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hand_n body_n soul_n spirit_n 5,254 5 5.2345 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07074 The malcontent. Augmented by Marston. With the additions played by the Kings Maiesties servants. Written by Ihon Webster. 1604 Marston, John, 1575?-1634.; Webster, John, 1580?-1625? 1604 (1604) STC 17481; ESTC S112291 43,813 74

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strikes a great man let him srtike home or elseware hee 'le proue no man shoulder not a huge fellow vnlesse you may be sure to lay him in the kennell Men A most sound braine-pan I le make you both Emperours Mal Make vs christians ma●e vs christians Men I le hoist ye ye shall mount Mal To the gallowes say ye Come Praemium incertum petit certum scelus How standes the Prog●esse Men. Heere take my ring vnto the Citadell Haue entrance to Maria the graue Dutches Of banisht Altofront Tell her we loue her Omit no circumstance to grace our person doo 't Mal. I le make an excellent pander Duke farewell due adue Duke Exit Maleuole Men. Take Maquarelle with thee for t' is found None cuttes a diamon but a diamond Hermite thou art a man for me my confessor O thou selected spirit borne for my good Sure thou wouldst make an excellēt Elder in a deformed church Come we must be inward thou and I all one Pie I am glad I was o●dained for yee Men. Go to then thou must know that Maleuole is a strange villaine dangerous very dangerous you see how broad a speakes a grosse jawde rogue I would haue thee poison him hee●s like a corne vpon my great toe I cannot go for him he must be kored out he must wilt doo 't ha Pie Any thing any thing Men. Heart of my life thus then to the Citadell Thou shalt consort with this Mal●uole There being at supper poison him It shall be l●id vpon Maria who yeelds loue or dies Sk●d quicke like lightning Pie Good deedes crawle but mischiefe flies Enter Maleuole Exit Pietro Mal. Your diuelships ●ing haz no vertue the buffe-captaine the sallo-westfalian gamon-faced zaza cries stand out must haue a stiffer warrant or no passe into the Castle of Comfort Men Command our suddaine Letter not enter shat what place is there in Genoa but thou shalt into my heart into my very heart come le ts loue we must loue we two so●le and body Mal. How didst like the Hermite a strange Hermite sirrah Men. A dangerous fellow very perilcus he must die Mal. I he must die Men. Thoust kil ' him we are wise we must be wise Mal. And prouident Men. Yea p●ouident beware an hypocrite A Church man once corrupted oh auoide shootes vnder his belly A fellow that makes Religion his stawking horse He breedes a plague thou shalt poison him Mal. Ho t●is wondrous necessary how Men. You both go ioyntly to the Citadell There sup there poision him and Maria Because shee is our opposite shall beare The sad suspect on which she dies or loues vs. Mal I runne Exit Maleuole Men. We that are great our sole selfe good still moues vs. They shall die both for their deserts craues more Than we can recompence their presence still Imbraides our fortunes with beholdingnesse Which weabhorre like deede not doer then conclude They liue not to cry out ingratitude One sticke burnes tother steele cuts steele alone T' is good trust few but O t' is best trust none Exit Mendoza SCENA QVARTA Enter Maleuole and Pietro still disguised at seuerall doores Mal How do you how doost Duke Piet O let the last day fall drop drop on our cursed heads Let heauen vncla●pe it selfe vomit forth flames Mal O do no● rand do not turne plaier there 's more of them than can well liue one by another alreadie Wh●t art an infidell still Pie I am amazde strucke in a swowne with wonder I am commanded to poison thee Mal I am commanded to poison thee at supper Pie At supper Mal. In the Citadell Piet. In the Citadell Mal. Crosse capers trickes truth a heauen hee would discharge vs as boyes do elderne gunnes one pellet to stricke out another of what faith art now Pietro All is damnation wickednes extreame there is no faith in man Men. In none but vsurers and brokers they deceiue no man men take vm for blood-suckers and so they are now God deliuer me from my friends Piet. Thy friends Maleu. Yes from my friends for from mine enemies I le deliuer my selfe O cutte-throate friendship is the ranckest vilanie Marke this Mendoza marke him for a villaine but heauen will send a plague vpon him for a rogue Pietro O world Mal. World T is the only region of death the greatest shop of the Diuell the cruelst prison of men out of the which none passe without paying their dearest breath for a fee there 's nothing perfect in it but extreame extreame calamitie such as comes yonder SCENA QVINTA Enter Aurelia two Holberts before and twoo after supported by Celso and Ferrard Aurelia in base mourning attire Aur. To banishment ledde on to banishment Pietro Lady the blessednesse of repentance to you Aur. Why why I can desire nothing but death nor deserue any thing but hell If heauen should giue sufficiencie of grace To cleere my soule it would make heauen gracelesse My sinnes would make the stocke of mercie poore O they would tire heauens goodnes to reclaim● theme Iudgement is iust yet from that vast villane But sure he shall not misse sad punishment Fore he shall rule On to my cell of shame Pietro My cell t is Lady where insteede of maskes Musicke tilts tournies and such court like shewes The hollow murmure of the checklesse windes Shall groane againe whilst the vnquiet sea Shakes the whole rocke with foamy battery There Vsherlesse the ayre comes in and out The rheumy vault will force your eyes to weepe Whilst you behold true desolation A rocky barrennesse shall pierce your eyes Where all at once one reaches where he stands With browes the roofe both walles with both his handes Aurelia It is too good blessed spirite of my Lord O in what orbe so ere thy soule is throand Beholde me worthily most miserable O let the anguish of my contrite spirite Intreate some reconciliation If not ô ioy triumph in my iust griefe Death is the end of woes and teares reliefe Pietro Belike your Lord not lou'd you was vnkinde Aurelia O heauen As the soule lou'd the body so lou'd he T was death to him to part my presence Heauen to see me pleased Yet I like to a wretch giuen or'e to hell Brake all the sacred rites of marriage To clippe a base vngentle faithlesse villaine O God a very Pagan reprobate What should I say vngratefull throwes me out For whom I lost soule body fame and honor But t is most fit why should a better fate Attend on any who forsake chaste sheetes Fly the embrace of a deuoted heart Ioynd by a solemne vow fore God and man To taste the brackish bloud of beastly lust In an adulterous touch ô rauenous immodesty Insatiate impudence of appetite Looke heere 's your end for marke what sap in dust What sinne in good euen so much lou● in lust Ioy to thy ghost sweete Lord pardon to me Celso T is the dukes pleasure this night you rest in court Aur
stands for me the people pray for me and the great leader of the iust stands for me then courage Celso For no disastrous chance can euer moue him That leaueth nothing but a God aboue him Enter Prepasso and Bilioso two pages before them Maquar Beancha and Emilia Bil. Make roome there roome for the Ladies why gentlemen will not ye suffer the Ladies to be entred in the great chamber why gallants and you sir to droppe your Torch where the beauties must sit too Pre. And there 's a great fellow playes the knaue why dost not str●ke him Bil. Let him play the knaue a Gods name thinkst thou I haue no more wit then to strike a great fellow the musike more lights reueling scaffolds do you heare let there bee othes enow readie at the doore sweare out the diuell himself Le ts leaue the Ladies and go see if the Lords bee readie for them All saue the Ladies depart Maq. And by my troth Beauties why do you not put you into the fashion this is a stale cut you must come in fashion looke ye you must be all felt fealt and feather a fealt vpon your bare haire looke ye these tiring thinges are iustly out of request now and do ye heare you must weare falling bands you must come into the falling fashion there is such a deale a pinning these ruffes when the fine cleane fall is worth all and a gen if you should chance to take a nap in the afternoone your falling band requires no poting sticke to recouer his forme beleeue me no fashion to the falling I say Bean. And is not sinnior S. Andrew a gallant fellow now Maq. By my maiden-head la honour and he agrees aswell together as a satten sute and wollen stockings Emil. But is not Marshall Make-rome my seruant in reuersion a proper gentleman Maq. Yes in reuersion as he had his office as in truth he hath all things in reuersion hee haz his Mistris in reuersion his cloathes in reuersion his wit in reuersion and indeede is a suter to me for my dogge in reuersion but in good verity la he is as proper a gentleman in reuersion as and indeede as fine a man as may be hauing a red beard and a pair of wrapt legges Bean. But I saith I am most monstrously in loue with count Quidlibet in Quodlibet is he not a pretty dapper vnydle gallant Maq. He is euen one of the most busy fingered Lordes he will put the beauties to the squeake most hiddeously Bil Roome make a lane there the Duke is entring●stand handsomely for beauties sake take vp the Ladyes there So cornets cornets SCENA QVARTA Enter Prepasso ioynes to Bilioso two pages and lights Ferrard Mendozo at the other doore two pages with lights and the Captaine leading in Maria the Duke meetes Maria and clo seth with her the rest fall backe Men. Madam with gentle eare receiue my sute A kindomes safety should o're paize flight rites Marriage is meerely Natures policy Then since vnlesse our royall beds be ioynd Danger and ciuill tumult frights the state Be wise as you are fair giue way to fate Mar. What wouldst thou thou affiction to our house Thou euer diuell t was thou that banishedst my truely nobleLord Men I Mar. I by thy plottes by thy blacke stratagems Twelue Moones haue suffred change since I beheld The loued presence of my deerest Lord. O thou far worse than death he parts but soule From a weake body but thou soule from soule Disseuerest that which Gods owne hand did knit Thou scant of honor full of diuelish wit Men. Wee le checke your too intemperate lauishnesse I can will Mar. What Canst Men. Go to in banishment thy husband dies Mar. He euer is at home that 's euer wise Men. Youst neuer meete more reason should loue controuble Mar. Not meete Shee that deere loues her loue 's still in her soule Men You are but a woman Lady you must yeeld Mar. O saue me thou innated bashfulnes Thou onely ornament of womans modesty Men. Modesty Death I le torment thee Mar Do vrge all torments all afflictions trie I le die my Lords as long as I can die Mend. Thou obstinate thou shalt die Captaine that Ladies life is forteified to Iustice we haue axamined her And we do finde she hath impoysoned The reuerend Hermi● therefore we commaund Seuerest custodie Nay if you le dooes no good Youst dooes no harme a Tirants peace is bloud Mar. O thou art mercifull O gratious diuell Rather by much let me condemned be For seeming murder than be damn'd for thee I le mourne no more come girt my browes with floures Reu●l and daunce soule now thy wish thou hast Die like a Bride poore heart thou shalt die chast Enter Aur●lia in mourning habit Aur. Life is a frost of coulde felicitie And death the thaw of all our vanity Wast not an honest Priest that wrote so Men. Who let her in Bili. Forbeare Pre. Forbear● Aur Alas calamity is euery where Sad miserie dispight your double doores Will enter euen in court Bili. Peace Aur. I ha done one word take heede I ha done Enter Mercurie with lowde musicke Mer. Cillenian Mercurie the God of ghosts From gloomie shades that spread the lower coasts Calls soure high samed Genoan Dukes to come And make this presence their Elizium To passe away this high triumphall night With song and daunces courts more soft delight Aur. Are you God of ghosts I haue a sute depending in hell betwixt me and my conscience I would faine haue thee helpe me to an aduocate Bil. Mercurie shall be your lawyer Lady Aur. Nay faith Mercurie haz too good a face to be a right lawyer Pre. Peace forbeare Mercurie presents the maske Cornets The Song to the Cornets which playing the maske enters Maleuole Pe●ro Ferneze and Celso in white robes with Dukes Crownes vpon lawrell wreathes pistolets and short swords vnder their robes Men. Celso Celso count Maria for our loue Lady be gratious yet grace * Mar. With me Sir Mal. Yes more loued then my breath With you I le dance Mar. Why then you dance with death But come Sir I was nere more apt to mirth Death giues eternity a glorious breath O to die honourd who would feare to die Mal. They die in feare who liue in villany Mend. Yes beleeue him Lady and be rulde by him * Pietro Madam with me Aur. Wouldst then be miserable Pietro I neede not wish Aur. O yet forbeare my hand away fly fly O seeke not her that onely seekes to die Pietro Poore loued soule Aur. What wouldst court misery Pietro Yes Aur. Shee le come too soone O my grieu'd heart Pietro Lady ha done ha done Come le ts dance be once from sorrow free Aur. Art a sad man Pietro Yes sweet Aur. Then wee le agree Ferneze takes Maquerelle and Celso Beancha then the Cornets sound the measure one change and rest Fer. Beleeue it Lady shall I sweare let me injoy you in
i th Court. Mal I saue i th Court and how do's my olde muckhill ouerspread with fresh snow thou halfe a man halfe a goate al a beast how do's thy yong wife old huddle Bili● Out you improuident rascall Mal Doe kicke thou hugely hornd old Dukes Oxe good Master make-pleece Piet How doost thou liue now a daies Maleuol● Mal Why like the Knight S. Patrik Penlolians with killing a spiders for my Ladies Munkey Pie How doost spend the night I heare thou neuer sleep'st Mal O no but dreame the most fantasticall O heauen O fubbery fubbery Piet Dreame what dreamst Mal Why me thinkes I see that Signior pawn his foot-cloth that Metreza her Plate this madam takes phisicke that tother Me●●si●ur may minister to her here is a Pander jeweld there is a fellow in shift of Satten this day that could not shift a shirt tother night heere a Paris supports that Hellen there 's a Lady Guineuer beares vp that sir Lancel●t Dreames dreames visions fantasies Chimeraes imaginations trickes conceits Sir Tristram Trimtram come a loft Ia●ke a napes with a whim wham heere 's a Knight of the land of Catit● shall play at trap with any page in Europe Do the sword-dance with any Morris dancer in Christendome ride at the Ring till the ●inne of his eyes looke as blew as the welkin and runne the wilde-goose chase ●uen with Pompey the huge Pie You runne Mal To the divell now Signor Guerchin● that thou from a most pittied prisoner shouldst grow a most loathd flatterer Alas poore Celso thy starr's opprest thou art an honest Lord t is pity Equa I st pitty Mal I marry i st philosophical Equato t' is pitty that thou being so excellent a scholler by art shouldst be so ridiculous a foole by nature I have a thing to tell you Duke bi● v● auaunt bid vm auaunt Pietro Leaue vs leaue vs now sir what i st Exeunt all sauing Pietro and Maleuole Mal Duke thou art a Beco a Cornut● Piet How Mal Thou art a Cuckold Piet Speake vnshale him quicke Mal With most tumbler-like nimblenes Piet Who by whom I burst with desire Mal Mendoza is the man makes thee a hornd beast● Duke t' is Mendoza cornutes thee Piet What conformance relate short short Mal As a Lawyers beard There is an old Crone in the Court her name is Maquerelle She is my mistris sooth to say and she doth euer tell me Blirt a rime blirt a rime Maquerelle is a cunning bawde I am an honest villaine thy wife is a close drab and thou at 〈…〉 cuckold farewell Duke Piet Stay stay Mal Dull dull Duke can lazy patience make lame reueng● O God for a woman to make a man that which God neuer created neuer made Piet What did God never make Mal A cuckold To bee made a thing that 's hud-wink● with kindenesse whilst every rascall philips his browes to have a coxcombe with egregious hornes pind to a Lords backe euery page sporting himselfe with delightfull laughter whilst hee must be the last must know it Pistols and Poniards Pistols and Poniards Piet Death and damnation Mal Lightning and thunder Piet Vengeance and torture Mal Catz● Piet O revenge Mal Nay to select among ten thousand faires A Lady farre inferior to the most In faire proportion both of limbe and soule To take her from austerer check of parents To make her his by most deuoutfull rightes Make her commandresse of a better essence Then is the gorgious world even of a man To hug her with as rais'd an appetite As vsurers do their delv'd vp treasury Thinking none tells it but his private selfe To meete her spirit in a nimble kisse Distilling panting ardor to her hart True to her sheetes nay diets strong his blood To giue her height of Hymeneall sweetes Pie O God! Mal Whilst she lispes gives him some court quelqu●●hose Made onely to provoke not satiate And yet euen then the thaw of her delight Flowes from lewde heate of apprehension Onely from strange imaginations rankenes That formes the adulterers pre●ence in her soule And makes her thinke she clips the ●oule kna●es loines Piet Affliction to my bloods roote Mal Nay thinke but thinke what may proceede of this Adultery is often the mother of i●cest Piet Incest Mal Yes incest marke Mendoz● of his wife begets perchance a daughter Mendo●● die● His son marries this daughter Say you Nay t is frequent not onely probable but no question often acted whilst ignorance fearelesse ignorance claspes his owne seede Piet Hydeous imagination Mal Adultery why next to the sinne of Symony t' is the most horride transgression vnder the cope of saluation Piet Next to Simony Mal I next to Symony in which our men in next age shall not sinne Piet Not sinne Why Mal Because thankes to some church-men our age will leaue them nothing to sinne with But adultery O dulnes shue should exemplary punishment that intemperate bloods may freeze but to thinke it I would dam him and all his generation my owne hands should do it ha I would not trust heauen with my vengeance any thing Piet Any thing any thing Male●ele thou shalt see instantly what temper my spirit holdes farewell remember I forget thee not farewell Exit Pietro Mal Farewell Leane thoughtfulnes a sallow meditation Sucke thy veines drie distemperance rob thy sleepe The hearts disquiet is revenge most deepe He that gets blood the life of flesh but spilles But he that breakes hearts peace the deare soule kills Well this disguise doth yet afford me that Which kings do seldome heare or great men vse Free speach and though my stat 's vsurpt Yet this affected straine giues me a tongue As fetterlesse as is an Emperours I may speake foolishly I knauishly Alwaies carelesly yet no one thinkes it fashion To poize my breath for he that laughs and strikes Is lightly felt or seldome strucke againe Duke I le torment thee now my iust reuenge From thee than crowne a richer jemme shall part Beneath God naught 's so deare as a calme heart SCENA QVARTA Enter Celso Celso My honor'd Lord. Mal Peace speake low peace O Celso constant Lord Thou to whose faith I onely rest disconered Thou one of full ten millions of men That louest vertue onely for it selfe Thou in whose hands old OPS may put her soule Behold for euer banisht Alt●fron● This Genoas last yeares Duke O truly noble I wanted those old instruments of state Dissemblance and Suspect I could not time it Celso My throne stood like a point in middest of a circle To all of equall neerenes bore with none Raignd all alike so slept in fearelesse vertue Suspectlesse too suspectlesse till the croude Still liquorous of vntried nouelties Impatient with seuerer government Made strong with Florence banisht Altofron● Celso Strong with Florence I thence your mischiefe rose For when the daughter of the Florentine Was matched once with his Pietr● now Duke No stratagem