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hand_n body_n soul_n spirit_n 5,254 5 5.2345 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08848 [Divine meditations.] Palfreyman, Thomas, d. 1589? 1572 (1572) STC 19136; ESTC S120110 52,549 180

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sore pressed oure consciences moste fovvly defiled burdened depely galled and vvounded the iudgementes of the highest not vvayed oure invvard senses benummed oure hartes hardened all diuine graces contemned and so vvith the plages of God the more svviftly by his iustice confounded heaping in the vvhile vēgeance vpō our selues against the day of his vvrathe and publike declaration of his proclaimed and iust iudgement and to be dampned vvith the vvorld vvith the Diuell and his Angels for euer vnto vvhom by vvhose custome and importune knocking at the doores of our gracelesse very vaine and most frutelesse hearts the knocking of the Lorde Christ vvilfully neglected vvee haue subiected oure selues and opened vvide vnto him to let in both him self his conioyned companions and vvith them all abhomination and vnrightuouseneste to quicken vvith more hast the flames of Gods furie to make ponderous and ouer heauie the svvitfe descending ballance of his very terrible irrcuokeable iustice To the ende therefore this small and moste simple volume may vnder youre godly protection gather the rather some estimation and credite passe forth for good to the vse of the godly I moste humbly beseeche youre vvorship so to accepte it in the simplicitie thereof and graunt thereunto your Christian furtherance that some good for Goddes glory may grovve thereby to some that some liues at the least may be somevvhat amended the furies of God the sooner preuented and the bright lighte of the sonne of god shine with more povver amongste vs to ouerthrovve vs in his feare to beate flatte to the earth our carthie and proude fleshe and to vvaste soone or consume for good and most happie chaunge our most damnable vvorks of darknesse I shall as of bounden duetie for this and for other the like causes deserued most humbly pray for you that God in mercie may euer blesse both you your moste vvorthy beloued in Christe your ofspring and vvhole familie Your humble and daily Oratoure THOMAS Paulfreyman An exhortation to the christen Reader BEing mindful de uout christian of god thine heauēly father and as best beseemeth thee an earthly creature always to remember thy maker that by a quickning spirite in the inwarde and newe man commended vnto thee from aboue thorough the free grace of election in Iesus Christ by whom thou art new borne to whom thou art coupled a quick and a lyuely member with whom thou art partaker of the Heauenly and diuine nature euen the nature of God thine eternall father In whom thine harte is prepared towardes him by whome thou seekest most truly to knowe him most earnestly to loue him diligently to seeke him faythfully to serue hym most lowly to honour him reuerently to feare and obey him and so foorth as his only worde of truth most straightly prescribeth and precisely requireth of thee of all people and in all estates thoroughout all generations In his hygh magnificence almightynesse etermtie great power and maiestie to loue him in his benignitie in his myldenesse tendernesse faithfulnesse truth and greate mercie to feare him in his lordly dignitie princely gouernment statelinesse rough countenance wrathefulnesse seuere iustice and iudgement and to offer daily vnto him the acceptable sacrifice of faithfull and hartie prayers in the name of his sonne Iesus Christe as hee himselfe most healthfully taughte thee and for whose onely sake promyse is made to heare thee that his myghtye hande may ener preserue thee vphold thee keepe thee safe norishe thee directe strengthen defende and deliuer thee in all places at all tymes and in al cases of necessitie bothe of bodge and soule and to giue thee also thorough Christ his holy spirite as a seale of assurance to certifie thee that thou arte the chyld of God inwardly to inflame and comforte thee to warke true faith into thee to dispose with cherefulnesse the frutes of true charitie to quiet thee in al tempests of aduersitie yea and to leade thee still on by the hande for the tyme and from time to tyme vnto the place of rest the cheerefull and safe porte the restfull hauen or moste sure rode of eternalioy and felicitie If thou desire to enioy all these and suche lyke blessings as are moste needefull for thee both for body and soul from the hand of God and according to the measure of the gift of Christ O hearken then vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God Incline bubly thine eare prepare thine hart sike him early in holinesse turne thee vnto him without delay receyue him with most pure affection and lift vp sone thy sickely soule to beholde the glory of his countenaunce O bond thy body of earth downe to the face of the earthe Grone in thy selfe to God with greefe and lay open simply before him the felt secretes of thy sinful hart Call daily vppon him and so aduisedly trie him as thou hast assured trust in him And before thou duetifully at temptest thy godly contemplatiōs prayers praises and thanks giuing to God prepare thee earnestly a sitte soule for the presence of so high and great a God. Forget not before whome thou presentest thy selfe and vnto whome thou doste minde to talke Be not vainly or wiekedly presumptuous in thine high and great attempt before him Abase thy selfe tremble in his presence Remember god beholdeth al disorders in thee with a piercing sharpe and reuenging eye 1 Examine therfore thy selfe before with indgemente Descende deepely into thine owne bowells and see there whether thou be as of ryghte thou oughtest truely penitent for thy former sinnes and wickednesse 2 Whether thou determinest thence forth from thine hearte not to tourne againe vnto them as dothe a cleane washed swine which newly defiles hir selfe in the lothsome and foule stinking mire 3 Whether thou bee in his sighte a louble faced or deepe dissembling hipotrite touching thy dealings with him and the worlde as thy booke in thee of records moste playnely witnesseth vnto thee 4 Whether thou bee as by name thou professest a zelouse fauorer of the word of life 5 Whether thou with the Prophet Dauid vnseinedly hatest all supersticiouse vanities contrary to the word of life 6 Whether thou with the said prophete feelest in thy selfe to be grieued with the enemies of God and with all such as rise vp ageinst him or to suppresse the word of life 7 Whether thou weyest wyth thy selfe that like as thy body being but of an earthy and corporall substaunce cannot possiblie liue without the vsual nourishmente of materiall bread and meate so the soule in the spirituall state therof cannot liue but be sterued and dye euen the eternall and euerlasting deathe withoute the spirituall nutriment and heauenly sweete tast of the woorde of God whiche to the soule is the onely breade of lyse and whereafter thou shouldest hunger too vpholde thy lyfe 8 Whether thou stedfastly beleue to be saued by the only merites death and bloudshed of Christ crucified vpon the crosse withoute thyne owne and other mens
it is for them to be soughte oute with diligence to be brought home againe to the folde or to be pinned in fauourably pinched a while in some bare pasture and sometime to be kept lowe with thy milde touch of calamities and aduersities to abate their courages and to let their liuely leapes and oute girdes by meanes whereof they be oft called againe better to remember them selues and whereby they may also haue thée the more in minde and truely to knowe their owne state in this life whereunto they are called and to whose seruice to walke in the wayes of thy preceptes to kéepe them euer within their boūds and that during their shorte race they liue héere but as exiles or as Pilgrimes farre from theyr owne home not to liue héere in felicitie not to regarde the pleasures of thys worlde either yet to put theyr hope and affiance in them but to vse thē without abuse as by the way but for their only necessities homward we moste humbly beseeche thée O thou father of all mercie that thou wilt daily renue thy compassion vpon vs that thou wilt tēder vs in our frailty lustinesse vain iolitie that in our offences thou wilt with mercie reforme vs not vtterly by thy iustice confound vs but seeke mildely for vs call vs gently home to thy sheepfold with mercie embrace vs keepe vs togither for euer in one in the swéete vnitie felowship and amitie of thy flocke And if at any time we shall hencefoorthe wander abrode and goe astray wherby we shall offond thée and iustly incurre thy most heauie wrath and displeasure we craue yet at thine holy hād to remember thy mercie and so in the time of correction to temper it with thy iustice that we thy children by adoption and grace may largely tast in that respect the comfortes of thy moste tender and fatherly goodnesse that as we shal for oure disobedience and sinne iustly feele some parte of thy iustice and haue therfore great cause of inward gréefe and heauinesse occasioned daily to grone in our hartes for our spéedie deliuerance from thy rodde of correction and to attaine againe the bright countinunce of thy fauor so we may also in the meane time possesse a liuely faith shewe foorthe the fruites of the same pray continually vnto thée and beare paciently thy holy will wyth all thankfulnesse all the dayes of oure lyues through the only grace of the highe pastor and chéefe shepheard of oure soules thy sonne our Lord and only sauiour Iesus Christe Amen VIII To be humble in the sighte of God. O My lord God which arte mine only goodnesse a God of great Maiestie and to be blessed for euer I moste poore and wretched sinner moste vile woorme dust and ashes and of all others moste vnwoorthy thy grace and fauour yet beholding thy great mercie thy truthe and fidelitie thy vsual and approued clemencie towardes all humble and penitent sinners I among the rest but a lumpe of earthe and shaken by thy power to dust in a momēt doe prostrate my selfe vppon the earthe bewailing before thée my moste sinnefull state crying with the Prophet peccaui peceaui and with repentante teares call for thy mercie O my GOD almightie and my maker which truely knowest me thy creature euen as I am and searchest thorowly in me the very secretes of the heart and raines If I should in thy sight being nothing of my self esteeme any thing of my self or else glory in any thing besids thée vnder the sunne thou woldest as thou mightest by due iustice againste me woorthily reproue me and condempne me with the rest as most vaine and for naught Yea mine own sinnes would accuse me vnto thée and my conscience very terribly crie oute against me for I am before thée but a thing of naught and my sinnes hast thou sealed vp against me to the terrifying alwayes of me and to incurre daily in my mind diuers incommodities inward anguishes to myne owne ouerthrow and cōfusion But humbling my selfe before thée O my God and estéeming of my selfe as in déede I am but vile duste and ashes and cast vtterly from me all estimation of my selfe being pressed downe as it were to nothing then I trust I shall obtain thy mercie then shall I hope to possesse the happie peace then shall I féele true ioy in my self for thy presence shall be euen at hand thy grace shall cōfort me thy good spirit shal quicken me thy fauorable countinance shal cheare me vp and thine heauenly lighte approche neare mine heart wherby it shall most blessedly happen that where I haue héeretofore most vainly estéemed but the least thing of my selfe the same very vaine or small estimation conceyued shall sodenly consume and vanishe to naught for euer and shall thencefoorth by the hand of thy maiestie be so vndor propped and graciously holden vp that I shall neuer decline from due consideration of my selfe what I am of my selfe what I haue bene by whom I haue my being and from whence I am come namely of nothing and from nothing and being so lefte vnto my selfe I shall be founde nothing but only as a shadow or méere infirmitie and weakenesse Therefore I most humbly beséeche thée O thou father of al mercy the only assured stay of thine inheritance which seuerely chasest away the vaine glory of man turne a little towardes me tender me in my weakenesse and shewe me the strengthe of thy countenaunce that immediatly in thée I may be strong and newely chéered vp with inwarde and heauenly gladnesse that being entred into most sodaine admiration with my selfe to sée my self in a momēt by thy fatherly embracement raised vp to heauen which by myne owne pronenesse and waighte of sinne was before caryed downe to hell I may thanke thée my moste swéete and louing God and prayse thée with an humble and moste lowly heart with continual modestie zealously religiously and godly in thought woord and déede thorowe thy mercie and grace in thy sonne Iesus Christe all the dayes of my life Amen Amen IX Of true obedience and subiection to suche as be in authoritie according to the woorde of God. FOr as much O heauenly father as it is rather auaileable for men in this worlde to be in subiection to other than to leane to their owne only sway and leude libertie and so muche more safely to obey than to beare rule and haue all at commaundemente with all humblenesse we beséeche thée to directe vs with thy spirite of humilitie and lowelinesse and to be alwayes in subiection to aucthoritie according to thy woorde by the rule of thine holy Apostle not onely for feare for necessitie and therefore painefully but rather of true loue duetifully moste gladly and that for conscience sake For otherwise O Lorde wée slippe from our Christian profession true obedience and moste reuerente subiection and attaind not the true libertis of minde and the shewing