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B00718 A conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine with the expresse words of Holie Scripture. Which is the second parte of the prudentiall balance of religion. : VVherein is clearely shewed, that in more than 260 points of controuersie, Catholicks agree with the Holie Scripture, both in words and sense: and Protestants disagree in both, and depraue both the sayings, words, and sense of Scripture. / Written first in Latin, but now augmented and translated into English.; Collatio doctrinae Catholicorum ac Protestantium cum expressis S. Scripturae verbis. English. 1631 Smith, Richard, 1566-1655. 1631 (1631) STC 22810; ESTC S123294 532,875 801

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Ghospell or the new testament must haue beene tried by the ould See more art 6. CHAPTER VII OF THE PASTOVRS OF THE CHVRCH SCripture If my couuenant with the day can be made voide Pastours alwaies c. also my couuenant may be made voide with Dauid my seruant that there be not of him a sonne to reigne in his throne and Leuits and Preists my ministers Not alwaies Protestants It is false that the externall ministerie must be perpetuall The Church hath osten no man Pastour Some short time the Church may be depriued of Pastours See more art 7. Scripture Thou art Peter c. And to thee I will giue the Authoritie in the Pastours keyes of the kingdome of heauen Protestants The authoritie is not in the Prelats but in the Not in them worde the Church hath nothing but mere ministerie See more art 2. Scripture Thou art Peter c. and whatsoeuer thou shalt One pastor cā excōmunicate bind on earth it shal be bound also in heauen Protestants VVe must remember that this power of excommunicating One cannot is giuen to no one man but to the whole companie of the Presbiterie See more art 3. Scripture And he Paul walked through Syria and Silicia Pastours can make lawes confirming the Churches and commanding them to keepe the precepts of the Apostles and the Auncients Protestants The Church hath no power to make lawes See They can not more art 4. Scripture The Holie Ghost hath placed you Bishops to rule Pastors rulers of the Church Not rulers the Church of God Protestants The true nature of a ruler of the Church is in no pure man one or manie See art 5. Scripture You shal be called the preistes of the lord Pasters to be called preists Not to be so called Protestants Who administer the word and Sacraments amongst the people nether may nor ought to be called preists See more art 7. Scripture But how shall they preach vnles they be sent No preaching without mission Without mission Protestants Euen they who are not lawfully called may preach the word fruitfully Euerie Christian man hath authoritie to preach Christ in what place soeuer where they are desirous to heare See more art 8. Scripture Moises and Aaron in his preists Moises a preist No preist Protestants Moises did not exercise at all the preisthood but was onely a Prophet See more art 10. CHAPTER VIII OF THE CHVRCHE SCripture There shal be made one fould and one pastor Church but one onely Not one onely Protestants We say that there are twoe societies of men that is twoe Churches to the one belong the predestinate to the other the reprobate Christ and the things themselues teach vs that there are twoe Churches See more art 1. Scripture VVe are one bodie all that participate of one All those one bodie who participate one Sacramēt bread Protestants The godlie are no more ioyned in one bodie with Not all those the wicked then light with darkenes Christ with Belial See more art 2. Scripture The gates of hell shall not preuaile against her of Church can not faile It can faile his kingdome there shal be no end Protestants It is no meruaile though the Church be cleane fallen downe long agoe Antichrist had rooted out the Church euen from the ground Christes kingdome was cast flat downe See more art 4. Scripture You are the light of the world A cittie can not be Church can not be hidde hidde situated vpon a mountaine Protestants Often times God will haue no visible Church It can be hidde on earth The whole visible Church may faile See more art 5. Scripture Which is the Church of the liuing God the pillar Church is infallible and strenght of trueth Protestants The vniuersall Church may erre The Church Not infallible may erre The Catholik Church may erre and that most greeuously See more art 6. Scripture If he will not heare the Church let him be to thee Church simply to be heard Not simply to be heard as the Heathen and the Publican Protestants VVe must not simply receaue whatsoeuer the Church teacheth See more art 7. CHAPTER IX OF TEMPLES OR MATERIAL CHVRCHES SCripture Who Anna departed not from the temple by Churches for priuate praier fasting and praiers seruing day and right Protestants Churches are for preaching onely It is no lawfull Not for priuat praier end of Churches that the faithfull may priuatly pray in them See more art 1. Scripture Twoe Cherubins also thou shalt make of beaten Images to be set in Churches Not to be set in Churches gold on both sides of the oracle Protestants The Iewes had no manner Image nether painted not grauen in their temple God abhorreth images We must not suffer that Images be in Churches See more art 3. Scripture reporteth these words of a Heathen This Heathens thought idols to be Gods They thought not so Paule saieth that they are no Gods which be made by hands Protestants It is a lie that the Heathens did beleiue the Images of their Gods to haue beene their Gods them selues See more art 4. CHAPTER X. OF BAPTISME SCripture Vnlesse a man be borne againe of water and the Water necessarie to baptisme Not necessarie Spirit he can not enter into the kingdome of God Protestants Though water be wanting yet if the baptisme of one cannot be differred with edification I would baptize as well with anie other liquour as with water See more art 1. Scripture Going teach ye all nations baptizing them Baptisme cōmanded of Christ Not cōmanded of him c. Protestants Baptisme is of lesse importance then that the lord should haue greatly cammanded anie thing about it See more art 3. Scripture Vnlesse one be borne of water and the Holie Baptisme necessarie to saluation Not necessarie Simon Magus was baptized He was not baptized Baptisme profiteth all Not all Ghost he cannot inter into the kingdome of God Protestants Children who die before they be christened are not shut out of the kingdome of God See art 4. Scripture Then Simon Magus also himself belieued and being baptized he cleaned to Philippe Protestants That Simon Peter and Simon Magus receaued the same whole baptisme is most false See more art 5. Scripture As manie of you as haue beene baptized in Christ haue put on Christ Protestants Baptisme bringeth no commoditie to those that are not elect See more art 6. Scripture Christ loued the Church cleansing it by the lauer Baptisme purgeth sinne It purgeth not sinne of water in the worde Protestants VVho will say that we are cleansed by this water Doest thou thinke that water is the lauer of the soule No. Baptisme cannot wash away the filth of sinnes See more art 7. Scripture Be baptized and wash away thy sinnes Sinnes washed away by baptisme Not by baptisme All borne in in state of dānation Not all Protestants Paule
true Church may some time faile to be visible Scarpe de Iustif Cont. 5. The members of the visible Church The whole visible Church may faile In the vttermost extent may faile yea the whole visible Church as such Vorstius in Antibellarm p. 136. Whence it followeth that the visible Church of Christ not onely in a great parte but euen whole taken in the vttermost extent may for sometime faile from the true faith and be wholy obscured Againe The externall Church of Christ may be obscured and faile More of their like sayings may be seene in my foresaied booke c. 4. THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainly teacheth that the Church of Christ cannot be hidden and biddeth vs to tell and heare her The same say Catholiks Protestants plainly teach that there is not alwaies a visible number of those who piously worshippe Christ that the Church may haue no apparent for me is not alwaies seene with eyes sometimes faileth to be visible that the whole visible Church as such may faile that the whole visible Church taken in her vttermost extent may faile from the faith that God oftentimes will haue no visible Church on earth Which are so opposite to Scripture as Protestants sometimes confesse it See l. 2. c. 30. ART VI. WHETHER THE CHVRCH be infallible in faith SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Isaie 59. vers vltim This is my couenant with them saieth Gods spirit euer in the mouth of the Church our Lord My spirit that is in thee and my words that I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe out of thy mouth and out of the mouth of thy seede and out of the mouth of thy seeds seede saieth our Lord from this present for euer Mathew 16. vers 18. And the gates of hell shall not preuaile Gates of hell preuaile not against her against it Ioan. 16. v. 13. But when the Spirit of trueth cometh he shall teach you all trueth 1. Tim. 3. ver 15. Which is the Church of the liuing God the The pillar of trueth pillar and ground of trueth CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Controu 4. qu. 2. art vnico The Church in her determinations of faith is euer must certaine and infallible PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 2. q. 4. cap. 3. God hath not promised to his The vniuersall Church may erre In necessarie matters The whole Church Church that she should not erre The vniuersall Church may erre The whole Church may erre It is euident that the true Church may for a time erre euen in necessarie matters Yea after Christs ascension and that descent of the Holie Ghost vpon the Apostles it is manifest that the whole Church did erre about the vocation of the Gentils and not onely the common sorte of Christians but euen the very Apostles and Doctors And quaest 5. cap. 17. The Church may for a time erre in some fundamentall points Beza de notis Eccles vol. 3. If some particular Church may erre euen in some principall head of Christian religion and yet leaue not therefore to be a true Church why may we not say the same of all particular Churches taken not onely seuerally but all together for this is the Catholik Church And the margēt The Catholik Church and in fundamentall points The whole Churrh saieth Some errors may creepe into the Church euen in some fundamentall head of saith Daneus Controu 4. l. 3. c. 17. The whole Church all Pastors generally may erre The whole Church may be deceaued slippe and erre Author Resp ad Theses Vademont p. 503. The Catholik And grieuously Church may erre and that sometimes most grieuously The like they teach commonly THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that Gods spirit and his word shall neuer departe from the mouth of the Church that the gates of hell shall not preuaile against her that the Holie Ghost teacheth her all trueth that she is the pillar and ground of trueth Catholiks say the same Protestants expressely teach that the Church the true Church the vniuersall Church the whole Church may erre most grieuously and in some fundamentall and necessarie matters that the whole Apostolik Church euen after the descent of the Holie Ghost did erre Which is so repugnant to holie Scripture as sometimes Protestants confesse it See lib. 2. c. 30. ART VII WHETHER THE CHVRCH be to be heard simply in all things SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Matth. 18. v. 17. If he will not heare the Church let him be Church simply to be heard to the as the Heathen and the Publican Luc. 10. v. 16. Who heareth you heareth me and who despiseth you despiseth me CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 4. q. 2. art 3. We must simply and absolutely obey the voice of the Church in doctrine of faith PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 1. q. 3. c. 3. We must not simply receaue whatsoeuer Not simply to be heard the Church teacheth but whatsoeuer she is commanded of God to teach and proueth by Gods authoritie And q. 5. c. 5. The Church is to be heard not simply in all her sayinges decrees sentences and commandments The same he hath Cont. 2. q. 4. c. 2. and l. 1. de Scriptura c. 11. Bucanus in Inst Theol. loco 43. Must we simply heare the voice of the Church and receaue whatsoeuer she teacheth No. Reineccius to 4. Armat c. 3. We must beleiue the Church in Not simply to be beleiued all things not taken simply and absolutely but relatiuely and with condition as farre as according to Scripture and out of that she proposeth diuine trueth THE CONFERENCE Scripture simply and absolutely biddeth vs to heare the Church and saieth that who heareth her heareth Christ The same say Catholiks Protestants denie that she is simply to be heard or obeyed ART VIII WHETHER TRVETH IN respect of vs do relie vpon the Church SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. 1. Timoth. 3. ver 15. Which is the Church of the liuing God Church the pillar of trueth the pillar and ground of trueth CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Controu 4. quaest 2. artic vnico The Church according to the ordinarie course is for faithfull men the pillar of all reuealed trueth and for faith it selfe the ground For the faitfull relie vpon the teaching of the Church as an vnmouable pillar PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Contru 2. q. 4. c. 2. The trueth of faith doth not Not pillar in regard of vs. relie vpon the Church as a foundation no not in regard of vs. Trueth doth not relie vpon the authoritie of the Church Againe If the trueth of faith did relie vpon the authoritie of the Church in respect of vs who then c. Bucer in Disp Cantabrig It is manifest enough that no Sustaineth not trueth Church is to be termed the pillar and ground of trueth as if she did sustaine and conserue trueth Melancthon in locis c. de Signis Eccles to 3. Faith doth not relie wpon the
authoritie of the Church THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that the Church is the pillar and ground of trueth The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the Church doth not sustaine or conserue the trueth that faith relieth not vpon her authoritie that trueth doth not relie vpon her authoritie as a foundation no not in regard or respect of vs. THE SVMME OF THIS CHAPTER OF the Church What hath beene repeated in this Chapter doth make manifest that Protestants describe vnto vs a Church quite different from that which the holie Scripture and Catholikes propose For the Scripture and Catholiks teach that the Church is but one Protestants say there are twoe Churches They say she containeth both badde and reprobates that she endureth for euer is alwaies visible infallible in faith is simply in all things to be heard and is the pillar of faith touching vs All which points Protestants denie They also make manifest that Protestants steale from the Church a great parte of her to wit the badde and reprobate faithfull and manie of her chiefe properties namely vnitie perpetuitie continuall visibilitie infallibilitie and our dependencie vpon her in beleife And thus much of the Church Now of Temples or materiall Churches CHAPTER VIII OF TEMPLES OR MATERIALL CHVRCHES ART I. WHETHER THE CHVRCHES be also for priuat praier SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. KINGS 3. cap. 8. ver 41. Moreouer also the stranger Place of praier for a strāger which is not of thy people Israel when he shall come from a farre countrie for thy name and shall pray in this place thou shalt heare in heauen in the firmament of thy habitation and shalt do all things for which the stranger shall inuocate thee 2. Paralipomen 6. vers 21. Whosoeuer shall pray in this For whomsoeuer place heare out of thy habitation that is from the heauens and be propitious Mathew 21. vers 13. It is written my house shal be called a house of praier Luc. 2. v 37. Who departed not from the temple by fastings For S. Anne and praiers seruing night and day c. 24. v. 53. And they were alwaies in the Temple praising and blessing God CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Cardin. Bellarm. lib. 3. de Santis cap. 4. The Churches of Christians are rightly instituted for to pray also priuate praiers PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Tindal in Fox Actes 1610. pag. 1138. Churches are for preaching For preaching onely onely And Fox addeth This article containeth nether errour nor honestie Vorstius in Antibellarm p. 327. Nether is this a lawfull end Not for priuat praier of Churches that the faithfull pray priuaty in them Luther in Festo Dedicat. Templi fol. 447. The people which beleiue in Christ are all iust and subiect to no law especially Not dedicated to praier that pertaineth to ceremonies of temples And therefore now amongst them there is no temple dedicated to praier And hereupon Protestants in Confes Heluet. c. 23. bidde them beware that they wearie not the people with to long praier And in Confess Argentinen cap. 21. They detest our long paier as also doth Caluin in Matth. 6. ver 7. and finally in their Synod at Dordrach art 46. they define that publik euening praiers are not to be brought in where they are not in vse and to be taken away where they are So well these men loue praiers in Churches THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that Gods Church is the house of praier for all people a place of praier where the stranger may make his praier and be heard that Anna night and day praied in the temple that the Apostles were alwaies in the temple praising God The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that Churches are onely for preaching that is no lawfull end of Churches to pray priuatly in them that Christians haue no temple dedicated to praier and forbidde long and euening praier in Churches ART II. WHETHER CHVRCHES BE to be adorned SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Exod. 35. is described the wonderfull adorning of the tabernacle Churches are to be adorned made by Gods commandment and 3. Reg. 6. the most rich ornaments of the temple made by Salomon Psalme 25. v. 8. I haue loued the beautie of thy house Marc. 14. v. 15. Say to the maister of the house that the Maister saieth where is my refectorie where I may eate my Paske with my disciples And he will shew you a great chamber adorned and there prepare for vs. CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Ioan. 12. v. 3. Sumptuous d●cking and honorable adorning when they are done in the honour of God and for his worshippe ether in the adorning or magnifencie of Churches or in solemne administration of Sacraments doe please God PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Perkins in Problemate c. de ornatu templorū The errour Not to be adorned of adorning temples began to be strange in Constantins time and the Fathers thē being caried away with the custome do exact the adorning of temples Caluin in Math. 26. v. 11 Let vs not deuise sumptuous worshippes of God with the Papists In Ioan. 12. v. 6. Surely God careth not for externall pompe wherefore they are preposterous interpreters who out of Christs answere do infer that costly and magnificall worshipps do please God Tigurini apud Hospin part 2. Hist fol. 24. The ornaments of Churches belonge not to the true worshippe of God Vorstius in Antibellarm p. 327. It is not onely superfluous but also vaine and superstitious and in parte ethnicall also and Iewish to make great and vnprofitable expenses in adorning Churches as euerie where vseth to be done in Poperie For that theatricall brauerie is contrarie to the simplicitie of Christian religion THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that God himselfe comcommanded the tabernacle to be adorned that Salomon by his instinct adorned the temple that Dauid loued the beautie of Gods house that Christ made choice of a great and adorned chamber wherein he should celebrate the Eucharist The same say Catholiks Protestāts expressely say that the adorning of Churches is an errour superfluous vaine superstitious ethnicall and Iudaicall and contrarie to Christian religion that magnificall and costlie worships please not God ART III. WHETHER IT BE LAWEFVLL to put the Images of Angels or Saintes in Churches SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Exod. 25. v. 18. God thus commandeth Two Cherubins Images in the Temple also thou shalt make of beaten gould on both sides of the Oracle And vers 22. And I will speake to thee ouer the Propitiatorie and from the middest of the two Cherubins which shal be vpon the arke of testimonie all things which I will cōmand the children of Israel by thee 3. Reg. 6. vers 23. And he Salomon made in the Oracle two Cherubs of oliue trees of ten cubits in height And v. 27. And he put the Cherubs in the middest of the inner temple CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Session 25. c. de Inuocat The Images of Christ and other Saintes
our hart See more art 4. Scripture Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Protestants We do not pray that we may fulfill the law See more art 5. Scripture If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments Protestants Woe be to their Cathecumens if so hard a condition of keeping the law be imposed vpon them See more art 6. Scripture Do we then destroye the law by faith God forbid but we establish the law Protestants All the ceremoniall law or the Decalogue is abrogated It is abrogated from a Christian because he is dead to it And to be dead to the law is not to be bound with the law but free from it and not to know it See more art 7. CHAPTER XX. OF MANS LAVV. SCripture Who thinkest thou is a faithfull and wise seruant Superioritie amōgst Christians whome his lord hath appointed ouer his familie Protestants Among Christians there can be no superioritie Christ is my immediate Lord I know no other See more art 1. Scripture To the rest I say not our Lord If anie brother None amōgst them haue a wife an infidell and she consent to dwell with him let him not put her away Protestants They draw to themselues all the maiestie of God Man can command that which God doth not He cannot Conscience subiect to mās lawes Not subiect who chaleng authoritie to make lawes See more art 2. Scripture Be subiect of necessitie not only for wrathe but also for conscience sake Protestants The lawes of Princes bind not the conscience haue no power ouer the conscience See more art 3. CHAPTER XXI OF FREE WILL. SCripture It shal be in the arbitrement of her husband whether There is free will she shall do it or not do it Protestants Free vill is a title without the thing See more There is none art 1. Scripture Without thy counsell I would do nothing that thy Freedome to good good might not be as it were of necessitie but voluntarie Protestants Man after his fall hath no libertie to good There No freedome to good is no free will to good See more art 2. Scripture We are Gods coadiutours Gods coadiutors Protestants Papists make God the first and cheefest cause of all goodnes and vs coadiutours Which is craftily to withdraw Not his coadiutors themselues from God See more art 3. CHAPTER XXII OF MANS SOVLE SCripture Feare ye not them who kill the bodie and are not Mans soule immortall able to kill the soule Protestants I giue leaue to the Pope to make articles of faith Not immortall for his followers Such as are that breade and wine are transsubstantiated in the Sacrament That he is Emperour of the world and an earthlie God That the soule is immortall and all those infinit monsters in the Romish dunghill of decrees What Propositions I pray you shal euer be thought cōtradictions if these be not seing there can scarce be deuised more formall or more direct opposition then is betwixt the most of these But because perhaps the vulgar Protestante will say that he beleiueth not all or most of the Protestants propositions here set downe albeit this excuse will not suffice him as I haue shewed in the end of my Preface yet for his fuller satisfaction I haue gathered twelue principall articles which commonly all Protestants beleiue quite contrarie to the expresse word of God THE COMMON PROTESTANTS CREED CONSIsting of twelue Articles quite contrarie to the expresse word of God in the Scripture 1 PROTESTANTS beleiue that a man is Lib. 1. c. 16. art 2. iustified by only faith quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Ioannes 2. v. 4. Do you see that a man is iustified by workes and not by faith only 2 Protestants beleiue that we can not keep Goods commandments quite contrarie to his expresse word Ezechiel 36. v. 27. I will make Lib. 1. c. 18. art 1. that you walke in my commandments and keepe my iudgments and doe them 3 Protestants beleiue that the keeping of Gods commandments is not necessarie to come to life euerlasting quite contrarie to Gods expresse words Mathew 19. v. 17. Lib. 1. c. 18. art 6. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments 4 Protestants beleiue that no men can forgiue sinnes quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Ihon 20. v. Lib. 1. c. 11. art 1. 22. Receaue ye the holie Ghost whose sinnes ye shall forgiue they are forgiuen them 5 Protestants beleiue that we are not bound to confesse our sinnes to men quite contrarie to the expresse word of Lib. 1. c. 11. art 2. God Ioannes 5. v. 16. Confesse your sinnes one to an other 6 Protestants beleiue that men when they die are not to be anoiled quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Lib. 1. c. 11. art 7. Iames 5. v. 14 Is anie man sicke among you Let him bring in the preists of the Church and let them pray ouer him auoiling him with oile in the name of our lord 7 Protestants beleiue that the blessed Sacrament is not the true bodie and blood of Christ quite contrarie to the Lib. 1. c. 10. art 1. expresse word of God Luke 22. v. 19. This is my bodie which is giuen for you and Mathew 26. v. 28. This is my blood which shal be shed for remisson of sinnes 8 Protestants beleiue that the Church of God is not infallible in faith quite contrarie to Gods expresse word 1. Lib. 1. c. 8. art 6. Timothie 3. v. 15. Which is the Church of the liuing God the pillar and ground of trueth 9 Protestants beleiue that we must not beleiue Traditions quite contrarie to the expresse word of God 2. Thessalon Lib. 1. c. 5. art 9. 2. v. 15. Hould the Traditions which you haue learned whether it be by word or by epistle 10 Protestants beleiue it is ill done to pray in the Church in an vnknowne language quite contrarie to the expresse Lib. 1. c. 14. art 12. word of God 1. Cor. 14. v. 17. where it is saied of such a one Thou indeed giuests thankes well 11 Protestants Beleiue that there is no sacrifice in the Church quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Malachie Lib. 1. c. 11. art 11. 1. v. 11. In euerie place there is sacrificing and there is offered to my name a cleane oblation 12 Protestants beleiue that there is no altar in the Church quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Hebrewes Lib. 1. c. 11. art 12. 13. v. 10. We haue an altar whereof they haue no power to eate who serue the tabernacle THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIKE AND PROtestant doctrine with the expresse words of the holie Scripture FIRST CHAPTER OF GOD. Article 1. Whether God willeth iniquitie or sinne SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. PSALME 5. verse 5. Thou art God will not iniquitie not a God that wilt iniquitie Abacuc
AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 1. q. 2. art 1. The Catholik doctrine is that there is but one Church which we professe in our Creed and that she consisteth of the elect and reprobate PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 2. q. 1. c. 7. We say that the Church consisteth Reprobates not of the Church indeed not of reprobates but of onely predestinate Agayne A reprobate may seeme to be of the Church but he cannot be indeed of the Church And q. 5. c. 3. That is a false Church which consisteth of reprobates Rainalds in Apol. Thes p. 170. I determine that the elect alone are contained in the Church of the Creed M. Perkins de praedest tom 1. col 154. A reprobate is but in Onely in shew members of the Church shew onely a member of Christ Abbats in Diatribam Thomsoni c. 8. Reprobates are not reputed in the Church Caluin in 1. Ioan. 2. v. 19. Ihon plainly pronounceth that they Neuer members of the Church who falle away were neuer members of the Church Beza in Confes cap. 5. sect 8. As for the rest Beside the elect they are not be numbred among the members of the Church albeit they were Apostles Daneus Cont. 4. p. 689. The true Church of God containeth onely his elect Pareus Colloq Theol. 1. disput 12. The reprobate are not truely and indeed of the Church nor belonge vnto it before God Not truely of the Church Sadeel in Refutat Posnan c. 4. Reprobates pertaine not to the true Church And Musculus in the former article will not so much as the name of the Church to be bestowed vpon the reprobates THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that those who are to be be cast out and to be burnt with vnquenchable fire that is reprobates are in the kingdome of heauen and in the flore of God that is in his Church Catholiks say the same Protestants expressely teach that reprobates are not in the Church not in the true Church not in the Church of the Creed not indeed not before Good that the Church the true Church containeth onely the elect that the re-reprobates onely in shew and apparence can be of the Church that they deserue not the name of the Church that she is a false Church which consisteth of the reprobates ART IV. WHETHER THE CHVRCH continueth euer SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mathew 16. vers 18. Thou art Peter and vpon this rock Church inuincible will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it Luke 1. v. 33. And he shall reigne in the house of Iacob for Shall haue no end euer and of his kingdome there shal be no end CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 1. q. 3. art 2. The Church of Christ continueth to the end of the world PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Apologie of the Church of England Longe agoe hath The whole Church cleane fallen downe the Bishop of Rome willed to haue the whole Church depend vpō himselfe alone wherefore it is no meruaile though it be cleane fallen downe longe agoe Agayne When we likewise saw that all thinges were quite troden vnderfoote by these men and that nothing remained in the temple of God but pittifull spoiles and decaies we reckoned c. Cartwright in Whitgifts Defense p. 217. When Antichrist Rooted out from the ground had rooted out the Church euen from the ground c. Luther in c. 49. Genes tom 6 The Pope hath extinguished the Church Caluin cont Sadolet p. 132. The matter came to that passe that it was cleare and manifest both to the learned and vnlearned Christ kingdome flat downe that the true order of the Church thē perished Christs kingdome was cast flat downe when this principalitie of the Pope was erected Beza in Conf. c. 5. sect 29. But for that horrible tyranie of the Popedome which ouerthrew the whole Church and whicb almost alone doth stay her renewing we c. Daneus in l. Augustini de Haeres c. 95. About the yeare of our lord 574. arose this destruction plague and tyranie of the Rooted out from the foundation whole Church which after rooted out the kingdome of Christ from the foundation Chassanio l. 2. de Ecclesia p. 151. It is false That the Church shall neuer be broken of More of ther like sayings may be seene in my 2. booke of the Author of the Protestant religion c. 1. Where also c. 2. I haue refuted their euasions THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that the gates of hell shall not pre●aile against the Church that there shal be no end of the kingdome of Christ The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the whole Church was cleane fallen downe long agoe that nothing remained in the temple of God but pittifull spoiles decaies that the Church was rooted out from the ground the Church extinct the whole Church ouerthrowne the whole Church destroied that the kingdome of Christ was cast flat downe and rooted out from the foundation which are so contrarie to the Scripture as sometimes Protestants confesse no lesse See lib. 2. cap. 30. ART V. WHETHER THE CHVRCH BE alwaies visible SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Matth. 5. vers 15. Christ thus speaketh to his disciples or Church cannot be hiddē Church You are the light of the world A cittie cannot be hidde situated vpon a mountaine And c. 18. v. 17. And if he will not heare them tell the Church And if he will not heare the Church let him be to thee as the Heathen and the Publican Isaie 62. v. 6. Vpon thy walles Hierusalem I haue appointed Wacth mē for euer in the Church wachmen all the day and all the night for euer they shall not hould their peace CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 1. q. 3. art 1. The Church which we are to beleiue must necessarily alwaies be visible There must alwaies be a visible Church PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 2. q. 2. c. 1. Their Papists opinion is that Militant Church inuisible the militant Church is alwaies visible But we teach that the whole Church that is the Catholik is inuisible not onely the triumphant parte but also the militant Et q. 4. c. 1. We confesse that there is alwaies on earth some number of them who piously worshippe Christ and hould the true faith and religion but we say that this member is not alwaies visible Their Papists opinion is that there is perpetually some visible Church on earth Caluin in Praefat. Instit Papists will haue the forme of the Church not apparent Church to be alwaies apparent and visible we on the contrarie affirme that the Church may consist of no apparent forme Et in Catechismo c. de fide She is not alwaies seene with eyes discerned by markes Daneus Cont. 4. l. 3. c. 12. Oftentimes God will haue some visible Oftentimes no visible Church Church on earth oftentimes none And l. 4. c. 8. The