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A34038 The righteous branch growing out of the root of Jesse and healing the nations held forth in several sermons upon Isai. chap. 11, from vers. 1 to 10 : together with some few sermons relating to all who live under the shadow of the branch / by William Colvill. Colvill, William, d. 1675. 1673 (1673) Wing C5432; ESTC R26038 212,566 434

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to the pulling down of strong holds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ We must not consult with sense and humane reason nor with flesh and blood in difficult duties commanded by God but follow the example of Abraham Rom. 4.19 20. and of Paul Gal. 1 16. Neither must we consult with humane reason and Philosophy as our dictator in the great mysteries of the Christian Faith such as are the individual unity of the divine essence in the three blessed Persons the eternal generation of the Son the procession of the holy Ghost from the Father and from the Son the personal union of the divine and humane nature of Christ and the resurrection of the body in the great day It is ground enough for us to believe the truth and reality of these great and deep Mysteries that God who cannot lie hath revealed them in the holy Word but we must be sober in our enquiry of the manner and although we cannot by humane reasoning attain to the natural knowledge and science of these divine truths and although through our infirmity and ignorance we imagine them to be contrary to Natural and Philosophical verity yet after better consideration we conclude that Supernatural verities are not contrary to Natural truths because God the prime verity is the Author of all real verity and he cannot contradict himself only by the light of divine revelation and the inward light of Faith we perceive and take up these sublime divine mysteries which we cannot discern by the light of Natural reason though never so refined as the light of the stars and the light of the Sun are from God the Creator and the light of the Sun is not contrary to the light of the Stars for both of them are lightsome bodies yet we see many things by the light of the Sun to which our eye cannot reach by the light of the stars Therefore let us submit our faith to divine revelation in the Word and not oppose the barkings of humane reasonings against revealed truths It may be well said to these men who Idolize humane reason and Philosophy which Tertullian said of the Hereticks in his time in his book of the resurrection of the flesh Chap. 3. Take from them these things of humane Wisdom wherein they agree with the Heathens that so they may determine their questions from the Scriptures alone and they cannot stand in the debate It may be justly said to them which Augustine said to the Manichees Lib. 17. against Faust Chap. 3. Your tergiversation and prevarication is every way confounded say plainly that ye believe not the Gospel for when ye believe in the Gospel what ye have a will to and ye believe not what ye will ye believe rather your selves then the Gospel But although humane reason cannot conceive the truth of these great mysteries yet it is our duty without all contradiction to believe the holy Scriptures and by a pious and modest silencing of all humane reasoning to submit by faith to the Word of God The more silent humane reason is in these great mysteries the obedience of faith is the more conspicuous and it well becomes humane reason that is an hand-maid to Divinity to be silent when her Mistriss speaketh Augustine frequently in his disputes with the Pelagians who did too much extol the strength of humane reason doth repeat this saying credam ut intelligam Let me once believe it is spoken by God then shall I understand it to be a truth evident in respect of divine testimony though I see no evidence in the things themselves Bernard Epist 190. What is more against reason than to endeavour by thy low and silly humane reason to transcend and surmount supreme reason to wit the testimony of God himself who is the prime verity 4. As thou would be led by the Ministry of the Word come to the reading and hearing of it with an honest heart that is with a serious and sincere purpose to obey the counsel and direction of it though it should cross thy opinion design humour or interest Luke 8.15 Thou must not come as these proud men Jer. 42 who pretended a purpose to obey but when the answer given by the Prophet was not according to their desire and design they in their pride disobeyed it but come with that disposition and earnest wish that David had Psal 119.5 O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes then mayest thou be confident it shall be well with thee both in this and in the other life Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to glory Likewise whosoever submits sincerely to the Word of the Lord will have a due respect unto his Ministers and Messengers 1 Thes 5.13 For when the message is commended unto the conscience of the hearers it makes room also in the heart for receiving the Messenger for his Master's and the works sake Rebekah was very civil and courteous toward Abraham's servant who came to suit her in marriage to his Master's Son Gen. 24. and shall not believers be kindly affectioned toward the Ministers of the Gospel who are friends to the Bridegroom Jesus Christ and do suit them in marriage unto him 2 Cor. 11.2 I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chast virgin to Christ Evid 3. The third evidence of a true change and conversion to God in the days of the Gospel is set down in these words vers 7. And the lion shall eat straw like the ox that is the man who before his conversion lived like a fierce lion upon violence and rapine who made no conscience what way he purchased his livelihood after his conversion shall forsake his unlawful way of purchase and thereafter shall live on the fruits of his own lawful labours as also he shall be well satisfied and content therewith as his allowance from God even as the Ox eateth straw and provender the fruit of his labours and is well satisfied and in his own manner content therewith From this evidence of true conversion we infer clearly these two conclusions 1. Men truly converted will forsake their former evil ways of purchase by fraud or oppression and will make conscience of the way of their purchase in time coming 2. They will study contentment in their lawful purchase whether it be great or small Conclus 1. As a true Convert will forsake in his purpose and endeavour every former evil way because he knoweth mercy from God is promised only to such Prov 28.13 Whoso confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall have mercy Isai 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon So the man that hath been an oppressour or fraudulent in
knowledge of Jesus Christ which they in a great latitude of charity thought they might have in an extraordinary way without Divine Revelation in the holy Scriptures but we say as Deut. 29.29 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us Object But it appears the Christian Religion is grounded upon humane reason because it is called our reasonable service and therefore every part of Christian service whether it be in believing all heavenly truths or in practical duties and worship seems to be known from the light of humane Reason and that Reason and Philosophy should be the Interpreter of Sacred Scripture Ans No part of Christian Religion is against humane Reason but there be some divine and sublime mysteries thereof above humane Reason and the reach of the most subtile Philosophy There be some divine Truths which they call of mixt Revelation these may be known by the light of humane reason and the assent given to them upon that ground is called Intelligence or Science and they may be known also by the light of divine revelation and the assent given to them upon that ground is called Faith Such is the knowledge of the existence of God and of the creation of the world such are also diverse moral duties which were known by the light of nature to the heathen Philosophers But divine and heavenly Truths which they call of pure Revelation are known only by the testimony divine R●velation in holy Scriptures such are the mystery of the Trinity of the Incarnation of the Son of God of the Resurrection of the body c. As for these truths of a mixt revelation they are also agreeable to the principles of humane reason and Philosophy as hath been made evident by learned men in their Treatises of the reasonableness of Christian Religion by Morney Amyrald Baxter and others but the other divine truths both speculative and practical are known only by the light of Divine Revelation in holy Scriptures as that practical duty of incalling of God in the Name of Jesus Christ the Mediator Job 16.23 Heb. 7.25 That great Heathen Philosopher Socrates advised men well from the light of nature to pray for good things from the gods and that only in the general without limiting them to the giving of this or that good thing in particular which they should refer unto the will and wisdom of the gods themselves but he could never advise them to pray unto God in the Name of Jesus Christ the Mediator because this had not been revealed to him by the light of the holy Scripture Chrysost on the place by reasonable service understandeth spiritual worship in opposition to the worship of God under the Law by sacrificing irrational creatures in the same sense doth Grotius and D. Hammond interpret it In thinking or speaking of the great sublime mysteries which are called the wonderful things of God Acts 2.11 we would be sober and not measure them according to the short rule of humane reason as speaketh well Just Mart. in con●uting the Greek questions We must not saith he measure the works of God by our own thoughts and imaginations for the works of God are above our mind sense and reason Augustine Enchyrid Cap. 4. Such things saith he are to be defended by reason which either took their beginning from the corporeal senses or were invented by the understanding of the mind but those things which we have neither proven by the corporeal sense nor can reach by our understanding they are without all doubting to be referred to the testimony of those holy men moved by the Holy Ghost in writing the sacred Scriptures Object But these Heathen Prophetesses called Sybills who lived above 400 years before the birth of Christ did foretell of his Incarnation of his Birth of his Sufferings of his Resurrection and of his second coming to judge the world and that he is Jesus Christ the Son of God the Saviour as Augustine records Lib. 18. Cap. 23. of the City of God This Prophetical knowledge they had not from the light of Scripture because they were Heathens and the Oracles of God were committed unto the Jews Rom. 3.2 and therefore it would appear they had the knowledge of these great mysteries from the light of humane reason Ans Some of the learned think those Books called the Oracles of the Sybills whereof we have but some fragments by tradition from others were devised and written by some zealous Christian suppressing his name out of his affection to convert the Heathen unto the Christian faith by convincing them from their own Writings as he gave it out but this is not probable for if such Writings had been forged by Christians then Celsus and Appion who lived in the time of Origen and others zealous for the Christian Religion would have objected such a forgery against the Christians to whom these two subtil Philosophers well versed in such antiquitie and malicious enemies to the Christian Religion would have objected such a forgery as unbecoming men of any Religion Besides the great Heathen Poet Virgil Ecclog 4. speaketh of the Prophesies of Sybilla Cumana wherein she prophesied of a new off-spring in his time coming down from the high Heavens which he misapplyed to Octavius Augustus reigning at that time but is was intended by the Oracle to declare the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came from Heaven and was incarnat and born in the 52 year of Augustus Now it is well known Virgil died 18. years before the birth of our Lord whereof the Oracle spake though Virgil was not living when it was fulfilled Therefore following the more current opinion we think these Oracles were spoken by these Heathen Prophetesses among which these two Sybilla Erythraea and Cumana were the chief and more famous We think they had their Prophetical light and knowledge of those mysteries by extraordinary revelation from God himself as was also the Prophesie of Balaam an alien from the Common-wealth of Israel concerning the coming and the birth of the Messias called by him The Star of Jacob Num. 24.17 Quest If all the people of God before and under the Law knew Jesus Christ and salvation to be purchased by him for the Gospel seems not to have been preached or known unto all the faithful Ans 1. This Gospel or the glad tidings of Salvation by Jesus Christ was preached by God himself in Paradise unto our first Parents after the fall Gen. 3.15 The seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent It was preached to Abraham before the Law Gen. 22.18 Gal. 3.16 In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed It was illustrat by Ceremonies as by Sacrifices in which respect our blessed Lord who is the principal Subject of the Gospel and the body of all these foregoing shadows is called The Lamb slain from the beginning of the world Rev. 13.8 It was illustrat also by types as
be brought to light and they shall know there is no name under heaven whereby they can be saved but the Name of Jesus Act. 4.12 Quest It may be asked at what time was this prophesie fulfilled For answer Consider the Gospel or Doctrine of the glad tidings of salvation in Christ was a mystery hid from the Gentiles and other heavenly Truths and Ordinances were communicat only to the Jews Ps 147.19 20. Rom. 3.2 There was not a Church among the Gentiles before the time our blessed Lord gave commission to preach unto them Mat. 28.19 It is true there were some proselytes at diverse times before the birth of our Lord in time of the Patriarchs was Melchizedeck though some think he was Shem and Job in Moses his time was Jethro in Joshua his time Rachab in the time of the Judges Ruth in the time of David Ittai the Gittit in Solomons time Hiram and in Jeremiahs time Ebedmelech these were but the first fruits of the Gentiles and drops in comparison of that great flood of Converts foretold Is 2.2 It shall come to pass in the last dayes that the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it After the birth of our blessed Lord and his sending forth the Apostles to teach all Nations the knowledge of the Gospel did abound in many parts of the world as the sea abounds with waters it was foretold by our blessed Lord that this prophesie should be fulfilled in a great part even before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Mat. 24.14 and it was fulfilled Rom. 10.18 Their sound went unto all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world Col. 1.23 which was preached to every creature which is under heaven for the Gospel was preached by the Apostles even to the greater part of the habitable world so far as it was known at that time according to that ample Commission given by our Lord to his Disciples Mat. 28 19 20. Therefore faith Augustine de Civit. Dei lib. 22.8 Whosoever he be that requires miracles at this time he himself is a great wonder and prodigy who believeth not when all the world believeth the Gospel But before the end of the world these Nations which sometimes were Christian and are now overspread with Turcism and Mahometism as at this day Assyria and Egypt and many Nations living at this day in Paganism shall be converted to the Christian Faith and the Gospel shall be preached unto many Nations which were not known in the dayes of the Apostles as it is at this day both in the Eastern and Western India Observ The preaching hearing and knowledge of the Gospel is the ordinary mean of conversion and of a Gospel-like conversation 2 Cor. 4.6 God hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Thess 2.14 God hath called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ This is evident from instances of divers persons converted to the Faith of Jesus Christ and to the way of Sanctification by the preaching of the Gospel Act. 2.37.47 Act. It is also evident from the denominations the Gospel getteth as 1. The word of grace Act. 20.33 Not only because it is sent to a Nation or People out of Gods free-grace Matth. 13.11 It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven but to them it is not given But also by it as the ordinar instrument the holy Spirit worketh the sanctifying and saving grace of believing and turning to the Lord in all come to years of discerning and appointed for Salvation Act. 11.21 The hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned unto the Lord. 2 Cor. 10.4 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds c. Gal. 2.8 He that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision the same was mighty in me towards the Gentils Therefore now in these dayes after that this sacred instrument and testimony is sealed and reposited by God in his Church the pillar and ground of the truth 1 Tim. 3 15 as the only authentical Record and invariable Rule of the Christian Faith if any man shall pretend to the inward revelation of the Spirit without or contrair to the written Word it is Enthusiasm and a delusion of his own private spirit neither let any man think it is enough to have the outward revelation of the written Word without the inward operation of the holy Spirit enlightning the understanding by Faith to perceive and assent unto the truth revealed in the Word and enclining the will by love to receive and retain it in the heart for the Lord openeth both the understanding and the heart Luk. 24.45 Act. 16.14 The Gospel is called the word of life Act. 5.20 Because the Gospel is the seed of the new life 1 Pet. 1.23 Faith and belief to the threatnings of the Law is as the Plough to rent the fallow-fallow-ground of our heart but Faith conceiving and embracing Christ in the promises of the Gospel is the seed of our regeration Jam. 1.18 Of his own will beg at he us by the word of truth It is called the word of reconciliation 2 Cor. 5.19 Because in the Gospel remission and reconciliation in the blood of Christ is offered unto all who repent and believe in him Act. 10.43 To him give all the Prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins And it is called The word of Salvation Act. 13.26 Because it is the ordinar mean of Salvation Rom 1.16 2 Thess 2 13. God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth That the Gospel is the ordinar mean of Conversion to the Faith of Christ is evident from Reason and clear consequences from Scriptural truths 1. Hope of life and immortality is a strong motive to turn men from the broad way that leadeth unto death and to everlasting destruction Now the Gospel sheweth unto us life and immortality in Christ Jesus Rom. 6.6 Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin 2 Tim. 1.10 The grace of God is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel 2. By the knowledge we have of Christ and by believing in him as he is offered in the Gospel we are turned from an estate of condemned rebels unto an estate of persons justified and reconciled in the blood of Jesus Christ Isa 53.11 By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall