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A72443 A mirrour to confesse well for such persons as doe frequent this sacrament / abridged out of sundry confessionals, by a certaine deuout and religious man. Heigham, John, fl. 1639.; Charles Borromeo, Saint, 1538-1584. 1624 (1624) STC 14570; ESTC S5316 47,553 316

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and destitute of grace and vertu whom he may not enrich with the store plentie of all pretious substance 5. He giueth him selfe in foode most delicious most sweete and most sufficient in such sorte that none is so feeble weake or famished that may not be healed refreshed strenghtned and sustained 6. He cometh in such splendor and brightnes that none can be so blinded obscursed or held in such darknes that may not by his presence be instructed and lightned 7. He cometh in such plenitude aboundance of grace that none is so indeuout negligent and slouthful that may not be awakened stirred excited to deuotion O great and ouer-flowing loue who is he who well considering this wil not maruaile and with sighing sey O Lord what is man that so thou doest visit him and sett thy hart towardes him Aspirations to acknowledge our great vnworthines to receiue the holy Sacrament of the pretious body and blood of our Sauiour Iesus O My Lord O my God who art thou and who am I that I should presume to come to receiue thee The Angels in heauen doe reuerence thee and the highest powers and glorious Spirits with trembling doe adore thee What then shall I doe that am here in earth dust and ashes that I am what shall I doe O my Lord o my God thy only greatnes doth humble the Angels although they acknowledg in them no sinne nor euill Yea the highest Seraphins drawe in their winges and repute them selues like litle flies before thee what then shall I doe that am charged with the burthen of my iniquitie but bowe downe my head prostrate my selfe vpon the earth and feare to lift vp myne eyes before thee O my Lord O my God if I sinful wretch had prepared my selfe a thousand yeares by deuout meditations and had in my selfe the merits of all the iust men vpon the earth and of all the glorious Saintes in heauen all this were very little nay nothing to receiue thee according to thy dignity how much lesse then O my Lord alas how much lesse shall I doe it naked that I am of all merits and charged with an infinit number of sinnes and vices Aspirations to craue puritie of minde and conscience wher with worthelie to receiue the most B. Sacrament O My Lord my sweete Sauiour and my God who may giue me at this present a pure hart a cleane hart a new hart a hart purged from all soyle a hart set on fire with diuine loue a hart lightned and shining with celestiall brightnes so that my faire and delicate spouse Christ IESVS coming he may finde a place of rest prepared to him in my hart and nothing which may offende the eyes of his Maiestie 2. O that I could if it were possible receiue thee sweete Lord at this present into my soule with that feruour loue and affection wherwith thy worthy and sacred Mother conceiued thee and with that desire loue and deuotion that euer thy deuout seruants haue receiued doe receiue or euer shall receiue thee 3. O that I had in my selfe all the beautie of the nine orders of Angels the burning charitie of the Seraphins the sanctitie and puritie of the heauenly Saintes the feruent loue deuotion and desire of all the chosen frindes of God which euer were are or shall be ether in heauen or earth Aspirations to expresse a feruent longing and impatient desire of the soule for the coming of our Sauiour in the B. Sacrament 1. O Sweete IESV sweete IESV sweete IESV a thousand times doe I longe for thee a thousand times doe I desire thee when wilt thou come my sweete Sauiour when wilt thou come wheh shall I see thee when shall I feele thee within my soule 2. O deare IESV deare IESV deare IESV when shall I according to my desire possesse thy blessed presence within my soule when wilt thou come that I may louingly ioyne my hart to thine Come therefore O sweete IESVS come O bread of Angels O heauenly manna O foode of faithfull soules Come O my sweete loue come and transforme into thee all my intentions conceptions and inwarde parts come and rauish me from all thinges created euen fom my life euen from my owne selfe 3. O diuine fire come and inflame my hart O the spouse of my soule come quickly vnto me Wound my hart with thy loue Come take thy repose within my conscience Come sweete IESVS come quickly and defer no longer to come Come the health the life and only desire of my hart Aspirations proper to be said whē the time of reaming the B. Sacrament is neere at hande 1. O My soule behould thy spouse is coming arise and goe earth to meete him enter now and ioyne thee neere vnto him Be glad and reioyce of the approaching of so great a guest because there cometh vnto thee thy Creator thy Lord and thy Louer thy Father thy Pastor and thy Spouse Christ IESVS thy beloued he who gaue for thee his dearest life that he might redeeme thy soule from eternall death 2. Open o my soule open the gate to thy Lord and thy God coming towardes thee giue place to thy Creator giue accesse to thy spouse who with such loue approacheth vnto thee 3. Them imagin that you heare the sweete and amiable voice of our Sauiour calling vnto you and saying Veni amica mea veni sponsa mea veni Come my beloued come my spouse come vnto me To who make answere saying Paratum cor meum Deus ●ratum cor meum Ingredere benedicte Domine miserere mei O God my hart is readie o God my hart is readie Enter blessed Lord and haue mercie on me Aspirations to be said inwardly when the B. Host is in your mouth 1. O Most sweete most potent most faire most noble most highe most gētle most amiable and most gratious IESV Vouchsafe to enter into the poore house of they seruāt whose burning desire is wholy to enioy thee and whom all the creatures in heauen and earth cannot satisfie without thee 2. My God enter into my soule and sanctifie it enter into my hart purifie it my God enter into my body and countergarde it and from thy loue neuer separate it 3. Into thy handes o Lord IESV I commend my spirit to thee I resigne my life my soule receiue me sweete Sauiour and so keepe me that I neuer escape out of thy handes Aspirations after receiuing admiring the loue of our Sauiour expressed vnto vs in the most B. Sacrament 1 I Remember sweete IESV the woordes thou spakest to thine Apostles after thou hadst washed their feete saing Knowe you what I haue done vnto you o how wel maist thou now say vnto me Knowe you what I haue done vnto you For what couldest thou doe more for me or what gteater loue o good IESU couldest thou shew vnto me then first to giue this thy body to death for me now againe to giue the selfe same body and blood in meate
fastned theron with such boisterous nayles and for all thy bitter sorrowes paines and dolour for the multitude of thy stripes iniuries blasphemies āguishes and oppressions of thy sweete and gentle hart and for all thy afflictions and tribulations which thou pacientlie enduredst and principallie in these three howers hanging rufully naked betwixt two Theeues as their head or Captaine I adore thee praise thee blesse thee and render thee humble thankes praying that thorough thy grace my olde concupiscēce may be crucified with thee and that the body of sinne may be mortified and quite distroyed in me O most sweete IESV I hartelie beseeche thee for all the stripes dolours and paines of thy blessed bodie for all the droppes of thy most pretious blood which thou vouchsafedst to shed euen to the vtmost drop in so much that with thy pretious blood the Crosse and the earth were died wholie red that it would please thee to take from me all enuie detraction obloquie disaffection hatred and hard opinion of my neighbour and to pardon all my offences cōmitted by enuie For wel I knowe thou hast admonished me by thy holie Apostle saying Lay aside enuies and all detractions And Salomon sayeth Hatered and enuious haue perished together And therefore my most amourous and dearelie beloued louer giue me most ardent perfecte inuiolable and perpetuall charitie and so fullie replenish my soule there with that I may first in all thinges perfectly loue thee and next my neighbour intirely in thee and most purely and sincerely for the loue of thee And that I may from the very bottom of my hart for the loue of thee pardō al those which haue any way offended me and doe any way hate me both to wishe them and doe them all kinde of good to the vtmost of myne abilitie as S. Paule admonisheth saying If thine enimie hunger giue him meate if he thirst giue hi● drinke O most bening IESV I beseeche thee by thy vnspeakable charitie and infinit mercie that thou wouldest so inflame my hart and wholly swallowe it vp in thy loue that I may neuer be separated from thee Drawe my hart alwayes vnto thee and suffer me not to be vanquished by any temptation nor surmounted by any manner of aduersitie defend fortifie and deliuer me from all sinne and frō the assaultes of mine enimies gouerne direct me in all mine affaires and in all thinges take vnto thee the totall possession of me Giue me the grace so to be inwardly wounded with thy loue pittifull passion that in all thinges and in all places I may still see and behould thee crucifyed for me that my hart may by loue perpetually be vnited vnto thee saying with the Prophet Dauid It is good for me to be vnited conioyned to my God and to put my trust and confidence in my Lord. And furthermore I beseeche thee most sweete IESVS for all those whō thou hast suffered thy most bitter death and passion to the end that the meritt of the same and of thy exceeding charity may neither be lost nor perish in them to comfort all those which are in any trouble or affliction to support strēghten them which are in any temptation and all those which are in thy holy grace vouchsafe to confirme them Conuert againe all such as by imbecillity are fallen all sinners which runne astray and saue vs and glorify vs altogeather to the end that we may eternally laude thee and perpetually loue thee Amen Pater noster Aue Maria THE SEAVENTH Effusion on Saturday SEauenthlie vpon the Saturday the deuoute soule ought to embrace his meeke Lord louingly with his hart and to consider and contemplate the bitter and dolorous departure of his sweet Redeemer and Sauiour IESVS when his vermillian cheeks lippes began to waxe pale his sacred eyes to send forthgrosse and cloddy teares his holy mouth to be drawen togeather his reuered head to encline and hang downward and finally his most blessed soule to depart out of his body The deuoute soule contemplating hereon ought to be mollifyed and with compassion to melte be quite resolued into teares considering this sharpe bitter death of our blessed Lord Sauiour ought also to dye with him spiritually vnto the world and to forsake and leaue all sin to liue with him eternally The deuout soule ought also to thinke that after his death and passion those wicked fellonous Iewes were not yet fully satisfyed with those dolours paines torments abuses and contumelies which already in his life tyme they had inflicted vpon him but also after his death they adde new tormēts vnto his blessed body with most execrable cruelty they pierced his sacred side vnto his very hart whereout issued water and blood as sayth S. Iohn One of the souldiers with a speare opened his side and incontinent there issued forth blood and water Thinke what torment dolour anguish sorrowe and affliction this strooke to the tender hart of his blessed mother who was there present Wherefore to conforme himselfe to this article let the deuout soule with great compassion dolour and compunction hartily say this prayer following The prayer for the Seauenth Effusion I Salute the most noble pretious and prizeles blood which issued out of the righte side of myne amorous Sauiour IESVS hanging dead vpon the Crosse by the which blood he hath made full satisfaction vnto the diuine Iustice to recouer and redeeme vs from euerlasting damnation O my Lord my God the hope health of al the world the Creatour of all creatures who of thy incōprehensible loue wouldest dye a most bitter shamfull death for me a vilde miserable and sinnefull creature giue me grace sweete IESV I beseech thee that I may dye spiritually with thee and that at the hower of my death thou receiue my soule vnto thy mercy O most sweet IESV I recommend my soule and my body into thy handes extended on the Crosse peirced nayled and all be-purpled with thy pretious blood And I aske in all profound humility thy holy grace that in the laste hower of my life I may with good vnderstanding and perfect memorie with firme fayth and assured hope recōmend my soule vnto thy mercy sauuegard and sacred protectiō And that I may be worthy to heare that sweet and comfortable voice This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise O my amorous Redeemer who didest permit after thou wast dead thy blessed side to be opened with a lance whereout did issue both water blood vouchsafe deepely to woūd and pierce my soule with the launce of thy diuine loue to the end that at the howre of my death I may be worthy to receiue thy blessed body in the most holy and blessed Sacramēt as a spirituall foode against the euerlasting famine thy pretious blood for cōfortable drinke against the eternall and vnquenchable thirst In the opening of thy sacred side O my gratious Lord thou hast opened to thyne elect the gate of Paradice and of eternall life I beseech thee deare IESV haue not memory of my sinnes iniquities least this gate and entry be shut and closed against me for myne offences which thou hast mercifully opened to all poore sinners penitents and repentants but receaue my soule at the hower of my death fauourably vnto thy mercy and place it with thee in perpetuall ioy and felicity And furthermore sweet IESV I beseeche thee for the honor of al thy paines dolours death and passiō and for the Effusion of thy most pretious blood that thou wouldest pardon me all my grieuous sinnes of carnality committed in thoughts wordes deedes or motions by my disordinate affection of concupiscence and sensuall delectation And that I may follow and performe the councell of S. Paul saying Mortify your sinnefull members And againe If you liue according to the flesh you shall dye but if by the spirit you subdue the workes of the flesh you shall liue Giue me deare IESV I beseeche thee this faire Angelicall vertue of Chastity of Continence Purity of soule and body Sweet IESV mortify and kill in me all vices all motions and prouocations to concupiscence and carnal affection Take from me I beseeche thee all that which is vnlawfull disordinate displeasing to thy diuine maiesty and giue me a harte most simple cleane pure feruent diuine and conformable to thy owne hart which no vicious nor disordinate affection may euer infect soile or maculate My Lord my God most compassionate spouse of my soule I beseech thee to keep defend me from all wicked vnlawfull and vicious deedes from all vnseemely vncleane and hurtfull take and from all euill fleshly and filthie thoughtes that I may worthely and faythfully serue thee in all purenesse of soule and body Sweet IESV take the whole possessiō of my hart vnto thee and giue me either thyne owne harte or make this hart of myne cōformable vnto thyn to the end that all my thoughtes willes and desires may alwayes be in thee to thy honour and glory and that I may perpetually repose in thee saying with the Prophet My soule shall rest and sleepe in peace Finally most mercifull IESV I pray thee for the soules of my parēts frēdes and benefactors and generallie for al the soules in the fire of Purgatorie humblie beseeching thee by thy clemēcie goodnes and infinite bountie by the merit of thy most holie death and passion to deliuer and release them of their paines torments and to giue them perpetuall euerlasting rest Amen Pater noster Aue Maria. Credo FINIS PREVILEGE PHilippe par la grace de Dieu Roy de Castile d'Arragon c. permettons de grace especialle à IEAN HEIGHAM d'Imprimer ou faire imprimer les six liures Spirituelles en Anglois à l'exclusion de tous autres pour l'espace de quinze ans commençant le 1. de Iullet 1622. à peine de cōfiscation amende mentioné en ledit Prouilege Signé LE COMTE