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A03296 An instruction how to pray and meditate well Distinguished into thirtie six chapters. Composed at the request of certaine louers of pietie, desirous to aduance themselues in perfection. By the Reuerend Father, Ignatius Balsamo Priest of the Societie of Iesus. And translated out of French into English, by Iohn Heigham. Balsamo, Ignazio, 1543-1618.; Heigham, John, fl. 1639.; Everard, Thomas, 1560-1633. 1622 (1622) STC 1341; ESTC S112122 46,203 342

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may present this figure vnto thy heauenlie Father sa●ing Behould the man And to beare it most patientlie though wicked or inferior parsons be preferred before me sith a thiefe and murdrer was preferred before thee Amen The 16. Meditation at 8. a clock in the morning O good Iesus In this houre Pilat ouercome with the importunat clamors of the Iewes pronounced the sentence of death against thee and Iudas casting downe the mony despairing hung him selfe vpon a tree Deare Iesus pardon me who many times in fauour of the world and myne owne flesh haue pronounced the sentence of death against thee And grant me perfect Contrition for all my sinnes so that I neuer finallie despaire of thy grace and mercie Amen The 17. Meditation at 9 a clock in the morning O Good Iesus In this houre the Iewes pullinge off the clothes of mockerie which Herod and Pilates soldiers had put vpon thee and reuestinge thee with thine owne apparell that thou mighst the better be knowen thou carriedst thy heauie C●osse towards the mount of Caluarie euen till thou felst downe in the way for excessiue wearines Deare Iesus grant me hereby to remember that at the last death will despoile me of whatsoeuer the world hath lent me And make me neuer to be wearie of bearing thy Crosse that being partaker of thy paine I may be partaker of thy glorie Amen The 18. Meditation at 10. a clock in the morning O Good Iesus in this houre thou wast crucified on the Crosse betwixt two theeues thy B bodie being so violentlie extended theron that one might number all thy bones meane while thou praiedst for thine enimies and promisedst Paradise vnto the penitent thiefe Deare Iesus cause me to crucifie all my disordered appetites and to extend all my members with all the powers both of soule and bodie in the seruice of thee And at the houre of my death vouch-safe to doe me the selfe same grace that thon didst vnto the penitent thiefe and to those that crucified thee Amen The 19. Meditation at 11. a clock in the morning O Good Iesus in this houre thine enimies most spitefullie vpbraidinge thee that if thou wert the Sonne of God thou shouldst come downe from the Crosse and saue thy selfe meane while thou sorrowfullie criedst out to thy Father saying My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Deare Iesus grant vnto me that by no suggestion of the world the flesh or the deuill I euer come downe from the Crosse of thy seruice Nor euer to despaire in myne aduersities though it seeme vnto me to be quite forsaken sith the like desolation did happen to thee hauing on the Crosse in such extremitie Amen The 20 Meditation at 12. a clock at noone O Good Iesus In this houre crauing a litle drincke to quench thy thirst they gaue thee most bitter gaule and vinegre to encrease thy torment which hauing tasted cryinge with a loud voice All is finished thou rendredst vp thy spirit into the handes of thy Father Deare Iesus make me neuer to abuse the good crea●ures of mea●e or drinke si●h gaule and vinegre was giuen to thee Constantlie to perseuer in ver●u euen to the end that I may trulie say with thee All is finished which thou hast commanded me and so may recommend my soule into thos● holie handes extended pierced and with thy pretious blood all besprinkled for me Amen The 21. Meditation at one a clocke in the after-noone O Good Iesus In this houre the sunne was darkned the earth trembled the rocks rent a sundre the graues opened and many that slept arose went foorth and appeared to diuers in the citie Deare Iesus wound my hart with such compassion that like to the sunne it may quite loose the light of all wordlie ioye Like to the earth to tremble with feare Like to the rocks to rent with sorrow Like to the graues to open by confession Like to the dead to arise and goe foorth of the sepulchre of sinne And like vnto those Saints enter into the citie of paradise euerlasting pleasure Amen The 22. Meditation at 2. a clock in the morning O Good Iesus in this houre thy most holy soule descended into the prison of Limbo to deliuer from thence thy faithfull frindes meane while the sacred side of thy dead bodie was opened with the stroake of a soldiers speare Deare Iesus make me willingly for the loue of thee to visit prisoners the soules in Purgatorie or any poore that are in necessitie Wound my hart perfectlie with the loue of thee and let this most sacred wound stand allwayes open vnto me in my necessitie Amen The 23. Meditation at 3. a clock in the afternone O Good Iesus In this houre Ioseph entring bouldlie to Pilat and begging thy bodie with the helpe of Nicodemus vnnailed and tooke downe the same from the tree of the Crosse and coming towards the earth was receiued of thy blessed mother betwixt hir armes Deare Iesus grant me to desire with loue and to beg with faith thy blessed body in the holie Eucharist And to reciue thee often within the armes of my soule with such burning teares of loue and deuotion as did thy sad and afflicted mother Amen The 24. Meditation at 4. a clock in the afternone O Good Iesus In this houre thy welbeloued frinds annointed thy dead bodie with most pretious ointments wrapped the same in a cleane sindon and finallie enclosed the same within a new sepulchre wherin neuer any was laid or buried before Deare Iesus vouchsafe to annoint my soule when it shall be dead by sinne with the pretious liquor of thy preuenient grace And grant I beseeche thee that my hart may be vnto thee a new sepulchre trulie renewed in newnes of life wherin thou onlie and thy celestiall loue may be lodged and inclosed for euer and euer Amen Saluations to all the partes of Christ and recommandation of himselfe vnto him AL I hail ô head of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ dreadfull to all powers crowned for vs with thornes and smitten with a reed All hail ô most beautifull face of our Sauiour Iesu Christ spit at and buffeted for vs. All hail ô most benigne eyes of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ bedewed for vs with teares All hail ô honny-flowinge mouth and throat most sweet of our Lord Iesu Christ made for vs to drink gall and vineger All hail ô most noble eares of our Lord Sauiour Iesu Christ vexed with contumelies and vpbraidings for vs. All hail ô humble necke of Iesu Christ buffeted for vs and most holy back whipped for vs. All hail ô most venerable handes and armes of our Lord Iesu Christ stretched vpon the Crosse for vs. All hail ô most meek brest of our Lord Sauiour Iesu Christ much troubled for vs in thy passion All hail ô most glorious side of our Lord Iesu Christ pearced through with the speare of a soldier for vs. All hail ô sacred knees of mercie of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ bowed for vs in thy prayers All hail ô feete to be adored of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ fastened with nailes for vs. All hail ô holie body of Iesu Christ hanged on the Crosse wounded dead and buried for vs. All hail ô most pretious bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ powred out for vs. All hail ô most holy soule of our Lord Iesu Christ recommended vpon the Crosse for vs into the handes of thy Father In the same recommandation I recommend to thee this day and daily my soule my life my hart and body all my senses and acts all my friendes and benefactours my sonnes and kinsfolks the soule of my parents brethren sisters and of all my friendes and enimies that thow voutsafe to protect deliuer and defend vs from all the assaultes of our enimies visible and inuisible now and for euer more Amen FINIS APPROBATIO LIbellum hunc piaru●● Meditationum pro 24. diei horis legi attente nihil inuenio quod sit contra fidem aut bonos more 's sed dignum iudico qui pro solatio deuotorum imprimatur 4. Ianuarij 1618. F. Leander de S. Martin Benedictorū Anglorum Vicarius generalis S. Theol. Doct. Regius Professor linguae Sāctae in Academia Duacena
grieuous●ie Almighty God hath alwaies chastised it recalling to minde some examples as of the Angels them selues and of mankinde Another maner is to take the seauen capitall Sinnes which some call Mortall and euerie day to meditate one in forme following Vpon Sunday Pride Mūday Couetousnes Tuesday Luxurie Wensday Enuie Thursday Gluttonie Fridaie Anger Saturday Slout●● Vpon euerie one of which one must consider these three points 1. Howe much such a sinne displeaseth God 2. How much it hurteth mā 3. How many times I haue offended God by such a sinne his brāches and each of these points may be made double as for example 1. Howe much this vice displeaseth God how doeth please him the contrarie vertue 2. Howe much this vice hurteth man and howe profitable is the contrarie vertue 3. How much I haue offended by this vice and how farre off I haue bene am from the opposite vertue CHAP. XVIII Manners how to Meditate the whole life of our Lord Iesus Christ comprising also his Passion THe first manner is to Medi●ate the principall mysteries euerie daie one from the Annuntiation vnto the Ascension as S. Bonauenture F. Lewes of Granade F. Vincent Bruno haue done 2. One may deuide the whole life of our Lord into seauen parts and finish them in one weeke as Saint Bonauenture doeth 3. One may diuide the whole life of our Lord into ten parts according to the ten places where hee hath dwelte in this worlde cōsidering what he hath done and endured for thee in euery place 1. In his Mothers wombe nine Moneths 2. In the Māger or in Bethelem fourty dayes 3. In Egypt about seauen yeares 4. In Nazareth more then two and twentie yeares 5. In the Desert fourty daies forty nightes 6. Preaching in Iurie and in Galilee about three yeares and a halfe 7. In grieuous paine and tormēt one whole daie 8. Vpon the Crosse three houres 9. In the Sepulchre and in Limbo fourty houres 10. Here in earth after his Resurrection fourty daies In this maner within one houre yea halfe an houre one may meditate the whole life of our Lord Iesus pausing a litle vpon euery one of these tē parts or points the which is very easie and very profitable One may likewise make vpō these ten partes ten Meditations or more or lesse as one wil himself 4. One may likewise diuide the whole life of our Lord into three partes to wit his entrie into this worlde his abiding here and his issue or departing How hee entred what hee did whilst he dwelt here And in what manner he went out of it as S. Thomas hath diuided it And vpon each of these parts to make one or more Meditations 5. One may also cōprehende it in three other generall partes or members as S. Bernard saith in his Summe considering what he hath said what hee hath done and what hee hath endured Dixit multa fecit mira pertulit dura He spake many thinges did maruellous things endured painefull things and vpon each of these points to make one or more meditations Wee will stay no longer vpō the explication of these points not to be ouer-lōg for if he be a little exercised in these affaires he may forme of him selfe that which here is said or if he haue need lett him aske aduise of his ghostlie Father 6. One may likewise do in this manner to wit to meditate the fifteene mysteries of the Rosarie making vpon euerie one one or more Meditations 7. One may take one of the foure Gospels and meditate the same from one ende to another Or of the whole foure to mak one Monotessaron those who can performe it 8. In the litle Catechisme of Canisius there are seuen very excellent Meditations each one containinge fiue points drawē foorth of the Infancie Life and Passion of our Lord. CHAP. XIX Maners of Meditating the Passion of our Lord. 1. THe first manner is to beginne from the last Supper and euerie day to meditate one Mysterie vntill his death and burial followinge the text of one Euangelist or of all the foure togeather as S. Bonauenture Loartus and Costerus haue done 2. To deuide the Passion of our Lord into seauen partes and to meditate it in one weeke as S. Bonauenture Lewis of Granado hath done 3. One may make as many Meditations as there are places wherin he suffered makinge each day as a Station in one place 1. In the place of the last supper where he washed his Disciples feete and instituted the B. Sacrament 2. In the Garden where hee contristated himselfe and sweat aboundantly a bloodie sweate 3. Before Annas where he receaued a grieuous blow on the face 4. Before Cayphas where he was spit on and blinde-foulded 5. In the house of Pilate where beinge falslie accused he vsed wounderfull modestie patience and silence 6. In the house of Herod where hee was despised clothed in a white garment and reputed for a foole 7. Againe before Pilate where he was nakedly scourged and condemned to die 8. In the way towardes Caluarie bearinge his heauie Crosse 9. His death and Passion vpon the same mountaine 4. One may meditate in one weeke the seuen words which our B. Lord and Sauiour spake hanging three houres aliue vpon the Crosse which each good Christian ought to haue by hart 1. Father forgiue them they know not what they doe 2. To the Thiefe Verely I saye vnto thee this day thou shalt be with mee in Paradise 3. To his sorrowfull Mother woman behould thy sonne and to Saint Iohn behould thy mother 4. My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee 5. I thirst 6. All is cōsummate 7. Father into thy hands I commende my spirit 8. One may choose out of the whole Passion about a dozen mysteries whereon to Meditate as F. Fuluiu● Androtius hath done 9. Another maner is to meditate three thinges or three seuerall sortes of paines to wit that which our Sauiour suffered in foule in bodie and in his honour and vpon each of these three points to make one or more Meditations and all this may be drawen foorth of the holy Ghospell or foorth of some booke that treateth of this subiect 10. One may likewise Meditate foure thinges Who he is that suffereth What things he suffereth For whom And how he suffereth makinge vpon euerie of these points one or more considerations The which foure considerations ought also to bee made in all the Meditations which one maketh vpon the Passion And albeit that some of these maners seem to be points of Meditation yet are they diuers waies and fashions of Meditating 11. One may Meditate the Passion of our Lorde by diuers waies to drawe from thence diuers affections as Saint Bonauenture hath taught in his booke of the darte of diuine loue and after him Denis the Charter-house Monke Granado Loartus and others 1. By way of Compassion considering the grieuousnesse of his paines 2. By way of Contrition considering that he is dead for
at night O Good Iesus in this houre thou wentest with thy Disciples into the garden of Gethsmany where prostrate on the ground and praying to thy Father thou felst into such excessiue sadnes that thou didst sweat a sweat of blood for paine and anguish Deare Iesus asist me with thy grace in all ●ribulations to haue my present recourse vnto thee by holie prayer and make me in this life willingly to sweat with thee that in the life to come I may for euer ioifully repose with thee Amen The 4. Meditation at eight a clock at night O Good Iesus in this houre thou wast sould and betrai●d to thine enimies by thine owne Disciple with the signe of a kisse and this for the loue of a litle lucre Deare Iesus let no filthie lucre euer cause me to sell or betray thee or vniustlie to wronge or oppresse my neighbour And refuse not I beseeche thee the kisse of him that ●epenteth to haue offended thee sith thou refusedst not the kisse of him that did vnkindly betray thee Amen The 5. Meditation at nine a clock at night O Good Iesus in this houre thou wast bound and fast tyed by most barbarous soldiers and haled by them hither and thither like a very beast without once opening thy mouth in thine owne defence Grant me deare Iesus in vertu of these thy sacred bondes to binde and captiuate all my senses both of soule and bodie in obedience vnto thee And neuer to hale thee to any beastlie sinne or voluptuous pleasures wherby I may trespas or offend thee Amen The 6. Meditation at ten a clock at night O Good Iesus in this houre thou wast forsaken of thy Disciples and remainedst alone in the handes of thine enimies who led thee away as their prisoner and captiue Deare Iesus receiue me I beseeche thee thy fugitiue seruant who manie times for feare and other respects haue fled from thee And keepe me safelie vnder thy protection that mine infernall enimies doe not carrie me awaye as their condemned and perpetuall captiue Amen The 7. Meditation ar eleuen a clock at night O good Iesus in this houre thou wast presented before Annas who demanded questions of thee concerning both thy doctrine and thy disciples and receiuing a violent blow of one of his seruants yet rendredst vnto that wicked and insolent wretch a most milde answere Deare Iesus strēghten me to confes thy faith and truth vpon all occasions when I shall be called or vrged therunto Neuer to punish any in the heate of my passion and such as any way shall iniurie me to mollifie their wrathfull hartes with wordes of sweetnes and benignitie Amen The 8. Me●itation at twelue a clock at night O Good Iesus in this houre thou wast sent from Annas to Cayphas where the chiefe of the Priests were assembled together secking false witnes against thee to put thee to death but found not any Dea●e Iesus grant me to accuse no man falselie and being falstlie accused to suppore it patientlie To despise yea and vtterlie to detest all lies and falsitie sith by lies and falsitie thou wast vniustlie adiudged and condemned to die Amen The 9. Meditation at one ● a clock in the morning O Good Iesus In this houre thou was thrice denied of Peeter who forswore himselfe to be thy Disciple but thou gratiouslie looking back vpon him he presently went foorth of that wicked companie and bitterlie bewailed his offence Dea●e Iesus haue mercie on me who both by wordes and deedes haue so oft denyed my selfe to be thy Disciple Looke vpon me with the eyes of thy clemencie for that wherin I haue offended thee and make mee to flye all wicked companie sith the same is such an occasion of falling from thee Amen The 10. Meditation at two a clock in the morning O Good Iesus In this houre thou wast sent from Cayphas to Pontius Pilat where the wicked Iewes began a fresh to accuse thee falslie alleadging that thou peruertedst their people and forbadst them to pay tribut to Cesars Maiestie Deare Iesus let this thy false accusation excuse me faultie that I am before the Maiestie of thy Father And make me so to giue vnto the world that which is the worldes that I neuer omitt to giue vnto God that which is Gods which is all honor and glorie for euer and euer Amen The 11. Meditation at three a clock in the morning O good Iesus in this houre thou wast sent by Pilat to Herod who of vaine curiositie had long time desired to see thee where thou king of heauen cloathed in a white coate the habit of fooles wast contemned of him and of his whole court Deare Iesus grant vnto me a most feruent desire to see thee and to haue thee continuallie present before mine eies And vtterlie to detest all pride of apparell sith thou in a coloured and disfigured coate wast mocked and accounted for a foole Amen The 12. Meditation at four a clock in the morning O good Iesus in this houre thou wast sent backe againe by Herod to Pilat where thou wast stripped naked bound to a Pilar and so inhumanlie beaten with roddes and scourges that the blood ran downe on euerie side of thy B. bodie Deare Iesus grant me thy grace nakedlie to discouer my sinnes to my ghostlie Father Willinglie to receiue the rod of thy fatherlie correction and neuer to scourge thee againe by my former offences Amen The 13. Meditation at fiue a clock in the morning O Good Iesus in this houre thy sacred eies being hid and blindfoulded those sacrilegious wretches gaue vnto thee sundrie blowes and buffets saying Prophecie vnto vs o Christ who he was that smote thee Deare Iesus hide not from me the eyes of thy mercie nor let me hide mine owne by thinkinge when I sinne that thou doost not see me And prophecie vnto me o Christ what and who I am that so often with the hand of my wicked workes haue so daringlie and so audaciouslie smitten thee Amen The 14. Meditation at six a clock in the morning O Good Iesus in this houre thou king of all glorie wast clothed in a purple garment crowned with a crowne of Thornes and a hollow Reede was giuen into thy handes insteede of a Sceptie Deare Iesus grant me neuer to put vpon thee by mockerie a kinglie garment by doing good workes for any vaine glorious end to remember by this hollow Reede the hollownes and instabillitie of all temporall thinges and willinglie to weare the crowne of thornes and of all contempt in this world so that I may weare the crowne of glorie in the world to come Amen The 15. Meditation at 7. a clock in the morning O Good Iesus in this houre Pontius Pilate brought thee foorth and shewed thee vnto the people in this pittifull plight sayinge Behould the man profferring them Barrabas to deliuer thee but they incessantlie cried out aloud to haue thee crucified Deare Iesus grant me that being at any time afflicted with temptations I