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A19746 A hedgerovv of busshes, brambles, and briers: or, A fielde full of tares, thistles and tine of the vanities and vaine delightes of this worlde, leading the way to eternall damnation: with seuerall exhortations or cauiats for the carelesse to shun and beware the same. Now newly compiled by I.D.; Bible. English. Selections. I. D. 1598 (1598) STC 6170; ESTC S109189 41,295 88

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them and of their children after them Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your hart Deut. 10 16 and harden your neckes no more OF THE WORKES OF DARKNES and workes of the Flesh Gen. 6 5. THE Lord saw that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth Gen. 8 21. And all the imaginations of the thoughtes of his hart were onely euyll continually Ephe. 4 18 19. Hauing their cogitation darkoned and being strangers from the lyfe of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the hardnesse of their hart Which being past feeling haue geuen them selues vnto wantonnesse to worke all vncleannesse euen with greedines Rom. 1 21. Because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neyther were thankfull but became vayne in their imaginations and their foolysh hart was full of darknesse Mark 7 21 22. For from within euen out of the hart of man proceede euyll thoughtes adulteries fornications murthers theftes couetousnesse wickednesse deceit vncleannesse a wicked eye backbyting pride foolyshnesse All these euyll thinges come from within and defyle a man Gall. 5 19 20 The workes of the Flesh are manifest which are adulterie fornication vncleannes wantonnes idolatrie witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions herisies enuie murther drunkennes gluttonie and such lyke whereof I tell you before as I also haue tolde you before that they which do such thinges shall not inherite the kingdome of God Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord Math. 7 23. haue not wee by thy name prophecied and by thy name cast out deuyls and by thy name done many great workes Then shall ye begin to say Luk. 13 26.27 We haue eaten and dronken in thy presence and thou hast taught vs in our streetes But he shall say I tell you I knowe you not whence ye are Depart from mee all ye workers of iniquitie Away from mee all ye workers of iniquitie Psal 6 8. for the Lord hath heard the voyce of my weeping Then shall he say vnto them on the left hand Math. 25 41 Depart from mee ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuyll and his angels EXHORTATION THE nyght is past and the day is at hand Rom. 13 12. let vs therefore cast away the workes of darknesse and let vs put on the armour of light And haue no felowshyp with the vnfruitfull workes of darknes but euen reproue them rather Ephe. 5 11. The grace of God Tit. 2 11 12 that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared And teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlines and worldly lustes and that we should lyue soberly and righteously in this present worlde Walke in the spirit Gall. 5 16. and ye shall not fulfill the lustes of the flesh Gal. 5 22 23 24 25. The fruites of the spirit is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse fayth meekenesse temperancie against such there is no law For they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections If we lyue in the spirit let vs also walke in the spirit Math. 7 13. Enter in at the straight gate for it is the wyde gate and brode way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat Luk. 13 24. Striue to enter in at the straight gate for many I say vnto you will seeke to enter in and shall not be able FINIS A GODLY PRAYER AND CONFESSION OF our Sinnes vnto God O MOST merciful Lord God and my tender and deare Father vouchsafe I hartely beseech thee to looke downe with thy fatherly eyes of pittie vpon mee a most vile and wretched sinner which lie heere prostrate in hart before the feate of thy bottomlesse mercie for I confesse I haue most greeuously sinned against the throne of thy glory and before thee O Father in so much as I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne neuerthelesse forasmuch as thou art the God and Father of all comfort and desirest not the death of a sinner but like a true Samaritan takest thought for my seely wounded soule Make mee I pray thee by infunding thy precious oyle of comfort into my woundes ioyfully to runne with the lost Sonne vnto the lappe of thine euerlasting pittie For loe thou art my hope and trust in whom I onely repose my selfe hauing in thee full confidence and stedfast fayth and so I say with a very true and faythfull hart trusting only in thy mercie I beleeue in thee O God the Father in thee O God the Sonne and in thee O God the holy Ghost three persons and one true and also very God besides whom I acknowledge none other God in heauen aboue nor in the earth beneath yea and I poore miserable sinner doe accuse my selfe vnto thee deare Father that I haue sore and greeuosly offended thy Almighty goodnesse and maiestie in the committing of mine abundant and manifolde sinnes and wretchednesse which exceede the number of the Sandes in the Sea and haue not kept the least of thy most godly and blessed commaundementes lyke as thy righteousnes may require and demaunde the same of me which if thou Lord shouldest so require there were no helpe or hope in me but that I must needes perysh and be damned for euer I confesse also that I haue not honoured thee lyke my God nor dread thee lyke my Lord loued thee lyke my Father nor trusted in thee lyke my creator and Sauiour Thy holy and dreadfull name vnto whom all honour glory of duetie belongeth haue I vsed in vayne I haue not sanctified the holy dayes with works which be acceptable vnto thee nor in instructing my neighbour in vertue accordingly I haue not honoured my Parentes nor been obedient vnto them The high powers rulers which take their authority of thee I haue not been willingly obedient vnto I haue not kept myne hart pure and cleane from man slaughter theft adulterie enuie malice hatred disdaynefulnes pride couetousnes drunkennes gluttonie wantonnesse backbyting slaunder falsehood and false-witnes bearyng but haue in my hart and minde wyshed and desired my neighbours goodes and thinges I haue folowed the great Prince of this worlde Satan which hath been a lyar euen from the beginnyng in concupisence of the flesh in deceitfulnesse in all kinde of euyll and wicked lyuing in thought worde and deede in dispayre and also mysbeliefe But in what manner soeuer that I haue offended and sinned agaynst thy eternall Maiestie for no man knoweth throughly his sinnes as the prophet witnesseth whether it hath been by day or els by nyght yea euen from my chyldhood vnto this day were it in wordes workes or thoughtes secretly or openly O most mercifull God and heauenly Father I am most sorie for it euen from the bottom of my hart yea and my soule mourneth for very sorow within me O most mercifull Father that I am not a thousande tymes more soryer then I am Howbeit in token of my great and vnfeigned repentance though all hartes be knowen well ynough vnto thee I do cry and call vnto thee for refuge in the bitternesse of my hart and soule Lord God and Father haue mercie Lord God and Sonne haue mercie and Lord God holy Ghost haue mercie Spare mee good Lord of thine infinite mercie both now and all the dayes of my life and graunt mee of thine aboundant grace so as I may change my sinfull life and put off the olde man with all his euyll concupisence and deceiueable lustes and that I may die vnto the worlde and so goe foorth in a new life Strengthen thou mee O Lord I humblie beseech thee in a true humble lowlie and perfect hart faythfully to loue hope and trust in thee Giue my soule most heauenly Father the grace of thy holy spirit to desire thee onely in thee onely to reioyce and repose my selfe and that I may vtterly renounce and forsake the vanities and vaine affiance and delightes of this worlde so that thou mayest finde mee readie with the good Seruant in the midnight of my death which shall sodaynely steale vpon mee like a theefe eare I be aware Bee thou vnto mee at that time of neede O Lord a Tower of strength a Pallace of refuge and a defencible God namely against the face of the feende who like a roring Lyon wil be then most readie to deuoure me and against desperation which then wil be busie to grieue and assayle mee Graunt mee most mercifull Sauiour that when death shall shut vp the eyes of this my mortall body yet that the eyes of my soule may still beholde and looke vpon thee with a liuely and perfect fayth that when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue and outward senses yet that my hart and soule may cry and say vnto thee O Lord into thy handes I giue and commit my soule Lord Iesu receiue my spirit vnto thee Fetch then againe Lord God the Father I humblie beseech thee that which thy wisedome and puissant might hath shapen and fashioned Fetch then againe Lord God the Sonne that which thou hast so wisely and carefully gouerned and bought with the deare price of thy most precious blood Take then againe thou Lord God holy Ghost that which thou hast kept and preserued so louingly in this region of sinne and vale of miserie Vnto whom as of right and duetie belongeth be all honour power prayse and glory for euer and euer worlde without ende Amen Despise not a man that turneth himselfe away from sinne nor cast him not in the teeth withall but remember that we are all worthy blame Ecclus. 8.5 Imprinted at London by William White 1598.
A Hedgerovv of Busshes Brambles and Briers or A Fielde full of Tares Thistles and Tine Of the vanities and vaine delightes of this Worlde leading the way to eternall damnation with seuerall Exhortations or oauiats for the carelesse to shun and beware the same Now newly compiled by I.D. The workes of the flesh are manifest which are adulterie fornication vncleannes wantonnes Idolatrie witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies enuie murthers drunkennes gluttonie and such like whereof I tell you before as I also haue tolde you before that they which do such thinges shall not inherite the kingdome of God Gall. 5. Imprinted at London by William White for Iohn Browne and are to be solde at his shop in Fleete-streete at the signe of the Shugerloafe 1598. To the gentle and friendly Reader THere are in forraine countries gentle Reader certayne men called by the name of Quacksaluers who vse in Fayres Markettes and open places to shew foorth in desiphered cullors many infirmities griefes and diseases which doe afflict and reigne in mans body and withall they lay open in viwe of the people diuers waters powders and drugges of diuers sortes as remedies for the same And also there they doe tell and expound vnto the beholders aswell the nature and qualities of the same diseases as the vertue force and efficacie of the same Drugges to the intent the hearers and beholders may take knowledge and receiue benefite thereby The which ensample gentle Reader being in my simple opinion very good and christian like I haue immitated by laying open before our eyes in this small Booke folowing according to my small skill and knowledge the Vanities and vayne delightes of this Worlde and haue named it as me thinkes most fit A Hedgerowe of Bushes Brambles and Briers or a Fielde full of Tares Thistles and Tine of the Vanities and vayne delightes of this Worlde leading the way to eternall damnation with seuerall exhortations or cauiats for the careles to shunne and beware the same That as I haue reduced another Booke into a smaller volume called Paterickes Places a Treatise concerning the doctrine of Fayth and the doctrine of the Law which is the onely marke to shoote at and the onely meanes to obtaine saluation So by reading and vnderstanding of both we might thereby learne to choose the right and good way and to shunne and flie the wrong and busshie bad way as for a familiar example If two men were set in a playne to runne a race for a great prize and it were decreed that he which came first to the ende of the race should haue the prize for his rewarde The one steppeth aside out of the way amongst Busshes and Briers seeking after Butterflies whereby he looseth the prize the beholders would not onely thinke him a vayne man but would also deride and laugh him to scorne for his vanitie foolishnes Euen so gentle Reader wee hauing two wayes layde before our eyes one leading to damnation and the other to saluation it were a great follie or rather madnesse for vs to leaue the right way and to take the wrong Therefore it behooueth vs to be warie and carefull that we chouse the right way for it is described vnto vs by our Sauiour Christ to be verie narrow straight Math. 7. and few there be that finde it And let vs examine our selues that yf we be intangled in any Brier of this Hedgerow we striue to get out in time least being caught by one Brier and carelesse to get loose an other also layeth holde and so by degrees we be fastened and ouerwhelmed in the Hedge as when we would get loose we can not Math. 25. and the night come vpon vs at vnwares whereby we be taken tardie as the foolish Virgins Reue. 12. and our aduersarie or accuser bring vs before the Iudge placing vs amongst those careles liuers after the lustes of the flesh and workers of iniquitie on the left hand Luk. 13. and the Iudge pronounce that heauie sentence Math. 25. Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Deuill and his Angels But rather let vs thinke vpon or take example by the seely Sheepe feeding by the Hedge or in the Fieldes so soone as he findeth him selfe caught by the Brier he foorthwith turneth and windeth himselfe about to get loose againe and deferreth not the time but will so struggle and striue that in the ende he will get loose albeit he leaue some of his Wooll behinde him And Sainct Paul teacheth vs to cast off the olde man Ephes 4. which is corrupt through the deceiueable lustes Ephes 5. and put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse Tit. 2. And willeth him that hath stollen to stoale no more hauing no fellowship with the workes of darknesse but deny vngodlines and worldly lustes And that we should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present worlde walking in the spirit Gal. 5. and doing and performing the fruites of the spirit which is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenes goodnes fayth meekenes temperancie agaynst such there is no law for they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections and the lustes If we liue in the spirit let vs also walke in the spirit that we may be set amongst the number of those on the right hand and the Iudge will say vnto vs Math. 25. 1. Iohn 2. Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the worlde For those that walke in the spirit loue God and are good and righteous and doe those thinges that please him therefore such must not doubt but that God will also giue them the crowne of righteousnes To which we pray him he will graunt vs. Amen Your welwiller in the Lord and most vnworthy I.D. The Contentes of this Booke 1 Of the Worlde and the Prince thereof our accuser aduersarie and enemie 2 Of Sinne and Sinners 3 Of Images and Idolles 4 Of Antichrist and false Christes 5 Of false Prophettes false Doctrine and Teachers 6 Of worldly Wisedome 7 Of Riches and Rich-men 8 Of Pride and Proude-men 9 Of Whoredome and Whoremongers 10 Of Drunkardes and Gluttons 11 Of Couetousnesse 12 Of Vsurie and Vsurers 13 Of false Weightes and Measures 14 Of Swearing 15 Of Lying 16 Of Backbiters and Talebearers 17 Of Scorning and mocking 18 Of Anger and Wrath. 19 Of Enuie Hatred and Strife 20 Of Slouth and Idlenes 21 Of the Tongue and euyll speaking 22 Of feigned Friendes and friendshyp 23 Of Witches and Sorcerers 24 Of Fooles 25 Of Wicked and euyll Men. 26 Of hard stonie and stubborne Hartes 27 Of the workes of Darknesse and workes of the Flesh 28 A godly Prayer and confession of our sinnes vnto God The ende of the Table OF THE WORLDE AND THE PRINCE THEREOF OVR ACCVSER ADVERSARIE AND ENEMIE BE sober and watch 1.
wickednes of his lyppes but the iust shall come out of aduersitie Pro. 13 2. A man shall eate good thinges by the fruite of his mouth but the soule of the trespassers shall suffer violence He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his lyfe Pro. 13 3. but he that openeth his lyppes destruction shal be to him A false Tongue hateth the afflicted Pro. 26 28. and a flattering mouth causeth ruine No constancie is in their mouth Psal 5 9. within they are very corrupt their throate is an open Sepulcher and they flatter with their tongues The stroke of the rodde maketh markes in the flesh Eccle. 28 17 18 19. but the stroke of the Tongue breaketh the bones There be many that haue perished by the edge of the sworde but not so many as haue fallen by the tongue Well is him that is kept from an euyll tongue and commeth not in the anger therof which hath not drawen in that yoke neither hath been bound in the bandes thereof The man that is accustomed to opprobrious wordes Ecclu 23 15 will neuer be reformed all the dayes of his lyfe Well is him that dwelleth with a wife of vnderstandyng Ecclus. 25 8. and that hath not fallen with his tongue and that hath not serued such as are vnworthy of hym Blessed is the man that hath not fallen by the worde of his mouth Ecclus. 14 1. and is not tormented with the sorrow of sinne He that refrayneth his tongue Ecclu 19 6. may lyue with a troublesome man and he that hateth babling shall haue lesse euyll Ecclu 19 16 A man falleth with his Tongue but not with his will and who is he that hath not offended in his Tongue EXHORTATION 1. Pet. 3 10. IF a man long after lyfe and to see good dayes let him refrayne his Tongue from euyll and his lippes that they speake no guyle Ephe. 4 31. Let all bitternesse and anger and wrath rayling and euyll speaking be put away from you with all maliciousnesse Ephe. 5 4. Neither filthynesse neither foolish talking neither iesting which are thinges not comely but rather geuing of thankes Eccle. 28 25 26. Binde vp thy siluer and golde and weigh thy wordes in a balance and make a doore and a barre and a sure brydle for thy mouth Beware that thou slyde not by it and so fall before him that lyeth in wayte and thy fall be incureable euen vnto death 1. Pet. 4 11. If any man speake let him talke as the wordes of God Pro. 4 24. Put away from thee a froward mouth and put wicked lyppes farre from thee Collo 3 8. Now put ye away euen all these thinges wrath anger maliciousnes cursed speaking filthy speaking out of your mouth OF FAIGNED FRIENDES and Friendshyp LET euery one take heede of his neighbour Ier. 9 4. and trust you not in any brother for euery brother wyll vse deceipt and euery Frinde wyll deale deceitfully Some man is a Friende for his owne occasion Ecclus. 6 8 9 10 11 12. and wyll not abide in the day of thy trouble And there is some Friende that turneth to enmitie and taketh part against thee and in contention he wyll declare thy shame Againe some Friend is but a companion at thy table and in the day of thy affliction he continueth not But in thy prosperitie he wylbe as thou thy selfe and wyll vse libertie ouer thy seruantes If thou be brought low he wylbe agaynst thee and wyll hide him selfe from thy face Euery Friend sayth I am a Friend vnto him also Ecclus. 37 1 2 3 4 5. but there is some Friend which is onely a Friend in name Remaineth there not heauines vnto death when a companion Friend is turned to an enemie There is some companion which in prosperitie reioyceth with his Friend but in the time of trouble is against him There is some companion that helpeth his Friend for the bellies sake and taketh vp the buckler against the enemie Pro. 27 10. Thine owne friende and thy fathers friende forsake thou not neyther enter into thy brothers house in the day of thy calamitie for bettet is a neighbour that is neare then a brother farre off Ecclu 27 16 Who so discouereth secrets looseth his credite and findeth no friend after his will Ecclu 6 1. Be not of a friend thy neighbours enemie for such shall haue an euyll name shame and reproch and he shall be in infamie as the wicked that hath a double tongue EXHORTATION Ecclu 6 7. IF thou gettest a Friend proue him first and be not hastie to credite him Ecclu 27 17 Loue thy Friende and be faythfull vnto him but yf thou bewrayest his secretes thou shalt not get him againe Pro. 18 24. A man that hath Friendes ought to shew himselfe friendly for a Friend is nearer then a brother Ecclu 6 6 14 15 16 17 Holde Friendshyp with many neuerthelesse haue but one counsaylour of a thousand A faythfull Friend is a strong defence and he that findeth such one findeth a treasure A faythfull Friend ought not to be changed for any thing and the weight of golde and siluer is not to be compared to the goodnes of his fayth A faythfull Friend is the medicine of lyfe and immortalitie and they that feare the Lord shall finde him Who so feareth the Lord shall direct his friendshyp aright and as his owne selfe so shall his friend be Giue not ouer thy Friend for any good Ecclu 7 18. nor thy true brother for the golde of Ophir Forget not thy Friend in thy minde Ecclu 37 6. and thinke vpon him in thy riches Forsake not an olde Friend Eccle. 9 12. for the new shall not be like him a new Friend is as new wine when it is olde thou shalt drinke it with pleasure Doe good vnto thy Friend before thou die Ecclu 14 13 and according to thine abilitie stretch out thine hand and giue him OF WITCHES and Sorcerers IF a man or woman haue a spirit of diuination Leui. 20 27. or south saying in them they shall die the death they shall stone them to death their blood shal be vpon them Saul sayd vnto his seruantes 1. Sam. 28 7 8. Seeke mee a woman that hath a familiar spirit that I may goe to her and aske of her And his seruants sayd to him Beholde there is a woman at En-dor that hath a familiar spirit Then Saul changed him selfe and put on other rayment and he went and two men with him and they came to the woman by nyght and he sayd I pray thee coniecture vnto mee by the familiar spirit and bring mee him vp whom I shall name vnto thee Iosiah also tooke away them that had familiar spirites and the soothsayers the images 2. kin 23 24 and the idols and all the abominations that were espyed in the land of Iuda and in Ierusalem to
performe the wordes of the Law which were written in the booke of Hilkiah the Priest found in the house of the Lord. Act. 8 9 11. And there was in the citie a certaine man called Symon which vsed Witchcraft and bewitched the people of Samaria saying That hee himselfe was some great man And they gaue heede vnto him because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries Exod. 12 11. Pharaoh called also for his Wise-men and Sorcerers and those Charmers also of Egypt did in lyke maner with their enchauntmentes 1. Sam. 28 3. And Saul had put away the Sorcerers Soothsayers out of the land Act. 13 6. When they had gone throughout the I le vnto Paphus they found a certaine Sorcerer a false Prophet being a Iew named Bariesus Act. 19 13 16. Certayne of the vagabonde Iewes exorcists tooke in hand to name ouer them which had euyll spirites the name of the Lord Iesus saying Wee adiure you by Iesus whom Paul preacheth And the man in whom the euyll spirit was ran on them and ouercame them and preuayled agaynst them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded Wisd 17 7. And the illusions of the Magicall artes were brought downe and it was a most shamefull reproch for the boasting of their knowledge EXHORTATION YE shall not regard them that worke with Spirites neither Soothsayers Leui. 19 31. ye shall not seeke to them to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God If any turne after such as worke with Spirits Leui. 20 6. and after Soothsayers to goe a whooring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people Deut. 18 10 11 12. Let none be found among you that maketh his sonne or his daughter to goe through the fire or that vseth Witchcraft or a regarder of Times or a marker of the flying of Fowles or a Sorcerer Or a Charmer or that counsaileth with Spirites or a Soothsayer or that asketh counsaile at the dead For all that doe such thinges are abomination vnto the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth cast them out before thee OF FOOLES THE way of a Foole is right in his owne eyes but he that heareth counsayle is wise Pro. 12 15 16. A Foole in a day shal be knowen by his anger but he that couereth shame is wise The Foole hath sayd in his hart Psal 53 1. There is no God They haue corrupted and done abominable wickednesse there is none that doth good Eccle. 19 11 12 28. A Foole trauaileth when he hath heard a thing as a woman that is about to bring foorth a childe As an Arrow that sticketh in ones thygh so is a worde in a Fooles hart A mans garment and his excessiue laughter and going declare what person he is Eccle. 27 13. The talking of Fooles is grecuous and their sport is in the pleasure of sinne Pro. 14 15 16. The foolysh wyll beleeue euery thyng but the prudent wyll consider his steppes A wyse man feareth and departeth from euyll but a Foole rageth and is carelesse Pro. 27 22. Though thou shouldest bray a Foole in a morter among wheate brayed with a pestle yet wyll not his foolyshnes depart from him Eccle. 10 3 12 13. Also when the Foole goeth by the way his hart fayleth and he telleth vnto al that he is a foole The wordes of the mouth of a wyse man haue grace but the lippes of a Foole deuoure himselfe The beginning of the wordes of his mouth is foolyshnesse and the later ende of his mouth is wicked madnesse Eccle. 21 14 16 18 19. The inner part of a Foole is lyke a broken vessell he can keepe no knowledge whiles he liueth The talking of a Foole is like the burthen in the way but there is comelines in the talke of a wyse man As is an house destroyed so is wisedome vnto a Foole and the knowledge of the vnwyse is as wordes without order Doctrine vnto Fooles is as fetters on the feete and like manacles vpon the right hand A Foole lyfteth vp his voyce with laughter Ecclu 21 20 21 22 23 24 but a wise man doth scarce smyle secretly Whoso despiseth wisedome and discipline Wisd 3 11. is miserable and their hope is vayne their labours are foolysh and their worke vnprofitable All such as regarded not Wisedome Wisd 10 8. had not onely this hurt that they knewe not the thinges which were good but also left behinde them vnto men a memoriall of their foolishnes so that in the thinges wherein they sinned they can not lie hid Foolysh men will not take holde vpon her Ecclu 15 7. but such as haue vnderstanding will meete her the sinners will not see her EXHORTATION DEpart from the Foolish man Pro. 14 7 9. when thou perceiuest not in him the lippes of knowledge The Foole maketh a mocke of sinne but among the righteous there is fauoure Vnto the Horse belongeth a whipp Pro. 26 3 4.5 to the Asse a bridle and a rodde to the Fooles backe Answere not a Foole according to his foolishnes least thou also be like him Answere a Foole according to his foolishnes least he be wise in his owne conceit Take no counsayle at a Foole Ecclu 8 17. for he can not keepe a thing secret Whoso telleth a Foole of Wisedome Ecclus. 22 10 11 12 13 14 15. is as a man which speaketh to one that is a sleepe when he hath tolde his tale he sayth What is the matter Pro. 9 6. Forsake your way ye foolysh and ye shall lyue and walke in the way of vnderstanding OF WICKED AND EVIL MEN. Esa 57 20. THE Wicked are like the raging Sea that can not rest whose waters cast vp myre and dyrt Esa 59 7. Their feete runne to euyll and they make haste to shead innocent blood their thoughtes are wicked thoughtes desolation and destruction is in their pathes Ier. 5 26. Among my people are founde wicked persons that lay wayte as he that setteth snares they haue made a pit to catch men Psal 36 1 3 4. Wickednesse sayth to the wicked man euen in mine hart that there is no feare of God before his eyes The wordes of his mouth are iniquitie and deceit he hath left off to vnderstand and to do good He imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed he setteth him selfe vpon a way that is not good and doth not abhor euyll Iob. 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. Some remoue the land markes They leade away the Asse of the fatherles and take the wydowes Oxe to pledge They make the poore to turne out of the way Eccle. 9 3. This is euyll among all that is done vnder the Sunne that there is one condition to all and also the hart of the sonnes of men is full of