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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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is and muche wished for of oure Lorde Iesus Christe namely that he came for thys cause into the worlde beinge made man to deliuer all them that beleue in hym from synne death and eternall damnation and to gyue them a newe and perpetuall ryghtuousnes and lyfe Whiche thynge al the prophetes spake afore hāde of him as the lorde him selfe expouned in the laste of Luke So sayeth he it behoued Christ to suffre and to ryse from the dead the thirde daye and that repentaunce and remission of synnes should be preached in his name among all nations The Apostles taught the same thynge euerie where as it appeareth in theyr actes For thus Petre preacheth repente your fautes and let euerie one of you be baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the forgyuenes of synnes and ye shall receyue the gyfte of the holy goste actes ij Item the God of oure fathers hath raysed Iesus whom ye kylled hangyng vpon wodde hym God hath exalted wyth his ryght hande a prince and a sauiour to gyue repentaunce vnto Israell and forgyuenes of synnes etc. And agayne he commaunded vs that we shoulde preach to the people and testifie that it is he which was appointed of god a iudge of the quicke and the deade To hym all the Prophetes beare wytnes that who so beleueth in hym he shall receyue remission of synnes thorowe his name Saynt Paule preacheth the same thynge actes xiij Be it knowen to you then bretherne that thorowe thys man remission of synnes is preached etc. Though thys preachyng of the Gospell be short neuertheles it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth Ro. i. Wherfore Christe also compareth the Gospell to a mustarde corne to a treasure hidde in a felde to a precious margarite for the gettyng wherof we must sell and leaue all thynges Math. xiiij But that the strēgth and efficacie of the Gospel may be more euident the preachers muste euer studiously set forth Christe and religiously preache howe great thynges he suffered for our saluation howe great thynges he did Further howe he wil haue these thynges shewed vnto vs and what he wyll worke in vs thorowe thys preaching It is euident thorow the preachyng of the lawe that all we be synners of oure selues and destitute of the glorie of God Rom. iij. Item that we are deade thorowe misdedes and synnes and be by nature the children of wrath as other be Ephesi ij prisoners and solde vnder synne that we oure selues can not ryse out of thys perdition of oure owne strengthe Roma viij Wherfore to obtaine saluation there needed a mediatour and sauiour whiche might pacifie God beinge angrie and recōcile vs to God and deliuer vs frō synne and death and make vs heyres of euerlastynge lyfe Suche a sauiour and intercessour Christe is made vnto vs. i. Timo. ij one God and one attonemaker of God and men Christe Iesus a man whiche gaue hym selfe a price of redemption for al men etc. Thys Mediatour first entreateth wyth God the father thorowe his lyfe death passion and intercession to turne his wrath frō vs to receyue vs into fauour and to gyue to vs as to his children the holy spirite and euerlastyng lyfe Further he cometh to vs and handleth his matter with vs thorowe the misterie of the Gospell his holy spirite and the crosse that we maye beleue hym and thorow faith obtayne ryghtuousnes and euerlasting life And he handleth his matter wyth God after thys sorte firste he ordred his whole lyfe accordyng to the wyl of the father beinge made obedient vnto hym vnto death whiche thynges we should haue done But bicause he sawe that they were impossible vnto vs he perfourmed them hym selfe he fulfylled the lawe as he sayth in Mathew I came not to destroye the lawe but to fulfyll it And Paule to the Gala. iiij Whē the fulnes of tyme came God sent forth his sonne made of a woman made subiecte to the lawe to redeame them that were subiecte to the lawe Therfore he wrate also to the Cor. Christe is made rightuousnes vnto vs of God that is to saye his rightuousnes was perfourmed for our sakes and gyuen vnto vs. Item Phil. iij. Yea and I thynke all thinges to be losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Christe my Lorde and I cōpt them for refuse that I maye wynne Christe and be founde in hym not hauing my rightuousnes of the lawe but that that is thorowe the fayth of Christe etc. For whoso beleueth in Christ to him whole Christ and his perfecte ryghtuousnesse is imputed at once and togyther Secondly Christe translateth and remoueth all our synnes vpon him selfe dieth for them and suffreth al those thinges that we should haue suffred for our sinnes As Iohn Baptiste testifieth Beholde the lambe of God whiche taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde Item Esaie of a truth he bare our diseases and he susteyned our sorowes and we cōpted hym stricken wyth a plage and depressed of God But he was wounded for oure iniquities and beaten for oure synnes the chasteninge of peace was vpon hym and we were healed wyth his stripes And we haue strayed lyke sheepe euery mā into his owne way and God hath putte vpon him the iniquities of al vs. Item Paule Rom. viij God spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all and Chap. iiij He was deliuered for oure synnes and raysed for our iustification So Gala. iij. Christ redeamed vs from the curse of the lawe beinge made a curse for vs for it is wrytten cursed is euerie one that hangeth on tree Thirdly he is a mediatour for vs that God wyll receyue vs into fauoure Esaie liij He bare the synnes of manie and prayed for transgressours The prayer of Christe Iohn xvij teacheth the same thynge I praye for them not for the worlde but for those whome thou hast gyuen me keepe them in thy name etc. And Paule Ro. viij Christe is at the right hande of the father and maketh intercession for vs. Itē to the Hebr. v. whiche in the dayes of his fleshe when he had offered vp with strōge criyng and teares prayers and supplications before him that was able to deliuer him etc. Yea the whole epistle sheweth thys thinge mooste euidently that Christe oure high bishoppe offred hym selfe for our sinnes and entred into the most holie place wyth his owne bloude an euerlastyng redemption beinge founde out So then Christe handled and doeth handle the matter for vs thorowe his death and obedience shewed to the father and thorowe his intercession that he reconcileth vs to God the father and for thys cause he is made Lorde ouer all thynges as the Apostle witnesseth Psal ij whiche beinge in the fourme of God thought it no robberie to be equall wyth God but he emptied him selfe taking the fourme of a seruaunt constituted in the lykenes of men and in shape founde as a man he humbled him selfe made obedient vnto the death and that of the crosse Wherfore God
maye be more cōforted and the celebration of so great a sacrament more augmented and the benifite of Christ bestowed vppon the childe throughe Baptisme more commended the preachers shall alowe the same in the congregacion vsinge a lesson of the holye Gospel and praier after this sorte ▪ The pastor whā thei become which bring such an infante vnto the Lorde shal first demande of them Beloued in Christe forasmuche as we be al borne in synne and the wrath of God giltie of eternall death and damnacion and can by none other meanes get remissyon of sinnes righteousnes and euerlastinge lyfe than through faith in Christ and forasmuch as also this infant is borne subiect to these euils I meane of death and the wrath of god I aske of you whether he were offered to Christ and plāted in hym through baptisme If they answere that they so beleue he shal aske thē further by whom it was done and who wer presēt And whā they haue named them he shall aske him whiche bi there relacion Baptised the childe if he bee present or other whiche then were presente whether the name of the Lorde were called vpon him and prayer made for him If they answere that they did so he shall aske how the childe was baptised If thei than answere in water and wyth these wordes I baptise the in the name of the father the sonne and the holye gost he shal aske them laste of all whether they certainly knowe that thei haue rightly vsed the worde of god and if they answere that thei know and remembre that they dyd so lette the pastoure saye this moreouer Forasmuch as beloued in Christe I here that althynges concerninge the baptisme of this infante haue been done in the name of God and according to his institution I pronounce in the name of Christe that ye haue doone well For infantes wante the grace of God whych our sauiour Christ denieth not vnto theym whensoeuer it is asked for children according to his worde for he hath not bound the benifite of his redemption to anye places times or persōnes For in what place soeuer they that beleue in hym come to gether in hys name he is present in the middest of them and whan he is caled vpon thoroughe fayth he worketh in hys worde and sacramentes and he performeth in ded whatsoeuer he offreth in hys sacramentes promiseth in hys wordes And to confirme this fayeth and that we maye sterre vp our selues to thanke the Lorde for thys hys so greate benifyte ministred to this infante by baptisme lette vs heare out of the gospell howe the Lorde wyll haue children brought vnto hym and howe he wyll bountouslye blesse them whyche be offered vnto hym Marcke x. ¶ And thei brought children vnto him that he myght touche them etc. By these wordes of Christe we bee certified that as manye infantes as bee offered vnto Christ according to his word pertayne to the kingdome of God bee the chyldren of God the mēbres of Christ that the Angels be present with them as mynistres and that al the creatures of god be subiecte vnto thē to do them good Wherfore we must ministre to such with singuler diligēce that they maye bee well broughte vp in Christe and growe in him and this charge pertaineth to you parētes kinsfolkes godfathers and all other frendes which be of the body of thys our congregacion I commende than thys infante the sonne and heire of God the brother and coheire of christ the mēbre of christ and youre membre in Christe to your faithfulnes charge that ye procure hym wyth al diligence to be noryshied brought vp and enstructed to the Lord to whom he is borne again and to the kingdom of god to which he is borne againe eueri man accordinge to his vocation and power that assone as he can for hys age he maye learne to keepe all those thinges that Christe commaunded to bee kepte Wherefore it pertayneth to you chiefely parentes godfathers and kinsfoke thought all other in this congregation and all chrystian men to whome soeuer he shall come ought not to denye theire labour and healpe to procure that this infante assone as he may for his age be brought to the schole and to the congregaciō and be enstructed in the misteries wyth all faythfulnes that he may lerne to acknoledge and magnifie the moste ample benifites of God receyued in baptisme that afterwarde he maye professe his faith him selfe in the congregacion that with his owne voyce he maye renounce satan and the worlde with all his entysementes and workes before the holy congregacion that he may bynd himselfe to Christ and to his congregacion vnto all obedience and continue in the same vnto the ende as a liuelye membre of Christ and a branch continuyng in Christ and brynging furth plentiful frute vnto the praise and glorie of god and edificacion of his church After thys let him saie lainge his hande on the childe The lord bee with you Answere And with thy spirite Lette vs praye Lorde God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ whiche haste be gotten agayne this infant of water and the holye goste and haste giuen him in holye Baptisme remission of all sinnes confirme the same with thy grace and guide and further this new life whyche thou haste giuen and fynyshe it vp where vnto thou haste bounde the infante with this hollye Sacramente Graunte also to hys parentes and to vs all that we maye faythfully and diligently serue the in takinge charge of hym that thoroughe hym and vs all they name dayly be more and more sanctified and thei kingdom promoted vnto the full fruision of blesfulnes thorough Christ our Lord. Amē But if they whiche offre the infante can not answere sufficiently to the sayd demandes so that thei graūt that they doe not wel knowe what they thought or dyd in baptising being sore trobled with the present dāger as it often chauceth than omittinge curious disputacions lette the pastoure iudge such an infante not to be yet baptised and let him do all those thinges that pertaninge to this ministracion as we described before that is to say let him vse an admonicion and catechisme to theim that brynge the chylde and an exorsisme of the childe the commen confession of the faith and al other thinges which done lette him baptise the infant with out condicion in the name of the father the soonne and the hollye goste ¶ Of the confirmacion of thildren baptised And sōlemne profession of theyr fayth in Christ and of therir obedience to be shewed to Christe and to his congregation THys custome hath beene obserued in the olde and newe testament of the institution of God that those whych in theyr first infancie were receiued into the grace of the Lord a mong the olde people by circumsicion and in the newe people by baptisme assone as they had vnderstanded this benifite of God whiche they had receyued and assone as they hadde a fore conceyued fayth in God
when they praye him so giue these chyldrē the thinge that we pray the for thorowe thy sonne Christ that when we shal now say our hādes vpō them in thy name and shall certifie them by thys signe that thy fatherly hande shall be euer stretched forth vpon thē and that they shall neuer wante thy holy spirite to keepe leade and gouerne thē in the way of health and in a very christian life graunt thou I say vnto them that they maye acknowledge these thinges wyth true fayth and that they may certeynly beleue that thou wilte defende thē with thy almightie ryghte hande and keepe them frō al euil and deliuer them and leade them to al good workes Finally that thou wylt neuer take thy holy spirite from them thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christ ❧ Here the pastour laying his hādes vpon them shal say O Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of God which saidest in the Gospel If you then beinge euyl cā gyue good gyftes to your children howe muche more shal my father giue the holie goste to them that aske hym Item If two consent together vpon the earth etc. Confirme thys thy seruante wyth thy holie spirite that he may cōtinue in the obedience of thy Gospell and strongly resist the diuel and his owne weakenes and not greue the holie goste or trouble or offende thy churche wyth sclaunders but that his whole lyfe maye serue to the prayse of thy glorie his owne health and commune profitte of thy congregation as thou hast prescribed to vs and as thou haste promised that thou wylte gyue to them that aske the. Amen ❧ After thys lette the Hymne be songe Nowe al thankes etc. Nowe a good whyle sithens the signe of oyle was wonte to be vsed in confirmation but bycause they abused thys signe moost superstitiously and forasmuche as also amonge christian men signes and shadowes of spiritual thinges ought not to be so much regarded as the thynge and trueth it selfe the signe of layinge on of handes shall be sufficient in thys ministration whiche the Apostles and olde fathers thoughte sufficient And that thys Ceremonie maye be hādled wyth greater granitie and reuerence and wyth more fruite both of the chyldren and of the whole congregation the deanes wyth the visiters or parishe priestes of euerie congregation shal chose out suche a place in the temples frō whence the cōfession and profession of the chyldren and other thinges that muste be done there wyth all maye be clearely hearde and perceyued of the whole congregation ❧ Of the Lordes supper MEn muste be muche and often taught and warned of this most holie Sacrament that it is as Paule witnesseth a cōmunion of the bodye and bloude of oure Lorde Iesus Christ wherin we muste so celebrate the remēbraūce of him wyth greate religion and graue preachynge of his death and resurrection and of al thinges which he was made for vs whiche he dyd and suffered for oure saluation that our fayth in hym may be cōfirmed that we maye cleaue faster and lyne more fully in hym and he in vs. And forasmuch as the Lorde when he iustituted thys holie supper dyd saye Do thys in remembraunce of me the preachers shall diligently warne thys also that the Lorde cōmaunded that we shoulde do those thynges in this Sacrament whiche he hym selfe shewed to be done by his exemple Therefore we muste set the same acte of the Lorde before vs neither muste we in any wyse decline from the same or chaunge any thynge of it though an Angel from heauen or an Apostle did counsel and bidde vs so to do Which thinge the right holy bishop and martyr Ciprian gathereth well and truely out of these and many other wordes of the Lorde For if Christ be our onely Lorde and maister we as the ministers and disciples of hym muste needes folowe and do not the worde or dede of anie man or Angel but we muste folowe and do wyth al reuerence the thynges that he dyd and layed before vs to do neither maye we regarde what other dyd before vs but what Christe oure Lorde fyrste dyd whiche is before al thynges And al they that do not thys but chaunge somewhat of the institution of the Lorde in thys moste holie misterie ought not to be iudged his vicares or his priestes seing that for the traditions of men they caste away the commaundement of Christe The holie martyr wryteth these and muche moore seuere and earneste thynges in the same Epistle agaynste them that in the administration of this most holy Sacramēt chaung any point of that the Lorde hym selfe did in his supper For he cōmaunded vs to do that onely Nowe if we consider howe Christe instituted this holye supper it appeareth clearelie out of the declarations of the euangelistes and saynt Paull that first he made his holie supper with his disciples and that he made the same one and commune to al that were presēt and with suche disciples as had wholye gyue theym selues to hys doctrine For thoughe Iudas were a fayned disciple and as Christ calleth him a diuyll neuertheles the other disciples dyd not yet knowe that for he dyd cleane to the Lorde in outwarde profession and lyfe as the rest did But the Lorde whan he gaue his disciples an exemple in hys supper where as he admitted Iudas he would not followe hys owne secret iudgement but that open manifest iudgemēt which his disciples might shoulde folowe afterwarde For thys cause ●n the old church which obserued that thing ●hat it had receiued of the Aposteles no mā●as admitted vnto the holye communion whiche hadde not witnessed hymselfe to be he disciple of the Lorde Further more such 〈◊〉 any companie and congregacion of the ●aythful had one supper only and that com●une to al so that thei al receiued the lordes ●ody in one bread and his blod in one cup. Whereof Paule writeth thus The cuppe of blessing whiche we blesse that is to saye wherwyth we giue thankes is it not the cōmunion of the bloude of Christe And the breade whiche we breake is it not the communion of the bodye of Christe For we beinge many are one breade and one bodie for we receiue al of one bread and of one cuppe Loo the Apostle speaketh of one cup in whō one man gyueth not thankes for hym selfe and he speaketh of one bread whiche all we that come together breake beinge commune and he witnesseth that this is the cōmunion of the bodie and bloude of Christe whyche communion all we receyue together oute o● one Sacrament and we confirme the same because we are the members and bodye o● Christ Wherefore the Apostle willinge t● strēgth the thinge that he had say I meame that the breade whiche we breake in the holie supper is the communion of the bodie o● Christ vsed these wordes we beinge many saieth he are one breade and one bodie as ●● he woulde saye one breade is broken an● one sacrament is distributed amonge vs beinge manie for this
another than that is which is among suche maryed folke as be ioined together in the lord and sofurth amonge their children and all those whome mariage hath allied together on both parttes Wherfor al they whō god hath brought to thys kynde of lyfe ought to geue greate thankes vnto God for this so greate a benifite that he hath called thē to so holie a kind of life and so acceptable to him selfe Nether must the husbaunde other wyle receiue hys spouse nor the spouse hir husbande than deliuered and ioined together with the Lordes hāde and whatsoeuer aduersite shal chaunce in matrimonie as this copulacion is as you woulde saye a singler shoppe of godlie and faythfull inuocation they must fle to God with sure confidence and require helpe and consolation of him For the most beninge father canne not for sake hys chyldren in that kinde of life to whiche he himselfe appoynted them he cannot but aswage the difficulties and exercises of obediēce which he hym selfe will haue to be in this state to trie and to stirreup the fayth of hys and not to afflycte them The pastoures thā shal diligently warne and exhorte that men conclude these thinges out of the forsayde places of the scripture concerninge the hollines of matrimonie and the helpe of God prepared for thys state and that they learne thereby to gyue God thanked for this so great a benifite and call for his helpe with confidence in all distresses that shal happen in thys state Further more they shal teach and warne this also out of the same places with al possible diligence with how greate beniuolence and loue they that be coupled in matrimonie ought to embrace one another by what meanes and with what redines of mynde the one oughte to do the other good wyth what diligence the man must shew himselfe an heade and sauioure to his wife and the womā a bodie and faythful helpe in al thinges to hir husband breifely with what care they must mainteine betwene themselues agrement of mindes and auoyde all disseuering of the same seinge that they must nedes be one fleshe one mā and liue together with one minde and one herte and haue al thiges commune both those that pertayne to God and those that partaine to menne Greate is the coniunction and nere is the frendshyppe of allies and kinsfolke and other frendes amonge them selues and the same be greater betwene parentes and children but the greatest of al must be betwene maried persons For they must be so glued one to another with the affectiō of loue that they make one mā al other being left and set apart Imean not as touchig charite other duties but as touchinge the vse companie of the hole life Such an exhortation must be made wyth more or fewer wordes as it shal appere conuenient or necessarie for the present congregacion and the despoused persones whiche done the pastour shal exhorte the newly maried folke and the whole congregation that they make their praiers religiosly to God that wyll graunte to the personnes entrynge in to holye wedlocke so to beginne it and kepe it thorough all their lyfe as they be taught out of the worde of God Whan the congregacion hath ended hir praiers in silence lette the minister bidde the bridegrome and the bride to come nere and first lette hym demaunde the bridegrome after thys sorte Iohan N. haste thou than determined before the Lorde to take Anne N. to thy wyfe in the Lorde and so to lyue wyth hir all thy life as thou heardest euen now that it is required of a Christiane husbande Answere I haue so determined by the Lordes helpe Hast thou also determyned Anne N. before the Lorde to take Iohan N. to thy husband in the Lord and so to liue wyth him thorough out al thi life as thou wast taught euen nowe that it is required of a Christian wyfe Answere I haue determined by the Lordes helpe Than if perchaunce they haue ringes lette them put them one vpon anothers finger and so lette the minister ioine their right handes together and saye that that God hath ioyned lette no man disseuer And lette the pastoure saye more ouer wyth a lowde voyce that maye be hearde of all men Forasmuche as than this Iohan N. desireth thys Anne to be hys wife in the Lorde and this Anne desireth thys Iohan to be hir husbande in the Lorde and one hath made the other a promisse of holie and Christian matrimonie and haue now both professed the same openly and haue confirmed it with giuinge of ringes ech to other and ioininge of handes I the minister of Christ and the congregacion pronounce that they be ioyned together with lawfull christian matrimony I confirme this their mariage in the name of the father the sonne and the holie Gost Amen After this lette the psal Cxxvij be redde or sounge excepte the Lorde builde the house c. And the Psalme Cxxviij Blessed are all they whiche feare the Lorde c. ¶ Than lette the minister conclude the whole matter with this prayer Almyghtie God and heauenlye father whiche with thyn owne worde hast witnessed that it is not good for man to be alone and therefore at the begynninge madest a wife to man of himselfe and diddest ioyne hir to him for an helpe that thei might passe theyr whole lyfe luckely in all holynes and rightuousnes and diddest ordaine the man to be the heade the sauiour of the woman which also shoulde gouerne and ayde the wyfe his bodye to al godlines and honestie and hast adourned and blessed this copulation as holie and acceptable to the in it selfe a syngular exercise and aide of fayth thorought thy goodnes we beseche the for thy sonnes sake our Lorde whō thou wouldest haue to be borne of a virgine despoused and ioined to Ioseph in holie matrimonie which also honoured matrimonie wyth hys presence and wyth the begininge of his miracles and woulde haue it to be a token and misterie of his exceadinge loue to wardes the congregacion we beseche the I saye that thou wilt mercifully perdonne these thy children if anie thinge hath crepte in and mingled it selfe in their copulation at the beginning or at this present beside thi constitutiō thorough mannes weaknes and the craftye snares of Satan and that thou wilte keepe them in the feare and obedience of the and encrease these thi giftes in the daily Strenthen thou and encrease their fayth that they doubte not but that they are ioyned together with thy hande thoughe it bee by oure ministerie that they maye be one man in th● sonne our Lorde Iesus Christe and so lyue and serue the with one herte and one minde that no creature may euer disseuer them or anye thinge dimynishe this greate loue and consent betwene them but that the husbāde maye be an heade to the wyfe and the wife an helpe to the husbāde in al thinges which thou alowest in them Giue them also plentiful fruite of their
goodnes diuine maiestie God hymselfe in Christ the Lord may be preached glorified acknoledged called vpon and magnified among our selues and in all the world thorowe manifest sincere and constant confession and preachyng of the Gospel openly and priuately with al mennes wordes and dedes The second wish is that at this preachyng of Gods name his kyngdome come dayly to vs to al called to the same more mightely and aboundauntly that is to say that the heauenly father wil poure vpon vs euer more plentifully the spirit of his sonne which maye brynge to passe that a iust and pure ministration of religion and dispensation of the worde sacramētes and holy lernyng may florysh and preuayle among vs and euery where all they whiche beleue in his name beyng so ioyned together and copled as it were members into his bodye so that thys selfe same body maye be repared and augmented both in number of thē that pertayne to the church also in encrease of their godlines which be alredy come to the church by euery manne that liueth in Christ specially by the holy ministre of the church But because sinne dwelling in vs and offences commyng from without hindre thys worke of the holy Gost that though we be in the church in the kyngdom of Christ and therein be dayly enstructed to godlines yet we go slouly forwarde in the same he dyd well to adde the thirde petition wherewyth we praye that Goddes wyll be done in vs whiche yet lyue in the earth and be depressed with the grosse lompe of the bodie so as it is done in heauē by the holie spirites thys burthen of the fleshe and these lettes of the worlde beinge remoued wyth lyke prompnes and studie whether we muste do or susfre any thynge for the name of Christ And bicause that as long as we lyue here we haue neede of meate and drynke and other necessaries of thys lyfe as prosperous health and good administration of the common weale in the fourth petition we desire that also vndre the name of dayly breade that we maye the better and more cōmodiouslie sanctifie the name of God promute his kyngdome and go forwarde in the same wyth all godlines We are commaunded to aske these necessaries of lyfe dayly that we maye considre that they be not layed vp in oure storehouses but in the prouidence of God and that they be euer ministred vnto vs of the free beniuolence of God and not gotten by our industrie or strength howe be it euerie man oughte to applie his industrie and labour to thys bountuousnes of God accordynge to the worde of God He addeth our and dayly bread epiousion that is to saye that whiche the instant and present vse of lyfe requireth that he maye teach vs that in these bodilie thynges we oughte to aske nor gette no more then the neede of our lyfe requireth to prouide the kyngdome of Christe in our neighbours and moreouer that we shoulde acknowledge that measure of thys oure neede that the heauenlie father hath limited and not that oure vnmeasurable desire appointeth to whom it perteineth alone to meate out to vs his chyldren oure measure that we maye thinke that to be our breade and not doubte but that it shall suffice vs abundauntly to lyue well and godlie that the heauenlie father shall gyue vs what so euer it be In these partes then of thys fourme of prayinge the Lorde hath taughte vs what good thinges we muste pray for of the heauenlie father both spirituall and corporall Afterwarde he teacheth to praye for the remouing of euyls namely our misdedes and synnes whiche we euer cōmitte and the punishmentes that we owe to Goddes iustice for the same Wherefore he taughte vs to praye Forgyue vs oure dettes For we do neuer our duetie so religiouslie in those thinges whiche God hath cōmaunded but that yet we owe a great deale more vnto the full obedience of Gods lawe Nowe we do not onely runne into those dettes of the law not fulfilled and heape daylie more and more but also we committe manie thinges playnlie against the lawe for which we are endetted to God of greuous punishmentes And we can paye neither of these two kyndes of dettes For we do not only neuer satisfie the lawe whereby we runne in newe dettes of the lawe not fulfilled but also oftentymes we committe manie thynges agaynste the lawe of God whereby we runne into infinite dettes of punishmentes Wherefore the Lorde taught vs to fleee onely to the mercie of the heauenlie father thorowe hym selfe for we muste praye for all these thynges in his name and to desire forgyuenes of oure dettes and he addeth no condition of satisfiyng For the Lorde alone hath satisfied for our synnes and he gyueth vs that satisfaction when we committe our selues vnto him But he woulde haue vs to professe that we wyll forgyue all the dettes that oure neighbours maye owe vnto vs either bicause against humanitie they haue done vs wrong or bicause they haue not done theyr duetie towardes vs and he wyl that this thinge be surely perfourmed For seinge that God in al his commaundementes prescribeth onely those thynges vnto vs whiche perteine to our health and felicitie he made this the summe of our preceptes that we loue and healpe one an other with a sincere herte and perpetuall beniuolence and he requireth verie straitlie that frō the hert we forgiue one an other mutual offences which euer more happen thorow the naughtines and weaknes of our nature yea and that we studie one to ouercome an others wronges with benifites and leaue the reuengeaunce to hym and praye that he wil remitte the same to them that hurte vs. He wyll haue suche a sure and perpetuall beniuolence to growe amonge vs and to be confirmed with all kindes of gentlenes Moreouer bicause no man can aske of the heauenlie father forgiuenes of his dettes except he humble him selfe al togither vndre his hāde and vtterly yelde him selfe to his commaundementes the Lorde hath well prescribed in this fourme of praying that we should professe before the heauenlie father that we woulde forgiue our bretherne what so euer dueties or punishmentes they myghte seme to be endetted for vnto vs in that place of prayer where we pray vnto him to forgiue vs our dettes whiche we owe vnto him infinite either for oure obedience whiche we haue not fullie perfourmed or for the punishmentes that we deserue both for neglectyng our dueties and also for the despitefull wronges that we do to his maiestie cōmittynge so manie thynges againste the duetie that we owe him Which our dettes if we rightlie acknowledge as we muste needes acknowledge thē if we aske forgiuenes of them with all oure herte we shal not doubt but that the wronges that oure neighbours do vs be the fatherlie chastisement of God muche gentler then we haue deserued and that they shal be also an holesome remedie for vs againste synnes For whiche causes it shall be easie for vs earnestly
preaching of the crosse and of the death of Christe ❧ Of the communion of wayfaring men and sicke folke When it shall chaunce that wayefaryng men or such as cōmitte them selues to daungerous iourneis or be sicke shal require the Lordes supper vpon workynge dayes fearyng that they can not come to the communion the nexte holy daye the pastours shall ministre the Lordes supper vnto them vpon any daye after that they haue receyued of them a conuenient confession of theyr sinnes and fayth in Christ Howe be it as much as maye be it shal be done in the mornyng and at suche time as some assemble of the people is wont to be gathered or at the leste they shal call some together to thys ministration of the supper When then they haue admonished and exhorted in the assemble suche as wyll take iourneis in hande or be sickely of these misteries and the whole fayth in Christe they shall administre the holy supper and distribute the sacramentes in that fourme and facion that we described before saueing that they maye omitte singyng and reade all thynges whiche neuertheles muste be done playnely and clearely and wyth greate grauitie But if the sicke folke be in suche case that they can not come to the temple the pastours muste go to them and giue them the holy supper at home so that they do all thynges according to the fourme prescribed or thys that foloweth whiche is peculiarly appoynted for sicke folke asmuche as the state of them to whom the sacramēt shal be ministred wyll suffre and asmuch as shal make for the edification of saith in them that be present The pastours muste also exhort the people that not onely theyr householde but also the neighbours and kinsfolke of the sicke endeuoure to come together to the celebration of that holie supper and to receyue the sacramentes together ❧ Howe sicke folke muste be visited and howe the communion muste be celebrated wyth them ❧ An other exhortation to the sycke person My brother in the Lorde forasmuche as the Lorde visiteth the wyth sicknes of the bodie that thou mayest reste the better in his wil thou must faythfully cōsidre recompt first that diseases are sent to vs frō the Lord God for none other cause then for synnes and that originall synne whiche was deriued from Adā vnto vs draweth death wyth it selfe and what so euer perteyneth to the kingdome of death that is to saye al maner of diseases sicknesses miseries and calamities For if we had continued in originall ryghtuousnes wythout synne death should not haue had any right vpon vs muche lesse diseases and other calamities Further thou muste remembre that leste we should despeare by reason of our sinnes diseases and other tētations and anguishes of death the Gospel was giuen vs that out of the same we shoulde learne and beleue that Christe the sonne of God deliuereth vs frō synnes and saueth vs if we beleue in hym and that two maner wayes Firste in purifiynge our hertes frō the wyll and gylt of synnes here in earth by the Gospell and sacramentes Act. xv purifiynge their hertes wyth fayth Secondly when that oure consciences be thus cleansed from synnes and reconciled to God the father by fayth in takyng away and purgyng synne by litle and litle out of our nature that at length beinge made pure and perfecte from all vices and holie in all poyntes we maye lyue wyth the holie God in heauē in diuine rightuousnes and innocencie Thyrdly that for the workyng and fulfyllynge hereof God oure father sendeth vnto vs sūdrie diseases death it selfe not bicause he is angrie wyth vs or wyll destroye vs but bicause thorowe verie fatherlie beniuolence and care he wyl steare vs vp vnto true repentaunce of synnes and fayth of his sonne and so deliuer vs bothe frō synnes wherin we yet sticke and moreouer from all euyls both corporall and spirituall vnto whiche we be subiect by reason of synnes whiche thing the holie scriptures testifie abūdātly For thus saith S. Paule i. Cor. xi When we are iudged of the Lorde we are corrected that we be not dāned wyth thys worlde Roma viij To them that loue God all thynges worke health neither can anie thynge disseuer them from the loue of God whiche is in Christe Iesu not afflictition nor anguyshe nor persecution etc. Fourthly forasmuch as these thynges be euen so as I haue said and bicause thou arte taught certified out of the Gospell which the sonne of God him selfe preached and cōfirmed with his death and resurrection that al thy synnes are caste vpon Christe yea vtterly taken awaye and abolished for euer of Christe him selfe so that God hath now no cause of wrath and condemnation agaynste the beleuynge in Christ but the grace of the father mercie lyfe and health be certeynely restored to the thorowe Christe considre all these so exceading benifites of god towards the wyth sure and certeyne fayth and confirme thys truste in thy selfe that God the father compteth the not nowe for suche one as thou waste borne of Adā and made tho rowe thyne owne synnes that is to saye hatefull vnto hym and appoynted vnto destruction but compteth the for Christes sake deare and destined to eternall lyfe and be thou persuaded that thou shalt lyue for euer by the ryghtuousnes and lyfe of Christe in perfecte blisfulnes as certeynly as it is certeyne that he suffered the wrath of God and death not for his owne synnes but for thine Seinge then that it is so see that thou comforte thy selfe wyth so great benifites and knowledge certeynely that synne death and hell hath nowe no ryght vpon the but that Christe the lambe of God hath taken away al those Iohn i. For he hath translated those thynges vpon hym selfe he hath ouercomed them by hym selfe and blotted them out foreuer Wherefore be of God comforte thy synnes be forgiuen the and there is no cause if from thy herte thou beleue in Christe the Lorde but thou maist certeynely and constantly thorowe Christe oure Lorde loke for al grace consolation tymely healpe and saluation from God Therefore wyth suche truste cōmitte and gyue vp thy selfe wholy to his mercifull and fatherly wyll sayinge wyth Dauid God is my lyght of whō shal I be a frayed Heauenly father thy wyll be done Into thy handes I commende my spirite Amen After thys exhortation if the state of the sicke person wyll suffre the pastoure shall reade before hym and the present congregatiō the Lordes wordes out of the .vi. of Iohn Frō thys place verely verely I saye vnto you excepte ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man vnto the wordes of the Euāgeliste These wordes he spake in the synagoge And he shall declare the same texte for the cōforte and edification aswel of the sicke as of the congregation that is present But the exposition shal be moderated accordyng to the commoditie of the sicke person When thexposition is ended lette the pastour rehearse a commune confession
theyr be anye lawefull impediment of theyr copulation For if there be any impediment that they can not lawefully and wythout sclaunder be ioyned together in matrimonie let not the pastoure alowe theyr mariage in any wyse or blesse it in the cōgregation tyll that lette be remoned and theyr copulation be alowed by thē whiche shall be appoynted to suche matters and causes by our cōmaundement Further the ministre shall exhorte them that they solemnise suche a mariage as becommeth christians and that they folowe not the pompe and excesse of the heathen Then lette hym wryte both theyr names and aske the banes vpon three holie dayes or sundayes after thys sorte Iohn N. and Anne N. haue made promise eche to other of holie matrimonie and thei desire that the same be alowed and blessed of the congregation Therefore they require that the congregation wyll praye for them that they maye beginne thys kynde of lyfe in the Lordes name and that they maye lyue in the same vnto the prayse and glorie of God If anie man know anie lawful impediment of theyr copulation let him shewe the same in tyme to the glorie of Christ and for the remouinge of an offence to the cōgregation Such a publication as I sayed muste be made vpon three holy dayes nexte ensuinge one an other except some special and weightie cause require an other thynge and suffre not so longe delayinge But no man muste haue anie thinge dispensed of thys thryse askynge excepte they permitte it to whom we shal cōmitte the office of causes of matrimony and when it is manifeste that there is no lawfull lette of theyr matrimonie Howbeit the banes of suche personnes also muste be asked in the cōgregation at the lest vpon one holy daye Furthermore we wyll haue thys thynge obserued that the weddyng of al personnes whether the brides be virgines or widowes be confirmed and sanctified in the cōgregation by the worde of God and prayer and that they come to the congregation wyth al sobrietie and honestie as it becommeth thē whiche come together in the Lorde and truly desire the blessyng of the Lorde vnto their mariage Wherefore they shall endeuoure them selues to brynge verie many wyth thē vnto the holie assemble thoughe christian moderatiō requireth not so many to be bidden to the mariage feast For the prayers of many are godly desired But bicause they come together to praye for the grace and good spirite of God to be gyuen to the despoused personnes thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe and hym crucified they muste so appeare in his syghte that the glorie of the crosse of Christ be not blemished by worldly pompe and excesse Finally they must come into the tēple at that houre when Christes congregation cometh together at other times and they must be at the begynnynge of the holie assemble that wyth the reste of the people of Christe they may heare the lordes worde and make theyr prayers to God When they then be present in the temple wyth the congregation in a place appoynted thereunto whiche shal be open to al men the pastour shall saye to the brydgrome and the bryde Be ye then presente here in the syghte of God oure father and of oure Lorde Iesus Christe before his congregation to professe your mariage which ye haue promised eche to other in the Lorde and that ye maye receyue blessing and sanctification of the same from the Lorde by the ministre of the cōgregacion ❧ The answer of the brydgrome and the bryde We are present for that purpose ¶ Then the Pastoure shal saye further Seinge then that after the open askynge of banes no bodie hath come forth whiche woulde gaynesaye the coniunction of these personnes or coulde declare anie lawful impedement by reason of kinred or of affinitie or for some other cause the heauenly father vouchsafe to confirme that that he hath wrought in you And that ye maie the better vnderstande and acknowlege how great a grace and benifite the heauenlie father hath gyuen youe herin which hath ioyned you together with holie matrimonie and that ye maye lerne to giue him condigne thanckes for this his beniuolence and bountiousnes towardes you and embrace one a nother wyth more firme fayth as ioyned to gether by the hande of God cal for his helpe with more cōfidēce and euer serue him in this state finally that ye maye more fully knowe the promisse and office of matrimonie and perfurme the same more promptly ye shal heare with reuerente mindes some testimonies of the scripture and a religious exhortacion out of the same And first ye shal here out of the secōde Cha of Genes the firste institution of holye matrimonie God saide it is not good that mā be a loue lette vs make hym an helpe to be with him God sent a sleepe vpon Adā c. ¶ Nowe heare ye the voice of Christ out of the gospel Math. xix ¶ The phariseis came vnto Iesus tēptinge hym and sayinge to hym maye a man make a diuorce with his wife for euerie cause etc. ❧ Thirdly heare ye also the cōmaundement of the holie Gost concerning the office of mariage For thus he prescribed to maried folke Ephe. v. ❧ Men loue your wiues as Christ loued the congregation c. reade furth to the ende of the Chapter ❧ Out of these places the despoused persones and rest of the congregacion must be warned that they lerne and considre firste howe holie a kinde of lyfe and howe acceptable to God matrimonie is For by these places we knowe that God him selfe instituted holye wedlocke and that in paradise man beinge yet perfecte and holye and that he hath greatly blessed thys copulasion and ioyneth hymselfe all those together whyche contracte matrimonie in hys name and gyueth the husband to be an heade and sauiour to the wyfe as Christe is the heade and the sauioure of the congregacion and further more giueth the wife a bodie and a helpe to the husbande that here in thys worlde they maye leade a godlye honest and ioyous lyfe together Hereof a godlie minde shal certainly conclude that this copulacion of man and woman is without doubte acceptable to God and therefore holye and luckie which thinge appeareth by this that God planteth in thē whyche be ioyned in matrimonye so greate and so meruailous faythfulnes loue and most serniceable mindes both towardes thē selues mutually also towardes their children kinsfoke and allied by any meane to ether parte For God is loue and he that abydeth in loue abideth in god and the whole lawe is fulfiled with the loue of oure neighboure Where fore in what soeuer state of life more faithfulnes and loue and a redier mynde to procure the commodites of oure neighboures accordinge to the Lordes word is wounte to spring furth the same vndoub tedli is more acceptable to God more holie and blessed But there is no surer faythfulnes no feruenter loue no nerer frendshippe no prompter will to warne on
out of the worde of God as Paule witnesseth saiynge The swerde of the spirite is the worde of god Ephe. vi Seinge than the beginninge the middle and the ende of oure newe lyfe that is to say regeneration in to the saide lyfe the encrease of it and victorie agaynst Satan consisseth of the worde of God the feeders of congregations maye easely see in to what daunger of Goddes wrath they runne if anie be not parttakers of this regeneration thorough theyr negligence or if they that be borne agayne of the spirite wante the feedinge of goddes worde and the cherishinge of holesome doctrine of exhortation or if they falle from the lyfe and communion of Christe beinge sedused thoroughe false doctrines of men wherefore they that haue this office must euer with al diligence continue in readinge doctrine praier and other exercises spiritual that they maie saie with that faythful seruaunte Lorde thou deliueredest to me ten talētes and lo I haue gained other ten And that they maie heare agayne wel done faythful seruaunte thou wast faithful ouer fewe thinges I wil sette the ouer manie Entre in to the ioye of thy Lorde Wherfore that feeders and al ministers of congregations may the better vnderstande and handle the holye scripture we wil opē vnto thē a certaine way and we wyll declare in ordre the more notable places of the Chrystiane doctrine not that we would haue them to tary in these places but because we desire to haue them brought by these more easelie to the holy scripture it selfe out of which afterward they may be instructed more fully and perfectly ¶ That some leason out of the holie scripture muste be set forth to the people before the sermō and that the same muste be declared to them FYrste we wyll that the pastours take all theyr sermons that they make to the people out of some leason of the holie scripture whiche at the begynnynge of the sermon they shall recite wyth singuler reuerence grauitie As we know that the olde holy fathers vsed it euen from the tyme of the Apostles Which thing also was obserued in the synnagoges of the Iewes as it appeareth by that that we reade of the Lord. Luk. iiii of the synnagog Act. xiii into the whiche Paule and Baruabas entred vppon the Sabbath at Antioche of Pisidia Wherfore in olde tyme euerie congregation had peculiar readers whiche red the bokes of the holie scripture to the people out of the pulpette But this custome being abolished amonge other fautes of ecclesiasticall administration and in thys scarsnes of ministers of the worde by reason wherof Peculiar readers cānot be appointed in euerie congregation we wil that the pastours and preachers execute theyr office and religiouslie to reade to the people afore hande those thinges wherof they wyl speake that so thei may the more accustome them selues to heare the worde of God and that they maye be more fullly enstructed of their saluation It shall healpe also the pastours thē selues to make and finishe their sermons with better ordre if they shal folow the prescripte of the leason preposed and keepe thē selues wythin the bandes therof And they shall measure these leasons after the measure of those lessons that are accustomablye recited in Masses So the people maye more easily remēbre the thynges that shall be redde and the preachers also maye more comodiouslie declare them For they must diligently auoyd this faute that some haue that they tarie not vpon one or two wordes of the premised leason lettyng the reste passe vntoutched or fall quite to other matters then were redde Oure fayth must leaue vpon the pure and onelie worde of God wherefore that worde must be hearde and vnderstanded of euerie person Wherfore it shal be conuenient to reade out of the holie scripture and declare so muche as by likelihode the people may perceyue and retayne to the edification of fayth ¶ That al sermons must be made to set forth and magnifie Christ the Lorde FOrasmuch as Christ our Lorde is the ende of the lawe and Moses the psalmes Rom. x Luke the last Actes x. and the prophetes doe testifi and preach of hym that he is the onely sauiour of the chosen people in whom whosoeuer shal beleue shal receyue forgyuenes of sinnes thorowe his name all pastours must directe ordre theyr sermons to this marcke that they beare and declare witnesse of thys Christe For so he himselfe commaundid the Al christian doctrine is a testimonie of Christ the sauiour Actes i. i. Cor. ij apostles a litle before his ascention into heauen whan he instituted the holie ministerye of preaching you shal be witnesses vnto me at Hierusalē and in all Iurie and Samary vnto the vttermost endes of the earth Here of it cometh that S. Paule wryteth of hym selfe I iudged not myselfe to knowe anye thinge amonge you sauinge Iesus Christe and him crucified And he had a good cause to saye so For as he wrate to the Coloss al thinges were created by him that be in heauen and in erth visible and inuisible whether they be thrones dominations principates or powers All thynges were made by him and in him and he is before al thinges ▪ al thinges cōsist thorough is him He is the head of the body of the church which is the begining the frist begottē of the deade that he may be the chief in al thinges for it hath pleased the father that all fulnes shoulde dwelle in him and thorough hym to reconcile al thinges towardes hymselfe the thinges that be ether in heauen or in erth being pacified by the bloud of his crosse thorough the same persō Iohanne witnesseth the same thinges in the begininge of his gospel and epistle And the Lorde of hym selfe Iohan. v. iii. xii xvii and in manye other places Therefor Christe hym selfe comprehended the summe of the whole scripture in this sentence Luke the last repentaunce and remission of synnes must be preched in the name of Christ wherfore let the faythful ministers of congregations alwayes magnifie the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe testifiynge that thys only sonne of God the true God and man is he by whome al thinges were made be Ephe. i. gouerned repared and renued which also ruleth al thinges with the worde of his power whyche gathereth together the scattered chyldren of God and straiyng sheepe Hebru i. Iohn x. and gyueth repentaunce and remission of sinnes For there is none other name vnder heauen gyuen to men wherein they shal be Act. v. Act. iiii Iohn xvii Iohn x. saued the power of all fleshe is gyuen to him that he maie gyue euerlastinge lyfe to al thē that the father hath gyuen hym He is that good shepeherde that giueth his life for his sheepe that he maye gyue them eternal lyfe which so defendeth and keepeth his sheepe that noman can take them out of his hande These and suche lyke testimonies of Christe must be often and diligintlye beatē
into the people in sermons ¶ The article of the trinitie AL though mannes reason vnderstandeth not the nature of God yet God hath opened hym selfe in the worde and in his sonne that we maye knowe him asmuch as he hath reuelated him selfe and calle vpon him After whiche sorte whan we calle vpon God the father there is a greate difference betwene our inuocation and the inuocation of all other people and nations and this difference cōsisteth cheifely in ij pointes One is that inuocation thus ordered is derected to the true and natural God Thother is that our inuocation so vsed must needes please God and not be voyde and frustrate Wherfore the preachers must teach out of the holy scripture of the true and almightie Thre persōs but one substaunce God the father the onely begotten sonne and the holie goste that they be one God of the same deuine nature and power but yet three distincted personnes And that thys one God made and maynteneth all thynges Further that the sonne of God by the vnspeakeable purpose and vnmeasurable mercie of God dyd put on mannes nature that he might be a sacrifice and a raunsome for vs and that these two natures that is to saye mannes nature and Goddes is one and vndiuided personne Iesus Christe Two natures vnited in Christ Howe be it these two natures be so knytte in Christe that they be not confounded or mixte but eche hath by it selfe his owne substaunce and proprietie As al these thynges are well knowen out of the worde of God administred by the Apostles and Prophetes and be declared in sundry confessions of the holie fathers agaynste sundrie heresies in the crede made in the counsel of Nice and in the crede of Athanasius Item in the agreable decrees and confestions of the olde and very holy counselles as Nicene Cōstātinopolitane Ephesine Calchedonēse cōstātinopolitane againe Further by the wrytinges of the fathers cōsēting herunto whiche faught earnestly for the worde of God as by the bokes of Athanasius Basilius Nazianzenus and Augustine it appeareth Wherfore the sentence and doctrine of thys article muste be diligently propouned to the people and commended and defended that the true knowledged of God may be mayntayned and that we maye retayne a difference betwene the inuocation of christian men and other nations whiche is verye necessarye namely that thou mayste call vpon thys true God the father of Iesus Christe together wyth his sonne Iesus Christe and the holie gooste whiche hath reueyled hym selfe in the sonne for whose sake he wyll be mercifull and wyll geue the holie gooste to them that thus call vpon hym in fayeth whiche also stireeth vp in the hertes of men the true knowledge of God feare fayeth and other motions The differēce betwene the i●uocation of Christians and other nations of newe lyfe For thoughe the excellente Philolophers among the heathē the Iewes and the Mahometistes do glorye that they worshyppe not ymages and Idolles but the eternal God maker of heauē and earth of mē and of all other thinges neuertheles semge that they wil not acknowledge thys God whiche hath opened him selfe in his word by his sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ they do not worship and call vpon the true God but they worshippe the vayne imaginations of their owne hertes and handes Neither can they persuade them selues that God is mercifull vnto them and heareth them because they refuse the Gospell and the onelye mediatoure And therfore their inuocation can in no wyse be directed to the true God the father of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ but these men imagin to thē selues A peculiar God whiche is not the father of oure mediatour Iesus Christe and therfore is not the true God for whiche cause they can not persuade them sellues that theyr prayers be harde Their inuocation then hāgeth and abideth in the vayne deuices of theyr owne reason in images and Idoles stāding before thē and they remaine verie straūgers and abominable to the true God bicause they lyue without Christ and the worde of God as Christ sayeth he that honoureth not the sonne honoureth not the father And Paule to the Roma v. thorowe Christe we haue entraunce vnto the father Thus God also reueiled hym selfe to Iohn How the holy Trinitie was reueiled to Iohn Baptiste at the baptisme of Christ the sonne of Zacharie that he afterwarde mighte instructe the churche of true knowledge and right inuocation for in thys sorte God eternall the father witnesseth his sōne Thys is my beloued sonne in whom I am wel pleased the sonne him selfe standeth at baptisme the holie goste cōmeth downe opēly vpon him to testifie that the holie gooste should be geuen both to Christ and to his cōgregation Wherfore thre personnes appeared in thys place This appering thē ought to be wel considered of euerie christen man whiche chaunced not for Ihon his sake onely but for the whole congregation his sake that the same might offre praiers to the only eternall and almightie God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which made al thinges with the eternal sōne and the holy gost And whiche also wyl heare the churche gouerne and sanctifie it wyth his holy spirite for Christe the mediatoure his sake The wordes of Baptisme signifie the same thinge wheras it is saied I baptise the A declaration of the wordes of baptisme in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie goste For here be three personnes numbred of one equall power and diuitie to whō alone the whole cause of our saluatiō is ascribed for thys is the meaning of the wordes I baptise the that is to saye I testifie by thys token of dipping or sprinklynge that thy synnes be forgeuen the and that thou art receyued into the grace of the eternall and the true God the father of Iesus Christ and that for this his sōnes sake Item that the holie gooste shal worke in the effectuouslie Surely thys is an highe doctrine and aboue mannes wysedome of the nature wyl and efficacie of God towardes vs whiche maketh a difference betwene vs and al heythen comprehending most ample promises as we wyll declare herafter of whiche promises it is very requisite that the people be admonished as often as the texte of the scripture requireth it that the congregation maye be well instructed of the one and singuler diuine substaunce and of the there personnes For thys article muste be obserued of al mē and exercised in our dayly inuocation And our inuocation muste be discerned frō the inuocation of the heathen the Iewes and the mahometistes that we do beleue that God certaynly heareth vs if in oure prayer we apprehende the mediatour wherof no heathen Iewe no mahometist can certifie hym selfe For thus we must pray Almightie and eternal god the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which with thy A fourme of christen prayer onely begotten sonne and the holy gost madest al thinges and preseruest the
same haue mercie on me for thy sonnes Iesus Christe whiche for our sakes was made a sacrifice Kindle my minde with thy lighte and gouerne me with thy holy spirite whiche thou haste promised vs for thy sōnes sake Thus in our praier we must euer cōprehēd Christ the mediatour as the church hath vsen in collets A fourme of calling vpon Christ frō the beginning adding these wordes in th ende thorow Christ our Lorde Moreouer this is a true inuocation acceptable to God O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of God heare me loke vpō me pitie me and geue me thy holy spirite and eternal lyfe Thus we reade that S. Stephan Act. viij called vpō Christ Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Such prayer attibuteth vnto Christ the glorie of diuinitie for that that God hath reueiled him selfe in hym and worketh together with hym as we reade Io. v. what so euer the father worketh the same doeth the sonne also And in the xiiij He that seeth me seeth the father I am in the father and the father is in me This is the sentence of such an inuocation Lorde Iesu Christe sōne of God healpe me geue me thy holy spirite which together cōfesseth the father the sōne whiche is mediatoure and the holy gooste Wherefore this article of the diuine substaūce and of the thre persons must be learned and exercised in dayly prayers But forasmuch as this sincere doctrine of true and godly inuocatiō is horribly darkened Agaynst the inuocation of dead sayntes and ymages thorow that abomimable wickednesse and madnes vpon Idols whiche is cōmitted in calling vpō dead men their images bones wherunto they haue boūd not only diuine power but also a certen peculiar strēgth and efficacie of saintes wheras yet it is euidēt that we must assigne the power working of god to nothing in which god him selfe hath not expressedly witnessed in his worde that he wyl gyue the same but it is playne that deade mē helpe nobody Nor worke in ydoles for these causes I saye the people muste be called backe from suche ydolotrye vnto the true and religiouse inuocation of God as to a moste godlye worke and principall worshypping of God wherin we chiefely learne and feele which is the true fayth yea this is the only worke wherby the true people of God may be most discerned from the vngodly Of the creation and gouernaunce of al thinges OVre hole saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe consisteth herin that we truly knowe God in oure Lorde Iesus Christe that is to saye with a sure and lyuely fayth In thys knowledge the chiefest poynt is to knowe that it is God which made all thinges and preserueth and gouerneth the same alone wherfore the preachers shall studye to declare to the people wyth singuler dylygence and to beate into their heads those places of the scripture that teach and testifie of the eternal substaūce of God of his power knowledge goodnesse and seueritie for wythout this knowledge and fayth we can neuer truely and effectuously fele our sinnes much lesse repent and amende our selues neyther shal the law alone driue vs therunto for what shal eyther his preceptes or threates moue or feare vs of whose power bowntuousnes or seueritie as yet we knowe or fele nothinge substantially and effectuosely wherfore he that wil comme to God muste necessarily knowe afore hande and beleue that it is God which made preserueth and iudgeth all men and largelye rewardeth them that loue him Very many boste them selues to knowe God but in that that thei studi not to frame their life according to the wil of god dispising the worde of God they beare sufficiente witnes of thē selfe to the cōtrary namely that they say in theyr hertes there is no God though they confesse the same before men It is therfore ryght necessarye that preachers often tymes and with great diligence do propounde and beate in to theyr eares the common place of creation preseruacion and gouernaūce of all thynges And in the article of the creation of thynges the pastours shal diligently teach that that Lorde whiche delyuered the ten commaundementes the whole holy scripture and the gospell it selfe is the only true God and maker of thinges whiche of no thinge created heauen earth the sea and whatsoeuer is conteined in thē our selues also and alone preserueth the same throughe his power and hath partly made the other creatures subiecte vnto vs beinge created to his ymage appoyntynge them to a profitable vse and partly ordeyned them to the ministerye of the health both of the bodye and soule Wherfore the preachers shal often allege faythfully declare and printe in the mindes of theyr herers those places of the scripture that teache that God made vs and al other thinges of no thinge and that we were fashoned after the ymage of god finally that inferiour creatures be subiecte vnto oure rule by Goddes ordinance and that the superiour creatures be appoynted to procure oure healthe that the same herers maye dayly lerne more and more the almightines and goodnes of Goddes maiestie and that in them selues and in all other thinges that they handle in whyche they be occupyed whyche they beholde here or by any meanes do exercise they knowe hym haue him in reuerēce prayse him cal vpon him And that therby they may trust more fully in the almightines goodnes of God and more cherefully obey his cōmaūdementes and also feare his wrathe the more and that they maye vse all thinges whiche they do vse in this lyfe as the moste holy creatures and gistes of God and our sauiour wyth more holynes dayly and thankfulnes and larger liberalytie towardes theyr neighbours ▪ For this cause the prophets in the prayses of God do so magnifie and sette before our eyes with moste elegant descripcions the principal and notablest workes of God in the vniuersall nature of thynges as the heauens the son the moone the sterres the Why the holy scripture often propoūneth vnto vs the merueylous workes of God clowdes the wyndes mystes rayne dewe snowe froste thunder lyghtnynge mountaynes valleys fildes contreys medowes springes riuers standinge waters sondry trees and herbes the pryncypall kyndes of beastes both tame and wylde men and other innumerable workes of God For whiche many psalmes doe greatly magnifie the glory of God as psal xix xcv Ciiii. Cxxxvi. Cxlv. Cxlvii Cxlviii Iob doeth the same thinge from the xxxviii Chapiter to th ende of his booke And Esay in the .xl. chapter vnto th ende of hys boke Lyke places ye shal finde in other canonicall bookes euery where This contemplaciō of the notable workes of God and admiracion of the diuine maieste was the cause why Christe the Lorde hym selfe and other sayntes lyfted vp theyr eyes and handes to heauē whē they praye And in the fourme of prayinge the Lorde taught vs to saye Oure father whiche arte in heauen for when we behold wyth oure eyes and myndes those mooste excellent and wonderfull workes
gyftes of God Wherfore it is merueylous necessarie that the preachers do euer wyth singuler reuerence propoune declare and beate into the people thys article of the creation and preseruation of thynges that is to wit that God made all thynges of nothynge and preserueth the same thorowe his owne onely power bringeth forth and gyueth vs al thynge thorowe his bountiousnes to the entent that they may serue to our vse health and felicite and that he maye require to be knowen and worshypped in these his workes and creatures For whiche cause those places of scripture which testifie set forth thys article shall be often alledged in their sermons faythfully declared and printed in the myndes of the people Of the gouernaunce and administration of all thynges IT is lyke necessary diligently to teache and admonishe the people of the gouernaunce and administration of thynges that they may know that they must aske and loke for healpe from God and learne therwyth that sinne and other horrible mischeifes in the world were not made by god but sprange from an other begynnynge as we wil shewe herafter Wherfore that that the scripture teacheth of the creation of thinges must be so taken as that that is taught Genes i. and. ii Psal xxxij Esai xliij and in manie other places by the prophetes and apostles and as that churche euer beleued that is to saye that God hath not lefte his worke once made as the carpenter leaueth the shippe that he hath made and cōmitteth it vnto the shyppeman beinge litle or nothynge carefull for it afterwarde But we must thinke thus that he is present with his worke and perpetually susteineth and gouerneth the same that he knoweth and beholdeth the doinges of all creatures that he seeth also the thoughtes of angelles men and diuelles and that there is nothing done wythout hym that it is he whiche wyth perpetual mouing gouerneth the heauenlie bodies maketh the grounde fruiteful gyueth life both to man and beast adding fode and other necessarie thynges as we reade actes xvij In hym we lyue are moued and haue oure beinge Hebr. i. he susteyneth al thinges wyth the worde of his power Coloss i. All thynges consist thorowe hym i. Tiuint iiii We trust in the liuinge god which is the sauiour of al mē chiefly of the faythful Here Paule testifieth that God gyueth lyfe not only to the faythful but also to the reste howe beit that is done in vnlike maner not with standinge he teacheth vs that God susteineth preserueth gouerneth the lyfe of al. As he defended Dauid against Goliath Saull Absalō and other his enemies and gaue hym manye other temporal gyftes and lykewyse encreased hym with spiritual benifittes and other gyftes with grace and the holye goste But amonge the heaten he healpeth manye with corporal giftes only as with victorye peace and ritches that politye maye be mainteined and that mankinde maye endure in erth so longe tyl he haue gathered together his whole congregation as Paul witnesseth i. Tim. vi God which quyckneth Item gyue precepte vnto the riche that they truste in God which gyueth vs al thinges abundantly to our commoditie Math. x. Two sparowes are sold for a farthinge and one of them falleth not vpon the groūde wyth out the wil of your father And the heares of your heades be al nombred Psal Ciii All thynges looke vpon the that thou wylte gyue them theyr foode in due ceason whan thou gyueste them they shal gather Whan thou openest thy hand all shal be filled wyth bountuousnes But when thou turneste awaye thy face they shal be trobled Thoue shalte take awaye theyr breath and they shall fayle and returne to theyr dust Thou shalt sende forth thy spirite and they shal be created thou shal renue the face of the erth Psal xxxiii God looke from heauen he seeth all the children of men he frameth theyr hertes euerye one and vndrestandeth al theyr workes Psal xxxvi Men and beastes shalte thou saue Lorde Psal Cxlvii Whiche couereth the heauē with cloudes and prepareth raine to the erth whiche bringeth forth grasse in the mountaynes whyche gyueth foode to theyr catail and to the yong crowes that cal vpon hym Psal Cxlv. The eyes of al loke vpon the Lorde and thou gyueste them foode in due ceason Thou openest thy hande and filleste euery creature wyth thy goodnes Io. v. my father vnto thys tyme worketh I worke By these places of the scripture we are taughte that God is present euerie where knoweth althinges conserueth and susteineth all thynges and gyueth lyfe and mouinge Wherefore this article muste be dyligently thaughte the peoqle and lerned of the same For though the heathē graūt that the world was made by god yet thei doute whether therebe anye prouidence whether God hath anye care of mennes matters and iudgeth them whether he heareth men that calle vpon hym whether he ministre fode peace helth and other benifittes to men but they thinke that these thinges begotten and mainteined by mans industrie As euer such heatheuish persuasions hange in the myndes of men whiche thinge many wordes and sentences of the vngodlye doe wel proue against which Ieremie in his lamētatiōs Cha. iii. crieth myghtely Who is this that sayeth out of the mouth of the highest nether good thynges nor badde come forth what murmureth man againste God and thincketh not howe greuously he offendeth God That the myndes of men than maye be deliuered from those heathnishe opinions the alleged testimonies of the scripture and suche lyke cōcerning the preuidence of God and goueruance of thinges must be deligētly cōsidered we must hold fast in memory that God looketh vpon the hertes of men and wyl iudge the doinges of euerye one that he with out doubte heareth them that cal ryghtly vpon him as it shal be shewed here after Item that he gyueth benifittes to men and frutefulnes of the erth defendeth them and theyr ofspringe from enemies preserueth commen weales et cet As we are cōmanded to aske these thinges and to looke for them from God whan we praye gyue vs this daye oure dayly breade and psal iv Cast thy care vpon the Lorde and he shal nonrishe the vp But howe can a man desire helpe from God if he dreame that God neglecteth creatures that he worketh not in al but that the creatures are caried at al auentures and that men doe al thinges as they list and of theyr owne strength This darcknes of mannes mynde must be ernestly reproued and we must laye euidēt testimonies of the scripture agaynst it For mannes mynde is far gone from God and is ful of doubtinge and horrible darckenes concerning God whiche that God mighte dreue out of oure myndes from the beginninge he hath opened him selfe wyth great miracles He sente also his sonne into the worlde openly which rose from death and raised many other from the dead Al which thinges oughte to strengthen oure faythe that we maye certifie our selfe that God is not ydle
Lorde as Iosaphat saide to his officers and therefore that God wil require a straite cōpte of the gouerners of his people toucthing their administratiō If the preachers shal propoune and declare to the people after this sorte what thinges God hath commaunded and dyd to the olde people aswel in heapinge most ample benifites vpon them as in chastisynge wyth horrible punishmentes and if they shal sette forth al the exemples that God hath exhibited in the scriptures to be considered either of his bountiousnes and seueritie or of hys kindnes and vnkindnes of the people they shal for theyr measure perfourme that thing that the Lorde witnessed of hym selfe I come not to breake the lawe but to fulfil it And that that the apostle saieth we abolishe not the law but astablish it ¶ Of preachinge appropriated to the newe Testament The preachinge of the newe Testament is to preach repentaunce and remission of sinnes in the name of our Lorde Iesu Christe For so the Lorde him selfe sayde and prescribed Luke xxiiii Bicause it is so written and so it be houed Christe to suffre and to ryse agayne from the deade the third daye and that repētaunce and forgyuenes of sinnes shoulde be preached in his name amonge al nations begynninge at Ierusalem Out of this cōmaundement of Christe S. Petre also testified before the assemble of the Iewes and the priestes actes v. in this sorte The God of our fathers hath raised vp Iesus whome ye slue hanged vpon the crosse This prince and sauiour God hath exalted with his ryght hande to gyue repētaunce and remission of sinnes vnto Israel In lyke maner he preacheth also before Cornelius act x. he cōmaunded that we shoulde preach to the people and testifie that it is he that was appoynted of God a iudge of the dead and quicke to him al the prophetes beare witnes that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall receyue remission of sinnes thorowgh hys name Paule also in the synagoge at antioche of pisidia actes xiii sayeth thus Be it knowen to euerie one of you bretherne that thorowgh thys man remission of sinnes is preached vnto you thorough thys man euerye one that beleueth is instified frō al thinges from which ye coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moyses So he sayeth also to the elders whiche he called from Ephesus to Milites cha xx ye knowe from the first daye that I entred in to Asia howe I was with yon at al tymes seruing God with al humblenes of minde and wyth manye teares and tentations which chaunced vnto me thorough the layinges awaite of the Iewes how I ouer slipped nothinge that myght be profitable vnto you but preached vnto you and taught you openly and in euerie house testifiyng both to the Iewes also to the greekes that repētaunce that is towarde God and that faith that is towardes our Lorde Iesus By these testimonies it is euident that A double preachyng of the Gospell there be two partes of the preachinge of the gospel or newe testament that is to saye a preachinge of repentaunce and of remission of sinnes Wherefore the preachinge of the newe testamēt must be ginne at repētaunce as the exemples of Iohan baptiste of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and the apostles doe teach For al these men beganne theyr preachinge wyth these wordes repent your former lyfe for the kingdome of God approcheth and beleue the gospel that is to saye the preachinge of remission of sinnes But in thys place the preachers muste declare what repētaunce we ought to vnderstande Whiche is true repentaunce For thys saiynge muste not be taken of euery repentaunce but of that that is towarde God which Christ the Lorde him selfe raiseth vp in our myndes And that is true contritiō and a iust griefe for our sinnes which we haue committed in thought wordes or deedes agaynste the lawe of God Whiche griefe anguish driueth vs to fle to Christe with fayth and truste that for hys sake we shal be deliuered from al our sinnes and frō the wrath of God and that for hys sake we shal be nombred amonge the ryghteous before God and shal be compted heyres of euerlastinge lyfe This is a verie euangelical and Christian repentaunce For it is not inoughe for holsome repētaunce to be grieued and vexed for oure synnes and to feare the iudge mēt of God with which repentaunce Cain and Iudas perished wherewith at length al vngodlye men perishe after that they beginne to feele what anger of God what dānation they haue purchased to them selfe thorough theyr sinful actes But as Paule sayeth we must necessarely haue repētaunce towardes God that is to saye we muste therfore be greued for our sinnes and feare the iudgemēt of God because we haue offēded god our creator and redemer and haue forsaken hym thorough sinnes that besydes contrition for our sinnes there be in vs also a burninge desire and studie of reconciliatiō with God a truste to obtaine the same and a sure purpose to amende our lyues and to yelde our selues wholy in to the obediēce of God Al whiche thinges a true repentaunce muste haue desire and perceyue and that thorough our onely bischoppe and redemer Iesus Cehrist which alone stirreth vp and worketh true repentaunce in vs whyle he maketh the preachinge of repentaunce effectual in our hertes gyuinge his encrease Of the preachinge of repentaunce But to raise vp this repētaunce in our hertes we must cheifely vse the preachinge of the death and passiō of our Lorde Iesus Christe wherewith he satisfied God the father for our sinnes And we muste also vse a continual declaration and repetinge of the lawe of God wherein God sheweth what thinges he alloweth in vs and what he disaloweth and how gētly and bountiously he handleth them that obey hys commaūdimentes and howe rigorously That repentaunce muste be taught out of the ignominious death of Christe he punisheth thē that contemne the same Wherefore the preachers in theyr sermons and in the administration of the sacramētes must preach the death of the Lorde with singuler diligence and sette before the eyes of the people and warne them studiously that the sonne of God whiche neuer committed anye sinne suffred that most bitter and shāful death onely for our sinnes For thei shal teach that thei be so abominable in the sight of the lorde that they could be purged with none other sacrifice with no merites or peynes either of men or angells but only with the precious death of the sonne of God For this cause the preachers shall admonish mē of the greatnes of sinne and of the wrath of God and they shal stirre them vp to repent earnessly And because Christe our Lorde is the onely glasse and exemplar of a godly lyfe we maie learne certainly and substantially out of the lyfe and obedience of Christe to what maner of lyfe we be made and called what stubburnes ther is in vs agaynst god and what corruption of nature whereby
raysed him vp vnto supreme highnes and gaue hym a name aboue al names that in the name of Iesus all knees shoulde bowe etc. After that Christ hath thus handled our matter before the father and pleased his anger afterwarde he executeth the office of a faithful intercessour and patrone he turneth him self to vs he entreateth vs that he may heale oure synnes and weaknes For thys cause he sayed to his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me go therfore and teache al nations and receyue them into my discipline preache the Gospel to euerie creature baptising thē in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie goste he that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued and he that beleueth not shal be damned And teache them to keepe all those thinges that I haue cōmaunded you Thus thorowe thys shorte and simple preachinge of the Gospell he executeth the busines of oure iustification after a merueylous sorte Therfore as the strēgth and vse of the law muste be declared to the people so the vse and vertue of the Gospell muste be propouned and beaten in wyth singuler diligence For it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth Ro. i. First then the preachers shall teache that the Gospell bringeth to vs remission of synnes if we beleue it truely and vnfaynedly and determine thorow this fayth that God for his sonnes sake wyll be mercifull vnto vs and accepte vs and compt vs for sonnes not for the dignitie of our workes and they shall teache that therfore it bryngeth peace to our consciences which by reason of synne were fearefull and brused of whiche peace the angelles sange in the tyme of the natiuitie of Christe Glorie in the highest to God and in the earth peace to men And Esaie the discipline of peace is vpon hym Itē Paule Roma v. Iustified of fayth we haue peace towardes God thorowe oure Lorde Christe Iesus Ephe. ij he is our peace etc. Esaie lij Ro. x. howe beautiful are the feete of them that preach peace etc. For where the voice of the Gospel soundeth not oure consciences can haue no peace as Dauid wytnesseth Psal xxxvij There is no whole part in my bodie by reason of thy wrath neither is there peace in my bones bycause of my synne etc. Secondly the Gospell bryngeth to vs the ryghtuousnes of Christe in whiche we maye trust as done for vs and gyuen vnto vs aswell as if we had perfourmed it oure selues For so Paule sayeth i. Cor. i. Christe Iesus is made vnto vs of God wysedome ryghtuousnes sanctification and redemption and Philip. iij. That I may be founde in hym not hauynge my ryghtuousnes of the lawe but that that is thorowe the fayth of Iesus Christ etc. For thys is a perfect true and euerlastyng rightuousnes For our vertues be farre from that ryghtuousnes and perfection of lyfe whiche the lawe of God requireth And besydes that verie manie synnes abyde euer in vs and wonderfull weaknes as Esaie sayeth lxiij all we are as one defiled and all oure ryghtuousnes as a garmēt of beggerlie patches And the Psal O Lorde entre not into iudgemente wyth me etc. which sentence teacheth merueilous playnelye that we can not sette oure worthines agaynste the iudgement of God Wherfore if our saluation shall be certayne vnto vs it must leaue vpō some other rightuousnes and that a perfecte rightuousnes namely vpon the ryghtuousnes of Christe as Paule wytnesseth Ro. viij God hath not spared his owne sonne etc. Therefore oure Iustification and oure rightuousnes before God which S. Paule and all the other Apostles teache consisteth in two thinges in forgiuenes of synnes and gyuynge of the rightuousnes of Christ thorowe fayeth And thys onely is a sure certayne and perpetuall ryghtuousnes which Christ hath caryed vp into heauē with him selfe to the ryght hande of God where no man can oppresse it or ouerthrowe it as innumerable daungers fal vpon our ryghtuousnes dayly Therefore our lyfe is sayed to be hidden wyth Christe in God Col. iij. And seing that we glorie of thys our Lorde and sauiour and his rightuousnes our lyfe is in the heauens Philip. iij. For where our treasure is there is our herte Wherfore the ryghtuousnes of God gyuen to vs in Christe must be diligently and continually beaten into the people by the preachers and they muste take verie good hede that the knowledge and truste thereof be not corrupted and that men slyde not backe agayne to the confidence of mannes ryghtuousnes For though that true fayth in Christ be neuer wythout good workes and loue yet workes deserue not remission of synnes neither is a man acceptable to God for workes but for Christes sake whyle he embraceth and holdeth by fayth his rightuousnes and redemption gyuen vnto hym Thirdly when a mynde affrayed wyth the feelyng of Goddes wrath susteyneth it selfe wyth the voice of the Gospel and thorowe the knowledge of the sauiour Christ and promises of God whiche Christe fulfilleth vnto vs the holie spirite is present and worketh in our hertes a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and adoption of euerlastyng lyfe For in hearinge of the Gospel the holie spirite is gyuen as Paule wytnesseth Gala. iij. Thys one thinge I desire to learne of you receiued ye the spirite thorow the dedes of the lawe or thorowe the preaching of fayth Item iiij Bicause ye be children God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne etc. And Iohn vij he that beleueth in me as the scripture sayeth fluddes of lyuely water shall flowe out of his bealy thys thynge sayeth Iohn he spake of the spirite whom they shoulde receyue that beleued in hym And thorowe thys receyuynge of the holie gooste a newe generation is caused whereof Iohn speaketh i. Chap. As many as receyued him he gaue them power to be the sonnes of God them I say that had beleued in his name whiche were not borne of bloud nor of the wyll of man but of God Item Ro. vij who so euer be ledde wyth the spirite of God they be the children of God And. ii Cor. iii. we representing the glorie of the Lorde in a glasse wyth a ryght face are transfigured to the same Image from glory to glorie as of the spirite of the Lorde that is to saye when we receyue thorow fayeth the exedinge mercie of God promised and exhibited in Christe the holy goste worketh in vs a newe lyfe and a newe knowledge of God vnknowen to mannes reason Moreouer thys fayth thys knowledge of God in Christ and assenting to his promises thorowe the worke of the same holie spirite the spirite of adoption kendleth susteyneth cōserueth and encreaseth such loue of God suche desire to gratifie and to serue God and to approue our selues to hym in all thynges to glorifie hym that wyth verie great diligence and carefulnes we keepe our selues from al synne and moste earnestly applie oure selues to all good workes The holy scriptures describe
into his death etc. And a litle after we knowe that our olde man is crucified wyth hym that the bodie of synne myght be abolished that hereafter we serue not synne that is to saye that God hath set vs forth an exemple in Christe in whom we shoulde learne that our olde man must dye and that therefore he is euer subiecte to the crosse For he that is dead sayeth Paule is iustified from synne Therfore as necessarie as it is that oure olde man dye and cease from synnes so necessarie is the crosse without whiche the olde man can neither be tamed nor mortified Besyde thys profitte and necessitie of the crosse the dignitie also and glorie of the same muste be diligently commended to the people For God woulde haue his owne sonne in whom he had delite as he testified wyth a voice from heauen to be exalted by the crosse and death and to be crouned with glorie and honour Hebr. ij If then the sonne of God suffered so horrible thynges and th●rowe the crosse entred into glorie the disciple is not greater nor ought to be in better case then the maister Wherefore thoughe there were none other profitte in the crosse yet for thys cause onely we oughte to suffre it patiently and gladly that we maye be made lyke vnto Christe For seinge that Christ was ryght deare and acceptable vnto God thorowe obedience of the crosse the fathers wyll was that al whiche shoulde be glorified wyth him should suffre with him as Paule fayeth Ro. viij Whom he knewe aforehande the same he preordined lyke the Image of his sonne etc. And a litle after And if we be chyldren then be we heyres heyres I saye of God and coheyres wyth Christe if we suffre wyth him that we may be glorified wyth hym Our afliction also is planted in the passion of Christe for thorow baptisme we are grafted into his death Ro. vi So that we maye knowe certaynly that our crosse sufferinges please God as the passion of his sonne pleased hym For he is our head and we are his membres wherfore aflictions are come to both For whiche cause it was sayed to Paule persecuting the christiās Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Wherfore if the heade if selfe were subiecte to the same as Paule witnesseth Cor. i. I reioyse in my tribulations for you etc. The crosse then is an entraunce to glory and lyfe as Paule saye●h ij Timo. ii Thys is a sure saying if we be dead with him we shall lyue wyth hym if we suffre we shall reygne wyth hym etc. Neither is our tribulation at anie tyme equal wyth the greatnes of glorie according to the sayinge of Paule Ro. viii I compte that the aflictions of thys present worlde are not equall wyth the glorie whiche shal be reueyled towardes vs. Seinge then that euerie crosse is from God and Satan wyth the whole worlde can not hurte one heare of oure heade wyth out the wyll of our father men oughte to be warned diligētly that in trouble they turne not their eyes so muche vpon the malice of Satan and wicked men as to the good wil and fatherly affection of God whiche aflicteth vs for thys purpose that we maye acknowledge our synnes and weakenes that we may be moued to true and holesome repentaunce of our sinnes and driuen to seeke grace in Christe and that we maye go forwarde in al godlines fayth inuocation and magnifiyng of Goddes name mortifiynge the fleshe and euer more fully facionynge our selues to the Image of Christe that beinge dayly more and more werie and full of thys lyfe we maye more gredely desire the lyfe to come and sone after enioye it plentuousely and reygne wyth Christe in euerlastyng glorie If these thynges shal be prynted in men diligently and commended vnto them they shal be easely retayned that they be not discouraged in aduersities that some fall not into impatiencie some slee to vngodlie aides agaynst affictions but hauing their mindes stablished wyth the trust of Goddes goodnes they shall gladly submitte them seues to the yoke of the Lorde and shall fynde rest to theyr soules Mat. xi Chiefely seinge that we haue thys cōsolation that God is faythfull whiche wyll not suffre vs to be tempted aboue that that we be able to beare yea wyth tentation he shal make away out that we maye suffre Besydes thys we haue an healpe and moste present counsell ordeined of God in al maner of persecutions as agaynst the Deuyll hym selfe we haue the Lordes worde agaynst violent and wycked men we haue officers ordeined of God agaynste diseases we haue sundry remedies and the arte of phisicke Finally agaynst al these togythrr we haue a mightie weapon the prayer of fayth Wherefore there is no cause why we should aske healpe of Satan in aduersitie or of magike or of other which serue the deuyll and not God as all they be that labour to seduce vs or to dryue vs frō the obedience of God Wherfore let vs vse the saied remedies commended of God agaynst the euyls that vexe vs and lette vs vse them accordynge to the worde of God wyth a good and simple conscience and if God wyl not streyght waye take our aflictions from vs by those remedies whiche he hym selfe hath ordeyned and appoynted to put awaye such euyls let vs suffre styll the hande of the Lorde with a contented mynde and neuerthelesse let vs aske cōsolation and healpe of hym with cōtinuall and buruyng praiers thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour Vndoubtedly at length he shall turne all our aduersities to our health and profitte both present and to come ¶ Of the churche of God THe visible churche of God in this life is a cōpany of personnes truly beleuyng the worde of God deliuered vnto vs by Christe and the Apostles of personnes borne agayne thorowe the holy goste In whiche companie manie abyde in thys lyfe not borne agayne hauyng sinnes agaynst theyr conscience and yet cōsentyng in doctrine and true vse of the sacramentes As in Paules tyme there were at Corinthe and in other places amonge christians both godlie men hauing the holie goste and also some that synned agaynste theyr conscience whiche neuertheles spake not agaynst the true doctrine and ryght vse of the sacramentes but toke them wyth other in the congregation And it is receyued by custome that the godlie be called the quicke mēbres of the churche These men whyle they be not excommunicated may execute ecclesiastical offices in teaching and ministringe the sacramētes neither shal theyr vngodlines hurt the godlines of them whiche vse theyr ministerie wythout allowyng of their vngodlines Al be it then that the congregations and ministers of the same ought to take diligent hede that vnworthy men be not receyued to the holie ministerie and if they be receyued that as sone as theyr vngodlines is spied they be remoued from the same agayne neuertheles of what meane sorte so euer they be that ministre in holie thynges
to praye to the father in secrete shyttynge the chambre For that oure prayer maye be hearde no place by it selfe healpeth more then other but the efficacie of prayer leaneth altogyther vpon the merite of Christe and his intercession for vs and vpon a sure fayth of the promises of God in whiche a beleuing mynde receyueth the merite and intercession of Christe And where as prayers were wonte to be sayed amonge the forefathers and holy assembles celebrated at the sepulchres of holy martyres it was done for thys purpose that thorow the remembraunce of the fayeth whiche shined forth so goodly in the martyres the people shoulde be more steared enflamed to pray God to gyue them lyke godlines and fayth and also shoulde more encourage them selues to the same For both the place it selfe and also the prayses of the martyres which were wonte to be declared wyth the preachyng of the Gospell and vse of the Sacramentes dyd warne and testifie that the vertues of the martyres were the gyftes of the free goodnes of God obteyned vnto them by the merite of Christ and wrought in thē thorowe the holie goste and therefore sette before vs that we should aske the same thinges of the heauēly father and trust to haue them thorowe Christe and the more steare vp our selues to the desire of them ¶ Of the true false vse of Images IT is playnely knowen that the cōmon people be yet sore entangled in the abuse and superstition of Images and grauen stockes For moste cōmonly they thynke that then they praye with effecte when they saye theyr prayers before grauē wodde and Images therefore they are wont to decke thē sundrie wayes and to honour and worshippe them wyth burning of candles with incense and other oblations and furthermore wyth vowed pilgrimages from farre places Yea and they attribute to some a certaine strength to healpe with no lesse furour of wyckednes and Idolatrie then we reade that the heathen and the Iewes dyd in tymes paste Therefore the pastours shall labour diligently to call the people from this Idolemadnes and al abuse of Images and grauen stockes First then they shall teache that there cā be no vse of Images vnto christen men but when Images are sette forth whiche declare true thynges and suche and after that sorte that the remembraunce of those thynges may healpe to steare vp faith and prouoke men to the office of godlines And though there were none other faute yet thys thinge is moste vnworthie of christian men in the vse of Images that liynge Images are sette forth whiche offre to the thoughtes of men thynges either playnely or partly fayned and also oftentymes superstitious and vngodlie For as they paynt or graue Antonie wyth fyer and a pigge Rocke wyth a sore whiche the Angel cureth Leonarde wyth a chaine they are vngodlie faynynges wherewyth the miserable people are taught to aske remedie of Antonie agaynste the fierie boyle wyth the gyfte of pigges of Rocke remedie agaynst the pestilence wyth gyftes and seruice peculiar to hym of Leonarde escapynge or loosynge of chaines The temples for the moste yart are ful of suche false Images whiche cause and confirme manifest vngodlines and Idolatrie Whiche vngodlie Images seinge that they oughte to be suffered of christen men in no place it is euidēt how vnworthie a thing it is that they be seen in tēples where God onely in Christ should be preached and wor shipped and that in spirite and truth Bokes whiche cōteine false and vngodlie doctrines be taken out of the hādes of christen people and that ryghte well for we muste auoyed all occasions of offence What shamefull spite is it then to the diuine maiestie to sette forth in places dedicated to his name and seruice a doctrine of so manifest vngodlines in pictures and Images chiefely seing that they wyll haue Images to be the bokes of the laye people There is an abuse also of Images and grauen wodde in this point that the resemblaunces of sayntes are grauen and made wyth the garmentes and trimminge of the worlde facioned after the wantonues and pompe of the worlde from whiche vanitie and ryote the sayntes dyd greatly abhorre Therefore thorowe thys liynge of Images and grauen stockes the exemples of moderation humiltie which were in the saintes in al their lyfe and vse of thynges of thys present world be not onely obscured but also the contrarie vices are commended For mē gather that they also should desire those thynges whiche they se to be assigned to sayntes now liuing in heauē as ornamētes For euen the Poete Terence perceiued how muche pictures representing naughtie actes wyth some commendation do prouoke men to folowe naughtines For the Poete bryngeth in a yonge man openly declaryng that he was ●ncouraged to fornication by beholding a table wherin the fornication of Iuppiter was painted and that he gathered this thynge thereof Should not I seelie man do the same Further the preachers with lyke diligēce oughte to teache the people to forgette the worshyppnge of grauen wodde and Images that they fall not doune before them or howe their knees For that the scripture calleth worshyppynge and forbiddeth it moste straitly both in many other places and also in the ten cōmaundemētes adding a threatnynge of reuengiaunce vnto the thirde and fourth generation For thus he commaundeth Exo. xx Make not to thy selfe a grauē Image neither anie lykenesse of heauenlie thinges nor earthlie nor of them that be vndre the earth in the waters thou shalte not worshyppe that is to saye thou shalte not fall doune to them or bowe thy knees neither shalt thou do them seruice or reuerence For I am the Lorde thy God a ielous god whiche punishe the iniquitie of the fathers in the chyldren vnto the thirde and forth generatiō Therfore the preachers shal warne and teach the people wyth all diligence first that all they whiche fall doune before Images and grauen wodde bowe theyr knees and encline theyr heades or putte of theyr cappes lyfte vp theyr handes and eyes to them after the maner of prayinge do openly agaynst thys commaundement of God Furthermore that they also do the same whiche cloth and decke them whiche sense them sette vp candels offre and hange vp giftes sing Hymnes and do them honours and worshippinges due to God alone whē I saye they are exhibited to seeke the secrete healpe of God For peculiar honours and worshippynges are due to princes and honourable personages For so the interpreter of the scripture doth translate the worde supplicare which signifieth to bowe doune hūbly But we muste shewe them these signes of beniuolence and reuerence oure mynde euer beholdyng and worshippyng the maiestie of God in thē and seekyng the healpe of God not theyr healpe yea and not onely of them but by them and accordynge to the worde of God But as for Idolles as they feele nothynge nor be instrumentes of anie worke of God whereunto they myght ministre wyth theyr wyll and
exercised wyth aduersitie and sundrie miseries we must remēbre that we are baptised and that in baptisme al our sinnes euils be ouercomed and deade and that they be dayly wasted and obolished more and more thorowe the crosse and sūdry afflictions which God sendeth vnto vs and that the newe man is continually renued and repared thorow the vertue of the resurrection of Christe Therfore of ryght we oughte to thanke God for his so vnspeakeable mercie and we muste also praye therwyth that he wyll vouchsafe euer to further and at the last to finishe his worke whiche he hath begonne in vs and in all them whom he hath called to baptisme The preachers shal vse such exhortatiōs lōger or shorter accordyng to the tyme out of the forsaid places of the scripture and other lyke and then they shall adde the interrogations folowyng ¶ Interrogatiōs or demaūdes which shall be propouned to the godfathers and to the parentes of infantes Do ye beleue that those thynges be true whiche I shewed you out of the worde of God concernyng the corruption of nature thorowe originall synnne and concernynge regeneration in Christ our Lorde and euerlastyng communion wyth God whiche is exhibited thorowe holie baptisme ¶ Answere ¶ We beleue Do you require then wyth al your hertes and wyth true fayth that thys your infant whom ye haue brought and offered to Christe be deliuered from thys corruption of nature thorowe the merite and vertue of Christe in baptisme and be reconciled to God and borne againe into a new and perpetuall lyfe ¶ Answer ¶ We require it Do ye then renounce in your name and in the name of the chylde the deuyll and all his workes ¶ Answere ¶ We renounce And the worlde also and all his concupiscence ¶ Answere ¶ We renounce Do ye beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth ¶ Answere We beleue And do ye beleue that God wyll be a father to you and to thys Infante when it is baptised and that he wyll keepe you frō all euyll thorowe his almightie power wysedome and mercie and heape benifittes vpon you and that therefore you oughte to feare hym and loue hym aboue al thynges ¶ Answere We beleue Do ye beleue in our Lorde Iesus Christe his onely sonne which to redeme vs became mā suffered died was raysed frō death ascended into heauē and sitteth on the ryght hāde of the father frō thēce gouerneth his churche thorowe his almightie power and shal come in th ende of the worlde appeare to al mē a iudge of the dead and the quicke ¶ Answere We beleue Do ye confesse out of this fayth that our Lorde Iesus Christe is also your Sauiour and Sauiour of thys chylde whiche by his death hathe purged your synnes also and hath recōciled you to God and instified you thorowe his resurrection and wyl at length fully finishe vp the Image and lyfe of God in you beinge cleansed from all synne ❧ Answere We confesse Do ye beleue also in the holie goste the holie and vniuersall churche the communion of saintes the remission of synnes the resurrection of the fleshe and lyfe euerlasting ▪ ❧ Answere We beleue Out of thys confession do you beleue that the holie goste wyl be your teacher and comforter and the teacher and comforter of thys chylde and that you be the true membres of the bodie of Chris●e oure Lorde and of his churche and that thys childe by baptisme shall be a membre of Christe and his churche wherein he shall haue remission of sinnes a sure hope of resurrection and life euerlastynge ❧ Answere We beleue Wyll ye then take the infante from baptisme and compte hym for a verie sonne of God a brother and membre of Christe and as soone as he cometh to the vse of reason if peraduenture he shall leese his parentes or if they shall be negligente in thys behalfe wyll ye take the charge of him that he may learne the ten commaundementes the articles of oure fayth the Lordes prayer the sacramentes both at home and in the congregation that from his chyldehode he maye beginne to vnderstande the misterie of baptisme and the benefittes of Christe gyuen to hym therin and afterwarde when he is wel instructed in the religion of Christe that he confesse his fayth in the congregation wyth his owne mouth and thorow the participation of Christe that he gyue hym selfe to obedience towardes God and the congregation ¶ Answere We wyll ❧ Here the past oure shall exhorte agayne the parentes and the multitude standyng by Remēbre then beloued that ye must with all faythfulnes and diligence perfourme the thynge that ye haue promised here in the sight of god Christ our sauiour which is amonge vs and before his holie cōgregation And all you parentes godfathers and other that stāde by acknowledge this childe after that he hath receyued baptisme as the sonne of God and membre of Iesus Christ to whom the Angelles be presente as ministers and serue hym neither doubte ye but that what so euer good or euyll ye do to thys seelie Infant you do the same to God and to Christe the Lorde Lette it not be anie payne to you then that euery one of you accordynge to his state kynred and vncation procure thys chylde to be godlie and religiously broughte vp and instructed that at length he maye keepe all those thinges that Christe oure Sauiour commaunded to vs. It perteyneth then vnto you whiche are giuen of God to thys chylde to be parentes kynsfolke or godfathers to procure as sone as he is growen vp to brynge hym to scholes to the cōgregatiō that he may be instructed moore fully in the misteries of Christe and in other thynges that he may perceyue the grace and exceadyng benifittes of God gyuen in baptisme that he gyue accompt of his fayth before the cōgregation that he renounce in dede the diuyl the worlde wyth al concupiscences that he wholie gyue hym selfe to Christe our Lorde and to his cōgregation to be obedient in all poyntes accordyng to his gospel and so cōtinue in Christ our Lorde vnto th ende and euer go forward in newnes of lyfe as a lyuely membre of Christe and that beinge a fruiteful braunch in thys vinyarde he brynge forth the plentifull fruite of all good workes to the prayse of God and edification of the churche ❧ Here foloweth the Exorcisme or adiuration HEre the past oure shall cōmaunde the chylde to be brought nere him and shal demaūd his name which knowen he shal say I cōmaunde all euyll spirites in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ to departe frō thys infant and to do hym no hurt anie maner of wayes ❧ After thys makyng the figure of the crosse wyth his thombe vpon his foreheade and vpon his brest let hym saye Take the figure of the holie crosse in thy foreheade that thou neuer be ashamed of God and Christ thy sauiour or of his Gospell take it also on
they them selues shoulde professe they re fayth in the congregacion and they them selues shoulde bynde them selues to the obedience of God and of the cōgregacion At whyche confession of fayth and profession of obedience in the cōgregacion they were wonte to bee solemly confirmed of the congregacion in religion thoroughe praier and some token of Goddes confirmacion which vnder Moses consisted in sacrifices and oblations and in the tyme of the Gospell in layinge on of handes and participation of the supper of the Lord. For this is the nature of true and liuelye fayth that eueri man desireth to sette forth and magnifye the benifites that god hath shewed him and for his parte to offer and cōsecrate himselfe to the glorifiynge of his name with all offices of godlines Wherfor the Psal xxii singeth of the is my prayse in the great congregacion Psal xxxv I wyl giue thankes vnto the in a greate assemble et ce ❧ Forthermore we are so grafted in Christ thorough Baptisme and so made the members of his bodye that is to saye of the congregacion and so ioyned in Christ to other members of Christ that we must serue al them with whom we haue anye aquaintaunce any perticipacion of kindnes cheifely for the furtheraunce of godlines religion and afterwarde also in thynges necessarye for this present life I meane that one of vs acknoledge another and embrace one another in Christe with sincere loue And fyrst that we teach one another warne correct cōforte and exhorte in those thynges that pertaine to a new lyfe in Christ Secōdly that we also helpe one another in thynges necessarye for this present lyfe with coūcel worke and seruise Therfore the comunion of both liues in Christe the Lord and the recompensation of good turnes one to another requireth that euerie man openly offere and giue himselfe to this felowshyppe of the outwarde and inward man and to this change an recompensacion of benefites Seynge than that this confession of fayth and geuyng of our selues to the obedience of Christe and commendacion of his church which the very nature of fayth and necessite of this cōmunicacion of Christe requireth canne not be done in baptisme whan infantes be baptised it must nedes be done of them that were baptised in their infantie whan they be meetely wel enstructed of relegion and whan they some what vnderstande those greate benifites that we giue in baptisme But whan they solemly professe their fayth and obedience before the cōgregacion the verie nature of fayth requireth agayne that the cōgregacion praie for them solemli and desire for them the encrease of the holye gost that he wyll confirme and preserue thē in the fayth of Christe and obedience of the congregacion and that he will euer leade hym into all truethe And for asmuche as such praier made in the name of Christ and truste of his promises can not bee but effectuous it pertanieth to the mynisterie of the congregacion to strengthen theym with the confirmacion of the hollye Gost for whom the churche hath prayed Therefore oure elders folowinge the exemple of Christ and the Apostle did vse laiyng on of handes as a signe at this confirmacion This ceremonie thā obserued in the fayth of Christ because it is vndoutedly the office of faith and christian loue agreable all maner of wayes to the wordes and institutions of the Lord and edifiyng the religion of Christ we wyl that it be restored in the congregacion to a godlie and holesome vse all abuses remoued that haue crepte into the place of this ceremonie whiche howe shameful and noysome they were to oure religion euerie Christian manne maye easelye iudge Heretofore this ministerie of confirmacion was a peculier worcke of a suffragayne But forasmuche as al thinges in the church must be referred ordained and done for the commune profite of Christen menne wee wil that hereafter this ministerye of confirmacion if it can not be done commodiously by a suffragayne or not as it ought to be done shal be done by visitours twyse a yere in principall solemnities For where as at the begynninge the office of confirmacion was only committed to bishoppes bishoprikes were not so large as they be nowe nether wer theyr dioces greater than that the bishops might visit once a yere euery parish and here him selfe and confirme the childrē beinge catechised or instructed But nowe the world is other wyse and bishoprikes be after another fashion so that it is impossible that one byshoppe or sustragaine maye wyth conueniēt leasure administre this confirmaciō in hys diocese For euerie yere ther growe vp some in euerye churche whome it shal be come to professe their fayth and to be solemli cōfirmed Wherefore forasmuch as euerie congregation hath neade of yerely lookinge to and visitation and solemne profession of fayth and confirmacion of them which in age and knoledge of Christ be growen so fare the necessarie procuracion of the Lordes flocke committed vnto vs constrayneth vs that wee prouide that the congregacion wante not a mete minister for thys purpose For the health of the shepe of christ muste not serue the personnes of the mynisters but the persones of the ministers must serue to their health that al thinges maye be done according to this sayinge al are yours whether it be Paule or Apollo or Cephas i. Cor. iij. And as S. Hierome witnesseth this confirmacion was not therefore the proper office of bishoppes in olde time bicause it was not lawful for other to administre the same seing that euē commen ministers yea euerie Christen man if ordinare ministres wāted might minister Baptisme a muche more excellent sacramēt but it was cōmitted to byshops peculiarly for this cause that the byshops of euerie cōgregacion mighte attaine more certaine knoledge might haue more holesome care and charge while they them selues enquired euerie yere with what faith fulnes and diligence the pastours hade instructed bothe the rest and cheifly the yong children of Christ It holpe also togreater consent of religiō and reuerence and obedience towardes the holie ministerie when eureie one professed hys fayth and obedience of Christe to one bishoppe But forasmuch as to many congregacions be cōmitted to the charge of one bishop that euerie one can not be visited by one bishoppe or suffragane we must neades procure that this office of examinacion and confirmacion which cannot bee deferred more than a yere without the great incommoditie of the congregacions and peril of religion bee executed by more personnes seinge that it cannot be doone by one howbeit the parish preistes in euery cōgregacion with their companions certaine dayes before the comming of the visiters shal diligently prepare the children whome they purpose to offre to confirmacion to make theyr confessyon of fayth and profession of Christen communion and obediēce decētly and semely whiche must be done of theym after this sorte The demande Dost thou professe thy selfe to be a christian ▪ Answer I professe Demaunde What is it to be
maye studye to do those thynges with al oure hertes whiche pertaine to oure helth thorough oure Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ Heare ye the Gospel Iohn iij. God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne that al whych beleue in him shoulde haue lyfe euerlainge ¶ Or. i. Timo. i. ¶ This is a sure sainge and worthey of all embrachynge that Iesus Christe came in to this worlde to saue sinners ¶ Or Iohan. iij. ❧ The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen althinges in to his handes he that beleueth in the sonne hath lyfe euerlastynge ❧ Or Acte x. ❧ All the prophetes beare wytnesse vnto Christ that all that beleue in him receiue remission of theyr sinnes thorought hym ❧ Or. i. Iohan. ij ❧ My litel children if anye haue synned we haue o iuste aduocate with the father Iesus Christ and he is an attomement for our synnes ❧ Whan the pastour hath shewed to The people one of the sayde Gospels He shal saye further Because our blessed Lorde hath lefte thys power to his congregacion that it maye absolue them from sinnes and restore them in to the sauour of the heauenlie father which being repētance for theyr sinnes do truly beleue in christ the lord I the minister of christ the congregacion declare and pronoūce remission of synnes the fauoure of God and life euerlastinge thorought our Lord Iesus Christ to all thē which be sorie for their sinnes which haue true faith in Christ the Lord and desire to opproue them selues vnto him After this where clerckes or scholars shal be they shal syng some what in latine taken out of the holye scriptures for an entraunce or begininge After that thei shal singe kyrie eleson and gloria in excelses but because that kyrie eleson is a cōmune praier of the congregacion and gloria in excelses is also a cōmune thankes giuing let the people sing both in douch After this songe he that shall execute the holie ministerie shal recite a collect in douch but yet so that all the people maye well vnderstand it For therefore the ministre speaketh thys sentence to the people The Lorde be with you And let vs praie and the people answereth And with thy spirite signifiinge thereby that they also praye together with the minister For so Chrisostome interpreteth this saiynge And because thys must be a cōmune praier of the whole congregacion it is called a collet for that that a praier gathered of the wyshes of al that be presēte is offred to god by the minister or because it is a prayer of the cōgregacion gathered together and prainge together vnto the Lord But the purer collectes and more cōsonāt to the holie scriptures must be chosen out of which sorte we wil cause some to be set furth After the collectes there shall folowe accordynge to the custoume a lesson of an epistle which shal be red in suche a place the reader turninge hys face to the people that it maie be hearde and vnderstāded of the whole cōgregaciō Wher fore it shal be also red in douch because that lesson pertayneth to the instruction and admonition of all the people After the epistle where clerckes be lette alleluia be songe in latine or a graile or sequence if they haue anye pure and some douch songe Than let the Gospel be red in douche to the people whych reading an interpretacion and ordinarie sermon shall folowe furth with and after the sermon a praier for al states of men and necessites of the congregation after this sorte Almightie euerlastinge God and mercyfull father which by thy dere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and his Apostles cōmaundest that we shoulde come before the in his name and diddest promise that thou wouldest mercifully giue vs whatsoeuer agreinge together we should aske in his name we beseche the by thy sonne our only sauiour first that thou wilte mercifully forgiue vs al our sinnes iniquites which we acknowledge and cōfesse here in thy sighte and that thou wilte fauourally turne awaye from vs thorough the bloude and satisfaction of thy sonne our mediator thy most iuste wrath whyche we haue deserued thorough so manifolde transgression of thy commaundementes But confirme thou in vs thy holye spirite that we maye holy giue ouer our selues to the obedience of the now and euer that calinge vpon the alwaies for our selues and for other we maye obteine thy grace and helpe We praie therefore cheifely for thy congregacions deliuer them from a … olues hired seruauntes which ether spoile and deuour thy shepe miserabli or tratrouously for sake them and destroy them and proudly reioise and delite thēselues in theyr destruction Geue thē good and faithful ministers and pastours preserue the same Encrease thy holie spirite in al persones whiche be at this holie ministerie that therein they maye faythfully serue the and with the profite of thy flocke that thy scatered sheepe maye thorough thy gospell be gathered to thy dearesōne the high and only true shepeherde and bishoppe of oure soules Iesus Christe from all straynge ether of errours or of synnes breifely that they maie be brought againe to the true communion of him that there maye be one flocke and one shepeherde So we praie the also holie father for thy seruauntes the ministers of ciuile gouernaūces for our most gracious emperour king for all other kynges princes and magistrates And specially we praie the for our most reuerende archebisoppe and ryght excellent prince for his consel and officers for the consel and magystrates of thys citie Gyue all these thy holie spirite that they maye truly knowe and embrace Christe thy sonne to whom thou hast giuen al power and al iudgement in heauen and in erth and that accordinge to their strength they maye so serue his kingdome that thei maie so gouerne vs whiche are in dede subiectes to them but be the creatures of thy hande and the shepe of thy pastures that in thys place and euerye where we maye lyue a peacible and quiete life with al godlines and honesti and being deliuered fro al fear of our enimies we maie serue the in al righteousnes and holines we pray also heauenlie father for al those moreouer whiche yet pertayne not to thy kyngedome cause the lyght of thy gospel to shyne vnto them also drawe thē to they sonne oure sauioure that beleuinge in him they bee saued with vs. And as touchinge them whom thou haste some what drawen vnto hym so that thei graunt him to be their sauiour and the sauioure of al men but neuer theles thei haue not yet bound them selues to al obedience of the gospel encrease in these the faith and knowledge of they sōne which thou hast giuen thē that they maye thoroughlye geue ouer their selues vnto the obedience of him and of his congregacion and that they may magnifie the in the same thorugh out al their lyfe wyth godlie saiynges and doinges Furthermore we praye the father mercyful God the great conforter of the
of synnes whereunto he shall adde an absolution Then he shall recite the Crede shal make suche a prayer ¶ The pastour The Lorde be with you ¶ They whiche be present And wyth thy spirite Almightie euerlastyng God whiche of thy exceadyng mercie haste gyuen vs thy sonne and all thynges wyth hym lighten our hertes and myndes that we may certeynly beleue and acknowledge thy sonne to be oure onely sauiour and the in hym our God and father and that we maye so receyue and enioye the communion of his bodie and bloud from thys his table ordeined by his cōmaūdement that his newe and diuine lyfe wyth al trust of his grace and sure expectation of blessed resurrection may be cōfirmed and encreased in thys oure sicke brother or sicke sister and in vs all that we also may be content to susteyne thy hande in this present visitation and loke wyth affiaunce for thy callyng out of thys wycked worlde and that as longe as it shall please the we maye lyue here and more sanctifie thy name and sette forth thy kyngdome thorowe the same thy beloued sonne our Lorde Here the pastoure shall saye the Lordes prayer That done he shall wishe peace to the sicke person and all that be present Thē he shall rehearse the wordes of the supper playnely and reuerently The Lorde that night that he was betrayed etc. When he hath rehearsed those wordes lette hym giue the whole Sacrament to the sicke personnes and to those of the standers by which shal offre them selues gistes to the Lordes bourde as it behoueth wyth those wordes that we rehearsed before After the cōmnunion let hym cōclude the Lordes supper with thākesgiuyng blessyng as is described before The sicke folke also muste be euer exhorted to liberalitie towards the pore Of cōmunion in priuate houses for men in health Bicause some both of the ordre of knighthode and men of other degrees dwell farther from temples then that they can euer come together to the commune assemble of theyr parish in the winter other incommodious tymes of the yere the pastours shall not be grieued to celebrate the holie supper in theyr houses at conuenient tymes when they shall require it and when there shall be iust causes so to do by thē selues or by other meete ministers after the maner and facion that is described before But they whiche dwell so nigh the temples of theyr parishes that they maye well come together to the cōmune communion of theyr parish shal haue no priuate cōmunion in theyr houses administred whiche thynge the olde holie fathers forbadde to be done ❧ Of conuersion from sinnes or repentaunce and christian excommunication IT is greatly to be lamēted that mannes weakenes the diuyls power is so great that so manie of thē which be receyued amonge the childrē of God fal so sone frō the begonne obedience of God and caste awaye the grace whiche they had receyued and the holie goste beinge vnthankefull towardes God theyr father whom they offende so vngodly and towardes theyr sauiour Christ whō they madly put from them and agaynste the holy goste whom they so traiterously agrieue and finallie moste noysome agaynste thē selues For they prouoke the wrath of God agaynst thē selues which shall punishe thē euē with temporal paynes and not onely them but also those that be ioyned vnto them by any meanes Whiche thynge the historie of Saul Dauid and other testifieth Furthermore they take from them selues the mooste excellent consolation in thys lyfe I meane the callynge vpon God For they that cōtinue in synne against theyr conscience can not call vpon God Finallie they bynde them selues to eternal dānation and that that is moste horrible they whiche haue fallen suffre not them selues to be moued for the moste parte that they may returne vnto God Wherefore it shall perteyne to a good pastour to be euer more busie aboute hym selfe and other in godlie exhortatiōs that they may worke theyr health wyth feare trēbling as Paule sayeth and that they suffre not the gyfte of God to be idle in them and to vanishe awaye but that they steare vp and exercise the same desiring that the same may be confirmed in them fleinge peruerse entisementes and resistynge naughtie affections as we sayed before in the place of good workes But if any man hath fallen and hath sinned euen agaynst his conscience secretely or openly let hym neuertheles heare the worde of god so fatherly alluring vs vnto amendment when he sayeth in Ezechiell as truely as I lyue I wyll not the death of a synner but that he be conuerted and lyue Therfore God would also and so greatly commaunded that in the cōgregation the doctrine of repentaunce should be beaten in whiche he hym selfe beganne in Paradise when he rebuked Adam and Eue after the fall and cōforted them agayne wyth a most ample promise of grace by the seede that shoulde come Al the sermons of the prophetes teach the same thinge and therfore Iohn Baptist and Christ hym selfe and the Apostles groūded the summe of theyr preaching hereupon Come agayne to your selues repent etc. As for repentaunce it is a griefe and anguishe of mynde by reason of synne out of a faythful consideration of the filthines and abomination whiche the lawe sheweth to be in synne and out of the feare of Gods iudgement agaynst sinne which the law threateneth driuynge vs to seeke forgyuenes of synnes and the grace of God wyth all diligence And therfore Ioell ij Cutte sayeth he your hertes and not your garmentes and turne to the Lorde your God for he is gentle and mercifull patient and of great compassiō recōcileable touchyng wickednes etc. Itē in Esai Where shal the Lorde dwel in a broken and humbled spirite etc. Psalme xxxviij My bones haue no peace frō the sight of my synnes Esaie i. Cease to do frowardly learne to do well The preachers must be diligent to steare vp thys repentaunce wyth preachynge of Goddes worde whiche is taughte vs in the lawe and Gospell For thereby synne is vttered and reproued as Paule sayth thorowe the lawe is the knowledge of synne It admonisheth also that these miserable calamities of mankynd so manie warres so daungerous commotions and all destruction of peace and politie wyth other euyls whiche dayly sprynge vp newe by the punishmētes of Goddes angre kendled agaynste vs for synnes Finally it rehearseth vnto vs terrible exemples of gods chastisinge the floude the dronynge of Pharao the destruction of the kyngdome of Israel and Hierusalē etc And where as the Lordes word testifieth that what so euer aduersitie chaunceth vnto vs it is sent from God for oure synnes the same worde of the Lorde by these dayly miseries and incommodities admonesheth vs of our sinnes and calleth vs vnto repētaūce Finally the Gospel most vehemently rebuketh the contempte of Christ that men wyll not acknowledge hym and his exceadynge benifites that they refuse his grace offered to them that they neglecte to cal vpon God wyth
the possession of the inheritaunce of the heauenly kyngdome Wherefore remembrynge so great bountuousnes lette vs onely gyue thankes to the Lorde God and praye that he wyll teache vs earnestly to considre the thynges that be in the Psalme writer namely that our daies be shorte that we slide awaye violently lyke a shoure of rayne that we are as it were a dreame that we maye be chaunged incontiuently lyke an herbe whiche florisheth and is freshe in the morninge and in the euening wythereth and is cutte vp And these thynges we muste do for thys entente that we may come to our selues in tyme and be conuerted to a better lyfe that we may leade an honeste lyfe and acceptable to God in the feare of the Lord and finally that in death it selfe we may be preserued vnto euerlastyng lyfe thorowe Christe our Lorde ¶ Praye ye to God Our father etc. When the prayer is done let the mininister saye ❧ The Lorde be wyth you ❧ Let vs praye Almightie God and moste louynge father encrease in vs the belefe of the resurrection where vnto thou haste called vs thorowe oure Lorde Iesus Christe that beinge grounded vpon thys beliefe we maye comforte oure selues in the death of thys oure brother or sister whose bodie we haue now committed to the earth accordyng to thy ordinaunce and that we maye also comforte oure selues in other calamities whyche in thys valleye of teares we worthyly suffre for oure synnes Further that we maye lifte vp oure myndes and thoughtes vnto the heauenlye lyfe to come and seke the thinges that are aboue where Christe thy sonne is sittinge at they right hande finally that diinge to sinne daily we maye serue the al the dayes of oure lyfe in all sanctification and ryghtuousnes throughe the same Christe oure Lorde ❧ Another collecte We gyue thanckes vnto the almyghtye God hauenlie father for that that thou hast vouchsafed to cal this our brother or sister to the knowledge of thi deare sonne and his communion and to preserue him in the same and nowe to sende for hym and remoue him to thy kingdome Graunte vs we besech the thorough the same thy sonne that in thys place and in al other we maie truly acknowlege our synnes earnestly lament them and knowe and prayse the dayly more and more in the newnes of lyfe and that so beynge strenghthned with good hope we maie loke for that blessed hope and appearinge of the glorie of the greate God and oure sauiour Iesus Christe whiche liueth God and raigneth with the in the vnite of the holye goste thorough out al generations Amen And for the consolacion of the faythfull in the Lord and mouinge the zeale of godlynes it shall be conuenient whan the corpse is brought to the burynge place to propoune and declare before the people gathered ther together the lesson folowinge out of the .xv. Chap. of the first to the Corinth But nowe Christe is risen from the dead c vnto this place what dooe we c. ❧ Or From thys place ❧ Thys I saye brethern that fleshe and bloude vnto the ende of the Chap. ❧ Or To the Philip. iij. ❧ For our conuersacion is in heauen vnto the ende of the Chap. ❧ Or To the Rom. vi ❧ And if we be dead with Christe we beleue that we shall lyue wyth hym c. vnto thys place lette not synne than reigne c. ¶ Of holy and festiual dayes FIrst we wyl that oure men vpon sondaies apply them selues wholy to the Lord and cease from all corporal worckes and busines and also from all iorneyes not necessarye and practising of merchaundises As God comaūded in his lawe In six dayes lette them finish and make an ende of all their worcke and lette them sanctifie the sondaye altogether vnto the Lorde that vpon that daie they maye be enstructed and renued in faith and religion out of goddes word And seuerli it is a great profe that that man careth litle for God and his owne saluacion which of the whole weke wyl not bestowe somuch as one daye vpon heauenlye matters to make hym selfe readye vpon that daye and to come together with a godlye zeale to heare goddes worde and to receyue the diuine sacramentes and to praye together with the sayntes For the spirite of the newe testament ought to kendle in vs a much more feruent studie of these thynges than was stirred vp in the olde people thorough the lawe Wherefore the preachers shal oftē warne the people how greate a sinne it is to spende those dayes in idlenes surfettinge dronckennes riotte in nawghtye and filthye lustes as we se done communely which be appointed to God and to relygious and spirituall exercises For thorough this vngodlines the calamites that we suffer and that hange yet sorer ouer oure heades are specially prouoked The pastours than must pulle the people from thys vngodlines wyth all possible diligence by goddes worde ¶ Beside sondaies we wyl haue holy daies to be kepte and celebrated ❧ Christmas The daie of Stephane and Iohan. ❧ Of Circumcision ❧ Of the Epiphanie ¶ Of the conuersion of Paule ¶ Of the purificacion of Marie ¶ Of the Annunciation ¶ The thursdaie and fridaie before Easter for thys entente that vpon those dayes the historie of the passion of Christe maye be propouned and declared to the people ¶ Easter daye with the two dayes folowinge ¶ Ascension daye ¶ Whittesondaye with the mondaie folowinge The day of the natiuite of Iohn Baptist ❧ Of Peter and Paule ❧ The daie of the visitacion of Marie ❧ Of Michael vpon which daie a sermon shal be made of the Angels out of thys place Math. xviij Their Angels euer se the face c. Item hebru i. Angels be ministringe spirites c. ¶ Out of these places the pastours shall warne the people of this singuler benifite of God to wardes vs in that that he hath gyuen hys Angels to be the ministers of oure welth and they shall exhorte them to gyue God thankes continually for thys benifite and to take hede that they grieue not the Angels with theyr synnes but rather studie to make them gladde wyth all holynes and godlynes Vpon the festeas of the Apostles we wyl that the people cease from labour til the end of the holye sermon than it shal be lawfull for euerie man to returue to his worcke For it is euident that to cease from labour after dinner is hurteful to agreat parte of the people For in that time commenly they offende God with carnal wantōnes more greuously than vpon other dayes Therefore they that will kepe these h●lye dayes holye must se hereunto that they also sanctifie thē wholy to God and passe them ouer with godlie exercises of religion and not bestowe them vpon those thynges whereby the wrath of God is cheifely prouoked Vpō those holye dayes on which we celebrate and extol such benifites of God as be peculierly mentioned in the histories of the holie scripture the same histories
the congregation or other that wyll shewe me suche loue do reproue me of sinne that I take it in good parte and amende my lyfe that I also thorow a sincere zeale of Christ their health warne my neighbours liuing il and inordinately and amende them if I can but if I cā not that I take other wyth me whiche I thinke may do more wyth them and if they wyl not heare them neither that I bring the whole matter before the elders of the cōgregatiōs whō if they despise to heare be therfore excōmunicated that I take thē for heathē publicanes and auoide their cōpanies asmuch as my vocacion wil suffer and ciuile busines wyth them and their necessitie accordyng to the word of God Demaūd What doeth the communion of the congregacion of Christ require beside Answ It requireth also that I receyue the supper of the Lorde with other Christian men to whom I come and with whom I dwell as one that is one breade and one bodie with them in Christe Demaunde What is this sacramēt Ans It is the communion of the bodye and bloude of Christ whiche in the Lordes supper whā it is celebrated accordinge to the institution of the lord be truly exhibited with the bread and wine De. To what vse doest thou receiue the bodie and bloude of the Lord. Answer That mi fayth in him and truste of the newe and eternal testament of the grace of God redemptiō of Christ and communion wyth hym maye be confirmed in me more and more and that I maye lyue lesse to my selfe more in hym that he may repaire a new holy life in me For as cōcerning mine owne flesh and bloud I canne do nothyng but sinne and lyue an vngodly lyfe Demā What more doeth the communion of the congregation require Ans That I adde my prayers to the commen prayers of the churche that I come together with thē and gyue their oblations and almes lyberally to the vse of the pore and so behaue my selfe in al thynges as a mēbre of Christe ioyned in Christe and cleauynge togyther with all godly men and that I acknowledge and reuerently vse in all thynges those whom the Lorde hath made feeders of his cōgregatiōs curates of soules and elders as it becometh an obedient sonne of God finally that I be thankeful for these exceadinge benifittes the Gospel and cōmunion of his sōne our Lorde Iesus Christ Dema. Wilt thou faythfully perfourme and obserue al these thynges as thou haste nowe professed I wyll by the healpe of oure Lorde Iesus Christe After that one of the chyldrē hath rehearsed a ful cōfession of his fayth hath professed the obedience of Christ before the whole cōgregation it shal be sufficient to propoune questiōs to the other childrē after thys sorte Demaūd Doest thou also thy sonne beleue and cōfesse and wylt thou wholy gyue ouer thy selfe vnto the cōmunion and obedience of Christ and his cōgregatiō as thou heardest euen now thys childe to beleue and cōfesse that he woulde bynde hym selfe to the obedience of Christe and his congregation ❧ Here it shall suffice that euerie one answere thus for hym selfe I beleue and confesse the same and yelde vp my selfe to Christe and his cōgregation trusting in the grace and healpe of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ But where chyldren be not so exercised in the knowledge of religion that they can answere by herte according to the prescribed fourme the visiter whiche shal administer confirmation muste reade al the answers to suche children and it shal be sufficient if they answere simply that they beleue the thinges that were read how be it he shall labour so to declare all thinges vnto them that they may vnderstande what thei go about and what thei cōfesse and professe Howbeit they must be diligently warned that they remēbre that they stand in the sight of god whō they cā not deceyue which beholdeth the herte And that therefore they must procure with al reuerēce that they declare the same thinge in their lyfe that they professe wyth their mouth and thynke in their herte But as we warned before al the chyldrē one by one muste be exercised and prepared hereunto and diligētly examined the wieke before by the ministers and Elders of euerie congregation and the pastours and Elders must bring no childrē before the visiter to be cōfirmed but such as they trust know the summe of religion and beleue truely in Christe It is not to be required precisely that the childrē answer featly cōcerning the wordes for it chaūceth oftē that they which be wel enstructed in the knowledge of faith can not verie handsomely vtter the thynges that they meane chiefly in an open place either for shame or some other weaknesse of minde Wherefore we muste more regarde which childrē truly vnderstāde the thynges that perteine to religion then which cā featly declare them with wordes wherein those excell moore often whiche haue lesse godlie myndes Nowe further when the children which shal be confirmed haue confessed their fayth and professed the obediēce of the Gospell the cōgregation muste be warned that they humbly pray for these chyldrē Whose prayer the pastoure shall offre to the Lorde wyth suche a collecte ❧ The Collecte Almightie and merciful God heauēly father whiche onely workest in vs to wil and to performe the thynges that please the and be good in dede we besech the for these childrē whō thou hast gyuen to thy church and hast begottē againe to thy selfe by holy baptisme and in whom thou haste powred that light that they acknowledge and cōfesse before the cōgregatiō thy grace and benifittes towardes them selues and their redemption in Christ Iesu and wil wholy giue ouer thē selues to the and thy congregation to be obedient to thy cōmaundementes confirme this thy worke which thou hast wrought in them encrease in them the gift of thy spirite that euer going forwarde in the knowledge and obedience of thy Gospell in thy cōgregation they may cōtinue to th ende and that they go no where aside from that fayth and obedience of the Gospell whiche they haue now confessed and professed beinge seduced thorowe some peruerse doctrine or dryuen forth by the lustes of the fleshe Graūt them that they luckely springinge vp in thy sonne our Lorde Iesu Christe the heade of vs all may grow into him tyl they come to mānes age fully and perfectly in al wysedome holines and rightuousnes that they may more fully know and more feruently loue the the father and thy sōne our Lorde Iesus Christ and that they may confesse exhalt and magnifie the same more earnestly and effectuously before their neyghbours both in wordes and deedes And as thou haste promised vs that thou wilt giue vs what so euer we shal aske of the in the name of thy deare sonne as thy sonne promised vs that thou wouldest gyue vs requirynge the a good spirite much more prōptly then any father gyueth his children good thinges
afflicted for al those whome thou chastisest with the crosse and some affliction and exercisest vnto patience with pouertie exile fetters infamie disceases and other calamites and mischaunces Graunt to them that thei maye acknowlege thy fatherlie and medicinable hand vndre which thei maye humble thē selues with al their hertes Conforte their minnes wyth fayth and confidence of thy mercye whiche moderateth all thinges yea euen aduersites for the helth of thine and deliuer them from al euils Graunte to vs also that thorough their correction and punishment we maye acknow●ege that we haue deserued thinges much more greuous that we maye amende oure liues in time before worse plages happen vnto vs. Last of al we praie the eternal God heauēlye father for vs which here come together in thy sight to thi word praier and sacramentes lighten the eyes of our minde graunte vs to considre with perfecte fayth that we haue a nature corrupted from the beginning that our flesh bloud cannot enioy thy kingdome but only commit sin delerue eternal death and encrease the same destruction with daily sinnes and that thou most mercifull father of thy vnmeasurable mercy didest loke vpon vs and sendest into this world thy eternal worde thy sonne our flesh and brother that he myght deliuer vs by his death from this our destruction and restore vs to thy Image and prayse of thy name that thou deliuerest him to the crosse and death and that he gladly offred himself vnto the in the crosse for our sinnes and satisfied for the same through loue and pitie of vs that he reconsiled vs vnto the and more ouer that he offered vnto vs his bodye and bloud to be meate and drinke that we may lyue in him and he in vs. Graunt heauenly father that we may consider and apprehend al these thynges with true and liuely fayth now and throughout al our lyues that deniyng our selues we may vtterly refuse the folysh and blynd iudgement of our reason and represse naughtie and noysome lustes and wholy geue ouer our selues to him thy dere sonne our Lord and onely sauiour and restorer that we seke and receiue comfort in al thynges al helpe ayde and sauegarde in hym onely in his death crosse and resurrection Now also let vs receiue his holy body and bloud with sincere fayth and al thanke fulnes and let vs euer magnifie him and the in hym for all thy exceadyng benifites whych thou hast geuen in makynge gouernyng and restoryng vs for the incarnation passion and death of thy sonne whereby he purged oure synnes and reconsiled vs vnto the for his resurrection ascēsion into heauen and heauenly gouernaunce wherby he restored vs vnto the and moueth and renueth vs vnto al thy pleasure Finally for this most ample benifite that he here deliuered hym selfe vnto vs to be meate and drynke vnto eternall lyfe that so thy diuine name may be dayly more more sanctified by vs in vs thy kingdome may be established and spredde abrode by vs vnto other that all thynges maye be done amonge vs in the earth accordyng to thy wil with suche feruētie and cherefulnes as they be done in heauen And that these thynges maye be done in vs gyue vs also our dayly breade all necessarie thynges for our bodies prosperous health and peace that we maye enioye these thynges vnto the glorie of thy name And forgiue vs our dettes and sinnes whiche we dayly committe and mercifully pardone vs of the punishmentes whiche we haue deserued as we also in the sight of thy maiestie do gladly and hertely forgyue all them whiche haue offended vs. And suffre not our tentator the olde enemie which studieth euer to leade vs frō the and thy worde to ouerthrowe vs at anie tyme wyth his tētations But deliuer vs from hym and all euyl for thou onely art our God and father thyne is the kyngdome the power and glorie for euer Amen ¶ An other and a shorte fourme of prayinge Mercifull God heauenly father whiche commaundedest vs to come together in thy name and in the name of thy sonne oure Lorde and sauiour Christe and thorowe the same our onely Mediatour to praye the for al thynges the whiche we desire for our selues and for other addynge a moste ample promise that we shoulde obteyne what soeuer we woulde aske of them trustyng in this thy cōmaundement and promise we stande in the syght of thy diuine maiestie we praye and beseche the in the name of thy deare sonne our onely sauiour that thou wilt forgyue vs all our iniquities and synnes that thou wylte renue our hertes wyth thy holie spirite and steare vp and kendle the same to thy sonne Christe that for all the necessities of thy cōgregation of al mē we may call vpon the and obteyne what so euer is good for vs vnto the glorie of thy name We praye the then chiefely for thy congregations deliuer and preserue them from al those ministers whom thou hast not sent sende them suche ministers whiche wyth all faythfulnes and diligence wyl seeke thy scatered sheepe and brynge them to Christ our Lorde which is onely their good shepeherde and wyll studie to feede them faythfully vndre hym that all vngodlines heresies sectes all naughtie doctrines and peruerse seruice of God may be taken away and that in the vnitie of true fayth and knowledge of thy sonne we maye growe and go forwarde to al thynges that please the. So we pray the also for the Emperoure for our kynge for all kynges princes and comune powers and officers and specially for oure moste reuerende archbishoppe for his counsellers and officers for the counsell and communaltie of thys Citie graunt that all these maye execute theyr office according to thy wyll that they maye turne awaye all noysome thynges from theyr subiectes and procure and maynteyne all good thynges that beinge deliuered out of the handes of our enemies we maye serue the wyth a quiet mynde in all holines and ryghtuousnes We praye furthermore mercifull father for all men as thou wylte be the sauiour of all men drawe them to thy sonne which yet perteyne not to hym and graunt that they whom thou haste drawen to hym alreadie maye growe and be confirmed dayly more and more in the knowledge loue of him We praye also for them whom thou chastifest wyth sundrie miseries and afflictions for an exemple vnto vs that thou wylt conforte them and deliuer them from al euilles graūt vs that we may diligently regarde thy fatherlie nurture whiche thou settest before vs in them considerynge that we haue deserued greuouser thinges that in time we maye iudge and amende our selues that it be not needful that we be corrected and condemned of the. Graunt also to vs all whiche here in thy sight come together to thy worde prayer almes and diuine sacramentes that we maye truly come together onely in thy name and in the name of thy deare sonne that we may take holde of thy diuine law and holie