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A64266 Truth's innocency and simplicity shining through the conversion, Gospel-ministry, labours, epistles of love, testimonies and warnings to professors and profane (with the long and patient sufferings) of that ancient and faithful minister and servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Taylor, who finish'd his course in the year MDCLXXXI. Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. 1697 (1697) Wing T591; ESTC R3441 376,373 430

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prove the Pope and Papists to be a Church and all them to blame who have separated from him in outward Church-Fellowship upon any Pretence whatsoever So foolish is the World's Wisdom when it is set against Truth But this R. B. having laid his wrong Ground That all that are called Christians are in the right in all Points essential to Christianity and in the certain Way of Life he may easily conclude that to be unwarrantable Separation which goeth from such But then I say How will the Protestants warrant their first Separation from Popery Or how did this R. B. with his Presbyterians in Oliver's time with their Directory excuse their separating from the Bishops and their Common-prayer And how will he salve his old Non-conforming Brethrens Flight into New-England where since they have shed the Blood of certain Martyrs of Christ from the former Bishops But now his false Ground and Foundation being overturned it is most manifest that that Separation is most lawful which is from such who call Good Evil and Evil Good put Light for Darkness and Darkness for Light as the Wicked do from whom the People of God in these days separate And so in obeying the Voice of our God who saith Come out of Mystery Babylon my People lest ye partake of her Sins and so of her Plagues we are justified for the Sins of the Wicked who in words profess God and Christ but in Deeds deny all is reached Heaven at this day And doth not the Apostle say If any Man that is called a Brother be a Fornicator or Covetous or an Idolator and Covetousness by the Apostle's Doctrine is Idolatry or a Railer or a Drunkard or an Extortioner with such not to keep company no not as to eat with them 1 Cor. 5.11 And doth he not say in another place Have no Fellowship with the unfruitful Works of Darkness nor with the unfruitful Workers in Darkness as before but rather reprove them Eph. 5.14 must we not yet separate from them yea yea in their very Worship-Actions as well as others and when even the greater number are so far defiled and tainted with the Leprosie of Unrighteousness and they are so far from amending that they persecute all that will not be as bad as themselves Surely when the Lord hath spued out a People as he threatned to do luke-warm Laodicea Rev. 3.16 yea and cast them off for their resisting of his good Spirit as he did the Jews 't is no time for his People to stay amongst them then and to continue with them in their Worship-Actions as he calls them but every one to deliver his own Soul by coming out of such Babylonish Worships whose Prayers are Abomination to God as all sinful Prayers are and neither this R. B. nor any one that he knoweth upon the Earth prayeth without Sin as himself before hath confessed and so all of them together do daily and continually that which they should not do and leave undone what the Lord commands them and so have no Health in them And so now that the True Light shines so clear again from under the long Cloud of Antichristian Apostacy it is the Wisdom of all that love God and their own Souls to joyn to the Lord in the Covenant of his Light and Spirit where no Committers of Sin can joyn for Darkness and the Workers thereof can never joyn with the Light and the Workers thereof So now that the Trumpet hath founded all ought to come to the Holy Worship of God amongst the Holy Worshippers that Worship in the Spirit of Holiness and Truth where no Worker of Iniquity nor Hypocrite can come out of all the Defiled Worship of the World whatsoever or under what Name soever in the Fall But this R. B. is in such love of Hypocrisie that he makes a Necessity of the Hypocrites being amongst the true Members of Christ as though they knew not how to do without them as if the good Corn could not grow so well if the Weeds were wanting saying Page 56. It is more for the sake of the truly Faithful than for themselves that the Hypocrites have their Station and Priviledges in the Church God makes use of their Gifts and Profession for his Elect to many great Services of the Church To which I answer That this Language betrays thee further to be of Babylon and not of Zion What R. B. with all his seeming Zeal for Reformation in Oliver's days become now a Pleader for Hypocrites and their great Service in the Church But this is but like his Doctrine of his Graceless Ministers which he pleads for Page 114 of his Book so R. B. and his Hypocrites and Graceless Brethren with their Gifts or rather Thefts void of Grace have been so far from being serviceable to the Elect True Church that they have done it and ever did all the Injury that ever they can by their wicked Doctrines Ungodly Lives and heaps of Lyes and false Accusations and cruel Persecutions insomuch that the Growth of the Heavenly Seed the Lillies of God the true Heirs of the Kingdom hath been and is as a Lilly among Thorns But Christ and R. B. are directly contrary in their Judgment one to the other for Christ would not suffer the Devil in the Man to preach him but commanded him to come out and hold his peace because Christ never had need of Devils or wicked Men or Hypocrites to preach him but saith to such What hast thou to do to take my Laws and Covenant in thy Mouth and hatest to be reformed Psal 50.16 c. and so far are Graceless Priests and Hypocrites from being serviceable in this matter to his Church that he saith My Sheep hear my Voice and they follow me but the Graceless Minister and Hypocrite who is a Stranger to me they will not hear for such come but to rob and destroy read John 10. and see if ever R. B. understood Scripture who talks so contrary to it As did those Pharisees of old whom Christ cried out so many times Wo against Matt. 23. Who would neither enter into the Kingdom of Heaven themselves nor suffer others And those in Ezekiel who sowed Pillows under Mens Elbows making glad the Hearts of the wicked Hirelings by perswading People that they must not disown them from being Ministers though they be totally void of obeying Saving Grace and that Hypocrites have a Station in the Church for great Services with their pretended Gifts to the Elect and by pleading for Games and Fashions of Apparel yea and the Opinions in Religion of bad People yea to such a measure that he is not ashamed to say That many an Error is taken up by going too far from other Mens Faults as is to be seen in Page 224 of his Book with many such like Heathenish Sayings up and down his Book a few whereof I only touch here and there that by those the Reader may see the nature of that wretched Spirit that hath long
in shaking its Foundations and burning it up with the Increase thereof thou wilt find something in thee strongly Gainsaying yea even Fighting and Opposing to Death which yet thou art not acquainted with and secretly wishing that the way were not so narrow but that thy Ishmael might live before him how much more in the swelling of Jordan will it be hard when Isaac is called for also but thou must witness a forsaking of the World and the Religion thereof before thou see thy Isaac Born as did Abraham the forsaking of his own old Country and the rejection of his fleshly Begetting his Bond-Child Ishmael before the promised Seed appeared now if thy Ear be opened thou wilt this also hear And for so many being besotted with the lofty Notions and Expressions of some refined Monks thou speaks of thou had dealt Ingeniously if thou hadst told wherein either I or others with whom I have Fellowship in the Gospel of the dear Son of God are found Guilty for if the Scripture Expressions be such we cannot deny them though a Monk should say the same but I know thou canst not from any sound Ground in thy self believe that we have Intimacy with such as are called Monks but thou art cousened into this Conceit by the false Reports of the envious and blind World who do what they can to hinder the pure Truths progress as they ever did by all means possible together with what thy own misapprehension of us hath suggested to thee But herein is our Joy that Men speak all manner of Evil of us falsly for the Names sake of Jesus Christ whom alone through Grace we own for our Saviour and Guide and not another and therefore it is that the World hates us because we cannot follow them in their Obedience to the Spirit of this World as they do And therefore as I said before so in love I advise thee again not to trust in that vain Religion that thou art yet unseperated from which stands in outward Observations which hath not so much as a promise of Perfection in it where there is yet lo here and lo there is Christ where there is a Temple made with Hands and a mention of Sins untaken away continually as in the time of Moses's Law which was a shadow for a time and could make nothing perfect seeing perfection was to be brought to Light in Jesus Christ the substance of all Shadows Types and Figures And they that were Preachers of the Gospel preached Perfection in him And where Christ the Substance the Lamb of God was manifested in any it was for the taking away of Sin and perfecting in Holiness and so they could direct others And ●rith the Scripture Eph. 4 10 c. He that descended is the same also that ascended far above all Heavens that he might fill all things and he gave some Apostles some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers he himself gave them and not Men for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying the Body of Christ till we all come to the Vnity of the Faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ And this being so it is something strange thou shouldst so far forget as to say thou knew not of any Text in the whole Book of God which doth promise to the People of God Perfection in this Life For though as in Heb. 7.19 The Law which stood in outward Observations made nothing perfect yet the bringing in of a better hope which hope is Christ in the Saints a hope of Glory did by which they draw nigh unto God Having their Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and their Bodies washed with pure Water Heb. 10.22 And therefore there was a necessity of disanulling of the Letter Commandment going before because of the weakness and unprofitableness of it as in the 18. ver of that 7. cap. And so Friend the reason of thine and all the World's Imperfection is unbelief and disobedience to the Spirits teaching within whereby the Soul is kept in the outward Court and Temple and so not coming through the Vail the Flesh which only is rent in the Death of Christ the Holiest of all is not come into where there is Perfection which Perfection indeed is not known in the Life and Glory which is of the first Man which stands in the Law of a carnal Commandment but in the Power of an endless Life without begining or end of Days which also if thou hast an Ear thou may'st hear and the Lord give thee understanding that thy Soul may live and not remain in Death for the Letter Killeth but the Spirit gives Life And for my own Attainments which thou calls Imaginary Transcendent thou knows I said nothing of my self in particular and therefore be advised to beware of that Spirit that pats off wholsome Advice by evil Judgings and Surmisings concerning the Advisers For for my own part I acknowledge my self to have nothing of my own to boast of but to be by the Grace of God what I truly am and that Grace is my Sufficiency and rejoyce in this to see the strength of Christ perfected in my Weakness but Wickedness he Destroys and will not allow of any work of Iniquity in any and so in my Condition am I pressing forward to the Resurrection from the Dead through the daily Death and though I have not fully attained yet I see every Gift of God to be perfect and those that rest in Christ rest from Sin and there are perfect and so whom the Son sets free are free indeed from Sin and that where Christ is received there is Power received to become a Child of God and there the work of the Devil is destroyed which is Sin seeing he that commits Sin is not born of God but is a Servant of Sin and so a Child of the Devil And therefore it is time for all to hast out of the Spiritual Sodom and Egypt of Sin and separation from God lest the Wrath that hangs over fall on and there being no Remedy nor Escape And for that thou entreats me to beware of the confused Notions and great words of Jacob Bewman and such like frothy Scriblers as thou in disdain art pleas'd to term them who thou say'st may hereafter prove broken Reeds to those who now admire them thou may'st know that those who follow the Light of Jesus Christ wherewith he hath enlightned them in Spirit which leads them orderly up out of the fall'n Estate of Sin and Separation from God into the Kingdom of perfect Righteousness and Fellowship with himself and lean not to any Man that can Deceive but have all one Master and Teacher which is Christ in them all the Head and they need not that any Man teach them but as the Anointing leads them they are safe and this the Scripture witnesseth And by the
Antichrist there shall be Overturnings and Commotions by which the Carnal Church shall be terribly stirred up and moved against the Evangelical Spirit of Christ but that the Whore of Babylon the Carnal Church shall fall in which time the Saints shall preach saying From this time it is no longer the Church of Christ but the Synagogue of Satan and the Habitation of Devils which before said in the Pride of her Heart I sit as a Queen in great Honour and Glory I Rule over my Kingdom I sit at ease I am no Widow i. e. I have Bishops and Kings on my side That the Roman Church is that Great Whore spoken of in the Revelations which hath committed Fornication with this World having departed from the Worship and sincere Love and Delights of Christ her Spouse and embraced the World the Riches and Pleasures of it and the Devil and Kings and Princes and Prelates and all the Lovers of this World Also Page 285. For if we have no other Helps for the understanding of their Prayer of Contemplation than what Mr. Cressy gives in his Preface we may as well hope to understand the Quakers Canting as Mr. Cressy ' s. And this Author Page 289. saith Christ and his Apostles taught Men a plain and intelligible way of serving God and bid them look for Perfection in another World Also Page 295. telling of some Romish Phanaticks says Did not they deliver this for their Doctrine that Men ought to harken to the immediate Impulses of the Spirit of God within them and that now God doth acquaint his own People with his Mind and Will in a way peculiar to themselves And says afterwards That our Enthusiasts do not boast of so many Raptures Visions and Revelations as those of the Church of Rome have done Now to this I say that when any of those that pretend to be Head of the Protestant Church are come to such a pass and measure of Darkness as that they cannot allow that Christians ought to harken to the immediate Impulses of the Spirit of God within them or that now God doth acquaint his own People c. I say it is sad and the Times may well be said to be perilous indeed What! Doth either the Scripture without or the inward Faculty which thou says must be Antecedent to all Divine Revelation Dictate to thee that these Sayings are Phanatical What! Are not the Children of God led by the Spirit of God which is in them And must they not harken to the Doctrine and Movings of their Teacher and Leader And doth not Christ say to you to wit my peculiar People and Disciples it is given to know the Mystery of the Kingdom of God but to others it is not given to wit to those that are without that follow their Wisdom and not Christ's Spirit But both the Carnal Church of Papists and Protestants deny to harken to the inward Movings or Impulses as are here called of God's Spirit that they may Establish their own Traditions some in one way some in another but all in vain for the Lamb shall have the Victory and a little Child shall lead them and the Meek shall increase their Joy in the Lord and he the Lord whom the World despises shall lead them by the Fountain of Living Water But let me ask this Doctor this Serious Question whether he accounts that part of Romish Phanaticism here set down or the Common Tenets of them called the Orthodox among them the better Doctrine Surely of the Two this he calls Phanaticism is the more favoured by Scripture and so consequently the more Orthodox and may I not say the more Protestant too For the first Reformers pretended to take Scripture for their Rule though in many things they missed it sadly And are not we that go amongst them under the Name of Quakers counted Phanaticks at this Day from this very ground because we Preach Scripture Doctrine and Speak Scripture Language at this Day As for instance because we say Christ lighteth every man that cometh into the World according to John 1.9 And because we say this Light or Grace and Truth of God which hath appeared unto all Men is the Saints Teacher and would be a sufficient Teacher and Leader into Life to all Men if they did not resist it and rebel against the Motions of it And because we say that the Saints who are in this Anointing of the Holy One know all things necessary to Salvation according to 1 John 2. And because we say that People ought not to have the Faith of Christ with respect of Persons but such as respect Persons commit Sin according to Lev. 19.15 And because we say the Work of the true Ministry is for perfecting the Body of Christ Eph. 4. And the false Ministry perfects nothing but keeps People always Learning and never brings them to the Knowledge of the Truth And because we say thee and thou to a particular Person according to Scripture I say for these and many the like Doctrines doth the present evil World of Papists and Protestants Professors and Prophane hate us and deride us and persecute us to their own shame who would be accounted Owners of Scripture Thomas Taylor The Day is Dawned that makes all Wickedness manifest FOR now even now the Day is Dawned which makes all things manifest Praises to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth and now no Worker of Iniquity can be hid any more for now the Glory of the Lord fills the Earth and the Knowledge of God covers the Earth as the Waters do the Sea And now the pure Truth of the Ever-living God hath lift up its Head above all the Clouds and Floods of Error and over all the Mists and Fogs of the dark perishing World Glory to the God of Truth our Life and Light this Day who is appeared in the Riches of his Bounty to gather our Souls to himself and to unite our very Hearts and Souls unto him in the Covenant of his Life and Love never to be broken nor forgot And now the Kingdom of God is come indeed to the Believers in the Light according to the Promise of the Lord and the Saints Prayer into which no unclean thing can enter but the unbelieving World stand without wondring despising and perishing in their manifold Opposition to the Truth and Light of this Day of God the true God over all Blessed for Evermore And now all those who will not take Warning by the harms of such Gainsayers of the Light as are gone before them will fall with a double Destruction because they would not apply their Hearts to that pure Wisdom that comes so plentifully from God in the Light of his Son this Day to learn his fear therein but take more pleasure in the Works of their own deceived Hearts and unclean Hands than in the pure Law and Handy-work of the Ever-living Blessed Lord God that gives Life and Breath and all things who is this Day indeed exalting
our Heavenly Treasure to the pure in Heart who hunger and thirst after Righteousness as we have received them even so doth the same Love and the Wisdom thereof engage us to do as our Heavenly Father doth who hides the things of his Kingdom from the Serpent's Seed the Wise and Prudent of the World and so the Cross is the safe way and so as we stand in the Cross our preaching is to the Jew outward a stumbling-block and to the Greeks foolishness as in former Times 1 Cor. 1. And so in all our Disputings and Reasoning with the World about the Things of God's Kingdom we must mind the Cross lest for want of a Hedge the wild Boar of the Forrest get in and hurt the tender Plants of God Friends strive not in your Wills for Victory but wait in the Light to feel the Spiritual Weapon the sharp Two-edged Sword of the Spirit of God to cut down the Adversary There came one to Christ and said Are there few that shall be saved And he said Strive thou to enter in at the strait Gate so his Answer was in the Cross and he minded more the Edification of the Man's Soul than to please the busiebody's curious Mind so we must dwell in his Wisdom and that will lead into Christ's Work Another asked him What he must do to enter into Life He answered What readest thou So to such as profess Scripture to be their Rule or so to bring them to the Obedience and Judgment of their Rule and if they cannot believe Scripture which they acknowledge to be true how can they believe our words whom they look upon to be as Hereticks and Deceivers The Servant of God saith the Apostle must not strive but in Meekness instructing them that oppose themselves to the Truth must seek to bring them to the Truth that thereby they may be delivered out of the Snares of Satan whom their Ignorance are led Captive by him at his Will Now the Servant of God in this weighty Matter may consider what manner of Opposers these are whether they stand in a lower or higher place of wickedness for some are wicked in a high measure who will neither enter into the Kingdom of God themselves nor suffer others as Elimas the Sorcerer Acts 13.9 10. who withstood Paul seeking to draw the Deputy from the Faith These may be more severely reproved as was thereby the Apostle but still with this Cantion that all be done by the pure Sword of God's Spirit and not by the Wrath of Man for the Wrath of Man works not the Righteousness of God And such Opposers as this had Christ to do withal against whom he pronounced so many Woes declaring their wicked Root by calling them Vipers and Serpents and Children of their Father the Devil Mat. 23. throughout and John 8.44 But to others who are not so high and strong in their Wickedness much Wisdom Tenderness and Patience must be used that if God may at any time give them Repentance that from the Darkness to the Light of God they may be turned as Jude saith in his Epistle Ver. 22 23. Of some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the Fire hating even the Garments spotted by the Flesh And all my Dear Friends in Christ Jesus who are at any time called forth by the Power of the Lord God to Encounter your Spiritual Adversaries the Disputers of this World who Goliah like are so wise and strong in their own Conceit and have so armed themselves with their Carnal Weapons that they are not afraid to defie Israel yea Israel's God I say keep in the Power of God and trust not to Saul's Armour but wait to feel the little Stone cut out of the Mountain without hands to hit the Enemy in the Forehead and to bruise his Head and to strike at his Feet that the false Foundation whereon he standeth may be removed and so the Image may fall into nothing at once And in this great Business to wit the Lord's Controversie my Friends always mind your own Standing and Foundation to keep close to it and not to be driven from it by any means for the Enemy will seek to draw you from your sure Ground the measure of Life and Experienced Truth in you into vain Janglings and fruitless Disputes to gratifie their Corrupt Minds wherein is no Edification to the Soul which the Servant of God must wait in all things to edifie and though for our Work herein we may be accounted as Fools by the World who cannot judge but by the outward Appearance of things yet with God shall we be accepted because Doers of his Will and our Jay in his Sight and Presence shall abide and none shall take it from us as thus we abide in God's Will Work and Covenant who is over all Blessed for Evermore And Friends of Scorners we must beware for their Root is Rottenness and their Ground Accursed and the good Seed in them hath no place to grow And of such as Professing Scripture and Wisdom and neither can nor will believe that Christ lighteth every Man that cometh into the World with sufficient Grace or Light though John saith expresly That in the Word Christ Jesus was Life and that Life is the Light of Men and the Light of that Life shineth in Darkness to wit in Men lighting every Man that cometh into the World and that such as received him in that his Appearance to them he gave Power to become Sons of God John the first Chapter I say of these Unbelievers before-mentioned it may be truly said they are Children of Darkness and so much is not to be said to them but even to bring them to Christ's Light in them to know it and learn of it for till then they will never understand Also such Professors as have been long Reading Scripture and have heard the like Testimony of the Kingdom of God from the Spirit of God in his Servants in these Days and yet plead for outward Shadows and Sounds and things that perish with them to be the Way and Means of the Kingdom and are Ignorant of the Mystery of it in Man and so deny the Word and Power of God nigh in the Heart and yet in this their Darkness separate themselves in Profession from others thinking themselves to be something when indeed they are nothing these are to be turned away from and judged As also such as deny sinless Perfection and so know not the Birth of God in Man but will plead for Sin yea in the Regenerate during term of Life as though Christ were a Minister of Sin and could make nothing perfect like the weak Figures of the Law Though the Scripture saith expresly The Birth of God sins not and he that abides in Christ sinneth not and that Christ the better Hope makes perfect See Heb 7.19 and 1 John 1.5 6 7 8 9 10. Now the Reason why the Law could make nothing
are approved may be made manifest He doth not say Heresies come for want of a Pope and General Council And I may add another Reason and that a main and universal one and that is Peoples either not living in the Spirit or not walking in the Spirit and so not keeping the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace And so not keeping the Head to wit Christ in whom if the whole Body be coupled and knit together increase of the whole Body to wit the true Church is made to the Edifying of it self in Love and not otherwise Eph. 4. This is the Cause and continual Cause A Second Reason of those Differences saith that Popish Book is because the very Ground work of Protestancy is That all Men even the whole Church of God are Fallible and subject to Err so that they cannot pretend to Certainty or Infallibility saith he for any one Point of their Belief To which I say if any Protestant say the whole Church of God is Fallible and subject to Err if they understand the Church as Paul doth in Ephes 5.25 26 27. and as he doth in 1 Tim. 3.15 or as Christ doth in Mat. 16.18 where it is said The Gates of Hell shall not provail against it they do not well For though all Men as Men in Adam the Earthly are not only Fallible and subject to Err but also really in Deceit and Error yet in Christ Jesus the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven that quickning preserving Spirit of Truth there is no Fallibility nor Error as the Apostle saith 1 John 3. He that abideth in Christ sinneth not Ver. 6. And he that is Born of God sinneth not nor can sin Ver. 9. But what is all or any of this Glory to the Pope or his Synagogue which he falsly calls the Church of God For they do not attribute the Infallibility to the Eternal Spirit which is in every true Member of Christ's Church which is their Leader into and Preserver of their Souls into all Truth but to the Pope and General Councils as though Infallibility were annexed to the Dream of Peter's Chair and not to Christ's Spirit in the Faithful O the Abomination of Desolation that is in this Popish Doctrine But what is there such Unity amongst these Deluded Disciples of the Pope Surely nay for as we read there was amongst the Jews the several Sorts and Sects of Pharisees Sadducees Libertines Cirenians Alexandrians and the like yet all against Christ So in the Popish Hierarchy there are the several different and divided Sorts and Sects of Franciscans Dominicans Jesuits Cappuchins Carthusians and others all agreed this Day as of long time they have been against the Blessed Crown Kingdom Dignity and Dominion of our Lord Jesus Christ But these with all the rest of Mystery Babylon's Merchants have cause to wail because the Light and Spirit of God in Christ Jesus is broken forth in Power and great Glory this Day to judge them all that the Kingdom not Worldly but Heavenly may be given to the People of the Saints of the Most High God for an Everlasting Inheritance as in Dan. 7.27 Here also I may well take notice of some other words that this Popish Pleader hath in his Book Treating of this Matter viz. Since then saith he to be of one Religion is to be of one setled Perswasion in Points of Faith and seeling cannot be without Infallibility or Necessity it is not well possible that any two Protestants or Sectaries to be of one Religion every Man Expounding the Scripture as he lists and no one having Power to Controul the others Exposition of it I Answer and in the Power of Christ do grapple with this Beast that arose out of the Sea and with his Image also and do say That no Humane Conceit nor Natural Man's Exposition with the help of all the World's Wit and Skill whether Pope or other is infallible or binding or controuling But by the same Spirit that gave forth Scripture whether in a Fisherman Tradesman or other now as well as formerly is the Scripture rightly Understood and Expounded So the true Oneness in Religion stands in the Oneness of that Spirit that gave forth Scripture and gives a right understanding of it and of all things as the Apostle saith The Anointing which ye have of the Holy One teacheth all things and by it you know all things 1 John 2.20 And he that hath not this Spirit is none of Christ's Rom. 8.9 And he that is guided by this Spirit is a Spiritual Man and so not to be judged or controuled in his Spiritual Concernment by any Man of this World neither Pope nor other as saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 2.10 15. It is so But whereas he tells of every Man Expounding the Scripture as he lists I say this is the Pope and all his Priests Fault and of all the wicked World besides who are not in Heart and Life subject to that one Pure and Holy Spirit that is of Jesus that leads Spiritually into all Truth which Truth is one And so though they that are of another Spirit may agree never so much and in never so great numbers in their several Ways of Deceit yet the true Religion of God's Holy Ones in Light they still remain ignorant of And so his Blindness of imagining that Protestants and Sectaries as he calls them cannot be two of them of one Religion doth hereby fully appear For not only they but all the People of the Earth under what Name Notion or Profession soever are either the Children of Light or Children of Darkness and so not only two but all of the same sort may and do agree in the Root in their Religion if it may be called so though we know there is but one true Religion and that is truly and properly the Religion of God's People the Children of his Light even that which in Purity and Holiness binds their Hearts to God And so by this word Controuling which this Remish Agent here useth it is easily seen how the Pope hath set up and maintained his Wicked Kingdom that is to say by a Worldly Controuling Power over Mens Souls and Consciences and not by the Power of Truth For if his Earthly Power with his Worldly Assistants were taken from him his Decretals Expositions Bulls Excommunications and Curses for not obeying his Commands would be of little force this Day in the Earth because of the Light that God hath raised up in the Hearts of People this Day to discover him Glory to his Great Name for Evermore And so the true Judge and Controuler of all Judgments and Controulers is on his Throne this Day judging in Righteousness and on his White of Glorious Power going on Conquering and to Conquer the Man of Sin in all Lands and his Holy Ones in Light His Called Faithful and Chosen follow him with great Joy of Heart Rev. 19.11 12 13. He that hath an Ear let him hear what the Spirit
Spirit and with Understanding But thou bringest several places out of the Writings of the Apostles and Luke as in Acts Corinthians and Hebrews to prove that the Apostles and Saints use Praying Preaching Psalms and Blessing amongst them Yea but what is that to you that deny that Infallible Spirit of God to be Head in you that guided them and so get the Worlds Wisdom Acts and Helps instead thereof to make you Ministers and Saints by You have indeed in some things a Form of their Works but the Power being found not only wanting amongst you but denied by you the Children of Light are necessitated to turn away from you and thus to witness against you But thou say'st Christ did not only Read the Letter in the Jews Synagogues but also Preached from a Text of it To which I answer For his Reading he did upon account of being a Jew to fulfil all that Righteousness of the Law in his day till his Offering up but that he Preached from a Text as you Priests do I utterly deny For his doing at that time was only this He being Reading in the Prophet as is mentioned in that Fourth of Luke and in providence meeting with that place which said The Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he hath Anointed me to Preach the Gospel he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted c. And the Spirit of the Lord arising in him in Life and Power and Witnessing in him to the fulfilling of that Scripture in himself He was overcome with Love and Glory and so closed the Book and gave it again to the Servant and sate down and so the Eyes of the People were fastened on him through Admiration and Ravishments of Love and Spirit that was upon him and so as that Living Spirit gave him Utterance in the Silence of all Flesh he spoke to them and Preached in many Gracious Words the fulfilling of that Scripture in the Ears of that Day And this was Christs doing there But O you poor naked Teachers of England c. What have you to do to boast of this Example for warranting your Practice There was no choosing a Verse in a Chapter in the Will of Man which you think you can raise most words from and so consult with your own Imaginations and old rusty Books how you may raise an Hours Discourse from it and so divine to please the itching Ears of Carnal Professors that they may give you outward Honour Glebe-lands Tythes Augmentations Easter-Reckonings and the like to please your Lusts and if need be to Fight for you and lay their Sword and Law upon all that will not hold you up and Cry Peace to you O Hypocrites How have you deceived the poor People with your long wrestings of Scriptures But now that the Spirit of Truth is come it is leading us into all Truth without your help Praised be the Lord for ever And so for Christ his Expounding out of Moses and the Prophets and opening the Understanding of the Disciples to know the Scripture mentioned Luke 24. And Paul's Expounding and Testifying of the Kingdom of God and Perswading the Jews concerning Jesus both out of the Law of Moses and out of the Prophets mentioned Acts 28. is nothing to you who now a-days instead of Testifying to the Kingdom of God and opening the Understanding to know Scriptures and the Light of the World which they witnessed unto do Testifie of this World Pleading for your Carnal Ordinances Set Places Set Times Bowing one to another and the like as is manifest in these Queries and so instead of opening shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against Men and so with these of old will neither enter into the Kingdom of God your selves nor suffer others but are under the Wo as you and the People may Read all along in Mat. 23. And for Singing of Psalms it doth not say that the Saints Sung the very words of David and no other and that in Rhime and Mee●er in Worldly Tunes after Mens Inventions or with Organs or so but they S●ng as the Spirit gave them utterance in plain words as thou may'st Read in Acts. 4.24 c. Which thou bringest for Singing if that may be called Singing this was a Song by the Persecuted not the Persecutors which in the Persecuted Church of God at this day is often Sung worthy Consideration but a shame for all Persecuting Priests and Professers to take these words into their Mouths And the same Apostle in that place 1 Cor. 14.26 that saith every one hath a Psalm saith I will Sing with the Spirit and with Vnderstanding so then a Psalm was a Gift of the Spirit spoken forth from the Understanding to the Edifying of the Hearer and they were to be silent when that Gift was Exercised as well as others but your Confused Noises and Temple-songs is but as Howling in God's Ears and his Childrens Ears in this day for there the Proud and Scornful Sing Falsly and say that they are not Proud and Scornful because David said so Psal 131. and so with and amongst you is David's Psalms in words used but the Holy Life and Innocent Love that he Lived in in Deeds denied and so the Lord can take no Pleasure in you And for that Scripture thou bringest of Aaron and his Sons Blessing the Tribes of Israel in the Name of God And Paul's commending of the Churches in the closure of his Epistles to the Grace of God makes as little for your customary Blessings of and speaking Peace to the Wicked for self-ends as the Preaching of Christ doth for your Daubing and Divining for Mony for you are neither of Aaron's Order nor of Christ's Anointing and so wash you and make you clean and put away the Evil of your Doings and God will Bless you but not otherwise and better will it be for you to have the lowest place in that Blessing than the uppermost Room where you stand in the Cursed Ground Qu. 17. Thy Seventeenth and next Query is Hath not Christ Jesus sent out his Ministers to Disciple him all Nations and to Baptize them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and Promised to be with them to the end of the World Mat. 28.19 20. Is not that Baptism with Water And having set down some Scriptures that speaks of washing with Water thou criest Are not they then contrary to Christ and his Apostles that deny Water-Baptism Answ To which I answer That all this if it were granted thee is nothing at all to thine and thy Brethrens Practice who take a little Water and sprinkle it on a Childs Face calling it Christ's Baptism for there was Discipling and Confessing of Faith and the Holy Ghost before Baptizing which cannot groundedly by you be said of Infants of a day old or so and this thou sawest which made thee so busie in the words of that Query there following to pro●e Infants sprinkling And first Thou goest about to prove it by saying