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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15700 An armoure of proufe very profitable, as well for princes, noble men; and gentlemen, as all other in authoritie, shewing the firme fortresse of defence, and hauen of rest in these troublesome times and perilous dayes. Made by Iohn VVoolton minister of the Gospell. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1576 (1576) STC 25974; ESTC S106615 49,980 114

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and salue for his greeuous sore If a plage and Pestilēce of his people astone him let him folow king Dauid offer for his people the sacrifices of an humble lowly hart ther is no doubt but the consuming pestilence shal ceasse If famine and penurie may which thee can almost be no greater miserie do affect his land let him endeuor to get some prouident Ioseph to releeue the deere yeeres of Egypt in his countrey If the earth 〈◊〉 and become barraine let him call vpō God some Elias by his prayers wil open the heauens to send downe their moisture or some Elizeus who wil shew vnto I●●am Iehosaphat whole riuers of water to releeue them If sworde and fire in wars doe make him tremble or if in the day of battell be despaire of victorie let him recorde with hymselfe that it lieth in Gods hande to reskew him and his men and to rescue him with good Ezechias who with prayer preuayled more than Sennacherib with his hundred thousands If it please God to throwe him into ●riles or into captiuitie he may not for al this despaire but with Manasses turning vnto the Lord let him hope to be deliuered out of the dungeon in Babylon and to see his Citie Hierusalem againe If his people rebell on euery side Dauid teacheth him to say The Lords wil be done Yet in that meane time he ought to desire God to infatuate the deuises of his aduarsaries and God will appoint some faythful Chusu to bring to nought the counsayls of tr●iterous Achitophell and will ●asse by some 〈…〉 A●salon I● his 〈…〉 with the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 which tribulation being 〈…〉 other most greeuous as David 〈…〉 when he saw 〈…〉 murther yet if he re●●● God will 〈◊〉 Nathan to ereste and comfort him And finally what tribulation soeuer the magistrate tast of whether it be spitituall or corporall publike or priuate let him make the liuing God his shooteanker and looke for consolation and comfort at his hand Nowe if they thus cleaue vnto almightie God let them not doubt but he will succoure and deliuer if not the fleshe yet the spirite if not their bodies yet certainely he will not permit their Soule to perish for that GOD whiche deliuered the three children out of the fierie fornace and Daniel out of the Lions denne suffered the Machabees Vincentius and infinite Martires to die in sharp tormentes and yet he is the God of the one and of the other He therefore saueth some miraculously to confound Idolatrie he permitteth othersome to perish in their bodies that the strong pacience of Martirs may be seene and that the tormentes of the vngodly may be the heauier in Hell fire When Vincentius was rent and al to torne vppon the racke and after cast vppon the hote coales he spake to the Tirant Dacianus Shew all furor and crueltie vpon me that thou art able by Gods power I shall bee more firme and patient in suffering than thou in afflicting Whence came such courage and boldnesse Surely all the cogitations of the godly men are settled vppon the rocke the sonne of god Without him the godlye would shrinke euen into the quagmire of desperatiō but knowing their cause they lift vp theyr heads and march after their Captayne Iesus Christ And being armed with the shielde of faith whereby they haue an assured estate in the life to come they force not much what may come to their mortall bodies neither doe they thinke it a miserable ende if they die with 〈◊〉 sword in the fire vpon the gallowes or by any other wayes so it be for the name of the Lord Iesus And if wee consider examples it will euidently appeare that many of Gods elect died not in their beds a naturall death Abel was murthered of his owne brother The Prophet beeing sente to Hieroboam was destroyed by a Lyon. Esay was sawen asunder through the mids Ieremy like as Stephen also was stoned to death Iames being throwen downe from the Pinacle of the temple was slayn of a fuller Peter was fastried to that crosse Paul was executed with the sword Many such examples are extant Besides these the famous men amongst the Heathen died miserably touching the world The good Socrates was poysoned Euripides was forne with 〈◊〉 Sophocles was choked with a berrie of a grape Very sorowfull cumbrance greefe of minde killed Homer But Socrates accompted it cōfort inough for good men to die innocently for good deserts to receyue vndeserued punishments Christs Apostles accord with the same who reioyced y they were found meete to sustayne contumelies for the name of the Lord Iesus the reason is thus If we be spoyled of our goodes in this world we haue other treasures in heauen if we be here exiled we are ther receyued into gods family if we be murthered a dore is opened vnto vs to euerlasting lyfe wherfore let princes noble mē cōtemne such perils tolerate such crosses if it please god to lay thē vpō their shoulders Which thing they shal be able to do if they set before their eyes y day whē the Lord will giue vnto his chosen a quiet kingdom will wipe away al teares frō their eys wil voutsafe to make thē partakers of his euerlasting kingdom But as for the vngodly which haue florished in the earth he will throw thē into vtter destructiō wher their plesures shal be recōpenced with payns their laughing with weping grinding of teeth their peace shal be vnquieted with the worme of the consciēce they shal behold the godly whome they haue persecuted killed raigning ouer them in all blessednesse For this is that iustice whereof the Apostle speaketh to ease those that be vniustly afflicted and to punish the oppressors of the godly at that day when the Lorde Iesus shall be reueled from heauen This surely ought to comfort not only noble but all christian men and this is their triumph ouer the world the flesh the Diuell and all his members to fixe their hartes and mindes vpon the resurrection when the Lorde will poure vppon his enimies fire and brimstone storme and tempest for their portion and will crowne his owne children with glorie honor and immortalitie Only vnto God be honor and glory Man iudgeth corruptly according to the eu● of worldly matters ● frutes of a ●ubting minde matters of eligion gonies of the inde and conience intolleble ompeyus Aagnus ●emades Occasions that moue wordling to relinquishe Religion VVhat end abydeth the enimies of the Gospell Valerianus Sapores Chaldaeus Paraphr cui contradicit tamen Caluinus Plutarchus Psal. 37. VVhat Christians ought to do in these perilous dayes Esay 30. No leagues are to be made with Gods enimies 2. Para. 19. Ieza 30. 31. 48 Psal. 32. The estate of Christes Church in this worlde The lighte of Christes church neuer wholly quenched Iudi. 7. VVhy God helpeth not according to mans policie and deuises Ismael
care eased and relieued In tymes of darknesse none were thought to serue God but such as went into the church to heare mattins and masse But S. Paul the organe and instrument of God tracheth that a Magistrate sitting in iudgement hearing pleas examining causes succoring the widdow and orphane and pronouncing sentence according to iustice and equitie doeth God true and faithfull seruice Wherefore albeit many griefes cares sorrowes calamities and incommodities doe accomber this lyfe doe waste and consume them yet haue they this consolation I execute this my condition and estate by Gods ordinance and calling whither therefore God prolong or shorten my dayes it forceth not I lyue and dye in that function whiche is acceptable vnto god And God surely doth not onely gouerne their externall doings but boweth inclineth theyr harts and denises after his will and pleasure according to the saying of the most prudente Salomon The Kings hart is in the hande of the Lord as the riuers of water he turneth it whether soeuer it pleaseth him Thus you see with what waightie words the spirit of God extolleth their callings and that not withoute brgent 〈◊〉 For if we take away the Magistrate or wilfully violate their sacred authoritie we take the sunne out of the world we abandon truth and peace we make the whole earth a denne of theeues CHAP. 2. The seconde consolation drawen from Gods manifolde promises to help and defende the Magistrate IF Princes or Magistrates dyd turmoyle and tumble in their regiment without Gods speciall help and prouidence no maruell it were if the thought and care of one day did vtterly ouerwhelme and oppresse them But therefore haue they an vnspeakeable solace that God both conferreth dominion and rule at his owne pleasure and also directeth and guideth them accordingly vsing them only as externall instrumēts And his exceeding greate loue is most euident toward them in that to euery Magistrate and Prince in their dominions be appointeth speciall Angels to defende strengthen and conserue them Wherof we haue an example in y Prophet Daniel where mention is made that the Angell Michaell sloode on the Israelites side against their enimies It were impertinent to this matter to alledge mens opinions of Angels wherin there is some diuersitie But this is truely gathered that as the wicked fiende Beelzebub sendeth legions of Diuels into Princes palaces to stirre vp seditions and to bring in al kind of calamities so Gods Angel pitcheth his camp round about them and if they feare God they haue always more nūber with them than against them to shield thē from the darts of Sathans Souldiers and to bridle their malice and furie The Philosophers into whom nature poured viuacitie and sharpnesse of wit did see that monarchies and kingdoms could not cōtinue by humane policie were constreyned to cofeffe that by Gods prouidence kings kingdomes 〈◊〉 maintained defended The Fathers of the first age amongst the Gentiles vsed first before they wente to the Eloction of their prince to offer sacrifice to their gods crownd him King who by Oracle was pronounced most meete to the office wherein they haue opened their minds in this matter verily y without gods help they are able to accomplish nothing agayn the through his help they are able to 〈◊〉 W● Somnius that Philo●pher ●● Egypt bet● how Great Alexander went to off 〈…〉 vnto Iupiter of Ammo in Egipt 〈◊〉 many 〈◊〉 naturlled he answered wel That al men were vndor Gods hand and poyce but to 〈◊〉 he and to be a prince is the highest and greanst benefite He added moreouer that God was a parent ginerally vnto al me but that he especially a dopted vnto himself as his most louing childrē y princes mag●●rats And certen it is that many who haue him cast out by the it parentes or kinssblke as it were an vntimely fruite haue vin by Gods singular prouidence preserued yea being obiected to Beastes haue bin of buite beastes nourished and at last became greate Princes and Lords of the world We reade in histories that Romulus was nourished of a Woolfe Cyrus of a Bitche Abidus of a Doe Hiero of Bees that broughte hony into hys ●ppes And finally that I may not omit king Dauid who in his yong yeeres was a refuse among his brethren in his fathers house how wōderfully was he preferued from the mouth of the Lion and Beare howe miraenlously was the yong Babe Moses taken out of the deepe waters and appointed to leade the children of Israell through the redde Sea. Such ensamples bothe prophane and diuine if they are to be called prophane that minister so good matter do playnely declare that such as are ordeyned to be Princes and Rulers are euen from the houre of their virth receyned into Gods Iutele and protection The summe and effect thereof consifleth in this that the Magistrate haue onely and alwayes before his eyes Gods prouidence and mercy in his sonne Christ so shall he and all his businesse be farre from perill and daunger and safely stand without all compasse of gunshot Let him remember Gods earnest promise to the Israelites obeying his commaundements If thou hearken vnto my voyce and do all that I speake then I will bee an enimie vnto thy enimies and will afflicte them that afflict thee If hee feare God in deede this notable promise will more encourage him than all Castles Towres munitions and Armies For if God will be an enimie vnto their enimies let their aduersaries deuise imagine conspire and bend all force against the Magistrate they cannot preuayle they cannot vndermine or supplant them so long as God defendeth the Magistrate and fighteth against their enimies How is it possible that the one shoulde preuayle and the other perish Dauid hauing approoued the trueth of Gods promise in him selfe farre aboue hys expectation vttereth this sentence I wil loue thee deerely O Lord my strength The Lord is my rocke and my fortresse and he that delyuereth me my God and my strength in him will I trust my shielde the horne also of my saluation and my refuge And agayne Thou diddest cause thy Iudgemente to bee heard from Heauen therefore the Earthe feared and was still When thou O God arose to iudgement to all the meeke of the worlde The worthy Captayne Iosua called to ruls and conduct Israel into the lande of Promis receyueth most heauenly encouragements at Gods mouth speaking vnto him in this wise There shall not be a man able to withstande thee all the dayes of thy lyfe Is I was with Moses so wil I he with thee I wil not leaue nor forsake thee Let not this Booke of that law departe out of thy mouth but meditate therein day and night Haue not I commounded thee to be strong and of a good courage feare not for I the Lord thy God will be wit● thee whethersoeuer thou goest These wordes are mightie and ardent which