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A05279 The Christians vvatch: or, An heauenly instruction to all Christians, to expect with patience the happy day of their change by death or doome Preached at Prestbury Church in Cheshire, at the funerals of the right worshipfull Thomas Leigh of Adlington Esquire, the 16. of February anno 1601. By William Leigh Bacheler of Diuinitye, and pastor of Standish in the countie of Lancaster. Leigh, William, 1550-1639. 1605 (1605) STC 15422; ESTC S108412 42,071 96

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which we haue heard which wee haue seene with our eyes which we haue looked vpon these handes of ours haue handled declare wee vnto you Hands haue handled what meaneth that Woe is mee to tell doubtfull Thomas demur'd vpon the Doctrine till his itching fingers had fetched it out of the prints of the nailes his sinful hand out of his sore side How bee it vpon the touch his heart resolu'd into sighes his eyes into teares when hee said with an holy resolution my GOD my Lord my God I am thy creature my Lord I am thy redeemed I finde thee risen and I feele I shal be raysed Thy woundes are deepe enough to pleade thy death sufficiēt wide to purchase life for me and all the worlde For conclusion of all let Christ his witnesse bee instar omnium and stand for all who to take away the doubt forbids the wonder of our new repaire saying maruell not at this for the houre shall come in the which all that are in graues shall heare his voice and come forth 5. Fiftly we are well assured that we shal rise againe by double pledge or hostage 1. First of the soules of the Saints now lodgers in Heauen vnder the Altar killed for the word of GOD and testymonye which they maintained whose loud crye is after a deliuerance of their owne bodyes and of vs their long detayned bretheren to whome silence was inioyned for a while that they should rest vntill their fellowe-seruants and bretheren that should bee killed euen as they were were fulfilled 2. Secondly of their bodyes lodged in their graues there to remaine as lodgers for vs likewise vntill the time that all thinges bee restored God prouiding this good for vs that they without vs should not be made perfect 6 A sixt assurance is the pawne of the Spirit of God within vs for as the Apostle saith if the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwel in you he that raised vp Christ frō the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you And now my bretheren how this spirit hath entred wimbled into your soules to make passage for this Doctrine I know not reade the caracters of your own hearts you are spiritual I feele no spirit but mine own yet I hope well that the cheareful spirit of God mooueth within you lifteth vp your sad pēsiue spirits this day from the dead graue to the blessed hope of immortalitie 7. Seauenthly we are secured per Arram when the earnest is giuen it strikes the bargaine part of the debt is paied so was it whē vpō the resurectiō of Christ the graues yeelded part of their dead as an earnest of the generall resurrection and full payment to come then contracted betwixt Christ and the graue binding both alike the graue to deliuer the rest of her dead and Christ to receaue all to life and immortalitie 8. The eight and last yet not the least Anchor of our sure hope and hold is our possession of heauen already taken whither our head is gon before and there sits in potioribus Dei at the right hand of the Father in the best place of heauen that the head and the members might be togeather So then I say in the Man Christ we make our claime in the Man Christ hath euerie one flesh blood bone and portion I beleeue I shall liue where my flesh liueth I hope I shall reigne where my head reigneth and I knowe assuredly that I shall bee glorified where my portion is exalted These groundes of faith my bretheren are so many nailes of the sanctuary to fasten vs in hope to the hold where Christ our redeemer is they are so many Chrysolits Saphiers and Emeralds to support the wall of the holy Cittie where wee shall dwel and so many Pearls they are to garnish the gates of the holy Temple for the Saints entrance where the light of the Lambe is the people which are saued shall walke in the light of it and as Iohn saith the glorie and honor of the Gentils whereof you are shall bee brought into it Lord what is man that thou art so mindefull of him or the Sonne of man that thou shouldest thus visite him in mercie and prouide for him in glory And yet my beloued I know not howe but notwithstanding all these proofes and this my text yet hath not the tempter ceased from the beginning of the world vnto this day eyther like a roaring Lyon feircely to assault or like a Serpent by deceite craftily to impugne the same yea it is a woe and a wonder to see how mightily the Diuell hath preuailed in the Children of disobedience to worke their iust condemnation through mis-beleefe euen in this point of the resurrection of our liuing againe whereof I haue thought good to giue you a taste of their different errors the rather to season you in the knowne truth The Saduc●s say there is no resurection at all erring as Christ tolde them in that they knew not the Scriptures nor the power of God Hymeneus Philetus say y● resurectiō is past alreadie the Heluetian Heretickes say It is dayly in there generation The Archātici that the soule liueth but not the bodye The Hirarchits that the flesh liueth againe but not this flesh The Maniches that we shall be turned into an other substance but into what they knowe not The Marcionits say wee shall bee turned into the nature of Angels and the Ualentinian Heretickes into the nature of Deuils the Appelleits thinke the flesh shal simbolize into the Spirit that the spirit shal vanish into the sostayre the Chiliaste w e are called the Millenarie Heretickes doe dreame of a ciuil gouernmēt for a thousand yeares heere on earth wherein they thinke the Godly shall liue with Christ in all delights delicacie then goe to heauen in the eight thousand yeare of the world But all these different errors and Heresies are mightily confounded by the alone spirit of God in these words of my text If a man die hee shall liue againe as and if the truth should say that graue that shutteth shall open againe that bodye which falleth shall rise againe that man which dyeth shall liue againe not in part but in whole not another from that it was but the verie same that now it is These my feete shall treade in his Courts these my handes shall bee lift vp to his praise these mine eyes shal behold his glory these mine eares shall be filled with that heauenly melodye yea and this my spirit shal reioyce in God my maker my sauiour my redeemer my glorifier I say this my bodye and this my soule once feuered on earth with a wofull farewell shall meete againe in heauen neuer to part but followe the Lambe whither euer he goeth And thus hauing cleered in some measure the necessitie of our liuing againe with an
the hazard of this world vp to the crosse downe to the graue and yet vp againe to glorie What should I say more see the vaulte where they laide him saith the Angell all hollow emptie ther 's the graue where be the Corpes ther 's the Shrine whereis the Sainct Indeede hee is risen hee is not heere goe to Galilie there shall yee see him as he hath said why seeke ye the liuing among the dead Quem mortuum queris viuentem tangere non mereris Marie thou deseruest not to feele him aliue whom still thou seekest thus dead nor was this Sermon preached by the Angell to her alone but was afterward mightily confirmed by many seueral apparitions of our Sauiour Christ ere he left this world that if in the mouth of two or three witnesses euerie truth should be established this so acceptable a Doctrine of Christ his resurection from the dead might want no testimonye eyther of these women of Cephas of the twelue or of moe then fiue hundreth Bretheren at once whose witnesse is true our conscience bearing vs witnes therto in the holie Ghost And thus my deere bretheren beeing fully assured of the Lords resurrection we are well secured of our owne knowing as the Apostle saith that he which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise vs vp also by Iesus and set vs with the Saints in euerlasting tabernacles whereof yet lest any the weakest reedin this assemblie might faile in iudgement and so saint in hope I haue thought good without straine of Scripture to secure your religious hearts of your owne resurrection by these few grounds of Faith following First for that it is in the will of the Father so to haue it as also a worke of the Sonne so to effect it for this saith Christ is the will of him that sent me that euerie man which seeth the Sonne beleeueth in him shold haue euerlasting life I will raise him vp at the last day will the Father haue it who shall resist his wil will the Sonne worke it who can resist his power if in any work assuredly moste of all in this hath the Lord declared himselfe mightilie to be the Son of God touching the Spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead his ours I say his and ours because hee that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are both one 2. A second ground of our resurrection to builde vppon is the Lords oathe that by two immutable thinges wherein it is vnpossible that God should lie we might haue strong consolation he that hath former he said it is his wil he hath likewise said it is his worke and the Lord his Say might be our assurāce yet God willing more aboūdantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the stablenes of his counsell hath bound himselfe by an oathe of old thus as I liue I will not the death of sinner c. Of new thus verily verily I say vnto you the houre shal come and now is when the dead shal heare the voice of the Sonne of God and they that heare it shall liue where God hauing no greater to sweare by swore by himselfe as he is life and by his Christ as he is truth wheruppon Tertullian infers this blessing O nos felices quorum causa deus iurauerit sed ô nos infelices si ne iuranti Deo credimus O happie wee for whose good God himselfe hath sworne But ô wee most vnhappye if vppon his oathe wee doe not beleeue him Tollit diuinitatem qui tollit veritatem wee greeue the deitie if wee checke the veritie 3. A third assurance is the instrument wee hold by euen our letters pattents from the King of heauen I meane the olde ●estament from Horeb sealed with the blood of Goates and the new testament from Syon sealed with the blood of christ both vnsealing the doore of the Sepulchre that as vppon the touch of Elisha his bones the dead body of the Moabit did rise and at Christ his dolorous crye Lazarus came foorth so both might be pregnant types truthes of our resurection to come and the bookes mentioning the same still remaine as instruments of our holde authentical good to conuey vnto vs an assurance of our immortalitie in which Saint Augustine is bolde to say Euangelium legimus instrumentum nostrum Wee haue read the Gospell which is our euidence wee hold by wherein I dare say there is nothing more current from leafe to line then the doctrine of death's deliuerie 4. A foorth ground of our future resurrection is taken from sufficient testee and clowd of witnesses compassing vs round on euery side Patriarches Prophets Apostles though in diuers ages of the worlde yet all making good this one truth from one God Spirit of our Lord Iesus Christ by which they spake Enoch as Iude saith the seauenth from Adam prophesied of it And Iob said I shall see God in my flesh I my selfe myne eyes and no other for me Isaiah said the dead men shal liue euen with my body shal they rise awake and sing ye that dwel in the dust for thy dewe is as the dewe of hearbes and the earth shall cast out the dead Ezekiell said O Sonne of man prophesie ouer these dead bones say heere ye the word of the Lord when I haue opened your graues ô my people and brought you vp out of your Sepulchres and shall put my Spirit in you yee shall liue then shall ye know that I am the Lord. Daniel said many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life some to shame and perpetuall contempt The distressed Martir said when vppon demaund hee yeelded his tongue and hands into the power o● the tormenter These haue I had from the heauen but now for the law of God I despise them and trust that I shall receiue th● from him againe What should I say more the new Testament is rather in the practise then proof of this Doctrine and Paul is peremptory that it is sowne in corruptiō but riseth in i● corruption sowen in dishonour but riseth againe in glorie sowen in weakenes riseth againe in power sowen a natural bodie riseth againe a spirituall body for there is a naturall bodie and that shall fall but there is a spirituall bodie and that shall rise and all is but one in the substance of beeing the difference is of well beeing as now being made more honorable vppon the fall by Christ who shall change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe Yea and to make it a palpable and feeling Doctrine as to the heart so to the hand of each Christian all the Apostles in one Iohn and one Iohn for all the Apostles brings in the verdict thus That
was translated that he shold not see death that though happily his departure out of this life was extraordinary without passion sickenes or greenance yet was it a dissolution and such as left a bodye behinde else why saith the Text that these whereof Enocke was one without vs should not bee made perfect had hee been taken vp and glorified in bodye as in soule hee had been perfect without vs but because the Scripture plainely saith that hee without vs should not bee perfected I holde as yet in bodie he is no more glorified then wee or the rest of that Calender It is recorded by Iude that Michaell th'a arch Angell stroue against the Deuill and dispu●ed about the bodye of Moses nor doe I doubt but the contention was anenst the funeralles The Deuil would haue them solemne Michael would haue them secret to auoide idolatrie and loue of religques least the succeeding age m●ght commit the sinne in adoring his dead bones of whome whilst hee liued they had so great a reputation of all pietye and holines So may I say of Henocke and Elias in that as the text saith they are gone not seene or found they are taken rom buriall and from all vsage of this world least succeeding ages might adore them dead whom they so honored aliue for not found not seene we say of mē rather lost on earth then gone to heauen Againe when Christ was transfigured vpon the Mount it is said that Moses and Elyas talked with him and tolde of his departure which hee should accomplish at Ierusalem and shall wee say that the one was more translated then the other more perfect or more glorified then the other pardon mee if I pleade a like perfection in both If Elias then Moses if not Moses then not Elias but it is plaine in the Scripture that Moses dyed and so it is of Enocke and Elias in the generall otherwise how should that sentence of Scripture bee veryfied Hebrues 9. 27. It is appointed to men that they shall once dye if wee shall then conclude and say from the premisses that by diuine dispensation and for the time Moses Elyas tooke vp their bodies to associat Christ in the glorification as did the Saintes who ryse with him to accompany him in the resurrection when hauing performed that which they were appointed to doe they were dissolued againe as before I holde it may well stand with the Anolagie of faith for that the Scripture saith concerning Christ. Act. 13. 34. God raised him vp from the dead no more to returne to corruption as and if others might twise returne where Christ should but once see the graue As for the Fathers doubtfull iudgement there anenst I say as I haue euer said I reuerence their gray haires but I blesse eternitie nor dare I subscribe to all the Fathers in the present point for that they are variable nor to any one of them further then hee hath good warrantie out of the word which is euer like it selfe and stable in al truth The Rhemistes would prooue in their annotations vpon the 11. of the Apocalips two speciall pointes of Doctrine against vs to make good their Antichriste yet to come 1. First that Enocke and Elias yet liue shall preach in the time of Antichrist and suffer martirdome the● that they now liue in Paradice and for denying of these two positions they say we● Protestants are too contentious and incredulous the matter being cleare as they auer in the opinion of all antiquitie and to that ende they presse vs with the sway o● the Fathers both Greeke and Latine T 〈…〉 whose quotations in that place I referr 〈…〉 you as also to the variable iudgement o 〈…〉 antiquitie there anenst whence I resolue and conclude To say with some of the fathers concurring with our aduersaries that Enocke and Elyas be yet in Paradice is idle to say they shall fight against Antichrist in the ende of the world and suffer Martirdome is more idle to say they be yet aliue is dangerous but to say they be dead as all others are is without all danger and whereupon neuer grew schisme in the Church of God neuer greefe to conscience or checke to the Royall dignitie of our Christ whose sole and soueraigne preheminence of being in heauen bodily I holde as an excellencie in him and a blessing to vs yet so as to beleeue or not to beleeue that Enocke Elyas be there may bee no barre to our saluation for that I doubt not but milions of soules shall bee saued who neuer heard or sought into that secret And now that I haue said God will witnesse with mee before whome I stand in the sight of men and Angels that I haue spoken nothing to the touch or preiudice of any contrarie iudgement or out of the pride or singularitie of my owne heart but in right and prerogatiue of my Christ whose peculiar yet I take it to bee alone to pardone our sinnes to pleade our cause and purchase our place whither first he is entred in body to make passage for all and as the Apostle saith Now to appeare in the sight of God for vs and so to conclude with Origen sicut ex mortuis primogenitus christus it a primus carnem euexit in caelum As Christ is the first borne of the dead so hee first caried his flesh into heauen 2. A second doubt encountering this Doctrine riseth from such as make question what became of the bodie of Lazarus after it was raised as also of the bodyes of those saints which at christ his resurection came out of their graues went into the holy citty and appeared vnto many To which I answere that all was done by myracle and diuine dispensation onely for that time to confirme and ascertaine vnto vs the resurection from the dead as in the head so in the members And well it might stand with faith and religion both that as by like dispensation Christ himselfe being yet mortall was transfigured vpon the holy Mount and glorified in body and beeing risen againe and gloryfied t●oke an impression of his mortalitie as the print of the Nailes in his hands and wound in his side to confirme the weake faith of Thomas So I say by the verie like dispensation hath he disposed of the bodies of those his Saints for that time to confirm the doctrine of the resurection who hauing performed that which they were appointed to doe by the iudgement of Augustine and diuers others settled in their graues as they did before for Christ being raised from the dead dyeth no more as and if the Apostle were resolued that manye raysed to life haue dyed againe of which sorte I take these to be 3. The third and last encounter is with our aduersaries who to aduance the bodye of the blessed virgin vp into heauen haue mightily abased the blessed bodye of Christ on earth pulling downe the one