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A58338 Joyful news from heaven, or, The last intelligence from our glorified Jesus above the stars wherein is infallibly recorded how the soul dieth in the body : also is discovered I. What is that which sleeps in the dust, II. The nature of its rest, III. The manner of its waking, IV. The mystery of the dispute between Christ and the woman of Samaria, as touching the true point of worship, clearly opened : wherein you have drawn up a divine charge against the teachers of the Baptists, with all other teachers publick and private, for counterfeiting the commission of the man Jesus, being therein convicted of spiritual high treason against Christ the great commissioner of heaven and earth : with a true relation of the kingdom of darkness, prepared for the cursed seed of Cain, world without end / written by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ... Reeve, John, 1608-1658.; Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1658 (1658) Wing R679; ESTC R32277 41,136 58

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allow of the civil Magistrate to govern the rude people To this I answer The Magistrate is very needful in every inhabited Land for the government of the People in all civil things to do equal justice between man and man if such a Magistrate could be found it would be a rare thing Again I declare from the Holy Spirit although the Magistrate be but a heathen Ruler as he is wherefore Christ said of this Magistrate unto his Apostles the Kings or Princes of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them and they that exercise Authority upon them are called Benefactors but ye shall not be so but he that is greatest among you let him be as the younger yet I say from the Lord the Magistrate beareth not the Sword in vain but he is a type of the true spiritual Magistrate that can do nothing but equal Justice between the just and the unjust the Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore all men ought to yield obedience to the civil Laws of the Magistrate either by executing of his Lawes or patiently by bearing the curse of the Law upon their own persons leaving all vengeance unto God or else they rebel against God and they are in danger of an eternal curse because the government of this world and the glory thereof belongs only unto the wise and prudent heathen Magistrates in this Earth who are the very sons of Cain that old Serpent-Dragon-Devil that slew his righteous Brother Abel that he and his Seed that are of his own spirit might be the Lords and Rulers of this world for ever because Cain thought and his dark Angels thinks that there is no world at all but this only they have purchased the Lordship of this perishing world at a dear rate for it was the price of the innocent blood of righteous Abel it is their only heaven Therefore let us that have received faith to believe in the glorious person of the Lord Jesus by his power patiently suffer the cursed spirit of Cain in his heathen Magistrates to shed all our innocent blood if our God will have it so that they may fill up the measure of their fathers sins from the blood of righteous Abel and the holy Prophets to the precious blood of the Lord Iesus and the holy Apostles that our blood that are the two last Witnesses and Prophets of the Lord Iesus may make the last persecutors of Christians compleat Devils with their Father Cain who was the first bloody persecutor of the first suffering Christian therefore it is written that Christ was a Lamb slain from the beginning of the world he being slain in believing Abel I say from the Lord by the power of his Holy Spirit patiently let us yield up our lives with our God unto those perishing gods beforesaid because we that suffer with him are appointed to enter into an eternal Kingdom of glory in another world hid from the wise and prudent Rulers of this vanishing world therefore it is written which of the Rul●rs have believed in him again as it is written Why do the heathen then so furiously rage together the Kings of the earth stand up and the Rulers take Counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed or against his Christ Again as it is written by Paul howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the Princes of this world that come to nought Again it is written which none of the Princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory Again that world that we are to reign in after we have suffered it was purchased also by blood but it was the price of the precious unvaluable undefiled blood of our God the man Jesus who by his Holy Spirit that sent us only maketh us willing to taste a little of his Cup that he so deeply drank of the servant is not greater then the Master because we are to sit down with him upon his eternal Throne of glory to behold his face in the presence of all his holy Angels then these Scriptures will be fulfilled Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Again Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven for so persecuted they the Prophet● which were before you Again Then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father Again For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels and then he shall reward every man according to his works Again Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Again then shall he say unto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels XII AGain I declare by Revelation from the Holy Spirit that since the fall of our first Parents that the spirit and body of man are both mortal and that by the Decree of the Creator the soul and body of man are both procreated or begot together and they are both of one nature and so both but one Creature for it is the invisible spirit that liveth in the seed and nature of man that by the Decree of God creates or begets that form of flesh in the person of a man or woman according to their kind and thus it is with this whole Creation every seed or spirit naturally by the wisdom of the Creator brings forth their own bodies or kind whether Man Beast Fish or Fowl and all things else that grows naturally brings forth in their season according to their natures because the Creator by his secret Counsel and Wisdom decreed within his glorious Person before any thing was created or formed by him that all things or Creatures that should be created or formed by his infinite Wisdom should bring forth their own bodies or kind only and no other for ever therefore when men and beasts seeds are unnaturally mixt together contrary to their kind the Lord discovers them both to their destruction and his glory Wherefore I declare from the Lord Jesus and it is a cursed Imagination in any man to think when men die their spirits may go into other forms and bodies contrary to their own natures or kind as many a cursed lying Atheist prates that denyes the Resurrection of mens bodies through the love of some dark fleshly lust they live in They are in spiritual darknesse understanding nothing of the power of God and so erring not knowing the Scriptures as it is written nor the power of God therefore it is a common thing for these blind Atheists in their discourse to say when men die their spirits may or do go
pleasure of the Creator for if the body or person of the man Adam had been spiritual in his creation as his spirit was then there would have been no difference between the person of the Creator and the person of the creature Thus the man Adam was made like unto God a pure natural person of all righteousnesse in mortality like unto the spiritual person person of God which is all righteousnesse in glory Again it is written the first Adam of the Earth earthly the second Adam the Lord from Heaven heavenly Thus you that see by that single Eye of Faith you may know that God became flesh or a man as well as Adam who was called the Image of God because God was a spiritual man from Eternity as abundantly beforesaid Now you must understand the reason why Jesus the only God was called the second Adam was this because the body or person of the Lord Jesus was a pure natural body of all righteousnesse in mortality just like unto the body or person of the first Adam before his fall only Christ the second Adam had the spirit of Faith in him above measure and the first Adam had the spirit of Faith in him by measure as beforesaid again the second Adam differed from the first Adam in this he being made a man of sorrows but the first Adam knew no sorrows before his fall and why did he become a man of sorrows it was to redeem the Elect seed of the Spirit of Faith overcome in his image the first Adam by the Reprobate Angel-Serpent as beforesaid Again as for the natures or spirits of the holy Angels in their Creation they were pure Reason quite contrary to the nature or spirit of Faith in God their Creator only in their bodies or persons they were spiritual or swift of motion like unto the spiritual person of God their Creator but if the nature or spirit of the holy Angels had been of of the spirit of pure Faith as they were of pure Reason then there would have been no difference between the person of God their Creator and the persons of the holy Angels in their Creation who are but creatures as well as men wherefore not the holy Angels for they are not of the nature of God as it is written he took not upon him the nature of Angels but the seed of Abraham but Elias as beforesaid by the secret wisdom and counsel and love of God unto man above Angels was exalted upon the throne of glory for a moment to represent the person of God the Father and he was made the protector of my God when God became a child and it was Elias by vertue of his Commission as a faithful spiritual Steward upon the throne of glory that filled the Lord Jesus with those great Revelations of his former glory that he possest in the Heavens when he was the immortal Father and it was Elias that spake those words from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him again when Christ was transfigured upon the Mount that his garment glittered with the glory of his transfiguration it was the visible glorious appearance of the persons of Moses and Elias talking with him that were the instrumental Commissioners of that visible glory of the Lord Jesus unto his Disciples who said Master it is good for us to be here for that glory was so great that they would have been building of Tabernacles for a continuance in it Again I declare from the Lord that Elias by vertue of his Commission did fill Elect men and Angels also with Revelation to keep them in obedience until the Lord Jesus was upon the Throne of his glory again so that when the Lord Jesus who was an absolute creature cryed in his agony unto his Father when he prayed unto his Father that that Cup might passe from him if it were possible it being a dreadful Cup for his innocent flesh and blood to drink he being as sensible of pain in his body as we are in our bodies and when he cryed out saying my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and Father into thy hands I commend my spirit I say again from the Lord that Elias by Commission from this man Jesus was that Father that he thus cryed unto in his mortality Elias being then in glory and the chief ground of all those actions and sufferings and cryings out of the Lord Jesus in the condition of a creature unto a Father or a Creator was to fulfil the Scriptures foretold by his Prophets in the time of the Law therefore he said Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away again but you may say unto me did God the third day rise from the dead by his own power or by the power of his Deputy Elias to which I answer he by his own decree and spiritual compact with Elias and by that spirit of Faith in his innocent body the which Faith died in his pure body and quickned immediately and brought forth at the appointed time that natural innocent body out of the grave a pure spiritual body which naturally at the time appointed ascended into glory for it was impossible for God by death to be held in the grave because his person being pure his pure spirit and death could not remain together because there was no sympathy or agreement or union between them yea they were so contrary it was impossible for them to be together except one of them were absolutely extinguished wherefore death being too weak the Lord Jesus who is the only God of all created life brake through death and hell and the grave and through all the sins of his Elect by the shedding of his most precious blood and so entred into his eternal glory that all those that have Faith in his glorious person may be delivered at the appointed time from sin hell death and the grave and enter into eternal glory with him when he comes in the clouds of Heaven Again the reason why mens bodies in death or after death do rot or stink in the grave and come to dust is because there was sin in their bodies whilst they lived the which sin and death had a sympathy and as it were a sweet communion together whereby death had full power as Lord and King to keep the spirits and bodies in the dust until the time appointed of the Lord of life but on the contrary if men had no sin in their natures or bodies they might life and die and naturally rise again by their own power in their own time as the Lord of life did whose body was too pure to see corruption Thus unto you that have Faith in the Lord Jesus it is not strange that Elias should represent the person of God the Father until the Lord Jesus ascended into the right hand of all power and glory of his Father Elias again then when Jesus was set down in the Throne of
Eternity in the presence of his eternal spiritual person I declare from the Lord Jesus that God the Creator hath made that creation in the heavens above as visible to be seen as this creation is seen in this earth beneath Again I declare from the holy Spirit that the glorious person of the onely wise God and eternal Father the Lord Jesus is as visibly seen of the creatures where his person is resident as a man is visibly seen of the creatures in this earth beneath where his person resides as for this creation in the heavens above it is to set forth the glory of his immortal person that all the creatures in his presence visibly beholding the glorious person of their Creator both holy Angels and other creatures according to their wisdom or understanding might give him the glory of their eternal happinesse of this their creation and on the contrary if the Creator were not visibly seen by the eyes of his creatures then no creatures could possibly know him to return any praise or glory unto him at all for the happiness of their condition Therefore it is a cursed lying imagination for any man to think that the glorious person of God is not as visibly seen of his creatures in the heavens above as the person of man who is the image of God is visibly seen of the creatures in this earth beneath Again you must not think after a fleshly manner that the creatures above the starrs are male and female for natural generation as they are in this creation beneath the starrs for a woman had never been made but for generation that the immortal God might have a womans womb in this world to cloath himself with flesh and that the Reprobate Angel which is the Devil might have the womb of a woman to cloath himself with flesh also to bring forth Gods glorious design between the seed of the Woman and the seed of the Serpent wherefore I declare from the holy Spirit that the holy Angels and all other Creatures that are in the presence of God in the Creation beyond the stars are all spiritual male creatures never encreasing in their numbers not being fleshly desiring generation but their spirits or natures instead of fleshly pleasures in generation are full of spiritual and heavenly joyes of a more transcendent glorious content within themselves and visible glorious contents in their beholding of the glorious face of God and the faces of one another and the glory of that place they enjoy the which exceeding glory shineth forth through that heavenly Kingdom from the bright burning glorious person of God the Creator the Lord Jesus Christ who alone hath all the glory of his Creation in the Heavens above wherein dwelleth nothing but righteousnesse in Glory Again I declare from the Lord Jesus that no man can understand or know any thing of these things that are invisible unto our natural eyes but by the Spirit of Revelation therefore it is written that faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen again it is written through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so that in the Letter of the Scripture it is clear to you that see by the eye of Faith that God hath made or framed two Worlds or two Creations which is all one for you know to frame a thing or to make a thing is all one Again unto you it is clear there are spiritual visible things in that world above or beyond the stars as well as here are natural visible things in this world beneath the stars because you may understand that this world and the things that are visible therein were made or created out of that world which is invisible to us who are in mortality but visible to those who are above in glory so that now you that are appointed to enter with spiritual bodies into that glorious Creation or world beyond the stars may understand a little clearer of your inheritance in that Kingdome made without hands or City eternal in the Heavens where you shall visibly see with your eyes the face of God Men Angels and all Creatures in that creation above the stars as you see the face of man and all other creatures in this creation beneath the stars with glorious new Songs of spiritual and heavenly praises unto a glorious God to all eternity This proves the truth of these Scriptures where it is written My kingdom is not of this world and of this saying Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom and of that saying In my Fathers House or Kingdom are many mansions and of that saying For thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and of that saying The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ this world was the Heavens above and of that saying neverthelesse we look for a new Heaven and a new Earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse and of that saying He hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and we shall reign with him upon the Earth This is that glorious new Heaven and new Earth in the presence of God above or beyond the stars but blind carnal hypocrites imagine that Gods reigning with his Elect ones will be upon this bloody Earth because they have no spiritual Eyes to see or know that new Heaven or new Earth above or beyond the stars where nothing but pure righteousness reigneth in glory for everlasting or world without end Amen 5. AGain concerning that Serpent before-said so called of the Lord for his subtilty I declare by Revelation from the holy Spirit that God created his spiritual person more glorious then the persons of all the holy Angels that are in the presence of God in Heaven because this mighty Angel by the wisdom and secret Counsel of God was to be as a God to bring forth his seed or generaration of wise and prudent subtile Serpent men and women to oppose the Creator and his innocent seed or generation of simple plain-hearted men and women that are of the spirit of faith and pure love with all other heavenly vertues for the nature or Spirit of God is faith and love and all other divine vertues infinitely living in his glorious Person the which faith is all power of righteous actings naturally flowing from his pure spirit as from a pure overflowing fountain of living waters but on the contrary the nature or spirit of this God-like Angel and all the rest of the holy Angels in their Creation were pure reason from whence naturally flows no good at all but what comes into them continually by Revelation from that pure spirit of Faith in the person of God their Creator and this is that spiritual Manna that keeps the holy Angels natures or spirits pure in the presence of God for it is the nature of that pure reason
word of God so that the things that are visible or seen were not made of things that do appear and of that saying I am Alpha and Omega I am the first and the last and behold I create all things new and of that saying I am he that was dead and an alive and behold I live for evermore This was the man Jesus that sate upon the Throne of the Father with many other Scriptures too tedious to relate that prove clearly to all that are appointed to eternal glorie that the Lord Jesus Christ that died without the gates of Jerusalem is the only God and everlasting Father and alone Creator of all things that were made both in heaven and in earth Therefore I declare from the Holie Spirit of the Lord Jesus that sent us that whosoever prayes in his spirit or tongue unto any other God or Spirit but unto my God the man Jesus that sent me he prayes unto a Devil of his own imagination instead of a God for that man Jesus then to come was Davids only God and Saviour therefore he said The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool And this Jesus was all the true Prophets God in the time of the Law and this Jesus was the holy Apostles God and all the Christians God in the time of the Apostles Commission or Dispensation or Administration that lasted about three hundred years and this glorious man Jesus is my God alone and the God of all spiritual Christians in this last age until he comes in his glorie VIII AGain but some may say if Jesus Christ be the only God and eternal Father who was that Father that he spake so much of when he was in mortalitie where he said My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and such like To this I answer by Revelation from the Holy Spirit that Eliah spoken of in the Law that was taken up bodily by a VVhirlwind into Heaven where the likenesse of a Chariot and Horses of fire appeared to Elisha at his departure I say from the Lord that the body or person of that Eliah was taken up and glorified in the Heavens by the Creator for that very purpose that he might represent the person of God the Father for that time or season whilst God the Father went that journey in flesh as aforesaid Again it is written he shall give his Angels charge over thee those Angels were Moses and Eliah who being both glorified they did both represent the Person of the Father in the Heavens above the Stars as they did represent the Person of the Son and of the Father when they were in earth beneath the Stars when Moses was upon this earth he represented the Person of God the Son that Lamb Jesus that was then to come in flesh in these things first Moses was called the Meekest man upon the face of the earth Again he was a great Type of Christ in this in offering up himself to be blotted out of the Book of Life for the salvation of Israel as the Lord Jesus became a Curse for his elect Israel likewise Moses was a great sufferer at the hands of Israel with much patience as the Lord Jesus suffered with all patience at the hands of his own People or Nation Again Moses was made an Angel of the Covenant of the Law unto all Israel as the Lord Jesus was made or became an Angel of the Covenant of Grace or the Gospel unto all the elect Israel so that whosoever despised the Law of Moses was to dye a natural death without mercy as a Tye of the eternal death of all those that despise the Grace or Gospel of Jesus and in this he was a great Type of the Lord Jesus when he said God should raise up a Prophet unto you like unto me him shall you hear much more might be spoken of Moses representing of the Person of God the son but I suppose it is sufficient for any moderate man Again when Elias was in this World he did represent the Person of God the Father in these things first in a God-like manner by commanding fire to come down from Heaven to destroy his enemies and it was so again by his commanding like unto a God all the Priests of Baal that were the National false Priests to be put to death for drawing the hearts of Israel from worshipping of the true God and that was a Type of the eternal perishing of all the National Priests of Baal in the World at this time who are Ministers of the letter only but call themselves Ministers of the Spirit and yet the Lord Jesus sent them not These are those croaking Frogs that keep the people in darknesse unto whom the people give their silver for nought Again Elias by his asking of Elisha in a God-like manner what he should do for him before he was taken up from him with his granting of Elisha a double portion of his Spirit if Elisha saw his departure from him Again Eliah spake in the Authority of the Father when he told King Ahab to his face that it was he and his Fathers house that were the troublers of Israel by their departing from the living God with more such like actings of his after a God-like manner shewing clearly his representing the person of God the Father when he was upon this earth which was but a Type of his representing the person of God the Father in the Heavens afterwards but some may say it seems very strange the Lord having so many glorious Angels in his presence that he should passe them by and take up a mortal man or a sinperson of God the Father as beforesaid To this I answer from the Holy Spirit all the Counsels of my God the man Jesus are quite contrary to mans unclean reason yea and contrary to the pure reason of the holy Angels also that God alone may have all the glory of the revelation of his unsearchable Counsels of wisdom from his Elect men and Angels Again I declare by Revelation from the Holy Spirit that the man Adam in his Creation was of the very nature of spirit of Faith with all divine vertues of pure love patience meeknesse and such like spiritual vertues in his spirit or person which were the very same divine vertues that lived in the spirit or person of God his Creator only in the person of God every spiritual vertue in him was infinite above all measure but in the person of the man Adam although they were the very same heavenly vertues yet in him they were in measure thus man in his Spirit was created like unto the Creator of the very same Divine Nature only they differed in this for the body or person of God was all spiritual or heavenly not subject to mortality but the body or person of the man Adam was natural or earthly subject to mortality at the