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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16622 The historie of that vvise and fortunate prince, Henrie of that name the seventh, King of England With that famed battaile, fought betweene the sayd King Henry and Richard the third named Crookbacke, upon Redmoore neere Bosworth. In a poem by Charles Aleyn. Aleyn, Charles, d. 1640. 1638 (1638) STC 353; ESTC S100143 58,428 164

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seene Himselfe the trans-sumpt this the patterne beene There lay an Archer whom that arrow slew Which he shot last for fall'n another tooke That arrow and apply'd it to his Yew Which with a resalute the owner strooke And did so sodainely returne againe That he was onely by reflection slaine Here see a Brest cut open with a wound Wider than death He who mans shape did blame Cause in his Brest there was no window put To have his heart discerned through that frame Would have confess'd had he beene in those parts Such windowes needelesse to discover hearts There see an Arme sunder men by the sides One instrument by a Compendious way Makes two divorces and at once divides Their Bodies from themselves and soules you may But that incorporeity controules Feare there had beene dissection of soules There as if Birth-rights had beene question'd stood The wombe at war with 't selfe and brethren fought There Kinsmen fought and streaming forth their blood Into one chanell found their Kindred out And prov'd without the ayde of Heraldry How neere they were by consanguinity Sword upon sword a shield upon a shield A source of blood below and one appeare Above yet was there not in all that field A solecisme in Armory nor there Did it abate but make the Honour fuller Metall upon metall colour upon colour ●hilosophers who have so anxious beene ●nquiring where the soule doth chiefe reside Within the heart or Braine if they had seene ●ow weapons were by all the souldiers ply'd The question then had beene no longer scand They had defin'd the seate had beene the hand But see how Richard fumes as if he could Turne men to incense with his fiery eyes The Evill spirit of his fury would Be expiated by such Sacrifice Like to those gods the heathen did adore With hecatombes of men and humane gore If when the soules from bodies are divorc'd They transmigrate and others doe endue By an assumption Richards would be forc'd To wander and be desperate of a new Pythagoras had beene pos'd and ne'r could finde A Body sutable to such a minde Into the fanges of danger he did goe Arm'd with the Doctrine of fatalitie As strongly as all Turkie every foe Did feele him for he prov'd ubiquitie And bodies unconfin'd he like a soule Was both in every part and in the whole As if he had drunkē Opium that day With madded fits he furied on the foe In a magnanimous scorne that fame should say That Richard would outlive his overthrow Or that he did the rule Authenticke hold That Generalls should not dye till they were old This Eagle catch'd no flies stoop'd at men like Brandon and mighty Cheney nor would bate At a slight quarrie much more scorn'd to strike It seem'd his actions did prognosticate The sweating sickenesse which ensued e're long Which scorning weake ones onely seiz'd the strong But Chenies foyle Cheney could not appall He rose with Deaths inscription in his face Most terrible of terribles his fall Enfir'd his spirits chafed with the disgrace Thus from the Earth Antheus did recoyle With powers reenforc'd from every foile But Brandon fell till Doomes-day and there lyes His colours might his winding-sheete become A Phenix from the Phenix did arise Brandon that demigod that Charles in whom Th' Essense of fortitude so plainely shind Had you sayd Brandon it had beene defind This Breviarie of consuming ire And Commonplace of what is called stout Grew by their opposition and his fire Got heate by those which strove to put it out Force not oppos'd would languish so would he Mountaines that burne doe border on the Sea He like a Bore his bearing was the Bore A cognisance which with his minde agrees Broke up the rankes to Richmonds selfe and tore Men up like trees men that are like to trees Inverst but Richmond he extirped not Non tibi spiro was this Roses Mott. There an untutour'd fortitude did try Experimentall valour personall strength That is soft Richmond Richard did defie And warded the Bores tuskes at his swords length You could not have a cleaner valour seene Though Magnanimity had incarnate beene And his impression in his souldiers hearts Made them his medals he like Chymicke fire Put soules of Gold into their Earthy parts And by his mountures taught them to aspire Actions of Kings are precepts what they doe Seeme to be precedents and warrants too Exempli gratias teach not but compell There 's no such Canon as Authoritie They doe their doctrine tacitly refell Who with their Acts doe not exemplifie Men practise what they see by Leaders done Not Caesars Ito but his Veni won Now Conquest with her wings fand every side With equall hope and strooke with equall feare Like scales with constant motion they slide Now that is upward and now this is there And Henries faith with feares yet hopes was mix'd Like to those starres which tremble yet are fix'd The Ancients gave a spheare to victory On which her feete stand giddie and uneven But hence just causes draw alacrity Her hands are holden by the hand of Heaven Here 's Henries feare she on a spheare doth stand Here 's Henries hope Iove holds her by the hand As thus the question doubtfully did stand And unconcluded Stanly did come on With sword and a decision in his hand Thus under the Equator when the Sunne With hottest flames tosteth the peoples skinne The constant Breeze brings a coole rescue in ●he case at worst Stanly determines it ●he souldiers cries this martiall court adjourne ●nd temper danger in her highest fit Were Daphne woman still she 'de sooner turne A Laurell to crowne him than to escape The lustfull charges of Apollos rape Yet Richard with such rage himselfe commits With the whole hoast that he may make the story Question'd though writ by Truth but these strong fits Were lightnings before death for this worlds glory Is figur'd in the Moone they both waxe dull And suffer their Eclipses in their full And now I see him sinke his eyes did make A shot like falling starres flash out and done Groaning he did a stately farewell take And in his night of death set like the sunne For Richard in his west seem'd greater than When Richard shin'd in his Meridian ●hree yeares he acted ill these two houres well And with unmated resolution strove He fought as bravely as he justly fell As did the Capitoll to Manlius prove So Bosworth did to him the monument Both of his Glory and his punishment Here leave his dust incorporate with mould He was a King that challengeth respect Passe by his Tombe in silence as of old They did their Heroes Temples and erect An Altar to Oblivion while I Another build to Henries Memory This fortune sweld not Henry to a brave Mercy step'd in and brought a Prohibition Those are best temper'd fortitudes which have Some graines of Pittie in their composition Valour 's the Iron vertue yet abates Nought of her selfe with silke upon
Pasquills will by a more dangerous way Traduce his name and defamations throw Which wound him worse which made Severus say That he lesse feard a hundred Lances then Th' impetuous charges of a single Pen. But from within such Humours being tooke By a bloodletting which is held a part Of the worlds Physick he began to looke Outward to Ireland and his thoughts convert Thether for Henry by experience found That venemous things might breed in Irish ground T' Egest such venim as did festring lye Poynings went over with an armed pow'r With him the active Prior of Lanthony Who was so oft imploy'd went Chancellour To try if Irelands health might be restord Or by Bellonas or Astreas sword But there was neither of these swords so long Could reach the Irish in their flying course So runnes the Tygresse which hath lost her young Borne from her denne on some Numidian horse And they eluded Poynings not by fight But as the Parthians did old Rome by flight Swift foote which Homer did so oft impose Vpon his Knight the Irish much concernes And yet Revenge would reach them though she goes On wooll if Nature did not guard the Kernes Their bogges are inaccessible and would Give a repulse to Iove though turn'd to Gold Sometime sayd he in Xenophon we try To Master things the greatest fight of all T is hard to combate with an Enemie Whose Armes are tooke from natures arcenall Man rarely from that fight a conquest brings Which is with Place and not with men but things Thus Swethland fortified by Natures care Vpon that side which lyeth opposite To Russia doth not the Invasions feare And vaine attempts of the cold Muscovite For prudent nature set a fringed hem Of Finland Marsh betweene the Sweds and them Let not the Irish glory that their might Rob'd us the Honour of a victory The Nature of the soyle and Countries site Scornes an assault and mockes an Enemie That Poynings then so meanely came away The bogs must set up Trophies and not they That great Castruccio who soar'd so high And was so low in his Originall Who twice o'rthrew the Armes of Thuscany Once at Fucecchio once at Serravall Machiavell who so fam'd him was thus free To say the places beate them and not hee But the production of an act so great As Irelands peace did its perfection lacke Vntill Eliza did the Worke compleat That Virgo of our English Zodiacke Her maiden fingers tun'd the Irish Harpe And made that note a meane which was a sharpe Yet Poynings there perform'd one worke of fame That all the English lawes in Ireland should Have force which Constitution beares the name Of P●ynings law It seemes that Poynings would The Irish Rebells to obedience draw Not by the Law of Armes but Armes of Law Now Perkin calls me who lookes boldly out Hearing that Henry is a progresse gone 'T was Henries absence that made Perkin stout And counsel'd him to put a boldnesse on When Henry like the sunne was progrest North This Mercury and wandring starre peep'd forth This counterfeit and Artificiall Rose Like to the true ones which in Winter goe Backe to their Causes and themselves disclose In Summer did himselfe in Summer show But all the Winter with the Dutchesse kept Where like a Rose he in his Causes slept But from this sleepe when he was well awake And had on England an attempt design'd Debtours and Malcontents his part did take And Bankrouts flock'd by swarmes which is a kind Of Resonable Insect that is made Of the corrupted matter of some Trade No man of marke was in the Armie seene Except men marked for some Villanies Felons and Theeves whose fortune it hath beene To lay the frames of puissant Monarchies A man as Henry Great might feare their force For Rome and Turkie did beginne from worse Fierce Spartacus the Fencer once defi'd Rome at her full with Gaole-birds lately flowne Out of their Cage so bravely that he try'd Great Pompei's fortune to be overthrowne The fight is doubtfull with that foe to try Who brings despaire arm'd with necessity That none of name and family were there Henries preventing wisedome did effect They by the hand and Sword of Iustice were Cut off whose Fortunes Perkin might protect His vitall spirits floated in their blood And all his hopes were drowned in that flood They land in Kent but there no people rise Because no braver men with Perkin came A meane Aspect strikes not the vulgar eyes But shew a great though an inglorious name You cannot then their wild devotion hold They will adore a Calfe if made of Gold Nor did the Gentry second his designe But mustring up the People that were there They Marshall'd them in warlike discipline Without confusion which made Perkin feare For Tumult was his Hope they did not looke Like men of Perkins Church that Orders tooke Himselfe lands not when he their Order saw Which was a Badge and Livery of a foe Their faire array did so the stripling awe He durst not venture from his shippes to goe And it was thought that had he come a shore The Youth had never made Sea voyage more The Kentish seeing that no more would land Nor touch the fatall ground the Battaile strooke And slew them fore they could their ships command Some sevenscore of the Heard were Prisoners tooke A just mischance to them for 't was no more Than they had beene or should have beene before Henry for terrour put them all to death Here he was strangely rigorous hut Hee At the more great Rebellion of Black-heath Was strangely mild so that a man may see Caesars and Cato's nature met in one Spare all like Caesar or like Cato none When just revenge hath a right levell made Home to the head she may the arrow bring And when provoked Iustice drawes her blade ●nto the fire she will the scabber'd fling Iustice and sinne should keepe an equall race If sinnes doe gallop justice must not pace And thus the courses kept by Rome of old Were full of terrour or without it quite Camillus sayd the way to Latium hold Was Punishment or love And Henry might From Alexander some such notion have Or to save all or none at all to save Once by the Samnites when the Hoast of Rome Was streight en compas'd one did thus advise Or slay them all or send them fairely home Shunne the third way so place your courtesies That Rome endeard may be your friend or so Confound her that she cannot be your foe This blaze extinct Perkin to Flanders sail'd To fetch more fuell thence to Ireland came That fumes and vapours from those bogs exhal'd Might the expired Meteor reinflame But the late thunder made by Poyrings there Had purg'd the ayre and made the Region cleare Ireland did nothing to his succours bring But blustring pray'rs and uneffectuall vowes Therefore they thinke on Scotland whose young king They did presume the quarrell would espouse Glad that with England he