee feare might come from the Puritans that looke for assuredly at their handes How beit the ouglinesse of this Heresie which shoulde driue to a feare doeth as it seemeth make men carelesse of it For they thinke that such a monstrous misshapen heresie shoulde finde louers either verie fewe or if anie number yet such sweepinges of the people as may at good leysure easily bee cast out For the first whereof they little knowe either what the corrupt nature of man is or what is the desert of the contempt of the Gospel amongest vs For there is no wickednesse so grosse the print whereof our waxie and pliable nature to all euill is not meete to receyue and it is the Lordes iust iudgement that they which haue despised the highest wisedome shoulde be throwne into the extremest follie And if anie hartning were taken in that they are of the rascall sort First it is not generally true these shamelesse dogges thrusting themselues for a fatter soppe into houses of great wealth Secondly their basenesse shoulde not free vs from the feare of them if we remember that the Iuie which is so despised and so lowe a shrub doth in climing by little and little kill the tallest and mightiest Oake in the forrest Take example first of Demetrius the Siluersmith who set the whole Citie in an vprore agaynst the Gospel and then of Alexander the Coppersmith of whom by the complaintes which Saint Paule maketh of him and imprecations against him it is apparaunt that he had by him receyued more hinderance in his ministerie then by anie other either Doctours of the Lawe or Princes of the common wealth And if they were so strengthlesse as they be supposed yet the swarmes of them shoulde cause men to bee waking vnlesse they haue forgotten that neither all the wisedome nor power of Egypt was able to resiste the armie of Lice which the Lorde sente againste them And it is to bee feared least this lousie cōpany of the familie of Loue be stirred vp not onely to beat vs but as it were to dry beate vs that like as the Gospell hath beene mocked amongst vs so the Lorde should chose him such rods wherwith he might as it were in great scorne and disdaine strike vs againe Such were the Hunnes Gothes Vandales which being raysed out of the dunghil and men of whome ther was no reckoning made yet had they such strength through the weake profession of the Gospel such greate successe through the smal successe therof such swiftnesse through the slacknesse in it that setting vpon the mightiest and moste warlike nation in the world they made in short time such a hād of them as if men had had to do with Mice or fire had met with Stubble such a woonderfull GOD is the Lorde who as he oftentimes in mercie deliuereth his by thinges of nothing so againe in wrath hee plageth them by thinges of like value But peraduenture as the verie name of the householde of loue is their great glory so it may breede in vs an opinon of their harmlesnesse For who can feare any euill from loue which doth good to all and hurteth none How beit adde only which the trueth it selfe doth prooue that it is the housholde of Selfeloue and then what mischiefe is there whiche wee may not make iust account of if their handes be as able to deliuer it as their heartes are frutefull to conceiue it For except a fewe faire speaches wherewith they would forsooth approue them selues to bee led with the spirit of Loue and which are rather a cloke to couer their hatred against vs then any wholesome fruite of vnfained loue their loue is so lame that it cannot steppe a foote out of their owne doores And as we haue nothing to trust to in this title so they in vaunting them selues of it doe but glorie in their owne shame For I can as well affoord it them to the discouerie of their owne fylth as the name of Iesuites vnto the Papistes which pride themselues therein For as they leauing the title of Christiās cōmended to vs in the holy scripture and coyning a new of their owne braine carrie the note of their intollerable arrogancie in their forehead red of all which vnderstand anie thing of Christian modestie euen so also is it in
where the request was made by Moses to haue this glorie of GOD shewed him the Lorde promised that hee woulde make all his good goe before him it will refourme our iudgement heerein and cause vs to conceiue that it is no other visitation he meaneth here then such as his best children after their offences are forced often to feale at his handes I meane not as the Church of Rome woulde haue it that the Lord doeth thus wreake his wrath vppon them vntill they shall haue made a iust satisfaction for their sinnes but that hee doeth herein prouide that himselfe might receiue no staine by them While albeit hee bee content to bee mercifull vnto them in their sinne yet will hee reserue for all that vnto himselfe the right of a fatherly visitation to declare that he is farre from being a fauourer or friende vnto sinne In this explanation of H.N. his fayth wee heare nothing why vnto GOD there shoulde bee added this worde father and yet it were requisite since hee is called in question for his fayth by all Christian Churches planted thorowe out the whole worlde hee shoulde speake plainely to euerie principall poynt yea or no touching his agreeing or dissenting from them The cause of his silence herein is for that hee acknowledgeth no distinction of persons to be in the Godhead wheras of purpose this worde father is set downe in the Creede and Articles of our fayth to meete with that mischiefe of H.N. and others the like their errours and heresies It had beene requisite likewise since in so short a draught of Christianitie we may not thinke anie thing to bee superfluous or vnnecessarie that hee had shewed some good helpe for the strengthening of our fayth to haue come from that almightie power which the Almightie shewed in the workemanship of heauen and earth whereof there is expresse mention made to that ende in this place The Scripture doth discerne the Lord from all Idols by this alone marke of his Maiestie the Gods saith the prophet which haue not made heauē earth shal perish frō the earth frō vnder those heauens The scripture doth likewise make it a strōg fortresse of our faith which driueth out doubtfulnesse distrust as we read of Abraham that he did not doubt of the promise thorow vnbeleefe but was strong in faith because he was well assured that hee which had promised was of sufficient power and abilitie to doe it And vndoubtedly when we shal vnto anie promise of the Lorde ioyne in serious earnest consideration this remembraunce withall that it is the promise of that God who by his power out of nothing brought all the faire furniture of this world it cannot but be forcible to keepe off such doubtes of hauing the promises of God performed as fleshe and blood are full of Good reason it is therefore that H N. should not haue beene altogither silent in a matter of so great importance but of that wee heare nothing There is another matter that he shooteth at to wit after he hath affirmed God to bee a true being to proue that the same being is god the fathers name his loue it self for they are his very words Now he bringeth no other proufe of it then that of Iohn where it is sayde That God is loue but no woorde heard that his being shoulde be no other thing beside loue it selfe which is the matter that he woulde willingly establish Now this is his accustomed craftie and subtile dealing the sooner to deceyue the simple thereby hee will aduouche Scripture when hee setteth downe most absurde thinges albeit there bee no parte of his opinion established thereby It sufficeth him if there bee founde in the Scripture one of those woordes that hee vseth howe farre soeuer hee swarue in sense and meaning from the purpose of that place from whence hee taketh it For what reason is there in this to say because GOD is loue therefore his essence and beeing is loue Shall euerie thing that a man is become an essence and beeing vnto him One man is religious riche learned well fauoured temperate chaste humble charitable yet are not all these his essence and beeing For one thing cannot haue more then one essence and being And in trueth none of these can be called the essence and being of a man for there bee men that want all these and yet haue the essence being and nature of men Nowe albeit the Almightie cannot bee without loue yet therevpon it followeth not that his being is loue no more then it doth to say fire cannot be without smoke nor snow without whitenesse therefore the essence and naturall being of fire is smoke and the substancial nature and being of snow is whitenesse which is well knowne to bee most vntrue Moreouer mercie wisedome righteousnesse strength and holines al these be as neare the nature being of the Lord as is loue for as he is loue so is he wisdome righteousnes holines strength all these are absolute perfect in himselfe But if all these seuerally should be his essence being then should there be many beings natural essences of one thing nay distinct natures beings of the same thing then the which what can be more mōstrous For the Lord God is but one in essence being howsoeuer he be three in person and therfore this assertion of H. N such like which being graunted do necessarily inferre that the Lorde God is not one in nature and being are daungerous nay hereticall and blasphemous It is no new thing to haue such slender proofes from him for such straunge opinions for it is his cōmon and general practise throughout al his bookes and therefore it is assuredly true that if his religion were no better stayed and vpholden by the wealth and fatnesse of some in that familie then it is by authoritie from the Scriptures the credite thereof woulde haue beene cracked with diuerse of them long before this time I thinke H.N. hath beene his scholler who now of late hath brought to light and taught a kinde of perswasion which he calleth a princely proofe whereof hee speaketh thus Oratione persuadere non Regium sed Oratorium munus esse Regiam autem persuationem in donis ac muneribus sitam esse oportere It beseemeth not a King but an Oratour to perswade by speach for a King is to perswade by giftes and rewardes And surely H.N. his proofes are altogether Princely by rewardes and giftes as for proofes and perswasions from the scripture by worde or writing whatsoeuer shew of sufficiencie bee made that way yet in truth he is content to let that alone to poore Oratours and the meaner sort of men as ouer base and beggerly for so mightie a personage as is himselfe Touching the number of authorities that here are brought foorth this one thing I am well assured of and so will euerie man affirme that shall with anie iudgement examine the same that vnlesse
made and accomplished all his woorke and that hee namely the sonne of God Iesus Christ for that cause beareth also all thinges with the woorde of his power and maketh the purging of our sinnes throwe him selfe Answeare I Haue sufficiently before declared that Christians are taught to beleeue in Iesus Christ that it is not enough for them to confesse that there is a Christe or that Christ is the sonne of the liuing god And yet notwithstanding H. N. vsually in explaning the articles of our beliefe shunneth as rockes all words of faith and beliefe and embraseth in steede thereof woordes of confessing whereof he hath as it seemeth conceiued some better liking but the cause thereof he is content to keepe secrete to him selfe Where he professeth that Iesus Christ is the very like being of the liuing GOD his father and that GOD the father through him hath made and accomplished all his woorkes that he beareth all things with the worde of his power and hath made the purging of our sinnes throwe himselfe It shall God willing appeare hereafter in my answeare vnto this reason that he meaneth nothing lesse touching Christ then that his woordes seeme at the first sight to giue out of him As for his reason which is that because GOD the father hath made and accomplished all his woorkes by Iesus Christ in the creation of the worlde therefore hee shoulde make the purging of our sinnes through him selfe alone if it were good and sufficient the holie Ghoste might aswell haue the name of the mediatour and redeemer as Iesus Christ For GOD the father accomplished not that woorke without him Moreouer howe absurde is it that his dealing in the creation shoulde charge him with the woorke of our redemption When did H. N. euer see the obligation whereby at his entring vppon the Creation hee stoode bounde to perfourme the woorke of redemption The Scripture telleth vs hee laide downe his life frankly and freely of his owne accord not to discharge any dutie or debt of his owne growing vpon any former couenant hee had made for him selfe to perfourme but that it was to acquite vs thereby from euerlasting death and destruction which otherwise was in iustice to fall vppon vs And for that cause hath he geuen him this name Iesus as we reade in the Gospel after S. Matthewe Thou shalt call his name Iesus for he shal saue his people from their sinnes He came not then to rid him selfe from the daunger that any former couenant tharge or duetie of his owne had laide vpon him or bound him vnto but to deliuer his people from their sinnes which had laide holde vpon them and as an heauie burden did presse them downe vnto death So that the reason rendred in the scriptures why he had to name Iesus doth sufficiētly declare that it was no priuate cōmoditie of his owne but the saluation of his people that was sought for and accomplished by him And that wee shoulde not doubt of his authoritie or abilitie to goe through with so great a matter as is the worke of our saluation therefore commeth he from God the father with speciall authoritie and graces in all abundance annointed and enabled therevnto And thereuppon hath this name Christ accordingly ▪ which in our tongue signifieth annointed that our faith might not roaue vncertainely about our saluation but directly looke at one both sufficiently authorized and also fully furnished for that woorke where wee might particularly and cleerely see the grounde of al this good will betweene GOD the father and vs For from hence had this league the beginning and here is the hope and assurance that wee haue for the continuaunce of it Wherein the Lord his dealing is in all mercy towards vs that we should haue such specialtie geuen vs as might put out of doubt and point foorth particularly the occasion of our saluation For the scripture which is our euidence doeth not barely mention this matter of our saluation but telleth vs at large by whom at what time it was purchased for vs what price was paid for it what enimies stoode against it and howe great a woorke it was after the beginning to goe thorowe with it and that Christe Iesus did execute both the office of a Priest and also of a Prophet in the accōplishing therof not onely praying for vs in that he was a Priest as appeareth in the Gospel after S. Iohn so declaring himselfe to be our mediatour of prayer and intercession but also offering vppe him selfe once for all a sufficient sacrifice for al the sinnes of his seruauntes and so became in like maner the Mediatour of our redemption In which two pointes of offering praier sacrifice to God for the people did the Priest his office consist Wherein the comfort of a Christian is exceeding great for that he hath so singular a person the force efficacie of whose prayer and sacrifice is dayly in God his sight for him as it is written to the Hebrues Christ is not entred into the holy places made with handes but into very heauen to appeare nowe in the sight of God for vs. And seeing as the Prophet speaketh The Lorde hath sworne and will not repent that he is a Priest for euer it followeth necessarily that there shoulde ▪ 〈…〉 euerlasting vse and fruite of that Priesthoode towards the faithful He did also execute the office of a Prophet towards vs had special cōmission likewise for that fūctiō as appeareth in the Prophesie of Esay The spirite of the Lorde God is vpon me therfore hath the Lord annointed me he hath sent me to preache good tidinges to the poore c. VVhich speache our sauiour Christ in Luke affirmeth to be verified in him selfe being of all other moste sufficient too make true report of the will and pleasure of the father and to deliuer vs from all feare of not atteyning vnto so high and secrete a thing because as saint Iohn sayth he dwelleth in his bosome and is his onely begotten sonne and therefore not onely of all other most deare vnto him but also most priuie vnto his greatest secretes For which cause hee is called by the Prophet Counsellour And in as much as his kingdome wherin should dwel holines and righteousnesse was to be gouerned by the scepter of his worde and preaching of the Gospel he hath promised his presence euen to the ende of the worlde vnto that office and function Goe therefore and teache all nations to obserue what so euer I haue commaunded you and loe I am with you vnto the end of the worlde For by vertue of this function he hath not onely barely and nakedly to set downe a trueth vnto vs but also to woorke effectually with it to transfourme vs into the same that we might geue credite to the promises and be humbled vnto the dueties commaunded The comfort that commeth vnto a christian for that Christ is made our
as a thing vnneedefull not once distincting vnto whom the seruice after the ordinaunce of Aaron is yet necessary nor yet with whom the same at the appoynted time ceaseth or leaueth of but haue al for the most parte cried Christ Christ and we are Christians and attributed to themselues much freedome ere euer the time of the appearing of Christ or the annointing of the holy Ghost was come to passe or fulfilled with them in the accomplishing of the olde Testament Oh that they yet nowe awaked and tooke heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gratious time and gaue eare vnto the same that they might vnderstande their safemaking and so then bee rightly and according to the trueth brought to the true beyng that is vnto Christ You heare that hee complayneth greately of the Scripture learned that they haue altogether and generally leaste the Leuiticall Priesshoode and seruice after the ordinaunce of Aaron forbidding it vnto all without exception when as the time of the appearing of Christ is not yet come to passe with many because they haue not taken heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gracious time and therefore hee wisheth in the tenth Section that they yet woulde nowe awake and take heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gratious time that so they might rightly and acording to the trueth bee brought to the true beyng that is as he saieth vnto Christ for these be his owne woordes in this place And so then be rightly and according to the truth brought vnto the true beeing that is vnto Christ So that nowe you see clerely by receiuing effectually this his doctrine men are made that true light whereof he spake before in this chapter when as he saide And this same true light is the annoynted with the holy Ghost which is named in Hebrue Messias and in Greeke Christus In the sixth Section hee declareth when men may be saide to come to this true being and perfection which he calleth Christ To witte when the law and seruices doe chaunge with the beleeuers out of the letter and seruiceable woorde into the reuealing of the holie spirite of Christ For then as hee sayeth in that Section The honourable Priest is come vnto them who teacheth not after the maner of Aaron by requiring them yet to obserue the will or righteousnes of the law but after the maner of Melchisedech bringing with him the blessing the accōplishing of the law the saluation of life the annointing of the holy Ghost these be his words Where now thē the law the seruices do in such wise change by the beleeuers of the annointed to witte out of the figures into the true beeing and out of the letter and seruiceable worde into the reuealing of the holy spirite of Christ there is also then by these same the Priest his office chaunged for Christ the honourable Priest cōmeth vnto them from the right hand of God the Father out of the heauenly beeyng which hath or vseth not his seruice after the maner or ordināce of Aaron which is yet a teaching and requiring to obserue the will or the righteousnesse of the lawe of the Lorde but after the maner or ordinance of Melchisedech with bringeth with him the blessing the accomplishing of the lawe or of the Lorde his will the saluation of life and the annointing of the holy Ghost to a pleadge of the godly inheritance to an euerlasting treasure or riches of God and reigneth in the righteousnes of the same See the miserie of this mischiefe hee will haue Christ to bee an estate in man which leaueth the written woorde which hee calleth the letter and hearkeneth wholly to the reuelation of the spirit which banisheth Aaron that is that estate which is carefull to doe the will and commaundementes of God and resteth resolued that they haue already accomplished the lawe and sinne no more And this is that true seede of promise whereof wee heard before out of the eightienth chapter of this booke which is not as he sayeth conceiued of the fleshe but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the beleefe this seede out of the faith of Abraham also of the pure virgin Marie is as he saith in that place the true seede of the promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth And this seede he calleth the vpright children of the beliefe Albeit I haue set downe the wordes before yet it shall not be amisse to recite the place againe worde for worde as it lieth there Consider ye beloued howe that there is shewed vnto vs and geuen vs to vnderstand through the speches of the Angel Gabriel which he vsed with Mary that at the same time when the holy Ghost came through the power of the most highest vpon the Virgin Marie and procreated the true seede of promise the time of the procreating of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe turned it selfe about to wit that the holy and true seede of Abraham should not from thenceforth be conceiued of the flesh but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the belief that the same should euē so be borne out of the true faith of Abrahā for the seed out of the faith of Abraham out of the pure virgin Mary is the true seed of promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth And thus from that time foorth the Genealogie of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe ceassed with the Beleeuers for the vpright children of the belief which had their discent out of the seed of the faith of Abraham and of the pure Virgin Mary as also frō the holie Ghost were knowē to be the true seede of Abraham because the same seede was the seede of the promise of God the Father was likewise in his minde according to the spirite the likenes of God his father also spirit spirituall of the godly nature being according to the will of God wholly minded with God. It appeareth likewise plainely in that his booke which is intituled The Prophesie of the spirit of loue chapter xv v. Section that this state of perfection which is there called the seconde birth is Christ Iesus the Lord and sauiour These be his woordes O ye holy ones of God thou louely communaltie of loue feare not but be nowe of good cheere vpon the earth against all your enimies For beholde your GOD commeth to be auenged on all your enimies for to lay them that they may bee troden downe vnder the feete of your Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ and euen so in your second birth out of the holy spirite of the loue of Iesus Christ to transporte or yeeld ouer the iudgement and dominion vpon the earth vnto you and your Sauiour Iesus Christ to the ende that yee with him and he with you and your sauiour Iesus Christ and with his
his is ascended into heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie father but with this cautiō that it is like as the scripture mencioneth therof that is as his owne head shall imagine the Scripture to speake when it is transformed from the true and naturall sence into allegories and mysteries of his owne making And therefore after his woonted manner louing to make his Commentarie darker then the Text which hee hath taken in hande to open and explane hee saith That his Iesus hath taken in the heauen raigneth ruleth essentiallie in the heauenlie being that is that beeing free from sin the knowledge of the worde after the letter he is now become altogether heauenly spiritual inspired with knowledge immediatly frō God himself For his Christ after the spirit is him selfe and all that his number who are by obedience vnto his doctrine growen to such perfection that now they sinne no more beeing replenished with the fulnesse of the holie spirit of Christ as himself speaketh And that he meaneth no other ascending into heauen ▪ neither any other taking in of the heauen is euidently proued out of his Euangelie chapter 26. and 10 Section Beholde when as now the law of Moses was in such wise as is said fulfilled or accomplished and had no longer seruice with the death of the sinne and with the beleuers of Christ which through the lawe were dead vnto the law but the spirit of Christ which made the diseassed beleeuers of Christ aliue againe in righteousnesse out of the death of Christ so had then also the Priesthoode in his Images figures and shadowes after the manner of Aaron no more ministration with the liuing in Iesu Christ neither yet gaue it any clerenes more with them because the heauenly clearnesse of Christ and his vpright beeing of loue wherein the disciples of Christ were comprehended excelled farre away all cleerenesse of the figuratiue seruices for that cause the priesthood of Aaron chaunged also with the Disciples of Christ and ceassed by them for with them there was a spirituall heauenly priesthood appeared in vpright righteosnesse and euen so was the same with his seruice established on Christ after the spirit the true light which is an high Prieste that bideth for euer at the right hand of God in the heauenlye beeing whose seruice of the spitituall heauenlie ministration commeth not to passe in the letter nor in the figures but in the verie true beeing Beholde euen so was Christ after the spirit in his office or seruice a minister of the very true and heauenly goods among his disciples and beleeuers and hath when hee had taken in the Heauen multiplied him selfe through his seede of the holie Ghost out of the heauenly beeing to the increasing of his generation the vpright seede of Abraham according to the promises and euen so became Christ fruitfull vpon earth in many thousandes of his Saintes all which he through his death made free or iustified frō the sinne made them aliue through his holy Ghost taking them vp from the earth and assembling them vnto him at the right hande of God his father in the heauenly beeing He affirmeth as you heare in the 10. Section that when the lawe of Moses was accomplished by the death of sinne and had resigned vnto the spirit of Christ which made the deceassed beleuers aliue again in righteousnes thē had the priesthood after the manner of Aaron no more ministration with these liuing neither gaue it any more clearnes vnto them this is his reason because the heauenly cleerenesse of Christ wherein the disciples of Christ were comprehended excelled farre away all cleerenesse of the figuratiue seruices The same reason hee rendreth in the next Section saying that the priesthood of Aaron ceassed with the disciples of Christ for that vnto them there had a spirituall heauenly priesthood appeared who was with his seruice established on Christ after the spirit which is an high Priest that bideth for euer at the right hand of God in the heauenly being In the 12. Section continuing his speach of those to whome nowe the heauenly Priesthood had appeared hee calleth them Christ after the spirite and affirmeth that when he had taken in the heauen he multiplyed himselfe thorowe his doctrine which he calleth his seede of the holie Ghost for beeing perfect they may publiquely teache and professe to the increasing of his generation the vpright seede of Abraham according to the promises and so became Christ fruitfull vppon the earth and assembled many vnto him at the right hand of God his father in the heauenly beeing This is the taking in of the the heauen or the ascending into Heauen of H.N. his Christ and the sitting at the right hand of God his father euen to become heauenly minded and inspired from aboue in all fulnesse with this knowledge and obedience which H.N. requireth in this his seruice of loue Heere is neither hope nor comfort for vs in any other man beside our selues neither is any consolation opened either from the ascencion of Christ either else for that he sitteth at the right hande of God his father only this is confessed that the number of his perfect ones are become inclosers and haue taken in the heauen so that there is no portion of heauen and other true happinesse to be hired or otherwise had vnlesse a man renounce the knowledge of the worde after the letter become voyde of all sinne and perfectly illuminated with thefull cleerenes of H.N. his doctrine The greatest comfort that I see a man who would willingly become a disciple can haue by H. N. his doctrine is that though his religion be very highe and mysticall yet his Heauen is very lowe euen heere vppon Earth among vs For this ascention of his Christe and sitting at the right hande of his father is performed in this life when the disciples become once comprehended of this his heauenly cleerenesse and of his vpright beeing of the loue When shall we once come to the bottom of this dungeon of darkenesse How hard is it when once a man hath giuen way to heresie to finde that stoppe which shall make him stay and recouer himselfe Howe great is the goodnesse of our God that hath armed vs with cleere and plaine doctrine out of his woorde against these and the like daungers and hath left vnto vs the knowledge of his Christ to our exceeding great comfort and consolation insomuch that euery article of our beliefe addeth something to the consolation of a christian For albeit our hope be great in that we heare of him who went downe into the graue in our sinnes that hee is risen againe and so acquite of that danger and iudgement which he lay vnder for the same yet is it much more when we vnderstand that the Lord hath not so left him and caste him of who was the whole dealer doer for vs but hath receiued him into heauen his owne
in the same But to omit coniectures how euident soeuer they bee and to come to the matter iustified and warraunted by expresse writing howe is it that H. N. professeth that his holy Ghost becommeth poured foorth as he speaketh in the oldnesse of the time when men haue followed Christe in the death of his crosse vnto the newe life or seconde birth Can men make any beginning in Christianitie before the spirit of God bee geeuen vnto them Nay can they truely cōceine of that way before they be lightened with the spirite of God Doeth not the Apostle plainly affirme That no man knoweth the things of God but the spirite of God And therefore in the next verse confesseth That they had receiued the spirite of GOD whereby they myght knowe the thinges that were geuen them of GOD Haue the seruantes of GOD his spirite powred vppon them when they haue beene dead vnto sinne is it not by the power of the spirite of GOD that they die vnto sinne aswell as they that lyue vnto righteousnesse Doeth not the Apostle attribute the mortifiyng of the deedes of the body to the spirite in these woordes If yee mortifie the deedes of the body by the spirite yee shall liue Howe then dare H.N. vtter suche dangerous dreames as these bee of the holy Ghoste that hee shoulde not bee geuen vnto the seruauntes of GOD before they haue altogeather left sinne and become vtterly dead vnto the same For hee is of opinion that the holy ghost is not graunted vnto his familie before that time that Christe in the spirite as was spoken before appeare vnto them and they become partakers and possessed of that estate of perfection which hee dreameth of And therefore as was declared before he calleth the visible comming of the holy Ghost vpon the Apostles whereof mention is made in the second of the Actes the appearing of Christe in the spirite For that estate which his familie are partakers of before this perfection was called before the estate of the man in his youngnes and here it is called the dayes of the pacience of Christ in the obedience of the holy and gracious woorde and his seruice of loue and the keeping of the doctrine of his patience Now saith H.N. when those dayes of the pacience of Christ are fulfilled and when they haue kept the woorde of his pacience vnto the ende then becometh the holy Ghost powred foorth vpon suche from the right hande of GOD. By this doctrine in my iudgement H. N dealeth hardly with the man in his youngnesse For yf it shoulde please the Lorde to call any of his familie before they were come to this perfection which hee speaketh of they shoulde dye as reprobates out of the fauour of GOD the heires of euerlasting destruction For as saint Paule testifieth If any man haue not the spirite of Christ the same is not his and by this doctrine of H. N. they are not partakers thereof before those dayes of the pacience of Christe bee fully expired and this estate of perfection entred which hee calleth the second birth from the dead or the new life of the true beeyng of Christe H. N. Which vpright beleuers that folowe after Christ in death life become baptized or washed through Christ in the pure and liuing waters of the holy ghost those same shal also i become powred foorth ouer thē with ful clearenesse of God abūdantly for euen so through shedding foorth of the holy Ghoste ouer the vpright beleeuers in Christ vnder the obedience of the loue of the holy Ghost doeth Christ make manifest his holy church the cōmunialtie of his holy ones and establisheth on the same the promises of God his heauenly father and euen so plainely sheweth who are the right Christians in what maner of wise that they become baptized vnder the obedience of the beliefe of Iesu Christ in the name of the holy Ghost And that is the vpright christian baptisme in the name of the holy Ghost and it is the true seconde byrth out of the holy Ghost the ttue loue of GOD and Christ Answeare THese vpright beleeuers haue the waters of the holy Ghost as H. N. affirmeth powred foorth ouer them with full cleerenes of God abundantly and thus doth Christ make manifest his holy Churche vnder the obedience of the loue through the shedding foorth of the holy Ghost who is nothing els but the loue of God Christ with H.N. as appeareth in the lasse lyne of the last Section and this he calleth the baptisme in the name of the holy Ghost This doctrine hath bene confuted before there is nothing therefore remayning now but to geue you a sight of those absurde thinges which follow vppon it First of all by this doctrine H.N. his Christ in the spirite and his holie Ghost be all one Secondly the holie Ghost is not geuen but to them that are of this familie and subscribe to the doctrine and religion of H.N. Thirdly sinne is subdued before the holie Ghost bee graunted and geuen vnto them Fourthly Baptisme is no cutwarde seale and assurance of that good will the Lord beareth vnto vs but an inwarde perfect obedience that wee yeelde vnto him And last of al the holie Ghost is not that with begetteth in vs the loue of God Christ as it is written but it is the verie loue it self of God and Christ and nothing else These errours be so euident that if nothing had bene saide seuerally vnto them before being once brought out vnto the barre and arrayned a man woulde thinke they would at the first haue yeelded confessed and neuer for shame by pleading not guiltie haue made any further trouble vnto the countrie for their tryall H. N. Wee confesse that they all which become not grounded in this same vpright faith of Iesu Christ nor become euen so baptized as is before mencioned in the first article in the name of the Father vnder the obedience of the loue of the father and his lawe and as is before mencioned in the fourth article in the name of the Sonne vnder the obedience of the loue of the sonne and his beliefe and as is before mencioned in this 8. article in the name of the holie Ghost vnder the obedience of the loue of the holy Ghoste and his renuing of the life minde are no true Christians and that they also all that boast themselues to be Christians without this same vpright faith and baptisme are doubteles false christians Sectio 33. Therefore shall nowe in this same day of the loue the worde that the Lord Iesus hath spoken cōcerning the true be liefe and baptisme be a iudge also become fulfilled founde verie true and make knowen the beleeuers from the vnbeleeuers Section 34. For verilie who so beleeueth and becōmeth baptized after this maner like as we here confesse or acknowledge according to the word of Iesu Christ the vpright faith
them then of the common sort euen such as a louing father doeth of his owne sonne Moreouer their sinnes are seldome or neuer in their sight I meane with this consideration that in iustice they doe deserue not onely the stopping of the course of his grace but euen to haue let in vppon them the floudes of his wrath Which thing if it were truely seene could not but sette a great price vpon those benefites that come in ouer such desertes The minde of the giuer commendeth not the gift with them for they see not so farre they ioyne them not as seales to his letters of free grace I meane to the free graunt of his grace notwithstanding wee bee forewarned of this deuiding of them and so straightly charged to vnite them Beware least thou saye in thine heart my power and the strength of mine owne hand prepared me this aboundance but remember the Lorde thy god For it is he which giueth the power to gette substance to establish his couenant which he sware vnto thy fathers as appeareth this day Is it not a great villanie to taste so liberally of his benefites and yet to perswade vs so sparingly of his good will to haue so friendly dealing with his giftes and so little liking of him self that when we haue deuoured so manie benefits we shoulde inquire of the Almightie who he is that wee shoulde serue him as if yet we had seene nothing to binde our seruice vnto him Can there be more vnkindenesse then in so manie benefits bestowed to gaine no good will so manie benefites to be let out and no good will to come in with them againe That wee may the more clearely see into his good will and free mercie through his benefits we must be brought back now then vnto our sinnes and the iust desertes thereof For then shall we recken them to be benefites in deede when we see what doings they haue succeeded and beene ioyned withall Thus allayeth Moses the pride of the people of Israel and getteth GOD his due honour among them in the ninth of Deut. Speake not thou in thy heart after the Lorde thy God hath cast them out before thee saying for my righteousnesse the Lorde hath brought mee in remember and forgette not howe thou prouokest the Lorde GOD to anger in the Wildernesse since the day thou diddest depart out of the lande of Egypt vntill yee came vnto this place ye haue rebelled against the Lord. He calleth to minde sundrie of their grieuous transgressions particularly reciting the time and the place By these rules let vs trie who in matters of any weight layd vpon them by the Lord are lyke to returne this answere Who is the Lord that I should serue him Euen so manie as doe finde no sweetnesse nor taste in him by his benefites as are no more confirmed by his blessings in his fatherly affection towardes them such as get thereby no strength of fayth such as doe not holde themselues the more bounde vnto him as are not the more delighted in him as are not the more desirous to walke worthie of him as finde not their heart the more ioyfull in him as finde them no better minded to his lawe to the which hee hath set ouer his owne loue euen those I saye that dwell in the benefites and so they haue their desire they holde that their heauen and their happinesse that looke no further then the benefite that stay vpon it and inquire no further whether God doe loue them and is become a father vnto them so as they may account vpon his benefites as giftes from a louing father those that thinke themselues then to vse his benefites best when God and all goodnesse is the furthest from their minde those that can finde no taste in these temporall blessings vnlesse the mention of him who giueth the taste and sauour vnto them be indented and conditioned withall to depart farre from them for that time which they haue to vse them those that will neuer set their sinnes in sight that they may further the account of the benefite and the good will of the benefactour Wee must denie this vngodlinesse that yet demaundeth Who is the Lord that we shoulde serue him after so long vse of his benefites Now would I know where we might haue a place for them that are lesse acquainted with him then they were manie yeares a goe who haue lesse comfort in his worde lesse Religion lesse obedience lesse good conuersation as for them that take his benefits and with them doe warre against him the place is taken vp alreadie in the nethermost pit if the Lord giue not great repentāce therfore brethren for Gods cause let vs hastē our better acquaintance with him who by benefits hath so lōg time cōmended him selfe vnto vs let it be our shame that he should thus long be a stranger vnto vs that of so long time hath had so louing dealing with vs Let vs ioy more in his delightes set our hartes more vpon that he commaundeth and commendeth vnto vs so shall wee come out of their rancke which in hart say Who is the Lord that we should serue him Which men by his benefites haue receiued no earnest of their saluation no pledge of any speciall goodwil no assurance of true safetie no delight in his loue no more familiaritie with him nor greater comfort of him who are no more drawen out of the worlde and her delightes to folow him who hath in so sundry giftes witnessed his good will called them vnto him pledged these as earnestes that his owne glory abideth for them Now would I see where we might set them if not in his ranck who haue so often been fetched vp from the loue of the world by so many messengers of Gods mercie and yet haue so litle ioy to be aboue and so hungerly pursue the pleasures and profites here belowe as yf they had neuer no not in meditation had the sight of any other delights The benefites then leade vs vnto the Lorde when in them we see him to be our father and make the more hast to come to him hauing an eye to the endlesse life he calleth vs vnto Comming more in desire from these things here belowe and getting more holde and more hope aboue shewing aswell in prosperitie as aduersitie that we are not wedded in our luste and desire vnto worldly goodes in wealth by not being letted by it to folowe the way that God doeth set before vs nor yet to deale mercifully with our neighbours and to walke humbly with them And in affliction by holding our selues well contented in so much as we want not him who is a plentifull portion and the best heritage The last note of vngodlinesse is this they say what profite shall we haue if we call vppon him These are no speaches of the tongue as I haue saide before but the sence of the hart No man so euill that maketh not some reckoning of his
to be married Yet is it saide that rather the basest of the people shal be compelled to enter in then that these who haue ben bid and are hindred by these thinges though in them selues not vnlawful shoulde taste of the supper Wee see then how needeful this sobrietie is that keepeth vs from surfettyng with these transitorie thinges The very Ethnickes haue founde and taught that there is a blessing which a good man may finde in euery estate Scaenica hath these woordes Assuescendum itaque conditioni suae nihil tam acerbum in quo non equus animus solatium inueniet If Heathen men founde ioy in euery estate by custome and continuance shall wee finde none who haue the promise of our God for speciall blessinges and assistaunce Let vs answere our affections which will not heere of our abasing as Dauid did Michal the daughter of Saul 2. Sam. 6. Who scornefully checking him that he had so abased himself in bringing home the arke of the the Lorde and that before the maides of his seruauntes receiued this answeare from him it was before the Lord who chose me rather then thy father and all his house and cōmaunded me to be ruler ouer al the people of the Lord and therefore I will yet be more vile then this and wil be lowe in my owne sight and of the very same maide seruantes which thou hast spoken of shal I be had in honour Let vs I say answeare our affections and say it is before him and for him of whom we holde all let vs say wee are yet redy to be more vile and lowly if neede require our God see it so good for we must cheine vp our affections with cōsideration that our bondes are limitted vnto as and that we are redy to be abased yf suche a condition shoulde be layde vpon vs from the lord Let vs learne in the feare of God to take vp our affections from pursuing these delightes remembryng that the Lord hath pledged him selfe for assurance of a sufficient prouision Let your conuersation be without couetousnesse for it is said I wil not leaue thee nor forsake thee If we had but the woorde of some wealthie man to assure vnto vs a sufficiencie howe woulde it comfort our hartes and lessen our labours and cares Beholde the woordes of the highest for hym that is content with that he hath yf this will not mooue vs let vs remember that in the eight of Luke there is mention made of a cursed kinde of grounde that receiued the precious seede of Gods woorde into it but either riches cares or voluptuous life doth so choake it as there commeth no fruite of it And if this will not preuayle with vs let vs call to minde the watchwoorde that is giuen vs by our Sauiour Christe in the 21. of Luke Take heede least at any time your hartes be oppressed wirh surfetting and drunkennesse and cares of this life Nowe if there happen to be any who beeing weery with the burden of their weakenesse in this part shal be come earnest suters vnto the Lorde to preuaile against their corruption in this behalfe let them assure them selues that the vnfaigned petition and prayer of a man leaden with the burden of his want beeyng continued cannot returne emptie from that GOD who by name calleth out such to come vnto him with promyse that he will heare them Therefore to conclude this matter of sobrietie let our lot giuen vs of the Lord be our limitte let a lower estate be well digested by meditation let God his assurance be sufficient let his threatninges feare vs let his promyse yf wee be weery incourage vs. To liue righteously is so to order our life as euery man may haue his owne at our handes for iustice is a vertue that geueth to euery man his due The Lorde to maintaine brotherly loue among his hath made one the store-house of necessaries for another So is the welfare of euery man layde out of himselfe that loue may by suche meanes rather be maintained He that is in the place of iustice and iudgement is to remember that he geue to euery man his owne For the fatherlesse in his good cause hath the right of a father in him The Widowe of an husbande the blinde and ignorant man that cannot discerne where the helpe of his cause lieth hath the right and title of an eie in him the oppressed of a Patron Thus doeth Iob cleare him selfe in the 29. of Iob. I deliuered the poore that cried and the fatherlesse and him that had none to helpe him the blessing of him that was redy to perish came vpon me and I caused the widowes heart to reioyse I was the eye to the blinde feete to the lame I was a father to the poore and when I knew not the cause I sought it out diligētly I brake the iawes of the vnrighteous man and pluckt the pray out of his teeth Thus did Iob discharge him of the defence he did owe vnto thē lending his eie vnto the blinde to spie out the right of his cause and his hande to the oppressed to plucke the pray out of the vnrighteous mās teeth More and besides this the whole land hath title to a defence and safetie by them from sinn For sinne and wickednes vnpunished maketh the lande giltie of blood and bringeth the wrath of God vppon it Which wee haue notably prooued vnto vs in the 21. of Deut. A man is founde dead it is not knowne who slue him the Elders and Iudges muste come forth and measure to the cities that are round about him that is slaine the Elders of the Citie next vnto the slayne man muste take a Heifer out of the droue and bring it vnto a stony valley and strike of the Heyfers necke and washe theyr handes ouer the Heifer that is beheaded and testifie and say Our hands haue not shedde this blood neither haue our eies seene it O Lorde be mercifull vnto thy people Israel and lay no innocent blood to the charge of thy people Israel so the blood shal be forgeuen them so shal yee take away the crie of innocent blood This care and prayer was there to vnburden the lande of blood euen when the malefactour coulde not be founde and this confessing of a kinde of guiltinesse in the Elders and Iudges next vnto that Citie for that if iustice had beene straightly looked vnto by them it is credible the malefactour durst not haue approched so neare Thus woulde the Lorde teache vs that wickednesse vnpunished crieth out against the land wherein it is committed Nowe seeing by the expresse commaundement of GOD there was suche care taken to purge the lande of murder or manslaughter when the aucthour thereof was vnknowen And that not otherwyse then by sacrifice prayer and solempne protestation before the Lorde of their innocencie either for doeyng it or seeing it doone they were discharged of the daunger thereof What conscience and
if a man of no conscience had the custodie of all the Euidences of this lande hee might doe muche mischiefe by canceling crossing interliuing putting in and out at his pleasure hiding or shewing renting or reseruing as him lusteth And is not this performed while the lawe is made to speake that they knewe in trueth it did neuer meane and to burie that in scilence which it was appointed to giue testimonie and witnesse vnto and if all this were nothing what can be so miserable as when a man hath bene all the day abroade in the stormes and tempests at night when he commeth home hee shall finde his house in that case that it can neither holde out winde nor rayne And doe not manie who are forced by reason of Stormes and Tempestes abroade to take them to this their house and harborowe I meane the lawe finde the tempest often as grieuous there as before they did in the playne woulde to God there were none turned out of their owne doores in the middest of the storme without any hope at all of harborow from thence or if a man that had bene dogged to his own doores by theeues and hauing gotten his house vpon his heade beginneth to breath himselfe and reioyce for his good escape thinking all to be safe and suspecting no harme who coulde sufficiently bewayle him if in the middest of his Triumph they bee founde in his owne house that fall vpon him and murther him And is not the lawe the house of the troubled and vexed man Yea Westminster Hall is the poore mans house And therefore doeth hee pay taxe and subsidies that it might bee an house of defence vnto him able to keepe out winde and weather how tempestious soeuer If a man that is oppressed and wronged abroade in any parte of this lande shall bring his matter vnto hearing at VVestminster Hall looke that yee bee good vnto him in his owne house let him take no harme at home His griefe is greate enough abroade It hath alwayes euen by the lawes of man beene counted an haynous offence to vexe and annoy a man in his owne house What ye think of the matter I cannot tell this I am assured of it is his due to be well dealt withall there and ye are to aunswere the Lorde not only for deniyng but also for delaing and deferring of iudgement For why the man hath right and title in his good cause vnto as speedie a dispatch at your handes as possibly may had And therfore Iob professed that he had not weried the eies of the widow with wayting lōg for helpe before it came It is a true saing of that Heathen man Bis dat qui cito dat He doubleth his gift that geueth it speedily It was a griefe to Iethro Moses his father in lawe to see the people stande from morning to euening about Moses waiting for their dispatch How would he haue taken it if he had seene men which commonly hapneth here among vs to wayte from tearme to tearme nay from yeere to yeere Wee are all of vs seuerally to deale righteously with our brethren in all our conuersation with them and thereby declare the loue wee beare them And the Lorde hath appointed vs to shewe this loue not only vnto them but vnto the thinges that be deare vnto them as goodes and good name euen vnto these hath the Lorde bounde vs aswel as vnto there persons For wee must thus intermedle one with another and finde succour one from an other And their name and goodes by his appointment goe thorowe our handes and charge aswell as his person and muste finde succour there This is the charge from our GOD that when anie thing of theirs passeth thorow our handes it finde that affection towardes it which may geue testimony of our brotherly goodwill to them and witnesse our obedience vnto god And the same GOD that forbiddeth the murder of his body forbiddeth also the stealth of his goodes And the same GOD that hath bound ouer our loue and good affection to his bodie hath in like maner doone it towardes his goodes Hardly shall any man be perswaded that he is louing vnto him who is empairing him in any thing that is deare and precious vnto him alwayes gayning by his losse The poore man whose monie must passe through the handes of the Merchaunt the Farmer the Draper c. by that time that euery one ouerselling his commodities hath gotten a fleese bringeth the sweate of his browes that is his bloud which he hath plentifully powred out and made no spare of it thorow out the whole yeare into a narrowe rowme Neither can he giue a true report of anie loue hee found at their handes more then one might find at the hand of a Turke or Infidell In the 25. of Leuiticus the people of God are charged not to oppresse one another in buying and selling but as the yeare of Iubile was nigh or farre off so to sell dearer or better cheape Wherein the seller was bound to regard the profite of him that bought for longer then the yeare of Iubile he could not possesse it At which time by the lawe of God it must returne to the owner againe The yeare of Iubile is abolished but the lawe of conscience being the equitie of that lawe remaineth that a man should regarde not himselfe onely but also the state of another Whereby it is apparant it was not lawfull for a man to take whatsoeuer he could get without regarde what a bargaine his neighbour was like to haue at his handes We are exhorted by the Apostle to make conscience of such matters in the first to the Thessal 4. Let no man oppresse or defraude his brother in any thing for euen the Lord is a reuenger of such things Knowe you not sayth Saint Paule that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God And what right hath any man to another mans mony not giuing him the value or worth of it in wares or marchandise Be not deceiued saieth the holy ghost in the same place Neither theeues couetous persons nor extorcioners shall inherite the kingdome of god The want of equitie and conscience in this behalfe is notably taxed by Solomon Prouerb 20. It is naught it is naught sayeth the buier but when hee is gone apart he boasteth It toucheth this naturall corruption where euerie man would haue regard onely of him selfe euen without anie respect of another when not onely his owne thoughtes but euen his owne woordes do oftentimes condemne his dealing both of iniurie and dissimulation Our careful walking in the waies of righteousnesse haue plentifull promises of blessing from the Lord so that if his worde be of any credite with vs we may be well assured that by such dealings our gaines will grow to be the greatest He that walketh in his integritie sayth Salomon is iust and blessed shall his children be after him He that followeth after righteousnesse and mercie
shal finde life righteousnesse and glorie A faythfull man shall abound in blessing but he that maketh hast to be riche shall not be innocent Men who being greedie of gaine had sodainly attained vnto wealth were the most infamous of all other men euen among the heathen so that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 grew with them to be a name of greatest reproch A verlet is not more odious with vs thē he was with them The order that here is obserued may in no wise be neglected for sobrietie is set before righteousnesse in this place We must liue soberly and righteously sayth the Apostle Without sobrietie and temperance righteous iust dealing cannot be holden vp mainteined for if a man haue not learned to be rich to be poore he shall neuer hold out the course of iustice righteous dealing when it lieth vpon the losse of fauour estimation credite wealth or countenance to proceed in iustice and righteousnesse He shal neuer buie and sel with conscience that hath not accoūted with himselfe to carie a lowe saile lower then he hath done if God see it so good We should haue more iustice if we had more sobernes in the lād for if whatsoeuer come the old estate must be holden iustice and righteous dealing must somtime be stretched It is this tēperance sobrietie that strengtheneth righteous dealing and iustice For if we could be content to be humbled in the worlde if God could not otherwise be serued or a good conscience mainteyned we should haue more power to do iustice and to liue vprightly in our calling whatsoeuer But while men are so drowned in profites pleasures and honours in the worlde they are neuer put to any strait but iustice is stretched that the olde compasse may be kept and their estate vpholden Let vs imbrace this temperance and sobernesse so shall we holde fast this reine of iustice and vpright dealing in our places and callings Many good lawes we haue made to cause vs liue iustly one with another but litle fruit of them for why the roote is not touched VVe haue taken so large a measure of port and countenance being voyde of this temperance that the cloth must needs be cut out therafter The sobrietie that pleased our fathers in attire in faire in port in coūtenance will not suffice vs we haue taken a larger measure and therfore must we not stretch out the cloth they haue left vs accordingly Must not our rentes be raysed our reuenues increased the prises of our wares augmented our paines dearer our giftes greater our pleasuring of mē better cōsidered our paines more rewarded our liberalitie to the pore or to any good purpose lessened our compassion abated and so our fathers good report decaied Let euery man tast more of temperance so shall he be able to afoord a better peniworth of righteous and vpright dealing in his calling whatsoeuer For sure while the measure is so infinitely inlarged the cloth must needes be set vppon the Tainters and excessiuely stretched It shall bee in vaine to make lawes agaynst iniurious and vnrighteous practises if before this great excesse and intemperancie that ruleth in all estates bee not repressed For if that in no case may bee abated howe can it bee but that the olde ordinarie dealinges in righteousnesse and equitie must bee racked The great want of sobrietie that is euery where speaketh that there is much vnrighteousnesse in this land and so consequently doeth plainly and euidently foretell vs that the righteous God hath a quarell with the inhabitants of this our Countrey for the vnrighteousnesse therof which increaseth in euerie kingdome as moderation and sobrietie abateth Now how sobrietie decayeth and intemperancie is dayly augmented euen he that is most guiltie herein wil not seeme to denie it Wherby it is euident that this land shall not be able anie long time to beare the vnrighteousnesse therof For this great intemperancie telleth vs that the burthen of vnrighteousnesse which it beareth is growne to such greatnesse as cannot long be susteyned if our reformation herein be not speedily attempted and taken in hande which the Lorde in mercie graunt may be throughly thought vpon by you who haue especiall helpe in your handes to performe it To liue righteously is the request of our God The grace of God that bringeth saluation hath appeared teaceth vs to liue iustly His graces offer themselues to take vp their consideration in our righteous conuersation they craue that our vpright dealing may speake in what regarde we haue them howe wee thinke our selues beholden vnto them they haue set ouer the pleasuring of them to vpright liuing there they woulde haue it seene howe they are valued prised and esteemed Let vs then beholde a Christian Meditation for men of all callings and trades when they deale in the woorke of their callings to mooue them to equitie conscience and regarde of those with whome they deale Beholde my GOD calleth mee to witnesse to the worlde my thankefulnesse for his benefites he calleth me nowe forth to value his deseruings nowe am I called to set my price vpon his mercies and to leaue a recorde behind me howe highly or basely I esteme of his goodnes for the recōpence of his kindnesse hath he turned and set ouer to be answered in obedience and vpright dealing one with another The grace of God that bringeth saluation hath appeared biddeth vs liue righteously Now am I to signifie vnto the world howe I think my self indebted vnto God for the benefite of redemption for the benefite of his worde for honour health for children for friends peace welth ▪ these are now crauing some consideration Were it not great crueltie that crauing so little they should neuerthelesse be repelled bringing all things their consideration shoulde be nothing Now therefore will I consider of my God for this blessing now will I answere in dutifull remembrance for that benefit And so draw forth his special mercies to haue them seuerally considered in our vpright life and iust dealing with men Not with the Papistes to seeme to requite him by merite but with the godly Christian to shew him selfe not vnmindefull of them in humble obedience to his will. Saying after our best obedience with Dauid in the building of the Temple Who am I and what is my people that we should bee able to offer willingly after this sort for all thinges come of thee and of thine owne hande haue we giuen thee all this aboundance That we haue prepared to build thee an house is of thy hād and all is thine This meditation will in like manner meete with our crooked and disordered affections in our dealinges which are voyde of all consideration of iustice and mercie While that we shall in this manner vrge and presse them doest thou thus answeare thy redemption is here the price of thy sanctification dost thou thus requite thy preseruation is this the thankfulnesse for thy health al thou maiest
resurrection and inherite euerlasting life Answere All the comfort that H. N. doeth assure his familie of by the resurrection of their Christ is that such as shall become obedient vnto his doctrine which thing he expresseth in these woordes such as indeuour themselues in the beliefe vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesus Christ to become implanted into Christ the gracious woorde of the Lord for Christ as you haue heard before signifieth somtimes nothing else with H. N. but this worde and doctrine which he hath brought into the worlde shall by this their slaying and burying of sinne in the flesh become renued in the spirite of their minde obteyne and inioy the resurrection or as he speaketh the making aliue from the deade and inherite the euerlasting life But wee haue not thus learned Christ so manie as haue beene taught out of the woorde of God the truth of him and the true fruite of his resurrection For as Christ Iesus died in our sinnes and went downe into the graue in our iniquities inasmuch as it was our sinnes and no offence of his owne that drewe him vnto death so his resurrection was the perfect absolution and clearing of the faithfull from al their transgressions For had one sinne of his seruants bene vnsatisfied for neither woulde death haue resigned hir right who had arested him as suretie for sinne neither would the righteous Lord by raising him from the dead bringing him out of the danger that he lay vnder for our sinnes haue giuen sentence on his side so iustified vs in him Which thing the apostle cōfirmeth triumphing ouer condēnation not onely because we haue discharged it by his death but also because we haue our Quietus est acquittance to shew for the same euen his resurrectiō Who shal lay any thing to the charge of god his chose It is God that iustifieth who shal cōdēne it is Christ that is dead yea or rather which is risē againe And likewise the same apostle in his epistle to the Corin. affirmeth plainly that if Christ be not risen from the dead we haue nothing to shewe for our discharge against sinne but do remaine yet vnder the danger thereof And in the Epistle to the Romanes he declareth also that wee are by his resurrection cleared from our sinnes and they nowe no longer imputed vnto vs And therefore when he had before declared that not only Abraham his faith was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse but also that ours shal be imputed vnto vs hee telleth vs more particularly how this commeth to passe to wit because Christe who was deliuered to death for our sinnes is risen againe for our iustification For as God the father in deliuering Christ vnto death did cast all our sinnes vpon him and condemned our sinnes in him so in raysing him frō the dead he iustified and absolued him vs in him inasmuch as but for vs neither sinne nor death could haue any thing to doe with him from all our sinnes and trāsgressions whatsoeuer Now if the Lorde had let him make an escape who was in holde for our sinnes inasmuch as he had once taken vpon hym to satisfie for the same or wrougt his deliuerance and set him at libertie before a ful sufficient satisfaction had bene made then coulde not himselfe haue bene cleared of iniurye offred vnto vs nor his Iustice haue bene vnspotted euen before vs which if once wee suffer to enter but into our thoughtes it maketh vs giltye of high treason against our god This doctrine therefore of H. N. who will haue our dying vnto synne not onelie to preuent but also to procure our rising vnto righteousnesse not mencioning any other benefite that wee haue from Christ his resurrectiō beside the example that is set before vs for our imitation and following after him in the same is at defiance and vtter enmitie with the trueth which is taught in the word of god For Christ his resurrection which H. N. maketh so small an accounpt of not onelie is our iustification from the giltinesse and daunger of sinne but also the head and wel spring of al that righteousnes holinesse and newenes of life that is to be founde ni the conuersation of his seruāts And therfore the Apostle in the 2. to the Ephe. doth fetch our rising vnto righteousnesse frō Christ his resurrection and ioyning them togither speaketh thus God which is rich in mercie euen when we were deade by sinnes hath quickened vs togither in Christ and hath raysed vs vp togither And accordingly to the Collosians draweth his exhortation vnto newnesse of life from the resurrection of Christ as from the fountaine from the which floweth the reformation of our life If ye thē be risen with Christ saith the Apostle seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affection on things that are aboue and not on thinges which are on the earth Which thing is also confirmed out of the Ephesians where we doe reade that the large and liberall distribution of his graces did followe his resurrection and ascention when that notable victorie and conquest ouer sinne death was fully accomplished The resurrection therfore of Christ according to the trueth of his worde is not onely our discharge against sinne but the fountaine and spring also of all that chaūge of life and conuersation which is to be seene in his seruants But according to this doctrine of H.N. it is neither our discharge against sinne nor yet the beginning of our good life therfore without mention either of iustification from sinne by it or viuification and quickening in the wayes of righteousnesse we are sent to make warre with our affections according to the rules of his doctrine that so wee may obteine the resurrection from the deade and the renewing of our spirit and minde So that we haue nothing in H.N. his Creed to be beleeued but many things in our conuersation to be practised nothing to leaue vnto that was once doone by him but al that we may trust to must proceede from our selfe Touching this poynt Whether our dying vnto sin doe both preuent and purchase the renewing of our minde it hath beene answeared in the article immediatly going before H. N. The sixt Article We beleeue that this same Iesus like as the Scripture mencioneth thereof is ascended into Heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie Father We confesse that he hath taken in the heauen and reigneth and ruleth essentially in the heauenly beeing with his father vntill that all his enemyes be layde vnder his fete and that he in like maner shall in euery behalfe take in the kingdome and all dominion and power and render it all ouer vnto his father that God may euen so be all in all according to the promises Answeare This confessor H. N. acknowledgeth and confesseth that this same Iesus of
duety vpon hym who was Lord of the law in his owne name and for himselfe but onely in respect of vs whose cause and person hee was content to sustaine Touching his life what a rare argument and token of good will was this to begin withall that he would be abased so farre for vs as to lay downe the maiestie glorie wherein he was nothing inferiour to his father and to take vpon him the estate and condition of a poore and miserable seruant to leaue the highest estate in heauen and to goe vnder the basest condition here vpon earth to chaunge the highest dignitie with the basest condition the greatest glorie with the greatest infamie the place that hath superioritie ouer all with that which is to serue all what is the glorie of all kingdomes in the worlde if they were ioyned together to the glorie of Heauen and yet howe impossible were it to intreate him who is king of the least Islande in the worlde to chaunge his estate with a seruant to leaue the glory of his kimgdome and to imbrace the estate of the meanest subiecte and seruant in the lande VVhat subiect howe friendly soeuer in former times he had beene to the Prince could after long sute preuaile thus much with him and beholde the king of heauen and Lord of life doth force this friendship vpon his enemies It requireth our earnest meditation of the matter to consider the greatnesse of the goodwil that lyeth vnder it for it hath neuer before or since been heard off that the sonne his life should be the price to purchase vnto the seruant his fredom that the sonne should be sould to serue to the end the seruant nay enemie might be made free Wonder at this worke thou earth be amased at it ye heauens for frō the beginning if al your regesters were searched the like shal not be heard of at any time to haue happened The gift had beene exceeding great if wee should haue had no more at his hands then is the seruice of his life lead in all maner of obedience for our sake heere vpon Earth but after this obedience vnto the will of his father in all duetie accomplished he himselfe must passe thorow death and so become a slaine sacrifice for the sinnes of his seruants Wherin let vs a litle beholde the weight of suche a worke so shall wee make the better account of him who hath wrought it for vs Let vs behold his behauiour when the time approched of his appearing before the iudgement seat of the righteous God for sinners Which although it be but the enterāce into his passion and suffering wil notwithstanding let vs haue some sight and tast wherby to discerne how hard a work he had in hand When he was to enter the answearing of sinne he went as appeareth in the Gospel after Saint Mathew into a place called Gethsemane saying to his Disciples Sit ye heere while I goe and pray yonder While he was on the way he began to waxe heauy sorowfull and greeuously troubled In so much that he complaining of his grief vnto Peter and the two sonnes of Zebedeus whome he tooke with him saith vnto them I feele my heart heauy vnto death tary ye heere and watch with me The paine pressed him so sore that hee craueth the eomfort of their presence in that combat Yee may well consider that it is no small matter which driueth the sonne of God to intreate his Disciples to watch with him But are they able to afforde him any helpe In trueth they can giue no helpe vnto the mater he hath in hand It is no great thing that is required and yet for al that it cannot be obteyned It is no great matter to looke on though the matters which be in doing were neuer so daungerous and yet the Scripture doth tel vs that the chiefe of the Apostles could not hold vp their heads and helpe their maister at his desire while hee yet was but in the beginning of his conflict with so much as a cōfortable countenance no not after he had cōplained of their great vnkindnesse and expostulating the matter with them had vsed these wordes towardes them What coulde ye not watch with me one howre A wonderfull matter that Peter the Prince of the Apostles should bebewray so great weakenesse that beeing sundry times requested by his Maister could not performe towarde our saluation so little a matter as is the looking on So farre was hee from afording either countenannce or speach of incouragement in this cause The Lorde had a speciall purpose in it and we are therfore to drawe speciall instruction from this that there did neuer greater want appeare neither mo infirmities breake out of the Apostles then whē the worke of our saluation was in hand For had they giuen but the least helpe vnto that worke howe should men haue beene kept from matching them with Christ in the matter of mediation For many be so mad that notwithstanding the best of them could not helpe with a comfortable countenaunce when our saluation was to bee procured yet will they haue the meanest of them at least fellowes with Christ at halfe of the Mediatorship for they will not be perswaded but that they must pray vnto them and so haue them fellowes with Christ in the office of intercession Howe hath the holie Ghost met with man his infirmitie heerin and remoued all stumbling blockes that wee might haue free passage to that alone Mediatour betweene God and man the man Iesus Christ Who can deny but that the onely wise God did foresee what great folly and susperstition many would fall into with the Apostles and Saints of GOD and therefore would haue the woorke of our saluation so cleare and voyde of any helpe from the Apostles that the chiefe of them could not bee kept from sleeping at the beginning neither from periurie and forswearing after a little farther proceeding in the same For so farre wer they from healping our saluation forwarde that beeing requested to watch and solace their Maister with their sight in his agonie that they are daunted and lye like deade menne And when they are wakened and reprooued for that they woulde not watche one houre by and by they fall faste a sleepe againe so that no manner of comforte can bee had from them And no maruell for the Almightie had determined that the combate should be single perfourmed of one alone and therefore it coulde not be that Peter and Christe should suffer togither In deede there weare two theeues crucified with him but there was no doubt which thing the learned doe well note that the sacrifice for sinne should haue any supply from their suffering The fourme of prayer which our Sauiour Christ vsed vnto God the father when hee entred into this agonie doth likewise tel vs what paine anguish he did sustaine For sundry times he made this peticion vnto God O my father if it be possible let this cup
passe from me Let vs ceasse to meruel that the Apostles did beare no part in it for this his praier doth declare that Iesus Christ had his hands full of it Let vs not meruaile why the Apostles had no more lust nor affection to deale in it for Iesus Christe him selfe if he had followed the sence and persuasion of his fleshe had flatly refused it fainted at the firste and neuer haue gone thorowe with it O my father if it be possible let this cup passe How heauy a waight of our sinnes was vpon him not onely is bewrayed by his prayer but also by the droppes of blood that fell from his face and by his often passage as a man greatly distressed and in sore anguish from his Apostles to the place where he prayed and from thence to them againe Somtimes waking them and seeking comfort from the sight of them and sometimes againe intreating his father for fauour Neither doth hee this once and away but sundry times doth he renewe it and make often attemptes to haue ease by it This was the beginning of this his conflict Much anguish was in it as you haue heard and little comforte comming from any yet the farther he proceedeth the more his paine increaseth and the lesse comforte he feeleth Before hee had the sight of his Apostles albeit they could not be kept waking for his comfort now they all flee and forsake him saue Peter who did abide by it a while but in the end did forsweare him His father whome before hee did attempt to intreat now standeth foorth taking the place of iustice the seate of iudgement summoneth al his seruauntes to appeare and answeare for their sinnes Then the sonne of man Iesus Christ commeth foorth to the barre appeareth in the person of all sinners there standeth he to receiue sentence afterwards executiō accordingly which coulde be no slender punishment for it muste be a sufficient satisfaction for the sinnes of all his seruauntes It coulde be no litle blowe that hee did beare for why it was suche a one that the sinnes of all his seruantes did dye of it Howe coulde it be a litle stripe or stroke that was the death of so many sinnes Nay vniuersaly of all the sinnes in his seruauntes When he went vnder it this speache of his O GOD my God why hast thou forsaken mee did sufficiently testifie what waight and burden hee had of it Before he was forsaken of men and his dearest Disciples had leaft him Now sinne hath set his father against him and hee feeleth him an vtter enemie vnto him For that hee wrestled not with an ordinarie and vsuall kinde of deathe his words to his father doe bewray He was to beare the punishment for sinne which muste touche him els howe should we be perswaded that the punishment was sufficient and meete for suche a matter Beholde a true ballance wherein to waie sinne a Glasse that will geue vs the true sight of sinne Looke vppon this glasse ye which thinke that at your last houre ye shal be well enough able to driue away sinne with a sigh Beholde this spectacle yee that take sinne in young men to be the grace of those yeeres and so slender a matter in olde men that it cannot abide the least breath or sight of one that hath gray heares ▪ You see when sinne is to be aunsweared the Apostles left it and Christe him selfe did sundrie wayes declare that he had enough of it Wee may see sufficiently by this that they neuer felt the sting of it who in their speaches and remedies appointed to redresse it doe geue out so slenderly of it There is one thing whereof we are especially to be admonished that wee neuer make our selues giltie of so great vnduetifulnes against our god as to cal his diuinitie into question because he was hūbled vnto this anguishe and paine in our person and bewrayed such sence and feeling thereof in our nature For how doe we answeare the Lorde if wee will let him haue no longer any honour from vs for that he was so greatly humbled for v● Hereby we may sufficiently see and discerne what a cursed and counterfayte Christe that is which H.N. hath brought into the worlde For H.N. his Christe was not first God and then after when he was to suffer made man but first man and after by his suffering was Godded with god He gaue no speciall argumentes of good will vnto vs by his passion and suffering for him selfe had the greatest benefite by it insomuche as that he coulde not haue beene saued without it He is not this true Christe who offered him selfe a sufficient price for all the sinnes of his seruantes for he leaueth euery one to answeare for his owne sinne telling him that he him selfe and no other is to answeare for it And therefore looke what the sinnes of H N. his Christe cost him the same price muste they pay for theirs if they will beleeue him All the helpe that they haue from him is that he hath paide his money before them so that nowe they shal not neede to trouble them selues either about the price to spende any long time in learning what is required neither yet about the maner to vnderstande where and howe it is to be paide If anye doe maruelle howe H. N. can make away this so plaine an historie let them vnderstande that it is well knowen to those who bee any thing acquainted with him that to sinke any historie H. N. will require no more then one single shot of an Allegorie The Lorde graunt that they which thus abolishe the true Christe and his office to set vp so cursed a creature in his place may bee looked to in time before they shal drawe others into the same condemnation Christe Iesus gaue him selfe for vs to purge vs that we might be a peculiar people vnto him selfe zelous of good woorkes Heere are all the carnall Gospellers condemned who liue in hope that vnder the countenaunce of their profession all libertie of life will well enough be borne out that make Christe his death to be nothing els but a bande vnto their lewde lyfe Heere may wee see that the Lorde hath not laide downe his life to purchase no other thing at our handes beside a profession of the trueth but that hee bought with his blood a zelous addicting of our selues to christan conuersation It is a woonder to see howe the wicked will boast of the benefite of Christe his blood howe mightie it is to merite how sufficient to saue from sinne But for all that will they not geue ouer anye libertie of life that before they haue enioyed whereas it was geuen to purchase a newe conuersation aswell as a newe profession For hee gaue him selfe for vs that wee might geue our selues vnto him a peculiar people zelous of good woorkes Let vs marke it then my brethren that he gaue him selfe for vs to haue the honour of a Christian life